#transformers a requiem for guardians
words-words-worlds · 11 months
Something TF lore headcanons something
So I basically created my own silly lil lore stuff for how new mechs are brought about and created. It's not much, but it's something. I'm putting it all under a cut. But feel free to send in questions about anything that comes up! This is a WIP, after all, so I will be occasionally going back and adding things/making changes.
-General Idea-
Upon a batch creation of sparklings, an event called the Batching (or Batchening if you wanna get silly about it,) a guardian will be waiting to choose one or several sparklings. Once one or more guardians have chosen a sparkling or more to take care of, the sparkling(s) officially becomes "under the name" of said guardian(s). This is an open-to-interpretation or an emergency contact type relationship, in which case the guardians and mechs can be seen as a parent/child relationship, an older/younger sibling relationship, or, arguably the most common, a mentor/apprentice relationship. When you take someone under your name, some paperwork needs to be filled out as soon as possible so the sparkling can be registered as an official citizen.
-Created Without A Guardian-
When batches of young mechs/sparklings are created by Cybertron (for whatever purpose or reasons it has) and crawl out of the Depths of Cybertron, they are usually greeted by mechs looking for apprentices. Or, as mentioned before, the mech is looking for a child to raise as their own, or a sibling to look after. Each time a new batch is ready to emerge from the Depths, this event draws in mechs of all kinds in the area to watch, although most mechs are there to find a sparkling to take under the name. Sometimes sparklings find their way into places that aren't expecting them, or there are too many younglings for the amount of mentors. Sure, there are systems and agencies formed to help support mechs without guardians, but they shouldn't be completely relying on these systems as not every system is for every young mech. They are flawed, and not every system is infallible. These include adoption agencies (talked about in Other Options) and pairing agencies.
Pairing agencies, like adoption agencies, are designed to help pair sparklings to a mech or family of mechs. What makes the agencies different, however, is that pairing agencies typically aim more toward mentors looking for apprentices and apprentices looking for mentors. They are just as popular as adoption agencies; it just depends on what you're looking for.
-Other Options-
While most mechs attend the Batchening, some cannot make it or choose not to go. There are, however, two (2) main options for those wishing for a sparkling: adopting or producing one. Adoption is as it says; the mech(s) that wish to be a guardian must file the proper paperwork when adopting. Producing one, while possible, isn't always 100% guaranteed. There is a ~70% that this method does not work. This is why you'll be told by other mechs that attending the Batchening event or going through an adoption agency is the best choice of action. Some, however, are willing to take that risk.
My thoughts say it doesn't matter what resources you have, everyone has that same 70% failure tied to them. High-wealth cities are built more around the larger batching area(s), while poorer cities are in the "worse" batching areas, meaning they may possibly have to make a journey to the nearest high-wealth city/city-state. But by "worse" that just means that there are few sparklings as compared to the high-wealth cities. You'll likely have to make a journey if you're in the "worst of the worst" areas where there's no access to a batching area at all.
Having more sparklings under your name is mainly a sign of wealth. It shows others that you have the funds and the resources to raise more than one, and having more than one is seen as a good thing…for those with the wealth and/or social status to do so.
-Being Removed From Being Under The Name-
While there are many reasons you can be put under the name of a guardian, there are just as many reasons you can be removed from being under the name. The most common reasons are: (1) the guardian(s) thinks you are ready to take care of yourself on your own or (2) your guardian doesn't want to or can't take of you (such as due to lack of funds.) If the sparkling is still young, such as fresh out of the Depths, to take them out from under the name, some paperwork must be filled out beforehand.
Sparklings are created gray at first to which they either develop color or paint themselves to express themselves. They are also created as mostly mature beings with no life experience. This would be the human equivalent of a teenager around 16 or 17 years old. But, if two (2) or more mechs manage to successfully produce a sparkling, the sparkling in question would be the human equivalent of a small child around 7 to 8 years old.
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simonsquest · 2 months
Chapters 17 and 18 of The Requiem for Simon Belmont are now published on AO3. Follow the link above to read. :) CONTENT WARNINGS FOR THESE CHAPTERS: Chapter 17 has mention of attempted suicide.
CHAPTER 17 SUMMARY: Simon has managed to escape Dracula's castle with Selena in his protection. But it is days of travel on horseback until they return to the Belmont estate. They have no choice but stay overnight in Dora woods.
CHAPTER 18 SUMMARY: Simon and Selena return to the Belmont estate to find both of their guardians waiting for them.
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northsouth89 · 7 months
### Vampire: The Requiem In twilight's embrace, the ancient thirst awakes, A dance of power, under the moon's pale gaze. Eternity's burden, a crown of shadows worn, In the Requiem's court, the lonely vampire mourns. ### Werewolf: The Forsaken Under the silvered moon's watchful eye, The primal howl rends the silent sky. Guardians of the boundary, wild and fierce, Through the spirit's realm, their fangs pierce. ### Mage: The Awakening Veils of reality, torn asunder, Awakened souls tread, in wonder. Arcane secrets, in their hands unfurl, Masters of the mystic, the hidden world. ### Promethean: The Created Born from the spark, in shadows stitched, A quest for humanity, in their hearts etched. Through fire and trial, their path is sought, A Promethean's journey, with purpose fraught. ### Changeling: The Lost Whisked away to a realm bizarre, Returned, transformed, beneath the stars. A search for self, in the fae's cruel jest, Changelings seek the truth, on their endless quest. ### Hunter: The Vigil In the darkness, evil hides, unseen, The vigilant stand, where few have been. Armed with faith and steel, into the night, Hunters fight the shadows, for humanity's light. ### Geist: The Sin-Eaters Between the realms of life and death, they tread, Bound to the spirits, among the dead they're led. A pact with the beyond, a second chance embraced, Sin-Eaters walk the edge, the mysteries of the afterlife faced. ### Mummy: The Curse From ancient sands, beneath the timeless stars, The undying rise, bearing age-old scars. Cursed with rebirth, their vigil keeps, Guarding secrets, in their hearts, deep. ### Demon: The Descent Fallen from grace, in the machine's cold grip, Demons seek freedom, on this earthly trip. A covert war, in the shadows cast, Against their chains, until the very last. ### Beast: The Primordial In the depth of the soul, a primordial call, Beasts roam the world, in darkness they fall. A hunger unyielding, in the night they reign, In the dance of predator and prey, their kingdom they claim.
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thetacriterion · 10 months
Guided by Moonlight (Requiem for a Lover)
Rating: T Category: Gen Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Completion: Work In Progress
We've known the Twelve all our lives. Most will never get the chance to meet the pantheon of Eorzea in the flesh, but still, we know Them. But how do we know Them? Who are They to us? Ask a hundred Eorzeans, and you're like as not to get a hundred different answers. Tonight, I'd like to explore the answer of one particular young man. But to do that, we first need to wind the clock back a bit.
the prologue of my new XIV story, Guided by Moonlight (Requiem for a Lover) is up on Ao3!! we're starting a journey to learn more about Axzem (and his family)'s relationship with their guardian deity, Menphina. Gen, with no ship content planned for now.
as the tags indicate, this will contain spoilers for endwalker and myths of the realm as the story progresses, though the spoilers are not there yet. tags will be updated as needed with future chapters.
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serephinastardust · 9 months
The Book I'm writing: Requiem of the Rising Flames-Elixir's Pursuit: A Kitsune's Journey Rewrite #3 Book 1 Chapter 9
In the sacred realm of the Starfall Fern, Odessa found herself enveloped in the shimmering luminescence of celestial energies. As she approached the revered herb, the celestial guardian, Luminaris, stirred, and the glade seemed to echo with the subtle hum of mystical forces.
The initial illusion materialized, revealing a poignant scene from Odessa's past. It was a memory bathed in the silver glow of the Umbral Haven's moonlit forest. A younger Odessa stood alone beneath the ancient trees, grappling with the solitude that marked her new life. The air around her whispered of the transformation she had undergone—from a child with pure Kitsune blood to a mortal with a stolen heritage.
The trial sought to delve into the depths of Odessa's heart, scrutinizing the purity of her intentions. In the illusion, she felt the weight of her isolation, the ache of her losses, and the haunting memories of her near-death experience. The ethereal voices seemed to ask, "In your solitude, what did you seek? What fueled your resilience in the face of despair?"
