#health service field occupations
lcgoccupationalhealth · 5 months
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Your Comprehensive Destination for Employee Wellbeing Services.
Occupational Health (OH) is a specialist branch of healthcare concerned with the effects of work upon health and health upon work.
Good employee health and wellbeing contribute to business performance, enhance employee engagement, and reduce avoidable business costs relating to sickness absence and lost productivity.
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satellitebroadcast · 27 days
Palestinian Territory – Israel’s massive military operation in the northern occupied West Bank is a part of the widespread and dangerous aggression that it has been waging against the Palestinian people for decades. The current Israeli violence in the West Bank also includes the violence of armed settler groups and an expansion of the ongoing genocide that has occurring in the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023. In the last few months, the West Bank-based Euro-Med Monitor field team has observed an increase in both the number and severity of the Israeli army’s killings and crimes of storming and destruction against Palestinians there. Members of the field team also note that Israel is allowing and supporting its settlers’ attacks and violent crimes against Palestinians in different parts of the West Bank, including crimes of murder, threats, and destruction of private and immovable property, as well as the destruction and theft of agricultural crops. With the Israeli army’s recent announcement of the start of a massive military operation known as “Summer Camps” that targets the northern West Bank, the attacks have taken on an increasingly severe form. To date, the Israeli army has killed nine Palestinians and injured at least eighteen more during the “Summer Camps” operation, according to an initial toll. The operations have been concentrated in Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarem.
At midnight on Tuesday and early on Wednesday, Israeli forces began storming the cities and camps of Jenin, Tubas, and Tulkarem from several axes, imposing a tight siege on them. The forces were supported by a large number of vehicles and bulldozers, and were also under the cover of Israeli helicopters and drones. Large numbers of Israeli occupation army forces stormed Jenin, breaking through Al-Jalameh military checkpoint. They surrounded the Jenin Government Hospital and the Ibn Sina Hospital, causing violent clashes that resulted in the deaths of two young men, Qassam Muhammad Jabarin (25 years old) and Asim Walid Dabaya (39 years old), as well as numerous injuries. Three additional young men were killed when an Israeli drone bombed a car between the villages of Seir and Masiliya, south of Jenin. This attack is part of Israel’s return, since last October, to using warplanes, helicopters, and drones of all kinds to launch air raids on Palestinian homes, cars, and gatherings in the West Bank. No less than 47 raids have been carried out by Israel since October 2023, resulting in numerous Palestinian deaths and injuries. In Tubas, the Euro-Med Monitor team documented an Israeli drone attack on a gathering of people in the Fara’a camp, south of the city. Israeli forces established a strict siege on the Fara'a camp and stopped ambulance services from accessing the targeted area. The Israeli attack resulted in the killing of four young Palestinians, including two children: Murad (13 years old; last name unknown), Muhammad Masoud Ja’aysah (17 years old), Ibrahim Abdul Qader Ghanimi (22 years old), and Ahmed Saleh Nabrisi (23 years old). Immediately after entering the West Bank, the Israeli army began besieging hospitals, ambulances, and emergency centres, replicating its horrifying and systematic policy of breaching and taking control of health institutions that it has employed in the Gaza Strip. Director of Jenin Government Hospital Dr Wissam Bakr stated that he received a notification from the Palestinian Liaison Office about the Israeli army’s intention to storm the hospital, which is now under siege. Under heavy drone attacks, Israeli army forces stormed Tulkarem from its western axis, broke into in its neighbourhoods, and stationed infantry and sniper teams in the farms and forests that surround the camp. In the Nour Shams camp, an Israeli drone bombed Al-Manshiya neighbourhood, injuring several Palestinians. Along with besieging Al-Israa Specialised Hospital in the western neighbourhood and the Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital, Israeli forces also stopped ambulances and seized one of them right in front of the Governmental Hospital before searching it.
In all areas it invaded, the Israeli army forces destroyed property, infrastructure, and streets. Simultaneously, with the storming of these areas, raid and arrest campaigns were carried out in most cities in the West Bank amidst gunfire that resulted in the injury of many Palestinians. Since last October, 660 Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed as a result of the Israeli military’s systematic, large-scale, premeditated killings. Israel is planning to carry out the crime of forced displacement in the West Bank, as it has against thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. This is particularly evident in the public statements and incitements made by ministers within the Israeli government, such as Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who stated that Israel must treat the West Bank “just as we deal with the infrastructure in Gaza, including temporary evacuation of residents and any steps that may be required”. According to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, “an organised evacuation of the Palestinian civilian population will be carried out according to the…combat centres” during the ongoing military operation. This is a clear indication of Israel’s intention to commit genocide against Palestinians in the West Bank, just as it has done against those in the Gaza Strip. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,416 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,200 Palestinians, including 1,400 children, which is more than double compared to the same period of time before 7 October 2023, which saw 1,299 Palestinians displaced, including 606 children. The demolitions after last October include over 500 inhabited structures, 100 uninhabited residential structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water and sanitation (WASH) structures, 200 livelihood structures, and about 100 infrastructure and other structures. Some 28 incidents of demolition and destruction of infrastructure, mostly in Tulkarem and Jenin, constitute the majority of the targeted structures. In its advisory opinion on 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel’s planning policy regarding Palestinian construction, particularly its practice of demolishing Palestinian property and homes differently than settlers’ property and homes and without justification, constitutes prohibited discrimination and violates Article 2, paragraph 1, and 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Article 2, paragraph 2 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; and Article 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. As a result, it represents one of Israel’s aspects of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.
Without the cover and cooperation of the United States and some European countries, and amid near silence from the international community, Israel’s crime of genocide could not have occurred and escalated in the Gaza Strip and now be extended to the West Bank. The majority of the world’s nations must accept their responsibilities and take concrete action to protect Palestinian civilians, halt the mass killings, and stop the genocide from being completed. As part of their international obligations, all nations must impose strong sanctions on Israel and halt all forms of military, political, and financial assistance. This includes immediately cutting off all arms transfers to Israel, including export permits and military aid; otherwise, these nations will be complicit in and partners in the Israeli crimes committed in the Gaza Strip, including the crime of genocide. Since the crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip are international crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, it is imperative that the Court move forward with its investigation into all crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, plus broaden its investigation into individual criminal responsibility for these crimes, in order to hold all perpetrators accountable, and issue arrest warrants against them. Along with putting an immediate stop to Israel’s illegal occupation and settler-colonisation of Palestinian land, including the Gaza Strip, the international community must also work to remove the apartheid regime that is currently imposed on all Palestinians; lift the illegal blockade that has been placed on the Gaza Strip and its inhabitants for 17 years now; and take decisive action to support the path of Palestinian liberation and Palestinians’ right to self-determination.
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opencommunion · 4 months
"The Gaza Strip’s collapsing health system is under further strain after the Israeli army intensified bombing in Rafah’s Tal as-Sultan area and other parts of the enclave, a day after an attack on a camp in Rafah killed 45 Palestinians.
The Indonesian Field Hospital is the latest medical facility in Rafah to be hit with the attack on Monday causing damage to the hospital’s upper floors. Medical staff and patients are reportedly trapped inside the facility, where many Palestinian families are also taking shelter.
