#oc: celebrity constellation
lorei-writes · 3 months
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At Midnight
Chevalier x OC (OC Chart: Esther) Suggestive ~550 words Prompts: Midnight Sun + Full Moon + Festival After the Dark + Late Night Tryst + Constellations
Double entry for Sunshine & Starlight CC hosted by @violettduchess and myself... and a little something to celebrate the International Kissing Day >:) I wanted to touch as many prompts as I could with it.
Also, @wordycheeseblob , thank you for help with the art <3
Content Warnings: none
Full moon hangs on the faraway sky, excluded from the panconsuming void of a fledgling micro-cosmos. It shines, and it flickers, and it fades, hidden safely among the hushed haze of whispers. Brambles rattle, each blackberry a piece of obsidian hidden among jades. “Chevalier, we really shouldn’t.” “You’ve grown tired of the festival as well.”
Full moon hangs on the faraway sky, excluded from the panconsuming void of a fledgling micro-cosmos. It shines, and it flickers, and it fades, hidden safely among the hushed haze of whispers. Brambles rattle, each blackberry a piece of obsidian hidden among jades.
“Chevalier, we really shouldn’t.”
“You’ve grown tired of the festival as well.”
The path narrows to disappear, lost somewhere among the swaying grass. Black darkness churns within three hollows, unsure branches huddling to obscure the stars, concealing that which should not be witnessed by the eternal eyes. Esther shudders, cold bark pressing against her back.
“Cheva —”
Her voice melts into a mewl, smelted by his very lips. Thorny scent of roses pricking her senses, Esther holds onto his coat, knuckles paling as nails struggle to fray the precious wool. Perhaps she could steal away a button if she set her mind to it; alas, too little of it remains unoccupied. It is just Chevalier and his lips and the steady comfort of his arms, the roughness of his hand where it cups her cheek. His fingers press into her side. Closer, closer still, for as long as their breath lasts…
But not a moment longer.
“You could have let me finished,” Esther complains after a pause, so quietly he can barely hear it. Their foreheads touch and Chevalier smirks. She can almost feel it on her skin.
“Unnecessary. I knew what you’d say.”
He kisses her again, deeper now. Firmer. Voracious… Starved, starving, causing starvation, as humanely flawed as to require her to quench his thirst. Esther drags him into a nebula of need, the clasps of his cloak coming undone at her hands. It spreads over the ground and he has her fall, she the sole star he would ever entrust with his desires. Their garments are but stardust, but zodiacal light, so inconsequential neither of them realises when they scatter into the surrounding nothingness of a world.
Scalded, Chevalier grunts. Nightly dew vaporises off his skin, every of her gasps a budding supernova. Her fingertips brand him gently as they slide along his neck, and he leans down to kiss her, utterly blinded despite the dark. Esther burns at midnight, the sun, his sun…
Planetary bodies returned to flesh, thoughtful ululating of a long-eared owl has unsealed their universe. Esther sighs against Chevalier’s neck, a stray gust sowing goosebumps over her skin. It has tired of its blaze, what once branded now being defenceless against the elements, and he turns onto his side to be her shield again. A giggle whispers itself into what little space has remained between them.
“Please tell me you know where our clothes are. I can’t see anything,” Esther continues to laugh, her shoulders shaking as she nuzzles into his chest. Her curls tickle his chin.
“Who do you take me for?”
“Just making sure.”
Neither of them moves. Neither wants to. It is still too early, or perhaps it is too late… Too cold, too warm for them to separate… And the ground is too hard, so hard that comfort should not be disturbed… Yet it is also too fleeting, too impermanent. Esther sits up once the glow dims.
“Once we’re back at the embassy, we’ll have to check each other for ticks.”
Chevalier is more worried about her hair, or the leaves and twigs he’ll have to pick out of it before they can re-enter the light. Her remark, that he takes as a promise. He’ll be looking forward to that.
Various Works: Esther x Chevalier
You’ve seen a typo? Let me know!
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linasofia · 2 years
A Shooting Star
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Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7
Fandom: The Hobbit
Relationship: Thorin Oakenshield x OC Vega
Summary: Lady Vega loves to sneak out to Erebor’s rampart to study the night sky, but one night, an unexpected visitor joins her. It is the beginning of a story whose end only the stars can tell.
Warnings: none
Special thanks to @lathalea & @legolasbadass for all your support and feedback. 💙⭐️
A small gush of wind met Vega, daughter of Vimar, as she climbed the many stairs to the rampart. Since she left her lantern by the wall, her only guidance was the moon. Thankfully, it was a clear night, and the pale light coming from the grand silver coin in the sky was enough to illuminate her path. As she silently entered the rampart, she felt the usual excitement tingling in her body. She knew she was not allowed to be there, but it was the best place for stargazing, if she did not count the mountain slope outside the gate, and it was worth the risk of being discovered. Without making a sound, she hurried to her secret spot, hidden behind a large block of stone—remains from a battle long before she came to live under the Mountain.
Vega rested her back against the rough wall and took out her book from the pocket in her skirt. She was grateful for choosing her warm stockings of finest mountain goat wool; the wind on the rampart was colder than she had expected. Her long winter shawl covered her upper body, and she pulled it tighter. She should have taken the heavy cloak instead, but it was too late to go back now. Besides, she had endured worse weather on the rampart. Vega opened the book carefully, found the most recent of her notes and peered up. Her trained eye easily located the stars of her people’s most important constellation; the magnificent Durin’s Crown. Every year, when a feast was held to celebrate Durin’s Day, the constellation could be seen right above the Mountain. Now, however, when the days were much shorter, it was set far to the west. She smiled. A handful more full moons, and then she would close the circle and be back at the first page in her notebook. She had stood on the rampart many nights and studied the constellations' quiet movements over the sky. It was a fascinating hobby, but not completely without danger. The rampart was high, and the darkness could be compact, at least when the new moon resembled a curved, thin chain of mithril. In addition, there was obviously always the risk of being discovered. Vega preferred not to tell anyone about her own private escapades. Especially not her father. In his eyes, she was still a young girl with little or no understanding of what was considered dangerous. The fact that she followed in her mother’s footsteps and refused to marry any of the lords she was presented to, out of duty, only fueled the old man's conviction that she did not understand what was best for her. Her mother, on the other hand, supported her strong will and constantly defended her daughter’s decision in public.
Vega grew up in the Blue Mountains, and as the daughter of a trusted construction advisor to the king, she lived what many would describe as a relatively comfortable life. Their home was always filled with her father’s construction drawings, books, and strange tools. During her first years, her father would not let her near his precious drawings, but as she grew older, he opened up another world to her, where the symbols, numbers and lines started to make sense. Vega believed it was her father’s work that laid the foundation for her interest in trying to understand things written or drawn by others long before her time. When she found an old map, she instantly tried to visualize the places, and eventually, she started to dream about adventures far beyond her people’s borders.
After King Thorin and his company had reclaimed Erebor, it did not take long before a messenger with the king’s summons reached the Blue Mountains. Vega’s father quickly answered the call and packed his most important belongings. Then, less than a year later, he arranged for his wife and daughter to make the same journey. She still remembered the excitement she felt as a young woman when their caravan set out toward their new home. Vega had heard many old tales about the great treasures of the Lonely Mountain, but also songs of unspeakable grief. She could not wait to see the great halls with her own eyes, and her mother repeatedly assured her it would be worth the long absence of her father. He had an important role to take on as the King of Carven Stone had returned to the Mountain. That was now many years ago, and Vega had grown, both in body and mind, since then.
Suddenly, the sound of heavy boots reached her ears. She drew nearer to the large stone and hid in its shadow. Her heart was banging in her chest, and her throat tightened, making it hard to breathe, as if she was deep down in the dusty coal mine under the Blue Mountains—a place restricted to the strongest miners among her people. Was this the night she finally was to be discovered? A tall shadow appeared on the stone floor in front of her, but she could not see the dwarf for the massive block of granite. She waited, desperately trying not to make any sound, as the shadow slowly moved closer. Then a broad figure walked right by her and stopped only a few arm’s lengths away. The pale light of the moon fell upon the male, and it made the rich fur on his cloak shimmer. It reminded her of a tale she once heard; about a rare fox who changes color—from almost black to white—when the first snow falls. From behind, the cloak in front of her looked vaguely familiar. In the darkness, all things appear to be grey, but Vega instinctively knew she had seen that cloak before. Admired it, even. The man searched his pockets and pulled out a long, thin item. A small flash of light tore the darkness apart, and when he turned his face to shield his pipe from the wind as he lit it, Vega stared—horrified—at the dwarf’s regal profile. The tobacco glowed as he inhaled loudly, and then a thin cloud of white smoke seeped from his nostrils. The dark, pleased hum that followed made something stir in her lower body, and Vega let out an involuntary gasp. The king instantly turned his head towards the dark corner, and her heart almost stopped. With a hand over her mouth, she held her breath.
“Who’s there? Step out of the shadow!” the king demanded, his voice raised, but not to its full capacity.
Vega took a deep breath and forced her feet to obey. When she stepped out from her hiding place, the moon appeared to be brighter, and she gracefully curtsied as the ruler of Erebor’s piercing stare met hers. The look on his face shifted from annoyance to surprise.
“Good evening, My King.”
“My Lady, I did not expect to meet anyone here. What in Mahal’s name brings you to this dark place?”
Vega hid her book behind her back. “I’m simply looking at the view.” She tried to control the tremble in her voice, but the rush of adrenaline made it impossible.
“The view?” The king looked over the edge of the rampart. He could see lights from the city of Dale, but other than that, the night offered nothing spectacular.
“Surely you must struggle to see anything interesting at all.”
Vega gazed up with a broad smile. “Not that view. This!” She pointed above their heads, where countless stars silently stared back at them.
Silence fell heavily between them. Thorin smoked his pipe while searching his memory for constellations he learned long ago, when he was a much younger dwarf. He could only remember a few of them. Back then, Frerin was much more interested in these stars and always waited patiently for his older brother to locate Durin’s Crown. Thorin’s heart ached at the memory. His brother’s death had removed the joy from so many activities, stargazing was only one of them.
He glanced at the lady standing beside him, her chin lifted and her eyes fixed on the sky. She seemed lost in her thoughts, and the smile still lingered on her lips. Her dark hair was braided in a beautiful pattern—the style popular among the women from the Blue Mountains—and then he spotted a bead with her family's name. He smiled. When he first saw her, he was unsure who she was, but as he looked closer, he could clearly see the resemblance. She was truly her father’s daughter, but beautiful and with a disarming smile.
”Is Lord Vimar aware of your late visit to the rampart?” He could hear her surprised gulp, and she quickly turned her focus on him instead. She had not realized he recognized her, and Thorin met her startled gaze with a calm smile. ”Do not worry, My Lady, your secret is safe with me.”
”Thank you, My King.” She smiled back, a sweet and slightly mischievous smile. ”No, my father would probably lock the door to my chamber if he ever found out what I was doing during the nights.”
”Nights? Are you telling me that I could have had the pleasure of meeting you here on other nights previous to this one?”
Vega wanted to smack herself. Why did her mouth speak too much as soon as the king rested his captivating azure gaze on her?
”I…” she did not know how to continue. How could she explain the thrill and the longing to do something forbidden? What it felt like to slip out in the cover of darkness and just be alone with her dreams and imagination. ”I’m afraid that is the truth,” she then admitted.
”Did you bring a book to read in the dark as well? Your eyes must be much better than mine.” The king sounded almost amused when he spotted the leather-bound piece in her hand, and Vega instantly pressed it against her chest.
”It contains only a few hasty notes I made for myself to read, together with drawings of constellations I have seen. It is nothing of importance.” Vega tried to gain control of her own words; she always spoke too much when she was nervous.
”Would you allow me to see it? I am certain your handwriting is neat and a pleasure to read.”
Her heart hammered again, just as it did when she was hiding, but this time it was not from fear. Was the King of the Longbeards really interested in the stars, or was he only being polite? She searched his face for the truth but found only honesty in his eyes. For a short while, she allowed herself to admire his prominent nose and full beard before she remembered she had no right to gaze upon her king like that.
”My King,” she hesitated, but was tempted to share her findings, if only to make him stay a little longer. Never before had she spoken to someone with such powerful charisma, and he made her very curious. ”It is nothing like the maps in the Royal Library of Erebor,” she then heard herself say. ”But I will be honored to show it to you.” Her hands trembled slightly as she opened the book, but when she tried to offer it to him, he took a step closer.
”Please, My Lady, explain it to me.”
Vega had to take a few deep breaths before she mustered enough calmness to explain her notes. When she spoke, the king listened intently, but every time he pointed at one of her drawings of Durin’s Crown, she couldn’t stop herself from staring at the heavy rings adorning his thick fingers. He had the hands of a warrior—large and calloused—but something in the way he let his fingertips glide over her stained papers told her those hands could do more than just harm.
The notes were indeed created for her eyes only, but after the initial insecurity, Vega found herself growing bolder in the king’s presence. As he leaned a little closer to her, no doubt to see better, a faint hint of pine and leather caught her senses, and it made her head spin, just like the strong tobacco she once was persuaded to try. She promised herself after that single time, to never smoke anything equally strong again. But she wouldn’t mind feeling this type of warm dizziness again. Then Vega shook her head to clear her mind. Who knew the alluring scent of the mightiest of all dwarves alive could evoke such delusional ideas.
”Considering all constellations, which one do you find most mesmerizing?” His question came unexpectedly, spoken in a much lower voice than before. It felt very personal, and Vega shivered. She knew what he probably was expecting from her, but eventually, she decided to answer honestly.
”Of all the constellations and the tales told, I must say I have two favorites, next to Durin’s Crown, of course.” She smiled warmly when a thick black eyebrow rose in surprise. ”The first one is The Hammer.” Vega pointed to the east, where nine stars proudly formed a large hammer.
Thorin nodded, remembering the constellation from Frerin’s rare attempts to actually teach him something useful. He was not sure about the tale; Frerin sometimes changed the story, only so he later could claim that Thorin remembered it wrong.
”And the second?” he asked, gently holding the unusual emerald gaze of the lady beside him. Thorin found her truly fascinating, and the way her voice enchanted him, as she spoke passionately about the stars, made him wish she was a member of his council instead of her elderly father. The endless discussions would be much more bearable if she was.
”The second one cannot be seen now. You will have to wait until spring before you can spot Raven’s Nest in the east.”
”Is it easy to find?”
”If you know what to look for, I supposeit’s easy. It’s one of the smallest constellations I know of, but I love the tale.”
Thorin smiled. He wanted to question her about the tale, just so she would keep talking, but he realized he could not ask her to stay on the rampart all night. The icy wind was growing in strength and the hour was late. He had gone to the rampart for the possibility of clearing his mind after a long evening session with the council. Instead, he had stumbled right onto Lord Vimar’s daughter’s secret stargazing spot. He had completely forgotten his manners and did not introduce himself properly. And what was even worse—he had no name on the lady in question.
”My Lady, even if your father sometimes speaks of his family, I do not think I have ever heard your name. May I ask for it?” His words were soft, and less formal than their initial conversation.
Vega stared at the king. Had he just showed interest in knowing her name? She could not understand why, but she had no intention of denying her king. The unexpected warmth in his eyes made her weak. His raven hair rested against the fur of his cloak but as he turned his head, the wind caught strands of it and blew life into the dark locks. She briefly wondered if his hair was as soft as it looked.
”Vega,” she almost whispered, her voice suddenly failing her as a result of her improper thought.
”Lady Vega, you have been most kind and shared your private notes. I thank you for that. But I’m afraid I need to ask you to return to the warmth of your chamber, before you get too cold.”
”Of course.” She averted her gaze, afraid he would see the disappointment in her eyes. The most exciting moment in a very long time would soon be over, and Vega pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders. She could do nothing to stretch their chance meeting further.
”I bid you a good night then.” He gave her a short nod.
”Good night,” she echoed as she made a poor attempt to curtsy. Her knees wouldn’t cooperate. Thankfully, King Thorin didn’t seem to notice, or care. All he did was grace her with another warm smile.
”And Lady Vega, do not hide in the shadows next time. I might mistake you for an intruder.”
She mustered one last smile in return. Then she watched him disappear from her—no longer—secret spot on the rampart. His cloak's movement as he rounded the corner was the last thing she saw of him. Vega took a deep breath and the cold air in her lungs made her cough. The king was right; she really should get back home. As she climbed down the stairs and found her lantern at the same place as she left it, she couldn’t stop thinking of his last words to her. Next time. Would there really be a next time?
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dujour13 · 7 months
OC Kiss Week - day 5
A bittersweet epilogue, with Siavash as companion to my friend @spyridonya's Knight-Commander Kadira 💜
(PWOTR spoilers under the cut)
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?”
Siavash nods. Of course Kadira has him figured out. She spreads her wings for balance as she places her hooves cautiously on the sloping tiles and settles on the edge next to him, perched above the riot of celebration in the streets of Drezen, looking out over the rooftops and the hazy moonlit landscape beyond. “You won’t even stay for the Queen’s victory ball?”
“Not that I have anything against balls.” He says it deadpan but the light in his eye makes her laugh. “But I’ve lingered in Sarkoris long enough already.”
Sarkoris. The Worldwound’s been closed for three days and he’s already calling it that: the scarred wasteland that was once a verdant home for her people, and will be again when her work is done. Kadira appreciates that he shares her vision, but then since the day they first met he always seemed to believe in her, for no good reason she could see except his Desnan trust in the luck of the stars. There were times during the Crusade it seemed folly, and others when it gave her the one more reason to hold on she needed. She folds her hands in her lap and squeezes them tight to wring out the sadness. “You’ll be back to visit.”
“Sure. I have to come see what you do with the place.”
“I’ll miss you.”
He wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “It’ll be fine. You have people now.”
