#official spanish is 'i have no time for the stars. there's something i need to talk about with you!' which is the one i like the least
yume-fanfare · 2 years
top most romantic lines ever
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invisibleraven · 4 months
Hey, #7 soulmate au is DEVASTATING sooooo
Some of the first words every child learned to read were the ones printed on their skin-the last words their soulmate would ever say to them. A bit morbid, and no one really thought it best system to find a soulmate, but it was all they had.
Reggie Peters was lucky enough to have two soulmates-though that meant losing the love of his life twice, he figured that at least he wouldn't be alone. Or at least he hoped.
He traced the sentences that floated over his arms over and over until he knew them by heart.
Cariño.../I'll be waiting
The first he found out was a Spanish term of endearment, one he loved and couldn't wait to meet the person who was going to use it. The second made him a little melancholic, but it also meant he would also have a romantic soul to love.
He met Luke in college, they ended up as roommates, and bonded immediately. They loved the same music, even if Luke wasn't into country. They jammed late into the night, bonding over items of childhood nostalgia and parental troubles alike.
He saw Luke's marks early on, for he constantly wore cut offs and the sentences were scrawled along his ribs.
Maybe we can jam together in heaven?/It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida
Reggie had to hold back a squee at that, because Luke also had a soulmate who spoke Spanish-could they be the same person? Could Luke be one of his?
They started hooking up one drunken night, and decided to keep it up, developing feelings along the way, deciding to make it official upon graduating when Luke confessed he never wanted to stop living with-and loving Reggie.
They never really talked about the marks-it was a depressing thought, something that couldn't be confirmed until they broke up, or worse-when one of them died. For now they were happy, and that was enough.
They began working as session musicians at a studio, with Luke writing a few songs that got bought helping him get closer to his dream of being a real musician.
They met Alex there, the session drummer who got on with them like a house on fire, and Luke proposed starting a band, all three of them. Give them a chance to perform, maybe be the ones recording their own stuff instead of supporting the latest craze who had AI generated lyrics and next to no musical talent.
However it was through the studio that they met Julie-she was an intern there doing backing vocals for the odd song. And she was good.
"Why aren't you using those pipes to make your own music?" Luke asked her one night as they were all packing up.
"Haven't found my sound yet," she replied with a shrug. "Happy to be in the background until I do."
"Why don't you check out our band?" Reggie offered. "Might be fun to have another vocalist and I know you play a killer piano."
She smirked at that. "I could be persuaded."
Julie joined their relationship soon after that-with lots of conversation beforehand-coming to a head after a long band practice on the hottest day of the year. One that involved them needing to clean the couch in their small studio, lest Alex kill them-though he eye rolled at them the next day, muttering about 'Finally'.
Reggie loved worshipping the marks on Julie-they lined her hips, so he traced them with tongue filled kisses, Luke doing the same until Julie was a whimpering mess between them.
But what about you?/I love you darlin'
The darlin' left little doubt in Reggie's mind-his southern twang didn't come out much, but always made an appearance when granting pet names-Luke was already beau to Reggie. Luke teased him with French pet names, insisting that being called a little cabbage was totally romantic. Julie lucked out in mon cher in Reggie's estimation.
The years passed quickly and at a snail's pace at the same time. They became rising stars, international sensations and passé over several decades. Yet they were always together, there for each other, loving one another and their family.
Yet... well they were getting on in years, though none of them wanted to admit it. Luke in particular refused to act his age-something that proved his downfall, after he fell off a stage, breaking his hip in the process.
Though they had the best doctors, Luke declined fast, his body too frail to recover. The end was upon them, and after the children and grandchildren had said their goodbyes, it left Julie and Reggie.
There were tears all around, with Luke trying to joke, but his once powerful voice was faded to almost nothing. Reggie turned and he knew the next words to come out of his mouth-they had been printed on Luke's side for as long as he had been alive.
"Maybe we can jam together in heaven?" he joked despite the tears almost blinding him.
"I'll be waiting," Luke rasped, a smile painting his aged features. He then turned to Julie. "But what about you?"
Julie sobbed, but then clutched his hands. "It's okay, we'll be alright, you can go mi vida."
With that, Luke slipped away, leaving them to cry and clutch at one another, finally knowing the truth, too late to share the fact that they were meant to be together. But maybe Luke knew-he had seen their marks a million times over the years, so maybe it gave him the solace to go, knowing he had spent his long life with them.
They got along after that as best they could, though it always felt like there was something missing-reaching out in vain for Luke.
Then Julie got sick-she thought it was a cold at first, brushing it off. But after she didn't get better, they went to the doctor.
A terminal diagnosis.
"You can't leave me," he begged Julie that night. "I can't bare it."
"You can, and will," Julie insisted. "You're so strong, and we'll be reunited eventually."
Reggie stayed by her side through every chemo session, any effort to prolong Julie's life, however fruitless. Watching her white curls fall out, her already dainty figure shrinking.
"No more," Julie insisted after a few months of it. "I'm ready Reggie."
"I'm not," he said, kissing her palm. "But it's not about me."
One night as they slid into bed, Reggie knew-deep down in his soul that he would be waking up alone.
"I love you darlin'."
Julie's eyes welled with tears. "Cariño..."
He shook his head, resting their foreheads together and kissing her sweetly. Just held her tight as they slept, feeling her grow cold sometime in the night, and he calmly called for the ambulance.
He had her buried next to Luke, a space bracketing him for Reggie. He went on as he must, but his heart wasn't in it. He tried, for Danny and Luna, for their broods, but he knew life was gray and meaningless without Luke and Julie.
So he let himself grieve, growing even older, until one night-the night he knew he would give up. Tucking himself into the too big bed, closing his eyes and smiling for the first time in forever.
"I'm coming sweetie pies, I'm coming."
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silenzahra · 2 months
What's up Zahra? I have a question for you.
What's your favorite Mario RPG other than the Mario & Luigi series?
You can take as much time to answer as you want.
Take care!
What's up, Mugi? Thank you so much for sending this ask! 🥰 I'm sorry I took forever to get to it, but I hope you'll like my answer!
Actually, my choice is very clear:
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✨ The Thousand-Year Door ✨
This game means EVERYTHING to me 😍 It was my first Paper Mario game and my second RPG ever (only after Superstar Saga), and oh God, I fell so in love with the characters, the story, the mechanics, the music! It's a game that's so full of surprises and charisma, and the fact that it was told as a play only made it cuter to my eyes 🥹
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Honestly, playing this game again after almost 20 years of trying it for the first time on my Wii (I borrowed the original from my cousin as I didn't have a GameCube)... It hit hard in the nostalgia 🥹 When I tell you I couldn't stop crying when it was announced in the direct last year! And then, again, when I started playing it, especially with the soft and beautiful music as the book opens and the story starts...
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I have to admit I'm getting emotional just by remembering it 🥹
It's really been so great to replay it! I've loved rediscovering again not only the story of the game itself, but also those of the different characters. Especially the partners! If I may, I wanna mention my three favorites!
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Mini Yoshi and Goombella are simply amazing. Their personalities shine through! He's so bold and ready to fight, and she's so smart and sassy. I adore them wholeheartedly 🥹
And then...
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My beautiful and beloved Vivian 💜 She holds a very special place in my heart. As a fun fact, she was always trans in the Spanish version of the original game, but of course, I was incredibly happy when it became something official worldwide! In this screenshot, she's actually telling Mario THE line: "It took me some time to realize that I was their sister... and not their brother." You best believe I've cried every single time I've read it, both when playing the game and on the internet 🥹
Also, the places! 😍 My personal favorite is Glitzville, because I love everything about that chapter in general. Having to fight battle after battle to climb the rankings in order to reach the top spot and being crowned champion? And in each battle you have to follow specific guidelines? Not to mention the different opponents you encounter and all the secrets hidden in this place! Absolutely AWESOME 🤩
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Also: that Game Boy Advance on the wall does make the sound the console did when you turned it on. I'm a sucker for details like this as they hit nostalgia hard, so it was just another reason to love this part of the game even more 💖
Still, I also loved Twilight Town, the sea and the entire chapter that takes place in the train (can never remember its name in English 😅). I mean, just look!
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Also. Mario going 👍 all the freaking time is a silly and adorable detail that made me giggle all the time 🤭❤️
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I dont think I need to mention I cried my heart out when I finished replaying this game about a month ago 😅 Every single scene after I defeated the final boss just brought more and more tears to my eyes, and I just couldn't erase the silly smile from my face as I relived such a beautiful and touching ending (I'll add a few more pics under the cut so as not to spoil anyone). This game earned a really big place in my heart 20 years ago and it has only increased after playing the remake 🥹❤️
Thank you again for this ask, @megamagimugi! I hope the wait was worth it 🥰
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The Thousand-Year Door after you've collected every single crystal star reminds me so much of the one in Super Mario Land 2!
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The moment of saying goodbye... You bet I was right there, crying with my beloved Mini Yoshi 😭
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And Vivian about to tell Mario that she loves him! AAAAAHHHH my beloved shadow girl 😭💜✨
Also, loved how Mario's way of saying goodbye was, again...
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Just brilliant 🤭❤️
And then... all this last sequence with Peach and Mario looking at Rogueport as they part had me UGLY crying.
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As well as, of course...
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I have just made myself emotional by re-visiting the ending of this game 🥹🥹🥹 The idea of them parting on a new adventure, and then celebrating the ending of the play on stage with all the partners, and Luigi being among the audience...
It's perfect. It's just perfect.
I just love every single thing about this game so so much ❤️❤️❤️
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what would the Ros be like in a modern Au?
also take your precious time, college is certainly not merciful !
Thanks for the kind words, college really sucks. 🥲
I still have a bunch of older asks I still need to answer but your ask seems fun and I think I can answer it shortly. So, let's do it!
Hmm in a modern AU I think the world of OMWAT would follow very closely to ours since the world is just sort of a world with altered history and geography.
So with that in mind, Cassandra would still be a daughter of a military man, she would have been raised in a strict household setting but with the caveat that she would have been sent to a private school instead of just having been taught at home by hired instructors. She would have made more friends and have been less lonely as a result. She would still feel the need to carry herself a certain way as to not disgrace her father so she would not be that wild rich kid but the one that got into an ivy league school by her own merit and not just by her daddy's money.
She would be a Political Science major with a minor in business as she has her eyes set on a political career path. She would be super intimidating to talk to because she just has that commanding aura about her and her clothes just scream 'money'. She is more confindate in her own skin as the feeling of being pushed aside because she is a woman is no longer an issue here. She would struggle making real connections with however, due to her mistrust that anybody would want to be around her if they could not gain something from it.
Hobbies would include going shooting/hunting, riding, and playing chess on a professional level.
I think Valeria would still work in a mom and pop sort of family owned bakery with her brothers. She would have finished high school with decent grades and as a popular girl since she is very social and friendly. I don't think she would attend college since her family needs her at the bakery but I think she would of liked to go.
She would work full time at the store and make her own special menus and inventing new treats that unintentionally bring more popularity to her families store. She would definitely still be a church girl and attend with her family to every sunday service.
Would spend her free time volunteering to charity projects or going hiking/nature watching.
Now Tomás would be a bit different, I envision his family as old movie star celebrities that caused a huge scandal recently due to his father's infidelity to his wife.
His dad is soooo canceled all over twitter 😭
He would have paparazzi and other invasive reporters follow him everywhere, constantly harassing him and never giving him any privacy. His siblings and mother have condemned his father publicly online and he is the only one that has been silent on how he feels about it. Which is exactly why he gets hounded the most, a lot of women only have claimed that he is a dog just like his father and that is why he is quiet. He is still super broody and while he was going to college as a Spanish major he took a break after news of the scandal got out.
Spends a lot of time online gaming and drinking.
My poor baby Ludovica would have been from a decently well off immigrant family that held on to some less than healthy family traditions. Including viewing their daughter as a bargaining chip as soon as she turned 15. Really grimy people, truly. She still would of been married off to some way older dude for her families benefit but at least this time they would wait until she was 18 to officially do it. She would still be miserable and quiet about it due to how she was raised. This time when her husband died the media and police where all over it and it was broadcasted to an unbelievable scale. Headlines and news broadcasts would paint the picture of the young girl who was probably groomed and turned into a fem-fatale. She would be horrified that the whole world thinks she did it and she would feel even worse that her parents are playing into it, trying to capitalize on the media coverage.
She would still shut herself away and break down as a result of all of this. The police would follow her every move and never really leave her alone after her husband's death was ruled death by mysterious circumstance. She would consider taking her life multiple times and by the advice of her trusted housekeeper she would self check herself in to be institutionalized.