As the illusion unfolded, Odessa's thoughts resonated within the glade. "Umbral Haven became my refuge and my crucible," she mused. "The theft of my True Kitsune Blood marked the beginning of my lonely journey. Yet, within the shadows, I found a new purpose—a chance for redemption and renewal."
The celestial energies shifted, presenting another facet of Odessa's life. This time, the illusion depicted her role as a mentor and guardian to the twins, Soren and Elowen. It showcased the moment she had taken them under her wing at the age of sixteen, offering a semblance of family in the absence of her own.
The glade seemed to echo with the voices of the twins. "Lady Odessa," Soren's illusionary voice called out, "you showed us kindness when the world had abandoned us. Your guidance shaped our destinies."
Elowen's illusion spoke in harmony, "In the moments of our deepest despair, you became our beacon. Your sacrifice for our sake will forever be etched in our hearts."
Odessa's thoughts intertwined with the illusions. "The twins became the wards of my heart. Their presence filled the emptiness that lingered after my master's sacrifice. They are a testament to the resilience of the bonds forged in the shadows."
The mental trial continued, weaving through the tapestry of Odessa's experiences. It touched upon the sacrifice of Supreme Sorceress, the mentor who had guided her and ultimately given up her divine Kitsune to empower Odessa's mortal form. Each illusion illuminated the sacrifices and choices that defined her existence.
As the illusions gradually dissipated, Luminaris radiated a pulsating glow—an acknowledgment of the trials overcome. The celestial guardian's approval resonated within Odessa's very being, and a profound connection formed between her and the energies of the Starfall Fern.
In the quiet aftermath of the mental trial, Odessa approached the celestial guardian with a deep bow, a symbol of respect and gratitude. "Luminaris," she whispered, "thank you for bearing witness to my journey. May the essence of the Starfall Fern be intertwined with the threads of my fate."
As Odessa delicately approached the Starfall Fern, the celestial energies of the Lunar Meadow pulsed in harmony with her intent. The air itself seemed to hum with the sacred connection she shared with the guardian Luminaris. With reverence, she extended her hand toward the radiant herb, fingers grazing the shimmering leaves.
The moment her fingertips touched the leaves of the Starfall Fern, a gentle ripple of light emanated from the plant. It responded to her touch as if recognizing a kindred spirit, and the celestial energies gracefully intertwined with her being. Odessa's eyes reflected the ethereal glow of the meadow as she carefully plucked the fern, her movements guided by a blend of expertise and respect.
With utmost precision, she harvested the herb, ensuring not a single leaf was damaged in the process. Each motion seemed to resonate with a silent agreement between the celestial forces and the mortal guardian. Odessa's hands cradled the Starfall Fern as if it were a fragile treasure, and she placed it within the protective confines of a small, intricately crafted box.
The box, adorned with symbols reflecting her Kitsune heritage, shimmered in response to the celestial energies now infused within the herb. Odessa secured the container with care, safeguarding the essence of the Lunar Meadow.
As she prepared to depart the sacred glade, a sudden and unexpected weakness overcame her. The culmination of the mental trial, the connection with Luminaris, and the strain of harvesting the Starfall Fern took an unforeseen toll on her mortal form. Odessa's vision blurred, and her legs gave way beneath her.
Collapsing onto the soft bed of moonlit grass, Odessa succumbed to unconsciousness. The delicate sound of the meadow's breeze became a lullaby, cradling her in the gentle embrace of the sacred space.
Seraphina's hurried footsteps echoed through the serene silence of the Lunar Meadow. Moonlight bathed the landscape in a soft glow, creating an ethereal ambiance. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of the elusive Esa, the woman she had observed and hoped to befriend.
"Esa!" Seraphina's voice carried through the meadow, a melodic call that resonated with a mix of concern and urgency. Moonbeams played on the surface of the waterfall as it cascaded down, creating a symphony of tranquil sounds.
The air whispered with the nocturnal secrets of the meadow, but there was no response to Seraphina's call. She took a few more steps, reaching the edge of the waterfall, and peered into the moonlit mist that veiled the descending water.
"Esa! Are you there?" Seraphina's voice echoed off the rocks, the meadow absorbing her words into its quiet embrace. Anxiety tinged her tone as she strained to catch any hint of movement or response from the shadows around the waterfall.
The Lunar Meadow remained hushed, as if keeping its secrets hidden within the folds of its enchanting beauty. Seraphina's eyes darted from rock to rock, her senses heightened in the moonlit stillness. A soft rustle in the grass caught her attention, and she turned, hoping to find Esa emerging from the celestial embrace of the waterfall.
Seraphina, amidst the moonlit meadow, closed her eyes as if attempting to amplify her senses beyond the realm of the visible. She reached out with an otherworldly awareness, seeking the faint trace of the mortal woman she had observed and grown curious about.
In the quietude of the Lunar Meadow, where even the nocturnal whispers seemed to pause in anticipation, Seraphina felt a subtle vibration. It wasn't the chaos of the Tempest Roc or the celestial spectacle she had witnessed earlier, but a gentle, beckoning pull—a thread connecting her to an unknown destination.
Confusion and curiosity danced in Seraphina's thoughts. The mortal, known to her as Esa, had left an imprint on the fabric of the meadow, an essence that now tugged at Seraphina's ethereal senses. The meadow, a realm of both tranquility and hidden magic, seemed to guide her steps with an invisible hand.
The pull intensified as she neared the waterfall, drawing her attention to a specific location. Seraphina's obsidian hair shimmered in the moonlight as she followed the ethereal current, each step echoing in tandem with the rhythm of the meadow's heartbeat.
"I can feel you, Esa," Seraphina whispered, her voice blending with the rustling leaves and the distant melody of the waterfall. Her connection to the mortal felt like a thread weaving through the intricate tapestry of the Lunar Meadow.
The meadow unveiled its mysteries slowly, offering Seraphina glimpses of a path untrodden by ordinary mortals. She embraced the enigmatic journey, allowing the moonlit meadow to guide her steps.
Guided by an ethereal force within the Lunar Meadow, Seraphina gracefully followed the gentle meander of the stream downstream from the waterfall. The moonlight draped her like a silver shroud, casting a radiant glow as she tread softly upon the celestial path.
As hours passed, the murmur of the stream became her constant companion, and the meadow unveiled its nocturnal symphony. Seraphina's senses extended beyond the immediate, attuned to the subtle vibrations resonating through the meadow. It was a dance of whispers and rustling leaves, each step affirming her connection to the elusive mortal known as Esa.
The meadow, in its benevolent guidance, compelled Seraphina to cross the stream. The water flowed with a hushed melody, and the moon's reflection shimmered in liquid ripples. Seraphina, with ethereal grace, stepped onto the stones that bridged the stream. Her delicate movements seemed attuned to the very heartbeat of the meadow.
On the other side, she began to discern signs—subtle disturbances in the natural tapestry. Broken twigs and displaced leaves whispered a tale of someone passing through. Seraphina's keen senses heightened, and she embraced her innate tracking skills, following the traces of a presence that resonated with the celestial harmony.
The trail led her through the meadow's intricate maze until she reached a glade bathed in moonlight. The air carried a lingering essence, an amalgamation of the meadow's magic and the mortal's subtle imprint. In the heart of the glade, Seraphina felt a quiet serenity, interrupted only by the distant hum of nocturnal creatures.
Internal dialogue accompanied her steps as she ventured deeper into the glade. "Esa," Seraphina whispered, the name a reverent murmur amid the celestial stillness. The night embraced her like a benevolent spirit, and she found herself surrounded by an aura of tranquility.
The glade bore witness to celestial secrets, and Seraphina, the enigmatic observer, continued to trace the threads of fate woven within the Lunar Meadow. Every clue and subtle sign led her closer to the essence she sought, a connection bridging the ethereal and mortal realms.
The glade, bathed in the silvery glow of the moon, lay in a hushed serenity. Seraphina, guided by an otherworldly force, approached the edge with reverence. The guardian of the fern, Luminaris, shimmered into existence—a creature of luminous radiance. In its presence, Seraphina felt the sanctity of the Starfall Fern, a beacon of purity and protection.
As she stepped closer, Seraphina's senses heightened. An unexpected sight caught her attention—a figure, seemingly mortal, lay unconscious on the edge of the glade. It was Esa, the elusive mortal she had been seeking. The guardian, with a grace beyond comprehension, conveyed a silent understanding to Seraphina.
