#oc belladon
catboy-teeth · 3 months
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clawing at the walls gnashing my teeth pacing around
ART FIGHT....!..!! watch out.. 🫵
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alder-saan · 2 years
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I have just realised that "nightshade" does not mean "belladone" as I guessed it (bcz even tho french is my first language I always watch movies in english w english subtitles), but "morelle noire", which, although also in the solannaceae family, is not the same plant.
I wrote 6 chapters of a fanfiction (Larissa x Oc, I'll translate it in english as soon as I finish it in french), thinking that was it... UGH I'm so stupid...
The whole problem is : belladonna poison is curable, nightshade is not. (Atropine is far more toxic but physostigmine can cure it. Solanine is less toxic but not curable)
In my fanfiction, let's just say nightshade = belladonna ok ?
(Actually sometimes nightshade is used for belladonna, I think, but I like precision so it annoys me)
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piouchas-basket · 2 years
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get a little artblock so I took some design that I never actually drawn before and put them on screen Belladone is the fell version of Cléome
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gellaby · 7 years
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@babajozhka birthday present!!
Omg I ship these two so hard. They do pranks on each other and i absolutely can imagine them making water wars in suits.
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windmill-ghost · 3 years
I want to do that “draw my OCs with pride flag clothing” but I’m still having trouble with motivation so I’m just gonna say the canon instead of... waiting to post art to make shit canon and then never doing it.
Mysteries Monthly:
Aura: lesbian, transgender
Alvin: asexual, aromantic
Walker: lesbian, grey-ace
Drinkwater: nonbinary 
Smith: aromantic
Ludovic: bisexual
Belladone: bisexual, nonbinary
Death by Nightmare
Diodore: gay
Alcide: bisexual
Runi: nonbinary
13: nonbinary, lesbian
Ted: gay, nonbinary
Gil: transgender
Eliot: asexual
and then honestly like... there are so many Ls Gs Bs and Ts in Magica Royale and a lot of them haven’t even been fully designed yet that I can’t even get into it
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sketchy-owl · 5 years
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My Castlevania oc Klaus Belladone.
This is actually his look in Modern Era. Soon I'll show you his Medieval appearance.
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wilwywaylan · 8 years
003 - Belladone
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: Well it's a bit narcissist to say that I love her but... I love her. She's a badass, she doesn't let anyone tell her what to do or how to act, but she's not an asshole or « rebelz » but everyone loves her and she's a pretty pretty princess even if she's a bitch. She can be raisonned, she cherishes her friends, and she allows herself feelings and even to fall in love without thinking that it's SO LAME and making her less strong. She's fairly balanced, and kicks asses when neeeded.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: well first and foremost, Elric. I mean. He's her husband. Then Pervenche. Rynn. And uuuuh.... That's all. Maybe Krile ? I don't even know XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character: like... bro-ship ? Because that's Delnan and Ronnan. She brought them home like a pair of kittens and demanded that she be allowed to keep them. And of course Daddy agreed, because he loves his wittle pwincess, yes he does, yes he does ! (and now you have the mental picture of Dogmael baby-talking. You're welcome)
My unpopular opinion about this character: it's not because you're a badass axe-wielding princess that you're totally flawless. And sometimes you have to suck it up and apologize to the persons you hurt.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: The opportunity to write her in Queen mode, and not only in « I'm gonna fuck your kingdom up if you don't help me ».
my OTP: of course it's Elric. Of course my OTP is Elric and Belladone. Those two are made for each other, and mad for each other. They are so in love it's almost disgusting, but you can't call Belladone disgusting because she's going to kick your ass SO HARD. And he's so starstruck. And they are so cute together. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah.
my het ship: I once tried a Belladone x Rynn ship. It was very fun. Because Rynn is totally « yes wife ! », « no, wife ! » and enthusiastic at that. He doesn't mind being led around, and Belladone doesn't mind leading him around. Very fun.
my fem/slash ship: with Pervenche. Their personnalities clash, of course, but just imagine that power couple ! No one would dare trying and stopping them ! And bonus, Dogmaël's face when his little princess brings THIS back home with her.
my OT3: How about we never try any Belladone x Rynn x Elvy because that's scary ?
my cross over ship: ….. Belladone, queen of the West, would very much like to meet your Queen, for lunch, tea, training sessions and maybe more :D (I'm allowed to cross-over with your universes!)
my kink: …. she would very much like boot blacking. Sexual or not, but... I'm sure this would be her kink.
a head cannon fact: Belladone's axes were forged by her father himself. They are carved with protective sigils, so they never break and never fail to protect her. Til now, the sigils have never failed.
my gender bend: you already know him, since he became a character in the story :D And Frederick is perfect : he's big, he's strong, he's grumpy, he trusts his woman a lot, and he can kick asses. PERFECT !
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ventrue-rosary · 7 years
A Mothers Love
Short snipped of my latest dnd OC, a drow elf rogue Belladona Thornhill
A mother’s love is irreplaceable, and sometimes a tough burden to bear
Belladona peered out through the window, watching the snow lazily drift to the ground. Already it lay several inches.She couldn’t see it herself, but in her minds eye, deep in the midst of town, the adults celebrated with music, dancing and mulled one whilst their children chased each around the stalls, throwing fistfuls of snow at one another with breathless glee.
 She rested her chin on her forearms. She so wished she could join them. With a sigh she hefted herself away from the window, in time to see Octavia entering. She had a coy smile on her face, and her hands were behind her back. Belladona watched her cautiously. The last time someone approached her with their hands behind their back was when her siblings pelted her with handfuls of pebbles.