Things that would bring her peace would be reading, painting and gardening is she knew how to take care of plants.
Now unto Aurelio, this man is commonly known online for his wild parties and scandalous flings. But in the business world he is both a wild card and golden goose as he came way out of left field and surprised everyone with how a clean shaven newly graduated business major who grew up poor, took over his father's failing winery business and grew it into the empire it is today. His wine and restaurants are loved by all for their delicious taste, excellent service, high quality and shockingly affordable prices. His dream is still making high end restaurants a place where people of different status can come and enjoy food together.
This man is on TMZ every day of the damn week with the stupid shit he gets recorded doing. Has been offered to appear in a few hollywood productions but he turns them down as he knows it would distract him from his business. Still lives in the middle class neighborhood he came from and all of the residents love him because of just how much he gives back to the community. The area used to be very poor but once he made it big he opened one of his restaurants in the area and economy boomed there. He made an announcement that anyone who needed a job and lived in that area would have one working for him with great pay and benefits. Needless to say he has dedicated workers and staff who will throw hands if you bad mouth him in their presence. They are all very proud of him and defend him no matter what he does, including when he is caught doing stupid shit.
Freetime includes golfing, partying, going to art museums, throwing charity/community events and doing unrecommended activities.
Finally unto my favorite little bastard, Elio. This little shit is a one of those people that gets paid to just go to school indefinitely. He likes learning so it works for him but he contributes absolutely nothing back to society. Lives in a college paid dorm alone and reads in his freetime.
...and yeah that's about it for him, the useless bastard.
AN: ok so maybe this didn't end up as short as I thought it would be but I already finished it so might as well and post it. lol thank you very much for the fun ask! 💙
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bluenpinkcastle · 1 year
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20230701: I’ve decided to spent this month celebrating what I will call “Space Day”, which is the anniversary of humans landing on the moon. starting my celebration of humans in space, today’s build was 21333 the Starry Night with 2316 pieces from 2022. we have always looked to the stars with a sense of longing, curiosity, hope, and fear. the stars, which we now know are distant planets, scattered across universes and galaxies we can only barely imagine, have inspired folklore, fairytales, religion, myths, and imagination for as long as humans have had the ability to see. LEGO set 21333 the Starry Night fully captures the longing and beauty of a world we may or may not understand. one of my favorite parts about the LEGO Ideas sets are the information paragraphs at the beginning of every instruction booklet. this booklet has some history on Vincent Willem van Gogh, a famous artist born in the Netherlands who struggled with depression. the information pages are printed in English, French, and Spanish, which add a wonderful opportunity for culture and language strengthening. the booklet also talks extensively about the official painting this LEGO set is modeled after, as well as the LEGO Ideas fan designer and the official LEGO artists who brought this set to life. more information on the history of van Gogh and his works can be found on the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) website. this set is a substantial and beautiful build. just opening up the bag and checking the bag inventory made me so happy, as blue is my favorite color and the bricks in this set are particularly beautiful, especially once the set is built. the only really redundant portion of the build was the large black frame, but that was over quickly enough to be mostly unnoticeable. I will say, though, that building the back paneling was certainly something of a challenge. you really need to pay attention to each individual instruction, the colors used for that particular instruction, and the order the plates are placed. I was also a little alarmed at the spare pieces, as at the end of bag five, you’re left with enough plates to fill a full other row of blue plates, which encouraged me to believe I had somehow missed a row. I took several minutes to verify these were left over on purpose and to count the rows before moving on to bag six. the colors on this build are truly beautiful and the design is one of the few times when I actually want to display LEGO as an art piece and wall decorations. I’m a little concerned about the lack of some sort of brace on the front underneath the area with the Cypress tree but the set oddly does stand up just as it is. I also don’t quite know what kind of screws would be best for using a wall-mounting to place this as artwork directly on the wall, but I’m sure a little extra research would clear that up, if I decide to hang this directly on the wall with the built-in technic brick on the back which I believe exists for the express purpose of hanging this on a wall like the art it is :) for all that this is a very complicated build, the instructions are very easy to follow and I enjoyed this build far more than I thought I would :)
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idahofallshq · 2 years
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oh, g, it is so exciting to see the jo concept back, but with these fresh wild tweaks! it is also incredibly exciting to see the expansion of the world through the ships, and how despite the glaring issues, idaho falls can still be seen by some as rescue, even if an incomplete one. as jo has had time to settle in for a few years now, will she fully find purpose within the prospect of community in idaho? or will she tighten ship and think with her head alone?
welcome to idaho falls, johana herrera! please make sure to complete the accepted checklist so we can invite you to our servers. we can’t wait to start writing with you!
name: G Age: 27 Pronouns: She/her Timezone: gmt - 5 previous roleplay blog: redacted triggers: redacted wanted connection?: n/a – not an official connection but I did speak to Yen before applying since Orion and Jo will be pseudo family vibes!
Name: Johana “Jo” Lucilla Herrera gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her faceclaim: Adria Arjona age & birthdate: 34 & July 31, 2009 occupation: Soldier immunity: N/A
skill one: technology.
Jo’s mother was a computer engineer before the outbreak and when their family ended up on the Galatea, she offered her skills aboard the ship. She spent much of her childhood at her mother’s side, watching and learning how to do what she did as, over the years, she’d repair and reconstruct old systems to keep them working. It’s come in handy more times than she can think, added to it Orian’s mentorship with small mechanical lessons, her grasp of technology grew exponentially in her youth and has become a valuable skill these days.
skill two: linguistically gifted.
Jo grows up around a multitude of languages. Spanish and English dominate her early years before French and Mandarin and Czech and Russian and Arabic permeate her days. Her ears are trained to pick up change in ton, in phrasing and words and eventually she picks up on more than that, learning to read and write. It’s one of the few things that brings her genuine joy. Few things beat the thrill of finding someone with a shared tongue, one of a home they may never see again. She bridges the gap for them, giving them a place to land. Not to mention it’s helpful when people want to keep secrets, using languages they think no one can understand. She’s picked up more along her travels and finds it an easy and useful past-time to have, collecting books from various stops over the years and teaching herself different languages.
skill three: navigation.
Life at sea meant using the stars as guides. She learned from her father and the ship’s first mate how to read the night sky and her innate sense of direction translated from sea to land when they finally docked on the West Coast. She’s hard pressed to get lost. If she goes anywhere once or has reference points, it becomes intuitive for her to get to where she needs to go. Over the years, she’s used this skill and begun to record different trails and paths and journeys she’s taken, having a few notebooks of meticulously drawn maps for her record.
positive traits.
trait one: lionhearted.
Jo isn’t sure if she was born brave or if it’s just something she learned. She takes whatever glimmers of courage comes her way by the firstful, determined to hold on as life throws everything her way. She squeezes her eyes shut against the dark before facing it head on, chin lifted in challenge. She’s lost so much and she’s still standing. It fuels her. It makes her feel like a wild thing, unafraid of those who might harm her. What more can they do?
trait two: determined.
Ever headstrong, she’s an unmovable mountain in the face of a storm. Few things can sway Jo from her convictions, unable to change her mind if she’s fully convinced of something. Luca was one of those things but he’s long gone and all that’s left is a memory. So she stands her ground, solid as a weathered oak, a bit bent and bowed but not broken. Never broken.
trait three: astute.
Very little escapes Jo’s notice, a glance, a smirk, a whisper – keen eyes catch onto all of it. Being observant has served her well, her shrewd nature not only keeping her on her toes but keeping her alive when she needs it most.
negative traits.
trait one: impatient.
Jo’s never been one to wait for the perfect opportunity and when she’s forced to, it goes against everything she is. She feels trapped, caged, when she can’t take action, when she’s told to wait, to seek the opportune moment. While her impatience has saved her when quick decisions are necessary, it’s also gotten her in trouble more than once.
trait two: arrogant.
From the time she’s a little girl, she’s told to keep her chin up, head unbowed, and will unbroken. She fixes her gaze in the face of those who seek to make her feel like less than she is. Her pride keeps her from asking for help, closed fists and suspicion creates distance from others. It also prevents her from relying on them too much. She thinks she’s invincible. Sometimes, she feel like it too. But Jo’s arrogance builds a wall around her, protecting her from anything that might cause harm while simultaneously keeping her from anyone who might offer help.
trait three: stubborn.
Her determination wins her as many admirers as her stubbornness does adversaries. What might be a virtue in one instance quickly becomes a vice in the next. Her bullheaded ways can hinder her, it can isolate others but she finds it hard to see it as a bad thing. After all, there’s a reason she’s stayed alive for so long and it’s not because she’s agreeable.
tw for trauma, illness, cancer, death, violence
2009 – 2012: When you’re born, life is simple. Chicago is a cold city but you’d never know it, the way your parents wrap their arms around you, keeping you safe and warm. Your mother, Elena, is a professor of computer engineering at Northwestern and your father, Victor, is an Air Force pilot. There are a dozen photos of you crawling around your mother’s office, surrounded by computer parts, and others of you wearing one of your father’s aviators, a laughing smile on your small face. And when your father receives a new assignment, stationed in Honduras at the Soto Cano Air Base, your mother takes sabbatical for the year: both of your parents are strong believers in spending your early years together. So you pack up your life and make your way down to Central America. Your mom says a year will pass in the blink of an eye. No one knows that it’ll be decades before you return.
2013:  When all hell breaks loose, you’re at the market with your mom. You remember the screams. The crush of people. You remember clinging to your mom as, by some miracle, you make it home. It’s not long before your dad returns, frantically ushering you both into the car, still in uniform from the base. There’s a flight that will take your family to Panama, to the boats there. Sea is safest, they’re saying. It won’t belong before everything is shut down and closed off and this is your chance. You’re still too young to understand the way they throw supplies in a bag, or the way you barely make it out of Honduras, the small town you called home for a time burning in the rearview mirror.
2015: You make it to the base and the plane that takes you to the carrier. It's one of the last ones to pass through the Panama Canal. And, before you know it, it’s been two years at sea. You’re six years old now, one of the few children who’ve made it aboard with other military officials and their families. You’re a bit of a leader in the makeshift school that’s established, all knobby knees and sharp elbows. You’ve got a sharp wit and a sharper mouth, all jagged edges in a world now made of them. Your mother chides you to be kind, your father tells you to be wise. They both teach you how to survive. How to stretch rations. How to read. How to protect yourself. They don’t know what’s waiting for you all out there but they’re determined that you’ll be prepared.
2016: Illness creeps aboard and claims the life of more than thirty on board, including the longstanding captain of the ship. Power shifts. Your parents are unwilling to let you out of their sight as violence becomes commonplace. They whisper into the late hours of the morning, concern etched on their features as your mother holds her stomach. With the change in power, your father’s position as an officer is less secure as resources dwindle and tensions rise. Already complaints have circulated about small rations. Announcing there’ll be another mouth to feed isn’t an option.
2016: You’re roused from your sleep in the middle of the night, your father keeping a hand over your mouth to silence your questions as he and your mother pack your bags. Your Uncle Alex, your father’s closest friend aboard, gestures that the coast is clear. You’re shuffled from your quarters, to one of the tender boat bays. You’ll later understand why your father had tears in his eyes as he said goodbye to Alex. You’ll hear the story eventually, how he’d heard a freighter ship on the radio, one of the first ships you’ve encountered in years, and promised to help your family escape, knowing what would happen to your mother if they found out she was pregnant. You’ve never seen your father beg but when you finally encounter the Galatea, you see the desperation in his face. And so does its captain.
2016: Your brother is born aboard the Galatea. Luca is everything to you and more. You watch over him as he sleeps and you make those promises all over again. That you’ll snap and snarl and do whatever it takes to keep him safe.
2017 – 2025: The Galatea is home now. Your family pulls their weight. Your mother keeps systems running, and your father works on machinery. You learn by doing and you become your mothers shadow most days, watching her work. The ship is a kaleidoscope of people from all over and you pick up on languages you’ve never heard. You and Luca are thick as thieves, your little brother your favorite companion and student all in one. You learn from your father how to throw a punch, and you practice playfully on Luca. You learn from anyone who will teach you, be it maps or navigating by moonlight, you pick up skills and remember your parents’ words: we don’t know what’s out there.
Still, the monsters on land are different from the one that claims your father’s life. Cancer is incredibly fast moving when you’ve little to treat it with. Your eyes burn as his body, wrapped in a faded flag, is lowered into the ocean.
2026 – 2029: You become restless after that. You’re angry.  You’re hurting. You throw yourself into whatever task you’ve been assigned, itching for more. A wild thing starts to take hold of your heart and you find yourself looking towards the horizon, wondering if you’ll ever see land again.
