#ofc x nathan drake
fandomficticn · 1 year
upcoming fan fictions
so the fan fictions won out for my upcoming works!
now drug/eternal fans do not fret because I will still be continuing and finishing that fic. will I be writing simultaneously? you would be correct!
now, what shall be voted on today is which of my fan fics will I be writing along side of the eternals fan, "the last hope". below will be the summary of each fic and just like before, you all get to vote on which one I will be posting. whichever becomes the top vote will be the next fanfic to be written along side the last hope; the next highest vote will be the next fan fiction and so on.
gonna be honest, most of these I did already start like plotting out!
This is Poguelandia ( ofc x jj maybank )
Laurie Dubois was the new kook in town, with secrets that could give everyone a run for their money, but before anything could come to light, she ended up going missing. Four years later, Laurie is caught on camera, alive and well, and the hunt is on to find her. The Pogues could be the ones to find Laurie and be split the reward money and while that is enticing to JJ Maybank, he has a secret connection to the missing girl and knows there's more than meets the eye when it comes to why she went missing all those years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Xu ( ofc x mafia!shang-chi )
Sara and Shaun come from opposing crimes families, both well-versed in undercover work. Both were sent on jobs in the States when they meet, not knowing the other's true identity. Now, years later after being married and having their daughter, the Xu's are living their secret lives while working for their families until one night changes and jeopardizes everything Sara and Shaun worked so hard to protect.
The Big Fix ( ofc x modern!anthony bridgerton )
It had been years since Anthony Bridgerton and Auralia Bell haven't been in the same room since they broke up their junior year of college. Now, almost ten years later, Auralia is the top performer at The Avalon Group, the top pr firm catering to London's finest. To get the promotion of her dreams, she is tasked with her biggest contract yet: fix Anthony Bridgerton's reputation. Auralia has to out her emotions aside and be the professional she knows she is, not thinking about the feelings that are clearly still there.
The Guardians ( ofc x ben miller )
Ben Miller is the happiest man he's ever been; his winning big with boxing with his brother and friends by his side and he's with the woman of his dreams. One day, everything gets turned upside down when she goes missing with nothing but a distress call from the other side of the world giving any insight. Now, the boys must band together for one more mission in the search of her before it's too late.
Fool's Gold ( ofc x nathan drake ; ofc x victor sullivan )
Victor Sullivan comes to Nathan Drake for a hunt of a lifetime, a hunt that he couldn't refuse. When the hunt takes them on the most dangerous path they've ever been on, up against bigger enemies than they've faced before, Nathan Drake has to decide if what's at the end is ultimately worth his life.
The Legend of Leon Winter ( ofc x simon lewis )
Leon Winter is well-known amongst the downworlders, Magnus Bane himself knew the warlock personally. Due to horrendous crimes committed by him, Leon Winters is locked away and never to be seen or heard from again. Until today. Somehow, someway, the powerful dark warlock has been freed and hell on earth is quite literally about to rain down. The only ticket to his demise is his illegitimate and unknown daughter, Cherish. No one ever knew she was his daughter nor how she could be the one to bring him down but everyone is in a race against the clock to get to her and end this once and for all.
Chrysós ( ofc x rafe cameron )
A new treasure hunt is on the horizon but this could be more dangerous than what the Pogues have already experienced. Blackbeard's treasure is the world's most hard to find bounty in the world but the Pogues are confident they can find it like they've found their last find. They must band together with Rafe Cameron and Barry when it comes to light they know the one person that has the edge to finding this treasure. OFC knows that Blackbeard had many wives and therefore many chances for descendants and she knows one of them. Could this descendant be their ticket to fame and fortune or lead to their downfall?
Don't Panic ( ofc x dodge mason )
The new season of panic is on the books and everyone's eyes are on the prize money, that being their one way ticket out of their small town. Dodge Mason knows what the money could do for his family but what take him by surprise is his old friend, Sherrie Edge, joins the game after she used to tell him that there was nothing wrong with staying in a small town. The two ex-friends are now in competition with other's in their class; the dangers are high, the secrets are big, and someone is not who they say they are...
Shimmer ( ofc x eddie munson )
Monica Nguyen usually kept to herself, little to no friends despite being on the Hawkins swim team, until a freak accident changed her and put her on the “hawkins hotties” map. Being thrust into the spotlight after being in the shadows for so long can be overwhelming but a certain long-haired dungeon master can make the obnoxious sounds of popularity die down. When outside forces come knocking on Hawkins door in search for the result of their "experiment" and the Hawkins Monster Hunting Club must band together to protect their new friend by any means necessary.
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memphisnovels · 2 years
Mem’s masterlist
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Welcome friend, come on in, take a load off and hang out with me!
Thanks for your support
Matt Murdock (On hiatus)
Fade into you: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Allison Blake and Matthew Murdock started on a tenuous foot, well rather, they started on a hate-filled, bitter, incredibly petty foot. Academic rivals in college turned unlikely friends, turned far more. Allison worked her ass off to become assistant district attorney of the Manhattan DA's office, she has a seemingly perfect life, everything she's ever wanted, until an old unfairly attractive foe, walks back into her life and breaks her heart all over again. Matt and Allison navigate a messy tangled web of lies and undeclared love with witty repartee and never-ending rivalry.
Pietro Maximoff
Evermore: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Nadia was raised in the Red Room, raised to be a weapon; a killer. From five years old this is all she knew, until a near-death experience and a chance meeting turned her world upside down. Hardened by her troubling past, can she learn to trust the foes turned friends or will she always keep her distance? What is the root of the strange visions that have plagued her for as long as she can remember?
Nathan Drake  (On hiatus)
Small beginnings: 1, 2, 3
Xanthe Hayes has been stealing for as long as she can remember. The daughter of exceptionally wealthy archeologists who've never been particularly doting, she found herself ousted into the world as a young girl, forced to find her own way and come to her own conclusions about the world. As a result, Xanthe became closed off and distrustful of those who she meets, a deep-cutting betrayal and a string of precarious alliances only worsen Xanthe's deep-seated cynicism and push her further into her instinctual lone wolf lifestyle. Determined to discover what the specific allure of treasure hunting is for her parents, a young Xanthe entered the world of artifact hunting, inevitably falling so ardently in love with the history and the art she encounters, that nothing could get in her way.
Jonathan Crane
A night without stars: 1, 2
Eve Gordon: doctor, niece of the renowned GCPD officer Jim Gordon, best friend of playboy, billionaire Bruce Wayne and fierce ADA Rachel Dawes, the perfect girl with the perfect life; from the outside.
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justapurrcat · 2 years
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Tom Holland
Peter Parker
(MCU and aged up)
Nathan Drake
(Movie version)
Fanarts Masterlist
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*(Gorgeous) divider by @firefly-graphics found -> here
(Let me know if you wanna be added or removed to my taglist, add yourself to it or follow me on my writing side-blog @lia-s-liabrary and turn the notifications on)
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Flufftober #22
Title: Flufftober #22
Fandom: Uncharted
Pairing: Nate Drake x OFC
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,091
Prompt: Accidents don’t happen accidentally
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: 
Gif Credit: @tomhollandnet
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    “I mean Sully, she's absolutely perfect in every sense of the word. I just don’t know how to move the relationship forward. She's one of my closest friends and I want more with her.” Nate rambled on as he poured Sully’s drink into his glass from across the bar.
    “Sometimes you just gotta go for it. Just take the jump and ask her out on a date.” Sully tried to convince him but Nate just shook his head at the older man’s words.
    “Nah, I can’t just do it. What if she says no? What if it makes our friendship weird? I don’t think I could deal with that.” Nate began to protest and Sully shook his head quickly.
    “You gotta just do it man, I’m telling you.” Sully insisted as he waved his hand in front of him.
    “You gotta do what?” came a happy voice and Sully grinned mischievously as he turned to look at you as you slipped onto the bar stool next to him. Nate began to shake his head at Sully who winked at him from across the bar.
    “Well Nate here has a question-Why are you wearing your pjs?” Sully began to say before questioning your attire at the bar. Nate did a double take and saw that you were in fact wearing a pair of soft flannel pajamas with cute little ghosts all over the shirt and pants. You even had your favorite fuzzy purple socks on that you wore when you got home from work and were colder than you liked to be. He tilted his head as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
    “What happened? Are you okay?” he asked concerned and you nodded your head sheepishly.
    “I locked myself out of my apartment by accident. Left my phone inside when I went to go get my take out order and the door locked behind me before I could get back to it.” you confessed with embarrassment clear on your face. Nate chuckled softly at your explanation as he shook his head with a smile on his face.
    “Only you.” he teased you and you burst out in laughter as you nodded your head.
    “Yeah I know, only me. I’d hate to ask but do you think I could stay at your place tonight? My landlord won’t be available until tomorrow morning to unlock my door.” you asked him and he quickly nodded his head at your question.
    “Of course, you might want to head to the back room and hang out until I’m done in an hour. I don’t think Chip would appreciate you in your cute pjs taking a seat at the bar.” he said as he handed you his phone and nodded his head over to the end of the bar where you could slip under the divider. You smiled at him gratefully as you hopped off the stool and came around the bar. You hugged him quickly as you passed him before disappearing into the back room. When Nate turned back to Sully he saw the older man was grinning wickedly at him from across the bar. “What?” he asked cautiously and the older man slapped the bartop happily.
    “What?! Man! Accidents don’t happen accidentally! You have to capitalize on this golden opportunity!” Sully cheered happily and Nate jerked back in surprise and confusion as he tried to understand what the man was trying to say. “You treat her well, get some food before heading to your apartment, get her comfortable and then ask her out! She’s already comfortable enough with you that she’s not afraid to show up at your job in pjs. Plus you’re doing her a favor, being her hero in her time of distress. Chicks love that shit! It’s your time to shine man!” Sully continued to ramble on and Nate just stared at him confused.
    “Did you just say accidents don’t happen accidentally?” Nate asked bewildered before a smirk slowly creeped onto his face. Sully took a moment to pause and Nate watched as his eyes widened and then narrowed in quick succession.
    “You know what, if you don’t want my help with your love life then don’t ask me for help. My drinks on you.” he snapped irritably at Nate before standing up from his stool and walking out of the bar. A bright happy laugh sounded from behind Nate as he grinned and shook his head while turning around to find you watching him laughing.
    “Sorry, did you hear all that?” he asked worriedly and you grinned up at him smiling while you nodded your head.
    “So you were asking Sully for advice on your love life?” you asked coyly as Nate walked quickly over to you and dragged you down into the back room after alerting his coworker.
    “Uh yeah. I know it was a dumb move.” Nate said embarrassed as he rubbed his hand against his neck.
