#oh my god whats wrong with meeeeeee
animentality · 4 months
Thanks to @weavewithshadow I now have an audio file of Gortash calling the Dark Urge "dear Bhaalist" in that disgusting slick raspy bullshit politician voice, and I'm fucking crying and gnashing my teeth and considering murder suicide.
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safetycar-restart · 8 months
okay so all i can think about rn for corruption kink is like poly!vr46 like you and bezz teaching the omegas on how to get through their heats if you guys for some reason can’t be there. like you’re all curled up in the nest and one of the pups just starts grinding against you because he needs help and he’s just so horny and wants his alpha to fix it and make it better.
corruption kink also lowkey fits sub!oscar like he’s just so subby and doesn’t know what to do and he just wants his dom to help him but she’s far away for some reason so he facetimes her and is like help meeeeeee. so she teaches him how over the phone?
i don’t know it’s all just kinda brain rot atm but have a good day!
Listen if this is your idea of brainrot then please continue because oh my god this is great. I’m gonna discuss each of these ideas, because of course.
(For context, this is an au we discuss sometimes where Bez and reader are alphas and the rest of the academy are all omegas. You start off just dating Bez but slowly you and Bez kinda become the joint alphas for the entire academy)
So firstly, Bez would be SO into the idea of corrupting his cute omega pack mates. He LOVES wrecking them, isnt finished with them until they’re covered in cum and unable to remember their own names. So corruption kink? Absolutely.
I think it starts off pretty organically? Like you don’t plan it, but one day you and Bez are cuddling with Cele and discussing when Cele’s next heat is. You both realise that while you’ll try your best to get there, there’s a genuine chance Cele might have to spend the first day or two on his own.
And he is NOT pleased with this at all. Especially not because just the week before you and Bez had tagged teamed and fucked Pecco silly during his heat. Cele wants the same!!!
You try to reassure him that you’ll be there as soon as you can and remind him that he can look after himself. Bez pipes up then, telling Cele he can use dildos on himself and make himself cum over and over again.
Which of course gets Cele a little riled up and then suddenly you’ve got a whiney, pouty omega grinding against you and asking what he must do to himself. And Bez, the master of dirty talk, is more than happy to educate Cele on the things he can do, whispering absolute filth into his ear. While he does this, you move your hands to Cele’s hips and start directing his grinding, basically making him hump your thigh.
The poor thing leave a little puddle of slick on your thigh when he cums.
(And then a few days later you have all the other omegas demanding the same attention because they heard what you and Bez did to Cele)
Yeah he’s such a subby baby!! He gets into this headspace where he just feels completely useless and dumb? And then even though he’s rock hard and more than capable of jerking himself off, he can’t!!! He’s too subby for that, all he can do it whine and huff and spam message you until you give in and FaceTime him.
The moment he answers, you’re greeted by a very pouty Oscar. His hair is a mess and his lips are bright red from how he’s been biting them.
When you ask what’s wrong, he just mumbles “help me” and then unceremoniously flips the camera so you can see the bulge in his boxers. You get it then, he’s all subby and very unhappy there’s no one around to play with his cock.
You tell him that you’ll help him, that he can make himself feel good if he just listens to you. At first he’s uncertain, not liking the idea of doing any of it himself but you promise him that he just needs to listen to you, he won’t have to think at all.
You ‘teach’ him how to hump a pillow, which is something you’ve had him do so many times before but you know he’d get all whiney and unhappy if you didn’t give him precise instructions and act like he’s never done this before.
He sounds so shocked when he tries and it feels good? He babbles on and on about how good it feels and thanks you for showing him and promises he’s being a good boy.
(Arguably good boys don’t spam you until you call them and then show you their cock unprompted but oh well, at least he’s cute)
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Love and light to Bridget but idk how she puts up with Valentine in Duke of Sin lol - he’s like an angry little Pomeranian. I love how Val is short. He absolutely would be and I don’t think it bothers him a bit (I always picture Eve as taller than him/the taller sibling). And lmao to when Bridget is forced to go “well turns out he wasn’t lying about his *personal attributes*” in that nude painting of him. Like, Elizabeth Hoyt!!! Your brain!!!
Side note/question - if you had to FMK the Maiden Lane heros, how would you categorize them?
