#oc: Zul
kit-williams · 28 days
Zul alt Spray
I wanted to love Zul so much but its really hard to decide which one he deserved... SO I gave him two. This is an older Zul with his Spazeniye
This is also to try to help me break free from the writers rut I'm in
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
as always thank you @squishyowl for the dividers
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An untethered World Eater was a dangerous thing... But a World Eater with his higher faculties unimpeded was a threat to everyone around him. It was how in the span of a decade of getting his Spaseniye that he was in charge of his own warband and pulling off an insane heist of another warband's planet now being his own. He jealously guarded Spaseniye as she was the key to his success and while he didn't need to constantly stare at her to get the effects... he kept her around as she too learned a few new tricks. Zul had effectively unchained himself from a cruel master along with an uncaring father and Zul knew, while it looked like she was chained to him, he had chained himself to her... forcing her to take the yoke of Master.
His red-brown eyes glanced over to her as she stood beside him listening to the droning on of the mortal petitioning his aid. They called her The Brass Lady initially a mocking title given his prior dedicated worship of Khorne and the brass Gorget around her neck plus with her being a psyker bearing that title. She was still a pacifist in many ways and in others she realized violence would follow no matter what she did... she still only used her powers for non violence... soothing him and now she can knit his flesh back together and heal him. She was no longer the same shrinking flower that he had found chained to the floor screaming and wailing for her mistress to come back to her... only for Zul to find her instead.
He was thoroughly distracted by her as her robes were new as they had celestial patterns draped over her... a delicate veil of twisting shimmering colors over her head... hiding her hair. Her hands were still frail looking but there was only so much one could do for a Psyker. Perhaps he would be upset that all she uses her powers was for soothing him... healing him... and extending her life but he was fine with their arrangement. He glanced back to the droning man trying to focus on the words but he could smell a faint perfume upon Spaseniye skin... oh how he wanted to bury his nose into the flesh of her neck and rake his teeth upon-
"Please get to the point." Spaseniye spoke up as Zul's vision was both becoming lustful but starting to gain a red tint to it as what would win first his lust or his desire to spill blood? Well with the blood lust quelled for the moment his mind fixated on the delicate scent of the perfume tickling his nose, carrying with it a trace of her natural scent. Zul's favorite smell was when she was sweating with her scent drowning in his own in that post sex bliss... and now Zul was aroused.
He could hear that soft sharp inhale through her nose. Space Marines were akin to animals... powerful smells would assault her as he could see the way she would wrinkle her nose at him occasionally... though on the other hand she rather enjoyed that as she would have her face buried between his legs inhaling deeply as her tongue- "I will think this over. Leave." Zul said as a natural stopping of the conversation had arrived and he was done just being aroused. He stood up and gently tugged on her gorget silently bidding her to follow him.
She followed slightly behind him as they just walked out of the room. Zul was counting his steps and when he had gotten sixteen strides away he grabbed her. She hardly made a peep as he pressed his Spaseniye against the wall, forcing his knee between her legs. His scarred mouth pressed against her own softer lips. His tongue snaked its way roughly into her mouth as he was rough with her but she eagerly pressed her body against his and whimpered with delight. He pulls away with a gruff noise, "He kept looking at you." Zul groused as he pulled open her robes exposing her neck, shoulders, and bare breasts to him. Bite marks peppered her shoulders and once more his torn and scarred lips pressed against her own as he held her tightly and growled, "Mine."
"Yes yours." Spaseniye mewled as she left herself willing and pliant to his wishes. Zul bowed his head slightly as his mouth wrapped around one of her nipples and started to suckle. She writhed under his hands feeling her hands wrap around his head as she moaned softly enjoying this feeling. He could feel the way her thumbs moved against the back of his head over scars where a few of his nails were removed... a few in combat and a few via surgery... all healed by her loving hands. The shaven short blonde hair on the sides of his head moved under her hands as she moaned so softly... his own red hands held her waist, permanently blood stained and giving the rest of the skin of his arms a ruddy color to them. She felt his crooked nose push into the flesh of her breasts as he pulled his mouth away with a pop.
"I'm going to fuck you until you cannot walk." Zul stated as if it was a matter of fact.
"Oh yes please!" Spaseniye said, grinding against his leg eagerly.
