#obey me fanchild
foolych · 6 months
I am cringe but I am free, I am cringe but I am free, I am cringe but I am free-
Before you shun me from society please allow me to explain!
I thought it would be absolutely hilarious if out of all of the brothers, Levi somehow ended up as a father and he’s just— so bad at it. He has no idea what he’s doing but hey, at least he’s trying. Then I somehow came up with this intense lore in my brain about how demon reproduction works (don’t ask) and then… I committed the greatest crime of all.
I made Levi a fanchild oc. I apologise for my actions.
Anyway, his name is Wormwood, aka Worm. I have… way too much lore about this whole idea, but I will keep it to myself unless someone out there is just dying to hear about the BABY LORE.
Here are some sketches I did. Yes, Worm is an absolute CREATURE right now, that ties in to the lore I made up.
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authormars · 6 months
How would the two be as parents? And this also begs the question how many kids would they want? ✨
You fool. Do you have any idea the gates you've opened.
Welcome to Mars's future au where (almost) everyone is married to someone I made up, the MCs each have their own partner (Thirteen and Simeon for F!MC and M!MC respectively) or are a sorcerer chilling in the human realm (NB!MC)
Diavolo and Lucifer have four children. The eldest is named Demonio, a near physical carbon copy of Diavolo and almost exactly the same as Lucifer personality wise. He's the heir (though he has absolutely no interest in ruling)
Diavolo then tricked Lucifer into having triplets (magical conception can do a lot of things) who're named after the three furies from Greek Mythology.
Alecto looks a lot like Luci and acts a lot like Dia. Meg and Tis are a good mix between the two.
They're amazing parents :)
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arisu-draws · 1 year
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More papa Levi art cuz i love him😞
Also this is an eye test, lets see what i can do lol
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nkirukaj · 1 month
Fawning for You (19)
Pairing: Alastor x Voe (Fem!OC)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst (& Humor!)
Word Count: 3.4K
19. Your Fault
Two months. Two long and harrowing months Voe was gone.
“That’s a bad way to go too,” Angel gossiped to Cherri “Childbirth? You know my sister almost died in childbirth, it was crazy!” he nodded to emphasize the story
What was wrong with them all? They had just moved on as if she had never existed. They spoke in their same crude manner, not even acknowledging her passing. Alastor stormed in and out of rooms in silence, his anger filling the room before he entered it. She was gone and had left him with…children. Two children. Alyson, with gorgeous brown eyes and skin sometimes with little radio dials as her pupils; and….Vernon. he didn’t know what to think of his supposed son. He kept staring at Alastor as if he wanted to tell him off or thought he was better than Alastor. He was sure Voe would agree with him on the boy’s impertinence. Usually, Alastor passed him off to Niffty, who was ecstatic to have a toy to play with finally. But he couldn’t get enough of Alyson, she was a gorgeous child, reminding him of Voe in every way, she was attached to his hip wherever he went and whatever he did. Fighting the urge to kill again was quite difficult with all the hotel patrons and residents acting as if his wife’s life was not important, but he was willing, for her.
Their laughter was thunderous on one occasion, and all of them gathered in the kitchen when Alastor arrived looking for Alyson, he could hear the sounds from up the stairs.
“These kids are classic!” Angel laughed
“Love this kid!” said Cherri Bomb
“They’re so cute I just can’t” Charlie added
Alastor stood outside the kitchen, indignant at the sound of their joy. he cleared his throat “So, I see you’re all enjoying my wife’s absence,”
They all turn to him and stare.
Charlie says “Oh hey Alastor! You gotta see this! The twins are doing this super cute thing! It’s-“
“No wait! I wanna say it! I found it out!” Angel interrupted “If you touch Vernie’s nose, Aly’s nose scrunches up!”
“Oh yes! It’s so funny!” Alastor places his hands together
They look around “Well, we thought it was cute,”
“So cute that my wife isn’t around so you’re replacing her with my daughter?! It’s sickening!” His grin is menacing
Angel turns to Cherri “What’s happening?”
She shrugs “I think he’s mad,”
Lucifer rolls his eyes “Oh here we go,”
“Tell me about it,” Vaggie agreed
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves!” he points to Lucifer “Especially you!”
Lucifer puts his hand on his chest in faux shock “Me?” 
Alastor stalks up to the King “If you hadn’t put the stupid idea in her head, this would’ve never happened!
