#oc // thalia trevelyan
theluckywizard · 2 months
Thank you for the tag @oxygenforthewicked ! I have been doing a lot of painting lately, mainly because I’ve finally figured out it’s better to not just stare at a blank screen when words are not coming on my writing projects. This here is a portrait i’m nearly done with (hairrrrrrr aslekjflsakd) of @nirikeehan ‘s Thalia Trevelyan.
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Tagging @greypetrel @megasaurusssss @blarrghe @plisuu @samseabxrn @crackinglamb @leggywillow @hekaerges AND YOU for art or writing WIPs.
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nirikeehan · 1 year
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I got an incredible couples commission of Thalia Trevelyan and Cullen by the amazingly talented @airagitt. Thank you again!!
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exalted-dawn · 1 month
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A bunch of little sketches and doodles of OCs over in DAFF :3
@dreadfutures @oxygenforthewicked @inquisimer @nirikeehan @rosella-writes @monocytogenes @kiastirling
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HAPPY FRIDAY EDDDD maybe maybe some friendship time for OCs (Thalia & Alora or Thalia & Talenna???) + ❛ i can keep a secret ❜ from the platonic prompts??? 👉👈
YALL THEYRE SO CUTE I CAN'T TwT Thanks so much for this prompt Niri, and for letting me write Thalia!!! (Hopefully I did okay on characterization kjbewfrjewgh) Can't get enough of her and Alora having cute times as horse buddies <3
For @dadrunkwriting
Rated T: Very minor mentions of sex and implied sex, 467 Words
Secrets Shared| By Exalted_Dawn
Thalia paused in her brushing, a cloud of dirt and sawdust kicking up beneath her curry comb as her hand came to an abrupt stop. She stared, wide eyed, over at Alora, her mouth slack jawed as the elf only ducked her head further against the piebald horse’s withers. “Oh my goodness, wait, did you actually?!”
The blonde’s ears lit up a bright red, nearly glowing, and ever so slowly Alora nodded her head. “Sathan- please don’t tell anyone. Creators forbid Dorian- shit, or Sera, finds out. I’ll never hear the end of it. The last thing I need right now are impromptu sex safety talks and accompanying gagging noises…”
Thalia stifled a giggle, a few strands of her deep auburn hair falling into her face as she ducked to hide her amusement. As soon as she regained her composure, she resumed her work, falling back into that familiar steady rhythm of brush and comb. “No worries, Ali. I can keep a secret. But really- good for you. You both deserved a bit of time to yourselves after everything that’s been happening as of late. I suppose I just didn’t expect either of you to take the proverbial jump.” She paused, blinking. “Wait a minute. Which one of you made the first move?”
Alora’s face snapped up from her hiding place, the flush from her ears now also painted across the soft round curve of her friend’s cheeks in a way that made her Vallaslin an almost violent scarlet by comparison. 
“Thalia!” She cried in a broken whisper, as if scandalized Thalia had even asked. 
Blackwall’s head shot up from the corner of the stables, his brows lifting questioningly in Thalia’s direction in wordless concern. The redhead shook her head with a laugh and shooed away his worried gaze with a wave of her hand towards the workbench, and then returned her attention back to Alora. 
The girl was glaring at her with about as fierce an expression she could manage, but honestly that really wasn’t saying much. Thalia felt her lips twitch again with laughter, but for both Alora and the horse’s sake, she kept it in. “You’ll need to be more careful if you don’t want anyone else finding out about you and Solas. But still, I think I’m owed an answer for my discretion.” 
She stared expectantly at Alora, meeting her amber gaze with a sky-calm one of her own. 
One second.
Two seconds.
Three sec-
“...It was me…”
Oh my-
Thalia’s delighted squeal echoed in the near empty barn, followed soon after by the clatter of woodworking tools and the combined curses of Alora and Blackwall both. Alasalen shifted on uneasy feet, pulling at his ropes with his ears pinned flat. 
And somewhere across Skyhold, Solas sat, ignorant of secrets shared. For now.
