#oh and Jimmy's house was on fire for a bit
applestruda · 2 years
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The stream today is something else
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jellieland · 10 months
This is somewhat inspired by some of the fics @theminecraftbee has written.
Two figures watch, from a nebulous nowhere, as Scar stands, alone, in the remains of his destroyed shop.
"I'm sorry," he says, mournfully, to no one.
"You Know," says the first figure, "I Really Wasn't Convinced When You Pitched This One."
Scar does not react. He cannot hear them.
"Yes," says the second, with an air of long-suffering patience. "I Do Know. You Were Very Vocal About It."
"...I really wanted to try and make some friends, this time." Scar, simultaneously right in front of them and a great distance away, sighs and looks up at the sky. "Oh, well. Nothing to be done about it now!"
"I Have Come Around To It," says the first.
"Good," says the second. "I Knew You Would."
They watch Scar start to sort through the mess.
"They Forget They Have A Choice," says the first. "It Is Fascinating."
They move on.
The move on to ash.
Skizz and Tango and Bigb stand right in the thick of it, quiet.
"You try to do one nice thing," says Skizz.
His hands curl into fists. He glares at the smoldering remains of the heart in front of him.
"You try to do ONE nice thing!" he yells, and punches one of the last remaining bits of wood.
Brittle from the fire, it breaks.
"Yeah, well! I guess this is why we don't," says Tango, resigned.
"It was always gonna happen eventually," says Bigb, voice level.
"They Always Try," says the first. "They Always Keep Trying."
"Yes," says the second. "They Chase Each Other In Circles Until All Of Them Are Dead. They Give Themselves Their Own Tasks."
"That Is Not What I Meant," says the first. "But That Is Also True."
They watch the three members of the Heart Foundation stand, for a while, in silence.
And they move on.
They move over to the mesa.
Martyn is standing inside his house, that used to be Jimmy's house too, facing the three chests on the wall labelled "TIMMY", "MUMBO" and "MARTYN".
He is talking animatedly, and gesturing. "-and I kept trying to get them to follow me there, but nobody was taking the bait. Honestly, you guys would've laughed at me. But it-"
They let the rambling fade into the background.
"A Good Dog," says the first.
"Yes," says the second. "He Does As He Is Told."
"-and I've honestly been feeling a bit left out today, isn't that funny? But- Bdubs said, he said he would join me next week, so-"
They move on.
They move to the cobblestone castle, in the side of the hill.
Grian is cooing over a small magma cube named Etho's Dishwasher.
Cleo and Etho are leaning against the staircase watching him.
"Are you both alright?" asks Cleo.
"Sure, I'm fine," says Etho.
"Me?" says Grian, turning around. "Oh, I'm good, I was being a total coward. I just hung around at the top of that tower by the Secret Keeper for ages and none of them ever thought to look up."
"Really?" asks Cleo, amused. "Some of them I would expect that of, but I'd think Gem would be a bit more on the ball."
"Well, apparently not," says Grian.
He turns back to the magma cube, and they settle into quiet.
"I Would Have Expected More Of The Alliances To Have Fallen Apart, By Now," says the first.
"Loyalty Is At Its Most Interesting When It Is Stretched," says the second. "These Three Know It Will Never Last. They Know That All Of Them Are Aware Of This. That Is Why They Are Still Here. They Know How Much They Can Care Without It Being A Lie. And Then Privately, They Care More Than That Anyway."
Eventually, Etho sighs. He looks tired.
He glances from Cleo, to Grian, and back, and after a moment of hesitation, speaks. "I, uh. I'm glad you two survived." He shifts awkwardly, and continues before they can respond. "I thought they were going to try and make me kill you, at one point, and- Grian, I don't know if you know this, but Cleo is scary when she's getting revenge. I did not want to have to worry about that."
Cleo laughs, slightly, and gives Etho a look of the deepest affection. "Well, I did die, is the thing, so thanks for reminding me of that."
"No, no, you knew what I meant! See, Grian? See what it's like?"
"Uh huh," says Grian, raising an eyebrow. "Well, thanks for not killing us."
Cleo frowns at him, suddenly curious. "Grian?" they ask. "Are you the only one who didn't die today?"
Grian opens his mouth, then stops to consider it.
"Or- no, wait. Martyn." says Cleo. "Well. Well done either way."
They watch the trio for a little longer, and then they move on.
They move to Scott.
He is alone, in a forest somewhere.
He is leant up against a cliff face, staring down at the floor.
"None Of Them Even Died, This Time," says the first. "Not Permanently."
"No," says the second. "It Was Controlled. Directed. There To Even The Playing Field. We Can Just Ask Them To Do That, Now, And They Will."
Scott draws his knees up to his chest, and rests his head on his arms.
He doesn't move, or shout, or cry.
He just stays there, quiet.
Eventually, they move on.
They move to the Secret Keeper.
Gem is standing there.
She is looking at it.
"If She Had Decided To Fail At The Start," says the first, "She Most Likely Would Have Lived. She Lost So Much More, Taking Things From Other People, Than The Nothing She Would Have Lost In Failure."
"Yes," says the second. "That Is My Favourite Part."
They watch her.
"Anyway," says the second, "She Would Not Do That."
"She Wouldn't?" asks the first.
"No," says the second. "She Understands Why It Is My Favourite Part."
Gem smiles.
"Thank you!" she says to the Secret Keeper. "That was a lot of fun!"
"You Are Welcome," says the second.
Blood on her hands, Gem turns and leaves, grin as bright as the sun.
They watch her go.
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inaris-mage-of-storms · 6 months
}{ Who Are You? Are You Nobody, Too? }{
}{ Thrown into a strange game with no memories of their lives before, Jimmy and Scott find comfort in a quiet valley and in each other. }{
}{ 3rd Life }{ Flower Husbands }{ 3.9k }{ sfw abridged version of an entry for Driving After Dark 2 }{
"We're married now."
Jimmy gaped as Scott grinned at him behind the delicate petals of the flower he held to his nose. "E - excuse me?"
It was just a bit, surely. The sort of joke that he would usually, if the other person was someone he liked, lean into with everything he had and flirt back just as hard. But something about the soft quirk of Scott's lips and the gleam in his gemstone eyes made Jimmy's thoughts short circuit.
"You gave me a flower. We're married now," repeated Scott. "That's how it works, you know."
"Oh," was all Jimmy managed to get out. He was fairly certain that wasn't how marriage worked, despite his missing memories, but the crystalline notes of Scott's ringing laughter eroded any desire Jimmy had to challenge the declaration.
And anyway, it was just a bit. Surely.
Scott seemed to be completely serious about teaming up, at least, and Jimmy was eager to prove himself a good ally who could carry his weight without being a burden. That was why he opted to build his own little house on the opposite side of the valley, to avoid inserting himself into Scott's space without a direct invitation. He showed off his work proudly, but the way Scott's ears dropped when he saw it had Jimmy second-guessing himself.
"Sorry. I'm not a very good builder," he said as he twisted his hands uncertainly. "I know you like things to be all cute and everything. I tried my best, but - "
Scott cocked his head to one side and seemed almost perplexed as he watched Jimmy stumble over his words. Then some realization or another that Jimmy couldn't work out crossed his face, and he smiled in that way that always sent Jimmy's stomach into somersaults.
"I do like cute things. That's why you're around." He giggled at Jimmy's immediate flush. "It's a good start, really! Do you mind if I...?"
Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he had only imagined the disappointment in Scott's eyes earlier. "Not at all, go ahead! What's mine is yours."
"Oh? I'll keep that in mind." Amusement sparkled in Scott's eyes, assuring Jimmy that his next words were only meant to tease, not be taken seriously. "It will soothe the disappointment that my husband doesn't want to live in the same house as me."
"...What?" squeaked Jimmy. He squeaked a lot around Scott, he was beginning to realize. "Wait, that's what you were upset about?"
Scott laughed.
- }{ -
By the time Jimmy returned, both the face of his cliffside hut and the flower valley as a whole sported significant improvements. Scott was kneeling by a campfire near the lakeshore, stirring a pot of something that smelled amazing. His ears twitched almost imperceptibly at Jimmy's approach, and he looked up to greet him with that smile that sent Jimmy's stomach into somersaults.
His stomach went into a lot of somersaults around Scott, he was beginning to realize.
"I thought we'd have dinner out here, meet in the middle so to speak. If that's okay with you." Scott turned his attention back to the stew.
Jimmy grinned. "Yeah, 'course it is. Just let me put everything away." He emptied his inventory of all the resources he'd gathered on his trip out, then joined Scott by the fire. "What all's in there, anyway?"
"Mostly vegetables." Scott lifted the wooden spoon he was stirring with, both to show Jimmy the chunk of carrot that rested on it and to test the tenderness of the vegetable against the wall of the pot. "Our first harvest of carrots and potatoes, and some odds and ends I foraged from the woods. I did add some of the chicken you prepared earlier, to make it a little more hearty."
He set aside the spoon and picked up a ladle instead, filling a bowl and passing it to Jimmy before filling his own. Jimmy accepted it gratefully, taking a tentative sip of the hot broth before picking up one of the two smaller spoons that waited nearby. "Oh, that's delicious - wait, did you carve all these dishes today?"
Scott seemed pleased that Jimmy had noticed. Jimmy would notice every detail he could if it meant that smile would stay on those pretty lips. "I did," said Scott. "I finished my building projects earlier than I expected, so I thought I might as well start on some easy comforts."
"Oh my gosh, that's impressive! Is there anything you're not good at?"
Scott's ears twitched happily. "Oh, very little," he said smugly, and Jimmy laughed.
There wasn't much in the way of conversation at first. Jimmy's focus was on the stew, the day's hard work of gathering logs and stone and ores having made him ravenous. Scott was similarly focused on refueling after all the hours spent building. But as food and silence both settled, the slightly awkward small talk between them strengthened into something easy and comfortable. They told each other what little they could about themselves, information drawn from either their limited memories or gut feelings, and theorized about what they couldn't recall.
"Do you think we're anyone important in our home worlds?" Jimmy asked. He stared up at the first stars that faded into existence as the sky slowly dimmed. "I get the feeling that some of the others are, you know? Like Etho, or Martyn. They just feel so...big. Like there's no way they aren't someone."
Scott was laying next to him in the grass. The inches between their shoulders felt ever so close and oh so far all at the same time. "I don't think I am. Or rather, I hope I'm not. Being known by strangers sounds...exhausting. I just want a quiet little life with someone I care about."
Jimmy smiled. "That sounds nice. I don't think I'm anyone important either. But you're right; being nobody sounds like the way to go." He turned his head to look at Scott. "You know, we never did proper introductions. Hi, I'm Jimmy. I'm nobody."
