#oersted x straybow
spookyscaryships · 1 year
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An Oerbow (Live a Live) moodboard
Requested by: @oerbow
- Mod Stare
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skyhighchibi · 11 months
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JULY!!! BREAK!!! BINGOOOOOO!!! @julybreakbingo
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lalficfeed · 1 year
the stedtrio develop typing quirks
by Chibi (HimejoshiHeart)
originally thought this up in relation to fanflash_works bold prompt, but. this uses CSS. so I'm posting it here and now it's a wip and i don't know what to do with it lol.
Words: 273, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of POV:
Fandoms: Live A Live (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: FC: Duskie!Oersted | The Duskfall Kid (Live A Live), FC: HB!Straybow | Hibiscus Moonsmith (Live A Live), Tadokoro Akira
Relationships: implied hb x duskie.
Additional Tags: Discord - Freeform, Humor, Typing Quirks
from AO3 works tagged 'Live A Live (Video Game)' https://ift.tt/lJ0Tv8V
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oersteds · 1 year
I read your thoughts on Princess... Well I can say that the Japanese fanbase also dislikes her. Their fan content often portrays her as an airhead. Mostly for being gullible for believing anyone who talks to her. Just to let you know.
well shit guess i'm becoming a weeaboo /j
but uh... i dislike alicia for a multitude of reasons, none of them really being that she's gullible. more that she's... (sorry abt the language. i woke up from a 12 hour nap just now and i am Very Loopy) a fucking bitch imo. Princess Bitchtits over here thought a *day* was long enough for her to assume that oersted wasn't coming for her.
not to mention her defining character moment to me is her dumping a painful amount of verbal abuse onto oersted before leaving the minecraft server permanently. and for frankly bullshit reasons. i've had to deal with a couple verbal beatings for nonsensical reasons myself.
cw for below the cut: talk of abuse and trauma, this probably counts as a vent
... i kinda have this subconsious bias against alicia apologists, and even people who just... ship alicia with straybow or oersted. because when i see alicia, i see my abuser. i see the person who told me point blank they wouldn't care if i died when i was at my absolute lowest. i see someone pretending to be my oc twiz, too. (i made twiz before i'd even heard of live a live, so even though i know i'm wrong abt the "twiz ripoff" thing, it still sucks)
and when i see any oersted and/or straybow x alicia content... i can only see that same abuser being shipped with my favorite characters. the same characters who had helped me heal during that awful time. this sounds a little messed up, but i also see my abuser having "stole" the characters from me. like she just went "Oh, these characters helped you? They saved your life? Too bad. They're mine now." like, i don't even ship oersted x straybow. i just hate alicia that much. i doubt i'll ever be able to separate that character from my abuser at this point.
so yea. alicia apologism... hell. even any positive talk about alicia is very upsetting for me to see. that's why i've made the "cw alicia" tags. that's why i go on massive tangents tearing alicia's character apart sometimes. that's why i see alicia apologism as a red flag.
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Okay, those pics were adorable! The fic was having Xavier trying to fill in the void in sadness, but you were able to write a believable Hero!Oersted. Other authors did, but Venus in particular with Straybow and Alethea. Point is, I ship Hero!Xavier (Xena if you want instead) with Atum/Pecca now. Still the selectivity silent wielder, but has a crush on them. Could be the Strelitzia to Pecca, as Atum's speeches of friendship and war is hell is inspiring. Just one of them walks in the other union.
Hero!Xavier x Atum is definitely the way to go in terms of personality! They would be cute. :D
Not that the Pecca version wouldn't be cute, but… it would be a bit hard to get them to open up to positivity.
Sometimes, Pecca ends up being entirely separate from Atum and becomes a "sibling" due to the nature of Pecca being a replica! So rather than a corrupted Atum, you would have the two haves live separately.
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proshipping-edits · 4 years
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Oersted x Straybow Moodboard
Requested by: Anon
-Mod Cinnamon
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Oersted x Straybow (live a live)
Oersted is small and thin, thus he is preteen/child coded. Straybow is obviously drawn like an adult. Its pedophilia
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straybow-facts · 3 years
uH uHhH do you ship oersted x straybow or,-
ye lol
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skyhighchibi · 10 months
cutie poot
a tale of a twitch streamer (duskie) and a basement boy (hibby) @julybreakbingo
Duskie flashes a peace sign and winks at the camera.
Hibiscus swoons.
(At first, waking up in… the future(? Even now, it seemed more like another world..) was… strange. Nobody knew her sign, for once.
