#objectively it means that he has been in love with henry for years
noneorother · 9 months
The puns are never ending : Aziraphale's miraculous "visable" bullet.
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Aside from this closeup diagram of how to perform the bullet catch being objectively hilarious, it's also got a pretty fascinating *spelling mistake*.
If you look closely at the part of the pamphlet in red, you'll see that the bullet should be hidden in the mouth where it won't be visable. Not "not visible". Not visable. Seems innocuous enough right? But of course, the layers are never ending.
"Visable" is actually a Middle English word, *not* a modern English one. The last time it was used was before the printing press was invented, so pretty old. Here's a little background :
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What's really fascinating though, is that just like the expression "dark horse", the word has two meanings : one is "Capable of good judgement, prudent" the other is "Tractable and docile".
There are also only two examples of the word in context that I can find, and they really should be sending you into orbit :
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The first one is actually from Henry Lovelich's translation of the French epic poem "The Romance of Merlin" also known as the first English treatment of the Arthurian legends. It's modernized as "He was a worthy knight, valiant and visable in every fight." Which uses the "good judgment" meaning and sounds... a lot like Aziraphale in his role of guardian and protector.
Why do we care? They are standing literally in front of Excalibur, Arthur's sword.
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The other one is from "Ipomadon", another middle English epic poem about a hidden identity romance between a beautiful but proud heiress, and her dark knight in disguise. "She was... visable and virtuous, meak and mild, and marvellous." Which clearly uses the "tractable and docile" meaning, but also... kinda sounds like Aziraphale in his damsel in his distress mode, which:
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Ahahahah fuck off. But wait, there's more!
I originally twigged to this error because if you, like me, also happen to speak the language of la plume de ma tante, you know there's a reason why the uses happen in epic poems that originated in France: it's a loan word from old French, and still exists today in modern French, but it doesn't mean tractable and docile...
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For the non-french speaking among you, it's a derivation of the verb "viser" :
Verb 1 To aim 1.To aim, to carefully direct one's gaze or a weapon towards a goal to throw something at it.
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And so, if you happen to be, oh I don't know, a demon and have been alive for thousands of years and can definitely speak all the languages on earth and happen to have participated in the Arthurian age in England, when you read that pamphlet really carefully because someone is making you do a crazy stunt and there's a miracle blocker on, you could *conceivably* have read the instructions as:
"IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT YOU LOVE, DO NOT SHOOT AZIRAPHALE IN THE FACE." ________________________________________________________ Thanks to @thebluestgreen and @embracing-the-ineffable as always.
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gffa · 1 year
Hi Lumi. This year I’ve watched The Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, and Tales of the Jedi and I’m watching Ahsoka as episodes are released. But I feel like I’m missing some context as to why people are wary of Filoni. What things should I know so I’m caught up, so to speak, in the fandom discussions?
Hi! That's a lot of Star Wars to watch in a year, I hope you're having fun with it all! And I will gently remind everyone that Filoni is not the be-all-end-all of Star Wars creators--Henry Gilroy was there for TCW and Rebels, too. George Lucas was holding writers' meetings years after the show started (at least into 2010!). The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett are far more Jon Favreau's shows. The Bad Batch is Brad Rau and Jennifer Corbett. Resistance was developed by him, but was run by other producers. It's just that Filoni tends to get the most camera time and has become the face of Star Wars creators. That said, the issue with Filoni is kind of two-pronged, though, they overlap. 1. He's done a lot of interviews where he's said a lot of anti-Jedi things that have drifted from reasonable critiques in the beginning to eventually "Qui-Gon Jinn was the only true Jedi. [blatantly wrong citations]" This has put a lot of people off him as a creator, because we love the Jedi Order that Lucas talks about and established, which Filoni has actively contradicted over the years, despite being promoted as someone who follows Lucas' themes. And it's hard not to be aware of his interviews when watching his shows and it's hard to enjoy shows that do your faves dirty, you know? 2. His writing has become weaker over the years for a lot of us--Rebels is a show most of us love and found to be incredible. Many of us really love The Clone Wars, which he was heavily involved in/was probably the central voice after Lucas started phasing out. But his biggest story told over the course of those series--basically, the story of Mandalore's history and fall to the Empire--has been extremely thin for a lot of us. And a lot of us get frustrated at his inability to be objective when it comes to Ahsoka's character, that we love her as a character very much, but it hasn't felt like Filoni really knows what to do with her character arc and yet almost everything he writes is centered around her. His final season of The Clone Wars? Gave her the walkabout arc and the Siege of Mandalore arc, both of which often did not hold up well under scrutiny. His episode of The Book of Boba Fett? I actually really loved it, but it absolutely just stopped the pacing of that show to focus a lot on her. More on Luke, but he couldn't resist putting her in there, either. Tales of the Jedi was half devoted to Ahsoka and so much of it wasn't even about her time as a Jedi! We're frustrated because he doesn't set things up well anymore--Morgan Elsbeth is a Nightsister?? Why wasn't that established in The Mandalorian instead of pulling out randomly in Ahsoka? Why does Sabine Wren suddenly so badly want Jedi training, when they barely even had a conversation in Rebels?? There's a lot of good that Filoni has given to Star Wars, I think he genuinely cares about the Force and what it means--he's very consistent on how it's not easy and how it takes discipline and control, that he has been consistent on how anger and fear are paths to the dark side, even his episode of TBOBF had Ahsoka saying, yeah, attachment is a path to the dark side, because the Jedi mean "attachment" in a more Buddhist-aligned way. A lot of his writing for the character of Ahsoka is actually pretty good, like I've been enjoying her being a prickly, traumatized hot mess in the show! It's just that I kind of hate all the interviews he gives and I think he's a lot less objective than a lot of fans and media coverage that would hold him up as a perfect writer/interviewee about all things Star Wars, and it all comes together to make him kind of a hot-button topic.
So, a lot of people LOVE Filoni's work, a lot of people are frustrated by it, a lot of people are casually fine about it, a lot of people HATE Filoni's work and it can be a fun mix of any of the above or even other issues that come up. (And that's all fine! I have my views on Filoni's work, but it's fine if others hate it more than I do or love it more than I do, there's room for us all, all of it is valid.)
But I think if you want to understand some of the roots of this corner of fandom's frustration, two (admittedly long as heck) homework assignment reads would be:
- My own rebuttal to Dave's behind the scenes Mandalorian Gallery talk (this is jokingly referred to as "Davegate" because I refused to take it too seriously) - @david-talks-sw's collection of comparisons between Lucas' commentary on the Jedi and Filoni's commentary on the Jedi
This response itself is more focused on laying out the problems a lot of people have with Filoni's writing, but also honestly I still have my giant collection of Jedi source material citations that quotes his commentary, I still bring up Filoni's quotes in current meta a lot, I still talk positively about the things I enjoy from his shows, so overall there's equal amounts of both praise and criticism here. So, as short as I can make it (which isn't very, shut up, I know! XD), that's basically what people mean when they say they're wary of Filoni.
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nocoastposts · 10 months
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but if you could see us from a distance, you’d know i’ve always been so close to you | @anincompletelist | E | 10k
Objectively, standing half-soaked from rainwater with a stitch in his side and an uncomfortable, raging hard-on outside his worst enemy’s door is not Henry’s finest moment. It’s not even on the list.
– or, henry is afflicted with a curse-gone-wrong that stipulates that only his sworn enemy, alex claremont-diaz, can touch him.
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Got a ticket for two | @clottedcreamfudge | E | 10.6k
Henry likes his apartment - he has done since the day he moved in a year ago. The light in the sitting room is gorgeous at all times of day thanks to the ceiling to floor windows which lead out onto a south-facing balcony, only just large enough for the plethora of plantlife his flatmates care for. The kitchen is always stocked with his favourite tea, everyone keeps to their allotted cupboard and fridge space, and the bathrooms are kept meticulously clean. There’s a rota for chores stuck to the fridge with magnets from Rhode Island and Minnesota, London and Milan, with everything typed up neatly so that nobody has to squint to read someone else’s awful handwriting.
His flatmates themselves? Well, they’re a little… strange.
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why are you googling vampires? | @daisymae-12 | E | 13.9k
Alex isn’t really looking for love – he’s got enough on his plate with law school thanks – but when he’s approached by Henry at a bar one night, all it takes is one small, shy smile and Alex is smitten.
Or, Alex accidentally takes a hot, hungry vampire home and almost dies (not really, he’s just being a dramatic little shit)
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(these last two fics are both from the series the only thing on my mind - Piercer!Alex teaches Henry about the inner workings of BDSM in mid-90s New York)
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wanna know that body like it’s mine | @hypnostheory | E | 5.8k
Henry takes a fortifying breath and sticks his tongue out for Alex to look at.
“Okay good, now hold it up like this,” Alex says, holding his mouth open and sticking his tongue up against the roof of his mouth. Henry copies the motion, flinching when Alex grabs his chin and tilts his head up. He hums as he looks into Henry’s mouth, nodding to himself. “Damn, you have the perfect anatomy for a piercing.”
Henry’s not even sure if that’s a compliment, but his heart skips a beat. “Thank you.”
– After losing a bet, Henry has to get a tongue piercing. Alex, the incredibly attractive piercer, gets stuck in Henry’s head in more ways than he expected.
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covered in you | @hypnostheory | E | 10.6k
Alex blinks at him, tilting his head to the side. Sometimes Alex looks at him like he’s trying to figure out some strange riddle. “Can I ask you a personal question?” Henry switches to the other boot, nodding for Alex to continue. “Do you have a thing for leather?”
Henry blinks. “Erm, no?” He finishes working the leather conditioner in, letting it set. He wipes his hands off on his microfiber cloth, resisting the urge to smell the clean pine tar of the conditioner before he does. “I mean, doesn’t everyone like how leather smells?”
Alex stares at him for a few painful seconds. “Do you just like how it smells?”
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This is the first fic rec post I’ve done in years, and it’s my first one ever for the Red, White & Royal Blue fandom!
Please remember to read the tags and note the E ratings. Feel free to send me fic rec requests anytime.
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piratefalls · 10 months
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oh my god this got obscenely long. you're welcome?
list one. list two. list three. list four.
Any Beat of Your Heart (Gets Me Through the Night) by stellarmeadow
Alex throws out the first pitch at the Opening Day baseball game, but things go horribly wrong.
kiss me once 'cause you know by ninzied
Of all the things they’ve been to one another—sometimes-rivals, reluctant allies, tediously cordial seatmates at international events—Henry never thought that he and Alex would end up being something like friends. (In which Alex sort of moves in and they don't talk about what it means.)
Mr. BodyPillow by inexplicablymine
“It is hard enough trying to get a date out here when all I really want is to curl up with someone’s head on my chest and play with their hair” “I could do that for you sweetheart” _______ Two boys cuddling on a couch right on top of each other because they are in fact very gay™. Inviting over a complete stranger for cuddles because you are touch starved might be the worst idea Henry has ever had, or the best.
Little Moments by politics_and_prose
Five significant moments in Alex's political career and one in his personal life.
