#oh my god ... imma tag all them bitches tomorrow
breitzbachbea · 2 years
God I love enemies and I love hatred Blease Blease tell me about the hatred I’m beghing on me knees
Oh, where to START. Charlie and Robert have their own playlist, which I should remake on youtube so that I can share it. Big fan of "Hated You from Hello" by Downplay and "You're Going Down" by Sick Puppies being both sided, "Know It All" by Fivefold is so, so good for when Robert gets his revenge for Sicily in a later story and in turn "Thank You for Hating Me" by Citizen Soldier is a great Charlie song once he has had enough. Those aren't all songs on the playlist, just a little overview.
So yeah, these two and just how deep and visceral the hatred of each other runs is very important to me. Started with the homophobia, but even when Robert gets better, Charlie just ... still thinks he is the most annoying person on the planet. And Charlie in turn is never going to let Robert forget what he did to him, because if he has to live with the trauma, so has Robert.
However, the English are very good at making enemies and Robert in particular manages to be unpopular. Literally nothing funnier in the world than a good old Tarielle/Railey love triangle where Tahir is incidental. This isn't about him, this is about Robert and Arielle not wanting to share air to breathe. Read my latest drabble and see it in action. Or this Lego thing I wrote - Hugo isn't very in character, but the Robert and Arielle bitching is just. on point.
OH MY GOD, SPEAKING OF HUGO. LEMME JUST. I think those drawings by @c0ffinated speak for themselves. Very sad I cannot share the nsfw ones that make the point in the best way.
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(First one is Hugo eating Alois' protein snacks in the middle of the night after a one-night stand. One night stand number 238493. And the fourth one is the Live German Reaction to the third one, because that's Katta and Selim. Katta says "This is such a shitfest here, I love it" and Selim "Got something of Asi-Tv" (<- slang for German reality TV. Think TLC kind of stuff). )
Alois is being an asshole about Hugo's weight, Hugo is being an asshole about Alois' lost legs, it's a good look on neither of them, somehow they still end up fucking all the time. I don't get it. Neither does Massoud, the poor soul in the second picture trying to help with Alois' leg. Leo thinks this shit is hilarious, like the Germans, Nathan (aph switzerland) doesn't have much of an opinion, Hugo tries to behave in front of Lilli, but oh my god, these two are driving Roderich nuts. He can handle Hugo on his own, but as soon as Alois is also in the picture .... it goes against all of his sensibilites. PLEASE read this Hugois One Shot, I am so proud of this one, it encapsulates all that is wrong with them so well. Also, if God wants it, I will actually get to write another one shot where Hugo is REALLY nasty. Has a breakfast brawl at the end. It's gonna be so good once it's done.
Okay, but to circle back to Robert, another petty feud he has with @swabianmapley's OC Siggy, who is one of the Icelanders. It's not really as intense, because it's for ... incredibly dumb and petty reasons and the Icelanders aren't high on the English priority list, but it deserves a mention. As do another two of Jani's OCs, the former right hand of Emil's dad, Rúnar, who did a runner when the old man wandered off into the ice, never to be seen again. But before that even he dated one of the Icelandic subordinates, Þóra, and they had an incredibly poor breakup. Hates his guts even before he left them all hanging and god knows, Leifur's other right hand Alex now has more than a few good reasons to throw him into a volcano if he ever showed up again, but Þóra would strangle the motherfucker on the spot if he showed his face in Iceland again. Also, while we are at the Icelanders - Leifur, Emil's dad, and Ansgar, Lukas' dad, never really got along. Business partners, yes, but also business enemies, never really being cool with one another. And then the sister of Leifur's wife moved to Oslo and his wife asked Leifur if he couldn't help her find work. So he asked Ansgar for a favour and whoops, they got married and now they are brothers in law. Whoops.
Okay, last Robert one, but since the Spaniards and the English also have bad blood (and Arthur is SO smug about it while Antonio is so passionate about kicking his face in), Robert and Diego don't get along. Robert usually is more eager about the fights because he's an adhd hothead like that, but only because Diego is a soldier doesn't mean he want to punch out his teeth any less. "Friends" by Sixlights is a great song - the chorus for them in general and the verses for the fucked up AU version where they dated and had a bad breakup.
On the bigger playing field, where there also little animosities nestled into the bigger ones like matryoshka dolls - The Empires of course don't get along. The English have beef with the Russians and Spaniards, the Spaniards are pissed with the Turks and vice versa, while the Turks also can't stand the Russians. Also - the Austrians and the Turks. Not sure where I stand on the Austrians and the Russians yet. But yeah, love the idea that Charlie and Harry have a conversation on a big event whether or not "their Kurdish friend" (Dilan) just doesn't like blondes, because she's bitching with Salomé (who, much like Francesco however, thinks personal grudges are uninteresting and also is the horniest lesbian on the planet who wishes Dilan wasn't straight), Alois, Robert and Viktoriya. Their convo also includes "Okay, but she gets along with the Dutch lass." "She's no natural blonde though." "Neither is Salomé." "... point taken."
Oh yeah, while we are at the Dutch: It's not an ACTIVE beef, they aren't really out here hating each other on a deep personal level, but both Nathan and Gavin resent the other AND that rotten Dutchman for all the money they are sitting on. Nathan and Gavin do a lot of banking and related illegal stuff, so they are direct competition. Tim doesn't care about either of their bs, he'd do business with them if the price was right. But, quote from an RP I had with Jani, by Tim about Gavin: "Some people like holding grudges more than they like making money."
Who else is there ... I mean, I absolutely love a good ScotFruk tug of war. Gavin and Arthur inheriting the nemesis relationships from their fathers, each of them want power and influence on the isles and then Arthur happens to on-off date Gavin's ex-boyfriend. And the Scot just can't help, even if he is not actively in love with someone anymore, he will always love all his sweethearts. Besides, the French are friends! François is a friend! And he deserves better than this cruel and petty Englishman! Meanwhile, Arthur is a jealous little bitch who can't properly express his love for Fran, but also can't stand the thought that the Scot puts his finger not only on his sphere on influence but the one man he loves. Bitchfest supreme.
Speaking of that, I have a note in my notebook for the next chapter of IP I will edit that says "Can anyone ask more about Lovi so that Michele can call him bitch boy unlimited". The fact that Michele hates Francesco, too, out of a mix of jealousy over not being the biggest siren in the room if Franci is there and because he doesn't buy his friendly shtick, plus he's afraid that Francesco could see behind his mask. But we are here for Lovi and Michele, which is a very ironic hate. In the hetaverse at least they are united in their mutual dislike for Feli and all the other Northerners. but in LFLS, Feli falls a bit to the wayside (though Michele has not much respect or love for him either) and it's all about these two. I think, aside from the fact that they also inherited a generational enmity, Lovino feels entitled to the land Michele is sitting on and Michele is fiercely protective of his independence ... aside from all that, they are too close for comfort. They see in each other who they could be, maybe all they should be but aren't, maybe all the sides of themselves they like the least.
... Yeah! I think that's a good start! :)
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craftycheetah · 2 years
a pediatrician and a bar owner. what could go wrong?
tags/warnings: ABO, no quirks, heat cycles, phone sex, dildos, knots, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, licking
taglist: @pharaohanubis0
Word Count: 9.6K
A/N: back at it again with the tumblr bestie @endeavours-jockstrap
“hey girly pop,” mina, your best friend, grins from the doorway of your office. “ready for a fun night out?”
you look up at her, confused. “i’m sorry?”
“i told you we’re going out tonight, remember? this new alpha i’m seeing—so hot by the way—his friend owns the komori club and he got us in for free.”
“oh yeah, i remember,” you smile and finish arranging the files. “i’m not really feeling so hot. i’ve been working all day and—“
mina puts her finger up. “imma stop you right there. i don’t care. you’re turning thirty tomorrow and tomorrow is the only day you have off all week so we’re going out tonight, end of story.”
you pout, knowing you can’t argue and reluctantly agree. “okay…”
she helps you press your hair and pick out a cute outfit, practically dragging you into the uber. the komori club is the hottest club in town. anybody who is anybody went there.
mina shoves you both through the line to the bouncer at the door.
“i’m with eijirou kirishima,” she says confidently with her hand on her hip.
the bouncer gives her a once over. “i’m sure you are. back of the line.”
“ugh, bitch!? he’s literally my boyfriend!”
“that’s what they all say.”
she angrily takes out her phone and dials a number while you just stand helplessly next to her playing with your scent patch. mina yells into the phone for a full minute before handing it to the alpha bouncer. he listens intently for a moment, then gives it back. “my bad. come on in.”
“yeah, that’s what i thought, bitch,” she scoffs and pulls you inside as you mouth apologies to the bouncer.
it’s loud inside. loud and crowded. your nose is bombarded with a cocktail of scents despite a strict scent patch rule in crowded places like this.
“there he is,” mina squeals and hops the velvet rope of the vip section. she sits on the lap of a stocky redhead, kissing his face over and over again.
“mina,” you whisper-shout. meeting the gaze of the scary bouncer. “hi.”
thankfully he lets you through and you scurry up the short steps into the booth. “oh my god he’s so scary.”
“eiji, this is my bestie y/n,” mina introduces as you take a seat across them and sink into the soft cushions.
“help!” you squeal and flail your legs.
the electric blonde next to you helps you sit, laughing uncontrollably. “are you okay?”
“mhm,” you hum. “thank you.”
“no problem. my name’s denki.”
he goes back to talking to his friend, sipping a yummy looking cocktail. you try to get a waitress’ attention to no avail and just end up sitting stiffly on the couch. mina’s occupied with her new man, playing with his dyed red hair while he rubs her thigh.
so you just play the sims™ on your phone and get lost in your own little world.
the plush couch suddenly dips, jerking you sideways into a very solid torso.
“watch it,” a voice growls above you.
“s-sorry,” you squeak and scramble to sit upright, eyes fixed on your phone. the alphas scent fills your nose: something smokey with an undertone of burnt caramel. daring to sneak a peek, you catch a tattooed arm peeking out of a folded silk, black sleeve and more in the open button-up chest.
“katsuki!” denki grins and reaches over to rub the top of katsuki’s shaved head. “what’s up bro?”
katsuki smacks the hand away. “don’t touch my fucking head.”
“my bad. it just feels like a peach.”
katsuki’s red gaze finally settles on you. “who’s this?”
“eep,” you squeal when you’re perceived.
“she’s with mina,” eijirou supplies.
“tch, whatever.”
you’re shoved again by someone sitting between you and katsuki.
“hey babe~” an overly sweet smelling brunette sing-songs and rubs katsuki’s chest. “sorry i’m late, traffic was crazy.”
huffing, you try and get your purse out from under her ass. “umm, excuse me?”
she turns with a bored expression, blue eyes darting from your toes to your head. “what?”
“you’re sitting on my purse.”
“mm.” she ignores you and goes back to talking to katsuki.
“excuse me…excuse me!” you say a little louder.
the bitch ‘accidentally’ sloshes her drink with an exaggerated laugh and a few drops land in your low neckline.
“ma’am!” you huff.
she finally turns and plasters a condescending smile on her face. “look, you’re kinda harshing my vibe here so can you just…not?”
“you are sitting on my purse!” you finally snap. 
she gets up, sweeps it onto the floor with her hand and sits back down. “there you go.”
“ugh!” you scoff and pick it up. “mina!”
she’s too busy chatting and laughing to pay attention. you abruptly stand up and stomp down the steps up to the bouncer. “where’s the bathroom?!” he raises his brow at your tone. “i’m sorry,” you say a little quieter. “where’s the bathroom, please?”
“right there.” he points towards a graffitied wall.
“thank you.” you make your way through the crowd to the quiet solace of the bathroom hallway. of course there’s a line. you don’t even need to pee, you just need to clean up and take a breather.
a drunk omega bulls into you as she exits the bathroom, apologising through slurred words no matter how many times you say it’s fine. you see her scent patch is peeling and offer one of your own.
“oh my goooshhhh, you’re sooooo nice,” she smiles and tears up when you plaster it on. “you’re like, my new bestieeee.”
the wonders of club bathrooms. “you should totally hang out with me and my friends at our table. this guy i went to highschool with owns the place and he’s my boyfriend's friend’s friend so we’re totally cool.”
wow, this owner has a lot of friends doesn’t he? you ponder the offer. it can’t be any worse than the nonsense you just went through. she touches your hair softly.
“oh my gosh you’re soooo pretty. imma wait for you right—right here.” she leans against the wall.
“umm, let’s just get you back to your friends first,” you chuckle and help her off the wall. “can you show me where they are?”
“ohemgee yassss, i’ll show you.” she takes your hand and leads you to another set of vip booths where a bunch of women are sitting. “girls, i made a friend~! she’s so nice and we’re literally sisters now.”
they all start squealing and fawning over you, complimenting your hair and makeup.
you feel loads better after you finally get your virgin long island iced tea and get roped into pictures with these random girls.
“it’s actually my birthday at midnight,” you tell them and they collectively gasp.
“how old are you?”
“i’ll be thirty.”
“oh my god you look soooo freakin’ good for thirty,” the omega from earlier, who’s name you learn is camie, slurs. “what’s your secret?”
“camie you’re thirty two and look twenty,” a red haired alpha woman giggles.
