#oh and he'd rope everyone else in definitely
cinnamonsikwate · 21 days
watching the first 2 episodes of frieren last year shook me so bad i still can't get myself to continue it, but between what i remember of it and the nightmares episode of dungeon meshi i can't stop thinking about the ways laios would prepare marcille for his death. what would he leave behind to remind her that he (and by extension all the people she loved and who loved her) are still with her in spirit, even if not in body?
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punk4ndisorderly · 11 months
waking up in vegas
Y/N just wanted to forget about this week from hell. In Vegas, she forgets just about everything, including her aversion to marriage.
Y/N gets extremely drunk and marries a random man she meets in Las Vegas
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absinthe | last name | consequences
warnings: underage drinking, possible innuendos.
"I told you this was a bad idea. Bringing rookies to Las Vegas is bad luck!" Alex groaned loudly, walking back and forth in the suite's sitting room.
"This isn't bad luck, this is Trevor being a dumbass." Quinn corrected from his seat, his eyes glued to his phone. "Well, him and the rest of you jackasses. No offense, Leo."
The rookie looked away from the amazing view to look at the veteran. "None taken."
Trevor sighed, throwing his head back against the seat rest. Quinn wasn't wrong about him making really dumb decisions. He could feel the gold ring burning into his skin as he listened to his friends discuss his latest fuck-up. He had really gone and done it this time, hadn't he?
"First of all, Leo was never here, alright?" Jack asserted. "The only thing worse than getting married when you're one shot away from getting your stomach pumped is to do it with a drunk minor you got a fake ID for in the entourage."
"This is why I don't drink with you guys." Jamie said from the bathroom.
"No, you don't drink with us because last time you did you puked everywhere."
"Guys! Not the time." the blond man intervened, raising his hand in the air, the golden band demanding everyone's attention. "I need to figure out how to undo this."
Everyone looked at each other, no clue what to do next. It wasn't common for a group of men in the 18-24 year-old range to know about legal proceedings or how to clean up their own messes. It was usually all tidy and taken care of before they even realised there was a problem to be dealt with.
"Well, first off, we need to find your wife." Quinn pointed out. "Then, we need to get down to whatever wedding chapel you dumb idiots stumbled into, and ask for an annulment, I guess. Oh, you should warn your agent and ask for a lawyer, too."
"Can you guys imagine Z having to give a random chick half of his money because he got blackout drunk in Vegas? Oh dude, you'd go down in hockey history." Alex chuckled to himself, getting hit with a pillow not long after.
"God, my mom is going to kill me." Trevor groaned, throwing himself on the large, unmade bed he had woken up in with a complete stranger he had decided to marry staring down at him.
"Forget about your mom, Trev. The Ducks are going to lose their shit." Cole mused. "This is terrible publicity."
"There's no such thing as bad publicity, brothers." Jack countered, poking Trevor's back with the remote he found on his dresser. "Get up, dude. Quinny's right. We've got to find your wife and convince her to unmarry you."
"Oh trust me, she doesn't want any of this." he gestured to his body, going limp again after he did. "She ran faster than Bolt when I showed her the name on the ring."
"Yeah, well, we need to get to her before anyone else does and this gets out." Quinn said matter-of-factly, annoyed that, yet again, he has been roped into one of Trevor's shenanigans.
"Does she know who you are?" Jamie asked, propped up against the doorframe.
"Nope. She didn't do the screech and she wasn't taking pictures of me sleeping when I woke up. Last time that happened..."
"This happens regularly?" Leo nearly screeched, looking panicked.
"If you're Trevor, yeah." Cole shrugged. "Never to this extent until today, but... Don't worry, rookie, the fact that you look alarmed already tells us you've got more functional brain cells than he does, you'll be fine."
A sudden knock on the door halted the conversation, prompting Quinn to release another exasperated sigh and answer it. He should definitely stop letting his brother convince him to come on their trips, he already knew he'd be the babysitter at the brink of a nervous breakdown by the end of it.
He opened the door, being greeted by a small woman, backed up by tall redhead, surprise evident on their faces.
"Can I help you?"
"Yeah, we're looking for the ass my best friend ran away with and ended up married to last night. You know anything about that, sad-looking little boy?" Y/F/N/2 fired away, pointing at the eldest Hughes.
A cackle came from inside, Cole turning up beside him in the next instant. "I think you're in the right place, ladies."
Quinn rolled his eyes, stepping aside so the two women could come inside, meeting the other men in the living room, who immediately sized them up and down, eyebrows raised, most likely waiting for their reaction.
No reaction. They could not give two shits about them, and the annoyed looks on their faces were proof of it.
"Where's Travis?"
"Trevor." Y/N corrected her friend, using her fingers to rub at her temples. "I'm pretty sure we've got the right room."
"Yeah, you got the right one..." the blond man spoke quietly, probably for the first time in his life, coming from the bedroom. "Wife."
welcome to the ducks, leo! also, i totally made up the "rookies in vegas bad luck" thing. i do it all for the plot!
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Christmas with softdom! Jason?
Jason looked up from where he was untangling lights and smiled, "Nice nap, Princess?" he asked.
You rub your eyes with a too-long sweater sleeve and nod, "What're you doing?"
"Trying to untangle all your Christmas lights," he said cheerfully, "Figured we could put the tree up. Maybe watch a movie."
"White Christmas?" you ask yawning, coming to kneel next to him, looking through boxes, looking for your favorite ornaments.
Jason made a soft sound of agreement and kissed your head, "You feel okay?"
"Just tired," you murmur.
"You feel tired," he said. He reached over to touch your forehead with the back of his hand. "Burnt out?"
"A little," you sigh. "Everyone has a lot of complicated feelings about the holidays."
Jason nodded. An odd little thing he'd never considered about your odd little empathic quirk- it was exhausting. He'd once wondered why your room was so far from everyone else at the manor. Until he'd seen you hit a state of almost zombie-like stupefaction after a long mission that had made heavy use of your little gifts. "Mine are a little less complicated this year," he purred tugging a lock of your hair.
"All I want for Christmas is you," he said, "with a red velvet bow on your head laying under the tree."
"What?" he said grinning, reaching over to tilt your chin up and stroking your cheek before he stole a kiss. "I got everything I need right here."
"How many drinks did you have doing lights?" you ask, nipping his lip. Basking in the feel of him- muzzy with alcohol and feeling amorous and sweet.
"A couple," he admitted smirking. "It's hard to untangle lights thinking about how pretty you'd look tied up with them."
You look up at him slowly and smile a little, feeling warm. "Can you do it without-"
"I'd mostly use the silk rope," he said kissing your nose. "The lights would just make it feel like Christmas."
"Let me put you on your throne, Princess?" he pleaded, pouting prettily.
"Can we have Christmas Juice and listen to music too?" you ask, "Please?" You bat your eyes at him and pick up a strand of lights, twining them around your wrists consideringly.
"As if we could do anything else," he purred, claiming your lips in a tender kiss. "You adorable pervert."
"I'm not-"
"Baby I'm gonna make you come so hard listening to "Santa Claus is coming to town" that you'll never be able to listen to it in public again."
"Absolutely," he said grinning. His feelings about the holidays were definitely a lot less complicated this year.
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lunaticsandidiots · 2 years
ok we all know adrian is the jealous type right? like he sees someone flirting with you and he's instantly pulling you away to obliterate you right? but what would happen if he sees CHRIS flirting with you? like that's his BESTFRIEND flirting with HIS lover? how do you think he'd react? would he be even more jealous because it's chris?
man oh man do i have thoughts on this one
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how adrian would react if chris flirted with you…
so its very much established that adrian is the jealous type.
when others flirt with you, he’ll whisk you away in the blink of an eye so he can remind you of why you’re with him.
(i dont think adrian would ever blame you if others tried to hit on you, he knows you cant help that. but that doesn’t stop him from using it as an excuse to fuck your brains out in the nearest semi-secluded closet or alcove he can find).
however, if it was chris who was coming onto you, it could go one of two ways.
(and for both of the outcomes, i think there’d be jealousy involved. adrian looks up to chris, and probably sees him as superior in one way or an other, so if chris tried to flirt with you, insecurities would definitely come into play.)
if their friendship was already going through a period of tension, i think adrian would have the potential to go ballistic on chris for trying it, mostly by lashing out verbally.
if he was feeling particularly hateful about it, he’d probably do tiny little extremely things to drive chris insane, like moving everything in his house 2 inches to the left, gluing all of his belongings to his desk or replacing his conditioner with mayonnaise.
and now we get to the other potential outcome.
adrian would watch as chris looked down at you, face burning bright red as he watched chris effortlessly leaning against the wall beside him, hand resting almost directly above your head to show off a massive, toned bicep.
again, half of the nausea bubbling up in adrian’s throat would be jealousy and rage.
but the other half? pure arousal.
he’d feel so conflicted, but he’d push through nonetheless, the mental image of chris pounding into you brought him too much pleasure to deny himself of the thought.
i don’t think cuckolding would be at the top of his fetish list, but due to the circumstances, it would be something that would cross his mind often until he ripped the bandaid off and asked you.
if all parties agreed, i’d think it would be wise to talk to chris beforehand for everyone’s benefit. make it clear that you love adrian, and that even though you also want this, you belong to him, not chris. (i cant help but be protective of my blorbo rn okay) .
(you could also totally use this chat to loop chris in too, telling him what adrian likes, what turns him on, so when the time came, the both of you would be able to make it the most pleasurable experience possible for adrian.)
i don’t think is nearly as kinky as he is rough, but i think once he saw you getting adrian worked up by teasing and taunting him, calming him a good boy and degrading him
‘you wanna watch me get fucked real good by someone else, baby? you’d like that, wouldn’t you? sitting there all tied up and pretty, watching me take it, not able to touch yourself, not able to do anything but squirm? i bet you’ll make a mess of yourself before i’m halfway there, won’t you sweetheart?’
chris would probably get turned on by that too i am not gonna lie to you.
and just like you’d predicted, you’d watch on from your hazy, teary, lust-hooded eyes, as best you could while chris did indeed fuck you mercilessly.
and adrian would be squirming and writhing and panting and sweating as he came ropes all over himself as the vulgar display in front of him, and he’d sit there glistening in sweat and cum as he watched you come undone around chris.
afterwards, it’d be best for everyones sake if you took extra time for aftercare, making sure that you and chris were all good of course, but then doting on adrian, showering him in love and affection, telling him how good he did for you.
and maybe later on when it was just the two of you laying in bed, you’d take a moment just to check in and make sure he knew where you were at (reassurance and clarification is the #1 way to his heart)
‘you know i’m all yours though, right dude?’
maybe he’d nod halfheartedly, or mutter out a ‘yeah’ if the big green monster had yet to fade away.
‘today was hot, but i only want to fuck you.’
‘really?’ he’d ask, eyes widened with surprise.
‘really. plus you’re way better at it than chris.’
and adrian’s not a particularly subtle or deep person, but i think he’d keep that little comment to himself, thinking of it whenever he’d begin to doubt himself in chris’ presence and just kinda puff his chest up and smirk to himself, knowing who you belong to.
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reniboo · 2 years
could you do hcs with bakugo having a bimbo/himbo s/o? <3
NOTE; i actually love this idea, and i hope i’ve done your request justice! thank you so much for sending this ask in <3
SYNOPSIS; Katsuki Bakugo might come across as loud mouthed, rude, or even down right mean, but even he can’t help to admit that his himbo/bimbo significant other is simply perfect.