Octavia must have sensed her trepidation as she presented what she was holding--a completely transparent pendant with a small feather inside, dangling from a silver chain.
‘You know what this is?’ she asked. Belladona shook her head. ‘It’s an owl-bear feather. Had to get it enchanted to fit in the pendant. But the best part--’ Octavia popped open the pendant and emptied the feather out on her palm. Once she did, it grew to twice the size of her palm. ‘You can use it as a quill, or braid it into your hair.’ Once the tip touched the pendant it shrunk again so she could easily drop it back in. ‘Happy Winters Crest festival.’
‘Mother will disapprove.’ Belladona recalled when Octavia snuck her a bowl of bread pudding on her tenth birthday. Her mother found out and beat her senseless.
Octavia shut her chambers’ door. ‘Mother does not have to find out.’ Octavia smoothed Belladona’s long, blue hair to one side and fastened the pendant around her neck. ‘There! Now we just need a gown and you’ll look just like a princess.’
Belladona caught sight of herself in the vanity mirror. All she could see was her ghoulish ice-blue skin, tresses of dark-blue hair and her black eyes tinged with crimson. She closed her eyes and heard the rabid screaming of her mother, felt her blows pelting down on her skin, and saw the sneering, mocking faces of her siblings. When she opened her eyes, she saw the monster they all despised so much.
‘I’m not a Princess, nor will I ever be.’
‘You are the daughter of a King and Queen, my dear.’
‘I don’t think family means much to them.’
Octavia squeezed her shoulder. ‘Well, no matter what happens, always remember you have a friend, and family, in me.’
Belladona wanted to ask why she was always so kind to her, but the question withered in her mouth. She was afraid the answer, afraid this was another of her family’s cruel japes, or that Octavia had some ulterior motive. So she remained quiet, and turned in her seat to wrap her arms around Octavia’s waist. For now, she would take whatever comfort came to her.
Dinner was a quiet affair. It was luxurious, a crackling pig, vegetables roasted in wine and herbs, and potatoes with the crispy skin on. But Belladona remained on alert. She noticed Malena and Adries stealing glances on her direction and snickering. It damaged her appetite somewhat. Her mother gave Belladona a glare when she didn’t touch her meal, so she grabbed her fork and drove it into her pile of creamed potatoes. When she pulled it out, she saw her meal was riddled with worms, maggots and centipedes. She flung the fork down with a shriek. Malena and Adries burst into laughter, bangin the edge of the table and clutching at their sides.
Olivia rounded on Belladona. ‘What, pray tell me is your excuse for all that noise! I have the kindness to extend you an invitation to my family’s meal and you start screaming like a banshee.’
 Belladona pointed wordlessly to her plate. She couldn’t bring herself to look at it. Olivia sighed and strode over towards it. She looked up at her children, who were overcoming their laughing-fit and shook her head with a smile on her face.
‘This is rather a cruel joke,’ Octavia interjected, removing Belladona’s plate.
‘Children will be children. It’s what they do. Belladona could learn to have a sense of humour.’ Olivia stood, staring up at Octavia. ‘And never speak ill of my children ever again.’ Olivia spared Belladona a glare. ‘At least my children aren’t little monsters. Get her out of my sight.’
 Octavia handed the spoiled plate to one of the kitchen staff and ushered Belladona out of the dining room and back to her chambers. Belladona sat at her vanity, miserably spinning Octavia’s gift between her thumb and index finger.
 Octavia leaned against her door silently. It wasn’t like her to be so quiet. She always had a nugget of wisdom or inspiration to share. Belladonna glanced at her in the vanity mirror and saw she had her face pointed at the floor, hiding her features. She saw the tears splashing on the floor at her feet.
 Belladona approached her then reached up and threw her arms around her shoulders. Octavia stilled, then returned her hug, her silent tears now audible sobs. They sunk to the floor together, Belladon awkwardly cradling the grown woman in her arms.
‘She’s just so...so horrible,’ Octavia rasped into Belladona’s hair. Octavia pulled back  wiped away her tears and placed her hands on either side of her face. ‘How about we leave? The two of us. Blood be damned, we could be a family.’
Belladona couldn’t summon her words, so instead she just nodded. Octavia laughed through tears, hugging her briefly before standing. ‘We’ll pack light, that way it’ll be easier to slip past the guards and we’ll be able to move fasters.’ Octavia was already getting a pack together.
‘You mean...now?’
‘No time like the present. Your parents will be black-out drunk and the twin-terrors no doubt subjecting some poor animal to their cruelty.’ Octavia paused and resumed a seat besides her. ‘Are you afraid?’
Belladona nodded.
‘There’s no reason to. Soon we’ll be far away, Bella.’
‘You know I hate it when you call me that.’
‘That’s exactly why I do it.’ She ruffled her hair. ‘Come, help me pack. Let’s be away from here before midnight.’
It was still snowing outside. Belladona shoved her hands into her armpits in attempt to keep them warm. She hung back at the palace entrance as Octavia snuck ahead to check the coast was clear, and waited. Eventually Belladona became worried and decided to follow after her, rounding the corner into the courtyard.
‘Octavia, what’s--’ She stopped when she saw Olivia holding a fistful of Octavia’s hair, a dagger pressed to her throat.
‘It’s just me, I swear!’ she said.
‘Then why are that creatures clothes in your pack? And two of everything? Where is she!?’
