aeonianarchives · 1 year
Incorrect Oc Quotes
Luthion: Ugh, why are you so tall?
Thilion: Would you prefer me on my knees?
Luthion: What?
Thilion, blushing: What.
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If your Oc's had to pick a weapon (they can dual wield two) but what would that go for and which one would they main if they have two
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings The anon ask this the same time i told you about it or just after | @aetherofthepen
Okay I only did this for my oc's with the more intresting weapons and the more used and known about ones on my blog I hope you don't mind:
Thalion wields a claymore, sure with what he wears he looks rather weak and like a taller Lindir but that is in fact not the case he is quite strong, he takes after his father in that fact who is also one of my oc's and his fathers name is Thanion so both Thanion and Thalion wields a Claymore the same one two as Thalion inherited Thanion's sword
Ranya wields a polearm, he is the horseman of conquest and given my character references for his looks and how I imagine his fighting style to be it fits perfectly with a polearm spear
Arno main weapons is a scythe but his back up one is a sword, Arno is known represents as the horseman of death and is mistaken for Lucifer/Satan/Asmodeus/Beelzebub a lot by the race of men he is the horseman of death not the personification of death, but given all the tales in men that the grim reaper carries a Scythe means Arno gets mistaken as it even if the grim reaper is his brother Varya's nickname
Faeron dual wields twin swords well actually one is made by the Valar and the other is made by his father yes he may hate his father but his sword is good and he won't turn something he had before he hated his father because of a grudge, but most of the time he only wields one even if he carries both on his back (Faeron thinks he's Geralt)
Voron has a glaive, I think it suits his personality many find him an asshole at first but if you take the time to get to know him he has a personality like Gil-galad which is why I gave him the same type as weapon as the king.
Varya wields knives coated in poison and a longsword, he is the horseman of war, but he only uses the longsword when collecting souls which his where he is a lot more brute force and strength compared to how he actually fights which is swift and quick and from the shadows.
Valkor is a wizard so he uses his magic but he pairs it with a sceptar he has which is like marvel Loki's as it has a blade on it and I totally based Valkor's powers on Loki so his back up weapons are knives.
Aerdis has a short sword and a broken spear he duals, he uses both as defence and offense at the same time given he is ambidextrous he doesn't have easier between one and the other but given his weapon choices he gets them down with the sword before stabbing them with the broken spear head.
Luthion duals a bearded axe and a dagger, Luthion however isn't ambidextrous, he uses the bearded axe as his main weapon both to the dislike and like of the dwarves, many believe he should pair the axe with a shield but he doesn't much like shields so he uses the dagger as defence and the axe as offense and it works well for him.
Thilion just has a katana and shares Irmo's japanese aesthetic, as much as I want to joke about it Thilion truly is like a wandering samurai who just doesn't wear armour he owns and carries two but he only uses one to fight.
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arlenianchronicles · 7 months
What would happen if in your genderbent au Beril was actually a demi goddess from another world who somehow ended up in middle earth and she is trying to get home?
Sounds like we're moving into AUs within AUs! I don't particularly have any thoughts or ideas about this premise, sorry anon ^^;; I guess Beril would have more means to help Finrod fight Sauron, and also aid Luthion in putting Morgoth's court to sleep? Maybe the Silmaril is what helps Beril to return home?
Feel free to share your ideas with me, if you like! It seems to me that you have a better idea of how this premise would change things than I do XDD
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legitimatesatanspawn · 7 months
What if Beren and Luthien were genderbent?
Ooh, that's an interesting question.
Now, forewarning: this is just a bunch of theories and personal thoughts on the matter so don't take this as canon. It is rooted in what we do know of the families involved and a bit in how social structures work in the setting, but in this case it is completely me talking out of hand about this.
Names. This is a big thing to me because I love names and this will help me keep the idea separate from canon. Luthien is Quenyan for "flower-daughter" so let's go with one of the Quenyan suffixes for males… Luthion sounds good if a bit too on the nose. Another option for flower are Lot/Loth from Ninquelótë, Númellótë, and Vingilot. So Lótëmon? Now Beren was named after his maternal grandfather, but since I don't know his grandmother's name we'll go up the tree for his great-grandmother Adanel. I'm guessing his mother Emeldir got naming rights to go with Beren instead of him getting named after Bregor. Admittedly Lotemon and Adanel might not roll off as easily as Luthien and Beren but they work for this post.