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trevelyanaccord · 5 months
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alienturnipp · 1 year
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First part of the 6 (and more) fanarts meme - people sent me some cute OCs! 💞Hope I did them right <3
From top to bottom: Reth by @wolfs-dawn Neria Surana Lavellan by @inquisimer Neria Surana by @windwalker57 Irassalin Lavellan by @xochihuacoyotl Thalia Trevelyan by @nirikeehan Malachi Trevelyan by @fthechantry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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breninarthur · 4 months
rain - thalia trevelyan & kallian tabris
thalia gets lost in the rain, kallian finds her. a platonic kiss for @nirikeehan & oc kiss week 🥰 i hope i did your girl justice!
rated g, no warnings. 967 words. divider credit.
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The Hero of Ferelden sat on a stool not too far from the bed, her elbow propped up casually on the dresser next to her, and sitting in a manner Thalia knew her teachers would call “unladylike” until they were blue in the face.
She was everything Thalia could have imagined and more.
“Thank you so much for rescuing me, Warden-Commander Tabris,” she stammered, aiming for a calm air of quiet respect that she was most certainly not achieving.
The Hero had found her in the torrential rain, soaked to the bone and utterly lost. Thalia had been all but carried to a small, modest cottage; had clean clothes and woolly blankets thrown at her; and a warming bowl of stew plonked into her hands with barely a word said. It wasn’t until she’d said that the Inquisition would be grateful for the help that the Warden had said who she was, a little surprised herself that the wet cat she'd rescued had been Inquisitor Trevelyan.
That was when Thalia had frozen, mentally stumbling over the information over and over in her head.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” The Hero waved her hand, oblivious. “What were you doing out here on your own, anyway?”
Ah. The crux of the matter. Thalia felt some warmth return to her cheeks.
“I… got separated from my party,” she answered cautiously, quickly running through what next she could say. Leliana’s warnings about what type of person the Hero was were difficult to heed when the real thing was right in front of her. “We were looking for you.”
Warden-Commander Tabris stared, her face easily betraying all the emotions those words brought up for her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise at first. Then, her jaw clenched, her brow furrowed, and she frowned. Thalia’s heart hammered against her chest as hard as the rain outside, and she thought that perhaps she should have listened to Leliana after all.
“Didn’t you get my letter? That schematic I sent you?”
The Hero of Ferelden was annoyed.
“Y-yes, and we are incredibly grateful, it’s just that—”
“I don’t know anything about Corypheus. I cannot help you.”
Thalia had annoyed the Hero of Ferelden.
“Of course, Warden-Commander, I… apologise, I merely wished to—”
“You don’t think I’ve given enough?” The Hero of Ferelden snapped.
“Yes! You have! I’m sorry, I just… I don’t know what I’m doing,” Thalia blurted out, her eyes quickly stinging, her bottom lip trembling. Before she knew it, the tears were spilling over, and she was cursing her lack of composure and blaming the rain that had nearly given her pneumonia.
Warden-Commander Tabris straightened in her seat, the anger draining from her face and instantly being replaced with guilt.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, but it only served to make Thalia feel worse somehow as she openly sobbed. She wiped her eyes and cheeks as best she could, trying to breathe slowly and calm herself, but it just wouldn’t work.
“I'm sorry, Warden-Commander,” she sniffled.
Silently, the Hero rose and sat next to her, the old bed creaking loudly. 
“My name’s Kallian. And you don’t have to apologise.” 
Thalia’s eyes widened as Kallian put an arm around her, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.
“I’m just old and bitter,” the Warden muttered. “It’s taken longer than I expected to find what I’m looking for and I took it out on you. Forgive me, Inquisitor.”
“My name is Thalia,” she smiled wetly, turning to face Kalllian. “And please, you saved the world. You’re a Grey Warden, the Grey Warden… I think you’ve earned the right to be…”
“Selfish? Rude? A prick?”
Thalia laughed, the tension in her shoulders fading away as Kallian grinned at her.
“Besides,” she continued. “You’re saving the world too, aren’t you? That’s what I heard, anyway. I think you’re doing just fine.”
“I have so many people behind me. Really, I’m just a figurehead,” Thalia insisted, shaking her head self-deprecatingly.