    “Yeah dumb move, I mean the man did say accidents don’t happen accidentally.” you agreed and the two of you chuckled together as you remembered Sully’s words. “But he wasn’t completely wrong on the advice.” you said softly and Nate tilted his head to the side in confusion and you smiled brightly up at him as you stepped closer. “You could always just ask me out.” you whispered to him and Nate’s eyes grew wide as he stared down at you in shock as his mouth dropped open.
    “I-I-I-” he began to stutter before he snapped his mouth closed. “Do you want to go out on a date with me?” he asked hurriedly and you smiled shyly while nodding your head. Nate whooped loudly as he threw his fist up into the air and twirled on one foot making you laugh. When he turned back around he grabbed your triceps and pulled you close to him until your chests were flush together. “I need to hear you say it.” he whispered in a rushed tone.
    “Yes I’ll go on a date with you.” you whispered back and he grinned widely at you before leaning down towards you.
    “Can I kiss you?” he asked and you pushed up on your toes to connect your mouth with his making him grunt softly before he reciprocated the kiss. The two of you stood like for a few moments longer before a loud cheer was heard from behind you and you heard Sully’s voice ring out.
    “Accidents don’t happen accidentally!” he cried out and the two of you broke apart to fall into a fit of laughter.
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landothemuppet · 2 years
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J'ai publié 698 fois en 2022
C'est 244 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
140 billets créés (20%)
558 billets reblogués (80%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 200 billets en 2022
#tom holland - 76 billets
#tom holland x reader - 42 billets
#tom holland fic - 39 billets
#harry holland - 28 billets
#harry holland x reader - 26 billets
#tshwritersnet - 26 billets
#thollandsdarling 500followers night - 18 billets
#harry holland fic - 18 billets
#thollandsdarling - 17 billets
#peter parker - 13 billets
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#i already have the story in my mind with pictures soundtracks everything i just haven't the words to write it
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Hey, could you please write one for Nathan Drake, where they in some kind of danger, and he has to choose between Chloe and reader, and he end up choosing reader and is all love and fluffy, pretty please
a jump around our feelings | nathan drake x reader
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❥ request: yes❥ pairing: nathan drake x reader❥ count: 1.1K❥ n/a: Again, i was inspired. I love writing for Nathan Drake. I don't know why it's so easy. It's not proofread so i hope it won't contain mistakes. As you see in the pic, we have our Sam with them! It was tense to write but i really enjoyed it! So i hope you'll enjoy reading this as much i enjoyed writing it.
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195 notes - publié le 30 septembre 2022
Hiii!! first of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! girl you definitly deserve!!! I wondered if you could do a little blurb of Tom giving a massage to reader🤭🤭🤭
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hiiii ! tysm, i still don't believe it and it won't stop to up more and more! and ofc i'm gonna write this little blurb ! It's short, it's a blurb, it's fluff ! here you go, i hope you're gonna love it !
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painful back, fairy fingers
word count : +450
Lying on your back looking at the ceiling, you tried to breathe deeply by closing your eyes before turning to the side. You’ve caught your biceps to stretch as quietly as possible but nothing in your manoeuvre has changed. Slowly, you sat in the bed, looking next to you to see Tom sleeping there. The handsome bastard was a lucky one and you envied him for finding sleep while you felt that only a steamroller could relieve tension in your muscles. You bent your legs with your toes at the end of the bed before bending to stretch your back, again growling as quietly as possible. You hoped to hear a possible snap of your bones, and feel your muscles relax as you stretch. But nothing, absolutely nothing relieved your pain. 
A movement beside you and a rustle to draw your attention. Tom gets up slightly wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"What are you doing," he asked you as you were always leaning over your toes.
"I can’t sleep. My back hurts."
Despite his tired eyes, Tom raised an eyebrow before smiling slightly. 
"Lie on your stomach, baby."
You weren’t sure you understood. How would that help you? Seriously, you tried and even dreamed that Tessa wouldn’t lay all her weight on you, but it never happened. Tom simply repeated his request and you complied. 
It only took a few seconds for you to feel Tom on your butt and his hands slipping on your skin, raising the thin layer of your top. His thumbs roll from your lower back to your shoulder blades in a strong but extremely gentle pressure at the same time. A feeling of happiness that made you moan with both pain and relief. 
Your boyfriend could feel the tension in your muscles, the build-up of stress at work, but also the social pressure you were continually under as his girlfriend. He continued to massage your skin, kneading your shoulders as if you were just a ball of bread dough. You even felt his knuckles squeeze under your shoulder blades until you felt the skin of his hands. The force he applied was perfect.
"oh" you let escape so much happiness and surprise to feel a muscle rolling under his fingers you blossomed
"Don’t stop. Don’t stop, you have fairy fingers, Thomas."
A little laugh escaped from his throat, a playful laugh, tired but tender. He could have so much added a salacious remark to your comment but Tom almost relished seeing you so relaxed under his fingers. He continued again and again until he noticed the light snoring emitted by you. Tom leaned over to give you a kiss in the middle of your back, happy to have been able to help you sleep. 
"Good night, darling."
267 notes - publié le 12 juin 2022
love is in the simple things ♡ t.h
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↳ tom holland x reader
summary → first date with tom.  
words count: 735 words
n/a  → hello love! it’s been a while i didn’t post a thing on my tumblr. I have so many wip to done, i’m so late with that and i’m so sorry about that. So, to make me wait for bigger fic, here’s a little blurb, asked by the lovely, the sweetest @justapurrcat​ ! Thank you sweetie! 
ps; don’t forget english is not my native language. I hope you will love it ! Stay aware on my blog for more blurb and fic, it’s coming. I promise
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276 notes - publié le 27 février 2022
sharing sparkles | (h.h) x reader
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summary → It all started during the lockdown. A flirty game, a physical attraction. harry and you began this friends with benefits’ relationship but secretly, you have strong feelings for the curly boy. What could happen when you slowly start to inadvertently let your feelings and your particular situation show through after a whole month far away from each other ? 
 ↳ fwb!harry holland x female!reader
n/a  → Okay munchkins, it’s finally here. The fwb!harry holland fic i was talking about for ages now! This is my longest fic and i can tell that is kinda my baby. It took my so much time to finish it, to post it but it’s finally here. I hope you will enjoy to read it as much i enjoyed to write it. I wanted to say a special thanks to @hogwartsmarvelmommy​ for her support. She proofread the fic of the most part of it. Thank you for your help, and you patience.  As ever, don’t forget english is not my native language, i’m sorry if i made mistakes in the fic. Don’t forget to support your authors by liking but also reblog to make them known to the world.  I love you for ever, munchkins ! <3  taglist: as this fic is so long, i’m going to reblog this fic with taglist. You can add yourself into it just here 
words count: 8.6k words
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310 notes - publié le 24 janvier 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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hello there! 
→ this tumblr is an exclusive holland and co. blog and i’m writing for those adorables dorks known as :
 ↳ tom holland (peter parker, arvin russel, nathan drake), harry holland, sam holland, harrison osterfield. 
You will find here all my fics. I classified my fics with the main pairing, so if it’s a (tom holland x reader) fic you will find it in the tom holland’ section. If it’s a (harry holland x reader x platonic!paddy holland) fic  you will find it in the harry holland’ section. 
↠ last updated: january 29th, 2022
↠ ♡ smut/nsfw included (18+ only! minors dni)
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318 notes - publié le 29 janvier 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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ruotsalainen-kettu · 2 years
So I visited Åbo Svenska Teater today and I gotta ramble about their Dracula production because I love analysing things but am too tired to do it IN Swedish rn. If you speak Swedish or any similar Germanic language - Or Finnish, because they have subtitles (!! Subtitles in theatre!! I was shooketh) Go there. Seriously.
Anyway: It's a musical. It's a comedy. Its all over the place but in the best way. Spoilers ahead. (Surprisingly.)
Last time I stepped into a theatre was in 10th grade and uh. Let's not talk about that.
This was... intense? Not just the acting but also the sets and props and all, it's super cool. On a technical level - they use confetti as blood, the lighting is incredible, the use of space is VERY well done, they even have a rotating part in the stage. The coach scene was FANTASTIC, as was the ghost ship. Super spooky! Not to speak of the choreography. It's not fucking Dance of the Vampires or whatever, but the theater is pretty small so what gives. Shit, they had more than one person drop from the ceiling both in a harness and with these sheet things. It was sick!
Everybody has a theme, which are VASTLY stylistically different. Van Hellsing is metal ofc whereas Dracula is a classical singer.
The color symbolism was prettt neat too. Vampires are the only ones wearing red, with Dracula being the only one wearing both on occasion. (And some killer heels.) Both Mina and Lucy get red accents on their black dresses once they are connected to Dracula and Lucy, once she was turned, wore white with red. This gets even clearer in the last scene, where the humans are all clothed in black and the vampires red. (And Van Helsing is olive but that's a different story.)
Anyway, I could write an essay about what they changed in relation to the book because it's a lot, least of all the weirdly indistinct setting of "jokes about excel and mansplaining but everyone's dressed like the 1880s in glitter" BUT it's for comedy, I didn't expect them to bust out period-accurate clothing. They left out scenes that would have been impossible or plain boring to translate to theatre and some of it was changed to give more interaction, such as conversations between Dracula and Lucy or Mina.
The only thing I have actual gripes with is that they took out Quicey Morris.
Well not took out. He's there in name, but they turned Quincey "Texas finest cowboy" into a shy dude who has one line in the first act (establishing he's the character and that he seems to have a crush on Lucy). His entire point in the story arc is that he's unremarkable and forgettable because that's the underlying conflict between humans and vampires (leaving traces etc... very philosophical). Like excuse me??? The original Quincy is a fan favorite because in a book made to be scary and menacing he's the one (albeit accidentally...) dude who's actually funny. He's big (in personality) and he's brave and important enough the Harkers name their kid after him. I see the logic behind the choice but that doesn't mean I have to like it 🤨
On the up side the dynamic between Dracula and Jonathan is super gay, but that's just accurate to the source. (Also... Dracula x Van Helsing anyone?)
Van Helsing was a bit of a dick, which is surprising considering he has like 5 lines total and just looks badass otherwise. Running off like a fucking diva after Mina rightfully questions him? Bruh. More "older bear Nathan Drake" than wise mentor. Oh well.
I have more thoughts but I'll leave you (the three people who actually read this lol) be. Go support your local theater.
