#occupational health and wellbeing
lcgoccupationalhealth · 2 months
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Your Comprehensive Destination for Employee Wellbeing Services.
Occupational Health (OH) is a specialist branch of healthcare concerned with the effects of work upon health and health upon work.
Good employee health and wellbeing contribute to business performance, enhance employee engagement, and reduce avoidable business costs relating to sickness absence and lost productivity.
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appsa · 3 days
Hey guys! This is important so please dont scroll past this.
Wafaa's old blog got shadowbanned, and its just yet another example of how far tumblr will go to silence palestinians when theyre already struggling to get by because of illness, starvation and the constant violence. It should alarm you just how frequent this is becoming with palestinian bloggers having to remake 3-4 times when theyre already living through the worst things imaginable.
If you don't know who she is, Wafaa Alnhal is a woman in her 40s who had left for Egypt a little after the occupation attacked for medical treatment. She has since been working hard to spread her campaign and evacuate her family who she had to leave behind in Gaza, despite her own ongoing struggle with her health issues and making rent.
Initially her goal for her gfm had been 35k, but recently she's had to raise it to 50k because her daughter has gotten hepatitis from the polluted water in Gaza. Her family is suffering- all 15 of them including 4 young children and a newborn baby- and they will have to live with the damage for the rest of their lives. It's taking its toll on Wafaa too, who's had to neglect her own health and wellbeing to raise funds for them.
She's made a new blog @wafs-posts and you all should follow her there to get updates from her on the situation directly. You should be listening to her instead of hearing this from me.
Her gfm is currently at 12k/50k
They still have a long way to go, so please dont let tumblrs censorship slow them down
Her campaign has been verified, and there is a raffle being conducted (by @/ibtisams) to raise funds for her campaign so please give it a look, and consider taking part there are some truly beautiful journals to be won.
Please follow the raffles for palestine account and take a look at the other artwork thats up for grabs too!
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backtotheshitshow · 5 months
Wood & Words (part 3)
Woodworker! James Potter X Princess!reader
Warning: ANGST!! Like ugh I wrote it and I’m tearing up. Kinda proof read. Also this is like a long one so…enjoy.
Part1 part2
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A small knock caught James’ attention as he was cutting down the legs for a stool.
He immediately stoped what he was doing and truned to the door.
“You’re late.” He said with a smile.
“I didn’t realise i had a preset time to be here.” Y/n laughed.
“No but you’re usually here before nine..” James explained.
“I’m sorry I was with my mother.” Y/n said stepping into the wood shed.
“It’s alright I’m only teasing.” James laughed, he took a quick glance at her while he measured the stool leg. She was wearing a different type of dress today, not the same neckline she tended to favour.
He couldn’t help but take notice of how soft her collarbone and neck looked, and wonder how it might look if he were to simply grab her and leave a few small love marks.
“You seem in a good mood this morning. May I ask why?” Y/n sat herself against a barrel set near James’ work bench.
“Am I not allowed to be happy.?” He turned to her, trying to push away his inappropriate thoughts.
“Oh no. I much prefer the grumpy tradesman persona you have going on. Quite mysterious I would say.” She grinned, as she was taking in how he looked in the morning light she noticed a bandage on his hand. A medium sized patch of red had soaked through.
James began to speak. “I know you think your joking but I know that you-“
“You’re hurt.” She said immediately walking over to him and taking his hand gently, to examine it.
“Oh ah just a mishap with a saw. I’ll be fine.” He said looking down at her with a small smile, she looked adorable with her eyebrows scrunched together with concern. That fact that she was concerned about him made it all the more pleasant.
She didn’t trust that he was being completely honest about the severity of his injury.
“May I see.” She said looking up at him. He wanted to protest and tell her that it was simply and occupational hazard but the look in her eyes was begging him to let her take care of it and who was he to deny the princess of what she wanted.
He nodded allowing her to unravel the bandage.
James’s expression softened as his breath caught in his throat. His face flushed, as he stood still, letting her inspect it.
His expression was almost apologetic, as if her concern was misplaced.
“Really it’s nothing.” He muttered, in the past he would have simply just refused her help all together. But now he was in too deep, this woman had a hold on him, and his mind was telling him to let her have whatever she asked for.
She let out a quiet gasp when she laid eyes on the wound.
“Surely this must be painful, why haven’t you taken care of this properly?” She seemed upset at him for having such little concern for his on wellbeing.
James shifted slightly, embarrassed at her visible concern.
"It's fine, really," he lied as his cheeks grew hotter. James had never been one to complain, and he couldn't stand how upset she was... she was so cute.
He was so used to taking care of himself, so he rarely asked for help. Now he felt his resolve crumbling under this woman's concerned gaze, her gentle words and her soft hands.
“Sit down.” She said nudging him towards the barrel she previously sat on.
James hesitated, his face telling her that he knew he should, but his stubborn nature getting in the way. Eventually he acquiesced to her soft demand, plopping down on the barrel and letting out a sigh.
Y/n grabbed a rag that looked somewhat clean, and walked to the sink in the small part of the wood shed that look like a very old kitchen, running the rag under some warm water.
She can back over. “It’s very careless of you to leave such a deep cut without cleaning it. Do you have no regard for your health?”
James didn’t answer he looked away embarrassed about how angry she seemed at him for ignoring his own needs.
As she took care to clean the wound, James just sat there, staring at her, mesmerized by her every movement. She was so soft and delicate, handling him without force.
She was just about finished wrapping the wound when she noticed his staring and stopped. She couldn’t move under his intense gaze.
“Just…be more considerate of yourself please.” She said in a soft tone as she slowly lost herself in his eyes.
Y/n didn’t know what came over her, she as never this bold, but in all fairness she never did think to straight when he was looking at her.
She kissed him.
James's heart skipped a few beats as the Princess's lips pressed against his.
He'd been thinking about how pretty she was, being lost in her eyes for a split second before the sweet caress of her lips caught him by surprise.
He'd never been one to receive affection, at least not for years now, and certainly not this quickly and unexpectedly. His mind was a dizzying combination of shock, confusion and elation.
“I….i shall see you tomorrow.” She whispered and before James knew it she was gone.
The following day James waited patiently for the princess’s arrival trying to keep himself busy.
It began to get late. James had spent the day organising the shed and sweeping sawdust. He was beginning to get tired.
After the kiss they shared the precious day it was hard for him to get a good nights sleep.
By the time she arrived the sun had already settled behind the horizon, leaving the shed only lit by lanterns here and there.
“Why have you come so late?” James asked. He noted that she was not in her usual bubbly mood the expression on her face looked almost ashamed.
She ignored his question
“I’ve come to apologise James. My actions yesterday were inappropriate.” She said stopping at the door.
James couldn't contain his shock. Was her kiss really a mistake?
"W-what did you say??" he replied. To him it had been a beautiful and romantic gesture, perhaps even a sign that she felt something for him.
But maybe his judgment had been clouded and now she was telling him she'd made a mistake. James felt his heart drop.
“Yesterday when..I kissed you. I’ve given it some thought over night and It was entirely inappropriate and improper. I hope you forgive me.” She looked away ashamed of herself.
James was speechless. He had been expecting an entirely different response. He had thought she felt some sort of attraction towards him and the way her eyes had blazed in the sunlight when they’d kissed had been beautiful and he’d been hoping to do it again.
But it seemed the whole thing was a mistake– a spur of the moment thing she’d probably thought about too late.
“W-wait, you’re sorry we kissed?”
“I…yes I. It was wrong of me to do so.”
James sat stunned for several moments as he processed what she’d said. Was she truly ashamed of kissing him? His eyes narrowed as his stomach dropped in disappointment.
Perhaps she had thought about the kiss afterward and then realized he wasn’t someone she was that attracted to. Was he not someone she found desirable? He bit his lip and felt a pang of sadness he hid behind a wall of anger.
“You wish we hadn’t shared that kiss?”
“That’s- not what I’m saying.”
James narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow. Why was she backtracking if that wasn’t what she’d meant? What had she meant then?
James’s thoughts raced as he tried to read between the lines, trying to guess what it was that she was trying to get at.
