#oh my god readmore actually works hot damn
kicksnscribs · 2 years
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Turns out I can write more if I draw shit out mindlessly for hours, who would have guessed??
Probably should be posting this on the sideblog, but if I’m being honest idgaf anymore lol. But I will tag it so you guys don’t have to suffer my terrible writing lmao.
Also I apologize for that terrible Noctis, I’m still trying to learn how to draw him but MY GOD did they make this man impossible for me to draw 😬😬😬 also procreate isn’t exactly easy for me to navigate, I’m still trying to get used to it (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it)
“Eh? Looking to get back into Insomnia are ya, Pup?” The grizzled, old bangaa wheezed out at the Prince’s awkward request. Noct’s spine stiffened as they rose to their full height, apparently sizing him up for some unknown reason. The gray green scales on their face crinkled tightly to the center of their snout as it curled into a disdainful sneer, clearly not impressed by what they found. “Meh, forget it.” The old bangaa attempted to wave him away with a large hand. “The Voretooths would get you long before you even cleared the valley to get seaside.”
“What?” Noct didn’t know whether to be offended or straight up pissed off at the bounty hunters words. A snarky chuckle came from nearby, another bangaa bearing chestnut brown scales, a lean body build and a shotgun the length of his leg had decided to make themself known from the shadows.
“Doesn’t look fit to fight a fly, even lesser to run a kingdom, don’t you think?” They pointed out cheekily, pointed snout curling into what Noct would interpret as a grin. A wave of realization washed over the other’s face.
“Ah yes!” They exclaimed, a cruel smile appearing on their features. “This one’s supposed to be the Prince isn’t it? Would have guessed the one with the mullet would have been Regis’ whelp.”
Noctis’ fists balled up tightly at his sides as he tried to control himself. He would have fought them right then and there at the moment had he not needed them to get back home. He knew that Bangaas could be coarse at times, but they were never this abrasive to him during the few times he interacted with them. Though, he reminded himself, his experience with the race was limited to those who were allowed to live within the walls of Insomnia. And judging by the way they had been treated since day one of leaving the crown city by those outside of its protection, those were the exceptions and not the rule.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he tried again.
“Please,” He began, trying to keep his tone as even as possible. “I need to know how to get back into Insomnia without alerting the Imperials.”
The older bangaa scoffed.
“To do what, whelp?!” He sneered. “Your kingdom is dead and your father alongside it. Best run away with your tail between your legs like you Humes are known to do and start elsewhere. Was bound to fall sooner or later after all. Just be happy you got out with your skin unscathed. Few others have been granted that blessing I heard…”
Noctis couldn’t remember much that happened in the next few seconds. A crackle of electricity had run up his spine before he could stop himself and he felt the familiar weight of his weapon in hand, his feet moved him of their own accord and he felt his body lean forward as he attempted to rush the bounty hunter in a fit of sudden rage.
His opponent, however, was apparently unperturbed.
In a deft move that came from years of fighting creatures found only in his nightmares did the bangaa swat away his pitiful attack, the force of which sent his weapon flying off in a high arc before disappearing in a spray of electric blue particles. Before he could even get a chance to react Noct felt his face get trapped in the scaly grip of his target, who merely stared at him with bored, pale yellow eyes.
Noct tried his best to wrench his face free of the bangaas grip with no luck, his nostrils flaring as he tried to breathe as their grip tightened on his face, threatening to crush his skull with apparent little effort.
“Mmm…pity the kingdom is no more. You probably would have fetched me a fair amount of gil if that were the case.” they hummed out, turning his head back and forth as if they were examining goods. “What was it the Old Skin said about you? ‘Took the King and kicked the dignity outta him’?” The laugh that came from deep within them was unnatural, but Noct could still feel the derisive tone ooze from it. “As if Regis ever had any dignity in him to begin with…”
“Bista, the others are here.” The chestnut skinned one piped up, motioning to a large caravan rolling up in the distance. Snapping out of his focus, Bista’s nostrils flared at the Prince huffing their rancid breath into his face as a result.
“Luck seems to keep favoring you, whelp.” They muttered, shoving Noct away from them like discarded trash. Noct landed on his backside roughly, a few feet away from the bounty hunters talons. His hands flew up to massage his sore cheeks and jaw while he glared up at Bista angrily.
Bista turned their head and spat on the ground in agitation. Returning the glare, they snorted.
“If you really want to throw away your second chance like a fool then head up to the shores overlooking Insomnia in the early morning, when low tide hits.” They began lowly. “A pathway to the Underground supply tunnels will reveal itself then.” They finished, granting him a low bow in mocking respect. “Safe travels, your Majesty.”
The mocking laughter would echo through his mind for days to come, but at least he got what he came for.
Soon he would be back home…
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
edit: this post now contains a majority of my C2 metas! For C3 metas, I've started up a new tag #my meta, and will be using that to track, until i give in and make a meta masterpost for all campaigns.
With the end of the campaign looming, I am giving in and making a deeply, deeply self indulgent post. And, assuming the readmore works and this doesn't screw up people's dashes, pinning it.
I present to you: a sorted list of some of my favorite metas that I've written over the course of the *second campaign.
This blog was started because I had Thoughts about Jester and her backstory and wanted to share them, and while recently I haven't been able to sit down and actually write any in depth meta for a hot minute, I'll be damned if I don't get to sit down and appreciate the campaign. And my roots. This is only the metas I wrote because a compilation of my favorite metas that other people wrote would be. Unreasonably long. (But maybe I should do it anyway?)
(My roots are: i have so many feelings and words about these wonderful characters and everyone is going to hear them whether they asked for them or not)
Sorted, under the cut, and random addendums about each because I couldn't resist. Please know that me not writing meta about characters doesn't mean I don't love them. I love all of them fiercely and aggressively, but can only find words for some of them.
this blog started with jester meta and to stay true to that there's kind of a disproportionate amount of meta for her. Its fine though! Like I always say, Love Is Stored In The Jester.
Jester is Fine (Spoiler She's Not) the one that started it all. Full mess of thoughts based on her talking about her childhood in episode 8.
Jester is Not A Damsel In Distress initially written after I watched the boat convo, then revisited after 93 (YES that 93).
Jester Doesn't Need To Be Saved bit of a redux of the damsel in distress one, written after the Traveler reveal and the way it shook her up.
Jester ISN'T fine omg a triumphant return to the first meta in light of the convo in 105 and also me being proud about having been right. Hell yeah.
Jester, trickster cleric just an incoherent, deeply emotional word-spew post The Cupcake
Jester, sunshine, godmaker just an incoherent, deeply emotional word-spew post the Artagan Reveal (what a wild three episodes)
what luck an incoherent deeply emotional word spew about the whole mess of the artagan jester fjord moonweaver clusterfuck in 108
Jester, choosing happiness. Jester's love is bright and bold and dangerous and a choice. Jester's love can make gods, and kill them. Kindness is a choice. Love is a choice. Happiness is a choice. And she chooses it, every time. edit: EPISODE 140 SPOILERS (written after That battle)
the blog started for jester meta, but I think my Fjord metas were what really cemented it. A slow, meandering curiosity about Fjord suddenly snapped into clarity around episode 61 and I churned out some 3 metas about him during the whole "oh fuck im losing my powers oh god oh god" that cemented him as one of my favorite characters with an arc I am always going to hold near and dear to my heart. I love Fjord and his arc so, so very much. I have a very, very soft spot for the first few metas I wrote for him.
Disguise Self: some fjord meta episode 61, written in a shell shocked state after he first lost his powers
My Take On How Fjord Became An Orc of Many Masks perhaps one of my favorite metas. I won't claim that my read of Fjord is the Only Correct read of Fjord, but every time I read a post or meta about how far Fjord has come, I think about the Fjord described here. I love this half orc, dammit.
What do you want me to do here kind of more of a caleb/fjord study based on one of their conversations, but it always felt like it went hand in hand with the other two.
love near a pool of lava like the best follow up imaginable to the previous few metas, an emotional blurb after the ukatoa lava pool/accent drop/fjord dropping his masks, about fjord reaching his limits, dropping his walls and facades and waiting for the worst, only to be swept up in love instead.
i can give you 1 hit point because fjord by episode 90, 100, is so far from where he started that he is unafraid of incompetence, of being bad at healing, as long as he is supporting his friends. and aahhh <3
never have dignity again most of this is freckledmcree's meta, but some more Thoughts about fjord being unafraid of failure and why that means So Much, dammit.
yall gotta get out of here episode 123, fjord, however briefly, looking out across a field at his crew, thinking they should leave him, hoping that they wont.
Most of my better Beau meta is about her relationships with others, but only because I love Beau very deeply and can't always find the right words to express that, dammit.
More On Beau mostly a piggyback off of Yfere's excellent meta about beau, but also some prime Thoughts about Beau and how hard she works to Listen to People, to Respect their humanity and thoughts in a way that people never did for her. good god beau you are lovely.
i hope they're angry some Thoughts after her attempted sacrifice in 93, about how i wanted the m9 to react because they Love Her and What The HELL Beau, We Love You, How Would That Have Been Okay
i have a permit for this rudeness short and sweet- beau being abrasive as part of her tactics. beau is great.
sending this is technically a fanfic and not a meta but I'm very proud of it so its going in here. beau thanks jester for her sendings, emotional talks are had, mud is thrown, yasha really doesn't get how sending works. epilogue spoilers, very vaguely.
the brjeaus are so good and i already have two extensive rambles about it,
So, the Brjeaus listen I watched that 32 minute compilation on the brjeaus and drunkenly slammed out a love letter to their friendship and it remains one of my favorite things. That's all I'll say.
Brjeau's (the sequel) a lovely anon gave me an excuse to gush MORE about the brjeau's and what was I gonna do? say no ????
i don't write a lot about veth individually, i think others do it much better. BUT the green team dynamic is one of my favorite things.
green team written fairly early on, back in ye olde days of texan fjord and goblin veth, but with just enough insight to find it funny why they got on each other's nerves.
green team (the sequel) again, a lovely anon gave me the excuse to gush about the green team, and getting to revisit the above meta, looking at it in light of how their relationship grew- and stayed the same. good stuff.
veth and jester love each other so fucking much. just in a clear, plain, deeply chaotic best friends kind of way that you don't find with any other pair, and i adore it.
do you ever think about nott and jester i don't remember what sparked this but I remember thinking so hard about it while walking back from work that i took a wrong turn. they're so good, yall.
the flask situation im always going to hold a small grudge against myself that i never sat down and wrote a meta about the resolution of the flask situation because I Really, Really Loved It. Instead we only have me being :( about the flask situation when it was a problem.
look they just love each other an anon gives me the chance to gush, you're damn right i will
i am now deeply, deeply perplexed because it seems despite my immense love for them i very, very rarely wrote out an actual meta for these two. what. thank goodness for the incredible empire siblings meta out there already. anyway let the record show: i love them. so goddamn much. there is an intention there, there is learned love, there is hands on shoulders and stilted apologies and "i have your back, you have mine" and gentle ribbing and holding each other accountable, learning each others edges. I love these two.
caleb telling beau oh my GOD i forgot this post existed, its a VERY early meta from when caleb first spills his backstory to beau and nott, and they were already incredible then. these two. these two.
siblings barely enough for me to qualify it as a meta, much less one i wrote, but, look how emotionally constipated they were at the start :')
dammit beau, no one leaves post the attempted hag deal. bit more of a speculation around the m9 as a whole but it stems from me being emotional about the empire sibs, ok
nerd corruption of all the people to read all the eyeball books, amirite
"have a lovely massage- C. W." me being unreasonably affected by the little note caleb left for the beauyasha date in 126
thank god it was them honestly not even a meta but just, thank god it was the two of them that got eyeballed, eh?
favorite platonic dynamics more of a juxtaposition of beau/Caleb and Beau/Fjord, but also touches on some of my favorite things about the empire sibs, so I'll leave it here. Written after 141, but isn't really spoilery.
edit: ok this is from during c3 but i like it so im putting it here. just more empire sib feels. learning to love. about hard won love. love as respect and pushback and hands on shoulders. yknow.
yet again, it is a CRIME that I don't have more meta for Caleb and Veth, but I think other people cover them beautifully. do i need to explain why their relationship is so, so deeply good? it is. its very good. forehead kisses and fraught, complicated love. bandaged hands and bolts through books. aah.
you will always have a home here barely meta. short, sweet. full of meaning.
two birds on a wire again, not really a meta, but god this is an excellent amv
yasha and caleb were both so quiet with so much guilt and grief and they both came so far. from coaching hugs to deep talks about redemption to spider scritches and a whole tower date. their friendship is so quiet and so lovely :')
thinking about team introvert and hard earned peace just a lotta feelings about yasha and caleb and their journey and them post campaign having quiet nights and gosh.
i love beau and jester an unreasonable amount- both together and separately. but apparently, i neglected to write meta for them until things had shifted some. dammit. let the record show that these two love each other. hands during dimension doors, "im a really good liar beau", late night roommate talks. dammit.
beau and jester, and where to go not very cheerful or lovey compared to most of the metas here, but. i still think about it sometimes. they love each other, dammit.
