#oc motoko
mel-kusanagi · 1 year
mylo and miguel
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a quick sketch of my spidey oc mylo and her dad miguel (they're talking about a guy named peter at miguel's workplace)
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strigital · 6 months
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testing out some SAI2 brushes while simultaneously partaking in some blorbo appreciation <3
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tbone-works · 1 year
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Did that OC inspiration thingy. Here are all the characters who inspired Captain Felicia Thomas.
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rebelcroftvp · 1 year
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Here's the other Major photo I haven't posted yet.
Motoko Kusanagi
Cyberpunk 2077
Camera Tools by Frans Bouma
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beetle-drip · 1 year
H- hey avit um...
What's your favorite anime?
"I haven't been the same since I watched Ghost in the Shell"
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frankgoji · 1 year
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Snoot boop! Funny moment from the cyberpunk campaign I'm doing with friends. The GM's internet cut out in the middle of my first netrunning dive, and in the ensuing chaos, I booped the snoot of the hellhound I was facing.
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arc-angel-o · 2 years
Everyone in Neo Yokio has an eating disorder, it's an occupational hazard
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giltori · 2 years
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Doodle of an OC, who is totally not a mix of Motoko Kusanagi from GitS and Kei from DP.
(Drawing things in the dark is hard, it hurts, I want to sleep)
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koifishart · 8 months
I was finally able to watch One Piece RED and.... omygawd, I love Uta's voice so much 😻
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Also that gave me a spark to upgrade my One Piece OC, Motoko 🤔 if you want to know something about her, just ask on my profile. Meanwhile I'll try to put her upgrade on my drawing list 😅
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ichorhana · 2 months
when it comes to writing oc’s, I try my best to not make boring or generic backstories, for this original character I had her simply in a notebook meaning she was just an idea, I used to get discouraged because I was often told it’s not a good idea to create a sibling for a main character, side character, or supporting since the story board never called for one ; so I closed the notebook and kept it in a drawer, even with attempts to bring her to life .
I went through so many names too for her, I settled for Motoko because I really liked it & just in case I wanted to reboot her there are a few more names I have in the box.
Watching Naruto way back in the day ( making myself sound old ), I had the concept for this oc just being in the wind, it all started when I first saw sakura and I think there was a scene where she was writing something, mentioning bonds… then there was another episode for that do remember Team 7 going against Zabuza and Haku, I recall Sakura gently caressing Sasuke’s face after his battle aftermath—
It occurred to me that it’s possible she had someone in her life that after a periodic time the emotions were very much raw— she and ino were best friends, sisters more like it, before their rivalry for sasuke’s affection; it was an inkling that she probably has a sibling so I wrote rough notes of an older haruno.
Sakura’s older sister. I decided I’d write where the older sister was pretty much absent throughout all of Sakura’s life, well almost, not saying they weren’t as close but Motoko was often a lone wolf, not quite aloof and was obviously a good sister behind the scenes. She didn’t really come into play until I learned Sasuke had an older brother, Itachi so I’m formulating what can I do with her with staying… boring ? Recycled?
So of course I didn’t bring her into play because I lacked the ability to give her a decent story. Back then her name was Sumiko, Yuki, Lucy, etc… I just couldn’t grab a name for her.
So Motoko Haruno.
Motoko was born June 9th.
She was kind of a lazy student during her academic days, but wasn’t a slacker or let her work fall through the cracks. She just didn’t want to show her all or didn’t care about being the best.
Motoko is 4-5 years older than Sakura. Sakura was about 8-9 when her sister was recruited by a teacher. It was mostly Motoko’s doing despite protests from her parents. Even at a young age, Motoko wanted to see more of the world, maybe it was possible she grew bored of the life at home even though she was aware of what she was leaving behind after her recruitment.
It wasn’t until Motoko was 16 she left Konoha. Give or take 17 ( see, I’m still struggling ). Her prolonged absence left a bittersweet taste to Sakura who was now almost alone, but the two kept in touch via letters albeit they were not as frequent ( sometimes Sakura wouldn’t hear from her from months after a letter ). Motoko frequently visited home but did not stay long.
Motoko can often appear desensitized, cold, detached, as well as a non-present sister and daughter from friends and colleagues, all of these facts that do not bother her. However she does have a sense of humor, can be cheerful but the years away from home as well as other influences have her constantly with a guard up.