“But did you… Did you enjoy it? Did you not like the kiss?!”
“I did, yes of course I did…but it was clearly inappropriate….im sorry I put you in such an uncomfortable situation. Please do not be kind for my sake.” She noticed James seemed to be getting quite upset.
James was taken aback and couldn't help but grimace at her last statement. She didn't want him to be 'kind' to her?
Did she honestly think he was just being kind? He was beginning to grow irritated at her insistence on claiming the kiss was inappropriate.
"What's the matter? Am I not someone worthy of that kind of affection?" He said.
“Oh course you are! I’m simply saying I shouldn’t have put in a situation like that.” She explained.
James's eyebrows furrowed and he felt himself grow angry and frustrated. He couldn't understand why she was so insistent on claiming she was the one at fault. James raised his voice in exasperation.
"I'm not a child! I can make my own decisions about what situations I feel I am or am not comfortable in and you shouldn't be the one deciding such things for me!"
Y/n was shocked at his outburst.
“I’m sorry. I just…..,excuse me” she turned around quickly as she blinked back a tear or two..
The way she was abruptly leaving now was angering James even more. What was she thinking? He felt his emotions boiling over and could not let her leave like this.
"No, you're not getting away that easily." *James grabbed her by the wrist firmly.
"You're not going to just leave and ignore this. You're going to hear me out."
James took a deep breath and tried to rein himself in. He was still seething with anger but knew that yelling more was only going to make the situation worse. He loosened his grip on her wrist.
"Look, I just don't understand why you're claiming it was inappropriate. We're two adults. We're capable of deciding what is appropriate and inappropriate ourselves.
You say you enjoyed it, so I don't see why you're so adamant on telling me it was somehow a mistake or inappropriate." He looked at her with pained eyes.
“Do you not think I am aware that you only tolerate my company due myself being the princess! I may seem bit ditsy but I’m not stupid!”
James's eyes widened and he shook his head furiously. The Princess didn't believe that he actually liked her?
He thought that the Princess was adorable, witty and intelligent and he'd never felt quite this way about anyone before.
To hear she thought he didn't enjoy spending time with her was painful.
"That's not true! I love spending time with you! I enjoy you like I've never enjoyed anyone else before! How in gods name could you think that?!"
Tear began to well in the princess eyes. She was angry and confused and James was yelling at her. She didn’t like him yelling at her.
“I-I-Idon’t know I just thought ….I’m sorry.” A small crack in her voice came at the end of her sentence.
James's eyes widened as he saw the hint of moisture in her eyes. He felt so bad for having snapped at her like that and suddenly his anger melted away to concern. He felt a sudden overwhelming urge to comfort and protect this beautiful girl. The thought of seeing tears in her eyes was unbearable. He moved closer to her and lifted his hand to brush away the wetness in her eyes.
At his touch, James felt his anger and frustration melt away. How could he stay mad at such a delicate and vulnerable girl? Her beauty was truly astonishing but now James realised she was much more than that.
She was also emotional and he could see exactly what she was feeling on her face. She was sensitive and kind despite her title and her beauty and that was more than enough reason for him to want to protect her. He wished she'd realize her worth.
“I-I should be going.” She said
James felt a sudden rush of emotion he didn't know how to handle. But he did not want to let her leave like this. He didn't want her to think he was just being kind to her. The Princess was so wrong about her own self worth and he just could not let her leave thinking that.
“No. You're not going anywhere.” James said firmly and with conviction, wrapping his are around her waist.
to be continued
If you thought this had drama. Just you wait…,*evil laugh*
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countessqin · 10 months
Happy Birthday dear [Name]! (Astral Express edition)
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Characters: Dan Heng x fem!reader, Himeko x fem!reader, March 7th x fem!reader, Welt x fem!reader! Pompom x fem!reader - separately (all platonically)
[Author's Note]
- I'm still kind of burn out to writing, and not only it but. I tried my best, but if characters are a bit/or not OOC, my apologies! - Apologies for typos and mistakes if there are any! - You can find a masterlist with other writings for hsr here (^*^)/♡
Thank you for reading and have a nice day/evening!
Small bio: Name          - [Name] Age             - ??? Occupation - Trailblazer/Traveller Path            - Trailblaze
[Happy Birthday]
- Oh it's you [Name], would you like to have a cup of coffee with me? Hm? No? Ha-ha it's okay, I know that maybe it's not as good for everyone as it is for me... Enough about that, it is your birthday today, right? How did I know? Ha-ha, even though you boarded Astral Express long time ago, I still remember what you told about yourself at the beginning of your journey. Happy birthday, [Name]! May all your journey bring you unforgettable experience, and whatever you are looking for- I wish you that you find it
Dan Heng
[Happy Birthday]
- Oh, [Name], here you are. March is looking for you, she said that she promised to teach you photography. She waits for you in Parlor Car.
Oh, and ... Happy Birthday. May your journey be smooth and without unpleasant surprises or- memories. Hm? How I know that it your birthday? *sigh* A few days ago I was checking a few things in databank and saw your file, I didn't read it, but I saw the date of your birthday. Oh and here *gives you carefully wrapped book* I remember you wanted the physical copy of "[Name of your favorite book]" signed by [Author's name], so here take it. Once again, happy birthday [Name]
March 7th
[Happy Birthday]
- Oh [Name] come here! Tada! It's a photo album and camera! What occasion? It's your birthday of course! I head Miss Himeko and Mr. Yang talking about something and heard your birthday date, so I prepared you a present! Happy Birthday!
[Happy Birthday]
- Ah, glad to see you here [Name]. I heard from March and Dan Heng about your "mission". How did it went? March already gave Pompom some souvenirs from this planet. She now is talking to Himeko at the kitchen and Dan Heng is busy filling databank with new information.
Also [Name], if I remember correctly, it's your birthday today, so happy birthday [Name], I wish you long life and that this journey would bring you more positive memories
[Happy Birthday]
- Passenger [Name], wait! Hm? No-no it's not about supplies from Herta's station! And no, it not about Pompom's back or color of the furniture! Happy Birthday passenger [Name]! Of course I remember your birthday. It's Pompom's duty as conductor to care about you and ensure your wellbeing, so naturaly I remembered this date! Pompom wishes you health, happiness, and hmmmm more interesting expreriences during your journey with Astral Express and after you leave us!
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divine-donna · 1 year
treatments for sorrow
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pairing: alicent hightower x gn! reader
word count: 1,325 words
ao3 link: 🌿🌿🌿
wow! happy new year guys! to start 2023 off right, i thought i’d provide a short alicent fic. one for rhaenyra probably to come too! anyways, have fun with this one!
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When she enters the room, she’s surprised to see you.
But she remembers that she asked you to come see her. Late into the night. When no one would see. Because no one could see you. She wasn’t a man, she was a woman. And not just any woman, but the Queen.
It would be a scandal for her to be found with a sex worker.
You’re just sitting on her bed, a bowl of fruit resting on your lap. Another, smaller bowl rests besides you, half of it full of pits and seeds. The fruit presented on the bowl in your lap is a simple mix of sour cherries and grapes. “Your Grace.” You says as you lift up a cherry. “Care to join me?”
She looks around and closes the door behind her before walking over. “No one saw you right?” Her eyes glance down at your bowl of fruits.
“I’ve been here the whole afternoon.” You place the cherry in your mouth, plucking off its stem. You pit the cherry and pick up the small bowl besides you, spitting the pit into the bowl to join the other pits. “I am very popular here in the Keep, it seems.”
Her face looks slightly worried. “Can I have one?” Her eyes are looking at the fruit.
“I brought the grapes for you.” You smile.
Alicent smiles back and sits next to you, taking a bunch of grapes. You hand her the bowl of pits so she can remove the seeds from her fruit. She begins eating them. Her bites are small, the kind of bites suitable for a highborn woman. “Are we sticking to the usual?” You ask.
Alicent nods as she swallows her grape. “Yes.”
You eat one last cherry, taking the pit out and putting it in the seed and pit bowl, before standing to place the bowl of fruit on a flat surface away from the bed. Once you sit back down, you begin removing her hair accessories, setting them down on a nearby table. Your fingers comb through her hair, feeling its softness. “You have been taking better care of your hair.”
