#oc ships dont tend to go so well for me but for an au
findroleplay · 9 months
Hello! Im 20+ looking for others 20+ please!
Ive been in the mood lately for a plot based on the classic Pirate x Royalty trope!! I have a very loose idea in mind and would love to be able to plot out details about it all with you. Im mainly looking for FxF or MxM for this! Id prefer to have the royalty role BUT if youd prefer to play as the royalty, definitely let me know and we can absolutely talk about it and work something out!
The outline of an idea I had for the plot would be Your Character kidnaps mine either as revenge against the king and the kingdom for ransom (we can discuss details of why in DMs) or maybe simply for another reason entirely. My OC, while displeased about having been kidnapped, is weirdly relieved due to your OC doing so as it maybe has saved them from an arranged marriage they didnt want to be apart of, or maybe they simply just didnt enjoy the life of royalty and wanted a way out and your OC gave them that even if in a questionable and unintended way. Whether or not my OC stays relieved depends entirely on your OC and how you want them to treat mine! While I'd prefer a slow-burn sort of thing between our characters, possibly a mix of enemies to lovers and strangers to lovers, Im not dead set on it and don't mind if things go in a different direction entirely. Im absolutely open to other ideas as well so feel free to toss some my way too! Id love to hear any ideas youve got as well.
Another possible idea I had alongside this one is something with a Pirate x Pirate trope instead, maybe one of our OC's ships crashed in a storm and the other finds them and takes them aboard their own ship to help them? Maybe they have an enemies/rivals thing going on with one of them has something the other wants, so when one of them finds the other in the ruins of their ship, they hold them and what remains of their crew (if any) hostage until they give them what they want? Id also lean towards this one being a slow burn enemies to lovers sort of thing but just like with the previous idea, I dont mind if the idea goes a different route!
I know both of those ideas are pretty bare bones and simple right now but Id absolutely love to flesh out either idea with you, or even use a new idea entirely whether its an idea you may already have or if its a new idea we create together, Id love to hear any and all your thoughts and ideas!! Im also open to mixing AU's with these tropes too, so hit me with some if you have any youd want to use!!
Im honestly not looking for any NSFW right now so Id prefer to keep this SFW, so please keep this in mind!
That being said, I dont mind potential dark themes popping up considering some aspects of the plot all I ask is that we discuss everything beforehand first.
My writing style tends to be very lengthy by default but I will always try to match my partner to the best of my abilities! Please no one liners though, give me soemthing to work with! My availability fluctuates often so bare with me, I will always try my best to let you know beforehand if I wont be available for any given time.
I think thats it!! If you're interested, like this post and I will reach out!
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waywardsalt · 7 months
Can you please tell more about your redeemed Bellum that hangs around with the main cast in post-canon? Or, like, your hum!Bellum ideas in general?
Ooooh, I have a lot I could say about Bellum. I'll go a bit off this ask and just talk about him in the context of post-ph and some other aus, since he's fun and because most of them share the common thread of him being in human form often. This will probably be messy, but I'll divide it into sections to force myself to stick to one topic at once to keep this from devolving into what might as well be a transcript of a discord dms infodump.
(there should be a keep reading just under here- there are a few thousand words under the cut- if it's lower than it should be then idk, even while drafting this i had issues with it moving further down than i put it)
Human Bellum Basics (mostly design stuff)
It's less of a human Bellum au sort of thing, and more like a design for what if Bellum had a human form that he could change into. Kind of like Oshus having his human form while actually being a whale, it's the idea that Bellum can switch between his human form and his demon form at will, and I have spent... way, way too long trying to figure out this design.
I can't quite remember why I decided to give Bellum a human form (could've been anything from doing it for the hell of it to for shipping purposes) and it took AGES to decide on his final design.
Describing it would take a few paragraphs, so there's art! Commission pieces by @roskii specifically, he's great, he did great, check him out. (i dont know how to make these smaller :)))))) enjoy)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Half of it is directly taken from his demon design, he keeps the tentacles (not always present, he manifests them at will and tend to have much less reach when he's human), his eye, his teeth, his hair color (kind of), and half of it is more... brought in by ideas related to Bellum in general, with some vague references to that demon design; specifically him being scarred all over is a mixture of the idea of him as a violent and almost warlike creature, while also vaguely referencing the markings on his demon body (in the earliest drawing I ever did of a human Bellum design, he did just straight-up have those markings. That picture no longer exists, I'm sure).
As a basic reference, I suppose, in the second image, the character to the right of Bellum (Damien Fletcher) is an oc of mine, and therefore a character I designed (totally worth mentioning tho that with both Damien and Bellum while I did technically design them and gave roskii my notes for how they look, he also took some small liberties with their designs and... ugh theyre great im keeping them), so those two could provide some insight to my character design sensibilities, even if they're just a small fraction of the (mental) character designs I have.
Bellum is made up of pieces of his canonical design, pieces that I think make sense considering what we know about him, and just pieces of other character designs. He has more or less the same haircut as Joker/the protagonist from Persona 5. His hair has been like that for a while, but seeing Joker's hair helped me figure out specifically what I wanted.
It's been... hard, trying to give him a humanoid design, I've seen a bunch of other human Bellum designs, looked at other Zelda characters with both human and inhuman forms, took inspiration for what I could do and how and what parts could be carried over. His hair is easy to explain, it literally is meant to look like he does as a demon. Easy. It is absolutely directly inspired by that bitch from Tokyo Ghoul. I'm not looking up the character name I don't care about Tokyo Ghoul.
I keep him having sharp teeth, I've transposed those markings on his bodies as being scars (which I'll elaborate a little more on later), kept his eye and that he only has one main eye (there is nothing under the eyepatch. It's just smooth. If you've seen The Goonies, it's like what's going on with One-Eyed Willy. That's probably where I got it from tbh), the yellow and black color scheme is further kept with a yellow tank top-esque shirt and black pants and boots, and while they're not constantly present he still has access to his tentacles.
He's not human, just pretending to be.
Leading me to some other little details, such as his lack of ears. And nails. And. Other things not visible that he didn't bother with. He pretends to be human, but doesn't care enough to look truly human- though he can pass as human. When he does bother to actually look human, he does have nails and ears, and changes his eye to a human one, with a color of choice. He goes by 'Warren' when actually pretending to be human. It doesn't mean anything in particular it's just a play on how 'bellum' is latin for 'war'. But, most of the time, he's not really trying. A sense of lack of real care is something I try to communicate with his humanoid design, hence him having generally baggy and plain clothes.
The 'war' thing about his character I think is decently expressed in game with him having an army of sorts with the phantoms and him just coming off as sort of violent but strategic. He also seems very scrappy, mostly attacks with direct contact including just straight up running into Link, and seems to put a lot of stock into sheer force and just fucking killing you at any cost after a certain point, but seems genuinely wary and cornered once someone is shown to be capable of actually posing an actual threat. I like the idea of human Bellum being a bit of a brawler in a sense, fighting with his bare hands and just being incredibly violent when he fights like a human, really only breaking out his more supernatural abilities when he just wants to get shit over with.
Part of the fun with Bellum is that there isn't much to him, so I'm taking a lot of liberties with him. His loose clothes are something that won't really get in the way of him fighting and do the bare minimum, and the boots he wears have metal toes for just a bit of extra ways to hurt people. He's built but still soft in places, not intended to be a muscular as Damien, he's intentionally designed his own human form to be a bit unassuming, so I've kept that he's made of a lot of circular shapes, his face is meant to be a bit of a round shape, his hair gives a round shape, and though he's fairly tall (he and Damien are 6 feet tall btw Linebeck throws off every post-ph cast height comparison) I think of him being a bit... small? If that makes sense? His clothes help with that, they're slightly oversized, and his posture isn't great; He's a bit like a delinquent, starting fights intentionally for the sake of violence and putting little effort into his appearance.
His scars are technically cosmetic. They aren't results of injuries; technically nothing but the Phantom Sword and things like it can hurt him. His scars are references to the markings on his demon body, and just further reflection of him being a creature all about violence and conflict. They aren't totally consistent between the times he uses his human form, but some of the bigger ones are, most notably the scar across his face.
I'll be honest. My earliest human Bellum designs were some Tumblr sexyman shit and I've been trying to ditch that SO BAD ever since. I think I've done well. The scar across his face is a big one. An added imperfection, a massive facial blemish that isn't really conventionally great to look at. His nose specifically has been though some development stages, at first I kept switching between different full nose shapes, then brought in the facial scar and decided that he'd be missing a chunk of that nose, then, decided, fuck it! I can't decide on a nose shape, so he gets no nose at all. I think it works pretty well and I like it.
I really tried to get in a lot of his personality to the design, and I don't want to go into all of it in this section, so just keep in mind that a lot of his design has been influenced by the way I've decided to write him, and some stuff I've already mentioned might be made a little clearer when I get into that. As a quick aside, he's pale partially because I've intentionally made him look halfway similar to Link, and partially because I figure he does not get a lot of sun; you literally meet him in what is effectively a basement, and from the way he operates, probably hasn't made himself seen in a while by the time the events of the game happen. He can't get sunburns, but, as he cannot change a lot of extremely major things about his human form, he can't manually change his skin tone in a major way, and it's likely that when he was considerably younger and newer and spent time in the sun, his skin tone would be closer to Oshus's, so a bit more tan.
In the Context of Phantom Hourglass and Post-PH
Moving swiftly on, as there is pretty much no real info about Bellum's background, I have taken matters into my own hands and decided a lot of it for myself in headcanon; Bellum is technically Oshus's son. Not in the traditional sense, but he was created by Oshus and can very much be considered his child, and to an extent, Ciela, Leaf, and Neri are all also Oshus's kids due to them being created by him (yea even considering Ciela calling him 'grandpa', in her and my defense she lost her memories and he is old as a human), therefore making (in some terms) Bellum to be Oshus's son and the brother of the three spirits. I think it's an interesting dynamic, to have Oshus be the one responsible for Bellum's existence, and for the three spirits you travel with and help you defeat Bellum to be closely related to him.
Oshus himself (when you get the hourglass in ph) says that the sand of hours is made of force gems of the ocean king (whatever... that wording means)- which then suggests that at the end of the day, all sands of hours are derived from the power of the ocean king, and Bellum dissolves into that sand at the end of the game, and I am standing in front of a wild-looking conspiracy cork board trying to piece this all together. I find it interesting if Oshus was the one who created Bellum before he created the three spirits.
(This is a topic for another post/fic but Leaf and Neri were neglected so bad in ph and it would be interesting to see more of how they feel abt Ciela before she gets her memories back and how they feel abt... anything else ig. I think they're neat, too, and I like tying the spirits together with Bellum in this way)
In Phantom Hourglass, it's strongly suggested (mostly through dialogue) that it's been a decent amount of time since Bellum defeated Oshus and took over the Temple of the Ocean King and created the Ghost Ship (though I suppose it could be possible that the Ghost Ship's existence precedes Bellum taking over that temple and defeating Oshus), but things across that sea are relatively calm, despite the new influx of monsters and the Ghost Ship making most people too afraid to sail. No one knows it's Bellum, though, and people do know about the Ocean King, so I wonder if Bellum is known about at all by the general public, or is a being that's more or less completely unknown? My personal theory is that he's vaguely known in some sense, as an obscure deity, and that he was behind the collapse of the Cobble Kingdom, since they were aligned with the Ocean King and Bellum appears to be his direct enemy and would likely then target the allies of his enemy.