I've always liked other people's meta for Caleb better than mine (and the same goes for Veth, Caduceus, and Yasha tbh). Caleb, you wonderful nerdy, orange themed, mischevious wizard. You've come so damn far.
don't want your pockets to be too heavy some thoughts after caleb read cali's letter, in a very family-heavy episode.
Unfortunately the height of my love for yasha peaked after I had fallen out of writing meta. But the rage and flowers intertwined with her character are one of my favorite things.
you should reconsider your past decisions emotion dump based on the exchange she has with thoreau in episode 92. get FUckt thoreau.
left behind erm i wrote this after episode 69 and uh sorry sorry sorry sorry
okay, but, kamordah a follow up to the above after the "i fell in love with you in kamordah". technically equally beau and yasha, but. still a good follow up, i think.
loving and letting go a short meta written after her zuala dream in 105, about yasha and loving and losing and letting go
yasha i just found this one! its nice. nice.
veth is fantastic and powerful and i don't write for her very often because i don't think i'll ever have a grasp on her the way i'd like to, but good god. full of love and protectiveness and teasing and "us vs them" and sideways grins and unapologetic weirdness and a tendency to downplay abilities crossed with a fierce, overwhelming sense of self. gooooooooood shit.
empire sisters technically equally beau and veth, but a good touch on veth nonetheless, i think.
i think travellercon is it some thoughts from post-travelercon when we all didn't know if veth was going to leave
i don't really have caduceus meta, and i am appalled. I think I was always waiting for me to have some good words about it, and dammit I waited too long. Other people absolutely have a better read on him and I love reading meta about him, but I cannot, for the life of me, produce it. As a peace offering: some metas I liked for caddy can be found here.
arms length some short and random thoughts on Caduceus when he was still trying to be a wise older mentor to the m9 while Clearly Handling Some Issues, dammit Caduceus.
you weren't prepared for us the m9, as the force of nature that we understand them to be.
true facts some emotions from rumblecusp, because once upon a time they didn't know anything about each other, didn't trust enough to share anything about themselves, and then they were in a circle, relying on each other to remember true facts, saying "if i lose my memory, you know me enough to tell this to me".
spoken support these nerds learning how to ask for things from each other
found family a spread of thoughts from the rumblecusp arc about the Mighty Nein and how, after everything, all their growth they are irrevocably, irreversibly family. in a way that is thoughtless and full of love and meaning, in a way where if you lost all your memories and looked at these people surrounding you in a circle, listing their parents and their names, you would know that they loved you.
final wishes because the mighty nein sharing jokes about their last wishes but also very, very much meaning it, trusting each other to carry things on.
also, for funsies, my found family tag. :)
jk this is the actual finale: two, deeply sappy, deeply emotional posts about love within critical role as a whole. what a wonderful ride. may we all go on it again in campaign 3.
thinking about love in critical role some emotional thoughts during rumblecusp
a date night emotional and sappy after the tower date- not just about beau and yasha, but caleb and beau, and just the love and care through it all.
that's it. allegedly. i've definitely missed some, and if i tried to make a post about all the meta i've read from others that i loved, this would be miles and miles longer. if you made it all the way down here, congrats! I'm flattered. I'm not really expecting anyone to because this is very much a post for me, so i can find my own metas and feelings and love on demand (tumblr why is your search function so inexplicably terrible), but if you are here, let me say that: the CR fandom is the first and possibly only time I'd ever gotten INTO a fandom- producing things, interacting with people, sharing out all the Feelz and Thoughts, and it has been a goddamn gift.
Don't Forget To Love Each Other, hey?
EDIT: new final post from thoughts from the final battle, about love and anger and strength.
love will not always perform miracles, (but sometimes it will). and sometimes the miracle is just you, still standing. thats a miracle too.
EDIT 2.0: im full of emotions after 141 here you go
happy endings technically a meta about happy endings but mostly little vignettes of the mighty nein making space and time for each other in the close and distant future, because of course they will
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kariachi · 3 years
Have not-really-Gwen-or-Gwevn-positive thoughts in the head and want to get them down. Going under a readmore because I know fans follow me and y’all don’t want this shit.
Just, lots of thoughts, mind was spinning last night in bed, so figuring where to start....
I think how much Gwen respects Kevin is kinda wibbly? Like, we all know she cares greatly, but caring isn’t respecting. I mean so much of early Gwevin is Kevin respecting her initial ‘not interested’ boundary while she’s actively pressuring and belittling him over his lack of action on his interest. Like, it was one thing back when that shit aired and I could sit there and go ‘ah, this will be her character growth is learning to respect him and that she isn’t owed his affection no matter how he feels’ but looking back and knowing that that’s not going to happen? That instead 90% of the time with the pair of them it’ll be Gwen’s way or the highway, even when Kevin’s position is justified (*coughcough*Enemy of My Frenemy*coughcough*).
And honestly I’d put this under.... I’m not sure how to phrase this... Gwen Tennyson the top tier student. Gwen Tennyson the hero. Gwen Tennyson the extremely-talented-sorceress. Gwen Tennyson the martial arts master. Gwen Tennyson the responsible one. Gwen Tennyson the capable and successful. I feel like Gwen probably has herself up on a pedestal, no so much in the ego way as the ‘under a lot of pressure’ way. Her mother has high expectations for her, she internalized those, and then she found herself with world saving going on which only made things a bigger deal. Which ties into the other shit because I kinda feel like she puts herself on a pedestal both because she’s put in a lot of work and has earned a bit of a pedestal and... Phrasing... If you tell yourself you’re right, you know what you’re doing, you can do whatever, then you don’t have to worry about the expectations dogging at your heels. Problem being that from up there it’s really easy to, even without meaning to, find yourself looking down on other people.
The line between, say, ‘there’s mutual attraction here, but he’s not comfortable, why’ and ‘there’s mutual attraction here, he’s not acting on it because something is wrong with him, I need to fix this’ becomes so much easier to cross. Because you’re right (of course you’re right, you can’t be wrong that would be a failure and you don’t fail) and you know best (of course you know best, you can’t be wrong-) and little things like his feelings and comfort are just in the way of you fixing everything.
And actually, side tangent, this plays into- I think Gwen may have a bit of a savior complex going on? Not like massive but, half her shit with Kevin, falling hook line and sinker the second Pandor went “I haven’t told anybody else but I’m totally dying and need you to save me”, more than half her shit with Charmcaster including deciding to store the woman in a bag for an undetermined length of time so she can ‘help’ her whether she likes it or not and without any sort’ve legal backing or representation for Charm. Like, damn G. We always talk about Ben having a hero complex but, I don’t think she’s immune y’all.
But, okay, back on topic, back to shit tied to the whole ‘questioning respect levels’ thing- Gwen has used physical violence to punish Kevin repeatedly, just because she’s unhappy with him. Yes, I see you fuckers in the back groaning about “oh gods Achi’s still on this soapbox” I ain’t leaving it! It’s fucked up!
We’ve got Too Hot To Handle, where Gwen’s response to Kevin’s “I don’t trust that guy and anyway it’s too dangerous to the local populace to let him loose” is to drop him out of the air. Not cool. If your partner does something equivalent to this, leave them. Don’t think I haven’t seen fuckers class this and similar shit under “sometimes you hurt the people you love” like this wasn’t deliberately attempting physical harm as a punishment.
We have Showdown, where her response to Kevin making a joke at her expense and Ben laughing at it is to shove them both into free fall. “But Achi that was mean of him” Yes it was! And she was right to be angry at him for it! But that is something you give someone a- reasonable- cold shoulder for until you can talk to them later about the matter. It is not something you shove someone out of a plane without safety gear over! They could’ve pressed charges! Depending on local law that would’ve been at least assault, possibly attempted manslaughter. That was, quite simply, banking on the Omnitrix not having one of it’s difficult moments and/or Kevin having the energy to shapeshift (and I’m being nice and assuming she knows that’s something he’s capable of without drawing from the Omnitrix) to keep them from going splat! “But it’s supposed to be funny” I don’t know who came up with this idea that characters’ actions don’t count if the viewer is meant to laugh but guess what, it’s still the characters’ actions and it’s entirely right to judge them on them.
And I still am not sure how I feel about Undercover. Though I do find a sad amusement that the wiki describes the scene where the team use Kevin essentially as a gong as- and I quote- “Kevin absorbs the metal and Ben transforms into Echo Echo. Gwen tricks the guards into opening the door and they escape from the cell. Gwen hits the metal and Echo Echo amplifies the sound”. Which I guess should probably answer my ‘was this entirely on the up-and-up’ question, if the fucking wiki is talking circles to not mention that Gwen’s specifically hitting a metal-coated Kevin. Because here’s the thing, the actions taken were necessary, but the enjoyment Gwen took out of them and the implication that she hit him harder than she had to because she was aggravated with him? When taken in combination with the other shit? Bad taste in the mouth. Like, have the episode in front of me and, she’s throwing multiple shots in one go, Kevin is visibly and audibly in pain, to put it in perspective he’s showing no reaction to being shot repeatedly but was near begging for them to finish up in Los Soledad after the whole resonance maneuver. On it’s own it’d be acceptable, more or less, due to circumstances, but, keeping in mind that later she’ll respond to a meanish joke by shoving him into freefall...
Like, I’m not about to say I think she beats him for fun or some shit, she’s not the type, but that shit up there’s not okay. Again, if your partner thinks using physical pain to punish you outside of agreed upon and consented kink contexts, get the fuck out of there. I worry about some of y’all.
And the thing is, I do think there’s more shit than what we’re shown. Somebody who, when upset with their partner, will, in front of witnesses, shove them to what could well be their death? Isn’t going to be someone who doesn’t do shit in private. Again, I doubt it’s a ‘she beats him for shits and giggles’ situation, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she does smaller things like tripping him, swatting him with things, directly or with her powers shoving him, when she’s annoyed with him or they’re arguing.
I think it’s likely there’s a couple different things behind the behavior. Starting off with the respect thing (doesn’t respect his boundaries, doesn’t respect his right to not be assaulted), probably a decent chunk of ‘I’m a good person so-’, plus the savior stuff (a boy’s gotta learn-), his powers making the things she does less physically damaging than if she was pulling it with like Julie or somebody, the ongoing cultural lean towards ‘guys can’t be abused especially not by women’-
I don’t think she’s a bad person at heart, I think if she got slapped with some proper consequences for this shit, if just in the form of people around her going ‘wtf that’s not cool’, she’d probably figure it out and put in the effort to stop. But, I also think the most likely explanation for the boundary trampling and the aggression is simply that as of canon she doesn’t see a problem. She likely sees her actions as her fixing him, making him a better person, because she’s good and loves him and both knows and wants best, without seeing that the way she goes about it is very wrong. That it goes beyond any punishment he may deserve. And that his boundaries and comfort zones should be respected no matter how much they may inconvenience her.
Yeah, so... There’s some thoughts right there.
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baby-fites · 5 years
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Tumblr really didnt want me answering asks with a readmore but this shits over 2,000 words so like I Gotta Tho
  You shouldn’t be staring. It wasn’t his fault- the fabric for his new costume was still under development, this was just a test run. A failed test run. You really shouldn’t be starring. You were staring. You couldn’t help it, Mirio stood just a few yards in front of you, naked as the day he was born, sweat glistening on his chest and abs and down to his-
    “Haha, whoops! Guess this thing isn’t quite ready for a public debut yet.” He gave a nervous laugh, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Truth be told, it was embarrassing, but at this point he could only feel so much shame- plenty of people had seen him naked plenty of times, it came with the territory and by now he was more or less used to it. Well- for the most part, the difference was the person seeing him usually wasn’t someone he was into.