Scott turned his head to look at Jimmy with a soft smile. "Hi Jimmy. I'm Scott. I'm nobody, too."
Jimmy laughed.
- }{ -
No one on the server knew quite what to make of their situation. Fourteen people, dropped into an unknown world, with no memory of the lives they surely must have been leading before and only the knowledge that they had agreed to partake in some sort of game. They were all vaguely aware that there were rules that would be revised with death, knew three deaths would be the end, and had a strong suspicion that some of them must have known at least some of the others before. But beyond that, they were almost as much a mystery to themselves as they were to one another.
Jimmy had his own strong suspicion that Scott was the sort to be just as mysterious in his regular life. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the...elf? fae? Jimmy didn't know exactly what he was, and Scott only smiled and deflected the question when Jimmy asked.
Neither man avoided the rest of the server entirely, but decided early on that they preferred to keep to themselves for the most part, unwilling to get too involved with the growing tensions between other factions. With a strong wall erected around their little valley and most of the resources they needed within, it was easy to forget that there was more to the situation than living the quiet little life Scott had admitted to dreaming of.
It was easy to forget, too, that they weren't really married. Scott still jokingly referred to Jimmy as his husband, even in front of the others, and seemed perpetually amused by Jimmy's variety of flustered reactions whenever he did.
Jimmy might not have been certain of much, but he knew beyond doubt that he was utterly enchanted by his basemate. The first time Scott leaned over and kissed Jimmy's cheek, Jimmy's thoughts crashed so hard that he barely heard Scott ask (with difficulty concealing his delight) if he was all right.
"Fine! I'm perfectly fine," he managed to squeak out. "Was just - thinking! About the, um, the thing. The thing that needs, uh, repaired right? I'll...go do that now."
"Right, the thing," repeated Scott, eyes sparkling. Jimmy wondered if they shone just as brightly in whatever color they were naturally, whether they were the green they were now or some other shade. "Best get to it before sunset."
- }{ -
It took Jimmy another three days to work up the courage to ask Scott for another kiss. He wasn't even planning on it at the time, but they were sitting shoulder to shoulder on the lakeshore when a stray petal drifted down from the clifftop and landed in Jimmy's hair.
Scott leaned in and reached up to pluck it away. "Trying a new accessory?" he said with a grin. His voice was low and his breath was warm, and Jimmy found that all of a sudden desire outweighed anxiety.
"Can I kiss you?"
Scott's eyes widened in surprise, then his mouth curved into that soft, soft smile. "Of course. You don't really have to ask to kiss your own husband, you know."
Jimmy let out a breathless chuckle. "You're still sticking to your little joke, huh?"
Scott's ears dropped, and Jimmy's heart dropped with them when he saw hurt clouding his pretty eyes. "You thought I was joking about that?"
"Well...yeah?" Jimmy tilted his head in confusion. "I mean, you said it literally within the first, like, hour of meeting. We barely know one another, Scott."
"Oh." Scott pulled away. Jimmy was struck with the desire to pull him close and assure him he didn't mean it. "I'm sorry. I mean, I know we're not married married, but you never said anything against it, and I thought you liked me back, so I just sort of...assumed."
"Assumed what?" This wasn't going at all how Jimmy had pictured it. "And I do like you! I just didn't want to, you know, take things at face value and look like an idiot later if it turned out I misinterpreted what you meant." He paused. "Which...okay, in hindsight - "
If the delicate bell-shaped flowers that dotted the ground in the woods could actually ring, Jimmy imagined they would sound an awful lot like Scott's laughter.
"So you do like me?" Scott's ears were beginning to perk back up, albeit cautiously. "You're not mad that I assumed we were dating?"
"I mean, I wish you would have said something? But no, I'm not mad." Heat blossomed across his cheeks. "So...about that kiss?"
Scott leaned in but paused at the last moment, letting Jimmy be the one to close the gap. Jimmy leaned in too, and the longing feeling in his chest that he hadn't even known was there disappeared.
Logically, Jimmy knew it couldn't possibly be his first kiss. The jitters he felt had more to do with kissing someone new for the first time, not the act of kissing itself. But was it the first time he had ever kissed Scott? It didn't seem probable that they even knew each other in the outside world, let alone were romantically involved, and yet...
Scott deepened the kiss, melting into Jimmy when Jimmy put his arms around him. The way their mouths moved together felt like the most natural thing in the world. One ear twitched in - surprise? delight? Jimmy had learned quickly how to read Scott's subtle body language, but some microexpressions were still beyond him - when Jimmy was the one to take initiative and run his tongue along Scott's lower lip, and he let him in immediately.
By the time they parted to pant for air, Jimmy had lowered Scott down into the soft grass, and the way Scott stared up at him with swollen lips and gentle surrender in his eyes stole Jimmy's breath away as quickly as he could catch it.
"I don't want this to be over."
The confession that slipped out of Jimmy startled both of them. Then Scott's confusion gave way to amusement, and he laughed. "Well, I don't exactly plan on giving you up any time soon."
"No, I mean - " Jimmy sighed and rested his forehead against Scott's. "What happens at...at the end? I know what happens when you die in a typical hardcore world, but..."
But nothing about their situation was typical. And even in a typical world, the same fear lurked in the background of every player's mind: what if something goes wrong? what if my eyes don't open again like they're meant to? what if this is actually final? Jimmy had been trying not to think about it, but being dropped into a strange game with no memory was unsettling enough, and only magnified those natural fears.
They might be the players, but something else was toying with them.
"I think we'll respawn wherever we're meant to be," said Scott firmly. "Whatever block has been placed on our memories will be gone, we'll be safe at home - wherever 'home' is - and we'll have new friends to contact. Or old friends to check up on," he added, threading his fingers through Jimmy's hair.
Jimmy nosed against his cheek, then lay next to him with a sigh. "You think we know each other on the outside?"
Scott snorted. "Jimmy, either we already knew each other before this, or we have what is quite possibly the most insane and immediate chemistry that has ever existed between two people." He mirrored the way Jimmy lay on his side, tucking a hand under his head. "You...feel like home. It's hard to imagine I came from a life where I didn't already love you."
Jimmy smiled. "Home?" he repeated, feeling a sliver of hope for what could be.
"Home," said Scott, and it sounded like a promise.
- }{ -
"I mean, you don't have to use it or anything." Jimmy pressed his fingertips together nervously. "It's not very well-made, actually. It's only holding together because Impulse helped me with all the fiddly bits."
Scott stared at the hand-cranked beater he held, turning it over and inspecting it. Jimmy shifted nervously. A few days before, Scott had lamented the lack of much nicer kitchen appliances found on more established servers, wishing aloud for even the simplicity of an electric mixer to make his baking easier. A bundle of twigs made a sufficient enough whisk for eggs, but not so much for making a smooth, creamy frosting to top the variety of little cakes he liked to bake.
"I did wonder what you were spending so long at the anvil for the other day." Scott tapped a finger against the metal of the beater. "I love it. Thank you."
Jimmy beamed, pleased with the pleased expression on Scott's face and even happier with the kiss that followed. "My husband is so talented," said Scott, resting his forehead against Jimmy's. "Is there anything you're not good at?"
"Quite a lot, actually," said Jimmy with a sheepish grin, and Scott laughed.
Scott made a cake that very night, informing Jimmy with delight that the beater did indeed make a significant difference to the texture of the frosting he'd previously been mixing with only a wooden spoon. Privately, Jimmy couldn't tell much of a difference, but he kept that thought to himself. He was more interested in the way Scott offered a scoop of frosting on his fingertip for Jimmy to taste, and the way Scott's breath caught when Jimmy gripped his wrist firmly and took his time licking away the creamy glaze.
"It's delicious." Jimmy didn't intend the low, deep tone that his voice took on, but he took great interest in the way Scott swallowed hard, parted his lips, and leaned closer. It would be easy to tease him, but it would be even easier to lean in and kiss him.
"Don't you have a cake to frost?" he murmured against Scott's lips when Scott went for a second kiss almost right away.
"It still needs to cool," Scott murmured back. Not one to be denied, he mouthed at Jimmy's jawline and down his neck, and it was Jimmy's to flush and lean closer. "Could take hours, really."
Jimmy chuckled breathlessly. "Hours, huh? Well, you're the expert. What do we do in the meantime?"
Scott smiled against his neck. Jimmy's heart pounded in his chest.
He was so caught up in imagining the possibilities of what Scott might say next that it took him a moment to realize what was happening when Scott stepped back, smiling ever so sweetly, and handed him a pile of dishes to be washed.
- }{ -
"What's on your mind?"
Jimmy jumped as Scott nudged him with his shoulder. "Oh! Gosh, you startled me. Sorry, what did you say?"
Scott's lips were quirked upwards and he kept his tone light, but the crease of his brow betrayed his concern. "You've been a million miles away all day. What's wrong?"
"Oh. Nothing's wrong. I just..." Jimmy looked down at the blade laying across his lap and gave it another polish. "Some of the others think this is all going to turn into a proper war."
"Hmm." Scott looked out over the water. The sun that shone down on them was warm, but not overly so. Dragonflies flitted around the reeds. A little frog sat quietly in the mud shaded by a rock. A bluejay watched them from the top of the wall, silent.
Jimmy polished a freshly sharpened sword. Two sets of armor hung by the anvil, gleaming with newly applied enchantments. The potions chest next to Scott's brewing stand was crowded.
"What if - "
Scott put a hand over Jimmy's. "We'll be okay. We're just a couple of nobodies, remember?" He slipped the sword from Jimmy's grasp and set it off to the side, replacing it with his own fingers. Jimmy held on like he'd been handed a lifeline he was afraid to let go of.
He looked around at the beautiful oasis he and Scott had created together. He looked at Scott, so graceful he could easily be mistaken for some ethereal spirit who lived among the flowers.
Perhaps he was. Perhaps Scott had always been here, part of this valley of eternal summer, and only Jimmy was the outsider.
Jimmy didn't care anymore about the world before, he realized. Sure, he was a little curious, but had everything he needed here. He had a home, rustic but comfortable, with plenty of room to improve over time. He had friends, some of whom - like Martyn and BigB - even felt like he'd known for years.
He had Scott.
Nothing, in this world or any other, could fill his heart the way Scott did.
Scott squeezed his hand. Jimmy swallowed against the emotions creeping up his throat.
There was a poppy in his inventory, picked only this morning and stored away until Jimmy could figure out the best time to present it. But realizing his heart was certain in an uncertain world, it didn't seem like there would be a better time than right now.