2030: All things come to an end, and your time at sea is curtailed by lack of rations and concerns over the engines. When the decision is made, your heart races with anticipation and apprehension. You draw close to your small family as you dock on the west coast and embark on the next chapter of your life. Your feet are unsteady but you keep your head up, determined to keep those you love safe.
2032: Some people go their own way but most of the Galatea stays together, trekking along the old Pacific Crest Trail. The world doesn't seem so bad there and life falls into a routine until you cross into Oregon and your journey becomes that much more treacherous. It’s no one's fault but you blame yourself when it happens. Your mother comes to your aid as you help an injured crew member and everything after happens too fast. You hear her scream as she tells you to run, as you and Luca are dragged away by others. It’s too late. You’re too late. And it costs you.
2033 – 2037: The years blur together after that. You stick close to the crew as the promise of Jackson keeps you going. You’re skeptical of how real the place is but you need something to believe in. As you trek along the west coast, you keep track of where you’ve been and make note of where you’re trying to go. It gradually becomes clear that the infected aren’t the only thing to worry about in the wild. Raiders and thieves are rampant outside of QZs and one such raid leaves you at the gates of Idaho Falls. Luca’s been injured and you’re determined to get him care. You lie and tell them that he’s a surgeon in training. That he’s got skills worth saving. It’s the only reason they agree. But when infection settles into his wounds, his supposed skills aren’t enough to expend more resources on. When Luca dies, so does a part of you.
2038 – 2044: Why stay? Because there’s nowhere else to go. You blame Alexei for Luca’s death even if you know no one could’ve saved him. You want revenge but you also need purpose. Something to push you forward. Survival isn’t enough on its own anymore. And as life in Idaho Falls continues, your losses weigh heavy on your heart but each day you take another step forward. After all, who amongst you has not suffered? You’re not sure what the point of it all might be, but you’ve always been scrappy and determined. Despite everything, you can’t give up. You’ve always been a fighter, claiming each day that comes your way.
arc one. no man is an island
I’d like to see Jo rely on others. She has a few close trusted friends from the Galatea, but I think that as things continue to escalate, Jo will need to reevaluate her relationships and start making ones that last within Idaho Falls. There’s a storm coming and it’s threatening to blow everything away. Like anyone else, she needs people to ground her and keep her steady so I’d love to develop that.
arc two. what are you fighting for
Jo is a soldier who’d previously had sights set on becoming an enforcer. For so long she wanted some sort of revenge on Alexei but in recent years, I think she’s lost that thread a bit, consumed by the day to day. With the uprising beginning, I wonder if she’ll want to get in on it now after so long, or if she’ll think more about what benefits her. When you’ve wanted something for so long and finally get it, sometimes you forget why you wanted it in the first place.
Fluent in: Spanish, English, French, Russian, Korean, Arabic (through practice with various people & self taught) Speaks / Comprehends but is not fluent in: German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Tagalog Physicality: is quite athletic / strong for her size but what she lacks in pure strength, she makes up for in speed. Relationships: probably comes off abrasive to some but is likely to step in if someone is being mistreated (albeit, a bit aggressively – ie: leave them the fuck alone!). Orion Lum is something of an older brother figure in her life, keeping her grounded over the years, especially in light of losses. Other Traits: Lionhearted, Mercurial, Argumentative, Arrogant, Passionate, Observant, Fickle
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colleenmurphy · 8 months
"I plan on doing a lot of beach combing and crying at night under the stars smoking a shit ton of weed...and I know now that I'll be ok.."
Not once did she mention Dave. She didn't have to, she already knew how it was going down around their tiny town. He was probably holed up in his mother's basement only going out at night and taking a job over in Annis Island, looking for a place in Maine up near Derry. He's thinking of taking that care taker position for a writer's summer place on Dark Score Lake but he's waiting on a call back. He's regretting every second of it now and she's not. She was done a long time ago and now the excuses had run out. They were two completely different people then when they'd first met, Colleen had carried their relationship the entire time while he had Peter Pan-ned his way through life. She'd let him go about three years ago when she found out about Kelly, the dancer over at the Razzle Dazzle Room over the county line off the highway. Her time away from home became more and more frequent as she traveled for work, slowly building her family's fishing company around the trip state area then over to her family in Ireland. Jimmy would have been proud.
'You gotta tell the folks back home you're ok, Colly. They love you even though he didn't. David Sullivan's getting what he's got coming. Don't you worry. Just call Helene.'
Anchoring herself off in Bermuda nearly a month since she'd stormed out away from home waters. She'd left long detailed notes for each of them, trying her very best to explain why she needed time to herself. She hoped they understood.
Except Sully. Fuck Sully.
Sighing she stared at the empty co captain's seat in the wheel room. Plopping down in the opposite one she lit her hand rolled cigarette and inhaled deeply. Cradling the satellite phone on her shoulder she double checked the windows to make sure she was completely enclosed. She wasn't about to give herself away by the smell to a curious local looking for the good stuff.
"It'll be just me and the boat and water. It's time for a change but I don't want you or your Dad or my mother to worry. I love you Helene and please don't worry, I'll be ok. Pinky promise and this joint's for you."
Leaving a noisy smacking childish kiss into the phone she hung up and cackled to herself. She was pretty much stocked for dry goods and the perishables were in cold storage and deep freeze in the galley. She hadn't had much of an appetite for food at the moment and good grief, she'd opened the her parents liquor cabinet and found a treasure trove of mixers and booze. She was set for a bit to get herself straight. Sully be damned. Gone was the Black Velvet and Diet Coke with a cherry, that was Sully's mother's Doreen's favorite drink. Not hers. Right now called for something different. Ice in a tall glass with light rum and ginger beer with an orange wheel. Out on the deck she sighed as she sat in a fisherman's chair. She was set for deep sea fishing and the poles weren't much these days, especially on an island like this. Perhaps she's offer her bartending services at some local dive for cash. Maybe she'd go back to Florida? She'd had a hell of a good time out there and she'd learned about herself. Something about how open it was had surprised and delighted her.
That bartender was a sweetheart, Bruce.. and you still owe him a fishing trip.
"Whatever I decide to do I'm going to do it and I'm going to be happy."
Somewhere overhead the stars twinkled as a large one streaked across the evening sky. Her favorite shade of red painted the sky, a true sailor's delight as her Dad used to say. The universe was giving her a sign to allow herself some happiness, some peace.
Raising up her drink she cranked the radio and smiled.
'Talk about perfect timing...'
Dave had gifted her a locket on their second Christmas together after they, or rather he, had decided to finally tell other people they were officially together. A Spanish sterling chain with a heavy locket containing a photo of them together posed for her nursing school graduation. He looked smug even back the and she looked like a ghost in her traditional nurse's uniform. All of that changed her and yet here she was, still bobbing along.
And my love is an anchor tied to you Tied with a silver chain
The necklace had begun to feel like an anchor around her neck, but at this moment it had never felt so heavy until right now. She hadn't had the heart to sell it and put that energy back out into the world. It felt unbearable now. Especially after feeling so alive after meeting Bruce. It was time for another change, she'd decided. Yanking off the chain with one good solid pull it gave with a satisfying snap as she hurled it overboard with a sigh. Her neck no longer ached and her shoulders felt loose for the first time in a decade.
Downing the rest of her drink she curled up below deck and fell asleep to the sound of the ocean lapping against the hull.
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ear-worthy · 10 months
NASA Releases Its Roster Of Podcasts On Space Exploration
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Can you believe that there are still people who do not think that NASA made it to the moon on Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969? In fact, a decade-old poll reveals that two percent of polled Americans think the moon landing was faked by NASA.
Theorists have even suggested that filmmaker Stanley Kubrick may have helped NASA fake the first lunar landing, since his 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey proved that the technology existed back then to artificially create a spacelike set. And as for Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee — three astronauts who died in a fire while testing equipment for the first moon mission? They were executed by the U.S. government, which feared they were about to disclose the truth. 
Not surprisingly, even podcaster Joe Rogan is a doubter.  
“The reality is, the internet has made it possible for people to say whatever the hell they like to a broader number of people than ever before,” Roger Launius, a former chief historian of NASA, told The Guardian several years ago. “And the truth is, Americans love conspiracy theories. Every time something big happens, somebody has a counter-explanation.”
So perhaps when I tell you NASA has a collection of original podcasts, there will be people who will believe that I am part of a massive conspiracy to push the podcast subterfuge.
However, NASA just released its collection of original podcasts on Spotify, giving more people access to in-depth conversations, stories, and Spanish-language content. From interviews with astronauts and engineers to stories that take you on a tour of the galaxy, NASA’s podcasts let you experience the thrill of space exploration without ever leaving Earth. 
NASA’s podcasts are available ad-free and without cost to Spotify’s audience of 500+ million users and include: 
NASA’s Curious Universe: Our universe is a wild and wonderful place. Join NASA astronauts, scientists, and engineers on a new adventure each episode — all you need is your curiosity! First time space explorers welcome.
Houston We Have a Podcast: From Earth orbit to the Moon and Mars, explore the world of human spaceflight with NASA each week on the official podcast of the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.
On a Mission: A journey to the stars doesn’t just begin at the launchpad. Discover new worlds through epic stories told by scientists on missions to outer space.
Small Steps, Giant Leaps: NASA’s technical workforce put boots on the Moon, tire tracks on Mars, and the first reusable spacecraft in orbit around the Earth. Learn what’s next as they build missions that redefine the future with amazing discoveries and remarkable innovations.
Universo curioso de la NASA: Bienvenidos a Universo curioso de la NASA, en donde te invitamos a explorar el cosmos en tu idioma. En este pódcast, ¡la NASA es tu guía turística a las estrellas!
This isn’t the first time Spotify has gone intergalactic. Other Spotify content that is out of this world includes: 
A playlist collaboration for the Inspiration4 launch in 2021
A story around the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing 
An interview with astronaut Cristina Koch
 So check out these NASA podcasts. I think you'll enjoy stories of space exploration. And for the skeptics out there who are also 9/11 truthers, Sandy Hook conspiracists, flat-earthers, Holocaust deniers, and anti-vaxxers, you should listen to these podcasts so that you can parse each and every word for a clue to deception to prove your conspiracy theory.
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lokalradio · 2 years
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TATI GABRIELLE // have you seen VANESSA MASON around the crash site? we’re trying to make sure they’re still alive after the crash! according to the manifesto SHE/HER is a 26 year old CIS WOMAN. i hear they’re known being a RADIO HOST. VANESSA is also known to be LIVELY yet also IMPULSIVE at times. we have a couple questions for VANESSA when we find her, we heard something about a secret they might have? such as SHE HAD A MISCARRIAGE SOME YEARS AGO AND STARRED IN A COUPLE OF INFOMERCIALS DURING COLLEGE! (munchie, 25, gmt +1, she/her, erin's roommate!)
name: vanessa mason
nickname: vanny, van, nessie
age: 26
birthday: october 5th
zodiac: libra
gender & pronouns: cis woman ; she/her
sexual orientation: panromantic pansexual
occupation: radio host
education: high school ; bachelor in communication and radio broadcasting
spoken languages: english, spanish, korean
vanessa has lived in san francisco her whole life with both her parents and an older brother. she grew up bilingual, speaking mostly korean with her mother.
she enjoyed a pretty normal childhood, was an extroverted kid and teenager
her parents always pushing their children to be ambitious and focus on their studies so they would have a good life later. her brother did go on to study medicine but by watching him, she already knew that's not the life she wanted to live but also didn't want to grow old in a 9 to 5.
her interest in music and technology had grown during her teen years which is how she decided on working for the radio station. combining that with her lively personality. her parents weren't all too happy about that but were still supportive nonetheless. at least, she was going to college, right?
so she enrolled to get her bachelor straight out of high school, moving onto campus. vanessa lived the life of a regular college student
during her sophomore year, she began dating a guy and they decided to make it official after a couple of months. the whole ordeal. sleeping over, meeting the parents, honeymoon phase.
that's also the period in time when she did a handful of infomercials next to normal jobs to help with student loans etc.
towards the end of her third year - at 21 - she found out she was pregnant which she reluctantly told her then-boyfriend. both of them undecided at first, they eventually decided they want to make it work.
however, vanessa miscarried during her 12th week of pregnancy which took a toll not only on her body and mental health but also their relationship. they broke up two months later.
she went on to get her bachelor's degree and soon after graduation got a job at a local radio station where she's been working ever since - for around four years at the time of the crash.
vanessa was going on vacation. she had booked a walkabout / outback tour. as a big fan of the outdoors, she often went camping and hiking. she even took up climbing and diving in her late teens, giving her about eight years of experience at the time of the crash.
based on this, she knows her way around a forest, how to start a fire, building shelters, gathering water.
thanks to those hobbies, she has fairly high stamina and can hold her breath for a while.
she's always been a very outgoing person, an optimist at heart which has probably turned into her coping mechanism of 'hope dies last' after the crash.
she has no problem approaching people or reaching out if she sees they might need help. on the other hand, she's not that great showing her own emotions openly.
room mate of Erin Williams
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years
Alright it's almost Hispanic Heritage month again yall. Here's a list of Animated characters that I, a Latina, cried over when I found out they were Latin American
For clarification, "Found out" means, having no previous knowledge of said characters and within the context of the show/movie they are confirmed Latin American.