Bellum seems to do a lot of behind the scenes stuff, never been seen until the end of the game and not even being mentioned until halfway through. As I think I've said before, he's practically won by the time he comes across Link and Tetra, the Ghost Ship going out and collecting people for him while he sits at the bottom of the temple and drains anyone who might be heading directly for him. He doesn't even seem to concerned about hunting Oshus down for good, and I suspect he likely doesn't even know about Ciela being split apart, so (asides from my idea that gods/spirits/stuff like that only being able to be sealed away, only properly killed under certain circumstances) I bet there's a level of confidence that he's got things under tight enough wraps that he's good to do whatever he wants.
Aaaand then he panics when he realizes how much of a wrench in his plans Link is, throwing two sea monsters at him and causing earthquakes, he's a procrastinator, I think. That, or he underestimated this kid. Both are very possible. Either way, it's interesting to look at what he's done and caused, hiding away the spirits and beating back the Ocean King, taking over his temple, creating the Ghost Ship to roam indefinitely, screwing with the Yook and wiping out pretty much all of the Isle of Ember, and likely being the reason behind the increased number of monsters. If you really look into it, while most characters don't really seem to realize, things are kind of fucked at the start of Phantom Hourglass, and it's interesting how Oshus himself seems powerless and even dissuades Link from giving it a shot, even if he secretly wants him to go and handle things.
With my idea of Bellum being a sort of technical relative to Oshus and the spirits, it opens up a handful of new avenues for motivation beyond just being after securing control and a steady stream of prey, I enjoy the idea of it being a matter of him becoming more and more ambitious, far beyond the station he was created for; going off of his name and ability to create phantoms, I imagine Oshus created him specifically to be warlike, perhaps initially with the intention of having him as a more violent protector of the realm, maybe to keep monsters in check or maybe just as a secondary deity for the world of the ocean king; I'll admit, I'm still a little foggy on what Bellum would've been initially created for, the spirits are easy to figure out, but I do figure it was something not as passive as just representing something, I imagine it as a deliberate opposite to Oshus himself to account for his weaknesses. Either way, I figure a part of Bellum's motivation involves him wanting more than he was given access to by Oshus, and deciding to fully wage war against him in a sense. The short and silly version is that Bellum is Oshus' shitty disowned son. Oshus isn't entirely innocent in whatever I decide caused Bellum to turn on him and the spirits, but Bellum does suck: that is important. The Cobble Kingdom looks like it's been destroyed for a while, I figure that was Bellum's first major target when he started outwardly going after Oshus and hunting the humans of the realm.
In Post-PH, he's the group's pet evil squid on a very very very short leash until he starts behaving himself and having a character arc.
Effectively, Bellum doesn't die at the end of Phantom Hourglass, instead being broken down into the sand of hours he's made of and being sealed inside the Phantom Sword- after all, after the final boss, the sand Bellum turns into goes into the Phantom Sword. I imagine that the Phantom Sword, after breaking and restoring Oshus, turns into the hourglass for Link to keep, while Oshus and the spirits keep the remaining sands, therefore keeping a hold of Bellum. (A bit like Oshus just being left alone after Bellum defeating him, they can't really kill Bellum so they just keep an eye on him while he's in a weakened state) They kind of just keep him prisoner at the bottom of the Temple for a bit, and Oshus finally decides to send him to Link's world as a punishment, since he's at his weakest and Oshus wants to get him to learn some lesson, it's a work in progress. Bellum is grounded in Post-PH.
It's basically that 'the villain when you unlock him as a playable character' bit, where he's quite a bit weaker than he is in Phantom Hourglass, though mostly for the sake of keeping things balanced, so Bellum can't break everything for everyone. He's still powerful, he still accesses his demon form, can't be conventionally killed or injured, and move through walls and turn people to stone, the whole deal, it's just that his demon form's size is impacted (i hc that the size of his demon form can be manipulated at will, but the largest size is dependent of how much power/stored life force he has. he's small at the start of post-ph, but his human form isnt impacted at all. i imagine that for beings like oshus and bellum, their human form is a like a 'low power mode' kinda thing) So Bellum is the Post-PH crew's fourth member, the swabbie on the ship and pet sea monster when they need it and when he has the energy for it.
Bellum is kept mostly in line by a vague fear of Link and his general fear, respect, and curiosity about Linebeck. Linebeck is usually the one holding onto Bellum's leash. Bellum is decently civil with the group from the start, since he's weak and unable to return home until Oshus permits it or he gathers enough power to make that trip, and works mostly as a fighter- when he wants to. The earliest limitation I came up for him, since he's the member with the highest chance of breaking things, is that he will just straight-up choose not to help. He decides he's busy, decides it's not his problem, or other limitations, such as his involvement likely to cause more problems that they solve, since he's rather destructive when fighting.
He's the least sociable most of the time, for obvious reasons, but can pretend, and has the least... casual skills to offer to the group, hence why he gets stuck as swabbie (also general disrespect/as a punishment for the ph thing) and it takes a while for him to properly warm up to the rest of the group. He and Linebeck start off on decent terms and get closer through them just initially trusting each other, he and Link take the longest to get used to each other for... obvious reasons, it takes a lot of fighting together and seeing that they can rely on each other and they learn to be decent with each other just by existing in the same space, and things with Damien start off half decent, Damien was not present during Phantom Hourglass (obviously) and doesn't have the full context of how much he sucks, but it starts decent, gets worse when he learns what happened, and then gets good again because Damien's kind of amiable in general and sees that Linebeck thinks he's fine.
SO! To actually address your question about him being 'redeemed'- he does have a bit of an arc that I'm still mentally workshopping. He isn't entirely redeemed, as the group's general morality is a big off-kilter when Link isn't looking or is willing to get a little gray with things, and there's not really a whooooole lot of atonement Bellum can do in terms of the volume of bullshit he pulled in the past. It's less him atoning or w/e for the bullshit he's done, that's not entirely feasible, it's more him just. being forced to Be Decent and learn some actual kindness and think about more than just his own survival, he's essentially forced to actually appreciate life and the world, it's more him actually... experiencing the world for a reason other than consumption and war and conflict and doing what he's been told, he's effectively just on this long voyage with Linebeck, Link, and Damien, going with them from island to island and seeing what's up. I'm going to try and keep empathy out of it, so he's not really relating on a visceral level, more just choosing to be kind and take gentler paths to solving problems and interacting with others. He's also the group gremlin.
The way I write Bellum is definitionally inspired by other characters, Power from Chainsaw Man comes to mind in how he has a kind of shitty brat attitude at times, he'd fling vegetables across the room because he's a piece of shit who likes live meat. He's got his shitty messy delinquent loser side, where he causes problems and acts like some asshole teenager, and he's got his more serious, calm, almost professional seeming side that reminds the group that he's a few centuries old at the least and practically a god in his own right; generally outside of Post-PH I would pick one of these two sides to focus on for aus, but in Post-PH I need to figure out how the two of them work with how Bellum generally operates.
He's interested in Linebeck and initially decides to go along because he wants to figure him out, but grows to enjoy the rest of the group and that curiosity expands to involve the world as a whole; he experiences things like art and music, where he can't just brute-force his way into a satisfactory outcome and has to learn and find his own style, he reads books and listens to stories and sees the different ways humans live on the seas and I want his arc to, in some part, be about him just finding meaning in the world beyond what he does to secure survival, and the other members of the group introduce him to those other facets of life that he has access to, has had access to. The other part is the group getting Bellum to see most living things as more than just prey for him to hunt and consume, but that generally goes hand in hand with the prior point, as he actually enjoys life and figures out what he likes beyond the basic things he was created for.
He can't fall back on just smashing through everything or creating phantoms, since he's far too weak to do either effectively at the start, and I intend to just force Bellum into basically just being a human character with some unusually powerful magic at his fingertips, first just wanting to build himself back up to what he was in Phantom Hourglass, then just getting to see things in a new light. I'm not sure how to explain it or even what I'll want to do when I get to it, but that's the general gist of his arc, I think.
Other than that, he's just the fourth members of the crew with a serious knowledge of... a lot of things as a centuries-old demon and the hardest hitter in the group who can't and won't cook for shit and kind of just learns to actually live without constantly gunning for those bare necessities long after he's gotten them. I don't want it to be 'he learns to be human' because he... isn't human, but just him appreciating life and seeing some value in it, especially as something with as much power as Bellum, it's a bit messy and I'm still figuring it out, but I've got the general direction figured out.
Bellum is effectively the ship's best defender, and ends up fitting into the group as a friend and with his own specific role with the other individual members of the group. Linebeck kind of kickstarts his arc for him and connects with him the most and Bellum generally stays the closest with him, but Damien and Link help him see other little corners of life, as well as other characters he has to interact with, and I think I want Bellum's side of the story to have the most outstanding mundane-ity to it- there's absolutely meant to be a slice-of-life aspect to Post-PH, but I want the biggest points of Bellum's arc to be comparably the most mundane. It's the little things with him. The others have little things, too, but... I'm not sure how to express the difference, but I promise there is a difference.
Outside of Post-PH, though, when Bellum is present in a big way, his arc either tackles a similar idea in a different way, is just about something entirely different, or he doesn't have an arc at all, either due to not being a big enough part of the story or just straight up not being present.
In the Context of AUs
Bellum is only present in a handful of aus, either fully present as a character, halfway present, or just being referenced. When he is present in an au, he's usually some kind of major character, and he's notable in the crimson king au, the space au, the murder mystery au, and the horror au and one of my 'ruined hyrule' aus. (the horror and ruined hyrule au will be put together for this bc bellum's role in both are very similar) (for reference, here's my au explanation post)
In the horror au and ruined hyrule au, Bellum serves juuuust about the same role, just with different capabilities, contexts, all of that, but it's more or less the same thing. He's frequently present, but usually not acknowledged, and is very close to Linebeck in both, and the two of them pretty much rely on each other to live due to circumstances out of their control; they didn't really go into this whole thing liking each other, but have been more or less forced to become each other's friends due to proximity and just. Needing the others' presence in order to survive. In both, Bellum usually is a character who knows more than the others, but doesn't bother sharing that information since it's either not totally relevant or he just doesn't want to, and he tends to be protective of Linebeck, half because he needs him in order to live, half just because he's ended up liking him. (there is. more to say. but since i may actually write one of these aus [likely ruined hyrule bc the horror one has to be visual and it is VERY plotless rn] i'm not gonna go into much more depth since it would require spoilers lol)
Can't say a whole lot about the space au, either, since the story of that one is still a work in progress, and Bellum isn't particularly a major character, though he is important to some B-plot stuff. Without digging up too much world building and background and general story stuff and important plot bits, he's got a fairly close relationship to Linebeck in this au, as a general beneficiary and friend, and he actually tends to mind his own business and just wants to hold his own position; he's not really antagonistic or anything, but definitionally morally dubious even if he doesn't really directly do a whole lot.