Honestly, I think Bridget has a lot of kinks that the text would probably deal with more if it was published today. There's some shit going on with her. In a lot of ways, I see Val/Bridget as a contrast to Maximus/Artemis, wherein you have a wacky duke paired with what appears to be an imminently sensible and calm woman, but there are key differences in that:
A) Maximus, while clearly being insane, is more of a general ass re: his relationship with Artemis, while Val is COMPLETELY off his rocker, and demonstrates this to Bridget.
B) I'll be super real... taste is taste and this is TOTALLY PERSONAL, but Maximus sounds a lot hotter on a purely physical level to meeeeeee. Jacked severe duke with some salt and pepper going on > super pretty duke. Val is hot because of who he is/his insanity/the fact that we see him do sex things, but on the street I feel like I wouldn't be into him? And people in the text are like "he's very pretty but also SUPER WEIRD-PRESENTING". But GOOD FOR HIM.
C) Bridget has experience, Maximus is Artemis's one and only. While I do nOT see Artemis as a meek heroine at all (quiet, yes, meek no) it's kinda not a surprise that she'd fall in love with the rich hot duke who pops her cherry AND gives her multiple orgasms. Bridget.... should know better lmao.
So basically, Bridget REALLY loves Val, which means she's a bit twisted.
Re: FMK, I'd fuck em all because they all sound good in the sack, but I'd MARRY: Winter, Mickey, Maximus, and Asa.
A more accurate ranking would tier like this:
Tier 1: God Tier/Would Suck Him Off In A Public Venue
Winter Makepeace, Thief of Shadows--Obviously, I love Winter with all my wasted heart. He's not even as much of my usual romance hero type because he's nOT a rat bastard, but he's so wound up and stridently self-confident while at the same time possessing the heart of an absolute freak who wings it. I love an undone man, and he's so. undone. Also, how can one man be so cool and yet so deeply uncool at once? Like, he's Zorro but he also is basically cosplaying because some random guy showed him how to once. Also, he spends time being like "my God, am I just a lustful wretch" because he got a boner oNE TIME.
Charming Mickey O'Connor, Scandalous Desires--Mickey is probably like. The sexiest Maiden Lane hero. He is a river pirate who somehow gets away with saying things like "you're me lady now" on the force of sheer sex appeal. I imagine him wearing leather pants and a flowy pirate shirt that's open to his navel all the time. Don't ruin that for me. He's also deeply weird, as any hero of my heart is. 10/10 would let him lick my tears off my face.
Maximus Batten, Duke of Midnight--Lots of people hate Maximus. They are wrong. Is Maximus a total asshole? Yes. Is the main obstacle to Maximus getting everything he wants, in fact, Maximus? For sure, no doubt. Is it truly bizarre that he's like, fucking the shit out of this woman, clearly in love with her, and then being like "sadly, we cannot be together, because I find you embarrassing". Oh yes. But that is... why.... I love him? I love Maximus because he's his own worst enemy. Because he has the whole "TAKE MY COME BECAUSE I CAN GIVE YOU NOTHING ELSE" (not true lmao) line. Because he honestly fucks like a champ and is then like "oh my god Alfred, (Craven), look away, Diana's (Artemis's) tits are out". Because of that scene where he just sat down before Artemis and dragged her forward and ate her out like she was breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Because... he's such an idiot. 100+ "he called his heroine by not her actual name first" points.
Asa Makepeace, Sweetest Scoundrel--Asa is iconic to me because he mixes filth and sweetness so well? Like, he's not as decent as Winter. He's kind of a trashbag himbo who puts on this big rakish show. But he's..... incredibly sweet with Eve. Like. So tender. So understanding. I don't respond well to "we fall in love while he comforts me about my sexual trauma" romances often, because it can often feel... exploitative, somehow? But this one nailed it, and while Eve is an amazing heroine, I think it's in part too because of how Asa is like... not a perfect guy, but a guy with a deeply good heart deep down. Which makes sense, because he comes from a family that has some of the most deeply decent people (Winter and Silence) in the series. Also, on a shallow note, that scene where he jacks off in the carriage is A LOT.