Brief Discussion of Upbringing: Beren and Luthien Beren, or Adanel now as this will be easier. While Artanis (or Galadriel as we know her) is the biggest Noldorian female who stands out in my memory with the next one being Nerdanel who was the wife of Feanor who deserves her own loredump post, the laws of succession in Numenor which in turn are basically spread to the civilizations of Man to varying degrees in the known lands of Middle Earth are cribbed off of those of the Noldor. Which is why I'm bringing two Noldor elves up here. Basically titles go paternally to the nearest male descendant although in the case of a female eldest child she still receives family heirlooms as her birthright. (Doesn't make up for it but whatever.) Although I do remember there being a case where there were several older daughters onto whom one of the Numenorian kings tried to pass the title to but their grandmother spooked them like some grammas tend to do, so they refused and the title went to their younger brother. Now here's the fun bit: Beren's mother (much like Luthien's Melian) Emeldir is a BAMF. Her name and her title both basically were "the man-hearted woman". So Emeldir without doubt kicked ass, lived to at least 50 going by the events surrounding Dagor Bragollach (the Battle of Sudden Flame), and I like to think she raised Beren to understand important stuff like consent and a refusal being just that. So while I think that "Adanel" would be treated just as Beren would, she wouldn't get exactly the same equal treatment. But given her mother, her father would likely try anyway. So Beren's life as a woman would be largely unchanged. Luthien, or as she'll be here "Lótëmon", is still the only child of Thingol and Melian. Still half-maia, still likely beautiful and fairer beyond everything. Still probably has a thing for tall, broad shouldered, and golden-brown half-feral people spotted in the forest. Maybe a little more leeway when it comes to things and hopefully not kidnapped (which would mean no Huan) but considering he'll still be Beautiful and how beauty is often coveted in the setting… I suspect that "Lotemon" will also live largely the same life.
Quest and Future Rather than demanding the Silmaril as the brideprice, perhaps it is instead just a proof of strength or resoluteness or something. Again, Thingol would've probably thought Beren/"Adanel" would actually be able to do it but the sheer balls to go through with it and return with that damn bold claim of it being indeed still in hand when they return… The knockoff effects for the future will be different though. Luthien and Beren's story was fairly unusual and set the stage for an elf choosing a mortal, and a mortal pursing something dangerous in the name of love. A man may be viewed as brave in some societies/civilizations by their fellow men while a woman instead deemed foolish for the same actions which is disgusting but there it is. A woman using beauty to bewitch her enemies would be 'sexy' while a man doing the same would be different and perhaps seen as underhanded. Although it would be one of the goodside counterparts to Sauron's wiles and paint the idea that cleverness such as that is not always in service of selfish cruelty. It's possible that instead of singing of Luthien's beauty they'd be singing of "Lotemon" and his cunning. There's also some slightly different implications of the mortal woman dying and waiting for her love who when he joins her has to fight for the right for them to stay together in death or in life. This also means that Thingol taking in Turin would have a few more connotations of replacing his lost son instead of caring for a second child who is different from his daughter. So maybe Turin would be even more eager to run out to fight since he doesn't want to be seen as a pale shadow to "Lotemon".
TLDR Different names, slightly different upbringings, somewhat different after effects, but since the Song is a thing and the Silmarils are still a big big thing with the characters then the story would likely stay largely the same.
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Face Claim: Cyno from Genshin Impact
Name: Thilion
Alias(s): The Voice of judgment, Zyran, Arashi
Nickname (s): Non
Gender: Male
Birth: YT
Titles: Prince of Valinor, Valar of Storms and Lightning
Birth Place: House of Manwë
Heritage: Valar
Parentage: Manwë & Varda
Sibling(s): non
Class: Warlock
Race: Adepti
Origins: One of the children of the Valar called the Adepti
Weapons: Polearm
Magical Ability(s): Electro
Visual Age: 19 (immortal)
Eye Color: red-orange
Hair Color: Grey looks more white
Hair Style: Media length down
Skin color: Tan
Proficiency: Polearm, Element mastery
Romantic Relationship: Yes
Partner(s): Luthion son of Elrond
Sexuality: Pansexual
coming soon
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glameva · 9 months
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Cindella Luthione 1200mg Glutathione Blue Box
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tneql · 2 years
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The Never Ending Quest Log is an in-development tabletop RPG set in it's own unique world with a unique DND-inspired ruleset!