She does. Daeran and Lann of course, and all the others with whom her friendship was forged in the fires of the Abyss, but she still presses her tearful eyes into his shoulder at the realization that he’s always understood what ached most deeply in her heart.
Her life was stolen from her; her family driven from a land laid to waste to scrape out a living as refugees, and then she was separated from them too and locked away while they aged and died and moved on. Isolated except for demons and the cold, analytical gaze of the witch who had taken everything from her and gave her a gift she didn’t want in exchange. Her wings whisper restlessly. “And you? You always seem to have people, but do you really?”
He takes a sharp breath. She understands a number of things herself.
“Don’t worry about me. Hey, listen to this.”
He releases her and pulls his guitar into his lap and begins to play a simple melody. It’s very pretty, but she's fairly sure he’s deflecting. It is some time before the realization dawns that she knows this song.
No wonder she didn’t recognize it at first. He sings in Hallit but his Andoren accent is making a nasal wreck of the pronunciation, and she hasn’t heard this song since…
…her soft, dimpled child’s hand pressing a cookie cutter into buttery dough to make little stars, dusted with sugar like frost, that she and her cousins would arrange into Pulura’s constellations on the tray they set out for travelers.
A childhood so distant it doesn’t feel like it belongs to her anymore. They sang this rhyme as they worked, but only now does Kadira realize the song had always been about Areelu Vorlesh—the witch who drove a knife into the heart of Sarkoris, just as she did to Kadira. But now both are healing, though not without a reminder. The Sarkoris Scar.
She sings along and he tries to imitate her Hallit and they laugh, until they hear scuffling and glance over their shoulders to see Lann hop up onto the roof. He stoops to help haul up a vigorously swearing Daeran, who cradles a wine bottle in his free arm.
“We’re crashing your going away party,” Lann announces, helping stabilize Daeran so his fancy shoes don’t slip down the tiles and land him in the street below.
“How did you know?” Kadira only spotted Siavash because she was up on the Citadel tower.
A shadow peeks out from behind Lann. It’s Woljif, a pack slung over his shoulder. “Hey chief.”
“You’re going too?”
“Got some investin’ to do down south in Andoran.”
When he plops down next to her it’s her turn to press a kiss onto the other tiefling’s forehead. Kadira hugs him, hugs Siavash, and the wine bottle is passed around as she teaches them the words to a new refrain.
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ryker-writes · 8 months
Jaxon Crowley's Birthday Interview
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(Image made with this picrew)
Jaxon Crowley's masterlist
Happy Birthday!
You look nice! It's not often we see you dressed in white.
For good reason. It's not my color. I much prefer darker clothes, but apparently you have to dress like this if it's your birthday.
Is someone making you wear it?
Not exactly. If I was being forced, I simply wouldn't do it. But...Riddle and Deuce were hounding me about it being necessary for my birthday.
So you wore it for them?
I wore it so they'd stop hounding me about it. Clothes hardly matter to me anyway. I could wear scraps and I'd be fine.
But doesn't it feel nice to be dressed for your birthday?
I've never particularly cared for my birthday. It might as well just be a normal day.
Do you normally not celebrate your birthday?
No. I've never seen much of a point to it. Though I usually don't have people who want to celebrate it with me either. Even when I was younger, my birthday was never a big deal.
I would've thought Crowley would've thrown a big party for you.
When I was really young, he did. Though the parties got smaller as the years went by. Can't say I mind it too much.
Has he said anything to you today?
He not-so-discreetly shoved a card under my room door that had some guitar picks inside with some designs on them. Leona caught him trying to sneak out of Savanaclaw.
That was nice of him. Have you gotten any other presents?
Deuce got me some sunglasses for the bright lights, Leona got me some new golden earrings, Silver got me a star projector that even shows constellations, and Riddle managed to transfer a bunch of books, including textbooks, into audio form for me.
It sounds like each of them put a lot of thought into their gifts.
It's good. I much prefer things I'll actually use rather than stuff that will just sit around.
That makes a lot of sense. Now...I do have a few questions to ask you for the interview.
Go ahead.
If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?
That one's not too difficult. I'd pick Deuce. We're already similar enough, and he's not annoying. We get along pretty well and he's already similar to a younger sibling to me. If not Deuce, I'd pick the little fighter.
Little fighter?
Epel. He's the little fighter. Tiny, but he's got bite to him.
What's your favorite food?
Sushi. I generally like all kinds of seafood, but sushi is the best. Especially nigiri, even more so if it's shrimp. Anytime I go to the Mostro Lounge, I get some type of shrimp.
What about your least favorite food?
Avocados. They taste disgusting. My mother used to try and get me to eat them all the time when I was young. I guess hating avocados is one of the things me and my dad have in common.
Can you tell us more about what your parents were like when you were young? Perhaps a different side to the Headmage?
When I was really young me and him used to get along. But I was so young that I hardly have any memories of it. I spent most of my time with my mother or the ghosts of Night Raven College.
You know the ghosts well?
More like they know me well. They've known me basically my entire life. In fact, I spent a lot of time in Ramshackle. It was a nice area to just relax. I had hoped I could relax in it again when I returned, but then I found out about you and the cat...
You're always welcome to come over!
I'll keep that in mind.
I only have one more question for you. If you were to join any dorm other than Savanaclaw, which dorm would you choose?
Probably Ignihyde. Those guys know how to keep to themselves and they aren't very demanding. No one there is going to try and boss me around. Ignihyde students barely talk to me now anyway.
Alright! Thank you for the interview! And happy birthday again!
Yeah, thanks.
Bonus Special Ryker Facts About Jaxon!
Jaxon is probably my favorite oc out of them all. I have many ocs in many different universes, but I carry Jaxon with me to almost all of them. There's a Genshin Impact Jaxon, Honkai Star Rail Jaxon, Legend of Zelda Jaxon, DnD Jaxon, and so many more! He originally started as a vague concept of an oc, but developed into a full fledged oc about a year ago! I thought I'd share some little facts about Jaxon that we didn't know, or I haven't fully dived into yet!
Jaxon's original design was much different than he is today. In fact, he was originally made for the DC comic universe. His first design looked a bit different, but still had the core parts of his personality and his delinquency arc. His early design actually had wavy black hair and light blue eyes. In his early designs, he actually had a sister named Sophia who also had black hair, but brown eyes instead. She often tried to set him on the right path and was very stubborn, but was one of the few people he cared about.
Another thing I wanted to mention about Jaxon is his struggles with schoolwork. This is something that's very consistent regardless of what universe he's in, and there's actually a reason why he struggles so much. Jaxon has dyslexia, but teachers in the past just sort of gave up on him or found him too difficult to work with, and he pushed them away. Because of this, he never officially got tested and still struggles with it sometimes.
Jaxon's character is one that I've always felt works best in my favorite dynamic of light and dark, or the good and bad dynamic. While Jaxon isn't all bad, he certainly has a lot of negative traits and a lot of trauma weighing on his mind. While he's capable of functioning on his own, he wouldn't do well with someone who is equally as negative as him. That is why Jaxon leans towards people who are seen as good or more positive. It balances him out well.
He's by far my favorite oc and I will forever be grateful for all of you for supporting my writings about him, and loving him just as much as I do! It always makes me so happy to see you guys enjoying him, talking about him, or even making artwork of him! It really makes me feel so special! And we've made it to a year since Jaxon's official creation! It's odd because I almost feel like he's my son and he's growing up so fast. It's amazing to watch how he's developed in this past year, and I'm very happy with him!
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
Synopsis: At the battle before the black gate, Thranduil Oropherion fights for his life. But he is not alone.
Word count: 1.5k
Characters: Thranduil, Elrond, OC
Pairings Thranduil/OC
Warnings: description of battle, wounds, swearing
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My knuckles were bruised like violets Sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked Spineless in my tomb of silence Tore your banners down, took the battle underground - The Great War (Taylor Swift)
Middle Earth, Second Age 3441, Dagor Dagorlad Twelve years the battle had been going on, and yet the orcs did not seem to run out of arrows, nor did they run out of cruelty. Countless bodies of elves, men, horses, and orcs alike littered the fields of Dagorlad, yet the last alliance between elves and men, led by high king Gil-Galad persisted. They would not stop fighting. They could not.
Thranduil, king of the Woodland Realm was surrounded by orcs. He should not be so deep in the fighting. When Oropher died seven years prior and Thranduil became king, he had promised not to take unnecessary risks. He had lied.
“By Oromë’s horn, I will fucking kill you!”, the Sindarin curse drew his attention. “Are you hurt, my lady?”, Thranduil called out to the elleth beside him. The two of them appeared to be the only ones still standing in the sea of orcs surrounding them. “I’m fine!”, came her reply, “but I broke my nail punching this morgul rat.” Thranduil rolled his eyes and dodged an arrow almost effortlessly. Almost.
“It seems we are in a bit of trouble here”, he called out to her. “Oh? I did not notice that. I must have been busy staying alive.” Thranduil allowed himself a moment to look at her. She moved her sword so gracefully, but oh so deadly.
He could see neither the color, nor the length of her hair, or any part of her really, as she was wearing a helmet and full body armor. But in that moment, Thranduil knew that she was the most beautiful elleth he would ever lay eyes upon and he was certain that not even the Valar themselves could outshine her.
“What’s your name, soldier?”, he asked her. What had come over him? They were about to die. He did not expect her to reply, but she did. Anarríma, she was called. Like the constellation.
She cried out in pain and Thranduil turned his head to look at her. An arrow protruded from her thigh. “I’m alright, don’t worry about me.” Her wound could not distract him. That could mean his death. She kept fighting, albeit a bit sloppier than before. Thranduil slowly fought his way to her side. They would go down together. “You have to promise me to survive this, soldier. I mean it.” “No offense, but I think you’re delusional.”
He laughed. “Then allow me a little more delusion. If we survive this battle, and we both make it back to the camp, will you go out with me?” She was confused. Did he not know they were both about to die? Or did he just not care? She sighed. “In the highly unlikely scenario that we actually still live tomorrow, I will go out with you. You know what? If we survive this damned war, I will spend the entire victory celebration dancing with you if that’s what you want.” “Promise me?” “I swear it.”
As soon as she finished her sentence, a shock wave erupted from the battlefield, knocking them to the ground. The orcs started running. They abandoned their posts. Thranduil’s eyes scanned the horizon, and caught a flash of familiar golden armor. Elrond was alive, and he was running towards Orodruin, accompanied by a man. What was his name? Thranduil felt like he was supposed to know, but he could not bring himself to care. Her voice brought him back to the present.
“Did we do it?” He turned to look at her. She was crouching on the floor beside him. The blast had knocked her helmet off, allowing him to see her long golden curls. “I think”, he said, standing up from the ground, and offering her his arm, “your oath to dance with me has defeated the forces of evil, my lady.”
She winced as he pulled her to her feet. That wound needed to be taken care of soon. Thranduil sheathed his sword and swept her off her feet. She groaned in pain. “Goheno nin”, he apologized to her, “but I need to get you to a healer, and I refuse to leave your side until you have upheld your promise.”
The healers would all be busy with the more severe wounds, so Thranduil decided to take the elleth to his own tent. He told one of his soldiers to ride out to meet Elrond and bring him back. Then he carried Anarríma back to the camp. It took hours even to get to the edge of it, and even longer to reach his tent. The king laid her down on his bedroll. “What is this place?”, she asked. Did he not say he would bring her to a healer?
“This is my tent. Elrond will be here shortly to see to your wounds. In the meantime, I’ll patch you up as much as I can.” “Your tent?”, it was huge, “What are you, a lord or something?”, she asked jokingly. It hit him suddenly. He had not introduced himself yet. This could ruin everything. He groaned inwardly. “Not exactly a lord, no”, he started, before being saved, or rather doomed, by the arrival of one of his guards.
“Your majesty!”, he greeted Thranduil with a bow. Thranduil rolled his eyes. Great. Just great. “What is it?”, he asked. “A message for you”, the guard handed him a letter and left.
“Majesty?”, a voice called weakly from his bed, “Who are you?” He sighed. “I am Thranduil. King of the Woodland Realm.” “You lied to me!”, she accused him. What? How dare she? He was the king. But that exactly appeared to be the problem. “I have not”, he stated plainly, “in the haze of the battle it would not have been wise to reveal myself.” He pulled out some bandages and other healing supplies from a bag and knelt down next to her on the floor. She shifted away from him.
Thranduil sighed. “I am truly sorry I did not tell you earlier, but you have to let me take care of your leg.” She winced as he touched her thigh. It hurt like hell. “I have to break off the arrow and take it out, it doesn’t look like it hit anything major, but you might still lose a lot of blood. I promise I will do it as fast and painless as I can.” She just nodded, staring blankly at the roof of his tent, bracing herself for the pain. It was not her first injury in this war, she knew that it would hurt like hell. “Open your mouth”, Thranduil commanded, and she obediently bit down on the strip of leather he pushed into her mouth.
A strangled scream escaped her mouth when she felt Thranduil break apart the arrow. He pulled the arrow out of her thigh and immediately applied pressure. The blood loss made her dizzy. “Stay with me”, he repeated over and over again and she looked into his eyes. She had never seen eyes so blue before.
The flap of the tent was thrown back, just as Thranduil started wrapping the bandages around her thigh. “Elrond”, it was not more than a strained whisper. “I am here, mellon nin, do not worry. I will take care of you now. You can sleep.” He took the strip of leather from her mouth and poured a sweet tasting liquid down her throat. She slept soundly while he worked.
“You did a decent job with that”, Elrond turned to Thranduil, “I’ll just make sure there will not be any scars. She will sleep for a long time. You should rest as well.” Elrond carefully bandaged her thigh and removed her armor so she would rest more comfortably.
She slept for a full 24 hours. Thranduil sat on the ground next to her for a time. Sleeping next to her without her knowing about it did not seem right to him. However, he found himself getting more and more tired. It had been twelve years since he last rested well and he was certain she would not mind. At least she would not mind much, he decided and laid down next to her after removing his armor. He never wanted to put it on again. Thranduil looked over at the sleeping elleth next to him. She looked to be at peace, only disturbed by a strand of golden hair hanging over her face. Reluctantly he reached out and tucked it behind a pointy ear, and he could swear he had never touched something as soft as her hair in his entire life.
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Please consider reblogging and leaving a comment <3
Notes: Here it is, the long promised chapter 1. I promise they will fuck by chapter 4. I had a really hard time coming up with a name for my OC, but I settled on Anarríma, the name of one of the constellations created by Varda <3
Taglist: @fenharel-enaste, @lazymeriadoc, @starlady66, @vellichormybeloved
You can join my taglist for this fic here
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liquidstar · 6 months
If I can't sleep that's ok because you know what.... I will post one more small excerpt from my oc writing practice wips. Just once more for now
probably the only context you need for this one is that everyone's at a party that a place is throwing them for completing a big mission. so here it is
As the party raged on within the stone walls, Polaris slipped away to the porch. She took slow steps, carefully carrying an arranged plate of finger food she’d collected. She sat down on the floor, and leaned her head up against the wall. Taking in the muted sounds of the festivity indoors, she found comfort in this space that hovered between the roaring celebration and the stillness of the night.
Polaris wasn’t alone in seeking refuge outside, another person had found their way to her hiding spot- It’s Mira! Though Polaris had ventured out to eat alone, Mira was certainly not unwelcome company.
However, Mira did not seem to notice Polaris sitting on the ground. She walked right past her, lost in her own thoughts as she made her way to the railing, relaxing her arms on it.
“Hey,” Polaris spoke in a cautious voice, so as not to startle her teammate. Still, she saw Mira tense at the sound of her voice.
“Oh! Polly! I didn't see you, sorry!”
Polaris laughs, “All good!”
“What are you doing… sitting on the ground alone?”
“Eating,” Polaris shrugged, and took another bite of her food.
“What about you? I didn't think you'd be the type to leave parties. Aren’t you a social butterfly?”
“I'd like to be a butterfly!” Mira laughs, turning her face towards the sky above, her eyes sparkling with wonder, “But actually I just wanted to look at the stars a little. They're clearer here in the mountains y'know…”
“Hm,” Polaris followed Mira's gaze upwards. She rose to her feet, joining Mira at the railing, “Yeah, you're right.”
“It's so pretty,” Mira marveled, tracing the constellations above. She adds, “It's so big.”
“Yeah, well, that's space.”
They fell into a comfortable stilless, taking in the enchanting view of the starry sky. The distant sounds of the party still echoed in the background, the golden light from inside illuminating only their backs.
“Do you ever feel like this is the wrong place?”
Polaris tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at Mira's sudden question. “What do you mean?”
Mira raised a single outstretched hand to the heavens, as if waiting for the universe to take it. Staring at the gaps of sky between her fingers, she continues, "Don't you feel like… We're supposed to be up there?"
Polaris looks into Mira's eyes, which were still fixated above. She could only see a vague wistfulness within them- A nostalgia. The stars themselves shined within those eyes. Polaris couldn’t explain why, but this made her uneasy.
As if in a daze, Mira stood on her tiptoes and reached for the stars with all her might. In a panic, Polaris drops her plate and grabs onto her friend.
“Polaris? What are you doing?” Mira’s trance was broken by the sudden embrace, “I thought you weren't a hugger?” She joked.
“I thought… I thought the stars were going to take you away,” Polaris mumbled, embarrassed by the ridiculousness of her own words, “So I held on…”
Mira couldn’t help but laugh at this absurd statement, “What? That's silly! How would that even work?” poking fun at her friend's nonsense concerns, she tried to lighten the mood.
“I don't-” Polaris relaxed her grip, but didn't fully let go of Mira, “It really felt like it…”
Mira let out a sigh and patted her head, “I wouldn't let that happen, okay?”
Having these irrational concerns humored somehow made Polaris feel even more embarrassed. She released Mira from her embrace, and stepped back to lean on the railing. "Sorry,” she replied.