Belladona quietly creeps forward, hoping the wind howling through the surrounding forest masks the crunch of the snow underfoot. Octavia hold up her hand in surrender to Olivia.
‘I...I admit, I stole them. Such fine clothes fetch a pretty price. I couldn’t start over without any coin.’
Olivia’s laugh is as bitter as the cutting wind. ‘You know, I might even believe you if I didn’t know you wasted your love on that brat.’
 Belladona pulled out the dagger she had smuggled from the armoury and prepared herself for what she was about to do. Octavia’s eyes met Belladona’s. She shook her head slightly. Olivia mistook it as a response to her words, slightly relaxing her stance.
‘I’m not without mercy. Just tell me where she is and I will ensure you lose a hand, and not your head. But then again, you wouldn’t be as good a servant. So perhaps an eye, or maybe your tongue. I don’t like how you speak to the girl.’
Belladona leapt forward, and thrust the dagger into the exposed nape of her mother's neck. There was a horrific bubbling noise as air was sucked into her opened throat. Olivia lived long enough to turn and behold her killer. Her expression shifted from shock to hatred, and her hands reached out, groping for her daughter before collapsing face-down into the snow.
Octavia gingerly stepped over the body and took Belladona’s hand.
‘It’s ok, it’s ok,’ she whispered. Belladona didnt know which of them she was reassuring. ‘We should go.’
Belladona took one last look at the castle she grew up in. But she knew this would not be the last time she saw it. One day, she would return and finish what she started.
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Two Weeks Ago...
Oxidation-Corundum turned 1.
I can’t begin to express my gratitude for anyone that’s followed, liked, or even shared my content. I’ve been working at this for a while, now: writing roleplays, growing my characters with others, having fun along the way...
All I can really say is thank you.
But that’s a lie, and all of us know it.
Here’s some shoutouts to a whole lotta people under the Read More.
First and foremost, @siblingfaunus. While things’ve been a little rocky as of late, I’ll never forget the kindness that you’ve shown me: you’re a fantastic writer, Ebony and Obsidian Ishikawa remain to be one of my favorite OCs that I’ve interacted with, and you truly exemplify the qualities of a true friend beyond comparison. Thank you. My only wish is that I could be half a good a friend to anyone as you are to me.
Second, @chainlightniing / @howlfortheknight / @somerichkid. I wish I could project this onto a goddamn megaphone and have it be mandatory listening for a year: follow this person. This person deserves so much. Her OCs are all fantastic, she does a stellar job of causing my heart to be torn in two GODDDAMNIT STAR making sure that the balance of power is always there in roleplaying, and while I can only do so much to help you, I wish I could do more. You’re a damn good roleplayer and an even better friend, Star. Never let yourself believe otherwise. Thank you.
@achillca / @khiicne. A wicked cultured lass, you are; you always find some way to inject your studies and passions into your roleplaying, and you truly do feel like Pyrrha in real life (and I mean that in the best way possible; seriously, if I had to give you a dollar for every time I saw you type a swear and immediately imagined Pyrrha saying said swear, your college tuition would be a thing of the past). I’m so grateful to have you as a roleplay partner and a close friend, Dev. Thank you.
@jaune-refaire-arc. You have one character, and go through the motions with that character very, very well: quality over quantity is your game, and you play it. Your Jaune is beloved by so many, as he should be; I truly feel like I’m talking to the blonde haired doofus when interacting with him, and while it’s been a while since we’ve done anything super large, I can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Thank you, Nate. Keep doing you, and never let anyone stop this beautiful train you’re riding on. #BlobjobsAllDay.
@team-lpis-livia. While we haven’t done too much, I’m always grateful for your patience: the little lightning bug you’ve raised has been nothing but a pleasure to interact with, and I eagerly await to see what adventures she goes on with CRUST and the rest. You’re nothing but a pleasure to interact with OOC when we get to talk, and I do hope things are alright! Thank you! Next we meet, I pray it’s with a smile.
@cpring / @elucive / @tubefullofcorgi. While I know you’re busy with real life stuff and you haven’t been around nearly as much as you’d like, that’s okay! I always look forward to your getting on and us talking about...whatever, really! Serious stuff, lighthearted stuff, SHIPPING SO MUCH SHIPPING, you’re nothing but good to be around! While I haven’t done much with the little maiden lass yes, I know that Ivory and Zwei are both great to interact with, and when you’ve got the time and energy to spare, I can’t wait to craft more tales with you. I’m grateful to be writing with you, grateful that you’ve stuck around. Thank you, Jess.
@xgorgaux. Over the year, I’ve seen a little bit more of Euryale; we haven’t done much, but I’ve seen you pop up in my memes now and again, and every time, I get a small smile on my face. It’s nice to be appreciated, y’know? I’ll make it up to you one day...you deserve more love. You’ve been one of the first OC blogs that’s followed me, and I regret not having done more with you sooner. Thank you, Dez; you’ve been here since nearly the very beginning, and I can’t be more grateful.
@blondiethepunmaster. We haven’t done too much in the way of actual Tumblr roleplaying, but oh MAN, Skype has a lot. When you get less busy (and I have faith that you will, one day), I can’t wait to write more with you; whether it’s the team you’ve got in your head or the punmaster I’ve known you for. Thank you, Livia. We’ll get back on beat one day, and our harmonies will resound! Keep natural, stay sharp-tongued! Music pun!
