#occupational health advisor
lcgoccupationalhealth · 5 months
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Your Comprehensive Destination for Employee Wellbeing Services.
Occupational Health (OH) is a specialist branch of healthcare concerned with the effects of work upon health and health upon work.
Good employee health and wellbeing contribute to business performance, enhance employee engagement, and reduce avoidable business costs relating to sickness absence and lost productivity.
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swisccfinds · 9 months
50 ONE LEVEL CAREERS: Storytelling careers megapack by isy's the snake
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Here is yet another career mod pack, but this one has no promotions, you just work and your job level stays at 1. As the title say this mod is best for story telling!
creator's notes-
This mod requires XML Injector by Scumbumbo. You can find it here. Pay attention if you don't already have it for another mod! In that case, you do not need to re-install it. Be sure it is updated for the last patch.
XML Injector is a mod required for some mods to work. So, you install it as any other mod in your Mods folder, no more than one subfolder deep.
This mod has been updated for the version 1.99.305 of the game (second update after Horse Ranch).
It doesn't required any DLC to work. Base game compatible
I've adopted this mod from the amazing ItsKatato who, due to her hiring at EA, couldn't continue to mod. I have made some changes: • I have changes all the pics of the careers — now they all show Sims (please check the credits paragraph at the end to see who was the amazing raccoon who helped me); • I have updated the mod for the Horse Ranch patch; • I have cleared ALL the tuning errors; • Fixed the description of some careers who appeared to be missing.
Now, here we go with the explanation of the mod (originally written by ItsKatato, edited by me):
Katato said: "Have you ever had a story planned out for your sims but you can't find the perfect career for them? Most of the time when I find the career it ends up being a complicated career with a bunch of promotion tasks and extra stuff. Well, I've made a pack of a bunch of single-level careers. All your sim has to do is go to work, that's it. This is perfect for the non-important sims in your life, like the forgotten children of your legacy challenge." In short: those are 50 careers you can use for NPCs Sims or random Sims you do not want to care about. As Amethyst said: "Go to work, make money, leave me alone". Your Sims won't need any task to perform to upgrade and get a promotion, as well as they do not really need an ideal mood to go to work since it won't change their performance. They just go and do their job. And now the list of all careers:
1. Anesthetiologist 2. Cartographer 3. Chiropractor 4. Compliance Officer 5. Data Scientist 6. Dental Hygienist 7. Dentist 8. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer 9. Financial Advisor 10. Financial Manager 11. Genereal Surgeon 12. Genetic Counselor 13. Home Health Aide 14. Information Security Analyst 15. IT Manager 16. Interpreter And Translator 17. Lawyer 18. Marriage And Family Therapist 19. Massage Therapist 20. Mathematician 21. Mechanical Engineer 22. Medical And Health Services Manager 23. Nurse Anesthetist 24. Nurse Practitioner 25. Obstetrician And Gynecologist 26. Occupational Therapist 27. Operations Reasearch Analyst 28. Optometrist 29. Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon 30. Orthodontist 31. Orthotist And Prosthetist 32. Paralegal 33. Pediatrician 34. Personal Care Aide 35. Phlebotomist 36. Physical Therapist 37. Physical Therapist Assistant 38. Physician 39. Physician Assistant 40. Pilot 41. Podiatrist 42. Prosthodontist 43. Psychiatrist 44. Registered Nurse 45. Respiratory Therapist 46. Software Developer 47. Speech-Language Pathologist 48. Statician 49. Substance Abuse And Behavioral Disorder Counselor 50. Veterinarian 51. Web Developer 52. Wind Turbine Technician 
lets give some of our love and support to isy!
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tewwor · 3 months
*** doubles as an interest check so like this and i'll cook up a starter! highly suggest specifying muse(s) for this one! i will be focusing on them more between drafts!
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jackrabbit ‘ines ortiz’
Civilian occupation: hacker. Marked position: techie. Ability: body temperature manipulation. Part of The Marked ( lore here ). A bit too proficient with technology that’s starting to crosses over into biotech. Implemented a way for overseers to see health status of active members (and alerts healers when conditions are critical ). Likes to stir up shit just ‘cause. Doesn’t like talking about the past and doesn’t like to be alone.
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rem ‘alon galvez’
Civilian occupation: hacker. Marked position: handler. Ability: hypnokinesis. Part of The Marked ( lore here ). Reborn to calmly knock everyone off their asses, forced to babysit most of the problem makers. Usually divvies out the more complicated hunts and helps newbies picking easier ones. The only person that can handle Ricochet. Has the vibe of smoking at least six cigarettes at the same time. Glossy shoulder length hair — no, you can't touch it. Isn't usually one for spite, but has induced chronic insomnia on people that have crossed him.
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the unnamed
once a normal girl turned into a fragment of saul's liminal world. she spoke to an aspect of void and made a trade of names. thus, erasing hers while also being in ownership of the void's own. said void fused with her, stamping an archaic spiral symbol at the base of her throat and causes a never-ending hunger in her gut. her true form blurs into a soft darkness that tricks the eyes. only the feeling of fuzzy static comes from making contact with her. she dares not speak in fear that the void within her will consume parts of the other person like it had done to her. crime verse is pending.
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bishop 'cain roth'
Civilian occupation: journalist. Marked position: scout. Ability: soul manipulation. Part of The Marked ( lore here ). One of the few that were exposed to the supernatural prior death. Keeps close tabs on the hunter group he was raised in and betrayed. Swears to hunt down the corrupt creature that granted his wish in trade of half his soul. Has to live with the repercussions of having reaped what he stupidly sowed. Tries to befriend the other Marked, but honestly doesn't hold it against them if he's disliked.
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caesura 'chiru sato'
Civilian occupation: TBA. Marked position: wheelman. Ability: door manipulation. Part of The Marked ( lore here ). Flighty, little thing. Doubles as a honeypot for high threat hunts, but would much rather make a quick escape rather than fight. Almost always with a partner on any job. Arguably the most in tune with her emotions. Often sought out for deep conversations or quiet companionship.
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soothsayer 'saraj cai' .
Civilian occupation: stenographer. Marked position: advisor. Part of The Marked ( lore here ). Mother of this local sect, does dote on pretty much all of The Marked but in her own semi-strict way, has prosthetic eyes, it’s ok to accidentally make a pun or two around her — she does it too ( no, the irony of of her saying ‘i see’ or being titled as an overseer isn’t lost on her ), prefers to use a cane, has her way on keeping tabs on everyone.
