#off-shoot like if u see this person liking x thing u know they're into x other thing(s)
munchboxart · 1 month
My OFF drawing popping off on Twitter on my account meant for sketches and going outside of my main target audience and circle and now I'm getting followed by off-shoot fandom people
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eggyrocks · 3 months
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bloody nose: kuroo x calloused hands reader
calloused hands masterlist // main masterlist
warnings: violence, blood, swearing; grammatical errors, not proofread, i wrote this just for me so it's probably not great
an: here it is. my self indulgent bonus chapter that’s got my fingers itching. i wanted to write this so fucking bad i genuinely do not even care if it’s good tbh; im sure if you wanted to read this without reading all of calloused hands u could but it’s probably better in context
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their set's not going well.
it might have something to do with the venue; it's a small, cramped basement bar with only one way out and one way in-the old and creaking staircase that looks like it's one bad day away from collapsing. it might be the fact that the bouncer's stopped counting heads and the bar's way over capacity. could be the hot humid air that's suffocating them and only getting worse with each person that claws their way towards the band.
but it's probably the heckler.
yn's generally not really bothered by that sort of thing. it's not like this is the first one she's ever dealt with; normally she'll just play over them until they learn their lesson and keep their mouths shut during their sets.
but the bar's fucking tiny and so ungodly packed and hot it's making her just a bit more irritable than usual. every couple of minutes there's some sweaty dude from the pit getting knocked into her and knocking her hand off her guitar, throwing her off and making her fuck up. it's irritating. it's frustrating. she knows her bandmates are getting fucking sick of it too. tanaka's broken more drum sticks than usual.
so when the heckler starts up again, she doesn't really have any self-restraint.
"you guys fucking suck!" comes his voice, ripping through the crowd in between songs.
yn leans up close to the mic until her lips are ghosting over the cool metal. "uhh, suck my dick," she murmurs into the mic, hearing it echo throughout the small space.
she ignores the crowd's reactions and leans back on her heels to make eye contact with yachi. yachi, who, like yn, got so sick of the heat and had to abandon her outer layer of clothes in favor of her sports bra. just one look at her sweat-soaked friend and yn can tell she is just as miserable as she is.
"heckling us won't make us play better," nishinoya says into his own mic, "we're going to suck no matter what you say."
"why doesn't your guitar player suck my dick!"
the reaction is half boos and half laughter, and yn does her best not to react the way she wants to. she just fiddles with her guitar while nishinoya lets out a string of curses and threats into the mic. he kepts it short, though, they've got a show to get on with.
yn wishes she could spot kuroo. she knows he's out there somewhere in the crowd; she keeps hoping to catch a glimpse of his distinctive silhouette-just seeing him there would help her calm down. just a bit.
kuroo's good at making things better for her. he always does it, even when he's not trying.
but all she can see over the lights that shine in her eyes is a shapeless mass of huddled bodies, indistinguishable and formless. she can't pick out kuroo. she can't see his face and she can't calm down.
"this next song's called rot," nishinoya anounces, and ignores the glare yn shoots him. he's fucking around with their setlist again. "it's about dying and getting eating by worms."
tanaka counts them in, and yn tries to focus all of her energy on playing. she's hoping to take her frustrations out on her guitar; and either way, she always plays great when she's in a bad mood.
but they're not even half-way through the first verse when yn notices something whipping over the heads of the audience. in a fraction of a second, she realizes it's a beer can. sixteen ounces.
and then, the next second, it's hitting her in the temple.
her hand leaves her instrument and flies to cup the spot she got hit. the beer can hits the floor and it's spraying sudsy, warm alcohol all over her. she crouches down in pain, trying to blink away the hot, thick liquid that now drips down into her eye.
there's a hand on her shoulder, and the sweet words of concern in her ear confirm that it's yachi. yn tries to stand up straight, despite the dizzying pain radiating in her skull, and tries to get a look at what's happening in front of her.
strangers are trying to crowd her, to get close to offer help or see if she's okay or just get a better look at exactly what happened. nishinoya is pushing people away, telling them to back the fuck up, now. tanaka's grabbing yn by the shoulder and trying to keep her steady. yachi's pressing one of their discarded tshirts against yn's forehead, trying to slow the bleeding.
and there's a familiar outline of bedhead, stomping up the stairs of the bar, dragging a protesting body behind him.
haphazardly, yn rips wires out of her guitar and shoves herself forward, elbowing her away through the swarms of people, leaving behind her bandmates, bloodied tshirt, and still fizzing can of beer.
once she climbs up the stairs and out of that basement, the cool air is on her skin, on sweat, on the beer-soaked clothes she's left in, and she's suddenly freezing.
but she doesn't really focus on that. yn just stands there and stares as kuroo, her beautiful kuroo, holds the heckler up by his collar, sneering at him. "what the fuck is wrong with you?" he screams into the trembling face of the other man. "you could've killed her!"
"it wasn't supposed to hit her!" he insists, and suddenly does not have the smug edge to his voice he did when he was telling yn to suck his dick. "it was an accident, dude!"
yachi appears at yn's side then, mouth open like she's about to ask if yn's okay, but she stops at the scene before her, just taking yn's hand in hers.
kuroo's grip on his collar is tight, and if the bruising on his knuckles or the bleeding of the heckler's mouth are any indication, he may have already gotten a hit in. he doesn't look away from the man in his grip. "yn, are you bleeding?"
she squeezes yachi's hand. "yeah," is her casual answer. she winces, blood sill trickling down her face, and the pain in her head still throbs.
"kiyoko's looking for something to stop the bleeding," yachi tells him, a nervous tremor. "tanaka's getting the van so he can drive her to the hospital-she's gonna need stiches."
kuroo lets him go, then. dropping him so quickly that the heckler only just gets his bearings before kuroo is pulling his fist back and then slamming it into the nose of the heckler. there's a pleasant crunch. yn tries to appreciate the sight of it, but she's just getting so damn lightheaded.
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by the time they get out of the hospital, the sun has started rising. kuroo's driving the band's van with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping onto his girlfriend's thigh.
her bandmates, who insisted on staying with them the whole night, are now sleeping in the back, and their not soft and not gentle snores are fill the van.
yn looks over at kuroo and grins. she reaches towards him and gently carsses the cut that stretches across his nose. "you got battle scars now. can't believe you headbutted that guy."
he scoffs. keeping his palm flat on the wheel, he stretches out his fingers and examines the the scabbing over his knuckles. "my hands were starting to hurt and i need them for volleyball. i was running out of options."
"it was really hot, by the way," she tells him, teeth poking through broad smile. kuroo flicks his eyes away from the road for just a second to see it. "you were all bloody and sweaty like, 'oh, i'm gonna fucking kill you that's my girlfriend,'" she says, in a poorly done imitation of kuroo.
he laughs. "im just glad you're okay. if you had gotten a concussion i would've had to track him and down and give him one of his own."
"you need more than a beer can to take me down," she boasts. and then, without much warning, leans over towards the driver's seat to place a kiss on kuroo's cheek. "thanks for beating the shit out of that guy for me."
"i'll always beat the shit out of someone for you, babe," he tells her, only half-joking. "you're my girl. of course i will."
she smiles, and places her hand on top of his, resting her head on top of his arm. "i'm totally gonna fuck the shit out of you after i sleep for like, twelve hours, by the way."
kuroo smirks, and from the back, through a haze of sleepiness and snores, nishinoya says, "you guys are fucking gross."
taglist: @wyrcan @rieieieieieiei @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @nnnyxie @cr4yolaas @httpakkeiji @macchiatomegumi @hikikaimar @noodleswastaken @garden-of-bri @rinaheartss @infinitelytimebound @scxrcherr @eyes-ofhell @sleepy-time @polish-cereal @literally-a-ferret @crownj1min @sereniteav @kozuskitten @02shuuu @rasisarchive @marzzn @barricadesenthusiast @yvjitadori @yeehawslap @phoenix-eclipses @lcvestays @thirtykiwis @kitty-m30w @causenessus @notsaelty (i wasn't sure if i should include the taglist since this is just a bonus chapter but u know what. fuck it. here u guys go).
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
HI POOOKIEE!!! could u possibly make slasher headcanons with a silly and chaotic reader? reader is just really weird and making random noises, jumping around and saying out-of-pocket stuff. bonus if they switch accents multiple times in a sentence 🤭
also, could I be star anon ⭐️?
Various Slashers x Chaotic!reader
So sorry it took so long to get to this LMAO, I got hit hard with a brand new interest so it kind of silenced the slasher interest just as it was getting getting set in motion 😭😭
Post contains; jason, brahms, chucky, and Michael Myers since I can only really write 3-4 characters currently 😭😭
WOOOOO as soon as this current interest dies down a little I might go on and continue my horror movie binge
And yes you may be ⭐ anon!!!:3
I still need to watch the chucky show RaaAAAAH
First time writing for Michael and chucky too so I apologize if they're a little.... so-so
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Oh that poor man... you confuse him a lot of the time but he overlooks your stranger behaviors because he loves you so much! You keep him guessing what you're going to so next, so life in your shared cabin never really gets dull. He does put his foot down hard if you do something without thinking it through, something that could leave you hurt.. he doesnt play around with your safety
It takes him a moment to get used to it, hes just never really been exposed to someone like you. Not that theres anything wrong with you... actually it makes him even more infatuated with you because he always wants to know what you're going to do next! Watches you like a hawk from the walls while you're walking around doing your chores for the day.. you might even encourage him to talk more or interact directly with you just because he wants to hear you talk and say whatever crosses your mind in the moment. Though he does get a little pouty if hes trying to be romantic and you say something that completely shatters the atmosphere... he learns new terms and phrases through you, the same can be said for Jason, and boy.. do you have this man wondering what half of these terms mean
"What do you see in (reader)?" "They make me laugh" except Michael doesnt laugh (and if he ever does the closest you get is the slightest huff from his nose), and he doesnt answer the question. He thinks.. well it's hard to tell what he thinks due to him not showing much of a reason when you do your thing around him. He simply stands there. Though when you do do something dumb or something that could potentially put you in danger he physically drags you back. Firmly. It's kind of like performing a comedy act where the crowd is silent, except it's just your personality... that said if you ever get ANY reaction from Michael it's going to bounce around in your head for a while
I can definitely see him taking mental notes on some of the more... fucked up things that slipped out, whether it be accidental or on purpose fucked up. Sometimes he gets irritated with how high energy you are so it might (cough cough most likely) lead to him getting a little pissy around you. You have left him with his sides hurting after you caught him off guard with a comment while hes doing his.. thing.. if you're aware of the fact hes a murderer and/or in in it. Actually fairly receptive, occasionally shooting a joke back
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lookingformoondrop · 8 months
You're the first person I see writing to themmm I'm so happy. Can I ask Something with leyley ? If not, No problem, I accept anything
Ashley Graves (Leyley) x Reader
TW: Everyone has a foul mouth and Ashley is a little shit (oh, really?), mentions of the devil's tango (sex, gasp!), Ashley is manipulative (remember kids, never stay with someone if they act like this during arguments, even if they're goth mommies).
♥︎ I'm not sure if the people crave X Reader or just headcannons with the Graves siblings, so if this isn't what you had in mind, you're always welcome to shoot me another ask. I'm so sorry this took so long to write ;-; Thank you for your patience!<3 ♥︎
♡1,287 WORDS♡
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If you ever asked about 15-year-old Ashley Graves, you'd be told one of these three things;
"She's a little psycho. I'm pretty sure she'd choke out a teacher if they looked at her brother wrong."
"She's always the odd one out. If only she was nice like her brother, she wouldn't be such a lonely freak."
"Pretty like the devil is sly."
These comments always alluded you. Ashley was by far the prettiest girl in class, and even if she was a bit curt to the teachers, she had these blossoming eyes and rich smile whenever she walked by.
One day, after watching the girls mock Ashley for the second time that day, you decided to walk up to Ashley.
Ashley's gaze out of the window quickly turned towards you as you sat down on the other side of her desk. She slowly eyed you up and down.
"Uh, I'm Y/N," you offered weakly.
"Is this about my brother?" Ashely held her face in her hand with a bored stare. "Because if this is about my brother, know that he's already called for..."
You quickly shook your head, "Don't take any offense, but I don't really care about who your brother is...I'm more interested in you."
Ashely looked startled by this statement. A small blush dusting her cheeks. She had spent a lot of time making quitters and hussies run from her marshmallow-spine brother who didn't know any better, and if she learned anything it was that they would say and do whatever it took to get closer to him.
Ashley scoffed and looked out the window again, "Yeah, right, you're probably just saying that so that I'll let you meet him."
You sighed and laid your head in your arms,
"I want to play with you... not your dumb brother."
