#ofc he left the door wide open so i could hear the entire fucking conversation like an asshole
jack-owo-valentine · 1 year
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers) (A/n- yes the title was inspired by Taylor Swift's Illicit Affairs)
Masterlist Behind Closed Doors Masterlist
Warnings- Angst
Clandestine Meeting
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“I miss you.”
Emma looked up from the text, taken aback. Her doe eyes were wide and the words which might have previously served to put a small smile on her face simply had her pulling half of her lower lip between her teeth. Stiffening her stance, her mind went rigid and though the keypad was opened and awaiting her reply, Emma didn’t quite know what she should say. So, instead, she glanced up, trying to keep her cool as she looked across the room, meeting his gaze from where he sat at the breakfast bar, phone in hand and morning paper discarded near his half finished bowl of cereal.
Keanu’s whiskey orbs stared back at her, practically willing her to start typing a response, to hopefully admit that she felt the same. It had been almost a week since Miranda’s return, and since then, Emma had gone back to avoiding Keanu like the plague. Even being in the same room with him was too much, though, considering that over seeing the twins’ breakfast was part of her job, mornings were proving to be hardest, and by all means the only time they actually spent together. “Everything okay Em?” Using his free hand, Keanu shifted his spoon around in his ceramic bowl, acting so nonchalant that it hurt to watch. Whoever said he wasn’t a good actor had to have been a good liar.
“Yeah,” sucking in a sharp breath, she nodded stiffly, giving the text, which he’d seen her read, one final glance before locking the phone and setting it down on the granite counter. Without further ado, she carried on, getting orange juice for Matt and then cleaning up a spill Poppy had made while trying to pour more milk into her sugary, colorful cereal. “Let me help you with that,” she mumbled sweetly, hurrying over to collect the roll of paper towels and subsequently tearing off a couple blocks to sap up the fallen milk.
Still on the counter, her phone chirped again, and when she was finally finished, Emma read yet another text from Keanu, that time through the notifications, “Can I see you tonight?”
Already exasperated, Emma rolled her eyes, clenching her jaw as she hastily snatched up the cell. She hated that he was just sitting there, acting like he wasn’t engaged, trying to reel her back in despite the consequences. She hated that she actually wanted to see him anyway, even more. But what Emma hated the most was knowing that no matter what, she was already Keanu’s closeted secret. “You’re seeing me right now,” she angrily tapped the little blue send button, tossing the phone back to the cool surface, only for him to respond almost instantaneously.
“You know what I mean……” Was his reply, and when Emma took the chance at sneaking a glance at him, Emma could see that Keanu’s eyes had softened, silently pleading with her to give in. In that moment, she could slowly start to feel her resolve wavering; everything she’d worked so had to build up over the past five days or so diminished by just one look. Suddenly, she felt strange chill run through her, not as a consequence of the environment, it was actually quite warm that morning. It was actually from the memory that arose upon reminiscing on the last time she’d been alone with Keanu. That day when Miranda had come back, the way he’d touched her while they laid in bed, how his smell, as predicted, had stained her sheets and finally, how he’d come into her room that night, caressing her cheek and kissing her forehead as if he cared. Emma knew that she shouldn’t have been falling for it; a relationship with Keanu was fruitless, he couldn’t offer her anything but private pleasures and then insurmountable hurt. Still, she wanted it, she wanted him.
Clutching the phone tightly, Emma quickly tried to blink away burning tears, staring at the words on the bright screen. “I’m sorry,” another one came in, followed up with, “Please, I promise we can talk about this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Emma’s fingers worked quickly, and it hurt her to type those words while knowing that there was so much she wanted to say.
Again, before she could set it down, Keanu sent, “Don’t say that. I don’t want to end things this way. Just let me fix this.”
“How?” Emma was about to hit send again, when, in a flurry of floral silk, Miranda sauntered into the room, immediately going to wrap her arms around Keanu’s broad shoulders. He stiffened visibly, hurriedly dropping his phone face down, and Emma was left to silently watch the scene unfold, taking note of the way Miranda met her eyes briefly before laying a lingering kiss to his cheek.
“Good morning darling,” she sung near his ear, unable to bear anymore of it, Emma swallowed her hurt and get back to tidying the kitchen and tending to the children. Though, that didn’t quite stop her from listening, “I can’t believe you left me in bed, all alone.”
Chuckling softly, Keanu took a minute before coming up with a response, “You know I like to get an early start. Did you sleep well?”
“Just fine,” Miranda hummed, sashaying over to the refrigerator and scanning its contents until she spotted the overly expensive, extremely exotic, organic creamer that she usually took with her coffee. “Emily,” she turned to Emma, who by then, had long grown tired of trying to correct her, “Why don’t you get my mug and pour me some coffee?"
Miranda, as Emma had come to learn, had the oddest sense of humor and seemed to get off on ‘accidently’ treating her like a maid. And sometimes, like her very own lady in waiting. “Sure,” Emma managed through gritted teeth, all but snatching the handcrafted mug off a shelf in the cabinet and then half filling it with scalding black liquid. “Anything else?” The ordinarily polite quip was actually meant as a petty jab, though Miranda didn’t seem to get that.
“There is actually,” stirring in some of the creamer, not even looking Emma’s way, “Do you think could whip me up an egg white omelet?”
That time, before Emma could speak, Keanu was interjecting, “Mandy,” he tried to sound light and teasing, the edge of annoyance kept at bay, “You know that Em isn’t a maid. Besides, the tutors are coming soon and she has to get the kids ready.”
“Well I’m sure you can do that Keke, I have to finish prepping for my meeting with the wedding planner and I can’t do that on an empty stomach,” pouting dramatically, Miranda summoned up her best puppy eyes for Keanu, “Please darling? For the sake of our wedding?”
“I…..” Keanu stuttered, and Emma hoped with everything in her that he wouldn’t feed her to the lion, but of course, she couldn’t be so lucky, “Why not?” Defeated, Emma’s sigh was soft, and before she knew it, Keanu was rounding up Matt and Poppy and flashing her sympathetic look before herding them towards the hallway after announcing that it was bath time.
She waited until Keanu was gone, and from the minute Keanu was out of earshot, Miranda began the inescapable torture. She cared very little for those who she proudly referred to as help, though Miranda did like hearing herself talk enough to ramble on to anything with ears. “I don’t know if Keanu’s mentioned it,” she carried on, popping a grape from the bowl in the fridge into her mouth, “But we’ve decided on a winter wedding in New York. We’re doing it at the Weylin on New Year’s Eve.”
“That’s……” Emma’s voice was soft and it took everything in her to not break down at the thought of Keanu marrying someone else. Worst yet, it was so close, just over a month and a half away. “That’s nice.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Emma was in the process of gathering the egg whites, expertly separating them from the yolks like her mother had taught her so long ago. “It’s going to be a grand affair,” she explained exuberantly, “And I’ve got a designer from Dior working on a custom dress. I’m already in talks with a couple magazines, we’re going to cover the entire thing.”
Furrowing her brows, Emma slowed down as she moved on to chopping the seasonings. A publicized wedding? That didn’t sound much like Keanu at all; he was notoriously private and hated the press getting in on his life. It was why he’d avoided social media and had pitched out thousands for Matt and Poppy to be homeschooled. “Are you sure Keanu will like that?” Emma’s tentative probe was soft and unsteady and she knew very well that it wasn’t her place to ask.
“Well why wouldn’t he?” Miranda sank into a seat at the kitchen table, nearest to the window, where the warm light was filtering in and washing to room with a heat contrasted perfectly by the low setting of the air conditioner, “The publicity will be great for him too. God knows he needs it sometimes, if he didn’t work so much, there wouldn’t be anything for anyone to write about.”
“I think that’s the point,” foolishly, Emma countered, “I mean, he does hate having his life all over the media, he likes privacy. Right?”
“Oh God,” she burst out laughing, rolling her eyes, “You’re a naïve little thing aren’t you, Emily? Every celebrity plays that little game. But in our world, no matter what you do, everyone is gonna know everything about you, and it sells. And as long as it sells, who gives a fuck about privacy?”
Fumbling for words, Emma slid the now finished omelet onto a pristine white plate, “I’m sure its not possible to know everything.” The conversation was starting to make her uncomfortable, and Emma desperately wanted an out.
“Of course it is,” Miranda cackled loudly, “This is Hollywood dear, there are eyes everywhere.” Emma had just set the plate and cutlery down in front of Miranda, and was already, leaving the kitchen hoping to get back to cleaning up later that morning when the older woman added, just as she was at the mouth of the long corridor, “Just remember that Emily, every secret, every nose job, every hidden pregnancy, every affair…..it always gets out, sooner or later.”
She paused for a minute at the mere mention of the word ‘affair,’ though, Emma didn’t want to have some kind of teary episode right there in front of Keanu’s wretched fiancée, picking up a quick pace not long after. She had to get to her room before the heat had completely risen to her face and the tears had inevitably started falling, she couldn’t be caught like that without reasonable explanation. Emma was almost there, her door was straight ahead after she’d climbed the stairs, and her head was down as she toyed anxiously with the knot of the robe when someone grabbed her arm, effectively startling her. “Hey,” Keanu side stepped in front of her, looking around to make sure that they were truly alone. “I was hoping to get you alone.”
“Uhh….” Blinking away the shock she’d left the kitchen with, Emma tried to act normal, ignoring the rapid beating of her heart, “I um…..what do you want?”
“To see you, alone. Just the two of us,” before Emma could object, Keanu cut her off, “I know you’ve been avoiding me, and definitely I deserve the cold shoulder. But I have something planned, just for the two of us.”
“Ke-” Torn, Emma half sobbed, knowing that she badly wanted some time alone with him but also knowing that with Miranda back it would be a risk.
“I know,” he sighed, “But I miss you, so much baby,” he leaned in, stealing kiss which she readily reciprocated, “I just want to be with you,” he peered down the stairs, ensuring that Miranda wasn’t nearby, his baritone dropping an octave as Keanu placed a hand on her waist, stepping closer, “I know you’re mad at me, but don’t you miss me too sweetheart?”
“I’m not mad at you, and I do miss you” Emma laid a gentle hand on Keanu’s shoulder, a couple rogue tears slipping past her lashes, “But this is wrong, you know that.”
“I do,” he whispered, bending to press his forehead to hers, “But I can’t help it, you’re all I think about sometimes,” swallowing thickly, Keanu continued, “I’ve put something together and my sister has been asking for the kids for a while now. Miranda is gonna be out with her girlfriends tonight, say you’ll come with me.”
Licking her lips, Emma ignored the voice in her head that urged that it was a bad idea, “Where?”
“Its a surprise,” Keanu smiled faintly, catching her lips in a brief peck, “But I promise you’ll like it. Just dress in jeans, and your leather jacket cause we’re taking the bike. Okay?”
Hesitating, Emma eventually nodded, “Okay,” she sealed with a kiss, reluctantly untangling from him, walking off with a backwards glance, her tormented gaze meeting his hopeful one last time.
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“Ke….” Emma emitted soft, breathy, delighted giggles that seemed to get lost the minute it was cast out in the atmosphere. The lights were turned down low and past the clear, glass double doors, a sleek, modern fireplace was lit on the porch that jutted out over the edge of the cliff, overlooking the darkened ocean. The heels of her boots thudded softly on the rich hardwood as Emma stepped further into the primarily glass abode. The high ceilings, supported by thick fiberglass beams, matched the floors when she looked up in awe, and eventually, when she reached the open doors leading to the cool outside, where a salty breeze blew her freed tresses, Emma was almost at a total loss for words, “This is……”
A wide, proud smile split his lips. Keanu was glad she liked it, he’d pulled a lot of strings to get them that place for a few hours. It was far off from the lively city and the thick surrounding foliage should have protected them from being discovered by any prying eyes. For a few precious hours, they could be free. Slowly, he approached Emma where she stood, grasping the cool railing, mouth still agape as she looked forward. Snaking his arms around her waist and pressing his chest against her back, he laid a kiss no the side of her head. It was so perfect, it always was; being with her.
Everything faded when she was in his arms; the chill of the night air, the glow from around the pool and the quiet crackle of the fireplace. When they were alone together, nothing mattered but Emma. Keanu had never felt that way about anyone, not even Diana, the mother of his children, the woman who ran from their family and broke his heart. He’d tried making it work with her for as long as they could, but in the end, she wouldn’t have married him, much less stick around and raise two children. Keanu had almost given up on finding someone, someone who’d love Matt and Poppy the way he did, be the mother they deserved and the woman he’d spent the rest of his life with. Even when he'd met Miranda, there hadn’t been much hope left, but he was willing to make it work. Though, lately, Keanu had taken to wondering if the woman right there in his arms was actually the one he’d been waiting for. She’d taken his breath away with her unmatched beauty and now, with each passing day, he was giving a little more of his heart away to Emma. It wouldn’t be long till she’d own the part he’d reserved for someone special. She was special, “Absolutely stunning."
When Emma turned slightly in his embrace, she found that Keanu was looking right at her, chuckling musically when he bent and nuzzled her cheek and tightening his hug so she couldn't escape his affections. "Are you talking about the view or something else?"
Peppering her cheek with kisses, his rough salt and pepper beard grazing her satiny skin, Keanu hummed, "Maybe someone else….." Finally, Emma spun so they were chest to chest, her arms winding around his neck, tangled her fingers in the ends of his hair, disheveled from wearing his helmet, "You look so beautiful tonight," his eyes softened, gaze clouded over with something uncertain though unwavering, "You're always so beautiful," Keanu leaned down, capturing her lips.
He tasted like tobacco and something uniquely him, the same thing she thought about when falling asleep at night. From the minute they’d first kissed, that night in Paris, tension practically shoving them into each other’s arms, Emma thought that his lips seemed like they were meant to lock with hers; Keanu always knew exactly what she needed.
Tilting her head, Emma let herself melt against him, submitting to the comfort of his warmth and the security of his kiss. Even if everything else was wrong in their lives, even if everyone would inevitably get hurt, at least they had that. Kisses that completed them, even if just for a little while.
A little while.
One day they’d have to go back to living without each other. Inhaling deeply, filling her lungs with the kind of fresh air that was usually absent in the city, Emma pulled away, her hands pressing against Keanu’s chest in unspoken protest, and in an attempt to keep her from walking away, he loosely circled her wrists, “What?” Knitting his brows, he frowned deeply, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” her voice broke unexpectedly, her eyes shining, bright with unshed tears, “Not really, its just…..” The words wouldn't come, at least not the ones that would help Emma elucidate exactly what she wanted Keanu to know. She didn’t want to ruin their one perfect night, but she didn’t want it to be their only perfect night. Emma wanted more, more than she might ever get with him, “You just……you do everything right, you know?” Shaking her head sorrowfully, she sniffled, “Almost everything.”
Casting his head towards their feet, Keanu nodded faintly, his chuckle dry and humorless, “Yeah,” he huffed, “I know what you mean.” Thinking on the matter for a moment, Keanu knew that his heart had been begging him to do the right thing, be the man that they both needed, but he simply couldn’t. Maybe if he didn’t have kids, or were just a few years younger. There were so many ‘maybe’s. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, trying to hug her.
“You always say that,” Emma slunk out from between Keanu and the guard rail, strolling along the balcony, trying to put some space between them so she could think properly, “But nothing changes.”
“I’m trying,” Keanu reasoned.
“Are you?” When Emma turned towards him, some of her hair whipped against her flushed cheeks, “Cause it feels like you’re just saying that to get me to shut up about the real problem.” Scoffing, she swiped at her eyes, “What are we doing Keanu?”
His lips quivered, an explanation absent. There was nothing he could say to fix it, he knew that, but he wanted to, he needed to. Keanu needed her. He knew he’d been playing childish games with Emma, sneaking around and stealing moments. He was too old for it to make sense, and Emma deserved to be more than his shadowed lover. “We’re……” He trailed off, wishing things were easier.
“You know what it feels like?” Folding her arms, Emma ignored the new dryness in her throat, opting not to move when Keanu approached her, racing out to lay a hand on her hip, probably worried that she was about to end things between them.
Licking his lips, Keanu’s gaze flickered to hers and he swore he already knew what she was going to say. He knew because he felt it too, “What?”
Emitting a frustrated sigh, exasperation fueled by the complexity of their lives and the knowledge that things were bound to stay the same unless he changed them. Emma, despite her better senses, raised her hand to cup his cheek, rubbing her thumb along the corner of his lips, as she tilted her head to the side, regarding him with obvious pain in her eyes, “It feels like I’m falling in love with you even though I shouldn’t.”
Keanu’s arm slid around to her lower back, urging Emma closer, pecking her forehead, “I’m falling in love with you too,” he whispered, muffled by her skin.
Relived by his admission, Emma relented to holding Keanu in a tight hug, pressing her ear over his steady heartbeat. They stayed like that for a while, faces turned towards the vast ocean beyond the mountain, the water darkened, only defined by the rippling glow; the distance so undefined that it was easy to liken it to themselves. An unbound beauty that may have remained largely unexplored. “Come on,” Emma eventually pulled away, grabbing Keanu’s hands so they wouldn’t be completely separated, “Let’s not waste the rest of our night,” she mustered up a small smile, one that was returned by Keanu who, like her, still seemed troubled, but was willing to put it past them, just they could make the most of their stolen moments.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea @nonsensicalobsessions
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xowlan · 4 years
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 ---- 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊
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𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪:    near dark                         
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤:     severen x ofc                        
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰:         1,450                   
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰:   cursing                      
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The frown was clear on Anna's face as she parked her car at the back of the club. With the bag in the back of her car, she was ready to start her shift and as she normally was in the mood for it, she clearly wasn't for that night. Not after what she just saw. It's not like she didn't expect it, that two of her best friends would fuck, but the sight really grossed her out as it also made her realize something; she was the only single person left in the group of her friends.  Of course, having a relationship isn't ideal for a stripper and Anna knows that as she sleeps while most people are awake. Her job was the main reason for her many failed relationships, that and she hasn't found a man yet that can handle her.
Getting out of her Ford Mustang, she hugs her leather jacket tighter around her tattooed body as the cold air of the early night surrounds her.  Her red locks flew in her face while her heels click against the hard pavement as she makes her way towards the entrance. Considering it's in the middle of the week, it isn't that busy which is visible of the lack of a line that normally occupies the space around the entrance. Anna's green eyes fall on Dwayne, the club's bouncer.  "Good evening Anna," the giant bald man greets her like how he did every evening. When he first did it, the other girls were surprised as Dwayne was known to be an asshole to everyone, which he was to her too. But that all changed when Dwayne realized that Anna might have bigger balls on her body than he does, and he does have to admit that his are pretty big.
"Hey, D." A smirk plays with her lips as she sees his Adam apple move up and down. Even after two years the man still carries fear with him. Winking, she tries to get past him when he suddenly takes her arm.  "Be careful tonight, there are some strangers inside and I don't have a good feeling about them. They also have a kid with them." Anna raises an eyebrow at his words before her eyes fall on the sign behind him that clearly says 18+. Dwayne's eyes follow her gaze before he turns back to her. "The oldest chick threatened to kill me."
Normally Anna would've laughed, but seeing the fear in his eyes, she knew that whoever these people are, they aren't good news. With a nod, she squeezes his arm before entering the club.  The red and black interior welcomes her as Anna goes through the hallway where some men were talking while waiting to get in the bathroom. She could feel some eyes checking her out but right now she didn't care. She had to find these people.  When she finally walks through the giant door, she locks eyes with Peggy, who is helping the three men behind the bar. Looking around, she realizes that there are more people as she expected, yet she hasn't caught sight of the child that normally wasn't welcome.
Her feet drag her over to Peggy who was drying some glasses while talking to a man in a black leather jacket with some patches on it. Not paying him any attention, she goes to stand next to him while slamming five dollars on the counter. "Your normal drink?" Peggy asks making Anna nod. While Peggy moves to get the glass of Jack Daniels Anna decided to hear from her about the weird situation.
"You know anything about what happened with Dwayne?" Peggy froze for a split second, letting her eyes slide to the man who she was talking to. His blue eyes were focused on her while his ears were clearly focused on the red-haired girl next to him.  "I don't know what you're talking about?"
"Apparently, a group of people threatened to kill him if he didn't let a kid inside." Finally, the man next to her turns his head so is looking straight at her.  Anna gulped softly as she realized how close the two of them actually were. Despite noticing his handsome looks, she gets a feeling that made her guts tell her to run. But like the naive girl she is, she ignored that dangerous feeling.
The stranger opened his mouth as a deep voice asked her; "What about it?" The hairs on the back of her neck stand straight at the tone of his question. It seems that he is mocking her. Pushing aside the rising fear, she puts a sneer on her face. "Look, I don't know who the fuck you are but no one comes in here and threatens the staff. Besides, how sick must you be to drag a child in a strip club."
The man laughs loudly as he throws his head back.  This attracts the attention of his family as they all turn around in the booth they were occupying. Because of the simultaneous movement, her eyes flicker to them making her notice the child that sat on top of the table. Peggy, who was watching everything, threw her towel to the side, before walking over to Anna who was actually getting pissed off. She tries to hold the twenty-three-year-old dancer back, but Anna yanks her body out of her grip as she takes a step closer to the still laughing man. She looks up at him, ignoring the fact that he is a head taller than her, and stares angrily into his eyes.  His laughter dies down, and eventually, not even a grin is on his features.
Peggy notices the stranger's family stand up and walk over to him. The oldest male places a hand on him as he softly spoke his name. "Severen." But the call for his attention was no use, he was still staring at her, even as Anna has adverted her eyes from him and turned them to his family. Peggy looks between all of the people, noticing a young blonde girl in the back. She had a hand placed on the child's shoulder while watching the scene with wide eyes.
Anna took a step back. "I think you should leave."
"We don't have to do anything, sweety." The oldest woman of the two, even though she only appears to be in her mid-thirties, spoke up. She licked her lips as she took in the glare of Anna. Peggy leaned towards her colleague and friend. "Anna, we can't do shit; They haven't done anything wrong and we don't have any proof if they truly threatened Dwayne."
"What if we are?" The child said. Anna and Peggy share a look. But as Anna turned her head to look over her shoulder, Severen clenches his fist as his eyes spot the flesh of her neck.  His jaw clenches and at that moment he turns around to face the others. Seeing the expression of Severen, the oldest male nods. "What's your name?" He directs his question to Anna. With a frown, she tells him her name.
Anna huffs and looks over her shoulder in disbelief. "Seriously?" Peggy looks down and shrugged her shoulders.
"Listen we don't mean any harm." The young blonde in the back speaks up. Anna raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest. Severen's eyes flicker down to her breast that are pushed forwards before he sets them back on her face, staring at the faint freckles that cover her nose.
Anna clearly doesn't believe the blonde. "I'm sorry, but you've scared one kf the toughest guys in this town and you all kinda look like psychopaths." Anna says, not feeling at ease when she sees the oldest women play with a knife while shooting her a smirk. It is as if she is enjoying this.
"Well, Anna, we're sorry about threatening Dwayne. We will leave now." Ignoring his wife's confused stare, he spots Anna's slow nod. It looked as if she finds it hard to believe that they're just giving in. Without another word, the group leaves while Peggy and Anna stare them after.  "That was scary," Peggy commented. Anna didn't answer as she took her bag from the black ground and walked towards the back.
The night continued without any problems, which was Anna grateful for. When she finally left the club at four o'clock and got in her car, she started to replay the previous events in her head. She really had a bad feeling about these people. Throughout the entire conversation, she felt like a sheep in front of hungry wolves. And then there was Severen. The way how he changed his attitude when she sized up to him, confused her and she still didn't have an explanation for his behavior and clearly neither did his family.
With a sigh, she parks in front of her house. Hoping to be able to sleep and forget about the last evening, she dragged herself inside. Throwing her bag on the kitchen counter, she went to turn the lights on.  When they do turn on, Anna feels a hand grip her neck tightly as she gets pushed with her back against the white wall. Staring in blue eyes, she swallows as she realizes who was right in front of her. It was the man from the bar, Severen.
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my-emotional-self · 4 years
Sinful Love - Chapter 1
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Moodboard by the beautiful @princess-evans-addict​
Pairings: Prisoner!Steve Rogers x OFC
Warnings: Swearing, Prison, Steve has lots of naughty thoughts, talk of murder, blood
Summary:  Gemma, a quiet and meek crime writer from a small town in Massachusetts, interviews murderer Steve Rogers in prison for a memoir.  Will things go terribly wrong, or beautifully right?
Authors Note: Credit for this fanfic goes 100% to punk-in-docs as this is is based off her Prisoner!Kylo Ren “Sinnerman”.  You can find her on Tumblr at punk-in-docs or on A03 - Punk_in_Docs .  I HIGHLY suggest taking a look at her stories as she is a beautiful writer!!!
P.S.  I am currently NOT doing a tag list at the moment so I am sorry about that. 
 She was cold; that much was for sure.  Gemma bounced her leg up and down as she was sat in the cold metal chair, waiting for her name to be called.  Her emerald green eyes scanned her surroundings as she pulled her ratty old cardigan closer to her body.  
Her eyes landed on the sign in front of her: Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center. Yes, she was sitting in the waiting room of a prison.  
This was her job, as a crime writer with her publishing firm.  She didn’t mind it.  She loved hearing how inmates have turned their lives around for the better and she still even wrote to some of the inmates she had interviewed in the past.
Gemma Peterson was someone that people didn’t really give a second glance to; and she liked it that way. Ever since she was as young as she could remember, she was always told by her mother and grandmother what a dreamer she was; how her creativity would get her somewhere one day.  And yet here she was, sitting in a prison and waiting to interview a murderer.  
She really couldn’t complain however as she loved her job.  She knew she wanted to be a writer her whole life; that’s what she got for growing up in the smaller community a half hour away from Boston, Massachusetts. It was well known for its literary history.  
As she continued to wait, her right hand came up to grip the locket around her neck; closing her eyes and thinking of her grandmother and mother.  She had never known her father as he was never a part of her life. “Wish me luck today,” she spoke under her breath, knowing her grandma and mom were always with her.  Her mother unfortunately passed away before her 17th birthday: a horrible car accident took her away from you.  
Gemma’s mother was her world and was always there for her.  After her untimely death, her grandmother picked up the pieces and helped her get through everything.  
“Peterson!  You’re up!” Her thoughts were pulled from her when she heard her name being called.  Looking up, she saw a short and round man with sweat stains under his armpits waiting for her near a door.  She knew it was the resident Psychiatrist, Dr. Kauffman,  with whom she talked to on the phone earlier in the week.  
Quickly standing up, she gathered her satchel which held her notebook, along with the prison inmate file on Steve Rogers, and briskly walked over to the man.  
He looked her up and down then shook his head.  “They are going to eat you alive kid,” he spoke with a shake of his head before turning away from her and walking down the long and narrow hall.  
Gemma scrunched her brows and looked down at her outfit.  She made sure to dress accordingly with what the psychiatrist said. She was wearing a knee length black dress and a green cardigan to cover her exposed arms; her hair was neatly tucked back into a ponytail and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.  A pair of black converse on her feet.  But her eyes widened when she realized she put perfume on that morning.  Silently, she scolded herself as the man in front of her walked through another set of doors and took a sharp turn to the left.  
Taking deep breaths, Gemma kept up pace with the doctor in front of her as they now reached the official area where the inmates were locked up.  
“Hey sexy bitch!” A man growled from her right.  “Get your sexy ass over her and let me take a good look at you!”  
Glancing to her right, she saw a tall man, at least six foot five with his hands clenched around the steel bars; his smile wide, showing off his yellow teeth.  
There was a guard walking behind you and he took his baton, smacking it against the steel bars, effectively shutting the inmate up.
After a few more twists and turns, Dr. Kauffman leads Gemma into what looks like the visitor room. There are rows of metal tables and chairs; the tables having locks in the middle of them so the prisoners can be chained down with their handcuffs.  
“Take a seat,” Dr. Kauffman states as he points to one of the tables.  The room was large, but there was nobody else there.  It was cold, cooler than the previous room she was waiting in and it smelt musty.  
Dr. Kauffman took a seat at the opposite side of the table as her, clasping his hands together.  “Look, I know you’re here to interview Rogers, but don’t be surprised if you don’t get any information out of him,” he stated. Gemma furrowed her brows in curiosity to what he said.  “There have been dozens of interviewers here over the years and Rogers doesn’t particularly care to give any kind of information to them.”  He got up from his seat, placing his hands on the table and leaning towards her. “And just so you know, this is the first time he has seen a woman in three years.”
Gemma gulped, but her throat was so dry, it didn’t do anything.  Why was she so nervous all of a sudden?  This was her job; she’s interviewed hundreds of people over the last handful of years, but she had never been quite this nervous before.  
“Are you wearing perfume?” Dr. Kauffman asked as he stood away, folding his arms over his chest.
Gemma blushed, nodding her head.  “Sorry. It’s a habit.  I’ll remember for next time.  Promise.”
Dr. Kauffman walked towards the steel beamed doors where there were two prisons guards waiting.  
As Gemma waited for him to grab Steve Rogers, she placed her notebook and inmate file in front of her on the table.  Opening the file, she still couldn’t believe that there was no picture of the inmate. When she had asked her boss about it, he merely shrugged.  She had the file for almost a week and had memorized everything inside of it.  
She read over the questions she had written in front of her as she waiting; her hands palms starting to sweat as her heart began to beat rapidly inside of her chest; anxiety and fear creeping over her.  
“You need to behave yourself and be nice Rogers,” one of the guards spoke.  