In the Crimson King au, though, Bellum is one of the main characters, and a bit different than in ph-related stuff. He spends a lot of time in his human form, only switching to his little demon form a handful of times, and usually just for fun. He plays the role of Linebeck's closest friend and beneficiary, practically being the reason why Linebeck is able to do any of the things he does in the story, helping him from behind the scenes at times and balancing that business with Linebeck with his more outward appearance as a mostly normal guy working for the person who runs his section of the city... who also happens to be him. The vague politics in this au would take a bit to explain in full, but Bellum in this au spends a lot of time keeping his actual identity under wraps, the basic premise being that he's decided to integrate himself into current mortal society like a normal person to see what trouble he can cause, how he could sustain himself while keeping things stable, and to see just how far he can go- essentially, the only danger he faces is if others figure out what he is, but even then, he knows he could very easily cut his losses and go back to what he's done best.
He's not very active in the main plot, mostly giving Linebeck assignments and pulling strings behind the scenes in order to help and keep him safe, but Bellum does occasionally meddle directly in Linebeck's situation whenever it relates to him, when he needs something extra done, or, later in the story, when he gets a bit worried about Linebeck. His general arc is essentially him owning up to the fact that he does, in fact, care about Linebeck's well-being. Crimson King Bellum is fun, because he can't really just be 'violent demon', and I just like the supporting role I've got him in. He's Linebeck's rich friend who hires him to kill people for him. It's fun.
How I Like to Write Him With Linebeck
Of course, Bellum is going to have stuff with Linebeck, both in aus and in post-ph. Bellum has interactions and relationships with other characters, but the dynamic(s) with Linebeck tend to be the most diverse and important.
With aus: There’s usually a general sense that Bellum is above Linebeck, both in the power sense and in the sense that he’s typically his boss or in charge of him, but in a handful they are on equal footing (specifically, the modern school one, where they’re just classmates.)- the most common dynamic is usually along the lines of Bellum hiring Linebeck to kill people for him. Bellum is typically someone that provides Linebeck with things like payment or equipment or safety- in the Crimson King au, he gives Linebeck a fair amount of money, and supplies his equipment and gives him a place to live when he does jobs for him.
I like to imagine there's a level of... recognition? Not empathy, trying to keep that to a minimum... He's almost gentle with Linebeck, and is uncharacteristically merciful towards him. In post-ph, Linebeck survives being possessed and this marks him as notable to Bellum, since most people he possess die very soon after being released, so he's initially motivated by curiosity and a desire to observe Linebeck when he acts less violently- that curiosity is the biggest reason why he's cordial with Linebeck across my aus as well.
With Phantom Hourglass-centric stuff (which is what I'll mostly just talk about here, since it's kind of the 'base' for all other Bellum and Linebeck stuff I do), Linebeck and Bellum start on halfway decent terms, I'm planning a Bellumbeck fic sometime in the future, which is a bit less focused on that actual fight and more on whatever's going on between Linebeck and Bellum. I'm still trying to pin down exactly what I want with Linebeck and Bellum's dynamic.
I’ve fallen back into shipping them, (Still iffy on ship name lmfao, Bellumbeck is taken by the game and ‘Linebellum’ is lame imo, so I’ve been sticking with just ‘bellum x linebeck’) but it’s not really typically romantic/sexual, though there are some aspects of both, it’s still kind of abstract and easier to define with example stuff rather than just trying to explain it in a concise paragraph.
They both go out of their way to effectively research each other before properly meeting, starting as just trying to find advantageous information, but eventually just doing research out of curiosity, especially on Linebeck’s end, hunting down any material that so much as alludes to Bellum while Oshus refuses to say anything extra on the topic. They have a mutual interest and curiosity about each other.
With Bellum, its a similar curiosity with how Linebeck survives being possessed, and a general interest in him as a person, as Bellum doesn't really care much about the world beyond how it can serve him, but felt the need to look into Linebeck. A lot of the time, Bellum starts with the intention of exploiting Linebeck in some way, then ends up actually caring about him, he usually goes through variations of the same arc regarding Linebeck. It works with Linebeck for me since I tend to read and write him as fairly morally gray, so he's more willing to reciprocate Bellum.
(There's also the whole bit with Linebeck being kind of a monsterfucker and having a thing for being tied up and just a handful of like. sexual stuff on Linebeck's end, but we're talking about Bellum's perspective here we can't be focusing on Linebeck)
Bellum primarily operates with survival on the mind, and at odds with anything that might get in his way, and secondarily treats mortal creatures as something to study. When his attempt to use Linebeck fails, he shifts to that studying, and therefore has some respect for him due to his survival. They both focus quite a lot on survival, and don't have the most interest in making connections, seeing most relationships as transactional. They understand each other; Bellum sees Linebeck's mind when possessing him, and therefore knows a great deal about him.
There are similarities between them; not-great relationships with their fathers, a strong desire for survival at any cost, generally low empathy and a habit of mostly viewing others for how they can be used, curiosity about anatomy, a higher tolerance for things like blood, gore, things that would likely make others squeamish, they both hate Ciela...
(As an aside to that last one, an idea I've decided to integrate into my ph stuff and may touch on in a future fic is that Linebeck calling Ciela 'sparkles' gives her a strong sense of deja-vu before she gets all of her memories back; it's something Bellum would call her, when he was more cordial with the other spirits)
Bellum hangs around on the ship, and he hangs around Linebeck the most, to the point of being annoying, but learns what boundaries are and ends up respecting them decently. I lean more into... things just working out, Bellum more or less being put in a situation where he chooses to change things up and be a bit kinder, starting with the guy he's decided was the catalyst for all of this.
He gets along well enough with Damien (damien ends up in that shipping, too, considering that he's already dating linebeck by the time bellum sorts his own feelings out, so in post-ph, bellum ends up being a sort of on-and-off polycule member), he is eventually friendly with Link, often because Linebeck likes him as well. It takes a very long time for he and Link to warm up to each other, so they'll likely end up in situations where they must rely on each other at the start of things.
Bellum is… very not used to social stuff or acting human, and isn’t even very used to his human form at the start, so he does spend that time with Linebeck while he figures things out, as well. Linebeck's not the best role model for decent social interaction, especially since he works on dismantling his own mask and figuring himself out for a bit at the start of post-ph, but he's the only person Bellum tolerates and respects at that start.
Bellum eventually gets roped into helping Linebeck cook, follows him around for ship maintenance, watches him patch up wounds, and just ends up as a crew member that can kind of fill any basic role, but he’s not making it much further than swabbie.
I haven’t actually written a ton of interaction between them yet, but what I have written always comes off as casual, almost humorous, they joke around with each other and Bellum is detached and unserious at times, but very capable of switching to dead seriousness. A lot of the time, Linebeck tends to take things more seriously at face value, but Bellum is more prone to joking around due to the fact that very few consequences mean anything to him.
He and Linebeck are typically close in one sense or another in most things where they're included, and I generally consider all dynamics between them to fall under the ship umbrella, because I don't consider it strictly romantic (though it usually ends up being vaguely like that), just more that there's some kind of intimacy between them at some point. It's a relationship whose dynamic I think is interesting given the... lack of actual interaction between them, but with just enough interesting conclusions that can be drawn.
I guess it's similar to the general stuff I have about Bellum, kind of just scraping ideas together from canon and then following whatever threads can be connected to them, while trying to make sure it still has roots in that canon. It's similar to my personal 'design philosophy' or whatever for my aus.
I've also considered making their relationship parasitic in someway, as a sort of homage/callback/reference to their canonical relationship, but it's not entirely a direction I really want to go in, and I feel like some aus get decently close.
Final Points
I think Bellum's really neat, so considering the general lack of information or depth to him, I've been playing with expanded ideas and building up my own ideas for him, specific within the context of Phantom Hourglass and a post-ph setting, while many of my other ideas with him tend to then derive from that.
His (human) design is one I've spent a very long time figuring out, trying to mix his demon design in with more human traits, trying to keep him distinctive without getting too complicated, and trying to have that design represent him decently with a fair bit of reasoning behind a lot of that design. It's something Bellum himself controls to a certain degree, so it's in a bit of a crossroads between portraying him based on his character, and being something he uses to come off as generally innocuous.
I've got a decent idea of what Bellum's whole deal is in Phantom Hourglass and afterwards, and I use him in a fair number of aus, often in tangent with Linebeck, whom I often give him some kind of intimate relationship, be it romantic or some other form of closeness, based off of ideas for ways they would interact and why.
Bellum's fun! He's fun as he is, and he's fun to build off of and develop further than what we see in the game. And giving him the ability to shift into a humanoid shape gives even more room to play around in. I don't know when I first came up with the idea, but I've had ideas for a human form Bellum for quite some time now, I've just only recently really started solidifying a lot of it. Even between the time when I got the ask and finished it, I came up with new ideas.
But for now, these are the broad strokes! Not just about post-ph humanoid Bellum, just about my ideas for him in general, though it all really relates back to that one in particular, honestly.
He's surprisingly fun to speculate about! I didn't really expect Bellum to end up as one of my favorite LoZ characters, but I guess any character can end up as your favorite if you spend enough time thinking about him. At the end of the day I think he's funky, and he's fun to use in a post-ph setting.
#asks#goopi-e#bellum#long post#salty talks#linebeck#he's important <3#phantom hourglass#post ph#i have like no excuse for why this took so long. initially it was bc i was waiting on that bellum commission but then like#the day i wrote this (+ the prior) tag i bought and played fallout new vegas for a few hours. it fell in with my other writing projects lol#i think rn myb iggest issue w/ post ph is that everyone seems to revolve around linebeck a bit much#idk if thats. terrible a breaker i mean hes their captain hes kinda the main character he's the one link (heh) between all of them#bellum probably has the biggest arc bc hes the shittiest at the start and everyone is already kinda partway through one#like i think links is gonna be abt him disconnecting from being a hero and just enjoying life on his own terms and doing non hero things#linebecks is uh. trauma recovery. among other things. like everyone has trauma recovery as a part of it but linebecks is the big one#damiens is... man idk hes just There i think his is gonna have smth to do with his relationship w/ linebeck and the others#damien is just some fucking dude hes not too terribly traumatized or has this huge place in the world he's jsut some trans guy#it kinda sucks that a lot of the stuff i think up for him relates to linebeck like i want him to have his own thing but i made him too...#hes too ok with things!!!!! hes just some fucking guy!!!! maybe i can have him just figure out his place in this larger world hes exploring#anyways bellum needs to be nerfed in a handful of different ways bc otherwise hes a get out of jail free card in a lot of contexts#ughhh this took too long im sorry but i just kept coming up with new stuff id practically classify this as a fic#this took a while to plan and this fucking thing is also so long and it still doesnt really cover everything#not even bc i havent fully figured out what i want to do with him like theres just stuff im uncertain on how to explain in a concise manner#the whole thing between link n bellum is kinda simple. they hate each other and then have to work together and decide that theyre decent#damien is just. pleasant most of the time. so hes kinda chill with bellum. he's had experience with minor gods n deities#his weird thing is that he is technically normal but he is on good terms with a lot of supernatural/godly beings#theres def a lot of random minor gods n spirits n supernatural creatures all over the great sea with the absence of larger gods' influence#kinda lost the point of the og ask so i hope thats ok
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kamil-a · 2 months
maybe hale for the character ask game...