In the profound stillness of the glade, Seraphina and Luminaris engaged in a wordless exchange. The guardian's radiant presence communicated a sense of guardianship, a cosmic connection to the Starfall Fern, and an acknowledgment of Seraphina's purpose. It was a communion of energies, an unspoken agreement that transcended the boundaries between realms.
With a gentle gesture, Luminaris directed Seraphina's attention to the unconscious form of Esa. The air hummed with resonance as if the meadow itself approved of their meeting. Seraphina, sensing the importance of the moment, approached the mortal with a cautious reverence.
Her eyes met the tranquil face of the disguised Odessa, and in that silent exchange, a thread of connection was woven. Seraphina recognized the fragility of the moment, the delicate balance between the guardian, the sacred fern, and the mortal whose presence intertwined with the Lunar Meadow.
No words were spoken, yet a cosmic understanding passed between them. Seraphina, as the observer, felt a profound connection to the forces at play. Luminaris, the guardian, exuded an aura of approval, affirming the purity of Seraphina's intent.
As the moonlight bathed the glade, Seraphina's purpose became clear—to witness the dance unfolding in the Lunar Meadow. The guardian, with a final radiant glow, seemed to bless the meeting, leaving Seraphina to contemplate the mysteries that transcended the boundaries of mortal comprehension.
The glade, once again shrouded in tranquility, became Seraphina's temporary haven. She set up a camp on the edge, a silent observer beneath the silver-lit canopy of the Lunar Meadow. As she waited for Odessa to awaken, her mind swirled with the enigma of the cosmic connection she had witnessed.
The crackling flames of the campfire danced in tandem with Seraphina's contemplations. She marveled at the interplay of forces in the meadow—the guardian, the sacred fern, and the mysterious mortal who bore witness to this celestial communion. Each flicker of the fire seemed to mirror the intricate dance of energies she had glimpsed.
As she sat in the quiet glade, Seraphina pondered the purpose behind Odessa's presence. The guardian, Luminaris, had conveyed a silent affirmation, an acknowledgment that transcended the mundane realm. The cosmic threads that bound them together remained elusive, and Seraphina found herself caught between the known and the unknown.
The stars overhead bore witness to the unfolding mystery. The celestial dance of the constellations mirrored the intricate patterns of fate and chance that governed the Lunar Meadow. Seraphina, with a heart attuned to the cosmic rhythms, waited patiently for Odessa's awakening, knowing that the answers lay dormant within the unconscious form before her.
The night wore on, and the moon cast its silvery glow upon the glade. Seraphina's thoughts meandered through the realms of possibility. She wondered about the significance of their meeting, the unspoken pact between the guardian, herself, and the mysterious mortal. The air held a charge of anticipation, as if the very fabric of the meadow awaited the next act in the cosmic play.
In the gentle rustle of the meadow grass and the distant murmur of the night creatures, Seraphina sought solace. The glade, a sanctuary bathed in lunar radiance, cradled her in its embrace. She watched over the unconscious Odessa, a silent guardian herself, contemplating the enigma of destiny that had unfolded in the heart of the Lunar Meadow.
As the first light of dawn painted the horizon, Seraphina's patience bore fruit.
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findyourrp · 10 months
🚀Hi, hello! I'm Avery/Wenver, He/She, 20 (21 in January!) I've been looking to do some Transformers roleplay(s), mainly set in my silly little fan continuity (aka continuity soup) called A Requiem For Guardians. I can talk more about the fan continuity in DMs because it's still a major WIP, but I occasionally post lore tidbits here on Tumblr. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Please note -My responses will fluctuate depending on if I'm busy, my mood, etc so I may need a reminder or a check-in if it's been more than a few days -Willing to try to do double-up roleplays, but it's no guarantee -I'm not looking to replace anyone, don't worry :3
Writing Stuff -I can do anything from one-liners to a paragraph or two -3rd person semi-lit is usually my go-to though -Genres I adore are but are not limited to angst + heavy angst, fluff, found family
Extra Stuff -I love talking and planning, so OOC chatting is highly welcome -I'm still fairly new to Transformers as a whole, so please forgive me if I don't know a character or their personality -Speaking of that, I'm stuck on G1 please help/hj -I honestly have few triggers, but I'll let you know if something comes up that makes me uncomfortable
How to Contact Me
sky.warp on Discord
words-words-worlds on Tumblr
Don't hesitate to reach out!🚀
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theskylarkin · 2 years
Rating: T
Genre: Ficlet Collection (17 Ficlets that started as Double Drabbles lol), Angst, Character Studies
Characters: All of Lily’s spirits who didn’t get a cutscene in the original game, mentioned the rest of the main cast
Pairings: mentioned Merchant/his offscreen wife, Fungal Sorcerer/Floral Sorceress, implied Eleine/Fretia
Spoilers for the full game.
Content Warnings: Mentioned canon character death (beheading, drowning, etc.), mentioned canon-typical child abuse/child death, canon-typical grimdarkness in general, body horror, mentioned unethical experimentation and torture, swearing
Notes: This is mostly canon compliant with the exception of one spirit whose canon backstory doesn’t make a lick of sense. If there are canon names for these characters in supplementary materials that weren’t translated into English/I just couldn’t find, please let me know.
Acknowledgements: Thank you to @cranetreegang / crane_writer for beta reading!
Summary: The less plot-relevant Spirits who aid Lily may not have been as important as guardians, witches, knight captains, and head executioners in life but they still have their own stories to tell. Or, if all of the game’s Spirits got a name and a sad expository cutscene upon purification.
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angelfoodcake08 · 3 years
TFP fanfic writers of Tumblr, I need some help, please. I'm writing something along the lines of a God/Divinity AU & this is all I've strung together so far.
>>>Primordial Gods or the Protogenoi<<<
--Primus: God of the Gods.
>Prima—The leader of the Thirteen, a warrior of light & the first Matrix-bearer who wielded the Star Saber. God of Leadership & First Borns.
>Vector Prime—The master of time and space, which he could manipulate through his Blades of Time. God of Time.
>Alpha Trion—Holder of the Quill, which he uses to record the past, present, & future of Cybertron in the Covenant of Primus as part of his role as recordkeeper of the Primes. God of Records.
>Solus Prime—The master artificer & creator of many of the Primes' weapons through the use of her incredible Forge. She was the first female Cybertronian. Goddess of the Forge.
>Micronus Prime—The conscience of the Thirteen, & the first Mini-Con, able to link up with and enhance the power of his siblings through the use of his Chimera Stone; responsible for creating the alternate dimension of Microspace. God of the Small (???).
>Alchemist Prime—Student of the elemental structure of the natural world, aided in this by his Lenses, which allowed him to see further and deeper than anyone, in both material & spiritual senses; fond of the occasional tipple, with some claiming that he still walks Cybertron in the form of a humble bartender. God of Alchemy & Vision (???).
>Nexus Prime—The first & greatest combiner, granted the ability to divide himself into separate forms by his Enigma of Combination. Unpredictable, fascinated by change, & a lighthearted prankster. God of pranks & Change.
>Onyx Prime—The first beast-form Cybertronian, a primitive & spiritual being able to view other times, places, souls, & even the afterlife through his three-faced Triptych Mask. God of the Beasts.
>Amalgamous Prime—The joker of the Thirteen & the first Shifter, unpredictable & easygoing. He was the first Cybertronian with the ability of transformation, granted him by his Transformation cog (T-cog), which became the basis for the cogs in all subsequent Transformer life. God of Transformations (???).
>Quintus Prime—A daydreamer & perfectionist whose drive to express his ideas led him to become a scientist. His artifact was the Emberstone, which gave him the ability to create life; the Quintessons were among his creations. God of Daydreams & Perfectionism (???).
>Liege Maximo—The "Prime of Lies", a black-hearted, amoral manipulator. Though his artifact was notionally the toxin-loaded Liegian Darts, his real skill was his ability to talk others into his way of thinking. God of Manipulation.
>* The Fallen—Once known as Megatronus, guardian of entropy & wielder of the Requiem Blaster, the Fallen's name was stricken from history when the dark warrior turned on his siblings. God of Betrayal (???).
-Arcee: Goddess of Preservation.
-Bulkhead: God of Architecture.
-Bumblebee: God of Scouts.
-Optimus Prime: God of Peace.
-Ratchet: God of Healing
-Smokescreen: God of Destiny.
-Ultra Magnus: God of Tactics.
-Wheeljack: God of Science...
-Arachnid: Goddess of the Hunt.
