#oc: sunblast
words-words-worlds · 10 months
TF Fankid OC Quick Facts! [Asks Open!]
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Compass Quick Facts! [Prowl x Starscream] -Song: Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift -She/Her -Faction: Autobots -Altmode: Police motorcycle -Colors, etc: Blue, black, white; red optics; 11.8ft -In a romantic relationship with Lunar -Guardian(s): Prowl -Voice Claim: Azula [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Lunar Quick Facts! [Megatron x OP] -Song: Waiting On A Miracle - Stephanie Beatriz -She/Her -Faction: Autobots -Altmode: Space Infrared Telescope -Colors, etc: Blue, silver, white; white optics; 16.5ft -In a romantic relationship with Compass -Guardian(s): Optimus Prime -Voice Claim: Princess Bubblegum [Adventure Time]
Requiem Quick Facts! -Song: Propaganda! - Crusher -He/Him -Faction: Decepticons -Altmode: IBM 305 RAMAC -Colors, etc: Silver; purple optics; 19ft -Younger twin of Venture -Guardian(s): Nightlight, Megatron -Voice Claim: Edward Elric [Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood]
Skyline Quick Facts! [Skyfire x Elite Trine] -Song: DEATHWISH - poutyface -She/They -Faction: Autobots -Altmode: F-15 Strike Eagle -Colors, etc: Cyan, purple, a touch of orange; red optics 31ft -Part of the triplets: middle child -Guardian(s): Skyfire -Voice claim: Kyubey [Puella Magi Madoka Magica]
Starsweeper Quick Facts! [Skyfire x Elite Trine] -Song: It's Alright - Mother Mother -They/Them -Faction: Autobots -Altmode: F-15 Strike Eagle -Colors, etc: Red, black, flashy; blue optics; 31ft -Part of the triplets; oldest child -Guardian(s): Skyfire -Voice claim: Kyoko Sakura [Puella Magi Madoka Magica]
Sunblast Quick Facts! -Song: Centuries - Fall Out Boy -He/Him -Faction: Decepticons -Altmode: Global Hawk -Colors, etc: Dark blue; red optics; 22ft -Guardian(s): Nightlight, Soundwave -Voice claim: The Collector [The Owl House]
Venture Quick Facts! -Song: Two Birds - Regina Spektor -She/Her -Faction: Decepticons -Altmode: Mitsubishi F-2 -Colors, etc: Purple, dark blue; red optics; 25ft -Older twin of Requiem -Guardian(s): Nightlight, Megatron -Voice Claim: Historia Reiss [Attack On Titan]
Wind Chime Quick Facts! [Skyfire x Elite Trine] -Song: Sleeping Through the End of the World - PuffHost -She/Her -Faction: Autobots -Altmode: Boeing X-37 -Colors, etc: Sunny yellow, dark gray accents; red optics; 43ft -Cracked left optic -Part of the triplets; youngest child -Guardian(s): Skyfire -Voice claim: Violet Evergarden [Violet Evergarden English Dub]
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doodlesnoodles1 · 1 month
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Some villainous fanchildren art
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paper-gold-theories · 3 months
The Undecided AU: Red Sun
Made an OC for my Undecided AU Red Sun, the son of SunBlast and Penumbra and Connor's Best Arch Frenemy
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Name: Solano Sombra Solís (nickname: Red, Sol, Triple S, Reddy by Conner 😂)
(Note: I thought of this name Solano as it means place exposed to the sun and Sombra means shadow in Spanish I thought it would fit as an eclipse forms a shadow when it gets close to the sun, SunBlast's civilian name which is Saúl Solís,- refer to the image of SunBlast below, and it kinda sounds like Penumbra's civilian name, Penelope Numbra Braxton. Penumbra and SunBlast came up with the name because both of them want their child to enjoy the sun and remember the shadows.)
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Image source: (1) (2)
Powers: Red Sun inherited both of his parents powers and use them separately and at the same time, called solar prominence. Initially he had a difficult time controlling them.
He also glows red in colour which is inspired by solar prominence, powerful explosions from the Sun, which is usually invisible to the naked eye but can be seen during an eclipse, where the moon is blocking the sun and that looks like red death ray blasts coming from the surface of the Sun. This is why his name is Red Sun and his costume is also red.
