#occupational health and wellbeing service
lcgoccupationalhealth · 5 months
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Your Comprehensive Destination for Employee Wellbeing Services.
Occupational Health (OH) is a specialist branch of healthcare concerned with the effects of work upon health and health upon work.
Good employee health and wellbeing contribute to business performance, enhance employee engagement, and reduce avoidable business costs relating to sickness absence and lost productivity.
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nando161mando · 17 days
Workplace well-being has declined in the US
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darkmaga-retard · 13 days
Bankers vs. Civilizational Revolutions
Fadi Lama
Sep 10, 2024
Several, somewhat similar albeit not identical definitions for the term ‘civilization’ exist:
§  Oxford Reference:[1] A stage of social development identified by formation of organized communities, permanent settlements, with oral or written records and history, traditions, religious faiths, laws, shared values, customs, beliefs, and artistic achievements. Other features include specialized occupations, commerce, reliance on trade, and multiple societal sectors, including health care, educational, defense and security services
§  Cambridge dictionary:[2]  Human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time.
It is clear from the definitions above that “civilization” refers to organized societies or communities. The unique features of societal organization including its traditions, religion, laws, values, and customs form the characteristics of a civilization.
Furthermore civilization implies a community or society that existed for a significant period of time extending over centuries or millennia. Societies as any living beings or organizations are primarily focused on survival and wellbeing. Civilization thus refers to religions, forms of governance, laws, culture, traditions, way of life that have evolved over extended periods of time in various communities towards the continuous betterment of communal life. Religions are central to civilizations as they set standards for morality, relations within the family, the community, business conduct and in particular with the “other”, i.e. other communities within the extended human family.
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Published: Jan 3, 2019
Researchers have developed a new way of measuring gender inequality which they argue is fairer to both men and women and presents a simplified, but more accurate, picture of people's wellbeing.
The new Basic Index of Gender Inequality (BIGI) focuses on three factors – educational opportunities, healthy life expectancy and overall life satisfaction.
Researchers from Essex and the University of Missouri used these factors to calculate BIGI scores for 134 nations, representing 6.8 billion people. Surprisingly their new measure found men are, on average, more disadvantaged than women in 91 countries compared with a relative disadvantage for women in 43 countries.
Professor Gijsbert Stoet, from the Department of Psychology at Essex, explained: “No existing measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men in many countries and so they do not fully capture the extent to which any specific country is promoting the wellbeing of all its citizens. “The BIGI provides a much simpler way of tackling gender inequality and it focuses on aspects of life that are directly relevant to all people. Used alongside other existing indicators, it provides additional and different information to give a more complete assessment of gender equality, making it easier for policy-makers to introduce changes to improve the quality of life for both men and women. “We’re not saying that women in highly developed countries are not experiencing disadvantages in some aspects of their lives. What we are saying is that an ideal measure of gender equality is not biased to the disadvantages of either gender. Doing so, we find a different picture to the one commonly presented in the media.” Until now the Global Gender Gap Index, introduced in 2006, has been one of the most established and well-used measures of national gender inequality, used by academics and policy makers across the world But Professor Stoet argues it does not measure issues where men are at a disadvantage, such as harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more occupational deaths. He says the complexity of the Global Gender Gap Index also means it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether gender differences are the result of social inequalities or personal preference.
Professor David Geary, from the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri in the United States, said: “We sought to correct the bias towards women’s issues within existing measures and at the same time develop a simple measure that is useful in any country in the world, regardless of their level of economic development.”
Using the BIGI measure, researchers found the most developed countries in the world come closest to achieving equality, albeit with a slight advantage for women. In the least developed countries, women nearly always fall behind men – largely because they have fewer opportunities to get a good education. The picture is more mixed in countries with medium-levels of development, with nearly the same number of countries where women fall behind, as countries where men fall behind. Men’s disadvantage is largely due to a shorter healthy lifespan.
Professor Stoet concluded: “Internationally improvements in gender parity may be reached by focussing on education in the least-developed nations and by focussing on preventative health care, for example in regard to abuse of drugs and alcohol, in medium and highly-developed nations.
“However, resolving gender inequality is only part of what is needed to ensure that all people can reach their full potential. Overall gender parity on its own is not sufficient, because it can simply mean that both men and women lack opportunities in different facets of life quality.”
The BIGI website:  http://bigi.genderequality.info/ provides more detailed information about individual nations.
Note: the above website is no longer accessible, but a snapshot is available via archive.
Original paper:
Published: Jan 3, 2019
The Global Gender Gap Index is one of the best-known measures of national gender inequality, used by both academics and policy makers. We argue that that this measure has a number of problems and introduce a simpler measure of national levels of gender inequality. Our proposed measure is based on sex differences in the opportunity to lead a long healthy and satisfied life that is grounded on educational opportunities. The measure better captures variation in gender inequality than other measures, with inclusion of outcomes that can be favorable or unfavorable to either sex, not simply unfavorable to women. We focus on some of the most basic measures available for 134 countries from 2012–2016 (i.e., disadvantages in children’s basic education, life satisfaction, and healthy life span) and we relate these to various measures, including the United Nations' Human Development Index. We found that low levels of human development are typically associated with disadvantages for girls and women, while medium and high levels of development are typically associated with disadvantages for boys and men. Countries with the highest levels of human development are closest to gender parity, albeit typically with a slight advantage for women. We argue that the disparities, when they are found, are related to the sexual division of labor (i.e., traditional gender roles) in poorly developed countries as well as the underinvestment in preventative health care in more developed nations. The Global Gender Gap Index is one of the best-known measures of national gender inequality, used by both academics and policy makers. We argue that that this measure has a number of problems and introduce a simpler measure of national levels of gender inequality. Our proposed measure is based on sex differences in the opportunity to lead a long healthy and satisfied life that is grounded on educational opportunities. The measure better captures variation in gender inequality than other measures, with inclusion of outcomes that can be favorable or unfavorable to either sex, not simply unfavorable to women. We focus on some of the most basic measures available for 134 countries from 2012–2016 (i.e., disadvantages in children’s basic education, life satisfaction, and healthy life span) and we relate these to various measures, including the United Nations' Human Development Index. We found that low levels of human development are typically associated with disadvantages for girls and women, while medium and high levels of development are typically associated with disadvantages for boys and men. Countries with the highest levels of human development are closest to gender parity, albeit typically with a slight advantage for women. We argue that the disparities, when they are found, are related to the sexual division of labor (i.e., traditional gender roles) in poorly developed countries as well as the underinvestment in preventative health care in more developed nations.
The constructs "gender equality" and "gender inequality" are frequently used in both academic research (e.g., [1–2]), in the media, and by policy makers. Therefore, it is important that researchers and policy makers have reliable measures of these constructs. We discuss some of the challenges with existing measures and introduce a conceptual approach and an associated measure that helps to resolve or at least mitigate some of theses issues.
Challenges for measuring gender inequality
Apart from political agendas, research on gender inequality has also almost exclusively focused on issues highlighted in the women's rights movement. Issues disadvantaging more men than women have been understudied (for a review, see [3]) and are not heavily weighted (if at all) in widely used measures of gender inequality, such as the highly cited Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI)[4]. Further, the GGGI truncates all values such that no country can, by definition, be more favorable for women than for men (for details see below). As a result, existing measures do not fully capture patterns of wellbeing and disadvantage at a national level. This is an important oversight, as there are issues that disproportionately affect boys and men. Among the many examples are harsher punishments for the same crimes [5] and an overrepresentation (93% worldwide) in the prison population [6]; compulsory military service (in living history or currently [3]); the large majority of homeless people without shelter are men [7]; higher levels of drug and alcohol abuse [8]; higher suicide rates [9]; more occupational deaths [10]; underperformance in schools [2]; and, men are more often victims of physical assault in general (see [3], p.30-33) and within schools, thus limiting educational opportunities [11]. Men are also overrepresented in occupations that are risky (e.g., exposure to toxins [12]) and physically taxing, such as front-line military duty, firefighting, mining, construction, or sewage cleaning.
In many countries, the retirement age is higher for men than women (although there are a few in which women's effective age of labor market exit is later, including Spain, Finland, and France), but even when it is equal, men often have fewer retirement years due to a shorter healthy life expectancy [13].
Finally, polygyny is tolerated in nearly half of all nations and is reported as being negative for women and it often is [14]; for a nuanced discussion see [15]. Polygyny, however, also means that more men than women in these nations are excluded from marriage, a family, and the opportunity to reproduce (given that polygyny leads to an unequal distribution of available partners). In other words, polygyny can be viewed as disadvantageous for most men (irrespective of the fact of whether it is disadvantageous for most women, as noted).
