#oc: elsie summers
She Belonged to the Wild - A Tommy Shelby/OC One Shot Story.
So since Tommy appeared to be quite popular, I think I might add him to the rotation of male muses, besties! Here you are, little bit of smut for you all :)
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Words - 1,174
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
She smelled like summer, apples and horses, all the simpler pleasures Tommy had long forgotten drew the most contentment, the longings for the wagon and the brass, the campfire and the open air supressed beneath the thirst for power. 
He was a Blinder, after all. His thirst for more was unquenchable.  
At his roots, in his blood, though, gypsy was woven into his soul with threads that glittered, and he would always be this, would always come back to this. He could never truly sever, and since her, he didn’t desire to. He found himself at her wagon more and more, riding out over his land to find her, smiling at the simplicity of viewing her there in her long skirts, gold glittering her ears and fingers, fingers that lovingly ran a brush over Patch, her beloved horse.  
Her face lit up to see him approach, turning to move the brush over Patch’s flank as he climbed down from the large, black steed he rode. “Come to seek out a little solace, hm?”  
How well she knew him. He dropped his head, a hint of a smile playing his lips as he screwed a cigarette between them, lighting up. “Something like that, Els.”  
He was a man of so few words, his face always so passive. One never knew what lurked beyond the surface of Tommy Shelby, what stirred through his depths. Except for Elsie. She knew because she was the one who stirred them. Watching the storm begin to whirl in his eyes was half the fun, the precursor to the pleasure, her gaze flitting over him as he stood and smoked, waiting for her to finish tending to Patch. 
Once she was done, she padded barefoot through the long grass, casting off her blouse and skirts, revealing herself without a hint of bashfulness to both him and the early morning sun. The dew was damp and sumptuous beneath her feet, and for Tommy, the sight of her nearing him was perhaps even more splendorous than the pink hued dawn itself.  
His wry smile was all praise. “Blimey. That fuckin' figure. You're enough to drive a man out of his mind.” 
Approaching him, she moved her mountain of wavy dresses with the sweep of her hand, reaching for him, nimble fingers beginning to undo his shirt as he shrugged his jacket off. “God put me together well, I like to think.” 
He pulled her to him, his breath hot at her neck. “Mm, god didn’t create you, sweetheart. You’re much too rare for that.” His lips pressed against the silken flesh of her neck, hands wandering up her back as she arched against him. Her nimble fingers pulled him from his clothes, a naked tumble taking them into the long grass beneath, their kisses honey dripped and fever hot.  
Looking down upon him, she relished in the sight beneath her, Tommy moving to clasp her waist and turn her onto her back, her giggle playful as the damp dew met her soft skin in a cooling press. His full lips began to scatter paths of sizzling heat over her body, head dipping as he cupped her breast, his tongue circling the pink peak until it pebbled. Those kisses lowered, her curves tended to carefully, his sensual lips settling at her sex, kissing before parting.  
He took a long, slow lick at her, the taste of her womanhood, the softness of her neat, dark curls pulling a grunt from his throat, hands spreading her wider as he lapped thirstily at her folds. His eyes found hers, shining azure beaming light from the altar where he laid his worship to all that was sacred, beautiful, ethereal, blessings given back by the divinity of her taste, the sweetness of her scent.  
Her hands tugged in his hair, hips rising against his mouth as a tide of sunshine gleamed through her, each lick firm in pressure upon her bud, his fingers moving to stroke at her, pushing within the heavenly, slick clasp of her cunt. Sparks skipped through her, flames catching at her edges as she cried out, feeling him smile against her soaking folds, his full lips wrapping to suck her with pillowy heat.  
“Tommy, please. I... oh!”  
He hummed with laughter, tongue snaking over pink, velvet petals. “I know what you want, my wild beauty. You can wait a bit longer, though.”  
“I can’t!” she gritted, whimpering when he stopped, feeling his damp lips pucker upon her inner thigh. 
He moved to level with her face, kissing her softly, gently nuzzling her nose with his. “Yeah, you bloody can. Stop complaining, alright?”  
Shaking his head at her unimpressed pout, he moved back between her legs, his tongue evoking her wails once more. The pleasure he gratified her with was sharp, digging at her bones, sweeping over her nerves like the kiss of silk, her thighs beginning to writhe against his face as he ate her rapaciously.  
He was like a man half starved, not pausing or slowing, the punch of his fingers against her soaking walls having her mewling in delight, breathless and dizzy, Tommy moving to his knees and finally, guiding what she’d craved deep into the trembling hug of her cunt. Her back arched, her mouth dropping open as the thick of him split her wide, Elsie clutching at her breasts as she watched him intently, the cool fire of his eyes burning just for her.  
The way his cock spread her had stars tingling her insides, lit up and shooting as the pleasure darted through her like a hail of comets. He speared her deep, lean body moving steadily, her hands gliding over his lithe muscles, her walls fluttering around him. He arrowed her steadily to begin with, lowering to his elbows, mouth pressing to hers with kisses of scorching desire, her nails gently raking down his back.
Speeding up, her sob of pleasure made him tingle down to his depths as he drove into her, the lewd sounds of their sex filling the air along with the morning birdsong and occasional snort from the horses grazing closer to the camp, Elsie’s wails loudening by the second.  
“Oh, oh fuck!” she cried, her teeth nipping at his neck, her body feeling molten within the heat of his forge, flames roaring as she felt it reach out and pull her into the fire. Her muscles stiffened as she crested and shattered like heirloom glass around him, Tommy driving into her until he reached the same peak of divinity, breathless atop her as he felt the sun beginning to warm his back.  
He had her once again before riding back to his house, leaving her to her day. He knew there’d be a time where he’d look out of the window and find her gone, so until that fateful morning, he enjoyed his wild beauty all he could, while he could.  
Tommy knew he’d never seek to tame her. Perhaps he wouldn’t love her quite so much if he ever could.  
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mundanemoongirl · 3 months
OC Origins Tag
Thanks for creating this tag and tagging me @pixies-love-envy!
Honestly I started creating ideas for my wip so long ago that I forgot where I got most of my ideas from and it irritates me to death. But I at least remember these few.
Aria: My wip was inspired by the Three Dark Crowns series, and Aria specifically was inspired by Arsinoe. They’re both royalty (Aria is royalty-equivalent), tough girls, and have animal companions. Over the years, I started giving Aria more unique traits though, like her love of fashion.
Cassidy: Cassidy was the last main character I created and by that point I ran out of character traits so I based her off of myself. She loves to read and go on adventures, she’s a romantic, she struggles with social cues at times, and she can be insecure.
Amiliana: I work with kids. This is a known fact. One summer I worked with this kindergartener named Amiliana who insisted on being called Milli. I loved her name and nickname, and I loved how smart and social this little girl was so much that I created a character like her. She’s much older than the actual Aniliana, but she’s one of my youngest characters because the kid was so young.
Rosemary: This is my favorite origin because it’s so wild. Originally, I didn’t think I was capaable of writing a full book, so I wanted Spiritwalker to be a comic. The problem with that is I can’t draw to save my life, so I recruited my friend who loves drawing comics. She liked my idea so much she proposed a character. This was Rosemary, who she originally named Nyxx. This character was a villain and completely broke my magic system (after seeing her other OCs I discovered they were all mary sues). But she stopped working on the comic after doing nothing but a few sketches, so I changed it to a book and changed Rosemary’s name and powers to make more sense. I also changed her from being a villain to a victim of the villain who eventually helps my main characters.
I’m tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks @elsie-writes @owlsandwich and anyone else who wants to join!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
Personality through quotes
Thanks to @elsie-writes here and @mk-writes-stuff here!
Rules: provide a quote from an OC given a prompt
A quote about magic
Lexi: "I've always been a bit skeptical of the existence of magic. Personally, I think it's more beautiful and wonderful if things we consider magic are just nature or humanity. Alium is just an alternate reality where magic exists, but even then it's not really magic. Just different science."
Maddie: "Magic doesn't exist. Even in Alium, it's just science."
Ash: "It's classic to say magic is just science we don't understand, and I agree. Science is so fascinating. Studying telepathy as a science is interesting."
Gwen: "Just because you understand something as a science doesn't mean it's not magic. Magic is about wonder. Even in Ceteri, there are many wonderful, magical things to appreciate."
Robbie: "I kinda agree with Gwen here. I'm in the robotics elective at my school, and watching the little guys move... Boom, magic. Ash and Maddie are in their school's robotics club, and they tell me I shouldn't anthropomorphize the robots, but I can't help it!"
Akash: "Not sure about magic, but once in a lifetime friendships that rely on chance meeting is pretty close to it. In fact, anything amazing that happens by chance feels like magic, to an extent."
Jedi: "Alium does not have magic, per se, but there are many fascinating things about our world we do not understand. The revolution around our birthdays--two random ones at that. The existence of dragons. The workings of the portal. I wouldn't say magic is just science we don't understand, but science is in of itself magic because there's no reason for it to work the way it does other than the universe itself."
Carmen: "Pfft, we're debating magic again? Magic doesn't exist. Grow up."
A quote about the weather
Lexi: "I guess I'm glad I'm used to hoodies and don't get warm easily. Houston weather can get pretty warm and humid, especially in the summer."
Maddie: "I wish it didn't get so hot in the summer. I'd go outside a lot more than I do. I do enjoy watching the downpour through my bedroom window. Though when lightning strikes and takes out our power...that sucks. But it's kinda fun, in a way."
Ash: "I really like going outside when it's overcast. Sunburn and heatstroke is lower, and it's just generally nice to be outside without the sun ruining your vision. Thunderstorms are also super cool."
Gwen: "I feel like if I was born in a different family, I'd hate the outside. Staying in my room with a book sounds nice. But my family has a perfect place for a natural hike we go to near our house. So sometimes I read on the back porch swing. I like it when there's a nice breeze but not strong enough to where it blows the pages shut."
Robbie: "Life hack - avoid bad weather by never going outside! Unfortunately my parents are doctors and make Sammy and me go outside for Vitamin... Uh, C? It's C, right? Not confident about that. Whichever one it is, Sammy and I have prescribed Outside Time."
Akash: "If mobility isn't an issue, I like being outside. Warm, bright, sunny days with soft breezes are epic. Could be out there for hours. No need for prescribed Outside Time."
