#oh my fudge knuckles
dreamsinmoonlight · 24 days
I have a yandere alastor idea for you... Could you do it? Imagine the reader being one of the unfortunate people who was killed by the alastor when he was human... Human! Alastor never felt these strong feelings for anyone, until the reader appeared in his life, the reader was a kind and caring person with everyone, always treating everyone the same... Now I imagine when Alastor discovered that these feelings were love for the reader, but the reader rejected him because he already loved other people... Maybe Alastor, in his desperate and psychotic environment, unintentionally killed the reader...
(now currently) the reader became an angel and was chosen to help Charlie at the hotel (of course the reader doesn't know that Alastor is at the hotel and this happens after the battle)...
Now what would happen?
(Fudge knuckles, this, um, it set off something in my head because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Admittedly couldn't imagine turning down Alastor but I can try to imagine it for this XD
Um I would have started this earlier but I was watching stuff with my friends yesterday when I got this. Point is I'm creating it now despite wanting to space out my creations, oops~
So i wasn't sure if you wanted the reader to be male or not (since you said "because he already loved other people") so I'm going gender neutral again on this. Sorry if you wanted male specifically >w<
Alastor uses "doe" as a petname for you which yes is female but I like the idea of it so I apologize for that.
Totes writing this after looking deep into my Alastor plushies eyes and while watching A Haunting in Venice. Don't ask why.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: yandere!Alastor, angel!reader
Pairing: Guess
Genre: What genre does yandere being yandere fit in? Hurt? Ain't no comfort here
Summary: Sir Pentious should have told you, oh god, why did he not warn you.)
Oh Doe
Emily assured you this would be a lovely thing; she spoke with excitement and sweetness and love of her dear friend Charlie, of that wonderful princess of hell. And the newcomer Sir Pentious, well he had plenty himself of his time there, of his growing friendships and those strange fascinating souls for whom he'd given his life. For whom he was sent up to heaven, redeemed at last. It was hard for you not to be excited, your wings all a flutter as the portal opened to allow you entrance to Down Below, to Hell. To the Hazbin Hotel.
You found the place extremely warm and it took you a moment to remember that of course it was such. It was Hell after all. You smiled as you did so and approached the hotel, amazed by it's grandness. You'd heard about the great battle between the exterminators and the hotel residents; the loss of Adam had been both a great blow and an admitted relief in some. He had been many things to many people, you mainly saw him from a distance like most angels, but the idea that an angel as powerful as him could be felled sent emotions through Heaven that were less than pleasant. You of course never feared though, a kind soul through and through, one able and willing to see the good and warmth in all. Even, you'd be the first to admit, that of perhaps those who certainly didn't deserve it.
Your eyes found the design fascinating. There was something familiar in it, in the silhouette of it, of the flash of it, the strange apple shaped tower. And the one opposite to it, strange and ominous, and in it something felt as it was watching you with far too much interest. You felt, for the first time in decades, shivers down your spine and could half remember a voice.
"Oh doe, my doe, you have done something terrible. You've broken something deep inside me and you won't even be good enough to fix it." You had not thought about it in a very long time, those words, the last thing you heard from a voice as smooth as velvet, sweet as honey, and poisonous as a viper. It dug deep, it was embedded in your soul, for better or worse, along with all the regrets and sadnesses of a life left unfinished.
"Oh you must be the angel Emily told me about!" You were ripped from your memories by a voice and your wings expanded in surprise as you looked towards the door to see what you had to guess was Charlie Magne herself.
She was bright and cheery, the strangest sight of sunlight in the depths of Hell, but her eyes sparkled and she ran over to you, taking your hands in hers and shaking them excitedly, "Oh, Emily said an angel would come down to help but really after everything that happened, you know with the trial and the fight and all of that, well, who really thought that Heaven would really send down an angel? And to help us no doubt! I'm so excited, seriously, really, just-"
"Charlie," said the voice of Vaggie; she was another angel, Emily had mentioned her, and she looked at Charlie with a soft look before turning her eye to you. It was so....it was hard to describe, not entirely hostile, not certainly friendly; you knew very little of her, of her fall, of what happened, but you suspected that she had less than friendly memories of angels. Still you smiled warmly back at her, not blaming her her feelings, how could you when you didn't truly know her; you certainly hoped to change that with your time here.
She was not the only one looking at you with at least a little suspicion. In the aftermath of battle and rebuilding, there would of course be such for an angel walking up to the hotel. The tall one, the spider sinner Angel Dust, tilted his head at you with eyes hidden by sunglasses, hands on his hips. Beside him was Husk; Sir Pentious had called him the bartender, he had not mentioned how fluffy and soft he looked, with his own wings ruffling behind him with a look even more suspicious than Vaggie's own. To both still you smiled and waved, hoping to make friends, to prove yourself.
There were more; you knew there were because you'd been told. But try as you might, while you remembered Sir Pentious mentioning how Lucifer often was around, not there currently of course, and there was supposed to be a little one-eyed maid named Nifty, Sir Pentious' love Cherry Bomb, you couldn't quite remember who else he mentioned. You knew there was one more, one more resident, one more sinner. Who....who....
"Come on, let me show you around," Charlie said and there again was that bright smile. You liked her, she was a warm kind soul; she reminded you of what everyone always accused you of being. Yet deep down you couldn't help but feel you weren't though, that Charlie was kinder, that Charlie was sweeter.
Because Charlie wouldn't have broken someone's heart like you had.
She dragged you along, such strength for such a small girl, and you were delighted by the beauty of the inside of the hotel as well. Down your back you still felt the chills, still felt the sensation of being watched, but you told yourself it was nothing and enjoyed the tour.
"Husk is the bartender of course, Angel is our resident....well, resident; our housekeeper Nifty is running around somewhere," Charlie said cheerfully, showing you all around, "And my dad is currently at home but he'll be back soon; oh he'll be so surprised to see you, we haven't had an angel here since...oh...well..." she trailed off and looked embarrassed.
You laughed sweetly and smiled at her. "No worries at all princess, I understand. The situation was terrible and on behalf of Heaven, I am so sorry for what happened; you never should have been put in such a position to have to fight to protect yourself like that. But you all survived and Sir Pentious spoke so lovingly of you all, I am delighted to have the chance to meet you and assist you with redeeming souls so they may come to Heaven too."
Charlie looked at you and you recognized it, though it felt strange coming from someone as sunshine as her. It was a look you were well used to, one you had gotten a lot in life, when you helped someone who was down on their luck by giving them everything in your pockets, when you showed kindness and love to any and all around you; people didn't always understand, they didn't often want to. Charlie, you suspected, did on both regards but having grown up in Hell, though she too saw the good in all around her, there still must be a part of her that felt uncertain when faced with a true kindred spirit. You noticed from the corner of your eye Vaggie's expression change, of course she would see it too, to something a little softer but still with plenty of apprehension. You were not fake though in your goodness; you had become an angel for good reason, Sera and Emily had always told you so.
Something felt like it was chuckling and you could have sworn you heard it again. "Oh doe, my doe, how is it you can brighten up a whole room with that bleeding heart of yours?"
"Ooooooh!" Charlie said and proceeded to capture you in a massive bearhug; the strength of a hellborn, especially Lucifer's daughter, was quite impressive and you blinked a few times before chuckling.
She continued. "I like you a lot, you seem like just what we need!"
"Oh great another softie just like our princess," said Angel Dust, walking up behind you both.
Charlie let go of you with a pout. "Angel, what's that supposed to mean?"
"That means you're too soft for your own good and so are they," Husk said, "Which, by the way, what even is your name anyway, angel?"
"You know my name," Angel Dust said playfully and nudged Husk, making the sinner grumble.
"Not you, spider, the actual angel."
"Oh me," you said, smiling again before stating your name.
You didn't expect how pale he got. You didn't expect that someone as furry as him could even go pale. Maybe it was just that his eyes widened and you got the sense he recognized your name; you opened your mouth to ask what was wrong, why he was looking at you like that but he grabbed Charlie's arm, tight if her wince was any indication.
"Princess, we need to talk, now," he said.
"Husk what's wrong?" Charlie asked and Vaggie frowned as the cat-bird sinner pulled her away from you and down the hall.
You watched as Vaggie and Angel Dust threw you a confused look then Husk one before following after him, leaving you there, alone. The hotel was quiet, they moved far enough for whatever was on his mind for you to not hear; you choose that it was probably something important and you weren't too worried. Of course they didn't trust you entirely yet to talk about important things around you, not after what happened. You kept your smile and your faith and decided to take the chance to look about the hotel for yourself.
There were many floors and many rooms. Most were empty, many were locked; you thought to yourself of how beautiful this place would be when more souls came, to be redeemed and finally go to heaven. Oh it would be wonderful, full of voices and singing and laughter and happiness. You know you were chosen for this role but you certainly couldn't have imagined any better one; to help people was something you very much enjoyed doing and this felt like the best way to do so with your afterlife.
Yet the happy thoughts felt...cold here somehow. Colder still as you kept walking. The sensations continued, of being watched, of something staring. You tried to ignore it, certain it was nothing. That surely the shadows weren't somehow watching you; that was all that there were after all, just the hotel and the shadows.
Your own little tour led to a specific door and you weren't too sure what brought you there. By your estimates it was the door that would lead to a room connected to that strange tower, the ominous one, the one you'd felt had been watching you. You stood before the door for a moment, staring at the doorknob before pulling yourself together, your wings fluttering, your heart racing a little. This was silly, you were being silly; you reached out for the doorknob to open the door.
It opened on it's own, before you could even touch it, and from inside you heard something familiar. Jazz music, a taste of home; it touched your heart and your smile turned soft and nostalgic, reminded so much of those days when you'd been alive. Visions of New Orleans crossed your mind and without thinking you stepped inside, entranced by the music; you started to sing along, knowing this song by heart.
"Oh doe, my doe," said a voice and while the music kept playing, you no longer could hear it, for the blood that couldn't rush that did rush past your ears as the good memories faded away.
He'd always played it, a dedication just to you he always told you. That melodious voice, that bright smile; it was tinged, tainted, but the crackle of radio filter to it reminded you of the days sitting in your living room, listening to him talk, never imagining what he truly was, who he truly was. Your dearest friend, for years and years.
"Alastor." The name tasted like fear on your tongue and you turned to stare, with eyes as wide as a deer's in headlights, at the tall figure who stood there, gently closing the door behind you both.
So much had changed yet not much at all. He still smiled so friendly, so warm, and you once believed so much in it, in what soul could be behind it. Until the day he confessed and you, foolish, foolish you, who loved and loved and loved and didn't know yet how to take being loved, had turned him down. He'd called you his doe, then he'd stabbed you through the heart.
His smile twitched and he tilted his head, red eyes focused on you. He wore a monocle instead of glasses, you thought feebly to yourself how you'd liked the glasses; the slightly tattered coat, the neat little bowtie, the essence of suaveness, the sharp claws clenching so lightly a long thin cane with a microphone on the end, it all suited him in some way. You remembered his hair as brown; it now was reddish, red like the rest of him. Red like your blood must have been on his clothes.
"My doe," he said and reached out with one hand, cupping your chin; you were frozen, unable to resist, unable to speak anything but his name in a terrified whisper, "It seems Heaven's sent you back to me."
You didn't want to die. You were sure he would kill you again. But he continued to smile, with those sharp teeth like a sharks he had, and looked you over, examined. "I must say, I'm not surprised you're an angel; you always were one, you just needed the wings."
That hand moved, from your chin to one of your wings and a whimper left you as you felt him stroke your feathers, biting your lip and closing your eyes.
"The question is though, my doe," he said and his tone never changed; it was playful, light, and ever so dangerous, "Do I let you keep them or do I rip them off of you? Can't have you escaping me again, can I?"
"Alastor, please," you whispered, begged, "Please..."
"Though if I did that Charlie might complain," he said and chuckled, "And I wouldn't want that. Promise me then, my doe, promise me you won't try to run away."
