#oc: murder link
ashwithane · 4 months
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FINALLY finished this frickin thing
ref under the cut:
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trashedump · 8 months
I wanna see murder link and yona being best friends 🥺
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u mean like this?
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Bonnie Blair, a ghost who died in full cosplay.
She travelled all the way from Scotland to attend a small convention that just so happened to be hosted at Woodstone b&b.
She also took the opportunity to meet up with her long distance online friends, but what she didn't know is that they had lured her there so they could kill her.
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slashesotron · 1 year
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Patchouli bout to smash Nine wake UP bitch ❤
Another one from before this under the cut (feat. Six as well)
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starryinkart · 1 year
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SOOooo the first chapter of my Murder Drones fic, "Absolutely" is out! Chapter 2 is coming soon, buttt in the meantime, expect some drawings for future chapters and scenes!
The character up above is Melody! But of course there will be more on her in the fanfic, dont wanna spoil! There will also be more character refs coming, so I hope you enjoy! Im so excited for Episode 5!💞💞
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iydiamartinx · 3 months
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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲 | 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉
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Poly!Godric x OC x Eric Northman
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❝ 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦...❞
— 𝐣𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐬
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“Here, kitty kitty!” A voice called out tauntingly. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
Her entire body trembled from both fear and the cold. Her hand gripped the rough bark of the tree she was hiding behind tightly, ignoring how splinters of wood cut and pierced her skin. By this point, the cold had seeped into her skin, so she could feel nothing but prickles and numbness.
The forest around her was eerily silent, save for the crunching of snow under the foot of her hunter and the occasional creaking of branches from a gust of icy wind that would blow through unforgivingly, sending shivers down her spine and leaving her teeth chattering uncontrollably.
The snow had soaked through her flimsy nightgown, turning the silken fabric sheer, hiding nothing as it clung to her body. Each breath she took caused a visible puff of mist in the frigid air.
It wouldn’t be long now until frostbite set in, and she knew she needed to keep moving, find shelter, and safety before that could happen. The thought of a warm bed and a crackling fire seemed like a distant dream, a luxury she never truly appreciated until now.
She hadn’t planned on escaping, as much as she dreamed of it. Yet, the events of tonight had left her with no choice, and she had finally done what she dreamt of doing for so long. Only she hadn’t quite thought things through and now found herself hunted and lost in the sprawling woods of her family’s estate in the middle of one of the coldest winters in Texas.
“Come on out, Katherine,” His voice sounded closer, and the taunting tone had been replaced by annoyance. “You’ll die before you manage to find your way out of these woods.”
That might have been the case, but by this point, she was ready for death. With that realization, she steeled herself, every muscle in her body tensing before she took off.
Her bare feet raced across the snow-covered forest floor. Her lungs burned for breath, the crispness of the winter air adding to her discomfort. Still, she pumped her arms, pushing herself to go faster. However, she didn’t get far as strong arms wrapped around her frame, hauling her back.
“Got you,” he breathed, the heat of his rancid breath caressing the shell of her ear.
“No!” She shrieked, her legs kicking out in protest. Her limbs flailed, and her body squirmed, trying to slip out of his hold. Her head snapped back, managing to connect with his nose, and he let out a grunt of pain, his arms loosening just long enough for her to slip out of his grasp.
She stumbled trying to once again take off into the thicket of trees but before she could his hand grabbed a fistful of her hair, sharply yanking her back. Another shriek of anger and pain fell past her lips as she felt the burn in her scalp and this time she didn’t hesitate to whip around and rake her nails across his face, leaving behind bright red marks.
A harsh yell tore through his throat but he didn’t let go. His grip tightened, drawing out a whimper of pain from her as he forced her head to strain up to look up at him. Her previous defiance began to wilt the longer she stared into the depthless voids of his cruel gaze. “I was going to show you mercy, but after your little stunt, you deserve nothing.”
His hand struck her across the face, sending her careening into the snow. Dark spots momentarily covered her vision, and she could feel a stinging warmth spread across the spot where he had hit her.
Something wet slid down her chin, and the red droplet that stained the pure white snow below her made her realize he’d hit her so hard that he’d cut her lip.
A cry tore past her lips as she felt his boot connect with her ribs, again and again, until she felt something crack. She was ready to give up and give in, anything to just end her suffering. But when she heard the first sounds of his belt buckle being undone, panic once again roared up inside of her.
