#oh is she sad???? because i cut ties with her??? wow i wonder how I must feel myself after being seen as dog shit for years huh!
Two days later and I'm still so angry I can't sleep
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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(Jean x fem!/reader) -> Angst -> 4.7k 
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Notes: Sorry for updating a lot later than expected! Here’s chapter eleven, and twelve will be out as soon as I write it. Hope you enjoy! 
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During the night, you had no dreams or nightmares. It was simply peaceful, calming, and warm. Having him beside you (though he was on the floor) gave you the utmost comfort. He was really here with you, resting to the side, while you did the same. Such a feeling that was yearned for, had finally found its way back to you. The first night in what seemed like forever where you actually slept through calmly. 
You woke up the next day to see the sun peer in. Through the crack of your blinds, highlighting the walls of your cozy room. The birds, though silent, remained present as the wind rustled quietly. Jean lay on the floor. His hand still clung onto yours from the night before. His grip felt secure and gentle when holding yours. His hair laced over the pillows, as his body was barely covered by the sheets. Only now did you realize how much of a mover he was. Though that was the case, he still miraculously held you through the night. Without causing any discomfort whatsoever. 
You wanted to sit in this moment for a tad longer, but knew you would have to ready you both for the day ahead. You tried to slip out of his hand, but to your failed attempt, he gripped even tighter. He really wasn’t going to make this easy. You tried yet again, using your other hand to assist. Regardless, his one hand and few fingers kept you grounded. You thought that was the end of things, but he then pulled you in. Locking you in a tight embrace. You shook your head, both flustered and disappointed. You needed to get away from him, yet here he was, keeping you captive. 
“Jean...Jean I need to get up-” 
“Not again...no...never,” he mumbled. 
It seemed as if he was sleep talking. If he was conscious, he probably would’ve laughed at you by now. You were sad to hear such words. He had gone through so much trauma to the point he couldn’t let go of you. 
“I’m not leaving...not yet at least...so Jean, don’t worry and please let me go,” you cupped his cheek as it sank into your touch. His head now leaning towards you, and his face at a closer range. Smiling at the reaction, you then heard a knock coming from outside. 
“Hm...I have to go now,” he seemed less tense than earlier. It must’ve been because of your words since he actually let you go. You got up, put yourself in a cardigan, and quickly tied your hair. Maybe this time it was actually Reiner, for goodness sake you would now need to leave a candle there. Just in case next time, it’s a crazy psycho and not Jean. 
You opened the door, ready to attack if it was anyone threatening. Though hesitant, you let your guard down, opening the door even wider. 
“Ah Y/n! Long time no see,” you stared at the woman, flowers in one hand, while treats in the other. 
“Alexandra, what are you doing here?” you smiled shocked. 
Alexandra was also a person from the military. An Eldian soldier who commanded her own squad. Though your rank was a tad higher than her’s, she was never too far from you. You both conversed here and there. Though you weren’t as close to her as you were with the warrior unit, you were both mutually acquainted. Enjoying each other’s company from time to time. 
“I just came to drop by. If you’re busy, I can come sometime later today,” you didn’t want to be rude and reject her. Even though Jean was over, you assumed that if he had heard someone else (other than you) in the house, that he would keep quiet. 
“No no no, I insist. Come in, I’m free,” you led her inside for her to then place the gifts on the table. Now that you thought about it, this was the second time she had been to your house. That being said, you were surprised she still had this place memorized. Not only that, but you were surprised she had come out of the blue. Did she have something important to share, what drove her to come? 
“Curious are we?” she laughed as your eyes widened, embarrassed. 
“Of course not-” 
“Haha, you’re not a very good liar Y/n~” 
“I guess you’re right about that,” you grinned as you started to prepare tea. She was just such a lady, and plus, tea complimented any situation. So why not make some now? 
“Hm lovely. Earl Grey if I’m correct?” 
“Haha, yes you are,” you then placed a cup down. Pouring the tea as she patiently waited. Crossing her legs and setting the treats she brought across the table. 
“I’m sorry I’ve come so early in the morning, it’s just that my squad is going to be shipped out sometime tomorrow...so I wanted to say my goodbyes before then.” 
“What do you mean? I know you’ll come back,” you smiled as she followed hesitantly.  
“Yeah...of course I will,” you then set the teapot down, as she took a sip.  
“Hey so...I heard that someone might be getting married,” you start to drink your tea, eyeing her suspiciously. 
“Who else but you,” you choked on the beverage, wondering as to how she would know such a thing. You then tried to play things cool, hoping the subject would slowly avert. 
“I’m still not understanding?-”
“You and Reiner silly. It’s been going around everywhere...didn’t you know?” 
“No...I...I didn’t know that others knew?...” 
“Ahh I see. Well, from what I know, the town seems content with such a proposal. The ladies have been talking about what kind of future you both might have, even with the limited time. Not only that, but Reiner’s mother seems ecstatic with both the arrangements, and attention being given,” you then bite down on your tongue. Never would you have thought things would escalate so quickly. Rumors that weren’t even confirmed, yet spread like wildfire. She then placed her cup down, grabbing one of the deserts to munch, and then covered her mouth. She spoke, trying to keep her manners while also enjoying the treat. 
“So, have you prepared a wedding dress, did he give you a ring yet, or are you both going to wait for the day of?” 
“No...I haven’t been given a ring, nor have I gotten anything.” 
“Wait, really?” 
“Hm...well okay. Let me ask you a different question.” 
“Of course, whenever you’re ready,” she then finished, and took a sip. Eyeing you as you sat uncomfortable, not sure what her next approach would be. 
“You do like him, don’t you?” 
“Um...well...I...I would say-” 
“You know, I’ve always thought the both of you were...how do I say it, cute. Very cute actually.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” you laughed a little, thinking she was being sarcastic. Whereas she was being quite serious. 
“You two have always seemed so close. You both respect each other, take the time to have one on ones, you also put in the effort to see each other’s families, and just...so much more. You’ve always seemed like a couple, or, couple goals to say the least. Not only that, but you seem to genuinely care for each other. You give words of affirmation, and he gives you acts of genuine affection.” 
“How would you know such a thing?” your brow cocked as she sighed. 
“My dear, it’s called observation. Speaking of observing, you can’t deny that Reiner is very attractive.” 
“I mean, he’s a total catch. He’s a very good looking gentleman. One that actually takes care of his hygiene. He’s presentable most of the time, and treats you like the lady you are. Giving you the respect which you deserve. Very attractive in my opinion. Chivalrous, yet understanding of a lady’s worth.” 
“I agree with that,” though your feelings for Reiner were platonic, what she stated was...somewhat true. Just disclude the whole “wanting to kill you,” along with the “using you as a way to cope,” and vice versa. 
“So you do like him?” she asked as you sat there, not sure about what your response would be. 
“Well…” a question then sprung in your head. You put your cup down, to then eye her yourself as she locked her gaze. Awaiting for whatever your answer would be. 
“Alexandra what if...what if there was someone else?” 
“Someone better looking than Reiner?” 
“I...I guess so,” you chuckled as she stared at you in shock. 
“No way...did you get with Porco? Wow...you surprise me the more I get to know you-” 
“Wait a minute, you think Porco is more charming than Reiner?” You cut her midway through, baffled to say the least. Now you were the person in shock as she smiled cockishly. Proud of such a statement. 
“Well...yes...yes I do,” she said shamelessly as you now laughed. 
“Wait, but why? I’m genuinely curious,” you said, obviously having a different opinion. 
“First of all, his undercut is both sharp and clean. Not only that, but the dirty blonde really suits him. His build is nice, along with the fashion he portrays. Though not too out of the ordinary, you can tell he puts in the effort to look his best.  
The energy he gives off is adventurous, dark, and mysterious, you know? But at the same time, he also seems like a gentleman. One who’s misunderstood, yet has a soft interior. His eyes seem to hide an excruciating pain, yet his smile is one full of brightness, and laughter,” you were surprised about how philosophical, and passionate she was when describing Porco...Porco of all people. No offense to him, but you would never see him in such light. 
Regardless, she seemed proud to say such a statement, as she then asked you: 
“And you? Just what about Reiner intrigues you? I understand for some reasons, but more than Porco?” you nodded to then state: 
“I can’t guarantee my description will be a full fledged english essay. But oh well, here it goes,” she listened intrigued, ready to hear your rebuttal. 
“Well, he does have a beard. Though Zeke’s is fuller, Reiner’s compliments his face structure. He has a very um...broad build, the blonde suits him well, and over all, is a very sweet person. Compared to Porco, I would say he has a much more timid nature. Don’t get me wrong, he can speak his mind, but is a little more sensitive when doing so. That being the case, I feel as if he’s more relatable. Though, I may be saying this because I’ve known him for longer, outside of Marely of course, I just think he’s the better option-” 
  “The better option, so he is an option. Meaning that you feel attracted to him. Leading to the conclusion that you like him,” she grinned maliciously as you panicked. 
“Um well...I wouldn’t say that…” 
“Interesting...but my point still stands haha. If you ever need someone to help you prepare for the occasion...if I come back...I’ll be sure to aid you.” 
“Of course,” she then stood up, placing the flowers in a vase. Grabbing her bag, her coat, her hat, standing before you. 
“But before I go, just who is this other person?...Are you really seeing someone?” 
“I…” you weren’t sure what to say to her, as the hesitation rang in your voice.
“No...I just wanted to know what your thoughts would be,”  You know you should have told her yes, but you just couldn’t. You didn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire, and if you couldn’t even tell the warriors, telling someone else shouldn’t have been an option. 
“I see, well...farewell Y/n. Let us meet again, and if not here...somewhere else…” 
“Yes, of course,” you smiled happily as the door then shut. 
You were glad that one, she came to visit you, and two, that things were now over. You sat in your seat, stretching out your arms to hear another knock. Except this time, it was coming from behind you. Your head then flung backwards, your smile growing even wider as your chair tilted. 
“Good morning handsome~” 
“Good morning beautiful, how are you?” 
“Greater than ever, how about you? Did you sleep well?” 
“Magnificent. Also yeah, I did sleep well...surprisingly,” you both laughed a little, as you then got up, placing breakfast for the both of you. Though a little full from the meeting before, you still wanted to enjoy a meal with Jean. After all, it had been so long since the last time you did. And plus, that was during your time as a cadet. You weren’t able to enjoy such a feast in the morning. 
You both ate in silence. Both of you trying to enjoy the food, and each other’s company. Letting the peace around settle in. Once you had finished both eating, and cleaning up after yourselves, you then decided to speak, asking: 
“Did you hear the conversation I had earlier? I’m assuming you probably woke up because of it,” you didn’t ask how much he heard. You instead wanted to see how much he did hear from the man himself. He put the cloth he was holding down. Similar to you, he wanted to see if you’d tell him anything from the conversation. So he asked: 
“Was there anything important I should be informed about regarding it?” 
“No…” you lied guiltily, but you didn’t know how to handle it otherwise. He then decided to hint you with what he knew, by saying: 
“Hm...Is Reiner really your type? Do I have to buff it up, go blonde, and grow a stache?” he then touched his face as you laughed. Both out of silliness, and nervousness. You felt worried knowing he heard that much of your conversation. Meaning, he knew you hadn’t denied Alexandra even once. 
“Haha no! I love you just the way you areeee!” 
He then looked at the ground, leading him to stand up. 
“If that’s the case,” he leaned against the wall, staring at you intensely. 
“No? Y/n, why did you say no?” you sighed in defeat, seeing that he most definitely was on your tail. 
“I can’t tell her I’m dating a ‘devil’ from Paradis,” you said, trying to make an excuse. 
“You wouldn’t have needed to tell her that...just saying yes should’ve been a good enough answer. You didn’t have to say no.”
“I know…”
“Then why did you?..” 
“I just...I’m not even sure myself-” 
“About this...us?...” he stopped himself while clenching his fist. Though he was annoyed, he didn’t want to push that onto you. He knew you cared about your relationship, and plus, it sounded petty for him to say.  
“Never mind...it’s not a big deal.” 
“I see…” you agreed, still feeling guilty as he then asked: 
“You’re not planning on marrying him...right?” 
“Hm,” you think to yourself. Though your mind had run blank, he certainly did not as it ran with rage. Seeing you hesitate when the answer should have been obvious. He just couldn’t handle it, along with his sense of inferiority. Though he had matured, there were still times where acted otherwise. This being one of them. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t say no, almost immediately-” 
“You know I won’t Jean…” 
“Then why didn’t you tell off your friend? You didn’t deny the proposal, or  your affection for him.”
Jean wasn’t jealous, rather, frustrated. Frustrated that you weren’t using your words (yet again), nor telling him any of your thoughts. It's like watching a movie with no audio, he wasn’t able to understand your actions even when seeing them. Without any coordination, communication would never reach his side of the spectrum. 
He scrunched his eyebrows, and pinched the bridge between them. Though that was the case, he was trying to be patient with you. After all, this was something new and he didn’t want you to feel pressured. Nor did he want you to feel like it was completely your fault. Even if it was, he wouldn’t have known unless you told him so. 
“Look Y/n...I really don’t want to fight, especially over something like this. But in order for me to understand things, even if it does hurt my feelings, I need to understand your thought process. That way, I’m able to clear up any misunderstandings. You tend to keep your mouth shut, and that’s not something that we need as of right now. You know how I feel, now it’s your turn,” you were still hesitant, feeling pressured as he approached you. He looked into your eyes. His stare was desperate, yet understanding. Patting your head as you gazed upwards. 
“I’m sorry for acting like that...but you know...your actions do hurt me, especially when I don’t know where you’re coming from. So can you please...try to explain?” he pouted as you sighed, ready to convey how you felt. He seemed excited seeing that you were somewhat ready, feeling like a proud father...which was something he didn’t feel often (having both Connie and Sasha). It was a weird metaphor, but the only one which could describe the moment. 
“I wasn’t sure if I should tell her. Although I do trust her, it could get out. You never know. Plus, I didn’t want to deny the proposal yet. I still need to talk things out with Reiner, and his mother” he seemed a bit disappointed, leading you to then hug him.  
“But I can promise you, it’s something that won’t happen. I love you, and you alone,” he then wrapped his arms around, returning the favour. Him hovering over your top half, as you hugged his torso, still in your seat. 
“I see...thanks for that but...I think I’ll still go blonde-”
“NO! I like your brown hair, it’s cute!” 
“Cute eh? I guess I’ll keep it then,” Him then smirking at the ego boost, as you sat flushed. 
“I love your hair as well.” 
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After breakfast, you both decided to make plans. Heading out for a walk in the park, wanting to spend more time together. If anything, you could conclude it as being a date. You went out for lunch, and strolled together while conversing. Though walking was a great thing, so was sitting. That being the case, you both sat on a bench. Hands intertwined, feet swinging, and him calmly humming. Moments had passed in such comfort for him to ask: 
“What’s happened in your life? Well, other than becoming part of the military, and all of the boring stuff.” 
“Nothing much, how about you? What’s been happening in yours?”
“Ah...I can’t say too much about that,” he nervously said, as you backed off, understanding it wasn’t something to be said aloud. You both then sat awkwardly, only for you to ask something that you had been curious about. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? After I left...the truth if possible,” you knew Jean was a truthful person, you trusted him, but you also knew he would sugar coat things to make you feel better. That being the case, you wanted honesty. No matter what. Afterall, you deserved to hear such criticism if needed. It was the least you could do to attone. 
“I guess I’ll start off lightly. Um...we did find the cellar, the one which Eren’s father resided in. We also took back Shiganshina, though now mainly used for military purposes...I think. Not only that, but your horse has been doing fine.” 
“Violet? How about Buchwald?” 
“Yeah, him too. They’re pretty good friends in my opinion,” he looked at you to see that you weren’t content. It seemed as if you wanted to know more, rather than being shielded by the lightness in his words. Since you could make your own decisions, so could he. Deciding that he would tell you instead of keeping you from things. Things that you honestly...deserved to know. 
“After you died...I barely slept. I couldn’t eat, train, or even walk for that matter. I was pretty malnourished during that time, refusing to have a meal. I did that feeling guilty that you couldn’t have it with me. You passed and yet I still lived?...it didn’t seem fair no matter what was said. I was pretty grumpy as well. Angry, sad, and confused. Not knowing what to do. 
When Marco died, instead of mourning, I instead used it as a way to motivate me. To push myself even further for humanity, so that his death wouldn’t go in vain. But with your death...I couldn’t even. It was too painful to even bring up. Thinking of it as my motivation, seemed both coward like, and sickening. 
Everyone else was pretty moody as well. Not sure how to approach such rogue behaviour from me, nor how to accept your death. Even though I made the biggest ordeal, they still mourned. However, even though that was the case, what matters is that you’re alive now. We’ve also talked things through, and now I’m here...with you,” he grasped your hand, smiling softly. The guilt that now built in your stomach, remind you of the pain you put him through. Not only that, but the anguish which held him captive for so many years. Though you put him in such a position...he was still willing to forgive you? 
You stared at him. His eyes broken, yet also...in the process of healing. Although you couldn’t change the past, maybe you could alter the present, concluding in a better future for you both. You smiled as his thumb caressed your knuckles, loving the warmth. You sat there for a second, to then ask: 
“Tell me...is Berthold alive?...in Paradis?” he then stopped, as he looked at the ground. You understood the answer, based on the actions given. 
“How did he die?” 
“Armin...ate him-”
“What? That’s only possible if-”
“We had spinal fluid? I know,” you sat there spooked. Just now finding out Paradis had such information, climbing up the latter as you spoke. They’d probably catch up to your wits eventually. Though that was the case, and you could have worried even more, you decided against it. Knowing this wasn’t the time to. 
Instead, you decided to focus on Bertholdt. He was really gone...though you assumed it would have been better than being held captive, it still hurt. He must have felt so much pain going through that. Not only did he get eaten, but he was alone. None of you were there to help, nor witness such a sight. It saddened you as your eyes teared. The sweetest person, the only person who didn’t want to fight, was finally taken out of it in such a brutal way. 
Jean saw the distress that struck across you, as he then wiped your tears. Trying to console you the best way he could. He knew what it felt like to lose a friend, heck he even thought he lost you. It was a process that hurt a lot...but one that would come to pass.
“What about everyone else?...”
“Hm...everyone is fine...especially Sasha and Connie. Those two are still as lively as ever,” he smiled as you followed suit. 
“I’m glad they’re still the hooligans they were.” 
“Yeah…me too.” 
“How did you get here?...and why are you here?” you asked, genuinely wanting to know. 
“Shh...it’s a secret,” he joked, obviously trying to avoid the question. After he answered, you could feel the tension in the air. One not wanting to tell the other everything just yet. You both trusted each other...yet felt as if your intentions...were something to keep behind closed doors…. For now at least. 
Jean then sighed, gripping onto your hand even tighter. He, along with you, tried breaking the ice. Him with his actions, and you with your words. Though it felt a little awkward, you still wanted to carry out your conversation. 
“You know, even though I tried pushing things aside...after leaving...I could never get over the departure. Separating from you, our comrades, and the place that made me feel...happy...normal...and well...loved,” grinning he then draped his arm over you. Your hand then grabbed his which lay on your chest, both intertwining whilst you both were even closer. 
“Also...I’m surprised you didn’t move on. Especially after all of that time,” his expression then changed into a curious one. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well...you thought I died. Not only that, but you're quite the ladies man. So I wouldn’t see you having much to...any difficulty actually.” 
“I could never Y/n...though it sounds childish, you were my first love. I couldn’t imagine leaving you for someone else, even if you had passed. I would’ve died an old stallion,” he dramatically said as you burst out laughing. He loved seeing the face you’d make when you were happy.  How lovely the corner of your lips would lift, the way your eyes crinkled, as your brows lifted the slightest bit. He was glad he could see such a sight, and that he was the cause behind it. 
“Who said you won't, ya horse!” 
“HEY! I’M NOT ONE!” laughter continued to fill the atmosphere. Both you and him adding your humor to the mood. Laying your head on his chest, and moving in closer. 
“You know, if we ever do part ways...don’t feel bad, okay?” you stated. 
“What do you mean?” 
“It can apply to anything but...I mean death to be more specific. You never know what will happen in the midst of battle.” 
“Hm...I guess so” 
“But, the guilt will live with me forever. No matter what because...I just love you that much,” you smile to yourself and nod.  
“I too, love you just as much...Jean. And I always will.” 
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While you two were enjoying your moment, being yourselves, cherishing each other’s presence, Zeke was not having any of it. He didn’t hate the sight of you being with someone else, it was just that...he thought your priorities lay elsewhere. Both in loyalty, and worth ethically. That being the case, he decided to do the only logical thing. Crash. The. Party. 
So, he crept behind the both of you, clawed his hands, and placed them on your shoulders screaming: 
“WHAT THE HECK!” you then smacked his arm, quickly squirming away from Jean. 
“Heh, good morning to you as well, Y/n. Now, who’s this we have here?” Before you could respond, Jean sighed, extending his hand. He knew that if he let you talk, you would be put in another awkward position. 
“My name is...John. A friend of Y/n,” you wheezed internally. He just had to pick the most generic name, one which sounded like his own. Zeke grabbed his hand, and shook it. 
“Ah...nice to meet you John. Anyways, Y/n...Reiner has been looking for you all morning. His face seemed urgent, so I think you should go see him,” though Jean wasn’t pleased, with both Zeke, and the fact you had to leave (him for Reiner), he approved of the notion with a small nod. 
“I’ll see you later, Je-John.” 
“Yeah...same here,” he then walked the other direction, leaving both you and Zeke to walk towards HQ. 
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“Were you lying, about Reiner?” hand in his pocket, as the other smoked up a storm. 
“No, I wasn’t. He actually was looking for you.” 
“I see.” 
“Also Y/n, just for the record, know that I’m not dumb, nor oblivious. I know what stunt you two were pulling off, trying to lie to me, tch,” he said, clearly annoyed. You inhaled the smoke of cigarettes. Not sure what to tell him. But you were also...laughing a bit. Actually enjoying his reaction since you’ve never seen Zeke so frustrated out of work. 
“I see I’ve upset you?” 