"I promise." You just wanted to be safe, you just wanted him not to hurt you. You remembered death, it had hurt so much.
"Good doe," he said and pulled away, patting you on the head, "Now come on, remember to smile; you're never fully dressed without one."
He smiled at you and you smiled back. Not because you wanted to. But because something, deep down, from that day, from all those days you'd spent with him, and all the days you knew to come, that if you didn't, it wouldn't end well.
The door burst in soon after and Vaggie seemed on the attack while Angel grabbed you to pull you behind him, Charlie apologizing over and over, "I didn't know, Husk told us all about what happened, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let you wander off on your own".
"No worries princess, I was just greeting our new angelic guest," Alastor said with cheer and friendliness.
Husk glared at him, his wings expanded, his eyes narrowed. You tried to reassure Charlie; you couldn't even really reassure yourself. But something in seeing her so worried, Husk so on edge, Vaggie with her spear and Angel standing there as if he could or would do anything, make almost seem like this could still be okay. You could still see the bright side in this, goodness, the light.
Even when facing down the greatest devil you knew.
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cubicle-eyes · 1 year
(Not Requested)
Hunter x Male!Reader
Y/N is Willow's older brother- aged 17. Also, the lack of gayness for Hunter is sad. Maybe I'm just hopeless. We Don't judge here. We.. eat fudge? Somebody stop me before I start making puns.
Y/N cried, stumbling from the hallway of New Hexside and shoving his way past the crowd of his classmates. Willow perks up, gasping.
Her older brother crashes into her, nearly sending them both to the floor. He grasps onto her, fisting her costume and letting out a sob into her shoulder.
"Papa- Dad- They aren't- I can't- I can't fix it."
"I know," she pulls away, but the siblings hands stay linked together. Her hands are shaking, and Y/N registers her "keeping it together" expression. "It's okay."
"And then you were missing- and I was with Edric and he broke- Willow."
He let's out another cry and she pulls him back in. "I thought you were dead, or at least puppet-fied. I was so scared, Willow."
"I know. I'm here. I can't wait to tell you all about the Human Realm, Y/N. You'd really love it there."
Gus comes over and punches Y/N's shoulder, automatically lightening the mood.
"Hey, big bro. Long time no see."
"Yeah. Miss your boyfriend?"
"Me and Matty aren't-"
Y/N cries, shaking Willow's shoulders and looking around. He spots Hunter, and runs over before Willow can stop him.
Hunter opens his arms just in time for Y/N to crash into them.
"I thought you were dead! Oh my titan, Hunter, your scars."
He traces his fingers over the base to the corner as it ends at his eyes, and Y/N blinks.
"Your eyes."
His lip quivers before he busts into tears, burying his face in Y/N's shirt as he fists at the fabric. He's trying to form words, but is nearly suffocating himself. Y/N inhales shakily, then helps him up and gestures to Willow.
"We'll be right back! Maybe!"
"Okay..! I love you!" She waves her arms, and Y/N smiles wearily.
"I love you too!"
As soon as they're in an empty hallway, Y/N picks him up bridal style to carry him to one of the empty classrooms. Hunter has stopped crying, but now he can't meet Y/N's eyes, holding his arms and keeping his body tense. Y/N sets him down and Hunter stumbles slightly, legs weak. Y/N catches him as he shuts the door, locking it. He turns back to Hunter, watching him sit down on the edge of a desk that isn't flipped from the previous panics.
"Yeah?" His voice cracks and Y/N sits next to him, the blonde automatically leaning against him.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run at you like that. Maybe the last thing you needed after all of the shock."
"It's.. okay. I needed that." He was silent for a moment before he sniffled. He leaned off of Y/N, gripping the end of the table so tight his knuckles turned white. Y/N furrowed his brows.
"Why isn't... oh."
"Yeah. Flap.. isn't here."
"Is that why your eyes changed color?"
Y/N gently turned Hunter's head, and his newly brown eyes were sad. He shut them, grimacing as he leaned into his touch.
"He's the reason I'm alive."
After Hunter explained the story, Y/N was shocked. He couldn't help his lip from quivering, or the tears slowly pooling in his eyes.
"That's.. I'm so sorry. I should've gone with you. Dunce." Y/N sighed, lying back on the table. Hunter shifted to lie his back over his chest, the two forming a makeshift plus-sign on the table. Y/N ran his hands through Hunter's hair before the boy sat up, leaning on one arm but keeping himself draped over his boyfriend.
"Don't.. say that. I'm so glad you weren't there to see what I did."
"Belos did."
Hunter smiles, but Y/N knows its really one of his hiding expressions. "Yeah. Belos did. Besides.. I don't think Flap would've wanted you there, either."
"I know." Y/N whispered. His voice was always infinitely gentle, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself it were true. Hunter sat up before he could start crying again, standing and unlocking the door.
"Alright, let's not keep everybody waiting."
"Okay, but.. we'll talk more, right?"
"Sure." He mentally punches himself for sounded so unconvincing. Y/N sighs.
"Alright. Hey, Hunter?"
Y/N kisses his forehead, hands sneaking up to cup his face. Hunter's own, shaking hands place themselves over Y/N's. The slightly taller boy pulls away, smiles, and pecks Hunter on the lips.
"I'm so glad you're home."
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kogarashi-art · 4 months
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Hey hey preview time! This is the last of the one-illustration chapters (the rest have either two or three).
Can't say as I'm super happy with this, but I had to tell myself to stop touching it, so it is what it is. Again, I blame not having formal training (I make do with online tutorials and fudging around with Photoshop settings). I do like how the "lighting through leaves" effect worked on the tree trunk. Wish I was better at it on other surfaces. Oh well.
Say hello to two of my chao (yes, I have them in my SA2 Battle chao garden)! Angel is the neutral flying chao attached to Knuckles' leg, and Frost is the hero swimming chao in the water.
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silversiren1101 · 6 months
💎💎💎 (I know you've already done one the last time these went around but if you were inspired to do it another! If not no worries)
"Did Ms. Twait get caught trying to sneak in again?"
Minovae's tail swishes, a wary look in her eye.
[Perception check passed] You notice a light dusting of pink taking to the skin beneath her scales on her cheeks. Her eyes subtlety darted about the room. She seems on the cusp of fluster.
"I've told her before it's dangerous to poke around a Hellknight citadel, even with me having informed the men she's just to be removed from the premises. She's not a spy or anythi--"
She pauses, and corrects. "Well, I guess she is a spy, technically. Just for her... her..."
Her fluster is more obvious.
"Her novels." She says it like handling an explosive. Decisively and carefully.
An awkward stretch of silence passes. Horror blatantly passes into her expression as she realizes. "Oh, oh no. You're here to ask me about that damned book, aren't you? That's why you've brought up her name!"
Her horror is obvious nervousness now. She laughs anxiously, tail fully swishing. Her hands twine together and she works her fingers and knuckles together.
[Perception check passed] Her eyes dart to her desk. To a drawer.
"She's a menace to society!", she blurts out. "Those books she writes - she can say it's not meant to be anyone in particular but she knows full well what she's doing and so do all of her readers! She can file down the proper names off of people and places and fudge descriptions but it's obvious! Do you know how embarrassing it is to have a sordid excuse for a novel out there that's obviously about you and your husband?"
She groans and takes a steadying breath, clearly worked up.
[Perception check passed] She casts another quick look at the drawer and looks back at you.
"Ever since Anevia said that the people would eat us up after painting my whole self-destructive blow up and his death as some great romantic tragedy, I thought it'd just be Drezen. Ms. Twait has made us an Absalom Times best-fucking seller though and now I can't go anywhere without people assuming the stuff she wrote is actual fact! Now apparently she's looking to write a sequel, given she's been found snooping around the Citadel walls and trying to sneak in several times now. She's more of a plague than Jubilost Narthropple, I swear. At least he is upfront about requesting an interview. I offered Ophenia one just to get it over with and try and have some stake in the narrative and she rattled off something about it 'interfering with the creative process' and 'organic observations.'"
She snorts. "And have you even read her works? It's--", she's blushing aggressively, "--trash! Nothing but the raunchiest, dirtiest smut! And generic, hackneyed plot only meant to get you to the smut!" Her cheeks are nearly pure red beneath her seafoam scales. "Half of it is physically impossible!"
You ask her how she knows that.
[Perception check passed] She pauses for just a split second. Her eyes again flick to the desk before she shakes her head.
"Well of course I read it! I had to see just what people were getting into their heads about us. And then I promptly threw the book into a river", she nods perhaps a bit too brusquely. "I'm just happy I didn't buy it in the first place. Daeran bought it for me as a gag."
You ask what she keeps looking at, and gesture at the desk drawer.
She halts. Her breath catches. She stares at you with the wide eyes of a soldier before a cavalry charge. "What? Nothing! Just... I have a meeting coming up soon. You need to go. Now."
She practically shoves you out of the door. It slams behind you.
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TGFR Chibs Telford x Reader Smut
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Title: Thanks Gods for Rum
Pairing: Chibs Telford x Reader
Summary: After an SOA party, Reader wakes up in an unfamiliar place.
Warning: Pure, shameless smut. Minors stay the fudge out.
Author's note:
Much like the reader, I have no clue what happened. This thing just willed itself into existence all on its own during my study breaks today. It’s messy and unedited, but I’ve got a feeling that if I start messing with it, it’s gonna end up in the pile with the rest of kinky ABCs.
Word count: 1'938
You woke up in a strange bed, with a hungover you didn’t remember earning. But at least the man lying next to you was familiar. “Morning, lass.” He sounded infuriatingly sexy with his voice raspy from sleep as he stretched his naked body shamelessly.
Trying to remember what the hell happened last night, you let your eyes wander. Chibs clearly didn’t mind, with everything from his naked chest to his half-hard cock on full display. Ok, so not that familiar. Even though you’ve had a crush on the sexy, albeit a wee bit grumpy, VP for close to a year now, you’ve never acted on it. Until last night apparently. Now if only you could remember what exactly happened… He stroked your hand with his fingers and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on each knuckle. He was looking at you with a strange sense of serenity, you’ve never seen in his eyes before. His hair was adorably disheveled, his salt and pepper goatee messy and sticky; and when you looked down his body, you noticed tiny scratch marks on his shoulders and chest. “Are ye with me or is yer hungover worse than it looks?” he finally murmured. “Morning,” you managed, your throat dry and not just because of whatever alcohol you had consumed. “Ow, dinnae tell me ye don’t remember me now.” Despite the words he was still fully relaxed, with his hands folded behind his head and apparently not a single thought of covering himself up. Not that you minded, his confidence was clearly well earned. “Water?” “Aye, wher’s my manners?” He turned to his side and pulled a bottle from the nightstand. Twisting the cap off, he handed the bottle to you. As you drank, you narrowed your eyes at him slightly. As if studying his naked body would offer you the missing pieces of the drunken mosaic that was your last night. And then it did. Well, kind of. The image that played in your mind had you choking on water and spitting some on Chibs’ chest. As you were coughing and trying to get you breath back, he simply took the bottle from you and placed it on the nigtstand. Then he flicked droplets off his chest with a lazy flick of his long fingers. Finally able to speak, you asked without looking up at him, “Did I really make out with Tig?” No way, no sir, you were not going to look at Chibs right now.
“Aye, ye sure did. And for a moment it was the hottest damn thing I’ve ever seen.” More images flooded your brain. You sitting at the edge of the pool table, your body pressed against Tig’s, your tongues dancing together… Oh Gods, dancing. Another image, this one of you and Tig doing some kind of drunk and deeply misguided attempt at dancing tango as the guys laughed and whooped around you and Pantera boomed from the speakers. “ Walk?” “ Aye, the two of you got pretty ambitious about that. And it could’ve been worse. Jax got dared to sing Genie in the bottle.” “By whom?” “You and Juice.” “ Oh God, I’m almost afraid to ask. What did I do later?”
When Chibs remained silent for longer than it was polite under the circumstances, you risked a glance. “ You straddled my lap and asked for my cock. Very politely”
The groan that escaped your lips was something straight out of Jurassic Park territory. Who was this drunk you?
