#of pawns and players
anonymousewrites · 2 years
Of Pawns and Players Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Nineteen: King, Queen, and Bishop Together
            Sukuna dedicated himself to keeping Uraume and Ren apart. With no battles or enemies to vanquish for the time being, he had all the time in the world to devote himself to his, well, jealousy. He kept Uraume busy with administrative work among the servants and Ren busy with researching his old victories and (occasional) losses to improve future war tactics.
            Ren and Uraume never had a moment to spare to each other, even in secret. And it was frustrating them both. Ren had stopped her banter with Sukuna since without Uraume, something just felt off. Uraume was even more stoic and colder than usual as well. They remained focused on their work, doing the chores Sukuna assigned with machine-like precision, never any real passion in it.
            In turn, Sukuna was frustrated by their reactions. He thought he’d be satisfied and everything would return to how it was, but it hadn’t. It had made everything worse, in fact. Sukuna’s jealousy and frustration over Ren and Uraume being “Ren and Uraume” persisted with the knowledge that even though he had separated them; they still felt something.
            And, of course, the sinking feeling of knowing they didn’t feel that way about him did nothing to make him feel better either.
            Still, Sukuna pushed his feelings aside and tried to convince himself that it would all work out in the end. The pair just had some pesky emotions that would fade in time. He just had to wait.
            However, one of the three was sick and tired of waiting and decided to act so that their proud companions would get the kick in the ass they needed to maybe…work all this out, seeing as they were the only one who seemed to have figured out what was going on.
            Poor Uraume. They had Ren the genius and Sukuna the king as companions, but somehow, they had to solve all the problems.
            “Ren,” said Uraume, walking into the library.
            Ren looked up from her table. She had heard them coming with Mastermind; she knew their footsteps by heart. “Uraume.” She had no smile underneath her mask, but her eyes softened as she saw them. “What are you doing here? Sukuna could get upset.”
            While Ren was planning to each Sukuna a lesson (maybe let him have a humiliating defeat or two), she didn’t want Uraume to get hurt due to Sukuna’s temper. She knew she was willing to take a hit or two, but she knew Uraume deeply respected Sukuna and had served him for a long time out of their own volition, so they may not be as willing to displease him.
            Uraume sighed and crossed their arms. “This is for his good, too.” They sat down across from Ren. “This is for all of our good.”
            Ren cocked her head, interested. “You’ve got me interested.”
            “We’re both attracted to Sukuna, right?” said Uraume, already knowing the answer.
            Ren blinked. “What?”
            Uraume sighed. “I am. That’s why I didn’t like you when you first arrived. I thought you’d replace me.”
            “Well, obviously you warmed up to me,” said Ren with a smirk.
            Uraume gave her a deadpan look. “I also knew you were attracted to Sukuna.”
            Ren furrowed her brow. “It was that obvious?”
            “You and Sukuna are alike. You both act tough, strong, unconcerned. Sometimes condescending,” sighed Uraume. “But I’ve learned how to read your true moods. I’ve seen the way you look at him. Like I do.”
            “And you aren’t…upset?” asked Ren hesitantly.
            Uraume smiled. “I cannot be upset for something I feel as well.”
            Ren nodded, respecting the logic. “So, we are both interested in him. It doesn’t help us, does it? Sukuna loves his power; he has no room for anything else. We’ve spoken about this before—we’re just his subordinates.”
            Uraume folded their hands in front of them. “Have you ever used Mastermind to see how he feels?” Ren looked away, trying to save face. “Ah.” Uraume understood and reached out to hold Ren’s hand. “You were afraid of the disinterest you could find.”
            Ren sighed. “Must we really discuss this? Can we not simply enjoy what the two of us have?”
            “No,” said Uraume sternly. “Because the truth is that Sukuna is jealous.”
            “…” Ren stared at them. “What?”
            Uraume rolled their eyes. “Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots. Why do you think he separated us? Because it’s ‘unprofessional?’ ” Uraume scoffed. “If Sukuna cared about being professional, you would be dead a dozen times over.” Ren glared at them for the dig. “He’s jealous. I figured it out by watching him this past week. I thought he’d eventually do the mature thing and talk to us, but as usual, I must attend to everything. Just look back, see at his actions through Mastermind.”
