wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
im really hoping you and your followers can help. ive been looking for this fic for what feels like decades. it's a sterek mates fic. I believe the hale family is still alive or at least just Talia. I remember the alpha pack showing up to hurt or take stiles and there's a fight or confrontation on stiles' front lawn and Jackson comes to his rescue. Derek shows up and fully wolfs out and gets super protective. im so sorry I can't remember much else....
Hi anon! @dramione321 found this one.
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What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(7/7 I 196,137 I Explicit I Sterek)
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!”
“Mike,” she argued.
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
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schrijverr · 3 months
Stiles as a Roommate
Classic outsiders POV of Stiles in college, where his roommate, Mike, and their other friends try to figure out who all these people are that keep calling Stiles.
On AO3.
Ships: Sterek
Warnings: they think Stiles is wrapped up in some bad shit (which valid tbh)
Mike’s roommate is profoundly disturbing and highly hilarious to have around. On the first day he comes crashing into the room, tripping over himself like an old school physical comedy, before assuring Mike that he’s fine and it doesn’t even come close to being beaten to a pulp by a grandfather.
It’s quite the introduction and for a while Mike was worries that his roommate is going to suck. Stiles isn’t the typical college student, you see.
He has amassed an entire herb garden in the windowsill, skips out on most parties, keeps a metal baseball bat by his bed and calls home every single day. On top of that, he doesn’t know how to shut up and his rants devolve into the strangest bullshit about the most random topics that make Mike wonder why the hell criminology major had looked into them.
So, Mike thought he is stuck with a weird paranoid kid, who doesn’t know how to have fun. He worries about Stiles getting mad about him getting back in late or judgmental about not studying as much. However, his worries had soon been put to rest.
Because Stiles is fun and Stiles is easy. He can become anyone’s friend in minutes and is up later than healthy most of the time, doing weird bullshit on his laptop that he calls research, though Mike never knows what for.
He might not be a party-goer himself, but he absolutely doesn’t care about what Mike does, just jeering at him to use protection when he goes out and waking him up with a smug smirk and coffee when Mike wants to disappear into his mattress with a hangover, kicking his ass to classes.
Stiles is probably what is keeping him from failing right now and Mike will go to great lengths to keep him as his friend, because, yeah, they’re friends now.
It’s impossible not to befriend Stiles, he grows on you like a very persistent mold.
His friendship with Stiles starts six weeks into rooming together. Classes are in full swing alongside parties and Mike has just started to get worried about his roommate being a stick in the mud, when he comes home at 4:00 AM piss drunk.
Naturally he tries (and fails) to quietly enter the room, trying not the be the dickbag that wakes people up every night to find the lights still on. He blinks a few times at Stiles, who is sitting on his bed with a laptop and smartly says: “Huh.”
“God, you’re so fucking drunk it’s not even funny, dude. I can smell it from here and I don’t even have a freaky nose,” Stiles comments, before he gets up from the bed.
Mike sways slightly in the doorway, mentally trying to decide if he can do a stumble and drop to his bed or if he’ll sleep on the floor when Stiles is suddenly in front of him. He startles and nearly falls over, saved from faceplanting by Stiles, who is usually the one meeting the floor.
“Oh, hey, there, hey, buddy,” Stiles says, righting him. He slips an arm around Mike and masterfully stumble-drags him to the bed, depositing him on it. He points at Mike, who is still reeling from the movement and sternly says: “Don’t move,” as if Mike had any big plans.
Moments later he returns with a glass of water and gets Mike upright, telling him to sip and not allowing him to stop until the glass is empty.
Mike isn’t sure what happens next, but the next morning he wakes up with a groan to find two painkillers, a glass of water and a glass of orange juice on his bedside table along with a note reading: go to your classes! And you’re not a very eloquent drunk
In that moment, it feels like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him, swiftly forgetting all his parents have done under the pounding headache. He takes his painkillers, drinks his drinks and actually manages to drag himself to his lecture, deciding that Stiles might not be so bad.
When he comes back from his class, Stiles is there, typing away on his laptop again. He greets Mike when he enters and Mike returns it: “Hey, dude. Thanks for the painkillers and stuff.”
“Yeah, man, no problem,” Stiles smiles back. “It’s just instinct at this point, I’ve had to drag worse people off to bed.”
It’s a bit of an odd reply, but something Mike can work with. “You friends with many party-goers?”
A strange look flits over Stiles’ face, but it goes as fast as it comes and Stiles says: “Something like that. I was the one with a car, who wasn’t a prick about it getting dirty on the inside when in crisis. I have passed up on many party experiences except the clean up. All my friends are idiots.”
Mike chuckles at that and plops down on his own bed, as he comments: “Do you have a big friend group back home?” See, he can have conversations, mom.
“Oh, yeah,” Stiles tells him with a grin. “We’re like a family. A very weird family.” A brief pause. “But how about you?”
“Nah,” Mike shrugs. “I’m making up for it now.”
