#uraume x oc
damnatiomemoriae4 · 25 days
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Reward & Adoration Hurst too much to draw him rn so take some soft sketches of Uraume instead
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anonymousewrites · 10 months
Of Two Worlds (Book 3) Chapter Eight
Fushiguro Megumi x Half-Curse! Reader
Chapter Eight: Stolen
Summary: (Y/N) refuses to cower even as the situation gets worse.
            (Y/N) and Itadori stared in horror at Sukuna, smirking malevolently from Megumi’s face.
            No, no, no! Panic flashed through (Y/N)’s mind. Not this. Not Megumi. She couldn’t lose Megumi. Her anger solidified to cold fury, and her eyes and curse marks blazed to life.
            “Let him go!” she hissed.
            Sukuna’s smirk just widened. “No. I don’t think I will.”
            “Fushiguro!” shouted Itadori, trying to call his friend back to the front.
            Before he could react, Sukuna was in front of him, fist up. It collided with Itadori, and he was thrown backwards through several buildings. Sukuna turned on (Y/N), but her reflexes kept her alive. She blocked his fist with the side of her arm. It hurt, but her curse-like strength kept her upright.
            Sukuna cocked his head as (Y/N) braced against him, gritting her teeth. “Not pretending to be human anymore, are we?” His eyes fell to her glowing curse marks. “Good.” He grinned. “But not good enough.”
            He struck again, and (Y/N) blocked but was thrown into a building. She coughed up blood as she landed. Sukuna lunged and slammed her head onto the ground again. (Y/N) groaned, heading spinning as his fiery cursed energy burnt at her icy energy. His foot ground down on her head, and (Y/N) knew that with a single movement he could crush her skull. She was exhausted and injured, and Sukuna knew she was unsure how to really fight Sukuna because it put Megumi at risk.
            Before Sukuna could do anything, though, Kurusu flew down from above, and Sukuna moved away from (Y/N)’s body to face her.
            “Angel, wait! You’ll hurt Megumi!” cried Kurusu as the Angel piloted her body.
            “There’s no other choice!” said the Angel. “It’s him! It’s the Disgraced One! Before the Disgraced One achieves a stronger hold over him, we must strip him away and eliminate him! We must take the risk! Now! Jacob’s Ladder!”
            A large rune of pure white light erupted into existence in the sky above them, and the pure energy blasted down at Sukuna in Megumi’s body.
            Kurusu nearly wept as she attacked. “Give him back! Give him back! Megumi belongs to me!”
            Kurusu’s eyes widened as Megumi’s voice appeared.
            “I remember now.” He extended a hand to her. “Thank you. I’m fine now.”
            “Megumi!” wept Kurusu in relief. She embraced him. “When it came to you, I’ve always—”
            “That’s not Megumi!” (Y/N) forced the words out of her mouth, coughing up blood with it. She knew Megumi, knew his very soul, and that wasn’t him. It was Sukuna.
            But it was already too late, and Kurusu’s body fell limp as blood leaked from her injured head.
            “Foolish human,” said Sukuna, carelessly tossing her body to the side. It careened over the edge of the rooftop and landed with a sickening thud below. He scoffed. It was obvious to anyone that Fushiguro Megumi only cared for one person in that way, and Kurusu Hana was not that person. No, Megumi would not fight back for her.
            Sukuna’s eyes narrowed as Itadori jumped onto the roof across from him. (Y/N) could be seen getting to her feet, too, as she recovered from her disoriented state. Megumi wouldn’t fight for Kurusu, no, but now…Sukuna tsked. He’d have to dispose of them quickly.
            “You’re still here?” he said to Itadori, raising a bored eyebrow.
            Itadori growled and jumped. “Sukuna!”
            His punch hit the building as Sukuna evaded, but the power sent the building crumbling. Even Sukuna raised his eyebrows in mild surprise at the sheer strength. Itadori kicked a piece of rubble at Sukuna, and Sukuna blocked it, but at the next moment, Itadori was behind him, enraged and ready to fight. He kicked Itadori before he could be attacked and tsked.
            “Kenjaku does the grossest things,” he said.
            “You! Why can’t you jerks just live a normal life?! Why do you have to spread misery?!” shouted Itadori.
            A slash cut across his body, and blood flew into the air. He collapsed to his knees, and Sukuna looked down at him.
            “Well, allow me to ask why are you so weak?” He cocked his head. “You’re weak, yet you cling to life. Continuing on your path means destruction, yet you wish to be happy for as long as possible. You should spend your lives stifling misery.”
            Itadori gritted his teeth and forced himself to his feet. “You should be the one trying to stifle this misery!”
            Sukuna smirked. “Come closer.”
            Itadori took a single step closer, and a myriad of cuts split open his body. He collapsed to the ground, groaning, and Sukuna smirked.
            His smirk fell as he evaded (Y/N). She was already upon him, punching at him. He dodged, and she landed, pivoting to kick. She refused to use her weapons, unsure about hurting Megumi, but that didn’t take away all of her power. Her cursed strength remained.
            Sukuna raised a hand and blocked her. He smirked and prepared to slash into her body. His smirk fell. His cursed energy was fluctuating, growing smaller as he tried to attack. Cuts erupted on (Y/N)’s body, but it wasn’t nearly enough to keep her down yet.
            Sukuna narrowed his eyes. Megumi was fighting against his control because it was (Y/N) in danger. The Ten Shadows user and the Child of the Night. Sukuna tsked. Troublesome.
            “I’ll need to polish up this form,” sighed Sukuna.
            “Don’t talk about him like that,” snapped (Y/N), voice sharp. Lunar Cycle: Gibbus Moon. Her katana appeared in her hands.
            Sukuna smirked. “Are you sure you’re willing to risk his life?”
            (Y/N) didn’t respond. She wasn’t sure at all. She could be killing Megumi, and that was an inconceivable idea to hurt. However…she refused to watch him be controlled by Sukuna. (Y/N) knew Megumi would despise it. So, (Y/N) would find a way to get Sukuna out of his body. And then she’d save Megumi.
            After all, she was willing to do anything for him. She’d pay any price to have him back.
            (Y/N) shifted into position, katana raised. Sukuna wouldn’t be easy to take on, but for Megumi, she’d do it. She lunged and slashed at Sukuna. He blocked, and (Y/N) used the impact to rebound over him. She twisted as she jumped and cut his arms, drawing blood as she landed behind him.
            “A few cuts isn’t going to bring back your dear Fushiguro,” sneered Sukuna.
            (Y/N) cocked her head. “It’s not just cuts.”
            Icy flames erupted in the slashes on Sukuna’s arms, and the freezing temperatures collected into hypothermia. Sukuna’s own fiery technique extinguished (Y/N)’s fire, but there had been damage done, and Sukuna could feel it. The Halfling had grown much stronger than the last time they fought. This was not someone masquerading as a human. (Y/N) had found more of her cursed nature and used it to her advantage.
            Sukuna attacked (Y/N) before she could move again, and she put up her arms, taking the brunt of the attack. It was diluted as Megumi fought against Sukuna, but it still hurt, and (Y/N) was thrown into a building.
            She pushed herself to her feet and moved to attack, and Sukuna slammed a hand on the ground. His technique cleaved into the ground and sent rubble flying into the air. Poor Itadori’s body was thrown around, and (Y/N) barely managed to hang on. She twisted and leapt between pieces of debris to approach him.
            Sukuna kicked several pieces of rubble at (Y/N), and she slashed through them with flames of ice. She lunged at him, but he raised a hand and snapped his fingers. Cuts appeared across her body even as she attacked. (Y/N) gritted her teeth and slashed down at Sukuna.
            He jumped back as silver flames chased him. Even as (Y/N) fell to her knees from the various injuries on her body, Sukuna could feel the freezing fire burning at him. (Y/N) slammed her katana into the ground, and flames erupted from the cracks in the pavement, flying up at Sukuna.
            Maximum Output: Frost Calm
            The moment before impact, a slab of ice slammed between (Y/N) and Sukuna before her attack could hit him. Sukuna landed on top of the ice and grinned down at (Y/N).
            She pushed herself up onto her elbows. “I won’t let you control him!”
            “No, and that’s why I need to get rid of you.” Sukuna gazed down at her darkly. “I might not be able to kill you,” he said. “But…” He raised a hand.
            A powerful cut struck through (Y/N)’s abdomen, and blood flew through the air. Between the bloodless and other injuries, darkness tinged (Y/N)’s vision. She watched as a woman with red hair and a person with white and red hair appeared beside Sukuna.
            “I can leave you for dead.”
            (Y/N)’s final sight was Nue, summoned by Sukuna, carrying Sukuna and his companions away. For a moment, all she could see was Megumi, a boy in black, submerging into darkness and reaching out towards silver light.
            (Y/N) couldn’t reach back to the boy she loved.
            “My deepest apologies for intervening,” said Uraume as they stood beside Sukuna.
            “Apologies? No, no, do you have any idea what he could have done if that fight went any further?” Ren turned a cold glare onto Sukuna. “Do you have any idea what you were risking?”
            Sukuna scoffed. “Everything is fine. You two worry far too much. I made it back after a thousand years, you think I can’t handle a single body?”
            “Don’t flatter yourself, husband. There are less risky ways to return to us,” said Ren.
            “But then I couldn’t see your annoyed faces,” said Sukuna, smirking.
            “Sukuna, this is hardly the time for teasing. There is too much at stake,” said Uraume.
           “You’re right, of course, spouse,” said Sukuna, nodding to Uraume. “Have you prepared the bath?”
            “Of course, but we anticipated a different vessel,” said Uraume.
            “I have the Ten Shadows Technique. That’s what’s important,” said Sukuna.
            “This isn’t the plan,” said Ren as they landed at Kenjaku’s base and began their walk to Sukuna’s literal bloodbath. “The plan is to get rid of the Zenin boy so that we don’t risk anything happening again.”
            “The boy won’t be a problem. All I need to do is drown his soul and the body will be mine,” said Sukuna as he descended towards the bath.
            “You’re following more of Kenjaku’s plan than ours,” said Ren. She crossed her arms and exchanged a look with Uraume. Neither liked how much Sukuna was taken in by Kenjaku.
            “Having this form won’t interrupt your plans,” said Sukuna. “Besides, it’s better for fighting sorcerers with.” He walked past her and submerged himself in the pool of blood. Within him, Megumi’s soul shuddered and sank deeper into darkness as the pure evil surrounded him.
            Megumi had only two bits of light left for him, and his soul cradled them protectively.
            Ren and Uraume gazed at Sukuna beneath the blood. Ren’s eyes narrowed, and Uraume was stiff beside her.
            “When did it become just our plans and not his as well?” said Uraume warily. The choice of words wasn’t lost on them.
            “When Kenjaku’s influence began to unravel his vows with us,” spat Ren. She straightened her mask. “That man cannot be trusted.”
            “Sukuna believes that his strength will mean Kenjaku cannot harm him,” said Uraume. They were perceptive and understood how their wife and husband thought. “He is ignoring our warnings.”
            “He’s being foolish,” said Ren.
            “And he is unravelling the vows that matter,” said Uraume. They glanced at Ren. “We’re losing him.”
            Ren shook her head. “No. We won’t let Kenjaku take him from us.”
            “We can’t force him to follow the plan. He won’t listen to us,” said Uraume darkly.
            “Then we’ll complete the plan as needed,” said Ren.
            “What about Sukuna?” asked Uraume.
            “…We’ll protect him. Even if it’s from himself,” said Ren. She looked to Uraume. “But if he chooses Kenjaku over us, then we leave him.”
            Uraume nodded shortly. They had forever been loyal to Sukuna, and now they were loyal to Ren as well, but if Sukuna abandoned them for Kenjaku of all sorcerers, they would let him go.
            “If we cannot be respected and our bows are not honored, then there is no place for loyalty,” said Uraume.
            “No,” agreed Ren.
            Their conversation ended as Sukuna rose from the blood bath and dressed in a yukata of black and white.
            “I need Fushiguro Tsumiki’s location,” he said. “Yorozu has challenged me.”
            “She is in Sendai,” said Uraume.
            “Finish this all quickly,” said Ren, crossing her arms. “We have other things to deal with.”
            “Of course, my wife, my spouse,” said Sukuna, inclining his head. “This body will be mine, and I will return to you.” He reached out and squeezed Uraume and Ren’s hand, letting a slight smile appear before he started up out of the building to face Yorozu.
            Uraume and Ren watched him. Uraume reached out to touch Ren’s hand. They knew how much they both wanted Sukuna to rethink what he was doing.
            “That body could be his ruin,” said Ren.
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redtsundere-writes · 1 month
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Part 12: Apprentices
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
Tags: MDNI. +18. Murder. Blood. Cannibalism. Sukuna Ryomen Is The Warning Itself. Nudity. Sexual Display. Vaginal. Fingering.Sometimes fluff, sometimes angst.
Word Count: 4881 words.
Beginning. | ← Previous | Next →
Your gaze fixed on the target. The curse holding it was walking from side to side in a straight line as it mocked your poor aim. Practicing with the curses still wreck your nerves as not being used to seeing them as equals. They were supernatural beings that killed humans for hunger or simple fun, the main enemy in your universe. They were grotesque, mean and rude to all servants, constantly threatening that they would have been eaten already if it wasn't for King Sukuna. He is the one who decides when and how much the curses under his charge eat. Living in the castle of the great man-eating tyrant was like a rabbit living in a cage with hundreds of tigers. 
Your arms tensed as you drew the bowstring taut. The feather at the end of the arrow tickled your fingers, tempting them to let go. It was your first time practicing with moving targets. You took a deep breath before your fingers let go of the string. The arrow swam like a salmon against the current until it stuck against the top of the target’s perimeter. You lowered the bow with an exasperated sigh. 
“It was a good shot,” Kenjaku, who was supervising today’s training, cheered you on as he applauded your attempt. 
“I don't need it to be good, I need it to be perfect,” you took another arrow out of the quiver. 
You loaded the weapon and looked for the easiest target to hit from your position,  noticing the curse approaching the center of your field of vision. You reviewed the advice Sukuna had given you in your previous lessons. As you remembered his soft purr against your ear, his beefy body next to yours, his breath against your cheek and his hands covering yours. He always caused you to lose your concentration, sabotaging your attempts to focus by projecting memories of their times together into your mind. You were beginning to miss him as your teacher. 
It had been a couple of weeks since Sukuna told you that Yorozu would be his new sorcerer's apprentice. You faked surprise even though you had overheard their conversation and you were dying of worry inside. Your head was filled with all the possible scenarios where everything could go wrong. Being the older sister, your priority was to protect Yorozu at any cost. You had to make sure she ate well, slept in a comfortable place and that Sukuna didn't kill her at the slightest provocation. Luckily, you could watch your little sister practice her new skills from the library window while you studied. You had to be careful, though. If Kenjaku caught you distracted, he would hit you over the head with whatever he had in his hand to get your attention back. 
You found Yorozu's powers fascinating. From what little you had picked up of her cursed technique, she could recreate any object she knew. Sukuna began her training by showing her the various weapons in his possession for her to recreate with the help of her cursed energy. They then went on to observe various insects and birds to test if she could recreate animal materials. She could. You almost fainted the first time you saw her grow a pair of firefly wings between her shoulder blades. She was getting more powerful every day and it scared you.
Even though Yorozu was emasculating and foolish, Sukuna could not afford to waste her abilities. A sorceress with a technique so powerful that she was willing to serve him was good, too good to be true. During her lessons, he had dedicated himself to analyzing her movements and every word she uttered to decipher what she wanted from him. He knew that human interactions are based on transactions. Communication, buying and selling, democracy, almost everything they have built is based on I give you something so that you give me something in return. Yorozu could appear to be happy serving him, but he knew perfectly well that it was a facade to get something.
You hated the idea of Sukuna being close to your sister. It bothered you to see them so close when the king was correcting her posture when it came to wielding a sword or inspecting her new creations. The thought of him taking advantage of her or hurting her in any way drove you crazy. You didn't want her to go through what you went through in your early days at the castle. Psychological, physical and verbal humiliation from a tyrant was something you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy, much less your little sister. Luckily, it didn't seem to be like that... for now. If Sukuna even thought of laying a finger on her, you'd make him pay.
The very thought of him being near her at all times, of him holding her hip, or of his voice being as gentle as it was with you caused you a discomfort you had never felt before. The next thing you knew, your fingers were no longer holding the arrow. The arrow flew along with your dark thoughts. You barely realized what you were feeling. Your body froze for a second until the arrow slammed into the head of the curse holding the target. 