            Ren, in a rare moment of vulnerability, looked at Uraume with slight nerves. “Are you sure?”
            Uraume smiled. “Yes.”
            Ren closed her eyes, Uraume’s hand still on hers, as she recalled moments with Sukuna. Normally, Mastermind could not perfectly determine how someone felt, but after becoming so familiar with Sukuna and his habits and patterns, it could see more about Sukuna than it could a stranger.
            And see it did. Highlighting each little movement of Sukuna’s that was towards her and Uraume. The glances when he thought Ren and Uraume weren’t looking, the frustration when he intruded on them together even before they were together, the way Sukuna looked at her on her fateful wedding day.
            She blinked and looked at Uraume. “He is. He is jealous. Of…both of us.” Uraume nodded. “Alright, then. Let’s go talk with our lord.”
            “I thought I gave you both work,” said Sukuna hotly as Urume and Ren walked into the throne room.
            “We need to talk,” said Ren.
            “The only thing to talk about is that you two are disobeying my orders,” said Sukuna.
            “Sukuna,” said Uraume harshly.
            Sukuna blinked in surprise at Uraume not adding the “-sama” at the end. That meant they were serious. “Fine. I can spare a few minutes.”
            “Would you like the start, Uraume?” asked Ren. “You are the one who figured it out.”
            Sukuna rose from his throne. “Is this going to take long? You are both supposed to be working.”
            “As you’ve said.” Ren glanced at him as he stood and said sharply, “Sit back down.”
            Sukuna blinked at the edge in her voice and sat back down. He had to admit he was quite unnerved at the bite they both had today. Uraume and Ren were usually deferential, but now they were bold. Ren’s banter had turned to sharp orders—Uraume’s respect to brazen words.
            Uraume cleared their throat and continued. “Sukuna-sama—” they endeavored to remain polite so Sukuna would hear them out “—we…we know why you’re ordering Ren and I apart.”
            “Because it was unprofessional to have such a relationship,” said Sukuna stubbornly. “It distracts from our endeavors.”
            “Sukuna…” said Uraume softly, stepping closer. “We know that’s not the truth.”
            Sukuna narrowed his eyes. “We already had this discussion. Enough.”
            “You’re jealous,” said Uraume.
            Sukuna scowled. “What would I have to be jealous of?”
            “Us,” said Ren. She took Uraume’s hand.
            Sukuna, whose eyes had been focused on Uraume, looked up at Ren and started at how her mask had been removed. After seeing it on for so long and only off for Uraume, the person she was close with, it felt strangely intimate.
            “I—no,” said Sukuna.
            Uraume sighed. “Sukuna, please. It will be better for all of us if you’re honest.”
            Sukuna stood angrily. “You want me to be honest? For what? So you can have something I covet? For you to have the knowledge you hold something I wish for? For you to have power over me?” He glared at them. “Fine. Have at it. Know that I want the intimacy and affection you show each other, but you have given those affections to one another and I hate it. Go on. Know the truth and laugh at your lord for it. Go on—"
            Uraume pulled on Sukuna’s yukata, causing him to lean down, and kissed him. Pulling back, they sighed and crossed their arms. “The dramatics are unnecessary. I have warned you before that hysterics distract from proper facts.”
            Ordinarily, Sukuna would scowl at his actions being equated to “hysterics,” but at that moment, he was standing still with an unusually shocked face. He looked at Ren in confusion at the fact that she didn’t seem to care.
            Seeing his face, Ren smirked in amusement. “We both have affection for you, Sukuna.” She gestured between them all. “In fact, it seems we all feel the same way about each other.”
            “Both of you do?” asked Sukuna, half-hopeful, half-fearful of the answer.
            “Yes,” said Uraume.
            It was Ren’s turn to kiss Sukuna. “Have we not convinced you?”
            Sukuna grinned, his inward happiness manifesting in his usual cockiness. “I think you need to make up for the time you two spent together without me.”