(From the perspective of a Costa Rican 🇨🇷 specifically)
The entire Madgrial Family (Encanto)
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The moment I saw the teaser trailer for Encanto I started crying. I was so BEYOND EXCITED to see real, true, positive beautiful Latin American representation in a Disney movie. I'm not even Colombian but seeing something like this become so popular made me so happy. Being able to fully understand "Dos Orugitas" in Spanish just hits so different, its not the same in English. It's such a beautiful step for Latin American representation, and I'm so excited to see what comes next for us. (Still holding out for my Latina Disney princess tho. And no, Elena doesn't count) I've also been told I look just like Mirabel and seeing a character that looks like me in a Disney movie just made my heart soar.
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
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Bruh a bisexual Latina with mommy issues AND she's bilingual??? She's just like me fr.
Lance McClain (V*ltron Legendary Defender)
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He was my absolute favorite character in V*ltron and I will NEVER forgive them for ruining his arc and making him sad forever. He deserved a happy ending. He's NOT "just a boy from Cuba", he's so important and lovely.
Miles Morales (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
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I'm not a comic book reader, so Into the Spiderverse was the first time I met Miles. Finding out he was Afro Latino made me heart soar. He's a sweet boy, such a good character in the movie, and definitely deserved the Oscar. Can't wait for the sequel.
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia)
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Claire is literally such a badass. She's amazing, an amazing character, her story with Jim is beautiful. Love it when she's speaks Spanish. 10/10 character (Watch Tales of Arcadia it's really good)
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)
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King of my heart. Wholesome dork. Voiced by Lin Manuel Miranda.
Gosalyn Mallard (Ducktales 2017)
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What I literal icon. I really really REALLY hope that the rumored Darkwing Duck reboot uses the DT 2017 versions of the DW characters cause this Gosalyn is a QUEEN
Hector Nieves Aka: Hi-Five (Glitch Techs)
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Glitch techs was such a cute show it deserved to keep running. Screw Nickelodeon for canceling it just as it was starting to get interesting. Anyway this dork is adorable. Bilingual gamer king.
Troy Sandoval (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
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Hi this cutie patootie is a literal king. He and Benson are so cute together. (GO WATCH KIPO AND THE AGE OF WONDERBEASTS ON NETFLIX I PROMISE YOU'LL LOVE IT)
Honorable Mentions:
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(From top to bottom, left to right. Tumblr only allows 10 images at a time so I had to combine them)
• Señor Hueso and Capitan Piel, who together make the icon Don Suave (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2018):
I literally laugh my ass off whenever I watch the episode "Hidden City Job" and they do the whole Don Suave bit. Like it's so over the top yet accurate to telenovela characters that I can't help but laugh every time. When they first introduced Capitan Piel, I instantly laughed so hard before they even translated it because they did the whole Skin and Bones bit and I just thought it was so clever. 10/10 duo I'd love to see more of them. (GO WATCH ROTTMNT PLEASE THEY NEED ALL THE SUPPORT THEY CAN GET IF THEY WANT A SEASON 3)
• Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
People were giving Vivziepop shit accusing her of making Vaggie the "angry Latina stereotype) and I couldn't disagree more. Vaggie is perfectly fine as a character, and I can't wait to see what they do with her in the official Hazbin Hotel series!!
• Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Phineas and Ferb was the first fandoms I was ever in, and Isabella holds such a special place in my heart. Love her to pieces
• Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Svtfoe was also one of the first fandoms I was in, so seeing one of the leads be portrayed as Mexican made 12 year old me so happy.
• Miguel Rivera (Coco)
Coco is such a beautiful movie, and I ONLY watch it in Spanish. Miguel is such a sweet and special boy, he really brought the joy of music back into his family.
• Soos (Jesus) Alzamirano Ramirez
Gravity Falls was ALSO one of the first fandoms I was in (PnF, GF, and Svtfoe were my main 3 for a time), and finding out this loveable goof was Latino made me really happy
• Princess Elena Castillo Flores
Now she may not be an official Disney princess (she doesn't meet all the requirements to be part of the franchise) but that doesn't mean she isn't excellent representation for young children. Although the show doesn't represent one specific Latin American country/culture, the show does have bits and pieces of many different LatAm cultures, and even some indigenous inspiration here and there with all the mythology aspects. It isn't perfect, but I do still appreciate Elena's presence in Disney.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month everyone!!!
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ap11fc · 2 years
I Love You Too (Jana Fernandez x USWNT Reader)
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As you are about to walk out of the tunnel you look to your right and see her. You've been on this journey together for what felt like forever but after getting past the Netherlands, Australia, and Canada you now play your girlfriend in the final of the 2024 Olympics.
You and Jana first met in 2018 at the U-17 FIFA Women's World Cup. It happened when you ran into her in your hotel that the two teams were sharing. Jana had told you to keep your head up after a loss in the group stage that would knock your team out of the tournament while you told her good luck for the knockout stages. Neither of you talked for a while until you sent congratulations into her DMs after seeing that they had gone on to win the tournament with her playing in every game. Our relationship spurred on from there in the way that we would call and facetime each other any time we had a chance or even fly to see each other when we got a break in our seasons.
The relationship only became official after being best friends for two years when you surprised her by finally moving clubs to Barcelona and asking her to be your girlfriend. Your families, friends, and teammates knew but the world didn't. Although, there were a few rumors after the number of times you two were seen together. You moved in together after about a year and a half, but now you are both standing next to each other getting ready to go head to head.
Christen pats you on the shoulder from behind you as both teams begin walking out of the tunnel. You give high fives to all of your teammates as you line up for the anthem. After both anthems, you send good luck to all of your Barca teammates as they pass by and Jana, who gives you a wink and your hand an extra squeeze. Your team takes the starting 11 picture then heads out to the pitch ready to go.
"Welcome to the 2024 Olympic Gold Medal Final. This match is the one we've all been waiting for. These two teams have been on fire all tournament and have shown that they both deserve to be here. Something to watch for is the young star Y/N L/N for the US, she has scored in almost every match of this tournament. As for Spain, the US will definitely need to watch out for Alexia Putellas we all know how good she is and she has been just outstanding this tournament. It'll be a real battle between these two teams tonight and I can't wait to see how it plays out."
"Oh and it's an early goal for Spain by Lucía García in the 9th minute! The United States just looked a bit confused there. It was a really good build-up and finish by Spain. The US are going to need to figure somethings out there."
"What a finish and the US are back in it after only 8 minutes! Really well done by Y/N L/N to just touch it by a sliding Mapi León and send it top corner. Nothing the keeper can really do there."
"After one half of play, we are all tied up. And what a half it was, both teams showed some real strengths. Spain started out on the front foot but the US were able to crawl their way back into it. After that second goal, the game has been back and forth but no one was able to put the ball across the line. We'll see what the second half can bring."
"And it's Spain again! Scoring the first goal of the half and putting themselves up 2-1 over the number 1 ranked team in the world. Who other than Alexia Putellas as well. She's been a rock for this Spanish team all tournament, but let's see what this US side can bring for the next 34 minutes."
"SHE DOES IT AGAIN! Y/N L/N in the 62nd. Answering Spain after just 6 minutes bringing us back level again 2-2. What a game she's had tonight!"
"Oh that'll be a heartbreaker for the US. A mistake in the back causing another goal for the world-renowned Alexia Putellas. Unlucky for the US there but they're going to have to be better if they want to win this game."
"OH MY GOODNESS Y/N L/N TO KEEP HER TEAM IN IT AT THE LAST MINUTE! The diving header off Tobin Heath's cross was just perfect. The fans in the stadium are going crazy as are her teammates on the bench. What a game! It's a hattrick for her and folks it looks like we're heading to extra time."
"With all the action in this game, there were no other goals in extra time leaving us at 3-3 for the night when heading into penalty kicks. It seems both teams have already decided their lineup for the penalties, Spain's being Mariona Caldentey, Jennifer Hermoso, Irene Paredes, Lucía García, and Alexia Putellas. The US have gone with Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan, Rose Lavelle, Christen Press, and Y/N L/N."
"Mariona Caldentey steps up to take it and finishes. It was a well-placed ball no way the keeper could get to it."
"Rapinoe for the United States and she scores. Megan Rapinoe with another well-taken penalty for the US."
"Jenni Hermoso scores for Spain. Naeher was close but couldn't get a finger to that one."
"It's a goal for Alex Morgan. She'll be happy will that one for sure."
"Irene Paredes for Spain and ITS SAVED! Not the best kick but Naeher guessed the right way and was able to punch it away giving an upper hand to the Americans."
"Lavelle to take it and OH MY WHAT A SAVE BY PAÑOS! Now it's back to Spain."
"Lucía García smashes it home with a great strike."
"The US need to score this one here and they do it's Christen Press. Let's see if we can find a winner with these final two penalties here."
"One of the best in the world, Alexia Putellas to take the 5th kick for Spain can she score here? YES SHE CAN! Her teammates love it so does this stadium, now it's all onto Y/N."
"If she can score here her team stays in it, if she can't then Spain will become Gold Medalist for the first time in women's football history. Y/N L/N shoots and SHES MISSED IT! It hit off the post! SPAIN WIN!! SPAIN WIN!"
You covered your face in disappointment. Hearing the Spanish team run toward their keeper you walked over toward the advertisement board to get out of the way, sliding down the side of it, and leaning up against it trying not to let your tears fall. Everything you had worked for was right in front of you and you let it slip away.
You soon felt a pair of soft hands remove yours from their place on your head. Looking up into her deep brown eyes you sensed her sympathy for you after a game of such highs and lows. As dejected as you were, you couldn't help but feel happy for her knowing how much this meant to her.
"I'm sorry", Jana started to say before you cut her off shaking your head.
"I'm so proud of you and you deserve every bit of this so enjoy it and congratulations, but I don't want to talk about it right now especially to you after you just beat me. I just need a little bit of time to think but I'll call you later. Go have fun okay?" You say with your voice shaky. You begin to walk away as you finish but she grabs your wrist pulling you back into her arms.
Your body immediately relaxes into hers as she wraps her arms around you telling you it's okay to be upset and cry.
"I love you and I'm so proud of you no matter what. Don't beat yourself up too much about it okay? Give yourself 24 hours to be upset and mad or feel any way you want to feel about it but after that start to move on, set new goals, and be ready to improve. I'll help you with whatever you need. You're a great player, everyone knows that, if they didn't then they saw it tonight. One shot does not make or break your career, " she pulled away making eye contact with you. You nodded and thanked her.
"Are you gonna be okay if I go?", She asked looking over towards her team.
"Yeah, you go, have the time of your life."
"I love you", she smiled.
"I love you too. Always", She pecked your lips before jogging over to join the celebrations.
You smiled slightly knowing that the fans were going to have a field day with that kiss.
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celepeace · 4 years
A monster-taming game recommendation list for fans of Pokemon
Whether you're a pokemon fanatic obsessed with all things pokemon past and present, or a veteran fan disillusioned with GameFreak's recent adoption of monetary philosophies and strategies reminiscent of other major game publishers, or looking for a monster-taming fix as you await new Pokemon content...
I'm compiling here a post of little-known games in the genre that Pokemon fans are likely to enjoy!
Under readmore cause long, but some of these games really don’t get the attention they deserve, so if you have the time, please read!
(I am also likely to keep updating and editing this post)
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First up is Temtem!
Temtem is a game made by and for Pokemon fans, from the spanish indie developer Crema. Temtem is currently in early access on Steam and PS5, and is likely to remain in early access until sometime late next year. Full launch will include a Nintendo Switch release, too. Despite this, it has plenty of content to explore before full release. The developers are active, release new content on a semi-regular basis, and are responsive to the community as a whole and individuals if you happen to come across a bug you want to report.
