#obligatory at this point lol
nikkiruncks · 8 months
Since you're always up for asks and I'm too Covid-ridden to go anywhere lol - tell us why you love Barchie more than you like Bughead and Varchie! I bailed on the show in season two so can't contribute anything to this discussion but am always so interested in why all of us do or don't ship certain pairings!
With Varchie, I was never a huge fan. Felt more like friends to me and I preferred Valarchie (you can imagine my shock when my cousin told me Varchie would get together lol). But I don’t mind them being endgame simply because my ship was.
Bughead, I thought was cute at first but looking at metas and idk…it’s meh. I wish Falice was endgame (they’re my Rufly lol.)
As for Barchie, there are so many reasons why I love them. For starters, their chemistry was AMAZING. KJ and Lili were AWESOME at their roles. Plug the next door neighbor element along with childhood friends to lovers is the CUTEST thing. I love how much Archie cherishes Betty. And I love how strong Betty’s love and belief in him was there. She didn’t seem to make jokes about Grundy taking advantage of him (I love V, but those were not her finest moments, but she was young too so I can maybe give her pass. Idk it’s just fucked up to me lol.)
I really want to watch the later seasons for these cuties, but I’ll have to skip the ch*ni parts lmao
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volitioncheck · 1 year
does near every single post-canon DE fic out there need to be tagged ‘Sober Harry Du Bois’? i’m getting so tired of it.
do i expect every single piece of fan content to have to fully delve into the often-depressing always-complex topic of addiction? not really. sometimes you just want to write/read a silly fluffy romance one-shot, whatever. i get it. but i think my issue is specifically with the fact that for nearly every sillyfluffy au out there, there almost must be a ‘sober harry du bois’ tag. and it does feel very slapped-on more often than not.
i think to me it is an unconscious statement that nothing *good* can ever happen to harry du bois until he is completely and permanently sober. before solving the next big case, he has to be sober. before quitting the force, he has to be sober. before falling in love with kim, he has to be sober. before accomplishing anything, starting any sort of recovery, making any life improvement, he must first be sober.
sobriety as a goal, as a journey, and honestly as a concept in of itself is not as cut and dry as so many people think it is. and i think it would serve a lot of people well if they did some introspection on the implications of how nearly every single post-canon fic that isn’t dealing directly with harry’s addiction have him as completely sober instead.
if the plot of the fic isn’t going to touch directly on harry’s substance use (and again, i’m not demanding that every single fic should), why does that mean that sober!harry must be the default?
i think i am just tired of reading a casefic, a smutty one-shot, a fantasy au, whatever, where it almost seems that before getting on with the plot, the author feels obligated to first assure us that the harry we’re reading about is a Sober Harry. it’s established with a couple lines in the exposition, probably about his improved appearance, a tag up top, and then never brought up again; a checkmarked box. like the societal image of An Addict has completely prevented people from being able to imagine a person just, continuing to live life, while still struggling with addiction.
life happens, with all of its backslides and achievements, mundanity and changes, to people with drug addictions just as much as people who don’t. is a post-canon harry who isn’t sober not worth writing about?
i think so. i think the game we all played thinks so too. in fact i think that sentiment is woven into the game’s very core. i just wish i saw that reflected in our fan content more.
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bfdifan26 · 9 months
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i love this tiny little moment where winner kinda looks at yellowface and they’re like huh maybe he isn’t so bad!! i really loved him this episode, to me it was such a good way of highlighting the type of character he is. he’s loud and chaotic and can be so selfish and cruel, but when it comes down to it and the people he cares about need him and are in actual danger, he risks getting himself trouble to keep them safe. (letting them hide in cloudys stash and eventually ruining it, yellowface being the one to blame for that) i would like if it he went back to being the way he was in tpot 8 though like, i dont want it to be a ‘character’s arc get solved just because they acted different for a moment some other time’ situation. i just want this to be a gentle reminder that yellowface isn’t a complete monster and he has a very soft caring side to him that just needs its own chance to shine
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
also mistake not my silence on the summer event story now that its all out for not paying attention bc. well firstly not going to be the subject of this post but seriously just the . Overall implications of the whole thing when it comes to teyvat and genshin as a whole? wild stuff like are they rly out there revealing the entire cosmology now 😭 (tho i kinda have. Mixed thoughts as well)
anyway secondly and most importantly because of course i have priorities (its ajax we all know) . soooo simulanka and names eh?