“I couldn’t believe my ears either,” Chibs continued, “If I had known you wanted me, I would’ve been attendin’ to yer every whim and desire for months now.”
“Oh, you would, huh?” “Last night, I did. More than once. After ye..”
That part was coming back to you now, in bits and pieces but in very vivid ones. The two of you coming back here, you styepping out of your tiny, black dress, Chibs kissing you with the kind of passionate, possessive energy that made your knees weak. The attention have gave your nipples, sucking, rolling and pulling, the way his hands caressed your ass before delivering a handful of playful smacks. How his hand curled around your throat when he pulled you in for another wet kiss, sucking on your tongue. In the next memory you were already on your knees, looking up at him as he was shrugging his shirt off and giving you that devilish trademark smirk of his. You remembered how your hands shook unbuckling his belt, his warm hand cradling the back of your head, the way his scent made your mouth water when you pulled his grey boxer briefs down exposing his hard cock. How big and thick he looked and how you had just enough presence of mind left to start worrying about the logistics. You must’ve started too long because with a heavy sigh he tugged your hair gently and said, “Darlin, if ye ain’t sure about this, then get up.” But you were flying high on liquid courage and curiosity, so you stayed right were you were.
Back in the present, Chibs rolled onto his stomach and popped himself up on his elbow. His free hand began tracing lazy circles over your abdomen and you felt his breath on your nipples. “Tha’ thing I said, about you tonguin’ Tiggy being hot? When we got here, you did somethin’ hotter tha’ had me change my mind.” Oh you were remembering it all now. Chibs chuckled, his lips a scant inch away from your nipple, “Mhmm, judging from the way yer blushin, ye remember tha.” He licked one of your nipples while rolling the other with his skillful fingers. You managed a strangled little gasp before finding your voice and whispering, “I might.” And you did. Teasing the tip of his cock with light flicks of your tongue, before taking the head into your mouth and moaning in a really obscene fashion when the first taste of pre-come hit your tongue. The way Chibs kept himself from flexing his hips and patiently talked you through taking more of him instead. The sensation of his thick cock deep in your throat with every thrust, how he praised you and crooned “good girl” every time you tried to swallow around his thick length. The salty taste of his hot cum shooting down your throat. And most of all, you remembered how this impatient and often aloof man looked at you after he came down, like you were the best thing since Jameson juice-boxes. You kind of remembered your hazy mind making a different leap, but the sober you was not willing to go there just yet.
Both your body and mind were jerked back to the present when Chibs bit down on your nipple. Hard. “Enjoyin’ the memories?” He murmured, clearly amused. He reached to trace his fingers on your lips. “ Your gorgeous mouth wrapped around my cock was my favorite thing to watch until..”
‘Until what?” You asked right before Chibs pushed his index finger past your lips. At the same time, the fingers of his other hand slid over your folds and began teasing lightly. “Until I got between yer legs and made you come with my tongue.”
Ah, he did do that. No man has ever been able to do that, all their valiant efforts missing the mark by a nautical mile. No man until Filip. Oh boy. That man knew exactly how to play a woman’s body. He was beginning to show you that same expertise just now. ‘Ye looked so beautiful, beggin’ me for more. Yer pussy grippin’my fingers hard as a fuckin’ vice when ye came.” As he was talking, his fingers gently stroked your folds before he slid a single digit inside and then another. He mimiced the motion with his other hand. “Keep suckin’, baby. And spread yer legs wider.” You obeyed instantly. How could you not, when his voice was so low and laden with lusty promise of the highest magnitude and his fingers were curling inside your your pussy, finding your g-spot with ease. Your breath became shaky and your legs began to quiver as Chibs was brining your closere and closer to that delicious edge. “Tha’ it, my precious girl. Just like tha’,” he growled against the skin of your breast, sending more shivers down your body. “Dinnae run from it, let it wash over ye.” Like you had any other choice. The way the man owned all of your body with just his hands and his mouth, there was no other option but to surrender to the pleasure. Not that the sadistic bastard Was going to just let you have it. He kept you right on the edge for a long time, withdrawing his thumb from your clit at the precise wrong moment every damn time. By the time he finally relented and let you have it, you were a panting, sweat-covered and soaking mess and you didn’t even want to contemplate the size of the wet spot you’ve created. You came with an obscene scream, that probably sounded far from human. You covered your eyes with your still trembling hand. Gods, all of you felt like jello only after a brief moment with Chibs’ fingers.
And then another memory hit you. You screamed like that last night. Well, not like that. Louder. Louder enough to get a whooping “Congrats! You go girl!” from the other side of the wall. Shit, how were you gonna look Tig in the face now… Then you remembered you also shoved your tongue down his throat, so any eye contact was already a lost cause.
When your eyes snapped open, you saw Filip lick his fingers, a satisfied grin firmly in place. Then you heard him hum. Ladies and gentlemen, Filip Freaky Telford was humming. While licking your juices off of his hand like it was melted ice-cream and he didn’t want to miss a single drop. “Ye taste fuckin’ amazing.”
When your breathing returned to normal you asked, “Something tells me the night didn’t end there, did it?” “What kinda man do ye take me for, luv?” He was looking at you now, with fresh lust in his eyes. “How about we grab some breakfast and the come back here so I can show you?” “I’m not really hungry but I’m gonna need some coffee after this, but I’m not going out there.” “Why not?” “There’s no way I can face Tig.” Chibs loud chuckle rumbled through his chest .
In that moment, a resounding knock came from he other side of the door. “You two sill alive in there? Do you need water? Or maybe mouth-to-mouth?” And Juice’s quieter voice, “Tig, don’t make fun.” “I’m not. I’m concerned. What if they died in that orgasm freight train, man?” Another voice, this one belonging to Chucky, uttered in passing, “They were long overdue for one and gods know that Ole’ Grumpy is too much of a wimp to make a move. Thank the gods for rum” That got a reaction from Chibs, “What did ye say, Chucky-boy?” “Coffee’s ready, monsieur.” And then a much quieter, “Chucky is a free elf, can say whatever he wishes,” was added. Booming laughter erupted on both sides of the door.
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pigeonwit · 6 months
howls moving castle au [WIP, scene scribble]
“Well, ain’t we the hoi polloi?” The magician grins, smoke curling from between his teeth like a predator’s panting breath. “Just listen to those words o’ yours. Could sweet-talk a hangman to ‘is own noose, couldn’tcha?”
“I wouldn’t need any sweet-talking,” David snaps. “Just the honest truth.”
The magician looks at him for a moment with those too-old eyes, like the ancient stare of a hare on the faraway hillside, somehow perfectly meeting your own gaze despite the miles and miles between you and finding you, knowing you, for all but a second... For a second is all it’d need.
“Well, now,” the magician drawls, dusting a fingertip along David’s desk. “Ain’t that a pickle? The truth’s an awful dangerous thing...”
His amber eyes glint a pallid gold in the lamplight.
“Ain’t no tellin’ what that truth o’ yours could do,” he rumbles, “if someone said it sweet enough.”
“I-” Davey stumbles backwards, suddenly off-kilter, unnerved, like he just stared into the centre of a chopped tree stump and the rings had all stared back. “I have no idea what you’re talking about-”
“Oh, see now,” the magician grins viciously, “I don’t think that’s true.”
“I’m just a bookkeeper-!”
“An honest bookkeeper.” He purrs as he steps forward, step after step after step, a gleeful hunt. “Ain’t that a rare breed? Awful hard to find someone who’s honest at countin’ money. Someone who never fudged the numbers, not even once...?”
“Because!” David cries, desperate. “My father, he’s a kind man, a brave man, and he taught me not to lie no matter the hardships-”
“Now I know a fella,” the magician cuts across him, severing his words at the tongue, “who loves rare breeds. Those pretty white doves, all shiny and clean...”
“But I’m not-”
“And this fella, he’s talented. He wraps those truths around a spindle-”
“But I don’t know any-!”
“And he pulls and twists and breaks those truths,” he growls, the smoke in his mouth growing thicker with every step, “into a perfect thread o’ gold.”
“Please, just listen to-!”
“Stop,” the magician snarls, half-feral, raising a playing card like a pistol, “talking.”
The card in his hands bursts into sickly golden light, that pale glow spreading through the black ink like an infection, and as the single spade in the middle burns itself into David’s eyes, he feels his breath being pulled from his lungs – and suddenly, David is empty. Like someone stuck a key in between his collarbones and opened up his throat, and plucked out every tendon as if they were old guitar strings. He is untethered. Purposeless. Gone.
“What...” Is what David tries to say, but the word curls up and dies inside him, leaving only a strangled gasp that burns like ashes on his tongue. He chokes on it, his whole body lodging around the ghost of the word like a locked mechanism, stalling and spluttering until it all breaks apart. He collapses to the floor in a limp heap, coughing up phlegm and bile, as he desperately tries to stand, to scream, to force the foul-tasting word out of his mouth, anything at all to make this pain stop!
The magician stares down at him for one ancient, unknowable moment, stares as David’s prostrate corpse wheezes for help, choking on words that rot into poison within his own lungs. He leans down and brushes his knuckles down David’s temple – and the kindness of the gesture is so cruel it makes him sob.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, rising to his feet. He opens his card-box and tucks the ace inside. “I ain’t lettin’ the cowboy get his hands on that kind of ammunition.”
As he walks to the door, the world seems to blur and shift around him – but whether it’s magic or the simple fact that David is dying, he couldn’t possibly tell.
As the doorbell rings overhead, the magician murmurs; “Let’s see how much your Ranger likes you now.”
Even as David is dragged into unconsciousness, he knows the words are not triumphant.
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mellowquint · 1 year
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Liveblog!!
Part 3 the Saloon Car
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So now we're going to ask Knuckles! He was in the Saloon Car right?
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Huh guess it's just you and me bud
"I think Amy's already gone on ahead. It seams she's really excited" Yeah that check's
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Of course, that's the power of Plot Armour TM
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I can't he's adorable
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Reason's Sonic is actually a cat: Numero Uno
I'm sobbing of course I'll be your sidekick tails anything for you smart cookie
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....name tails I need a name here
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Since when did you take cowboy speak class Knucks??? Lol
I mean he tried lol
Hmm sus
Right time to sort thru trash bins!!
Ehh robo arm???. Oh it's just fixing Trainee's hair haha
Probably not much Trainee
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ROUGE WAS HERE??? .... Actually yeah that check's. She probably tease him for his cowboy role before she went to her designated car lmao
"used cups are added to your inventory" oh yeah bud let'sgooo. And on my second object too!
"huh seems like someone licked all the salt of them" Trainee why'd you think that??? 😭
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I love my smart cookie just finding opportunities to tell Trainee unhinged anecdotes
Kay jus wanted to make sure... (I'm looking at the trash bin btw)
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sO WhAt iF I jUsT sO hApPenEd tO LiKe gOIng ThrU Em bUd?? /Jk I'm not mad smart cookie
Bet 5 bucks it was knuckles's doing
"smashed arcade is added to your inventory" I *WHEZE* OKAY
Anndd let's see if we can crack this Knuckles! (Kay swear that's the last pun imma make)
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"it doesn't looks like he's used to being complemented" DAWWWWW :D
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Tsundere 🤭
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.... What does THAT mean Knucks *squints* 'bruise
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He probably would, sorry bud
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Smart cookie have transform into Miles Edgeworth!! Everybody quiet
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UHH this one??
OOHH shot minigame
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What is up with these options??? lmao
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I mean *gesture to the arcade and his hands* it fits y'know
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This looks very missleading out of context lmao
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...Fudge I hit my image limit
Anndd I guess that's all for part 3 on the Saloon Car for now!! I'll be making a separate post to continue the game so stay tuned for part uh 3.5!!(?)
