#oh also - rambling now and also thinking aloud -
tyrannuspitch · 5 months
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Hopefully, assuming I don't get distracted, my post-T1 Loki & Thanos fic! I have a decent plan (at least, an arc, an ending, and a handful of plot points) and I don't think it will end up *really* long. I'm excited to get to it, because it's one where I feel like I actually have something to say(tm), since I don't plan on following the fanon here at all.
Rather than straightforward force, I want to show a slow process of manipulation and corruption where Loki develops from "somewhat noble intentions + terrible morals" to "self-preservation + embracing monsterhood because nothing else remains". I think it would be so so fun and tragic if he'd originally allied with Thanos thinking that that alliance could lead to some sort of Greater Good(tm), maybe even redemption... and then everything spiralled out of control. Again. (I also want to humanise the Chitauri, damn it.)
I will need to do a little more research first though - I need to (re)watch GotG 1 and 2 to get a proper grip on Thanos' canon characterisation.
Anyway, it's gonna be a long time yet, because I still have four chapters of my current project to go. But I'm excited for it!!
->Ask me about my fanfic plans for the new year!
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lovebugism · 8 months
AH HI!! so... i love the way you write ditzy!reader, and especially with steve idk it just warms my heart yk? The way they interact 😭 it's so lovely
Since I'm an angsty girly at heart, I thought about a situation where steve gets a teeny tiny bit frustrated with ditzy!reader, but it's just seconds, even less than that but it's enough to make her upset for making him upset but also a super fluffy moment between both of them and steve being mesmerized by her and just so much in love
ahh thank u lovie! pls enjoy!! — steve gets frustrated with his sensitive gf and makes up with her accordingly (hurt/comfort, established relationship, 2.7k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
You keep Steve company during the last half of his shift like you always do. 
He’s grumpier than usual, though — all pouty and visibly brooding. 
You plop yourself on the front counter of Family Video and ask him what’s wrong, and he tells you that the day’s been hell and he’s just tired. There is no “but I feel better now” like there usually is when he’s upset but doesn’t want you to think it’s your fault. 
The “because you’re here” is typically implied. 
Not so much now.
You’re having the complete opposite day of your sulking boyfriend. Yours had been dreadfully boring, or at least you say it had been, but you find a million different things to tell him. You’re too excited after having spent so many hours without him, like a dog with a wagging tail. You’ve got the zoomies of the mouth, if you could even call it that.
“—And then I saw the cutest dog on the way over here. His name was Cappy, and he was huge, and the owner was so nice. He even let me pet him, and he literally felt like a cloud— the dog, not the owner.”
Steve is used to this. The whole rambling about nothing thing. He loves it about you, actually. It took him ages to coax you out of that shell after your asshole ex told you that you talked too much, convinced you that no one cared about what you had to say.
You’re more comfortable now, and Steve loves that you are, but right now he just can’t concentrate.
Keith’s been on his ass about inventory all day, and he just learned how to do it on the old, bulky computer this morning — but only after Robin made him an hour late to his shift. Everything’s just too much now. He’s overwhelmed to the point of spontaneous combustion. 
For the first time ever, you’re not helping.
“—And, like, I know when we move into our apartment, we’re technically not allowed to have pets, but like… What about a fish? Or a turtle?” you wonder aloud but don’t stop to let him answer. Sitting on the edge of the counter, you kick your feet and flit your eyes to the spotted ceiling. “What if I start feeding the deer in the woods, and they just start showing up at our backdoor? ‘Cause technically—”
“Babe, please,” Steve snaps suddenly when your sneaker knocks his chair. He’s buzzing with anger, and even though it’s not because of you, he doesn’t know where else to put it.
Your eyes go wide at the newfound bite in his tone. He’s not shouting at you, but it makes your heart stop like he is. You feel like a kid again, getting scolded for being “too much.”
“…What?” you squeak.
Steve sighs. A deep, heavy sigh. It doesn’t remove the leaden weight from his chest, though. 
“I’m… I’m really trying to concentrate here, and you’re just— you’re making it really hard,” he tells you through gritted teeth, trying hard to keep his composure.
You deflate like a popped balloon. “Oh…”
He can hear the waver in your tone, the way your voice sounds wet with unshed tears. But he’s too overwhelmed — internally raging and selfish with it. His sweltering temper makes his woe feel more important than yours.
“Yeah, so… Can you just— go bother someone else for, like, five minutes?” he asks, fists clenched on either side of the clunky keyboard, his gaze concentrated on the pixelated screen. “Robin’s probably sulking in a corner somewhere. Go find her.”
Your face crumbles like a balled-up piece of paper. Your chest gets all tight, and your eyes start to burn when tears gather behind them.
You’d always been a flower of melodrama — blooming eternally and constantly sensitive. So when Steve cut you off as you fantasized about a family of deer living in the backyard of an apartment you were supposed to share together, it felt like a knife in your chest. 
The irrational thought that he no longer wanted any of that with you was fleeting and vivid and burning. Irrational, still.
But now you’re annoying him. He’s told you as much, with an unusual harshness he’s never spat at you before. And now your fears feel much more real.
“I’m bothering you?” you ask him, barely intelligible through the whimper in your throat.
Steve huffs again. His elbows thunk against the desk when he puts his head in his palms, swiping his fingers through his hair like he always does when he’s antsy. 
“I just really need to get this done,” he tells you, softer now. He makes himself mad all over again, though, and gets sharper once more. “I need to finish this before I get fired, and then we have no apartment to move into because we have no money, alright?”
There it is. The root of all his anger. A lingering feeling of inadequacy. 
He wants a life with you, but all he’s got is a measly Family Video salary — which he’s lucky to have apparently, because he can’t seem to do anything right. It stirs like a fire in the pit of his stomach.
After another deep breath, he finally turns to look up at you. His honey eyes are wet and stern. The chiseled edges of his features are sharp. Gently, he pleads. “I really need to work here, babe.”
You nod, understanding and internally weeping. “Okay. I’m— I’m sorry, I was just— I’ve been missing you all day, and I got too excited, I think,” you confess, wringing your clammy hands in your lap like a scolded child.
“Don’t apologize,” Steve says with a huff, leaning back against the squeaking swivel chair. It’s old and has lost all its cushion. His stiff back aches all the more. There’s no relief, to any of it. 
He sits back up again and puts his unsure hands back on the keyboard. “Just— Just go, okay? Let me finish this.”
He leaves little room for argument.
You wouldn’t, though, even if you wanted to. Which you do. You’re just not strong enough.
Steve tells you to go, but you end up in the kiddie corner across the store. 
Mr. Rogers puts on a bright red cardigan and sings a tune that makes you feel like crying. You sit on the color-blocked carpet, surrounded by block toys, and clutch a stuffed bunny to your chest. You can’t tell if the vintage VHS is making the screen blurry or if it’s the tears gathering heavy at your waterline.
Robin walks by you, does a double-take, and immediately reports to Steve.
“What did you do?” she interrogates with narrowed eyes, strolling up to the counter with a cart full of tapes to put away.
The hearty tap, tap, taping of the keyboard fills the silence. 
Steve doesn’t look at her until he’s finished up the last of his work. Only when it’s fully and finally complete does his hardened gaze dart to her. “What are you talking about?”
“Your girlfriend. She’s upset.”
“What do you mean she’s upset?”
Robin rolls her eyes at his obliviousness. “I don’t know. She’s singing the Mister Roger’s theme song and, like, crying. It’s weird.”
Steve’s brows pinch. His heart does, too. “Crying?”
“Well— not crying, exactly. It’s this really weird blubbering thing.” She fails to explain it so she tries to imitate it. A sobbing, sniffling sort of noise. She fails at that, too. Her scrunched face goes back to normal. “Like that.”
Deadpanned, Steve nods. “Wow, Robin. That was really helpful. Thank you.”
“Just go comfort your girlfriend, dingus.”
Steve still thinks she’s joking. Robin doesn’t lie, but she does have a tendency to overemphasize the mundane. 
He goes to see you anyway, though, and doesn’t think twice about any of it — about what Robin said or what he had said to you before that.
He finds you in the kid’s section, in front of the tiny television, surrounded by brightly colored toys. He smiles at the sight of you, exhaling a sharp laugh through his nose.
“What are you doing all the way over here, huh?” he questions to announce his arrival, which you seemingly hadn’t noticed. “This area is usually for kids, ya know? Well, kids and Dustin Henderson.”
He doesn’t sound as annoyed with you anymore. You’re grateful for that much, but you still feel a bit sick about the whole thing.
Your nervous hands pick the cotton of the fuzzy bunny in your arms. You keep your gaze on the television in front of you, but you aren’t really watching it anymore. “I used to watch this stuff a lot growing up. The nostalgia sorta makes me wanna puke. But, like, in a good way.”
Steve scoffs. “Well, maybe we should turn it off then, ‘cause if I have to clean up vomit after the day I’ve had, I might actually go insane.”
He’s kidding. Mostly. The universe tends to be cruel like that, but he’d clean up all your messes a thousand times over if he had to.
He laughs at his own joke as he crouches to sit down next to you. He bends his knees, props his arms on top of them, and looks over at you. You don’t crack a smile for him, which is weird because you always laugh at his jokes. Even the ones that aren’t funny. Especially the ones that aren’t funny.
His smile ebbs to a wavering half-smirk as he knocks his shoulder with yours. “You okay?”
You think for a moment, jutting your lips out, unblinking at the television screen. “No,” you answer after a few seconds of silence. “But I’ll get over it. I think.”
Your honesty makes his heart wrench — like you’ve wrapped both your tiny hands around the beating organ and squeezed. It knocks the breath out of his lungs, a fish so ruthlessly pulled from the water. He tries to speak through the sudden lack of air. “Wh—What happened? Was it… Did I do something? Did you—”
“No,” you cut off his stammering with a firm shake of your head. “I did something.”
“Oh,” is all he says, pink lips pouting and wide eyes darting. “What does… What does that mean? Did you, like, step on a rogue VHS or something? ‘Cause I do that all the time, and technically, that’s Rob’s fault for leaving them out, so—”
You shake your head again, digging your nails into the delicate cotton of the well-loved stuffy in your arms. “No. I was just— I was botheringyou, and now I feel bad,” you confess, all quiet like a meek child who’s learning what it means to be sorry.
Steve — your oh, so oblivious one — goes aflame with embarrassment. He’d been too clouded by his own anger to recognize the venom spilling from his mouth; to understand that it would inevitably hurt you.
With chiseled features twisted in confusion, he shakes his head and stammers. “What? No! You weren’t— You weren’t bothering me!”
You turn to look at him, for the first time since he sat down beside you. Your eyes are glassy and swimming with hurt. You try to keep your trembling features stoic. You don’t want to seem as hurt by it all as you really are. 
You feel like you should, anyway. What right do you have to be sad when you were the one being a bother?
“You said I was,” you remind him, still soft but sterner now. “You told me to go bother someone else—”
“Oh, babe…” Steve says, deflating just as you had. 
He knows how sensitive you are, how deeply you feel things. You’re vulnerable, raw — it makes everything feel more personal than it really is. It makes grumpy jabs from your dumbass boyfriend hurt like a lemon on a weeping wound.
He tries to apologize, knowing that he hurt you and that it’s not up to him to decide that he didn’t. 
“I wasn’t… I didn’t mean to, babe,” he murmurs, swiping a tense hand through his hair and then gesticulating wildly with it. “I was just being a dick, you know? I’ve been super stressed all day and—”
“Don’t apologize. I was being annoying.”
Steve blinks at you with wide, wet eyes — like you’ve hurt him by talking so cruelly about yourself. 
“Baby, no. No,” he urges, ducking down to meet your gaze when you look away from him. “I’m just an idiot, okay? I put off inventory until the last second, and Keith’s been on my ass all day about it, and I just— I took that out on you, and that’s not fair, and I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, pursing your bitten lips to the side and twisting the long ear of the bunny between your fingers. “It’s not your fault, Steve…” you murmur, almost inaudibly.
He scoffs. It sounds like a bitter laugh. “Well, actually, it kinda is.”
“I just… I don’t really understand what’s going on sometimes. Or, like, a lot of the time,” you admit with a distracted gaze, eyes flitting everywhere but to the boy beside you. You’re too ashamed to look at him now. “And it’s harder for me to know when I’m talking too much, you know? Or if I’m being super annoying.”
“I know…” Steve nods, trying his best to be sympathetic of you. He loves how soft you are — too much to understand you completely. He loves how gently you treat the rest of the world, how unusually giddy you get in your gentleness. 
You swallow through a tightening throat and shrug to pretend your world doesn’t feel like it’s crumbling around you. “And I don’t care about annoying other people— well, I do, but it’s different with you, you know? Other people can’t break up with me for being too much.”
“The idiot that told you you were too much had exactly zero personality,” Steve tells you, mostly because he means it but also to see you smile. 
You do, just barely. A grin so soft only someone deathly in love with you could see. 
“You’re never annoying me, okay? Ever. I love hearing you talk. I love having you around.”
“Yeah?” you ask him, blinking back burning tears.
“Hell yeah! You’re, like, the best part of my day! The only good part of my day, now that I think about it.”
Biting back a grin, you tease, “Well, what about Robin?”
“Robin made me late today, so we’re kinda not friends right now.”
“That’s mean,” you scold despite the growing smile on your face.
Steve shrugs. “We’ll make up before I clock out. No big deal.”
You go suddenly shy, smiling sheepish and tilting your chin to your chest to peek at him through your lashes. “Are we gonna make up before you clock out?” you wonder quietly.
“Only if you’re willing to forgive me for being an insufferable douchebag,” Steve answers, only half-joking. He very seldomly feels worthy of your softness.
You look at him with it, anyway. 
Full on beaming now, you reach across the short distance to wrap him in a firm embrace. The position is only slightly awkward. Sitting side by side with your asses on the hard carpet, your arms wound tightly around his neck — a bit like a snake smothering its prey. 
Steve feels grateful to be held so ardently. 
His nose smushes into your neck. The sweet scent of your perfume entwines with the warm scent of your sweater. He smiles into your shoulder when it makes you giggle. You pull back from him then, just to steal a quick peck a moment later. Your lips smack audibly against his grin.
“Can we make out before you clock out?” you lilt with a shy smirk.
“…That is the single best idea I’ve heard all day.”
Your giggle fills the empty store when Steve rises suddenly and pulls you with him. He leads you toward the back, tugging you by the hand down the short corridor and rambling all the way. “Keith left for the day, so his office is empty, which means it’s fair game—”
“I am not making out with you in Keith’s office!”
“But his desk chair is crazy comfortable, and also, he’s a dick, so… who cares?”
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markiemelon · 3 months
hiiiii~~ can i request a scenario where nerd!mark and athlete!reader are on a study date and mark finds reader so cute when they don't understand the material? also bonus points if the reader is shy and doesn't want to ask for help cus they're embarrassed
Thank you!! ur writings make me so happy
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genre fluff ﹋֪֢ ♡︩ · no warnings!
pairings nerd!mark x athlete!reader
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4:18pm — ♡
“yn,” your math teacher addressed you, “im worried that your training is interfering with your studies.”
that wasn’t the first time you’d heard that, and yet, you still couldn’t think of a good excuse to tell. “look, yn, i’ve made it easier for you by arranging some study sessions with a classmate of yours.”
you actually felt kinda relieved to hear that. surely, some extra studying couldn’t hurt.
“in fact,” he continued, “he’s right here.” he gestured to a familiar boy walking into the room.
it was mark. you knew mark, but you never crossed paths much, considering how different your priorities were…you were all about training, and mark was all about studying…
“so i have to spend the rest of my afternoon with this nerd?” you accidentally said aloud.
“now, yn, we still have to be professional during after-school hours.” your teacher demanded.
mark just chuckled and smiled at you. his round glasses and ruffled hair added a gentlemanly charm to him that made you swoon a little.
“i’ll be off now, but feel free to stay in the classroom.” your teacher said, shuffling together some lose papers. “mark, just lock up the door as usual, i trust you as our class president.”
you widened your eyes. “he’s class president?”
“you didn’t know?” mark raised an eyebrow.
“i’ll leave you guys to it then.” your teacher nodded before he exited the room.
you approached mark. “if it makes you feel any better, i didn’t even know our vice principal until last week… so um, don’t take it personally.”
with that pathetic attempt at explaining yourself, mark sensed you were nervous. he walked up to you, his arms crossed and head nodding ever so slightly. “alright.” he said with a grin. “i won’t.” he looked at you for a second longer before pulling a chair out from the desk. he insisted that you sit, and he sat beside you.
and so the studying began… you handed mark a crumpled up page from the deepest, darkest depths of your backpack, and he looked confused “do you… want me to throw this away for you?”
“no!” you snatched it back. “that’s my calculus homework!”
“oh shoot!” he couldn’t hold in his cackle. “I’m sorry— yn im sorry.” he said it with the biggest smile on his face, weak from the laughter.
“whatever. just tell me how to solve this. or save us both some time and just tell me the answers.” you slumped in your chair.
he scanned the page briefly. “yeah, so it’s simple, really..” mark inched the graph paper closer to your side of the table.
he pointed at some numbers and rambled, of course, you couldn’t keep up. so you did the next best thing, which was letting your mind drift off to somewhere else..
“actually, he’s kinda cute..” you admitted to yourself while observing his side profile.
“it must be the glasses. he looks good with glasses.” now you were noticing things you hadn’t payed any attention to before.
“why is he so close to me…” your heart skipped a beat at the realization.
suddenly, mark’s voice became clear at the mention of your name.
“yn… focus” he cooed, not even looking up from the paper. he must have felt you staring, but oddly, you didn’t look away from him.
mark stopped his writing, but he kept his pen to the paper, holding it still as he turned to face you.
almost immediately, your confident demeanor crumbled, and now, head lowered, you depended on mark’s answer to break the silence.
“solve this one. it’s what i just showed you.” he rolled his pen to you.
“oh. okay.” you hesitantly took hold of the pencil, and did your best to pretend like you understood, but mark obviously wasn’t buying it. after writing some gibberish, you gave up.
“um, mark?”
“im a little embarrassed to ask… but.. can you explain it again?”
he didn’t look surprised. he looked at you endearingly. “as expected..” he chuckled, weighing his head side to side to stretch out his neck. his gaze shifted to the clock on the wall behind you. “you know, we should probably head out now.”
“already?” you looked back to see the time for yourself. he didn’t say anything for a second, he just nodded and flashed a gentle smile. “you get too distracted.” he nudged your shoulder. your cheeks burned a little when he did that. “well you’re too distracting.” you nudged him back.
mark grabbed his shoulder where you touched as if he were injured by your strength. “i’m so distracting yet you couldn’t focus on a single thing i said?” he teased you. you didn’t have a witty comeback, so you just stayed silent and stuffed some things wherever they could fit in your bag.
at that point, it was clear to both of you that the next few study sessions you had lined up, would be far more exciting…
a couple weeks of studying with mark went by, and the flirting made its way into your classes. he was getting bolder in his advances. it started with some subtle compliments but now he’s been giving you these corny winks from a across the room, and he makes it really obvious what he’s doing.
once mark started sitting next to you, hell broke loose. one time, the teacher asked the class to solve something, and you miraculously managed to figure it out before mark did. it still backfired tremendously…
“oh my gosh, i got it!” you whispered to mark. “it’s 29!”
he smiled at you for a second, before raising his hand, while simultaneously blurting out, “29! it’s 29!”
your teacher looked pleased. “that was quick, mark. as always, you never disappoint me with your calculating abilities.”
mark threw is head back laughing as quietly as he could, and you kicked his leg underneath the table.. as hard as you could.
later, you would find yourself sitting with mark, side by side, staring down at your math textbook.
“okay, tell me the answer to number 4.”
you didn’t even try to hide the fact that you had no idea what was going on. “i don’t know it.”
mark paused and laughed out of disbelief. “yn, it’s a good thing you wanna be an athlete and not a mathematician.”
what he said was true, but it annoyed you regardless, so you snapped back.