Source: (1) (2)
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Image Source (3)
Background: After Penumbra managed to find a way to unshrink SunBlast, he became a diplomat and attempted to foster better relationship, understanding and friendship between those who suffer the umbra condition and those who do not in the city of Atreno.
One of his successful acts include convincing the mayor of Atreno to use Penumbra's weather machine some times in a week to make it cloudy so that the Umbra citizens can go outside without worrying about being burnt to a crisp.
Hearing this news, many of the Umbras who moved to Alaska came back to the city of Atreno.
Afterwards, SunBlast proposes to Penumbra which she accepts and they were married with an eclipse style wedding and with both sides attending.
When they talk about kids, Penumbra wants to wait until they are able to develop a cure for the umbra condition because she fears that their child might inherit her condition, and wants the child to enjoy the sunlight, SunBlast agrees.
(This is why Red Sun has no umbra condition and somewhat resembles Penumbra before her umbra condition.)
Later on, with the help of SunBlast, Penumbra was able to find a cure to the umbra condition and both of them were hailed as the heroes of the city.
(Note: Penumbra is able to still use her powers after being cured.)
However despite SunBlast and Penumbra's heroic deeds and SunBlast explaining the real story of what really happened to him after his disappearance, P.E.A.C.E. and the public outside of Atreno still considers Penumbra And SunBlast as villains and also considers Atreno "a villain controlled city".
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P.E.A.C.E. orders Albedo (Jonathan Guerrero), who in the eyes of the public is considered "the first Umbra hero" to take down Penumbra and SunBlast for controlling their city and for spreading "misinformation" about the organisation being corrupt and hiring corrupt heroes.
Albedo, who refuses to give up his fame, fortune and title as a hero of Atreno attempts to do as P.E.A.C.E. says and takes down the couple but always ends up failing...
Albedo is instructed by P.E.A.C.E. the cure Penumbra created as it means supporting the villains, which he believes was "supporting the villains" he thinks it was a small price to pay for being a hero which he agrees.
However, secretly he got the cure for his daughter (who is a teenager at this time).
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(I theorised that that little girl visiting Albedo after getting injured from fighting Penumbra is his daughter)
But also spreads misinformation that whoever uses the cure is "evil" and is "siding with the villains". There were a few umbras who supported P.E.A.C.E. hence refuse to use the cure and would rather be burnt to a crisp by the sun than to be labeled as a villain.
This caused a divide between him and his daughter for telling lies and putting his title as a hero over title as a hero over the umra citizens "who he swore to protect". He argues that his lies are what puts food on the table, a shelter on their heads and enables them to live a life of luxury they can only dream and if he doesn't P.E.A.C.E. would take everything away from them and blacklist him as a villain, making him unable to find a job and be shunned from society.
SunBlast and Penumbra would often fight Albedo who is now both of the Arch-Nemesis, curb all the misinformation by him and P.E.A.C.E. and attempt to stop the remaining umbra's self destructive behaviour over believing such false rumors.
Goals: To clear his parents city's name and clean up the corruption in P.E.A.C.E.
Solano, despite his parents best efforts trying to hide the problems they are facing from their son, he still sees despite being heroes and all the selfless heroic good deeds they have done they are still considered as villains to the general public and he can see this clearly especially when they go out of Atreno. Atreno was also blacklisted by P.E.A.C.E. as a villain run city, ruining the city's reputation and reducing the tourism, business opportunities of the city, which in turn affected its economy.
Hence the young boy made it his life goal to clear his parents and city's name. To do that he has to enroll at P.E.A.C.E. and become the top hero so that he can finally make changes in his system and bring justice to his family and city.
SunBlast and Penumbra tried to dissuade their son, but he already made up his mind and enrolled in the P.E.A.C.E. Academy school of heroes when he was old enough.
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SunBlast called to enlist the help of his old coach, who reconciled and apologised after siding with Miss Heed. (will explain this in a future post), to help train his son.
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The coach was already a personal tutor and teaching The Vigilante (Conner), who was a part time student there and that was the start of their rivalry.
Personality: Red Sun, becomes so focused on his goals grew up to be a very serious and intimidating person, who rarely jokes with people.
Hence his serious expression in the drawing.
Despite his good attention of becoming a hero, he also wants to achieve success for himself at the same time.
He is someone hot tempered and often takes things way too seriously.