“Yeah, I can see,” Stiles grins. “Alcohol is a poison, my man. Besides, I’m not sure you’re remembering the friends you made.”
The bluntness is something Mike has encountered before and turned him away, but it doesn’t sound mean. He remembers that he is going to try with Stiles, so instead of ending the conversation there, he shrugs: “Probably, but it’s fun while it lasts.”
“Come on, man, that’s not fun,” Stiles says. “I have some friends from introduction. We get fries on Thursdays and study on Sunday. You can come sometime, it’s fun.”
Okay, so the bluntness was genuine concern and Mike honestly could use some actual friends. He likes parties, they’re fun, but the loneliness is starting to get to him. So he replies: “Sure, sounds fun.”
“Hell yeah,” Stiles does a genuine fist pump and Mike snorts. Yeah, alright, maybe Stiles isn’t so bad at all.
“Why were you awake so late anyway?” Mike asks, suddenly remembering that Stiles was just sitting there when he stumbled in.
“Oh, Jackson called me,” Stiles says. “He’s in studying in at Cambridge, because his parents are pretentious fuckers. He needed to check in about… something and I was still awake. I had to look something up, I was just emailing him the details when you came in.”
“All the way in England?” Mike whistles, a bit impressed.
“Tsk, don’t let hear him that. Dick has a big enough ego as it is,” Stiles rolls his eyes.
“I thought you were his friend?” Mike says, a bit confused, because Stiles had literally picked up the phone at 4:00 AM for this guy, couldn’t be that much bad blood, could there?
“Surprisingly enough. He had a restraining order against me in high school for a while,” Stiles informs him casually, before realizing how that sounds and quickly amending: “Obviously, he revoked it, because it was completely unnecessary and a big misunderstanding. We’re cool now, promise.”
And that’s Mike’s cue to drop the conversation, giving Stiles a tight nod, before turning to his own work. He’s giving the other a chance, not inviting crazy. Though he does allow himself to be invited for fries on Thursday with Stiles’ friends.
There is Maya a shy, but enthusiastic biology major; Aalif, a kind but serious looking pre-law student; Nikki, a hilariously insane art major; and Kai a bit of a dorky English major. How Stiles had found this ragtag group Mike doesn’t know
“Mike,” he introduces himself. “I do history. I’m Stiles’ roommate,” before he’s pulled into a discussion about whether or not fries can be classified as a salad. (Potato salad exists, Mike, and it’s a side dish).
It’s honestly a lot more fun than expected and it’s nice to see that Stiles does know how to have fun, he just has fun arguing about nothing with someone studying to argue professionally instead of getting wasted.
While Mike doesn’t think he’ll keep away from parties entirely, he might cut back to make place for this. The genuine connection is way nicer than not remembering who you talked to, or if you even did.
They’re about to start opening the famous is cereal-soup debate when Stiles’ phone starts to ring. He nearly hits his head on the table as he dives to get it out of his bag, calling out a quick: “Sorry, guys, gotta take this real quick.”
But since he is stuck in a booth, all he can do is turn away from them as he greets: “Isaac, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
It’s not the most standard greeting and Mike raises his brow at the others, who all shrug. Apparently this has happened before. Mike watches as Stiles gets a reply, fascinated by how Stiles seems to melt, worries leaving him as he grins fondly, before practically cooing: “You missing me already? I am flattered, pup.”
He grins some more at what Isaac is saying, before raising a brow, voice turning into a tease: “I feel used here. Like a cheap replacement. You knew Scott was going to be busy with Allison, I even warned you. Not my fault no one in this p- family ever listens to me.”
Another reply to which Stiles says: “Yes, you heard correctly, I’m with friends, you can make those at college. I encourage you to try.”
An eyeroll at Isaac’s answer, then a sigh: “Yes, Isaac, having your own friends will get their attention again. But try also for yourself, meeting new people is fun. Maybe you even meet someone you like.”
“Bye, Isaac,” Stiles says pointedly, it sounds faintly like Isaac is protesting his departure, but he hangs up on him.
“Sorry about that, you know how they can get,” Stiles grins, trying to play it off, while Mike tries to ignore how much it sounds like the conversation he had with his mom last week, before deciding to join the others in not commenting.
And after that it their friendship takes off until they’re at the ‘waking him up with a smug smirk and coffee when Mike wants to disappear into his mattress with a hangover, kicking his ass to classes’- stage.
Turns out that if you’re closer to Stiles, he’s even weirder. He goes home pretty often, now that he has settled in alright, nearly every other weekend, at least once a month, though he complains about his dad forcing him to stay at college to get the full experience, air quotes obvious in his voice.
Mike doesn’t say anything, since he kind of agrees with Stiles’ dad. It’s a bit unhealthy how much Stiles’ calls home. Or at least, Mike thinks he does, though it always sounds like it’s someone else on the phone, because Stiles will tell the same story a bunch of times or tell the person that another person told him to tell them etc, like they couldn't call themselves.