She began to weakly crawl away.
“Oh, no you don’t,” He grunted, leaning down to grab her, only for an audible crunch to be heard as her elbow connected with his nose.
A string of curses fell past his lips. “You fucking bitch!” He screamed, clutching his face. “You’re going to pay for that!”
Another whimper fell past her lips as she scrambled back, staring at him in horror as he removed his hand to reveal his bloodied face. His dark eyes were livid, filled with the promise of revenge, and she knew if she didn’t find a way to escape or end this now, he was going to make her wish that she had died.
He stalked forward, and she tried to kick out her leg, hoping to keep him back or even hit him again, but he merely caught her leg, using the grip on her ankle to begin dragging her closer.
Her nails raked through the snow, trying to find anything she could use as leverage to keep from being pulled. Her fingers ended up brushing against something smooth and hard, and she began clawing and trying to grab the item, only to let out a sob as it slipped from her grasp. Frantically looking, she saw it was a rock, just a few inches too far.
She could feel his heavy weight settle across her back, and she let out a screech that sounded more like a caged animal than a human, as she began to buck and thrash wildly, trying to slip out of his grip.
It was a matter of life or death. Her last chance. Fighting against his hold, she lunged for the rock, her fingers curling around it just in time as he moved to completely pin her down. She twisted, the hand holding the rock cracking against his temple, sending him careening to the ground.
She didn’t hesitate to follow his body, hitting him again. And again. And again. A feral scream tore past her lips as she kept hitting him until he stilled. Until she could no longer recognize the monster’s face.
Only then did she let the rock slip from her fingers and allow herself to collapse beside him, all her energy drained.
At one point, she thought she might’ve drifted off because the next thing she remembered was that it began to snow.
Her heavy breaths had slowed to shallow, labored gasps. Each breath sent a dagger of pain through her chest from where he had no doubt broken her ribs. Everything inside of her hurt, yet something also stilled in peace as she stared up at the moon peeking beyond the trees.
She was ready.
She let her eyes slip closed, but a sudden presence had them fluttering open. In her haze of pain and fading consciousness, she thought she saw Death himself. He was beautiful, with skin so pale it looked as if it were kissed by the snow, contrasting sharply against raven-black hair. But that wasn’t what held her captive. It was his eyes, bluer than the Mediterranean Sea itself, filled with curiosity.
“Are you death?” She rasped out.
He cocked his head, those blue eyes flashing with intrigue, yet otherwise remaining utterly still, almost preternaturally.
“Death is one of the names I’ve been given,” He finally answered, his voice soft and hushed, reminding her of a gentle whisper of a breeze caressing the forest.
She blinked up at him in a daze. “But…you’re so young.”
He looked no older than her, his bone structure sharp and cutting but softened slightly by the youthful appearance of a boy on the cusp of manhood.
The barest hint of an amused smile curved at his lips. “I can assure you, I’m not.”
A small laugh fell past her lips, which quickly dissolved into a pained wheeze. Her head briefly lolled to the side where her uncle’s body still lay. “Is he…?”
“Dead,” Death confirmed.
“Good,” She whispered, her gaze falling back to him, part of her wondering why he still hadn’t claimed her soul.
“You know…” He began, “I watched you tonight. I’ve only ever seen one other fight with the same fierce fire you showed.” He began to smile, revealing a pair of sharp canines. “A beautiful little warrior.”
She wanted to protest that she wasn’t that small, but instead, she found herself saying, “Not as beautiful as you.”
Her words drew a surprised, dare she say a bashful laugh from him and something in his eyes softened.
Her eyes fluttered for a moment, finding it harder to keep them open. “I think…” She drew in a soft breath, each word becoming harder to articulate. “I think I’m ready now.”
She watched as his brows drew in slightly, his head tilting as he stared down at her contemplatively before kneeling. She let her eyes close and readied herself, but instead of pain, she felt a soft caress against her cheek. Her eyes once again found his.
“Could you be a companion of Death?” He finally asked. “Could you walk with me through the dark? I could teach you everything that I know, and you would never have to be alone again. I would be your teacher, your family, your protector.”
Only one word managed to slip past her bloodied lips, “Why?”
“To give you the one thing you’ve been deprived of…” He whispered, his voice sounding further away. “Freedom.”
