#obviously the song is about annabeth
alzoom007 · 2 years
IDK you yet by Alexander23 but it’s Percy in Son of Neptune
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celesterayel · 5 months
the it couple | luke castellan
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request: I’m not really sure what qualifies as a request but could you write a Luke x reader where they are like the camp it couple? 🫶🫶
summary: common knowledge is how irrevocably in love luke castellan is with you.
"you know i adore you, i'm crazier for you than i was at sixteen lost in a film scene" - t.s.
w.c. : 702
warning(s) : none
pairing : luke castellan x reader
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the campers of camp half blood don't quite remember how or when it had happened. It just always was: you and Luke Castellan, that is. where you went, he followed. the shadow to your guide and you the balm to his sorrow. annabeth used to whisper to the younger children–the ones who had been taken to camp far too young and therefore had little knowledge of love–that you and Luke Castellan were soulmates: seamlessly bound to one another. 
you yourself had never believed in fate despite the fact that you had met them–old bitter hags. you preferred to believe that life was not set in stone, unbreaking and withered to a timeline. it perhaps led to your brash attitude and ‘ride or die’ mentality but your mannerisms only made luke castellan fall in love with you all the more. some things were just beyond the gods' control. you and luke were one of those things.
you had first arrived at camp a decade ago, where you were then claimed by hades. of course news of you spread like wildfire: you were gorgeous, your talent with your bo staff was unmatched, and your father was one of the three–strong power ran through your blood and you showed it everyday during training. but that wasn’t exactly what caught the attention of everyone, rather the fact that the popular gaze of a certain brown-eyed boy always strayed to you. when you laughed, he smiled. where you went, he strayed. you were magnet and he was never far away.
you both tipped toed around one another, constantly drifting toward the other. playful banter slipped between you two and those around you wondered when you would finally just get together. the first time you guys finally breached the delicate line between more than ‘obviously pining friends’ was after an exciting rivalry game.
despite the strategic planning of annabeth–who clearly eyed the tension between the two of you–and the excellent swordsmanship, house ares had won the game because of you. You had been the one to distract luke castellan after clarisse had forced you to use your charms. it was fun to see the cute blush adorn his cheeks when you approached the head of the Hermes House.
“so, does this mean you agree to go out with me?” he breathed out, hands twirling his sword as he was once again bested by you in capturing the flag.
you laughed out, “i was just waiting for you to ask, castellan.”
no sooner after you had begun dating did the infamy of you two reach an all high around camp. how could it not? 
you two were the all anyone could talk about–the best of the best.
luke castellan was already the best swordsman at camp; a prodigy in the making. his brown curls and dimples only made him more popular among the girls and young teens. he was one of the highest placed leaders around camp; one of the few that clarisse actually respected and the one that annabeth regarded most. 
you were a gem in the rough: bold and brash at times, but calculating and quick-witted. you were the one to turn to when those around camp felt alone, always ready to take care of others and offer words of wisdom. you were a living definition of rules being broken and your power only highlighted the height of your placement around camp. 
when you two walked by, the eyes of the others strayed. newcomers learned of your names before they learned what exactly camp half blood was. 
when you threw your head back and laughed, people watched as Luke curled his lips in pride at being the one behind your laughter. when he sat round the fire and sang songs with the campers, you sat right beside him; head laying on his shoulder and hoping the moment would never end. he willingly allowed himself to lose camp games if only by your hand, time and time again.
yes, you were the it couple of camp half blood but none of that mattered, when he was the one for you.
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iheartamberfreeman · 5 months
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!ApolloCabin!Reader
summary; an Ares cabin member breaks the rules and ties reader up and Clarisse saves them
warnings; swearing, violence, blood, fluff
an; I hope this was what you expected. We 🫶 protective Clarisse. Gender neutral pronouns are used btw! I stole the “angel” nickname from symp4nat cause i like it and i think it’s so cute and she probably would call reader that. Also if you’d like to listen to the song while reading there’s a link below :)
Rescue by Lauren Daigle
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Ever since the day you arrived to camp, Clarisse bullied you and you two never got along. Today is yet another game of capture the flag and you’re on the blue team and Clarisse is on the red team which is obviously the opposing team. You watched as Clarisse was talking to the rest of her team to strategize and tell them the plan and just hoped you’d get out of this alive, as you always did. “Let the games begin!” Chiron yelled and you immediately followed Annabeth and Percy into the woods.
After a while of walking, you’re the first to speak up. “You guys think we'll run into Clarisse?" You ask as you continue following behind Annabeth. "I hope not," Percy says immediately, looking around nervously. Annabeth nods saying, "Knowing her we might.” "Where are we even going Annabeth?" You ask, looking around. "Wherever fate takes us," Annabeth says simply. Percy stops walking for a moment, shocked by Annabeth's answer. He continues to follow you and Annabeth mumbling, "This girl's going to get us killed."
Annabeth rolled her eyes at Percy's comment. "I'm going to get us killed? At least I can fight," she muttered under her breath, not looking back at him. You continued to walk forward, your senses on high alert for any signs of danger. Suddenly 3 Ares kids surrounded the three of you. You got in a defensive position, sword in hand as you glared at the Ares kids, "Where's your princess?" You said, referring to Clarisse. Percy followed your lead, getting into a defensive position as well, looking at you confused, "Wait who?"
"Y/N's talking about Clarisse," Annabeth says as she points her sword at one of the Ares kids. Percy mumbles a soft, “Oh.” Leo smirks as he pointed his sword at you, "Clarisse isn't here so don't worry your pretty little head," He said in a slight mocking tone before looking at Ruby and Cole, his half siblings, "You two take care of Newbie and Nerdbrain." Ruby and Cole nod before Ruby lunges at Percy with her sword while Cole does the same to Annabeth. You pout at Leo, "Bummer, I was hoping l'd get to finally beat her ass. I guess I'll just beat yours instead," You said as you waited for Leo's move.
Leo chuckled as he watched Ruby and Cole engage with Percy and Annabeth, "Well aren't you feisty?" He said before lunging at you with his sword. You dodge the attack before swinging your sword at the Ares boy. Leo quickly dodged the swing of your sword before lunging at you again. He knew you were good, but he was confident in his fighting skills as well. "You fight well, but not well enough,” He grins as he continued to attack you. You narrowly missed another one of Leo's attacks, your heart racing from the adrenaline. You countered his next strike, your swords clashing loudly.
"You're not so bad yourself," you said, trying to keep up with his relentless assault, "I'm better though." Leo smirked, his eyes never leaving yours before he lunged again, aiming for your side this time. You quickly stepped back, avoiding the blow but losing your balance in the process. You yelp as you fell back, accidentally dropping your sword, "Fuck." Leo took advantage of your momentary loss of balance and kicked your sword away from your reach. He grinned wickedly, his sword pointed at your throat. "Now, who's the better fighter?" He challenged with a sneer. You roll your eyes, "Oh fuck off Leo."
"Y/N!" Percy yelled from the distance, sounding worried. Leo turned toward Percy's voice, "Ruby, Cole, keep those two away!" He ordered before turning back to you. He then grabbed some rope and started tying your hands together. "What the- Leo you know this against the rules," You hiss as you struggled against the boy's hold. Leo ignored your protests and quickly finished tying your hands together, pulling it a little too tight for comfort. He smirked at your struggles. You glared at the boy, struggling to get your hands out, "If you need to tie me up to handle me then you obviously suck ass as a warrior,” You spat.
Leo chuckled darkly, "Oh, I don't suck sweetheart, I just like playing dirty." He grabbed your bound wrists and pulled you closer, his sword still at your throat. Suddenly someone roughly pulled him away from you, pushing his shoulder, "Get the fuck away from them," Clarisse hissed. You looked at Clarisse in shock, you didn't expect the Ares girl to help you at all. "You alright angel?" Clarisse asked, glancing over you to make sure you were uninjured, frowning when she saw a gash on your arm. "U-Uh... yeah, I'm ok." You said softly, clearly confused by Clarisse's sudden protectiveness over you.
"Good," Clarisse replied then she turned back to Leo, glaring at him, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? You think you can just tie someone up like that?" She stepped closer to you, her body language subtly protective as well. Leo looked at her confused, "Why the hell are you protecting this Apollo kid Clarisse?" Clarisse scoffs like it’s obvious, "Because you fucking tied them up and it’s against the rules," She said harshly, her eyes hard as she glared at Leo. "Let's get you untied," Clarisse said, turning her attention back to you. She knelt down, carefully cutting the ropes with her spear, making sure not to hurt you further.
As she worked, she glanced at Leo, her expression cold and unyielding. Once your hands were untied, you rubbed your wrists as an attempt to sooth them. You looked up at Clarisse to see her holding out her hand to help you up and give her a confused look before taking the girl’s hand. “Thanks," You mumble. “No problem," Clarisse replied, still holding onto your hand until you were standing. She looked at Leo once more, sighing softly before letting go of your hand then sound of the conch shell rang out signaling the end of the game.
Percy ran over to you, "You ok?" You look at Clarisse with a raised eyebrow before looking at Percy and Annabeth, "Yeah I'm good." Annabeth walked over to you, "That's a pretty nasty cut on your arm." You look at your arm, "Oh shit... I didn't even realize." Clarisse grabbed your arm and took a quick look at it, a concerned expression on her face. "Let me take a look at it, it might need some medical attention," She said, glancing at the others as if to say that it wasn't too serious. Percy and Annabeth looked at each other, clearly confused as to why Clarisse was being nice to you.