Jedi: "Hm? Oh, weather is nice, yes." (Goes back to his work)
Carmen: "... Weather sucks. I would much rather spend my days inside. I definitely don't miss walking through the forest and seeing all the plants and animals. Recognizing certain individual creatures. Enjoying the breeze. The warmth... It's stupid, is what it is."
Your prompt: A quote about teaching or learning
Softly tagging @rickie-the-storyteller @mk-writes-stuff @i-can-even-burn-salad @willtheweaver @jezifster
@aziz-reads @ohnomybreadsticks @buffythevampirelover @dyrewrites @theeccentricraven
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
26 - NYE pt. 2 - Say It Again** // Forever Winter Series
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pairing: austin x fem!oc | word count: 6.8k-ish
warnings: smut, alcohol, mentions of substance abuse, mutual masturbation, use of toys, crying, fluffy?? sad fluffy?? (u know the deal), slight sub/dom undertones if u squint, aftercare, please don't hate me, 18+, MDNI
summary: After Austin’s encounter with Elsie in a side room and his new year’s kiss with his date, he spots Elsie making a speedy escape. Plagued with guilt of his actions, he runs to catch her but finds her in a… compromising position.
previous chapter -> 25 - NYE - Til You Come Back For More
see masterlist - for chapter log & all other fics
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We go 'round again, we jump back in bed That's what you do when you love somebody
These bad omens, I look right through them That's what you do when you love somebody
I died when you left that night for the thousandth time 'Cause you love somebody else
Aspen pulled away from our new year’s kiss with the biggest drunken grin. The taste of her vanilla lip gloss and straight tequila coated my lips. I kissed her again for good measure, pulling her waist against mine. “You look stunnin’ tonight babe.” Cupping her cheeks, “Just like a little sparkly firework.”
She blushed a bit and nudged my arm, “Oh shut up.”
I contemplated sweeping Aspen off into a bathroom to get the feeling of Elsie off me, but I couldn’t do another fuck in a bathroom.
The roar of the new year faded back into standard party noise and Aspen hauled me to the kitchen for fresh drinks. She was talking to me, but my focus was on the door down the hall that I left a desperate Elsie behind. She still hadn’t come out yet, which I figured she would’ve rushed out to get her New Year’s kiss from Nox.
It was only when Aspen handed me a new drink that I saw Elsie creep out from behind the wooden door. Slow at first then quickly zipping through the bustling crowd. Condensation from the red cup collected around my fingertips as I squeezed it between my fingers. My predisposed path I expected her to take was wrong, instead of going to find Nox, she escaped to the loft elevator.
Guilt began to spread through my veins as quickly as the alcohol. I hadn’t exactly been nice in that room with her. Maybe it was too much. Maybe I took it too far. I never meant to make her upset – at least not enough to leave a party.
I then diverted my attention to tracking Nox, between the many other Elon Musk wannabe’s it wasn’t the easiest mission. I finally spotted him in a corner with some girl, a blonde girl.
A girl that looked pretty similar to the blonde I saw at the bistro weeks ago. The girl that ‘wasn’t there’.
Okay so – either she’s upset because of me or because of Nox – or I’m fucking seeing shit again.
Either way I needed to find her.
“Hey darlin’.” Curling my arm around Aspen, “I think I’m gonna head home.”
“Aw,” The edges of her plump lips downturned for a just a moment, “Well that’s okay, I kinda wanted to go to the club and cash in on lonely partiers.”
A smile tugged across my face, that was exactly why this was working. No strings, just fun.
“Why don’t you wanna stay and party?” She dropped a maraschino cherry in her mouth then plucking the stem out.
“I just don’t think I’m feelin’ all that well.”
She twirled the cherry stem between her thin fingers. “Aw,” She pushed out her bottom lip, “I can help, you want a bump?”
It took a good pause for me to contemplate the answer to that but ultimately decided against it, coke wasn’t something I wanted to make a habit of. I had too many fixes to juggle already.
“Nah I’m okay, but thanks for offerin’.” Picking her chin up, her brown eyes sparkling up at me. I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t gorgeous. She looked like if you put old Hollywood Marilyn Monroe into a present-day high-end escort. The type of escort that only the 1% hire, the Jeff Bezoz type of escort. Her features soft like a girl next door but her body like – a Playboy bunny. That’s exactly what she looked like, a Playboy bunny. The sex appeal, charm and the cheerfulness of a Playboy bunny.
I pressed a kiss on her full lips but before I could pull away, she hooked her finger into my shirt pocket. Her eyes met mine again, plopping the cherry stem in her mouth and within seconds plucking a newly formed knot from her extended tongue. Her fingers rotated it in my eyeline before dropping it in the pocket, her bedroom eyes locked on me the entire time. “Consider that a rain check for the other ways I could make you feel better.” She swiped the excess cherry juice from her thumb across her tongue then cleaned it off with a pop.
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Navigating through shitfaced New Yorkers on New Years was hard enough on its own but the urgency of finding Elsie and the concoction of chemicals in my system made it quite a trying journey.
Finally reaching her door, I gave my signature knock.
No answer.
Knock again.
No answer.
With a slight turn of the knob, the door pushed open. “Els?” I called quietly. Tiptoeing around the empty apartment before hearing small noises from behind her cracked bedroom door. When I stepped closer, they sounded like whimpers.
Fuck. The last fucking thing I wanted to do was make her cry.
I knocked gently against the door frame, “Els?”
No answer, so I decided to just open the door. We had keys to each other’s places it wasn’t like we never just showed up.
A loud shriek came from her lips, her bare legs clamping around her hand.
“I-“ Eyes widening at the absolute opposite of what I thought was going on. Her dress bunched up at her hips, her hand between her thighs.
“What are you doing here!” Using her free hand to chuck a pillow at me that I promptly dodged. I’d never seen her cheeks so red.
“I thought you were sad!” I defended, putting both hands up as if I were under arrest.
“Why the fuck would I be sad!”
“Well I-“
“Get out!” Chucking another pillow at me.
Then it occurred to me, and maybe it was selfish, but the sight of her like that burned something vicious down my body. “Wait,” A slight curl at the corner of my lips, “Is this because of me?”
“Is what you’re doing because of me?” I questioned, backing against the door clicking it closed.
“What are you doing, can you please just fucking leave.” Her voice was so flustered, it was almost endearing.
“Hm.” I stepped over to her, only causing her to clamp her legs more and slink further away from me. “Well, don’t stop on my account.”
I sat on the edge just below where her legs were bent. I loved having her be putty in my hands, I loved making her squirm and writhe and beg. Green eyes just blinked at me, even I could see the confusion behind them, the conflict. The visual struggle made me second guess my own actions. “I’m sorry I walked in on you. I’ll leave if you want me to.” Dropping the teasing tone.
“It’s okay um- just what are you doing here.” Well, she didn’t throw me out, maybe I was onto something after all.
“I saw you leave the party, I thought you were sad. But now I see you were just hor-“
“Sh!” Her free hand pressed a finger to my lips. She eyed me like if I was about to pull some rabbit out of a hat, like I was hiding something she was searching for.  In the slowest motion she unfolded her legs, keeping her hand over her core.
God she was gonna send me into a frenzy.
“Need some help?” I couldn’t help but offer.
Her middle and ring fingers drew up her slit landing at her clit but didn’t move. I could already feel my blood rushing to my hips. All I wanted to do was finish what I started at the party.
Adjusting to be between her legs, I pressed my coordinating fingers into hers then guiding them in slow circles.
“Wha-“ She began to protest.
“I can’t touch you remember?” I reminded. She dropped her head as my hand took control of the motions on herself.
“Now I’m gonna ask again.” Speeding up just enough to be noticeable, “Were you touching yourself because of me?” Her eyes widened, that was he rabbit she was waiting for - the ‘mean’ me she was yelling about at the party, the me that made her weak.
Her lack of a response caused a pause in my motions. Leaning forward placing a kiss at her bent knee, “Now what did we talk about words?”
Her already desperate eyes scrunched closed in defeat. It was those tiny moments of defeat that fueled me to push her further and further.
“Yes – Yes it was because of fucking you.” The angst in her voice indicated that she didn’t want to give in, but she was. She was pissed that I was right, that I saw right through her.
“Hm. You’re getting better.” My fingertips moving again, now in circle-8’s.
A low moan poured from her mouth. As rock hard I was or as much I wanted to be buried inside her or how I wanted to hear her choke on me, any of it didn’t distract from this. For me, sometimes this was even better than any of those. Being an orchestrator of a beautiful woman’s demise? A puppet master for a blinding spiral? Well that’s better than any orgasm I could ever have.
“Tell me darlin’, you got any toys in that drawer?” Her eyes shooting open again, more pink flooding into her cheeks.
“I- uh- no, I don’t.” Her words barely coming out past her stutters.
“Well, then you don’t mind if I double check?” My tone innocent, teasing. I went to open her wooden bedside table drawer when she caught my arm.
“No, no I don’t think you need to double check.” Panic clear in her voice.
“Mhm.” A swift tug at the drawer before she could protest further. Her hands immediately covering her face from pure embarrassment.
I was in utter shock when the opened drawer revealed a rather large collection of toys. Though, I suppose when you’re with a partner who doesn’t satisfy you, you need to find ways to find relief. Each toy she owned was smaller than me, but I chose the closest one to my size and girth.
When I returned to her, she had clamped her legs together again and was still covering her face. “Well, that wasn’t very nice to lie to me.”
“Shut up.” She fussed.
“Oh, don’t be like that.” My index tracing up the side of her thigh, “C’mon open up for me will ya?”
“No, you’re being mean.” She grumbled still hidden behind her humiliation.
“I think you like it when I’m mean,” The throbbing in my jeans was beginning to become painful, threatening to take complete control. “Let me make you feel good baby.” My hand curving round her full thigh, indicating to let me spread them. She paused then obliged, slowly opening her legs for me.
You know how when you’re really craving a favorite meal and then you finally get it and all you want to do is devour it in the most depraved way? That’s exactly how I felt the minute I saw her glistening heat.
“Alright darlin’ here’s what I’m gonna need you to do for me,” Gently bringing her fingers back to her swollen bundle, “I need you to keep doin’ what you were doin’ before, I’ll take care of the rest alright?” The utterly taken aback look on her face swirled both fear and excitement. Her dainty fingers began moving in circles once more.
Her eyes tracking me as I let a drip of spit land on the silicone member and massaging it in to lubricate before I brought it to her. Before I could even line up to her entrance she opposed, “I want yours”
Those were not words I thought would come from her mouth, in that moment but it only made me strain in my pants more, it took the last bit of self-restraint to reply, “You know I can’t do that.”