@ms-belladone. While I’ve only known you for...what, a week? I find you great company; a friend of a friend is a friend, as they say...and I’m glad to call you my friend. You’ve been nothing but loyal so far, and while I can’t pay you in gold or silver...all I have are my words. Thank you, Mitch. I wish I can say something like “Your loyalty will be rewarded with time...” or something ominous, but...well, you’ll just have to take my thanks in the meanwhile. Mi dispiace.
@aslxn. Formerly a team of RWBY’s older brothers (which I still like the ideas you had out there, by the way), now you play Arslan, a sorely underplayed character with a whole lotta gusto! I’ve yet to do too much with your writing in general, and I pray that that’ll change one day, with a bit of effort. Thank you, Lex. You’ve been here through good times and bad, and one day, I’ll repay the favor. Keep Yangin’ on.
@velvet-material / @lovlylance27. While we haven’t talked nearly as much as we have back in the early days (and I blame my own forgetfulness for that), I do miss what good times we had! Being able to write with you was a pleasure, even if I was still discovering my characters through the time we did (and even if it was just Chrom and Velvet stuff; whoops). One day, we’ll get to writing stuff for real, if things lighten up on your end. Thank you, old friend. I hope that things are well.
@jolisorciere / @cutthroatheels. Like some others, we haven’t done too much; but you’ve been busy, and life’s happened, and it’s alright! I always appreciate you comin’ back, lookin’ at our stuff, and givin’ it your all...and I also appreciate your choice of muses! Glynda and Melanie (of all characters) are super different from each other, and you play both really well! Can’t wait for when we next do things. Thank you, Penny! You’ve never nickel and dimed me out of a roleplay, and...honestly, I just wanted to make that pun. I’m sorry.
@prcdigaldaughter. You were one of the first Weisses to really interact with me, and for that, I’m eternally grateful; we struck a chord early on, and while we haven’t done anything in a long time, I’ll always appreciate what you have done for me. Thank you, Alex. You helped me become who I am; I hope our friendship will continue to burn brightly.
@teamorcd. ORCD is a super fleshed out team of four that I found through, if I recall correctly, basically blind luck? For once, something goes my way: I found a friend, a great roleplay partner, and four characters that I will hold in my heart for quite some time. Thank you, Sabi. Your OCs are always a delight to be around, and I look forward to doing more with them (and you)!
I also want to give a bunch of shoutouts to people that support me or have been interested in my roleplays, or people I’ve even just met, so...here we go.
@velveteen-faunus (AND ALL YOUR OTHER BLOGS, HOLY HELL), @acoupleofbravedorks, @littlesuncat, @like-a-hummingbird, @vi-helleborus, @rujiba / @silvcrclawed, @drroisin, @teamarscandfriends, @fightqueen18, @iironhearted / @aqucphobia, @nightmare-fantasia, @oceanxcbeauty, @criimsonwolf, @graeaegladiator, and @ask-skylark.
Finally...I want to thank one last person. I know this is going to sound self-indulgent, but...I want to thank myself.
I’ve grown. I’ve watched me change. A year ago, I didn’t have the smoothest of reception into the RWBY community...I thought my ideas were garbage because of the people I had met. But then I met all of you, who pushed me to create more and flesh things out. And through you, I began to change, too: and now, I’m starting to learn what it means to love myself. Even if it’s difficult, and I can’t always convince myself that what my depression thinks is wrong on my own...or even with help, I’m slowly and surely making progress.
Thank you, me. You’ve rode it out for a year and two weeks. You’ll make more friends, you’ll strengthen your bonds between existing ones. You’re stronger than you think you are.
And thank you, everyone. Without all of you, I wouldn’t be here; not even close. I’d still probably be telling myself my ideas aren’t worth the light of day, but you’ve all proven me wrong. You’re living proof that what I create can be recognized.
Here’s to another year. Let’s keep the tempo up.
-Samuel Kim, musician, writer, moderator for Oxidation-Corundum.
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catboy-teeth · 1 year
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baby youre a haunted house
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catboy-teeth · 2 years
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i love a fucked up book <3
still image below cut
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
2, 13, 19, 22, 31, 37
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. I SAW THREE SHIPS COME SAILING IN, ON CHRISTMAS DAY, ON CHRISTMAS DAY !- Raven and Lucius : not only are they some of my favourite, with the “grumpy introvert x human ray of sunshine” interactions, but they were my first conscious gay ship ever. And really, they are adorable, with the “I’m not in love with you and I don’t have feelings, but I don’t need a bride because I have you” / “I’m totally desperate, but I’ll follow you to the end of the earth because I love you”.- Yuki x Kenpachi : it may seem silly, self-indulgent or even extremely self-centered to pair an OC with an existing character, but I think I’ve shipped them the longest. And if feels under the umbrella of “tol grumpy one without FEELINGS having weird sensations and protective urges around cute, tiny little thing” (even if the protective urges take TIME to appear. It’s Kenpachi, after all).- Toya and Yukito / Yue. Can’t believe I’ve shipped them so much without even realizing they were gay ! I mean, I didn’t even understand “gay” at that time. But they were all together, they were each other’s number one, and they were an item. And so adorable at that !
13. Has a ship ever broken your heart? Enjoltaire did, seven ways to Sunday at least. But when you see where it starts, and how it ends almost at the same time, you can’t help but FEEL. And I’m not even starting with all the adorable, wonderful, heartbreaking fics that float around. They have a way to interact, there’s all the chase and the one-sided attraction and everything... I think I’ve cried more on Enjotaire fics than any other pairing.