How I feel about this character
i feel abt him like he's an honorary oc :''') well, i guess everyones got The Hale Of Their Heart due to how blankslate he is. my ocs (much like hale) often tend to start as 'empty vessel for sexy things to happen to' and slowly over time get a personality molded round that like clay. i feel like im starting to get a clearer picture of him past "stuff happens to him and he goes okayyyyy" every time i try to write from his pov.... building him up slowly....
also if i may be so bold here i would go straight for a night just to hook up with hale. domming him obviouslyyyyyy. like i want to be the sayer to him. and i obviously, like.... would (lemony snicket voice) never ever ever ever talk about a real person the way i talk abt hale sometimes like sometimes like i often get a little worried that i objectify/sexualize him to a problematic degree LMAOOO......... but i guess if youre doing the sort of classic lesbian am-i-predatorys over a man who isnt even real youre (im) beyond help JFSJFSJ and like hes not even real its all good fun!! anyway hes born sexy adult-with-a-job yesterday.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
honorable mentions: rarehalew au (young/hale's flirtation and hookingup date from me and leas dms), and speakerhale (speaker caring for him out of worry/pity but also hale as speakers proxy for sayer when it isnt around, affecting sayer via affecting its belongings, hale refusing to use speaker as a simple proxy for sayer and accidentally giving it Some Feelings On That. youre making it blush!!!)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
speaker + hale again but not romantic i guess? i dont know i........ i should think abt him having friends more..... porter thinks shes his freiendly frenemy maybe jffmfjdjfjfj
My unpopular opinion about this character
i think my design for him is down a different branch of tree than others ive seen? idk hard to have an Unpopular Opinion abt someone so blankslate.
this isnt quite an Unpopular Opinion as just An Opinion but thinking lately abt how he feels abt All That i think he kind of takes events as they happen and doesnt really even feel he has the space to form solid and overarching opinions of people in his life- "are you angry at/do you forgive sayer" isnt really even a question hes considered because its more of a day by day react to your situation, your immediate surroundings, your orders, your instincts..... does that make sense.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
more speaking lines <333 his VOICE................. mwa........
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thequeenshunter · 3 months
. I See You ~ Arrow Afar .
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(ooc introduction under the cut! but do mind that person behind this account is a minor)
Hello Monsieurs, Madams, and Trickers alike.  Le Chasseur D'Armour is making an Entrance onto the scene! My Name, is Rook Hunt. Though I'm sure if you've found me you've heard it before. Its Merveilleux to be able to Meet each of you, but before we interact I must set some ground rules.
Pour Moi, you can use any pronouns you like! Even xeno or neo pronouns. I personally don’t quite care what gender you view me as, and I dont particularly have a preference when it comes to romance either, after all all people hold beauty! But I am asexual!
Now, as a Vice-Housewarden, i have to keep at least a touch of dignity. so these rules are in place to make sure no one becomes uncomfortable or things get out of control. 1. No Nsfw Interactions Although this character is 18, the person running this account is not and asexual. so, not exactly comfortable with that type of stuff! i do not mind in roleplay flirting but that said, if you do plan on such i'd prefer if the person behind the account is also a minor. 2. Homophobia, Racism, Ableism, and the like won't be tolerated If this account receives any asks regarding or containing content or speech against minorities, the ask will be deleted as soon as i get it and if the person who sent it decided to not ask anonymously, they will be blocked from all of my accounts.
Although i (the person behind the account) am a minor, if you are too i dont mind shipping or romantic stuff in rp. so here are a list of my personal favorites
Honestly im a multishipper so i dont mind most ships with rook aslong as they're not with the first years
honestly I saw some other blogs do this and I thought it would be fun to have some of my own
🏹ArrowAfar💘 ~ Conversations with ocs 🦚ISeeYou❤️ ~ Conversations with in game characters ♟WellYouSee✨ ~ Answering Asks 🦉HuntersThoughts🏹 ~ Thoughts of my own/Text Posts 🧸PlushHunt💘 ~ Ive become a plush 🥜WoobleHunt💘 ~ Description N/A 🎁Surprise!🎉 ~ Posts saying happy holidays, or celebrating something
More tags may be added!
Au Revior!
Très bien! You’ve made it to the end of my little introduction, feel free to send in asks, now have a pleasent day Tricksters!
Now it’s time for the OOC stuff!
I go by the names ghost, rook, omi, and vino! My main account is @omi-the-zombi, I also run @pomefiorestudent-a, and uhhh.. well I use he/hunt pronouns, I tend to not do too well with tones trough text so tone tags are a huge help! Rook is literally my favorite character, I kin him a ton, he was my first cosplay, and the first character I bought merch of outside of Pokémon Ofc.
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kedakirahei · 1 year
Woah. an actual, proper intro/pin post?
Hey! Yeah, I'm finally making one of these. about time, too! ALT ACC: @c4tt41l-the-stupid
I go by LITERALLY dozens of names, but four that I will always respond to are Zeph/Zephyr, C4TT41L, and Keda. im the guy who cant make up his mind when it comes to shipping characters haha, multishipping fun
I am not religious and never will be. When I swear to something or the like, i most likely will replace a word with 'Void' or 'The ancients', 'Three Moons', 'By the stars', 'In the name of THE DREAMER', etc...
I am a yucky little self-shipper (Thats right- I ship my ocs and self inserts with canon characters). If you don't like that, please do not bother me about it. I don't want to hear it. If it bothers you that much, you can just block my account or ignore me. Thank you.
Transmasculine! Please respect my pronouns- HE/THEY preferred!
I accept everyone and anyone, xenogenders, neopronouns, homoflexible, etc.
...well.. almost everyone..
....Except for you disgusting Pro/Com shippers, Ableist, "Super Straights", TERFS, Shota/Lolicons, "MAP"/Pedos, Zoos, Etc, Get off of my fucking blog, NOW. You are NOT welcome here, not now, and not EVER. That goes for all other problematic and disgusting-acting people. if you fall under the general DNI list, do not interact with me.
Despite being English (U.S.A), I tend to be really fuckin trash at speaking my own native tongue. I am trying to learn:
Sometimes, I project onto characters i like, so hope that doesn't bother you guys! I mostly project onto my OCs, though. Those posts will often be dark in theme, so be wary.
stupid extra words and information under cut
• I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism at a pretty young age, at around 2.
• I have a really bad time reading tone over text. Please try not to be too rude to me, it actually hits a lot harder than you think. Alternatively, use tone tags.
• I make AUs then drop it like a hot potato. please dont expect me to be consistent with anything, especially not AUs and art i make.
• If I like alot of your posts, its because i have no life and constantly check my dash every day. I am chronically online.
• i will have periods of complete inactivity, especially when it comes to my drawings.
• I struggle to control how i am feeling and tend to have outbursts of anger commonly, tending to take that out on my characters and sometimes others. Please know if i say something rude, i do not mean it, and PLEASE TELL ME WHEN IM GOING OVERBOARD.
• My askbox is ALWAYS open until i say otherwise! Don't be afraid to speak to me, i don't bite!
• I am a Multifandomic Mess. I might switch fandoms in a week, then go back or whatever.
• I use "Dude", "Bro", "Homie", etc in a gender neutral way. If you dont like these nicknames, Do tell me and I will stop calling you it!!
• i use "<3" platonically when i am talking to a person. My actual heart goes to my fictional characters aha
• Tag requests are okay, don't be shy!
• I am a big shipper of characters, and i mean BIG, i am SO INDECISIVE.... Artisaint, SolarFlare NIGHTSHADE/OREOSUNDAE, SHUTTERBOMB, and HOURGLASS/SPEEDRUN are my main ones. I do like all other non-problematic ships tho!
• I repeat things on occasion. Do tell if I have repeated something over and over multiple times.
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fortecircuit · 4 months
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  - | Fortecircuit |  private . semi-selective. low activity | - Wuthering waves rp blog                                    - | Sideblog to ruinlost | -
                                   -  |Oc,multimuse,& crossover friendly!| -
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{Rules - Muses}
I'm not too selective about who I follow and interact with ,though I still usually try to stick to staying to interact with mutuals only!
I do my best to tag things properly!,but Please, let me know if I need to tag anything,This blog may contain semi-dark themes,violence and language.!I'm forgetful so I sometimes forget to tag certain things!,as for myself I dont have many triggers all I ask for is trypohobia & images or roaches to be tagged!
>Dni if:
Racist or are anti lgbtqa+,that behavior is not welcomed here ,
>Extra info:
If we are mutuals and you wanna talk more outside of rp please dont hesitate to ask for my discord!
Personal blogs are free to follow. I dont really mind,just PLEASE do not reblog my posts or try to rp with one-if so you will be soft or hard blocked ;;/!
This blog will most likely contain spoilers to ongoing story & events in wuwa ,they will however be tagged as well as put under a read more,so please keep this in mind!
>Crossovers & Au’s & oc’s:
I love crossovers and au’s so much, please if you ever have an idea for and au dont be afraid to reach out!,or wanna chuck another muse from elsewhere at me please feel free!
As for oc’s I love them, please Id love to learn & interact with yours!,!
No Godmodding,,unless we have planned something ahead of time regarding something happening to my muse,please control your own muse ;;/!
In regards to replies I'm really fine with and length !,I myself usually end up leaning towards shorter paragraphs ,so please dont feel like you have to ever match my writing length!
I am multiship blog!,each pair will be in its own verse with special tags!,just to keep it organized
I ship with chemestry so there has to be some form and interaction between muses though don't be afraid to go on and ask me about shipping muses though we can talk about it! Be it romantic,platonic or familial !
>Mun ≠ Muse
I do not condone my muse’s actions,anything they say or do is not something I would usually say or do myself!
I have ADD so I tend to get distracted and forget things pretty fast as well as Irl things,so please know if I haven't replied to a thread or I'm not ignoring you. I most likely forgot,don't hesitate to poke me if I take too long responding!
This goes the same for rp replies my activity is somewhat sporadic at times;;/
Any character thats currently request or friends only is subject to change!!,Im just a little unsure of my portrayal of said muse so I try to use that as a test for comfort!