Earlier on Monday, Rafah’s Kuwait Speciality Hospital was forced to shut down after an Israeli attack just outside the gates of the hospital killed two of its medical staff.
Witnesses said the victims were hit by fire from an Israeli aircraft. The hospital was treating most of the 249 wounded in Israel’s attack on Sunday night on a camp for displaced people.
The director of the hospital, Dr Suhaib al-Hams, said the facility was put out of service over 'Israeli occupation forces’ expansion of their military operation in Rafah and their repeated and deliberate attacks on the hospital and its vicinity.'
Dr Mohammed Tahir, an orthopaedic surgeon who volunteered to work in Rafah’s European Gaza Hospital, told Al Jazeera the closure of Kuwait Specialty Hospital puts the people in Rafah in severe danger. 'What we’re experiencing here is a multipronged attack unfortunately where not only are the people being attacked directly, they are also being blocked from receiving critical medical services,' Tahir said. 'The Kuwaiti Hospital was evacuated – that is the main hospital – and they are moving to al-Mawasi, where they have a field hospital, which is not quite ready. And in the meantime, quadcopters … are restricting the movements of ambulances, so those who are injured cannot even receive help,' he added.
In central Gaza, hundreds of Palestinians receiving care at Deir el-Balah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital are also believed to be in imminent danger as the facility is on the verge of shutdown due to Israeli forces blocking its fuel supply.
Israeli forces have damaged, destroyed or occupied 24 hospitals in the Strip since October 7, leaving only six partially functioning facilities out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals. Israel has been blocking lifesaving supplies reaching health facilities across the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war." 28 May 24
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stellar-haikyuu · 21 days
honestly, what cemented ennoshita as my top fave hq character was that he became a physical therapist.
initially, i loved him a lot because his story of running away but coming back to face it all resonated with me. also he's really cute hehe. however, i have a lot of love for allied health/rehab professionals and what they do. it's not easy, despite what some people may think.
for context, i'm a speech-language pathology student. i frequently meet other physical therapy and occupational therapy students, and i really respect what they do (physical therapists, in particular, because i still struggle to wrap my head around all the kinds of things under their scope).
so, when i saw "ennoshita chikara (22) physical therapist" i downright screamed in joy at the allied health representation, and how fitting it is for ennoshita to be in that field.
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"ah, he's pretty dedicated to his job, huh?" I KNOW IT'S JUST ONE LINE BUT 😭 i admire service-oriented people driven by genuine love, and ennoshita is just THAT. to him, it's not being flashy or getting something in return. he will stay committed and do his best to be reliable.
furthermore, ennoshita is amazing at reading and understanding people. that is such an important trait to have when interacting with clients. all disabilities greatly impact one's life; the last thing anyone needs is a dismissive and inconsiderate care provider.
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it makes me so happy that he ends up here. all his strengths and growth as a high school volleyball player translated well into his future occupation.
also, it's so sweet to see that there are opportunities for him to reconnect with his love for volleyball, despite no longer being a player. the captain in him definitely comes out when talking to clients involved in sports!
anyway, thank you furudate-sensei for ennoshita chikara (22) physical therapist.
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rainbowywitch · 9 days
Jabalia Rehabilitation Society is the only institution in the northern Gaza Strip that provides services to a large group of people with disabilities, especially those with hearing disabilities. It is considered a center for health, psychological and educational support in Jabalia camp that is no less important than government institutions. It is considered one of the contributing and supporting institutions alongside the government health and educational centers in the camp and shares the burden and community services with those centers.
Since the beginning of the war on Gaza on October 7, the institution has been a center for sheltering thousands of displaced civilians, especially those with disabilities and their families who benefit from the institution's services. However, after the Israeli occupation forces entered Jabalia camp for the second time in the war on May 12, they destroyed and burned all the buildings and facilities of the association after it had been a shelter for thousands of displaced people. https://gofund.me/6f974a1b
Campaign to rebuild hope for people with disabilities by rebuilding and restoring their institution in the northern Gaza Strip :
Who are we? Jabalia Rehabilitation Society is a Palestinian non-governmental community organization that does not seek to achieve material profit, but rather seeks to achieve social justice among members of the same community and to defend persons with disabilities as the main beneficiaries of the society. It was established in the northern Gaza Strip governorate in Jabalia camp on August 1, 1991 with voluntary efforts and financial and in-kind assistance from UNRWA in Gaza - Disability Program. The society is the first community rehabilitation center established in partnership with UNRWA in Gaza. It is registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and holds registration certificate number 4010. Jabalia Society is a member of (the Network of Civil Society Organizations, the Coordination Committee for Community Rehabilitation Centers, the Gathering of Rehabilitation Institutions in Northern Gaza), and it is also a member of (the Network of Arab Organizations) at the regional level. The association’s main headquarters contains three main buildings: 1- The association’s administration building, which includes the secretariat and reception, the association’s director’s office, the audiology and speech clinics, the project management department, the accounting department and the association’s executive management, and the community activities department. 2- Jabalia Joint School for the Education of the Deaf building, which provides educational services to more than 90 male and female students with hearing disabilities, distributed over three different age groups (kindergarten - primary stage - preparatory stage). 3- The third building includes the institution’s warehouses, the theater, and a number of offices. 4- External facilities, consisting of a sports field, a sandy yard, a green garden, a cafeteria, and a beneficiaries’ lounge. The association provides its services and activities to more than 40,000 beneficiaries annually from the North Gaza Strip Governorate, through its staff of about 80 employees, including (46) permanent basic employees, and the rest are distributed between temporary contracts and volunteers. Employees with disabilities constitute about 20% of the total number of employees in the association. The activities and services of Jabalia Rehabilitation Association revolve around (7) basic programs, 1- Audiology Program, 2- Speech and Language 3- Community Rehabilitation 4- Capacity Building 5- Teaching children with hearing impairment 6- Physiotherapy. 7- Relief Aid.
Why do we collect donations? Jabalia Rehabilitation Society is the only institution in the northern Gaza Strip that provides services to a large group of people with disabilities, especially those with hearing disabilities. It is considered a center for health, psychological and educational support in Jabalia camp that is no less important than government institutions. It is considered one of the contributing and supporting institutions alongside the government health and educational centers in the camp and shares the burden and community services with those centers. Since the beginning of the war on Gaza on October 7, the institution has been a center for sheltering thousands of displaced civilians, especially those with disabilities and their families who benefit from the institution's services. However, after the Israeli occupation forces entered Jabalia camp for the second time in the war on May 12, they destroyed and burned all the buildings and facilities of the association after it had been a shelter for thousands of displaced people.
So, on behalf of the disabled and the beneficiaries of the Foundation’s services, I address you through this platform to convey their voice to you. They need your support and assistance in rebuilding and restoring the Foundation so that it can reopen its doors to carry out its societal mission by providing services to those in need and contributing to alleviating the suffering of displaced families, especially those with disabilities, and to be a safe haven for them during this war.