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amant taylor boudreaux
just a guy that's been obsessed with harborview's happenings. he's dedicated his life to accurately detail not only it's citizens but also the mysterious people that return from the sea. is the author of the harborview codex. would 1000% try to get nasty with someone just to lowkey research them. brainrot on god ( aka oram, even if he doesn't know that weird soggy man is the sea god responsible for all sea creatures )
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 months
Bee people in my D&D world
The Abeil are an obscure race of bee people from D&D 3e that I decided to make playable in my world and give some worldbuilding and lore expansion to. Stats at the bottom.
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The Abeil line in the continent of Rakada, which was originally part of its own planet before a magical catastrophe ripped a piece of it off of its world and deposited on my main campaign world. The piece that ended up on my world, the Lost World of Alvestra, is only a fragment of the original Rakada, whose fate remains unknown. The region of Rakada the Abeil originate from is known in Rakadan as N’Zar NiTotalu-i (N'Zar = land, Totalu = bones, i as a suffix = people, also seen in the Tabaxi (cat people) and Tlincalli (scorpion people), and Ni as a prefix = without) and in common as the Land of the Boneless People, for its primary occupants are the Abeil and the Kreen, both of which have exoskeletons instead of endoskeletons.
The Abeil mostly inhabit the outskirts of the Land of the Boneless People where rain is abundant, massive flowers grow, and the mighty wasp dragons dwell. They avoid the arid interior of the region, which is inhospitable to them and the homeland of the Kreen. An abeil resembles a humanoid bee, with a very human or elf-like upper body and face (though their eyes are compound and they have antennae). Their lower bodies are much more insect-like, with four narrow legs and a curved, flexible abdomen that ends in a venomous stinger. Two pairs of translucent wings emerge from their upper backs and their hand have three fingers and a thumb. The wings allow flight and can produce a droning noise that triggers drowsiness and unconsciousness in those that hear it.
Abeil are innately social beings, even moreso than other sapient species. While a human or tabaxi could shun company and go become a lone wolf, the Abeil are so innately social that being alone is extremely stressful to them. Lone Abeil will instinctively seek company and become highly attached to whoever they find. They are also biologically programmed to place the needs of the group over the needs of the individual. This is not to say that individualism is shunned, it is just a secondary priority to the health of the group. There are Abeil artists, Abeil games, and other things that do not directly contribute to the survival of the group, they are just not as heavily emphasized as in the societies of other species. Abeil are raised to understand that they are all part of the whole that is the community and everyone needs to support each other. Abeil build hive cities with hexagonal districts organized by what purpose they serve. These cities can be very difficult to navigate for members of flightless species, so there is usually at least one district built for trade and diplomacy with outsiders that is built accordingly. Smaller outlying communities such as farming or mining villages help support the cities. Trade with the other residents of Rakada (and more recently, Alvestra) is common. As with the other inhabitants of the Land of the Boneless People, Abeil tame and domesticate native massive bugs, using huge beetles as beasts of burden, dragonflies as mounts, and cat-sized isopods as pets.
Like the bees they resemble, Abeil have distinct castes: queens, soldiers, and vassals. Queens are always female, but soldiers and vassals may be of either sex. Queens are also not the only Abeil to reproduce, all Abeil can. An individual hive city will usually have one queen, with 1/3rd of the population being soldiers and the rest being vassals. The primary visual difference is that soldiers stand about about a head taller than queens, who stand about half a head taller than vassals. Queens act as the spiritual and authoritative leaders of their hive cities, usually with a council of advisors from the other sects. Soldiers are bred to take up martial roles as the warriors that defend the hive and scout out into unclaimed territory. Vassals fill all other roles, from laborers to traders to artists to scholars to clergy and everything in between.
Abeil are born as larvae who hatch from eggs. All larvae will grow into vassals unless fed a special diet. Abeil larvae are raised communally in nurseries and spend about a year as large grubs before pupating and emerging six months later as a young adult. The tenders of the nurseries will select the largest and most aggressive larvae to be fed the diet to become soldiers. When they finish pupating, the young Abeil are sent off to learn the tools of their future profession based on their temperament and the hive's needs. For example, an inquisitive Abeil may be sent to become a scholar and if their is a shortage of farmers, young Abeil will be sent to fill those ranks. There is usually only one queen, but if a hive city is growing too large, new queens will be raised and sent out with a portion of the population to found a new hive city elsewhere. If new queens are needed, the current queen (or council of advisors if the queen dies) will visit the nursery and take the most promising larva with them back to the palace. This larva will be fed a special diet of royal jelly that triggers maturation into a queen. This young queen will then be trained by the current queen or advisors in the skilled needed to become a leader.
As with most of the sapient species of Rakada, the Abeil claim to have been created by one of the divine Animal Lords, the Bee Lord in their case. As with the other Animal Lords, the bee lord has many aspects or masks, each of which can be thought of as its own god while also being part of the greater whole. The Abeil worship the various masks of the Bee Lord, with the most widely-worshiped one being known as the Queen of Queens, the Lawful Neutral mask of order, leadership, and society.
The Abeil are generally expansionist and their hive cities can be found in most of the wetter, coastal regions of the Land of the Boneless People. Attempts to expand into the arid inner regions of the region have mostly been thwarted by the native Kreen, leading to a great deal of animosity between the races. So far, political infighting between hive cities and the threat of retaliation by Thri- and Tohr-Kreen have prevented attempts to expand hive cities into the southern Tabaxi lands, but this state of affairs may not last long. There is no central government for the Abeil, each hive city acts as an independent, self-governing city-state. Relations between the hive cities are complex, with rivalries and alliances. In addition, hives may form alliances or trade agreements with the Tabaxi to the south or (in more recent years) Alvestrans. In particular, Abeil-produced honey is considered a delicacy in Tabaxi lands and fetches a high price.
Homebrew Abeil race stats for 5e (note: this has not been playtested)
ASI: +2, +1 or +1, +1, +1
Size: medium
Speed: 30 ft. Have a flying speed equal to walking speed, but cannot use this speed if wearing medium or heavy armor
Languages: common and 1 other
Sting: you have a stinger which counts as a natural weapon with the finesse property with which you are proficient. When you make an unarmed attack, you can choose to deal 1D4 piercing damage. When you successfully attack a creature with your stinger, you can force them to make a constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 11 + your proficiency modifier. On a failure, the creature takes 2d8 poison damage and is poisoned until the end of your next turn. On a success, the creature takes half damage and is not poisoned. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses when you finish a long rest.