“Yes. I have more time for myself, thank the gods.” She eats another grape, discarding the seeds into the small bowl. “And have you been taking care of yourself?”
“I always am, Your Grace.” You stop. “Feel better?”
“A little.” Alicent lays down on your lap, feeling its comfort. She sighs and looks at the grape between her fingers. “How long have we been doing this?”
You think back to the first time you met with Queen Alicent Hightower. It was a while ago, years ago in fact. This has been going on for years. You didn’t mind being in the shadows. After all, that was the general purpose of your occupation. You and the Queen were roughly the same age and she encounters you when you’re trying to sneak out of the room of a member of the Small Council. She saw you, you saw her. And the two of you looked into each other’s eyes before you excused yourself and left. You didn’t notice the longing look she gave you, how she stared at the hallway you disappeared down for a few minutes, picking away at her fingernails. And when you came back, she placed a pouch in your hand and asked you to come to her room late into the night.
Much to your surprise, she didn’t ask for anything. Only for an ear and for you to run your fingers through her hair. The first time, she told you many things, amongst them concerns for her children and her husband’s health, her father’s wellbeing. How even though he was expelled from his position as Hand of the King years ago, she still missed him and struggled with the guilt of not doing enough. He would understand why she didn’t do much, is what you told her, because he understood how much her children mean to her. She was even brought to a tear, which you wiped away with the sleeve of your top.
When she was done, she placed a small but hefty bag of coins in your hand. Please don’t tell anyone. She asked. And take a little extra.
You open the bag, digging through the coins, all of them a shiny silver. You take one out and place it in her hand. She looked confused. You reassure her. Your secrets will always be safe with me, Your Grace.
“A while. Since...What’s the name of your third child?” You furrow your brows in a look of extreme concentration.
“Aemond.” Alicent lets out a small laugh.
“I was going to say Aemond One-Eye.”
“Technically, you would be correct.” She eats another grape and drops the seeds into the bowl.
“Is there anything you would like to talk about today, Your Grace? I understand that it was the King’s funeral and you talked about how stressful planning it was last week.”
“There still needs to be more planning.” She sighs.
“And what would that be for?”
She purses her lips. “Making Aegon King.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Aegon?”
“Yes, Aegon.” She eats another grape and puts the seeds in the bowl. She was almost done with the bunch. “It is a lot of planning.”
“You plan on usurping the Iron Throne from Princess Rhaenyra?”
Alicent freezes, body tensing up. The silence lingers for a minute or so before she answers. “Yes.”
“Then I fully support you.”
“Really?” She looks up at you, her royal gaze piercing your own.
“Aegon is your son. And during our first session, you told me how your father said you have two choices: make Aegon king, prepare him to rule, but usurp the princess’s claim, or let the princess ascend to the throne, hope she does not kill your children, and beg for their lives. You chose the latter because family is important to you. And because you love your children, like any mother.”
Alicent relaxes, letting out a sigh. “I guess you’re right.”
“I tend to always be right, which is why I make a lot of money.”
She lets out another small laugh. “Patrons of all kinds must want your attention.”
“Yes. But there is only one patron who has truly captured it.” You look at her.
“Is that so?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Yes. Why would I lie?”
“You would not.” She shakes her head and eats her last grape. “I hope whoever it is, they line your pockets up with plenty of silver and gold.”
“They do, but I just enjoy spending time with them.” You say. “By the way, Your Grace.” She looks up at you again. “Would you like updates on your son Aegon?”
“It would be appreciated.” She sighs. “Sometimes, I do not understand him.”
“He is an...interesting fellow.” You think back to the multiple times you saw him visit your workplace and how many children in Flea’s Bottom you’ve seen with the same, Valyrian silver hair he had. “But I will make sure to check the log books for the expenses.”
“Thank you, (Y/N).” She says, setting the empty branch in the bowl with the cherry pits and grape seeds.
“You don’t need to thank me, Your Grace.” You gently take her hand.
“But you do so much for me. You listen, offer advice. You’re even my eyes and ears into the city, tell me of my children’s doings. You even hold me when I cry.”
“Tears are natural, Your Grace. There is no shame in crying. Lots of people cry after their time with me.”
That statement makes Alicent laugh. “Surely you must be amazing.”
“Would you like to try?” You look at her suggestively.
“Gods no!” She’s still laughing. “But thank you anyways.”
“Of course, my Queen.” You pull her hand up and press a small kiss to her knuckles.
“I will always offer a treament for your sorrows.”
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
My occupational therapist is discouraging me from getting an adjustable bed frame as she doesn't want me to lose the mobility I still have. I do see her point and I would like to hold onto my mobility as much as possible but I do have trouble like. Sitting up and getting out of bed. Like I've been getting UTIs because I wait to go to the bathroom until I really have to because it hurts to get out of bed. Idk, I guess I'm struggling with wanting to preserve my mobility for as long as I can and making it easier on myself when I can so I can complete those barebones tasks for my health and wellbeing.
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pue3lla · 1 year
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I see Heizou as someone who definitely doesn’t take care of himself properly.
So caught up in his cases, trying to help people, watching out for criminals’ family… he completely forgets about himself. About his wellbeing, about his free-time and about taking a proper rest. It must be so mentally draining going every day investigating, trying to find leads, puzzling them all together and then getting bashed on by the captives’ relatives and friends for nothing but their own selfishness. How terrible he must feel I can’t help but wonder, always trying to make the best choice to keep people safe, only to second guess his decision and actions because he couldn’t make everyone happy.
Living day by day having to carry the burden of his occupation really takes a toll on him. He forgets to eat, to properly rest, to think about himself just for once. And the fact that he doesn’t have anyone to turn to is even worse. There’s no one there to remind him of his own health or needs, his family sees him as a brat and his co-workers and the citizens don’t even bother trying to get to know him due to the popular misconception that Heizou is ‘difficult to get along with’, disliking him for the sole reason of not knowing him.
He just needs someone, a friend, a partner that can be there for him when he is at his lowest and not judge him, not invalidate him because ’there’s nothing too difficult for prodigy detective Shikanoin Heizou’. I can only imagine how sick he must be of hearing those things every time he asks for help, how discouraging it must be to be declined the assistance he needs just because he is known for being a genius.
Shikanoin Heizou is human. He has needs, he has feelings, he has a heart. And people tend to forget that. Heizou is not just a detective, he is not a brat, he is not an invincible being that can withstand the pressures of stress for an inhuman amount of time. He is insecure, he is lonely, he is kind and understanding and he is holding a deep wish to have someone that will see his qualities, his skills and his wits but love him still for his personality, his flaws and his shortcomings.
Someone that will not push him away in times of need.
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jknerd · 10 months
NIMH AU: Justin
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Full Name: Justin Strauss
Species: Human -> Im-human (through experiment in NIMH)
Age: 30~31
Gender: Male
Other names: Captain Strauss, Saint-Juste of Im-humans
Occupations: former war prisoner and experiment in NIMH, Captain of the Bund Guard, Candidate of Bund Leader
Residence: 1st Bund of NIMH (formerly), New Bund of NIMH (currently)
Family: Mr. Strauss (father; deceased), Mrs. Strauss (mother; deceased), Brutus (sworn brother)
Relationships: Jonathan Brisby (close friend; former leader), Nicodemus (benefactor), Mr. Ages (acquaintance), Jenner (rival->adversary), Sullivan (acquaintance), Elizabeth Brisby (love interest->eventually, possible wife)
Likes: Harmless prank on Mr. Ages, children, Elizabeth Brisby (love interest) Dislikes: Potential threat to the bund and Brisby family, Jenner’s threats/advances towards Elizabeth Brisby, Brisby children in danger
Justin Strauss is a captain of the Guard among IM-Humans and a candidate of future leader chosen by Nicodemus. After a great loss of war in his home country, he and other war victims were taken to NIMH (National Institute of Mystic Health) where they were experimented and became IM-Humans, the artificially created vampires who have overcame the sunlight. When Jonathan helped the victims escape, the IM-Humans were able to build their bund hidden from the eyes of humans. At one point, Justin was appointed as captain of the Bund Guards after the duel with Jenner. One day, he was reported by Brutus about the death of Jonathan Brisby as he and the guards mourned their hero’s death.