Another voice broke through Gemma’s thoughts; one of the sexiest voices she had ever heard. Looking up from her papers in front of her, she saw a tall, well built man, clad in an orange jumpsuit, wrists and ankles locked together with cuffs, entering the expansive room.  
He scoffed at the guard, a sly smile on his face.  “I don’t play well with others and you know that.”
Her heart nearly dropped to her stomach at the sight of him.  He had to be close to six feet tall.  His hair was a dark blonde, almost brunette and was longer at the top of his head while the sides were shorter.  His hair was combed backwards and he had a thick yet trimmed beard resting on his face.
The guard brought him closer to Gemma, stopping just in front of her.  He pulled the chair out for Steve to sit in and cuffed him to the table.  
“We’ll be just outside the door, so no funny business Rogers,” the guard spoke, pulling at his cuffs to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere.  
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Steve bit back sarcastically.  
It took a moment for Steve to look over at Gemma and when she did, she wanted to simultaneously shrink down in her seat from her glare, yet get lost in his eyes forever.  They were the bluest eyes she had ever seen in her life and she was mesmerized by them.  
Steve cleared his throat, making Gemma startle in her seat.   She tore her gaze from his eyes and noticed he had tattoos peeking out of the neck of his jumpsuit.  As she trailed her view from his neck, she also realized he had more black ink sticking out of sleeves of his orange garb and to his hands; wondering if his entire body was covered in the ink.  
Steve couldn’t help but take notice of the smaller woman sitting in front of him.  She was a mousy little thing, yet he could tell she was curvy underneath that drab old cardigan she was wearing.  Fuck, Steve hadn’t seen a woman in over three years and he wasn’t disappointed in this little Kitten sitting here.  He couldn’t help but notice when he startled her earlier, scaring her; it made his dick throb.
She wet her lips, grasping her notebook in her hands and looking over her questions yet again.  
Steve began to feel his temper rise under his skin, waiting for this little Kitten to speak.  Hell, at this point, he was beginning to think she was a damn mute.  
Gemma took a sip of water from her water bottle that was stashed away in her satchel; getting comfortable in her chair.  “Umm, I just wanted to say thank you for agreeing to meet and speak with me Mr. Rogers,” she spoke, her voice awfully quiet.  
His eyes narrowed at her as he leaned back in his chair, arms folding across his chest.  “Yeah yeah.  Let’s just get this over with.  I’m missing my yard time today for some journalist here.”
Gemma shuffles anxiously in her chair.  “Well, I’m not a journalist Mr. Rogers.  My name is Gemma Peterson and I’m a writer actually.  I work for a small publishing firm and they are interested in your story as a lifer in this prison.  They are actually doing a series on inmates and their personal memoirs and it will be published into a book of….”
Steve scoffed, cutting you off.  “Writer or journalist, you’re all the same. There’s no difference,” he mutters under his breath.  His eyes glance down to the manila folder that held his inmate information.  “From the looks of it, you’ve already read everything about me so you should know how I feel about journalists hounding me for questions about my life before prison and now.”  His voice was warning, yet a deep purr.  He leaned against the table, closer to Gemma, eyes pinning under his dark gaze.  
There was something about the fear that was ignited in Gemma, which also turned her on.  His eyes were piercing deep into her soul, mesmerized, yet terrified at the same time.  
Steve fought the urge to moan at the way she bit her lower lip, as if to stop herself from trembling; his cock jumping for attention under his orange jumpsuit.  She was modest, submissive even and he had to stop thinking dark thoughts about his hand around her throat as he fucked her raw.  When he was told about this interview, he assumed it would have been a balding fat man, not a shapely appetizing young woman.  
He was leaned over the table, as close as he could possible lean and inhaled deeply.  His nostrils were met with the most wondrous smell; some sort of flower he couldn’t quite figure out, but he wanted more of it.  He thanked whatever higher power out there for her perfume, her scent; it was a good distraction for his shitty fucking life in prison.  
Gemma took a shuddering breath as Steve leaned closer to her over the table; her eyes on his large hands clasped together.  
“Well go on then.  Ask your damn questions,” Steve urged, a hint of playfulness in his warning tone, making Gemma’s mind swirl with confusion.
“Umm, what..what more can you tell me about your conviction and what was it like?” She slowly glances back up at Steve, immediately regretting it.  His jaw was tight, tense.  
“Lengthy and tedious,” came Steve’s stiff answer.  
“And what about the trial?” she asks softly.
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he glances down at his file and back up to her.  “Read the damn file.  It’s all in there.”
Usually she is poised during interviews, but Steve is throwing her off track with his demeanor. “Alright then,” she speaks, shifting in her chair.  “How has it been adjusting to life here in prison?”
“Agonizing,” he replies; his face deadpanned.  
“Umm,” she stumbled as she fumbled through her notes.  She could feel her cheeks begin to redden with mortification at her loss of thought. This was definitely not going the way she imagined.  Sure, she had never interviewed a prisoner before, but she had seen numerous crime shows and interviews online with prisoners and they acted anything but like Steve.  Her throat was beginning to dry up and reached for her bottle of water, taking a quick swig.  Not only was his behavior throwing her off, but he stature in general was terrifying. Here she was, sitting not only in front of a murderer, but a big man in and of itself.  His biceps were trying to break free from his jumpsuit and she could tell he was ripped and muscular underneath.  
Her eyes trailed up to his face; the veins in his neck starting to pop out.  “What do you want me to say huh?” he growled through his teeth. “You want me to sit here and talk about and describe in detail what killing and hurting those men felt like huh? How good it felt when I plunged the knife into their stomachs and slashed their throats?  Or how I watched one of them die a slow and painful death after cutting his femoral artery?  People don’t realize just how much blood the human body can hold, but I sure do Kitten and it’s quite a fucking lot of blood,” he explained.  
Gemma wanted to flinch at the pet name he gave her, but she kept her cool as best she could. Instead, she looked at him with her big emerald green innocent and scared eyes.  
Steve nearly came in his jumpsuit at the terrified way she was looking at him.  Fuck he would give anything to snap these chains off him, bend her over the table and slam his dick into her pussy.  He knew, just by looking at her, what a tight little cunt she had; and he wanted it.  
“Is that what you want to hear Kitten?  I think deep down you want to hear that I enjoyed killing those men.  Fuck, I’m glad I did it.  And no, I wouldn’t take it back if I had the chance to.  Sure, I’m fucking pissed to be locked in this miserable God forsaken place like a caged animal.  Having to be told when I can eat, sleep and taking a goddamn piss. But it is what it is,” he stated, shrugging  as if it was nothing.  
Gemma could do nothing but stare back at him.  Steve studied her, knowing he was wrong.  No, she was too sweet, too pure.  She wasn’t hard hearted like him.  He watches as she nervously chews on her lower lip.  
“What do you miss most from outside of this place?”
The question made him cock his head to the side in curiosity.  This petite, shapely five foot four librarian looking woman just astonished the five foot eleven murderer.  
“What?” Steve asked.  
“What do you miss about-“
“I heard the fucking question Kitten,” he growled.  
This time when he called her Kitten, she didn’t want to flinch.  Instead, she felt an oddly exciting tingle go down her spine; her cheeks turning a beautiful shade of pink.  Steve knew exactly what his pet name did to her as he slyly smirked.  
Steve stayed silent, not knowing how to answer that question.  Nobody ever asked him that question before in interviews.  
She remained quiet as well, her eyes fidgeting with her pen.  She had been told time and time again to not give any personal information about herself, but she couldn’t help just speaking up.  “I’d miss baking.”  Her voice was the softest she had ever spoken; Steve barely heard her.  
Her eyes flick back up to Steve as he sits back in his chair, getting comfortable.  His slicked back hair was now in the light of one of the few windows in the room and even though he used only prison shampoo, it looked so soft; she wanted to run her fingers through it.  
Since Steve wasn’t saying anything, she figured she would continue speaking.  “My grandma left me her house in her will when she passed. It’s quite small.  Just a two bedroom two bathroom house.  But it has a porch with a porch swing in the front and is full of hand me downs and small knick-knacks.  It’s warm and cozy and clean, and all mine,” she speaks.  “It’s all I have.  I don’t have any family left.  My entire life exists in that small house.   I grew up there my entire life.  I remember planting some lilac bushes when I was younger.  I love it every spring when they bloom, even if it’s not for very long.  My grandma and I planted a garden in the front of the house.  I try to keep up with the garden, but that was my grandma’s thing.  Plants and flowers.  Luckily the garden we planted when I was younger, doesn’t take much to upkeep. But baking is my passion. Cookies, brownies, pies and cakes. I make a lot of cakes for special events in my town.”
She couldn’t help but glance up at Steve and she couldn’t tell if her mind was playing tricks on her or not, but it looked like he was smirking.  
“Coffee,” was all he said, making Gemma nod her head.  But then he continued.  “Italian coffee to be exact.  Nothing added to it, dark as the ink on my skin.  The shit coffee they serve in here tastes like dirt.”  Gemma couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, the sound going straight to Steve’s dick, making him inwardly groan.  
The two of them sat there quietly, staring at one another.  
“Time’s up,” came the voice of one of the guards.  Gemma turned and saw two guards entering the room.  They stopped in front of Steve and unshackled him from the table.  Roughly, they jerked his hands away from the table and she wondered if his wrists were sore or hurt as she noticed how his skin was raised and red near the cuffs.  
“Come and see me again Kitten,” Steve spoke with a slight upturned grin to his lips.  
Gemma watched as the guards took him from the room.  She had never felt this way before she did today; terrified and fearful, yet oddly excited to see him again.  She had not planned on coming back here again, but when he called her that pet name yet again, she had made up her mind to visit him next week.  
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strawberriestyles · 5 years
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(Banner made by sweet sunshine @harry-nofookingway-styles)
Harry X OFC (AU)
Sequel to Brutality: In which Melody and Harry must relearn how to navigate one another among a flurry of changes.
DISCLAIMER: I have no medical expertise, nor do I have an individual at my disposal to help me check the realism of this story. I'm just writing for fun. Basically, I've tried to form a plot around my very basic knowledge of head trauma and PTSD, and sometimes I've forced things to serve the purpose of the story that I'm trying to create. If you have any information that might help change what I've already written for the better without fundamentally changing the plot ("Harry should have died" is NOT useful), please let me know! Otherwise, please keep the fact checks to yourself and if you must, try to suspend your disbelief. :)
Author’s note: I’m so excited to continue exploring the story of Harry and Melody!! I hope y’all are just as excited. Please let me know your thoughts on the beginning of the sequel! As always, like and reblog. Enjoy! Xx
It looked like an early autumn in the city. The beginning of September was usually hot but after her run, Melody had to slip into a sweatshirt. Clouds filtered out a majority of the sunlight that she’d grown so used to over the previous months. She saw the edges of leaves growing ruddy and bright out of the window of a cab as she made her way back to the hospital.
She paid her fare and slipped through the lobby to purchase a smoothie and a bagel from the cafeteria. She had learned that the hospital food wasn’t so bad as long as you weren’t an actual patient. There had been a lot of nights spent over spaghetti dinners with Sean, even a few grilled cheese nights with Bea. But Melody’s roommate thought that eating in a building where people were sick, dying, or even dead was rather morbid, so she tended to avoid the place entirely.
The stairwells were empty and Melody’s sneakers squeaked against the floor, each footstep echoing as she traveled up to the fourth floor. She was ravenous and had finished half of her breakfast by the time she pushed her way out into the hallway. Everyone at the desk was busy, hands occupied with paperwork and computers, so Melody didn’t give her usual greeting, just sipped at her green smoothie to wash down her bagel and rounded the corner to Harry’s room.
The door was propped open, cool air drifting in from one of the windows. Melody placed the second half of her bagel between her teeth, shivering as she crossed to yank the window shut, but when she turned back into the room the food fell from her mouth. Cream cheese stuck it to the tiles.
“Harry?” she whispered.
He was laying as he always was in his bed, fingers splayed out over his sheets. But this time, they were dancing atop the cotton. His eyes were hooded but open, that familiar green flickering as they roamed the room. Melody heard his pulse spike over the machine he was hooked up to. It took her a moment to recover the rest of her senses.
“Uh, just…stay there,” she mumbled, slipping her smoothie onto the windowsill and leaving her bagel on the ground as she fled the room.
When Melody reached the hall, she thought her lungs had ceased working. Her heart was beating so hard that she thought it might bruise her ribs, crack them even, and she practically yelled when she reached the corner, where she could see the floor desk.
“Vanessa,” she rushed, eyes wide and wild, fingers whitening around the corner of drywall, “I need Dr. Florin. Now.”
“What?” asked the nurse, looking over, a telephone still pressed between her ear and her shoulder. “She’s at—“
“Now, Vanessa,” Melody snapped. “He’s awake.”
Vanessa stared over the desk. When she hung up the phone, she nearly pulled hair out of her bun with it, the strands locked still in her grip. She hurried down the opposite hall and Melody receded around the corner, pressing the back of her head to the wall, trying to slow her staggered breaths.
Dr. Florin and Vanessa came whirling into sight not moments later. The doctor rushed right past and into the room, but Vanessa paused when she saw Melody, lips tightly pressed together, eyes directed toward the ceiling. “What are you doing out here?” she asked.
Melody swallowed and shook her head. “I—I can’t.”
Vanessa’s sigh sounded exasperated. “Melody, this is a good thing. You’ve been waiting for this. I don’t understand what the problem is."
Melody touched her fingertips to her forehead. “What if he doesn’t remember me?” she whispered. She didn’t ask, What if he does? What if he still doesn’t need me? Doesn’t want me? She had been waiting for this, but now that it was happening, she didn’t know how to react. She felt like she was falling. Months hadn’t been enough time to prepare for this reality. And she felt selfish for thinking so.
“You’ll have no idea what you’re working with until you go in there,” Vanessa told her, and she pulled Melody away from the wall by her elbow. “And if he does remember you, I’m sure he’d appreciate a familiar face right now. Go.”
Melody made it to the doorway and paused again. The doctor was leaned over Harry, blocking her view, and she felt her fingers trembling at her sides. Vanessa, however, had followed closely behind her and shoved her into the room. Dr. Florin looked up at the sound of her footsteps.
“Oh, good,” she greeted.
Already Harry was rid of his breathing tube. He glanced at Melody when she came into view and the weight of his gaze felt absolute. It pressed upon every inch of her skin, closed up her lungs. In that one glance she could discern nothing, not recognition or hate or love. It did nothing to ease her dizzy mind.
“Do you remember who this is?” the doctor asked. Melody didn’t see or hear Harry respond. But he must have, because Florin smiled at her and nodded. “Good, good. I’ll let you have some time with him before we take him in for some scans and tests, Melody.”
She pressed Harry’s hand back to his side when he attempted to lift it, his muscles straining with the effort. “No big movements yet, all right? Be patient.” Then she backed away from the bed and stopped at Melody’s side, lowering her voice and smoothing down the side of her own tied-back hair.
“This is good, Melody. He’s responsive. There’s no speech, not yet, but that’s all right. It can take some time. He’ll squeeze your hand once for ‘yes' and twice for ‘no' if you ask him questions. Try to talk with him, but do it gently. Take it slow with the explanations of what’s going on, we can do that later. Okay?”
Melody gave the doctor a delayed nod and before she knew it she was left alone with Harry, the door shut, his eyes blinking up at the ceiling. She pulled in a shaky breath and took tentative steps to the chair at his bedside, where she had spent so much time. Her current read was still sitting on the table, spine cracked and cover curled from frequent handling. She pulled the chair over the tiles until her knees touched the edge of the mattress and then slipped her fingers gently into Harry’s before she could second guess herself.
His eyes lowered from the ceiling and to her face. They were wide, glassy, wet, and she reached instinctively forward to dab at the water that collected beneath his lash line as he blinked.
“Hi,” she whispered, sitting back. She licked her lips and ran her thumb along the back of his hand. She could have cried herself when his fingers fluttered in her grip.
“Do you know where you are?” she asked. It was a pitiful first question. She had dreamt about Harry waking up so many times, so vividly, laughing and crying and forgiving. Those dreams were unrealistic. She knew that. Speech would not be immediate. Understanding would probably not be immediate. There were so many possibilities that the damage to Harry’s head might affect his memory or his personality, short term or long term. Doctor Florin had told her recovery wouldn’t be easy or simple or fast if Harry woke up. And now it was happening, the thing that had been so out of reach and implausible, and she didn’t know how to handle it.
Harry’s hand contracted around her fingers so gently that at first she didn’t even register it. Then she let out an overwhelmed gasp and closed her eyes. “Good,” she murmured.
Harry was staring unblinkingly at her when she looked back at him. God, she wished she could have a real conversation with him. She didn’t know what she could tell him, what she should ask that he could respond to. But she couldn’t just sit there in silence when he was looking at her like that.
“And…do you remember what happened? Why you’re here?”
Harry’s eyes fluttered as he examined Melody's face. She felt a thin pressure on her fingers once, twice, and her heart dropped in her chest. She didn’t want to have to explain it to him, even if she wasn’t going to do it today. She relived that day enough in her head, in her nightmares. She didn’t want to have to verbalize it all over again.
Melody nodded after a moment. “Okay,” she whispered. “I can tell you, but…just not right now.”
Harry just watched her, waiting, patient. She stared down at her own hand, the skin around her nails cracked and red and bitten raw. Her heart leapt, but she made herself ask the questions anyway.
“What about the night of my reading? And the Tuesday after? Do you remember those?”
There was no delay between her words and Harry’s squeeze of her fingers. Just once. Yes. Yes, I remember.
Melody curled her lower lip between her teeth. She squeezed his hand back. “Well, I’d say I’m sorry again but you can’t really tell me to fuck off right now, so I guess that can wait.”
He made a sound between a grunt and a sigh, a quick outlet of air that sounded foreign in the comparable quiet of this space. The door opened again. Almost a laugh, Melody decided. And that was all it took for her to burst into tears as Dr. Florin and Vanessa entered the room. Harry had laughed.
Chapter 1
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CSI: Rogers and Barnes- The Serious Cereal Serial Killer
Episode 7- Damp Embers
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing
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Episode Summary: Oh dear…following every drunken night there’s a morning after. Only on this one someone else turns up dead.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (but who between?????Hmmmmmmmm)
NSFW or No Under 18s…
Episode Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark (Yeah, not sure anymore, even we’ve lost track of her hating him or not.)
Song for Episode:  Demons At The Door by Sleeping Wolf
A/N: This entire series contains dark humour (CSI + Brooklyn 99=CSI Steeb) Avengers and Stark Spangled Banner Easter Eggs and jokes. You don’t need to have read the SSB series to understand or enjoy this, but we’ve used the Universe to spin this off from so somethings might puzzle a few of you if you ain’t, but feel free to ask. Also, our knowledge of American Policing and Brooklyn is limited, so bear with us if we slip up, but at the end of the day this is a fiction so we’ll claim any mistakes as creative license!!
As always we live for re-blogs and comments  
CSI Rogers and Barnes Master List 
Main Masterlist 
“I never saw it coming to this, I never thought we could fall so far. Why do we always burn the bridges, and this is how we always, we always fall apart.”
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To say he had a wicked hangover would be the understatement of the year. It was more than that, it was a textbook hangover with an extra of headache meets rage, self-flagellation and guilt. All-in-one pack and ready to go. That was Steve Rogers the morning after, or rather the afternoon after, as he looked at his own reflection in the en-suite mirror.
Was it afternoon? Steve thought as he absent-mindedly examined the bags under his ocean blue eyes and scratched the stubble on his face. He was looking forward to growing his full beard again. He would stop looking like he was barely legal at the bars and would regain his Captain stance. Besides Katie had always loved his beard.
He winced at the memories of the previous night and decided to wipe them clean before they rotted his brain, or what was left of it. He peeled his boxers off and got into the shower unit trying to decide between soothing his aching muscles and heart with hot water or numb them with cold water.
Cold water it was. And fifteen minutes later Steve stood facing the curtains of his bedroom windows, dressed in washed blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. He hesitated for a second before throwing the curtains open wide with a swift movement followed by a groan as he closed his eyes, still too sensitive to sunlight. Damned hangover.
He took his phone from his night stand and placed it in his back pocket after checking he had no missed calls or messages. Nothing. Radio silence. Was that a good sign? Sure it was, right?
He sighed before leaving his bedroom. Facing Bucky would be as tough as opening those damned curtains, but he needed caffeine and some food. He poured some of the coffee Bucky must have brewed before into his breakfast mug and made himself a grilled cheese sandwich sided with an extra painkillers dose.
“Look who’s back from the dead” Steve heard Bucky yell from where he leaned on the kitchen doorframe.
“Shhh. Keep your volume low, will ya?” Steve practically begged in response.
“The Golden Boy of Brooklyn Police Department is hungover, ladies and gentlemen.” Bucky said after laughing loudly.
Steve groaned and sat on a stool at the breakfast bar to eat his food shooting daggers at him.
“How the mighty have fallen.” Bucky chuckled sitting on another stool facing him.
“Fuck off Bucky, I feel like crap.” Steve glared at him biting his sandwich.
“You sure look like crap.” Bucky shrugged.
Steve saw Bucky squint his eyes at him and open his mouth to speak, but he hesitated for a few seconds and closed it again.
“What? Spit it out.” Steve demanded as he sipped from his mug.
“I was just wondering… Is Wanda here or….?” Bucky asked.
“Bastard!” Steve shouted at Bucky, and he saw a playful cheeky smile on his friend’s face. Steve sighed and shook his head “I’m not with Wanda, nor planning on being with her. You know all too well I only want….” but he didn’t finish the sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to pronounce Katie’s name. Let alone give Bucky any more ammo to continue teasing him on the subject.
“But you kissed Wanda.” Bucky said nonchalantly as he bit a plum he had retrieved from the fridge.
“I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me and I stopped it!” Steve raised his voice.
“Yet you made her believe she stood a chance to do it.” Bucky added. “You were practically all over her sat in that booth.”
“I wasn’t…” “Steve, you had your arm round her.” Bucky scoffed “You were leaning into her, laughing at her. Man, I know you’re an idiot when it comes to women but come on!”
Bucky saw Steve stiffen on his stool and for a moment almost took pity on him before he decided not to. Someone had to try and talk sense into the idiot and he was sick and tired of this stupid dance the pair of them were engaged in. “Look, pal. I’m only saying it’s your fault Wanda made a move on you. I warned you a thousand times and still last night you didn’t stop her until it was too late. So you fucked up and ran.” he said pointing at him with the plum.
“Go fuck yourself Bucky! You know full well I didn’t run anywhere. I sank almost a full bottle of Knob Creek at the bar.” Steve winced at the pounding headache increased at the tension of the conversation and raised voices.
“Yeah, I know. Typical of Captain Slow.”
“Captain Slow?” Steve looked at him.
“Yeah, Sam coined it but it serves you well. You’re the one to blame for Katie leaving with flash fire dude. You know that, right?” Bucky insisted.
“Bucky, just don’t” Steve warned him.
“Don’t what. You don’t want me to tell you to stop being a whiney bitch and go get your girl once and for all?” Bucky said sternly looking directly into Steve eyes before muttering "Or what fire dude has left of her that is…”
“Buck.” Steve said in a warning tone as he punched the table in sheer anger.
“Go ahead, take your frustration out on the furniture. But I’m telling you this, punk. If you don’t man up and do something about it, I don’t wanna hear you talk about Katie again.” Bucky spat at Steve before storming out of the kitchen.
“Jerk!” Steve hollered for Bucky to hear. He watched Bucky leave before he groaned and dropped his head, banging it against the breakfast bar. The problem was he had no argument against anything Buck had said. He had been an idiot. He had indulged Wanda, simply because seeing Katie with that overgrown frat jerk had stirred that green eyed monster and that stupid little kid from Brooklyn had reared his head. And just as he and Katie had been getting back on good terms too.
With another sigh he wrenched his head off the counter, shoving the last of his sandwich into his mouth when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Reaching for it, he took a sharp intake of breath when he saw a photo of him and Katie filling his screen. A photo he remembered taking at Coney Island some 2 years previously. He was pulling a ridiculous face as Katie was reaching up to grab his chin, laughing as she did so. Such an unadulterated moment of pure happiness….
“Hi…” he said softly, bracing himself for what was to come, but to his surprise there was no angry
words, no sarcasm, nothing but professionalism.
“Hey.” she said softly “Look, I’m sorry to bother you but we just got a call about another body.”
“Shit.” Steve sighed “Where?”
“The Baseball field in Sunset Park.” she said. “Found by a guy who was taking his 2 kids to play ball. Uniform went down to check it out and then called us. We’re on our way down there now and Tony’s gonna meet us. I’ve sent Thor’s to come get you. Figured you’d need a lift seeing as you’ve no car”
“Thanks.” he said, genuinely grateful she’d thought of him.
“No problem. See you in a bit.”
He stood up, dropping his plate into the sink before he headed into his room to grab his shoes.
“Bucky!” he yelled as he re-emerged from his bedroom.
“You leaving?” Bucky asked turning towards him from his spot on the couch.
“Yes, Katie called. We have another body. Sunset Park” Steve explained as he put his black leather jacket on.
“Shit. Want me to drive you down there?” Bucky offered.
“No. It’s your day off and Katie sent Thor to come get me.” Steve told him.
“Ok. That’s nice of her considering…” Bucky trailed but stopped seeing Steve shooting him a warning look. Right not the time, Bucky thought to himself, give the man a break, as he raised his palms.
“Are you going out tonight?” Steve asked as he grabbed his wallet and keys.
“Maybe. Who knows? I’ll go with the flow.” Bucky said settling back further on the couch putting his feet on the coffee table in front of him and taking the TV remote.
“Take your feet of the coffee table.” Steve ordered.
Bucky was about to mock salute him when Steve phone’s beeped.
“Gotta go. Thor’s waiting. Don’t do anything stupid till I get back.” he smiled at Bucky and walked away.
“How can I, you’re taking all the stupid with you.” Bucky yelled back and returned his feet to the coffee table when he heard the door of the flat close behind Steve.
“Good afternoon, Captain.” Thor greeted when Steve entered the patrol car.
“Good afternoon, Thor.” Steve greeted back buckling his seatbelt.
Steve saw Thor look at him with a frown before asking.
“Are you unwell, Captain?”
“Been better.” Steve just said, not wanting to discuss the events of the previous night with Thor.
“Rough night?” Thor insisted as he pulled away.
Rough last nine months Steve thought to himself.
“You could say that. Woke up with a terrible hangover but I’m feeling a bit better now.” Steve explained.
“Ha!” Thor laughed “Little Stark is also suffering I believe. She certainly had a wild night. Barfed up the remnants of her breakfast bagel before I came to collect you!” A wild night? Great, that’s all he needed to hear.
Steve took a deep breath and looked at Thor. “How come you are never hungover seeing as you drink like a fish?”
“Well, it’s been always like that. You see my father used to give us this mead he brewed himself when we were kids.” Thor explained, his eyes glinting at the reverie.
“Your father gave you alcohol?” Steve asked surprised.
“Yes, that he did. He was like a God to us. It was funny. We played hide and seek and my brother used to play dead.” Thor roared with laughter. “Deceitful bastard!” he added serious now.
“Were you guys close?” Steve asked Thor. His bizarre stories were proving a great distraction from his own drama.
“We had our moments. We grew up together, my sister though…” Thor trailed.
“Wait. You have a sister?” Steve enquired.
“Yeah. But she fled the nest when she turned 16. Father went mad at her and kicked her out. Living with her was hell. She liked to kill my snakes, I love snakes!” Thor said his voice sad now.
“What the…?” Steve was about to ask but let it go when he realized Thor was stopping the car not far from the baseball field in Sunset Park.
“We’re here, Captain.” Thor announced.
Steve nodded and unbuckled his belt. When he stepped out of the car he saw Tony perched by a body lying on the grass, Nat and Katie standing by his side. Steve sighed before beginning to walk towards them. Certainly, his guardian angel had to be mocking him or that was what he thought when he saw Katie was wearing a tan leather belted jacket with those damned matching knee high boots with the small heel. He’d be lying if he denied those boots did things to him.
“You look like crap” Tony said as they approached and for a moment the Captain thought he was talking to him until Katie spoke back.
“Eat shit”
“Mind you I’m not surprised.” Her brother folded his arms “Crawling in this morning at half 2.”
“Ok you’re talking and my hangover is getting worse, see the correlation?” Katie groaned.
“Happy told me he saw you outside the compound, eating Storm’s face…wait till I tell Reed.” Tony arched an eyebrow as Steve’s heart sank.
“Fuck off Tony, I was wasted” she shook her head and Steve could tell she was avoiding his gaze.
Not that she had any reason to, not really, they were both single after all.
“Ok, so what have we got?” Steve asked.
“Male, between 45 and 50” Tony spoke. “Initial examination shows cause of death was the same as the others, blunt force trauma, and there’s been further escalation in the violence as you can see…“
Steve glanced and winced. The victim’s face was covered in blood, so much so it was hard to make out any particular features.
"Just like one huge, red skull eh cap?” Tony said. “I’d estimate the fatal blow was the one to the back of the head but he took a few to the front too.”
“Yeah.” Tony held up a bag “I don’t know what kind but I’ll get it back to the lab. And before you ask, I estimate he has been dead approximately 10 to 12 hours.”
“Again no evidence he was dumped.” Nat offered.
“So he was killed here at…” Steve glanced at his watched “some point between 2 and 4 am?”
“Yeah, at a first pass. Sam will be able to narrow it down when he does the PM.” Tony nodded.
“Any identification?” Steve looked at Nat and Katie.