“Well, I'm just glad you care so much!” Mira laughed again, not letting up on her teasing. However, her snarky smile softens and she leaves Polaris with a, “Thank you.”
With that, Mira heads back inside, leaving Polaris alone with her thoughts. She took one last glance at the stars.
“The right place…” She whispers to the night.
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theaistired · 2 months
Tag Game - First and Last Lines
Thank you, @wyked-ao3 for tagging me!
Rules: post the first and last/most recent lines of your OC's dialogue (no narration).
Let's take a look at the Galidean Squad (only looking at the first book anf not any snippets written for later entries)!
From: "R-right, ah... Thank you, Viissis Gumpe. I-I am sure that it will be an... enlightening experience. I... have read a lot about the territories outside the Empire in preparation for this celebration, I am most eager to see them in person."
To: "...I'd have my family's love and respect."
From: "Sorry I'm late!"
To: "I have taken interest in your Oath."
From: "Good morning, my friends. I hear there has been quite the commotion last night. How is your sister?"
To: "That would be too late. The Ceremony marks the end of the trip. Asking for an extension would cause unnecessary attention. The Parents clearly trust Sanura to keep an eye on us, so we should be able to explore freely. Otherwise, Nimue and Thyra can cause any necessary distraction."
From: "Give your greeting and get back to breakfast."
To: "We should leave Nimue and Thyra as a last resort. The constellation with the six of us is too reliable for any eventualities that may come our way."
From: "It is, if you know what your abilities are worth."
To: "I am watching over her. Someone must."
These goddamn characters don't know how to shut up (I say, as if I didn't write the dialogue).
Tagging (no pressure): @colombette, @the-golden-comet, @agirlandherquill and anyone else who'd like to join!
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samcoesclub · 8 months
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Get to know my OC
thanks so much 2 @silurisanguine for tagging me! i’m sure most of you guys have been tagged so anyone that sees this and wants to do it can consider themselves tagged by me
Fandom: Starfield
Role: Spacefarer
cw for mentions of aurora use (not by character)
Full Name: Indiana (Coe) - never had a last name prior to marrying Sam.
Nickname(s): Indy, not so affectionately called many other names by Spacers by virtue of all the bounties he’s cashed in on
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation and Titles: Bounty Hunter as soon as he acquired his first ship (and probably before that, when he was just operating on Neon, but it isn’t quite the same). Explorer and Occasional Bounty Hunter once he joins up with Constellation
Birthday and Age: He doesn’t know his birthday, and he’s never celebrated it. His mom was always too out of her mind to remember, if she ever knew in the first place, but he loved her anyways. He always just counted it as turning a new age with the new year.
He’s 29 when the events of the game start, 30 by the time he and Sam get married
Physical Description: 6’ 1”, not super muscular but definitely built. Tattoo across his face along with the burn scars from the fire that killed his mom
Clothing Style: Loose jackets and cyberpunk tops, but when working outside on his ship or lounging, tanktop and loose pants. Before he left Neon, he’d always donned more cyberpunk-esque gear (a la cyberware streetwear), but once he left the city and made it into space, more Space Rogue attire
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Neon Street Rat, Wanted, Spaced
Before he was a crate rat turned to the streets, he had a family—a mom that loved him even if she loved the Aurora just as much after his dad, her husband, got shot. The fire in the underbelly that spread to the sleepcrate he’d saved money from stealing and scrounging and begging to help his mother buy took her life and marred his face.
After the fire, people on the street told him it hurt to look at him—oftentimes with a sneer, so he covered his face for years, sleeping under awnings and tents in Ebbside and the underbelly. He tried working an honest job, but nowhere would hire a kid off the street, so the easiest thing was to sell his soul for credits. A local bounty hunter, taking out Neon targets? Certainly. A vigilante to a certain extent? Also possible. (He would tell himself that all of these people were bad. They all committed crimes. They all had crossed the wrong people. It would sometimes make him feel better. Most times it wouldn’t. But it was what he was good at, and after a while, he got used to killing or taking marks in).
Scrounging and saving credits from Neon jobs, he finally got enough for a ship, some better weapons, and supplies to get the hell out of Neon as soon as his local notoriety became almost too much. He couldn’t be a ghost where the light penetrates.
And after he got out of Neon, Spacers hated his guts. The Crimson Fleet hated his guts. They came to know his MO.
He’s been hunting through space for nearing 12 years when he hears about a job, someone posing as a miner, but they can’t be sure who. It’s a big payout. Maybe if he does this job, he can stop killing for a while—stop hunting. A pipedream. It’s all he’s ever been good at. He’s never tried much else.
His quarry becomes the luckiest person alive when he gets zapped by the artifact.
Combat and Skills
Preferred Fighting Style: Start the engagement from far out, push in when he’s picked off the outside combatants. His love for anything with a scope makes this best
Favorite weapon: Anything with a scope
Special skills: Ballistic weapons, piloting, reading to become competent at something quickly, and apparently very good at doing voices when he reads out loud—so much so that Cora makes him and Sam split reading duties
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Family: Parents are dead, and prior to Constellation, he drifted through space mostly alone. But he’s happy to say he considers Constellation his family.
Love interest: Sam Coe
Best friend: Andreja 🐍 they understand each other on a molecular level
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art by jazz.medic on ig 💞🫶
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Tsukiko Kawashima SSR Birthday Boy
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“I’ve never had a big celebration for my birthday before. I’m kinda nervous. . . But I think if I had you there with me, I’ll be okay! So, come to my birthday party later?”
Today is Tsukiko's birthday! They were my first ever twst oc and the one I'm most proud of
Feel free to send them birthday wishes and gifts through my inbox! I'll be sure to write their response to each and every one of them
Close Up and Voice Lines Below!
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Birthday Login Message
“I’ve never had a big celebration for my birthday before. I’m kinda nervous. . . But I think if I had you there with me, I’ll be okay! So, come to my birthday party later?”
“Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday. I’ll never forget your kindness.”
“So many people showed up to celebrate me. It makes me feel all warm inside.”
“Celebrating my birthday with you was so much fun! Thank you for bringing me so much joy.”
Set Home
“This rosette almost matches my eyes.”
Home Idle 1
“It’s kinda weird seeing Ramshackle all decorated. With, you know, not with cobwebs and dust bunnies”
Home Idle 2
“Jack showed up at Ramshackle early in the morning and gave me some lovely fabric. I wonder what I should make with it.”
Home Idle 3
“Malleus gave me a book on all the stars and constellations in this world. I can’t wait to read it all.”
Home Login
“Parties here are bigger than any of the ones I’ve attended in my world. It’s a nice change of pace.”
Home Idle Groovy
“Can I get your body measurements? I-I’m not planning on making you something for your birthday or anything! I’m just curious. . .”
Home Tap 1
“I used to make a cake with my family for my birthday every year. It never looked perfect, but it was clear it was made with love. I wonder what they’re doing today. . .”
Home Tap 2
“Ace and Deuce gave me a fruit tart they made just for me. It’s a little messy, but it still tastes wonderful. I can tell they put a lot of effort into it”
Home Tap 3
“Uh oh. . . Where did Grim run off to!? I can’t take my eyes off him, even on my birthday. . .”
Home Tap 4
“Sebek got me some beautiful stationery that I’ve been eyeing for a while. He really does pay attention.”
Home Tap 5
“I was invited to get strawberry parfaits in the nearby town by Epel and the others. Wanna come with me? I’m sure they won’t mind.”
Home Tap Groovy
“Why don’t you and I sneak away for a bit to do some stargazing? I heard it’s a full moon tonight!”
Duo Magic
Tsukiko: Thank you for the birthday wishes Jack!
Jack: Happy birthday, Tsukiko! ♡
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demonicangelics-world · 2 months
Redamancy - Zestial X Angel!OC
Chapter Seventeen: Respite
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Word Count: 5,191
Chapter music: Respite
— Earlier —
Nestled among the fluffy clouds of Heaven, Cherub Town was a place where celestial splendor and ethereal charm coexisted in perfect harmony. It resembled a fantastical dreamscape, with pastel-colored buildings shaped like stars and moons. Each structure seemed to float on air, connected by delicate bridges of glimmering stardust, all thanks to Archangel Jophiel’s architectural touch. 
Cherubs, with their radiant wings and halos, flitted gracefully between the buildings, their laughter and joy mingling with the harmonious music that filled the air.
For today was the Heavenly Harvest Fair, the crowning jewel of Cherub Town’s yearly festivities. From dawn until twilight, the fair transformed the town into a paradise of celebration, where every corner was adorned with twinkling lights and celestial decorations.
The fairgrounds were a breathtaking sight, with glittering fabric stretched overhead, casting a soft, iridescent glow over the scene. Stalls and booths, each decorated with intricate patterns of stars and clouds, offered an array of heavenly treats. Tables were laden with angel food cakes, their spongy textures dusted with shimmering sugar, and cotton candy clouds that melted in the mouth like sweet, sugary dreams. 
Games and attractions lined the fairgrounds, each designed to captivate the cherubs’ playful spirits. Halo ring toss stations featured shimmering rings that floated effortlessly, and cloud hopping platforms invited the cherubs to leap and bounce among fluffy, soft clouds. The laughter of cherubs echoed as they competed in friendly contests and engaged in joyous play.
The fair's highlight was the talent show, held in a grand, open-air amphitheater. Cherubs showcased their talents, from heartwarming renditions of angelic lullabies played on glockenspiels to enchanting performances by harpists whose melodies wove a tapestry of tranquility and delight. Each act was met with applause and cheers, adding to the festival’s joyful ambiance.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the fair, the sky above would be illuminated by a spectacular display of lights. The cherubs gathered to watch the evening’s grand finale—an awe-inspiring show of falling stars and shimmering constellations, choreographed to the soft strains of celestial music. 
But amidst the radiant festivities, a depressed cherub laid in her soft, cloud-like bed, her pale yellow skin barely visible under the light blanket. The cheerful noises from outside seemed a world away as she stared at the ceiling, her light reddish-pink eyes dull and distant. Today, the fair felt like a bitter reminder of her past.
Keenie’s thoughts drifted back to the Heavenly Harvest Fair a few years ago.  It was the day she had met Michael, the Archangel who had captivated her at first sight. 
The Heavenly Harvest Fair was in full swing, with cherubs flitting about, their laughter and excitement blending with the gentle strains of celestial music. Among the crowds, Keenie, Deerie, and Cletus found themselves squeezed into the bustling entrance area of Cherub Town. The excitement was palpable—Archangel Michael was set to open this year’s Heavenly Harvest Fair, and his appearance had drawn a throng of eager cherubs as such an appearance was exceedingly rare.
An archangel’s presence was nothing short of extraordinary. The six archangels of Heaven, also known as the Morningstar brothers, were tasked with the highest duties and responsibilities within the heavenly realms, rarely venturing beyond their sacred duties to grace events like the Heavenly Harvest Fair. 
Each year, a different archangel was chosen to open the fair, a tradition designed to honor the cherubs for their relentless dedication and hard work. The fair itself was a celebration of their unwavering service, a rare opportunity for the cherubs to bask in the warmth of divine acknowledgment. The honor of having an archangel grace their presence was a significant highlight, reflecting the heavenly appreciation for their efforts.
This year’s excitement had reached unprecedented heights, thanks to a leak from the Archangel Michael Fan Club—a devoted assembly of cherubs who had managed to uncover the secret of Michael’s upcoming appearance. 
The entrance had become a bustling sea of shimmering wings and eager faces, all converging in anticipation. The stories of Michael’s bravery were well-known: tales of his unyielding courage in the face of cosmic trials, and his profound wisdom. His legend was woven into the very fabric of heavenly lore.
Michael was famed not only for his heroic deeds and unwavering commitment to Heaven but also for his legendary beauty, rivaled even the most ethereal of beings like that of his banished twin, Lucifer. His presence at the Harvest Fair was seen as a celestial honor, a glittering jewel in the festival’s crown.
Among the crowd, Keenie stood somewhat apart, her yellow wings fluttering with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Despite the fervor surrounding Michael, she wasn’t the type to be easily swayed by appearances.
Keenie’s thoughts were grounded in a more introspective place. To her, the fervor of the crowd was almost amusing and downright ridiculous. Where others were anticipating Michael’s legendary beauty and heroic tales, she found herself evaluating the situation from a more detached perspective.
“I’m not like the other cherubs,” she mused quietly to herself, her reddish-pink eyes scanning the crowd with strained gaze next to her two close friends and work colleagues, Deerie and Cletus.
Deerie bounced excitedly in the crowd, her bright, apologetic tones reflected the general enthusiasm, yet Keenie remained grounded in her quiet contemplation. Even Cletus, with his blend of optimism and occasional frustration, was swept up in the collective anticipation, his periwinkle eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and impatience.
Keenie was trying her best to navigate through the masses. Her fluffy yellow wings fluttered nervously as she adjusted her yellow dress and large pink bow. Deerie and Cletus flanked her, each handling the crowd in their own way.
Deerie, with her tall, fawn stature attempted to lead the way. “Oh, dearie me! I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, every cherub! Please forgive the crowding, and try to stay calm and polite,” she said, her voice an endless loop of polite apologies.
Cletus, on the other hand, was visibly frustrated. His large periwinkle eyes scanned the crowd, and he grumbled under his breath, his cheeks puffing out in annoyance. “Ugh! How do they expect us to see anything with this many cherubs packed in here? I’m about to start shooting arrows just to clear a path!”
Keenie rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin. “Cletus, for the last time, shooting arrows is not going to help. We’re already in a jam, and adding chaos to it will only make things worse.”
Cletus huffed, adjusting his overalls. “I’m just saying, a little divine intervention might be nice right now. Maybe if I hit a few cherubs with my arrows, it’ll be less crowded.”
Deerie chimed in with her characteristic optimism, “Oh, but dear Cletus, we must remember to be kind and considerate. We wouldn’t want to disturb the divine harmony now, would we? Oh, sorry!” she said as she bumped into a cherub. 
Keenie’s frustration broke through her usually calm demeanor. “Oh, come on, Deerie. If I hear one more apology, I might just explode. We’re all excited to see Michael, but getting squished to death isn’t exactly my idea of a good time.”
Deerie tilted her head, her pastel yellow ears twitching in confusion. “I’m so sorry, Keenie! I didn’t mean to cause any distress. I’m simply trying to keep the atmosphere pleasant.”
This time Keenie simply rolled her eyes at Deerie’s apology. 
Cletus, catching Keenie’s mood, added with a smirk, “Well, at least we’re all here to see the great Archangel Michael. Maybe he’ll have a solution for all this madness.”
With that, the three cherubs continued their way through the crowd. As they finally reached a better vantage point, the anticipation of seeing Michael began to overshadow their earlier frustrations, and the promise of the upcoming talent show filled them with renewed excitement.
As the throng of cherubs continued to jostle for position, a hush of anticipation began to spread through the crowd. The murmur of excited chatter ebbed away, replaced by a collective breath held in eager expectation. It was then that Cletus, with his sharp periwinkle eyes, finally spotted the archangel figure emerging from the distant crowd.
Suddenly, the crowd of cherubs erupted into a wave of ecstatic cheers and applause, their collective energy nearly palpable.
“There he is!” Cletus proclaimed, his voice ringing with excitement. “That’s Michael! I can see him from here!”
As the Archangel drew nearer, the sheer magnitude of his presence began to overshadow everything else. The cherubs' voices melded into a harmonious din, their wings fluttering with exuberant anticipation.
Deerie, her tall fawn frame straining to catch a glimpse, turned to her friends with a mix of excitement and determination. “We must get closer!”
Keenie, stuck in the middle of the chaotic crowd, found herself struggling to see through the swarm of flapping wings and eager faces. Her yellow dress and fluffy wings were practically swallowed by the sea of celestial bodies around her. Deerie and Cletus were both vying for a better view, their enthusiasm inadvertently pushing Keenie further out of sight.
“Excuse me, coming through!” Deerie’s cheerful voice tried to cut through the commotion, her hooves tapping and pushing as she maneuvered through the masses.
Cletus, clearly agitated, added with a frustrated tone, “I can barely see anything! Why is everyone so tall!”
Just then, Deerie’s eyes lit up as she caught a glimpse of Michael. “Oh my heavens! Look at that!”
Her voice was barely audible above the clamor, but it was enough to prompt a renewed frenzy among the cherubs. Keenie, still straining to see, was about to respond when she heard Deerie’s next exclamation.
“Nice ass!” Deerie blurted out.
Keenie’s eyes widened in surprise, “Deerie! Do not lust in your heart. We are here to honor Michael — Heavens you’re right.”
Keenie's words faltered. She finally managed to catch a full view of Michael through the gaps in the crowd. The Archangel Michael, walking and greeting the cherubs, was an embodiment of celestial perfection. The stories and descriptions had not done him justice. The sight of him in person was a revelation, striking and profound.
His skin, a flawless white, gleamed with an otherworldly luster, appearing more like a living statue brought to life than a mere celestial being. His hair cascaded down his back in waves of golden silk, catching the light in a way that made it look like strands of liquid sunlight.
His eyes, an azure blue, held an intensity and depth that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of the crowd, and his tall, muscular stature was impressive, a physique sculpted with a heroic grace that spoke of both strength and elegance. 
But what truly stood out, was the gentle kindness that softened his otherwise strikingly formidable appearance. His cheeks bore the marks of red circles, like a delicate blush, adding a touch of warmth and humanity to his otherwise ethereal visage. This small detail, so at odds with his imposing figure, conveyed a tender vulnerability that made him appear both regal and approachable. The contrast between his striking, almost chiseled features and the tender smile and red circles created a disarming effect. 
As Michael moved through the crowd, Keenie felt as though she had been struck by a love arrow. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably. The sight of Michael, so perfect and so impossibly beautiful, left her breathless and awestruck.
Keenie felt as if the celestial music and the radiant lights of the Harvest Fair had all faded into the background, leaving only the resplendent figure of Michael at the forefront of her senses. 