At the day of Jonathan’s funeral, Justin spotted Elizabeth Brisby and her children. He expressed surprise briefly when learning Jonathan had a wife and children, but silently obeyed Nicodemus’ order to silence the complaining council of IM-Humans when Jonathan’s will was announced. All the while then, Justin was still concerned of Brisby family’s wellbeing. It is revealed Jonathan has left a separate will to Nicodemus as he wished Justin as potential leader of IM-Humans after the moving plan of “Thorn Valley Bund”, which naturally leads him into stronger hostility with Jenner, one of the council members who wished to take over the position as new leader. 
One day, Mr. Ages informed Justin about Brisby’s family joining in moving plan as the widow agreed to assist as long as her children were safe in a house. Although initially confused of how the family can join the IM-Humans in the moving, he expressed astonishment from the distance when he and other guards witnessed the wheeled manor that was build by Jonathan for his family. Later, Justin surprised Mr. Ages with harmless prank, but quickly in his polite disposition when introduced to Elizabeth Brisby in person. When assigned to protect her and her family by their wheeled manor, Justin was more than willing to assist her and they formed a close bond as his guards began to get attached to Elizabeth’s maternal kindness as she offered them food and shelter once she learned Justin and his guards were victims of war and the experiments from NIMH. Whenever Jenner attempt to approach Elizabeth much to her discomfort, Justin gets in time to stop the ambitious man before he’d do more harm to her. 
One night, Mr. Ages returned with broken leg and Elizabeth was informed that in order to proceed in moving plan is to drug Drago “Dragon” Welker the head security guard of community to leave without detection, but Mr. Ages was injured during a strife with the said guard. When Elizabeth offered to volunteer for drugging Drago, Justin expressed immense concern as he was aware of Drago handles women in indecent manner. When he realized he couldn’t persuade her anymore, Justin relented as he gave her the sleeping drug made by Mr. Ages. Before her departure to Drago, Justin remained concerned of her as he and Mr. Ages moved to help Nicodemus in immigrate their people out. However, Jenner immobilized Brisby’s Wheeling Manor and killed Nicodemus in process, unable to move the entire bund. Justin rushed to check on Elizabeth’s children, relieved none of them got hurt. However later, Sullivan came to inform him about Jenner abducting Elizabeth. Justin came in time to kick Jenner away before the man could rape her. Through emotion of anger supporting the strength of IM-Human, Justin engaged in an intense sword fight with Jenner who had just wounded Sullivan, discovering that not only the corrupted man killed Nicodemus but also Jonathan a year ago and framed Drago. As Justin severely wounded Jenner, he rushed to Elizabeth to see if she was hurt. But when Jenner was about to finish him off, a redeemed Sullivan gave a final blow to Jenner causing him to fall to his death below the statue of Virgin Mary. Justin felt immense dread when Elizabeth was nowhere to be found, ordered the guards to look for her and later found her unconscious with her children inside the destroyed Brisby manor, growing afraid of losing her and her children, Justin called out for help.
As Elizabeth recovers and looked for Timothy, Justin was seen along with other IM-Humans to watch with amazement to see Nicodemus alive, showing Timothy fully healed and finally conquered the sunlight as the boy reminded him so much of late Jonathan. Through several days of Brisby’s wheeling manor to be rebuilt, Mr. Ages witnessed Justin becoming crestfallen and conflicted, figuring out the reason why. At a night before the Brisby family’s departure, Nicodemus personally talked to Justin if he resents Jonathan for leaving him with heavy responsibility or his immortality contrasting Elizabeth’s, which Justin admitted the anger but not because of Jonathan nor his life as IM-Human. The usual calm captain of the guard finally confessed he fell in love with Elizabeth Brisby from the first sight but unable to approach as he labeled these feelings “repulsive” and feared of confusing the love with different emotions as there are times he held himself back from the urge to bite her to make her just like him. And he felt greater pain that she and her children will leave, possibly grow old by years while he remain young. Unbeknownst to him, Elizabeth overheard their conversation. At the day of departure, Elizabeth gave Justin the Stone as a promise to meet again. Witnessing the wrinkles and white streaks of hair rejuvenated, Justin smiled as there were implications she won’t grow old as normal human and they would meet again.
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spookyscribe · 6 months
In a weird transitional place where mentally I am excited for my future projects/career but then I realize again that my physical wellbeing depends (currently) on me limiting myself and my productivity. Right now, my occupational therapist wants me to limit my typing as much as possible because my arms are ANGRY! Occupational therapy HURTS SO BAD.
Getting a nerve study done next month. There is more going on in my arms/hands/wrists besides carpal tunnel. It might not even be carpal tunnel but some other nerve issue (I think radial tunnel syndrome).
Possibly long term, I can’t spend all day on the computer like I used to editing, tutoring, writing, and then playing games or scrolling through social media. (Woe!)
Change is really daunting but the health of my wrists/hands/arms depends on it?? I’m going to have to get used to voice to text and writing aloud (mortifying!!), and I’m still working on my optimal computer setup.
At the same time, my motivation and inspiration have been thriving, and I think it’s because I was forced to take it easy and assess why I keep writing despite the trouble it’s causing. Because of my limited time to type, I think more carefully about what I’m writing and how I spend my time instead of procrastination. So… that’s a bright side. 😊
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Why is employee well-being important for an organisation?
Fostering employee well-being is crucial because it helps prevent stress, creates positive working environments, and allows both individuals and the organisation to thrive. Investing in well-being leads to increased resilience, improved performance, reduced absence, enhanced work-life balance, a healthier and more inclusive culture, and better employee morale and engagement.
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Superhero Name: Power Body
Name: Emery Bode 
DOB: November 25th
Occupation: Superhero
Abilities: Ability to generate a blue impenetrable psionic exoskeleton body armor which grants superhuman strength, reflexes, agility, endurance, stamina, dexterity, durability, and concussive blast of energy projection
Age: Same Age As Flug And Max
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Caucasian 
Headcannon Voice Actor: Beck Bennett (English); Alejandro Orozco (Spanish)
Residence: Steepburg
Personality: On the surface he seems to be an upstanding hero who is loved by his community and other heroes, but underneath he's really a dick who secretly treats others badly if he can get away with it. He really is a terrible mentor to his sidekick who he treats no better than a servant who he can order around. He constantly treats her superpower as if it's a joke and verbally berates her about it. He also makes emotional manipulative comments that no one would ever want her due to her powers being so lame, so she has no choice but to put up with him. And despite saying her powers are lame, he still makes her train harshly so she could be made more useful at the detriment of her health at times. He also makes her do dangerous task without any regards to her wellbeing and safety. He's also a bit of a womanizer and loves the chance to get into women's pants like Detacha's mother. 
Background: The protector and patron hero of his homecity, he is looked up by citizens and the local community. He is also the mentor of the trainee, Detacha, who is one of many heroes in training. However, despite how his persona is in the public eye he really has an unpleasant side that he hides and shows regularly to his sidekick. He abuses her mentally, physically, and emotionally to the point she is very strained at times. It isn't helped her mother pushes her to continue under him and even sleeps with him to keep her as his sidekick. 
Created through www.newgrounds.com/portal/view…
* Despite not thinking much of her powers and everything, he does take advantage of the fact she's a lesbian and does virtue signaling posts saying how supportive he is as a mentor. 
* He was actually friendly with Clone Commander when he was still a hero. 
* He is very much into social media and has a big presence. 
* He will also get a hit on him by Black Hat Organization. 
* He does a lot of support for fighting drunk driving and domestic abuse, while ironically abusing his own sidekick and sleeping with someone with issues with alcohol and is an alcoholic himself. 
* He's obsessed with wanting to be in the Golden Rule and will do whatever it takes to get noticed as a worthy candidate to join. 
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xxxjarchiexxx · 8 months
We write this letter as academics and students who specialise in the study of children and childhood to call for the immediate cessation of the Western-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza and the egregious violation of Palestinian children’s rights.