The curse staggered from the impact, but quickly regained its balance and yanked the foreign object out of its skull. You were shocked to see what you had done. You hurt a curse that was helping you. When you were about to apologize for your terrible mistake, the curse growled at you in annoyance as its skull regenerated by its reverse curse technique. It looked at you with a "If you do that again, I'm going to kill you" face. It was only restrained by the fact that Sukuna had ordered them not to mess with you. 
“That one wasn't so bad,” Kenjaku smiled at you so you wouldn't feel bad about hurting someone by accident. 
“I didn't mean to,” you replied sadly. 
“A little more meaning and you'll be ready to kill someone,” Kenjaku joked, but you didn't laugh. The fact that he saw death as a joke bothered you, but you had learned to tolerate it. “Let's take a break, what do you say?” Your teacher changed the subject immediately upon noticing your discomfort.
You took off your quiver and gloves while your teacher told the curses to take a break. As we reached the coldest days of winter, Sukuna had gotten you a fur cloak so you could practice outdoors without dying of hypothermia. You put on the plush hat and wrapped yourself in the cloak as if it were a blanket. It wasn't that cold today, but the material was so soft you just wanted to rub your face on it. 
You laid the equipment on the table as you watched Kenjaku carefully. He was a strange creature. Even though you knew he was a body invaded by a curse, you weren't afraid of him like Sukuna or Uraume. It helped that he had the body of a really attractive man. His long dark hair reminded you of the same night you see through the window. His traditional clothes were always ironed and moved delicately. His sharp, yet radiant eyes were what caught your attention the most, they looked full of life for someone dead. 
“Tell me about yourself,” you asked him as if you were asking him to tell you a bedtime story. 
“What do you want to know?” Kenjaku asked you, turning his attention back to you. 
“Whose body are you possessing?” 
“Don't you recognize it?” Your master raised an eyebrow in surprise. 
“Should I?” He let out a loud laugh. 
“Right. Sometimes I forget that you come from humble beginnings.” He loved to emphasize to you the abysmal difference in class between you. “The person in front of you is King Suguru Geto.” 
You knew that name perfectly. Like King Satoru, he was a highly sought-after king among the nation's single women. After the death of King Geto, his handsome son had to take over the kingdom earlier than planned. He was rumored to be a kind-hearted, powerful man and had a brilliant mind as the only kingdom to have a direct relationship with the Gojo kingdom. Your mother went on and on about how much she wanted one of her daughters to marry him. You could only shake your head at her delusions. "As if we could get close to him" you thought amusedly. 
“Is this man King Suguru Geto?” You asked, still trying to process that you were in front of the corpse of a king. 
“It was,” Kenjaku said with a mocking smile. 
“Did you kill him?” You asked even more surprised. 
When King Suguru was killed, the news spread like wildfire among the villages. All you knew was that he was found dead of poisoning on the morning of the fifth anniversary of his coronation. His death had become quite a mystery, as he had no enemy kingdoms and was in good health the night before. 
“I wish. I took over his body before they wanted to revive him,” Kenjaku replied. 
“It is a pity that you died, your majesty,” you said as you bowed to him. 
“There is no need to call me that, miss. Suguru Geto died years ago,” Kenjaku clarified, uncomfortably, at the bow. 
“I believe the bodies are sacred. It’s the temple we live with all our lives and it is the memory we leave of our existence,” you explained. “Humans deserve respect, even if they are no longer here.”
You learned that when your father died. Your mother was so deep in her mourning that she didn't even want to get out of bed for the small funeral they had planned. You and Yorozu were the ones in charge of burying your father with tears falling on the ground, while Nanako and Mimiko picked flowers to place on his grave. The weight on your heart did not compare to the weight of the incomplete body as they placed him in his makeshift coffin, a wooden box they had built with rusty nails. 
Your father passed away one night on his way home from work. He was walking through the tall grasses under the dark sky, excited to get home to see his family. The night was so dark that he never saw the group of curses stalking behind him coming. They pounced on him and did not hesitate to eat him alive. According to neighbors who lived nearby, the cries of pain and pity were so loud that they woke them up. When the neighbors arrived with torches and guns, your father was no longer breathing. 
Your poor father was missing his legs, arms and part of his torso, but still, they moved his body carefully as if he were whole. Despite his tragic and unexpected death, your father deserved a decent funeral even though they didn't have much money. Among his entire family, they placed the coffin in the grave they had dug while a neighbor sang a ballad about his life. His wife and daughters did not keep their feelings in the minute of silence. Maybe he wasn’t the most brilliant, rich nor exceptional man, but he will be missed and they won't forget about him. 
“Humans and curses have something in common,” Kenjaku approached you so you could look him in the eye. “Our bodies may rot and turn to dust, but our souls always live on.” 
“Really?” You asked. 
“I assure you,” Kenjaku took your cheek to caress it with his thumb in an attempt to comfort you. 
Even though Sukuna was a ridiculously giant curse, he was a master of vigilance. Unbeknownst to you, he was always watching you. Whether it was with his own eyes or through one of his curses, he knew what you were doing and with whom every moment of the day. Today was no exception. He clenched his fist as he saw how close Kenjaku was to you. They should be practicing as he had instructed, not fondling you in broad daylight. Luckily, you had arrived at the right time to stop him. He walked out of the castle with Yorozu following him like a well-behaved duckling to where they were to stop the scene. 
“Why the fuck aren't you practicing?” Sukuna scolded Kenjaku with a fierce roar. Seeing him, he and you bowed at his arrival. 
“She had been practicing for an hour. Rest is important so as not to wear out the muscles of humans,” Kenjaku explained without a weight of guilt. Sukuna looked at you, there was no trace of guilt on your face either. "I'll let it go this time," he thought in annoyance. 
“Sister, look at the dress the king got me! Isn't it pretty?” Yorozu approached you. 
She opened the black cloak that covered her from the cold to show the white dress that Sukuna had commissioned Uraume to make for her practices. It had long sleeves, tied at the waist with a long ribbon and the skirt came below her knees so she could move freely. It wasn't as elegant or complicated as yours, but it was better than the maid's uniform. 
“It is very nice. Our king has very good taste,” you said as you saw your sister happy about her new garment. 
Yorozu has loved dresses for as long as you can remember. The delicate fabric, the pretty beading, the interesting designs and how the skirt moves on the dance floors. You remembered the birthday when your father gave her a set of crayons that was incomplete, she got so excited that she started running and screaming all over the house. Since then, you used to see her sitting at the small desk you shared, drawing her own designs. She was the reason her mother spent money on dresses. Yorozu would promise her that if she bought her one, she would flirt with the richest man at the ball. She never did, playing with her mother’s narcissist feelings.
“The king told me that if I behave well, I can have a dress as beautiful as yours. Isn't that right, my king?” Yorozu said before returning to Sukuna to hug him by the arm. 
Your left eye twitched when she approached him with such confidence. You could never do something like that, afraid the king would take it the wrong way. You didn't understand how Yorozu could be so trusting as to act so naturally. 
“I'll get you one when you prove you deserve it,” Sukuna said reluctantly because she was touching him without his permission. 
Training Yorozu turned out to be more complicated than he thought it would be. She was a completely different girl from you, more so than he thought. She was shrill, distracted, and sometimes more cloying than chocolate ice cream. You wanted to push her against the ground like you used to, but this time you held back the urge because you were right in front of them. Yorozu squealed with delight at the response. 
“Today I want Yorozu to learn how to use a bow,” Sukuna explained. “I want you to show me how much you have learned in this time that I have not been training you.” He turned to you, that only made you feel more nervous. 
“I think it's an excellent idea. The best method of study is teaching,” Kenjaku commented. 
“This is going to be so much fun!” Yorozu squealed excitedly. You just nodded complacently. 
The first stage of the training was for Yorozu to create her own archery equipment. This would be of great help to them in the future. In case you were in the middle of an invasion, the moment you ran out of arrows, Yorozu could create more easily. She took your bow to examine it closely. Her black eyes examined its elements and details with utmost care, memorizing each part to perfection. Her hands molded to the wooden body and her fingers felt the thickness of the string. You had never seen Yorozu so focused in your life. 
She handed the bow back to you to generate her own from her own hands. It was the first time you had seen her power at such close quarters. The wood, the strong string and the feathers of the arrows began to emerge from a strange energy emanating from her. It was a wonderful power if it could create anything. She could fix what was broken or help those in need. There were endless possibilities that Yorozu had at her fingertips. It was a shame that she had decided to use her power to hurt others. 
Your sister ended up with a stronger and sturdier bow than yours that she had customized herself. The wood looked of better quality and the arrows had purple feathers to distinguish them from yours, which were white. Yorozu showed the king her new creation with a proud smile. You may not have agreed that she would fight for the king, but the important thing was that she was happy. 
The afternoon passed slowly as you taught Yorozu everything you had learned so far. You taught her the correct T-position, how to release the arrow correctly and how to hit as close to the center as possible. Sukuna and Kenjaku were watching from a considerable distance, they could hear all the advice that both of them had given you in the last weeks. 
Sukuna was proud that you had really memorized everything he had taught you. He was beginning to see the leader within you come to the surface. Just as he had planned, but this was only the beginning. There were many more things you had to learn. All at its time. 
After an hour of basic archery class, Yorozu was ready to aim on her own. She loaded the bow, held the arrow in a T-position and looked at the target as you had taught her. She released the arrow with force and missed the target. She missed once, twice, three... so many times to the point that she got fed up and broke the bow in half with the help of her knee. Kenjaku looked at her in grief, while Sukuna grabbed his forehead in disappointment. You approached your sister to calm her down. 
“Take it easy. It's a skill that takes practice,” you told her with a smile to cheer her up, just like Kenjaku sometimes did with you. 
“I need motivation.” Yorozu said before creating another bow with her cursed technique. That's when she got a great idea. “Let's hold a competition. Whoever hits the target closest wins.” She encouraged you. This sparked the interest of the teachers that were looking at them. 
“Sounds like fun,” You told her excitedly. This would be like playing with her again like they used to do when you were kids. 
“Let's bet something to make it more interesting,” Yorozu said excitedly. 
“I like that idea.” You thought of something you wanted from her. “If I win, I want you to give me a foot massage,” you told her with a wicked little smile. 
“Ew, gross.”
Sukuna smiled to himself to see you laughing and joking like that. It was a side he never thought he would see up close. Being a large, carnivorous curse, those below him on the food chain feared him with good reason. He was so used to seeing you cry, suffer and beg for your lives that he had forgotten that you can also rejoice, thrill and be passionate. I had completely forgotten that you were once a free girl with a say who tells jokes, plays with her sisters and enjoys cooking for her family. He would like to see you more like that, to be the real you without being afraid of him.
Unfortunately, if Sukuna wanted to achieve his goals, he had to keep your leash short. You had to be the perfect wife so that you would become the perfect mother that his future heir would need to become a strong leader. There was no time for the foolish things humans like to do. Sukuna's face returned to its serious countenance. 
“But if I win..." Yorozu thought out loud until she hyper-focused on what you were wearing. “I want your dress.” She dared you with her dark eyes. 
You weren't sure you could do that. Underneath your fur cloak, there was a sky blue dress with beautiful gems encrusted on the chest that flowed down to the skirt. It was one of the dresses Sukuna had given you. You couldn't give away something as precious as that. 
“The king gave it to me. I can't give it to you, choose another prize,” you said to Yorozu while looking at Sukuna. 
“Oh, come on! I've seen you wear seven different dresses in the last week! I don't think our dear king will mind if you give me one, right?” Yorozu looked at Sukuna with sad puppy dog eyes. 
You really liked that dress. It was the one that best accentuated your body of all the ones you had. It had hanging sleeves that allowed you to archery comfortably. All the other dresses were nice, but that one was your favorite. You looked at Sukuna as if you were asking him to say no.
“Bet it,” Sukuna finally spoke. You and Kenjaku were surprised at how easily he had agreed. 
“You are the best, my king!” Yorozu shouted happily. “Let's begin.” She shook your hand to start the competition. 
Being the one who had been practicing the longest, you went first. You saw the still target 50 meters away from you. You took a deep breath as you got into position. It was perfect. You pulled the arrow all the way under your chin. It was perfect. Your fingertips barely tensed the string as you drew the invisible trajectory. It would be a perfect shot. You could feel it. Finally, you released the string and the arrow traveled at full speed until it hit the top perimeter of the yellow center. It was as close as you've ever come to hitting the bullseye. 
“Good job, miss!” Kenjaku congratulated you as he clapped like a proud father. Sukuna just analyzed the target. It wasn't a perfect shot, but it was very close to it. 
“Not bad,” Yorozu said competitively as he positioned himself in front of the target. “Now watch and learn,” She smiled wickedly. She was up to something. 
She placed the arrow on the bow and did exactly what you did. Everything rigorously as you had dictated during the lesson. You analyzed what she did in case you could give her any advice. Yorozu was confident that she would win. Once she had the center in her sights, she made the arrow and bow increase in size under her fingers with the help of her technique. You recoiled as you noticed the drastic change. Unable to cope with the new weight of your weapon, she released the arrow to lower the bow as quickly as possible. You followed the arrow's journey with your eyes as your mouth opened at the tremendous impact, destroying the straw target completely. 
“Well, I think there is a clear winner,” Yorozu looked at you with malice. 
“It's not fair. You used your technique,” you said annoyed. 
“You never forbade me,” Yorozu declared. “Now, don't be a sore loser and give me my prize.” She raised her hand to you.
“Now?!” You groaned as you slammed your cloak shut. Yorozu nodded energetically. 
The blush of embarrassment crept up your cheeks. It was embarrassing, but you had accepted the deal. It hurt to give up that dress, but at least Yorozu would have something nice to wear, just like you. You closed the cloak and reached for the ribbons that tied it behind your back to get rid of the dress that wrapped around you. Luckily you were wearing a corset and a white bottom, so you wouldn't be naked. You jumped out of the dress and gave it to her. 
“Yay!” Yorozu shouted excitedly.
She yanked off her white dress, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. Kenjaku and you watched in horror, while Sukuna simply looked away. He really hated to see her naked during practice, so he forced her to at least put on a haori.
“Why aren't you wearing any underwear!” You scolded her, embarrassed. 
“Why are you wearing underwear?” Yorozu asked, playing it down as she put on the new dress. 
She pulled the dress up from the neckline and then put on the sleeves. She tied it in the back as best she could on her own and modeled it to her sister. It fit her...just fit her. She didn't quite fill out the bust, the sleeves swam, and it was tight around her waist. Some parts were tight, while others were too big. She could wear it, but it just didn't look right. 
“How do I look, my king? Don't I look beautiful?” Yorozu asked Sukuna as he modeled the dress for her. He analyzed her for a second.
“I ordered that dress especially for your sister, it is custom made for her,” Sukuna explained when he saw that it did not fill the bust. “It is unique and unrepeatable," Sukuna said as he looked at you. 
You closed the cloak over your chest at those words. Even though you knew he was talking about the dress, a part of you wanted to think that he was dedicating those words to you. Your cheeks reddened at the thought of something out of your imagination. Kenjaku noticed your embarrassment and thought you were embarrassed about being in too little clothing. Quickly, he approached you. 
“Put this on, miss," he said as he took off his yukata. 
You blushed more when you saw the splendid body the late king was hiding. Slim, but well-defined arms, smooth biceps and abs you could carve clothes on. Your lips parted slightly in shock. This was your first time seeing a shirtless man. 
Sukuna was annoyed at the scene he was seeing. Kenjaku was too close to you again, too close for his liking. "Is this how he usually treats her when I'm not around? I should increase my vigilance," he wondered as he watched the scene with disdain. 
As Kenjaku was about to put the yukata over your shoulders, his arms came off his body in the blink of an eye. You were stunned for a second before you could comprehend what on earth had happened. Your mind was awakened when you heard the thud of his arms crashing against the grass, still holding the yukata. Sukuna approached you, pushing Kenjaku by the torso away from you. 
He picked up the garment and draped it over your shoulders. You didn't know what to say about it. Sometimes his actions lacked logic and you found it hard to understand. His thick, clawed fingers brushed against your skin as he helped you tuck your arms into the sleeves. His hands traveled gently to your waist to tie the bow that closed the yukata. He was acting like a fairy tale prince...well, minus the fact that he cut off someone's arms to do it. You could only thank him with a whisper that only he could hear. 
Yorozu squeezed the skirt of her dress tightly, not intending to hide her jealousy. Why was Sukuna treating the woman who didn't want to marry him so tenderly? It wasn't fair. If she had arrived at the castle earlier, he would be in love with her, not you.
Kenjaku watched the scene intently as his arms slowly regenerated. On one hand, he had a spoiled sister who wanted the king's attention. On the other hand, he had the sister who had no idea what was going on. And last but not least, a jealous king who hasn't realized he's jealous. “I think I can do something about this,” he thought.
“Training is over today,” Sukuna grumbled before walking back to the castle at a quick pace to pretend nothing had happened, leaving you with your heart in your hand.