“yeah but that’s cause of surgery. did you get surgery?”
“um, no, i didn’t,” you laugh. “thank you though.”
she convinces you to stand and dance with her, pulling you to the dance floor. you shyly try to follow her steps, giggling when she bumps you with her hip.
a wrong move makes you trip and nearly tumble into someone.
“oops, my bad,” you apologise and look up to see it’s the alpha from earlier.
“you again?” he says.
camie appears and squeals, hanging onto katsuki. “suki baby! where have you been?! this is my new best friend in the entire world w/n.”
“y/n,” you correct.
“that’s literally what i said,” she pouts. “this is katsuki, my boyfriend’s friend's friend.”
wait but that would mean, “you own the club?”
“yeah,” he replies curtly.
you blank, not sure what to say to that. “okay.”
he holds up something pink and glittery. “this fell out of your bag back there.”
you gasp. “my phone. thank you so much!”
camie groans. “this is boring and my feet hurt, let’s sit down.”
katsuki surprisingly follows you back to the booth, sitting next to you. camie squeezes next to him, sighing dramatically. “suki, rub my feet.”
“i’d rather die.”
you giggle and sip the rest of your drink as you go through your phone. there’s a dozen texts from mina asking where you were. you respond and tell her you’re okay and just having fun with some other people and she should enjoy her time.
katsuki rubs his chin, peering down at you through the corner of his eye. you’re cute, a little shorter than he’s used to but he likes what he sees.
“what’s your name again?”
you peer up at him with doe eyes. “y/n.”
“mm, okay. can i get you a drink?”
that takes you back. why would the owner of the komori club want to buy you a drink?
“umm, okay.” you smile politely.
both of you sit bide by side in one booth, leaning in close to hear each other over the music.
“so what do you do?”
“i’m a paediatrician.”
“so you deal with bratty kids all day?”
you take another sip of your drink and nod your head. “i do. i love my job.” 
he shrugs and picks a speck off his orange shirt. “i couldn’t do it. think that’s more of an omega thing.”
“we have lots of alphas there too and—“
camie’s squeal right in your ear makes you wince. “ohemgee y/n it’s midnight! happy birthday!”
you smile and let her clumsily hug you. “thank you, camie.”
“s’ your birthday?” katsuki inquires.
you nod and read the messages coming in from friends and family. 
“happy birthday or whatever.”
you grin up at him. “thank you.”
under the colourful lights you don’t see the slight blush on his cheeks.
hours pass and you start getting sleepy.
“think i’m gonna head home,” you murmur and stand up. the girls all whine and protest and it makes you sad but you get their numbers with vague promises to hangout.
katsuki stands too, towering over you. “i’ll walk you out.”
“ooohhhh~,” camie swoons. katsuki flips her off behind your back.
mina meets you outside with eijirou, absolutely plastered and grinding up on her amused boyfriend.
“thank you again,” you thank katsuki shyly. without the loud music and dim lights, you feel a little more nervous talking to such an intimidating alpha.
“whatever,” he says offhandedly. “gimme your number.”
you gasp loudly, and he stifles a laugh behind his hand.
“take the damn number,” mina grits out, not so quietly.
your hands shake on your phone as you exchange information.
“y-you can call me whenever,” you mumble. “not whenever, i mean i’m usually free after six o’clock but i’m free all day tomorrow.”
“mhm.” he looks down at you with heated eyes, making you squirm.
thankfully the uber arrives so you can help mina inside before she can pass out.
“goodbye.” you wave at katsuki and eijirou as you enter.
eijirou waves excitedly while katsuki just watches the car leave.
“your scent is swelling,” eijirou comments. “you got a lil crush, bro?”
katsuki ‘tch’s’. “whatever. i don’t do crushes.”
“mhm. we’ll see.”
mina wakes up in your shared apartment, in your bed after she insisted on sleeping there, more hungover than she’s ever been. she groans and rolls over to see you wrapped in a towel, just getting out of the shower. 
“hey birthday bestie,” she smiles before groaning softly. “ugh my head. you’re up early.”
“i left you aspirin on the bedside table.” you pat her thigh and pick out some loungewear. “drink plenty of water and rest.”
“yes nurse.”
“i’m a doctor, not a nurse.”
mina sticks her tongue at you before reaching over for the medicine. “so, what's the plan for today?”
“you’ve gotta go out, y/n! treat yourself and do something. you’ve only got one life y’know.”
you hum and put on two floral scent patches on your neck. “i like to use my day off to relax, mina. sit down with my computer and watch netflix.”
your phone vibrates, and mina sneaks a peek. “uh who’s this calling you ‘bestie’?”
“hm?” you pick up the phone and read the message from the unknown number. “no idea.”
“want me to tell them off?”
“no. i think i know who it is.” you text back, and sure enough, it’s camie. “it’s this omega i met in the club. i didn’t expect her to text me to be honest.” 
“hmm, is she nice?”
“i think? she was plastered when i met her and after she dragged me to her friends she was teasing that guy who owns the club and was all over him.”
“maybe they’re dating?”
you hum softly and shake your head. “i don’t think they were dating. she said he’s her boyfriend’s friend’s friend or something.”
“boyfriend’s friend's friend? woah. what does she want?”
bar girl
>>we should totally get bdb 
bar girl
>>b day brunch(*^ω^*)
&lt;&lt;you remembered?
bar girl
>>uh ofc i did🙄🙄🙄🙄
>>there’s this place downtown that gives you free pancakes on your bday (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
>>that sounds good
>>can i bring a friend
bar girl
>>a friend or a *friend*??? 😏😏
>>or a fwb  uwu
you look at mina. “you two will get along.”
you and mina get dressed and drive to the address camie sent, meeting her in the parking lot.
“i always pass this place but never go in,” you hum and let her hug you.
“well today’s the day!” she giggles before reaching out to give mina a handshake. “hi, i’m camie.”
“mina. love your dress.”
“thank you! i love your hair. it’s so big and pink. like cotton candy. i love cotton candy, it’s soooo yummy.”
“thank you,” mina snickers.
“let's go in, i got us a table already and there’s bottomless mimosas.”
“oh, i’m driving so i can’t drink,” you tell her.
“boooo,” camie pouts.
“tomato tomato,” mina adds, mimicking throwing tomatoes at you.
you playfully shove her inside and follow camie to the window booth.
you sit down and idly chew one of the bread sticks while camie goes on about how much she travels and where she wants to go for winter. perks of being an influencer you suppose.
“you should totally try it, you’re really pretty,” she grins. “just take some pictures.”
“pfft, her social media is so dry you could use it to light a fire,” mina chides. “she barely posts anything.”
“it’s not that bad,” you mumble and open your instagram. all you have is a few milestone pictures and some of you and your family. the last time you posted was two years ago when you officially became a doctor.
“realising how bad it is?” mina snickers.
“shut up, it's not. i think it’s practical.”
“uh huh.”
camie peeks at your phone. “like…ew.”
“it’s so empty. who’s this?” she taps her acrylic on a picture of you and a cousin. 
“my cousin. it was his birthday.”
“he’s cute or whatever, but girllll, what is this dry ass shit?!”
you thank the waiter that puts your pancakes down. they’re cute and heart shaped with ‘happy birthday’ spelled out in chocolate syrup. “yay, pancakes.”
“we’re coming back to this after eating.”
“aw,” you pout and take a bite.
“don’t feel so bad, bestie. everyone gets busy.”
“i don’t feel bad, what’re you talking about?”
“you’re clearly in denial,” mina shakes her head.
“no i’m not.”
“sure. let's finish eating.”
mina listens to camie direct you on how to update your social media while eating her biscuits and gravy.
“but i don’t understand why i have to take a picture of my food.”
“to show what you're eating! also to show how good it is!
your eyes dart from the food to the phone. “okay. i have a follow up question.”
“just take the picture.”
“okay! okay.” you snap a photo of your pancakes and show it to camie. “is this good?”
“no. the angles are weird and the lighting is off.”
you huff, not wanting to make her mad but you put your phone down. “i’m just going to eat my food if you don’t mind.”
“wait! take the photo now! the lighting’s perfect.”
you sigh and take the picture anyway. a message pops up before you can add a caption.
scary alpha from club
mina waves her hand in front of her face. “whew. why do you smell nervous?”
“really?! is my patch peeling up already?” you touch the scent patches on your neck.
“no, bestie, your scent just bled through it just now. are you okay?”
“yeah, um, that guy from the club last night just texted me…”
“katsuki?!” camie gasps loudly. “he never ever ever texts anybody! what did he say?”
“he just asked what i’m doing. should i just tell him?”
“yes!” “no!” camie and mina shout simultaneously.
“don't listen to her. let him know what you're doing. he seems interested in you enough to text you. did he say happy birthday?” camie asks eagerly.
“he did at the club and he bought me two drinks.”
“oooh, that's a good sign.”
inhaling deeply, you text back.
&lt;<eating brunch with camie and mina
scary alpha from club 
>>you busy after?
you stare at the phone wide eyed. 
“well, what'd he say?” mina asks with a big grin. 
“he asked if i'm busy after this…”
they both squeal, drawing a few stares.
“well, what're you gonna say?!” camie gasps.
“no, i guess?”
“say ‘no, why?’ and add a smiley face!”
they start talking over each other, overwhelming you. “okay, can we calm down? i’m just going to tell him i’m not busy and see what happens after that.”
“my bestie's going on a date!” camie squeals.
“your bestie?! i've known y/n since high school.”
“umm club rules say we’re literally bffs forever now.”
“the last ‘f’ is already ‘forever’”
camie blinks at her. “oh…i knew that.”
ignoring their bickering, you text katsuki.
&lt;<;no i’m free after
&lt;<we’re going shopping for a new outfit for her
&lt;<sorry, camie took my phone
katsuki looked at his phone and let out a subtle snicker.
eijirou walked into the living room of their shared penthouse. “hey man! woah, are you smiling at your phone?! who is it? tell me tell me please?”
katsuki rolls his eyes as eijirou gets in his face. “back off, shitty hair! you're like a nosy golden retriever.”
eijirou keeps trying to peek before stopping when katsuki growls at him. “fine then, keep your secrets. it’s probably that omega from yesterday~”
the spike in katsuki’s scent tells him he’s not wrong.
“oooh you do have a crush~” eijirou teases. “she’s cute though.”
katsuki side-eyes him and sends a scent out that clearly says ‘back off’.
eijirou raises his hands in placation. “relax bro, i’m not going after your omega, i have mina. you should just talk to her.”
“duh, that’s what i’m doing.”
“like an actual person and not a throwaway.”
“yeah. this time, i actually am.”
“good for you, man. so what’s the plan?”
“said she’s birthday shopping with mina and— what’s icy hots friends name again?”
eijirou stares blankly. “shoto has friends? is it that kid from that extra course you took?”
“yeah. his girlfriend i guess. that girl who talks like a valley girl.”
“oh camie,” eijirou realises. “i like her, she’s cool. a little dumb though.”
katsuki stands from the couch and stretches his shoulder. “let’s go.”
“ooh, where?”
katsuki stopped for a moment.
>>where are you guys going shopping
club omega(cute brat doctor)
>>this is camie (^ω^)
>>going to the daimaru mall
>>i’m sorry about her
>>but yh apparently that’s where we’re going
&lt;&lt;;i’ll c u there
you squeak in terror. “what does he mean?! is this code for something? camie!”
“y/n, relax, he’s just meeting us there.”
“he’s meeting us there?!”
mina sips her orange juice, opting to drink something else after her fourth mimosa. “it’ll be fine bestie. i think i had too many drinks.”
camie orders a pitcher of water. “suki knows all the best shopping spots. his parents are fashion designers. you know the bakugous.”
“i think i’m gonna pass out…” you mumble, fanning your face. 
“it’ll be fine. let’s finish our food and head out,” mina suggests.
camie nods and you take a deep breath.
you sit near the fountain in the mall as camie and mina talked to some guy at a kiosk about a set of diamond earrings.
“hey,” a voice calls out.
you look up and see katsuki’s tall and bulky figure before you, his chest and abs defined underneath his black shirt.
“eiji!” mina jumps and hugs eijirou, wrapping her legs around his side waist. “what’re you doing here?”
“kat said we’re going shopping so i just followed him,” eijirou tells her and rubs the top of katsuki’s head. his hand gets smacked away immediately.
you stand abruptly, lost for words. “you actually came?”
“i said i would.”
you swallow nervously and fiddle with one of the patches on your neck. scanning through your brain, you give him the first compliment you can think of and say, “i like your hair?”
“…my hair.”
mina facepalms.
“yes? a shaved head suits you.” you give him a stiff thumbs up. 
“are you alright?”
”yup, i’m great. perfectly fine.”
he waves his hand over his face. “you’re stinking up the place.”
you clap loudly and smile. “i need to use the bathroom. excuse me.” you cover the side of your face to avoid his gaze and stride past him towards the bathroom.
mina looks in your direction and follows after you. you’re splashing water on your face in the sink when she finds you.
“hey, bestie, you okay?”
“i’m a fucking idiot…”
“nooo, that’s not true.” 
“it was horrible! he probably thinks i’m stupid now!”