       He was into you though… very into you. Not that you’d reciprocate… It wasn’t that she was unattractive, you just had more important things to worry about then a relationship with anyone… Didn’t you? But then why were you looking at him- why were you looking at him like that?
      “Uh…. [L/N]? [F/N]? You ok over there?”
You blinked a few times, shaking your head. “Oh- Yeah! Yes! Sorry. I’m ok- just.. just uh…” A valiant effort on your part, but in vain. You couldn’t stop staring even as your cheeks heated up, you were practically drooling. “I just uh- just…”
       “Yeah?” He took a step forward, unable to keep a small smile off his face. “Just what? You’re looking a little flushed there [F/N], You sure you’re not getting sick or anything?” He didn’t sound convincing in the least, he knew you were starring- that you liked what you saw- and what you saw was his dick twitching in interest as he stepped towards you. God you wanted to know what it felt like…
       There was a gentle hand on your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. “[Y/N]… I wanted to ask you something. If that’s alright with you.”
       It took you a few tries to find your voice, the words getting stuck in your throat, at least you managed to tear your eyes away from his thickening cock. “Y-yeah? What’s uh- what’s what you wanted to ask?”
       His other hand came to your cheek and his eyes stare into yours, “Are you… Do you like me? I mean- You’re kinda staring y’know? …Not that I mind! You can if you want! I’m just asking if you do want.”
    “Yes…” The answer left you before you had the chance to think about it. Yes you want, of course you want, you don’t know what he’s offering but you want it, you want it bad. “Mirio I want to- I mean I want- You…”
        And then he was kissing you. Kissing you so hard it’s dizzying and you sucked in a gasp through your nose as he pushed you up against the wall of the training room. It was booked through the hour, and it wasn’t like anyone would interrupt, but the abruptness of having him act like this there and then was enough that your legs spread on their own when he nudged a naked thigh between them. Just as quickly as it started, just as you began kissing back with enthusiasm, he pulled away with a quiet laugh. “Woah- haha, sorry! Guess I got kinda carried away there huh? Sorry about that, it’s just I’ve had some feelings for you going on for awhile now so when you said th-”
    You cut him off by grabbing the back of his neck and yanking him in for another kiss, and he doesn’t object. This kiss was harder, more desperate, and within moments you felt his hands on you skin, he reached through your shirt to run his fingers over every part of you. You couldn’t help rutting slightly against his leg and groaning into his mouth. This sparked something in him, something primal. He pulled his hands from your chest, grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist, holding you up with your back pressed against the wall.
     After spending so much time looking at his dick you should’ve been prepared for how it would feel pressed against you, but you weren’t even close. By now he was rock hard and pressed against you through your shorts, and without even looking down you could feel how incredibly thick he was. Your legs tightened around him, pulling him closer as he broke away from your mouth, pressing hot, wet kisses over your jaw and down your neck. You let out a whine of his name, openly grinding against him as he held you in place.
      “Shit [F/N]..” He breathed against your skin, you couldn’t remember the last time you heard him swear. You opened your mouth to say something but you were cut off by your own startled yelp as you felt his fingers brush over you, phasing through your shorts and underwear, just touching you once before pulling away. “Sorry-” He barely stifled a grunt, “Was that bad? I mean is it ok if I touch you?”
You managed a shaking nod and a quiet “Yes… Please.” And that was all it took for him to get back to pressing his fingers against you, rubbing gently but with enough pressure that you needed to bury your face in his shoulder to keep from moaning. You squirmed and ground against his hand and it wasn’t long before one of his fingers was stroking gently across your entrance and you were whining out an embarrassing string of “please please pleasepleaseplease-”  As he slowly slipped it into you. You wanted to cry, you thought you might be crying. It didn’t hurt, of course, he would never hurt you, but the slow sensation of being worked open under his touch was enough to overwhelm you. You tossed your head back with a wail when he added a second, his fingers so thick, so filling, and so perfectly angled that-
“Mirio- Mirio fuck I’m gonna cum!” You bucked your hips harder, fucking yourself on his fingers while you felt the pooling heat build throughout your entire body. “Good,” He beamed at you- how could he stay so cheerfully casual? -And immediately worked his fingers with more precision against the spot that seemed to drive you the most wild. “I want you to actually, I’d love to know what you look like when you do.”
That was enough to send you over the edge, with a sharp cry you grabbed at his shoulders and muffled yourself against his chest as he worked you through the high. Just when you started coming down, thinking he was slowing to a stop, you felt a third finger press into you. “Oh shit.” you eloquently moaned as the stretch intensified the aftershocks of your first orgasm.
     “Wow, I guess I was right!” He was still smiling down at you, but even with pleasure clouding your vision you could see the playful glint in his eyes, “You look really, really good like that!” You only managed a whine in response, still grinding down against his hand. You could still feel him, hard and hot and heavy against your thigh, and looking down you could see glistening drops of precum forming at the tip of his cock.
     You looked back to meet his eyes and after a deep shuddering gasp you managed to speak. “These off,” you tugged at your shorts, “Fuck me.” He seemed taken aback slightly at your request, but was quick to shake his head with a light chuckle and slowly pull his fingers from you. You nearly fell when he set you down, catching yourself on the wall behind you.
      “Jeez,” He laughed again, but this laugh sounded a bit more strained than those before, “If I’d known you wanted it this bad I would’ve confessed my feelings at home!”
      You threw your balled up shorts-underwear combo at him with the skill of an expert marksman, they of course sailed directly through his torso and landed behind him on the floor, but it still counted, you were convinced of that. In the time you took to congratulate yourself on your obvious victory, the man in front of you found the opportune moment to launch a surprise attack of his own. That is to say he lifted you against the wall again, splaying you out and resting your legs on his shoulders, leaning in ever so slowly and pressing his nose to yours.
“Hi” He said “Hi” You echoed, blush creeping over your face as you felt his tip press lightly against you.
“Well…” He offered you a sheepish grin, “Knock knock, clearance for entry?” God damn it, you thought, “God damnit,” You said out loud, though your words had no real bite to them considering you couldn’t contain your laughter, “Mirio that was terrible. You do know that was terrible right?”
  “I have no idea what you mean!” He gasped, feigning offense, “Would you rather I said ‘permission to come aboard captain?’” Now you couldn’t help the snort of laughter that shook through your frame, if he was trying to ease your nerves he was doing a damn good job. “I’d rather you be in me already.”
     “I think I can do that,” His smile never quit, only quivering as he grit his teeth and slowly, ever so slowly started to push into you. Dear god he was thick- well- you’d known that, you’d expected that, you just… hadn’t expected how thick. You’d never felt so full in your life, and still, he wouldn’t hurt you. The slow drag of his cock was driving you mad, and any discomfort from the stretch never bordered on pain. You only realized you were clinging to him and whimpering in his ear when he started whispering encouragement against you.
    “Good job baby, you’re doing so good, taking me so well, you feel so amazing.” You could hear his voice faltering as he fought to sink into you at the slowest possible pace, and the groan the reverberated through his entire chest when he bottomed out was enough to make you grind your hips against his.
   “Fuuuck-” He exhaled through gritted teeth as he began to pull back, almost as slowly as he’d pushed in. “[F/N] you’re so- so good, feels so good-” his hips stuttered, pace picking up into a gentle but decent rhythm. You were practically writhing against him, words breaking off into fragments of his name and pleas for him to keep going, to go harder to give you more.
     He delivered, never once did he stop kissing you, praising you, encouraging you to be his. He Guided one of your hands down between your bodies, silently urging you to touch yourself. You had no objections and soon you were gasping for breath, moaning so loudly you worried someone outside of the room would hear. White hot pleasure was coursing through your veins all over again, your body tensing around him as it built to a peak. He’d covered your neck and collarbone in kisses and gentle hickies at this point, and when he latched on to the skin just under your ear you came undone.
     “Miri- Mmmirioooo I’m cumming again- cumming again right fucking now holy SHIT-” You let out a shriek, tears burning at the corners of your eyes as you came hard enough to white out your own vision, unable to focus on anything outside of the blinding liquid pleasure taking you apart from the inside out.
      When you came to it was with a surprised shout at the feeling of him jackhammering his hips into you, fucking you against the wall so hard you’d have bruises on your back for the next few days. It took you a few moments to realize he was saying something, muttering between grunts and moans into your ear.
   “Just a little more baby- ah- shit just hold out for me- just need a little more please- please you’re so good almost there just a little closer-” Between his words and the feeling of being fucked into next Tuesday, you felt your third release approaching fast and hard, and frantically you scratched at his shoulders and pleaded right back to him.
“Yes- God yes Mirio right there- so close- please-” “Cum with me-” It was louder than anything else he’d said, halfway between a command and a desperate beg, “Please baby please cum with me god I need you to please-”
 You couldn’t deny him, your body spasmed of its own accord, tightening and shivering around him as he railed into you like his life depended on it. You were dizzy, you were blinded, you could practically hear yourself dripping onto the floor beneath him and you were sensitive, so sensitive to how full you were- and then, you just weren’t full anymore. He was shuddering above you with a low, loud moan, and twitching in place as he came, but he wasn’t inside you anymore. It took you a moment, but you realized he hadn’t pulled out either, instead, in possibly the strangest type of intimacy you’d ever experienced, he’d phased his entire pelvis through your body, spattering the wall behind you with ropes of cum and making for the most bizarre view of two bodies you could imagine when you looked down.
  After a few seconds of heavy breathing he pulled his hips back enough to solidify again, and slowly sank the both of you to the floor, holding you close against his chest. “Heh, Sorry about that,” His voice, though a little shaky, still maintained a chipper casualty, “I guess I should’ve just asked if I could finish in you instead, but I also wasn’t sure I had time to pull out, besides,” He grinned, pressing your foreheads together, “I think your surprised face was almost as cute as your face when you’re cumming!” You rolled your eyes, unable to hide the blush from your face. “Hey y’know, the locker rooms here aren’t too great,” He continued, “what do you say we get cleaned up back at my place?” …You had the feeling you were in for a long evening.
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gay4eraser · 5 years
Okay okay for Konnyboy, 1-10, 12, 13, 18, 21, 26, 30, 31, 36, 42, 45, aaaaand uhhh 49
babe p l s lol 
A LOT about fighty boi (in bnha universe) under readmore! 
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? 
Konstantin Ezekial Blovasky! He was named primarily because his father was a Russian immigrant and his mom wanted to embrace his father’s culture along with hers. There’s not much sentimental thought put into Kon’s name, and tbh I can’t actually remember much about my thought process behind naming him 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? 
Uhhhhhhhh h h hh h hhh hh h h He technically should have a few military ranks and he was honorably discharged, but see, the thing is I have enough military knowledge to fake it to someone who knows nothing about the military. Idk enough to actually say what ranks or whatever he has. 
He was, however, a Warden... though if you call him that you’d better be prepared to run 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Kon had a terrible childhood, partially because he grew up believing he was quirkless. He also grew up the son of an immigrant and a rather helpless, chubby child - Kon as a kid was always getting into fights and learned very quickly how to fight back. 
His mom is absolutely the majority of his fondest memories - Mama B taught him how to use a gun, how to treat a lady, she raised a proper gentleman through and through and she was a redneck badass alllllllll the way. 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
Kon never knew his dad Stephen, because his father’s citizenship in the US was dependent on him completing several tours in the United States military. This is actually a pretty normal way to get a US citizenship and Kon’s father was pretty glad to do it. He met Theresa and they got married right before he left - technically he could’ve gotten citizenship through the marriage, but the marriage itself was last minute. 
Unfortunately Stephen was killed in a training accident when Kon was a baby and it lead to Kon’s extreme dislike of people mishandling or joking around with guns. One of Kon’s worse memories is his mother crying as she sobbed out how his father died when she considered him old enough. 
One of Kon’s BEST memories is his mother watching proudly as he left on his first tour. His absolute worst memory is coming home to nobody. 
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? 
Nope! Kon’s a single child, Theresa was too heartbroken to have another husband. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Kon didn’t enjoy school because despite his straight to the point nature he’s really not a school type person. He got rather middling grades that bordered on nearly failing when he had some particularly rough years. He was a very angsty, angry teen. He ended up leaving high school and heading into the military right away once he graduated. 