“Why not.”
“Because you won’t answer me.” Stating the obvious.
“About what?”
“You know what. The reason you’re in this mess.”
“Aust please,” Looking up with pleading eyes, “I need you.”
“Answer it, why were you so upset at the party?”
“I told you I don’t have an answer.” She repeated, quite brave of her to be defiant in this compromising position.
“Well then I can’t fuck you.” The words physically pained me.
She groaned in frustration, “Fine but…” Contemplating, gears churning while her vision traced from my face down to the bulge in my pants, “Well, if I have to touch myself, then so do you.” She said matter-of-factly.
Now it was me who was taken aback, not expecting that either. “Is that really what you want?” Confirming the fucked-up compromise.
She nodded pathetically, “Please? I need to see your cock.”
I didn’t need much convincing after that, undoing my zipper and tugging both jeans and boxers down letting my member spring free. I eyed her core before slipping two fingers slowly into her, causing a gasp. I moved them back and forth to get just enough of her juices to use as my own lube. She watched my every movement, from her to myself, then watching as my fingers wrapped around the head of my length and began to slowly bob up and down. I couldn’t help letting out a low groan as I was finally getting the relief I so desperately needed all night.
“Is this what you wanted?” Bringing my grip lower on myself and noticing her index and middle fingers beginning to work on herself again, “To watch me fuck myself?”
“Yes,” She nodded watching my hand as if she was in a trance, “Do you… do that to the thought of me?”
Suddenly that question that I kept asking her now spun on me seemed significantly crueller. Letting out another low grunt when I finally reaching the base of my length, “Of course, how could I not think about being deep in your throat again?”
A tiny proud curve tugged at her lips, “You think about being inside me?”
My hand now gaining a rhythm on my pulsing cock, “Fuck – yes.” I glided the head of the toy up and down her glistening slit, before gently sliding it inside her with my free hand. “Just like that.”
She sucked in a sharp breath the moment the toy filled her, but it wasn’t enough, “Please, fuck me.” She pleaded once more.
If I had to tell her ‘no’ one more time, I didn’t know well I’d be able to deliver it. My actions continued, now matching my hand in time with the silicone slipping in and out of her dripping heat. She must’ve caught on since her index and middle fingers also paced with rhythm.
“Does that feel good baby? Being filled up?” My actions sped up marginally. Using that word both turned me on and twisted my stomach in knots. The knots only tightened when I felt myself press a gentle kiss to her inner thigh, breaking the ‘no touching’ rule. Even though we were engaged in some filthy action, the kiss felt so intimate. Probably one of the worst ways I could’ve touched her.
It earned me a pitched whimper, “Yes.” Her hips ever so slightly lifting and rotated on the fake dick.
Watching her soaked cunt getting fucked by something that wasn’t me only made me insatiable, I needed her in my mouth. My hand moved from my member using two fingers to spread her even more. I wanted to devour her but all I was allowed to do was watch. Whines rolled from her lips basically fucking herself with the way she rutted her hips on the toy.
“Please Austin, I need your cock – I need to feel you.” Her voice even weaker than before, “I wanna cum on you please.” As she begged her thrusts became more erratic, causing the grip on my length to follow suit.
Her digits took over my work sliding down between her folds and spread them wide for me, riding both fingers across her lips. She was trying to torture, make me give in. And I wanted to, god I fucking wanted to, so fucking bad.
I returned grasp to my throbbing cock and my eyes never once left her pussy. “I can’t, you know I can’t.” My stare still on her core as if I were hypnotized. I watched the blue toy drawing in and out of her, her walls gripping onto it. All I could do was imagine it was me inside her. It took every ounce of self-control to keep me from doing just that.
A weak moan fell as she circled her swollen clit again, “Are you close?”
I thought about it for a moment, but my pulsing head answered for me, “Yes.”
Tugging at her bottom lip seeming almost embarrassed of what she was about to say, “I want you to cum on me.” Rose blush tinted her cheeks.
“What?” Propping an eyebrow and stifling another moan as my hand wrapped around myself never took a break.
“I want you over me – and I want you to cum on me.” She clarified, “No touching.”
My view moved to her face to verify what she had just said, “You sure?”
“Mhm.” Nodding pathetically, “Please Aus? I wanna be covered in your cum.”
She didn’t need to ask any more for me to be between her legs, it took every ounce of restraint to not just slide right into her exposed and begging core. I stole the opportunity to take in the full sight of her, desperate, wet, pathetic, plump lips raw from biting down any noises she didn’t want escaping. The silky emerald dress beautifully draped off every curve of body, accentuating her full hourglass figure. She looked angelic, only illuminated by a singular bedside lamp and the glows from the city. Breathtaking and fragile like one of those sculptures where you can see every wrinkle of the dress. Had I never noticed her beauty in that way? Or had I just been lying the entire time - had I always looked at her that way?
I knew I couldn’t touch her, but I couldn’t resist from trailing my fingertips up her thighs to her hips, pushing the slinky dress material up a bit. “I don’t think you want me making a mess on this pretty dress baby.”
Every time I fucking said the term of endearment, I wanted to punch myself, but I wanted to keep using it.
She blinked up at me, showing the most hesitation I’d seen from her all night. “I um, I don’t wanna do that.”
Furling my brows up at her, “This has to be like $200 dress you really want me ruining it?”
“$500.” Correcting me but kept her focus on the side of the bed, chewing on her bottom lip. “It’s okay I’ll get it dry cleaned or something.”
Out of every fucking weird thing that led up to that moment tonight, that was the most puzzling one. There was something wrong and as a man of course it took me longer than it should’ve to figure it out.
Smoothing my hand up over hip beneath the dress, “You don’t have to hide from me.” Her cheeks prickled pink, “I’ve seen you without a shirt on before.”
“Yeah, but,” Running her tongue between pressed lips, “Never like this. I never do… this without a shirt on.”
“What do you mean?” It only got more perplexing, “You don’t have sex without a shirt on?”
“We’re not having sex.” She was quick to correct me, however her point was debatable. “But, no… ehm, he doesn’t like seeing me like that… when we’re, ya know.”
Nox continued to shock me because like, what the fuck? Why would you want her to hide? If it were me the dress would’ve been on the floor before we even left the party.
I wasn’t prepared to handle her statement, well I wasn’t really prepared to handle any of it.
“I’m not him.” I reminded her, “And I want to see you.”
She just stared at me when I figured maybe I should reframe my words.
Fingers molding around her hips gently, “I want to see you. I’m not lying about that. But more than that, I want you to be comfortable.” I reassured, “So, if me ruining your expensive dress is what will make you most comfortable then, I’m okay with that.”
She took a minute to process my words before replying with a soft, “Thank you.” Her tone was more appreciative than it should’ve been, like no one had ever taken time to prioritize her comfort.
“I want to…I just,” Eyes faltering once more, “I don’t think I can.”
I nodded, “Okay. That’s okay.”
She looked so relieved, making me sadder than it should’ve. It made me wonder the sort of backlash she was used to when saying no.
“Do you want to continue?” Making sure we were still on the same page, “It’s okay if you don’t.” Her hazy greens met mine though I couldn’t tell what they were thinking. I squeezed her hip again softly, “I won’t be upset, I promise.”
She pulled herself together, “I want to.” Giving me a little smile, as if my basic human decency had given her a green light. “No touching.”
Normally I hated those words, but this felt more like a victory. Not a sexual one, but some sort of a victory, nonetheless.
I gave her a small chuckle, “Okay, you got it. No touching.”
In that moment it felt like something began to weave together. Every other time us as friends and us as… whatever this was, were completely different, completely separate. But in that tiny fleeting exchange, it seemed to be both versions of us meshed.
The way her eyes blinked up at me, a soft sage suggested she might have felt the same sensation. If I didn’t know better, she was telepathically telling me to lean down and kiss her – it had to be her though right? It wasn’t be me. For whatever reason the thought of kissing her was the line – because of course us literally fucking ourselves to each other wasn’t the line. You kiss one-night stands, I kissed Aspen, I even fucked her, and it meant nothing to me. But Els would be different, I just knew it. And as much as I did want to sleep with her, that would be different too.
Her hands trickling down her body snapped me out of my thoughts. Fingers beginning to work on herself again in circles, not taking long for tiny whimpers to escape.
“You okay?” Her voice quiet, insecure, “If you really want me take it off-“
“No, no,” Stopping her free hand that already tugged the dress up slightly, “You look perfect just like this.”
Soft lips curled up, “Thanks Austie.”
It was no ‘baby’ but it was close.
“If you want to…you could take yours off.” I never saw her like this, shy, embarrassed, apprehensive, vulnerable. I loved it.
It caused a small laugh, “Is that what you want?”
“Mhm.” A little nod then tugged at the hem of my shirt.
Using just the collar to swiftly slip my black tee off, I watched her gaze rake down my body now fully bare in front of her. She brought dainty fingertips just hovering over my chest, tracing each accentuated ab. I knew I wasn’t nearly as muscular as Nox so, I wasn’t quite sure if her regard was one of comparison.
Her floating touch never making contact with me until finally reaching the wrist that held my member, fingers gently landing on my wrist bone. Even just the tips of her fingers on my wrist sent shockwaves through me and directly into my cock.
“Continue?” Her sight timidly reaching mine once more.
Using one hand to prop myself over her and the other started working on my length again. She reached down past her right hand and took over the toy to fuck herself under me.
I held myself up, my forehead pressed against hers – the only part of us that touched. Our focus never leaving each other’s eyes, our staggered breathing matched in time, watching the descent in the other’s face.
“Fuck I wish it was you around my cock.” The hand at work on myself speeding up at the thought of any part of her, even just her hand on me pushed me further.
“I know,” Her clouded wide eyes looking up at me so innocently, so pure. “I wish it was you inside me.”
Her fingers accelerated as well as moving the toy in and out of herself. Knowing that my cock was just inches away from being inside her drove me insane. I wanted to bury myself in her and fuck her senseless. She deserved it from how frustrated she made me.
Our working hands were so close to each other, in some twisted way we were fucking each other - her rhythm with the toy matched exactly the speed that my hips rolled into my hand.
The gentleness towards her from just before was slipping out of my grasp. “I don’t think you want that baby.” My head falling into the small of her neck.
“What, why?” She squeaked. “I do.”