He picked her up and held her close growling and snarling at anyone unlucky enough to be between there and their shared bedroom. It was clear what parts of the room were all due because Spaseniye lived in the room with him, as otherwise it would be spartan. But, he indulged in his baseline's need to have comforts where she slept; anything else was in another room out of his way. Though the large mirror in the room was his desire and it was one that had persisted for a long time to have. Oh yes for the longest time he had wanted a mirror for moments like this. Her flowing robes and his tunic quickly hit the floor leaving their bodies to press against each other.
She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked and slobbered over one of his fingers, she could taste lingering iron on the red digit, but she still ran her tongue over the callouses and cuts that lined the digit. Spaseniye let her teeth playfully scrape against his skin as he pulled his finger free with a pop and quickly bullied the wet digit between her folds. Her hands rested on his arm as she spread herself open for him to work her open as she chanted his name and Zul well he relished the softness of her skin against his torn up body and rough flesh. All the little blemishes she had gained over the years... the bites, the scars, the brand on her back, even the stretch marks on her were all from him.
She had such deliciously pliant flesh and he knew Slaanesh had gripped it's meager grasp on this part of his soul. Tightly milking all worship it could get out of the World Eater... and he gave the prince their due. He pulls his finger out before pushing into her and he feel Spaseniye gasp into his neck. His hips still as she lays under him, walls pulsing and throbbing around his cock, his blood stained hands petting her stomach and waist till she finally mewls out for him to love her. Zul chuckles for a moment as he was a fool to wait so long to tell her his feelings but he had to make sure he could keep her safe with no issue.
He fucked her in front of that mirror. Watching the way her breasts pressed against the floor and that fucked out look as he pulled her back onto his cock. When he took her on her back again he positioned them so that he could watch the way he split her open. Watching the way her sex had to be pushed open and then her body swallowing up his girth over and over just vanishing between her legs, Zul couldn't stop himself from drooling over the sight of her skin bulging slightly. "Oh gods..." She moaned as their eyes met in the reflection and she watched her own body get ravaged... she watched her breasts bounce with their stretch marks on the sides... the bruising from his fingers on her hips... he grunted over her and moved harder causing the clapping from their sweaty bodies meeting to become louder.
Zul grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up to meet him in a kiss. Zul chuckled, feeling the way her cunt fluttered and squeezed him as he treated her roughly. It was amusing to him that someone so fragile enjoyed being handled and fucked like a whore. And he told her as such... watching her write in pleasure under him. She loved the bruises from him grabbing her too hard, bruising her easily bruised form, to have her rear be tender from a swat on her ass from him, her nipples dark from him sucking too hard and too long, her cunt feeling raw and overflowing from him fucking her till he was done... yes they gave the prince their due.
Her toes curled as she couldn't bite back the squeal of pleasure and that blissed smile on her face. Zul split himself inside of her not long after as the faces she makes when she orgasms tend to drive him mad with pleasure. He pulls out and they lay there in front of the mirror as he stares at the way her cunt is spread wide and oozing his cum. He picks her up and carried her to the bed as he collapses into his spot enjoying the mindless bliss he was in. Spaseniye eventually crawled over and nestled against him as she now smelt how he adored.
"But... I think you were right. He did keep looking at me." She spoke up.
An annoyed noise left Zul as his arm wrapped around her and he used that hand to grope and play with the flesh of her ass. "Good to know he was staring at what was mine. Wasn't going to accept his offer now I'm more certain not to." Zul groused before he pulled her into a kiss as they lounged together.
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applecheeks255 · 5 months
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Happy 2024!! 💖
Designs for the New Years party my friend invited us to. We were supposed to dress formally, and bring a companion. I of course choose Sans Undertale.
The outfits are inspired by some beatiful ones i found online and the design @hclarus did for a dress for me 🥰❤ Since the idea was given to me before Christmas, i drew a present from Sans, an Echo flower, who is repeating his whisper: "i like like you..."
And yes, he also got a present from me.
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From this.
While talking about the party, i thought of me transforming into an apple at anytime i wanted to, and well... This other doodle came to life.
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With the tiny outifit:
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Loved how his face turned out on those.