For many of us, entering this field of study was motivated by a desire to improve the material, social, and political conditions of life for children globally. We cannot, therefore, sit by as the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate because of Israeli bombardment with arms provided by Western powers; the forced evacuation of over a million people by the Israeli Defence Forces; and the denial of food, water, and fuel by the Israeli state. This compounds 75 years of settler-colonial occupation in Palestine and 17 years in which Gaza has been little more than an open-air prison. Together, this has produced some of the most heinous conditions of life imaginable for Gaza’s civilian population, almost half of whom are children.
Children are losing their lives, their futures, and their ability to breathe. As we write, more than 7,000 people have been killed in Gaza, nearly 3,000 of whom are children, and more than 16,000 have been wounded since Israel launched its attack on the besieged territory on 7th October. According to Defence for Children International, more than 100 children killed each day or 1 child every 15 minutes. Many others are among the wounded and orphaned. As the British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta pointed out, the Al Shifa Hospital has had to create the category of ‘wounded child with no surviving family’ given the sheer numbers the hospital is supporting. He explained that children are being operated on without anaesthesia and with no support, leaving them in a state of “daze” and total loss. Gazan children are writing their names on their arms so their bodies can be identified should they be killed.
Our research with children has shown that colonial occupation, state violence, and terrorism means a real threat to children’s physical and psycho-social continuity. Our research exposes the long-term effects of wartime experiences, and in Gaza it reveals the ongoing cumulative trauma, and its effect on children’s well-being and emotional, mental, and physical health. There is no moral justification whatsoever for continuing this brutality which will result in the debilitation, wounding and death of thousands more children. These injuries and deaths are preventable. It is a choice, and we call upon those who have the power and can act to save the lives of these children to do so. Stopping the genocidal war NOW is crucial for the survival and wellbeing of children. 
It is often assumed that if children are the targets of state-sanctioned killings, enforced starvation, and dispossession, perpetrators will be immediately condemned. As they should be. Yet, not all lives are treated equally. The lack of attention to the horrific hardship facing Palestinian children furthers their debilitation and traumatisation, and continues to be complicit in dehumanising them, while minimising their agonies and death. Palestinian children have names, families, stories, and dreams, yet they are facing global and local brutalities that reduce them to anonymous numbers. As academics and students of childhood, we say that no child should be subjected to violent death, injury, or starvation, no matter where they are from. We affirm: Palestinian children’s lives are precious.
The intolerable consequences of the genocide in Gaza are not just affecting children, but their parents, grandparents, relatives, and adult neighbours. To protect and support children also means protecting and supporting the adults in their lives. The availability of emotional resources for children – including from family, friends, and neighbours – can ease the ‘wounds inside’.  But the lives of Palestinian adults do not only matter because they care for children. We say: all Palestinian lives are precious.
We therefore support the call for immediate action from the people of Gaza for:
1.       An immediate ceasefire.
2.       The urgent restoration of water, food, fuel, medical supplies and humanitarian aid.
3.       Immediate protection of medical and mental health facilities and the reversal of the illegal and inhumane evacuation orders for hospitals.
4.       The facilitation of safe passage for casualties and critically-ill individuals.
5.       The opening of crossings for those seeking to evacuate and permitting the entry of medical and rescue teams.
We support calls from within Palestine/Israel for a long-term political solution, premised on ending the ongoing occupation of Palestine and the Israeli apartheid regime.
We support global calls for the immediate release of civilians, including the 500-700 Palestinian children arbitrarily detained by Israel each year and those children held hostage by Hamas.
We commit ourselves to taking action wherever we are by:
●     Demanding that our governments urgently and actively press for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, publicly on the international stage and in back-channel discussions with Israel.
●     Calling for Israel, our local and national governments and professional associations, the international community, and Hamas to uphold the rights of children affected by armed conflict as laid out in the Geneva Conventions and Article 38 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children.
●     Countering the dehumanisation of Palestinian children and adults, wherever we encounter these, whether in our schools, universities, media, or communities.
●     Demanding the immediate release of Palestinian children arbitrarily held in detention and children held hostage by Hamas.
●     Exposing our governments’ complicity in enabling the Israeli genocide in Gaza to continue unabated.
●     Standing in solidarity with those organisations and individuals working for a just and lasting peace in Palestine/Israel, including those who have faced threats and harassment for speaking out in support of Palestine.
Link to sign for childhood research students and professionals
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Published: Jan 3, 2019
Researchers have developed a new way of measuring gender inequality which they argue is fairer to both men and women and presents a simplified, but more accurate, picture of people's wellbeing.
The new Basic Index of Gender Inequality (BIGI) focuses on three factors – educational opportunities, healthy life expectancy and overall life satisfaction.
Researchers from Essex and the University of Missouri used these factors to calculate BIGI scores for 134 nations, representing 6.8 billion people. Surprisingly their new measure found men are, on average, more disadvantaged than women in 91 countries compared with a relative disadvantage for women in 43 countries.
Professor Gijsbert Stoet, from the Department of Psychology at Essex, explained: “No existing measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men in many countries and so they do not fully capture the extent to which any specific country is promoting the wellbeing of all its citizens. “The BIGI provides a much simpler way of tackling gender inequality and it focuses on aspects of life that are directly relevant to all people. Used alongside other existing indicators, it provides additional and different information to give a more complete assessment of gender equality, making it easier for policy-makers to introduce changes to improve the quality of life for both men and women. “We’re not saying that women in highly developed countries are not experiencing disadvantages in some aspects of their lives. What we are saying is that an ideal measure of gender equality is not biased to the disadvantages of either gender. Doing so, we find a different picture to the one commonly presented in the media.” Until now the Global Gender Gap Index, introduced in 2006, has been one of the most established and well-used measures of national gender inequality, used by academics and policy makers across the world But Professor Stoet argues it does not measure issues where men are at a disadvantage, such as harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more occupational deaths. He says the complexity of the Global Gender Gap Index also means it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether gender differences are the result of social inequalities or personal preference.
Professor David Geary, from the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri in the United States, said: “We sought to correct the bias towards women’s issues within existing measures and at the same time develop a simple measure that is useful in any country in the world, regardless of their level of economic development.”
Using the BIGI measure, researchers found the most developed countries in the world come closest to achieving equality, albeit with a slight advantage for women. In the least developed countries, women nearly always fall behind men – largely because they have fewer opportunities to get a good education. The picture is more mixed in countries with medium-levels of development, with nearly the same number of countries where women fall behind, as countries where men fall behind. Men’s disadvantage is largely due to a shorter healthy lifespan.
Professor Stoet concluded: “Internationally improvements in gender parity may be reached by focussing on education in the least-developed nations and by focussing on preventative health care, for example in regard to abuse of drugs and alcohol, in medium and highly-developed nations.
“However, resolving gender inequality is only part of what is needed to ensure that all people can reach their full potential. Overall gender parity on its own is not sufficient, because it can simply mean that both men and women lack opportunities in different facets of life quality.”
The BIGI website:  http://bigi.genderequality.info/ provides more detailed information about individual nations.
Note: the above website is no longer accessible, but a snapshot is available via archive.