Scott blinked at the flower Jimmy handed him, but took it without hesitation. "We're married now," said Jimmy, and Scott's eyes shot back up to meet his own. Jimmy grinned. "I gave you a flower. We're married now. That's how it works, right?"
"Oh," was all Scott managed to get out. Then his arms were around Jimmy's neck, and his mouth was crashing against Jimmy's mouth, and it really didn't matter anymore what the rest of the factions outside the wall were or weren't planning.
Jimmy smiled as Scott grinned at him behind the delicate petals of the flower he held to his nose, and they both laughed.
- }{ -
"What's on your mind?"
One of Scott's ears flicked toward Jimmy at the sound of his voice, but he didn't take his eyes off the nearly complete flower crown in his hands. "Just trying to decide how many more roses I want in this."
Jimmy tucked in the end of the last stem on his own flower crown and placed it on Scott's head. "It's not very nice to lie to your husband, you know."
Scott chuckled, but Jimmy could hear the reservation lurking in the melodious notes. Jimmy cupped his cheek, and Scott leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too." Jimmy pressed his lips to Scott's forehead. "Why do you sound so sad about it? You're not breaking up with me, are you?"
He meant it as a joke, but the way Scott looked at him sent his stomach plummeting.
"No, of course not." Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief, and Scott gave him an apologetic smile. "But seeing Scar turn red, it made me think about what's coming. What happens when this is all over."
"Didn't we already talk about this?" Jimmy kissed Scott's forehead, then the bridge of his nose, then under his eye. "We outlive everyone, and enjoy being nobodies together. Easy."
Scott's eyes were soft as he watched Jimmy. "Yeah. Easy." He finished weaving the flowers he still clutched, then crowned Jimmy with them. "But let's say something happens and we respawn back in our old lives. Would you...still want me?"
Jimmy answered without hesitation, not needing to think about it. He already had thought about, late at night staring at the ceiling and listening to Scott's steady breathing next to him. He knew this couldn't last forever, as badly as he wanted it to. But he and Scott could.
"I want to marry you for real," he said softly. "Maybe we can find a cleric somewhere, or maybe Ren could do it. Kings can do that sort of thing, right?"
Scott laughed. "You know what? Why don't we do it? Think about it; clerics and kings officiate marriages because they represent a higher authority. But the only authority I care to recognize is yours and mine."
"I like the sound of that." Jimmy kissed Scott's hand. If he'd ever been to any weddings, he couldn't remember them, but he could recall some vague approximation of what must be standard vows. "I promise to cherish you forever and stand by your side, for better or for worse, from one dream to the next."
Under a veil of sunshine and poppies, Scott smiled at his husband. "I promise to cherish you forever and stand by your side," he repeated. "For better or for worse, from one dream to the next."
The vows were simple, the kiss was chaste, and the only witnesses were butterflies and birds. But it was theirs, and it was beautiful. In a peaceful valley in one little corner of a strange world, two nobodies grinned at one another under the delicate petals of the flowers in their hair, and they both laughed.
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evolutiononthebrain · 2 years
Playground Life Games
I love the idea of Limited Life being a big game on a playground with school children. Not based on anything specific, just little bits i thought would be cute
Grian glances at the watch on his wrist. It’s Spiderman-themed, which is really cool, but not the most important part. The watch’s time display is the most important thing about the watch on his wrist.
3 hours from now, at 9pm, Grian and the rest of them had to go back to their houses. Curfews were so dumb, Grian thought, but his mum would kiII him if he was home late, so he didn’t argue much.
“Okay!” He shouts to his circle of friends. It quickly gets all of their attention. “Everybody’s watches set?” He checks.
It’s a few moments of everyone checking their watches, before Jimmy pipes up. “I don’t know how to set mine!” He whines. Groans come from the group.
Tango, standing next to Jimmy, grabs his wrist and tinkers with it for a moment before exclaiming, “Done! We’re ready, G-man!”
Grian nods seriously, glancing around the circle. “The boogeyman will be randomly chosen by whoever finds the piece of paper I’ve hidden first. When you’re the boogey-“ He’s unceremoniously cut off by Pearl shouting, “We know about the boogeyman! Can we go play now?” She asks.
To his utter shock and surprise, everyone else starts nodding and agreeing with Pearl.
Grian pouts, “Fine! Go!” He yells, throwing his hands up in the air. Everyone scatters like rats.
“Oh, Lizzie,” Joel sighs the girl’s name dreamily. He clutches his chest, leaning against the metal leg of the playground jungle gym the Bad Boys have claimed as their base.
Grian rolls his eyes, flicking the boy on his arm. “Lizzie,” He mocks the dreamy tone, high pitched, “thinks you’re lame.” He says. Joel glares at him, flicking Grian right back on the forehead.
Poor, oblivious Jimmy looks between his two teammates, utterly confused. “What about my sister?” He asks.
“Lizzie? Oh, I love Lizzie!” Scar interrupts their conversation. Grian really should stop rolling his eyes, or he really will get them ‘stuck like that,’ like his mum says.
But he can’t help it, not when Joel glares so hard at Scar that it’s shocking that Scar doesn’t light on fire and explode in front of them.
“They want to be known as the Mean Gills?” Jimmy says, again in his, seemingly, default state of utter confusion.
Cleo laughs loudly, “Mean Girls?” She asks, curious amusement on her face.
“No, no, Mean Gills!” Martyn chimes in, walking over. “A very clever pun, if I do say so myself.” He says, self-satisfied.
“It’s your team name, then?” Cleo asks, “Like, Jimmy’s whole ‘Bad Boys’ thing.” She snorts.
Jimmy makes an affronted sound. “I am the bad boy of the playground!” He says insistingly. Cleo laughs, verging on cackles, and hunches over as she puts her hands on her knees to support herself.
“Aww,” She giggles, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye, “Aww, of course you are, Jim.” She says, nodding patronizingly.
“Why can’t Ren play with us?” BigB pouts. He’s been asking that for the past two hours they’ve been playing. Grian hands him a stick, which they’re gathering for weapons.
“Because, BigB,” Grian starts, exasperated from having to explain this again, “Ren is at summer-camp all summer. It’s for werewolves or something.” Grian explains, crossing his arms.
“I miss him.” BigB frowns.
“You were literally cheating on him with me last summer. We were secret soulmates and you want to go back to your other soulmate?” Grian squints at him, almost offended.
BigB is silent. Grian throws his hands up in the air and walks away.
It has to be the hottest day of the summer. Scar fans himself uselessly with his hand. He starts to pull off his shirt.
Cleo turns around from where she was organizing their lunchboxes-turned-chests. The shirt is halfway pulled off as she shouts, “Scar!”
“What?” He asks.
“Keep your shirt on!” Cleo says loudly. In the distance, Scar hears Bdubs laugh from their farm. He sighs, pulling the shirt back on.
“Okay mom!” Scar chirps, just because he knows it annoys her and the heat is putting him in a gremlin, mischievous mood. Cleo groans, glaring at him as she heads off toward Bdubs at the farm.
Jokes on her, Bdubs thinks calling Cleo ‘mom’ is even funnier than Scar does!
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bengiyo · 10 months
Last Twilight Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Mhok began working and was pleased with his salary. He may be rough around the edges, but he was doing his "easy" job. He had some initial friction with Day around moving his things and taking care of the fish, but things came to a head when Day tried to run from strangers seeing his condition. Mhok got triggered, thinking Day might hurt himself, and broke into his room. Mhok got fired, but Porjai came to talk to Day about Mhok putting himself through an exercise to understand Day's disability more and the two have reconciled for now.
I like the two of them straightening Day's room together and understanding the system to help him find things. It's a relief to see Day having fun with it.
The inflatable dino costumes are so silly. This is fun.
Now, Mhok, you know better than to swipe through someone else's pictures.
They saw Day making progress around the house and made him instantly clam back up by suggesting he go back to school.
Mhok's relationship with Porjai is used very well here. I love that she has moved on from Mhok and is happy, so I don't feel bad about her giving perspective and wondering about some jealousy plotline.
I like the pace of the relationship between Mhok and Day so far. Day is already asking Mhok for help on his own.
I will always love teachers who refuse to let students give up on themselves.
Mhok is a good listener and supporter. I like that he doesn't involve himself in the conversations between the family or the teacher, and that he aids Day's attempt to avoid notice.
Said the name of the show. Finish your drinks.
Thank you for keeping the lights on, Oishii.
I like how Mhok plays with the preconceptions that he doesn't know much to encourage Day to figure out some things. It's a very gentle approach that uses Day's own ego to move him forward.
WE HAVE FINALLY USED THE BANGKOK METRO SYSTEM IN A BL. 🎉 IPYTM came close, but we never went inside.
I love that Mhok tried to prank Day with the pink shirt. Later, in the dressing room, we know he's watching out for Day because he confirmed that he knew what was on the shirt he picked.
I like the way the physical tension between them around Day's exposed body is building.
And Day made Mhok get the pink shirt! I love this.
Mhok being sure to include Day in the conversation with the bookstore owner is a great touch. I like that he didn't let Day give up and insisted they find the book today.
Even if it's a bit artificial, I like Mhok slipping the book where Day would find it to help him have a sense of accomplishment since Day had been also sifting through books.
The last page is missing? How will we know the ending? Okay, Aof. I see you.
Increasing the price because he's Mhok's friend was so fun. It's the kind of detail that makes the world feel like it has a history. It was clearly a joke and let Day have fun.
Oh, we were having such a good day, and now Mhok feels like he has to defend Porjai and in a fight against Porjai's two-timing boyfriend. Now Day is lost.
Oh my goodness, did Mhok switch to the pink shirt to make himself more visible? I am going to melt.
Mhok is so ready for people to look down on him that he immediately owned his own history rather than let the mom hold it over him.
Oh shit that was great eye shine from Jimmy when Day started saying how much he appreciates Mhok.
Not sure what all is going on with Night and Day yet, but I like that he came to Mhok's defense after they left the room.
That was a really well done wind down for this episode.
More of Film next week!!
So, I'm really loving this show and so glad that a GMMTV show is back to sound episodic structure. Jimmy and Sea both feel much more attuned to their characters and their chemistry feels a lot easier than their last outing. This is a solid watch
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captainschaos · 7 months
steam and smoke
I got @bonthebanana as my @mcyt-valentines valentine, and I've got a little ranchers fic for ya !! I ended up just doing a lil bit of mostly canon compliant angst/fluff, but I had a nice time writing it, and hope you like it!!!
word count: 1203
Tango still feels the fire. Not his own- the phoenix feels two heats, in such a blaze. The fire that is his, and the fire that isn’t. His holds his fury, the pounding of his blood as he fights to smother the flames destroying his home, it holds his love and his hatred. The other holds only the intent to harm that which he loves. It is nothing like him. But then there’s a third heat. 