It was in that moment, amidst the dazzling lights of the Harvest Fair and the swirling chaos of the cherub-filled streets, Keenie experienced the undeniable pull of love at first sight. The connection she felt was instantaneous and all-consuming, a powerful recognition of something deeply emotional and transformative. Her previous attitude melted away, replaced by a profound admiration that left her feeling both overwhelmed and exhilarated.
The initial encounter at the Harvest Fair had been the catalyst, igniting a burning desire within her to be as close to Michael as possible. From that day forward, Keenie made it her life's mission to keep as close to him as she could, attempting to remain in his presence whenever possible.
Her infatuation drove her to an almost obsessive pursuit. She would follow Michael discreetly, her yellow wings fluttering softly as she navigated the ethereal landscapes of Heaven, always careful to remain unseen. Whether it was the celestial plazas or the grand halls, Keenie was there, a silent observer of his every move. Her dedication was relentless; she attended every possible event, every appearance Michael made, always seeking to be in his vicinity.
She would time her appearances with meticulous precision, making sure to be just around the corner whenever Michael was to make a grand entrance or to attend a significant gathering. She carefully crafted moments to "accidentally" be in the same place as him, from wandering near his usual spots to appearing at the scenes of his known duties.
Keenie’s fascination with Michael had a clear purpose. She hoped to build a relationship with him, to show him that she was more than just another cherub. Her eyes, once dull and distant, now sparkled with determination and an ever-present yearning.
The pinnacle of her hard working devotion came true when Michael appointed her as his messenger cherub. The day she received that honor was one of the happiest of her life. Keenie’s heart soared with pride as she accepted her role, vowing to be the perfect messenger for Michael. Her days were spent ensuring that her duties were performed with impeccable precision, her nights filled with dreams of being in Michael’s presence officially. 
However, as time went on, Keenie began to notice something unsettling that went over her head initially. Keenie, over time, began to notice Michael's particular attention to one of his guardians, Gabriela. It started subtly—an extra moment of conversation here, a shared smile there—but soon, it became more pronounced. Keenie would often follow Michael and Gabriela from a distance, her jealousy simmering beneath the surface.
One day, she ventured to Michael’s training grounds, hiding in the shadows like she always did. There, she watched Gabriela linger after training sessions, chatting with Michael in a manner that seemed far more personal than professional. Michael's enjoyment was evident; he would laugh, his eyes lighting up with genuine pleasure. To Keenie, this was a painful sight, each moment a stab to her heart. Her previously intense feelings now carried an edge of bitter jealousy.
The culmination of Keenie's frustration came during the recent parade, when she was summoned to deliver an urgent message to Michael. Her excitement was palpable as she anticipated the chance to be near him. However, when she arrived at the grand hall of the banquet, she noticed a familiar white figure in the gardens.
With a hopeful flutter of her wings, Keenie sped towards the gardens, only to be met with a sight that caused her heart to plummet. There, under the celestial glow, was Michael, and standing beside him was Gabriela. The sight of them together, alone in the garden, filled Keenie with a surge of unreasonable jealousy. Her heart clenched with rage. 
Calming herself, Keenie focused on her mission. She needed to deliver her message, and she could not let her emotions betray her. She approached Michael, her face a mask of calm professionalism. Ignoring Gabriela, who was engaged in a private conversation with Michael, Keenie pretended not to have seen her.
Michael’s expression shifted from one of gentleness to a serious focus as he processed the message. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he nodded and took off towards the CCC, leaving Keenie and Gabriela alone in the gardens.
As Michael disappeared from view, Keenie’s mask of composure shattered. Her frustration and anger at Gabriela burst forth uncontrollably. She glared at Gabriela, her eyes flashing with a mix of hatred and envy. With a final, bitter glance, she turned and followed after Michael, her heart heavy with the weight of her unfulfilled longing and unresolved feelings.
Keenie’s dedication to Michael had become a double-edged sword. Her intense desire to be close to him had led her to a place of emotional turmoil, where admiration had intertwined with jealousy. As she flew through the celestial skies, chasing Michael, her thoughts and emotions were a chaotic swirl of love, anger, and hope, each emotion pulling her in different directions.
Finally, The CCC, the Celestial Council Chamber, loomed ahead, a place of solemn importance reserved only for high officials of Heaven
As she approached the grand structure, Keenie could see its dim glow cutting through the heavenly darkness, casting a soft, ethereal light that hinted at the activity within. The glow was not one of the usual golden hues associated with celestial buildings but rather a mixture of more subdued illumination that intrigued Keenie. Her curiosity, paired with her desperation to understand Michael’s seriousness, drove her to make a daring decision.
The CCC was typically off-limits to lower-ranked angels and heavenborn like herself, but Keenie’s determination overruled her apprehension. She maneuvered her way to a secluded open window high on the ceiling of the CCC. With a careful flap of her wings, she eased her way through the narrow opening, her small frame slipping into the chamber with practiced stealth.
Inside, the chamber was an architectural marvel, its vast expanse filled with majestic columns and intricate celestial patterns. The dim light came from a large, ornate furnace that dominated one end of the room. The furnace was a marvel in itself, with flames that danced in a spectrum of colors—fiery reds, electric blues, and soft purples—casting an enchanting glow across the room. Keenie momentarily wondered about its purpose, sensing that it was more than just a decorative element. 
In front of Michael was a projected screen, emanating from the center table, casting a soft light over the area. The image was a live feed of an angel Keenie recognized—Lute, a figure often seen in the company of Adam. Though she wasn’t entirely sure of Adam and Lute’s official duties, their frequent appearances at important events suggested they held significant roles. 
As she perched on a high, concealed ledge, Keenie's gaze was fixed on Michael. His usual calm and composed demeanor was replaced by visible anger, a side of him she had never seen before. The tension in the room was palpable, the atmosphere of the CCC seemed charged with an unusual gravity.
Michael’s voice cut through, sharp and demanding. “What do you mean you don’t know how it happened?” he asked, his tone edged with frustration.
Lute, appearing flustered and anxious, struggled to respond. “My exorcists said it all happened so fast—”
Michael interrupted, his anger evident. “I need you to thoroughly look into this again before I speak to Sera.”
With a decisive motion, Michael cut off the screen before Lute could offer any further explanation. The abrupt end to the conversation left an unsettling silence in its wake. Keenie’s eyes widened as she took in Michael’s distressed and angry expression. This new side of him was jarring, a stark contrast to the serene and heroic figure she had always admired.
The mention of “exorcists” by Lute caught Keenie’s attention also. What could that term mean in this context? The word echoed in her mind, adding to her growing confusion. The urgency and distress in Michael’s voice, combined with Lute’s incomplete explanation, left her with more questions than answers.
Feeling overwhelmed by the unexpected revelation and Michael’s intense emotions, Keenie decided to retreat. She took one last look at the scene below, her heart heavy with the weight of her observations. The furnace’s colorful flames flickered eerily, casting long shadows across the chamber, as if mirroring her inner turmoil.
With a final, shaky breath, Keenie flew away from the CCC, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and unease. She made her way back to her home, in Cherub town, the familiar celestial landscape offering little comfort. The soft, melodious hum of Cherub Town’s nighttime symphony and the distant sound of the Parade’s fireworks did little to soothe her agitated mind. 
The secrets she had glimpsed and Michael’s new, unsettling side left her shaken, and the weight of the unresolved mystery pressed heavily upon her, but what really bothered her was the fact that there was possibly more between Michael and Gabriela than she had anticipated.
What were they doing alone? Her mind churned with worry and jealousy, interlaced with the gnawing unreasonable anxiety that she might lose the position she had fought so hard to secure. The dream of being Michael’s confidant was now overshadowed by the haunting suspicion of an unresolved and potentially devastating love between Michael and Gabriela, one that would completely take away his attention from Keenie to Gabriela. 
The night was restless. Keenie tossed and turned, her mind unable to escape the unsettling images of Michael and Gabriela. Every detail she had witnessed played over and over in her mind. Romance between angels was forbidden, but the thought that there might be more between them gnawed at her with a fierce intensity. The love she once felt for Michael had transformed into a tumultuous sea of anxiety and determination. She knew she had to do something, but the path forward seemed obscured by a fog of uncertainty.
The next day passed and Michael’s silence was a painful echo in her once vibrant life. He neither called nor summoned her, which added to Keenie’s growing worry. It felt like an eternity, and the absence of his presence left a void that was becoming increasingly difficult to bear. Her duties and interactions with other cherubs now seemed hollow, their brightness dimmed by her inner turmoil.
However, a few days ago, a sudden commotion at a crowded cherub area drew Keenie’s attention. The cherubs, who had been engaged in their usual lively chatter and playful antics, were struck dumb by the unexpected arrival of Michael. His descent from the heavens cut through the usual buzz of excitement, leaving the area in stunned silence. The once animated scene froze in awe, all eyes wide with disbelief at the sight of Michael’s sudden and dramatic appearance.
Keenie’s heart leapt at the sight of him. She fluttered upwards, her wings beating with a mixture of excitement and desperation. “Hello, Michael. Fancy seeing you here!” she said
But Michael’s gaze was directed elsewhere, and he cut her off without a second glance. His demeanor was curt and distant, a stark reminder of the anger she had seen in the CCC.
Michael loomed over Collin, one of the less significant cherubs in their circle. The shift in Michael’s mood, coupled with his uncharacteristic sharpness, stung Keenie deeply. She hovered nearby, her wings drooping as she watched the interaction unfold.
Collin appeared visibly nervous, his usual bravado, if he had one, was replaced by a quivering demeanor. Michael's voice was low and sharp, “ Who instructed you to deliver Gabriela’s message? ”
Keenie’s curiosity was piqued at the name Gabriela.
Collin stammered, “ I-I, um, it was... Gabriela herself. ”
Michael’s eyes narrowed, disbelief evident in his expression followed by anger. “ Do not play games with me, Collin. I will not ask again ”
The tension was palpable as Collin, under pressure, finally admitted, “It was Sera.”
At the revelation, Michael flew away with a powerful beat of his wings, leaving a visibly shaken Collin behind. 
Keenie’s heart sank as she processed the implications of the conversation. The fact that Michael was actively seeking Gabriela, ignited a new wave of jealousy and frustration within her. The realization that Michael was now focused on Gabriela left Keenie feeling abandoned and neglected. 
The days that followed were a blur of melancholy for Keenie. Michael’s silence persisted, and the weight of her unspoken fears and frustrations grew heavier. The depression she felt was a suffocating blanket, darkening the once-vibrant world of Cherub Town. The joy she had once found in her duties was eclipsed by the gnawing uncertainty of Michael’s change. Her role as Michael’s messenger, now felt like a distant memory overshadowed by a dynamic she couldn’t control.
Now in the present, Keenie had remained in her cloud-like bed all day, the drapes drawn tight against the setting sun. The approaching twilight signaled the start of the grand light show, a spectacular event she had always enjoyed, but today it seemed a distant echo of a time when her world was simpler. 
Suddenly, a loud banging on her door jolted her from her somber thoughts. Cletus’s voice, raised in a mix of urgency and exasperation, cut through the haze of her despair. “Keenie! Open the damn door! You’re going to miss the light show!”
Irritated by the intrusion, Keenie reluctantly dragged herself from her bed. Her once-fluffy yellow wings drooped, and her dress was crumpled and disheveled, mirroring the state of her emotions. She approached the door and opened it slightly, just enough to see the concerned faces of Cletus and Deerie peering through the gap.
Cletus’s eyes widened as he took in Keenie’s appearance. “By the stars, Keenie! You look like you’ve been hit by a meteor!”
Deerie’s bright fawn eyes softened with worry as she chimed in, “Oh, Keenie, dear, you’ve been cooped up here for days. You can’t let yourself be consumed by this sudden darkness. Come on, it’s the light show! You’ve missed so much already, like Jophiel’s opening ceremony.”
At the mention of Jophiel, Keenie’s thoughts drifted back to the young archangel, who had been selected to oversee this year’s Heavenly Harvest Fair. 
Jophiel, the youngest of the Morningstar brothers, was often overshadowed by his older siblings. Despite his youthful appearance, which contradicted his actual age, he had become a beloved figure among the cherubs. 
His role as the archangel of beauty might have seemed insignificant compared to the likes of Michael, Uriel, or Raphael, but Jophiel’s contributions to Heaven were invaluable. His sketches and designs had transformed Heaven, adding beauty and inspiration to the lives of many and of the cherubs. He had worked tirelessly to improve their quality of life, earning him a special place in their hearts, as they were often overlooked. 
Keenie was reminded of how time in Heaven felt strange and timeless, as angels and Heavenborn seemed to age differently. Jophiel’s boyish appearance masked the wisdom and experience he possessed. 
Cletus’s voice broke through her reverie, his tone softening with rare empathy. “Keenie, you’ve been so wrapped up in whatever you got going on. The fair’s lights are a celebration, and Jophiel’s work deserves to be seen and appreciated.”
Deerie nodded in agreement. “Yes, Keenie, you need to get out and see the light show. It’s not just about the lights; you have to take care of yourself, too.”
Keenie hesitated, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. The thought of stepping back into the world felt daunting, but the concern in Cletus and Deerie’s voices tugged at her. Just as she was about to make a decision, the shrill ring of her home phone pierced the quiet. Startled, Keenie abruptly shut the door and rushed to answer it, her heart skipping a beat with a flicker of hope.
To her surprise, it was Michael on the other end. The familiar tone of his voice immediately lifted her spirits. “Keenie? It’s Michael. I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Keenie’s voice trembled slightly with relief as she replied, “Michael! No, not at all. I was just— I mean, it’s good to hear from you.”
Michael’s tone softened, and he quickly added, “I’m sorry for being so abrupt last time and for not communicating with you these past few days. I’ve been extremely busy with pressing matters.”
Keenie felt a surge of happiness at hearing Michael’s apology, though a trace of lingering hurt remained. She forced a smile and said, “It’s fine, Michael. I understand.”
Michael continued, his voice taking on a more urgent tone. “Look, I need you to deliver a message with the utmost urgency. Raphael is not currently in Heaven, so I need you to go to Earth and find him. Tell him he needs to return to Heaven as soon as possible, or to let me know when he will be back.”
Keenie could hear the desperation in Michael’s voice, but she chose not to comment on it. Instead, she nodded, though Michael couldn’t see her. “I’ll take care of it right away.”
“Thank you, Keenie,” Michael said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. “You’re the best.”
As Michael hung up, a radiant smile spread across Keenie’s face. Her spirits soared, renewed by the unexpected call. She quickly opened the door to find Cletus and Deerie still waiting, their expressions a mix of annoyance and concern.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve got work to do,” Keenie announced with newfound energy. “You two should go ahead without me.”
Cletus and Deerie exchanged bewildered glances, but Keenie’s determination was clear.
With a final wave, she straightened her dress and flew into the sky, leaving a flustered Cletus and Deerie behind. Her heart raced with hope as she soared towards Earth, ready to fulfill her new task and rekindle the spark of her role as Michael’s messenger. The vibrant world of Cherub Town slowly faded behind her, replaced by the promise of action and the chance to bask in Michael’s presence again. 
As the shadows deepened and the fiery glow of Hell cast long, flickering shadows across the landscape, Zestial approached Carmilla's residence. The evening air, tinged with the ambient heat of the infernal realms, seemed to hold its breath as he made his way through the darkened streets. The evening had cast long shadows across the cobbled streets, and the warmth of the house glowed invitingly through its windows. Zestial's imposing figure stood out starkly against the darkening landscape.
He knocked gently on the door, his knuckles rapping against the old wood with a rhythmic, deliberate cadence. Moments later, the door creaked open, and Odette stood in the threshold. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight of Zestial, a mixture of surprise and happiness dancing across her features.
"Good evening, Zestial," Odette greeted, her voice tinged with a polite but noticeable excitement. "We’re glad you decided to join us for the evening. Mother and Clara will be thrilled to see you."
Zestial smiled, his gaze warm and appreciative. “Likewise Odette, I am truly glad to be here. ’Tis always a pleasure to spend time with thy family.”
She called out across the hallway, her voice echoing with the promise of an evening gathering. "Mother! Zestial is here!"
Odette swung the door wide, the soft, warm glow from within spilled out, casting a welcoming light across the threshold and Zestial stepped inside. Odette’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as she closed the door behind him, the subtle click of the latch sealing the evening’s promise. 
The soft murmur of voices and the clinking of dinnerware from deeper within the house grew louder, hinting at the lively scene awaiting Zestial.
Thanks for reading!
Story is available on AO3
Chapter Eighteen: Misunderstanding
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rainintheevening · 1 year
OC Mundane Tag Game
Tagged by @kraytwriter, and Imma have fun with this!!
Rules: Pick an oc you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though.
Also, if some of it can't apply to your ocs, just answer what would be the answer - like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
Doing this for my beloved Addie (my clone oc)!! (@leon-anna I know you want to hear more about this guy.)
1. What is their favorite movie?
He loves watching the old kids' show Lucas Starr Adventures with Luke and Leia. It's about a boy named Lucas Starr who has a droid friend and travels around the galaxy having adventures and making friends.
2. What is their favorite season?
As a member of the Skywalker Family Guard, he mainly lives on Naboo, but he LOVES snow. They don't get much of that on Naboo, but they do on Aldaraan, so he loves going with Padmé and the kids to visit the Organas in the winter.
3. What do they find annoying?
Getting interrupted while reading, that's a big one. Also Rex constantly threatening to blast Threepio's head off. Addie likes the droid, because he knows so many languages and customs, and Addie gets C-3P0 to teach him stuff.
