#oc luthion
aeonianarchives · 1 year
Incorrect Oc Quotes
Luthion: Ugh, why are you so tall?
Thilion: Would you prefer me on my knees?
Luthion: What?
Thilion, blushing: What.
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If your Oc's had to pick a weapon (they can dual wield two) but what would that go for and which one would they main if they have two
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings The anon ask this the same time i told you about it or just after | @aetherofthepen
Okay I only did this for my oc's with the more intresting weapons and the more used and known about ones on my blog I hope you don't mind:
Thalion wields a claymore, sure with what he wears he looks rather weak and like a taller Lindir but that is in fact not the case he is quite strong, he takes after his father in that fact who is also one of my oc's and his fathers name is Thanion so both Thanion and Thalion wields a Claymore the same one two as Thalion inherited Thanion's sword
Ranya wields a polearm, he is the horseman of conquest and given my character references for his looks and how I imagine his fighting style to be it fits perfectly with a polearm spear
Arno main weapons is a scythe but his back up one is a sword, Arno is known represents as the horseman of death and is mistaken for Lucifer/Satan/Asmodeus/Beelzebub a lot by the race of men he is the horseman of death not the personification of death, but given all the tales in men that the grim reaper carries a Scythe means Arno gets mistaken as it even if the grim reaper is his brother Varya's nickname
Faeron dual wields twin swords well actually one is made by the Valar and the other is made by his father yes he may hate his father but his sword is good and he won't turn something he had before he hated his father because of a grudge, but most of the time he only wields one even if he carries both on his back (Faeron thinks he's Geralt)
Voron has a glaive, I think it suits his personality many find him an asshole at first but if you take the time to get to know him he has a personality like Gil-galad which is why I gave him the same type as weapon as the king.
Varya wields knives coated in poison and a longsword, he is the horseman of war, but he only uses the longsword when collecting souls which his where he is a lot more brute force and strength compared to how he actually fights which is swift and quick and from the shadows.
Valkor is a wizard so he uses his magic but he pairs it with a sceptar he has which is like marvel Loki's as it has a blade on it and I totally based Valkor's powers on Loki so his back up weapons are knives.
Aerdis has a short sword and a broken spear he duals, he uses both as defence and offense at the same time given he is ambidextrous he doesn't have easier between one and the other but given his weapon choices he gets them down with the sword before stabbing them with the broken spear head.
Luthion duals a bearded axe and a dagger, Luthion however isn't ambidextrous, he uses the bearded axe as his main weapon both to the dislike and like of the dwarves, many believe he should pair the axe with a shield but he doesn't much like shields so he uses the dagger as defence and the axe as offense and it works well for him.
Thilion just has a katana and shares Irmo's japanese aesthetic, as much as I want to joke about it Thilion truly is like a wandering samurai who just doesn't wear armour he owns and carries two but he only uses one to fight.
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aeonianarchives · 1 year
👀 My favorite Oc maker is now writing for his oc's?
How did I not know of this, Oh Mr Kaiden bringer of the meme, incorrect quotes and Oc's can I get a Lúthion x Reader what it would be like to date him in Imladris Hc's from you.
Yes yes I am writing for my Oc's, I am so glad you like them
Dating Lúthion Hc's
Taglist: @aetherofthepen | @eunoiaastralwings
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-given he is the son of Lord Elrond Lúthion will go about in a very proper way of courting you and respecting elvish traditions
-if you arm mortal he will pick a choose between which elvish traditions and mortal traditions of courting
-expect a lot of teasing from Elladan and a lot of encouragement from Arwen both when you are courting or if you are thinking of confessing
-if he is working don't be afraid to sit in his lap most of the time he will work around you or if you do it for attention he will pause in his work unless it is imported
-This man is a Gentlemen he will get stuff high up for you, open doors for you he even kisses your hand in greeting
-Lúthion is comfortable with large amounts of PDA especially when he knows he will get teased relentlessly so it is all behind closed doors and away from prying eyes anything more than kissing your hand
-if you get injured he would push all the healers away apart from his father and be the one to heal you
-you want to be carried like a princess/prince sure he will carry you but prepared to be dropped if you run into Glorfindel, Arwen or Elladan
-while in public he may only do courteous deeds for you, but in privet he certainly makes up the affection you we're missing
-before you get married his work comes before you most of the time, when you marry he is a love sick idiot goofball who doesn't really care if he gets teased for his love for you or gets in trouble with his father for late reports, he servers you above everyone else.