“No, because you’ve driven me fucking insane. I’d make you pay. You’re lucky I can’t fuck you the way I want.” The thrusts into my grip sped up as they would if I was fucking her.
Her breath hitched clearly not expecting that answer. From earlier at the party, I figured her voice would fail her again, but she surprised me, “Maybe I’d like that.” The artificial tool catching up to my pace.
“Really?” Breathing into her neck from how her words fueled me, “You’d like it if I fucked you senseless? You’d like it if I used you as my own personal fuck doll?” Those were things I absolutely never imagined saying to her, especially not like this but the bourbon burned in my blood and I had little filter. From how silent she went, I thought for sure that had been too much.
“Yes.” She shyly answered through a stifled moan, “I’d like to be that for you.”
“Oh yeah?” My hand now catching up with her faster speed. God all I wanted was to sink my teeth into her, mark her, leave her covered in remnants of me. “What if I wanted to hurt you?”
Her silence even louder, I hoped she knew what I meant or that I didn’t just ruin everything. “I think I’d like that too.”
“Fuck baby.” I breathed out and failing at keeping a groan from escaping into her neck. My climax was approaching. As much as I wanted to finally come, I didn’t want this moment to end. It was the closest we’d ever gotten. “How about if I wanted to fill you up with my cum, would you like that too?”
“Yes.” No hesitation on that one. “I wish you’d do that right now.”
“Fuck,” I grunted when her reply caused my cock to twitch in my hand, “You’re gonna make me come if you keep talking like that.”
“I want you to cover me remember? I want your cum all over me, all over my dress.” Her fingers stumbling on her clit and the toy erratic. “Aus I’m so close, I’m so close.” Voice strained through her rapid breathing.
I nodded, then bring my forehead to hers again, I wanted to watch her unravel. “C’mon baby, you can come, give in to me. Pretend that’s my tongue on you, pretend it’s my cock inside you.” On the precipice of my own demise.
“Fuck,” She started before full euphoria hit her, “Fuck fuck fuck Austin!” Her back arching away from the bed as she let out the loudest moans I’d ever heard – full of curses and my name.
As she came, I soon followed, fucking my fist as hard as I’d be fucking her. Vivid buzzing filled my hips then spilled from my member, coating her silk dress in milky stripes. Our moans swirling and filling the room. It was watching her completely and totally collapse under me that sent me over the edge. Her eyes stayed locked with mine almost the entire time, only breaking contact when they rolled back in the height of her orgasm.
Eyes fluttered closed while we rode out our highs, heavy staggered breathing in time with each other. Her expression grew progressively bashful, blushing covered her cheeks. A heaviness dropped into my stomach resembling restraint.
Restraint from what?
It wasn’t my body.
Eerily similar to when you can’t wait to spoil the surprise of a birthday gift. A budding secret threatening to escape from your lips at any moment.
I went to pull away to clean the mess we’d made but she caught my arm curling her own around mine. “Please.” A low whisper.
I had no idea exactly what she was begging for but I knew it wasn’t for another finish line.
“I can clean you up-”
“No, I need you please” She didn’t look up at me and I swore I heard her voice crack.
“How? How do you need me?” Replying in a hush close to hers.
Hesitated, “I don’t know.”
“What’s wrong?” Running through any possible mistakes I had made, maybe I should’ve resisted my own urges for her sake.
“I, just- I just need you.” Her tone now clearly a cracking dam of restrained tears.
I would’ve had a hand hold her cheek if one wasn’t supporting me and the other wasn’t covered in cum. So, I did the closest thing and nudged her nose.
“How baby? How do you need me?”
Her gaze diverted and clearing her throat, “I- this way, this. I need you to fuck me.” She lied, it was a shit attempt at the truth.
Well now I was completely puzzled, not following a single damn mixed signal. “I don’t think that’s it Els. What is it?”
And in just the second after I used her name tears seeped out. She quickly brought her free arm up to wipe the tears off with her palm, clearly attempting to halt it from accelerating. My brows furled at the sight below me, those were not the kind of tears I normally caused during sex.
“Please, please,” She pled desperately, “Can we do it again please? I need you to do it again.”
“Whoa, what is going on?” Going to pull away but her grip on my arm kept me locked. “Are you upset about this? Did I do something wrong?” I questioned, the only things that seemed like valid reasons. “Did I say something?”
The cries worsened, face reddening under the palm that frantically worked to clean her now flowing tears.
“Is that it? Did I say something wrong?” I mean, I had said plenty to her tonight between the party and here. “What was it?”
Finally letting go of my arm to cover her face in folded arms, now completely sobbing, sharp inhales, and her chest heaving.
“C’mon baby, can you please tell me what it is? I’m sorry for anything.” I didn’t know her cries could get any worse but now she could barely get a full breath in.
She visibly attempted to tame the tears enough to speak, “That.” She said simply.
“I- what?” Before the pieces fell together in a way I didn’t expect – I didn’t expect it to hurt so much either. “’Baby’?”
She fell apart again nodding beneath her arms.
“Oh, um, I’m sorry. Is it too much? Do you not like it? I can stop.”
She stilled, seemingly processing how to respond, maybe she didn’t even know. “Please just fuck me? Or something?” Her breathing steading just marginally enough to speak, “I don’t even have to cum just – something, anything.”
“Els, I’m not gonna – do anything – when you’re like this. You’re literally sobbing.” I felt like I was in some sort of twilight zone, like I was missing some key element. She just told me I did something wrong and now she’s begging me to fuck her?
‘I don’t even have to come’?
“I’m gonna need you to tell me what’s really wrong because, well, I can’t just sit here and watch you cry?”
She just kept, wailing. Pure, unbridled wails.
“I mean, if this is really about me saying ba-“
“Please Austin please.”
I had never heard someone begging for sex in such a sad way. It made absolutely no sense. “Elsie, I really don’t know what you want right now. I’m sorry for saying or doing whatever I did. But I need you to tell me what this is about, please.” All I wanted to do was make it better, hold her, stop her tears, whatever she needed, I wanted to give.
She took a long pause.
“If you fuck me, you’ll say it again.”
I took an equally as long pause just trying to wrap my head around her delicate words, “Okay, now you’ve really lost me.”
She turned her face completely away from me even though she was still hidden behind her arms. In a feeble voice, “I need you to fuck me, because you’ll say it again.”
“Say what again Els?”
Another pause with struggling inhales, “‘Baby’.”
Not what I was expecting but it was more confusing than anything else she could’ve said. “You only call me that when you want me.” Her words sliced through any fluff, any of the bullshit layers we had laid.
Well, duh. What, was I going to call her baby in front of her boyfriend? Or when we’re watching movies?
“Well – I mean – you know.” Stumped on what exactly was the correct response. “I, well, I just, you know.” Fumbling again, like I was trying to play football with a oil-coated ball.
“I well, uh,” What was I supposed to say? You have a fucking boyfriend? I shouldn’t be saying it in the first place. “I just didn’t know you liked it.”
“I know.” As to confirm my thoughts of how it wasn’t right, of how it didn’t make sense for me to say it and how she shouldn’t like it.
“Well, I’m not saying it to like- coerce you into anything. It’s not just because I want to, ya know, do what we did.”
“It’s not?” A sniffle as her weeping slowly began to decline. She knew I couldn’t answer it, I shouldn’t answer it. “I just- I don’t know,” Timidly pulling from her arms now looking up at me teary eyed, “I just like hearing it, I guess.”
Before I could even stop myself, “You like hearing it, or you like to hear me say it?”
Her watery greens rounded but just nodded, so feeble it was barely noticeable.
“Okay,” Finally regaining some control over the situation and realizing that I was still completely fucking nude, “How about this, I clean you up and get you into some comfy clothes?”
With a sniffle she gave me a silent ‘okay’.
“Uh, before I do anything, should I be worried about, ehm… him coming home?”
I fully expected her to shoot up in a panic, but she just shook her head, “No, he texted me he’s not coming home. He’s crashing there.”
Mhm, it had nothing to do with the girl he was with, right?
“Okay.” I made my way out of the mess of sheets and to her bathroom, cleaning myself off and slipping back into my boxers. Then brought a towel to the bed and climbed back in. I kneeled in front of her legs that had clamped back together, not moving any other way.
Trailing my hand up her leg, “C’mon baby, open up for me.”
Immediately I saw a slight glimmer in her now mostly dry eyes and then complied to me, timidly spreading open.
Any other time the sight of her still dripping and the toy still deep inside her would’ve stirred me again, but right now my priority was taking care of her.
I gently pulled the silicone from her core, coming out with a pop which caused her to blush all over again.
“Is it okay that I’m doing this?” I confirmed before actually touching her.
“Mhm.” Now hiding behind her hands again.
I brought the towel to her messy center and softly moved it down between her lips, making sure she was thoroughly cleaned up. “Does that feel okay?”
Then going to the dress, wiping off the excess of me that hadn’t yet dried onto the fabric. I tugged a bit on the scrunched dress at her hips, “You wanna take this off? I can get you some PJs and leave the room if you want?”
“Hmm,” She thought, “You can stay but, you have to close your eyes.”
“Okay.” I agreed quietly, pulling off the bed and going to her drawers. From the many drunken nights there I knew exactly which drawer held her PJs, second drawer on the left. I picked out an oversized shirt, one that seemed quite familiar, probably one that she stole from me and then paired with some fleece shorts. I set them on the bed and sat next to them on the edge facing the wall and shutting my eyes. “Alright, I’m not looking.”
I heard her shuffle around the bed struggling through the thick duvet, then an audible struggle and a defeated sigh. “I need help.”
I let out a quiet chuckle, “Of course you do.” I kept my eyes shut but motioned her to come towards me. “C’mere, I’ll keep ‘em closed.”
“Hmph.” She exhaled hard and shuffled her way over to me, the dress rippling across the wooden floor, “Okay, here.”
I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. My hands reached out blindly and met her full hips first, then wandered up her curves on a discovery mission. It was the first time my hands felt her this way without it being fueled by desires. A heavy knot fell into the pit of my belly, but it wasn’t sexual. I didn’t know what it was. It mimicked the feeling of picking up a product in a florescent lit mall, something you felt the instant need for, something perfect for you. Then you look at the price tag and the realization that it is completely out of your budget. Not that she was an object to me, god no. She was anything but an object to me. But she was out of my reach, something I couldn’t afford.
I wanted more than I could handle.