4. How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday?
Okay, I'm still deciding what to call the main holidays in the Galactic Calendar. And different systems have different holidays riffing off of that. BUT. Everyone celebrates the New Year, and that always has parties and exchanging of gifts or tokens to wish happiness and success in the coming year. On Naboo, with the Skywalkers, there's always a beach party (Year starts in Spring), a bonfire, usually a visit with Jar-Jar and the Binks family, and of course attending the big fireworks display in Theed. Addie loves how chaotic it can get; he's a big extrovert. He usually ends up running around with the twins pretending to be the adult.
5. Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it?
Addie has attempted to learn how to play several Gungan instruments. He's good with the whistle, not so much with a horn or the drums.
6. What's their favorite meal to eat?
Anything besides ration bars or the stuff they grew up with on Kamino! He likes spicy stuff alright. There's a couple Tatooine dishes his (eventual) wife makes he particularly loves. And always something sweet to finish off with.
7. Do they have a favorite video game or board game?
Addie is a crack dejarik player. Even Leia, whom he teaches, doesn't get better than him. It drives her crazy, especially because Luke beat him once, ONCE, and she still thinks Addie let him win. (He didn't.)
8. Do they celebrate their birthday?
Yes! See my header art for this evidence. I headcanon that by the time clones reach the physical equivalent of 25, their aging has slowed to a normal rate, so 25 is a big deal, especially since so few clones made it that far during the war. Addie loves to celebrate his birthday each year after that. Someone always makes a cake, usually Padmé's mom, and there's a party, and afterwards Padmé makes all the boys take a night off, so they usually go to the local pub and drink and sing and dance until midnight.
9. What's their bedtime routine?
It does depend on whether he's on the night shift or not, and of course this changes as the twins get older and after he gets married. But he always reads for a bit, sitting up in bed. He always keeps a blaster under his pillow. He always drinks one glass of water before bed. And he usually puts himself to sleep by reciting constellations in his head.
10. What's an oc (or canon character) that they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together?
Addie hangs out with C-3P0 a lot, having him teach him languages and customs. He thinks the droid is fun, even if he can be a bit stuffy. He also likes hearing Threepio tell about Anakin as a boy, and life on Tatooine. He doesn't mind that Threepio is a droid; he's totally different from the droids in the war.
Kinda want to do this for more than one oc, but my energy is low today, so I'll leave it at that.
Tagging... ummm, @authortobenamedlater @clawedandcute @sailforvalinor @griseldabanks @catkin-morgs @leon-anna and anyone else who wants to blather about their babies.
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parasite-core · 6 months
253 OC questions
@scarlet-the-girl tagging you in case you'd like to read some Ileark characterization answers.
Part One: The Basics
1. What is your name? Ileark Keita
2. Do you have any nicknames? If you do, who gave it to you and why? When our little group had amnesia I was nicknamed ‘Star’ for my Desna worship. When I was younger my parents called me their little butterfly. I do not have any particular nickname used on a regular basis.
3. How old are you now? 28
4. When were you born? I do not know the precise day I was born, but my parents found me on Lamashtan 20, and that is what I have celebrated as my birthday my entire life. (AN: Golarian’s equivalent of October 20th)
5. Where do you call home now? It has been a long time since I have had a home of my own. My…birth mother… had made it very difficult to stay in one place for long. People get hurt when I linger. So the open road is the only home I have known for much of my life.
6. To what social class do you belong? My parents are the head of the local Desnan church in our village. It was a small village, there wasn’t much in the way of extravagant luxury, but we were well off. We had everything we needed to get by and to be happy, at the very least. Not everybody can claim that.
7. What is your eye color? I have heterochromia—one of the more visual marks of me being a changeling. My left eye is a blue-green, and my right eye is a purple that is nearly magenta. I’ve heard that one purple eye is common amongst changelings whose mother is a night hag, so I suppose I fit that mold.
8. What is your hair color? Black, but I have dyed parts of it purple and pink. It is a bit of self-expression that is unaffected by if I am a human or a changeling.
9. Do you have any distinguishing facial features? I’d say my eyes are probably the most striking feature people tend to notice.
10. Do you have any birthmarks? Where are they? Not a birthmark per-say. I have vitiligo on my hands, chest, and back. The pattern on my hands happen to form a butterfly—Desna’s holy symbol. I once believed that this mark meant I was left for my parents by a servitor of Desna, for their belief and prayers. I…have come to learn otherwise.
11. Do you have any scars? How did you get them? I have recently gotten a nasty scar on my stomach from a ghost swordswoman who eviscerated and nearly killed me. I very much owe Berin my life for that one.
12. Do you have any tattoos or other markings? How and why did you get them? I got some traditional Garundi tattoos on my chest when I traveled the Mwangi Expanse. I may be a changeling, but I still feel a connection to the Garundi people. My parents are the ones who raised me, and I mean I still look Garundi even if I have a hag’s blood in my veins.
13. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? Nothing of note. I mean I have the same physical weaknesses as any other person. Being stabbed or lit on fire would certainly not be good for my health.
Well…as far as diseases go, there is on. But if I talked about it, you would get it as well. So it would be best if you don’t think about it.
14. Are you right or left handed? I am ambidextrous, although I was naturally left handed.
15. What does your voice sound like? I have a bit of an accent, and a slightly lighter voice than you’d expect from a taller man like myself.
16. How do you dress most of the time? I wear my favorite coat the majority of the time. It has armor padding sewn into it, so it is both good looking and functional. It has the Stair of Stars constellation on the back, which is said to lead to Desna’s domain.
17. How do you dress up? Igil made some very fine clothing for me, which I wear on formal occasions. It is a dark dusky purple suit with a pale blue undershirt, and heeled boots.
18. How do you dress down? I do not really have a less formal outfit than my travel gear. I have had to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice for much of my life, and have had reason to want to feel protected at all times. So I do not often go without my coat.
19. What do you wear when you go to sleep? A loose tank top and boxers.
20. Do you wear any jewelry? I have had pierced ears for much of my life. I have taken a shine to other forms of jewelry during my recent ventures. I have a few nice rings and an amulet. I do not like choker necklaces or bracelets. They make me feel constricted.
21. What words and/or phrases do you use frequently? I have not rightfully considered it. I do make a point to wish good luck on those I genuinely wish good fortune to.
22. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? I tap my claws on nearby surfaces when I am feeling anxious or impatient.
23. Do you have any bad habits? If so, what are they and how do you plan to get rid of them? Nothing comes to mind. Some might say my being fastidious and over-preparing, and making lists, would be ‘high-strung’ and a flaw. I do not see it that way and am not trying to ‘improve’ it.
24. Do you have a lifelong dream or aspiration? My greatest aspirations were to become a Spherewalker, and to find a way to escape my birth mother. I have accomplished the first, but the second seems more impossible than ever.
25. Do you own a car (or other form of transportation)? Why or why not? Describe it. No, I go where my feet take me. And occasionally magic.
26. What is your current state of mind? I am…concerned. That I am better at hurting people than at healing. That doing damage is in my blood, and perhaps I cannot escape it, no matter how hard I try and how far I run.
Part Two: Family
27. How close are you to your family? I love my parents, although I have not seen them in many many years. It has not been safe to return home. I have to keep my birth mother’s eyes away from them.
As for the being who birthed me, I think my stance is very clear. I want nothing to do with her, and would be quite happy if she would leave me alone permanently.
28. Do you have a spouse or significant other? Describe them. No. My life has not given me opportunity to get to know people on that level. And even if it did, I do not know if I would. I am happy for Berin and Stefan, and people like them, but I have difficulty picturing myself in their shoes. I think I crave freedom more than romance.
29. Have you started your own family? Describe them if you do. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? I have not, for all the reasons listed previously.
30. Who was your Father and what was he like? My father is a cleric of Desna. He is a good man. I believe he taught me to be a good man as well.
31. Who was your Mother and what was she like? My mother—the mother who raised me—is a kindhearted woman. She helped to sooth my fears when my changeling heritage began to surface. I know that she would always be there for me if she could.
The being who birthed me is an evil creature. Alazhra, the goddess of night hags and nightmares. This is why I have been unable to outrun her—because it turns out she can be anywhere and everywhere without even trying. She chased me to distant edges of Golarian, across two continents, I never found rest. She chased me right into the hands of my other tormentor, Haserton Lowls. And since I have discovered her true identity, she has made it clear that she will not quit haunting me until I give up, accept her power, shed my changeling form, and become a night hag.
It goes without saying I will never allow that to happen.
32. Who are you closest to in your family? I feel my mother and I have an especially close bond. I love both my parents, obviously. But I know my mother would be there for me no matter what. And that is part of the reason I need to remain far away from home. I believe without a shadow of a doubt that Alazhra would use my mother against me.
33. Is there someone in your family you wish you were closer to? Not really. I never knew my grandparents, and I don’t have much in the way of aunts, uncles, or cousins.
34. What was your parent’s marriage like? They are happily married, and together care for the local Desnan temple. They taught me everything about Desnan prayer and rituals, and travelling the Great Dreamer’s path.
35. Did they remain married? If not, how did that affect you? When did they split? They are happily married, and safely at home last I checked.
36. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? I do not. My parents were never able to have biological children. Which is why they considered it such a blessing when I was left on their doorstep.
37. What is the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? n/a
38. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to one of your siblings? n/a
39. When’s the last time you saw a member of your family? Where are they now? It has been…far too long. I was about 12 when I had to leave home. So 16 years.
I’ve been running for more than half my life…
40. Did you meet any other family members? (Aunts Uncles, etc) Describe them. n/a
Part Three: Friends and Relationships with Others
41. In general, how do you treat other people that you have just met? I like to believe I am a polite person, who generally treats people I have just met with respect. That is, unless I have reason not to. Like many of the rather vile people we have dealt with in our recent ventures. Berin can be the one to extend kindness to those who have walked the path of cruelty. I feel many of these people already made their choices, and we are merely the consequence of their actions.
42. Does your treatment of people change depending on how well you know them and if so how? Well, of course I am going to be less careful in my speech to those I’m comfortable with.
43. Who is the most important person in your life and why? Besides my parents, probably Igil. We are something of kindred spirits despite our vastly different backgrounds. Alazhra has a special interest in him as well. And Igil stood up for me against her, and renounced her after decades of worshipping her. And even before that, Igil risked his safety and freed me from the shackles Lowls used to control me for some three years. I…am deeply grateful to him. He has become my brother, perhaps not in blood, but in action.
44. Who is the person you respect the most and why? Probably Berin. He is quite the amazing person. He sees the potential for good in everyone. He is both a powerful warrior and an amazing healer. He has saved my life and the lives of our friends on multiple occasions. I am honored to have a friend like him.
45. Who are your friends? Describe them. Igil, Berin, and Jolene. I have already went into my thoughts on Berin and Igil. Jolene is…difficult. She is headstrong and reckless, and doesn’t generally take criticism well. She is also powerful, protective, and utterly loyal to her cause. I do not believe I have met a person more multi-faceted than Jo. Which…given her nature is such that she was created from seven other-worldly beings, I suppose ‘multi-faceted’ is likely the most accurate description of Jo, in many ways.
46. Do you have a best friend? Describe them. See Igil above.
47. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? My first instinct is my mother, followed by either Berin or Igil depending on the circumstances.
48. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who and why? All three of my close friends. Each has saved my life at one point or another.
49. If you died or went missing, who would miss you? My parents and my three close friends. Other than them…I was merely a passing stranger in most people’s lives.
50. Who is the person you despise the most, and why? Haserton Lowls. A vile man who is enthralled by at least one, if not two, Outer Gods. He stole three years of my life, keeping me shackled and compliant. I was forced to do vile things on his behalf. And then he nearly destroyed my mind, sacrificing the minds of myself, Igil, Berin, and Jo in order to gain what he needed for the ritual to his twisted gods. We were each in a braindead state for a period of time, until we were awoken with no memories. We eventually regained what we’d lost, but I will never forgive him for what he’d done. My companions agree.
51. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? I can be argumentative when I feel I need to be. Jolene in particular can cause me to raise my heckles at times.
52. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? No, I do not feel I am much of a leader. I am better in an adviser role. I am rather good at organizing and planning.
53. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? Yes and no. I enjoy having people around. It is much easier to keep my mood up when I’m surrounded by others. One of my favorite parts of travelling is meeting people from all walks of life. However, being around a lot of people has also been risky for much of my life. It’s hard not to be anxious that my mere presence will bring misfortune on people, when Alazhra is haunting my shadow. She has mostly left this new little group I’ve become a part of alone—other than her dealings with Igil. But I do not know if that will last forever.
54. Do you care what others think of you? I try not to. My mother taught me to be proud of who I am, regardless of what people say. I try to live by that. But sometimes it’s hard. I want to be seen as a light in the dark—starlight in a midnight sky. I want to be known for the beauty and magic Desna represents. The windswept wanderer, a kind stranger under a starry night sky, an agent of luck and fate. That is what I want to be—what I want others to see in me. But…I fear I am failing. I fear that I cause harm where I want to sooth. And that others will see that—and see in me where my blood is from—and they will only see that darkness.
55. What habit do others have that annoys you the most? Acting carelessly, in such a way that others get hurt. Jolene was guilty of this many times when we were in the early months of our travels, and her hardheaded nature tends to generally grind on my nerves anyways.
56. What is the most important quality you look for in a friend? Kindness. Anyone I would consider a friend would be a kind person. Yes, even Igil. One of the first things he did when we met without our memories was to put a ghostly child’s spirit to rest. And when we met before that—before we lost our memories—he had put himself at risk so that Berin and I could go free. Even if it didn’t turn out how he intended, I think he is kind despite himself.
57. What do you most value in your friends? In Igil it is the loyalty he has shown to myself and the others. In Berin it is the conviction to always try to do the right thing, to help people, to trust people. In Jo…well as much as it drives me insane, her hardheaded nature comes in handy sometimes with the kinds of people we end up running against in this journey.
Part Four: Growing Up (Childhood)
58. Where were you born? I do not know, and I get a feeling I don’t want to know. I was found by my parents on their doorstep when I was an infant.
59. Where did you grow up? A small village in Ustalav. At least for all of what I would consider my childhood, given what happened.
60. How would you describe your childhood in general? Idealistic. I love my family and my community. I loved learning Desna’s teachings. I loved playing with other kids my age, occasionally getting into trouble going places we shouldn’t. I…deeply miss that life sometimes. My travels have been fulfilling in their own way. But I earned the title of Spherewalker out of necessity as much as out of love for what it represents. As a child I thought I would spend my entire life in that village. I thought I would follow in my parents’ footsteps as a priest in Desna’s temple. Remembering it now is…bittersweet.
61. What is your earliest memory? Hard to say. I could say which ones weren’t my earliest memories—the time when I was coming into my changeling nature, and when I started to see a shadow creeping in the corner of my vision. But everything before that kind of blends together. Not that I can’t remember things from then, it’s just that it’s hard for me to say which order things happened in because it was all just a part of regular life back then.
62. What is your fondest childhood memory? it is a little thing. But being at home while my mother was baking. I was trying to learn to make butterflies out of paper. I never really got the hang of it—my hands were too clumsy and I never folded the paper quite right. But my mother praised my diligence in keeping at it, and gave me the first slice of the pie she was baking. It is a simple memory. It is a good memory.
63. What is your worst childhood memory? When I first saw Alazhra, as an indistinct shadow lurking just outside the farmland. I hadn’t fully realized my nature yet, it was only just starting to become apparent. And I knew—I knew—without a shadow of a doubt when I saw that figure that she was what had birthed me. Do you have any idea how terrifying it is, as a child, to think you are turning into a monster? I…was fortunate that my parents are the people they are. They accepted me, they gave no room for even a shadow of a doubt that they would still love me and that I was still their son, no matter what.
64. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? For much of my childhood, I was learning from my parents how to become a cleric of Desna and to eventually take up their position in the temple. I never once thought my life would lead anywhere different—until things took a turn for the worst.
65. As a child, what were your favorite activities? I loved playing in nature. There were woods near the village, which we were not supposed to go too deep into because it was dangerous. But I loved the woods, almost as much as I loved the fields in spring when the butterflies would flutter from flower to flower.
66. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? I was a studious and curious child. And even back then I loved to explore new places—even if it was only a path in the woods I’d never seen before. There was always a surprise waiting, like coming upon a small brook, or a beautiful picnic spot.
67. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? I was well liked, I think. Given that my parents were well liked and respected in the village, I was generally treated well by other children. That’s not to say I was never bullied or made the butt of a joke. Children will be children, of course.
As for my friends…Dreamer help me, it’s been so long I hardly remember. I was…quite young. I remember playing with a number of girls and boys in town. But…for the life of me I cannot remember their names, much less their faces. They would be very different people nearly two decades later. As am I, of course.
68. As a child, what was your favorite toy? I liked marbles. They were shiny, and sometimes they would have swirls on the inside, or tiny objects within. I had one I cherished that had tiny butterflies on it. I thought of it as a good luck charm, since it had Desna’s butterflies in it.
69. As a child, what was your favorite game to play? Hide and seek. I was very good at hiding.
Part Five: Growing Up (Teen/Young Adult)
70. How much schooling have you had? I was in a public school for a short time, but most little villages like that don’t school beyond a certain age. After that I was apprenticed to my parents, and they continued my studies in between the lessons of our faith.
71. Did you enjoy school? I believe I did, yes. I think I did find it a little stifling to sit in one place for so long, but I enjoyed learning. Especially geography and history. Even if I had no intention of travelling back then, it was fun to imagine what distant foreign lands must be like.
72. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? I learned the basics of being a cleric, and of survival in the wilderness, from my parents. Most everything else I use on a frequent basis was self-taught after I left home.
73. While growing up, did you have any role models other than your parents? Describe them. Unless you want to call the goddess Desna a role model, I didn’t really. Most of the adults in the village were farmers or ranchers. They were good, hardworking people, but they did not really provide me with an example of who I wanted to be. That came wholly from my parents and my beliefs.
74. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? I was very close to my parents. I knew (or at least believed) they loved me more than any other child’s parents, given how they had once believed they would never have a child. We had our differences sometimes, of course—as I said before, children will be children. But for the most part, I believed wholeheartedly that I was a beloved gift from the Great Dreamer for my parents’ dedication.
75. How old were you when you went on your first date? Describe the date. That is…a bit embarrassing. Understand, I was only twelve when I left home. And from then on I was always on the move. So I didn’t exactly have time to get crushes and have the crash course on dating most teenagers did. I…had plenty of physical relationships as I got older. But I’ve never really done romance. I honestly do not know if I would or not if I hadn’t been moving around so much. All that I know is in the circumstances of my life, I have never felt any romantic desires.
76. What is your favorite memory from your teen years? I was somewhere cold—I do not remember exactly, I think it was maybe Irrisen? There was a celebration of the solstice, and I had arrived in town just in time for the celebrations. I remember dancing with a beautiful woman around a fire, and laughing together. It was the most fun I’d had with someone my own age in a long time.
77. What is your worst memory from your teen years? Staying in a village and hearing a commotion outside near the gates. And knowing—knowing—in my heart that it was what was following me, and I’d put people in danger again by lingering too long.
78. When and with whom was your first kiss? A girl back home. I remember she was very pretty, and that it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Some of the others had started being interested in that sort of thing, and we both didn’t get what was so great about it. So it was just an experiment for both of us, really.
79. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? That…um…I will confirm I have had sex before, but the details are for me to know.
80. Describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today. My birth mother ruined my life, forcing me to leave my only home and travel endlessly, never stopping to rest for long. For 13 years. Then I thought I’d found a way to free myself from her. A bell, an artifact touched by Desna herself, said to be able to banish any evil nearby when it was rung. I travelled across the continent, and managed to make it there in time for the bell tolling.
For all of a day I was free. But then, that shadow out of the corner of my eye returned. I knew then that what was following me was no ordinary hag, to come back from a divine artifact banishing her.
What truly led me to where I was today was when, after that, my spirit was crushed. I realized that this was going to be the rest of my life. Running from some unnaturally powerful hag’s call. And I decided…I wasn’t going to give her what she wanted. I was going to disappear into the desert surrounding the belltower. At least then, I could be certain I would never break under the pressure and give her what she wanted. And maybe I could finally find rest in Desna’s domain.
That was my intention. It is not what happened, obviously. In the desert I was attacked by creatures I now know to be Denizens of Leng. They captured me, they placed a collar and shackles on me to keep me from fleeing even with the magic at my disposal, and they whisked me far away. There I met Berin, who had been captured while protecting his husband and a group of innocents. And it was from there that we were both sold to the vile man known as Haserton Lowls. He kept us for 3 years, using a drug to break Berin, and the magical bondage to control me. In the end, right before I was going to escape with Berin in tow, Lowls took us into a dream realm and sacrificed our minds for his unholy rituals.
So in answer: the biggest influences on me being where I am today are the hag goddess who shadowed me my entire life, and a cruel evil man who benefitted off of my suffering. I am still trying to escape the first, while I am seeing to end the later for his crimes—not just against myself and Berin, but against countless others as well.
Part Six: Past Influences
81. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?  It would have to be Alazhra not being affected by the bell as other beings would be. If I had never gone there, I never would have walked straight into the waiting clutches of the Denizens of Leng and Lowls.
82. Who has had the most influence on you? I believe my mother—my real mother not Alazhra. She taught me to focus on the person behind what might appear monstrous to others. She let me know, no matter what anyone else said or did, that I always had a place back home. She gave me the confidence to travel, and meet people of all walks of life. And to not let being a changeling slow me down. I…admit I have some worries over my bloodline. It is hard not to be afraid of what lurks inside of me, just waiting for a moment of weakness, a moment Alazhra could then leverage and draw out that darkness. I know my mother would not want me to think about myself like that…and I try not to. I really do. It’s just…hard.
83. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Becoming a Spherewalker. There is more to it than just traveling wherever, whenever. I had to make a pilgrimage to two Desnan holy sites thousands of miles apart. I had to learn how to travel—not just walking from place to place, but how to read the stars, or follow tracks in the dirt and dust. How to find water in dry places, and how to find or make shelter from the elements. Spherewalkers aren’t just wanderers, we are professional travelers. Only those who know how to take the unpredictability of life on the road, prepare for what you can and survive what you cannot, and truly put your life in Desna’s hands, will ever claim the title.
84. What is your greatest regret? Accidentally killing Igil. It was…I know that he does not blame me. But I blame me. Once again I caused harm when all I wanted was to heal him from a horrific corruption from beyond the stars.
85. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? I…would like to believe nothing I have done in the past would be evil. The most vindictive thing I’ve ever done was kill the slaver gnoll Biting Lash and many of her minions without a shred of mercy. I stand by that decision, even if it’s just more proof that I am better at destroying than healing. In this case, healing wasn’t what we needed. Biting Lash’s death will be balm enough until we finally track down Lowls.
86. Do you have a criminal record of any kind? Well…it was not by choice. Lowls had all for of us do horrible things to the people in Thrushmoor while we were under his thumb. And that included a few things that got us thrown in jail for various amounts of time. I don’t know which cage was worse, the deceptive skin-deep luxury of Lowls’ manor, or the jailcell that was exactly what it claimed to be.
87. When was the time you were the most frightened? The first time I was truly face-to-face with Alazhra. The first time I was in her presence and knew her for who and what she was. It was right after Igil renounced her. She pulled us all into her domain, a musty old cabin in Abbadon where we were seated around a table where she was at the head. I could not bring myself to look at her. Even if I hadn’t been utterly terrified and reeling from Igil’s revelation to me that Alazhra was my blood mother, I would not have been able to look at her. Something about her gives me a chilling feeling in the back of my mind that looking at her face would have horrific consequences.
88. What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?  The thing is, when you travel alone you are not often faced with embarrassing situations, as there is no one there to cause the embarrassment. That being said, I have certainly felt the fool on occasion, when I arrive to a new place and am faced with customs and ways of life I am not immediately aware of. I have made my share of fo pauxs, blundering into social barriers I did not know existed.
89. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? I do not know. Nothing I did before being stolen away would have changed my end fate. Except, perhaps, not walking into the desert. But at that point I had honestly lost hope so deeply I don’t think continuing the way I had been would have been sustainable. I would say killing Igil, but it did heal him. If the other option was curing him not working, then loathe as I am to say it, I would not change the end result no matter how much I regret it.
90. What is your best memory? It would probably be one of the times I came to a town on the day of a celebration. I try to make it back to civilization whenever there is a holiday. People are usually joyful and welcoming during holidays. Especially during holidays that involve food and dance. The Ritual of Stardust is a personal favorite of mine. It is a Desnan holiday on the solstices, in which followers of the Great Dreamer gather around bonfires, and we sing and tell stories until late into the night. Traditionally, sand or powdered gems are thrown into the fire, making it glow with beautiful colors.
91. What is your worst memory? Accidentally killing Igil.
92. When and where were you the happiest? I would not say I have not been happy in my years of travel. But I was most consistently happy when I was home, before Alazhra forced me to flee from her stalking shadow.
Part Seven: Beliefs and Opinions
93. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? To be honest I would consider myself a realist. There’s no point in fatalism, but I prefer not to pretend things are better than they really are, either.
94. What is your greatest fear? Alazhra getting what she wants.
95. Have you told anyone your fear before? Not in so many words, but I think it kind of goes without saying.
96. Who would be the one person you’d never tell your fear? I would say Alazhra herself, but she is a nightmare goddess, I think she is likely quite good at locating and playing on people’s fears.
97. What are your religious views? I am a follower of the Great Dreamer, Desna. We believe that freedom is one of the greatest treasures of life. The freedom to make your own choices and the freedom to go anywhere in the world with your own two feet. Desnans also believe in the power of luck, and of knowing when to leave things to chance or fate, and when to takes steps to make your own luck.
98. What are your political views? I do not t trust most politicians. People with power over other people tend to eventually abuse that privilege. Ideally, politics would be handled by the people who are affected by them. I believe it is wrong for a small elite to hold power over those whose lives they do not even know.
99. What are your views on sex? I’m not entirely sure what you mean by ‘views’ on sex. Like how positively I view it? It is certainly not bad. It can be a fun distraction, but given my circumstances it’s never really been anything but that.
100. Are you able to kill? Yes. Sometimes better than I’d like.
101. Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? Killing in self defense is acceptable, but not always ideal. Killing those who would abuse and control others if left alive is acceptable. Killing for revenge is a grey area, but I will not claim I have never done-so, nor that I do not plan to do so again in the near future. Killing innocents is unacceptable, as is killing a person who had put their trust in you—such as a friend or family member.
102. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Enslave another human being.
103. Do you believe in the existence of soulmates and/or true love? I do not know. Seeing Berin and Stefan it is hard to say such a thing does not exist. They have clearly found it for themselves. Perhaps it is simply my own difficulties with the idea of romance that makes me feel disconnected from the idea of soulmates or true love. The most true love I have ever found has been for family or for friends.
104. What do you believe makes a successful life? Seeing as much of the world as you can. Meeting people from all walks of life and incorporating what you learn from them into your own life. A life without the vibrancy other people brings to it would be a wasted life.
105. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? (Meaning do you hide your true self from others and in what way?) I am generally fairly honest. I can be diplomatic if I need to not show a distaste for someone. But otherwise, I am mostly very honest about my thoughts and feelings. No one can meet you where you are if you will not even show them where that is.
106. Do you have any biases or prejudices? Doesn’t everyone? I try very hard to keep an open mind and to understand peoples’ differences, but I am only mortal, I am sure I trip up as often as anyone else.
107. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why? I believe for most things there is some circumstance that would cause one to act against what they would normally. For instance, I would never kill one of my friends. Except, what if something has caused them to lose their mind and death would be a mercy? What if something caused them to do a great deal of harm, and only killing them would stop it and save who knows how many others? What if they were infected by an outer being and doing harm to them was the only way to save their lives, but it ran the risk of killing them?
…One of those examples was a very real occurrence, and even though I deeply regret it, I did the only thing I could do given the circumstances.
108. Who or what, if anything, would you die for? (or go to extremes for?) My friends, my parents (my real parents, the ones who raised me), keeping the world safe from outer beings…and at one time, trying to escape Alazhra’s clutches.
109. What is your best feature, in your opinion? I suppose that I am open-minded and willing to learn from people from all walks of life.
110. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any types that people should never do? Why or why not? It is none of my business what another person puts in their own body. People find different ways to enjoy themselves or to cope with hardships. It is not my place to say which of those are good and which are bad. I would say children probably should be kept from such substances, at least until they are old enough to make an informed decision about the consequences that might come of it. And obviously forcing it onto someone else, by trickery or by force, is entirely unacceptable.
111. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Having the freedom to go where you wish and do what you wish, to see the beauty of the world and its people. To do so at your own pace, with nothing forcing you to move on until your are ready, but also nothing holding you to one place if you don’t wish to remain.
112. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Having your freedom taken away—be it by another person’s hand, your life circumstances, or running from something you cannot escape. Having your choices taken away or minimized until there is only one path forward is like a walking death.
Part Eight: Likes and Dislikes
113. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? I occasionally enjoy a card game, or a game of chance. I like looking at art, but I have never had the time to learn an art for myself.
114. What is your most treasured possession? Two—a blessed keepsake given to me by a band of monster hunters I had travelled with for a short time, and the nice outfit Igil made me. In both cases, it was a gift from friends. Those have been few and far between since I left home. They mean a lot to me.
115. What is your favorite color? Why? Purple. It is close to Desna’s holy color, but I feel purple has more of a pop than blue.
116. What is your least favorite color? Why? I couldn’t say, there is no color that particularly repulses me. Matched with other colors that complement it, virtually every color can be beautiful in some manner.
117. What is your favorite food? Why? I met a woman from Tian Xia who made some delicious battered shrimp. Tempura, I believe it was?
118. What is your least favorite food? Why? Having been fed the rations of a noble’s slave, there is little else I think is as disgusting. In part because even if it tasted good (it did not), we had no choice in the matter, and eating their food was demeaning all on its own.
119. What is your favorite sound? Why? Rain pattering through a forest canopy.
120. What is your least favorite sound? Why? Claws scratching across certain surfaces make the worse ear-piercing noise. I try to be mindful of it.
121. What is your favorite smell/scent? Why? Pumpkin—especially pumpkin pie. It reminds me of home, it reminds me of my mother, and it was one of the only things I remembered when I awoke with total amnesia.
122. What is your least favorite smell/scent? Why? The usual things no one likes. Rot—be it spoiled food or decaying creatures.
123. What, if anything, do you like to read? I like travel journals, or stories of lands so distant that even I may only ever dream of reaching them.
124. What is your idea of good entertainment? Games of chance or skill. Swapping stories with new acquaintances. I think I would like the theatre as well, but I have never been. I like the idea of people playing out stories.
125. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? What is a Saturday? Do you mean Starday? To be honest, my days don’t tend to have a pattern based on the week or weekend. Certainly, when I arrive to a new place on Sunday, I know it because people are often tending to religious matters or resting. The other days tend to blend together a bit. Not that I am not doing anything interesting, but that days of the week have little meaning when you’re not around other people for weeks on end.
126. What makes you laugh? Things that are funny. Igil seems to be the butt of the joke fairly often.
127. What makes you laugh out loud, hysterically? It was not funny in hindsight, now that we know how we lost our memories. But when we first got back to Thrushmoor, and a man Igil had wronged shoved him into the water, I lost it.
128. What makes you cry? Hearing tales of particularly grim hardships. Anger, sometimes.
129. What makes you cry, hysterically? That has not happened often enough for me to say there is a pattern. I definitely cried the hardest I can remember when I began coming into being a changeling, and I was frantically trying to grind down my claws to look like human nails again. I was young, and I was scared.
130. What, if anything, shocks or offends you? Half of what comes out to Jolene’s mouth.
131. What would you do if you couldn’t sleep and had to find something to amuse yourself? I would go outside and stargaze. Try to find constellations, perhaps the Stair of Stars.
132. How do you deal with stress? Worrying more.
Seriously? I do not know. I just get through it.
133. Are you spontaneous or do you always need to have a plan? I prefer to plan. The way I look at it, when you have a plan you stack luck in your favor instead of against you. Going out on…let’s say a hike in the mountains, if you do not plan you are relying entirely on having good luck to get your through. But luck can be good or bad, and when you go out without a plan you increase the likelihood of having bad luck instead. If you go out with a plan, however, you may still get bad luck, but it will be less devastating, and your good luck will be more rewarding.
134. What are your pet peeves? Acting without a plan, especially if it puts others at risk.
135. Where do you go when you’re angry or depressed? Anywhere I want. If I am in a hilly area though, going to the top of a hill and watching the clouds or stargazing can be a very calming activity.
136. What do you do when you’re bored? Explore, find new people to talk to, learn something new, observe animals in nature. There are many ways to alleviate boredom.
137. What type of music do you like? Favorite bands or musicians? I am not very adept at band names, but there is usually a bard or two to be found in inns that travelers often frequent. I generally enjoy their performances.
138-143 & 148 were too modern day Earth based for Ileark to accurately answer.
144. What is your favorite book? Why? I would have difficulty choosing a favorite. I particularly like stories of distant places, history, and travel journals, but they tend to all bland together after a while, I do not have a particular favorite, maybe just favorite parts.
145. What is your least favorite book? Why? The same as above, with the caveat that unholy texts to evil gods are my least favorite by default.
146. Who is your favorite author/writer? Why? See 144
147. Who is your least favorite author/writer? Why? see 145
149. What annoys you more than anything else?
150. What time of day is your favorite? Why? Late at night, when everything is quiet, and the stars are shining. It is a good time for reflection, and to remember the gifts Desna has given us.
151. What time of day is your least favorite? Why? When I first wake up. It is much harder to appreciate the beauty of the world when you just want to curl up and go back to sleep. Even the sun feels harsher when you first wake up.
152. What kind of weather is your favorite? Why? Did I not already answer this one? I enjoy when there’s a light rain, especially if I am under a forest canopy or in an inn, where I can enjoy listening to the pitter-patter of the droplets.
153. What kind of weather is your least favorite? Why? Have you ever been in a desert at any hour of the day? That. The bright oppressive heat during the daylight hours, and the bitter freezing cold of the night hours. I do not like extremes of temperature.
154. What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? It’s the little things. Beams of sunlight shining through the clouds after a storm. A field of flowers, with butterflies and bees floating about from flower to flower. The rainbow shimmering in the mist at the bottom of a waterfall. The world, in its totality, is beautiful.
155. What is the most awful thing you have ever seen? The end result of remaining in one place too long. When Alazhra would come calling. She could kill farm animals, bring disease to the people and blight to crops. Anything that would hurt the people around me.
156. What is your favorite drink? Why? I tried this mango juice while in Garund. It tasted…bright. Like someone distilled a perfect summer day into a drink.
157. What is your least favorite drink? Why? Aside from any obvious answers of inedible or spoiled things, coffee. And tea to a lesser extent. Caffeine makes me anxious. More anxious than usual.
158. What is your favorite animal? Why? Butterflies seem a give away. So, songbirds. Nightingales.
159. What is your least favorite animal? Why? Hyenas. They remind me too much of my time in Okano.
160. What sorts of things embarrass you? Getting flustered, not being able to word what I am trying to say properly.
Part Nine: Self Image
161. Describe a normal day for you. I have not had a ‘normal’ day in many years. But for a long time my routine was to simply travel, wherever my heart desired. I would generally camp out, so as to not put anyone in danger. I cooked my own meals. And I walked or flew. A lot.
162. How do you feel when your routine is disrupted? I very much dislike it when somebody throws a wrench into my plans. It is frustrating, and I may dig in my heels a little if I feel the change is unwarranted. But ultimately that is life. You plan for what you can, and luck or fate will throw things at you, whether you are prepared or not.