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One Line One Fic
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @behindthelabelsand @cafecitowriter
I'm just choosing from random because decisions
1. A Christmas Miracle (Steggy) “Very much like how a certain someone is stubborn,” he shot back, sitting across from her and spearing a bit of egg on his fork. “Ma has a cure for just about any ailment. I might’ve been writing to her and mentioned your ailments. She suggested tea, actually sent it in her care package and had this ridiculous idea that you might be pregnant.”
2. Captain America Story Time (Stucky ft. Fem!Bucky) Oh no, no. That sounded wrong, too wrong. He shouldn't have said that. His heart jumped to his throat, his eyes widening in pure terror. He almost knocked over a few decorations on his desk to throw his hands up in defense. “I-I didn’t mean it like that! I meant A-Alpine! I’d love to scratch - love on Alpine, I mean. I mean, not like you aren’t...that I wouldn’t... Fudge knuckles.”
3. The Best Things In Life Are Unpredictable (Steggy) The news hit him hard, his body feeling lighter than it has in weeks. He held a hand to his mouth, feeling a sobbing gasp escape him. He was going to be a father! Look at him - a father! In truth, he’d never thought he’d get such an opportunity in life, even before the serum and now here he was.
4. Meeting The Brother (Winterhawk) “It’s fine. Barney here ain’t saying anything I haven’t thought about myself. Or haven’t beat myself up for the past few days. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for not being there. Wanna know where the hell I was? Your brother sent me away, gave me the diversion of helpin’ fix my family’s house in California. He knew what he was doin’, trying to protect lives he has no reason to bother to protect. Too proud.”
5. The Transparent Hand Of Lives Gone By (Steggy) Peggy looked down as Steve's hand ripped from hers. She felt like she was watching everything in slow motion, as he ran from them. She didn’t miss the horrified look on his face, this was news to him. She followed after him, shouting his name just as his parents did. “Steve! Steve, stop! It doesn’t matter if you’re a ghost, you’re still my best friend! We can still do the things we talked about! I don’t care if you’re...you’re dead!”
6. Gut Feelings Are Never Good (Steggy) “People change,” Hunter mused, shrugging his shoulders. Steve hadn’t even seen the man come in, his hands held up when Steve whirled on him and took three strides closer. There was a good foot height difference between them. “She’s dying and when people start to go, they get desperate. Look, Cap, no ones blaming her if she did but the evidence says she’s working for Whitehall, and if that’s so, then-“
7. running on borrowed time (Steggy) “You’re not kidding about Pining Sickness,” he mumbled to Jarvis. “I didn’t realize it gets this bad, this fast, but with his delicate hormones, the pregnancy. It’s no wonder. Looks like he had enough sense to get something to eat and drink.” He toed at the countless bottles of water, a glass overturned, and the old bowl of soup on the bedside table. 
8. let the walls down and let me in (Steggy) “I’m not calling you anything,” Steve replied in a demanding tone that caught her attention. When Peggy looked into his baby blue eyes she saw nothing but compassion and sorrow. “Because you are not a traitor for wanting to cradle a boy who was dying from one of our weapons. You’re not a traitor for wanting to give him comfort, Peggy. And I will make sure others think the same.”  
9. One Foot In Front Of The Other (Steggy) It’s been almost a month of physical therapy and he is getting better. His leg wasn’t as slow, his hip still hurt like hell, and the nerves still burned but he was getting better. Natasha was still volunteering to help him during his physical therapy days but today wasn’t an appointment. It was a Tuesday, a day he purposely came in, in hopes to avoid Peggy. 
10. The Future Wasn't Kind To You, Was It? (Steggy) She flipped him over to rub the oils into his chest, careful of scars and tender spots. She straddled his hips without applying too much pressure, letting her fingers work over the hard pecs. She paused at every scar and mark unknown to her, gently pressing soft kisses to them before rubbing the oils into his skin. He looked down at her with an adorable, half-smile as he struggled to stay awake. 
Tagging: @missfitmarvel0-0 @avengeclintasha @3pirouette @sosoane1 and anyone else who wants to do it because I suck at tagging and can't remember people's URLs. I don't want people to feel left out.
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kestrellady · 2 years
June Reading Wrap Up
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Screenshots from The Storygraph
Books I Actually Rated: A Single Star and Bloody Knuckles by Bill Minutaglio - 3.75/5 Texas History and Politics from the 1890s through the 2010s. Written by a journalist and includes some outdated and occasionally racist language (despite being published in 2021), but a decent summary of the ways Texas politics has changed over the last century and some. Content warnings for detailed depictions of racist violence, racist language, and sexism. Review
Stand Out Books from June: The Heart Forger by Rin Chupeco Book 2 of The Bone Witch It took me a while to get into the first book of this series, but I really enjoyed the second one! I'm looking forward to the final book.
Book of Night by Holly Black I putting this one on here mostly because there was so much hype. It was a solid Holly Black book. If you like her other stuff, you'll probably like this. It really reminded me of her Curse Workers series, so if you like this one, you'll probably like those, and vice versa.
Tear Down the Throne by Jennifer Estep Book 2 of The Gargoyle Queen Every time I think I'm done with Jennifer Estep, she pulls me back in. This one started with a lot of the same formulaic storytelling that I've gotten pretty tired of (I swear there are a couple of copy and paste sentences that show up in every single one of her books), but this one managed to go in a fresh direction and I enjoyed it.
What I'm Reading Now: Technically I'm in the middle of The Priory of the Orange Tree, but it went back to the library and there is 12 week wait on it, so it'll be while before I finish it. So far it's pretty typical doorstopper fantasy. I'm predicting the beats (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I've just read a lot of fantasy) and I'm a little annoyed that the title institution is just references dropped without context, but I think I'm almost to where that'll change and, hey!, the dragons are cool.
I'm still working my way through Augustine's City of God. It's dense, but fascinating to watch him build up an argument (and occasionally go, Augustine, you may be a saint, but I'm not sure you actually understood Roman society). I'm also in the middle of Prime Deceptions, book 2 in the Chilling Effect series by Valerie Valdes. It's good! I'm just getting into sci-fi and I'm enjoying the series. Oh! I also just started a translation of Sappho by Mary Barnard. I'm reading a few poems at a time just before bed.
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: I've got the last Bone Witch book, The Shadowglass, sitting on my shelf and I'm excited to get into it. I've also got A Master of Djinn, which I've heard good things about and I enjoyed the prequel short story. I'm on the second to last Temeraire book and I don't think I'm ready for this series to end. I've got The Nothing That Is: A Natural History of Zero waiting for me at the library and my number geek heart is very happy! For the Book Riot 2022 Read Harder Challenge, I've got A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War for "Read a biography of an author you admire" and Sorcerer to the Crown for "Read the book that’s been on your TBR the longest." (I'm fudging that last one just a little, it's actually #5 on my TBR, but all the ones before it are either doorstoppers, hard to get a hold of, or the beginning of massive series I don't feel like getting into right now.)
Follow me on The StoryGraph
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starryregard · 8 months
[cracks knuckles] I was writing an FR fic with a lighthearted premise (aethers exalted to the Lightweaver won't leave her alone because she's a Big Awesome Lamp to them) but what if it took a serious turn in the second chapter...
"Lightweaver, are- are you- are those your exalts?!" Arcanist exclaims.
She stares back at him. "Exalted aethers. They are your children as much as mine."
Lightweaver heaves a sigh that rattles the Beacon's walls. "It's been like this ever since these aethers came to serve me. As much as I appreciate their zeal for enlightenment, I didn't expect them to take it so literally. They cannot peel themselves away long enough for me to perform my duties. But I cannot lead my flight in this state for any longer."
"Can I bask in your radiance for just five more minutes, Beautiful Lightweaver?" pleads a rose-colored aether. She flutters her yellow wings beseechingly.
"'Five more minutes' was six hours ago, Entanglement. As I was saying, day and night I field my exalted aethers' questions. They want to know everything about everything, from Second Age architecture to Noggle husbandry to fudge recipes. I fear that they love me just a little too much." A chorus of cheers emanates from the aethers. A dull ache emanates from her temples. "The prospect of leaving me fills them with panic."
His scream pierces through the entire chamber. Stubborn as Lightweaver is, it's enough to take her aback.
"Is it not enough for you to keep bringing up my failures?" Arcanist shouts. "Now you drag my children into this?"
Lightweaver's ears flare flat. "Xhaztol-"
"You, with your own catastrophes! The things that I hear from the Light-born exalts- they can't stand you, Rhiow! And of them all, it's your own breeds who resent you the most!"
"You're out of line," she hisses.
"Oh, am I? Every month, I find some of your pearlcatchers falsifying scientific reports instead of asking for help with their experiments. Most get caught before they can cause any harm, but not all. They're so conditioned to fear your judgement that they think I'm out to shame them too. And the imperials- I can't even imagine- they try so hard to outrun death that it haunts them every moment they're alive!"
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katt58 · 4 years
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Where Harry's cute assistant gets lost in city of Italy and the thought of loosing her drives him bullocks.
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Flatulent gust of breezy wind kept wiggling through Harry’s coffee lovelocks, sunshine bounces against his soft skin and his pink heart-shaped mouth stays puckered as he takes in the beauty of his surroundings with his cheek smashed over his wrist – which’s resting atop the rooftop of yacht and his head perks up puppy like when tufty giggles maroons in his ears.
He gazes his cute assistant from under his ray bans and skims back a timid smile when her face beams with glee, her cotton puffy sleeved sundress blows away from the breeze giving glimpses of her plump thighs and Harry sucks in a breath snapping his eyes away.
“Harry look s’beautiful!” She squeals taking another picture of landscape with her grandpa's vintage Yoshika camera and Harry just rumbles his lips, shrugs and slumps back, a lazy mumble of “mehhh” elicits past his lips.
She’s just so endearing, and cute and fucking adorable it’s hard for Harry to keep from not babying her.
When he first went to sets of My Policemen he considered her rather unprofessional, as everyone kept on finding her but it seemed like she vanished into thin air, turned out when Harry took a break in his cubby she was lighting up saffron and black scented candles, “Oh! Thought you’d like comin' back to nice smelling room —-- holy fudge .... by the way, me Y/N your new assistant for the meantime.” His all grumpiness defused into bunch of reverence for her.
She'd always beat him to bringing in brekkie and smoothies for him and her fellows, sometimes giving him the velvet muffins before he goes back home --- Harry became such a drooly lovey puppy for her that he decided to keep it stern from then.
He’s trying. He’s prolly gonna fail.
Y/N isn’t very immune to water trips and she was well aware that a sickness is coming – but so soon? She didn’t know that!
So, when she chokes onto nothing and then gags driving Harry into fritz. Harry tries to keep his balls in place and not panic because that’d just spill his secret and expose him.
He quickly facades himself under stoniness, “Christ! Y/N if you die on me —-,” Though, grabs her elbow lightly and walks her to the edge of the deck.
Y/n smacks his hand away. Glares him and grunts pushing her hair away aggressively, “Don’t tell me what to do I’ll die wherever the hell I want!” His pupils resembling to that of clashing waves of sea blows away comically as she huffs and pushes past him.
“Better die and ghost you for life.” She gags into her elbow again and he rushes to grab her hand, when she pulls away with a tut he rolls his eyes brings his glasses to the bridge of his nose and looks at her from under the brown sunnies, “Jeez just holdin' a hand, not gonna slip a ring, ‘s that what yer afraid of.”
“Just admit you’re desperate to hold my hand.” She smirks up at him and he cackles, then dims into nervous chuckles because oh fuck he’s getting caught red handed.
“No.” He mutters.
How much she resists not to pout and turn all fussy over his denial she ends up doing so and it’s his turn to smirk cheekily at her.
“Are you mad? You look mad.” He wiggles his finger at her and she grumbles folding her arms infront of her bosom and cranes her head to side, “I’m not mad.”
“Yer pretty face’s all screwed up, like you’re mad.” He nibbles at her and she glowers him --- sighing at last, the wisp of her hair falling in her eyes, her lips plush and glossy from sick.
“I’m perturbed, not mad.”
Then there’s an overrated pause of silence and heartbeats before Harry pokes her knee.