“and it’s a good thing you’re cute, ‘cause that’s the only reason i haven’t killed you yet.”
“psh,” he laughed in an exhale. “are you into me or something?” he kept his eyes fixed on the paper in front of him.
you giggled, “i think that’s the first time i’ve actually known the answer to a question you’ve asked me.” you smirked to yourself, feeling proud of your smooth talking.
when he didn’t respond, you continued.
“yknow.. mark, for being top of the class, i thought you’d have a bit more common sense.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he didn’t even bother looking at you.
“yes, mark, i’m into you.”
he still avoided looking your way, but he couldn’t hold back his smile. you stayed staring at your cute math tutor, and you could tell it was making him shy. “yn. focus.” he tapped his pencil on the table.
you tried to pout. “but the math isn’t cute...”
he tapped his pencil more aggressively.
you didn’t try to fight back. you started jotting some things down desperately trying to figure out the equation, until he tapped his pencil again. “yn. i need you to focus.”
annoyed, you jerked your head to face him. “i am focused. im literally doing the math-” your eyes traced his features.
“no, i mean on this.”
“on what?”
he smiled and tapped his pencil to his cheek.
“i need you to focus on me.”
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this ended up being longer than intended... but thank you thank you so much for requesting, im so happy to hear that you like my writingggggggggff!!!!! also sorry this took so long, im kinda backed up on requests LOL.
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shmolish · 12 days
Hello, it's me again (so soon, hehe). Sorry if it feels like I'm asking for things so much.
I have a fun request: Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader as Romeo and Juliet. I desire the juiciest star-crossed lovers angst you can make!
AN: I have only read a quick summary of Romeo and Juliet along with bits and pieces of the balcony scene so forgive me if this is inaccurate-
Um but yeah, I took some creative liberties
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Warnings: Angst
-Frayed String-
The rough surface of the stone beneath your fingertips is the only thing keeping your mind stable and down to Earth, if the state you're in can even be considered stable.
You are being held together by only a single thread, and every moment you aren't with your lover you can feel a slice of your sanity being discarded.
You curl your fingers into a fist, the coarseness of the stone wall leaving indents in your digits.
You gaze softly to the shimering stars above. The light coming off of them are the only things making your eyes seem alive.
You cannot say that it hurts, because compared to how your heart has been ripped open, this is nothing.
Even if they were to start bleeding, would it even feel like anything compared to aching in your heart?
As you sit there silently, you wonder if Shadow Milk can see the same stars. You wonder if he is thinking of you now as you are thinking of him.
It was such a shame that your parents hated him. If they didn't then you would have married him on the spot.
That day, you practically ripped open your chest to give him your heart. To show him how it beat for him. How you lived for him.
Yet, your parents wanted you to be wed to someone else.
But that someone else wasn't Shadow Milk, and so there was no way your heart could continue to beat after that.
Fate really has played such a cruel joke on the two of you.
Since your family hated him so, to marry him would be like murdering him. Though, to not marry him would be like murdering yourself.
What decision should be made when putting your life on the line against the person giving you life.
Either way, someone would surely die in the end.
"If only you could change your name," you say to yourself. It was just one of those mindless rambles that you often did. You didn't at all expect someone to respond.
"If you call me your lover then I'd gladly change my name," a voice responded.
No more words needed to be spoken for you to recognize exactly who it was.
"Shadow Milk, what are you doing here?!" You'd ask in a hushed yell.
"My dove, I just missed you!" He faded into shadows before reappearing right besides you.
He took your hand in his while also cupping your face. "Your beauty makes even the moon look dull, my dear," He'd say.
Oh how his words made your heart flutter. If it weren't so dark, you're sure he'd see the blush spreading across your face.
"You really shouldn't be here," you told him. Though you could not deny how much you relished in his presence. Every little touch he gave you made you feel as if the world around you was spinning.
"I couldn't help it." He left a soft kiss on your lips, letting it linger for just a while before pulling away.
And so for a moment, the two of you were quiet. Just staring into each other's eyes, exchanging a thousand words that couldn't have been spoken aloud.
Then one of the servants called from outside of your room, and you were quick to speak your farewells.
"Ah, sorry Milk- You have to leave now," you said in a quiet voice.
He only gazed into your eyes while twirling a peice of your hair.
"I'm being serious-" the knock on your door would continue. "Just a minute!" You called out to the servant.
"I love you oh so much.." he said to you before disappearing to someplace else.
All that remained was that leftover warmth of his body and the lingering feeling of longing in your heart.
And now, it seemed as if the world fell silent.
How pitiful it was that the two of you were connected via a frayed string. A connection so frail that it would be worn down by even the air around you.
Oh how his words tormented you. How were you meant to be alright with letting him go when every moment you spent together made you fall so much more in love.
You just wanted to scream out your love for him on the balcony, but that would put both him and you in great danger.
But, what exactly were you supposed to do?
Were you to make him the most happy man in the world by marrying him then letting your family kill him?
Or were you to marry someone else and murder yourself by depriving your heart of the one thing it yearns for?
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milky-fixx · 1 year
❥• sounds from the bedroom [18+ only]
⇢ devilman crybaby edition
what akira + ryo sound like in bed with you
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—shit!”
Lots of snarls and grunts, cursing. Akira sounds downright animalistic in the bedroom, that if you’re passing by unaware, you’d be hard-pressed to believe that’s a human making those sounds…
If his orgasm is particularly strong, he’ll roar too. It’s hard to keep him quiet. Investing in a gag for him might be a smart idea.
There are moments where the old Akira appears. Sometimes he’s sweet and hesitant, asking if this feels okay, if you need something—water, a break, or a pillow under your back. But other times he’s full on feral. Filthy-mouthed, he holds nothing back, describing in detail what you feel like clenching around his cock, how just the thought of being buried inside you has made him hard all day, how badly he wants to fuck you until his name is all you can remember to say, etc.
“I know you’ve been wanting this. Don’t deny it. You’re practically squirming under my tongue. Ah—shit, was that too much?”
Also the sounds of your coupling. Akira definitely, ahem, can make anything slick with just how much he cums. The smack of his hips against your ass, the loud, lewd squelch of each thrust of his cock displacing his cum inside you.
He’s also much more likely to confess while his cock is buried inside you. It might be strange, but for Akira, ravenous lust goes hand-in-hand with deep, adoring love.
“Fuck—I think I—I really—l-love you...!”
But afterwards, he kind of needs that reassurance that you feel the same. Like he’s just accidentally bared his heart to you. He needs to know if it’s reciprocated.
(“Hey, about what I said. Yeah. Just ignore... oh. You feel the same? That—that’s great! That makes me so… happy.)
But back to horny. Akira does horny so well.
“You’re so tight. It’s like your pussy was made for me.”
He has lots of fantasies surrounding you, and he’s not afraid to describe them in explicit detail. Voicing them aloud is a big part of foreplay for him.
“Heh... don’t tell me you’re done already. I’ve been waiting so longto do this...”
“Gonna... fucking... c-cum!”
“You look so cute with my cock in your mouth. but you know what would look even cuter on you?” His voice lowers. “My cum overflowing from your mouth.”
He’s also prone to saying dirty things while jerking off, especially if he knows he has an audience. If it’s just him, alone, he’ll curse and grunt, calling out your name every now and then as his hand works furiously over his length. His groans of your name progressively getting louder until he shouts it, pleasure wracking his body. But if you’re watching? Oh, he puts on a show. He’s cockier, more intentional with his hands drifting down his body before he grasps himself. He describes, hoarsely, how badly he wants it to be your mouth instead of his hand, how he’s hard and aching and ready to be enveloped in your tight, wet heat—
“Fuck... you know just what I like...! You’re too much, I’m gonna finish—”
Post-coital, Akira gets kind of quiet. He likes to bask in the moment, in the intimacy of it all. He prefers physical contact, so he speaks more with his actions, drawing you close to him, playing with your hair, listening to you ramble with the softest look on his face.
(But also—snoring. He snores so damn loud. Sex takes a lot out of him.)
Ryo is quiet. When he’s jerking it, he barely makes a sound. He sees it as a form of release, so he doesn’t bother taking his time. Soft exhales, the most sound he makes is sigh once he finishes.
“I know you’re watching me. Why don’t you come in if you’re so curious.”
He has a detached manner of speaking that continues into the bedroom. It can be incredibly arousing if you’re into degradation or aloof partners. The way his voice never wavers, never giving a hint as to if he’s enjoying things, even while his cock is buried in the tight heat of your throat, can be a turn-on.
If anything, he’s more curious about what noises he can get youto make. He makes it his personal mission to document every kind of sound you can make. 
“Oh that? I bought it online. It has good reviews and several interesting features. I’d like to observe how it works on you.”
Expect lots of toys. Vibrators, dildos, fuck machines, etc. There’s always some interesting noises coming from his bedroom, like buzzing, or the sound of machinery at work, mingled with your cries. Akira has learned the hard way not to go snooping behind Ryo’s closed doors.
Ryo’s not into sexting. He knows there’s appeal behind naughty pictures and messages, but he doesn’t care for them. If you really want him to get dirty talking, it has to be over phone. He likes being able to pick apart your reactions.
“I did like that picture you sent me. But I’d prefer to see it up close. Come over in five. I think it would be to both our benefits.”
His aloofness can somehow make anything sound like a dirty promise. It leaves you in a state of constant anticipation, wondering just when Ryo is going to make good on his promise.
Video sex though. Ryo finds something appealing about the way the technology can add a layer of distance, and he can be more of an observer. He likes to command you, in his calm and measured tone, to strip for him, to spread your legs for him, and touch yourself the way he would. Sometimes when he’s too busy with work, he’ll multitask; if he hears your cries of pleasure stop, even for a second, he’ll turn his attention away from his work to ask why you’re holding back on him.
“I didn’t tell you to stop, did I? Keep going. I’m not done with work yet, but rest assured—when I am, you’ll have my undivided attention.”
Professor/student roleplay. Ryo is very good at making you feel like his hopelessly incompetent student. The way his eyes coolly glance over you, before dismissing you as not even worth his time. He also is good at making you work for it.
“You call this an essay? Pathetic. Your grades are dismal. You’ll have to do some extra credit assignments for me after class. Oh, and don’t wear anything to them. You won’t need your clothes.”
The only way to really get him to lose it and be vocal is to take control from him. Ryo isn’t expecting it, and he sure as hell doesn’t like it, at all, but there are moments—maybe Akira’s rejected him for Miki again, and despite his posturing, he actually does feel shunned and lonely—that maybe he’ll let you dominate him. The way his orgasm rushes over him in a flurry is a surefire way to get him to choke out a groan, his face aflush, eyes wide. Ryo… still doesn’t appreciate bottoming, but perhaps he’ll allow you the opportunity to try it. One more time.
“Wait. Don’t—Don’t stop. I… I didn’t think it would feel like this. Keep going. U-Until I say you can stop.”
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hyuckbeam · 1 year
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hit or miss
you’re given a bet by your own best friend to finally earn you some kissing experience at the ripe age of 18, but what if he’s the one you’ve been wanting to kiss all along?
pairing | bff!haechan x reader
genre | fluff, just a bit of angst
warnings | y/n uses she/her pronouns, both y/n and hyuck are dumdums! kind of slow burn, curse words are explicitly mentioned, cousin!winter, i think that’s all but lmk if i missed anything!
wc | 4.3k words
note | this is pretty inspired by the webtoon “the kiss bet” because i currently have a hyper fixation on it and i absolutely love all the characters ;0; this is also way longer than intended but anyways,, i hope u enjoy! all rbs and likes are appreciated, thank you <3
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“in three, two, one, happy birthday, y/n!” your best friend, haechan announces aloud for everyone in your apartment complex to hear at 12 in the morning.
“come on! make a wish before the candles blow out!” winter, your cousin, urges you with a big smile on her face.
having just finished your night time routine and prepared yourself for a night's worth of sleep, you were rather shocked to see them with one of those trendy bento cakes and rainbow colored party hats adorning their heads.
despite your confusion, you walk up towards them with a grateful smile resting upon your lips. “seriously, when did you guys plan this?”
“oh, it was all my- ow, hey!” haechan gets cut off midway through his statement because of a nudge from winter’s elbow.
“what he was trying to say was it was all my doing. you’re welcome bubs!” your cousin beams, eyes creasing into crescents. “though i’d wish you’d hurry up. this cake isn’t holding itself up for you, y’know?” she adds on rather playfully but you can tell she truly meant it.
gathering a deep breath, you blow out the candles and cheers erupt from the people you deem closest to you. winter then sets down the cake on your coffee table in relief as your best friend slings his arm over your shoulder.
“sooo y/n, got anything planned for the year? a small resolution or something like that, i don’t know.” he rambles off, suggesting the idea of having a goal to work towards now that you were deemed an adult (though, haechan kept referring to this as the year that marks your jail-ability era).
you feel a little tingly from his touch, even when you know the two of you are just friends and nothing more. what you’re feeling is probably just a phase. it’ll go away.
“i’m not really sure, got any ideas for me?” you ask the two instead, eyeing them both in a back and forth motion.
“we can always work on that dating experience of yours- last i remember, it was up to the high number count of… zero.” your cousin chips in from the side as she slices the cake for the three of you to share, her tone sarcastic while she teases you.
it’s true, you didn’t have a lot (re: any) of experience in the dating sector, but perhaps that could change starting this year. “that… might not be such a bad idea.”
haechan’s interest seems to have been piqued — he’s making that look. that specific expression where the corners of his lips turn upwards, a brow raised, and that glint in his eye. oh, you know it all too well.
“come on.” you urge the boy. “start sharing your idea. i can practically see your mind ready to explode.”
“well, since you’ve asked me ever so kindly. how ‘bout a bet?” he starts, taking a few steps towards you with that cocky expression of his. “i bet you 10 dollars to kiss someone in two months. not that hard, right?”
“what- you want me to kiss some random person for 10 bucks?” you gawk out in surprise.
he only shakes his head, “i never said it needed to be a stranger. just, someone in general.”
you processed the idea thoroughly, running all sorts of possible scenarios in your head. wouldn’t it be much easier to kiss… haechan himself? that just seemed like the most plausible approach for you.
he wasn't a stranger — the furthest from one. you were comfortable with him. the kiss didn’t have to mean anything (though it might mean a tiny bit more to you), and in addition, you’d be making some cash.
everything seemed to check out. the only problem was that you had to ask him to kiss you. still, surely this was better than any other alternative, right?
“i’ll do it but… can’t i just kiss you and get it over with?” you finally voice out your thoughts, pretending to make your question sound playful in case the request backfires on you.
“you’re my best friend, that’s a little odd, don’t you think so?” haechan replies in the same tone, lightly ruffling your hair before going over to retrieve a slice of cake from winter.
ouch. way to have your first bit of “dating experience” be your best friend… friend zoning you. what a lovely start to your 18th birthday.
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a few days had passed since the bet you made with haechan had been established, but not one ounce of progress had been made.
to be fair, how were you supposed to kiss someone else when all you’ve ever wanted was for that kiss to be with your best friend? that’s tough luck.
you attending classes today doesn’t really help with your thoughts either, especially when both haechan and winter had been asking about said progress one after the other.
you’d be lying if they weren’t starting to give you a headache.
as if on cue, winter approaches you, some lecture books in hand and her bag slung on her shoulder. “y/n! how’s your progress?” here we go again.
“just as i told you yesterday, nothing yet.” you reply with a small sigh.
winter senses the frustration behind your words, encouraging her to suggest ideas to help you. “how about finding someone you like? it might make it easier for you know… to kiss them.”
“i don’t think that’s still a good- actually, you might just be onto something, minjeong.” your gears start to churn in your mind. in order to wash haechan off your mind, you might as well find someone else and maybe get an actual relationship out of it.
the idea was just perfect for you.
“have i ever told you how much i love you? i gotta go but i’ll see you after class, winter!” you excitedly bid her a goodbye, rushing to your classroom so you could better plan out your new gameplan.
though the most ideal situation was long gone, you now had a back up plan and you weren’t going to back down so easily from the bet.
you were now busily scribbling on your notepad, forgetting that a new student was to transfer into your class today. the teacher calls upon your attention and as you look up, your eyes land on a boy with great resemblance to a cute bunny.
apparently he’s the new transfer student.
the teacher gives him a moment to introduce himself. “hello everyone, my name is na jaemin. i hope we all get along!” so that’s his name, you thought to yourself.
surprisingly, he was told to take the seat in front of yours, offering you a small smile and a curt wave, one that you gladly return, before he takes his seat.
actually, maybe you really could forget haechan for just a teensy bit.
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a week goes by without haechan seeing you once. an entire week. was he always this eager to see you? to bask in the warm sight that is you? he thinks he must be going crazy.
the only time he ever gets updates about you is through winter which aren’t much to go on. he does remember a key detail she mentioned previously about how you’ve been spending time with that new student, jaemin.
what was so special about him anyways? well, he was surely going to find out soon.
as the bell rings to signal the start of recess, he dashes out of his classroom, taking big steps towards yours.
there, haechan finds you in his seat and he’s about to approach you until he sees you’re in the middle of a conversation with the one and only, na jaemin.
“this is how you do this, right?” jaemin asks you, directing your sight to a piece of paper that has a bunch of math formulas written on it.
“yeah! i’m surprised you got that rather quickly.” you compliment the boy in front of you with a small laugh.
your thoughts on jaemin have changed drastically since the first time you met him. he’s a sweet boy, someone you could never take advantage of. it just felt wrong to you so you just dropped your entire plan as a whole.
it was alright to lose the bet. at least you kind of made a new friend out of it, right? you smile to yourself at that thought.
to haechan, however, your smile is so bright in jaemin’s presence, it’s practically blinding everyone in sight. have you ever smiled at him like that? wait- why does that matter?
he doesn’t like you, no way.
you’re best friends, yeah. his love for you is as platonic as can be — at least that’s what he tells himself.
for someone as bold as haechan, he can’t seem to find the confidence in him to walk towards your table and steal your attention. instead, he steps out of the classroom, unnoticed by you.
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“JAEMIN DID WHAT!?” haechan yells into his phone, winter being on the receiving end of the call.
the girl tuts, “scream one more time and i’m hanging up on you. and yes, i heard he confessed to y/n. i don’t think she gave him an answer though.”
“sorry, look, i was just really surprised.” a deep sigh comes out from haechan before the call goes silent. he takes the time to process the situation, but the idea of you and jaemin being together just rubs him off the wrong way.
“doesn’t she see how bad he is for her?” he finally reasons out.
“uhuh, in what sense exactly?” winter retorts.
“he’s probably just using her to gain attention or something! can’t i look out for my own best friend?” the response is laughable, even to haechan, but he goes along with it.
winter laughs into the call, “are you even hearing yourself? that’s pretty baseless, even for you haechan.” she replies shortly afterwards. “seems to me like you’re jealous.”
“are you hearing yourself, winter? no i’m not! get your head screwed on properly!” haechan answers back in the same incredulous manner as she did to him just a few seconds ago. “who would i even be jealous of?”
“jaemin. who else? i think it’s pretty clear to most. you aren’t that great at managing your feelings, y’know-” the girl’s voice cuts off for a second, “-oh, i’m being called to dinner now but seriously, get yourself together haechan. i know you like my cousin. bye!”
the line goes beep and haechan tosses his phone onto his bed. she really did just leave him hanging like that. how could she after bringing that idea up?!
jealous? not a chance. haechan never gets jealous.
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haechan wakes up the next day feeling tired, having not slept a wink after winter’s words kept replaying in his head.
i know you like my cousin.
you like my cousin.
you like her.
and these same words follow him as he makes it all the way to school. perhaps seeing you in school would help him understand his feelings better.
he really just wants this to be over with.
with trudged steps, he makes his way to your classroom and luckily enough for him, there you were already in class before the first bell rang.
he blames it on the lack of sleep but you look so ethereal sitting down in your chair as you bop your head lightly to the music that’s presumably playing on your earphones.
the sight is something to behold- that is until he pivots his head ever so slightly and sees jaemin accompanying you. god, why does he have to be there.
so maybe haechan does get jealous. sometimes.
maybe that’s why he acts without thinking, swiftly dragging you from your chair and out to the school courtyard despite your protests.