Tier 2.1: Iconic, But I Have Questions
Valentine Napier, Duke of Sin--Yes, Val is hot, he is iconic, I see why everyone loves him, I don't take anything at all away from that. But does he sometimes veer in a direction where I'm like "oh he can plow, but in the cool light of day I'd wonder some things about his fashion choices"? Sure. I am not. A HUGE fan of all his frothy lace. Elizabeth Hoyt will sell me on basically every hero. The Serpent Prince is another one where I was like, "oh! He has jeweled buckles on his high heeled shoes and he is battling!" Sometimes, the heroes just feel extra Georgian, and this is one of those times for me. I also, as someone with two cats who are basically parasitic creatures attached to me, do struggle sometimes with the cat murders.
Tier 2.2: Time to Call My Shrink About the Daddy Issues
Godric St. John, Lord of Darkness--Initially, I don't think I ranked this book that high in the series. But upon re-reads of... certain passages, I am more into Godric than I once was. I mean, he's hot. He's deeply daddy. He's like, one of the more normal Maiden Lane heroes, for sure. I actually own this book in paperback and need to do a complete re-read. I find Godric to be unfortunately placed between two of my favorite heroes, so it's hard to like... hold him up against Winter and Maximus. But he's objectively so hot.
Captain James Trevillion, Dearest Rogue--OOOOOOOH HOT. It's only recently that I realized that he's Georgian Jim Gordon, which, weird. But man. When he dry humped that girl he was supposed to be taking care of, who's a lil YOUNG FOR HIM BUT NOT IN A WEIRD WAY, who's his CHARGE!!! And then felt DIRTY BAD WRONG ABOUT IT??? Oh, that's hot. Also, I love that he's like. Wounded and fucked up about it. Yes sir, tell me all about all your SELF LOATHING. I liked his farm family less though.
Hugh Fitzroy, Duke of Kyle, Duke of Pleasure--How fun is it that this guy is a king's bastard? So fun. Also fun: that iconic scene where he's like "Alf, pretend to suck my dick so everyone moves past us and ignores our espionage" and she just. Sucks his dick for real. And then he's like, "Alf legit they're gone" and she's like "I'm gonna do anyway" and he comes in her mouth? And then he's like "Jesus Christ bitch" and mAKES HER SPIT INTO HIS NICE HANDKERCHIEF??? Anyway, I don't love the CSI: Maiden Lane arc because it's so dark, but that scene, man. I also am a sucker for any time a hero has a Shang From Mulan moment where the heroine is dressed like a man and he's like "you know what.... for that twink... I would..."
Tier 2.3 Yeah My Man's A Slut
Griffing Remington, Notorious Pleasures--I really have nothing to complain about here. Griffin's book is kind of an outlier in that it's like... more Maiden Lane than the previous book, but still not quite there, but it's very good and fun. (To me, Scandalous Desires is when Elizabeth Hoyt REEEEEALLY hits her stride.) He's a hot fuck who isn't above boning his brother's fiancee, and I respect the hell out of that. A true slut. I believe he's amazing in bed.
Tier 2.4 Well Now I'm Sad (But We Love Him)
Raphael de Chartres, Duke of Desire--His story is so well done and I love him and he's a great hero, but his book is VERY, VERY sad. His backstory is crushing. I'd recommend this book (with the necessary TWs) and I'm sure I'll reread it, but it's not an easy read and though I found his love story romantic and cathartic, it was darker than Sweetest Scoundrel due to its proximity to ongoing issues, and... yeah. Hard. But I love him.
Tier 2.5 Further Evaluation Needed
Lazarus "Caire" Huntington, Wicked Intentions--Yeah so I don't recall much of this one and I need to do a full reread, but Caire is hot and all, despite his weird hair. I find him to be less in line with most Maiden Lane heroes, but that makes sense because he's the first one. Would bang, but need to brush up on everything.
Apollo Greaves, Darling Beast--I know this book is great, but I also read it at a bad mental health time so I need to re-read it. Apollo is a biiiig guy, which I love. He's also got a very difficult backstory, like Raphael, but not *quite* as intense. I remember him being REAL GOOD AT SEX, I just need to reread his entire story.
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gumjester · 11 months
2: What scene did you first put down?
5: What part was hardest to write?
11: What do you like best about this fic?
sorry if that’s too much !!