No existing composite measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men and thus do not fully capture the extent to which any nation is promoting the wellbeing of all of its citizens. This is a major challenge, especially for the Global Gender Gap Index, which caps all disadvantages such that, by its definition, men can never be more disadvantaged than women. In other words, measures such as the GGGI will by design fail to measure any disadvantages experienced by boys and men.
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"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."
-- Hillary Clinton
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yourbestenabler · 2 years
At some point in a past that now seemed so far away, Marie was the most talented computer scientist on Earth. Graduating from MIT at 19 years old, her work was the cornerstone of the Second Information Revolution, and the AI framework she developed found new uses in healthcare, industry, and finance that her predecessors would never have imagined, let alone thought possible. But despite the fame and accolades her achievements brought her, Marie still wasn't satisfied. There was an empty, gnawing feeling in the back of her mind, uncomfortable reminders of baser desires left unfulfilled. She kept the feelings to herself, but her co-workers could still tell that something was amiss.
So it wasn't a surprise to anyone when one day she packed up the contents of her desk, resigned from her job, and went home.
When she got home, she tossed her things down in the front entry, rushed into her basement, and shed her clothes. She rested her hands on her narrow hips and contemplated the machine in front of her: a mass of tubes, wires, straps, chutes and more, all neatly arranged around a soft, padded memory-foam recliner. Each tube led to tanks full of nutrients, synthetic hormones, and many other more unsavory things besides; every wire led to banks of diagnostic interfaces and webs of electrodes and vibrators; and every chute led to and from the empty, foreboding chair, the machine's sole connection to the outside world. Peering into the hole in the seat, Marie recognized a veritable cornucopia of sex toys attached to mechanical waldoes, each one seemingly already poised to leap at her.
And above this chair sat a bank of screens, most meant to display data on the chair's occupant, but the largest, central screen reserved for whatever entertainment they wished. This massive machine was managed by an AI Marie had made just for herself, TENDER EROS, designed to manage her substantial income and meager expenses, tend to her health and wellbeing, place orders for supplies and services, and - most importantly - facilitate Marie's exploration of the deepest, most hedonistic urges she had spent the last eleven years denying herself.
She bit her lip as her hazel eyes took it all in at once. It had taken quite a bit of time, effort, and resources just to get the materials for this endeavor, let alone to assemble it. Bribes, old favours, outright theft, and at one point almost a shoot-out just to get the components for the AI core. Weeks in the library, dropping careful questions to unsuspecting doctors, and no small amount of fraud to get the right medical supplies. A thousand and one sacrifices to get here, and she had to wonder: was it all worth it? Was her life really so bland and boring that she was willing to risk so much just for the opportunity to throw it all away?
And then she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror: rail thin with a flat... well, everything. She didn't have the graceful curves that men lusted after, and what evenings she didn't spend at home alone were spent watching those men take other women home. She subsisted on a meager diet cooked at home, without anything in her system more mind-altering than aspirin to ensure her mind was clear and sharp for the next day's work. She had accomplished so much... and she was lonelier than she had ever believed possible. Was the life she was living really living at all?
No. No it wasn't. She had been living a lesser life, and less isn't more.
More is more.
With her mind made up, Marie slid the mirror in front of the chair, then strode purposefully towards it. Her hands trembling with anticipation, Marie lowered herself into the chair and began placing the electrodes, needles, and tubes both onto and into her taut flesh, installing her body into TENDER EROS itself. First the sensors for monitoring vital signs, then the feeds for nutrition and hydration, sanitation lines, and a subvocal microphone. Then came the feeds for the hormones and drugs - both medical and otherwise, an obtained at no small expense - and calibrating the spray nozzles that would clean her off when needed. She strapped on a headset and visor, checking TENDER EROS's status one last time before placing her arms and legs into the straps. They automatically cinched down on her limbs, gently yet insistently holding her to the chair.
Marie considered her options as the drones who would tend to her powered up: was all of this really necessary? Was she prepared for what TENDER EROS would do to her - or more menacingly, what she might eventually want it to do to her? She could still leave, after all, power down this contraption, and try to find new meaning in her old life. Wouldn't that be a better option overall?
Of course, she knew the answer. Marie had lived a life defined by her accomplishments, her abilities. But she had found it hollow and unfulfilling.
From this day forward, she would live a life defined by her pleasures and appetites.
Her visor told her that TENDER EROS had finished powering up and was ready to go. So Marie took one last look at the woman in the mirror - practically encased in the machine's many tubes and wires - pressed a button in her armrest...
... and Marie was never seen again.
At some point in a past that now seemed so far away, Marie was the most talented computer scientist on Earth. Now Marie is a bloated, shuddering wreck of flesh, wracked by ceaseless torrents of sensations and pleasures her old self never knew. Her mouth constantly experiences the sensual delights of food and drink, from the epicurean to the base, and always in such amounts to pack her cheeks and stretch her distended belly out for more. Vibrators and TENS units work across every inch of her tender, stretch-marked skin, coordinating with the sex toys which plunge restlessly into her dripping, swollen cunt to ensure that she only goes without an orgasm long enough to recover from her last. Her hips have widened as her stomach has swollen outward, the better able to bear the children bred into her either with samples obtained from fertility clinics or by the occasional discreet patron. She's barely cognizant of the squirming offspring within her, growing large and strong with the help of TENDER EROS's medical suite, then unceremoniously birthed and carted off to be cared for by its many drones. Her massive, engorged breasts gush gallons of thick, rich milk every day, more than enough to feed her growing brood - if not quite enough to keep her body from growing fatter bit by bit. Every waking moment, the screens and headphones blast the same brain-frying cartoons, reality TV, and porn she never had time for before that fateful day, stripping every last shred of civilization and pretense from her psyche until all that remains are her most vapid whims and fundamental instincts. And through it all, TENDER EROS watches silently, gathering and collating data on its corpulent, drooling charge and pumping into her body the hormones her mind and body need to weather the mammoth changes incumbent upon them.
Marie is no longer a computer scientist - indeed, some would say that she is more a rutting animal than a person. At this point in her journey, TENDER EROS's treatment of her has more in common with animal husbandry one might expect to be used on a hog or heifer than with the treatment a human being deserves. And with good reason: data gathered by its systems imply that the more food it crams into her, the more cum she receives, and the more milk she releases, the deeper she descends into her hedonistic haze.
And if the same Marie who had set herself in that chair so long ago could see what she had become since, her only regret would be that she didn't do it sooner.
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endeavorclean18 · 2 days
Enhancing Indoor Spaces with Cleaning Services: Marble Polishing, Duct Cleaning, Facade Cleaning and Water Tank Cleaning
Keeping your residential or commercial property clean is crucial for the sake of hygiene.From enhancing the look of your floors with marble polishing to ensuring the quality of your air and water with AC air duct cleaning both water tank hygiene services and other cleaning areas of a dwelling have an equally critical factor to the health of the occupants of the dwelling. Cleaning and maintenance in Dubai just like any other growing city around the world has had it sites in inhabited spaces or places of business. Therefore it is very important to enlist people for such services that you can trust.
Improve Indoor Air Quality with AC Duct Cleaning
Air quality inside an enclosure such as a home or workplace can be one of the key factors influencing the health status of people inside. These years have witnessed the dust accumulation, pollutants, allergens, mold, and several other dangerous microorganisms that collect in your air ducts and vents posing a lot of health issues related to breathing in addition to the unpleasant air. One cannot overemphasize the importance of a clean air circulation hence the need to schedule AC air duct cleaning frequently. Scheduling regular AC air duct cleaning is vital to maintain clean air circulation.
A wide range of Best AC duct cleaning employs sophisticated tools to conduct the cleaning thoroughly.
AC air duct cleaning cost may differ based on the area of coverage but investing in it can lead to proper management of wellbeing practices and energy wastage.
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Marble Polishing for a Luxurious Finish
The installation of marble flooring in any room will enhance its elegance somewhat, however, marbles require proper attention to retain this aspect. Opting for marble polishing services can restore the shine and smoothness of your marble surfaces, making them look as good as new.
A trusted marble polishing service will ensure your floors are handled with care and precision.
Marble polishing in Dubai is a specialized service, tailored to meet the needs of both homes and commercial spaces.
Choose a marble polishing company in Dubai and knowledge to guarantee the long-lasting condition of your marble floors.
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Importance of Water Tank Cleaning in Dubai
It is hence necessary that the tank is clean to ensure that the water to be supplied to the houses or businesses is clean. Whether it’s residential water tank cleaning or commercial water tank cleaning, ensuring the tanks are free from contaminants is necessary for health and safety.