Though he usually enjoyed history and government classes, rules and systems work great for him. He HATED any classes that had philosophy in them because high school teachers are never looking for proper philosophical answers they’re looking for a Specific Answer lol 
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Kon had a few people he hung out with - and like, two girlfriends - but no, not anyone he kept contact with. Nobody was particularly surprised when he left and never came back. 
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
Kon had a pet goldfish as a child and then his mom proceeded to get him a brand new one every time it died. This led Kon to believe he had one goldfish most of his childhood when in fact, neither of them were good at taking care of aquatic animals. The goldfish was named Mike and Kon didn’t learn the Truth until he graduated high school and was rather Horrified 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
He likes them well enough. They’re a responsibility and he doesn’t see much reason to have them. He’s perfectly content to interact with other people’s animals and never have his own. Most animals are ambivalent towards him. 
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? 
Kon is both a GREAT and a TERRIBLE influence on children. He won’t lie, he doesn’t blunt the hard truth, and he cusses like a motherfucking sailor. This means that when babysitting, kids LOVE him, but their parents certainly do not. He’s the PERFECT caretaker for traumatized, cynical children whomst hate society 
He ends up adopting the two lovely genderless duo Andi and Rosey and Kon is officially a Dad. He’s so weak. He didn’t expect to be overcome with so much emotion. The kids fall asleep on him one night and he carries them to bed and he actually stops and cries because. Oh my god. He has children. They’re so precious. 
12. What is their favourite food? 
He doesn’t much care about food but he likes corn nuts. Unfortunately he can’t really eat them after the Desert Incident because his jaw is weak on the left side and corn nuts are HARD AF. He’ll still suck on the barbecue ones. 
13. What is their least favourite food?
Again, he’s not really into food stuff. He can’t stand anything Hot after the Uncident though and he hates liquids because they tend to spil out of his mouth easily. 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Kon loves mystery novels, watching and bitching good naturedly about shitty reality TV/soap operas/B-Movies, and every time he calls the plot like ten minutes in. The kids are so mad. 
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Kon is odd, certain things will trigger his temper very easily, and he’s VERY easily irritable, but in certain situations he can be surprisingly patient, like with kids. He gets very pissy very fast with grown ass adults who should know better. Kon cusses a lot as a general rule but he can get downright vicious with the cursing and insults when somebody pisses him off. And while he doesn’t resort to violence without due reason, he really, really is not above whooping someone’s ass just because they pissed him off. 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Kon is usually oddly quiet when he’s happy. Sometimes he may smile idly or just sit and stare off, chilling. If he’s around people he doesn’t like he ups the cheerful factor just to fuck with them, because he’s a known Grouchy Asshole. But in private he’ll possibly hum and rumble, talking to himself. He has a very nice gravelly/raspy voice. He also may seek out casual physical affection when relaxed and happy. Just holding hands or a hand on someone’s arms or bumping shoulders. 
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out? 
Kon is probably letting himself go at “this” current point and he doesn’t work out as often as he should. When he gets really, really angry he goes to a gym and beats up people/punching bags until he’s black and blue. But otherwise he’s mostly just older muscle hidden under some chub. 
After all, exercising means you get sweaty and very, very hot. 
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Kon never drinks. If he does get drunk, he’s a giggly dissociate drunk who stares off into the distance and chuckles ominously. 
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Kon’s good at managing and following orders. He’s also good at breaking orders when he needs to. He... doesn’t really have hobbies? Having a pseudo-personality take over your entire mental state and leaving you with several years of blurry, blank memories kind of fucks up your concept of self. He’s honestly trying to figure out what he even likes at this point. Reading and being a Dad seems to be a good thing that he likes. 
He in fact can sing, but not very traditionally well. He’s a bit tone deaf as well but his voice is really nice to listen to regardless. He’s pretty deep! 
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
See, Kon has no idea at this point. 
After the Incident and the People, he barely even knows his own mind anymore. He’s trying to rediscover himself and what he even cares about. His whole life is going through a crisis. 
However, he does seem to enjoy the kids, and he damn well will drop everything and anything to take care of them and protect them. He’s quickly learning that caring about himself might be hard but he damn well can care about others. 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
People who don’t know him personally see him as a rough, grouchy, constantly scowling asshole. And... he is. 
But people who know him better know that he’s just a rather private person who’s been through a lot and they can tell when he’s in good moods or not. He sees himself as an honest, serious man who isn’t very social or very good at the social game. He’s very well aware of the type of person he puts himself out to be though. It helps keep people away generally. 
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Kon used to have a picture of him and his mom that he used to carry around with him. Somewhere around a certain timeframe, he lost it... he feels really shitty about it. Otherwise he’s not too sentimental. 
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Ghost Tony haunting an apartment in Brooklyn, and Bucky and Steve move in.
[A/N: I am blaming at least 12% of this on @captn-sara-holmes.]
WhenTony woke up, he was a ghost.
Hishands, when he looked down at them, were sort of translucent-looking,like they’d been etched into glass, and so was the rest of him thathe could see. Everything around him was colorless and pale.
Yep.Definitely a ghost.
“Goddamn it, that son of a bitch killedme?For fifty bucks and a bunch of credit cards that won’t work forhim? Ug. All right, let’s just get on with it, then. Bright light,angel choir, magic door, stairway to heaven, whatever. Come on, let’sgo.”
Tonylooked around, but all he could see was an alley -- the same alleythat the mugger had dragged him into. “Unending darkness?”
Hetried to walk out of the alley and couldn’t. It didn’t hurt andthere was no sensation of a barrier, just... his body wouldn’tcross the line made by the facades of the buildings on either side.
“Highwayto hell?”
Someonewas coming down the main street. Tony pushed as close as he could tothe mouth of the alley to look -- it was a man near Tony’s age,tall and blond and built like a brick shithouse. Hewouldn’tget yanked into an alley and murdered by a mugger. Tony called, “Hi!Hello? I just woke up as a ghost and I’m stuck; can you call theghostbusters for me?” Officially, they were CPSR -- the Center forParanormal Study and Relief -- but nobody called them that.
Blond-and-buffjust kept walking.
Notso much as a glance. Asshole. Even if it wasn’t his fault that Tonywas apparently invisible and inaudible.
Ifno one called CPSR for him, Tony was stuck waiting for one of theregular sweeps and hoping that they were paying attention to theirdetection equipment rather than half-assing it. Tony tried to kick ata discarded energy drink can, and his foot swiped right through it.“Are you kiddingme?”he whined. “I’m stuck and I’m not even corporeal?”
Hepouted, but he’d never been very good at wallowing. It didn’tlast long before he’d decided to find out how much movement he wasallowed, and what he coulddo.
[mobile readers, ‘ware the readmore!]
Buckywas sweating like a glass of ice-water at high noon in July, only alot less refreshing than that. But at least they’d finally gottenall their furniture and boxes moved into the apartment. At least itwas a first-floor apartment and they hadn’t had to lug everythingup several flights of stairs. All that was left was unpacking, andthat could wait until later.
Much,much later.
Beforethat, he was going to order a couple of pizzas and fall onto thecouch to watch a movie -- they didn’t have cable or internet hookedup yet, but the Blu-ray player ought to work just fine.
Ittook him a few minutes to find the box where they’d thrown all thecables, and the aging player actually threw a couple of sparks at himwhen he plugged it in, but finally, he got it all hooked up. Jesus,it was a lot of work, being lazy.
Buckyflipped on the TV and the Blu-ray menu appeared, then flickered andwas overlaid with a partly-transparent picture of a man who seemed tobe examining the inside of the TV. He was strikingly handsome, thoughsomewhat marred by the disgusted purse of his lips. “Are youkidding me?” the man said. “Two months, I’ve waited for someoneto take this apartment, and this piece of shit is the best they’vegot?”
Buckycould only stare for a moment, and then he called, “Steve! I thinkwe’ve got a ghost!”
“Wait,you can see me like this?” the ghost said, suddenly looking out ofthe TV at Bucky.
“Goddamn it,” Steve growled from his bedroom, where he had insisted ontrying to put his bed together immediately instead of putting it offfor a day or three like a normal person. As if either of them hadseen any action recently enough to need a bed. “The bastard hadbetter be friendly; we can’t afford to bring the ghostbusters in.”
“Ihave a name,” the ghost pointed out testily. “It’s Tony. Why amIthebastard when I’m the one who got killed? If anyone should be calleda bastard, it’s the asshole who killed me! Anyway, the ghostbustersare a free service!”
“Sure,they’re free,” Steve said, stomping out of the bedroom to glareat the ghost in the TV, “but have you seenthekind of wreckage they leave behind? We justmovedin! If we get the place slimed or destroy a wall with particle beamburns--”
“Ohmy god, you’re thatguy,”Tony interrupted, rolling his eyes. “The one who couldn’t seemeevenwhen I was waving and shouting. Ug, and here I thought things werelooking up.”
Tonywasn’t a malevolentghost,but “friendly” didn’t quite fit the bill, either. He seemed tohave some sort of grudge against Steve, in particular.
Thefirst time that Steve was in the shower and Tony manifested in hisshower radio to sing along (badly) with Steve’s terrible oldies,Steve let out a shriek that could probably be heard three blocksaway.
Stevecouldn’t turn on his phone to make a call without Tony popping upto ask if he was finally going to call the ghostbusters.
Everytime they sat down to watch TV, Tony was there, more transparent thanusual but an obvious and distracting outline on the screen.
“Okay,I can’t take this anymore,” Tony complained when the Blu-Rayplayer sparked, making the TV screen flicker. “Buckaroo, go getyour toolkit.”
“Howare you going to tell him how to fix it?” Steve wondered. “Don’tyou have to leave the TV when we turn it off?”
Tonywinked out of sight. “Thank you for volunteering your laptop,” hesaid from Steve’s laptop across the room. Tony’s face replacedSteve’s screensaver. He was grinning toothily, and Bucky had tosuppress a laugh at Steve’s affronted noise.
“Youare such an asshole,”Steve grumbled, stomping out of the room.
“Youcould just call the ghostbusters and be rid of me!” Tony calledafter him.
“Ithink he’s starting to like you, actually,” Bucky said, carryingthe laptop over to the coffee table.
“Morelike he’s keeping me around to torment me,” Tony complained. “Iwant this taken into account when I’m facing my eternal judgment.”
Buckylaughed. “Sure,” he teased, “Steve might be worth knocking offa few millennia, but what about the privilege of getting to hang outwith me?”
“You’rethe worst torment of all, hot stuff,” Tony shot back. “Now comeon, get your pliers. There’s a loose wire in there, and a corrodedbolt, and then I’ll talk you through a quick-and-dirty way to fix aloose circuit board.”
“Youasshole, that’s barely a sip,” Tony complained when Bucky put themug on the table in front of Steve’s laptop.
“Youmanage this, and I’ll get you all you want,” Bucky promised. Heowed Tony something;the ghost had talked Bucky through a dozen different repairs over thelast couple of weeks. “I just don’t want to have to clean up awhole mug’s worth if you pick it up and then lose it again.”
Tonydisappeared from the laptop, then came back a minute later. “Ican’t,” he whined. “My hand just goes right through it, everytime.”
“Youhave to reallywant it.”Bucky strained to remember the basic lessons he’d gotten in highschool health, but no one ever paid attention during the IfYou Become a Ghostunit.
“Oh,believe me, I’d diefora cup of coffee right now,” Tony said.
Buckyflicked a crumpled-up napkin at the computer screen for the joke.“Come on, try again.”
Tonydisappeared for longer this time. Bucky was still staring at the mugand willing it to move when the key rattled in the door and Stevecame in. “Heya, Buck, what’s going on?”
“We’reworking on trying to get Tony to access the material plane,” Buckysaid.
Steveleaned over Bucky’s shoulder to look. “With coffee?Do we really want our ghost to be caffeinated?”
Tonypopped back onto the laptop screen. “Fuck you, Rogers,” he said.He sounded frustrated. “Caffeine doesn’t affect ghosts. It’spsychological.”
“Wait,it’s the coffeeyouwant, not the mug,” Bucky said. “Can you drink the coffee withouttryingto lift the mug?”
“Thatsounds messy,” Steve said, but he dropped onto the couch next toBucky to watch the experiment in action.