“hyuck let me go-” you grumble, tugging on your arm but he doesn’t budge one bit. it’s only when you reach a bench in the furthest part of the courtyard he decides to get go of your wrist.
“seriously, what is wrong with you?” you scoff out in disbelief. “this is the first time we’ve spoken in days. i think you could’ve just asked me if you really wanted to talk.” with the addition of those words, haechan finally realizes what he’s done. he knows it was wrong but he isn’t going to back down from the argument that was brewing between you two.
“me? how about you? you’ve been so lovey dovey with mr. perfect all this time! don’t you have yourself to blame on why we haven’t seen each other in so long?” he spat out coldly.
your heart sinks, and yet, you can’t help but feel even more enraged. its true, you’re part of the reason for the lack of communication between you two. after all, communication is a two way system. but doesn’t that also mean he’s also to blame?
“i enjoy jaemin’s company a lot! is that so wrong?” you shoot back, biting your bottom lip before mumbling the latter part of your statement. “at least he isn’t as grumpy as the person standing in front of me.”
the boy hears this and gets ticked off even more. maybe it really is the lack of sleep but he seriously can’t understand her reasoning anymore. instead, he assumes she’s just doing all of this for the bet.
“do you really want to win the bet so bad? if that’s what you want, just kiss me and be over with it. i’m literally letting you win. you can stop seeing jaemin now.”
and that’s when it hits you a little.
why is he bringing the bet up all of a sudden when you just want a genuine relationship with jaem- oh. he couldn’t possibly see you as someone like that right? he said it himself! he doesn’t like you and even denied your request to kiss him a few weeks ago.
but, if that were all true, what other explanation would there be to his actions?
he takes your silence as a no, prompting him to leave you in the courtyard all alone.
you couldn’t seem to understand him at all no matter how hard you tried.
as soon as you got home from classes that same day, you rushed yourself back home and into the comfort of your bed and pillows — treating them as if they were your closest confidants and cried while you shared your troubles.
it wasn’t productive on your end but it was much needed for you to at least think straight. you’d been bottling your contemplations all day long after all.
here you are laying lifeless on your bed, using all your braincells to dicern what the fuck happened earlier this morning.
you know haechan doesn’t like you. you’ve said it to yourself so many times now.
maybe he’s just jealous you’ve been spending more time with jaemin because, although you have different intentions before, you realized you couldn’t see him in that way nor had the heart to just use him for your own gain.
haechan was a different story though. you feel flushed just thinking about him, knowing full well the both of you are in the middle of an argument between each other.
remembrance of the frustration hits, making you groan at the thought of having to remedy it. if you and haechan had anything in common, it would be the stubbornness you both share.
the last time you both got into an argument this big was back in junior high. neither of you spoke to the other for an entire month. it got so bad that both your parents had to call each other up to devise a way to get an apology out from the both of you.
though it would make the entire situation much easier, your parents no longer delve into these types of problems — and neither do haechan’s. you’re both all alone to fix this one yourselves and you wish you’d been more grateful to your parents for mending your relationship with haechan.
deep down, you already know the both of you will struggle to find the right timing, but you certainly hope that day would come soon. you didn’t exactly like being away from him either (even if he made you feel like shit for the rest of the day).
you decide to sleep off your worries for the night, hoping and praying that tomorrow would be a better day for you.
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tomorrow is not any better of a day.
jaemin and haechan both invited you to eat with them for lunch which quickly escalated into a light argument between the two. you couldn’t even bring yourself to butt into their conversation, seeing how they were fighting over something so silly.
“i’m her best friend, we do this pretty much everyday!” you hear haechan yell at jaemin, his frustration for the other getting the best of him. “plus, i need to talk with her. without you.”
“if the two of you are just best friends, then what gives you the right to dictate her answers?” jaemin fires back, keeping a calm and collected appearance throughout.
this shuts haechan up and the entire cafeteria goes dead silent. oh boy, did you want to curl up into a little hole. everyone was staring and you didn’t like that one bit.
nevertheless, you decided to be the bigger person — uttering a small apology to jaemin before walking off to the table you usually sat at with haechan — the latter following you a few steps behind.
neither of you speak as you begin to eat your separate meals, another sign the relationship between you two was starting to fade out into dust.
winter joins your lunch table shortly after witnessing the drama unfold, she looks at haechan with an unreadable expression and the boy stays quiet during the whole meal.
didn't he say he wanted to talk? an apology for the day before would have been nice.
you get fed up by the silence, placing your food back on the tray before picking it up. you mutter a quiet “i can’t seem to understand you at all.” directed at hyuck before leaving and switching over to the table where jaemin and his friends are sitting.
it all happened too fast and haechan didn’t realize you were leaving until you already did. he really did want to talk but how was he supposed to do that after having that situation with jaemin?
he wanted to calm down first but you had other plans. you really left him in shambles this time.
winter can’t help but sigh at the ongoing conflict. she silently wishes she wasn’t involved this much if it was going to turn out like this.
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haechan knows he truly has to make it up to you (including a long overdue explanation of why he’s been acting weirdly the past few days) but doesn’t know how to do that. apologies never came easy to him. his mind couldn’t help but go blank everytime he tried thinking of a way to approach you without making things more complicated than they already are.
the sheer amount of times he’s hit a brick wall has him calling the only person who probably knows more about you than he, himself, does.
he picks up his phone, searching through his contacts before landing on a single person, now waiting for the phone to ring.
“hello?” winter’s voice reaches him through the call. “i knew you’d call after what happened at the cafeteria.”
it takes a moment for haechan to answer, “maybe if jaemin wasn’t so aggressive–”
“you both were. now spill, have you gotten your feelings sorted yet?” the girl pushes his dramatics aside, getting straight to the point.
“i… think i do. you were right all along.” haechan finishes. although it was hard for him to admit at first, now that he’s actually said it out loud, it might be the first time he’s been feeling a sense of clarity after so long.
winter hums at his confession. “at least you’re finally taking a step in the right direction. now, to win her back…” she smiles to herself, already having a plan in mind.
you, on the other hand, have been seeing haechan and winter together often for the past week. naturally, your mind begins to wonder if your own cousin is the reason why haechan rejected you way back during your small birthday celebration.
the evidence matches up pretty well — he probably couldn’t reject you directly because she was in the room with the two of you that day. he isn’t spending as much time with you anymore because he’s spending time with her.
they look good together.
those words linger in your head more than you’d like to admit.
you feel cast aside by the people you’ve known practically your entire life but you don’t have much of a choice but to return to jaemin’s company. after all, you chose to eat the rest of your lunch at his table instead of the one that brought familiarity to you.
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day after day, the two of you just seemed to grow even more distant and you wondered if the end of your long-term friendship was nigh approaching. you barely saw him roaming through the halls of campus anymore, much less your cousin.
you didn’t dislike the new friend group you had (jaemin introducing you to his friends after you finally told him about your situation with haechan, but you couldn’t help but feel… dissatisfied with your current situation.)
as your class ends, you prepare yourself for another silent walk home. despite having those new friends, you felt lonelier than you ever had. you missed them. you missed him. and yet, life seemed to have other plans for you.
even trudging down these halls filled with other students made you lonely.
truthfully, you would do anything to have them back- a pain to your forehead snaps you out of your thoughts. you had bumped into someone. well, not just someone, but the person you’ve been longing for the most.
haechan. he was right in front of you after who knows how long it’s been.
you felt like crying on the spot but held in your emotions to appear like your life was anything but lost. haechan knew that look on your face, presuming you haven’t been well ever since the two of you have spoken. he takes your hands that have slumped to your sides into his, and the small gesture reminded you of the warmth he’d bring into your life.
“are you up for a short conversation perhaps?” you only nod and he takes that as a signal in the right direction, though, he isn’t used to you acting around him like this. oh boy, this was going to be more than a short conversation.
haechan leads you into the gymnasium and the two of you sit down by the bleachers with no sight of other students in the area.
“before you get mad- i wanted to apologize first. i shouldn’t have acted the way i did. i was childish.” he begins, holding eye contact with you to show his sincerity. “frankly, i was jealous. jealous you spent more time with jaemin, and you seemed to enjoy you time with him more than the times we hang out together. i shouldn’t have made you feel sad in any way, but i did and that’s completely my fault. i’m sorry.” you know his words hold both his feelings and the truth.
he wasn’t going to lie to you. he never once did during the time you knew each other.
however, what he admitted to had you flustered.
he was jealous of you and jaemin? it was a little hard to believe until you remembered the latter confessed to you the past week. oh god, did word of that spread out? nevermind that, what happened between you and jaemin was the least of your worries, the boy in front of you was. what if haechan got the wrong idea from the rumors?
“it’s not completely your fault. we both were pretty stubborn.” you reply, a soft chuckle leaving your lips to ease the tension between you two. “and if… if you’re curious, i never returned jaemin’s feelings back.
haechan gets pretty taken aback by your statement, now wondering why you brought it up. “oh… i know.”
“you knew? did winter tell you?” you question in anticipation. “i guess the both of you are pretty close now.”
“she did but i swear our friendship is nothing like that!” it was his turn to get flustered. “she could never replace your spot in my life.”
“i’m a little confused though after all of this…” you gesture out, referring to the situation that has just recently moved past you two. “what spot do i even have?”
he pauses, taking his time to think of the right words he wants to tell you but they all get stuck in his throat. the expression on your face showed how you took his silence negatively, prompting him to speak. “i like you. i couldn’t admit it even to myself for the longest time and-” having enough of his rambling, you inch a little closer and give him a kiss on the lips.
it’s brief, and yet, it continues to linger on his lips. “you kissed me.”
“why do you think i never gave jaemin an answer to jaemin’s confession?”
“so you were really saving it for me? i’m honored.” he chuckles out, playfully holding his hand to his chest.
“well, you should be.” you add on with the same bright smile he’s seen you flash at jaemin, except this time, it was absolutely for him.
“i guess that also means you won the bet?” he recalls, a brow raising at you.
you give him a light nudge on his shoulder while suppressing a giggle, “oh, shut up and just kiss me. you owe me 10 bucks by the way.”
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ohimsummer · 5 months
for ur lil date game
satoru taking you to a carnival? n we'll say 🍦for the emoji
— light descriptions of vomit, established relationship, satoru x reader, kinda proofread
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“I…don’t think this is a good idea.”
Satoru snaps his head towards you, staring in utter astonishment. “Huh? What are you–,” he raises a fist to his mouth, turning away as a burp slips out, “–talking about? You don’t think this looks fun?”
As if to prove his point, a round of shrieks reaches your ears, the cart of people zooming by in a blur. Your eyes follow the ride’s track, the loops and sharp dips of it, angles that would have your stomach churning.
“It’s not that I don’t think it’s fun...,” you reply, gulping. “Maybe just not so soon after all that ice cream.”
“Pft. What are you, a wimp?”
Your brows furrow, avoiding Gojo’s gaze even as he leans over to grin at you. “No, I’m someone who doesn’t wanna puke all over themselves. You’re supposed to wait like an hour after you eat before getting on a ride, remember?”
Satoru crosses his arms, leaning back against the side of someone’s game booth. “Waiting, schmaiting, that whole thing’s a myth anyway, ya know?”
“…Is it?”
“Duh, babe. How could you get sick just from eating something and then getting on a ride? Use that pretty little head, we’ll be a-okay!”
Doubt and suspicion still creep at the edges of your mind, but Satoru’s confidence in his belief convinces you enough to let him drag you in line. Your tummy feels a bit full, having been stuffed with all the different flavors he wanted to try, but it’s only replaced with a somewhat empty feeling as you both draw closer and closer to the front of the line. Satoru is giddy, bouncing on his heels, jittery and jiggling you under his hold around your shoulders.
“This is gonna be so cool!,” he rambles, points at a section of the roller coaster. “Look, it even goes upside down at that part! If you do puke, it should probably be right there– ow! Pffft, baby, I was joking!”
In no time, you two are squished into one of the carts, right at the front as Satoru’s preference, and the attendant tugs the belt to make sure you’re both properly restrained.
“I wonder if they have one of those secret cameras that takes pictures throughout the ride?,” he asks aloud, reaching an arm around to pinch your cheek and laughing when you slap him away. “Make some silly faces, I want a new wallpaper.”
The ride begins before you can laugh at him to shut up. It’s a slow start, gradually creeping upwards to reach the tip-top of the first hill. You lace fingers with Satoru's, who’s chatter has suddenly gone quiet, and he faintly returns the tight squeeze you give his hand.
“All good?,” you ask, eyes stuck on the path ahead, ears filled with the loud rumble of the coaster as it draws nearer to the top. In your peripheral, you see the swish of Satoru’s hair as he gives a swift nod and a short ‘mhm!’.
You glance over at him, and immediately something’s wrong. His bottom lip tucked between his teeth, brows furrowed and eyes wide with anxiety. “You sure you’re okay?”
He glances over at you and smiles, forced. “Y-yup! I’m fine, baby.”
“Satoru, you’re sweating.”
“It’s just hot–“
“You’re also really pale, even for you.”
His lips falter, eyes blink as though the sun beams straight through his blackened shades. “U-uh…”
You study the way Satoru wipes his forehead, and then smacks his lips. He doesn’t answer your ‘what’s wrong?’, only presses himself back in the seat as the coaster finally crests the first hill.
He licks his lips, smacks them again. “Ugh, my mouth feels really watery.”
Your brows raise. “Oh?” And then you recall something you’ve read related to sickness. “Doesn’t that mean you’re about to vomi-“
Your shriek, not because the ride has went plummeting, but because liquid now ejects from Satoru’s mouth, spews between his fingers as he tries to hold it all back. You lean away, constantly glancing back to see regurgitated ice cream shooting back on other passengers. Someone screams ‘Eww, what is this?!’ and you just pray they’ll think it’s bird poop or whatever, and also that too much of Satoru’s puke doesn't reach you.
By the time the amusement ride ends, a crowd of people are giving both you and Satoru dirty looks, mumbling insults and complaints under their breath and heading to the nearest restrooms to clean up. Satoru’s once clean shirt is stained in a dull rainbow of tossed-up ice cream, and you grab napkins from a nearby food booth to wipe his face clean.
“This is embarrassing.,” he mutters, shielding his face from passerby as you both begin heading home.
You sigh. “I told you we should wait, ya big baby.”
bonus :3
The next say, Satoru grabs your phone, intent on his usual activity of snapping an overabundance of selfies that you won't notice until the next time you check your album or he hints at having tampered with the device if you take too long. His thumb freezes over the camera icon in the corner.
"Y/N!," he yells, and you come rushing because why does it sound like he's in trouble?
You come sliding around the corner in socks, gripping the doorframe to steady yourself before coming to a halt in front of your held-out phone.
"What?", you ask, biting back a grin.
"What? Look at this photo!"
A giggle threatens to slip past your lips at the picture, a polaroid of you with a look of absolute shock and disgust as you hold up hands to shield yourself from Satoru, who sits next to you on the ride with wide, blue eyes, puffed out cheeks and throw-up bursting from between his fingers.
"Don't need to, I've been laughing at it since yesterday."
feel free to send a char + date idea <3
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elexuscal · 1 year
Network Effect, but it happens immediately on the tail end of Exit Strategy
this is one of the funniest fandom AUs out there, imo. (also one of the saddest! but also like. in a fun way)
Mensah, Pin-Lee, Gurathin, and Ratthi are just SO glad to be home soon
they're also really glad that SecUnit seems to have regained the ability to talk
even if like, only 40% of what it says seems to logically follow whatever conversation they were having
like that sounds like a dig but they seriously have spent the last 2 weeks thinking its brain might have been totally fried
so they get in a shuttle to go back to the station when
mysterious ship appears out of nowhere?
murderbot is like 'hey that's my friend wtf ART'
"what do you mean," its humans ask
it Does Not Clarify
maybe just says like a random stream of code, aloud. completely impossible to parse
i'd like to remind everyone that Dr. Ayda Mensah has some Severe Kidnapping Trauma that has not managed to start unpacking at all at this point. and now she's been kidnapped. again.
at least her friends are along for the ride this time???
(she feels awful for being this relieved)
ship is totally empty when they get on board
except for creepy grey people
SecUnit started being able to walk around its MedBay like 47 hours ago
it was not pretty. it fell on its face like. 3 separate times.
now it has to kill a bunch of targets
it still manages it but not with anywhere NEAR its usual level of grace
this just makes it more angry
it does not help that it keeps forgetting where it's in its own timeline
keeps pinging ART. keeps being surprised when it doesn't answer. all over again.
the humans are the ones doing the majority of the Smart Detective Work and making theories on What's Happening Here and interrogating Ras and Eletra
Ras and Eletra who, by the way, are like 'hey your SecUnit is seriously glitching you should probably put it down.'
'okay we can at least turn it off and shove it in one of the mortuary tubes-'
"yeesh okay we're just giving a suggestion" [Eletra and Ras exchange a 'get a load of these crazy freeholders' look behind their backs]
MB is currently have a conversation, aloud, to a crumpled drone
good news: being in a familiar environment is helping MB's memory retrieval
bad news: those memories are letting MB know something Is Very Very wrong
1-3 emotional breakdowns happen during this point. One of them is definitely Murderbot's
it's even worse than in canon Network Effect
"My friend is DEAD"
they haven't found ANY dead bodies at this point, though, so...
PresAux starts realising maybe the dead friend is... an AI?
Ras's brain gets fried around this point. Then Ratthi, as the closest thing the team has to a doctor, has to cut Eletra's chip out of her neck. so he probably gets one of those emotional breakdowns.
'wtf how did we get out of a wormhole so fast??'
In this time-line, Murderbot is in no state to fight AND do complex coding attacks at the same time
(it's really in no state to be doing even one of these by the way but oh well)
that mean Pin-Lee and Gurathin are absolutely doing the majority of fighting off TargetControlSys
and then MB gets that delayed datapackage from ART
"For Eden? what the fuck does that mean?"
is it a religious message? a code?
"hey isn't there a character named that in Sanctuary Moon?" asks Ratthi
MB might be in a pitched firefight at the time but that is no reason for it to not ramble about its blorbos and how cool Eden is
Mensah starts getting an idea
They find ART's secret coding bundle
they try putting in 'Eden'. doesn't work.
okay that was too obvious. try 'Sanctuary Moon'.
'SecUnit'? no
'Murderbot'? long shot but... no
since they have a copy of MB's purchase contract, they have its feed address documented. it's a real long shot, but they are desperate at this point. they try it
Re-Load in Progress. Please stand-bye.
i honestly have NO idea what MB says when ART comes online this time
maybe something super sweet and sappy. or maybe it's even less coherent than in canon
either way, the humans are like 'Holy Shit' upon realising who/what Murderbot's friend ART really is
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rossellini-tyrell · 8 months
Nothing's Gonna Change My World
Ch. 8 - i sat on a rug (biding my time, drinking her wine)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Word Count: ~7500 Pairing: Pavitr x F!Reader
THIS IS SMUT. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE SMUT, OR NOT BETWEEN THESE CHARACTERS, DO NOT TOUCH THAT KEEP READING LINK. Under 18? Please click out of this post! All characters here are in their early-mid 20s. things that happen: reader receives oral and it's cash money. Pav aesops a lot about healthy experiences. Gwen gets a little (or a lot OOC). also found on AO3 and Wattpad.