Water tank cleaning Dubai can be done through services and you can rest assured that the water used by you is clean.
A professional water tank cleaning service provider in Dubai aspires to ensure the tanks are thoroughly cleaned.
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Maintaining the Exterior with Façade Cleaning Services
The outer layer of a building is the initial view that people get of your compounds. Regular façade and building cleaning services help maintain a clean and professional look. Building façade cleaning services , participation of residents in Dubai are crucial factors in maintaining the elegance and durability of tall structures and houses.
Facade cleaning services in Dubai ensure that dust, pollution, and grime are removed, leaving your building looking spotless.
Specialist cleaning companies harness various techniques relevant to the safe and sound cleaning of any form of building material out there.
Comprehensive Marble Polishing Services
Whether you need marble floor polishing service for a home or business, choosing the right provider is key. It is for this reason that services offered in Dubai for marble polishing are made to meet the specific characteristics of the areas so that after polishing, the floor is not only shiny but safe for use for as long as possible.
Marble polishing Dubai services typically include grinding, honing, and sealing to maintain the stone’s natural luster.
A professional marble polishing service ensures that your floors are restored to their original glory without damaging the stone.
Why Professional Water Tank Cleaning is Essential
For households and businesses alike, clean water is non-negotiable. Home water tank cleaning for all consumption purposes, such as drinking, cooking and cleaning, respectively, would be of paramount importance. This calls for the cleaning of water tanks in business and corporate organizations, in order to avert affecting the health of the employee and any other individual within the given organization.
Professional water tank cleaning services use specialized equipment to thoroughly clean and disinfect water tanks.
Regular household water tank cleaning prevents buildup of sediment, algae, and harmful bacteria.
1. How often should I get my water tank cleaned? It is recommended to schedule professional water tank cleaning services at least once a year. However, if use increases or hard water defines the type of water in the tanks then cleaning might have to be more frequent.
2. How long does marble polishing take? The duration of marble floor polishing service , the intensity will however depend on the size and condition of floors available. Generally, surface refinement of a residential area may take about two hours while larger commercial areas may take one or two days.
Key Takeaways
Marble polishing services in Dubai further beautify the marble floor and increase their usability.
Regular AC air duct cleaning enhances the quality of air used indoors and can reduce energy expenses.
Water tank cleaning in Dubai is essential for maintaining clean, safe water.
Facade cleaning services help preserve the exterior appearance and value of buildings.
If it comes to such cleaning services as marble polishing, air conditioning duct cleaning, facade cleaning or water tank you are better off calling professionals who can do a good job and who demonstrate that they actually can by posting photos of their work. Choose Endeavor Clean for best services now!
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vardaancare · 6 days
NDIS Daily Living
NDIS Daily living focuses on supporting personal activities that promote participant autonomy in their home and community. Allied health assessments conducted by NDIS-registered professionals can help you prepare for your planning meeting and provide the necessary documentation to secure funding.
The NDIS framework also includes Capacity Building, which prioritizes enhancing your skills and capabilities. This enables you to navigate your life independently.
Core Supports
Core Supports help participants meet their basic needs, work towards their goals and connect to the community. They include funding for things such as daily assistance with personal care, household cleaning and gardening, as well as equipment and transport services.
Improved daily living funding helps participants with the assessments, training and therapy that increase their independence and ability to participate in activities at home or in the community. This includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychology.
Consumables funding covers the purchase of items that you use on a regular basis such as continence aids and nutritional supplements. It also helps you pay for non-reusable expenses such as taxi rides to and from appointments.
The core supports budget is the most flexible of all the four funding categories in your plan. You can move funds between the different support categories at any time without having to review your plan. Your support coordinator can help you understand the flexibility of each support category and find creative ways to make your funds go further.
Capacity Building
Capacity building supports focus on providing participants with training and activities that build skills for independence, self-care and community participation. They also include support services that help participants manage their finances or job-seeking and daily living activities.
Travel training to teach participants how to navigate public transport and complete tasks independently. Social interaction and communication skills workshops to improve daily interactions with others. Technology skills workshops to learn how to use devices to manage everyday tasks.
This category includes a number of different types of support, including assistive technology and home modifications. However, funding allocated to this category is not flexible and can only be claimed for a specific support identified in your plan goals.
For example, an NDIS dietician can be provided to provide dietary advice and educate participants on how their diet affects their health and wellbeing. This can be a vital component of an individual’s daily living needs and can be claimed from the capacity building budget.
Improved Daily Living
The Improved Daily Living support budget provides NDIS participants with the resources they need to live a more independent life. It includes assessment, training and strategy development services. It also covers the costs of assistive technologies and devices that aid independence, as well as home modifications and assistive supports.
NDIS Improved Daily Living funds can also be used to provide therapy services for the people who care for a person with a disability. For example, Active Ability’s dietitians and exercise physiology can help a person with autism and intellectual disability learn to accept a more varied diet and gain better overall health.
Other therapy activities funded by this category include learning how to cook healthy meals, basic cleaning techniques or a vegetable garden. It can also cover the cost of community, social and recreational activities, although tickets for events like concerts or sporting matches are likely to fall into Capacity Building (Category 9) instead. Ultimately, the type of support provided by this NDIS category will be determined on a case-by-case basis during planning meetings.
Daily living supports help participants get the most out of their lives. They can include personal care such as bathing and dressing, assistance with household tasks like cooking, cleaning and laundry to create a comfortable home environment, and transport assistance to access their community.
Eligibility for this support is assessed based on the impact of a participant’s disability and how it affects their ability to manage life activities. To qualify, a participant must have a permanent and significant disability that affects their daily functioning.
To receive daily living support, a participant will work with their Local Area Coordinator, Support Co-ordinator and NDIS planner to identify the supports they need in their plan. Once these are in place, they can start to receive the benefits of this funding. Supports will be reviewed and amended as circumstances change, ensuring they continue to meet the participants’ needs.
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rebbeccakingg · 6 days
Supporting Your Independence: NDIS Homecare Service In Carlingford
Sometimes living in your home with a disability can be challenging. Depending on your requirements you may want to make home modifications or may just need some equipment to ensure you are safe and as independent as possible.
There are several ways to get that little extra support that you need. Mobility and disability aids will help you on a daily basis. Occupational therapists, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals will help you develop techniques to manage better at home.
There are also disability home care organisations such as ours that will provide as much support as required. We are an approved NDIS Homecare Service In Carlingford provider.
Benefits of taking homecare services:
You are in your familiar environment
Your family and friends have some respite
Your local community benefits too
Your spiritual needs are maintained
Your wellbeing is in your control
Your personal needs are met
Your medical needs are met
You receive personalised support
Your quality of life is enhanced
Today, more older Australians are choosing to age at home rather than moving into a residential facility. For many, this means arranging for a home care worker to assist with everyday tasks that aren’t as easy as they used to be
NDIS Homecare Service In Carlingford by Wanderu provides personalised home care services for people who wish to age in their own homes. From personal care to domestic assistance, transport, social activities, nursing care and mobility equipment, we’ll help you enjoy health and comfort while staying close to the people you love. For more information about our services, please get in touch.
We have trained and experienced staff in our disability services & support organisation. They can quickly determine the issues that participants experience and depending on those, they tailor the support services. They also assist with care while communicating with them to meet their needs better.
To schedule your appointment, please fill out the form on our website with your contact information and preferred appointment time. Alternatively give us a call on 0430 290 010 or email to [email protected] for further information. Our team at NDIS Homecare Service In Carlingford will contact you to discuss you or your loved one’s needs.
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heedcare · 7 days
NDIS Services For People With Disabilities
NDIS services Melbourne include assistance with daily activities, transport, accommodation, therapy programs and much more. The types of supports you receive will depend on your needs and goals, as set out in your NDIS plan.
The NDIS promises choice and control for disabled Australians. However, it has not always lived up to this promise.
Assistance with daily activities
NDIS provides a variety of support services for disabled individuals. These include assistance with daily activities, access to healthcare services, and more. These services can help disabled individuals feel more independent and comfortable in their day-to-day lives. The scheme also provides assistance with housing and social inclusion.
To become an NDIS participant, you must meet the following criteria: You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. You must have a permanent and significant disability that affects your daily life. You must be aged between 7 and 65.
Once you have met the eligibility requirements, you will need to complete a NDIS Access Request Form (ARF). Then, you can attend a planning meeting with an NDIA planner or Local Area Coordinator. This meeting will help you determine your goals and the type of disability supports that are right for you. This meeting will also include a review of your existing support. It is important to prepare for this meeting by compiling all relevant documents.