19. Have you ever shipped something despite yourself? A few pairings grew on me. The most egregious one was Children of Science,which, if you remember well, was your OTP when I was still shipping Akon and Szayel, or Akon and Shuuhei. And little by little...... and sometimes, honestly, ships just ship themselves because CHEMISTRY and LOVE and CUTENESS !!! Remember Sean and Leya ?
22. Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Hard to say, I have so many... For the joke, I’d say Mayuri and Szayel just for the joke (science, chemistry, get it get it ?). But without a joke, .... Arrakis and Bérengère have a fantastic chemistry, as do Sean and Leya, and Vitali, Victoria and Jack, and Elric and Belladone.... And I’m not even starting on some fandom ships, like Bahorel and Feuilly, and Karel and Lucius, and....
31. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. Jack, Victoria and Vitali have matching tattoos, of assorted vintage playing cards. Jack is, of course, the jack of spades, tattooed on his left biceps. Vitali is the queen of spades, tattooed on his back. And Victoria is the king of spades, tattooed on her leg. People often comment that it’s weird that they got them like that, but it has less to do with the figure, and more with the signification and symbolism. Besides, they don’t care what anybody thinks.
37. Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? The “I’m a grumpy man and I’m so manly I don’t talk or deal with FEELINGS but I turn into a sap and I stutter and blush a lot when I’m around you”.The “Sojun is alive” AU doesn’t hurt, because I hate it when it’s sad and when it breaks my heart.And of course, gimme some “protective tol / cute and fragile smol”, and I’m a goner.
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
Belladone x Elric (50 questions) :D
Yay :D
Big steps in the relationship !
0. But, how did they meet ? It’s a fairytale, really ! When Belladone came to Elric’s castle, ready to fight for what she wanted, little did he know that he already met her once ! And felt the bite of her battle axes in his flesh, but he didn’t know at the time. For him, it was his first time seeing the famous princess of the West, that fateful day when she barged into his castle, with a ground of misfits, and demanded that he go at war at the moment, to give her back her throne and her kingdom. Of course, he refused, not wanting to wage war again for a petty reason that didn’t concern him. And of course, Belladone swore that she would either get revenge against him, or wear him down. And thus, it began.
1. Who made the first move / who kissed who first ? Belladone needed advice, and the only one she could ask is Raïane (because everyone else would make endless fun of her). So she came to her, talking about her friend" who might be in love with “an idiot”. Of course Raïane saw through her immediatly, but she humored her, listened to her woes, and adviced her that, if she felt that this idiot had so many qualities and was so nice for an enemy, maybe that road wouldn’t be that awful, wasn’t it ? Belladone was stunned to realize that. After a long moment of thinking, she finally decided that, yes, maybe Elric was an idiot, but not that much, and maybe it could be fun. So she marched to Elric's office, where he luckily was alone, planted herself in front of the desk (startling the poor king), and announced that she had thought about it, and that maybe, some kind of alliance could help the situation. Elric, confused, asked her what kind of alliance she was thinking of. "A romantic one" was the answer, and she added that she would allow Elric to court her, if that was his will.To say that Elric was confused would be an understatement. He just blurted that it would be something he would have to think about, but he needed a little time. If she was disappointed, Belladone didn't show it. She just left his office and went to swing a few axes around. That's where Elric found her a few hours later. He had taken the time to discuss things with Myrrdin (who almost physically pushed him towards her). His councelor's advice was mostly that she was perfect, it would make everything better, including his whole life, and he would never find anyone better suited for him.That's how Elric found himself face to face with an out-of-breath princess, and declares awkwardly that a romantic alliance would be good, and that, if Belladone still agrees, they could start with the courtship as soon as possible.And then Belladone tackled-kissed him.
2. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first ? They tell it at the same time, when they just… announce it one evening. They get Belladone’s team and Malikaï in the same room, and just… drop the bomb. Let’s just say a lot of profainities were uttered that night (a lot by Belladone).
3. What do their family/friends think of their relationship ? Do they really dare say anything to the Queen of Destruction ? Why yes. Yes, they do. Luckily, it’s almost only positive things, because beside saying that maybe she didn’t choose the sharpest sword in the weaponry, Belladone’s friends support her decision, because Elric is a good man, and above all, PATIENT. And that’s for the best. On the other side, Elric’s counselors are a bit wary of that strange woman who came to start a war with them, then wreck havoc in their castle. But since their king is totally smitten (and she’s terrifying), they don’t say anything and only glare at her when they are sure she can’t see them.Malikaï kinda likes Belladone. Okay, she’s noisy, scary and bossy, but she’s not a bad person. And she makes Elric happy, that’s the most important part. That she can’t get along more than 10 minutes with Pervenche is only a sad side-effect.Belladone’s family is less enthusiastic. Probably because of that vague story of a war between their two countries, and the fact that Wolfsbane and Dogmaël both think Elric is a young idiot. And not that impressive, at that. Wolfsbane always insinuates that his sister’s whip is put to good use with that spineless husband of hers… until she threatens to use it on him. Dogmaël slowly grows some respect for his fellow king, because he’s a good and fair leader, but it’s veeery slow. And Oleander just doesn’t care, because Elric is fun and he has lots of good books to lend him.
4. Which couple/family are they closest to ? As much as they grit their teeth over it, Pervenche and Malikaï. Because Malikaï is Elric’s almost brother, and they almost live together, and they are very, very close. More even than Belladone and her brothers. Which means that Belladone often has to sped time around Pervenche, and sooner or later, they start teasing each other and bickering. Luckily, it only takes a few words from Malikaï for Pervenche to stop (but he doesn’t have any effect on Belladone). They are very, very close to Ronnan and Delnan too, and that’s good because Belladone likes them way more, and Elric gets along with them well. 