The Case Of The Fucking Curse by everwitch
Henry gets inflicted by a deadly royal curse. The only way to break it is to have sex with a person who possesses the correct physical compatibility, so the crown puts out a desperate plea for people meeting the right criteria to enter a screening process. You’ll never guess who turns out to be the final candidate at the end. Or: the most wholesome Fuck Or Die you’ve read in your life.
You Got Me, and Baby I Got You by princebutt
Alexander Claremont-Diaz, charismatic center for the NHL's Dallas Stars, is completely and utterly smitten with the posh British librarian he met by complete accident. Tonight is the night, and he's got a plan to completely woo Henry and get his man.
cowboy like me by stutteringpeach
Alex was looking for money tonight. And with Henry Mountchristen-Windsor, the gorgeous young heir to the Windsor Group, he sure as hell found it. If Alex is looking to charm someone out of their millions, it might as well be someone he’s going to enjoy stealing from.
but if you could see us from a distance, you'd know i've always been so close to you by anincompletelist (soldouthaz)
Objectively, standing half-soaked from rainwater with a stitch in his side and an uncomfortable, raging hard-on outside his worst enemy’s door is not Henry’s finest moment. It’s not even on the list. -- or, henry is afflicted with a curse-gone-wrong that stipulates that only his sworn enemy, alex claremont-diaz, can touch him.
(did my love aid and abet you?) by alasse
That night in Kensington Palace, Henry told Alex to leave. Eleven years later, Alex watches on the news as Henry comes out, and abdicates. A story of what came before, and what comes after.
It’s been eleven fucking years, and Henry is finally free.  It’s been eleven fucking years, and Henry is finally out.  It’s been eleven fucking years, and Alex Claremont-Diaz still hasn’t learned how to be normal about Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.
it's a scene (and we're out here in plain sight) by annesbonny
"I don’t want us to be in the press for anything other than how good I am at polo, and how charming you look in that shirt.” Henry just wants the Fifth Annual Okonjo Foundation Polo Match to run smoothly, but that's harder than it seems.
lover, tell me if you can by loyaulte_me_lie
Henry has a wobble on their first anniversary. They practise healthy communication and everything ends happily.
Debasing the Prince (And Other Inappropriate Decisions) by orphan_account
Henry in a suit and tie turns Alex into a combination of the heart-eyed and drooling emojis. He can't help it that the goddamned prince of England looks glorious all dressed up. So he meets him in his bedroom and does super inappropriate things with the tie and the prince. This is basically Tale of the Debauchery of a Prince™.
Soon You'll Get Better (Because You Have To) by wafflesandkruge
Two nights after the shooting, Henry receives an email with a pre-recorded video from Alex. He gets one every night, and although it breaks his heart to see Alex happy and alive, he's terrified of when they'll stop coming.
(when you look like that) i never ever wanted to be so bad by hipsterchrist
“How many times have I told you now?” Henry asks, voice still quiet. “In the bedroom, we’re equals.” Alex knows a door left ajar intentionally when he sees it.“ But we’re not in the bedroom, are we?” he mutters. Henry smirks and turns away. Alex nearly falls over trying to follow the loss of Henry’s hand on his face. “It certainly would seem that way,” Henry says, loud and clear, leaning against the wall again. “And so I will have to insist on some degree of deference. Do you think you can manage that?” Or, Alex has a fantasy involving a tack room and Henry's polo uniform, and Henry is all too happy to fulfill it.
if i ever saw you try to be a saint by inmoonlightigetseasick
He turns back, waiting for further instruction from Luna when Henry actually gets up and approaches him to talk. “I must apologize about the hour,” he says, faking sincerity so well Alex recants his doubts about Henry’s acting chops, “this was my fault, I have a shoot for a music video later today and after that I’m on a flight back to jolly old England as it were, loads of publicity for the latest album.” “You sound like a busy guy,” Alex says, with a small, tight smile, “sure you’ll have time for our little movie?” “I will make the time,” he says, his eyes are a bottomless blue, they shine, deceptively truthful, he turns to Luna, “I cannot tell you how great an honour it is to be considered for this role. What you’ve done here,” he gestures to his script, “I think it’s amazing.” Alex hates that Henry is right. -- AU in which Alex is an up-and-coming actor slated to star in in-demand director Rafael Luna's highly anticipated queer coming-of-age film. For Alex, keen to share his own bisexuality with the world, it's the perfect project to be his true starmaking vehicle -- but for one thing-- his nemesis Henry Fox, a wildly popular rock star, might end up playing his love interest.
searching low in the night by saltfics
“Just say it's okay. I just need to hear you say that.” Henry steps outside for just a second, but when Alex goes to find him, he finds only empty streets and an excrutiating feeling of dread in his place.
whenever you're ready by perfect-porcelain (tedddylupin)
“Pez. Please, will you stop tagging me in TikTok thirst traps?” Henry asked as he stepped into his friend’s car. Pez lowered his Gucci sunglasses on his nose, looking at Henry without anything obscuring his vision and just laughed before pushing them back up with his middle finger. “Don’t fucking lie to me, I know you love them.” Or: the one where Henry falls in lust with a TikToker making pottery and leaves drunken thirst comments
hold me close (when the cameras are off) by viciouslyqueer
Henry Fox is a very well-known model. It’s hard to name a magazine he hasn’t been on the cover of, or a photographer that isn’t ready to drop everything just to book a shoot with him. Now he’s barely smiling, slightly parted lips, yet somehow still looking kind as the photographer behind the camera takes picture after picture. His pristine blond hair is delicately styled so it doesn’t fall out of place, and the cherry blossom flowers next to him and beige background give him an angelic look that makes people in the studio stop what they’re doing just to watch. He looks beautiful. Alex hates it. — When models Alex and Henry have to pose together for a shoot, Alex realizes he might not hate Henry after all.
it was you he gave me by coffeecatsme
The tattoo artist traces Alex’s thigh with a gloved finger as she grabs the needle, brows furrowed as if she’s trying to make sense of the lettering. “This is beautiful,” she says, awe in her voice. Alex feels a sort of pride surge through him. “Who’s the poet?” Alex smiles. “If I tell you, can you keep a secret?” Or, Alex finds a pen in their sex toy drawer and Henry finds a use for it.
yours for the afternoon by railmedaddy
“Another day then, tomorrow? Or Saturday, I can do Saturday, I’ll give you my number,” Hunter says, starting to reach for Henry’s phone. Henry knocks it off the table and prays it doesn’t crack. Christ. Is he going to have to leave the coffee shop to get rid of Hunter? He bends down to pick his phone up and when he rights himself, Hunter is waiting expectantly with his hand out for Henry’s phone. He drops it into his bag under the table. “Very kind of you Hunter, but I’m really quite booked up and—" “Sorry I’m late, sweetheart,” comes a drawl Henry vaguely recognises. OR Henry is quietly minding his own business in his favourite coffee shop, when he’s rudely interrupted by an insufferable man attempting to flirt with him. He’s rescued by none other than Alex – a fellow cafe regular who he’s long admired from a distance – posing as his date.
Háblame dulce by QueenKatelynTheAristocrat
"Alex gently drew Henry back to the waking world on a lazy Tuesday morning in their brownstone with a kiss, a cup of Earl Gray, and the words, “Hoy, hablamos español.” Also known as: Henry is learning Spanish for Alex, and Alex is happy to help him.
5 Times Alex Went Viral (+1 Time Henry Did) by clottedcreamfudge
Alex downloads TikTok on a Saturday and by Monday he's completely obsessed. Henry is clearly a little bewildered by this, but he doesn't seem to mind when Alex starts singing sea shanties and trying - with limited success - to harmonise with himself in the shower. *** aka FicTok (aka ‘Five times Alex tested TikTok trends on Henry and one time Henry got his own back’) (aka 'Five times Alex made life hard for Henry and one time Henry just made Alex hard' - you can blame ifyoustay for that one)
Slide, Crawl into the Shades of Light by Mags (sparklepocalypse)
Eventually, they part long enough to buckle their seatbelts, and then the car eases forward in the direction of Kensington Palace. Alex reaches across the seat and cups Henry’s cheek. “You’ve been biting your lips again,” he notes, rubbing a thumb over the rough skin. “When we get back to the apartment we should run a bath, and maybe after, I can make you some tea.” Henry smiles – and it nearly reaches his eyes – and covers Alex’s hand with his own. “That sounds wonderful,” he murmurs. “It’s been a long week.” (Post-movie; Alex and Henry doing that transcontinental couple life thing, and Henry's had a shit week. Alex gives him several orgasms about it.)
A Tiny Shred of Hope by cmere
Henry reacts in the immediate aftermath of his first kiss with Alex.
Most Cordially Invited by aldiara
In which a formal invitation is extended, a royal mirror is defiled, and Alex cusses a lot.
The Bet by bleedingballroomfloor
Looking back at it, it's all Nora's fault. Or, the time Henry and Alex bet on who can last the longest without sex.
Play Me a Song by allmylovesatonce
Every night, like clockwork, Alex's upstairs neighbor plays the piano for two hours, giving Alex the motivation to sit and do his own work so that he can listen. One night, he leaves a letter for his neighbor to thank him for the music. When his neighbor comes to his door to thank him for the note, he finds it's the same cute guy he's been running into in the lobby.
Speak for Yourself by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates)
Alex could have walked out of the Williamsburg apartment at any time. Instead, he decides to sign up to twelve months of Henry. OR Alex makes a rash decision and Henry inexplicably runs with it. (The "accidental housemates" AU that literally no-one asked for).
london bridge has fallen down by indomitablelove
Alex can feel the eyes of the room on him as Shaan approaches his side. Then, Shaan quietly murmurs in his ear. They’re words he’s thought about before, distantly wondering about what might happen when they were finally uttered. How their lives might change. There’s nothing that can prepare him for the reality of it though, nothing that can prepare him for how his breath hitches when Shaan speaks. ‘London Bridge is down, Sir.’  --- Queen Mary is dead. Henry doesn't know how to feel.
i wouldn't stop for red lights by matherine
There are flowers on Henry’s desk when he comes into work. They’re pretty, really – chosen by someone who knows him, because there are hydrangeas and white roses and daffodils, and certainly not enough baby’s breath for the bouquet to have been cheap. Not that Henry would make assumptions, nor that he’s the sort of person that would look up the cost of a gift, but he knows who put it here. Even before he looks at the little card attached to a rose’s stem, he knows, because he gets flowers every April 15th.
Water over Blood by happinessofthepursuit
5 times a member of the British Royal Family was in love with Alex + 1 time they loved Henry
The Prince of Sex: A Collaborative Nightmare by aceinadeck, fairycat, ifigo, MaikkaPakka, ohgaywarden, Princess_Nales
"Alex is waiting for his lover Phillip, when he arrives in the bedroom Alex's jaw drops. Philip is wearing a pair of tight leather pants the outline of his massive horse cock is clearly visible and Alex can't wait to have it pump thick squirts of warm cum inside him and his butt." *** It started as a joke, something that Pez found in the depths of Real Person Fiction on Wattpad that none of them really wanted to explore too much. But he brought it up as a drinking game, something that would get all of them absolutely wasted since this was the first time they were able to get together in almost four months.