Lucifer waves his hands in front of his face “Woah woah woah, I did not give her the idea. It was her idea,”
“That you decided to go along with! Both of you keeping this from me, and you encouraging it!”
“What? That was her idea too!”
“I bet you were glad to keep this from me. Wanted to see the Radio Demon look stupid!”
“Uh no! I was the one telling her to tell you, she said she didn’t want to!”
Alastor chuckles evilly “Sure you were,” 
Lucifer sighs “Okay Alastor, whatever,” He waves him off, walking away
“Hm! Going to abandon your daughter once more?” 
Lucifer turns back to him “No actually, I was going to my room. Are you abandoning your son like how your father did to you?”
“Oh shit!” Cherri covered her mouth
Alastor’s eyes turn black “Excuse me?”
“Yeah, I read your file ‘Al’. That’s what he called you right? ‘Al’?”
Alastor looks furious but straightens up, knowing that he can’t fight Lucifer “I am going,” then goes over to the table and scoops up Alyson “She is the only one here worth my time,” and dissipates away
Vernie sits on the table, leaning forward to keep himself up on his hands, staring at the spot where his dad was just standing.
“Come on Sam,” Niffty picks him up and drags him off the table
Angel turns to Cherri “Is it just me or is that not his name?”
“Oh look at you!” Alastor tells Alyson as he teaches her hand games “So smart! And such a cutie pie!” Alyson smiles at her dad, putting her palm out for Alastor’s game. Vernie crawls into the bedroom and up to his sister and father. He hits Alastor on the knee, looking up at him with a big smile. “Can I help you?” Vernie just laughs and smiles bigger, trying to crawl onto his father’s lap. Alastor rolls his eyes and picks his son up, holding him as far away from him as he can “Niffty dear!” she does not come immediately “Niffty! Niffty!” She comes running around the corner
“Yes sir?”
“Do please come when I call you dear. Take this,” he gives her Vernie “And off with you,” he waves her off as Vernie reaches for him with a smile
“You got it,” she giggles, dragging him away “Let’s go, Sam!”
Alastor dusts his hands off and returns to Aly “Now where were we? Ah yes, we had gotten up to two,”
Lucifer found himself wandering over to the room where Voe’s body lay still and cold. They had decided not to move her when Carmilla had declared her dead. Alastor had entered a fit of screaming rage after Voe had finally closed her eyes, while Lucifer stood in silent shock and confusion. It had been his job to make sure that nothing went wrong, and Alastor made sure that he knew it. Screaming at the top of his lungs at the confused King, he didn’t even know what had happened. Had his blood caught up with her? Had she done the pentagram wrong? Was she too stressed? He knew that he had been warning her that she could die during this process, but he didn’t actually expect her to.
“I know that you’ll come back but I need to know, what happened?” he whispered to her lifeless body
In truth, he didn’t know if she would come back, they had used angelic steel on her, it was just to cut the umbilical cord, but he didn’t know how that affected sinners, since this was something that had never been done before. Maybe he just didn’t have the power to make it so both the children and the mother could live. Perhaps that was part of the punishment of being a sinner. Do you want kids? Here, do this and you’ll get them, but in return, you die permanently? He hated thinking that he might have been the cause of her death, maybe Alastor was correct, perhaps he should dissuaded her the kids would not exist, but she would still be here. 
She may have broken his heart, but Lucifer liked Voe, even if he knew he couldn’t ever have her, he enjoyed her company. She was such a dynamic person, and to see her, her body at least, lying that way, motionless and cold, was chilling. Alastor didn’t want him near this room, but he was the King of Hell, he did whatever the hell he wanted.
“Was it worth it?” He asked the body “I told you that you might die, and you did it anyway. You wanted this so badly!” Lucifer inhales deeply “Why did you need this so much? Why did you need his babies? Why did you need him?”
He stifles a sob “And now you're gone and nobody gets you.” He throws up his arms, kneels by the bed, and grabs her cold hand “You left them. Your babies, your husband, the Hotel. Why did you leave us? Why did you leave me?”  he stifles a sob. “I admit it, you were right, I’m not a very good king. I couldn’t even save you from this. I don’t even know if you’ll come back,” The tears stream down his face and land on the bed “And I lied to you, I never stopped loving you,”
He choked down some air “I don’t know why but I just can’t,” he put her hand on his forehead “Please come back, please!” he begged her “I know I can’t be with you, but I need you to come back, come back to us, come back to me, I need you around,”
After his confession, he stares at her body, still motionless and limp as he drops her arm. Her lips slightly parted, he thinks about kissing them but decides against it. He didn’t want to be creepy, and he didn’t want to get his hopes up for the real thing instead. So he leaves, as stone-faced as he entered.