As you can see my inconsistency here, this is what I can give until I type out her biography.
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strigital · 7 months
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just a smol dose of SilverV 'cause i'm sick, tired and high as a kite on painmeds, and these two bring me nothing but blissful pain and dejected happiness 💜
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rennsdeaddoves · 11 months
Long Fic / Fic Series List
a list of the long fic's / series, their sumaries, ratings, and ships! the colour of the fic titles indicate their position on my dead dove scale (if you need a reminder go to my intro post)
Awakened - Akira / ghost in the shell crossover
this fic is a guilty pleasure of mine, it is a cross over between the 1988 film Akira (and the original manga) and the 1995 Ghost in the shell movie.
throughout this fic it follows my OC a girl named Tehanu who is on Major Motoko's team of elites. like the Major she is also a fully cyborg, she has a complete shell provided to her by section nine and thus she works dutifully with her team.
however on a slow day they get a call about explosions going off downtown Tokyo though when they arrive the culprit is gone, though not entirely as Tehanu catches a glimpse of a boy in a red cape fleeing the scene. she gives chance and when she catches up with him she is met with Tetsuo Shima, who is entirely confused on where he is and why he is not back at the stadium facing down Kaneda.
this is a slow burn, enemies to begrudging allies to lovers fic where the main paring is Tetsuo Shima (akira) x Cannon (my oc)
When we Make it to the Other Side - Journey to the west
A modern day political Science major named Rue gets flung back though time and space ending up ancient china, after wandering for a few days on her own she runs into a traveling group comprised of three demons and a Monk. reluctantly she joins their group knowing that because they are headed to the Buddha himself it is likely her best bet of returning to her own time. but maybe she's not destined to go back...
Jttw fic where it has isekai type elements, @skittlescripts story Isekaie'd to the west inspired me to write this one
Sun Wukong x Oc
The Sweetness of Rot - Lego Monkie Kid
Official Summary; Tao is the creation of Sun Wukong. She is his daughter, made by accident and loved wholeheartedly by; Him, his Monkeys, friends, gods, and demons alike
Wukong really thought that after her, his life turned around for the very best, truly he did… but fate is cruel and unfair. Tao is ripped away from him by destiny’s hand in the form of his oldest “friend”. Macaque thinks he deserves this, he has a right to her. After all, how dare the piece of shit that took his whole life away get to live his to the very best with a daughter and friends he doesn’t deserve. Taking her from him was only the first step in his plan, he will break her, pick up the pieces, and put them back together making someone who is unrecognizable to the monkey king. A perfect weapon to beat him, a monster to kill him. 
Wukong x daughter oc
this one is gonna break ya'lls hearts i can guarantee it
The Will of Gods and Monsters - Hellsing Ultimate
official summary; what is the human will? The age-old argument is of whether humans have free will at all, but if you want to go deeper, what about the Gods we serve? And what of the monsters they create? 
Father Alexander Anderson makes choices that hurt him, he fixes those choices and eradicates all love for anyone except God. Though it is debatable who his god is. 
Aireth made a choice in her young life to explore the world and subsequently got tangled up with a Lord by the name of Vlade Tempest, or Vlad the Impaler, she made an oath, by choice, and it continues to bite her in the ass even after she thinks she’s rid herself of it. 
Finally, Abbadon. She seems to have no free will of her own, constantly controlled by the ones who took her as a child she never gets to make her own choices. Until she did, and the glass was broken. 
It can be argued that humans have free will, Integra willingly killed her Uncle to save Hellsing, Walter willingly serves as her butler. 
But what of the monsters under her control? Alucard, Aireth, Saris? What of the gods? Anderson, Seraph? Is their will their own? 
Alexander Anderson x Oc + The Captain (Hans) x OC
Jujutsu Kaisen End of the Dynasty series - Jujutsu kaisen
ok- technically this should be considered an au because i've changed quite a few things for this... but eh
so since there is no way i'm explaining what this is without a massive post imma just sumarize for yall.
Sukuna has a daughter which he despises at first, but he soon grows to love her. she grows under his reign as the king of curses and she is cared for, protected, and loved (also overly sheltered at some points)
eventually Sukuna gets sealed away and Kohaku (his daughter) is left to her own devices for 1000 years, she travels, trains, hones in her skills, and eventually begins to collect her father fingers so she can bring him back, but it doesn't go that way when the sorcerers ambush her and she is locked away until Satoru Gojo finds out and thinks that she can be an excellent asset.