“Yes, my king,” Yorozu, Kenjaku and you said at the same time along with a farewell bow, each in their own world of thoughts.
“Sis, I’ll give you your dress back for a foot massage,” Yorozu told you reluctantly once Sukuna entered the castle.
“Deal,” you said with a smile, happy to have the dress you loved so much back.
“Shit, shit, shit…” Sukuna scolded himself as he walked through the castle halls, hiding his reddish face in shame for letting his emotions get the better of him. It was a good thing the servants feared him, because he didn’t want to talk to anyone. He locked himself in his office with a slam and leaned back in his chair. If he closed his eyes, he could still see your eyes looking up at him in disbelief as he felt your warm skin beneath his cloak. He brushed his hair back in exasperation. “What the fuck is going on?” he thought.
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Open fanfic commissions!
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4pfsukuna · 5 months
What about sukuna trying to make reader jealous but readers not fucking with it and gets mad instead or something🤔
Jealous? My facecard dont decline!
Heres something for  Heian era because i wasnt sure what time period you wanted but if you submit this request again I’m more than happy to do a modern day plus smut if you’d like💖 i had so much fun with this!
Waking up in a full nelson at the sound of “wake your stupid ass up” is the last thing Sukuna expects…. Like ever. The grip has him ready to pass back out and the only thing keeping him awake is the fact THRILL that it's you. Now you may be wondering:
“what did he do to make you so mad?”
Discussing fabrics with the seamstress was taking longer than it was supposed to but you didn't mind. not only were you the it girl and material girl of the land you were Sukunas girlfriend meaning you could have anything you want. New wardrobe? Yours. Blood of your enemies? You could have their blood and their enemies blood.
It seemed the only thing you couldn't have was alone time to be a baddie. As the seamstress opened up the jewelry box revealing 3 new sets of gold hoop earrings, 5 gold bracelets, an assortment of anklets and necklaces to match it with the different silk fabrics you grin happily when all of a sudden you hear this agitating sound.
“You’ve been at it for hours with this shit” Sukuna growls, walking in for the fourth time scaring the other woman and finally pissing you off. She doesn’t do her best work when she's terrified because her hands begin to shake.
“Would you fuck off” you hiss at your boyfriend completely annoyed at his pestering antics and the way he just cant take no for an answer. And it wasn’t even that you told him no to anything, it was more so that you just wanted to indulge in yourself, it takes time to be a bad bitch.
He was equally annoyed with you as well, truth be told for several reasons. He had no idea what kind of sorcery you’d done to have him this hooked. He knew you were nearly as powerful as him with the ability to summon any snake any size and that your body contained every snake venom known (and unknown) to man. The way your eyes would focus on him when he spoke taking in every word as if it was water and you were dehydrated, the way you reach for him in your sleep and God forbid he leaves bed to finish up work(gossip with uraume) you'd storm down stairs and plop in his lap demanding to be held falling asleep the minute he holds you. Or your lips? The way you smiled at him as he cupped your chin to guide his tip—
“No!” He snaps annoyed he has to fight an inanimate object for your attention and he leans forward causing something neither of you expect it happens to fast.
Your hands grab the back of his head locking into his hair yanking so he's now eye level with you, a dark look in your eyes as your tounge grazes your lips before you can say anything his intensity matches yours.
You expect it because how dare you embarrass him in front of lower levels like this?!
His hand wraps around your neck and soon it's a power battle as it usually is with an underlying sexual tension that keeps things flowing between you, the temperature of the room dropping 20 degrees on your behalf and quickly raising 21 on his. 
Petty king.
You drop your hand not wanting to fight with him and knowing deep down he didn’t either. But how dare you defy the great sukuna.
“By the time i'm done with my meeting i expect you to be done with this” he seethes making sure to set fire to all the plants as he walks past them. How dramatic!
Sighing knowing that was his way of inviting you to the meeting you turn back to the woman sending her a look of reassurance to continue.
Walking down the bare marble halls the only sound of distant footsteps and chatter as you listen to uraume who fills you in on the gossip. You gasp with a wide eyed expression stopping to face them.
“And they were bunkmates” and your jaw nearly hit the ground at the tea. The servants were so messy you wanted to see if Sukuna knew anything about it and if anything would stop your fued it would be gossip.
Urauma glances behind you, their smile falling completely off their face replaced by nervousness before bringing it back but it was already too late.  It's when they try to guide you back to where you had already come from that you get suspicious and turn around seeing Sukuna with one of the servant girls pinned to the wall, his large tattooed arm above her head as he talks.
You almost laugh at the display and at Uraume trying to get his attention, instead you link arms with your boyfriend's bestie and continue to walk past them.
“He couldn't make me jealous even if he tried! I sit on this man's face nearly every night, he buys me everything I want and besides do you see what i look like? My body was crafted! My face was sculpted i cant be jealous when i look like this” you arrogantly spit loud enough for all 3 of them to hear and a slither of you feels bad for the poor girl she had mearly been roped into this and Sukuna feels his heart swell with pride, you were his fucking girl.
But he sees a challenge, he's still a man nonetheless and being a man comes with doing stupidness you couldn't explain.
Like having another woman on his arm at a dinner he hosted with Curses he somewhat respected and neighboring estates just to show off. He was arrogant you'll give him that, and you were livid.
Watching him flaunt this ditsy little flat bodied bimbo around was pissing you off not cause you were jealous but because you were the one that should be meeting all of his allies. You were the one who’s power matched theirs, even rivaled it. You could feel your human eyes turn to snake eyes as your anger rose and roared through you.
It was disrespectful and downright embarrassing! Not only did people not know your status and who you were to him, not only did it make you feel lower than the Queen you actually were not only did you look like a complete fool having Sukunas initial on the gold beads that decorated your butt length braided ponytail but she had the audacity to smile at you as if she won.
He let another woman take your place, let another woman feel like she was above you. He let another woman sit on YOUR throne that is his lap and you can feel yourself losing your composure faster than you ever have.
You want to react in this very moment cause a scene hell even release some of your snakes but you couldn't imagine looking as dramatic and childish as Sukuna did earlier! That wasn't very it girl material of you. Instead you look over at Uraume finishing your glass of Sake, there was no point in wasting it, before shoving it in their hands and disappearing. 
Sukuna would never try no shit like this again.
Uraume sends a pointed look at Sukuna who instantly dismisses the servant smirking outwardly at your silent anger, a nerve wracking thought of if he pushed entirely too hard as the silhouette of you leaving replays in his mind. Were those his initials in your braid. He instantly feels disgusted and wants everyone to leave while he talks to you but swallows the thought.
He was Sukuna Ryomen, the king of curses, the king of doing whatever he wanted and nobody could stop him or tell him otherwise. So he parties, drinks and continues the night without a hitch until the sky is at its darkest and he bids a good night showering and laying in his empty bed. 
He spends about an hour tossing and turning unable to sleep not knowing where you are and pissed you aren’t in bed with him.
It's when he finally dozes off at the beginning of a dream playing that he thinks he feels the tips of your fingers in his back trailing over his broad shoulders and all four arms.
“Wake your stupid ass up” he hears before there's a vice-like grip on his neck pushing against his windpipe. He struggles for a little bit to breathe as your wrist digs into his pressure points.
“Y/N!” He shouts your name yet you only grip tighter and he doesn't even fight to get you off just shocked at your murder attempt.
“No dont fucking Y/N me! You tried to make me jealous and only pissed me off! Do I look like some weak willed bitch to you? Do you not see what i look like and you think you can make ME jealous, my king im offended! and the fucking audacity to try” you snap squeezing tighter and his hands come up to grip your arms.
 “Ryomen If you ever treat me like im not your girlfriend… your fucking queen ill poison you, have you an inch from your life and take over your thrown as i watch you die” you whisper the last part in his ear sending a chill down his spine before your grip loosens completely arms unsnaking.
Climbing under the covers you make yourself comfortable before turning on your side instantly falling asleep the minute your head hits the pillow. 
You miss the way your boyfriend holds his neck in disbelief with slight arousal and a tad bit of fear. You were fearless yet angry enough to not only threaten him but attempt to kill him? It’s when he hears your soft snores that actually sounds more like a snake hiss that he knows you're actually asleep.
Not only did you just pull that stunt but you had the audacity to sleep peacefully knowing he wouldn’t kill you. Not even a sliver of fear in your body. It’s like you were testing him! 
He may have been a sick man because he loved every second of it, he doesn’t test his luck by wrapping any of his arms around you, instead just lays close enough to still feel your body heat until you roll over wrapping an arm and leg possesively around him. 
He grins for a woman nearly a foot shorter than him, you may have the biggest ego in the room. 
“Wait, she tried to kill you in your sleep, threatened to kill you once you woke up and you’re shopping for wedding rings right now?” Uraume asks and this is one of the only times Sukuna had baffled them with his madness. Uraume never questioned Sukuna, it wouldn’t make sense to and that’s how it was easy being his most loyal and right hand but this… this was different.
“Yeah, any woman that bold is made for me!” Sukuna grins looking over the rings trying to find the biggest, brightest, most sinister looking ring.
“You think after yesterday's events consisting of making her jealous and ignoring her you should propose?” Uraume stated in that pestering ‘duh jackass’ voice that would usually have sukuna second guessing.
“What? No, she rode my face this morning until she blacked out again and I sent her to the next land over shopping for whatever her heart desires then set up a hair appointment with a stylist from her homeland.” Sukuna picks up a ring with a blood diamond circled by red rubies that matched the red of his eyes. He was sure the ring could be used as an anchor… you’d love it.
“Your highness for the cost of that ring we may have to take over a small village to not have this affect our funds” Uraume advises making small notes of villages near by in other peoples territory knowing Sukuna would start a war if it meant funding his queens lifestyle.
“A village is too small i want kamiro territory, ill kill him and anybody that decides to follow him. I don’t like the way he smells anyway” Sukuna shrugs, picking up a matching bracelet for you.
“You two have more drama than the servants”
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writerdream22 · 3 months
THE GREAT- Jujutsu Kaisen x OC
Can be found on Wattpad through my profile: @ avalonant
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Yutaka Endo had taken a drastic decision. He was well aware of the fact that it was frowned upon to teach Kage to a female member of the clan, but his granddaughter was his last resort in order to keep the family's traditions alive and restore its name in the Jujutsu World.
Chizuru was indeed way too young to be taught the technique. But she had shown a great aptitude in the manipulation of cursed energy since the day she was born, so Yutaka knew that he had made the right choice.
Not that he had any other options, anyways.
His only son, Hansuke, had refused to learn how to use Kage and opted to craft a technique of his own.
His daughter Hekima, on the other hand, had been deemed unsuitable for the task by the other members of the family.
This, along with the fact that he knew that he would not have been alive long enough to teach it to his grandson, led the leader of the Endo clan to appoint Chizuru as his heir.
The only thing left for the man to do was to announce it to the other members of the family.
"Are you crazy?" the scream of Hansuke Endo resounded in the living room of the clan's main residence "She cannot be the last one to be taught Kage, let alone the next leader of the clan! What has gotten into your mind?"
Yutaka sat in front of his son, unfazed by his words.
"Considering that it was you who refused to learn it, and thus are now unable to pass it down onto your children, you cannot come here and make any demands on the matter. Your son is yet to be born, and even though Chizuru is just six years old she has proven to be up to the task" he paused "I have taken my decision. She will begin training with me next year"
Hansuke groaned in annoyance. He knew that he couldn't do anything to change his father's mind, so he sat up and got out of the room, soon followed by his wife.
It was clear that from that moment on Chizuru was not going to live an easy life. But it was, hopefully, for the best.
Yutaka stood in front of his granddaughter, in the middle of the old training room which he hadn't walked into in a long time.
"You need to pay attention, Chizuru. As next leader of the Endo clan, you will have to know Kage like the back of your hand" he explained, to which the young girl nodded in response.
"You will learn the art of Jujutsu and master the use of cursed energy. I don't have much time, so you will need to catch on as quickly as you can. Understood?"
Chizuru smiled widely, holding up the wooden replica of his grandfather's katana, before exclaiming "Understood!" and copied his motions as he got into a fighting stance.
Yutaka hoped to find some sort of interest in her eyes, and he got exactly what he wanted.
Chizuru grew up to be magnificent.
She had great potential, her grandfather could see it. His other grandchildren were similarly powerful, but it seemed like they were unable to understand the seriousness of their role.
If only Yutaka could be there just a little bit longer, he would have been able to teach her even more.
But fate had other plans.
If you're reading this I, Yutaka Endo, son of Haruki, have departed from the mortal plane.
Even though it was disclosed that you would be my successor, I know that it will be your father who will take on the role of clan leader until you become of age. It will hopefully be for your best, as you will be able to get a proper education and strengthen yourself even more.
I have already arranged for you to start attending Tokyo Jujutsu High as soon as you turn 15, which is very soon.
You have a great burden on your shoulders, one that I have imposed on you, and I hope that you will not divert from the correct path and fall victim to your family's wrongdoings.
There is much that you still have to learn, but you have to let time run its course.
I have faith in you, little dove, and I trust that you will do great things.
Farewell for now,
your grandfather.
And so began Chizuru's story.
If you have any suggestions or would like to point out any mistakes in my writing, please do
Feedbacks are always appreciated!
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rex3o · 17 days
The Eternal Enigma 3
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A/N: tbh idk how to feel abt this chapter I think I rushed it a bit but I do hope you guys enjoy!
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Summary: Y/n navigates the unsettling grandeur of Sukuna’s palace and the opulent but daunting royal gardens. As she contemplates her role and isolation, she encounters Sukuna’s enigmatic presence and the complexities of her position. The evening’s ballroom event unfolds with a mix of curiosity and tension, highlighting the intricacies of her relationship with Sukuna and the expectations placed upon her
also posted on ao3
>> chp1 chp2
The royal gardens of Sukuna’s palace were a strange anomaly in the otherwise bleak landscape. The fortress loomed dark and ominous, casting shadows across everything it touched. Yet here, past the deadened trees and desolate surroundings, the gardens remained alive in a way that shouldn’t have been possible.
The flowers, though muted in color, were still in bloom—faded pinks, grays, and purples adding a surreal beauty to the atmosphere. Their petals, fragile and worn, swayed in the faint breeze, as if clinging to life despite the gloom. The trees, though twisted and gnarled, stood tall, their branches arching like skeletal hands toward the sky. Shadows danced on the stone paths, and every footfall seemed to echo in the stillness.
Y/n walked slowly, her fingers brushing over the petals of the flowers, their softness a brief comfort amidst the harshness of the palace. This place, this peculiar garden, was the only spot in the entire fortress where she felt she could breathe. It wasn’t joyful, but it wasn’t suffocating either. It was a paradox, much like her existence here—caught between life and death, between freedom and captivity.
Her footsteps took her deeper into the garden until she reached the lake. The water was dark and still, reflecting the overcast sky above. She knelt by its edge, staring into the inky depths, her reflection staring back at her—a ghost of the person she once was.
What am I doing here? The thought had plagued her since her arrival, but now, more than ever, it pressed heavily on her heart. Sukuna was a monster, a demon king who had shown her cruelty and indifference, yet there was something else—something unexplainable that gnawed at her resolve. She wanted to hate him, to reject everything he stood for, yet she found herself drawn to him in a way she couldn't fully understand. Am I losing my mind?
She knelt at the lake’s edge, her fingers trailing through the cool water. The ripples distorted her reflection, and with it, her sense of self. How could she be drawn to someone who treated her like a mere object—like a pawn in his dark game? He was ruthless, manipulative, everything she despised. Yet, despite her efforts to convince herself of this, there was a small part of her that longed to know more. Was it madness? Or something darker inside her, something that responded to his power and control?
She closed her eyes, willing the confusion to fade. But the memories of his touch, his gaze, the way he carried her without a hint of concern, invaded her thoughts. She was terrified of him, yes, but there was also a dangerous allure in the way he wielded his power, the way his mere presence dominated everything around him. That pull was undeniable, and it terrified her more than anything else.
As she grappled with her emotions, she wasn’t aware of Sukuna watching her from a distance. He stood on a balcony overlooking the garden, his monstrous form a dark silhouette against the dim sky. The faint glow of his eyes followed her every movement. From his vantage point, she seemed almost ethereal against the desolate backdrop of the garden. The dying flora and eerie stillness contrasted starkly with her delicate beauty, her gown flowing around her like a whisper of vibrant color. Her profile was framed by the dim light of the setting sun, casting a soft glow that highlighted the contours of her face and the thoughtful furrow of her brow.
Despite himself, Sukuna’s gaze lingered on the grace with which she moved, the subtle sadness in her eyes stirring an unfamiliar twinge of empathy within him. He watched as she touched the surface of the lake, her reflection rippling in the water, and for a moment, the cold, imposing demon king seemed to waver, his expression softening ever so slightly.