"I swear, I could have put the damn ring on Miles's finger myself after that!" gushes Gwen from her spot on your couch. She's tipsy, you're each on either your second or third hard seltzer, and your living room is starting to wobble and melt before your very eyes. "I would wholly support that," you agree. Gwen giggles in that overly familiar way, the one that tells you she's cooking up something wicked in that brain of hers. She leans in closer, slings an arm around your shoulder and peers at you through conspiratorially-squinted eyes. "So, (You), how's Pav?" she asks, a lilt in her voice that tells you there's definitely an ulterior motive to this seemingly innocent question. "Oh, he's great!" you reply, ducking out of wherever this is going. "He just raised another round of funding, so he's going to be able to expand his company more!" "That's great, but that doesn't answer my question," she says. "How. Is. Pav?" she enunciates. Her top two teeth peek out, pressing into her lower lip. You start to sweat, remembering the topic of conversation you'd been on. Gwen had given you the New York Times review of all the wild shit her and Miles had gotten up to since you last talked to her. You'd immediately learned that drunk Gwen has zero concept of propriety. "He is...the best, honestly," you deflect, but voice still deeply earnest. "I mean, can I ask for more than a handsome man with great hair who takes care of me when I'm sick, he even cleaned me up and—" "zzzzz, BORING!" Gwen shouts. She gives you a good-natured but maybe a tad too aggressive shove on the shoulder. "Skip to the good part, I want details!" "Gwen, I don't know if I should be—" you try to dissuade her. "Back when he was with Gayatri, we got trashed and she told me he was eating good, is that still true?" she whisper-growls with a saucy wink, in no way trying to lower the volume of her voice.
"Gwen!" you chide. Blood rushes piping hot to your face, heart absolutely banging off the walls of your chest. Gwen cackles maniacally and nearly spills her drink on your nice sofa. "Christ on a crutch, (You), your fucking face right now is precious! It's just a lil' girl talk, nothing here leaves this room, you get me?" she rambles. "Well, I mean, I wouldn't even know what to say about...about—" you stammer. "Oh come on! It's not like you're some kind of virgin or somethi—wait, holy shit, are you a virgin?" Gwen's eyes widen. You think she looks like a fish staring like that. "Oh my god, you're a virgin! That's so sweet!" she cooes at you. She reaches to pinch one of your cheeks. "No! No no no no, it's not like that! I'm not a virgin, definitely not, we just haven't—" you race to clarify, hands waving in front of your face. "Well what's the holdup, then? Are you guys trying to up the sexual tension? Are you saving yourselves for some special occasion or..." Gwen wonders aloud, before tapping her fingers together while her face morphs into a faux-dismayed expression. "You're not scared to be with him, are you?" "No way!" your rejection of the idea is immediate, emphatic. Gwen doesn't seem to have heard that, however, with the way she keeps on prattling.
"Like, I totally get it, he's Spider-Man, he's loaded, he's got some experience, he's really fucking attractive, that's intimidating and all for, like ninety-nine percent of everybody, but I promise he really wants to be with you too, you don't have to just fantasize when you—" "Gwennnnn, for Christ's sake, I do not fantasize about my boyfriend and—" you interrupt that very, very salacious thought. "What?! Why on Earth would you not? Who are you fantasizing to?? Is it Tom Holland??" Gwen questions in rapid-fire, face clearly scandalized. "What the fuck, Gwen. No," you deny. "I'm not fantasizing about any of these people, I'm not fantasizing, period." Gwen seems awfully confused by that statement. "But, how else is a girl supposed to get off by herself? I don't get it." You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know, I must be broken or something. I've never had an orgasm," you deadpan. "You what??" Gwen sits up ramrod straight, flabbergasted. "What?" a shocked third voice sounds outside the apartment. Followed immediately by a blur of red and blue at the window near your fire escape, and then a heavy crash. You and Gwen share an alarmed look for a moment. You can almost see the steam coming out of Gwen's ears, she marches over to the window, pulls it open, and with a terrifying force, yanks the eavesdropper into the apartment by the hair. "Ow, ow, shit!" the voice yelps. It's very familiar, you realize. Because it's your boyfriend. "Pavitr Prabhakar, you have five seconds to explain to me why in the fuck you were spying on our private conversation—" Gwen starts reading him the riot act. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to..." Pavitr's groveling, apologies awkwardly spilling from his lips like a leaky P-trap. You don't stick around to hear them. You about-face and beeline to your room to curl up and die of mortification, only briefly stopping to consider that you just watched your seemingly-normal human friend drag a superhero into the apartment by the hair, like she might bring in a small bag of groceries. How much did he hear? Would he think worse of you? Did he hear Gwen talking about his— Nope, we're not doing this today.
You belly-flop onto the bed. Your pillow makes a great set of earmuffs, and doubles nicely as a dark cave to stick your head into while you hear Gwen and Pavitr arguing (more accurately, Gwen winning the argument in a one-sided fashion while your boyfriend tries and fails to form a coherent sentence) in the kitchen. Your head is spinning, dust kicking up from discussions put to the side for far too long that is now filling your lungs. You're not sure why you and him haven't talked about this, whether it was fear, nerves—
Was he scared of you?
You're not sure how long you're hiding there for, but there's one, two, three soft knocks, the squeal of your door-hinge, then, a dip in your mattress. You know it's Pavitr right away when you feel the soothing stroke of a hand on your upper arm.
"Can I hide under there too?" he softly asks.
The idea of your big, strong, superhero boyfriend being scared of Gwen Stacy makes you giggle (although it's not hard to be scare of Gwen Stacy, if you're honest with yourself). You lift the pillow up and make some room on the bed, he lays down on his side to face you, suit and all, save for his mask.
"I'm sorry if I said anything that was—" you begin.
"I'm sorry I was listening to your—" he talks across you.
You both pause. Pavitr sighs heavily and rubs his sore scalp.
"I deserved that," he admits.
"I'm not so sure you did. The direction that conversation was going was..." you trail off, you gesture vaguely in front of you, trying to communicate something to the effect of "cringe".
"You aren't broken," he says suddenly, determined.
You snap your head up to meet his eyes. They're serious and shine with resolve.
"I'm...I don't get it," you say.
"You're not broken for never having an orgasm. And I'm not convinced you can't," he explains.
You chew on the thought for a bit.
"I mean...I've tried on my own, until I just gave up. That sounds like a 'me' problem," you mumble.
"Look, I know you might not believe me, and I know you might not even be interested but..." Pavitr hesitates, runs his hand through his thick, black hair. "I'll give you one. Or as many as you want, I don't know. And I don't want you to worry about doing anything for me, or for anything to hurt, I just want...fuck, (You), my heart broke when I heard that," he admits. His mouth is wilted into a pained frown.
Your face droops, you hate the idea of sweet, sensitive Pavitr being sad on your account.
"Pav, I don't want to get your hopes up though, I feel bad already that with all of the—the bullshit in our lives I haven't taken the time to think about your own needs and—"
"No. You're the one who had three boyfriends that couldn't be assed with your needs, and were put in a situation where your choice was taken away from you, even though it didn't get anywhere," he cuts you off immediately with an open hand below your collarbone. "The only 'need' I have is the need to show you it can be so, so good when you're with someone who loves you. But only on your terms, only ever when you feel the time is right."
You feel the urge to turn away, but you can't resist Pavitr's puppy-dog eyes, the kind he gets when he sees a stray animal that he wants to adopt on the spot.
"You seem very invested in this," you tell him, like it's a strange idea. Should it be?
"I just wanna make my girl feel good" he cooes. He pulls your face against the hollow of his throat. "Hobie told you once that you could ask for whatever you damn-well wanted, and I wouldn't say no. He's not wrong, you know."
"So you are an eavesdropper!" you accuse him.
"Okay, the Amazing Spider-Man has a minor personality flaw, sue me," he snarks, but is sure to drop a kiss in your hair after the words leave his lips. "My point stands, though. If there's anything you ever wanted to try, I'd love to do it for you. That includes giving you your first orgasm. And your second, your third, your forty-eighth—"
"Forty-eight?" you gasp.
"That's really not that many!" he protests, which earns him a well-deserved flick to the forehead from you. "But, in any case, it's up to you. Like I told you when we first got together, all at your pace, sweet girl. If the thought strikes your fancy, just say the word."
"I'll think about it," you agree.
"That's all I can ask of you," he says, and brings your hand to his lips to kiss your palm.
---- The heat in Pavitr's room is stifling. The air conditioner isn't cutting it, you're in a tee and sleep shorts while he's shirtless in jeans, you only have the energy to watch an old sitcom on the bedroom TV while Pavitr works out the fatigue from your sore feet. You lay with your legs across his lap, hissing when the pad of his thumb digs in to your arch. "Darling, you have to start wearing actual shoes when doing big chores," he gently chastises you. "A slipper is a shoe," you argue back. Pavitr's thumb arcs up towards of the ball of your foot and you wince when he lands on a tender spot. "Your poor, abused feet don't seem to think so," he retorts. "Well, then you can make it better later with those magic hands of yours, mister 'I'm so good at everything'", you declare. Pavitr snickers, his thumbs find their way to the lower end of your calf, just above your ankle. "I'm good at a lot of things, dove, but not everything," he says in dulcet tones, one corner of his mouth quirked up just so. Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the perfect amount of pressure his hands are putting on your leg. Maybe it's the silky feel of his voice when it resonates in your ears. But today, you start to notice a difference. You feel...aware, like a deep itch, well below the layers of skin, muscle, fat. A thirst, yet, your mouth feels full and cottony from the humid air of the room. "You're very good with your hands," you praise. The knot in your leg dissipates, and he moves on, this time pressing at the outer side, halfway up near the heart of the muscle. You exhale as he draws slow, deep circles into the tension there, it's achy, but it's pleasant, too. Pleasant in a way that makes your legs twitch, something that Pavitr doesn't miss under his thumb. "So I've been told. Among some other things," he purrs. This tone has always brought you to your knees when he used it, and he knows it. Today, however, the shiver you feel isn't the same as the others, instead of a nervous, delighted tickle, it curves lower, warmer, lingers a bit beneath your ribcage in a thick haze.
Pavitr lifts your leg by the calf, places an open-mouthed kiss over the imprint his thumb left there. Then, a second one next to it, intentional, calculated. The stuffiness of the room is so much you think you could scoop it into a glass and drink. "Pav..." you murmur. It's a little bit questioning, a little bit commanding, a little bit hesitant. The show's laugh track rings obnoxious in the background. "Sonu...you should take me up on that offer," he suggests. Or is it pleading? "...Right now?" you gulp. You can feel your pulse in your voicebox. "If you wanna," he affirms. "You don't need to do anything, just relax and...enjoy." The juncture of your thighs starts to feel uncomfortably sticky against the fabric of your shorts, you fight the urge to press them together. "What did you have in mind?" you inquire. Pavitr rolls over to kiss at your shin, then the inside of your knee before crawling up your body to level with your ear, you can feel his breath tickling the shell. "I think Gwen mentioned to you that I'm happiest when I'm eating well," he husks directly into it, and then traces the inner rim of it with the very point of his tongue. You shiver from the contact, from his words, the way they felt so close to your skin, or the teasing of his tongue, you're not sure which. You're definitely pressing your thighs together now. "Good luck with that. It's been tried, and hasn't worked," you warn him. You hate the idea of him doing all that hard work for no reward. Pavitr is nonplussed, he takes your face in hand to kiss you slow, beginning the dance you know well by now. "Did whoever was trying give you head for its own sake? Or were they trying to butter you up with oral so they could say they did before doing what they wanted?" he asks pointedly, one eyebrow quirked. You don't have to think about it for very long, you've never been given this on its own. Only before sex, and it'd be difficult to argue they were into it, or trying particularly hard to please you. "You're probably right. I don't think they were trying too hard at all. But I should have felt...something, right?" you wonder. Pavitr sighs and sadly shakes his head. "There's a world of difference if someone really wants take their time and make you feel good, instead of just half-assing it so you'll give in. It also helps to have...skill, which I can promise you, I have plenty of," he slips you a wink and licks his lips, and the subsequent jolt of thrill makes your core twitch. "All you need to know is that this is for you. I wanna give you oral because I love you, dammit. No strings, no bullshit, just very, very good head. I'll give you the best orgasm of your life, and it's going to be amazing. Sound good?" You worry your lip with your canine, thighs squeezing together at the image he's planted in your head. Pavitr waits for your reply patiently, he's not leering, his expression is fond, gentle. He's never led you astray before, so he wouldn't now, right? Right? "But...if I can't?" you trail off, leaving Pavitr to fill in the blank. He does, with ease, one hand takes yours and gives it a soft squeeze. "If something's not working for you, we can change it. If it doesn't happen today, then no hard feelings, we'll go back to what we were doing. Even if you don't orgasm, sex can still feel really good in and of itself," two of his long, elegant fingers walk along your arm while he talks, voice even and mellow. "And when you feel done, we'll be done. It's like a conversation, we go down a line, and change the topic when it feels right to," he explains, kisses your knuckles on the back of your hand. "I think I can get you there, I think you just weren't given a fair shake and need someone to actually try. But if it doesn't happen, we can try again another time. Or never, you're wonderful all the same." You exhale through pursed lips. "Okay, I'd like to try at least," you acquiesce. Pavitr nudges your chin with his hand. "Do you want to try? Or do you just feel like you should because I asked?"
You understand immediately what he's asking. His eyes are soft, but stern, he scans your face for any sign you are simply appeasing him, rather than agreeing of your own enthusiasm. He's searching for fear and apprehension where there should be desire, curiosity. You don't think you've ever been asked this, and while you can't say your past experiences were ever coerced, save for the circumstances under which you and Pavitr met, you're grateful that he's thinking of this.
"I do want to," you confirm. "I'm...nervous that I'll be disappointed again, but what you're offering feels different from what it's been like...before. You've never given me any reason not to trust you, and I'm ready to try if it's with you."
You smile up at your boyfriend, and Pavitr seems satisfied with this answer. His eyes darken further than the rich cocoa they already are, and he leans in to kiss your mouth deeply, explores every ridge, every surface of it with his tongue, a little preview of his repertoire.
"I am going to eat you up so well, for hours," he rasps directly into your ear, leaving you shuddering, getting even wetter at the seam of your shorts. "On my bed, on the kitchen counter, in my car, on my desk at work after everyone's gone home, every damn day if I have to until you come on my tongue. You deserve that much, dove." His lips ghost on the shell, then along the hollow of your throat, where he leaves gentle, slow little nips and sucks while he crawls back down your body.
You have enough sense to turn off the television before he's back over your legs, kisses and suckles getting closer and closer to the hem of your sleep shorts. Your breaths catch and stutter, each little contact a sweet torture that leaves you jumping under his mouth, your center grows slicker and you'd think he could smell you from here.
And then, to your surprise, he stops. He reaches behind you for one of the pillows.
"Lift your hips a bit for me, darling," he instructs, the tone of his voice honey-sweet.
You comply, confused, and he slides the pillow beneath them.
"What's this for?" you ask.
Pavitr grins brightly and plops a smooch on one kneecap.
"So my girlfriend is comfy, of course!" he says in a voice almost inappropriately upbeat for the situation.
Your heart melts at this thoughtfulness, never has anyone you know associated the word "comfy" with sex, but with someone as attentive as Pavitr, you're learning things can be different. Maybe those words should go together, you think.
Pavitr's nails catch on the waistband of your sleep shorts, they pause there.
"Yes?" he asks, looks to you for your assent through the dark curtain of his fringe.
You're frozen in time when you meet his eyes. It's not a particularly hard choice. It's easy enough to say no, sorry you're not ready for that. Or even ask if you can reschedule to next Wednesday, maybe work it in between the gym and your dentist appointment. He'd be happy to drop it and continue doing what you were doing, wait a hundred years if he had to. What sways you is when you meet his rich, coffee-colored eyes and there's no
want I want gimme give it lemme grab tug squeeze grab take have
You're so used to that by now. No, these eyes are soft, round, curious, even. Curious to know this part of you, to share this with you, a whispered secret on the breath of butterfly wings. To give you something that was always denied, see the way your face would light up when you got there. By the look on his face, you knew Pavitr wasn't lusting after you and what was under the shorts, no, he wanted to try, and you knew that he'd only ever try if it was for you.
"Yes," you affirm. There's no warble in the note of your voice.
Pavitr grins, lazily and closed-mouthed, hooks his fingers around the elastic and starts working the whole thing down in one shot, shorts and underwear all. Warm lips press to the bony cradle just above your mound, your hips twitch under their smack.
"Thank you for trusting me with your body, sweet girl," he says. "I promise you, you will not regret this."
The shorts are worked over your knees, your ankles, and then they're off. Your knees drop off to the sides, you ponder closing them for a moment, covering yourself up like the shy virgin you once were all that time ago. That thought doesn't get a chance to linger, as sloppy, sucking kisses are quickly alternating up your inner thighs, firm enough not to tickle, but enough for the muscle to tense beneath Pavitr's mouth with a yelp, the sensitive spot a direct line to your exposed core.
"Aanhh—" you whine as Pavitr gets closer and closer to where you'd really like him to be. He does get awfully close, the rounded point of his nose bumping against the juncture of your hip and thigh, the corner of his mouth brushing the curve of your vulva as he inhales, smiles. Suddenly, the really nice pressure is sadly gone, Pavitr's propped up on his elbows and gazing down between your legs, while you're slack-jawed huffing and puffing from arousal.
"You're really pretty here," he husks. He mouths at the soft swell just below your navel with deep mauve-colored lips, lets warmth curl up there.
"Why are you staring?" you whinge, averting your eyes.
"Why not? This part of you is divine," Pavitr waxes poetic. "And you deserve to be told as much, because it doesn't sound like you've been hearing it."
"Umm...thanks? I guess?" you sputter, incredulously. You want to shrink away from the compliment, but your boyfriend (your insufferable sap of a boyfriend) isn't having it.
"Shush, you," he jokingly chides, his breath hot against your delicate flesh. "Go away. Let me explain to my girlfriend that her pussy is perfect in peace."
"Pavitr, you're obnoxio—oh FUCK!" your words are cut off with a cry as your entire cunt is swallowed up in a sucking kiss, like the ones Pavitr had dotted along your thighs. There's nothing lazy or perfunctory about this, the suction is just right and there's nothing like the way his soft lips feel sliding against your intimate skin. He pops off with a wet, lewd smack that rebounds around the bedroom.
Pavitr snickers lowly at your reaction, and turns his head to take each of your lower lips between his, run his tongue along and beside the soft, fatty parts before delicately suckling the inner lips betwixt them. His next kiss finishes with a deep lick, one that parts your lower lips at the seam and makes you jump when a wet tongue brushes past your clit.
"Good?" he asks, an inquisitive arch on his brow as he attempts to get a glimpse of your face. His mouth doesn't leave your pussy, simply ghosts against it when he speaks. It's a hint of a touch that makes you prickle, teeny frissons along your spine from your core that sprout behind your ears.
"Very," you tell him, nodding furiously, hoping that will spur him to get on with it.
Pavitr smears a messy, affectionate kiss to the inside of your left thigh before securing his hands on the crests of your hips.
"Love you," he purrs. He nuzzles against the inner thigh with his cheek before returning to his work.
Pavitr treats you to a make-out session with your lower lips, his tongue and lips exploring every dip and curve he can find. Every flick, kiss, suck, even gentle tugs between his teeth carries intention, you can feel the weight of it in each stroke. This is not the same halfhearted attempts at the pretense of 'doing his part' you're used to, he's losing himself to the task, eyes fluttered shut behind the ebony drape of his hair as he drinks you down. It's the same way he moves his mouth when he takes a bite out of a ripe mango, your wetness dripping down his chin when he slurps on your sex. "Pavi....Pav...hah..." you wheeze. Your chest heaves in harsh breaths as a delicious, gentle heat stretches out low in your belly and finds a home there. Your boyfriend steadily continues to make love to you with his mouth, you can't resist locking your ankles together atop his upper back, he responds in turn by scooching your hips just that little bit closer, wanting as close to zero space between his tongue and your intimate flesh as possible. "Your taste, it's sofuckengood, fuck," Pavitr slurs into your cunt. You notice him shifting around just out of your field of vision. Is he...rutting his hips into the bed? Pavitr licks straight up your seam on the flat of his tongue, ends with a suck on your clit that's enough to pull it out of its hood. A sharp bolt of pleasure triggers your cunt to clench around nothing. "Holyshitholyshitdontstop" you babble to the room. Your feet kick out behind him, your hand that was bunching up the flat sheet flies to his shade-colored waves, tangles in the dense mop of hair to hold his face against your pussy. "That's the plan, dove," Pavitr rasps. He gets right back to it, delivering the same treatment to every part of your pussy. The two-o'-clock sunlight streams in rich sheafs through the window, it leaves amber dapples on his back that bend and stretch with every flex of his well-developed back muscles, they collect in the valley of his spine, the two little dimples that sit above his waistband.