            Uraume shook their head in affectionate exasperation, and Ren rolled her eyes. “Well, I suppose we should become more…acquainted with this dynamic.”
            “So we are going to do this? A relationship between all of us?” confirmed Sukuna. He was cruel and power-hungry, but he wasn’t a monster that would force people into being a relationship with him.
            “I’m fine with it,” said Uraume.
            “As am I,” said Ren.
            “Good.” Sukuna stepped forward and effortlessly lifted Ren and Uraume off their feet with his cursed strength. “Because I’m not letting you two go for a long time.”
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nekrosmos · 4 months
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My Dragon's Dogma GhostSoap adventure is going very well so far
Soap's ID is GOYDPVCBNSEZ for anyone interested !
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westerosiladies · 4 months
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Sansa Stark Appreciation Week Day Five - Pawn to Player
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ladywebber · 2 months
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“I find it hilarious that the only times they call each other by their first names it had to be so formal and polite and . . . courtly. “Ser Sandor.” “Lady Sansa.” The knight and the lady. The visuals are there, out of one of Sansa’s songs, and knowing GRRM is playing with the knighthood theme, you know this was written intentionally. Were this another couple in a different series, you could almost visualise her curtseying and him bowing in return. But this being ASOIAF, the knight reacts with an infuriated snarl and the lady is so fearful of offending the king that she barely registers his words.”
What’s in a Name: Naming as a Technique in Sansa and Sandor’s Relationship Arc by miladyofyork
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
It's crazy that people still uphold show!Sansa as a well-written character and pretend that liking her is the pinnacle of feminism when it would be infinitely more impactful to acknowledge her terrible and misogynistic writing. This is the same character who, while written by two men, was thankful for the abuse she suffered because it allowed her to grow. The same character who we had to be told was smart because the writers were too lazy to develop or show her intelligence. The same character who had to rely heavily on the men surrounding her and ended up accomplishing nothing on her own merit ( and no, thinking that she deserved to be Queen doesn't mean that she earned it). She is not well-written, she is not complex, and she is not a feminist character. Which is fine! If you enjoy her then good on you, but please stop pretending that she's something she isn't just because you feel the need to justify liking her character
#anti got#anti d&d#anti show sansa#anti sansa stans#like literally one of the worst written characters on that show because they tried so hard to make her the most important#while being entirely incompetent and their only method of doing so was to steal from other characters which ruined the plot#the only arguable achievement was defeating LF but even then it's written in the script that she had to go to Bran to explain things#/she rallied the Vale army!/ no she didn't 😭 she wrote a letter to LF and he did everything. instead of showing her arc in the Vale and#her learning about politics to rally them herself they took the quickest route to give her a /badass/ savior scene#which only ended up making her look selfish + power-hungry for putting her brothers' lives at risk for not telling anybody about said lette#and idiotic in the aftermath after relying once again on LF even though he was very obviously manipulating her#/pawn to player/ sounds catchy on paper but without seeing that growth/development it doesn't work#Arya was terribly written but at least we /saw/ her training in a way we never