Now? Now he's pretty sure the guy who took them in only did it for tax purposes, but getting to eat rice and look at Duskie's cute Oersted-lookalike/alternate-Oersted face everyday (night? Was this place even real, or just a series of dreams?) was heavenly.)
He snaps out of his thoughts and types up a donation message, smiling as she thinks of the way Duskie's freckles pop out of the blush on his cheeks he always gets at her messages, and blushing herself, sends it.
'HibiscusButterfly donated $5: DUSKIE! you're a little cutie poot!!!! I love u <3'
Duskie's adorable confidence fades away to cuter embarrassment. "'C-Cutie poot'!? I-I'm the cutiest poot ever!" He holds his head up high. "I-I… I'll make you proud, Hibby!"
Duskie gets back to opening up his game, that same pink blush on his cheeks all the while.
(Later, when Duskie's playing Wildfrost, Hibiscus catches him muttering "Gonna do this for Hibby…" under his breath and squeals.)
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skyhighchibi · 11 months
(note that Duskie pukes twice in this)
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skyhighchibi · 11 months
@julybreakbingo i worked very hard on it (link RIGHT HERE)
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skyhighchibi · 11 months
for story bible sunday:
notcatskie's oersted had feelings much like species dysphoria in those who are transspecies*, and if he had social media and learned of the term he would have defo 100% identified as such. however this is the medieval times so he just felt shitty and like a weirdo and tried his best to suppress the feelings. coming out as a trans man did help a bit with the. gender. but however he still never did feel right in his body. felt too tall and too stiff and for whatever reason he keeps expecting to see a tail behind him. he only told Straybow about how seeing himself as a cat with opposable thumbs made him feel better about things most likely (and straybow mocked him for it during [spoilers]. rude.).
anyways unlike irl transspecies people after oersted (now knight, and odio's there too and yes they're both not-cats interworld) died(?), he bodily became a not-cat (and also duskie started existing) and now Knight's off having the best species euphoria in his goddamn life and never wants to be bodily human again ever. good end.
*From [Alt+H] - “Some nonhuman-identifying folk use this label, often to denote that they have, will, or generally desire to modify their bodies to be more nonhuman/less human looking, and are often motivated by species dysphoria. Others may use it to describe a feeling of “being [X species] trapped in a human body”. Many who use the term do so because they are transgender and their species identity parallels this experience.”
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lalficfeed · 1 year
the stedtrio develop typing quirks
by Chibi (HimejoshiHeart)
originally thought this up in relation to fanflash_works bold prompt, but. this uses CSS. so I'm posting it here and now it's a wip and i don't know what to do with it lol.
Words: 273, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of POV:
Fandoms: Live A Live (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: FC: Duskie!Oersted | The Duskfall Kid (Live A Live), FC: HB!Straybow | Hibiscus Moonsmith (Live A Live), Tadokoro Akira
Relationships: implied hb x duskie.
Additional Tags: Discord - Freeform, Humor, Typing Quirks
from AO3 works tagged 'Live A Live (Video Game)' https://ift.tt/oxCWp0s
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lalficfeed · 1 year
by Chibi (HimejoshiHeart)
While enjoying a lighthearted moment with his father one day, Duskie sees his past briefly brought to life...
(or: the fic where it turns out that Straybow was envious of Oersted's ability to backflip and nothing else)
Words: 421, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of got that winter calender feel
Fandoms: Live A Live (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: HB!Straybow | Hibiscus Moonsmith (Live A Live), Duskie!Oersted | The Duskfall Kid (Live A Live), Sundown Kid (Live a Live), Odio (Live a Live), Straybow (Live a Live)
Relationships: HB!Straybow | Hibiscus Moonsmith/Duskie!Oersted | The Duskfall Kid (Live A Live), Oersted & Sundown Kid (Live a Live)
Additional Tags: Humor, Ghosts, El BACKFLIPO, this is tagged gen because the duskie x hb is literally only in a bonus scene, crackfic, Multiplicity/Plurality, <- that's for Duskie n Odio btw, knight does ofc exist but he's not in this fic
from AO3 works tagged 'Live A Live (Video Game)' https://ift.tt/xU4DJyM
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spookyscaryships · 1 year
yo! new blog! howdy, stare! do you have it in you to make an oerbow (Oersted x Straybow, Live A Live) moodboard? :3 (@oerbow)
Yeah, of course! I hope you like it! - Mod Stare
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