This intimate plight over her body outside of the sexual lens gave me a new view of her physique. The sightless wandering heightened my ability to discern parts of her figure I’d somehow missed, like the extra around her midsection. The part no doubt was what Nox ridiculed and made her embarrassed of, the part that she would stop in mirrors to body-check. The parts she frowned at, pulled baggy clothes over, the parts she hid. And yet they were the parts of her that drove me crazy.
My hands fumbled to find the zipper, causing her to let out a giggle. “C’mon now Aus, it’s not that hard.” A smile crept across my face and I chuckled back, finally finding the zipper and running both index fingers up the length of it. I kept a hand anchored to her side as I delicately unzipped the satin dress.
It was those moments, the giggles in between, it felt like us, normal us. Us meshed between those mistakes. Us meshed over intimate names and forbidden actions. Could we be us while touching the way that we do?
“Thanks.” She replied quietly, stepping forward and slipping the dress off. I could hear the rustling of her changing into the pajamas then pulling herself into bed. “You can open now.”
I let my eyelids open after what felt like an eternity. My gaze fell on her wrapped in her white duvet and gave her a tiny grin, “Ya know, I think you look better like that.”
Red peaked in her cheeks, “Shut up.” Then looking over at me with big eyes and I already knew what was coming, “I’m cold.”
I nodded and climbed across the king-sized mattress and met her under the covers, spooning her from behind. Out of pure reflex I wrapped an arm around her and out of sheer stupidity my hand found hers, intertwining between her fingers. A loud silence fell upon the room, like an elephant had suddenly made an appearance.
After a long bit of stillness came a barely audible, “Aus.”
And suddenly it felt like I was a little kid being caught in something against the rules, “Yeah?” I responded, nervous of what would follow.
She let a long pause pass, “What is this?” Her voice held a slight shake, sadness tainted through every word. “What are we doing?”
And just like that, she broke every silence compromise, every rule, shattering the close call clause. It dawned on me that I didn’t know the answer to that question. What were we doing? What did I want? What did I think would come from this? What ghost was I chasing and why?
“I-I,” I let out a sigh, “I don’t know.”
Her body wouldn’t have been more still, even her knuckles froze in time, “Do um- Do you like it?”
At first thought I questioned it, but how could I not? How could I possibly deny that?
“I think so - I think that’s quite obvious.” I answered simply. “You?”
“I think so.” She copied, her hand giving mine a gentle squeeze. I knew it was the champagne in her system talking, she’d never be brave enough to say any of that sober. That begged the question, did she mean it? And possibly, more importantly, would she remember? Would she remember my answers in the morning? Did I want her to?
I rested my forehead against her shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on her fabric covered skin.
“What does that mean?” She inquired another impossible and prohibited question.
I decided to act dense, the last thing I needed to do was misconstrue what she was insinuating, “What do you mean?”
“Like… for us. What does that mean for us?” I could practically hear her wincing from her own questions, bracing for impact.
“I’m…I’m not sure.” I answered honestly. I didn’t. She had Nox and now I had Aspen. “We’re friends… I guess.” The truth never tasted so vile in my mouth, it was like saying the sky was green.
She ever so slightly curled away from me, her face nuzzled into her pillow and from her lips came an even more vile truth. A truth so loud, so violent that rattled every molecule in my carcass. A verity that would obliterate every rule and null every close call clause.
“Friends don’t do the things we do Aus.”
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Next Chapter -> 27 - The First Close Call
Forever Winter Spotify Playlist -> ❄️
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Thank you for every like, reblog or comment, it means the world to me truly. I love hearing your thoughts and I'm glad you're liking my little story 💗
taglist: @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @feverdreamcaoilainn @coloradohighs @iluvnerds69 @denised916 @julie181 @navsblog @centaine @golden-kiwis @michellelv (if you'd like to be added pls comment 💗)
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rivenantiqnerd · 2 months
OC Most likely to tag!
I was tagged by @paeliae-occasionally @tildeathiwillwrite and @willtheweaver (thanks) and it looked fun, so I’m doing it. I’ll shall answer with the cast of the Grove of Kings and Killers.
Rules: answer with which of your OCs would be the most likely to do the statement, then give new statements for the next person.
Most likely to arrive ridiculously early
Francis? He cares about stuff like that. Other than that, Courlin, only if it’s for a Guild thing, because she absolutely does not care about anything outside of the Guild.
2. Most likely to be in a relationship for less than a week
3. Most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone
I’m not sure, but Francis or Victor might. Some of Courlin’s siblings play musical instruments, but that’s not a secret. For how much I enjoy music, especially playing it, I don’t really have any characters that play music.
4. Most likely to embarrass their friends in public
Isla (Francis’ little sister). She loves to tell embarrassing stories about her friends to other friends and/or strangers.
5. Most likely to get drunk/hungover
Rosanna, especially after the thing with Edgar, even though getting drunk is what got her into that problem in the first place. She canonically does this quite often.
6. Most likely to get kicked out of summer camp
Either Courlin, for being generally unpleasant to the other kids/bringing a weapon(s), or Francis (shocking, I know), whose parents would be politically asked to take him home and have him tested, because he kept trying to organize the counselors’ stuff and didn’t want to do the potentially messy activities.
7. Most likely to Spontaneously adopt a child
Francis does this. Technically him and courlin since they end up living together, but he would be the one to bring the child home. Conversation would go like this:
Francis: Courlin, I’m home! And I have a surprise for you!
Courlin: Francis that is a literal child what is it doing in our house.
Francis: “She,” not “it”, actually. And she said she was an orphan and didn’t have parents or a home! And I thought, well, we have a home, and we could be her parents.
Courlin, in absolute disbelief: Francis, you can’t just bring a random child into our house! She could be lying and you’d be arrested for kidnapping. And we are not - not - becoming parents. I’m kicking her out. Take her back.
*kid ends up staying*
8. Most likely to have the loudest sneeze
Vincent. He’s like if you took a jock, made him nice to be around, and put him in fantasy, so it only makes sense he would sneeze loudly.
9. Most likely to be taken the least seriously
Probably Collete (Vincent’s sister), because she’s the youngest.
10. Most likely to faint
I think Rosanna because Courlin would never do something so weak and the boys just wouldn’t. Actually Francis probably would.
11. Most likely to enjoy art
Rosanna because of her upper class raising, but I could see some of the younger trio (Victor, Isla, and Collette), really getting into art.
12. Most likely to hate sports
Well, Courlin likes physical activity but dislikes sports, Rosanna likes sports but dislikes physical activity, and Francis dislikes them both.
Tagging: @theverumproject @litany-writes @lordfenric-writes @the-golden-comet and @elsie-writes have fun
Which of your characters is most likely to:
Get arrested on false charges
Get caught robbing a candy store
Sing in the shower
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
🎸 Elsie please!
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Thank you for asking for this one, because I had SO much fun doing it. I wasn't quite sure which direction made sense for Elsie in the 80s, but I kept coming back to that classic 80s summer camp aesthetic.
I think Elsie would adore summer camp, she's super social and really likes being friends with everyone. She also loves playing outside.
Elsie would outfit herself for summer camp practically in shorts and a t-shirt, but she'd keep her cutesy strawberry necklace and of course rock her signature side pony. She's all about pretty clothes and new styles, but she does want to be able to move in them.
If the new friendship bracelet animation wasn't so horrible I'd have included a picture of that because we all know that is the quintessential summer camp activity and Elsie would be making a bunch and getting even more.
If you want to send me another OC cas challenge, the list is here!
The lovely lot is by @catsaar !
Also fun fact, 80s Elsie works perfect as 70s Hamish's kid!
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leechjuice · 5 months
oc in fifteen — tag game
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thanks for the tag, @sidhewrites!!! i love a good excuse to share some dialogue; even in my screenwriting classes, it was always my favourite part.
rules: include 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an oc that describes their essence—you may include context, but the less the better.
here's THE MAGNOLIA CLUB's tragic deuteragonist, JERALDINE, in thirteen lines.
don't be fake. god's probably doggy-paddling through your misery.
smart cookie, midge. all the more blood for you.
you ain’t special just ‘cause some preacherman a few towns over likes little girls that look like you, and you felt like writin’ on it instead of prayin’ like daddy told you to.
oh, enough with the metaphors. elsie's cooked; we had a hot summer. give it a break.
lots of obnoxious little piggies in this town that could do with a good poke.
give Art enough time to grow balls an’ a beard, then maybe i’ll start cold shoulderin’ him, too.
fuck you. find yourself a heart, and don’t eat it this time.
it's our fault. somehow, i know it is. 'cause we're dropping like flies.
not your first priest. won't even be the last, i bet.
they thought i was a wasp, and all they wanted to do was light me on fire.
ah. you’re gonna go home and put my name in your little journal. and you’ll still be the only one who gives a shit.
i was terrified you were gonna be just like me, but you’re worse. you’re a ghost. you’re just a dead girl who doesn’t know she’s dead.
there’s nothing left but this. there’ll never be anything else, ever again, that isn’t poisoned by this.
i'm passing this tag to @cruelflesh and anybody else who'd like to join!
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honkytonkdyke · 2 years
YES WE CAN... ☁️ and ☀️ for ur OCs...
starting with elsie
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
so elsie is a gardener (botany phd student) and she's currently taking summer graduate classes at her university. so it is HOT. she wears a lot of loose, linen clothing, like wide-legged linen pants that are very comfortable to walk around campus in and garden in. she'll wear breathable long-sleeves shirt to garden in, and when she's NOT gardening she'll wear button ups, often the sleeves are rolled up because she uses her hands. she wears a lot of earth tones and light colors, something that's cool. she's generally more masculine with her styles
🌟- Is this oc good at expressing themself through words or do they have to use other means?
she is NOT the social one out of her and aurelia. she's more introverted and keeps to herself when she isn't with her. she doesn't really have a good grasp on what she is feeling at any given time and has a harder time expressing herself. once she recognizes what it is she can put words to it but her struggle is in recognizing what she is feeling
now for aurelia!!
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
aurelia is a biology phd student so when she is in the lab she's following proper lab precautions. but when she's NOT in the lab, she's wearing a mini skirt and a cute top. she wears brighter colors than elsie. (like if elsie is wearing pastel, she is wearing bright colors). she'll also wear more form-fitting clothing save for the maxi and midi skirts she loves to wear, especially around campus.