5. When do they move together ? Where and how ? They move together quite fast after declairing their feelings. Since they are in Elric’s castle, Belladone just moves her stuff into the royal suite. It’s a big step, especially at the beginning of the relationship, but at least, moving out if it doesn’t work won’t be a too big problem.
6. Who proposes and how ? Elric does propose, as is fit for the King courting  princess... in front of Dogmaël and everyone else. To say his future father-in-law is surprised would be an understatement. But it makes for great stories at parties, at least.
7. Where do they go on their honeymoon ? OF COURSE they are going to visit the West once they are married. First, because Elric needs to visit his wife’s country at least once in his life, and she won’t relent until he does. Second, because she wants to parade her new husband before everyone, from her brothers to the people in the Seventh Crescent of Landskrona. Because her husband is nice and good-looking and a king, and she wants to BRAG, godammit !
Let’s talk about sex~
8. Who initiates sex more often ? You might think it’s Belladone, but in fact, they’re equally matched. Why, when you’re as crazy about your spouse as those two, you want to enjoy them as much as you can. It’s just sometimes difficult to find time when you have king and queen duties to attend, but they manage to find themselves some alone time.
9. Who has the biggest kink (and what is it) ? Belladone just has a thing for bootblacking. Something about her husband at her feet, cleaning her riding boots… Elric is very happy to learn how to do it and to service his wonderful wife.
10. What kink/kinks turn(s) one (or both) of them off ? Elric is totally opposed to pain / blood play. Those things don’t have a place in the bedroom ! Belladone isn’t very bothered by this, as long as her husband keeps blacking her boots.
11. What’s the craziest place they’d have sex ? The council room, on the large wooden table. Fortunately, they weren't caught by Elric's council (but it was a close call).
12. Who is more aggressive in bed ? Belladone. That’s in her temperament. She’ll never submit, in a fight, in a conversation, or in bed. Luckily, Elric is *very* aroused by his wife taking the lead.
13. How does the other person react when their partner wears something special (boots, lingerie, etc.) ? Belladone stays calm and collected, but always makes a point to compliment Elric when he does something special. But she loves making him turn aaaaaaall red all over !
14. Lights on or off ?
When your room is lit by candles, you better snuff them out before you start having fun. Unless you want to deal with a blanket on fire in the middle of festivities.
Quirks and habits
15. What are their quirks while sleeping ? Elric tends to starfish. On his stomach, arms and legs outstretched as far as he can. That’s what’s good when you are king, you have a giant bed to strech into. And he snores. But that doesn’t seem to disturb Belladone. She tends to sleep on her side, all curled up. One hand under the pillow, not for comfort, but because she hides a knife there, you never know. Oh, and she snores too, but she’ll kill you if you tell anyone.
16. Who is the morning person/night person ? They are both morning persons. Belladone maybe more than Elric, but not by much. Most of the time, she’s up before the sun, and he with it. By the time she’s done getting dressed and combing her hair, he’s awake and eating, his crown as usual askew on his hair, all ruffled and still sleepy. It’s adorable (but “adorable” will never cross Belladone’s lips. EVER.).They WOULD LIKE to be able to go to bed early. But when you’re king and queen, you… don’t really get the option. They often go to bed rather late, because of meetings and councils and receptions and whatnot. At least, Elric sometimes says as he burrows under the covers, they get to sleep in the bed, because they could be caught in a military campaign and lost in the wilderness. Belladone punishes the attack against her father, country and pride by sticking her icy feet against her husband’s legs. 
17. Who wakes the other one up with kisses ? And who brings breakfast to bed ? Most of the time, probably no one. They get up at the same time, really early, so no kisses as a wake-up call. They may kiss once they awake, though. Very rarely, when the state doesn’t demand their attention,
18. Who is the romantic one (Valentine’s Day or other) ? Elric is a bit of a sap. Not much, but he likes to commemorate sometimes by grand gestures. Belladone plays the unimpressed party, but she’s not used to those seemingly superfluous attentions, and it moves her greatly.
19. Who would lead in ballroom dancing ? Come on, Elric is the king, let him lead ! And he’s a good dancer at that, so Belladone is okay with that. The only problem is that he hates it, so when they have a reception, one waltz, and he’s off ! Belladone then has to find someone else to dance with her.
20. Who drinks all of the coffee ? Pervenche. No, really. She once managed to get inside the council room and downed all of Belladone’s coffee. And learnt the hard way that you don’t. do. that. It ended with a Very Angry queen running after her and threatening to cut her damn head off. Pervenche only escaped by jumping from a window right into a bush, and running away. She didn’t come back to the castle for weeks, and Belladone’s coffee was left alone.
21. Who is the one who would pay for dates ? Both. After all, Elric's money is Belladone's money (and, technically, the kingdom's money too). So when they decide to go out, they just take some in the special box that holds everything put aside for their enjoyement during budget sessions (the longer those sessions are, the more Elric puts in the box).
22. Who takes over the beauty/style department ? Rynn. At least, he tries. But Belladone will have none of it. She didn’t become queen to dress as a ditzy mage ! Said ditzy mage promptly asked her what she was dressed as, then, and earned a kick in the ass. Truth is, neither does really take care of that department. They dress correctly, of course, as is expected from royalty, but that’s all. They don’t go out of their way to have the most elegant tunics, the prettiest dresses and the most expensive jewelry. Those are nice, but don’t matter in the long run. The only exception is for important evenings, but they know to dress grandly for those times, and don’t need help for that, not even from each other.