On the continent of Orpegeia, traditional fantasy magic doesn’t exist. The creatures of the world are all intrinsically connected to the five 'Senses'. Mechanics revolve around the manipulating of these senses, as well as the cultures, politics and history of the world.
Hearing       Sight       Touch     Taste     Smell
The world I'm building aims to be modern & progressive, dismantling genre tropes and refreshing ideas into something new and original.
The first campaign - streamed over on my Twitch channel - revolves around the book of the same name. This strange tome was handed down to Luthion Fairwords (me) after his grandmother passed away.
Nothing is is known about its origins. Only the dragon scales embedded in it's spine and the massive claw marks on its back provide any clues to its past...
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I'm revitalising this blog because I think it'll be a great way to share the story, characters, ideas and progress of this series as it develops.
I don't know if anyone will even see this, but this is a project I'm super passionate about. I think this could be something really special. If you're reading this, say hi!
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katartna · 7 years
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YEA 3AM EBON WARD HYPE LET’S GO *cracks knuckles*
Operation: Overthrow Roman Off His High Horse
Only on https://www.twitch.tv/warpedlamp !!! So ready for this!
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
For @arlenianchronicles ! I just love all your work and your genderbent Beren and Luthien stuff is wonderful, so I did a little take on your designs, thanks for all the beautiful works you put out into the world!
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horrorramen · 4 years
Review: Luthione Cleansing Pop
Ssup. How’s your quarantine going yall good? Cool.
Imma give my thoughts on Luthione Cleansing Pop in a minute and let me reveal this product before I go further.
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I bought this for RM4.50 from Guardian, half the original price and that was the main reason for me to buy this thing. Got three varieties; sensitive, dry and oily skin, and I picked for dry skin. It claims to be a makeup remover and cleanser, and one box contains 10 sheets.
This product is basically a cleanser in dry form. You will need to add a bit of water, slowly, for this product to dissolve. Before application, make sure the face is already wet.
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I haven’t tried this product on my face with makeup on because I usually use micellar water before washing my face with a cleanser so I don’t have any evidence that it could remove makeup effectively. What I can say is I can feel my skin was clean after using this product and it doesn’t make my skin feel tight. The foam was alright and it smells like baking soda.
I looked into the ingredients and nothing so special about them. Well, maybe evening primrose oil, lavender extract and chamomile extract could be considered as “something”. They could act as anti-inflammatory agents which could sooth your skin. Maybe they are the reason why my skin doesn’t feel too dry after cleansing.
Basically, I paid 45 cents each time I wash my face using this product. If I paid the full price, that would be nearly RM1. Quite an innovative product but I might not buy this for daily use. This product is suitable for those who want to travel light in my opinion.
Not sure how to rate this but I’d say will buy this when I want to travel.
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aeonianarchives · 1 year
👀 My favorite Oc maker is now writing for his oc's?
How did I not know of this, Oh Mr Kaiden bringer of the meme, incorrect quotes and Oc's can I get a Lúthion x Reader what it would be like to date him in Imladris Hc's from you.
Yes yes I am writing for my Oc's, I am so glad you like them
Dating Lúthion Hc's
Taglist: @aetherofthepen | @eunoiaastralwings
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-given he is the son of Lord Elrond Lúthion will go about in a very proper way of courting you and respecting elvish traditions
-if you arm mortal he will pick a choose between which elvish traditions and mortal traditions of courting
-expect a lot of teasing from Elladan and a lot of encouragement from Arwen both when you are courting or if you are thinking of confessing
-if he is working don't be afraid to sit in his lap most of the time he will work around you or if you do it for attention he will pause in his work unless it is imported
-This man is a Gentlemen he will get stuff high up for you, open doors for you he even kisses your hand in greeting
-Lúthion is comfortable with large amounts of PDA especially when he knows he will get teased relentlessly so it is all behind closed doors and away from prying eyes anything more than kissing your hand
-if you get injured he would push all the healers away apart from his father and be the one to heal you
-you want to be carried like a princess/prince sure he will carry you but prepared to be dropped if you run into Glorfindel, Arwen or Elladan
-while in public he may only do courteous deeds for you, but in privet he certainly makes up the affection you we're missing
-before you get married his work comes before you most of the time, when you marry he is a love sick idiot goofball who doesn't really care if he gets teased for his love for you or gets in trouble with his father for late reports, he servers you above everyone else.
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Oc Height Canons?
Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings
Since I Headcanon Eagles to shapeshift to the height of 3rd age elves which is around the 6' range Aerdis would be 6'4 - 6'5 i would also say in this form he would have a 10ft wing span in his eagle form he would be around the same size as Thorondor and having the same wingspan as him
Thalion I would say would be like an inch taller than Thranduil (Movie) so he would be 6'6
Lúthion i found somewhere Elrond's twins are 6'3 so i would say he would be about 6'2
Faeron honestly this one i could probably talk about for some time given most sources I have found they either say Maedhros is 7'6 or 8' and then i Hc Caranthir to be the next tallest and then Maglor and so i say Faeron is between Cara and Mags Height i put Cara at 7'5 and then Mags at 7'3 so i would say Faeron would be 7'4
Valkor would be in the possible height zone as Maedhros with the 7'6 to 8' but i would say Valkor would be 7'8
Kyaris lets assume Elrond is 6'1 which I think he is thats the same Height as Kyaris
Rae is the same height as Thranduil and lets go by PJ Movie height so he is 6'5
Kiiron is a Dragon shifter technically in his dragon form he is the same size as Thorondor but the dragon version in a humanoid form I would say he would be about or just taller than Aerdis
Levos is easy he is the younger brother to Legolas and I would say he would be about the same size if not shorter than Legolas and i would put him at 5'11 so Movie Legolas height one of the main reasons why i didn't bump him up to 6' is i believe wood elves would be shorter than their high elven kin sure i made Thalion tall but he gets because his mother is one with the forest.
Thilion to make it fair for Luthion i will say Thilion can manipulate his height he is Manwe and Varda's son after all so Thilion let your imagination go while but he would probably leave his height in middle earth the same height as Luthion.
Nyeldo is the brother of Ecthelion so I imagine they have the same height so he would be 7'3
Hyamro would be 6' i don't have a reason he would just be 6'
Faelyn would be around 6'3 given his family were high elves still short for a high elf but he would be 6'3
Eirian since I put the Lords of Gondolin all around the tall 6' to 7' zone he would be 6'11 (I am thinking about reembodying this boy because i just want him to go up to Bilbo and be like how's my knife i killed a dragon with doing and bilbo just being flabbergasted)
Ardian Thalion's mother i would say shes around 5'6 the forest and Thanion gave him his height
Thanion he would be 6'8 mostly so he can joke to Celeborn how he was taller than him.
Height In Order of Tallest to Shortest:
Thilion - Height Manipulation
Valkor - 7'8
Faeron - 7'4
Nyeldo - 7'3
Eirian - 6'11
Thanion - 6'8
Thalion - 6'6
Rae - 6'5
Aerdis / Kiiron - 6'4 - 6'5
Luthion - 6'2
Hyamro - 6'
Levos - 5'11
Ardian - 5'6
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Cindella EGF Complexion Skin Whitening New Arrival, Cindella 5 in 1 Complexion Skin Whitening... Dengan kandungan 5 komposisi, Cindella Complexion Skin Whitening hadir untuk memutihkan dan mengatasi masalah kulit Anda. Made In Korea Komposisi 5 in 1 : 6 x 5ml Ampul : - Ascorbic Acid 1250mg - Coenzyme Q10 100mg - Thioctic Acid 250mg 6 x 2ml Ampul : - Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) 250mg 6 x Vial : Luthione - Glutathione 1200mg Manfaat : - Menekan pembentukan jerawat / noda / jerawat - Memperkecil pori-pori dan meningkatkan warna kulit - Mencegah pembentukan penuaan pada kulit - Memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit - Sebagai Anti Oksidan - Sebagai Anti Aging - Merangsang pembentukan kolagen - Menyegarkan dan Melembabkan kulit - Whitening & Firming ( Memutihkan dan Mengencangkan) Harga : 750.000 #cindella #cindellaegf #luthion #cindellamurah #cindellainfuswhitening #cindellacomplexion #suntikputih #infuswhiteningcindella
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arlenianchronicles · 8 months
What would happen in your genderbent au if Beril was actually pregnant during her quest? Like she doesn't know at first but eventually she finds out.
Hmm well, if I were to follow with what Tolkien said on Elvish courting customs, Beril being pregnant with Luthion's child would technically mean that they're already married. Which would actually be pretty funny imo because that renders the entire Quest kinda pointless XDD Like, imagine Beril and Luthion coming back to Doriath, and Thingol sees that she's pregnant, and he's like, "You were already married and you still did that bs adventure anyway???"