Uraume, Sukuna’s trusted advisor, joined him on the balcony, their presence a stark contrast to Sukuna’s intimidating aura. Uraume observed Y/n with a contemplative gaze. “It isn’t so bad that she receives your attention,” Uraume remarked casually, their tone almost philosophical. “After all, she is here for a reason. She is to be your soon wife, and part of the reason you haven’t broken the curse yet.”
Sukuna’s gaze remained fixed on Y/n, though his expression remained nonchalant. “And what of it?” he responded, his tone betraying a hint of irritation. “This is hardly the time for such reflections.”
Uraume continued, undeterred. “Her presence here is a reminder of what you once were—something human, something more than just a cursed king. If there’s any hope of redemption, you’ll have to embrace that part of yourself.”
Sukuna’s eyes flickered with something unspoken, a fleeting moment of discomfort that he quickly masked with indifference. “Ensure that everything for the event tomorrow is set and ready,” he instructed Uraume, his voice dismissive. “I have other matters to attend to.”
With that, Sukuna turned and walked away, leaving Uraume to contemplate the weight of their words. The advisor remained on the balcony, watching Y/n for a moment longer before they too turned to attend to their duties.
As tomorrow evening reached Y/n stood in her quarters, the opulent room dimly lit by the flickering light of candles. She examined herself in the full-length mirror, her dress—a breathtaking creation of deep midnight blue with intricate silver embroidery—flowed elegantly around her. Despite the grandeur of the gown, she felt an unsettling self-consciousness settle over her. The anticipation of the evening gnawed at her, the echoes of whispered judgments and the weight of her father’s legacy hanging heavily in the air. Her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Uraume entered, their presence a calming contrast to the tension Y/n felt. They observed her with an inscrutable expression.
“Shall we take a walk?” they suggested, sensing her inner turmoil.
They strolled through the palace corridors, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone walls. As they take their time reaching to the ballroom, Uraume began to speak. “You’re probably wondering why you’re here, and why your role is more significant than just being Sukuna’s wife.”
Y/n turned to them, curiosity piqued. “What do you mean?”
Uraume paused, choosing their words carefully. “Sukuna is driven by power, and though he wears the mask of a demon king, there is still a sliver of humanity within him. The curse binds him to this state, but your presence here is not merely to be his wife. You are a balance, a bridge between his overwhelming power and the humanity he has all but lost. Your role is to restore a semblance of balance to the palace and perhaps to his soul.”
Y/n was taken aback, her mind racing. “But why me? My father is gone, and I am no longer part of society. Who else would have taken this role?”
Uraume’s lips curved slightly. “Your father’s passing and your subsequent estrangement from society left you isolated. In the eyes of the palace and its inhabitants, you have no allies. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s one that places you in a unique position. You’re here because there is no one else.”
Y/n absorbed this, the gravity of her situation settling in. “I suppose you’re right. I’m alone.”
The weight of Uraume’s words settled heavily on Y/n as they approached the ballroom. The opulent space before her was filled with the glittering elite of the court, their laughter and conversations mingling with the soft strains of music. The sight was overwhelming, and Y/n felt a pang of self-consciousness as she noticed the way people’s eyes turned toward her. Whispers followed in the wake of her entrance, their voices laced with judgment and curiosity. She was acutely aware of her father’s actions and their lingering impact on her status.
As she walked down the grand staircase, her gaze met Sukuna’s. He was surrounded by the elite, his aura commanding attention even amidst the sea of beautiful women vying for his favor. The juxtaposition of his dark, imposing presence against the glittering crowd was striking, as Y/n felt a wave of insecurity wash over her.
The royal council, including Gojo, Geto, Nanami, and Toji, awaited Y/n’s arrival with a blend of formality, warmth, and keen interest. The room seemed to hum with an undercurrent of curiosity as she made her way down the grand staircase, her gown a vivid splash of color amid the opulent surroundings. Gojo, with his trademark smile, was the first to step forward. His presence was both commanding and approachable, a rare combination that made him instantly memorable. He greeted Y/n with a courteous nod, his eyes reflecting a genuine interest beneath their usual aloofness.
“Lady Y/n,” Gojo said, his voice smooth and engaging. “How are you adjusting to life here?” Y/n offered a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “It’s… an adjustment. I wasn’t aware of how isolated I would feel.”
Gojo’s gaze remained steady, his perceptive eyes taking in the nuances of her expression. He chuckled softly, the sound a mix of amusement and empathy. “Welcome to the elite, my lady. Though, I assume you’re finding this life more to your liking than the one you left behind.”
The question, though lightly framed, was pointed. Y/n’s eyes flickered with a momentary flash of discomfort. She hesitated, her thoughts grappling with the weight of her past and present. “I prefer not to dwell on the past,” she said, her voice firm but edged with underlying tension. “I’m more concerned about the evening’s events and my role in them.”
Gojo’s expression shifted, his smile softening as he detected the strain in her words. He had a knack for reading people, and it was clear he understood that her reluctance to discuss her past was significant. “Fair enough,” he said, his tone considerate. “Let’s focus on the present, then. It’s a night for making new impressions, not reliving old ones.”
As they moved further into the crowd, Gojo’s demeanor remained both engaging and respectful, allowing Y/n to feel more at ease despite the overwhelming environment. He skillfully navigated the conversation away from her discomfort, guiding her towards a more pleasant topic and easing the tension that had initially hung in the air. The exchange left Y/n with a subtle sense of relief, a brief respite from the whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties that had defined her recent days.
As the music swelled, the ballroom was awash with shimmering light and elegant attire. Y/n was led to the center of the room by Sukuna, his commanding presence drawing every eye to them. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, yet a palpable tension seemed to cling to the air.
Sukuna’s gaze was unwavering, his eyes fixed on Y/n with an intensity that was both captivating and unsettling. As they began to dance, their movements were a stark contrast to the refined grace of the other couples. Sukuna’s hold on her was firm, almost possessive, his touch assertive, as if he were marking his territory with each step. The dance floor seemed to shrink around them, turning their interaction into a private stage for a more dangerous game.
The music played on, its melody weaving a haunting backdrop to their dance. Sukuna leaned in, his voice low and laden with an almost predatory curiosity. “How do you find tonight?” His question, though seemingly casual, was edged with a deeper significance, a test of her fortitude.
Y/n, caught off guard by the weight of his tone, looked up at him with a mix of defiance and apprehension. “It’s… manageable. Uruame took me for a walk earlier, which helped ease some of my nerves,” she responded, her voice betraying a hint of tremor as she struggled to maintain her composure.
Sukuna’s lips curled into a faint, enigmatic smile, one that held a hint of something darker. “So you understand why you’re here?” His voice carried a teasing undertone, as though he was savoring the moment and the discomfort it brought her.
Y/n hesitated, the gravity of his words pressing heavily on her. “To be your wife?” she ventured, her tone tentative, her gaze searching his face for any sign of truth.
Sukuna’s smile widened, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “to be my blessing,” he corrected smoothly. His words carried a chilling weight, as though he was reveling in the power he wielded over her, delighting in her confusion.
A shiver ran down Y/n’s spine. Her expression hardened, a flicker of frustration breaking through. “Don’t call me your blessing when you’ve treated me like dirt,” she said, her voice edged with a mix of hurt and defiance.
Sukuna’s smile remained, an inscrutable mask that barely concealed his amusement. “Dirt is what you get when you act like a brat,” he said, his tone a mixture of reprimand and dark amusement. “But I assume you like that. I feel your craving towards me.”
Y/n’s eyes widened in disbelief, struggling to maintain her composure. “What craving? I’ve tried to be civil while you have acted like a beast,” she retorted, her voice trembling with suppressed anger.
Sukuna chuckled, a low, dangerous sound that seemed to reverberate with dark pleasure. “Well, the ladies do seem to like the beast,” he said, looking down at her with an unsettling mix of condescension and predatory interest. As he spoke, Y/n felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks, her irritation mingling with an unwanted, confusing attraction.
The dance, meant to symbolize their union, had devolved into a battleground of wills and hidden agendas. The music’s rhythm, once elegant, now seemed to underscore the darker undertones of their interaction, a harsh reminder of the power dynamics at play.
Sukuna’s breath was warm against her ear as he leaned in closer, his voice a whisper filled with a cruel edge. “You’re here to help me balance this curse, whether you want to or not.” he murmured, his words seeping into her thoughts like a poisonous fog.
Y/n’s heart raced, her mind reeling from the weight of his manipulation. She was ensnared in his embrace, his presence a potent mixture of intimidation and dark allure. His control over her was palpable, his grip firm and unyielding, anchoring her to his will. The more she struggled to understand her feelings, the more she felt herself being drawn into his dangerous game.
As the music drew to a close, Sukuna brought the dance to an end with a commanding flourish. The room erupted into applause, the guests’ cheers a stark contrast to the storm raging inside Y/n. She forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil within her. The dance had exposed a new layer of Sukuna’s manipulation, deepening the shadows of doubt and desire that now clouded her heart.
As the applause for their dance began to fade, Sukuna’s grip on Y/n’s hand remained firm, his eyes never leaving hers. The intensity of their exchange seemed to linger in the air, a tangible force that set them apart from the other guests. The ballroom, now a backdrop of muted conversations and swirling colors, felt distant and irrelevant compared to the charged space they occupied.
Y/n struggled to compose herself, her thoughts a turbulent mix of fear, frustration, and a reluctant allure. Sukuna’s presence was overwhelming, his influence nearly suffocating. She could feel the weight of his expectations, the oppressive nature of his power, and the way his manipulation had begun to seep into her consciousness.
As the music resumed, Sukuna guided her to the edge of the dance floor, his movements smooth and deliberate. The guests watched with keen interest, their whispers and glances weaving a tapestry of intrigue and speculation around the couple. Despite the crowd, Y/n felt acutely alone, isolated in her struggle against the dark allure of Sukuna’s control.
Sukuna leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Y/n,” he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper that made her skin prickle. “The more you try to resist, the more you reveal your true desires.”
Y/n stiffened, her pulse quickening at his words. “I’m not playing any games,” she said, her voice strained. “I’m just trying to understand my place here.”
Sukuna chuckled softly, the sound rich with dark amusement. “Understanding your place? How many times are you going to ask me that, brat? You’re here to serve a purpose, and that purpose is to temper the curse that binds me. Your resistance only makes you more intriguing, more... desirable.”
His words, filled with possessiveness and predatory interest, made Y/n’s heart race. She tried to pull away, but his grip tightened, holding her firmly in place. The more she tried to resist his influence, the more she felt herself drawn to him, caught between her desire for autonomy and the magnetic pull of his dark charisma.
“You think you can escape this?” Sukuna asked, his tone a blend of mockery and challenge. “Your father’s actions have left you with no allies, no support. Here, you are nothing but an extension of my will, meant to provide me with an heir. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for both of us.”
Y/n’s eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and desperation. “I am not a pawn,” she snapped, her voice trembling. “I refuse to be used as a tool for your power.”
Sukuna’s smile remained, but his eyes darkened with a more intense heat. “You’re already a part of my game, Y/n, ever since your useless father died,” he said, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous murmur. “And whether you like it or not, you will play your role. The question is, will you do so willingly, or will you continue to resist and make it more painful for yourself?”
Y/n’s breath hitched as she struggled to reconcile her feelings. The seductive promise in his words, combined with the overwhelming sense of his power, created a confusion that left her vulnerable. The line between fear and attraction blurred, making it difficult for her to maintain her resolve.
“You’re quite the enigma, Y/n,” Sukuna said, his voice smooth yet laced with a dark amusement. “It’s fascinating to watch you struggle with your own desires and fears. It only makes you more... interesting.”
Y/n looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and vulnerability. “You’re not making this any easier,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “You keep talking about your curse, but all I see is someone using their power to manipulate others.”
Sukuna’s expression shifted to one of mock surprise. “Manipulate? Perhaps. But I assure you, everything I do is to ensure that the curse remains balanced. You’re not just a pawn, Y/n. You’re a crucial part of this delicate equilibrium.”
Y/n’s frustration boiled over. “You speak of balance, but all I feel is your need for control. You talk about my role as if it’s something I can simply accept, but you’re not giving me any real choice.”
Sukuna stepped closer, his presence almost overwhelming. “Choice is an illusion, Y/n. You were brought here for a reason, and whether you choose to accept it or not doesn’t change the fact that you are bound to this fate.”
Her heart raced as she grappled with his words. The seductive promise in his tone, coupled with his oppressive control, left her feeling trapped between her desire for freedom and the magnetic pull of his dark charisma.
“You think you’re the only one caught in this game,” Sukuna continued, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous murmur. “But you’re not alone. We’re bound together by this curse, and whether you like it or not, you will play your part.”
Y/n’s eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and fear. “And if I refuse to play along? What then?”
Sukuna’s smile widened, his eyes glinting with a dangerous light. “Refusal will only make the game more complicated. But don’t worry, I have ways of ensuring you remain... motivated.”
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goddess-mixmi · 7 months
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Since tumblr seems to love some Ai and Sukuna here’s their son
They on the phone with Sukuna but his ass dunno how to work a smart phone, probably had to ask Uraume for help.
This child was in no way planned, Sukuna assumed Ai was incapable of reproducing given the fact she was a cursed spirit. Ai was not happy at all about being pregnant by him and assumed Uraume was able to make an abortion drug, Sukuna surprisingly said they should wait it out. He comes to regret that decision due to all her complaints, mood swings and cravings. But in the end the end they have a beautiful son named Ryuusei who is basically a copy of his dad but with Ai’s pink eyes, little nubs for horns and little tufts of black hair (and possibly a small tail). Ai adjusted to her role as mom instantly and was more happier than ever with her wonderful son whom of which took all her attention off of Sukuna. But Ryu is not the only kid they have, Ai was in for a surprise finding out she was pregnant again when Ryu wasn’t even one yet, let alone being triplets. All because Sukuna wants a daughter.
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lotus-n-l0ve · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐢 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
— Ryomen Sukuna x OC [Hayami]
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➷ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ : Hayami, whose beauty only the king of course could see.
➷ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ : Mention of blood, Sukuna being an ass, not proof readed, 1.8k words.
➷ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʟᴏᴛᴜꜱ : I had a poll asked you guys to choose between two fanfic ideas. Since most of you chose Sukuna so here it is. However I decided to change this fic to a oc story to suit the story more but if you want then you can imagine yourself. Hayami in Japanese means 'rare or unusual beauty'. If you like the chapter then please leave a like, comment and reblong. Follow me for more like this. Enjoy ♡
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Bloodied feets ran over the rough and wet ground as Hayami kept running farther and farther onto forest. The pouring rain not making her job any easier. The wet and heavy fabric of sticking to her scared skin.
Hayami thought wheather she should just give up or keep running. She was far away them. Far into the forest. Surely they won't be able to find her right?
The thick trees parted to a clear area. A shrine standing tall and proud in the middle with high wall surrounding it. Hayami opened the metal gate and ran up to the steps of the shrine in hope of finding help but by the fifth step Hayami was loosing conciousness and by the nineth step Hayami was already falling on the ground unconscious.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
"Ms? Excuse me?"
Hayami stirred up, blinking her eyes open, she raised her head from the ground. She looked at the person hovering over her and asked still in daze, "What?"
"Are you okay? You were passed out here on the steps." They asked.
"Oh, oh. Yes. Actually I was here looking for work but I blacked out. Do you need someone for cleaning or other stuff maybe?" Hayami lied through teeth. She possibly could not tell the truth to this unknown person.
"Yes, let's go inside." They led Hayami inside the shrine.
Hayami wandered her eyes around the shrine and was surprised to see so many people working there. Girls, women, men, everyone. They were cleaning the shrine, washing clothes, carrying thing. After years Hayami felt hope bubbling in her heart.
"This shrine belongs to Lord Sukuna. Here everyone works for him and in return they get place to stay, food to eat and money for needs. Most here are like you. Came here looking for work." The white haired person said in a monotone voice.
They farther said, "You will work with them. Everyday you will wake up at dawn and start working. Understood?"
Hayami nodded her head in affermation, "Yes, I understand."
Both of came to a stop in front of a door, The white haired turned to Hayami, "This is your room. Get ready and come meet me. Ask anyone for Uraume and they will tell you where I am."
They said before leaving. Hayami opened the door and walk inside. The room was farely big. Inside was three futon folded meaning Hayami would share the room with others. On one side was cupboard. Hayami opened it and saw kimonos folded inside.
Grabbing a black kimono Hayami changed out of her wrinkled and wet kimono. Then she left looking for Uraume. The shrine was big. Last night in the dark Hayami couldn't see very well but at daylight she could see just how big it was. Asking one of the passing by maids Hayami found Uraume standing in the in the garden.