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Careful What You Wish For | Uncharted Fanfiction Series
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Tag: Careful What You Wish For
Characters: Valerie Reynolds (OFC), Sophia Emerson (OFC), Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan, Elena Fisher, Chloe Frazer
Ship: Nathan Drake x Valerie Reynolds (familial)
Warnings: Character death
Categories: Angst and fluff, hurt / comfort
Genre: Adventure, fantasy
Rating: Teen
POV: Third person
Setting: Between the third and fourth game
Status: Work in progress (planning)
Themes: Friendship, family, greed
Word Count: -
Links: -
Summary: After working together for years to discover one of humanity’s biggest secrets, Sophia and her protégé Valerie venture on to the search of the lost city of Atlantis, even if during that journey they come across other unexpected findings.
Tag list: @ocfairygodmother // Ask to be added to the tag list to be notified when I post for this series!!
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My messy masterlist:
Far cry 5 fandom:
One shots:
New Hope (Joseph Seed x reader)
Description: Once you've decided to visit your auntie and uncle living in Hope County, Montana. And you met an interesting man in there.
Read here: New hope
The fourth brother
Description: There were only three brothers from the beginning - that's the story the citizens of Montana know.
Read here: The fourth brother
The Father who fell for his Sheep (Joseph & reader)
What would happen, if Father discovers that he has a favorite sheep?
Read here: The Father who fell for his Sheep
Uncharted fandom:
Little Sadie (Samuel Drake & reader) (Finished)
Description: based off on a Last of Us II. Gameplay trailer and the song from Crooked Still is a story about falling for your best friend, finding love and losing it. But after fifteen years, he's back.
Warnings: A little bit of fluff, a little bit of angst and smut. Who said that???
Part one   Part two   Part three  Part four
In and out (Nathan Drake x Male reader) (In progress)
Description: There was a deal between Elena and Nathan to make her way to Yemen for managing to get them to the city. But plans don't go so easily as they should. Well, isn't that pretty common thing for Nathan & Co.™?¨
Part one Part two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
The Girl With A Red Shirt (Young Victor Sullivan x Reader) (Finished)
Description: Victor Sullivan, treasure hunter and a businessman in his late thirties. One day, he got back from his gig and met a cute girl in his favorite laundry; just to forget his talisman there. And so, the trouble with the girl starts.
Read here: Part One  Part Two  
I want to tell you... (Nathan Drake x Reader)
Description: Nathan Drake is not the exact definition of an unhappy man. His job is steady, his friends still see him from time to time, he plays football, but his marriage is his main problem. Many things will change when a special person comes to his life
Part one  Part two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part six
Girls (Chloe Frazer x female reader)
Desription: Chloe Frazer. She was a woman of many names, many jobs, and many looks. But sometimes even she had to rest from her life full of adventure. Especially when Samuel Drake introduces her to his friend.
Part one  Part two  Part three  Part four???
Shaken, not stirred (Samuel Drake & reader) 
Description: You've been living with your boyfriend Samuel for quite some time now, and he has finally come home from a seriously long treasure hunting job. And he found his new weakness - every single James Bond movie ever made.
Warnings: I'm a terrible and naughty person, so smut ahead, ofc. Fluff and joking around with that goofball too!
Read here: Shaken, not stirred
The Princess of the Prom (Teen Sam Drake x Reader)
Description:  Y/N and Sam were the best friends of high school, no denying in that. Even tho Samuel’s Prom was actually amazing and fun, Y/N doesn’t feel good about going on her own.
Read here: The Princess of the Prom
Samuel Drake:
Living with the Original Drake™ might include (Part I.)
Living with the Original Drake™ might include (Part 2)
Living with the Original Drake™ might include (Part 3)
Living with the Orginal Drake ™ might include (Part 4) 
Living with the Original Drake™ might include (Part 5) 
Living with the Original Drake™ might include (Part 6)
The Word Starting With The D (Smutty as hell)
Two broken hearts, a man and a woman
Imagine Samuel Being a Father
Nathan Drake:
Nightmares from the past
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lunarastrobabe · 3 years
Can we get an ofc x Nathan Drake? Like he has a crush on her and makes a move?
Of course, I’d love to! Send me a dm for any details! :D 
0 notes
fhujami · 7 years
My other half | Chapter 1 [Sam Drake x Reader]
Hey you guys! I have couple fics on progress alongside Helpless when she smiles. Well, actually I have been working with this fic long before I started to focus on HWSS, but I never manage to start to publish it. I don’t know if people are already tired of story’s which are based on Uncharted 4 where there has been add a reader in it, but I kinda loved this idea what I have on this fic, and I have worked this the way that I had tried to use as little as possible the main story of Uncharted 4 and the scenes what is on it (ofc needed to use some important points of the game little more but i had tried to keep it as minimum as possible)
So I was thinking for giving it a shot, and post the first chapter and ask if anyone is interested to read it? Or should I just leave it to deep down somewhere where sun does not shine. Please let me know if you want me to continue posting this (by comment, rebloggin, using tags or send me message/ask)
So, let’s see what you guys think.
Summary: When destiny chose to call you, in the middle of the wedding hassle, you were excited to went to your last adventure before settling down. 
You thought, that after going on the last adventure, you might realise that your life as a treasure hunter was over, and maybe you were ready to start live a ‘normal life’.
But when you had been sucked in to adventure to find Henry Avery’s treasure with your long time friend Nathan, and his mysterious brother Sam, you started to wonder that if stable life was what you were meant to have. 
Especially when Samuel Drake felt like he was the missing part of your soul. And you truly needed to fight with yourself and find out what you really wanted with your life.
Pairing: Reader x Original male character, Samuel Drake x Reader
Words: 1919
A/N: Cursive words between ‘these’ are your thoughts.
My other half
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - 19 - Chapter 20 - 29 - Chapter 30 - 
Chapter 1
You sat in the kitchen, watching the bridal magazines what your mother-in-law brought to you. You went through the pages and your stomach twirled in every single page.
Dresses. ‘Ew.’ Pretty hairs. ‘Ew.’ Makeups. ‘Ew.’ Flower bouquets. ‘Ew.’
You weren’t the wedding person. Not at all. In fact, you weren’t sure if marriage was even your thing. You always thought that you never want to get married, ever. But there you were, looking at those bridal magazines, trying to find that bridal-mode somewhere deep inside of you, if it was even there.
You had dated Jason for the last two years. He proposed you in the middle of the family dinner, and you couldn’t say no to him. His whole family was there, looking at you, waiting you to say yes. So you did. You loved Jason, of course you did, but marriage maybe wasn’t the thing you wanted from your life.
Before you met Jason, you were treasure hunter. Travelling around the world, finding treasures, endangering your life, feeling the adrenaline in your blood. Your best adventures were with Nathan Drake, until he and his wife Elena choose to left that life behind, and start to live normal life.
You were stunned when they told you they are trying to settle down. You tried to talk Nathan, to turn his head, but he had made his decision. He told you that you could team up with Chloe, but you didn’t have really good bonds with her. And you didn’t trusted her enough to join her into her adventures.
You always hoped that Nathan would miss his old life, and leave for the one last adventure. And you wished that before you’ll walk down the aisle, you could have your own last adventure. But when the wedding were getting closer fast – maybe too fast - you started to lose your hope. After all, it has been years, and Nate looked kind of happy in his job at Jameson’s Marine.
After leaving your life behind - since the treasure hunt was practically your life as long as you could remember, you tried to keep adrenaline in your veins with most extreme hobbies. Skydiving, mountain climbing, sea diving, and so on.
But the fact was, that you missed the real action. You needed the real action, even just one last time, before settling down and stepping into marriage.
You shrug your shoulder and closed the magazine in front of you. Too much bride stuff for tonight, you’re not going to choose anything anyway. And even you did, your mother-in-law would say it was no good, and change it to something else.
You tapped your fingers to the table, while leaning back of the chair and looking outside of the kitchen table. And you realized that you haven’t see Elena or Nate in three weeks.
You wonder that maybe you should visit Elena, since Nate was in Malaysia. Maybe you should go to spend some time with her, you two could have another girl’s night, watching some movies, eating lots of unhealthy food and drinking inside the house in your pajamas.
You smiled to that thing of you and Elena, you had done that many times, and you remembered that one time when Nate came home earlier, finding you two giggling in a couch, wasted, in your pajamas. He couldn’t understand you two, but he didn’t need to. It was your and Elena’s thing.
And like Elena had had read your thoughts, your phone started to vibrate on the table front of you, Elena’s name popping on the screen.
“Hey Elena. I was just thinking about you.” You couldn’t help but smile, you had really missed her and Nate. But your smile turned to frown when you heard Elena’s voice. Something was wrong. Badly.
“I think Nate’s in trouble.” She sighed on the other side of the line. Your heart started to race in your chest.
“What do you mean? I heard from the news that there’s flooding in there, is he alright?” You stood up from the chair and walked to the fridge. You heard Jason snoring on the couch and you glanced him. He has been working hard and he was exhausted. He were almost never home. And you two were both stressed about the wedding, and that had led to that, that two haven’t had sex for nearly two months.
“I don’t think he’s in Malaysia.” Elena interrupted your thoughts from the other side of the line and you heard how she sniffed.
“What do you mean? Where else he would be?” You closed the fridge, and walked to the bedroom so you wouldn’t wake up Jason. Plus, he didn’t need to hear what you were talking about with Elena.
“I know when he’s lying and now he is. And I actually tracked his phone and the signal was in Madagascar.”
You had just closed your bedroom door and you stopped, while your felt how you heart was racing your chest, and you thought it would rip off. ‘Madagascar? What the hell Nate’s doing at Madagascar?’ You had one thought, but you were sure it wasn’t the case.
“What are you planning?” You asked Elena and went to your drawer and opened the upper drawer. That small though deep inside your head, started turn to hope, that Elena will go after him, and maybe you could go with her. You placed your hand under your clothes, searched for a while, before you grabbed something from there.
“I’m going there. Seeing what he’s up to. Would you join me?” Elena asked.
Just like she really had read your mind, how on earth all of this happen now, when you just had missed the adventure and hoped to go in one, one last time? You thought that maybe you were dreaming, maybe this was just a good dream. You carefully pinched yourself. No, it was all real.
You looked to your hand and pistol in it, smiling yourself before you answered to Elena:
You knew Nate too well. He was like a brother to you. And if he had lied to you and Elena both, there must be something bigger than some artifact or treasure. Something huge.
“You sure you can come? I mean, doesn’t you have lot to do for the wedding?”
You shrug, and put your gun to the top of the drawer.
“I need this. I have to get out of all the huss, and his mom does all the work anyway. I bet Jason will understand.” You took your bag and placed it on the bed and walked back to the drawer, grabbing your gun and couple of shirts from there in your hand. You put your gun under the shirts to the bag.