How will these donations be used? These donations will be collected to restore and rebuild the Association's buildings and facilities destroyed by the war and equip them with the necessary tools and equipment, which is estimated to cost approximately $300,000. 1- The cost of rebuilding and renovating the three buildings of the institution is estimated at $255,000, meaning that each building is estimated to cost $85,000 to rebuild and renovate. ( 3 × $85,000 = $255,000 ) 2- The cost of restoring and rebuilding the Association's external facilities is estimated at $45,000. In the first phase, the building that includes clinics and service offices for citizens will be equipped to ensure the continuation of providing services to those who deserve them during and after the war. In the second phase, if the appropriate conditions are available during the war to continue the restoration and reconstruction, the remaining buildings will be equipped, but if it is not possible to continue in the second phase, it will be postponed until after the war.
How does your donation and support make a difference?
Your support and donation to them is a noble humanitarian purpose that supports and enhances the resilience of civilians during this war and after the war. This contribution that you will provide, even if it is small, will make a big difference in the lives of these displaced families and families benefiting from the Foundation's services in the North Gaza Governorate.
Please help them restore and rebuild their institution and create a safe environment that will provide them with a bright future so that they can live in dignity, security and peace and start again to achieve their ambitions and dreams .
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merrock · 2 months
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face claim: Ramin Karimloo
full name: Cyrus Amani
nickname(s) / goes by: Cyrus
pronouns & gender: Cis man, he/him
sexuality: Bisexual
birth date: May 19th, 1984
birth place: Tehran, Iran
arrival to merrock: December 2023
housing: The Suburbs
occupation: Cardiothoracic surgeon
work place: Merrock Hospital
family: Mother and younger siblings in Toronto
relationship status: Single
Cyrus is a generally goodhearted, community-oriented, and witty man, always wanting to be there for people, regardless if he has a connection to them or not. He makes sure to be considerate of others (especially regarding patients, who he has an immense soft spot for.) Despite this, he is rather headstrong and irrational (and in that area, a bit hard to read), often thinking about things and jumping to conclusions without seeing the bigger picture. In addition, he is rather secretive, and has difficulty opening up to others about his past.
WRITTEN BY: Dove (they/them), est.
triggering / sensitive content: parental death, mental health
Cyrus Amani was born on May 19th, 1984 to a young Iranian couple who wanted the best for their son. When he was 3, they relocated to Toronto, Canada, for Cyrus (and later, his two younger siblings) to have better opportunities. His father worked part-time as a volunteer firefighter, which inspired Cyrus’ interest in helping people. Of course, being a firefighter seemed a bit overwhelming, but the idea of working in the medical field piqued his curiosity. While he had many hobbies growing up, medical work had always been his top interest. He would spend hours researching the field and all the different career paths on end, and his family was incredibly encouraging whenever he brought the topic up.
After high school, Cyrus attended university in Toronto, though was less fortunate when it came to applying for medical school. He eventually decided to go down to the US but was stuck between several states before deciding on Portland, Maine. When he arrived, he was immediately captivated by the scenery. Despite this, he was unsure if he could ever really call Maine “home,” because for so long, Toronto had been his home. After graduating, he decided to stay a bit longer in Portland to get a feel for the area better. He completed his five-year general residency program in the city and began his three-year Cardiothoracic program there as well.
After a few months, he received a call that nearly changed the course of his life. His father had been critically injured due to an accidental fall, and things weren’t looking so good. Cyrus rushed home to Toronto to say goodbye and was especially devastated due to his father being his top role model in life. His mental health plummeted greatly, and he was heavily conflicted about returning to Portland to finish his residency because of it. He stayed with his mother and siblings for a while to ensure their well-being and went back to Portland later that year. He figured would never really get over his father’s passing and would just have to find ways to cope with it.
After finishing the program, he became officially licensed in 2018—yet he chose to stay in Maine due to his license only applying to the United States. A few years later, he adopted a golden retriever puppy, Charlie, to help take his mind off stress (and to have company in his apartment), and he trained Charlie to become his psychiatric service dog when she was old enough. He worked in the city hospital up until late 2023 when he took Charlie and moved to Merrock to give the whole small-town life a try.
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mariacallous · 7 months
“My brain will desperately want to forget all this,” narrates journalist Mstyslav Chernov over footage he filmed of city workers adding bodies to a mass grave in Mariupol, “but the camera will not let it happen.”
At the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Chernov, along with his Associated Press colleagues, photographer Evgeniy Maloletka and field producer Vasilisa Stepanenko, were the last international media left reporting from the besieged city of Mariupol. Those who remained within the city faced significant risks as Russian forces advanced.
The footage they captured for the AP, including famous scenes from the aftermath of the Russian airstrike on a maternity hospital on March 9, 2022, horrified the world and arguably contributed to mobilizing international aid for Ukraine.
The documentary film "20 Days in Mariupol" pieces together this footage in chronological order. It earned a nomination for Best Documentary Feature Film at this year's Oscars, which are scheduled to air on March 10, and there's a strong likelihood that the film will win.
The Oscar nomination is a first for Ukrainian cinema and a victory for “20 Days in Mariupol” would be a historic milestone for Ukrainian culture during the country's darkest hour. But many are hoping that it will also bring renewed global focus on the stark brutality of Russia's war crimes as the full-scale war enters its third year.
Creeping horror
Prior to the full-scale invasion, Mariupol was home to around 540,000 people and  considered one of the largest cities in Ukraine, according to data in a report published by Human Rights Watch, Truth Hounds, and SITU Research this February. Mariupol’s residents endured relentless bombardments for eight weeks until the city fell under total Russian occupation in May 2022. The city’s destruction is one of the first major war crimes committed by Russia during its all-out war against Ukraine.
The authors from the report “Our City Was Gone: Russia’s Devastation of Mariupol, Ukraine” estimate that around 400,000 of the city’s residents were able to flee the city by mid-May 2022. However, those who remained “were left for months without basic services, including electricity, running water, and health care.”
The exact death toll from Russia’s siege on Mariupol is unknown given that the city remains under occupation. Official estimates range between 10,000 and 25,000 people, but the actual number is likely higher.
Critical infrastructure was targeted by Russian forces early on in the siege, meaning that Mariupol’s residents were left “without (widespread) access to running water, electricity, gas, heating, telecommunications, or information about what was happening around them in the city or the broader (war).”
The report also incorporates testimonies from multiple survivors, giving added context to what viewers see in “20 Days in Mariupol.” For example, there is the testimony of  a 57-year-old English teacher who sought refuge with her husband at the city’s Regional Intensive Care Hospital. The woman suffered a broken arm during the Russian shelling of her neighborhood, while her husband sustained injuries to his face, jaw, and legs, rendering him unable to eat or speak. Doctors in the city increasingly struggled to provide sufficient medical care to patients such as the couple, as the city was under a blockade, and their supplies were rapidly diminishing. They were soon compelled to conduct amputations for the more severely injured patients under improvised anesthesia. Patients moved to the basement after the Regional Intensive Care Hospital was targeted by Russian forces on March 13. “There were hundreds of people in the basement. It’s hard to figure out how many. The basement was packed. There were mattresses and we had some ventilation. But there was only a little light, no water, and no toilets. The hospital had a generator, so we sometimes had electricity,” the woman recalled.
The bodies of at least 10 people who later died from their injuries or other complications had to be removed from the basement, the woman added.
The authors of the report collected multiple testimonies of how Russian forces deliberately targeted civilians.