163. What is your greatest strength as a person? I am determined. When I know what I want (or do not want as the case often is), I do not waiver about it.
164. What is your greatest weakness? There are many things that scare me. Many of them come from within. I do not trust myself as much as I should.
165. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? That is obvious. I would be an actual human foundling, with no ties to Alazhra.
166. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? I am an extrovert, but an extrovert on the quieter end of the spectrum. Being around people is one of my favorite things, and it energizes me. I don’t do well when I am alone for too long. But I prefer to listen to what these other people have to say than to be the center of attention myself.
167. Are you generally organized or messy? I am impeccably organized.
168. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at. travel magic, nudging the threads of fate, and reading what kind of people those I meet are.
169. Name three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. Healing magic, climbing (this is why I just fly if the option is available), and speaking in a way that is persuasive (it is frustrating trying to get my thoughts across to people sometimes, especially if I already know what needs to be done and how, and others are digging their heels in.)
170. What are your reasons for being an adventurer or heroic? Are your real reasons different than the ones you tell other people in public? If so, detail both reasons. I had no choice. I was a traveler because of the circumstances of my life. I did help people here and there, but I wouldn’t say I was a hero. Now? I once again had no choice. My mind was stolen from me by a cruel man, and the journey to regain my memories uncovered a far darker conspiracy. One that must be stopped at any cost, or the world is doomed to be handed over to an Elder God on a silver platter. I am honest about these motivations. I didn’t choose this life, but I am happy to be able to help in some way.
171. What three words best describe your personality? Fastidious, realistic, hopeful (yes I am aware those last two may seem a contradiction. But I believe that sometimes you must have hope that things will be better, even if you know that the current reality is grim.)
172. What three words would others probably use to describe you? Aloof, ethereal, and lively (A/N: courtesy of Jo’s player)
173. What about you is heroic? The fact that I am literally on a journey to try to save the world from at least one Elder God?
174. Are you a better lead or follower? Why? I prefer to follow, and to organize. I am one of those people who make it possible for a leader to lead.
175. What is your responsibility to the world? Why? I simply must leave the world better than it was when I came. Whether that is helping a stranger, or stopping an evil god’s cult, it is all the same in the end. It’s all helping people to continue living their lives in peace.
176. What do you like about yourself? I am honest, I will not let evil deeds go unimpeded. I will always fight for mine and others’ freedom.
177. What don’t you like about yourself? My bloodline. The darker side of my powers. The fact I cannot seem to heal worth a damn.
178. What do you find most relaxing? (not stress relief, but something that actually calms you down.) Focusing on my breathing. And finding time to watch the stars or clouds helps to clear my head a little.
179. What talent would you most like to have? I envy Berin’s healing powers and his determination to protect others. I think I see many things in Berin that I would like to reflect.
Part Ten: Occupation & Finance
180. What is your occupation? (If you don’t have one, where does your money come from?) I help people where I can, and people are usually generous and share a meal or a few coins for a traveler who has shown them kindness. I think I can safely say I have been very lucky in the sorts of people I have met on the road and in towns. I do not help asking for a reward, but there are many kind souls who will invite you to break bread with them regardless.
181. Do you like your job? I enjoy travelling. And I enjoy helping people when I see they are in need. So, yes, I suppose I do.
182. What is your boss/employer like? Erm…if anyone were my boss it would be Desna, but that is a very unusual way to think about a goddess. Even though she literally gave me a job proposition…
183. What are your co-workers like? The closest thing I have to coworkers are my friends, and I have already talked about them at length.
184. Do you get along with your co-workers? See above.
185. Which co-workers don’t you get along with and why? Jolene is the one I get along with the least. I do not hate her by any means, but our personalities clash. She is probably not someone I would have chosen to work so closely with if circumstances hadn’t pushed us together. I see the merit in her way of doing things (at least more so than when we first met), but she is still incredibly frustrating sometimes.
186. What is something you had to learn that you hated? Hm. You know, I can’t actually think of any learning opportunity I’ve had that I resented. I like learning new things, even if I do poorly at them.
187. Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why? What is the point of coins if you are just going to hoard them like a dragon? Life goes by fast, it is best to enjoy things in the moment. If that means spending more money on rounds at the tavern in exchange for some stories, or buying a beautiful piece of jewelry, then it is money well spent.
188. If you were to gain an obscenely large sum of money, what would you do with it? Use some of it and share some of it. I do not even live in one place, nor do I intend to now even if I escaped Alazhra. So I would keep enough to facilitate my travels from the rest of my days, and then give the rest to those I meet during my journey. There are so many people who even a handful of gold would change their lives completely. Who am I to keep that from them?
Part Eleven: Drug & Alcohol
189. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If yes, why? Do you want to quit? I have tried many things. I don’t regularly use drugs, but I will not lie that I’ve been introduced to some very interesting ones in different parts of the world. I think my favorite was a hallucinogen from Garund. As for drinking, I will drink in celebration or to socialize with others. If I could never drink wine again, I would miss it, but it would not overly affect me in the long run.
190. How old were you when you had your first drink? Did you like it? Why or why not? I think I tried some wine when I was fairly young, but I did not like it back then, and avoided it for a long while. But the best place to swap stories with fellow travelers is inevitably the local taverns, so I quickly learned my likes and dislikes.
191. How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? Desna help me. It was humiliating is what it was. I was a young teen, a few months into my travels. I had just decided that if I wanted to get to know people at the tavern, I would have to do as they did and drink something. So I asked the barkeep for a suggestion, and she introduced me to some fruity drink, I forget exactly what kind it was. It tasted good, a lot better than I’d been expecting. And…because it tasted good, I kind of forgot that it was alcoholic partway through the night. I wasn’t accustomed to alcohol either, so it hit me like a runaway carriage.
192. Do you drink on a regular basis? Regular enough. If I find myself in a new town I am sure to check out the taverns and try to find a local favorite.
193. What kind of alcohol do you prefer? Wine, preferably one that isn’t too dry.
194. Have you ever tried any kind of “mood altering” substance? Which ones? Describe the experience. I’ve done a few different drugs in my travels. The hallucinogen I tried in Garund was called Ice Tears. It causes you to see people from your past and future—whether it is one of the drug’s hallucinations or an actual vision is highly contested. I…have a difficult time saying. I remember seeing people. I think I saw my mother. And I saw other people. I almost want to say I saw Igil, but I might just be mixing current memories with what little I remember from the height of the drug’s effects.
Part Twelve: Sex & Intimacy
195. Have you ever been in love? What happened? No, as I have alluded to above, I have a complex relationship to the very concept of romance. I do not think I will find someone anytime soon, if ever. That is not as sad as it sounds—being on my own means I can travel wherever I wish, at whatever pace suits me. There is a certain freedom in lacking a partner.
196. Have you ever had your heart broken? Not particularly, no.
197. Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Why? I would be pansexual. Gender has never particularly mattered to me.
198. Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? Describe the experience. Er…that is a bit personal. Just between us? He was a young Varisian man, a half-elf with some drow ancestry. He was beautiful. He was a fellow traveler, and we swapped stories at the bar. We really hit it off, and he didn’t seem to mind that we would have to part ways afterwards. He had places to go, and I had to keep moving for everyone’s safety. It was…nice. A little awkward, we were both young and although he had more experience than me that was not saying much. But at the end of the day, it was a good experience.
199. Have you ever had a same-sex experience? Describe the experience. See above.
200. What is your deepest, most well-hidden sexual fantasy? Would you ever try it? Ok now *that* is extremely personal. (A/N: bondage, especially being tied up with ropes)
201-202 are more detailed sex questions I as the writer do not feel comfortable getting into.
203. Do you currently have a lover? Describe them, what you are attracted to, and what the relationship is like. I do not. All of my lovers have, by necessity, been flings that lasted a night or two. I assure you, I made certain they understood that before we slept together. I am not interested in being one of those cads who travels around and leaves a trail of broken hearts behind them. If any of those I had a night with expected more, that is entirely on them for thinking I was not being genuine in what I told them up front.
204. What is the perfect romantic date? I do not know. I have never really dated—nothing beyond the superficial meetings I mentioned above. I don’t really know what a good romantic date would even be. Anything I can think of is something you could just as easily do with a friend, it seems somewhat excessive to make it into a big deal.
205. Describe your perfect partner. I…have been partial to half-elves and elves in the past. There is a good reason for those in humanoid society to believe all elves are beautiful. Because as far as I’ve met, they really are disproportionately gorgeous. And both are rather long lived so…they tend to have a lot of experience.
206. Do you ever want to get married? When do you see this happening? Not particularly. As I said above, not having a partner is freeing. I won’t be breaking any hearts if I agree to Desna’s offer to travel beyond the stars, facing the cults of Elder Gods in her name. Obviously I will miss my friends deeply, but there is less of an obligation to always be available to friends.
207. Do you want children? Why or why not? Not particularly, for the same reason above. It would be impossible to live the life I have with a child. And…on another level, I fear what Alazhra might do to another child bearing even a few drops of her blood.
208. What is more important, sex or intimacy? Why? It is going to sound shallow that I only really focus on the sex. But again, I have always known I would have to leave these people in a day or two and likely never see them again. I do not want to give them the wrong idea.
209. What was your most recent romantic relationship like? Who was it with? n/a
210. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you love? I accidentally killed Igil. I am pretty sure that is the worst you can do to someone you care for. Even if he laughs about it now.
Part Thirteen: Morality
211. What one act in your past are you most ashamed of? Giving up, and walking into the desert with the intention to not come out the other side. I was…in a bad place. I had been running for so long. When my last strand of hope snapped, I could only despair. I believed I would never be able to stop running, and that cutting my life short rather than being worn down by the constant shadow and call of  a hag would be the right thing to do. I think, now, that I was wrong to try to throw my life away. Even if I have to run for the rest of my life, I will touch the lives of so many others. I can make a difference in the world, even if I can never really be apart of the lives of the people in it.
212. What one act in your past are you most proud of? Holding out against Alazhra, no matter how much she tries to break me. I might be ashamed that I did not see the bigger picture when I tried to end my life, but I am also proud that I am willing to go that far to not be a pawn in her game.
213. Have you ever been in a physical fight before? Over what, with who, and who won? Too many for me to give a number of times. My claws are not just for show.
214. What do you feel most strongly about? Freedom. People having the freedom to make their own choices, to live in a manner that will make them happy.
215. What do you pretend to feel strongly about, just to impress people? I cannot say this is something I have done? I do not see the point of pretending you have a passion for something you do not.
216. What trait do you find most admirable and how often do you find it? Loyalty, and a desire to protect or heal.
217. Is there anything you think should not be incorporated into the media or arts? (i.e., sex, violence, etc). What and why or why not? No, absolutely not. While Shelyn is not my patron Goddess, she is very close to Desna. Art is about expressing what it on the inside. Good art will speak to a truth within the artist. You cannot sensor that. Art is an expression of freedom, and making it anything less undermines the purpose of the arts.
218. Do you think the future is hopeful? Why or why not? I…would like the future to be hopeful. I am hopeful, that perhaps if I take Desna up on her offer to travel the stars, I will finally be protected from Alazhra. But…I fear what is coming between then and now.
219. Do you think redemption is possible? Why or why not? I do. I have seen it with my own eyes. Igil was a worshipper of Alazhra, and had plenty of blood on his hands. But kindness and camaraderie helped to bring him to a place in life where he could stand up to Alazhra and reject her.
However…I am not the one to lead others to redemption. That is Berin’s charge as a Sarenrite. I…feel that true redemption is a rare thing. There are far too many people in the world who are cruel and evil and have no desire to be anything but. Those are the people I will protect others from, while Berin brings those who might change into the light.
220. Is there something you think is absolutely unforgivable? What is it? Enslaving another intelligent being. Stifling their freedom, binding them, forcing them to do as you command or face punishment or death. It is one of the cruelest things you can do to another person. And unlike things like killing, where there are circumstances in which it is understandable, there is no circumstance in which slavery is not vile and evil.
221. Is it okay for men to cry? Yes? Obviously?
222. Is it okay for you to cry? It…can be. I try not to in front of others. Not because I am ashamed, but because I do not wish to burden them with my emotional baggage.
223. What do you think is wrong with most people, overall? I do not thing there is one affliction most people have. Many are greedy. Some place themselves above others—be they nobles or slavers, it’s all the same mindset that others are somehow lesser. Some are cowardly, and would sell out even their dearest friend for a chance to save their own skin. But I do not think these things are intrinsically a part of being mortal. It is merely a failing of those particular people.
224. What is the worst thing you could ever do to someone you hated? …Make them hurt. When we went up against Biting Lash, I wanted her to suffer for the years she’d stolen from me. I did not make it quick. I burned her within an inch of her life with a Harm spell. And then I snuffed out what was left of her life. And I hope when Pharasma judges her, she goes to the most painful depths of the Nine Hells.
And Lowls deserves worse, still.
225. Do you have feelings that disturb you? What and why? See above. The fact I can do that without a moment of hesitation to someone who has deeply wronged me. It is terrifying. Even though I wholeheartedly believe Biting Lash deserves every moment of what she got, that darkness makes me cringe. I fear where such thoughts and actions could lead. I fear, more than anything, that letting go would feel just as satisfying as snuffing out Biting Lash’s life.
226. On what occasions do you lie? When it is necessary for the greater good. For example, lying to a guard is less harmful than allowing ourselves to be barred entrance to a place in which dark rituals are underway.
227. Do you think it is okay to lie? I prefer not to, but when it is necessary I do not beat myself up over it. Desna does not demand that her follows always tell the truth—especially not mindlessly telling the truth when lying could save lives.
Part Fourteen: Supernatural Awareness
228. Tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. …I was young. About 10 or 11 I think? It started with seeing a shadowy figure lurking in the woods just outside of town, or at the edge of a field of crops. Every time I saw her, something bad seemed to happen in the village not long after. And then I began changing. My eyesight became sharp in the dark, able to see every little detail even on the most moonless night. Far more noticeably, however, was that my nails grew into claws. I was scared. I was just a child. I tried grinding down my claws so they would look like nails again, but they would always grow back by the next day. Eventually my mother caught me. And even though I thought I was turning into a monster, she comforted me, and reassured me that I was always her son, no matter what. She was the one who first had the idea to paint my claws, so they would look a little more like painted nails. She said they were beautiful. I will always remember that. That was when I quit being repulsed by what I was, even if I was still terrified of what I must have come from.
229. What do you think now of being supernatural? Is it cool or have you been screwed? Being a changeling has its benefits, admittedly. Seeing in the dark allows me to travel at any time of the day or night I desire. And I have defended myself and others with only my claws and a little magic on a number of occasions. It has its downsides, of course. Alazhra and her call being chief among them.
230. Do you have a mentor? Describe them and how you became their student. I do not.
231. Do you have any magical items? Where did you get them? My Blessed Keepsake was given to me by a group of Varisian monster hunters I travelled with for a short time. It has a night hag’s claw in it. Even if it never kept Alazhra away, since she is so much more than an ordinary night hag, it still made me feel a little safer on lonely nights to hold it close. My Amulet of Mighty Fists was taken off of an enemy. I had my starknife and armored coat enchanted at a local shop in…it might have been Thrushmoor but I am uncertain. I have been collecting Pearls of Power—some obtained in battle and some bought. I intend to eventually make a bracelet out of them, for ease of access. My friends and I all have a Dusty Prism Ioun Stone, although I forget where exactly we picked them up. I also got a Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone, inspired by the one Igil previously had. I also have a bag of holding, which has a very evil tome stashed within it. We found it in a tower within a twisted corrupt city affected by a being I cannot risk even describing.  
232. Think of a major event that happened during your training/initiation. Describe the experience. During one Swallowtail Festival, my parents entrusted with me the cage of butterflies we would be releasing. I was so excited, and I followed my parents around like a duckling. Unfortunately, I was paying more attention to them and the cage than on where I was walking. I tripped, and fell, and the cage popped open, releasing all of the butterflies early. I felt horrible, but my mother assured me that this was merely a turn of fate. If the butterflies were released early, that is what was meant to be.
233. What is something you had to learn during your training that you hated? Why did you hate it? As I said before, there is little I have ever learned that I did not enjoy. Even if I did not excel at it, it was worth learning.
234. What is something you had to learn during your training that you loved? Why did you love it? I was a bit of a natural at learning Desna’s domains. Not many of her followers can affect the strings of fate. A little nudge of their own luck, sure, but to change the fate of anyone around them? That is a rare ability. And, of course, there was the ability to make your body slide through the folds of space. To teleport.
Part Fifteen: Goals and Future
235. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? If I can take Desna up on her offer after this venture and be able to travel the stars for all eternity, that is the greatest dream I can imagine.
236. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully? Somewhere deep in the Outer Spheres, following Desna’s will. Possibly? Dead because I tried to stop an Elder God from manifesting in this reality.
237. If you could choose, how would you want to die? Painlessly. I don’t want my final moments to be in agony. To slip away while dreaming is the most ideal death I can imagine. To be engulfed by Desna’s domain, and then to join her in Elysium.
238. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. Go home and see my parents one last time. Say goodbye to my friends, and tell them not to do anything stupid to try to bring me back. And then sit under the stars one last time, and hopefully pass in peace.
239. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? For my devotion to Desna. Saving the world is all well and good, but I do not feel that encompasses who I really am. I would rather history remember me as a Desnan than as a hero.
Part Sixteen: Misc.
240. If you could, what advice would you, the hero, give to the villain? Or If you could, why would you, the villain want the hero to be at your side or part of your team? Maybe don’t be a dumbass and mess with Elder Gods who will get into your head and warp you until you think summoning one into this world is a good idea? Oh, too late. Or you know, don’t be an asshole and keep slaves. Oops, you already did that too.
I have nothing to say to Lowls. Except that whatever punishment awaits beyond the Boneyard for you, it is a fraction of what you deserve.