You looked at Clarisse, a bit skeptical but you nod nonetheless, “Uh... sure." Clarisse stepped closer to examine the cut more closely. "It's not deep, but it's bleeding a lot. We should clean it properly and maybe wrap it up to prevent infection," She explained, her voice surprisingly gentle. Percy and Annabeth looked between you and Clarisse, trying to figure out what was happening. You nodded, butterflies erupting in your stomach as you heard how soft her voice was. "Alright, let's head back to camp," Clarisse suggested, gesturing for you to follow her.
She turned to Percy and Annabeth, "I can clean it up there and maybe get something to stop the bleeding," she added, her voice still calm and collected. Percy and Annabeth looked at each other confused once again then looked at you. You shrugged then followed Clarisse as she started walking, Percy and Annabeth right behind you. When the four of you got to camp, Percy and Annabeth parted ways with you and Clarisse saying they had to meet with Grover. Clarisse grabbed your wrist gently, making you blush and led you to the infirmary. "Sit," Clarisse said, guiding you to a stool near some medical supplies.
She retrieved a clean cloth and some disinfectant, carefully cleaning the wound on your arm. Despite the pain, you couldn't help but notice how gentle her touch was. You silently observed Clarisse, taking in her appearance. You noted how the girl's eyebrows furrowed when she was concentrated and how the girl's hair framed her face perfectly. As Clarisse finished cleaning the wound, she applied a thin layer of antiseptic ointment, ensuring it covered the injured area completely, making you wince and Clarisse mumble an apology.
Her gaze met yours, holding it for a moment longer than necessary. "It's not that deep but it'll probably scar," she said, her voice lowering slightly. You nod as you blush softly before clearing your throat and looking away from the Ares girl, "That's great...I guess." Clarisse nodded, her fingers lightly grazing your arm as she applied a clean bandage over the wound, making you inhale sharply. "There. It should be alright for now," Clarisse said softly, her eyes still on your face. You nod once again, blushing more as you felt the girl's eyes still on you.
You hoped Clarisse couldn't notice your blush, "Thanks. You didn't have to do this." "I know, but I wanted to," Clarisse replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She glanced at the door, as if making sure you both were alone, before leaning in closer, not noticing the way you sucked in a breath, "Look, I know we don't exactly... get along, but I just wanted to help.” You could feel how fast your heart was hammering in your chest due to how close she was, "Y-Yeah... thanks," You said, cursing yourself as you stuttered.
"You're welcome," Clarisse responded, her voice barely above a whisper as she leaned back slightly. Despite your rough past, Clarisse felt herself blushing as well, hoping you wouldn't notice. You look up at the Ares girl, taking in her appearance once more and you can’t help think about how beautiful she is. Your eyes flickered between the girl's eyes and her lips. As Clarisse noticed you staring at her, she couldn't help but blush even more, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering madly. Despite the constant arguments between the two of you, she felt pulled towards you in an undeniable way.
Without thinking, Clarisse leaned in closer, her lips brushing against yours, making you let out a muffled noise of shock. It felt like electricity at first-a spark igniting between the two of you. You returned the kiss, bringing a hand up to cup the Ares girl's cheek softly. Feeling your soft touch against her cheek, Clarisse's heart raced even faster. She deepened the kiss, her hands finding their way on your waist, pulling you closer. Suddenly breaking the kiss, Clarisse looked into your eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. "I- sorry," she said softly with a shaky voice.
You looked at Clarisse, silently for a moment before pulling her in for another kiss. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise but soon closed as she felt your lips pressing against hers once more. This time, she returned the kiss, her hands gripping your waist tighter. You broke the kiss and rested your forehead against Clarisse's with a smile. Blinking back the surprise, Clarisse felt her heart skip a beat as she looked into your eyes. She couldn't help but return the smile, feeling a warmth spread through her chest, "I like you." You laughed softly, "Yeah I figured since you kissed me."
"Right..." Clarisse replied, her cheeks flushing slightly, “Will you be my girlfriend?” You smile saying, "Yes” before pulling the Ares girl into another kiss. As your lips met hers once more, she brought her hands up and gently cupped your face, deepening the kiss. Percy walks in, "Hey Y/N, how's it goi-" You both quickly pull away and he looks between you and Clarisse with wide eyes, "I'm not even going to ask...”
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janovavalen · 5 months
✧THINK NONE OF HER || percy jackson x fem!reader
part one!
part two!
part three!
summary: percy jackson’s first days on camp were hell to say the least—fist day and he got bullied, but when he sneaks away to be alone he finds an interesting girl in the forest.
word count: 3216
warnings: small curses (literally like one word and it’s not really a curse but it’s considered one) reader is daughter of athena, sister of annabeth, horrid flirting, reader lowkey not felling percy for the first half’s of this story line.
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early morning percy laid down in a bed with his head cuddled into the pillow comforter and the blanket stuffed and twisted around his body to collect warmth and comfort from the slightly cold wooden cabin he recently moved into.
seeing small flashes of the night his mother was taken from his sight and out of his life for the first time—he jumped up with the faint song of the rawr from the monster that took her. his eyebrows frowned slightly while his wide worried blue eyes blinked to adjust to the darkness around him.
the small reflections of the water ripples providing him enough light to adjust to. sighing as he felt the sweat cling to his forehead and back he exhaled deeply before placing his hands on his face to sigh into them.
once he placed his hands down he looked to the side as he saw it was still the middle of the night, the only light outside being the small fires that were set at the entrances of each cabin. everyone in their own respective houses, sleep and resting—except for percy of course, why not.
seeing he obviously couldn’t sleep at the moment from the nightmare he just had he decided to try and take a small walk—without getting caught that is. if he were, he’d be in trouble by luke or another camp member. even if it weren’t them, someone would probably snitch.
sighing as he stood up from his bed and made his way over to his black and white converse shoes, he slipped them on before throwing on a jacket and zipping it up to protect him from the breezy air outside.
once he made it out, he looked around and saw the pure emptiness and quiet of the camp around him. the space was honestly cozy—when nobody was around to ruin the atmosphere with chaos.
walking along the gravel sidewalks that were dented into the walkways he followed them and soon went off track to the forest that glew with the light of the moon.
tightening his lips a bit he walked into the forest, looking around and taking in the peaceful and quiet space around him. thinking his a million thoughts that never surfaced to be talked about he found himself getting deeper into the forest without any mind.
mindlessly walking around and turning each tree to tree he found himself kicking rocks, picking up leaves to soon throw them, looking at lizards and birds. once he found a small white lizard laying down on the rock he smiled a bit and leaned down to pet it, smiling to himself at the smooth scales that ran down his body.
‘what are you doing awake, lil guy’ he asked, as if he could talk back.
as if it almost did—it gave a small blink, percy speaking once more—‘guess you couldn’t sleep either, huh?’ smiling more as he pet the small lizard, he finally thought of the morning that was soon to come and the training he had to do with luke in the morning.
‘well…i guess i’ve gotta go now, you sleep well, okay?’ giving it one last pet he got up and walked around to soon see nothing but trees, no recent path he walked on.
looking around as his heart starting to speed up a little he realized he was lost…in the middle of the camp forest…with a lizard—by himself. turing around to see the lizard looking at him he scoffed.
‘you wouldn’t happen to know the way back to camp right?’
‘yeah but i’m not helping you’ a voice spoke. gasping a little percy walked up to the lizard and leaned down to it, his knees in the dirt so he was face to face with the small white lizard
‘you can talk?’ he asked it—it gave him a blink before the voice spoke once more.
‘that’s not…turn around’ the voice said. percy turned slowly to see a girl with (h/c) hair and vibrant (e/c) eyes looking down at him, she pushed up a eyebrow a bit as she looked down at percy who scrabbled to his feet.
‘o—oh, that’s embarrassing—‘
‘it is…bye now’ she turned around and made her way out to the forest only for percy to swallow his worry and follow her, hoping she was leaving to camp as well.
‘wait! are you going to camp?’ he whispered shouted.
‘well can you help me? i got lost and i thought i was the only one out here so you kind of saved my life’
the mystery girl turned around and looked percy up and down to take in his blue dino pajama pants, black jacket and his converse. looking back up into his eyes she turned around without a word.
‘uh…was that a yes? or a no?’ he asked her as she walked ahead of him.
‘if you want to stay here with your best friend lizard who you think can speak, go ahead and stay’ she spoke. he took this as a hint and hurried to his side.
the quiet atmosphere around them was almost suffocating percy. he found himself looking at her every now and again as he noticed her straight face and straight forward eyes that focused on the path ahead.
cleaning his throat he began to speak—‘so, what are you doing out here?’ he asked.
met with silence.
‘oh cool me too…uhm—so—‘
‘please…shut up?’ she asked him, turning to his face to see she had almost an irritated and desperate look for silence. he quickly shut his mouth and let her continue walking.
he was utterly curious. what was she doing out here? maybe she couldn’t sleep? maybe she was offering and praying to her parents? maybe she’s coming back from a party—
looking up to see they were at camp now, percy blinked and looked at the mystery girl who didn’t pay him any mind.