A member of the Mariupol City Council, Halyna Morokhovska, managed a shelter for civilians that was targeted by Russian forces on March 15, 2022. There were 172 people in the building at the time of the attack.
“There was a lot of shelling, lots of loud explosions ... Suddenly I heard a long hum, like a ‘uuuuuuuuuuuuu’ sound, and then my ears were ringing. I was later told that there was a large crater in front of the building,” Morokhovska said.
“Then I saw (a woman) buried under bricks, with parts of her body sticking out. The right-hand side of my body, especially my leg, had been badly injured by shrapnel. My thigh and my face were bleeding, and blood was flowing into my eyes and mouth.”
‘Film how these f**kers are killing civilians’
“20 Days in Mariupol” captures all this horror as it begins to unfold. Having previously reported on Russia’s attempts to take the city in 2014, Chernov and his colleagues knew that it would once again become a target and decided to return there in 2022.
The first death seen on film is at a hospital on the city’s outskirts, located just a few kilometers from the front line.
Russian forces had not yet entered the city, but the sound of fighter jets overhead and increased shelling prompted residents to seek shelter wherever they could find it.
As Chernov explains to the tense soldiers at the hospital perimeter that he has to film because it is a "historic war," their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of an ambulance. Inside, paramedics are desperately trying to save a four-year-old girl.
“My baby, oh God,” her mother wails. “Please save my child.”
Chernov follows them with his camera as she is transported onto a gurney and brought inside the hospital. After a few minutes, it becomes clear that the little girl cannot be saved, leading to increasing emotional distress among the doctors and nurses.
“It’s good that the press is here,” one of the doctors says angrily. “Film how these f***kers are killing civilians. That’s how (Russia) ‘saves’ people.”
The little girl’s name was Anhelina. Throughout the film, Chernov tries to name the victims whenever he can in his voiceover narration, so that they are not perceived by the viewer as mere statistics.
The deaths of multiple children — including infants — are seen in the film along with the heart-wrenching sight of grieving parents struggling to come to terms with their loss. In one scene, a teary-eyed girl timidly confesses in a shelter that she’s afraid and doesn't want to die. These are perhaps the most difficult scenes to sit through — but they are also important as they underscore the sheer brutality of Russia’s war.
While it might be viewed by some as a controversial decision, the film also chooses not to shy away from the darker moments of the siege on Mariupol. For example, a distressed woman watches helplessly as her store is looted by locals. There are also some Mariupol residents who, due to the spread of misinformation, believe that it’s the Ukrainian army attacking them.
However, there are many more Mariupol residents who declare to the camera — either through tears or anger — that they don’t want their city to be part of Russia.
As Chernov notes in his voiceover narration, war has a way of amplifying a person’s character. After the credits roll in "20 Days in Mariupol," the viewer will inevitably ponder the fate of each individual depicted in the film — whether they succeeded in escaping the city, currently live under occupation, or were later killed by Russian forces.
Getting the truth out
Russia's war against Ukraine has been frequently called "the most documented war in history" because of the extensive footage captured since Feb. 24, 2022. But the pervasive nature of Russian propaganda has led some to still not fully grasp the horror of the violence Russia has inflicted upon Ukraine.
This is a problem that “20 Days in Mariupol” acknowledges, ending with footage of Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya being confronted by journalists about the footage Chernov, Maloletka, and Stepanenko captured in Mariupol.
Nebenzya tells reporters that there are “so many fakes” and complains about a so-called information war against Russia. Chernov juxtaposes this in the film with footage of Mariupol city residents navigating through a completely destroyed urban landscape, highlighting the grim reality of Russia's "liberation."
Russia's global-scale information war persists as Ukrainian civilians nationwide face repeated targeting through shelling, missiles, and drone strikes.
On Jan. 3, the Emilia Romagna Cultural Association announced an event in the Italian city of Modena focusing on the purported "rebirth" of Mariupol and Russia's claimed "rapid reconstruction" efforts in the occupied city.
The Facebook post about the event, which was written in both Italian and Russian, referred to Russia’s “liberation” of Mariupol. Russian Ambassador to Italy Dmitry Shodin and Eliseo Bertolasi, an Italian journalist with pro-Kremlin leanings, were scheduled as speakers.
Thanks to pushback from Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry and the Ukrainian community in Italy, Modena city officials revoked permission for the event on Jan. 9. But the fact that it was even approved in the first place points to the urgency of not letting the world forget about Russia's ongoing war crimes against Ukrainian civilians.
Tetyana Denford and Darya Zorka, who translated the film into English for Frontline PBS, wanted to do their part to help reveal the truth about what happened in Mariupol, despite the emotional toll they knew it would take on them.
“We’d only recently found out about the Russian atrocities in the Kyiv region (when we got hold of the footage) and we knew that Mariupol was likely much worse,” Zorka told the Kyiv Independent.
“However, we didn’t fully understand the scale of destruction and Russian barbarism until we saw the raw footage from the city.”
It would sometimes take Zorka two hours to translate a two-minute segment because she couldn’t stop crying. Likewise, Denford began to consult a therapist because she realized that the second-hand trauma she experienced from watching the footage was affecting her day-to-day life.
“But I realized how urgent this was, and I became sort of robotic in my work. I couldn't stop until I finished whatever I had on my desk that day, as long as it took,” Denford said.
The announcement of the film's Oscar nomination in mid-January represents a significant milestone for Ukrainian culture amid an ongoing war for the country's survival. For the two translators, it’s important that more people will now be talking about what’s happening in Ukraine at a point when coverage of the war is dwindling from international news cycles.
“It just shows you that creativity, art, cinema… these are ways where people can learn more of the truth, instead of just watching the news unfold. We can reach people with these ways on a much bigger scale,” Denford said.
“You just have to be human, and believe that people have a right to tell their stories. We all just have to give each other the space and respect to tell our truth. Otherwise, we have nothing left.” At the same time, this achievement comes at a great cost to Ukraine and has been followed by countless other atrocities, such as the Bucha massacre, the discovery of mass graves in liberated Izium, and the brutal Russian capture of cities like Bakhmut and Avdiivka.
“I would give all the Oscars in the world for the people of Mariupol to be alive and just live their lives like the rest of us,” Zorka said.
“No Oscar can return the tens of thousands of people killed or heal the millions of those who witnessed unspeakable horrors.”
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moonlight-yuyu · 25 days
for the career/school reading please 🫶
Taurus sun 6H
Gemini moon 8H
Taurus mercury 7H
Aries Venus 5H
Aquarius mars 3H
Scorpio rising
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
University Majors
Sun in Taurus in the 6th House
Health and Wellness: Taurus in the 6th house suggests a strong connection to health, routines, and service. Majoring in fields like nutrition, health sciences, physical therapy, or occupational therapy could be highly fulfilling. These areas align with your practical approach and desire to help others through health and wellness.
Environmental Science or Agriculture: Taurus also has a connection to nature and sustainability. Consider majors related to environmental science, agriculture, or sustainable development. These fields allow you to work with the earth and contribute to its preservation.
Business Management: Your practical and reliable nature can also be well-suited for business management or administration. You might enjoy roles that involve organizing, planning, and improving systems.