Temtem boasts a wide variety of monsters to collect and train. It takes place in the Airborne Archipelago, a system of floating islands that orbit their star, the Pansun. The monsters inhabiting the archipelago are called Temtem, or tem(s), for short.
As far as game mechanics go, it has many similarities to Pokemon, but also many important distinctions. The biggest one, in my opinion, is that the element of chance has been removed from battle entirely. Moves cannot miss, have the same power constantly, and status afflictions have an obviously displayed countdown to when they will wear off (for instance, sleep lasts as long as it says it will last. Not 2-4 turns). PP does not exist, either. Your tems can battle for as long as their HP holds out. In place of PP, a new system called Stamina exists. Stamina is an individual stat, like HP and Attack. Each move costs a certain amount of stamina. If you go over the amount of stamina your tem has, the deficit is detracted from your health instead, and that tem cannot move next turn. Stamina passively regenerates a certain amount each turn, and items and moves exist that can heal stamina. All battles are also double-battles, you and your opponent will typically have two tems on the field at a time. This is just a few of the differences Temtem has from Pokemon, but they're some of the biggest ones.
Temtem is also a massively multiplayer game. You complete the storyline independently (or with a friend through co-op!), but in the overworld you can see other, real players moving around and interacting with the world. There is also public and area-specific chat you can talk to other players through. Despite this, all multiplayer functions are (currently) completely optional. You do not need to interact with others to complete the game.
Overall, Temtem is suitable for the Pokemon fan who is looking for a more challenging experience. Temtem is not a walk in the park you can blaze through with a single super-strong monster. For one, individual tem strength is more well-balanced than it is in Pokemon. There are very few (if any!) completely useless tems. Even some unevolved tems have their niche in the competitive scene! Aside from that, enemy tamers are scaled quite high, and you typically cannot beat them just from the exp you get from other enemy tamers. You have to do some wild-encounter grinding if you want to progress.
Temtem is a very fun game and I've already gotten over 100 hours out of it, despite only 3/5-ish of the planned content being released!
However, I do feel obligated to warn any prospective players of one thing: the current endgame is quite inaccessible. After you complete what is currently implemented of the main storyline, there is still quite a lot left to explore and do, but much of it is locked behind putting a lot of hours into the game. You kind of have to get perfect temtem to do the current PVE (and this is also somewhat true for the PVP too). By perfect I mean you have to breed a good tem and then train it to get the preferable EVs (called TVs in temtem). This takes... well, for a whole team... tens of hours. Of boring grinding. Some people enjoy it! But I don't. Regardless, the game was still worth buying because the non-endgame content is expansive and fun.
So overall, pros & cons:
Battle system is more friendly towards a competitive scene
Cute monsters
Lots of gay characters, also you can choose pronouns (including they/them) independently from body type and voice
Less difference between the objectively bad tems and good tems than there is in Pokemon
Lots of stuff to do even in early access
Most conversations with dialog choices have the option to be a complete ass for no reason other than it’s fun
Having less type variety in your team is less punishing than in Pokemon due to the synergy system and types overall having less weaknesses and resistances
At least one major character is nonbinary
Falls prey to the issue of MMOs having in-game economies that are only accessible to diehard no-life players
Related to the above point, cosmetics are prohibitively expensive
Endgame CURRENTLY is inaccessible to most players unless you buy good monsters from other players or spend tens of hours making your own. However I must add that the grind is great if you like that kind of thing and is quite easy and painless to do while watching a show or something.
Here is their Steam page and here is their official website.
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Next is Monster Hunter: Stories!
This is a spinoff game of the Monster Hunter franchise released for the 3DS in 2018. If you're anything like me, and you've played the core Monster Hunter games, you've often thought "Man, I wish I could befriend and ride these cool dragon creatures instead of killing or maiming them!"
Well now you can! In Stories, as I will be calling it, you play as a rider rather than a hunter. Riders steal monster eggs from wild nests to raise them among humans as companions and guardians. And yes, egg stealing is a whole mechanic in of itself in this game.
This game works pretty differently from most monster-collecting games. You do battle (usually) against one or two wild monsters using your own, except you fight alongside your monsters too. With swords and stuff. There's armor and weapons you can smelt to make yourself stronger. Type match-ups also kind of don't exist in this game? Except they do? But not in a way you'd expect?
The vast majority of attacking moves you and your monster use fall into categories reminiscent of rock-paper-scissors. Moves can be categorized as power, speed, or technical. Speed beats power, technical beats speed, and power beats technical. The matchup of your move vs your opponent's determines how a turn will go down. If one move beats the other in matchup, then the winner's move will get to go and the loser doesn't get to do anything. If you tie, you both get hit, but for reduced damage. There's also abilities and basic attacks, with abilities basically being the same as pokemon moves, and basic attacks just being "I hit you for normal damage within this category". Also, you don't control what your monster does all the time in battle. You can tell it to use abilities, but what kind basic attacks it carries out is determined by its species' preference. Velicidrome, for instance, prefers speed attacks, but Yian Garuga prefers technical. Stamina also exists in this game in a very similar manner to Temtem.
Overall this game carries over a lot of mechanics Monster Hunter fans will find familiar (how items and statuses work for instance). You don't have to have played a core Monster Hunter game to enjoy Stories though! It's fine and is easy to understand as a stand-alone.
The story has some likable characters and is rather long (it was actually adapted into an anime!), for those of you who enjoy a good story.
I'd really recommend this one especially. If it sounds fun to you and you can drop $30, just do it. I bought it on a whim and I got a few weeks' worth of playing almost nonstop out of it, and I didn't even get to do everything! (I got distracted by Hades, oops)
Stories is also getting a sequel later next year on the nintendo switch! How exciting!
And yes, you do ride the monsters.
Pros & cons:
Large variety of cool monsters to befriend and raise
Pretty lengthy story
Every tamable monster is also rideable
Deceptively simple combat mechanics, easy to be okay at, hard to master
Incorporates some mechanics from early turn-based party rpgs like Final Fantasy for a nice twist on the monster collecting genre
Many monsters are objectively outclassed by other ones, making what can be in an actually good team more limited than you’d expect
3DS graphics inherently means the game looks like it was made 7 years before its time
Here is the Monster Hunter Stories official 3DS product page.
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And here is Monster Sanctuary!
Monster sanctuary is a game that just had its 1.0 launch- meaning it was in early access and no longer is! Although the devs say they still plan to implement a few more things into the game in future updates. It is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4.
Monster sanctuary is a metroidvania twist on the typical monster collecting game, meaning it is also a sidescrolling platformer in which you use abilities you gain throughout the game to explore the world around you. The abilities in this case are the monsters you get! Every monster has an ability that helps you traverse the sanctuary.
Speaking of the sanctuary, the game is set in one. The monster sanctuary is a magically shielded area, cut off from the rest of the world, created by an order of monster keepers, people who befriend and protect the mystical monsters inhabiting the world. Humankind encroached too far on the natural habitat of monsters and were hostile to the native wildlife, so the keepers created an area of varied environments to safely protect and preserve the remaining monsters of the world.
Unlike many other monster collecting games, this game only has 5 types: fire, water, earth, air, and neutral. However, the types themselves do not possess resistances and weaknesses. Instead, each monster has its own assigned weaknesses and resistances. And yes, this can include things like debuffs, physical vs special attacks, and the typical elemental types.
All battles are also 3 vs 3! And unlike in pokemon, where you can only hit the enemies nearest, all monsters have the ability to hit any opponent they want. Turns also work a little differently in that speed doesn't exist, you just use 1 move per monster in your turn and then it goes to your opponent's turn. Your monsters hit in whatever order you want them to.
There is also a quite important combo system in this game, where every hit builds a damage multiplier for the next. Moves often hit multiple times per turn. Healing and buffing actions also build this combo counter. So what monsters you have move in what order really counts!
But the main mechanical difference between this and other games in the genre is how it handles levels and skills. Instead of learning a set move at a certain level, this game incorporates a skill tree, and you get to allocate points into different skills as you grow stronger. And jeez, these skill trees are really extensive. Monster sanctuary is a theorycrafter's dream. Each monster has a unique, specially tailored skill tree, making every monster truly able to have its own niche. You can make use of whatever monster you want if you just put thought into it!
And like Temtem, this game is not made to be beatable by children. I'm sure a child could beat it, but it's not made to be inherently child-friendly like pokemon. It's honestly quite difficult.
On top of that, you are actively encouraged to not just be scraping by each battle. Your performance in battle is rated by an automated system that scores your usage of various mechanics like buffs and debuffs applied, type matchups, and effective usage of combos. The rating system directly influences the rewards you get from each battle, including your likelihood of obtaining an egg from one of the wild monsters you battled (no, you don't catch wild monsters in this game, you get eggs and hatch them). If you're not paying attention to how the game works and making good, effective use of your monsters, you'll have a hard time expanding your team!
The music is also really good, it's made by nature to be able to play over and over and not get old as you explore each area, and the composer(s) really did a good job with this. Some area songs, namely the beach one, I especially enjoy, so much so I've actually played it in the background while I do work.
This is a game I would really recommend. If I made it sound intimidating, it is by no means unbeatable, you're just gonna have to put some thought into how you play. At no point did I actually feel frustrated or like something was impossible. When I hit a wall, I was able to recognize what I did wrong and how I could improve, or I could at least realize something wasn't working and experiment until I found a solution. It's challenging in a genuinely fun, rewarding way.
Pros & cons:
Extremely in-depth combat system
I genuinely don’t know if there’s an objectively bad monster in this game
Evolution exists but is completely optional, as even un-evolved monsters can be great
Entire soundtrack is full of bangers
Large and diverse variety of monsters to tame
Story is a little lackluster, but passable
That’s the only con I can think of
Here’s a link to their Steam page and the game’s website.
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A kind of unorthodox recommendation is the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series!
Likelihood is that everyone reading this has heard of this series already, but just in case anyone hasn't, I thought I'd include it! I would categorize this as a hybrid between the mystery dungeon genre and the monster collecting genre, because you recruit pokemon as you play and can use those pokemon on your team!
If you're unaware, the mystery dungeon genre is a small subset of dungeon crawler games where you progress through randomly generated levels called mystery dungeons. Throughout the dungeons, there will be enemies to fight and items to collect. The challenge of these games is mostly due to the stamina aspect of them, in that you have to manage your resources as you progress through the level. If you go all out in each fight, you will inevitably lose quite quickly. You have to learn to win against enemies while balancing your use of items and PP, so you have enough for the next fight, and the fight after that.
Pokemon mystery dungeon in particular is famous for its stories, the likes of which isn't seen often in Pokemon games. They are hugely story-driven games and are notable for the emotional depth they possess. It's pretty normal for the average player to cry at least once in the span of the game. There's lots of memes about that specifically.
This entry in my list is also unique for being a series. So, which one should you play first? It actually doesn't matter! Each storyline is entirely self-contained and requires no knowledge of prior entries. The quality of each entry varies and is a point of contention among fans. I say you should play all of them, because they all have their merits (though some more than others.... coughgatestoinfinitycough). They're mostly distinct for the generation of Pokemon they take place in. Rescue team is gen 3, Explorers is gen 4, Gates to Infinity is gen 5, Super Mystery Dungeon is gen 6, and Rescue Team DX is a remake of a gen 3 game but has the mechanics and moves of a gen 8 game.
My only real caution is that you play Explorers of Sky, not Darkness or Time. Sky is basically a combination of the two games with added items and content. It's an objective upgrade over its predecessors, and I honestly wouldn't waste money on the other two. 
I’m not going to include a pros and cons list for the PMD series because I’m incredibly biased and it wouldn’t be an honest review.
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Next is Monster Crown!
Monster Crown is a monster collecting game that seems to take heavy inspiration from early-gen Pokemon games in particular. It is currently in early access on Steam and is not expensive. I learned about it through the developers of Monster Sanctuary, when they recommended it on their official Discord.
The game has lots of charm and interesting creature designs, and an entirely new take on monster typings as well. Instead of monster types being based off of natural elements like fire, water, electricity, etc. Monster Crown uses typings that seem to be influenced by the personalities of the monsters. For instance, Brutal, Relentless, and Will are all monster types!
It also captures a lot of the charm many of us look fondly upon in early GameBoy-era games. The music is mostly chiptune, with some more modern backing instruments at times, and the visuals are very reminiscent of games like Pokemon Crystal in particular. Monster Crown is definitely the monster collecting game for fans of the 8-bit era!
The thing that stands out the most to me about this game is the breeding system. Instead of one parent monster passing down its species to its offspring, you can create true hybrids in this game.