WC; 1k
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whether you're a himbo or a bimbo, Katsuki probably thinks you're the most annoying person he's ever met for a while, sorry.
like everyone else, i think it makes the most sense for you two to have met in UA, where you've obviously made quick friends with Kirishima and Kaminari, because what's two himbos without their third and final himbo/bimbo.
and from this, Bakugo is soon roped into your little group of adorable idiots as the fourth, who's forced to deal with all the shit your trio causes.
mainly because of the one braincell that is shared between you, Kaminari and Kirishima.
it doesn't come as a surprise that he gets angry with you frequently. the boy always has something to be shouting about, especially since he's stuck with the 'trio of idiots' all day everyday.
but when Bakugo starts to settle down, and he's feeling more comfortable in the group he's been made to hang out with, the annoyance towards you turns into adoration, and quickly.
it simply just happened one day.
the angry pomeranian went from straight yelling in your face, probably because you dropped something and it smashed while messing about with Denki in the communal kitchen area, to watching the way your lips pulled into a cute pout, head bent just slightly to the left as you watched him.
his shouts go from echoing across the walls to nothing above a whisper.
but he doesn't allow the change in his tone to be noticeable to others. saying something like, "you know what, i don't care." and walks away with his hands in the air.
from then on, the change in Bakugo's attitude towards you is very noticeable, especially to your other two himbo friends.
Kirishima won't say anything about it, he likes to keep his jokes in his head, where he's ninety-five percent sure Katsuki won't hear him. however, Denki simply will not shut up about it.
he's always complaining about how they get reprimanded for doing something, but you don't.
they use it against Bakugo by doing something, but blaming it on you so that no one gets shouted at.
yeah, he definitely has favorites.
when the two of you eventually get together, and i say eventually because it probably takes you a little bit longer than normal to fully get the hints he sends your way.
oh my god. he's obsessed.
its like an entirely new side of him that you've never seen before. he laughs at the silly jokes you make, he helps you study when you need help with a subject you aren't well-versed in, and he will go ballistic if any of your classmates have the balls to call you dumb or stupid, because those are his names for you and he doesn't want anyone else making fun of you.
and he absolutely loves the himbo/bimbo body that you have.
i really do think that Katsuki's significant other should be a himbo/bimbo, because it would be like a cold splash of water on a hot day for him, the mellow to his hot-headedness, and to be honest, he really needs someone to just wind down with.
someone who isn't expecting him to be this amazingly smart, incredibly strong number one hero, because the only thing you want out of him is to chill out and be happy with you.
onto some more relationship headcanons!
he's definitely the big spoon most nights, but if he's had a bad day, or he's really really tired from training, then he wants nothing more than to be wrapped up in your arms while you talk on and on about the random shit you and Kirishima did, or the stupid prank you and Denki pulled on Momo.
it's the only time he ever truly relaxes.
Bakugo also does like to take part when you Kirishima and Kaminari hang out, because despite what he'd say to anyone else, he really does love his friends and he wants to spend time with them outside of hero training or school hours.
although, for the most part, he does kind of just sit on the sidelines of whatever you three are doing and make loud comments about one of you.
going back to what i said before, Bakugo is so overprotective of you, but in an endearing way.
like, yeah, he can make a joke about you being dumb, stupid or an idiot, because he's joking and you know that. he would never say something like that to you. but when someone else does it?
jeez, they must have a death wish.
sure, you might not be the smartest cookie in the jar, but that doesn't make you an idiot because you know so much about other things.
intelligence isn't just based off one grade on a piece of paper.
and this boy will honest to god defend you in every way when someone does call you stupid.
he has enough proof in the talks you have at night, where the two of you are laying in bed, side by side with a blanket pulled over your legs and one pillow to share between the both of you.
he's twiddling with your fingers, running his palm over the deep lines in your knuckles and the soft skin of your wrists while you babble on about something you read about online, or a documentary you ended up watching.
he's happy to listen to it all, whether it's a new cooking recipe you'll say the two of you should try, but in reality never happens, or the quite gruesome details you heard about in a murder case video you were watching.
it really doesn't matter what you say to him, because he's happy to let you sit and talk yourself to sleep in his arms.
and if you're ever feeling insecure, whether it be about your brains or your body. he's there, and he's going to list off every little thing he likes about you, which might take a few hours.
because he loves his little himbo/bimbo.
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You were on your back, legs spread wide enough to lock around his waist. The cool wood underneath you was uncomfortable against your bare skin. His well manicured nails left crescent shaped marks on the soft skin of your hips. His grip was bruising, but it had to be. Each thrust of his hips into you threatened to push you further up his desk, taking the pleasure of your sopping heat with you. So he held you firmly against the mahogany desk.
Papers, documents and files that had previously sat upon it were strewn across the floor. He'd make you clean it up when you were done. With you aching, sore, with his cum oozing from your abused hole; Bailey would watch you clean the mess he made of his office. A mess he'd made in the heat of the moment, the need to fuck you senseless stealing the ability to think from his head. All the blood from his head changing course to his groin.
With the way you clung to him, one might have assumed you were lovers in the throes of passion. Not a masochistic orphan and their sadistic caretaker. Your arm wrapped around his neck, giving him free access to your bitten, kiss swollen lips, as well as the sensitive flesh of your throat and shoulders. Hickies and bite marks adorned your body like the tattoos and scars that decorated Bailey, only partly hidden by his open shirt. He was all lean muscle, which complimented his tall frame. He was unfairly hot. If you were anyone else, someone not living under his roof, you'd probably feel no shame in getting him in bed. As it is, you'll feel sick in the morning and riddled with guilt.
Another hard snap of his hips against your sweet spot had you keening, crying out his name and attempting to buck into him. But Bailey was in charge, as he always was. He lifted you up, hands wrapped securely around your shaking thighs. He supported your whole body weight as he moved your back against the wall. It wasn't a slow, romantic change of position. He slammed your head against the plaster, making you yelp in pain. Pressed bare chest to bare chest, he continued to fuck you.
Mouth open, he slipped his tongue passed your lips and against yours. He explored the inside of your mouth, teeth knocking together when you went to breath and he followed. He kissed you like he wanted to suck the air from your lungs; like an over excited teenager who couldn't get enough of their lover's taste. But he fucked you like he hated you. His pace was brutal, and if you didn't know from the way he was becoming more vocal, you'd say he'd fuck you unconscious.
Soft gasps and quiet moans he tried to muffle against your plush lips clawed their way from his throat, and fuck if you weren't close too. You weren't sure what it was about being used by him, for his own pleasure, that got you off. Maybe it was the rush of power, knowing you could make him cum on your own if he let you, maybe it was the way he tried to act unaffected by it, or maybe you had some sick, twisted love for Bailey and wanted nothing more than to please the bastard that raised you.
Your head fell against his shoulder, thighs quaking. Your fingers clawed at his dress shirt, desperate to get closer to him in any way possible. You were close and so needy for him. You hated Bailey. Everything about him, everything he did disgusted you beyond words. But no one has ever fucked you better, never made you cum harder or reach the same euphoric peak as Bailey could. From the way he manhandled you, to the way he fucked you, down to the way the veins of his cock rubbed along the inside of your walls, it was amazing. It was like the bastard was made to fuck you so good you saw stars everytime. It was like heaven, and Bailey was the devil.
"Daddy, please-" Your plea was breathless, dripping with need. Bailey bit your shoulder hard enough that his canines cut into you, filling his mouth with your blood. Even then the noise he made was not lost on you. Bailey tried to keep himself composed, but he groaned low in his chest at the pet name. He increased his already punishing pace on your poor pussy. Your juices dripping down your ass and covering his thighs. One, two, three hits against your weak spot had your toes curling and your body clinging to his. The walls of your cunt convulsed around Bailey's cock, squeezing and milking him for all he had to give.
Bailey soldiered through your orgasm. Mouth still firmly locked on your shoulder, he huffed out his nose as he neared his end. You were so fucking tight, the sounds you made entirely too hot for him to take. It was like you were made for him. His own personal fuck toy. Something for him and him alone to treat however he pleased. To blow his load inside again, and again. He could feel his balls tighten, his rhythm faulter, as he struggled to keep quiet. Then the coil inside him snapped and he was cumming inside you. While no longer thrusting, he ground himself into your overly sensitive cunt as he worked through his high. Rope after rope of hot, veril cum spilling deep inside your fertile body. His cock pushing it deeper inside you with every rock of his hips and each new spert of seed he carelessly shot off inside you.
He pressed his lips against yours in a lazy kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth again. You could taste your blood on his teeth as the both of you came down from your highs. Not wanting to damage you, for future buyers of course, he pulled out slowly. A self satisfied grin pulled at his lip, seeing his cum spill from your used pussy. He lowered you to the ground, again for the buyers. Not because he was attached to you and got a little bit nicer after a mind blowing orgasm.
After adjusting his clothes and throwing yours at you, you were dismissed. He was feeling generous and decided to not make you clean up the mess you made. Bailey watched you struggle to stand, having to use the wall as support. He sat himself down in his leather chair, pulling a cigarette from one of his desk drawers. A thrill ran down his spine watching you limp away, his semen spilling out of you and running down your bruised thigh. He took a drag of his cigarette. You were probably going to take a bath, but he hoped as many of the little bastards saw you. Disheveled and throughly fucked out by him, not that they wouldn't have heard you. He told you to leave the door open a crack for a reason.
Maybe next time, Robin would pay their fucking rent on time. For now, they had to pick up your mess. Oh, they'd definitely need a mop and bucket to clean up all the juices he'd fucked out of you, and the seed that your abused, over stuffed little hole couldn't hold in you. He couldn't have his office smelling like sex and smoke after all. And if Robin continues to not make payments?
Bailey could see himself fucking you stupid and turning you into his personal cumdump for good. It was all you were good for after all. He wasn't going to check on you later, while you and everyone else slept to make sure he hadn't been too rough with you. He wasn't.
He did not, in any sense of the words, care about you. He definitely didn't love you, in some sick, twisted way.
(-anon 🚩 For my fellow thirsty Bailey simps.)
Oh fuck this was a hell of a read.
Bailey railing the PC so hard they get bruised and then straight up sending them off without aftercare like the asshole he is. Wish it was me.
And the implied jealousy towards Robin 👀
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edward-little · 3 years
If dnd miraculously existed in the 19th century which characters from the terror do you think would genuinely enjoy playing it? I think Fitzjames would enjoy it because it would let him self aggrandize, I also think Gore, Hodgson, and Goodsir would enjoy playing. Sir John and Irving would probably consider it blasphemous, Crozier would be to depressed to play I don't think little would have to much fun either, he'd overthink every possible action and it'd make him nervous.
hard agree on the fitzjames front-- he'd love playing characters, but i think he would have a good mix of obvious self-inserts made to gain approval by proxy and like, funny characters that he can play totally seriously but everyone else at the table cannot possibly keep a straight face with. high CHA characters across the board, though. lots of bards and sorcerers (my build for a fitzjames character is a variant human wild magic sorcerer with the lucky feat btw.)
fitz + gore + goodsir would be the dream party tbh. i get the feeling hodge would be a fun DM.
little would be too nervous to roleplay and would freeze up a lot but i think he'd be alright at combat if he picked a full martial character. fortunately i think he'd try to make a character with simple mechanics-- champion fighter is my guess. low CHA, decent WIS and INT, and then put more points into the physical stats. he'd be too nervous to enjoy the game but he'd want to be 1) included and 2) useful.
here's the thing: crozier would be too depressed to play. however. i think if a group mentioned needing a DM he'd be like "oh good luck finding one" and then let slip that he'd played a couple of campaigns back in the 80s (i know you said 19th century and i'm sorry i physically can't stop crozier from being a Dad) and it turns out "a couple of campaigns" means he was DM'ing on the regular and had a campaign that lasted five years AND that sir john had been in it for about three sessions before his character chomped it. his old group was him, sir john (for three sessions, playing a paladin), blanky, mcdonald, and jcr.
blanky definitely plays. he's played every class there is in every edition he's played, which is all of them except 4e. when he's approached to join a game he's already like a decade into a pathfinder campaign. he tends towards characters who are high WIS + one high physical stat-- rangers, monks, fighters, rogues, etc. he's the player who's always making the DM go "well i fucking guess you can."
mcdonald is usually up for a game, but due to his schedule he shows up every few sessions to play a character who sort of exists parallel to the party and intersects intermittently with them rather than a regular party member. he plays healers, because like yeah ofc. his longest-running character was a life cleric, and he likes to keep his character concepts simple and give them their depth and personality through roleplay.
dundy plays one of those backstory icebergs-- you know, like they're only ever a horny bard and sometimes they casually mention like "oh does this remind me of the sight of my destroyed village" and the players are like PARDON and he's like "anyway i'd like to roll performance to wink saucily." he could take or leave the mechanical aspects but lives for social encounters. hit him up if you've got a court intrigue campaign.
bridgens is another one of those used-to-play-back-in-the-80s types who's easily roped into a campaign (probably by peglar, maybe by goodsir though if he mentions they need another person at the table?) since he hasn't played in a hot minute and he's learning a new edition as he plays, he's a bit shaky on the rules (he's still on THACO, bless the guy) but he also pulls the most gamebreaking shit with no warning. he plays high INT characters and prefers spellcasting over hack-and-slash so he plays a lot of wizards, but my build for him is a lore bard.
collins is also new to the game, but joins because he's always up for communal fun-having. like little, he starts out with simpler martial characters, and opts for high STR builds because he likes to have the option to pick things (and people) up. he's the kind who likes grappling the level 20 necromancer so they can't cast spells with somatic components. as time goes on and he becomes more confident in his understanding of the game, he starts getting creative with multiclassing. he gets like 14 levels deep into his banneret fighter before multiclassing into shepherd druid. (my build for him is also a pretty neat multiclass if i do say so myself-- berserker barbarian/great old one warlock.)
i know we both mentioned hodge earlier, and i have a whole separate post about his character, but i think he'd enjoy the roleplay parts of dnd-- like dundy, call him if you're running waterdeep dragon heist or something-- but he'd freeze up during combat. it would be marginally better if he's playing a bard, because they know rather than prepare their spells and it saves him from having to read the entire class spell list at each long rest. he gets real creative with his bardic inspiration though, and enjoys picking songs to sing/play based on the character receiving the inspiration.