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sad4ppleart · 9 months
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just roaming the temple
Rin'jhi belongs to @dravatti
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35tr314 · 5 months
hi! dont know how to start this off so, who's your favourite oc you have, and whos most likely to slip on a banana peel?
Hiiiiii !! My favorite ones are costela (she/they) and zul (he/she). I think the one most likely to slip would be claudéte (he/him) (hes costelas boyfriend) teehee
Thank uuuuu <33333333
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squuote · 5 months
Bound + Ghost + Mask for the Entity
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
More like the other way around if that ever happened; they would be the one doing the imprisonment or capturing. They don’t actually do that but if a situation called for it, they very much likely would (deal gone wrong, etc). Though I guess one thing you could technically count as scars would be the mirror fragment textures that littler their body, usually caused by someone shattering a mirror they’re presenting themself in! (it doesn’t hurt them though but I think they would count as scars)
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
They’re the ghost that haunts actually. The entity or Viewer has little to no remorse for what they do or who they haunt. If they see someone they can prey upon, they’re gonna try.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Yes. Yes they do. :-)
Mysterious quota aside, the Viewer steals other people’s faces for a living. The faces are like masks that they can wear to essentially become the person who it belonged to. Identity theft but in a much more literal and physical sense. They do technically make offers and trades to people in exchange for a face but it almost always ends with the Viewer taking advantage of the situation and taking the mask for themself, even if they have to cheat for it.
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by-ag-mn · 8 months
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my smart chick :3
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and her girlfriend
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boylikermenlover · 1 year
explain yr ocs!! :)
HI HI I LOVE U. okay so i'll be talking abt my Robots ocs !! (theyre not all robots, thats just the name i use for the universe(?) theyre in !!)
Ok so the first ones i made was ROS-4 (Rosa, 'pink' in portuguese) and 4-ZUL (Azul or Zul, 'blue' in portuguese)
Rosa(left) is a demigirl (she/it (lol)) robot !! Shes a type -4 robot which means the bigger type, usually used for strengh needed activitities !!!! Shes like 2 meters tall or smthing.
Zul (right)is agender-boy (he/she) and a type 4 robot, which are the tinyest types !! Usually made to be babysitters or preschool teachers (Zul's case) because the shorter they are (zuls 1,60 something meters) the safer kids feel with them etc etc
Theyre romantically dating !!!!
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ok so lets talk abt the two important humans from the Robots
Lara(left) (she/they) is a robot programmer and mechanic !!!! She has a store where she fixes robots and sells parts etc !! Rosa works at her store sometimes helping her !! Her names Lara cus laras moms favorite fruit were oranges (which in portuguese are called LARAnjas) (she didnt tell lara the reason) funnily enough orange (also laranja in portuguese) is laras favorite color lol
Morte (means 'Death' in portuguese) or Mor is a trans woman (she/her) human !! She has a preschool (dont know the word for that in eng sorry) and Zul works for her there !!!!
She and Lara are dating <33
Also Mor Lara and zul are in a qpp
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theres also others like Tuli (they/it), Dália(no pronouns/use dálias name), perse/echo (he/they/it/she) robots and Guy (he/they) and China (she/he) humans ! Also paloma (they/she) human
Also i could talk abt how rosa and zul met and how perse and tuli met (theyre dating) or how abt their and dálias gender or abt guys sexuallity or his and chinas ralationship or chinas gender etc
Or abt how robots work how their gender work (most of them are nonbinary (lol) for a reason 👀 👀) or or etc <33
But thats it for now
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chatonyant · 1 year
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Womp womp new story new ocs
Top two: Zul and Lia(working name) respectively
Middle: Metis and Ponchik
Bottom: Mercury (Soo-Eun)
(Once again trying a readmore on mobile but if it doesn't work then woe, lore rambles be upon ye I guess)
Sketch pages notes read:
Metis: prosthetic leg (uses cane)
Library studies — also learning coding to create organizational systems
Works at a climbing gym or skating rink
Dropped out of college?
Also does woodworking
Dialogue below:
Metis: just steal school snacks! We pay them too much ~anyways~ ♡
Ponchik, thinking: you can do that?!