However, it is very early access. I would consider the current build as an alpha, not even a beta yet! So temper your expectations here. I have not encountered any major bugs, but visual glitches here and there are quite common. The game also could definitely use some polish and streamlining, and is quite limited in content currently. But the dev(s) seem quite active, so I fully expect these kinks to be worked out in time!
The reviews are rather positive, especially for being in early access. I'm all for expanding the monster collecting genre, so if you're looking to expand your horizons in that sense, I would recommend you at least give this one a look! I personally had quite a bit of fun playing Monster Crown and am going to keep an eye out for updates.
Pros & cons:
Charming artstyle, appealing monster designs
Faithful callback to a bygone era of gaming
Controls are fairly simple and easy to get the hang of (and are completely customizable!)
Cool breeding and hybridization mechanics
There's a starter for each monster type!
You can choose your pronouns, including they/them!
Inherent nature of being very early access means can be clunky and unpolished at times
Also not much content as of right now, see above
User interface could use some redesign in places
Here’s their Steam page and the official website!
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Here’s an oldie but a goodie, Azure Dreams!
This is one I actually haven’t played, mostly because it’s really old and therefore only practically accessible if you play it on an emulator, unless you're one of those old game collectors. Azure Dreams was developed by Konami and released for the PS1 in 1997. My impression of it was that it either didn’t sell well or only took off in Japan, because it’s actually really hard to find any comprehensive information about it on the internet.
Azure Dreams is a monster collecting - dating sim hybrid. You can build relationships with various characters and can pursue some of them romantically, although that isn’t the main draw of the game. There is also a stripped-down version that exists for the GameBoy Color, which forgoes the dating portion of the game entirely.
Azure Dreams is kind of like a mystery dungeon game in that you progress through a randomly generated, ever-changing tower using the help of the familiars you have accrued throughout your adventure. Similarly to Monster Hunter: Stories, you yourself also take part in the fighting alongside your monsters. Each time you enter the tower, your character’s level is lowered to 1, but your familiars keep their experience. Thus, progression is made through strengthening your monsters. To obtain monsters, you collect their eggs, just like in Monster Sanctuary (which, turns out, was at least partially inspired by this game!)
Due to this game being very old and on the PS1, the visuals leave a lot to be desired... but if you can get past that, Azure Dreams has lots of replayability and customization to how you play the game. To this day, it appears it has a somewhat active speedrunning community!
If you don’t mind the effort of using an emulator, and like old games, Azure Dreams just might be that timesink you were looking for in quarantine.
Honorable mentions:
Pokemon Insurgence (or any Pokemon fangame/ROMhack, really!) is a Pokemon fangame that introduces Delta Pokemon, which are really cool type-swapped versions of existing Pokemon. It’s sufficiently challenging and has a lot of variety in what you can catch in the wild, so you can pretty much add whatever you want to your team! The story is quite good, and the main campaign is multiple times longer than a typical Pokemon game’s campaign. Download it here!
ARK: Survival Evolved is NOT a monster collecting game BUT you do get to tame and fight alongside a lot of really cool extinct species, including but not limited to the dinosaurs we all know and love. This game is genuinely fun as hell, especially with friends, but I must warn you: never play on official servers. I highly recommend singleplayer, playing on a casual private server, or making your own server. Here’s the Steam page.
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Omg do you have more cute hcs with the lov and class1a/1b
I dont care how long or short it is, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE READING THEM 💕💕💕💕💖 😊😊
Theyre so comforting <333
Tomura is an expert in video games, right? Well, he's currently working from afar with Hatsume and Melissa to create a VR system to help the kids at UA train.
Everything because the first thing he did when meeting Nezu was telling him the UA system sucked.
No more public exposure, no more simple barriers keeping away the villains from the kids, no more pushing them to dangerous places with no proper supervision.
The new job of the League when it comes to working is the UA is keeping the place as safe as possible and helping the kids recover from the trauma of the war.
Dabi doesn't like working directly with the kids, so his job consist on patrolling around the UA. In case a crisis is reported, he's the first at the place and his job is to keep the crisis on minimum 'til the teachers arrive.
The funniest part is the type of crisis he has solved so far. They include:
Helping people with their crushes because they tried to confess and caused an accident. (Dabi has the fun of his life with it, being honest).
Accidents in the kitchen. (No much he can do except using Shoto as a way of taking down the flames).
Stupid fights (He is banned from helping in those since he cheered for Shoto when he was fistfighting Iida for saying something to Midoriya).
And his favorite: keeping Mineta at bay. Dabi is not the type of gentleman that defends women constantly, because he just doesn't care about helping anyone. But Mineta is a type of gross he would have incinerate in the streets if he was a man and not a kid. So instead, he just walks from a safe distance and keeps scaring the kid when he's about to annoy one of the girls.
Tomura always find Dabi is the halls complaining about the no smoking rule
They make fun of each other a little until they realize they should be working and there are kids staring at them.
Class 1-A talks about Dabi like the older brother who was in jail.
Oh, but Dabi told me...
They are actually well informed about a bunch of stuff and they know how to take care of street criminals better now.
Ah, but they're also the ones who check if he is not drinking too much, if he's having proper rest, if his burns and staples are taken care of, if he's not too anxious or depressed, if hes' taking his meds...
If he's not following one of those, they call Natsuo. Oh man, Natsuo has become the emergency contact of half the League somehow. Maybe because he has a golden heart or maybe because they all are scared of Fuyumi by some weird reason.
Shoto is the other emergency contact when it comes to Dabi, hmmm, but sometimes he just follows Dabi bad example and well.
Dabi is the anti-Santa. He's gonna give you that one gift you wanted but everyone said no because it's dangerous.
"Dabi, I'm trying to make a safer space for the kids" , "Tomura, I'm trying to make them relax".
After getting fired twice by Aizawa, Dabi is finally behaving.
This has nothing to do with the fact that he's finally dating Tomura tho.
Spinner works in the same thing as Dabi, but he's the reliable one.
Getting Uraraka down when she starts floating on her sleep, calming people down when they're having anxiety attacks, noting when someone is having a bad day and requesting the teachers to let the person rest...
Spinner is the one actually helping them with their ptsd. He makes everything so easy and pleasant. It's like they're just kids taking classes and having fun.
Besides, class 1-B knows he is amazing at cuddling and people love his hugs. Just by seeing Spinner, they cheer up.
He and Shinso are responsible for the purple hair tendency among the kids of General Studies. Their heroes.
He's also the one who helps the kids with their training sessions when they need a partner but there's no one else to help them.
He became one of the official bus drivers of the school after taking some lessons and requesting a license.
He sings with them while they travel, he always has snacks in case someone is hungry and he has pills in case someone is motion sick. Well, a bunch of pills since Dabi is always motion sick.
He had a crush on Tomura but he realized it was more platonic than anything.
Now now, Tomura and Spinner have matching gamer tattoos that said Player #1 and Player #2. Dumbasses in action.
If Dabi is the problematic uncle and Spinner is the responsible uncle...
That leave us with: Compress the artistic dad and Kurogiri the dad who's always working far away but you can totally rely on.
101 Flirting with Compress.
All the kids in all courses have a personalized mask. Compress is addicted to creating them.
His beautiful, mischievous kids that once, trying to distract him, stole his prosthesis and kept it going around the school from room to room.
Turns out it was a surprise party, but man if it was fun because Compress pretended the whole time he was a pirate looking for his long buried treasure.
Bakugo almost exploded the whole place after hearing such a ridiculous name.
Well, Red Beak loves making fun of Bakugo, repeating everything he says.
The Bakusquad would kill for Red Beak.
Sero is teaching him Spanish, Mina is teaching him to dance, Denki is teaching him bad jokes and Jirou is teaching him to sing.
Tokoyami is the official protector of Red Beak. Koda is the translator.
On the other hand, Kurogiri always gives them some honey and other things when he visits the school.
He congratulates them on their achievements, he hears them for hours talking about their adventures and he is the old friend you call when it's 3am, you're feeling bad but you don't want to worry no one else.
If you want to solve a problem, call Kurogiri. He's gonna give you the clues but let you solve it yourself.
The award for the dad with more patience goes to: KUROGIRI.
If you really really need to run away from some hours, he can use his quirk to rescue you and he would prepare some tea for you, wrap you in a soft sweater and walk with you through his yard. You can pick flowers or fruit with him until you calm down. Or you can watch old movies with him. Or bake. Being with him is like floating around in the sky, no worries, just clouds and stars and soft noises and lights.
The school always knows when it happens and they are okay with it. Mostly. Just don't do it too much.
Toga is another good option if you need to talk but you don't know with who.
She's actually a great listener and an expert on making things look less stressing than they are. You see, she pays attention at your triggers and moods and if she sees something is bothering the students, she finds a way to distract them immediately, while letting the teachers deal with the problem.
Ah, the queen of gossip.
If you want to know something about someone you need to pay the prize, tho. And she won't even tell you if she considers the secret must be guarded 'til the grave.
She's the one who takes the messages to the parents because she's fast, can hide at plain sight and doesn't put them in danger.
You never know where Toga is. She someone studies like the rest of them, but she's like, selected to secret missions. She has a lot of info but they all trust her somehow.
Maybe is the fact that she would kill and take a stab for you. And that she would never put Deku or Ochaco in danger. Or her family.
She's also Mineta's biggest nightmare.
Try sexualizing the girl and win a terrifying week, courtesy of Toga Himiko.
She won't let you sleep, she won't let you eat, you're gonna wish you were never born. She can make you feel as sexualized, observed and stalked as you make the girls feel. Oh, she's gonna show you exactly how it feels to be a girl.
Also don't sexualize the boys around her either. Stabby queen is not gentle to those who are not gentle with her friends. Period.
Friendly reminder: 0 stabbing accidents since she started studying at UA.
And finally, the Tomura headcanons.
He's always falling asleep on odd places. The kids have a new name called "let's put a blanket on Tomura".
And then they call Dabi or Spinner to take him somewhere more comfortable.
He's working so hard. He's really working so hard on redeeming himself, even when everyone has already forgiven him. But he has this fear of being a failure or being too much...
The kids are also well trained on how to help him through his anxiety or panic attacks. Even more, some of them have always a pair of gloves in them just in case.
Momo is more than happy to make him more.
It's kinda sad how much he's suffering even now. That's way they all do their best to let him know his doing great.
Kisses in the cheek, compliments on how he's looking, new products to his hair and skin, playing the games he recommends, telling how badass he is when he trains them...
Somehow being around Tomura has help them realize how important is communicating stuff. They all are way healthier now.
Tomura is just... So sincere. He's been instructed to share his thoughts, because he had a problem before with communicating properly. That means he used to forget saying certain information because it was obvious to him, but not to others.
He doesn't mean to hurt people. He's just saying what he thinks. Which also means he offends a bunch of people not by accident. And he doesn't apologize because he is just doing what he's been told.
Midoriya and Shigaraki's discussions are epic. And so are their fights. Yes, they fight like siblings. Which is crazy funny because they are like "friendly reminder you tried to KILL ME" and "WELL YOU DESERVED THAT FOR BEING A DICK".
They've finally found out that you can complain to him or get a little violent and he's not gonna even blink, just hear you out.
It was because Bakugo got a little violent with him and yeah, he just stared back waiting.
You can't imagine Dabi's anger when Tomura told him about Kotaro. He was frustrated because at least Tomura did step on Endeavor and humiliated him for life, but him? He is angry with a man that's dead and gone.
Okay no, the whole League is angry about the things that has happened to the whole League. That's the thing with finally being able to relax and feel. It all comes back in a flood.
They have prohibited being around school when the parents visit. Specially because they are no very civil to shitty parents.
And if a kid confess about having shitty parents, oh boy. The League is gonna BE PISSED.
The UA is still a total chaos, but now in the right ways. They have more normal problems, they don't have to win war and kill evil lords, they complain about not having money to go out and forgetting their homework. And the ex-villians can complain about life being boring a needing more action.
That's a good thing. That means they all are healing, together.
They're gonna be fine.
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anninhiliation · 3 years
Office Visit
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Warnings: Smut. Unprotected Sex. A little filthy. 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Disclaimer:  THIS IS MY OWN PERSONAL WRITING. You do not have the right or consent to copy my work and claim it as your own. You do not have the right to even copy my work. I can and will publicly shame you. Changing the boy is still plagiarism. Write your own work. Don’t test me or karma. Don’t be a useless leech.