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milkttea · 4 years
Damsel, Not in Distress
Jungkook x reader, Spiderman!Jungkook, GN!Reader: one shot
:: warnings: swearing, school
Pain is temporary, GPA is forever — @finah on Twitter
I’m a Damsel with Distress, but I'm pretty fine here.
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How you found yourself in the situation you’re currently in, you didn’t entirely know. Was it incredibly weird? Oh definitely. Actually, let’s go to the beginning of your day and see how you found yourself bound with rope and feeling your nihilistic attitude grow so much more.
Now it had been a relatively normal day, at first. You got out of bed a little later than what your alarm had been set to. You’d stayed up the night before to work on an assignment that wasn’t even due until the next week, but you wanted the weekend to be free so that you could relax. Still, you did leave in time to get to school without being late though, which you considered a win considering you really didn't want to be in the building.
When you got to your classes, the students were a little too loud for your sensitive ears and you wanted to just sleep the day away, but just went through the day best you could. The end of the day for you had come around pretty quick, nothing really happened, not that you’d expect anything to, but the events that would lead to you being tied up with rope started with lunch with your friends.
“(Y/n)! Over here!”
You’d been called over to a table where your usual rag tag group of misfits were, but there was an extra guy there. You recognized him as someone you'd talked to a couple times and he was pretty cute, you’d say you had a minor crush on him. His name was Jungkook, really smart guy, super sweet, kind of quiet unless he was with his friends, an all around Nice Guy, but actually a nice guy.
He didn’t look like he could hurt a fly. Oh how wrong you were.
To be honest, seeing him at your table surprised you, he was a mutual friend of yours, but it was weird seeing him in the lunch room. He was more the type to stay away from large groups of people and staying with his friends, only coming in occasionally if they were desperate for food, but you weren’t opposed to him joining the group.
“Oh hey Jungkook, hope I don’t sound like a jerk, but what’re you doin at lunch? You usually don’t come in here.”
It was a genuine question and you hoped you didn’t come off as rude, since you often didn't see him within the general vicinity of the cafeteria, to quote him from a conversation you once had asking about the same general topic: “people are gross and I would rather stub my left pinky toe than step foot in that nasty ass room.”
"Oh— Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi had some studying to do for their exams since they have them next week, Hobi finished his classes for today and bailed, and Jimin and Tae are hanging with some of their friends in the gym. I didn't feel like tagging along this time, they were really sweaty."
He pushed his hair back as he was talking, what a cutie.
"Damn, well welcome to our little trouble group."
With that all of you ate your lunches with little pieces of banter here and there, nothing really significant to point out. Once lunch ended though, you and Jungkook headed out together since you'd started an interesting conversation about the city's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man™.
"I don't know man, Spider-man needs a break, poor dude goes out like every day! He gets his ass beat—"
"Wow, rude—"
"He wins! I'm not saying he doesn't win! I'm just saying he gets hurt and probably doesn't have enough time to heal completely before going out the next day to deal with the next day's bullshit!"
Jungkook had to admit, this isn't how he thought the conversation would turn out. It started with you saying how you’d give your left lung to give him a hug and then it diverted into the current topic. The conversation ended once you had gotten to your apartment, and after saying goodbye Jungkook went back to his place. It was near, gotta stay close to the school to save gas money, and he thought a little about what you said. You were right, he didn't get breaks and was rarely healed up enough, even with his super regeneration. It was... nice to see some concern from someone other than Tony.
Deciding to not think too much about it, he put his stuff away and got suited up for his usual patrolling around the city. He also got ready to his favorite person, you. At some point on one of his patrols he wasn’t really paying attention to his surroundings, he was thinking about what he should have for dinner, ramen or do his homework until 2 am, truly an important question to ask himself. Anyway, he had been swinging by the apartments that were nearest the campus and saw your window open with you belting out the lyrics to Chop Suey!
This caused him to stumble and he flew directly into the space right by your open window. This scared you and embarrassed him, he truly never wanted to perish more than in that moment. You, being the nice person you are, asked if he was okay and after hearing confirmation invited him in to your room to have a drink. Was it dangerous of you to do so? Yeah, but at that moment you weren’t exactly thinking too clearly, Spider-man just smacked face first into the bricks of the wall after all.
From that day on, he had visited your apartment and a little friendship had begun to form. Back to the present day, Jungkook just made it to your apartment window when something didn’t seem right. For one, your window was wide open. Now it wouldn’t seem to weird to anyone else, but you only kept yours halfway open and with the big screen over it, this time there was no big screen and it was open all the way. The second thing to tip off that something wasn’t right was that there was no sign of you in your room, but it was like a tornado went through it.
The papers that would usually be on your desk were all over your floor, your water bottle had spilled everywhere, and your backpack looked like it had been thrown across your room with the contents all over the place. You weren’t here, but you had been briefly before you disappeared.
Now he was panicking, as both Spider-man and Jungkook, you were significant to both his hero life and his personal life. Frantically he began turning over stuff in your room trying to find anything that could point to where you could have gone. He then found an envelope, no address, it didn't say your name on it and it wasn't opened. There was something about the envelope that just didn't seem right, so he opened it.
It was written for him, and he took off to the address within it.
You were kidnapped. Because of Spider-man, no, because Jungkook had been around you too often as Spider-man and now you could be in danger or worse, dead.
He'd never swung through the city so fast. At this point he wasn't being careful he was just frantically swinging as fast as he could to the address of a warehouse that was used to house cranes and bulldozers. He arrived and swung into an open window, it led to the top floor where workers could go to fix the roof.
As he landed there he finally let some rational thinking take hold of him and surveyed the area, where were you?
"Karen, could you do a check for heat signatures?"
"Of course, Jungkook."
The eyes in Jungkook's mask had changed the vision from the usual clear view to a heat radar, with it he could see every person and got a scan for them. You weren't there, he looked harder and eventually found a body, tied to the top of a crane, placed over a makeshift kennel, with the roof open, of rabid animals fighting each other. Well this certainly can't be good.
"Karen, that's not a good sign right? Rabid animals attack whatever moves in front of them?"
"That would be a yes, Jungkook."
Immediately he springs into action, webbing together everyone he saw to different areas and wrapping them up in webs. He narrowly missed the shots of guns that were pointed towards him, and stayed high up in the building to make it harder for them to aim at him.
He lands on the crane that you're on, the crane swinging slightly and makes a move to grab you, but the sound of something powering up stops him. There, on the ground with a smirk aimed at Jungkook is a man with a scar that takes up most of his face and a large weapon shaped like a bazooka and with other weapons pointed towards you both.
"Well, if it isn't Spider-man, here to save the damsel in distress?"
You, who had been blindfolded turned your head in the direction of the voice, "I'm not a damsel in distress so shut your trap, you soggy testicle looking ass bitch!"
Jungkook whips his head at you, Karen offhandedly commenting on him getting whiplash, and takes off your blindfold.
"Name calling? At a time like this?"
Blinking at the sudden flooding of light into your oh so sensitive eyes, you see your friend, absolute madd ladd of a companion Spider-man.
"Spider-buddy! Nice to see ya!"
Jungkook could have fallen off the crane had his feet not been stuck on it.
"I– you're tied up right now? How are you so calm?"
Shrugging best you could, you make a face, "can't really do much considering I'm pretty tied up at the moment, pun intended."
Now he had been expecting you to be panicked, terrified, maybe crying? This, though, was definitely nothing like he had anticipated. You always continue to surprise him.
You wiggle a little and wince as your side stung a little. When you were taken from your apartment they hit you in the side and knocked you out. Felt a bit like overkill to you, but you did say some obscene things and threatened their genitals so you found it fair. Jungkook just stares at you, making you just a bit uncomfortable, but he spaces out pretty often so you didn't think too much about it. Ignoring the very possible death that is only about a hundred feet away and the pain in your side and head, you try to start a conversation.
"Sooooo how's it goin?"
Both Jungkook and the dude who kidnapped you look at you incredulously and yell:
Startled, your body jolts and the ropes binding you slip a little and your body falls just a bit.
"Oh that's probably not good—"
"Are you really asking that now? You– you're tied… to a crane… above rabid animals? Along with multiple weapons pointed at you? You're not even the tiniest bit worried?"
In your mind you’re thinking, ‘why hasn’t he gotten me down yet?’ To be fair to Spider-man, you are placed pretty precariously over rabid animals and have multiple weapons pointed towards you both. Anyway, the words that leave your actual mouth:
"Gotta be honest, my GPA and financial status instill more fear in me than the dude that looks like literal bacon over there."
Your voice got louder towards the last bit of your sentence and both of the men look at you. Jungkook at this point was on the verge of having a heart attack. The other man in the room with you (the only one that isn't tied up) was feeling pretty offended and debating just putting you out of your misery.
You continued speaking.
"I mean, is this ideal? No, but it's something different and I can't exactly free myself, y'know no powers or anything like that, so I guess I'm just here. Oh and uh Spider-buddy? My ropes are kind of slipping by the way, so if you could pretty please with a big fat cherry on top pick your dick up and help a friend out that'd be great."
Jungkook, finally snapping out of his stupor, just noticed that your ropes were in fact slipping and grabbed your torso, untying you and swinging you both away as the villain below began shooting, narrowly missing each fire.
"'Pick your dick up,' really?"
You put your face into his neck, telling him to shut up.
Before Jungkook left with you he told Karen to call the police and to arrest the people in the warehouse. He places your body on the top floor, where he came in through a window, and went back down to the villain to web him up. This time, he was not as good at avoiding the weapons firing at him while he goes around him firing his spider webs. By this time the people who had been webbed up were freed by their comrades with knives. He gets hit in the side by a bullet and falters in the air while he grips his left side, well this isn’t good.
"So I didn't get to ask this before, but why did you take this school suffering student?"
The villain just looks at Jungkook's mask, where the eyes are.
"Well to hurt you of course, being close to others only makes it easier for people like me to hurt you. Be grateful I didn't do anything too bad. I may be a villain, but I’m not a monster."
Jungkook stills, did you end up getting hurt? He didn’t recall Karen mentioning anything about you being injured. Then again he was too worried about you to think clearly. His thoughts slowly began taking over his mind and during this the man in front of him pulled a knife and slashed it at his face. That action startles Jungkook, the knife cutting through his suit and marking his face.