“Okay. I’ll try to get us tickets for tomorrow. I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Can’t wait.” You smiled and you and Elena hang up. You looked at your phone’s screensaver and bit your lower lip. Okay, now you need to think what you’re going say to Jason. He knew about your past, about your adventures, but will he let you take the risk that something happen, and you need to move the wedding?
Even you didn’t knew what was waiting for you in Madagascar, but you knew Nate too well, if he had choose to lie both of you, you and Elena, there must be something bigger than just some artifact. Maybe even something dangerous. Whatever it was, you’ll do whatever for Nate, he was like your big brother.
You stopped for a moment, you realized your hands were shaking and your heart raced in your chest. You felt how adrenaline already started to run in your veins. And you haven’t even left home. God, you really missed that feeling.
You heard how the bedroom door got open, and you looked at the door, seeing Jason standing there rubbing his eyes.
“Whom you talk to?”  
He noticed your bag on the bed and confuse in his face shined the room.
“Are you going somewhere?”
“Elena asked if I could go with her to Malaysia, to visit Nate.”
You winched when you realized a lie slipping from your mouth.
“Is that okay?” You continued without hesitating. He stepped closer from the door, rubbing his face to get the sleepiness out of them and running his hand on his messy hair.
“Now? But there’s lots to do for the wedding.” He sat of the end of the bed, facing his body to you so he could see you.
“I need to get away for a while. You know I wanted a small wedding, all of this is making me anxious.”
“It’s just stress honey. When the wedding is over you feel much better, we both will.” Jason said and let a sleepy, small smile raise to his lips. You looked his multi colored eyes and felt how your stomach turned upside down.
“Yeah. Maybe. But, I need to go, I haven’t seen Elena and Nate for weeks. I miss them.” You took a shirt from the bag and folded it again so you had something to do with your hands, and Jason won’t notice that they were shaking a little.
“Well, if it made you feel better, I won’t stop you. How long you’ll be gone?” Jason said and stood up. You quickly placed the shirt back to your bag, even though your gun wasn’t on sight, but just in case.
“I don’t know. Maybe a week?”
“A week?” Jason walked behind you, took your waist and turned you over so you were now facing him. You placed your hands on his sides and stared again his eyes, and the look in them made way straight to between your legs.
“Do you think this help you with your stress?” He asked and dragged a hair strap from you face behind your ear. Your heart started to race in your chest and your body started to tingle from his touch, and the fact that he’s this close to you now, after two months being so distance, - even though both of you were guilty to that.
“I think so.” You said shyly.
“Okay, then you should go.” Jason smiled to you and slowly leaned down to kiss you. You kissed him back and rounded your hands around his neck, pushing him against you. The fact the two of you haven't have sex for two months, the kiss made your body tingle even more, and that burn between your legs raise.
Kiss got deeper, more eager, his hands were still on your waist, while you run your fingers in his hair. Jason withdrew the kiss and leaned his forehead into yours and he sighed deeply.
“Damn, I need to go back to work. Sorry.”
You nodded. Of course he do.
“Will you be late?” You asked while kept playing with his light brown hair on the back of his head with your fingers.
“I try to get back as soon as possible.” He said and give you a small kiss to your lips before he started to walk to the door.
You watched him go, just when he was about to step out of the room you called after him.
He turned to look at you.
“I love you.” You smiled at him.
“I love you too.” He said before disappeared to the hall.
You turned to look at your bag and sighed, wishing that Jason come back soon. But as many times before, he didn’t.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Flufftober #2
Title: Flufftober #2
Fandom: Uncharted
Pairing: Nathan Drake x Ofc
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 919
Prompt: Sweet Treat
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: I enjoyed this one and might come back to flush this out a bit more.
Gif Credit: @tomhsource
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    The foot traffic in the bar was slowly dwindling down to the few patrons that currently occupied the space. You grinned as your feet swung back and forth as you sat on the stool watching Nate expertly move behind the bar. Resting your elbow on the bar top, your eyes continued to track Nate as your face slowly fell into your palm.
    You felt as if you could watch Nate work for hours without getting bored. The way he moved so fluidly captivated you. How bright and quick his smile was was near fatal to your growing feelings for him. And the ease he had in charming the patrons with history lessons made your stomach tighten and flutter at the same time.
    Suddenly there were a couple of taps sounding on the bar top that made you jerk back in surprise as you were lost in your thoughts. Nate grinned at you from across the bar as his hands and arms moved about mixing a new drink for you. You rolled your eyes at his antics and a bright happy laugh burst from his mouth.
    “So what’s got you daydreaming on my watch darling?” he asked teasingly as he began to shake the metal shaker. His hands expertly twirled the metal between them and your eyes followed silently. The way his hands and arms moved aroused you, the way he was so confident in his movements without doubting himself was a turn on. Plus Nate was physically fit, he had toned muscles in all the right places and you would have to be blind not to notice. “Darling?” he asked again and you shook your head to try and clear it.
    “It’s just been a long day. Work sucked and I’m ready for bed.” You confessed to him as you smiled dreamily at him. Nate blinked for a moment as if stunned before coughing to clear his throat. He then nodded his head at your words before sliding your new drink towards you. Taking a sip you were amazed at the sweet tasting drink and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Oh that’s dangerous!” you complimented his talent and skill before asking. “What’s that one called?” 
    Ever since you had met Nate three months ago at an art gallery that you had helped host, he had invited you out to his bar where he would make you elaborate cocktails with funny names. It had become a fun pastime that let you unwind from the hectic work life you had created for yourself. Not to mention your cute bartender was lovely company especially when he flirted with you. The two of you hadn’t explored that aspect of your relationship yet but the flirting was soon becoming too much for you to handle.
    “The leg spreader.” he replied with a deep smirk as he watched you become flustered with his answer. You had to admit you loved a good flirt with Nate, the way the two of you amped each other up with your words was intoxicating but this one was throwing you into a tailspin. Not to mention some of the names seemed made up by the flirt.
    “Is it really? Or are you lying to me?” you asked shocked. You watched as his eyes narrowed slightly on your body as you leaned onto the bartop and felt your insides shiver and shake. Did he know what he was doing when he looked at you like that? You wondered for what felt like the millionth time if Nate was just playing with you because you were available or if he truly had feelings for you. 
    “If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’.” he said in a low seductive tone that made your stomach tighten once more. Your breath caught in your throat as you gazed into his chocolate colored eyes. He grinned widely then and shrugged his shoulders, breaking the intense connection the two of you had created. “It’s just something sweet to help you relax.” he said warmly, still grinning at you.
    “Yeah and he’d like to get lucky with you later on tonight!” Goldie called as she passed behind Nate to bring a drink to her patron on the other side of the bar. Nate whipped his head to her as she passed and you felt confidence surge up inside of you instantly. Nate quickly turned back to you with a pink blush creeping up his neck and you smirked at him as he fidgeted in place. It was nice to see the roles between you two turned and he became the unsure one now.
    “So leg spreader huh?” you asked teasingly and Nate’s eyes widened slightly at your question as he moved closer to the bar top while you leaned back on the stool away from him. The pull and push game the two of you were playing was amusing to you and you liked the reversal of power. “What’s next? Between the sheets and after sex?” you asked with false bravado and watched as suddenly Nate seized that intoxicating upper hand once more. His look of shock twisted into a seductive look that singed your insides as his eyes traveled from the top of your head down your body and back up to settle on your eyes. You knew you were done for with whatever was going to come out his mouth next.
    “I was thinking more along the lines of bartender’s wet dream and screaming orgasm.” he crooned at you as you immediately forgot to breathe.
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sheerfreesia007 · 6 months
Fluffmas #31
Title: Fluffmas #31
Fandom: Uncharted
Pairing: Nathan Drake x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Prompt: Ice Skating
Words: 861
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @percyjackson
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Kids screamed loudly as they ran around the bleachers by the outdoor skating rink, you sat on one of the bleachers smiling as you slowly slipped your foot into the ice skate Nate had rented out for you. It was the holiday season and you had noticed the outdoor skating rink being constructed while on your way home from work one day. When you had excitedly brought it up to Nate he had immediately suggested the two of you go skating one day.
Turning you saw Nate staring at the ice skating rink apprehensively as he tied his own ice skate laces. Leaning over you pressed a kiss to his cheek fondly causing him to turn his face to you and capture your lips with his. When he pulled away he looked at you curiously.
“What was that for?” He asked and you smiled warmly at him.
“Just a little boost of confidence. You look a little nervous.” You told him softly and he blushed while ducking his head for a second.
“Me? Nervous? C’mon when have I ever been nervous around you?” He asked cockily and you smirked at him softly before leaning closer.
“When you first asked me out, on our first date, when we first slept together. Only to name a few.” You whispered in his ear and Nate blushed darkly at your intimate words as you chuckled softly. Standing you wobbled over to the ice skating rink entrance and looked back at Nate over your shoulder giving him a reassuring smile before gliding onto the ice gracefully.
It was like you hadn’t ever been off the ice during the other months, it came back to you so naturally as you glided along the ice. You did a couple of laps around the ice feeling the air rush around your body as you pushed yourself to go faster and faster around the rink. When you slowed you spotted Nate holding onto the side of rink while skating slowly, you smiled and slowed down so that you could skate alongside him. He looked over at you and smiled sheepishly.
“You look great out there!” He said proudly as he looked at you with wide happy eyes. “Keep going, don’t stop for me.” He encouraged you but you smiled at him and shook your head.
“I’m here on a date with you.” You retorted as you continued to skate next to him and he frowned softly at your words.
“But I can’t skate as good as you, I’ll just hold you back.” He said self consciously. You smiled at him and held your hand out for him to take, Nate stared at you apprehensively but finally took your hand in his. 
You began slowly skating around the rink with him close to the railing so that if he felt unsteady he’d be able to grab ahold and steady himself. After a couple of laps Nate became more confident and began to move you both further away from the railing, you didn’t pick up speed much but just leisurely skated around the rink with him while holding his hand. Suddenly one of the skaters on the rink began to speed past everyone and Nate watched them quietly before turning to you.
“You can go ahead around like that person if you want to.” He said unsure of himself and you shook your head quickly at his words.
“Nate, I’m here to spend the night with you. Not to ice skate. It’s more important to me to be with you than to go speeding around the rink.” You reassured him gently as you beamed up at him. “My boyfriend planned this awesome date. I'm not going to ditch him just to go ice skating alone.”
