#gotta hit the quota
quinn-pop · 1 year
when the knight is meta idk
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ill draw other characters…eventually
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articbleu · 8 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
hm. i havent campaigned for askblogs again in over a week. i should do that...
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harvestmoth · 1 year
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random tsukuyo number 1983
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queenretcon · 7 months
The JLI are using ted kord as their portrait of Dorian grey so they can be in good comics again
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t1meslayer · 10 months
Two Stars Above Fair Virbank
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He has risen.
Been a little while, sorry for the delay! As I explain in the notes of this piece, my life got taken over by a new seasonal gig. Now that I'm more acclimated to the physical labor of it all, I'm going to try and pump out some more writing!
First on the chopping block is this here Rosa/Roxie piece that may or may not have some allusions to things I may or may not have been working through.
Let's see if posting this not on a Friday and not in the morning does anything funky to my analytics lmao
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters: Rosa/Roxie
Summary: Rosa wants quiet refuge in bustling Virbank City. However, she might need something different — something only the city's venomous Gym Leader can provide.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of my latest fic. Thanks for reading <3
"Don't you want to get a different view, though?"
Rosa lowers her gaze, and aquamarine eyes meet Roxie's cyan in the pause. Rosa's thumb and forefinger mold around her chin in a check-mark shape.
"Like… Sitting back there?" Roxie rolls her head to the edge of falling off, pointing her hair sprig. "Don't think it'd make a huge diff."
"No, silly!"
Rosa giggles. She motions to sit beside her musical companion, and Roxie lets her scuffed guitar dangle around her neck to offer a hand. As Rosa gingerly takes the help, she feels Roxie's sharp, beige nails bite her skin. Rosa plops on her butt and scoots toward the edge — legs hugging a guardrail post.
The actress needs a moment to catch her breath before continuing.
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yandereforelorn · 1 year
Help I made too many posts and now I can't post anymore 😭
I thought it was per blog not per account
Truly I suffer the most
OH NO… that’s always a pain :( I thought it was per blog too, but apparently not djdnfng. either way, saluting you 🫡 and hoping the limit passes soon
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eddiezpaghetti · 1 year
Man. I got pulled over by the cops for slowing down so I wouldn’t hit a gatdamn coyote with my car.
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pohlepen · 2 years
this & this are frankie core.
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eyesocketinchworm · 1 year
i’m going insane i’m actually losing my mind
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mattastr0phic · 10 months
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Bro... c'mon... we gotta hit quota...
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chucktaylorupset · 2 years
goddddd it’s fine!! its fine!!! its okay if if 12 year old girls decide they’re asexual and look back and realize that actually it was just puberty and the gross sexualization of women that alienated them from their feelings of attraction and actually now she feels she was always allo. That’s allowed! That’s okay! Its not the end of the world if some of the people coming home to the label of asexuality are actually arriving at a way station onto what will be a better place for them. Cause you know if what she wanted was to feel she had the language to give herself permission to not be obligated to engage in sexual acts, to not exist as a sexual foodstuff for the consumption and digestion of others, If she needed the world asexual to shield her like that that’s okay!!! Cause whats important is she found a way to not do the things she wasn’t ready to do. What you wanna say no? No, you are obligated to figure out your attraction to others and the torture of its existence in a complicated fucked up world with language that doesn’t always sink home. Who is she hurting. Oh yeah it’s on a twelve year old to never be wrong about who they think they’re becoming, it’s up to a twelve year old to find a permanent state of self, it’s on a twelve year old to figure out the uncomfortableness of becoming a sexual being on their fucking own. Cause yknow if she’s wrong then people are going to use that as evidence that asexuality is a phase as if people looking for an excuse to dismiss other people’s identities would just not exist if we all perfectly performed our fucking labels like they’re the audience that decides if our fucking rock opera gets to hit broadway. Like there’s a fucking quota on how many times a person can be wrong about a label. I’m bisexual!! And if I’d just allowed myself to think that it’d be okay if I was wrong about being bisexual, or that it was okay if it wasn’t permanent, then I would’ve taken the first step to realizing I was actually a long term bisexual all the sooner.  There isn’t a fucking deadline for figuring out the perfect label for yourself, there isn’t a fucking surety purity test at the door. God, and all these trans kids and people agonizing about if they’re really trans or if they’re just faking it, as if that’s important when transitioning makes them happier! But no, we gotta make a philosophical argument from the ground up for what it means to be queer every fucking time so you don’t get it wrong cause god forbid, can you imagine
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motleyfam · 4 months
I get so many comments on my Tim series like “omg it’s so hilarious/unrealistic that he gets sick this often, take that boy to a doctor 🤣” and like, I get it, it seems like a lot if you read the series straight through. And part of it is simply because I enjoy writing hurt/comfort fics, so of course that’s what I’m going to gravitate towards. Gotta spark that joy, etc etc
….but like, you guys do realize that people who have medical issues tend to get more medical issues, right? It’s not like “oh he had three things wrong with him already so he’s hit his quota now and anything on top of that is absurd.” It’s more like… this is someone with overall subpar health from a history of chronic neglect, so yeah, he’s probably going to be more susceptible to illness than most people 🤷‍♀️
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good lord I just finished the Vallaki chapter
I can't make too many solid plans because I have no idea how the party will be feeling by this point, but here are some notes in no particular order about running this for my PG-13 "don't make it too scary" group:
Vibes? Immaculate, love the desperate manic party energy.