He knocked the man out and went back to you as he stumbled, hearing the police with his super hearing and swings away with you held close to him. Finally your both back at your apartment, and go into your room where you see how much of a mess it is.
"Ugh this is gonna be a pain to clean up, sorry about the mess."
Jungkook, kind of upset with how nonchalant you've been, rips off his mask so fast your mind begins reeling and just starts to shout at you.
"What the fuck are you talking about?! You got kidnapped, because of me! I could care less about how your room looks like right now, how are you so calm? You could have been hurt or been killed and your saying sorry for your room? I could have lost you today, (y/n)! What if I hadn’t visited you today and because of that you died? This is serious!”
He finishes his shouting, panting heavily while you just stare at him. It’s Jungkook. Jungkook is Spider-man and has been visiting you for months. Once it finally dawns on you that his mask is now off and his face is showing, you run to your window closing and shutting the blinds. As well as locking your bedroom door after quickly checking to see if your roommate is home.
Thankfully they aren't, most likely spending the night at their girlfriend's place. Bless them and their relationship.
"Okay, you can be mad at me for being all nonchalant, but you've been hiding this! You're Spider-man, you're constantly in danger and you're getting mad at me?! Jeon Jungkook you could have died on any of the patrols you do and I wouldn’t know what happened to you, none of us would know!"
Jungkook, realizing he took off his mask in a short fit of anger, steps back a little. Both of you are breathing slightly heavy, taking a pause to think over all the events that had just happened in a short time. The one to make the first move is Jungkook who just grabs you and hugs you tightly to his chest.
Not expecting it, you awkwardly place one arm around his shoulders and the other around his waist. Closing your eyes and just rubbing his shoulders blades to help calm him down, he was shaking ever so slightly in your grasp.
“Jungkook, not to ruin the mood, but did you get hurt? I know that sounds dumb because you have a cut on your face, but I’m just asking to be sure you’re not hurt anywhere else.”
His shoulders tense under your hand.
“And don’t lie to me, I can feel the wound on your left side and it’s kind of grossing me out right now.”
He let's go of you and sits down on your desk chair, his head was down and he looked a little dazed. You left your room briefly to get a towel, a bowl of water, your first aid kit and a glass of water for Jungkook.
"Here, I'd say drinking some water is good right now."
He leans his body back in the chair, wincing at the ache in his side, and looks at you.
"What about you? How are you feeling?"
You were getting the hydrogen peroxide and a gauze pad from your kit when you stopped. Your head had a dull ache, but you didn't think much of it. You were coherent, able to form sentences and move freely, so technically you were fine. The chances of you having a concussion though? More likely than you think, but you’ll get it checked out when your done with Jungkook. The ache in your side though, that needed some ice.
"For the most part… good? I got hit in the head so I'll need to get that checked out later, and I have ice so I can slap that on my side."
He lets out a loud sigh, bordering on groaning.
“Please take care of yourself, I’d rather not hear that you died from getting a concussion.”
You let air out through your nose in a silent laugh, which was so inappropriate it's not funny you're just uncomfortable. Spraying some of the hydrogen peroxide on Jungkook’s face causes him to wince as the solution fizzes, you walk around your room tidying up a little bit against your own better judgement. You should probably be laying down or calling an ambulance, but with Wonder Boy here you feel guilty just leaving him.
Also if your friend decided to come home early and just walk right into your room it’d be damn near impossible to explain why he was there in the first place.
“Turn your head to me,” you wipe the solution from his face with the gauze, “you’re lucky that the cut isn’t too deep, it doesn’t look like you’ll need stitches.”
He lets out a puff of air causing you to scrunch your face.
“That is some musty ass breath, Kook.”
He laughs, which makes him wince as he grabs at his side. Immediately, you move his hand to look at his side.
“Alrighty so I’m gonna need you to turn yourself so I can look at both sides, if the bullet is still there it shouldn’t bother you, but if not then that’s where the problem is.”
It seemed luck had finally been on both of your sides, there was no exit wound and he wasn’t coughing up any coffee grounds looking substance so there was no internal bleeding. All pretty good, just gonna need to clean the wound which would be a bitch and a half, but better than getting an infection.
Telling Jungkook this was not fun, going through with it was worse. He immediately went to bed in your clean, nicely made— just kidding your bed was a mess. You made him take off his suit and gave him some sweatpants that were big on you, and a giant shirt that you had. You really liked oversized clothes, so what?
With the shower he took, the bandages on his side and face, and the medicine you gave him for pain the minute his head touched your pillow he fell asleep. In the meantime, you picked up the things in your room that didn’t make much noise.
Eventually you went to bed on the couch in the living room, a little uncomfortable but you refused to sleep in the same bed with Jungkook. He had other plans though, he had sensitive ears and could hear you tossing and turning in your sleep. He left your room and went to the couch where he picked you up and brought you to your bed and laid there with you.
Arm draped around your form, you both slept soundly after such a stressful day. Truthfully, you were the “Damsel in Distress,” but if your hero was Spider-Man, and Jeon Jungkook, you didn’t mind.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: [a box of stuff of his that got messed up in with Nancy's in the move 'cos your sister ain't talking to you either] Rio: [just like there you go] Buster: [thrilled about it] Buster: [takes it upstairs to the flat over said pub because he's staying there in protest fuck all of y'all] Rio: Lucky they've not got lodgers Buster: What can I say? Charmed life Rio: No doubt Rio: 'cos spare bedroom at theirs ain't so spare now Buster: Unlucky them Rio: Not really where my pity's going Rio: sure they'll find space for the punching bag Buster: No doubt Buster: It's as much a member of the fam as any of us at this point Rio: Sod Nance then Rio: stay on the sofa 'til Uni, like Buster: Not like she'd put up a fight Rio: Not like anyone's gonna bring another one to her Buster: Yeah that's the point Rio: Is it? Buster: Here 'cause she's down & out now Buster: Spent fucking ages on the ropes like Buster: No stamina left, is there? Rio: Sooo kick her whilst she's down/kick her out of the spare room Rio: Interesting idea Buster: Necessary more like Buster: But whatever Rio: Your solution Rio: Reckon it'll toughen her up Buster: Probably too late for that but when the alternative becomes walking on eggshells for the foreseeable future Buster: Have to try Rio: It's summer Rio: everyone's having a break, yeah Buster: So I should give her one, yeah? Buster: Way ahead of you Rio: Not just you Buster: If everyone else gives her any more of one we can just call this her party Rio: Nah Rio: she'd hate that Rio: heaven forbid Buster: Yeah well Buster: [back & hitting up the 18 year old hot barmaid like Rio: [when you're rolling your eyes so hard they gonna get stuck at the back of your head] Rio: be useful and get him another drink Buster: [When the girl loves it tho] Buster: Do you want one? Rio: Are you offering Buster: What was that just then if not? Rio: No telling Rio: go on then Buster: How many have you already had if you can't tell what 'do you want a drink' means? Buster: & Am I meant to guess what, like? Rio: It don't matter if it's wet and alcoholic Buster: 😂 Buster: Alright, brandy it is then Rio: See Rio: this is why I can't tell Rio: pisstake Buster: I'm always serious about getting pissed at fam functions Buster: You know that Rio: then don't get me fucking brandy or I've got no chance Buster: Then tell me what you want & stop trying to make me mind read Rio: You mean you can't? Rio: Disappointing Buster: You mean you want me to? Buster: Alright Rio: Don't take your time Rio: know what he's like if he actually finishes one before having the next lined up Buster: [Brings her the exact right drink obvs cos ofc he knows] Rio: [does cheers motion when she takes it] Buster: [& we back on our barmaid bullshit again cos gonna take her outside or upstairs at some point & need to put in that work] Rio: Does she know you're a child, like Buster: Firstly, I ain't & secondly, mind your own Rio: You are and how Rio: your attempts are blatant Buster: Care more about the birthday boy or my sister the other guest of honour Buster: That'd do for a start Rio: Take your own advice Buster: My distraction is sorted, cheers Buster: You're the one asking me how to get one Rio: I'm not, I'm asking if she knows she's down for some kiddie fiddling or what Buster: Ask her if you're so concerned, like Rio: Ha don't dare me Buster: We can play if you want Buster: Been a while Rio: Your distraction is sorted Buster: Not if you ruin it Rio: What I do best Buster: Yeah Rio: She's not going to fuck her employers grandson Rio: get a grip Buster: You wish she wouldn't Rio: You're dellusional Rio: at least if I do it you'll have someone to blame Buster: Nah, it's a summer job & summer ain't lasting much longer Buster: Her words not mine Rio: I asked for her life story less than you did Buster: Gotta get your fun while you can, babe Rio: That's what she's counting fucking a virgin kid Rio: you reckon Dublin's a smalltown but it ain't that small Buster: I'm not a virgin or a kid Buster: Try again Rio: You're both Buster: Not for ages now Buster: The past's gone, stop living there Rio: 😂 Rio: the big boy act is not convincing Rio: let's hope she is noncy or you have 0 chance Buster: 😂 Buster: I'd have sent you more frequent updates if I'd known you were this invested Rio: No need Rio: can see the show from here Buster: & I can see the colour of your eyes from here Buster: If it makes you this jealous, don't watch, babe Rio: Not meant to be looking Rio: or at least pretending you ain't Rio: remember Buster: Take your own advice Rio: I don't have to Rio: you said you would Buster: Ain't that the world's biggest cop out Buster: But fine Rio: I didn't want to stop Rio: it was for your benefit so act like it Buster: Get a grip Buster: I haven't done anything but act like it Rio: Keep it up Buster: You're the one watching me reap the benefits Rio: You could call it that Buster: I just did Rio: I thought you was trying to sound mature here Rio: probably calm down Buster: I don't have to try Buster: At anything Rio: 😂 Rio: don't lead with that whatever you do Rio: napoleon complex got you sounded younger than you are, kiddo Buster: I don't need your advice, you already did me a really big favour, like Rio: You need so much more help than I'm willing to give Rio: not got that samaritans gig yet Buster: That's the thing, I don't 'cause I fucked a girl when you left & haven't wanted to stop since Buster: Haven't needed to either so like I said, cheers Rio: [audibly lols] Rio: yep, bragging on numbers Rio: PEAK mature big boy moves Rio: Oh my God, McKenna Rio: [walking away from view once she's downed what's left of her drink] Buster: That is how it normally goes, yeah. Could almost be a direct quote Rio: I'm as impressed as they are, I guarantee it Buster: Nah, but you don't get to be Buster: Have to keep to my word Rio: Hardly Rio: at best you're on a promise here Rio: aren't married Rio: unless you're really committed to pretending you're grown Rio: very first school, it's sweet Buster: 😂 Rio: Still dramatic Buster: Says you Rio: Yeah Rio: focus Rio: know it's like a dream but keep up Buster: Talking to you ain't that much of a nightmare, don't do yourself down, babe Buster: & Well done for not openly crying or begging, like Buster: Maybe you do possess some self control in spite of everything Rio: Night's still young Rio: but nah, keep dreaming Rio: if there was anyone else here Buster: I will Buster: & If there was nobody else here, yeah? Rio: Exactly Buster: Exactly Rio: Exactly Rio: what are we talking about Buster: You're about to analyze my dreams, aren't you? Rio: Can Rio: so easy but hit me with it Buster: Only easy when you're in 'em babe, but that is often Rio: Good one Buster: They are good, yeah Rio: You're welcome for all the inspiration Buster: You don't get to take credit for my imagination Rio: Yeah I do Rio: you're a boy, it's a well-known fact you have none Buster: Bullshit Rio: It's true! Rio: they've done studies and everything