2 - you are asking me to remember something that happened nearly 4 years ago so i am probably completely wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but. the first scene i remember physically writing with a pen was the rehearsal scene in chapter nine, where headmaster grimm details what would happen to raven if she didn't sign. to meeeeeee that scene always lacked some pizazz in the og, and i couldnt bear to go through the entire story writing characters fearful out of their minds over the nebulous idea of 'going poof'. IT JUST NVR HIT IMO.... had to make it a little scarier!!! i love dramatic histrionic scenarios. RAVEN YOU WILL BE TORN LIMB FROM LIMB...... now theres the energy!!! and i think i kept almost this entire scene verbatim from the first draft!!! that is rare!!!
5 - AM I ALLOWED TO SAY THE ENTIRETY OF TRUE HEARTS DAY...... this arc has put me through the WRINGER I CAN TELL YOU THAT! ive had to redraft such a massive portion of it and i had such trouble grasping character motivations and i am STILL not completely happy with it uuuuUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH.... but such is the life of a writer >__< as for which PUBLISHED part was the most difficult, i remember the food fight after legacy day being pretty hard, purely from trying to balance character appearances and how many synonyms for 'throw' i had to look up 😭
11 - THE FACT IT ALLOWS ME TO GET MY FILTHY LITTLE MITTS ALL OVER CANON AND BEND IT TO MY WILL....being able to expand on every character to the extent i always wished for...being able to blend arcs and themes and make the narrative cohesive.... so many things!!!!! i love them all!!!! perhaps my favourite of all though is sewing little seeds of plot to allow them to blossom up all lovely in the future....i've already sewn a few that nobody has noticed... OH HO HO. I FEEL AS THOUGH I HOLD ALL THE CARDS. i suppose i do. STAY TUNED
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cheswirls · 3 months
a:tla la thoughts 1.3
oh my god i forgot abt cabbage man being introduced in omashu. he was at the gate but he didnt' say anything! i was waiting for that scream. hopefully next time
oh is this jet. at first i thought it was haru but the shorter hair. sokka's immediate disapproval. this is jet huh. ok. ok i see you
NOOOOOOOOOOO he didnt say it aaaaaa whyyyyyy theyre teasing meeeeeee
OH they're putting this kid in the first season < i said that they looked it up and they do visit the northern air temple in s1. the fact that he and assumedly his father are in omashu instead is. hm. a choice.
jet also being in omashu is weird considering they made it a point to say there's no fire nation presence in omashu. what business does he have here. like why. that's his whole thing. hunting soldiers.
teo's design is sick tho, love the hair. love the goggles. thought his father caused that explosion but if not that was a weird way to show katara and aang are benders.
OH ok now i get it. jet and co are bombing parts of the city as a way for the ppl to rise up. trying to drag omashu into the war. i do like that if that's the case. good angle
i!!!!!!! don't like mai's hair. are they like space buns? what was wrong with her original hair? they had that sort of ornate hairstyle down for suki's mom. i like thalia tran's voice but the hair is rly throwing me off, not to mention the scene they're all introduced in is rly dark for some reason????? if it's colored black i cannot see it.
ty lee is cute tho!!! and i do like azula so far. i like them all so far. just not mai's hair.
hehe :) the cabbages
i don't rly have full context so idk that i can give a complete opinion based on conjecture. the significance behind having teo and sai inhabit the northern air temple was about sharing culture and more than just idk... sai giving weapons to the fire nation to protect their livelihood. like that is a part of it, sure, but by removing the setting, it's taking away a lot of nuance the whole situation had.
jet and co being behind the bombs makes sense but idk in what context. if they're tailing fire nation spies outside (outside???? or does omashu having a woodsy side to it where they've set up camp and i just missed it?) the city to eliminate them, then why also bomb them inside the city? that part to me still seems like indiscriminate attacks meant to incite the army to fight. but i will hold back bc i dont wanna give these writers credit if thats not the case and its smth stupid instead rhgowhgqeg
speaking of stupid. can we live in an era (as someone who knows very little about showrunning) where actors voice if something pertaining to their character is bad or doesn't make sense. didn't emilia clarke wander around london or whatever in absolute turmoil bc she hated the ending for her character in game of thrones but in the end she still went thru w it bc what else could she do. i wanna live in a world where an actor reads a script or tries to act smth out and stops and goes no. no this is stupid i don't like this he would not say that. and it like, have weight and significance?? like if bad writing exists, instead of letting it slide, can ppl in the making of the show voice their opinions? if smth is bad then it's bad.
this is all bc of the senseless iroh pushing zuko to the ground and drawing attn to himself scene at the end of e3. like why. the gate was right there. no one was checking faces. cover zuko's head again and run out in the crowd. do anything aside from the needless sacrifice like what was the point, whyyyyyy, i don't understand.