23. What would they get each other for gifts ? Give Belladone a weapon, and she will, if not love you, at least tolerate you better. But it has to be a good weapon, like the ones from the West at least. She likes dresses and jewelry and books too. But you know. Weapons.Elric kinda likes weapons too, but Belladone rather decides on non-physical things, instead taking her husband away from his duties for a day or half a day, drag him in town, to do fun and stupid things together, even if it’s just a drink in a tavern, or a walk in the woods. Relaxing without having to care about a thousand things do him way more good than a new crown (but she buys him books too. Books are always good.)
24. Who cusses more ? Don’t even try to tell Belladone that swearing is not ladylike, or you’re in great danger to get a mouthful of steel. And then she’ll punch you. Swearing all the way.
25. Who is more tech-savvy ? Belladone. Not to say Elric is a tech-idiot, but when you live in a country who put all its efforts into developping new war machines and weapons, and when you LOVE weapons, you tend to be well-versed into machineries and
26. Who remembers things ? And who forgets the birthdays and anniversaries (and has to be forgiven) ? Elric tends to forget some things. But, let's be honest, he really has a lot on his mind, what with a country to rule and everything. But Belladone doesn't fare way better than him, so really, they are quite assorted.
27. Who is the bigger cuddler ? No one, and certainly not Belladone who, once she discovers that cuddles with a boyfriend / husband feel good, will hug him as soon as they are alone and she can preserve her reputation of being heartless. Nope. Not at all.
28. Nicknames for each other ? Starting with “idiot king” and “pest from the west”, and became “my love”, “my queen”, “my king”. Elric is the only one abe to call her Bella without immediatly getting his ass kicked. But she still growls, of course.
29. Who kills the bugs ? Both, but more because they are aggravating than by malice. Flies buzzing around while you’re trying to work are ANNOYING !! (and mosquitoes even more)
30. Who initiates duets ? NO ONE !! And maybe that’s better for everyone’s ears, because Belladone ain’t a Disney princess, and her singing would probably attract all kinds of crows and wolves around. Or break glass.
31. What do they do to cheer each other up ? Elric uses cuddles. It's super effective ! Even if his wife looks as grumpy as a wyvern and probably bites as much, she loves being cuddled, and it helps greatly. If cuddles don't do the trick, he uses Belladone's own method. When Elric is down, she just gives him his sword, and takes him to the training room for a good fencing session. They hit each other hard enough to leave bruises, but it helps them progressing, and it's good for getting rid of tensions.
Daily life
32. Who decorates the apartment ? The basis is Elric’s tastes, especially since he’s been living in the royal suite for three years now, and he’s made it his with lots of things and furnitures he likes. When Belladone came to live with him, she insisted that she be allowed to redecorate, because she didn’t want to be surrounded by things of the East, especially because, quote her, “they are ugly anyway”. They had a huge fight about this, bad enough that their friends and family thought that it was definitly over. But they finally calmed down enough to discuss it, and come to an arrangement. They would use a mix of furniture from their two countries, and try to find some balance. And to be fair, it looks really lovely.
33. Who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch ? And who has sole posession of the T.V. remote ? If they had movies, they would probably alternate. But Belladone wouldn’t let anyone lend a hand on the remote. Hers.
34. Who does what chores ? Elric is in charge of all military questions concerning the country, and everything that has to do with diplomacy and budget. Belladone has tasked herself with everything that has to do with intendance, and all social questions, because she has more experience working with them. Elric stays as the army commander, but Belladone is now his second (and everyone fears them).As for domestic chores, let’s be real, they have more than enough servants for that.
35. Who makes the bed in the mornings ? The servants. No, seriously, have you ever seen royalty do their beds ? I’m not even sure Elric knows what goes where.
36. Who starts getting into holidays way before they should ? No one because they already have enough on their plate. Sometimes, holidays pass without them even noticing. They don't miss them too much. When they need to celebrate, they just go out and do it.
37. Who initiates the couple selfies ? If they had selfies, that would probably be Elric. Because his wife is gorgeous and he wants to brag. Belladone would do some, from time to time, for the same reasons, but it would be Elric most of the time.
38. Who always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping ? Believe it or not, Belladone. She’s a stress eater, and when facing difficult tasks, or too much to do at once, she tends to gorge on junk food. She compensates by being very active and exercizing a lot. Elric sometimes eats chips or things like that, but he’s more of a sucker for candy.
39. Who asks to keep the abandoned kitten/puppy they find in the rain ? Belladone may be a hardass iron queen who doesn’t fear anyone. But show her a puppy and she’s a goner (kitties get sent to Rynn’s and Elvy’s home, they love kittens). Elric has stopped trying to lead her away from the puppies. It didn’t work.
40. So how many pets, and who rememebers to feed them ? A pack of dogs that Belladone loves. Elric gifted her with them (more like entrusted to her). They were his father’s hunting dogs, and he likes them, but he just doesn’t know what to do with them or how to take care of them. It wasn’t easy at first, because they saw her as an intruder and an enemy. Belladone didn’t hesitate to assert her dominance, but she did it with care (and food) (and introduced herself too). They pretty much adopted her after that. She sometimes hunts with them, but most of the time, she just walks them around the castle and town. There’s something extremely empowering about walking with ten full-size hunting dogs on a leash. They obey to her slightest whim, and are very well behaved. They love her, and she loves them.