Buster: Not on me Rio: Special, are you Buster: You know it Rio: You're funny Buster: & Imaginative Buster: Everything fun we ever did was my idea Rio: Bullshit 😂 Buster: True you mean Rio: Nope, definitely not Buster: Name one thing you thought of Rio: Getting drunk was my idea Rio: as was calling the adults when you when green literal so you owe me your life, actually Buster: Nah, you just agreed with me Buster: & that don't count as fun Rio: No way Rio: don't misremember Rio: woulda been if you did it right Buster: Don't you Buster: Just 'cause it suits you now Rio: I ain't Rio: cheek Buster: You are Rio: You aren't the only one who has fun, or can, I'm not gonna say that Buster: Don't then Rio: Don't say I ain't fun Rio: you know I am Buster: No I don't Buster: I told you, that kid's dead & buried Rio: You know I am now Rio: whoever you are Buster: Again, no I don't Rio: Shut up Buster: Maybe if I asked Miles he'd vouch for you, but we don't talk Rio: Still? Buster: What, there's meant to be a time limit on it? Buster: I beat him up & he ain't over it Buster: I can't say I'm gutted Rio: Worse than girls Rio: well, not at your school, obviously Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: What, you reckon you ain't? Buster: I don't care enough to reckon about it Rio: You are Rio: listen to me, no need to wonder Buster: Like I said, whatever you say Rio: You're so cute Buster: Yeah, I know Buster: But shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: Yawn Buster: Big surprise, you're bored & boring Buster: Again Rio: That's your bit Buster: Where? Buster: When? Rio: Here and now, baby Buster: Nah Rio: Mhmm Buster: Have another drink, you're bound to change your mind Rio: Jesus you sound like your dad Rio: that makes sense Rio: the whole act Buster: Glad you reckon you've made sense of something Buster: Must be a relief Rio: Not really but what can you do Rio: nothing, apparently Buster: You'll get over it Rio: You wish Buster: Not really, but what can you do Rio: Plenty Rio: if you'd let me Buster: Come on then Buster: Do something Rio: [Comes up and gets a drink from barmaid and is like come on then, to Buster, not her lmao] Buster: [Gives her an amused look but doesn't move yet cos not making it that easy] Rio: [is like 'how am I meant to do anything here?'] Buster: ['You're not meant to do anything, full stop. Figure it out'] Rio: [just a look like 'why not?' and then chatting to the barmaid in a way she can 'cos friendly bitch and making her come dance with her 'cos power move] Buster: [a look back that means you know why not but then a lol at the antics that he lets happen before cutting in & kissing the barmaid cos of course] Rio: [probably not a good idea boy your fam gon cockblock now] Buster: [better take her away quick before they realize, off you go outside you two, gods speed] Rio: Fuck you Buster: You can't Rio: Fuck you Buster: Fuck you just as hard, babe Rio: Yeah right Buster: Yeah right Rio: I'm going Buster: Alright Buster: See you around, Cavante Rio: No Buster: Like or not, I'm here for a while Buster: So probably Rio: Fuck off Rio: seriously Rio: stay to yourself like you want to Buster: Feel free to convince my parents I should Buster: Been there, tried it myself Rio: Feel free to drop dead Rio: not doing anything for you Buster: You should've let me if you feel that strongly Rio: That boys already dead and burried Rio: how many times have you dramatically spewed that Buster: Maybe two Rio: Enough you don't need to chat it now Buster: I'm not, you are Rio: Yeah you are Buster: Nah, I'm saying, I bet you wish you didn't save me back then Buster: If only you could see the future, yeah? Rio: You wish Rio: You want everyone to hate you so bad Rio: have to wait 'til you're grown to fuck off and leave everyone behind Buster: Nah, Nance has fucked off already, that's one down Buster: My odds are good on not having to wait Rio: make you feel better when they forced you on the plane yeah Rio: diddums Rio: how 'bout you fuck her and get onto smack Rio: that's it, or death Buster: All the better for seeing you, obviously Buster: Very inconsiderate of her to turn out gay, like Buster: I'll have to kill myself, I guess Rio: Yeah you'd never Buster: Why not? Rio: Love yourself too much Rio: sadly Buster: All the more reason to do it myself, make it worthy of me Buster: & Really dramatic, of course Rio: You're all chat Rio: and you'd stay alive just to spite me Rio: twat Buster: You ain't that special, remember? Rio: Neither are you but doesn't stop you reckoning Rio: so leave it out Rio: you're a shit liar for someone who does it all the time Buster: So are you Rio: I'm not lying Rio: you 2 for 2 now Buster: Tell me again how I'm not special or you hate me Buster: It's a lie Rio: I do hate you right now Rio: and you aren't special I just fucking Rio: I don't know Rio: it's a me issue, you've said it enough Rio: it's not about you Buster: You do know & it is about me Rio: Why are you doing this now Buster: Why are you? Rio: Because I fucking wanted to Rio: you don't so stop Buster: I'm giving you exactly what I said I would Buster: What you asked me to Rio: How is that what I asked Buster: You said stop this Rio: I said come on Rio: and now you're fucking taunting me 'cos why Rio: it's fun Rio: you want me to hate you Buster: You wanna hate me Rio: Bullshit Buster: Every time you say it, I can feel you fucking hoping it'll cancel out how much you want me Buster: Well, now you don't want me anymore Buster: You're welcome Rio: You're an idiot Buster: I'm too sober for your stupidity is what I am Rio: Don't you dare Buster: I do dare, deal with it Rio: Again Rio: 2 for 2 so no you fucking don't Buster: Again, whatever you say babe Rio: It's known Rio: was right Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: pussy Buster: You ain't been right about anything other than how shit our kiss was Buster: I learned my lesson then, that's all Rio: You're full of shit Rio: why keep talking Rio: I don't believe you or anything you say Buster: Then we finally agree about something 'cause that's exactly how I've felt about you since you ruined my birthday Rio: Yeah, why would I make myself look insane just to be lying Rio: Fucking good one Sherlock Rio: you're gonna be a shit lawyer with that intuition Buster: All I need is the ability to bullshit & I have that Rio: You don't even need that Rio: plenty of second-rate rich boys playing dress up Rio: swap the badge for a robe, yeah Buster: Good thing too, at least it'll take you a while to be done fucking them all Buster: You're already so bored, like Rio: Oh my God, you still care about that Rio: like I ain't been whoring around my own postcode for a year since then Buster: Such a dramatic pussy so obviously Buster: You fucking hurt me Rio: I know Rio: You hurt me right back Rio: and still are Buster: What did you expect? Rio: Not you to keep this up forever Buster: All I've kept up is the distance you all but fucking begged me for Rio: I don't want it Buster: You think I want it? Rio: yeah Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Don't Buster: Fuck you Rio: what Buster: You can say what you want, fucking throw yourself at me in there & I can't tell you what you already know Rio: I don't know that at all Rio: and even if I accept it now and try and believe you, you'll take it back later and Buster: Don't ask me to & I won't Rio: Okay Rio: promise Rio: don't need to cut our palms but I swear Buster: I ain't fucking doing that my dad's scar is really ugly from when he & Joe did & for what? Rio: 😂 Rio: I said we don't need to Rio: can still be a hand model if you want, not gonna take that from you Buster: Cheers Rio: alright but is that a deal or no Buster: It sounds like you want blood to me babe Buster: Hold on, I'll break this glass, like Rio: Do not Rio: and I don't want you to kill yourself either Rio: or die just in general Rio: btw Buster: I don't want you to whore around your postcode, but things happen Rio: Mixed messages because you definitely told me to but Buster: You told me to drop dead Buster: At least I gave you an easier one Rio: Well alright, if we're changing our minds here Rio: though rude that's the only thing you wanna take back, just saying Buster: I never said that Rio: you said I should go whore round, now you're saying nah so Rio: yeah Buster: What I mean is, there's loads of shit I wanna take back Buster: Not just that Rio: Oh Rio: me too Buster: But I can't & neither can you Buster: Only thing I can't do, but still Rio: Sure you can Rio: people do and say shit all the time and take it back Rio: easy Rio: what's hard is not doing and saying it again Buster: Yeah Buster: Alright Rio: I'll expect it in writing Rio: take your time Buster: Fuck off Buster: Just 'cause I'm capable of an essay unlike my sister, don't mean you're getting one Rio: Just adding to your workload here Rio: be nice whilst you're Rio: not ahead Buster: Fuck that it's summer Buster: Give me a break Rio: Then see me Rio: have fun with me Rio: you're stuck here anyway Buster: Rio don't Rio: Why not Buster: Come on Buster: You're gonna make it even harder for me, really? Rio: I just Rio: I really don't want to hate you, okay Rio: don't make me, that's hard Buster: It's easier than not Buster: Harder to be around each other if we don't Rio: Barely Rio: I nearly just bottled you Rio: how is that better Buster: That pain is piss easy to handle compared to what you could do Rio: It don't feel any easier to me Rio: feels the same Buster: 'Cause I can't bottle you Rio: well, I can't actually you, to be fair Rio: or random girls just 'cos Buster: 'Course you could Buster: You'd have to stretch if you wanna get me over the head, like Rio: 😂 Rio: Shh Rio: it's very much illegal, even when you're asking for it Buster: Or stand on a barstool Buster: Or the bar itself Rio: not that you're thinking about it Rio: weirdo 😜 Buster: I think about you loads, get over it Rio: don't wanna Buster: If I have to, then you do Rio: I never said you have to Buster: I'm saying it, I have too much shit to do to be distracted by you constantly Rio: okay but Rio: little bit Rio: all work no play Rio: come on Buster: I play as hard and you know it Buster: Even when you are there trying to fuck everything up Rio: Exactly Rio: so don't try saying you've got no time for me Buster: I never said none, I said not as much as how often I think about you & then my thoughts want me to give you Rio: I know Rio: I get it too, I mean Buster: Of course, I got really hot Buster: I was a cute kid but Rio: Alright Rio: 😏 Buster: Alright what? Rio: We don't need to talk about how hot you are Buster: It won't be a two way convo, just tell me Rio: You know already shh Buster: Come on Rio: You're gonna be mean Rio: I can feel it Buster: Just say it for me once Buster: You never got me a birthday present Rio: Fine but if you're really annoying about it you're getting muted okay Buster: Or bottled Rio: Yeah you really are wishing now Rio: but you're hot Rio: really hot Rio: you know you are Buster: Fuck Buster: I know you are Rio: ha Rio: I've thought about you saying that loads Buster: What else do I say? Rio: Lots of things Rio: but don't waste loads of time talking, wouldn't be very true to character would it Buster: 😂 Buster: Obviously not Rio: Jesus Rio: I'm glad I left Buster: I'm not Rio: You left too Buster: Well, I ain't proud of that, am I Rio: Yeah Rio: it is what it is Buster: Nah Buster: It ain't that passive, it's what I made it into, deliberately Rio: I know Rio: I mean, obviously within your rights to do it Rio: shitty or otherwise Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Yeah Rio: thanks Rio: it's alright Rio: well it weren't but apology accepted, basically Buster: Where are you? Rio: Omw home Rio: nearly back Buster: Well, that deserves another apology Buster: Nearly Rio: it's okay Rio: gave him his present so won't be as gutted, like Buster: You can still be 👑 Buster: Thank Christ Rio: Honestly Rio: can ruin my night but not my rep, like Buster: I'm being sent home. Home home, not holiday home so no danger to your rep, just mine Rio: Why Rio: I mean Rio: you've been on worst behaviour all round, apparently but what was the final straw Buster: Mum's on one about the barmaid Rio: How mad will you be if I say told you so Rio: just wondering Buster: How mad would you be if I tell you I told her it was worth it Rio: you've actually got a death wish Rio: you know that's gonna make her mad, that kind of thing Buster: Why else do you think I announced it at perfect everybody overhear this volume? Rio: Why are you so mad at them? Buster: How far back do you want me to go? Rio: Alright Rio: over Nancy moving then Buster: They're letting her, ain't that enough? Rio: You'll miss her Buster: I won't Rio: What then Rio: isn't it a good thing for you, you won't have to worry about people talking shit on her, having to smack lads for her Buster: Don't mean I'm not angry she gets to move countries but I can't stay home alone, 'cause that's bullshit when I can take care of myself & she