#oc: ​droop
thinkingnot · 1 year
making an oc and she’s so cute
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her name’s Droop and she’s a fully grown- teenager <- giving her a rebellious phase as we speak
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rillabel · 6 months
was inspired by little mushroom guys @vonkarn did so I made a new guy :^)
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pine-arten · 9 months
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TART, or Tactful Approach Revengefully Thrown!
they are silly goofy and only slightly evil
TART was created to make mechanical solutions to the growing problem of trash. Basically, be a giant recycling plant. However... the ancients never cared for this particular problem to begin with. Who cares what you're doing to the environment when you could ascend?
Because of that, TART was often ignored and dismissed. This eventually lead them to resent their creators, and to rebel against the ancients. They never cared to begin with, so TART could do anything they wanted. Which involves creating various mechanical creatures.
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Impossible not to love this French bastard and his shiny livery
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miscellaneous--bones · 8 months
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cecil doodles
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lordofthemushrooms · 4 months
Anyone else have lots and lots of fun thinking about a Solas romancing Inky who ends up pregnant right before he leaves her and she never got the chance to tell him. And for a while there is so much love there still because she is carrying his child and even if he’s gone she still feels as if part of him is with her. But it goes on and on without him and all the love starts to boil into resentment and hatred for being left completely alone,weak and vulnerable.
Do you think about said Inky, confronting Solas in Trespasser trying so hard to keep down that hate (and the scary bit of love that creeps back in the moment she hears his voice again) because she doesn’t want him to know about their child. Being vindicated in the hate she feels because not only did he leave her but he lied to her.
Do you think about how horrifying it would be for her to realize also, that now that she has even more reasons than before to wish him dead, that this confrontation, this betrayal, this painfully calm fight, is the first time she’s felt her love for him return.
Does anyone else think about that or…hell o hello can anyone here me
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diagoose · 2 months
I WILL make you look at her face as many times as I want >:]
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wanted to practice coloring in a simpler more loose kinda way, had this sketch of Leigh lying around.
I love her face, it gets more square everytime we draw it, get that jawline girly.
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sepsisklock · 9 months
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new oc WIP
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spidercrusadersworld · 8 months
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I actually never wanted to join the spider society, I heard about the cannon and that was it for me. But then this happened..
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undertow1326 · 1 year
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did i ever share these two here???
this is Sunny Sheep and Moony Droop
Sunny goea by Any but prefers She/Her and Moony is They/Them, It/Its and He/Him
theyre kinda inspired by sun and moon from fnaf but only rlly in aesthetics
theyre also tall and lanky and can stretch thier limbs kinda far
sunny is sweet and moony is mostly sweet, they love being chaotic and sporadic
they have the same voice so its hard to tell whos talking if its just one of them
sorry i went on a ramble i love these two
@emmettnet @taikeero-lecoredier @fusion-ego
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friendlyheartless · 2 years
Droopy covered Big Belly’s eyes with his hands. “Guess who?”
“PJ?” Big Belly the Large Body asked as his yellow glowing eyes were covered
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blue-eli · 1 year
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Ink October day twenty five: Ambulate
To walk from place to place; move about.
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iheartgod175 · 2 years
Roxanne Falconeri-Rabbit - Official Design
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It’s the hot blooded sheriff’s equally hot blooded niece…IN LIVING COLOR! XD
One thing I struggled when doing with while doing this drawing was coming up with her color scheme. Like, doing her fur WAS hard, but not quite as hard as figuring out a color scheme that’ll compliment her. I thought of doing a scheme based off of her famous uncle (or, alternatively, after her famous great-great grandfather), but I couldn’t find a color scheme that fit for her, nor did I have to colors to even attempt it (for context, Great-Granddaddy Ricochet has a lighter purple color scheme than Ricochet), so I got rid of it. Putting her in red came at a whim, and it actually looks nice on her! I have another idea where she has an alternate outfit where she wears green, brown and black. I might draw that one sometime in the future!
Hope you like it~!
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Concorde’s pilot reveal! Pilot is sort of a self-insert, honestly just me with better looking hair.
Concorde fun fact of the day is that he had a Pepsi phase. Do not mention the Pepsi phase.