“Whatever you rascal. How long have you been with him?” he smiled as your hands clasped. 
“We really are just friends. I met him at a pub, nothing much has happened between us, nor will anything in general,” he sighed as his tone became a lot firmer. Though he didn’t believe you, he still had something to say.
“You need to be more careful. If it were someone else who had seen, even more rumors would've been speculated, you know that? Plus, friendship or not, know where your priorities stand,” you choked on your saliva, trying to cough as his words caught you by surprise. 
Before he could say anything more, the gates to HQ then opened for the both of you to see...Reiner...running as fast as he could. 
“Y/n! You’re here!” 
“Yeah...I am….” 
“I need you, let’s go,” he then dragged you elsewhere as Zeke stomped on his cigarette. 
“You may need her...but does she actually need you...Reiner?” 
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
💔Gem!Deku x Gem!Reader
"You think this is the place?" Asked a rouge.
"Yep, that's what our sources tell us," Said another.
"You got the cages and rope ready," The leader asked.
"Yeah of course, but why did we bring this dead weight," A low Lackie asked kicking a tarp-covered cage.
"Because this dead weight is our bait. Those rocks have a soft spot for their own kind, especially the weaker and fragile ones," The leader said as he ripped the tarp away.
Revealing a bound Phosphophyllite gem with messy dark green hair and green eyes. His wrists and ankles were tied together, and a piece of cloth was wrapped around his mouth.
"You know the drill, right Deku," The leader smiled cruelly.
"MMhhm! NNmph!" Deku tried to scream.
The Trappers grabbed the helpless gem as they descended into the caves.
The Kessho people, or gem people many humans call them. Being made entirely of crystals of all kinds, they are highly sought after by humans. Because their entire body was made of pure and untainted crystals, many hunters seek these beauties. For things from jewelry to weapons, or just want a shiny servent, many reasons.
So the gems hide in many places of the world, from small islands to deep underground tunnels and caves. Anywhere out of human reach.
Please. I don't want any part of this. Please let me go! I tried to cry out but I couldn't with the gag in the way. The memories of previous raids started resurfacing. They would use gems like me to lure others out of hiding, for what reason they help me varies. Some communities of gem had an elitist-like community, or even ones made up of one kind of gems. But when they got close they were ambushed and locked away in cages. They would after be turned into weapons and jewelry.
"Here, place him here," The leader Rato said.
They placed me down near a ledge and ripped away from my gag. Looking over I could see two gems walking by down below. I tried to stay as quiet and still as I could so they wouldn't notice me.
"Deku's too quiet," Rato growled.
He stomped on my hand shattering it. I could hold back the pain as I cried out, it echoed throughout the cave. Looking down at the gems below they quickly spotted me and ran away. Good at least they won't get caught.
Suddenly there was a rustle and a-
"SMASH!!" shouted a large gem.
The gem delivered a powerful punch knocking three of the rouges away. Deku stared in awe at the scene and the powerful gem with a brave smile on his face, but the wind was so strong that Deku was blown off the edge. Time seemed to slow as he watches the edge grow farther and farther away. Deku shut his eyes closed waiting for his painful end When an f/c blurr caught him.
"Are you alright?" Asked a kind voice.
Deku looked up to his hero to be meet E/c eyes with their hair the same color to match. His eyes sparkled as his hero's hair Glimmered beautifully in the moonlight. He looked down to see he was being held bridle style.
"Y-yes," Deku stuttered bashfully.
"Don't worry your safe now, as long as your under All Mights protection you have nothing to fear," The (gem type) smiled.
But Deku couldn't help but just stare at this new gem as an infatuation grew. His captures were long dealt with as the new group of gems escorted him back to their hidden home.
"u-um who are you?" Deku asked the mysterious G/t(gem type).
"Well my friends like to call me Y/n," they smiled as they untied Deku.
"I-I'm Deku," He said with a beet-red face.
"Pleasure to meet you Deku," Y/n greeted as they handed him over to other gems.
"Ochaco, Momo this is Deku. Please get him property clothed and make sure he feels welcomed," All Might a Yellow diamond smiled. (No not that one)
From that day on I have lived with these Gems for the past 300 years, and my feelings for Y/n only grew. They were so brave and confident, was also one of the greatest fighters in the village. One of the few gems trained under All Might. Sadly cause I only have a toughness scale of 3, so I wasn't suited for combat.
Though All Might noticed that I was very observant and good with notes, so he assigned me to the encyclopedia. My job is to take notes of the enemies we encounter and record events. Then there were some books about stuff I made up, humans would call them fantasies or stories. Though I didn't mind this being my job cause Y/n would come by and read my works. I couldn't help but feel lighter than air and embarrassed at the same time as they were reading my work.
Y/n would always come in after her patrol, come in and read, or more often just sit down and talk to me. Though most of the time it was just him listening to whatever good memories of the human world, or my memories of my original home.
I tried to keep my feeling to myself the best I could by just doodling in my private book, just for my eyes only, but I guess I wasn't secret enough.
"Wow dude, you really have a thing for Y/n," said a voice.
I gasped as I jumped back to see it was Denki, who quickly snatched my drawing book and speed through my embarrassing drawings.
"Wow, you've got it bad. All these drawings are of Y/n and you being lovey-dovey," He said out loud.
Attracting the attention of Iida the Topaz and Ochaco the pink diamond ( No not that one you SU fans). They quickly came over and looked through my book.
"Wow, looks like Touya has a love rival," Ochaco gasped.
Touya the padparadscha gem, was also one of the top fighters for the village and is always Y/n's patrol partner, who was also pinning after them too. There would be times he would just randomly jump into our conversation and steal their attention. But I couldn't hear what they were saying as I covered my ears in embarrassment.
"Oh no, Y/n forgot their other sword," Momo gasped.
"I'll take it to them!" I offered as I quickly grabbed the weapon and ran out of the library.
"Does he know  where Y/n and Touya are?" Momo asked.
"It even notes was Y/n patrols today," Denki said flipping through the pages not paying attention.
Y/n and Touya stood guard at one of the cave entrances, as the warm sunlight funneled through. Y/n smiled as she felt the warm light on her powered covered surface.
"Hey Y/n, do you ever wonder what could be on the surface?" Touya asked.
"Ever since Deku came and told me stories of the surface, it only fueled my imagination," Y/n turned to her trusted partner.
"One day we'll be the ones on top, and I'll take you all over the surface. Just you and me," Touya said with confidence.
" That's an awfully big promise Touya," Y/n said as they sat next to him.
"I mean we can always just wait till the humans go extinct," Touya suggested.
"Haha, all right. I'll hold you to that promise," Y/n laughed as they gently held Touya's hand.
Deku watched from the side of a tunnel wall, as he sighed sadly and turned back into the tunnel. He wandered the cave tunnels as he hugged Y/n's sword close to him. As he turned the corner he bumped into something, something large.
I felt lighter than air as I stared into Y/n's e/c eyes.
"AAAAHHHH!" Someone screamed.
"How did the enemy pass us?" Y/n gasped.
"No, maybe the other entrances were compromised," I suggested.
"You go check the next entrance over and see if anything is wrong, I'll go check up the tunnels," Y/n said as she ran down into the dark caves.
With a sigh, I ran to the next entrance that leads to the forests, which was supposed to be guarded by Katsuki and Shoto. Turning the corner he saw two humans picking up pieces of Shoto and Bakugou and stuffing them into potato sacks. Touya quickly drew his sword and cut down the intruders.
Touya to worried about his partner quickly stuffed the rest of Shoto and Bakugou into the bag, not caring he is mixing their pieces, and quickly ran to the village.
"Looks like we caught a phosphophyllite, hold that rock tight Nomu," A light blue hair human smile.
The giant mutant humanoid figure Nomu nodded silently as it the poor gem in its giant hands. Deku's arms were broken off as he was restrained by Nomu's brute strength.
"What fine craftsmen ship, able to slice through rock," Said a tall human with dark back- purple hair.
"LET ME GO!" Deku screamed as he tried to break free from the Nomu.
"Nomu shut the pebble up before he alerts the others," The man growled.
"HEY!" Y/n shouted.
"Another one," The other human grumbled.
"Y/n," Deku smiled in relief.
"Let him go," Y/n said lowly.
"Nomu get it," Tomura pointed at the G/t.
Y/n ran towards the creature and sliced its head clean off, with the sharp edge of her arm. Deku stared with worried and sad eyes as he looked over their damaged form. The left section around her face was broken off, the elbow broke off their left arm, they were missing their right hand, and her right leg was horribly cracked, and it looked like it could fall apart at any moment.
Y/n moved swiftly and kicked the human hard in the face. Deku quickly got up as the two ran down the tunnel.
Deku looked back to see Y/n was having a bit of trouble keeping up with Deku.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Deku asked.
"Don't worry turn right and follow," Y/n said as she pushed forward.
As the two quickly turned the corner, the humans regained their composer and made chase after the two.  Y/n pushed a medium-sized boulder away from a tiny hole in the side of the cave wall. Deku hesitantly got in when suddenly Y/n started to close the opening.
"Y/n What are you doing?" Deku asked as the opening became too small for him to even squeeze out of.
"Hiding you, I'll come back for you. I have to lead them away from the village," Y/n explained as they backed away.
"No, Please don't do this. Don't leave me Y/n. I- I want to tell you something first,'' Deku said quickly.
Y/n smiled sadly as she turned to face Deku from the other side of the boulder. Deku could tell they were ready to throw their life away for everyone, for him.
"Y/n, I love-,"
Suddenly Y/n's head was sliced clean off by a thrown sword. Deku gasped in horror as he watched Y/n's body fall to the ground, he tried to reach out but he had no arm to hold out.
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Deku wanted to scream and cry, but no sound came out of him. Y/n slowly turned their head towards Deku and mouthed.
'Please live for me, Deku," they mouthed as the humans quickly gathered her broken body.
They were in such a rush they left Y/n's head behind. Deku fell to his knees as he stared at his crush for so long. It felt like an eternity When All Might and Touya arrived, Their eyes widen with horror and sorrow as Touya fell to his knees and held Y/n's head. He put their foreheads together as he cried out in sorrow.
"NOO!" Touya cried.
All might soon notice Deku was trapped behind the boulder and quickly moved it aside with no effort.
"Let us go Young Deku, we need to evacuate the village before they bring more of them," All might said as he helped Deku to his feet.
(400 years later)
It has been a long time since Y/n's death, All Might changed in a way after his student's death. If he weren't needed, he would lock himself away, but for the most part, he was still the jolly smiling gem he was before. Touya, on the other hand, didn't take Y/n's death all that well, he did lose his love who was his partner for 800 years. He started to call himself Dabi and started to cover only parts of his face, giving him a patchwork look. It not only scared most humans but fellow gems too.
I was upgraded to a medic after Momo was taken about 200 years back, we some people over the years and gained new ones too. I helped piece gems back together, but my main goal is to bring Y/n back. The village moved up high into the mountain, so high it would be difficult for them to breathe, but Humans would risk their lives and come up anyways. Some came with Weapons and tools made of gems, and many times they were G/t so I slowly put Y/n back together piece by piece.
I Finished them for the most part, but there were still 3 large gaping holes in their torso. I tried to use other gem pieces that matched her Mohs scale. Yet it only worked sometimes, she would wake up for about three minutes. Yet when they do everyone who was watching my work quickly rushed in to tell them how much they missed them and update them on everything.
Even Tou- Dabi would come by. Y/n was weirded out at first but they got used to it quickly and I would never really get a chance to talk to them, but I will never forget the last time they woke up. As they said their goodnight to everyone, they turned to me as said.
"I'll miss you Deku, I can't wait to wake up to see you again," Y/n smiled as they fell back unconscious.
I'll bring you back Y/n so I can tell you how I feel.
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Empires on the Horizon XVI
Jason is a CEO: Part XVI
okay wow it has been a hooottt minute since i’ve updated a multi-chap fic and an even hotter minute since i’ve updated this one. so here’s a recap:
jase and zoe broke up, because she is being forced by her father to marry someone else (who that may be is yet to be revealed). jason has finally had enough and at the insistence of his friends he packs up on a holiday to Panarea (in italy) where he is delightedly shocked to discover Percy Jackson is currently working, and oh no.....would you look at that......the hotel messed up their reservations and now they have to share the same room, and the same bed. lmao they’re dorks.
here’s how the last chapter ended:
“Let’s just stay together? We’re friends. We know each other, we trust each other, and it’ll be less hassle than trying to find a room for either of us.”
“But there’s only one bed?” His brain was short-circuiting.
It shut down altogether when the man before him smirked. “Well i can keep my hands to myself, if you promise to.”
“I-” What is stopping him from saying yes? Why should he say no?
“It’s totally okay if you don’t want to.” Percy’s expression was so gentle, and it turned every weathered rock in Jason to gemstone.
“Yes.” He said firmly. “Let’s share the room.”
It was only when they got back to the hotel did Jason realise they were still holding hands. He wondered if they’d find each other like that in their dreams too. They did.
masterlist; my links
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Jason awoke to an arm slung over his waist and soft breaths fanning the bare skin of his back. Bright sunlight streamed through the windows, bringing with it the heat that was sure to get unbearable. He thought he’d feel uncomfortable with someone touching him in weather like this but Percy seemed to be cool, and gods did he look cute with his messy black curls, and brown skin that absorbed rays of light and turned it into magic.
They had promised each other that they’d keep to their sides of the bed and refrain from mauling one another in the night, but it seemed like they had gravitated together anyhow. And Percy was certainly a cuddler. 
A knock sounded and with groaning realisation he saw the clock on the wall read ten am. They were out later than either of them had realised. 
“Jackson,” He nudged the man gently, “I think you need to get up.”
A mumbled response sunk into his skin as soft lips brush against his back. Jason went completely still, the sensation running along his nerves like hot wires. 
“You okay?” Another mumble filtered through his delirium. 
“I’m fine,” He managed to choke out, “I think we need to get up though. Room service is already here.”
That sparked movement. Suddenly green eyes were wide open, and cheeks, streaked with the creases of the pillow, were red with panic. “What is the time?” 
“It’s ten am,” He pointed to the clock. 
“Fuck!” Percy practically leaped out of bed and slammed his shoulder into the door frame as he skidded into the bathroom.
Jason heard the shower go on, and an electric toothbrush whirr to life, and then he heard a multitude of curse words, a loud bang and some groans of pain.
“Er,” He should go in there and make sure his friend was still alive. “Jackson?” He stepped into the bathroom and was not at all prepared for the sight that greeted him.
There, tangled in his pants, toothpaste stains on his face, and the shower soaking the bathroom floor was Dr. Percy Jackson.
“Do you need help?”
“This is not how this morning was supposed to go,” The dark-haired man garbled, looking hopelessly at the mess he had created.
Jason hid a smile as he bent down to help tug Percy’s pants off him, “And how was the morning supposed to go.”
Green eyes clashed with his, the toothbrush still whirring in his mouth. “I was supposed to wake up early and order a buffet for breakfast and then as we stuffed ourselves-” he cut off, choking on the toothpaste. 
Jason couldn’t hide his amusement, and burst out laughing at Percy’s subsequent glare. Standing up and tossing the pants in the wash basket, he offered his hand to his friend, who took it gratefully before heading to the sink to finish brushing his teeth.
“What were we going to do while we ate?” He asked, leaning against the basin, one leg crossed over the other.
“I was going to feed you maple-covered waffles and answer some emails, and you were going to read that book I know you brought.”
“Are we an old married couple in this scenario?” He quirked a brow, lips twitching.
Percy frowned, stripping off his underwear and stepping into the heat of the shower. “I’m just trying to start our future early.” 
Jason watched those glorious back muscles ripple, as water streaked down, but he refused to follow its path, not daring to go lower than the small dip of that spine. He didn’t even know why he was still in the bathroom, why he was being such a creeper, but his feet were superglued to the floor. He couldn’t move even if a crowbar tried to pry him away.
“Are you not agreeing with my vision?” A muffled voice drifted around him.
He attempted to come back to reality but it was proving near impossible. “Uh no-” He stuttered, “I think it’s a solid plan.” His eyes traced the sharp angles of that jaw, and the strong-bridged nose, and black hair matted to beautiful brown skin. He was sure he was dreaming. There could be no other explanation for the surrealness of the moment.
“Jase?” Percy touched his arm gently, skin hot from the shower. “You okay?”
He startled into the world so fast he felt dizzy. Where on earth had he gone? To another dimension it seemed. “Oh gods i’m so sorry,” He groaned, dropping his face into his hands. “I just watched you shower like a complete pervert.”
His friend smirked, and then he was laughing. “Who says i didn’t enjoy it?”
The blush that raced across his skin was enough to dull rubies. He didn’t know where to look, or how to breathe, or what he was made of. He was simply an untied balloon barreling towards the nearest thorn bush. “You,” He managed to choke, “Are going to be the death of me doctor.”
“Good,” He heard the smirk like violins, “Maybe then I won't feel like I'm falling straight to the bottom of the ocean all by myself.”
Jason peeked through his fingers, watching as Percy finished up and flitted around the room, trying to still the heart that threatened to beat out his rib cage and into a drum set. It was an ache in his chest, how much he felt for this man. How much he wanted him.
“So i’m going to be in and out for the next few days but i’m going to work my butt off so i can have Thursday and Friday off. I’m sorry for being a terrible roommate but i don’t think i’ll make meals until then.” He could see the regret in the doctor’s eyes, turning that vibrant green a shade like dying leaves.
“No,” He shook his head, “Seriously it’s not a problem. You do what you have to.” He couldn’t believe his friend felt bad for leaving him, when they hadn’t even known they’d be here together. It said enough about Percy's character that Jason was trying very hard not to bundle the man up in blankets and kiss his cheeks until the guilt of the past stopped carving valleys between his brows. Instead he hugged him, accidentally letting his lips brush against Percy's neck, just above his collar as he pulled away. Accidentally. The squeeze at his waist let him know his accident was well received.
“Goodbye Jackson.” He smiled as he watched the doctor race down the hall. A ringed wave was the response before he disappeared around the corner.
Jason closed the door, leaning against it with an expression made from coffee foam and whipped cream. He couldn't imagine a morning as peaceful as that one, not in days, months, years? With a satisfied sigh he flopped back into bed, inhaling the ocean scent of Percy that lingered across the sheets like cool waters on a summer evening. The plan for the day was that there was no plan. Thalia had chosen well by booking this little place. He wouldn’t be distracted by touristy things ergo he couldn’t possibly do anything else but relax. So he snuggled into the pillows and stared at the ceiling and fell half asleep and listened to the wind and felt the heat creep across his skin and he just let himself be.
His thoughts were as wild as the tides and sometimes they spilled like ocean water across his cheeks. But then he’d drift off to a dream and wake up to the sound of people laughing and cars sputtering and footsteps stomping past his door and all of a sudden nothing felt too far away.
He was sad. He was sad enough to wonder if sadness was all he knew. His ex boyfriend, who he had loved like stars loved darkness, had broken down his dream and rebuilt it as a nightmare. He managed to wake up. His girlfriend, who he could have loved given time, had tied all the fraying parts of his heart to the wheel of a car and pressed accelerate. He managed to cut himself free. His girlfriend, who he had loved outright and bold, had danced him to the edge of a cliff and left him with one foot already going over. Had he managed to catch himself before reaching the bottom?
It was a question that kept him occupied through the day. Through the breakfast he ate slowly. Through the sleep he found restlessly when his mind wouldn’t focus on the book he’d brought. Through the very late lunch he gobbled down like his stomach would start a rebellion if it didn’t get it’s due. Through the golden sunset he sat at the window and watched.
But it was finally when he sunk to the floor of the shower, letting the water hit his back like welcome rain, that he had an answer; and with it the question of “What came next?” That answer, he knew, would come later. Clear and bright and ready to be grabbed with teeth and hands and love.
So he finished his shower, and changed into loose cotton pants and a shirt that he didn’t bother to button. A walk on the beach didn’t require formality.
The sand was soft on his feet, different to the way New York beaches felt. And the ocean was a richer blue, as if he were being introduced to colour for the first time and this was how water was supposed to look. He supposed places like this weren’t called paradise on earth for nothing. The last dregs of sunlight skittered across the water, as if playing with it. His fingers itched to paint the scene but with nothing but the sand at his fingertips he simply took in the view, and let his mind form the painting he couldn’t.
The air was cooler here, not as sticky, but that didn’t mean the heat wasn’t ever present, scorching the sand like coal hearths. His feet would be blistered if it weren’t so late into the evening. Any earlier and he may have been hopping around like a scared crab. The image was enough to make him giggle to himself. It’s a sound he misses, and one he loved enough to leave him smiling.
“Care to share, comedian?” A smooth voice called from behind him. 
He turned around, whipped faster than the wind, to see Percy walking towards him, a grin on his handsome face.
“I was picturing myself as a scared crab.”
Dark eyebrows raised in confusion, before rich laughter burst into the air. Jason swore it turned the night into magic. “Maybe I should have left you in peace.” The doctor shook his head. 
“Who says you’re disrupting it?” He tilted his head, before starting on his walk once more.
He didn’t see the look that crossed his friend’s face, like comfort turned to being.
“What did you do today?”
“Self reflection,” He said into the air, into the world, into himself. “How about you?”
“Oh you know, a little lab work here, a little analysis there.” Percy shrugged.
“Tell me more,” He prompted.
The look of surprise on his friend’s face made him want to throttle anyone who’s ever stopped this man from talking.
“You sure?” It was hesitant, it was heartbreaking.
“I can’t promise to understand everything so I may have questions but if you’re willing to indulge me I want to hear all about it.”
With a look that spoke of worlds beyond their comprehension Percy launched into a detailed play-by-play of his day. He answered every question with patience and sparkling eyes, and there were many questions. By the time they got back to their hotel the crescent moon was their only source of light in the inky blackness of the sky and his stomach was growling enough that he knew he couldn’t afford to snack for supper.
“Want to go to the restaurant for dinner?” He tilted his head to the opposite side of the lobby where grand doors opened and closed periodically. 
“I uh,” His friend winced, “I have some work today so i’m going to head to the room.”
“Okay,” He shrugged smiling, “I’ll meet you up there later.”