can't Rio: She's living with nan and granddad Rio: they're not just leaving her to do what she wants, like Buster: As good as Buster: How long before she's at ours, I'm calling it Rio: Nah Rio: they'll be more involved than your parents are, no offense Rio: so you still come off better Buster: We'll see Rio: You can be angry still Rio: and miss her, even a bit Buster: Cheers for the permission, like Rio: Any time Buster: How do these parties get more shit with every passing year, have a word Granddad, fuck's sake Rio: 'cos we get older but still get treated like kids Rio: and you're moodier, somehow Buster: You were calling me a kid not long ago, now you're gonna call 'em out for doing it, yeah? Rio: Not saying they shouldn't or that you ain't Rio: just why it's shit Buster: Very diplomatic Rio: mhmm Rio: you don't deserve me being mean about it, soz Buster: So you're only gonna be nice from now? Rio: Diplomatic Rio: you don't wanna be friends Buster: I don't wanna disfigure my hand with a blade Buster: If you wanna make me a better offer Rio: Did that too Rio: but seriously Rio: it was weird not talking for all that time Rio: barely talking anyway Buster: Yeah Rio: just don't stay away that hard yeah Buster: How hard then? Rio: as hard as you wanna Rio: but actually Rio: don't pretend Buster: What if I actually don't wanna? Rio: then don't Rio: it's just talking Rio: nothing wrong with that Buster: Okay Rio: Good Rio: I missed you Rio: sometimes Buster: Only when you were awake Rio: 😂 Rio: not dreaming about you, no? Rio: basically #humble for you Buster: That's what I was saying, those hours when you can't dream about me must have been the absolute worst, babe Rio: Oh god Rio: keep chatting, might cure me 😏 Buster: You know what the cure is Rio: Yeah? Buster: Eat cheese before you go to bed & have nightmares instead Buster: That or drink brandy til you can't dream Buster: Might die but Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm sure we don't have any of that filth Rio: 'less you can cook with it, hmm Rio: I'll see Buster: You can Rio: Get you Buster: Crêpes Suzette being the classic Rio: You're funny Rio: don't think I'm gonna go to that trouble when I could just stay up Buster: I'll come make them for you, call it a peace offering Rio: Party's gone that downhill 'cos I left, yeah? Buster: To be honest Rio: Guess your friend left when you embarrassed her along with your ma? Buster: She's not my friend Buster: But obviously Rio: well you know what I mean Rio: at least its a summer job Buster: I wouldn't have gone there otherwise, don't need to run into her every time I get dragged back here Rio: 🙄 Rio: how you getting 'round that at home then Buster: By being upfront about it Buster: No big words though Rio: Brilliant Buster: It does work brilliantly, yeah Rio: even if we're friends, not one of your mates, boy Rio: don't be bragging Buster: You asked & I answered Rio: Mhmm Buster: Not like I was offering you a spreadsheet with the figures Rio: Shh are you coming or not Buster: Do you want me to? Rio: Yes Rio: I'm hungry Buster: Then yeah Rio: Good Buster: I won't say a word about how much faster it'd be for you to just feed yourself Rio: Better not Rio: know you have hired help Buster: Not a cook Rio: you offered Rio: I'll be grateful Buster: When you've tasted it, you'll be more than grateful Buster: But I gotta get there first Rio: You can do it Rio: I believe in you Buster: Don't run out of compliments before this cab has even set off Rio: Better to do it now Rio: less risky Buster: No risk, no reward, babe Rio: I'm paying for crepes in compliments, am I Rio: sure that's what you want? Buster: The more praise I get the better I perform, it's up to you how good you want this meal, like Rio: That doesn't surprise me even a little, babe Rio: keep it in mind Buster: Why should it? It's true of everyone Buster: I also happen to thrive against the odds too but I'm just that good Buster: Keep that in mind Rio: Most people, even more most blokes Rio: What odds? You're gonna have that kitchen all to yourself Rio: and all the fancy ingredients you need Buster: Are you trying to bullshit me that you don't love encouragement as much as anyone, don't make me laugh Buster: The odds that the smell of brandy could make me wanna puke, for one thing Rio: I dunno Rio: can be a bit much Rio: depends Rio: I'll hold your nose for you Buster: In the wrong hands, anything can be a bit much Buster: You just wanna use yours to hurt me Buster: If I leave with a broken nose, we ain't friends no more Rio: Yeah, exactly Rio: that's why I'm done with schoolboys Rio: Promise Rio: you're too pretty Buster: I ain't leaving school for you, my mum would do more than break my nose Rio: 😂 Rio: Enough of a reason not to Rio: Maybe Buster: Until you give me a more worthwhile reason to do it Rio: Like I need to Buster: Like you want to Rio: You still reckon it's me stopping us Buster: I'm stopping us 'cause you asked me to, so technically yeah Rio: Ugh Buster: Tell me not to Buster: Take it all back Rio: You already said I can't Buster: When I said that, I was angry Rio: so was I Rio: and a whole clusterfuck of other emotions Rio: when I did it and all the shit I've said since Rio: including when I told you to stop and leave Buster: And now? What do you feel like Rio: Happy that we're talking Rio: that's all I know Buster: I've missed you, do miss you Rio: I know we never saw each other loads but Rio: not being able to talk to you was Rio: shit Rio: and knowing if I did you'd just say I was drunk or desperate or whatever the fuck Buster: I know I ain't easy to talk to Buster: So I'm happy too, that you wanna Rio: You aren't that bad Rio: give it a good shot, like but you know Buster: Come on Buster: I'm as much of a cunt as I can be Rio: Yeah well I'm tough Rio: don't take it personal Rio: sure loads of people hate you, babe Buster: Nah, they love me Rio: 😂 Rio: Okay Rio: you're an idiot Buster: I'm serious, being a cunt in Chelsea is like being a pub owner in Dublin Buster: Well loved Rio: Whatever works Buster: Like I said, it all does, brilliantly Rio: On them Rio: but that's not what really matters, like Buster: Of course on them, this is where I live & these are my people Buster: That's what matters, there's no point thriving in Dublin for the few weeks I'm there & not being able to hack it here Rio: Not what I mean either, really Rio: but least it makes sense Buster: What do you mean then? Rio: What about you, is what I mean Rio: not just playing to whatever crowd you have to Buster: What about me? That's what success is Rio: and that makes you happy Buster: It makes me successful Rio: What's that then Rio: if not happiness Rio: and money, obviously Buster: It's an assurance that whatever passing bullshit, happy, sad, pissed off, whatever I've got going on, I'll still be at the top of my game Rio: Hmm Rio: okay Rio: I get it Buster: It ain't a difficult concept Buster: Obviously you understand it Rio: Nah Rio: I just don't understand how everything you think is success brings that Rio: actual, definitely Rio: but surrounding yourself with cunts so you can be top cunt? Rio: that's just bullshit init Buster: If you can adapt & endure you'll thrive. Anywhere, under any circumstances, over any cunt Rio: Suppose that's true Buster: It don't matter who I'm surrounded by, I'll be top Buster: These are just the present cunts Rio: What about really nice people Rio: I know you ain't going that hard the other way Buster: Nice people don't run the world, babe Buster: They get shit on by it Rio: Nah Buster: Ask Nance Rio: That's not nice Rio: that's insecure and not able to stand up for yourself Rio: no offense, Nance Buster: You're the one who called her the nice twin Buster: I could happily slag her off all day Rio: Mostly to highlight your evilness Rio: but not gonna sit here and call her a bitch, obvs Buster: 😈 Rio: 😏 Rio: I wish Buster: What are you wasting a wish for? Rio: when you're such an 😇 wishes grow on trees Buster: Nah Rio: Which part of that are you doubting? Buster: The part that gives you a halo Rio: Oh, so you were being that rude Buster: Being that honest more like Buster: I know you Rio: Earlier I was no fun and now I'm hellbound Rio: which is it to be, babe? Buster: Depends Rio: On you Buster: On you Buster: I told you before, I ain't gonna be your scapegoat Rio: I just know that if I end up in hell, I'm blaming you Rio: 🤷 Buster: If you wanna go to hell, I'll take you there, babe Buster: But I could just as easy take you to heaven Rio: You are such a tease, McKenna Buster: That depends too Rio: Nah Rio: but that's okay Rio: I don't not like it Buster: I know Rio: Partially Rio: I don't think you know just how much I really don't not like it Buster: You reckon? Rio: All you've got is that famous imagination of yours Buster: Give me more then Buster: If you think you can Rio: I know I could Rio: question is should I Buster: I already said yes Rio: Not exactly asking nicely but Rio: like that too Buster: That I really do know Rio: It's pretty obvious Rio: why I like you Buster: Tell me something that isn't Rio: Alright Rio: Hmm Buster: & If its gonna take you this long, let me in Rio: you can't let yourself in? Rio: talk about poor service Buster: You invited me, let me in Rio: Fine, fine Rio: coming Buster: [when you just standing there at the door looking fresh to death] Rio: [when you're obviously admiring but playing it cool like kitchen this way] Buster: [when you 'brush past' her to get there not cos you wanna get there 1st but cos you want your bodies to touch] Rio: [when you've got all bowls and shit out like a nerd] Buster: [when you sit her on the counter so she can watch this masterpiece come together & you shamelessly wanna touch her as much as you can] Rio: [just dying slowly over here and 😳 but you can pretend it's hot in kitchen 'cos always is] Buster: [okay but teasing her with the brandy cos big mood so they have to basically playfight about not smelling/drinking it] Rio: [so innocent but the tension lawd] Buster: [when the only reason you don't kiss is because sauce on the stove about to burn or whatever & reminds you what you're meant to be doing] Rio: [#seriouschef] Buster: [gotta impress the bae which is why you also swig some brandy from the bottle like look] Rio: ['if you're sick it's really gonna put me off all the effort you've put in, like'] Buster: [is 😏 cos cocky bitch getting back to serious chef-ing] Rio: ['I'm gonna go get changed' 'cos still in party tings and just giving that mental image to him tah] Buster: [helps her down not cos he needs to but cos he wants to & the eye contact as he do because] Rio: [now you get to be 😏 but go 'cos we cockblocking you chef boy] Buster: [when you watching her go & then thinking about those mental images so hard that its a miracle the kitchen isn't on fire] Rio: [ha awkward like soz cali] Buster: [when you tell her to hurry back & you can pretend its cos this don't take long cos it don't but also we know] Rio: [pretend there are 'fit options here 'cos even your comfies are hot that's just the life she's forever living] Rio: 1 or 2 Buster: If you reckoned 1 was good enough you wouldn't have shown me 2 Rio: Numbers were randomized but 2 it is Rio: One sec Buster: You don't leave anything to chance Rio: Gotta go out there and make shit happen or it never will Rio: yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: anyway, was accounting for your bad taste rearing its head 😉 Buster: Expensive taste is only bad taste if you're poor & jealous Rio: and I'm neither Buster: So you've got nothing to worry about Rio: doesn't mean you don't have to sell me on this meal still Buster: It'll sell itself Buster: One taste Rio: Let's see Rio: [coming back down] Buster: [Such a LOOK at her] Rio: [Sitting back on the counter 'cos mood always casually maintaining eye contact forever oh you two] Buster: [Asks her if she wants to do the bit when you light the brandy at the end cos literally asking if she wants to play with fire the SYMBOLISM bye] Rio: ['Obviously' cos] Buster: [hands her a match cos what a fucking mood] Rio: [when you're just having a moment over the flames like] Buster: [and then its time to serve this shit so he'd do all the gentlemanly shit of pulling her chair out etc] Rio: [when you're loling but also loving it and just open your mouth like ok feed me] Buster: [when you know he will & does] Rio: [casual food porn happening here lmao] Buster: [probably don't come back that exact second cali fam] Rio: [caleb so sad like food is MY love language] Buster: [when you're waiting for a review tho] Rio: [when you've been making noises to not even be a tease about it so you're like 'okay, it's good'] Buster: [smug af but also so into her everything rn] Rio: [holding out a forkful like you want some] Buster: [a look cos we both know what he wants some of lol 'yeah'] Rio: [just feeding each other, getting this out the way or whoever walks in would KNOW honey] Buster: [sharing a chair because he weren't sitting down to have any & CLOSENESS] Rio: [y'all gonna jump a