“Nothing on him.” Katie shook her head “but there’s a black sedan abandoned on 7th not for from the school. We ran a check and it’s registered to a Mr Johann Schmidt. Thor sent an officer round to establish whether he is at home or not”
“So like the others he drove here, presumably to meet his attacker.”
“Looks like it” she nodded.
“Any possible CCTV?”
“The school has cameras and we can check with traffic when we get back, see if they’ve got any active in the area” Nat replied.
“A few of my officers are talking to the morning staff at the all night convenience store on 7th” Thor offered “just in case”
“Alright” Steve nodded, but before he could go any further Thor’s radio crackled to life.
“This is officer Barker, 10-1…” “10-4 Barker” Thor spoke.
“Yeah, boss, there’s no answer at Schmidt’s.” the officer, known to them only as Barker spoke as they all listened “No sign of any disturbance or forced entry either.” “Understood. 10-6.” Thor instructed. He looked at Steve “Want me to send them in?” “No.” Steve shook his head “We’ll do the same as with the last 2 victims. Organise a search warrant. In the mean time we’ll need a formal identification. Thor, can you get one of your officers to identify his next of kin and locate them. In the meantime, keep the house secure, make sure no one enters. If anyone shows up I want to know about it. Then stay here, keep the scene clear whilst Tony’s team finish their investigation”
Thor nodded and turned away, issuing instructions into his radio. Steve looked at Nat and Katie “Ok, let’s get back to the station. Start doing some digging on Schmidt.” he then turned to Tony “You find anything suspicious in your search, call it in.” “Will do Cap but, if this is like the others I doubt we’ll find anything.”
“Yeah, I know.” he sighed “But I can remain hopeful, right.” “You know, I always admire your giddy optimism.” Tony quirked an eyebrow and Steve gave a huff of a laugh.
“Take it you need a lift back to the station.” Nat said and Steve nodded.
“Will you give me five minutes? I’ll catch up with you guys, need to sort something out with Tones.” Katie asked. And though the question was directed to both of them, Steve could clearly see she was still avoiding looking directly at him.
“Sure.” Nat said turning to walk towards her car. Instructing Steve, who had now hidden his fists in his jacket’s pockets, to follow her with a movement of her head.
“Sucks being called in like this, sorry.” Nat said giving him a side glance.
“Yeah well, it’s not like it’s your fault and I’m the Captain so it comes with the job.” Steve replied his sight never leaving the ground while walking.
“How are you holding up?” Natasha asked him once they reached the car.
“Woke up with this terrible hangover, not totally over it but I’m getting there.” he answered leaning on the hood of the car, arms crossed waiting for Katie.
“Not what I asked.” Nat insisted as she placed herself next to Steve.
Steve hesitated for a moment. He was pondering whether giving in to Romanoff’s questioning would result in a court martial or she would let him off the hook easily. And, as his mind was struggling to come to a decision, his eyes lingered on Katie who was now waving Tony goodbye and was beginning to walk towards them. When he turned to look at Nat he saw she was staring at him.
“She didn’t spend the night with him. She told me earlier.” Natasha said softly, not looking at him, as if they were making casual conversation.
“None of my business, Romanoff.” Steve said as sternly as he could, but knowing Romanoff he was sure she could read the glint of hope in his voice.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” she muttered as Katie was now close enough for her to hear them.
“Thanks guys.” Katie said once she had reached the car. “We can go now.”
Just as Natasha opened the driver’s side, Steve motioned to open the right back door for Katie to get in.
“Erm.. Steve… I know you’re taller and the Captain but I really need to ride shotgun or I’m gonna puke.” Katie pleaded.
“Sure sweetheart.” he conceded. God, was there anything in this world he would be able to deny that woman, he thought as he saw Nat raising an eyebrow at him.
“Thanks.” Katie almost whispered, opening the front door and getting in.
“You good?” Nat asked Katie as all three of them buckled their seatbelts and she adjusted the rear window mirror, positioning it so that she could watch Steve reactions or that was what Steve thought.
“You’ve already thrown up your breakfast. Are you pregnant?” Natasha asked Katie, who choked on her water, as Romanoff checked on Steve through the mirror.
“Chance would be a fine thing.” Katie said as she wiped the water she had spat over her chin and pink button down. “I haven’t had a fuck in that long I’m expecting my virginity back in the post.”
Steve didn’t say a word, didn’t bat an eyelid, didn’t move a muscle on his face. But his mind went there, that was the confirmation he needed. Nat had said they hadn’t spent the night together, which he already knew because Tony had said she had returned home earlier that morning, but now Katie was confirming they hadn’t had sex. Back to square one. Wait, what? What was he thinking? But then again Bucky’s words in his head Man up! Do something about it! Yeah, easier said than done, punk.
“It was only December… That’s not that long.” Natasha drawled.
Steve felt the heat crawling from his neck up to his cheeks at the mention of that December night. He must be bright red and he could sense Natasha’s stare on him, so he avoided it and looked through the window. He couldn’t help but look at the outside mirror on Katie’s side just to see she was ignoring him too.
“It’s long enough, trust me.” Katie shrugged.
And with that there was silence in the car for a few minutes. Everyone lost in their own thoughts. Until Natasha spoke up.
“Let’s do carpool karaoke!” Nat quipped as she motioned to switch the controls of the stereo. “Lighten up the mood a bit.”
“Fuck off, Romanoff.” both Katie and Steve said at the same time.
Steve heard Natasha laugh at them and groaned internally. Just what his head needed, two women singing along in the cabin of a car. But just as the voice of Carrie Underwood performing Before He Cheats filled the space he saw Katie still a little before she glanced at Romanoff who looked at her.
“Turn it over if you want…” “No, it’s ok….” Katie said with a shrug, as she began to hum the song. And Steve was thrown back to a karaoke night less than a year ago.
“I don’t believe it… Clint mumbled. Steve turned his head to see what his annoyance was and almost choked on his beer
"Seriously?” he mumbled, watching as Katie walked into the bar, hand in hand with Ward.
“What is she playing at?” Clint looked at Steve “Cap, we showed her the goddamned photos of him with that blonde broad wrapped around him, eating his face and she’s…”
Steve didn’t say anything as Clint trailed off, instead he simply observed Katie from afar as she walked across the room, stopping to say hi to Peralta and Santiago. She looked up, caught Steve’s eye and smiled at him. He smiled back and the smile slipped slightly as Ward dropped a kiss to her cheek and headed over to the bar.
Katie made her way over to him and Clint, holding her hand up in an instruction for them to keep quiet.
“I know what you’re gonna say…” she said, her voice dropping slightly as she cast an eye over to Grant, “And trust me, it’s taken me everything I have in me not to punch the cheating fucker in the face.”
“What are you still doing with him?” Clint practically exploded.
“You’ll see.” she said, and Steve arched an eyebrow as he saw the mischievous glint in her eye.
Steve looked at her and she shot him an innocent look and he snorted. She was anything but innocent.
“No Peggy?” she asked, looking round.
“No.” Steve said, shrugging. Truth be told they’d had an argument before, another one, this time about him leaving the milk out of the fridge. Ridiculous really, but over the last 6 months they’d been arguing constantly over stupid things like that. His last weekly email to Bucky had seen a reply telling him to finish it with her, but you don’t just walk out on the person you love when the going gets tough without trying to work it out. Certainly not in his books anyway, and especially not after 4 years. She was leaving for London in a few months to take up a 6 month placement with the force over there so maybe the time apart would do them some good. And when she came back…well, that’s when he was intending on popping the question. He looked at Katie who was eyeing him suspiciously and he hastily turned the attention back to her. Dropping his voice lower still he gently placed his arm on her shoulder “You ok?”
“Not at all?” she said, shaking her head and he could see she was fighting tears “I found out my boyfriend of 2 years, who moved in with me less than 4 months ago has been fucking someone else behind my back. Nothing about that is ok…”
“Come ‘ere… ” he said, opening his arms but she shook her head, wiping her eyes.
“I don’t want him thinking anything is wrong…gonna ruin my plan.” she said.
“What plan?” Clint pressed again.
“Like I said, you’ll see…”
They didn’t have to wait that long. The karaoke started and Peralta was first up with his rendition of 'Sweet Caroline’, then came Thor and 'Don’t Stop Believing’, which Steve was actually surprised was pretty good. It had them all dancing and cheering anyway. Then a few more, Steve all the time side eyeing Grant and Katie, the man pawing all over her. It was all the Captain could do to not lay him out. At one point he lost sight of Katie as she disappeared for about 10 minutes but the next time he looked for her, she was back, drink in hand, chatting to Natasha. And then to his surprise, Katie’s name was called. Steve and Clint shared a glance, they both knew Katie had a phenomenal voice but she NEVER did karaoke. The only time they ever heard it was in the car or when she was singing to something absentmindedly in a bar or a club. He saw Grant give her a surprised glance and she winked at him, leaning up to give him a kiss before she walked up to the small stage and took the mic.
And then Steve saw the title of the song on the screen and choked on his beer as his attention turned to Grant, whose smug grin had most certainly slipped. As she sang the words to the song, her eyes locked on Ward’s, Clint began to chuckle and Steve couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across his face as she sang. The song couldn’t have been more perfect, talks of cheating with a bleach blonde tramp…it was perfect, and the ultimate way to embarrass Ward, his smooth, composed front was fast ebbing away as the song went on, and as she launched into the final chorus, Steve realised she was changing the words as she sang.
“And I dug my keys into the side, of your pretty little silver Audi A5,
Carved my name into your leather seats…
I took a socket wrench to both headlights, slashed a hole in all 4 tyres,
Maybe next time you’ll think before you cheat…”
Steve saw Ward slip his hand into his pocket, swallowing, and then he glared at the stage. Katie dug into the rear pocket of her jeans and waved his keys at him, tossing them carelessly to the dance floor. As Katie stopped singing, the room fell silent and Ward strode forward, picked his keys up and practically ran from the bar. Katie took a deep breath, raised her chin defiantly and stepped down off the stage as chatter broke out again. Steve strode towards her, the same time Peralta, Clint, Diaz and Nat did, and she waved them all away insisting she was ok. Steve, however, slipped his hand into hers and dragged her to the bar.
“Have you really done his car over?” he whispered as he ordered them a bourbon. She nodded.
“Don’t worry, there’s no CCTV.” she shrugged. “I’ll deny it. Plus, I have a feeling I could summon about 13 different alibis if I wanted. Surprising how many people I will have been with all night whilst here…”
She took her drink in a shaking hand and necked in in one, just in time to hear Ward yelling across the bar.
“Uh oh…” she shrugged, sliding her empty glass across the bar as she turned to face him. “Don’t even try to deny it, Grant. You were spotted. On camera no less.”
Ward spluttered a little, before he took a deep breath. “Katie, honey, listen…”
“No Grant, I won’t.” she said, shaking her head “I told you the last time I wouldn’t take you back a second time…and, well…” she shrugged and from behind her, Steve could see her shoulders start to shake. “How could you?”
“I know, I’ve been an idiot…” he said, gently stepping towards her. He reached to grab her arms but she jerked back and almost fell into Steve.
“I got you…” he said gently as she moved back to step besides him. His arm dropped protectively round her waist and he turned his eyes to Ward.
“i think you better leave.”
“This has nothing to do with you Rogers.” Ward spat “Might have known you’d be there ready to swoop in.” “Oh have you heard yourself?” Katie snapped “He’s my friend, my best friend.”
Ward looked at Steve again, the Captain holding his gaze before Ward turned to Katie. “Kay…”
“You know I hate that name.” she shrugged “But I never bothered about it until now. Go away Grant. I’ve nothing to say to you. Don’t bother coming home tonight either. Your shit will be in bags outside the apartment tomorrow.” she spoke, before her voice took on an almost amused tone “Although you’ll need to collect it in an Uber, obviously…or maybe your blonde tramp can help…” At that Steve saw the anger cross Wards face and he stepped forward again “Now listen to me you little bitch…” He didn’t get any further, Steve stepped in front of Katie and shoved him hard in the chest “Don’t you dare speak to her like that…” “Back off…” Ward said, shoving him back. “This is between me and her…” “And she told you she has nothing to say…” “He’s right.” Katie said from behind him
“So, like I said, I think you better leave.”
Ward drew himself up to full height and for a second Steve thought he was going to punch him, which, would suit him as it would give him an excuse. Instead, he looked round the Captain at Katie who was stood behind him, her shoulder brushing the back of his arm.
“Don’t’ think I won’t; be pressing charges over my car.” he snarled.
She shrugged. “Please feel free, I’ll even take the statement from you myself if you want.” Ward glared at her, than he glanced at Steve, who arched an eyebrow. Ward laughed, bitterly “lemme guess, she was with you the whole time…” Steve merely shrugged, a grin on his face. Ward scoffed, looked once more at Katie before he turned and walked off.
“Fuck you…” Katie called loudly, and Steve turned to see her raised the middle finger of her right hand in the air, not even looking at Ward. About 30 seconds later she broke down.
He’d taken her back to his that night, sat on the couch as she cried and cried, simply holding her, stroking her hair until she fell asleep. He’d then covered her with a blanket, left a glass of water on the coffee table for her and headed to bed. Where he’d had another blazing row with Peggy about the fact he’d brought her home…
“You seen him since?” Steve asked Katie cautiously when he returned to reality.
“You know I ain’t. You were there the last time, when you and Tony kicked him out of my flat and then you changed my locks.” Katie answered her eyes lost on the road her head against the head rest.
“You ok, doll?” Steve asked her softly. He knew Grant Ward was still a sensitive topic even if she denied it.
“I’m fine. It feels like it was a lifetime ago.” she replied pursing her lips, her eyes not leaving the road.
Steve looked up from where he had been re-reading some notes in his office to see Natasha beckoning him over.
“You got something?”
“You could say that.” she mused. “I just finished the background checks and it turns out our man worked at the German Embassy, something to do with visas, but that’s not important….”
“O-kay…” Steve said, waiting for her to finish, but it was Katie that spoke next.
“Sara Klein was a Translator…and guess where she worked out of?” Katie looked at him her eyebrow raised, excitement in her tone. Steve, understanding immediately looked at her, smiling slightly.
“Another link to the Rumlow case.” he said, folding his arms.
She nodded. “We just need to link Ross to it.”
Steve turned to Natasha “We got anything from Tech on the phone records?” “We won’t until Monday.” she shook her head.
The three of them both fell into silence, all pondering something before Katie stood up, grabbing a few pads of Post Its off her desk.
“I’m gonna go over the stuff in the incident room.” she said, “See if I can find anything…” Steve nodded and watched her go.
“You know Diaz was gonna stab you in the heart last night?” Natasha blurted out once Katie was out of sight. “But, I stopped her. You’re welcome.”
Steve turned, pouting and was about to ask Nat what for but he decided against it when his eyes met her warning stare, it had ‘don’t play dumb with me, Rogers’ written all over.
“I didn’t kiss Wanda, she kissed me.” Steve protested.
“Yeah, I know. But she doesn’t” she said pointing with her thumb to the corridor that led to the incident room. “That’s the only reason she left with Storm.”
Steve sighed, deep down he knew Nat was right and he knew better than to start an argument about his love life with her.
“I hate what you did to her. And I’m not talking about last night.” Natasha said.
“You know…” Steve looked at Natasha. It was more a statement than a question. He knew that she knew, he’d overheard the conversation between the two of them a few weeks ago but he was still surprised that Natasha was admitting to it.
“Yes, she told me. She needed someone to pour her heart out.” she shrugged.
“If it had been me you had ran out on, I would have ripped your head off and used it as doormat.” she said between gritted teeth “But, I want you two together so…”
“Nat, look…” Steve began to say.
“Don’t Nat me, Rogers.” she said between gritted teeth “You two belong together, that I know. So, stop dancing around each other and do something about it. Oh, and not creating chaos while trying would be nice. I’m trying to wipe my ledger, Rogers, help a girl out, will ya?”
Steve nodded smiling softly at her and she nodded back patting his shoulder.
“Look, why don’t you get off.” he said. “It’s getting late and there’s nothing more we can do now.” Nat nodded “Sure thing Cap.”
Steve smiled at her and as he headed out of the office and strode down the corridor. As he walked he felt his phone go and he pulled it out to read a text from Bucky.
“I’m out for the night, Punk. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…or do do something I woud…read into that what you will…” With a roll of his eyes he slid his phone back into his pocket and opened the door to the Incident Room, Katie was sat on the desk, her legs swinging as she stared at the board he noticed was now littered with coloured post it notes.
“What am I missing?” she sighed “Steve, there has to be something here that links Ross to this, I can feel it I just…” she slammed her hand on the desk and sighed, rubbing at her temple. Steve remained silent for a moment as she frowned and then moved towards the board.
“Bucky and Clint followed up on the whole goat hair thing, right?” she said.
“Yeah…” “Well look at this.” she said, beckoning him over. He crossed the room and looked to where her finger was pointing. It was a line on one of Ross’ Bank Statements.
“Green Bale Animal Feeds…” he frowned.
“Yeah, why would he be buying stuff from there?”
“To feed animals.” Steve pondered, and then his brain suddenly clicked as he looked at her “But we didn’t’ find any evidence of Ross having a farm or animals of his own…”
“Could be a screen for something…” she shrugged.
Steve debated it for a moment before he grabbed a post it, wrote the letters FFI- For Further Investigation- and slapped it on the paper before he turned to Katie “Honey, its late, I just sent Natasha home and I think you should go too.” “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” she said, “Not much else we can do…” “Well get yourself home, I’ll be right behind you once I’ve sorted an Uber.” “Still no car?”
“Got a hire arriving Monday” he shrugged.
She took a deep breath, “Don’t call an Uber. I’ll drop you.” “You sure?”
“Course.” she nodded “What are friends for?”
“Ok, well gimme 5 and I’ll grab my jacket and shut everything down.” he smiled. She nodded and he turned to go, pausing slightly to look back at her before he headed to his office. This was a good sign, right? She’d been ok with him all day and was now offering him a lift home…
Closing his computer down, he turned off the lights to his office and smiled as he looked up and saw Katie at her desk, pulling on her jacket. She paused and rummaged in her drawer, her face frowning.
“Lose something?” he asked, shutting the door to his office. “Yeah my emergency chocolate.” she moaned “Just when I’m ready to tackle food I can’t find anything.” “Well…” Steve began “Bucky’s out tonight…if you want, I mean, only if you want, we could swing by the diner grab some hangover busting junk and slob out at mine…” “Been a while since we did that.” she said after a pause, with a small smile.
“That a yes?” he said, raising his eyebrow, grinning.
She sighed and rolled her eyes, the smile still on her face “Fine, but I’m picking the movie.” ******
After eating all the greasy food their system was able to process on one go and a couple of beers each, they were snuggled on Steve’s couch watching Seven. Katie’s pick, “For research purposes” she claimed, nothing to do with the fact she thought Brad Pitt was hot, at all.
“Tracy Mills looks an awful lot like Pepper.” Steve mused, his eyes on the screen while he rubbed Katie’s back as her head lay on his shoulder.
“Yes” Katie giggled “You know I’ve always thought if they made a film about our lives Morgan Freeman would be a good Fury.”
“Hah, Samuel L. Jackson would play Fury better.” Steve said wrinkling his nose.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Katie conceded with a snort.
“Who do you think would play your part?” Steve asked her kissing the top of her head.
“Kate Beckinsale.” she said totally convinced of her answer and Steve chuckled.
“Possibly, she’s pretty.”
“What about you, Captain?” she said, sitting up and stretching her hand up to scratch gently at the stubble on his face. “Any handsome bearded Hollywood hot actor come to mind?”
“Quite a few now that you mention it…” he said playfully.
Steve saw her looking at him intently while she continued tracing patterns in his stubble and leaned on her hand, considering kissing the hell out of her right then and there.
“Did Wanda like it? Your stubble?” Katie suddenly asked her glance hardening and Steve felt his heart skip a beat.
“What the fuck, Katie?” he asked annoyed.
“Just asking, some women find it a bit rough.” she shrugged.
“I don’t know about that. Did you? Not like it mattered much to you when you were eating Storm’s face outside the Compound” Steve bit back, fed up with Katie bratty outbursts.
“Don’t start Steve…” Katie looked at him, her eyes narrowing slightly “You have no right to lecture me considering the fact you were sat at the bar eating Wanda’s face! Talk about keeping it in-house…”
She stood up off the couch and Steve sighed. “That wasn’t…” he shook his head as he too stood, needing to make her understand “That wasn’t what you think.” “I don’t think anything Steven.” she shot back.
Steven? What the fuck?
“Oh, so I’m Steven now?” he snorted, his hands falling to his belt buckle.
“Would you prefer Captain? Or Rogers? Or ass hole?” she glared back, folding her arms.
“I prefer it when you don’t behave like a fucking brat.” he stared back, and saw her face darken as her eyes flashed angrily.
“Me? I’m a fucking brat?” she scoffed “You’re the one kicking off about me kissing someone else when you fucked me and left me!”
Steve took a deep breath as she continued, her pace and volume increasing as her rant continued
“You had your chance and you blew it, so what is this?” she threw her arms out to the sides bringing them back down with a slap “You don’t want me but don’t want anyone else to have me either is that it? Fuck you Steve, fuck you!”
“Katie, just don’t…”he said, a little wearily. He was tired of going round in this circle. Truth be told she was so far off the mark it was ridiculous.
“What? Truth hurts?” she scoffed. “You’re such a…” she took a deep breath and stopped. She pressed her lips together, shaking her head as her shoulders sagged, almost in defeat “You know what, I can’t…I can’t be here right now. We can’t keep doing this. I need to go.”
She turned to leave but Steve quickly grabbed her arm to stop her.
“Katie…” “Go fuck yourself…” she said, jerking her hand out of his hold “Actually, no, go fuck Wanda, sure she’ll be thrilled…”
“I don’t fucking want Wanda!” Steve exploded, before he could stop himself “I want you.” There was a pause, the room falling silent. Katie’s eyes widened slightly and she swallowed as she stood, frozen to the spot. Steve let out a loud breath and ran his hand through his hair.
“You’re right, we can’t keep doing this.” he said, his voice softer “And I can’t keep hiding the way I feel. I get it, I fucked up, but I’m done looking for forgiveness…”
He stepped towards her, as she remained watching him, her eyes not leaving his for a second. And then, it was like something in his brain took over. He was done, done waiting, done trying to push his feelings down and ignore them.
“And I’m way passed asking for permission…” he said, and with that he grabbed her hips and with a sharp pull he jerked her towards him, his lips crashing to hers. It took her a second but then she reciprocated, her arms sliding up round his neck as his hands wrapped around her back, pulling her closer,  pouring every single bit of emotion and frustration he’d felt over the past few months into the kiss. It was urgent, it was desperate, and he had to bite back the growl of frustration when she put her hand on his chest and pushed him away.
“Steve…” she whispered, her eyes closing as his forehead dropped to rest against hers “Don’t…”
“Don’t what?” he asked softly.
“Don’t start something you’re not gonna finish.” she opened her eyes which were full of tears and looked at him “Because…damned it Steve! It’s you, it’s always been you…” at that she turned her head away slightly, “…and I can’t cope with another rejection and…” “Shhhhh” he said gently, his hands reaching up to cup her face “Look at me…” She turned back to him and he locked his eyes onto hers “Give me another chance, please.” “But work…” she looked at him, as he wiped away the tear that had fallen down her face with his thumb. “What about that? How do I know this is gonna end up any different to last time?”
“Fuck work.” he said earnestly, because he meant it. He damned well meant it. “As soon as this case is over I’ll talk to Fury and we’ll work it out…” “But…” “But nothing! Look…” he cut her off, his eyes boring into hers as he spoke, driving his words home, her face held gently in his large hands. “This is my choice. And I know that I’m like the world’s leading authority on waiting too long but, if you give me another chance, then I swear to God I’ll never let you go again sweetheart.” He paused as more tears fell from her beautiful green eyes and he once more wiped them away as he continued “I should never have let you go last time. Watching the woman I love walk away was… “What did you just say?” she whispered, her eyes widening slightly. He swallowed, as in all honestly he hadn’t meant to say that, but fuck was it true. He did love her, he’d loved her for years and wasted so much fucking time. Well not anymore.
“You heard.” he said, swallowing before pressed his forehead back to hers, “I love you.” Silence…and for a horrible moment Steve thought she was going to push him away. But her hands slid up and wrapped around his neck, pulling him back down to her, kissing him desperately.
“Fuck I missed you…” Steve all but growled in to her mouth as she reached down for the bottom of his t-shirt and yanked it upwards, almost desperately. 
“We spent one night together…” she said back, breathlessly.
“Yeah but it was a damned good night…” he said, his lips back on hers as his hands flew to her baby pink button down. His fingers fumbled on the second button and he broke away to look down. “oh fuck it…”  he muttered giving a harsh tug, ripping it open.
“Seriously?” she looked up at him, he shrugged as his hands gripped her face and he kissed her again, desperately, as his hands moved round to unhook her bra. Tossing it somewhere to the side he pressed hot kisses down the side of her neck, hissing against her skin as she undid his belt and dropped it to the floor. In a quick move that made her squeak slightly, he reached down and grabbed her ass, hauling her off the floor, her legs wrapping around his waist as he backed her up against the door which led to the hallway, her back hitting it a little harder than he had intended, drawing a soft grunt from her mouth as it rattled in the frame.
“Ow…” she said, grabbing a fist full of his hair and tugging harshly so he looked at her. He gave an apologetic grin before his lips gently latched one to her neck again, sucking at the pulse point. She gave a soft sigh as he nipped at the skin before his attention moved down and he traced the swell of her breast with his mouth, his tongue flicking at her nipple, one hand grasping at her hip, the other pressing against the door by her head. She gave a low moan and her hips pushed down against the bulge in his trousers and he pressed into her, giving her the friction she was asking for. Her hands skimmed down his back, fingers tracing his spine as he pushed up again and then he couldn’t take it anymore. He set her gently on her feet and his hands flew to her jeans, undoing the button before he slid them down and she stepped out of them. No sooner had he got rid of them he hooked one leg over his shoulder as he knelt before her, shifting her soaked panties to one side. At the first touch of his mouth she cried out, one hand falling to his head, the other palms slapping against the wooden surface behind her as she pressed further into it, keeping herself up-right as she writhed at his actions.
Her taste was just how he remembered, and he couldn’t get enough. His tongue and lips worked in tandem, un-doing her lap by lap all the time begging him not to stop, which he had no intention of doing anyway until she had come undone. It wasn’t long before her grip in his hair tightened and her leg trembled slightly and he felt her stiffen above him.
“Fuck, Steve…”she stuttered, as his tongue worked her over, and he glanced up as she gave a loud cry, her head falling forward before it fell back again against the wall with a hard thud. She grasped his shoulder as her leg gave way and Steve stood up, catching her easily, a grin on his face as she opened one eye and looked at him, her pupils blown with lust, her thighs once more locked round his waist. He kissed her again, the kiss absolutely filthy as he stepped back and opened the door and walked them down the hall to his bedroom.
She knelt upon the bed, her hair falling over her face as she hooked her fingers into the belt loops of his jeans and pulled him to her, undoing his flies before she slid his pants and boxers down in one full swoop, taking him in her mouth without so much as a warning.
“Shit…” he mumbled, his hands tangling into her hair, guiding her softly as she moved, her head bobbing back and forth before she pulled away to lick along the base of his shaft and he knew then if she carried on he was going to blow his load before he’d even gotten to the main event.
With a gentle shove he pushed her back on the bed, stepping out of his jeans, reaching down for his socks before he crawled over her, pulling her underwear down. He didn’t even give her a chance to say anything before he gave her ankles a soft tug, pulling her down further on the bed, crawling between her legs. He kissed her again, hands on either side of her face as he buried himself inside of her, with a loud groan.
“God you feel so good…”his mouth moved over her jaw to her ear as he praised her, nipping at the lobe, his pace set right from the off as fast, and desperate. Because he was, he was desperate for this woman. Desperate like he’d never been desperate before.
“Stevie…” she groaned, hands clawing at his back, clearly as needy for him as he was her. Releasing one of her hands, he reached down to hook a leg over his shoulder causing her to cry out loud at the change of angle and depth as he continued to drive into her like his life depended on it. He bent over to kiss her, swallowing another loud moan as he did, feeling her sweat soaked skin slick against his.
“Fuck, baby I’m close…” he stuttered, “You close, tell me you’re close…”
“Don’t stop…” she panted, her head falling back further onto his pillow as she grasped his arms whilst he continued to fuck her into the mattress before she gave a low, sultry whimper and her eyes fluttered shut, nails digging into his bicep as she shuddered underneath him, her back arching.
“Shit, doll…” he groaned before he surrendered to the utter bliss, tumbling over the edge of the precipice he had been teetering on. With a final, deep thrust he collapsed on top of her, the room silent bar the sounds of their deep, heavy breathing as they both came down, fighting for control. He felt her hands gently move round to tangle in his hair, nails scratching his scalp and he raised his head, eyes still closed, enjoying her touch.
“Hey…” she said, still slightly out of breath and he opened his eyes to see her looking up at him, her cheeks flushed, hair all over the place and fuck, he’d never seen anything so damned beautiful in his life.
“Hey…” he smiled back, before he leaned down to give her a soft kiss, this one tender, full of love, a stark contrast from the heated, desperate ones that had been shared before. He smoothed her hair back before he pressed his forehead to hers, his nose bumping hers and she gave a soft giggle as he kissed her again before rolling off and landing on his back, eyes closed, his hand rubbing his chest. He was starting to ache a little bit, the bruises from his accident still not completely healed, and if he was honest, he’d probably over done it a little, but did he give a shit? Not one.
“You ok?” Katie asked and he turned his head to look at her, giving her a smile.