“Uh yea,” Percy’s face held an expression he didn’t quite know how to interpret. “See you then.”
“Want me to bring something up for you?”
“No, no, don’t worry about me.” Black curls bounced as he shook his head. 
They parted ways, Jason only slightly confused by the weird turn his friend’s mood took, and decided he’d bring back a chocolate brownie if nothing else.
As he sat down at a table, observing the grand balustrades and curtained windows he felt suddenly alone. It wasn’t a feeling he let himself be consumed by but just the fact that it was there had him reaching for his phone. With a few taps he was calling Leo, knowing it’d be early morning for them.
“Hello,” A cheery voice crackled through his earphone. It was enough to settle all the worried nerves hidden between his ribcage.
Their conversation was bright and energetic, Leo being a morning person; he even got a few grunts out of Annabeth, who was decidedly not. Everything was okay with his company and more importantly his friends were fine.
“I found a person we know here,” He mumbled, trying to keep his voice and excitement quiet.
“Who?” Leo was practically vibrating. Even Annabeth looked at the camera with blurry eyed curiosity.
“Uh Percy.” He scratched the back of his neck, shyness crawling across his skin.
“Oh,” His friend’s eyes widened. “What is he doing there?”
“Work,” This was fine. This was safe. Nobody was jumping to any conclusions.
“Are you sure you didn’t run away to get married?”
And there went all his hope of having reasonable friends. “No!” He hissed. “And besides I didn't run away, you guys forced me to go.”
“Well it’s done you good. I can finally see some colour in those pasty cheeks.” Brown eyes sparkled with mischief. 
Before Jason could respond another call was interrupting. “Zoe Nightshade” flashed across the screen.
“Uh Leo,” He frowned at his phone. “I’ll call you back.”
“Everything okay?” He heard the worry like tv static.
“I hope so.” The furrow between his brows didn’t disappear. 
And then he hung up on his best friend and answered the other call.
“Oh Jason,” Relief flooded in his ear like water in a drought. “Thank you for answering.” The smooth voice of his ex-girlfriend reached him.
“Zoe,” His nerves were bow-string taught. “What’s wrong? Why are you calling me?”
“I need your help.” She answered. She sounded desperate. “I can’t marry Octavian.”
Jason Grace nearly falls off the cliff.
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
 Riverdale S4 E9 (Spoilers!)
- An episode in which the main four pursue entirely separate lives and don’t overlap a single time.  
- Dartmouth was my safety school.  I get such a kick out of Veronica Lodge constantly uttering ultimate flexes in this casual way.  The Columbia U recruiter comes to watch Veronica in action, and gets an absolute eyeful.  Hiram sneers at The Underage Party Girl Veronica Luna, but he is missing the point.  Apparently, Columbia is looking for people with good stories, and Veronica is supposed to tell the story of how she ended up where she is, which means she has to do an elevator speech or maybe a TED talk summarizing the Lodge parts of Riverdale, yet without confessing to the many crimes of Hermione, Hiram, Hermosa and Veronica.  Wow, that is a hard task. Impossible, even.  No wonder they cut away!  And what to do with the implication that the recruiter lady is turned on by Veronica’s sexy song and dance performance?  Oh and by the way, Reggie is at the Speak Easy helping out, looking subdued and depressed.
- Mayor Hiram obtains an injunction to retract the liquor license for the Diner, and Veronica is the best legal thinker in town, because she resourcefully says, “We are fighting this injunction.” (See, Mary, this is how you do it.)
-  Rum, Abuelita, Godmother. Veronica involves her grandmother to fight her father for the rum, and her use of nomenclature is fascinating.  She meets her grandmother on an abuelita basis, but when she wants to bring said abuelita on her side in this business dispute she has going on with her dad, she calls her godmother.  I enjoyed the fact that Hiram is afraid of his mother, who smacks him for competing with his daughter, her godchild.  Interesting family dynamics there, done in efficient writing. Well done!  But after going through two seasons about real estate, the Lodge intra-family dispute now involves patent litigation, cease and desist letters and so on, about the ingredients of rum, and it’s starting to sag once more.    Where is Hermosa?
Alice, Polly, Evelyn and Betty 
- Polly scraped someone’s face off at Shady Grove, the face of a Betty.  Betty is so noble and brave, because she goes to see her sister, but Polly is tied down and it’s so sad to look at but she can’t remember anything.  God, Polly is such a tragic character. 
- Then Alice attacks Betty with a knife after getting a call, and the way to snap her out of it is literally to snap your fingers.  When I first saw this, I assumed that the prompt was Kill the Person You Think Ruined Your Life, and that Polly and Alice were united in their conviction that everything was Betty’s fault.  And again, the sheer brains of Betty Cooper, to deal with the problem as and when rather than run off screaming and crying in hysterics (which is what I would do)  The magic phrase is  Tangerine, three times.  Charles wants Betty to try it out when it’s just him & her.  I thought that Charles was being really brave, but then I remembered that Charles doesn’t know about the 5+ times that Betty has walloped someone  on the back of the head and sent them into the beyond. 
- Betty has all these women obsessed with her - Veronica, yes, but also Polly, Alice, and now Evelyn.  I think Evelyn is lying when she says that this auditory hypnotic trick (”They become Betty and kill Other Betty”) was Edgar’s idea. It’s got to be Evelyn’s idea.    Betty Cooper absolutely does not have suicidal ideation or a self destructive urge in her body. Betty Cooper is all about forward movement, regardless.  Denial is not the same thing as destruction.  
- Betty manages to heal her childhood self by doing a version of actual real-life therapy where you enact the thing you wish had happened instead of the bad thing that actually did happen -  she rescues her child self from having to murder her cat. But then Betty breaks the mirror after saying Tangerine to herself, and the show ties it to the fake out of Jughead’s death.
Archie Ruins FP
-  Sheriff FP is investigating a vigilante, so goes straight to Archie, and Archie just admits to it.  In the gratitude and guilt that FP continues to feel for Fred Andrews and the way that Fred kept an eye out for Jughead, FP ends up getting roped into the spiral of violence that is Archie Andrews.  Archie is infectious.  Further, you know how Toni sneered at Betty back in the day about Northsiders and your privilege? That privilege is in action right here.   If it had been Sweet Pea (obligatory longing for Sweet Pea is my vice, bear with me) that needed to avenge a father/brother/uncle, would FP have done this? Of course not!!
- FP installs a metal detector and stuff at the center to beef it up, and tells Archie to focus on the center, and Archie says in essence, I NEED TO KILL A RANDO TO AVENGE MY DAD.   Yep. Truth. 
- FP is so cute, though, in the same pure-hearted, unable-to-compromise-with-the-dirty-world way that his son is.  FP decides to participate in vigilantism, because he doesn’t like being sheriff under Mayor Hiram, and also because he’s been egged on by Alice to revert to his  sexier  (to her) Serpent persona.  Self-destruction for a whackadoo woman is a Jones legacy.  The funny part is that FP still thinks the sheriff uniform means something, should mean something, so he puts on his Serpent outfit to do violence.  FP and Archie engage in violence, and FP gets shot, because of course he does.  FP says he doesn’t regret anything, but this is just more of his commitment to the wrong things. 
- FANGS IS HERE.  It is so long since we’ve seen the Serpents. What are they all up to while FP is cosplaying being a lawman? Fangs is a better investigator than FP (I mean, everyone is at this point?)  and has information on who exactly shot him, within hours of it happening.  
- You don’t get to hurt ‘my kids’ and shoot someone in front of me and get to leave without any payback, is what Archie says as he confronts Dodger & family.  I think this word choice is very revealing and again, Riverdale has terrific, great writing.  The children who come to the Center for food (probably crappy because Archie’s disinterested) and shelter (on the floor, that’s been swept when?) probably don’t think of themselves as being his, for one, and FP is immediately denigrated to being ‘someone’ rather than, A man like a second father to me, or My (best) friend’s father.
- Protagonist Boy Privilege kicks in hardcore for Archie because Dodger has a gun and decides to throw it away in favor of a fistfight.  While they are brawling, we are treated to Veronica singing an extremely cheerful song, because Archie is having a wonderful time.  Darla, Dodger’s mother who definitely looks at least 5 years younger than him, screams You’ll kill him! and Archie answers I’ll kill all of you.  Is this prophetic? Is that how Riverdale will end, with Archie killing everyone? 
- Sidebar to note:  The ultraviolet light in Sketch Alley is positively luscious.  KEVIN who sounds AMAZING is singing with Veronica, and I need to give a demerit to Veronica here, because she’s being vain and not a great business owner to not have Kevin be the headliner.  KEVIN’S PIPES ARE TO DIE FOR.  If you need to have objectified females, then have them as background dancers, you know? Let Kevin sing. 
-  You’re not a monster, you’re still hurting.  Actually,  Archie Andrews hurting AND he’s a monster.  (see cf., Jughead, who is hurting all the time and not a monster).  Mary is just not bright.  Is this supposed to be representation? A nice plain vanilla middle aged woman who is both stupid and a lawyer is indeed a rare creature in television, but why do we need this diversity? The Dickinsons were leaving town and he attacked them, and Archie keeps saying explicitly that he doesn’t understand why Fred had to die, which is not a connection  but both Fred and Mary Andrews have an absolute commitment against psychotherapy. Is this some sort of faith based thing? 
- Jughead enlists Charles to track down “your... uh, our” grandfather.  And Charles finds Forsythe Sr right away, and I wonder if FP had already found him and just sat on that information.  And Jughead goes to see his grandpa, and his grandfather calls him Boy, same as FP.  
- Turns out Jones Sr. sold the first Baxter Bros. story for $5000 because he didn’t know what else to do with it. He doesn’t mean he literally didn’t know, he means he didn’t have the necessary life infrastructure to make that push into risky adulthood.  Jones Sr. summarizes his life thusly:  Over time he grew bitter, started drinking, took his anger out on the world & on his son, and thought  it would be best if he went out for a pack of cigarettes and didn’t come back.   In the same strangely ambivalent gesture he’d made of sending Jughead those Baxter Bros books while never actually reaching out to his family, Jones Sr. gives a sort of benediction to Jughead:   I messed up my life. You seize the opportunities that you’ve been given.
- Jughead, since matriculating at prep school, has been pondering legacies, and I wonder if people who have in fact messed up their lives should say anything to young people.   To suddenly bring a totally heavy duty topic into a Riverdale Recap, I’ve seen obituaries of survivors of atrocities (genocides, wars, incarcerations in camps) who never talked about their experiences with their descendants, because they thought it was enough that they suffered and didn’t want to pass it on to the next generations.  The next generations tended to be split about this between understanding that protective urge, and wishing they knew more about their own past.  In this fictional narrative of a camp show, I’m of the belief that Jones Sr. should not have told this whole story to Jughead, because in S5, Jughead appears to have grown bitter, started drinking, took his anger out on himself and Betty (via that voicemail), and wanted so much to check out of his own life by going off planet with the aliens.
- Wait, I won the contract?   Dupont  is a systematic, long-con villain.  He is threatened by Jughead’s potential for toppling his book empire, so he decides to corrupt Jughead, softening him up for the killing blow. He’s privilege grooming Jughead, and he does it with a combination of an award tempered with a tiny threat, worded carefully to straddle the line between Did I hear that right? and You’re evil!  Jughead gets a contract for his <Case of Boy in the River>  and just as he’s about to be really excited about it, Dupont twists the knife with, “As long as you play by the rules.”
- Jughead actually tries to read the contract, which we know has weird Gotcha Clauses in there - like they can take the germ of a story he submits and have other people rewrite it wholesale and not give him credit - but he is interrupted by his task of trying to find his grandfather through Charles.  (This is what Burble was talking about - to not try to find his grandfather and focus on his actual work, and he doesn’t!)
- I leave you alone for one day and you get shot.  Here goes Jughead parenting his own father again, and it’s because of Archie and neither Jones man can bear to say his name.   Jughead updates his father on his grandfather, and then puts words in Jones Sr’s mouth: He knows that he was a bad father.  Would you be willing to talk to him if i brought him here?   And FP has the same yearning to reconcile with an abusive parent that all children do, even though he is in his 50s, which I find so heartbreaking.   This is true for all the abused children in Riverdale: Betty wants to love her mom and have her mother really love her; Cheryl wants to understand the reason, even as she’s clear eyed about what Penelope is doing.  
- Of course, Jones Sr. appears to have skipped town again, and Jughead says he feels like a fool, and FP loves Jughead for hoping big for both of them, because Jughead’s optimism and hopefulness is magical.   So, Jughead is going to sign the contract but WITHOUT READING IT,  first because he’s distracted with all this sleuthing, and secondly, because this is an attempt to let go of the past, and to lay down defensiveness.   His signature includes a little crown and it’s so very cute I wanna kiss it.
- Jughead is inducted into the Quill & Skull. Is this the part where you kill me?  asks Jughead, to which Bret, looking happier and sounding plummier than ever before, answers No, you ass.  That last line delivered with so much love, it positively glows in the dark. These goddamn preppies are in dorky Harry Potter costumes, and they seem to be desecrating an actual human skull, which is so gross, but because this is filmed from Bret’s perspective,  they play really pretty music as Bret gazes lovingly at Jughead.
Cheryl v Penelope
-  I was born in poison and I shall die in poison.  Cheryl gasses out a gaslighter, and out comes Penelope from inside the wall.   I feel like Cheryl and Penelope should be singing their lines in operatic notes at each other.  Penelope wanted to destroy the happiness Cheryl had with Jason (OK so Cheryl had incestuous feelings about Jason, right  So did Penelope??)  Penelope’s lines are amazing:  You don’t get what I can’t have!  and later, Execute me then.  She’s the fun, more honest version of Alice.
- Cheryl says, You’re going to a place so vile, so revolting you wish you were bricked up, as a perfect tear rolls down her pretty face.  I love Cheryl.  And of course I hooted with laughter that this “vile, revolting place” is the Dilton Doiley Bunker, which is gross to Cheryl because so many different boys have had orgasms in this space and there’s no way to air it out properly. 
- Has anyone in fandom worked out how the reservation system works for the Bunker??  Are the Serpents running it?
 - Cheryl, while crying more of her angelic pre raphaelite tears, decides to finally bury Jason, and it’s gotten to the point where i am just bursting into uncomfortable giggles at the sight of that corpse. The poor actor who gave his likeness for this show , you poor baby.  So apparently some combination of like, a Hindu/ viking cremation on a boat on a river is the Blossom way.   He was a good brother, I wish you could’ve met him for real.   
And finally,
- OH NO HERE COMES UNCLE FRANK.  Do not want. Go away. No! Hiss.
- And Jughead is a corpse, and Archie asks Betty, What did you do, Betty, with the same sort of love in his voice that Bret had earlier.  
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dc41896 · 4 years
Tumblr media
So I’ve been wanting to write something based on the song pov by Ariana Grande and then a certain someone decided to attack my heart strings yet again playing the piano so this is an idea I thought of lol. Also this is a sequel to Between the Lines.
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff! (Well maybe a teensy amount of sad times because of the lyrics)
“There she is,” Chris smiles entering the small make shift studio holding two steaming mugs. Joining your bundled form on the grey loveseat, he hands one to you before sweetly kissing your cheek and moving your legs to stretch across his lap. “So how’s my two-time Grammy nominated superstar doing?”
That’s pretty much all he called you now, besides his usual baby and honey, ever since the list of nominations were announced a couple months ago. Every time the words left his mouth, you found yourself giddily smiling and feeling as if you were in a dream you were bound to wake up from any moment.
Like other artists, winning a Grammy was always one of your ultimate goals and now that there was a possibility you could take home not one but two, you felt immense pride and excitement that your hard work was paying off. This excitement soon turned into stress though with the added preparations you needed to complete as the big day quickly approached. Since you were also performing, you and your team had been busy thinking of what the perfect song choice would be as well as concepts that would match.
So far everything was perfect until your pianist had an unfortunate accident requiring him to have surgery on his wrist. Now you were even more stressed wondering if there were any other people you knew that could fill in.
“A little overwhelmed honestly,” you sigh placing your phone down before noticing what exactly was in your mug. “How did you know I was craving cocoa?”
“Well knowing how stressed you’ve been lately, I figured you’d want some since that’s when you crave it most.”
“Aww thank you baby,” you smile leaning over to wipe his mini chocolate mustache before kissing his lips.
“Still looking for a piano player?”
“Yea but with it coming up so soon, we might just have to do the backup song which isn’t entirely a bad thing, but then I’d have to think of a totally new concept, outfit, then we have to rehearse, I’d have to tell the producers at the show we changed it-,”
“Hey let’s take a break from that okay?,” he speaks trying to calm your rambling and very apparent nerves. Taking your hand, he pulls you closer to sit on his lap guiding your head to fall on his shoulder. “I know things aren’t going how you want, but everything will work out. You’re gonna have an amazing performance that people are gonna talk about for the rest of the year, and no matter what, me, your family, friends, and fans will be so proud of you.” Bringing your hand to his lips, he peppers kisses along your knuckles and fingertips making you smile as you snuggle closer to his neck.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, you know I’m always here.”
Soothingly rubbing circles in your back the way you loved for him to do, you nearly let the vibrations from his humming lull you to sleep before an idea makes you sit up, staring at him now confused.
“Honey? You okay?”
“Yea...yea I just thought of something. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You play piano for me! I mean you know the song you’ve heard it plenty of times, heck you even helped with the melody. Then that way nothing has to get changed!,” you excitedly answer holding onto his shoulders.
“Yea all of that is true, and I’d love to help but are you sure? Y/N that’s your night, I don’t want anybody trying to say I’m somehow tied into your success when that’s not true.”
“Chris, you and I both know people are gonna talk no matter what, and as long as I’m with you sadly someone’s gonna think that and try to spread it everywhere. But I don’t care what anyone says, and you shouldn’t either,” you smile moving your hands to rest on his partially bearded cheeks. “Like you said it’s my night and sharing it with the man I love will make it even more special. Especially if he’ll be right beside me the whole time.”
“Whether I was physically on that stage with you or not, you know I’m always beside you.”
Closing the gap between you, his lips capture yours in a quick yet passionate exchange before he rests his forehead against yours.
“Now if you win, does that mean my name goes on it too? I mean as you said I helped with the melody and I am providing my services,” he states as you both laugh holding onto each other.
“I don’t know about the name inscription, but we can work that out later,” you answer.
“Alright five minutes guys!,” Gina announces fluffing your curls one last time. Noticing your infamous lip bite as your knee rapidly bounces, Chris places both hands on your knee quickly kissing your cheek before being swatted away by your best friend giving you a much needed laugh. “Hey relax, no smudging the makeup until after they say cut.”
“Two minutes!,” a voice yells as you try your best to breathe.
“You got this alright? You’re gonna do great!” Giving you a quick hug, she disappears behind the cameras and soon you hear the cheery presenter in your ear as she begins introducing your performance.
“Alright now I’m not trying to be biased, but this next performer is one of my favorites! She’s been killing it this year with the release of her highly anticipated debut album which led to her two Grammy noms tonight. Performing from her personal studio, here’s Y/N.”
The piano softly plays in the background as the camera focuses on you perched on a wooden bar stool. Pulling the sleeves of your pullover sweater over your hands, you take a quick deep breath as your cue to start approaches.
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20/20, babe
Made of glass, the way you see through me
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside
Permeate my ego and my pride
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me
The way that you trust me
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Glancing over at Chris in his backwards cap, grey tank, and sweats a small smile forms on your lips watching his fingers delicately press against each key. He could feel your eyes as he looked up with a smile himself winking at you and making you innocently giggle.
I'm gеtting used to receiving
Still gеtting good at not leaving
I'ma love you even though I'm scared
Learnin' to be grateful for myself
You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me
The way that you trust me
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Standing from your seat, you slowly make your way beside him on the bench resting your head on his shoulder while the camera pans around to catch your cute exchange.
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself
Know I be impatient
But now I'm out here, fallin', fallin'
Frozen, slowly thawing, got me right
I won't keep you waitin', waitin'
All my baggage fadin' safely
And if my eyes deceive me
Won't let them stray too far away
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me, ooh
The way that you trust me, baby
'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
As he plays his last few notes, your arms gently wrap around his bicep and your chin rests on his shoulder before you peck the corner of his mouth. His lips twitch into that adorable smile you love so much after mouthing “I love you” and all those around cheer with claps and whistles.
“You did amazing honey,” he whispers cupping your cheek with his warm hand.
“Thank you, and you too Mozart.”
“Nope, we’re not making that a thing. We both know I literally could never,” he replies making you both laugh before being startled by Gina’s squeals.
“Girl you won best new artist!”
“Wait what?”
“You won! They just told me so you can go ahead and make your acceptance speech! They’ll play it when the category comes up.”
You have to be nudged by a chuckling Chris being in such a state of shock. Oh course you hoped and wished you’d win, but you didn’t expect it to actually happen. Returning to your barstool, you try to collect yourself as the signal is given that the camera was rolling.
“Wow, um hi everybody! I honestly didn’t think this would happen,” you nervously laugh. “Um first off thank you mom and dad for your support even though I was probably really annoying singing all over the house all hours of the day. Thank you to the fans, of course, for your support as well from streaming to buying my music and all the other ways you guys have been so amazing to me. I may not be able to respond to every single post, tweet, or DM but I see you guys and from the bottom of my heart I truly thank every single one of you. My friends and my team, I love y’all so much and appreciate all that you guys do to help and keep me sane.”
“And to the one who inspired the song that helped me get this award,” you sigh peering past the camera to see a glossy eyed Chris leaning against the wall. “Thank you for being exactly what I need when I need it, whether it’s a cuddle buddy, a partner in crime for late night food runs, or a friend to remind me to love myself when I’m doing the opposite. I love you and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Rotating the silver band on your ring finger, you hold up your hand with a shy smile to reveal a sparkling princess cut diamond making everyone around beam with excitement, and surely those who would be watching at home.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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justinalovee · 4 years
Empty souls
Previous chapter
“Clarke! I need Clarke!” Murphy yelled loud as he could, waiting for the gates to open.