“What, and you think I took down hordes of darkspawn and the Archdemon itself all on my own?” Kallian asked, raising an eyebrow. “I had the King, an Antivan Crow, a witch, an ancient golem, your Spymaster, the Arishok, a Senior Enchanter, a dwarven warrior, and the best war hound in all of Ferelden at my side pretty much every step of the way. And that’s not to mention the armies of mages, and dwarves, the Denerim fighting for their lives… honestly, it would take hours to list everyone who helped me. And I couldn’t have done it without them, not a chance.”
“...Did you say the Arishok?”
“Yeah, but my point is… I am not the singular Hero. I never was. And I’ll let you in on a secret, Thalia.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially. “I had no idea what I was doing either.”
It drew another little laugh from Thalia, and she felt warm from more than just the fire in the corner of the room.
“C’mere,” Kallian chuckled, pulling her into a firm hug. “You’re doing great.”
Thalia relaxed into it, lifting her arms to return the embrace. For someone so strong and large in reputation, Kallian was small, and it felt more like hugging a big sister than a living legend.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her hands tightening a little as she was filled with emotion again. But it was different this time, and she let herself close her eyes and just be held.
“Right!” Kallian interrupted the moment, roughly planting a kiss on the side of her head before pulling away. “Rest up. I’ll take you back to your camp in the morning, and I’ll keep an eye out for anything that could help you.”
“Thank you, Warden— Kallian,” she smiled.
It was good to know that the Hero lived up to her name.
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delicatefade · 4 months
Hi Fade!
6) something you see in art a lot and love and enjoy
10) a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
4) say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
6. something you see in art a lot and love and enjoy
Does it make me basic if I say the tarot-inspired OC art? It's a cool part of DAI and I love with fan artists put their own spin on it. Never too much dragon age tarot fan art!
10) a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
Man, so many people! Obvs I got to shout out @bluewren for being so game in letting me write her OC Lex (who is the best).
Shout out to you, @nirikeehan, and @monocytogenes for being the most zoomed in to my OC and writing.
@mrslyncx is a new tumblr fandom friend that I really enjoy!
@hekaerges is another new friend and fave. So many people!
4) say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
This question is hard for me in the abstract. I have to read the ship as specifically written by an author to really connect with it. I enjoy your Rawke (Rose Trevelyan/Garrett Hawke), snippets I've read from @crackinglamb's Varric/Shae, @nirikeehan's Thalia/Cullen, etc.
In the abstract, as in character/character ships, I guess Hawke/Fenris interests me because I see Fenris as so very complicated wrt romance.
I also like regency stuff with Josephine. She is perfect for it.
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wildercrow · 11 months
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Some Art Fight attacks on our buddies from the DA Fanfiction server! Featuring (in order): @brainwormterrarium's Fiori Lavellan, @melisusthewee's Horatio Morris, @little-lightning-lavellan's Mellan Lavellan, @theluckywizard's Garrett Hawke, @bluewren's Lex Lavellan, and @nirikeehan's Thalia Trevelyan The first 4 were lined by Haunt and shaded by Mulch, and the last 2 were entirely Haunt's doings~
P.s. - If you wanna fight us on Art Fight next year, we're SpicyIsopods there and we LOVE attacking Dragon Age OCs!
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a-drama-addict · 2 years
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very serious character studies of my DA protags
headshots + info on the character under cut
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(Left to right, upper row)
Tarben Brosca (he/him), Sasha Cousland (she/her), Mae Surana (she/they/it)
(Left to right, middle row)
Thalia Hawke (she/they), Dougal Hawke (he/him), Minerva Hawke (she/her)
(Left to right, lower row)
Violet Trevelyan (she/her), Nora Cadash (she/they), Chronos Adaar (he/they)
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belorage · 2 years
PART TWO of the OC names tag game. All FC5-related children can be found HERE.