“Never been better.” he said honestly, and she smiled, leaning over to give him a kiss. She pulled away and looked at him. “Is Bucky due back?”
“Fuck knows.” he shrugged “Why?”
“Because our clothes are thrown all over the living room.” Steve contemplated that for a moment before he nodded “Good point.”
With a soft groan he heaved himself up and shot into the living room, leaving her giggling in his bedroom as he quickly collected the items along with a bottle of water and headed back into the bedroom. He dropped their clothes in a pile on the floor and smiled as he saw Katie had worked her way under the covers.
“You should have just thrown that shirt out.” she said, taking the water off him with a thanks.
“Yeah, sorry about that…” he said, a little meekly as he slid into the bed next to her “I’ll buy you a new one.” “Damned right you will, that was Ralph Lauren.”  she said, offering him the water bottle.
“Fuck…” he groaned “Trust me to ruin a hundred dollar shirt.” “You telling me it wasn’t worth it?” she pouted and he chuckled, laying back, placing the bottle on his bedside table.
“Sweetheart, I’d ruin a thousand of the damned things if it ended like that each time.”
With a soft laugh she snuggled closer to him, laying her head on his chest. With a soft, contented sigh he dropped a kiss to the top of her head, his hand rubbing at her back as her leg tangled with his.
As they lay in silence, Steve’s hand softly carding through Katie’s hair, a feeling of utter contentment spread across the Captain’s chest. The stress and angst of the last few months had completely ebbed away and as they lay there in their own little bubble, totally at peace, Steve knew he’d never be as happy as he was when she was in his arms.  
Steve woke some time later, with her back pressed to his chest. He realised what had woken him when she gently untangled herself from him to head into the en-suite. It wasn’t long before she came back and snuggled into him, her face pressing into his chest, his hands gently rubbing her back.
“Did you mean it?” her voice broke the silence
“Hmm?”  he mumbled, still drifting in that space between sleep and consciousness.
“What you said earlier, that you love me…” he felt pull back slightly “Did you mean it?””
Ok so that woke him up. He opened his eyes and glanced down at her to see her watching him. He took a deep breath and nodded “Of course I meant it.”
She studied him for a second, her eyes bright before she smiled and leaned up to give him a soft kiss.
“I kinda love you too…” she whispered against his mouth. At her words Steve felt the huge, shit eating grin spread across his face. His hand crept into the back of her hair as he kissed her again before she pulled away, her finger tracing shapes on his chest.
“You’re thinking about something.” Steve watched her, almost nervously “I can tell. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong…not really” she said, before she looked up at him, grinning “I just realised that we’ve had sex four times now…granted 3 of those times were on the same night but, that’s by the by…”
Steve chuckled as she continued to talk. “…we’ve admitted to each other that we love one another…and you’ve not taken me on a single date yet.”
Steve blinked before he let out a soft huff “Yeah, that’s…kinda shameful. And something I’ll rectify real soon…” “Oh will you?” She asked playfully as he moved, rolling her onto her back. 
“Yep.” he nodded, his left leg parting both hers “Thought I could take you to dinner one evening next week.” he said, his lips gently brushing her neck before he placed a single kiss under her ear “we’ll head into Manhattan…” another kiss as he worked his way downwards “Grab somethin’ to eat…” a peck to her collar bone as she sighed, tipping her head backwards “a few drinks…” his nose traced a path up her neck and over her chin “sound good?”
She nodded as a soft sigh escaped her mouth.
“Now, you mentioned something about 3 times in one night?” he quipped cheekily. Her eyes flew open and she gave him a grin as his lips once more claimed hers before he whispered “I can do this all night.”
@momobaby227  @angelofhell-666 @thewackywriter @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear  @jennmurawski13  @jtargaryen18 @saiyanprincessswanie  @navispalace @patzammit  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog  @djeniiscorner​  @ayamenimthiriel​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @disneylovingal @madzmilllz  @sgtjaamesbaarnes​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​  @southerngracela​ @goldenfightergir​ @kellymat​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @charmed-asylum​
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Sexual Healing & Godly Appetites 4
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Sexual Healing & Godly Appetites
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson X OFC Reader
Warnings: Smut, blood, angst
Summary: A mission ends in disaster and strained trust, but there's more to Loki's lover than both could have ever hoped for.
A/N: This is an open-ended chapter, as in, it will possibly continue but I'm not sure how I would like for it to continue.
Words: +4,800
Waking up she immediately noted this wasn’t her bed. Almost in a panic she sat up. She and Loki had made a point to be careful no one took notice of their fascination with one another. A heavy arm wrapped around her bare waist made her fall back to her side to face the very god. 
“Morning lover,” his voice rasped feeling her pull the covers over them. Carefully his hand slid over her side to rest on plump hip. 
“Your maid will find us, and our cover will be blown,” she smiled at the god who sleepily looked up at her, the hand on her hip moving to cup a plump ass cheek and pull the healer flush. 
“Maybe it’s time they found out. You are to eat breakfast with me this morning are you not,” Loki hummed in amusement at how she studied him close.
This was a surprise, usually Loki mulled things over before diving in; so, to say. The god was a hell of a tactician, among other things. It had been only a few days since he brought up to her about the others knowing. Honestly she could care less, it was more or less his choice and she had gone with it. 
The healer wanted his trust, and the only way to do so was to allow him time to make his own decisions. It done no good to rush ones like Loki, as in ones that had been betrayed many times, placing confidence in ones they felt were worthy only to be proven wrong.
“Yes. But I didn’t know it included waking up in your bed,” she whispered hearing the door to the outer chamber open. Still she gave him that same genuine smile as she always done.
“It includes so much more than that pet,” he smiled darkly, slyly he moved to press a lubed butt plug at her furled hole. He almost growled when she gasped out his name but moved so he could tease her with the lubed plug. 
“Loki,” she whimpered this time, just as a knock sounded at the door entering to where they were hiding under the covers. Trying to keep gasps quiet as the plug slowly entered, it made her legs shiver and core clench, but held the gods dark gaze with lust filled one. 
“Try to be quiet love, if you can,” he smirked working the toy into her ass before calling the maid to enter. 
The god sat up when the door opened, boldly he pushed the covers to his waist exposing his bare torso but kept her covered. Keeping his nakedness shielded, Loki made the mistake of trying to speak with the maid while the healer wiggled under the covers. Watching the maid close he felt the healer pull close to his side, hair tickling his bare hip.  
“I will place the food inside. It is getting ready to storm,” the maid spoke cordially to Loki. His hidden lover's hand wrapped around his flaccid member before placing a kiss to the soft head of it. "That--, ah, that is just fine."  On instinct Loki jerked, causing his sentence do the same. 
“Should I go collect the young healer,” she asked, the gods hand slipping under the covers only to tickle said healer’s bare side, making her giggle so Loki and the maid heard. 
“No,” Loki yelped slightly, feeling teeth nip at his thigh. The god using seidr to press the plug in her ass having her trying but fail to stifle a moan. 
At that the covers visibly moved, the maid eyeing the god suspiciously but knew better than to utter a word. 
“I’m sure she will be along shortly,” he spoke politely but knew the woman was no fool, she knew who hid under the god's covers. 
“Then, will they be anything else your highness,” the maid asked, noting his hand was under the covers as if knocking something away. Honestly she was just being cordial to the god, and why in the 9 anyone would tolerate him was beyond her. 
“No,” Loki tried to speak calmly, feeling the healer moving next to him, grinding exposed core against his leg while seidr worked the plug. “That will be all,” he finally finished, dismissing the maid, hurriedly pushing the blanket away the moment the door closed. 
The god looked down at the lover clinging to his leg. The expression on his face looked as if he was about to scold but lust blown orbs told different.  
“I think she knows,” the healer smirked, getting to her knees, bare next to Loki. 
“How could she not? You squeaked like a little mouse the entire time she was present,” Loki spoke. Gingerly he took the healers chin in his fingers as he got to his own knees, pressing his lips to hers as gold light engulfed them both. 
Thunder sounded outside of the room and for once it wasn’t Thor. Both looking out to the pouring rain before she noted Loki had dressed her in a shift like dress, -his colors as always-, while he appeared dressed for the day. 
Smirking at the way she puzzled over their attire, Loki took her hands to guide her off of the bed. Getting her to bare feet, Loki stepped to her side, hand running along her spine, slipping under the shift to press the plug, eliciting a sinful moan. Taking her lips, he pressed in a rhythmic motion before pulling away to speak.  
“Hurry back," he purred, hinting to the bathroom. "I’m not done with you just yet, there is something you need to do before I take you to see the soul forge,” he spoke across her lips feeling her excitement as she hurried away from him. 
“The excitement for me or the soul forge,” the god called after her with a hint of darkness to his tone. 
Smirking as she looked over her shoulder to return the same look. "Yes,” she spoke disappearing into the dimly lit room only to show back up in moments. 
Taking her own seat, Loki began the conversation without her prompting. Casually the god explained to her about the healers of Asgard and his suspicions about her own healing powers. 
It wasn't a big meal, but it satisfied, the young healer sitting back as Loki continued to speak; yet another first. The gods conversation had turned to the rebuilding, or that was until he reached out to take her hand resting on the arm of her chair.  
Tenderly Loki took the calloused hand into that of his own, giving it a light tug to usher her to her feet. Drinking in her now shy smile, he spread his legs wide while relaxing into the chair. Easily he guided her to straddle leather clothed thigh, giving a wolfish smirk at the way she moved when she seated. Seizing her gaze, he held it as warm core heated the leather more and made his breeches tighter. 
Shy look turning to that of a dark one, the healer had a feeling to where this was going. Settling carefully on his well-muscled thigh, the plug in her ass pressing deeper while clit pulsed when it contacted the warm leathers. 
“How about a little show pet,” the gods chest rumbled as he released her hand to settle back in the chair and watch her closely. 
“Hm. No,” she smiled defiantly, leaning close to press hands flat over his chest, dipping to his lips for a kiss he was quick to deny. Drinking in his own defiant smirk, she kept close.  
“I know better,” he spoke darkly, hand falling to her hip to move them ever so slightly, teasing heated core over the smooth leather. “Come now pet,” he breathed across dry lips, watching tongue flick out to wet them. 
The healers eyes fluttering closed as the hand on plump hip continued to rock them, his free hand pressing between scantly covered breast to sit her back. Releasing her hip, Loki sat back, placing an elbow on the arm of the chair casually, lust blown orbs drinking in her sinful moves. “By all means continue. I love to watch this part of you.”
Rocking her hips, small gasps escaped her lips as the storm worsened. Looking down at the god through hooded lids, the feel of the plug, the feel of the warm leather teasing begging clit made her desperate to cum. Moving plump hips faster, grinding down hard on the well-toned muscle, her eyes fluttered closed once more. 
She never felt the god set up, hips stuttering when his arm snaked around her torso, but allowed her to continue. “There’s a good pet, soak my leathers,” he growled as she quickened her pace, hands going to his shoulders to brace against him and meeting his gaze. 
“Norns how beautiful you are, my lover,” Loki growled darkly, feeling her shutter in his arms as she pressed and bucked harder. 
Shivers ran her spine. Whispers fell from her lips, tongue shooting out to wet the parched flesh before sucking it between her teeth to bite and stifle the moans that were growing louder. 
“Don’t you dare hold it in,” Loki spoke, making her hold his gaze, wanting to be sure he needed it known what they were. 
“Loki,” she whimpered, hands wrapping in the tunic he wore. 
“Let me hear your pretty moans of pleasure,” he purred, moving closer to her lips but stopping to swallow down her pants of ecstasy. 
“They-,” she whimpered, lips tickling his. Needy core clenched around nothing, the plug gliding across the leaders to be pressed in a way that had her grinding harder, so close. 
“I told you I don't care anymore, and neither should you,” he echoed across her lips, a noise erupting from the back of his throat as her leg pressed to his own arousal straining against the leathers. 
Shaking her head in understanding, Loki removed his arm as she released her bottom lip to whimper and moan out her impending release. The lewd noises echoing around them left no doubt the entire settlement heard over the fading storm. 
In desperation to reach an end, she became lost in her own movements and noises. The coil snapping for her to see stars this time and gliding over leather glad thigh to come down off the high. Weakly the healer fell a shivering, panting wreck into the god who leaned back in the chair to pet down her spine. 
“Fuck,” she whimpered even noting he panted hard. Lazily laying her head on his shoulder to look up at him drunkenly.  
“I take it you enjoyed it,” he chuckled, carefully reaching to pull the plug free, brandishing it for her to see. A green jewel sparkling in the golden plug before it was gone in a wisp of seidr. 
“Stand up pet,” he purred, helping her to stand between his legs as he sat up to inspect the wet leather. 
“You never cease to amaze me lover,” he spoke, getting to his feet to press his lips to hers greedily while gold light cleaned and clothing her in Asgardian style leathers. 
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Leaving out of the gods room, her arm hooked in his, the healer couldn’t help but note how they were stared at. Though it didn’t bother her as Loki proudly led her into the healers chambers. The older healer stepping forward to greet her before leading the younger to the soul forge. 
It was hard for the younger healer to contain the excitement coursing through her as the older healer, Eir patiently showed the workings of the soul forge. Explaining the benefits while the outline of a person appeared over the table. Loki staying at her side as the woman marveled over the device as if a small child.
She might as well have been. The god studying her, knowing she was young compared to them, and he was truly surprised the Asgardian healer was being so patient with her. Whether he wanted to admit it to himself or not, Loki was beginning to feel for the woman he had taken for a lover over several months ago. 
He even chuckled quietly when she waved a hand through the projection, hearing her comment of the tingle it left over her fingertips. The Eir took the others childlike awe in stride, he knew she could be gruff, but it shocked him when she offered his lover a seat on the soul forge to elaborate on how it worked.  
Before anyone could move, the young healer was laid out on the table staring at the outline of her own body. Loki watched over Eir closer, the projection showing his lovers cardiovascular system. This came as no surprise that her heart was beating rapidly as her eyes glittered with the light from the projection. 
Loki watched as Eir ran her fingers over the pad of the forge to show the seidr that ran the youngers limbs. This interested the god, the golden shimmer coursed her entire body, it was in no way something a mere mortal could possess let alone wield. 
Placing his hands behind his back, he began to ask a question but was cut short by a presence behind him. Loki turned to look at Thor in puzzlement.  
“Excitable mortal isn’t she,” the golden god spoke up, Eir having closed the projection to help the younger down. 
This irritated Loki, but he knew it was best to hide it as he turned to face Thor. “She is.”
The older god looked be preparing to break bad news, his gaze following the young healer as Eir led her to a cabinet of herbs and medicines. Looking back to Loki, Thor had a feeling he had just overstepped his bounds and decided to get on with it. “I know it’s short notice, but we are needed back at the compound. All of us.”
Letting out a huff of defeat, it appeared his time with his lover was coming to an end so soon.
“A mission,” came the young healers voice, the two looking to her as Eir led her back. The older woman telling her to return soon and she would show her more.
“Afraid so," Thor breathed, watching as Loki moved close to her side, his hand slipping behind her back. "But once it’s over you are welcome to return,” he smiled to the woman who returned it before looking up to Loki.
"I guess we should get going," she smiled to the dark god that laid his hand to the small of her back delicately.
"Aye," he breathed sounding disheartened but relaxed when Thor turned to leave. His hand heavy against her spine as he ushered her out of the chamber and opposite Thor.  
The god had made sure to lead her through sparser traveled corridors, through back ways leading to the landing deck Stark had installed. The entire time Loki held her close, ignoring the looks the few servants gave in favor of focusing his efforts on enticing her. Looking around before stepping foot on the landing deck, the god made true on a threat he had been uttering to her. 
Hurriedly he spun her to face him. The healer stifling a yelp of shock as he guided her back into an alcove out of sight. The hungry look in the gods eyes made shivers run her spine to settle in her lower belly. Letting out a huff when her back contacted the wall, she stared up at the god with a defiant smirk as he leaned closer.  
“I despise this docking area,” Loki breathed heavily in her ear, pressing flush to her. Hurriedly the god ran a hand into the front of her leathers, her gasp eliciting a deep growl of need as he slid two digits into wet core. Harshly his freehand laced into her once braided hair, pulling it loose to place his forehead to hers. 
“How so,” she panted, fingers caressing her g-spot intimately well. Bracing against the wall while Loki worked her into a needy mess.  
“It distracts from the beauty of the landscape,” he purred in her ear, kissing the shell of it as he continued to caress over the perfect spot he knew made her whimper. Pressing his palm over her clit, he loved how she rubbed against it in need.
Her thighs shook like the hand reaching to palm him through tented leathers. This earned a grunt and a nip at pierced ear but didn't stop him from grinding into her palm. She knew Loki was as much at her mercy as she was his and she loved to tease him as well. 
“It’s not the landscape I’m interested in,” she panted, the god kissing over her jaw to pause over her lips and giving a dark smile.  
“So, I’ve noticed. Though, I have found something more beautiful than the landscape as of late,” he smirked at his own boldness. Apparently she was amused with the statement as well, returning the smile.  
“Hmmm. When we get back-,” she began, jerking her hips as his fingers slid free of clenching hole to press over sensitive clit, his lips falling to hers quickly to stifle the whimper. Both holding the other's gaze when he pulled back, pants echoing around them in tiny alcove. 
“What will you do plan pet,” he growled down her throat, noting her preparing to speak but the clearing of a throat got their attention.
The god quickly removed his fingers, hand slipping to her side to pull her slightly behind him and under his cape. The two scowling at Thor who gave the two a very knowing smirk.
“I’m not surprised. We all suspected it was you, this just confirms it,” Thor chuckled as he came closer to the two. 
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During the mission it become obvious the gods feelings for the teams healer. Loki had been on her hip the entire time, even exposing his true self, his Jotunn heritage, in efforts of keeping her protected. It didn't go unnoticed by all present what the god had done, and the first to bring it to everyone's attention once back on the jet was Tony.
The billionaire making a point to corner the god as he attempted to help the healer with the others. Loki knew she was hiding an injury, it troubled him to the point Tony was able to distract him. In moments it became heated. The argument nuclear threat level the instant the team exited the jet; appearing Loki was going to finish it regardless of who started it. 
The irate god quickly getting in Tony's face, Thor swift to grab Loki to prevent him from tearing the billionaire to pieces. Tony flung virulent words, goading Loki into losing control, the god snarling, calling his own self a monster.
Her heart lurched as she passed, hand pressed to injured ribs; but forcing her way between Loki and Tony. To everyone's shock, she jabbed Loki forcefully in the chest, so much so he took a shocked step back. A lump rose in her own throat, it hurt her more than he could ever know that he called himself a monster.
Loki was taken off guard at the look of hatred in her eyes. Swallowing the lump in his throat he should have known he could never trust another. He was stupid for believing he could trust one such as her. Quickly he schooled his features as he glared darkly at her, waiting for her own curses. 
"Don't let me ever catch you calling yourself a monster again," she snarled, bloody finger jabbed in his chest, not waiting around for Loki to spit venom at her as she left with everyone staring after her in shock.
Loki would have to admit, he never expected that. 
Bypassing her office, the healer didn't feel if she could tend to anyone, let alone have them find her in a wreck. She had told them all to go to med bay to get checked out, though she was pretty sure she was the only one in need of true attention. 
Not to mention the recent chewing out of Loki, the god knew he could find her there to return the favor. She really didn't feel like facing his wrath, nor anyone finding out how badly she was hurt. The healer was supposed to be strong, but now she didn't feel it. 
Her ribs ached and throbbed. Taking the lift a few floors up was a task and felt it took longer than need be. Hell, even the short breaths she took hurt and as the doors opened, she took a coughing fit the moment she started forward. Letting out a whimper, pressing tighter to the ruined flesh under the suit had her yelping out to stumble towards her room. 
Slamming the door shut, she was quick to lock it and shield it with seidr. Stepping to the bed, it wasn't getting easier, it was getting worse, and she knew she needed to lay down for a moment before she passed out on the floor. Sitting gingerly on the bed, she pulled her hand away from the jacket, not expecting it to feel sticky and coated in blood.
"No," she whimpered, taking time to pull the jacket free and wiggling out of it. Leaving the ruined thing on the bed, she hobbled to the bathroom, leering at the pale creature in the mirror, blood soaking the undershirt. 
Ribs had possibly broke and one must have-. 
Oh god, this was making her sick, her hands shook violently, more so when the door to her room opened and slammed shut. Drunkenly she grabbed a towel from the counter and wrapped it over her shoulders to hide any blood. Standing as straight as she could to face the irate god that didn't hesitate to storm into the bathroom.
"The nerve of you! Calling me out in front of those mortals and my brother," the god fumed, stepping toe to toe with her. Loki was so blinded by rage he never noted the far off look in her eyes. "I allowed you my trust, and here you repay it by making me look like a fool who can't control-"
God, did he ever shut up? 
Studying him close as the rant continued, there was a waiving of arms, a finger pointed to her chest and something that made him hint to all of her before he finally stopped. If looks could kill she would have died 10 years back, swallowing hard as it appeared he was waiting for her to speak.
"Well!? What have you to say," he snarled, towering over her, the room so silent you could hear a pin drop, but that wasn't the sound reaching his ears.
Silently he began to curse at himself for not realizing how pale the healer, -lover-, had become. The blood-filled sclera of the right eye had not registered until now, noting her quivering body as he heard a drip hit the boots she still wore. Taking a slight step back he looked down at the scuffed tips of the boots, noting the drop of something dark splattered across the toe along with another. 
Calling her name, Loki was sure she didn't hear the moment he reached out to take her in his arms to keep her from falling. Worriedly he met her gaze before he began to tip her body back.
The healer let out a loud yelp of pain, Loki careful not to jostle her while gently laying her to the cool tile floor. The towel falling away to reveal an oozing wound on her right side, hand still pressed to it in order to staunch the bleeding. 
Loki steadied on his knees at her left side. This was a lot of blood for anyone to lose, not to mention she may be drowning in it as well. Glancing to her face, he seen her studying him close, hands limp at her sides. It was only fair he find something worth loving and ruin it all within a matter of hours; it was his curse was it not?
"Deep breath," he spoke calmly, he noted her holding back tears but shook her head she heard and done as told.
With pressure to the wound, the god used seidr to place the broken rib back in place and slowly closed it. Though not before she screamed, one of her hands wrapping in the leather long coat as she gasped for breath and whimpered quietly. 
"It hurts, it hurts-," she whimpered as the god slowly healed the wound to assure it mended correctly.
It was a surprise to Loki her seidr tangled with his own, gold tendrils licking over his arm as it did so. "Of course, it hurts," he hummed, mesmerized by their seidr entangling, it moved together the way they done in throes of passion. 
The gold shimmer caressing up his arm as if it was thanking him while her hand wrapped in his sleeve began to slowly loosen. Looking up the moment her head lulled to the side, placing a hand on her cheek, he was relieved she turned to look at him. 
"How's breathing," he asked hopeful, pulling the hand away from the healed wound to place it on the opposite side of her face to keep it steady. Carefully he placed a hand over her right eye to heal it, feeling it coat calloused palm in unshed tears.
"Better," she sighed, feeling her eyelashes tickle his palm. Blinking several times as he pulled it away to note vision was better, but the look he sat her with told her he was beyond pissed with her.
"Doesn't hurt," he asked quietly, obvious he was trying to keep from berating her any worse than he already had. Loki wanted to scoop her up and hold her tight, but he wasn't sure of what other unseen injuries she may have at the moment. 
"No. Sore," came her pained reply, noting the corners of his mouth turn as if to smile but stopped to scowl at her.
"You shouldn't be so stubborn," the god began to scold, but for once he bit his own tongue. 
Damn you Loki! For once shut up and think of something more than your pride, the god scolded himself.
"And you shouldn't call yourself a monster,” she wheezed, the god noting a faint hint of blood on her lips.
Carefully he lifted her into his arms, wary of hurting her, but relieved when her arms wrapped around his neck. “We are going to see the healer.”
"I am a healer," she tried to lighten the mood, but the look he gave told her to hush.
"This may be worse," he spoke, the two of them swallowed in golden light to place them in the soul forge chamber.
Gingerly he laid her to the table, hand moving to cradle her head so it wouldn't lay heavily to the hard surface. Loki didn't hesitate to bring the table to life, not bothering to call for Eir or the others he knew weren't far. Effortlessly he glided through the projections, quickly glancing over the images to assure she wasn't bleeding internally. 
Noting a few punctures to the lung in question, he carefully pushed the ruined shirt under her breasts to lay a hand to the side in question and healed them in moments. Keeping his hand on the flesh, she felt him stroking a thumb over it as he continued to rifle through projections to pause on one showing her seidr.
The gold pooled under his palm and followed his thumb as it stroked the flesh. "You shouldn't be in possession of this much seidr if you are indeed mortal."
Glancing up to the god, the healer swore he appeared worried for her, but why?
"This much seidr in a mortal should have burned your body out by the time you reached your teen years," he continued to himself mostly, but she could hear the worry in his voice as he finally looked down to her. "Your parents love. Who were they?"
"Umm-, I really don't know. I was raised by my cousins. They always said my mother was well known for healing people. She left me with my father's family when I was three, dad was still in the picture, but he was disabled, he fell from a job site-. What-."
"I believe your mother was a goddess," he breathed, noting her puzzle at him as he shut the soul forge down. Carefully he pulled her to sit, taking her face in his hands, his lips falling to hers in heated passion, tasting dried blood on her lips. Releasing her lips, he could only smile at her for a moment before continuing. "It means you are mine for longer than I had hoped for."
@marshyrebelcloud​​​ @cruel-kitten​​​  @moonfaery​​​ @dark-night-sky-99​​​ @gramaeryebard​​​  @katstablook​​​ @andiyholly​​​ @jovanna-shewolf​​​ @nickyl316h​​​ @aslandia726​​​ @furstinnajoelle​​​ @itsbqueenthings​​​ @collinsstanharbour​​​ @jazzieomega​​​ @moonlightprime​​​ @bambamwolf87​​​ @tomhardy41​​​ @get-loki​​​ @drakonwild​​​ @alexakeyloveloki​​​ @scorpionchild81​​​ @devilbat​​​ @wayward-student-philosopher​​​ @jane-777​​ @wegingerangelica​​@the-minus-four​​​ @iamverity​​​ @kemkem101​  @jessiejunebug​
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The Life They Had Set Themselves To Live. Pt 3 [Bill Hader]
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Part 1 - Part 2
Prompt: Bill makes his way back into Bea’s life and some old feelings might still be there.
Pairing: Bill Hader x OFC [Bea]
Warning: Swearing, maybe feels.
A/N: I loved doing this series. I’m kind of sad it’s over.
Word count: 3341
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It felt like being back to the days before she decided to let him out of her life. Even better than those days. They were still afraid to ruin the relationship they shared but there wasn't any more guilt, no afterthought of his marriage for either of them. It was better, but it still felt like they were holding their breaths around eachother.
The filming was coming to an end which made Bill's heart sink, he couldn't go back to not seeing her, couldn't go back to not speaking to her everyday, not hearing her voice, not seeing her smile. Even if he had to hold back the “I love you” lingering on his throat, seeing her was enough.
Bea, on the other hand, was confused. She wasn't sure how she should feel, because, no matter how much she loved to see him, it wasn't enough for her. Every day she would see him felt like peeling off a scar, for a moment it seemed like it was healed but every time she would peal it off the fucker would start bleeding again. And she couldn't bear to loose that much blood.
Still, the thought of not seeing him made her dread the end of filming which was a few days away. She wished she could pause the time, only for few times, just to stay in the limbo that had been those three months and a half of shooting, just to look at him for a little bit longer.
But she couldn't stop time, and the days weren't going to be longer just because she wanted them to be.
The last day for most of the cast came around. She was covered in fake blood, which was slightly better than being freezing in a lake on a particularly cold day, and she still felt conflicted.
As they all clapped and smiled she looked at Bill. His heartwarming smile, his peaceful eyes, his awkward stance. She couldn't keep doing that to herself, even if she wanted to, even if just the thought of not seeing him again made her heart twist and turn in pain.
She had already done it once, she figured it wouldn't be so hard to do it again. But she knew she was just lying to herself.
When the claps died out, without saying a word, without having anyone see her, she went back to her trailer. She had found long ago that she could do that, she could almost make herself invisible, unnoticeable. Except to Bill, he would always see her. That's why, when she finished showering and changing, he was at her door.
He was changed and showered too, completely out of costume, a jean and a plaid shirt on. She smiled. Maybe the plaid wasn't completely gone after all.
— Hey. — she stepped out of the trailer, leaving her a few inches from him.
— Hey. — he smiled at her and took a hesitant and small step back, maybe to give her space, maybe to give himself space — Why did you sneaked out? — he tried to say it humorously but failed.
— The blood is manly syrup so I really needed that shower. — she laughed shortly, trying to distract with some sort of comedy. But, even for two former SNL comedians, they were in a pretty rough place to joke around.
Bill nodded, letting out a small “Oh” just to say something. He had seen the way she was leaving, the look on her, he knew it all too well. He had spend four years thinking of that exact same look she gave him before going towards the car. He knew she was gonna leave him again but he still didn't know why.
He wanted to ask her, he wanted to pour his heart put put to her and let it all out but Ransone accidentally stopped him before he could — Just the people I was looking for! — he chimed — We were all gonna go for a few drinks at a bar, as a farewell thing. Wanna come? — he asked.
— Sure. — Bill responded and then looked at Bea. She wasn't looking at him, she was looking hesitantly at James. He hoped she would say yes, because maybe if she did he could talk to her. When she smiled and said yes he felt relived. Maybe he would talk to her, maybe he wouldn't loose her again.