Drone: you can use your wings to create a horrible, droning noise that can lull creatures who hear it into a deep sleep. As an action, you can force every creature within a 15 ft sphere centered on yourself that can hear you to make a wisdom saving throw (DC 11 + your proficiency modifier). Any creature that fails this check falls asleep for one hour or until they take damage or another creature takes its action to rouse them. Once you use this feature you may not use it again until you take a long rest. 
Caste: Abeil are born into one of three castes, which shape their physical features. When you choose this race, pick one of the following options:
Vassal: you gain proficiency with one set of artisans tools of your choice and one skill proficiency of your choice, picking from history, religion, medicine, or persuasion. 
Soldier: you gain proficiency in one weapon or set of armor of your choice and one skill proficiency of your choice, picking from athletics, acrobatics, survival, or medicine.
Queen: you gain proficiency in one weapon or set of tools of your choice and one skill of your choice, picking from history, persuasion, intimidation, or deception.
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theerurishipper · 5 months
Did people forget how badly it went when ozai was firelord and how badly would've been if azula became the new firelord? Someone who ruled over their entire nation must be sound of mind which azula and ozai were far from. How well do they think that'd go for zuko if he was constantly around his abusive amd hateful sister? He doesn't have time to be visiting her or talk to her 24/7 when he has more on his plate and an entire nation to protect than a bunch of destructive and violent imperialists anyways who caused a forced occupation not too long ago. It's better for Zuko as a person and firelord to take care of his own mental health, that's what his friends would want anyways.
And on another note, I hate the idea of azula being a pacifist. You can't praise azula for being ruthless and being a villain and then say she's better than aang and the real pacifist. Azula represents the destructive side of fire and what happens to someone who's clung onto propaganda their whole life and then decided they deserved their own victims because they were abused. She's not supposed to be a good person. There's a reason why some people find her pretty disturbing amd all too relatable for a villain from a show aimed at kids.
Maybe she didnt kill everyone who may have died in that occpuation but she gleefully accompanied Ozai and ir doesn't matter that the only person she was shown killing on screen was aang - because he's a child and also the world's literal last hope. She has the blood and dignity of the earth kingdom on her hands
You're completely right. Actually, this reminds me of that one person who was ranting about how awful it was for Zuko to put Azula in an institution, and that he should have given her a position in his court as an advisor or something if he really cared about her. Like, really? The girl whose grand plan for ruling was to burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground? The imperialist who wanted to continue the war and take over the world? The girl who wants the throne and her brother dead? She should be given a position of power? Really? Some people honestly have such rose-tinted glasses when it comes to looking at Azula that I feel like they have no idea what they're saying sometimes.
And Azula is not a pacifist. She's the opposite of a pacifist. She has no problems about using violence to get her way. She's the only person in the show to kill someone on-screen, and she enjoyed it when Zuko got burnt. She's violent. She's the farthest thing from a pacifist, and it's almost insulting that people want to claim such ridiculous things so that they can put her on some moral high ground. But yeah, you're completely right.
Thank you for your ask!
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darkmaga-retard · 12 hours
Robin Westenra
Sep 23, 2024
From al-Mayadeen. The numbers of casualties has been updated.
Lebanese MoH: 100 martyrs, more than 400 injured in Israeli strikes
The Israeli occupation has intensified its raids and aggression against the Lebanese South and Bekaa region since the morning.
23 Sep 2024 13:59
The Lebanese Health Ministry announced that today's Israeli strikes on southern Lebanese towns have killed 100 people and injured 400.
It also called on all hospitals in southern districts, Bekaa-Hermel, and Nabatieh, to postpone all non-emergency surgeries and prioritize the treatment of those injured in the Israeli aggression.
The Israeli occupation further launched a heavy raid on the southern village of Zibqeen while targeting homes in various towns in al-Khiam. Raids also targeted Taybeh, Deir Seryan, and the outskirts of Wadi al-Hujair. 
Al Mayadeen's correspondent in the Lebanese South reported that the Israeli aggression targeted an inhabited house in Naqoura, with efforts ongoing to evacuate the casualties. Meanwhile, raids on the al-Bayyada area were renewed in the Tyre district, as well as Naqoura and westernmost Zibqeen.
PM Mikati: Israeli aggression on Lebanon a genocide
"The expanding Israeli aggression on Lebanon is a genocide in every sense of the word, the goal of which is to destroy Lebanese villages," Najib Mikati, Lebanon's caretaker prime minister affirmed on Monday in a cabinet meeting. 
He further called on the United Nations, Security Council, and influential states to "stand on the side of justice" and stop the aggression on Lebanon.
Meanwhile, the Lebanese Minister of Information's advisor, Mesbah al-Ali, revealed that the minister had received a voice recording with threats to evacuate the office. 
Al-Ali stressed that Lebanon's official response to the Israeli threats would be through international forums, noting that "directly threatening a governmental structure has its implications." He confirmed, however, that the landline communications network was not infiltrated. 
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lunarcovehq · 3 months
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Jacob Sullivan is a witch that currently resides in Sunny Harbor and has been a Lunar Cove resident for off and on his whole life, but now he's back and building a new life for himself.
DATE OF BIRTH: November 11, 1989
OCCUPATION: Architect 
FACECLAIM: Casey Deidrick
INHERENT ABILITIES: Aura Reading, Healing, Teleportation
COVEN ABILITY: Electrokinesis
Trigger Warnings: Adoption, Teen Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Car Accident, Death, Child Death, Mental Health Struggles, Drug Use, Alcoholism, Rehab, Cancer
On November 11th, 1989 Jacob Bennett was born to an unwed mother, the secretary of a wall street tycoon, legally renamed Jacob Sullivan two years after his birth when his mother returned to her hometown of Lunar Cove and married his stepfather; Phil Sullivan. Shortly after remarrying, Jake’s mother had three more children and he became a big brother to three little sisters. Phil adopted Jacob before his first sister was born and treated him just like his own child, though Jacob would continue to have a tumultuous relationship with his birth father.