Her lips curved up at the word as the world began to turn dark. “Freedom.”
Death had finally claimed her soul, and she welcomed him with open arms.
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
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Next Chapter →
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banner credits: saradika-graphics & reveriesources
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swordmaid · 4 months
playing dress ups in piccrew with my ocs as one does and now I am thinking up of a regency or victorian era based murder mystery au with thalia as main char or something ,,,, anyway chars go from thalia left shri’iia right
then yves as creepy nun and wren as the one sole dude in this line up
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 4 months
Just posted the sequel to Oscar, toothless!
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cyrusthemagician · 4 months
🔮INTRO TO MEヾ(•ω•`)o🌟
!!before you continue read my DNI and boundaries list!!
☆MASTERPOSTS ☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆
I go by really anything idc what you refer to me as as long as you don't call me blitzo (PLS it drives me mad the amount of times ppl thing my name is a ref to helluva boss/srs/gen)
i use he/him/it/its pronouns
the amazing digital circus
sonic the hedgehog
rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
murder drones
the stanley parable
The Magnus Archives
Camp Here & There
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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haven’t touched Genshin in a while, but here, have some OC doodles anyway
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jenivi · 1 year
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*:・゚✧ full throttle magic ✧・゚*
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ashwithane · 10 months
grabby hands
murder link lore
uhhhh what haven’t i mentioned yet lemme see—
well for starters, during my playthrough i would often go on “tell me will”-esque monologues where murder link said the most ominous shit to get into various npcs’ heads/just plain freak them out. whether he did this intentionally was unclear. for example there’s this doodle from my original murder link post:
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it was usually just “tell me [npc’s name]” followed by some shit like “do you ever wonder how it feels to take a life” or something else along those lines
also on the subject of sidon, here’s another drawing with him and murder link i haven’t posted yet—i believe it was based on a tumblr post but i doubt i could find it now:
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sidon’s unwavering support for link makes him…a bit too easily swayed lmao. he deserves a little killing, as a treat
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trashedump · 11 months
"oc: murder link" would you like to share with the class ashe
AKSJLRHFKD so basically. on my breath of the wild master mode playthrough i ended up accidentally creating a linksona. i called him murder link.
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he was basically the same as canon link except he woke up Wrong—a sudden urge to Kill Everything awakened in him the moment he was revived. the reason this came about was because, well, this was master mode—i found myself getting destroyed by enemies constantly due to my weak weapons, so i decided the solution was to kill a bunch of enemies and steal their stronger weapons. this ended in me basically going on a killing spree across the great plateau, fighting the talus just to see if i could (i may have avoided the lynel lol, i wasn’t that confident), and thus the lore of Murder Link began.
blood/violence under the cut:
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some more doodles—the “and murder” drawing has been my discord pfp for who knows how long
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he was also a particularly bad influence on sidon
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my favorite tale from this playthrough, though, is that of the murder horse. i got the sidequest where a guy asks you to give him a horse, then breaks his promise to take care of them by cruelly selling them away. i decided murder link would not stand for this, so i thought of a solution.
i found a horse with decently good stats and a wild temperament, and registered him at a stable under the name “gonakillu” (short for “horse that is going to kill you”). i then trained him to be the perfect killing machine, making him run over birds, goats, etc and rewarding him with apples each time. when i was confident he was ready, i sold him to the npc, trusting gonakillu to succeed in his mission: killing the bastard.
i later ran into the npc at a stable—obviously his ghost since there’s no way gonakillu could have failed. he said he’d sold the horse—again, clearly he was in denial of what really happened. but murder link began to miss his murder horse companion, and journeyed to find gonakillu again.
i soon found him—a horse with the same stats and appearance, running around and terrorizing a monster camp. i registered him back at the stable, and thus gonakillu remained at murder link’s side for the rest of the playthrough, even joining him for the final, ultimate murder: calamity ganon himself.
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so. yeah. to answer your question that’s the story of my beloved, edgy-in-a-silly-way link oc, born entirely from me just goofing off in botw. thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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vulpixisananimal · 10 months
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naswoop · 1 year
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New OC for a FIST campaign! Her powers are Aura and Murder :)
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just-dontfall · 8 months
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A piece featuring my Fairy Tail babies dressed as the characters from DRAMAtical murder. With appropriately dramatic lighting.
And a little bonus drawing of the cats dressed as some AllMates
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