Murphy ran fast as could through the forest back to the base, while carrying Jill who was bleeding in his arms. He had grown more worried as she had stopped talking five minutes earlier. At least when Jill was cursing he knew she was awake.
“What the hell happened?” Clarke asked as Finn helped Murphy lay Jill onto a metal table once inside the drop-ship.
“Oh, we went dancing downtown.” He said, pointing towards the arrow sticking out of his friend's shoulder. “Grounders.” Murphy corrected, seeing the glare the blonde was giving him.
“She’s gone pale and lost a lot of blood.” Clarke places the back of her palm against her forehead. “We need to get her temperature down and to do a transfusion...but we don’t have any blood bags down here.” Clarke informed them.
“Take my blood.” Murphy said, rolling up his sleeve. He needed Jill to survive, he couldn’t do this without. “Well, don’t just stand there, do something!”
Clarke nodded. “Finn, go get me a needle. Murphy, you should cover her up, but keep her shoulder free. I’ll see if I can get any cold water.” Before she left, Clarke tide ripped up rags around her bleeding shoulder.
Murphy watched as both Finn and Clarke left the room. His lips went into a fine line as he brushed strands of hair out of her face. It would pissed Jill off that her hair was on show. Murphy covered up her nearly naked torso with his jacket and finished pulling her jeans up. When Jill was shot, she only had her bra on, with her jeans only halfway up her legs.
“Wow. I guess the rumors are true then.” Finn said as he entered the room again.
Clarke followed behind with a bucket of water. She glanced at Jill, whose light purple hair was tainted red with blood. “I didn’t think it was possible to have hair that color” Clarke said stepping closer to Jill to get a better look.
Murphy frowned. “Nobody mentions it.”
Clarke gulped down. “Finn, press this against her wound. I can’t promise this will work, but I will try everything I can.” Clarke said, before she tied a piece of string around Murphy’s arm.
“Please Clarke, just do anything you can.” Murphy practically.
Please don’t die.
A horrible stinging feeling in Jill's shoulder woke her. She felt as if her body was burning from the inside out. What happened? She had a vague memory of hearing Bellamy Blake yelling at Clarke, before telling her he would ‘fix this’.
“John?” She groaned. The Last thing she remembered was getting dressed by the small lake.
Murphy sprung to her side. “How are you feeling?”
Jill couldn’t help but notice how awful he looked. Murphy was covered in dried blood, his arms were bruised. He looked exhausted.
“I’m okay.” Jill said, shrugging her shoulders, which she instantly regretted. “What happened?”
“A grounder shot you in the shoulder and caused you to lose a lot of blood... I thought I was going to lose you, Jill. You had me worried, I thought I was going to lose you for good.” Murphy whispered.
“I’m struggling to remember.”
Murphy felt a pang of pain in his chest. This was all his fault, if he hadn’t taken her to lake none of this would have been happening.
Jill glanced up at his sad face before reaching out and stroking his cheek. Murphy leaned down to kiss her forehead. But Jill captures his lips with her own.
“I’m glad you are feeling better.” Bellamy grunted. “Murphy, we need to go before it gets dark.” He said in a flat tone.
“What? Why are you going?” Jill asked, panicked.
Murphy linked his fingers with hers and sighed. He was thankful Clarke had our Jill’s hat back on before she left. “We need to go on another hunting trip, we are running low on food.”
Jill frowned, “you better be careful John.”
Murphy kissed her on the forehead and nose. “I’ll be discreet, okay? Just stay alive here for me.”
“Come on John, we haven’t got all day.” Bellamy said, glancing at Murphy.
Jill was only on her own for a short while before Clarke came to check up on her. Jill wasn’t certain what was more painful, her wound getting cleaned or watching Wells mop over the blonde while she drooled over Finn.
Bellamy glanced around to make sure nobody was in earshot of him and Murphy. “So what’s the deal with Jill’s purple hair?”
Murphy grunted as a response. Fucking Clarke and Finn couldn’t keep their mouths shut.
“I’ll just ask her instead,” Bellamy shrugged.
Bellamy stopped walking and glared at him. “You either tell me or I’ll ask the butcher queen myself.”
Murphy snapped. “Fine. Her mom took experimental drugs while she was pregnant and it caused Jill’s hair to turn purple, but after she was born the ark kept running tests on her.”
“Why do you care so much?” Bellamy asked. He was curious why a selfish person like Murphy would risk his life for Jill.
“We were good friends.” Murphy shrugged nonchalantly.
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“We needed each other, okay? Neither of us had anybody for a long time on the ark. It was just us.”
Bellamy began walking at a slower pace again. He couldn’t imagine caring about somebody so much who wasn’t family.
“Steph, wait!”
Jill shouted as she ran after the younger girl. She still felt dizzy from laying down for so long, but nobody else was going after the redhead.
“You need to stop, Stephanie! You're going to get yourself killed!”
Finally, the younger girl stopped running, Jill caught her breath before moving to yell again. Except she couldn’t. A large hand covered her mouth and pulled her backwards at the same time a spear went through Steph’s body. Jill tried to scream as she watched the bloodied body fall to the ground.
“Don’t say a word.” Bellamy whispered into her ear as he dragged her away. He had noticed her running in the opposite direction as he reached the camp's gate.
Jill fought against him at first. She wanted to save Steph. Why not? They had pulled Jasper back from death's door.
“What the fuck is going on?” Murphy asked as he stepped towards them, with Miller behind him.
Bellamy let go of Jill, who glared at him before storming into camp. The three of them looked at each other before following her.
“Harrison! You son of a bitch!” Jill hissed.
Harrison smirked at her as she shoved him with her one good arm, which amused him further. “You can’t get enough of me, can you, darling?”
“Fuck You!” Jill hissed before slapping him across the face. “Steph is dead because of you!”
“Wha...what?” He asked as his smile faltered.
“Because if you and your stupid prank she ran into the woods sacred and the grounders got her.”
Harrison put his hand on Jill’s bad shoulder, provoking her to let out a loud whine. “It’s not my fault she was stupid enough to run into the forest! It’s just a shame they didn’t spear you! You guard fucking-”
Jill cut him off by kneeing him in the stomach, making him crumble to the ground.
“Don’t even think about it.” Murphy said in a warning tone as Harrison got back on his feet. “Jill come on, you need to get your shoulder looked at.”
Bellamy was impressed. Jill could take down Harrison with only one arm. He glanced around wondering if anybody else in the camp was impressed by that performance as well. It might benefit him if Jill was on his side.
“What happened?” Murphy asked as they returned to his tent.
Jill could feel stray tears falling from her eyes. This reminded her of Charlie. “That prick Harrison knew she was scared of spiders. He had been collecting them and flung them all on her at once. She freaked out and ran away...I should have stopped her.”
“This isn’t on you. What happened to Steph wasn’t your fault.”
“So...what’s your take on all of this? The grounders, radiation, deadly animals.” Jill asked, changing the subject.
“I think that our people are probably the most dangerous here. Do you want me to help bring your stuff to my tent?” Murphy asked.
Jill nodded. It wasn’t even a question if she would stay with him or not. Murphy wouldn’t have accepted a no from her, and she realized this. He didn’t trust all the others in the camp, especially Harrison.
Bellamy had a conundrum. He had been watching Jill and knew he needed her to help run the camp. She wasn’t emotional like Clarke, or opinionated like Finn, and didn’t have his hot head temper. Jill would balance them out.
He had heard the whispers in camp, some were questioning if following Wells and Clarke was a better option. Having a badass like Jill could aid his cause.
“You seem distracted. What are you thinking about?”
Bellamy turned to face Roma who was sprawled out naked on his bed. He liked Roma, she was happy with no strings attached fun.
“How low on food we are getting.” He said. It was a lie, but he couldn’t tell her the truth. He was sure telling Roma he was thinking about another female would cause some kind of physical pain. “Can you gather another hunting group ready now?”
“The usual people?”
Bellamy nodded. Roma got dressed as he pondered his next move. He would need to get Jill on her own, so he could talk to her. Dragging her away from Murphy would be a challenge
Next chapter
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Braid Braid
Summary: One day Mabel asks her Grunkle Ford to braid her hair, but ever since he went out to investigate an anomaly with Dipper instead, the fact he couldn’t deliver her simple request plagued him.
“Well, Ducktective, it seems you’ve quacked the case.”
“Quack, quack, quack.”
Mabel laughed as she continually brushed her hair; the show may have ended ten months ago, but she was convinced that Ducktective was real and would never die, so she happily watched reruns whenever she could. She sat in her grunkle’s chair with her case of hair things, having already finished her sweater for the day, and she planned to play with her long hair while she watched TV. She heard footsteps and casted her eyes to her left. Soon an old nerd came into view and she grinned. “Hey, Grunkle Ford!”
“Hello, my dear.” He smiled at her. “What are you up to?”
“Just watching TV.” She then lit up as a brilliant idea came to her and she held up her hairbrush and glittery bag full of hair clips and hairbows. “Wanna braid my hair?”
Ford held up a hand as he smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Mabel, but I don’t know how to braid hair…”
“I can teach you if you want!” The girl offered happily. “I bet you’d be great at it!”
Just then, Dipper came down the stairs called, “Hey, Grunkle Ford! Ready for our mission?”
“Indeed!” Ford gave him a high-six and the boys headed for the door.
“Where are you two going?” Mabel asked.
“I convinced Ford that we should investigate the Hawktopus further.” Dipper answered. “No anomaly is too stupid to look into.”
“We’ll be back by dinner.” Ford promised as he opened the door. “If not, then assume the monster ate our flesh.”
“See ya later, sis!” Dipper called and the boys were gone.
“Bye!” Mabel yelled after them through the door happily, but her happiness slowly went away as sad thoughts occupied her brain. “Have fun. Without me.”
The teenager slumped in the chair, the sounds of the TV unable to penetrate her thoughts. She knew her grunkles loved her very much, but sometimes she wondered if Ford liked Dipper way better than he liked Mabel. She could understand Ford liking Dipper a little bit more than her, because they were so similar, but it sometimes felt like the Sweater Twins only had sweaters in common and that’s it.
The more Mabel thought about it, it was no wonder Ford liked Dipper way more than he liked Mabel. Stanford Pines was an experienced scientist who had been all over the Multiverse, traveling for thirty years, and was as tough as nails and as strong as an ox; no one like that would want to hang out with a girl who likes glitter and make-overs and other girly things. No wonder Ford would much rather hang out with Dipper than her. Mabel didn’t blame her uncle, but it still kinda hurt.
She wished there was something they could both do. Something Ford and Mabel liked to do. Something no one would only be doing to spend time with the other. Mabel loved adventure and weirdness and exploring, but maybe Grunkle Ford only wanted that to be a Dipper and him thing, which was fine! So Mabel racked her brain for anything he would want to do with her, but she couldn’t think of anything.
To get her mind off of it, she went into the kitchen to get a drink of Mabel Juice and then to maybe hang out with Grunkle Stan, play some cards or throw water balloons at each other. She didn’t really feel like playing with her hair anymore.
The Hawtopus investigation proved to be more difficult and more enjoyable than Ford had predicted, so after dinner and the kids had gone to bed he yawned into his hand and ventured into his bedroom to take a shower and go to bed. He entered the clean space and slipped off his trenchcoat to hang it on the coat track, and as he did so his eye caught something bright purple and sparkly. He smiled as he saw a bundle messily wrapped with coloring paper and tied up with red ribbon, glitter added for some “pizzazz” as Mabel would have called it.
Ford gently picked up the package and sat on the couch with the gift on his lap. He couldn’t contain the huge smile on his face as he unwrapped the gift. There, cushioned in wrapping paper and on his lap, was a brand new sweater. Ford grinned and held it up for a better look at the new turtleneck. It was blue, his favorite color, and had a beaker with atoms swimming around it, something science-y for him to display proudly on his chest. Mabel had made him a sweater once before, a new red one with a golden six-fingered hand on it, and now he was honored with two sweaters.
He made a mental note to thank Mabel with hugs in the morning. As he stripped for his bath and turned on the shower, he wondered how in the world Mabel found time to do this, to make so many sweaters in such a short amount of time; she seemed to miraculously make a sweater every day! Then his mind toyed with the idea of her working on the sweater while watching TV, but then he remembered that Mabel had been doing her hair and had asked Ford to braid it.
Under the warm water, the old scientist felt like a rock had been dropped in his stomach. He realized he might have hurt her feelings to choose to bond with Dipper rather than her, considering the boys always seemed to be together. Ford was aware that he accidentally showed favoritism in one twin, something he completely didn’t intend to do, and not only had he done so, it had hurt Mabel’s feelings. He had hoped countless messages and phone calls and video chats between summers had assured Mabel that Ford cared about her, but it was very possible that she might need a reminder every so often.
To make it up to her and to reward her for her kindness and patience with a special treat, Ford racked his brain for what to do for her. The only thing that stuck out was the way she had innocently asked her grunkle to braid her hair. Taking into account that no one in the family seemed to do “girly” things with her, at least not nearly as much as she does “boyish” things with the men in the family, Ford made up his mind.
After the shower and dressing in his new sweater, dark pants, and trenchcoat, Ford snuck out of the house to do some research. The library was closed, but Ford had no problem sneaking in and settling in a desk at the dead of night, reading books on the History of Braids and the Origins of Dreadlocks and literally any hair-themed book and magazine the library had; he even read up on hair-dying techniques for whenever Mabel had the desire to try something new.
The books didn’t feel enough. After a quick cup of coffee at a gas station, Ford hurried up the hill for his best friend’s manor. He knocked on the door urgently and waited a minute or two for Old Man McGucket to come to the door, rubbing his eyes with a bathrobe over his green flannel pajamas. “St-Stanford? Whazza matter?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, buddy, but it’s very important.” Ford pressed, his arms full of books and magazines he had borrowed without permission from the library. “I need to learn how to braid hair for Mabel and I was hoping I could use your mobile computer.”
Fiddleford blinked through his thick green glasses and smiled a half-toothy smile. “This is an emergency. Anythang for Lil’ Sweet Tea! C’min, c’min. Want some coffee?”
“That would be great, thank you.”
Long into the night, the old researchers acted just as seriously as they did back in the day, except they weren’t unintentionally creating a gateway to Hell. McGucket dug up some more books from the Northwest’ private book collection in the lounge and Ford used the laptop to do some more recent, or “trendy”, findings. To he and McGucket’s amazement, the internet was full of videos showing exactly how to do all sorts of hairstyles. From coloring hair to cutting it to braids and ponytails, all kinds of hair from straight to messy curls to somewhere in between could be learned to tame with a few clicks on a computer.
“Bingo!” Ford said, readjusting his glasses, and he quickly got to work, just as enthusiastic as he was about earning another PhD or discovering a new anomaly. Fiddleford had a very hard time keeping the smiling eyes off his friend as he watched him get so excited about a feminine activity, one both men had been deprived of due to a lack of females in their lives but were eager to explore.
The next morning, Mabel yawned into her fist and skipped cheerfully down the stairs for a glass of orange juice to start the day. She heard the front door open and close and she was surprised to find Ford coming home. “Grunkle Ford, wh… Aw! You’re wearing your new sweater!”
Ford grinned and nodded. “Yes, I absolutely love it! It’s almost as beautiful as you, my dear. Thank you very much.”
Mabel blushed and drank some juice. “You’re welcome! So, where have you been? Out on a morning walk?”
“Something like that.” Ford said with a shrug. “So, would you still be interested in me braiding your hair?”
Mabel gasped and cried out, “OH, YES PLEASE! I’ll be right back!” And the young girl ran off to get her bag of hair things.
Ford sat himself in his brother’s chair and Mabel soon returned and plopped in his lap when he petted his right leg for her. Mabel gave him the hairbrush to detangle her bed-head and said, “Okay, so it’s easier to start by parting it into sections…”
“Oh, don’t worry, my dear.” Ford said calmly as he brushed her hair lovingly. “I’ve done my research.”
Mabel had on idea what he meant by that, but she shrugged and decided to let him do as he pleased. She had braced her skull for a bit of tugging as it was sometimes difficult to brush tangled hair, but Mabel was pleasantly surprised to find Ford being as gentle as a kitten and brushing her hair so gently she could hardly feel the pull on her scalp, and yet she could feel the knots becoming undone and progress being made. She grinned and said, “Wow, Grunkle Ford, you’re really really good!”
It was a good thing she couldn’t see how red his cheeks turned. “Well, thank you, sweetheart. You truly have very beautiful hair.”
“So do you! It’s so fluffy and cute! After you braid your hair can I braid yours?”
Now Ford’s whole face was as scarlet as a king’s robe. He knew his hair was a bit harder to manage than Stanley’s but he never considered it to be cute or fluffy. “I see no reason why not.”
“Yes! I’m so excited! You really are very beautiful, Grunkle Ford.”
Okay, who gave this young lady permission to be this adorable? There were several dimensions in which it was illegal. “Th-Thank you, Mabel, but really I’m not… B-Beautiful is a more suitable term for wom-”
“Nu, uh!” Mabel interrupted and shook her head only a little bit, trying to be still for her uncle as he brushed her hair. “Daddy says anyone and anything can be beautiful. If a flower or Christmas lights or an animal can be beautiful, then girls and boys can be beautiful. And also girls and boys can be handsome!” Mabel added to drive her point further home.
Ford chuckled and it made his niece’s chest feel warm. “That makes sense. Thank you, Mabel. So, did you feel well last night?”
“Yeah! I had a really funny dream!”
“Oh, what was it about?”
The conversation spilled into swapping stories of past dreams. While Ford’s dreams from the past mostly contained nightmares, he could recall a small handful of dreams that were positive spins on his imagination and he happily recalled them with Mabel. As their talk flowed so easily, like water, Ford detangled all of Mabel’s beautiful hair and then began to braid. He wanted to impress her with something big and elaborate, but he wasn’t confident in his skills yet and this was his first attempt, so he met in the middle and did something a bit more complicated than a simple braid but he wasn’t nearly ready for a boho wedding braid.
With his tongue between his teeth, Ford carefully tied the braid close and held his polydactyl hands away to inspect his work. “Okay, I think I’m done.”
“I wanna see, I wanna see!” Mabel squealed and pulled out a mirror to see her uncle’s work. She was silent with a hard-to-read expression on her face as her eyes fell on her reflection. She tilted her head and the mirror to see the back of her head to see the braid and remained silent.
The braid started as two side braids at the back of her head, but they trailed down and combined into one big, lush braid that hung loosely from the bottom of her skull and trailed down her back. There were one or two times the braid didn’t match the rest of the hair piece and Ford thought the big braid was too loose now that he took a second look at it.
His face fell a little as he was concerned that she didn’t like it and was trying to hide her disappointment. Ford knew he should have interviewed some hairdressers before attempting to do Mabel’s hair, but he had been so excited that he had become reckless, just like always. “I’m sorry, Mabel, I understand if you don’t like it…”
“I LOVE IT!” Mabel had finally conjured up the strength to grin, the wind had been knocked out of her from pure delighted shock, and her eyes were filled with tears and her lips trembled as she admired Ford’s work. “IloveitIloveitIloveitILOVEIT!!!” She squealed loudly and was bouncing in Ford’s lap. “Look, Grunkle Ford, look! You did SUCH a good job! I’m so pretty now! That’s the best braid I’ve ever seen! ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!” And she spun around to kiss his cheek and she hopped off of him. “I’m gonna go show Dipper! DIPPER! LOOK WHAT GRUNKLE FORD DID!” Mabel yelled as she ran as fast as she could.
Ford was as still as a statue as his niece’s kind words ringed in his ears like cheerful bells. He wanted to smile, but all he could manage was a tearful look as he used all his might to try not to try, his eyes wet and shiny and his lips pressed together. He chuckled at himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose and composed himself. Soon Mabel was skipping back to him and leaped back into his hold to hug him and nuzzle her face in his shoulder.
“Thank you, Grunkle Ford, I love it.” She repeated.
Ford hugged her back tightly and rubbed circles into her back. “You’re very welcome, my dear. Thank you for letting me braid your hair.”
After one last squeeze, Mabel climbed up the armchair to sit on the back so she was behind Ford’s head. She held out a hand for the hairbrush and said, “Your turn!”
Ford grinned and handed her the sparkly hairbrush and felt himself relax as his scalp was treated to the gentle sensation of his niece brushing and caring for his gray fluff.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
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I really posted it without editing
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( ✌︎'ω')✌︎ @painfullysope
Levi was always a patient person. Especially when it came to your relationship. Your relationship was strongly based off of trust, and communicationyouve been dating for about a year now, and it’s been the best with him.
Only thing that people couldn’t understand was why they didn’t....hear anything and if you’re thinking that, then you’re right. Yes you were a virgin and practiced abstinence and wanted to be married first.
You’ve had this conversation with Levi before. You’ve told him you want to save yourself for your wedding day. You even apologized to him not being so comfortable with the topic. He absolutely understood and told you not to worry about it.
“It’s your body and whatever you say goes” he would say. But it’s not like other people respected your wishes
“Oh come on Y/N you can tell I won’t tell anyone” Hanji begged your for an answer. You were completely flushed red from her previous question. I’m her words she said
“Does Levi make up for his height in other areas?” And you knew exactly what she meant No you have not seen him butt naked before and the idea got you all flustered and embarrassed.
You shook your head again “I-I don’t know how to answer that Hanji. I um..”
“Oh come on you’ve had to see him once at least! Just because you’re quiet doesn’t mean nothing happens” she smirked as her glasses faded over. Just like they did when she spoke about titans.
Levi has come in the room behind her and smacked her upside the head “cut it out four eyes, she’s not gonna tell you and she doesn’t have to”
“What? Where did you even come from?” He went to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. He kissed the side of your head and lead you out of the room. As he left he flipped off the scientist without a word
“Oh boo! Right back at ya shorty!” She retorted bacK.
A few months later it happened. Levi had finally proposed to you. He took you out for a night walk to see the stars. Luckily when walking a shooting star appeared and he saw his chance and took it. He got down on one and knee and said
“I’m kinda hoping this is what you wished for. But I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you until my last dying breath” how could you have said no to him. Your wedding was to be about four months from then.