Jimmy hands him a mug of hot cider. 
It snaps Tango back to reality, and he looks up at his soulmate, remembering where they are. He sits on a wooden stool in one of the barns, the smell of hay and good soil on the air. Jimmy sits on an overturned bucket across from him, holding his own steaming mug and smiling gently. 
“Feeling better?”
Tango sighs, and a puff of smoke drifts from his mouth with the breath. It makes Jimmy giggle a bit, though the canary quickly quiets himself, trying to be sincere. In all honesty, he’s doing very well, and Tango shifts to look at the ground. 
“A bit. It just–” A sound somewhere between a shriek and a groan escapes his throat, as Tango leans back and puts a hand to his face. “It’s all gone! All that work, all just– woosh!”
“Well, not all gone, right?” Jimmy leans back, to an angle where he can glance out through the barn door. He does wince a bit when he spots what’s left of the ranch house. Tango’s glad he can’t see outside in this moment. Strategic positioning on Jimmy’s part, likely, when he brought Tango in and sat him down. “We’ll rebuild. We can rebuild, easy!”
But Jimmy’s latter words are a bit fuzzy as they reach Tango’s ears. He’s looking at the hands that cup Jimmy’s own mug of hot drink, and the burn marks that adorn them. Charcoal is smudged on the side edges of his fingers, but the fingertips are raw and red. And looking at them, Tango remembers the flurry of events that transpired not a half hour before. The fires of the ranch, mostly put out, seemed to settle in his stomach. He was furious, his own flames flaring, and he growled and screamed at the people around who had laughed at his loss. Their loss. He remembered the hands that had grabbed him, pulled him back, been gentle when all he wanted was to be horrid. And soft words had told him to wait, kept him safe from the neighbors that laughed, and tucked him into the barn. 
He hadn’t noticed, until this moment. 
“...Oh, Jimmy…”
“Hm?” The canary followed Tango’s gaze and glanced down at his own hands, then hurriedly tried to hide them when he realized. Which he failed to really do all that well around a mug. “Oh, ah, it’s fine, really. Nothing too bad, promise!”
Tango set his own drink carefully on the floor, then leaned forward, reaching out to Jimmy. One hand took the canary’s mug gingerly, while the other took one of his hands with an even more tender touch. The last thing he wanted was to hurt him more, after all. 
“They should heal up quick enough,” Jimmy says, his voice speeding up in a clear attempt to make Tango feel better.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Tango whispers, voice feeling weak as he sees what he did to his soulmate. “It was just so–”
“Hey, hey–” Jimmy’s freed hand moves now, and cups Tango’s cheek with the same tenderness he’d cradled his mug. He pushes the phoenix with gentle touch to make him look him in the eyes, and he smiles. “I know, yeah? I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.”
“But, still! I didn’t even realize…” Tango glances away quickly, though he doesn’t stray from Jimmy’s touch. 
“You were trying to protect us! I get it, I promise, Tango.” Jimmy’s voice is so bright, so kind. It always is. 
“I messed that up pretty bad then, huh?” Tango says with a pathetic little laugh. 
Jimmy laughs in return. “I mean, you scared them off pretty good, didn’t ya?”
“I guess. Just– next time, leave me to get into my trouble, won’t you?” Tango shifts his focus from the wall of the barn to Jimmy’s hands once more, wincing as he once again sees the reddened skin. “I’ll burn somebody else.”
“Hey. I know that too, you know.”
Tango can’t help but look back to Jimmy’s gaze. The canary’s expression is soft, but there’s determination in it. This is the balance of Jimmy. He can be sweet, but also so stubborn. He can be loud, but also so gentle. And in this moment, Tango had felt horrible for how he’d hurt his soft-feathered soulmate. But there’s something resolute, set in stone, as his eyes meet his. 
“I knew what I was doing, alright? Believe me,” he says with a laugh, “I’ve died plenty enough times to consider myself an expert, when it comes to jumping in places I shouldn’t. But this is my place. With you.” Jimmy’s touch finally lowers from Tango’s face, and he puts his hand over the one Tango is using to hold his commandeered mug. Tango holds one of Jimmy’s hands, Jimmy holds one of his. A cycle, a trade. A connection. A bond. “Soulmates gotta look out for their soulmates, yeah? So I’m gonna look out for ya! And I don’t care if I have to grab a few fiery hands to do it, alright?”
Tango can’t help but smile, as Jimmy’s head dips and his expression only widens to something more insistent. It’s understanding with a force, with eyes alight with unstoppable spirit, a smile brightened by laughter and empathy. Tango can’t help but believe in such a face. 
“You’re a wonder, Jimmy Solidarity, you know that?”
“Oh, stop it!” And Jimmy finally looks away, just a tinge of shyness pinking his cheeks. He quickly recovers and sends a jab back at Tango. “Just remember which of us died first, that's all I'm saying.”
“Hey now!” Tango slips Jimmy’s mug back into his hand, and leans down to pick his own back up. “I mean, it’s not like we don’t know who will get the last life…”
“Not me! I refuse this time!” Jimmy stands up, a fist planted at his hip as he turns his attention toward the door. “But it would help both of us live a bit longer if we got a real roof back over our heads.” He looks to Tango, and for just a moment the playful teasing slips as that same, steady kindness fills his gaze. “Ready to go see how bad it is?”
Tango sighs deep, but stands up himself. He sips the cider, and feels its warmth travel to his stomach, sitting coupled with the burning rage in his gut. But it’s something sweeter, something spiced. Something like home. And that’s what he holds onto, as he steels himself to assess the charred remains of the ranch. Revenge can come later. For now, he needs to take care of Jimmy. And he trusts Jimmy will take care of him. 
“Let’s go, partner.”
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
ji str
he joins the server sees sausage and hes acutally relatively normal. a creeper tries to blow both of them up and jimmys annoyed that sausage didnt see it. eloise comes along and jimmy and saus do. a perfect harmony
eloises house/tent looks like a nipple. she says this and they both agree. sausage says something then jimmy threatens to kick him
sausage has a dangerous bridge and when eloise asks for rails he says the dangers part of the fun
they split up and jimmy mutes to talk about the tuff blocks. sausage comes over and punches him and jimmys like yes sir? ...?????
sausage wants jim to watch a sausage clip. they talk about tuff blocks for a bit then jimmy goes to watch it. its a clip of sausages pov of the creeper and its not on his screen at all. nobody can see the creeper. they think its invisible. jimmy apologises and theyre both really confused
jim goes tuff mining and talks to chat for ages. hes texturing his build :3 really hard to get a good screenshot cuz he moves so much but it looks great
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jimmy sees sausage and eloise and goes over to their cave. sausage says theres lore in the cave and jimmy threatens to kick him again. (the "lore" is firing wind charges and being like oooohhh spookyyyyy wind coming from the floor!!!!)
someones been leavings chests full of armour in eloises house and jims like thats probably sausage. and when he denies it they run away and split up.
jimmy goes to a trial chamber alone to pick up some copper bulbs. he immediately spawns some cave spiders but hes all fine. he doesnt get distracted! he gets some bulbs a couple doors then leaves.
olis in chat and jimmy shows off his cave house. he calls it "our house" which is very sweet...... they will always be real
he needs some moss so he decides to bonemeal it like. right behind sausages place. maybe 20 blocks or so away from it. which made me giggle
he adds in all the copper bulbs and. its so cute. i love his little cave so much.
he breaks his spruce doors to replace them and theres just a zombie waiting outside for him. a polite guest. kind of forgot they dont break wooden doors
hes so happy about his build he wants to show it off. sneeg comes over cuz hes mad someone stole all his eggs and released all his chickens (???) and jimmys like haha do u like my base :) and sneegs like yeah before continuing to talk about the chickens. normally i would get a little annoyed about him being brushed off but the chicken situation is SO baffling???? its probably martyn since he wants to build where the chicken farm was but like. if it was martyn he probably wouldve just killed all the chickens first before breaking things. since they were in a little fenced off area it wouldve been easy. but theres just chickens EVERYWHERE
sausage comes over and he loves jimmys build so much. its very cute actually. he compliments jimmys texturing and calls it lovely. then he unwaxes one of jimmys lights and says he loves waxing off in jimmys room. then sausage dips and returns to give jimmy some glowberries and glow lichen :)
he brings a couple lilacs over too and tries to place them but theres no dirt where jimmy wants to place them. sausage mines a single piece of dirt off the side of the land theyre on (the lip oli built. its like a floating bit of land attached to the side of the donut) and jimmy gets so annoyed at him for breaking it
aaaand stream over tomorrows probably hardcore again. wednesday a coop game with martyn oli and saus. thursday little nightmares. friday manhunt. wooooooo
I. I need to see that part of Sausage punching Jimmy and Jimmy going "yes sir?" for myself. sometime when the vod is up. =???
Yessss though Jimmy's so good at building!! In the last "build and seek" vid too, he did some fantastic texturing imo. BUT ALSO him being proud?? And not immediately dismissing himself like "no it's bad" or "no I'm stupid" like he's prone to do??? Oh it's heaven on earth. He's proud and he stays proud and he shows his little cave off to others... ohhhh Jimmy ohh I'm so PROUD OF YOU. IM SO PROUD OF YOU. BE PROUD STAY PROUD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS SWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Jimmy calling his home "our house" with Oli is so beautiful ur so right. There's always something with Jimmy and homes in all the. trauma. so this makes me want to both smile and cry doubly so
Sausage and Jimmy being genuinely cute makes me grit my teeth because I'm too tense. Anticipating something horrible. But for now. Just for now... They can be cute... Can you be like this more often Sausage then maybe I will like you. All of this minus the "I love waxing off in your room" thing please and thanks. But the lilacs lmaooo what are you trying to do Sausage. Its not going to work. This bit about trying to create the 2nd flower husbands was comedic the first time at most. Now it's just stale and annoying, this and last time. like 90% of your sex jokes sorry I am being a hater. Tired of being nice. Need to be a hater. Being a hater but need to keep up with everything that is Jimmy. I need to see and hear about his character development even if the surrounding context sometimes makes me want to pull my eyes out
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sunwarmed-ash · 5 months
WIP wednesday
i've been rebinging House so the next chapter of Plenty to go around is essentially done. Unless the muse gets something else finished first that'll probs be sundays update
here's a teaser for ch 5 👀😈 vvvv
slut!chase, daddy kink, top!house, chase/everyone fic
Chase is showered and on his way back to the sleep lab when he's met with two highly unexpected, early morning visitors. 
Foreman’s been able to save face, and ass, for about 15 minutes, but when Chase walks in with still-damp hair and a sizable limp House & Wilson put two and two together and get slut. 