NIKOLAOS DIAMANTIS ROSSI Nikolaos: Greek origin, meaning “victor of the people.” The name is apt in the context of a pyrrhic victory if you consider the way the Uncharted 4 timeline ends for him, but it was initially chosen because I wanted to steal the name “Niko” from a defunct Star Wars OC of mine that will never again see the light of day. (And because I wanted him to be Greek on his father’s side. In-universe, he is named for his father’s father.) Diamantis: Greek origin, meaning “diamond.” Chosen sonically, but the meaning is apt enough owing to his wealth and the treasure vibes of the Uncharted franchise in general. Rossi: Italian origin, meaning “red-haired.” Only my choice in the sense that I decided to make him a part of the canonical Rossi family (the “Mrs. Rossi” mentioned in passing by the floor manager in the Rossi Estate is his mother). GIOVANNA DIAMANTIS ROSSI Giovanna: Italian origin, meaning “God is gracious.” She was originally a Gianna, but this presented an unfortunate conflict with her younger sister’s name, so I changed it. In-universe, she is named for her mother’s father (Giovanni). TALIA DIAMANTIS ROSSI Talia: Hebrew origin, meaning “dew of God.” I was considering the Greek name Thalia, but realized there was an Italian-friendly alternative, as Talia is the name of a character in an Italian fairy tale. Since the sisters are more immediately associated with their mother’s side of the whole Diamantis/Rossi business model, that’s the one that stuck.
LEON VALERO Leon: Greek origin, meaning “lion.” Flop reasoning on my part. He’s a Leo and it suits him. That’s literally it. However, there’s a quest in-game where V is dubbed “the furious lion” by an NPC, which was a funny but unexpected nod. Valero: Spanish origin, a place name derived from Valero, in Salamanca province, Spain. No reason for this choice other than I needed a “V” name of Spanish origin. (He is mixed—primarily Mexican and Japanese, some Russian—but his mother specifically was a Valero, before he was raised as one of Padre’s boys.) TOBIAS LYNCH Tobias: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is good.” I like how it sounds. End reasoning. Lynch: Irish origin, meaning “hill.” No specific purpose. I knew I wanted a name of Irish origin and it flowed well with the siblings’ first names. SAOIRSE LYNCH Saoirse: Irish origin, meaning “liberty.” Again, no purpose, only sound.
GAVIN COUSLAND Gavin: Scottish origin, derived from Gawain, meaning “white hawk.” I just liked the sound and the Arthurian vibes. Cousland: Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic form of Absolom, meaning “father of peace.” Not my choice, canon default for a human noble. CAIUS TREVELYAN Caius: Latin origin, meaning “rejoice.” In-universe, his name was plucked straight from the family tree (the Tevinter relative from way, way back—hilarious). Trevelyan: Welsh and Cornish origin, meaning “homestead on the hill.” Not my choice, canon default for a human noble (again).
GABRIEL SHEPARD Gabriel: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength.” Chosen because I love that biblical shit; you already know. Specifically, I thought it would be funny if he was named after the messenger, because no one listens to him when he says the Reapers are coming. It’s funny. Hush. Unintentional, but it also allowed for an in-universe reference to Garrus’s vigilante moniker (Archangel), one he chose—in my personal canon anyway—as a way to honor his human friend (and known proponent of vigilante justice!) whom he thought to be dead. Shepard: English origin, meaning “sheep herder.” Not my choice, canon default. (He sure does herd sheep though, boy howdy.)
LEVI XIAO Levi: Hebrew origin, meaning “joined together” or “joined in harmony.” It’s also meant to be evocative of “Leviathan,” because his father is NOT dead, actually; he’s a god-creature from the Echo World, currently in horror-stasis at the Agency headquarters for his Crimes™, which is much better than being dead. Surely. Absolutely. The Hebrew origin is relevant because his mother’s side of the family is Jewish. Xiao: Chinese origin, written as 蕭, meaning “mournful” or “desolate.” His father’s chosen surname for passing in the human world. His father is not actually Chinese (obviously), but China was his place of origin in terms of his initial entry into the Right-Side-Up and the physical features of his human form are all reflective of this.