Growing up, Jake was a rambunctious child. Sensitive and impulsive but deeply loved by his family. He was 10 years old when he came into his first power; Aura Reading. Then came the ability to heal, and in highschool Jake discovered he possessed the power of teleportation.
Senior year, Jacob got his highschool girlfriend pregnant and forewent attending college out of state to stay behind with her and raise their child. He began school at the University of Rhode Island in the fall of 2008.
A few months before her due date, Jacob’s girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver and died upon impact alongside their unborn child. Grief came like a tidal wave, drowning Jacob beneath its weight. A loss that forever changed him, but in the wake of the tragedy his family and coven surrounded him. There was no question after that, Jacob would join Lunar Cove’s coven and came into his fourth and final power; electrokinesis.
Devoted to his family and to the coven, yet still an avid wanderer; Jacob took every opportunity to travel. He used his gift of teleportation to explore the world during holidays from school. Which is what convinced him to leave his hometown when given the chance.
In 2012, Jacob graduated from the University of Rhode Island and accepted an offer from NYU to obtain his masters in architecture. An avid lover of the arts his whole life, Jake was excited to marry his passion and profession. It wasn’t his first time living in the city, either. Growing up, he often spent summers in New York, visiting his father.
During the three year program, Jacob gave himself permission to indulge in life. He eased his long held grief in the beds of women and men alike, drowning his remaining sorrows at the bottom of drink and pill bottles.
A wake up call came the night he and an ex overindulged themselves. He should’ve known better than to let his former partner  behind the wheel in the state they were in. No stranger to the deadly implications of driving under the influence, yet thoughtless to the ramifications of their actions until they collided with a light pole.  In a better state than his once boyfriend, Jake couldn’t watch him die and broke the rules to heal him, promising them both he’d get his head back on straight.
After a stint in self admitted rehab, Jake made peace with his past and became committed to sober living. He graduated with his masters in architecture and was set to take a job out in California when he was called home for an impromptu “family meeting”.
Gathered around his childhood’s kitchen table, his mother broke the news to Jake and his siblings that she had cancer. He didn’t hesitate to move home, turning down his job offer to take one in Lunar Cove.
It was hard for Jake to be back home. Every street corner held memories of his youth, of all that he had lost. He traveled as often as he could to keep his mind busy, using his gifts of teleportation once more to put distance between himself and what hurt. Always coming home after a few weeks, though, remaining a constant support in his family’s lives. During this time, Jake constructed his dream home in Sunny Harbor. A three story craftsman he spared no detail in designing. From an attic with no door, not a problem to a witch with the power of teleportation, where he practiced spells, to a backyard with a pool of his childhood dreams.
In 2022, his mother lost her battle to cancer and Jacob returned to a dark place again. Once more, drowning his grief in bottles and traveling. He spent more time away than before, but came home for good at the start of 2024 when the oldest of his three, little sisters had her first baby. Jake’s first niece, named after their mother, little Emma drowned out all the dark.
As madness descends across Lunar Cove, wreaking havoc in Jake’s once safe haven, he has committed himself to staying put and protecting those he loves. The years of Peter Pan have passed. No longer a lost boy, but a man who must resist the call of Never Never land or risk losing the only real home he’s ever known.
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thequeendomhq · 5 months
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NAME. UTP AGE & BIRTH DATE. 35+ SPECIES. Witch FACTION. Tower of Olympia OCCUPATION. Public Health Advisor
The world is hardly kind to young women who show a spark of being greater than they. An Astorian witch who escaped the flames, those you left behind gave everything to see you to safety, nightingales and Agents conspiracized to bring you to the shores of Eterna. In the soft embrace of the Tower of Olympia you found a family waiting for you with open arms. They would protect you and they mourned alongside you, your grief was their grief, your pain was their pain. Witches rescued from the border between Lysara and Astoria came through the doors when you were an Accepted, marked by burns and wounds you saw the horror that was nearly your fate and worked to undo it. There wouldn’t even be a scar, but you knew that these wounds were more than skin deep. Healer, you tended to the battlefield, you worked in the halls of hospitals and clinics across the realm. In every corner of Taravell there were people who suffered, you bit the risk and faced it head on; the shores of Caribella, the grain fields of Astoria, the frigid lands of Iskaldrik, and the treacherous dunes of Ankhuria. You weren’t alone, and those you saved would know the safety and purity of the power that you wielded. To Eterna you returned once more, there you set your post, advisor to Queen Arethusa Mordecai herself on the safety of not just the witches of the realm, but the wellbeing of a nation.
Healer of Ceres or Student of Proserpina.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hi! I’m having a life crisis. I wanted to be an occupational therapist. Everywhere I look says it’s a master’s program. Totally fine with that.
But I had a meeting with the advisor for the major that would put me on the path to getting that degree and says by 2027 they’re phasing out people with master’s and demanding doctorates and how I probably don’t want to stay in school that long.
And now I’m feeling totally bummed and burned out, and feel like I’m back to square zero. Any advice on finding what you want to do for your life?
Thank you in advance!!! xoxo
Hi love! I'm sorry that this uncertainty is causing you distress. Starting over is NOT easy! First, spend a few days easing your mind and let the stress settle. It's difficult (if not nearly impossible) to make rational and strategic decisions when you're overwhelmed, burned out, or experiencing other intense emotions.
Consider this mindset frame: You're starting fresh with a clean slate and endless opportunities ahead. You can't lose a potential outcome, only its intended result (which might not even have worked out in the long run as you stated above).
Reflect on your authentic desires and ideal career/lifestyle. Clarify as many details as possible (industry, function, work-life balance/travel/benefits/salary/desired location, etc.). Work backward to see what steps it would take to get there. Look at job descriptions are your ideal positions/careers. What skills/lifestyle do these roles entail? Do you need to do an internship, read more books, take a course, network, etc?
If you want to be an occupational therapist, consider adjacent roles in the health field or ones that use an overlapping skillset but require less schooling. Take this time to take calculated risks and explore.
If you want to chat on specifics, feel free to book a chat session (linked in my pinned post).