Hiya!,im velvet or panda whichever you prefer,I am 23 and vibing im nonbinary & any pronouns are fine by me !,Ive been rping for a few years here on tumblr now,i'm pretty quiet and chill most times!//
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lunar-lattice · 2 years
0 for Liam and Greed!
green dudes......... (actually greed isnt very green but he exists in my head as such for some reason)
under the cut bc it got kinda long!
1) What would their social media page/activity be like?
Liam's the guy who stays in his corner and quietly shares content of games he likes and geckos. He shares absolutely nothing of his personal life and uses a handle.
2) What animal they remind me of
Geckos are His Thing
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
realizing some of these dont quite work for OCs hm. His design is one of my favorites of mine but i gotta do more art of him and his punk duds
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
Gonna use this for just a related fact! Liam's an insomniac but when he gets tired enough, he can and will sleep anywhere. He also struggles to gain any weight past 'being a twig' weight and it annoys him.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
He had a friend group in high school that he drifted away from and really regrets having done so.
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Liam always needs some kind of sound in the background, pure silence sets off his paranoia. He's got a lot of regrets but he regrets how easy he lashed out at others as a teenager and how much he struggled to put that into check as an adult.
7) Ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider
I mean The Ships for him are Liam/Sketches (which is good for monster romance and just general wish fulfillment for Liam) and Liam/Sebastian (good for more grounded plots)
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
There's a bunch of characters of mine he'd never interact with: He'd be actually really scared of Van and vibe pretty well with Vice.
9) Headcanons about their past
Liam used to dress all up as a teenager when his whole punk outfit, INCLUDING even makeup and the like. He did start dressing more comfortably after he grew up but he kinda misses it.
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
I mean I make the content...more content I wanna make with him is more funky surreal art and more of the babysitter AU
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
Greed picks fights with people for fun online and incessantly bothers his siblings (mainly Envy bc they Have to have the last word so arguments are hysterical)
2) What animal they remind me of
Flamingo? Or any kind of tropical flashy bird
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
Both Greed designs are SO good but I miss Greed 1.0's vest with the fur collar. I also find it amusing Greedling basically just has Ed's same look but pokes fun at him abt his taste
4) Physical headcanons (sleeping habits, favourite food, all that)
Greed is not picky about food in the slightest and likes anything and everything. He says he prefers is when it's more expensive but he's got a soft spot for terrible junk food.
5) Social headcanons (what do they think of their friends/allies if they have any, what are they looking for in relationship, what people tend to think about them...)
He is a social butterfly and kind of resents his status as a homunculus making it so its difficult to go out and meet people. He's not really all that picky about what kinda people he gets along with
6) Psychological headcanons (tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
Surprisingly good singer! Actually surprisingly good at a lot of things because knowledge is something else he feels he must acquire and hoard
7) Ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider
I think I like Greed/Ling best though I also just like them as bros
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
They had like .2 seconds of interaction so that doesn't count but I just know Greed would hassle Mustang just as bad as Ed
9) Headcanons about their past
The Devil's Nest is only the latest place he's settled down at, he's prone to moving around, whether people start asking questions or he just gets bored
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
I haven't really ventured far into FMA fan content admittingly so I'm not really sure!
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rarepair-haven · 2 years
I feel so bad because i have all these cool and detailed aus with interesting sanses and entire stories beyond the multiverse that has lived in my head rent free for almost 5 years but i never posted them or let them see the light of day lol. I wanna make a sans au/undertale art blog exclusively for that but i mostly have rarepairs( i think you guys rbed one of my feverdream/dream x fresh art) and oc x canon and oc x oc so i never get popular cause people only like the common pairs and posting your non-sans au ocs(especially if said oc is human and isnt a selfship related thing) garentees a drop in blog traffic.
It sucks but do you have any advice for someone trying to be more seen as a sans au artist but dosent want to come across as demanding?( like i rly dont want to add a banner of "rbs >likes" cause i know it makes me feel bad when i cant or dont want to be put on the spot.)
Also side note, ive noticed sans aus and undertale is getting alittle bit of a resurgence on tiktok so thats awesome! Hopefully the fandom will get a second wind.
It’s like one am so bear with any incoherence here.
You’re more popular than you think I guarantee it. People for whatever reason don’t tend to interact with art much, they’ll see it Maybe like it and continue to scroll by. But chances are there’s gonna be a group out there who talk about your posts and send them to their friends and chat about the characters. I know this from personal experience albeit with fanfic. Went writing a few fics and abandoned a couple, only to still find people years later who read and loved it, just never commented or if they did leave a kudos it was under a guest account. So yea there’s likely more people seeing your stuff than you think.
Now to get popular popular, like one of those AUs that are known by the vast majority of the fandom? Unfortunately that ship has already sailed. When it comes to a new game or book or even social media site, you gotta jump on it right from the start and be pumping out content frequently. Even then you need some luck, one or two posts going viral, before hitting some big well known level of popularity. My advice? Stick with whatever makes you happy creating, join a server or two to share stuff in and get feedback/praise for it, and thank whatever god you may or may not believe in that you’ve made your own space online without having to deal with the hate that inevitably comes with the popularity
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thetality · 3 years
I have written down some basic ideas/backstory for a few characters in a Tf au thag I'm starting to plan out, however I need ideas/Help with what they look like, and with some I need help with how their personalities should work. On another note, I am proud to say I own all of these characters. Even if you do end up helping with anything you do not get co-parent privileges [though you can definitely draw them </3]
I'm not calling full dibs on the names cuz that would be stupid but if you continue reading this you have agreed to the fact that
You cannot steal their personality/character ideas (though you may implementation a touch into your own oc's @ me because I'd love to see)
With the formalities done [sorry for being over dramatic I just am working hard on this...] imma copy & paste most of the GD into here so you guys and shoot suggestions and ideas my way :]
remember the quantum jumper? Remember how is fucks over the laws of everything? What if the ark was the bridge to different realms/Au's and the team is stuck trying to find their way back to their universe. With the previous coordinates lost and the quantum jumper fucked over, this task proves to be almost impossible for the team. With the guidance of their alternate selves and some new friends, will they be able to find their way back to their universe?
Name ideas for future use; 
Delirium (Medic)
Drophammer (Weapons Specalist)
Fuse (Engineer)
Chromeflash (FIC)
Gadget (Engineer assistant)
ACTUALLY USED NAMES (In order of command)
FIC; ChromeFlash
SIC; Jetcry
Med Assit: Assist 
Communications Commander; Soundbreaker
Engineer: Fuse
Engineer Assist; Gadget
Weapons Specialist; Drophammer
So far we have the basic ideas for the first and second command
The Second in command: Aka Jetcry is a young seeker who relies on the leader of the [insert ship name] to get by. Though he has dipped his pedes in neurology his expertise lies in revising and editing battle plans. Many do question as to why the Fic chose him to be their successor, believing he would prove to be more use as the successor of the Tactician and not the Fic. The Tactician has practically begged their leader for Jetcry to be moved to the Combat planning group. However Chromeflash has blatantly rejected such a proposition. What Chromeflash sees in Jetcry is practically unknown. Many belive the leader themselves dosnt even know as to why Jetcry was promoted to Sic.
Jetcry is a timid but not easily pushed around mech. He knows his limits and can easily recognize others limits as well, giving him an easy advantage in a battle with a new mech or femme. If provoked Jetcry will bite back with double the force, the team quickly learned not to poke the short mechs buttons if they weren't ready for a fight. He almost constantly clings to the side of the Fic with a data pad usually in his servo. He tends to rake notes on everything the leader says and is easily influenced upon. Some might say that , thag makes him a bad choice for the successor of Chromeflash. Others might disagree. However most of the team can agree that their forces would collapse under a orn if the Fic dared to leave the ship alone with the youngling.
Delirium is the ships go-to medic with years of experience behind his servo his processor is filled with multiple solutions to billions of wounds. Though he is a wonderful medic most dont dare to come to him even for the worst of cuts. His name really matches him as he is almost constantly delirious. It is a neurological issue that the previous medic, Neurostalker had accidentally implemented when he was trying to access Deliriums medical storage in his second processer.. Even through his random bouts of Deliriousness he is still able to do his job.. Though the comments he makes on the way are… unsettling to say the least. Delirium is a long time monoformer, due to an old battle wound his ability to transform has long been stolen from him. That dosnt stop him from racing into battle to protect anyone from getting harmed though. Delirium is a focused and stubborn mech, refusing to let anyones spark to deplete even when its a lost cause. Sometimes his stubbornness can be a setback though, refusing to treat other patients untill he has healed another mech to their fullest ability has almost caused multiple deaths.
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bittercoldbrew · 3 years
PLEASE tell me about the alien plant girls im so gay for anthropomorphic fem plants
omg thank you SO MUCH for asking and i apologize in advance for the infodump because i have been thinking about these alien plant people for literal years now, i love them so much. I first started thinking about these guys a little after TFA, because of an oc i was working on for a lil star wars fic that i have mostly abandoned by now--so sorry to the like 3 people who were reading my sidon ithano fic but tlj/tros really killed whatever passion i had for the franchise for a good long time :/ but Mando is great so i've been thinking about them'st again...
anyway i am sticking this under a cut because a) im very attached to these characters and if someone steals my shit i will kermit and b) sweet jesus this got so long, i am so sorry
in the SW universe at least, these plant people (that i still for the life of me cannot settle on an actual name for) were the primary inhabitants of a dwarf planet way out in wild space; they had a pretty symbiotic relationship with a race of sentient insectoid people (basically human-sized bees) who could travel between the planet and their home on one of its three moons (affectionately called the Honey Moon). what the plants didn’t know was that the bees were also able to travel to different planets, and had been doing so for a couple centuries before everything went to shit--but we’ll get to that in a bit.
the plant people weren’t particularly interested in the galaxy around them--they had a decent understanding of astronomy and cosmology, but little cultural interest in journeying to the stars. since the planet was pretty small and distant from the galactic core, it was pretty rare that a visiting ship would even pass them by, and scanners didn’t register them as genuine life-forms separate from the natural flora, so even if someone happened to end up out there it’s not the sort of place anyone would really choose to land. on rare occasions, a pirate or smuggler would try to hide out on what they thought to be an unoccupied planet, and would return to the Outer Rim with tales of mobile, sentient trees and bizarre, organic cities found on some uncharted world; likewise, occasionally a plant person would turn up at the local bar with tales of crashed space-ships and strange aliens that seemed almost like people. neither would ever be taken seriously.
the plants aren’t a particularly verbal people. they understand spoken language (a somewhat-modified Basic, at least, which is what the bees speak hmm i wonder where they picked that up from) and many can talk, but most don’t really bother learning to do so. mostly they rely on an ESP-like combo of pheromones and body language, highly attuned to the point that it’s essentially a kind of telepathy. i think i mentioned in the tags on that post that my character Antheia is sorta kinda a jedi? for these people, force sensitivity tends to manifest as an extra-extra-sensory-perception that causes you to be hyperaware of every living thing in your environment, not just the other sentient ones.
this made her uhhh extremely off-putting as a youth, easily distractable and often disinterested in the other people in the small community she grew up in, where she was already pretty disliked to begin with. there’s quite a lot of diversity among the plant people (a wide variety of skin tones/textures and body types, though few if any secondary sex characteristics; four limbs are most common, though occasionally some have two or more sets of arms; different types of leaves/vines/blossoms/etc in lieu of hair), and though they have a barter-based economy there’s still a lot of classism that’s mostly based around lineage (and thus evinced by one’s appearance and the traits one manifests). to protect (or attempt to bolster) those lineages, prospective parents can apply for a spot in a nursery, where their offspring are propagated and tended--mostly just through infancy before going to live with parents, though sometimes longer, and the very high class have private nurseries that will do all the rearing so they don’t have to.