An Open Heart by absoluteaudacity
"But, and I hope you’ll forgive me for taking so long to get to the point, they listened and hugged me and told me they loved me no matter what. I gather they feel very guilty that I felt I had to keep my sexuality a secret. Mum had to stop Dad from going straight down to Buckingham and yelling at Gran; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so angry. They’ve agreed that we’ll keep it to the family for the moment but they’ve made it clear I have their support if I ever want to come out publicly. We’re a long way from that, I think, but at least I know the way is partially clear for us. At least I don’t have to pretend anymore."
It's Getting Hot in Here (So Hot!) by Celaestis
Henry’s firm and unwavering belief in Alex’s hetrosexuality does wonders for their relationship. He can coexist with Alex in the same lobby for entire half-minutes at a time while checking for post, he can make solid eye contact during glances in the hallway. Alex is still the most beautiful man he’s ever beheld, and maybe Henry’s hook-ups are tending towards the Latino types more than they ever did in the UK, but still. Alex is straight. Henry is fine about it. Really.
i'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around by karish
Suddenly, Alex feels like he’s gonna throw up and he feels cold all over. Because this sounds like a goodbye. It sounds like a suicide note. Fuck. God. Please no. AKA: Alex wakes up to find a note from Henry and jumps to the worst possible conclusions.
Wedding Talk by maritinkerbell
“You know, H, I’m not sure anything is going to give me greater pleasure than forcing all your homophobic cousins to smile and make nice while I put a fucking ring on it.” OR An upcoming family wedding leads Henry and Alex to discuss marriage for the first time.
Little Secrets Grow Up To Be Big Lies by DracoWillHearAboutThis
Henry meets Alex in a café as he's hiding from the Crown, the media and the public in general. But Alex is charming and alluring and draws him in right away. Alex also has no idea that he's a Prince.
Give Me Comfort, Give Me Help by dwell_the_brave
“I’ll be back by Thursday,” Philip promises, giving Martha a hand up the jet’s steps. She gives them a brief wave from the top of the stairs before disappearing. “Make sure you don’t ski off a cliff!” Bea calls after him as he follows his wife into the jet. He waves a hand dismissively at her and then withdraws into the darkness of the cabin. That’s the last thing any of them say to him. - Philip dies, and Henry becomes heir.
i could be a better boyfriend by bananzie
It wasn't that Alex didn't like telling people about Henry—quite the opposite, actually—it was just that no one ever believed him when he did. An AU in which Henry is one of England’s most famous rugby players, Alex met him during an exchange year, and they’re so in love it’s sickening, but no one believes him.
Just like that. by myheartalive
“I’m so glad my subpar sexual encounter has fed the brain worms. Something’s got to keep the little guys going.” Henry’s more relaxed now that he’s teasing Alex, and looks a lot more like his normal self. It feels a little easier to talk to him, to actually say what he’s thinking. “It’s just… I realised if that was me, I also wouldn’t know how to do it. How to find your…” “Prostate?” “Yeah. That.” — When Henry comes home from a date frustrated by the guy’s lack of expertise, Alex starts having thoughts. And then, because he’s Alex, he sticks his big foot in his even bigger mouth.
Kinda think that I might be his type by kiwiana
“Bea.” He clambers onto his knees, grabbing her hands in his own. “Bea, take me to Thanksgiving with you.” Bea blinks. Blinks again. “What?” “Bea, I could terrorise your gran until she’s begging you to stay single forever.” Or, Alex agrees to be his friend's fake boyfriend for a weekend. He is not prepared for his friend's brother.
until next wednesday! if you want me to tag you in future lists, let me know!
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myteavsricochet · 4 months
Latest fanfics read, part 6
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(Part. 1) (Part. 2) (Part. 3) (Part. 4) (Part 5)
I Keep My Mouth Shut Tight (Cause I Don't Want To Lose What's Not Even Mine)
"Being affectionate, he has always used certain pet names with me. He’s called me sweetheart since we met, and I have used several in turn. That night he used a new one... I realised that he had woken me, saying it was time to take another dose of medicine. It was the way he said it, though: “Baby, I need you to wake up for me...” I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I whined pathetically at him calling me that, but he seemed to take it as protest that I didn’t want to wake, and not for what it really was—me absolutely losing my mind over that word coming out of his mouth and being directed at me. The cherry on top of it all was when he kissed me on the forehead and my brain promptly stopped working completely."
OR: At hit wits end, Henry decides to turn to reddit to ask the internet if his roommate likes him back, or if he's going insane. Then Nora intervenes.
Additional tags: Social Media, Ask reddit, Cute, Short & Sweet, Silly, Sharing a bad, Didn't know they were dating, Cuddling & Snuggling
It's Not a Secret
Henry is a boring person.
This is an objective fact. It’s been such a constant in his life that it hardly bothers him. He prefers the mundane. Thrives under routine. Tolerates many things poorly: surprise parties, capsaicin, loud noises.
Another objective fact: Henry loves Alex. Alex is not boring at all.
Unfortunately, everyone else in Henry’s life seems to think that a bore like him is incapable of a relationship like theirs— and, more distressingly, that this must mean that Alex simply doesn’t exist.
Or: Five times that no one believed that Henry and Alex were an item, and one time that they all did.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Director of Finance Henry Fox, tattoo artist alex claremont-diaz, Opposites Attract, Not actually a secret relationship, Misunderstandings, Developing Relationship, Sexual Content
in sickness and in health
Henry has a rather nasty cold, but June had her appendix removed, which means she wins. Because of her victory in the unwell olympics, Henry will stay in Texas while Alex flies to New York to visit his sister and the rest of their chosen family, something Henry desperately tries not to resent.
Additional tags: Slice of life, Sickfic, Married life
The Room Where It Happens
caged, Alex who he had never thought would be his, making himself at home, in a place Henry hasn’t thought of as home since his father died. It was simply a place he lived. His home was now sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling off his socks.
Or, a trio of firsts.
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-Canon, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, First Time Bottoming, Angst, But not like Alex/Henry angst, Lonely Henry angst, Praise Kink
the way it is suddenly there, total and complete
As Alex falls in love with David, Henry falls even more impossibly in love with him, and their little family.
Or: Over the first year of their new life together, Alex fully commits to being a dog dad. Henry is his captive audience.
When I Get Going
“On a scale of one to ten,” Henry says softly, stepping closer to him and lowering his voice in a way that has Alex’s pulse jumping in his throat, his entire body aching to respond, “how far gone are you right now? One being ‘I could easily hold a conversation with the Queen’ and ten being ‘I’m genuinely surprised nobody’s noticed yet’.” Alex grits his teeth, but even the reminder of Henry’s nefarious grandmother can’t quell the arousal burning hotly in his stomach.
“Six,” he hisses, embarrassed and turned on, every molecule of him straining to reach out and pull Henry into something that will start off as a kiss, and end as anything but.
“Let me know when you get to eight,” Henry says firmly, then he just-
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, PWP, Underwear, Coming In Pants, Orgasm Delay/Denial, delayed gratification, Control, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Begging, Praise Kink, Henry is a fucking tease
crushed velvet
"In this brief moment of reprieve, Henry pants for breath, digging his fingers into the red material of the sofa to remind himself that this is, in fact, somehow real."
Or, movieverse couch blowjob missing scene.
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Ficlet, Missing Scene, Blow Jobs, Skull Fucking, Simultaneous Orgasm, Coming In Pants
Comfort in the Backlight
For the prompt: "rainy day in the brownstone, fluff?"
Maybe sneakers weren’t the best choice of shoe for the day, Alex realizes as he shuts the front door behind him and grimaces at the quick puddle forming beneath him.
you are my medicine (when you're close to me)
After one last peck, Henry finally pulls away, leaving a sore spot of hollowness where his touch had filled it before. Alex forces his face to stay even– he doesn’t want his boyfriend to feel guilty for doing what he needs to do, doesn’t want to feed into the assumption that Alex is helpless without him.
Doesn’t want to be another obligation in Henry’s life that will one day grow to be too much to shoulder.
When the door falls shut, leaving Alex alone with a house that is much too empty and silent without his family there, there’s a lump in his throat that he can’t quite swallow. He thinks of Nora, making jokes that Henry is a saint for putting up with him during exam season; he thinks of June who uprooted her entire life to take care of him during college– and finally, he thinks of Henry, gentle and perfect Henry, that has had to worry about others way too much in his life– and a stinging sense of dread settles over him.
Or, Alex's no good horrible very bad two weeks without Henry.
Additional Tags: Alex Claremont-Diaz Has ADHD, Alex Claremont-Diaz Has Abandonment Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Alex Claremont-Diaz Needs a Hug, Long-Distance Relationship, Mental Health Issues, Established Relationship
Smile, You're on Camera
"Baby," Alex manages, and Henry groans in response, grazing his earlobe with his teeth. Alex bites his lip his stifle his own whimper. "H, hang on."
Henry pulls away from his assault on his neck, face flushed, chest heaving. "What's — what's wrong?"
"Nothing, sweetheart, nothing," Alex soothes, placing both hands on Henry's shoulders. "I just — do you wanna do it? Now?"
Henry blinks owlishly. Alex watches as the realization slowly dawns on him, and he turns his head to look at the camera. He stares for a moment, then looks back at Alex and says, "Can you bring it closer?"
Or, Alex and Henry film a sex tape.
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex Tapes, Explicit Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Crying During Sex, in a sexy way not a sad way, Switching, Sub Top Alex
no bunny compares to you
Henry is a lot of things as a person and while much of his personality transfers over to his bunny form, his physical attributes do not. Most notably, his size.
Where Alex’s boyfriend stands tall and regal, his furry counterpart is small and fluffy, unable to summit even the most minor of obstacles.
Take their sofa, for one. Alex is watching TV and minding his own business, when he hears a steady thump from just below him. Peering over the edge of the dark cushion, he spots his boyfriend angrily pounding his back foot against the carpet.
“Ha! Is my little bun too tiny to get up here on his own?” Alex teases. He’s promptly rewarded with a whisker twitch followed by a nose scrunch. Henry is pouting and it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever witnessed.
or, five times Henry shapeshifts for himself and one time he does it for Alex
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Magical Realism, 5+1 Things, Bunny Henry, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Shapeshifting, Idiots in Love, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Needs a Hug, Protective Alex Claremont-Diaz, Soft Boys, Henry Has Bad Days
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itsjustpoopeh · 8 months
3, 8, 19
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
"Keeley is a maternal figure for Jamie." my sibling in christ. what are you and your mama up to. those two FUCK and they LIKE IT. also Jamie already has a mummy. he never took her poster off his wank wall for fuck's sake she ain't a maternal figure for him (now she might be mommy buuuuut i ain't getting into alla THAT)
"Jamie and Georgie's interactions were borderline incestuous in Mom City." y'all can't talk about dismantling the patriarchy and toxic masculinity and turn around and call it "developmentally inappropriate" for a grown man to cuddle his mummy when he's upset and depressed. especially because i know, i KNOW y'all wouldn't have said that if Georgie was Dottie Lasso shaped. y'all didn't say that when Sam was cuddling with Ola. y'all said it because you turned that woman into a sexual object. unpack that shit
edited i forgot the cut lmao
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Jamie is a secretly self-loathing insecure mess. Did you watch the show? not once, not ONCE has Jamie demonstrated self-loathing or a lack of self-confidence. He had to learn how to not treat other people like shit, not how to hate himself.