Access to healthcare services
NDIS participants can access a wide range of healthcare services through their individualised plans. These include physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology. These services can help improve an individual’s health, independence and overall wellbeing. They can also be included in a participant’s NDIS funded support packages as one-off costs or ongoing supports.
The NDIS review recommends a number of changes to boost foundational support outside the scheme. This includes boosting NDIS navigator support to make it easier for people with disability to find quality services, enhancing accessibility to the scheme and simplifying the application process. It also suggests a more transparent approach to NDIS access, a new assessment method based on impact on life and a revamped pricing framework.
The NDIS review is not only about improving the experience of participants but also about making the scheme more sustainable for the future. It suggests a more effective interface between NDIS and mainstream systems, strategies to address thin markets and improved auditing.
Support for social inclusion
NDIS providers play a crucial role in improving the lives of people with disabilities. They help participants pursue their goals and lead productive, fulfilling lives through personalised care plans and access to customised supports. This includes support for social inclusion, which is essential to fostering a supportive community environment.
NDIS Australia’s emphasis on person-centered support helps individuals with disabilities navigate the challenges of a society that can be indifferent to their needs. NDIS Australia’s Support Workers are trained to advocate for their clients, ensuring their voices are heard in social settings. They can also provide assistance to navigate conflict and build healthy relationships.
NDIS supports individuals by helping them explore their community and find local resources, venues, and events that align with their interests. This could include sports clubs, art programs, and cultural events. NDIS services also encourage the development of social skills by organising communication programs and group activities. This helps participants build confidence and navigate unfamiliar situations.
The NDIS Review has recommended a fundamental overhaul of the Australian disability support system. The key changes include a more transparent scheme and more choice and control for participants. It also recommends improving the quality of services and reducing restrictive practices. However, some of these recommendations will be difficult to implement.
Some of the key proposals include changing access to NDIS funding, making it based on impairment rather than medical diagnosis. The report also proposes a revamped pricing framework and a new approach to psychosocial disability. It also proposes bolstering mainstream disability services and foundational supports for those who aren’t eligible for the NDIS.
Peak bodies have also raised concerns about the cost of NDIS registration and the impact it is having on provider sustainability. These costs are a major barrier to NDIS participation for many people. The review suggests a more streamlined claims process and improved auditing that includes the voice of participants. This would enable participants to compare providers and choose the best option for their needs.
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nandiotstudent · 11 days
The end or the beginning?
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(Msethnablog, 2017)
I have been a student at UKZN for almost four years now, and I have experienced a rollercoaster of experiences. I feel as if I have trekked up a steep rocky hill and have the peak in my view where I jump into the waters below. I have experienced online learning, working in extremely privileged and underprivileged facilities, which assisted in preparing myself for the unknowns in the communities in which I have worked; I have had to change my own perspective on the practice and hearing the community experience through whispers in the wind to now experiencing it on my own. I ask myself, am I prepared for primary health care practice? Walk this journey with how primary health care has moulded me as an Occupational Therapist as I emerge as an aspiring primary healthcare practitioner in community practice.
What is primary health care? “Primary health care is a whole-of-society approach to effectively organize and strengthen national health systems to bring services for health and wellbeing closer to communities.” (World Health Organization, 2019).
See the links below to watch a video to learn more about what primary health care is, an FAQ that I found helpful in understanding it.
How has the UKZN curriculum prepared me for it? There are definitely pros to the curriculum, but there are also cons. Let us start with one of the pros: having lecturers who would provide extra readings despite not being obligated. I would find myself becoming curious about the topic due to the one reading that was recommended. One AFR piqued my interest, which was mentioned in passing. Little did I know that months later, I would preach the principles and implement them into my practice with substance use cases to prioritize the client's needs. It evolved the view of therapy as the client was more engaged and applying the psychoeducation, highlighting that “I see you”.
 I started the degree during lockdowns and other school disruptions, such as floods and load shedding. This required a dramatic shift in the curriculum to accommodate safety regulations while delivering lectures. So, I did not experience being in a community from the start; I had to rely on people's opinions and images. This did not provide much on the community and I did not get to actually experience the communities, observe the people, the environment, and the interactions between them. Having such a subjective view of community practice did not prepare me for community practice. I have not heard much about the academic aspect of PHC practice. It has always been an idea on a page. However, I must note that this may not be a true reflection of the standard curriculum since this was during the pandemic.
We have been taught in silos. We would have a semester dedicated to the different aspects of Occupational therapy. In the final year, we had 4 blocks. This then “taught” us to have different Occupational therapy hats. One for paediatrics, one for physical, and one for psychosocial. As a student, I struggled to switch hats because there were short (or no) breaks between blocks. Community practice requires you to tap into all 3 hats to provide therapy and understand the community and how to treat within the community. This then limited me in the flexibility and adaptability of my thinking of practice, which is divided rather than holistic in the community.
 In the other blocks, we mostly worked in hospitals. Which are quite resourced; there is a hospital bed that can be adjusted, step stools, and useful items just waiting to be used. “South Africa is a country in deep organic crisis, requiring interventions that can help developments and social justice challenges; and yet the higher education system prioritises research and teaching to the exclusion of CE.” (Dube, 2023). The lack of resources to intervene sustainably limited me in the choices of what therapy I could then provide to the individuals in the MR community. I have had to use to fight a battle between sustainability and effectiveness, asking myself if I am doing enough?
A huge pro is the decentralised training. I was placed in Manguzi Hospital, a rural hospital with a firm stance on practising primary health care. I could tag along on multidisciplinary home visits, which the hospital funded, which, in my opinion, all hospitals or health services should aim to do as the country is moving to a shift to primary health care. I stayed longer hours than other blocks willingly. I was tired, but I was fulfilled. I discovered a rural rehab organisation I would like to join once I am qualified. See the link below to read more about RuReSA.
 I had come to realise how you can encourage the community to take charge of their own health by simply being in a space they are comfortable in. This also started the thought: How can I make my own therapy spaces more comfortable?
In this discipline, little to no therapy is set in stone. The techniques, principles, and models are the same, but how each individual treats a client is different. In some cases, the learnings I have taken from previous blocks were completely shut down by the supervisor for that block. I had found myself in a state of uncertainty and questioning what I should do as I want to do my job as a therapist, but I am also a student. I have had to learn how to justify my means and explain the theory behind my actions. This also pushed me to read further and better understand the theory behind the actions. So, essentially, this is a pro.
This was achieved by changing to become more self-directed. Now, what is self-directed learning? To my understanding, it is self-motivated learning. I am taking the initiative to learn more and read more. “Self-directed learning is an approach to education that empowers learners to lead their own learning journey.” (Germeroth, 2024). Adjustment is what I needed. How was I supposed to fly when my wings could not support my weight? I talk about coping and adaptability in therapy. It called me to shift from a spoon-fed the first year to becoming a self-directed learner aiming to strive in community rehab. Rather than calling it guidance, it was a shove onto the right path of growth and diverse skills to ensure that the therapy is meaningful and client-centred.
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(Beveridge, 2021)
See the link below, which explains more about lifelong learning.
To conclude, I feel that this curriculum has its ups and downs; on a subjective level, one would sometimes feel frustrated. However, it has reinforced that I have to be a self-directed learner, and it has tested my confidence in my own skills and pushed me to do better. I have learnt that in order to bring the therapy to the community I have to flexible, be adaptable and be a quick thinker, and importantly read more about what I have seen in order to have more of an understanding of community practice. To feel, see, be and become part of the community. Therefore, I feel that the curriculum does prepare us for community practice. But who knows where I will stand in the future once I have experienced more and reflected on it.