“You still look mad.” His face splits into a wide cheeky grin – showing his bunny teeth and she stands up hastily wobbling a little.
“’M’not mad! But I’ll be soon Harry Styles!!!!” She goes for smacking him at chest but he jerks back and sneaks his way out squealing annoyingly, “Mommy come save me from this feisty sea-creature.”
“You mean a mermaid?” She giggles.
“No. Frogfish.” He deadpans.
“I’m not talking to you ever again!” She cries out and turns away from him but he barks out a laugh --- riling her up is the most entertaining thing and seeing her make cute fussy faces another.
“’Kay, sorry! Wouldn’t do it again.” He toddles behind her and glides his forearm against her clavicles bringing her to his front, “Says this everytime!” She squirms pushing him away but he’s ten times stronger than her and even if she’s ... she’d want to spend some more time like this.
“Wouldn’t call ye' frogfish —-.. from now on.” She nods. Humming in agreement and he turns her, holding her from shoulders and looks down at her with glinting eyes and wide toothy mouth.
“How ‘bout blobfish? They look more funny.”
“I’m gonna kill you, Harry Styles!”
They were given a loft infront of the shore 10 minutes drive away from the shooting place and after fighting over who'll occupy the bed, bickering and pillow fighting over it and almost making it creaky loose bench Y/N went back to living room telling him that he snores so much, “Sorry but ‘m too sensitive to piggy snorey noises – better sleep outside.” He was fuming and gritty mess, flailing his limbs like a baby because he was “the hair on his directors head” away from sharing the bed with her.
“Whateva! your loss. Don’t come t'me beggin’ to pop your backbones.” He told her in high pitched mimickness and flumped under cool sheets.
His one hour nap turned into two then three. In the meantime, Y/N made a sandwich from the fresh veggies piled in the fridge, sipped onto her matcha drink sitting beside the window and enjoyed he view, even went through her socials.
Realized that she’s missing him around her terribly even if it’s just jokes and giggles and shit, whatever, so she took her camera and went outside to take pictures of shore and the purple sky battling with hue of clouds.
She got so charmed with Italy's beauty that she kept on walking and taking pictures, only to realize when the bustle of crowd dropped into tranquil quietness and she found herself into some unknown street.
She’s fucked.
She’s lost.
She has got nothing,
Not even her phone.
She contemplates to knock on the house doors and ask for locations but she’s petrified of the idea and tries to find some shop, so she could call someone and ask them to pick her up.
Dumb. Dumb. Dumbest decision, she has ever taken in her life.
When she sees no passer by, none tourists no-one in sight and the daylight defusing and darkness laughing and taunting her tears springs in her eyes --- bubbling at the corners and weeping down furiously.
Her heartbeats drops dead when she sees a group of men approaching towards her. She runs away hiding into the dark tunnel and clamps her mouth shut from crying out loud when they walk away -- they weren’t about to do anything to her – it was just her feared instincts.
“Harry ......” She whisper-cries into her wrist, her legs weak and trembly making her tumble down into dusty stoned pavement, her back getting scratched from the bricked wall of tunnel.
Harry woke up to pin-drop silence. Void of the sun that was once glimmering through the window, “Y/N.” He grogs out, knuckling the sleepiness away and trudged out finding the room empty.
It startles him. Waking him up properly now. A sweat flushes down his spine when he couldn’t even find her in the washroom and at the door-steps.
He dials her number and finds it at the coffee table, gruff cruses breathes out from his mouth at that.
His heart feels like someone’s squeezing it mercilessly in their grip when he goes outside, but couldn’t spot her and he finds it difficult to breathe, chest heaving as he snaps his head in every direction to look for the face he’s oh so in love with.
Where are you, Y/N?
Maybe, she’s angry with me? Did I hurt her in any way? Oh, fuck. I’m such a bitch.
Now, she’s angry with me and hiding in some corner cursing me out.
I have to bring her back.
So, he calls anyone in connection with Y/N in hopes that she’s with anyone of them and when there were, “no mate --- maybe check in the washroom...” and “last time she texted, said she’s going out to take pictures.”
Harry’s face pales at that. Sick to his stomach. His fists tighten by his sides to keep his calm the world around him spins for a moment and he stables himself with the nearby railing.
Bad thoughts spirals in his mind, how much he avoids them it frightens him like his worst enemy.
What if she’s hurt? It hurts him in heart even to think that.
Got into an accident and they took her?
What if some mafia has kidnapped her.
Obviously, Italy is famous for mafias ..... No!No!No! Harry shut up, shut up, shut uppppp!!
He screams internally to pause everything and think rationally.
He searches for her everywhere. In every street. His feet hurting until now and he chokes onto a sob, not even wanting to think of getting police involved and still not able to have her back.
He shouts for her name. Halting past anyone looking like her, that mini dress she flaunted infront of him with a gorgeous smile –-- asked him how it looked on her and he wasn’t very interested to give a response.
If he could take all of it back and praised her like his life depended on it, only if he’d told her how much he loves her, her making sure he’s comfortable in his cubby, her bringing cold milk drinks for him, dividing her oreos with him.
His hands shakes by his side, his lip twitching constantly and his legs trembles pathetically with each step he takes.
He stops. Narrows his eyes to squint through the darkness and he feels like someone blew oxygen back in his lungs, his knees weakening at the sight of some girl sitting on the bench, her shoulders slump and her head downwards as she clutches the edge of bench, rocking on it with quite sniffles.
He prays that it’s her.
Upon, hearing the footsteps Y/N looks up and those sweet eyes are enough for him to recognize her in between many people.
“Harry?” Her voice feeble and scared.
“Oh baby .....” He mumbles. Rushing towards her, stumbling back a bit when she flies in his arms and latches to him like the missing piece of her body.
His palms curves into her ribs, her face smashed into the crook of her neck – her tears wetting his skin instantly and his cheek squished atop her sweaty hair, he hugs her for dear life making her legs dangle in the air, she sobs nuzzling deeper into his throat and he caresses her shoulders to soothe her cries down. Kisses the side of her temple with tender affection and sighs in relief.
“Shhh. Shh baby, ‘s okay. I’ve found y’now ..... ‘m here sweetheart ‘s alright.” He doesn’t stop splodging soft pecks to her forehead – scared that if he’ll she’ll get lost from his arms again.
Her hiccups painful not letting her take a breather and Harry puts her down on her feet gently, taking her face in his clammy hands and hooks his thumb into her hair gazing into her glassy eyes intensely, “Hey look at me lovie’ just .. focus on me alright?” She nods at his plea grabbing his wrists and follows his breathing pattern.
He glances back at the bench and goes to grab her camera but she cries out fisting the hem of his corduroy shirt in her tiny hands, “No!” could barely choke out from her dry throat and he turns his attention back down onto her, strokes the rosy apple of her cheeks and pets her head.
“Not leavin’ yer side baby .. was bout to get your camera fo’ you. Could come with me if you don’t like stayin' away.” He assures her softly and trots towards the bench with his arms still around her as she keeps on hiding her face into his bicep.
They walk down the street like that, she has calmed down letting a sniffle slip here and there --- this kind of scenario has never happened to her before – she has never been outside of her home city before too.
He feels her tummy screech for food so asks her, chin butted atop her head, “You’re hungry, petal. Let’s get pizza.” She doesn’t feel like eating though. When she shakes her head – squeezing him more. He takes her from shoulders looking down at her with gentleness and brushes a strand of hair behind.
“Just a tad, darlin'. I know a delicious take away round the corner ... could eat it sittin' by shore.” He offers her with a smile and punches the air happily, whistling when she agrees.
When she giggles softly, defrosting back from numbness Harry spins them a little overly gleeful.
“Got me sweet girl back.” He exclaims ducking down to kiss her cheek and now when she’s less wobblish, her lungs fills with bunches of butterflies.
Blush splatters on her features. As Harry aligns his tanned arm with her delicate one and locks their fingers together lulling it backs and forth between them lovingly.
He keeps her tucked under his chin and snuggled in his arms all the time, even while waiting in the line for the take away.
“Ow!” Squeaks, “Ow. Ow.” Jumps on his tippy toes upon balancing the hot pizza on his palm.
Grins like a mad man when succeeds in making her laugh, takes her hand and helps her climb down slippery stones.
Goosebumps arises on her skin from shyness when he coils his strong arm around her to pick her up, with pizza in his other hand and giggles breathily in her ear upon hearing her squeals.
She sits in between his knees. Leans against his chest and inhales his woodsy vanilla scent, nibbles onto the crust while hearing his heartbeat.
“You scared the living hell out of me, lovie’ ... thought —-... thought I’d never be able to have you back again ... proper vanished.” He croaks out. Runs his nose up and down the sweet curve of her neck.
“Made me realise ... that I don’t want to be away from you, ever.” Y/n's breath hitches at that and she turns in his embrace. Looks at him with surprised doe eyes and coos when his eyes gloss over with wetness, that he’s forcing to keep at waterline.
“I really like you, Y/N.”
“You do?” She gasps.
He bobs his head giddily, “Can you picture it? You and I together?” He murmurs mellow street light dancing between them.
“’Us'? I like the sound of that....” She smiles searching for his hand and he grasps it eagerly like he was yearning for it.
“Kay then, when could I take you on a date?” He grins. Dimples mauving deep and pretty.
“This isn’t a date?”
“We’re in Italy. The sky's so romantic and I’ve got you, seems like a date to me....” She peppers kisses to each rosy gap of his knuckles and his inside bursts like they never did before.
“Kay then. It’s memorable too, you got lost on our first day –--”
“Harryyyy....” She whines nudging him in belly with her elbow. “’Kay we could change that.” He laughs. Showering her in kisses and her laughs whirls loudly into quite air, trying to squirm away from his tickles.
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arrowjaeger · 2 years
Basic Bayverse TMNT (2014 - 2016) Headcanons
some 18+ themes ig
probably a swifty
fluent in japanese
writes everything in japanese mostly so his brothers can’t read it as easily
refuses to call his brothers by their nicknames
probably has horrible taste in women tbh i am so sorry
thinks sugar is the devil
pretty much only drinks tea
and he sweetens it with honey
tries to be the son Splinter wants him to be
probably sings the first line to the pokémon theme in his sleep
“i want to be the very best”
always wakes up first
the mom friend but he acts way more like a mom than normal mom friends
“ugh my head hurts!”