41. Who gets babied when they’re sick ? Belladone is more of a "tough love" person, but roughing her husband up when he's sick only makes things worse, she realized. So she lets the healers and the servants taking care of him, only checking on him from time to time, bringing him hot drinks, and trying to cheer him up by talking, because you can't really fight when you're sick.Elric knows how you take care of someone sick ; he had some training growing up with Malikaï. You bring them warm drinks and soft foods, you hold their hand, you talk softly or sing songs, or you keep their head on your lap. Of course, Belladone looked at him weirdly the first time he started singing. But she let him, because it's still enjoyable.
42. Who comes home drunk at 3am ? Belladone. Sometimes, after a long day of being a queen, you just want to unwind with your weird friends, get drunk, and act all stupid. Not befitting for the queen, of course, but she couldn’t care less about it. She’s the queen and she does whatever she wants. Including faceplanting on the bed after. And on the husband too (who may be nice, take off her shoes and put her nicely under the covers).
43. What do they do when they’re away from each other ? They are quite often away from each other. Elric has king duties, which often means getting locked into a council room and listen to endless reports for hours. Belladone too has duties, and sometimes comes with him to give advice, to the greatest dismay of the counselors. But most of the time, she goes and takes care of her own business. Mainly, she takes care of some problems and questions Elric doesn’t have the time to take care of, or doesn’t know how to. Social questions fall now under her care, and they both like it like that.
44. What are they afraid of ? Breaking up, mostly. They now rely a lot on each other, and they need each other in their lives. They would be quite lost without the other. Beside that, Belladone is scared of something happening to her country again. She wouldn’t be able to bear it if the land she loves fell under dire times again. She’s scared of something happening to her father, too. Dogmaël is a strong man, but she once saw him surrender to madness, and that’s not something she’s ready to face again.Elric is mostly afraid for his country too. For now, he was able to protect it from harm, but life won’t be that easy all the time, and wars won’t be solved with a battle and a bunch of crazy mercenaries sent in the mountains. He’s a bit afraid of something happening to Malikaï, but for now, Pervenche has revealed herself to be quite the good girlfriend for him. 
45. How often do they fight ? Sadly, they fight and bicker more often than other couples, because their personnalities clash, and they are both very opinionnated people who don’t like to admit they'e wrong. It makes for… interesting conversations, especially when cultural differences come into play, and often keep on after the meeting, sometimes until late at night. But they try to resolve it like adults, by talking and trying to see things from another point of view. So lots of fights, but lots of reconciliations too.
46. What would they do if the other one was hurt ? Belladone would go on a total rampage against the one who dared laying a hand on her husband. Until Elric hurt himself during his training or something, then she would just call him an idiot to worry her like that, and take care of him in her way.Elric would probably skip the rampage part. Maybe order hissoldiers to capture the culprit, and judge him very severly, but that's all. He doesn't believe in insane violence, even in the name of revenge.
And once they have kids…
47. How many kids ? A son, Prince Romaric of Altea AND Landskrona because fuck you, even if Belladone doesn’t really have any claim on the West city anymore. But Dogmaël is totally crazy about his grandson anyway so who knows. Romaric has his mother’s looks and his father’s personnality, which means that, really, he took the best from each. He has a taste for older women (Elric swears it’s Fumée’s fault), and sometimes lets Fleur push him a bit, but overall, he’s shaping up to be a great king, once he stops daydreaming so much (fuck off, Elric, he’s only five).
48. Who is the stricter parent ? Belladone. Raised by a stern father and a formerly assassin mother (and a bunch of nurses too, but they were as stern as Dogmaël), it’s not a suprise that she’s stricter than Elric, who’s been quite coddled while young. He’s not really a pushover, of course, but he tends to be way more lenient. With Belladone, you won’t get away until your chore is done, and well done !
49. Who stays up late helping with homework ? It’s hard to find some time for your child when you’re king and queen and very invested in your kingdom’s life. But they make time. They find moments here and there to spend with Romaric, teach him little magic tricks or sword play. And as her father before her, Belladone doesn't hesitate to stop a meeting in order to admire her son's drawings or calligraphy, and give him tips and encouragements.
50. Who likes to take the family out and for what ? Belladone loves to take the family to the West, to visit the other part of the family : brothers, father, and that weird swordmaster she sometimes calls "mom" just to anger him. Elric likes to take them on long or short journeys to visit their country in all the little nooks and creeks and villages and everything, so they learn to love it as much as he does.
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I’ll be gone for the weekend...
But while I’m gone, have some memes in place of my usual going to your inboxes!
All 16 of the IC/OOC questions on this meme, for people I interact with. [Bonus points if you include my OCs in some of the responses, too.] If you do end up doing this, please, tag me? I'm a big fan of actor/actress verses, so Is love to see what you come up with.
I’m tagging…
@achillca, @jaune-refaire-arc, @velveteen-faunus [and all your blogs], @blondiethepunmaster, @howlfortheknight, @chainlightniing, @somerichkid, @xgorgaux, @fearlesschalybs, @jolisorciere, @cpring, @elucive, @tubefullofcorgi, @teamorcd, @team-lpis-livia, @ms-belladone, @ask-skylark, @like-a-hummingbird, @gcldiilocks, and @johnnyvitonen.
I’ll be on my phone here and there, and I’m certain I won’t have Wi-Fi while there, so go nuts. I’ll be back before you know it.
Take care.
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