‘thanks for walking me’ he mumbled while looking over at her. the dark forest light didn’t really give him help to see what she looked like, but now he was able to make out more of her face features and the warm yellow light of the fire around them helped define her face even more.
he felt a small skip in his heart but paid it no mind.
‘don’t mention it—‘ she mumbled while she walked back to her cabin.
‘no really i—‘
‘ever.’ she finished while giving him a single last look before making her way to her cabin.
watching her walk with pure curiosity he walked slowly to his with his head turned to see her walk into cabin six. she’s the daughter of athena.
of course, he could’ve caught on earlier when she made her small snarky remarks.
walking to his cabin and getting his shoes off to soon take his jacket off and put it back where it was, he shuffled over to his bed and fell into the comforter. groaning a bit he found his mind going back to the mystery girl.
with no primary reason, he wished or hoped he could find out her name sometime soon.
as the sun blazed down the the small group in training, luke thrusted his sword towards percy who quickly dodged it and swung his own at luke, of course he ultimately failed and ended up getting pushed by luke causing percy to fall to the ground and let out a grunt.
going to get back up in a hurry he was met with the tip of luke’s sword pointing right at this throat.
‘i think i won this round’ luke joked as he walked percy shake his head slowly.
‘you think?’ percy remarked back making luke smile and lean out a hand to help him up from his spot on the grassy ground below him.
once he was up on his feet, percy rolled his shoulders as the small tense of it caused him to hiss in slight pain. luke noticed his and placed a gentle hand upon percy’s shoulder.
‘we can be done for now, after lunch we can pick up on arching and get back to sword training, you can take a break, you did good today’ percy smiled up at his friend like who smiled back.
percy wasn’t that good nor was he bad at all with swords and arrows. but when it came to being against luke in almost anything he was definitely top three of two, yeah, it was that bad.
sighing he walked his way through the people as they talked amongst themselves with the half brothers and sisters. percy looked around and gave small smiles to some people who would just look at him and turn back around to their original spots.
clearing his throat in awkwardness he saw his best friend grover walking mindlessly pass everyone to his own business.
‘grover!’ percy called out, grover turned around to see his own best friend and smiled with a wave.
percy jogged his way to grover who was waiting for him.
‘how’d training go?’
‘do i look like i won?’
‘mm…not really? but it’s the thought of winning that counts’
‘well here, if i’m not holding a head on a stick i’m still considered a loser’ percy remarked. grover gave him a small shrug and smile before they walked.
‘where are you going?’ percy asked.
‘to the arrows, annabeth needed me to get something for her so i’m just going to drip it off to her then im back on my own’ grover showing a small collecting bag of arrows that were painted (f/c).
he looked down at them with a small frown in his eyebrow as he recognized the color. it was the same color that the mystery girl wore last night. he would have paid this no mind, but he had been very confused as to why she didn’t leave his mind.
they didn’t even share many words.
walking to where grover had mentioned percy looked up and quickly grabbed grover’s back shirt to pull him behind a tree—‘wait!’
‘what!? oh my—‘
‘shh…she’ll see me, be quiet!’ percy whispered as he hid behind the tree.
‘who? who will see you?’ grover hurried with concern and confusion.
‘that girl—i was walking in the forest last night and she was there too, i don’t want her thinking I'm like some psycho crazy stalking guy who is trying to kill her or something!’ percy pressed his back against the rough bark of the tree before grover turned to look and saw his friends.
‘who annabeth?’
‘no no, the girl next to her’ he hushed, grover turned back to see it was y/n.
‘y/n? her?’
‘who’s y/n?’
‘apparently the girl you ran into last night’ grover shrugged as he watched percy turn around from the tree and look at y/n who smiled at annabeth who told a joke as she moved her arrow around its bow.
‘y/n…’ he whispered. looking at her more he felt his eyes focus primarily on her. her smile and light in her eyes that seemed nonexistent and unfamiliar to the girl he met last night who held darkness and a frown.
‘wait you said she was in the woods?’
‘yeah…i couldn’t sleep so i took a walk, got lost and met her, she led me back to camp’ percy told, his eyes still watching y/n who mindlessly did her things.
‘did you guys talk?’
‘if im hiding from her i think it's safe for you to assume we didn’t talk’
‘right, right…well, guess you can now, right?’ grover smiled as he pushed percy out from behind the tree.
percy turned to look at grover who shrugged with a innocent look on his face, percy giving a glare before he followed grover over to the group in training.
‘annabeth! y/n!’ he called out, the girl turned around in sync as they shared a small smile to grover.
‘hey g’ y/n smiled as she looked down at the bag of arrows,’you got them, thank you so much. i’ve been a mess without them’ she grabbed the bag and placed a small hand on grover’s arm as a thank you before she looked to see percy.
‘it’s you’ she looked him up and down before giving a tight lip smile.
‘it’s me’ he showed a bit of teeth in this awkward smile as she inhaled awkwardly and turned around. annabeth frowned and looked between the two as she scoffed.
‘uhm, why was that?’ she mumbled.
‘percy here, met y/n in the forest and thinks she thinks he’s some psychopath stalker who wants to kill here’ grover smiled as he looked at percy who rolled his eyes
annabeth laughed at this while she shook her head—‘well to assure you she doesn’t think that, she didn’t think of you at all, she would’ve told me or grover’ annabeth walked away giving grover a smile before going back to y/n who positioned herself with her bow and arrow.
‘hm…doesn’t think of me at all, got it’ percy watcher at
y/n aimed and got the red center of her arrow that was previously there, cutting it with in half with her new arrow.
walking away with grover, he noticed percy looking back occasionally then back forward. with a grin on his face he shook his head before talking.
‘don’t think of her too much, she doesn't like it’ he told percy who turned to him with a frown in his eyebrows.
‘what? okay for one i’m not thinking of her, and two how would she know if someone was thinking of her’ he asked as they walked side by side.
grover looked to the side to percy and shrugged—‘i can’t tell you how she does it because i don’t know how she does either, she kind of just knows face expression and body language more than others so…when people are thinking of her and they make it obvious she gets upset. ask luke, he’ll know’ grover nodded over to luke who was standing off with his small friend group.
percy looked confusingly at grover who gave a pat on the shoulder and walked away to his own duties, percy having nothing to do until after dinner decided to just go walking around to pass the time.
after dinner and later at night with people walking to their cabins to rest after their showers and hang outs, percy made his way to luke’s cabin.
once he arrived, he was glad to see luke hanging out by himself just sharpening his sword with the quietness of the room to keep him occupied.
‘hey’ percy called out to luke making him turn and greet him with a head nod—‘hey percy, things going well? how’s training?’ he asked as percy walked closer to then stand near his bedside.
‘things are well, just around i guess? you?’
‘same old, same old, showing new campers around, training. what brings you here too late? nobody picking on you right?’ he places his sword down next to him and looked over at percy who looked a bit nervous.
putting it aside and hoping he could just get to the chase he inhaled deeply and spoke—‘no, no, nothing like that it’s just…’ looking over at luke who confusingly looked at him back he understood the nervousness and stood up.
‘it’s okay, you can ask and tell me anything dude, don’t stress it’ he told him with a smile. percy looked at this and shook his head.
‘i’m not stressing it it’s just—i don’t know how to really bring it up?’
‘just say it’
‘well, okay—for one don’t get mad and like to snitch on me or something but i went out for a walk last night and went in the forest…when i was there i got lost and met a girl turns out her name is y/n…earlier trigger told me not to think about her or something? because she will know, then he said you know all about that? i was just—‘
‘you're wondering what he means?’
percy nodded his head and blinked—‘yeah…’
luke chuckled a bit before placing his hands on his hips.
‘she isn’t a bad person nor is she someone you should be scared of, but i will tell you grover is right, she doesn’t like it when people worry, or think or are curious of her because…’ luke looked side to side at the doorway and the wall before shaking his head.
‘i can’t really tell you…just know, you should probably do what grover says. and if your lucky you can spritz your charm on her and she’ll be your friend too’ luke smiled a bit at percy who shook his head and rolled his eyes.
‘no—im not spritzing anything on anyone, but…thanks for the talk, i’ll see you tomorrow’
‘yeah, tomorrow—get some rest percy’ luke gave a head nod at percy who gave one back as he made his leave.
what was so secretive about this girl? was she a wanted criminal before coming here? can she read minds? what if she can read his mind right now—
‘i can’t read minds percy’ a voice spoke behind him, making him turn around in a hurry and look at who said it. it was y/n.
gulping a bit he looked side to side before speaking—‘a person who can’t read minds would say they can’t read minds…’
she smiled a bit before shaking her head—‘reading minds is embarrassing…i would hate to know what everyone's thinking every second of the day. why are you asking about me?’ she asked. her hands were crossed in front of her body with a stern look on her face.
‘i heard you and luke talking…you wanted to know something about me. ask me personally before asking others’ y/n stayed in her spot as percy blinked nervously. setting his pride aside, he looked her up and down before speaking.
‘what grover said…why do you not like it when people think or worry about you? i mean it’s not my place—‘
‘your right it’s not…i don’t know you and you don’t know me. let’s keep it that way. okay?’ she tilted her head a bit with more emphasis on her words. looking at percy in the eyes before he nodded and just gave up, she nodded her own head and walked away.
watching her walk to her cabin he felt himself walking to his own with an empty mind.
getting to his cabin and shutting the door behind him he got himself ready for bed. sighing under his breath he laid down in his warm bed that awaited him since he left it.
looking up at the ceiling with his mind unturned, he tired his hardest not to think of the mysterious y/n who shared no thought and no background other than the fact she didn’t like percy. that was very obvious.
it’s not like he cared. well…not really.
but he was genuinely confused about her. and when it came to things he was confused about. he needed to solve it to become more understanding and succeed.
so, he swore to himself from this day on he will lean more and understand more about the secretive y/n. daughter of athena.