Moon in Gemini in the 8th House
Psychology or Counseling: Gemini’s intellectual curiosity combined with the 8th house’s focus on transformation and deep emotional processes points to fields like psychology, counseling, or social work. You could excel in roles that require understanding complex emotional dynamics and facilitating personal growth.
Finance or Investments: The 8th house also relates to shared resources and financial matters. Majoring in finance, investment analysis, or financial planning might appeal to you, allowing you to delve into complex financial systems and strategies.
Research or Forensic Science: Gemini’s analytical skills and the 8th house’s focus on uncovering hidden information could lead you to fields like research or forensic science, where you can investigate and analyze data to uncover deeper insights.
Mercury in Taurus in the 7th House
Communication or Law: Mercury in Taurus suggests a methodical and practical approach to communication. Majoring in fields related to communication, law, or negotiation might be a good fit. You could thrive in roles that require clear, logical thinking and persuasive communication.
Diplomacy or International Relations: The 7th house’s focus on partnerships and relationships combined with Mercury’s communication skills points to diplomacy or international relations. You could be drawn to roles that involve negotiating and building relationships across cultures and organizations.
Venus in Aries in the 5th House
Creative Arts or Design: Venus in Aries and the 5th house’s association with creativity suggests a strong inclination towards the arts, design, or performance. Consider majors in art, graphic design, theater, or fashion, where you can channel your creative energy and bold ideas.
Sports Management or Physical Education: If you have a passion for sports or physical activities, you might be drawn to sports management, physical education, or related fields. These areas align with your energetic and competitive nature.
Mars in Aquarius in the 3rd House
Technology or Engineering: Mars in Aquarius indicates an innovative and forward-thinking approach, particularly in technology. Majoring in fields like computer science, engineering, or information technology could be highly satisfying, allowing you to work on cutting-edge projects and solve complex problems.
Communications or Media: The 3rd house’s focus on communication combined with Mars’ dynamic energy suggests careers in media, journalism, or digital content creation. You might enjoy roles that involve communicating ideas and engaging with a wide audience.
Career Paths
Sun in Taurus in the 6th House
Healthcare Professional or Administrator: Your practical and service-oriented nature could lead you to a career in healthcare or healthcare administration. Roles in physical therapy, nursing, or healthcare management might be fulfilling.
Sustainability Consultant or Environmental Manager: Working in sustainability or environmental management would allow you to combine your love for nature with practical problem-solving skills.
Moon in Gemini in the 8th House
Financial Analyst or Investment Advisor: Your ability to analyze complex information and your interest in financial matters suggest careers in finance or investments.
Psychologist or Therapist: If you’re drawn to understanding human behavior and emotions, a career in psychology or therapy could be highly rewarding.
Mercury in Taurus in the 7th House
Negotiator or Mediator: Your methodical communication style makes you well-suited for roles involving negotiation, mediation, or diplomacy.
Legal Professional: Careers in law, such as a lawyer or legal advisor, could be a good fit, allowing you to use your practical thinking and communication skills.
Venus in Aries in the 5th House
Creative Director or Performer: Your Venus in Aries and 5th house placement suggest a career in the creative arts. You might thrive as a creative director, performer, or in any role that allows you to express your creativity boldly.
Sports Coach or Fitness Trainer: If you’re passionate about physical fitness or sports, a career as a coach, trainer, or sports manager might be fulfilling.
Mars in Aquarius in the 3rd House
Tech Innovator or Software Developer: Your innovative thinking and interest in technology could lead you to a career in tech, engineering, or software development.
Journalist or Media Specialist: Careers in journalism or media, where you can use your dynamic communication skills and engage with diverse topics, might be highly satisfying.
Combining Your Strengths
Your chart suggests a career path that integrates creativity, analytical skills, practical problem-solving, and a drive for innovation. Consider roles that allow you to:
Combine creativity with practicality: Roles in design, media, or creative direction where you can implement practical solutions to creative challenges.
Work with technology and communication: Careers in tech, media, or communications that leverage your innovative thinking and strong communication skills.
Focus on service and helping others: Opportunities in healthcare, counseling, or finance where you can apply your practical skills and desire to make a positive impact.
Your chart indicates a diverse range of career possibilities that align with your practical, creative, and innovative nature. Whether you choose a path in healthcare, technology, finance, or the arts, you have the potential to excel in roles that allow you to blend your analytical skills, creative energy, and practical problem-solving abilities. Pursue careers where you can make a tangible impact, express your creativity, and work in dynamic and stimulating environments.
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workersolidarity · 9 months
[Scenes of destruction from the latest Israeli occupation airstrike targeting the Deir al-Balah area, killing several Palestinians of the Matar Family]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚑 ☠️ 🚨
The death toll from the genocidal bombing campaign of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) reached outrageous new heights Monday as the IOF committed 13 massacres of Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip in just the past 24-hours.
According to Gaza Ministry of Health spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra, the death toll in the Gaza Strip has reached 21'978, with an additional 57'697 wounded in the genocide, ongoing since October 7th.
The Ministry spokesperson added that occupation forces had committed 13 massacres in the previous 24-hours, leaving 156 Palestinians dead and 246 more wounded.
Al-Qudra also pointed out that 326 Healthcare workers had been killed and 104 ambulances damaged or destroyed since the Israeli aggression began.
According to al-Qudra, 150 healthcare institutions have been deliberately targeted in Israeli strikes, adding that 30 hospitals in Gaza have been put out of service and 99 healthcare personnel arrested by the occupation authorities.
“We are working to restart hospitals in northern Gaza,” al-Qudra said, adding, “We are discussing with international institutions the restart of health centers in various regions of the Strip.”
The Ministry spokesperson also issued a statement to the international community, calling on international institutions to protect Gaza's healthcare system. He also emphasized the need to protect healthcare staff operating in the strip, and stressed the need for additional medical teams and field hospitals to meet the enormous needs of the community at this time.
Al-Qudra also noted that there were 1.9 million displaced Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, all of whom are vulnerable to famine and epidemics.
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lcseyou · 3 months
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stats, musings, visage.
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name: (doctor) cyrus amani. age: 39. gender + pronouns: cisgender man, he/him. sexual + romantic orientation: bisexual & biromantic. occupation: cardiothoracic surgeon @ blue harbor community hospital. date of birth: may 1st, 1985. place of birth: tehran, iran. hometown: toronto, ontario, canada. time in blue harbor: approx. 7 months, since december 2023. neighborhood: oak gardens.