🌟- Is this oc good at expressing themself through words or do they have to use other means?
aurelia has the same problem elsie does in not understanding how to define her emotions BUT she is the more well-spoken one. she can put her feelings into words and can express herself verbally much better than elsie. she's very social and enjoys being around other people. she's the public speaker of the two of them and often presents for the research project they are working on (the one that brought them together).
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screenviolense · 2 years
removed muses:
anita darling
jasper badun
imelda rivera
larianni (oc)
dorian pavus
bubo rodriguez
dolores madrigal
heather summers
viraj kaur
zhang jun
arden mcnamara
claire parker
bianca rivera
beau wilcott
daisy bright
duke bright
carmen villanueva
allison cooper
emma pillsbury
tina cohen chang
sadie oakley
dani clayton
rebecca jessel
eleanor crain
liv moore
peyton charles
chiara de russo
oliver cho
bobbi morse
marci forrester
elsie odair
nancy drew
agnes amaranth eastwood
ceony twill
luke castellan
emery thane
abigail lockwood
ben ravencroft
johnny gat
bertrand baudelaire
frank denouement
sancho paco panza
misty waters
goth boy
dusty hogg
maya torres
rose blythe
carina escobar
cassandra de rossi
santos bergeron
megurine luka
megpoid gumi
trina vega
frederick frankenstein
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vexilexicon · 4 years
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Elsie Summers knows something is up with her little sister. A bubbly cheerleader doesn’t just become a pyromaniac overnight, and one unspoken of stint in a psychiatric hospital can’t erase the past. Her parents seem content to pretend nothing has changed, to conveniently forget the why they left LA and what straw finally broke the camel’s back of their marriage, but she’s not. Buffy is struggling, Buffy is different, and though they’ve drifted apart Elsie won’t pretend she’s not worried. Sisters look our for each other, even when one of them is being stupid and stubborn.
Left in the dark about the things that go bump in the night, Elsie stumbles her way into a world of revelations without anyone to fall back on.
Sometimes that’s okay - sometimes you’re the chosen one and you see the danger coming, you know how to fight it, you have people ready to fight at your side when you need help.
Sometimes it’s not. Sometimes you don’t even know there is a chosen one until you’re already collateral damage.
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witchofinterest · 4 years
How would the writers do any/all of the x-sisters dirty?
lighting round! let’s go! thank you!
- only there for scott or alex
- no relationship with jean :(
- make her wait forever to come out
- gets killed so often bc they have no ideas for her (see: jean grey)
rhuben and riley reichter:
- only allowed character development together
- only cared for when someone their related to needs development
- rhu is made too nice and ri too mean
- they make her care for a family that doesn’t care for her
- make her regret getting powers (she wouldn’t)
- make her die extremely gruesome deaths
- kicked off the x-men for the krakoa arc (even though she supported them every time they needed it)
- one note villain
- no joining the heroes
- relationship with her brother not explored
april (no longer an x-sister, she’s a dc oc now asdfghjkl sorry)
- make her remy 2.0
- say she isn’t as good of a theif bc she can un/lock things with her mutation
- her relationship with storm is gone after they meet
- i feel they’d make her too mean and avoid friends
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dive-to-my-heart · 5 years
Elsie Character Profile
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Name: Elsie Dumont
Age: 18
Height: 5′4
Family: Mother and Father in America
S/O: Ikuya Kirishima
Friends: Hiyori Tono
Childhood: Elsie grew up in a normal family in the United States. Her parents are both doctors, bringing her up in an upper class family. They were both incredibly busy, leaving her to her own devices as a child.
Middle School: Her last year in middle school, Elsie was assigned to show the new exchange student around. She and Ikuya became very good friends quickly. They studied together often and Ikuya introduced her to Hiyori after they met. The three spent all their free time together.
High School: Once their first year of high school began, Ikuya and Elsie went out on their first date together. They were both extremely nervous and ended up embarrassing themselves in front of the other. Her easy going and sweet nature, almost innocently sweet, drew Ikuya to her in wanting to protect her and see her smile at him. When Ikuya left her to return to Japan, the two continued dating long distance.
College: Elsie uprooted herself from her cozy life in American to be with Ikuya. She transfered to Shimogami University for college and is in the nursing department. She enjoys caring for others, and her parents have pushed her to go into the medical field. She has her own apartment but rarely stays there. Elsie is very clingy to Ikuya and Hiyori because of it being a foreign country.
Circle of Friends
Hiyori (very good friends, follows his advice)
Natsuya (honorary big brother. Natsuya is sweet on her despite his rule of not spoiling people)
Reika (honorary big sister; Reika finds Elsie as cute and Ikuya)
Has met:
Nao (Natsuya talked of him often and she has met him a few times)
Q and A
1. Tell us about yourself, Elsie!
Elsie: Oh, hello! *waves* It’s very nice to meet you! I met Ikuya some time ago in middle school. He’s always been good to me, and I want to do all I can to support his dreams.
2. Why did you move to Tokyo?
Elsie: I wanted to be closer with Ikuya. Our relationship being long distant was hard to maintain with the different time zones. Once I graduated from school, I knew that I wanted to choose a University in Tokyo, thankfully I got accepted to the same one as him.
3. Do you have a part time job?
Elsie: Yes! I do! I work at a lovely little clinic near the main campus so traveling from one to the other is easy. I typically work while Ikyua is at practice, but he always seems to be waiting for me no matter how quickly I try to finish my work.
4. Anything else you’d like to say about yourself?
Elsie: I don’t know many people here in Japan but if you’d like to talk about Ikuya, Hiyori or Natsuya, then I’ll be glad to chat! Thank you for welcoming me!
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ainhoaadcm · 7 years
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I only have one illustration left of Elsie!
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iceemoondemon · 3 years
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Hawaiian Punch Cookie
Rarity: Epic
Place in the team: Middle
Class: Charge
Skill: Umbrella Surf
Opening the umbrella and causing a HUGE Tsunami like tornado to do damage on enemies
Story: Made with fruit, sugar and ice, and living in the tropical islands, She may look sweet, but she's not like other girls, surely some girls are into shopping, clothes, make up, gossip, boys, and pop music, she's tomboyish and loves surfing, girls, musicals, traditions in Hawaii, and beaches, this cookie has no fear of the water what so ever, she'd invite her friends to watch her surf anytime when its nice, and warm, even fun in the sun.
Personality: Kind, badass, serious, and caring
Voice Actor: Elsie Lovelock
Gacha Pre pull quote: "The water doesn't scare me at all."
Gacha Pull: "I'm not like other girls, i'm different."
Kingdom Quotes
"Smells like summer." "This place is big for a beach..."
"My surfboard was my childhood gift."
"Being a surfer isn't all that bad."
Info Quotes "The water doesn't scare me at all."
"Being a surfer was my dream."
"All i can think about is.... well... girls.."
"I wonder if i'll find some merfolks here, probably a mermaid."
"My umbrella protects me when the sun burns me."
"Aaah, the beach days during the summer... best time of my life."
"Did you know that my umbrella can make water tornados sometimes?"
Level up Quotes
"Alright, surfs up."
"I'm not scared of the water, the water is scared of me."
"More powerful than me? Think again, waves."
Promoting Quotes
"Surfs up!"
"Ready for the waves."
"Lets go!"
"Finally more powerful than ever." "Waves, here i come!"
Battle Quotes
"The beach won't fall when i'm around!"
"Another hurricane!? Not on my beach!!"
"Prepare to meet the ocean!!"
"My umbrella can create a watery tsunami, so WATCH OUT!"
Attack Quote
Lose Quotes
"The waves... my dream.."
"I didn't over do it, did i?.."
"If only i started practicing more..."
Win Quotes
"YES! Its a win win for me!"
"Finally, my aquaphobia is gone."
"As i said, i never fear a drop of water, not even a wave."
Wish Quote "My surfboard and umbrella could use more upgrades."
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Marvel OC Masterlist (E-L)
(A-D, M-Z)
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Name: Eir Odinsdottir
Title: See No Evil
Phase: Thor; Avengers
Faceclaim: Maisie Williams
Summary: Once, Eir Odinsdottir had been the princess of Asgard; Odin’s youngest child, and only daughter, and beloved by her brothers and their kingdom.  But Eir was also a seer.  She could see things that had happened, things that were happening, and things that had not yet happened.  And one day, she saw the truth about her family: the older sister long since cast away, the secret behind her brother’s parentage, and the dark and bloody truth behind her father’s reign.  And so, Odin exiled her.  Eir spent years travelling the nine realms, longing for home, before finally seeing her brothers on Midgard, so to Midgard she goes.
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Name: Elena Barnes
Title: Balancing The Score
Phase: Captain America; Avengers; TFATWS
Faceclaim:  Kaya Scodelario
Summary:  Imagine a weapon who has all the skills of the Asset, but without the memories.  No need to wipe and start over, no questions, only loyalty to Hydra. Enter Elena Barnes.  Bred by Hydra to serve that purpose, they truly believed that they had created the perfect weapon.  But, compliant as she seemed, Elena watched the torture that her father suffered, and anger lived within her veins.  After the Battle of Manhattan, she finds herself out in the world with instructions to bring back Loki’s staff, but instead, she disappears.  Goes off the grid and dedicates herself to learning the truth about herself and her father, until one day she’s at a museum and meets the one person who can truly answer all of her questions.
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Name: Elia Patel
Title: Eclipsed Sun
Phase: Iron Man; Thor; Avengers
Faceclaim: Summer Bishil
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Elizabeth Banner-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Phase: Avengers
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Elizabeth Barton
Title: Walking The Tightrope
Phase: Iron Man; Avengers; Hawkeye
Faceclaim: Alicia Vikander
Love Interest: Tony Stark
Summary: Elizabeth Barton has been working for SHIELD since she was sixteen; since she and her big brother had been recruited out of the circus.  No mission ever phased the ex tightrope walker, nothing ever compared to the thrill and danger of walking on a wire, over 20 feet in the air.  Even her elite task force with Clint and Natasha - Silver Swan, Hawkeye, and Black Widow - paled in comparison.  But then Tony Stark becomes Iron Man, Liz is assigned to get to know the man behind the mask, and suddenly she feels like she’s sixteen and walking the tightrope again.
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Name:  Ellie Coulson
Title: Reinvention
Phase: Spider-Man
Faceclaim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There are some facts in life that are simply unavoidable. “If your father is one of SHIELD’s top agents, and your mother is out of the picture, you will be raised as a SHIELD agent from before you can walk” is one of them.  Eleanor Coulson has spent her entire life as an agent in training, and she happens to be very good at it.  But when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra, and her dad is charged with rebuilding the entire organization, Ellie is faced with her most challenging mission yet. High school.