Sukuna x Daughter series that transitions into a Yuji x oc (don't worry i handle the vessel issue)
Star War; Untold Truths - Star Wars
Official summary;
Olds wounds are to be opened and secrets long kept will be washed ashore such is the nature of life. Even more, is the nature of the Sith, they lie and cheat their way to victory most times. Using methods of hatred and anger to get them to where they need to be, always in pares of two, no more no less; 
But what if two became three for but a moment in time? 
a series that likely has some of my most depraved work in terms of trauma and trigger warnings (like child sexual slavery)
Basically Darth Vader gains an apprentice appointed by the emperor, his own master, himself. so the Sith for a moment in time become greater than three. this story follows that appretince and how both Vader and her help one another through some of the darkest points in their lives.
Darth Vader x Apprentice OC (found family trope baby!!)
Creature Series - Moon Knight
a series of four fics documenting one of Khonshu's best moon knights, a young women named Nem who would eventually become his queen
Khonshu x oc
fic one, Haunted by a Darker Side
Summary; The Gods were never reliable in any sense for Nem. her mother prayed and believed but she never did, she thought it was a waste of time and took matters into her own hands. Unfortunately taking things into your own hands will often get you into much more trouble than it's truly worth. 
It was only when Nem really feared for her life that she prayed for the first time, it was only after running from guards with the shiver of the Pharaoh’s last words running through her mind, the moon clear above her as she lay dying in the sand that she truly prayed.  
“Oh Lord Khonshu, god of the moon, Protector of the travellers of the night. Please protect my mother and brothers in my absence, watch over them when I could not.  I beg of you if you are real please, please do this, I'm sorry I never believed or worshipped. I offer the rest of myself to you if you can do this one thing for me-”
What Nem was not expecting was a response to her prayer; 
“Why don’t you protect them yourself? It would be a shame to die on a nice night like this. Allow me to keep you alive Nem of Iken”
She should have known there would be strings attached to that offer… 
Fic two, Transcends to Walking in the Light
Summary; Nem would not let Khonshu be turned to stone, so with Anubis’ help, she announced that she was with child, a new god or goddess of the Ennead. Khonshu must live to raise the child, as Nem would not be able to handle it on her own unless they wanted a rouge god on their hands. 
Begrudgingly they agree, freeing her God, but this freedom comes at a price. 
“You must marry Khonshu, we cannot have a god be born naturally out of wedlock.” 
At least it didn’t need to be conceived within wedlock- but these terms are easily agreed to by both parties. Now the next chapter of Nem’s patronage to Khonshu begins, 
With her as his Queen.
Fic three, Slowly I'm Recovering
Summary; Most agree that on any given night the moon is beautiful, it always has been and always will be. So why was it that Casper could never face it? Did it have something to do with a past she didn’t want to relive and a personal mission that had yet to be completed? Yes, yes it did. But she is too stubborn to admit that aloud. 
So when she gets mixed up with a nice fellow named Steven Grant and his life, her past with the moon god Khonshu comes to a head. And what she's been running from all this time is right in front of her, she just needs to face it with the honour she once had. 
Fic four, The Beauty of Discovering (no summary yet)
Did You hear the Golden Records? - Transformers Bayverse
a series of five fics covering all five movies and beyond. An Optimus Prime x oc which (after the third movie) turns into an Optimus Prime x daughter oc.
Summary; Up to this point life has not been kind to Ezra Rhett, but she manages in her own way and actually maybe made some good friends in the form of the Witwicky family. When Sam gets his first car and it apparently steels itself she’s the first person he’s calling, the next day when Giant metal beings show themselves to them all in a back alley and ask Sam to save the world she’s already had enough. 
But that pleading look in his eyes has her reluctantly agreeing to go, and very quickly she realizes it would be a cold day in hell if she ever let these kids go through this alone. 
Optimus Prime has a similar thought process when he realized how young the humans helping his team were. He is glad that Ezra decided to stay and help her young friends not for herself but for their safety. The Autobot leader also keeps his eyes on them, he doesn’t need any of the humans helping them get hurt along the way. 