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well not that i was any doubter to begin with in that it like. meant something when hit game jenshin impact featuring guy already foreshadowed and being set up for some real curious world-overturning and celestia torching business etc etc etc coincidentally named. ajax. among other things. that the same game happening to Also begin introducing this whole other ajax/aias as an actual historical figure featured within the games lore and legends. would very much be just a massive fucking thing we Should be taking very seriously in terms of his future development but like thanks very much for confirming it too uwu
anyway let us look at my favorite french cultist scribbled note for no particular reason once more just to celebrate the occasion
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i mean what can i say man . truly the endgame relevance long term allegations continue undodged 😤😤
anyway whats kinda funny to me is the way a lot of ppls reaction to this name confirmation seems to be like. omg ajax is in trouble now bc irl mythology ajax died and ajax/aias of genshin also seems to have possibly had a shit fate by the end im so worried omg . when like. literally the second part to this whole "name = inheriting destiny" thing we see in simulanka is that . with the right circumstances . the one that inherits the name and destiny is not necessarily doomed to that exact same outcome as the original . like we all did see how we saved simulanka durin right?? and how the existence of mini durin may now open up the possibility of teyvats durin to receive a different outcome to his tale???? right??
like why do ppl have so little faith in childe im 😭 like if you ask me hes Already giving indication of defying his fate in a multitude of ways (vision malfunction being a big one) so personally i simply think we need to let him do his thing and see where he goes with it . i have faith in him like if Anyones abt to subvert the fate hes been set up with be it due to his name or any other reason . its gonna be him lmao
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like. its not even new stuff kwdwdjkdwjk
either way tho . even if this fucker straight up "dies" or goes MIA im not even that worried bc. ppl worrying about this "tragic fate" his namesake seems to be conferring to him by default with simulankas explicit confirmation of a names meaning . and its just are we straight up missing the fact that this historical ajax/aias is Literally connected to that rent free narzissenkreuz note that EXPLICITLY aligns this "tragedy" with the theme of REBIRTH. and becoming a descender straight up .
like maybe its just me but this Really isnt giving "omg childe is going to die due to mirroring the fate of ajax" its giving "childe is Literally being set up to become sth descender equivalent one way or another AND theyre doubling down on it now" im sorry 😭
like. even the implications of phrases like. "forsaking the self" to be reborn in the abyss just reminds me of this. weird panic people have around childes vision malfunction as if its like. vision is GOOD ambition and his GOOD ending and his GOOD characteristics and it malfunctioning means BAD EVIL SIN ambition and WRONG characteristics is taking over!!!!!!!11! hes being torn into two different directions and the abyss is bad and vision (=celestia) is good!!!!!1
and its like. say we even buy that (but like dang what a sustainer sponsored take to have in a. gnostic inspired lore environment JWSJKJKSF) . that his. "correct" and "healthy" destiny as vision wielder (that Every single recipient of a "gods EYE" gets like forcibly and irrevocably bound to by design and surely this isnt problematic at all) . is a part of that "self" that is being forsaken and twisted as his destiny pushes against celestias control and his connection to said vision falters . lets say we assume that is a "bad" thing for his "intended" path and destiny somehow .
(which YES it prolly is. but only within the bounds of a world order set up by the heavenly principles!!! of COURSE the HP would force people into destinies and paths that Only serve the continuity of its rule!!! and doesnt shake up the system!! like yes a vision likely represents and assigns to people a "Good" ambition but thats not from the recipients POV thats from celestias POV and at this point its just. fellas. we are not supposed to buy into that at face value lmao)
which like. again. i v much dont buy anyway i think every single time genshin calls something sin or forbidden it should be assessed v critically.
but even with that assumption we can still see how this very note is already implicating that "forsaking the self" is Literally a prerequisite . in this grand destiny featuring ajax/aias . for reaching True rebirth as a holy infant and a descender and all that . for defying the shackles of the heavens . for gaining a will that rivals the world . right???