Tonymade another face. “I guess I can shove my face through the muginstead of my hand and see what happens. At least you won’t be ableto see me look like an idiot.”
“Everytime you show up,” Steve said, smirking.
Tonyflipped Steve off and disappeared again.
Themug still didn’t move, but Bucky leaned forward to watch. “Comeon, come on, come on,” he muttered under his breath.
Ittook almost five minutes of breath-holding suspense, but all at once,the level of coffee in the mug dipped. “Oh my god,”Tony said, falling into the laptop screen with a blissed-out sigh.
“Yes!You did it!” Bucky cheered, and put his fist against the laptopscreen for Tony to bump.
“Andnow he’ll be stealing coffee from us all the time,” Steve said,though he looked more amused than annoyed. “Why would you do this,Buck?”
“Justyours, Rogers,” Tony said, grinning. “I’ve seen the sludge ofsugar and milk that Buckaroo dumps in his mug. Gross.”
Brockwalked Bucky home after their third date and crowded him up againstthe door to kiss him good night. That was good, that was brilliant,so he invited Brock in for coffee.
Buckytried not to grin too stupidly when Brock agreed.
Theymade out on the couch for a while, and Bucky was aching blissfullywhen Brock reached for the remote. “Let’s have a littlebackground noise, yeah?”
“No,wait, you--”
“Well,well, well, and who have we here?”
“--don’twant to do that,” Bucky sighed, dropping his head into his hands.
Brocknarrowed his eyes at the TV screen. “You have a ghost?”
“Ormaybe the ghost has him,” Tony shot back.
“Ignorehim,” Bucky told Brock. “Or better yet, just turn the TV backoff.” Tony still hadn’t mastered turning the TV on by himself ,and while he couldmanifestin their cell phones, he really hated being confined to so small ascreen.
Brockmade a noise. It wasn’t a happy one. “But he’d still be here,”Brock pointed out. “Watching.I don’t think I’m down for that.”
Buckythrew a glare in Tony’s direction. “Can I walk you home?” heoffered. Maybe, as long as they weren’t here...
“Nah.Mood’s gone.” Brock started straightening his clothes, stuffinghis wallet and keys back into his pockets. “Maybe next time,sweetcheeks.”
Whenhe was gone, Bucky flopped onto the couch and snarled in Tony’sdirection. “I hope you’re happy, asshole.”
“Idon’t like him,” Tony said. “There’s something wrong withhim. No one is that ruggedly handsome in real life. He’s got to bea spy or a serial killer or something.”
“He’snot a spy!” Bucky yelled, frustrated and angry. Why was Tony beingsuch a dick?“Just-- stay the fuck out of my love life!”
“Fine!”Tony sneered.
“Fine!”Tonydisappeared from the TV before Bucky could turn it off, and theflicker of the screen as he left somehow managed to convey a slammingdoor.
Tonydidn’t come back.
Buckytook to leaving the TV on all the time, by way of invitation.Nothing.
Aweek later, Bucky mentioned it to Steve. “You haven’t heard fromTony lately, have you?”
Stevehummed thoughtfully. “I don’t think so. Why? You two have alovers’ spat?”
“Ifonly it was that simple,” Bucky muttered. He didn’t know why Tonyhad been so touchy and weird about Brock, but he felt oddly guiltyfor their argument.
“Maybehe finally Moved On,” Steve suggested.
Oh,god. Had that argument been the last time he had seen Tony? A pang ofregret slithered around his spine to curl, cold and heavy, in hisstomach.
“Youwish,”Tony said.
Bothof them whirled to face the TV, but Tony lingered only long enough toturn his nose up at Steve, and then faded away again. He hadn’teven lookedatBucky.
Buckydidn’t see Tony for another two weeks after that. He would haveworried, except that every few days, he’d hear Tony’s voice --talking to Steve.
Stevewas infuriatingly calm about it when Bucky asked him. “Tony sayshe’s giving you space,” Steve said. “He says that’s what youwanted.”
“Ididn’t mean I wanted to never see him!”
Steveeyed Bucky thoughtfully. “I think Tony’s right about Brock. Imean, not that he’s a spy, but I think the guy is bad news.”
“Ohmy god, can you both give it a rest?Jesus,isn’t a guy allowed to get laid once in a while?”
Brockactually turned up at the apartment the morning after Bucky broke upwith him, the fucknut.
Buckydidn’t even want to listen. It had turned out that Brock was one ofthose alt-right assholes who thought fascism was actually the bestway to run a society. No matter how great Brock was in the sack,there was no getting past that bullshit. Bucky clutched at his mug ofcoffee and wondered if he was pissed enough to throw it right inBrock’s face.
Ofcourse, Brock wasn’t so much pleading with Bucky to take him backas being vaguely threatening about Bucky’s poor life choices, whichwas definitely not endearing him to Bucky at all.
Bucky’smug suddenly got lighter. Before he could process that, a spray ofcoffee appeared out of thin air to drench Brock.
Buckycouldn’t help it: he laughed. “Guess my ghost doesn’t like yourattitude, either,” he said.
WhileBrock was still sputtering, Bucky pushed him the two steps needed toget him out the door, and firmly closed the door in his face. Andthen locked it for good measure.
“Doesthis mean you’re talking to me again?” Bucky wondered hopefully.
TheTV flickered, and Tony was there, arms crossed and lips pursed in apetulant pout. “I told you he was no good,” Tony said.
Buckywas too relieved to see him again to be annoyed. “Yeah, you did.”
Everythingwent back to normal after that, except that Tony and Steve seemed tobe getting along better. Steve even left a mug of coffee on thecounter for Tony in the mornings, when he got up for his daily run,and Tony had stopped tormenting Steve just for the fun of it.
Buckyhadn’t found anyone else to date, but that was okay; he and Steveand Tony kicked around the apartment and played dumb games together.And then when Steve started seeing a woman he worked with, it wasjust Bucky and Tony hanging out, and that was fun, too.
“Youdon’t think it’s too weird, do you?” he asked Natasha one daywhen they met for lunch. “That I’m friends with the ghost?”
“Justbecause he’s a ghost doesn’t mean he’s not a person,” Natashasaid. “It’s a little weird, maybe, but it’s good of you to keephim company. No one ever Moved On because they were bored, you know?”
Buckydidn’t mention the way the thought of Tony Moving On made hisstomach cramp into knots. Having a ghost for a friend was only alittle weird. Having a crushona ghost... that was probably taking things too far.
Theknock at the door was strident and official-sounding. Bucky and Steveexchanged a startled glance, and then Steve went to open the door.
“Ohmy god,” Bucky groaned. The fucking ghostbusters. It had beenmonths,and nowtheywere doing a sweep?
“Goodafternoon,” the ‘buster said. She was a petite redhead, and Buckywas frankly amazed that she wasn’t staggering under the weight ofthe proton pack strapped to her back. “We’re from CPSR. Are yougentlemen aware that you have a ghost on-site?” Her partner lookedlike the sort of no-nonsense career ‘buster that they put onposters. He didn’t say anything, but nodded tersely as Stevestepped back to let them in.
“No,”Bucky said, at the same moment Steve said, “Yes.”
Stevegave Bucky a raised eyebrow, and Bucky sighed. “Yeah, okay, buthe’s kind of a friend. Can’t we keep him a little longer?”
Theguy tugged a sweeper out of his pocket and thumbed it on. “I’mnot saying we’re sticklers for the rules,” he told Bucky, “butit’s my experience that they usually wanttoMove On.” He pushed a glowing blue button, and a pale lightilluminated the room, showing Tony standing right in the middle ofit. “Hey, man,” the ‘buster said. “How’s it going?”
Theredhead rolled her eyes. “Jim, we’re not here for conversation.Get on with it.”
“Relax,Pepper,” Jim said. “It’s not a hostile. I’d like to getthrough just one whole day without getting slimed, if that’s okaywith you.”
Tonyfolded his arms. “Oh, sure, nowyouguys show up,” he groused. “I was just getting comfortable.” Helooked over at Steve. “Can you see me?”
Stevenodded. “You’re shorter than I expected.”
“Fuckyou, Rogers,” Tony said, but he held out a fist for Steve to bump.
Steveovershot and wound up with his fist halfway through Tony’s, whichTony found hilarious. “It’s been real, and it’s been fun,”Tony said, and Steve finished with him in chorus: “but it hasn’tbeen real fun.”
“MaybeI’ll see you again on the other side,” Steve said.
“Notif I see you first,” Tony quipped. He grinned, but it faded againas soon as he turned to Bucky. “Buck...”
“Damnit,” Bucky said, “I want to be able to hug you.” Steve droppeda reassuring hand on his shoulder. Why? Why did Tony have to Move Onnow?Of course, the longer they waited, the more it was going to hurt togive Tony up. Bucky knew that. But he still railed against it.
“Ihate to break up the moving farewells,” Jim said, “but I don’tthink we can send you On your way yet. You’re still tied--”
“Oh,for fucksake, who ever heard of a ghost who acquired UnfinishedBusiness AFTER they died?” Tony burst out.
“Actually,”Pepper tried, “it’s--”
“Okay,I’m going to do this, and then we can get on with things. Okay?Okay. Bucky, I’m sorry to do this to you.”
“Whatare you babbling about?” Bucky asked.
Tonyhuffed. “I think I’m in love with you. It’s driving me crazythat I can’t even touch you, and I managed to rescue you from thatBrock asshole, but I can’t keep you from everyone,and sooner or later you’re going to fall for someoneandthen you’ll leave me! And frankly I’d rather be gone before thathappens, so can we please shuffle me off this mortal coil or whateverbefore I die againfromembarrassment?”
“Whatwe were trying to say,” Jim said, before Bucky could recover fromthat, “was that we can’t send you On because you’re notactually dead.”
Ifit were possible for a ghost to get paler, Tony might have. Hewhirled to stare at the ghostbusters. “What?”
Buckycouldn’t come up with anything better to say, so he repeated it.“What?”
“Accordingto these readings,” Pepper said, eyes on her scanner, “you’rein a coma.”
Itwas dark, and there was a voice. Several voices, actually, but one ofthem he knew.It was that voice that drew him up out of the darkness and spun himaround until he slotted back into his body.
Hecould feelthingsagain. His toes were cold and his back ached and his neck itched.He’d forgotten what itching felt like. (If this were a movie, he’dsay something stupid like being grateful for getting to feel thatmuch, but instead, it was just annoying.)
Someonewas holding his hand. That felt pretty nice. Was it the owner of thevoice?
“...Mr.Stark? Can you hear me?” said someone irrelevant.
“Tony,come on, squeeze my fingers for me, just a little,” the voice said.
Hetried. He didn’t want the voice to give up on him and go awayagain.
“...muscleatrophy,” another irrelevant voice was saying. “So it will be alot of work to...”
Tonywanted. Tony wanted the voice to stay more than anything. Wanted toopen his eyes and see the face.
“Comeon, Tony, you can do it,” the voice said. “You have to wantit,just like before, but you can do it for me, right? I love you, baby,I’m right here, waiting for you. Don’t give up.”
Hewanted it, he neededit,more than he’d ever wanted sleep or coffee or-- He could do it. Hecould. He would.Tony wanted--
--andhis eyes opened, his hand squeezing with all his pitiful might. Infront of him were two eyes, the pale blue of a winter sky. Sothat’s what color they are,Tony thought. Then the eyes crinkled and filled with tears. Tonyblinked, re-focusing, and saw the face.
Theface that belonged to the voice. The face and the voice of the manhe’d fallen in love with, who was squeezing his hand, crying andsmiling all at once. “You did it, Tony. You’re back.” The manwhose name was--
~ @27dragons
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rachello344 · 7 years
ace-of-twos:  last night you reblogged a thing and one of the options was “tell me a story that happened to you”. i’m sorry this took so long to type. but here it is. i hope you enjoy reading it. sorry it’s a mess. 