Hope this helps xx
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iedolon · 1 year
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NAME: sabine callas; maiden name: sabine anh le AGE: 35 CLASSIFICATION: human ↳ seattle native ↳ doctorate in pharmacy SEE: ↳ youngest recipient of the r. francis prize ↳ winner of the denton outstanding innovation award RELEVANT WORK HISTORY: ↳ kingdom corporation employee━ chief of pharmacy responsible for drug testing, development, and trials. agent led the development of radianite as an anti-cancer drug and acted as a liaison between pharmacy and public health departments. additionally, agent was adjacently involved in the collection and refinery of radianite through connections with researcher "henry oliver callas". following the radianite spike detonation events of [ REDACTED ] and the following death of a number of kingdom employees, agent is no longer employed at kingdom. SEE: ↳ roles: first chief scientific officer on kingdom’s board of advisors. ↳ status: former employee RELATIONS: ↳ name: henry oliver callas ↳ relation: husband ↳ occupation: kingdom corporation field engineer ↳ status: deceased CURRENT VALORANT PROTOCOL RESPONSIBILITIES: ↳ position: valorant co-founder━ second-in-command ↳ agent #: 2 ↳ responsibilities: recon, agent recruitment, radianite health research
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galasata · 10 months
Decoding the Basics: Understanding Different Types of Insurance
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Protection is a fundamental part of our lives, giving a security net in the midst of vulnerability and unanticipated occasions. A monetary plan offers insurance against expected misfortunes, relieving the effect of mishaps, diseases, or other unfriendly circumstances. While protection is a typical term, understanding its different sorts can be perplexing. In this article, we will disentangle the nuts and bolts and dig into the various sorts of protection that take care of assorted needs.
Kinds of Protection
Extra security:
One of the principal kinds of protection, extra security offers monetary help to recipients in case of the policyholder's passing. This guarantees that wards are not left in a monetary sway, covering memorial service costs, obligations, and continuous living expenses. There are two essential kinds of disaster protection: term life coverage, which gives inclusion to a predetermined term, and entire extra security, which covers the policyholder for as long as they can remember.
Health care coverage:
With the increasing expenses of medical services, it is critical to have health care coverage. Health care coverage covers clinical costs, including medical clinic stays, medical procedures, meds, and preventive consideration. It goes about as a safeguard against over the top medical care costs, offering people admittance to important clinical benefits without devastating monetary weights. Health care coverage plans shift generally, from essential inclusion to exhaustive strategies that incorporate extra advantages.
Accident coverage:
Collision protection is a legitimate prerequisite for vehicle proprietors in many spots. It gives inclusion to harms and liabilities emerging from mishaps. This incorporates fixes to your vehicle, clinical costs, and legitimate expenses. Accident coverage can likewise offer assurance against robbery, defacing, and cataclysmic events. The degree of inclusion relies upon the kind of approach and the particular requirements of the policyholder.
Property holders/Leaseholders Protection:
Whether you own or lease a home, having protection to safeguard your residence is crucial. Mortgage holders protection covers the construction of the house, individual possessions, and responsibility for wounds that might happen on the property. Leaseholders protection, then again, safeguards the occupant's very own property and gives risk inclusion. The two kinds of protection guarantee that startling occasions like fire, burglary, or catastrophic events don't prompt crushing monetary misfortunes.
Travel Protection:
Go protection is intended to cover startling occasions during trips, including trip retractions, health related crises, lost things, and travel delays. It gives a security net to explorers, offering true serenity and monetary assurance notwithstanding unanticipated conditions. The inclusion shifts, so fundamental to pick a strategy lines up with the kind of movement and potential dangers implied.
Particular Protection: Fitting Inclusion to Remarkable Necessities
Past the central sorts of protection, there exists a range of specific inclusion custom fitted to exceptional necessities and enterprises. These approaches address explicit dangers that may not be satisfactorily covered by standard protection plans. The following are a couple of models:
Proficient Obligation Protection:
Experts like specialists, legal counselors, and advisors frequently settle on proficient risk protection, otherwise called mistakes and oversights protection. This inclusion safeguards against cases of carelessness or inability to enough perform proficient obligations. In fields where counsel and administrations can have huge results, proficient risk protection is a critical shield.
Digital Protection:
As our reality turns out to be progressively computerized, the requirement for security against digital dangers has flooded. Digital protection assists organizations and people with alleviating the monetary effect of information breaks, hacking, and other digital occurrences. It covers costs connected with information recuperation, legitimate liabilities, and notice costs, giving a wellbeing net in the perplexing domain of computerized security.
Pet Protection:
For some, pets are vital individuals from the family, and their wellbeing and prosperity are of central significance. Pet protection covers veterinary costs, medical procedures, and therapies, guaranteeing that pet people can give the best consideration to their shaggy sidekicks without the weight of extreme doctor's visit expenses.
Occasion Protection:
Arranging occasions, whether weddings, shows, or meetings, includes huge ventures. Occasion protection safeguards coordinators against unexpected conditions that might prompt abrogations or disturbances. This can incorporate outrageous climate, seller flake-outs, or other unforeseen difficulties, offering monetary response for occasion organizers.
Long haul Care Protection:
As individuals live longer, the requirement for long haul care protection has become progressively significant. This kind of protection takes care of the expenses related with broadened clinical consideration or help with day to day living exercises for people who can't really enjoy themselves because old enough, ailment, or handicap.
The Significance of Sufficient Inclusion
While protection is a significant device for moderating dangers, the critical lies in picking the perfect proportion of inclusion. Underinsuring can leave people powerless against startling monetary weights, while overinsuring may bring about superfluous costs. Standard evaluations of inclusion needs, particularly during life changes like marriage, the introduction of a kid, or significant buys, are fundamental to guarantee that insurance contracts line up with current conditions.
In addition, the agreements of insurance contracts can be unpredictable. It's urgent for people to completely figure out the subtleties of their inclusion, including deductibles, prohibitions, and guarantee processes. Customary correspondence with insurance suppliers and occasional contract surveys can assist people with remaining informed about changes in inclusion and guarantee that their assurance stays satisfactory.
In the multifaceted trap of life's vulnerabilities, protection fills in as a balancing out force, offering a security net for people, families, and organizations. From primary approaches like life, wellbeing, and accident protection to specific inclusion taking care of remarkable dangers, the assorted cluster of protection choices mirrors the unique idea of our cutting edge lives.
Interpreting the essentials of protection includes understanding the sorts accessible as well as perceiving the significance of customization. Every individual's circumstance is novel, and protection ought to be custom fitted to individual requirements and conditions. As you explore the scene of protection, think of it as a monetary item as well as an essential instrument for invigorating your future against the unexplored world.