CW: child experimentation, abuse
The setting is a world in which spirits live on a separate plane of existence but there are places of overlap with the physical world. These spirits are not quite a secret from the world but still rare enough that most people don't know much about them but have accepted them as a part of daily life on Earth. However, due to existence of overlapping areas, there are moments where spirits can partially leak into the physical plane and cause chaos. Therefore there exists a community of people who keep these spirits at bay. They are called spirits guards, and have throughout history and separately across all cultures been a selective group trained to negotiate or fight spirits that have crossed into the in-between. Deals must be made with more sentient spirits in order to receive power or create items that utilize the power of the spiritual realm in order to fight these spirits. In essence, these humans are given permission to interact with the spiritual world in a way that surpasses their natural abilities. This permission is limited to the person receiving it, so every person aiming to join the guard must receive permission from a spirit.
Zul and Lia were children that were forced into accepting spirit power due to an experiment done by the government. A scientist and a mysterious spirit joined hands in order to convince the government to fund their project, claiming to research spirit power and how it could be used as an energy source. However, both want power over each others realms and are experimenting on children to see how much spirit power a human could handle and plan to use these children as personal soldiers/tools.
A handful of orphans were bought and brought deep into the spirit plane, taking them deeper and deeper into the plane to absorb denser and more powerful spirit power until they reached their limit. The deeper into the spirit plane the more abstract and powerful the spirits get. Humans rarely go into the spirit plane, and any that do never go deep due to the inherent danger of too much power settling into their body.
Most of the children died. Only two lived by some miracle: Zul and Lia. Zul, older, showed great potential, awakening the power of small pocket dimensions and the ability to morph power into nearly any shape. Lia, on the other hand, only awakened a weak lie detection skill. Rather than a pinpoint understanding on if the person was lying, they only received a dull sense of wrongness that intensified the more the person believes what they're saying is a lie.
For years Zul and Lia underwent training and experimentation, with Zul doing his utmost to protect Lia, emphasizing their lack of ability to offset training onto himself. In return, Lia offered as much comfort as they could give. Though they wouldn't fully understand the horrors Zul went through, at least they could be a listening ear.
Zul was being trained to become a soldier, a personal spirit guard for the scientist. He began to go on missions to clear the city of spirits— and spirit guards. Soon the city was hauntingly empty of spiritual activity, and those sent to investigate all went missing.
However the project began losing support from the government, disappointed in the lack of results. Unwilling to lose any resource, they released Lia to live in the city, saving money but also keeping them within arms reach. With the understanding that they would be constantly under surveillance, they began to build a life in the city, slowly cobbling together a plan to free their brother still stuck within the project, who had been threatened with Lia (who wasn't aware) to follow orders.
Metis and Ponchik are college friends. Lia ends up working at the same place as Ponchik and somehow become friends, and Mercury, someone who half-lives in the library buried in books, somehow befriends Metis. Then they all end up meeting each other and becoming a group with one braincell (Mercury begrudgingly has it).
Mercury and Lia are the two newcomers to the city while Metis and Ponchik have lived there for a majority of their lives. Mercury lived in the city for longer than Lia, so after learning that Lia was new, was able to give some pointers to help them get adjusted to the city.
However, Lia feels uneasy around Mercury. While kind and gentle, they seemed to be full of lies, even lying about things that don't need to be lied about. This, along with the similarity with Zul's gentleness, makes Lia distance themself from Mercury, who seems to understand and give them space, which confuses Lia and makes them feel guilty for rejecting a seemingly harmless person.