This? This is nice. It's nice like this, the both of you laying here, embraced by the mid-day sun. Pleasure laps at you like waves at low tide, it's warm, warm like the sand between your toes. Your boyfriend is taking your pussy apart with his mouth, the touch of his tongue isn't teasing, neither harsh, nor lazy. It's earnest, steady, and oh is it affectionate, too. He's not here to pay some sort of toll or fee to access your body, he's basking in how wet you're getting for him, the plush of your skin against his lips, your heady scent, the sharpness of your flavor on his tongue. Pavitr's mouth cherishes this entire part of you the same way he does to the rest of you with his words. He's in no hurry, but he has no intention of making you beg or plead for your first release, he simply wishes to take you by the hand and lead you there, walk you to the door and kiss you goodnight at the threshold of a place you didn't believe existed. He knows the way, has learned the road well, and guides you there with no fuss. Yes, you think, this is nice. It starts out as a fullness, a pressure on the inside that makes you want to tighten up, squeeze around it and keep it from getting out. The pleasure sitting heavy in your belly becomes urgent, it sinks low, low, lower. The sensation is strangely familiar to you, but it's off. You feel like you're about to burst, about to— "Pavitr, stop, I'm gonna—I have to—" you reach with your free hand to stop him. Pavitr finds your hand with one of his, takes it and laces your fingers together.
"Hey. No, sweet girl, this is good. You're supposed to feel that. It means you're here," he explains, gives his head a shake so you can meet his eyes without his hair in the way. A thumb strums back and forth along the dorsum of your hand. "All you have to do is let it ride. I'll catch you, I always have," he reassures. Your head feels like it's full of bees, it feels like there's a water balloon sitting low in the cradle of your pelvis, it's scary, it's intimate, but you want more. "You promise?" you ask timidly. It seems silly to ask this of him, but you do anyway. Pavitr responds with a kiss, the softest one yet, to your lower lips. "Baby girl, I'd promise you everything," he almost growls into your pussy.
Pavitr renews his focus onto your clit, taking it between his lips and tracing upon it the outlines of flower petals with his tongue. He sups on you, over and over again, batters your pearl about with the point of his tongue, coaxing it out from its protective cloak with a please please oh please pretty please. He does not demand, he waits, arms outstretched. The fullness and urgency quickly returns, you clench down, breath held instinctively. You can't hold it anymore, you yank on his hair, and he moans into your vulva when he feels the sharp twinge on his scalp. You feel like you're going to pop and his face is right there eating you and he said he'd catch you and he's holding your hand when you pav pav pav please oh please pav i have to It's warm here The molten heat nested below your navel loses its shape, pours like molasses down your legs, between your ribs, to the points of your fingers and burbles at your throat. Warm, sticky, wet, spilling out of your core in a steady trickle. Your voice catches in a sigh, the floor of your ribcage drops as the tension eases away in a steady throb, you feel it in your cunt as Pavitr keeps on drawing mindless doodles over your clit with his mouth. It's not fireworks, it's not an explosion, it's sunrise on the roof, three o' clock on the beach in July, it's hot chocolate in December, sticky sweet affection poured into you through your sex and spilling out over the edges. It's a safe place, a joyful place, bubbly, bright, and warm. A place, a home he built for you beneath your skin, in a grove you've been too wary, too exhausted to claim as your own. He presses the key into your palm, at long last, and you are all too happy to invite him inside, in that space between your ribs. Your eyes flutter shut as a gentle tongue laps slowly, soothingly at your swollen flesh, cleans up your release as you give yourself over to the ebb of the tide. Lips tenderly trail up your mound, your navel, your sternum, your nose. Hands cup your face as the lips find purchase on your forehead, your unfocused eyes open to fuzzy strokes of bronze, charcoal, ivory. "Yes, Ahava, hello. Hi," Pavitr purrs. Your eyes adjust, the blotches of color wend into a familiar form, and there he is. He's positively glowing, both with a fondness and pride, not of himself, but for you, like he's swallowed down the sun itself. His chin and mouth bear a fine gloss from your wetness. "Whazzat? Pav?" you burble, your tongue fumbling with the words. You find that you've been curiously transformed into a pile of mush, your corporeal form broken free of its solid container.
Your boyfriend chuckles above you, and brushes a few downy hairs off your forehead where sweat holds them down.
"How's that orgasm treating you?" he smugly inquires. "...S'nice," you slur, not quite realizing how dopey your face must look. "Kinda feels like I have to pee." Pavitr covers his mouth with his hands to hide his laughter. "Alright, well, you hang tight and enjoy the afterglow, beautiful. I just need two seconds to take care of something real quick," he says. You watch as he reaches over the side of the bed and fishes around for something. "Where are you going?" you ask, a wave of sadness and worry coming over you, remembering past partners who would never stay when the act was said and done, leaving you to your feelings. "Nowhere, silly," he teases, tongue stuck out. "Just gotta make a wardrobe adjustment, then all the snuggles you can handle, I promise." You find yourself unable to reply when he works his jeans off of his hips, and the boxer-briefs with them. The tips of your ears heat up like a gas grill when you're given a generous glimpse of prominent hip bones, lithe, defined quads, and an absolutely sumptuous ass that makes your mouth water, you resist the urge to sink your teeth into it. "Hey, Pavitr, I can, 'yanno, return the favor," you offer. "Oh, that won't be necessary," he quickly replies as he skips the boxer briefs and pulls on a pair of sweats he'd left on the floor. A hint of something you can't put your finger on tinges the timbre of his voice, and that's when you notice the flush in his cheeks. Oh.
"Pav...did you...?" you hesitate to say it out loud, your brain refusing to form the words. Pavitr crawls up the bed next to you, immediately rewarding you with the tightest, most perfect snuggle he's ever given you. You're face to face, noses but a hair's breadth apart. "As a matter of fact, I did," he admits, turning his cheek into the pillow. "Knowing I was giving you this experience and seeing how much you were enjoying it, it was so damn erotic and I couldn't help but go off the edge with you. Imagine that, being the woman that made Spider-Man come in his pants by just being." "Well, I'm glad I could do that for you," you jape. Your head feels less foggy, the afterglow abating to something cozy and secure, nicely contained in Pavitr's hold. "I'm glad I could do this for you," he counters with a tap of a finger to your nose. "This was all for you, anyway, you owe me nothing. I knew you could do it, and I'm so proud of you. You just needed a patient hand. Or tongue," he winks. "You're insufferable," you groan, burying your head against his bare chest. Pavitr chortles and kisses the top of your head. "I'm talented. And I have many, many orgasms to make up for," he rebukes. His voice feels like silk, it's dripping with ego and it makes your mouth go dry. "Hopefully they're all like this one was. I keep hearing that it's supposed to be...erm...explosive, but this one was just...nice," you comment. Pavitr considers this a moment, and then you know you fucked up when you see his lips quirk into a wicked grin, a devilish gleam in his eye as one hand tightens its grip around your bare hip. "I see...say, I don't think I ever returned the favor for that upside down kiss you gave me when we met," he muses aloud. "No, I don't believe you did," you confirm, wondering where he's going with this. "Oh..." he rises to a kneel on the bed, the covers falling away to expose your calves. "Then I guess now might be a good time to do just that," he proposes.
"What do you mean by tha—ohgod!" you yip, as Pavitr uses his enhanced strength to pull you down the bed by your ankles, and then hoist your thighs all the way up to his ears, his hands settling on your hips. You're nearly suspended entirely upside-down and he's immediately ravaging your sensitive cunt with this mouth, lewd smacks rebound around the room as the blade of his tongue digs deep between your lower lips. "Jesus fuck, Pav, why are you so good at everything?" you whine, your heels thumping against his back, an expression of the pleasure rapidly coursing through your body. Pavitr doesn't reply to this, only hums an acknowledgement into your pussy. At this angle, the extra pressure from his face on your clit does a lot of work, and being manhandled by your superhero boyfriend like a ragdoll...yes please. His fingers curl into the flesh of your thighs, his lips lathe aggressively at your inner lips and clit, you can only watch as he pulls his head up just enough to tug at them with a firm suck that makes something deep in your core light up like Christmas, and then releases them with a salacious pop before going right back in to swallow, to consume, to lap you up until there's nothing left to. Pavitr's playing for keeps this time, he's not looking for a gentle release, he wants to give you the orgasm you've only heard about in stories, one that knocks you on your ass that you'll still feel the next morning. He's nothing if not a show-off, and that trait of his is on full display.
"Pavitr Prabhak—ah!" you moan, your legs flailing behind him. "You smug jackass! It's not faaaaaaair!"
Your kicking and screaming (literally) does nothing. Pavitr doesn't let up, his lips and tongue devour and his face smashes into your pussy in relentless pursuit of your climax. You squirm, but his mouth chases, and with you upside down in what you would have never expected the Spider-Man kiss to entail, you're helpless to stop it, vulnerable and ripe for the taking. But you're safe. Cared for. Loved. You can feel it in how his grip on you is gentle enough to leave no marks, the way his thumbs stroke over the skin there. The way he bends forward just enough to keep your head and shoulders on the pillow so you won't hit them on anything, or get dizzy. This scene is filthy, pornographic even with his athleticism, but as your second peak of the night comes hurtling at you, neither of you have ever felt more in love than you do right now. You have trusted him with your body in all ways like you rarely have before, and he's more than shown you he's worthy.
You come with a shout, you clench hard on empty space until you can't, it feels like a sneeze, an insane blossom of pure ecstasy from your center that blooms in a riot of red, pink, yellow, orange behind your eyelids. You feel your cunt gushing, squirting even, followed by an immense relief. Your heart pounds in your ears, your ribcage struggles to expand and contract with your breathing, it feels like you're flying, soaring in the wind. There's a fizzling, tickling feeling creeping along your arms and legs and worming its way into your brain, your pussy feels aflame, overtaxed despite the calming strokes Pavitr is now using to soak up your juices. Your abs feel sore, and you feel physically and emotionally drained, the overstimulation hits all at once, and—are you crying?
"Awww little love, it's okay. Come here, darling, I've gotcha, shhhh," Pavitr's voice breaks through the swell of emotions frothing in your chest, he sets your legs down and bundles you close beneath the blankets. "You've been through a lot of new things today, sonu. You're overwhelmed, it's completely normal and your mind just needs a minute to sort itself out," he explains, you turn your head to see all traces of mischief gone from it, only soft features remain. The flat of a hand drags up and down your spine, warm lips dot squishy kisses along your cheek and temple. "I—I thought I was broken," you blubber. "I've been trying for years." "Not broken at all, no ma'am, I even double checked," he quips with a wink. It makes you snort and you can't stop yourself from swatting his chest. "You simply hadn't been shown how sex is supposed to be: none of it works if you're not feeling safe or secure first," he says more seriously. The blunt edges of his nails slowly drag along your back, scratching carefully, it's deeply satisfying and it makes you feel calm.
"So you're saying I couldn't for so long because...I wasn't feeling safe?" you ask, past memories starting to click into place.
"Mmm, precisely so," Pavitr hums. An unhurried kiss is fluttered against your lips, the flavor a bit different than the ones before, you wonder if it's you that you're tasting. "Sex is art, dove. It doesn't just come down to technique, if your mind is worried or not feeling cared for, you're not going to be able to be vulnerable with yourself enough to feel good, or your partner, for that matter. Your partner needs to be invested in your experience, and not as a means to an end for them," he explains, his nose nuzzling yours now. "That means taking the time to make you comfortable, listening to you and instead of rushing you through, and for fuck's sake, they need to give proper aftercare, Jesus," he finishes his rant with a grumble. The protective hold around you tightens, cuing you to snuggle closer into your boyfriend.
"Aftercare...is that why I got upset when an ex went to play video games when we were done?" you ask, everything suddenly making so much more sense.
Pavitr shudders and pulls you even closer, if that were possible, you burrow into his chest. Your legs tangle together under the blanket as he kisses the space between your eyebrows.
"Oh my God, why are men like this," he mumbles under his breath. "Yes, aftercare is making sure your partner is feeling okay and safe after you're done. Sex is intense, physically and emotionally, and if they weren't making the effort to take care of you like this after, it's no wonder you didn't have any fond memories of it. I hate that those were your first experiences, but that will never happen again, I can promise you that."
"Oh...so right now, this...this is aftercare?" you ask shyly. You think it sounds silly at your big age to be asking this, but since you're both putting everything on the table, you might as well learn for the future.
Pavitr senses the discomfort and tips your chin up to meet his eyes. They're still sparkling, but carry a stern edge to them.
"Hey, there are no dumb questions with me," he firmly reassures, his eyes softening further. "Yes, this is one way aftercare can look. It can also mean things like...like rubbing their back, or watching a movie they like together. Maybe even taking a bath with them or giving them a massage, just little things to reassure them and help them come down gently from an intense moment. It's the best part, in my book," he purrs.
You're inclined to agree. You're all tuckered out, your limbs have definitely turned to jelly with no chance of reconstitution, you feel buzzy on the inside in the best way, and it's warm and toasty here under the blankets, tangled up together, his bare skin on your cheek. You're basking in each other's afterglow and he's lavishing as much affection on you as he's got to offer, there's nothing closer, nothing better than this. Well, except maybe one thing...
"Can we...can we take a bath too?" you suggest, uncertainly.
Pavitr scrunches up his round nose as his eyes wrinkle at the corners.
"You act like I'd say no to that. Of course we can, dove!" he exclaims. "You're the one who had her first two orgasms in a row, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't let you pick?" he's already hefting himself off the bed to carry you there himself.
"Together with me?" you kiss at the juncture of his shoulder and neck, all you can reach from his hold, your feet dangle limply in the bridal carry. Pavitr looks down on you with a besotted expression.
"I like the sound of that," he cooes in your ear as you cross the room. "And I wanna wash your hair with my shampoo again, I loved smelling it on you the next morning."
"But Pav, your shampoo is expensive!" you protest.
"You just had a screaming orgasm, like, ten minutes ago, let me spoil you at least a little," he counters. He nudges the door open where it's ajar with a hip check, being sure not to jostle you.
"That's already spoiling me!" you argue.
Pavitr laughs, deeply kisses your mouth like he did your center, and closes the bathroom door behind him with his heel.
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Secret | Lee Felix
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Summary: fluffy first kiss. Gn!reader
Warnings: a little sad if you squint. I also cannot fix the blown up font😭😭😭
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Felix's hand had cradled your face gently as you stood outside your apartment. His eyes meeting yours, searching for any signs that you didn't want this too. Of course, he wouldn't be able to find them. You wanted to kiss him, but you couldn't.
"May I?" He whispered softly, eyes dropping down to your lips swiftly.
You had smiled at him, shaking your head. "Next time," you assured him. To leave it off sweetly, you turned your head to kiss the inside of his palm before pulling away. If you hadn't removed yourself from his grasp, you would have been too enticed.
Felix hadn't shown signs of disappointment that night. It was your first date, it ended sweetly, and he respected your decision. Even after the second date, when you had swiftly avoided being in the same situation again and entered your apartment with ease.
The third date had happened later in your relationship. At this point, you both were becoming confident you felt the same for each other. You spoke to one another at every chance you could, leaving days to end with each other's voices. He asked if you wished to be his partner, as he wanted you to be, and you were elated to accept.
However, by the end of the night when you both had to go your separate ways instead of meeting at your apartment, you caught yourself in a bad spot. The soft nights air, his silky deep voice, it all came together and had you leaning into him. His hands reached for your face again, wanting to hold you as you neared one another, but you pulled back.
After that, you both sat in silence for a minute. You hated yourself for your impulsive actions. You started to gnaw on your bottom lip harshly as you looked anywhere but at Felix. The heartbeat in your chest could be heard from miles away. Your fingernails started to scratch at the nail polish you just decorated that night.
"May I ask you something?"
You winced, but agreed. "Go ahead," you mumble, awaiting his question with a heavy mind.
"Do you not want to kiss me?" He shuffled so that he could face you better. "Originally I believed it's because you wanted to wait for us to be dating, and I was perfectly fine with that. But tonight, as you lean in like you want to, you recoiled so quickly I-"
"Stop!" You shout in panic, startling him as you turn around, hands waving him down."Stop right there! Do not assume anything is your fault, it is mine."
His brows furrowed in confusion as he listened. "Is it not because you don't wish to kiss me?"
"Oh I want to kiss you. My god I want to kiss you! But it's just..."
Felix cocks his head to the side like a small puppy. "Is something on my lips? Are they chapped?" His fingertips touched his lips to check for dried skin. "I won't push it if you don't want to kiss me, really I-"
You place your hand over his lips quickly, stopping his words yet again. "Felix! Hush!" You wait for his eyes to soften from his shocked expression before continuing. "I don't know how to kiss."
His eyes burned into the side of your head as you turned away, not being able to meet his gaze. He mumbled behind your hands, then decided to reach up and remove them from his mouth. "You don't know how? Is this your first kiss?"
You cringe at his bluntness. "Maybe...?" You squeaked out.
Felix suddenly has his arms wrapped around you, squeezing you tightly. "I'm so sorry! I've been so inconsiderate, I didn't even think about that. This whole time I was worried it was me, but then you agreed to be with me and I couldn't figure any of it out."
He rambled on and on, his stress just releasing from his lips as he continued to spout nonsense. You felt guilty as you listened, realizing his inner thoughts wouldn't have matched yours, had you not spoken them aloud. Reaching your hand up, you cupped his cheek like he usually does to you.
"Felix, I'm so sorry this came to be the way it was. From now on, I will communicate my worries with you ahead of time, so we both don't come to our own conclusions."
He smiled brightly, leaning into your palm. "I will also work on my communication as well, love. That way we don't come to situations like these anymore."
His smile, so sweet, you thought.
You watched him close his eyes, taking a deep breath and releasing his discomfort into the air. The tension had now fully left the two of you, and your heart could finally settle. But watching him like this, at peace and leaning into your touch, was too much to take. You couldn't even stop yourself this time, you leant in far too close to pull back. Before you knew it, your lips were connecting to his.
You pulled back enough to look him in his eyes, panic filling yours. "Oh my god, I didn't even ask!"
His eyes creased with his smile as he gazed at you. "It's okay, I've been wanting to kiss you for a while. However, I wanted your first kiss to be engaged by me."
You laugh lightly, still so close to him it was unbelievable. "Well how about we make this next one, our first kiss?"
Felix met you first, lips softly touching your own. Your heart was abuzz as he moved you two, arms wrapping around your middle as he pulled you even closer. When you took your hand from his face, resting it on the arm that wrapped around you, he took the opportunity to reach for your face instead. His fingers gently touched the side of your jaw and chin, using very little strength to guide you into turning your head to the side. This opened more room for him to turn the opposite way, kissing you deeply.
His lips would come apart to leave sweet pecks, ones you had a difficulty meeting each time so you could only leave your lips flat and waiting. But the way he kissed you, so lovingly and soft, you wondered why you waited so long to tell him. Even if it was your first kiss, Felix wasn't ever going to make you feel uncomfortable. You had no experience, but he didn't make you feel that way. And now you were glad you saved that moment just for him.
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hhoneycloves · 3 months
and one more for tonight:
I want to be the image that pops into yall's head when you hear ""maladaptive daydreamer."" "Oh isn't that honeycloves guy one of those. He spends hours daily basically larping in his head." I want the people who interact with me to Know. And more importantly, Understand.