-Breakdown: God of Rivalry (???).
-Dreadwing: God of Honor.
-Hardshell: God of ____?
-Knockout: God of Vanity & Romance (partly).
-Makeshift: God of Shape-Shifting.
-Megatron: God of Warfare.
-Predaking: God of Beasts.
-Shockwave: God of Unethical Science & Logic.
-Skyquake: God of ___?
-Soundwave: God of Spys.
-Starscream: God of Betrayal & Trickery.
-Vehicons: scouts for the Cons.
Any ideas?
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
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— [21.01.20] DISCLAIMER. all au updates published BEFORE the date above are unfortunately not inclusive. i made them before i was properly educated about social media au inclusivity, and although they are all female reader centric, they are still not inclusive to all races and body types due to my frequent usage of ulzzang photos. i cannot delete and edit every single screenshot before this date, but i promise that i will do better in all updates AFTER this date. i apologize for my ignorance. sm au inclusivity.
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SUMMARY. the classic rich boy and poor girl love story but with less prejudice and more happiness.
PAIRING. director! jung jaehyun x painter! reader GENRE. romance, fluff (a lot of fluff), tiny angst, comedy WARNINGS. just swearing, i think STATUS. COMPLETED
SUMMARY. as they say, what goes around comes around. so when you break a hundred hearts out of the selfishness of your actions— be prepared to get your own heart broken a hundred times, as well.
PAIRING. nct dream 00 line x reader GENRE. fuckboy! au, high school! au, angst, drama, romance WARNINGS. swearing, suggestive content, mentions/implications of sex, underage drinking, toxic households, just toxic behaviors in general HAHA do not make an example of these troubled kids 😌 (may add more in the future) STATUS. CURRENTLY ONGOING
SUMMARY. when you were asked to make a public confession as a punishment for losing a game, what you expected to get was rejection, mortification, and heaps and heaps of humiliation— not a sudden new boyfriend whom you don’t even know the name of.
PAIRING. na jaemin x reader GENRE. fcollege! au, romance, angst, fluff, humor, lots of drama, strangers to lovers-ish WARNINGS. a lot of swearing, heartbreak HAGSBSK, so much bad decisions whoops, jaemin is greasy as fuck be warned STATUS. CURRENTLY ONGOING
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SUMMARY. each and every human on earth has their designated angel to keep them safe from harm’s hands. sadly, y/n’s previous guardian had to resign from protecting her due to some circumstances. so now, yoon jeonghan’s taking over.
PAIRING. guardian angel! yoon jeonghan x reader GENRE. supernatural themes, romance, fluff, angst, comedy WARNINGS. mentions of death, swearing, implied smut STATUS. COMPLETED
SUMMARY. watch soonyoung and his (futile) attempts to get noticed by his crush.
PAIRING. kwon soonyoung x reader GENRE. comedy, fluff, very tiny angst WARNINGS. soonyoung being an absolute dummy it hurts, swearing STATUS. COMPLETED
SUMMARY. wherein y/n (a hopeless romantic) seems to fall in love with nearly ever guy she meets. so, she writes letters for them to compensate. these letters weren’t meant for them to read, but what happens when they all end up receiving them?
PAIRING. seventeen ot13 x reader GENRE. to all the boys i’ve loved before! au, high school! au, romance, fluff, comedy, angst WARNINGS. swearing, y/n attracts misfortune STATUS. ONHOLD (expected continuation date: summer 2021)
SUMMARY. y/n l/n was living the dream— has loads of cash, has good grades, has a stable social life, and not to mention her impressive social media following. but her life would immensely change upon saving a cat (or maybe tiger) during one stormy evening. she couldn’t decide whether that change was for better, or for worse.
PAIRING. tiger person! kwon soonyoung x reader GENRE. comedy, just bullshit, romance, fluff, tiny angst WARNINGS. soonyoung being an actual fucking tiger, body transformation (nothing explicit), swearing STATUS. DISCONTINUED
SUMMARY. when all that you have is stripped from your grasp and leaves you with nothing, the world might take pity and replace it with equal worth. to accept what you have been given or use it to avenge what you have lost— the choice one makes is usually the latter.
PAIRING. seventeen x reader GENRE. the count of monte cristo! au, drama, crime, angst, romance WARNINGS. mentions of death, swearing, just that i think STATUS. DISCONTINUED but i might rewrite it in the future
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© hannie-dul-set.
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words-words-worlds · 10 months
TF Side OC Quick Facts! [Asks Open!]
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Arson Quick Facts! -Song: Castle - Halsey -She/They -Faction: Autobots -Altmode: Monster Truck -Colors, etc: Red & orange; blue optics; 25.5ft -An ex-partner of Nightlight and older sister to Pipe -Voice Claim: Millie [Helluva Boss]
Fellstrike Quick Facts! -Song: I'm Still Standing - Elton John -They/Them -Faction: Decepticon to neutral -Altmode: Matilda II -Colors, etc: Green-Gray; orange optics; 27.7ft -Originally from Kaon -Guardian of Hymn -Voice Claim: Shadow Weaver [She-Ra and the Princesses of Power]
Hymn Quick Facts! -Song: When I Rule The World - LIZ -She/It -Faction: Decepticon to neutral -Altmode: ATV -Colors, etc: Camo; red optics; 10.3ft -Guardian(s): Fellstrike, Razoreye -Voice Claim: Kinzie [Saints Row: The Third]
Pipe Quick Facts! -Song: Superstar - Toy-Box -They/It -Faction: Autobot to Decepticon -Altmode: Chainsaw -Colors, etc: Bright orange, silver; blue optics; 20ft -Younger sibling of Arson -Selective mute -Voice Claim: N/A
Razoreye Quick Facts! -Song: Strangers Like Me - Phil Collins -He/Him -Faction: Decepticon to neutral -Altmode: Ford F-150 -Colors, etc: Black, silver highlights; flame decal; red visor; 30.4ft -Guardian of Hymn -Voice Claim: Leon Kuwata [Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc]
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sostanotes · 3 years
The Owl House Season 2 Trailer Breakdown
We’re halfway through The Owl House Season 2A and I wanted to look back at the original announcement trailer and due some analysis. There are 59 separate scenes (counting camera cuts as “scenes” in the trailer. This includes the extended “video diary” scene at the beginning, which is actually two scenes, since the part with the key is non-contiguous with the rest, and counts the group shot of the coven heads as two scenes since there is a cut in the middle.
10 scenes, including the first and last, come from the season premiere, “Separate Tides”. Otherwise we have the Garlog’s Shadow bit from the opening scene, two shots of Pirate!Luz, our first introduction to the Golden Guard’s personality as he teleports away and messes with king in the birdcage, and the Fire Bee fight that forms the foundation of the Lulu and Hootcifer’s friendship.
6 scenes come from “Escaping Expulsion”. 4 shots are from the Blight Industries Expo, plus Eda and Lilith at their desks and Willow getting ready to sneak out.
9 scenes come from “Echoes of the Past”. We have the flying shot that comes first after the video diary, several different interior shots of King’s nursery/castle, plus PortaHooty and the flashback of Short-haired Eda. This is also a run of 3 consecutive scenes from this episode: PortaHooty, Jean-Luc readying his claw, and Lilith using the ice glyph to attack.
4 scenes come from “Keeping Up A-fear-ances”. But boy, what scenes they were. IN order, we had: The flying-eye roof-tiles, Gwendolyn’s arrival, Young Eda listen to her mom go a bit nuts, and Lilith’s first brush with the curse transformation.
7 scenes come from “Through the Looking Glass Ruins” 3 come from the library: outside the forbidden stacks, Amity pulls up her hair, and Malphas cloaked by his wings (the last two being back to back in the trailer). The other 4 are from the A-plot: 2 shots of Gus’ fireball, the statues crying blood, and the illusion guardian-beast.
That’s all the scenes we have scene so far, a total of 36/59 or about 61% We’ve still got a lot to see. From here out, I’ll be touching on spoilers, “leaks”, and promo material, so be warned.
There’s enough information about the next two episodes, that I feel pretty confidant in certain guess about what scenes might be from them. We have official title/synopsis information on the episode after that, and then unofficial information on the last two of this half-season. So let’s go in order:
2.6 “Hunting Palisman”
We know Luz and the Golden Guard are working together, and there is a shot of Luz with the scarred cardinal palisman on her shoulder. That means any shot in her new pants with her cape on are likely from this episode as well.
