#beddybye time now
i've mentioned this a lot on discord before, but i feel like the fact that wigfrid's in-game alias is 'the performance artist' really... i don't know what the word i'm looking for is. but i feel as though it did a pretty big disservice for her character.
like, yes, she is a performance artist. but when she was first introduced through hamlet- before she had much room for characterization beyond the base game and the two dlc- it wasn't immediately obvious she was an actress. it was pretty clear to some extent she was pretending, but the concept of acting- of the artistic undertones, of the motif of the performance- could only be found in a total of like. four quotes. and three of them were from shipwrecked.
i feel as though if that was kept hush hush, it may have convinced more people to engage with her... digging around in the quotes, finding the odd ones out, coming to a collective conclusion on the secrets of her identity. it probably wouldn't even be something casual players would know, if they didn't experiment with her.
i guess the part i find the biggest shame is that since it's so obvious to the community that wigfrid is an actress (you know, because the game literally spells it out for you), they forget that it's not obvious for. the rest of the survivors, maybe. even if wigfrid was popular, it's unlikely anyone other than maxwell would have known or heard about her. but there's so many fics i read where there's just this precontext that it's obvious that shes acting.
it's obvious that she's pretending. but pretending and acting are very different things.
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saiiboat · 2 years
nvm clicked onto my blog and saw transfem half in the bag so im good now. cripple tranny is OUT its time for beddybyes. gn love u guys
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
find the word tag 🔍
@laufire-writes tagged me .,... idk when lmao. with the words:  COSTUME, DECAY, MAGNETIC, FAVO(U)R.
Kendis’ lips curved into another grin; this a pale manifestation to the sudden, bright bubble of excitement that threatened to burst through her. “Right!! Like, all right, the whole waking up with someone else’s memories is like some deep shit. But come on! You also wake up a whole superhero! Think about the things you could do! The people you could save? I know this is kind of out there, or maybe it’s not. I mean. Like, come on.” As they’d been saying ‘out there’ was re-defined. Why couldn’t people go and redefine what it meant to put good back in the world? “People could get costumes! Secret identities and like alla that.” 
from an old thread in 2019 where (og) kendis and a heart sibling talk about the sudden influx of past lives & powers.
She took a careful step closer, and cocked her head like a bird inspecting the scavenged sight left before it; clinical --- displeased. She huffed out a little laugh, a disparaging sound. “That little bitch.” She closed her eyes slowly and breathed in just as carefully. “Crafty.” Lupe murmured, curious. Crafty yet disrespectful. She supposed that summarized who and what the town had been dealing with for months. “The body isn’t decaying.”
Lupe turned to the group -- she almost looked impressed, still very much displeased, yet impressed.
She mulled her words for a moment before she continued to explain: Even a body set to be preserved by human means was set to decay, eventually. But the means preserving Cass were far from human. It was almost as if magic was holding her death hostage.
another old thing, about last year; a mini-narrative. one of my characters Lupe - whose abilities involve death - is analyzing a body of someone she knows that’s been fucked with magically.
She hesitated before her gaze moved toward his, dark eyes met brown, as if unbidden. Even though it had been lured toward his like the attractive sound of 'psspss' to a cat. He asked and she felt compelled to answer; not like a puppet on a string, not like metal to magnet -- but rather a faced tugged close by a warm hand. There was the choice to pull away but was it really a choice when the best option felt like saying yes? 
Their breath caught as something warm filled their chest -- he still smelled like citrus, like sharpness and brightness was at the core of him and couldn't be washed away by the grime of 2023. Something warm tried to fill their chest but panic drowned it over. 
Kendis tried to swallow but took, stumbled, a step back. He had such pretty eyes. And maybe it was because they were smarter now, because Kendis a few years ago would've thought their eyes were open and fallen into their own hubris -- as they had with Dove. 
This time they were -- This was... No.