Fundamentally, protection is a proactive interest in versatility. It changes the capricious into the sensible and enables people to confront life's vulnerabilities with certainty. Thus, whether you're shielding your business, safeguarding your computerized resources, or guaranteeing the prosperity of your darling pets, understanding the subtleties of protection is the way in to a safer and strong future.
Protection is a diverse idea that assumes a crucial part in defending people and their resources. From extra security, which guarantees monetary solidness for friends and family after one's downfall, to medical coverage, offering a wellbeing net in the midst of sickness, and accident coverage, safeguarding against the vulnerabilities out and about — each type fills a remarkable need.
Understanding the various sorts of protection is urgent for coming to informed conclusions about inclusion that lines up with individual requirements and conditions. While these are only a couple of models, there are numerous other particular insurance contracts taking care of explicit dangers and businesses.
In our current reality where vulnerabilities are unavoidable, protection gives a conviction that all is good and monetary security. It's not just a monetary item but rather an instrument that enables people to explore life's difficulties with versatility. As you investigate the different kinds of insurance accessible, think about your remarkable circumstance, survey possible dangers, and pick contracts that offer exhaustive inclusion.
Generally, protection is a proactive measure — one that changes unexpected dangers into sensible difficulties. Thus, whether it's getting your family's future, safeguarding your wellbeing, or guaranteeing your property and possessions, unraveling the essentials of protection is the most important move toward a safer and tough future.
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Brainwaves Bios: Ephraim Aue (1984)
The Head of The C.U.E.S.P department Ephraim Aue, PhD
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The head of the Columbia University Exchange Student Programme's Department, Ephraim Aue is an advisor to Columbia University and many Universities and Colleges all across the globe. He also teaches language classes as an extracurricular.
"We only accept those we think will benefit."
Full Legal Name: Ephraim Uzziel Aue
First Name: Ephraim
Meaning: From the Hebrew name ''Efrayim' meaning 'Fruitful'.
Pronunciation: EEF-ree-am / EEF-ram
Origin: Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
Middle Name: Uzziel
Meaning: Means 'My power is God' in Hebrew, from the roots ''Oz' meaning 'Strength, Power' and ''El' meaning 'God'
Pronunciation: UZ-ee-al
Origin: Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Surname: Aue
Meaning: From Old High German 'Ouwa' meaning 'Meadow by a river, Wetland'
Pronunciation: OW-a
Origin: German
Titles: Mr
Nicknames: Ram, Uzzi
Age: 40
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American Citizen. Born in America
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: March 15th 1944
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Jewish
Native Language: English
Known Languages: English, Polish, Hebrew, German, Yiddish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Actor: Judd Hirsch
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: The Bronx, New York, United States
Current Residence: The Bronx, New York, United States
Height: 5'10.5" / 179 cm
Weight: 149 lbs / 30 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven / Stubble
Tattoos: (As of Jan 1984) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Social Smoker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Affiliated Groups: Columbia University (Employee), Columbia University Exchange Student Programme (Overseer)
Friends: Dean Yeager
Significant Other: None (Crush: Medusa Teufel)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Timothy Aue (70, Father), Susanna Aue (70, Mother, Née Achilles)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: None
Siblings-In-Law: None
Nieces & Nephews: None
Children: None
Level of Education: Bachelor's Degree in Management
Occupation: Exchange Student Programme Director & Overseer. Polish & German Teacher
Employer: Columbia University
Excellent Manager
Analysis Expert
Excellent Driver
Pilot's Training
Leadership Skills
Kind at Heart
Doesn't Understand Most Exchange Students
Backstory: Born and raised in the Bronx, Ephraim Aue wanted to be a pilot before the overseer and director for Columbia University's Exchange Student Programme, also known as C.U.E.S.P.
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christinekingston · 1 year
Xiu at a glance
"We just want the world to love the little monsters that we are"
NAME: Lin Xiu ALIASES: Nurse Xiu, Nurse Lin, Xiu Xiu to some patients AGE: 35 [Born July 21st] OCCUPATION: Nurse at both Huntsville Clinic & Sunnyside Retirement Home ARRIVED: Mid April 2023 GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Female, She/Her SEXUALITY: Demi(?) QUIRKS: Xiu is very quiet, as if she prefers not to be noticed. However, she tends to hum or softly sing to herself, especially while at work. Will often change the subject or give surface level answers on anything personal. Often carries an oversized tote around, to the point where she's been compared to Mary Poppins.
Xiu is the only child of Chinese immigrants. They moved to San Francisco when her mother was pregnant and often lauded over Xiu that they made the move to give her every opportunity to be successful. And by successful they meant as a doctor. Nothing else was acceptable.
Still, she dreamed of being a pop star. Drawings of herself on stage, surrounded by cheering fans, would often be thrown in the trash or in the fire. For her birthday she was given medical textbooks and study aids, when all she wanted was a keyboard. If her grades slipped then she had to wear long sleeves to class for the next week, the welts constantly stinging as a reminder to do better.
When Xiu was about to enter college she spoke to an academic advisor about med school prospects. It was suggested to not get a bachelors in nursing, but instead a focus on biology or chemistry. Otherwise she would be wasting her time. Nodding with understanding, Xiu went home and announced to her parents that she was majoring in nursing, to give her a leg up against the competition. They were so proud of her, they said. She only prayed they would not look into her lie.
Unfortunately, it took only a single semester for her parents to catch on. There was yelling, screaming, pain. But eventually they consented that Xiu could not change majors now, for it would look horrible upon her transcript. Broken, bloody, and tired, Xiu lay in bed with a smile, knowing she finally won something.
Upon graduation she submitted her application to a top medical school in the area, knowing she would be declined and her parents would have no choice but to accept that being a doctor was never in the cards for her. Even if she didn't want to be a nurse, Xiu could hold her head up high and work through the miserable job, knowing her small rebellion succeeded.
Then the letter came. She was approved to start that following fall. That was when she finally broke. Xiu barely put the kitchen knife to her skin when her hand was forced away, her father screaming and her mother crying.
They carted her off to the psych ward screaming, pleading to let her be free. For three months she stayed in psychiatric hell, her mental health only further deteriorating. One day, as the door to her room was opened by the orderly, they were surprised to see her smiling brightly as she sat on her bed, patiently waiting. It was unnerving, to see the young woman so chipper, yet the emotion not meeting her eyes.