Original paper:
Published: Jan 3, 2019
The Global Gender Gap Index is one of the best-known measures of national gender inequality, used by both academics and policy makers. We argue that that this measure has a number of problems and introduce a simpler measure of national levels of gender inequality. Our proposed measure is based on sex differences in the opportunity to lead a long healthy and satisfied life that is grounded on educational opportunities. The measure better captures variation in gender inequality than other measures, with inclusion of outcomes that can be favorable or unfavorable to either sex, not simply unfavorable to women. We focus on some of the most basic measures available for 134 countries from 2012–2016 (i.e., disadvantages in children’s basic education, life satisfaction, and healthy life span) and we relate these to various measures, including the United Nations' Human Development Index. We found that low levels of human development are typically associated with disadvantages for girls and women, while medium and high levels of development are typically associated with disadvantages for boys and men. Countries with the highest levels of human development are closest to gender parity, albeit typically with a slight advantage for women. We argue that the disparities, when they are found, are related to the sexual division of labor (i.e., traditional gender roles) in poorly developed countries as well as the underinvestment in preventative health care in more developed nations. The Global Gender Gap Index is one of the best-known measures of national gender inequality, used by both academics and policy makers. We argue that that this measure has a number of problems and introduce a simpler measure of national levels of gender inequality. Our proposed measure is based on sex differences in the opportunity to lead a long healthy and satisfied life that is grounded on educational opportunities. The measure better captures variation in gender inequality than other measures, with inclusion of outcomes that can be favorable or unfavorable to either sex, not simply unfavorable to women. We focus on some of the most basic measures available for 134 countries from 2012–2016 (i.e., disadvantages in children’s basic education, life satisfaction, and healthy life span) and we relate these to various measures, including the United Nations' Human Development Index. We found that low levels of human development are typically associated with disadvantages for girls and women, while medium and high levels of development are typically associated with disadvantages for boys and men. Countries with the highest levels of human development are closest to gender parity, albeit typically with a slight advantage for women. We argue that the disparities, when they are found, are related to the sexual division of labor (i.e., traditional gender roles) in poorly developed countries as well as the underinvestment in preventative health care in more developed nations.
The constructs "gender equality" and "gender inequality" are frequently used in both academic research (e.g., [1–2]), in the media, and by policy makers. Therefore, it is important that researchers and policy makers have reliable measures of these constructs. We discuss some of the challenges with existing measures and introduce a conceptual approach and an associated measure that helps to resolve or at least mitigate some of theses issues.
Challenges for measuring gender inequality
Apart from political agendas, research on gender inequality has also almost exclusively focused on issues highlighted in the women's rights movement. Issues disadvantaging more men than women have been understudied (for a review, see [3]) and are not heavily weighted (if at all) in widely used measures of gender inequality, such as the highly cited Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI)[4]. Further, the GGGI truncates all values such that no country can, by definition, be more favorable for women than for men (for details see below). As a result, existing measures do not fully capture patterns of wellbeing and disadvantage at a national level. This is an important oversight, as there are issues that disproportionately affect boys and men. Among the many examples are harsher punishments for the same crimes [5] and an overrepresentation (93% worldwide) in the prison population [6]; compulsory military service (in living history or currently [3]); the large majority of homeless people without shelter are men [7]; higher levels of drug and alcohol abuse [8]; higher suicide rates [9]; more occupational deaths [10]; underperformance in schools [2]; and, men are more often victims of physical assault in general (see [3], p.30-33) and within schools, thus limiting educational opportunities [11]. Men are also overrepresented in occupations that are risky (e.g., exposure to toxins [12]) and physically taxing, such as front-line military duty, firefighting, mining, construction, or sewage cleaning.
In many countries, the retirement age is higher for men than women (although there are a few in which women's effective age of labor market exit is later, including Spain, Finland, and France), but even when it is equal, men often have fewer retirement years due to a shorter healthy life expectancy [13].
Finally, polygyny is tolerated in nearly half of all nations and is reported as being negative for women and it often is [14]; for a nuanced discussion see [15]. Polygyny, however, also means that more men than women in these nations are excluded from marriage, a family, and the opportunity to reproduce (given that polygyny leads to an unequal distribution of available partners). In other words, polygyny can be viewed as disadvantageous for most men (irrespective of the fact of whether it is disadvantageous for most women, as noted).
No existing composite measure of gender inequality fully captures the hardships that are disproportionately experienced by men and thus do not fully capture the extent to which any nation is promoting the wellbeing of all of its citizens. This is a major challenge, especially for the Global Gender Gap Index, which caps all disadvantages such that, by its definition, men can never be more disadvantaged than women. In other words, measures such as the GGGI will by design fail to measure any disadvantages experienced by boys and men.
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"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."
-- Hillary Clinton
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Below is a piece on mating psychology I wrote for Onn Health. It is aimed primarily at (heterosexual) men, yet the insights offered here are broadly applicable to everyone.
The two most powerful predictors of happiness and life satisfaction are working in the right profession and finding the right spouse.
You can commit a lot of blunders in your life, but if you manage to get two things right, you will maximize your chance of long-term wellbeing.
Our choice of job and our choice of spouse are central to our happiness because they are where we spend most of our lives—at work and with our families. Therefore, we should devote a good deal of time concentrating on how to make the best possible decision for these two sources of potential happiness. Indeed, making the wrong choice can lead to potential misery.
Interestingly, much of modern advice prioritizes education and career, often relegating relationships to a secondary concern or valuing them primarily for their potential to enhance career ambitions.
Relationships, though, are critical for our health and wellbeing. Studies have found that the effect of poor relationship quality on mortality is as strong as the effects of better-known risk factors, such as smoking and alcohol use, and even stronger than other important factors, such as sedentariness and obesity.
For those who are focused on their careers, choosing the right partner can fuel occupational success. For instance, people with conscientious romantic partners tend to report higher job satisfaction and income, and are more likely to be promoted. This pattern held even after controlling for the study participants’ own conscientiousness. A disciplined and hard-working romantic partner can help us succeed in our own careers.
Indeed, there are examples of well-known men and the women who have helped them in their journeys:
Mr Beast:
“I have someone who I think is very beautiful, very intelligent, makes me better, is constantly pushing me, is okay with me working hard, makes me smarter. And just all these different things. For me, love just makes me a better person.”
Connor McGregor:
“My girlfriend worked very hard throughout the years and stuck by me when I had essentially absolutely nothing. I only had a dream that I was telling her.”
Chris Bumstead:
“She just built this confidence in me… It was a really important moment for my personal growth, champion growth, relationship growth.”
Warren Buffett:
“Susie really put me together. She believed in me. She got me to believe in myself, and that changed my life.” “And I would not only have not turned out to be the person I turned out to be, but I actually wouldn’t have been as successful in business without that. She made me more of a whole person.”
These examples show only one side of the story. In healthy relationships, both partners are expected to receive net benefits and grow.
Research in evolutionary and social psychology has illuminated key findings that help us to understand how people choose mates, as well as the factors that predict relationship success.
George Vaillant, former director of the multigenerational Harvard Study of Adult Development, has noted that “warm, intimate relationships are the most important prologue to a good life.”
Warm relationships supply benefits to both happiness and health.
How do people go about choosing mates? In popular culture, we often hear two different adages when it comes to relationship formation: Opposites attract, and birds of a feather flock together.
The former might make for a good romantic comedy. But in the real world, people tend to mate assortatively. We generally favor romantic partners who are similar to ourselves.
This is especially true for education and intelligence. In the U.S., for example, if your highest level of education is a high school diploma, your probability of marrying a college graduate is only nine percent. In contrast, if you hold a college degree, your probability of marrying a fellow college graduate is sixty-five percent. Interestingly, though, couples’ similarity in intelligence does not seem to predict relationship satisfaction.
Beyond education, we also tend to choose romantic partners who are similar to ourselves in terms of age, political orientation, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic status.
Does similarity predict stronger relationship satisfaction? The answer seems to be no. A meta-analysis concluded that “similarity had very little effect on satisfaction.” This doesn’t mean, of course, that similarity is meaningless for romantic satisfaction. More likely, similarity is necessary but not sufficient for romantic satisfaction. That is, while similarity does not guarantee relationship satisfaction, strong dissimilarities might be “deal-breakers” that would contribute to discontent. Your romantic partner holding the same political beliefs as you doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be 100% satisfied with each other; but if they take the opposite stance on every view you hold, there’s a strong chance that relationship wouldn’t last very long.
So what does predict relationship satisfaction?
One factor seems to be authenticity. A team of psychologists found that the link between authenticity in relationships and relationship satisfaction is very strong. For instance, people who strongly agreed with statements such as “I share my deepest thoughts with my partner even if there’s a chance he/she won’t understand them” reported being particularly happy in their relationships. Interestingly, the study found that authentic people tended to mate with other authentic people, whereas deceptive individuals tend to attract deceptive partners. This seems to be another example of assortative mating, whereby people find themselves in relationships with partners similar to themselves.