Ashley gave you a quick glance. She chewed her bottom lip as she thought about it.
"Fine. But if I catch you trying to hang out with my brother, I'm going to punish you!"
You shrugged off that last part and nodded passionately.
Ashley didn't know what it was about you that made her laugh easily, and force the malice out of her body, but it pissed her off.
Day after day, you'd run after her with some sort of treat, present, or a friendly smile that made her day.
One day, you had come to school with a surprise;
"Jesus christ Ashley, did you fish that out of the dumpster?" Andrew walked into the laundry room and saw Ashley standing in front of the washing machine with a very deformed and crusted teddy bear in her hands.
"Y/N gave em' to me," Ashley pulled her hand away, a sticky substance connecting her hand to the deformed bears head.
Andrew was taken aback and quickly snatched the bear from Ashley's hands with a simple (grossed out) finger.
"Fucking gross Ashely! Why the fuck would she give that to you?!" He made a move towards the trash bags in the shelve, but Ashley took back the teddy bear before he could do anything.
"Don't snatch things from other people's hands, you jackass!" She held the bear close to her chest despite shivering from the unknown wetness the bear had.
Andrew visibly cringed and searched Ashley's face for some sort of explanation.
"Y/N had won this at a carnival she went to over the weekend and thought I'd like it," Ashley dangled the bear from paw to paw.
"Well if it came from a carnival then why does it look like it was gangbanged-"
"I'm getting to it!" She sighed with annoyance.
"I had thought it was some stupid ploy to get to you, so I might have...thrown it down a sewer." She shrugged that last part like it was naturally the most obvious reaction to a gift.
"While it was down there, I think the rats decided to have a piece of Teddy's face and stuffing and well... the sewer, too." At the word 'sewer', both of them looked at the drenched teddy bear that dripped ominously with disease.
Andrew put his head in his hands and sighed into them, "Why are you like this? Y/N tried doing something nice, and you...let it be beaten to death by rats."
Ashley shrugged and observed the gross teddy bear in her hands, despite it being jizzed up it was cute with its (seemingly darker...) brown fur and button nose. On its chest was a pink stitched heart that read, "I told the stars about you ☆."
Maybe it was a little dramatic to throw it in the sewer, but she wasn't about to admit that. After all, she had to get this damn teddy bear back somehow, and that was enough to convince the next guy over she regretted it.
"Do you want me to clean it?" Andrew mumbled from his hands.
"What?" Ashley hadn't realized she was zoning out.
"I said, do you want me to clean it?" Andrew looked at her with tired eyes.
Ashley thought about it for a moment and then reluctantly handed the bear to Andrew, who pinched its ear to minimize the most physical contact with the dumpster fire.
That night, while Ashley was lying in bed, she thought about why you had decided to give her the bear. Maybe it really was a ploy to get closer to her brother... but Ashley couldn't help but have fun with you. Maybe, just maybe, she could enjoy this friendship a little longer.
For the next couple of weeks, you and Ashley would hang out in spots around the city.
You'd go to the movies, window shopping, clubs (mostly to get thrown out by the bouncer), food joints, and greasy taco trucks.
Ashley would come home with a pleasant smile on her face. Oftentimes, being teased by Andrew, who said he was "finally glad Ashley found a friend."
However, this didn't mean that you were safe from Ashley's tantrums. Whenever you talked to Andrew for too long or made plans with other friends, Ashley would start crying.
This became increasingly obvious when you started becoming more acquainted with Andrew.
"I thought you were my friend Y/N! I should've known you just want Andy all to yourself! I knew it! You don't care about me at all!"
"What!? No! I was just trying to ask the time-"
"I knew it! You're fake, fake, fake!! You're only hanging out with me because of my brother. You're so selfish! Well fine, since you like him so fucking much then leave! And while we're at it, why don't you just fuck him since that's all you're good for anyways!"
Ashley laughed as she dug her fingernails into your shoulders, "Everyone is just slutting around for my brother! Including you! I should've known! I should've known!-"
In a moment, your lips were on Ashley's, instantly shutting you up.
When you pulled away, Ashley stood there shocked. Her fingernails were no longer digging into your skin but rather grazing your shoulder blades.
"Would someone obsessed with your brother do that?"
Ashley opened her mouth to speak but closed it instead. She looked down and shook her head.
"I love you, Leyley, but has anyone told you you're exhausting to be with?"
Ashley nodded and rested her head on your shoulder, "You're the one that talked to me first, Y/N. You don't get to complain."
You sighed and wrapped your arms around her. Clicking your tongue as you took a moment to process all the foul things Ashley said in the heat of the moment.
"You know, everyone was right. You're kind of a psycho." You looked at Ashley's face.
"And?" She scoffed,
"It doesn't bother me."
Ashley smiled into your shirt, "You're stuck with me,"
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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bearseulgs · 2 years
Ni-ki as your boyfriend
gn!reader x ni-ki
genre: fluff ft teensy weensy bit of angst
wc: 688
warnings: kith ^3^, arguing (just a lil mention), pet names, let me know if there's anything else!!
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okay first off: mans a total simp
sorry i don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you'll do a lil dancey dance or recommend smth when listening to the demo of their new song and he'll be like
"yup yup lemme notify the members and manager and producer and choreographer immediately"
u praise him for his charm during one of his parts and he MELTS
you're his life sa vie su vida those are all the languages i know life in sorry
whipped behavior LLLL
ngl i feel like he loves laps. like. idk
like he'll be gaming and you want attention so you just lay your head in his lap and he'll stroke your hair from time to time
or he'll get lunch and come back and there's no seats at the table so as a joke you're like "come here babygirl" while patting your lap and he just
plops down. like he will sit on your lap no hesitation (ma princesse 😔🫶)
Kimmie brought up that he's the type to like matchy matchy things and i 100% agree!!!!
like say he finally finished up his tour and (if you were able to go) he got y'all matching keychains from the city you saw him in
if you couldn't see them he got keychains from one of his favs
or y'all will go to the arcade and get cute matching plushies that you won each other
or making matching earrings with supplies you bought together
i am having so many thoughts
i also think he's the type to film lil tiktok dancey dances with you (AHHH 💞💞)
or if he's got a chill day at work he invites you over for a mini dance party in the practice room
y'all probs have a collaborative playlist of 💖your songs💖 on spotify
he also has a separate playlist of songs that remind him of you
he seems the type to love baking dates but i also would not trust him in the kitchen so let's hope you're a good cook :0
everyone talks about this but rightfully so: nap dates
i want i need pls
good luck being productive within a 2 mile radius of his dorm because he will drag you back to nap with him &lt;3
i am also a firm believer in him lending you his jackets and/or vice versa
doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter, stockier or scrawnier, or same size, jackets will be exchanged
it's just y'all's thing
imagine wearing his green leather jacket to a comeback showcase 😩
taking his phone when he's busy to play on it
he knows you took it because when he gets back his ranking is different (whether for the better or the worse) but he doesn't mind because he loves you &lt;3
laser tag 🫢 like let's say y'all's friends go out for laser tagging one weekend and you do that thing mid game where y'all get all up close and personal and one of y'all kisses the other to distract them then shoots the kissee and walks away AHHH
now that gas prices are going down y'all go on little adventure drives to neat spots around town
what if y'all find a cute lil hidden spot and it becomes like Your Spot 🥺
him having theee most unflattering pic ever of you for your contact then a cute lil name like "my baby 💝" or smth i would cry
anyways now onto the part nobody wants 😔
i feel like he'd try to avoid serious arguments, of course having some playful bantering, but never taking it too far
but sometimes they're unavoidable
he seems the type to get kinda intense during arguments, and he can be pretty intimidating so i wouldn't blame his partner for getting lowkey scared 😭 but it's not entirely his fault :(
i hope you ain't petty because i don't doubt that he is, so if y'all both are it could be 4ever before things get resolved
but eventually one of y'all is gonna cave because you love each other or whateva 🤢 (jk i love love)
anyways this is getting kinda long so Riki best boy‼️‼️ whoever gets him please treat him well 🥺
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a/n: u guys i am so whipped for this boy 💔
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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tamayakii · 10 months
Tourney of Blood
warnings: canon-typical violence, OOC-ish Otto but i mean, they're all OOC cause they're yanderes, yanderes but it's not super explicit as u can read this as a stand-alone piece. pairings: all platonic, though i wrote this heavily biased towards Otto x reader and because of that, has been tagged as such. notes: this has been in drafts for awhile, please i beg of ALL my readers i want to hear feedback, i want to actually hear that you enjoyed it(if you did), whether in comments or inbox. Notes are no longer what they were before. Series: This is officially a part of my "Their Angel" series which is a yandere hotd AU series which can be categorized as a y/nbowl (where all characters go after one), but don't worry i can write individual x readers for this au upon request &lt;3
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The day of the first Tourney was here, Queen Aemma has started her labours, and King Viserys happily watched the jousting match for his soon-to-be son.
You sat beside Otto, and beside him is Viserys. You’re white clothing stuck out like a thumb, almost reflecting the neighbouring colours around you. Your crown sits upon your head, Targaryen gems decorating it, your veil tucked back for better viewing.
Anxiously you spin the ring upon your left thumb, Aemma’s labour left you worried but you held it in, for Viserys and Rhaenrya, they relied upon you with their personal worries. Sliding your own fingers across your lip as you chew, flinching when the knight flies off of his horse, jousting stick sent through his shield.
“Stop it.” Otto demands, quietly as he leans towards you, taking your hand from your mouth. Before he could pull it away, you grip it, rubbing your thumb across his aged fingers.
“I do not see the point of beating each other senseless, Ser Otto.” Turning your body closer to the man, sneering as two knights begin to fight. “We could be doing better things. I could be doing better things.” Huffing as you look at Otto, he gives a weak smile.
“It’s all for your soon-to-be brother, my princess.” He answers, he brings your hand to his lips and kisses it, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by the king. The Targaryens, Hightowers and Velaryons have fought over you since your first step into the red keep.
“blood shed for a babe? odd.” you shoot back, “i could be with the queen now. Helping her.” It is no secret in the castle of Queen Aemmas decade-long past with pregnancies, only having one living child. Princess Rhaenrya.
“That is something you shouldn’t worry yourself over.” Otto grips your hand tighter, making you look at him. Worry. Something that has driven you to near madness, has made you starve and harm yourself. Maesters have told you many things, some losing their tongues for such words that the king did not like being used when addressing you.
“How can I not.” you lean closer to him, “it is my own mother who lay in bed, in pain, she might as well have pushed me out of her own womb. I feel her pain as if it is my own.” You quickly turn back to the jousting, still holding Otto's hand. Who has now signed leaning back in his chair, looking over and giving Viserys a tense look.
Daemon is up, he scans the knights one by one, before landing on Otto's eldest son. Otto instinctively straightens his bad, puffing his chest out, knowing Daemon did this to offend him. You place your other hand on top of your intertwined ones, as extra comfort.
Daemon, your crass and violent uncle, would do anything to piss Ser Otto Hightower off, This- just about everyone knew. You could only pray for the eldest Hightower son, for now, his life is within the prince's hand.
Horses run at each other, green and black, they point their jousting sticks. Suddenly, Daemon dips his own down, tripping Ser Gwayne’s horse. You quickly turn your head away whilst Gwaynes body was in the air, and Otto's hand tightens around yours.
You are deafened by the roar of the crowd, your only anchor being the old man’s hand. Seconds pass by, and Gwaynes unconscious body is dragged away.
“At least he lives.” You whisper, patting Otto's hand, optimistic that Gwayne shall pull through such a brutal defeat and bruised ego. The sound of hurried steps catches your attention, looking back you’re met with one of the maesters leaning over to your father's ear.
Viserys nods, gets up quickly and walks off, but not without soothing your worries as you watch him. Caressing your chin with a finger as he lets out a soothing “do not fret, dragonling” before he’s gone.
You turn back to the jousting matches, the surrounding sound drowned out by a hum. A low dragon's song, fish swim in your head, at some point, Otto’s hand left yours and he was gone. You do not know if what you saw before you was a painting in motion or from your own vision. Bile rises in your throat as worries stir in your head, the maesters face seemed ashen. With no hand to hold, you begin to chew on your fingernails. 
The hum stops as the crowd erupts once more, like the tide washing away blood, it is like your vision came back. You see your uncle on dirt, the opponent stepping on his chest and holding a weapon, your eyes widen as you almost leap out of your seat.
Daemon yields and lives, you feel your heart palpate, gripping your seat arm. Perhaps you should have stayed with Mother, you think, unaware of Otto's return. You see the council around you begin to leave, Rhaenys leans forward and whispers in her children's ears. 