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theluckywizard · 2 months
Inquisitor Thalia Trevelyan
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I painted my friend @nirikeehan's girl Thalia! Thalia Trevelyan of the Ostwick Circle. Here are some delightful fics featuring Thalia! Nightmare!AU Through A Glass, Darkly (Thalia x Cullen)
Post-trespasser second chance fic Kingdom Come (Thalia x Blackwall)
A Little Grace, and Some Elegance (Thalia x Cullen, Cullen & Samson)
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nirikeehan · 4 months
OC Kiss Week: Rain
and probably also "almost."
@oxygenforthewicked let me borrow Saeris for a bit of a smooch for @ockissweek, and I decided to go completely unhinged and try out a new AU – where *checks notes* Thalia escapes from the Mage Circle and becomes a stage magician/grifter. Saeris does not approve of her choices, as usual.
Words: 490
He comes in from the rain, long hair wet and dripping, into her dressing room. She’s by the mirror, unpinning her hair. 
“You didn’t have to wait out there all that time,” she says, vaguely horrified.
“I wanted to.” Saeris shrugs. 
Thalia leaves her hair for now, goes for a towel so he can dry off. “What did you think of the show?” 
She suspects he hated it. His face is set in a stoic line, and he isn’t known to sugarcoat. 
“Is this truly the best use of your time?” he asks instead. He scrubs at his hair with the towel and motions to the flyers they had printed for the act: Metrion the Magnificent and Lady Marmalade. The stencil likenesses aren’t very good. “Doing parlor tricks to distract the crowd while he runs his mouth and picks their pockets?” 
Thalia flushes red. “He didn’t try to—?”
“I made sure my coin purse was well secured.” 
Thalia bites her lip. “I didn’t know you’d be here tonight, or else I would have warned you.” 
Saeris sighs, puts aside the towel, narrows dark eyes at her attire. A red satin dress with tight bodice and low neckline, it’s something she would have been mortified to wear in the past. But years in the Circle of Ostwick, of wearing the same navy and bronze patterned robes day in and day out — well. Freedom is worth a little embarrassment. 
“You could have come with me, you know.” Saeris’s voice is soft, but disappointed. 
Thalia glances away. She always feels too hot under his gaze. He was the first friendly face to find her when she escaped, but she’d been so young and scared back then. The thought of traveling around with a Dalish elf seemed like it might paint a target on both their backs. It took awhile longer to find Metrion, running from demons of his own, before she felt safe enough to have a traveling companion. 
“He’s just a friend,” she finds herself saying, as Saeris gazes at the illustration of Metrion in a top hat and coattails. “I don’t think I’m his type, if you know what I mean.” 
“He’s only taking advantage of you in one way, then?” 
Thalia flinches. “That’s not fair. You know there aren’t many options for escaped mages, at least not until this war that’s supposedly brewing in the west reaches us.” 
He looks at her with sad, longing eyes, and she turns away. She thinks of asking him to leave, but then she feels his hand on the small of her back, where the lacing ends. “Let me help you out of this absurd dress, at least.” 
Her heart pounding, she whirls. His face is so close, and she closes the space for a brief, warm kiss. But it lingers, longer than she planned. That’s always the way of it. 
“I think I can manage on my own,” she whispers, breaking the spell. 
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exalted-dawn · 1 year
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OC Kiss Week 2023
Drew a bunch of hot OCs smooching my OCs uwu it was a good time 😌🥰💖
Thank you again to @inquisimer , @dreadfutures , @rosella-writes , @nirikeehan , and my friends Mel and Jo for lending me your OCs for my brain rot 😂
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biserker-kadan · 3 years
I'm obsessed with this, and these, my Inquisition babies!
- I'm on mobile so I can't tag the PicCrew but it's easy to find and so beautiful -
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Myrinah, the toughest Elven warrior and Valerio, my poison rogue.
The twins - Cassius and Thalia (Hitting things with a staff and arrows respectively).
Kiko Cadash (crybaby) and Raz Adaar (exhausted mercenary).
and lastly, Saraya and Saoirse - two mages with equal, but different, loves of nature and the elements.
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x-x-files · 5 years
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replaying dai for the mems and didn’t realize how much i missed my baby girl and her BIG ASS KNIGHT ENCHANTER BLADE :D
@cassandrapentayaaaaas i believe this pertains to your interests ;)
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