“it’s cuz you’re always on that damn phone!”
thinks the games his brothers play are violent but he literally carries katanas with him pretty much everywhere- he’s hospitalized dozens of foot soldiers but noooo shooting a few pixels on a screen where only people’s pride is getting hurt is violent.
wears his gear like 24/7 “if there is an emergency we won’t have time to get ready”
as much as he says he doesn’t like tv, he gets obsessed with shows easily
he’ll also watch tv with Splinter since he likes older action shows
works out at 2 am for no apparent reason
can’t sleep? oh! i should work out!
always states how much protein is in whatever he is eating
like we care, Raphael
i’ve said this before but he dry scoops protein powder, he just does.
barely knows english
forgets words and has to play charades until someone knows what he is trying to say
most likely to have had an emo phase
still listens to Black Parade occasionally
either listens to heavy metal or pink floyd
cracks his knuckles and neck way too often
drinks monster energy 24/7
will drink red bull if there is no monster left
smashes the empty cans with his forehead
has asked Donnie how to delete his search history before. Donnie definitely didn’t help him and just looked at Raph’s search history.
we all knew Raph would be into some weird shit
is constantly chewing on things as he works: pens, erasers, his lips, the insides of his cheeks. and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it
breaks pencils when he’s stressed
has a box for the broken pieces on his desk
listens to way too much dubstep and basshunter
lives in sweatpants
like he’d fight in them if he was allowed
favorite poptart flavor is hot fudge sundae or just hot fudge. either way, those are the only poptarts he will eat in it’s entirety
otherwise he just licks the frosting off of them. he claims it helps his brain work.
probably plays dating sims in his free time
plays mystic messenger
projects onto 707
is sorta in love with MC
has one of those huge desk calendars but never has any plans
fluent in japanese and spanish in addition to english ofc
learned spanish in like three weeks for fun
he really just listens to any music unless it’s country
he’d rather be double mutated than listen to country
only drinks soda/energy drinks if they are purple
monster energy ultra violet and grape crush are his go to’s
put food coloring in his apple juice to make it purple so it would go with his brand
will not wear anything that is one of his brother’s colors
so he ends up wearing purple, gray, or black
prefers dc over marvel
the boy knows EVERYTHING about nintendo
in fact, he’s a walking encyclopedia/almanac. if you make any sort of statement, he has to tell you a fun fact about what you just said
used to say “interesting factoid” (like Olive from ANT Farm) but after his third interesting factoid Raph punched him in the face, which is why his glasses have been taped back together
only uses wooden pencils. none of that plastic stuff
definitely twirls his pencils in his fingers and probably practices bo fighting techniques with it as he thinks
one day a monitor from his set up disappeared. Leo brought it up and Don just shrugged it off.
it is definitely in his room, and it’s where he looks up more delicate topics.. he definitely watches porn on it-
hates 90% of what comes out of Mikey’s mouth
smells like coffee and motor oil
addicted to froot loops
types ridiculously fast for only having three fingers
hates when people mix up Star Wars and Star Trek
points out flaws in movies and theorizes the plot out loud
spoils most movies for his brothers unknowingly
hates when the strong female characters start dating the asshole male lead by the end of the move
cries by the end of any movie
craves attention
needs to be pegged
beat boxing legend
lives off of totino’s pizza rolls
probably eats them frozen
is obsessed with retro video games
keeps breaking their atari
the only thing Mikey knows how to fix is NES cartridges
*aggressively blows into the bottom of the cartridge*
always loses the tv remote
does he best batman impression out of all of them
collects human things
is definitely making a fort out of old pizza boxes
is the most stereotypical gen z
is cracked at fortnite
uses gen z words like cheugy
probably wanted to be a vsco girl back when they were popular
kesha stan
he has more orange crush in his veins than blood
probably watches David Dobrik
gave Raph a full soda can for him to smash
he smashed it successfully just soda went everywhere and he had to clean it up
while watching sports, he roots against his brothers for fun
prefers marvel over dc
makes horrible “yo mama” and “deez nuts” jokes at every opportunity
eats so many snacks during movie night
chews with his mouth open
laughs at all the wrong times
loves cringey movies
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Both Ends Burning: Teaser
Vices Assemble: Chapter 5.1/?
Pairing: crime bosses!Stucky x fem reader
Words: ~1.8k
Summary: Steve isn’t too happy with how you handled things while he and Bucky were out of town.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (m and f receiving oral, anal play, mmf threesome, mild daddy kink), almost no plot, sub Bucky, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: I’m steadily working on completing this whole chapter, but felt like giving you all a little teaser since this section is pretty standalone. Enjoy!!
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!
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Steve had been sullen and grumbly for the past 12 hours.
He’d been hesitant to leave you in charge while he and Bucky had to negotiate in Toronto, but Buck was adamant you could handle it, that they trusted you enough to make you number three and share their bed with you, they should be able to trust you to handle operations for a weekend. Plus, Sam was going to be there with you, what was the worst that could happen?
Apparently, you killing one of their capos by throwing him off a roof in front of the rest of them was the worst that could happen. Sam had sounded like he had been holding back laughter when he gave him the call, and Steve hadn’t even given him the chance to explain what had happened before he was almost crushing his phone in his fist.
Bucky was nothing but amused at the whole situation. Steve was such a drama queen, of course he was going to throw a damn tantrum. He muttered mindless endearments at his partner as he ranted on the flight back to New York, rolling his eyes as he listened to the man lament ever bringing you into the fold for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Baby, don’t act like that pussy wouldn’t have sucked you in no matter what.” God, the man was stubborn. You’d already made them a shit ton of money implementing your changes to their distribution network, but Steve needed to be in control.
“No, that’s all you Buck.” Still fuming like an volcano, he was constantly going back and forth between slapping your gorgeous face when he saw you and fucking the shit out of you until you agreed to be reasonable. “I’m not the one who thinks with my dick.”
“Maybe, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have you whipped, though, daddy.” Bucky just laughed when Steve growled at him, leave it to that cocky bastard to start using his pet name against him. You were such a bad influence.
They stopped their conversation when they pulled up to the offices, Steve shrugging uncomfortably when he stepped out of the town car and ignoring Bucky’s eager grin as he tried to come up with a way to get a handle on you.
He thought he might soften once he actually set eyes on you, but when they walked into the office to find you with your feet propped on the desk and sipping some gin while you laughed uproariously at something Sam said just made him angrier.
“Well, hello there boys!” You beamed between the two of them, winking wickedly at Steve before opening your arms to Bucky and letting him kiss you deeply when he crawled into your lap. “Did you miss me?”
“Get the fuck out, Sam.” Steve ran his hand over his face in frustration, glaring at you as you nipped at Bucky’s lips while keeping your eyes fixed on his.
“Sure thing, boss.” The man just shook his head as he stood from his lounging position. “Boss.” He nodded to Bucky. “Boss lady.”
“Bye Sammy!” You purred when Bucky started nuzzling at your throat, giving Steve a mocking pout. “That was awful rude, Stevie. What’s got your panties in a bunch?”
“Seriously?” He just scoffed at you, trying not to lose focus when Bucky ripped your blouse open and popped your tits out of your bra so he could suck on your nipples with a low hum. “The name Gentry mean anything to you?”
“Oh, that.” You bit your bottom lip teasingly, tangling your fingers in Bucky’s hair while he whined against your breast. “That fucker deserved it.”
“I dunno what our most established lieutenant could have possibly done to deserve getting thrown off a fucking building.” He was trying his absolute best to keep from getting hard, but when you spread your legs wide so Buck could slide between them he almost lost it. “Please, enlighten me.”
“He- oh Bucky, baby, fuck.” Your eyelids fluttered when he dragged his tongue over your clothed core, the soft moan that escaped from you making Steve’s cock twitch. “He was stealing from you.”
“What?! Bucky, give it a fucking rest!” His fists were clenched so tight his knuckles were creaking, the veins in his neck bulging as he tried to restrain himself from striding forward and ripping his baby boy from between your thighs so he could bury himself in you and fuck out his frustration.
“Nu-uh, you stay right there, baby.” You wrapped your thighs around Bucky’s head and held him close, grinding your hips into his face as he tugged your panties to the side and started dragging his tongue over your pussy in slow stripes. “That dumbass so-called ‘King of Manhattan’ started fudging his sales as soon as you brought in that new shit from Miami. God, Buck, right there.” His lips wrapped around your clit and you arched your back into him. “Trying to poach your established clients too, had to let the other assholes know that wouldn’t be tolerated.”
Steve was furious. Aside from the fact that one of those morons they had let roll over from the previous organization had betrayed, the fact that you had been right about not trusting those idiots was making him see red.
“What about the others?” He was going to murder someone, he didn’t think he’d ever been this angry, all he wanted was to fuck you and Bucky until he couldn’t think anymore.
“I’m auditing the other boroughs now… mmm.” Bucky must’ve found the right spot, because your entire body jolted suddenly while you let out a satisfied hum and almost snapped his neck with your thighs. “Aww, looks like daddy’s mad, why don’t you go help him out, baby?”
Bucky whined when you tilted his chin back with one finger, his eyes blown wide and his cheeks and chin covered in your slick as he turned slowly on his knees to face Steve. The blonde growled from deep in his chest when you stood up and gripped Bucky’s jaw, dragging him forward until you were practically throwing him at Steve’s feet. You bent to give him a sloppy kiss before straightening back up and cupping his cheek gently, using your other hand to undo Steve’s belt while you mouthed at his neck.
“You’re a manipulative bitch, you know that?” He rolled his eyes before turning his head to smash his lips to yours, groaning when you freed his cock and wrapped your fingers around it to slap against Bucky’s cheek.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m so good at my fucking job.” You purred when he sucked a bruise against your jaw, drawing your fist over his length while you guided Bucky’s head so he could suck on his balls. “Just fucking relax, Stevie.”
You gave Bucky a light slap before shoving Steve’s cock in his mouth, smirking at the desperate, muffled keen that escaped from his painfully stretched lips when he started fucking his own face. Steve let out a low moan when you stroked his tongue with yours, one of your hands winding through his hair while the other yanked his trousers the rest of the way down.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?” He gasped when you released him, pressing your lips over the curve of his shoulder while your hand slid down his spine and slowly traced over the upper curve of his ass. “Baby, Jesus.”
“Look at you taking such good care of your daddy, pretty boy.” Bucky whined around Steve’s cock at your praise, blinking up at him with big doe eyes while drool leaked from the corners of his mouth. “To answer your question, Stevie, I’m helping you relax.”
“Unh… fuck.” The way Steve’s voice cracked when you spat on his pretty hole before sliding a finger inside him had your clit throbbing, your chest pressed tight against his back as you kissed the back of his neck and started fucking him with your hand. “Oh god.”
“Close enough.” You could tell he wanted to growl at your cocky retort but then you were stroking his sweet spot and he couldn’t think about anything else.
Between the way you were stretching him open and Bucky was swallowing him whole his knees were starting to feel weak, his back arching when you slipped in a second finger so he could let you catch his lips with yours. Bucky was humming around Steve desperately as he gazed up at the two of you, his cock twitching as he brought a hand up to wind his fingers through Steve’s with a needy little whine.
“Shh, didn’t forget about you, baby.” Steve broke away from you reluctantly so he could look down at Buck, stroking his hair soothing as he started grinding his hips against his face. “Look so fucking pretty on your knees for your daddy. You want me to fill that gorgeous mouth with my cum?”
The pitiful whimper he let out was the only answer Steve needed, his pleasure already so close with the way you were milking him. You practically squeezed him from the inside and he choked on a moan, shoving his hips into Bucky’s face as his cock jerked and thick, warm ribbons of his cum shot against the roof of his mouth. He almost collapsed when you kept fucking him through it, prolonging his pleasure until poor Bucky was almost suffocating from the sheer volume of it.
“Buck? You good, pretty boy?” You were practically holding Steve up when he pulled out of Bucky’s mouth, running your fingers over his chest and beaming at the filthy grin the brunette gave you. “See Stevie? Nice and relaxed. You boys might want to get cleaned up, we’ve got a meeting in an hour. Something about a dead lieutenant.”
Steve couldn’t even muster the will to get angry as he collapsed into the chair behind him, running his fingers through Bucky’s hair when he rested his head on his knee and panted.
“Told ya, daddy.” Ok, now his annoyance was starting to come back. “She’s got you whipped.”
“You fucking brat.” He ignored the low chuckle Bucky gave him, his lips tracing over his thigh before he nuzzled into his hips. “I’m gonna take that sass out on your ass in front of that bitch tonight, just you fucking wait.”
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haechanokeh · 3 years
I'm Right For You [pt.2 ]
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[teaser/ prologue] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning (chapter): handjob, public, fingering,
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, anal sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I'm right for you, babe. You know what I'm thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain't workin' 'cause you're perfect and I know that you're worth it I can't walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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class ended and you're packing your things, and so your seatmate for today- mark.
"mark, do you want to eat with us?" your other classmates always invite mark.
"sure, wait. Do you want to eat with-"
you carry your bag and immediately left the room. he's the last person you want to be with, after what happened yesterday. mark confessed that he likes you and now you just can't talk to him.