The conversations are also just weird. Stiles cuts himself off sometimes, sending Mike looks, or he’ll fuss over whoever is on the other side of the line like he’s their therapist, or their fucking mother. Not to mention the fact that he always – always – picks up.
Mike has tried to call Stiles a few times, a lot of the time his roommate won’t pick up, or call back apologetically, yet he’ll leave a lecture if someone from home calls.
It’s just odd.
So, brave soldier as he is (as well as the head investigator of their little friend group, who are all more curious about Stiles than Mike expected when he first met them), he asks: “Hey, man, who are you always calling?”
Stiles look up from where has just hung up with a: “You be careful okay? I love you,” looking a bit confused, before smiling and shrugging: “That depends, honestly. It’s a bit much.”
That sounds like a deflection, but Mike is curious and got better at talking to people and standing up for himself. So, he goes: “I have time. I’m smart. I think I can take it.”
“Alright,” Stiles shoots him another uncertain look, before starting, “Well, my dad and Derek are holding down the fort, so I call them just to see how life is going. Boyd and Erica are there too, so I call them too, but Boyd doesn’t talk much, so I mostly call with Erica. She is my Catwoman, you know, we chat, she spills about Boyd. He has his own carpentry shop, it’s been going well. I’m glad for him, you know. And Erica is taking a gap year, but to be honest, I think she likes being a park ranger too much to ever go back to school.”
Mike nods along to Stiles’ rambles. His dad is explainable and the fact that he added Derek in there must mean they’re a unit in his mind, maybe a brother? Or even his father’s boyfriend. Erica is someone he’s close with and knows well, called her his Catwoman, so maybe girlfriend? But he connected her to Boyd, who sounds like a far friend of sorts, so maybe not.
“Of course there is Jackson in England,” Stiles continues on happily. “I told you about him. He is a bit of a dick, but we’ve forgiven him. Well, Lydia did and we all trusted her and it worked out okay.”
And yeah, Mike remembers Jackson with the apparent restraining order and wonders who Lydia is. Luckily he doesn’t have to wait long.
“Lydia,” Stiles sighs, making Mike think he loves her, which he naturally immediately disproves by going, “I used to be in love with her, but turns out, no. She’s being an absolute genius doing mathematics at CalTech. She terrifies me in the best ways.”
That’s not concerning at all.
“And then you have Scott, my best friend,” Stiles rambles on and Mike knows that the other probably won’t even notice if he leaves. He gets like that. “Now my man Scott is at Colorado State
to become a vet alongside Allison and Isaac.”
Those two names are also familiar and Mike feels awkward staying silent, so he says: “They’re all become vets?”
“No, just Scott, but they’re all at Colorado State, because Scott will probably perish without Allison and Isaac hates being lonely and didn’t get into Stanford with me,” Stiles says, like that’s the most obvious reason to pick a school.
Mike is distracted by Stiles hitting his arm enthusiastically: “Allison is also doing history, man, I hadn’t even thought of that! I don’t know how it would be relevant either, but you know, fun fact! I love fun facts, like did you know that human teeth are the only part of the body that can’t heal themselves, because enamel is dead tissue. That was fun to find out.”
He senses that there is a story there, but Stiles is already moving on: “And Isaac, my beautiful boy, is doing social studies, which I think will really help him. He’s come so far and he’s really happy with his courses.”
Isaac was the one that called during that first Thursday fries run Mike was a part of. He recalls the nicknames and the fact that Isaac was missing Stiles, not to mention how fond Stiles sounded and the fact that Isaac wanted to go to college with him. Maybe Isaac was the boyfriend?
“Anyways,” Stiles ends his rant. “I told you it’s a bit much, but I like knowing they’re okay and getting by and if I only call one, the others will get jealous. There’s only so much Stiles to go around and everyone wants a piece,” he grins.
Mike thinks Stiles has a weird relationship with his friends from back home, but also that he doesn’t want to create any friction with his roommate and best friend on campus, so he just nods and smiles a bit.
“But how about you?” Stiles returns the question. “You never call home, at least, not that I’ve witnessed.”
Since Stiles decided to share, something he rarely does, Mike knows he should return the favor, so he shrugs. “Not really much to call.”
“Is no one there?” Stiles asks, all concern.
“My mom and dad are, but you know,” Mike shrugs. “Dad just cares about my grades and mom is always prying, like she thinks I can’t manage by myself or something. It’s fucking annoying. I’m an adult now, she doesn’t need to hover.”
Stiles frowns at his reply, then bites his lip as if he isn’t sure he should say something, before he breaks and blurts: “But isn’t that nice? To have someone who worries?”
“What?” Mike hadn’t thought Stiles would pick his mom’s side, though maybe he should have seen it coming.
“I mean, I don’t know your situation of course, but I get it,�� Stiles shrugs, backing off a bit. “You’ve always been her baby, who she saw every single day and knew when you had a bad day, when you got a good grade, etc, now she has nothing and you don’t tell her, so her mind makes up all the horrible things that could have happened to you between calls, resulting in what is practically an interrogation until she is satisfied that you’re truly as okay as you claim you are… Wow, that was one hell of s sentence,” Stiles ends his keen observation with a joke to lighten it up a bit, since he got way too into that.