did with Sansa#and people try to apply this same logic to the books and think she's gonna suddenly spring forth as a political mastermind#when that's not how George writes...we see characters develop and make mistakes on page and get actual earned growth#feminism isn't defending the writing of two men who gave her a rape plot not in the books because they thought it was /interesting/#when the only aspect of that plot they adapted was a woman suffering abuse :/#and as per usual with stansas their only /evidence/ of her being well-written is accusing you of being misogynistic if you don't like her
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rjfischer · 23 days
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young bobby fischer visiting mikhail tal in the hospital (1962)
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ozcarma · 4 months
Does anyone else feel like the incinerator gun chair room from Zero Time Dilemma would have better fit C Team instead of D Team
#elaboration in the tags#zero time dilemma#zero escape#ztd#I think of this every time I watch a playthrough and get to that room#carlos ztd#akane kurashiki#junpei tenmyouji#c team#like just about any combination fits with the potential character growth both Akane and Junpei would have from it#I understand the main character is Carlos so if we were to keep it as him making the decision then I would have Akane in the incinerator#and Junpei in the chair#but if we’re going to throw ‘main character chooses’ then you could truly have either Akane or Junpei at the gun with Carlos in the chair#I say all this cuz there’s the obvious Akane incinerator parallels and I imagine it could trigger a breakdown for her#if Junpei is behind the gun would she beg Junpei to shoot Carlos to save her?#would Junpei see that Akane sees other players as pawns to save her own life? and if she doesn’t beg does it help Junpei#see the humanity in her? where he previously thought she was uncaring but here she clearly is to save Carlos at the cost of her own life#but my fave configuration is Junpei in the incinerator and Akane at the gun#it helps them see from each other’s point of view. how scared would Junpei be being in the incinerator and there’s nothing he can do#but rely on someone else? Junpei in characterized as pretty selfish in ZTD so this experience could have him empathize with Akane’s#‘selfishness’ in the previous games. realizing you’d do it too if your life was on the line#and Akane can see just how difficult it is being the one to directly have a hand in how people die or at least see their bodies.#and is it worth it to just save one person?#yes Akane’s games have a way for everyone to survive and win at the end. but in the moment the players don’t know that.#I think that configuration would do SO much for akane and Junpei to better empathize with one another during ZTD#this could’ve been a whole post but I wasn’t confident enough in my coherence to properly format it. so tags you get
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kris6942069 · 2 months
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ł̸̡̡̧̨̨̺͚͇̹̱̪̰̤̳͈̼̞͈̼̪͔̟̮͎͙̗͂́̉̎͐̈́̍͝ ̶̧̡̨̧̢̫̲͇̟͔̜̤̝̦̭̪̳̪̲̯̗̮̺̜̲̝̪̘̲̮̘̮̪̘̝͎̳̩̺͚̗͖̠͈̏͊͛̽̉̂̾̈͋̇̐̄͌̒̈͜͜͝ͅ₳̵̧̧̞̮͍̠͈̣̙͔͔͖̻͚̭̣͙̩̺̗̬͎̣̹̘̬̖̝͍̱̻͚̖͙̌̉̆̀́͊̿͆̇̓̽̒̔̂͛͐͆̾͊͜͠͝ͅ₥̷̨̨̤̘͙͔̠̪̔̈̌̒ ̶̢̝͓͙͇̭̝̣̦̠̻̳̳̤̟̱͍̻̤̞͔͇̙̺̩̹͍̦͉̪̤̠̟̭̬̼̬̘̬̓̽̑̈́̋̿̃̋̐͒̇̐̂̑̉́́̒̓̏̎͑̐͘͘͜͝ͅͅͅ₳̴̄̀̎̀́̐̐̇͋͗̋͐͗͛̃͊͒͗̊̋̑̃̀͌̆͋̒̃̍̿͐͆͑͘̕͝͝��̡̟̘͔ ̵̧̧͉̜̦̫͎͕̹̰̞̥̻̪̳̻̱̖̘̦̯̘̭̭̪͈̘͚̱̯͈͈͙͓̤̝̄͒́̿͒̽́̒͒̚ͅ₱̷̛͖̫̠̳͕͖̾̇̉̋́͗͆̽́̒͋̋̐͗̃͐͗̔̈́̆̑̆̈̀́̋̐̂̊̔̎̄͂̇̃̋͘̚͘̚͝͝͠͝͝Ʉ̷̡͇̮͙̤̱̯͎͓͔̭̩̻̭̮̤͙̟̱͍̼͍̞̬̑͌̈́̏̾̚₱̴̡̳̜͚̪̳̩̭͚͔̱̣̤̥̞̳̥̯̆̿̓̂͗͆̈́̽̈́̑̅͌͂̂́̈́̈́̈́̓̓̈́̿͊̑̄̂́̾͑̍̎̎̅̈́͒̓̑͒͋̌͘͘͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅ₱̵̛͓̱̲̗̘͎͔̳̩͎̞̘̞̖͍̣͇͇̠͖͇̻̟͚͔̪̺͈̳͔̰̞̝̭͉̗̜̌̀̎̓́̃̊̃̍̈́́͗̑̋͋̀͗͒̉̐͑̂̉̅̒̅͜͜͠Ɇ̸̨̨̨̡̢̢͙̭̝͇̭̦̠̲͈̖̹̪̯̰̮͚̜̯̟̟̮̜̗͕̯̗̬̲̙͖̻͎̝͔̬̥̺̊́͆̄̈́͂͒̾͂̃̽͒͌̾͐͆̄̊̌̆̇̍̉́̐̇͂̈́͗̾͋͛̑̈́͘̕̕̕̕͠͝͝₮̷̧̛̞̠̦̻̭͚̦̬͇̹̺͙͉̂̔͐̚͠
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themanwhomadeamonster · 9 months
the comedic timing of this entire clip...