… [Rachello344: I’m adding a readmore because damn is this a helluva story, but it is also quite long XD]
first thing you gotta know is that like any set of best friends, lex and i make terrible decisions. this includes deciding to go to the fair last minute which, yes, may sound like a great idea, but just wait for it. the second thing you gotta know is there are going to be a fuckton of asides in this story bc the entire day was a magical and incoherent wreck. 
there’s a fair that comes into town twice a year. i don’t usually go bc it’s hot and loud and god there are so many people. but lex convinces me and we go.
our first mistake: we arrived as it opened, at 1pm. 
our second mistake: from arrival to departure, we did not leave the fairgrounds. 
our third mistake: we stayed until approximately 8:30pm. 
keep in mind that those numbers, first and second and third, only really apply to that particular list. many mistakes were made that day. most, but not all, were made by us. it was terrible but also mostly hilarious. 
so, to get into the fair and actually get to the rides, you have to walk through a long kinda psuedo hallway filled with carnival games. giant prizes are hanging from the ceiling. one of these prizes is a dragon. it’s fucking adorable as shit. keep this in mind. it’s important. 
at about 2pm, both of us high on adrenaline, we decide to ride the tilt-a-whirl. i have never properly been on a tilt-a-whirl so a number of things happen in rapid succession. lex scares the shit out of me by making the carriage spin super fucking fast. (i thought you were just supposed to sit there and let the momentum spin you around. oh, how wrong i was.) i discover that i fucking love the tilt-a-whirl. i demand we ride it again. we get in line. when we get back to the ticket gate, the person managing the ride tells us that we’ll have to take another person in the carriage with us. this is fine until it’s revealed that this other person is a 10yro girl. 
lemme describe this girl for you: big, trusting eyes; dark skin; the sweetest smile; chocolate colored hair in a neat bob; matching shorts and top. basically she’s the most adorable small child i’ve ever seen. 
lex and i are 100% planning to spin the ride out of control. 
i am slightly worried for this child. maybe we shouldn’t do this. i really don’t want her to throw up, specifically on either lex or i bc we are idiots who live far away from the fair and yet brought no spare clothing despite the fact that fairs are messy places. to be fair, i also just really don’t want her to have a terrible time. but mostly the throwing up would be a downer. 
we spin the ride. 
for two seconds, i watch the small child with concern. and then she screams, the delighted kind, and i help lex turn the carriage into a poorly maintained and probably dangerous metal tornado. 
(s'all good, no one’s died at the fair in… years, probably. idk.) 
i’m pretty sure we made that kid’s day. we also probably made her parents want to kill us bc we definitely turned her into an adrenaline junkie. 
moving on. there’s a swing ride called the yo-yo. (yes, it’s exactly as terrifying as it sounds. the only ride that scares me more is the zipper.) lex initially doesn’t want to go on it bc tbh it’s a wee bit rundown. it’s an old fair, everything is a little broken, but this ride is like scarily old. but then she remembers some of the nostalgia or smth and we get in line. 
all the swings are individual seats, one in front of the other, around a thing that spins. a major fucking asshole sits in front of lex. 
i’m already scared out of my mind, no matter how fucking safe they claim to be those things do NOT feel secure, and then this guy? he starts swinging back and forth, trying to hit his girlfriend that’s sitting in front of him. he hits lex multiple times in the process. i was so close to strangling him but i really didn’t want to be arrested for murder and ruin an otherwise good day so i moved on. 
(also he and his gf spent the entire time before the ride got started making out????? like wow. can there be a limit on pda? like please? chill out.) 
you remember that dragon from earlier? let’s get back to it. 
okay, actually, one more aside. it’s time for lunch. lex and i have realized too late that fair food is fucking expensive. we spent all our money getting day passes so we could ride every single ride available to us. lex is a bottomless pit and i don’t eat much, but even i’m hungry. 
we do the obvious thing and beg my dad to drive out to the fair and give us money for food.
(yes, we had passes. this means we could’ve left and come back. no, we did not do that. in our defense, going home would’ve taken like an hour and then add in food prep time and actually eating it and then coming back? yeah, no. fair only comes once a year. it’s ride or die.) 
my dad gives us way too much money. yep, his mistake. like. giving a large amount of cash to teens wandering around a fair? not smart. 
despite the fact that we were both starving, it’s also fucking boiling out. we aren’t as hungry as we think we are. so we split a poutine and still have a ridiculous amount of money left. 
back to the dragon. 
we’d gone up to one of the stalls before and asked what we had to do to win one. the lady is old and kinda grumpy, probs not super happy about working around screaming kids, so instead of telling us how many balloons we had to pop to get a dragon (the information we were looking for) she tells us how much money to just straight up buy it. 
i’m hard of hearing and have problems processing auditory input so i do not hear what the price is. this is before lunch and i have fourteen dollars. 
she walks over while we’re trying to count out how much change i have and then shakes her head. she did not say fourteen dollars. she said forty. anxiety kicks in and it’s suddenly the worst moment of my life. 
after lunch, we have forty dollars leftover. we march up to the lady and i would love to say we shoved forty dollars in her face but we did not. we crouched over her counter for about ten minutes trying to figure out what combination of change equaled forty dollars. then i awkwardly poured it into her hand. 
she’s going to just give us the dragon but apparently she has to keep up the ruse bc she drops a handful of darts on the counter. we have eight darts between us and we have paid forty dollars. all i want is the dragon. 
we each throw four darts. it’s horribly sad to pay forty dollars and get a measly eight darts. but hey, the economy is shit. we are also shit. as in, we are awful shots. i think we managed to pop a total of three balloons. it’s far more likely that we only popped two. 
i tell myself that we aren’t paying for the darts, we’re paying for a dragon. 
the lady hands us a dragon. i forget that anything bad has ever happened to me in my life. i am so fucking overjoyed to have a dragon. like damn. 
the rest of this story happens much, much later. 
it’s about 7pm. lex and i have decided to go on one last ride and then leave. we’re both wearing shorts, have no jackets, and it’s getting cold out. so we get in line for the himalaya. 
(to explain, it’s kinda like a roller coaster but it only goes around a little circular track. they play really, really loud music the entire time the ride is going. it’s awful and amazing. esp bc they play weird shit like gangam style and old justin beiber songs. it’s weird. the ride spins forward for half a song and then backwards for the last half. there’s usually a guy standing by to make sure that everything runs smoothly but he also has another purpose. he sits there with his hands out and high fives as many people as he can. it’s amazing but as the lighter person i’m never on the outer edge so i can almost never reach him and it’s upsetting.) 
we’re waiting in line for the himalaya. we’re both tired. we’ve been here for six hours. both quiet. and then lex screams. 
she’s seen our friend chris on the ride. we did not know chris was there, had no plans to meet up with him. and chris is kind of awesome and bubbly and just all around a pretty cool dude. we both love him. 
so clearly, we spend the next couple of minutes making funny faces at chris every time the ride brings him closer to us. it’s what friends do. 
when chris gets off the ride, he’s here with some other people that we barely know but that isn’t important, we make plans to ride the himalaya together as our final ride. lex and i get on the ride and we’ll meet up later. 
(before then, we also persuade him to ride the tilt-a-whirl with us and scare the shit out of him by spinning it as hard as we can. there’s videos of him just screaming. it’s pretty great.) 
then it’s the last ride of the night. the himalaya. 
we all get in line. 
after such a good day, something just had to go wrong. 
we’re getting pretty close to the start of the line and there’s a pretty decent gap in the line bc it’s late and everyone’s lazy so lines tend to be disorganized. a group of teens is kinda chilling next to the line and they do the unthinkable. they attempt to slide into the line just ahead of us. 
this brings us to the part of the story where chris almost gets in a fight. 
chris may be an airhead but he absolutely will not stand for shit like that so he just holds his arm out in front of him like a shield and tells them to go to the back of the line. the teens do not take this super well. 
incorrigible as ever, they still jump the line but this time they end up just behind us in the line. everything is fine. and then the ‘leader’ starts talking shit at chris, backed up by his boys. 
(i should mention that chris is trans, pre-t, and fucking tiny. he also lacks comon sense. for all that he may be like three years older than me, he will always be my little brother.) 
so when the leader says, “if you ever fucking touch me again, i’ll grope your ass,” we all get a little defensive. also bc the guy’s a dick. 
there’s two kids in line behind us and in front of them. lex has noticed them, i did not. they’re middle schoolers. clearly. they’re full of energy, dancing and dabbing and just generally being walking, talking memes. lex is also a memelord. these are her people. so she turns to them and asks them to annoy the shit outta the guys behind them. 
being annoying middle schoolers who love chaos, they comply. 
at some point they ask us how old we all are. now, remember how i said chris is fucking tiny? he tells them he’s 21 and they don’t believe it. and of course, i’m 19 but i look 12 so they don’t believe me either. 
chris and i are both fucking extra so we dig out our wallets to present our id cards to these kids. and my wallet is a wee bit of a disaster. i’m also clumsy. so when i try to get it back in the bag, it doesn’t end well. i decide to just carry it with me on the ride and it’s all going great until i trip. all the cards spill out. 
now there’s this guy and i’ve seen him on several rides. he’s wearing sunglasses and a frown. i have not seen him smile all day. he also keeps texting during rides with is baffling to me. ENJOY THE DAMN RIDE. 
just giving you context so he’s clearly established as a douche. 
i trip right next to his car. as i’m struggling to pick up the contents of my wallet, he turns to me and says, “how many fucking cards do you need?" 
i’m not proud, but here’s my response: "how many fucking cards does your mom need?!” then i walked away. and keep in mind that half of my cards are still on the floor as i make my exit. (luckily lex grabbed them.) 
with that nonsense over, we attempt to get on the ride. 
now, i’m a fucking twig with legs and i’ve already said that chris is tiny. we figure that all of us will fit in the one car. we have forgotten to factor in lex’s fucking gigantic hips. she cannot fit in the car with us. so she gets out and looks around and spots them. 
the middle schoolers, they’re sitting behind us. 
lex approaches their car and says, i kid you not, “move fuckers, i’m getting in.” respectful of their meme elder, they allow this. 
we figure that’s enough adventure for one day so lex and i start to leave the fair. it’s been a long day. we are very tired. i say, wistfully, “damn, we should’ve gotten a picture with the meme children.” lex and i turn to each other, communicating non-verbally, and simultaneously turn to head back into the fairgrounds. 
and that’s the story of how i ended up following two children on instagram. 
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gendryw4ters-blog · 7 years
since no one else seems into it: would you try lip/lew? its okay if that isn't your cup of tea either though
 when i first got this, i was a little uncertain because i couldnt really remember any times when the two of them interacted one-to-one (which! Im pretty sure they must do a couple of times i just have a really really terrible memory), and so since im a very musically driven person, well, this naturally kind of came about, and as a result so did these (which are all set in highschool- the setting of which ive tried to keep as vague as possible because i couldnt decide if i wanted these to be in the 80s or modern times because im hugely indecisive in nature):
When Lipton first lays eyes on Nix, he thinks he might be one of the coolest people he’s ever seen in his entire life. Lip’s new in school- in town, in fact, he and his Ma having just moved into the area not long ago- but he’s seen this kind of boy before. Wealthy and entitled, yet effortlessly charming- with a swagger about him that borders on cocky. He’s an absolute asshole, Lip’s sure of it, but there’s something about him that keeps dragging Lip’s gaze back over in his direction. He is cool, Lip will give him that.
Lip doesn’t realise it, but Lew’s noticed him too. The new kid, soft around the edges. Definitely a mama’s boy. But there’s a toughness there too, he can see it in Lip’s shoulders (which are waay more defined than a 17-18 year old’s shoulders have any right to be), the way he’s jammed his headphones all the way into his ears and shut himself off from the others around him. He’s someone Lew wants to get to know, wants to understand. He wonders idly how easy it would be to charm him, the way he’d charmed all of the others. He’s bored of his current group, anyways. Even Katherine.
He decides he’s going to make his move on the fifth day of Lip being around. Sidles up to him and leans against some nearby lockers in an attempt at staying suave. Runs his fingers through his thick dark curls a few times, thinks he’s got this in the bag. Lip’s polite, but not quite receptive enough. He’s not going to ignore Lew, but he’s met guys like him before. Knows he’s only going to be a good time until he gets bored and finds someone else. He doesn’t call him out on it, but he thinks maybe Lew gets the message, if his crestfallen “what do you MEAN you’re not swept off of your feet already?” look is anything to go by.
Lew persists nonetheless. He isn’t one to give up TOO easily. He needs to keep himself entertained, people are entertaining. Lip’s entertaining. Fuck that, he thinks, Lip’s enthralling. Lip lives in his own little world, so wrapped up in plaid shirts and Blondie and New Order that he’s almost untouchable, and Lew’s never been good at keeping his hands to himself.