Otto approaches you, with a melancholy expression, your chest tightens as you realize what is happening. You can only mouth the words no, shaking your head. He refuses to meet your eye, before his hand meets your shoulder you stand up from your seat. Picking up your skirt and running out of the balcony, tears blurring your vision as you run through the keep.
The day has changed for all within the red-keep. 
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bananami · 2 years
18+ | mdni
constantly thinking about hawks x reader with a penelope and morgan dynamic from criminal minds bc tell me that’s not exactly how hawks would be
like let’s say you work at his agency as his personal secretary or something and at first everyone is so confused as to whether the two of you are an item or not because you’re constantly flirting but they’ve never seen it go beyond that
and yes, instead of babygirl he calls you things like baby bird (idc if u don’t like it i think it’s kinda cute ok stfu), dove, love bird, etc etc
the first time he met you was when u were first starting out as his new secretary and he just thought u were adorable and was feeling a little flirty and at first it was a joke (not a joke now btw the man has fallen in love with you, how could he not? i mean look at you) but you met his jabs and comments head on and he loved every second of it
so now you call him things like chicken, peacock, big bird, and other very obnoxious and not cute things (although most of your nicknames are not cute your inappropriate and very not HR friendly comments never cease to fluster him)
he’s down so bad, sometimes he’s so happy you’re usually flirting with him over his comms because he’ll turn so red at some of your comments
he’ll be flying up in the air and will call you to have you look up the guy he’s tailing
"hey babybird, I need all the info you can give me on this guy's quirk"
"what do I get in return?"
"careful now, dove, or I might have to punish you"
"oh, I'm so scared"
"be a good girl and help me out here. and maybe I'll bring you back a little treat, huh?"
that treat is kfc, you definitely smacked him after that. but he brought you starbucks the next day to make up for it and you drank that $6 drank and made him get you another after lunch just to be a brat
honestly everyone is so lost and awkward around the two of you. ya'll are an HR nightmare. worst thing that's probably happened was when hawks answered the phone around endeavor and you just
"talk dirty to me"
hawks dumbass just :o *clears throat*
endeavor just stood there like -_- and had to be like "...this is pro hero endeavor...."
yeah you hung up
hawks has never let you live that down
you are nowhere to be found when endeavor visits the agency
ok and yeah the flirty moments are cute and all but the soft moments
thinking about the episode where morgan gets shot but its hawks instead and you're just so worried
"what happened they said you were shot?!"
"i got shot in my bullet proof vest babybird, i'm fine"
"why would they shoot you?!"
"i'm assuming because i'm a hero and they were a villain...but i could be completely off base with that one"
"...next time they better finish the job."
"oh you don't mean that! like you could live without your work husband. who would buy you food and stare at you shamelessly when you wear those pants that make your ass look-"
"this is workplace harassment"
and when you see a large scale hero and villain fight break out on the news on your day off and hawks is nowhere to be seen by the end of it and you keep calling and he won't pick up and you're rushing to the agency to find out what you can worried out of your mind, all of your colleagues confused bc if anyone knew where he was it would be you, if he would call anyone to tell him he was alright you would be the first and they're sure of it
and it's not until you hear the soft little "babybird" behind you that you're spinning around and running into his arms and he's holding you tight, apologizing because he lost his phone in the fight and he stopped at your place first to check on you and let you know he was ok but you had left your place to check on him and!!!
ok but flirty moments seriously
"hey lovebird, don't tell me you've forgotten about me after working a single mission under eraserhead"
"i WISH i was under shota"
"did you just first name eraserhead?"
"he's not even a dad"
"i would offer to make him one so quick"
"that's it, no more lending you out to other agencies, clearly you can't behave yourself"
he gets chicken nuggets for the both of you for lunch one day and you just stare at him until he's like wtf do u want
"is this technically cannibalism for you?"
"why are you like this?"
"i just want to know because you're like a bird eating another bird, you know?"
"i'd eat you given the chance, what does that make me then?"
you choke on your sprite "a whore"
you fall asleep at the agency and he finds you working late too so he picks you up and carries you to his office and lets you sleep on his couch he has for when he's working long hours
sometimes you sleep talk, mumbling things like love and keigo and birdbrain
and he just smiles and kisses you on the forehead
bc he's very much in love with you and very patient in waiting for you to maybe hopefully love him back
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aamircoeur · 2 years
Yo I saw your requests are open so can I request a cypher x g/n reader where reader tries to impress him by always being on their best but because of that they're so busy on trying to impress him they start to lose themselves(idk but like starting to change in a way cypher doesn't really like) and cypher is aware reader's feelings but to scared and he confronts reader about stuff and reader is back to being their own usual self and voila they're dating now, sorry if this is long and specific and i dont really know where and what your rules are 😞
hey !! thank u for the ask :)) and don't worry about the length of your ask i have no limits for that !! edit: IT'S 4AM! please excuse spelling and grammatical errors.
Just You.
Cypher x GN!Reader. [they/them] pronouns.
warnings: possibly ooc, weird behavior, use of [name] (y/n alternative), use of pet name (little thing).
short-fic; story format. 2nd POV. italics for flashbacks/thoughts.
word count: 1.1k
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It was sweet, you thought. He was sweet. Never did you expect to have this undeniable attraction to your co-worker, and a masked one at that, but here you are, nearly in your third hour of practicing your aim in the shooting range.
"Enemy spotted in Heavenー oh. Nice shot, [Name]." Cypher's comms was cut short as you quickly took down the spotted enemy.
"Thank you..!" You responded through the earpiece. A chuckle was given as a reply to you, probably him just taking note of your sudden shyness.
You recalled the memory to why you were practicing in the first place. You and Cypher had a small thing going on... a bond, or something. Always unconsciously giving direct comms to each other during missions, touching one another's arms or shoulders teasingly upon seeing each other, stares from across the room taking a little too long for there to be space for platonic feelings.. It was cute.
So why were you even practicing for this long? .. The way he said the praise felt good. Or was it because he himself said it? Am I really doing everything just to impress a guy? His tone was flirty! ー Your mind was in shambles.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted as you heard heavy footsteps approach you. "Good evening, [Name]. Still training?" Sova let out a small smile towards your way.
You looked at him then sighed, dropping your arms to your side as you lowered your guard. "Hey, Sova. Yeah, I'm just using up all the time that I have to improve.. at least I hope I am," You said, a laugh was then heard from the both of you.
"You have nothing to worry about, [Name]. Your aim is already great. Perhaps you need help with anything else that I can assist you with?" He asked, grabbing a Sheriff from the displayed gun on the table.
"Oh, no, no worries! Thanks though," Sova nodded at your response. "I'm actually finishing up right now.." You trailed on, placing your Phantom down. "See you later at dinner?" You smiled
Sova nodded and bid you goodbye as you waved at him then walked off. On the way to your room, a voice called out to you. "[Name]." It said, startling you.
Turning around to meet the person, all the confidence and good vibes that you had were completely replaced by embarrassment and shyness which left you flustered. "Oh! Gooー ahem. Good evening, Cypher."
"Evening, [Name]. Did the dummies beat your ass in the shooting range?" He joked.
"Ah, haha, yeah! Theyー It did," You spoke. You spoke absolutely nonsense. "A-anyway, I, uh, I gotta go attend to a matter of mine quickly haha, see you!" Cypher waved as you hurriedly walked away to a nonexistent matter. He frowned underneath his mask.
You've become so formal and awkward around him compared to before, it was worrying him. Maybe he said something that made you uncomfortable around him now? He doesn't know. But he knows that he doesn't want the one thing that makes him feel okay again to distant themself from him.
The following few days were the same, much to the both of yours' dismay.
"Evening, little thing." Cypher gently placed his hand on your shoulder, making you yelp.
"A-ha, Hey! Hi! Evening..ー Gotta go!" You excused, and embarrassed, yourself.
"Ahー" Cypher's sentence was cut, as he felt his eyebrows furrow together as he frowned at you fleeing from his presence.
This happened once, twice... three more times. Cypher wasn't sure how long you were willing to keep your weird behavior up, but he was sure that he didn't want to stick around long enough to see. Your behavior wasn't normal, not what he was used to. You weren't his lovely little [Name] right now.
Luckily, as he walked into the shooting range, your laugh was what he immediately heard. "Stop it, Sova!" You exclaimed.
"Haha, I am onlyー Ahh, Cypher! Here to train?" Sova said as he took notice of the masked man's presence, his the blond immediately offering his kindness to him. Your eyes stared into Cypher's mechanical and bright blue ones.
"Actually.. I am here for something else." Cypher answered as he looked at you, making Sova's eyebrows raise. "Do you mind if you give us a minute, or so?" He continued.
"Of course." Sova nodded. "See you later, [Name]." He smiled at your direction, swiftly walking towards the door as you answered a small, 'Later'.
You looked at Sova's back, so very nervous at the man in front of you. Confrontation was the last thing that you wanted!
"Ahem." Cypher took your attention. "I'm sure you know why I am here," he started.
"Wa-What? Haha, no way! I, uhm," You stumbled at your words once again. "We, I-"
"I miss you." He cut you off. His mechanical eyes not at all moving, showing sincerity as he got lost into yours.
"You're different.. Now, around me." He said, his gloved hands itching to reach yours, wanting nothing more than to hold them as he prepared himself to open up to you. "You're so different."
"I'm sorry, I'mー"
"You laugh around Sova more now." He cut you off again. You can see the obvious small dents on his mask to show how he furrows his eyebrows. "You're not as happy around me. You avoid me, not like before, then you make up excuses.." He trailed on.
"I'm sorry," You frowned at yourself, not knowing how much your change of behavior affected him and your relationship. "I'm sorry, Cypher." You breathed. "I just get so nervous.. around you, now. And I didn't know what else to do," You closed your eyes and breathed out.
Deciding to be selfish and giving in to what he wants, Cypher reached out and held your hand firmly with his. "I like you, [Name]. Forgive me if it took a while for me to realize." He admitted. Shocked, you shot your eyes open and stared at him.
Letting out a small laugh, you squeezed his hands and grinned. "I like you, too." You answered, another laugh coming out as you felt relief wash over you and him. "Gods, I like you a shit ton, Cypher."
The masked man sighed out of relief, letting out a relieved laugh as well before holding your hand up to his masked mouth as he kissed it. "Hello again, little thing." He said, as if you left at all.
You shoved him playfully, laughs breaking out between the two of you. "I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't being myself," you rolled your eyes, walking towards the table to hold a gun to practice your aim once more.
Cypher chuckled and walked up beside you. He was glad that you were back to being his little thing again. "It's okay, I like you, still. Just you." You gave him a side-eye at his response and continued on with your practice, but it was better with him by your side.
hi this thing was kinda cliche n cringe as fuck but that's fine (I THINK.)
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
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I posted 369 times in 2022
That's 369 more posts than 2021!