Word Count: 1899
Locked in his office all day made you a little bored and very needy. You knew he had a big case in only two days with a client who was more than guilty and a judge who very much hated Chris. He was dealt a bad hand with the public charging his client as guilty before the trial even began. To top things off, the media had a frenzy with the case, following it every step of the way. All eyes would be on Chris, watching how he would play this out. Only adding to his stress, knowing how easily this one trial could easily ruin his career. As the sun officially set, you figured it was time for him to call it a day. He could easily work through the night and up until the case with very little breaks in-between. You know that Chris used to do it in law school and could easily still do it. Thus, it was up to you to make sure he gave himself a nice long break.
“Papi need some help?” you asked as you opened the doors to Chris’s office.
 He was reading some papers on his brown leather armchair, biting his lower lip deep in concentration and drinking whiskey. Hearing his office doors open had him looking up from the case file. It was clear by the dark circles under his eyes and his general body language that he was stressed, and completely drained.
 “¿Quieres ayudar hermosa?” He raised his eyebrow as he placed the papers down on the small side table. 
 Shifting in his seat, his back melting into the leather as he left out a low sigh. His legs widened a bit as his muscles relaxed.
 "Siempre," you grinned, shutting the wooden doors behind you.
 Taking a sip of whiskey, his brown eyes glued to your every move. Tracing every curve from your leggings, up to your breasts slightly bouncing with every step. His tattooed arms rested on the arm rest still holding the glass of whiskey as he waited for your touch.
 “You’ve been working all day” sighing, you got down on your knees and undid his neatly tucked in button up exposing his lower stomach.
 His breathing tightened as he felt your warm fingertips on his freshly exposed skin. One of your hands held his hardening member, palming it.
 “Well, nena you know about the case,” he groaned lacing his fingers through your hair.
 Chunks of hair intertwined around his fingers as he gave you a gentle tug. You weren’t here to tease or waste time. Looking up at his lust filled eyes you undid his leather belt and unzipped his pants.
 “You’ve been on the case all day papi” you pouted as you pulled down the elastic band to his black briefs exposing his still hardening member.
 Holding his shaft, you began to rub at an even pace as you circled his tip with your tongue. The warm wetness of your mouth had Chris letting out a low soft moan as his white salty liquid drained out. You let out a content moan feeling him on your tastebuds.
 “Carajo” he mumbled as you took more of him in, moving your hand down to make room.
 Bobbing your head at a steady pace you slowly took more of him in. Your jaw slowly relaxed with every stroke allowing you to swallow more of him in. His head rolled back as a low moan echoed down your spine. You moaned out contently feeling your bud begin to pulsate. Watching Chris clearly enjoy what you were doing to him was a turn on for you. How his face contoured in pleasure, how he tugged your hair every time you swallowed around his shaft. Chris was floating in the clouds with your every movement.
 “Just like that nena” he encouraged
 Moving your hand away and resting it on his upper thigh, you fully relaxed your throat to take more and more of him in. With only about an inch of him exposed, tears streamed down your face. The air in your lungs constricted with you gagging around him. A deep moan echoed through the room, vibrations ending right at your core.
 “Fuck nena- ah” he encouraged tugging your hair tighter as he began to slowly move his hips a bit.
 It reached a moment where you needed air, you needed a moment to collect yourself. Pulling him out panting, you massaged his shaft and toyed with the strands of spit leaving your mouth. Makeup smeared, chin and lips covered in spit, and you trying to catch your breath had Chris ready to just hit his orgasm right there and then. Still maintaining eye contact with him you went to go toy with his foreskin.
 “Fuck” he whispered.
  Gently tugging at the sensitive skin for a bit, you pushed his shaft back to work on his balls. As you were paying attention to each sack enough air came back into your lungs. Sinking back down his shaft you could tell Chris was closer to the edge. Bobbing your head at a quicker pace your free hand toyed with his balls.
 “Asi nena” a breathy moan of encouragement.
 You could feel Chris’s shaft twitch inside you, his balls tensing up under your touch. He was seeing stars as you deep throated him one last time and swallowed around him. Chris incoherently spilled some Spanish curses mixed with your name. Warm white strands hit the back of your throat and pooled around your tongue. Pulling out his thick shaft you moaned contently as you swallowed his load and milked him out for every last drop.
 “Think you can give me another load papi” you grinned as you circled your tongue around his tip collecting the last few drops of his salty liquid.
 “Adonde? In that pretty little pussy of yours nena?” He asked as he wiped off some excess white drops from the corners of your lips.
 Grabbing his hand and cleaning up the juices you moaned out an “mm-hm.”
 Chris wasted no time and lifted you up, making you gasp as your hands clawed into his shoulders. His fingers dug into your soft flesh as his lips molded with yours. Your legs wrapped around his waist trying to pull him closer. Lower lips throbbed painfully as he dominated the kiss. With every passing second you were growing more and more needy for him.
 “Chris” you whined out grinding your hips down on his grip trying to find some friction.
 “Need something nena?” he teased grinning.
 He was playful and liked to push some buttons but he knew how to please. Chris was well aware of how needy and desperate you were. He knew if he kept at it, you might have killed him. Lips molded against each other as you tugged on Chris’s shaggy hair. Tasting himself on you was nothing new for him and he could honestly care less. Your walls clenched tighter as he set you down on the desk. Papers, and pens, and everything else rained down on the hard wooden floor as your ass was rested down on the cold desk. Your hands desperately roamed his body as you gripped his button up and tore it up. Buttons scattered around the office making Chris groan.
 “Aye nena” He whined.
 Warm lips marked the weakest point in your neck making you mewl out. Your warm hands roamed his skin sending a rush of blood back down to his cock. Tattooed hands grabbed the edge of your shirt and pulled in right off, tossing the fabric with the other discarded items. Your nipples hardened with the cool air making Chris groan out at your bare chest.
 “Nena no te puseste un corpiño?” he grinned cupping your breasts.
 His warms thumbs skimmed over your hard buds. Shivers ran down your spine the sensation pooling at your folds.
 “N-no papi” you moaned out tugging his hair.
 Moving one hand away Chris pampered your breast in soft kisses before circling his tongue around your hardened nipple. Your back arched and roughly pulled his hair. He swiftly mirrored his actions to your other nipple before pampering down your stomach in soft kisses. Grabbing your leggings and your panties Chris tugged them right off, and threw them aimlessly. Lowering his pants down, Chris grabbed his shaft and adjusted himself between your legs. Your hole clenched in anticipation as you whined out for Chris. His tip teased your folds soaking up in your juices before sliding in. Gripping onto Chris’s biceps you let out a content gasp. Feeling his size stretch you out had you floating on cloud nine.
 “Fuck you’re so tight nena” His groaned as he began rolling his hips into yours.
 Gripping the back of Chris’s shirt, you bucked your hips up. Head rolling back on the hard wood as every thrust had you moving back and forth. The desk creaked and groaned every time hips connected. He grabbed your hips tightly not letting you get too far as you marked little red lines down his biceps and through the back of his button up.  Your hole clenched around him, as you began to need more. The pleasure reaching its limit in this position, driving you whiner and whiner.
 “Chris” you moaned between thrusts as your legs wrapped around him trying to pull him closer.
 Squirming under his grip you tried to adjust your hips just to get that one sweet spot. He quickly got the message and pulled out to throw your leg over his shoulder. Adjusting his hips and as slid back inside had your eyes rolling back. With this new position he was able to get deeper inside you, stretching out those hard-to-reach places.
 “That better preciosa?” He groaned feeling your muscles tightly clench around him.
 You couldn’t even answer coherently as Chris’s tip hit your inner g-spot over and over again. Eyes glued to the back of your skull as the pleasure tightened inside you. Toes curled intensely as your screams grew louder and louder. Chris rammed inside you with the majority of his strength keeping you high above the clouds.
 “Christopher!” you screamed out bunching the back of his button down.
The pleasure in your lower stomach growing tighter and tighter. Your warm velvet walls fluttered around him as you grew closer and closer to orgasm. Chris growled feeling his own orgasm draw closer. His shaft throbbing making each thrust more difficult than the last.
 “Dale nena” he encouraged using his free hand to toy with your clit.
 The added stimulation had your thighs trembling and walls closing in tighter. You incoherently cursed his name as the pleasure released. Sparks of electricity strongly flowed through your body as Chris rode you out for as long as he could. He loudly groaned your name, as his own pleasure became too much. Strings of white liquid shot out of him as he filled you up. Giving you the last few thrusts, milking out every last drop. Chris stayed inside you for a second as you both floated back down to earth.
 “Hermosa viene a la oficina mañana” he grinned as he pulled out and gave you a soft kiss.
 Sliding off his desk, you stole his button up as he fixed his pants.
 “No papi, mañana terminas temprano” you pouted as you dragged him out of the office.
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Is that Supa Strikers show really that great? Would I like it even if I don’t like soccer/football? (I’m asking because I’ve never seen it. In fact, your posts are the only reason I know it exists at all.)
Okay. Okay, okay I was going to work on requests during this meeting but then I saw this and I have many feelings on this show so you're getting an essay. Buckle up son. Brief History
For those not in the know, Supa Strikas is a series from South Africa that started as a futbol-themed comic in I want to say the early 2000s. It quickly gained popularity throughout most of Africa and today is published in Latin-America, South America, Africa, some parts of Europe and Asia.
Almost every continent has this comic. You cannot tell me that isn't cool and also very telling of how many people like this series.
Seeing the comic get so popular so fast, a TV show followed up in 2009 by the same name and is still going to this day. This series has been along longer than most presidential terms.
The show had a similar story with only slight character changes, and while the entirety of the 2021 season is already out, there are signs that they may be more coming out in 2022 so. Fingers crossed!
What is it about?
The story centers around Shakes, a young futbol player who has recently joined the Supa Strikas, a team based in an unspecified African country. The comic follows the team winning the Super League during different seasons, going around the world to find out new techniques, deal with teams that cheat and overcome their own inner problems as well.
The series differs from the comics in that we don't see Shakes' journey to becoming a Supa Strika and we don't get the official names for the characters either, only their nicknames. Wikipedia has their official names listed I think, but if anyone whose read the comics wishes to tell me, by all means do so.
It's a pretty straight forward storyline, with some good story consistency (characters who appear in one episode do show up again and are given consistent writing). Very episodic.
Why should I watch the series?
The series is fun. Sincerely, un-apologetically fun.
The main characters get good screen time and we get to see some fun, decently written personalities that act off each other well. The Supa Strikas is a team of himbos but different varieties of himbos and I love them for it. You do get the feeling that this is a group of people that cares for each other, not a group of characters just shoved together because the series said so.
The side-characters are also great. Some of them are a little one-note but many of them are just as crazy, if not more fun, than the main characters of the show. There's an American dude named Ninja whose entire gimmick is that he's a reality star fame-seeking dude straight out of Las Vegas and I love him. He's one of the tamer character concepts.
Coach. That is all.
There's a vast array of diverse representation. While the Supa Strikas team is the only team is they only team of mixed nationalities (South African, Jamaican, Brazilian, Spanish, etc) every team is representing a different country. There's a Brazilian Team, a Mexican Team, a Saudi Arabian Team and many others.
In connection - the Supa Strikas have players from around the world. Dancing Rasta is Jamaican, the captain of the team, an incredibly competent leader and very down-to-earth. You do have players that are a little stereotypical (North Shaw is an Australian who loves extreme sports, shocker) but are written in ways that you find yourself not minding.
It's funny. There's a lot of good moments both in writing and in the animation. As someone who got to study animation, I can say without a shadow of doubt that the team behind the character animations had no fear in pushing what they can do and making the characters feel fun.
Some of the stereotypes used in the show are used well and are written in a fairly respectful way. El Matador, a Spanish player, fills the stereotype of being a self-absorbed Spaniard. but he's also written to care for friends and to be very competent in other areas. Plus, there are other Spanish characters like Riano that are nothing like that and have distinctly different personalities. As a Spaniard, I found this to be a good writing choice. These jokes are seen less as insults and more like friendly barbs between most countries and it doesn't detract from the show.
The technology. It's a running gag that the tech used to train the guys is progressively more outrageous.
No forced romance storylines! There's no character moment where boy meets girl and then we're stuck watching this inevitable couple find reasons to not be a couple. It's nice to not have the forced hetero-normative relationships we see in a lot of other shows.
To that end, fantastic healthy male friendships! There's no "no homo" moment and the characters all have very good chemistry. Again, you feel like they're actually friends. They all have different dynamics too, so the friendships don't feel uniform and stale.
Good emotional moments.
Bromances for the win! Genuinely shocked there's not more fandom for it considering the sheer quantity of POSSIBILITIES of bromances and potential ships to work with.