(this was an interesting mashup episode but tbh all i was thinking thru watching it was 'wow! ppl who get into atla thru the netflix adaptation r gonna be so confused when they watch the cartoon and learn jet and teo are introduced at different points of the season from each other and omashu. completely different points. omashu is first half, jet is middle, teo and sai are end. not a bad thing it was just jarring to think abt.)
once again i do not like anything they've done with iroh's character.
idk i'll probably go in depth next episode when everything hopefully gets explained better but. maybe bc they're making atla into a drama instead of the action/adventure it was originally, they feel like everything has to be "dramatized" and it's sucking the soul out of the show? the comedy isn't there really, which is a shame. atla's comedy is like the golden standard of cartoon kids-rated comedy. i would've loved to see them get into omashu by disguising aang and katara running with the absurd surname and that whole element, instead of sneaking in with jet with what tries to be humor maybe but falls short of such. this show needs to be funnier to be successful in my eyes.
also i know i said this last time but i wanna say it again re: the change in genre. taking this show from a global journey adventure serial and trying to make it a drama is removing a lot of what made atla work so well. there was so much planning and nuance in everything, and it worked bc of the genre it fit into. trying to slice and dice certain elements of a season to fit a not even 8 hr runtime isn't great to begin with, but like. you can make the show more adult-oriented without changing what it is at its core, y'know?
now that there's definitely gonna be a good chunk of next episode also set in omashu, i rly hope there's some nod to haru and that it's not smth they cut entirely. tbh, i said everything connects throughout atla's three seasons, and this rly makes me wonder if they get a s2, what they're planning on doing then. i thought before this came out that if they were gonna cut anything, that i actually didn't care for jet's episode that much, but if you cut out jet, then you get rid of one of the more iconic scenes of s2, if not the whole show, where he's being brainwashed by the dai li. everything connects. the friends you make along the way come back to lend their assistance. i really hope the rest of what they'll do with omashu is decent and not wasted time.
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bananaapplewaffle · 1 year
Scalding Sands Al’ab Nariya | A Firelit Sky over the Sands Books: 3, 4 & 5 + Vignettes
Book 3: Bazaar Exploration
A Traditional Holiday & Getting Into the Spirit
Ah here’s the Aladdin lore 
…I’m gonna be real
I barely remember actual movie
The KH story…
Or even the 2019 movie ( I really only remember the songs from that).
But uh— I feel like they cut a lot out and took uh some creative liberties. 
Was there a firework show…
I feel like that was only in Aladdin and Genie’s meeting…unless that happen in the actual story
Man ion
All Over the Place & A Hungry Monster
If y’all don’t feed my brother 
He will become Abu and start committing steal
Give 👏 me 👏 more👏 meat👏 
Grim, take your time! Savor it!
Grim I swear to god…
“I know we don’t really look alike—” Y’all literally look alike but okay
Why are y’all surprised
Silk City’s Produce & Just How We Are
You just gonna say that
In front of us
Like that
Virgo Shit tbh
Highkey what is Malleus talkin about
Oh that looks good
Did he not spilt an apple and some bread with Abu
Also I can’t believe this
Abu erasure 
It’s cuz it the fruit, Cater.
Maybe next time
Tower Baguettes & Playful Streak
Wow this whole Book is just eating, huh
Ah there’s where the bread comes in
I feel like he shared it with Abu only but I deadass don’t remember 
Shit I love me some bread
I mean I didn’t ask for help, but sure
Ah there’s the commit steal and on the run part
But without the steal
Someone get they brother
Did the urn actually not have a bottom in Aladdin
Or is another steal from Kingdom Hearts cuz there’s a heartless that does that
Grim…what are you doing?
If its that hot then you don’t need to be on the ground
Your poor paw pads…
Allow Me & By My Reckoning & Doing Just Fine
Wrong part, Grim…
Oh lawd not a bug
He probably almost sent all the stalls on fire
Girl not the trauma 
Grim please…
God I feel like I know this toy
Its on the edge of my memories 
Oh fuck
We lost the prince
Book 4: A Change in Location
Actual Gold & Down the Middle!