Wilson looks pleasantly amused between the two young men, whereas House’s eyes threaten homicide. 
“Well, I’m glad to see we’re upholding the Princeton Plainsboro standard of care in my absence,” House spits.
“The patient's fine-” Chase starts to insist but House is quick to shut him down. 
“Not talking to you.” 
Chase flushes red and his jaw snaps close with a click of his teeth.  
“Someone left Chase hanging,” Foreman laughs, folding his arms across his chest, “figured it was my turn to lend a helping hand.” 
Chase thinks it's ballsy, talking back to House like that. Maybe a little too ballsy. Just because the team was independently fucking Chase didn't mean their pecking order changed. 
“You’re interfering with his punishment. How can the slut learn if you undermine my authority?”
Foreman and House continue to glare at each other like they were a couple of cowboys about to draw their weapons at a high noon standoff. Foreman’s the first to fire. 
“Your training must not be that good,” Foreman shrugs, “Got him to cum twice with the cage on anyway.”
Chase clears his throat to cover an unexpected moan. And then every bit of House’s fury is suddenly directed at Chase. 
“He did what?”
“I-” Chase’s entire body flushes hot. There was nothing he could say to deny it. “I'm sorry.” 
The edge of House’s mouth raises in a smirk but Chase knows from experience that doesn't mean anything good for him. 
“Oooo naughty boy. Now Daddy’s going to have to spank you.”
They’ve relocated to House's office. 
The blinds are drawn but the doors aren't locked and as soon as he can, House pushes Chase down across his desk, yanks down his pants, and slaps his exposed ass cheek hard. 
“Fuck!” Chase howls, hips thrusting against the desk in an effort to get away from the stinging pain. That doesn't last long though, because when it takes too long for another swat to come, Chase is pushing his ass backward and wordlessly begging for another. 
“Nope, not if you enjoy it. Defeats the point of punishment,” House says before pushing the tip of his forefinger past the puffy entrance of Chase’s asshole. 
“AH!” Chase hisses.
“You're pretty swollen, you sore?”
“Yes Daddy…” Chase pants, resting his face back against the desk’s surface. 
“How about now,” House asks before rotating his forefinger to find Chase’s prostate. He pushes hard against it and-
“Ah!” Chase hisses, “Yes, fuck, oh my god…” 
“Good. It’s going to get worse,” House warns before he pushes a second finger inside. 
“Fuck. Daddy please…” Chase cries. His hands fly across the desk, knocking everything to the ground in an effort to find something to hold onto. The sting in his ass hurts, but the ache in his cock and balls has him begging for this to continue. 
“House…” Wilson warns, misreading Chase's noise. Chase had honestly forgotten the man was there.
House huffs his own irritation the doctors way. 
“Chase? You good?”
“YES! Please, please,” Chase pants desperately, “I’m sore, but I want it. Don’t stop.”
“See Jimmy. Nothing to worry about.” 
House twists his fingers and rubs again at his oversensitive prostate, Chase’s knees tremble so hard that if it wasn't for House’s desk, he’d fall on the floor. 
“What? You want to cum? You don't deserve to.”
“I know, I know, I'm sorry,” Chase sobs, but in some ways he's not. Everything hurts, but just the way he likes. He’s got House’s full attention on him, and when he gets jealous, his fucks get rougher. His desire to mark his claim gets stronger. And Chase loves when that side comes out. 
“Foreman didn't cum in you?” 
“No. But I wanted him to.”
Chase can practically hear House’s eyes roll. 
“Of course you did, you want everyone to cum in you.”
“Please,” Chase blubbers. 
“What are you willing to do for it?” House asks, and before Chase can answer, House’s cock is sliding inside him and Chase melts against the desk with a pitiful whimper. 
“Hey,” House says, slapping Chase's ass, “I asked you a question.”
“Anything,” Chase groans, ass clenching hard around the man’s cock.  
“Anything?” House confirms, dragging his dick back out before thrusting sharply back inside. “Keep the cage on, for say, 3 days?”
“Hhhn,” Chase whines instead of answering because House has started up a steady pace, holding Chase’s hips firm. The angle puts immense pressure on his prostate and Chase’s whimpers only get louder. The desk squeaks under the strain, but there’s no way in hell anyone will stop. 
Chase's answer gets punched out of him with the force of House’s next thrusts.
“A week?”
Chase’s legs are having a hard time keeping up with the thrusts.
“2 months?” 
House’s next thrusts are intentionally deep. Chase feels his sanity sizzle and fry.  
“Fuck… yeah, yeah I would. I would, please- just,” Chase groans, unable to finish the sentence the next jab to his prostate leaves him gasping. 
“Wilson, put your dick in his mouth. If he keeps moaning, someone's gonna walk in here.”
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rainbowchaox · 2 years
Okay SO- I think me and a good portion of peeps that will read this were “normal” about the new sheriff skin. But me as a rancher trash will always make new content yes even skin changes into more rancher brainrot. SO LISTEN!
Gem kills him and Jimmy is left with “the skin” he is wearing. eventually a good portion of people who are being harassed by villain Jimmy calls the only one they can see to calm Jimmy angry and pissed ass down. Hence Tango at bumfuck am getting a interdimensonal call for help from the empires to come here to calm his man down.
Meanwhile Tango who was woken up at bumfuck am on the one of the few days he actually slept is befuddled because they need help to calm jimmy. His jimmy? The love of his life that cried helping a cow give birth back in double life? The one dude that no matter how mad he is if you hug him he will melt into a lazy Birb puddle.
So tango does what tango does best and breaks and enters Grian house. And gives grian a major jumpscare. After Grian curses up a storm and has a couple cups of black coffee in his system manages to open a rift for a short period with help from Doc and Cub without Xisuma waking up. (Imagine Xisuma still wearing his helmet but over said helmet is one of those cheesy sleep masks. He is also wearing a cringy fuzzy red robe.)
Anyways eventually befuddled but always ready for more time with his rancher tango and Grian being he really needs to sleep chaperone and if mumbo or scar knew how much coffee and energy drinks he downed in a single setting they will have WORDS. Grian isn’t scared of much. But he is afraid of we are disappointed in your choices because we care rants that Scar and mumbo are known to do whenever he makes sus health or wellness choices. They get there and OH boy everything is burning.
Pretty much instead of pizza Grian is holding his billionth cup of black coffee. Cue all the empires folks that made fun of Jimmy covered in ash and soot. Bruised a bit crawling out of fire like demons but cry from relief seeing Tango and Grian because oh god have they had a bad couple days. They through ugly crying tries to explain that Jimmy lost his marbles.
WHEN BAM! Villain Jimmy full chest out finds them. Grian just thinks Great not another person following in scar footsteps while looking at himself and secretly thinking he needs to work out. CAUSE how dare Jimmy be ripped af.
While Tango is no thought. Eyes zoomies. Tail waving. Beet red. Unable to speak. Full gay mess. Jimmy meanwhile is holding a flint and steel. Being all dangerous and evil.
Eventually Tango wakes up from his gay panic when he sees Jimmy bloody and bruised knuckles. Along with the scar that is across his chest. Cue ranch burning 2.0 scene but Jimmy is the one that needs to calm down. Which he does eventually because tango is his beloved. Full hugs and all that. Eventually Jimmy just sorta flops on tango when all his stress and Adrenaline runs out mixed with tango equals safety. And tango manages to tuck him in. Cue Tango reprimanding everyone for being so sucky that Jimmy almost completely lost. Imagine like a teacher giving you I thought you were better than this talk. And yes eventually he gets in bed with Jimmy for cuddles.
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writingjoycebyers · 2 months
Could you write a Jopper wedding ficlet? :)
This has been in my drafts for ages. It has nothing to do with ST4. But well… here you go.
Iam pretty sure this is not what you had been thinking of when you requested this, anon. It‘s my first go at writing after months! This is highly inspired by Little Women and Jo March. It is absolutely (!) AU. This ask has been in my inbox the longest and I literally could never ever imagine a jopper wedding somehow. But … here you go. I‘d appreciate some reactions as a welcome back for me. 📫
Oh, Jimmy boy.
A Joyce Byers one shot based on Little Women and Stranger Things
Joyce Horowitz was only 12 years old when the old, forgotten house next to her home was suddenly not so empty anymore. She sat on the windowsill with her sisters, fighting for the best spot to watch the new neighbors move in . Abigail was, at six years old, still too short at this point to even see through the window without climbing onto a chair, so she was no real danger, but Joyce‘s sister Beatrice was only two years younger than her, which made her the perfect height to push her elbow into Joyce‘s side to make space for herself on the windowsill. Madeline, the oldest Horowitz sister, was 15 years old at that point and pretended to be too mature to care about some new kids moving in next door. If she‘d been honest, she would have loved to sit by the window too. Joyce kept her eyes locked on the family walking into the house, carrying boxes and bags. A mother - tall and blonde, a father - even taller and a boy, maybe twelve or thirteen, Joyce could not tell. His clothes looked a bit too large, his hair - blonde and shiny - a bit too long. He could need a cut, Joyce thought, resembling words her mother usually said whenever Joyce’s dark waves would become undetangable again. Her cheeks would heat up seeing the boy through the window the next few days although snow was piling up outside. Although Hawkins had become a cold place this winter. Her cheeks would heat up like the fire burning in their fireplace, as if she was in a fever even though she did not even know the new family. It must be that she always had been nosy. You could not feel a connection to someone you did not even know yet, right?
It was her 13th birthday, just about a year later, when she could not imagine life without the boy next door anymore. James Hopper had become her best friend - from building snowmen to roaming the woods in the summer - they had not left each other’s side ever since that one day a month after he had moved in.
A cold night one winter day, Hawkins had been taken over by a horrible snow storm and suddenly - although nobody was to leave their houses - there was a knock on the Horowitz‘s front door.
„My goodness.“, Joyce heard her mother say a few seconds after she had opened the front door.
A low voice answered. „I am sorry to disturb, Madame. But my parents have left the country to visit my aunt and our roof‘s been lacking all night.“
„Oh, Jimmy, Boy. Come in.“, Joyce’s mother said as all four Horowitz girls stuck their noses through the living room door into the hallway. It was the neighbour’s boy. Abby let out a surprised „What’s he doing here?“, while Madeline shrunk her shoulders, getting back to the living room totally unimpressed. Beatrice coughed again. She was too weak to say anything, the cold weather had never been something for her. Their reactions left Joyce by the door, her head visible between the doorframe as she gave the freezing boy in the hallway a soft smile.
„Hello.“, she whispered.