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genz420 · 26 days
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What kind of Music do they Listen to 🎵 🎧
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Headcanons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): None
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, Nico, Annabeth, Piper
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Percy Jackson
Let’s be realistic here 
Percy is a kid from New York
I know nothing about New York expect it was stolen from my ancestors and that it had some crazy shit happening in the 70s  
And whatever was in Hamilton 
I feel like Percy would listen to a mix of rap and mainstream music 
He would listen to Kendrick Lamar, Lil Mabu, Eminem, Kanye (I know he’s a weird and bad guy), and Tyler, the Cartor
He thinks he can rap
He can not 
But will try for anyone who lets him
Jason Grace
2000s white girl songs
Rihanna, Fergie, Kesha, you know the classics 
Who doesn’t love that genre of white girl music 
It happy and classic
But also a huge fan of the Fleet Foxes
And that of course means he loves father john misty and Lana Del rey
Frank Zhang 
I just know Frank listens to Canadian artists 
Like everything from Nickelback to The Tragically Hip
But also bands like Mother Mother
And the Weekend 
And Drake 
And Justin Bieber
But his music taste isn’t limited to Canadian classics 
He loves ambiance music/Brown noise 
Sometimes, he just wants to listen to nothing but something 
Leo Valdez
Not like “I hate my wife” Country 
Let’s not forget Leo is from Taxes
He obviously loves the classic like Marty Robbins
But I see him listening to Zach Bryne, Dolly Parton, and Carrie Underwood
You can’t convenience me that he doesn’t love the song “Before He Cheats” 
That shit was blasting when Argo II was being built
He gets into the music 
Like screams it while it plays
Doesn’t matter if he is with other people 
I also get the vibe he would listen to some Spanish artists 
Like oldies.  Stuff his grandfather and mother would have listened to 
Because the people you grow up with influence your music 
Artist like: Chavela Vargas, Jeanette, and Eydi Gormé
Nico Di Angelo
Old man Nico would listen to Italian music 
But as he gets older I see him listening to artists like Radiohead or The Smiths 
Because he is a bit of a sad boy 
Maybe even some more modern Italian musicians like Fiordaliso or 
Would also get into Ska Music 
Specially 2 tone Ska
I see him liking The Specials, Prince Buster, and Madness
He would also love Amy Winehouse 
Annabeth Chase
Movie/TV soundtracks 
Loves the song where it’s all instrumental 
I think she would be a huge fan of Bear McCreary, Ramin Djawadi, and Hans Zimmer
She wouldn’t even watch the show the songs are in 
She just enjoys the sound of music
When she does eventually watch movies, you know the Prince of Egypt soundtrack took her out 
Piper Mclean
I think she would be a HUGE Dido, Kate Bush, Cranberries fan
Would also be the type to have their music influenced by Tiktok 
Nothing wrong with that
It happens to me 
The top song is Grafton Street by Dido
Loves Fleetwood Mac
And Florance & the Mechian
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lilislegacy · 13 days
I love that whenever you get sent songs, you actually take the time to listen to them. And not only that, but you analyze the lyrics and everything. I simply think it’s so nice that you give everyone’s thoughts and recommendations your full attention. There are not many popular posters who do that and actually care about each person’s thoughts that much. No one is saying this to you so I thought I would
And I have a question. What are YOUR songs that make you think of Percy and Annabeth? And I going to listen to each of them with my headphones on and really pay attention to the lyrics. Because you do the same for us
this is so nice of you to say! thank you for this ❤️ and yes, i always want people to know that i value their thoughts. the only reason i am “popular” is because you all listen to my thoughts and value them. so why wouldn’t i do the same in return?
for my songs, i have soooo many. but i will give a few!
1. Rescue by Lauren Daigle- this one literally gives me chills if i think about percabeth during it. the lyrics are so freaking spot on. especially percabeth in the titans curse, the last olympian, and all of heroes of olympus. if there is one song you guys are gonna put on your headphones for or play in your car and let yourself have the feels, make it this one.
2. True love by Pink - it just gives such percabeth pjo vibes. i love how much they bicker and press each others buttons.
3. Paris by The Chainsmokers - this isnt one where the lyrics match exactly. obviously the bits about alcohol and cigarettes don’t really apply to percabeth. but the themes of the song and some of the lyrics really hit hard. it just gives percabeth vibes to me
4. Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey - no explanation needed. it gives me chills
5 Missing Piece by Vance Joy - there’s so much about this song that fits so percy. i just love it for them.
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pebblume · 3 months
guys i haven’t had time to write in weeks and it’s driving me INSANE. to help cope here are a bunch of percabeth fic ideas i have rattling around my brain that i may or may not get around to writing at some point
annabeth is assigned for cabin inspection and percy slept in (cue speed cleaning and attempted flattery and bribery to avoid punishment). this one is deeply unserious
since we didn’t get it in the show with the spider trap in the tunnel of love i’d love to write some other situation where annabeth gets scared by spiders and percy helps her through it and they talk about their fears 
ok ok. hear me out. pjo tv trio watching the lightning thief musical. i’m normally not into “characters watch their own media” type fics, but i think it could be fun to write while also allowing for some introspection! they’re just experiencing this weird uncanny valley where everything is familiar but it’s so different at the same time and also everyone is singing?? percy laughs at his own jokes of course and grover is a theatre kid so he’s nerding out and annabeth is confused (the only musical she’s ever seen is the wizard of oz) but entertained. i think it could be silly
lovesick au with an extra dose of angst. percy gets accidentally drugged with aphrodite’s love magic (and naturally annabeth is the first person he sees) so now she has to deal with a very clingy percy who's sweet and considerate and would do anything she asked but it's not her percy. like she wanted him to like her back but not like this ;-; happy ending tho obviously
hypervigilance and hyperfixation - annabeth has always had to be aware of her surroundings and never let her guard down (ptsd from her childhood and being a demigod), until this boy comes into her life and now all her attention zones in on him whenever he’s within a 50 yard radius. just a little drabble on all the little things you notice when you’re constantly aware of your crush and how even their annoying habits or flaws become hopelessly endearing
annabeth with glasses would be so cute?? (credit to @vicwritesfic for the idea!). basically just some percabeth moments told through glasses: annabeth first getting them and percy helping her feel comfortable with them when she gets self conscious, annabeth losing them in the lake and percy retrieving them, percy trying her glasses on because i think that’s a universal glasses wearer experience, percy finding her asleep at her desk with her glasses askew and taking them off gently, etc. etc. you get the idea
ok y’all know that saying that’s like “you know you like your crush when they get an awful haircut and they’re still attractive to you”? that’s it, that’s the fic. i’m thinking percy gets an unwilling haircut and he gets all embarrassed because his head is a fuzzy egg now, but annabeth still finds him cute because she's down catastrophically bad. he gets his curls back at the end tho don’t worry!
percy is cursed to be honest when he lies to a god and now he can’t stop telling annabeth how pretty her eyes are and how much he admires her; he can’t even use sarcasm - he’s defenseless! basically an excuse for me to torture percy and make him finally talk about his feelings
post tlt. annabeth ran away again after fighting with her father, but instead of going back to camp she goes to stay with the jackson’s (with the obligatory shows-up-on-their-doorstep-sopping-wet-and-pathetic scene and sally decides to adopt her immediately). it was supposed to be for a weekend, but percy convinces her to just stay until they have to go back to camp (about three weeks) and cute domestic shenanigans (and angst) ensue!
percy just got his driver's license after the titan war and takes annabeth for a ride to montauk to meet grover (she obviously has to tease him about the time he was 12 and crashed a car because he was too busy looking into her eyes). they sing along to their favorite songs and percy gets road rage and they stop for ice cream. basically a chance for them to be normal teens because they deserve it!
pen pal au where percy and annabeth write each other letters during the school year (takes place after tlt). just little moments in their lives told through letters and photos and mementos (sally insists on express mailing annabeth blue cookies after a fight with her parents ofc). it’s not the same as having each other there in person, but it helps with the distance. my way of coping with the hiatus between tlt and SoM ;-;
bi percabeth my beloved!! fic about percy’s bi awakening after reflecting on all his boy crushes (childhood friend, luke, beckendorf, etc). he comes out to annabeth after the war and they have this very touching moment where they talk and hug it out. then annabeth is like “oh also I like girls” “you couldn’t have led with that??” “i didn’t want to steal your moment!”
i've also been drafting out some percy pov chapters to my fics "i miss you like a little kid", "nothing's going to hurt you baby", and "punched in the gut (feels like being in love" so those are in the works!!
phew. and that's not even all of them (i think about them an unhealthy amount). i miss writing these two so much, but i won't really have a chance to breath from my school work until spring break so wish me luck ;-;
as always you can find my finished fics here :3
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lamestteenagegirlever · 5 months
as a book reader i ADORE the series but if theres one thing i love more than anything is seeing baby percabeth from an unbiased perspective bc theyre so cute but also percy is so LAME like hes so embarrassing i love him. like in the books hes just like yeah i think she looks like a princess and we only hear his internal thoughts so i LOVEEE actually seeing how awkward he is with his crush on annabeth.