Roy is a perfect uwu bean who has never been mean in his life ever ever. again. have you watched this show? in season one he was a whole 38 year old grown ass adult legend in his own time beefing with a fucking 23 year old whose best insult was calling him granddad. be for fucking real. and he didn't even try to captain that team until Ted jedi mind gamed him into it because he was wallowing in self-pity. i love him, but season one Roy was absolutely as unbearable as season one Jamie, the narrative just emotionally manipulated us about it differently. that's what makes him interesting. perfect soft uwu bean boy is BORING stop trying to convince me Roy is boring
Ted is depressed and suicidal and sacrificing his happiness in kansas. Shut the entire fuck up. That man was yelling about how homesick he was for kansas every chance he had for the entire run of the show. Also related is the "ted gave up his entire richmond family and support system to go back to kansas" hmm did he though? Realistically, did he really develop a close knit community and support system in richmond? other than the diamond dogs, whom he routinely ignored? all of his interactions with the wider richmond community (the pub, the shopkeepers, etc) were superficial. he never even learned to drive there. he never put down roots there and he didn't want to, because he wanted to go home to Henry, and he wanted to go home to KANSAS. don't even talk to me about the rebecca soulmates thing you can still be friends with people even if you don't live in the same country
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified that you actually kind of like…
Nate/Jade. look, my feelings about nate are complicated because they dropped the ball on showing instead of telling, which is bullshit because nick mohammed woulda ATE. i subscribe to the theory that they had a much more expansive storyline planned for Nate and rethought it after being surprised by how vitriolic and racist the hate was after season 2. unFORTUNATELY, that meant they didn't close the loop on what they already did, and tried to fill the gap with a girlfriend, which is a trope i loathe. on the other hand, Jade is fucking awesome and i can't help liking them and the way she affectionately trolls him mercilessly. i'm not even getting into the idiots on this hellsite trying to insist that Jade's behavior towards him was racist. she's a customer service employee who's seen a million insecure men trying to play games in her face and she treated him accordingly until he quit it with his nonsense, and then she gave him a chance because Nate is actually lovely when he's squashing his tendency to be a vicious cruel jerk
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
10 - Closest to His Heart
Tumblr media
Princess Red Thief
Part 11
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
The door of my prison cell cracked open where I lifted my head up from being buried in my knees. Two guards were standing on the outside of the door. One stepped forward grabbing me up off the floor. They led me through the castle until we entered the grand room with the large council table inside the Charming castle. "Have you finally come to your senses and are letting me go?"
"If you cooperate with what we are asking then we can consider letting you go." Charming rose from his chair wearing silver armor and a brown fur cloak over his shoulders.
I slumped my shoulders rattling around the chains on my wrists that were metal. "I haven't done anything wrong. I knew about his deal with Cinderella but that is all."
"Charming, maybe she is telling the truth. Maybe we should believe what she is telling us." Snow spoke, touching her stomach. She was wearing a long white dress and white gloves on her hands.
Charming put his hands on the table eyeing me sternly. "Just focus on answering our questions."
"What's your questions?"
He asked. "What do you know about the Dark Curse? The curse that will rip us from this land."
"He told you about that. He…Regina's going to be the one to cast it. That's what his plan has been all along."
Charming sent me a look.  "What is the curse designed for and how do we stop it?"
"Stop it. You can't stop it."
Snow made a concerned face at my answer. "What do you mean we can't stop it?"
"A part of the thing you have to do to cast the curse is to sacrifice the heart of the thing you love the most. If Regina does that once she finds the rest of the ingredients there's nothing you can do to end it."
Snow rubbed her hands over her stomach that was getting bigger meaning you could tell she was pregnant. "Everly, you must know more than that. You've studied under him for years. Is there nothing else you can tell us?"
"Hmm there's one thing we've been working on before you locked him away. We were creating a trigger for our memories to come back."
"Like something that could help you remember who you truly are. Snow trails off in her thoughts.
Charming bent his head down, sighing heavily and gestures to the guards that were standing behind me waiting for his next orders. "Release her."
"Ah! why do you trust me now?" I rubbed my wrists since they were sore once the cuffs dropped to the floor with a metal clanking.
Snow lifted her head. "Because you have a good heart. So what object are you using in the hopes of bringing your memory back?"
"By putting a memory spell over this, my grandmother's ring that she gave to me before she passed away." I reached my hand down the front of my tunic revealing the simple piece of jewelry to the prince and princess. "It's the closest thing to my heart."
Turning the doorknob of the shop I stepped inside the shop hours before we were supposed to open it for today's business. I walked through the pawnshop going to the back room searching through the desk for a certain key. Picking up the key I held it in between my thumb and index finger forgetting that I had a key to his house.
The trip to Gold's house was fairly easy since the town was still asleep at nearly two in the morning. Standing in front of his front door I slipped the key in the hole unlocking it. "I can't believe I'm doing this right now. Jefferson is trying to get me arrested for this." I muttered to myself recalling what he and Henry had told me to look for.
Creeping around the nearest corner I ended up down the long hallway and into one of the open bedrooms. Drawing my flashlight around the room I came to a closet with suits all hung up inside. Daringly I pondered on what Jefferson and Henry had said a second time, something that made it very obvious where the necklace could be kept. "As close to his heart as it could possibly be."
Heading back down the hallway I snuck inside the bedroom with the door cracked shut luckily not making a sound. There was a master bed in the center of the room with Gold sleeping under the covers in a black night shirt. A chair was in the corner with his suit he'd worn yesterday laying on it. A mirror on the corner with a hock chest at the foot of the bed. Finally I saw the bedside nightstand when I pointed my flashlight at it.
Moving forward as quiet as a mouse I made it to the nightstand hearing Gold snoring lightly by me. I prayed to myself that he was a deep sleeper and wouldn't wake up. "Oh my gosh…he has it here. Why wouldn't it be in the shop?" I muttered under my breath picking up the golden chain, letting the attached ring with a silver gemstone in the middle be visible to me.
"Hmm...Eve. What are you doing here?" I heard a grunkle voice of Gold pull me from my daze.
I cursed under my breath bolting towards the doorway with the ring in my grasp. "Shit!"
I didn't bother looking back knowing he couldn't run to catch up with me. Yet he would likely be calling Emma the new sheriff and lock me up for stealing from me and breaking into his house. I ran getting back to my car slamming on the gas driving out into the middle of the woods. Getting out of the car I kept moving my boots across the dirt ground
Slamming my body into the side of the nearest tree I grunted opening my right palm with the ring laying inside of it. "What are you doing to me?" I grunted until a sharp pain rang through my head.
"I'm a fan of true love, dearie."
Holding my head with one hand I winced clutching the ring in my other hand. My vision began to blur in front of me where I took a step forward before my entire body collapsed.
Prince Charming swims to shore. We were standing near the fire watching him jump out of Maleficent's castle after putting an egg inside the dragon. "Impressive, dearie. Very impressive, indeed. Come warm yourself." Rumple complimented the prince.
Prince Charming stumbled out of the water walking up to us. "I have done what you've asked. Return my ring to me."
"Of course â€" you're in a bit of a rush. How rude of me." Rumplestilskin takes out the ring."With this… Prince Charming… You will find her."
Rumpelstiltskin hands Prince Charming the ring before the green gem glowed bright green. "Thank you."
"Good luck with waking her up." I called out to the prince seeing him begin walking towards his horse. I was wearing a red tunic shirt and some brown trousers with some short brown leather boots.
Rumpelstiltskin tapped his chin magically transformed his outfit into something more fitting. "Something's missing. Now, you're ready for your big moment."
"Why do you want us together? What do you get out of it?" Charming pushed the black cap eyeing his red and white outfit.
Rumpelstiltskin smirked at the prince with a grin. "I'm a fan of true love, dearie. And, more importantly, what it creates." Charming climbed on his horse leaving us alone together.
The wind blew my loose hair in front of my eyes till I brushed it away. "So what do we do now?"
"I actually need to tell you something now that we are alone together." My magic teacher turned on his feet with the wind catching his fur cloak he wore.
Knitting my brows at him with confusion. "What do you need to tell me?"
"I never thought I'd love again till I met you, Red thief. You should know before the day comes and Regina tries for the ultimate revenge." Rumple stepped forward until we were almost chest to chest with one another.
I felt my face turning red at the thought of deciding if he wished to kill me in the next second then he would easily do so. "Does that mean you won't kill me if I kiss you?"
"So long as no one finds out I have a weakness, dearie." He smirked, closing the gap first to my surprise and I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. A few minutes afterwards a puff of purple smoke surrounded us and we were transported back to his castle. My back somehow hit a soft bed and he was hovering above me when we broke for air. "Eve."
"Rumple, are we really going to do this?" My arms were still around his neck as his brown eyes focused on my gaze.
He paused a second before he spoke his next words. He usually always had some snarky remarks back except now. "Only if you want to, Everly. Just say the word and I'll stop."
"Don't stop, Rumple, make love to me." I whispered before he connected our lips again with every bit of our clothing being thrown across the room until that next morning.
Blinking my eyes open the first thing I saw was darkness and only a small light being provided by a dusty old lamp on the side table. I shifted my body onto my left arm feeling slightly dizzy still from being unconscious. Footsteps entered the wooden cabin room and the figure sat down on the edge of the bed in the light. "There's no need to be afraid, Eve. You just hit your head a little when you blacked out."
"I'm not afraid. I'm with you, Rum....Gold." I hesitated and changed my answer trying to recall if he was awake or not from the curse.
He was always so clear at hiding his plans. He certainly must be even better at hiding the fact he knows who he really is. Gold touches my hand with his and I see the ring necklace now around his neck. "Is there something you want to tell me, dear?"
"I think you already know the answer to your own question....dearie." I smirked, doing my best impression of him when the word slipped past my lips.
A huge smile grazed across his face and relief washed over the Dark One's features. "Everly."
"Rumple." I giggled so relieved that we had finally both woken up from the curse and it was now up to us to get Emma to believe and save everyone else, especially when a certain someone was coming in the near future. Lifting my freehand up to my stomach, our eyes focused on the growing roundness of my stomach. "Do you think the curse affected it?"