Based on other details, such as her having a mask and certain background details, the shot with the giant glyph-combo and the shot of Kikimora are likely from this episode as well.
Also, the shot of Luz tied up and about to activate an ice glyph with her foot is likely in the blimp thing the hand-dragon is shown on, and it may be the same flying contraption Luz is shown climbing later.
Given the title, I think Belos breaking the palisman off a staff may be in this episode as well. From that, I’d also guess that shot of the Golden Guard shadowed by what appears to be a transforming Belos is also in this episode, and also possible the shot of Belos that doesn’t feature any part of the portal.
My best guess is that 8 of the remain 23 scenes come from this episode
2.7 “Eda’s Requiem”
This episode features “a special witch from Eda’s past who enlists her help in a rebellion”. We are pretty sure this is the character named “Rayne”, who we are pretty sure is the current head of the Bard Coven.
Thus any shot of Rayne is likely, though not guaranteed to be from this episode.
Digging deeper, the iTunes thumbnail shows them standing at a big sewer-discharge pipe on a beach. The shot fo Eda that fades to a rose-tinted flashback of younger Eda and the shot of Rayne turning with their face half in shadow have backgrounds that match to that shot, so likely from this episode.
The mournful expression on Rayne’s face as they prepare to play their violin/fiddle, plus the additional promotional material that shows them playing it with their mask on, means that shot is likely also in this episode.
If it is a shot used in an episode at all, and not just a teaser mean to get us hyped about the new characters, the two shots showing off the Coven Heads is likely part of some exposition on Rayne’s part in this episode.
The various shots of Emperor’s coven adjacent people (plume-hooded guy about to be crushed and the guard drawing a spell circle) may also be in this episode, but that’s a real tentative guess.
Overall, that puts my guess for this episode at: 7 scenes (5 if my last guess there is wrong or the coven heads shot is not in any episode; 3 if both of those are true)
2.8 “Knock Knock, Knocking on Hooty’s Door”
Hooty tries to help various people at it goes wrong. That’s not much to go on, but I do have a single guess:
The weird shot of the strange owl beast (which matches pretty well to the one in Eda’ minds cape), my be the “doesn’t go as planned” bit of his trying to help Eda.
2.9 “Eclipse Lake”
Given the title, the shot of Luz tethered and floating in some “water” is most likely from this episode.
I also think that the Lumity handholding scene is from this episode, but that’s purely because its the next synopsis to mention Amity.
2.10 “Yesterday’s Lie”
The fuck if I know. Actually, I do have one solid guess: Belos activating the portal is a PERFECT cliffhanger to take a mid-season hiatus on, so that’s likely here. Maybe then add-on effect of that alerting Camila, leading to the shot we see of her? I could see it pacing out like the final bits of “Keeping Up A-fear-ances” and “Through the Looking Glass Ruins”, the final scene being a plot-advancing lore dump with a shocking stinger.
Maybe THIS is where Luz is in the “water”?
Again, maybe the handholding scene is here?
So, that still leaves us a few shots unaccounted for:
The flaming vision of the Titan-skull
The mysterious stranger in the Moon-and-Stars cloak
If I had to make wild guess at placing the two unaccounted for scenes, I’d say the vision is either in “Knock Knock, Knocking on Hooty’s Door” or “Eclipse Lake”, And the mysterious figure is either part of the plot of “Eda’s Requiem”, “Eclipse Lake”, or “Yesterday’s Lie”.
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shadowbanish · 4 years
Thank you @paintedcentaur for tagging me!
Rules: answer 17 questions, and tag 17 people
Nickname: I don’t really have a nickname. My username on most places is Shadowbanish, but as far as any IRL nicknames go, one of my best mates always calls me either Shortround or the first hobbit name that comes to his mind, since he’s 6′5″ and......
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: ......I’m 5′2″. :’))))
Hogwarts House: I did a quiz aaaages ago once, and it said I was Slytherin.
Last thing I Googled: Synthesizer brands for hatchling names. lol
Songs stuck in my head: Turtle Power by Partners in Kryme, because I originally didn’t have a song stuck in my head, so I skipped this part, and a few answers down I mention TMNT, and since then it’s been stuck in my head, so I came back to add it here.
Number of followers: 752
Sleep: Who the hell is that?
Lucky number: 13 and 27
Dream job: Growing up, I always dreamed of becoming a marine biologist and maybe also a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Now..... *shrugs* I don’t really dream of being anything, apart from emotionally and financially stable. heh
Wearing: PJs. I mean, it’s 3am. Yeah, okay, I’ve been wearing them all day.
Favourite song: AJSHFGJSDF Does anyone actually have a single favourite song? I can’t even narrow it down to 50. So uuummmm.... here’s some good songs I heard recently-ish and really enjoy:
Saturday by All The Damn Vampires
Cry Little Sister (cover) by Vomitron ft. Anneke Van Giersbergen
Cadillac Maniac by Kissin’ Dynamite ft. The Baseballs
My Name is Ruin by Gary Numan
Rendezvous by Scandroid
Favourite instrument: To play, the Irish Whistle. To listen to, any flute, and also the erhu.
Aesthetic: Wtf would I even call my aesthetic? Tacky nostalgic goth? lol I dunno. I love all things dark and spooky, but I also love neon lights and glitter and tacky 80′s/early 90′s patterns/colour schemes and shit. So yeah, I guess tacky nostalgic goth it is. X’)
Favourite author: Uumm... hmm. Well, a recent one would be Pat Mills, for the graphic novel series “Requiem Vampire Knight” (please don’t look that up if you’re a minor - lol), and a childhood one would be Joanna Cole, for "The Magic Schoolbus" series, that sparked my interest in science and made me beg my mom for a microscope when I was 5, so that I too could add iodine to my spit and see what it looked like up close.
Favourite animal noise: THIS! 
Random: Speaking of random, my spouse got tired of us spending almost an hour trying to think of what to watch for our Saturday night movie nights every week, that we’ve sorted it out for the next year. We wrote out a list of 52 of some our favourite films, folded each one up into a tiny square so we can’t see what it is, and then randomly choose one out of a bowl. This Saturday is the first, and the random pick (which happens on a Wednesday, since nothing really exciting happens then) is Transformers the Movie (1986). c:
Tagging: (I’m just gonna pick 17 folks that show up in my recent activity. lol) @vladimpalerfr @dire-vulture @charoite-burrower @coatlscoatlseverywhere @starwood-stranded @dadboat-fr @dragonbleps-fr @cornsnoot-fr @sickviking-fr @mistyhollow-agent @zerkjo-fr @thatwhatthing-fr @highland-gem-guardian @tomswifty-fr @fr54526 @thewindbloom @owleics-fr
(I’m sorry if anyone’s already been tagged. Also, if you’ve been tagged and don’t want to do this, then obviously you don’t have to!)
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bytesnbolts · 4 years
// ✌, 유, ✔, ▼ ?
(( From: Roleplay-related Mun Memes
유 is below the cut because I felt it was a more serious/sensitive topic; aka: swearing and mentions of NSFW below the cut.
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
For this blog: 
1) The Royal AU w/ @broken-tactician​ ‘s Prowl
2) Powerhouse/Starprowler being friendly with @raysofsinshine​ ‘s Ratchet
3) @whats-up-boss​ ‘s Gage and Shamble meeting
4) Dealbreaker’s continued interactions with @we-are-andromedus​ ‘s Nova
Off Tumblr:
1) When the fantasy rp’s OTP finally got married after pining for like ten in-rp years (1/2 year IRL) and three failed attempts in an AU; by failed, I mean their various enemies interrupted the wedding three times, and they had to wait through the long recovery time after each one before trying again. Also, the OT3 getting to have nice family time with their kids without being attacked by vengeful assassins.
2) For the Space pirate rp, the Captain (mine) and First mate (partner) surviving a star explosion and rebuilding their ship together. Also, the Space-Navy Lieutenant (partner) realizing his Admiral (mine) saved his life when he was a cadet.
3) In a different fantasy rp, the hero-trio (1 mine, 2 partner) meeting up for the first time in the desert after my character’s home had been ransacked by bandits and her ancestor/guardian destroyed. She thinks they’re deities, sent to help rescue her people. They’re just so cute together!
✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
I’m normally drawn to villains, anti-heroes, “grey” characters, and heroes who fail due to having tragic flaws. For example, Requiem is right in my comfort zone and normal role, but Powerhouse are a completely outside of it.