But, on very rare occasions, certain wild plants will spontaneously develop sentience, and even more rarely will survive on their own long enough to find their way to a community. Hundreds of years ago (or “before the bees could speak”, which is their version of “once upon a time”), these spontaneous growths were revered and cherished, and whoever was first to encounter one would see it as a great honor to be responsible for their care and upbringing. now, with a much more striated society, these “weeds” (derogatory) are considered inferior, feral, dangerous. fortunately for Antheia, the man who found her, tangled in marsh reeds under the light of the Honey Moon, didn’t buy into any of that bullshit. he was a really sweet dad, very attentive and doting on his increasingly-strange adopted daughter; they were very close. but the older she got, the more her unusual ability developed, and the more he realized he was well out of his depth to help her understand that part of herself. eventually, she’s sent away to a kind of temple/convent for other people like her, where she’s trained to hone and control her extra senses, rather than be overwhelmed by them.
many years later, the sudden appearance of several large starships in their atmosphere turns their society on its head. it turns out, the bee-people have been traveling to other planets, forging alliances, brokering deals; they claim they just want to facilitate inter-planetary trade. Antheia is among the first to mistrust these invading aliens and their fleet of well-armed droids who seem hell-bent on mining their planet (which is, apparently, rich with cortosis, which--thank you wookiepedia--is apparently capable of repelling lightsabers and blasterfire alike). She flees her convent, joins up with an underground network of resistance fighters, discovers that her hyperawareness makes her a truly formidable force on the battlefield, and helps lead her people in defending the sovereignty of their home. And then things take a turn for the worse...but we don’t need to get into that right now.
my other oc, Shoal, is from the same planet but not even remotely star-warsy; either from a different time period well before the droid incursion, or just like an AU of my own stuff, idk. but she’s great, i love her deeply even though i dont really know what i even want to do with her yet. i mostly just was thinking about what a normal, average person in this world would be like, but then i got too attached. she’s also one of the spontaneous “weeds”, a semi-aquatic plant girl that washed up on a sandbar that occasionally connects a small island with the mainland when the tide is out. she was sort of “found” by multiple people at the same time, since they were making their way across to go trade goods at the mainland market, so to avoid the confusion of who should be responsible for her, she’s just sort of raised by the village as a whole. they name her Shoal, since that’s where they found her (it started as a joke, but then no one could agree on anything else to call her so it just sort of...stuck).
she grows up without realizing that it’s a pretty unusual upbringing. as a teen, she gains the reputation for the island’s best fisher (it helps that she can breathe as well underwater as above, and she’s always been a good swimmer). one thing that’s pretty consistent among all the plant people are their teeth--they all have long, sharp incisors and canines because sexy and also as more of a defense mechanism than a dietary one. they don’t eat much, typically absorbing nutrients from the sun/water/air/soil (mud baths are such a beloved experience, like for the most part they are very dignified people but find them some good mud and they will wallow for days) but when they do it’s pretty meat-heavy. they don’t really enjoy the process of eating very much, especially because they don’t have much gut bacteria so they typically have to swallow some stones to break up their food and nobody wants to do all that. but, at least in the coastal towns near where Shoal grew up, fresh-caught fish is considered a delicacy, and they can trade for quite a lot in return.
as she gets older, though, she starts getting restless. she loves her village, but it’s all she’s ever really known. also, it is so hard to even consider dating when literally everyone your age is practically your sibling, i mean, yeesh. so one day she just packs her bags and says her goodbyes and waits for low tide, then sets off to find her own way in the great wide world. she stops wherever she can, sees everything she can, but eventually settles down working at a tavern in a medium-sized town that’s mostly acclaimed for being a crossroads between bigger and better places. she likes it there, likes getting to know lots of new people and hearing about someone else’s travels more than she actually liked traveling herself. after a few years, the tavern-keeper retires and decides to leave the place to her, and she finds she’s become a permanent fixture in this new community. that’s really all i have for her so far, and i have no idea whether i’ll ever actually do anything with this character lol, but still she is very precious to me so i hope i find a story she’d be a good match for sometime soon.
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naturalcritfail · 4 years
Here's a challange for the brave. Can you answer ALL of the questions? Muhahaha
Are you challenging me? Very well. I accept. (Forgive the formatting I did this all on my phone) here you are all the questions answered.
Fluff or angst: Why choose when you can have both?
Favorite character to write?: It kind of depends on the fic. Rex from STARWARS is fun. Mainly cause he's got that chaotic good energy that I live for.
Favorite ship to write: hmmm okay this is tough cause most of the stuff I write doesn't include non-cannon ships because I don't feel comfortable writing relationships characters other than my OCs go through. But Korrasami and Root and Shaw from POI, and Catradora have special places in my heart.
Favorite Fandom: Okay y'all can't do this to me... Imma cheat and top 3 in no particular order. She-Ra, Star Wars, LoK/AtlA.
Do I write Smut?: Nope. Flat out nope. Never gonna touch that area. Props to those who do much respect cause I am just not comfortable writing anything like that. The only thing getting f'ed in my stories are feelings.
Favorite Fic I've written: oh gods... Alright I gotta say the RWBY one I'm "working" on. Basically I wrote one part of it posted it on Ao3 and then haven't touched it since. But it plays out in my head CONSTANTLY when I'm at work and can't write anything down.
Fic I'm most proud of.: Okay that has got to be a mindcraft one I wrote I'm middle school based off of this channel I used to watch. Mainly cause it was 80 pages on a flash drive and it was and still is the only WIP that I have ever finished.
Favorite Trope: tough. But I like the one where a character finally reaches their breaking point and their partner or friend helps them through it. The angst, the emotions. All of it. I swear it is what fuels my existence.
Favorite type of AU to write: The ones where you see the path a friend (that would later become an enemy) is about to take, AND THEN THEY DONT! Anakin becomes Vader? Not today! I live for it. The possibilities endless.
How do I get myself in the mood to write: People can do this? I just see the fics playing in my head like a movie till I get annoyed with seeing it and put it on paper so I can change the channel.
Inspiration for fics: They just kind of pop into my head. Sometimes I may see something in another fan fic that I like and I'll try something similar with some of my WIP but 9/10 I don't publish them.
Cannonverse or AU: depends. I tend to love both and treat them as their own universes. Except for star wars fics of the sequel trilogy. Main characters all got screwed over and I have a strong distaste for Rey haters. Fin was amazing and didn't deserve to get done dirty and Rose needed more time.
Any fics planned?: So many. So so many. Am I probably ever going to write them? No. Do I still plan them out in my mind like a mad man. Yes, yes I do.
Favorite line: Do original stories count? Cause I have lines from og works that I love but with this I don't think they count... Oh here's one.
"Dean I think we need therapy. Like actual therapy."
"Sam why would we pay 800 bucks to see a shrink when Friday night bottomless wing nights exist?"(yes it's supernatural I enjoyed the show but I have my criticisms of it. No I haven't seen the ending but I know how it ends cause of tumblr)
Quote from a WIP: honestly I don't really have any good ones for fan fics. I've mainly been working on my original story that I haven't written any fanfics in like a year. I mean if you ask nicely I could give you a line from that project but you have to also ask @theunicornastronaut too cause she's helping me write it.
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surviiived · 4 years
If you don’t agree to these rules and don’t want to follow me back—and if I have already followed you—please just HARD block me. It’ll help keep my dash cleaner, as well as make sure in my forgetfulness I won’t follow you again. Don’t worry, I won’t be upset lol. Thank you so much for looking at my rules!! 🖤🖤
Basic Rules:
-SEMI SELECTIVE AND MUTUALS ONLY.  This is for my own safety and feeling of security. If you want to roleplay with me, follow me. I will do the same for you if I’m willing to interact.
-OCS, AUS, AND ALL OTHER CHARACTERS WELCOME. I don’t care who your muse is. I’m all for OCs, crossovers, AUs, anything!! Just know I’m a bit more selective towards fandoms I don’t know about lol
-NO ONE-LINERS. I need some more interest in our thread from your end so I don’t lose muse as well. One-liners are fine for crack threads, but nowhere else. I’m fine with single to multiparagraph, and that’s how I will be writing.
-NO GODMODDING. I cannot express this enough. It’s my biggest pet peeve. Just don’t, or I’ll end the rp immediately.
-PLEASE USE CORRECT GRAMMAR. I’m a bit of a grammar freak, so seriously. At least try. However, If English isn’t your first language, I COMPLETELY understand.
-MULTIVERSE, MULTISHIP. Every thread is a different verse, every ship a different verse. Simple.
-DONT REBLOG THINGS FROM ME. Honestly, guys this just gets on my nerves. It’s a bit irrational...but also irritating because when I check my phone and see a notification from a mutual, I get excited because I think it’s a reply! But then I realize you just reblogged that meme/musing/whatever. Please, only reblog threads from me and everything else from the source. This includes memes, musings, pictures, and promos. Also, pls don’t reblog my PSAs, if you agree with them let me know so I can post it to my rp memes blog, which I would LOVE for you to reblog it from!!
-REBLOGGING ASKS AND TRIMMING THREADS. I’m not as strict as a lot of people over this, but some mutuals of mine are so please trim your threads when you reply to me. If you are in a situation where you can’t, that’s perfectly fine. However, thanks to this new Tumblr update I cannot trim asks because I don’t have xKit. So I ask for you to trim them for me, and if you can’t either then I’ll figure something out. Also with asks, I’m fine with you reblogging an ask to continue it. I will turn it into a separate thread for my friends’ sake.
-UNFOLLOWS. There’s a low chance I will unfollow someone, and the only reasons I can think of are spreading drama, being inactive for over a month without a hiatus, something else that annoys me, or too many OOC posts. The latter is why I am hesitant to follow back personal blogs who roleplay on said blog, but it’s not impossible. I won’t follow personal blogs from side blogs, but if you let me know you are a side blog I will gladly follow where you roleplay.
-DONT INVOLVE ME IN DRAMA. I hate drama. I’m the type of person who wants absolutely nothing to do with it. If I ask about what’s going on, then you’re welcome to tell me, but other than that, don’t talk to me about it. I won’t take sides. I won’t tell other people what’s going on. I’ll only act like nothing’s happening.