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warabola · 7 months
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do you see my vision
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
Of Pawns and Players Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen: King vs Bishop and Queen
            “How did the battles go?” asked Ren as she cut her food.
            “Orochi’s forces are decimated,” responded Sukuna. “They are destroyed.” He smirked. “Even if they manage to return in another form, I will be present to stop them.”
            As Uraume recovered, Ren had finished the plans for Sukuna’s attacks against Orochi. After weeks of planning and working, the various counters against Orochi’s encroachment had been enacted. Sukuna had been gone from the palace for an unprecedented amount of time.
            It had created a strange paradox of feelings in Uraume and Ren. On the one hand, they were able to explore their new relationship without the awkwardness of having to avoid Sukuna. They did not know if he would approve or even allow their little affair, so they dared not mention it to him.
            On the other hand, Ren and Uraume were perfectly aware of how awkward it would be once Sukuna returned. Not to mention, although they had not spoken the words aloud, both were attracted to him as well as the other. All in all, they were in quite the tricky position due to the mess of emotions the trio had created.
            And that brought them to this dinner, the first meal together since Sukuna had returned. The first test to see if all three could handle the emotions in their mind had begun.
            Uraume nodded in satisfaction, keeping their usual emotionless expression. “They will no longer endanger your lands or your plans. You are thorough as always, Sukuna-sama.”
            Sukuna suppressed a bitter frown from slipping onto his face. Lately, he had found himself wanting to lash out at both of them. They did not know he knew about their relationship, and yes, he should not have been upset at it, but he could not help it. Sukuna disliked the way they so easily fit together, even without him.
            As he fought on the battlefield, he felt even more isolated. He carried out Ren’s plans with Uraume’s perfect organization. In the past, he had felt in sync with them even miles away since they worked together to perfect strategies and win victories. Now, he felt farther away than ever. He wondered if they even noticed his absence.
            At night, Sukuna felt colder than usual. He had seen the way Ren easily touched Uraume, how Uraume pulled her in, and he longed for the same. He felt weak for wanting that softness, that care.
            Worst of all, though, Sukuna couldn’t figure out whether he wanted Ren or Uraume in that way. They both attracted him, and honestly, that intimidated him. It was too many weaknesses for him. And then, of course, there was the issue of them obviously being attracted to each other. There was no room for him.
            Sukuna hated that. He hated that they were happy and that he couldn’t be happy that they were. He hated that he wanted that happiness.
            Unable to continue watching them even sit beside on another, separate, apart from him, Sukuna stood up suddenly. “I’ve finished. I must go and rest from my battles.” He turned and began to walk away.
            “Sukuna-sama,” called Uraume softly.
            Sukuna stopped and turned back. There was something in that voice he could not resist. But of course, he couldn’t resist either of them, much to his dismay. “Yes?” he questioned, forcing his bitterness into imperiousness.
            “…Rest well,” said Uraume simply, though more was on their tongue. “Call for me if you are in need of anything.”
            “If you’d like, the next morning we can review the efficacy of my strategies, so I may make adjustments for more complete victory,” said Ren.
            Sukuna recognized both their words as their offers of help and servitude. He despised the lack of affection in them, so different from how they had spoken to each other. “Right,” he said coldly, walking away.
            He hated his feelings and theirs.
            In his room, Sukuna threw a table against the wall. He thought after the heat of battle and his cathartic release of emotions he’d be able to withstand his pesky jealousy. But he couldn’t. Just seeing them sitting side-by-side fueled him with a desire to both tear them apart and pull them closer. It drove him mad.