However, she wasn't really up for talking, so the first thing she did was to take up on the offer of a double scotch Skarsgård had made and still got a beer like everyone else. She was trying to get drunk. Bill noted that, seeing her drink as the conversation went on.
— I really think we can all relate to at least one of the losers'. — said Ransone before taking another sip of his beer. Most of the guy chuckled at the commentary, not taking it seriously.
— What kind of fucked up childhood did you have? — Bill joked and got everyone to laugh, even Bea which made him smile.
— Hey, I don't mean like, murderous clowns and creepy father's but like- my mom was like Eddie's mom but down to like- ten percent. She was always worried about me getting sick and that kind of made me scarred to get sick. — he laughed a bit — But it only meant being extremely fucking covered up in coats in winter.
Everyone laughed a bit. An opening came for someone else to talk and Bea decided it would be her.
She immediately threw back the last swing and talked loudly — I like, totally relate to Richie.
— You're secretly gay? — joked Jay in a lower tone than her. Everyone was amused by her drunken state, everyone except Bill.
It wasn't like he was angry or disappointed, he was just hurt. She was drinking just to not talk to him, he knew it and she knew he knew it.
She smiled at his stupid joke — Nooo... — she shushed, shaking her head softly, looking at him with an empty glass on her hand, her eyes almost closed before she had opened them wide — I'm just been stupidly in love, for nin- no- then years, with someone I was- I- am? — she hesitated — Someone I'm friends for ages. — she didn't correct any the many errors she had made then.
— No way! — most of the men chanted.
— Who? — asked Bill. She convinced herself that it was the alcohol but she would've sworn he had clenched his jaw after asking the question.
She giggled — I can't say. — hadn't been for the alcohol she would've been extremely nervous in that moment, lucky for her she just found it amusing.
— Oh, come on! — chimed in Mustafa.
Bill's eyes stayed fixed on her as she laughed, for the first time in his life Bea's laughter didn't made him smile. He felt his stomach clench at the idea of her being in love with someone for so long. Why would she put herself through that? Why would she let herself be left aside? But then, he thought, he was willing to do that for her. And he understood why she had never been serious with anybody. She was so in love she couldn't think of anyone else. And he felt jealous of this person, of this friend, yearning the idea of having her loving him like that.
Bea looked at him and saw him serious. She couldn't keep it any longer, the filming was done, there wasn't any reason they would have to keep talking after, and she thought that maybe if she finally said it, maybe if she could get it out of her system, she would feel better. So she took McAvoy's beer and finished it quickly, having him complain about it. She looked at Bill again, straight into is light blue eyes, and he relaxed, somehow foreseeing what she was going to say, or maybe just hoping for it.
— It's Bill. — she said and the laughter in the table slowly drowned out. She felt her eyes sting as she looked for a reaction -other than surprise- in his face.
— Him? — asked Isaiah, as surprised as the rest.
— Yep. — she said, suddenly feeling a lot more sober. She grabbed the scotch Skarsgård hadn't drink and then drank it entirely in one swing, barely reacting to the sting on her throat.
Bill was confused, to say the least — Me? — he asked. He couldn't really fathom the idea. She was in love with him. She had loved him for years. She was so in love with him she hadn't really dated anyone in ten years. It didn't seem real. There was no way it could be real, he thought. But he was wrong.
Bea nodded, looking at the table, unable to see what she thought would be a cringe or some sort of reaction that would reflect his rejection. She stood up and felt the alcohol rush to her head, making her stumble. Two arms helped still, standing. She realized it was Bill when he said — I'm gonna take her back to her hotel room. — everyone agreed on it and said goodbye. He guided her outside, helping her put her coat on, and called for a cab. The fresh air felt nice but only made her more dizzy and tired but they got into the back seat of a car in no time.
He gave the address of the hotel to the driver and let her lay her head on his shoulder. She was half drunk and half asleep so she didn't notice the soft trail he made up and down her arm with his thumb, or the soft kiss he left on the top of her head.
Bill, on the other hand, noted it all. He noted the coconut scent on her hair, he noted her heart beating against him, he noted his own heart skipping a beat ever time his mind played back her words.
I'm just been stupidly in love, for nin- no- ten years. It's Bill.
They got to the hotel and he lead her to her room, having her lean on him as she hugged him by the waist. He couldn't help as his heart went faster every time she would hold tighter on to him, whispering things he couldn't hear or understand.
On the elevator she kissed his arm -since she couldn't reach for his shoulder- and then looked into his eyes — Please stay with me. — he was about to objet but she cut him before — Just 'til I fall asleep. I get really s-sad when you gone.
He nodded, not sure when he decided he would do that. It wasn't like he didn't want to sleep next to her but that she was drunk. And, even if she had just admitted her feeling for him, he felt like he was taking some sort of advantage. Besides, he was used to feel guilty for loving her and sometimes he couldn't shake that feeling.
Bea guided him to her room and he let the door close behind him, she got inside the bathroom leaving him in the main room standing next to the bedroom door, taking the shirt she had used as a pajama the night before and putting it on. She got out of the bathroom and into the bed really slowly, stumbling on her way.
Bill stayed there for a while, standing at the door, listening to her talk about dumb things as a way to ignore the fact she had said she was in love with him. He let her do it, unsure of how that conversation would go with her inebriated and him a little bit drunk, too. But by one thirty am she changed her mind — You can lay with me if you want to. — he was shocked, that comment was unprompted and he wasn't sure what to answer — I'm not trying to be creepy or anything, I just- it's nice to have you close. Even as a friend.
Bill walked up to the bed and took his shoes off, he would've taken his pants too but it didn't feel right at that moment. He looked into her tried eyes as he laid next to her. He felt awkward.
He wanted to touch her, but not in a sexual way, he just wanted to caress her face and name every good thing about her to a excruciating detail, he wanted to hold her hand and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, he wanted to cuddle her and softly kiss her skin, he wanted to tell her — I love you.
She looked at him surprised — You what?
— I love you. — he said, even calmer. It had been an accident the first time but then he realized there was no reason to hide it anymore. There was a brief silence in which her eyes went up and down his face, trying to think past the feeling of surprise and the dizziness the alcohol gave her.
— Since when? — she managed to say.
— Since the moment I met you. — there wasn't any reason to lie anymore. He felt a weight he never knew he carried being lifted off his shoulders. She loved him, he loved her. That was all that really mattered.
She fell silent. It wasn't bad, not one of the thing he said were bad, but she was expecting bad, she was expecting terrible, so it was confusing. Her mind was still, it couldn't compute the one great thing she had always hoped for.
— Fuck. — she whispered.
He smiled a bit — I know.
They stayed in silence again. It was comfortable. They knew they had a lot to say but it couldn't be said in that moment. And it was easy like that, they loved eachother, they were free to be together, but they didn't have to figure anything out just then, they could just lay in bed next to each other.
— I'm too drunk for this right now.
— I know. — he, smiled softly and she smiled back — We can just lay here if you want. — she nodded and they stayed like that, staring into eachother's eyes until she fell asleep. He thought of going to his own bed but she gave him peace just by being there, he felt powerless to even look away from her. Besides he really wanted to see her face first thing in the morning.
But, when she woke up, he wasn't there. She felt her chest sink again. She thought that maybe it had been a lovely dream she wished she hadn't waken up from. She heard some noise on the other room, unsettling her a little. She got up and went to see what it was, finding the small table by the window decorated by a vase with wild flowers. She looked at the table with a bit of surprise. An empty cup was set in front of both chairs, some chopped fruit in a bowl and some oatmeal in another, orange juice and a kettle with hot water were almost in the middle of the table. She uncovered the plate that was next to one of the cups, seeing scrambled eggs, bacon and two french toast but got distracted by the sound of the door closing. She saw Bill walking past the bathroom door and into the small room. He smiled when he saw her.
— Good morning. — he said with a sincere smile on his lips, stopping a few feet from her.
— You ordered breakfast. — she smiled, her hand touching the table.
He smiled shyly — Yeah, I thought it would be nice.
— It is. — he smiled but didn't move. Somehow they were both still afraid of making rough moves, fearing it would somehow scare the other off — Wanna eat? — she finally said.
He smiled as he moved to the table. They both sat down and started eating, stealing looks from eachother ever so often.
It was odd to say the least. They both had confessed their love for eachother but the fear of screwing thing up was still there. The idea of setting off a bomb that was never really there. And he thought about it, about how stupid it would be to wait any longer. He closed his eyes tightly and recalled the leap of faith she had apparently taken the night before, and he made himself do the same, just one more time
— Bea. — she looked up at him, swallowing the food she was chewing — I love you.
Her breath stopped for a few seconds, she had heard him say it before, twice to her. But it was different from the ones from the night before, it wasn't a declaration, it seemed as usual like a hello, like reminding her of something they both knew, like it had been said a hundred times and there was no doubt about it.
She looked at him, his subtle nervousness, his sweet smile. She felt happy, at peace. It felt like the world was smiling at her, at least her world was.
There was only them at that moment, everything else was gone but it wasn't left as a void it was just not there, it didn't mattered.
She looked at him, the loneliness that always has lingered like a shadow behind her finally gone — I love you, too. — she said, a hesitant smile lingering on her lips.
Bill stretched his hand across the table and held her hand, looking into her eyes, her smile gaining confidence as his grew bigger and sweeter — I want to be with you.
Those words filled her heart with joy. She gave in into the impulse she had fought back so many times for so many years and reached to kiss his lips with sweetness, necessity and desire.
It was a chaste kiss but her heart skipped a beat when she felt his soft lips kiss her back. It felt like that small, beautiful bubble she had lived in for the past three months. After a few seconds she slowly backed away, she needed to see his face after feeling his soft lips kiss her.
Her eyes got clouded with tears of happiness when she saw his smiling face. As the few of them slipped down Bill dried them off, some at bay on his own eyes.
He stood up and went to her side of the table, she sat down by inertia, looking into his beautiful light blue eyes that, at that very moment, seemed to be the colour of happiness. She faced him as he knelt down onto both of his knees right in front of her, holding her face between his hands, smiling through tears as if he had just found her after so many years from looking her.
He leaned forward slowly, intimately and kissed her. It was soft, warm and small but felt like the most radical and gigantic act anyone had ever been committed.
He smiled through it for a moment, and she felt it, making her giggle, which made him giggle. And after a short few seconds of dumb, enamored giggles they ended up with their foreheads against eachother, eyes still closed, Bill's hands on her neck, his thumb caressing her cheek, and Bea's hands on his shoulder, somehow trying not to loose him.
For once they were not hesitant or fearful, they weren't wondering if the other felt the same, they knew what they both meant. And, for once, they told themselves they were gonna live the life they had always wanted, not the one they had set themselves to live.
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thedreamsmith · 4 years
How (Not) To Seduce a Blueshirt  (Chapter 1)
@atc74​ @arrowsandmixtapes​ @alleiradayne​ @captain-s-rogers​ for #OC appreciation day 2020
Warnings: Swearing
Pairing: Jim Kirk x OFC 
Summary:  In which Jim Kirk tries to catch the attention of the new science officer on the Enterprise. Scotty and Jaylah give the worst relationship advice. This is why Bones drinks.
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‘We are now in orbit around Argratha, Keptin.’ Chekov called, his hands flying over the navigation console. ‘Have you chosen the away team for tomorrow’s first contact mission? …Keptin?’
James T Kirk had not heard a word that his navigation officer had said, for he had been too busy gazing at the new veterinary science officer as she leant over a console, deep in conversation with one of the other blue shirts.
That was, until a pointed cough from Mr Sulu dragged his attention back to matters at hand.
‘Did you hear me, Keptin?’ The bridge’s youngest officer made a valiant effort to keep his features neutral.
‘I believe the Captain was studying the…moon.’ Uhura’s voice was impassive but he just knew that she was smirking as she monitored the incoming transmissions from Argratha.
Something that sounded suspiciously like a giggle came from the direction of the navigation console, but he decided to ignore it. Jim consoled himself that at least it wasn’t Jaylah. Scotty’s third-in-command would’ve skipped the double entendre altogether and announced – loudly – to the entire bridge that the captain had been paying more attention to the doctor’s ass than their impending diplomatic mission.
Clearing his throat, he attempted to regain some semblance of dignity and pretend that his ears were not currently bright red. He failed miserably at both.
‘Ah…yes, what’s Argratha’s moon called again?’
Sulu opened his mouth to reply but Spock’s voice that rang out across the bridge.
‘Doctor Lyall?’
The bridge crew didn’t bother to hide their laughter this time and Jim sank further into the Captain’s chair – maybe he’d throw himself out the airlock once Alpha shift ended.
Reyne had just finished the weekly checks on the avian species in the menagerie when her comm beeped. Murray glanced up from his PADD at the sound but otherwise made no comment as he returned to his reports.
‘Doctor Lyall here.’
‘Doctor, you are needed on ze bridge at once.’ The young navigator’s voice was higher than she’d ever heard it, and in the background of the call there were the faints sound of people yelling and furniture being knocked about.
‘What’s going on, Mr Chekov?’ It was rare enough that she was called to the bridge, and even on those occasions it was always to do with some science mission that she needed to discuss with Commander Spock.
‘There is a blue rat on ze bridge!’ The Ensign’s voice broke on the last syllable and Reyne winced as she held the comm away from her ear.
‘Alright, alright. I’ll be there in five minutes, just stay calm Mr Chekov – I’m sure it’s more scared of you than you are of it. Lyall out.’ With a shake of her head, Reyne ended the comm and turned to face Murray, who had been listening to the whole, bizarre exchange.
‘A blue rat?’ His eyebrows had disappeared under the fall of his fringe. ‘What was the last planet we visited? Draco 6? Do you think it’s a-‘
‘More than bloody likely.’ She swept a lock of dark hair behind her ear as she grabbed a med kit and trap disk from the bench beside the door. ‘I’m going to kill whoever let it onto this ship.’
Reyne spotted the creature as soon as she emerged from the turbolift. She bit back a sigh of annoyance – Murray had been correct in his prediction.
‘Why the fuck is there a Lethian rat on the bridge? Please tell me there’s only one.’
At first, no one seemed inclined to answer either question, but finally Chekov piped up from his place behind the navigation console.
‘Aye, Doctor.’
‘Thank god.’
With a nod to the young Ensign, Reyne cast around for the piercing blue eyes and shit-eating grin that seemed to be at the epicentre of every disaster aboard this god-forsaken starship. A flash of command gold caught her eye as she spotted the captain crouched a few metres away from the small, blue rodent; eyes focused on his prey.
Eyes widening, she started forward but before she could issue a warning, Jim Kirk lunged, hands closing around the rat with a shout of victory.
His cheer quickly became a strangled yelp.
‘Bugger bit me!’
The Lethian rat took the opening and scurried away, causing several of the younger ensigns to jump onto their chairs as it scampered to the far side of the bridge.
In the ensuing chaos, Reyne turned just in time to see Jim raise his hand to his mouth.
‘Don’t!’ The sharpness of her outburst effectively grabbed his attention. ‘Lethian rats are venomous, and it’s worse when ingested. Wait a minute and I’ll bandage it up.’
Quickly, she pulled the trap disk from her bag and flicked the switch to prime it. The little metal circle would emit pheromones to attract the creature and humanely immobilise it once it got close enough. With a flick of her wrist, Reyne tossed the disk onto the floor in the general direction of the rodent and turned to face the captain.
Despite his injury, Jim Kirk gave her a winning smile as she stalked towards him, already pulling a bandage from her kit.
‘How did that thing come to be on the bridge, Captain?’
With skilled hands, Reyne disinfected the laceration and bound his palm with a biostrip.
‘Must’ve climbed up my shirt while I was on the away mission to Draco 6.’ The captain shrugged nonchalantly. ‘Scurried out of my sleeve.’
Reyne opened her mouth to point out the holes in his story but decided against it. She’d heard enough from Dr McCoy to know that Jim could be as stubborn as an ass when he wanted to be – which was almost all the time. Especially when it came to his physical exams.
‘You’re lucky there was only one; those things make tribbles look abstinent. Could’ve ended up with a ship-wide infestation of venomous blue rodents.’ With a shake of her head, she tied off the bandage. ‘You’ll need to go to the medbay – if it’s not treated within a couple of hours, the venom causes mild amnesia that gets worse the longer it’s left in your system. Until I catch this thing, just do what you usually do – sit in your chair and look pretty.’
It was the wrong thing to say because his eyes immediately lit up and he batted his eyelashes at her.
‘You think I’m pretty, doctor?’
The sharp beeping of the trap disk and a barrage of high pitched squealing saved her from having to reply as the rat fought against the snare.
Carefully, so she didn’t get bitten as well, Reyne picked up the snare and raised the wriggling rodent to eye level.
‘Couldn’t resist, could you? Horny wee bugger.’ The creature snapped it teeth at her. ‘Male, good. That means you won’t be popping out babies left, right and centre.’
With the press of another button, the disk injected the rodent with a small amount of sedative, and within a few seconds it had ceased its wriggling, but still eyed her with barely concealed rage. ‘Lethian rats get their name from an ancient Earthen mythology. Right, c’mon.’ She tipped her head towards the turbolift. ‘I’ll drop this wee guy off at the menagerie on the way to the medbay – I’ll need to give Dr McCoy the specifics of the venom.’
Five minutes later, Reyne strode into the menagerie with Jim in tow.
‘You were right, Murray!’ She gave her colleague a wide grin, depositing the sedated rat onto the exam table. ‘Look, I’ve brought you a friend.’
‘How wonderful.’ Murray adjusted his glasses and peered at the sluggish rodent. ‘And what would you like me to do with it?’
‘De-venom and examine it, I’ve got to take the captain to the medbay – he got bitten.’
‘Fine, but you owe me some of the cookies I know you have squirreled away in your office. The replicators can never seem to get them right.’ He accepted the storage box that she passed to him before glancing over her shoulder. ‘Um, Ree… You might want to book it over to medical, the captain isn’t looking too hot.’
Reyne whirled around, and it was immediately obvious was Murray was talking about; Captain Kirk had turned a sickly grey colour, and a faint sheen of sweat had broken out across his forehead. ‘Shit.’ She levered herself under his arm, guiding him away from where he had been leaning against the doorframe. ‘You must’ve had an allergic reaction to the venom. Shit.’
With a hurried farewell to Murray, she half-carried the captain out of the menagerie and towards the medbay.
Jim’s legs gave out just as they reached medical, and Reyne buckled under his weight as they stumbled through the medbay’s doors. ‘Dr McCoy!’
The older doctor came hurrying out of his office at the sound of her voice, and his ever-present scowl only deepened when he noticed the half-conscious captain slung over her shoulders. ‘What the devil happened to him this time? Put him down on the biobed there.’ He directed her to the nearest cubicle, and Reyne gasped in relief when Jim’s weight finally slid from her shoulders.
‘A Lethian rat got loose on the bridge, and our heroic captain decided to try and catch it with his bare hands – got bitten for his trouble.’
‘It’s a slow acting neurotoxin, and I think he’s going into anaphylactic shock.’ Reyne stepped back to allow Leonard to examine Jim.
‘How long ago was he bitten?’ Leonard jabbed a hypo into the side of Jim’s neck. ‘That should stop the allergic reaction.’
‘About twenty minutes ago.’
‘Right.’ He turned to root through a drawer of vials, finally selecting one and adding it to a hypo already half-full of viscous yellow fluid. ‘This should do it.’
Jim shot the doctor a poisonous look but otherwise didn’t protest the second hypo. His colour was rapidly returning to normal and his breathing wasn’t as shallow.
‘I disinfected and bandaged the bite on the bridge, so that shouldn’t be an issue.’
‘Thanks darlin’.’ His features softened for a moment – as close to a smile as Leonard ever came, before he turned the full force of his glare onto the recovering captain. ‘Now why have you always gotta go throwing yourself into trouble without thinkin’?’
Reyne glanced over the PADD that Leonard had left on the side. Confident that the good doctor had things under control, she left the medbay with the sound of the captain getting a well-deserved dressing down from his CMO fading behind her.
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 6 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: I wrote this one on ~3 hours of sleep, after a night of some heavy, heavy drinking, and got all up in my feelings. However, I am very proud of the outcome, and the speed in which I’m writing this fic is insane I don’t even know what happening. Ben gets a special new nickname in this one. ENJOY! 
Word count: ~2.6K
Warnings: Anger issues, hysterical Joe, ANGST, some fluff with a side of sexualness. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
“I’m yours.”
“Let’s go.” Ben said and Annie followed without giving it a second thought. When they reached his car, he opened the door to the driver’s side and glanced at Annie, “get in the car.”
“Wh-why?” Annie raised an eyebrow and took a small step back, “where are we going?”
“Back to your flat.”
“Yeah?” Annie’s evident sceptic frown turned into a hopeful grin.
Annie happily obliged and plopped herself down in the passenger seat. Her hopefulness, however, soon diminished. Ben’s hands never left the steering wheel, his knuckles white from the tight grip. His jaw was tense and he didn’t so much as give Annabelle a sideways glance, let alone talk to her. He drove them to her flat in complete, terrifying silence.
The climb up the stairs to her flat wasn’t much different. Ben followed her up, not talking, his eyes fixed on her ass as she moved in front of him. Feeling his jeans get uncomfortably tighter, a groan escaped him. Annabelle turned around with a questioning look but was only met with Ben’s icy glare.
She fumbled with the keys and the lock and sighed in relief when she managed to compose herself enough to get the stupid door open. After Annie closed the door and locked it, she turned around only to be slammed back against the door as Ben assaulted her mouth with his. Her breath left her lungs all at once on impact, and she froze when she felt his hands work their way up, from her hips to her breasts, squeezing them rather harshly.
And just as soon as it started, it ended. Ben almost jumped back and away from Annie, leaving her flushed and panting, her eyes shut tight. Her tongue darted out to lick the centre of her upper lip.
“What was that?” she opened her eyes slowly, still not moving away from the door. All Ben did was shrug in reply and sit on the sofa in the living room, propping his legs up on the coffee table and crossing one over the other. “Ben, what the actual fuck?”
“I don’t know, Annie,” Ben’s voice was dripping with bitterness, “I don’t fucking know.”
She sat on the other end, folding her legs and hugging them close to her as if to hide behind them. She watched Ben bother his bottom lip with his teeth, and could almost see the wheels turning in his head as he processed the night’s events. He wiggled his toes, his gaze fixed straight ahead.
“Say something.”
“Are you really mine?”
“What kind of a question is that?” Annie scoffed.
“The kind you need to answer honestly,” Ben finally turned to look at her, “are you really mine?”
“Of course I am,” she looked like a deer in the headlights, her turquoise eyes wide and glassy, “I’m yours.”
“Only mine?”
“Only yours.”
“See, the thing is,” Ben looked at his fingernails and picked at the skin around his thumbnail as he spoke, his tone eerily even, “you say it but you don’t act like it,” he brushed some lint off of his jeans, “and, really, I’m a little worried that you never will.”
“What -”
“I know you’re just who you are, you’re so fucking beautiful and charming and men will always circle you,” he glanced at her briefly, “but you can’t humour them anymore. Not like you did tonight, with Joe.”
“He’s just my friend,” her voice shook a little. Annie wasn’t ready to lose Ben yet, certainly not over something this stupid. “He’s your best mate, Ben. I’d never do that. Hell, he’d never do that to -”
“But you see, Joe clearly has a crush on you,” Ben’s heart clenched when he saw the panic flashing in Annie’s eyes, “he might play it down and shrug it off because he doesn’t want to hurt me, but it’s very much there. We all see it.”
“Ben, come on -”
“No, Annie. You’re not stupid,” Ben hissed, “you may sometimes act like you are, and you’re so pretty that it might fool others, but not me.”
“Fuck you.” Annie mumbled and rolled her eyes.
“You did,” Ben bit his bottom lip, making Annie shift in her seat, “but the thing is, you’re not going to do it again until we sort this,” he waved his hand from him to her, “out.”
“Well, sort it out then!” she flung her legs back to the floor and moved forward to stand up but was quickly pulled back down by Ben’s grip on her wrist, “let go.”
“We’re not done here.”
“Oh?” Annie snorted and rolled her eyes, “well, I sure am.”
“Well, I’m not,” Ben shrugged, “and honestly, I’m really fucking glad that this is entire conversation is hurting you. Now you have the tiniest of clues about how I feel.”
“Annie,” Ben released his hold on her, “you really, really hurt me tonight. Both of you,” his green eyes burned their way into her soul, “and I’m not going to let you do that to me again. Ever.”
“I already apologised -”
“I don’t want your bloody apologies!” he raised his voice and watched her shrink back into the armrest, “I want to know where we stand.”
“What do you want from me, Ben?”
“I want you to promise me that you won’t fuck around,” he lowered his voice again, “I want you to promise me that if anything, anything at all, happens between you and Joe, I’ll be the first to know, firsthand.”
“Why would anything -”
“Because it might,” Ben cut her off, “because when you start drinking, Shitstorm Annie comes out to play. I don’t think I like it too much when she gets out of control.”
“Okay,” she sighed and smirked when Ben looked at her, raising his eyebrows as he waited for her to say the actual words, “okay, I promise, I won’t fuck around as long as I’m with you.”
“Oh, and I’m going to need you to stop saying that I’m not your boyfriend or that this isn’t a relationship,” he stood up and extended a hand to Annabelle, “because it fucking is. Now come on.”
“Where to?”
“I was thinking of the bed room,” a sly grin tugged on the corners of Ben’s lips, “but you now what, staying right here is just as good.”
With that, Ben leaned down and pressed his lips to Annie’s. What started off as a soft kiss quickly turned into a hungry, frantic, desperate lip-lock. Ben clumsily sat back down on the sofa and grunted when Annabelle straddled his hips, rocking herself back and forth against him. Ben’s fingers reached under Annie’s top and pulled it up, eliciting a wince from her.
“Ow! Fuck!”
“Fucking boob tape!”
“I’m sorry,” Ben said after a bubble of laughter escaped his lips, “it’s not funny. You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It fucking hurt, okay?” Annie rubbed her exposed chest, just over where the boob tape almost got ripped right off of her skin, “stop laughing!”
“I’m trying!” Ben’s face was turning all shades of red, “It’s just that -”
“Stop saying it, Ben.”
“Boob tape?!” he squeaked and snorted, gasping for breath as a new fit of giggles consumed him, “boob tape!”
“That’ll be your new nickname if you don’t fucking stop it,” Annie scolded him with a frown, “you hear me?”
“You’re absolutely right,” Ben tried to calm himself down enough to catch his breath, “it’s not funny. At all.”
He looked at Annie as she gently stroked her irritated skin on her breasts, suddenly lost in adoration. His laughter subsided and his eyes turned darker, his pupils blowing up with lust.
“Where does it hurt?” he reached up and gently traced his fingers on her skin, “here?”
“Yeah,” Annie breathed and smiled when he leaned in to kiss her skin just to make the pain go away.
“There, too?” he nipped her bottom lip as on his way to her other breast, his lips fluttering over her soft, warm skin, “all better now?”
Annie gulped, her heart beating faster and faster. She nodded ever so slightly and reached down between her and Ben’s bodies, grabbing the hem of his shirt. With a swift pull over his head, it was gone and tossed over her shoulder, landing somewhere on the floor. She brought her hands back to his hips and leaned back a little, taking in his body. He had shadows of love bites on his chest, left over from the first time they had sex just mere days prior. She looked at every muscle and every vein as if she was trying to memorise it all.
Her hands started their ascent up his body, caressing every bit of exposed skin in their way, her gaze following. Ben shifted slightly under her, trying to relieve some of the tension from his tightening jeans. His wiggle made Annabelle’s hips move as well, and her eyes shot up to look into his. He had just opened his mouth as if to say something, but was silenced by a feverish, lustful kiss.
“Where’re you goin’?” Annabelle murmured as Ben got up and started hunting down his discarded clothing, “what’re you doing?”  
“I have to go home,” Ben sighed as he picked up his black tight boxers off the floor, “I need to make sure Frankie didn’t turn the flat into a loo.”
“But,” Annie sat up on the sofa, her eyes following Ben, “but we just -”
“We did,” Ben grinned and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her and cupping her face in his hands, “and it was amazing, but Frankie -”
“Can’t you just get the dog-walker to take her out?” Annie pouted.
“I can’t just call him up this late at night,” he chuckled, “now you’re just being ridiculous.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“I don’t want to leave, I need to.”
Ben rose back up on his feet and carried on the search for his belongings. Annie stood up, following him around the flat, stark naked.
“Ben, you can’t just leave me here,” he could feel a certain edge in her voice, “you can’t just have your way with me and -”
“That’s not what this was.”
“Certainly feels like it was just that…” Annie muttered.
“You’re being a bit of a brat,” Ben smirked. He rubbed the back of his neck as his eyes scanned over Annabelle’s body. “Well, go get dressed then.”
“That’s a weird thing to say to a naked girl,” Annie raised her eyebrow, “and quite insulting, really.”
“Get dressed,” he smirked cheekily, “because I want you to come home with me.”
Ben woke with a start to the sound of pounding on the door to his flat. Wincing at the bright light and noise, and definitely feeling like an elephant has decided to repeatedly step on his head, he muttered to himself as he reached for his phone on the bedside table.
Ben scrambled up to his feet only to sit back down, feeling dizzy. He slid on his grey sweatpants and shuffled to the door. Rubbing his face with his hand, he almost tripped over Frankie as she ran circles around his feet.
“Jesus, Frankie, can you just fucking stop that for five minutes?”