“no, you were just nervous. everyone gets nervous when they meet someone they might like. c’mon, let's go back. i’m sure this will go over well.”
back at the fountain, katsuki sat with arms crossed and a scowl on his face.
“don’t worry man, i’m sure she went to wash her face. you were nervous too when we got here.”
“shut up shitty hair…”
as you and mina walked back over, katsuki noticed you were still nervous but not as much as before. 
“hi.” he nods.
“sorry about that,” you apologise and play with the pink sleeve of your sweater.
“don't worry about it. where did you guys want to go shop?”
“ooh, dolmas,” camie grins. “then some jewellery from tiffany’s.”
katsuki looks down at you. “is that what you want?”
you peer up at him. “i’m fine with anything but i wouldn't mind going to h&m.”
“what do omegas even like? soft shit, right?”
“i like comfy stuff…”
“good to know. you really wanna go to h&m?”
“what’s wrong with h&m?”
“you can do better.”
“but i like h&m. i got my outfit from there.” you look down at your outfit.
“your outfit looks nice, sure, but an omega like you should have a couple lavish things or something. follow me.” he and eijirou start walking in the opposite direction.
“an omega like me?” you repeat and look at camie. “what does that mean? is that bad?”
“relax, girl,” she dismisses. “it’s a good thing.”
the three follow katsuki and eijirou towards a store where you see a mannequin in a white button-up and a pink plaid skirt. you go inside and search for it before your nose wrinkles when you look at the price . “oh lord, that’s like a month of groceries…”
a looming presence stands behind you, making you nervous.
“you like this?” katsuki rumbles above you.
“huh? oh yeah, but it’s too much for me.”
“get you size then hand it to me.”
“huh?” you stammer. “n-no i can’t let you do that.”
“consider it a birthday present.”
you reluctantly look through the options and thankfully find the size you always wear. “i should try it on first. these things usually run small.”
“i’ll be out here waiting for you. what size are you? i saw something else i thought you’d like.”
you tell him and he hums, wordlessly walking off.
“how’s it going?” mina whispers after witnessing the scene.
“he’s so…weird.”
“weird how?” 
“i dunno, just weird. not bad weird though. he’s different than what i’m used to.”
“different is good sometimes. he seems nice based off of what eiji told me but he just looks mean on the outside.”
“very mean,” you mutter and look at another dress. “we’ll see.”
you’ve never really been a fan of shopping. more likely to just buy stuff online and hope it fits and if it doesn’t just send it back. so you’re exhausted after just two hours of looking through different stores.
“my feet hurt,” you whine. “i shouldn’t have worn wedges today. mina can we go home?”
“we still have like five more stores.”
you whine louder.
katsuki comes back with a long-sleeved dress and notices your irritation. “you okay?” 
“my feet hurt and i’m tired.”
“how about you sit outside. i’ll buy the dress and i'll meet you there.”
“okay,” you hum, stepping out and looking for the nearest bench. you see some empty ones around a little kakigori stand and buy some.
“strawberry for the pretty lady,” the cashier grins. “i put a little extra something on the side.”
“hm?” you hum, look at the side of the cup and notice a number written onto the sparkly paper. “oh…thanks.”
you sit and eat some of the ice, feeling a little awkward about the unsolicited phone number. but he is cute. maybe you’ll text him later and see what happens.
katsuki comes out of the store with a small bag of clothes and sees you eating your treat while darting your eyes between it and the guy behind the kakigori counter. ‘what the fuck is going on…’
the guy comes over to talk to you, making you laugh slightly at something he says before he hands you a small piece of paper and goes back to the stand.
katsuki comes over and turns his head at the smell of horny alpha. ‘ew.’ “you feeling better?”
“i am, thank you,” you smile.
katsuki side eyes the alpha who shrinks into himself and scurries off. rolling his eyes, he sits next to you and looks at your food. “how much was that?”
“what size is that?”
“a small?”
“700 for a small?! that’s not worth getting up for. y’mind sharing with me?”
“oh, um, but i only have one spoon. let me ask for another one.”
“we can still share.”
you chew your lip. “that’s not very sanitary.”
“it’s not like we’re sick or anything. just hand over the spoon,” katsuki sighs.
“the doctor in me says germs are everywhere…”
“and the not doctor part?”
you think for a moment, then hand him the spoon. “i might as well let loose a little on my birthday.”
“good,” katsuki grins and scoops some of the ice. “is this strawberry?”
“it’s my favorite,” you smile.
“mine too.” he noms the scoop, licking over his lips and fangs. 
you clear your throat. “i never asked what you did outside of owning the club.”
he passes you the spoon and rubs his chin. “i used to model for my folks but i got bored of that. but i’d say the clubs are all i do.”
“is there any other stuff you’re interested in?”
“i don’t know really. the clubs are interesting and the business is good.”
you hum and eat some of the kakigori. “so it’s just business with you?”
he searches his mind for something else. “i like to cook.”
“are you any good?”
“all the food served at the clubs are my recipes.”
“ooh. i didn’t try any but hopefully one day. i’m not a good cook, which is ironic since i love to eat.”
“i could teach you,” he offers.
“really? i don’t want to be a bother,” you mumble.
“you’re not being a bother trust me. just let me teach you the basics.”
“i’d like that.” you smile and his alpha preens proudly.
he glances at the piece of paper and sees it’s a number. when you’re not paying attention he slides it over to himself and crumples it up.
“totes cute,” camie comments from where she’s watching with mina and eijirou.
“i’m happy for him,” eijirou smiles. “so manly.”
mina playfully rolls her eyes at eijirou before smiling at you while you share shaved ice with katsuki. “they have to get together. she always messes up relationships cause of her anxiety.”
“uh mina, kat has anxiety too. he just doesn’t show it as often.”
“really? they’re both perfect for each other then.”
eijirou helps load the bags, and mina who’s finally tuckered out from those drinks, into your car.
“i had a great time,” you smile at camie. “we should hangout more often.”
“ohemgee, we should! you can totally come to my place whenever and we’ll have so much fun. also, happy birthday,” she grins, handing you a small bag from tiffany’s.
“camie, you didn’t have to,” you gasp.
“but i did. you’re welcome. inasa said he’s gonna pick me up so i’ll see you two again, okay?”
you nod and give her a hug. “thank you.”
you walk over to katsuki and smile up at him as he playfully raises an eyebrow.
“what is it?” he scoffs softly.
you take out a packet of tissues from your purse and wipe his mouth. “you got syrup on you, katsuki. today was fun. whenever you’re free, you can teach me how to cook like you said.”
“sure, tiny.”
“i’m not tiny, you alphas are just big for nothing.”
“you’re small to me, tiny. you’re practically fun-sized,” he chuckles as your chubby cheeks puff up. ‘cute.’
“can we gooooo?” mina groans from the passenger side. 
“i’m coming, relax. bye katsuki.” you wave.
he holds his hand out for you to shake, which you do with a little amusement. some of his scent from the gland on his wrist rubs off on your sleeve.
“later, tiny.”
“bye, giant,” you scoff before walking back to your car and driving off.
a few minutes after you and mina leave, camie squeals and shakes katsuki’s arm. “you like her~” 
“i’ve only known her for two days.barely two days, a day and a half at most.”
“babe i can tell you like her. my crush meter is never wrong!”
katsuki scoffs and walks to his audi. “whatever. let’s go, shitty hair.”
“bro we can’t just leave camie,” eijirou protests. “that’s so unmanly to leave a lady by herself.”
“good thing you’re with her then.” katsuki enters his car and starts the engine.
“you’re not seriously leaving me here are you?!”
katsuki gives him a look.
“so not cool,” camie pouts.
“fine. get in the car so we wait. i don’t feel like standing and waiting for that bald headed bastard.”
eijirou and camie stifle their laughs. “bro, you’re bald too.”
“i’m not bald. it’s a buzz cut, shut up.”
“i can see your scalp, babe.”
“i’m blond! of course it looks like this.”
“if you say so.”
over the next week, you and katsuki have been texting each other a lot, sharing recipes, and getting to know each other. throughout the week, he’d have someone deliver food to you for lunch under the claim of wanting you to eat right while being busy. the food was amazing, and you’d tell him every time after you eat the dish. monday, he made you kushiyaki, tuesday, it was gyoza, and wednesday, the delivery man comes as usual and meets you outside the hospital but he comes empty handed. he also looked a little different. taking off his hat, he revealed himself to be katsuki.
“katsuki!” you gasp. “hi.”
“hey tiny. i like your getup.”
“it’s a lab coat,” you huff. “what did you bring today?”
“nothing, i’m taking you out for lunch.”
“what, are you serious?”
“yeah, let’s go before your lunch is up.”
“ i can’t go too far but there’s this yakisoba vendor just around the corner.”
katsuki bends his elbow for you to slide your hand into, he rumbles when you do and bleeds happy alpha pheromones into the air. your cheeks heat up, and you suppress a purr as you walk.
the yakisoba is delicious. you happily eat it, blissfully unaware of katsuki watching you.
“yours looks yummier than mine,” you complain half-heartedly and point your chopsticks at his packet.
katsuki tilts it and smiles softly when you twirl your stick in it and take some. you hum and fan your face, swallowing the bite. “spicy. very spicy. oh my god.”
“can’t handle the heat?”
“i like spicy food, i just wasn't prepared.”
“whatever you say, tiny,” katsuki chuckles and hands you the coke he’s drinking.
“thank you,” you hum, drinking some of his soda before eating more of your noodles. 
katsuki walks you back to the clinic after lunch, stopping at the entrance.
“i’ll see you soon, tiny.”
“i hope so. thank you for lunch.”
your genuine smile makes his alpha preen and starts rumbling.
“whatever, you don’t have to be so soft about it.”
“im just being polite but, okay.”
you save at katsuki as he starts walking down the block, your omega swooning a little as you go back to your office. 
“someone smells happy,” mina comments when you walk into the apartment. “did you see another cute baby?”
“yes but that’s not why i’m happy,” you hum and kick off your shoes. “katsuki came to see me for lunch.”
she looks up from her laptop. “oh?”
“yeah. he was really nice and we ate yakisoba.”
“so you went on a lunch date~”
“we did,” you squeal and plop onto the couch next to her. “he’s so cute.”
“you think he’s cute? ooh, bestie has a crush!”
“mina stooop,” you whine, hiding your face in a throw pillow.
“next thing you know he’ll ask you out on a date, then he'll be your boyfriend!”
“no way. an alpha like that is not going to date a paediatrician.”
“he seems pretty interested in you already. who knows, it might go well. so are you going to spend your heat with him next week?”
you gasp, scandalised. “no! he has better things to do and im still too nervous,” you pout.
“you gotta be confident and put yourself out there bestie! he might even say yes!”
“i dunno…”
mina loops her arm over you for a hug. “you’ll get it.”
next week, you took your mandatory week off from work. the first few days aren’t so bad; just hot flashes, hunger, and horniness.
mina gives you as much space as you want but brings you food and water.
on the third day, you turn around in your nest, whimpering loudly. 
you moan in pain as you get another cramp, your fingers not enough to ease the pain in your pussy. your eyes settle on something pink hanging from the laundry basket, your scent mixed with something sweeter catching your nose. standing up, you pluck the sweater you wore last week and press it to your nose to inhale the smell of burnt caramel.
your eyes roll back as you let out a loud moan. ‘alpha. need alpha,’ your omega whines. 
you blindly reach around for your phone as you rock your hips against your hand.
katsuki finishes loading the dishwasher, pressing the button to start the cycle.
his phone buzzes in his back pocket as he opens the fridge to grab water before after morning workout.
y/n(tiny omega) is calling…
katsuki’s eyes widen as he sees the contact. ‘oh shit.’
rushing up the stairs, he shuts the door to his room and sits on his bed. “hey tiny.”
on the other end, you let out a cross between a keen and a moan.
“tiny? you okay?”
‘alpha. need you,’ you whine. ‘miss you.’
“y/n, are you okay?”
‘no, hurts too much,’ you whimper. ‘want you.’
‘she’s in heat. i can’t just hang up on her,’ katsuki thought to himself.
“i’m here omega. it’s gonna be okay,” he mumbles as you whimper softly. “imagine i'm there with you, ‘mega. spread your legs for me, can you do that?”
you whimper out a yes and spread your legs a little wider.
“good girl. lemme know how you're feeling, okay?”
you whimper into the phone and start rubbing your clit. ‘alpha.’
“you're touching yourself aren’t you? what’s running through that pretty head of yours?”
‘you, alpha,’ you keen.
‘mhm,’ you hum into the phone.
“what would you let me to do to you, pretty girl?”
‘anything,’ you pant. ‘whatever you want.’
katsuki fishes out his dick, languidly stroking himself. “what’re you wearing?”
his phone buzzes again.
y/n(tiny omega)
katsuki opens it and sucks in a breath when he sees the picture of you from the neck down in the familiar loose pink sweater and nothing else, the collar loose enough for him to see the swollen scent glands shiny with oil.
“fuck, you look so hot,” he groans softly, stroking himself.
you whine on the other end and press two fingers into your slick hole. 
‘do you have a heat toy?’ he asks you.
blearily you pull your fingers from your pussy, your omega whining at the loss, and open your bedside drawer to take out a purple and pink jelly, knotted dildo you bought ages ago to help with your heats. “i do,” you whine into the phone.