Sometimes you choose the characters; sometimes the characters choose you. I only set out to really design Nanostorm, Nitroxide, Solar Pax, and Starprowler; the rest of them showed up on their own accord, and now the blog is like this.
I do not know if I say this too often or not enough, but I love stories; I’ll be late to an appointment for a good story tbh. They all have so many stories in just their main verse! Really, the blog is currently at surface level because I spend too much time day-dreaming and not enough time writing drabbles.
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
If we’re talking Transformers as a whole, I don’t know popular headcanons enough to type on them.
As for my characters, I make the headcanons (and rp is supposed to be about having fun), so I can always be like “nope, I take it back; not feeling that one.”
For example: I’m flirting with removing Starprowler’s telepathy; there’s no reason she should have it, and I have another muse it would be better suited for. Though, if I remove it, it does change the dynamic between her and Requiem.
유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?
I would say I regret that this happened rather than the ashamed/not proud of part.
We’re going way back to when I just discovered roleplay.
The website I discovered roleplaying on, you had to be 13 (or have parental permission in writing) to access all features; my parents didn’t want to fill out the privacy waiver, so they told me put in a random year for my birthday. At full access, you could interact with the forums, but the forums had 18+/R-rated roleplay threads on them because the admin did not monitor it, the threads were not marked as 18+ only, and there were no filters that could be applied to filter out the 18+. The RPC culture on the website didn’t include telling others if you were 18+ or not, so I didn’t know to tell/ask and no one ever asked/told.
So, because I was a kid with 1) no experience, 2) no guidelines, and 3) was easily lead into doing shit at the time, I ended up roleplaying NSFW on a thread with what I assume was an adult (?). I think I realized ‘oh...this is not something I want to be or should be doing...’ and stopped replying.
Thinking back on it, I am not happy that it happened, and there were multiple spots where it should have been prevented. More than regret, I’m just kind of disappointed at the website for not managing their forums better, the person I was roleplaying with, and my folks for not taking time to talk to me about this kind of stuff (or checking out the website) before turning me loose with no supervision at that age.
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serephinastardust · 10 months
The Book I'm writing: Requiem of the Rising Flames-Elixir's Pursuit: A Kitsune's Journey Rewrite #3 Book 1 Chapter 7
Caught in the talons of the Tempest Roc, Odessa's disorientation gave way to a stark awareness of her precarious situation. The wind rushed past her, and the world blurred as she struggled to make sense of the sudden change of events.
With a mixture of shock and alertness, Odessa glanced around, trying to orient herself. The realization struck her—she was suspended high above the ground, a captive in the clutches of the very creature she had witnessed being defeated not long ago.
A sense of helplessness crept in as Odessa looked downward. The distance between her and the ground was now too vast to contemplate any escape. The Tempest Roc, once vanquished, now carried her through the skies with an unsettling determination.
Surveying her surroundings, Odessa noted the continued activity below. A group, riding into Umbral Haven, caught her attention. Wondering if it might be the rest of Crown Prince Xander's entourage, she strained her eyes to discern familiar faces.
After a moment, another group came into view. As she squinted against the rushing wind, she thought she detected a symbol, faint but unmistakable—a Nightshade emblem. A brief flicker of speculation crossed her mind. Could it be that her family had sent someone to retrieve her? A mix of emotions welled up within her—anticipation, uncertainty, and a lingering desire for connection.
As the unsettling reality of her situation settled in, Odessa, ever the pragmatist, tamped down any unwarranted emotions that threatened to surface. The dangerous predicament she found herself in served as a catalyst for mental clarity. If anyone had observed her closely, they would have witnessed a subtle transformation—a gradual retreat of warmth from her countenance, leaving behind a face cold and devoid of expression.
Turning her attention to the Tempest Roc, Odessa twisted within its grasp, locking eyes with the formidable creature. She ventured to ask the question that hung heavily in the air.
"Why have you taken me?" she inquired, her voice cutting through the rush of wind. The Roc, an inscrutable guardian of the skies, met her gaze with an unyielding stare. Its response, a silence that echoed between them, offered no solace or explanation.
Almost simultaneously, Odessa and the Roc sensed the approach of another presence. A glance in the direction of their shared focus revealed Crown Prince Xander, resolute and determined, beginning the chase anew.
As Seraphina stood on the ground, her eyes widened in detached horror as the woman she had observed and briefly befriended was snatched by the Tempest Roc. The abrupt turn of events left her grappling with a surreal mixture of disbelief and concern.
In the recesses of her thoughts, Seraphina mused, "This Esa, whoever she is, seems to have the worst luck. Is she the unluckiest girl alive, or is fate playing some twisted game with her?" The brief connection they had formed now felt like a fragile thread severed by the unpredictable whims of fate.
The crowd below, oblivious to the true identity of the woman caught in the talons of the Tempest Roc, buzzed with speculation and whispers. Observers exchanged hushed conversations, trying to make sense of the sudden and dramatic events unfolding above.
"Who is she?" murmured one curious onlooker, squinting at the figure suspended in mid-air.
"Never seen her before. Maybe she's from out of town," replied another, shading their eyes from the sun to get a better look.
As the speculation continued, the tone of the crowd's whispers shifted. A group of women who had earlier engaged in animated discussions about Crown Prince Xander found a new topic of conversation. Their voices, tinged with jealousy, painted a different perspective.
"Did you see that? The prince went after her, not one of us," remarked a woman, her eyes narrowing with envy.
"Who is she, anyway? She's so plain. What does he see in her?" questioned another, her gaze fixed on the airborne spectacle.
The misinterpretation of the prince's intentions fueled the growing discontent among the group. Jealousy twisted their expressions as they watched the unfolding drama in the skies.
As the crowd continued to speculate about the mysterious woman in the Roc's clutches, the whispers of the women who had earlier discussed Crown Prince Xander took on a more ominous tone. The rumors they had heard about the prince's ruthlessness fueled their growing apprehension.
"I heard he doesn't care about anyone caught in his path. If she's in trouble, she's as good as gone," one woman muttered, her expression darkening.
"Plain or not, I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. Xander's a force to be reckoned with," added another, echoing the ominous sentiments.
The sinister reputation that surrounded Crown Prince Xander painted their perception of the unfolding events. Jealousy intertwined with a tinge of fear as they observed the airborne spectacle.
Seraphina's mind lingered on the question of whether the girl had any family in Umbral Haven. "Does she have someone waiting for her? Family, friends? Or is she truly alone in this city?" The uncertainty of Esa's background heightened the intrigue surrounding her sudden abduction.
A decision crystallized within Seraphina. The detached horror she felt morphed into a determination to take action. Ignoring the speculative whispers around her, she resolved to step into the chaos and attempt to help the girl herself.
Leaving the safety of the crowd, Seraphina moved with purpose, her gaze fixed on the ascending Roc and its captive.
In the swirling winds high above, Odessa attempted to reason with the enigmatic Tempest Roc, her words carried away by the currents as she spoke.
"Listen," she began, her voice a mere whisper against the rush of air, "there are rumors about the guy chasing us. They say he's ruthless, that he won't lose sleep if you decide to take me out in the process. If you're doing this because you think he's a threat, you've got it all wrong."
The Roc, indifferent to her attempts at negotiation, continued its ascent, its sharp gaze fixed on the horizon.
"He's not after me," she persisted, her words echoing in the vast expanse. "In fact, if anything happens to me, he might not even care. So, let's reconsider this, shall we?"
The Roc responded only with a brief, intense glare, as if challenging her resolve. Adjusting its flight slightly, it showed no inclination to engage in verbal discourse.
Odessa took a momentary pause, her keen eyes scanning the surroundings. As the Roc veered closer to Lunar Meadow, a subtle shift in trajectory, unlike their previous course, registered in her observant mind. A sigh escaped her lips, an acknowledgment of the changing circumstances.
"Fine," she murmured, her voice barely audible against the wind. "We're heading towards Lunar Meadow, then. Let's see where this takes us."
Crown Prince Xander resumed his assault on the Tempest Roc, Eclipsebane in hand, each swing sending out arcs of ethereal energy that danced through the air. The sword energy, a manifestation of celestial power, trailed behind the gleaming blade like transient echoes of its otherworldly might. With every stroke, Xander sought to impose his will upon the tempestuous guardian that defied him.