Frankie looked up at him with her big puppy dog eyes, as if offended by his harsh tongue. Ben scooped her up in his arms and kissed the top of her head. The pounding on the door never ceased.
“Alright, alright!” Ben growled when he opened the door.
On the other side, he found Joe, his fist in the air in preparation for more pounding, his mouth agape at Ben’s tousled hair and puffy eyes.
“Oh, this is fantastic,” Ben muttered as he turned around and dragged his feet to the living room, sitting down with Frankie on his lap. Joe entered the flat and closed the door, then paced back and forth in front of Ben, his nails digging into the palm of his hand. “Look, Joe -”
“I’m so, unbelievably, sorry!” Joe bellowed, seemingly out of nowhere, his hands flailing about, “I’m so, so sorry, Ben! I was drunk and we were just dancing and -”
“Joe, I -”
“No!” he screamed, “let me finish!” When Ben raised his arms in surrender, Joe tried to pull himself together, to no avail, “it wasn’t what it looked like, I told her about some misheard lyrics, I don’t know if it was the angle of where you were sitting or the -”
“Shut up and let me talk! Jesus!” Joe screamed, making Ben purse his lips to keep from laughing, “I didn’t kiss her neck, I kissed her head, ok? Her head! The side of it! Not her lips, her head!”
“I -”
“Just let me get this out okay?” Joe had his hands on his hips as he looked pointedly at Ben, “yes, the dance got a little heated there, I know, but it was nothing like that. We were just goofing around!” his eyes dropped to the floor, “and now I ruined everything for you two because of my fucking irresistible charm. I’m so, so sorry.”
“Are you done now?”
“Okay,” Ben bit on the inside of his cheek to maintain his composure, “what I wanted to say was that I know. She told me.”
“She…” Joe’s face scrunched up in confusion,”what do you mean, she told you?”
“She used her words,” Ben explained slowly, “and she told me what happened.”
“That’s it?” Joe’s eyebrows raised in surprise, “you forgive us?”
“Do you promise to never, ever, dance with her like that again?”
“Wh -” Joe stammered, “of course I do!”
“Then we’re good.”
“Let me get this straight,” Joe raised his hands up, holding up one finger in each hand, “you let me scream my heart out and heard my entire speech and that’s it? Forgiven?”
“I was trying to stop you,” Ben’s even face and tone faltered and he started cackling. He was unable to control the giggles from bubbling up and spilling out of his mouth. By the time they turned into proper, hearty laughter, he had to wipe the corners of his eyes with his hands. Ben laughed so hard, he started crying.
“You fucking asshole.”
Annie groaned with each scream that had escaped Joe’s hysterical mouth. Rolling around in Ben’s bed, she tried her hardest to fall back to sleep, but the screaming wouldn’t stop.
“Frankie, go tell uncle Joe to shut his pie hole, please.” Annie croaked but got licked in the face in return.
Soon enough, the screaming and yelling has all but ceased - the only noise coming from the living room now was Ben’s wheezing and knee-slapping. Annie closed her eyes and cuddled up to Frankie. She had lost track of time until she felt the mattress dip down under Ben’s weight and smiled.
“Hey, Boob Tape.”
“I’m not okay with that nickname.”
“What time is it?”
“Three o’clock.”
“What?!” Annie’s eyes shot open, “are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “you were exhausted…” he smirked, “For obvious reasons. I figured I’ll let you sleep in. It’s your day off, you should use it.”
“Wait, didn’t you have to go to set today?”
“I got a call in the middle of the night, the stage rigging collapsed and they have to rebuild it,” Ben reached over and grabbed Annie to roll her on top of him, “don’t you remember? How much have you had?”
“I could eat.”
“Excellent,” Ben smiled sweetly, “will you please go make us some pancakes, then?”
“Excuse you!”
“Please?” Ben pouted and flashed her his best rendition of Frankie’s puppy dog eyes.
“Are you trying to domesticate me?”
“Suppose I am,” his fingers travelled up her thighs, “is it working?”    
“Fucking Boob Tape…” Annie sighed and giggled into Ben’s kiss. He grunted upon hearing his new nickname. “Fine, I’ll go make pancakes.”
“And stop calling me Boob Tape?”
“Can’t promise that!”
TAGLIST: @ramibaby​ @xgoingdownx​ @clara-who​ @violetpond​ @sweeterthancheese​ @drummerqueenrmt​ @westansstuff​ @rogerinamainbitch​ @justgivemethekeys​ @borhaprogerina​ @blondecarfucker​ @cheeseedreams47​ @rogerspoison​ 
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
His Good Girl: The Epilogue
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Alaina Taylor-Winchester (OFC)
Warnings: Dad!Dean feels, doubt, some angst, SMUT, fingering, oral (female receiving, Sir!Kink, praise!kink, unprotected sex (wrap it up IRL), language...I believe that’s it. 
A/N: I can’t even believe this, we’re FINALLY HERE!!! This is the last chapter in His Good Girl. Thank you so much to everyone that has loved this series and has been with it since the beginning. I’m truly stunned and blessed because of you guys. The usual; unbeta’d all mistakes belong to me, all pics and gif are not mine, they were found on Pinterest and tumblr
Wondering what this is? Think you missed something? Coming upon this for the first time?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
*~*~*~*~* 6 Months Later ~*~*~*~*~  
Alaina handed Trish the diaper bag and asked
“Are you SURE you’re okay with keeping him the entire weekend?”
“He’s six months old for fuck’s sake Alaina,” Trish insisted as she placed the diaper bag behind the driver’s seat in her car “plus I’m bigger than he is. I can handle him.”
“If you need me, please call.” Alaina said
“Hey,” Trish said and placed her hands on her sister’s shoulders “I can handle him. I’ve watched him before with no problems, plus I’m getting together with Sam, Jess and Morgan on Sunday so they can see him.”
“I’ve never left him for this long, I’m nervous!” Alaina exclaimed.
In six months, Alaina and Dean had gotten married and raised Oliver with nearly no problems. But with Dean studying to be a diesel mechanic and Alaina taking on more cases at work, they hadn’t had a lot of time to devote to their relationship. Sex had been quick and squeezed in between naps and meetings, she recalled a conversation with Trish over bunch the week before.
“I’m going crazy,” Alaina had said to Trish “I mean it this time. I’ve officially fucking lost it.”
“You lost it a long time ago, just saying.” Trish had said while holding Oliver.
“This is a judgment free zone right?” Alaina had asked her sister.
“Yeah, duh.” Trish had told her
Alaina had taken a deep breath and finally let it out
“I have this drop dead, sexy husband and I don’t have the time or energy to screw his brains out like I want to.” She blurted out.
Trish nearly laughed herself into a snorting fit before she’d regained her composure.
“That was hilarious,” she had said “thanks for that.”
“Help me please,” Alaina had begged “I don’t know what to do!”
“We got this.” Trish had told her.
It had been Trish’s idea to take Oliver for the weekend so Dean and Alaina wouldn’t have any distractions. Alaina was apprehensive, but eventually came around to the idea. She and Dean hadn’t spent more than a night away from Oliver by choice; even their honeymoon was only one night as they were anxious to get back to their son.
In the present time, Trish hugged Alaina and said
“I got this, don’t worry about me and little man.”
“I know you do.” Alaina told Trish “But anything goes sideways, you call okay?”
“You know I will.” Trish said and then let her sister go.
Alaina looked at Oliver, who was happily kicking his tiny feet and waving his hands.
“You be good for your Auntie okay?” Alaina cooed at Oliver “You gonna be a good boy?”
Oliver gleefully shouted before shoving his fist into his mouth and both ladies laughed.
“I’ll take that as as yes.” Trish said.
When they were finally gone, Alaina picked up around the house and got the oven prepared for dinner. Jess had showed her a recipe for roasted chicken that she knew Sam and Dean loved; so Alaina had decided to make that along with vegetables, potatoes and Dean’s favorite dessert; pie. While the food was cooking, she couldn't help but look around their house and realize all the memories they had mad since moving in. She recalled one particularly difficult day when she came home from work. She's lost a case that she was sure was a home run and couldn't have felt like a bigger failure. When she trudged through the door, she could hear that the TV was on, but nothing else.
“Dean?” she asked as she looked around, putting her purse and briefcase down in her office. She slipped off her shoes and walked into the living room to find Dean and Oliver on the couch, asleep. She stood there for a second and took it in. The Thursday night football game between the Green Bay Packers and Detroit Lions was playing, Dean was laying stretched out on the couch with on hand behind his head, while the other rested on Oliver's back. Oliver was laid out on Dean's chest as he peacefully snored. Alaina placed her hands over her mouth and let her tears flow.
“My boys,” she said softly and then quickly took a picture with her phone “my handsome boys.”
Once dinner was prepped and ready to go, Alaina changed into baby doll lingerie with boy shorts that she knew would drive Dean insane. She added a little bit of makeup to accentuate her features and pulled her hair into a high ponytail like she knew he liked. She added a pair of nude heels with black lace detail on them and silk ribbons around the ankles. She stood in the mirror and admired herself, satisfied with what she saw, she grinned and strutted downstairs to wait for him.
At ten past six, she heard Dean park his car in the garage and heard him come through the door that lead from the house to the garage.
“Alaina?” She heard him call as she made him a drink.
“In the kitchen!” She shouted back. He rounded the corner, his eyes as wide as dinner plates. “Hey ya handsome.” She greeted him.
He could only see her from the waist up, but he liked what he saw; he had a mischievous grin playing on his full lips as he looked her up and down. “Something I can help you with?” She asked, playing coy.
“Well,” He said swallowing as his eyes made a second and third pass over her
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 “I was looking for my wife, you seen her anywhere?”
Alaina bit her lip and rounded the counter, showing off the rest of her barely there outfit and the heels, making Dean’s breath hitch in his throat.
“She’s occupied,” Alaina responded and handed Dean a glass of whiskey “you know, lawyer stuff.”
Dean accepted the glass and then asked
“And Ollie? Where might he be?”
“With his Aunt Trish.” Alaina answered as they each took a sip of whiskey. “They left about an hour and a half ago.”
“If I didn’t know better,” he said as he finished a sip of whiskey “I would think you’re trying to seduce me.”
Alaina shrugged
“Now, where would you get that idea?” She asked, feigning innocence “I was just making myself comfortable in my own home.”
“Yeah, sure.” He said and leaned into her “Wearing this and shorts that barely cover your ass.”
To make his point, he quickly snapped his hand over the meat of her butt, making her yelp in surprise.
“SIR, I would never tempt a married man like that!” She said with a laugh.
“You are walking temptation baby,” he said with a grin “I’d love to rip that little outfit off you and have you right now, but I’m covered in grease.”
She pouted at this and he said
“Fifteen minutes is all I need, I’ll make it worth your while.”
She looked at the clock and said
“Fifteen minutes and no longer.”
Another grin flashed across his face and he kissed her again.
“Be right back, don’t go anywhere.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She told him and he walked off, heading up the stairs.
Ten quick minutes later, Dean reappeared, his hair still damp from the shower, wearing jeans and a plain black T-shirt.
“Feel better?” She asked as she handed him a plate.
“Much.” He said and quickly kissed her “AND you made dinner?”
“I finally had the time and energy to make it fresh and not frozen.” She said proudly as she finished making her plate. They sat down at the table together and he said
“This is nice.” In between bites
“It’s the chicken that Jess makes, she said you and Sam like it.” Alaina mentioned as she cut her chicken into a bite sized piece.
“Not what I was talking about,” he said “I mean just you and me actually getting to enjoy a meal together.”
She smirked
“Yeah, there hasn’t been a lot of that has there?” She asked and he shook his head.
“No, not really.” He said “Think we can try and make this a regular thing?”
She nodded and said
“I’d like that.”
“Me too.” He told her and reached across the table for her hand. She gave it to him and he squeezed her fingers in his. He turned her hand over, the diamonds on her rings glinting in the fading evening light. He looked at her and said
“Look I know things have been crazy lately, but thanks for hanging in there with me. I really appreciate it.”
She nodded
“Any time,” she told him “I’m glad to help where I can.”
“You’re a huge help,” he said “I was just letting you know, it isn’t going unnoticed.”
She smiled at him and he went on
“You’re a super hero; you make sure Ollie and I are taken care of and that everything in this house runs smoothly. I know it’s a challenge, but you’re amazing.”
“Thank you,” She told him “I needed to hear that. Also, it’s the least I can do; remember when you helped me study for my LSATs?”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head
“I don’t think any amount of brain bleach would ever let me forget that.” He said
She laughed
“Thanks to your help, I got into one of my choice schools and now here I am.” She told him “Now it’s my turn to do the same for you.”
He nodded and handed her a folded up piece of paper from his pocket.
“Is this a Maury moment?” Alaina asked “Is this gonna tell me I am the father?”
At first Dean have her a bitchy look and then it dissolved into laughter.
“Just read it!” He exclaimed as she started to laugh “You jackass!”
She took the paper from his hand and said
“You’d be so bored if I wasn’t around.”
He rolled his eyes as she opened it and read it silently.
Dear Mr. Winchester,
We are pleased to offer you a second interview at Parker and Son’s Trucking at 9:30 am on Tuesday (3/23) morning. We look forward to seeing you then.
Kind Regards,
Zachariah Motes, Senior Recruiter
Alaina’s mouth dropped open and she exclaimed
“OH MY GOD DEAN!” she excitedly hugged him around the neck. “Wait, when did you have a first interview?” she asked as she pulled back from him.
“Last Tuesday,” he told her “I didn’t wanna get your hopes up so I didn’t tell you. You’re not mad are you?”
She shook her head
“No, well I’m a little miffed, but it’s fine.” She told him “Do they know you’re not certified?”
He nodded as she sat back down.
“Yeah; they know,” he said “but they liked me so they gave me an interview. He said he felt like I was a good fit so that’s why he started the interview process.”
Alaina was beaming
“I’m so proud of you,” she told him “I mean it.” She cupped his cheek in her hand “I KNEW you could do it.”
He looked like he was about to bust from happiness.
“It doesn’t mean I got the job,” he said, trying to shrug it off “just that I got a second interview.”
“That’s further than you’ve gotten with anyone else,” she reminded him “and that’s a good thing.”
An easy smile drifted across his face.
“Thank you,” He told her and bit his lip, drawing a shaky breath “it means a lot.”
“What does?” She asked him, cocking her head to the side.
“That you believe in me.” He said quietly “I don’t think anyone has ever had as much faith in me to the extent that you have. So, thank you.”
She grinned at him
“I love you.” She told him and they kissed
“I love you too.” He answered when their kiss ended.
He immediately dove back in for another, which she obliged.
“Get over here,” he practically growled “sit that sexy ass in my lap.”
She chuckled as she got up and walked over to him as he scooted his chair back from the table. She straddled him, her hands on his shoulders.
“Like this?” She asked innocently
He bit his lip as his hands snaked up the back of her thighs.
“Mh,” he sighed and pulled her closer, her chest flush against his “yeah, that’ll work.”
They kissed deeply as her hands slid up to his neck and then the sides of his face.
“What do you want?” She asked as they kissed. He pulled back as he squeezed her butt.
“That depends,” he said and kissed her again “is my good girl gonna come out to play?”
A shiver ran down her spine as he clapped a hand over her butt. She cried out in surprise and pleasure and then nodded.
“I’ve been a good girl,” she told him “I wore this just for you.” She picked up the hem of the baby doll outfit and showed it off.
“Mh,” he moaned in appreciation “yes you did. Though I have to ask, what’s the occasion?”
“I just wanted you to come home and take care of me.” She said with a pout.
He gave her a boop on the nose with his fingertip.
“Can’t have my good girl taking care of herself when that’s my job.” He admitted and gave her a smile. He wrapped her legs around his waist as he stood up and carried her to their bedroom. He set her down and gave her ass another good smack, making her cry out.
“Trust me?” He asked her
“Of course.” She told him.
He walked her over to the bed, holding her hand as he did so. He made her sit down before holding her face in his hands.
“What’s the safe word baby?” He asked
“Red.” She told him
“That’s a good girl.” He said and kissed her forehead. He left her and walked over to her side of the bed. He opened the drawer and pulled out the eye mask that she wore when she went to sleep. It had a black, silk like material on the inside, the outside had blue material of the same quality and was embossed with suns, moons and constellations. He walked over to her and said
“That’s enough for you right now.”
He placed the elastic part of the eye mask around her head and then drew the material over her eyes, rendering her blind. In an instant, her other senses heightened. She waited until she felt the baby doll being taken off of her. She held her arms up to help him as he discarded the garment. The house had been filled with sunshine that day; so some of the sun’s remaining heat filled the room. It wasn’t too hot or too cold. He gently pushed her shoulders back and made her lay on the bed, her feet dangling over the edge.
“Mh,” he said as he bit his lip “you’re a sight sweetheart.”
She let out a shaky breath as she felt his finger tips gently ghost over her skin. He seemed to be every where and no where all at the same time. She squirmed in anticipation as he used his knee to part her legs further. She felt his body heat close to her as his lips barely touched her skin.
“God!” She moaned out quietly.
He tutted at her
“Behave,” he told her “good things come to patient girls.” She pouted and she heard him chuckle “Don’t make me tie you up baby,” he warned “I don’t want to be mean to you.”
She groaned and backed down. He could edge her like nobody’s business and she didn’t want to push him.
“Yes sir.” She answered
She felt him lean over her, feeling his mouth inches from hers.
“There’s my good girl.” He practically purred and gave her a slow and deep kiss. He took her wrists and placed her hands on the back of his head where she let her fingers roam through his hair. His tongue worked its way into her mouth, dancing with hers as she shivered with need.
“Something wrong?” He asked innocently
“No sir.” she answered as she felt his hands graze over her skin in the same, barely there fashion as before. His finger tips traced along the waistband of he boy shorts she was wearing as he bit her lip. She moaned and he kissed down her jaw and up to her ear.
“As much as I love bending you over the counter,” he said and kissed her “pinning you against the wall in the bathroom, having you on your desk at work or even in the back seat of my car, I miss taking my time with you.” He bit down on her earlobe gently and she cried out “And finding every little spot that draws those little sighs and moans out of you.” He kissed down the side of her neck and found the spot an inch below her ear and gave it a gentle bite.
“OH!” She cried out as he licked over the bite mark he’d just made and chuckled.
“There’s one,” he said as he worked his way down her body, palming her breasts as he kissed all over her belly, making her throw her head back.
“Dean,” she moaned impatiently “mh, come on FUCK ME already!”
He tutted at her
“Not good manners baby.” He said “Now, I have to spank you.”
She groaned, even she had forgotten what it was like for him to take his time.
“I’m sorry!” She said as he rolled her on to her stomach. He grabbed her ankles and yanked her down so that she was bent over the bed and her feet on the floor.
“MH!” He moaned as he took in the view. Her legs were spread open, wearing nothing but boy shorts and the high heels. “I could get used this view.” He yanked her panties down and off of her, tossing them elsewhere in the room. “Even better.” He said and let his fingers roll up he spine. She bit her lip, using all her will power not to squirm. “You get two spankings baby,” he told her “and I want you to count.”
“Yes sir.” She answered
His fingers roamed back down to the small of her back and then moved away. She felt his hand clap over her behind and she cried out
“AH! One!”
The second came in quickly behind the first and she cried out again.
She heard him let out a growl and he bent over her, his chest against her back.
“Good girl.” He said in her ear before giving the cartilage a bite. She let out a whimper as the sensation shot straight to her core, he straightened up and then said “Lay on the bed, on your back, head against the pillows.”
She scrambled to comply; when she had done as he asked, she heard the rustling of fabric and could only assume he was taking his clothes off too. This was further confirmed when she heard the zipper on his jeans come undone. She felt movement at the end of the bed, but she didn’t move. She felt his body heat above her as he used his hands to part her legs and he groaned in appreciation.
“Look at you, you’re all wet for me baby.”
She nodded and said
“Yes sir.” She answered.
He kissed from her hip bones, up her belly and over her breasts, licking and sucking on her nipples until they stood up and she was a moaning mess under him. His lips made their way up her collar bone and neck before reaching her lips. When they connected, he said between kisses
“You can touch me sweetheart.”
She let her hands slide through his hair that he had grown out a little bit, her fingers becoming tangled in his dirty blonde locks. He snaked his arms around her, pressing his chest up against hers, moaning as she lightly tugged on his hair. She ran her hands down the back of his head and neck until she reached his shoulders, their kisses becoming more and more heated. He worked his mouth down her body again until he was laying between her legs. He threw her legs over his shoulders as he licked up her slit, making her gasp.
“Oh god.” She moaned, drawing out each syllable as he held her hips.
“Be still and I’ll reward you.” He said as he kissed her inner thighs.
“Yes sir!” She managed to cry out
He used his tongue on her clit and then added in his fingers, pumping them inside her, alternating between fast and slow motions. She cried out and gripped the sheets above her head. Without her vision, she was forced to rely on her other senses, which seemed to be going haywire. He sealed his mouth over her clit and sucked hard, making her scream.
“Oh FUCK!” She yelled and fought every instinct in her body that told her to move, to thrust her hips up into his fingers and chase the orgasm that seemed to be just out of reach. She rocked her head from side to side, melting into a mewling mess as he continued.
“Oh my fucking god, DEAN!” She screamed, his fingers digging into her hips.
“That’s my good girl,” he cooed “staying still like you’re told.”
“Please, please, may I come? Please Dean, let me come!” She breathlessly begged and he groaned.
“Fuck sweetheart, you keep talking like that and I’ll let you have whatever you want.” He said
“Please, may I come?” She asked, still fighting to stay still.
“You may,” be said “and you may move.”
She shamelessly rode his fingers and tongue until her orgasm came crashing over her like a tidal wave, a mix of moans, screams and his name falling out of her mouth in quick succession. When her body relaxed, she felt him crawl up her body and yank the mask off. She groaned as the sudden intrusion of light, but when Dean’s face came into focus, she smiled. He looked pleased with himself as he licked his lips and fingers.
“That was hot.” She struggled to say between breaths and he nodded.
“Very,” He said and his eyebrows shot up in a suggestive manner “another?” He asked.
“God yes.” She said and he got on his hands and knees above her. He leaned down and tenderly kissed her, his cloth covered erection pressing into her totally soaked pussy. She ran her hands up and down his strong back, her nails scratching into his shoulders as he let out an almost primal growl.
“Baby,” he warned “this will be over quick if you keep that up.”
“I like driving you crazy.” She told him as she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and gave it a playful bite.
“God damn it woman.” He said and began lavishing her neck with kisses “Are you TRYING to get me to fuck you senseless?” He asked in her ear.
“Well,” She said and let out a surprised squeak as he bit her pulse point “I wanted to fuck YOU senseless but we seem to be at an agreement.”
He pulled back and studied her face for a second before nodding.
“On your hands and knees Mrs. Winchester.” He commanded, his green eyes piercing any ounce of self control she had left. She did as he commanded and heard him strip off his underwear. He spread her legs wide and pushed fully inside her in one stroke. She cried out and he hissed as his fingers held he leaned hips tightly.
“Fuck!” He yelled as he started to pump into her. She popped her hips up into him and he grinned “Mh, you naughty girl.”
“All for you handsome.” She said over her shoulder.
He bit his lip
“Oh, I want some more of that.” He said and released her hips. She continued as she started, popping her butt up into him as he enjoyed the view. “Fuck baby, all this for me?”
“Yes!” She cried “ALL for you!”
He yanked her up by the shoulder, her back pressed up against his chest as he slid an arm across her chest and used his hand to tilt her head up into the crook between his neck and shoulder. His free hand pressed into her clit, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles as he mercilessly pounded into her. She ran her hands up her belly and cupped her breasts, tweaking the nipples between her fingers.
“There’s my good girl,” he rasped in her ear as he watched “oh fuck, my good girl’s putting on a show for me.”
She squirmed under their touch, crying out as her walls clenched around him.
“Fuck Dean, I’m close!” She yelled
“Don’t stop baby,” he told her “keep going.”
They both continued on, the sound of skin hitting skin becoming more and more harsh as she screamed. “That’s it, that’s-oh FUCK!” He yelled as he let go deep inside her, his hands gripping her tightly as he filled her up. She let out one final scream and exploded around him, her juices soaking his lap as they both panted. They fell on to the bed in a heap, both of them breaking hard and their nerves overly charged. They laid there until their breathing evened out and she rolled to face him. His arms were stretched out above his head and he seemed to be staring off into space.
“You okay?” She asked him.
He blinked and then looked at her, a lazy smile crossing his face. He let his fingertips roll down her shoulder; the setting sun casting a pink and orange glow on her skin. Here she was, the girl of his dreams that became the mother to their child and now she was his wife.
“Finally,” he thought “I have everything I ever wanted.”
He nodded “Yes,” He said “I’m fine, better than fine.”
Her grin mirrored his and she gave him a slow kiss, loving kiss.
I REALLY hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. I’m truly pleased with how everything turned out!
Kind feedback is always welcomed and appreciated; feel free to share, like, comment and follow if you want! My boxes are open, so if you have a request or any questions, drop me a line!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @familybusinesswritingbro @ain-t-bovvered @mrswhozeewhatsis @girlborninstorms @dacleverfox @emoryhemsworth @bobasheebaby @salvachester @myinconnelly1 @mogaruke @imma-winchester-addict @theworldiscolorful @dean-winchesters-bacon @animerose96 @l8nit-l0vr
His Good Girl:
@wayward-gypsy @pisces-cutie @adoptdontshoppets @carryonmytardisjohn @mirandaaustin93
Tag Team Champions:
@sis-tafics @anotherwaywardsister @impala-dreamer @kittenofdoomage @just-another-winchester @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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Don’t Hate The Team, Hate The Player
Chris Evans X OFC
Sebastian Stan X OFC
a/n:this is a fic for a friend and i
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Moving was one of the things I hated the most, it just showed me that Chris and Sebastian couldn't keep from going after one of our asshole neighbors.  Then again there were plenty of young neighbors that tried to flirt with the boys as well. The last place we lived wasn't the best, but it was the best we had to make due with.  So when we were getting kicked out due to complaints from other tenants, Chris decided that it was time for us to move to Boston.  Sebastian wasn't too thrilled with it though, claiming he was going to get lost more often than not. “You'll be fine, nothing wrong with a change of scenery” Chris smiled over at Kaitlyn, his hands resting gently against my thigh. “It's not a change of scenery for you, Sebby and I are gonna be completely out of the loop” Chris rolled his eyes, hand tightening as he pulled me closer to his side. “It'll be fine guys, just have to get used to everything first” Sebastian crossed his arms and pouted. “Feels like I'm in a foreign land again” Sebastian hated moving almost as much as Kait and I, and that was saying a lot. “You'll be alright hun, we still have to unpack anyway” I knew Kait was trying to keep Seb calm, he had been on edge since the day we moved in.
The boxes were stacked up high around us, the only things we had managed to unpack were some clothes, blankets and sheets, and a few dishes.  The shower had been the best part of the new apartment, it was spacious enough where we could all fit if we needed.  The kitchen was any chef's dream, Chris talked about hosting a party once we were settled in.  A party could be fun, maybe invite some of the new neighbors to meet them. “How much you wanna bet the neighbors are gonna think we're in some cult?” Chris was currently laying between my legs, head resting against my chest. “We dress like normal people though, and you let Kait and I leave the house” Seb snickered to himself, rubbing his hands along Kait's side slowly. “Still, there's been plenty of cults that seem normal on the outside but are secretly really crazy once you get sucked in” Why did we let these men uproot us, again? Kait let Chris carry on with his worries and woes, assuming that our neighbors would all think there was something secretly wrong about us.  Luckily no one had recognized Seb or Chris, even though everyone knew online about the relationship, well not willingly at least. They had accidentally found out and rumors were constantly flooding the internet.  Who we were, why Chris and I were dating, same with Kait and Seb. Chris wanted to tell everyone, subtly hinting that we were in fact dating without outright telling the wrong people that we were in a relationship.  Sebastian didn't care who saw him in public anymore, whether he was with Chris, Kait, or myself.  There had been photos circulating with him and Kait, until suddenly him and I were seen together and the news changed.  They all thought they had it right, but in reality no one knew the actual truth. The other reason Chris was dead set on moving out of New York entirely was due to the fans finding out where we lived.  None of us had taken pictures unless we were inside, nothing more mortifying than being found when you're trying to enjoy your day.  Being back in a city that Chris and I were comfortable wasn't bad, but I couldn't say the same for Kait and Sebastian. “Just you wait, there's gonna be a neighbor that tries and hits on both of you” Kait swatted Seb's hand away as he reached for the cookies she was placing onto the plate. “No there won't be, maybe they'll hit on Chris since you're so awkward” Seb's cheeks were bright red with a blush, how cute. “And if he knows what's good for him he'll tell them he's taken” Kait was giggling, Chris on the other hand looked ready for the ground to swallow him whole. “The youngest person I've seen here is in her fifties, you don't have anything to worry about” So the guys wouldn't get hit on at least. Only Kait and I weren't so lucky.  One of the neighbors above us had noticed we moved in and had taken to talking to us.  At first it was standard conversation, asking how we liked living in the building, until it started to escalate.  He had heard us while we were in bed and had a few choice words to say, only he never said it to Kait or I. “There's these two girls that live below me call the guys they fuck daddy, I'd gladly let 'em call me daddy” His smirk was unnerving, how could someone talk like that? “Mhm” Chris was calmly staring at the elevator doors, hand gripping the bags even tighter. “I've managed to catch em when they're alone before, but I think one of the boyfriends came home too soon.  Couldn't make my move then” Chris's eyes were dark, he knew the guy was talking about Kait and I. The doors dinged, sliding open so Chris could step out onto his floor before turning to face the man. “If I ever heard you come around them ever again, I will make sure your death is as painful as possible” Chris hadn't felt a rage like this before, his blood boiling in his veins.