Rumple shook his head no, looping his fingers with my hand gently. "I don't know but we'll figure it out together, princess Red Thief."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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I wanted to make a post outlining the Glennry Tangled AU. It is VERY long so it’s going under the cut. And when I say long I mean 3k+ words
The prophecy of the Unsung Hero is a bit different here. I haven’t written it out yet, but it involves the Doodler being released into a host, much like Scary in the Church but a permanent residence. The secret Cult of the Doodler from Neverwinter is now an Order within Oakvale’s palace, Barry the head of operations. He believes his child is the one prophesied to become this all powerful god’s human host. Also, Oakvale is pretty much just Corona, it’s not the commune like in DnDads.
Nearing the end of her pregnancy, Autumn falls ill, so then like the movie the hunt for the Sundrop flower begins. Willy has been guarding the flower for himself for who knows how long, determined to use its powers to live forever. And unfortunately like Gothel, the flower is ‘taken from him’ and whisked away to the palace.
Henry is born not too long after. Within the prophecy is something that alludes to Henry being kidnapped but one day returning ‘when the time is right’, so Barry essentially lets it happen. There’s some kind of dialogue between him and Willy. Barry conveys to him what he believes to be this stranger’s role in destiny but Willy’s like “I don’t give a shit about your stupid prophecy I just want the flower back”. But the flower is a part of Henry now, so his only option is to steal this baby.
He and Barry strike a deal. Willy can keep the ‘flower’ for now, but when the time comes Henry will return to the castle to become a vessel for the Doodler. They agree on sharing the power of the Doodler when it happens, both planning on betraying the other to keep it for themselves. For now it’s just these two slimy assholes that see this baby as something to protect and take care of but for all the wrong reasons. A means to an end with containing the Doodler in a manipulatable container and a source of magic to live forever. But not a child. Not a person.
So Henry grows up in the secluded tower with Willy. A false love, for the power inside him rather than the person who holds it, but it’s not like Henry knows that yet. I want him to still have Rapunzel’s love of painting here, which isn’t too important to the story, but he’s a painter here instead of geologist (which let’s be honest, how the hell would he do that while locked in a tower lol). Also before I forget to add it somewhere else, Pascal is Erin. There’s nothing really that different besides the name change .(idea from @/supremely-unsupervised tyyyy)
Enter Glenn: wanted thief going by a fake name but I don’t know what yet. Could just be Flynn Rider but idk if I can think of something different that ties back to DnDads. Anyways, Glenn is his Eugene, not the name on the wanted posters. The object he steals instead of the Lost Prince’s crown is some important relic, an ornate knife, that's to be used in the future Doodler Vessel ceremony. This will be important later on when they’re in Oakvale and meet Barry for the first time.
The plot follows the movie pretty closely for a while here. Henry asks to leave the tower, Willy says the outside world is too dangerous. Glenn is chased down by Darryl as Maximus (yes. Darryl is the horse). Glenn finds the tower and tries to hide out there, but Henry knocks him out with a frying pan. He attempts to show Glenn to Willy upon his return, wanting to prove he can handle himself in the outside world. Willy blows up and refuses to let Henry leave the tower. Henry instead asks for the paint made from white shells as a gift, which sends Willy on a three-day journey.
Henry strikes a deal with Glenn: the relic in exchange for taking him to see the lights. Here, the lights are a more a marker that one day the Lost Prince will return, rather than hope that he will. Thousands of lanterns in the night sky every year on his birthday, calling out to him that they’re awaiting his return. On the way, Glenn stops by the Snuggly Duckling (which I’ve been calling the Ugly Duckling on accident this whole time oops), run by his friend, Ron. This scene is less an attempt to scare Henry and more a trial run to interacting with society since Henry’s only had Willy before Glenn came along. Really, Glenn just wants to stop by and talk to Ron again. Henry is introduced to all of the regulars they hang out there as often as Glenn (all the characters from the digital scene, they aren’t replaced with DnDads characters). Henry’s very intimidated by them at first, but everyone is very nice which surprises him (so imagine all their softer sides they reveal during ‘I Have A Dream’ except they’re just like that from the start).
Meanwhile, Willy runs into Darryl. Quickly suspicious of why a palace horse would be out here, he runs back to the tower and finds Henry gone. Enraged, he thinks Barry betrayed him by taking Henry back early. He then finds the relic Glenn stole and forms a plan to use this as leverage against Barry to get Henry back and still hold the power over the Doodler in the end.
Cut back to the Snuggly Duckling. Ron, Glenn, and Henry talk for a while before the royal guard barges in looking for Glenn. Ron helps them quietly escape but Darryl continues to sniff them out like the bloodhound of a horse he is. Glenn and Henry are trying to run from the royal guard but are now trapped in a flooding cave. In what seems like their dying breaths, Glenn reveals that his actual name is Glenn Close. Which doesn’t make sense as a sentence but like. You know what I’m saying. Henry says he has magic hair that glows when he sings, and then he realizes he can use that to find their way out of the water, singing his tune just as the water closes over them completely. They narrowly escape the blocked up cave, heaving their way onto the riverbank.
Cut to them sitting by the fire. Henry heals Glenn’s hand from clawing their way out of the cave. He talks about how Willy told him that when he was little, people wanted his magic for themselves, so Willy hid him away where Henry would be safe. He then turns the conversation back to Glenn’s name reveal. Whatever the name is that Glenn was using beforehand, Flynn Rider or something else, it was a character he’d read about in a book as a kid. Same story as Eugene, this kid who had nothing and this character had everything. After they talk, Willy comes out from the trees and approaches Henry, warning him that he won’t like what he finds in Oakvale. Telling him that he should just come back home to their tower. Henry refuses, but Willy only came to start planting seeds of doubt in Henry that everyone else is out to get him and that Willy is all he can trust. This is where we start to diverge a lot from 1-1 with the Tangled plot. Unlike the movie, he doesn’t give Henry the relic. It’s too big of a leverage to practically hand back to Barry because Willy knows eventually Henry will meet with him if they go into Oakvale. He’s counting on Henry learning the truth about Barry and running back ‘home’ to him.
The next morning, Darryl tracks down Glenn and attempts to arrest him (as well as a horse can do that), but Henry calls for a birthday truce, which Darryl reluctantly agrees to. They enter Oakvale and participate in the festival held during the day before the lantern lightings. And now Henry gets his hair braided yayyy they don’t have to carry around all that hair anymore good lord. Alsoooooo maybe maybe might throw in some NPC kids to braid his hair but not Lark and Sparrow (I’ll have something else about them at the end). They’d be more visual easter eggs than the actual kids of the dads because only Ron here could logically be a father to one of them at this point. And Darryl is literally a horse.
Now the Cult of the Doodler and all knowledge of the prophecy regarding Henry is only known within the palace walls, and the common folk of the kingdom are under the impression Henry died shortly after birth. They see the lanterns as a way to honor the prince’s life. The festival during the day was never originally a part of the lantern lightings, but as time went on and people forgot it was originally a memorial, it became more about the lanterns as a holiday than anything to do with the prince.
They come across the large wall mosaic, that of what might be the king and queen of this place holding a newborn baby. Henry, curious about the portrait, asks a bystander about it. They explain that, although the festival has overpowered its original intent, each year on the prince’s birthday the entire kingdom lights lanterns. And Henry looks to the mosaic, and to all his surroundings, and something clicks about the crest he sees everywhere. The Sun plastered on every surface imaginable is the same Sun he’s been painting all over the walls back in the tower. Unsure of himself, afraid of a certain possibility, Henry asks how old the prince is. The villager answers that he passed away twenty years ago right after he was born. Shakily, Henry thanks her for her time and tugs at Glenn to follow him.
Once standing somewhere slightly more private, Henry voices his anxieties. He has the same birthday as the prince; not just the day but the years as well. He points out all the Suns hanging around them. And he points out that the man in the mosaic looks a lot like him. And in his ramble he confesses to Willy visiting the other night when Glenn had walked off, warning Henry “he might not like what he finds in Oakvale”. Unsure of how to comfort Henry in this moment, Glenn begins to speak— he’s cut short by a royal guard. Both of them panic, cornered, but the guard assures them neither have anything to worry about. He only comes to deliver a message: the King wishes to speak with them. And he addresses Henry by name, though it was never given to him. Hard cut to Barry watching from a lower tower, his eyes following Henry as he walks towards the castle.
They’re lead down a hallway filled with various portraits of previous rulers, all looking too much like Henry and ramping up his anxieties. He feels Glenn take his hand, a small comfort letting him know he’s not braving this alone. When they reach their intended room, the door open to the man from the mosaic.
“Welcome home, Henry.”
Lottttttttsssss of talk talk talk here. Barry explains that he knew Henry would return to him today. In fact, he’s been keeping watch since this morning. He’d instructed his guards to let them enjoy the festivities, after all it’s a party in his honor, whether the rest of the kingdom remembers that or not. He wanted to let Henry come to him, but if he did not realize on his own then his guards had permission to guide him once the sun started its descent. Enraged, confused, multiple emotions boiling over at once, Henry demands an explanation for whatever the hell this all is. Barry explains a bit about the prophecy to Henry. How Henry was to be taken away until he was old enough to play his part. Not outright saying that Willy stole him away, but Barry does bring up that Willy’s role was to guard and protect Henry all this time until fate saw fit he return. Henry asks what could possibly be so important, what fate, that his apparent birth father willingly gave him up for someone else to raise. Barry then starts on the Doodler. Insert full prophecy here and how all of it is coming to pass, and then Barry turns to Glenn. He asked for the knife. Seeing the confusion and worry on Glenn’s face, Barry explains that the relic he stole is to be used in the summoning of the Doodler. That a bond is to be broken not only by ripping a god into this dimension but a bond broken between they who spills the vessel’s blood. Barry believes Glenn to be the one who is supposed to cut Henry.
Glenn doesn’t have the knife. In a flicker that only Henry notices, Barry’s eye twitches. Barry repeats himself that they need the knife for the ceremony. Glenn insists he doesn’t have the knife, that it got left back at— he doesn’t say. All of this is bullshit and they don’t have to listen to Barry. He’s not going to participate in some crazy cult ritual and he’s certainly not going to hurt his friend. With a heavy sigh, Barry orders for Glenn and Henry to be taken away. Clearly the ceremony cannot commence but he’s not letting them leave before the knife gets back to them. Immediately Glenn throws a punch at the guard who moved to grab him and yells at Henry to run. The two scramble to make their way out of the room, run down the halls, and out of the castle to the crowded streets where all the lanterns are being prepared. Weaving in and out of the packed streets as guards chase them. Darryl sees them running, but also who they’re running from. Loyalties divided as a guard tries to mount him, he runs away in panic not knowing who to choose. A guard catches Glenn, who screams for Henry to keep running. With tears in his eyes, Henry keeps going.
By the time he’s reached the forest, he’s exhausted. Henry collapses at the edge of the woods, crying as the night sky lights up with lanterns. Yeah that’s right they don’t get their cute boat scene where they almost kiss. Unfortunate. Maybe I’ll rework some other scene in earlier where they almost kiss but idk where that would go.
From the shadows, Willy. The only person he can turn to and one of the only people he can trust, Henry lets his ‘father’ lead him back home.