Though sometimes he finds himself being pulled by the Look in her eyes. 
Fic two; Voyager Fic three; Apollo 11 Fic four; Pathfinder Fic Five; Interstellar
Rust Can be Fatal - Transformers Prime / Undertale Crossover
a two part series where I cross over tfp and Undertale to make something i've been fantasizing about since grade school.
A Megatron x oc which eventually turns into a Megatron x Daughter oc in the second fic.
Fic one, It Had to be You
Summary; Cybertron was a stagnant planet, it had been since the collapse of the space bridges, no, likely since the fall of the thirteen. But it was all about to change, A Gladiator named Megatrounus arose and everything fell into chaos. 
Within that chaos, Seadrift chose her side. She had seen firsthand what the upper castes, her castes had done to the lower and it needed to change. When the change that her planet finally went through happened, she changed with it, and Megatron with her. She never expected for it to happen, one day it was adoration and then she realized it was so much more. But she was never going to act on it, lucky for her he acted first. 
At the peak of it all, they make a decision for the future, and Seadrift is sent away. A small planet on an outer galaxy that the Decepticons had been storing energon on for some time. What Seadrift didn’t expect was the people and Monsters that called the planet home. 
The Monsters welcomed her, she became one of them. And when war engulfed the earth, she took up arms and fought alongside the ones who helped her the most. Seadrift had already lost one planet, one family to war. She’d be dammed if she lost another. 
Fic two; The Reason I'm Alive
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rebelcroftvp · 1 year
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I didn't like this photo which is why I never posted it to twitter last year. I didn't like the lighting.
This is also my version of Motoko Kusanagi based on her appearence in GITS SAC 2045. I'm gonna try and take more photos with her this year. I actually have one that I posted on twitter that isn't on here yet. So I'll post that one soon.
Cyberpunk 2077
Camera Tools by Frans Bouma
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cinderella-ish · 7 months
Most Popular Furuba Relationship Tags On AO3: Part One
These are the most popular relationship tags on AO3 in the Fruits Basket fandom using / instead of & as of Saturday, November 18, 2023
Canonical Pairings:
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kyou (1441 works)
Sohma Akito/Sohma Shigure (343 works)
Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Rin (261 works)
Kuragi Machi/Sohma Yuki (240 works)
Shiraki Mayuko/Sohma Hatori (124 works)
Kuramae Mine/Sohma Ayame (78 works)
Sohma Hiro/Sohma Kisa (65 works)
Sohma Kureno/Uotani Arisa (59 works)
Sohma Akito/Sohma Kureno (41 works)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Kana (37 works)
Mitsuru/Sohma Ritsu (24 works)
Honda Katsuya/Honda Kyouko (14 works)
Sohma Kagura/Sohma Kyou (14 works)
Manabe Kakeru/Nakao Komaki (12 works)
Sohma Ren/Sohma Shigure (12 works)
Sohma Akira/Sohma Ren (9 works)
Shiraki Mayuko/Sohma Shigure (6 works)
Possibly (?) Canonical Pairings:
Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Yuki (79 works)
Sohma Ayame/Sohma Hatori (46 works)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Shigure (33 works)
Sohma Ayame/Sohma Shigure (23 works)
Sohma Hajime/Sohma Mutsuki (34 works)
Mitoma Sawa/Sohma Shiki (13 works)
Sohma Kazuma/Tomoda Kunimitsu (10 works)
Non-Canon Pairings:
Manabe Kakeru/Sohma Yuki (193 works)
Sohma Kyou/Sohma Yuki (181 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Yuki (111 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Momiji (48 works)
Hanajima Saki/Uotani Arisa (35 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Akito (32 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Rin (27 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Hatori (19 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Shigure (18 works)
Hanajima Saki/Honda Tohru (15 works)
Sohma Akito/Sohma Yuki (14 works)
Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Kyou (14 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Hatsuharu (13 works)
Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Momiji (12 works)
Hanajima Saki/Sohma Kazuma (10 works)
Kuragi Machi/Toudou Kimi (10 works)
Sohma Akito/Sohma Hatori (10 works)
Sohma Kagura/Sohma Rin (9 works)
Sohma Kagura/Sohma Ritsu (9 works)
Sohma Kureno/Sohma Shigure (9 works)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Momiji (8 works)