Just then the skater came zooming past the two of you again and Nate frowned as he pulled you closer to himself to stay out of the way of the skater. But as he pulled you close he began to lose his balance, with quick thinking you quickly skated Nate into the wall and held onto the railing crowding him against the wall and between your body. You gasped softly and looked up at a dazed Nate who stared at you with shock written across his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t want you to fall.” You said softly to him in a way of apologizing as you steadied yourself and him before looking up at him once more. Nate’s hands came up to cup your face before he pulled you forward and covered your lips with his own, causing you to gasp into his mouth before whimpering softly as his tongue slipped easily into your mouth. The two of you stood like that with you leaning into him as you held onto the railing while he held the sides of your face and the two of you kissed. When Nate finally pulled away he smiled softly at your dreamy glazed over look before pecking your lips once more.
“My hero.” He said softly and you burst out into happy laughter before guiding him towards the exit. You were both eager to leave so that you could get home.
0 notes
sheerfreesia007 · 6 months
Fluffmas #12
Title: Fluffmas #12
Fandom: Uncharted
Pairing: Nathan Drake x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Prompt: Holiday Party Together
Words: 2,524
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @thollandgifs
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Nate watched as you surveyed his new apartment with a keen eye as you stood in the middle of his living room with three totes surrounding you jam packed with Christmas decorations. He smiled softly as he lugged in your small metal step ladder and the last tote that you had brought with you to his place. He had called you in a panic two days ago saying that Sully had convinced him to host a Christmas party for a few of their friends and associates, what he hadn’t told you was that this get together held a second meaning to it as well. Sully had wanted to gather some information on some of their distant associates so that he would be ready for any double crossing that they might do.
“Hey Nate, were you able to pick up the folding table I ordered?” you asked him, suddenly sounding a little unsure as you looked around his living room again. He nodded his head quickly before moving to the closet and pulling it out for you to see. Nate sucked in a sharp breath as he smelt your Rosemary and Mint shampoo when you stepped close to him to look at the table he had picked up for you.
You had come into Nate’s life like a hurricane during a time that he was on downtime after a recent expedition with Sully. One night three years ago you had walked in with your group of girlfriends and had instantly stood out to him among your group, your smile had caught his attention and your sparkling eyes had kept him captive. When he had started flirting and talking with your group he had found it easier than anything in his life to fall into a friendly camaraderie with you. You called him out on his bullshit facts he liked to tell patrons and Nate had been stunned when you backed up your call out with actual facts that he had to look up for himself. He had loved the back and forth banter between the two of you that he had slipped his number into your clutch at the end of the night. Luckily for him you had called him later that night much to his surprise and he had instantly locked down a lunch date with you. After that Nate was hooked on you and you hadn’t seemed to oppose it thankfully.
Nate knew he was goner for you after that first night and found himself falling deeper and deeper into his feelings for you each time you met up with him. He found over the years that you were a woman who stood up for what was right, you loved deeply and took care of your loved ones, you were sweet and kind but managed to have a little bit of a temper. He was absolutely enamored of you and still he couldn’t find the courage to confess to you. Sully had started teasing him relentlessly after he had caught Nate texting you while on an expedition. Chloe had even gotten in on the teasing when she was with them on expeditions. Suddenly Nate grew nervous, both Sully and Chloe would be at this party that you were helping him host, what if they said something to you while at the party? What if they told you how much he cared about you? Nate frowned softly as he thought about all the things they could tell you about his feelings for you and felt his palms start to sweat.
“Nate? Are you okay?” you asked softly as you placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you nervous about the party? Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of time to get it all set up before anyone gets here.” you reassured him and Nate looked at you with a warm smile on his face. You were gazing at him so sweetly and you were close enough that all he would have to do is lean forward and he could press his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. He chuckled softly and ducked his head trying to banish the thought from his head.
“With you in charge, I know I have nothing to be worried about.” he said fondly and watched delightedly as a blush crept up your face as your eyes sparkled at his praise. You grinned widely at him and nodded your head with determination before moving back to the middle of the living room.
“Alright let’s start moving some furniture so that we have more room for the guests.” you told him and Nate nodded as he set the table to the side and moved closer to you for your instructions.
Nate walked out of his bedroom brushing off the front of his large Christmas sweater and had to stop short as he stood in the entryway of the living room. The room had been transformed into a cozy Christmas wonderland, the Christmas tree he had bought a week ago at your insistence was decorated beautifully with multicolored twinkling lights and different colored ball ornaments. There was tinsel and twinkling lights hung along the top of the walls as it draped down in u shapes all around the room. The snack and drink table had a Christmas themed table cloth and little snowman figures dotted the table. And there was even a small village set up along his window sills. The decorations looked wonderful and he had only you to thank for that.
Just then Nate heard the oven timer go off and he walked towards the kitchen where he found you still dressed in your baggy shirt and workout leggings bending over the oven and checking a delicious looking pot roast that you were making for the main meal of the party. Nate was more distracted by your position over the oven than the actual food but he bit his tongue to curb himself from saying anything.
“Anything I can do to help?” he asked softly when he saw you take the thermometer out of the roast and set it on top of the stove before standing straight. You looked over your shoulder at him and Nate felt the air in his lungs escape him at how pretty you looked. Your face was flushed from the oven, your hair a mess about your face, but the happy smile on your face and the sparkling in your eyes made him fall deeper in love with you.
“Roast is good for another hour and a half. That’ll give your guests time to have some snacks and mingle. I’ve got a few other sides to whip up but they won’t take long. I just need to start getting dressed before the guests arrive.” you told him and he nodded along at your words. You placed the dish towel back on the oven handle before looking back over at him with a warm smile. “Is that the Christmas sweater I got you last year?” you asked him curiously and Nate instinctively looked down at his sweater, it was one of the comfiest sweaters he had ever gotten and it had a festive green, red and white diamond pattern covering it, before bashfully nodding his head while he stuttered for words to say. You stepped over to him and pressed a kiss to his blushing cheek causing him to halt and stare at you with wide eyes. “You look good in it.” you told him before moving out of the kitchen and into the bathroom to start to get ready. Nate groaned softly after he heard the shower turn on, he was so in love with you if only he wasn’t a coward and could tell you.
Just then there was a knock at his door and Nate rushed over to it, peering through the peephole to see Sully grinning while holding up a bottle of champagne. Nate sighed softly and opened the door to let him in.
“Heeeeeeyyyy!” Sully cheered happily and wrapped Nate in a tight hug. “What’s up buddy? How’s it going?” Nate hugged Sully back with a happy smile before guiding him into the apartment. “Wow man! Look at this place! It looks great!” he said happily as he walked into the middle of the living room and turned around in a circle with a wide smile on his face and his arms held out at his sides.
“All thanks to Hurricane.” Nate said with a soft fond smile on his face.
“Is she here?!” Sully asked in a loud whisper that had Nate rolling his eyes. “She’s here isn’t she?” he began to pester Nate who took the bottle of champagne from him and brought it into the kitchen to store in the fridge. “You couldn’t have done all of this without her. So where are you hiding her?” Sully kept asking and Nate frowned at him offended.
“I could’ve totally done all this by myself.” Nate argued and Sully laughed loudly just as there was another knock on the door. Nate frowned at Sully as the two walked back to the door and opened it to see Chloe dressed in a pretty red dress and black heels holding a bakery box in her hand. Nate happily took the box from her and let her inside his apartment. “You can put your coat in the closet there or in the spare bedroom down the hall.” Nate said over his shoulder as he brought the cake back into the kitchen.
When he walked back out to the living room he saw that Sully was already letting more people into the apartment with happy loud greetings while Chloe grabbed some snacks from the snack table. He walked over to the table and picked up his phone to find the Christmas playlist that you had made for him for the party. When the Christmas music began to play softly throughout the apartment everyone cheered happily and Nate smiled as he saw everyone starting to mingle together.
“So Sully says Hurricane is here and you have hidden somewhere.” Chloe said softly in his ear and Nate jerked away from her as she burst out into laughter at his antics. “So fidgety.” she observed out loud and Nate scowled at her.
“I don’t have her hidden. She’s getting ready in the bathroom. If you and Sully say anything to her I’ll make sure neither one of you gets any treasure from our next expedition.” Nate warned her quietly and Chloe widened her eyes in response before a slow wolfish grin formed on her face.
“Oh this is serious.” she said softly as her eyes danced around his face with glee. Nate shifted from side with anxiety as he knew Chloe has figured out his true feelings for you. But just as he was going to open his mouth everyone grew quiet and they all turned towards the entryway of the living room. Nate turned and nearly swallowed his tongue when he spotted you, you were freshly showered with dewy soft skin, your hair was perfectly styled, your makeup looked effortless and natural on you, and you wore a quarter sleeved green dress that had the same red, white, and green diamond pattern as his sweater as the top part of the dress. You looked beautiful and Nate quickly walked to your side with a slight blush on his cheeks as he noticed that the two of you matched perfectly as hosts. You beamed up at him and he grinned down at you as everyone began to whisper and murmur to each other. Nate looked up with a sharp eye as he heard ‘hurricane’ being whispered among the guests and they all snapped their mouths shut. You sidled up to Nate and wrapped an arm low around his waist while your other hand lay flat against his stomach.
“Thank you all for coming! I hope you all enjoy yourselves. Dinner should be ready in about an hour.” you greeted everyone with a bright happy smile and everyone raised their glasses with a happy cheer. You began to move away from Nate back towards the kitchen to check the roast and begin making the sides when Sully cleared his throat.
“Ya can’t leave yet sweetheart.” he called out and Nate frowned as he heard sniggering laughs fill the room. You looked over to Sully with a raised eyebrow as curiosity sparkled in your eyes. Nate scowled at Sully who only grinned widely at the two of you before pointing towards the ceiling. Nate nearly groaned as he knew what Sully did without him knowing while he was busy talking to Chloe. Just as his eyes reached the ceiling he sighed softly, there taped to the ceiling was a little sprig of mistletoe. Nate felt his body flush with heat at the thought of kissing you and kissing you in front of his friends and associates, he worried that you wouldn’t want to or would be disgusted by the thought of kissing him. What he did not expect was for you to chuckle softly as you stared at the mistletoe before darting your eyes to his.
“You alright with this Nate?” you asked softly in a sweet tone that had Nate blushing darkly before nodding his head quickly. He began to lean down towards you but you grabbed onto his sweater and pulled him quickly down the rest of the way and slanted your lips against his. Nate stumbled forward into you and wrapped his arms around your body to try and steady the two of you as your mouth pressed into his. He moaned softly so that only you could hear, at the feeling of your soft lips against his. Cheers filled the room and Nate gasped as he pulled back from you forgetting that you had a room of spectators which made you chuckle at his antics. You patted him softly on his chest before grinning at the guests and moving back into the kitchen.
“Go get her Nate.” called out Sully and Nate grinned at him before whirling around and rushing into the kitchen. He found you standing at the counter reaching up to grab something from the cabinet above. He didn’t give you time to react as he stepped forward and turned you around swiftly to face him before he cupped your face and pressed his lips to yours. You squeaked softly before humming into the kiss and melting against him as he stepped closer and caged you against the counter.