I want to talk about how it's been affecting me lately. because it's strange. it's something i didn't realize affected me until rather recently.
Long, long ramble, Throwing it under the cut for those interested in hearing what my tired ass has to say. There is also a TL;DR at the bottom.
sometimes i don't really realize how much i do. how often i seek to avoid mirrors or my reflection because i know I'll see myself. That freakish, imperfect creature with the Problems. it's a vestigial comfort I developed years ago to escape a horrid reality, but now it basically just puts me in Compulsory Roleplay Mode half the time.
And it's been very strange and difficult being like this when I'm not in my own home.
It took me a solid 3 hours to fully process the fact that. today. I came home and put on my Soul outfit. I only just woke up from a nap and realized, holding this plush chicken:
oh god the mental illness got me again 🪦
and The Embarrassment hit me like a truck. God damn. You let yourself stay in that delusional, trance-like state of only being partially yourself for that long? in pseudo-public? AND you muscle-memory'd your way into a closet cosplay for it?
I understand that it causes no physical harn to me, with the biggest detriment being that it causes me to waste valuable time and energy, and that it's very comfortable and safe-feeling to do. But it's more comfortable in one's own space. I've barely been able to make space for myself in the past 3 months. Thus, I've been feeling notably increased feelings of Guilt and Hesitation towards existing in the daydream state.
It would please me to be called Soul for an hour. Even if it's only just once or in passing. But that is a LOT to ask of anyone, especially of those who are caring for you purely out of the goodness of their hearts. Especially of your partner, who has enough going on. It's a lot on others to basically be forced to roleplay with you because of your daydreams. Hence why I crave so much to go back to my house and the safety of my room where I can be Every Character in the story and speak their lines aloud in their voices and turn my music up above 20% volume and not be forced to explain or worry about being heard or judged.
I'm definitely too old to be ill to this extent. it's escapism by every definition. I see it happen when I'm overwhelmed and stressed. I shut down and open my sketchbook and stop being me. Because the Problem is for Noah to deal with. I retreat and move forward as somebody else. Even though I know It's still just Me. This behavior is frankly so ubiquitous to my existence that I likely haven't perceived all the detriment it does yet.
However, sometimes [but not often], it has it's benefits, strangely? Looking at something from the perspective of a different character, whether existing fictional or an OC, sometimes helps me consider a situation in a way I wouldn't usually. How would X do this? How would Y think about this situation? How would Z act if this happened to them?
It also. Y'know. Helps me as a storybuilder. And more recently as a writer. I think my stagnation on this chapter recently has been tied to my hesitation to Be Heart. to Think like him. To go act him out for a few hours, test the waters, see how he would react In Real Time, on the spot. It's not something I can consider passively. All of the other chapters [i do have existing finished chapters! I'm building a buffer!] were spurred by daydreaming Before I wrote them.
In conclusion/TL;DR sorta, because I Need To Go To Bed:
i have an interesting little Condition, maladaptive daydreaming. I feel kind of Awful about when I do it, but it's a sort of escapism addiction left over from past trauma. It's been difficult living with it recently because I'm not at home. I want to go home so I can go back to daydreaming safely. it has it's pros and cons in my personal life, many of which I probably don't even know about.
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quirrelfan · 6 months
what is the reason you love quirrel so much? i do know that sudden and unexplainable attachments to characters happen (for me it’s revali from breath of the wild. idk why but i love him so much (yes i realize he’s kind of a terrible person)). but i’m just wondering if there’s any specific reason you love him so much?
Yipee, my first ask!!!
It's hard to keep this brief so...:)
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When I started Hollow Knight, Hornet was my favourite. I never went to Black Egg Temple so i never saw Quirrel until Lake of Unn.
When I first met him, I didn't think much, but thought he was neat (like all of the characters I've interacted with up to this point).
I missed him in Queens Station because I went to the bench first, then went to interact only to find that he was gone. However, I did not recognize him, so I pretty sad to miss the interaction.
City of Tears rolls around. And oh boy I was so excited to sit with a friendly bug! I sat with him for a while, enjoying the atmosphere, then realised that he is the same guy from Lake of Unn, and that Lake of Unn guy is the same guy as the Queens Station guy. I immediately liked him so much more when I realised this. I loved that he was also exploring! The bench also gave him bonus points, and it became my favourite bench.
Now I became *VERY* excited to explore, to find him in the next area, hunting him down so I can talk with him more. But I never saw him in Deepnest, nor did I see him in Crystal Peak. The next time I saw him was outside of Teacher's Archive. I was SO happy!
And what sealed his place as my favourite character in Hollow Knight (and soon to be overall favourite character alongside Hawks) was the Uumuu fight. I did not see him when he shows up in the fight, but I heard his voice and immediately got hyped. And saw that he was helping me. HELPING ME!!! I did not care how much i died, I never raged at Uumuu at all. I was having a blast. The moment I heard him in the fight, he became my favourite in HK.
Afterwards, I then decided to explore Resting Grounds. My memory of it was foggy, and I wanted to see what was up with that.
I accidentally walked into blue lake.. and there is my friend! Quirrel!
After talking, i sat with him. For a while, but just too short. I left and said aloud (because I was on call with my friend), that i'd come back to him later. I exited the area and decided I wanted to sit with him a little longer.
And his nail. I realised what it meant.
My friend was gone.
His entire storyline (i watched the rest of the interactions on yt), his love for exploring, his appearance (friend shaped) his aid in the battle against Uumuu, his bench, the foreshadowing, the detail of the subtle change in his voice after he removed Monomon's mask.
Everything. Everything about this bug made me love him so much. Yet it is also like one of those "no particular reason" situations. It's everything and nothing in particular at the same time.
Seeing him makes me happy. He makes me smile. His voice in the Hallownest Vocalized mod always makes me smile so fucking much. The Quirrel comic, and when it got voiced over by the Hallownest Vocalized actors. That makes me so incredibly happy as well. (This reminded me to buy the collectors edition of HK so I can get the physical comic and whatever other cool stuff it has).
I have a save file where I'm just at the Quirrel bench. It makes me happy.
I am happy to show my love for Quirrel, whether it's my ita bag, or my rambles about him, or that Quirrel Location written series I made.
I am so happy my friend got Hollow Knight. He didn't try convincing me to play it, I just ended up buying it on the switch. I knew of it beforehand, but my friend is why I got the game. I have him to thank for my love for my now favourite game and for Quirrel.
I know I talked a lot, but it's difficult to explain without going through every little bit, because everything about him makes me love him.
I like that this was my first ask I've recieved. As Quirrel would say:
"I like that. I like that very much."
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arminsumi · 1 year
Fuck it I love you
Fic / L. Ackerman / C2
"I don't know if I can tie my hands behind my back when it comes to you."
Levi's that shy boy who works at the cafe near campus. He's overwhelmed with newfound affections for you. Although any romantic advances seem hopeless, considering the fact that you're dating the local heart-throb, Erwin.
Cws; you two almost kiss, not entirely proofread yet, fluff, angst, mutual pining, slight love triangle
Notes on Y/n; Fem! + fem!pronouns used
Notes on this au; modern! + college!, Levi and Erwin are rivals
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It's just shy of 4 PM when Levi arrives at the fountain, where you two had decided to meet today.
His shoulders are tensely pulling together due to the cold weather. He pulls up the curve of his scarf to cover his nose, which was reddening by now. The thought of your lips warming him crosses his mind, but it's a short-lived daydream because your voice calls his attention.
"Vi." You greet him with a smile. His heart beats more prominently.
"Levi." He corrects, "How are you?"
"Cold." You say, "I think I underdressed a bit. But I really wanted to wear this outfit."
He gives it a look-over, then compliments it, "I- yeah, it's uh, you- you look good. I mean, it's a good outfit."
"Thanks..." You smile.
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You two amble around the campus plaza, making up your minds on where to go and what to do. It gets so cold that you say;
"Maybe we can take our indecisiveness back to my dorm. We'll get hypothermia out here."
His heart pangs, but he speaks calmly, "Okay."
While you walk to your dorm, the silence causes Levi to overthink.
Does she think I'm boring?
She's used to someone as well-spoken as Erwin.
Your voice snaps him out of it, "Oh, Vi,"
He looks at you, then you correct yourself cheekily, "Sorry, Le-vi."
"I don't actually mind Vi..." He says.
"Oh good! 'Cause, I mean, it sounds cool. My friend's names are so difficult to make nicknames out of, so I got excited about calling you Vi." You ramble, "But, anyways, Erwin's birthday is this weekend, and I thought you might want to come! I mean, you two have known each other for a long time, right?"
Levi's grimacing at this, but he doesn't hint towards his true feelings.
"We know each other." He replies neutrally, "But, yeah, I don't think he'd appreciate me coming."
"Oh! Why? Are you two on bad terms?"
The both of you are ascending the flights of stairs leading to your dorm room.
"No." Levi lies, "But-"
"Then come to the party!" You say, and he feels his heart beat excitedly because of your enthusiasm; it feels like you really want him to come.
"I'll try." He says, "Would you mind if I invite Hange?" He adds, realizing that it'd be wise to have his best friend there, in case something goes awfully wrong.
"I've already invited 'em." You beam proudly, stopping at the door of your dorm room, "I'm way ahead of you, Vi. Sorry, Le-Vi." You wink.
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You and Levi are lounging around your dorm room; you excitedly show off your polaroid photo collection to him, and he enjoys every bit of your enthusiasm. While complaining about the cost of the film, you're refilling the camera.
"Is the flash off?" You question aloud, lifting it to your face and peering at Levi through the viewfinder.
He's unfairly gorgeous, you think. It's not just because you have a thing for raven-haired people, but also because his features emit this mysteriousness, like a Severus Snape come to life or something.
Levi's eyes are finding excuses not to look up at the camera. Since childhood, cameras have always increased his self-consciousness.
You snap a shot, the sound satisfying to hear, and then place the developing picture face-down on the carpet.
"You've got a face that photographers would love." You comment.
It's almost amusing how red his face becomes at this.
"I don't agree, but thanks." He replies.
It takes all of his self-restraint to stop himself from indulging in your flirting. There's so many little things that you've said so far that are burning bright in his mind.
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Levi's got to leave for his evening shift at the cafe soon, but for now the two of you are laying on your backs, a conversation bouncing back and forth between your lips.
In the back of his mind, he's prematurely decided that you prefer Erwin's company, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
There's an indescribable compatibility between you two; like you're two stars that have finally gotten into the same orbit. It almost feels dangerous how well you two get along. Hell, it should be illegal, considering that you barely share any common ground.
It's such a contrast to Erwin, who almost shares every single one of your interests. This attraction between you and Levi even forces you to rethink your philosophy of what makes people fall in love.
"Oh, look." You interrupt the silence, plucking the polaroid shot you snapped earlier.
Levi props up on his elbows, looking at the slightly blurry image. With how his hair dangles and his eyelids hang low, he looks outright delicious to you.
"It's a little blurry." He comments.
"Most polaroid shots are." You say, grabbing the camera again and drawing close to Levi to take a picture.
Such proximity sent his heart racing instantly. The polaroid lens captures this moment and puts it into the eternity of a photo.
The flash makes Levi blink a few times. Why he looks so pretty when he does this, you don't really know why. His shoulder rubs with yours, and it damn near sends him into a frenzy. He's never been this close to anyone.
Neither of you really question the closing distance. It's like you've both cast spells over each other, putting your minds in a bit of a daze.
Levi's looking at you with bigger eyes, you're so close you can see the steel grey and cold blue swirling in his irises.
"I- should- get going, um, my shift started a bit ago." Levi mutters shyly.
"Oh yeah! Sorry, I didn't mean to keep you." You say, hopping to your feet.
The atmosphere of the room recedes back into a tame condition.
While you see Levi out the door, you capture his eyes again.
"I hope I'll see you at the party." You tell him, and his face noticeably brightens.
"I- yeah, I'll be there." He swallows sharply.
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"She invited me to the party..." Levi mutters, half in a daze.
He's laying on his bed, still gushing to Hange about the day he's had with you. The lights outside Levi's apartment seem to be gleaming brighter than they used to.
His face has been crimson for half of the retelling of today's events, and Hange can't help but smile.
"This is progress." Hange beams, "I mean, just yesterday you were a total wimp who couldn't even talk to her all by yourself. Look at you now! You're already stealing her away from Erwin."
Levi deadpans at Hange.
"What!" They throw their hands up.
He starts to smile a little, so he rolls over into his pillow to hide it.
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Your likes, reblogs and comments never go unnoticed, tysm!
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dollking081 · 4 months
*walks into ur inbox with a big honking radio*
*sets it down, turns it on*
*starts dancing*
I’ve gotten used to this super-natural madness That somehow I believe is the way my life should be Shaken up, in a whirl, on this rambling roller coaster But what is it that I can’t take my eyes off?
Swallowed up by the fundamentals of equality I feel as though my heart’s starting to ramble on and on All the hate, all the love, all for you - so try to speak up ‘Cause otherwise you’re no more than a doll
At night, the city streets - Crowds of people on their feet Some are happy with the world they know While others struggle all alone The difference in their lives Like music notes they dance across the stave Like melody and rhythm singing
Marmalade jelly & sugar song Peanut coat & a bitter step It’s quite a treat, so bittersweet, my head begins to spin around Keep on partying on and on Take it down from South to West The world will sing aloud Because tonight is going down in history! I feel so damn good - take my hand, reflect the light up!
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UNISON SQUARE GARDEN - シュガーソングとビターステップ (Sugar Song to Bitter Step) (Romanized)
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I’m so unsettled by statistics and reality Will the music that I make Be just a tool for them to take? Turn around, if you please - just don’t turn your back to face me Although I guess that’s not enough to plead my case
After we celebrate When the music fades away Some are smiling still from ear to ear While others break down into tears They’re both one and the same But I can’t help thinking it doesn’t make much sense To put it into words how all their
Favorite thing is a sugar song Their happiness is a bitter step So shout it out aloud ‘cause we won’t let our lives end over there Even if you regret it all, each and every day will end So listen to the forecast in your head predict the weather till it’s done!
Some day, even if the madness stops its breathing Some day, if the reasoning has lost all its meaning Feeling song and step And listen to the way our voices echo on ‘Cause that’s the proof that shows that we exist here in this moment shout it out - Q.E.D.!
Marmalade jelly & sugar song Peanut coat & a bitter step So shout it out aloud, why we must live our lives all over there Let’s be proud of how far we’ve come North-North East back where we began The world will sing aloud, so keep it up - nothing can stop us now!
Marmalade jelly & sugar song Peanut coat & a bitter step It’s quite a treat, so bittersweet, my head begin to spin around Keep on partying on and on Take it down from South to West The world will sing aloud Because tonight is going down in history! I feel so damn good, take my hand, reflect the light up! Goes on, and on, it repeats, so let go of work and have fun!
Whoah - oh, one more time, give your all! No, no-no-no, no, no-no-no We got happiness, phrase and the melodies!
*pulls out an even bigger radio* MARETU - Two Tool
Gaikotsu Gakudan to Riria
t+pazolite - Oshama Scramble t+pazolite - CENSORED!!
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yukidragon · 1 year
Could we have a scene where Jack has to get rid of his new rival Jähk who is taking away Alice's attention?
Pfffffffhahahaha! Oh that's a hilarious image. Thanks for sharing this funny idea with me.
For those of you in the fandom unaware, Jähk is the creation of Skrobnaught over on twitter. In a sense, it's an off-brand/muppet version of Jack. You can check out the various hilarious pictures of Jähk here, here, here, and here. There's even an Ian version here.
It's such a fun and silly series of pictures. I did imagine Alice giving Jähk a hug after seeing that picture where he's crying, but now you've got me thinking of what sort of scenario this little muppet might appear as an unintentional rival for Jack.
Since Jähk can be a horny little guy because he was made from a horny big guy like Jack, let's pause here to remind everyone that this series is for Adults Only. Some of this silly ramble gets a bit spicy.
Anyway, I'm thinking it all starts innocently enough because of Honey Bunny. Come to think of it, she looks kind of like Jähk in some ways, doesn't she?
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Jack encourages Alice's playful side, which includes playing with this adorable little puppet that means so much to her. However, that's the only puppet Alice has, so he can't borrow another puppet to have some fun back and forth banter with "Honey Bunny" as another character on the same level.
What's a silly clown to do? Why, use a bit of supernatural ghost manifestation powers TV magic to summon up a puppet of his own, just like his spiffy robe and pajamas!
Instead of going with a little animal friend like Honey Bunny, Jack makes little Jähk, complete with silly spelling and making silly sounds. It's just a little innocent fun and goofing around. He treats Jähk like it's a real little person, even "arguing" with him at times... and winds up getting a little too into the play.
With this little puppet being made from the same supernatural forces that make up his actual body, pairing that with his issues against himself, particularly the identity of who he is verses the identity of Sunny Day Jack... he accidentally puts a piece of himself in the puppet, and thus Jähk starts acting on his own... and of course, being a part of Jack, he also loves Alice just as much.
At first Alice thinks it's just Jack taking the game a bit too far, and he tries to convince himself that's all it is, but Jähk starts acting up, expressing more of his shameless desires. After all, that's the sort of silly character he presented Jähk to be. It was to match Alice's energy, as she's always used Honey Bunny to express things she was struggled to say aloud, so she's made her puppet act extra silly and shameless, even smooching Jack for her. Because of that, Jack made Jähk just as shameless, so when Jähk got a life of his own... it's basically a part of Jack that he's been trying to suppress behind his bright and shiny mask as Sunny Day Jack.
Now, even while playing a bit more shamelessly, Jack didn't go too far, mostly just having Jähk smooch Alice and Honey Bunny, maybe being very silly and a bit suggestive. Once Jähk has a life of his own though, he starts getting a lot more shameless, burying his face in Alice's cleavage, squeezing her soft curves, and all that good stuff. It's fortunate that she's used to this behavior to an extent from Jack since they'd be lovers at this point, but it's still a bit startling when the puppet Jack was playing around with actually comes alive and moves on its own.
Jack, of course, tries to reign in Jähk, make him go away... but Jähk is just a part of himself, one he accidentally manifested as its own entity. He's been denying parts of himself in order to be the perfect image of Sunny Day Jack, and now that he has an outlet to express that... a part of him won't let it go. After all, he can be both shameless and squeaky clean Sunny Day Jack at the same time. It's a win-win!
Naturally, Jack doesn't consciously realize this is him essentially rebelling against the persona he's trying to live up to and express himself more. It's a very complicated situation mentally all around, under the silly guise of a supernaturally made puppet that's running wild, being very silly, and loving with his sunshine without shame or reservation.
When it becomes apparent to Alice that Jähk is now a new invisible roommate for her to live with... it's kind of surreal, especially since he's a silly miniature version of Jack. It's still Jack, even just part of him, and with that connection between them, she wouldn't help but feel affection towards Jähk, especially when he acts scared at the idea of Jack making him go away for good. Poor little guy clings to her, shaking and crying, womping pitifully at her, and her heart goes out to him. She asks Jack if they couldn't just keep the little guy around for a little while.
Jack doesn't want to deny his sunshine anything, and Sunny Day Jack certainly wouldn't bully such a pitiful little guy, so he has to give in. Though a part of him doesn't want Jähk around very strongly, because it's a more shameless version of him... those desires that don't quite fit the character of Sunny Day Jack, and Jack can't stop being the character or he'll be left unloved and forgotten. It's not that he hates Jähk. I mean, Sunny Day Jack doesn't hate anybody! It's just, well... there's a time and a place for nonsense, and Jähk needs to learn how to behave.
Of course there's mixed feelings when Alice dotes on Jähk. She's still doting on him, but at the same time it's that shameful part of him that he denies exists, and Jack can't help but feel a little jealous. Of course, he won't ever admit that he's jealous, even to himself, since that's something out of character for Sunny Day Jack... but of course Jähk doesn't have a problem expressing Jack's inner jealousy.