„Hello.“, he whispered back. „You’re the window girl.“, he said and his words made her cheeks burn in a fever of embarrassment.
„I’m Joyce.“, she added sheepishly.
When Joyce was sixteen, Jimmy became Jim.
„Come on, Jimmy, or we are gonna be late for school.“, she yelled over, very unladylike, as she waited on the little path in front of his house for him to come out.
Two minutes later he stood in front of her, still buttoning up his shirt. „Don’t call me that, Joy.“
„But it’s your name.“
„Not anymore, Joyce, I am sixteen, look.“, he said, taking her hand for her to touch his shoulders. „I’ve been doing push ups.“
Joyce was nineteen, some time had passed after high school, when Jim told her he had to leave. The last three years had passed by in a rush, and whenever Joyce and Jim watched each other’s reflection down by the lake they’d spend their summer at, they would not find any resemblance to the boy and girl they had been when Jim had started doing push ups.
“What do you mean, you’re leaving?”, Joyce scoffed as if it was just a stupid joke. They were laying next to each other on the ground by the banks of the lake.
"Police training, the city, a job.", he summed up his situation. He did not look at her but the sky above them. There was a mosquito humming next to his ear.
"Yeah, alright, I see.", was all Joyce could mumble as the lump in her throat got bigger and summer came to an end.
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Joyce was twenty-one when Jim Hopper returned for good.
“What’s that, stupid?”, she laughed as he stood in front of her with a small bouquet of wild flowers. He had phoned her that he’d be back in town and she had agreed when he had suggested to meet up where Hawkins town bordered the woods, right behind her parents’ house. He must have thought she did still live with them.
“Flowers.”, he replied although it was obvious.
When Joyce got closer she realized he was sweating, maybe even shaking a bit.
“Look Joyce, I don’t wanna lose any more time. Don’t say nothing. Just take the damn flowers.”, he started his speech.
Joyce took them, leaning against an old fence that had once protected her granddad’s horses.
“I don’t wanna do this anymore. Two years of letters. Two years of pretending. Joyce, no fucking day went by in the city that I did not think of you. God, what am I saying. Not a day since I moved into that stupid old house with my parents. Joyce - do you wanna be my wife?”, he blurted out and it was obvious that this had been what he needed. His shoulders sank down, a breath left his lungs.
Joyce stared at him, moments passed, seconds or minutes, she did not know. “Hop.”, she replied and her voice was low, powerless. “I’m with someone else. I’m with…”
“Don’t tell me. I’ll find out soon enough.”, he said. Without another word, he turned around and left.
Jim Hopper had moved in next to Joyce’s house at age 12, a hopeful boy and now, at 21, he was a beaten man. Joyce never saw him again in town after that, only heard of his return to the city, of his life as a police officer. Slowly, Jim became a memory.
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Jim Hopper was fourty-one when he looked at Joyce Byers as if she was completely insane, but somehow had the feeling that she wasn’t. Somehow she reminded him of the Joyce he had known, the fiercest of four sisters, having a mind of her own and a million feelings burning inside of her.
“He’s not dead. Will, he’s somewhere out there, I’m sure, Hop.”, she insisted.
“Okay.”, was all he could say as he, to his surprise sent a quick prayer up to heaven that she was right. Joyce Byers nodded and all he could see was the woman he had loved, the woman he’d been to late for, the once fierce girl a broken woman.
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“May I ask you again?”, he said as they sat on the porch. Inside the house El and Will were fighting over some snacks while preparing dinner. Jim and Joyce watched Jonathan play with his kid in the distance. Years had gone by, but Jim still smoked his cigarette the same way and Joyce’s hand was still a bit shaky whenever he lit her a smoke, too.
“If you’d be my wife.”, he said with a smile.
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Jim and Joyce got married in a fever, long after his desperate proposal by the green meadows outside Hawkins. Her dress was not white, his suit was a little too big. Jim and Joyce got married in a small chapel on the outskirts of town, with nobody present but the priest. Neither of them was religious, but it felt divine to put a small, silver ring on each other‘s finger. Jim and Joyce got married when Joyce was fifty-five.
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@cwritesfiction made this Share an Excerpt post the other day and I immediately thought of this segment from a truly ridiculous additional/deleted scene to Life in Black and White, which involves Jeff convincing Gabriel to steal a parasol from an old lady's balcony at two in the morning in January (2002). The segment I'm sharing takes place in the basement of Jeff's house. Contextual note: Jimmy is the owner of their favorite diner, who Jeff tells everyone has dementia even though he does not.
cw: suggestive, sexual content (mentioned/implied; minors DNI)
It’s just past one in the morning, and we’re sitting in the basement listening to Appetite for Destruction. Jeff’s lounging on one of the cinema chairs, face deadpan, staring up at the ceiling. I’m trying to decide if I want to do something else or just give up and go to bed already. I’ve been procrastinating on working on an assignment for one of my classes for four hours. It’s kind of late now.
Suddenly, as I’m gazing into the TV from my spot on the couch, lost in no specific thought in particular, I’m snapped back to reality by Jeff plopping down onto the couch beside me. I didn’t even hear him get up. There’s a weird look on his face - halfway between intense focus and like he’s trying not to laugh.
“What’s up?” I ask, somewhat alarmed.
In a fluid gesture, he grabs the large bottle of vodka that’s been hanging out on the coffee table since I brought it down here a few days ago. Hard to believe considering my complicated relationship with this particular liquid these days, but it’s still over three quarters full. He holds the bottle in both hands in his lap, looking down at it musingly, considering it for a moment. Then, he looks back up at me and asks me casually, "What if I drank this whole thing and gave myself alcohol poisoning?"
Well, that’s not what I was expecting, but okay. "I'd probably recommend not doing that," I tell him.
"I'll take that under advisement," he says, grinning - smugly - as he uncaps the bottle. Throws the cap carelessly to the floor. Watches it fall. "Okay, advisement over. I've just decided… I'm going to chug this whole thing right now unless you go upstairs and tell Daphne."
I frown, confused. "What do you mean, tell Daphne? Tell Daphne what?"
He just smiles. Gives me a brief, suggestive eyebrow raise. 
My heart drops into my stomach. "Oh, fuck no,” I exclaim. “Are you high?"
He chuckles. "I'm dead serious. Oh, yes. Go on. Go upstairs and tell her about all the times you've been down here sucking my dick while she was in her room two floors up. Otherwise I’m drinking this entire thing right here and now."
I imagine I must look a bit like a baby deer in a transport truck's headlights right now. I just look at him, dumbfounded. "I -"
He cuts me off. Smacks my arm with gusto, eyes wide, grinning widely, like he's just had the best idea since the lightbulb. "No, no, wait, even better - tell her about the time you fucked me in a cabin not two hundred feet from the tent she was sleeping in."
I can’t tell for sure because I feel like the connection between my brain and my body is currently being severed, but if I had to guess, I’d say I’m probably sweating like a malfunctioning fire hydrant at the moment. I just stare at him. "For fuck sakes… what is wrong with you?” I say practically under my breath, before adding at a higher volume, “Are you good?"
He ignores me, because unfortunately, he isn’t fucking done. "Mm, yeah, I'm sure she'd love to know all about how hard you made me come that night with my legs wrapped around your -"
At this point, I've all but lunged forward, smacking a hand onto his mouth in a desperate attempt to make him shut the fuck up. He's trying to fucking kill me. I'm convinced. "Stop. I swear to God."
He makes eye contact with me as he grabs my hand with both of his and half-seriously bites it before yanking it sharply away from his face. "What?" he says teasingly. "Don't tell me you already forgot..."
Hah. Haha. Very funny. Someone give the man an award for outstanding performance in comedy. I can’t quite keep the hint of a smile from my face. "You may have convinced Jimmy he has Alzheimer's, but I certainly don't."
He laughs. Shrugs. "Well. Anyway. If you ever want a repeat of that, you'd better make sure I don't drink all of this, hmm?"
I’m just sitting here, looking at him, completely baffled. I’m honestly just at a loss. "Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you right now?"
He lazily points to the ceiling. "Go on. Go tell her."
"Are you for -"
He snaps his fingers. "Wait, actually, I changed my mind. You have two options."
Oh no. I know what he's going to say before he even opens his mouth again. "No," I say firmly.
"I want Linda Peacock's parasol."
"Come on."
"I'm not stealing that fucking parasol. Go get it yourself if you want it so bad."
The look on his face right now is just cruel. Feigning consideration for a moment, he says, "Hmm… no. I want it just bad enough to make you do it for me. Which you will."
"Oh yeah? How? Because I'll tell you right now, it's going to take a lot more than you pinky swearing not to give yourself alcohol poisoning." I reach out, grabbing the neck of the bottle and trying to pull it from his grasp, but he tightens his grip. Some of the vodka swishes out, falling into his lap. He frowns, then grins at me intently. 
"I'll let you sleep in my room," he says. 
Deliberately, I look down at the vodka so that his eyes don’t checkmate me right now. Okay. I see how it is. He's bringing out the big guns to this fistfight. Unluckily for him, I know an obvious bluff when I hear one. "Yeah, right."
"I mean it."
"Uh huh," I snap back, sarcastically. "I'm not stealing Linda's parasol. Get over it."
He manages to draw my gaze to his own again as he takes a couple of hearty swigs from the bottle. Then, he sets it firmly on the table, lies back on the couch with his head in my lap, one arm draped lazily overhead and the other across his stomach. He looks directly up at me, and says, "You're going to go get that parasol, because when you get back, I'll let you do whatever you want to me."
Ten minutes later we're in the front yard. He's pacing playfully in a circle around me, grinning victoriously, swinging the bottle around in his hand. He points intently to the apartment building two doors down. Cackles as he takes a swig. "Go on, then. Do it. Better hurry up, or I'll have finished this by the time you get back…"
I start walking across the lawn and hear him whistling gleefully behind me. Sounds like he’s having the time of his damn life out here. I sure hope he’s fucking enjoying himself. He can gloat as much as he wants. I’m going to get that goddamn parasol and then I’m coming back here and wiping that smug fucking look right off his face.
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untilthenextencore · 2 years
Of Births and Rebirths~...
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As expected Jimmy was a pro at handling Dante. He took to it like a duck to water. He was there along with the nanny when Soraya, still tired & recommended to remain on bed rest after giving birth, could not be. He was there for Dante & for her.
He would help her wake & make sure she ate, helping her brush her hair in between cuddles of her & the baby - and feedings of the baby as well - as she found herself a daily routine as a new mother.
He dressed them all in white shifts that day. Soraya he had in an off-the-shoulder linen gown that he bought, seeing it as reminiscent of her wedding gown. Dante was in a little soft linen sleeper. Jimmy wore a white linen shirt he had gapped in order to continue the skin-to-skin he first tried in the hospital with Dante. The maid joked that they looked like a family of spirits haunting the house as they drifted about, making them laugh.