‘fuck, change the call to face time, pretty girl. i wanna see you.’
you roll onto your back, contemplating if you should. ‘need alpha,’ your inner omega whines.
you tap the button on your phone and set the phone at the head of your bed while you wait for him to switch the call. you softly rock against the toy and whine softly before it finally connects.
‘you look so fuckin’ pretty like this. you wish it was me, don’t you?’ he chuckles, groaning as he fists himself a little faster. ‘you wish it was me stuffing you full right now, pretty girl? show me how you like it.’
you lay on your side and bend your knee towards your chest, giving him a full view of your front. you reach behind your thigh and press the dildo to your hole, sighing in relief when it’s buried up to the knot.
“wish you were here, alpha,” you whimper as you rock against the toy before slowly withdrawing it. katsuki sees the thick, shiny, slick clinging to the toy and your hand, and licks his lips.
‘holy shit, you’re soaked, pretty girl,’ katsuki groans as he starts bucking into his hand. ‘keep going, just like that.’
you swallow thickly, gathering up the courage to ask him to move the camera. “can i see you? please?” there’s some desperation behind the question, how you breathlessly beg for him to show his dick. the sound of your whimpers fill his ears, riling up his alpha. 
katsuki flips his camera around, showing his hand wrapped around himself, his cock, shiny from the precum while his knot was starting to swell from seeing you like that.
‘alpha, you’re so big,’ you gasp from your end before moaning when the dildo ghosts over your g-spot.
“yeah? is it the biggest one you’ve ever seen?”
‘i’ve never seen an alpha’s dick before…only betas,’ you admit shyly.
“oh yeah? well what do you think?”
‘you’re so thick, katsuki.’
“call me katsuki again,” he groans as you keep thrusting the toy in and out.
‘i want you katsuki. you and your knot, alpha,’ you whimper and smell your sleeve again to imagine he’s there. ‘fuck.’
“what was that?”
‘my sweater smells like you, alpha. you smell so good.’
katsuki squeezes his knot, trying not to cum. he exhales loudly, his voice tight as he fights off his orgasm.
‘wish you were here, katsuki,’ you whine and push the toy deeper inside you. the fake knot catches your sore rim. ‘you’d treat me so well. you’d be such a good alpha. you’d be the best sire to anyone’s pups.’
“shit, pretty girl, you can’t just say things like that,” katsuki groans as he tries to hold back.
‘but it’s true,’ you moan. ‘anyone would be lucky to have you as their mate.’
“even you, pretty girl?”
your eyes widen as the words slip from his mouth pushing you over the edge. ‘fuck!’
katsuki watches as the knot disappears between your legs as you buck wildly. ‘shit that was hot,’ he thinks.
you whine into the phone and look into the camera. ‘katsuki?’
‘i wish it was you, instead.’
katsuki’s eyes roll back as his nose scrunches up, his groans echoing throughout his room. “fuck.” his knot pops, pulsing as his dick spits cum all over his abs and hand.
‘alpha?’ you call out from the phone. ‘alpha are you still there?’
katsuki flips the camera so you can see his face. “i’m still here, pretty girl. don’t worry.”
you start to whine and whimper, your omega disappointed in the fake knot. katsuki hears the door open and some footsteps.
“whew. you’ve been busy,” mina exclaims and taps your shoulder. “uh oh. this is why i told you to get a heat partner.”
katsuki’s alpha growls at the sight of someone else touching you when you’re so vulnerable.
“bestie, who’s—shut up, you didn’t! i’ll go get some rags and some food for you but i’m so happy! she’ll be out for a couple hours.”
katsuki watches the beta give you aftercare, growling when she reaches between your legs to take out the toy. you whine and grab her arm. “knot!”
“it’s okay, you can use it later. you’re such a good omega.”
you purr at the praise, letting go of mina and resting your head on the pillow with a blissed-out expression.
mina picks up your phone. “i’ll let her text you later. byeee~” she sings and hangs up. katsuki stares at his home screen for a moment, then becomes hyper-aware of the cold cum on his stomach and hand. “ew.”
katsuki goes into his bathroom and takes a shower before opening his window and changing into a clean pair of boxers and sweats.
walking inot the living room, he passes eijirou while making his way towards the kitchen.
“damn, bakubro,” eijirou calls out. “what’s got you all worked up?”
“nothing. i’m just getting something to eat.”
“you stink.” he waves his hand in front of his face for effect. “is your rut early?”
“mind your business, shitty hair!”
“did you get cockblocked?”
“shitty hair…”
eijirou holds his hands up in surrender and goes back to watching his movie.
you wake up sore, the fog of heat a little clearer after an orgasm and a nap. you turn over and see mina sitting behind you with her laptop in hand watching a movie. “mina?” you mumble.
“nice to see you’re awake, bestie,” she hums.
you glance at her sitting on your blanket. “you’re in my nest…”
“i can go if you want me to. i just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“how long have you been here?”
“about an hour.”
you sigh and lay back down. “i’m just tired. what happened?”
“apparently you spent an hour long face time call with katsuki.”
“what! oh no no no no no. i probably acted like a horny bitch,” you whine and cover your face in shame. “i’m a terrible omega.”
“what, no you’re not, bestie. you’re a great omega and anyone would be lucky to have you as their mate. and he texted you back.”
she shows you the notification on your phone.
not so scary alpha katsuki
>>text me when you wake up
your omega purrs but you shut her up. “i’m so embarrassed.”
“this is a good thing!”
“what if it’s not!” you whine.
“only one way to find out.
he replies almost immediately.
not so scary alpha katsuki
>>you okay?
&lt;&lt;;feeling better
&lt;<i’m sorry for bothering you
&lt;<i probably did sumn weird
not so scary alpha katsuki
>>no you didn’t
>>don’t worry about it
“he’s being so cool about it,” you mumble. “why?”
“almost like he likes you,” mina says and steals a fry from the takeout bag.
“no he doesn’t, does he?”
“he wouldn’t have stayed on the phone if he didn’t.”
“maybe you’re right. hopefully he does like me back.”
“are you saying you like katsuki?”
“i’ve only known him for two weeks, mina. but i think he’s cute,” you say quietly.
“bestie’s got a crush!”
“no, i don’t, shut up!” you whine.
she squeals quietly. “your first actual crush on someone you know in real life and not just instagram models.”
you huff and feel your stomach start to flutter. “i—i should call my alpha.”
mina packs up her things and puts the leftover food on your nightstand. “i cleaned your toy and left it in the drawer. good luck.”
when you’re alone again, you call katsuki and hold your phone to your ear.
‘hey pretty girl,’ katsuki’s voice echoes through the speaker.
“hi alpha,” you smile to yourself.
‘you feeling better?”
you whine and it tells him what he has to know.
‘go get your toy, pretty girl.’
two days later you’re coming down from the peak of heat, extremely tired and spent. mina leaves you wrapped up in your blankets with plenty of water, netflix and snacks before going to work.
in the middle of watching inside job, you hear a knock at your front door. you trudge your way over in your self made burrito and open your door. the smell of burnt caramel and smoke hit your nose instantly. “alpha!” you chirp, hugging him and rubbing your cheek on his chest before pulling him inside.
“glad to see you’re feeling better, pretty girl.” katsuki rubs his chin on the top of your head, scenting your bonnet.
you purr contentedly, hugging him tighter. “what’re you doing here? how did you know where i lived?”
“eijirou’s girlfriend gave us your address so i can check on you. i brought food.” he shows you the brown paper bag.
“such a good alpha,” you mumble and pull his free hand. “come into my nest.”
“are you sure, pretty girl. i don’t want to impose on you.”
“i want you to see it. please?”
“all right, lead the way.”
you show him your bed piled high with pink and white blankets and a pastel pink throw. a cat squishmallow sits by your white headboard.
“cozy,” katsuki comments as he sits.
you purr happily as you sit next to him in the nest. “what’d you bring?”
“that sounds yummy,” you chirp and tug the front of his shirt. “can you take this off so i can put it in my nest?”
“you want my shirt?”
katsuki chuckles as he removes his shirt and adjusts himself so he lays on his side. “is this better?”
your eyes trail along his torso, ogling his large pecs, slight six pack and the full sleeve on his right arm and pec. “yeah.”
you tuck the shirt under your pillow and lay down so he’s spooning you and can see your computer screen.
“what show is this?”
“inside job. the guy that made gravity falls is a producer.”
“mm,” he rumbles and rubs your hip. “never heard of them.”
you giggle at the feeling and watch the episode, letting the conspiracy jokes flow through your ears.
“is that a half dolphin half human man?” katsuki mumbles.
“yeah, he was in some military testing and it went wrong, but it’s funny.”
“you’re weird sometimes, but it’s cute,” he mumbles as he presses his nose to your neck. “and you smell so good.”
your omega preens but you choke up, suddenly freezing as katsuki’s rough tongue laps against your skin.
katsuki groans as he tastes your butterscotch scent, his hips rutting against your ass.
you turn your neck enough to face him. “katsuki, i don’t want to go all the way during my heat…”
“that’s okay,” he rumbles. “i won’t push you.”
“you’re so sweet,” you purr, tilting your head back to smile up at him. “but…we can do other stuff if you want.”
“like this?” katsuki whispers as he leans in and cups your face, eyes flickering down to your lips before laning in and kissing you softly.
you turn around and lean into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
katsuki rumbles softly as he cups your face, deepening the kiss.
“alpha?” you murmur as you pull away.
your scent flares a little with post-heat heaviness.“need you.”
katsuki’s pupil dilate at the change in scent. ‘holy shit.’ “you sure, pretty girl?” he mumbles as you stare up at him.
he kisses your neck and shoulder, tongue darting out to taste your scent gland. his hand slips your sleep shorts off and your legs open on impulse. his alpha rumbles loudly but he knows your heat is the one talking.
“where’s your toy, pretty girl?”
“drawer,” you whine, tilting your head allowing him to nose more against your scent gland. you cling to him while he stretches his arm to your drawer to take out the dildo.
you whine when you see the toy, pulling his sweatpants. “knot!”
“can’t give you the real thing yet pretty girl. not when you’re like this,” he coos, kissing your forehead.
you whine and paw at his sweats. “alpha.”
“i’m sorry but i’m not taking advantage of you like this.”
you whine and you try rubbing your ass against him.
“no, y/n,” he sighs, gripping your hips so you stop. he adjusts both of you so he sits on his knees between your legs while you lay on your stomach. “i’ll still help you.”
he leans over you and allows you to inhale his scent. your hips buck up against him, covering his sweatpants with slick.
“easy, pretty girl. i’ll give you what you want.”
rubbing the dildo along your hole, he taps it a couple of times on your clit before slowly pushing it in.
“oh fuck, alpha!” you whine as you buck your hips.
“i’m right here, y/n. y’like that don’t you,” he whispers as you moan into your pillow.
his eyes focus on the way the dildo easily glides out of your cunt, slick starting to drip down and wet his fingers. the air is thick with your scent with the lingering heaviness of heat but not as strong as a few days ago.
your hands grip the blanket next to your head.
“is it too much for you, pretty girl?”
“more,” you whine. “please.”
“faster or harder, omega?”
“yes,” you whimper, arching your back more.
katsuki places a hand on your lower back as he moves the toy at your request and leans over you, kisses behind your ear. “you’re such a good omega, y/n.”
you choke on a moan when you cum, whining into your pillow. your hips cant backwards against the toy. “alpha, knot me please!”
katsuki pushes the toy ask the way inside you with a soft pop, grinding the tip of it into your g-spot to draw out your orgasm. your body falls flat on the bed, knees and arms weak but your omega is satisfied.
“good girl,” he whispers, rubbing your sides and kisses your cheek. “you stay here, i’ll go get your food and some water.”
you whine at the mention of katsuki leaving. “nooo,” you mumble. “alpha stay.”
“just relax. imagine this is my knot.” he wiggles the toy and you sigh. ‘it’s not as big but it’ll do.’
katsuki kisses your temple and walks out of the room to get the omurice he made. ‘dammit it’s fuckin’ cold. i might as well just remake her food.’
about ten minutes later, katsuki comes back in with two plates of food. “you awake, pretty girl? y/n?” he calls out as you groan softly.
“there she is. i brought you food.”
he places a plate on the other side of the bed then goes into your bathroom looking for a washrag so he can clean you up.
once he’s done he helps you sit up and sets you upright, draping an arm over your shoulder while handing you the plate of food. “eat up, pretty girl. can’t have you starve during your heat.”
“such a good alpha,” you mumble with a dased expression. 
katsuki chuckles softly and scoops a piece of egg and rice up. “y/n, you gotta eat. open wide for me, pretty girl.”
you rest your head on his shoulder and open your mouth. “ahh,” you groan softly.
“you want me to feed you?” he chuckles after you take the first bite.
“no, i can—i can do it,” you mumble, reaching for the spoon. “this is good.”
“i know,” he chuckles as you drowsily feed yourself. 
“what about you?”
“aren’t you gonna eat?”
“not right now, i’m worried about you.”
you pout as you look up at him and scoop some of your rice and move it towards his mouth. “eat.”
“it’s not for me, y/n. thats yo—”
“no, eat.”
he takes a bite, chewing as you take your own bite.