Meanwhile, Glenn is being led to a cell he’ll be locked away in. Barry might have given him a pass had Glenn played his part, but the knife is missing and now so is Henry again so they’ll just put him in jail until he wants to talk and tell them where the knife and Henry are. Barry monologues a bit to him, and here Glenn learns more about Willy. He realizes that Willy was only using Henry too, but also that Willy knows about all the Doodler shit and the knife is back at the tower (as far as he knows, but all the same Willy has it and can use it).
And then the doors around them close. The slot opens and Ron speaks from the other side, asking for the password. Barry, seemingly calm as ever, demands for the door to be opened. This scene is pretty much the same in that all the characters from the Snuggly Duckling show up to help Glenn escape, led by Darryl who brought them all there. Riding Darryl, Glenn races back to the tower to save Henry from Willy.
Everything from here plays pretty much the same. Instead of realizing he’s the Lost Prince, Henry comes to the realization that Willy was using him too. That his whole life he’s been seen as nothing but an object to be handed back and forth. He just learned his actual father willingly abandoned him only hoping he’d return like cattle for slaughter. And then the whiplash of realizing this guy who’s raised him his whole life, the man he ran back to when there was nobody else to trust, that there was never any love at all. He’s seen Henry as an object from the beginning as well. Henry’s just that damned flower and Willy has been keeping him hidden in his cage.
And Henry sits there and realizes that nobody has ever seen him as himself. Maybe Glenn did, but he’s probably dead by now. And it’s all Henry’s fault but Glenn saw Henry for him.
So the only person Henry has to trust is himself. He refuses to let Willy use him any longer. He’s tired of it all. But Willy won’t take no for an answer. He talks about how he always planned to cross Barry in the end, but he never thought it’d be this easy. All the work was practically done for him. He stands in front of the window, blocking any exit Henry has to escape, and pulls out the ceremonial knife. They won’t do it here, not when people know where this tower is now (because as far as Willy knows, Glenn could’ve told Barry where the tower is) so it’s too risky to perform the ceremony here, but Willy insists they will be summoning the Doodler into Henry and that they’re leaving now.
The rest follows pretty close to the story again from here. Glenn gets to the tower, only to find Henry bound and gagged while Willy fatally stabs him from behind. Willy tries to drag Henry away and out of the tower, but Henry continues to fight against Willy. He insists he’ll never stop trying to get away from him, but if Willy lets him heal Glenn, he’ll go willingly. Willy reluctantly agrees to this. Henry rushes to Glenn’s side, but before he can heal him, Glenn cuts Henry’s hair with a shard from a mirror that broke in Henry and Willy’s earlier struggle. Horrified, Willy begins to age rapidly, trips, and falls from the tower, hitting the ground as a pile of dust.
As the magic dies alongside Glenn, tears begin to stream down Henry’s face. The last of the flower falls with it and onto Glenn, which heals him and saves his life.
I’m not sure how I’d wrap it up from here. Do they run away to another kingdom, far away from Barry and anything to do with the Doodler? Is Barry somehow thrown out of power and the Cult of the Doodler destroyed, leaving Henry to take over if he wishes? I don’t know. But what I do know is that these two get a happy ending. A soft, domestic life where they adopt two beautiful boys that they name Lark and Sparrow. Henry teaches them how to paint (favored more by Sparrow) and Glenn teaches them how to fight and defend themselves.
I don’t know how it happens but I would want Barry overthrown immensely. I want Henry to reunite with his mother who played no part in this. I want Darryl to be everyone’s friend who’s also a horse. I want the Snuggly Duckling to become a much frequented pub where they all hang out. I had a silly idea that Ron makes Darryl a special “horse beer” that’s just a wheatgrass juice.
Anyways I think that’s pretty much everything. This AU has been plaguing me since the idea first popped in my head. I’m glad I managed to outline at least one of my AUs entirely lol.
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anincompletelist · 10 months
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2023 year in review :D
THANK YOU @kiwiana-writes for always including me <3 I adore you and it was so much fun to see all that you've accomplished this year!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. There are no rules!
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233, 369 words published to ao3 (+ like another 80k depending on when bridesmaids is posted hehe)
2 published fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue (book), One Direction (soldouthaz)
most recent work: this guy, the prequel to this dude <3
longest published fic: (for rwrb) praying our bridges don't make waves (82k)
longest published oneshot: Sure As the Stars in the Sky (20k)
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bridesmaids is currently at 75k
hitman au is currently at 15k
speak easy / poet henry is currently at 20k
diabetic alex au is currently at 7k
part two of this fic (dom!alex) is currently at 5k
+ about another 60k of random drabbles and unfinished snippets
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but if you could see us from a distance, you'd know I've always been so close to you (E, 10k, 743 kudos)
Objectively, standing half-soaked from rainwater with a stitch in his side and an uncomfortable, raging hard-on outside his worst enemy’s door is not Henry’s finest moment. It’s not even on the list. [or, henry is afflicted with a curse-gone-wrong that stipulates that only his sworn enemy, alex claremont-diaz, can touch him.]
praying our bridges don't make waves (E, 82k, 642 kudos)
When June gets sick, Alex knows he'll do whatever it takes to make sure she gets the care that she needs. Even if that means convincing his nemesis/sexuality-crisis-inducing/clandestine hook-up partner/somewhat of an actual friend to pretend to be his soulmate in order to pull it off. It's both more and less complicated than it sounds.
I'll bet it all on me and you, I'll bet it all you're bulletproof (M, 11k, 527 kudos)
“Let’s do this,” he says. “Let’s,” Alex agrees, pushing down on the handle until the door swings open. “After you, boyfriend.” This is most definitely not his finest idea. Henry usually practices much better self preservation skills. Much better common senseskills. He steps over the threshold of Alex’s room and it feels like sealing his fate. They’re doing this for Alex to win over their bosses in a lighthearted game with a harmless lie, but Henry can’t fight off the bitter knowledge that, regardless of how tonight goes, Alex will be fine, but Henry has so much to lose.
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total kudos: 4,495
total comment threads: 449
total bookmarks: 1,922
total subscriptions: 292
total word count: 223, 369.
total hits: 53, 676
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firstprince first kisses (6 works, 57k, incomplete/ongoing)
the place lightning hits ground (1 work, 12k, incomplete)
everybody needs someone (2 works, 24k, completed)
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current wips that have word counts:
bridesmaids au
hitman alex
poet henry
diabetic alex au
truman show au
boxer alex au
soft dom henry for this series
part 2 of soft dom alex for this series too
current wips that are on the to-do list:
happiest season au
rival wineries au
alex is medusa, henry is midas
museum guide henry / substitute teacher alex
+ sooooo many little unrelated one shot and drabble ideas and more for this series
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I just posted this fic earlier today:
take my hand if you can take me as i am (E, 14k)
It would hurt less, Alex guesses, if he wasn’t head over heels for the guy he’s supposed to be fucking through an ancient one-sided sex curse with that was partially — a lot, actually — his own fault. But. It’s not like there’s a fucking handbook. Alex has looked.
and bridesmaids is in the final stretch and will most likely begin posting early january, if not the end of this month!
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my ao3
my spotify
general fic recs + reblogs
my rec lists
fic rec fridays
my wips + updates/snippets
my edits
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oh boy okay first off PLEASE DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED TO DO THIS but also I would LOVE to give all of ya'll a chance to brag on yourselves if you're up for it!
so consider this an OPEN TAG but also @affectionatelyrs @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @daisymae-12 @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @raysletters @heybuddy-drabbles @rockyroadkylers @sparklepocalypse @zwiazdziarka @littlemisskittentoes @getmehighonmagic @magicandarchery and anyone else who would like to do this! pls tag me so I can come scream at you (affectionately!)
I'm so ridiculously grateful for you guys and for this space to create and connect in, and I can't wait to take all of this lovely energy into next year as well. I'm so excited for everything we all have coming! :D
I hope you guys are all doing well!
-sarah / anincompletelist
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Ok so a Thought occured and it's like... half a joke? Half not? Like idk if the concept is funny, per se, but it's something adjacent to it.
Anyway! I figured I'd throw it at you since you're the resident Evan support blog and all that
Concept: Glamrock Freddy's personality as shown in Security Breach is also the generic Freddy personality that has been consistent across all iterations, beginning with Fredbear.
Secondly, by either Henry's absurd engineering talent that's fueled by hope and love or whatever, or through just years of being a beloved mascot, the animatronics can develop souls of their own.
All this is leading up to the idea that, when the Bite happens, Evan is immediately greeted with an "Oh No Superstar D':ß"
there's so many things about this that I'm obsessing with. First thing that literally flew up and smacked me in the face when I read this was Fredbear being loving and just so horrified that Evan died and his soul is stuck there now, is that Fredbear must not have wanted to chomp down on Evan's head but was forced to do it anyway. This implies that the animatronics' souls are as much a prisoner within the animatronics as the children's souls are. If their programming says they are going to do or say something, they must do or say that thing no matter what, even if it results in something they would never have wanted. Literally obsessed with that. Also raises the question of whether the souls are inside the endoskeletons or the suits or both. Does their consciousness only exist so long as their endoskeletons are in place and turned on? Is being conscious synonymous with being trapped in their own body? Or can they take control over their bodies when the endos/programming is off? Do they choose to sacrifice the only control they have to let the kids take over at night after the murders? Or do the kids not give them a choice?
Also thinking about Spring Bonnie in this case. Would S Bonnie be conscious of what William is doing with the suit? Would S Bonnie be against it? Or would William's hatred and sadism rub off on S Bonnie's soul in a similar way to how Henry and the customer's love brought the souls into existence in the first place, turning S Bonnie into a sadistic creature as well? Emotions have a tendency to attach themselves to objects in this fandom, if i understand the lore correctly
Also, just. Just. All the times Fredbear would have seen Evan before the Bite. Like how many times did he see Evan cowering under a table during a performance or watch Evan run away from him in sobbing terror while a worker was walking around in the Fredbear suit, and no matter how much Fredbear wanted to assure Evan that he would be okay over the years, he never could because he just. didn't have control over his body. How much would it have hurt to see Evan so scared of him for so long, to feel like it was all his fault, and never be able to do anything to fix it. And then the Bite happens, and Fredbear has to watch Evan be dragged kicking and screaming and crying closer and closer, listening to Evan beg for mercy that would never be granted, and Fredbear just. couldn't do anything about it. not even when Evan's head was inside the animatronics mouth and Fredbear's programming was screaming "close upper jaw now."
And then Evan's dead, and he becomes one with his greatest fear, but Fredbear finally has the opportunity to interact in a more meaningful way. He does take up the opportunity to comfort Evan, but he wishes that Evan was still alive and that cruel thing had never happened, but he's forced to recognize that Evan's life was little more than one cruel thing stacked upon another cruel thing. It's a complicated mess and Evan's still scared of him, but Fredbear decides that the least he can do is give Evan what little comfort he can, whenever he can now that he actually has the means to do so.