The Roc, in response, met each strike with an air of stoic defiance. Feathers ruffled by the force of the swings, it remained a formidable opponent in the tumultuous skies, a guardian of the storm facing off against the celestial force.
Meanwhile, Odessa, suspended in the talons of the Roc, abandoned her attempts at communication for a moment. Instead, she turned her focus to the landscape below, desperately seeking any sign of the waterfalls or rivers that might offer a semblance of safety.
Scanning the vast expanse of Lunar Meadow, Odessa strained her eyes against the winds. The landscape, though blurred by the rapid movement, revealed the verdant meadow below, interspersed with rocky outcrops and scattered water features. A glimmer of hope sparked within her as she sought the familiar sight of cascading water, a potential escape route from her precarious perch in the skies.
As the duel between Crown Prince Xander and the Tempest Roc continued above, Odessa's gaze remained fixed on the meadow below, her thoughts oscillating between the unfolding battle in the heavens and the possibility of finding refuge amidst the natural wonders of Lunar Meadow.
With her keen eyes fixed on the landscape below, Odessa's calculating mind worked swiftly to assess the potential escape point she had identified—a high waterfall cascading down Lunar Meadow. In the midst of the tempestuous skies, her thoughts became a dance of precision and strategy.
Calculations spun through her mind like a well-oiled machine. She estimated the distance from her current position to the waterfall, factoring in the Roc's altitude and the speed at which they were hurtling through the air. The angle and trajectory of her jump became crucial variables in the equation.
In the calm center of her calculating storm, Odessa envisioned the precise moment she would need to make her move. A fraction too early or too late, and the consequences could be dire. The waterfall, a distant beacon of potential safety, represented both opportunity and risk.
Yet, as she plotted her escape, a new challenge emerged. Crown Prince Xander's celestial assault continued, and each swing of Eclipsebane sent ripples of icy sword energy through the air. The ethereal frost threatened to encase her in an otherworldly grip, a stark reminder that even in the midst of calculated maneuvers, the celestial forces at play could tip the scales.
With meticulous precision, Odessa gauged the frozen tendrils of sword energy, acutely aware of their chilling touch. Her calculations now extended to the timing of her jump, ensuring that she would evade the encroaching frost while executing a precise and controlled descent.
As the Roc continued its turbulent flight through the skies, Odessa worked with calculated urgency to free herself from its talons. Each subtle movement required finesse, her agile form twisting and turning to loosen the grip that held her captive. With a precarious balance, she clung to the Roc's talons, her brown eyes focused on the approaching waterfall.
Inside the confines of her mind, a countdown commenced—an internal ticking clock that measured the seconds until the waterfall was within jumping distance. Odessa's sharp intellect orchestrated each movement, synchronized with the rhythm of her heartbeat.
"Ten... nine... eight..." she whispered to herself, mentally reviewing the distance that separated her from the cascade of water below. Her keen gaze darted between the relentless pursuit of Crown Prince Xander and the anticipated escape point.
"Seven... six... five..." Odessa gauged the ruthless determination in Xander's movements, the celestial energy radiating from Eclipsebane a stark reminder of the peril that loomed behind her.
"Four... three... two..." Her muscles tensed as the waterfall drew nearer, its thunderous roar becoming a symphony of promise and challenge.
"One..." With a swift, decisive motion, Odessa released her grip from the Roc's talons, her body suspended for a fleeting moment in the tumultuous currents of the tempest. The jump, a calculated leap of faith, propelled her towards the cascading waters, and as she descended, the world around her blurred into a mosaic of motion and anticipation.
As Crown Prince Xander unleashed the final, decisive blow upon the Tempest Roc, his expression remained unamused, a stoic mask that belied the celestial force he wielded. Eclipsebane cleaved through the air, a streak of molten gold against the tempestuous backdrop, before finding its mark with an otherworldly precision. The Roc, a once indomitable guardian of the storm, succumbed to the celestial might, its form sent hurtling in a catastrophic descent.
The impact was thunderous, a collision of forces that echoed through the tempest. Feathers and debris scattered in the aftermath, marking the Roc's final descent to the earth. Xander watched with a detached gaze, his interest fleeting as the celestial energy of Eclipsebane dissipated into the ambient air.
However, at the periphery of his vision, something mundane caught Xander's attention—an ordinary woman, freefalling through the skies. The intricacies of her descent briefly stirred a memory, a flicker of recognition that danced on the fringes of his consciousness. Silver hair and amethyst eyes, a spectral echo from a bygone time.
As he observed her contort her body to navigate the perilous descent, the memory solidified for a moment, evoking the image of a girl he had once known. The connection eluded him, a puzzle piece just beyond reach, and he dismissed the nostalgic reverie. There was no place for sentiments in the celestial dance of the present.
With a subtle shift of focus, Xander directed his attention downward, the meadow stretching beneath him in a vibrant tapestry of natural beauty. Putting the person, he saw enter the water right before the waterfall out of his mind completely.
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incomodtutorials · 4 years
Lista filmelor si serialelor care apar pe Netflix in luna Septembrie
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Luna Septembrie bate la usa, iar Netflix a facut cunoscuta lista filmelor si serialelor noi care apar in prima luna de toamna din anul 2020. 1 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Bookmarks: Celebrating Black Voices; Felipe Esparza: Bad Decisions (Felipe Esparza: Decizii proaste); La Partita (Partida); The Boss Baby: Get That Baby! (Bebe Șef: Prinde bebelușul!); True: Friendship Day (True: Ziua prieteniei); 9; A Simple Favor (O simplă favoare); Annie; Bewitched (Ce vrăji a mai făcut nevasta mea); Beyblade Burst Turbo: Season 1; Black Lightning  (Black Lightning: Fulgerul Negru); Brain on Fire (Luna mea de nebunie); Bullitt (Locotenentul Bullitt); Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (Câini și pisici: răzbunarea lui Kitty Galore); Curse of Chucky (Blestemul lui Chucky); Dudley Do-Right; Equals (Egali); Fireflies in the Garden (Licurici în grădină); Friends with Money (Prieteni cu bani); Ghost of New Orleans (Dincolo de mormant); Good Kids (Vara de după); Greta; Gringo (Gringo: Amator în misiune); H: Season 1; H: Season 2; H: Season 3; H: Season 4; Hardcore Henry; Heidi: Season 2 (Aventurile lui Heidi); HOLY LANDS (Călătorie către regăsire); House of 1,000 Corpses (Casa celor o mie de cadavre); Hunter’s Prayer (Rugăciunea vânătorului); Just Friends (Prieteni și atât); Killing Them Softly (Ucide-i cu tandrețe); Lawless (În afara legii); Leprechaun (Spiridușul); Lord of War (Traficantul de arme); Manglehorn; Mean Dreams (Vise rătăcite); Middle of Nowhere (Drumul spre maturitate); Mojave; Momentum (Momentum: Urmărire disperată); Moneyball (Moneyball – Arta de a învinge); Monster (Monstru); Brooks (Domnul Brooks); Mune: Guardian of the Moon (Mune: Gardianul lunii); PATRICK (O moștenire cu coadă); Poms (Hai că încă putem!); Rambo IV; Requiem for a Dream (Requiem pentru un vis); Rescue Dawn (Evadare în zori); Riot (Revoltă după gratii); Saturday Night Fever (Febra de sâmbătă seara); Savva: Heart of the warrior (Savva: Inimă de războinic); Shooter (Lunetistul); Texas Killing Fields (Câmpuri ucigașe); The Cave (Peștera); The Crucifixion  (Cronicile fricii); The Dirty Dozen (Duzina de ticăloși); The Grey (The Grey: La limita supraviețuirii); The Heartbreak Kid (Cât durează o căsnicie); The Honor List (Lista lui Honor); The Intern (Internul); The Longest Week (O săptămână de pomină); The Man Who Knew Infinity (Omul care a cunoscut infinitul); The Perfect Weapon (Arma perfectă); The Ring (Avertizarea); The Runner (Factor de risc); The Untouchables (Incoruptibilii); The Visitors: Bastille Day (Vizitatorii 3); The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death (Femeia în negru 2: Îngerul Morții); Transformers Rescue Bots Academy: Season 2 (Transformers: Academia Salvatorilor); Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (Tucker și Dale împotriva Răului); Undisputed (Fără egal); Upgrade; Wakefield; We Are Your Friends (Vibrează cu mine); Welcome Home (Bine ați venit); Welcome to the Jungle  (Bun venit în junglă); Wheely (Wheely: Voios și Iute); 2 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Bad Boy Billionaires: India (Băieții răi ai Indiei: Miliardari certați cu legea); Chef’s Table: BBQ; Freaks – You’re One of Us (Ciudații); 3 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Afonso Padilha: Alma de Pobre (Afonso Padilha: Sufletul săracului); Love, Guaranteed (Dragoste garantată); Young Wallander (Tânărul