A lot of people started rumors about how he only proposed so he could take you virginity. Or how he only did it because of your looks. It didn’t take long for Levi to find who did it. I’ll just say one thing
Scary Levi = Sleep paralysis demon
This was the day. The biggest and best day of your life. The guests were there, you were ready, and so was he. Erwin had taken the place of your late father and walked you down the isle. You were breath taking, the way your hair and vial framed your face, the dress fit and flattered your figure.
He looked like all the air was knocked out him and you were his air supply. Was he really marrying you? Was He to become your husband?
Yes. Yes you were. The ceremony was beautiful but all your mind was focused on was Levi. His vows were so deep and meaningful you couldn’t help but cry. Even the commanders shed a few tears. The moment they announced you husband and wife the kiss felt different. Petals were thrown as you walked down the isle and into the waiting cart being pulled by hoses.
As a gift Erwin had gotten a small cottage in a peaceful area for the next month. The wedding was great and all but you knew well what’s to come next. It was the night you gave yourself to Levi. Of course you were excited but you were also nervous.
Levi carried you inside as the tradition goes and sets you on the bed. 
“I’m going to go and wash up. I feel a little sweaty alright.“ you nodded as he went into the bathroom. Your shoulders relax as you hear the water come on. You appreciated him for not pushing the subject at hand. You quickly strip from your dress and stay in your corset and underwear.
You jump into the bed and hide under the covers. Your heart was racing as you saw him come out in nothing but his boxers. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea but, you wanted this, and with the man you loved. 
“U-Um Levi...can we um..’ he waits for your question as he sat on the bed drying his hair a bit. you didn’t mean it but it just spilled out “I want to make love with you!”
He stared blankly at you “o-oh well okay but um...are you sure?” You saw a little light go off in his eyes as he scooted closer.
You nodded you head. He smiled at you cupped your face and kissed your nose. He noticed you did have your dress on anymore.
“Um, is it okay if I can see your corset? If you don’t want to that’s fine. I just...wanna see you that’s all”
“No it’s fine I wanted to show you” you assured him. And you did! You were just nervous to how this would go.
You stood up form the bed and in front of him. He stood up with you and gazed at your form
“W-wow, you’re” he let out a breath “gorgeous”
You blushed and wrapped your arms around him “well, will you take me to be?” He chuckled and lifted your legs and threw you on to the bed. He crawled over you and attacked your lips.
The feeling of having a thin layer of clothes separating you both thrilled you. His kisses trailed down to you jaw and you neck.
His hands fiddle with the laces and finally loosened it enough to lift it off your body. He marveled at your body but you don’t want to be left out. You sit up and let your hands roam his body as well.
He was built. Like. A. GOD. The way it started out was so innocent and curious. Even the forplay was innocent. His finger made simple circles on your most sensitive bundle. As he left marks over your neck and ribs. Just a special place no one else could see.
Now came the time. For the actual sex to start. He was above you and layed there. You weren’t sure if you were ready or not
“You ready baby?” He panted a bit
“I...I’m” you bit your lip. Feeling too overwhelmed a tear slipped from your eye. When he pulled away from you neck he panicked
“A-are you okay? Are you not feeling okay? Did the hickies hurt??”
You shook your head “I’m just. I-I want ti do this but I’m just feeling kinda scared and nervous. I’m sorry” his eyes went soft and kissed your tears away.
“No don’t be sorry, it’s okay to feel scared. It’s your first time but” he looked into your eyes “I’m here with you. Would I ever hurt you?”
You shake your head
“And you know I only wnat you to feel good and be happy right?”
You nod “then trust me. How about this we’ll use a safe word. Red meaning you wnat me to stop, green is good, and yellow for me to wait does that sound okay?”
“Y-yeah” you sniffed and wiped your tears from your eyes. He finally trips form his boxers, his member in full view. Let’s just say Hanji was right, he did make up for his height. He positioned himself to you and took hold of your hand. He leaned down so he was closer to you to make you feel less scared.
“Just squeeze my hand if you have to and use your sad word” with that said he slowly entered you. And yes it did hurt! You squeeze his hand like he said, he whispered sweet words to you, and kissed your head. A good portion of him was in but it only hurt more
“Y-yellow” you breathed out. You sniffed as a tear rolled down your cheek. You were aware it would hurt but not like this.
“I’m sorry” he apologized “just let me know when”
After about a minute passed you simply said “green” and starts sliding in again. This time he was all the way in. And you let out a breath as he filled you.
“You feelin okay?” You hummed you let him know you were fine “I’m going to move a little okay?” He started to give short gentle thrusts. Just enough so you can get a feel of it.
It was honestly good, you felt fine. Whenever he’d felt you shift he would take just a little bit of a longer stroke. Soon he had a regular tempo you were comfortable with.
His hips not only went in and but they also rocked into you. He held you close to him as he would whsiper things like
“I love you so much”
“You’re so fucking beautiful”. The feeling was great and you felt just as good. You had finally made love with your husband. He started to thrust just a little faster as you said
“Thank you Levi”
He smiled into your neck “no, thank you Y/N” it wasn’t long Until you both reached your high and you saw stars! It was euphoric and warm and every other kind of wonderful
He gently pulled out of you and you let out a small his. After cleaning up he gently pulled you to him and covered you both as the night fell and the sky filled with stars.
Wow this was longer than expected but i hope this was okay and thank you for reading ❤️❤️❤️
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Nine.
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We have been keeping very low-key I mean very low-key, quiet from everything and all social media. At the same time having to take Chris’ mind off the prospect of Jail time, Barry is nowhere to be found now so the paying off scenario isn’t going to work so now we’re left with going to court, which a date has come very quick and I’m actually shocked but I’m sure it’s because Chris isn’t just anyone anymore but anyways, they have given him a date. The lawyer is asking for community service, like we can at least get that for him. It’s just crazy how they got it so quick but then they have the CCTV also which makes it bad, I’m just hoping for a miracle at this moment in time. I’m trying to not worry and enjoying my pregnancy, I thought while Chris is just feeling sad for himself I would help him with his clothing line and off my own back just designed a few things, not sure if he wants it or whatever but I’m trying because he isn’t doing anything, so I am making him do things. Like going to VA, I said to him before I get even bigger we need to go so I think we are going today to VA with more than one bodyguard, I ain’t about to play with fire in that place. Even though I love VA, it’s so peaceful there but I have to be careful, I don’t take threats lightly, not at all. We would like to have stayed with my in-laws, but I don’t feel safe for Chris to be there, we will stay outside of VA and they can visit us but we should be going today, I say should because I’ve not said it again to him. It’s a mess but we can deal with it, I know we can so I’m not trying to stress myself out too much. Chris will be with me; he will be seeing our baby be born. I am putting it into existence, god gave me him back now he can protect him from this evil. My mother said she’s praying for him, I told her what happened and she’s so sad for him. Joyce and Clinton don’t know as of yet, also this time in VA we can spend time together, Mel has gone to Barbados to clear her mind so it’s just us in this home currently. It’s pretty lonely, I’m used to my team being around.
I knew Chris would be in the office, he’s smiling so that is a good sign “I am excited for this actually, I needed some positive energy and seeing the website is what I needed. I cannot wait for this, I really can’t. Which brings me into my wife was helping me, nothing would have happened if it weren’t for Rihanna she inspires me a lot because her work ethic and she’s happily said she will be along with the idea, she will design some exclusive stuff, just limited edition things which will bring my traffic. I wasn’t for it but she’s helping me, so we have that. But she is the one to inspire me, we will need to discuss an opening and maybe some party I don’t know yet” my smile grew hearing him say that I wonder if he knows I am here “I still think we should do the Nobodies business tee, mention that. Fans love merch” TJ is on this, Chris must have kept him “he’s right Chris, personally. If you had Rihanna on a tee I’m buying. I love her so yeah” Chris chuckled “see what she says, but I have to go. We will discuss and have an update, but Cena is making moves, we doing good team. God bless and take care, speak soon” Chris grinned waving, nice to see him happy. He turned his chair to me “speaking nice things about me because you knew I was here huh” Chris grinned and closed his laptop “I suppose, I was like let me get in her good books” walking over to Chris “you are in my good books, sometimes” walking around his desk “you have taken over this, I like it. You all busy now, you been in meetings all that time” sitting on his lap “yes, they sent me pictures of the website. It’s amazing” placing my arm around his neck, Chris pressed a kiss to my side boob “thanks, good. TJ still with us? He’s not going to change next is he?” Chris shook his head “he cut ties with him too, Maybe Mel chose the wrong one, TJ is dumb but he’s good” Chris placed his hand over my bump “as long as he is working then good, so you ready to go to VA yeah? You didn’t really say yes you just shrugged, we go and get your family nice and safe with a new home?” I get such a tingly feeling, my heart flutters when he touches my bump, my whole heart right here “I just thought you might say it to make me feel better but if we are going then yes, let’s go” i cooed out “rules are, we taking my bodyguards and we staying away from your parents, they come to us. Also we can have some time together” pressing a kiss to the top of his head “cool, man. I always wanted to buy my parents a house, a dream come true” least this will make him happy.
I rather he let me pack but no, he is helping and his helping is rushing to pack “your bump is super cute by the way, I admire it. Like our baby just in there baking and shit, just vibing. It’s probably dancing in there, but your bump is cute. We going to do pictures? Like memory type shit” he asked me “wow, Christopher. Baby. You asking me? Putting me to shame now, yes we will. Don’t worry, I am planning on that, we going to have some cute pictures like our wedding ones were super cute, awww god I love you so much” Chris laughed and then got shy “man, I’m in love. I’ll beat a nigga ass for you and do time, you my twin. And my best friend, why do I need others when I got you” he is my whole heart “poppa I love you too” poking my lips out, he pressed a kiss to my lips. I laughed as he moved back, reaching my hand up and wiping my lipgloss from his lips “my bad” hearing the buzzer go off “I’ll get that, just finish off here for me” he makes me laugh because I been doing that, I have been fixing what he’s been doing. I’m so in love with him, I am and it’s sickening but I love him. I’m actually hoping to visit Barbados before I have the baby, I’m just thinking how we can do that. I want to see my family and relax a little bit, get some sun and peace. California just can be so messy at times; I just want that break with him. I’m sure I can fit it in, folding his sweatshirt. Bringing it up to my nose to smell it before placing it in the case, smells like him. This is my drug; his clothes be just turning me on. I don’t think we need to pack heavy, buying the home should be easy, I guess a few days there is nice and then come back. Start some rehearsals for the Grammys, Things are different meaning baby, so I want to make sure my breathing and singing hasn’t changed so I need to start on that.
Chris came upstairs with a box “oh what is that?” I think I know what it is, he asked for some freebies as a joke with Puma well I got that for him “I don’t know, it says my name. Actually it says Christopher Fenty-Brown is this a joke?” I sniggered “you my bitch, shut up” he looks so offended “but I’m not Fenty” he’s so annoying “look just stop and open it” Chris looked up at me from the floor “you know what it is?” I shrugged “no, I told you that people think you’re my bitch, look at you on the floor on your knees too” Chris shook his head laughing “my birthday isn’t yet, but this is exciting” he is so adorable, it’s like Christmas for him right now, he is so very appreciative too “what does this say” he grabbed the little note card in the box “To Chris, please try our new releases from the Puma team. Oh shit, really!?” I grinned at him “yes, you got some free stuff poppa, now you play with that while I pack” that will keep him entertained “thank you so much Robyn, oh god. You did this for me!” Waving him off “don’t be, it’s just the start” making my way to the bathroom, I adore him so much with everything he does for me. He is so supportive of me too.
So we have three bodyguards now, I didn’t want them to stay at the place we are renting there but I rather they do stay, you never know but I have Rich, Frank and Ben now with us. I guess they both can go out and come back at night or maybe I should ask “Rich, so what do you think to one of you staying with us and the rest go like to a hotel, look I sound dramatic, and he is in jail but you never know and I want to be safe so what to do you think?” let’s see what he says about it, if he thinks only one of them needs to stay then so be it, I feel like three of them is a but much “one will be ok, shall I stay with you?” nodding my head “and besides, no offence but Chris knows Rich more then you both” I said, I thought I would mention that he stays because Chris does get along with him, Chris is just sat here in Puma. He is loving the fact that he had these freebies, I love that he is so appreciative about it too, he is cute “so did you pack all of your Puma things?” I had to ask “kind of, I tod my mom an dad where we are staying, I just want to see them” nodding my head, not like I mind “it has been a while since I last seen my second mother so why not, is she staying over?” Chris shrugged, so he doesn’t know so I guess I will ask them to stay over.
I snorted laughing and so did Chris “are we on a plantation?” Chris said the same thing I thought “I feel like it is, Tina is racist. That bitch” I laughed shaking my head, the home is nice and it’s like in the middle of nowhere, but I swear it looks like a plantation “well I guess we going to be some hillbillies, I think you will be a cute one too actually” reaching over and stroking the side of his face “no way, oh shit. The owners are white too, my god. Tina set us up?” Chris cackled; the car came to a halt “if this is a set up I am cutting” Rich said before getting out of the car “you going to do the extra cotton picking for me? I am with child so I can’t” Chris side eyed me, the door opened, and I got out. The owners looks kind but creepy kind of people, I sighed out as the white guy made his way over to me “welcome Robyn, so good to meet you” oh no, I think they are fans, well the way his daughter his staring at me is not good “pleasure is all mine, I love your home” shaking his hand “well I hope you enjoy it, as advised. The keys” he held the keys up to me, taking the keys from him “is there anything we need to do?” I questioned, you never know what I can or can’t do at the home “not at all, the home is yours to use and have fun. Thank you for choosing us” this guy is sweet after being judgemental about him.
Joyce and Clinton are both here, I have a back pain again so I needed to sit down but let me go to see the in-laws, making my way to the door “my baby, Robyn!” Joyce spat, making my way to Joyce “oh my god” Joyce placed her hands over her mouth staring at me in shock, all emotional “Robyn, oh my gosh. You look so beautiful, come here” hugging Joyce close “oh momma, it is so good to see you. Honestly” closing my eyes smiling, it’s so good to have a motherly hug like this “I am over the moon that you are pregnant, my second grandchild” moving back from the hug “I can’t wait to meet her or him, whatever it may be. You see the scan photos? The little wave” Joyce gasped “yes, Clinton loves that picture so much” looking over at Chris, I didn’t expect him to be emotional, but my poppa is crying “awww baby, we missed you so much. Welcome home Chris” Joyce rushed over to her son “wow, you are pregnant” Clinton pointed out the obvious “yes, do I look that big?” I am questioning it now “no, not at all just it’s different. How are you?” Clinton asked “erm, ok thank you. Chris is emotional” I pointed out “yeah, he just needed a hug from the big man” clearly he did need that “he misses you both so much” my baby is so sad.
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wunderlass · 4 years
I’m feeling so deflated to be writing this post. S1 had its flaws but those could be placed at the feet of a freshman showrunner who could learn from her mistakes going into S2 and up her game. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, and S2 was a mess.
S1 had a clear central plotline: the mystery of Rosa’s death, leading to justice in the form of Noah’s death and Rosa’s resurrection. S2’s central plotline was…um. The kidnappings? Leading into the plot to blow up Crashcon? I think? But there was so much other stuff gong on it’s hard to tell.
Carina – if you happen to come stumbling into the tags for reactions – you’ve already acknowledged that you struggle to edit your scripts down for length. And it does show in the finished product. But you also struggle to edit your ideas down to fit into the episode count you have. There were too many extraneous plot threads this season, too many guest characters, and the ideas you had were shoddily and sloppily executed.
There were shining moments scattered here and there and the occasional good episode, but for the most part this season lurched from badly paced episode to badly paced episode. Stuff was crammed into each episode and yet somehow the plot also treaded water until 2x11 when it all kicked off – and this was because so much of what happened in the earlier episodes didn’t feed into the main plot. Even Max’s death, the overarching motivation for many characters at the beginning, was shoved to the side for other ideas.
And the payoffs for each of these storylines was too often underwhelming. Max can’t come back because he’ll be full of dark energy and a destructive force! Resolved in 30 seconds by him blowing up a pile of stuff. Max can’t remember Liz! Fixed in the same episode. That pattern continued with the finale feeling like it was trying to wrap up all these storylines without really having a story of its own. The various cliffhangers from Crashcon were tied up before the title card and then let’s spend the next 40 minutes treading water again.
There were good moments in the finale. Max and Isobel’s discussion, the Maneforrest kiss, Rosa and Helena’s reunion. But as for the rest? Hear me whine:
-          Jesse’s death was anticlimactic. His line about “no more Manes men” makes no sense given as far as he knew Flint (and maybe Clay?) is still alive. His death should have been poetic because one of his son’s killed him but it didn’t hold the weight it should have, possibly because it came so early in the episode.
-          It would have been far better if Jesse had discovered that Harlan killed Tripp and buried him beneath the shed. How awful would it have been for his entire worldview to be shaken by that revelation? How perfect would it have been if he discovered that Tripp loved Nora? If he died after learning all of that, becoming desperate and sloppy in whatever scheme he was trying to pull off (self-immolation via the bomb?), it would have been a fitting ending.
-          So many characters this season were badly served. Alex, Michael, and to a lesser extent Max, had real arcs and progression. Alex especially you can see them setting up his growth for a payoff in the finale. 
-          Kyle was shafted, shoved to the side for the Steph storyline that didn’t feel like it was going anywhere, and I suspect we got a lot of that cut away to make room for other stories.
-          Rosa’s story started off strong and then mostly got tied into rehab or helping Isobel. Them having her out and about in public in Roswell is complete nonsense.
-          Max had a line for Isobel about her becoming her “entire self” this season, and that rang false to me. We’ve only seen Isobel develop her powers. Her personality has shifted each episode, fractured and inconsistent, dependant on what the writers needed her to do. She didn’t get much of a storyline of her own – the abortion was redundant, serving as a political soapbox for Carina rather than anything that served the character – and while she’s found out more about her heritage, that’s never been as important as Michael or Max finding out about theirs. She said she wanted to become more like her mother and that never went anywhere.
-          I was so hopeful that Carina had listened and understood the criticisms with Maria’s handling in S1 and worked to improve it. She certainly gave her increased screentime. Except, so much of that screentime was tied into Michael, and latterly Isobel. She lacked interactions with Liz or Rosa. She was in two whole scenes in the finale and after she broke up with Michael, she disappeared from the story, and if that doesn’t say it all…
-          And that break-up was contrived bullshit. I’m not saying this as a shipper. It felt like they’d planned to have them break-up in the finale and wrote it even though the motivations hadn’t been properly established. Seeds were sown but they were communicating well as a couple and resolving their issues as they went along. Suddenly those issues got un-resolved and were enough to break them up.
-          The most galling part is that so much of what follows comes from Tripp’s diary, and Maria is excluded. This is her story too! Louise was her great-grandmother! Rather than sitting around her in the hospital room reading this stuff, they do it in the Crashdown.
-          Which fits the pattern of what’s happened all season. Maria found out she was part alien and it was about her powers, rather than her legacy, rather than what happened to her great-grandparents.
-          And it became clear that it was done so they could do the Nora/Tripp and Malex parallel.
-          Which completely solidifies for me where Carina’s priorities lie. She’s been clear that Malex is her favourite ship on the show and Michael is her favourite character. But this season has shown that she’s incapable of ensuring her favouritism doesn’t screw over other characters.
-          The sad thing is this really does show up in marketing. Carina always pushes and praises Vlamis and barely ever mentions Jeanine on her SM. Media outlets write about Malex as the centre of the show and they aren’t supposed to be. We have a sci-fi show with a Latina leading lady and nobody cares – not the showrunner, not the media (outside of Latinx-centric publications), not the fandom. I’m not Latina and it frustrates me so I can’t imagine how actual Latinx people feel about that.
-          Maria was dragged into a love triangle that Carina never had any intention of doing justice to. Maria and Michael were always only ever meant to be a pit-stop on the way to a big Malex reunion. Sadly it’s clear the same goes for Maneforrest. Why write something if you’re only going to do it half-arsed? And it clearly was. That’s why the Maria and Michael break-up was so perfunctory and illogical.
-          While I’m on the subject of Maria – last season Mimi was clearly deteriorating and didn’t recognise adult Maria anyway. Now that seems to have shifted to Mimi’s mind moving through time. It’s still unclear if this is the alien DNA or what was done to Patricia Deluca in Caulfield. I don’t understand why they introduced both elements – apart from being able to give Maria a line about unethical science which OH BOY what a contrast with Liz.
-          Speaking of Liz.
-          Wow.
-          If the central storyline was the kidnappings and Crashcon shenanigans, she really had no involvement with that all season apart from the very end. All the investigation went to other characters. Her mother was involved, but not Liz.
-          Let me repeat that.
-          Our lead character was not involved the central storyline of the season.
-          Alternatively, if you think Max learning about his history, and all of the reveals about 1948, and Maria’s heritage etc etc were supposed to be the main storyline…
-          Doesn’t matter because Liz wasn’t involved in any of that either!
-          Liz was a subplot in her own show after they brought Max back. Hell, she was a subplot even when she was working on that.
-          The narrative focus really has centred on Michael, Alex, and later Max.
-          I wonder what they have in common with each other.
-          If you don’t believe me, check out the screentime figures for this season. Liz had the fourth largest amount of screentime in the finale, and she’s only had majority screentime in a handful of episodes all season (2x01, 2x07, 2x11).
-          And then realise that the plot kept moving after Liz left Roswell. She’s just not part of it anymore.
-          I watched the finale and kept asking myself where Liz was because she kept disappearing for whole chunks of time.
-          She was in her own subplot about science for the back half of this season, and honestly, I’m going to have to write an entirely separate post about Liz and ethics in science because NOPE.
-          Max was right. Liz deserved to follow her calling but she had options that didn’t involve risking the aliens.
-          As such the Echo break-up was stupid but whatever, based on this season I guess it needed to happen.
-          Did Max even care that Liz left? He loved her for twenty years and then when he had her, it didn’t matter anymore? What the fuck? Are we ever going to get answers as to why he fell so hard and loved her for so long, or is the “Malex is cosmic” story more important?