“yay,” you hum taking your own bite before feeding him again. you squirm happily and keep doing this until you finish your food. “oh, there’s no more…”
“are you still hungry?”
“no. can we cuddle some more?”
he takes the bowl away and puts it on the nightstand. “sure.”
you turn around and rest your head on katsuki’s chest. your omega purrs happily at the closeness. “katsuki?”
“thank you,” you hum.
“no problem, tiny.”
mina returns in the late evening and sees the pair of slides by the door. your scent is in the air but mixed with another.
“y/n? i’m home. who’s car is by the curb?”
mina doesn’t get a response. 
she knocks on your door before peeking her head into your room, instantly holding her nose as she smells yours and katsuki’s heavy intertwined scents with an undertone of sex.
she peeks into your room and sees you wrapped up in your blanket burrito next to katsuki sitting up on your headboard. your head is on his chest while you sleep and he watches netflix. “oh, you two have been busy,” she chuckles. “hi bakugou.”
his head perks up at the sound of the door opening. “you saw nothing,” he glares.
“how is she?”
“satisfied. we didn’t do anything so don’t get any ideas.”
you let out a small snore and shift closer to him, rubbing your face on his chest and purring from his scent.
“i wasn’t worried about that. i’m glad you care about her,” mina smiles as you purr quietly.
“yeah yeah. go tell your boyfriend i’ll be late tonight.”
“i will,” she giggles.
“and don’t go making it a big thing!” he hisses.
she will.
katsuki gently shakes you awake after you’ve been asleep for an hour. “i’ve gotta go, tiny.”
you pout and stop your omega from whining. “do you have to?”
“i’ve gotta go to work tonight, so yeah. i wanted to ask you something before i go? are you free next saturday?”
“saturday? mm, i have a shift but i could sacrifice my day off for a free saturday. why?”
“i wanna spend time with you. my parents have a show that day then i could take you out for dinner.”
“katsuki, i’d like that,” you smile as he looks down at you. he grabs the shirt but you grab the other end. “can i keep it?”
“i have to wear a shirt, tiny.”
you look up at him with big pleading eyes, bottom lip wobbling. katsuki relents and lets it go. “fine. you can keep it.”
“alright, i’ll see you then, pretty girl,” he chuckles and kisses your cheek before climbing out of your bed.
you watch him walk out of the room and swoon softly. “bye…”
the front door shuts and immediately, mina rushes in, flopping onto your bed. “tell me everything. he didn’t take advantage of you during your heat did he?”
“no.” your eyes dart to your drawer. “he didn’t. he was really nice and helpful, he even made me omurice.”
“anything else?”
“we watched netflix together and cuddled. he asked me out on a date for next saturday. now i just have to find something to wear…”
“i have just the thing!” mina squeals. 
“i don’t want anything short! mina your clothes aren’t my style.”
“mmm, nevermind. ooh, what about that outfit you bought when katsuki went with us to the mall?”
you think about the pink plaid shirt sitting in the back of your closet with the long-sleeved white shirt. “i would but i don’t want to mess it up.”
“girl, this is the first date you’ve had in ages. wear the skirt.”
“okay okay. i will. now leave, i wanna do…stuff.”
“uh huh. have fun,” mina snickers before walking out and closing the door behind her.
you fish out the shirt from under your blanket and bring it to your nose, shuddering slightly. ‘alpha.’
eijirou hears the front door open as he’s getting ready in his room and peeks out. “hey bakubro. where’s your shirt?”
“don’t worry about it.”
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© craftycheetah: all rights reserved. do not edit, modify, repost, or claim my works as your own.
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triplexdoublex · 4 years
Alpha Omega
Pairings: Colson x Reader
Warnings/Tags: alcohol, drunk, attempted rape (colson saves you before ANYTHING happens), potentially triggering dialogue about it the next morning, strangers to friends to lovers, smut, squirting 💦
A/N: Inspired by a weird dream I had and a real tweet I read, the person Jake in the fic was actually Jake Paul in my dream (ew). If you think the beginning backstory may trigger you and just want to read their friendship turn to lovers/smut, then scroll to the 2ND time skip marked with stars (***)
College mid-terms were finally over, which meant the same thing every year: the Alpha Omega annual fraternity party! It was the biggest party on campus every year, and even though it’s not really your scene, you decided to attend this year. Maybe it was the stress of mid-terms weighing extra heavy on your mind, but you needed an escape. But now, five full drinks and some shots later, you find yourself stumbling around the drink and keg area in the kitchen with a half-empty red solo cup, wondering how the hell you're supposed to find your way back to your dorm to sleep off what was obviously a very poor decision.
“Hey pretty thing,” you hear, suddenly feeling an arm slink around your waist.
“Do I know you?” you ask, disoriented and confused as your eyes try to focus on the face of the person touching you.
“The name’s Jake,” he shouts over the music, guiding you out of the kitchen and into the main party room. “You should come back to my room, you look like you need to lay down,” he says with ill-intent, but you’re too intoxicated to argue, letting him lead you up the stairs.
Even though most of your senses are impaired right now, you can’t mistake the distinct, pungent smell of weed wafting towards you as Jake escorts you down the hall once the two of you reach the top of the stairs.
“Yo, Jake!” a voice shouts from an open door, smoke billowing out as you pass.
“Hey Cols, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, man,” he says, blowing a smoke ring as he passes the blunt to his roommate Pete. “Wanna hit?”
“Maybe later, gotta get this pretty little thing back to room,” Jake answers.
“Aye, she alright? Colson questions, quickly rising to his feet.
“Yeah, pal she don’t look too good,” Pete coughs.
“Nah, man, that’s fucked up. She’s gooone!” Colson says getting a closer look at you. ‘You can’t talk her back to your room like this. That’s just wrong.”
“The fuck I can!” Jake retorts. “Look,” he says turning to you and lifting your slumped head. “You wanna go to my room with me don’t you, sexy?”
“N-nno” You slur, drunkenly shaking your head ‘Yes’
“See, she shook her ‘yes’,” Jake argues.
“Yeah, and her mouth said fuckin’ NO, Dawg!” Colson snaps back.
“Listen, I’m taking her to my room and there ain’t shit you can do about it!”
“The fuck there is!” Colson swings, his closed fist making contact with the side of Jake’s face, knocking him out cold.
The next thing you know you’re opening your eyes; an unfamiliar room and bed coming into view. You slowly sit up holding your throbbing head
“Hey, you’re awake,” says a soft voice to your right. Quickly, you turn your head in a panic to see a tall blonde sitting on the edge of the bed.
“W-who are you? Where.. Where am I?” you ask on the verge of tears.
“My name's Colson,” he reaches out for your hand. “I —”
“Don’t touch me!” You yell, scooting backwards pulling  the covers up over you when you realize all you’re wearing is a thin, white, mens t-shirt. “Where are my clothes?”
“Aye, yo, it’s not like that. Relax, listen,” he stands with his hands up backing away from you. “I slept on the couch, I just wanted —”
“Where are my clothes!?” you demand.
“You threw up on them,” he answers.
“So lemme get this right �� I threw up and you took off my clo —”
“NO! No! God no!” he says waving his arms. “My roommate Pete —”
“So your roommate Pete took off my clothes…?”
“NOOO! Please, just listen. I swear I was just trying to help you and keep you safe.” The desperation in his voice causes you to let down your guard a little. “I was saying, my roommate Pete. His girl. She stayed over last night and I asked her to help get you cleaned up and changed. I saw nothing I swear,” he puts his hands up again.
You sit there in silence, confused, trying to process everything he just said.
“You really don’t remember anything from last night? Do you?” He asks, stepping slowly back towards the bed.”
“No,” you shake your head, disappointed in yourself.
He cautiously begins to sit back down on the edge of the bed then pauses “Can I?” 
You nod ‘yes’ and he takes a seat.
“Yo, you were in really rough shape last night. I’m assuming you had too much to drink?”
“Yeah,” you admit looking ashamed.
“Aye, we’ve all been there. I’m just glad you’re ok,” he smiles. “Me and my homie Pete were just up here smoking when we seen some dude we know trying to take you back to his room. I could tell you were wrecked. Fuck, you where barely conscious. I tried to tell him how wrong that was but he wouldn’t listen so I knocked him the fuck out. I didn’t know where your dorm was or if you came to the party with anyone and I wanted to make sure you had a safe place to sleep it off.”
“ Thank you. I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions,” you apologize.
“Nah I completely understand,” he accepts your apology. ‘That’s why I wanted to be here when you woke up, I figured you might be a little confused.”
“More than a little,” you let out a small laugh.
Colson cracks a smile, then heads to his dresser, pulling out a pair of his athletic shorts. “Here, tell you what,” he says, tossing the shorts on the bed. “ Imma head out there —” he points to the door. Let you get dressed and I’ll drive you back to your dorm. Cool?”
“Cool,” you answer with a thumbs up and a smile as he steps out the room, closing the door behind him.
“Seriously, thank you so much,” you say when he pulls up to your dorm.”What can I do for you? I feel like I can’t thank you enough.”
“Nothing. Any respectable man would have done the same thing,” he says.”I can only hope that one day if god forbid my daughter even finds herself in that position that someone would do the same for her.”
“Awww, you have a daughter?”
“Yeah,” he smiles like a proud father, lifting his backside from the drivers seat to pull out his wallet. “Her name’s Casie,” he says opening to her picture.  
“She’s beautiful.”
“Thank you,” he says, then tucking his wallet back into his pocket. “She lives with her mom but I still see her all the time.”
“I’m glad. You seem like you’d be a great father.” you smile. “Thanks again,” you add, stepping out of the car.
“Hey, ummm, wait,” he calls out the car window as you walk towards your dorm.
“Yeah?” you turn back to face him.
“Ain’t you in that bitch Mrs. Pearson’s creative writing class with me?”
“Oh yeah,” you thought he looked familiar. “You usually sit up in the back row right?”
“If you mean ‘take a nap in the back row’, then yeah that’s me”, he laughs.
“Well see you bright and early tomorrow then I guess,” you smile.
“Yeah, see ya,” he smiles back before driving off.
The two of you became quite close after that. Gradually moving your seats closer and closer to be near each other in class and pairing up for projects together. You even got to meet his daughter Casie briefly once before her mom picked her up from their weekend visit. You spent a lot of your free time together.It was amazing how you could do absolutely nothing when you were together yet there was no awkward silence or moments: much like right now where you're both hanging out in your dorm just laying on your bed scrolling aimlessly through your phones.
“Oh my god why are men so stupid?” You blurt out in laughter, showing him a tweet on your phone. “This dude really had the audacity to make a whole ass thread about how to eat pussy but he obviously has no clue what he’s talking about; girls don’t squirt out of their clits!’ No wonder girls never cum and have to fake it. Ya’ll mother fuckers don’t even know where the clit IS, and I’m pretty sure squirting is just something made up by the porn industry cuz that shit never happens in real life.”
“Aye, nah I hope you aint including me in that, cuz lemme tell you, ya boy knows where the clit is!  My girls always cum,” he smirks. 
“Yeah, okay,” you roll your eyes. “How do you know they’re not faking?”
“Cuz squirting ain’t made up, that shits VERY real! Maybe not every time but it has happened so I know they weren’t faking,” he smiles. “You mean to tell me a guy has never made you cum?
“Uhn uh” you shake your head no.
“And you’ve never squirt... even ..uhh..by yourself...or with whatever toys you chicks use?”
“I mean I’ve cum alone, but never squirt. No,” you admit blushing. You and Colson have never discussed anything sexual with each other before.
“That’s bananas, dawg!” he exclaims, slapping the bed.
The room grows quiet, the silence feeling awkward for the first time in your whole friendship.
“Aye, uh you trust me right?” Colson breaks the silence
“Yeah, of course, with my life!” you exclaim.”Why?”
“Trust me enough to uhmm...show you what I can do?”
“Are--are you saying you wanna — “
“I wanna make you cum,” he blurts out, cutting you off. “If- if you’ll let me that is.”
“I...Uhmm..I..”, you stumble while thinking it over.
“Sorry… uhhh let’s just forget this whole conversation, okay?” he says ashamed, thinking he made you uncomfortable.
“Why not,” you blurt out nonchalantly.
“Wait!, why not, like… like you … you wanna —”
You silently shake your head yes biting your lip.
“Oh shit! For real?” He says in surprise, getting up off the bed. “Uhh, c’mere,” he calls you over to the edge of the bed.
You do as you're told crawling over to the edge, sitting with your legs dangling off the bed. “You know, you don’t gotta go easy with me,” you smirk waiting for him to make his next move.
“Good, I wasn’t planning on it,” he says, immediately flipping you over and yanking your panties off from under your dress.
“Ugh you boys are all the same,” you groan looking back at him assuming he’s just gonna start fucking you from behind. “Haven’t any of you even heard of foreplay?”
“Don’t tell me no one’s ever eaten your pussy from the back before?” he questions, kneeling down behind you. 
With both hands he grabs your ass making it jiggle for him before delving his tongue between your folds, his tongue exploring every crevice. You gasp at the sensation and feel his muffled laugh buzz against your core, intensifying your pleasure. Gripping your ass tighter, he alternates between plunging a firm, pointed tongue in and out of your wet slit and assaulting your clit with a series of rapid fire kitten licks. Your legs weaken with each lash of his tongue, your body slowly collapsing against the bed.