-SPOILERS. This is kinda hard with an Identity V blog... I don’t really anticipate there being any spoilers on this blog?? But if a new diary entry comes out or a deduction for a new character, sure, I’ll tag it for a couple of weeks.
-REQUESTING MUSES. If you don’t request a specific character in an ask or a starter call, I won’t write it. I just don’t have the time to go to you and ask which character you want, nor try to guess what you were thinking when you sent something in or liked a starter call. So I just won’t respond to whatever it is. This is the case when requesting one of my muses or picking one of your muses, if you’re a multi like me. Sorry..!!
Romance Rules:
-NO SMUT. I can’t stress this enough. It’s not that I’m a minor (which I’m not), it’s that it makes me uncomfortable. You will never see smut on this blog. I’m fine with heavy make out scenes, but when the clothes start to come off is where I request a fade to black.
-I LOVE TO WRITE ROMANCE THREADS. I’m a pretty big hopeless romantic, as that’s where most of my muse is generated from. I may want to add a ship to our thread at some point, but will never force it.
-REFUSALS. NO pedofilia, NO incest, NO rape, or ANYTHING nasty like that. I understand that sometimes in writing dark situations occur, as some of these things are in my muses’ backstory. So, if you write any of those things, I’m not going to block you. However, if you request to do any of that stuff with me, I’ll say no. Press the issue, I’ll hard block you. I shouldn’t have to hear you request it the first time, as it’s right here in my rules and that means you didn’t read them. But I’ll go easy until you cross a line.
-THERE MUST BE CHEMISTRY. Don’t bother trying to make a ship work that just won’t click, it’s a waste of time. But I’m more than willing to try things and see how they work..!!
-PLEASE RESPECT MY MUSES’ SEXUALITIES. You can tell a muse’s sexuality by what it says on their about. Most are bi/pan, but a few may be different.
Rules and things about me:
-I HAVE LOTS OF WRITING EXPERIENCE. I’ve been writing since I was maybe even seven years old, played games where I pretended to be a character irl since I was five, and have been actually roleplaying for approximately 7 years now. I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr for three years. I really love writing, you know?
-WARNING, I WRITE GORE. I tend to go into detail about pain, suffering, death, and just very demented topics. That’s just a warning. If you have a problem with that, you may not want to follow me…
-TAGGING. Gore, murder, suicide, and other dark and triggering things will be tagged, but swearing will not. I swear far too much for me to remember to tag it. Also, I don’t post NSFW images or threads on this blog, so don’t worry about that, but I will tag asks and memes that can be perceived as nsfw. I tag things like this (using death as an example): “tw: death”. If you have any triggers, PLEASE let me know so I can tag them. There’s always a chance I might forget about something, and if I do please tell me. I’ll make sure not to forget a second time. Also, I ask you all tag vomit mentions, even if it’s just written, and ESPECIALLY TAG VISUALS OF THROW UP!!!! That is my ONLY trigger. Thank you.
-RESPONDING TIME. I’m a college student, high school student, and I work, so my responding time isn’t what it used to be lol. Please don’t pressure me over that..!! I also post most threads via queue unless I just need to send it out ASAP. I won’t bother you if it takes a little while to reply. We all have lives outside of Tumblr!!
-I’M NOT GOING TO SEND IN PASSWORDS. It just adds to my anxiety, and I don’t like that. That’s why I don’t ever ask someone to send a password in and just ask that they like my rules post! Just know I will always read someone’s rules before interacting.
-I’M ALWAYS HERE IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO. Honestly, I want to help! If something’s wrong and you want to tell me about it, I’m all ears. I hate being upset or depressed myself, so I like to try to make others feel better. It helps with my own sadness.
That’s all for right now..! Happy roleplaying~!!
like this post if you have read it and agree to it, please.
Hello! My name’s Kiki. There isn’t really much to say about me, except that I love to roleplay!! That and write, of course. And draw. And sing. So I guess I love a lot of stuff lol. Also, I am diagnosed with ADD (attention-deficit disorder), so please bear with me..!! One last thing, I’m 18 as of November 2020. 
If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m right here and always accepting PMs!!
My main account is twx-sid3d, but I’m rarely ever on there so here is the best place to contact me. I also have a multiverse oc sideblog @hxlf-bred​ that’s connected to my multi, @nycttophilic.
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day~!
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haevatein · 4 years
🔥 ‘゚・ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒
𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓: The opinions and views of Loke do not reflect my own. My muse morals and behaviours does not mean I, the writer, approve of them. Loke’s nature is both dark and light depending on the situation, but generally he is an asshole. If you’re uncomfortable with heavy themes and immoral actions, then this blog may not be for you.
   NOTE: This is fiction, not reality. I as a writer will not stay away from exploring certain themes just because you might be unable to handle the content this blog may dewelve into.  I do not tolerate artistic/creative censorship.
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  This is an myth only of Loke Laufeyjarson from Norse Myhtology. I’ve written Loke since around 2012, and I am inspired by the myths, but as well as my own interpetation and headcanons. I do not have any MCU influences, and I usually avoid MCU interactions due to the great differences between actual Norse Mythology and Marvel. I can interact with MCU characters if we can plot it out properly without changing the core of who and what Loke is as a God. Which if difficult.
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑: Yo! I’m Jen, 25+. She/Her/Dad. Timezone GMT+1 (Sweden). I  try to be friendly and open to most! Holla at me whenever! I’m not always going to be super active, real life and just not feeling like it happens. I work a lot and won’t always have the time to do the shenanigans on here. Please do not hound me for replies, ic or ooc, they’ll come, eventually, maybe… Someday. I can sometimes go off the social radar for long periods of time, please dont guilt me into replying if I do not chat as often as I used to.
𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 & 𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 : This blog is private; meaning I only interact with my mutual followers (those who follow me and I follow back) thread and ask wise. This is for my own comfort and I ask not to be shamed for it.  I don’t follow everybody. If you follow me and I don’t follow back, then most likely I’ve either forgotten to check out your blog, or I’ve not felt that we as roleplayers will match, if the latter- please don’t take it personally. Don’t go out of your way to ask me for an explanation as to why I dont want to roleplay, or have blocked you. seriously. I’m not 100% exclusive as a standard, but if you want to be exclusive with my muse, I am willing to discuss that. However, if you want exclusivity from this blog, then I excpect the same from yours, and that the exclusivity will be mutual.
I will unfollow if no sign of desire to interact ic and ooc with me has been shown from your part despite me giving attempts to reach out. I will also unfollow and softblock you if you post politically charged posts, too much social justice related posts, or too much ooc where the amount of ic posts compared to ooc is very low. If you unfollow me, I ask of you to PLEASE softblock me (block then unblock) so I can avoid the awkwardness of me still sending you things without knowing you no-longer want to interact. Thanks.
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: I interact with any fandom (that I either have knowledge about, or find interesting despite lack of knowledge). I’m oc and crossover friendly, most are welcome to hang out with Loke here. AUs are top tier content, I love those. Interactions with multiple verions of the same character will be set in separate universes. I do not roleplay with non-roleplay blogs! Non-roleplay blogs are free to send in questions to my muse, headcanon asks or if they want to find things out about Loke from him in character.
𝐑𝐏 𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄:   No godmodding; you control your character and I control mine. Minor things are fine, if its minor actions that fit my muse and will move the plot along. If you don’t know my muse well, ask me if they would do the thing. MUTUALS are welcome to like my starter calls and to reblog any opens I write. THOSE WHO ARE NOT IN MUTUAL FOLLOWING WITH ME please DO NOT like or reblog starter calls/opens. I also want ask threads to be carried over to normal threads, as I find the reblogged ask thread system to be shit and aesthetically unpleasant to look at.
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒: I have no specific triggers, really. I tend not to tag trigger-like content except for the common nsfw tag. Again, see above important message. If you are sensetive and easily offended, this blog may not be for you.
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: I write mostly with small text, and use icons, gificons that are at 60x60 in size. I have no trouble writing without icons, though! You do not need to match my style of writing! I’ll do my best to match your writing lenght, but I tend to mostly write between one-liners to a few paragraphs. Of course, you do not need to match the lenght,  I just ask I do not recieve a one-line/uninspired reply to a reply of mine if I’ve written two paragraphs, etc.
𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃: I am either faster than lightning on speed at replying, or slower than a crippled snail stuck in glue. A kind nudge on my shoulder regarding my reply/or if i’ve seen yours is fine! But please don’t hound me about it. That will make me reply even slower, if at all.
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆: I am not very open to ships on here, but it might occur! I don’t ship Loke with just anyone, he does not seek romance. However should he ever sail ships with other muses- then those ships are separate and he’s not cheating unless I’ve stated otherwise. I do not write polyamorous-shipping, like with multiple-writers being involved in the same thread, it has only given me bad experiences. I am okay with poly-shipping if the muses belong not to many writers but only me and the one other writing-partner.
   NSFW: I can write smut, but only with those I'm comfortable with. I don't write smut with underage muns & muses.
𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒: I’m open for mains and exclusives. I prefer being close to my rp partners and have ooc communication. Exclusivity is reserved to those I am very close to ooc and have known long enough.
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒:  I read other writer’s rules pages before I interact, but I  tend not to send in passwords, though. It depends on my anxious feeling , you get me?
𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒:  Same as for political posts and/or sjw related content. I don’t want it on my blog and will probably unfollow if I see it too much of that sort of drama on my dash. I don’t engage in callout drama for petty reasons such as a falling out or you just don’t like someone. Witch hunts are gross, keep it away.
𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐒:  RP icons/PSD by me, dash-icon by me, theme background & art by me.
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crystu-cii · 4 years
Oh wow XDD oms XD
YESSS-- (MINE ARE TECHNICALLY GREY AND WHITE BUT IT DOESNT MATTER XD) NICEEE-- XDD Yeah, my old school did but when I moved from Japan my new school didn't allow them ;w; (puts them on bc comfort item time)
Oms XDD Nice-
Oms XDD the serving question I- mood-- XD
Yessss!!! I will not change your mind you are correct!! Why do you think most of my sonas have animal features XDD
THOSE SOUND SO NEAT-- SOFT CUTE AESTHETIC? BOBA DRINKS?? INCORPORATING PERSONAL FOND MEMORIES INTO THE STORY??? THAT SOUNDS WONDERFULLY SOFT,,,,, and high school aus are always fun XD you could call it a school au(with anime high school vibes) if you wanted? XD or just "anime hs vibes" XD ooh a kpop au?? Like with characters as kpop singers??