It's 100% fine if you don't know anything about futbol. The show shows literally what matters, not every single little throw-in, and most times there's some world-breaking nonsense going on that distracts from that. There's literally an episode where the opposing team changes gravity on the the field to try and beat the Supa Strikas, the rules barely matter. I promise you, you don't need to know what "Offsides" means in order to watch.
The commentators. I love them both.
The episodes are varied in stories. There's ones about training, ones about exploring a different country, others where the opponents cheat, etc. There's an episode which is almost a murder mystery and I love it.
All the episodes can be found free online on Youtube on the official channel for the show. I love this creative team so much.
There's a lot of good writing choices!
What might I not like about the show?
Some people like episodic shows, some don't. For those in the latter category this may drive them away from Supa Strikas.
There's like. 4 female characters. I can see why they did that, but I can also see why that is upsetting (speaking as a woman who is very tired of the Smurfette principle). The humor may not be for everyone. That's more based on personality, because I think there's something for everyone, but there are jokes that I recognize fall quite flat.
In connection to that, the stereotypes. Like I mentioned earlier, the show utilizes and breaks some stereotypes very well. There's a character (Spenza) who is written to be the chubby comic relief that is also 9/10 times the guy who saves LITERALLY EVERYONE from trouble and gets recognized for it, for example. However, the entire Japanese team is a karate-based team with a Coach named Ura Giri who wears Chinese clothes despite being Japanese. The German team is just a military branch and, while funny, might be offensive depending on which German you ask. It can be detracting from the show.
There's some bad writing choices that can be rough, but they are episode centric.
What should I do?
Watch the show. Give it 2-3 episodes and if it doesn't grab you, okay! You tried! If it does, welcome! it's literally for free on youtube, Seasons 1 through the last number I can't remember. I watch it when I'm working on something because it's fun and gets me to laugh, you might watch it with a bowl of popcorn. Just do your own thing!
If you do like it though, come back, hit me up with talks and questions about it. Besides multydoodles I haven't found a lot of people who really are into it so come! Join us! One of us!
Hope this mini-essay helped out and that the show works out for you!
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honey-dewey · 4 years
Here Comes the Bride (and the Boys)
Pairing: Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/Reader
Word Count: 2,039
Warnings: None!
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
You’re is getting married! But, to get married, you need a dress. And instead of family at the dress appointment, the Reader brings some rather unusual guests. Her fiancé’s three weird best friends. 
“First of all, you’re wrong!”
You laughed, bent in half and gripping the dashboard for support as Benny and Will argued in the backseat. You were taking the boys dress shopping, and you hadn’t anticipated the disaster that would be the Miller brothers sitting in the car together.
“Fuck you, a single Twinkie is absolutely bite sized!” Benny said angrily, taking a Twinkie out of his pocket and ripping the package open. “See?” And then he stuffed it in his mouth, proving that it was, in fact, one bite.
Will laughed, punching his brother lightly. “You’re disgusting. We are on our way to a distinguished wedding dress appointment and you’re here stuffing your face with twinkies.”
Santiago, who had the misfortune of driving, sighed. “Lord help me,” he said, turning into the parking lot of the bridal place. “I am surrounded by morons.”
Still smiling, you texted Frankie, who was sitting at home and trying to decide what the wedding’s color scheme would be.
You: Your bffs are fucking idiots
Goldfish: I’m sorry?
You: Benny just ate a whole ass Twinkie in one bite
Goldfish: Wow. Tell him he’s disgusting
You: Will already did. Gtg, we’re there
Goldfish: love you
You: Love you too babe
Getting out of the car, you suddenly rethought your decision to bring the boys to help you choose a wedding dress. But you really didn’t want to do it alone and no one in your family could make it. So you’d grabbed what you hoped was the next best thing. Frankie’s friends.
But it was too late. You pulled the door to the place open and walked in, smiling at the receptionist. “Hello! I’m here for an appointment.”
The receptionist eyed your group and nodded. “Of course. Last name?”
“Morales.” Technically that wasn’t your last name yet, but you’d been engaged for almost a year now and using Frankie’s last name just felt natural.
Once you were checked in, you waited on a couch with the boys.
“So what kind of dress are you getting?” Benny asked, looking at a dress that looked, and this was the nice way of saying it, like an overly decorated pastry.
“Not that,” you said. “I dunno. Maybe A-line? The last fancy thing I wore was when Frankie and I went out to that restaurant last New Years, but that had no back, and I’m not going that slutty for my wedding day.”
Will snorted. “Okay. So the requirements are currently as follows. It must have a back, and it cannot be, in your words, slutty.”
“It has to be white,” you added. “And I want a floor length dress.”
“Well that’s not enough to work off of.”
You shrugged. “It’s what I got.”
Your consultant came in at that point. “Oh! Well, I guess I don’t have to ask who’s the bride!” She said. “I’m Zoe. Who’d you bring with you? Any family?”
“Nope!” You said, looking at the boys. “These are my fiancé’s three best friends, Santiago, Benny, and William.”
Zoe nodded. “Okay. How long have you been engaged?”
You shrugged. “A year, give or take. My fiancé, Frankie, was military until about four months ago, when he went on his last mission.” You could still remember how defeated he’d been coming home, the pain in his eyes as he told you about Tom and everything else. “We’re getting married in September.”
“Awesome!” Zoe said. “So, budget?”
“Frankie and I put aside about two thousand.”
Zoe nodded again. “And are we looking for any specific style of dress?”
You shook your head. “Nope. I just know I want it a bit more conservative, but not something that covers every inch of skin I’ve got.”
“Okay then,” Zoe said. “Let’s go look at some dresses!”
Unsurprisingly, the boys were apprehensive about this part. Benny was the first to recover, happily diving in and pulling a few dresses to ask you about them. Once he found his groove, Will and Santi quickly followed suit.
“What about this?” Santi asked, showing you a dress.
“Eh,” you said, looking over. “I don’t like that feathery bit on the bottom.”
It was interesting, shopping for a wedding dress. You’d only wear it once, but it was so damn important. You passed over dress after dress, dismissing most of them. Eventually, after a fair amount of searching, you and the boys had picked out a few dresses that were all decent contenders.
Trying the dresses on, that was a completely different story. The first dress Zoe brought you, which was one of Santi’s picks, was gorgeous, and actually made your tear up a bit.
“Oh dear, tears already?” Zoe asked, handing you a tissue.
“I just,” you said weakly, wiping your eyes. “I love Frankie so much, and I can’t believe after everything we’ve been through, I’m finally able to officially call him mine.”
Zoe rubbed your back. “I get it hon,” she consoled. “He must be one hell of a man.”
“Oh he definitely is.”
After a few more minutes of admiring the dress and composing yourself, you walked out to show the boys.
Immediately, they went quiet, admiring your dress. You stood on a small pedestal, turning and admiring the dress in the big mirror. “I like it.”
“But?” Santiago prompted.
“I don’t get that big wow feeling,” you finished, almost guilty. “Sorry Santi.”
Santiago shook his head. “It’s okay,” he promised. “But you do like it?”
You nodded, swishing the dress around. “Yeah. It’s got the right amount of pop.”
“Pop?” Benny asked.
“Details,” you elaborated, running a hand along the subtly flowered waistline. “Flair. Call it whatever. And the shape is nice.”
Will nodded. “The sleeves aren’t your thing, are they?”
“Yeah, absolutely not.” You put a finger under the short sleeve. “It’s tight across the shoulders and I feel like I can’t lift my arms.”
“So no short sleeves?” Santiago asked.
“We can eliminate short sleeves,” you decided.
The next few dresses were all like the first. Decent and very pretty, but not your dress. You managed to eliminate a few other things you weren’t too fond of, like the super tight mermaid dresses and the overly poofy princess dresses. Sleeveless was still on the table, but you were hesitant about that. The boys gave amazing criticism, and no one started any drama, which was nice. But still, you found yourself wishing Frankie were here. He’d know exactly what to recommend. You could almost hear him whispering in your ear as you examined yet another not right dress.
“I’m sure you’ll get it eventually, margarita.”
You sighed, deeming the dress a flop and heading back to try something else on.
And then you passed a dress on the way back to the changing room that made you stop in your tracks.
“What is it?” Zoe asked, stopping right behind you.
“What’s that?” You asked, pointing to the dress.
Zoe followed your finger. “Oh. That’s a dress we just got. It’s from a small designer who specializes in unique dresses.”
“Can I try it on?” You asked, still mesmerized.
“Sure.” Zoe grabbed the dress. “It’s not floor length though.”
You shrugged, still watching the dress with nothing short of awe. “I’m willing to bend for this dress.”
The dress fit you perfectly, and when you turned around to look at it for the first time, you were dead silent for a whole minute before starting to cry again.
“Still good tears?” Zoe asked hopefully, helping you step back into your white flats.
“This is my dress,” you said softly. “This is my dress.”
Zoe smiled. “It looks really good on you,” she said. “Shall we show the boys?”
You nodded, smoothing your hands down the textured fabric of the skirt.
Walking out to show the boys was the hardest thing you’d done in a while. The dress was perfect, it was definitely the one, but what if they didn’t agree?
You heard gasps from the group when you stepped onto the pedestal, back facing them.
“So?” Zoe prompted. “What do you think?”
“It’s my dress,” you said yet again. “It’s perfect.”
“It is,” Santiago agreed. “C’mon, turn for us, let us see.”
You turned, facing the boys.
Immediately, Benny, who was smiling, threw his hands up. “Okay, so we threw all the rules out for this dress.”
You laughed, feeling the skirt swish around your calves. “It’s perfect Benny. I had to break the rules for the daisies.”
“I don’t get it,” Benny said, leaning back. “Why daisies?”
“That’s what Frankie calls me,” you said softly. “I’m his margarita. It’s Spanish for daisy.”
You turned to examine the dress again. It was still white, which would placate your mother and gave you that bride feeling in the pit of your stomach. But the thing that sold you was the thin layer of sheer white fabric on top, the layer with the small daisies on it. The sleeves were nice, loose without being a hazard and tight without being too restricting. The V neck was modest enough for a wedding, and the smooth white ribbon around your natural waist really helped define the shape of the dress.
Zoe came out with a matching flower crown and placed it on your head, causing you to tear up when you faced yourself in the mirror again.
“Oh honey,” Santiago said, standing and wrapping you in a hug. “Is it group hug time?”
You nodded, feeling the warm embrace of the boys around you. “Thank you,” you said softly, surrounded by friends. “My mother would’ve had an aneurysm if I tried this on for her.”
Benny laughed, rubbing your back. “We get it,” he said. “And trust us, Fish is gonna adore it.”
Seven months later, you were freaking out, trying not to cry in your small tent, twenty minutes before you were supposed to walk down the aisle.
“What if he doesn’t show up?” You asked one of your bridesmaids, Luca. “What if he doesn’t wanna get married anymore?”
Luca put her hands on your shoulders. “Hey. I’m sure he’s just as nervous as you, and I’m absolutely positive he’s sticking around.”
You took a breath, anxiety spiking again as a knock echoed on the door.
“Can we come in? We have a gift for the bride.”
You eagerly accepted the boys in, embracing them each in turn.
“You look like a goddess,” Will complimented, holding you at arm’s length and smiling. “He’s so nervous.”
“Told you so!” Luca shouted.
Benny laughed. “He told us to give you this.”
You took the small box, opening it hesitantly and pressing a hand to your mouth before the tears bubbled over. It was a necklace, nothing seemingly expensive or fancy. It had a thin silver chain, and on the end of the chain was a circle of resin, no bigger than a quarter, with a beautiful pressed daisy in it.
Luca helped you slip the necklace over your head. The daisy pendant sat on your skin, just above the V neck, barely visible.
“Are you ready?” Santiago asked, placing the necklace box down.
You nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”
The next almost half hour of waiting was agony. You texted Frankie, both of you anxious and both of you very ready for the ceremony to be over. Then, Frankie stopped responding, and you heard the music. It was time.
You father took your arm and guided you out of the tent, into the park you’d picked for the venue. Plenty of people were waiting for you, but you only had eyes for one of them.
Frankie turned, his entire face lighting up as he saw you walking towards him. He looked amazing, all clean and neat in a suit with a small daisy tucked into his lapel. He wasn’t wearing his hat, but you almost wished he was. He’d shaved, but that tiny spot where he constantly complained about the lack of facial hair was still there and obvious.
You father smiled, placing your hands in Frankie’s. He squeezed them, and you felt pure joy humming through your veins. You were getting married.
“Ready?” Frankie asked you softly, so softly you almost didn’t hear him.
You didn’t even hesitate to answer. “I’m ready.”
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