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Oc Height Canons?
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings
Since I Headcanon Eagles to shapeshift to the height of 3rd age elves which is around the 6' range Aerdis would be 6'4 - 6'5 i would also say in this form he would have a 10ft wing span in his eagle form he would be around the same size as Thorondor and having the same wingspan as him
Thalion I would say would be like an inch taller than Thranduil (Movie) so he would be 6'6
Lúthion i found somewhere Elrond's twins are 6'3 so i would say he would be about 6'2
Faeron honestly this one i could probably talk about for some time given most sources I have found they either say Maedhros is 7'6 or 8' and then i Hc Caranthir to be the next tallest and then Maglor and so i say Faeron is between Cara and Mags Height i put Cara at 7'5 and then Mags at 7'3 so i would say Faeron would be 7'4
Valkor would be in the possible height zone as Maedhros with the 7'6 to 8' but i would say Valkor would be 7'8
Kyaris lets assume Elrond is 6'1 which I think he is thats the same Height as Kyaris
Rae is the same height as Thranduil and lets go by PJ Movie height so he is 6'5
Kiiron is a Dragon shifter technically in his dragon form he is the same size as Thorondor but the dragon version in a humanoid form I would say he would be about or just taller than Aerdis
Levos is easy he is the younger brother to Legolas and I would say he would be about the same size if not shorter than Legolas and i would put him at 5'11 so Movie Legolas height one of the main reasons why i didn't bump him up to 6' is i believe wood elves would be shorter than their high elven kin sure i made Thalion tall but he gets because his mother is one with the forest.
Thilion to make it fair for Luthion i will say Thilion can manipulate his height he is Manwe and Varda's son after all so Thilion let your imagination go while but he would probably leave his height in middle earth the same height as Luthion.
Nyeldo is the brother of Ecthelion so I imagine they have the same height so he would be 7'3
Hyamro would be 6' i don't have a reason he would just be 6'
Faelyn would be around 6'3 given his family were high elves still short for a high elf but he would be 6'3
Eirian since I put the Lords of Gondolin all around the tall 6' to 7' zone he would be 6'11 (I am thinking about reembodying this boy because i just want him to go up to Bilbo and be like how's my knife i killed a dragon with doing and bilbo just being flabbergasted)
Ardian Thalion's mother i would say shes around 5'6 the forest and Thanion gave him his height
Thanion he would be 6'8 mostly so he can joke to Celeborn how he was taller than him.
Height In Order of Tallest to Shortest:
Thilion - Height Manipulation
Valkor - 7'8
Faeron - 7'4
Nyeldo - 7'3
Eirian - 6'11
Thanion - 6'8
Thalion - 6'6
Rae - 6'5
Aerdis / Kiiron - 6'4 - 6'5
Luthion - 6'2
Hyamro - 6'
Levos - 5'11
Ardian - 5'6
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Oc Masterlist
Disclamer: this is not like my other Masterlist for my Oc's, this is a Masterlist where I hold all my writing for them.
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Dating Luthion HC
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Meeting by chance (Platonic) | Part 2
A fun little remembrance not
Sneaking in (Valkor x Faeron)
Rest (Valkor x Faeron)
Mistletoe (Valkor x Faeron)
Tie me Up (Valkor x Faeron)
Self Indulgent (Valkor x Faeron)
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Love is a Strong Thing (Valkor x Faeron)
Sneaking in (Valkor x Faeron)
Rest (Valkor x Faeron)
Mistletoe (Valkor x Faeron)
Tie me up (Valkor x Faeron)
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Annoying Bird (Thalion x Aerdis)
Naming drinks is better when you named them after someone you love (Aerdis x Thalion)
Misteltoe (Aerdis x Thalion)
Combustiable Minstels with tied up eagles (Aerdis x Thalion x Lindir)
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Annoying Bird (Thalion x Aerdis)
Naming drinks is better when you named them after someone you love (Aerdis x Thalion)
Misteltoe (Aerdis x Thalion)
Combustiable Minstels with tied up eagles (Aerdis x Thalion x Lindir)
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Wrong Lindor
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Who is Luthion?
He is one of my many Tolkien Oc's, he was the first one i posted about.
If you wish to know more about him Here: Lúthion Son of Elrond
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