And don't even get me started on the possibility that Fredbear's personality was so openly fatherly and loving. Imagine being poor Evan when your father hands you that Fredbear plush. Your father who can be so mean that it scares you hands you this symbol of fatherly love and devotion, and you take it to mean that he loves you; you're so starved for love, in fact, that Fredbear becomes your favorite character of the Freddy's gang because now every time you look at him, you get reminded of your father handing you that plush as though saying he loves you as much as Fredbear loves kids, too. Except it was never a symbol of William's love. Just a camera and nothing more.
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ink demonth day 8
WARNINGS: one swear at the end
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49229461
length: short (1k)
gift for @ichaisme
Years ago, Joey gifted Henry a pen. It goes missing, but he gets it back. It comes back... different.
Henry clicked his pen repeatedly, not to annoy anyone- Joey’s specially made pen for him, along with custom engravings, has a special dual spring mechanism to make the nib’s protrusion and retraction more silent than a gust of wind. He was, quite frankly, just a bit more stressed than usual, but that minor stress found its way out through the rapid fire clicks of his pen. 
Yet training needed to be done, and so the pen had to be put away, and his stress would have to be exerted through physical exercise and ability. 
He did not notice that it was missing until his stress built back up three days later. 
Then the mild panic kicked in- he knew that there was no way it had gotten off the train, as the corridors in between each car had special anomalous properties keeping it all within the system. Though when he checked the bin any fallen object would have ended up in, he came up with absolutely nothing- which was not assuring in the slightest. He took to asking around, though he was largely disappointed by responses. The only one that remotely put him at ease was Johan, who had told him not to worry about it, that Johan would find it. 
With that guarantee in place, he was not happy, but he was certainly reassured. Whenever Johan made a promise, he fulfilled it, and that was that.
Henry sighed and leaned against Joey.
“Any luck?” his love asked, and he was forced to shake his head and mumble what Johan had told him. Joey nodded, brow furrowed slightly, and snaked his fingers between Henry’s and gave him a little squeeze. “Well, I’m sure Jo will find it then. He is really good at picking up… lost objects, so to speak. So… I guess you’re in the clear for now, then.”
“I don’t understand how I lost it in the first place,” Henry grumbled, rubbing his face. “But… it’s fine. You’re right. I should relax now, but… that pen means a lot to me.”
A beat of silence.
“You mean a lot to me.”
Joey turned to look at Henry, who was intently examining his features. He felt a blush trickling into his face, his face that Henry cupped and gently tugged towards himself. Joey melted before their kiss, and then melted again as they met in the middle, leaning against the larger of the two. Henry’s free hand gently made itself a grounding force on Joey’s side, and they simply breathed each other’s air for a long, tranquil moment. Henry could at last feel himself calming down. 
“It’s not about the pen itself, you know,” Henry murmured as they pulled apart. Joey, smiling softly, with a touch of bewilderment and self wonder in his eye, whispered back, “I know.” 
He kissed him once again. 
Finally at ease, Henry tried to put the pen out of his thoughts, but his mind kept being drawn to the day he had received it from Joey, how prideful yet nervous his partner had been, what it meant to them, to finally have a studio of their own- and then clinging desperately to that pen when it all turned to ash and dust. For that pen was a sign of his and Joey’s success, a binding catalytic element that had been solidly there for him, even when he had to replace mechanisms and ink, the casing remained the same, and it was… assuring. 
Henry opened the door to their bedroom, and saw a bright glint of gold on his bed. 
Of course, Johan would not be content to return the pen just as it was. Henry’s smile crawled onto his face as he beheld the gorgeous restoration that the craftsman had put it through. The wear and tear was not eliminated, no, but it was carefully worked so that points of comfort and use became even more beautiful, etched carefully and with swirls and dotted lines. Henry sighed with contentment, smiling at the pen happily. Yes, it was a fantastic pen. 
It took a few months, but Henry found he no longer had to replace the ink in the pen, nor did the nib ever wear. It was fascinating for him to realize that change, and he could not help but grin with wonder at the change, telling Joey about it to the man’s amazement. It was a fantastic shift. 
It did little to prepare him for the other anomalous property that had been added to his pen. 
Sitting and simmering with rage at a group of touchy individuals who refused to take their hands off of Joey, Henry only wanted to sit and draw to quell his angered thoughts. 
Instead, he was staring now with surprise at the stiletto that had come out of his pen’s head. Trying to process what this newfound tool was, he pressed it to the paper and found it cut through like a hot knife through warm butter- swift and with supernatural ease. He gawked at it, feeling a slight smile twitching onto his lips even through his shock. He clicked the pen again, and hey presto, it was back to being an ordinary writing utensil. 
Johan. Johan, Johan. What on earth did you do?
Henry quickly went to go find the circus manager, knowing that he had to have been behind the pen’s new attributes. After all, no one else had touched it aside from whoever had taken the pen, and he knew that no one in their vicinity besides Johan had such aptitude when it came to switching the ordinary into the extraordinary. 
He found the young man playing guitar again, and waited patiently for him to finish his song before confronting him on the change. 
Johan blushed and smiled nervously, tilting his head.
“Do you like it?” he asked. Henry stared at him before smiling slightly, and replied, “you know, I do.” 
Atabulus, looking at his nails in the corner, remarked; “Told you. Bitches love knives.” 
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🎁 I come bearing gift ideas 🎁
- Thomas strikes me as one of those people who has a wishlist of games he’s been meaning to play but hasn’t gotten around to actually buying for himself, and he just keeps adding to it so some of those games have been on that list for years and he’s pretty much forgotten about them being on it at all. So somebody giving him anything on that list would be a pleasant surprise (source: I am one of those people, my friends have done this multiple times)
- Edward seems like the type who’d appreciate something homemade or handcrafted, no matter what it is or how it looks. He’d treasure it because it was made with love and it’s from someone he cares about.
- Henry might appreciate some new gardening tools, like a new trowel or a set of good gardening gloves. Another idea for him is a bulb for an amaryllis, a large lily-like flower that grows well indoors during winter. They’re gorgeous when they bloom, and I’m sure he’d love to help it grow!
- Gordon… is tricky. He seems like the sort to say he doesn’t want/need anything, but you know he’d feel hurt if he didn’t get something meaningful. Personally, I have a headcanon that he really likes butterscotch candy, but that’s not something he goes around telling people. After all, he’s an engine, engines don’t need food, it isn’t proper… but he can’t help popping one in his mouth when he needs a pick-me-up and thinks no one he knows is around to notice. And if a certain someone did notice, well…
- James would probably like things he can use to spoil himself. A specific shade of nail polish from his favorite brand, a warm blanket he can wrap himself in, a pair of nice slippers to wear around the house, things like that.
- Percy is someone I headcanon as being really into Lego. Like, he’s got completed builds set up all over his room and is always on the lookout for a new challenging set to build in his spare time. Can’t go wrong with a cool Lego set for Percy.
- Emily is another tricky one, because she seems like the kind of person who just goes out and gets most of the things she wants herself, just in general. So a good gift for her might be an experience rather than an object; a gift certificate to a new local restaurant, tickets to a concert, vouchers for a spa day, something like that. She’d probably love it even more if it were something she could do with the person who gave her the gift in the first place.
🎁 I put way too much thought into this okay bye 🎁
Oh my gosh, I LOVE these! I don’t know, anon, if you’ve read my fic but I totally made Thomas a video game nerd (also like me) and the idea of getting him a game off his wishlist is BRILLIANT! Like he has a Switch and I’m sure his wishlist is humongous!
Edward is definitely a homemade gift guy, I’m taking that and running with it.
I know nothing about flowers, I could kill a cactus I’m such a bad green thumb. The bulb sounds like something his special someone would know.
OK OK you totally read my mind about Gordon and sweets so I’m gonna run with that one too 😂 but I also think he’d totally tear up with a homemade gift right? Cause he’s all prideful and a bit vain but like actual affection crumbles all the walls. Like he has a lot of good self-esteem but when others genuinely compliment him or make something for him he gets super emotional, but tries to hide it. Oh my gosh, thank you for this brain storming session!
James with like a Minky Couture blanket is now engraved in my mind. That luxury blanket in like a moulin rouge red, oh my Lady I’m living for it.
Percy is totally a LEGO guy! How have I not seen it?? Now I have to find a series to go with it. Like he has to have an entire collection whether it’s Lego City, Star Wars, Harry Potter, LotR, YES!!
Emily having a gift card and a ticket to experience something is also an amazing idea anon, I may need you for future advice because you are brilliant! It is my personal headcanon that Emily loves books. She’s basically Belle from Beauty and the Beast. So, maybe tickets to the theatre? I feel like that would like brighten her world.
Thanks for brainstorming with me anon, this has been amazing! I’m going to start working on it right away but I always welcome more! ♥️💙💜💛💚
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
I think Thor himself said that too “The Avengers are really good friends but the Guardians are a family” I love the Avengers too, it’s just like you said: the guardians have a special place in our hearts
“That's why even though they did get a good ending where nobody died, I both love and hate the fact that they split up at the end.” SAMEEEE! I wanted them to stay together forever 🥺
That’s what I thought too! To see how they built their world, how do they manage their relationships and everything. And they are so smart too, I mean they could communicate with Peter really fast even tho, they looked like they never ever saw anyone from outside their world
Right? Even 3 or 4 high schoolers (if I don’t remember it wrong) were beating another 🤔 That wasn’t very peaceful
That’s why I think the actors/actresses did perfect on not wanting to come back after James left, he created something so beautiful that I prefer things stay in that way. But to be honest, if he wants to come back and do something more with the Guardians I would totally watch it lol
And, related but not related? I’m curious about what James’s gonna do on DC now  🤔
Exactly. I always viewed the Avengers as a whole as coworkers. Some were good friends, like Nat and Clint or Thor and Bruce, but it never felt like a family. They saved the world a few times, went on some missions, and then did their own things separately.
Meanwhile, the Guardians were together all of the time after they became a team (that we know, at least.) They lived together on a ship and repeatedly said that they would die for and with each other. The only reason they ever separated (before GotG3) was because of forces much stronger than them, aka Thanos.
After that, they found themselves in different places with different goals and needs, so they decided to grow individually for a while to accomplish those goals. But despite that, there was no conflict like with the Avengers. It was clear to all of them that they still had affection and love for each other, and that they were still a family while being apart.
So while it is sad to see it all end, you're right to say it is something beautifully made. If James Gunn and the actors ever do decide to come back, I would really love to see what they each got up to. How Peter connects with his Grandad and Earth, what Rocket and the new Guardians do, what Nebula and Drax do on Knowhere, and what Mantis and her new pets get up to on their adventures. It would make for a great miniseries.
Same for the humanoid animals, too. While they were made to be perfect, they ended up becoming a lot like humans anyway. I would love to see how they developed their own culture and language while slowly also becoming more like humans and imperfect.
As for James Gunn and DC, I'm also pretty curious as to what he's going to do with it. I think it was kind of weird to get rid of Henry Cavill and not Ezra Miller. Objectively, Cavill's movies and portrayal of Superman were better than what Ezra did with the Flash.