foot in the air when the fam roll in, at least a screaming child would give you chance to get off each other] Buster: [literally she's gonna be on his lap if they don't hurry up] Rio: [when you're like 'you've got some there' as a blatant excuse for more touching] Buster: [kill me now tbh] Rio: [gotta bring 'em in, so mad, never mind how mad y'all are gonna be] Buster: [how is it not obvs to cali how turned on these two are rn like hello I know you've got your hands full but] Rio: [also know she's fuming 'cos usually a helpful bitch but she's just there like hell no, also looking at him like what you gonna do] Buster: [when you just leave cos there's no way to explain gotta use the chaos to your advantage & make her answer questions if they get asked such a prick move] Rio: 😒 Buster: That better not be directed at me Rio: Nah Rio: stick it in the family groupchat but might be a bit blatant Buster: More blatant than what they walked in on? Buster: Unlikely Rio: They aren't all that observant Rio: well, 'less they wanna be but should be fine Rio: didn't say anything, still haven't so Buster: Good Rio: Yeah Rio: I think so Rio: still 😒 Buster: At least you ain't gotta catch a plane tomorrow with a 'disappointed' dad Buster: I did him the favour of not having to unpack all my sister's shit but instead of thanking me, it's a lecture I'll get Rio: That'll be fun Rio: 'least it ain't a long flight Buster: Just enough time to say don't fuck 18 year olds til you're at least 16 Rio: Probably doesn't warrant the whole flight but you know Rio: 6/10 parenting Buster: Gotta factor in all the time spent in silence before & after though Rio: You're too alike Buster: Shut up Buster: I'm younger, hotter & better Rio: Save it for your rebuttal Buster: It packs more of a punch if I hit him with a fresh take, he's been aware of all that for years Rio: Lemme know when you come up with a zinger, like Buster: 'Course Rio: I'd help but gotta silently come for my own now, obviously so Buster: I don't need any, don't worry Buster: Besides, it'd piss him off more if I hadn't learned my lesson so I'll probably just join the mile high club Rio: 😂 Yeah unless there's a closeted horny businessman doing his commute too, I highly doubt that Rio: that flight's a glorified bus trip Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 🙄 Buster: 😏 Rio: Shut up Buster: Make me Rio: That was the plan Rio: more or less Buster: So make a new one Rio: You should've stayed Rio: could've Rio: they're busy they never notice what I'm doing Buster: If I was thinking, yeah Buster: I would've Rio: Annoyed at you Rio: might bust out the face, actually Buster: It's your own fault Buster: Be annoyed at yourself, like Rio: You're not annoyed about that Buster: Annoyed ain't the word, you're right Rio: Got lots of time and brainpower to think of the word now, ain't ya Buster: Yeah Rio: you back home yet? Buster: Nearly Rio: Shame Buster: It doesn't have to be Rio: How? Rio: You're going back tomorrow Buster: I'm here now Buster: I know I've got more imagination but use yours Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: Finish what we started Buster: So come on Buster: Take me through it, how would it have gone? Rio: Well I was about to sit on your lap Rio: and you were about to feel how much I wasn't ready for you to go Buster: You'd have felt how ready to go I was Buster: Shame I had to leave instead Rio: It really is Rio: Still one last mouthful I wanted you to feed me Buster: I know Rio: and really could've put the worktop to more use Buster: & the table, barely used that Rio: Well now I'm gonna be thinking about you tomorrow morning when I'm getting breakfast too Buster: You're welcome Rio: It's not fair Buster: I told you, I don't play fair Buster: Just hard Rio: I'll just have to make sure you're thinking about me too Buster: How will you ever compete with my family's riveting breakfast conversation though? Buster: We're all so chatty, like Rio: Didn't know if you were on the first flight out in disgrace Rio: got your own plans then, like Buster: I don't reckon we sit down for breakfast at the same time as your lot Buster: Somehow Rio: how else you gonna fit in brunch and high tea Buster: 😂 Rio: you reckon imma get up for you Buster: Yeah Buster: Even if you also stayed up all night for me Rio: You're so fucking Rio: cocky Buster: Is that meant to insult me? Confident in a bold way, yeah, I am Buster: 'Cause I can be Rio: No Rio: just facts Rio: I've not said how I feel about it Buster: You don't need to Buster: You're so obvious Rio: So? Rio: You think you ain't Rio: I wanna be Buster: It's not a bad thing either Buster: I ain't saying it is Rio: You've said it is before Buster: So? Buster: We're both said worse before Rio: Yeah but did you mean that or do you mean this Buster: You really need to ask? Rio: Yeah Rio: this don't need to be a headfuck does it Rio: that's the whole point Buster: Making it known what you want is only bullshit if you then don't go after it Buster: Be as obvious as you want if that ain't all you do Rio: or when I go after one of your mates, obviously Buster: Shut up Rio: What Buster: Not a headfuck you just said Rio: It ain't Buster: Don't Buster: That's not what I wanna be thinking about Rio: Me either Buster: Then stop Rio: Alright Rio: I'm not thinking about it Buster: Good Rio: do you really have to go tomorrow Rio: can't you just behave Buster: It don't matter if I do, what's done is already done Rio: I know Rio: 😒 Buster: They gotta lay the law down while they still can, time's running out for it Rio: Know the feeling Rio: you made a mess Rio: guess who's gotta clean it up Rio: washing up is definitely what I wanna be doing rn Buster: I know you'd rather I made more mess & cleaned it up but that'll have to wait Buster: You can shower without me later though, I won't be that mad about it Rio: 😩 ugh Rio: please come back, won't complain about the washing up once if you just Buster: Come here Buster: It's your turn Rio: have you gone back to the pub Buster: The flat yeah Rio: I can't just show up at the party again can I Buster: Why not? Rio: 'cos they'll be expecting me to stay not race up to the flat to see you Buster: I'll come down, I didn't get changed, just you Rio: but I wanna sit on your lap again Buster: There's places we can go to do that Rio: Fuck it Rio: alright Buster: Hurry up Rio: there's a bus in 10 minutes so Rio: faster than getting back here Buster: Anything's faster than getting to yours Buster: It's a pisstake Rio: I know, I have to live there Rio: need to drive asap Buster: I reckon you could, if you work out a way to reach the pedals, like Rio: Piss off 😂 Rio: just 'cos I'm not gonna look like I'm in a clown car don't be salty Buster: I ain't getting a smart car, I'll be fine Rio: Neither am I Rio: but sadly you'd be waiting 2 years over the 20 this'll take so deal and have a drink waiting for me yeah Buster: You can have a tall glass of brandy if you don't behave Rio: 🤢 stop Rio: you just want an excuse to not go near me Rio: I see you Buster: I wanna be near you Rio: Yeah but how near Buster: You'll see Rio: if there's brandy I know you don't wanna go that far Buster: Do you? Rio: You know I wanna go all the way Rio: or what's the point starting Buster: The point is not being able to stop Buster: You think we'll just do this once? Rio: How are we gonna know if we don't try Rio: why not, because we're not meant to? Buster: I already know I'm that good Rio: then find out how good I am Rio: I'm not going to fall in love with you like calm down, it's fine Buster: You already did Buster: Glad you're finally over it now, babe Rio: 🙄 Boy please Rio: I was not Rio: we were kids you aren't even capable Buster: Tell it to my parents Rio: If I get drunk enough, I might Rio: though they're already pissed at you, might actually murder me Buster: You're not here to get drunk Rio: You're hot when you're serious Buster: I'm always hot Rio: 😏 Buster: You never told me that thing, you know, you just let me in Rio: Oh Rio: I forgot Rio: who knows why Buster: So come on, I'm waiting Buster: Tell me Rio: Something you don't know? Buster: Yeah Rio: Trouble is, I think you know as much as you wanna know Rio: you're not trying to know any more than that Buster: Bullshit, when have I wanted less than everything since you've known me Rio: You gonna give me everything in return? Buster: You can have it all, you just have to want it Rio: What's wrong with us Rio: do you reckon Buster: Depends who you ask Buster: If you're asking me, nothing Buster: You're flawless & I obviously am Rio: It's not our fault we're hot Rio: I bet loads of people think it but just don't do anything about it, right Rio: they just lie to save face, don't wanna put it out there to have it shot down Buster: Exactly Rio: Yeah Rio: we just ain't afraid to take what we want Buster: My parents didn't give a fuck & neither do I Buster: They have their uses Rio: really good excuse if we got caught Rio: but we won't, obviously Buster: Not that I've thought about it loads or anything Buster: Obviously Rio: Yeah right Rio: start thinking then boy you've got a lot of catching up to do Buster: Keep up with my sarcasm, babe Rio: I am, babe Rio: but I can't be thinking about you thinking about me right now Rio: this bus is kinda packed Buster: What happened to not afraid? Rio: I'm not afraid, that's the issue, I'm too turned on to be not with you right now Buster: It's not an issue & there's no such thing as too turned on, not when you're on your way to see me Rio: sadly the rest of the fam is gonna be there too but that's life Buster: Nah, I'm getting you alone as soon as you get here Buster: They don't need to even know you are Rio: let's try Rio: I am hard to miss Buster: Yeah but I'm at the bus stop Buster: None of them are Rio: Really Buster: Why would I wait for you in there instead of here? Rio: Always thinking Rio: I can't right now, your fault Buster: But you are, about me Rio: yes Rio: a lot Buster: I'm thinking about you too Rio: Good Rio: I want to do exactly what you're thinking about so make it good Buster: It's always good Rio: It better be Rio: still gonna top it Buster: You better Rio: bet on it Buster: High stakes, babe Buster: Good thing you ain't afraid Rio: What other stakes are there? Rio: no guts no glory Buster: You could be bluffing Rio: You want proof? Rio: That is risky Buster: I like risk Buster: Don't you? Rio: [as sexy a selfie you're gonna manage on a bus lbr it's mostly about the 'fit and facial expression here] Buster: Good answer Rio: Thanks 😏 Buster: [As sexy a selfie as you can manage alone at a bus stop, which is very when you don't give a fuck anyway] Buster: You're welcome Rio: JESUS Buster: Like I said, heaven's as easy as hell Rio: is it Rio: I feel like I'll never get there now but I don't even care Rio: fuck Buster: I'll get you there Rio: Please Buster: It's been ages since you tried politeness on me, I thought you'd given up Rio: I said, I wanna do whatever you want Rio: politeness included Buster: Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do Rio: How did you know Buster: Like I said, being obvious ain't a bad thing Rio: Why don't most other lads get it then Buster: They don't care what you want Rio: Hmm Rio: probably true Buster: They want what they want, that's it Rio: but if that's me they should do it right Buster: They probably think they are Buster: Or they don't care as long as it's right for them Rio: 😒 schoolboys, I'm telling you Buster: Excuse you Rio: be the exception Rio: giving you a chance to show me otherwise Buster: I am Buster: You think you're the first girl to issue that to me Rio: 🙄 alright Buster: Your eyes will be rolling back in your head by the time we're done, yeah Rio: believe it when it happens Rio: happy to be proven wrong Buster: Happy ain't the word Rio: Have you thought of the word yet? Buster: I'm thinking you might as well go back to begging 'cause that's what's gonna be coming most naturally to you, like Buster: Please is as good a word as any for you right now Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You cannot say my name after saying all that I'm Buster: I could say sorry but I'm not Rio: don't say sorry Rio: not for this Rio: ever, alright Buster: I won't Buster: But you're gonna need to if you keep making me wait Rio: Trust, I've never been more sorry Rio: I hate the fucking bus Buster: How far away are you? Rio: 3 stops Rio: not that I'm counting Buster: Jesus Rio: I know Rio: why do you think I'm so fucking desperate Buster: I know why, but tell me how desperate you are since we've got so much time to kill Rio: I just keep looking at your picture Rio: It's really hard to keep my hands to myself Buster: [sends her an even better one cos just that bitch] Rio: You're only going to touch me once and I'm going to explode Buster: Yeah but then I get to do it all again Rio: How many times can we fit in before you go Buster: How much stamina do you have? Rio: Buster, I want you for as long as you're here Rio: fuck that, I want you longer but I need that Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay Rio: It's been too long Buster: Yeah Rio: I've wanted this for so long Rio: you know Buster: Me too Rio: I know Rio: we just need to cross the line Buster: We need to fucking erase it Buster: No going back Rio: I want that too Buster: I need that Rio: There's so much I wanna tell you Rio: show you Buster: Do it Rio: Maybe I'm a bit scared Rio: about that Buster: Don't be Rio: Do my best Buster: Seriously, you can trust me Rio: Yeah Rio: more worried about myself Rio: but I can see you, finally Rio: [so maybe a kiss is unavoidable but one of the kids should come out 'cos they're young enough to be highkey and annoying maybe pablo or janis 'cos they'd like buster and if one of the adults is like oh he's outside somewhere] Buster: Yeah? How do I look? Rio: Better than you did earlier, and your pictures Rio: somehow Buster: You can have some credit Rio: [getting off the bus like 😏 'say that again'] Buster: [does obvs oh the eye contact oh the tension] Rio: [not gonna be able to leave it long 'fore initiating this like been building forever so enjoy the view bus people] Buster: [literally tho] Rio: [don't enjoy the view hopefully janis eek] Buster: [when there's nothing chaste about this kiss so good luck styling that out if she does] Rio: [ahh the trust issues begin, 'cos Rio is this fam's star child still lmao okay] Buster: [this fam makes me die] Rio: [when you've got to come back in the party now you can't just bolt like] Rio: fuck Buster: Go Rio: I can't Buster: You fucking have to Rio: I will as soon as I can Rio: how is she being Rio: does she seem normal Buster: I don't know Rio: Jesus Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Just be your normal self Buster: Who the fuck is that? Buster: Christ Rio: Yeah, like that Rio: I don't know Rio: she couldn't have seen Rio: she would be Buster: You don't know that Rio: No I don't but Rio: can't ask her, can we Rio: we have to run with best possible outcome or we could fuck it needlessly Buster: You have to say something Rio: What can I say? Rio: how do I explain that away Buster: It's about what she can say Rio: she's only 8 Rio: they'll probably think she's making it up or that it was just like a goodbye kiss or Rio: something Buster: Fuck that Rio: She won't say anything Rio: I'll make sure if I have to Buster: Make sure then Rio: Not unless I have to Buster: You do have to Rio: just stop Rio: I need to go Rio: think or puke or both Buster: You need to prioritise Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Don't have a go at me when you're not offering or are going to do ANYTHING about it alright Buster: What the hell can I do? I barely know her Rio: what can I do Rio: no one's so close to their younger siblings they can just chat about shit like this Rio: it's not a normal situation Buster: Threaten, bribe, whatever the fuck Rio: I'm thinking Rio: that was so stupid we're so fucking stupid Buster: I'll do it if you won't Rio: I'll do it Rio: like you said, you don't know her Buster: Don't wait too long Rio: I'm not going to Rio: trust me, she is not that kid Rio: she wouldn't just drop it now Rio: I'll work out what she saw Rio: then what she wants Buster: I'm gonna have to trust you, aren't I Buster: Not like I have a load of other options Rio: we don't have any Rio: that's what it is Buster: Shut up & delete everything Buster: It's her word against ours if it needs to be Rio: Right Rio: she can't use this, even if she wanted Rio: if she even kept going, I'll say I'm blackout, or you, everyone saw us both drinking Buster: Everyone saw me in your kitchen too Rio: not everyone Rio: she wasn't there, I'm 100% she stayed Rio: they were just bringing back the two little ones and then mum was going back Buster: I can't fucking remember Rio: I can Rio: I know who was there Rio: I had to talk to them after you bolted Rio: I know she wasn't Buster: Alright Buster: & Nance can back up how it was when we last saw each other Rio: Yeah Rio: as far as everyone knows we still just tolerate each other at functions Rio: if my parents want a reason why you came over, we can think of one, easy Buster: Yeah Buster: & I'm going home in the morning Rio: Right Rio: out of sight out of mind Buster: School starts soon, I won't be dragged back for months Buster: I can do loads more bad shit than this in that time Buster: Deflect Rio: you already have today Rio: everyone would think it was a joke Buster: Exactly Buster: I can pull hot older women, why would I bother with you Rio: Okay Buster: Okay then Rio: Don't delete everything Rio: that will look weird Rio: tolerate each other or not there can't be nothing Buster: I'll keep you saying you hate me Rio: Bit intense Buster: Still believable Buster: Ask Nance Rio: I ain't her Buster: I can be as mean to you as I am to her Buster: Easy Rio: Again, too much Rio: this is how we got here Rio: ambivalence Buster: Calm down Buster: I can do that too Buster: As easily Rio: Sure Buster: Worry about yourself Rio: I am, don't worry Buster: I ain't, you've got more to lose than me Buster: You'll keep it together Rio: No one's losing anything Buster: Just Janis & her innocence Rio: Don't joke Rio: omg Buster: I'm not Rio: Then shut up Buster: Fine Buster: We're done anyway Rio: just delete the messages after Rio: don't lie Buster: I'm not lying either Buster: What else is there to say? Rio: Seriously Buster: Seriously Rio: Fine Buster: Don't lie Rio: What else is there for me to say? Buster: You tell me Buster: There's clearly something else you wanna Rio: I told you, there was loads I wanted to say Rio: and you said I could trust you Rio: shit's gotta change but now you ain't saying nothing and you don't trust me Buster: You also said we wouldn't get caught Buster: Shit has changed Rio: And you don't even know if we did Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Fine then Buster: Get a grip, Cavante Buster: For your own sake Rio: Fuck off Rio: you're freaking out here Buster: Fuck you Buster: It was a kiss, we've been there before Rio: Exactly Rio: you want me to make it into this whole huge thing Buster: I want you to stop being a pussy & handle it Rio: Worry 'bout yourself Rio: if you're so concerned, you do something about it Buster: Alright, I will Rio: Cool Buster: [when you bribe Janis with boxing related shit like lessons or something idk] Rio: [hitting the drink] Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not an idiot, Buster Rio: I'm not gonna get wasted and spill all Buster: Says you Buster: Using my name's too intimate for what we're supposed to be, don't you reckon Rio: What else would you like me to call you Buster: Use your imagination Rio: I have Buster: Good Rio: Are you done lecturing me Buster: [does a cheers at her with his drink] Rio: [does it back and downs it] Buster: [downs his too] Rio: [just on your phone hitting up new options 'cos gotta go] Buster: [likewise sexting some girl cos need the distraction but if you bring her to the flat your mum will actually kill you] Rio: [when the other kids keep trying to hit you up and you're like nah] Buster: [getting them nudes you don't really want] Rio: [when you hear that boy racer pulling up before she's even out, when your mum is like umm but you gone] Buster: [when you have to pretend you don't notice/care]
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liveblog: bnha/mha, vol. 14
we left off with me wanting to give kacchan the biggest hug possible because he thinks he's responsible for all might's power-loss. nothing else from the previous volume matters because only kacchan matters! but also midoriya got his provisional license, kacchan and shouto did not, himiko has a "metamorphosis" power and at some point afo will get out of tarturus. onward!
ch. 119
midoriya: "i'm not gonna be your sandbag, kacchan!"
my babbyyyyyy
midoriya: "you were so amazing, it was blinding!"
look, y'all, if i hadn't already fallen down the bakudeku rabbit hole i'd be fucking swinging down the rope by this point
also, midoriya can do 8% power now!!! good for him :)
ch. 120
oh so is this chapter spread where that fantasy au started? because i really like it!
midoriya: "when i feel like 'i have to win!' more than i feel that 'i have to help!' my language becomes more vulgar and i thoughtlessly run my mouth. it really should be a part of myself that i hate but somewhere inside me... you're that image of 'victory.'"
like how am i supposed to read that and not just let my brain run away??
but also i am here for midoriya possibly accepting his own self, taking his own advice!!
hey all might
kacchan: "i'm fucking weak!! that's why you're... like that!!"
i'm honestly very happy that kacchan was able to express himself! he's definitely an action-forward guy, but he can clearly verbalize what he need as well
all might's correct that kacchan's still too young (and midoriya) - they are only 15 after all, you defintely don't have the full grasp of anything at that age, haha
kacchan told midoriya to not lose since all might has laid the path out for him and midoriya said he'd get stronger
all they needed was a fist bump against a sunset and it would've been a picture perfect shounen moment haha
ch. 121
kacchan saying he'll still surpass all might, and midoriya, and midoriya saying he'll surpass kacchan as well
this is what i love
all might: kaccan has an inferiority complex
oh they're both under house arrest!
stop yes!!!!!! tey're tlaking as they vaccum the living room!!!!
is this how their partnership starts?? i hope so!!!
and we see the other yuuei classes! and shinsou!
i don't know his name, but i recognize that profile!
ch. 122
present mic teaches english WITH ENTHUSIASM
oh so this dude can phase through walls?
"the big three"
ch. 123
the dude who phased through walls took his clothes off during the sports festival last year???
amajiki can't do public spekaing and he's imaging class 1-A's heads as potatoes bye
.... okay
huh, less than 5min and toogata mirio (good to know his name) has defeated basically the whole class by himself
ch. 124
mirio has a "boring" power but i really like the setbacks n it!
honestly, this author does a brilliant job on the limitations for these powers
but mirio thinks that "sir" will like midoriya, espcially since midoriya tried to strategize.
makes me wonder who mirio is interning under but i'm not gonna concern mysef with that at the moment
midoriya wants to become the no. 1, as he thinks about kacchan...
literally writes itself
oh all might had a sidekick??
so we got a few panels of overhaul in the last chapter, and here he is again! and the (presumed) ex-sidekick is one his case!
the dude with the (literal) split personality is called "twice"
which is definitely gonna be annoying for tagging purposes because there's a kpop group by the same name
ch. 125
"in a world bereft of its symbol, evil thrives"
overhaul: "looks unhygenic. this the base?"
all i can see in my mind is that elephant from tarzen
"i'm gonna catch something" "no worries since everyone's sick anyways!"
oh overhaul is yakuza! cool
overhaul: "there's another term for a goal without a plan to back it up, and that's 'pipe dream.'"
this is the secodnt ime for sure that shigaraki (shiragaki?) has been told that he has no plan by outsiders, the first being dabi (where is he????) so like... bro get a plan together haha
overhaul just told shigaraki that they should join him - this dude officially has the biggest balls in this building
overhaul just fucking exploded the dude with the cannon!!!
overhaul made a STATEMENT!!! nad i'm here for it wow
ch. 126
yuuei told class 1-A to give up on internships hahaha
midoriyaaa!! <3
ah so mirio trains under sir night! who used to be all might's sidekick - the connections are made
oh sir night forewarned all might about something? i wonder wht specifically
i love my son midoriya <3 <3 <3
if all might never met midoriya, then mirio would'e been all might's successor!
though i actually wonder if that would've been try because mirio was just a potential candidate - and we know that all might was picky about who to choose
sir night lieks to laugh!!!
a character designed by a fan, nice!
sir night has a fucking tickle machine bYE
i'm fucking dying XD
ch. 127
god i hope sir night and midoroya bond over their admiration obsession of all might!
midoriya: "if i tried to move forward at the same pace as everyone... then i'd never reach the top!"
only becsue it's suh a huge part of my life but sir night's 'foresight' ability absolutely reminds me of the sharingan, but i like the time limit and the necessity to touch
ch. 128
midoriya passed the test, partly becaus he never toushed any of the all might posters on the walls
overhsul is also called "chisaki" and i don't know what that name means but i like the way it sounds
"t/n: one of the kanji in chisaki's name means 'medical treatment/cure'" nice
midoriya's first day at the office and he's set to do surveillance of the eightfold cleansers
first day on the job and midoriya meets overhaul, amazing! and alittle girl named eri
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