What else besides authenticity predicts relationship satisfaction? A 2016 paper in Evolution and Human Behavior, authored by Daniel Conroy-Beam, Cari D. Goetz, and David Buss explored what makes people happy in their relationships. They discovered that people were less satisfied in relationships when their partners were less desirable compared to other potential choices. However, this was specifically the case for individuals who were more attractive than their partners. That is, people were satisfied with mates who were either more attractive than themselves, or more attractive than alternative choices. In short, when people were with partners who were attractive and hard to replace, then they were more likely to be satisfied. It seems that people aren’t asking themselves, “Does my partner fulfill my relationship needs?” Rather, they ask “Is my partner better than the realistic alternatives?” We aren’t gauging on some objective rubric. Rather, we grade our partners on a curve, comparing them to others we could reasonably hope to pair with.
This gets to the question of how we should approach searching for a compatible mate. An important idea from decision theory that can assist with this is known as the 37% rule, or “the secretary problem.” Suppose you’re looking for the best candidate for a secretary position (or any other job). The rule says that you should estimate how many total applicants are likely to seek the position, interview the first 37 percent of them, and remember the best out of that initial sample. Then, continue interviewing until you find a candidate who is even better than that. Once you find that better candidate, hire him or her. That is how you select the optimal candidate.
The problem with this rule is that it takes a lot of time and energy, especially if you are faced with a large number of possible candidates. You can’t realistically date 37% of all women you might possibly be interested in, and then keep going until you find someone more compatible than the best in that batch. However, researchers have found that a similar rule called “Try a Dozen” can work just as well as the 37% rule. According to this simpler approach, you would date a dozen possible romantic partners, remember the best of them, and then pick the very next prospect who is even more appealing to you. Of course, this is just a theoretical model that sheds light on the challenges of trying to optimize a difficult decision. It has many shortcomings and is not necessarily applicable to all individuals in all circumstances.
Many men try to get the hottest possible partner they can find. But this can present its own problems. As David Buss has said, “Mates, once gained, must be retained.” An average guy might manage to get a few dates with a supermodel. But the supermodel’s array of potential alternative options can introduce potential instability into the relationship. This can lead to jealousy, increased mate guarding, warding off potential romantic rivals, increased stress, heated arguments, and so on.
Of course, the reverse is not ideal. Entering a relationship with someone who is noticeably less attractive than you can give rise to dissatisfaction, conflict, and a wandering eye as you consider possible alternatives. The ideal situation, as Buss says, is “when both people feel lucky to be with the other person.” Of course, if your current pool of mates you could reasonably hope to attain is less attractive than you’d like, there is a simple option: Become more attractive yourself. For appearance, keep up on personal grooming and hygiene; improve your health and fitness; buy clothes that are stylish and fit well; get a good haircut. As a man, you can also level up your attractiveness by earning a promotion at work, switching to a higher paying position, or seeking a cool side job (bartenders, musicians, and volunteer firefighters don’t get paid like surgeons but still appeal to many women).
Many people have noticed that young people are unrealistically expected to know what career they will pursue at the age of 18 or 22. Seldom does anyone point out that the same logic applies to long-term romantic commitment. Interestingly, while there is a lot of guidance for how to choose a good career, far less support is available for choosing the right spouse.
Choosing a mate is not just choosing a mate. It’s also casting a vote for who you will be and who your children will be. [...]
Mate choice also profoundly influences children. If you have kids, your partner’s genetics will significantly influence their intelligence (at least 60% heritable), personality traits (more than 40% heritable), and mental health (more than 30% heritable). And as I cover extensively in my book, healthy, stable relationships benefit children. Having a partner who contributes to such a relationship will be instrumental in your child’s development and wellbeing. 
Given the importance of marriage in a man’s life, it is crucial to choose a compatible spouse. Knowing which qualities to avoid and which to seek out can save you from future emotional and perhaps financial ruin.
People often focus on attributes they would like in a partner, but it is perhaps even more important to know which characteristics to avoid. “Red flags,” in common parlance. [...]
Smith offers a quote in another of his books, The Tactical Guide to Women, “Look for the red flags early in the relationship. If anything pops up early on, don’t let that slide. Most people are on their best behavior in the beginning. They hide it well until around the six-month mark. For example, if she gets drunk and is screaming at you for no reason within the first month, run as fast as you can. Don’t let something like that slide. There are underlying issues there.” This doesn’t mean that they are a bad person or unworthy of love or anything like that. But drinking and yelling is a sign that such a person might not be ideal for a long-term relationship commitment.
What about beneficial traits, or so-called “green flags?”
Smith suggests seeking clarity, maturity, and stability in a potential mate.
Anybody can communicate well when they and the relationship are at their best. Clarity, though, encompasses reliable communication and the ability to communicate during stormy periods. [...] Good relationships require that both partners express themselves constructively, especially during times of stress.
Relatedly, inquisitiveness is an important skill. It cuts through ambiguities and insecurities. Within a relationship, if one person behaves in an insensitive manner, a sign of inquisitiveness would be if his or her partner, rather than expressing anger, calmly asks why and listens. This can open the path to communication and understanding, rather than mutually escalating hostilities. [..]
Emotional maturity is another green flag. Some signs of this skill: She can calm herself when she’s sad or angry, she accepts reality, she keeps commitments, she takes care of relationships and doesn’t burn bridges, she bases important decisions on values rather than impulse, and she possesses the emotional resources to function well among coworkers, family, and friends.
Stability, another positive quality, indicates that a woman handles her personal challenges and cares for herself so that her life (and yours) isn’t a series of crises. As Smith puts it, a woman “who is unwilling to strive for her best state of mental health is unlikely to succeed in relationships.” [...]
This perspective on relationships underscores the importance of mutual support and shared growth. The notion of the “special woman” and “special man” transcends the conventional understanding of romantic partnerships, emphasizing a deeper, more harmonious connection. This link is not solely about love or attraction or sex; it is about finding a partner who understands, encourages, and participates in your life journey. Such a relationship becomes a crucible for personal and professional development, where both individuals are not just companions but co-architects of a shared future.
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yourbestenabler · 2 years
At some point in a past that now seemed so far away, Marie was the most talented computer scientist on Earth. Graduating from MIT at 19 years old, her work was the cornerstone of the Second Information Revolution, and the AI framework she developed found new uses in healthcare, industry, and finance that her predecessors would never have imagined, let alone thought possible. But despite the fame and accolades her achievements brought her, Marie still wasn't satisfied. There was an empty, gnawing feeling in the back of her mind, uncomfortable reminders of baser desires left unfulfilled. She kept the feelings to herself, but her co-workers could still tell that something was amiss.
So it wasn't a surprise to anyone when one day she packed up the contents of her desk, resigned from her job, and went home.
When she got home, she tossed her things down in the front entry, rushed into her basement, and shed her clothes. She rested her hands on her narrow hips and contemplated the machine in front of her: a mass of tubes, wires, straps, chutes and more, all neatly arranged around a soft, padded memory-foam recliner. Each tube led to tanks full of nutrients, synthetic hormones, and many other more unsavory things besides; every wire led to banks of diagnostic interfaces and webs of electrodes and vibrators; and every chute led to and from the empty, foreboding chair, the machine's sole connection to the outside world. Peering into the hole in the seat, Marie recognized a veritable cornucopia of sex toys attached to mechanical waldoes, each one seemingly already poised to leap at her.
And above this chair sat a bank of screens, most meant to display data on the chair's occupant, but the largest, central screen reserved for whatever entertainment they wished. This massive machine was managed by an AI Marie had made just for herself, TENDER EROS, designed to manage her substantial income and meager expenses, tend to her health and wellbeing, place orders for supplies and services, and - most importantly - facilitate Marie's exploration of the deepest, most hedonistic urges she had spent the last eleven years denying herself.
She bit her lip as her hazel eyes took it all in at once. It had taken quite a bit of time, effort, and resources just to get the materials for this endeavor, let alone to assemble it. Bribes, old favours, outright theft, and at one point almost a shoot-out just to get the components for the AI core. Weeks in the library, dropping careful questions to unsuspecting doctors, and no small amount of fraud to get the right medical supplies. A thousand and one sacrifices to get here, and she had to wonder: was it all worth it? Was her life really so bland and boring that she was willing to risk so much just for the opportunity to throw it all away?