"I need to go.  So I'm gonna ... leave. Bye." They turned abruptly and began walking away.
listen, this is the best i got. at least this one’s THIS YEAR. formerly titled: ‘The Ugly Meet Cute. Or is it The Cute Meet Ugly?’; originally Fitz and Kendis’ first meeting but we tweaked it, and they ran into each other two times before this (at Pride!) lmao
"I did not know!! Delilah, I swear it upon your mother, I did not know. I am not to blame. I could not lead them anywhere, it was all by chance. It is the gods, it is the gods!!"
"You would not.
"Delilah, please."
"Do not whisper your begging, bitch. Let your gods hear it, let them know, and understand that I will grant their "righteous" rebellion the same leniency that they placed upon my family. Beg me for the mercy that they did not grant Kyrios or our children -- in all the fucking lands, in all the fucking homes, they chose mine to rebel in. My husband may have been ambitious and arrogant, but his connections to the praetor were no stronger than any other man seeking favor. They could have struck any other family. Yet they came to my city. How odd, how odd, indeed."
funnily i have a lot of threads/narratives with the word favor, most of them involving kendis -- and i think a majority of THOSE involving their various past lives. this one centers around one of the most recent ones delilah and is a snippet from a narrative that showed her downward spiral to ‘villainy’ (i mean yes she killed a lot of people - and some of the “wrong” ones - but they killed her family first, so is that BAD?)
tagging i have too many writers (not ACTUALLY complaining) 234rew umm @equusgirl-writes  @writerray @wayhavenots @shady-saint @thelittlestspider @lizzybeth1986 @impossible-rat-babies and really and TRULY whoever wants to (also ignore if you want <33) !!
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overwhelmsion · 5 years
Act 2 is mostly outlined, broad strokes at least. I'm off to the races.
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greensword101 · 3 years
This is for @barely-nok. I’m sorry it took so long to get some Obake content out for you to consume. I hope you find it tasty lol.
Obake never drank on principle. He needed to keep a clear head and heads were meant for thinking. And thinking meant he could create what he wanted to the limit or even beyond that.
But even sober, his brain would...fizzle if Kei ever so much as blinked at him prettily. Or pouted. Or cheerily threatened to sing “I’m Henry the Eighth , I Am” if he didn’t agree to take a break and - urgh! Just acknowledging the phrase made him feel filthy - spend some “quality time” with a coworker.
Personally speaking, Obake would have preferred the term “expendable” or “replaceable” or “unpaid intern that wasn’t getting extra credit or the merits of knowledge.” Oh, but he would pay anything to get DeciBull out of his sight! And hearing range.
Then again, hearing range would be preferable. Wild cards like Kei were acceptable. DeciBull - or Wil as Kei had casually greeted him by to the former’s chargain -  was more of a Jack; weaker than Obake, but still a threat nonetheless.
If Kei hadn’t taken the car and driven off to God knew where, he would have stormed out of the bar and left that arsehole behind. Maybe steal his glasses and see if the chubby man with a guitar gimmack could find his way back home without falling off the pier.
Wil had barely touched his first bottle and was glowering at his phone for the past half hour. This suited Obake swimmingly, if not for the fact that Kei would know that they hadn’t made any attempt at all and would be tormenting him with that song again! And she would enlist Noodle Burger Boy this time, he was certain. And possibly Trina, though he was certain she would be directed towards Wil instead.
Obake collected himself and recited the longest formulas in the Periodic Table before he rigidly glanced over to Wil.
“I’m surprised you aren’t taking advantage of the karaoke here.”
Wil yelped and fumbled with his phone - mumbling apologies to the bartender as he passed - before gaping at Obake.
“Interesting...” Obake murmured.
“What?” Wil asked bemused.
“You almost looked like an intelligent being for a moment.”
Wil scowled, “Funny.” 
Then a smile crept onto his face. Obake stiffened. He knew he could take the man, he was slimmer and certainly wasn’t sluggish, but bars were always tricky to maneuver around in. Inebriation, sympathizers, or anyone looking for an excuse to be aggressive would make Obake beating Wil up...troublesome.
“Something amusing to you?” Obake took a sip from his own glass to appear ignorant and casual.
“Just thinking how whipped you must be if Kei could make you spend time with me,” Wil leaned in conspiratorially, “Tell me, does she make you sleep on the couch when you misbehave?”