163 posts created (44%)
206 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 195 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#bingoboingobongo.com - 192 posts
#ghost cod - 33 posts
#ghost x reader - 31 posts
#adrian chase x reader - 25 posts
#ghost - 24 posts
#ghost fluff - 24 posts
#call of duty - 24 posts
#adrian chase imagine - 23 posts
#adrian chase fluff - 21 posts
#modern warfare 2 - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#people in the comments thinking it’s cute that they can’t tell if a screenplay is good or not and can’t pick up on obvious metaphors 😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
omg i am in love with your writing ab ghost... would you ever do a fluff ab clingy drunk ghost where he starts off insisting that he can't get drunk and then he just escalates to being all over you ghejirb
alright so honestly i don't see ghost as being the kind of guy to drink enough to get him drunk when he's by himself, but when he's with soap? yeah, completely different story. it's not that he's more comfortable around soap or anything, it's just that he gets a rise out of beating soap in competitions.
here's how i see it. you guys have just completed a long ass mission, weeks of stress and labor are finally over so of course, you guys get drinks to celebrate. now i see soap as the kind of drunk who only wants to get more drunk, so once he's had a few drinks he starts going around trying to challenge everyone else to drinking competitions. pretty much everyone says no because the thing about soap is that he's so competitive he'll drink until he drops dead. you say no bc u don't feel like blacking out and because it's ur turn to be designated driver (lord knows that even sober ghost drives like he's drunk), so soap goes to the only person who 1. is more competitive than him and 2. has a shot at out drinking him: ghost.
now, years of working with soap have enlightened ghost to his usual idiocy, so ghost is quick to shut him down, telling him that he "would be fighting a losing battle."
but tipsy soap is persistent as hell, so he keeps bugging and bugging and bugging him. and at this point, ghost is pretty tired and is just waiting to go home, so to get soap to shut up he agrees. and of course, drinking ensues.
the first few rounds are easy, ghost doesn't even flinch as he downs the drinks like they're water. at this point, soap is starting to get intimidated, so he demands that ghost have a few extra drinks to get them on even ground, considering soap was already tipsy when they started. you and the rest of the team watch with awe (and horror) as ghost swallows down the drinks like they're nothing, and if you're being honest, you're really excited to see how this turns out. i mean, for one, when ghost drinks he flips up the bottom of his balaclava, exposing his chin and his lips. it's always exciting to watch ghost take off his mask, even if it's just part of his face, and secondly, the way he shoots you a glance as he drinks, his eyes dark and enticing, his adam's apple bobbing with each swallow, the smallest drop of lost alcohol that drips down his chin -- which he's quick to wipe away -- it sends a swarm of butterflies into your stomach. plus, you've never actually seen ghost drink this much, usually the most he'll have is a couple of beers or a few glasses of bourbon, so you're curious to see just how much of a tolerance he has.
the answer? a crazy high one. the two are at it for what feels like hours, and there's no clear effect on ghost. meanwhile, soap can barely walk straight and is on the verge of puking at any given moment. at this point everyone is trying to get soap to give up. price tried telling soap that there was no shame in tapping out, and when that failed, he tried threatening soap with extra chores. of course this does nothing, and soap only tells price to "fuck off" because he's not his dad. at one point, gaz tried physically pulling soap away, to which soap promptly tried (and failed) to hit him in the face. even you tried to get soap to stop, although you'll admit you didn't try very hard, like i said, you're very excited to see how this plays out.
after a certain point, soap's pretty much blackout drunk. he's barely hanging on but his pride won't let him let go, much to the annoyance of ghost and the others. and so, in a final finishing move, ghost asks the bartender for a bottle of whiskey, which -- to soap's despair and the rest of the team's horror -- he finishes in seconds.
for a while, everyone is silent, and then soap just busts into tears. he knows it's over, ghost knows it's over, everyone else knows it's over. i mean, you guys just watched ghost down the equivalent of sixteen shots of whiskey like it was nothing. by now, you're starting to wonder if you need to get 911 on speed dial because there's no way ghost doesn't die from alcohol poisoning.
but to your disbelief, ghost's fine. or so you thought. after his defeat of soap, ghost made his way over to your seat for a chat. not that you were complaining, you were curious to see just how incomprehensible ghost's speech would be, but to your surprise he's speaking great. his speech is clear and you suspect the alcohol's loosened him up a little, because he's talking and cracking jokes a lot more. if you're being honest, you really like this new, laid-back ghost who's not so worried about maintaining his stony exterior; this new ghost that's wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into him, even though he never would have showed that kind of public affection to you in front of the team when he was sober. and it's not that he doesn't like you or he isn't proud of you, it's the complete opposite. he's absolutely bursting with pride that you decided to date him, but he's just always been wary about displaying his love for you in public. after all, you never know what kind of shady people are lurking around in bars, looking for ways to hurt him, or even worse, you.
but when his brain is muddled with alcohol, all that paranoia goes away and ghost is more than happy to be all over you. first it's just one hand around your waist, but then when you get up to order another iced water for soap he's tugging at your shirt and holding your wrists so you can't leave him, and when you tell him that you'll be back in less than a minute, he's standing up and chasing after you and wrapping his arms around you in a hug as you talk to the bartender. he's burying his face in the crook of your neck and telling you it's because all the alcohol is giving him a headache when really he just wants to smell you; he's running his hands up and down your legs when the rest of the team is looking the other direction; he's trying to mouth at your neck through his balaclava and whining when it doesn't work, causing you to grin and roll your eyes at him as you lift his mask just above his lips to help him. he's trying to whisper sweet nothings against your ear but they don't make sense because the way you smell is so intoxicating he feels like he's getting drunk all over again, but this time he's drunk on you.
and after a while, ghost finally passes out. he's essentially laying on top of you, his head resting on your chest as his back rises and falls with every breath. his arms are wrapped around you, essentially caging you into your seat and he's so heavy you need to call price over to help you pull him off so you can drive everyone home. and when you all arrive back at the base, you slowly nudge ghost awake, taking special note at the way his eyes flutter open slowly. and then he immediately closes his eyes again, digging his head into your chest because this time he actually does have a headache, and so it's up to you to bring him to his room. and the entire time he never ever lets go of his bear hug on you, leaving you to have to awkwardly waddle all the way to his room with him essentially draped over you. and then when he falls onto the bed he drags you down with him, and you try to pull away just for a second so you can change and wash your face, but ghost's got an iron grip on you and so you're stuck in his arms, not that you mind.
626 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Hii! Could U maybe write something with Fez X Reader! Like maybe they were Childhood Best Friends but got together at like 15 or something and they live together and stuff. The reader is a mother figure to ash and stuff- yeah idk but yk what I mean… I loved Romeo and Juliet btw. Thank u sm <33
two clear plastic umbrellas
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Pairing: Fezco (Euphoria) x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Fezco reminisces about his history with her, and everything their relationship means to him.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: feminine pronouns used (she/her), brief angst (it gets resolved)
A/N: hii, honestly i'm lowkey proud of this piece, i'm a bit worried it goes on too many tangents but i'm hoping it cleaned up ok, also i have no idea how it got to be almost 4k words that is beyond me. anyways, thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy, and likes/reblogs and constructive criticism are always appreciated :)
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766 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
the right thing to do
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty) x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: You’ve become a distraction to Ghost, and so he’s started keeping his distance for the sake of the team. But when a mission goes awry, he finds himself stuck with you.
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of/allusions to sex, brief mention of dacryphilia, brief mention of blowjobs, canon-typical violence, mentions of injury, forced proximity, pining
A/N: hiii, ngl i’m actually really proud of this fic, like deadass this shit had me giggling and kicking my feet in the middle of starbucks. anyways i was thinking of including smut in this but changed my mind bc that shit’s hard to write so it’s pretty pg-13. i plan on making this a bit of a series (with smut hopefully) so while this chapter is gender neutral now (i think, don’t quote me tho) in the future the reader will be written as a girl. as always, likes/reblogs and constructive criticism are always appreciated, enjoy :)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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1,331 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
something to be grateful for
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty) x Reader
Type: Smut (minors dni), fluff
Summary: Ghost’s never celebrated Thanksgiving before. For one, he’s not even American, and two, he never had anything to be thankful for. But this year? This year he’s thankful for you.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: use of feminine body parts, explicit language, fingering, choking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), guided masturbation (?)
A/N: welp. idek what to say. this started out as a fluffy thanksgiving drabble and now it’s this. is it good? idk. is it bad? idk. is it accurate? idk. my experience is in the negatives so this is just an amalgamation of all the knowledge i have gained from reading/reddit threads. happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate, and as always, likes/reblogs and constructive criticism as always appreciated, enjoy :)
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1,517 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
complex simplicity
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Pairing: Adrian Chase (Peacemaker) x Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Adrian has to share a room with her, and he’s not sure how he feels about that.
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: feminine pronouns used (she/her), mild spoilers, brief mention of violence, brief suggestiveness, forced proximity (no smut), closed off/emotionally distant reader
A/N: hiii, lordy i can’t believe i’m finally done with this fic. this is my first adrian chase fic so forgive me if it’s not the best. i’m pretty proud of it and I'm open to making a part 2 if y'all want me to. thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy, and likes/reblogs and constructive criticism are always appreciated :)
part ii
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1,897 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Okay now I'm obsessed with uni f*ckboi Anthony 😏 Kate would probably chew him out for going to all her games to just oogle her in a short skirt. And Anthony would be like "you're more than welcome to come oogle me at my swim meets and polo matches 😌". Which Kate does go to and is annoyed at how turned on she is by his biceps, thighs and everything else. He also picks arguments with her in their shared classes and she hates it because he's supposed to be a dumb privileged jock but he's actually smart and she also secretly loves arguing with him. Basically poor Kate is just constantly getting worked up by him😆
Anonymous asked:
do u have a little more of uni fuckboy anthony x tennis player kate? *insert meme of robin hood in disguise asking for pennies*
Oh Uni fuckboi Anthony. You stupid little Twat.
I feel like this Anthony is a rower. Because of course he is. He plays Polo in the off season and he's a fucking Oxford blue. And of course it means he's fucking shredded, and he loves to show it off. Loves to lift the edge of his fucking Tom Ford Polo shirt and dab at his forehead, or his chin after he's fallen to his knees in front of her like an absolute animal and Kate knows she shouldn't but something about the fact that she's soaking into his shirt makes her want to tug his lips back up to hers.
And Of course, when her family's visiting Anthony just can't leave her alone. Barrelling up to her like an over excited puppy, scattering everything in his wake, gasping excitedly.
"Sharma! Is this your family?!"
And Kate nearly groans, "Yep, My Mum and Sister, now get lost."
"Katie! Don't be rude." Mary scolds lightly before turning to Anthony, checking him over like a person might check over a car.
"I'm not being rude, he's Anthony. He's awful. Go!"
But Anthony stays put, introducing himself with a charming smile, "Mrs Sharma, It's lovely to meet you, I'm Anthony Bridgerton." Then he turns to Edwina, his eyes flicking between her and Kate. "You must look like your Dad. You don't look like your Mum, Kate."
And Kate can't help but sigh, "Anthony, what the fuck? Are you broken? You can't just say that!"
But Mary seems to find the whole thing charming, "Well it would be a little difficult for us to look alike, I'm Katie's step Mum, sweetheart."
A savage little thrill shoots through Kate at the look of horror on his face, "Oh my god, Mrs Sharma, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything by it, I was just teasing."
"Anthony, it's fine."
Something a little awkward swells in the air for a moment before Anthony clears his throat turning back towards Kate,
"Um, Kate, I actually came over here because Um- next weekend it's the boat race and I just- I wondered if you were going to watch?"
There's something awkward in the air, and Kate can feel Mary and Edwina's eyes fixed between them, between her and a boy wearing a fucking polo outfit, hit helmet still tucked under his arm.
"Oh um- I don't- I don't know, Anthony." Her cheeks are burning, eyes flicking around awkwardly between Anthony, Mary and Edwina, and Anthony's friend Simon who appears to be watching them very closely from a distance, mouthing something that looked awfully like Come on mate
For a millisecond Anthony's face falls before he covers it with a smirk, "Um well, You should, because we're gonna wipe the floor with Cambridge this year, and when we do, I'm having a party at my parents house."
"Well, it's in London this year, so... I don't know." Kate has no idea what's happening, why he's doing this at all. This isn't what they do. What they do is scream at one another before they collide as soon as they're alone, hands gripping and tugging and tearing at clothes until she's screaming for entirely different reasons.
"Okay, well, maybe just think about it. It'll be fun, and um- yeah. I'll see you around!" And as quickly as he arrived, he's sprinted off.
"He seems nice." Edwina hums a little pointedly, still staring curiously after Anthony.
Mary is as well, humming, "Well, that was very sweet."
"Sweet? What about that was sweet? He's an idiot."
"He's a twenty year old boy, they're all idiots." Mary sighs, "But he likes you. You should go to his party."
"I don't- Anthony doesn't like me." Kate snaps awfully, trying to fight the feeling rising in her stomach, "I don't even think he has feelings."
But a week later she finds herself on a train to London. It'll be a good chance to see Mary and Edwina again, she tells herself. And pick up some books from her room. That's all.
She definitely doesn't take extra care getting ready to go to the boat race, because they'll be thousands of people on the banks of the Thames, he's not even going to see her.
Except he does. As the boat's lowered into the water, dressed in dark blue lycra, sunglasses perched on the top of his head, his muscles flexing as he stretches, and his eyes light up as he scrambles over to her.
"Kate! You came!"
"I came."
"That your girl, Bridgerton?!" Someone from Cambridge heckles and she sees the tips of his ears turn red as he calls back.
"Fuck off, Dorset!" and then he's smiling at her, and it's warm and he's ignoring his teammates trying to call him back for the start of the race. "I'm really glad you're here, Kate."
And she doesn't know what to say, because the feelings that have been tugging at her for a while are bubbling to the surface, and it's far too dangerous.
"I have to go, but um- I'll message you the address for my party. You're coming right?"
"Oh- Um- Maybe!"
But he shakes his head, walking backwards, posing like a greek Statue as his eyes sparkle for a moment, "I'll see you there!"
And against her better judgement, she goes to celebrate his victory. Trying not to groan at the music already pounding at the windows of the house that looks old enough to be a museum when she arrives, peering curiously inside.
"Kate!" Anthony appears out of nowhere, fighting through the crowd as though he'd been lying in wait for her. "I didn't see you after the race."