On the other hand, if I were to not follow what Tolkien wrote about it, I'm honestly not quite sure how Beril being pregnant would alter things. I imagine it would be in the early stages, so she probably wouldn't realize it until much later; morning sickness could be explained away with the toll the Quest is taking on her, etc. I feel like Luthion would be able to "sense" that she's pregnant, though? Which would make him more protective of her than before, and he'd probably try to convince her to hang back while he completes the Quest for them both, but she refuses to hide away.
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alphabotox-blog · 4 years
Description Considered the number one choice of spas and skin clinicsall over the world, Cindella Luthione Vitamin C 600mg Skin Whitening 10 Sessions Full Set Injection is the most high quality, high dose and Glutathioneskin whitening formula available in the market today. he added oral boosterhelps maintain Glutathione at high levels in your body even between sessions oftreatment. Cindella…
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loyalservants · 5 years
( Continuation | @valiantvirtue​ )
Luthion didn’t flinch, his hands busy with making their small dinner. He had meant his words to be a compliment to the Maia, although she was his enemy, there was still some amount of respect that existed in the ellon for her loyalty to her master. Grey eyes glanced up to the flame-haired Maia, a hum of thought in his throat which he let out ever so softly.
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Why had he made the decision to bring her along again? The fire in his blood spoke of the pain still in his heart. She had killed his beloved, and he was still so close to returning the favor. If she would not be useful to his kin he probably would. Bereneth… His heart broke a little at the thought of her name, so young and fair, but dead so soon. And because of him, no less. Now he dragged about the one who had ordered the wolf to tear her to pieces, for some good had to be brought about with this sorrow. He was determined of it.
“There is no need to be so defensive.” He replied, smoothly and without expression. “You are a credit to your master in how loyal you are to him– and your belief he will save you. Though whether it is misplaced is still to be determined.” 
He stood from his place by the fire, whispering a spell of protection around his hands before he reached down to yank Mairon up to a standing position. 
“You know what I think? I don’t think he’s going to come. Does he not know just what goes on in his lands? Surely he’s noticed your absence. Or at the very least, some messenger or other has gone to your stronghold and found you gone and returned.”
His jaw tightened. It would be so easy to end the fire before him, but he could not. Some part of his fëa forbid it…for whatever reason.
Instead, he pulled her to be by the fire, cutting off a piece of the meat he’d cooked and holding it out for her to take. “Perhaps I should inform him? An exchange? One of his beloved silmarils for the return of his most dear lieutenant? Do you think he’d go for it?” Luthion did not, if he were honest. For he had Mairon in his grasp for long enough that action could be taken…
And yet, Morgoth remained silent. In a way, Luthion pitied her… blind loyalty.
                                     MAIRON’S glare was unrested and she continued to do so as the Prince of Doriath spoke to her. She could feel his  HATE  and his  ANGER  radiating from his hröa and she smiled mockingly for a moment but when he was still unreadable, she would hate to admit that she was reminded of Melkor and that she was unsettled by it. 
                                     FEAR  was a word she would never use to describe what she had with Melkor but it was indeed present when they both speak. She had seen what had happened to his enemies and she preferred her eäla intact and healthy, rather than tattered like a old clothing from a widow’s gown. His beloved had died and Mairon would only  BLAME  her fragile little body of a Mortal. For a race favoured most by Eru Ilúvatar, they were certainly the weakest and the ones whose fates are unknown. What sort of  GIFT  is that ? 
                                     Her chin was lifted and even then when Lúthion had pulled her onto her feet, shuffling uncomfortably for she was caught off-guard. She then was reminded of earlier, how the hound of Oromë had almost shattered her neck and him her entire eäla. The Hound, she felt, had arisen, ears flattened as if to threaten Mairon to not lay a hand in return of the harshness of the Elven-prince. She had forgotten how dangerous he could be. And there was  FEAR  in her eyes despite her struggle to maintain it, for she thought of how Melkor would oft handle in such a manner.
                             She knew not that this was a blessing for her.
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                                     Out of her surprise, she was pulled closer to the bonfire and she thought it odd, for she was a Maia of Flame, her own  FIRE  radiating from her being already.   ❝ He will  ACCEPT  it, ❞   she insisted, hissing.   ❝ For I am valued above all his slaves and servants, I am his  MIND  and his  LIEUTENANT , without me there is no  EMPIRE ! Why insist earning the Silmaril, when thy darling hath already past away to a place not even the Valar knows of ? ❞
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