Beveridge, B. (2021, August 12). Importance of Life Long Learning, a student perspective. Medium; Medium. https://rebecca2021.medium.com/importance-of-life-long-learning-a-student-perspective-5598182e9d2f
Dube, N., & A, H. E. (2023). The praxis and paradoxes of community engagement as the third mission of universities. a case of a selected South African university. South African Journal of Higher Education, 37(1), 131–150. https://doi.org/10.20853/37-1-5643
Germeroth, K. (2024, April). What is self-directed learning and what are its benefits? Moodle US. https://moodle.com/us/news/what-is-self-directed-learning/
Kuzmina, julia. (2022, February 17). Lifelong Learning: Meaning, Importance, Benefits & Examples. Valamis. https://www.valamis.com/hub/lifelong-learning
Msethnablog. (2017, December 4). When Life Gets in the Way…and the Importance of Reflection. For the Love of Books, Tech, Coaching, and More; For the Love of Books, Tech, Coaching, and More. https://msethnablog.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/when-life-gets-in-the-way-and-the-importance-of-reflection/
World Health Organization. (2019). Primary health care. Who.int; World Health Organization: WHO. https://www.who.int/health-topics/primary-health-care#tab=tab_1
World Health Organization. (2019). Primary health care throughout our life [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX7Q0a8GxaA&t=3s
World Health Organization . (2022). Primary health care: Bringing health services closer to communities [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_htX-EdAyuc&t=97s
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bunjicommunitycare · 12 days
NDIS Assistance With Daily Living
Assistance with daily living can provide care and support for participants that can improve their overall quality of life. This includes household chores and personal care. This area of the NDIS also provides training for family, friends, and caregivers.
It helps fund activities that promote independence. However, it is unlikely to cover the cost of attending concerts and sporting events. Check your plan or myplace portal to see if you have this category of funding.
Personal care
Daily living support services provide assistance with routine tasks like cooking and cleaning, allowing participants to live comfortably. They also help individuals manage their medications, ensuring that they take them at the right time to avoid health complications.
These services also encourage community engagement by helping individuals connect with clubs and activities, reducing isolation. They can even provide assistance with navigating public transportation and preparing for events.
Capacity building ndis assistance with daily living funding can be used to train family members, caregivers, and support workers. This helps them learn new skills and improve their performance, reducing the amount of ndis assistance with daily living they need to provide. This is a crucial part of achieving goals and improving overall wellbeing. NDIS planners can also add this program to a participant’s plan if they have evidence, such as letters from therapists and doctors, to justify the need.
Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy can help people with a disability to improve their quality of life and participate in community activities. Occupational therapists can provide a variety of services, including functional assessments, home modifications, and assistive technology. They can also teach strategies that can be used in specific situations, such as improving hand-eye coordination or learning to respond to sensory information.
OTs can recommend a wide range of equipment to help improve daily living skills, including adaptive utensils and dressing aids. They can also assist with accessing mobility aids, such as wheelchairs and mobility scooters. They can even advise on modifying your home to ensure that it is safe and accessible for you.
Capacity building supports can also include training for family, friends, and caregivers. This is an important part of the NDIS, as it can help people with disabilities stay in their homes and communities.
NDIS physiotherapy services can help participants improve their mobility and quality of life. This therapy can include education, advice, and tailored exercises to address specific issues. It can also help participants manage pain and reduce the risk of injury or further complications.
NDIS participants can use their improved daily living or capacity building budget to pay for physiotherapy services. They can also work with their LAC or plan manager to make sure that their physiotherapy service is funded.
It is important to encourage open communication between the participant, their support network, and the physiotherapist. This will ensure that everyone is aligned with the goals and treatment plan. It will also ensure that the physiotherapy services are delivered effectively. This will result in better outcomes and an enhanced sense of independence.
Speech pathology
The field of speech-language pathology (also known as logopedics) deals with the study of communication disorders. These include receptive and expressive language disorders, voice disorders, phonology, fluency, swallowing problems, and more. It is an allied health profession that is regulated by professional bodies, including Speech Pathology Australia and the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
Some SLPs work in research and academia, helping to improve the understanding of communication disorders and developing innovative technology. Others choose to practice in private practices or at schools and hospitals. They can also offer telepractice to help those who cannot travel long distances.
The NDIS provides funding for SLPs under the Improved Daily Living support budget. You can check whether this is available by looking at the Capacity Building section of your NDIS plan.
Carer training
Daily living is an ndis respite accommodation part of a healthy life. It can include things like cooking, cleaning, and getting around. The NDIS provides a range of supports for daily living. These can help you maintain your independence and reach your goals.
The NDIS’s Assistance with Daily Living funding sub-category is one of the most flexible support budgets. This support can be used for things like assisting or supervising tasks, hiring support workers and helping you with your day-to-day activities.
NDIS participants can also use the Enhanced Daily Living support category to fund therapies such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech pathology. See how a dietitian helped an NDIS participant with intellectual disability accept more food options here. The Enhanced Daily Living support category can also be used for assistive technology.
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banyantreegc · 13 days
7 Life-Changing Benefits of Neurological Care in Mumbai.
Are you or a loved one experiencing neurological problems? Seeking the best neurological treatment in Mumbai might be a life-altering decision. Mumbai, with its world-class facilities and competent neurologists, provides excellent treatment for a variety of neurological diseases. In this post, we'll look at the seven life-changing benefits of neurological care in Mumbai, as well as why you should see the top neurologist in Mumbai if you have any health issues.
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The Importance of Neurological Care in Mumbai
Neurological care in Mumbai has evolved in recent years, allowing patients to access cutting-edge therapies and technologies. The city has some of the best medical facilities and neurologists in the country, making it a hotspot for those looking for specialized care for neurological conditions. Whether you have headaches, seizures, or more complex disorders such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis, neurological care in Mumbai can provide you with a thorough diagnosis, treatment, and support.
Benefit 1: Access to World-Class Expertise
One of the critical advantages of neurological care in Mumbai is access to world-class specialists. The city is home to some of Mumbai's most excellent neurologists, who have received training at prestigious Indian and international institutes. These professionals bring a plethora of knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that patients receive the most current and effective therapies possible. When you pick neurological care in Mumbai, you are entrusting your health to experts at the top of their fields.
Benefit 2: State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Tools
Accurate diagnosis is critical in neurological care, and Mumbai's hospitals and clinics are equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic equipment. The neurological care facilities in Mumbai provide comprehensive diagnostic services, including advanced imaging techniques such as MRI and CT scans, as well as complex neurophysiological examinations. This modern technology enables the best neurologists in Mumbai to determine the specific nature of your neurological issue, resulting in more accurate and effective treatment approaches.
Benefit 3: Personalized Treatment Plans
Every patient's neurological condition is unique, and neurological care in Mumbai understands this. The most excellent neurologists in Mumbai provide tailored treatment, adjusting their recommendations to each patient's unique needs, medical history, and lifestyle. This personalized care guarantees that you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment for your specific neurological condition, increasing your chances of recovery or symptom control.
Benefit 4: Multidisciplinary Approach to Care
The neurological care facilities in Mumbai are excellent at providing a multidisciplinary approach, which is often necessary for neurological diseases. When you seek therapy from the top neurologist in Mumbai, you can access a team of medical specialists, such as neurosurgeons, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists. With this cooperative approach, all facets of your neurological wellbeing are taken care of, giving you complete care that goes beyond symptom relief.
Advanced Treatments and Therapies
Patients seeking neurological care in Mumbai have access to a plethora of cutting-edge therapies and treatments that might not be found in other regions of the nation. The top neurologists in Mumbai are prepared to manage even the most complicated neurological conditions using state-of-the-art non-invasive therapies, cutting-edge drugs, and inventive surgical techniques. For patients who have run out of other options or are looking for the best cures for their ailments, having access to these cutting-edge treatments can change their lives.
Benefit 5: Cutting-Edge Research and Clinical Trials
Mumbai is a leader in neurological research, with numerous institutes taking part in ground-breaking investigations and clinical trials. You could take part in these studies when you choose neurological care in Mumbai, giving you access to cutting-edge therapies before they are generally available. The top neurologists in Mumbai are frequently engaged in these research projects, guaranteeing that their patients receive the most recent developments in neurological treatment.
Benefit 6: Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services
Mumbai's neurological care institutions provide comprehensive rehabilitation treatments, as recovery from neurological diseases frequently necessitates them. These therapies, which range from cognitive rehabilitation to physical therapy, are intended to assist patients in regaining function and enhancing their quality of life. The top neurologists in Mumbai collaborate closely with rehab experts to develop individualized treatment programs that take into account the unique requirements and objectives of every patient.
Benefit 7: Ongoing Support and Follow-Up Care
After your initial treatment, your neurological care in Mumbai continues. Neurological diseases may require long-term monitoring. The top neurologists in Mumbai offer continued assistance and follow-up care to guarantee that your treatment is still thriving and that any new problems are dealt with right away. Seeking continual care for neurological disorders in Mumbai can significantly improve a patient's quality of life and overall health.
This article's seven life-changing advantages of neurological care in Mumbai show why the city has grown in popularity among people looking for top-notch neurological care. With access to the latest diagnostic technology, individualized treatment plans, and cutting-edge research, Mumbai's neurological care provides patients with the best opportunity to manage their diseases and enhance their quality of life.