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(five) headcanons
he often uses humor in his day-to-day life. he has no ill intent, though, and is more than willing to be serious when necessary. he really doesn’t understand dry humor, however
he was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 6, but it went untreated for a while (his parents didn’t exactly know how to manage it), but he’s managing it fairly well nowadays
his first language is farsi (persian), but he is fluent in english as well. he knows basic signs in asl, and he also knows spanish & arabic but it’s not as great as the other two. his accent is a mix of iranian and canadian
romantic love is something he doesn’t quite understand yet (he definitely has felt platonic/familial love before.) his love language is quality time
he owns a hockey puck from an nhl game he saw with his family in canada when he was little, and considers it a prized possession
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tws: parental death, grief, mental health
Cyrus Amani was born on May 1st, 1985 to a young Iranian couple who only wanted the best for their son. When he was 3, they relocated to Toronto, Canada, for Cyrus (and later, his two younger siblings) to have better opportunities. His father worked part-time as a volunteer firefighter, which inspired Cyrus’ interest in helping people. Of course, being a firefighter seemed overwhelming, but the idea of working in the medical field piqued his curiosity. While he had many hobbies growing up, medical work had always been his top interest. He would spend hours researching the field and all the different career paths on end, and his family was incredibly encouraging whenever he brought the topic up. After high school, Cyrus attended university in Toronto, though he was less fortunate when it came to applying for medical school. He decided to attend school in America after some thinking, and after several acceptances, he narrowed down his list of possible states before deciding on Chicago. He completed his five-year general residency program in the city and began his three-year Cardiothoracic program there as well. Halfway through his second year in the program, he received a phone call that nearly changed the course of his life. His father had been critically injured due to an accidental fall, and things weren’t looking so good. Cyrus rushed home to Toronto to say goodbye and was especially devastated due to his father being his top role model in life. From there, his mental health plummeted immensely, with official diagnoses of prolonged grief disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and depression. He stayed with his mother and siblings in Canada for a little while before returning to Chicago—his only reason for the return was that his mother persuaded him to pursue his dreams. He agreed to head back and settled into a small apartment. After several months of training, he officially became licensed in 2019 and started work almost immediately. In 2022, he adopted a golden retriever puppy named Charlie to help take his mind off of his stress (and to have company). He later trained Charlie to become his psychiatric service dog when she was old enough. After a while, he realized the big city life just wasn’t for him any longer. In late 2023, he packed up his things (and Charlie) and moved about an hour and a half away to Blue Harbor in hopes of simultaneously managing his grief and starting anew.
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emirates23 · 7 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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anjaliverma123 · 10 months
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Finding the Best Treatment Across Specialized Fields
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Finding the right course of action in the complex world of healthcare demands careful investigation and well-informed decision-making. Whether you're looking for a top-notch kidney dialysis facility, a skillful shoulder surgeon, heart transplant surgery choices, or specialty facilities for autism treatment, our comprehensive guide will hopefully help you get the best possible care.
Locating Find Best Treatment: A Basis for Health
Seeking optimal health necessitates thoughtful deliberation and well-informed choices. Consulting with licensed healthcare providers is essential for determining each patient's unique medical needs and developing individualized treatment programs. Modern medicine offers a wide range of treatments, such as prescription drugs, surgical procedures, lifestyle changes, and complementary and alternative therapies. Navigating the wide range of treatment options requires open communication between patients and healthcare providers. The foundation of a customized and successful treatment plan is the collaboration of medical knowledge with well-informed decision-making.
Best Orthopedic Care: Seeking the Best Shoulder Surgeon
The knowledge and experience of a highly qualified shoulder surgeon in pune is invaluable when it comes to shoulder ailments and injuries. Examine the qualifications and experience of orthopedic specialists in your region to start your search. Seek out doctors that have experience with successful shoulder surgeries, are knowledgeable about the most recent developments in orthopedic care, and specialize in shoulder-related procedures. Referrals from other medical specialists and patient testimonials can offer important information about the surgeon's skill and patient happiness.
A Closer Look at Kidney Dialysis Hospitals: Ensuring Quality Care
This investigation explores the world of kidney dialysis hospitals and examines their procedures to guarantee the provision of top-notch care. By exploring the nuances of dialysis practices, hospital architecture, and medical procedures, this summary seeks to highlight the critical function these institutions perform in the treatment of kidney-related diseases. The discussion navigates the landscape of kidney dialysis to emphasize the significance of upholding strict standards in these specialized healthcare settings by focusing on the elements that contribute to quality care, such as qualified medical professionals, cutting-edge technology, and stringent safety measures.
Heart Transplant Surgery: Exploring the Pinnacle of Cardiovascular Care
For those with end-stage heart disease, heart transplant surgery offers a second shot at life and is the ultimate in cardiovascular therapy. The process of selecting the ideal facility entails a careful assessment of the hospital's transplant program. Take into account elements including the transplant team's success rates, the accessibility of donor organs, and the quality of the post-transplant care offered. Heart transplant surgery is ensured to be thorough when a multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, surgeons, and rehabilitation specialists collaborates. Examine the hospital's track record, achievements, and patient endorsements to help you make an educated choice when seeking the best possible cardiac care.
Autism Treatment Hospitals: Tailoring Care to Unique Needs
Care for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) must be customized to meet their individual needs. When searching for the finest hospital for autism treatment, give special consideration to establishments that use a multidisciplinary approach. Seek out medical facilities that employ licensed behavioral analysts, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and neurodevelopmental specialists. Consider whether evidence-based therapy, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), are available, and find out about family support services. Interact with medical professionals that value the patient-centered approach, creating a cooperative and encouraging atmosphere for people with autism and their families.
In the field of medicine, finding the optimal course of action requires a combination of dedication, investigation, and teamwork. Making educated judgments is crucial, whether you're looking for a shoulder surgeon, researching kidney dialysis centers, thinking about heart transplant surgery, or figuring out your options for treating autism. You can take control of your healthcare experience and make it exceptional for you by using patient testimonies, learning about hospital reputations, and interacting with medical personnel. Recall that the road to perfect health is paved with decisions made with information and a dedication to all-encompassing, patient-centered care.
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galasata · 10 months
Decoding the Basics: Understanding Different Types of Insurance
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Protection is a fundamental part of our lives, giving a security net in the midst of vulnerability and unanticipated occasions. A monetary plan offers insurance against expected misfortunes, relieving the effect of mishaps, diseases, or other unfriendly circumstances. While protection is a typical term, understanding its different sorts can be perplexing. In this article, we will disentangle the nuts and bolts and dig into the various sorts of protection that take care of assorted needs.
Kinds of Protection
Extra security:
One of the principal kinds of protection, extra security offers monetary help to recipients in case of the policyholder's passing. This guarantees that wards are not left in a monetary sway, covering memorial service costs, obligations, and continuous living expenses. There are two essential kinds of disaster protection: term life coverage, which gives inclusion to a predetermined term, and entire extra security, which covers the policyholder for as long as they can remember.
Health care coverage:
With the increasing expenses of medical services, it is critical to have health care coverage. Health care coverage covers clinical costs, including medical clinic stays, medical procedures, meds, and preventive consideration. It goes about as a safeguard against over the top medical care costs, offering people admittance to important clinical benefits without devastating monetary weights. Health care coverage plans shift generally, from essential inclusion to exhaustive strategies that incorporate extra advantages.
Accident coverage:
Collision protection is a legitimate prerequisite for vehicle proprietors in many spots. It gives inclusion to harms and liabilities emerging from mishaps. This incorporates fixes to your vehicle, clinical costs, and legitimate expenses. Accident coverage can likewise offer assurance against robbery, defacing, and cataclysmic events. The degree of inclusion relies upon the kind of approach and the particular requirements of the policyholder.