Oh wow he really knew where to look
Take this shit off me
Alright y’all what would gramps want?
Refrain from Comment & Fortune-Telling
I fucken hate it
Which means Lilia will probs love it
Wait wait wait
This tacky ass shirt’s tagline is:
“Liberated attire for those freed from their shackles”
A fucken choice that was
Moving all the way on
Oh wait, come back
I forgot Genie wore a tacky ass shirt
Okay sure whatever
“If he makes something with the ingredients you bought, I’m coming for both y’all asses.” 
Not Cater being into Astrology
Cuz he is gonna be the best mage, Trey.
Poor Grim. 
It’s okay, I believe in you!
A Family Heirloom & Stretching Super Long
That man do be getting worked up
Good grades and focus, huh….
Seems about right
Chile lemme gon head and get a scarf too
Can’t Set Them Off & Just an Employee
Not rue the day…
Trey shoulda took off his glasses
You have my permission 
And then Jamil beat his ass and saved the day
Book 5: Firework Celebration
Worth Cheering For & Especially Nice
Mint lemonade…
How things collide
I refuse to elaborate
Damn I kinda really wanna try it tho
I did actually buy the lamp from the shop lol
Okay so…this is the shortest twistune,
One of the shortest events,
And like 
Really could have spent less time eating 
And some time learning that dance at the end
Cuz that’s not the type of dance you can get just by looking 
That’s a practice a week before the function kind of dance
What a nice end card
An Expert Opinion (Part One) | Cater - Silk Adorned 
My boys look so upset
And just like that
After the promise of getting something
They (Ace) are fine
Riddle—Ace and Deuce are the only pumped ones here
And they’re not even going???
Jamil watching with a Virgo eye
That’s literally the perk of being a Virgo.
We just be seeing shit
Cater really said
“Ion, you pick”
An Expert Opinion (Part Two) | Cater - Silk Adorned 
Really reading the fuck outta you
Yellow: For the bolder Cater
Black and White: For the don’t stand out too much Cater
Salmon Pink: For the gentle Cater
And yet,
There is still more to Cater
It’s Not Magic | Trey- Silk Adorned 
I thought we got there way closer to the time…
My brother—he’s so happy
Don’t you dare
[image of me and jamil being the same]
Oh girl we’re in science class
I hope everyone has on their lab coat and goggles
Oh my
I forgot this man was in the Science Club
Bro I hated the snake ones when I was little
It looked like poop
Rather Enjoyable | (Part One) | Malleus - Silk Adorned 
And this is where he got separated
And here’s Kalim!
Sweetheart, you are lost.  
Oh no
They’re in a tourist trap!
They got out
But where will they go next
Rather Enjoyable | (Part Two) | Malleus- Silk Adorned 
Oh an antique shop
Then man said “Lemme pop a squat and get ta reading”
What’s happening next week?
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ACTUALLY I CAN't sleep due to anxiety reasons so here's a non-exhaustive list of why matcia is frickin great (brotp, otp, whatever you want idc)
• wii sports resort, they're Those Two notorious miis who are ridiculously hard to beat. matt because he's champion of multiple sports and basically psychic, and lucía, well... GODDESS OF TABLE TENNIS, you can't even beat her by LUCK
• and then in wii party they're the highest difficulty so clearly they're experts at life itself
• speaking of wii party... FRICKING. FRIEND CONNECTION GAME
• they have the highest score and there's this cute af picture of them framed up on the wall smiling adorably together in a pretty pink background, and the whole minigame has hearts like literally everywhere and it's all about how ~compatible~ you are with each other and being able to ~connect~ with the other person and it's lowkey a dating sim oh god nintendo do you realize you ruined my life???
• they're such a goddamn power duo
• oh and like it's interracial too? considering fandoms sTILL tend to sleep on interracial ships i think this is a win
• ahhhhhhHhhHHhHH how could i forget they have the same favourite colour??? they do!!! what are the odds of that? (it's orange, btw)
• seriously i can't get over this. nintendo spent a total of 1 (one) lore point on mii personality (as opposed to island backstory) and they dedicated it to making these two absolute besties. just iconic.
• (well okay they also dedicated a lore point to making abby and tatsuaki hate each other which is equally iconic tbh but that's not the point of this post)
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mmilkbreadd · 3 years
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Request: congrats on 300!! can i req atsumu + S and kuroo + N?