“Keep that ass up, girl,” he pauses briefly to say. You try with all your might but it’s no use; Colson has reduced your legs to a pile of jello. Roughly he tosses you onto your back, spreads your thighs open and gets back to work. Keeping his tongue focused on your clit, he slides two fingers deep inside of you, his lengthy digits perfectly pressing against your G spot. “I can feel this pussy tightening around my fingers, I know you're close, right?” He pauses to ask cockily.
All you can manage is to nod, ‘yes’, your bottom lip clenched tightly between your teeth as you look down locking eyes with colson; the fiery passion in them is a stark contrast to their ice blue hue.
Colson quickens the pace of his fingers, the sloshing of your wetness audible as he brings you closer to the edge. Then resting his free hand on your mound he gently pulls back the hood of your clit with his thumb exposing the most sensitive part sending your body into convulsions when he rapidly flicks his tongue against it.
“Colson, FUCK!!! ” you scream out in pleasure as the most intense orgasm of your life rips through you. “Oh my god... oh my god,” you chant in pleasure and shock as you realize you’re actually squirting. Colson doesn’t miss a beat continuing to work you through your high, relishing in the mess you're making all over his face and fingers. When you finally stop twitching he removes his fingers and sits up with a smug look. He pulls off his shirt, wipes his glistening face with it, then tosses it on the floor and hurriedly starts undoing his belt.
“You didn’t think I was just gonna stop at one, did you?” He says cockily pulling himself from his boxers. “Awhh, fuck yeah, sooo wet and tight,” he groans as he pushes in, then bringing his hand between your two bodies, and begins to rub your clit as he thrusts.
“Mhmmmhhmm,” you moan, the bundle of nerves still sensitive from your prior orgasm.
“Told ya I could make you feel good,” he teases, his breath ghosting over that one reactive spot on your neck just behind your ear, causing you to let out a little squeak. “You like that?” He laughs, nipping at the same spot while his hips roll in like the tide, crashing repeatedly against the shore of your pelvis. He nips and kisses along your jawline making his way to your mouth, harshly tugging your bottom lip with a groan. Your tongue reaches out, searching for him as he pulls back.
“Fucking tease,” you whimper.
“That desperate to taste yourself on me?” He chaffs.
To be honest you’re desperate for everything he’s giving you right now; you’re body has never felt such pleasure. So when he offers his mouth back to you, you happily welcome the tart taste of yourself still present on his ravenous tongue. Your mouths move in a hungry rhythm, following suit with your hips. Your breaths and moans echo each others, increasing in speed and volume as climax nears. He can tell you’re so so close and he knows just how to get you there. He  grabs your legs pulling you flush against him and throws your legs over his shoulder, keeping your thighs pinned to his chest with both arms as continues to pound you.
“Mhmmm… Yeah, Yeah, Fuck me! Fuck me!”  you whine needily clawing at the sheets as you enjoy his cock from a whole new angle, slamming into your g-spot at the perfect tempo. It’s just a few more thrusts until he has you completely undone, cumming for the second time today.
“Jesus Christ, Colson” you moan breathily as you ride it out.
‘Ughggg,” he grunts loudly, quickly pulling  out, your legs falling to hips as he finishes on your stomach. 
“Can’t believe you were out here talkin’ ‘bout men don’t know where the clit is and no man ever made you cum,” he says mockingly after he catches his breath. “Nah, girl, you just been fucking with some losers. Gotta get you a real man like me.” 
“Well looks like I got myself one now,” you smirk. “ because we will definitely be doing that again!”
“Awhhh shiiiit,” he says loudly, his hand covering his smile. “ Got you addicted to this dick already, huh?” He teases.
“Shut up,Colson-,” you laugh, chucking a pillow at him “- and go get me something to clean off my stomach.”
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
City Boy and His Country Girl
Characters: Erik x black!reader
Summary: Erik promises to help the reader navigate New York.
Request: "Country Girl goes to New York and meets a tough guy New Yorker who teaches her the ropes and then they get together"
Requested by @nervouspetsonanime​
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With a lot on your mind, you set your purse down on the table and went to refill your drink. The stress of the workday was getting to you and you were only midway through it. Before you went back to work you had to figure out a way to deal with some of your shady coworkers.
Making your way back to your booth, you saw two men standing there arguing. You were hesitant to go back and was about to find a new seat to avoid the scene but then you remembered your purse.
“Man, I’m telling you put that shit back or we gonna have a real problem here,” you heard, getting closer to the two.
“How about you mind your business?” The other guy asked, moving his arm behind his back. That’s when you noticed he had your purse in his hand. The dread head was trying to get this thief to put down your purse.
Noticing movement near him, your savior turned to you. Pointing to your bag, he asked, “Aye, lil mama is that your bag?”
Your mind short-circuited for a moment because of this man. He was so damn sexy. Tall, dark, and thick just like you liked em. He sorta reminded you of the guys back home except for the Oakland accent.
Finally, gathering your bearings you answered the man. “Yeah, that’s my bag and I don’t know why it’s in his hand.”
The Good Samaritan stared down the potential thief and pulled up his shirt to reveal his gun and v-cut you couldn’t keep your eyes off of. “You got 10 seconds to figure out if that purse is worth a hospital bill.”
Dropping your purse like a hot potato, the thief handed you your purse and ran out the restaurant. He wasn’t as tough as he thought.
“Next time don’t be leaving your shit hanging around.” The asshole told you before leaving.
Even though he was a little rude, you didn’t want him to leave. To stop him, you tried wrapping your hand around his bicep, but you were only able to cuff half of it. “At least let me buy you lunch as a thank you.”
He looked down at your hand and back to you. Quickly, you removed it, sensing he didn’t like being touched. “All right lil mama.”
His big body slid into the booth and you followed his suit. Stretching his hand across he introduced himself. “I’m Erik.”
“Y/N.” You took his hand to shake and his grip was tight, and you were thoroughly impressed. Your daddy always said you could tell a lot about a man by his handshake, especially when it was with a woman. A firm handshake with a woman said the man respected you, saw you as his equal.
“So, Y/N why you leaving your stuff where just any ole body can steal yo shit?” Erik took a sip of his drink and eyed you curiously.
Erik’s gaze made you hot and nervous. You had to train your eyes to look anywhere but him just to speak. “Well it wouldn’t have happened back at home and also my mind was elsewhere.”
The waitress brought both of your meals and y’all laughed at the identical plates, bacon cheeseburger with a side of onion rings.
“Ok then, what had you all messed up that almost got you robbed?”
Deciding you’ll probably never see this man again, you told Erik your office drama. “Basically, I’m the boss’ new favorite and my coworkers can’t stand it. God, sometimes I wish Tony Stark never found out about me.”
“Word? You work for Stark?” Erik raised an eyebrow, beginning to become more intrigued with this southern belle. He met Stark plenty of times before and respected his work as a scientist but couldn’t understand how someone could put up with him for hours on end.
“Yes sir,” you replied, making Erik shift in his seat at the mention of you using such a formal name for him. “My mentor who’s an old college buddy of Mr. Stark’s, sent my business management assignment to him and then the next morning, Mr. Stark was on my daddy’s porch offering me a job.”
Erik chuckled and stretched his fist out for you to dap him. He was proud of you, a black woman seemingly from a small town, working for the most renowned business mogul. “Oh, shit! That’s how you do it. Lemme guess your co-workers lack melanin?”
“Yes! And I really tried to work with them, but they hate my guts for whatever reason. But they have no problem taking credit for my ideas.” That’s why you were in a frenzy now. Cody (which btw was such a typical douchebag white boy name) pitched your idea of throwing a big gala to impress a fellow businessman for a potential partnership as his own to Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts. Then guess who he expected to do all the work? You, of course!
Finally getting the chance to vent felt good, so poor Erik had to hear all your frustrations. “And then don’t get me started on this stupid city. First off, people are rude! No one knows how to say excuse me and when I call someone ma’am, they look at me like I just called her a bitch. Second, rent is expensive! Thank you to sweet baby Jesus, for Mr. Stark hiring me, because I wouldn’t be able to afford living here. Do you know what kind of house I could buy back in Texas?”
Erik was amused at your rant. He enjoyed seeing you get all this passionate despite only knowing you for half an hour, so he decided to entertain you. “No, what kind?”
“A big ass house! Probably a ranch with all the damn animals already on it. And then this city has no good bbq. How is a girl suppose to live without some brisket!?”
Done with your rant, you took a bite on your burger and realized you just dumped your whole life story on a man who was basically a stranger. “I’m sorry, you had to hear all that. It just whenever I vent to my friends back home, they tell me I’m not appreciating this opportunity and I can’t tell my mama and daddy, because I’m paying their bills and I don’t want them to feel guilty.” Catching yourself offering up more information, you slapped your forehead. “Oh, there I go again oversharing. I’m sorry.”
Erik somewhat understood your situation. Adjusting to life in Wakanda was a culture shock and he had to figure out how to navigate in his father’s homeland. Grabbing the hand that hit your forehead, Erik massage it, focusing on the knuckles and the spaces between the fingers. “Nah, you good ma. But I do know what you need to do.”
“And what’s that,” you asked, leaned back amused.
“You need to toughen up, Texas.” Erik advised you.
Leaning on your elbows, you teased Erik with your own nickname. “Oh, really now? And how’s that gonna happen, Oakland?”
Immediately on the defense, scared that you were someone from his past, Erik asked, “How do you know I’m from Oakland?”
“Calm down, cowboy,” you patted his forearm to soothe him. “Your accent is a dead giveaway. You sound just like Marshawn Lynch.”
Erik kissed his teeth and crossed his arms. He liked Marshawn, even respected him, but when you mentioned him with practically heart eyes Marshawn became public enemy number 1. “That nigga a’ight. Anyway, imma toughen you up. Teach you how to survive these mean streets of New York and how to deal with these colonizers.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you repeated Erik, “Colonizers?”
“White people,” he said as if he should understand his lingo.
“Oh okay, what a weird insult, but when do we start?” you asked anxiously, you were excited at the chance to spend more time with this diamond in the rough man.
“This weekend?” Erik tried his best to keep his cool, but he was so excited to see this country girl as soon as possible. He would’ve asked for tomorrow, but he didn’t want to come off clingy and he had too much work to do at the Outreach and Y/N would’ve been a major distraction.
Making yourself be still and hide your excitement, you replied, “That’s perfect. I had no plans but to do my laundry and catch up on some Netflix.”
Erik bit back a smile. “Cool. I gotta get back to the office, lil mama. Give me your number and you’ll hear from me very soon.”
You and Erik exchanged numbers. While you were putting your number in his phone, you didn’t notice Erik slyly pay the waitress for your meals. When you both were done exchanging numbers, you said your goodbyes and then Erik left, making you already crave his presence.
“Excuse me, miss, can I get the check?” You flagged down the waitress, digging into your purse for your wallet.
“Oh, your friend paid for it already. He said you had enough troubles today and that you didn’t need to worry about paying for him.” The young lady walked away and started cleaning your table as you stood there dumbfounded. Erik was a man full of surprises and you couldn’t wait to find out more.
Tagging: @twistedcharismaaa @marvelmaree @ladydragonpurplefire @l-auteuse @thehomierobbstark @titty-teetee @nerd-lovely @nervouspetsonanime @soufcakmistress @chaneajoyyy
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
Pairings: Romantic Romile (Roman x Emile), Romantic Prandy (Andy x Pryce), Romantic Intrulogical (Remus x Logan), Romantic Sleepceit (Remy x Deceit), Romantic Anxtober (October x Virgil), Romantic Intrulosleepceit (Remus x Logan x Remy x Deceit)
Word Count: 896 Words
Summary: Healthy distractions, Auntie Logan vs Auntie Dee, and Virgil’s cuteness and cryptidness.
Warnings: Sex Mentions, Cursing, Cancer Mention, Sick Character, Immunocompromised Character, Nightmares Mention, Demon Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Note: Bolded and blockquoted are actions in their chatroom, not a message.
Usernames, a quick translation guide: Andy: Raccoon Man (the trashiest hero), Belladonna: hazelnut, Castor: schrodingersdumbass, Dayd: carniverousroomba, Dice: Dr. Bitch, Emile: Thera-pissed, Eve: wall-e, Halley: aspermylastemail, Janus: SnekBoi, Logan: Momgan, Noah: nope, October: eatpavementido, Orion: birdgeoisie, Patton: Papa Bear, Pollux: satantakemehome, Pryce: SwEeTvErUcA, Remus: Octopussy, Remy: Coffee Bandit, Roman: waaahluigi, Sirius: literalsunshine, Teal: uwu, Thomas: shrexy, Virgil: spipples, Vita: þiccness
A Very Sanders Group Chat: Chapter 10
4:44 PM
literalsunshine: Auntie Dee, we're coming over to visit. We're all wearing masks.
SnekBoi: Alright, your Uncle Remus is off tonight but he's busy in his room with god knows what so beware of that.
schrodingersdumbass: We come bearing food by the way.
SnekBoi: Ah, good bribe.
satantakemehome: It should be enough for a week and a movie night with Auntie Dee tonight.