Mike attempts to wade through the sea of words just slung to his head, before he realizes Stiles kind of has a point. He breathes: “How do you even know that?”
Stiles scratches his nose and shrugs: “I might be a bit of the mom-friend.” And Mike is reminded of the fact that Stiles is really weird with his friends and that he probably knows that because he does the exact same thing his mother does.
Next Sunday, he reports all this to the study group, which Stiles has had to skip out on, because someone called at midnight, which obviously meant Stiles immediately packed is bags and left, something that is more common than Mike would like.
“That’s a lot of friends,” Maya comments once he is done. “But it’s sweet he cares so much about them.”
“He cares mom-levels about them,” Mike points out. “I’m telling you, he got so intense while defending my mom, like it was personal.”
“So, he’s a bit intense about is friends,” Nikki shrugs. “One girl in my class is making a shrine to her boyfriend as a final project. We’re not at that level yet, so I think we’re good.”
“He took off in the middle of the night on a three hour drive, because someone called,” Mike replies.
“I don’t think it’s really any of our concern,” Aalif interrupts, before it can get out of hand.
“But what if they’re like a creepy cult or something?” Nikki asks.
Aalif levels her a look as he says: “I don’t think Stiles would get drawn into a cult.”
“You don’t know that,” she raises a brow. “It happens, even to smart people like Stiles.”
“He has a metal baseball bat by his bed,” Mike offers, not sure why he is backing Nikki in this debate.
“He does?” Maya asks, a bit concerned.
They all now look at Mike and he suddenly realizes that they’ve never been into their room, which is why he has become Stiles source number 1. He shrugs: “Yeah, he took it with him when he left for home tonight. It’s all damaged and shit, though I think some carvings are intentional. They look a bit like runes.”
Nikki raises a brow as she looks at Aalif and says: “But you don’t think Stiles could have joined a cult.”
“I don’t think a cult would have allowed him to leave for college, not to mention do criminology,” Maya offers. “I think he’s following a seminar about cults right now actually.”
“Okay, but even without a cult, still suspicious and weird,” Nikki huffs. “And it’s still a possibility, right, Mike?”
Mike startles a bit unsure how he got on the pro-cult side and not sure he isn’t agreeing. “I mean, he does have all these herbs and some weird books, but those could be from the library.”
And now they’re giving him more looks. Great. He puts his hands up defensively: “It’s not like I know, alright. Stiles never exactly cooks, maybe he just likes the smell of the herbs. And the books could be an aesthetic thing, though he keeps him under his bed in a box if they’re his.”
“What sort of books?” Kai asks after a beat.
“They’re leather bound. Old,” Mike shrugs. “I haven’t seen him with them much. He shoves them out of sight when I get in and the only times he hasn’t was when he thought I was asleep or very drunk.”
“Creepy,” Maya shivers.
“Come on, this is Stiles,” Aalif says. “He is not in some creepy cult. Do you all even hear yourselves? Seriously. Now, the midterms are coming up and I would like to get some passing grades.”
That gets a few boos and boring’s thrown at him, but Aalif doesn’t falter and they do all giggle a bit at the ridiculousness of Stiles in a cult. Before they can truly get anything done, Nikke snorts: “Maybe he tripped into it,” sending them all into giggles again.
It isn’t a joke anymore when Stiles reappears again on their Thursday fry run his face more bruise than skin and his hands both wrapped in bandages.
“Stiles!” Kai exclaims, already out of his seat. “What happened to you?”
“Hey there, guys,” Stiles attempts a grin, wincing at the action. “I’m good, I’m good.” He eases himself into their booth, wrapped fingers taking some fries and popping them into his mouth as the rest watches him with careful eyes. Of course he notices as he chews slowly, whispering to himself: “Knew Derek was right about the liquid diet. Fucker.”
“What happened?” Aalif asks when Stiles seems like he is going to ignore the whole situation that is his face and hands. “Stiles, if someone did this to do, you have to go to the police, file a report. You can sue.”
“Of course you’d say that, lawyer-man,” Stiles grins again, falling flat once more when his already split lip, re-splits and starts to bleed. “Ah, fuck,” he hisses, grabbing a napkin to press against it as he makes a disgruntled face.
“Stiles,” Nikki snaps.
“What?” he replies as if it’s not incredibly obvious.
Mike surprises himself by jumping in: “What the hell happened to you, man?”
It dawns on Stiles that they’re not letting it go and he sags a bit in his seat. Then says: “Nothing, I promise. It was just an accident, really.”
That’s just a thousand red flags there and Maya takes the lead for them, putting a hand on Stiles shoulder and saying in a soft voice: “We’re not going to judge you, promise. But right now, not knowing is so much worse.”