If Cavill doesn't come back, it would be cool to see Tyler Hoechlin come into the main DC universe as Superman instead. From what I've seen, he does a pretty good job. It'd also be cool to see Grant Gustin as the Flash instead of Ezra, though he'd probably be tired of it considering he's been playing it for the past nine years.
Still, James Gunn has a pretty good track record of making great superhero movies. Outside of the Guardians, I liked his work with the Suicide Squad and Brightburn. I have some hope that he'll make DC movies that are at least fun to watch.
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writerfae · 1 year
Hi! I hope you don't mind that I'm sending another ask before you could answer the last one, but I think you'll really like this one (I hope).
So I just read your last Heads up seven up, and:
Okay, okay! Let me give you a small book report, because this is so cool!
When i write one of my favorite parts is connecting things with small but important details. It's like creating a chain. And i see this part as something very simular.
“Maybe it is the curse of our family,” she mused, “that in our attempt to escape our own misery, we cast misery upon those we care about.”
Henry did this.
There's also a detail I won't spoil for others but that also connects here. (If you know you know)
(Full transparency, I don't know that much about the Alder king yet because Henry and Aiden have my heart and time, but if i were to guess that will also connect here)
“Maybe”, Nyx continued. “if we would just work together instead of trying to solve all our problems alone, we could finally put an end to all that misery.”
Aiden stayed with Milan for years. Aiden went to look for his brother. Aiden has been doing what Nyx is saying here his whole life and this connection is why he's a great protagonist.
Or this is my interpretation, anywaysXD But even if I'm completely wrong, these elements do parallel echother, which is objectively great!
Hi! I don’t ever mind getting an ask from you, quite contrary ^^
I also love leaving small hints in my writing and connecting details! It’s really fun! Sometimes I even leave little hints without even realizing it, cause I’m so much into this story xD
You connected the dots very well here! Henry did indeed just what Nyx said. So did you-know-who ;) And so did Nyx’s mother.
But it is also true that the Alderking did something quite similar. Cause in the very beginning, it all started with the wish to bring his family closer together again.
I’ve been drawing little parallels from Henry to the Alderking right from the start. Though wildly different characters with different motivations and stories, they do have stuff in common. And I’m not just meaning the fact that they almost look alike.
The thing about this story is that protagonists and antagonists are not as different as they seem.
(For example, if just one detail about Henry’s backstory would change, if he was raised by his father instead of his mother, he would be standing on the antagonist’s side instead.)
There’s a lot of motivations and wishes and pain that all these people have in common.
With what Nyx says in the excerpt, she does what we both like to do: she draws a parallel. Between her family and Aiden’s. Between their individual misery.
And she is calling out Aiden, too. And with him, herself. Because while what you said is right: Aiden did stay with his father and he did go to look for his brother, he still tried to do all of that alone.
Because that’s a thing in his family and it is one in that of Nyx, too. They each think that in order to solve their misery, they have to do something about it all alone.
The Alderking didn’t try to find a solution with his siblings, he found one for them instead, without even asking. Henry didn’t talk to Aiden about their situation, he took it in his own hands by leaving.
Morena didn’t ask her family what they really needed, she made an assumption and stuck to it. And Aiden didn’t ask for help when he needed it, he tried to handle everything alone and solve everyone’s problems because he couldn’t solve his own.
Nyx didn’t really ask for help either, she thought she alone could stop her mother. But at this point of the story, now that she saw all her mother did and now that she saved Aiden, she realized that she can’t do this all alone. Neither of them can.
So it’s not just a statement she makes when she says maybe if they work together they’ll make it right. It’s an offer. One to put differences aside and finally start working together.
Also, it’s her sympathizing not just with Aiden’s situation, but with that of Henry, too. It’s her encouragement for Aiden to forgive his brother. Just like she learned to forgive her sister.
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I dont think anyone else has noticed this tho im sure you have (namely the people acting like clowns in the titanic tag, not you) but the 19yr old did not want to go on that sub, he was terrified and only did it to make his dad happy..idk.. it is very tragic and upsetting and even more so that people seem to ignore this and keep going on their weird jokes about the entire thing, saying how they all wanted to go when no, the 19yr old did not want to at all. I think going down was totally uncalled for, I think stock rush got four people killed and he is terrible for that and deserved what happened to him, i think it is sick he turned a mass grave site into a tourist attraction for bored rich people..but I think people just heard the word rich for these other four and just right away assumed they deserved to die when idk...I did some reading on each of them and they, aside from the obvious ick of being rich, seemed like decent people who made a very very poor choice and trusted the wrong person which led to them dying. the paul guy was (correct me if im wrong) a well respected titanic researcher for over 30yrs, the british man was trying to make flying more sustainable for the planet and such (again correct me if wrong) and the dad and son seemed to do a lot of charity work and were overall kind people..but yeah they seemed like far better people then most celebs people love so the entire thing rubs me wrongly, two things can coexist, the entire thing was wrong and not ok and stock was sick for what he did and his death was justified, but I also have a hard time believing the other four truly deserved to die (Sorry this is random just wanted to hear your thoughts!) :)
ive written the reply to this about five times now because i also struggle with my feelings based around what happened.
on one hand, i do genuinely feel for them, especially suleman dawood who was a 19-year-old kid. i think youd have to lack a heart to not feel for him.
on the other, i fully understand where people are coming from when they dont give a shit about them. two of them were billionaires and the other two were multi-millionaires. i come from a working class background and a single-parent family so it is difficult to feel bad for someone with that much money dying because of a decision they made.
but that doesnt mean i dont feel bad for them, because i do. five human beings died and i just naturally feel for them even though my conscious brain struggles to keep up with that emotion.
and as youve said, some of them seemed to genuinely do good things.
sulemans father shahzada funded mental healthcare for pakistani citizens during covid-19 and was looking into renewable energy.
paul-henri nargeolet had been involved in underwater searches for rms carpathia as well as a flight recorded from a plane that crashed though both were unsuccessful. hed also found a roman wreck as well as an aircraft that had crashed in 1979, giving some closure to the families of those who had perished. he has done a lot of important research on the titanic.
iirc hamish hardings company action aviation has helped the indian government and a namibian cheetah conservation company to reintroduce cheetahs to india, which is objectively a very good thing.
its difficult to parse through how you feel about the disaster because people are messy, and they do both good and bad things.
i dont think i know enough about any of the four adults aboard to say whether the good theyve done outweighed the bad, and whether other people even care about that when it comes to their feelings about this.
the one i know for sure that i dont feel bad for is stockton rush because this was entirely his fault.
im not gonna get into the weeds as to why exactly titan was badly designed, but to save money and for "simplicity", he employed some experimental techniques like the use of carbon fibre and the pressure pod (i hope i have the right word here) being cylindrical. he ignored regulations and laws, he used expire carbon fibre, and he turned a mass gravesite into a tourist spot.
and i hate him even more for how he designed oceangate. the way they work is that each dive would technically be research-based, but to fund it (even though rush is a multi-millionaire), they would allow people to buy tickets to come along. and i hate this more than if it was just tourism because the way hes tied them together has made it harder to criticise the dives because they have done important research.
i definitely he misled people because if you dont know about this sort of vessel, youre likely to defer to someone who helped to develop it.
however, i would err on the side of both harding and nargeolet knowing how unsafe it was. nargeolet had done countless dives just like it and he was in this world where people were saying this isnt safe. we also know that harding knew because his friend victor vescovo, who found the deepest shipwreck in the world (the samuel b roberts), told him that it was unsafe, but harding went anyway.
ive kinda just been rambling in my reply because i do feel torn about it. people died and i struggle not to feel for them, even if my logical brain is arguing with that. i think many people struggle to believe anyone deserves to die because were humans and we are meant to care about each other. its how we survived as a species for so long. but there are people in this world where if they died, the world would objectively be a better place.
at the end of the day, im not the authority on how anyone feels about this and i dont begrudge anyone for their feelings. the world is not black and white, and so much exists in the morally grey area.
youre entitled to feel however you do, anon. dont let others make you feel bad about it.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Enola Holmes (2020)
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When I first heard about Enola Holmes, I was apprehensive. “Why create a younger sister for Sherlock Holmes when you could just make the heroine part of her own, wholly new franchise?” but this story isn’t piggybacking on an established name. It’s forging its own identity with great new characters/interpretations of existing characters, a compelling mystery and a delightful, effortlessly charming performance by Millie Bobby Brown. With a sequel just released, if you still haven't seen this movie - or it's been a while - there's no better time to watch it than now.
Enola (Brown) is the youngest member of the Holmes family. Raised by her mother, Eudoria (Helena Bonham Carter), the 16-year-old’s observation, deduction, and fighting skills have been finely honed. Despite this, she’s been ignored by her older brothers Sherlock (Henry Cavill) and Mycroft (Sam Claflin). When Mrs. Holmes disappears, her brothers finally come to visit but it’s made clear they expect little of her. Determined to prove she’s destined for more than what society expects, Enola runs away and begins her own investigation.
Right away, this movie proves it is not going to be more than a gender-swapped version of a familiar Sherlock Holmes tale. Enola has the same wit and eye for detail as her big brother but she’s much warmer and relatable. She’s also young and prone to making mistakes but quick to get back on her feet and more than sharp enough to run circles around those who would underestimate her. Her position as a young woman means her tactics are radically different from those you’d see her brothers use. There’s a running gag that she has to keep paying men her height to swap clothes with her so she can escape from someone or go back into an area that’s been marked off-limits (outfits and disguises wind up playing an important part of this story). Her frequent fourth-wall breaks, combined with the film’s stylish visuals flairs (credit to director Harry Bradbeer), Jack Thorne’s script, the original material by Nancy Springer and Brown’s radiating charisma make Enola an instant favorite.
It’s telling that we’ve gone on this long without talking about the mystery. There are several, and the way they are connected - assuming they are connected - isn’t obvious. The way they're solved is satisfying because where the clues fit is not easy to pinpoint. You won’t get any of those annoying shots that linger on some “mundane” object for a fraction too long - a clear giveaway that it isn’t mundane at all. A great example is Tewkesbury (Louis Partridge), a young Lord Enola befriends while escaping from the frequently cruel and unfeeling Mycroft. Is he tied to Eudoria somehow? Probably not but then why else is he being pursued by Burn Gorman’s character? Maybe he’s destined to be Enola’s Watson, or her love interest, or her Irene Adler? You want to know.
Enola Holmes is loads of fun. Even if you already know all the answers within the nicely-paced 123-minute running time, it holds up. The cast is so great they're just a delight to watch. Henry Cavill as Sherlock you completely believe. Same for Sam Claflin as his cold, mean and disinterested brother, Helena Bonham Carter as the free-spirited and fierce mother that raised Enola to be their equal (or soon-to-be equal, let’s give her a few years) and Louis Partridge as the everyman that’s stuck in the middle of all this. I knew the second I finished this film in 2020 that we’d get a sequel and if it’s as good as this, it won’t be the only one. (November 6, 2022)
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