So Jack tries to be sneaky about it... but Jähk is still Jack, so it's a sort of Tom and Jerry game of cat and mouse. Some wacky shenanigans happen behind Alice's back as Jack tries to make Jähk disappear, and Jähk thwarts him, getting to the safety of Alice's arms so Jack can't do anything.
Understandably, Jack can get pretty frustrated by this.
Alice is perceptive to Jack's emotional needs though, and she would make sure to show plenty of affection to him... which Jähk gets jealous of. Sure they can share cuddle time, but not sexy times. Alice might've grown up with a love of her personal puppet pal, but it's definitely not a fetish of hers, so she's not thinking of Jähk that way, no matter how suggestive he gets.
Jähk can't go too far with the sexual advances either due to Alice's discomfort. Although he's the more shameless side of Jack, Jähk still has limits when it comes to his sunshine's consent and happiness. He mopes that she won't sit on his face and let him eat her out or do other naughty things, but since she's not comfortable doing it, he won't do it... though he will cling and cuddle more instead.
He'll also watch.
Jack, naturally, gets a bit more needy for Alice's attention because of Jähk trying to monopolize her time. Interestingly enough, this would be a good way for Jack to indulge in his voyeurism and exhibitionism fetishes. Alice isn't comfortable with other people seeing/hearing her do smutty things besides her partner, but Jähk is just a puppet made from Jack's supernatural powers. He's a part of Jack, so he doesn't count as a different person! He's just like Honey Bunny, only supernaturally powered. So it's not really like someone else is watching, right?
It's embarrassing and a bit awkward for Alice to be watched by a pair of puppets, but Jack is very good at distracting her. Jähk might not be able to do anything himself, but being part of Jack, he's not going to turn down the opportunity to watch his sunshine writhe in pleasure.
Plus, Jähk is a part of Jack. He has the same connection to Alice that Jack does, so he's going to be able to feel his sunshine's pleasure just like Jack can. He might not have the parts necessarily, since he is a puppet, but he can pantomime when necessary and make noises when appropriate.
Despite only making silly noises like "womp," Jack and Alice can both understand what Jähk is saying perfectly. Jähk is exploiting that mind reading/projecting ability. While Alice has no idea how she can understand Jähk, Jack knows full well.
Which makes it all the more embarrassing when Jähk gives silly praising commentary to Alice during a very intimate moment with Jack. Jähk is much more dirty with his language and innuendo than Jack is, his womping serving as a perfect G-rated bit of censorship so Jähk won't break the Sunny Day Jack persona too much. Even Jähk's shamelessness has limits after all.
Jack, naturally, does have mixed feelings about Jähk talking dirty to Alice and embarrassing her like that, but... at the same time it's arousing seeing her get so flustered... and after all the part of him that he's suppressing has some pretty naughty thoughts. It's an excuse to express that side he's suppressing, so he sort of... tries to ignore it and keep going, touching, kissing, and loving Alice thoroughly, while giving Jähk a show.
"Aww... don't cover your mouth, sunshine. I want to hear your pretty moans and hear you say my name. Let him hear you say it."
Jack had Alice in his lap, spooning her from behind. Their clothes were already gone and he had his fingers pumping slowly in and out of her wet pussy, spreading her open for their little audience made of felt. Though she tried to stop the shameful noises from coming from her mouth, she couldn't help but mewl Jack's name or the way her hips squirmed from his ministrations. Her face was red, mortified, and she couldn't look directly at Jähk, who watched from a front row seat directly between her legs.
"J-Jack! Jack... th-this is embarrassing! He can see...!"
"It's okay," Jack cooed as he nipped at Alice's neck. "Let him watch. Let him see just how much you love me."
"Womp! Womp!"
Alice sputtered at the lewd commentary, and her hands flew up to cover her face. "Oh my God, Jähk!" She never would've imagined hearing a puppet say something like that about her!
"Now, now, that kind of language isn't necessary, Jähk," Jack chided, though a part of him enjoyed how Alice squeezed his fingers when she was embarrassed. She was getting so worked up by being watched, and it gave him a thrill. "But he does have a point, sunshine. You're so wet. Maybe we should have an audience more often."
"Jack... this is... I..." Alice struggled to speak, but Jack was just so good with his fingers. He had a way of making it hard to care about anything else but the love and pleasure he showed her.
"Womp womp wooomp~!"
Alice let out a strangled squeak, and Jack chuckled against her ear. "Don't worry about a thing, Alice," he practically purred. "Just relax and let me take care of you, sunshine."
Oop, I think I wound up writing a slightly different scene involving Jähk than prompted. Sorry about that?
Anyway, Jack still is going to want to get rid of any rivals for his sunshine's attention, even if he gets an opportunity to play with his exhibitionism and voyeurism kinks for once. He can't just make Jähk disappear, since that wasn't working... so he comes up with an alternative solution.
If Jack can't make Jähk go away, and Jähk won't fall for any of his usual tactics to get rid of a rival... then maybe he has to get creative.
After all, like the saying goes, "if you can't beat them, join them."
It had been strange since Jähk entered their lives, but Alice couldn't help but have a bit of a soft spot for the silly little puppet. Jack had gone to "take care" of something, leaving her to watch TV on the sofa with the little puppet happily cuddled against her chest, focusing more on the softness of her breasts than whatever was playing on the screen.
"Womp, womp," Jähk sighed happily.
Alice stroked Jähk's head and chuckled a bit both at the silly puppet and the situation. "I'm glad you're happy."
"Sunshine, could you come here please?" Jack called from the other room. "I need your help with something. It's a surprise for Jähk~"
Jähk eyed the bedroom door with suspicion as he clung to Alice possessively. He wasn't ready to give up cuddle time with his sunshine, and he didn't trust whatever surprise Jack had that involved him. "Womp womp?"
Despite the barb, Jack laughed. "No, silly, I'm not going on a vacation. I've got a present I think you'll just love."
Alice perked up curiously. She was aware of the tension that hung in the air between Jack and Jähk. It was exhausting playing mediator at times. She stood up and went to the bedroom, cradling a suspicious Jähk in her arms, as she hoped this somehow might resolve some of the tension. "What is it?"
"I made a new member of the family," Jack said as he gestured with a flourish to the bed. On it sat a new puppet, one that looked a lot like Alice. "Ta da~! Meet Jähk's best friend Ählis!"
Alice gasped, startled by her miniature felt doppelgänger. Ählis looked a lot like her, but with features as silly and distorted as Jähk was compared to Jack.
Jähk dropped his mouth open wide in shock. He didn't even react as Jack snatched him up and placed him down on the bed directly in front of Ählis. After a moment, he recovered to let out a squeaky, "Womp!"
"That's right, Jähk," Jack said with a satisfied smile, his demeanor bright and enthusiastic. "It's your very own sunshine to love and cuddle with. Now you don't have to feel left out anymore."
Jähk eyed the still puppet that looked like Alice with suspicion. He didn't want to reject Ählis, but she wasn't the same as Alice... This doll lacked the same warmth she possessed.
Alice examined her miniature counterpart up close as well, noticing a lot of little details that Jack added to Ählis, such as her scar and making her smaller than Jähk. "So... is she... alive too?"
"Actually, that's what I need your help with, Alice," Jack said as he flashed Alice a big smile. "Would you mind helping Ählis get to know Jähk a little? You know, really put a little life into his sunshine for us."
"Me?" Alice asked as she cocked her head slightly. "You're the one with the powers."
Jack offered Alice a wry smile. "You have a lot more power than you realize, sunspot. Just give it a try. Please? For me and Jähk?"
Alice couldn't resist it when Jack looked at her with those big soulful eyes, and when Jähk joined in with a similar look, she caved. She sat on the bed and put Ählis in her lap. She tried to imagine what this miniature version of her would act like, and it came to her quickly after spending a couple weeks with a silly little guy like Jähk around.
"Meep meep?" Alice said for Ählis as she waved the puppet's little felt hand at Jähk.
Jähk jumped and stared at Ählis in surprise again, mouth hanging open, before he quickly bounced excitedly towards the other puppet. "Womp womp!" He shook the hand that Alice had waved towards him and gave the other puppet a hug. "Womp womp!"
Alice giggled at the cuteness of the moment and quickly got caught up in the game. "Meep!" she pretended to squeak in surprise before she moved Ählis to nuzzle her head against Jähk.
"Womp womp, womp," Jähk said, his voice softening a bit before he started planting kisses all over Ählis' face.
Alice giggled at the sight and made Ählis squirm a little, her "meep"s distorted by her laughter.
It was an adorable scene, one that was almost innocent, but Jack watched in anticipation as Alice helped Ählis come alive in their play.
Jähk pulled back and took Ählis' hand in both of his, stroking it as he made happy noises, professing his love for his sunshine in his silly made up language. Some of the things he said made Alice blush a bit, her eyes darting over to Jack who looked back at her with a loving gaze.
By the end of the speech, Alice felt flustered. Jack had a way with words, and Jähk took after him in that department. The way Jähk spoke to Ählis made her feel similar to when Jack first used the silly little puppet to flirt with her and Honey Bunny. It left her feeling a bit too shy to speak.
Which was why Alice jumped when she heard an embarrassed squeak of, "Meep!" that she didn't make.
Ählis brought her hands up over her face, completely unassisted, and squeaked again as Jähk wrapped his arms around her, snuggling close to the now living puppet.
Alice let out a similar startled squeak as her felt counterpart when Jack scooped her up into his own hug.
"You did it, Alice!" Jack said triumphantly. "Now you don't have to worry about Jähk feeling forgotten anymore. Isn't that fantastic?"
Was it? Alice wasn't too sure. Gaining another living puppet as an invisible roommate just made her life that much weirder.
Still, despite the weirdness, Alice couldn't help but admit that they made an adorable pair. Somehow she could feel the warmth between the two as they held each other close. Seeing Jähk cuddling up to a blushing Ählis, who happily snuggled into his arms made Alice want to lean into her own cuddly partner, who was only too happy to snuggle her in return.
"I guess they are pretty cute together," Alice admitted as she rested her cheek against Jack's shoulder and watched the two puppets snuggle.
It was an innocent scene... until it suddenly wasn't. While Alice wasn't comfortable with Jähk doing perverted things to her, Ählis had no such reservations, and soon miniature clothes went flying as the puppets' mouths and hands went to indecent places on one another's felt bodies.
Alice turned bright red as she turned away and brought a hand up in front of her face to act as a blinder. "Whoa! Okay, time to go." She tried to stand, but she was locked up tight in Jack's gentle but firm grip. She turned towards her boyfriend, confused, only to gasp as his lips met hers.
"Actually...," Jack murmured before kissing Alice again, "I was hoping we could keep playing a little longer, sunspot." He moved on to kiss her neck, eliciting a shiver and a small moan from his lover. "I think Jähk and Ählis want us to stay and watch their show."
Alice sputtered, her face red from the implications and from what was going on in her bed only feet away from them. Somehow seeing a miniature version of herself and her boyfriend making love was almost as mortifying as when Jähk watched her and Jack make love before.
"Womp womp. Womp, womp~!"
"Meep! Meep meep meeeep!"
Alice outright gawked at the pair and her blush spread down to her neck.
Just like how Jähk could say things Jack wouldn't be able to, Ählis had no reservations with saying things that Alice thought about but was always far too mortified to say even while she and Jack were acting out those very perverted thoughts.
Jack smiled in amusement at the way their doll-like doppelgängers made love without reservation or shame. As his hands crept up underneath Alice's shirt and his lips went back to her neck, he decided to see if he could coax his sunshine into being a little more honest with what she wanted as well.
Yes, the problem gets resolved with a silly and smutty happy ending. I kind of have a fondness for happy endings with my OTP if you haven't noticed by now. ;3 I hope you enjoyed this silly and spicy little romp~
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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blu-archer · 1 year
Not A burden
Request: @parkjiminie951013
[Magic and hybrids exist, it's not a big part of the story but its that universe that I write about]
I rambled a bit so I'm sorry if it might be long.
I edited [with the cursed read aloud because I physically can't pick up mistakes] but they still might be there. I couldn't actually pay attention all the time...
Word Count: 5946
snz based
Sickie: Hobi
Caretaker: Taekook
-Not a burden.-
He had successfully suppressed the fact that he was getting sick for three days in the hope that it would pass without genuinely thinking it – it was summer after all.
Who even got cold’s in the summer?
Him, apparently.
It was on day four that his cold truly sunk its claws in forcing to him leave for work early after coming to the realisation that he couldn’t stop sneezing and didn’t want to wake Kook and Tae – coincidentally it was also the fourth day since school had reopened, not that he was blaming his students or anything. Even if two or three of them had been suspiciously peaked and sniffly during dance practice. Now, half-way through day five, he was suffering in his office that he shared with the other dance instructors, grateful for the mostly quiet space so that he could mope without the headache he’d obtained getting any worse before his next classes. By the start of his second class he had taken to switching his water out for honeyed tea so that his voice didn’t give out on him while he taught, and he had managed to get some non-drowsy medicine during a break in his morning. So hopefully he would feel better later, or at least by tomorrow.  It surely couldn’t be longer than that.
The timing was annoying, not that there was ever a time that getting a cold wasn’t annoying, but he was thankful that it only appeared to be settling in his head and not his chest. The last thing he needed was to be teaching dance classes while battling to breathe without coughing up a lung or something – if he had to choose between two evils, he could do a lot worse than a head cold.
Didn’t stop it from being uncomfortable though.
The days were warm, and the temperature only seemed to be rising. His excessive sweating because of it wasn’t helping in keeping his running nose in check and no matter how much he seemed to blow his nose – thankfully past him must have remembered to slip moisturised tissues into his bag at some point in the last few days – any progress that it made was destroyed by him sneezing. Sometimes, and this was becoming infuriatingly frustrating, he didn’t even sneeze. He would come close, so close, and then he’d lose it and be left a hot mess without even getting some type of relief out of it. He had spent the last ten minutes blowing his nose and still he could feel congestion building. His head was heavy, and his throat ached despite being practically coated in honey at this point.
If he could just go home, then he would be content. Sure he probably wouldn’t feel any better than he currently did, but at least he wouldn’t be dealing with hyperactive teenagers for the rest of the day. As much as he loved his students and loved the dance classes that he taught, the energy required was gradually killing him.
There was the creaking sound of a door opening, forcing Hoseok to glance up from his pity party of tea and tissues in case it was a student needing something during the break. Thankfully, it was just his best friend with a smile that was far too bright for the morning he’d just had.
“Seok-ah? Oh, there you are. We were supposed to meet in the contemporary studio like fifteen minutes ago.”
“Jimin, I couldn’t care less about reviewing that routine in this heat. It will likely be great with how much of a perfectionist you are.” He had meant for it to be just the right amount of teasing, but it had come out as more of a snappish retort. Like he had turned into some moody gremlin. Oh god, had he momentarily turned into Yoongi?
“Okaaay… Mr. Cranky, you  could have just cancelled.” Jimin frowned, his tail swishing around his legs with growing annoyance. “I was waiting for you for nothing.”
Hoseok winced at the sharp look the hybrid sent his way as Jimin rounded the room to his own desk and pulled out his lunch. “Sorry. I should have messaged, but I honestly forgot all about it until now.”
“Really?” Jimin pouted, peering at his friend with wary eyes. “Is everything alright?”
“Mmm. I’ve got a cold and paired up with these heatwaves, it’s turning my head to mush.” Hoseok complained. 
Jimin’s eyes softened with sympathy.  It wasn’t often that Hobi got sick – literally out of their entire department he probably had the strongest immune system, but alas. Even the strongest of them fall at some point. “Why don’t you head out early?”
“It’s not bad enough for me to go home.” He shrugged, resting heavily in his palm. The hard wood of his desk was beginning to hurt his elbow, but he didn’t have the energy to shift into a more comfortable position. “Plus Jungkook is working on some commission projects at home, so I’ve been trying to stay out of his way.”   
“You’d have to go home eventually.” The three of them lived together, it wasn’t like he wouldn’t see his partners at some point in the evening. “It might be better to just take it easy and rest.”
Hoseok sniffed meekly then gave a small head shake. “Taehyung has been swamped with his private studies with Yoongi – as in he sometimes doesn’t leave his little cave of spell books and crystals and herbs and all the other things that I’m worried might one day just collapse on him in that tiny study. I still have to go grocery shopping for dinner or maybe get some take out, I don’t think I can cook without potentially sneezing in it.”
Jimin looked like he was going to argue – his mouth pulling into that mildly angry pout – before he changed his mind, whipping out his phone and typing surprisingly quick with just one hand as the other grabbed chopsticks for him to start eating. “Get something delivered. There’s this really nice place that has the best soups, I’ll send you their details. They have other stuff too, but I usually order from them when I’m not feeling well or when Yoongi is away. It will open your sinuses right up and it tastes great – so like, a win-win situation.”
Maybe Jimin was onto something with that. He wouldn’t have to cook, and he could go to the store for groceries tomorrow when he would hopefully be feeling better. “That sounds like ..h’hh.. like a g- HA’shh’uh! H’ESHiuu!” he groaned, sniffling into his palm as he fumbled for his tissues. “Sorry. Good plad.”
“Best plan.” Jimin corrected, taking the moment to shovel food into his mouth while Hoseok blew his nose. Their break was almost over so he’d need the food if he wanted to survive the next three hours before school broke out. “Just.. take it easy.”
Hoseok didn’t think he really had a choice in the matter, his body was going to force him to whether he wanted to or not, unfortunately.
The rest of his day was uneventful. Boring yet still entirely exhausting. His classes had gone relatively smoothly despite the numerous breaks to blow his nose and him sounding a bit croaky towards the end, but they’d eventually ended, leaving him regretting his life choices for a few minutes before packing up his stuff. Then he’d made the drive home filled with teary yawns and blaring music to keep him from accidentally falling asleep. That was the last thing he needed to happen.
Once he had entered their apartment it was like he could finally embrace how tired he truly was, almost sinking to the floor when he struggled to remove his shoes for a minute. Then he shuffled straight to the bedroom, changing into some boxers and a loose shirt that probably belonged to Jungkook before falling face first into the pillows. He didn’t even bother to climb beneath the blankets – it was too hot to bother even if it was his exhaustion that had made the decision for him.
Vaguely he could hear Jungkook in the house, humming and singing as he worked on his paintings. It was unlikely that the hybrid would leave the chaotic corner of the living room that had momentarily turned into a studio and Tae would still be out for a few hours… Hoseok muffled a moan into the bedsheets before he pulled himself up once more just to collect his phone from his discarded pants pocket – going back a second time to collect his car keys as well to put on the bedside table before he forgot about them completely.
The ‘details’ Jimin had sent him earlier in the day was a single link to a website, but it was thankfully simple enough, even for his fogged mind, to put in a timed order that would arrive later. After setting an alarm two hours from now, Hoseok returned to his previous spot on the bed with just as much detachment in his fall as before.
He muffled coughs into the bedsheet, hoping it was quiet enough that Jungkook didn’t feel the need to investigate and then let his eyes fall shut with a final low groan.
And as quickly as they had shut, he was forcing them open once more. Although his eyelids did put up quite a fight, Hoseok woke up to his alarm cleaving a hole into his skull.
He wasn’t usually a grumpy person when waking up, but his head ached too much for him to not want to throw his phone across the room. He didn’t, obviously that would be outrageous, but as he managed to finally turn the alarm off he took a moment to breathe in the silence and just imagine how it would have felt to do it.
He cleared his throat with a cough that dwindled into a small fit that left him sniffling and swiping a wrist under his nose. Hoseok pushed himself to sit up all the while frowning at the thin throw blanket that someone must have draped over him during his nap. He hadn’t needed it, but his chest was warm at the thought of such small acts of care. He could almost imagine Jungkook having been the one to do so, he’d watched the hybrid tenderly care for an unaware Taehyung multiple times in the past already. It wasn’t hard to decipher how each one showed their affection.