“Derek told me not to come,” Stiles sighs after a moment. “I knew it was stupid, but I wanted to come. I mean, he only had Boyd and Erica with him, because all the others were too far away. That wasn’t enough.”
“What were they doing?” Nikki asks, unable to keep her mouth shut and be patient.
Luckily, Stiles isn’t silenced by it. “Derek lives on the preserve, it’s in the middle of the forest and something was killing the animals. It was a mountain lion, we have a lot of animal attacks. They wanted to take it out before it moved into the town.”
Mike remembers Stiles telling him Erica was a park ranger, but Boyd was a carpenter and he knew nothing about Derek, which is weird on its own. Stiles loved bragging about his friends, or would casually comment about them or pick up the phone with their name on his lips, but Mike had before now heard the name Derek only once.
“Of course I tripped over a few branches in the dark,” Stiles laughs self-deprecatingly. “I should have known better. I’m a klutz, you know. Though I did get a hit in, before I went down in a not so glorious blaze of branches and a curse.”
“You hit a mountain lion?” Kai whisper yells.
“Yeah, with my bat,” Stiles shrugs, like it’s a normal thing.
“Dude, are you insane?” Mike asks.
“Oh, okay, I see what’s happening here,” Stiles backs up, like they didn’t make sense before now. “I didn’t want to admit I fell, because it’s embarrassing as fuck. And like, I know I’m clumsy, but after all the running away from shit trying to kill me, one would think I’d have gotten better at it, but noooo. I am surrounded by people who can do crazy shit, while I hit my head on a fucking branch, because why not.”
“Stiles!” Nikke cuts him off. “Running away from things trying to kill you? What the hell.”
“I was getting there,” Stiles says, though it’s obvious to all of them that he was getting further and further away from the point. “When I was in high school there were all these murders in town. My friend was targeted at one point, I got caught up in it. Nothing makes a friendship like getting locked into a school and running from a crazed murderer or holding someone up in a pool for two hours. It was a whole thing. Plus my father is the sheriff.”
“What the fuck,” Nikki voices the shared sentiment after a moment to process.
“Wait, here I have proof,” Stiles taps away on his phone, before showing a news article with the tagline reading: Five teens trapped in high school with murderer still on the loose
After letting them read it, he puts his phone in his pocket and proudly says: “We’re having a project about crimes in our hometown right now and I have an advantage over the rest.”
“That’s- That’s not-” Maya stutters. “…Stiles…”
“What?” he says confused, as if what he just bragged about isn’t heartbreaking. God, no wonder he’s a bit fucked from it all. Mike would want to know if all his friends are okay if he nearly saw them all killed alongside him.
“Are you, like, okay?” Mike asks.
“Probably not, like in general,” Stiles tells him honestly, “but I am really fine. As fine as I get anyway. Derek says I have to work on that, but he’s not the boss of me and I actually am doing better. I don’t know why I’m telling you all this, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” Maya smiles kindly. “We just want to know you’re okay. Thanks for trusting us with that. Did you get those wounds checked out?”
“I did,” he returns her smile. “Got a clean bill of health and everything. Dad wouldn’t let me drive back before that.”
“Good,” Aalif says.
They’re all quiet for a moment, before the thing that has been niggling on his mind comes out. He asks: “Who is this Derek person anyway?”
Stiles regards them all for a moment, before saying: “I don’t think we reached that level of friendship yet. Sorry. Like, you’re all my friends and stuff and I like bragging about my other friends to you, but I don’t know.”
“What?” Mike exclaims as Nikki points out: “You just told us you nearly got murdered, but telling us about a friend is a step too far?”
“You know, that is actually a good point,” Stiles says. “I must still be a bit lightheaded from everything, I normally don’t tell people that.”
“Should we take you to a hospital? Kai asks worriedly.
“No, no, I’m kidding, I think,” Stiles jokes, before quickly adding, “I am truly kidding, please don’t take me to a hospital. God, no one appreciates my humor.”
“Stiles,” Aalif sighs tiredly when Stiles deftly gets them on a different topic than Derek.
“Derek is my husband,” Stiles finally tells them, shutting them all up as they stare at them with their jaws on the floor. That explains Stiles trips home and lack of partying or otherwise getting laid, he had a whole fucking husband waiting for him at home.
None of them could know that Stiles’ reluctance to talk about Derek and his relation is that as a prominent alpha, broadcasting that they were ‘mated’ (and yes, Derek, that term is still weird to a human) isn’t really smart. Especially after everything that had already come to Beacon Hills.
“Y- Your husband?!?” Kai squeaks.
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you all,” Stiles groans. “You can’t imagine the rumor mill at home when it happened, like seriously, people were acting like I was signing my life away to the devil or something.”
“Why?” Maya asks and Mike has to agree. Marriage so early isn’t exactly uncommon, it just took them by surprise this time. What would make this different.
“I-” Stiles looks genuinely sheepish, “I might have gotten him arrested for a murder he didn’t commit and stuff. But that was like, what? Two, three years ago.”