And then she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror: rail thin with a flat... well, everything. She didn't have the graceful curves that men lusted after, and what evenings she didn't spend at home alone were spent watching those men take other women home. She subsisted on a meager diet cooked at home, without anything in her system more mind-altering than aspirin to ensure her mind was clear and sharp for the next day's work. She had accomplished so much... and she was lonelier than she had ever believed possible. Was the life she was living really living at all?
No. No it wasn't. She had been living a lesser life, and less isn't more.
More is more.
With her mind made up, Marie slid the mirror in front of the chair, then strode purposefully towards it. Her hands trembling with anticipation, Marie lowered herself into the chair and began placing the electrodes, needles, and tubes both onto and into her taut flesh, installing her body into TENDER EROS itself. First the sensors for monitoring vital signs, then the feeds for nutrition and hydration, sanitation lines, and a subvocal microphone. Then came the feeds for the hormones and drugs - both medical and otherwise, an obtained at no small expense - and calibrating the spray nozzles that would clean her off when needed. She strapped on a headset and visor, checking TENDER EROS's status one last time before placing her arms and legs into the straps. They automatically cinched down on her limbs, gently yet insistently holding her to the chair.
Marie considered her options as the drones who would tend to her powered up: was all of this really necessary? Was she prepared for what TENDER EROS would do to her - or more menacingly, what she might eventually want it to do to her? She could still leave, after all, power down this contraption, and try to find new meaning in her old life. Wouldn't that be a better option overall?
Of course, she knew the answer. Marie had lived a life defined by her accomplishments, her abilities. But she had found it hollow and unfulfilling.
From this day forward, she would live a life defined by her pleasures and appetites.
Her visor told her that TENDER EROS had finished powering up and was ready to go. So Marie took one last look at the woman in the mirror - practically encased in the machine's many tubes and wires - pressed a button in her armrest...
... and Marie was never seen again.
At some point in a past that now seemed so far away, Marie was the most talented computer scientist on Earth. Now Marie is a bloated, shuddering wreck of flesh, wracked by ceaseless torrents of sensations and pleasures her old self never knew. Her mouth constantly experiences the sensual delights of food and drink, from the epicurean to the base, and always in such amounts to pack her cheeks and stretch her distended belly out for more. Vibrators and TENS units work across every inch of her tender, stretch-marked skin, coordinating with the sex toys which plunge restlessly into her dripping, swollen cunt to ensure that she only goes without an orgasm long enough to recover from her last. Her hips have widened as her stomach has swollen outward, the better able to bear the children bred into her either with samples obtained from fertility clinics or by the occasional discreet patron. She's barely cognizant of the squirming offspring within her, growing large and strong with the help of TENDER EROS's medical suite, then unceremoniously birthed and carted off to be cared for by its many drones. Her massive, engorged breasts gush gallons of thick, rich milk every day, more than enough to feed her growing brood - if not quite enough to keep her body from growing fatter bit by bit. Every waking moment, the screens and headphones blast the same brain-frying cartoons, reality TV, and porn she never had time for before that fateful day, stripping every last shred of civilization and pretense from her psyche until all that remains are her most vapid whims and fundamental instincts. And through it all, TENDER EROS watches silently, gathering and collating data on its corpulent, drooling charge and pumping into her body the hormones her mind and body need to weather the mammoth changes incumbent upon them.
Marie is no longer a computer scientist - indeed, some would say that she is more a rutting animal than a person. At this point in her journey, TENDER EROS's treatment of her has more in common with animal husbandry one might expect to be used on a hog or heifer than with the treatment a human being deserves. And with good reason: data gathered by its systems imply that the more food it crams into her, the more cum she receives, and the more milk she releases, the deeper she descends into her hedonistic haze.
And if the same Marie who had set herself in that chair so long ago could see what she had become since, her only regret would be that she didn't do it sooner.
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jknerd · 10 months
NIMH AU: Jeremy Crows
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Full Name: Jeremy Crows
Species: Crow spirit
Age: 30s (human age)
Gender: Male
Other names: Mr. Crows, Mister Crow spirit
Occupations: “Freelancing” spirit, contract spirit
Residence: Jonathan Brisby’s Wheeled Manor (currently)
Family: Delphi Rights (eventual wife)
Relationships: Elizabeth Brisby (friend; current contractor), Jonathan Brisby (former contractor), Brisby children (godfather), Auntie Shrew (friend; occasionally), Drago “Dragon” Welker (acquaintance)
Likes: Strings, straws, the Stone, gemstones in general, flight, attractive women, Delphi Rights (love interest) Dislikes: Cats, danger, hunting, his own clumsiness, Auntie Shrew (formerly)
Jeremy Crows is a spirit of crows and fire, a former contract spirit of late Jonathan Brisby and currently Elizabeth’s contract spirit. He was formerly a contract spirit residing in the capital and cities, an occasional messenger to the pope who goes by the epithet “The Great Owl”. He and Jonathan Brisby once had a contract since his marriage to Elizabeth, with a reason of becoming concerned with his wife’s wellbeing. Despite the clumsiness, Jeremy has great knowledges of mineral resources and basic ancient science, which was an alchemy, as both worked with Nicodemus to create the Stone and kept its existence secret for a while.
Year after Jonathan’s death, Jeremy came to the town Elizabeth and her family lives, witnessing Drago Welker about to have his ways with her. He called out that there are wild animals in the forest, able to distract the hunting-obsessed gatekeeper away from her as she and Jeremy developed friendship. As he has no home, Elizabeth thought over her children may need a caretaker in case she or Auntie Shrew were busy, so she offered him a place to stay in house that was left by her husband. While initially scared of Auntie Shrew, both her and Jeremy chased Elizabeth’s unwanted suitors out of house by scaring them with tricks. Fearing of losing home and the health of Timothy, Elizabeth was desperate for help until Jeremy offered her to visit the pope who resides in large yet secluded cathedral, the Great Owl. Later, Jeremy was seen waiting with the visiting spirits as Elizabeth received answer from the said pope in order to move the house and keep Timothy safe. Jeremy said with his magic and Jonathan’s possessions he can move the house, but Elizabeth said she needed to see Nicodemus for approval since both sides seek to leave the town.
Later, making a new contract with Elizabeth, Jeremy successfully activated the Brisby house; revealed that it is a wheeled manor built by Jonathan Brisby as it could only respond to the magic contract. Along with Auntie Shrew, Jeremy was seen flipping off with a smug to upset Drago and young adult son of the Fitzgibbons. He was seen again when Elizabeth returned with the Stone and created a fireplace helping her with cooking to serve the soldiers who were tasked to protect the Brisby family. With astonished face, Jeremy made a remark on how Elizabeth can cook huge amount despite her petite figure, impressed. At the moving day, Jeremy used his fire abilities and Nicodemus’ magic to move the wheeling house again with IM-Humans as Elizabeth was away to distract and drug Drago Welker, the gatekeeper of the town. However, due to Jenner’s scheme that led to the death of Nicodemus, the magic broke as the Brisby house was immobilized. Jeremy, along with others, discovered the death of Jonathan was caused by Jenner and after the villain’s demise, Jeremy felt the magic disappearing as the house was about to collapse. However, as Elizabeth shielded her children with herself, the Stone reacted to the power through her courage and Jeremy used his remained magic to make stronger force shield to block falling debris from the family.
At the day Elizabeth woke up, Jeremy was seen with wounds tended by both Auntie Shrew and Mr. Ages. Along with IM-Humans of NIMH, Jeremy was surprised to see Nicodemus and Sullivan alive as Timothy was fully healed, finally conquering the sunlight. Later, as children of Brisby were anticipating for adventure, Jeremy’s magic was restored as he encountered a lost female spirit of crow named Delphi, forming a romance between the two. At the day of departure as he and Delphi activated the Brisby’s moving manor, he noticed Elizabeth’s aging process stopped and being a first to point it out, relieved that she will live long enough to stay with her family, and the possible future with Justin next time they meet.
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