Hoseok folded it up and tossed it onto his pillow before forcing himself to his feet. Immediately he could feel a shift of congestion in his sinuses that had him hitching into his palm before he pinched his nose, stifling three sneezes that left him breathless and unrelieved.
Thankfully he had some tissues in their bedside drawer that once he had used all of them he made sure to throw them away in the bathroom opposite their bedroom before washing his hands and splashing some water on his face. It didn’t help in changing the fact that his cheeks had lost some of their colour and his nose was beginning to capture a pink hue that was only growing more noticeable the longer he stared at his reflection.    
Hoseok turned to the sound of Taehyung’s voice.  The younger had clearly spoken from the bedroom so he took a final swipe at his nose, grimaced at himself, and then stepped into the hallway almost directly into his boyfriend. He had to turn last minute to avoid the full force of collision.
“There you are.” Tae sighed, moving closer until he could sink his face into Hoseok’s neck and wrap his arms around him. “You didn’t say bye this morning, I feel like I haven’t seen you properly in days.”
He tried not to feel too guilty about skipping out on his boyfriends before they woke up, but it wasn’t entirely on him that he’d missed Tae these last few days – the past week the younger had been quite literally burying himself in work until late. “Sorry. Jus’ had class stuff to do.” He cleared his throat again, flushing a little at how rough his voice sounded, but if Tae realised that it was from  anything other than his recent sleep, he didn’t let it show.
“Must have been a long day if you decided to nap.” Tae teased, leading him to the lounge where Jungkook was still working, albeit with a cider in hand and a drying paintbrush in the other. “Jungkook said he didn’t even hear you come home.”
“Saw you on my bathroom break.” Jungkook murmured without taking his eyes off of his painting. “Do you think this is the right colour? Or should it be more of a peach? Damn, it should definitely be more peach.”
“I-hih- It looks good, Koo.” He shuffled a bit away from either of them and willed his nose to behave. They didn’t need to add worrying about him onto their list of things to do. So he lowered himself into the single seater chair and pulled out his phone at the convenient notification chime. “I –“ He smothered a yawn before he spoke again. “It was long. I ordered some food from this place that Jimin recommended because I was too tired to go shopping. ‘Says they’re good. It’s on its way soon.”
“Looks like you’re still tired.” Tae observed. “Thankfully it’s the weekend, so you can sleep in a bit and hopefully catch up on what you need.”
He had forgotten that he wouldn’t need to get up early. Relief flooded him at not having to force himself through studio classes for a third day of feeling like cotton had replaced his brain, because as much as he hoped, he definitely was not going to be better in the morning if he had felt worse after just a nap.
“Is it that noodle place?” Jungkook asked, finally twisting away from his work and letting Taehyung remove the brush from his hand to set it down in a paint splattered jar of water.
“Think so.” Hobi shrugged, his nose was threatening to run again, and he had to fight the urge to scrub at it. “ ‘Ordered a few things so we have a pick.”
Jungkook seemed pleased with that answer, pressing a quick kiss to Hoseok’s cheek before collapsing onto the sofa before downing his drink eagerly and proceeding to stare blankly at his work.
Tae joined him, laying so that his head rested in Jungkook’s lap and his feet barely dangling off of the edge of the couch. “We can catch up on some shows then while we wait. Come lay with me hyung.”
Hoseok brushed him off with a tight chuckle and settled back into his seat, running his hand through his hair with loose fatigue. “I think I’d start overheating if I cuddle with either of you furnaces.”
 He hoped that they didn’t call him out on how the temperature had dropped drastically already. Thankfully Jungkook was too distracted, and Taehyung had learnt not to be too overly demanding, especially when it came to others space. So all he received as response was a heavy pout from the warlock as he fumbled the remote and turned their tv on to some nature show.
 To be honest, he thought he was doing pretty well at keeping his symptoms hidden. Sure he was occasionally wiping his nose with his hand or wrist, which was frustrating because he couldn’t so much as sniff without Jungkook hearing him with how close they were, but he seemed to be getting away with it.
Or at least he had been.
It was about an hour into the mindless show Taehyung had chosen [some African wildlife thing that was all blurring together in a kill or be killed cycle] that Jungkook decided he was going to start painting again. No matter how much Tae complained about being slid off of his lap onto a pillow, the hybrid seemed obsessively fixated on getting his commissions done. It wouldn’t have been a problem, Hoseok usually loved watching Jungkook paint, but his nose had a different perspective the second he smelt the brutal stench of turpentine filling the space. Burning into his sinuses and making his eyes tear up with the need to sneeze. He would be able to excuse one maybe, but the building tickle was savage enough for him to know it wasn’t going to be an easy escape.
His breath had already stuttered audibly enough that he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold back anything if he stayed seated there. So he hastily got to his feet, his hand hovering over his face as some type of shield and muttered a weak excuse of making some tea. As soon as his back was turned and he was heading for the kitchen, his nose was pinched shut and he was stifling a frustratingly wet fit between his fingers.
 It was disgusting. He was disgusted with himself. Even as he actively tried to clean up by blowing lightly into his hand and letting the result be washed away in the sink. He tried to get his breathing under control, yet it seemed that the burn that had appeared in his sinuses wasn’t going to be rid of so easily and he was forced to try and hold back another as he dried his hands.
Only to pitch forward again with barely managing to stifle from the force of the sneeze. It hadn’t even helped; it had just left him itchy and teary eyed.
“Bless you, Hyung.”
Hoseok quite literally jumped at the soothing, rich voice. How mortifying. Tae smiled softly.
“You don’t look like you’re feeling well. Do you need a tissue?”
He rested a hand on his chest in a useless attempt to calm his racing heart while he waved the other in a vague ‘so-so’ gesture before catching two more sneezes into his palm. He was sniffing a bit more than usual after that but otherwise tried to regain composure. Not that Taehyung was believing him for a second with his bemused gaze trained on what Hoseok could only assume was his ever-reddening nose in desperate need of attention.
“Jus’ -snnf- sobething in the air, I thingk.”
“Hobi… You’ve been sniffling for days.” Tae said gently. “You don’t usually try and hide things, so don’t start being difficult about it now. Bun and I do that enough for all of us.”
“I-“ His breath caught in his throat, and he stuttered through it long enough to grow flushed as he twisted away. “H’IIEUSHH!”
Taehyung stepped close, so that his chest brushed up against Hoseok’s back, his arm coming around his waist to rub gentle circles over Hoseok’s stomach. The dancer jolted at his boyfriends cold hands momentarily meeting his skin as they slipped under his shirt, but he soon melted into it. So much for wanted to deal with his problems alone, apparently he was an open book. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to mind so much as he gradually sunk back into Tae’s chest. The younger had to strengthen his grip on his boyfriend’s waist to keep him from falling.
“Come lie with us. You know we wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable, right?” Hoseok could feel Taehyung’s breath by his ear as he swiped his wrist under his nose – he definitely needed that tissue now. “We haven’t actually made you uncomfortable right? Because you can tell us if we do.”
“No. No, I just thought…” Hobi pulled out from the embrace just enough to turn and rest his head on the warlock’s shoulder. “You’re both busy. I didn’t want to make you worry when you have enough on your plates.”
“Yes, because having our boyfriend that usually tells us every aspect of his day and wellbeing deciding to suddenly hide it wasn’t going to make us worry at all.” Tae murmured but his voice lilted with humour. “You don’t need to do that. Now come… I can hear Kook shuffling around out there and he really needs to take a break from those paintings before he loses all sense of colour again.”
Despite his discomfort Hoseok couldn’t help but let out a small, tired laugh as he got dragged back to their couch, witnessing Jungkook gnaw at the end of his paintbrush without a care of the drying paint there. The turpentine was thankfully closed again but the scent still clung to the air enough for Hoseok’s sniffling  to increase again.
“Hyung is sick.” Tae announced, forcing the eldest to settle in the centre of the sofa before he went to retrieve Jungkook’s paintbrush from him once more. “And you need to stop. It’s family time now.”
Jungkook sniffed petulantly at the latter statement, but joined Hobi on the couch, hugging his knees into his chest before leaning into the other.
“I had a feeling you were. I kept having to replace tissues in your bag.”
Replace… Ah. That makes sense. Of course Jungkook had been the one to hide the packs of tissues in his work bag, Hoseok was giving himself way too much credit by thinking he would ever remember to do that. “Why did you sta-ahh-rt ..snf.. doing that anyway? You did it before I even began to feel bad.”
The hybrid shrugged, pressing his nose into Hoseok neck which was seemingly becoming his favourite action. Jimin said it was something about his scent being ‘clean’, but he wasn’t complaining if sniffing him made his boyfriend at ease. Although he couldn’t imagine him smelling like anything but sweat and sickness right now.
“You were going to bed earlier and snoring a little.” Jungkook replied as if it were obvious. Which for some reason made Hoseok even more embarrassed about the situation.
Taehyung even hummed in agreement, nudging Hoseok in the side playfully as he sat on the other side of him, and finger snapped a tissue box into existence on his lap. He tried not to seem too impressed at how much better he was doing at simple magic like that, cutting Hoseok off before he could even think to comment on it.
“No need to blush, Sunshine.” Tae pressed a kiss to his check. “Your snores are very cute.”
Hoseok groaned, pushing them both away as they burst into giggles. “You’re hor-ih’hh…ugh. Horrible. Both of you.” He sniffed with annoyance and claimed a tissue, rubbing his nose with enough force that he winced at the liquid sound it made.
Yet his actions, despite his silent plea for reprieve, did nothing on helping the itch in his sinuses loosen and he was left to blow his nose with little relief. Not that blowing it did much either. He was still equally as congested and runny as he was before. He honestly didn’t understand the logic.
He went to blow again, managing to plough through at least four or five more tissues and only on the last one did the tickle become unbearable enough to tip him over the edge. Forcing him to rip out an abrupt sneeze into his already over used tissue.
“You don’t sound well at all.” Jungkook spoke softly, more to himself than anyone else. His hand trailing up Hoseok’s spine while Taehyung reached over with a new tissue, trading it with the one that was clutched in their partners grasp. “Tae’s right. It’s family time, so let’s go to bed. We can turn on the AC if you’re still hot and we can just relax together. I’ll wait up for our food if you fall asleep again and just bring it there for us to eat.”
He wanted to decline. After all they could relax here… Yet he couldn’t bring himself to mutter the words. He’d been dreaming of his bed the whole day; he’d be foolish to deny it now after the offer has been so easily presented.
“Delivery shouldn’t be much longer.”  Taehyung mused, leaning back into his boyfriend. “How about this. You two go shower and wash off all that sweat and paint fumes. I will handle the food when it comes. That way Bun can’t sneak in and do more painting.” His tone didn’t leave room for argument and Hoseok couldn’t lie that he found it a little attractive. “I’ll also make some of that tea that Hobi so evidently forgot about a few minutes ago.”
“ You dragged me away.” Hoseok denied weakly as he yawned.
“Sure sure.” But the teasing grin’s only continued to grow on his boyfriends faces.
The shower was pretty much hell – even with Jungkook having joined him. The steam may have cleared his congestion momentarily, but it opened way for a string of continuous fits of sneezes that would have even put Jungkook in allergy season to shame. The hybrid tried his best to help though, soaping his boyfriend up before himself and then moving to quickly wash Hoseok’s hair while keeping a steady hand on the elder so that he didn’t slip or sway.
By the time they were finished, and Hoseok was on their bed in fresh pyjama’s having his hair ruffled and blow dried, his head was throbbing with the pulse of his heart in his ears and the pressure in his clouded mind was so heavy he couldn’t even keep from drooping against his boyfriend – probably making it a little harder to dry his hair but Jungkook didn’t utter a complaint. He just scratched at the dancers nape and tried to work faster.
Before he knew it he was being settled under the covers with a small display of some of the food he’d ordered being placed around him. Tae and Kook joined him on either side sipping steaming cups of tea that he himself didn’t have the will power to stomach. Instead he was slowly spooning a broth into his mouth despite his lack of appetite.
He had to give kudos to Jimin’s recommendation because even though he wasn’t at all hungry, the food was decent enough that he kept eating it. Every spoonful or so later Jungkook would slip him a bite of rice or meat to go with his own meal and Taehyung was quick to discard or hand him tissues when he couldn’t sniff anymore.
He didn’t participate in much else other than eating since his energy was depleting drastically even though it was barely 7pm, but he listened to Tae tell them about his day. Embraced the domesticity of him speaking about the new things he’d learnt or accomplished while Jungkook chimed in with praise and reassurance when needed. Taehyung even gave a swift example of summoning a portion of his magic which formed a bright purple orb in the palm of his hand, but let it dissipate when the light had triggered yet another exhausted sneeze from Hoseok when he’d lent closer to see it better. All that, embarrassment aside, had only prompted Tae to reach over and hold a tissue to Hoseok’s nose, telling him to blow and promising to show him again when he was feeling better.
“Are you tired hyung?” Jungkook shifted so that Hoseok was partially leaning onto his chest while they sat perched against their pillows. He continued after receiving a small, croaky hum. “Let Taehyungie get you some medicine first, then you can lie down properly.”
“Mm ’sorry.” Hoseok reached for another tissue as Taehyung gathered their dishes and leftovers before leaving. “Said I wasn’t gonna make you worry, but now you’re distracted from work.”
The hybrid frowned and burrowed even closer to his sick hyung, pulling him tightly into his arms so that his mouth could press gentle kisses against the side of Hoseok’s neck. “I’m not distracted. I need breaks too, as much as I hate to admit it. Plus Tae’s right, evenings are family time and that would still be the case whether you were at full health or not.” He watched as the other wiped at his nose with exhaustion weighing down his movements. “But you don’t need to feel guilty about it, Hobi. You look after us so well when we feel bad, it’s only natural that we do the same. That we want to, because it’s you and we love you.”
Hoseok let out a heavy breath and relaxed his body, his muscles immediately quaking at the realisation that he’d been beyond tense before. He wasn’t a burden. They loved him. Which he knew, obviously, but it was always nice to be reminded. Especially when he would start getting silly idea’s into his head.
“Do we have-!?”
   Jungkook and Hoseok both turned to look at the door, trailing Taehyung’s booming broken question. Then the fluffy haired brunette appeared by the door with a sheepish smile and hands full of bottled medication. “Sorry, I momentarily forgot hyung’s headache.” He moved to set his findings down in Jungkook’s lap, sitting beside the younger while inspecting one of the smaller bottles labels. “I found some of that ointment that Jin and Namjoon made for us a while back. It was made for me I think, but it can be used with Hobi too so… “
“What were you asking earlier?”
“Ah,  I couldn’t find any more of that herbal lotion that helped sooth pain. I got the cold medicine though, and some water.”
Hoseok mumbled a soft ‘thank you’ as Jungkook soothingly rubbing circles into his chest while reminding Tae that they hadn’t restocked what he had been looking for yet – no doubt the young warlock would now be adding it to his ever-growing list of ‘things to do immediately’.
“Koo, unbutton hyung’s shirt for me.” Taehyung spoke softly as he shook out two pills from one of the bottles and slipped them into Hoseok’s mouth, quickly following that by opening and pressing the bottle of water to his lips for him to sip and swallow. It was a bit rough on his throat, but Hoseok had never been fond of syrups, so he would deal with the little ache that the tablets would soon sooth. Jungkook worked nimbly, peering over his boyfriends shoulder to find each button as his arms still encased the elder. It was soft and Taehyung had to take the moment to watch fondly as Hoseok yawned and rubbed at his nose with the tissue that had still been in his hand. Taehyung couldn’t help but lean in and press a kiss the elders forehead. “You can go to sleep if you need to baby. I’m just going to rub some stuff on your chest. It should help you feel better soon.”
“Head is so heavy, I don’t kdow if I cadn.”
“Well this might help then.” Jungkook reassured, running a hand through Hoseok’s hair.
Taehyung didn’t hesitate in opening the small bottle he’d been reading earlier – an ointment that worked just a little bit better than the standard store bought VapoRub that Hoseok usually got. He scooped out a little, letting Hoseok blow his nose before he smeared it on the reddening skin. He took some more and started by rubbing it between his palms to warm it up then spread it all over his boyfriends chest. Usually he would take his time massaging it into the skin, but with how heavy-lidded Hoseok’s eyes were drooping Taehyung thought working fast was probably the best route.
He scooped out some more and lathered it from his boyfriends chest, up to his neck so that the familiar tan skin gleamed before he closed the bottle and Jungkook started buttoning up the shirt again.
“Do you-oh my..H’h.. Eh’heitch’uh… H’iitCHH’ew… Shit, sorry.” Jungkook sniffed, flushing at having sneezed into Hoseok’s shoulder. “That stuff is really strong. ”
“I cad’t smell id.” Hoseok pouted, not even fazed at being accidentally used as a tissue.
Taehyung waved his hands at them, shooing them off of the bed just long enough to drag the blankets down and help Hoseok settle into the centre again, elevating his upper body slightly with some pillows. “I can put some more on your nose if you want. Maybe you’re too stuffy for it to work fast.”
“Ha’d bme a tissue.”
Jungkook moved the box to his lap as he climbed in next to his boyfriend, handing him one before blowing his own nose quietly to remove the little itch that the scent had triggered. Hoseok rolled it into a point that had his partners both raising a brow, watching him fail at trying to get himself to sneeze.
“You don’t like inducing like that.” Taehyung stated with lilting concern as he sat down, and Hoseok groaned. He took the tissue away, folding it neatly in half before setting it in his lap. “Let me try to  help.”
It started with a simple massage of sorts. It wasn’t something he did often, but he had read up on it before. Taehyung ran his fingers over Hoseok’s cheeks and forehead, working in small circular motions. It was definitely a longer process and his heart ached at how warm and swollen his partner was beneath his fingertips.
It must have been a combination of his actions plus the residue of ointment on his hands that had Hoseok soon frantically pushing them away with hitching breath. Nothing seemed to be happening other than a few gasps and a frustrated moan, so Jungkook took the tissue from Tae’s lap and let it over Hoseok’s nose. Forcing the sick man’s own breaths to heat his face while Jungkook began to massage and squish at his boyfriends full nose.
He had just moved to replace the tissue after having pinched and wiped up the mess they had coaxed out when Hoseok pitched forward, belatedly raising his hands as a congested sneeze ripped from his throat, only seeming to trigger more as his passages emptied.
“Bless you. Bless you.” Taehyung took some tissues from Jungkook and immediately took Hoseok’s hands to wipe clean while Jungkook dived in to hold fresh tissues to his face, catching the next round of sneezes.
“I-h’heh HE’ASHHU! Hh’h’ha..H’ATSHOO…H’Hh’hnn… …Htch’u-AT’CHH…h’h…uh’h.. H’ETCH’UHH-“
“Jesus baby.” Jungkook could feel the moisture seeping through the tissue. He switched for another, not quite catching it in time and forfeiting his arm to a bit of the thick spray before catching them in his shielding hand once more. “Breathe a bit.”
“H’h’HAH… …H’ih--HE’NGCHH’UH---H’ATCHEE…… A’TCHIEW-HA’GCHew… h’AGTCHU!!” Hoseok was panting. The itch was still there but it seemed like he’d gotten most of it out. Into the hands of his boyfriend, much to his own embarrassment. “So’ah..ugh. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise.” Jungkook smiled, moving the tissues again for Taehyung to now replace them with his own tissued hand.
There was no point in hesitating, so Hoseok did as he was told. His head and throat throbbed, and he had to take a breather mid blow but eventually he was content enough to lean back and let his boyfriends curl into either side of him. Sure he still couldn’t breathe from both nostrils, but it was better than before. Taehyung even put a little more of that ointment on his nose and Jungkook was right, it was strong and had sent him into another small fit that was thankfully less severe than the previous one. But it had exhausted him in such a way that he was finally able to get some sleep.
The next time he managed to be woken up was by a heavy stream of midday light invading from their cracked open curtains and  Jungkook’s jolting frame from where he was huddled beside him as the hybrid sneezed thickly into the deteriorating supply of tissues.
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