The doors shut before the man can utter any words, leaving Chris to stew in his anger and rage.  His footsteps are heavy when he storms into the apartment, dropping the bags onto the table without another word. “Hey babe, get everything we nee-” I was cut off by his lips crashing down against my own, hands gripping onto my waist. Seb and Kait were looking on in curiosity, Chris was never one to be so rough with any kind of welcoming kisses.  Right now though, it felt as if he was trying to brand himself against my own body, and I wasn't complaining. “Are you okay babe?” I pulled away from his lips, gently pressing my hands against his chest. “I heard the neighbor above us talking about you and Kait, it just got to me” Chris's shoulders slumped, arms wrapping around my waist. “Talk to me, what's going on in that head of yours” I knew Chris could get really intense when someone talked about Kait or I, and right now was no different. “He said he could hear you guys when we're in bed” My cheeks flushed with color, oh shit. “He's just being a pig, it's what guys like him do” I reached up to cup his cheek, thumb grazing over the beard that had grown in. “He knows when you and Kait are home alone, Krista this is something serious” That made my stomach turn, this guys was taking it to a new level. Seb left the room a moment later, his voice was hushed and angry as he talked to whomever he had called. “Don't do something reckless, please?” The last thing we needed was to get kicked out of another apartment building. “I can't make any promises” Chris was smiling softly, he knew that I wasn't going to get mad at him either way. “Just make sure we don't get kicked out, cause if we do I'm making you sleep on the couch for a month” Chris clutched his chest, feigning horror as he looked down at me. If it wasn't Chris, then it was Sebastian.  They were protective of us wherever we lived, and while Kait and I were flattered that they cared, we still weren't too fond of moving every six months.  I wanted to settle down and get a cat, or maybe a dog.  The point was I wanted somewhere I could live for a little while.  At least while we all got settled in. ***   Seb's P.O.V The guy hadn't given up, and had gone as far as to watch Chris and I leave to head down to try and talk to the girls.  That wasn't gonna fly with Chris or I.  These were our girls, and no one was going to make them feel scared if we had anything to do with it. “Jesus, it's like the character was modeled around you and not vice versa” Chris had been helping me slip into the costume, the arm was the hard part. “Maybe he was, everyone knows that I'm one of the favorites in the MCU anyway” I smirked as Chris rolled his eyes. He had been a favorite from day one, and now it was my turn. This guy was going to learn the hard way that you don't fuck with our girls, not when they come to me scared to even take the trash out at night. “He's heading inside, go before he sees either of us” Chris slipped the holster into place, stepping back to assess his work. “Time to teach this asshole whose boss” I smirked and slipped further down the hall.
Chris slipped into the stairwell to avoid bumping into the neighbor.  Even though I knew the muzzle gave off an even more terrifying factor, it was a bitch to breathe in. Maybe that could work to my advantage though, this guy didn't know who I was, and I could just hide other things about myself. The elevator doors opened slowly, his shadow covered the ground before he stepped out slowly, even his smirk unnerved me. “Hey, asshole” He turned to face me suddenly, hands gripping onto his bag a little tighter. “Excuse me?” The fear was written all over his face, eyes wide. “I thought I told you to leave them alone, you just don't learn do you?” I wrapped my hand around his throat, slamming him against the wall as I growled lowly in my throat.  I could only hope he had no idea how to speak Romanian or else I was going to be found out real quick. “Look man, I don't know what it is you're looking for, I don't have any money on me” He lifted his hands in surrender, time to make my point. “Leave them alone, this is your last warning” I released his throat and stepped away, Chris was watching me from down the hall. The realization crossed his features as he turned to run to his apartment, only to be stopped by Chris nearly towering over him.  If I wasn't going to strike true fear in him, Chris definitely would. “Now why do I have a feeling you won't give up?  The next time I hear you followed either one of them to the dumpster, I will break each one of your fingers slowly, only I won't stop there” The man's frame was shaking with complete and utter fear.
He turned and ran to his apartment, slamming the door shut and locking it quickly.  Chris snickered under his breath, maybe we had finally gotten through to him. “Think he'll try talking to the girls now?” I asked before stepping over to the elevator.  I knew Kait would be a little upset by me terrorizing another tenant, but the guy deserved it. “Not after that, and really?  Talking in your native language just to really get your point across?” I rolled my eyes and stepped inside once the doors opened. “It got my point across, so I don't care” Plus Kait loved when I talked to her, whether we were in bed or just lounging around. The only downside to scaring the ever loving shit out of the neighbor was that Kait and Krista were awake when we went into the apartment.  Now I half expected Kait to yell at me and say that I was being stupid, but the moment she laid eyes on my attire everything changed.  Who knew she had such a kink for the metal arm. Kristas's P.O.V I had to keep Kait away from Chris for almost the entire day, after he had heard her say she hated the Patriots all hell broke loose.  Chris was ready to tear Kait a new one, and that meant Seb was going to be on the defensive.  So the house was now divided, Chris absolutely refused to be anywhere near Kait, which only encouraged her to try and piss him off even more.
The moment she said that she not only hated the Pats, but also Brady. Well Chris had to leave the room to keep from yelling at her.  I wanted to tell her to leave Chris alone, he was just trying to enjoy the game, even if they were currently losing.  And the last thing I needed was him getting pissed off right before we were supposed to sit down for dinner. “Babe?” I stepped into the bedroom, resting my hands against his shoulders gently. “I'm fine, but I'm sleeping in here for the night” I couldn't help but frown, the last time anyone had slept in the guest room was when I was sick. And that was the worst night of sleep for me in a while. “You know I won't be able to sleep unless you're there” It was one of the things we had all gotten used to, so if even one person wasn't there none of us would be able to sleep. Dinner wasn't any better, Kait was still trying to push his buttons which lead to Chris eating only half of his food and leaving the table.  Seb told her to lay off him for a little while, the man was just a little stressed from a lot of things and needed some time to think.  Of course that wasn't going to stop her, so when Chris was laying on the couch Kait decided it was time to attack. “Why do you even bother watching the game if you know they're gonna win?” She wasn't looking at the screen, choosing to watch his facial expressions. “Because I like watching the game” Chris didn't shift to look at her, instead focusing on the screen. “Well that's just dumb, what if Krista or I wanted to watch something on TV?” Goddamnit, she was going to piss him off more than he could handle. “That's what the TV in the bedroom is for” Chris knew he was fighting a losing battle, it was just what Kait did to annoy him at times.
Sebastian pulled Kait into the bedroom a few minutes later, stating that it was getting late and he knew if she didn't sleep on time that she'd be miserable in the morning.  I wanted to drag Chris off the couch myself and force him to sleep in the bed with everyone else, but I knew that wasn't a good idea. “I'm gonna go lay down so Kait doesn't yell at me for being up so late” His eyes were on me then, the hard edge from earlier was gone entirely. “I'll see you in the morning babe” I leaned down and kissed his cheek softly, his beard was soft against my lips.
The room was quiet as Seb and Kait slept behind me, though my brain wouldn't shut up long enough for me to get any sleep.  Times like this were when I needed Chris the most, he always knew how to help me fall asleep.
After about two hours I felt a warmth encompassing my body, what was going on?  I opened my eyes partially and looked up at who was carrying me. My heart sped up as I caught a glimpse of Chris's tired face in the soft light.  He must not of gotten any sleep, my poor baby.
“Sorry if I woke you up babe, I just couldn't sleep” Chris laid me down in the bed, the sheets were cold against my legs, it was a welcomed feeling. “I don't mind, I sleep better when you're there anyway” I pulled the comforter over my shoulders, sighing softly as Chris slipped into the bed behind me.
The room was silent, the only sounds were the crickets right outside the windows. “I know I shouldn't do this after the day we had, but I can't help myself” Chris pushed himself up and off the bed, reaching over to the nightstand. “Mmm” I was too tired to really try and figure out what he was trying to say.
Something cold was slid onto my finger, wait a goddamn second! “Chris?” I lifted my head to look at him, was this what I thought it was? “I know I should've done something better, but I just wanted it to be us.  Will you marry me?” My heart was in my throat suddenly, oh my god. “Yes I will most definitely marry you” The tears were streaming down my cheeks.  This was really happening.
And it didn't matter if Kait was teasing him about his favorite sports team, or the fact that he wanted to propose to me in private. Nothing mattered except for the two of us in that moment.  Kait and Seb would find out in the morning what happened.  And they would surely be happy for us right now.
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 36) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “The Hospital Clearance”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent & Reader/OFC
Author’s Note: The way I explained this to @maddie110201 was “if you have gone through a situation kind of like it, you will get the chapter and relate to it and be like yea, i know this feel. but if you haven’t, it’s like, this was the worst most pointless chapter she’s written yet, she needs to be stopped.” so take that how you will.
First Song: I’m not giving you a link. If you don’t know Whitney, we can’t be friends. #legend #rip
Second Song: Flood Pt. 2
y/f/i = your first initial, y/f/n = your full name, y/n/n = your nickname
Summary: Stiles gets his stitches out and goes to surprise Y/n, hoping to finally be able to have sex again, but when he gets to the Argent's, Y/n has a meltdown and Stiles spends the rest of the night trying to find ways to distract her.
Chapter Thirty-Five - Chapter Thirty-Six - Chapter Thirty-Seven
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Stiles: "Hey Al, are you home?"
Allison: "Yeah, what's up?"
Stiles: "is Y/n home?"
Allison: "She's in her room playing guitar, why?"
Stiles: "the front desk guy let me come up, can you let me in? I wanna surprise her."
Allison dropped her phone on her bed and went to the front door to let Stiles in. "How are you feeling?" She asked, knowing that he had been at the hospital that morning getting his stitches out.
"I got cleared, so I'm doing fucking great..... is that Y/n?" Stiles pointed towards where the sound was coming out of your closed door.
"I would only be in your way, So I'll go but I know, I'll think of you every step of the way,"
Allison smiled. "Yea, she's really good actually. But I'm sure you've heard her play a million times."
"And I..... will always love you, ooh, will always love you..."
"I've actually only ever heard her play once and she's never sung like that in front of me. She is really good..." Stiles told Allison, furrowing his brow. He looked back at the beautiful brunette in front of him. "Thanks Al ." Allison smiled and walked back to her room.
"Bittersweet memories - That is all I'm taking with me. So good-bye. Please don't cry.."
Stiles walked towards your room, cracking the door open slowly, and hearing the room fill even more with your voice and the strumming of your guitar. He saw you sitting on the fire escape, your back leaning against the brick on the outside of the building. Your window was open all the way and you did not hear him enter the room. He smiled and listened to you.
"And I.... will always love you. I will always love you. You, ooh."
Your voice was deep and low like Whitney's, with not nearly as much power but still beautiful and sweet to hear. Stiles' mom had loved this song when he was growing up and he knew that there was an instrumental interlude coming up. He stepped towards the window, leaned on the window seat and began playing the notes of the interlude on an imaginary saxophone made from his fingers. You jumped at the noise he produced from his lips and smiled slightly.
"So I guess you heard me, huh?" You said, your face beet red, as you turned to climb back through the window, handing your guitar to Stiles on the inside.
"I didn't mean for you to stop, you sounded amazing." Stiles said as he placed your guitar on its stand in the corner.
You shut the screen for the window behind you and sat on the window seat. "It's okay, my fingers were starting to hurt anyway. What are you doing here? I thought I was supposed to come over to your house. Did your Dad drop you off?"
Stiles pushed the sleeve of his blue plaid button-down up his right arm, and pulled the keys to his Jeep out of his pocket, dangling them in front of him. "Nope." He said with a wide grin.
"You got cleared?" You said, a smile spreading across your own face, as you turned and closed your window.
You walked over to the temperature control panel and turned the air conditioning back on in your room. "Did he say that you could.."
"Ohhh yea." Stiles nodded and shoved his keys back in his pocket.
"Then I really don't know what you're doing with your clothes still on." You teased as you walked over to the bed, dropping your shirt to the ground.
"God yes." Stiles said as he kicked his shoes off in random directions, almost knocking over a lamp on your desk. He stumbled over his pant legs as he tried taking them off while trying to close the door and lock it.
You laid on the bed completely naked, and watched him struggling with the buttons on his shirt, eventually just giving up and trying to get it over his head. He was stuck. You giggled. "Seriously?" He shouted, his voice muffled by the fabric.
"Okay.. c'mere." You said, as you got up and pulled Stiles' shirt back over his body. He looked down at you, your face serious as you maneuvered your fingers down his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly and pulling it off, tugging to get it over the cast still on his left wrist. He placed his hands on your hips and pulled you close to him. You felt his semi-erect cock press against your leg, and it sent electricity through your body.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, feeling like you weren't completely in the moment. You nodded, and stared at your hands, tracing the lines of his chest. He knew better when it came to you. "No you're not. Y/n, what's wrong?" He pulled you towards the foot of the bed, and sat next to you. "Y/n...?" You turned away from him and began crying. "Oh, baby, what is happening right now?" He pulled your head towards him and rested it in the crook of his neck, feeling your tears begin to fall against his bare skin. "Come on, come up here.." Stiles strained as he climbed up onto your bed, pulling you with him, and getting under the covers together. You rested your body in between his legs and placed your head against his chest. He wrapped you up tightly in his arms, and craned his neck down to rest his cheek against the top of your head. "Y/f/n..." He said lowering the tone of his voice. "Please tell me why you're crying." You shook your head. "Why do I feel like you're about to break up with me... "
You popped your head up. "No, no, no, no, god no." You wiped the tears from your eyelashes.
"Then tell me what's going on." He wiped even more tears off the other side of your face, then ran his fingers through your hair, cupping his hand behind your head.
"I am so fucking scared, Stiles."
"Of what?" He pushed you off of him and hoisted you up so he could look at you.
"Last night.. tomorrow night... This whole thing."
"What do you mean?" Stiles' heart broke hearing your voice cracking as you tried to hold back another deluge of tears.
"The rabisu... they're huge.. I don't even know how you and your Dad are alive.. or Cora or Isaac... I have no idea how I'm supposed to fight that thing... and that was only one, too, I'm supposed to be getting rid of all of them?! Are you kidding? This is way too much." You devolved into a puddle of tears, sinking your face into your hands.
Stiles leaned forward, grabbing your wrists with both of his hands, and pulling them off your face. Your cheeks were red and blotchy and made your freckles look dull. Your normally striking irises popped a vibrant y/e/c against the red in the rest of the eyes. "Y/f/n... take a deep breath." Your chest shuttered as you inhaled deeply. "Okay, I get it. They are terrifying... beyond terrifying... I don't want you in the same state as them, let alone face to face with them. Literally the last thing in the whole world that I want is to put you in danger." Your face contorted as you tried to stop crying and listen to Stiles' words. "Did you know that I called your Dad and asked him to come out here to do the incantation instead of you?"
You furrowed your brow at him, and wiped at your cheek. "You did?" Your breathing became steadier as the conversation began to distract you from your meltdown.
"Yea, and he said ‘no’ because he thought that you could handle it and it would be good practice for your magic." Stiles paused and shook his head. "Your dad is kind of a huge asshole."
You laughed slightly. "He really is."
"I think he's right though, you can handle this. You've been so cool-headed in every crisis that's been thrown your way so far, you handled an entire room of vampires when we went to save Hanna, and you went up against those two in Magnolia Park by yourself."
"Yea, except you and Scott had to save me from them.." Your face began to return to a normal color, but your eyes remained a bloodshot red. "And... the other time was to save one of my best friends, I had no choice... and... I don't know how you and Scott and everyone else just keep throwing yourselves into the face of danger without a second thought. I am not that brave." You admitted a shameful thought that had been silently plaguing you for weeks.
"I'm always scared. Scott's always scared. You saw how terrified Isaac was the other night. We're all scared.. but we all have each other and so far that has gotten us through everything, and we'll be there with Scott and Isaac and Liam and Malia and Zachary tomorrow night in case you need help again. You won't even be in the doorway. They won't be able to touch you. I'll make sure of it."
"They won't be able to hurt me, but we're using our friends as bait, and they could get hurt. Isaac already has."
"No one will, Y/n. You know the incantation. You do. This isn't even the big plan, either, this is just the trial run to see if the Šurpu works. We don't have to do three of them tomorrow, we can do only one or two of the rabisu, if that will make you feel better." Stiles assured you.
You sighed and paused. "I don't want you there."
"What do you mean?" Stiles narrowed his eyes at you.
"You just got your stitches out from your last encounter with them today." You said as you ran your fingertips along the pink, healing scars on his chest and neck.
Stiles wrapped his hand around yours. "Please don't do this. I don't want you going there without me."
You shook your head. "No, you've talked me back into it... I know I have to do this, but I do not want you getting hurt again. If I’m distracted because I'm worried about you, then this whole thing is never going to work, and I will be distracted if you are at the school, in there, with me, in danger."
You shook your head again and placed your hands on his chest. "Please... Stiles, I just need you to be safe." You stared straight into his eyes, and waited.
"I fucking hate this."
"I do too."
"You can't get hurt, Y/n. I need you." Stiles pressed his hand against your cheek, and brought his face close to yours, still getting lost in your eyes. "I really need you." He pulled you against him, his lips crashing against you in a desperate, heartbreaking kiss. He scooped his hand around the small of your back, and strained to place you on the bed. You ran your fingers up through his shaggy hair and kissed back hard. The two of you, settling into each other's bodies, and you pawing and pulling at Stiles, trying to get as close as possible to his skin. Stiles put his hand up against your cheek as the two of you kissed. He felt his fingers become wet and he pulled his face back to look at you. You were tearing up as you kissed him. "Why do I feel like you think this is the last time we'll be together?" He asked, his body struggling to remain hovering over you.
"What if it is?" You whispered, contorting your face to try to hold back an outpouring of tears.
"As much as I want you right now, I'm not going to let you do this." He pushed his hands against the mattress, getting himself back upright. He leaned against your pillows as you sat up to look at him. He was angry. "Tomorrow is going to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen."
"Stiles...." You placed your hand up against his cheek, and Stiles furrowed his brow and pressed his cheek against your palm. He looked pained and he held back tears. He was scared too, but he would never tell you because if he couldn't be strong for you, who could? 
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You both laid in your room for a couple of hours, naked and holding each other under your covers. You drifted off around four and he held you until you woke again around six. You smiled gently as you opened your eyes and found your body curled up against his side, and Stiles watching a movie. You felt his fingers keeping a consistent pace as they gently caressed your arm, and you pressed your fingertips into his chest.
"Sleepyhead." He whispered, as he looked down at you yawning.
"The Dark Knight?" You asked as you saw what was playing on your TV.
"It was on HBO and you know I'm gonna watch Heath Ledger play The Joker every time I see it." The sun was beginning to grow orange through your window, casting a soft glow in the room. The two of you laid in bed watching the movie, and listening to Stiles occasionally quote his favorite lines throughout, until around seven, when you heard Stiles' stomach grumble.
You looked up at him and picked a fallen eyelash off of his cheek, held it out and let him blow himself a wish. "I think there is still that curry chicken thing I made the other night for dinner in the fridge, if you're hungry." You mentioned, hearing his stomach growl again.
"The one with the chutney?" He asked, perking up. You nodded. "My wish for chicken did come true." Stiles said with a goofy grin.
"Oh shut up." You laughed, watching him get out of bed, walk over to your top dresser drawer, pull out a pair of boxer briefs, pajama pants, and a tshirt of his. You always liked that he kept a change of daytime clothes and pajamas at your place. It signaled to you a level of commitment that did anything but frighten you. You smiled as he came back into your room with two plates of hot food for the both of you. You ate on your bed and finished watching the movie.
"Do you want to watch something else?" You asked him, as you reached over him for the remote. 
Stiles grabbed it off of the nightstand before you could and shut off the TV. “Not really.” He replied. The room went dark and he reached up to turn on a lamp. 
“Can I ask you something?” Stiles nodded. “Why did you think I was about to break up with you?”
Stiles sighed and adjusted himself against the pillows. “I don’t know. You were acting weird from the moment I got here today. Allison said she hears you singing and playing guitar all the time, and the moment I walked in the room, you stopped. Then we’re about to have sex and you start sobbing. So obviously, you’re not really talking to me and telling me what’s on your mind...” Stiles frowned and looked up at you. You looked ashamed. “I know that this was not the summer you had envisioned, Y/n/n. I pulled you away from your magic training, your friends and summer plans at home and your internship with the congresswoman... and then on top of all of that, I make you spend almost a week at the hospital, sleeping at the edge of my bed waiting for me to wake up or get better, I make you fight these demons for a town that you don’t even live in, and I make you sleep with me every night but I can’t have sex with you. I would break up with me. I’m a shitty boyfriend.”
You paused, and leaned forward, resting your hands on top of his. “Okay.. this is clearly something that has been on your mind.” Stiles nodded softly. 
“I don’t want you to hate me for ruining your summer.”
“You didn’t ruin my summer, Stiles.” You sighed, and sat up in front of him. “Okay, first of all.. I’m weird about my singing and guitar playing, I don’t know. I didn’t realize that Allison could hear me and I’m bummed she could. I just... I..”
Stiles cut you off. “I love hearing you sing and play.” 
“Okay, well then I’ll never shut up now.” You said with a smile, shaking your head. Stiles smiled softly back. “As for the crying when we were about to have sex.. I will try hard to never do that again.. that was probably..”
“Very scarring for us?” Stiles interrupted and pointed between his face and his penis. 
You laughed and picked up his hand in yours, pulling it up to your mouth and pressing your lips against his fingers. “Yes. I’m sorry. You were right. I was holding all of that in and I don’t even know why that was the moment it all decided to come rushing out but it was.. and I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to think that I couldn’t handle this or that I wasn’t brave enough.” You rested your chin on his hand, still grasped by yours.
“I would never think that. You just have to talk to me, Y/f/i.” 
You nodded. “As for all the other stuff? Sti.. are you kidding me? I feel like you and I have spent all the time we would have been having sex, practicing my stupid fucking powers. I didn’t need to be home to do that. The stuff that I have been learning how to do with you, my dad never could have or would have taught me, so don’t feel guilty about pulling me away from that... and don’t feel guilty about pulling me away from New York or my friends, they are always going to be there, and whether we go for Christmas instead or for just a few days before school starts, I don’t really care. I love Beacon Hills because you love it, and because it’s a great little town, besides all of the supernatural bullshit. I would try to help save this place anytime you ever asked. I don’t want you to feel guilty because you think you ruined my summer. I got to spend my summer with you, Sti, so in the end, I got to spend my summer the way I wanted.”
Stiles sent you a pained smile, and leaned forward, cupping his hand under your chin. “I love you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He kissed you hard against the lips and you smiled. 
“I love you, Mieczysław Stilinski. Never think anything otherwise.”
Stiles leaned back, finally feeling somewhat relaxed. "Can I ask you something?" You nodded. "Will you play something for me?" You sighed. Stiles watched as you walked over to grab your guitar from the corner of your room. You had dressed in red plaid pajama pants and a marled gray tank top while he had been in the kitchen getting your dinner together. Stiles got out from under the covers, and sat on the soft white carpet, at the foot of your bed. You sat in your window seat and pressed the fingers on your left hand against your fret board. You began strumming lightly on the strings and expertly moving your fingers to create new chords as you began playing a song that he had overheard you sing in the shower at his apartment in Berkeley a million times.
Got pulled in by the flood, and it pulled your body under.
Holding up the love, the love of another.
As you paddled for the sand, your feet touch nothing.
Don't release this stranger's hand, cause I think I've got this covered.
Though my water legs are weak, I'm kicking like a mother.
Though this water keeps our whistles wet, I've never been less thirsty.
Make your way to the top... Got pulled in by the flood.
You had closed your eyes and your body leaned against the window frame as you sang softly to Stiles. You strummed against the strings for a few moments after the song was technically over, and then opened your eyes. At some point during the song, Stiles had laid back on the floor, resting his hands across his stomach, clasped together, and closed his eyes. You wondered if you had somehow lulled him to sleep. You gently placed your acoustic guitar against the wall next to you, with plans of checking on him when the guitar was propped up correctly. You jumped when he spoke, and then chuckled at yourself for being startled.
"How does the telekinesis work?" He asked, his eyes still closed as he remained laying on the floor.
"What do you mean?" You pressed your elbow into the side of your knee, as you sat cross-legged, and set your chin on top of your balled up fist. You were watching how peaceful and calm he looked.
"Have you always used your hands or have you moved stuff with just your mind?" Stiles gently moved his hand around the empty space in front of him as he spoke, still not lifting his head.
You glanced at your hands. You had never thought about it. "I don't know. I guess I have always just used my hands. It's what felt natural, but I mean, I guess I could just use my mind if I really practiced."
"Have you ever tried to lift yourself? Like, levitate or something?" Stiles moved his hands from on top of his stomach to lace up behind his head. You stared at the engorged veins in his biceps and grinned. You loved this boy so much. "Babe?" Stiles pulled you from zoning out.
You inhaled through your nose and smiled as you saw him propping his head up to look at you, laughing slightly at your dreaminess. "I.. I struggle with organic material... so people and creatures and stuff."
"But you tossed like six vampires across the room when we went to save Hanna?" Stiles recalled, as you shrugged.
"Sometimes I get it right.."
"Try it on me."
"Try levitating you?" You questioned, smirking at how easy he made it sound. You got off of the window seat and sat down next to Stiles, who gripped his hand around your thigh as you settled in next to him.
"Yea.." Stiles glanced up at you and smiled softly. He was trying his best to distract you from thinking about tomorrow and he thought that maybe if you practiced aspects of your magic that had nothing to do with the Šurpu, then you would be at ease.
"Okay." You said quietly. You took a deep breath in and closed your eyes. Your small hands wrapped around the hand he had on your thigh, and you brought it up to your lips. You pressed small wet kisses against his fingers and smiled, leaving his hand against your happy mouth. Stiles let out an almost inaudible laugh and smiled, watching you focus in on his hand.
"I love you." He whispered up at you.
"Shh." You smiled a toothy grin, never opening your eyes, as you hushed him from breaking your concentration. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. "Okay, I give up."
Stiles sat up and leaned forward. "Come on, baby. I know you can... Just focus."
You sat up straighter and huffed. You cracked the knuckles on both of your hands and rotated your wrists. Stiles' face dropped into a displeased grimace over the sound. "Okay, okay. I'm doing it." You closed your eyes and focused on the faint beating of Stiles' heart. You lifted your hands, palms up from the ground, slightly.
"Whoa..." Stiles sounded alarmed.
"What?" You opened one eye. Then you opened both. "OH MY GOD."
Stiles dropped the few inches back to the floor. "Well, that kind of hurt."
You were standing above him, slightly hopping in excitement. "Holy shit, I can't believe that worked."
"Do it again." Stiles' mouth was turned up in a small grin. He was proud of his girl.
Thirty-Five <- -> Thirty-Seven
i was very clearly in a mood when I wrote this, and obviously trying to learn how to play “I Will Always Love You” on guitar. life imitates art, ammirite? *rolls eyes at self* 
Let me know how much you hated this most emo chapter to ever exist. I’ll understand. 
@alexhmak @dontstopxx @iloveteenwolf24 @chivesoup @vampirepinary @parislight @surpeme-bean @snek-shit @mayahart02 @fuxkdean @teenage-dirtbagbaby @sorrynotsorrylovesome @dylrider @iknowisoundcrazy @l4life @ivette29 @5secsxofamnesia @lovelydob @vogue-sweetie @awkwarddly @therealmrshale @twentyone-souls @xmadwonderland @inkedaztec @sunshineystilinski @eccentricxem @lightbreaksthrough @ninja-stiles @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @amethystmerm4id @completebandgeek @rhyxn @teamwolf2411 @acc3ssdenied @girlwiththerubyslippers @sumcp @theneverendingracetrack @the-vampire-diaries-all-the-way @im-very-odd33 @vmach29 @sokkasbae255 @hirafth @caitsymichelle13 @dailyburritos @lolaversuslipstick @mieczzyslaw @atlas-of-the-world @anonimereader06 @bunnyboo10154 @itsamberh @hypothetical-cynicism @sp00der-m00n @molesandmischief @ellie-bee242 @nocturnalzeal @pacifythepanda @xqueenarianax @justsomeboringperson @wittystiles @gluetwentyfourobrien @stopit-ihateyou @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @lovefilledtragedy @r0s3mm @loveforbrains @arikachang @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @susybird @omgimafuckingmermaid
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luciferiswriting · 7 years
Raising a Kid in a Hunter’s World #5
Title: Hungover with Satan in a Hunter’s World
Author: luciferiswriting
Characters: Reader, Ashley (OFC), Gabriel, Lucifer, Dean, Sam, Castiel
Words: 1,622
Warnings: language
Tags:  @evyiione  @sdavid09  @swimminginfandoms1020  @pureawesomeness001 @that-fanboy-doe  @kcam1621
Summary: Don’t we all love the mornings after a night drinking? Well how about being hungover with the Devil, and becoming sober very soon after waking up.
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My head pounded as I stirred, getting up and placing a hand to my head, I made my way to the door of my room in plan to retrieve some Advil for my headache. However, as soon as I opened the door, light flooded through, blinding me and making me feel worse, so I slammed the door in quickness hoping to tame the pain but to only wince at the loud noise echoing around the room.
“SHHHHHH” I heard a deep voice hiss. Not thinking much of it, with my head in my hands, rubbing soothing circles trying to will it away. I threw myself back onto the bed, only to crash into something hard.