"Sorry, I had to go. Congratulations though!"
"It's cool, you're here now." He's smiling so warmly at her, wrapping his arm tightly around her shoulders, tugging her against his chest as he leads her through the crowd, "Can I get you a drink?"
"Ah yeah, anything's fine."
and she expects him to let go when they get wherever they're going, but he doesn't. He stays roots behind her, his arm slung comfortably over her left shoulder, tucked under the other. And he stays that way the entire night, playing beer pong against his brother one handed, whispering jokes in her ear, his eyes locked on her all night.
"You are really beautiful." Anthony says softly as they sway together to the music, his flirty remark sending her heart fluttering stupidly, "Like, so beautiful it makes my chest feel tight."
Kate rolls her eyes, "If that's you trying to get me into bed, I think we're kind of past that."
"It's not, I just- I don't think I've ever told you before, and it's true."
And when she wakes up in his childhood bedroom the next morning, her stomach swooping at the way Anthony's holding her against his body, smiling in his sleep. Happy and adorable and soft. Kate knows she's let this go too far. Because this is a game for him. And it's not for her anymore.
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Death By Bagel
NCT Culinary Student!Mark Lee x Fashion Design Student!Reader Summary: Mark makes a cake cause he's realized he can't lose you to some f-boy. Word Count: 3k+ Warnings: Fluff, childhood au, college au, slowish burn, slight cursing, reallllly fluffy, some broksi-dude action, typos sksksksks, etc.
R E Q U E S T my friend: mark lee, slow burn, friends to lovers
A/N: I wrote a fic that already had like 1k+ word then I LOST IT (i think i deleted it) thus this. It took me 10 years to write this msmsmkskskks. PLEASE TUMBLR IS MESSING WITH ME AND MIXED UP THE ORDER OF SOME OF THE DIALOGUE
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“As a doctor, I don’t think you should be doing that,” Mark says, not even bothering to look at his patient seated rudely on the floor. Oop, he’s lying down now.
Mark huffs and looks up from the clay block he was molding on his tray, “YOU’RE SO UNPROFESSIONAL!”
Mark’s mother nearly spits out her coffee upon hearing the words of his five-year-old son. Her husband snorts, “He got that from you.”
The woman throws a look at the man and was supposed to give a snarky retort, up until the sound of the doorbell ringing. She grins from ear-to-ear and dashes to get the door.
When she comes back to the living room, she’s accompanies by another woman and a tiny version of her.
“Markie! Say hello to your Auntie!” Mark’s mom calls.
Mark from the carpeted floor looks up and blinks, examining the stranger-woman and its human-ling. Mark turns to his father who was sat on the couch and receives a nod of approval almost. Mark purses his lips and waves at the woman.
The woman waves back and then crouches down to the little girl, “Baby, say hello to Mark.”
Unwilling, she shakes her head.
“Aw come on, baby. Don’t be shy. Mark over there is a really sweet boy. I knew him when he was in his mommy’s tummy, just like Mark’s mom knew you when you were in mine. You’re the same age so you’ll get along just fine.”
With the unnecessary explanation that gave no justification to the scene whatsoever out of the way, the girl was fooled into peeping up, “Hi, Mark.”
“Hello,” Mark says, not particularly interested, as his patient was still in the midst of dying in his office. He turned to his stuffed toy called Mr. Lion and attempted to stand him up once more.
At this point, the girl makes her way to Mark.
“We’ll be back in two hours, honey. Keep an eye on the children,” Mrs. Lee tells his husband who had been occupied with TV the entire time.
“Yeah. I got this,” he smiles to his wife then goes back to watching.
The bumble bee clad figure sat down to Mark in blue and watched him play.
Mark ignored her for a few seconds, needing to assert all efforts on standing that dumb toy up. Once successful, Mark turns to her, “Do you play doctors?”
Mark was then met with the same lack on enthusiasm. She hums, “I like playing baker doctor.”
All at once, Mark gasps, “ME TOO!”
It was unbeknownst to the children it was oddly specific and the chance of this happening was pretty slim.
And in a blink of an eye, excited giggles erupt in the room, as if they had been having so much fun before this scene. It was here and there the two would become best friends to the very end.
... so I guess it means the reckoning is upon us.
“MARK LEE I SWEAR TO THE FU--” “WHAT! WHAT!?” Mark laughs.
"YOU ATE MY BAGEL! AGAIN!" I growl in a loud whisper, throwing the wrapper at him and his flat head before he could think to dodge it while he annoyingly laughs.
"I asked if I could have it though!" he says, fully knowing his sins.
I glared at him and say lowly, "I thought you were referring to my notes, bread for brains."
Mark snorts loud enough for our teacher to wake up from his nap. Once the class notices, we all pretend to be doing something productive and Mark plays it off with a cough.
"Mr. Lee." Mr. Kim says sternly, clicking his tongue, blinking his eyes rapidly.
Mark finishes coughing and turns to our seated professor, "Yes sir."
"Don't go to school if you're sick and going to cause a racket with your coughing."
Mark nods firmly and Mr. Kim closes his eyes again, mumbling, "page 65 is due tomorrow."
The entire class grumbles. Mark beside me scoffs and makes a face, "Yeah, yeah, Doyoung."
I turn to him and elbow his side.
"Whatever," Mark shakes his head, "professor bunny-teeth won't hear me."
Once class ended, we both get our things and head out for lunch. We walk to our canteen, fussing over assignments, deciding we should do it together later in our mutually free period.
I groan and narow your eyes at him as we have an argument over how he hasn't finished the essay for English, "That's not the point."
"Yo Mark!" a voice calls from afar. Mark and I turn, looking for the voice, and I spot the dimpled senior, Jung Jaehyun, in a table with the rest of his squad.
I nudge Mark and point at the pale guy seated by the corner.
Mark throws him a smile and waves. I follow closely behind him as he walks over to the table. "We're going to sit with them?" I say in some sort of gasp.
"Yeah." Mark replies simply, not bothering to turn to me, "they're cool."
I knit my brows at that and nod, "Yeah I know. But I'm not cute today."
Mark stops in his tracks and throws me a confused look, "what?"
"I didn't put any make-up on today, also I'm pretty sure there's a visible stain somewhere on my jacket, I just don't remember where."
Mark scrunches his face up again, even more confused. "What? How do you... forget a stai-- that's not the point. Why do you wanna look cute today?" He scoffs and continues lowly, "hardly as if you ever look cute."
I let out an annoyed groan and punch Mark's shoulder. "Like when you panicked when Seulgi came over and asked for notes."
Mark openes his mouth, "That is so not the same! Jaehyun's a fuck bo-"
"Just shut up already," I snap and shove him forward so he'd continue walking. "Let's not keep him waiting," I add and mumble, "also I know. Dong Sicheng however is very cute."
Mark chuckles, "he's dated every girl on the dance team."
"Okay, maybe not that cute."
"Ya, Mark," Jaehyun grins and greets the said person with a high-five and chest bump. He turns to me and speaks my name with a smile. I smile back politely and wave.
I'm about to sit next to Sicheng, but Mark shoves me and so I end up sitting on the other side of the bench table with Jaehyun. I turn to Jaehyun with a small, non-awkward smile and shoot Mark a glare. He seems unbothered though.
"So, you up for a round later?" Jaehyun asks Mark.
Mark talks over me, "you know it, dude."
Jaehyun flashes his dimple smile all the stupid girls fall for. I'm only half falling for it cause I'm only half stupid. He raises his brows, "you bought the dough, right?"
This makes me knit my brows.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really did this time," Mark mumbles quickly. "It's my turn anyway."
Jaehyun gives an off look, "that's literally what you said last time bro."
"Yo, no for real. It's in my bag, if you wanna check."
Jaehyun shakes his head when Mark begins to scramble for it, "no, Lee, it's good. We wouldn't want you friend to get dirty."
Is it just me or do you feel slimey all of a sudden?
Jaehyun then gives me a somewhat, somehow sincere smile, "so. I hear you're in fashion design."
I give a soft chuckle, "yeah. That's me."
"I could tell from a mile away. Mark looks horrible next to your getup."
I look down at my sweater and ripped jeans. Mark exclaims in protest, "shut the hell up, Jae."
I give a soft smile at Jaehyun, "don't know where that comes from but thanks I guess."
Jaehyun chuckles, "I'm kidding," he eyes Mark, "I saw your Fashion Design pin on your bag when you sat down."
"Oooohhhh, haha, okay, that makes sense."
"Ya, Jeff," Sicheng calls for Jaehyun, "it's almost time."
Jaehyun turns to his friend and nods. He turns back to me and Mark, "well, it's nice to meet you. Mark won't put a sock in it even if I beg. See you around, fashionista."
He stands and slaps Mark's back, "see ya later, broski."
"Yeah, bruh," Mark replies.
Once it's just Mark and I, I snap at him and blurt out in a whisper yell, "YOU'RE ON BROSKI LEVEL WITH JUNG JAEHYUN?!"
Mark gives me a weird face, "bruh, I think he calls the principal broski, for real."
I smack Mark, making him whine, "you know what I'm talking about, Mark! And what, are you doing drugs?!?"
He shakes his head in confusion, "Wait, what!? Who the hell told you that?"
"Uhhhhh you were talking about dough and showing up later. Sounds like you owe him money for drugs, Mark."
"??? In what universe did we even mention drugs?? Does this," he slaps his face, "look like a face of a drug addict to you?"
"A gullible idiot maybe."
Mark's jaw drops, "oh wow, okay. I'm done with this conversation." He proceeds to stand attempt to walk away. I scoff, "not on my watch bitch."
Like the true idiot that he is, Mark begins to legit run away from me, like a criminal who stole my cookies. It's embarrassing that he, a man much taller than I, could not even outrun me. I suppose I should be grateful, but this just fortifies my thoughts of him being an idiot even more.
But okay... I wasn't actually expecting this... like... Mark and Jaehyun... like... actually baking bread after school with dough Mark premade at home. Also, uh, Jaehyun looks super cute in an apron that I'm having a mental breakdown. And what's new, so does Mark.
"I can't believe you thought I was a drug dealer," Jaehyun says in a soft pout as he rolls out dough on the marble counter of his friggin large kitchen in his friggin large house. Like dang, I knew he was rich, but he's like Rich™ Rich. Rich with a golden diamond encrusted Rolex watch rich that's in a glass display rich-- wtf.
Mark wheezes in his telltale high pitched laugh as he opens a pack of unsweetened chocolate pellets, "she thought dough was some sort of metaphor or something."
"Cute," they say at the same time. Mark turns to Jaehyun in slight surprise and Jaehyun turns to me. I roll my eyes, though I feel my neck burn. I avert my attention to the scene I was sketching on my pad, Jaehyun and Mark baking croissants. I clear my throat, "I'm just making use of the single braincell between us, cause if he doesn't die falling down the stairs, he's gonna pull some idiotic stuff like baking with Jung Jaehyun."
Oddly, it's Mark that reacts to that with a, "hey!"
Jaehyun rubs his chin on his shoulder, "I also can't believe you think so little of me.'
I break a sweat but decide to answer honestly, "... ... ... You have a reputation."
"Of being a fuck boy?"
Mark loudly transfers the chocolates into a metal bowl, making the two of us snap at him. Mark makes a face, "oh gosh, sorry."
Jaehyun sighs, "well. I admit I get around, but that's only because I get dumped every time."
I raise a brow.
Jaehyun purses his lips, "nah, let's not make this weird. The croissants will be flat."
"Dude," Mark turns to him, "that's literally only because you messed up the recipe."
Jaehyun grits his teeth, "no. It's because Kun's a little teacher's pet and sabotaged me so he could get the best grade."
"No, but like Kun is really nice, he helped me with the fold techinique."
Jaehyun scoffs, "He stole me vanilla extract, Mark. Who does that?!"
"No, listen, he's cool, like, for real--"
"No, you listen, he's a little shit and--"
The two begin to bicker like a married couple, and I begin to draw inspiration form the scene to design some random sketches of wedding dresses.
I look back to the two and still can't get over the fact that I learned Jaehyun was a culinary arts major with my best friend, and that I was currently in the Jung's boojie home because I thought Mark was buying drugs from him. Not what I was expecting at all my day to go like, but I'm not mad this is how it went.
"No, no, no, no," Jaehyun says. He turns to me and points, "let's just get an outside opinion. Babe, what's your favorite color?"
"BABE?!" Mark barks.
I take a moment to reply. I blink slowly, "uhh... pink?"
Jaehyun bites his lower lip and claps his flour covered hands, "Right. Pink croissants it is."
Mark shoots him a glare and turns to me, back to Jaehyun, "she has a name."