Property holders/Leaseholders Protection:
Whether you own or lease a home, having protection to safeguard your residence is crucial. Mortgage holders protection covers the construction of the house, individual possessions, and responsibility for wounds that might happen on the property. Leaseholders protection, then again, safeguards the occupant's very own property and gives risk inclusion. The two kinds of protection guarantee that startling occasions like fire, burglary, or catastrophic events don't prompt crushing monetary misfortunes.
Travel Protection:
Go protection is intended to cover startling occasions during trips, including trip retractions, health related crises, lost things, and travel delays. It gives a security net to explorers, offering true serenity and monetary assurance notwithstanding unanticipated conditions. The inclusion shifts, so fundamental to pick a strategy lines up with the kind of movement and potential dangers implied.
Particular Protection: Fitting Inclusion to Remarkable Necessities
Past the central sorts of protection, there exists a range of specific inclusion custom fitted to exceptional necessities and enterprises. These approaches address explicit dangers that may not be satisfactorily covered by standard protection plans. The following are a couple of models:
Proficient Obligation Protection:
Experts like specialists, legal counselors, and advisors frequently settle on proficient risk protection, otherwise called mistakes and oversights protection. This inclusion safeguards against cases of carelessness or inability to enough perform proficient obligations. In fields where counsel and administrations can have huge results, proficient risk protection is a critical shield.
Digital Protection:
As our reality turns out to be progressively computerized, the requirement for security against digital dangers has flooded. Digital protection assists organizations and people with alleviating the monetary effect of information breaks, hacking, and other digital occurrences. It covers costs connected with information recuperation, legitimate liabilities, and notice costs, giving a wellbeing net in the perplexing domain of computerized security.
Pet Protection:
For some, pets are vital individuals from the family, and their wellbeing and prosperity are of central significance. Pet protection covers veterinary costs, medical procedures, and therapies, guaranteeing that pet people can give the best consideration to their shaggy sidekicks without the weight of extreme doctor's visit expenses.
Occasion Protection:
Arranging occasions, whether weddings, shows, or meetings, includes huge ventures. Occasion protection safeguards coordinators against unexpected conditions that might prompt abrogations or disturbances. This can incorporate outrageous climate, seller flake-outs, or other unforeseen difficulties, offering monetary response for occasion organizers.
Long haul Care Protection:
As individuals live longer, the requirement for long haul care protection has become progressively significant. This kind of protection takes care of the expenses related with broadened clinical consideration or help with day to day living exercises for people who can't really enjoy themselves because old enough, ailment, or handicap.
The Significance of Sufficient Inclusion
While protection is a significant device for moderating dangers, the critical lies in picking the perfect proportion of inclusion. Underinsuring can leave people powerless against startling monetary weights, while overinsuring may bring about superfluous costs. Standard evaluations of inclusion needs, particularly during life changes like marriage, the introduction of a kid, or significant buys, are fundamental to guarantee that insurance contracts line up with current conditions.
In addition, the agreements of insurance contracts can be unpredictable. It's urgent for people to completely figure out the subtleties of their inclusion, including deductibles, prohibitions, and guarantee processes. Customary correspondence with insurance suppliers and occasional contract surveys can assist people with remaining informed about changes in inclusion and guarantee that their assurance stays satisfactory.
In the multifaceted trap of life's vulnerabilities, protection fills in as a balancing out force, offering a security net for people, families, and organizations. From primary approaches like life, wellbeing, and accident protection to specific inclusion taking care of remarkable dangers, the assorted cluster of protection choices mirrors the unique idea of our cutting edge lives.
Interpreting the essentials of protection includes understanding the sorts accessible as well as perceiving the significance of customization. Every individual's circumstance is novel, and protection ought to be custom fitted to individual requirements and conditions. As you explore the scene of protection, think of it as a monetary item as well as an essential instrument for invigorating your future against the unexplored world.
Fundamentally, protection is a proactive interest in versatility. It changes the capricious into the sensible and enables people to confront life's vulnerabilities with certainty. Thus, whether you're shielding your business, safeguarding your computerized resources, or guaranteeing the prosperity of your darling pets, understanding the subtleties of protection is the way in to a safer and strong future.
Protection is a diverse idea that assumes a crucial part in defending people and their resources. From extra security, which guarantees monetary solidness for friends and family after one's downfall, to medical coverage, offering a wellbeing net in the midst of sickness, and accident coverage, safeguarding against the vulnerabilities out and about — each type fills a remarkable need.
Understanding the various sorts of protection is urgent for coming to informed conclusions about inclusion that lines up with individual requirements and conditions. While these are only a couple of models, there are numerous other particular insurance contracts taking care of explicit dangers and businesses.
In our current reality where vulnerabilities are unavoidable, protection gives a conviction that all is good and monetary security. It's not just a monetary item but rather an instrument that enables people to explore life's difficulties with versatility. As you investigate the different kinds of insurance accessible, think about your remarkable circumstance, survey possible dangers, and pick contracts that offer exhaustive inclusion.
Generally, protection is a proactive measure — one that changes unexpected dangers into sensible difficulties. Thus, whether it's getting your family's future, safeguarding your wellbeing, or guaranteeing your property and possessions, unraveling the essentials of protection is the most important move toward a safer and tough future.
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sanjeevmansotra · 1 year
Sanjeev Mansotra on Digital Revolution in Africa: Unveiling the Potential for Growth and Innovation
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Africa, sometimes called the "dark continent," is currently experiencing a digital revolution that is altering how people live, work, and interact. The African continent is embracing the digital era and unlocking its potential for prosperity and creativity because of technological advancements and improved internet connectivity. According to Sanjeev Mansotra digital technology, including computers, applications, and machine learning, presents new possibilities for individuals, companies, and occupations. This shows that having access to the Internet in African nations boosts employment and lowers poverty. 
The broad adoption of mobile technology has been one of the main forces behind this digital revolution. In Sub-Saharan Africa, smartphone use will rise to 87% by 2030 from 51% in 2022, predicts the Global System Operators and Manufacturers Association (GSMA) report "The Mobile Economy 2023," which was published on February 27, 2023. “By incorporating AI into banking, education, health care, and many other industries, Africa has a significant opportunity to make its mark on the digital revolution and advance the digital culture there”, asserts Sanjeev Gandhavraj Mansotra.
One such invention that is altering the financial environment in Africa is mobile money. Mobile money platforms have developed as a substitute for traditional banking services, making it possible for people to send and receive money, pay bills, and access financial services via their mobile phones. Traditional banking services are inaccessible to many Africans. Millions of formerly unbanked people now have access to financial services, boosting the economy and lowering poverty. 
In Africa, the digital revolution is changing entrepreneurship and education. The education gap is closed, and African youth are given more power thanks to e-learning platforms and online courses. In industries including fintech, e-commerce, health tech, and agritech, African tech startups are on the rise, utilizing technology to address regional issues and raise living standards. As per Sanjeev Mansotra’s core education analysis African government must adopt the growing digital culture, whether it is about AI in education, banking healthcare, or fintech, the continent must educate itself with digital literacy as today’s era is completely transforming into digital aspects.  
The digital revolution is also making it easier to access necessities like healthcare. To receive medical advice and consultations without having to travel, telemedicine platforms connect patients with doctors virtually. Bridging the gap between isolated people and healthcare experts is especially important in rural areas with few healthcare facilities. 