“Going somewhere?” Alastor asks, just outside the room Lucifer had left
Lucifer rolls his eyes, ignoring Alastor, continuing to walk 
“Although I’m more interested in the place that you left,” he shadows in front of Lucifer in the hall “What were you doing in that room?”
The King opens a portal to the parlor and steps through it, not wanting to deal with Alastor’s nonsense, but Alastor simply shadows and follows him there. “What? What would you like to hear? Do you want me to tell you that I was fucking your wife’s dead body? I mean, I wasn’t but, is that what you want to hear?”
“I want you to stay away from my wife,” Alastor squints
Lucifer sighs “Are we still doing this? She is literally dead,”
“And yet you still find a way to be around her!”
“Since you care so much, why was I able to get in there in the first place?”
“Most likely because you’re a sneaky little bastard,”
The King widens his eyes “Oh I’m the bastard?’
“Get fucked,”
“I would! If you weren’t in the way!”
“Really classy, this is our King everyone,”
He crosses his arms “And your wife probably wishes she’d chosen me,”
A loud static is heard emanating from the Radio Demon, his eyes glow and his teeth are bared. He is smiling of course, but he is not happy.
“It’s all your fault!”
Lucifer is aghast “My fault? How about your fault for stressing her out!”
“You keeping it a secret stressed her out!”
“For the last time, that was her idea! And you not trusting her was not helping!”
“And as the leader, you just listen to everyone else? Excellent Kingship!” he claps sarcastically
Lucifer grits his sharp teeth “I was helping out a friend!”
“Right, by leading her to her death? Common friendship activity!”
“I warned her that she could die and she wanted to do it anyway!
“So again, you allowed your ‘friend’ to do something potentially dangerous. No wonder your wife is still with you- Oh wait!” He grins down at the King
Charlie holds her ponytail, hearing everything they’ve said “You guys, can we maybe not argue? At least not in the parlor?”
“I don’t want to hear anything from you either! You with your silly redemption project having her every which way, making her think she could somehow be better!” 
“Do NOT speak to my daughter that way!” Lucifer’s eyes turn red
Alastor turns back to the King “You! Your ‘concern’ for my wife is laughable. What’s this really about hmm?”
“It’s about you not deserving her. I cannot believe she married you. You’re a terrible husband and a useless fucking father. You are just…awful!”
Alastor smirks “Well I am in Hell for a reason,”
“No, it’s not cute or funny. Voe needs to know what kind of person you are and not who you pretend to be!”
Alastor rolls up his sleeves “I don’t pretend to be anything. I am who I am, and she knows that. The fact that you’ve convinced yourself that there’s some secret hidden layer of me that you believe she’s not aware of is comical. You think she only chose me because she doesn’t know me when the truth is,” He leans down to be at eye level with Lucifer “She chose me because she does,”
Lucifer shakes his head “No no no!”
“Yes indeed,” he grins evilly “Perhaps there are some parts of her that you are overlooking yourself because she and I are not that different. So if you hate me, why do you love her?”
Lucifer doesn’t know how to answer that question, so he opens a portal to whoever knows where and steps through it.
“Come on Sam!” Niffty calls after Vernie as Lucifer walks by later
He kneels “Why do you keep calling him Sam?”
“That’s his name!”
“No, it’s not,”
She waves him off “Whatever!”
“Did his father not tell you his name?”
“He doesn’t call him by his name. He just says ‘Hey you’ all grumpy like, ha ha!” She goes and starts dragging the baby, which Lucifer promptly scoops up
“His name is Vernon,” he tells her while holding the baby. He looks into Vernon’s eyes and sees so much of Alastor, but the spots remind him of Voe “That’s what his mom named him,”
Niffty crosses her arms “Pssh, he doesn’t even have a mom anymore,”
Lucifer bounces Vernie on his hip, smiling while looking into his eyes, how could this have come from Alastor’s blood? He thought until he used his claws to scratch Lucifer’s face and then smiled about it. 