Obake sputtered and and gave Wil a hard stare. Wil stared back undaunted.
“Shut your mouth and have your bloody drink, why don’t you?” Obake snarled and took another, deeper sip from his glass. He was used to dealing with the aggressive and almost territorial behavior Wil demonstrated back at the base. He did not want to be sober to process that Wil was capable of having bloody cheek.
“How can I have my ‘bloody drink’ if my mouth’s shut?” Wil asked innocently.
“Test my patience and we’ll find out soon enough,” Obake growled under his breath. He could do it.  One stab between the ribs and he could slip out in the noise and confusion. He just didn’t want to put up with Kei pestering him when he got back and possibly annoying her with a potential murder.
Wil sniggered and had another swig of his beer. He went back to his phone, but he barely seemed to be reading what was on the screen.
That was...unexpected. But it was a better alternative to dealing with a feral monkey by himself. Obake found himself enjoying the Manhattan more than he expected and finished it off. He was beginning to fish the cherry out when Wil spoke up again.
“Was it good?”
Obake groaned and glowered at Wil, who was starting at his empty glass curiously. What didn’t that fool understand about having a little peace and quiet?
“I don’t typically drink myself,” Wil mumbled into his bottle and drank. He sputtered for a few moments and continued, “I just stick to a beer once in a while.”
“Thank Heaven for small miracles, then,” Obake narrowed his eyes and waved the bartender over, “Another one, if you would be so kind.”
“Me too,” Wil smiled at the bartender and held up his empty bottle. Amazingly, the bartender smiled back and came back moments later with their second drinks. Wil called after him as he walked off, “Thanks, Jim!”
“You frequent this place often?” Obake ventured and helped himself to his second Manhattan. Screw sobriety, it had been so long since he had anything that tasted so good touch his lips.
“I used to,” Wil admitted, “Just for a bite and maybe a bottle. That’s kind of how me and Kei met, actually.”
“A little nip before beddybye?” Obake cooed mockingly at him.
“Crime and I have something in common,” Wil smirked, “We rarely sleep.”
“Tragic,” Obake chuckled and raised his glass in mock salute, “To your insomnia, I suppose.”
Wil raised his beer in kind, “And to good company if I ever get any.”
Now, they both laughed for real. Obake noticed for the first time how pleasantly red Wil’s face had become. Was it the alcohol or the first genuine spark of life he was expressing? If it was the latter, that would mean Kei was behind it somehow.
Suddenly, the good feeling popped like a soap bubble and Obake hid his displeasure by finishing off his second Manhattan. Wil gawked at him.
“You should slow down, Kei is gonna freak if she has to pick us up from the ER because you got alcohol poisoning or something.”
“Kei this, Kei that, you haunt her like a lapdog!” Obake spat out. Damn that woman and her silly, childish notions of fun and damn that boulder she decided would make good company!
Wil blinked and leaned back a little. A moment later, he was glowering back with that familiar hostility, “At least I don’t treat her like a nuisance like you do! Do you have any idea how much she cares about you?!”
“Cares?” Obake snapped his fingers at Jim for another glass and leaned closer to Wil’s face. His nostrils flared and he could feel Wil tense inches away from him. “Why would she have to care about me? If that’s what you call pity, then I’ve no need for it! She can pretend all she wants that we’re all supposed to be some family, but in the end, that’s all it’s going to be. A stupid dream! Why would she care about making me ‘socialize’ with the others or spending ‘quality time’ with her silly boyfriend?”
Obake jabbed a finger into Wil’s chest, “Don’t play coy! I know you think I’m a prat to her! And I know you won’t believe that she can almost make me feel human! But you don’t have to worry about me getting in the way, Prince Charming! She’s all yours, so you don’t have to worry about me -”
“I’m gay.”
“And I’m Bob, the pleasure’s all...what.” Obake had to take a moment to process Wil’s flat retort.
“Gay. I like guys. I love them. I love kissing them. And I’m already taken.”
Obake opened his mouth and closed it again. He noticed that his third Manhattan had arrived and wasted no time downing it. Wil didn’t repeat how it wasn’t safe to do this time, and he was thankful for that. 