“I’m in love with you.” Nate confessed quietly to you when he finally pulled away and you beamed up at him dreamily.
“Finally you say it out loud.” you simpered at him and Nate looked at you with wide eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you to gather up the courage to say it with your mouth instead of your eyes.” you told him sweetly. “I love you too Nate.” Nate grinned down at you before pressing another kiss to your mouth as he listened to the guests talking and laughing out in the living room. This was the perfect Christmas party he’s hosted yet.
0 notes
sheerfreesia007 · 7 months
Fluffmas #1
Title: Fluffmas #1
Fandom: Uncharted
Pairing: Nathan Drake x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Prompt: Visit a tree farm
Words: 848
Warnings: N/A
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @shellshocklove
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You smiled softly as you followed Nathan through the rows of trees, the night before it had snowed another couple of inches and Nathan had woken up eager to get out to the tree farm to finally pick your Christmas tree for the holiday season. It had surprised you how childlike Nathan had become when you suggested buying a live tree for the season this year. His whole face had lit up with joy and you couldn’t help but fall into his infectious happiness. That was how you found yourself being bundled up in layers earlier this morning by a chaotic Nathan even before the sun had thought of rising in the sky. He had easily gotten you ensconced in the passenger seat of the car with a thermos of your favorite coffee before starting the long drive to the tree farm you had found that would fit your needs.
The first half of the ride Nathan had told you all about his childhood growing up in the orphanage with the Nuns and how they had hated live trees and always insisted on having the fake ones. He had always loved the holidays because he was able to see and spend time with his brother but he had always thought that the fake Christmas trees were so dull and not as pretty as live ones. You had voiced your agreement that yes the fake ones didn’t have the same appeal as live ones but you had told him that you thought the live ones were always so much more work for such a short amount of time of having them. Nathan compromised that he’d clean up after the tree when it dropped it’s pine needles and he’d take care of discarding it when it eventually died. You had looked over at him with wide eyes and he sheepishly ducked his head after telling you that if you’d compromise on a live tree he’d clean it up. The two of you had then fallen into a comfortable quiet as Christmas music played on the radio while sipping your hot chocolate you had packed for the two of you.
Now Nathan walked down the long rows of trees with a small hacksaw dangling from his hand as he surveyed each and every tree critically. You knew Nathan wanted to pick the best Christmas tree he could find, it had almost turned into a mission for him to pick the best one. Rolling your eyes playfully you watched as he dismissed another tree due to how few branches it had. Pulling your scarf further up your face to cover your mouth and nose you picked up your pace to come to Nathan’s side. Slipping your hand in his he looked over at you and smiled warmly at you with bright sparkling eyes. The two of you kept walking quietly as Nate continued to eye the trees, the almost smothering quiet of the early morning was peaceful and if it wasn’t so cold out you’d probably enjoy it more.
“I promise I’m close to finding a good one.” he said fondly and with slight chagrin. You furrowed your brows at him before shaking your head and pulling him to a stop next to you. You pulled your scarf down under your chin so that you could talk clearly to him and Nate’s eyes immediately darted to your lips as his eyes softened while staring at you.
“Hey, there’s no rush. Take all the time you need to decide Nate.” you told him reassuringly and he smiled kindly at you before pulling you close to him and wrapped the arm that didn’t hold the hacksaw around your waist.
“I adore you.” he said softly and you smiled brightly up at him as your hands came up to cup his face and pull him down for a lingering warm kiss.
“No more than I adore you.” you countered before pecking his lips softly. He sucked in a deep breath before lunging forward to capture your lips heatedly in a loving kiss. You heard him drop the hacksaw before his arms wrapped tightly around your body and pulled you flush against him. You hummed softly as his lips moved against yours and your body warmed from the inside out while your arms wrapped around his neck securely. Nate grunted softly as your mouth as his hands slid down your back to grip at your hips and hold you close to him.
“Let’s get this tree chopped down and get back home. I want to cuddle with you in front of our first Christmas tree.” he confessed softly after he pulled away from you and placed his forehead against yours. Warmth bloomed inside your chest at his words and you beamed up at him, the fact that he considered your little apartment that you shared with him his home spoke volumes to you. Nodding your head you watched as Nathan bent and picked up the hacksaw once more before taking a hold of your hand and guiding you back down the row of trees with him.
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Flufftober #12
Title: Flufftober #12
Fandom: Uncharted
Pairing: Nathan Drake x OFC
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 555
Prompt: Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: This was just something cute that came to mind for this prompt.
Gif Credit: @cutetomholland
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    You grinned as you looked around the little space on the roof of Nate’s apartment complex. It had been a long stressful week for you at work but tonight Nate was due home from his trip with Sully and you were excited to welcome him home. You had asked his landlord for access to the roof so that you could surprise Nate with a fancy dinner and nice relaxing evening under the stars.
    Nate had texted that they had landed at the airport and were just battling traffic to finally get home and he figured it’d be another twenty minutes, that was ten minutes ago. You looked around the rooftop smiling at the strings of fairy lights that you had set up around the area. You had made a delicious spaghetti and meat sauce dinner that was your specialty. And you had even brought out the fancy dinnerware for tonight, along with a bottle of wine that you had been saving for a special event.
    Tonight may not have been something super special but you figured after dating Nate for three months and the two of you getting through your first long distance trip that Nate was on for three weeks, it was special enough for the two of you to pop the cork on this bottle. Suddenly you felt butterflies fill your stomach and your nerves started to get the better of you while doubt creeped in the back of your mind.
    But before you could let your doubt and nerves take complete control of you a pair of finely toned arms wrapped low around your waist making you smile widely as you felt Nate’s chest press against your back. You squealed a little bit and quickly turned in his arms to wrap your own arms around his neck as he gazed down at you. Nate grinned widely at you before leaning down to press a warm heated kiss to your lips that you eagerly reciprocated.
    “So what’s all this?” He asked when the two of you finally broke apart.
    “I wanted to celebrate you coming home after your trip. It’s just something to help us reconnect and relax together.” You responded and Nate smiled down at you. He began to sway back and forth with you as his arms wrapped higher around your back.
    “Is that your famous spaghetti and meat sauce I smell?” He asked as he continued to sway you back and forth. You smiled and nodded your head at him as you began to lead him towards the small round table you had dragged up to the roof for this dinner. Nate seemed to glow under the fairy lights and you sucked in a deep breath when you got a good look at him finally, he was stunning. You smiled dreamily up at him as your hand came up and cupped his cheek softly. “What is it?” He asked adorably confused at your actions.
    “I just missed you.” You replied and Nate smirked down at you before tugging you close to him and pressing his lips against yours with love and happiness radiating off him. It consumed you and made your heart lift from your chest with elated joy. You knew tonight was going to be a good night with your boyfriend under the fairy lights and stars above you.
0 notes
memphisnovels · 2 years
Small beginnings
Chapter 1. Hey, bug.
A Nathan Drake x ofc fic
This is based off of the uncharted movie not the games
I hope everyone likes this, it’s something I’ve been working on for a while! :)
Chapter 2 here, chapter 3 here
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“Hey, it’s me. I’m so sorry, bug. Call me back when you get this. Love you.”
I pulled the phone away from my ear, pressing the play button again. Her voice resonated through the speaker once more, the voicemail I’d listened to over and over. I really didn’t even need to listen to it anymore, I knew it backwards and forwards, the way her voice sounded as she enunciated each word, the small breath she took before those last two words. She’d said it a million times before, I knew she did, just like I knew she was sorry; I guess it doesn’t really matter what I knew though.
I closed my eyes tightly, tucking my head in between my knees.
“Why do you lock yourself up in these chainsss.” Her voice echoed through our apartment, and she dragged her finger over the clothes hanging in my closet. I pressed my arm over my eyes, breathing out a laugh as she picked out a dress to examine.
“You’re wasting your time, Kate, I’m not going with you tonight.”
“Someday somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye.” She sent me a sharp glare over her shoulder, turning the dial on the stereo causing the music to play louder. “Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry?”
“God, you are so annoying!” I laughed as she threw a dress at my head.
The laughter echoed in my mind as my surroundings returned, the cold tiles of that bathroom pressed against my bare legs. I ran a hand through my messy curls before pressing the heels of my palms into my closed eyes. My flight to Barcelona leaves in a couple of hours and I had yet to shower or change out of the pajamas that hung from me, a combination of perfumes engrained in the fibers.
I was beginning to regret allowing Sully to recruit me once again. He’d never struggled to get me on board with any of his plans, despite my unyielding stubbornness. He had this way of getting me interested; then I’d ask questions and inevitably my curiosity would get the better of me and I’d find myself negotiating my cut with him. Magellan’s ships were a fable, or at least that’s what I’d believed, my parents had dedicated their lives to finding them, with no such luck. I had said as much to Sully when he’d first approached me with his plans. It wasn’t just my parents who’d spent years searching, he’d been hyper-fixated on the legend since I’d known him. That’s what had prompted our introduction in the first place; his association with my parents during their searches. I was so much younger then, never paying much mind to my parents’ ramblings about the riches they believed to be onboard.
“JFK please,” I spoke to the cab driver as I slipped into the back with my duffel bags. “Oh, one-stop first please, Safeguard storage down on Liberty Avenue.” The cabby nodded in response to my words. Inside my storage locker, I placed a single six-by-four cardboard box, within the box lay a piece of paper folded into thirds, inscribed on the paper was the location at which I’d find my cut from the sale of the Sancy diamond. A beloved member of the Louvres ancient collection, believed to have belonged to the Mughals of antiquity. I’d managed to swipe the cursed diamond from the museum. Perhaps swiped was an inaccurate representation, what I’d done had taken years of preparation, meticulous research, and unmatched skill. It was certainly not my first time, perhaps not even the most valuable thing I’d stolen, though, it was certainly high on the list. There were warrants for my arrest in several countries the world over, well, not for my arrest specifically but for the arrest of The Rook. Gender unknown, appearance unknown, really nothing was known about The Rook. About me, I suppose. I’d laid low for a while, cooling off from my general business, but then everything went to shit. And hey, maybe stealing the Sancy came from an angry place, but God did it feel good.
I pressed my phone to my ear, letting the voicemail play once again. The one-way flight to Barcelona was about consecutive eight hours, most of which I dozed off for content that I’d arrive at least an hour before Sully. I’d known the man since I was a kid, perhaps that is why I was extra weary of him. Or perhaps that was merely a symptom of my severe trust issues, but c’est la vie, I suppose. My connections had informed me of the company Victor Sullivan had been keeping, the company that he was now planning to cut into our deal; a fact he’d yet to tell me directly.