its so cute and i honestly think pretty important for the viewers because it rlly helps to drive how young they all are and how insane it is that theyre being put in these crazy situations. like his dorky face when annabeth smiled when he started singing the consensus song? his voice cracking after annabeth laughed at his potty joke?? the look of brief panic on his face when he realized grover saw the face he was making when he hugged annabeth back followed by the really awkward smile??? THE WAY HE WAS THINKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT A PRETTY GIRL HUGGED HIM FOR SEVERAL DAYS STRAIGHT AND SAW ANNABETH WAS ACTING WEIRD SO HE ASSUMED SHE WAS DOING THE SAME BUT SHE HAD ACTUAL SERIOUS STUFF TO WORRY ABOUT SO HE JUST ENDED UP TELLING ON HIMSELF???? LIKE THAT IS ACTUALLY SO EMBARRASSING I WAS DYING WATCHING THAT PART. THE WAY HE INDIRECTLY ASKED HER ON A MOVIE DATE AND WOULDNT MAKE EYE CONTACT EXCEPT FOR A MILLISECOND TO SEE HER REACTION BEFORE DARTING HIS EYES AWAY SO FAST????? THE TUNNEL OF LOVE SCENE OVERALL?????? THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER LIKE YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE THAT HIS PUPILS ARE DILATED IN A GOOD COUPLE OF SCENES WHEN HES LOOKING AT HER LIKE THIS LITTLE BOY IS DOWN ASTRONOMICALLY HE IS SO FUCKING LAME. like we obviously knew the way they were both ready to sacrifice their lives for eachother in a heartbeat and how well they complimented one another and the way they changed each others world views and made the other strive to be better versions of themselves like ive known they were the blueprint since like literally 2nd grade like that didnt stop me from repeatedly bawling my eyes out over it but thats not the point. like we knew this and we could see it in the books but we couldnt see, or at least not fully see, how big of a stupid embarrassing crush percy had on annabeth and how she obviously feels the same way but is better at hiding it like oh my god i love them i wanna squeeze them until their eyes pop out like those old pens at the scholastic book fair do yall remember those?? im sorry guys im so autistic pjo and specifically percabeth has been my special interest since i was 7 and now 10 years later i get to watch them on tv in an adaptation WITH YOUNG RYAN REYNOLDS ARYAN SIMHADRI AND THE ONE AND ONLY MISS LEAH JEFFRIES thats almost entirely book accurate but also adds in fun stuff that works great in the plot and for the most part even better than the original scenes in the books bc the show is how rick would write the series NOW with all of his new gained writing experience like im actually going to explode the show is so good
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noisyalmonddreamer · 2 years
“Baby, bang it up inside”
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Toxic relationship headcanons with HoO and MCGA
Characters: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Nico Di Angelo, Frank Zhang, Will Solace, Magnus Chase, Hearthstone, Alex Fierro
(A/N): The title is from the song “Washing Machine Heart” by Mitski! Also I’m bad at angst so this isn’t great lol
- Percy is extremely loyal. That itself isn't a bad thing but sometimes...not great. He's loyal to you, he's loyal to his friends. But choosing...well... - It depends. Imagine there's a fight between his friends and you. And let's imagine he's known his friends longer then you. He'll take his friends side. No matter what - His friends said what? No they didn't they wouldn't do that! They did that? Stop lying! He knows his friends. They would never - And may the gods help you if it's Annabeth and Grover you get into a fight with
- he's also extremely oblivious - At first you thought it was adorable. Like awww what a cute boy but then... - It gets into the "well come on" zone - People at camp will obviously flirt with him - They also do stuff like flex right at him (while they're sweaty) and pushing their arms together to draw attention to....places - And he doesn't tell them to back off or anything - He doesn't full on flirt with anyone but he's gotta playful personality so it just happens sometimes - It's never his intention but it just enables them! - If you ever bring it up? He'll deny it - They asked for help with their sword posture! - They need to get something from a high up place! - They were just being nice! - You're just jealous and paranoid!
- Jason can be a bit...direct - To put it simply - Sometimes it feels like his words cut wounds into you - He doesn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything - But he just doesn't see the point in lying if you can get something out of telling the truth - He personally is always trying to do the best he can - There isn't much room for error in his mind - So he assumes you want the same - I mean yeah. That painting does look pretty bad compared to your other work - The writing in that is sloppy. Everything is phrased weirdly - If you keep holding the sword like that your gonna embarrass yourself - Why are you upset? - He's just saying the truth! - Come on. Don't you want to get better?
- Leo is SO insecure. - He's 100% convinced he's not good enough for you. - That you're going to leave him. So he needs constant reassurance. - That isn't bad. You're glad to reassure him. - It's not his fault that he insecure! - But this insecurity turns into ugly jealousy. - You're hanging out with some other  boy? - He knows you're cheating. - He wouldn't blame you. He wouldn't be with him either. - Next time he sees you he tells you no he fully understands why you're cheating on him - So you'll have to be with him for a full day to reassure him you love him and only him - You might not talk to that friend again...
- even after you start dating Leo is a prolific flirt - He would never cheat on you. Gods no. - But he still flirts with most any girl - It makes you uncomfortable? It's just the way he is. It's not a big deal! - Plus you're way out of his league so he wouldn't even dream of cheating on you! - It's just for fun! - He's joking around - Do you not trust him or something? - He loves you why wouldn't you trust him! - Don't you know that hurts his feelings?
- He won't let you in. - Trying to bond with him is pointless. He'll want to know about you. - Tell him anything you want. - He'll insist! - But as soon as you wonder about him he gets upset. - Saying you're pushing him and he'll say what he does and doesn't wan to tell you. - But as soon as you do the same he says you just don't love him anymore
- He doesn't communicate his feelings. You're often left to wonder if he's upset because of something maybe you did? - Or maybe something happened while you were apart? - Don't pry though - He won't tell you anything if you do
- He has a tendency to ignore everything for a bit. Lock himself away. - Ignore everything and everyone. - He never tells you when he's gonna do this. - You're fully understanding though, life can be hard. - They started happening on important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions) and you didn't mind to much still but did express a bit of hurt. (After it kept happening over and over again) - He only responded with "well what do you want me to do about it?"
- we all know Frank has pretty bad self esteem - He'll often say bad stuff about himself - Which leads to you reassuring him none of it is true - Which is fine at first - Everyone needs reassurance! - But it gets to a point that he'll say things like "I'm not as good as (insert friend) you should go and be with them" - Which then leads to you leaving that friend - It happens a lot - You slowly realize you pushed away a lot of people - When you try to stop pushing them away and bring them back in he'll immediately go back to what he's been saying - That he knew you liked them better than him - And you push them away again... - It's a unhealthy cycle
- Will treats you like a child - You can't do anything for yourself - At first it was cute - Like 'awww my boyfriend is so sweet and caring!' - Then it's 'oh. My boyfriend just thinks I'm completely incapable' - You wanna go climb the lava wall? No! He's told you before it's dangerous! - You wanna go on a walk? Take your weapon just in case. Yes he knows you're not going anyway dangerous! It's just in case! - Gods help you if you get hurt after he warning you of something - He'll lecture you for HOURS about how he was right and look where it landed you. If you just listened to him you wouldn't be hurt right now - You know he just does it because he cares but seriously - You're his age!
- Cant admit when he's wrong - He's had to be mature since he was young - So he almost always thinks he's right - He's had to control a whole cabin and raise so many people - He is one of the best doctors at camp - He had kept people alive! - So how do you know better than him! - Did he say something wrong? - You're probably imagining it! - Don't be stupid he wouldn't do that - At some point you kinda start to believe it
- he like many others has a lot of issues - He's pretty traumatized - He's not all that affectionate -  But that's okay! - You just want him to be comfortable! - You love him so much so you're not gonna pressure him into doing anything - However... - After a while you noticed he treats you not different than he treats his friends - No matter what - At first you thought he was just embarrassed around people - But he does it alone - It all hit you when you tried to hold his hand and he swatted you - He barley kisses you - Not good with lovey dovey words - Once you bring this up he's angry - He thought you understood him - That he had gone through a lot - Why were you being so demanding? - He's not comfortable! - Gods you're so selfish
- He's got a shit ton of emotional baggage - Which he's never really liked dumping onto people - So that turns into bottling it up - He won't tell you anything that he's been through (if you were there for it at least) - So much to the point that he barely opens up at all - So after a while of dating you realize - You know nothing about him - Is he allergic to anything? What's his favorite color? He wears black a lot but does he do that cause he looks good or cause he likes the color? Maybe both? - What are his dreams? What's his favorite food??? - You know nothing - He knows a lot about you though - Life everything - So he doesn't see the problem - What's the matter? - He knows everything about you and that's enough - You should really learn your limit
- doesn't want to hear about your problems - Specially things that happened in your past - You had a nightmare about it? Well I guess you can come sleep over but don't be to loud - You need someone to rant to cause it's bothering you? Well TJ is down the hall so... - He just holds the opinion of "why are you complaining? It isn't that bad" - Alex has been through a lot - A lot lot - We know this - So unless what happened to you is equivalent or worse then what happened to her she won't care much - Did you have a house over your head? Yeah? Well then why are you upset? - Wanna know whats really upsetting? Getting kicked out of your house and being homeless!