Even though his parents tried many times to tell him that he should not take things too seriously and loosen up, and he should not put too much pressure on himself like he has the weight of the world of his shoulders, he won't listen.
Relationship with The Vigilante: He despises Connor because despite, being in the same boat as him: having a villain parent and a hero one (Red Sun considers both of his parents heroes but he knows his mother considers herself a villain) the heroes in the school were more accepting and welcoming to Conner because his father is GoldHeart, that was also another reason he hated him because GoldHeart was a corrupted hero and stood for everything he was against.
(He is a somewhat neutral Flug as he is friends with his mother.)
Meanwhile the students are more suspicious and untrustworthy of him because of his parents and he had to work extremely hard to earn their respect.
Connor is also somewhat more likeable and popular amongst the other students due to his friendly and easygoing personality while people are afraid of him due to his serious and intimidating personality.
He also hates Connor, because despite not taking heroing seriously, and also doing villain activities on the side, he is able to excel hero training through is strategic thinking during team hero missions and leading them to victory.
Hence, he often tries to out due him in everything. As well as make it a point to after him whenever he can while he is doing villainous activities. He is often annoyed at his trolling and crazy hero-villain antics which drive him crazy.
Eventually both of them will get along and balance each other out. Connor will become more serious while Red Sun, will learn to loosen up, making him a better leader
As well as putting his ego aside, for the success of the heroes as a whole, even though he is not the one bringing it (such as being part of of Connor's crazy plans and ideas) and eventually learning that the world was not as black and white as he thought so and needs to adapt to it in order to succeed and achieve his goals.
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A Possibly Cruel Aspect Of Miss Heed's Spell (Being Forced To Attack Your Own Loved Ones And Then Waking Up Realizing What You Have Done To Them In The Name Of Heed's Cause)
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Seriously, it's already messed up they would be forced to attacked their loved ones, but also the fact that they could snap out of her spell and realize it after the fact is just as cruel. She probably wouldn't risk them attacking loved ones if she saw the effect of what happened. However, I do think if she was cruel enough and was willing to sacrifice a follower she would set them on a loved one and then come to see them wake up and cry about what they have done. But again since girl is obsessed with her followers she wouldn't want to lose even a single one even if it could be used in the name of cruelty.
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I just had this imagine for my Oc and her mentor and his archnemesis/her future boyfriend. Even though she doesn't confront them at Cosmopolis, I do imagine if she did she would have to be up against her mentor. And I can imagine she would try to hold him off but she ends up being beat up by him due to his super strength and it ends up with him probably snapping out of his hypnosis after realizing he hurt his former sidekick. And this is before she and Coyote ever got into a relationship so him hurting her wouldn't do anything. If they had been in a relationship at that point he would have snapped out of it too. But I could see Omega being unbrainwashed holding him off until he sees the Heed broadcast and snaps out of it. Causing him to decide to go after Heed and Omega and Green Rod follows because they too would have a bone to pick with her.
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starclast · 1 year
Welp, here's a look to the parents in the Bandaged heart universe! 💟 Oh yeah! And Rave peeking out of a portal 🤣
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grimmhugs0 · 2 years
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Part 2
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natedogx15 · 8 months
A Villainous Game Show
A Villainous and Kamen Rider Geats crossover idea.
Basically, instead of Black Hat creating a villain-help company for his retirement, he creates his version of the Desire Grand Prix, where he's the person who will grant the winner their wish. Flug will be the one who creates the Raise Buckles and, if you don't want an oc, the Jyamato. Demencia can act as the Gazer or ace fighter, and 505 can stay the mascot. You also have room for your own characters for game masters, Jyamato gardeners, security guards, and a navigator. Heck, you can have them recruit Miss Heed as a navigator due to her thirst for attention.
For the supporters. They can be members of the villain community who are Black Hat's primary audience. In exchange for funding the show, they can also request quests for the games. For example, Penumbra can request a game where the Kamen Riders have to defeat Sunblast for her.
Basically, it's a story that focuses on the D.G.P. staff instead of the contestants.