There’s a party, and Lew invites Lip. Invites him because he ‘seems cool’- at least that’s what he tells his friends and Katherine. Doesn’t tell them it’s because he’s a little sure that he might actually kind of be falling for him. Mostly because that’s something he doesn’t even really like admitting to himself. Lip was never really planning on going, but his Ma tells him it might be a good idea. Helps him pick out a nicer shirt to wear, remind him that it’s okay to have fun sometimes and that she’ll be okay on her own for one damn night, and that she’ll leave a key under the doormat for him so he can come home whenever he pleases.
Katherine dumps Lew at the party. He saw it coming from miles off, and didn’t even really like her all that much, but that doesn’t make it sting any less. She leaves early with the rest of his friends, and he deals with it the best way he knows how- getting Too Drunk and making an ass out of himself. He’s not sure who’s hands are on his sides and helping him outside for some air, but he’s grateful for them. Grateful for them even moreso when they stay near by him and rub circles into his back while he throws up all over the host’s flowerbeds.
When he wakes the next day, Lew has no idea where he is. He’s never been here before, he knows that much. He hasn’t slept in a single bed in years, and he’s never been a fan of Blondie- the only poster on his wall is Bowie, tyvm. He’s never worn a plaid shirt either, though there’s a whole bunch of them strewn across the back of a chair and the tops of the wardrobe doors. Lip. This must be Lip’s house. Oh god, had they slept together? Lip didn’t seem the type, but they’d both been drunk, at least Lew assumes Lip had been drunk, he doesn’t really remember much and he’s-
“Hey,” it’s Lip, leaning against the doorframe and clutching two mugs of steaming hot coffee. “Sorry, I- I should have taken you back to yours but you weren’t making any sense and I didn’t want to leave you just out on the streets. Coffee?”
Lew can’t manage anything other than a grunt in reply, making grabby hands towards the mug in the other’s hand. Lip hands him it with a sympathetic smile. Asks if he’s okay after what happened, and Lew just kind of shrugs because not many people stick around all that much. Lip asks if it’s because he’s an asshole, which startles a laugh and “well fuck, maybe it is” out of him. His headache subsides a little when the other also begins to laugh, and he wonders briefly if the charm offensive might work a little better this time around.
“Don’t even bother,” Lip grins before Lew can even open his mouth. “You still think you can charm me after throwing up on my shoes on the way home?”
Well fuck, Lew didn’t remember that. But nevertheless, he found himself grinning in return.
“I’m going to try.”
 (this plays on my headcanons that lew was really cocky and cool when he was younger but then had to face up to realities about things and that’s how he became who he is today. Like, he was cocky in a sense that he figured he was smart enough to get by without doing much work, and he was- barely. His last exams and the end of highschool hit him really hard and so he began to study more as a result because like- man i got by on natural intelligence for a little while but once you hit A levels over here [don’t know what your equivalent is sorry!!] it’s a real shock to your system and that’s kind of how i picture him as well) (im not wording this as well as id like to be but i hope you get what i mean sort of)
Thanks for the ask!! And sorry this is so late omg, i kept getting sidetracked while writing it, but!! This is it. This is lew/lip. I hope!! it’s kind of what you had in mind!! 
much love!!
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itsanarchivenow · 8 years
im gonna put this under a readmore because its going to get long but its just me screaming about she will be loved vs the rest of the songs about jane album
okay so first of all this is following the fact that songs about jane is literally about one girl like a lot of people speculate that because its so nuanced that the ‘jane’s in the songs have to be different ‘jane doe’ figures but that isnt the case at all? 
the artistic beauty of the whole album lies therein too with adam and jane both being entirely different ‘characters’ from one point in their relationship to the next and the way that they were constantly dancing around each other in such intricate patterns
naturally it was hell to live for both of them but im not talkng about the literal relationship between the two being in any way admirable im talking about the conceptual dynamic between them and the way it was immortalized lyrically
she will be loved and the popularity that came out of it is kind of infuriating because it and this love really became the staples of the album and while i dont mind this love as much (aside from being drastically overplayed during the albums second life in like 07) i feel like the capitalization of she will be loved was not only an insult to the spirit of the album but one of if not the single biggest factor in the total downfall of maroon 5s style as a whole post-album
she will be loved reduces the vibrant, fluctuating, explosive relationship between adam and jane to your stereotypical romance film skinny love and not only is everyone in the world absolutely exhausted of that trope to begin with but it doesnt accurately represent the theme of the album at all? and yet it still became that albums face song, the song people think of when they think of songs about jane, because generic boys being sad over generic girls is what sells on the radio
it doesnt have any depth of feeling besides the baseline emotion that everyone on earth can relate to because theres absolutely no specificity (or context in general) and people can take advantage of the utter lack of information present and project however they damn well like! which in some cases is nice but when youre talking about an album like songs about jane where the writer has so delicately placed something so significant to him, the entire tale of the love of his early life, sometimes music isnt about relating to it. sometimes music is about sympathizing for a situation youll never be part of and living that story vicariously through the storyteller and just... appreciating it, like the way you would treasure a novel
isolating she will be loved is so disrespectful to all of the emotion poured into this album because what little you could actually make of the song within the context of the album gets stripped from it and then not only does it not fit into the image of songs about jane but the song fucking sucks my dude
like it sounds great audibly but artistically its just beating a dead horse
she will be loved is not a universal love song. it is not for you to listen to and think about the girl from english class and oh my god if i hear one more person use she will be loved as some kind of friendzone anthem i will eat my own legs
she will be loved is the calm before the storm that constantly gets revisited through the album, being the manifestation of an extremely unhealthy relationship, as the hopeful but pained expression that one day their relationship might become something like it is in the movies if they just try a little harder and forgive a little more and help each other through what hurts them instead of being whats hurting the other
adam is laying himself down after this love, which as you know is about one of the many many many times they break up in episodes of rage, and then shiver (please listen to shiver if you havent heard it because its one of the songs that gets tragically overlooked) which is essentially the tension fueled makeup sex track and it literally opens with him being aware of her (their) hot and cold behavior but wanting to make up for it and ‘find a way to her heart’
the shiver vibe is mostly fast tempo heat of passion but she will be loved is the emotional followup - you could even venture to call it the straight up aftercare. where adam is trying to piece together the fragments of their relationship, whatever it takes (AGAIN) and move on because he genuinely loves this girl and he wants to work for her. he knows the nuances of her personality down to the bone and he knows that what they have isnt good but he wants to make it good because all drama aside shes important to him and he thinks that what they have, or at least what they could have, is worth the struggle
it isnt a skinny love story. its a crucial part of a persistent pattern of abuse, and then its followed by tangled which is literally ‘why cant we escape this cycle’. they recognize that theyre incompatible and for the most part dont even really like each other (or themselves) as human beings but the fact that they feel like theyre both getting what they deserve is part of why they stay entranced and consequently drive themselves to dissect themselves further and dig the grave deeper and. well it isnt called a cycle for nothing kids
but its the one song that doesnt embody the real human beings behind the album as much as much more idealistic versions of themselves in a simplified and still idealistic if sad scenario that took off on this album
and you know what came out of the capital success of that song?
maroon 5 abandoning their entire brand and turning into a radio hit producing bubblegum pop machine churning generic, emotionless love songs out for the mass public and catering to the fucking kiddy demographic of all things. from punch to the gut true to life tearjerking thematics and a classic, iconic sound to songs like sugar
i still like maroon 5s music to a degree but i wish they could have stuck with the principle behind songs about jane and even before they were maroon 5 and still producing music as kara’s flowers on like, the fourth world. the fourth world has a little bit of a predated simple plan type vibe but considering they were just kids when they made it? it has so much more emotional weight than any of their new content
the thing about unprofessional music is that its written as an expression and not as something designed to make money and while i cant blame maroon 5 for selling out (because with the kind of money they make now anyone who says they wouldnt do the same thing is absolutely lying) i am pretty disappointed in the loss of spirit that used to be so visceral in the early days
it was damn good entertainment and the work behind it was incredible and deserves so much more credit than it got and i cant help but think about where they would be now if it were the sun or not coming home that got the radio recognition that she will be loved got still authentic? still acutely critical?  a dog can dream!!!
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
How about Bucky takes tony to a fair for a date/his birthday cos Tony's never been to one before and bucky using sniper and assassin skills wins everything tony wants, plus getting trapped on the ferris wheel at the top and lots of kisses
[A/N: Happy Steve Rogers’ Birthday, everyone! In celebration, @tisfan and @everyworldneedslove have written this mostly-fluff side-fic prompt fill to go along with their much longer fic, Safe and (the) Sound! This one is still long enough that normally we’d split it into pieces here on IT&B, but in celebration, our benevolent mod/admin has agreed to let us post the whole thing at once! Chapter One is posted here; if you like it, there’s a link at the end to go to the rest of the fic on AO3. Or if you’d rather read the whole thing on AO3 (for instance, if you’re on mobile and the readmore is misbehaving AGAIN), the title just below this note is linked as well.]
Lord of the Swings, Chapter One
Tonywasn’t really a morning person, but there were a few ways to wakeup that he didn’t mind. Bucky bringing him a mug of fresh coffee.Bucky nibbling at the back of his neck, hand sliding lazily overTony’s skin. Bucky singing ridiculous 80’s pop under his breathas he pulled on jeans to go out on the deck for his morning smoke.
Couldhe help it, if all his favorite ways to wake up involved hisboyfriend? Bucky had alreadybeenabout the best part of Tony’s mornings.
Dogslobber, that was notonTony’s list of favorite ways to be woken.
“Ug,Lucky, stop, gross, get off,” he whined, pushing at the lump of furthat was panting hot dog breath into his face. Satisfied that Tonywas awake, Lucky jumped down off the bed. Tony shoved off theblankets and sat up, scratching at his neck where one of Bucky’slove-bites was healing and itchy. He leaned over to squint at thealarm clock. “Ughhh,” he complained again, and glared at the dog.“You’re awful.”
Lucky’stongue lolled out in a canine grin.
Tonysighed and climbed out of the bed. He didn’t bother with pants,just shuffled down the hall to the bathroom. Emptied his bladder,washed his hands, splashed his face. Checked out his reflection as hebrushed his teeth. None of last night’s bites and hickeys were highenough that he’d need to borrow Nat’s concealer, at least. Hegrinned at them, and decided he could wait to shower and shave untilafter coffee.
Buckywas already in the tiny kitchen, humming and dancing as he cookedsomething. Tony dropped a smacking kiss on his shoulder beforereaching for the full mug Bucky had left on the counter. “Morning,”he said into the first sip.
Insteadof dancing impatiently by the front door, Lucky was sitting at theentrance to the kitchen, watching Bucky with all the attention in theworld, waiting for something to drop. “You already walked him?”Tony said in surprise. “Christ, how long have you been up?”
“‘Boutan hour, or so,” Bucky said. He flicked his gaze over to Tony, thenpaused, noting the marks with a wry grin. “The sunrise was realpretty… not that you haven’t already given me your opinion onsunrises, so I didn’t wake you.” That had happened, Bucky’sdesire to be romantic running smack into Tony’s utter loathing forthe crack of dawn. Sometimes, Tony thought, his boyfriend wasabsolutely the worst;beingnudged awake to watch the sun come up had seemed more like apunishment than a special event. It was funny now, though.
“Youdo realize that we literally work until almost midnight, most nights.We’re allowed to sleep past six in the morning,” Tony said,hiding his smile in his mug. “What’ve we got planned-- Wait, it’sthe Fourth. Day off, hot damn.”
[mobile users, ‘ware the readmore!]
Buckyshrugged. “I just can’t, anymore,” he said. “Get twitchy if Ilay around too long, an’ you were sleeping.” He flipped thepancakes onto a plate and moved the griddle off the burner. “Here,blueberry pancakes, bacon, and… well, it was going to be an omelet,but pizza dog nudged me at the wrong time, so scrambled eggs withsome add-ins.”
Tonytook the plate and stole a kiss. “Sleeping in and coffee andbreakfast?I think I’ll keep you.” He fished a fork out of the drawer andtook his plate and coffee out to sit on the sofa to eat. Bucky had alittle dinette table and chairs, but if Tony sat on the sofa, Buckywas more likely to come and sit next to him.