(She/her) - you legit can't tell if she actually likes you - you know her flirting style is "be mean" but like... - The only reason you know she likes you is she confessed - But at this point you are actually starting to wonder if she hates you - She'll insult the things you like if she thinks it's not that interesting - She thinks that outfit is ugly? - She says it - Why are you so upset? You knew she was like this before you started dating so why are you crying? - Did you think she would change while in a relationship?
- believes that everyone's problems are their own - Which is partially true - But I mean in a bad way - You need to rant? Well not to Alex. Maybe TJ's door is open - If you had it worse then her maybe she'll listen - But she got through her shit alone so why can't you? - Why is she burdened with your problems - She doesn't bother you with hers! - She won't even pretended to care tho - She will say up front she doesn't care - That your problems aren't that big a deal - You're being dramatic - You're acting childish
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kekaki-cupcakes · 10 months
Hii, can i request a Leo valdez x reader where reader is like 10 cm taller then Leo?
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thank you for the request <3
It got a bit random but baking is so domestic and fluffy I love it. And also the story is assuming the reader can pic Leo up, which some of y'all might not be able to do but to be fair Leo can't weight that much [he's like holding a bunch of grapes]. Enjoy!
Carrot cake---Leo V x Reader
  »»————- ★ ————-««
You weren’t tall. You also weren’t short, just somewhere in the middle that meant in a crowd, you didn’t tend to stand out at a glance. Height wasn’t your biggest problem, you had other things to think about. As long as you could fit through the doorways easily and still get to the highest cupboard, that was okay. 
That was until you realized when Leo bounded up as usual, a smirk on his lips and grease on his cheeks, and then hugged you [an expected greeting by now], his head fit snugly and only just beneath your chin.   
Dark curls tickled your chin, but it was worth it to feel him humming like a ball of energy, pressed against you before he bounced away to the next thing. Though he never seemed to stray too far from your vicinity, always able to glance around and wink at you, or come back and trace his fingers along the dips off your palm subtly. 
Sometimes he’d stand just close enough that you could step forward and tuck him back under your chin, where he’d stay.                                    
                                                 »»————- ★ ————-««
“How the Hades are we supposed to bake a cake?” 
“Well, mi amor, there’s these things called ingredients, and sometimes if you put the right amount-”
You leaned back on the kitchen counter, and glance up from Annabeth’s Olympus rebuilding Ipad, the one you’d borrowed to find a recipe. You raised an eyebrow. “Your humor isn’t going to grate that carrot.” 
You also pretended not to see his obviously fake mocking of your words, as he waved a carrot around in what could only be described as a sassy way. Then went back to grating, finally, moving his hips to the tune of the song playing over the radio. It sat in the corner of the room, which was filled with poker chips, ancient tribal masks, and half filled bowls of flour and sugar. 
A website was describing the chef’s niece's eighth birthday party, which had a connection to the recipe you couldn’t quite find, and you propped the Ipad up on the soda stream. Leo skipped over and peered over your shoulder, his hot breath on your neck. “How do we even know Racheal likes carrot cake? Did anyone ask?”
“Leo, sweetie, it’s a surprise party.”
You blink at him for a moment, and then just give up. Apparently the braincells used in taking SAT’s for fun didn’t carry over to general common sense. At least not in Leo’s case. “She’s a rich, indie, art hoe. Of course she likes carrot cake.”
“Point taken,” Leo said, and humming to the song, began to measure milk out into a nemo themed cup, then tipped it into one of the many bowls lined up in preparation. 
The eggs were cracked afterwards, and butter melted through, until you had all of the wet ingredients ready. You glanced down at the Ipad, ignoring a notification from Percy telling Annabeth that the spider had been killed. “Flour, sugar, and…baking soda.”
With a thud, Leo dropped a bag of flour onto the counter, only it sent up a billowing cloud of the fine white powder, which smudged on his face as he pitifully tried to wipe it off. 
You shook your head in dismay, and reached over to help. ‘How do you create a mess out of the simplest tasks?”
“Because you're always there to help clean up?”
“Ha ha,” you mutter, using the less egg-y parts of your hands to wipe off the flour that seemed to stick like glue. His skin was soft and warm and slowly turning a dark shade of red. 
You noticed that there were little pale scattered scars across his brown skin, probably from accidents in bunker nine. You blinked a few times, pulling your eyes away and remembering to breathe. 
“There you go,” you told him, and patted his cheek twice, “it only looks like you’ve done a few lines of cocaine.”
“Just the look I was going for,” he grinned back, nose wrinkling a little as he did so. You rolled your eyes at him, and started to measure out the flour. He tipped the sugar, spilling some over his sleeves, and licked it off. “Yum.”
One more scroll through the recipe, and, “two teaspoons of baking soda, then we mix it all together.”
A clattering of cupboard doors and an ‘oof’, showed that there was no baking sugar down there. You check the pantry, and Leo changed the station on the radio to some song about a rock for lovers. He then proceeded to climb onto the counter, his tongue between his teeth as he concentrated on not slipping on the spilt sugar and cracking his head open.
“What on gaea are you doing, Leo?”
He blinked once, like an owl caught doing something naughty. Then he pointed at the cupboard above the fridge, crouched as if he was spiderman next to the sodastream with a grin, “getting the baking soda?”
“You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” you muttered, and strode over, picking him up clumsily in your arms. He wriggled around with a yelp, arms wrapped around your neck quiet dramatically, in your opinion. “Why are you made of elbows?”
He stared up at you with wide eyes and a red face, which was for some reason really close to your own. You weren’t complaining. 
“I only have two,” he croaked, and looked away, swinging his legs absentmindedly. You debated holding him in your arms forever, he was so warm and snuggly [even if he was incredibly boney]. Still, Jason would be nearly finished putting streamers up, and the cake had to be ready by then. 
You put him down as gently as you could on the table and turned back to the messy and flour covered kitchen, reaching up easily to the cupboard above the fridge, and grabbed the baking soda. 
You turned, “see, you could’ve just asked.”
“Well, I didn’t know I’m not allowed to climb the kitchen!”
                                          »»————- ★ ————-««
“The carrot cakes a win.”
You bump your cup of raspberry lemonade against Leo’s in cheers. The lighting was the color of your drink, but everything felt a lot more hazy and sentimental for such a non alcoholic beverage. “Told you, rich indie art hoes like carrot cake.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Leo said with a chuckle, the fairy lights hung along the walls of Rachel's cave reflected in his eyes. They looked like stars in the sky. Or flour on a countertop. You shook your head a little. 
The atmosphere must’ve been getting to you. 
Maybe it was the softly churning smoke machine in the corner or the speakers pumping out TV Girl, but it was bringing up everything. Not physically, it was bringing up all the thoughts. Soft hair and sparkling eyes. Sugary hands and bitten down nails. Bouncing steps and quirked lips that looked so very delicious, like the drinks staining his very lips a shiny red. 
You realized you were doing it again, and averted your gaze, setting your sloshing cup down on the closed lid of a record player balanced upon a bucket of minty green paint. The entrance to the cave was hidden by wooden beaded curtains and they clattered when you moved them apart and stepped through.
“Woah,” you breathed, looking up.
The dewy grass crunched beneath your shoes as you walked out of the soft red lighting, to where the stars would look even brighter. It was as if someone had grabbed a handful of glitter and threw it across the night sky, flicking little pieces along to make the shooting stars you watched dance about. 
There was a shuffling of feet and someone swore, then Leo trotted up spilling some of his drink onto the ground without realizing. “What are you looking at? More gorgons?”
“Nah, the stars.” You answer, not drawing your eyes away from them.
You felt Leo stumble to a standstill in front of you, and you’d already reached out, tucking his curls under your chin. “Such a poet, you could be a philosopher.”
“Shut up.”
“Philosophize something for me,” he egged, his hands joining yours where they sat on his narrow shoulders. You were giddy with something soft and warm and a little bit fluttery in your stomach, like honey through your veins. “Go on.”
You grin, “me? You’re the brainiac, you philololophize something.”
“Okay,” he murmured, squinting. “Uh…”
You hummed to the faint music you could still hear from where the two of you were wrapped up together on the cliff top, surrounded by pine trees and scattered cups of red sweetness. 
“You’re so tall.” Leo murmured, and you could see the little gears whirring and clicking in his head. “How would we kiss?”
It was a good question, one that melted your insides and turned your brain to cake batter. You buried your face in his mess of curls. He smelt like smoke and sugar. Hopefully he tasted like that too. 
“Maybe if we sat down,” you murmured, feeling your chest heavy with feelings you couldn’t begin to explain with the lump of fear clogging your throat. 
Leo turned, twisting in your arms with a quiet ‘good idea’, and you were already kneeling in the grass, his hands still tightly curled around your own. His eyes were far off and distant, but so very, very beautiful. Like the stars. 
“I’m gonna…” You started, but the thought trails off into fog as you’re distracted by the tint of red and tinge of a smile on Leo’s lips. 
He just nods in return to your unfinished statement, and you rock forwards, slotting your own mouth against his. You were right. He tasted like sugar and raspberry flavored sugar, tinny music and soft hands. 
Soft hands that traced along your jaw, light as a feather. Your own were clumsy and looped through his soft hair, tugging a little and pulling him as close as you could get. Your knees cold with dew and frost were ignored, Leo’s tongue and teeth and lips favored. 