Jaehyun nods, "yeah, and she wants pink croissants."
Mark makes a face and Jaehyun examines it, chuckling under his breath. "Wah, you two are something, huh."
No one really responds.
We began to always eat lunch with Jaehyun and his friends. It's funny cause I realized Jaehyun, although I still firmly believed he was out to get nasty with every other girl he sees, he was actually just like Mark. A total loser with a love for cooking.
"Hey," Mark says with a snippy tone.
I give him a look and suddenly receive a paper bag to my face. Mark sits on his chair next to me, as per usual. I smell the thing before I realize what it is. It's a freshly baked bagel. I perk up and smile, "Aw, you baked me a bagel?"
Mark raises his upper lip, "no. Jaehyun did."
I knit my brows, "what? Why?"
Mark narrows his brows, "do you, like, like him?"
I give him a look. I take a bite of the bagel, making Mark look at me in disbelief. I answer, "You do know I only hang with him cause you do, right?"
"Then why'd you eat the bagel then?"
"Uh, a number of reasons. 1) it's a bagel, 2) free food, 3) I'm starving, 4) it smells amazingggg."
Mark does a face, "fair. I've been meaning to ask how he does his seasoning for a while now too." He releases a breath, "and anyway, I'm pretty sure he made a bagel cause I told him you liked them. Never talking about you to him anymore though."
I look at him, "why do you talk about me so much to him anyway?"
"Uh because you're amazing," Mark says instinctively.
I feel my heart skip at that. I coo and place my hands on my chest, "wait that's really sweet."
Mark looks at me. His face begin to shift, "too bad it's a lie- haha."
I give him a look and rebut, "jerk."
As quickly as I found out about Jaehyun being Mark's friend, that's about as quickly as I found out he didn't like hanging out with him anymore. It's kind of a shame I never got to go back to his boojie house.
There was this one encounter I had with Jaehyun though... which was a little weird, not gonna lie.
He was waiting for me outside my Tailoring class, smiling and waving when he saw me. I Reluctantly reciprocated and walked over to him.
He releases a breath, "I've been waiting for about 20 minutes for you. I didn't know when your class would end."
I raise my brows, "you could have asked?"
"Well I would need your number for that, and that would have ruined the surprise," he pulled out a brown paper bag, reminiscing the same one Mark chucked at my face.
"I made you two this time," he smiles.
I take a moment to reply, "you don't have to make me bagels, Jaehyun."
He grabs my hand, "yeah, but I want something out of ya," he places the bagels in my hand. He proceeds to lead us off and we begin to walk down the hall.
Truth be told, it's a little scary that his ulterior motive is up in the air. Jaehyun places his hands in his pockets, "I like your dress, by the way."
I smile, "thanks. I made it."
He smiles and nods, "right. That makes sense as to why it suits you well."
I can't help but blush at that, and simultaneously feel conscious when I realize a bunch of girls in my course are looking at me and Jaehyun as we strut down the hall.
"So, what did you want, Jaehyun?"
"Well, I clearly wanted to ask you out."
Jaehyun smiles and give a soft laugh, "is it so ground breaking?"
"... Uh..."
He sniggers, "hey, you can say no. I mean I hope you don't but you can." Jaehyun leans in and raises his hands, "I won't like it, but a man should take rejection from a lady well."
I turn to him as he straightens up. I turn to the bagels he made me and bring it back to him. He laughs, "no, I made them for you really. It's not poisoned, in fact it's made with love."
I visibly react to that, which makes Jaehyun wheeze. I can't help but laugh back, "that was hella tacky."
"Worth a shot though," he says. "Good luck with Mark."
I look at him with silence and he chuckles, "ya, you can't fool me."
I'm about to retort but then Jaehyun gets called by one of the frats dudes I identify as Johnny Seo. Jaehyun does a curtsy and clicks his tongue, "see ya later babez."
"You know, I would have said yes if you didn't do stuff like that."
Jaehyun purses his lips, "no you wouldn't."
I shrug, "worth a shot though."
Jaehyun places a hand on his chest, dramatically calling, "Uh, rejection hurts, man."
Yeah, I never went to Jaehyun's boojie house ever again.
Silver lining though was Mark's dorm smelled equally as nice because of all the food he cooks, although it came with a whiff of axe body spray from his roommate, Lucas. It's cool though, he was almost never around for me to smell it in its whole intensity.
"Aite," Mark calls from his side of the dorm. I perk up from the two seater dining table they had and turn to Mark who was covering the cake he was making for his finals.
"Don't, like, peek, okay. I want you to see the cake all at once and give me your honest reaction to it. Please, like, all my lives kinda depend on it."
"How many lives do you have?"
"9, I'm pretty sure."
I stand from my seat, "not you faking your life as a cat, but get it I guess."
Mark raises a hand at me as I walk over, "can you not, I'm high-key panicking right now."
"Over what? You literally made a box of donuts for your midterms and it looked better than Misty Mreme! I'm sure your cake is hot."
"It was in the minifridge for a day. I mean it barely fit cause of all of Lucas' mountain dew."
I groan, "just show me it, Mark Lee!"
Mark whined and dashes over to me, grabbing my shoulders, "okay, but like, don't be mean about it. I swear, I might cry."
I give a sound and fake cough, "it's ugly."
Mark doesn't respond to that particular jab, "I'm serioussss. Please be kind, okay?"
I look at Mark's nervous face and give a soft pout, "Markie, please, not that I think it would be ugly, but I promise you don't have to be nervous about my reaction."
He isn't soothed by that, but he does release a sigh, "okay. So for context, Mr. Moon wanted the cake to be one or two tiers, but I went with one, cause there aint no way I'm going to the other side of the campus to freeze a two tiered cake. Then, the theme was something from your childhood, so, I, uh, thought this was fitting. The exam is 60 percent decoration, 40 percent taste by the way."
Mark gives me a hesitant look, but steps way for me to see it. I then see a heart shaped, medium sized cake in my favorite pastel pink color. By the top there's a little boy on the floor playing with a toy oven set and little girl in a bumble bee dress, holding a stethoscope. At the bottom of the cake, there were jelly letters spelling out, "I like you."
I cup my cheeks at the sight of it and feel my eyes start to well at the sentiment.
Wait... was this really happening?
Mark heaves in and out, "okay, so like when Jaehyun began to like hit on you, that sucked pretty hard because he's known for getting girls and I thought maybe he'd get you too and I got panicky. Anyway, I....... have liked you since we were kids... And... I know you probably don't feel the same way but I have to try, you know.... Yolo."
My feel my tears retract from what I hear. I rub my eyes. I turn to Mark and find his nervous face. "Did you just say yolo in your confession, Mark?"
He looks like he's about to throw up.
I can't help but chuckle and pout, "dude..."
I prolong the moment. Mark gets even more nervous as he repeats softly, "dude..."
"We could have dated in grade school all this time."
It takes a moment to register in his head.
Like, a really long moment.
I sigh, "Mark! I like you too, dummy."
He freezes and blinks. His face begins to burn. He breaks into a soft smile, "nice."
I break into a laugh.
"... Uh... So... Can I like... Kiss you?"
I snort and feel my own cheeks begin to burn, "I think you should refrigerate your cake first."
Mark snaps out of this trance, "oh shoot, you-" I give him a quick peck on the lips.
He is dumbfounded.
I feel butterflies go wild in my stomach.
"I'll wait over there for when you've fixed that."
Mark watches as I walk away, "yooo.... That's not fair though."
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i played amnesia: rebirth and i really liked it and have some Thoughts(tm):
- once again mad respect to frictional games for being the only people who arent afraid of nudity. no censorship underwear.
-theres a non-spook mode for if you hate being chased by stuff
- diversity win! this guy who's the most pathetic little meow meow is gay!
- i didn't have to look up any walkthroughs!
-i tried it with both spooks on and spook off and having spooks on is better. embrace the spook.
-game has some pretty visuals and a neat story, and while i wish choices throughout the game mattered, there are different endings. p good game.
SPOILERY BEYOND HERE(do readmores even work anymore):
-as a trans(tm) the first person pregnancy was uhhhhhhhh. dont like that. but that feeling didnt last long, mostly because tasi was so happy about having a baby. its cute.
-that being said i didn't want to run around and jump and climb because TASI UR PREGNANT STOP DOING THAT
-it felt so much less lonely than the other two, it was nice to have a list of people that you were trying to find and meet up with
- i like how yasmine still tried to help even though she was becoming a harvester, she's such a sweetie
- dr. metzier was so mean to tasi, like dude. even if tihana hadn't been the one to bring down the plane, and the one to curse everyone, tasi still would have been in the right to keep her baby. everyone died because tihana killed them. none of it would have happened if she had just minded her own buisness, but the doc was just. so angery at tasi?? dude.
-at the room full of harvesters i straight up opened the door, saw that, closed the door and turned around
- shadow seems like a manifestation of all the pain inflicted on the other world, like its the opposite of the vitae. could b wrong but thats just my onion.
- best ending is the fuck u lady ending even though the shadow eats you and your baby
-hhh i wanna know more about the other world politics, especially about people fighting against the empress
Opinions on characters(that actually speak more than like. 3 words.):
Hank- hands down best dude. total bro, i just wish he didn't die by being hanged by the cable when you use the elevator. that was a bit. mm. tasteless? tone deaf? maybe dont hang one of the two black characters frictional games??
Alex- *insert second diversity win joke about rich buisnessman having the saddest most pathetic little meow meow as a boyfriend*
Richard- quality representation for us useless gays. terrified little meow meow. on a more serious note, i clocked him and alex from the first photo, and im glad tasi confirms that they're in a relationship, and that when you find richard, he's calling out for alex. i really hoped that you'd be able to stop tasi by struggling, but not so. i think it would have made for a neat thing if you had a choice with both him and the doc.
Dr. Metzier - speaking of the doc, i did not see him stealing the baby coming. he's such a jerk for blaming tasi, "oh you'd put the lives of all of us behind that of your child" like no my dude. if someone locked you in a room and said they were going to start shooting people if you didn't give them your baby, you wouldn't be the one responsible for the people being shot.
Leon- might be the only person from the Cassandra to survive? ik he looses his hand but he's still alive after. thats gotta suck, bc he's stuck in the catacombs/hunting grounds with all the other harvesters, so he's probably going to loose himself. i feel bad for him even though he's Pretty Dang Racist, bc he didn't do or say anything outright until after being harvesterized, so i think that had things gone normally and everyone got to the gold mine ok, he might have been able to Stop Being So Racist.
Tasi- legit didn't touch the laudnum after i realized she was pregnant, only to discover there was no effect on her. she's a nice lady, sucks that the empress decided she wanted tasi's baby. "hold x to check in on your baby" is something im going to say now.
Salim- aww cute husband shame he's fuckin dead. i wasn't expecting to find him alive but i still got real sad when i did find him. i like the details that tell you your marriage licence got denied and the photo saying 'how about we do anyways'
Yasmin- even as a harvester she's friend shaped. even puts her leg in a bear trap bc she doesn't want to hurt tasi. 10/10 yasmin is best friend in this game
Empress Tihana - i don't believe for a second she really meant any of what she said about saving tasi from the desert because a, she's the one who brought down the plane, b, she's sustained by endless torturing and claims she's not a monster, so forgive me if i dont think she's being honest. c, the major hazards of this particular area of the desert are her harvesters, actually. the entire crew of the cassandra, the french fort, the village, all those people are dead because she wanted someone else's baby. love her design tho very cool.
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madmilkboi · 3 years
I loved the cat hcs for sakusa but omg what about dogs???👁👄👁like omi omi reacting to his s/o with 2 giant doggos *yes this is self indulged* it is canon the he likes dogs soooooo
(I'm not sure if this is important but for context i have an Alaskan malamute and a mixed mastiff which are both huge dogs and they're extremely friendly even tho they seem scary to other people they're just really sweet and I'm a proud dog mommy lmao anyways enough rambling thankss❤❤)
━🧋⌒*. Meeting your dogs
summary: omi reacting to meeting your two big dogs
genre: uhm idk do u consider this fluff or???
warning/s: none
a/n: ahhh this is perfect i have 2 dogs too but they're both medium sized and are polar opposites the other dog loves people and headpats while the other will not hesitate on biting you if he doesn't know you lmao but still i love them both and would do anything for them <3
₍ ♡ ₎ sakusa kiyoomi x gn!reader
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• you and Kiyoomi have been dating for a month now and now you were comfortable of letting him inside of your house
• and today he wanted to visit you so you did a bit of cleaning
• it was well kind of tiring since your two dogs would follow you around the house while you cleaned, blocking the area that you're cleaning and would lay there until they get belly rubs
• and the only thing that calmed them down was the roomba that you left on the floor
• both of them were obediently sitting on the couch eyeing the robotic vacuum cleaner
• while you were cleaning the living space's table, a loud knock emitted from the door
• you smiled knowing it was Sakusa
• your two dogs looked at the door, their tails wagging vigorously
• you opened the door and was immediately welcomed with a box of chocolates and flowers
• your two dogs came down from the couch and were barking at Kiyoomi while their tails were happily swaying from left to right
• crescents formed on his eyes seeing that you have pets, and the fact that you had 2 dogs made him happy
• "ah sorry if they're loud, they're just really happy to see you" you said, he fanned his hand and told you it's okay.