They got into an easy routine. Soraya feeding the baby & Jimmy changing his diaper to let her rest as much as possible. Jimmy would have them snatch naps together. If Soraya nodded off with Dante, he'd hold Dante on their laps, softly petting the both of them. She could feel him lean in to kiss the both of them tenderly. Feel his lips softly press to both of their cheeks & temples. Hear his hushed words, sotto voce as they were.
"My word..." He hushed as Dante yawned & snuggled closer to the both of them. Dante blindly gripped at their shifts, holding snatches of both Soraya's gown & Jimmy's blouse. "There there, mate. Don't worry. We're still here. We've got you." He chuckled, as Dante gave the fabric a little tug with yet another yawn.
As he pet the young one's head, Jimmy recited his full name - including the names they were considering for his middle names, hushing them in reverence, speaking them like an incantation. "Dante Gabriel Everett Millais Holman Hunt Jaime Amado Page~..." Soraya smiled softly as Dante shifted as if responding to his names as much as his father's voice.
Dante fidgetted a bit, yawning again before smacking his lips in a tell tale fashion.
"Oh! Someone's hungry." Soraya cooed, pulling the ties of her gown & shimmying the neckline down & taking Dante to her breast. As Dante nursed, the room fell into a quiet hush. The only sounds aside from Dante's suckles were the crackling of the fire & the wind outside. Soraya & Jimmy took turns petting Dante's head as he nursed. Jimmy let Soraya take over soon enough, then bringing his right hand lower to bolster the pillow Dante rested on a bit.
He was duly rewarded.
Dante relinquished his hold on their clothes & curled his tiny hand over Jimmy's finger. His heart swelled. Tears sprang to his eyes. "My... My... My goodness gracious... He is such a tiny dear thing. Such a dear thing. A dear boy. Are you sure he's ours?"
"Of course he is! Precisely because he's so dear. Why? Having doubts?" She teased Jimmy with a nudge.
"No!" He wrapped his arm tighter around his wife, kissing her temple & nuzzling her.
"Good!" Soraya returned his affection, meeting his lips with a soft kiss of her own. "Because you don't have to look too far or think too hard as to who Dante takes after in his widows peak, green eyes or black Irish coloring." Jimmy just laughed, meeting Soraya in another kiss.
He paused a moment to take in the sight; his young wife dressed in the sleeping gown that he had bought specially made for her, nursing his new son. It was humbling. Stirring. Deeply stirring. He felt himself throb despite his best intentions.
Not quite yet, mate. They must wait a few weeks yet for that. Soraya - however deeply stirring - was still recovering yet. Still finding her feet. Still finding her way. Finding her path. Finding her place in her new life, both as his wife & now a new mom. He mustn't intrude on that. It was too special a time. Too sweet. Too sacred.
No. Instead, he would guide her. Do whatever he could to guide her. To help her. To support her. To protect her. With his whole body and soul and spirit, he would protect her. And now little Dante too. With everything he had.
Never did he think in all his years that he'd be back here again. In this position again. Married. With a small child. A new baby. A little son. He never saw this coming. But now that he was here he'd not take it for granted. He intended to experience it all anew. Every delicious, delirious, delightful part & bit of it. Newlywed life. Fatherhood. Every bit of bliss. Building & being in & bringing his new son up in a warm, safe, supportive environment, in a house full of love.
All these thoughts milling & spinning about his head brought the tears back to his eyes, turning his eyes a mistier shade of green.
He pressed another soft kiss to Soraya's temple, doing his best to swallow the watery lump in his throat as he rasped. "You're doing phenomenal, love. Absolutely fantastic. Such a natural." Another kiss as he held her tighter. "I'm so proud of you, my love. So proud of you."
Soraya beamed, looking incandescent in the glow of the fire nearby. "I owe it all to you. My darling husband. My beloved. My one and only. My heart." Clearly, she was just as moved by this moment. Tears edged her eyes as well, which she daintily patted away & swept away with her fingertips before he helped her with gentle dabs of his handkerchief. "I wouldn't have him but for you. We wouldn't have him. Wouldn't have this..." She motioned to the firelit room flowered with roses, baby clothes & well-wishes. "All of this... I can't thank you enough. And how you help me... Guide me... Support me... You do more than I ever could imagine... I couldn't ask for more... I couldn't thank you enough..."
Her tear-misted gaze then fixed on him as she hushed. "I adore you, Jimmy. Mind and body. Heart and soul. Wholly, deeply & entirely. You'll never know how much."
Her words echoed ones she had often spoken to him. They echoed her vows. This hit Jimmy right in his heart... In the tenderest spot... The one he saved for her...
Silently, he took her lips in yet another kiss. His lips were trembling as were hers but they were never more sure than they were at that moment. They fit like pieces of a puzzle solved at long last. Her hand rose to cup his cheek tenderly, keeping him in the kiss even as he refused to break it. Her thumb caressed his tears away even as hers continued to fall.
"Thank you, my darling." He hushed into her lips. "You'll never know how grateful I am to you... How indebted I am... You've given me a gift of life... New life... Nothing can ever compare... My beautiful Soraya... My lady..."
Her heart felt so full it could burst at that moment. She didn't know what to say... What more she could say... What more she could do... She racked her brain for the words which proved fleeting but for one...
Instead, their attentions were grabbed by the surprised murmur of little Dante as their tears both fell onto him below, anointing his forehead as he nursed. Both came to cup his head, fingers meeting as they brushed the tears away & into his skin. They both laughed softly, as they stroked his cheek.
And as their fingers tangled tenderly about their son's downy cheek, in a knitted halo about his sweet face, at last, the words came to Soraya, his forever muse, who mused in an amused lilt.
"Don't that just beat all?... Don't that just say it all, Jimmy? If it doesn't I don't know what does. I don't know what more I could say. What more he could say, past the simplest expression? So I'll say it for him." Turning to greet her husband with a soft kiss, "Jimmy..." She spoke soft words she had often said & repeated that no less shook him to the core, hitting that tenderest part of his heart that ever remained hers. "I love you..."
Indeed, it did. Defeating all words. Rendering them all useless & mundane. Ineffectual & redundant but for his simple reply, uttered in a reverent hush as his arms wrapped tenderly tighter still around them, as ever loving as they were ever protective, which they knew they always would be.
"I love you too... My lady... My darling... My darlings... I adore you... And I always shall..."
With that the room fell into the same reverent hush around them. But for the soft whisper of wind outside, the crackle of fire inside, along with Dante's suckle & the soft kiss the two new parents either placed atop his head if not shared together still within that tender moment, nothing more was said.
Nothing more needed to be said. Nothing more was needed. All of them were content. Content all was said that needed to be. Content they had everything they needed within that little room... Within that embrace... Within each other...
Hope you all enjoy~!
As ever this is forever for under construction~!
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basil-the-bulbasaur · 7 months
White houses by vanessa Carlton for the ask game (its been rotting in the back of my head for days)
I'm using the lyrics with commentary and mild editing to explain why this has actually been about ranchers the whole time
I hope this is comprehensible
Crashed on the floor when I moved in (Tango getting explodificated) This little bungalow (like a ranch?!) alone with some strange new friends Stay up too late, and I'm too thin We promise each other it's til the end ("you will always be my soulmate, my rancher") Now we're spinning empty bottles It's the five of us (this may bring up thoughts of The Southlands but actually "the five of us" is Jimmy, Tango, chickens, cows, and goats/horses) With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust (because when you ally with Jimmy the canary curse gets you) I can't resist the day ((I don't really know what this means)) No, I can't resist the day (Its ranching. They can't resist going outside and ranching)
[The Warden] screams out and it's no pose (Jimmy is in the deep dark getting enchanted) Cause when she dances she goes and goes And beer through the nose on an inside joke And I'm so excited, I haven't spoken (because if he speaks the wardens gonna get him) And [Tango]'s so pretty, and she's so sure (consurened about Jimmy being in the deep dark) Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her ((this part actually doesn't match well because the ranchers are to silly and oblivious for either one to be more clever than the other) its about Jim surviving the deep dark and proving everyone's worries wrong) The summer's all in bloom The summer is ending soon (Its a death game. they don't have long :( )
It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone (soulmates) But I hold on to your secrets in white houses (the horse that they stole, who is now in the barn)
Maybe I'm a little bit over my head I come undone at the things he said (wow I love my soulmate. Hey what happened to our goats???) And he's so funny in his bright red shirt (like- like the shirt Tango wears?) We were all in love and we all got hurt (The Ranch! D:) I sneak into his car's cracked leather seat ((this part made more sense before I decided to focus on DL setting ranchers, if they're in a modern setting then sure yeah, car, but like this?) leather jacket, i guess) The smell of gasoline in the summer heat (not the ranch!!!!!!!!) Boy, we're going way too fast (they're both so impulsive) It's all too sweet to last (the ranch was too epic and cool so it got burnt down, also ranchers being doomed to die or something)
It's alright And I put myself in his hands (Jimmy stopping Tango from getting unplanned revenge) But I hold on to your secrets in white houses (they still have the horse) Love, or something (revenge!!!!!) ignites in my veins (ignites?! like fire?! like blazeborn!Tango?!) And I pray it never fades in white houses
My first time, hard to explain ("Jolly Ranchers" they get to enchant! yay!) Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain (Oh no! arrows!) On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think (Jim falling off the tower above the velvet keep) He's my first mistake (referencing the creeper death)
Maybe you were all faster than me (contemplation of canary curse) We gave each other up so easily These silly little wounds will never mend (getting attacked by an Enderman) I feel so far from where I've been (dying so far from the ranch :() So I go, and I will not be back here again (They can't return to the ranch because they're dead!) I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses I lie, put my injuries all in the dust (canary curse strikes again) In my heart is the five of us In white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me What I gave is yours to keep (they're still ranchers) In white houses In white houses In white houses
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art-i-know-yes · 1 year
Joel killing Tango and Jimmy being like "WASNT ME"
Props to the rest of T.I.E.S for trying to protect
"This is for peace"
just bombs
Skizz just bargaining
the MUSIC is killing me
running through the walls
what about MY heartbeat
Tango driving the Bad Boys insane
ooo the mob farm
"hi everybody. im afraid."
your teammates want to kill you
Tango doesn't even know where he is
he has 40 minutes
momma's respect
baby dug
"what-what's this? are you a bad boy?" *switches skin* "of course I am!"
they tried really hard
oh no Scott is GOLDEN
"he knows etho is the only that can protect him"
oh so Joel was just killing people like scar was last session
he was trying
oh so that's how that happened
hunting green names for sport
"last ep behavior" is hilarious to me
all the accidental clocker kills
oh so that's what THAT was
got that green name tho-
"im squealing-"
grian uses that kind of tactic reasoning right
you're destroying his pretty house
i-i was. bit expecting that to work
the Bad Boys are rrreeeeaaaalll desperate
not too sure about the friends
grian's gremlin laugh is so funny
potato pier
they have so many lives so they just decided that vertical was going to be the best tactic
Jimmy's Ep (finished b4 Grian's ep)
no ily for scott
so. jimmy is just. wild. this season huh. kidnapping bigb.
fire bread bridge
pearl is soooo gonna follow
*sigh* guess we know who's going red first
"yeeeahh mellow yellow. we're all friends here" "i couldn't kill you even if i wanted" but i can kidnap you
the bois are building and jimmy is. going through something right now.
jimmy's emotional support frog Judge Judy and Executioner
"excuse me"
"how do we know he's still a bad boy" "ive been threatening and kidnapping people"
being a bad boy is a family business
bad boy bread bridge bakery
him and his puns
"filthy reds"
"how much time you got? 18?" "17:48" "disgusting."
being scott's bodyguard
of course it's grian with the fishing rod
oh joel was kinda close
mean gill protection services
"the other kids are bullying me!!!"