With extensive tests and interviews the doctors had no choice but to admit Xiu was no longer a danger to herself, as if her psyche had miraculously reversed overnight. As she was checked out, Xiu was given her personal items from three months prior, with a letter left by her parents. In it they said she was a disgrace, a failure and a waste of all their efforts. They forbade her from ever coming home.
All Xiu did was shrug and throw the letter in the trash, asking if someone could call a ride for her. It was quite easy to become a travel nurse not long after that. Finally, she was free, and that was how she lived, survived, for the next 10 years.
She wasn't particularly upset when the bus she was riding found it's way into Huntsville six months ago. To Xiu it didn't matter where she ended up. And what's more, this place seemed particularly special. A place where people didn't ask too many questions.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.3
Birthday of Spam E-mail
California Bookstore Day
Constitution Day (Poland)
Constitution Memorial Day (Japan)
Fox Day (UK)
Garden Meditation Day
Hugs From Holly Day
International Day of Forest Kindergarten
International Gilbert & Sullivan Day
International Leopard Day
International Rap Music Day
International Wild Koala Day
Invention of the Cross
Kenpo Kinenbi (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Japan)
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Awareness Day
Lumpy Rug Day
National Bike to School Day
National Clarinet Day
National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
National Grab a Boob Day
National Justice Day
National Montana Day
National New Bra Day (UK)
National Public Radio Day
National SAN Architect Day
National Specially-Abled Pets Day
National Textiles Day
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
National Widow’s Day
Paranormal Day
Pregnancy Fitness Awareness Day
Public Radio Day
Semi-Pro Baseball Day
Sun Day
Togyu Taikai (Bull Sumo; Japan)
Two Different Colored Shoes Day
Wordsmith Day
World Press Freedom Day (UN)
Write a Review Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Custard Day
International Eat a Pitogyro Day
International Grab a Kebab Day
National Chocolate Custard Day
National Kiss a Tomato Day
National Raspberry Popover Day
Raspberry Tart Day
1st Wednesday in May
Bike to School Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
Book Buddy Day [1st Wednesday]
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
Great American Grump Out Day [1st Wednesday]
National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day [1st Wednesday]
National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy [1st Wednesday]
National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day (Australia) [1st Wednesday]
National (Deaf) Interpreter Day [1st Wednesday]
National School Nurse Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
National Skilled Trades Day [1st Wednesday]
National Travel Advisor Day [1st Wednesday]
Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day [1st Wednesday]
Project Aces Day (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) [1st Wednesday]
Water Professionals Appreciation Day (Georgia) [1st Wednesday]
World Carnivorous Plant Day [1st Wednesday]
World Maternal Mental Health Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence Days
Aswington (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abhai (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Alexander I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Antonia and Alexander (Christian; Saint)
Bona Dia (Ancient Roman Women's Festival; Pagan)
Dia de la Cruz (Day of the Holy Cross; Mexico, Latin America)
Discoflux (Discordian)
Feast of the Finding of the Cross (a.k.a. Roodmas)
Fiesta de las Cruces (Spain)
Finding of the Holy Cross
Florae (Ancient Rome)
Frank Zappa Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
James the Lesser (Christian; Saint)
Juvenal of Narni (Christian; Saint)
The Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Moura (Coptic Church)
Philip the Apostle (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Garb Day (Pastafarian)
Procession of the Holy Blood (Belgium)
Ptolomey Lagus (Positivist; Saint)
Pussy Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Sarah the Martyr (Coptic Church)
Theodosius of Kiev (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Tommy (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 9 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [9 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [9 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [18 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [26 of 71]
All Things Considered (Radio Series; 1971)
The Amazing World of Gumball (Animated TV Series; 2011)
Back in My Arms Again, by The Supremes (Song; 1965)
Barb Wire (Film; 1996)
Beer Barrel Polka, recorded by The Andrews Sisters (Song; 1939)
Carrie Anne, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1967)
The Craft (Film; 1996)
Dead to Me (TV Series; 2019)
Fantastic (Off Broadway Musical; 1960)
From Under the Cork Tree, by Fall Out Boy (Album; 2005)
Going My Way (Film; 1944)
Gotcha! (Film; 1985)
Hugger Mugger, by Robert B. Parker (Novel; 2000)
Iron Man 3 (Film; 2013)
Little Red Rodent Hood (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Long Shot (Film; 2019)
Max & Ruby (Animated TV Series; 2002)
The Moose Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
No Deals, Mr. Bond, by John Gardner (Novel; 1987)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Album; 2000)
Republic, by New Order (Album; 1993)
Spider-Man (Film; 2002)
Truly Madly Deeply (Film; 1991)
Tweetie Pie (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
When the Cat’s Away (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Jakob, Philipp, Viola (Austria)
Aleksandar, Filip, Jakica, Jakov, Mladen (Croatia)
Alexej (Czech Republic)
Endel, Endo (Estonia)
Outi (Finland)
Ewen, Jacques, Philippe (France)
Alexander, Philipp, Viola (Germany)
Rodopi (Greece)
Irma, Tímea (Hungary)
Efisio, Filippo, Giacomo (Italy)
Gints, Jesika, Krustins, Uvis (Latvia)
Arvystas, Juvenalis, Kantvydė (Lithuania)
Gjermund, Gøril (Norway)
Aleksander, Antonina, Maria, Mariola, Świętosława (Poland)
Irodion, Mavra, Timotei (Romania)
Galina (Slovakia)
Cruz, Felipe, Santiago, Violeta (Spain)
Göta, Jane, John (Sweden)
Theodosey (Ukraine)
Joletta, Trey, Troy, Viola, Violet, Violetta, Yolanda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 123 of 2024; 242 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 14 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 12 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 2 Bīja; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 20 April 2023
Moon: 95%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Caesar (5th Month) [Ptolemy Lagus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 14 of 30)
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duchessvultjag · 2 years
so this is how liberty dies.
a/n: so uhh the ghost of padme amidala visited me and demanded that i write this and who am i to deny my senator; on a serious note, this the product of my obsession with the likely unintentional symbolism of padme (one of the most earnest and genuinely well-intentioned politicians ever portrayed in fiction) dying shortly after the fall of the republic she fought to maintain. drives me insane. george lucas should have let me write her death. there is no plot, just angst.
summary:  She is in perfect health, but in hours she too will be dead.