Wallander); Sky Tour: The Movie (Sky Tour: Filmul); The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part (Marea Aventură Lego 2); 4 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Away (Departe); I’m Thinking of Ending Things (Mă gândesc să-i pun capăt); Spirit Riding Free: Riding Academy: Part 2 (Cu sufletul liber – Școala de echitație: Partea 2); A Million Ways to Die in the West (Urma scapă turma); Atonement (Remușcare); Dante’s Peak (Orașul infernului); Devil (Demon); Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas  (Spaimă și scârbă în Las Vegas); Johnny English; Johnny English Reborn   (Johnny English… se întoarce!); Kindergarten Cop (Polițist de grădiniță); Pride & Prejudice (Mândrie și Prejudecată); Ride Along (Un polițist și jumătate); Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron ; The Green Mile (Culoarul Morții); The Theory of Everything (Teoria întregului); 7 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 My Octopus Teacher (Înțelepciunea caracatiței); 8 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 StarBeam: Season 2 (Supersteluța: Sezonul 2); Îmi este indiferent dacă în istorie vom intra ca barbari; Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (Fred Rogers: Vrei să fii vecinul meu?); 9 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Corazón loco (Inimă zburdalnică); Get Organized with The Home Edit (Organizează-ți spațiul cu The Home Edit); La Línea: Shadow of Narco (La Línea: Orașul de la granița legii); Mignonnes (Micuțele dansatoare); The Social Dilemma (Dilema socială); 10 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Julie and the Phantoms; The Babysitter: Killer Queen (Bona 2: Regina demonică); The Gift: Season 2 (Atiye: Sezonul 2); The Idhun Chronicles (Cronicile din Idhún); Satria Heroes: Revenge of the Darkness; 11 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Family Business: Season 2; Se busca papá (Se caută tată); The Duchess (Viață de ducesă); 12 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (Hotel Transilvania 3: Monștrii în Vacanță); 13 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Eighth Grade (Clasa a opta); 14 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Close Enough (Hai că merge și așa)– SERIALE ORIGINALE NETFLIX; 15 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Hope Frozen: A Quest to Live Twice (Speranța criogenată: Calea către o nouă viață); Izzy’s Koala World (Izzy în lumea ursuleților koala); Michael McIntyre: Showman (Michael McIntyre: Showman); Taco Chronicles: Volume 2 (Totul despre taco: Volumul 2); American Sniper (Lunetistul american); Catwoman; Dog Day Afternoon (După-amiază de câine); Friday the 13th  (Vineri 13); In the Heart of the Sea  (În Inima Mării); Mad Max: Fury Road (Mad Max: Drumul furiei); Message in a Bottle (Mesaj de departe); Music and Lyrics (Muzica și versurile); Mystic River (Misterele fluviului); No Good Deed   (Nicio faptă bună); Paranormal Activity 4 (Activitate paranormală 4); The Conjuring (Trăind printre demoni); 16 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Baby: Season 3 (Baby: Sezonul 3); Challenger: The Final Flight (Challenger: The Final Flight); Criminal: UK: Season 2 (Criminal: Marea Britanie: Sezonul 2); MeatEater: Season 9 (Carnivorul: Sezonul 9); Sing On! (Să cântăm! Statele Unite); Signs: Season 2 (Semne: Sezonul 2); The Devil All The Time (Întotdeauna diavolul); The Paramedic (Paramedicul); 17 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Dragon’s Dogma; The Last Word (Ultimul cuvânt); 18 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 American Barbecue Showdown (Grătarul american); Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (Jurassic World: Tabăra cretacică); Ratched; 19 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 What Men Want (Ce-și doresc bărbații); 21 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 A Love Song for Latasha (Cântec pentru Latasha); 22 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Chico Bon Bon: Monkey with a Tool Belt: Season 3 (Chico Bon Bon: Maimuțica pricepută: Sezonul 3); Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: Season 4 (Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father: Sezonul 4); Mighty Express (Expresul aventurii); The Playbook; Damsel (Domnișoară la ananghie); 23 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Enola Holmes– FILM NETFLIX; 24 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 The Chef Show: Season 2 (The Chef Show: Sezonul 2); 25 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 A Perfect Crime (Rohwedder: Un asasinat revendicat de RAF); Country-Ish; Sneakerheads; The School Nurse Files (Asistenta exorcistă); 26 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Instant Family; 28 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Whose Vote Counts, Explained (Votarea, pe înțelesul tuturor); London Fields (Seducție letală); 29 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 Michelle Buteau: Welcome to Buteaupia (Michelle Buteau: Bun venit în Buteaupia); Three Identical Strangers(Trei străini identici); 30 SEPTEMBRIE 2020 American Murder: The Family Next Door (Cazul Watts: Crima din vecini); The Gambler; ÎN CURÂND ARASHI’s Diary Voyage ep. 12 (Jurnalul trupei ARASHI: Voiaj: Ep. 12); GIMS: On the Record (GIMS); Sursa: go4it.ro Read the full article
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xtruss · 4 years
If Your Vote Didn’t Matter, They Wouldn’t Fight So Hard to Block It: Greg Palast and Noam Chomsky in Conversation, Moderated By Amy Goodman!
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About this Event
Join Seven Stories Press, Jacobin Magazine, and Project Censored on Tuesday, July 14, at 7:00pm for a conversation on voter suppression with Greg Palast (How Trump Stole 2020), Noam Chomsky (Requiem for the American Dream), and Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!).
Purchase of a copy of the book is required for admission. Orders will be fulfilled by Book Passage, Third Place Books, and Word Up Community Bookshop/Librería Comunitaria.
Vote theft was once considered to be a marginal issue that no one wanted to talk about, but as the stakes have risen and the facts have become known it is now recognized as one of the central issues deciding our presidential elections. The scope is staggering. In the Georgia 2018 midterm election alone—the testing ground—Republican voting officials quietly removed half a million voters from the voter rolls. How Trump Stole 2020 is the story of the racially poisonous schemes to steal the 2020 election, the political operatives behind the trickery—and the hard right billionaires funding it all, written by the investigative reporter who has been covering this story from the outset.
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, July 14th, 7:00 pm EST/4:00 pm PST
PARTICIPANTS: Greg Palast, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman
COST: $20 including price of How Trump Stole 2020
Born in Los Angeles in 1952, Greg Palast is an investigative reporter and the author of How Trump Stole 2020, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits (NYT Bestseller), and worked as a government consultant and an investigator for labor unions before turning to journalism full time. A self described “reporting investigator” as opposed to an investigative journalist, he became a writer in order to alert a wider public to abuses he saw committed by governments, corporations, politicians, and lobbyists. For years Palast wrote a column for the Guardian called “Inside Corporate America,” and his articles have appeared in magazines and journals including the Nation, Harper’s, and In These Times. Palast’s 2002 bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, which covered in detail the fiasco of President Bush’s victory in Florida in 2000.
Born in Philadelphia in 1928, Noam Chomsky is known throughout the world for his political writings, activism, and for for his groundbreaking work in linguistics. A professor at MIT from 1955 until 2017, Chomsky gained recognition in academic circles for his theory of transformational grammar, which drew attention to the syntactic universality of all human languages. But it is as a critic of unending war, corporate control, and neoliberalism that Chomsky has become one of the country’s most well known public intellectuals. Since the1969 publication of American Power and the New Mandarins, Chomsky's tireless scholarship and an unflagging sense of moral responsibility, has led him to become one of the most influential writers in the world. Chomsky is the author of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (with Edward S. Herman), Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order, and over one hundred other books.
Amy Goodman is the host and executive producer of Democracy Now!, a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on over 1,300 public television and radio stations worldwide. In addition to numerous awards from institutions such as the Paley Center for Media, Associated Press, National Council of Teachers of English, and so many others, Goodman has co-authored six New York Times bestselling books. Her latest, Democracy Now!: Twenty Years Covering the Movements Changing America, looks back over the past two decades of Democracy Now! and the powerful movements and charismatic leaders who are re-shaping our world.
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