-          Also the whole thing about the Genericorp lady not being interested in Liz based on meeting her at the Crashdown was stupid. You hire scientists based on the previous work they’ve done and their credentials. Diego’s word should have been enough to convince her, and then maybe an actual proper job interview to make sure she was a good fit. Not “let’s sneak into her secret lab to look at what she’s working on”.
-          When Liz does leave, she only says goodbye to Rosa and Kyle. Arturo is mentioned but not seen. Which means the whole ICE sequence this season, which should have been a solid motivation for Liz to take the Genericorp job on its own, has been resolved without a proper payoff. All that stress – scenes that I know felt genuinely stressful to some viewers because of how close to home it hit – and we don’t even get to see Arturo seeing his “genius daughter” leave with his future secured.
-          It’s plausible that Liz said goodbye to other characters – Maria, Isobel, Michael – off screen BUT SHE’S YOUR LEAD CHARACTER AND HER LEAVING TOWN SHOULD CARRY SOME EMOTIONAL WEIGHT FFS
-          Compare Liz leaving and arriving at the ocean to Buffy Summers leaving Sunnydale in Becoming Part 2. There is no contest.
-          It’s clear to me that the audience Carina writes this show for is herself. And that’s fine. Plenty of writers do that. But that means she’s writing a show for the women in fandom who like epic mlm romances with lots of angst. And the problem with that is that this show has a Latina lead who is not being done justice.
-          This is not me railing against Malex. There is space in the show for both things. This is me expressing my frustration at a showrunner and creative team who are not taking care with all characters equally.
-          Carina uses her platform to throw in politics and use characters as mouthpieces without considering their impact. She thinks she’s educating the straight white people in the audience without thinking about how scenes of ICE intimidation, homophobic violence, and racism will affect the people who are impacted by those things in real life.
-          Am I done with the show? Probably not. I’ve got fics I want to write and while I’m not hubristic enough to think I can write better than a team of professional writers, I’m going to at least try and do some of these neglected elements of the show justice.
-          Hubris. Remember when I thought that was going to be a theme of this season? Apparently not. There was no theme, unless “no editing, we die like men” counts..
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
The Other You - 10
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Read it on A03, FF.net, WattPad
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Being a physics teacher, Adrien was used to solving problems. Yet, finding a competent assistant for Marinette fast enough was proving to be more difficult than he’d ever thought possible.
Sure, there were hundreds of applications and resumes stored in Gabriel’s database but none of the qualified people contacted in the last two days had agreed to come for an interview. Most had already had a job. Others, though jobless, were not willing to give a seemingly doomed company a chance.
Adrien shouldn’t despair though… or at least, that what his HR manager had said as he left for the day. Surely, tomorrow they would find a person crazy enough to jump on board. They might need a little training and time to work on their skills but at least they would be there. Right?
Adrien sighed, leaning into his chair. No. Marinette needed a professional, not a student to teach right now. At any other time, that might have worked but not this close to the show that bore her professional future on its metaphorical shoulders.
Adrien glanced at the clock. Half an hour until nine. A smile found its way on his face, his mouth salivating from just the memory. Yesterday’s meal was the best he’d had in a long time. Marinette was an amazing cook. Adrien knew his cuisine. He could recognize quality when he tasted it.
“Time to go.” Adrien stretched, standing up. “Ready, guys?”
“What’s the rush?” Plagg yawned, lazily flying out of his basket. “You need five minutes to get there, tops.”
“We need to drop by a store and my apartment first.”
“What for?” the kwami grumbled. “Didn’t you run enough today?”
“I thought it’d be polite for us to bring a dessert,” Adrien replied. “And Duusu needs more grapes.”
“Yippie!” The peacock kwami flew out from one of the shelves, doing a flip in midair. “Can I get the sweet green kind with a little pinkish tint on them?”
“They are called Cotton Candy, Duusu,” Nooroo said, getting out of his pile of fabric. “And they're not in season now. You know that.”
“But what if they are?”
“They are not.”
“But what if they are?”
“If they’re in stock, I’ll make sure to buy you enough for a week,” Adrien interrupted, putting on his jacket. “Otherwise, I’ll stock on a variety for you to try. Sounds good?”
“Yes!” Duusu squealed. “Thank you! You’re the best Master ever!”
“Nooroo, you can take some of those cuts before we leave. I noticed you like them.”
Nooroo’s eyes lit up. “You’re so generous, Master! Thank you!” He dove into the pile to gather as many pieces of silk as he could.
Plagg huffed, rolling his eyes. “Nuisances. Did we really have to take them with us? They would’ve been perfectly fine staying home. Better yet dormant back in their miraculouses.”
“They’ve been isolated for long enough,” Adrien replied. “I think they deserve some freedom for once.”
“Not at the expense of my peace,” Plagg grumbled.
Adrien reached over and scratched his kwami under the chin, evoking an involuntary purr from him. “You’ll benefit from being around other kwamis, Plagg. Maybe then you’ll become less grumpy.”
“Being grumpy is not art just anyone can muster,” Plagg mumbled under his breath, flying into Adrien’s bag. Duusu and Nooroo, with his pile of silk cuts, joined him a moment later. Adrien turned the light off and walked out of the office. After a quick visit to a nearby grocery store, he transformed around the corner and headed home to drop off Nooroo and Duusu. Appeasing the kwamis with food and Netflix, Adrien changed into his loungewear so he’d be able to just plop into a bed right after Marinette’s, then headed off to collect his rent fee.
At exactly nine o’clock, Chat Noir knocked on her window.  
“Good evening, Chat,” she greeted with a smile.
Chat grinned and inhaled, stepping into the room. Delicious. His mouth watered. “What’s for dinner?”
“Quiche Lorraine.”
“Sounds yummy. Smells heavenly.”
She giggled. “It is yummy. Go wash your paws while I set the table.”
Chat obeyed, though it was awkward at best to wash his gloved hands, but he supposed it was justified, seeing as he touched all kinds of surfaces on his way here. As he settled down in front of a steaming slice of quiche, Chat could hardly contain his excitement. This genius rent fee was his best idea ever. Period. “Itadakimasu.”
Marinette snickered, putting a slice of quiche on her plate. “Careful, Chat. Your weeb’s showing.”
He grinned. “But it’s you. You know all my flaws already. I don’t have to pretend.”
She cocked her head to the side. “I thought you would have overgrown that stage by now.”
Chat gasped dramatically. “You can never outgrow the wonder that is anime! It’s not a phase. It’s a part of me! How could you imply so, Princess?”
Marinette laughed. “Alright, alright. Eat before you choke on your drool.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” Chat grinned before stuffing his mouth full of what he immediately judged to be the food of angels. “This is good. Very good. I could live off this my whole life.”
Marinette started on her own meal. “I learned my quiches from Papa. He’s the real deal when it comes to those. Mine aren’t up to his standard yet.”
“Says who? I remember your dad’s pies. They were delicious, but they weren’t better. In fact, in addition to being delicious, this quiche is also somehow different. There is something distinctly yours about it. So don’t you go selling yourself short.”
“You think so?”
He nodded. “You could make a fortune selling these. Marinette the Quiche Queen. I can see it now.”
Marinette laughed. “Dork. Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Then tell me how your day was while I indulge myself in this heavenly food.”
Marinette frowned, shifting her eyes to the side immediately.
“That bad?”
She nodded. “Since my assistant quit, I have to do twice the work now. And I was already struggling to keep up with my own portion. That’s why I’d stay overtime to finish whatever I couldn’t during the day, but now I can’t do even that so I’m falling behind already, and it’s only the first day.”
“Because of me and my rent fee?”
She shook her head. “Even if I didn’t have to cook for you, today my new boss enforced a curfew for us to leave the premises at the end of each working day. I have to be out of the building by eight or risk being sent on a mandatory day off the next day. And if that happens, I’ll fall even further behind which means Gabriel’s women’s line won’t make it to Paris' Fashion Week at the end of summer.”
“It’s good for your health and sanity, though, no? To get enough rest.”
“Not if I spend all of my ‘rest’ time worrying sick over not finishing my collection on time and losing my job, possibly my career, as a result,” Marinette grumbled. “Stupid curfew. Stupid Adrien. It’s like he doesn’t care in the slightest. Then, why should he care? Gabriel’s men’s line is on time and looks good. Adrien has nothing to worry about. It’s not like his whole future career hangs on that damned line.”
“I’m sure he realizes how important this is for you,” Chat said carefully. “Maybe he’s just trying to prevent you from killing yourself by introducing this curfew? Overworking and exhaustion can kill you, you know.”
“Then he could’ve just hired a new assistant for me instead,” Marinette murmured. “It would’ve been more effective.”
“And I’m sure he’s realizing that too and I won’t be surprised if he’s trying to find you one as fast as he can.”
Marinette fell silent as they continued to eat. When her plate was clean, she quietly added. “Sorry for being a downer. It’s just that… my whole career, my entire future is tied to that stupid line and this upcoming Paris Fashion Week. It will either make me or break me and after how much I’ve invested in this already… I’m not sure if I can handle the failure.”
Chat reached out, putting his hand over Marinette’s. “If I can help in any way, just tell me.”
She lifted her eyes full of tears to him, a sad smile on her lips. “You’re already helping, Chat. You gave me a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in. And honestly, this ridiculous rent fee of yours is kind of a godsend. I always enjoyed cooking. It helps me relax after a stressful day and knowing I have a friend to share my dinner with gives me the strength to hang on. So, thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” Chat shoved the last piece of his quiche in his mouth. “It’s not like I am not the one benefiting from this arrangement the most. Can I have one more slice, please?”
Marinette giggled, ruffling his hair. “Sure. And I’ll pack you some to take home.”
He closed his eyes in delight. “Thank you. Now I don’t have to admit I was already thinking of ways to beg you for thirds. This is undoubtedly the best meal I’ve had in the past few years.”
“Speaking of meals,” Marinette perked. “There is one good thing Adrien did with all the changes he’d implemented today.”
Chat quirked an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it?”  
“Well, I have no idea why since Gabriel is a huge company but his father never had a cafeteria on site. We had to either go out for lunch or bring our own, and with all the stress and rush, I did tend to forget my meals until I was starving. But then with all the work on my plate, I wouldn’t have time to go out, so I’d settle for a snack from a vending machine. But today, Adrien announced that starting tomorrow, we’ll have our own cafeteria with freshly cooked meals on-site. The best part—the company pays. All employees get food for free.”
“Wow,” Chat tried to look surprised. “Isn’t Gabriel in trouble? How can he afford that?”
“I have no idea,” Marinette replied. “But I’m not complaining. It’ll be nice to eat normal meals again.”
Chat Noir smirked. Money wasn’t an issue. Having a cafeteria on-site didn’t cost as much as everyone thought, and his father had left behind a far bigger fortune than anyone had realized. It was only fair that some of it would go into replenishing the health of employees who’d sacrificed their wellbeing catering to his father’s every whim.
Marinette thought he had a good idea! Huh! What happened to that annoyed and grumpy Marinette that glared at him at this morning’s meeting when he gathered his lead employees and announced new implementations?
“Seems like this new boss of yours isn’t so awful after all. Those new rules don't sound too bad.”
“Free food—yes, not bad at all. Curfews—no. Burn them with fire.”
Chat cocked his head to the side. “I suspect there is a reason you’re huffy about the curfew. Don’t tell me you were planning to sneak back in to work after feeding me?”
Marinette stilled for a brief moment, then cleared her throat. “That’s ridiculous. Why would you think such a thing? Are you done with that?” She pointed to his plate, standing up.
“Marinette, no,” Chat sighed, now reassured he’d made the right decision with that curfew. It seemed ridiculous to enforce it in the first place since all but Marinette left work at a decent hour, but it was the only way Adrien could think of forcing Marinette to go home and rest. “Please, promise me you won’t do that. You have all day for work. At night, you need to rest. You already collapsed once. Let’s not repeat that.”
“Don’t worry, Chat. I wouldn’t sneak back in.” Marinette shrugged. “I can’t afford to get caught and be sent home for a day. Not this close to my goal, but—” she smirked, “—a curfew doesn’t mean I can’t take work home, right?”
“I guess it doesn’t.” Chat sighed, standing up. “I’d better get going then. We wouldn’t want you to spend all your evening entertaining me and then lose sleep working.”
“You know if not for work, I’d totally kick your ass in a video game now.”
“Well, then let’s hope your boss will find you an assistant soon, so you’ll have free time to do that.”
“Let’s do that.”
Marinette packed him half of the leftover quiche and half of the macarons he’d brought her, both of them agreeing that they were too full after the main meal to have dessert right away. Then, she promised him not to stay up too late, and with that Chat Noir departed. He did have a patrol to get to.
Chat stopped at a nearby roof, wondering if he should even bother with patrolling. Hawkmoth was gone. So was Mayura. Whatever small crime was going on, the police could handle it. Paris didn’t need Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore. They didn’t have to patrol. They could go back to a somewhat normal life. Take those masks off. Maybe, finally, start a relationship. They could be free.
He only wished he could tell that to Ladybug.
That sort of revelation would entail a conversation Adrien wasn’t sure he was ready for yet. He would eventually… if only because Nooroo and Duusu needed to go back to the Guardian. But not now. Not yet. He needed time to wrap his mind around it all himself first before opening up to someone else. It pained him to keep a secret from his Lady. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to look her in the eye next time they met, but what could he do? How would he explain? Would she understand the shame and anger and confusion that was consuming him?
His baton beeped.
Ladybug: I hope you’re enjoying the weather, Chaton, and I’m sorry to ask, but would it be okay for me to miss a few more days? Work’s gotten harder for me to manage.
Chat Noir: Of course, my Lady. Take all the time you need.
Ladybug: I really am sorry. Message me if something happens.
Chat Noir: Not a problem. Good luck with your work! Hope it goes well.
Ladybug: Thanks. I’ll see you in a few days. <3
Chat Noir: <3
That settled it. Patrol abandoned, Chat Noir headed straight home. Once back at his apartment, he detransformed and plopped on his bed.
“Are you alright, Master?” Nooroo asked, floating closer.
“He’s fine,” Plagg grumbled from nearby. “It’s his normal state of brooding.”
“Are you sure?” Duusu frowned from his place in front of Adrien’s laptop. “My wielders—”
“Your miraculous was broken at the time, Duusu, wasn’t it?” Plagg rolled his eyes. “I know my kitten, and I’m telling you he’s fine.”
“I am fine,” Adrien decided to end the argument before it started. “Just tired. Lots of work. Lots of things I have to think about.”
Once again trying to concede his own father was Hawkmoth, Adrien’s mind raced to the events of the past. Little details. Tiny hints. Bigger slip-ups. How could he never have suspected anything? Even Ladybug figured him out that one time until…
“Say, Nooroo?” Adrien turned over and propped himself up to lean on his elbows. “If my father was Hawkmoth, how could he be akumatized? The Collector?”
“It can be done,” Nooroo nodded. “The butterfly wielder’s power is to give supernatural abilities to anyone, including themselves.”
“As long as there are strong negative emotions, right? That’s what we gathered over the years.”
Nooroo shook his head. “Not necessarily. Your father searched for people who were upset and angry because they were easier to manipulate. But when he akumatized himself or Mme Nathalie, for example, neither of them had strong negative emotions, just a goal in mind.”
“Wait!” Adrien sat up. “Nathalie? Are you saying Nathalie knew and was helping him?”
Nooroo lowered his eyes, glancing at Duusu, who promptly bowed his head.
Gears clicking in his head, Adrien stared in shock at the peacock kwami. His eyes bulged. “Mayura… Nathalie was Mayura, wasn’t she?”
Neither kwami spoke. Neither looked at Adrien.
Silence enveloped the room, no one daring to move or say anything until a quiet why slipped Adrien’s lips.
“We don’t have a choice but to follow the orders of our masters,” Nooroo mumbled.
Adrien shook his head. “I know that. I don’t blame you. I just… I don’t understand. Why would Father want to terrorize the city in his spare time? Why would Nathalie… She was… Why would she help him? Why would she know and do nothing about it? I just can’t…”
“For your mother,” Duusu spoke, flying closer. “Your mother was her best friend and your father had a special place in her heart. Everything she did was for them.”
“My mom?” Adrien frowned. “What does Mom have to do with all of this? She disappeared when I was fourteen…” His eyes widened as he sucked in the air. “A few months before Hawkmoth first attacked.” Looking straight at the butterfly and peacock kwami, he pressed his lips together. “What am I missing? Tell me everything.”
Nooroo glanced at Duusu before murmuring, “I don’t think that’s—”
Adrien stood up, a tight, uncomfortable feeling gripping at his chest. “This is my family we’re talking about, my father and his assistant who terrorized this city and tried to kill me for years, supposedly for my mother. Don’t you think I have the right to know?”
“Spill it, guys,” Plagg said, flying to sit on Adrien’s shoulder. “I’m rather interested myself.”
Duusu lowered his head even further as Nooroo sighed and gave in, disclosing to Adrien the story of a young Gabriel and Emilie, two adventurers in love who found Duusu and him buried under the snow on a random Tibetan mountain on one of their expeditions. They brought them back to Paris, Gabriel choosing Nooroo as Emilie favoured Duusu. Only the peacock miraculous was broken and an unfortunate accident soon after left Emilie in a magical coma.
“She didn’t disappear?” Adrien whispered, his head feeling dizzier and dizzier with every word that left Nooroo’s mouth.
The kwami shook his head. “Your father put her on life support and hid her in the basement under your house.”
Adrien’s eyes widened. “No. That can’t be.”
“He hoped that by obtaining Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses he’d be able to bring her back to life.”
“Why didn’t he take her to a hospital? They could’ve saved her.”
“A coma caused by magic cannot be resolved by human medicine,” Nooroo sighed.
“No.” Adrien backed away, shaking his head. “This can’t be right. You’re mistaken. My mom disappeared when I was fourteen. They pronounced her legally dead a few years ago. We even had a funeral! I attended that funeral! Don’t tell me she’s still in a coma in the basement of my father’s house!”
“She’s not,” Nooroo replied. “There was a really bad rainy season a few weeks before that funeral. The basement flooded. The system that kept her alive was damaged. The back-up sustained substantial water damage as well and couldn’t kick in when her life support failed. Every minute counted, and your father and Nathalie were both out of the house that day. When they got back, it was already too late.”
Nooroo paused for a moment, letting his words settle in before adding, “Your mother’s coffin at her funeral wasn’t closed because it was empty. It was because your father had no way of explaining how after years of claiming his wife was missing, he suddenly had her body, looking just as young as the day she’d disappeared. I’m sorry, Adrien.”
Stunned, Adrien continued to shake his head, his feet and hands going cold. A chill ran down his spine, skin tingling with discomfort as he struggled to breathe. “No. You’re lying.”
“Kwamis can’t lie,” Duusu whispered. “We can avoid saying things but we can’t lie.”
“No,” Adrien kept repeating. “This… this can’t be true.”
“That’s why Hawkmoth vanished around that same time,” Nooroo said. “Your father had no one to save anymore.”
“No!” Adrien swore under his breath, turning away. This was too much. His mom had still been alive all those years. In a coma but still alive. His father fought them all that time to save her? Was it even possible? Ladybug explained the whole “ultimate wish” to him once, and if Adrien remembered correctly it was more of an ‘equal exchange’ deal than a wish. Was his father aware? He must have been. He had that book on miraculouses. Was he then ready to sacrifice another life for Mom? Someone just as dear to him?
Or him?
His head spun, stomach violently churning. He leaned against the wall. Neither of those choices made it right. Mom would’ve never wanted that. She’d hate him for doing so. Heck! She’d snatch those miraculouses off him and reverse the wish! Adrien could see it even now. Fierce, always ready to defend justice, and immeasurably kind. His mother was his role model. And as much as Adrien would love to see her again, he knew she’d never let someone else die for her sake. Father should’ve known it as well. How could he claim to have loved her if he was ready to violate something so fundamental to her beliefs? And at a price she’d never agreed to pay?
“Adrien?” Plagg appeared in front of his face, looking rather distressed himself.
Adrien raised his watering eyes to his kwami. “He was a monster,” he whispered. “He was insane. I need… I need to go. Plagg, claws out!
A bright flash of green and Chat Noir sprinted across Paris, not bothering to choose a direction. He just ran. Ran until he collapsed from exhaustion on a random roof, unable to contain his tears anymore.
Next >
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nalufever · 4 years
do you have any more nalu fic recs?
Sorry, not sorry - you’ve unleashed more than you could’ve guessed. ^^ Always happy to Recommend a List of Fics ~ And thank you for asking! Admittedly there’s a few Recs that aren’t Nalu - I got excited to share my favs. ;)
A Girl Worth Fighting For: Natsu navigates unspeakable horrors to win Lucy’s love or Natsu goes shopping, looking for the perfect white day gift. 
A Lesson: Natsu and Lucy can’t keep themselves from expressing their passions - and the results are bed breaking. Short but smutty - smexy in fact. ;P 
A Solidly Constructed Kiss: Erza strong-arms Lucy and Natsu into working the Kissing Booth to raise funds for a school trip. Lucy’s never been kissed and Natsu acts like he’s never entertained even the idea of kissing another person. Things naturally come to a head when Lucy and Natsu are given the task to build the actual booth; will they fight over construction or build themselves some kind of relationship? 
Fairy Tail Week: A collection of drabbles from tumblr prompts to celebrate Fairy Tail. Fairy, Ladies, Lads, Magic, Guild, Ultimate Team, Stronger, Mashima, Tail. Only rated teen to err on the side of caution, family friendly content featuring most of the Fairy Tail Guild! 
Feathers and Scales: Angel/Demon AU. Devils are more than they seem and Angels no less. Pitted against each other in a never-ending battle for souls, a single Angel and Devil trade mercies and fall in love. Warning: major character death(s). 
Full Moon Secret: Natsu had wanted to tell Lucy his secrets, to share his family history with the fey…it had just never been the right time. Tonight the truth was going to be revealed, one way or another. 