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
you're in the library trying to be "productive" and pretending to be "studious". you tied your hair, hyping yourself that you will study but 3 minutes after opening your thick pharmacology book, you took a nap.
mark entered the almost empty library. there's a lot of vacant tables and chairs but he's looking for the best spot, until he saw your sleeping face... from a far. mark has a keen eyes, especially when it comes to you. he walked towards your place and carefully sat beside you cautious in his movements to prevent waking you up. he put his bag on the vacant seat beside him and turned his head on you. you're squished side of your face against the table made him smile. lying at his classmates is worth it.
unaware of your surrounding, you didn't know mark was now sitting beside you. he saw your book was opened in diuretics chapter so he opened his own book at the same page as yours. he started writing notes, for you.
mark likes you but he's having a hard time to get close to you. not sure but he thinks that you're avoiding him, you immediately dismisses his presence when he's approaching you. you weren't rude when you do that though, you just speak very shortly with him. mark doesn't have a concrete reason why he likes you, but everytime he looks at your serine personally and your innocent face t brings him calmness. sometimes he just catching himself staring at you during class.
after he wrote the key points, he transferred all the sticky notes on the pad. he clicked the pen and look at you.
"you're still sleeping, wow." he whispered but with amusement. you're sleeping for 2 hours already. his eyes landed on your slightly parted plump lips.
dirty thoughts running in his head. he imagined your lips wrapped around his dick. yeah, the mark everyone look up to thinks like this towards you. he's not like this to anyone except you, he was also shock to on the effects you give him. mark was afraid you became an obsession, well too late for that.
he removed your specs, folded it and put it on the top of the table. he just watches you sleep, not caring whether other find it creepy.
suddenly your phone alarmed, you woke up immediately and to your panic you can't find your phone which was actually just infront of you, so mark was the one who off your alarm. you turn your head to look at him.
"thank you." you gave him an awkward smile. you look around and you saw from afar the librarian was glaring at you. you gave her an apologetic face and she returned to her seat.
he extended his arms and his thumb touched the side of your lips down to your chin. you felt a burning sensation from his thumb.
"welcome." he gave you his signature warm friendly smile.
you look down because you felt uncomfortable once again. your eyes caught a wet pool on the book, later you realize that mark wiped your drool. heat of embarrassment took over your face.
"let's eat?" he asked, lowering his face and moving it close to you. he wanted you to see his face, which you did. you're heart beating so fucking fast.
"i have to study." you said as an alibi.
"really?" he was unconvinced and playfully gave you a doubt look.
study my ass! I JUST WOKE UP!
"tomorrow is the case study, aren't we supposed to study together?" he sat up straight.
"we already did yes-" suddenly, his confession popped out from your head. "yesterday." you whispered, a ball of saliva almost stuck on your throat.
"really? i really don’t recall anything though.” he pretend to be naive. your eyes widen.
“you can’t remember anything? that’s impossible, you even confess to me... i mean...” shame crossed in you. please, swallow me my dear land. "mark, please let me study. i'm not like you."
he chuckled. "okay, but use my notes. here." he pushed towards you the notes he did while you were sleeping. your eyes gleamed like a sun.
"really?" you said excitedly.
"shhh!" you heard the librarian, you covered your mouth.
"really?" you asked again as confirmation. he giggled and nodded his head.
he admiringly stared at you goshing over his notes, he felt a weird sensation in his heart. mark was smiling like an idiot, this was his first time to see you smiling or happy when he’s around.
"thank you mark for saving me." you definitely forget the awkwardness between you. you looked at him sending him gratitude look.
without any words, you excitedly study his note. you're so oblivious that you didn't notice mark placed his hand on your thigh. horniness strike him.
your concentration broke when he squeezed your thigh. you turned your head to face him, there was uneasiness in your stomach when you face him again. the other mark that melt your knees.
he moved his face closer and whispered in your ears.
"y/n, i had a hard time sleeping last night. you know why?"
"why?" voice shaking and hands are sweaty while you're holding his notes.
"you never left my head, you kept on bothering me. i fantasize you last night, crying and begging to suck my dick with your small mouth and juicy lips." he huskily said and gripped your thigh tighter.
you squeezed your thighs together as you felt ache on your pussy. your breathing became ragged, chest rose heavily. you stare in those dark-lustful pair of eyes.
"i was horny last night, like what i'm feeling right now." his eyes glued in your lips.
he reached for your right hand and guided it to his hard cock. you gasped, and in surprise you take away your hand from his hardness but mark caught you and put it back.
"can you feel how hard i am right now? do you know how painful is it for me?" he grunted low. his lips touches your every time he speaks. "i need your help, y/n please." there was urgency in his voice.
"h-ow?" stuttering because of nervousness but with hidden excitement.
you heard a zipped sound. you look down and his hard flesh peeking through his boxers. he pulled it down revealing his standing cock. you almost drool, it's thick, veiny, and long. he planted a small kiss on your ears and folded your hands wrapping it around his dick. your lips parted letting out a breath.
his dick was hot, hard, and has a lot of texture- you can feel his vein. you don't believe that when a guy's hands are veiny, and so their cock... but mark is the living statement.
"move." he commanded. you pushed down your palm around his cock, and start pumping it slowly.
"like this?" you asked innocently.
mark saw your submissive look again, doll-like eyes shinning with innocence but full of lust.
"yes, baby. fuck faster, you're doing great." he complimented you, teeth gritting. he put his left arm across your shoulder and his other arm resting on the table.
both of you didn't care whether you're about to get caught or not. you enjoy the playful desires you share with each other. he smashed his lips to your soft lips. tongue caressing each other but careful not to produce noises. you're pumping him hard and fast, you felt cramp in your wrist but didn't stop. his hands formed into fist, knuckled getting white.
he moaned inside your mouth when he reach his climax. you felt the hot sticky liquid on your hands. you broke the kiss and look down to see what does it look like to have his cum on your hand. your eyes looked up and gaze into his eyes, he saw guilt, regret, and shame.
“what am i doing mark?” you bit your lower lip and your eyes watering. you know this is wrong, but when you’re with him all the rationality in you just evaporates. you became terrified of what you became and what you will have become. “what are you turning me into?”
mark was satisfied when he heard that coming out from your mouth, that means he has effect to you. he knew, because he felt the same from you.
“same goes to me, y/n. don’t you get it there’s something bet-” he was cut off when there were tiny voices. both of you turned your head towards the library entrance and there were bunch of seniors coming in. mark quickly zipped his pants and you wipe his cum on his black sweatshirt. you both looked at each other, you just realize what you did.
“i’m sorry.” you whispered and shoved your head against the book. he snickered on your cuteness and clumsiness.
“hey mark.” you froze when the girl seniors approached mark. you stay still, face against the book.
“oh, hi.” he greeted back, giving them a forced smile.
“i saw them on the pizza house, i thought you’re there? i was about to go. good thing you’re here.” she said and you heard some chairs being pulled out.
I need to go fudge, this is probably why i don’t like mark, he’s surrounded by people. knowing you, you’re allergic to people.
you stood up and gather your things.
“where are you going?” mark asked in curiosity and confusion while watching you.
“hmm?” you look at him and carried your back and book. the seniors were staring at you too. “oh, my mom said i have to go for groceries, heheeh empty fridge.” you LIED again. his brow rose.
he was looking at you but not in your face though and you have no time to pay attention to that.
“again? yesterday you went-” you did not let him finish.
“i have to go bye!”
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you couldn't ignore your wetness beneath you. you were having a hard time walking because of the weird feeling and you felt discomfort on your abdomen part. obviously, you're horny and you knew that. you quickly turned to the right corner to use the girl's comfort room. you masturbate especially everytime you watch porn, and you badly need to masturbate right now without watching porn. you entered one of the cubicle and when you were about to close it, a hand appeared stopping the door.
he stepped inside the cubicle which made you step back , the behind of your knees touched the toilet seat. you heard and clicked sound, he closed the door.
“wait, weren’t you...” you were speechless as you point your finger outside but you were actually pertaining to the library.
why the hell is he everywhere? does he have roller blades on his feet?
"i can smell you." he said looking down, you were curious of what he was looking at but you were offended from his statement.
"excuse me?" you scoffed.
"you were standing infront of me before you leave me, too close and i'm not sure if that's the smell because it was my first time but..." he gaze straight into your eyes. he palmed your pussy which made you yelp. "it was sweet and erotic, are you horny right now?"
you gulped in embarrassment, you want to be swallowed whole by the soil. you were that wet from giving him a handjob!
"were you planning to masturbate?" his eyes switched into dark and dominating. you wonder, how can he guess everything right?
his palmed between your legs made it hard for you to control your desire. you grabbed his wrist.
"i need to cum." you gave him your pleading eyes.
your pleading sweet voice and eyes, and the way you say the word cum went straight into his dick. he never expected that word to come out from your mouth. when it did, he want to grant you.
"you're so special." he whispered. he unzipped your jeans and pulled it down above your knees which slightly made him annoyed because it was hard to pull it down. he gave your dump panty and glance because he can smell it, it wasn't a bad smell it was the opposite. it was sweet, very aromatic.
you just watch him while holding on his shoulder for balance. he stood up straight. you where biting your lips while staring at his handsome face through your lashes.
"mark..." you murmur as you were growing impatient. mark chuckled.
"okay, baby." he called you baby, and your heart lifted... and so as your right leg using his left arm. he hang your leg on his arm.
"what are you doing?" he didn't answer you.
he palmed your already sticky and wet pussy which made you bite your lower lip. he rubbed it in circular motion, you suppressed your moan because goodness it feels so good but you're afraid someone will hear you. he pulled your panty aside and rubbed your slit and clit, hard but slowly. your eyes were squeezing shut and enjoy the feeling. his lips pay attention on your jaw.
"mark, i want to cu- go. please." you whimpered.
he inserted his two finger and started to thrust it inside you while his thumb were flatly rubbing your clit.
"ah... hmmm" you couldn't suppress your moan anymore. "it feels so good." you cried and throw your head back gripping mark shoulder.
mark switched his attention from your jaw to your neck, licking and kissing it. he started to fasten the pace. your were producing a squelching sound.
"please, please, please i need to cum... oh f- yes yes." your eyes rolled back, you almost saw your brains. your legs felt tension causing your leg being lifted to flex straight, toes folded.
"are you cumming now, y/n? hmm?" he said against your neck. you nodded aggressively.
"i'm so close, so close" you were mewling. "ahh!" you clenched mark's fingers and produced a long cry when you finally reached your climax.
you became weak, your limbs became jelly. you were about to fall, good thing mark catched you before that happened. your arms have no energy to hold onto mark.
"are you okay?" mark genuinely asked. "did i overdo it?" growing concern feed him.
you shook your head, head empty, and catching your breath. you have low stamina, this already made you almost pass out? what more if he fuck you?
you shook your heard want to remove those perverted thoughts, and why the hell you thought of mark?
"seat down y/n." he made you seat on the toilet. suddenly, your phone rang. mark, without hesitation looked for your phone inside your bag. he looked at the name. "your mom." he cleared his throught and was about to answer but you quickly snatched it.
there's no way you want your mom to hear a male voice.
"mom?" you answered through your heavy breathing.
"y/n? why are you panting? are you okay?"
"ah, y-yes. i just ran from ahm nevermind i just ran that's it. why are you calling me?" mark intently watching you.
"oh, i forgot a file in our house, it's on top of my table, bring it here, okay?" she asked for your favor.
"yes." you sighed. your mom always forget something.
"okay, love you!" and she hang up.
you stood up. you look down as you felt your stickiness between your legs. you just pulled up your underware and pants.
"i need to go home, i'll go out first and make sure the coat is clear then you'll go out. okay?" you were still panting, catching your breath.
"i can drive you home." he said. there goes again, the warmth in his eyes. you were staring each other, mark looked so determined.
"promise me you will not do anything. i have no energy, mark." you sighed in defeat.
he laughed and pinched your cheek.
"sure." he said, smiling but deep inside he was disappointed. might not be visible because his sweatshirt was covering it, but he is painfully hard right now.
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alby-rei · 3 years
[Arthur Week, Day 3] Midnight Snacks
a/n: in which MC (ft. accomplice Dazai) wants to make the resident flirt, Arthur Conan Doyle, jealous. Why? Who knows! But what I do know is that it ends up working in his favor rather than MC’s... wait, what?
a/n 2: changed the title cuz it was bothering me xD nothing else changed.
My entry for @scummy-writes​‘s Arthur Week! 