Sohma Ayame/Sohma Yuki (7 works)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Yuki (6 works)
Sohma Kagura/Tomoda Kunimitsu (6 works)
Sohma Kureno/Sohma Ritsu (6 works)
Sohma Kyou/Sohma Shigure (6 works)
Sohma Kyou/Uotani Arisa (6 works)
Hanajima Saki/Sohma Yuki (5 works)
Manabe Kakeru/Sohma Kyou (5 works)
Sohma Rin/Sohma Shigure (5 works)
Sohma Shigure/Sohma Yuki (5 works)
Hanajima Saki/Sohma Akito (4 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Ayame (4 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kagura (4 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Ritsu (4 works)
Manabe Kakeru/Toudou Kimi (4 works)
Sohma Akito/Sohma Kyou (4 works)
Hanajima Saki/Sohma Shigure (3 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kisa (3 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kureno (3 works)
Kuragi Machi/Sohma Kyou (3 works)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Rin (3 works)
Kuragi Machi/Sohma Rin (2 works)
Sohma Ayame/Sohma Ritsu (2 works)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Ritsu (2 works)
Sohma Momiji/Toudou Kimi (2 works)
Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Shigure (2 works)
Hanajima Megumi/Minagawa Motoko (1 work)
Hanajima Saki/Sohma Kyou (1 work)
Honda Tohru/Kuragi Machi (1 work)
Shiraki Mayuko/Sohma Kureno (1 work)
Sohma Hatori/Sohma Kyou (1 work)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kyou/Sohma Yuki (48 works)
Sohma Ayame/Sohma Hatori/Sohma Shigure (21 works)
Hanajima Saki/Honda Tohru/Uotani Arisa (6 works)
Manabe Kakeru/Sohma Yuki/Toudou Kimi (5 works)
Sohma Hatsuharu/Sohma Kyou/Sohma Yuki (4 works)
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kyou/Sohma Momiji (3 works)
Sohma Akito/Sohma Hatori/Sohma Shigure (2 works)
Disclaimers: I haven't checked if all the works are labeled properly (i.e. using / strictly for romantic relationships and & strictly for platonic relationships), and I excluded crossovers, OCs, unnamed non-speaking characters, and reader pairings
Also, if you like rare pairings, here's a plug for my current fic: Bloom Within Us, which includes three extremely rare pairings (not tagged on ao3 because they're spoilers). One has only one other work (and it's mistagged!), and the other two have no other works!
Bloom Within Us is a canon divergence where Tohru died after falling from the cliff, and everyone else has to figure out a way forward without her.
Part Two
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frankgoji · 1 year
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My OC for a Cyberpunk Red campaign I'm doing with friends: Motoko, a netrunner! I still struggle a lot with designing characters and clothes but this was a lot of fun. Also doing a TTRPG for the first time is a ton of fun!
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cosmicdreamt · 1 year
For your OC, is there a particular voice actor in mind that just seems to work out perfectly for them?
[[ I talk about this so much you think I'd be tired of it, but nope. I am ALWAYS up for talking about Neff's voice because I'm extra about literally everything~
Allow me to introduce you, if you've never heard of her, to Mary Elizabeth McGlynn~
If you've grown up on dubbed anime ( and no one come at me with the dub vs sub bullshit. I watch both. Both are good. Everyone has their reasons/preferences for watching them, you're just not better for bashing on one or the other ) you'll know her as Julia from Cowboy Bebop, Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex(_2045), Kurenai from Naruto, and various other roles.
If you've grown up with horror video games then you know her as the singer from the Silent Hill series.
And here are some clips for those who DON'T know what she sounds like:
Singing Farewell from Kholat Interview Voicing Major Kusanagi
When I created Neff I wanted her to be a lot of what isn't normally seen. She's essentially an adult magical girl, dealing with adult stresses and trauma and bringing up realistic issues even within a semi-fantasy world. I wanted to represent the lesser considered traits with what I'm dipping into: and with that came what type of voice I wanted to give her. People are used to more happy, cheerful, higher pitched feminine leads - so I wanted to go the deeper route. An alto voice that was also fairly soft-spoken but still had strength in her emotion, and boy did I STRUGGLE. When I finally heard her as Motoko and even just heard how she spoke in interviews I knew Mary was The One™
So there you have it :D I hope the people that write with me or read my threads can hear her voice a bit better now as well~ ]]
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