Okay, I could just keep hyping all of my own fics individually - but I won’t - other than to just put in a link to ALL OF THEM. ;) Fair warning, I have a few other fandoms works in all the Fairy Tail stories - from Brooklyn 99 to The Flash, Snow White with the Red Hair, RWBY, Blue Exorcist, Teen Titans and some Hakuouki. Yes, I’m a shameless self-promoter. Speaking of that - one more I need to rec!  Natsu’s Stars in Lucy’s Sky. I swear Imma finish this. 
I also have more than a few favourite authors who write for Fairy Tail (and other fandoms) ~ some have not contributed lately to Fairy Tail or chosen to concentrate on other fandoms - but I like them and their excellent writing. 
ObsessedwithNalu: One of my first fandom friends and pretty much any of her FT stories is gold. @obsessedwithnalu  
Christmas Treats: Admittedly a gift to me and very cherished for that fact - and - it’s frigging awesome. Lucy does a little holiday baking at home before Fairy Tail’s Christmas party. Natsu, as always, is there. One thing leads to another… 
Thanks, Krov: When Krov decided to relax at his favorite bar after work, he never imagined that he’d be seeing some of his old guild members, especially since he thought they had died long ago. Nalu fluff. 
Edo-Nalu love fest: Submissions for the Nalu love fest week of 2014. But instead of regular Nalu, these ones feature Edo-Nalu. Smut-tastic and delightfully mature. 
ImpracticalDemon: Another early fandom friend who’s still writing this, that and the other thing - and she’s just GREAT. Again, a link to all her works and a few that are special to me follow. XOXOX @impracticaldemon  
May the Best Man Survive: “Gray would never have in a million years thought he’d host Natsu’s bachelor party (Nalu pairing). Why is it his job to herd the bunch of rowdy mages from bar to bar, ending up at the guild where the real surprise party is? Oh yeah, the idiot had asked him to be the best man at his wedding. Hijinks, chaos and hilarity ensue.” ^^ A prompt supplied by me and I’m smirking so wide because the fic Imp came up with delivered more awesomeness than I could have hoped for! 
A Star At His Side: “Accidentally Fall Asleep Together” for Endragoneel on tumblr. Natsu and Lucy spend the day together at a festival in Magnolia. Natsu ends up watching more than just the stars when the festival is over… 
Christmas Gifts: When Erza walks Wendy home from the Guild’s Christmas Party, Wendy realizes how alone her friend and mentor is feeling. She sets out to recruit Lucy, Natsu and the rest to break Jellal out of prison for just one night, as a Christmas gift for Erza. Meanwhile, Natsu has accidentally burned some of Lucy’s writing. Will she forgive him? 
Dark Shining Light: One of the best and most welcoming writers I have ever interacted with! I’m still gobsmacked she’s a friend! She’s a legend and I don’t know what else I could add to any discourse about her writing - but the classics are classic for a reason, yeah? Here’s a few of my personal favourites of her works and just know there’s too many to list them all! AKA @ff-darkshininglight 
Mischievous Cat: Let’s just say there have been a few incidents where Happy has come in at a bad time. 
What Belongs to a Demon: Everyone knew she belonged to the great demon lord and she would prove that she deserved to stand by his side. 
The Truth Revealing Cards: Lucy should have known if there was a card that would reveal her secrets, Natsu would want it. 
Eliz1369: Got introduced to her for her Hakuoki fics but she’d dipped her toes into FT as well ~ and this is a great fic. ^^ @eliz1369 
The Light of Fairy Tail: The members of Fairy Tail may be their own brand of crazy, but their hearts are always in the right place. 
rougescribe: Shame on me for not reading more of this author’s works! @rougescribe  
Fire Sprite No 5: For him, Heaven wasn’t a place or a single moment in time. It was a feeling built on memories upon memories, past and present and a hope for future ones all tied down together. All sharing one common denominator: Her. Nalu. Tumblr Valentine’s Event. 
Fallen Ark Angel: Admittedly I only have interacted from afar with this writer. I mainly read Nalu fics but I love her take on Mira and Laxus and her next gen offspring characters. She’s got a lot to offer and it’s all superb. @fallen029
Loving Satan: Loving Satan is never easy. But when she loves you back, its twice as bad. 
Madartiste: Another one-sided love affair with someone else’s writing. And her stories are all wonderful and prolly appear on hundreds of Fic Rec Lists - but here’s one of my Favs! @madartiste  
Hoarding: Getting interrupted gets old fast. 
UranoMetria: I added her to my stable of fav authors 05-03-2014. Wow. Eons ago and even if I’m not sure she’s still active in the fandom, I salute her. Kudos. 
The Goddess Gate: With six years of partnership, Natsu and Lucy are torn apart by a mysterious visit from a secret magic council. Lucy is kidnapped and her memories suppressed. She fights her way back home to regain her life - with a startling secret revealed as she begins to remember. The lives of all Earthland hang in the balance. **Okay, this is a wicked old fic - but amazingly written and fuelled my own desires for writing. Last updated in 2018 but who knows? Some current attention may slay any demons on her back in regards to writing - and even if not - the hours of enjoyment reading this is worth giving a comment just to say, ‘thank you for writing.‘ 
Wild Rhov: Do I even need to say anything about this author? Famous, famous, famous. Excellent. Writes a lot of pairings and fleshes every relationship into something REAL. I Can’t Even. @wildrhov  
Beastly Possession: Something is murdering people in Magnolia. When Lucy is attacked, Natsu goes on a rampage to find the culprit, and everyone in Fairy Tail wants revenge. But could this bloodthirsty attacker be someone they know? Warning: High octane nightmare fuel! Do not read while eating, and beware of red eyes in the dark! 
Shell1331: Introduced via Imp. This writer is in a few fandoms and is worth reading. @shell-senji  
Juicy: Impulsivity and poorly chosen words get Natsu into more trouble than he’d expected, which is saying something for him. 
AbsentAngel: Everyone should know this writer. Been stalking her since 2014 so that says something. Tho, it’s prolly just that I’m creepy. ;) My suggested fic here is being re-written/has been? into something original and worth being purchased when it becomes available and re-read over and over. No, I am not being paid to shill but I am open to having senpai notice me. @absent-angel  
To the Flame: She stares, transfixed, as the blood runs down his fingers and begins to pool in his palm. He holds his hand up to her lips in offering, and she tears her eyes away from the blood to study his face. He is smiling softly. “Go on Luce, I didn’t cut them for nothing.” [Vamp AU] 
HawkofNavarre: Loved for awesome and delightful Gruvia content. Looks like there’s a tumblr but I can’t manage to link it. :(
You Stole the Rain: He just wanted to be friends; fine, she just needed to change his mind. Gray x Juvia 
Ricardian Scholar Clark-Weasley: Not sure I spelled that right even after checking three times! I usually short hand that to RS-CW in my head. And she’s prolific - has a tonne of fandoms and is a tower of talent. Is anyone reading all my fangirl gushing? 'Cause she follows one of my fics and comments (sorry I haven’t updated that fic in a while) and it’s a source of happiness that someone who writes so well happens to enjoy some of my content. Okay, bragging over - back to the Recs! 
Tales of Fairies: A collection of oneshots exploring different friendships, ideas, sad themes, comical scenarios, and lots and lots of pairings…but mainly Nalu. 
snogfairy: Another giant in the FT fandom. Impressive talent. @lineffability  
naughty nalus: smutty nalu oneshots B) ***Mature content!*** 
Rivendell101: Another giant in FT and other fandoms. This author would be considered required reading if I ran a fandom course in a University setting. Just sayin’ @rivendell101  
Crave: /krāv/ Verb. To feel a powerful desire for (something). They crave each other. And satiation doesn’t come easily. He growls against her again. “Beg for it,” he demands, lips ghosting against her. 
Lakerae aka @hidetheremote : Did you think I’d forgotten you? Ha! Gotcha good! You’re an inspiration to me because you’re working so hard to publish your children’s books. Kudos to you li'l sis! You’re busy but still make it a point to talk to me and I love you for that and everything.
The Gift of the Magi: A Gajevy Twist: A retelling of the classic Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi,” with your favorite Fairy Tail couple Gajeel and Levy! It’s Christmas time and Gajeel and Levy exchange gifts. They both are surprised what they receive and learn a lesson of the true meaning of Christmas. 
I could add more and more as I search my saved favs on FF.net ~ and I’m sorry to not include all of them - but this is crazy long as it is. If you read and like any of the recommended fics, please be sure to let the author know. To the authors of these and all fanfics, Thanks for everything.
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Here is my first story on the blog. I wrote this during Mar to June 2020 when I was home during the pandemic.
Malena and Silvia
Chapter 1: The missing princess
There was once a fairy kingdom and it was very beautiful. It was surrounded by big green trees that protected it from the outside world. All the little fairy houses were very colourful and were painted with all the colours of the rainbow. The streets were the colour galaxy and had sparkles paved into them. The castle was big and pink, with big white doors that had pink handles. It had one tall tower in the middle and two smaller towers on each side. A handsome king and a beautiful queen lived in the castle.
One fateful day, the queen named Marian, gave birth to a beautiful baby princess named Malena. She had beautiful blue eyes and pretty purple hair. She wore a cute little pink dress. When the whole kingdom was celebrating and Malena was taking a nap in her crib, an evil pixie named Evilyn stole the little princess! Evilyn was an evil pixie with long black hair with a red streak across the centre, a black and red dress and dark brown eyes. She used to live with all the other pixies in Pixie land. But she was so evil that they banished her and she was left living all alone in a bog. The king, queen, and guards heard the baby crying. They ran upstairs as fast as they could. But, the princess was gone......
Chapter 2: Silvia
They looked for her for a very long time but, they had no luck. The princess was stuck in a little house on a bog with Evilyn for a long time. The house was on a giant Lilly pad, surrounded by water and other water plants. Growing up in the bog, the princess made a lot of friends like frogs, dragonflies, spiders, ladybugs, etc. The princess knew she was royal, except Evilyn kind of lied to her. She told Malena that she was her actual mother and they lived in a castle before. Then the king turned mad and banished them and took over the whole kingdom. When Malena first heard that story she didn’t know what her actual life was supposed to be like and she didn’t know that Evilyn wasn’t her actual mother. She believed everything that Evilyn told her.
One day the princess got a message from one of her little bug friends. “Princess, there’s something you should see.” said the little bug in an urgent voice. “Be very careful.” said Evilyn squeezing Malena’s arm tightly. Evilyn let go and Malena went to see what was going on. They walked away from the bog toward the trees. Then she saw a little pink ferret with a design of light blue and white stripes on her body. She was entangled in a web of vines hanging down from a tree. “Oh you poor thing.” said Malena in a soft voice. “Help me, help me!” said the ferret. “Ouchie Ouchie my leg hurts!” cried the ferret.
“Dragonflies, you go around the top of the tree and untangle her there. Frogs, you untangle her all around the bottom. I’ll untangle her around the middle.” They got the ferret untangled and Malena saw that the ferret’s leg was broken because it was wrapped around in the vines too tightly. All the creatures helped Malena carry the ferret. “What’s your name?” asked Malena. “My name is Silvia.” said the ferret weakly.
Chapter 3: Malena and Silvia
Malena took Silvia straight back to the bog and all her little friends followed them. “Mother, we found this poor ferret whose leg is broken, can we keep her until she’s healed?” “Fine.” said Evilyn. “Oh thank you, thank you!” said Malena happily. Now what Malena didn’t know at the time, was that Silvia and her were going to make some great memories together.
“Malena!” cried a salamander “You better come see this. Now you might get disgusted but, what can I say.” “Coming!” Malena hurried back to where she had left Silvia and saw Silvia’s foot was really, really, really broken. “Oh no!” said Malena. They wrapped Silvia’s foot and put a splinter so that she can heal as fast as she could. “Oh thank you, thank you! You’re all so kind, no one ever really cares about a very rare ferret like me. You are all just so very kind indeed!” Said a vert grateful Silvia. “You’re welcome.” said Malena in a sorrowful voice. Silvia thought to herself, “Huh? Why does she sound so...sad? I wonder what is the matter?” Silvia was very confused. She didn’t know why Malena was so sad.
“Um...” Silvia started, “what’s your name again?” “Oh me?” asked Malena. “Yes you.” said Silvia. “My name is Malena.” she said to the ferret. “Oh well, Malena, can I ask you something, in private?” she whispered. “Why are you so sad?” Malena answered, “well, it’s because when we carried you to the bog...” Malena started, “I quickly asked my mother, Evilyn if we could keep you until you’re healed.” “So?” asked Silvia. “So, I said until you’re HEALED, not forever. And that means some day you will have to go when your leg is all better.” Malena said in a very sad voice. This made Silvia sad, because she was hoping to stay here with her new friends. “Well what if I said that I didn’t have a home and that I was lonely? Would she let me stay then?”
“Oh Silvia, I know you have a family and a home.” said Malena. “But, but, I want to stay, because... well because, you are the one who saved me and you just made my life so much better. Please, let me stay.” Begged Silvia. “Um, I’ll try to ask my mother again. I bet she’s going to be furious.” said Malena to herself. “Yay!!!” Malena flew to her house to ask her mother. “Um, mother?” “Yes deary?” said Evilyn. “Can... can?” Malena stuttered. “CAN WHAT deary?!” yelled Evilyn. Malena was so scared, “Can Silvia stay with us forever?!” She asked very fast. “Uh, uh.” Evilyn stammered. “Well uh, no. She’s a ferret honey, and I don’t want to take care of a PET forever! It’s too much work.” “Well how about I take care of her, and promise to do it very responsibly?” said Malena. “NO!!!” Evilyn was getting mad and it wasn’t very good, she was bringing her inner evil out.
“UGGGGH!” Malena cried all the way to her bed. I think she was feeling Evilyn’s inner evil, and that was not good at ALL. Silvia had limped her way to Malena’s house when she heard Evilyn shouting. She found her way into Malena’s room and found her crying on the bed. “What’s wrong this time Malena?” said Silvia curling up into Malena’s bed. “My mother is the worst ever. She won’t let me keep you! She’s... she’s...” She trailed off. “Evil?” Asked Silvia. “Yes.” Said Malena. “Well that actually could be true except, she let you keep me until I was healed so, maybe she is not that bad?.” “Wait, what do you mean that could be true?” “Well, I heard this story about a fairy princess in the fairy kingdom,” Silvia started, “And she was stolen by this evil pixie named Evilyn, and that’s the same as your mother’s name!” “Well it can’t be a coincidence because, she’s been mean to me almost my whole life, and she mostly seemed evil.” said Malena. “Whooooa! Wait, so that means you’re the fairy princess of the fairy kingdom!” said Silvia in astonishment.
Chapter 4: The truth revealed
“All my life I just knew it!” Malena said in a rage. She knew her whole life that Evilyn was evil because Evilyn yells at her a lot. Unlike a normal parent, she yells for the weirdest things. For example, say someone found a lost dog or a bunny and they took it home. They would ask their parents if they could keep it and they would say, “Um, um... sure!”, (maybe). But Evilyn wouldn’t, she would just straight up say no like what she said to Malena about keeping Silvia.
Malena flew out of her room to find Evilyn. “Deary, deary, what’s the matter?!” said Evilyn. “YOU, uggggh!” Malena screamed. “What do you mean deary?” “I know your scheme, I know that you stole me from my real mom and dad! And now I know that I’m the fairy princess of the fairy kingdom!” said Malena. “Well deary...” said Evilyn. “Looks like you caught me.” she said in an evil voice.
Malena had a mad look on her face, and just then she turned away to leave. But, as she was leaving Evilyn grabbed her and put a cloth with something on it that made everything black for Malena.
Chapter 5: Where is Malena?
Meanwhile, Silvia was looking for Malena outside. “Malena, Malena!” Silvia was shouting. “Ugh, where is that girl?” Then Silvia went inside cause she couldn’t find Malena outside. Silvia looked all over the place and she still couldn’t find her. She also couldn’t find Evilyn. “Hmm...” Silvia said. “Well where did I last see Malena. Oh! I remember! She went marching to find Evilyn, cause I told her that story. And I heard some talking, so that must mean that they were talking, but then it stopped!”
Suddenly Silvia looked as if she knew where Malena was, and it wasn’t a very good face. “Oh no!” said Silvia. “Evilyn must have taken Malena somewhere, but I don’t know where!” Suddenly, Silvia heard something. “What’s that noise? It sounds like it’s coming from underwater!” She looked at the water and saw something down in the pond, and there were lots of bubbles coming up from the water. Silvia dived in the water so fast all you could see was a pink, blue, and white blur. And she did it to save her friend because Silvia saw that it was Malena in the water! Evilyn had tied Malena up so she couldn’t swim. Silvia saw underwater that Malena had been tied up so she came back up from the water and ran as fast as possible to the house. She grabbed a small knife she found and went back in the water to cut the rope that Malena had been tied with.
Then Silvia helped Malena out of the water. “Thanks for saving me Silvia.” said Malena panting. “No problem Malena. Now let me ask you a question.” “Ok go ahead.” “Did Evilyn put you underwater all tied up and everything?” asked Silvia. “Yes she did. Ugh I can’t believe I’ve been living with someone evil like that my whole life!” “Don’t worry Malena, it’s ok. Hey I have an idea!” said Silvia. “What?!” said Malena curious of what the idea is going to be. “How about we try to find the king and queen of the fairy kingdom and tell them the whole story!” “Wow, that’s a great idea Silvia!”
Chapter 6: Sam and Silvia
“Um Malena?” “Yes Silvia?” “Do you know where the king and queen’s castle is, do you even know where the kingdom is?” Silvia was starting to worry. “Don’t worry Silvia, I know where the castle is and the kingdom.” Then Malena pointed to something from across the bog. Far away in the distance on a hill you can see a pink building and it looked like a castle! So then Silvia knew there was nothing to worry about because all they had to do was go straight toward that castle. “Ok I think I’m ready.” said Silvia. “Let go!”
So off they went very excited to see the fairy kingdom. They had not gone too far when suddenly they met someone who looked a lot like Silvia! “Who are you?!” asked Malena in astonishment. “Oh no!” Silvia thought to herself. That someone was a purple ferret, with aqua green and white stripes. He looked a little mad. “Ugh Silvia, mom’s gonna be so mad, so it’s a good thing I found you!” said the ferret. “Sam! Ugh!” said Silvia. Malena on the other hand had no idea what was happening. She didn’t know how Silvia knew Sam the other ferret, and she didn’t know what they were talking about! “Uh Silvia, who is this and how do you know him?!” Silvia sighed. “Malena, meet Sam...” Silvia stammered. “M...my...my brother.” “Silvia, you have a brother?!” “Yes. An annoying one too.”
Silvia had this mad look on her face like she didn’t want her brother to be there. “Now I can take you home so I don’t get a beating from mom.” said Sam. “Well I don’t want you to get a beating but I also don’t want you to be here. Me and my new friend Malena are trying to do something important and you’re in our way Sam.” “Well if you don’t come back home Silvia, then mom won’t know you’re ok, she’ll start worrying, and take you back home forever. Do you want that to happen or do you want to help your friend here?” “Ugh fine I’ll come with you.” said Silvia. “Good.” said Sam. “But Silvia!” said Malena sadly. “I thought you were going to help me find my real parents!”
“Oh don’t worry Malena, I will help you find them but if you want me to help you I have to go home first.” said Silvia. She was really getting mad cause she really didn’t want any interruptions on this journey. “Wait, will I be staying there for a long time Sam cause then I have no time?” asked Silvia. “No.” said Sam. “We’re just going to stop by at home so mom knows you’re ok.” “Oh good. So it will just be a little stop at home ok Malena, nothing to worry about.” said Silvia. “Ok.” So Sam and Silvia headed to their house and Malena followed, just to see where they lived and to see how long it was going to take.
Chapter 7: Meeting the Ferret family
When they made it home, Sam opened the door and Malena saw a red ferret with pink and white stripes. “Oh darling you’re back! Now I know you’re safe and sound.” “Hi mom.” said Silvia. “Sam can we go now?” Sam was about to say something when someone interrupted him. “Hey wait! Don’t leave yet!” Then Malena saw a gray ferret with black and white stripes. “Um Silvia, is that a skunk?” asked Malena in a whisper. “No, that’s my dad, not a skunk. But if he were a skunk, mom wouldn’t let him in the house.” Silvia chuckled.
“Hi honey! Say, where were you all day?” “Dad you know I was just taking a walk.” “Yeah I know.” “But while I was walking I got stuck in some vines from a big tree. And my new friend Malena helped me out!” Then Sam moved aside so Silvia’s dad could see Malena. “Hi.” Malena said shyly. All of a sudden Silvia’s dad came running to Malena and hugged her so tight. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for helping my daughter!” Then he hugged Malena even tighter! “Ok dad that’s enough.” said Silvia.
“Now can we go Silvia?” “Yeah. Ok everyone, me and Malena have to go now on an important mission, I will see you soon.” “Bye honey!” “Bye darling, be safe!” “Bye sis!” Said her family, as they watched her walk away down the road with Malena.
Chapter 8: Reunited at last
Malena and Silvia left, off to continue their journey. After a long day of walking, they finally made it to the fairy kingdom, without any other distractions. “We’re here!” Malena said. They went up to the castle door and knocked. The latch on the door made a loud clanging sound. Then somebody opened the door. He had a big, furry, green hat, a blue coat with red buttons, and black pants. The girls could tell that he was one of the guards.
“Who goes there?” he said in a deep voice. “I’m Silvia and this is my friend Malena, the fairy princess.” Silvia winked. The guard gasped. “Uh, hold on a minute, I will be right back.” he said. He went back inside the castle and closed the door. The girls started to get nervous. A moment later he came back... with the king and queen! “Your Majesty.” said Malena bowing down. “Uh uh... your Majester.” said Silvia. The king and queen were confused and Silvia started to sweat.
“Um sorry about that your Majesty’s, this is my best friend Silvia and I’m Malena.” “Oh hello, we had a daughter who was named Malena.” said the queen. “Well that’s the point.” said Silvia. ”This is your long lost daughter.” Silvia pointed to Malena and the king and queen looked at Malena with their mouths opened wide. “Is this true?” asked the king and queen. They stared at Malena in disbelief. “Um well yes.” said Malena. “And how are we supposed to know this is true?” asked the queen. “Do you know the name of evil pixie who stole your daughter?” asked Malena. “Yes.” said the king and queen.