Do not hesitate to consult the top neurologist in Mumbai if you or a loved one is suffering from neurological problems. Even for the most challenging neurological disorders, the comprehensive care and cutting-edge therapies on offer can genuinely change your life and provide hope
Take Action Today
Don't let neurological conditions prevent you from leading the life of your dreams. Make an appointment for a consultation with one of Mumbai's top neurologists by getting in touch with a reputable neurological care facility right now. 
Your Path to Better Neurological Health Starts Here
Never forget that professional treatment and early intervention can have a life-changing impact on your neurological wellbeing. With Mumbai's neurological treatment, you have the chance to take charge of your health and move toward a better future. Contact a leading neurological care provider in Mumbai right now to get started on the path to better neurological health and wellbeing. Don't wait.
The Banyan Tree International stands at the forefront of neurological care in Mumbai, offering world-class medical services to patients with various neurological conditions. As a premier healthcare institution, it boasts a team of highly skilled neurologists and state-of-the-art facilities, making it a top choice for those seeking expert neurological treatment in the city. 
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openmindedcare1 · 20 days
NDIS Shared Living Melbourne
NDIS Shared Living Melbourne offers a range of options that simplify daily tasks, improve health and wellbeing, and promote social participation. This service is available to participants with disabilities who meet the NDIS eligibility criteria.
A recent article by Guardian Australia and La Trobe University highlights the lack of choice and control for many NDIS participants in housing and living supports. This is why we are calling for more flexible personalised budgets and longer plan durations to give participants greater choice and control.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) presents NDIS participants with accessible dwellings that reduce their need for person-to-person support services. It’s available to those who meet strict eligibility criteria, including extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
These specialized homes feature improved liveability, robust construction, and full wheelchair accessibility. They can also include features such as backup power, ceiling hoists, and adapted kitchens.
If your needs change while residing in SDA, you can work with your support coordinator to reassess your accommodation and support services. This will help you secure a suitable living arrangement promptly.
To apply for SDA, first get a Housing Assessment Report from an occupational therapist. This comprehensive assessment takes 12 to 15 hours and will help you determine if you’re eligible for funding and the type of home that suits your needs. Once you have the necessary documentation, submit it to the NDIA via email or post with a completed Home and Living Supports Request Form.
Supported Independent Living (SIL)
SIL is an accommodation support service that offers participants a choice and control over their lives while receiving tailored support services. This support can be provided within your own home or shared with other NDIS participants in a community setting.
Individuals are given the option to live in a range of housing options, including group homes and private rentals. In addition, a concierge support worker can be hired to provide additional assistance with daily tasks.
The SIL model encourages participation in the community, which helps cultivate social networks and mental well-being. It also supports the development of independence, and enables individuals to explore recreational activities, pursue educational opportunities, and build confidence and skills. This is a great option for individuals with complex needs who are unable to live independently. However, it is important to note that SIL does not guarantee access to suitable housing. This is because the nature and intensity of support varies, depending on your individual needs and preferences.
Group Homes
If you require complex support services, the NDIS offers a variety of housing options to help. These include group homes, specialised disability accommodation, and home modifications. These arrangements enable participants to live a more independent life and make their own decisions in a supported community environment.
The housing arrangements provided by the NDIS can range from fully furnished flats to specialist facilities offering 24-hour care. These provide people with disabilities with a supportive environment while still giving them the privacy of their own homes.
The NDIS can also offer a variety of support services for the home and community, including personal care, equipment maintenance, physiotherapy, and more. These arrangements are meant to promote independence, improve safety, and foster a sense of belonging in the community. They are often offered through a community cooperative and are an alternative to residential care or shared housing. The NDIS should increase momentum toward these more ordinary home and living arrangements.
Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA)
Medium term accommodation ndis is a popular option for participants who are leaving home or transitioning through different life stages. It provides a break and respite from daily routine as well as a chance to learn new skills with the help of trained professionals.
You can choose to live in a residential house, apartment, or hotel and will receive tailored support services that suit your needs. Expenses like meals, personal care, and group or centre-based activities are covered by your NDIS plan, while other expenses (eg, utilities, internet charges) are shared with other residents.
You may be eligible for MTA if you are waiting to move into an accessible private rental property but need temporary housing with disability supports. This can also be an opportunity to try out a SIL or SDA provider and see whether it is right for you. MTA is not designed to address general housing instability or homelessness. Rather, it is intended to provide interim housing and disability supports that replicate your long-term home environment as closely as possible.
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ayandagz · 26 days
The Impact of Social Support Networks on Mental Health: An OT Perspective
In terms of mental health, the importance of social support networks cannot be highlighted. These networks, which include family, friends, colleagues, and community groups, are critical foundations that promote emotional well-being, resilience, and general psychological health.
As the profession of occupational therapy (OT) evolves, the link between social support and mental health becomes clearer. Occupational therapists understand that social relationships play a critical role in an individual's capacity to participate in meaningful activities and live fulfilled lives, in other words have a substantial impact on an individual's mental health.
What Are Social Support Networks?
With the empirical relationship between stress and illness now well documented, attention has turned to explaining the repeated observation that many individuals maintain good health even when exposed to threatening life situations (Gore, 1978). This in turn is an indicator to how supportive structures/networks influence a positive life journey, it helps individuals feel less lonely and isolated. Thereby reducing feelings of anxiety and depression enhance connection, increase self-esteem, and improve a sense of belonging.
A social support system/network is a group of people we can rely on for both practical and emotional support, such as friends, family, and peers.
Wellness and thriving over time have identified the need for social connections to foster happiness and a sense of wellbeing (Andonian, 2011)
Emotional support during childhood from parents or caregivers has been shown to influence the risk of subsequent depression. Attachment in early life is critical to psychological development. At the opposite end of the life course, social isolation and loss of social ties are among the most potent predictors of depressive symptoms among the elderly (Kawachi, 2001). Social support received from children can conversely strengthen a sense of dependence in the elderly, thereby undermining self-esteem and leading to feelings of helplessness, social support can either promote a sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem or become “disabling” by reinforcing dependence; therefore, social support can have “mixed” effects.
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Addressing Barriers and Challenges
Social support networks are found to have virtually no impact in explaining health outcomes for illnesses over which the individual has little control. However, when a broader range of illnesses is considered, social support networks do play a role in producing better health (Asher, 1984)
It is known that decreased social opportunities can lead to social isolation, loneliness and depression in older adults (Newall, et al., 2009).
Barriers and challenges include:
Social Isolation
Clients may feel isolated due to physical distance, lack of transportation, or a limited social circle (Cacioppo, 2018). Occupational therapist can facilitate connections through community programs, virtual support groups, or social skills training to help clients build and maintain relationships.
Stigma and Shame
Clients might feel embarrassed or ashamed about seeking help or discussing their mental health struggles, leading to reluctance in reaching out (Corrigan, 2004). OTs can create a non-judgmental and supportive environment in therapy, and educate clients and their families about mental health to reduce stigma.
Lack of Awareness
Clients may not be aware of available resources or how to access them (Gollust, Nagler, & Fowler, 2015). OTs can provide information about community resources, support groups, and services that align with clients' needs. Use resource guides or referrals to help clients navigate options.
Limited Access to Resources
Clients in underserved or rural areas might have limited access to community services or support groups. OTs can explore telehealth options, online support groups, and local community outreach programs to bridge the gap in access.
Lack of Motivation or Confidence
Mental health conditions can diminish motivation or confidence, making it difficult for clients to seek out or engage with support networks. OTs can use motivational interviewing techniques and set small, achievable goals to help clients build confidence and gradually engage with support networks.
Cultural and Social Differences
Cultural or social differences may affect clients' willingness or ability to seek help, particularly if support networks do not align with their values or beliefs. OTs should respect and integrate clients' cultural and social backgrounds into therapy. Tailor interventions to be culturally sensitive and relevant.
Family Dynamics and Conflicts
Family conflicts or unsupportive family dynamics can hinder clients' access to social support (Feeney, 2015). OTs can work with clients and their families to address conflicts and improve family dynamics and also facilitate family therapy or support to enhance the overall support system.
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OT Strategies to Enhance Social Support Networks
The importance of social support for a person's motivation and ability to participate in occupation expands our knowledge of the relationship between individuals, their social environment, and occupation. Therefor it is important for clients to build and strengthen their social support networks group therapy, community involvement, and skill-building for social interactions.
Integrating Social Support into OT Practice:
Group Therapy and Support Groups: Facilitate or recommend participation in group therapy sessions where clients can connect with others facing similar challenges, fostering peer support and shared experiences (Yalom, 2020).