“The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated!” Chancellor Palpatine stands in a pod hovering in the middle of the senate chamber, just as he has for the better part of a decade. Today, however, no one can quite see his face under the heavy velvet hood of his crimson robes. The senators he speaks to, usually eager for a chance to cut in and press their own agendas, listen raptly and talk among themselves only in whispers as he describes the Jedis’ attempt to assassinate him and overthrow the senate.
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed.” There is no need to show them what damage the traitorous Jedi have wreaked upon him. They can hear it in his once pleasant, now roughened voice. “But I assure you that resolve has never been stronger.”
Padmé Amidala of Naboo leans forward in her pod, chin propped up on a fist. The wide flare of her high-waisted dress barely conceals the round full moon of her belly. Her gaze darts across the assembly, judging the reactions of her peers. Having spent most of her life in politics, she’s a master at keeping a neutral face. What she sees, however, is so disheartening that she cannot keep the displeasure in her eyes masked. Beside her, Bail Organa of Alderaan frowns.
“To ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galatic Empire! For a safe and secure society.” The volume and gravitas of Palpatine’s voice grow with every word. Padmé’s hand goes to her mouth, now openly horrified. This is her worst fear for the galaxy realized. This is what she’s spent the past weeks trying to prevent.
Even in her worst nightmares, this announcement is met with an outcry from her fellow senators. Now, as Palpatine raises his arms, lauding his new empire, her peers clap enthusiastically. In her disbelief, she turns to Senator Organa. “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”
She is in perfect health, but in hours she too will be dead. She is not murdered by any of the rebelling Jedi Palpatine warns of. She is not executed as a consequence of her open contempt for Palpatine’s new empire. She is not killed by her husband force-choking the air out of her lungs so he does not have to listen to any more of her pleading.
(Anakin’s with the Empire? Palpatine convinced him to murder children?)
(Those weren’t Ani’s eyes.)
She doesn’t die from an unforeseen complication in her premature labor, either. The medical droids don’t understand why she’s losing strength so rapidly. Maybe if they were in a fully-equipped hospital instead of the emergency care station of a cruiser, more could be done to save her.
She barely manages to name her newborn twins. She never gets to hold them.
Padmé Amidala always hoped she would pass peacefully in her sleep, surrounded by loved ones in the Lakes Country of Naboo. She often feared she would be assassinated among the shining buildings and towers of Coruscant. Instead, she dies in the barren cold of space, far from her family and handmaidens.
The only other humans with her are Bail Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi. They have both witnessed so much loss and destruction in the past day that they would be numb to any other new tragedy, but they find it in themselves to be terrified and grief-stricken for their dear friend.
Padmé, who at fourteen faced the Trade Federation’s occupation with a steel spine, ready to die alongside her people even as her advisors pleaded with her to save herself.
Padmé, who was so beloved by the people of Naboo that they wanted to amend their constitution to allow her to run for another term as Queen.
Padmé, who never entertained the thought of running for another term because she truly valued the necessity of change over her own station.
Padmé, who advocated for peace possible, but was willing to pick up a blaster and fight alongside others when necessary.
Padmé, who had been a leader in the Delegation of 2000 in an attempt to revoke Chancellor Palpatine’s emergency powers.
Padmé, who saw the Republic’s flaws and still believed in the good that could be achieved through it.
The most earnest and loyal of the Republic’s senators is dead, and the galaxy weeps.
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kmp78 · 2 years
“his lack of etiquette doesn't equate him not caring about his country…” You mean having good ethics, personal values and being free of prejudice and misogyny isn’t necessary to be a trustworthy and fair bipartisan leader and a role model for leaders of the rest of the world?. DT absolutely cares nothing about his country but what the country can do for his wallet and media ratings.
“I witnessed all the good he did….” What “good” did you see exactly? Please specify based on reality, not Trump sponsored news outlets.
…”the media lied about him cause there are dozens other things they accused him of that he didn't do.”AND DOZENS OF HORRENDOUS, ILLEGAL, FOUL or UNETHICAL THINGS HE DID DO!
“how he went against the deep state”WTF “deep state” are you referencing here ? He did nothing but make shit up and keep repeating it so ignorant fools, blatant gun-toting blowhard rednecks and the meek and unthinking followers would believe his baseless propaganda. His accusations have never been proven to be true and there was certainly no election conspiracy which has been proven over and over again. He has lied and stolen from his own country by devaluing his income and properties, cheating on and withholding his taxes. (proven fact for which he will face legal charges)
“and the big heads and exposed many many shady stuff. “ Like who would that be and specifically what “shady stuff “ did he uncover? The people he fired, and that was many, were people HE hired and surrounded himself with to do his bidding.
And of course, don’t even mention how many thousands of lives could have been saved if DT had acted swiftly and responsibly in the face of a world health crisis. Instead of causing the loss of thousands upon thousands of lives, “ Trump suppressed scientific data, delayed testing, (arrogantly) mocked and blocked mask-wearing, and convened mass (political) gatherings where social distancing was impossible. Despite the mounting threats of COVID-19 and global warming, he pulled the U.S. out of the World Health Organization and the Paris climate accord. He installed industry insiders in regulatory posts tasked with protecting Americans from environmental and occupational hazards; their regulatory rollbacks resulted in 22,000 excess deaths from such hazards in 2019 alone. He pushed through a $1.9 trillion tax cut for the wealthy, creating a budget hole that he then used to justify cutting food and housing assistance for the needy. He tried, but failed, to repeal the ACA, then bent every effort to undermine it, pushing up the number of uninsured Americans by 2.3 million.”- Source: Scientific American (An apolitical long-standing well known scientific journal based on facts not propaganda and political rhetoric).
And the man cannot put together a full sentence in his native language! Smfh; but he doesn’t even know to be embarrassed. Great “presidential” material.
So Trump loving Anon, if you really do aspire to be any sort of politician, learn to gather brilliant minds to fill in what you do not know and not yes you to death, not bumbling fools and assorted ill qualified relatives to cow tow to your manipulative strategies for personal gain. Vet your news sources and advisors throughly, check your facts, learn behavioral cues to spot liars and fakes, think before you speak and make sure you surround yourselves with those successfully experienced in leading and governing, not in failed business or reality TV.
Trump used the extremely strong retard gene among the Republicans and the rest is infamous history. 💯
The level of brainwashing was not far off from what went on in Germany 100 years ago - and as we saw during the Congress debacle, the end results might have easily led to a similar outcome. 👀
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