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Name: Elsie Carter
Title: Travelling Soldier
Phase: Captain America
Faceclaim: Daisy Ridley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Even before her sister joined the army, Eloise Carter knew that she was always going to be second best.  Still, that wasn’t going to stop her from helping in the war herself - so Elsie became a nurse.  She loved her job, despite the heartbreak that came with every life she failed to save, but she couldn’t have been less thrilled to suddenly find herself assigned to her sister’s troops.  At least until she was put in charge of the recently rescued James Barnes.  She soon learned that James was never without Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, and suddenly her transfer seemed a little less awful.  But they were soldiers, and Elsie couldn’t do anything more than wait for them to return from every fight, praying each time that they would make it back.
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Name: Erna Bragidottir
Title: Speak No Evil
Phase: Thor; Avengers; Captain America
Faceclaim:  Gal Gadot
Love interest: Thor & Steve Rogers
Summary: When Hela massacred the Valkyrie, only two survived; Brunhilde and Erna. But Odin wasn’t going to risk anyone learning the truth about his bloody history, and was quick to exile them both.  One minute, Erna was trying to say goodbye to her best friend, her sister, and the next she was waking up on Midgard, surrounded by a group who called themselves the Howling Commandos, apparently in the middle of the planet’s biggest war.  The Valkyrie may have been slaughtered, and she may have been exiled from Asgard, but Erna is, and will always be, a Valkyrie and she is going to fight for her new home.
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Name: Evelyn Rogers
Title: Long Story Short
Phase: Captain America; Avengers; TFATWS
Faceclaim:  Katie Cassidy
Love Interest: Bruce Banner
Summary: Having lost her father to the Great War, her mother to tuberculosis, and her boyfriend to the draft, Evelyn Rogers was not going to lose her brother too.  So when he signs up for something called the Erskine Program, she refuses to sit back and wait for him to come home.  When Steve becomes the world’s first superhero, the new poster boy for war relief efforts, Evelyn’s name is at the top of the list for his chorus girls, and she follows him all the way to the war.  And when they find out that Bucky as his battalion have been captured, she follows him all the way to the front line — and into Johann Schmidt’s grasp.  She doesn’t follow him back.
When Steve Rogers forms the Howling Commandos, he has one mission in mind.  Wipe HYDRA off the board, and bring Evelyn home.  When he finally finds her, on a train with Armin Zola, she has no memory of anything since reaching the HYDRA base. Still recovering from her time with HYDRA, and from losing her first love, Evelyn is unable to follow Steve into his final confrontation with Schmidt.  And Steve goes into the ice.
Evelyn returns to New York with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, with a hole in her heart and no bodies to lay to rest.  Desperate to find some sort of peace, she throws herself into searching for the bodies of the only two Howling Commandos not to make it home.  After months of searching, Evelyn finds a lead on Bucky, and is never seen again.
Until, 70 years later, she shows up on Nick Fury’s doorstep.  No older than the day she disappeared, with no memory of anything after her brother’s plane hit the ice, Evelyn Rogers follows her brother into a new century.
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Name: Ezra Barton
Title: Vortex
Phase: Avengers; Captain America; Black Widow; Hawkeye
Faceclaim:  Jennifer Lawrence
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
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Name: Finch Freeman
Title: Untitled
Phase: Deadpool
Faceclaim:  Madison Davenport
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Name: Francine Barton-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Phase: Avengers
Faceclaim: Joey King
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Name: Freya Thorsdottir
Title: Like Catching Lightning
Phase: Thor; Avengers; Spider-Man
Faceclaim: Natalie Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Grace Osborn
Title: Bound In Secrets
Phase: Spider-Man
Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Once upon a time, Grace Osborn had it all.  She was the prized princess of the Osborn family, she had a wonderful older brother, and she was her parents’ pride and joy.  And then Norman Osborn found out that her mother had been lying for thirteen years and Grace wasn’t his daughter, only a lie to force him into marriage.  In order to keep the scandal quiet, Norman quickly sent Grace away to boarding school in England; out of sight, out of mind.  That was three years ago.  Now, Norman is dead and Harry is in charge, and he has only one priority.  Bring his baby sister home.
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Name: Grayson Frost
Title: Fear No Evil
Phase: Avengers; Spider-Man; WandaVision
Faceclaim: Dylan Sprayberry
Love Interest: Kassandra Maximoff
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Name: Ilya Romanova
Title: Fatale
Phase: Captain America; Avengers; Black Widow; Hawkeye; TFATWS
Faceclaim:  Holland Roden
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Once, the Red Room had trained dozens of girls, with the Romanova sisters as their greatest success.  Natalia, the Black Widow, was a prodigy in everything she did, and her sister Ilya was close behind.  But when Natalia defected, Ilya was quick to rise up and fill the hole her sister left.  She left a bloodstained legacy unlike any other, earning the title of Red Widow and thriving under солдат’s personal training.  So when Hydra sought her gifts, looking to raise her up from student to mission partner, they complied, and the Widow became the Banshee.  
сирена met every one of their expectations with ease, and it was no question that she would be their first miracle; developing powers to match her name.  For decades, солдат and сирена worked as a perfect unit, carrying out Hydra’s vision on a global scale.  But when the assassination of Nick Fury goes awry, the partners find themselves face to face with ghosts of pasts they don’t remember, and everything Hydra has built threatens to fall apart.
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Name: Irina Dreykova
Title: Shadow
Phase: Black Widow
Faceclaim: Mila Kunis
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Name: Isobel Sousa
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Ana De Armas
Love interest: Bucky Barnes and/or Sam Wilson
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Name: Jace Kennedy
Title: Dissonance
Faceclaim: Giorgia Whigham
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Name: Jaden Jeanie Jameson
Title: Unwritten
Phase: Spider-Man
Faceclaim: Kristine Froseth
Love Interest: Peter Parker & Harry Osborn
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Name: Jameson Barrett | марионетка
Title: Til The End Of The Line
Phase: Avengers; Captain America; TFATWS
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Stefania Raine
Summary: Under the scars, white hair, and leather ensemble, Stefania Raine recognized Jameson Barrett — the very best friend she thought to have seen die two years prior, when aliens invaded New York. But for the other girl, Jameson Barrett was buried deeper; she only ever remembered being марионетка, The Puppet, and being sent there with The Soldier to end Nicholas Fury’s life.
In the middle of the chaos, Stefania lost sight of her best friend, but refused to let the girl go again — even if that meant teaming up with a recently un-brainwashed soldier to find her.
With a faulting memory and unbalanced emotions, Jameson knew that accepting that she used to have a name wasn’t enough of a step to becoming a functional person. So, when she runs into the man from the bridge, from the helicarriers — the man who refused to fight — and he asks for her help in finding her ex-partner and the closest thing she had to a friend, she doesn’t say no.
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Name: Jamie Carter-Rogers
Title: Out Of Time
Phase: Avengers; Captain America; TFATWS
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like Jamie Rogers.  She was raised on war stories, stories about her long dead namesake, and her dad’s stories of another world.  A world of aliens and superheroes, of pain and hope, stories of how half of its universe died, and of the ones who gave everything to avenge it.  But when Jamie touches the strange crack on her wall and finds herself in New York City, in an alien invasion, in 2012, she realizes that her dad’s other world is not only real, but is the world he comes from, and every single story she heard was true.  Everybody knows that everybody dies.  But not every day.  So, trapped in a world where she was never born, with no way to go home, and knowing exactly what the universe has in store for earth’s mightiest heroes, Jamie makes a promise to herself.  Just this once, everybody lives.
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Name: Jason Grant
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Phase: Iron Man; Avengers
Faceclaim: Tyler Hoechlin
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Name: Justine “JB” Barnes
Title: Lost
Phase: Captain America; Avengers
Faceclaim:  Kathryn Newton
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Name: Kassandra Maximoff
Title: Fear No Evil
Phase: Avengers; Captain America; Spider-Man; WandaVision
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Grayson Frost
Summary: Kassandra Maximoff was no stranger to fear; she’d been afraid ever since her parents were killed by a Stark bomb, since she spent those days hiding with her siblings, wondering if any moment might be her last, waiting for Tony Stark to kill her too. So when Strucker offered she and her siblings the opportunity to be strong, to protect their country, to not be afraid, they took it. By the time they found out he was HYDRA, it was too late to escape. The siblings spent months being tortured, knowing exactly what would come if they defected. Kassandra had long since accepted her fate, had long since given up hope. And then the Avengers break into their facility.
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Name: Katarina Amelia Aliano
Title: Skyscraper
Phase: Avengers; Iron Man; Captain America; Spider-Man; Hawkeye; Eternals
Faceclaim:  Sophie Turner & Summer Fontana
Love Interest: Harley Keener; possible Harley & Peter
Summary: Child genius turned orphan, Katarina was counting on her own hacking skills to keep her under the radar.  And they do, until she gets caught hacking into Stark industries, looking for answers regarding the aliens that killed her parents in New York, and suddenly she’s not just on a radar, she’s on Tony Stark’s radar.  When he decides to take her in, no one expects it to go well, but she soon makes a place for herself on the team and in their hearts.  She’s not a superhero, far from it, but she’s a hero in her own right, and nothing comes between Katarina and her family; not her biological family, and definitely not the weird group of misfits and gods that she calls her own.
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Name: Katie Dean
Title: Renegades
Phase: Runaways
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Chase Stein
Summary: Katrina Dean was, all things considered, relatively happy with her life.  She had her church, cheerleading, choir, and her sister, what more could she want?  Or so she thought, at least, until Karolina’s friends discovered the truth about PRIDE, and Karolina discovered the truth about their bracelets.  And as much as Katie would love to pretend that nothing had changed, as much as she would love to keep living her perfect life, she knows that’s not an option anymore.  And so Katie and Karolina run away.