“I think…” Leo started, whispering against your mouth with breathy chuckles, and looking up with lidded gooey eyes. “There might have been somethin’ in that lemonade.”
You just murmur an agreement into another kiss.
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losergender · 2 months
media i think the pjo cast would be into
percy : h2o + mako mermaids (he religously makes stelle watch them with him once she's older) , he also really likes teen beach movie + austin & ally (reminds him of him and annabeth). he's a great spiderman fan too, had a hyperfix on it as a kid and it came back SUPER STRONG when atsv was released, he was devastated when he couldn't infodump annabeth about it
annabeth : THE SIMS !!!! she got her dad to buy her all the DLCs of the sims 4 as compensation for how he treated her. i think she would also love the new york times games if they were more dyslexia friendly (you know when she gets absolutely furious at the sphynx in tbotl bc the questions are stupid? that's how she'd react to connection categories)
grover : he would love animal crossing new leaf and new horizons so much! i also think he would lend happy home designer to annabeth but she would get frustrated at how little you can personalise the houses. he also really likes deltarune and the concept of goat boy helps blue mc with single-mother reminds him of him and percy
nico : pokemon, but specifically the card game. will tries to introduce him to the game many times but nico is horrible at managing a console so after lots of frustration he goes "i wish it came it card format" and will is just like "OH!" he also really likes animation because he was alive during its beginnings, so i think he could be just familiar enough with it but not enough not to be super excited with every one of the new techniques that have been developed
rachel : she has watched tangled many many times. obviously she has a devianart / tumblr account. huge huge fan of the spiderverse movies (was the one percy infodumped about it) and adventure time (the opening of fionna & cake is her morning alarm). she is also a loona stan (after becoming friends with annabeth she asked for help figuring out the loonaverse and accidentally got annabeth into them as well, but rachel is more into the music while annabeth just focus on the lore)
tyson : when i was maybe 8 i had this nintendo game about horse riding that i am sure he would love. ALSO MLP!!! twilight reminds him of annabeth!!
will : TRIGUN !!!! SOMEONE LET THIS BOY READ TRIMAX!!! + he loved hannah montana, he still owns the cds and the climb is his favorite song.
bianca : would have loved christian girl k-pop i just know
clarisse : she grew up watching shonen anime. i don't watch a lot of shonen but i'm personally gonna say she likes one piece so when she got the quest on tsom a part of her kept going "omg one piece reference." she also thinks jojo's is the most hilarious piece of media to ever exist.
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bookns · 9 months
How much I think Percy Jackson characters like Taylor Swift:
Percy: 100% a swiftie. He’s a reputation and lover stan but has a special spot for state of grace (your my Achilles heel lyric is the reason why) and loves this is why we can't have Nice things (its the mama lyric). and obviously 1989 is the album the got him really into Taylor. Dancing around to you are in love with Annabeth in his moms living kitchen. and he loves welcome to New York (no shit)
Annabeth: adores her. Speak now stan. Better than revenge TV was on REPLAY when Rachel was around. Cries to The Last Time (TV). She has a special spot for RED TV because that is the album she played during Percys disappearance and lets just say she can't listen to forever winter without crying. Associates happiness with her dad and my tears riochet with Luke. Loves Cornelia Street because to Annabeth, she thinks of the sea and how the boy with sea green eyes will always be there.
Grover: debut and fearless stan. Is the one that introduced Percy to Taylor when they were all 12. Loves playing hey Stephan and I’m only me when I’m with you on his reed pipés. It reminds him of Juniper
Thalia: not really (I hate to say it as a Thalia lover) but she doesn’t mind as long as she doesn’t have to hear shake it off on Grover’s reed pipes
Luke: NO. He listens to Kanye and hates Taylor "she only writes about the guys that did her wrong" and thinks Annabeth is childish because she listens to her
Clarisse: vibes to reputation with Silena. She can’t listen to anything Taylor ESPECIALLY lover without silena in her mind. she hears the opening lines to long live and cries
Silena: biggest swiftie at Camp. Is a Midnight and Speak Now girlie (a WCS girlie - she replaces the 19 with 13; the age Luke munipated her) also Loves high infidelity for some reason. People think she loves Lover which she does but Speak Now means more because that was the time she became a swiftie. She remembers acting out Speak Now (the song) with her sisters Lacy and Drew, as she used her crush Charlie to be the guy that her (the wedding crasher) ends up with. Loves castles crumbing and nothing new
Connor Stoll: No but he steals the vinyls for Silena to play on the loud speakers of Camp because she would use secrets against so he was under her
Travis: he would deny If anyone asked but he listens to the way I loved you and thinks of Katie. No one thinks he likes Taylor but folklore is his favorite
Katie: she loves Haunted stan thanks to Silena and believes that Long Story Short is her song
Beckendorf: Listens to Lover and imagines a small house where he and Silena can leave the Christmas lights till January. Thinks about making the Red TV ring for her. Likes Reputation (but more endgame and bad blood featuring Kendrick Lamar)
Nico: no. I'm sorry. Thinks she's overrated
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Top 5 worst ships in your opinions (can't be from the same franchise)
5.Weiss/Ruby(Rwby).Purely because of the fandom,i love Weiss but Ruby's way out of her league and ion like how the stans talk about Oscar,who is Ruby's canon love interest and a poor afrolatino boy to Weiss' rich white girl.Dosen't help that Weiss has more chemistry with Ruby's sister actually
4.Peter/Wade(Marvel).Do not care about Wade in the slightest bit and it ranges into full on hatred thanks to me maining Spiderfam when it comes to Marvel and i'm a firm believer in Gwenpool and her x Comics!Gwen as queerplatonic trans girlfriends superiority(Me and my gf fr fr)
3.Bakugou/Momo(Bnha).She deadass shows nothing except disdain for him in canon in all their interactions but she's his bestieeee according to Bakuriders because women don't have backbones if they're soft and peppy and kiddy-Momo is the walking definition of 'Silk Hiding Steel' and that's why she dosen't date nepotism dudebros.Shouto dosen't count because he's neither dude nor bro,he's just her pretty boygirlfriend who lives in her head rent free and vice versa(but for her it's 'pretty autistic girlfriend')
2.Percy/Annabeth(Pjo).Their couple song is 'Fake as hell' by All Time Low and Avril Lavigne because they're the fakest fake to ever fake-Percy is obviously comphet on Annabeth's part but also their whole dynamic is just built on lying to the reader and being shoved onto eachother against their consent by the narrative until they give into it and it's a severely unbalenced dynamic with almost all the favors going onto Annabeth and Percy enabling her because he's scared of her.They will never be the Dead Sea Siblings soulmateisms or Ghostflower and the shippers are such Luke and gods apologists ong
1.Harry/Draco(Hp).This ship has so much of it going around eternally for an eternity and it's all just white privilege and fetishization of minorities and glamorization of richness and i do not get the hype around Draco,it's always been so incomprehensible to me that BLACK WOMEN especially simp for him like honey he called Hermione slurs💀Yet another reason Hp and Marauder's era should've never gotten published,it's done nothing but damage to everyone and everything
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iheartannabethchase · 4 months
sitting in math class thinking about how mine by taylor swift is percabeth’s song!!!
“left a small town, never looked back” - annabeth running away to camp
“i say ‘can you believe it?’ as we’re lying on the couch, the moment i can see it, yes, yes” - when they are talking about how annabeth remembers when they were 12 and silly and crushing on each other and now they are together
“do you remember we were sitting there by the water?” - he’s the son of poseidon, so yeah obviously
“you made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter” - LITERALLY annabeth’s dad was such a careless man, she is such a careful daughter and he totally made a rebel out of her. getting her to realize the gods’ mistakes?? getting her to sneak out to camp??? definitely rebel making activities
“you are the best thing that’s ever been mine” - duh! the amount of sacrifice yourself offs they have proves this. tartarus, the sirens, holding up the sky, “no one touches her”, they are literally everything to each other
“flash forward and we’re taking on the world together” - no other duo is saving the world like they are! percabeth world saviors 100x
“you learn my secrets and you figure out why i’m guarded” the scene on the train in the show where she tells him about her family and thalia!
“you say we’ll never make our parents mistakes” OH MY GOD HELLO??? literally their whole thing. if percabeth is one thing, they are better than their parents. also the whole poseidon and athena hate each other thing?? could never be percy and annie
“when it was hard to take, yes, yes, this is what i thought about” - didn’t percy say the only thing that kept him alive while they were separated was thinking of annabeth?? yeah. yeah he did.
“you said ‘i’ll never leave you alone’” - mark of athena reunion type moment
anywayyyyyy i could go on forever tbh
mine is percabeth’s song!!