+ also if like. forsaking the self being mayhaps and perchance more of a GOOD thing in a world with preordained and unyielding destiny set up by false divinity wasnt already established enough
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welp thank you rene narzissenkreuz.
oh "excising the self" you say?? that sure sounds a bit like "forsaking the self" doesnt it ??? how curious that it would be considered less of a "death" and more of a "rebirth" indeed . and that a vision to a cultist very invested in the methods available to Defy a prophecy and fate is very much a bad thing to receive . like what a coincidence that we would have a note like this as an established character already tied to a note you wrote about acquiring a descenders will is experiencing vision compatibility issues its very funny indeed.
so like ig what im trying to say is just idk for me personally if ajax is out there forsaking his self by any metric im just gonna be cheering him on <3
but yeah jkqjkwdjkwdjkwd dont mind me im just kinda rent free with how its now just even more confirmed by hoyo that this insane ajax/aias note stuff is Not meant to be coincidental At All (even tho its very funny ppl doubted the signifance to begin with at all). but also i just dont get the panicking abt it being some bad thing lmao like this is just genuinely hype as fuck for him 😭😭😭
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yrlocalghost · 28 days
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i cleaned my room a little =)
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
Saying that non-conforming female characters don't face as much misogyny as their "feminine" counterparts is so funny cause literally the misogyny in their treatment is more overt because they aren't staying "in their place" like men think they should. The disdain for women + misogynistic societal ideals are so much more blatant in male characters interacting with these women. Countless times they are, in essence, told they need to sit down, shut up, and know their place but somehow that translates into them having "masculine privilege". I can only assume that people with this take haven't actually read the books and only get their information from second-hand sources.
#Men actually love it when the group they're oppressing doesn't conform with their restrictive measures that's exactly how things work 🙄#George saying that his non-conforming female characters were outcasts was really just overkill cause this is explicitly stated in the books#It's such a stupid take to have or try to argue cause there's literally no basis for it anywhere in the books#the inherit misogyny in othering women for not conforming to a misogynistic and patriarchal society though...I have to laugh#Coming from the so-called feminists in fandom make a career of throwing female characters under the bus to prop up their faves#Brienne literally gets told not to go crying if she gets raped because she's asking for it by /acting like a man/#and her mistreatment by both genders for her looks and behavior is well documented in her POV and those who interact with her#Asha gets denied her claim for being a women and repeatedly treated like an idiot for pushing for it anyways#Arya is an outcast in her own family and her behavior is lamented by her father mother and sister lol#I would just really like to know where this supposed privilege comes in??? where is it actually at??#cause it doesn't get them better treatment...better access to their claims...security from being assaulted...so where exactly is it?#just another fandom idea that can never be backed up but people treat like an absolute fact anways#obligatory this isn't me that feminine female characters don't face misogyny cause people love misinterpreting my points#asoiaf#brienne of tarth#asha greyjoy#arya stark#daenerys targaryen#fandom nonsense
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quinn-pop · 1 year
when the knight is meta idk
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ill draw other characters…eventually
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trash-bin-ary · 9 months
I have spent nearly 24 hours playing in stars and time and I’ve only had it for 5 days, this is the face of someone who’s sane totally.
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mittenlady · 8 months
chapter 15 of CAYA is finally finished. unfortunately i will not be posting anything until i finish chapter 17 <3
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amplexadversary · 9 days
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I'm screenshotting rather than derailing this post but
I'd like to call it now before I'm accused of this by someone who thinks the thematic foundation of a particular show is the "romance"
just. Based on some *takes* I've seen.
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intriguing; I'm five nearly six days off antidepressant, and my mind is genuinely clearer than it was. it is now telling me "this is an absolutely stupid move you should not have done this", but at the same time... the mental clarity is too nice to give up and go back on the medication until my psychiatrist deems it okay for me to go off it.
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baravaggio · 4 months
new jules gill-peterson interview just dropped…this is such a breath of fresh air
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kdsburneraccount · 1 year
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the wizards may be mid/should be tanking but winning was worth it tbh for this
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monetilly · 2 years
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"Who the fuck are you?"
"Who the fuck are you?"
"I asked you first."
"And I asked you second."
A chapter one meme recap for Would That I while I get myself back into writing it.
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lazyfox411 · 2 years
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~And if that doesn’t work, he can use ✨Chopper Violence✨ to beat the crap out them~
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badshipshitblog · 1 year
do you like momcon?
yeah! i wrote this momrose fic & everything
moms love to overrule your body autonomy & personhood while insisting they love you so much/this is what's best for you/etc. now this sucks irl but can be very hot in fetish contexts
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