“What the fuck Y/N!” the voice hissed as he sat upright. Now only realising it was Lucifer. Confusion coursed through me.
“Sorry” I mumbled whilst crawling to my pillow and lying face down. I heard a sigh, and was then pulled into an embrace. The cold that emitted from him seemed to get me to relax and drift back off into sleep.
Dean’s P.O.V
“They’ve been in that room for well over 12hours!” I grumbled after finishing my beer.
“Awe, is Dean-o jealous” Gabriel mocked me, so I shot him back a glare whilst muttering a ‘no’. I wasn’t jealous I just didn’t like her close friendship with the bloody Devil. I didn’t like it before Ashley was born, and I’ve still never liked it since.
“Dean is right though Gabriel. What if Y/N has alcohol poisoning? Lucifer needs to drink something like an entire Liquor or maybe more to get drunk? What if they both over-done it!?” Ashley started to panic, to which I mentally face-palmed myself, the kid can overthink things and get easily worked up over it, even being the badass kid she is.
“I’m sure they’re both fine Ash. Look it’s about time they got up anyway, I’ll go get them and you’ll see.” I tried to reassure her, as I left the Library and headed towards Y/N’s room.
 Y/N’s P.O.V
There was a few knock’s made on my bedroom door that sounded louder than thunder, causing me to pull the covers over my head. My best attempt at putting more space between me and the sound, but it didn’t do much good as the door was then opened and Dean’s low grumbling voice had started. To which Lucifer had then joined me under the covers.
His cold presence made being under the covers more bearable until they were yanked off, of the both of us and Dean’s voice was clearer to focus on, but the headache that came with it was not worth it.
“Are you even listening!?” He exclaimed. “It’s nearly late afternoon, get the hell up!” he boomed and stormed out the room.
“Ugh! Guess we got to get up then.” I groaned holding my head, but Lucifer had just pulled me closer.
“Don’t” He whispered, trying to avoid making my headache worse.
“Ash is probably worried about the state we came back in last night. To which I don’t remember either…” I trailed off as I slowly pulled myself up and adjusted to light streaming through into my bedroom from the hall. “C’mon mister, I’m not suffering this alone.” I prodded him.
“You aren’t, I’m pretty much still hungover just like you.” He stated as he rolled onto his back and placed an arm over his forehead.
“I meant them. Now C’mon” I pulled his arm with as much effort as I could muster, to which, with a few grumbles here and there, he did oblige and followed me through the halls of the bunker into the library where there was some Advil as well. Lucifer had plonked himself into the nearest chair and rested his head onto the table as I took the Advil, but left him some in case he wanted it.  Gabriel sat across the table from Lucifer whilst Ash was perched on the chair next to him. Dean was looking through his laptop with a beer in hand and Sam sat at the far end, reading some book and Cas was sat in the chair next to him just listening to the conversations around him.
“Fun night?” Gabriel had smirked, the amusement was very clear in his voice.
“Shut up, Gabe. Your voice is too loud.” I groaned as I took a seat next to Lucifer.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Do yOU WANT ME TO SHOUT? CAN YOU HEAR ME BETTER?” Gabriel had shouted from across the table, clearer finding the situation humorous, causing Lucifer to send a glare to his brother.
“Brother, shut up. Or I. Will. Shut you up!” He had growled causing Gabriel just to laugh. Trying to calm down Lucifer, I placed an arm on his bicep. I could feel him physically relax under my touch, and lean back into his chair as he ran his hand through his already messy hair. It reminded me of 11 years ago, the day I returned from a simple salt n’ burn, when I found him sleeping in my bed whilst Gabriel kept a once very small Ash entertained. Coming out of the memory, I noticed Lucifer had repositioned his chair to a better angle so he could somewhat, lean on me as he had both arms around my waist.
“Um… Lucifer” I murmured, and earned a hum in response as he tilted his head to lie flat on my shoulder and face me. “What are you doing?” I questioned quietly.
“Ignoring my brother.” He replied as if it was obvious. Instead of pushing the matter, not that I really minded anyway, I decided to face Ash and ask her how her night with Gabriel went.
“Clearly not as fun as yours and Lucifer’s night out on the town. By the looks of things anyway.” She smirked at me. I just shot her a glare before she decided to continue. “You two probably don’t even remember what happened last night, when you came home, do you?” She giggled, to which Lucifer had turned his head so he could get a better look at Ashley and furrowed his eyes.
“What happened last night?” The both of us had replied. Ashley gave Gabriel a knowing look and continued with a smirk on her face.
“So nothing going on between you two? Nothing we should know?” She tried to ask as innocently as possible.
“No.” Lucifer said in what could be described as an emotionless tone, but his facial expression told Ashley that she should be careful as to what she chose to say next. Which made me curious, did Lucifer already know what happened last night?
“Oh so, just between Y/N and her Whiskey then?” Gabriel asked his brother, already knowing Lucifer’s true feelings, but Lucifer had chosen to ignore his brother’s question.
“Quit beating around the bush you two. Just spit it out.” I growled, getting annoyed with it all.
“Don’t worry Lucifer. No one’s gonna be taking YOUR human princess, nor will anyone be taking her little devil away from her either. No one wants to deal with the war path that comes with either one of you.” Ashley had snickered before she left the room quickly with Gabriel quick on her tail. My eyes went wide and face was nearly red as the scene of last night came back to me.
“We’re already caught Princess” He chuckled, I let out a sound that sounded like ‘oh’, as Luce laughed, shaking his head and then burying his head into the crook of my neck. Suddenly there was hands grabbing us, pulling us up and taking my bottle of whiskey.
“No! Not my whiskey, he didn’t do anything!” I yelled, reaching out to grab it, seeing it go farther and farther away from me. However soon after I heard Lucifer let out a whimper, causing me to stop struggling and focus on him.
“Give me back my human!” He shouted “I’m not going to hurt her… she’s my human” turning more and more into a whine towards the end. My eyes softened as I managed to remove the strong hands and made my way towards him, reaching up and pulling his head down to my chest, his arms wrapping around my waste tightly.
“shhh, my lil devil, m’here. Not goin’ anywhere” I murmured, rocking slightly whilst running my hands through his hair.
“Fuck.” I muttered under my breath. Embarrassment coming over me.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Lucifer growled as he removed his arms from me and left the room. Leaving me, Sam, Dean and Castiel in silence in the Library. Castiel looked at me with his neutral expression whilst Sam watched me with the same expression, both waiting on me saying something first. Dean however, was still going through something on his laptop and without even a glance upwards to me, he spoke.
“You love him?” I didn’t reply, to which he looked up at me and gave me his bitch face. A sign not to bullshit.
“Maybe… I don’t know…” I whispered looking down at my hands. The slam of Dean shutting his laptop was enough for me to look back at him with another set of wide eyes.
“Well you better figure them out soon, because dare I say It.” Dean shook his head slightly as he stood up with his laptop and beer in hand. “He’s in love with you.” He finished as he left the room. Sam gave me a sympathetic look as Castiel tried to give me a reassuring smile. I left the room shortly after, heading back to my room, all of this only caused my headache to grow.
I needed time, but I didn’t. I already know my feelings.
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my-emotional-self · 5 years
Super Soldier Love Chapter 1
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Domestic Abuse
Summary: Harlow has always had bad luck dating and felt she will never find ‘the one’.  Until one day when her friends sign her up for a “dating challenge” they found on the internet.  Begrudgingly, Harlow agrees and she finds herself moving into a large house with 11 other women.  The surprise? She was vying for the love of a certain Captain; Steve Rogers himself. 
A/N: I need to make a header or a mood board for this still.  Ugh, any ideas? 
Steve and Bucky were out for their regular morning jog around the Avengers Facility in Upstate New York.  The two of them ran in sync, rather fast through the wooded trail.  Steve loved the earthy smell of the forest on the property. It was his favorite place to jog. It reminded him a bit of being back during the war when he and the Howling Commandos would hide and wait to ambush the Hydra Nazi’s.  This time however was different.  It was more relaxed, Steve himself was more relaxed.  He didn’t have to worry about anyone coming out to attack.  
The leaves crunched beneath their steady feet as they set an easy run; the warmth of the day causing the two men to break out into a mild sweat.  Every once and a while on their jogs, they would run into some wildlife; deer mainly.  Steve loved to see family of deer together, with both parents and a few babies.  But it always made him feel a bit empty inside; made him feel like he was missing something.      
It was no surprise the two best friends were doing everything together.  They were in fact, the only two single Avengers left.  Tony had Pepper, Thor had Jane, Vision and Wanda were together, Bruce and Natasha, Clint had a wife and kids, Sam was dating Darcy and Maria and Rhodey were together.  
Tony was always teasing them in his own fashion; yet Tony just wanted to see them each find a girl and settle down together.  Everyone else was happy, and he could see in Steve’s eyes that there was something missing in his life.  That was when he put his plan into place.  
“What the hell?” Bucky remarked as he and Steve came upon a large clearing a few miles away from the Avengers Facility.  “When did this get here?”  Standing in front of them was a rather very large house.  It was modern house with large windows and sharp edges.  The house was dark grey on the outside and as the two super soldiers continued to inspect the house, they found a pool and hot tub on the other side.  
“Is this Tony’s new house or something?” Steve asked with confusion, his hands on his slim hips. “I mean this is still his property line.”
Bucky shrugged next to him, eyeing the hot tub.  “Not sure. He never mentioned to us he was building a new house.  But that hot tub looks mighty fine right about now.”
Steve couldn’t help but chuckle at his best friend, giving him a slight punch to the shoulder.  “Punk,” he quipped, shaking his head.  An alert on Steve’s phone had him grabbing it from his pocket.  “Tony wants to see his back at the facility.”
“Race ya?” Bucky smirked, giving Steve a soft slap on his head before racing off into the woods; Steve hot on his trail.  
In no time the two soldiers were back in front of the facility, barely even out breath. “Cheater,” Steve remarked as he walked through the door and up the stairs.  
Tony was sitting at his desk in his office, door wide open.  “Ah.  You’re here. Take a seat fellas,” Tony said as he got up to shut the door behind him.  
Steve and Bucky each took a seat opposite of Tony; both wary of what he was up to as Tony seemed a bit chipper this morning.  And Tony was never chipper in the morning.  
“We found a house on your property, a few miles down,” Steve spoke.  
“Well as it just so happens, THAT is what I was going to talk to you about,” Tony stated, taking his seat across from the soldiers with a grin on his face.  
Bucky looked to Steve, then back to Tony with furrowed brows.  “Do you want us to move in there or something?”
Tony scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “Of course not.  Well, actually I do.  Just hear me out for a minute.  You two are both single and I think you are damn well ready to mingle if you catch my drift.  Whenever we have our big ‘family’ dinners here, it seems like even though you two have each other, as friends of course, that you are missing that one special spark in your life.  So, I’ve created a sort of, personal, ad for the two of you.”
Steve blew out a deep breath.  “What the hell do you mean ‘personal’ ad Tony?”
“What I mean Cap, is that with extensive background checks, surveys and questionnaires, 12 lucky women will be living with you and Barnes in that house.  Six vying for a chance at love with you, and six for Bucky.”
“That sounds fucking awesome!” Bucky cheered with a large smile on his face; Steve grimaced at him.
“Are you kidding me Stark? That sounds like some damn dating show!”
“It is!  But it’s not,” Tony replied.  “It will take place like a game show, with little challenges for you and the women and each challenge, you get to choose a woman to go on a date with.  And every couple of days, you will be in charge of sending one of the women home. Maybe someone you didn’t feel any connection with.  And the best part of this all?  It will be top secret.  It won’t be filmed, the women will have no idea that it will be you two they are vying for until they meet you at the house and I won’t even have F.R.I.D.A.Y attached if you don’t want it.  It will be completely private from all media.”
Steve hung his head low, knowing this wasn’t a good idea.  But he knew Bucky was ecstatic about it.  Steve wanted nothing but the best for his friend, and he wanted to see him happy.  
“You know I’m down for this. It’s tough dating women, especially because the only reason they want to date us is because we are a part of the Avengers.  Come on Steve, what do you say?  You know I wouldn’t do this without you.”
Steve rested his elbows on his knees, placing his face in his hands.  He wasn’t the type of guy to date multiple women at once, and he also wasn’t the type of guy to send home women and break their hearts.  But Bucky had a good point.  Steve found it increasingly difficult to not only find a women who was interested in him, not him being an Avenger, but also to find a women who he was interested in.  He found most of the women out there to be nowhere near what he found interesting.  
Sure Steve had plenty of dates with very beautiful women over the last few years, but he never connected with any of them.  While they were gorgeous, it was their personality that he didn’t vibe with.  He noticed almost all of the women he went on dates with were more attached to their phones and social media.  And the conversation?  It always seemed forced and that they had nothing to talk about.  
“What if we don’t find anything we like about these women?” Steve asked Tony.  
Tony shook his head. “Not possible.  With the algorithm I cooked up for this, we will pick only six women for each of you and they will be perfectly matched and tailored to what you are looking for.  That I can promise you.”
Steve sat back in his chair, arms folded across his large chest as he chewed on his bottom lip. This idea was starting to sound more intriguing by the minute.  Steve still didn’t want to send any women home and break their hearts, but at the same time, he wanted to find love.  
“Alright.  I’ll do it.”
“Abso-fucking-lutely not,” Harlow barked out, rapidly shaking her head and waving her hands around in front of her face.  Her two best friends, and roommates, Jenna and Blair stared at her; mouths hanging wide open.  
“Did you just fucking swear?” Blair demanded.  “Jenna, Harlow just swore!  Harlow you NEVER swear, and when you do, it’s certainly not THAT word.”
Harlow rolled her eyes before scanning the document in front of her yet again.  “I can’t believe you two did this without my permission.”  She was looking at a document she printed out from her email, saying she was chosen as a ‘contestant’ to be on what appeared to be some sort of non-televised dating challenge.  
“Oh come on Low,” Jenna whined, using their nickname for her.  “You’ve had the worst luck in men for how long now?  No offense to you hun, but you don’t exactly pick Mr. Right when you decide to date someone.”  
Harlow set the piece of paper down, folding her arms across her chest as she let out an exaggerated huff of annoyance.  “They weren’t ALL that bad.  What about Luke?”
“Once you finally gave him some ass, he ditched you,” Jenna commented.  
“Cheated on you,” Blair remarked.  
Both girls whipped their head in Harlow’s direction.  “Low, that guy was a fucking maniac.  He slapped you in the face….more than once!!  Not only did he physically abuse you, he mentally and emotionally abused you too.”
Harlow winced, remembering the times her ex-boyfriend had hit her.  “I don’t think he meant it.  I was kind of being a bitch.”
Both of her friends came to her aid, sitting on either side of her on the couch.  “Sweetie, you didn’t deserve what he did to you.  You are such a beautiful woman with an old soul. You deserve a true gentleman that will treat you right,” Blair said as she gripped Harlow’s hand.
“And how do you know this isn’t some sort of scam huh?  How do you know the second I get to wherever the hell this place is that I won’t be kidnapped and killed?”
Blair squeezed her hands around Harlow, shaking her head.  “Because I may have done some hacking and I know this is legit.”  Harlow gave her a confused look.  “Ok, well I don’t want to be 100 sure about this, but Tony Stark’s logo was all over it.  So either he is behind this entire thing, or they at least used his algorithm to see who is most likely a match.  Either way, it’s a win win situation.  Tony Stark wouldn’t work for somebody without a full background check of his own.”
“I just,” Harlow began to say before blowing out a puff of breath, “I need to think about this.” Harlow got up from the couch and made her way into her bedroom.  
As she shut the door, she went to take a seat on her bed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She knew her friends were doing this for all the right reasons, but Harlow couldn’t help but feel betrayed as they did this behind her back.  
The three of them had known each other since high school and lived together all throughout college as well. They all had different personalities and looks, yet they all remained best friends for years.  Jenna was tall, skinny and blonde.  She loved working out and being fit.  Blair on the other hand was the complete opposite; wearing nothing but dark clothing and being glued to the computer, usually hacking her way into things.  She was on the shorter side, standing at 5’1” and had short jet black hair.  Harlow, well, she didn’t really seem to fit into one particular crowd.  Harlow was average in height at 5’5” and also average in weight.  She wasn’t on the skinny side.  She had a descent size chest and a bubble butt as well, with no thigh gap.  Harlow was more of an introvert and extremely shy, mainly around big groups of people. She had long wavy brown hair and a round face that easily turned red with blushing.  And her friends were right, she was an old soul.  She liked the simple things in life and in a relationship; someone to open doors for her, to take her on romantic candlelit dates.
Harlow laid back on her plush comforter, debating on what to do about this situation.  Without a doubt, her friends were right about her dating life.  She had horrible taste in men and her relationships never lasted long; except for Chad.  Chad and her had dated for nearly two years; things going bad about halfway through their relationship.  At first he was picture perfect in her eyes, but then the verbal and emotional abuse started, followed by physical abuse.  It never escalated passed anything other than a slap to her face or head, but she was grateful her friends were there to pull her free from that disaster.  
It’s not like Harlow had to worry about being fired from a job for being away too long; she was a freelance artist after all and sold her work on Etsy, making quite a profit.  She loved what she did and couldn’t be happier with it.  But there was still that special someone missing from her life.  
She looked around her room, decorated in neutral tones and paint splatters.  She, luckily, got the largest room because of her artist job and the fact that she worked from home.  The three of them lived in a rented house in Vermont, just on the border of Upstate New York.  Harlow grew up in this area and absolutely loved it.  
As she laid her head on the pillow, she closed her eyes, hoping her decision would come to her when she woke up.  
Harlow woke up with a yawn, stretching her stiff limbs from a surprisingly well rested night. Looking at the clock she saw it was nearly 9 in the morning.  She wrapped herself in her robe and slipped on her slippers before opening the door and making her way sluggishly into the kitchen.
There, she saw Jenna and Blair already at the kitchen island counter sipping on coffee.  Jenna smiled at her and pointed to the coffee pot, letting her know there was still some left for her.  
Harlow got her favorite mug down from the cabinet.  It was decorated in paint splatter with the word ‘Artist’ on it; a gift from Blair one year for Christmas.  After filling up the mug, she took a greedy sip before placing it down on the counter; both her friends looking at her anxiously.  
She let out a deep breath before smiling.  “Alright. I’ll do it.”
Cheers erupted from Jenna and Blair as they got off their stools and came to hug Harlow.  
“Oh my god we have so much to do!  We need to get the itinerary to see what you need to pack.  Can we make all this work?  It’s only two days away before you need to be there.  Where’s the paperwork, we need to read through it again!” Jenna’s words tumbled from her mouth in what seemed to be one long breath as both Harlow and Blair began to laugh.  
They sat down on the couch and read through everything they needed.  Harlow needed to be dropped off at the airport, yet she wouldn’t be getting on a plane.  Instead, a car would be picking her up.  Looking through the paperwork, they read what was recommended to bring.  Regular clothing of course, but also one or two evening gowns, along with some fancier dresses for dates should the situation arise.
“We need to go shopping!” Jenna squealed as she wiggled in her seat.  “You don’t have any evening gowns and you are very much lacking in the fancy dress department.  Go get dressed and I’ll take you!”
Three Hours Later
Harlow was exhausted by the time she and Jenna got back to the house after their shopping trip. Jenna tried, yet failed, to get Harlow to agree on getting her nails done; it just wasn’t for her.  If anything, Harlow would paint her nails a simple color from time to time, but that was about it.  
To say the shopping trip was a success would be an understatement.  Jenna sure knew how to shop, and knew where to find the best deals. By the end of the day, Harlow had two evening gowns and a handful of gorgeous dresses that would suffice for dates. She also had another handful of more simple everyday dresses that could be used as date dresses.  All in all, it was a good trip.  
By the end of the evening, Harlow began to grow anxious thinking about it all.  There was an excitement about it, knowing that based off her personality alone that she was picked.  Today, all guys usually cared about were if you were pretty or not first, and then they would get to know you.  But not this time.  This time around she was picked solely on her personality and it made her relax a little bit.
She thought back to what Blair had said; saying that Tony Stark must somehow be involved in this. She didn’t want to think too hard into it however and get her hopes up.  Harlow of course knew that Tony Stark was part of the Avengers, but she couldn’t imagine that he would have gotten one of the Avengers to sign up to do something this radical.  
As Harlow got into her bed that night, she pulled out her notebook and began to write down a list of everything she needed to pack as she didn’t want to forget anything.  There wasn’t a limit on how many suit cases she needed to bring but she definitely didn’t want to overdo it.  
Harlow shut off the lamp next to her bed and laid her head on the pillow; a smile gracing her lips as she hoped this extreme idea would finally help her meet ‘the one’.  
Tag List: @badassbaker @guera31 @tanelle83 @xjjlex @chrisevansfanfic @princess-evans-addict @joannie95 @pumbibaby @patzammit @brastrangled @mrs-captain-evans @notyourtypicalrose @sfreeborn @esoltis280 @xxloki81xx @bornfortherainydays @poerebel @livslookingforloki
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
The Viking and The Star Part 4 (Ivar x OFC Hettie)
Pairings: Ivar x OFC
Warnings: Swearing, Angst
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, rape, and torture
Word Count: 1.8k+
Summary: Hettie arrives back in Kattegat and is shocked to learn that Aslaug has been killed.  The sons of Ragnar try to get her to open up about what happened to her.
All you could remember was being consumed by the cold, by the cold water as your body felt weightless. It was a calming feeling and you were ready to face the end; whether it was to Valhalla or not; you didn’t mind, you just wanted it to end.  
What sounded like voices far away began to penetrate your mind and you became angry.  You didn’t want to go back to the world; you didn’t want to talk to anybody about what happened to you.  It was death you wanted to embrace.  
“She’s alive Ivar that is all that matters right now” you heard a voice say as your mind began to clear. Little by little you began to feel your limbs; first your fingers and toes, then your arms and legs.  The place in which you were lying was rather comfortable and warm as you let out a groan.  Your eyes slowly opened as you took in your surroundings.  
The area in which you were looked vaguely familiar.  It was a smaller cabin illuminated by a fire in the corner.  Your curious eyes scanned the room until they fell upon four men watching you; Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar.  Their wide eyes were trained on you as you slowly got up from your position in bed.  
“You should lay back down Hettie.  You need your rest and you need to warm up” Sigurd said as he moved towards you, helping you to lay back down.
Your hand rose in the air, stopping him.  “Do not touch me.  Any of you” you growled out as you pulled the furs off your now shivering body.  
“Do not be like that” Ivar demanded.  You whipped your head in his direction, your jaw clenching to mirror his scowl.  You missed Ivar and the way he made you feel, but you were irate, and you couldn’t help but to remember how he acted the last time you saw him before you were taken.
Getting to your feet, you shuddered at the coldness of the floor and also the throbbing pain in your foot. “Fuck” you breathed out as you put pressure on your bad foot.  
Ubbe stood up at your painful outburst but you waved him off, not wanting him to come near you. As you gained your footing, you straightened up.  Lagertha’s words chorusing in your ears causing your anger to boil.  
Clenching your first, you started limping towards the door slowly.  
“Where are you going Hettie!” Ivar demanded and you stilled before turning in his direction.  
“Aslaug is dead.  I am going to kill Lagertha.  Now get out of my way” you stated through gritted teeth as you started to limp towards the door yet again.  
Hvitserk stood in front of the door, blocking your way.  “Move” you said.  He didn’t budge.  “I said MOVE” your voice fused with anger as your chest heaved.  You did not want to deal with this right now, you wanted to release your anger on Lagertha.  
Hvitserk stepped forward and placed his hands on your shoulders.  You quickly shoved him back as your eyes grew wide.  “I said not to touch me!”
“HETTIE!” Ivar all but screamed your name causing you to jump.  You wanted to submit to him, but at the same time, you wanted to slap him for what he did to you.  
Slowly, you turned in his direction to make eye contact.  “You are not leaving here until you tell us what happened to you.”
You became jaw slack, your mouth hanging open at his words.  Before you knew it, you were barking out laughter, tears stinging your eyes as you double over clutching your belly.  
“What is wrong with her?” you heard Ivar ask anxiously.  
“I think she has finally lost it brothers” Sigurd remarked.  
You heard Sigurd’s feet move from the door and over towards his brothers.  As you continued your laughing fit, you tried to think fast. Hoping you could make a run for it, you back towards the door as you were still doubled over laughing.  You tilted your head up and saw the brothers conversing together.  In a split second, you turned around and opened the door before dashing outside and into the cool night air.  Your foot screeched in pain but all you could think about was running.  You didn’t want to talk to the boys, or stay inside their home for another minute.  You needed to be free, to get away.  
“HETTIE!!!!” you heard the brothers yell your name from behind as you continued to push yourself. Your lungs soon ached to breathe as your legs wobbled below you; but you persisted.  
Deep down, you knew you could not outrun the sons of Ragnar, not matter how hard you tried.  Their footsteps became louder the closer they approached.  A pair of arms wrapped around your torso and you cried out.  “DO NOT TOUCH ME!!  PUT ME DOWN!!!!”
You were spun around and Hvitserk and Sigurd’s face’s came into view.  You knew it was Ubbe who was holding you.  Kicking and screaming the entire way back to the brothers’ cabin, you did everything in your power to be let down.  From months of torture and abuse, you never wanted to be touched again; thoughts of your past blurring into your vision each time someone touched you.
By the time you made it back to the cabin, you were spent from crying and kicking.  Ubbe set you down on the bed but you quickly tried to get up, wanting to slap him in the face for not listening to you; but Ivar was next to you and he held you down.  
“IVAR!” you wept out as his arms held your shoulders down.  He had gotten much stronger than the last time you saw him; his arms strong and muscular.  “Please Ivar. Do not touch me.  I beg of you.”
His scornful face turned sorrowful as you pleaded with him to not touch you.  His expression caught you off guard.  You were used to him being rough and aggressive, yet now, he looked saddened.  
“And I beg of you Hetttie, tell us what happened” he begged.  
His words, those same words you had heard over and over since you had been rescued, finally made you crack.  “What happened to me?  You want to know what happened to me??” you roared as you looked at Ivar, then to the rest of his brothers.  “I was tortured Ivar” you sneered at him.  “Tortured, abused, ridiculed, and raped and forced upon by many men.  I tried to escape but they broke my foot. And because I meant nothing to them, I did not get the decency to see a healer so my foot did not heal right. And now, I have a permanent limp because of it” you were out of breath by the time you were done ranting.  “Is THAT good enough for you!?”
The brothers shifted from foot to foot in their spot, not knowing how to react to your words as Ivar placed a hand on yours.  You quickly pulled it away from his grasp even though it felt good to feel his touch again.  Turning your head, you let tears rush down your cheeks as you tried your best to wipe them away.  
“Hettie” Ivar’s voice was pleading but you did not want to hear it.  From the corner of your eye, you could see Ivar motioning for his brothers to leave the cabin.  The door opened, and then shut and you were left alone with Ivar.  “Look at me, please.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat before tilting your head to the side, looking directly into his bright blue eyes.  His face was tense as you continued to stare at him.  His luscious lips begging to be kissed but you stood your ground.  Your face became pained and soon enough, Ivar resulted back to his usual self.  
He lunged forward as you fell back onto the fur cloaked bed while his hand tightly wrapped around your throat.  Your heart began to beat erratically as you feared for your life; memories of men holding you down this way invaded your mind.  
“Why have you defied me Hettie?  Hmm?  I have asked you, begged you, pleaded with you and here you are, defying my every word” he growled as his grip on your throat tightened.  
If you were being truthful, the rough and aggressive Ivar was turning you on as you started to feel tingles back in your womanhood again.  It had been so long since you felt that way even though many men had their way with you.  
“Now, why don’t you tell me what happened to you.”
Tears sprung at your eyes as you rapidly clenched them shut.  “Please Ivar” you begged with a hoarse voice, his grip still tight on your throat but you still had room to breathe.  “Don’t make me speak of such atrocity aloud.”
His grasp on your neck lightened as you coughed out, taking a deep breath.  “I have missed you Hettie, more than words can express” Ivar confessed. You were shocked at his words, especially after he used you for his personal gain, to learn how to kiss a woman, the last time you were with him.  
You scoffed at his confession.  “I do not believe you Ivar.”  He turned to face you, menace in his eyes.  “Do you even remember the last time we were together Ivar?  Hmm?”
“I do.  Of course I remember.  How could I not?  The kiss we shared.  It was magnificent.”
Shaking your head as he spoke, you soon replied.  “Magnificent? How could you think that Ivar? You told me that you only kissed me to get experience so you could go around and kiss other girls in town!  I loved you Ivar.  I was IN love with you!  Do you know how that made me feel?”
Ivar’s face hardened as you spoke and he turned away from you.  You could see his fists clenching, turning white.  He turned back to face you, his face haunted as his eyes bore into you.  “I did not know you felt that way.  I did not know anyone could feel that way about me.”
Sniffling back your tears, you locked eyes with him.  “Well Ivar, I did, and you broke my heart when you told me that you were going off to kiss other girls.”
Ivar’s face changed from sullen to grave.  He advanced on you quickly and pinned you to the bed; having no time to react.  “There was something about you Hettie, something ignited deep inside me the minute I laid eyes on you.  I….I did not know how to react to it.  I did the only thing I could think of.  I pushed you away.  I used you. I do not even know what I could say to make you believe me.”  His bold eyes searched yours.  You did not want to be touched right now, but Ivar’s touched made you feel alive.  It was the first time you felt this way in a long time.  
“Ivar” his named left your throat in a whisper.  His hands traveled up your body and to your throat as he bent down to place his lips on yours.
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