            And so, in his anger and inability to be humble, Sukuna decided to put an end to it, supposing (wrongly, as anyone could tell him) that his emotions would subside then. Such personal relationships were inappropriate and would harm their work for him, he reasoned. Sukuna would just have to wait until he happened to catch them in a more-than-friendly act and then would make his decree. Yes, that would solve all of this, he decided.
            Unfortunately, Sukuna did not have Ren’s intelligence. If he did, he would know that this would just complicate things more.
            Under Sukuna’s watchful eye, and indeed because of his ability to focus and be cunning when needed, it did not take him long to find a moment where Uraume and Ren would have time alone since he was not around. So he went to the kitchen where Uraume worked and Ren joined them to read or study.
            He was silent as when he moved in the shadows to kill as he moved towards the door. Sukuna hoped Ren would be distracted enough that she wouldn’t notice his coming with Mastermind. He let the door open a crack as he peered in to make sure he was catching them at the right moment.
            Ren was standing by Uraume’s side as they explained the proper motion for cutting meat, different from that of wielding a blade on the battlefield. She was smiling, maskless, alongside them as they guided her movements. It was so domestic that it made Sukuna’s stomach clench painfully. And he wanted to throw up when Uraume, with a soft smile they never shed their icy exterior to share with him, leaned towards Ren and kissed her.
            That sent him over the edge, and he opened the door dramatically, letting it smack into the wall. Ren and Uraume jumped apart as they saw him appear, their eyes wide.
            “Sukuna!” breathed Uraume, trying to collect themselves.
            Ren shifted uncomfortably, and her hand curled into a fist as she stared down Sukuna, refusing to act afraid. “Sukuna,” she said evenly as she fixed her mask.
            “Ren. Uraume,” said Sukuna coldly. “What is going on here?”
            “We were cooking dinner,” said Uraume. They remained polite and deferential as always, but they would not lie. They cared about Ren, after all.
            “Looked like more than just that,” remarked Sukuna.
            “And if it was?” asked Ren challengingly.
            “Then I order it to end,” commanded Sukuna.
            “Excuse me?” Ren narrowed her eyes.
            “What?” questioned Uraume.
            “I will not have such unprofessional behavior among those who are supposed to devote their work to me,” said Sukuna, standing tall. “I will not tolerate this affair.” He looked at Uraume. “Finish your work. Ren, take your books to the library. Now.”
            The danger in his voice was not to be trifled with. Uraume nodded silently, and with a last look at Ren, they turned back to their work. However, a light frost dusted the ground beneath them, evidence of their dissatisfaction. Ren gathered her books, but she glared at Sukuna as she passed him. He raised an eyebrow challengingly, trying to remain cold and cruel against their unhappiness that he detested that he disliked. He had gotten what he wanted, right? Their time would be devoted to him, not each other.
            But none of them were happy. None of them had what they wanted.
            “This discussion isn’t over. We have given you all our minds can give, advice, knowledge, strategy, opinion. You cannot force us to surrender our hearts as well,” said Ren with finality.
            I’m not going to give up Uraume.
            I’m not going to give up Ren.
            I’m not going to give them up.
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wolf-saint · 3 months
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"I see a holy war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire."
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thehappiestgolucky · 4 months
bitterblack isle will always be real for this actually
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buttercupart · 5 months
Ok not to be a #hater but I have to verbalize it or I’ll go cuckoo it’s INSANE to me that Kris as a name is very clearly derived from Frisk, and they have the exact same skin tone and hair color as Frisk down to the hex codes, and people will look at them and be like ………..“yep this is clearly Chara” ohhhh we aren’t making it out of this world alive I fear
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exfil · 1 month
I love when people come up with their own callsigns unfortunately i do have a callsign assigned by my friends during the glorious days of call of duty black ops and it's lew "lucky strike" [last name]. because i used to smoke. and also i can't aim for shit
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ohhgingersnaps · 1 month
i need to finish flu game and work on the hallmark au but the urge to start an isekai 'here's how L could be saved' fic is SO strong
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