• "you didn't tell me you had 2 dogs" he took off his mask, knowing your house was clean. He put down the gifts that he bought on the table and slowly walked to them
• "you like dogs?" You asked, he gave you a wide smile "i sure do" he answered
• your dogs were very well behaved, usually they'd jump around and bark but in front of Kiyoomi they were gently wagging their tails with their tongues showing
• he didn't hesitate on patting their heads, giving them both equal attention
• "I'm surprised you're not scared of them" you told him "usually people wouldn't want to go near them because of their size" you reasoned
• "they're not scary, they're like big puppies" he exclaimed giving one of them a belly rub
• you smiled, finally someone who doesn't judge a dog by their appearance
• the day went on with you and him watching netflix, playing indoor games and teaching your dogs new tricks
• and as Kiyoomi frequently visited your home, your dogs would get happy and giddy seeing that their favourite person came to visit them (Kiyoomi is visiting you actually lmao)
• he'd always bring treats or new toys for them to play
• would offer on taking them out for a stroll outside (to which the dogs love so much)
• they once went home covered in mud (Omi was kinda pissed though but he can never get mad at dogs)
• would treat them like his kids really
• has a picture album dedicated to both of them
• the dogs got attached to him to the point where whenever he leaves they bark and let out howls and would even block the door with their bodies
• and Sakusa would look at you with a "guess i should stay here until they're asleep look"
• and actually you didn't feel bad for him since him staying a bit more means more time to cuddle with him under the covers while your dogs lay in the bed
• let's just say that if ever someone's asks where his happy place is he'd reply with "Y/n's house"
• though it may seem like Omi loves the dogs more than you, you're placed no.1 in his heart
©️ madmilkboi 2021 do not copy or repost.
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🏷: @crescenttooru @leronddesorciere @fleurdedyo @owlnymph @kawaiiisis (shoot an ask or dm if u wanna be added on my taglist! ^v^)
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jeellshobbies · 3 years
SKZ songs I've listened to so far part one
I can foresee how long this thread can get, so buckle up
this is how I used to journal- since I'm not good at putting my feels into words, I often turn to songs for some help hehe. Maybe one day I'll create playlists with a post that explains why I added it hehe we'll see x)
so I present to you, SKZ songs and what and how much they mean to me part one
these 5 songs are really special to me cuz they're the first 5 songs I heard from skz TT3TT so I naturally also have the most to say about them
a major thanks in advance for the english subtitles and those vids where they put the lyrics on screen along with the english translations. I can't speak, read nor write korean so it really helped me in understanding the meaning of the songs better
also like omg, the amt of inspo I got from skz for my sims series HAHAHA I can't wait to come back from my hiatus and get to those parts where there's skz songs added weeee
Red Lights (Bang Chan and Hyunjin)
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this song gave me so much inspo for my future sims series HAHAHA I love the darker tones they used for this song- and the lyrics can be easily interpreted into ANYTHING.
is the subject they're referring to a thing? a person? a job? heck, even a hobby?
it could be anything. And that's what I love about it, and it's probably the reason why I listened to this song on repeat the longest.
when I first heard this song, I was either studying or working on my sims story. At first I thought it was just really catchy (since I don't really know what the song is about yet entirely) So like what I do with any other kpop songs, I search up the meaning (just nice their music videos have english translations hehe)
and BOY when i saw the translations HAHAHA OMG.
Sometimes I feel like the song is a conversation between you and that subject you're obsessed over. Because tbh if my hobby could talk, it would probably say this-
"Tell me you hate me. "I can't handle you anymore". But I know, you and me, there's no other way."
I guess for me it's the relationship I had with my storytelling hobby in sims. It pretty much consumed almost all of my time ever since I started. If I weren't working on poses or building lots, I was on insta interacting with other simmers. I love it, don't get me wrong, but my introvert self can only take so much socializing. Plus the weekly all nighters on fridays took a toll on my body too.
It has a sexy and rough tone to it but if you look deeper it could also be about that one thing you're obsessed with- for my case it was the sims HAHAHA. I usually spend my friday evenings making poses, taking screenies, editing until the next morning. I'll sleep for like, 3 hours and then get back at it before I do my other responsibilities.
So yeah, that's red lights to me for ya.
God's Menu
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"No one can copy us, our own game. From the start it's all ours."
That line. That friggin line. I don't know how to explain it without going off in a rant.
There's also a point where my sims friends were all getting copied by other people. Hence why this line's impact is pretty strong
you'll hear me talking about this topic a lot throughout here, but just bits and pieces of it
"Just put everything in. Don't mind the other, put more. Don't hesitate, pour more. Mix, mix" "Yes, sir and ma'am"
I haven't really watched any of the behind the scenes so I'm not sure if they explained what they meant with this part but to me it's a form of encouragement to give something your all and don't care about what others would have to say.
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Okay as I get to the songs I realized why I love them so much
it's a shoot back at the h8ers and naysayers in my life HAHAHAHA. It also gave me LOTS of ideas for my simseries
"I don't care how they look at me. I'll say what I have to say ptui ptiu ptui- thunderous."
I realized after listening to this song a lot I was a bit more outspoken when it came to people in my life. The past few years I've just been quiet and to myself and even if people cross the line I would usually just smile it off
but lately I've been calling them out.
could it be I'm just reaching my limit? could it be I just want a change for once? either way I love it. I welcome this change.
I've been lately feeling the urge to change a lot of things in my life because I want to see improvements- or just something different tbh. Not tolerating unnecessary toxicity would be one of them.
I guess that also explains why I no longer talk to a lot of people I used to talk to HAHAHAHA.
"I was born crooked, my voice can go against a hundred. If I don't like something I can talk back until I'm satisfied."
That's the goal folks. I don't necessary want to talk back to everything that goes against me. Sometimes if it's better to just walk away that's what I'd do.
Cuz tbh not everything is worth your energy and effort. What we can get out of this line is... I guess knowing that you CAN fight back. And you WILL fight back until you're good.
But if I were to take it further with this line, you CAN fight back, and you WILL fight back until you're good- because it's worth it.
But if it ain't worth it then... HAH, CHEESE.
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tbh this whole song is an entire mood. I'd be quoting every line.
I love it. The vibe of the song, the attitude that comes along at the delivery of the song.
It makes you feel empowered in that weird way (at least to me)- especially with Thunderous.
in the current company I work in, I'm the youngest despite working here for 3 years already- you'd think every year someone younger would come along. there was once someone did, but they left because they hated the environment. I can't blame her tho, I would too HAHAHA.
So can you imagine being the generation gap? From the way I dress, the things I eat, the way I look the things that interest me
pretty much everything
I'd probably go deeper into it another time but one of the things that stuck with me the longest was how they constantly picked on how I look- I did competitive sports since I was a kid and I guess i got my mom's side's metabolism- which is super strong. So I had very little body fat, which also means I'm not gifted in the boob department :')
so guess what aside from being constantly told I'm stuff that I'm not, I'm also constantly teased and told to wear push up bras or even consider boob jobs just to fit what's good to them :)
I knew it's just trash speaking trash but overtime if you hear it almost everyday it can start to get to you :) For a while I found issues with things I didn't have issues with to begin with- like my body at that point.
if you search up Alexandra Trusova that's pretty much my body type when I came in HAHAH that's when I was still active in training, also keep in mind I'm 153cm. i was mostly muscle and very little fat. And I was only 20 then, where my metabolism is still on full speed. now at 23, I don't train at all anymore so naturally I gained a few kilos. I still pretty much look the same despite eating the same way I did back then- with hotpots and kbbqs from time to time.
ngl I did have this thought where "hmm i gained weight maybe they won't bother me anymore"
but they still do
So now I'm just... "HAH, CHEESE."
Their songs just speaks out everything I'm feeling perfectly like that's it. That's the whole tweet HAHA.
It doesn't bother anymore, thanks to 21 and a half year old Jeel who managed to talk herself out of that dark place.
tldr (sorry for blabbing, I got way too passionate there) words can hurt and sometimes people say hurtful things KNOWING it's not a good thing to say.
and there's nothing we can do anything about it, sadly- since we can't control other people's actions. It will hurt- like it did for me. and that's okay to acknowledge. tbh I only started making progress on making peace with it when I let myself really feel how it wants to feel about the situation- journalling helped on my end. having a rant page in my bujo helped. and then overtime, with the help of other songs I found that helps say out how I really feel, I slowly made peace with it.
this is the disstrack of the year for me
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"Plowing through the storm, yeah I know. A continuous brutal and suffocating feeling. Even if I try to escape, now I know. This is a competition I can't avoid."
At first it kinda gave me the same vibes as "Dancing with a Wolf" by all time low, just a bit. Idk if it's because wolves are also mentioned. There's also "The Wolf" by the Simple Creatures. But after seeing the english translation not really- they're definitely not about the same stuff HAHAH.
Wolfgang, while it still have that line of eating you up, feels more like an anthem amongst your long-time friends. The kind of group you get your strength from in really dark friends.
the kind of people you'd want by your side against it all.
Wolfgang is pretty much dancing with a wolf and the edge of tonight combined for me. Like the sentiments I have for these songs especially.
this also makes really great camp cheer songs. Like imagine the camp theme was musicians and your team got Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart HAHAHAH.
imagine the campfire cheer for your group, it'll definitely win best cheer x)
but yeah, wolfgang- unlike the other songs, has a lighter meaning to me. it's one of those songs you'd jam to with your friends during a long drive. the kind your friends would sing and dance to during karaoke nights.
I mean I've never done that since my friends and I have different music tastes- to so my fellow stays who are close friends with fellow stays please live this dream for me and tell me all about it TT3TT HAHAHAH it's one of the reasons why i want to make a separate account for this
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
second part of that long ask from ur swf anon :)
after the main dancer was chosen for each class, they would complete the choreo and decide formations for their performances. one of the benefits of the main dancer was that they were always center. they also had the benefit of wearing more embellished clothing to stand out (most noticeable in x class, where rian the main dancer was wearing orange while everyone else was wearing green). here is the full list (mnet truly has the WORST camera angles, so i only included the full cam ver of the performances):
1. assistant class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF2evLz98h4&ab_channel=MnetTV
2. leader class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srjJzRVVmxc&ab_channel=CHANNIECHANNEL
the judges shared that even though no:ze was the main dancer/in the center/had the most shiny outfit, they didn't really see her. all the other dancers, in their opinion, stood out and overpowered her.
3. sub class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY_3E7W8v30&ab_channel=CHANNIECHANNEL
4. x class (i'm not sure what this class was called): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC-_8fbn_s4&ab_channel=Whatthejess
judges shared that lip j was the stand out of this class. she's the girl on the far left at 0:36. (it was originally her choreo but rian was chosen as the main dancer so that's why she is credited.)
*i only included comments that were stand outs.
i'm not sure how much creative input the main dancers were given regarding stage design... they didn't show it in the episode so i'm assuming that mnet just told them to show up and perform (because like, the rainbow thing they shot at the end of the leader's performance seemed so random? it didn't match what they were doing). after each performance, the main dancers from each class were asked to pick someone who they thought was the worst dancer. in doing so, the person chosen would lose points for their crew.
judges also chose an mvp crew they thought were the best. prowdmon (monika + lip j + others [sorry i don't know their names. the show really only focuses on these two]) was selected and this gave them the advantage of choosing which crews went against each other in ep4. so, it wasn't a random lottery draw! in the episode, they only showed the part where prowdmon chose to go against wayb (context: no:ze, the main dancer from the leader class, chose monika as the worst dancer. and this made her mad so she was like we're going against wayb - no:ze's crew). i'm not sure why they didn't show how the other crews were paired up. because ya, coca n butter + hook is definitely an interesting match.
also like, wayb was eliminated from the show after ep4's mission.
and it seems like from here on out, there will be a mission each episode to determine who will be eliminated. i'm honestly not too sure. for their next mission, they're doing a mega crew mission and mnet doesn't really explain it; but it seems like each crew is doing a performance on a larger scale (with more members added to their crew). also, like mnet is ass and doesn't upload all the performances onto their channel..... they only upload the ones that were the most popular/had the biggest public reaction which is why i had a hard time finding the clips for the classes mission. hopefully they do from here on out.
another v long post. thank u again for reading and sharing ur thoughts! always love hearing them. (also, pls let me know if i'm oversharing. u mentioned not caring for the competitive nature and drama so i'm not sure if i was adding too much. there really isn't drama imo. mnet tries to do their best to edit and make it seem that way but when u watch the show, the girls truly root for each other and are friends.)
mnet truly has the worst camera angles i hate them so much. also why are they still streaming on a goddamn potato. the quality is SO bad i can barely see anything!! there's a lot of me complaining in this one i'm sorry in advance.