Immediately their table exploded, voices overlapping, because – again – what the fuck.
“He didn’t do it!” Stiles exclaims, shutting them all up. “He was framed. Set up. Look, I know he wasn’t the killer. Derek saved my life, like a bazillion times at this point. I love him.”
Despite the bruises, the look on his face is quite clear with love oozing off of it. Like full on, ‘Disney princess, soulmate, found the one’-love. It’s a bit disgusting in Mike’s terribly single opinion.
“Well, then I want to see him,” Nikki demands. “You can’t tell us you got swept off your feet by a mysterious would be murderer and not expect us to want to see him.”
Stiles shoots them all a suspicious look, which is pretty rude all things considering, but Mike lets it slide in favor of satiating his curiosity. Then Stiles pulls out his phone, showing them a sequence of pictures that said more than words could.
It’s obviously their wedding day. They’re both in full suits, standing in a forest with the sunset hitting them, putting them in a glow of light. Derek is apparently a handsome, muscled man, who screams not bad boy as much as serial killer.
The first picture is pretty standard. They’re looking at each other, Derek’s bad boy vibe killed by the fact that he is smiling softly at Stiles, who is smiling back. Derek’s smile is toothachingly fond in a way that Mike feels in his chest.
In the second picture, the murder vibes are back in full force, with Derek glaring at Stiles, who looks like he’s saying something, his face smug like it’s an inside joke, his hands up to gesture like he always does.
Then, in the last picture, Stiles has Derek’s cheeks between his hand, face contorted in something Mike would call a coo, if Derek didn’t look like the kind of guy who would allow anything resembling a coo being directed at him. Though, Mike might have to rethink that assumption, because while Derek is raising one murderous eyebrow, the smile has returned again.
“I am his favourite annoyance,” Stiles announces proudly. “It’s wonderful how much bugging someone can do.”
And all of them would have guessed Derek was the one, who had pursued Stiles, but here Stiles is, telling them all about how he is a master at befriending people and Derek honestly needed someone to tell him how horrible he was at decorating or socializing, before fixing it for him.
Beside him, Nikki mutters: “Dear god, he has an ‘I can fix him’-mentality. We’re doomed.”
“I heard that!” Stiles exclaims indignantly, though he doesn’t deny it per se. But when Nikki’s soda arrives, it explodes in her face and Mike would almost suspect Stiles had something to do with it if he had to go off the smug look.
They drop the topic of Stiles injuries and apparent husband, for the evening, which Stiles seems grateful for at least, before catching him up on campus gossip. Still, they keep their eye on him and it’s hard to forget with his face all fucked up.
When they leave, Maya leans in and whispers to Mike: “Keep an eye on him for us, okay?”
He nods quickly, before hurrying after Stiles, who is yelling at him to hurry or he’ll drive back without him.
Mike also keeps his word, so when Stiles’ phone starts to ring, he pretends to be engrossed in his book, while secretly keeping an ear on Stiles’ conversation. He usually doesn’t listen in, unless something is so weird it breaks through his mental barriers, but he feels like this can be an exception.
“Hey there, big guy,” Stiles greets, voice much gentler than Mike ever remembered it being.
“Yeah, worrywolf, I’m fine,” Stiles tells whoever is on the other side. “Dad wouldn’t have let me drive otherwise and neither would you for that matter. You checked me yourself before letting me go, quite thoroughly I might add.”
And that last part is definitely an innuendo, dear god, Mike did not want to know that. However, it is confirmation that it’s Derek on the line, so he listens even harder.
“I know I overdid it, but no one got hurt except a few bruises on me,” Stiles argues. “And I get hurt even when I’m not in danger, you know how doors and the air are my biggest enemies. Come on, Derek. If it was bad, I would have told you. We promised remember? You made it part of our vows, because you are a complete softie.”
Okay, Mike isn’t going to lie, that’s actually pretty cute and he slightly hates that he’s becoming team Derek when all he knows is that he was (falsely) arrested for murder and married to Stiles, who comes running home when called on.
“I promise not to run into danger again,” Stiles tells Derek. “Well, I promise not to run needlessly into danger again and honestly one could argue that this time wasn’t needlessly, because you are my damsel in distress as much as you want to cast me in that roll.” A beat. “Yes, I will never let you forget the pool, we discussed this.”
“Yes, Derek, I always take care of my wounds,” Stiles rolls his eyes. “I’ll even send you picture updates and call you every day. How does that sound?”
Oh god, Derek is actually a concerned boyfriend – excuse me, husband – who needs updates and called the day Stiles left because he was worried. Mike is never going to be able to tell the others that without it turning into a riot.
“Great, because I am going to bed,” Stiles says. “Midterms are coming up and while spending time with you is a hundred times better, I actually need to pass these if I ever want to get a degree. So, goodbye, I love you.”
A bit of silence, then a very love-filled chuckle: “Of course I’m going to think of you. I always sleep better with you, you know that. Now bye. Love you, again and always.”