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stinger-shot · 9 months
ok so, I can't decide what oc I want to start off with first.. so I'm gonna make this poll ik I haven't shared anything but just,
I'll check the results in 4 hours :)
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xxbunitobunnyxx · 7 months
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New oc
SunBlast :D♡
(Technically Son of Sokka and Nimu)
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robots-n-sweet-tea · 8 months
Transformers OCs List
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Router (Firmware, Hacker, Virus)
AZ (Atomic Zero)
Sly Eye
Wind Chime
Alistair Robinson
Dawn Hill
Liam "Lucky" Lewis
Lily Clover
Saturn Newman
Alo (Dinobot: Allosaurus)
Ano (Dinobot: Iguanodon)
Arch (Dinobot: Archaeopteryx)
Fledge (Dinobot: Utahraptor)
Gembone (Dinobot: Gallimimus)
Headbutt (Dinobot: Pachycephalosaurus)
Monty (Dinobot: Edmontosaurus)
Noto (Dinobot: Giganotosaurus)
Onracx (Dinobot: Carnotaurus)
Parasocial (Dinobot: Parasaurolophus)
Scales (Dinobot: Ankylosaurus)
Spiney (Dinobot: Spinosaurus)
Suchomi (Dinobot: Suchomimus)
Theri (Dinobot: Therizinosaurs)
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words-words-worlds · 11 months
My Silly List of Transformers OCs
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Last Updated: November 22, 2023
Questions: OPEN
Transformers OCs
Smite (He/Him) - Autobot
Spitfire (She/Her) - Decepticon
Stormrunner (They/He) - Autobot
Rizz (He/She) - N/A
Nightlight (She/Her) - Decepticon
OCs That Might Make a Cameo or Small Mention*
Fellstrike (They/Them), Razoreye (He/Him), and Hymn (She/It)
[FANKIDS] Sunblast (He/Him), Starsweeper (They/Them), Wind Chime (She/Her), Skyline (She/They), Venture (She/Her), Requiem (He/Him), Compass (She/Her), and Lunar (She/Her)
Liam "Lucky" Lewis (He/Him) & his family
Dawn Hill (They/Them) & their family
Lily Clover (She/Her) & her family
Arson (She/They) and Pipe (They/It)
(*cameo/small mention but also meaning that said OC(s) aren't done or aren't a part of the main stuff I post)
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doodlesnoodles1 · 1 year
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paper-gold-theories · 3 months
Vigilante: You use sarcasm to distance yourself from people.
Red Sun: And yet you're still here.
The Undecided AU
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So Many Questions That Don't Need To be Answered
Green Rod: Yes, my children's father is actually a nuclear zombie and a villain. Nobody can tell you who to fall in love with, but we've managed to make it work all these years. Leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.
Dr. Penumbra: Eh, works for me.
Dr. Mauser Jr: Me too.
Sunblast: ...Yeeeeeaaah, but how did you and metal head...
Green Rod:(in the exact same tone of voice) Leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.
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starclast · 1 year
Sooo...I decided to show you my fanchildren of Villainous ships, who, for those who don't know, have already an ongoing fic dedicated to them.
You can read it if you want! ...But take into account that the fic is in Spanish if you do. Aaaand so, without anything else to add, lets introduce my dear chamas!
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First here we have to clarify something very important: although they ARE kids of the characters, they don't come from a direct future of the Villainous universe but an AU named Bandaged heart. I could give you a more detailed explanation about it...buuuut I wont because one, that's better explained in the fanfic itself, and two, my goal here is just present you the kids.
As you may see, the first one here is the daughter of flug and heed: Amelia. She is smart but kind of insecure and usually talks to herself when she is frustrated about something or wants to encourage herself. She gets along well with the twins. Aaaand talking about them...
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...Lux and Nox are the children of Sunblast and Penumbra. Their actual names are Lucia and Norman...but their nicknames suits them better.
Lux is the youngest of the two, she is very cheerful, energetic and *innocent*. She likes to explore and is too curious for her own good, so much so that she causes trouble to her big brother and friends.
Nox on the other hand is serene and responsible...but tends to loose his mind whenever his sister takes him into new *adventures*. he tries that she doesn't get in trouble...but fails miserably most of the time XD
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Aaand finally we have Rave, the *son* of Demencia and...you guess who?? 👀 he is grumpy and *uninterested* in general, as expected of a teenager. he takes a VERY important role on the story so please look up for it :3
(P.S: ...here's a little spoiler of the first chapter, by the way 🙃)
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query: who is Joe?
Joe is one of our voice actors. He is currently cast as Starscream, Soundwave, and Sunblast (an OC). He wished to remain anonymous for personal reasons. Joe is the name he wished to be credited by.
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