"Yes....?" Uraume narrowed their eyes, realising that they don't know her name.
"Hayami wash this dirty clothes and hang them to dry." Uraume instructed before leaving behind Hayami.
Hayami picked up one the dirty haori and took a look at it. It was big, really big. Hayami could littraly use it as a blanket. At the front some red substance had dried out. Hayami didn't need to be genius to realise what it was.
The gear in her brains were moving and she remembered what Uraume had said to her previously.
'This shrine belongs to Lord Sukuna.'
Air was knocked out of her lungs as she slapped a hand over her mouth. What did she got herself into? Who does not know Ryomen Sukuna?
He was said to be a notorious monster. He wrecks havon only for his amusement, eats human for meals. He, who voids of any mercy. Who destroys anything and everything on his way. Who's name is a curse that people are scared to say it out loud.
But-but everyone here seem to be happy. If he was that bad they would not be working here right? Right. Hayami would just lay low and work like any other worker here. For that she would get a roof to sleep under, food and also salary. All she had to do was stay out the lord's sight.
Gulping down the vomiting feeling Hayami started dropping piece of clothing one after another in the lye water. Hayami's day spent like that. Washing clothes, doing dishes and cleaning the floor. With two breaks in between.
By the time work ended it was already close to midnight. Hayami finally got meet her other two roommates. They were not how Hayami was expecting. Akio and Rika were her two roommates. Akio was easy to approach.
But Rika was not. She gave of supirior energy and like to believe she was above others. Hayami found out that Rika was here even before Akio came and that Akio came here almost four years ago. Rika bosses around over others and whatever task Uraume gives her, she makes others do the task.
No one dares to oppose her because romers has it that she was a favourite of Sukuna. As much as anyone can be. Rika uses that her favour real well. Rika's name got added in Hayami's 'to avoid list'.
Hayami spent almost two weeks successfully avoiding Sukuna. Whenever she heard about him, she ran the other way. But that peace didn't last for long. One evening Uraume ordered Hayami to deliver new set of clothe in his room.
Hayami fiddled with the fabric in her hand as she in front of his room. Running the same sentence again and again and again that 'Knock three times, go in, keep the clothes on the bed and run back. AND KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN.'
Hayami slowly raised her hand and knocked exactly three times but got no answer. She opened the heavy craved door and entered. The room huge. Barely any light entered the room because the black and red cartains, making a dim atmosphere.
There was a stage type with seven steps and on top of it sat a big bed with red and black silk blanket. Hayami resisted every urge to look around and made a bee line to the bed and kept the folded clothes on it. Then as she ran back to the door and tried to open it, in an blink of an eye, she was pinned against the door on her chest.
A pained sound escaped her throat. One hand grabbed the nape of her neck and other pressed against her lower back. Two hands slammed on the door on her both side.
"Who are you?" A gruffed voice growled.
Ryomen Sukuna.
"I'm-I'm Hayami, Lord Sukuna. Uraume-sama instructed me to deliver your clothes." Hayami mumbled breathlessly. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest. Is this her end?
In a flash she was now facing the King of Course and her back was now against the wall. A rough hand grabbed her jaw with so much force that she fared her jaw might break.
He tilted her head, "Do you take me for a fool?"
The sharp nails of dug in her flesh. She could feel train blood dropping down from her chin to throat. Hayami squeezed her eyes in pain.
"How can I, a lowly maid, think you as a fool?" Hayami whimpered in pain and unconsciously grabbed his kimono on his chest area.
He ordered, "Open your eyes."
Hayami slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was his board chest. Then travelled her eyes up to meet the four crimson eyes of his. They were glaring down at her. They terrified Hayami, more than them.
When your eyes met something flashed in his eyes but it was gone as soon it appeared. Suddenly jerked away from from her and turned his back on her, "You are dismissed."
Hayami didn't need to be told twice. As soon the words came from him Hayami was already running back to her room.
"O my god! What happened to your face?" Akio gasp once she saw Hayami's bloodied face.
"I don't know. I went to deliver Lord Sukuna's clothes and her suddenly attacked me." Hayami replied. After that Akio didn't inquire farther. His name was enough. She advised Hayami be as far away from him possible. Hayami was still alive was already good enough. Then Akio helped Hayami aiding her wounds.
Later that day deep into the night when everyone was sleeping, in the lord's room stood Uraume in front of Sukuna. Sukuna was taking drags from his kiseru.
"Who came to deliver my clothes today?" Sukuna asked after releasing smoke from his mouth.
"She is a new worker here, Hayami. She came here two weeks ago." Uraume answer in their ever so monotone voice.
Sukuna raised a brow, "Hayami. No surname?"
"No, Lord Sukuna."
"Tell me more about her."
"She came here two weeks ago. She was passed out on the ground. She said that she here looking for work. She does her work well, Lord Sukuna. I found nothing suspicion about here thus far."
"She came looking for work? This far into the forest? Hmm?" Sukuna thought for a few seconds, "You are dismissed. You can leave now."
"Understood, Lord Sukuna." Uraume bowed once and left the lord alone.
Sukuna's brows frowned is conflict. The strong aura he felt earlier was no jock. He almost thought that some strong sorcerer had finally found the balls to come here and kill him. Sukuna was feeling this kind presence of someone strong for weeks but thought it was just Uraume. Today it was too strong.
When he saw her he could not believe that it was coming from her. Sukuna remembered the fear in her eyes. His lips curled upwards at the memory. Sukuna thought to himself—
Hayami, huh? Rare beauty. Let's see how beautiful your strength is.
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Please don not copy, reupload or plagiaris my work.
All the rights and credits of Jujutsu Kaisen characters and pictures used belongs to their rightful owners.
➷ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʟᴏᴛᴜꜱ : If you want be added to any of my taglist let me in the comments or reblong or inbox.
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annesbiggestfan · 6 months
I found a bunch of colored pencils and I love them
(aka a long ass post of my epic art that i love dearly (mostly Jaden and Fionna))
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mold-ed · 18 days
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I love jootjoot suit kaisen sm toji is literally my babygirl ill die on that hill im also starting to really super duper like uraume theyre such a little freak<3 also theres two of my jjk ocs, narumi and hanna
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
Of Pawns and Players Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Nineteen: King, Queen, and Bishop Together
            Sukuna dedicated himself to keeping Uraume and Ren apart. With no battles or enemies to vanquish for the time being, he had all the time in the world to devote himself to his, well, jealousy. He kept Uraume busy with administrative work among the servants and Ren busy with researching his old victories and (occasional) losses to improve future war tactics.
            Ren and Uraume never had a moment to spare to each other, even in secret. And it was frustrating them both. Ren had stopped her banter with Sukuna since without Uraume, something just felt off. Uraume was even more stoic and colder than usual as well. They remained focused on their work, doing the chores Sukuna assigned with machine-like precision, never any real passion in it.
            In turn, Sukuna was frustrated by their reactions. He thought he’d be satisfied and everything would return to how it was, but it hadn’t. It had made everything worse, in fact. Sukuna’s jealousy and frustration over Ren and Uraume being “Ren and Uraume” persisted with the knowledge that even though he had separated them; they still felt something.
            And, of course, the sinking feeling of knowing they didn’t feel that way about him did nothing to make him feel better either.
            Still, Sukuna pushed his feelings aside and tried to convince himself that it would all work out in the end. The pair just had some pesky emotions that would fade in time. He just had to wait.
            However, one of the three was sick and tired of waiting and decided to act so that their proud companions would get the kick in the ass they needed to maybe…work all this out, seeing as they were the only one who seemed to have figured out what was going on.
            Poor Uraume. They had Ren the genius and Sukuna the king as companions, but somehow, they had to solve all the problems.
            “Ren,” said Uraume, walking into the library.
            Ren looked up from her table. She had heard them coming with Mastermind; she knew their footsteps by heart. “Uraume.” She had no smile underneath her mask, but her eyes softened as she saw them. “What are you doing here? Sukuna could get upset.”
            While Ren was planning to each Sukuna a lesson (maybe let him have a humiliating defeat or two), she didn’t want Uraume to get hurt due to Sukuna’s temper. She knew she was willing to take a hit or two, but she knew Uraume deeply respected Sukuna and had served him for a long time out of their own volition, so they may not be as willing to displease him.
            Uraume sighed and crossed their arms. “This is for his good, too.” They sat down across from Ren. “This is for all of our good.”
            Ren cocked her head, interested. “You’ve got me interested.”
            “We’re both attracted to Sukuna, right?” said Uraume, already knowing the answer.
            Ren blinked. “What?”
            Uraume sighed. “I am. That’s why I didn’t like you when you first arrived. I thought you’d replace me.”
            “Well, obviously you warmed up to me,” said Ren with a smirk.
            Uraume gave her a deadpan look. “I also knew you were attracted to Sukuna.”
            Ren furrowed her brow. “It was that obvious?”
            “You and Sukuna are alike. You both act tough, strong, unconcerned. Sometimes condescending,” sighed Uraume. “But I’ve learned how to read your true moods. I’ve seen the way you look at him. Like I do.”
            “And you aren’t…upset?” asked Ren hesitantly.
            Uraume smiled. “I cannot be upset for something I feel as well.”
            Ren nodded, respecting the logic. “So, we are both interested in him. It doesn’t help us, does it? Sukuna loves his power; he has no room for anything else. We’ve spoken about this before—we’re just his subordinates.”
            Uraume folded their hands in front of them. “Have you ever used Mastermind to see how he feels?” Ren looked away, trying to save face. “Ah.” Uraume understood and reached out to hold Ren’s hand. “You were afraid of the disinterest you could find.”
            Ren sighed. “Must we really discuss this? Can we not simply enjoy what the two of us have?”
            “No,” said Uraume sternly. “Because the truth is that Sukuna is jealous.”
            “…” Ren stared at them. “What?”
            Uraume rolled their eyes. “Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots. Why do you think he separated us? Because it’s ‘unprofessional?’ ” Uraume scoffed. “If Sukuna cared about being professional, you would be dead a dozen times over.” Ren glared at them for the dig. “He’s jealous. I figured it out by watching him this past week. I thought he’d eventually do the mature thing and talk to us, but as usual, I must attend to everything. Just look back, see at his actions through Mastermind.”
            Ren, in a rare moment of vulnerability, looked at Uraume with slight nerves. “Are you sure?”
            Uraume smiled. “Yes.”
            Ren closed her eyes, Uraume’s hand still on hers, as she recalled moments with Sukuna. Normally, Mastermind could not perfectly determine how someone felt, but after becoming so familiar with Sukuna and his habits and patterns, it could see more about Sukuna than it could a stranger.
            And see it did. Highlighting each little movement of Sukuna’s that was towards her and Uraume. The glances when he thought Ren and Uraume weren’t looking, the frustration when he intruded on them together even before they were together, the way Sukuna looked at her on her fateful wedding day.
            She blinked and looked at Uraume. “He is. He is jealous. Of…both of us.” Uraume nodded. “Alright, then. Let’s go talk with our lord.”
            “I thought I gave you both work,” said Sukuna hotly as Urume and Ren walked into the throne room.
            “We need to talk,” said Ren.
            “The only thing to talk about is that you two are disobeying my orders,” said Sukuna.
            “Sukuna,” said Uraume harshly.
            Sukuna blinked in surprise at Uraume not adding the “-sama” at the end. That meant they were serious. “Fine. I can spare a few minutes.”
            “Would you like the start, Uraume?” asked Ren. “You are the one who figured it out.”
            Sukuna rose from his throne. “Is this going to take long? You are both supposed to be working.”
            “As you’ve said.” Ren glanced at him as he stood and said sharply, “Sit back down.”
            Sukuna blinked at the edge in her voice and sat back down. He had to admit he was quite unnerved at the bite they both had today. Uraume and Ren were usually deferential, but now they were bold. Ren’s banter had turned to sharp orders—Uraume’s respect to brazen words.
            Uraume cleared their throat and continued. “Sukuna-sama—” they endeavored to remain polite so Sukuna would hear them out “—we…we know why you’re ordering Ren and I apart.”
            “Because it was unprofessional to have such a relationship,” said Sukuna stubbornly. “It distracts from our endeavors.”
            “Sukuna…” said Uraume softly, stepping closer. “We know that’s not the truth.”
            Sukuna narrowed his eyes. “We already had this discussion. Enough.”
            “You’re jealous,” said Uraume.
            Sukuna scowled. “What would I have to be jealous of?”
            “Us,” said Ren. She took Uraume’s hand.
            Sukuna, whose eyes had been focused on Uraume, looked up at Ren and started at how her mask had been removed. After seeing it on for so long and only off for Uraume, the person she was close with, it felt strangely intimate.
            “I—no,” said Sukuna.
            Uraume sighed. “Sukuna, please. It will be better for all of us if you’re honest.”
            Sukuna stood angrily. “You want me to be honest? For what? So you can have something I covet? For you to have the knowledge you hold something I wish for? For you to have power over me?” He glared at them. “Fine. Have at it. Know that I want the intimacy and affection you show each other, but you have given those affections to one another and I hate it. Go on. Know the truth and laugh at your lord for it. Go on—"
            Uraume pulled on Sukuna’s yukata, causing him to lean down, and kissed him. Pulling back, they sighed and crossed their arms. “The dramatics are unnecessary. I have warned you before that hysterics distract from proper facts.”
            Ordinarily, Sukuna would scowl at his actions being equated to “hysterics,” but at that moment, he was standing still with an unusually shocked face. He looked at Ren in confusion at the fact that she didn’t seem to care.
            Seeing his face, Ren smirked in amusement. “We both have affection for you, Sukuna.” She gestured between them all. “In fact, it seems we all feel the same way about each other.”
            “Both of you do?” asked Sukuna, half-hopeful, half-fearful of the answer.
            “Yes,” said Uraume.
            It was Ren’s turn to kiss Sukuna. “Have we not convinced you?”
            Sukuna grinned, his inward happiness manifesting in his usual cockiness. “I think you need to make up for the time you two spent together without me.”
            Uraume shook their head in affectionate exasperation, and Ren rolled her eyes. “Well, I suppose we should become more…acquainted with this dynamic.”
            “So we are going to do this? A relationship between all of us?” confirmed Sukuna. He was cruel and power-hungry, but he wasn’t a monster that would force people into being a relationship with him.
            “I’m fine with it,” said Uraume.
            “As am I,” said Ren.
            “Good.” Sukuna stepped forward and effortlessly lifted Ren and Uraume off their feet with his cursed strength. “Because I’m not letting you two go for a long time.”
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yuu3585 · 5 months
𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬. 𝐜𝐡. 𝟐 - 𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝
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Backstory: Lead to the shrine of the king of curse, Tsumi encounters a coming fear of just what she’ll face at his hands
Pairing: …
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Blood, murder, Sukuna (it’s Sukuna he needs a warning), name-calling, oc x canon, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!
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The snow crunched as Tsumi stepped, the curse was quiet as they walked, not talking like she was to Dai. Tsumi thought it was weird shouldn’t Sukuna collect his Sacrifices? Or was this curse close to him in some manner, and if so how close to Sukuna was she a servant, or maybe even his love?