Fucking hell, Mike is going to die of a toothache, caused by his happily married roommate, which is honestly where his life is at right now.
Though, Mike can honestly live with a weird roommate. It’s a source of entertainment and he now can rest knowing Stiles has someone watching out for him, preventing him from going off the deep end, which was an honest concern.
Stiles is weird, but with what Mike knows, he’s allowed to be a bit strange and he honestly doesn’t want to know more than he does.
Disclaimer: I am not shitting on parties, if you like them, go nuts. I just don’t drink and hate social interaction, so I wouldn't know how to write a good party scene even if I wanted to, lmao.
Idk how well it came through, but Stiles is magic and burned his hands while overdoing it in the fight he got injured in. He also totally exploded Nikki’s drink as petty revenge, his herbs are also related to magic.
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endwersed · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @raisesomehale 🥰
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
striking out, (on hiatus) WIP, sterek human college au, 47k
The locker room is just how Derek remembers it.
feels so good inside, sterek human au, 12k
The worst thing about being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser is, well – being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser.
i was yours once, stackson into sterek, 9k
Water rains down over Stiles’ head, fat droplets of it catching in his eyelashes as he grits his teeth and presses a tight fist against the tiled wall of the school locker room showers.
in flux, sterek human college au, 25k
By Derek Hale’s junior year of college, he has come to know that there is nothing quite like the party after scoring the winning basket of a game.
another name for love, sterek au, 37k
Derek wakes up to the sound of a door creaking open slowly, a faint and careful noise nudging into his dreamless sleep and dragging him into consciousness.
does one good, sterek pwp, 5.5k
Stiles is still mostly focused on towelling at his damp hair as he pads into the living room of his apartment on bare feet, humming a repetitive tune under his breath and scratching lazily at a patch of skin just under the hem of his t-shirt, over the waistband of his boxers.
as dear as a brother, sterek human au, 10k
Stiles Stilinski meets Scott Delgado on the first day of freshman orientation at Berkeley and immediately knows they’ll be best bros for life.
and i'll write you a tragedy, sterek superhero au, 37k
It’s pretty cool living in a world with superheroes, all things considered.
how fast or how far, sterek human au, 9k
Faint, early morning sunlight streams through the cracks in the blinds, casting a colourful vision against the linoleum tiles as Stiles stands awkwardly in front of the kitchen sink.
baby, you got the keys, sterek human college au, 2k
It’s an unfortunate truth that Stiles didn’t get to take advantage of owning a car practically made for fooling around in during his high school years.
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aftgficrec · 4 months
Literally anything and everything written by bazookajo94 -  they write the funniest and most chaotic aftg fics
As you can see from the long list of their fics that we’ve previously rec’ed, we completely agree with you! - S
previously recommended:
‘stab me yourself u coward’ here
‘survive the night’ here
‘tit for tat’ here
‘definitely something’ here
‘eat the rich’ here
‘prove your love’ here
‘all that i’ve been dreaming of’ here
‘last piece of gold’ here
‘long journey home’ here
‘the prettiest blue’ here
‘dirty little secret’ series here
‘what’s yours is mine’ and ‘Crazy Rich Neil’ here
‘Go Team!’ here
‘we were together’ series here
‘most likely to commit crimes’ here
‘give or take’ here
‘cone sold stober’ here
‘spooky scary’ here
Here’s one that hasn’t appeared on our blog yet:
in another life by bazookajo94 [Rated T, 11506 words, complete, 2022]
Dear Andrew Doe,
I am not picking one of the pen pals that’s in California or whatever. I am going to write a fake name and a fake address and send this letter to a fake person. The teacher won’t let me leave until I send this to someone.
Neil Josten sent fake letters to Andrew Doe for years, thinking they disappeared into the void.
Andrew Minyard received every single one.
tw: implied/referenced torture
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dropofbittersea · 4 months
In which Derek and Stiles are college roommates, and everyone saw this coming before they did.
“How do you even get up there?” Scott asks skeptically. Loft beds are tricky enough on their own, he doesn’t know what possessed Derek and Stiles to push theirs together. Why would anybody try to create a king-sized loft bed in a teensy tiny dorm room?
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College!AU, w/ (Human) Single Dad!Derek and his lab partner Stiles
STILES: “What I’m thinking is I’m up to my ass—”
(sees toddler Eli standing beside Derek, watching them with wide eyes)
STILES: “—terisk in academic bullcrap, which means I do not have time to hold your hand through this project. It’s just basic o-chem, dude—you got this! Alright?”
DEREK: (sighs heavily) “… alright.”
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Fucking teen wolf somehow managed to become my new hyperfixation in this the year of our lord 2023 almost 24. Stiles Fucking Stilinski has a death grip on my heart and I love him sm and that extended to Dylan O’Brien. Whoever decided to give that man a bleach blonde buzz cut for Not Okay knew wtf they were doing. If I were more motivated I would write a fic about Stiles getting a makeover and if I were better at line art and coloring shit I would have done so here. But this is what y’all get to see lmao
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renmackree · 1 year
Stiles Stilinski, is a little broke at college and decides to set up some tutoring sessions to be able to afford food.