Oh, that’s how.
Lucifer took it upon himself to care for Vernie, playing with him and treating him as though he were his own son. They sit in the parlor playing.
“Hiya, how are you doing? How’s your day?” 
Vernie leans forward and grabs onto his nostrils, smiling all the while.
“Oh, this is so funny for you isn’t it?”
Vernie claps his hands and laughs, flapping his hands happily. He grabs Vernie’s nose.
“Well I’ve got your nose!” he tells him, Vernie slaps his nose and whimpers in worry “Okay! Here!” he pretends to give the nose back. Vernie curls up his lip.
“What? What? Did I do something wrong?” he asks the baby “You don’t want it? FIne I’ll keep it,” he pretends to take his nose again, and Vernie reaches out for it, almost falling over.
“Sam!” Niffty called “There’s my baby!”
“His name is not Sam!” Lucifer corrects her
“But Alastor said it was okay! And I wanted to give him a surprise when he woke up from his nap!” She picks up Vernie and drags him to Voe’s bedroom, where Alastor lies with his daughter, both of them sleeping. She places Vernie in between the two of them, who climbs up onto his father’s chest, snuggling between his father and his sister. 
Alastor wakes from the sudden intrusion, seeing Vernion on the bed between him and Alyson. Vernie looks up at his father and smiles
“Niffty! Niffty!” she does not respond so, he picks him up like he’s something that belongs in the garbage and brings him downstairs “Niffty!”
“You woke up from your nap!” She answers from behind the bar with Husk
“You were meant to be keeping him, why was he in the bed?”
She sits on the counter “I put him there. I thought it would be cute for the whole family to nap together!” She laughs
“It’s not!” he yells at her, Niffty’s smile drops and so does Husker’s jaw “You do what I tell you, not what you want! Are we clear?”
Niffty’s eye teared up at Alastor’s volume. “Whoa Boss, that’s not cool,”
“Was I speaking to you Husker? I do not believe I was!”
“Why you yellin’ at Niffty?” Angel came up from behind him
Alastor puts Vernie on the floor “I don’t have to tell you anything!” Vernie crawls to Alastor’s feet, he looks down at the boy “Hmm,”
Lucifer steps in “What is your problem?” He picks up Alastor’s son off of the floor “Now you’re yelling at the housekeeper? I mean seriously, you have completely lost it these past few months,”
“Mind your business, I own Niffty, therefore I can do whatever I like,”
“And why does it bother you that your son is in the bed with you?”
“Probably because I told Niffty to do a job and she didn’t do it,”
Lucifer shakes his head “Let’s get to the bottom of this, for some reason, you hate this little boy” He shakes Vernie’s tiny had
Alastor rolls his eyes “For goodness sake!”
“No, why do you never interact with your son?” “The same reason you didn’t interact with your daughter!”
Lucifer tilts his head “Depression?”
“Enough of the depression nonsense. There was nothing wrong with you, you just didn’t want to deal with your kid,”
“That’s where you’re wrong snobface. Charlie is the light of my life. Depression is real and it is serious and you do not have it!”
“Mhmm, are you done?”
“No! Take care of your kid!”
“If you care so much you take care of him!”
“I am! Because you’re not, and you’re his father!”
“Lucifer, why don’t you start worrying about being a good ruler and stop worrying about my parenting skills,”
Lucifer is appalled by Alastor’s behavior “Like father, like son huh?”
Alastor gives a fake chuckle “Eat shit,”
“You eat shit, what kind of man has a bone to pick with a baby?”
“I’m not picking anything with him, that’s why I give him to Niffty,”
“You know you’re an awful father,”
“And you’re an awful husband, no wonder you’re wife didn’t want to be with you,”
He steps closer “You think this what Voe would’ve wanted?”
“We don’t know what she would’ve wanted because you killed her,”
“I killed her?”
“Yes, you did,”
“You’re honestly ridiculous,”
Alastor nods “Mhmm, you’re probably glad she’s gone because now you don’t have to fight the urge to fuck her. Unless you fuck her dead body,”
“What? No!”
“Sure Lucifer,”
“This isn’t about me, this is about the innocent baby that you won’t even give yourself a chance to love!”
“Sure Lucifer, keep changing the subject,”
“That was the subject from the start!”
“Uhh guys,” Vaggie calls from upstairs “Sorry to break up this dick fight (not really), but where’s Voe’s body?”