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death-himself · 5 months
ok episode 6 thoughts
decent episode, doesn't top episodes 4 or 5 for me but it was good
kronos being portrayed by his headmaster is an interesting choice
the iris message is so much blurrier than I always imagined i'm crying
144p iris message you would think it would be clearer but nope that's so funny to me
with how involved rick is with the show that means that's always what he imagined iris messaging looking like I can't iris messaging is ruined for me
we didn’t get percy talking to the zebra T-T it’s fine tho i forgot that even happened in the book until i checked after watching
their whole conversation while watching the animals escape i love them
their chemistry is perfect in this episode
i get people wanted poker face, but the dua lipa song is perfect, it’s like a slightly more modern version
i don’t know fashion throughout the centuries so i can’t really say anything about the costume designs, but i kinda wish there were more obviously out of place outfits in the lotus
is augustus mentioned at all in the books? i don’t remember a satyr named augustus so i guess he was made just for the tv series?
luring grover in with pan is a cool change
grover slowly losing his memory was played pretty well
i keep getting impressed by how good these kids are as actors
i honestly don’t know why people hate on lin manuel miranda so much, i think he made for a pretty good hermes this episode
but also the way they’re portraying hermes feels a little bit off?? i don’t really know how but something didn’t feel right about his character
i do feel like he’s the most “human” out of the gods introduced so far, and i think that came through pretty well
“to be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other?” that line is just-
as someone with a really complicated relationship with my dad that line just hurt goddamn
the flashback percy had??? i feel like that line doesn’t 100% relate to percy and sally’s relationship, but i see how that’d be how percy would feel
unless i’m dumb and that was referencing his relationship with poseidon lol
ok the end of their talk with hermes i wanna talk about that a bit
parenting sometimes being watching your kid struggle and being powerless to stop it: completely true
“we’re all just doing the best we can” now that’s some godly bullshit
the difference between that first quote and gods being parents is that they’re literally capable of doing anything
they could be more present in their kids lives, they just CHOOSE not to, that’s how it works in the books
sure it’s coming from a place where he thinks interacting will only make things worse but???
i can’t articulate my thoughts, i liked this scene tho, my thoughts on hermes are mixed as they should be
“i’m multi-talented” I LOVE HER
percy forgetting grover felt so unsettling to me
hermes driving a taxi so real
percy trying to drive, i’m not gonna lie, that scene went on a little too long for me, but i was laughing the whole time so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ok percy getting 4 pearls instead of 3??? idk why but that change pissed me off
i paused to get out the book, and i guess it makes more sense then hades just deciding to return her
but at the same time there’s the line in the prophecy, he’s supposed to leave her in the underworld for that part of the prophecy
are they just going to end up accidentally breaking one of the pearls or trading it or something? that’s the only way i can see that still working out
i feel like these episode reviews always turn out sounding more negative than positive, but i swear i’m enjoying the hell out of this series, i just have trouble articulating joy lol
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Since Riordan attended the Eras Tour let's talk about pjo swiftie characters (according to me ofc)
Annabeth= you can't convince she isn't a swiftie i know she is, but not many people know cause she thinks it's lowkey embarassing to be into Taylor, but she's totally a Speak now, 1989 stan she was screaming "Better than revenge" every day and every night when Rachel was into the picture, also she totally made Percy listen to "You are in love" cause it reminds her of them. Also also "New Romantics" is her anthem. She also loves "This is why we can't have nice things" cause it remindes her of Luke. I could actually go on forever but i'm gonna stop here now
Piper = duh of course she is, she is a Lover and Red girly, confused, romantic, hopeful in true love even after being hurt, she's on the "Paper Rings", "Me", "Lover" the song, "The Man" "I think he knows" ecc side of Lover and on the "The moment i knew", "Begin again", "Everything has changed", "The lucky one" "Stay,stay,stay" side of Red
Frank= i know in my heart, soul and mind he's a swiftie too, he actually takes Hazel to Taylor's concerts and randomly sends her Taylor's songs that reminds him of Hazel, he's the kind of guy who proposes during "Love story" cause lowkey is an hopless romantic. He was screaming crying every liryc of "You belong with me" at night in the Argo II when he thought Leo had a thing for Hazel. He gifted Midnights to Hazel cause the album is so her according to him. To me he is a Speak now girlie
Will= he's one of the biggest swifties at chb, there's literally nothing you can say to convince me otherwise. He's into her country albums more but actually lover all of her music, Taylor is his comfort singer (besides his mom of course) he's a Fearless girly and listens to "Fearless" the song, during long operations cause it helps him, "Hey Stephen" makes him think of Nico as well as "New year's day" cause he's a simp and "Dancing with our hands tied" cause that's literally his pov in Tartarus,idc, and of course "The best day" makes him think of his mom. "Change" and "Jump then fall" are some of his favorite Taylor's songs ever. I know my boy cries to "Mirrorball" and "This is me trying". You can't tell me he didn't sing "Our song" to Nico at least once
Percy,Hazel and Nico are Taylor enthusiasts, not quite fans but their s.o introduced them to her so now they appreciate Taylor too
Percy= he's a 1989 girlie, he loves "Welcome to New York" and thinks "Bad blood" is one of her best songs ever. After Annabeth made him listen to "YAIL" he fell in love wih it and it's now their song, he screams to "Haunted" when he feels disappointed by his father or by the Gods in general. He loves "The great war" too cause it reminds him of Annabeth as well as "Mine". And he loves "Long live" cause it just fits him and his story
Hazel= she's into Midnights (not only cause Frank gifted it to her, even tho that definetly made the album gain some extra points) "Bejeweled" and "Karma" are some of her favorite songs of the whole album but she cried the first time she listened to "You're on your own kid" so it has a special place on her heart. She dedicated "Lavander Haze" and "Sweet nothings" to Frank and it made him a bit emotional. Also she loves "Paris" cause she has taste. She absolutely adores "The outside" and the Debut album in general
Nico= i know what you're thinking hes a Reputation supporter but i actually see him more as a Folklore/Evermore girlie and a Lover one too, unlike Piper he's more on "The archer", "Cruel summer", "It's nice to have a friend" and "Soon you'll get better" side of Lover cause u know my boy is a little bit of a mess, and of course he loves "Daylight", "Cornelia street" (actually this song is his religion we know he has low self esteem) and "Aterglow" cause they make him think of Will. He thinks "No body, no crime" is probably Taylor best dark bop and obviously he loves "Gold rush" but i think he relates it back to his old crush on Percy, "Evermore" the song, is one of his favorite on the whole album, as well as "Long story short". I know Nico secretely cries to "Tolerate it". He dedicated "Invisible string" to Will (actually if you read TSATS without being a fucking hater, you'll know this is lowkey, very lowkey tho, canon) he loves "Peace" and "The Lakes" cause he relates to them deeply. I still think he loves Rep too like "Look what you made me do" it's totally his jam "I did something bad" is his go to song when he wants to be in a good mood and of course "Gorgeous"and "Delicate" cause he's secretely a romantic and down bad for his boyfriend.
If you don't know Taylor this won't make sense but if you have time and want new music give those songs a go, cause they're really good trust me u will not regret it
Just few lyrics to some of the songs to let u know what i'm talking about
BETTER THAN REVENGE= The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and, I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him she came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause she took him faster than you could say sabotage
YAIL= One night he wakes strange look on his face pauses, then says you're my best friend and you knew what it was he is in love
NEW ROMANTICS= We're so young but we're on the road to ruin we play dumb but we know exactly what we're doing we cry tears of mascara in the bathroom honey, life is just a classroom
TIWWCHNT= It was so nice being friends again there I was giving you a second chance but you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand
THE MAN= I'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again cause if I was a man then I'd be the man
TLO= And they tell you that you're lucky, but you're so confused cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used
YBWM= I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night i'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry and I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams think I know where you belong think I know it's with me
FEARLESS= And I don't know how it gets better than this you take my hand and drag me head first fearless and I don't know why but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress
HEY STEPHEN= Hey Stephen, i know looks can be deceiving but i know i saw a light in you [...] cause i can't help it if you look like an angel can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so come feel this magic i've been feeling since I met you
DWOHT= I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us so, baby, can we dance through an avalanche? And say, say that we got it i'm a mess, but i'm the mess that you wanted
MIRRORBALL= I'm still a believer but I don't know why i've never been a natural all I do is try, try, try
TIMT= They told me all of my cages were mental so I got wasted like all my potential and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad i have a lot of regrets about that i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here
Bad Blood= Now we got problems and I don't think we can solve 'em you made a really deep cut and baby, now we got bad blood
TGW= We can plant a memory garden say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair there's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair and we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover the worst was over my hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War
BEJEWELED= Best believe I'm still bejeweled when I walk in the room i can still make the whole place shimmer
KARMA= Ask me what I learned from all those years ask me what I earned from all those tears ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here
YOYOK= Everything you lose is a step you take so make the friendship bracelets take the moment and taste it you've got no reason to be afraid you're on your own, kid yeah, you can face this you're on your own, kid you always have been
THE OUTSIDE= I've been a lot of lonely places i've never been on the outside
THE ARCHER= Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay? Dark side, I search for your dark side but what if I'm alright, right, right, right here? And I cut off my nose just to spite my face then I hate my reflection for years and years
CORNELIA STREET= And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends id never walk Cornelia Street again that's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
AFTERGLOW= I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue put you in jail for something you didn't do i pinned your hands behind your back, thought I had reason to attack, but no [...] Sorry that I hurt you i don't wanna do, I don't wanna do this to you i don't wanna lose, i don't wanna lose this with you
TOLERATE IT= I wait by the door like I'm just a kid use my best colors for your portrait lay the table with the fancy shit and watch you tolerate it if it's all in my head tell me now tell me I've got it wrong somehow i know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it
INVISIBLE STRING= Time, mystical time cutting me open, then healing me fine were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me
PEACE= All these people think love's for show but I would die for you in secret the devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
LWYMMD= But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time i got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
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