Derek Hale, captain of the basketball team and total hunk, stumbles into the library during Stiles' hours to avoid his ex, Jennifer.
They strike a deal. Stiles will pretend to tutor Derek if Derek buys Stiles lunch every day.
The two of them realize just how alike they are and how close they are getting...
Tldr: Jock!Derek and Sassy Nerd!Stiles get close and bang in the library weekly.
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plotbunnybreeder · 23 days
A Nurtured Nature
Stiles is extremely loyal, willing to bend rules or compromise morals if it would keep his loved ones safe. He's intelligent and clever. What happens when he's raised by the Argents?
Sheriff Stillinski changed his patrol route the night of the Hale House Fire and witnessed Kate at the scene. Kate kills the Sheriff, stealing Talia's claws off of her corpse to fake his death as a werewolf casualty and give her an excuse for killing the Hales. To cover her tracks she checks on his family to find Claudia already mentally impaired with illness and a young Stiles reading above his age level.
That night Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stillinski disappears from Beacon Hills and Seth Tyler "Styles" Argent is born.
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azraphels · 2 days
Inspired by an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and staying with the theme of my new Thiam-Sterek Fanfic "Fall In Love With A Kiss" coming soon to Ao3
(In my new Thiam there will be no existential, suffering drama of Theo alone where everyone hates him!)
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Lydia has been Theo's best friend since they were seven years old! Ah their discussions about how stupid Stiles was filled their days, along with movie nights (horror movies of course!) and secrets!
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Theo met Allison in high school because she started dating Scott. It was really a troubled affair between Scott and Allison, they were on and off for quite some time and Theo didn't know who to listen to! Scott was stupid and just screwed up, and Theo felt sorry for Allison!
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Malia met her in junior year when she moved out and started dating Stiles (definitely bad breakup apparently!) but still they hated each other especially because Theo always stays at her house! (Peter's fault of course!)
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For Theo, Kira is so innocent that she doesn't know why she is his friend! She was an ex of Scott's but their affair had lasted only a year and then Kira got a crush on Malia but she was still dating Stiles... Luckily, Theo's policy was "Never have romantic relationships with your friends, you always get in trouble!"!!'
Theo has endured too many conversations about his friends' sizes and how they have sex to say with certainty that this rule has actually saved him a lot of trouble! (Theo would never admit it, but he has been head over heels in love with the same person for two years, without having had any other romantic relationships)
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"Theo Raeken's ✨Council Of Ladies✨" meets every Thursday night!
A cup of tea, a fancy dress, lots of pastries and a big white cloth and a projector!
Bridgerton awaits them!
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 5 months
I was absolutely demolished by my professor:
Him: “Does anyone here play D&D?”
Me: *raises my hand*
Him: “Yeah I thought you might.”
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 5 months
So, I was reading Bones Straining Under the Weight, and was reminded of another sterek fic where Derek makes fancy food (on tv!?) and Stiles has a blog where he makes the same food, but with cheaper ingredients and kitchenware (think he started in college where he only had a hot plate or something), and Cora or Laura shows Derek, who sends Stiles fresh spices or expensive pots, and Stiles gives it all away.
I hope you or one of your followers may have better AO3-luck than me :)
A great fic!
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Kiss the Cook by idyll
(1/1 I 5,004 I 5,004 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek's a professional chef, and Stiles is a blogger who butchers his recipes.
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packofstereks · 6 months
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College Sterek at the regatta. 2 man scull. Boyfriend twins.
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undercoverbastard · 9 months
“Don’t believe me?” he asked, a bit haughtily, lips becoming pursed. “Hmm… did your supposed, imaginary cat sound anything like… this?”
Stilinski proceeded to meow long and loud, making Derek clamp down and bite at his lips to hold in the laughter. The guy wasn’t too bad, his imitation of a yowling cat was pretty spot on actually. But, still, there was something undeniably hilarious about a shirtless college student with pillow creases still marring their face throwing their head back and yowling at the top of their lungs like a distressed cat. Matt on the other hand looked none too pleased.
“No, actually, it didn’t,” he huffed.
“Oh? Hm - maybe this?” Stilinski asked, making several shorter, higher-pitched sounds, imitating a chittering cat. Derek was now raising his eyebrows, eyeing the guy. Even from his placement behind Matt, he could see red splotches crawling up the RA’s neck and speckling his skin, showing just how frustrated he was becoming. Stilisnki remained undeterred.
OR: another writers block + 15 WIPs + tumblr prompt = something involving cats that is meant to make you feel good. that's it. that's the fic.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 9 months
i just read THIS LITTLE (RED RIDING HOOD! STILES) BEAUTY and it was *chef's kiss*
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dropofbittersea · 3 months
“Oh my God, my magic is seducing you.”
Derek shrugs.
“My magic is seducing you and it’s working,” Stiles says in horror.
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