I hope my answers suffice I'm kinda tired and anxious(my sister's cat attacked my foot and I was bleeding a decent bit and have decided I most definitely prefer dogs.... cats give me severe anxiety and apparently hate me or something(this cat in particular attacks and stalks me a bunch..) so nope- (sorry that was long-))
AND YEAHH LEGIT LIKE WUFJIWJ- but i guess i dont blame him for knowing the characters- he doesnt even know that charles dies in one of the endings- xDDD and he is confused on why tf i love reginald and right hand man so much- XDD
and YESS omg- literally three out of four of my main OCs have cat ears- two of them have real ones while the other has fake- XDD i dunno- whenever i draw a character without animals ears it looks uNcoMplETe
AND HELL YEAHHHH i think its absolutelY GREATTT- and omg- okay so me and the filipino trio all have these pom pom headbands and as well as flower crowns- all of them a different color for each of us- so i put that trait along with triple threat and i think its AMAZING- if i had the motivation to continue it one night- im going to write charles giving right hand man and reginald flower crowns so they fit in- its going to be all so wholesome XDD
and ohh yeahhh i could just call it school au :O oh and also the fanfic i wrote for it- it was the first time i ever wrote henry doing asl and it ROCKEDDD- i also made reginald as a teacher and rhm as teacher's assistant- that wasnt even intentional it came to mind xD but itS AWESOME- (and also uhhh i think i am going to make that au a uhhhh harem for henrY- hAHa WHOOPS--)
AND AJHFKSJFOAB YEAH- THATS EXACTLY- omg- okaooaik i jam and dance to music so damn much daily that i tend to replace the music with characters of any fandom i was in in that time in any way possible (and ofc- right now is THSC)- kpop songs give me a lot of oppurunity xD- it would also motivate me to learn the dance just so 1. i can dance it- TWOOO. I CAN IMAGINE THE CHARACTERS DANCING IT- XDD either that or i can pretend the characters are like how the kpop idols were in the Music Video- im a blink- so i replaced a lot of BLACKPINK songs with characters- xD
but my favorite right now- is replacing Dynamite by BTS- LIKE- AAHHHHH- i thought that would be so cute of all of them just singing and being happyyyy ;0;; 💞💞💞 if i ever make a fanfic sOmeHow- it will also include a lot of bonding itll be great xDD
and oh NOO im so sorry that happened ;0; awww i wish your sister's cat wasn't like that, i hope you are okay now though! dont worry about it being long, feel free to talk as much as you want! 💞💞💞💞😭😭❤
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hxlf-bred · 4 years
If you don’t agree to these rules and don’t want to follow me back—and if I have already followed you—please just HARD block me. It’ll help keep my dash cleaner, as well as make sure in my forgetfulness I won’t follow you again. Don’t worry, I won’t be upset lol. Thank you so much for looking at my rules!! 🖤🖤
Basic Rules:
-SEMI SELECTIVE AND MUTUALS ONLY.  This is for my own safety and feeling of security. If you want to roleplay with me, follow me. I will do the same for you if I’m willing to interact.
-OCS, AUS, AND ALL OTHER CHARACTERS WELCOME. I don’t care who your muse is. I’m all for OCs, crossovers, AUs, anything!! Just know I’m a bit more selective towards fandoms I don’t know about lol
-NO ONE-LINERS. I need some more interest in our thread from your end so I don’t lose muse as well. One-liners are fine for crack threads, but nowhere else. I’m fine with single to multiparagraph, and that’s how I will be writing.
-NO GODMODDING. I cannot express this enough. It’s my biggest pet peeve. Just don’t, or I’ll end the Rp immediately.
-PLEASE USE CORRECT GRAMMAR. I’m a bit of a grammar freak, so seriously. At least try. However, if English isn’t your first language, I COMPLETELY understand.
-MULTIVERSE, MULTISHIP. Every thread is a different verse, every ship a different verse. Simple.
-DONT REBLOG THINGS FROM ME. Honestly, guys this just gets on my nerves. It’s a bit irrational...but also irritating because when I check my phone and see a notification from a mutual, I get excited because I think it’s a reply! But then I realize you just reblogged that meme/musing/whatever. Please, only reblog threads from me and everything else from the source. This includes memes, musings, pictures, and promos. Also, pls don’t reblog my PSAs, if you agree with them let me know so I can post it to my rp memes blog, which I would LOVE for you to reblog it from!!
-REBLOGGING ASKS AND TRIMMING THREADS. I’m not as strict as a lot of people over this, but some mutuals of mine are so please trim your threads when you reply to me. If you are in a situation where you can’t, that’s perfectly fine and I’ll do it for you. Same with asks, I’m fine with you reblogging an ask to continue it. I will turn it into a separate thread for my friends’ sake.
-UNFOLLOWS. There’s a low chance I will unfollow someone, and the only reasons I can think of are spreading drama, being inactive for over a month without a hiatus, something else that annoys me, or too many OOC posts. The latter is why I am hesitant to follow back personal blogs who roleplay on said blog, but it’s not impossible. I won’t follow personal blogs from side blogs, but if you let me know you are a side blog I will gladly follow where you roleplay.
-DONT INVOLVE ME IN DRAMA. I hate drama. I’m the type of person who wants absolutely nothing to do with it. If I ask about what’s going on, then you’re welcome to tell me, but other than that, don’t talk to me about it. I won’t take sides. I won’t tell other people what’s going on. I’ll only act like nothing’s happening.
-SPOILERS. I will tag spoilers for everything that’s not in the anime. For example, if a post contains something in the BSD fandom that’s not in the anime, I will tag it. I doubt I will tag threads for spoilers, and if there’s a character that’s manga only I won’t tag it (ESPECIALLY if I write that character, like Daki.)
Romance Rules:
-NO SMUT. I can’t stress this enough. It’s not that I’m a minor (which I’m not), it’s that it makes me uncomfortable. You will never see smut on this blog. I’m fine with heavy make out scenes, but when the clothes start to come off is where I request a fade to black.
-I LOVE TO WRITE ROMANCE THREADS. I’m a pretty big hopeless romantic, as that’s where most of my muse is generated from. I may want to add a ship to our thread at some point, but will never force it.
-REFUSALS. NO pedofilia, NO incest, NO rape, or ANYTHING nasty like that. I understand that sometimes in writing dark situations occur, as some of these things are in my muses’ backstory. So, if you condom any of those things, I’m not going to block you. However, if you request to do any of that stuff with me, I’ll say no. Press the issue, I’ll hard block you. I shouldn’t have to hear you request it the first time, as it’s right here in my rules and that means you didn’t read them. But I’ll go easy until you cross a line.
-THERE MUST BE CHEMISTRY. Don’t bother trying to make a ship work that just won’t click, it’s a waste of time. But I’m more than willing to try things and see how they work..!!
Rules and things about me:
-I HAVE LOTS OF WRITING EXPERIENCE. I’ve been writing since I was maybe even seven years old, played games where I pretended to be a character irl since I was five, and have been actually roleplaying for approximately 7 years now. I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr for almost three years now. I really love writing, you know?
-WARNING, I WRITE GORE. I tend to go into detail about pain, suffering, death, and just very demented topics. That’s just a warning. If you have a problem with that, you may not want to follow me…
-TAGGING. Gore, murder, suicide, and other dark and triggering things will be tagged, but swearing will not. I swear far too much for me to remember to tag it. Also, I don’t post NSFW images or threads on this blog, so don’t worry about that, but I will tag asks and memes that can be perceived as nsfw. I tag things like this (using death as an example): “tw: death”. If you have any triggers, PLEASE let me know so I can tag them. There’s always a chance I might forget about something, and if I do please tell me. I’ll make sure not to forget a second time. Also, I ask you all tag vomit mentions, even if it’s just written, and ESPECIALLY TAG VISUALS OF THROW UP!!!! That is my ONLY trigger. Thank you.
-RESPONDING TIME. I’m a college student, high school student, and I work, so my responding time isn’t what it used to be lol. Please don’t pressure me over that..!! I also post most threads via queue unless I just need to send it out ASAP. I won’t bother you if it takes a little while to reply. We all have lives outside of Tumblr!!
-I’M NOT GOING TO SEND IN PASSWORDS. It just adds to my anxiety, and I don’t like that. That’s why I don’t ever ask someone to send a password in and just ask that they like my rules post! Just know I will always read someone’s rules before interacting.
-I’M ALWAYS HERE IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO. Honestly, I want to help! If something’s wrong and you want to tell me about it, I’m all ears. I hate being upset or depressed myself, so I like to try to make others feel better. It helps with my own sadness.
That’s all for right now..! Happy roleplaying~!!
like this post if you have read it and agree to it, please.
Hello! My name’s Kiki. There isn’t really much to say about me, except that I love to Roleplay!! That and write, of course. And draw. And sing. So I guess I love a lot of stuff lol. Also, I am diagnosed with ADD (attention-deficit disorder), so please bear with me..!! One last thing, I’m 18 as of 2020.
If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m right here and always accepting PMs!!
My main account is twx-sid3d, but I’m rarely ever on there so here is the best place to contact me. I also have a main multimuse blog over at @nycttophilic and an Identity V multimuse at @surviiived!!
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day~!
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gender-chaotic · 4 years
Hey all im gonna open up drawing requests
Feel free to send in requests for any universe movie, musical, or cartoon. All love them all and all 3 beej's
Im open to many ships not just my ot3 goldenbeetle (just no b**tleb*bes or sky/lydia romantically please, friendship is fine), im also open to oc/beej and im down to draw your beetlejuice oc's tbh i encourage it just please provide a reference.
I don't really care what character it is either.
Just a fair warning i am only able to do traditional art at the moment but I'll likely color them all because im testing out new art supplies, and I'll try and finish the requests asap. I really wanna make more beetlejuice stuff and draw more so it'll be fun/good warm ups.
For now i am not taking 18+ requests but keep an eye out because I may be in the near future don't be shy and feel free to stop in my inbox and throw a request in im working for a couple more days but I can pump a bunch out when im off work.
--Below is just explaining life stuff and why its been hard making stuff--
I'd really like to draw more stuff for Beetlejuice and just make more content for beetlejuice in general but drawing is honestly easier for me than writing although i still have long drafts for that golden beetle and lydia and beej friendship headcanon posts as well as the one with my au's. I don't mind writing more headcanon posts but i wanna take some time before i do alot more writing
I was hoping id have my laptop running soon so alot of this could be easier, im almost always on mobile, so it makes it harder so do alot of things online including mame content, work on top of that (I've been an essential worker throught the virus),i tend to pick up shifts and stay late at my job, and i do other things when im off work that occupy a bunch of my time where i don't get much time to myself, even to draw.
So throw burn out as well as executive dysfunction in and there's a recipe for lots of unfinished ideas and wanting to make content but being too tired to do it. Beyond work life's been kicking my ass for reasons id like to not get into, and online discourse doesn't help which i have admittedly have gotten too wrapped up in and put way too much energy i didn't mean to use for it, loosing alot of spoons that way. All of this above is why i tend to go MIA for a while on discord and tumblr including when i like a bunch of posts and queue them a while later, i get really overwhelmed. So i wanna mainly focus on fun stuff for the fandom than discourse and the like.
Its been alot easier for me to dump beetlejuice stuff especially headcanons and au's on discord with friends then try to organize it on tumblr but im putting an effort to actually change that and put more stuff here, again my inbox is open dont be shy i may not to to you right away but i will try my best to finish these for y'all
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