1. assistant class
i have to assume that whoever they chose as the main dancer is the one that stays in centre because i cannot tell from the clothing at all. i don't think she was a standout performer here, but also the camera and the fire effects are WAY too wild to actually get a good grasp on who even was the standout. i also have to assume that the dancers have no say in the design because design is not a big part of street dance and this kind of chaos screams m 'too-much-money-dont-know-how-to-use-it' net. they built this massive set, barely used it, and didn't leave enough room for the proper formation spacing!! ugh. i hope the judges actually got to see a locked off version of this without all that fire in front of the camera because if i were them i would be squinting down the end of my glasses like a grandma at the screen. that's what i was doing anyways but still.
2. leader class
i have to agree, i don't think noze stood out as the main dancer here. and geniunely i cannot tell that they embellished her costume more. like damn, that stylist took a masterclass in subtlety, because i was easily paying more attention to whoever was wearing those massive thigh high cutout garter stockings and woven bodysuit combo. i am assuming that the point of these challenges was probably to be noticed the most so that they can score points and pick who they went up against for the elimination round? i'm not entirely clear but my point remains; ngl i don't really like this method of creating performance because it means that no one is there to create a performance, yanno? troupe/group choreo like this thrives on teamwork to actually make it a good performance. i know it's a pretty classic method of weeding out people for auditions and stuff like that but personally i find it a wholly uncompelling viewing experience, especially when it's a fully produced stage like this. i know everyone very likely gets along behind the scenes but the incohesion of intent is very obvious. also what's up with the assistant class getting a massive set and the leaders getting a bunch of cars and some smoke pyrotechnics? i mean, i am glad they filmed it during the day, but i am confused by the disparity.
3. sub class
i wish i could describe how poorly mnet shot this. it's not a fucking mama stage, it's a dance stage!! we need to see the choreo properly!!!! and together!!! obviously i don't care about stitching together different takes for the final edit but just...not having a continuity at all in the choreo is a bit jarring. again, i am also not sure how one is supposed to evaluate how well these dancers did, because i can barely see what people are doing. or who the main dancers are. i know i'm railing a lot on mnet here but i can't give an accurate reading of the dancers because legitimately it is so hard to tell what's going on. if they want to bill this as a legitimate dance show, why are they shooting it like a kpop performance? the camerawork for kpop serves a specific function: to add to the visual spectacle and to highlight the idols' faces. you don't need either of those things for shoot choreography, so why do we keep getting closeups of dancers' faces? not that these dance videos aren't spectacle-y or fun, because they very much are, but they really suck at their one primary function, which is displaying the choreo.
4. x class
this is definitely the one where the camera work is the closest to what it should be, but then they go and fuck it up by adding rain! just the groundwater would have been fine, but noooo they had to add the extra rain so there would be extra water drops on the lens!! this is my favourite choreo of all four of these, i think there's the most cohesion and (excluding the rain) it's got a good mix of spectacle with the water and the blacklight and the right camera angles to show the choreo mostly well. i still don't understand why they cut in those sections that don't fit with the rest of the flow though. why. you could have one-taked this and it would have looked dope as fuck. i agree that lip j stands out the most, obviously it's her choreo so it's the best suited to her character and abilities.
if it wasn't a random lottery draw they should at least have the courtesy of showing people why who picked who!! that's the most interesting part! and i'm not that surprised about wayb being eliminated, prowdmon really stomped them into the ground with that revenge energy. i'm interested in this larger scale performances concept, because i'm not really sure what that looks like in this particular context. if they do end up on youtube i will review them! and you're not oversharing at all, the context is fine! i don't mind reading it as information, i just don't like actually watching it with my own eyes. i can't watch that kind of thing in reality tv because it makes me want to sit everyone down like a kindergarden teacher and go "ok, now why are we all yelling?". too many years of tense rehearsal conflict negotiation and i just want to whack everyone upside the head. it's not very cathartic for me lmao. i have no doubt that everyone is friends because dance scenes are small and i'm sure they've all worked together lots, but even just the editing sets off my fight or fight reflexes.
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x-useobwa-x · 5 years
༄ are you mad? | 너 화났어?
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Jungkook x Reader
➺ Word count: + 1k
╰Due to his PC being broken, Jungkook finds himself visiting the internet cafe daily for hours to play Overwatch. He's an outstanding player, by far better than many of his teammates and he carries his games, but there's one player he always encounters over and over again.
a/n: yooo! I've been itching to write this short thing for a while already! It's nothing special or anything, but I really enjoyed it! It was a nice change from my usual stuff! 🤧👌🏼
Start reading!
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Jesus fucking christ.
„Fuck!“ he curses under his breath.
This is the seventh time he got sniped down out of the blue and everytime he peeks at the kill-feed, he's burning with rage.
It's the same name. All over again, he's getting killed by the same goddamn player. This has been going on since the day his PC broke.
How it broke in the first place? Well, in his opinion it was because of said player. Even while he was playing at home, he already got hunted down by that one person behind the screen somewhere in the world, making him question all the talent he actually has. At some point he got so angry that he lost his control and kept kicking his computer, loaded with rage.
This is now two weeks ago, and he can't get over the fact that this guy is better than him. Usually he would look up to these better than him, but with this goddamn little shit he just can't get any clear thoughts.
He's so fixated on finding the enemies' Widowmaker that he got too careless and- shoot.
„What the FUCK,“ he yells into his headset, having the majority of the internet cafe turning around and giving him looks.
This damn guy.
Venom. Once again, it was Venom that shot him down.
‚I'm so sick and tired of this dude. Jesus fucking christ.‘
Jungkook is far beyond reaching his limit. This has to be settled, once and for good. He's furiously typing something down in the game-chat.
[Seagull: yo venom, after this game, let's go 1vs1 and lets put an end to this. Its been weeks and you can't seem to fucking stop.]
[Venom: lol what you so triggered for. its just a game bro.]
‚It's just a game? Jesus christ. This... this dude really is something.‘
[Seagull: are you scared?]
[Venom: nope. just not serious about this game. but if you insist, lol sure.]
Jungkook is evily grinning to himself.
This will be the last time he'll get his ass whooped by Venom. That dude might be good with 5 other players on his team that distract Jungkook, but on a 1vs1 battle he definitely will have the upper hand.
„Kook are you sure you want to do that?“ Seokjin calls out to him through the voice chat.
„Yeah I am. I am so sick of getting my ass beaten by that kid, I have to.“
„Well, good luck, because the game's ending now.“
Jungkook doesn't fucking care. He just wants to settle this. He has to show off that he's better, he has to-
‚What the actual fuck?‘
Now he's really pissed. As soon as the game finishes and the ‚Play of the game‘ comes up, he has to fight the urge to throw away the keyboard.
The recap shows one of the many times Venom has shot him down, and it wasn't even a good one in Jungkooks opinion.
[Seagull: wow kinda sad that you got the POTG with that.]
[Venom: you butthurt or smth?]
„B-butthurt??“ he scoffs. „This little...“
„Well. See you, Kook. Good luck with Venom.“ Seokjin says and leaves the group.
He's waiting. He's waiting for Venom to invite him into a private game so he can restore his pride. He is butthurt, but that doesn't mean that he has to admit that to everyone.
,Finally. Took him long enough.‘ is all he thinks as he clicks ,accept‘.
[Venom: widowmaker 1vs1?]
[Seagull: yes ofc]
[Venom: lol aight]
As both of them enter the game, Jungkooks fingers are itching to turn this around.
‚5...4...3...2...1...go!‘ the game counts down and both of them rush out of their bases to hide.
Jungkook is concentrating with all he has while he zooms into his scope as he tries to track down Venom.
„There you are,“ he whispers as he finds the hated enemy and slowly moves his cursor to steady his aim on Venoms head.
Jungkook immediately takes the lead. He's feeling so content right now- they're roughly 20 seconds in and he already shot him down. Using the time until Venom respawns, he repositions himself and hides, scope fixated in the direction of the enemy's base.
‚Come out, come on, show yourself.‘
Just as he finished his thought, he gets shot, and Jungkook can‘t help but stare in disbelief. Where the fuck did he hide? Why didn't he see him? He hates to admit it, but that was a very good play.
[Seagull: yo wtf. that was actually sick,,,]
[Venom: thx broski]
[Seagull: nah we aint bros man. but still, that was dope as fuck.]
The game keeps going like this; both are pretty much equally good, and Jungkook hates that he realizes that. Well, at least he isn't worse. But what actually is worse, is that he starts enjoying playing with Venom. It has been ages that Jungkook met someone that could keep up with his skill.
It stands 29-29 right now, the game limit being 30 kills. This is now going to decide things.
[Venom: this is actually pretty fun. i mean, i have my cursor on your head for the past 2 minutes but i don't want to shoot, i'on want this to be over yet]
[Seagull: ikr, tbh i even feel bad for all the hate and the tons of reports i sent in because of you lmao]
[Seagull: ,,,sOrry??? idk man you really pissed me off ajfksk i hated that you were better its not even that you were better its just that you were always so cOckY OOF i hated it but ur actually?? pretty fun??]
[Venom: lol i'm sorry but your reactions always were gold kfkdls]
[Seagull: yea i,,, i can see that LOL i got pretty worked up. I even crushed my computer in anger oops]
[Venom: you did wHat]
Jungkook is smiling to himself. This guy isn't all too bad after all. Not even half as cocky as he thought. Maybe he'd even end up teaming up with him some time. That thought is immediately cancelled again, though.
Suddenly, his character falls, shot down by the person he just praised for not being as bad as he initially thought. Fuck that.
[Venom: lol i thought i'm not your bro]
[Seagull: yEah NOT ANYMORE NOW,,,]
[Venom: are you mad?]
[Seagull: uhh y e s ?? I thought we didn't want to finish this fkdkls]
Jungkook sighs. He wants to be pissed, but he can't really. He knows it was just meant as a joke, but still, that means the game is over now, and he's kind of feeling sad.
[Seagull: yo... you maybe wanna stay in the group and keep talking a bit? y'know, just being on the title screen and ,,, t a l k]
[Venom: u mean voice chat?]
[Seagull: yea i mean if you want to,,,]
[Venom: uhh sure why not]
Jungkook enables the voice chat and waits for Venom to do the same.
As soon as he gets the notification that his new mate joined the voice chat, there's some sort of awkward silence; it seems like neither of them wants to go first, but then they happen to start talking at the same time.
„Uhh hello?“
„Uhm, hi?“
Silence. Jungkooks eyes widen an unreal amount and his mouth slightly falls open.
There are two things that he would like to point out. First, the voice belongs to a girl, which he didn't expect at all. But the second thing is, that the voice came from nowhere else than the booth right next to him.
He jumps out of his chair and watches as you do the exact same- and there you both are, looking at each other like two idiots.
„You- you're Venom??“
„You are Seagull? Dude we've been both coming here everyday sitting in the same damn places??“
„As if I didn't figure that yet. What the- so you are the person that keeps hunting me down?“ he says as if he's just figured out all the mysteries of the world.
„What do you mean ‚hunting you down‘? YOU are hunting me down!“
The both of you stare at each other, pouts on your faces before you burst into laughter.
What the actual fuck is happening right now? An hour ago he wished to rip the gamer that goes by the name Venom into pieces, and now he's standing infront of you and your smile and the melody of your laughter is sending his stomach tingling. Is this what people call ‚love at the first sight‘? Because if so, that's definitely what's happening right now. A girl? Not to mention a very beautiful one? Playing his favorite game almost better than he himself does? And on top of that she's funny and seems nice so far? He'd be damned if he'd let this opportunity slide. He could be living the dream of many, many men and he's not one to pass a chance he'd like to take.
„You know, what do you think about us just logging out for now and grab a coffee together? Getting to know each other and continuing our talk offline?“ he smirks, eyes big and full of hope.
„Hmm, I guess that does sound fair, I mean, I owe you one for all the teasing and for your broken computer, huh?“
„You totally do,“ he says as a wide smile starts spreading across his lips.
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