Note: Hii, thanks for requesting! This is an Atsumu Miya stan account so every request involving him is more than welcome! (Kuroo too ofc)
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Miya Atsumu + S (Serenade)
Words: 0.4k
This man,,, is very dumb. 
He forgot, FORGOT, your fifth anniversary.
You had prepared a huge dinner with candles and flowers when he wasn’t home.
You bought balloons, put on some music, and dress very elegantly for the occasion.
And when he arrived he was so confused.
“Happy… birthday?” he said while laying his bag on the floor.
“Are you kidding ‘tsumu?” 
“I sure hope not…”
When I tell you you SCREAMED.
And Miya was still like ???
You started crying and saying gibberish, then stormed out of the house while Atsumu ran after you.
He was crying even more than you tbh.
But he didn’t even know why!!!
When he arrived home he realized there was a big balloon with a 5 shape.
And he finally realized.
God, it took him thirty minutes to know what the hell was going on.
And he cried. Like for three hours straight.
So a few days after the anniversary fiasco, you decided it was time to go back home and grab a couple of your things.
You hadn’t broken up yet.
But you were staying at your friend’s house so you needed clothes and some other stuff.
The most reasonable thing to do was go back to your house and pray for Atsumu to not be there.
You were so wrong smh.
When you opened the door of your apartment, you noticed all the lights were off.
And suddenly, a guitar started playing.
It wasn’t a very pleasing sound tho.
You quickly turned on the lights and saw Atsumu on one knee with a guitar in his hands.
He played while staring at the strings, glancing at you from time to time.
You held back a laugh. He really sucked.
But then, you had to put a hand up to your mouth to stop you from laughing:
Atsumu started singing.
“Ooooh, y/n~ I’m an idiot.”
‘Just breath, y/n, don’t laugh. DON’T LAUGH!’ you thought.
“Ooooh y/n~ I forgot our anniversary but I still love you so please don’t leave meeeeeee”
But this time you couldn't hold it as you started cracking up very loud.
So Atsumu stopped playing and singing and looked at you with a smile.
“Do you forgive me? Or do you want me to keep singing?”
You would rather die than hear him sing again so you forgive him.
But as I said, this man is dumb.
And one year later, on your sixth anniversary, he forgot once again.
So the story repeated itself, but with the whole team joining him this time.
Once again, it sucked.
But you filmed it and sent it to everyone you knew.
Happy ending, I guess…
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Kuroo Tetsurō + N (Night)
Words: 0.3k
Kuroo felt like he owned the world when he was beside you.
And he was bored very easily when he was without you.
So one night he was, you know, bored while watching a rom-com.
And said, “I have nothing better to do so I’ll go to my partner’s house and annoy them.”
Imagine that but at midnight.
Just like a cliché romantic movie.
Like the one he was watching before.
At that time you were peacefully sleeping in your comfortable bed
But then you started hearing how something was hitting your window.
So now you were awake. And angry. VERY angry.
You walked towards your window and glanced to see what, or who was making that noise.
And of course, it was your annoying boyfriend.
Throwing rocks at your window.
At midnight!
You furiously opened it and stuck your head out.
Only for a rock to hit you in the head.
“Oh my god, y/n! I’m sorry” he whispered loudly enough for you to hear.
But laughed afterward.
“Kuroo, you idiot! What the hell are you doing here?!”
You then rubbed your forehead, where the rock hit you before.
“I want to do the tunnel scene.”
‘The tunnel scene…?’ you thought.
You were so confused lmao
So you just went down and met your boyfriend to see what he meant.
You got in the car and he started driving through Tokyo city.
Music was with you the entire ride.
Lights shined in the driveway, Kuroo grabbing your hand while driving.
And when you finally arrived at the infamous ‘tunnel’, Kuroo turned on the volume.
To maximum capacity.
So then, with the windows wide open, you started singing to the top of your lungs.
The music rumbled off the walls, and the cars passed by making no sound.
You stared at your companion, understanding what the ‘tunnel scene’ meant.
He just wanted a cliché movie-like night with his partner.
And he finally had one.
But he didn’t imagine the bruise on your forehead tho.
So there you were: Kuroo, you, and your bruise.
Doing the ‘tunnel scene’.
It was a very romantic night.
Until you arrived at your house and your parents wanted to kill you.