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Name: Kennedy Keener
Title: Untitled
Phase: Iron Man; Captain America; WandaVision
Faceclaim: Sophia Lillis & Abbey Cowen
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Name: Lara Rogers | призрак
Title: Death Defied
Phase: Captain America; TFATWS
Faceclaim:  Lyndsy Fonseca
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: No one told Steve that his DNA was going to be used to breed a new super soldier - or that it was going to fail.  No one told him that a civilian, Angie Martinelli, was going to give birth to his son, Caleb Rogers, or that Caleb wouldn’t be a super soldier.  No one told him that Caleb was going to have a daughter, Lara, and absolutely no one told him that on her fifth birthday, his granddaughter was going to be kidnapped by Hydra, turned into a super soldier, frozen over and over again, tortured and brainwashed endlessly, and eventually get partnered with the Winter Soldier.  But suddenly he’s in the future, suddenly he’s fought aliens, and suddenly солдат and призрак - the Soldier and the Ghost, Bucky and Lara - are attacking Nick Fury in the middle of DC. Suddenly Steve is on the run with Natasha, suddenly they’re in a Hydra facility underneath a bunker, and suddenly the computerized ghost of Arnim Zola is telling them everything.  And while it feels sudden to Steve, Project Insight and its enforcers have been seventy years in the making, and no matter how much he wants to cling to the last remains of his family, they might be beyond saving.
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Name: Lavinia
Title: Untitled
Phase: Guardians Of The Galaxy
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love Interest: Peter Quill
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Name: Lillian Rogers
Title: To The End Of The World
Phase: Captain America; Avengers
Faceclaim: Saoirse Ronan
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Lili Rogers would do anything for her brother.  Lie and steal to get his medication, agree not to flirt with his best friend despite her eternal crush, even fake her way into the US army.  Of course, it didn’t take long before someone figured out that Liam Rogers was actually Lillian Rogers; but thankfully she was found out by Peggy Carter, who quickly hired her as her secretary and liason to the Howling Commandos.  Lili honestly couldn’t have cared less, until she found out that the elite force was led by none other than her brother - who had somehow doubled in size - with the love of her life as his right hand man.
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Name: Lin Hai
Title: Untitled
Phase: Shang Chi
Faceclaim: Jessie Mei Li
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Name: Lisbeth Dugan
Title: Spider Web
Phase: Spider-Man
Faceclaim:  Madelaine Petsch
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Name: London Beaumont
Title: Untitled
Phase: Venom
Faceclaim: Brianne Howey
Love Interest: Eddie Brock
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Name: Lucy Pierce
Title: Heaven Or Hell
Phase: Captain America; Black Widow; TFATWS
Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bought from the Red Room by Hydra, Lukeriya Turgenev found herself becoming Lucy Pierce when she was forced to marry the head of Hydra, Alexander Pierce himself.  A tortured doll reprogrammed to be a perfect weapon and model wife, freedom had always been a foreign concept to Lucy.  At least it was, until a failed assassination put she and Yasha – James – The Soldier – face to face with Captain America and Lucy’s former sister and rival, Natasha Romanov.
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Name: Lydia Cabot-Stark
Title: Right Down The Line (It’s Been You And Me)
Phase: Iron Man; Avengers
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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murderousginger · 4 years
Everybody Talks
Tommy x OC
Song here requested by @imagine-that-100 ❤️
Warnings: None. They're criminals guys, they do bad things.
Word count: 1638
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He had been watching her since she entered the busy Garrison alone. She had walked to the bar, her head high as she moved through the men and sat at one of the few open seats near Harry. The men had parted easily, their tired eyes sharpening as they noticed the woman's bright dress practically shining against the dirt and drab colors of their work uniforms.
A flurry of "ma'am" and head dips were left in her wake. She simply smiled and continued on as the men searched for her invisible escort.
Tommy watched from the booze door in the private room tucked beside the bar.
Harry hadn't noticed her yet; too busy getting the Blinders their drinks, blustering about with a curse under his breath. Tom waited, watching the men grow increasingly uneasy around the woman as they realized she had no escort.
Harry brought a bottle and multiple glasses to the booze door, mumbling apologies for the wait.
"Right busy night, it is," Harry said as he handed the goods over.
"The woman," Tom said, "she's not a regular."
"I seen her," Harry grumbled. "I'll kick her out next. No trace of a man at her side."
"No," Tom said. "Explain the rule, but give her the drink. Then send her my way."
"I can deal with a whore, Tom," Harry stammered. "You no need to get involved."
Tom met Harry's eyes for a moment as he licked his lip, his brows curling together before he closed the booze door and sat back down around his brothers.
"What are you bothering with small business, brother?" Arthur said as he slid the bottle and a glass to himself and started to pour a drink.
"She pretty, then?" John laughed. "That's what it is, in it?"
Arthur looked at John before looking at Tommy, who had settled in to the spot directly in front of the door without saying a word. He muttered a curse and started to chuckle to himself as he passed John the bottle.
"Well lookit that," Arthur said as he leaned back. "Our brother's still warm blooded after all."
Moments later she walked in the room without a knock, looking between the bored man in front of her and the two slack-jawed men sitting further away.
"I see," Arthur murmured behind his glass.
"Who bloody well couldn't," John said louder, earning an elbow to his side.
"Right," the woman said, returning her gaze to Tommy.
"What kind of man sends another man to bring a girl over?" She asked, one eyebrow raised. Whether it was in defiance or amusement remained unknown.
He paused, waiting a breath or two, eyes locked on hers as the gears in his head churned. He wasn't slow -- quite the opposite -- but he learned at a young age that making people wait on you makes them uncomfortable. Makes them feel like they need you. And it gave him time to decide his next ten moves.
"The important kind," he finally said, even toned, practically bored in comparison to her voice.
"You don't look so important to me," she said as her eyes ran over his vest, shirt, coat. Her voice danced around like a sprite on a summer's breeze. "Nice enough outfit, but nothing flashy enough to mean money or any real power."
She took a sip of her drink, reenacting Tommy's pause. John barked a laugh.
"Bird's got a mouth on her," he said as he rolled next to Arthur, who was doing his best to hide his smile in his moustache.
"My brothers were just leaving," Tommy said, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. "Sit."
Arthur broke into a grin as John climbed over him and they both rolled out of the booth. John stumbled to his feet and grabbed the bottle off the table as he saluted his brother, making eyes at the woman as he brushed past her. Arthur stood and tried to walk by her with a nod and a "ma'am" before shooting his eyebrows up suggestively behind her toward Tom.
"You're not from here," Tommy said once the brothers shut the door as he eyed her new dress. "Too clean cut to be from a local family."
"I'm Mary's cousin, Elsie," she offered with a smirk. "From London. My father decided I was too wild and sent me to dirty little Small Heath to find a job and be a proper girl."
"Your father sent you to Small Heath to be proper?" Tom said as his brows raised and he smirked into the cigarette dangling from his lips. "That may well be a first, Elsie."
He rolled her name around his tongue, appraising the woman in front of him. Her dress was stiff and bright, as if she had never worn it before, but it fit her like a glove. She was either from money or waltzed into Small Heath hoping to make an impression.
"I thought I told you to sit."
"You did," Elsie said as she casually sipped her drink. "You never got up to let me in beside you or given me your name."
"Tommy," he said, standing to let her slide beside him in the booth. "Tommy Shelby."
"Tommy, not Tom or Thomas?" She smiled as she brushed past him. She smelled of strawberries and rum. "How cute."
They toyed with each other through the night, pressing boundaries and examining each other like a new creature they discovered. Tommy was intrigued. It has been so long since someone hadn't flinched at the name Shelby.
At the end of the night, he offered to take her home. Elsie smiled, playing with the lapel of his jacket before looking up at him and shaking her head no.
"Can I kiss you, Elsie?" Tommy asked, suddenly very aware how close their faces were.
He licked his lips and could almost feel her breath on his tongue. She looked up at him with her bright eyes and kissed him first. He froze, confused for a moment before he melted into her warm kiss. Her hand at his lapel wrapped around the fabric and pulled him closer as his hand found her cheek.
"Money's counted and everything's cleaned, boss, do you want me to leave you--" Harry said as he walked through the door, nearly hitting them both. He grunted and swiftly tossed a stack of money on the table before closing the door behind him.
Elsie pulled away at the noise, her eyes wide as Harry rushed out. She looked up at Tommy, giggling in embarrassment as she pressed her face into his neck and shoulder.
"I believe that's my cue," she said as she took a step back. "I'll see you around, Mr. Shelby."
Tommy had never felt such a chill as he did when she left his side and disappeared into the night.
Weeks later, Elsie had found herself a respectable job as a seamstress apprentice at a suit shop on the edge of Small Heath. She had settled in fine after she got in terrible for her first night in town when she had visited The Garrison.
Something she would have to get used to. The place was too small, too interwoven to allow her to move without eyes following and mouths wagging back to her relatives. But the gossip of a small town hadn't been all unwelcome. She had learned quickly that Tommy Shelby had been an important man just as he had said he was.
Her face scrunched as she concentrated on the hem she was mending. She heard the bell for the door ring but she was too busy to look up. She heard one of the other girls greet the customer and went back to concentrating on the garment she was working on.
"Elsie?" Mrs. Lundy called, "I need help with pinning this man's jacket, be a dear and come help."
Elsie sighed, frustrated at the interruption, and set the garment down on the counter as she headed to the back where the fitting rooms were. She grabbed a cushion of pins as she rounded the corner and saw a familiar set of blue eyes.
"Elsie, dear," Mrs. Lundy said, her smile tight, "this is Mr. Shelby, he's--"
"A very important man," you finished for her as your eyes dipped to his jacket. "Yes, I've heard of the Shelbys."
"Have you?" Tommy said amusedly.
"Yes sir," Elsie said firmly as Mrs. Lundy instructed her to pin the bottom as she pinned his sleeves. "Everybody talks."
She no longer would meet his eye and her playfulness had disappeared.
"So you have," he said evenly, looking back to the wall as they finished.
After a few moments, Tommy cleared his throat.
"Mrs. Lundy, if you could be so kind as to tidy up my bill, your apprentice can finish the last few pins," he said to the woman. "I've got business to attend to and really must be off."
"Of course, of course, Mr. Shelby," Mrs. Lundy said with a smile as she shot a look to Elsie, who was almost done with her pins. She disappeared quickly to the register.
"What happened to the reckless girl at the pub, eh?" Tommy said as Elsie checked over the pins on his sleeves. "I'd like to see her again."
"She's in trouble for spending her first night at a pub with a gangster," Elsie sighed. "I didn't know you were dangerous."
"Who said I was dangerous to you?"
"Everyone talks too much," Tommy sighed as Elsie took off his jacket. "Especially in Small Heath. Have dinner with me."
"Is that a request or an order?" Elsie snapped as she folded the jacket. She stilled as her eyes grew wide.
Tommy's eyebrow raised as he fought a smile.
"There she is."
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