241. What was the worst injury you’ve ever received? How did it happen? A ghost warrior eviscerated me with a sword. I was literally holding my innards in while I tried to heal myself. It was beyond excruciating.
242. How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish? I am. I am not going to give you where because if Jo sees this she will take advantage of it.
243. What would you wish for if you ever found a genie? Is it 3 wishes? 1) I would wish that I was not in any way associated with Alazhra. 2) I would wish that my parents are provided for, for the rest of their days, so that they can live comfortably in their old age. 3) Assuming I cannot just kill Lowls outright, I would wish for myself and my friends to be teleported straight to him so we could kill him ourselves. Seems more satisfying than just wishing him to death, too.
244. If your house burned down, what one thing would you want to save? I assume you mean objects and not people, because obviously if my home burnt down I would make sure my parents could get out safely first. Other than that…probably our family shrine to Desna.
245. Describe yourself sitting in your favorite spot. I would be seated on a hill at midnight. I would be far from any towns, and the full beauty of the starry night sky would stretch far off to the horizon.
246. How do you go to sleep and how do you wake up? (position, routine, etc) When I am camping, I sleep on a bedroll in a tent. Otherwise, I’ll sleep on a bed at an inn. I typically stay up late, and given the luxury of time I would sleep in. I generally sleep on my back.
247. What is a dream (during sleep) that you have often? I do not typically have recurring dreams. I do try to remember my dreams, though. Dreams are one of Desna’s gift to mortals, and I try to enjoy the experience when I can. Unfortunately, with dreams come nightmares. That is Alazhra’s domain. And I have had some…gruesome nightmares, especially recently.
248. What is a day dream that you have often? Returning home. Seeing my mother and father again. Telling them that everything is OK now, and that I can visit home as frequently as we like.
249. If you were to die and come back as any person or thing, what or who would you want to be? My first instinct is to say ‘a human’, as I’d like to live the peaceful normal life that Alazhra stole from me. But if I could be reincarnated as anything, I think it would be lovely to be a migratory bird. Flying from place to place simply because it is in my nature. It sounds nice.
250. What is your motto? Oh, do we have mottos now? I did not come prepared. Do people actually have mottos or is that just a thing in fiction?
251. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? To be honest, although I did not start traveling of my own accord, I cannot imagine being happy settled down anywhere anymore. I don’t want to live anywhere, I want to live everywhere. Go where the wind and Desna’s will guide me.
252. What time period do you wish you could have lived in? Why? (This is not a chance to change history.) What appeals to you about this era? It would be very interesting to live in Arodin’s time. The world must have been quite different, with Cheliax not owned by devils, and the ascended not yet gods.
253. If you could go back to any point in history and change something, what would it be? To be honest, I do not know. History led to the world being how it is today. There are so many acts of evil that COULD be stopped by someone with foreknowledge, but what might it lead to? What if those who were inspired to do good because they saw such evil manifest end up following a different path, and the world loses a force of good because of it? I am not a Pharasman, I do not believe in balancing the scales. Taking away one evil and one good from the world is still the loss of something good.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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factives. — posts about our introjects from other people, whether that's celebrities, historical figures, friends, abusers, or anyone else, though so far in our& case it's likely just going to be historical figures.
faitives. — posts about our introjects that are a mix between fictives and factives or at the very least the lines are blurred.
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entives. — posts about our non-introjects, essentially, our brainmade system members.
written in blood. — our ask tag.
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arcana.soundtrack — my life as a playlist.
lgbtqia2s+/mogai/liom. — posts relating to LGBTQIA2S+ / MOGAI / LIOM terms, flags, discussions of the topics therein, our hoard, and a catchall tag for the community as a whole.
r. — posts relating to one of my main abusers, my former best friend in highschool. we were around the same age in school, with her being slightly younger than me. we are no longer in contact.
my mother's love is choking me. — posts relating to my mother; a mommy issues tag. we're close, yet also strained.
i can only forgive my father in dreams. — posts relating to my father; a daddy issues tag. we had a falling out around my highschool years, we are reconnecting on speaking terms. he's clean now, but block this tag if you're triggered by substance abuse.
sisters. — posts relating to my two older sisters; we're both relatively close but they aren't exactly accepting of my transness.
j. — posts relating to my ex best friend and enbyfriend; we are no longer in contact, but i still have very deep conflicting complex feelings of both yearning and unconditional love for them and deep betrayal and hurt.
k. — posts relating to my ex boyfriend; we are no longer in contact and seemingly on amicable terms but i still have fond, sweet and affectionate memories of him; quite literally a living angel.
usurper. — posts relating to the man, my uncle, who sexually abused & possibly trafficked & recorded me as a child and adolescent for ten years, for as long as i can remember; he still lives in the same neighborhood as me, but we are not in contact. block this tag if you are triggered by p*do shit, incest, child abuse, csa, csem & trafficking.
www. — posts relating to the worldwide web, webcore, online trauma, etc.
psychosis. — posts relating to my occasional experiences with psychosis due to stpd. may tag with unreality for my schizospec viewers.
hurt. — posts relating to intrusive thoughts, csa/cocsa, r.amcoa, processing trauma, feelings of others' betrayal, cult abuse, t.rafficking & c.sem, processing intergenerational trauma, specifically indigenous historical trauma (IHT), religious trauma, depression, confidence/self esteem issues, trust/abandonment issues, fears, jealousy, self destructive behaviors, suicidal ideation and other harmful things; basically, a traumacore tag to vent & cope. block this tag if you are triggered by those topics. will always do my best to tag with the appropriate tws. you've been warned; view at your own risk.
agere. — posts about sfw age regression.
love blooms inside my chest. — general posts for/relating to my loved ones & just about love in general.
i've polished this anger and now it's a knife. — posts regarding anger, especially violent anger, considering for most of my life my anger was discouraged and frowned upon; this is my way of coping with it.
sick. — posts relating to chronic illness & chronic fatigue, specifically cfs & pots & my infancy in the hospital; block this tag if you're triggered by ci, hospitals and anything menhera/medcore.
saved. — posts that i want to hold onto.
crack. — things that make me laugh.
occultism. — anything related to the occult; my grimoire.
native.txt — anything related to my indigeneity / nativeness and my experiences with being a reconnecting native. may also crosstag with ndn tumblr.
jewish.txt — anything related to my jewishness / jewry and my experiences with being a reconnecting jew, may also crosstag with jumblr.
[disability/neurodivergency].txt — anything related to our disabilities & nds and our experiences, and the communities associated with it.
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zaxazoom · 2 years
My BBC ghosts ocs!
(In time period order)
Tw: some slight gore description
Pigeon (he/him): A caveman from the ice age, died of hypothermia, probably early 30s, personality akin to a dog, weirdly wise? Autistic, LOVES star constellations and birds, has the power to change temperature of an enclosed space.
Oliver (he/him): Plague doctor from… the plague. Died from… the plague. Died in early 50's, wears plague mask constantly, distant and stoic and often forgotten and excluded.
Catherine "Cath" (she/her): tudor, spanish, mid 40's, slept with someone's husband and the executioner was so bad he cut off her hand by accident before her head, she has the touching power but she has to use her cut off hand like a pencil, snarky
Anton (he/they): georgian shakespeare actor, Died In costume as Antigonous from "a winters tale" and got mauled by a real bear, not the fake one from the play. Pretentious, straight™ (not really) late 20's.
Isabelle (she/her): georgian, mixed race, 19 at age of death, bubbly and fun, died in a massacre and multiple stab wounds to the stomach, emotionally intelligent and caring.
Benjamin (he/him); victorian, mid 50's, heart attack, repressed gay, walking stick (He bats at people with it) judgey, AWFUL at average social interactions.
Theo (he/him): WW1 messenger boy, 22 at age of death, bomb explosion, biromatic, nervous wreck, passes rumors around by accident, if you walk through him it smells like smoke.
Enero "Beetle" (they/them): spanish, grumpy, hates England and was only there to visit family for day of the dead celebrations, simple skeleton day of the dead makeup, autistic, poisoned, 19 at age of death, been wearing a binder for about 80 years (yikes), can make people feel "shivers down their spines" if they touch them.
Jamal "Jam" (he/they): goofy silly guy, died wearing only a tank top, boxers and a load of bracelets and bangles and stuff, fell in a ditch when drunk (sobered up a bit before dying but a teensy bit tipsy still) african-american, welsh, early 30s, internally distraught that he did nothing with his life, hippy(?).
I don't have any specific ocs who own the house it's sort of just me and my irl friend right now.
If you have any questions, please ask, I'd be delighted to answer!
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roseadleyn · 2 years
❝ 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐬 ❞
॰ tags ॰
last updated: 03/05/2023
꒰ ✿ ꒱ — rose.
my rambles, random posts, rbs if they aren't from my mutuals
꒰ ♡ ꒱ — acacia.
anything to do with my mutuals !!
(as in rbs from my mutuals, mutual appreciation posts, asks, etc)
꒰ ⚝︎ ꒱ — stars.
꒰ 🜲 ꒱ — iris.
announcements, navigation, important information and updates
꒰ ❀ ꒱ — coreopsis.
ocs, novels, crowned
꒰ ⟡ ꒱ — auricula.
꒰ ✾ ꒱ — sycamore.
꒰ ⚘︎ ꒱ — everlasting.
for celebration of character's birthdays
꒰ ❁ ꒱ — rosemary.
꒰ ᜊ ꒱ — wood sorrel.
answering asks <3
✧ — rose's polls!
self explanatory, my polls, for whatever reason
「 — insert mutual's oc name 」
everytime i use another oc that isn't mine
fun fact; all my tags have meanings behind them!! rose because it's my name,
acacia since it means friendship in the victorian language of flowers,
stars since there are plenty of stories hidden in constellations and, well, stars,
iris because it means message in the victorian language of flowers,
coreopsis since it means always cheerful in the victorian language of flowers and i like talking and working about and on my ocs / novels,
auricula because moodboards are made of pics and auricula means painting in the victorian language of flowers,
sycamore since it means curiosity in the victorian language of flowers, and i mainly create hcs because i'm curious about why characters and things are the way they are and i wanna delve deeper into it,
everlasting since it means never ceasing remembrance in the victorian language of flowers and i don't forget birthdays or characters,
rosemary since it means remembrance. i didn't know which tag to go for in the navigation and i went with this because it sounds and looks so pretty <3
wood sorrel since it means joy. i like receiving asks, it makes me happy <3
yeah that's all i think, sorry for rambling about literal tags, and i'll add more if it's needed!!
𓊆 🐦‍⬛ 𓊇 ➜ grishaverse.
originally i intended to have two separate tags for six of crows and shadow and bone, but that's too much hassle so i'll tag soc posts as soc and snb posts as snb only... eh whatever you guys will see
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 10 months
Repost from my old OM blog because I really liked this and didn't want it trapped in an ask forever.
Notes: Angst, kind of comfort at the end (or more like, Satan's learned to find a little comfort on his own). Dola (she/her in this) is in this one so canon x oc; NOT gn!MC. Spoilers I guess for Satan's origin but we all know that at this point. Written before Nightbringer was released.
The brothers and the human are all gathered at Diavolo's private beach, the one he'd lit with an artificial sun, making it one of the only few places in the Devildom with a true daytime. It's a trip they'd all been promised, to celebrate the end of a difficult semester. It's a well-deserved break, though whether it was a reward or actually a bribe to ensure they all ended with good standing and without issue, Dola wasn't sure.
Not that it mattered to any of them. All they cared about was the fact that they were there, away from the city and away from their responsibilities as Lords of Hell--even if it was only for a week.
The first night they’re there, the six youngest of the seven are out on the shore, excitedly pointing at the night sky. The stars are different tonight; it seems that the constellations aren’t of the Devildom’s but of the human world’s, and the brothers—the twins especially—happily show off their surprisingly extensive knowledge of the art in the cosmos.
Dola hears names she hadn’t heard them mention before—Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and more. It wasn’t hard to guess that they were the names of angels they knew in the Celestial Realm, some having taught them all about the stories behind each little drawing in the sky. Lucifer confirms as much when he appears next to her, watching his brothers fondly. There was a twinge of something she couldn’t quite place in his expression, but knowing his history with the Celestial Realm, she decides to stay quiet. The others may still be able to reminisce fondly of their days as angels, but Lucifer had his reasons for not sharing the same feelings, and the lack of a third pair of wings when she’d heard he originally had six was proof of that.
She looks to the others again and sees that whatever excitement Satan had earlier had faded, replaced with what was clearly a mask portraying mild interest as he listens to his brothers. Dola watches him, concerned, when Lucifer speaks up again.
‘Satan must be bored,’ he muses. His tone is thoughtful, void of amusement. ‘He’s learned everything there is to learn about your realm’s stars from his books. My brothers rehashing everything from what they learned as fledglings must be tedious to have to listen to.’
Dola looks up at him, confused, before turning her attention back to the others. Lucifer's gaze lingers on the fourth oldest, but Dola doesn't notice.
‘I suppose so,’ she agrees. The longer she watches, the longer Satan is there listening to his brothers, the more it felt to Dola that perhaps he no longer wanted to be there. She takes out her DDD and sends him a text, offering whatever she could that sounded interesting to bail him out of there.
In the distance, Satan's face lights up when he sees that he’d gotten a text from her. Without making his eagerness to leave too obvious, he excuses himself and returns to Dola—but not without raising a suspicious brow at Lucifer as they enter their rented home. Lucifer just watches them go, sighing in relief.
Dola doesn’t think much of what Lucifer said or of Satan’s sudden disinterest in his brothers’ excitement, though both things did tell her that something was off—normally Satan would’ve taken the chance to teach his brothers what he knew, wouldn’t he? And between all six of them, only Belphie could really match his knowledge when it came to the stars… But even then, he’d still contribute. In bed she asks him if he was okay and as expected, he says he’s fine.
‘Why do you ask?’
‘No reason, I just thought you seemed a little off earlier. I must’ve overthought it.’
Satan smiles at her, but it was only half as genuine as he’d liked. He reassures her that he’s alright, just tired from the day. Dola doesn’t quite buy it, but lets it slide, thinking it either truly was nothing or that he simply wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. She kisses him goodnight and holds him a little tighter tonight before drifting off to sleep.
But somehow she wakes up alone in bed. It’s ten past midnight and Satan wasn’t anywhere in the room. She figures he left for the bathroom when something outside catches her eye. From the window she sees a familiar figure sitting alone on the shore, looking up at the sky. Dola presses a hand to the glass and watches him for a few moments more. How did he manage to leave without waking her up? How long has he been there?
Those questions can be asked later, she thinks. She quickly gets up and pulls on a jacket—one of his that he’d brought knowing that the Devildom seaside would be uncomfortable cold for her—before quietly making her way past the others’ bedrooms, down the stairs, and out the door. She approaches him, purposely making enough noise to let him know she’s near. He doesn’t turn around.
‘Satan?’ she calls out to him. Despite the silence, she takes a seat next to him. She brushes her hand against his, the weight of the worry in her chest lifting ever so slightly when he intertwined their fingers. The crashing of the waves onto the shore was the only thing filling the silence. She draws little patterns on the back of his hand with her thumb.
Minutes pass without a single word exchanged before he spoke up.
‘What did Lucifer tell you earlier?’ he asks. He turns at her, expectant.
‘All he told me was that you must be bored listening to your brothers talk about the human world’s stars,’ she answers. She meets his eyes and see the beginnings of a fire calming down.
‘I see…’
She gives his hand a light squeeze. What did he assume he told her? ‘Satan, my love, what’s wrong?’
He blinks—hesitant, unsure. But takes a deep breath before facing the sea.
‘My brothers,’ he began, sighing. ‘They were all angels. Each one of them spent eons with each other and other angels in the Celestial Realm where it’s eternally day.
Some angels who’d been to the human world caught sight of what the night looked like, but they couldn’t stay to admire the dark beauty of it. Angels weren’t allowed to linger for long up there which only fueled their curiosity… Especially their curiosity of the twinkling, distant stars in the night sky.’
Satan’s brow furrows as he speaks, his gaze now down to the sand between his feet. ‘So Michael, the Archangel, once Lucifer’s closest companion among the Seraph, had a planetarium built near the palace. It bore the same constellations as your world, and Michael himself taught every curious angel what each star was and what each constellation meant. He taught my brothers everything they knew about your sky.’ He pauses to turn to Dola, who’d been watching him as he spoke. He’d been trying to remain composed but his eyes betrayed him—she sees hints of longing, of frustration that he’s fighting to push back.
Finally, it clicks. And it makes her heart ache.
‘I only know all this because my brothers have told me about it,’ Satan explains. He takes a brief, deep breath. ‘I was a part of Lucifer even during his time as an angel, yet I can only remember mere fragments of that part of my existence. Nothing clear enough to make heads or tails of, not even enough to know what Michael’s lessons were like, or even what my own brothers were like.
It’s like I was never there,’ he said, his eyes swirling with emotion. ‘Like only Lucifer existed despite me knowing that I was seeing the world through his eyes.’ He lets go of Dola’s hand to dig his fingers into the sand, his frustration finally reaching the surface. She gently calls his name as she begins to rub circles on his back, calming him down enough for him to take in a few deep breaths. Satan reaches for her once most of the tension left his body, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Her warmth comforted him, and reminded him that there was someone he could confide in—despite his earlier frustration, just having been able to finally tell someone all this and listen made his heart feel even just a little bit lighter.
Dola rests her head on his shoulder, her arm naturally snaking around his waist. It’s only when his breathing had fully calmed that she spoke again.
‘Do you wish you could remember everything?’ she gently asked, lifting her head up to look at him. ‘That his memories that stayed with you were clearer?’
‘Despite everything, no,’ he answered. ‘The earliest memory I can vividly recall was my creation, and to me that establishes the biggest difference between me and Lucifer.
That while he was once the most beloved of angels, I have only been a demon.’
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