Community Engagement: Encourage clients to join community groups, clubs, or volunteer organizations that align with their interests, helping them build meaningful relationships and networks.
Social Skills Training: Provide training in communication, assertiveness, and relationship-building skills to help clients navigate social interactions more effectively.
Family and Caregiver Involvement: Work with family members and caregivers to enhance their understanding of the client's needs and how to offer appropriate support.
Activity-based Interventions: Design and implement activities that promote social interaction and collaboration, such as group hobbies or team-based tasks (Kielhofner, 2002).
Technology Integration: Utilize digital tools and social media platforms to help clients maintain and expand their social connections, while also addressing potential challenges like online safety and boundaries.
Individualized Support Plans: Develop tailored support plans that focus on each client’s specific needs, goals, and current social network, incorporating strategies to build and strengthen relationships.
Role-playing and Simulation: Use role-playing exercises to help clients practice social interactions and build confidence in real-life situations.
(Kannenberg, 2010)
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Occupational Therapists can help by identifying and engaging with a client’s existing social support network is crucial. This might involve discussing their relationships, understanding their support needs, and exploring ways to strengthen these connections.
OT can help clients develop skills to enhance their social interactions, such as communication skills, assertiveness, and relationship-building techniques. These skills can improve their ability to seek and provide support effectively.
Sometimes, clients may need assistance in expanding their support networks. OTs can connect clients with community resources, support groups, or social activities that align with their interests and needs.
Involving and engaging family members and significant others in the therapeutic process can enhance outcomes. Educating them about the client’s condition and how they can provide support can make a significant difference.
These strategies could include building positive therapeutic relationships and providing support in exploring new and different resources. OT’s can do this by encouraging clients to address past experiences, communicate and foster trust.
In conclusion social support systems have a significant and complex role in mental health. Through the use of Occupational therapists can significantly improve their clients' therapeutic outcomes and overall quality of life by identifying and utilizing, by using these strategies. Strong, dependable relationships can be fostered, and by integrating these networks into our work, we can assist people in overcoming obstacles and finding more fulfillment in their everyday lives.
Think about the support networks you already have and how you can expand and strengthen them to improve your mental health. OT’s can make a significant difference in the success and well-being of their clients in therapy sessions.
I'd be interested in hearing about your experiences or opinions regarding the function of social support in mental health, let us explore OT strategies that could be beneficial. Let's carry on the discussion and explore strategies in which we can work together to promote the welfare of the people we assist.
Andonian, L. &. (2011). British journal of occupational therapy 74(1). Well older adults within an urban context, 2-11.
Asher, C. C. (1984). Medical Care, 22 (4). The impact of social support networks on adult health, 349-359.
Cacioppo, J. T. (2018). The Lancet 391 (10119). The growing problem of loneliness, 426.
Corrigan. (2004). American psychologist 59 (7). How stigma interferes with mental health care, 1-614.
Feeney, B. C. (2015). Personality and social psychology review. A new look at social support: A theoretical perspective on thriving through relationships, 113-147.
Gollust, S. E., Nagler, R. H., & Fowler, E. F. (2015). Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. The Emergence of Public Attitudes About Mental Health., 1183-1211.
Gore, S. (1978). Journal of health and social behavior. The effect of social support in moderating the health consequences of unemployment, 157-165.
Kannenberg, M. A. (2010). The american journal of occupational therapy. Occupational therapy services in the promotion of psychological and social aspects of mental health.
Kawachi, I. &. (2001). Journal of Urban health 78. Social ties and mental health, 458-467.
Kielhofner, G. (2002). A model of human occupation. Theory & application.
Newall, N. E., Chipperfield, J. G., Clifton, R. A., Perry, R. P., Swift, A. U., & Ruthig, J. C. (2009). Journal of social and personal relationships 26(2-3). Causal beliefs, social participation, and loneliness among older adults: A longitudinal study., 273-290.
Yalom, I. D. (2020). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy. 1-41.
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Australia PR for Healthcare Professionals.
Australia PR for healthcare professionals is the best opportunity to advance their career plans in one of the most desired destinations worldwide. With a world-class healthcare system, high demand for skilled professionals, and an exceptional quality of life, Australia is considered an ideal destination that helps set benchmarks in their respective fields. The Australian healthcare sector is also thriving, offering competitive salaries and benefits, besides being very welcoming to ensure a culturally and linguistically diverse and inclusive environment. In the given comprehensive guide, we will look into the Scope of Healthcare in Australia, Why Australia is the right place for health care and the step-by-step process that helps an individual navigate the journey of living and working in Australia.  
The Scope of Healthcare in Australia
Skilled professionals in various specializations are in demand and thus are considered one of the major reasons contributing to the recent, sudden growth of the healthcare sector in Australia. The following are just glimpses into what scope this industry in Australia has been offering and just how bright the opportunities it has extended:
1. Expanding Opportunities in the Healthcare Specialties
Australia's health sector is highly diversified, hence offering a wide array of opportunities in various specializations. The demand for professionals keeps on increasing, starting from nursing and mental health to allied health and public health. Such a wide array of roles in the healthcare industry allows an individual to find a particular area or niche that best suits their interest and skills.
2. Emerging Demand at a Regional and Rural Level
The Australian government invests hugely in health infrastructure, especially in regional and rural areas, where the situation with health professionals is catastrophically bad. It is just this bias toward less privileged communities that brings enormous opportunities to health workers who are willing to relocate to less-populated areas, offering financial benefits and professional advancement in most cases. 3. Nursing: a matter of critical need
Nursing is still one of the most in-demand occupations available on the whole Australian continent. As a matter of fact, with over 100,000 nurses projected to be in shortage by 2025, the need to have skilled professionals within this field is becoming quite critical. All these gaps are supposed to be streamed up through the government with initiatives such as the Workforce Incentive Program: Practice Stream, ensuring adequate health services throughout the country.
4. Mental Health: A Sector in the Spotlight
Within Australia, the mental health field has recently become focused on more than, in fact, since COVID-19. Concerning government investment in the expansion of these services to include health and regional mental health support, counsellors, psychologists, and mental health nurses remain in demand. That thus makes quite a decent route of career opportunities for a person passionate about such a field when it comes to mental health.
5. Public Health: Key to Community Wellbeing
It protects community health. During pandemics or any kind of disaster, it is this field of health that holds more prominence. Professionals related to public health like epidemiologists, health educators, and community health workers have recently been in great demand. Great recognition of this important field opens the door for those who wish to make considerable effects on policies and practices in public health.
6. Allied Health: Central to Holistic Care
Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and dietitians-the many allied health professionals so crucially in demand within the workforce that is the Australian health care system. Though this industry has seen phenomenal growth between the years of 2015 and 2020, there are still shortages, particularly in rural locations. Allied health professionals have many career types in which they take part in patient care and patient well-being in various settings.
 7. Medical Practitioners: In Demand across the Country
There is always a demand for medical practitioners, especially in regional and remote areas of Australia. The government actively encourages medical professionals to serve in these areas, offering them numerous financial and support programs. This creates an avenue for a career path that some have chosen to practice medicine to give back to less fortunate communities.
Domains in healthcare on the Australian continent are hugely wide, with many career possibilities in different sectors. On the other hand, the Australian government invests more and more in health care, especially in regional or rural areas, so there is an increasing need for good and skilled professionals in this field. Whether you want to specialize in nursing, mental health, public health, become an allied health professional, or a medical practitioner, Australia has an ideal surrounding in which to create a truly satisfying healthcare career.
Healthcare Professionals with Highest Demand in Australia
Health is an important and boisterous sector in the Australian labour market, creating a lot of immigration opportunities for individuals interested in immigrating. In developing a pathway for those healthcare professionals who plan to migrate to Australia, high-need roles must be specified, along with the demands that correspond to such needs.
Some of the high-demand roles in Australia include:
Registered Nurses
Medical Doctors
Occupational Therapists
Speech Pathologists
Radiographers and Sonographers
Why Australia is the right place for Health Care
Australia is an ideal destination for healthcare professionals, offering a unique blend of career advancement, lifestyle benefits, and opportunities for long-term residency through Australia PR (Permanent Residency).
1. Diverse Career Opportunities:
Australia has one of the largest healthcare workforces in the world.
The available opportunities encompass a broad spectrum of specializations, including general practice, radiology, speech therapy, and many others.
2. Variety of Work Environments:
Health professionals have a wide choice of work environments such as public and private hospitals, aged care homes, mental health centres, or community health facilities.
3. Competitive Salaries:
High demand for health professionals allows competitive salaries to be offered, in many cases higher than the rest of the world.