Both men look up at her on the stairway “What?” Alastor snaps
“Her body, it’s not here,”
They look far and wide for the BIllboard Doe’s body but can’t find it anywhere. Alastor goes to wake up Aly and bring her to his radio station, the stress has overwhelmed him. He thought that perhaps a nice broadcast would calm him down, however, he found that he had no signal. No matter how he tried, it would not work. 
“What in Hell is going on?”
He noticed his little Alyson up against the window, slapping her little hands up against it “What is it? What do you see?” she tapped the window harder “No no no, I may be impenetrable, but these windows aren’t,” he laughs and picks her up, pulling her to his cheek “What is it, sweetheart?” Aly just reached out for window once more.
Alastor looks out the window and sees nothing, but when he stands still he can hear something on top of his radio station. He puts Aly down on the opposite side of the station and opens the window, leaning out as far as possible. When he looks up he can see a lump, a person sitting on the tip top of his radio antenna, his antlers grew along with his rage. Who would dare disrupt his broadcast? He almost climbed out to give them a piece of his mind, when large wings spread and they jumped, gliding down and coming directly toward him. Alastor retreats inside the window and grabs his daughter as the stranger flies in through the window. They’re wearing all black as they stand directly in front of them. Alastor steps forward before the demon sheaths their dragon wings, before he can react, they open their gorgeous plump lips and speak.
“Well hello handsome,” Voe smirks at her husband
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momokotuharumaki · 2 years
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Diavolo and Hiro having father-son bonding time. I wanted to show Dia being a good dad.
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Ok so I have this idea for an obey me au:
Hear me out, when Lilith died she was transported to the a limbo realm and met a duo that go by a common name of Grim Reaper, and they want to take in Lilith to become their apprentice and become the next death, and Lilith agrees. But, one thing, no other beings can see her, including her brothers but she can see them. So she goes to see the aftermath of her death and see her family broken. And so, in hopes of rebuilding her family, she gives up her soul and hence that soul is reborn into MC. The rest of the story comes in, and MC rebuilds the family and has a relationship with all the brothers, but mysteriously leaves with a young child, leaving the brothers in tears and Lilith is heartbroken over this. And so after a few years, that child is summoned for the exact reasons MC was selected in the game and catches Lilith’s eye. And so drama enfolds and secrets are exposed.
I’ll probably call this Grim Guardian AU and will probably write a series with this-
No promises though…
Edit: If anyone wants to use this idea please credit me!
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reoxy-fii · 4 years
Let me introduce you, Sean! He is Satan x my MC love child. Actually I change a bit of his hair and the color, but I'll doodle it later, because my laptop OS still not fixed, so I don't draw anything this week
ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ *crying in the corner*
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Talk a bit about Sean, there are bunch of grammar mistakes and not scanned properly, also forgive my anatomy ( ̄▽ ̄;)
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Several years later...
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Note: Actually Sean wear round glasses here.
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Participating in both OC-tober by cereovo on twitter, and Douxtober by @furblrwurblr​ is going to be R O UG H, but it’s worth it ;; Douxtober’s day one probably won't be posted later today, but ill try for another day. Without further ado,
Naamah is Asmo's daughter (its 100% self indulgent dont @ me). My MC Kotomi got attacked and almost killed by some demons, and Asmo was the one to find her. His desire to see them hurt had manifested into physical form, creating Naamah. Its still October 1st for some people, so for those her monster form, the one which she first emerged in is coming out tomorrow
While this is her "usual appearance" Im probably going to be shoving her into a lot of clothes, her being Asmo's kid and all
She was originally Satan's child, but I simped far too hard for that, so she's Asmo's now
She was made as part of a trio with @aiyakashi and @graypanda, with her being the middle child. Aiyah hasn't posted her OC to her blog at this time
Unlike the other two, she does not have an "Avatar of" title, although that may change. As she wasn't something that may be considered a sin, rather a major consequence of sin (wrath), her current title is Lust's Spawn: Terror Incarnate, like some sort of video game boss
Due to her rather violent and sadistic tendencies, she seems rather cold and off putting to others as a form of defence and protection for others
Her more docile behaviors are also from Kotomi, as Asmo chose not to act as a father for most of her younger years, but as an uncle figure instead, only picking up the role later
The only people who are "safe" from her sadistic tendencies are those from the House of Lamentation. Other people's MCs and OCs included in that
Thats most of the information for now! The rest will come either during the event, or through me just expanding on her on my own. Naamah won't be the only person though! My other OCs will join too
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luveniablue · 4 years
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Diavolo's family
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xeo-kunsatan · 2 years
Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday for Shadow the Hedgehog!!