SnekBoi: Auntie Dee is impressed.
SnekBoi: See that, Logan, I'm the cool Aunt.
Momgan: Not an accomplishment, I am, after all, essentially Grandma Logan to them as I'm their mother's maternal figure.
SnekBoi: Untrue, You're Auntie now because you're dating Remus, their Uncle.
Momgan: I've been demoted.
Momgan: ahfuckicantbelieveyouvedonethis.jpg
SnekBoi: Impressive, Aunt Logan.
Momgan: Hush, Aunt Dee.
SnekBoi: Why don't you make me?
Momgan: Because I'm a) not getting too close to you as I work with small, germy children that could potentially pose a threat to your health if I were to carry anything from them to you and b) we both have partners and neither of them would appreciate my way of shutting you up.
SnekBoi: Kinky.
Octopussy: ah yes, my dream come true. my boyfriend and best friend flirting. what a glorious day.
Coffee Bandit: They act as if we couldn't just simply switch partners and love them just as much.
SnekBoi: Well then.
Momgan: Oh, alright.
SnekBoi: I mean, they're not wrong.
Momgan: I know, that's the scary yet funny part.
SnekBoi: Does this mean we're together now?
Momgan: Remus, Remy, fucking explain please.
Dr. Bitch: *sips tea*.jpg
Octopussy: *clears throat* ah yes, swingers.
Coffee Bandit: Little shit, polyamory.
Octopussy: makes sense.
6:15 PM
þiccness: oh look dad and auntie are finally together
þiccness: Sorry, Bella stole my phone.
þiccness has added wall-e, hazelnut, and nope to the group chat
þiccness: I added because yeah.
wall-e: what, Vita?
þiccness: Our parents are here, Eve.
waaahluigi: Hey honey.
wall-e: Hi Mom.
literalsunshine: How dare you expose me like this, Vita Amelia Sanders? Inviting my boyfriend to this accursed place with my family and you unholy creatures.
þiccness: You know damn well I regret nothing, Sirius.
nope: Hi babe.
literalsunshine: I hate you Vita Amelia. Hi honey.
spipples: Kids, be nice.
shrexy: I can feel the resounding "okay mom" good lord Virgil, you're like everyone's mom now that Logan's been demoted.
spipples: yes, yes I am.
aspermylastemail: All bow before Cult Leader Momther Virgil, tamer of teenagers.
7:45 PM
Papa Bear: Movie night! Everyone's invited! It's at Thomas', so we can all hang out in these stressful times!
SnekBoi: Can't leave, the teenagers have a hold on me like I'm their last piece of salvation and I'm not about to deny eleven some odd teens their aunt figure.
spipples: A simple 'no' would have sufficed.
SnekBoi: I need more flair than that.
Momgan: Doing great, honey.
SnekBoi: Thanks, love.
spipples: You two are nauseating levels of cute.
SnekBoi: Thanks? I think?
spipples: You're welcome.
10:13 PM
Momgan: Remus, as much as I'd love to say 'seeing each other nude is the most vulnerable form of affection and I appreciate you being vulnerable to me', I don't appreciate it being in front of everyone including your poor brother.
Octopussy: but I was told to wear pajamas! these are my pajamas!
waaahluigi: He's lying, he sleeps in a butterfly onesie.
Octopussy: he doesn't sleep in a Beast onesie! Roman sleeps in an octopus onesie!
waaahluigi: Exposed like this? By my own little brother? In front of everyone!? The nerve!
Octopussy: You love me.
waaahluigi: Maybe. As long as we can agree on one thing.
Octopussy: Virgil sleeps in a Stitch onesie with an Eeyore stuffed animal?
waaahluigi: I was going to say we still keep stuff that reminds us of each other but that works too.
spipples: ahfuckicantbelieveyouvedonethis.jpg
shrexy: That's adorable, Virgil.
spipples: And now I'm hiding away in my room and never coming out. So long, fuckers.
spipples: hoppingintothevoid.jpg
spipples is now offline
eatpavementido: He's fine. Just sulking like normal.
shrexy: Oh, good. Our local emo is just broody again.
shrexy: We love you no matter how soft you are, Virge.
2:11 AM
SnekBoi: @Coffee Bandit, come over?
Coffee Bandit: Is there sleep involved? Sweetcheeks, it's like 2 in the morning, you need your sleep.
SnekBoi: Nightmare, need someone with me and Remus is too hard to wake up.
Coffee Bandit: Of course, snugglebug, I'll be right over.
SnekBoi and Coffeee Bandit are now offline
uwu: What a devoted boyfriend. That's so pure. God, you two are the purest couple.
carniverousroomba: Babe, please, go to sleep. Liam, Noah, and Fiona are all already sleeping and you have work tomorrow morning.
uwu: I love you and your cuddly tempting.
carniverousroomba: If you love me, cuddle me and sleep.
uwu: Fiiiiiiine.
uwu and carniverousroomba are now offline
shrexy: Angel is following me around again.
spipples: Go to sleep then, you cretin.
shrexy: But I'm hungry!
spipples: Bedtime.
shrexy: But hungry.
spipples: Don't make me summon myself to make you sleep.
shrexy: After this snack, I'll sleep.
spipples is now offline
shrexy: Oh god, there's a demon in my kitchen.
shrexy: ohnoitsmoving.jpg
shrexy: ohshitangelnodontgothatway.jpg
shrexy: sendhelpitschasingme.jpg
shrexy: virgilandangellayingonme.jpg
shrexy is now offline
waaahluigi: Virgil is like a local cryptid, I swear it.
eatpavementido: He is a local cryptid, Roman.
waaahluigi: At least he's not threatening everyone with his cryptidness.
waaahluigi: Yet.
Taglist: @glaxyjellyfish @chronophobica @fear-ze-queer @imma-potatoo
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earth-architect · 4 years
Senior Year Aventures (zuko xOC) pt.9.5
“Come dance with me”
The ride to Toph’s house was calming. Zuko let her have the aux, her favorite songs played as she watched the beautiful scenery. Toph lived pretty much in the middle of the woods, she always loved driving down Bei-fong lane seeing the practical mansion peak through the evergreens.
“wow Tophs house is huge!!” Zuko looked at the house in wonder. That’s another thing she loved, when someone new sees Tophs house, especially when the person is cute.
“you’re going to want to park in the garage” she tells him as the get to the front of the house.
“The garage doors are close though?”
“Yeah I know I have the garage key” she digs out her keys to get the garage key out. She presses the button and the doors slowly open up. Sokka and Aangs cars are parked in the first two garages, leaving Zuko to park in the third. She jumps out of the car first, walking quickly to the door and unlocking it. She opens the door and walked back to Zuko’s car to help him get out the drinks. They walk in the house, making sure to lock the door and made their way to the kitchen.
“hello!! Any irresponsibility teens home!!”
“in the living room”
Setting the drinks on the kitchen island, the two walked to the living room, a sight Kianna has seen hundreds of times, but Zuko was amazed. And rightfully so, every room in Toph’s house was a beautiful sight. Tophs parents were world famous architects, of course their house would be nothing but art. The living rooms high ceilings brought in the natural light into the room and a perfect view of the enormous back yard a pool could be seen through the celling to floor window.
“looks like Zuko is enjoying Toph’s house” Sokka says, everyone turns to look at the boy, his eyes were wide with amazement.
“Ki you should give him a house tour” suki says. Kianna didn’t even have to look at suki to see she was slightly smirking. ‘I’m starting to regret telling them I like Zuko’
“we can do that another day, right now I’m ready to get smashed”
“ I second that, let’s get this pregame started” everyone cheered as they walked in the kitchen.
“wait” Kianna stops from taking a drink “did you guys party proof the house”
The groan Sokka let out was enough to answer her question.
“alright everyone split up, meet back here in 20 minutes” everyone sets the cups down, walking in different directions while Zuko just stood there.
“come with me Zuko” Kianna chuckles ‘boy does he need to stop acting so new’
she led him to the dining room. This room had the most expensive things on display, and if anything, where broken it wouldn’t be pretty.
“everything you see in here needs to go in the case in the corner so we can lock it up”. Zuko doesn’t say anything back, he just starts picking things up and putting them neatly in the case, the two worked in silence for about 5 minutes until everything was put away. Kianna places the lock on the case, giving it an extra tug to make sure it wouldn’t budge.
“ok all we need to do now is lock the study and we can go drink” she gives him a bright smile, which he returns quickly. He follows her a little more closely now, almost like he’s working up the courage to hold his hand. He was so close she noticed when he wasn’t following her anymore. She turned around to see him looking at a painting, her painting.
“is this the piece you were talking about?” he asked, though his eyes never moved from the painting.
“yes, the Bei-fongs where the first people to hire me, when Toph’s mother found out I could paint she asked me to do this piece, it’s one of my favorites” the painting is of Toph, sitting in the garden that was placed in the back yard, it took Kianna weeks to finish it but it was honestly amazing work, the colors blended together perfectly, the flowers draw beautifully, you would think it was painted by a professional who’s had years of practice, not a 13 yea old girl.
“I had just moved in with them too, at the time they lived in the house I live in now” she takes a few more steps to the door of the study, knowing Zuko could still hear her.
“it took me a while to warm up to Mr. and Mrs. b but when they found my art and showed genuine interest in it, I knew they were good people.” She sighs at the memory
“when if finished it, Mr. b told all his rich friends, I started commissioning pieces for them on the weekends, Mrs. b put all the money I earned and started a fund for me, I’m pretty sure the put their own money in there too.” She locks the door, and twist the handles to check that is was locked.
“so, the Bei-fongs are your parents?” Zuko finally tore his eyes off the masterpiece
“there my adoptive parents, the took me in right before my 13th birthday they gave me there old house a few months ago when I turned 18, I guess they wanted me to have something of my own after not having anything the majority of my life” Zuko turns to face her, looking deeply in her eyes. Both of them getting lost in each other’s eyes, studying each other like they would forget the shing specks of brown and gold.
“it looks like I have a lot to learn about you” he says smiling at her “but I can’t help but be interested and finding out exactly who you are Kianna” ‘wow did he get closer? And god the way he says my nam-“
“KI, ZUKO, WE ARE ABOUT TO DRINK WITH OUT YOU” Tophs yelling startles them both, with a shy smile, she leads him back to the kitchen, immediately getting handed a drink. The teens spend the next two hours drinking, setting up music, and clearing furniture for a spot for people to dance. By the time the crowds of party animal students arrived, Kianna was tipsy, on the verge of being completely drunk. She had lost sight of Zuko for what seems like hours. Being pulled away by other classmates to do shots and chat about how Mr.Piandao test was a bitch. It wasn’t until around midnight that she spotted Zuko talking to some of the boys from the soccer team. The boys looked like they were having a fun conversation, she couldn’t hear what they were saying but before she could look away, Zuko caught her glaze. He tells the boys a quick goodbye and makes his way to her. All she could do was stand there and watch him, it was almost, like everything went is slow motion and maybe she was actually just drunk.
“hey, you having fun” she says as soon as he was close enough to hear her, which was extremely close with the loud music playing.
“yeah I am, some of the guys from the soccer team have been convincing me to play”
“you play soccer, you should totally go for the team”
He shrugs “I played at my old school, I’ve been debating if I should pick it up here, some guys don’t like new people on their team”
She gives him a smile “nah the team isn’t like that, and if you love to play you shouldn’t let other people stop you”
He gives her a soft smile -god that smile- “do you want to come with me to get a refill”
She gives him a nod and turns to walk to the kitchen, he walks with her, and she almost jumps when he places his and on the small of her back, slightly leading her. They get to the kitchen and find it surprisingly empty. Ask Zuko takes her cup to fill it with whatever drink he was drinking she hops up on the island, crossing her ankles so no one could see up her dress
“here try this” he hands her back her cup, she takes sip of the drink and it was so good she ends up chugging the rest.
“geeze slow down “he laughs when she hands him her empty cup filling it for her anyway
“what is that it’s so good!!”
“it’s my own concoction, I call it California surprise, but really slow down on it, the sugar will make you drunk super-fast” he hands her cup, which she takes brushing his finger times lightly. she takes a slow sip before putting the cup down.
“you know I forgot to tell you look really good tonight” she slyly looks at him through her eyelashes “you trying to impress some”
He sets his cup down next to hers “well you look absolutely amazing, did you know red is my favorite color?”
“really, red is mine too”
He raises his eyebrow “well good thing we match huh”
Before she could think of a reply, a familiar tune distracts her
“oh! This is my favorite song, come dance with me!” she dragged Zuko toward the dance floor in the Livingroom, he didn’t put up a fight, so he figured he was ok with it. When the got to the dance floor she turned to him.
“I’m not really a good dance” he says clearly hesitating
“that’s ok, everyone is too drunk to notice” she wraps his ands around her waist and puts her arms around his neck, slightly swaying to the music. Zuko loosened up eventually swaying with her. The two danced to a few songs, then went to the kitchen to get a drink, then going back to dancing. At some point in the night Kianna had he back pressed against Zuko’s chest while they danced. The two were lost in their own world, enjoying each other. They didn’t even notice Katara, Sokka, suki and Aang watching them the whole night. And when the group watched the two disappear to where Kianna’s old room was, all Toph could think was ‘tomorrow morning is going to be really interesting, and imma bout to get paid’
A/n: here’s the second part of part 9!! I hope you guys like it!! I will hopefully have the next part up on Saturday, and from here on out I will be posting every Saturday and Wednesday to give myself a schedule!! If you want to be added to the tag list just let me know!!P.s thanks for all the love posting my writing has always been a battle for me and I’m glad some people out there enjoy it!!