Day 3: Coffee and Fudge || Writer’s Block
[Pairing]: Arthur x You/gn!MC, (pre-relationship)
[Characters]: You, Arthur, Dazai, Sebastian
[Word count]: ~2300 words
[Rating]: T
[POV]: 2nd Person 
“...and all of a sudden, I hear Mozart yell ‘stop releasing chickens in my music room!’ but Dazai didn’t even flinch!” You brought a foam-covered hand up to your mouth to cover your laughter.
You and Sebastian were cleaning the dishes together after lunch time. You’ve made it a habit to catch up on your day and share observations with Sebas, as pretty much no one steps into the kitchen around this time.
Well, that is except—
Except Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, naturally. He must’ve finished his writing session and been wandering around the mansion, as is his trademark since your arrival.
You closed your eyes, hoping the man would walk past the kitchen without checking. You weren’t exactly in the mood for flirty games with the mystery writer, especially not after dealing with a haughty music teacher in Mozart. Sadly, luck was not on your side, today.
“I’ll tell you the rest later,” you wipe your hands with a towel. Picking up the tray of plates and cups to put them in their rightful places, you didn’t pay the writer any mind.
“After this I gotta find Dazai,” you said as you opened a cupboard. Your turned around to find Arthur leaning on the door frame, and your tone shifted dramatically, “Oh! Arthur, funny to see you here.”
Sebastian knew that tone very well. It was your sickeningly sweet voice that you dedicated to either (a) dodging conversation, or (b) planning something against that person.
“I’d say the same to you, ___, but you’re always in the kitchen. I couldn’t help dropping in to check on my favorite bird,” Arthur leaned against the door frame, flashing you a grin and a wink.
“Oh please, don’t talk about birds after what happened this morning,”  You caught sight of your target at the end of the hallway, “aaaand I have to go, see ya!” 
You duck under Arthur’s arm while his guard was down. He twirled around to follow you, but you evaded him, calling out to Dazai. Arthur stood in his tracks, as he watched the japanese author stop for you, and you beamed up at him.
“Dazai-san, I’ve been wanting to ask you for something, if you’re… free,” you noticed mid-sentence that the chicken that was still nestled in his arms.
“Hm?” His piercing yellow eyes brightened, “I’ll always have time for you, Toshiko-san.”
“Bawk!” The chicken… agreed, supposedly.
You laughed sheepishly, “That’s very sweet of you, I was actually interested in learning about your writing style and get some advice. I’ve been going through some terrible writer’s block.”
“I was working on a short story earlier, it’s in my room. Want to come with me?” He began to lead her towards his room.      
“I’m honored! I’d love to, Dazai-san.”
Oh yes, you were definitely planning something, Sebastian noted.
As the two of them walked away, Arthur stood glued watching the scene. Sebastian had been poking his arm the whole time, but he didn’t budge. Even shaking his entire arm didn’t spur any sudden movement from him.
“Sir Arthur. Earth to Sir Arthur,” Sebas continued tapping his shoulder and pinching his arm.
“Huh? Oh…” His gaze held an odd expression, one that Sebastian hadn’t seen from him before—a hint of sadness, maybe even frustration. But it was quickly replaced by his signature grin as he finally took notice of me, “Sorry, Sebas, I must’ve been blocking your path, got to go!”
And just like that, he scurried off.
After a moment’s pause, and after making sure the hallway was clear of esteemed residents, Sebastian did much the same, but in the opposite direction. He has notes to take, pronto. 
You and Dazai sat in the lounge room, having passed by his room, and Dazai collected his writing material.
“You have really pretty hands, Toshiko-san. I’ve heard you playing in Mo-kun’s piano room, you’re a wonderful pianist,” Dazai held your hand delicately in his, as he ran his thumb over your knuckles.
“Thank you, it’s something I take a lot of pride in,” your heart swelled from the warmth of his compliment, “but I’ve been much more interested with writing as of late. Actually, I’ve always wanted to write a novel.”
“Oh? I admire your ambition. How can I help?”      
“Well well well, what do we have here?” A third voice chimed in.
Right on time, as you expected.
“Have I interrupted your little rendezvous?” Arthur walked slowly and purposefully, as if he had caught them red-handed doing something they shouldn’t.
Internally, he was trying his best not to jump to conclusions. That would be uncharacteristic of him, after all. You weren’t tied to him in anyway, so there was no reason to feel so jealous that you went to Dazai for writing help instead of him. He didn’t even know about it!
So why was his heart pounding so loudly in his head while his eyes were fixated on their linked hands?
Dazai withdrew his hand, occupying it with his writing pen instead. He shot Arthur a smile with closed eyes.
“Of course not, we were just talking, Arty.”
“…Don’t call me that,” Arthur narrowed his eyes, “and second, I’d like to steal ____ now.”
“I’m sorry, Arthur, but I want to talk with Dazai a bit to improve my writing.”
Being shot down so directly caught Arthur off-guard; his insecurities getting a hold of him. For the first time, he found himself at a loss for ways to turn the conversation in his favor. At the moment, if he persisted, and you kept turning him down, he wouldn’t be able to let it down for the rest of the day.
Instead, Arthur straightened himself, fixing his tie, “Well then, I’m heading to the pub soon enough to find me a pretty skirt for the evening. Have fun, you two, I know I will.”
He huffed childishly, going out with a wave. Dazai turned to you with a polite smile.
“Do you think it worked?”
“Oh, he is definitely salty, thanks for agreeing to this, Dazai-san.”
“Any time, Yoshie-san, what are housemates for?” He smiled fondly at you.
“You’re a great actor, didn’t even flinch!”
“Ah, but who said I was acting?”
He got up with his writing tools and stepped out of the lounge before you registered what he said.
“Wait… what?!”
Later that evening…
…Well, more like around midnight, you just happened to catch the insomnia bug and were heading to the kitchen, as all people naturally do when they’re insomniac. You switched on the lights, thankful for the dimness of the lanterns in the kitchen. Scanning your options, your eyes settled on the coffee pot that sat quietly in the corner. Thoughts of a certain mystery writer gnawed at you, but you darted them away and walked past the coffee pot to get a glass of water instead. You leaned forward, filling her glass with bleary eyes that refused to slumber but also refused to open properly.  
Suddenly, you felt a touch to your backside. Eyes cracking wide open, you spun around and swung your makeshift weapon of glass at your offender. The offending mop of ash blue hair felt the full force of the blow, and the glass shattered across the floor.
Well crap.
“Ow… If I’m not mistaken, I’d say you were trying to kill me there, ____.”
For the love—.
“Arthur what the hell were you trying to pull?! Bloody hell! You made my heart drop.”
In a flash, his body was pressed against yours, caging you between his arms and the kitchen counter. The crunch of the glass under his shoes was the only sound in the room. You saw a small stream of blood start to fall by his ear.
“I was going to prepare myself a midnight snack with my coffee, but it seems I already found one ready for a taste test,” he licked the back of his fangs.
“At this hour??” It was well past midnight by now, and caffeine was the last thing you’d recommend anyone at this time. 
You felt his breath on your ear before he inhaled your scent. It was comforting to him as much as it was intoxicating to his senses.
He sighed, “____… I can’t get you out of my mind, no matter what I do.”
His arms circled around your waist, pulling you away from the countertop and flush against him, instead. All sorts of alarms were going off in your mind despite the drowsiness, with your instincts telling you to push him off.
“But then, you started avoiding me. And then… Sebastian and Mozart and even Dazai took you away from me,” he sniffled.
You pushed him off gently but still within his arms, as you stared at his face. There was a pink dust across his cheeks and a redness in the corners of his eyes.
“Arthur, are you… drunk?”
His frown flipped into a grin as he nuzzled his nose into your disheveled hair.
“Oh, don’t be silly, dear. I may have been out drinking, but I can bloody well hold my liquor. Theo can vouch for me on that.”
(a/n: no, he can’t lmao)
The sight of him in a somewhat vulnerable state, as well as the smell of his cologne, made it hard for you to properly fight him. Plus, you felt bad for crushing a glass cup on his head. Speaking of which…
“Is your head okay?”
“Hm…” He brought a gloved hand to his forehead, feeling a dull pounding in its wake, “I must say, you got me good, even the most daring fools never landed a hit on me yet.”
Just how thick is his skull to endure that?! You were both dazzled and frightened by their realization. 
With one of his arms off of you, you took this chance to escape, but you slid on a shard of glass and would have fallen face first onto the floor had Arthur not pulled you against him and taken the impact of the floor to his own shoulder. He laid on his back, clutching you protectively against his chest. He groaned with pain, but he pushed it aside to check on you first.
“Clumsy tonight, are we, or are you seriously trying to kill me?” He chuckled wryly.
Before you could even blink, you felt your vision do a 180-flip, and you were suddenly beneath him, away from the glass shards that littered the floor. The scent of his cologne flooded your senses again, as he smirked down on you with a drunken lopsided grin.
“I was absolutely livid when I saw Dazai hold your hand. Was that part of your plan, darling? Well, I’ve taken the bait.”
You flinched, your body wide awake to every touch and caress of this man. You bit your lip to avoid playing into his hands. You were still in control of the situation, you thought. His lips descended to your jaw, barely brushing your skin, like he’s testing your limits. Instinctively, you sighed, unaware of the breath you’d been holding.
Ok, maybe you weren’t entirely in control, either.
“Arthur…” You commanded, trying to regain some semblance of control back.
This was not part of your plan, however, and you were quickly losing grip of all reason and logic. You needed to get him off and away from you before you acquiesced to his ministrations.
“But don’t worry, ____. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”
He drew back from you, staring down at you with an uncharacteristic tender look. He continued.
“The effect you have on me is not one I’ve felt with any woman I’ve ever encountered before. It’s confusing—maddening, even— and I can’t escape it… because I don’t want to,” he sighed in surrender, “I want you, ___.” 
It was a look of pure love and affection that shone in his eyes. His half-opened shirt invited your gaze to roam his body, and his thick-rimmed glasses framed his features in such an alluring glow that outshone the dimness of the kitchen. His hair looked softer than usual, too. Your hand twitched at the thought of running your fingers through those ash blue locks. Your mind was thrown into a whirlwind with the influx of new information, one that dented your rationality. Your desire to get closer to him wrestled against your impartial stoicism, threatening to crack the armor around the stone gates to your heart.
“Hey Arthur,” you started, twirling a lock of his hair with your hand. It was ever-so-slightly damp; he must’ve bathed in le thermae earlier.
“Yes, ____?”
Damn that seductive voice of his, you shooed away that thought as soon as it entered. You chose to focus on something much more pressing at the moment. 
“We need to get you bandaged up. You’re bleeding terribly from your head.”
It took a lot of convincing, but Arthur finally acquiesced to your persistent request.
“There, all done,” you stepped back from Arthur, who was sitting hunched over on his bed.
You were both settled in his room with his medical bag open on the desk and his equipment strewn all around. You didn’t exactly know what to do to treat Arthur’s wound, but you insisted on doing it for him… with copious amounts of instructions from him.
“I brought you some fresh coffee and fudge, as an apology.”
“At this hour?” He mimicked your tone from earlier. You rolled your eyes at his childishness.
“And here I am trying to make it up to you, and this is how you show gratitude?”
You huffed indignantly, ready to head out and leave the unappreciative writer to his own devices.
“Hold on, now,” he gripped your wrist before you could fully turn away, “you’re the one who smashed glass on my head, so you owe me a favor.”
“…a favor on top of tending to your wounds and bringing you coffee?”
“Oh, indulge me, won’t you? You did those of your own volition.”
You sigh, “Depends on the request, then.”
“Feed me,” he perked up with no hesitation or embarrassment in his tone.
You wanted to turn him down, to tease him about his child-like excitement, but you couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes. Those eyes held a very powerful hold over you though you blame it on your own tiredness outweighing your better judgment.
“Alright…” You moved aside his things to sit next to him, leaning towards the table to drag the tray closer to yourself.
“Open wide, you incorrigible baby.”
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