“You're falling behind”
Tsumi's head shot up at the curse's sudden voice, she was indeed falling behind the curse was a good ten feet away from her “I-I’m sorry” Tsumi apologized quickly walking up to the curse, “Don’t let it happen again…” Tsumi hummed as the curse hissed, before stepping ahead, Tsumi sighed as cold winter air nipped at her, gripping her cover-up tighter for a bit of warmth
“Tsumi, correct?” the curse asked, her pink eyes looking back, “Y-yes” Tsumi answered, the curse hummed looking away from Tsumi as she shivered “My name is Ahmya, I’m one of the two heads of Master Sukuna’s servants'' Ahmya spoke, her name was seemingly nice. Tsumi nods as she looks forward, eyes staring at the snow falling onto the ground… “We’ll be at the shrine soon, don't fall behind!” Ahmya informs voice harsh, Tsumi hums nodding her head
Ahmya was right about being at the shrine soon. It was big, looking like the mouth of a skull–colors of black, gray, and dark red–with the color of the white snow on top of it. Ahmya pushed open the large shrine doors gesturing to Tsumi inside, “Follow” Ahmya ordered as she closed the door. Tsumi nodded following close behind Ahmya her aura strong, as they passed by two curses
The curses were pale, paler than Tsumi was both had rusty red hair. “Look, a new human!” one teased, the other laughed. It was horrifying, echoing in Tsumi's ears, Ahmya groaned rolling her eyes at the two “Come, Sukuna must be informed of the changes” Tsumi hummed, eyes looking back at the curses they smiled sinisterly, waving before disappearing. Tsumi shivered before looking back in front of her
As the two walked, Ahmya stopped in front of two large doors engraved with beautiful patterns. Ahmya raised her hand ready to knock, but before she could it opened, a white hair person stepped out their eyes met Ahmya, and bowed before stepping aside two women walked out bodies barely covered with their kimonos barely even on, Tsumi turned away gripping her Kimono tightly uncomfortable, they were concubine’s
One of the two women looked over at Tsumi, she had tan skin, her hair was Raven black, and her eyes were chocolate brown. She smiled, waving slightly before walking off with the other concubine, her hair was a dark orange color, and she seemed quite young but way older than Tsumi “Come” Ahmya ordered bowing at the white-haired person, Tsumi did the same as she walked past them. The Chamber was large, and the dark only light was the few amounts of torches that dimly lit the chamber, Ahmya stopped getting down onto her knees and bowed
Tsumi, realizing what was going on, quickly got onto her knees bowing. A low groan filled Tsumi ear’s “Ahmya…” the voice echoed throughout the chamber “Yes my Lord?” Ahmya answered, “Who is this…?” the voice asked, anger seeping from his lips. Ahmya breathes before answering
“This is the Ito clan’s sacrifice… Tsumi. She took her sister's place, my lord!” Ahmya explained a hum left the Lord's lips. “Ahmya you may leave” he spoke, Tsumi froze fear creeping into her mind “Yes my Lord” Ahmya answered, she stood up, bowed and lefted the wooden door echoing as it shut. Tsumi shook as she could hear the breaths of the man Ahmya was talking to “Raise your head.” he ordered, Tsumi raised her head eyes not looking anywhere but at the ground
“You're quite obedient, scared like a little lamb.” He said, voice harsh as he spoke, Tsumi didn't speak fear consuming her. “What should I do with you…?” he questioned, he thought for a moment, the chamber went silent as he thought “Uraume!” he shouted, the white-haired person from earlier entered the chamber, and they bowed before leaning up “Yes, Lord Sukuna,” Uraume says voice monotone, “Take her to the servant chambers,” Sukuna says, Uraume bows “Come” they order, Tsumi stands bowing to Sukuna before following after Uraume
The walk is quiet, with barely any sound other than the laughs of a few women, in one of the three rooms they pass “This is the servant chambers,” Uraume says stopping, Tsumi raises her head, looking to Uraume. “Thank you!” Tsumi says bowing slightly, Uraume hums sliding the door open, Tsumi breathes before stepping past Uraume, through the door. It slides shut signing to Uraume's departure
The chamber was larger than the Ito clan's servant chambers, and warm, it's nice on Tsumi's cold skin “I wonder what’s in store for me here?” Tsumi questions. Ocean blue eyes scan the room, a noise from behind Tsumi snaps her out of her thoughts. It was another servant, her hair was a chocolate brown color, her eyes met Tsumi's, they were emerald green “H-hello…” Tsumi says waving slightly, “Uraume told me to give you this…” she says, stepping toward Tsumi, it's another kimono.
It’s white with blue stitched into it, “here I’ll wait for you outside!” she says bowing before she leaves, Tsumi smiles before she undresses. Quickly removing her blue kimono, Tsumi puts the other one on. Tsumi breathed before sliding the door open the servant from earlier was standing a few feet away from the door, “Follow” she said softly, Tsumi slid the door shut following the woman “You’ll be in charge of mopping up Sukuna’s meeting room with humans,” she says looking back at Tsumi “Alright” Tsumi answered smiling a little “Other than that you’ll clean whatever Uraume or Ahmya tells you to!”
Tsumi hums, “Sukunas in a meeting with someone I suggest getting a bucket…” The woman murmured “A-alright…”
The air felt denser, it wasn’t warm in this part of the shrine. Tsumi breathes as she sets the bucket down. A noise catches her attention from inside the room. It seems to be yelling, the voice sounds scared, Tsumi snaps her head back at the sound of footsteps. The two rusty red haired curses from earlier come into her view, they stare at her. “You're Tsumi right?” One asked, stepping closer to Tsumi he was a foot or so taller than her,
“Ahmya said not to bother the servants, Reiki!” Tsumi is caught off guard by the sudden voice, “Thanks for reminding me Daiki!” Reiki mocked turning to the curse which was called Daiki, Tsumi is tense for a moment as the two seemingly twin curses stare at one another. But they are different Reiki the one closest to Tsumi has black streaks in his hair while Daiki has white, and their kimonos are different as well Reiki wears a black, and red kimono, while Daiki wears a red and white one
A scream breaks the silence of the three causing Tsumi to jump a little, Daiki walks up to Reiki grabbing his shoulder “We should leave!” Reiki rolls his eyes “Let us go, bye Tsumi!” He mumbles waving as they both walk away, Tsumi's knees shake as she hears the sliding door open turning fast she bows, it’s Sukuna he steps out of the room sliding the door closed before he steps away
Tsumi raises her head sensing that Sukuna is gone, she sighs standing up, and grabs the bucket before sliding the door open, she almost drops the bucket choking on her breath. Looking away Tsumi sets the bucket down covering her mouth, stopping herself from throwing up. The site before her was sadistic, a man’s body was scattered across the room, his blood covered the floor and the wall closest to the door. Tsumi grasps for air, coughing harshly
Her eyes scan the room, turning to the bucket Tsumi sighs bending down, and grabs the sponge. Tsumi turned keeping her head down, staring at the blood-stained floor
Tsumi roughly scrubbed away at the last remaining blood, her hands lightly stained scarlet red… she had been at the murderous scene for a while, and the sun seemed to set, Tsumi sighed as the last stain of blood blurred away. Tsumi breathed dropping the sponge into the blood water bucket, stretching her arms Tsumi stood grabbing the bucket before exiting the room sliding the door shut, eyes lingering where the body of that man once was
The wind of winter blew harshly against Tsumi's skin as she emptied the bucket, snow fell landing on her blonde braided hair that lay lazily on her back. A rough voice filled Tsumi's ears as she stepped back into the shrine shivering slightly
“I want her somewhere else Uraume!”
“As you wish my lord…”
Tsumi stood still listening quietly, what was going on? What was Lord Sukuna talking about with Uraume? Who was she? Tsumi moved quietly from her spot trying not to alert Sukuna or Uraume that she was there
“You may leave Uraume…!”
Sukuna ordered his voice echoing in Tsumi's ears, she heard a shift before the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall outside the room she was in. Trying to gain some confidence to move forward, Tsumi hears the door of the room she was in slide open.
Tsumi's knees buckled under herself, fear filling her mind quickly she dropped to her knees staring at her scarlet-stained hands
“Seems there’s a lamb, not asleep!”
Sukuna mocked, laughing cruelly as the door slid shut, Tsumi's breath caught in her throat as she bowed to Sukuna, “Raise your head!” Sukuna ordered his voice unpleasant to the ringing in her ears, hesitantly Tsumi raised her head avoiding to stare at Sukuna’s face
“Look at me!” Sukuna ordered again, voice harsh, Tsumi hesitantly looked up, eyes locked with Sukuna’s. Four scarlet red eyes stare back. Tsumi froze in fear, eyes widen as she took in his looks
He was large in a sense, four arms crossed in front of his chest and stomach. Tsumi's eyes looked up at his face, it was covered in markings, she shuddered as her eyes stared at a wooden-like mask that covered the right side of his face. Sukuna smirked as Tsumi stared at him
“Servants are supposed to be in their chambers by sundown…” Sukuna said his voice low, Tsumi tensed up at his words, “I-I’m sorry my lord…” Tsumi apologizes, pressing her head to the ground, “I-it won’t happen again… I promise my lord!” Tsumi explains, her body beginning to shake. Sukuna stares down at Tsumi eyes lingering on her tense form
“You may leave…” Sukuna ordered, Tsumi raises her head shocked “Have a good night my lord…”
Tsumi stands up quickly, avoiding Sukuna eyes as she walks past him, letting out a shaky breath she steps out of the room sliding the door behind her shut
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Divider credit - Sweetyparty
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4pfsukuna · 5 months
Send me request
Yall please send me some request, prompts something anything! I have whatever the opposite of writers block is but with no idea what to write.
I write for jjk, fire force, demon slayer i really love anything jjk
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
Both Gone
Haruki: *Walks beside Takeo, looking around*
Takeo: Mom-
Haruki: *Freezes, her eyes widening* Takeo..
Takeo: Yeah?
Haruki: RUN!
Takeo: *Flinches then turns and quickly runs away, his hair flying back*
Haruki: *Runs after him, her eyes wide* DON'T LOOK BACK TAKEO!! KEEP RUNNING!
Takeo: *Stumbles but quickly regains his footing*
Haruki: *Falls to the ground and arrow through her chest*
Takeo: *Slides to a stop, his eyes wide at the cliff in front of him*
???: GOTCHA!!
Takeo: *Looks back then chomps down on the mans hand drawing blood*
???: *Slaps Takeo off alarmed* AH BRAT!!
Takeo: *Stares his eyes wide as he slipped off the cliff, letting out a yell when he fell*
???: He's dead leave him...
Sukuna: Ruru! Takeo!!!
Uraume: Sukuna, over there...
Sukuna: *Turns, his eyes widening*
Haruki: *Lays on her side half covered in snow and arrow through her chest*
Sukuna: *Walks over, staring down at her* Ruru?
Sukuna: *Kneels down, lifting her head* Haruki, this isn't funny...
Uraume: She's-
Haruki: Ku..na....
Sukuna: *Sighs* Haruki...
Haruki: *Smiles, placing a hand on his cheek* I love you...and...Takeo..
Sukuna: *Stares as her hand dropped*
Haruki: *Lays motionless, her eyes opened and dull*
Sukuna: *Looks around* TAKEO!! I'M RIGHT HERE!!
Uraume: I smell something that way..
Sukuna: Stay with her...
Sukuna: *Gently bumps his forehead head against Haruki's before setting her down*
Uraume: *Kneels down swiftly closing Haruki's eyes as Sukuna walked away*
Sukuna: TAKEO!!
???: Pa...
Sukuna: *Goes around the cliff and slides down with ease his eyes widening* Takeo
Takeo: *Smiles laying on his side* Pa.....
Sukuna: *Walks over and picks him up* Are you alright....
Takeo: *Smiles* I bit the bad guy, Pa, I bit him really hard....
Sukuna: *Smiles slightly* You did well...good job
Takeo: *Laughs quietly* He was so angry, there's a mark on his hand now too...
Sukuna: *Chuckles* That's my boy...
Takeo: I'm sorry for not remembering the training you gave me....and for not protecting mom and unborn little sis
Sukuna: You tried...
Takeo: Thanks Pa... *Rests his head on Sukuna's shoulder, his eyes dulling*
Sukuna: *Places a hand on Takeo's back wondering what this feeling eating him up inside was*
Sukuna: *Looks down, standing up and carrying Takeo away*
Uraume: *Carefully places the flowers around the graves then steps back standing beside Sukuna* I found the perpetrators
Sukuna: Who
Uraume: Her own family....
Sukuna: *Turns and walks away, tears falling down his cheeks as he walked down the path* So they caused this....I see
Harua: *Lays asleep in bed, jolting awake when a scream echoed from outside her room*
Misko: *Quickly rushes into the room* HARUA!! Sukuna is destroying everything, we gotta go now!
Harua: *Takes his hands, standing up*
???: *Flies through the room wall, a dagger in their chest*
Sukuna: *Walks in, dropping Haruki's father* You're her twin...
Harua: *Places her hands over her growing stomach her eyes wide*
Sukuna: *Stares at them glancing at Harua's stomach* I have the right to steal your child from you after both of mines were taken, one was only five and the other unborn...
Sukuna: *Turns away, walking out of the room* Get out of my sight and don't ever come back...
Harua: *Stares after him stunned* He spared us....
Misko: No time, come on!
Harua: *Quickly walks away from the destroyed house then looks back finding Sukuna watching them*
Sukuna: *Walks away, looking down* Haruki, Takeo....I'm sorry..
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osunism · 19 days
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Daughter of Disgrace
"Is there any place where Heaven's bastard daughters are welcome?"
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Rating: Mature to Explicit [for future sexual content and graphic depictions of violence]. Pairing[s]: Satoru + Sundari || Nadja + Sukuna Warning[s]: Smut, graphic depictions of violence, major character death[s], as well as some toxic relationship elements. Spoilers for the manga, so if you only watched the anime, turn back. Summary: In the aftermath of Satoru Gojo's sealing, Sundari must choose rebellion in order to free him. Lucky for them both, rebellion has always been her preferred modus operandi.
🪧 Be Advised: This is the sequel to BeastofNoNation. It's recommended that you read that fic first to get the context of this one.
𓃰 AO3 || OC Masterpost || Fic Masterpost 𓃰
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𓃰 Chapter Five: Inversion
November 17, 2018, Tokyo No. 1 Colony
     Sundari, at her core, has always been a creature of sharp and unerring instinct. From the moment she was born, she was made painfully aware of how different she was from quite literally everyone around her. Not just in terms of appearance and power, but in how she chose to view the world. To her, there was never a question of whether to act, she simply saw a problem worthy of her attention and attempted to solve it.
     It was a happy coincidence that many of those problems could only be resolved with spectacular displays of violence and artistic amounts of bloodshed.
     She’s always had a keen gut instinct for trouble, and Sundari knows when a situation has gone tits-up.
     It’s why she’s entering one of the colonies for the Culling Games, now.
     The first thing that assaults her senses is the strange little creature that appears before her. It calls itself Kogane, and it asks her if she wishes to become a player.
     “Yeah,” she says tersely. “Yeah, whatever, I’m a player; let me in.”
     She can’t be credited with too much patience, but she’s pressed for time. Something is wrong, her gut is churning, and this little irksome shikigami creature is announcing to presumably everyone that she’s entered the game. That’s fine, she can handle whatever comes her way.
     “Sundari Hikmat’s life is worth 5,000 points!”
     Sundari is halfway to Shinjuku when she hears this announcement, and the echoes of it from other Kogane creatures nearby. The sentence bounces around in her skull like an endless refrain, and she allows herself an exhausted and defeated smirk before she turns her face to the sky.
     “Fuck you,” she whispers, wishing that curse user monk could hear her. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.”
     Not for the first time, but she regrets not unleashing all of herself in Shibuya that night. It seemed to work perfectly fine for her father. She makes a mental note to put skullfucking back on the menu when she crosses paths with the monk again.
     The first sorcerer to come for her head attacks her in a Cinnabon when she’s scavenging for snacks. They were clever in their approach, she’d give them that much credit, but their cursed energy barely warrants the effort, and she emerges from the abandoned shop, gnawing on a stale cinnamon bun she attempted to reheat in a microwave. It’s not much, but breakfast is breakfast at this point.
     The man hunting her this morning is a sorcerer by the name Genji Ishida, and Sundari regards him with a bored expression, her four-eyed perspective taking him in while keeping watch on her surroundings. She tastes his cursed energy, like corrupted ozone. She’s always likened it to ‘tainted’ magic. Other forms of magic have their own flavor, but jujutsu has always tasted wrong to her. Genji doesn’t have enough cursed energy to face her.
     “Look,” she says, “I don’t know what you think you heard, but this isn’t a fight you want right now.” It’s a warning, and she hopes Genji has the good sense the gods gave a rabbit enough to fuck off and find some other sorcerer to play with. Sundari isn’t sure if she will be penalized for not killing sorcerers, but she knows she can. In fact, the game encourages it, and that’s what she’s afraid of: not of losing, but of winning so handily that the blood will soak Tokyo for weeks. She knows what she’s capable of and she knows she’s trying very hard not to be like her father.
     She also suspects that’s why that dickhead monk has placed a veritable bounty on her head. He wants her to act up! Well, she will eventually, but she’s gonna offer as many ways to avoid it as possible.
     Genji is not a smart man. In fact, as she gets a good look at him, she can see that the lights are not all on upstairs. There’s a vacant look in his eyes, and she can see the dried blood crusted around his nose. She wonders if he’s overused his technique recently.
     “I need those points,” he says, and his lip curls into a sneer before he lunges for her. He’s faster than Sundari expected, and she rotates her body in a smooth pivot, taking his telegraphed strike and using his momentum to fling him effortlessly into the Cinnabon’s glass storefront. It shatters beautifully, as does the counter as Genji plows through it from Sundari’s powerful throw. Sundari waits to see if he gets back up.
     He does, stumbling out of the shattered Cinnabon into the street where Sundari has given up on her breakfast and dusts the crumbs off on her pants before cracking her neck and her knuckles.
     “You’re worth a whole five stacks,” Genji says, assuming a fighting stance, but Sundari sees him swaying unsteadily, like an uncertain serpent. He’s concussed. “No way I’m letting a steal like that pass me by.”
