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* 釣り体験(仕掛作りから) --------------------------------------- 今日はダメかと思ったけどなんとか釣れた。 @漁港 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄 #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku #民泊#読谷#釣り#フイッシング#fishing
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ubercharge · 2 years
75F in C is roughly 24C ^^
the second its above 24 degrees (celsius) my body wilts like sautéed spinach
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syl20-06 · 4 years
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Surf trip 🏄🏽‍♂️
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abba-enthusiast · 3 years
🎶 music tag
The lovely @holyshit tagged me (thank youu <3) to do this little tag game where you select an artist and answer the questions with song titles!
1) Name of the artist I selected: to nobody’s surprise i chose abba
2) What is your gender? I am just a girl
3) Describe yourself: I let the music speak
4) How do you feel? Why did it have to be me?
5) If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Happy Hawaii
6) Who is/describe your best friend: Like an Angel passing through my room
7) Your favorite time of day: Summer night city
8) If your life was a TV show, what would it be called? SOS cause i have anxiety
9) What is life to you? Andante, Andante
10) Relationship status? Should i laugh or should i cry?
11) What do you fear? Disillusion
I’m tagging @karometeenk @ramblingcastle @incertum-quo-fata-ferunt @treibholz-des-universums @cuppateadeer @jofngve and @oceanroot (no pressure tho <3 )
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Star Wars Alien Species - Kian'thar
Kian'thar were humanoid nomadic people from Shaum Hii, most notable for their ability to sense emotions. Though they evolved from land-dwelling reptiles, their culture was based around the seas and oceans of Shaum Hii.
In around 300 BBY, the Kian'thar were discovered by Shistavanen scouts. Many of them embraced their new found connection with the wider galaxy, hoping to become famous and wealthy. From 278 BBY to 211 BBY they unsuccessfully attempted to colonize the world of Bestine IV, but were thwarted by the harsh environment. By the Imperial era, nearly two million Kian'thar had left their planet to seek their fortunes, often using their empathic skills as mediators or counselors. These Kian'thar were noted for their wanderlust and appetite for hard work. Kian'thar emigrants included Rebel operative Kkral'Nas, MadisCorp mediator Ttul'Thar, and criminal Lleag'Mak.
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Kian'thar usually lived in small villages near marshes and shorelines. Their main economic activity was the ranching of derlacs, large grazing beasts that roamed Shaum Hii's oceans. These herds roamed freely, with each Kian'thar family branding the derlacs of their individual herd to avoid confusion when it came time to take them to market. Derlac herders traveled on bentails, large flying beasts. Kian'thar ranchers frequently developed close bonds with their mounts.
Their technology was fairly primitive, even after contact with the Shistavanen. Aquatic speeders were rare on their homeworld, and most Kian'thar claimed to have no use for other sophisticated devices like droids. Not all of the Kian'thar were isolationists, however—they were divided between the Iith'lon, or Preservers, and Lllun, or Progressives. While the Iith'lon wanted to keep their traditional way of life, the Lllun desired greater integration with the galactic community. The disagreements between these two factions rarely went beyond arguments over cups of oceanroot, however.
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Kian'thar were humanoids, standing 1.8 to 2.1 meters or 5.9 to 6.9 feet tall. They had purplish-pink heads, keratin plates protecting their necks, and large, deep-set eyes. One of their most distinctive features was the two dangling, tentacle-like olfactory organs on their faces.
Languages: har emotion sense was their most notable feature. They used this ability to avoid conflicts with others, though unscrupulous Kian'thar used it to manipulate people and start conflicts. This ability even worked well on non-Kian'thar. Though this put Kian'thar in demand on other planets, many non-Kian'thar were wary of the Kian'thar's empathic ability.
Kian'thar age at the following stages:
1 - 11 Child
12 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 49 Adult
50 - 69 Middle Age
70 - 84 Old
Examples of Names: Khral'Nas, Kreet'ah, Llleag'Mak, Lliegis'Nevz, Ttul'Thar.
Languages: Kian'thar is a language of croaks, honks, and water bubbling sounds. Written Kian'thar uses a simple alphabet and short phrases.
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* 天気良し!海風良し!涼しくて最高! ------------------------------------ #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄#uzabeach#ウザビーチ#okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku# 民泊 #貸切 (宇座海岸)
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abba-enthusiast · 3 years
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I was tagged by @holyshit (thank you so much!! 💕) to do this moral alignment test and i got lawful good which i think is accurate since i have anxiety and am terrified of breaking the rules lmao
@cuppateadeer @karometeenk @treibholz-des-universums @incertum-quo-fata-ferunt @voulezloux @oceanroot @ramblingcastle have a go if you’re in the mood :)
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* 沖縄料理試作 __________________________________________________ 夕飯を作りがてらウチナー料理研究 @自宅 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄 #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku #民泊#読谷#沖縄料理#ウチナー料理#魚天ぷら#イカ天ぷら#衣量増しがポイント#1から作るジューシー (村ノ民家muranominka)
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* 夕日(タイムプラス) --------------------------------------- 風邪で若干揺れてしまった! また次回 @うざ海岸 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄 #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku #民泊#読谷#宇座ビーチ#うざ海岸
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* 夕日(よみたんから) --------------------------------------- ほんと癒されます @宇座海岸 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄 #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku #民泊#読谷#夕日#加工なし (宇座海岸)
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* ヤドカリと夕日(うざかいがん) --------------------------------------- 午前中は雨がぱらついてましたが 晴れて綺麗な夕日 @うざかいがん #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄 #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku #民泊#読谷#体験#夕日#うざ海岸#ヤドカリ (宇座海岸)
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* Tako rice make(タコミート作りから) --------------------------------------- 地産地消、ゆんたんざやさい。 @読谷民家 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄 #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku #民泊#読谷#takorice #タコライス#fishing
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* 娘pic(トミークラフト海人ぬ宝T-shirt) --------------------------------------- 昨日民泊でみんなで買いに行ったついでに 娘サイズがあったので🤭 @自宅 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄#uzabeach#娘#okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku#民泊#読谷#娘pic
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* Mypic from TOKYO JK --------------------------------------- 最近の高校生の写真の撮り方のうまいこと🤳 @座喜味城跡 #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄#uzabeach#zakimi #okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku# 民泊#読谷#座喜味城 (Zakimi Castle)
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* 旅するなら読谷がましど〜pt3(読谷が良いよ) #ヒラヤーチー #サーターアンダギー --------------------------------------- @読谷西海岸@Gala@残波@塩アイス #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄#uzabeach#ウザビーチ#okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku# 民泊#読谷#貸切 (村ノ民家muranominka)
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* 旅するなら読谷がましど〜(読谷が良いよ) --------------------------------------- @読谷西海岸@Gala@残波@塩アイス #okinawa#okinawan#sea#okinawapic#pic#beautiful#沖縄#uzabeach#ウザビーチ#okipic#oceanroot#muranominka#minpaku# 民泊#読谷#貸切 (村ノ民家muranominka)
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