Buckyfried up one last batch of bacon and recovered his own plate from theoven where he’d been keeping it warm. “Wait, Lucky,” he said,pushing at the dog. “It’s hot, you stupid mutt.” Lucky sat backdown, then heaved a great sigh and trotted over to give Tony greatbig sad eyes of starvation. “You’ll want to eat all that. Busyday today. An’ the food’s gonna be expensive. And notparticularly good, at that.”
“Captiveaudience food,” Tony agreed. He broke off a piece of bacon andtossed it for Lucky, then dug in, himself. “When’re we leaving?”
“Parkopens at ten, so,” Bucky flicked his eyes at the clock. “Ninetyminutes, give or take. Steve’ll be champing at the bit, but there’sthis time delay between when the parkopensand when the rides get started, a fact that after so many years,you’d think he’d learn, but oh, no… and he’ll get real loudin the park if he can’t get his vertigo on right away.” Buckyrolled his eyes. Steve was a champion rant-and-raver, when he gotgoing.
Tonylaughed and shrugged. “It’s his party, he can bitch if he wantsto?”
“Mmmmhmmm.”Bucky made a noise of agreement, rolling up one pancake and stuffingthe whole thing in his mouth, returning his plate to an elevatedstate to keep it away from the dog. “Spoiled.” He handed hisplate to Tony. “Guard that for a minute, would you?” He brushedcrumbs off his shirt, which Lucky promptly attacked. Bucky checkedthe bacon and dumped a few strips and some scrambled eggs intoLucky’s bowl and sat it on the floor.
“There,greedy thing,” he said, patting the dog fondly. “Probably a goodthing he doesn’t speak English, he’d be all sorts of confused.”Bucky threw himself back down on the sofa and while he recovered hisplate from Tony, he didn’t eat, just sort of watched Tony sidelongas he twiddled his fork in one hand.
“What?”Tony demanded after a bit. “Is my hair all sticking up again?” Heshoved his fingers through it, trying to make it less fluffy.
Buckyleaned over, crowding into Tony’s space, his eyes glinting withinterest. Easily, he divested Tony of his plate, setting it down onthe battered coffee table. With an almost predatory motion, like astarving vampire, he swooped in on Tony’s throat and licked overone bruise there. “God, you’re so…” Bucky said somethingelse, but as his lips were moving over Tony’s throat, it was alittle difficult to concentrate.
Tonytipped his head, letting Bucky in, sinking into the sensation.“Nnngh, you’re going to be the death of me,” he groaned,dropping his fork so he could slip his fingers into Bucky’s hair.
“Can’thelp it,” Bucky said. He trailed his mouth up the side of Tony’sjaw and then planted a very light kiss on his lower lip. “You’rejust… tempting.” He backed off again, taking a bite of eggs andtrying to pretend that he wasn’t still ogling.
Tonysighed and picked up his fork again. “Don’t you dare make me walkaround this place all day with a hard-on,” he warned. “There arechildren there. Impressionable young children.”
“Whoare not the slightest bit interested in what’s going on in yourpants,” Bucky pointed out. He polished off his eggs and pulled on avery prim and proper attitude. “But I’ll keep my hands tomyself.”
Tonydidn’t believe that for a hot second, but Bucky might give him timeto finish breakfast, at least. “As you should,” he said primly.“Except in the Tunnel of Love, of course.”
“Theydon’t actually have one of those,” Bucky said. “Shame, that. Isuppose we could--” But whatever it was that they could have donegot lost as Nat’s little commuter car pulled into the lot and Stevelaid on the horn. Which might have been more annoying, except thecar’s horn was barely louder than a kid’s bike. Meep! Meeeeeeeep!Meep. “Well, so much for that idea.”
Tonyblinked, and leaned to look out the window. “You said ninetyminutes!” he said. “I’m still in my boxers!”
Buckyleered. “I’d noticed that. I said we’d leave in ninety minutes.Go shower, I’ll delay the birthday boy.” He swatted Tony’s assas Tony scurried for the shower, muttering and complaining the wholeway.
Tonyrushed through the fastest shower ever -- not like he wasn’t goingto be drenched in sweat again by the time mid-day rolled around, hemostly just needed to rinse off the evidence of last night’s funand get his beard soft enough to shave. He didn’t rush shaving --he’d done that before and the results were worse than if he skippedit altogether. And if the park didn’t open until ten, then theycould wait five more minutes.
Finally,wearing shorts and his thinnest white tee -- it was going to bebroiling, no way was he wearing something dark or jeans -- he duckedout the door and jogged down the stairs to the parking lot. “Youare in a very big hurry to stand in line,” he observed to Stevewith a grin. “Happy birthday.”
“Youare too pale,” Nat complained. She frowned at him, then pulled abottle of spray sunblock out of her backpack. “Come here, beforeyou turn into a crawdad.” She proceeded to attack him with thespray-on, which smelled weird and kept getting caught up in thebreeze, which meant he got sunscreen in his mouth. Yuck.
Natstarted digging through her bag again, handing Tony stuff as if hisnumber one job in life was to be her portable shelf. “Bandaids,chapstick, granola bars, ziplock bags, hand sanitizer. Oh, here,you’ll want this.” She frowned, realized Tony had his arms fullof her crap, and sighed. “Useless.” She snagged Tony’ssunglasses and fitted a bright orange strap onto them before stickingthem haphazardly on his head.   
“Um.”Tony looked at Bucky, but Bucky just shrugged and grinned at him.Tony sighed and just waited for her to finish fussing. It was Nat; itwas easier, always, to just let her have her way. It usually turnedout that she was right, anyway.
“Canwe go now?” Steve said, looking at his watch. Tony hadn’t seen itbefore; Steve usually didn’t wear any jewelry while in the kitchen.It was heavy gold with a well-scratched face and looked like the sortthat actually had to be wound. “If we get there by nine-thirty,we’ll get to park in England.”
“It’sthe 4th of July,” Bucky pointed out, like Steve didn’t alreadyknow that. “We’re parking in Italy and you know it. Just suck itup.”
“Thisis why I think we should get a hotel,” Steve said. “We could getstarted firstthing.”
Buckyslid his sunglasses onto his nose for the sole purpose of being ableto glare at Steve over the lenses. “No, we can’t. Relax. The parkain’t goin’ nowhere.”
Tonyturned to Nat. “Is this bickering going to stop once we’reactually there, or is this pretty much how the whole day is going togo? I just want to be prepared.”
Natpacked her stuff back into her bag and gave Tony a wide, somewhatsharp-toothed grin. “Worse. It will get worse.” She linked herarm with Tony’s. “I claim Antonishka for bumper cars, just so youare aware, Bucky.”
“Doyou?” Tony asked. “You’ve never seen me drive.”
Shepatted his hand. “But I have seen them drive. Both of them. Believeme, I am safer with you.”
Buckyscoffed. “Keep that up, woman, and I will veto eating at theFesthaus this year.”
Natglared. “You will not dare do that.” She turned to Tony, excited.“They have cake! The size of your head!”
“Nobody’sgetting any cake unless we getgoing!”Steve protested.
Buckysighed and gave it up, unlocking his truck. “Pass, please?” Nathanded him a badge attached to a lanyard. Bucky tossed it on thedashboard and climbed into the driver’s seat.
Tonyopened both passenger doors and gestured grandly. “Waiting on you,now,” he told Steve, smirking.
Stevescoffed, but climbed into the truck behind Tony. “Can you move yourseat up?” Tony continued to be amazed that Steve fit in thatcommuter car of Nat’s because he could already feel Steve’s kneesdigging into the back of his seat.
Tonyalmost said no, just to be a smartass, but it was the man’sbirthday, after all. He’d half been expecting Steve to call shotgunand push Tony into the back with Nat. So he groped for the lever andyanked the seat as far forward as his own knees could stand. “That’llhave to do.”
“Stevegets first pick,” Bucky said, tossing his CD book into the back,then threw the truck into gear and spun out, churning a huge plume ofgravel behind him as he peeled out of the parking lot. “BuschGardens: bad food, long lines, and sunburn, here we come.”
Stevethumbed through the collection and finally selected a CD, handing itup. “This,” he said.
Buckyglanced at the disk. “Oh, god,” he said, then shoved it into theplayer.
JustinTimberlake started bringing the Sexy Back as Bucky pulled onto theinterstate and headed north.
Natsnagged a map and started poring over the show schedule just as oneof the roaming park photographers hounded in on Tony to get them allto pose for a picture in front of the wishing fountain. Two “sayVacation!”s and two clicks later, Bucky put the paper claim sheetin his pocket. Might be funny; the second picture they’d allmanaged to get rabbit ears up behind Steve -- Tony was actuallystanding on the lip of the fountain and leaning on Bucky’sshoulders to get up there -- and Steve hadn’t noticed.
“So,what is your thing?” Nat asked Tony, holding out the map.
“Whydoes he get first pick?” Steve demanded.
“Hedoesn’t,” Bucky said, reasonably, “but it’s going to take himlonger because he doesn’t know what any of the stuff is. And wealready know what Nat’s pick is.”
“Cake,”Nat said, nodding her head.
Tonystudied the map; like a lot of amusement parks, it was arranged inmore or less a circle, with a few side-loops. The place was dividedinto areas that were along a theme of various Western Europeancountries (except for what appeared to be French Canada, which...why?), There were lots of rides, and shows for the non-thrillseekers, and (of course) shops and food stalls and restaurants. “Idon’t know,” he said after a minute. “I don’t know anythingabout any of these rides.” He cocked his head at Steve. “What’syour first pick, then?”
Buckygroaned and rolled his forehead against the back of Tony’s shirt.“One of these days, he’s gonna give over getting revenge for mydragging him on Rebel Yell until he puked.”
Natgrabbed the map and started drawing on it with a pen from her pouch.“This, these rides, they all do loop-de-loops. This one is MachTower, good view of the park, but drops you sixty feet. This one ismagnetic, fun, fast, but breaks down a lot. Water slides. RomanRapids, more water, a lot more water.”
“Hm.Water should be right after lunch,” Tony mused, “when it’salmost as hot as it’s going to get and when we have enough time todry off before we go home.” He glanced up at the other touristsstreaming past them. “Any particular reason we have to pick? Ifigured we’d just... follow the path and do whatever lookedinteresting.”
Natstepped back and pointed at Bucky and then at Steve, doing the VannaWhite arms. “Exhibit A and Exhibit B. If we each pick one thingthat we must do to make us happy for the day, it prevents a couple ofovergrown man-children from acting like squabbling siblings.”
Stevemock-scowled. “When have I everstoodin the way of you having more cake than can possibly fit in thatstomach of yours?”
Buckyfacepalmed. “Oh, now he’s done it.” He snatched the map andlooked down the schedule. While he was going through the list ofshows, Nat started listing a very precise number of times and visitswhere Nat did not get to do her things that ended with a very large,loud complaint about having never evergottento feed the lorikeets.
“Uh,okay then,” Tony said faintly. “And Exhibit C, I see.” Helooked over Bucky’s shoulder.  “You got any hanging‘coasters? The kind where your feet are swinging free? I lovethose. Feels like you’re flying.”
“AlsoGriffin,” Bucky said, “and Alpengeist. France… and France.That’s convenient. And there’s ice cream in the middle, whichmight get Miss Deprived of Caloric Goodness to cool her jets.”
“Okay,well, if Steve’s called Griffin, I’ll claim Alpengeist, and thenI get to ride both.” Tony grinned at Bucky, so happy it felt likehis face might split. “What’s your pick?”
“Theanimal show? Really? Dorrrrrrrk,” Tony teased. He laced theirfingers together and squeezed. God Bucky really was a total dork.Tony loved it.
“What?It’s cute,” Bucky protested, absently rescuing his hand to tapthe description of the show. “And Lucky came from a show, once, youknow. I mean, not this nice, this is a nice show. Rescue animals andstuff.”
“Right,”Steve said. He snatched the map and folded it up, stuffing it in hisback pocket. “We’re on a mission. Come on, people, daylight’sburning!”
Tonyrolled his eyes. “We are not soldiers,” he told Steve, but theyall followed him anyway, deeper into the park.
That’s the end of Chapter One! Continue to Chapter Two on AO3!
~ @everyworldneedslove & @tisfan
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