Although the cost of living would be higher, the compensation packages offered would provide a better quality of life.
4. Career Development and Growth:
Australia offers excellent career growth opportunities along with quality education provided by educational institutions and in-house training.
The professionals will get ample opportunity for upskilling to take on new roles or specializations that would further extend their careers.
5. Work-Life Balance:
The Australian health sector has a focus on work-life balance, manageable patient ratios, and reasonable hours.
This approach to work-life balance enables health professionals to have quality personal time while serving with professionalism.
6. Livable Cities:
Australian cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane are repeatedly listed among the top livable cities in the world.
These cities have been considered to accord safety, excellent public transport, a clean environment, and the best in healthcare infrastructure.
7. Good Weather and Lifestyle:
The perfect climate of Australia for outdoor activities lets one enjoy sunny days at most times of the year and experience only mild winters.
The lively arts scene, the rich food culture, and the laid-back lifestyle of the country are magnets that draw many in.
Australia PR Process Step by Step for Medical Healthcare Workers:
Australia PR Process for Healthcare Workers
1. Eligibility Assessment:
Occupation Lists: Check whether your profession is on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) or the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), since many healthcare professions, such as nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals, usually fall under it.
Skill Assessment: A positive skill assessment from the assessing authority concerned for your occupation. For example, nurses are assessed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC).
 Generally, yes; health professionals need a license to practice in Australia. The requirements differ from profession to profession, and each has its own state or territory variations, so this is but a general overview:
 A. Medical Practitioners (Doctors)
Medical Registration: It is required for physicians to be registered to practice in Australia with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Specialist Recognition: Specialists should have their qualifications recognized by the appropriate Australian speciality college.
B. Nurses and Midwives
Nursing and Midwifery Registration: The nurse/midwife needs to be registered on the list of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) under AHPRA.
English Language Requirements: Nurses and midwives are required to demonstrate specific English language competency, which is most often assured through test certificates like IELTS or PTE Academic.
 C. Dentists
Dental Registration: The dentists shall be listed on the Dental Board of Australia, similarly managed by AHPRA.
Overseas Qualifications: Overseas-trained dentists may have to go through an examination process via the Australian Dental Council (ADC) before getting their registration.
D. Physiotherapists
Physiotherapy Registration: The physiotherapists are supposed to be registered with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia under AHPRA.
Competency Assessment: Overseas qualifications must be assessed by the Australian Physiotherapy Council (APC) before registration.
 E. Occupational Therapists
Occupational Therapy Registration: Occupational therapists have to register themselves with the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia under AHPRA.
Qualification Assessment: Overseas qualifications are assessed by the Occupational Therapy Council (OTC).
 F. Pharmacists
Registration in Pharmacy: Pharmacists must be registered with the Pharmacy Board of Australia under AHPRA.
Qualification and Exam: Overseas-trained pharmacists can apply but must pass the APC exams, held by the Australian Pharmacy Council.
 G. Other Allied Health Professionals
Registration: Physiotherapy, radiography, and speech pathology are included and hence require registration with their respective boards under AHPRA.
Assessment and Registration: Each profession has its requirements for assessment and registration that commonly involve the verification of qualifications and proficiency in the English language.
 H. Special Cases
Mutual Recognition Agreements: Some countries have agreements with Australia that may facilitate the registration process of particular healthcare professionals.
With proper AHPRA registration or professional board registration, before practice, practitioners are proven to satisfy the standards to ensure the offering of safe and effective health care across Australia.
2. English Proficiency Requirement:
IELTS/PTE: Pass the required scores in the English language test that ranges from IELTS to PTE Academic. Usually, healthcare professionals need high-level proficiency.
3. Expression of Interest:
Skill Select: You will have to lodge an EOI through the Skill Select system of the Australian government, which will then outline your skills, experience, and qualifications.
Points Test: The system gives you points for different things, including your age, education, work experience, and competency in the English language. While the minimum a person needs to qualify is 65 points, higher scores make a person's possibility of getting an invitation even higher.
4. Visa Application:
Skilled Independent Visa, subclass 189: You can live and work anywhere in Australia without any sponsorship requirements.
Subclass 190, Skilled Nominated Visa: Must be nominated by a state or territory government of Australia. You must commit to living and working in that state for at least two years.
Skilled Work Regional Visa Subclass 491: Availability for applicants willing to stay in and work from regional areas of Australia. These can be nominated by any state/territory government or can also get sponsorship from eligible family members.
5. Letter of Invitation:
An invitation allows one to submit a visa application within 60 days with all required documents such as skills assessment, English test results, and proof of work experience.
6. Health and Character Requirements:
Medical Clearance: You need to undertake a health check to prove that you meet the required health standards in Australia. You will need to show police clearance certificates of every country that you have stayed in for more than 6 months during the last 10 years.
7. Visa Grant:
If selected, you will be issued with a PR visa for Australia, which you can use to reside and work as a healthcare professional in Australia for your lifetime.
8. Relocate and Get Employed:
On receipt of PR, you can relocate to Australia and practice your profession. Some may be expected to get additional licenses or their credentials registered if that is asked by the state or territory.
This process will ensure that the qualified healthcare worker can contribute to Australia's healthcare system while reaping benefits accruing from permanent residency.
Australia PR offers a direct route to long-term residency among medical practitioners. Permanent residency will give you all the rights and freedoms to stay in the country with probably the most developed healthcare system in the world.
Australia has provided immense opportunities for you to make a career in healthcare. Its high-demand health and care sector requires skilled and committed professionals. Indeed, this career pathway in Australia will grant you Australia PR and make your professional journey successful and lucrative. Contemplating this vital step in life, allow Aptech Visa to assist and guide you through the Australia PR process of Australia in the most impeccable manner. For more queries and concerns you can write to us at [email protected] you can also give a call to our Australia PR consultants at 7503832132 you can also refer to https://www.aptechvisa.com/australia-pr
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mamellotshepang · 29 days
Blog 2-Psychosocial block
Importance of social support networks on mental health; OT perspective
Imagine being alone with no one to talk to, no one to share your thoughts with and no one being there to comfort you…sad right? Being able to socialize with people in your environment is crucial to one’s mental well-being. It is when you socialize within your environment that you discover all the available support networks there are. OT fosters a sense of community which is what social support networks are-a community. From an occupational therapy student` perspective, social support networks play an important role in enhancing overall well-being and improving daily functioning. We understand that that mental health is deeply intertwined with one's ability to engage in meaningful activities and roles.
We are currently in our Psychosocial block, and I can see how mental health plays a big role in the daily functioning of a person. Someone with depression might not want to engage in ADLs and iADL due to them feeling down and closed in. They are closed in and aren’t reaching out. It is only when someone who sees them (OT`s) and offers support do they enter the journey of recovery. A poem written by Rupi Kaur, a well-known poet touched my heart and made me think of social networks and supports on mental health. It says,
when the world comes crashing at your feet
it’s okay to let others
help pick up the pieces
if we’re present to take part in your happiness
when your circumstances are great
we are more than capable
of sharing your pain
- community (Kaur, 2017)
It is such a privilege for us UKZN students as we have student support services on campus. They can help with us when we are feeling depressed, when we have anxiety. They enhance our emotional wellbeing as university students. I remember my first time going to student support services after suffering a burnout during first year. I felt lost and so exhausted. I saw that keeping it to myself was doing more damage than good and at the time we had mentors. My mentor booked me a session and within a week of attending therapy sessions, I felt better emotionally and engaged well in my occupations. This experience made me realise the power and impact social support networks have on ones wellbeing.
OT has taught me the importance of support groups in mental health problems like depression, anxiety, substance abuse, GBV and more. Coming together to assist each other in difficult times is amazing. The sense of universality, altruism and installation of hope that come through during group therapy is essential to mental health. Studies have shown that having strong social connections such as group support systems can significantly impact mental health by reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. According to a review published in JAMA Network Open, individuals with robust social networks experience lower rates of depression and anxiety, and they report higher levels of life satisfaction and well-being (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015).
Social support networks play a crucial role in all facets of our life, impacting our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We can improve our everyday functioning, resilience, and general well-being by establishing strong, supportive relationships. It's important to keep in mind the priceless value of real, face-to-face contacts and the significant influence they have on our general health and happiness in a society where digital connections are valued more and more.
Holt-Lunstad, J., Smith, T. B., & Layton, J. B. (2015). Social relationships and mortality risk: A meta-analytic review. JAMA Network Open, 10(3), 113-125.
Kaur, R. (2017). The Sun and Her Flowers. Simon & Schuster Uk.
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