“Was it Evilyn by any chance, spelt E-V-I-L-Y-N?” “Yes it was!” said the king and queen in astonishment. “Well Evilyn was my mother, well my pretend mother.” “Well we still don’t have enough evidence.” said the king. “Not much evidence, not much evidence!” said Silvia. “My friend here is definitely your daughter, she has purple hair, and is exactly like your daughter.” The king and queen looked at each other and then at Malena. They looked into her eyes and they knew it right then. “We have proof.” said the queen. “Oh honey!” said the queen hugging Malena really tight. “My daughter, I missed you so much” said the king joining in the hug. Malena hugged them back with the biggest smile on her face, while happy tears rolled down her cheeks.
Chapter 9: Where is Evilyn?
“We need your help in capturing Evilyn and taking her far away, where she can’t hurt anybody, for good.” said the king, after he finally let go of hugging her. “Well do you know where she is?” asked the queen. “Um no, but we have to try to figure out.” Said Malena. “We need clues, traces of her. Honey is the famous detective in the royal guard available?” asked the queen. “Maybe. I might be able to call the royal council and maybe they can tell me if he’s available.” said the king. “Well then,” started the queen, “let’s start making some calls. Call everyone you can think of, the council, the townspeople, anyone and let’s see if they can tell us something.” said the queen. “Yes ma’am.” said Silvia excited to help with the search to capture Evilyn and bring her to justice. Then, everyone started to leave, but as they left the queen grabbed Malena by the arm and hugged her so tight. “I missed you.” she said in Malena’s ear. Malena smiled. She let go and Malena left with Silvia. The queen stayed back in the castle so she could call some people.
The next morning Silvia came back to the castle, “I couldn’t find anyone.” Then the king came behind her and said, “I couldn’t find anyone either.” But, Malena didn’t join them. The queen thought she was still out looking, but she started to worry. All of a sudden, Malena came rushing through the door and said, “I found someone!” “You did?!” said the queen.
“Who did you find?” asked the queen. “I found someone who says he is the best detective in the kingdom.” said Malena. The king and queen looked at each other. What Malena didn’t know was that there was another detective in the kingdom who says he’s a good one because he’s actually not. But what the king and queen didn’t know was that this was someone else, someone good. “Well,” said the queen nervously, “where is he?” “Follow me.” Malena said. She lead them to a grimy, old alley between two old buildings and the road was right in front of them. People passing by were wondering where the royal family were going.
“Here is where he said to meet him.” Malena said. The king and queen were not so sure about this. “If this is the bad detective,” the queen whispered to the king, “we will put him in jail.” “Ok.” said the king back. “So where is he?” Silvia asked. “He should be here by now.” Malena said. Then a dark figure came out from the shadows. He was wearing a dirty bronze hat, a dirty bronze coat, and dark sunglasses. He came into the light and took his glasses off. “I’m detective Florian.” he said in a dark voice. “I’m Malena and this is Silvia, the Queen, and the King, my parents.” “So you’re the lost fairy princess? Welcome back miss.” the detective said. “Now what do you need help with?” he asked. “We need help finding a villain.” Malena said. “And who might that villain be? the detective asked.
“Evilyn, the evil pixie who stole Malena as a child.” Silvia said. The detective gasped. “She’s still out there somewhere!” Malena said. “I will do my best to find her and bring her back to the castle your majesties.” Said the detective.
Are you excited to find out how the story ends?Well you will have to come back to my blog again soon..... :)
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nanasarea · 4 years
M’lady ii I zch
Prompt: You never knew helping an old woman would give you the responsibility quiet this big, but it’s a good thing you don’t have to share it alone. 
Genre: crack fluff
Pairing: ladybug!reader x chat noir!chenle
Word count: 2.5k (literally the longest i’ve ever written omg)
a/n: slight spoiler for miraculous ladybug if you haven’t seen the finale yet haha also this is so long overdue and not proofread i apologize also pollen and hyuck’s interaction where he’s like “fuck that bitch up” is @jaemallow​ ‘s idea so thank you so much, moonie, i love you! 
prequel to M’lady  (kinda)
Indent + italic = flashback
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“When I first got here, you hated me!” Chenle said “What? No, I didn’t!” You tried convincing him, to which he only gave you a “don’t bullshit me” look. “Fine, maybe a little.” 
“Who is he anyway?” You asked, the disgust in your voice very noticeable, which is what your friend, Ryujin mentioned first when answering.
“Woah, don’t get too excited.” She said, laughing.
“His name is Zhong Chenle. He recently started attending this school. He use to be home schooled but his parents finally let him come to public school. I heard everyone is surprised that he’s not going to a private school, since his family is so wealthy.” Ryujin explained as your attention stayed on the tall boy sitting in the 3rd row. 
“Why now?” You asked.
“Ask him, why don’t you.” She winked before going to sit on her seat.
All day, all you heard was Chenle, Chenle, Chenle, it’s all people talked about.
Sure, he was cute, and wealthy, and he might have wowed everyone with his piano skills while you waited for your music professor to come to class, but what you couldn’t understand was why. 
“A little?” He asked, laughing. 
“I did think you were cute if that helps.” You joked. 
“Now, I know we’re not suppose to say too much but when did you get the box?” He asked. 
You kept thinking about Chenle, all day. So much so that you got distracted on your walk home and didn’t even notice the old lady almost being run over by a  motorcyclist.
Fortunately, you snapped back into reality at the right moment, so you could help her out. 
You ran towards her as fast as you could and tried to guide her away from the motorcycle before it could run her over. 
“Are you okay, ma’am?” You asked, concerned for her safety. 
“Oh, why thank you, young lady.” She thanked you warmly before she turned to face you. 
“You seem very kind.” She added.
“No problem! I would like to think everyone would have helped in my situation.” You nervously said.
She took your hand and said “One would like to hope, but not everyone is as kind as you.” She smiled before giving you her goodbyes and leaving your side. 
“Ma’am, you forgot th-” “I assure you, I never forget anything.” She cut you off before you could ask her about the box she left in your hand. 
It was a small red oval wooden box with black dots all around. You decided to put it in your bag and open it once you got home, which you did.
You stared at it for half an hour, wondering what it could be and if you should actually open it or not. You finally got the courage and opened it.
“Hi, y/n! My name’s Tikki!” The small being greeted, which caused you to fall back along with your chair.
You let out a scream before asking “What are you? Who are you? Why do you know my name?” You asked. 
“I’m a kwami, as I said, my name’s Tikki-” “A k-kwami? What’s that?” You asked. 
“Kwamis are divine, sprite-like beings who embody "abstract" concepts. They give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings!” She explained as you continued to stare at her in confusion. 
After she finished explaining how the old lady was the guardian of the miraculous and when she met you, she knew she had to give you the miraculous of creation.
She also explained that when you say “Tikki, spots on.”, you transform into a ladybug-themed superhero and to switch back, you just have to say “Tikki, spots off”.
On top of it all, she explained the powers of the lucky charm and so much more.
“But why me? How could I posses the power of creation?” You asked. 
“No worries, y/n, master Dupain-Cheng makes no mistakes! I would know, I was her kwami when she was your age!” Tikki smiled before telling you the story of how her previous master was the same as you. 
“What about you?” You asked, wondering how his first encounter with Plagg went.
“He was a handful, he kept asking for cheese.” He laughed
He was making his way to the car when he saw an old lady almost trip and fall but he thankfully got to the elderly in time to save her.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” he asked “Yes, I’m fine, young man, you are very kind.” She smiled as she put a hand on his bag.
“My apologize, at my age, you don’t really have your balance anymore.” She laughed.
“Do you need help with anything?” He asked, smiling.
“No thank you! I’ll manage, kind sir. Have a good day!” She said quickly before making her way back home.
“Chenle?” His assistant asked, to which he quickly ran towards the car.
Once he got to his room, he threw his bag onto his desk, only to find a box flying out of it.
“That’s...strange...I don’t remember owning such a box.” He said to himself before taking the box into his hand and staring at it.
“When did you get in my bag?” He asked before opening the box and seeing a small flying creature staring at him.
“Hey, you’re cool! Like a genie in a bottle or something.” Chenle excitedly said
“Yeah yeah, I met him once, he’s a big show off. I’m way better. The name’s Plagg. Nice to meet you! Do you have any food? I’m starving!” and with that, Plagg started flying across Chenle’s room.
“Hey! Hold on! What even are you?” Chenle asked .
“I’m a kwami, I grant powers, yours is destruction, understand?” Plagg asked.
“Not quite.” Chenle answered.
“Good, now where’s the camembert?” He asked before searching the room.
“D-did you not hear me?” Chenle asked.
“Camembert and then we talk!” Plagg commanded.
After getting him his precious cheese, Plagg started explaining. Not that it mattered, since it made no sense, but Chenle at least learned about the guardian and his powers.
“Let me get this straight. All I have to do to transform is say Plagg, claws out?” Chenle asked to which Plagg nodded before Chenle felt his transformation starting.
“Woah, awesome!” Chenle yelled before running to the nearest mirror.
“I do look very cool and handsome if I do say so myself.” he commented as he continued to check himself out in the mirror.
“I have to admit, the first time I met you, or ladybug, to be specific. I thought you were cute too.” Chenle replied, blushing and looking down at his iced chocolate. 
After the day you met Tikki, you had done some research on kwamis and Miraculouses, when you weren’t obsessively questioning everyone’s liking to a certain new classmate.
This day, you were hanging out at your friend’s place. It was suppose to be her brother’s birthday party but you couldn’t help but read the book you downloaded on your phone on the history of Ladybugs. 
“No offence, but you are going to have to put down your phone and enjoy. If not, I’ll be sad.” The brother said as he sat down next to you. 
“Sorry, Jeno. I was just doing some research.” You apologized. 
“What on?” He asked, causing you to panic, as you had no time to come up with an excuse “Sorry, rude to pry.” Jeno added before you could answer. 
“No worries.” You chuckled before saying “Nice guitar” as you saw him moving forward to grab it.
“Wanna hear me play?” He asked “Of course!” You replied, smiling at him. 
“What does she even see in him?” Chenle asked on the other side of the room.
 “Maybe the fact that he actually talks to her?” Jisung laughed at his best friend’s pout 
“You know what? Who even asked you.” Chenle scuffed as he took a sip from his drink.
With the nighttime approaching, Chenle’s annoyance grew, but so did Jeno.
You see, if Jeno hated anything, it was people calling him unfunny. Yes, it was a joke most of the time, but it hurt.
When his friends called him unfunny, he just laughed along, but once other classmates, who only see him at school did it, he got mad. It got to the point where you noticed a purple butterfly fly towards his guitar.
“ Oh no.” You whispered to yourself.
“Jeno watch out! There’s an akuma flying straight to your guitar!” You yelled but before you knew it, it had already made contact with his guitar, causing his whole body and guitar to be covered in a purple substance before he transformed.
This caused everyone to run away from him, including you and including Chenle. 
“So, I’m guessing this is the part where I have to transform and do my thing?” You asked the floating kwami, to which Tikki nodded happily. 
“Tikki, spots on!” You yelled as you felt your clothes changing. 
“Plagg, claws out!” Chenle yelled in the bathroom, unknowingly not so far away from you. 
You ran out to catch up with Jeno, or his akumatized self. 
“Meow, who are you?” The sudden comment stopped you in your track, causing you to turn around and see a tall boy in a black catsuit. 
“I’m guessing your the infamous Chat Noir, who’s going to accompany me in taking down Hawkmoth?” You asked, to which he just stared in confusion. 
“Hawk what now?” He asked.
 “Did your kwami not tell you anything?” You asked, chuckling at the confused boy in front of you.
“Plagg...likes to eat more than he likes to talk.” He nervously admitted before you realized the situation you were in. 
“I would love to give you a history lesson, but we have some people to save, so shall we?” You asked, so he nodded before you started your chase after Jeno.
“And I was super jealous of Jeno.” He added “Why?” You asked.
“You gave him a lot of attention! Plus, he looks like that and he can play guitar! Can you blame me?” Chenle laughed.
“Oh please, you have nothing to be jealous of.” You jokingly winked at the boy.
“At least I didn’t get akumatized that day because of him.” He added.
 “That would have been a disaster.” You agreed. 
“Like that time we had to ask Haechan to help us.” Chenle jokingly scuffed.
 “Oh my god, don’t even.” You sighed. 
It was just another normal day. You were hanging out with Ryujin and some other friends when you heard a loud bang come from the town square. 
“That means ladybug is on her way. Gotta go, need more content for my ladyblog!” Ryujin yelled, to which they all followed. All but you, since you had to convince them you were too scared. 
“Scaredy cat.” Ryujin joked as you quickly excused yourself to “hide.” 
“Y/N, I think you’ll need some help this time.” Tikki commented. 
“But I have Chat.” You reminded.
“More than Chat this time. I’ve heard this sound before and trust me, you’ll need the bee miraculous today.” Tikki explained, to which you just sighed and made your way to master Dupain-Cheng. 
“Master?” You asked as you entered the room. 
“Yes, dear?” She asked.
“Tikki said I might need another miraculous today?” You said, nervously.
“Ah, yes, Pollen. I had a hard time with this one myself.” She giggled, fondly looking at her miracle book before placing it on the floor in front of us.
“Is there anyone you know you can trust with this?” She asked as she gave you the box.
 “A specific person did come to mind actually.” You answered, smiling at the box. 
You quickly arrived at Haechan’s house and knocked on his door. You went to the same school and shared some mutual friends. From what you heard, he does a good job at anything he does, so your mind first went to him. 
“Lee Donghyuck, this is the bee miraculous, which grants you the power to immobilize your opponent. You will use it for the greater good.” You smiled at him once he opened the door, to which he smiled fondly and looked at the box and back at you, as if to ask you for reassurance.
You nodded and moved the box closer to him, which made his smile even wider. 
He opened the box and the small bee kwami started flying around him before stopping and saying “At your service, my king”. 
“You will return your miraculous once the job is done. Can I trust you?” You asked, to which he nodded while placing the hair pin into his hair.
“To transform, just say “Pollen, buzz on.”, my king.” Pollen said as the building next to them exploded. 
“Oh no you didn’t. That’s my best friend’s house.” Haechan angrily sighed. 
“Pollen?” He asked.
“Yes my king?” Pollen asked, to which Haechan scuffed and said “fuck that bitch up” in a smug tone. 
“Pollen, buzz on!”
Once you caught up with Chat Noir, you explained to him that you needed an extra hand today, to which he only scuffed. 
“Who even is he? Besides, I’m the only help you need, m’lady. We’re purrrfect together.” He smiled at you with almost literal heart eyes. 
“Hey, tuna breath, you need me, so buzz off.” Haechan commented before Chenle sighed and rolled his eyes. At the end of the day, he did fuck that bitch up as he promised, but he also annoyed the shit out of Chat Noir so you had to promise him not to ask Haechan for help again.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize you were my purrfect match sooner, bugaboo.” Chenle said, winking at you before his ears turned into the color of your superhero suit. 
“To be fair, your hair does change slightly when you transform. Mine doesn’t.” You laughed.
“But still, those beautiful eyes don’t change.” He said, to which you only blushed while sipping on your iced chocolate. 
It was nice looking back on your hero adventures with Chenle, who you would never have guessed was Chat Noir.
Tikki even said it’s funny how you developed crushes on both of them but never noticed they were the same person.
If it wasn’t for the ring, you might not have even noticed now. After you both found out that day after school, you both awkwardly decided to ask one another out. 
“Finally! And to think I had to listen to the whole “do I like y/n or do I like ladybug?” rants, ugh.” Plagg complained, to which Tikki and Chenle’s eyes widened while your cheeks heated up. 
“To be fair, I wasn’t so quiet about you either.” You confessed, trying to soften the mood. 
While you placed your drink back on the table, your eyes focused on the tv in the corner of the small cafe. 
“It’s Nadja Chamack! Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Today, we’re reporting live from town square where another civilian has been fallen victim of Hawkmoth’s akumatization!” You heard from the tv and looked at Chenle. 
“I guess that’s our cue.” You laughed before you both ran to the bathrooms to transform.  
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docholligay · 4 years
Doc Loves His Dark Materials
If I were going to regret anything about HDM, it would be that I wasn’t in high school until I read it. If I read it when I was a child, I would have been full-tilt obsessed with it. It was precisely the sort of thing I was always looking for and could never find. 
There are a great many YA books that delve into the realm of fantasy, but few of them that inhabit such a fully realized world. Lyra’s world, as it is set up, immediately takes you in, and it manages to almost have an air of urban fantasy, a world that is clearly different from ours, but not so different that it requires a lot of jargon or that it becomes difficult to understand. It is our world, but only off a few clicks. 
Daemons are my favorite “personality sorter” of any of the YA books that have them, which is many, because everyone loves to put themselves into boxes while claiming labels are stifling. I also rarely see much discussion about daemons, and I assume this because it’s much more difficult than one’s Hogwarts house or anything like that. Your daemon’s form is intrinsically tied to who you are at your core, and Pullman is utterly unconcerned with overexplaining how they work, and how they are chosen for you, outside of that. 
Lyra Belacqua is a fantastic main character in that she has true flaws which are immediately apparent to the reader. It is not that she is plain, and put upon by life, she is not some brooding orphan looking to find herself. She is spoilt, and impetuous, and willfully ignores all the privileges of her life. She is a willful and skilled liar, and there’s a great deal about Lyra that’s not particularly likeable at all, and yet for all that, she feels more fully realized. She is a girl who must come into herself. 
And all of this, of course, ties back into the fact that Pullman does not treat his young readers as if they were incapable of handling deeper themes and ideas, or that they can’t read. The narration is often lyrical in quality, the title of the series is cribbed directly from Paradise Lost, and from time to time the book itself quotes poetry. It believes that young readers are capable of higher things. The concepts of grey morality, of desperation, of sacrifice. His Dark Materials is not afraid to question the very wisdom and usefulness of God. 
To this end, as I referenced above, Pullman does not feel the need to drill things down to the exact point. It’s actually a lot closer to adult books in this way, that it expects that young readers are also capable of drawing their own conclusions and coming to their own ends. Every time I thought it was going to put too fine a point on something, it would stop, right there. 
That is not to say it’s a perfect series, as nothing in life is perfect, and occasionally I roll my eyes at Pullman’s preachiness, but it’s few and far between. Most of the series is a deeply textured, complicated children’s series about maturity, heaven, the difficulties of one’s parents, and also there are witches. 
Spoilery below the cut
This is one of my favorite YA series of all time, and might be my favorite if we break it into age groups, being as A Series of Unfortunate Events is clearly meant for a much younger audience. Northern Lights/The Golden Compass (spicy take! The Golden Compass is a better title than the original! It fits with the pattern of The Subtle Knife and the Amber Spyglass, and also with the overarching Series Title of His Dark Materials. Why are you booing me, I’m right.) 
I think all YA series want to make their characters’ flaws into eventual strengths, but I don’t think any (that i’ve read) do it quite so well. Lyra’s stubbornness and lying, storytelling, save her ass more than once in a way that doesn’t seem coerced or cheap. I love that eventually she learns how to be less of a liar, and more of a storyteller. That her life can be as interesting as the falsehoods she used to tell, it feels very much like my own experience of becoming and adult and discovering that I had plenty of interesting things to say without telling a lie. 
Lee Scoresby is my favorite character of all of them, and I adore him, and his arc is so good, so entrenched with that classic Western sense of just wanting not to be involved, and being unable to stop yourself from getting involved. I was, of course, sad when he died, but there was literally no more fitting end for Lee than what ended up happening, that sense of sacrifice and willingness to die for the sort of idea that a person can hold, that utter loyalty. I still haven’t watched the HBO version partially because I’m not sure I can fucking handle him being played by Lin Manuel Fucking Miranda. Who also played ~the cockney lamplighter~ in the new Mary Poppins because I’m not allowed to enjoy anything. 
People are often surprised that I love HDM because it’s intensely anti-religion, and indeed, there are a handful of times that Pullman’s edgy atheist act annoys me. But in fairness, it’s MOSTLY not my religion taking the punishment, in that Pullman, like most Culturally Christian Athiests, assumes all “abrahamic” religions are the same, despite all three of them (or four, if you count protestant as its own thing) being vastly fucking different in approach and belief. So, really, I don’t get hit that much. But also rather than JUST being like “RELIGION MAKES YOU NAUGHTY” which is about as deep as it goes in The Golden Compass, it ends up taking the tack that God is nothing but a powerless old man who WANTS to die, who is being held up only by those who wish to bring war and strife. What a concept! Amazing! Not where I expected it to go at all. 
Also the fucking courage to show dissolving into the world as being preferable to some form of eternal life? FUCK ME. I was so absolutely struck by that, as a religious person who, probably 70% of the time, really can’t deal with the concept of an afterlife. It seems so overwhelming to me. I thought the whole thing was done beautifully. 
And its not as if he doesn’t punish both the religious and not alike--despite everything, Mrs. Coulter and Lord Asriel both end up hurling through the abyss because neither of them could every really move from their positions. In bringing down the Voice of God, they also must destroy themselves, built around this idea of upholding god and destroying god in equal measure, they cannot stand without him. I mean shit! You’re not gonna see that in Harry Fucking Potter, which built up the necessity of a hero’s sacrifice only to pull it out of the ass. 
The way that Lyra’s parents are both villain and hero, at turns, and how you come around to be like, ‘Wow, you are both assholes” even though they are on opposite sides, is remarkable. How many times how you read YA and it’s been like “oh my long lost and/or dead parent is wonderful!! How I love/miss them!!”? HDM does not fuck around with parents. Lyra’s parents are enemies and completely corrupt weirdos, Will’s mother needs him to take care of her in a way that is NOT made cute, and his father just fucking fucks off and dies the minute Will meets him. It’s a thing I didn’t realize I saw so little of in YA until I saw it here. 
I completely expected, braced for, and readied myself for Will and Lyra to end up together, and I was so fucking pleased that they don’t. It’s refreshing to be proven wrong, to have an author not decide that the boy and girl need to get together at the end of it. And it’s remarkably low drama.
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