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doodlebeestudios · 1 year
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Sol's true love... the Concorde. It was just too silly for this world
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
The husband for Maui that I mentioned may or may not be a basically ooc Fintan that my gf twisted into someone else 👉👈
Maui works best in a dynamic of "Oh I'm as bad as you mentally but God are you hot" and then that progresses into "Oh no we made each other better how did that work aaaand you are basically a cat" as Maui does, in fact, purr and enjoy being pet on the head (He's also just incredibly touch starved)
Maui is a "Doubts everyone even the people close to him" paranoid. Like, he very easily gets attached to certain types of people. He loves very easily. He's attracted very easily, some would say like a moth to a flame. He- he doesn't have friends. He has his Brother, his Sister, and his two adoptive fathers. His father's had a whole thing of enemies to lovers and his sister is very firey and quick to start arguments with Maui and, on more than one occasion, these arguments end with her telling him to commit die- They do make up and she apologises but yeah. His brother is the Sweetest person anyone has ever known and is always nice and kind and understanding and he's an absolute buff sweetheart with his own little animal sanctuary, so who cares if he's a little bit of a kleptomaniac and has landed in prison because of it. Maui buys small items and keeps them in his pockets for Jett to take if his kleptomania is acting up. Jett has a garlic bread tattoo
Maui is a very sad, lonely man that fills the cracks in his heart with sex that he doesn't even want in some cases but the primal act itself helps to distract himself from the crashing and huringa of his life around him as he struggles to keep his mental health afloat and not crack into rubble and go flat out crazy and on a murderous rampage like he was trained to do by the lady that took him after he escaped his r@pist
That's not to say that he doesn't genuinely enjoy sex and is a very sexual person! Just yeah, it's a bad habit and a little of an addiction. In most cases he Hangs around clubs for the sexy men and women, and for the alcohol they serve. Almost all of his outfits contain a show of his very nice chest
Dude knees are so fucking weird and I don't like drawing them they suck. Also!! I think that eyes blinking are a good place to start!! They're pretty simply and they don't require too many frames
Oh Maui spends so much time appreciating himself in the mirror. He has tried to make out with the mirror but it's not the same (;-;) but he does enjoy a good masturbation session in the mirror
Don't fire the sun and replace it with Maui!! That's a very bad idea no matter how much he tries to tell you otherwise!! Colour theory is so fuckey and I don't even know what I'm doing aside from Blue + Orange = Brown, grey, and teal; Red + Green = Dusty rose, grey, and shit colour; Yellow + purple = Beige, grey, and a sad purple
I know, I have tried to escape him in the past but it never works out and I spent many a days thinking about him. Having an outlet through art and talking about him has been helping, though!! Now I'm not in my head 24/7 and instead enjoying watching Maui run around the public park of your tumblr and my sketchbook. I'll have to submit a picture of him without eyebrows eventually
There's something about Fintan where people just take him and completely dissect him and rearrange the parts into an entirely different person, and I think that's beautiful. Shout out to your gf for twisting him <33
(post got long so here's a cut)
Listen the best romances are being deeply deeply fucked up in the head and then making each other better. That's just how you do it. The attraction and then the affection, it's a delectable path to take. Finding out how much they like each other afterwards, something small turning into something much bigger. If there's some internal conflict over the whole matter that just makes it spicier. Becoming a cat later in the relationship I think is just natural progression. When you're touch starved you simply gotta full out go for it. Head pets and all. Though that does sound very Maui of him to be a cat
Also, that makes sense. being paranoid when he loves easily is certainly an interesting combination! Could be some story there about how he's fighting with himself over it because he wants so badly to be loved and to love others but doesn't know who, if anyone, he can trust.
His family does sound very nice though, aside from the sister arguments. I'm curious about this enemies to lovers thing his adoptive dad had--and also how he came to be adopted by them. I know this family exists but I have no clue how it came to be formed. I know that after he ran away from his bio mother he at some point came under the tutelage of the. Woman. Lady. Manon! That's her name. But between Manon and two dads i don't know how the switch happened. Also shout out to Jett for being the best person to ever exist. i know very little about him but I, too, love garlic bread. and animals. iffy on dogs though because they make many bad sounds. anyway!
You know I am absolutely not surprised that Maui fills the holes in his life with sex (pardon the word choice, I'm kind of sorry). You said that he's kind of addicted and uses it to try and distract himself and keep him afloat and I just went yeah that checks out. Maui fucks. Sex can be very complicated mentally, so I am wishing Maui the best in terms of figuring out his mental health!! Perhaps there are better ways to do it but you know what it sounds like no one is getting hurt so that's a positive. Showing off his chest and having sex is less destructive than others ventures. I mean, I think he'd show off his chest regardless of whether it was in a sexual manner or not, but also a lot of what he does is sexual. he simply is that kind of person
I'm so glad someone else agrees with me on the knees thing. they are so so weird and we don't talk about it enough. weird is not bad in this context it is simply weird. You know I don't think I have to draw them very often but when I do it is with bafflement and bemusement. Also in terms of animating blinking I will find a way to overcomplicate it. That's not to say I think I couldn't do it I just know myself well enough to know exactly what will happen if I try.
Maybe if Maui tried to make out with the mirror again it would work better. After all, first kisses aren't telling of kissing overall, so maybe he just needs more practice! or a different mirror. Then again giving the track record he has to far I'd assume he'd rather spend his time enjoying those masturbation sessions than failing to make out with mirror him. Perhaps he doesn't need a mirror at all and should go with a more Narcissus route! Make out with a lake!
Reports indicate deaths are in the dozens of billions, Barbara. Cindy is live on the scene and she's saying that someone has...am I hearing this right? Apparently someone has replaced that sun--you heard me right folks, someone has replaced the sun with a mysterious, unidentified man. Details of his appearance are unknown, as all spectators could see was glimpses of a revealed chest, but I will keep you updated as the story develops. [she will not, she will also die in the billions without the sun :/]
I don't know if I've ever consciously paid attention to color theory in my life so I'm just listening to you like you're a wizard. I go based on vibes and what looks alright as I'm drawing.
Also I love the descriptor of my tumblr as a public park, like yes you're so right people can just come here and look and things and also put things there and everyone can just hang out. Does this make me the caretaker of the park? Because if so I think I'd like to turn this into kind of a mystic park situations. I don't know how to explain the vibe in my head. It exists outside of time and is welcoming to all, a haven, a refuge from the outside, but it is also slightly incomprehensible and bigger than life. Things make no sense but you don't question them. The caretaker has been there for centuries yet has always looked the same. Park that's actually a magic realm vibes. That's not the point though the point is that Maui is running haphazardly around the park and refuses to leave <33
he is very sweet so thank you for sharing him with me/unleashing him on my park!
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