Africa's digital revolution is not without its difficulties. Obstacles including the digital gap, a lack of infrastructure, and cybersecurity issues must be addressed. However, there is a tremendous opportunity for growth and innovation if firms and governments invest in digital infrastructure and regulations. 
In Africa, the digital revolution is leveling the playing field, empowering people, and opening new avenues for social and economic advancement. As Africa uses technology to its advantage, it will soon dominate the digital economy and serve as a powerhouse for creativity and innovation. Africa's digital revolution is paving the way for a better future by creating a connected, thriving continent that is equipped to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Dystopian Omegaverse AU: Deltas
Description: Deltas are the loyal second-in-command to the Alphas and aid in enforcing conformity. 
Position: Second-highest (Delta Plus); Third-highest (Delta Minus)
Color-Code: Green (Standard), Honeydew (Pup), Mint green (In training, girl, Delta Plus), Spring Green (in training, male, Delta Plus), Aquamarine (In training, girl, Delta Minus), Jade (in training, male, Delta Minus), Old Lace White (wedding), Emerald (Married, Delta Plus), Moss Green (Married, Delta Minus), Fern Green (Ceremonies), Paris Green (Elder, female), Viridian (Elder, male)
Traits: They are the tallest, most muscular, competitive, aggressive, and loyal. Their scent is like moss, ember, and steel. Their teeth also resembles a wolf’s teeth, though meant for both offense and defense. Like Alphas, they are able to go into ruts but it comes to an unmated Gamma. It is mandatory to have their suppressants.
Deltas from Delta-Gamma pairs are known as Delta Plus, or Delta+. They would become lieutenants, second to the Alphas. This allows them to have high-ranking roles in the military.
Male Deltas Plus work as second-in-command for every position whenever there’s an Alpha. These include those in military, government, clergy, corporate, academia, and media.
Female Deltas Plus work as dietitians, managers for energy, environment, and media, propaganda distribution, information technology (IT), pharmacists, public health, and, for Omegas, psychologists and ward managers. They also work as psychotherapists for other ranks, usually Alphas. They take on the role of “Tamers”, meaning that they are responsible for the training, indoctrination, and arrests of Omegas. They also help assign Omegas to their Alphas, monitor their pregnancies, and check on Omega’s well-being. They oversee arranged marriages, education of pups, assist in arrests of Omegas “hidden” as Gammas or Female Betas, and the slave drivers of “Droughters” in slave labor. A portion of them specializes in capturing “untamed” Omegas from the “Drought Lands”.
Deltas from Beta-Delta pairs are known as Delta Minus, or Delta-. They are lower than the Delta Plus but higher than Betas and Gammas. They would get lower military leadership positions, such as colonel, sergeant, commander, and warrant officer.
Male Deltas Minus pairs take the roles of security guards, gatekeepers, police officers, firefighters, and supervisors over Betas and Gammas. When they work for an Alpha, they are personal bodyguards for an Omega and are in charge of house security. They often aid Omegas with Gammas to be “minders”, meaning they guide Omegas around to provide protection and assistance whenever they’re outside. 
Female Deltas Minus work as social workers, obstetricians, gynecologists, midwives, lactation consultants, fertility specialists, neonatologists, pediatricians, governesses for Omega pups, and caseworkers. They oversee religious rituals, indoctrination ceremonies, graduations, baby showers, weddings, and funerals. They also work as “Trainers'' and “Teachers”. It means they are responsible for the education, discipline, indoctrination, and training for the pups’ most formative years.
Under an Alpha: They live in a small house outside of the mansion, such as a mobile home. 
Delta Plus: They live in service apartments, apartment hotels, and luxury apartments. After marriage, they are allowed to live in luxury two or three-story houses and split houses. Several of them live in gated communities with their Gamma Plus spouses.
Delta Minus: They live in bungalows, izbas, Cape Cod style, central-passage, and ranch-style houses.
Centers: Female Deltas live in rooms that look like hotel apartments with their Beta Plus/Gamma Plus spouses. They often go to the “Center Lounge”, where they discuss the progress of education, recent news, and planning of lessons or field trips. It resembles a drawing room and Gamma Minus would serve them tea and coffee. Their Beta Plus/Gamma Plus spouses also help them with paperwork.
Population: 20% 
Male-to-female gender ratio: 3.5:2
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merrock · 3 months
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face claim: Ramin Karimloo
full name: Cyrus Amani
nickname(s) / goes by: Cy
pronouns & gender: Cis man, he/him
sexuality: Bisexual
birth date: May 19th, 1984
birth place: Tehran, Iran
arrival to merrock: December 2023
housing: The Suburbs
occupation: Cardiothoracic surgeon
work place: Merrock Hospital
family: Mother and younger siblings in Toronto
relationship status: Single
Cyrus is a generally goodhearted, community-oriented, and witty man, always wanting to be there for people, regardless if he has a connection to them or not. He makes sure to be considerate of others (especially regarding patients, who he has an immense soft spot for.) Despite this, he is rather headstrong and irrational (and in that area, a bit hard to read), often thinking about things and jumping to conclusions without seeing the bigger picture. In addition, he is rather secretive, and has difficulty opening up to others about his past.
WRITTEN BY: Dove (they/them), est.
triggering / sensitive content: parental death, mental health
Cyrus Amani was born on May 19th, 1984 to a young Iranian couple who wanted the best for their son. When he was 3, they relocated to Toronto, Canada, for Cyrus (and later, his two younger siblings) to have better opportunities. His father worked part-time as a volunteer firefighter, which inspired Cyrus’ interest in helping people. Of course, being a firefighter seemed a bit overwhelming, but the idea of working in the medical field piqued his curiosity. While he had many hobbies growing up, medical work had always been his top interest. He would spend hours researching the field and all the different career paths on end, and his family was incredibly encouraging whenever he brought the topic up.
After high school, Cyrus attended university in Toronto, though was less fortunate when it came to applying for medical school. He eventually decided to go down to the US but was stuck between several states before deciding on Portland, Maine. When he arrived, he was immediately captivated by the scenery. Despite this, he was unsure if he could ever really call Maine “home,” because for so long, Toronto had been his home. After graduating, he decided to stay a bit longer in Portland to get a feel for the area better. He completed his five-year general residency program in the city and began his three-year Cardiothoracic program there as well.
After a few months, he received a call that nearly changed the course of his life. His father had been critically injured due to an accidental fall, and things weren’t looking so good. Cyrus rushed home to Toronto to say goodbye and was especially devastated due to his father being his top role model in life. His mental health plummeted greatly, and he was heavily conflicted about returning to Portland to finish his residency because of it. He stayed with his mother and siblings for a while to ensure their well-being and went back to Portland later that year. He figured would never really get over his father’s passing and would just have to find ways to cope with it.
After finishing the program, he became officially licensed in 2018—yet he chose to stay in Maine due to his license only applying to the United States. A few years later, he adopted a golden retriever puppy, Charlie, to help take his mind off stress (and to have company in his apartment), and he trained Charlie to become his psychiatric service dog when she was old enough. He worked in the city hospital up until late 2023 when he took Charlie and moved to Merrock to give the whole small-town life a try.
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