"this town fucking sucks" *despondent party blower sound*
I'm giving Barovian religion a big makeover, which will take away from the demons & saints motif but will end up supporting the druids, hags, dark powers, etc.
the only horror note I really need is, "this town sucks, but at least Strahd can't get us here!"
the two hunters in Blue Water Inn are clearly dating, right?
the Baron's two attack dogs are secretly good boys who will not actually hurt anybody, the Baron is just bluffing
Victor is perfect, no notes
Fiona I respect the hustle and you win the award for most creative use of a spell, but h o n e y , n o
I'm not sure what they thought they were doing with Stella but I'm just gonna get in there and do a quick hand jive with her whole story and character thanks
Rictavio, great character, we gotta make him less racist.
Rictavio's sabre-tooth tiger... what if it was a displacer beast? c:
I love Blinsky and if we have a premature PC death, they'll end up in his shop in a puppet body and have to put up with his bullshit to get their real bodies back as a warning. everyone thought he was sooo weird and sad well guess what he's a MASTER OF LIFE AND DEATH NOW. because an early TPK is no fun, and is no fun, is no Blinsky
Vallaki hasn't hit its sad himbo quota yet so I think I'm going to rewrite Izek to just kinda fill that void
I'll only do the subplot where Ireena is his long-lost sister if my players like REALLY latch onto Ireena's whole deal
the vistani camp and the dusk elves are just... it's... it's fine I'll just... *makes a vaguely waving hand gesture* and then it'll be fine
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kharits · 10 months
Gotta hit my monthly Sefikura quota
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edosianorchids901 · 9 months
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Hug Quota
Ace Omens Hugfest 2024 prompt - "the last hug"
Crowley barely managed two steps before he immediately had to stop again. He sighed, looking down. “Are you serious right now? How many hugs have you had today?”
Daisy the duck, Aziraphale’s favorite, quacked inquisitively.
“No.” Crowley tried to step around her, and she hopped right on top of his boot. “Oh, come on! I’ve gotta go inside, it’s getting dark and Aziraphale’s probably done with dinner by now. He’s gonna worry about me if I don’t show.”
Daisy quacked.
“Gah! Fine. You’re a little monster, you know that?” Crowley bent down and scooped the duck up again. He squeezed her briefly to his chest, then set her down again. “Okay. You’re done. I’ve gotta head in.”
He made it one step closer to the cottage before she got in front of him again. This time, she didn’t stop, though. She waddled around him in circles, quacking insistently.
“You are worse than Aziraphale,” Crowley snapped, crossing his arms. “At least he doesn’t tackle me for a million hugs in a row. He actually respects my personal space.”
Daisy definitely did not respect Crowley’s personal space. She climbed on his boots again, pressing against his shins, and looked up with big needy eyes.
“Don’t give me that! I get enough of that look from Aziraphale.” Sighing, Crowley picked Daisy up, hugged her again, and turned around to put her behind him. “There. Stay.”
Daisy didn’t stay. Crowley had barely even lifted his foot off the ground this time before she was in front of him again, quacking wildly.
“No,” Crowley said, as stern as he could manage. “No more hugs.”
“You’ve hit your hug quota for the day.”
Long suffering, Crowley closed his eyes and heaved another sigh. It looked like he had no choice.
“Okay. One more hug,” he snapped, scooping Daisy up. “But this is the last one!”
He hugged her for a little longer this time, swaying slightly from side to side. She tucked her head into his neck, and he smiled even though he was thoroughly done being crowded for the day. He’d never liked being touched too much. But she was just too cute for him to resist her demands, a quality she shared with Aziraphale.
Which made it all the worse when Crowley looked up to see Aziraphale beaming at him out the kitchen window.
“Oh no. Nononono.” Crowley quickly shoved Daisy back to the grass. This time, her hug needs apparently fulfilled, she waddled off to visit her friends. “Angel, don’t you get any ideas!”
He’d shouted loud enough to be heard, and he could see Aziraphale losing himself to laughter. Bastard. Absolute bloody bastard.
Snarling, Crowley stormed to the cottage. He wrenched the door open and found Aziraphale already waiting for him in the entryway. “Gah! How did you get here so fast?”
“Just a teensy little miracle.” Aziraphale’s eyes sparkled with tears of mirth, and he seemed to be on the verge of doubling over with laughter again. Crowley glared at him. “So. For all your grumbling about the ducks being underfoot and bumping into you too often, it turns out that you’re really… what’s that lovely little phrase? A soft touch?”
“Shut up,” Crowley muttered, cheeks hot. “And don’t think that means you can con me into extra hugs. I’m gonna explode if I have to do another hug right now. I already did the last hug of the day.”
“That’s quite all right, dear boy. You can hug me tomorrow.” Aziraphale beamed at him, and Crowley relaxed a little. Aziraphale was a bastard, yes, but he was better at respecting boundaries than ducks were. “Do you feel like holding hands as we go into dinner, though? Just for a minute?”
Aziraphale wiggled his fingers temptingly, eyes big and needy. And luckily, Crowley didn’t find holding hands nearly as overwhelming as hugs.
“Just for a minute,” he warned, taking Aziraphale’s hand in a loose hold, one that didn’t make him too twitchy. “And then I need a break.”
“As you say, my dear.” Aziraphale smiled at him as they went to the dining room. “Besides, later I can entertain myself by admiring the sweet picture I took of you hugging Daisy.”
Crowley gave him a horrified look. “Nonono, you didn’t.”
Aziraphale smiled even more brightly. “I did.”
“You bastard!”
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