Nathan Drake, brother of Sam Drake, our very much deceased associate. I was willing to bet Sully had left that tid-bit out. The last I’d heard from Sully he’d acquired the cross and would meet me in Barcelona.
I camped out beside the baggage claim at customs, awaiting the intel from my connection. My phone buzzed a moment later. ‘Black utility backpack, Drake.’ The text brought a smirk to my lips. It truly was too easy, I scanned the conveyor belt, finding the bag swiftly. Sure enough, inscribed on the tag was the tell-tale surname. I glanced around for any onlookers before unzipping the bag just enough to reach within and feel around. It wasn’t long before my palm wrapped around the cool metal. In a single maneuver, I pulled the cross from the backpack and slipped it into the waistband of my shorts. Re-zipping the bag I dropped it onto the conveyor belt. I waited for Sully and his new friend to emerge from the airport before hailing a taxi and instructing it to follow their car.
My phone buzzed again, Sully this time, a text asking for the location to meet at followed by another asking if I was in Barcelona yet. I responded with a thumb-up emoji and the address I’d given the driver. Leaning my head back against the worn seat beneath me, my eyes fluttered closed. For a while, there was nothing, save for the low hum of the radio playing flamenco melodies. It was not long, however, before the memories started to flood in.
“I feel like we should go to Europe.”
I snorted as I set the table before me, adjusting the silverware that glittered under the overhead lights. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“I just feel like everything would be better there, I mean it’s Europe, how could it not be better.” 
I raised an eyebrow at her, placing the entrée plates down. “We can’t go to Europe. Dinner service starts in half an hour.”
She rolled her eyes in response. “I know I’m right, Xan, nothing would feel so bad, or hurt as much.” My heart ached at her words. I glanced at her sympathetically. Exactly five hours ago Kate had met her birth parents. They’d hugged and cried and then told her never to contact them again.
“How can you be so sure?”
She plopped down into a seat, fiddling with the edge of her black vest. “I have to be, I just have to be. Because if I’m not then I just have to accept that things might never feel any better and I’m not sure I can be okay with that.”
I studied her for a long moment. The furrow of her brows, her downturned gaze, the way her left cheek pulled in as she bit into the flesh. It was as if she was a balloon and someone had just untucked the knot, freeing all the helium within. I’d never seen her so… Deflated. “I do like sangria.” Her eyes met mine then, a little flicker of the Kate I’d known my entire life present.
“I like the idea of Barcelona.” She responded quietly. 
I shrugged. “I guess that’s where we’ll go then. We’ll spend our days lying by a beach, cooking in the sun like lizards and drinking ourselves silly on sangria and not caring what anyone has to say because all we need is each other.” I squatted down in front of her, taking ahold of her hands. “That’s all we ever need.”
“Estamos aquí, señorita.” My eyes shot open as the driver addressed me for the second time. I sat up in my seat, glancing ahead to see the bridge Sully had told me to meet him at.
“Gracias.” I responded, slipping money into his hand before exiting the car.
Sully and Sam’s brother were facing away from me, speaking in hushed tones. “There she is!” Came Sully’s familiar voice as I approached the pair.
I shook my head at him immediately before nodding toward Nathan. “Absolutely not.”
“Xanthe, this is Nate,” Sully informed, ignoring my words.
With a roll of my eyes, I disregarded Nate’s outstretched hand. “When exactly were you going to tell me about the new addition, Sullivan?”
“Right now.” He responded with a shrug accompanying a sheepish look, my irritation only grew at his words. “And by the way, what’s with the spy games why’d we have to meet here?”
I crossed my arms over my chest, holding Sully’s gaze with unwavering determination before turning it to Nate. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was but there was something vaguely familiar about him. “Just had to make sure you weren’t followed.”
“Okay, I’m pretty sure I can spot a tail, kid.” He scoffed.
A scoff left me as I scanned the bridge. “That’s funny, especially considering I’ve been on you since the airport.” My eyes returned to Sully’s as he glared at me in disbelief. “If he’s in I’m out,” I added.
“Come on, Xan, don’t be like that, he could be an asset. Just give him a chance.”
Before I could stop myself, a laugh fell from my lips. “Oh sure, you know me, always the optimist. Hey, you know what? Why don’t we all head to a cocktail bar, we can drink cosmos and braid each other’s hair.” Sully sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head in my direction. Nate glanced between the two of us, the corner of his mouth upturned. “Best of luck getting that treasure with one cross, Sully.” I turned sharply on my heel, walking away from the pair, ignoring Sully’s calls of my name. I pressed a hand to my satchel, reassurance that both crosses were safely stowed away. The corners of my lips upturned as I felt the hard metal beneath the fabric.
I chanced a glance over my shoulder as I reached the edge of the bridge. Nate’s eyes met mine as he realized the cross was missing. I missed Sully scolding him as I propelled myself over the side of the bridge, landing on a rooftop adorned by a number of constructed skylights that split the roof into pathways. I sprinted down the main clearing, one hand wrapped tightly around the strap of my back. Curls whipped around my face as I swerved between courses. Nate was hot on my tail and clearly unyielding in his efforts to catch me. I turned abruptly running down a different pathway that led to a steeple atop the building. My body crashed to the ground as another tackled me. I swore at him as he pressed my front to the cement.
“This could’ve been easy.” He chuckled, evidently feeling pretty good about himself. “Xanthe was it? Here’s how this is gonna go, Xan, I’m going hold onto these crosses and you’re gonna play nice. If you can do that then I might consider letting you back in on the plan.” He spoke after snatching my bag. I gritted my teeth, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. “Do you think you can do that?” My eyes opened as he spoke, nodding my head twice in response I clenched my hands into fists. “Good, ‘cause I really didn’t wanna have to hurt you.” He stood, freeing my limbs from his weight. I moved to my feet at once, turning to face him swiftly. Our eyes met once again as he studied me. I took a solitary step toward him, slow and non-threatening. With an outstretched hand, I offered him a pleasant smile. His eyebrows rose ever so slightly as his lips upturned, one of his cheeks had the impression of a dimple as he filled my hand with the warmth of his.
In a move that demonstrated nothing if not practiced precision, I yanked his body toward mine letting go of his hand only to reach over his shoulder and grab the strap of the satchel. I kneed him in the groin as hard as I could, a pained gasp leaving him along with the air in his lungs. In mere seconds I hooked my right leg around the back of his knee and swept his leg from under him, as he fell, I slipped the satchel from him. “Awe, I wouldn’t worry about that,” I spoke as I slung it over my body, grinning at him as he clutched his groin, face contorted in pain. With that I whipped around, leaping into the steeple, and finally putting some distance in between Nate and myself. I reached the outer edge of the roof when I heard footfalls on my tail once more. “Crap.” I breathed, glancing behind me to see Nate once again chasing after me. I dropped down onto the leaf-covered ground, bracing before standing up straight once more and taking off toward the street before me. Nate’s shouts echoed from behind me. I glanced around spotting a manmade waterfall-like feature. This could either be a really good idea or my worst yet. Leaping into the water, I ran as fast as I could, lifting my knees high with each step to move swiftly through the rushing water.
“OH SHIT!” I heard Nate shout as he leaped for me but managed to slip and fall into the pool below. I stopped for a split second to witness his fall before jumping onto the roof of a car and sliding down the window. He met my eyes as my feet hit the ground and I picked up my pace, maneuvering around the crowded courtyard to reach the car I’d hired. I accelerated immediately when the car roared to life, before slamming my foot against the break when Nate threw at the car, slapping his hand against the hood. “Listen, you don’t know where you’re going with the keys! You’re looking for a tree, right?!” He yelled in between deep breaths.
I pressed my finger to the window button, rolling it down just slightly. “Fuck off!” I responded, accelerating slightly, he remained before me, unwavering in his efforts.
“Listen to me! The eighteen were willing to wait years to go back for the gold, they wouldn’t have picked a tree as a marker.” He explained, far more calmly than before. There was a certain quality to his eyes now, something I hadn’t seen before, something almost pleading. “They would’ve picked something more permanent.”
I raised my eyebrows at him. “You’re full of shit.”
“Hey, let her go, she knows how to use the keys, so she doesn’t need us right? I guess she doesn’t need this either.” Sully called, appearing from the crowd, and pulling a worn, leather-bound notebook from the backpack.
Nate nodded, finally stepping away from the car. “Okay be my guest, get out of here.”
I shrugged, foot hovering over the accelerator as I stared at the notebook in Sully’s hand. They were right, as incredibly unlikely as it had seemed, I would need their help to find the gold. Bile rose in my throat at the thought. I sighed heavily, removing my foot from the accelerator. A knowing smirk took over Nate’s features; it suited him. He approached the car, leaning against my door, now far closer to me than I was comfortable with. The fact that he was cute made him so much more annoying. “If it’s not a tree, what is it?”
“At the auction house, Moncada called it an ‘altar crucifix.’ I didn’t think about it then, but it means that the cross was originally made to stand on an altar.”
I nodded at his words. “In a church?” It was Nate’s turn to nod now, I held his gaze for a moment, you could tell a lot about a person from their eyes. He told me this was about far more than finding some ancient treasure. “Which church?” I added, Sully’s voice echoing mine.
“God, you guys never stop, do you?” I rolled my eyes at Nate’s words. “Look, if we want to get the gold, we’re gonna have to figure out a way to trust each other.” He reached his hand out towards me. “So, give me the key.”
With gritted teeth, I held the bag toward him. “Which church?” As it transpired the church in question was Santa Maria del Pi. “Saint Mary of the Pine,” I murmured running my fingertips over the engraved tree plaque.
“You might just be a genius.” Sully praised causing me to roll my eyes, an action that seemed to be my natural state in the presence of the two men beside me. “Now you know why I brought him.”
I glanced around in search of the entrance, muttering under my breath. “’Genius' is a bit of a stretch.” Nate scoffed at my words, raising a solitary eyebrow at me. “Fine. Good work, superstar.” With that, I began to approach the nuns who were gathered by the doorway. In the reflection of the windows, I could see Nate’s eye following my profile, I wondered if it was out of distrust or if it was a side effect of an entirely different feeling, whichever it was it brought an extra pep to my step. I asked the nuns about attending the church in Spanish. The years of travel I’d undergone in my formative years had evidently allowed me to pick up many languages, however, Spanish was always the one I gravitated toward the most. When I returned to Nate and Sully they were arguing in hushed tones. I cleared my throat to gain their attention. “There’s a midnight mass tonight, so tomorrow’s the earliest we can take a look around.” The pair nodded glancing back at the church as Sully spoke up.
“You’ve got the gear at the house, right?”