Tag list: @snickerdoodleeee @fanficflaneuse @pyromanicschizophrenic @kyleeanne016 @welovediaaxx
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
HEYYY BABYFACE! I thought I’d miss the beard but he’s just cute no matter what
It’s Brittany bitch
Oh no xD
Aww they’re doing a shoutout for conservation for the rainforest! Good for them!
RIP Nott you will be missed
Also Marisha’s hair? Amazing. Flawless. Stunning.
"SOMETIMES DRAGONS COME AFTER YOU" Jester your experiences are not universal
Reani knows everyone and has so many friends who clearly thinks she’s absolutely reckless but love her anyway
"Why would they call it root beer? That’s fucking stupid."
Goats milk with chocolate lol
Reani girl slow down lol
N: "I’m already plastered and that seems excessive"
Nott honey no you’re gonna die of alcohol poisoning at this rate
Thaumaturgy to make chocolate milk lol
Throwing contest woooooo!
The M9 invent root mead pong
Sam, joint about how Marisha played Caleb last week: "you were so attractive!"
Matt: "I agree!"
lol they’re all bad throws
B: "I feel like This is a consolation prize. Am I being pitied?"
F: "Yes."
B: "Do you want it?"
F: "Yes."
lol Caleb makes the best throw at the end when no one is paying attention that was cute
Matt making sure to point out that this is how he is doing the rules in HIS campaign to stop the rude people from criticizing
lol Fjord you’re too skinny for plate mail
Squishy wizard less squishy yayyy!
We’re off to steal from nobles!
Pu-bat Sol?
This is amazing I’m crying
Caleb really wants that bread
"Until tomorrow" Aw poor guy. He lonely.
Awww Samiel guiding Reani to be her own person <3
Aw bb :(
That was sweet
Also I’m convinced at this point that Reani is never leaving she’s just gonna tag along with the M9 forever now
Fjord being like "I cannot do all that exercise it hurts me" is a MOOD
Y’all are gonna randomly murder a guard?? When you’re doing something illegal??? What if he has a family??
Fucking HELL
Yeah y’all better not let Reani find out about this
They are such disasters I stg
C, whispering: "Nott says they murdered someone."
F, also whispering: "THEY WHATED SOMEONE?"
They’re all such nerds
Cad: "I’m built for espionage today not for healing" that’s a first
We need a counter for the number of times Jester has done something clever to get them in
F: "don’t worry about me, I have items and stuff, just go."
Poor Fjord left alone :(
M: "nextomantic"
Everyone: "ooooooooo 😬"
They’re all exploring a house and poor Fjord is just downstairs. Alone.
Nice job Nott!
I have some concerns about how they get out now
A book, of course
It’s time to leave guys. Go.
Them trying to gently encourage Nott not to drink is so soft and sweet
But they are pushing their luck
Please get out please
"Disguise self-elf"
Oh that’s a cool ring, but also very dangerous probably. Can easily be used for manipulation.
Well at least they got the glass
I’m gonna miss Reani she’s been fun
Cad: "Thank you for taking care of him" that’s a feeling
Caleb checking up on Fjord <3
Also it’s amazing how it actually took me 0% time to get used to Fjord’s real voice. I thought I was gonna miss the southern accent but nope.
Caleb shared a boooook :D
Gasp Nott turned down a drink I’m proud of her
Oh FUCK they were people who hired Lorenzo and the Iron Shepherds
R: "Will you come back to visit?" Don’t imma cry
Cad: "the head of a god"
C: "small."
Cad: "aren’t we all? well, you all are."
C: "alright tallboy."
I choose to believe that banter is canon
Awww Fjord trying to meditate and talk to Wildmom on his own <3
Awww getting a hug from Wildmom!!
....or is it
MATT that’s RUDE!!
That’s gonna be a TWO WEEK CLIFFHANGER
Reani gonna make out with Beau do it
Do it for all of us
Okay the rose is good too that’s sweet
Beau no xD
R: “I think you’re pretty.”
B: I grab her by the back of the neck and kiss her
I was very much crossing my fingers for that
Ohhhh Caleb and Nott gonna have a discussion
Caleb just checking in Fjord and Nott and stuff makes me happy
He’s been working really hard to be encouraging and supportive and stuff and you know what that is? Growth.
Team Mom Nott
Oh sweetie, you don’t have to do that for everyone. :(
Alright everyone group hug Nott immediately
N: “I know you all have my back, you all care for me. But no one has my front.” ouch.
N: “This flask is my shield. It allows me to do these things, to go forward and protect all of you.” Ouuuuch.
Sam Reigel coming in with the feels again.
C: “How can you protect us if you are not protecting yourself?”
N: “Well there is a bit of a trade off. I just worry that I won’t be brave without it.”
C: “You don’t have to be brave alone. I am not, without you, Nott.”
C: “Listen I don’t have faith in much, at all. I don’t have faith in myself, either. But I do have faith in this group.”
Please hug and
C: “I really wish I could see you right now.”
N: “Yeah, well... I don’t know. I don’t.”
Oh honey you’re not disappointing him
N: “I’m sorry if I disappoint you again.”
C: “Nott the brave. We may both be messes. But at least we’re messes together.”
Nott, and then she takes a sip, while he can’t see, and “I’ll try to make you proud”
C: “You already do.”
And I’m crying.
Thanks for that little hint of humor Jester
Cad’s just like “I just like to listen in lol”
Boy just gonna have emotional talks tonight huh? Cad complimenting Jester and making sure she understands that she’s appreciated even if they don’t say it as much as they should.
They’re just spying on Caleb together
And now off to eat cupcakes
Awww the Traveler “he’s right, you know; you deserve all the cupcakes, Jester.”
How does sleep come to Fjord Matt
What happens to Fjord Matt
“Except for you” FJORD??
Listen I’ve been anticipating the sword thing for ages but
Matt what’s wrong with Fjord there’s not an M9 episode next week Matt you can’t do this to me Matthew
oh my god
What’s happening is he about to get a new class??
Oh shit what’s happening
A slightly less scrawny Fjord lol
Caduceus looks very proud
“Eldritch blayst” now that i did miss
Please hold it I want so much art of him holding the sword for the first time
I’m so emotional I’m so proud of him guys
OH my god that was AMAZING
Reani come back soooon
“I get a day of extra life for every tear so” lol Taliesin
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theboykingofhell · 7 years
9, 15, 16, 18, 26, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51 for TSG, 54 :*
ricky found fucking dead in miami after looking at these PROMPTS,
9. Least favorite trope to write.
what a weirdly phrased question because if i hate it, i ain’t gonna write it... UHH. i really don’t like bringing dead characters back to life???? i don’t like writing scenes for shock horror... well, that’s a lie, i DO like to horrify the reader through my writing, but i don’t want to cheapen the emotional ~journey~ they go through by being like ‘JUST KIDDING! everything actually DOES work out in the end!!’
i have a story where narratively its kind of leading to a place where i have to make a ‘dead’ character come back (chaos actually, since i use her in red’s actual story) and it’s making me so mad like wtf thought we had a deal
15. Where does your inspiration come from?
SONGS... and just insp in general but i get a lot through music and nnnh... there’s just so many good aesthetics and quotes on my dash tbh i’m like constantly and consistently inspired, it’s great
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
imma be honest, the thing that motivates me most sometimes is either reading a rly shitty novel or seeing a shitty show and just getting livid and writing out of spite because THAT DRIVEL WAS PUBLISHED????? MY SHIT IS SO MUCH BETTER WTF... or i think to myself ‘what the fuck, what if i die tomorrow????? with my damn novel unfinished?!?!! HELL NO’... pretty much anything that reminds me that my stuff is Great but no one knows how great it is because it’s not DONE and OUT THERE yet makes me get off my ass
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
depends! for books it mostly just consists of rereading after a long period of ignoring my story and just tweaking lines that seem out of place or that ruin the flow i’m imagining. if i’m rewriting, then i have two word documents out (which the program scrivener makes SO easy god BLESS that program) and just... rewrite it word for word while STARING at the old version. that always makes the prose come out slightly different, it smooths out stuff or lets me cut away or add things i really like and, most importantly, it adds length, which i tend to struggle with a lot because i like just being TO THE POINT
with playwriting though it’s mostly about the format.. i write all plays like i write everything online... in lowercase with little regard to actual grammar. so i gotta actually pretend i give a damn about the english language and format it all properly and add stage directions cuz in a first draft for plays, i always just focus on dialogue and that’s it
26. Standalone or series, and why?
standalones are far more fun and way more satisfying and, quite honestly, require way less fluff. i keep FORGETTING how much fluff is needed in a goddamn novel. MULTIPLE BOOKS OF FLUFF no FUCKING THANKS
31. Hardest character to write.
in the rp: tyler (because he dissociates in a way that literally cuts me off from? any parts of his character? which is like the ESSENCE of his character but it’s VERY unenjoyable to write tbh) and nicki (because i put too much pressure on myself to make her seem a certain way instead of letting it happen naturally)... tbh canon characters and/or characters that are based on people are generally just rly hard sometimes cuz there’s SO MUCH IMAGINED PRESSURE TO MAKE THEM GOOD!!!
in original shit: honestly i’m really tempted to say aaron and that’s just because he’s so... unlikeable to me???? but also i think it’s just because i’ve really only written one scene for him (i always write in order unless a scene is just KICKING MY ASS to write, like this particular scene) and... he seems like a Lot... of annoying bullshit to have to write out lmfao that bitch
32. Easiest character to write.
red because i’ve been writing him for like 7-9 years now, i would hope he’d be easy by now... honestly, really explosive and dramatic characters too like bert or nora come SUPER easy for me, they’re so fun to write (especially dialogue-wise) because they’re very emotional and i can get PARAGRAPHS based on one reaction. characters who try and hide shit from everyone, INCLUDING ME, are so annoying,
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed because they’re legible,,,,, but then again, my handwritten notes make more sense because they’re kind of fully crafted ideas like ‘***make nisha and aaron meet at 42nd street for transformation chap???’ while a typed note will be like... ‘42nd street+aaron’... what did that mean, ricky-at-5am... why did you do this to us
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
two... kind of as a minimum, sort of as a maximum... like there’s usually the MAIN story and then there’s something i’m kind of doodling in the side, something that’s just sort of cooking in the backburner that i’m not too serious into the process of it, but it’s goin... i’ve never tried to do 3 stories at a time but i feel like my attention would be too divided and it wouldn’t work
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
UHH........................................... i’m very fond of faceclaims cuz idk i just kind of... feel how they look... i don’t ever really envision a full person though, i get like traits... i’ll be like... oh she has long black hair and she’s not white and her eyebrows look like this... and then i’ll see a pic of pooja mor and be like THAT’S HER THAT’S EXACTLY IT. idk what it is about eyebrows and why that’s literally always the deciding factor of how a character looks, but there it is
personality just kind of... man, characters just poop out of me, i don’t decide any of this shit wtf jhsfjg
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
once someone told me to stop making the boys kiss in the first chapter of my story so i made the boys fuck instead
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
scrolls WAY up... sees you didn’t add a story as a prompt WELL i’m still riding the tsg train here so
a tsg movie better look like the 90′s, goddamnit.. not like... found footage really, but i want something in the quality to be a little fuzzy and sort of tinted that one kind of grayish brown color i always associate with the 90′s for some reason... like, i can’t stop thinking about all these amber lighting and how dull everything looks, and how higher in quality things look the further and further it goes, like, it’s something i would concentrate a lot on visual cues with because i focus so much of the storytelling of tsg on nisha’s narration. sometimes you don’t know how many days have passed because nisha doesn’t know how many days have passed, if she dissociates, i’d want that shown on camera, if she keeps repeating the same number over and over again, i’d want to watch one little piece of a scene getting repeated again and again. it’d be VERY disorienting as a movie tbh but it’d be fun...
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
characters!!!! plot is such a backburner thing for me, if you have rly great characters, you already have a great plot right there. the plot is just set so i can see how characters react to things, man... 
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?
THE MIDDLE, FUCK THE MIDDLE.... endings are literally the easiest thing for me, beginnings similarly so, it’s just getting from that BEAUTIFUL starting scene to that GORGEOUS ending that fucking kills my poor undeserving asshole
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
low-res pictures of old cemetaries... that’s five words right there, i’m sorry but the END IS IN SIGHT, I’M ALMOST FREE AND CANT BE BOTHERED
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
can’t stress how useful having an insp blog is... creating a story through the unconscious collection of pictures and quotes that just feel relavant is just SO useful not just when it comes to really constructing a character an an atmosphere to your story, but making a fucking plot????? my tsg blog is like my most perfect insp blog because i got the idea to seperate it by chapters, and i’ve found that i can literally just... go into the chapter tags... and make connections and build on plotlines that i had NO IDEA ABOUT when i made or filled those tags, IT’S REALLY FUN and it keeps me inspired to write
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