     Sundari snorts. “Well, come collect your bounty if you can, buddy.” She makes a come-hither gesture with two fingers. Genji lunges at her again and this time she’s certain his cursed technique is burned out. She rotates out of his way again, playfully rolls out one of her extra arms to shove him in the back as he stumbles past her. She can tell the man’s brain has been cooked, likely because he doesn’t have good control over his cursed energy or technique. Her other arm rolls back into her body before he can get up and turn around.
     “What the hell?” He mumbles. “Why can’t I make the fucking sparks come out?”
     Sundari sighs. Yeah, he’s cooked. Suddenly, the fight has lost its petty amusement, and she keeps walking, ignoring the muzzy curses of the sorcerer behind her. He’ll be dead before nightfall if he doesn’t recover his cursed energy in time to fight off the actual curses plaguing the city at night. But that’s his problem.
     Right now, Sundari has bigger fish to fry mainly, her father, whom she has just detected elsewhere in the colony. A massive burst of cursed energy that mirrors her own. Sundari’s focus tunnels down to that, and she takes off at a dead run, unhindered as she realizes her gut instinct is in fact correct again. However, being right isn’t always a good thing and Sundari finds utter devastation when she arrives.
     Yuji is down, injured from a recent blow, and Sundari is at his side before she realizes something is terribly wrong. Yuji looks up at her, tears in his eyes, but Sundari’s eyes are wide because the soft, red slits where Sukuna’s lower eyes reside are no longer on his face. His face, which is twisted into such anguish as he tries to get the words out through the thick, wet flood of his own grief.
     “He took them both,” Yuji says and Sundari realizes that not only is Megumi missing, but her mother as well. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming. He just…he took Megumi.”
     Sundari already knows the answer, but she asks anyway: “Who?”
     “Sukuna,” Yuji whispers, and there is anguish and contempt in his voice. “Somehow he managed to escape my body and took Fushiguro…and then he took Hikmat-sensei, and they escaped with a shikigami.”
     The fact that her mother is seemingly unable to kill her bastard of a father when it counts is beginning to irk Sundari. She is beginning to believe that her mother might still love the fucking bastard and that’s why she won’t strike when it’s time. Sundari clenches her fists and uses the menacing presence of her immense cursed energy to ward off any challengers who think to come for the prize on her head.
     “Can you stand?” She asks and Yuji nods as she helps him to his feet. Maki soon joins them, but she looks more irritated than disappointed.
     “There’s a price on your head, Hikmat-san,” Maki says. “Why’d you leave Tengen’s realm?”
     Sundari chuckles. “I had a gut feeling that everything was going to shit so I came to help. Looks like I was right, for all the fucking good it did anyone.”
     Maki shoulders her sword and heaves a sigh. “Yeah, well, that’s noble of you but now your cursed energy is going to be a flashing neon sign to any sorcerer stupid enough to try and claim the bounty.”
     Sundari grins. “I hope so. I need them so I can open the Prison Realm.”
     “What?!” Maki and Yuji exclaim in unison. Sundari waves her hand dismissively.
     “Not here,” she says looking around. Most of the city is quiet, and there’s destruction where the fighting has been heaviest in the first few days of the Games. Their current location is indefensible, and Sundari can’t think of where they can go to enact her admittedly half-baked plan. She knows she requires more cursed energy to do what she tried before, but without Sukuna here to intervene she risks truly killing herself in the process. Gods take his withered soul for his perfidy. Sundari feels a rage inside her like brutal magma, and she wants so badly to kill her father, to end his curse upon this world once and for all.
     Sundari shuts her main eyes, keeping her lower eyes open to regard Yuji and Maki, as well as keep an eye on their surroundings. Looking at Maki is a bit unsettling because Sundari can detect no cursed energy from her. She’s like a void in the flow of the world: invisible to sorcerers, and deadly to them. She begins to breathe slower, letting herself feel her own body as she inhales and then exhales.
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October 3, 2018, Gojo Satoru’s Residence, 21:35
     Satoru manages to come home early one night. With the summer ended, and most troublesome curses exorcised, his schedule manages to free up only slightly, but it is enough that he no longer keeps exceedingly late hours. And so, he claims a rare moment of respite, eager to come home to the woman he has come to love so dearly. He can already taste her cursed energy, exactly like her father’s, and yet he would know her anywhere. Not just because of her energy, but because he sees her everywhere. He sees the shape of her lithe and svelte curves in the hills and mountains Tokyo is nestled within. He sees the dark glimmer of her garnet eyes if he focuses his vision just enough.
     He can almost hear her rich laughter in the wind, a sound from her belly, where her secondary mouth grins.
     It’s not until he crosses the threshold into his home, shuts and locks the door behind him, and pulls down his blindfold that he breathes her name like a secret he’s been keeping all day.
     “Sundari…” His voice is rich with eagerness. He wants her, wants to wrap his arms around her and kiss the sharp black ink of her tattoos on her neck, down to the tender spot between her shoulder blades.
     He follows his senses and finds her seated on a grassy rise overlooking the vast forest that extends endlessly. It is a hidden place, and Satoru likes to believe that it has become their place. Few know this location, and even fewer have set foot here. Satoru has taken great pains to keep Sundari hidden until he can smooth things over with the higher-ups, whom he knows will call for her immediate execution.
     An abomination, they’d call her.
     A goddess. He’d counter.
     Sundari’s back is to him, and he notices that she is nearly naked, clad only in what looks to be a—
     Oh. She’s nude and wearing nothing but a gold waist chain. Satoru bites his lip and shuts his eyes momentarily, letting out a small laugh.
     She’s sitting cross-legged, her main eyes are shut, the smaller set focused on the moonrise. All four of her arms are present, each of her four hands in a different mudra. Satoru’s asked her about them, and she’s explained their meanings to him, so different from the ones he was taught. Still, they are effective, and she seems to be engaged in some sort of meditation. The mouth on her belly is chanting, but the mouth on her face is neutral, full lips slightly parted.
     She’s doing intense breath work, and Satoru studies her.
     Stark black tattoos—Sukuna’s exactly—stand vividly against her almond-brown skin. Every part of her seems deliberately sculpted, a testament to her lifetime spent being raised as a warrior, as he was. He tries to imagine how Nadja, who has no cursed energy, had managed to raise someone as powerful as Sundari. He has so many questions, and yet all of that is doused out of him when he sees her main eyes open, and she turns to look at him over her shoulder.
     “Satoru,” there is a burgeoning smile in her voice, and her voice has a slight ring of power. His Six Eyes read the overwhelming flow of her cursed energy. It heaves and sighs like the ocean but moves slow like the earth. Each breath she takes draws it in, and every exhale pushes it out. He watches her rein it in tighter with each breath and push it out slower with each exhale.
     Her heart is beating strongly and steadily, and he can see the heat building in her belly, her cursed energy pulsing like a neutron star: blinding and overwhelming.
     But not to the strongest sorcerer of the modern age. No, he can bare the beautiful brightness of her. He revels and basks in it as if she is the sun, and he wants nothing more than to see her revel and bask as well. Creatures like them will never take to being slapped with a bridle and led by the nose. No, she—like him—deserves to run free.
     One of her hands beckons him closer, an elegant roll of her wrist, delicate but deadly fingers crooked and alluring; and he comes to sit beside her. They have established equal footing in more ways than one. He is not afraid to yield to her demands from time to time.
     “You’re home early,” she murmurs, even as her lower mouth chants empowered sutras in a soft and sweet melody that seems to blend so nicely with the deepening night. Satoru marvels at her when she does this. The secondary mouth does not strain her heart or lungs yet is as powerful as her main mouth.
     “Curses are incubating,” Satoru says, “and there’s nothing that requires my level of intervention. I can fuck off if I want.”
     Sundari snorts. “And this is you fucking off, is it?”
     Satoru leans back on his hands, stretching his long legs in front of him as he awards her with one of his feline grins.
     “Hey, I’m allowed to fuck off in any way I please,” he tells her. “And don’t act like you don’t like me fucking off with you.”
     It’s ridiculous, this exchange, but that’s sort of the nature of their friendship…and a core foundation of their continued attraction to one another. They burst into mutual laughter. Sundari breaks her concentration, and her cursed energy stills like a placid lake, blanketing the area, overlapping with his. Satoru sees it like moonlight dancing off the surface of her lake. It’s beautiful, how their energy blends so well together.
     “What were you doing?” Satoru asks. “Just now. I don’t recognize those sutras.”
     Sundari gives him a tender smile; a benevolent goddess answering a willing acolyte.
     “A breathing technique my teacher showed me. It helps cycle my cursed energy through my body more efficiently.” At Satoru’s expression she frowns. “Look, just because my dad was—is—a prodigy, doesn’t mean I was. I was just born with a lot of power and a unique physique. But I definitely wasn’t always good at it.”
     “Still,” Satoru says, “you’ve got an instinct for it. And your martial arts are impeccable. I’m more afraid of your hand-to-hand combat than your techniques.”
     Sundari smiles. It’s strange to her that he says this, because most of jujutsu society prides itself on whatever unique and powerful techniques manifest. But Sundari was raised amongst women whose value could be weighed in coin on the best nights. They were courtesans and warriors. Vanhi had been strict in having Sundari learn to be a cunning and powerful fighter before she trained her to wed those skills to sorcery. In retrospect, Sundari can understand why. She’s made a god bleed, and she’s faced off with the most powerful sorcerers and held her own.
     “I see,” she says, grinning. She adjusts her body, folding her legs under her and retracting her lower arms. They roll into her body in an incomprehensible display and then they are gone. A second black band manifests on her arms and wrists, and she looks at him in full. Satoru studies her beautiful face, the wide garnet eyes and the smaller ones beneath, which flare to the color of crystalized blood when she’s excited or angry. The stark black trishula symbol on her brow marks her as Sukuna’s own. As does everything about her.
     “You going to kiss me or what?” He asks. “Don’t make me beg.”
     Sundari chuckles, a rich and husky sound that makes him shiver.
     “But you’re so good at it, Satoru,” her tongue caresses his name tenderly and he swears he can feel it on his cock. He wants her to suck him off, right here under the stars. He wants to see those perfect, pouty lips wrapped around his shaft.
     Fuck. He might just beg tonight, but he doesn’t want to beg. He wants her to come to him when he calls her.
     Sundari stares at him, amusement giving an impish look to her grin. She’s going to play this game right alongside him, and he grinds his teeth a little. He doesn’t know it yet, but Sundari is more like her father than either of them realize. The same sinister smirk, the wicked glint of mischief in her four eyes, and the dimples in her cheeks giving her sharp and dangerous appearance a softness that Satoru has come to adore. A woman—no, his goddess—whose power rivals his own, and right now she looks as if a butterfly would be safe in her fight-ready hands.
     God, he loves her.
     “Come here,” he says to her, but he’s reaching for her, fingertips brushing the apple of her cheek. Sundari shuts her main eyes, leaning into his touch. He watches her breathing even out from his mere touch. Such a spitfire and yet she seems wholly trusting and ready to yield to him. She finally relents, and instead of leaning in, she crawls onto him to straddle him. Satoru’s arms come up automatically to wrap around her naked body, his palms smoothing up the sinuous length of her back. Her skin is so satiny and tender to the touch. He’ll never tire of touching her.
     Sundari’s ankles lock behind his back. The lotus position is her favorite, he’s learned. It’s his too: he loves being able to see her and feel her come undone as he holds her close. His cock strains in his pants, and he swears he can feel the heat of her naked cunt against the fabric. Her body always feels like she has magma running in her veins in lieu of blood.
     No. Ichor. Her mother isn’t human. Sundari is an immortal.
     “Satoru…” her voice has a warning note in it but is softened by concern. He’s in his head again.
     “Sorry,” he murmurs. “It’s just that you’re so goddamn beautiful, baby. Took my breath away.”
     Sundari rolls all four of her eyes, but her smile is fond, and he can see the heat blooming in her cheeks like a soft candle glow.
     “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome,” she says back, and she rewards him by kissing him. Satoru’s lips part even as he’s grinning, basking in her affections shamelessly. After all, they’re for him and him alone. He presses her closer to him, and she moans softly when her breasts rub against the fabric of his jacket. Her nipples harden at the contact, making her hiss.
     Satoru’s mouth leaves hers reluctantly, but his leans in to trace the sleek line of her jaw with his lips. He presses kisses so soft against her skin, Sundari nearly whimpers from the tenderness of it, shivering in his arms and linking her arms around his neck, her hands threading through his silvered white hair. Satoru purrs from the sensation of her nails rubbing and massaging his scalp.
     For a while there is only kissing, and caressing, and basking in the closeness of one another. They can do this for only so long before one or the other insists on taking things further. Satoru can be impatient, but Sundari is insatiable in her hunger for him. It’s only a matter of time before—
     Sundari rocks her hips and now he can feel the slick heat of her through the fabric of his pants. His mouth goes dry, and he swallows.
     “Fuck…” he whispers reverently, resisting the urge to pump his hips up just for the sheer sensation. He knows she’s wet, knows it as surely as anything, but he refuses to break first.
     “Satoru…” Sundari purrs his name in his ear, nipping his earlobe and making him shiver. He spends so much of his time being untouchable that these soft, intimate moments are a delicious indulgence for him that rivals his actual sweet tooth. He loves to be touched. Loves the sensation of skin against his own, of being so thoroughly entangled that their limbs seemed to blend. He needs to be inside her. He needs his skin on hers. Fuck, he’s going to break if she doesn’t stop.
     “Don’t you want me?” She whispers.
     “Of course I want you,” Satoru says. “I just…I’m learning to savor what’s in front of me. And you’re worth savoring.”
     Sundari smiles, leans in so that they can kiss again. “Sweet talker…”
     Satoru lets himself be smug. “I eat enough sugar for it. I’m the sweetest talker, baby…”
     “Shut up,” Sundari murmurs, but the grin in her voice is all too telling of how his words affect her. She clings to him as they kiss, Satoru’s hands running a circuit over every inch of her within his reach.
     Satoru grips her waist, pulls her down so that she bounces on the bulge of his cock prettily. He relishes in her surprised groan of pleasure, and there’s a wet spot on his pants where her cunt has grown slick as she rocks her hips to grind against him. He grins at her, and holds up one hand, his index and middle fingers crossed. Her eyes widen as she realizes what he’s about to do. They’re closer than ever, now, and Satoru wants to show her something he’s never gotten the chance to show anyone else in this way.
     “Ryōiki Tenkai…”
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Zenin Estate, November 18, 2018, 14:35
     Nadja is not sure how long she lingers in the living, writhing shadows Megumi’s technique have dropped her in. She cannot see, but her senses strain for any sign that will give her a clue as to where she is. She does not have to wonder long, as the shadows surge beneath her, and suddenly she’s rushing up and up and up, until she breaks the surface, spilling onto the flagstones of a walkway. She recognizes the Zenin Estate instantly, and she can smell the death Maki left behind.
     She comes onto her hands and knees, her arms shaky as she vomits onto the stones, shaking off the last vestiges of disorientation from the living shadow that brought her here.
     “Still alive,” Sukuna’s voice spills down her senses like warm honey and she climbs to her feet, swaying slightly as she regains her bearings. She turns to look at the new face he wears, keeps her expression neutral as she realizes he has now possessed the body of Megumi Fushiguro. It is strange, but he looks nothing like Megumi. The vessels always get warped to reflect his true face in some way. His smirk is the same, though, and he tilts his head.
     “My fugitive of heaven fears not even the shadows, hm?” He closes the distance between them, impossibly fast, and Nadja is still too shaky to react in time as his fist collides with her ribs. All the air in her lungs is driven out in a rush, followed by a choking sound as she crumples to her knees before him. Sukuna stares down at her, fury banked in his wild, crimson eyes.
     “That,” he says, his rich voice limned in malice, “I owed you.”
     Nadja can’t help herself, even at his mercy: she laughs.
     “And when you have finished beating me to hell and back, what then?” She grits out, holding her injured side, already healing. She cannot rise from her knees, the pain in her ribs is too great. Sukuna doesn’t care, he reaches down to grab a fistful of her hair and shake her head roughly.
     “I will do it for as long as it takes.” He snaps. “Remember: I promised to repay you for every year you hid her from me and made me wait for you.”
     Nadja looks up at him, and for a moment there are no words, only a silent tension building between them, thick and cloying and choking out all other air in the world. Sukuna’s eyes are dark, drifting downward where he can see her pulse hammering like a trapped thing. He briefly remembers a time when the sight of her pulse hammering was because of excitement to be with him. Not this.
     He shoves her away with a disgusted sound, whether with her or himself is anyone’s guess.