Suddenly, he felt someone standing right behind him and stilled.
“Is he giving you problems, Wil?”
“No worries, Eugene,” Wil smiled at the person behind him, “Just clearing up a misunderstanding over here.”
Obake felt a little dizzy and pinched his nose, “Let me understand this correctly. You have never had feelings for Kei?”
“Platonically, yes. Romantically or otherwise? No.”
“And this whole time, yo - you’ve...” Why couldn’t he find the right words? “You’ve...acted harshly because...?”
“Because she’s one of my best friends and I don’t want her to get hurt,” Wil said firmly. He pointed at Obake with a fiercely protective look, “I can’t help who she wants to connect with, but I won’t stand by and let her get hurt. She’s gone through too much to deserve that.”
“Alright, I’m just going to butt in for a moment here,” Eugene moved from behind Obake and stood to Wil’s left, wrapping an arm across him protectively. He was pleasant to the eyes; tall, broad, dark brown hair and a scruffy goatee. He looked at Wil, bemused, “You weren’t here scooping for another cutie, babe?”
“Wh...why...why would he...?” Obake’s tongue felt like lead. Dear Lord, he could barely speak, he was so embarrassed.
“Because this is a gay bar?” Eugene supplemented as if it weren’t obvious. Obake blinked. Come to think of it, it was rather odd no one had come to bother them when they came in. Did...did that mean...?
Somewhere in San Fransokyo, Kei was laughing herself silly. Obake was certain of it. 
“Everything alright over here?” Another voice, deeper than Eugene’s mischievous and light tone asked.
“Hey ‘Nan! This is an acquaintance of mine,” Wil helped himself to his beer, “and apparently he thought I was stealing his girlfriend until a few moments ago. Bob, this is Kanan. My other boyfriend.”
“Other...” Obake’s head was swimming. This was too much to process...
“Yeah,” Wil said shyly, “We’re...we’re kind of a poly sort of thing.”
As if to prove his point, Eugene promptly gave Wil a deep kiss on the lips that was eagerly returned. Kanan came into view and Obake noticed how dark skinned he was and the ponytail before he decided he was too sober to handle this all right now.
He made to stand and tripped over his stool. And a moment later, his Manhattans returned and splashed all over the floor.
In hindsight, he should have checked how much alcohol was in each glass...
It was about a half hour later when Kei found all four of them outside the bar with Obake being supported by an irksome Wil and amused Eugene. Kanan looked torn between disapproval and laughter.
“Was it fun?” Kei asked hesitantly. Obake took one look at her and sighed. It was his own fault for drinking too much.
“It was something,” Wil supplemented as he helped buckle Obake into the backseat, “And educational, apparently, so that’s a plus.”
“We were there at the tail-end,” Eugene added helpfully, “It was kind of entertaining.”
“You sure you can take care of this?” Kanan asked Wil.
Wil looked at Obake and sighed, “We’ll be alright. Thanks, anyways.”
“See you at the next heist meet, babe!” Eugene blew a kiss.
“Tell Raps and Hera I said hi!” Wil called back as they drove off.
“And here I thought I’d be picking you up at the police station for a bar brawl,” Kei half joked.
“Stay with me, Bob!” Wil shook Obake gently, “Don’t go to sleep. First rule in treating alcohol poisoning.”
“Piss off...” Obake slurred.
Wil sighed and let his head sink against the headrest for a few moments. Why didn’t he just become an accountant like his parents wanted?
“Wil...” Obake said sluggishly, “In..in the...event...I survive this with my memory intact. Would you...do it again?”
Wil blinked in surprise and chuckled weakly, “Only if you watch what you drink next time, lightweight.”
“Momma’s boy.”
“Evil Brit.”
“Four Eyes.”
“Nnnnnnnnnnneeeee~rrrrrrrrrds!” Kei cackled as her passengers bickered with each other without any former hostility from before.
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absul · 7 years
Tumblr media
i still love her a lot tbh
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dave0dd · 5 years
If you need a place to go. For someone to hear you. If you're tired of the lies. Tired of worn out times. You can bottle your tears on River Drive.