With a nod of my head, I turned back toward the hire car, not bothering to ensure they were following. The drive was mostly silent, the words exchanged by the three of us few and far between. I was unsure how trustworthy Nate was, he seemed so… Soft, alarmingly so. At this point I wasn’t sure if I believed him or pitied him, this wasn’t the business to be gentle in. His brother had that quality as well, I suppose you might call it kindness, perhaps compassion. It was this deep-seated warmth that they seemed unable to shake, regardless of the cocky repartee they both put forth. Sam was the perfect example of why it pays to be dubious, why you shouldn’t let emotions guide your actions; just look at what happened to him. There was something different about Nate though, something I didn’t see in Sam, though I guess I didn’t really know a great deal about either of the Drake brothers, particularly not when I’d only just met Nathan today. I shook off the thought of wanting to know him.
From a young age, it became apparent to me that I was on my own. That might seem dramatic, but it was true, nonetheless. I was certain my parents were unaware of my existence most of the time. When they would enter a room, I was in, if they took note of my presence their only reaction was a startled one. It was as if I was a stranger, an unwelcome visitor in their home. They would gaze at me and behind their eyes, I saw nothing, no recollection, no warmth, only expectance, and something I assumed was their search for the correct words to speak to me. It was a jarring culmination of moments, my childhood. There were certain memories that were what I’d expect to see in a film depicting a family who felt nothing if not unyielding love for one another. I recalled sitting on my father’s knee as he read to me from a historical textbook or novel. The memory that followed shortly after this was sitting on the cold hard ground of an airport somewhere near Tunisia awaiting my parents. Our flight back to New York was supposed to leave at eleven AM, my parents had planned to come to the airport separately. I sat with my back to the wall, flicking through the pages of a book of art, repeatedly. The sun set and I could just about recite the bibliography by heart. They had decided they weren’t ready to give up their treasure hunt so soon, at least that’s what my nanny, Marie, told me. I didn’t see my parents until we arrived back home. My father had offered me a pat on the head as he retreated to the study with my mother, though no words were exchanged between us. I was on my own. Until I met Kate Vincent. We were twelve and she was the only person I invited to my birthday party; we’d never spoken but she never really spoke to anyone then. She would sit by herself every day at school, a book in her hands as she ignored everyone around her. Marie insisted I have at least one person over for my birthday, but I didn’t like anyone enough to invite them, or perhaps I just didn’t want to have to explain why my parents weren’t there. Kate didn’t ask, she didn’t say much at first, I was honestly surprised she even showed up. We sat at the table picking at slices of cake backed by Marie, it was just the two of us at the table when I finally cracked, finding the silence almost unbearable. “My parents aren’t here, I’m pretty sure they don’t know it’s my birthday.” It hadn’t been a complaint, merely information.
She nodded gently, picking at her fingernails. “I’ve never met my parents.” She spoke finally. From that day forward she was the only person in the entire world who I let in. My best friend, my sister. The person I knew everything about and the only one who knew everything about me in return.
Sully tilted the bottle of Rioja toward my glass but as the red liquid poured in, I was long gone, sitting in a different room years before.
The living room of our apartment was mostly bare, the only décor, a few magnets on the fridge, and Kate at my side. We had seated ourselves on the hardwood floor, a bottle of wine between us and a single slice of pizza remaining in the grease-stained box. “We did it, we really did it, bug.” She murmured, glancing around.
“Fuck yeah we did!” I clinked my glass with hers before sipping deeply. “It’s a little shitty but it's ours, so who cares.”
Joyful tears brimmed her eyes as she glanced at me. “I love it so much!” I beamed at her, grabbing her arm and pulling her toward me to embrace her. She laid her head in my lap as I stretched my legs out. “It really is so shit.” She laughed through her tears, scanning the tiny apartment. I laughed along with her, moving to lay on my back beside her. “You’re right though, it’s ours.” I sent her a sidelong smile. “Our shitty apartment.” She gripped my hand tightly as we stared at the roof. “I’m so glad I met you.” I agreed wholeheartedly with her sentiment.
I gripped the wine glass so tightly I was surprised it didn’t shatter in my hand. “I found my cross in a crypt in Genoa, I wasn’t even looking for it, so I certainly didn’t realize it was key to a much bigger fortune,” I spoke, needing anything to focus on instead of the white-hot ache in my chest. “Sully knew though.”
We continued to discuss the use of the keys; Sully added. “Well, it’s a good thing the eighteen didn’t trust each other, or we wouldn’t be here, right? Like one big happy family.”
“Toast?” Nate spoke up.
Sully and I agreed, lifting our glasses.
 “Arriba, abajo, al centro y pa’ dentro."
Nate began to take large gulps from his glass, I narrowed my eyes, making a face of disgust at the obscene noises he emitted. “Hey, kid, slow down. That’s a vintage rioja, all right? You might want to just taste it, savor it.” Sully scolded.
“Or chug it down like you’re on spring break,” I muttered, shaking my head and laughing gently as Nate left the room. “I’m onto you, you know,” I spoke, turning to face Sully. “He’s Sam’s brother, isn’t he?”
He shrugged in response. “Oh, wow, you cracked the case. Great job, Xan.”
“Does he know what happened?”
“Not yet. I-I’m gonna tell him.”
I pursed my lips, Victor Sullivan had been in my life a very long time, I knew better than to take him at his word. “When?”
“Why do you care so much? A few hours ago, you were ready to ditch me over bringing him onto the team.”
Nate returned before I had the chance to answer. “Who’s still thirsty? I found another bottle of red.”
“Hey, kid, you think she’s okay? My cat.”
“You have a cat?” I questioned incredulously as Nate plonked down onto the couch beside me.
Sully nodded, staring intently at his phone. “The man from the app said he was gonna feed her, but he hasn’t texted me back yet.”
“I don’t know what’s cuter, your concern or the fact that you just said ‘the man from the app.’” Nate teased, handing the bottle to me. Our fingers grazed as I took it, his hand was warm against mine and the lingering touch sent a shiver down my spine. I blamed the reaction on a lack of human contact over the last couple of months, turning quickly to face Sully once more as he tapped aggressively at the glowing screen.
As the night progressed, Sully retired to his room, and it was only Nate and I left talking. I stood abruptly, walking out onto the balcony. The cool breeze was a welcome relief. “Are you coming?” I called over my shoulder. A beat later he was at my side, bottle of wine in hand. I breathed a laugh, taking it from him and sipping deeply from it. A drop of wine slipped from my mouth, streaming down the curve of my chin. Nate took a step toward me, hand moving to rest on my cheek as he swiped the stray liquid with his thumb. I could feel the heat radiating from him, the fabric of his shirt brushing against my chest ever so slightly as I inhaled. He smelt faintly of whatever cologne he’d used last, red wine, and the earth.
“So, when did you decide to become Indiana Jones?” He breathed out, and his hand fell from my cheek, though he didn’t step back.
The air felt thick, hard to force into my lungs. “I’ve always liked finding things, I used to dig up all sorts of stuff and bring it to my nanny to see what she thought the history might be. This-”, I twirled my finger around the air, gesturing to the house and us. “Isn’t my usual gig, but I’m what I like to call a freelancer.” He nodded at me as I brought my hand up to catch the ring fastened to his neck, moving the metal between my fingertips to read the inscription. “Sic Parvis Magna.” I managed to read. “Greatness from small things?”
“Beginnings, close, greatness from small beginnings.” I nodded at his words, daring a glance up into his eyes, hand resting against his chest as I continued to grasp the ring. He was so close; the worst part was that I didn’t want to push him away. I told myself I was only entertaining the thought because it distracted me from reminiscing. “Hey, why did you show the stuff you dug up to your nanny? Weren’t your parents around?” There was no malice behind the question, only gentle curiosity. I shrugged, offering a small shake of my head in response. His hand fell upon my upper arm. “Who needs ‘em anyway.” He murmured.
I exhaled a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. I’d had a similar philosophy most of my adult life. I remember Sam telling me about his and Nate’s upbringing with the nuns. “Where’d you get it?” I nodded toward the ring still in my grasp
“It was my brother, Sam’s, he gave it to me before he left.” The sentiment brought a very small, bittersweet smile to my lips. I dropped the ring back against his chest before placing my hand over it softly. His own coming to envelope mine a beat later. This was dangerous, temptingly so. My other hand traced up from his elbow to his shoulder. Our eyes were locked in a silent battle, intent on finding who would break first. I was almost certain he’d leaned toward me, perhaps I’d leaned toward him, whatever the case there was an intangible magnetism between us in that moment that seemed set on drawing us in. He tucked a stray curl behind my ear, his fingers dancing down my cheek to the curve of my jaw. Just as I decided this was the perfect distraction from my unbearable thoughts, he opened his mouth once more. “I’ve got it.” I furrowed my eyebrows at his sudden words. “I’ve figured out why you’re so familiar. You’re from New York, right? You came into the bar I work at.” The familiarity suddenly dawned on me as he continued. “I remember because you gave me a fake name and I called you out on it.” He grinned at me.
The memory made me snort. “You were the weird bartender who kept flirting with me.” I teased.
He gasped. “That’s not exactly how I remember it, sweetheart.”
“Oh really, well how do you remember it, Drake?”
With a smirk, he began to recount the night in question. “I remember you hanging off every word I spoke when I told you about the history of the Moscow mule. Then you did that little move of yours where you tilt your head back to shake your hair and make sure every person in the room is incapable of looking away.” I rose an eyebrow at his words. He was right, I was flirting back that night.
“Seems like you have a pretty vivid memory there. Only you’re missing one part, I wasn’t doing it for every person in the room.” I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck as I leaned up to murmur in his ear. “Just you.” His breath fanned over my lips as I returned to face him.
His lips were merely a head tilt away. I was more than happy to oblige, however, before our lips could meet, he spoke once more. “Even your friend thought you should give me your number.” He’d meant it as a teasing remark, I knew that. “You know, the red-head you were with.” He explained as my body tensed. I pulled away from him then, putting some much-needed space between us. He furrowed his eyebrows questioningly. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, of course not, it’s just a big day tomorrow we should really get some sleep.” I cleared my throat, picking at my nails as I awaited his response.
“Yeah, o-okay, sure.” With that I left him on the balcony, walking swiftly to my room. It wasn’t until the door was shut, my back pressed against it, that I could breathe properly again. I slid down the cool wood, pressing my cheek to my knee. What was I thinking, he’s an associate, sleeping with him when I knew about his brother was completely wrong, I was an idiot for thinking that it was a good idea to mix business and pleasure. We would find this gold, split the cash, and go our separate ways.
That is how it would be.
That is how I wanted it to be.
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