     “Sukuna-sama,” the cool and even voice of Uraume slithers through the tension like a cold river cutting through stone. Both Sukuna and Nadja turn their gazes to them. Uraume does not even spare Nadja a glance, keeping their gaze respectfully downcast as they reported to Sukuna that his bath was ready. Sukuna’s stony expression melts into one of malicious pleasure. He glances back at Nadja, disdain flitting across his gaze before returning to neutrality.
     “Get up, we aren’t finished.” He snaps. Nadja cannot believe that after a thousand years the commanding growl in his voice still sends shivers down her spine…not all of them unpleasant. Not to be humiliated, Nadja climbs to her feet, steadier than before, her expression one of fierce determination. She steadies her mind and steels her heart. Whatever he sees makes Sukuna’s eyes widen slightly—briefly—before he turns on his heel and begins to stride off, Uraume following three steps behind. Nadja trails after them, and notes that she is still armed. Whatever reason for it, Nadja is certain Sukuna knows himself at an advantage here. She won’t kill him if he is using Fushiguro as a vessel, and he can’t kill her so he will find other ways to hurt her instead.
     But he knows every time he does hurt her, it is very real. Sukuna is cunning, and it’s what makes his cruelties particularly sharp and cutting. Nadja knows he will try to kill her in other ways. That fills her with apprehension. She will stay her hand, for now.
     They walk further into the Zenin compound, and Nadja can smell the sourness of Maki’s vengeance everywhere, but even more so, she can smell the utter rot coming from the large outbuilding that she knows to be the Zenin’s disciplinary pit. They’d made a habit of collecting and corralling curses, usually grade two or below, and tormenting prisoners and disciplining subordinates.
     And, Nadja remembers bitterly, torturing Toji. She remembers him telling her one night, and she wonders why thoughts of him make her heart constrict. She misses him.
     But her worst mistake now stands at the lip of the steps to that same pit, which no longer contains any curses. Sukuna’s presence is enough to frighten other curses out of the area, if he doesn’t exorcise them himself. Nadja comes to stand just behind his shoulder and looks into the pit.
     Viscous, living darkness bubbles and roils, smelling of death and poison. She clamps her teeth to keep from gagging from the stench.
     “Oh! You’re about to start without me?” Comes a cheerful and playful voice. Nadja notes the look of brief irritation flitting across Uraume’s face before she turns to see Geto—or rather, Noritoshi Kamo—coming to join them. Her gaze hardens. It is too much to hope that Sundari killed him in Shibuya. Still, she has unfinished business with him: starting with why he bound Sundari’s seal to her father’s incarnation.
     Geto wrinkles his nose, waving one of his sleeves as he covers his mouth and nose with the other.
     “Ick,” he spits in disgust. “What manner of bath is this? Is it safe? Does it even feel good?”
     Sukuna begins to disrobe, heedless of the bickering growing at his back as Uraume explains the purpose of the ritual bath. Nadja is horrified with every word she hears, watching as Sukuna wades into the roiling mass of tar-like liquid, until he vanishes beneath the surface, fully submerged.
     Silence follows, and for a while, he does not come back up. Nadja begins to wonder if perhaps the foul poison has managed to kill the King of Curses and then she remembers he is immune to poison and disease. He surfaces, and there is a look of resolute neutrality on his face, his eyes seem to look less human: red ringed with black. He ascends the steps as Uraume presents his clothing to him with a reverent bow. He pulls on his clothing, throwing his black haori over his shoulders before they move from the pit, leaving the poisonous bath behind. Nadja breathes a small sigh of relief as they put distance between themselves and that cursed place. It makes her soul shudder.
     Kenjaku speaks frankly of what has transpired since the Culling Games began. Nadja listens, keeping her face schooled to disinterested neutrality.
     Yuki is dead.
     Nadja tries not to let that show on her face but there is a brief tension between her shoulder blades as she absorbs the news like a blow, willing herself to compartmentalize the pain of such a loss. That leaves only Yuta, Satoru, and Sundari as the only ones truly strong enough to contend with this trio should she fail to complete her mission. But she cannot do this without at least trying to save Fushiguro. She thinks of Sundari’s abilities, and Yuji’s. How long did Sukuna soak in the boy’s soul? And the hard usage he put his body through…at least some of his techniques should be engraved on him by now. Nadja takes another breath.
     Choso escaped. Good. And judging by the fact that the world has not been swarmed with curses, Tengen is alive. Even this creature wearing Geto’s face is not fool enough to tamper with that. Not unless…
     “I brought you something,” Geto says, and Uraume makes a terse sound with their teeth. “A gift.”
     Sukuna’s brows raise in a silent question as they enter the estate proper. Sukuna has claimed it as his territory since the Zenins are no more, and he strides about like the lord of the entire place. Nadja cannot believe his arrogance once charmed her. It feels so petty, now. Still, there was somewhat about him that had staid her hand a millennia ago. And something that makes her hesitate even now.
     They find Geto’s gift waiting in the receiving room. Nadja’s eyes go wide, Uraume sucks in an affronted breath, and Sukuna laughs.
     Seated on the dais, clad in the funerary robes befitting his status as a powerful shaman, is Sukuna’s mummified body.
     For some reason, seeing it makes Nadja’s mind go white, and freezes her body. It is unnerving and unsettling. Here, standing before her, Sukuna fully incarnated in Fushiguro’s body. There, seated like some grotesque shrine statue, his original body, too powerful to be consigned to any sort of destruction, and so mummification and placement deep within Tengen’s layered barriers was the only way to contain the sheer power of Ryōmen Sukuna.
     Beneath the sleeves of his robes, all twenty fingers on the hands of the mummy are missing.
     “Is this your idea of a joke?” Sukuna asks, mildly amused. Geto turns out his hands in a helpless shrug.
     “Well,” he says, “it occurred to me that—oh. Nadja! What are you doing here, naughty girl? Sukuna, did you want us to leave you two alone?” Geto’s tone turns playfully suggestive and Nadja’s eyes narrow at him, unamused. Sukuna waves his hand.
     “She and I have unfinished business, yes, but that can wait.”
     Geto shrugs, but there’s something shrewd in his gaze that tells Nadja he does not share Sukuna’s nonchalance about her presence.
     “In any case,” he continues, his tone turning bright and conversational again. “It occurred to me that you haven’t collected all of your missing Fingers. Only one to go, correct?”
     Sukuna snorts. “It’s of little consequence,” he says. “One Finger won’t tip the scales in their favor. Let them come if they think they’re ready.”
     Nadja is certain none of them are ready for Sukuna who is nearly at full strength, and her right eye burns in the presence of his cursed energy. Fushiguro’s entire soul is a wickless flame, guttering and sputtering in the darkness in which Sukuna has subsumed him. Her heart aches for the boy, but there is nothing she can do for him right now. Her sword does one thing well, and neither Sukuna nor his vessel can survive it.
     “Shall I have the evening meal prepared, Sukuna-sama?” Uraume asks. Sukuna grins.
     “As always, you know my mind, Uraume,” he says. “I do not need to eat any longer, but I do miss the taste of good food. See what the Zenins have in storage and make do.”
     Uraume bows deeply. “As you wish, Sukuna-sama.”
     They are cat quiet as they leave the room. Geto watches them go, a look of vulpine fascination on his face. He meets Nadja’s gaze, and his grin seems too wide, even for the face he wears.
     “If there’s nothing else…” Sukuna says, a warning note in his tone. Geto takes it as his cue to leave. It seems whatever plans these two have laid will not be spoken of in front of her. Nadja watches Geto leave, and he gives her a simpering smirk. She cannot wait to kill him.
     The doors slide shut.
     Nadja and Sukuna are alone—truly alone—for the first time in centuries.
     They gaze at one another, a room apart. That strange tension is winding up again, like a spring condensing to its absolute limit. The neutrality of his face cracks just a little, and she sees glimpses—phantoms, really—of the man she once knew. Sukuna is patient, but seeing her standing there, looking exactly the same as the last time he saw her in such a setting, has his senses and emotions battling themselves to a pained and steamy gridlock. This is the woman whose presence had ablated a heart of iron to rust beneath the steadiness of her affections. This is the woman who had promised to remain by his side, no matter how far her damnable mandate took her.
     He thinks of Sundari’s face, her insolence, the way he saw so much of himself in her.
     He studies Nadja, takes in the svelte lines of her curves, not a glimmer of threatening steel visible on her, but he remembers how well-hidden and cunningly placed her blades are. And that sword, the one he knows is drawn only to kill, along the length of her spine. That tiny poisonous blade at the nape of her neck.
     The razor hidden in her mouth, somewhere against her tongue.
     The tension draws taut. Sukuna feels the power in him surge, the veins in his hands growing slightly more prominent.
     There is a split second where both wonder who will move first, and then there is a sound like whistling as both of them move simultaneously. Sukuna hears the hiss of steel derailing from its sheath, Nadja’s right eye begins translating Sukuna’s cursed energy to her nervous system in real time, and her body reacts accordingly.
     Together, they tear the receiving room apart. Sukuna hates that Fushiguro’s body is not as durable and acrobatic as the brat’s, but he makes do. Nadja moves like poetry, indescribably fluid and inhuman, as if she and the earth breathe as one, surging on the crest of her own immeasurable strength.
     And Sukuna finds it hard to detect her. When her blades are sheathed, they are sealed, and their cursed energy is hidden from his senses. And Nadja, possessing no cursed energy, can hide from him. He has fought many beings like her since last they met, and so finding her becomes second-nature.
     He simply looks for the space where cursed energy seems to stutter. He looks for a void.
     And he finds her.
     Nadja is mid-draw of her sword when Sukuna catches her by the elbow and swings her over, slamming her bodily into the floor. The floorboards crack and shatter beneath the force of the blow. Nadja is momentarily shocked, emitting a choked sound as her body bounces off the floor. Sukuna still has a grip on her arm, and he thinks to himself before the grip tightens, and Nadja cries out as her bones begin to give under the pressure of his strength.
     “You thought you could sneak back to Japan a thousand years later and I wouldn’t find you?” Sukuna growls, dragging her stumbling toward him. “You thought I’d forget what you did? What you took from me?”
     Nadja’s mind is hazed with crimson, pain the only note singing in her already high-strung nerves. Sukuna is patient, but for this, he will make an exception.
     He finishes his transformation, and Nadja finds herself hauled by four individual hands, grasping each of her limbs.
     “I should tear you apart, right now,” Sukuna says, his voice deeper, rumbling in her bones like an ancient god. How ironic to see him here and see his corpse just behind him.
     Sukuna drops her, and she lands in a pained heap on the floor at his feet.
     The transformation doesn’t last long. It reverts and Sukuna lets out a swear. Without his complete power, he cannot hold his true form for long. Nadja cradles her injured arm, climbing to her feet. Sukuna turns from her, walking toward his corpse.
     “Hm…” He muses, staring at his mummified face. Nadja watches him, and then is horrified when his hand snaps out, and tears his own head from his corpse’s shoulders. Even worse is that he brings it to his mouth and devours it. Nadja’s stomach roils at the sound of flesh and bone tearing and crunching. He devours his own head, and then turns to Nadja, smirking.
     “Much better,” he says with a satisfied sigh, and the transformation comes back. He grows, and his cursed energy wraps around him like a cocoon. When it disperses, he is as she first knew him, and she knows this time it’s for good. “This is a cause for celebration. And Nadja, what a happy coincidence that you’re here…”
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November 19, 2018, Tokyo No. 1 Colony
     Sundari can feel them converging on her location, and she smirks as she sits down. She expands her awareness, and she can feel the distinct cursed energy of Yuji and the others, moving further away as she’s ordered them to do. Yuji was reluctant to leave her alone, but she needs them out of range for what she plans to do.
     She also doesn’t want them to see what she plans to do. It’s a gamble, but she trusts that it’ll work as it’s meant to; otherwise, she’s given them orders to retreat to safety if she fails.
     Sundari doesn’t think she will fail in this.
     It doesn’t take long, and Sundari slips into an almost meditative state, cycling through different levels of breathing, her cursed energy flooding the area like the gentle and powerful heave of an ocean. And at the center of it, her in utter stillness. She is like living statuary, and like any warrior during moments of peace, she prepares. Her eyes are open and unblinking, and that is when she feels them.
     Her challengers.
     They’re a cluster in one place, and she sees them, crawling out of the surrounding alleys like vermin.
     Like maggots.
     Sundari surprises herself with the snarling voice in her head as she regards the approaching sorcerers with disdain. She can already tell that they are not strong enough to last against her. She has tested her mettle against both Satoru and her father and has gained the respect and acknowledgment of both.
     She does not fear those who have not tasted true divinity.
     They hesitate. Her cursed energy rivals her father’s, and she realizes that some of these sorcerers must be incarnated from his era. They recognize his cursed energy and she can see their puzzlement. The cat’s out of the bag, as the Americans say: they know Sukuna has a direct descendant. The price on her head pales in comparison to the glory they will win for slaying the Princess of Curses. For some, it is just that: for glory. For others—the new-blooded sorcerers awakened by Noritoshi’s mad scheme—the points on her head are a temptation that can free them from this waking nightmare.
     Sundari knows this, and even so, she is determined to kill all of them.
     She waits until they’re within range, and then she rolls out her lower arms, the maw on her belly opening as she forms a mudra and begins to chant.
     “Ryōiki Tenkai: Tripura Purification.”
     It’s too late when they hear her resonant voice tolling like a bell, and there is no barrier for them to discern how far they need to run to escape. Out of consideration for Yuji and the others, Sundari makes a binding vow to restrict her domain’s normal radius, having learned from watching her father’s decimation of Shibuya. She is the epicenter of instant destruction, and her lower mouth continues to sustain the domain, while the mouth on her face stretches into a manic grin.
     Everything with cursed energy within the domain immediately withers away. The screams of agony die stillborn as Sundari absorbs all of the cursed energy in the domain. With her upper arms, she reaches into the pack slung across her shoulders and withdraws the backdoor of the Prison Realm, setting it in front of her.
     She makes another mudra, the memory of her once and only once touch of the divine. She has enough, she thinks. She can do it.
     “Hanten: Divine Mandate.”
     The world shudders.
     Sundari knows what she’s doing. She is half-divinity, after all. She is daring, reaching, up and up and up, until she places her metaphysical fingers on the divine pulse of the very universe. The eyes of the divine turn in incomprehensible slowness. Sundari is making a request the gods must answer, and in exchange, something must be sacrificed.
     She offers up the cursed energy gathered in the desolation of her domain, and the world seems to grind to a halt.
     The gods are considering her request.
     Sundari’s eyes glow white, divinity surging through her as the cursed energy doubles back on itself, becoming positive energy. The Prison Realm shudders. The binding vow of that damnable Genshin tugs at her own will, but then there’s a collective breath.
     The gods have decided.
     Sundari feels the scales of the universe tip in her favor, ignores the blinding pain behind her right set of eyes as her brain burns and reforms, burns and reforms, her technique burning and engraving itself over and over as the gods give their answer, and take the sacrifice on the altar.
     The Prison Realm bursts open in a spray of divine energy that burns Sundari’s tattoos as her father’s curse shudders against the force of such a powerful vow.
     A vow, finally broken and released.
     Somewhere, far away, the ocean boils, and something that witnesses would swear was a shooting star streaks into the sky, flying toward the smudge that is Japan in the distance.
     The world exhales as Six Eyes open.
     Sundari dismisses her domain, blood pouring from her nose as she slumps over, her vision fading to darkness. She’s distantly aware of Yuji crying her name, can see him running toward her as she shuts her eyes.
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     Somewhere, deep within the Zenin estate, Sukuna grins at Nadja as if he has finally found an answer to a question that he has pondered for over a millennium.
     “Asura.” He says and watches as fear—true fear—crosses Nadja’s beautiful face for the first time.
     Sundari, what have you done?
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goddess-mixmi · 5 months
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The King & Queen and the small prince 💗 ❤️‍🔥
Yea this was not planned at all but I felt like changing Sukuna and Ai’s dynamic again which resulted in there being a kid, his name is Ryuusei who is currently beefing with Sukuna right now over Ai. I also changed Ai’s lore too, she use to be a human princess that was treated quite poorly by possible suitors and her own father the king who had he killed in secret. She wanted revenge as soon as she emerged and went on a rampage. Knowing of that Sukuna had a peak of interest in her, so gave her a deal that she refused at first with it sounding sketchy.
He offered that he will help her become stronger almost as if the two shared a goal of wanting the world to burn together. But she must become his wife in return, strange that he who doesn’t care for love gave her a proposal and a new title The “Queen of Anguish & Aroma” but she still is pretty much the same with him. But they had Ryuusei followed by triplets named Rio, Aki and their sister Ayumi.
This is a spoiler but this means that my Sukuna kids are Yuji’s cousins lol
Ai True form version
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