In my dreams I see you 
And I hope you see me too 
Late at night am I pulsing through your brain?
Bathed in darkness, do you attempt to stay sane?
Text book tables for green, oh what an education 
Said you got no money, but coin your daddy's statements  
Legs up on your dashboard now
Stop lights wash our blues out
Legs up on your dashboard now 
They never touched the ground
You can't save me
You can't save me
You can't save me
On this bed I lay you down to sleep tonight 
On this bed where roses bloomed when tears would dry 
Faced back to back I didn't want to make you cry 
On this bed I Lay You lay you lay you lay you lay you 
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problematickid96 · 5 years
Been working on music for a long time now and will start to share things piece by piece. Songs for the lonely and sad that see their reflection shatter with every tear that hits the pavement before coming together again in a puddle shimmering brightly.
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moteloleander · 6 years
"How... How eleven, please?"
"Just over six pages, that's how. Come on, love, we'll get you to bed."
"...Bad. pages bad, Clive."
"Now you're just being silly. What's the matter with them?"
"long describing. Messy psychic magic also but long long describing."
"And if you don't describe that house now, when will you have to do it? Hm?"
"...in big endgame times... Bad. Not does. No room. Much punchy scary double-cross to write in big endgame times. No time interior design..."
"Goooood girl. Now. Beddybye, yes?"
"Right yes, Cliveperson..."
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caruliaa · 2 years
okayokayokayokay i think it will be wisest if i go ahead and say beddybye about now!!!!!!! to be honest i dont even remember if ive done all my hw for tomorrow LMAO and yet i am choosing sleep instead of checking on that JSBSJSJ so that tells u smthinf ab how sleepy i am sooo im sorey if this is short but!!!!!!! i wanted to thank you again soooo much for suggesting the bday movie idea i literally!!!! love love lovedddd watching with you and vcing with you sooo muchhhh like its already such a great movie that i pove and i got to watch it again w you who i love sm so:’>>>> that was rlly v excellent<333!!!!! and omg youre such an excellent friend to know in general dear and make me feel soooo warm and safe and make my days happier and brighter and!!! i rlly hope sm to do the same for u u deserve it sm and!!!!!! like u dont j deserve it for being such a good friend but u truly deserve sm as you are just such a good person yourself peaches like. you rlly rlly are so good and amazing and i feel so lucky to know you and!!! i want u to know i care ab you sm and im always here for u !!! i love you smmm so much (hugs youuuuuu a lot if u want!! 💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻)
yayea i get the sleep over hw vibe sm esp since i. was asleep for some of my media studies class today GDHDFHDF (by accident !! and it was fine in the end but ya that. happened. FGDFGDF) DFHDFHDF and dont ever worry abt asks bieng short love i promise its never and issue !!!! like. this ask isnt that short id say but even if it was then it wldnt matter bc id understand yk? :3 and omg omg your soso sweet belvoeddd u rly are ;; i rly am v glad that like !! watching anasatasia together and calling rly was such a lovely fun thing for u bc well thats why i suggested it bc i thought it wld b a lovely bday thing for you so im rly glad it was !!! and also bc it rly was osso lovely for me too like to get to talk together and hear your voice and spend time with you and watch smth with you rly rly was soso wonderful just like it always is to call you and just spend time with you in general like !! you rly rly do jsut bring me soso much joy and love and warmth happiness every single day whenver we talk or message my beloved and im soso glad and grateful for it and for you i hope you know !!! ;; and ough i hope you know im rly sos glad that ican be the same to you and be a good friend to you becuase i rly rly do jsut want to so so much becuase you rly do jsut deserve it so so much becuase you rly are just such a ownderful amazing incredible person my dearest and soso dear to me and i just rly do love you soso much andi hope you always know that you mean the whole world to me you really really do so so much ;; !!! *hugs you backkkkkkkkk lots and lots if you wish !!!!!!!!!!!!!* 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🌷💗
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tearoomsaloon · 8 years
I am a shit had adult things to do today, so my Thursday flashfic for the wicked week will be up tomorrow! Sorry everyone, I’m just, I am so tired right now
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