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Born in Father's Day and being a Dad as well means Double Celebration!
And yes they are cosplaying Lucifer and Satan from Obey Me because mood.
(and yes that's Tempest's actual hair and eyes's color)
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foolych · 4 months
Hello Um can I request more Wormwood doodles pls
He's my son now and I love him very much
Aaaa I’m so glad you like Worm!!! When I woke up and saw this I nearly exploded lol. Actually this motivated me to finish the Wormwood ref sheet I was working on, so thanks :]
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Anyway, here’s Wormmm… my boy… I love him. He’s just a little freak!!! I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Levi trying to teach Worm how to play video games like… a week after he was born.
Also I gave him silly leggies because uh…. Um… it’s important trust me.
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samanthachan · 3 years
I made Genshin impact fanchild of lumine and Zhongli that gets transported to devildom her name is teppei guizhong
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andyfire122 · 3 years
Fictober day 2: you have no proof
Fanfiction Fandom: Obey me Mentioned of a fmc and my fanchild Megara
“You have no proof.”
Claire sighed almost exhausted. "Mammon, you look through my room all the time for stuff to sell later."
The demon scoffed. He was quite used to his brothers' accusing him of stealing. He knew how this song and dance went. Though he did think this human could be different.
What does he think I’m going to do? Tell on him with Lucifer.
“Mammon, I get your sin. I do. It's just what you took was very important and I need to get it back."
She was being as calm as she could. That in itself should say how serious she was trying to be at the moment. As it was she just kept this conversation between the two of them.
Mammon was quiet for a moment before speaking up. "Let's say I did take that silly hat...what was it for?"
I didn't even say it was a hat. Though I'm quite sure he's willing to get it back as soon as I mention who it's for. Though I can't exactly blame him for all of this. I did make that hat very fancy-looking.
“It was a hat I made for Megara. She keeps getting holes in her hats so I enchanted this new one to be more durable."
It was almost like a switch was turned on in Mammon. “Why didn't you mention it was for my cute niece!"
It was like a flash as he ran down. It was the first time Claire had seen him almost use his full speed. Though it begs to question if he was going to get the hat back for his niece or to just escape Satan's wrath when he finds out what he did.
Maybe I shouldn't tell him that Satan already knows. It's concerning our daughter after all. Well, I did say I would handle it. In record time too.
“Now if only all issues would go this smoothly. Well, it wouldn't be the house of Lamentation if it did."
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foolych · 6 months
Did some aged-up Wormwood doodles on whiteboard with some of me pallsss!
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I love Worm, even if his sheer existence makes me internally cringe at times… oh well! Such is the way of the worm!
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momokotuharumaki · 2 years
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Decided to draw the baby prince Hiro, who you first see here, a little older. I like to think Rei made him a little outfit like Luke's once he was older.
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reoxy-fii · 4 years
Tania and Sean 🌟
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Sean: "Tania, look! Uncle Levi sent us his pet fish again."
Tania: "Uwaa... The aquarium really big. Why the first aquarium small?
Sean: "It's..."
Tania: "Brother, have you ever swimming in that aquarium?"
Sean: "No, never. I only watch Uncle Levi swimming there in demon form with Henry just once."
Tania: "I want to know how big House of Lamentation. Is it really big?"
Sean: "It's like a castle compare to this house."
Tania: "Why mom never take us there?"
Sean: "Mom really busy and because of one or two things, she can't go to Devildom."
Tania: "Hmph! Why brother and mom always say like that??"
Sean: "(I can't tell her that mom and dad have big fight before she born that cause we move to human world...)"
Tania: "Brotheeer... Answer meee..."
Sean: "Tania, we can go to there when you can control your power first. When you are excited, mad, or sad, you suddenly transform into demon look. It makes people freaked out."
Tania: "But it's really hard..."
Sean: "You have to learn to control it. If you can do it, we can go to Devildom."
Tania: "Is it a promise?"
Sean: "Hmm... When we become an adult, mom will let us go there. She said that before."
Tania: "Oh! I can't wait become an adult!"
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