Ponchik is a gentle person, opposed to their general aesthetic. Earnest and passionate about whatever new interest they have, they seem to cruise their way through life without really settling on one thing in particular. They named themself after their favourite food and would eat it breakfast lunch and dinner if they could. Types how they speak, elongating words and misspelling them for emphasis or to convey an accent or funny way of speaking ("eeeediot")
Metis is silent chaos, more willing to take risks and break rules. They love to make really bad puns and dad jokes, and teases Ponchik about being a rule follower. Metis has their own set of rules she follows, though what those rules are is confusing to anyone who hasn't know her long enough. Texts with typos for days because "i spend most of my day painstakingly scouring my code for typos don't make me do it on my off time too"
Mercury is .... well my notes say "so it's like spiderman. Who then got stuck with Deadpool. And is now appalled at being the responsible one." They're smiley and teasing and throws flirty remarks around willy nilly. They're silly and bit pathetic and has absolutely been caught with their arm stuck in a vending machine because their snack wouldn't come out. They are Delighted by Metis's bad jokes and joins in every chance they get to Ponchik's chagrin. They look cool at first glance until they open their mouth and dumb shit falls out. Every other text they send has :) :3 :] they have a Nokia. Good because they drop it too often and forget it too easily
Lia is very deliberate in their actions, taking time to think before talking and quietly watching the people around them before acting. What is awkwardness appears to be quiet and intimidating on the outside. Embarrassed by their lack of knowledge and how awkward they can be. But once they warm up, they can be very playful, absolutely willing to do some stupid shit. They're not particularly impulsive, but does do things that seem so. However they have extensively thought about said action before doing so, so it's planned impulsiveness?? Due to their fashion and jewelry, everyone assumes the hair and eyes are fake. Types very formally but slowly learning texting mannerisms. Particularly Mercury's emotes, so there are academic/Formal texts with the occasional ( ・∇・)
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manglednatalia · 2 years
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Uh hello ma'am 👀
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mothvoiid · 7 months
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Zul and Dumpling (Paradox)
Hello! I am going to be posting more on my story and characters here :>
Paradox is a story/webcomic I am working on about mad scientists ^^
Zul is one of the main characters, he likes to create disturbing creatures in his laboratory
But he loves all of them and takes care of them :>
Dumpling is one of his creations
HAV/NAV are my art signatures
Thank you for looking! :>
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acj0fiction · 1 year
This's my doddles with my oc my viosion imagine in the how look their future dynamic.
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kit-williams · 29 days
this is all the context
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
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squidlykitten · 1 year
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Quick, moots are asleep, post hasty drawings of your group of escaped/imprisoned alien former cultists. Sleepies from left to right are Yennith Kor (Mercy), Gexan Zul (Wrath), and Islais Zul (Courage). Portrait is of Yennith.
I'm not 100% sure it's what I want then to look like yet! Wrath doesn't have their stripes yet because they weren't considered an adult. I could lore dump at you. Do you wanna hear me lore dump at you?
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 6 months
Having recently gotten back into wow, and feeling the urge to write, I'm once again frustrated by the way the only characters who get any significant amount of spotlight are almost all the leaders of nation or in other ways justz the important people in the world™.
Like to pick a completely arbitrary example: the mission to free Talanji and Zul includes Rokhan (leader of the Darkspear tribe), Thalyssra (leader of Suramar) and Nathanos (direct representative of the Horde itself). Like you are sending 3 of your major power players to free political prisoners, meaning if the mission fails, you're giving the Alliance 3 even more significant political prisoners to hold over your head!
You could write an entire essay about the unexamined fascist ideology present in WoW and the way that manifest as drawing strict correlation between combat prowess and the ability to lead.
But that's not what I wanna complain about today. Rather I'm just frustrated by the fact that this leads to a setting in which, as a fanfic author, my only real means of exploring what the world looks like for those without power and privilege, is by either using OCs or trying to retool background characters to something with depth.
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35tr314 · 4 months
I already finished drWing mor as death for my halloween robots drawings and already started drawing zombie rosa.
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squuote · 1 year
Tell me about your ocs...
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!!! SO TECHNICALLY these two are from two separate stories but they’re both funky water kids and i think they would be friends <3
EDIT: EDITED THIS… because I have the power in the palm of my hands…. and also because I’ve changed a lot of things…
(Right side) hydro is a one off oc who used to have this elaborate backstory featuring her creator/father, her siblings (his other creations), and herself living together as he goes through the process of the reality of having created life. I don’t think I’ll ever get to this story but it’s definitely a personal piece about the relationship between a creator and its creation in the form of parenthood. currently tho she is simply an oc I’ve had for a very long time that I still adore ^__^
(Left side) Mori is a much newer oc! they’re a shapeshifting magic kid who lost their village and family to an awful plague and has been a vagabond ever since. Their story is definitely another semi personal thing focused around the feeling of isolation via separation from everything around you and being considered too different to fit in. Eventually they meet up with another oc of mine, Prometheus, who they stay with for a good while and they become a tiny family of sorts. Mori’s story definitely has a lot of more twists and turns but mainly is about finding your place in a world you weren’t previously prepared for and the challenges of that feat.
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