"why am i following"
the bread bridge is getting wild
martyn watches too many of his subs vids
hunting green names for spoooorrrttt
do you trust that tho
it's it'sssss wabbit season!!
the FEAR in joel's voice
"chaps let's talk about it"
"i need the time back, i need the time back-"
"oh my word"
"oh grian noo"
did- did they not. notice.
im not smart enough for lore
Scott's Ep
scott having the most time is great
"is that why you're hovering"
"little 'ol meeeee"
grian tried spleefing a lot
scott is left undefeated
people lost more time trying to kill greens than had gained
*runs in fear*
also scar being peaceful this episode
rip to pufferish of peace
"Hmm? hmm!"
"the arrows caaNNN REACH"
absolute amazing bucket clutch
the yellow skin is very cute
"oh yeah no I was slippery"
the clockers are the most unsubtle team ever
and pearl did that one huh
"yeah it's pretty close"
momma can't do her chores when her kids are there
always with the aesthetics
aww cute
ahhh innuendo
wild session
btw i watch tango's first bc he posts suuuper ahead of everyone else so. anyway i watched his and part of grian's when the episodes came out just finished the rest of them lmao. i have a short attention span.
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rk8connorzz · 2 years
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2 // 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔰𝔢𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔞𝔫 𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔱𝔶
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Note: I know the timing isn’t canon really, but don’t mind it just go along with it xoxo
- A few months after Chapter One - I haven't let go. My partner, Hank Anderson, thinks it's just a stupid obsession. "You'll get over it." He always tells me. But I've only missed him more and more ever since. I was investigating a new case at my home. An android who murdered a woman in front of the sex club, the Eden Club. That place always made me sick. I was informed me and Hank have been assigned to the deviancy case, as well as a new android to assist us. Though, I'm unsure if Hank was informed. He was doing his regular activities, getting drunk at Jimmy's Bar. I would've come along, but I needed to work on this case. My hand rested on my head, massaging it. I had a terrible headache. Just the day before, I was drinking away my sorrows with Hank. The hangover from the night before gave me the worst headache. I'm too lazy to walk up and get some Aspirin. I had multiple band-aids on my face. I had a large cut on my eyebrow and my cheekbone from a fight last night Hank had to break up. I'm not responsible while I'm drunk, that's for damn sure.
*Knock Knock Knock*
The three knocks on my door brought me back to reality. I wasn't expecting anybody, and I'm not visitor friendly with how my house looks and how I'm dressed. Despite barely being able to stand, I forced myself to go answer the door anyways. I almost collapsed underneath my weight, but managed to latch on to things around my house to situate myself as I made my way to the door. The person rang the doorbell over and over. "Anybody home?" The voice yelled. A.. familiar voice. "Yeah! Hold on just a bit!" I yelled back in reply. I looked in through the peephole just out of curiosity.
He..he's here. I stood in disbelief. It's been so long. My hand rested over my mouth. My trembling hand gripped the doorknob to swing it open slightly. "Hello, Detective." He greeted. "I- Hey, Connor!" Then came the familiar feeling. My cheeks swelled red with all the blood flooding into them. How my body felt like it was on fire. "May I come in?" He asked, politely. "Uh- Yeah, sure." I moved to the side to let him in. "Sorry, I wasn't uhm.. expecting anyone. What do you need?" I'm never this polite with anyone. I'm irritated with almost everyone I meet, why does this feel different? I feel like I have to be polite, I want him to think I'm a good person. I need to alter my personality as much as I can around him so he doesn't think lowly of me. Why am I holding myself to such a high standard for this man that I barely even know? God! "I apologize for arriving at such short notice. You were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a Cyberlife android. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators." I let my head down and shook it, sighing. "Fuck. Fowler is kicking my ass with these cases, huh? What about Hank?" His LED shone yellow, before circling back to a shade of ocean blue. "Lieutenant Anderson? I was going to look for him after I got you." "Oh yeah? Well, good luck. He's at Jimmy's Bar getting drunk to forget about life. He's easily agitated when it comes to androids." His company to me still had some getting used to. I was so worried about driving him off, but it seems to be going well so far. "So I was told, but I assure you, I'll be alright." There he goes again, smiling with that stupid smile. Making me feel like I'm about to fall over. He was a piece of art, and I could stare at him forever. Every small moment we spent together, even if short-lived, sucked the rot out of my bloodstream. He was my only remedy for this vast loneliness.
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll be fine. Hold on, let me get a little more prepared." He sat down on the couch and waited for me patiently. I slipped on my jacket over my bare arms and then walked upstairs to the bathroom. I looked at my band-aids in the mirror and decided to take them off. They weren't too deep, so I don't need to have them covered all the time. My hair was a tad messy, but I didn't bother with it. It'll just evolve into me getting more pissed off at my hair for not cooperating. I slipped on my boots which were next to the bathroom door and almost ran down the stairs.
"Hey, Con." He turned around to face me, his back still turned away from me though. "What happened to your face?" I laughed at his reaction. "Nothing important. Just a bar fight. I get in them all the time, the other person just was a little stronger than I initially thought." "I understand. Please, try to take care of yourself. The wounds don't seem too detrimental, that's a relief." He said while standing up from his spot. I felt so at home just in his mere presence. He just had to show that he cared, and that sold me. He was my favorite part of being alive and dear god. If I lose him for that long again, I'm unsure of what I'll do. I've fallen so deeply in love with him in such a short amount of time, it seems unnatural. If only I could control these overwhelming emotions, this won't be as awkward as it is.
"Detective? Are you alright?" "Yeah, sorry. Let's just go." He nodded while walking, I grabbed an umbrella with my hand that wasn't reaching over to grab my car keys. "Would you like me to drive?" Connor broke the silence between us with his polite request. "Sure. Here." I tossed the keys over to him to which he swiftly grasped them in his palm. His stare almost felt piercing. Like he was looking straight through me. Who am I kidding? My obsession with him is probably so easy to notice. Even if I didn't think so. I was lost in his eyes. Eye contact was hard to keep, but he never seemed to break it with me. 
- Small Time Skip - 
"You seem to be staring at me, Detective. Is there something wrong?" I realized I was staring directly at him without really realizing it. "No. You're just nice to look at." His gaze softened at the gesture. "Most of the people at the predicament stated you were an unpleasant person to be around. That doesn't seem to be the case. In any case, thank you. You're quite nice to look at as well." Did he mean that? Maybe it was just a program of his talking. "We're here," Connor said. I looked outside. Jimmy's Bar was always a hotspot for people looking for some trouble, or just for some closure. Detroit has been in an age of drugs and alcohol for around 5 years now. And no matter how many drug busts occur, red ice dealers never seem to give up selling some of it to their consumers. We both exited the vehicle and walked toward the bar. "I'll wait outside, I'd rather not be tempted to buy a few drinks before we go." Connor seemed to agree with what I said. Does he know I have a hangover? Probably. It took him a while before he finally walked out of the bar with Hank. Connor wasn't torn in half and Hank wasn't strangling the life out of Connor, so I'll take that they're gonna get along perfectly.
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sometilememes · 2 years
my live reaction to scott's first limited life video
spoilers under the cut
llama owen !
i don't have money
what is that noise
i already know what's going to happen
boat ?
yes it's going to be you
he's about to murder
be gay do crime
fuck your hair ( ad )
" that didn't sound convincing " while you aren't wrong you know for a fact he's telling the truth
oh good he's muted
will they move on ?
it's murder ?
he's just casually planning murder
karma ? or something else
you know that fanfic writers will have a field day with that
keep inventory is on ?
on no
he doesn't need to kill the cow just you
life is short
it would have been funny if it was him twice
skizz is suffering
k e l p
emerald of trust
bamboo of trust
no dept
g o l d
murder and success
m o n o p o l y
frog ?
a trail of blood ( dirt )
what has joel done ?
what has jimmy witnessed joel do ?
the bad boys will destroy your carpet
it was in the script jimmy
can skizz be the next jimmy ?
y eah bebe
goat yeet
oh no
i don't trust
they feel in lava ?
i haven't seen that part ?
did i fall asleep for that bit
he has pot ?
" i can't believe you replaced me with a cow " noooo
boat boys
the cow is dead again
joel you are on a death list
well hello there
" thats not sanitary " you are in a death game
they synchronize no got me
they have no cows
look at them do they look like they have cows
i'm also speechless
bdubs is feral
no thank you
that's you bad boys
sea see
fuck it circles your squares
ti kcuf square ruiy circles
coral kids vs. bad boys the battle of the series
unlimited food limited life
stop making it cute you are in a death game
angry scar salesman
secret tunnel
a yes a door will save you
best house ever
dolphin scott
my bets are on etho bogyman
or not
sea life
he'll be back in a boat
pufferish of peace
scott i know what you're doing
stop giving us crumbs
" this is arson " no shit sherlock
he edited out grians mistake on the name of the series that's amazing
how many people died
skizz how
entertainment mountain ?
what is cleo's skin
the forest is on fire
what's with the doors ? do i want to know ?
same scott same
#1 worst cow farmers
what ?!
where did the tnt come from ?
not the cow !
gay shape
is minecraft homophobic because all the lines are straight
one with the ocean
the ocean is not warm where do you live
it's freezing over here
impulse was always the chicken
i'm hearing things
what fish were you looking for ?
the end
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