But you don’t talk about that to other people lol
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Heartless - pt. 12
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A/N: Oh, man.... I love this. I was literally swinging left and right as I was writing the last part, listening to the song.
James and Sirius were both laughing as they ran to the house, one racing the other. They were like two children, filled with life as they both like the wind. 
“PADS!” James shouted, laughing and running to him. “WE’RE APPARATING!”
“WE’RE DOING IT NOW!” James jumped on Sirius and apparated with him, tumbling into the living room floor. 
They both looked at each other, traced their hands all over their body just in case if one left their leg somewhere in Switzerland. Sirius still wasn’t of age, until November, to use magic but since James was, all he wanted to do was use it. When they saw each other apparate for the first time. 
“Bloody hell, mate! You actually made us apparate!”
“ARE YOU TWO BLOODY INSANE!” Fleamont came rushing into the room with his face red as tomato.
“I did as you said dad!” James shouted, jumping around him meanwhile Fleamont grabbed James’ shoulder firmly and forced him to stop. 
“YOUR ROOM! BOTH OF YOU!” his voice boomed through the room meanwhile James’ smile faded at the sight of his father’s anger. He wanted to argue with him but then he saw you sitting in the background, avoiding his eyes as your mother sat beside you and another man stood there. 
“What’s going on?” he asked, trying to push his father’s hand away but Fleamont didn’t let him. 
“Alastor Moody?” Sirius walked into the kitchen, smiling at the man as the man only grunted. “Blimey, sir.”
“What is it boy?!” Moody grunted, turning to Sirius. “Oh, you look just like your father. Except the hair. The hair is new.”
“And so is your missing eye.”
“Boys.” your father said again and both of them looked up at him. “Room. Now. I will not ask again.”
“This seems like a family matter. Sirius and I are-”
“James, out.” 
You had never seen your father this mad, nor did James or anybody else but your father had more problems in his mind then James’ behaviour.
“Oh, so I’m a problem now?” 
“Yes, now go up to your room before I make you, son!”
“I hate you.” James growled at him and looked at Sirius, who was looking at you, who was looking back at Sirius. 
He gave you a soft, comforting smile and nodded. He left with James, always looking back at you to give you the comfort nobody else could. 
When you all heard James slam the door shut, your father let out a long breath then turned back to the three of you. He looked at Moody and gave him a stern look. “I’m not sending her away, Alastor. She’ll be safe at Hogwarts.”
“She’d be safer at Beuxbetons or Durmstrang-”
“Durmstrang! All they do is black magic! The Dark Lord could have a bunch of-”
“Hogwarts isn’t safe with her, Fleamont!”
“Dumbledore can surely-”
“Dumbledore can only do just as much!”
“How about I go to Hogwarts... It’s my last year. Everybody will know something is wrong, Alastor.” you stood up and walked up to your father. Putting your hand on his shoulder, you gave him a small, soft smile before looking back at Moody. “You can teach me-”
“Like I have the time for you, you silly girl. I have more important things to do than teach you silly old spells.”
“They’re not silly! I am not silly! I can fight and I can do so much more things. Just because I am a girl, does not mean I am useless!”
“You being a girl is not the issue. You can think as highly as you want, girl but the Dark Lord has years of experiance that you would only dream of. If he gets you in his hands again-”
“He won’t!”
“I won’t be there to save you next time!”
You shut your lips as the terrible events of that night came rushing back into your memory. You turned around, showing him your back as tears started to gather in your eyes. You swallowed them thickly.
“Then find somebody who will!” you said sharply, turning at him and glaring back. “Find a Legilimen! Find somebody who knows-”
“They would never agree to do what you ask of. You’re better off at Durmstrang. They have the best Legilimen teachers.”
“I don’t want Durmstrang! I want Hogwarts!”
“Then I can’t help you!”
“Then I’ll help myself! If you don’t want to teach me- if Dumbledore doesn’t want to teach me then I’ll just teach myself!”
“That’s impossible-”
“No, it’s not.” your mother suddenly cut in, standing up on her two feet and finally getting some colour in her face. She walked to all the three of you and glared at Moody. “I am grateful for saving my daughter-” she took a hold of your shoulders  and kept her hands firm on them. “- but my uncle was a self-learned Legilimen and he was successful in anything. She is like him and I know she is better than anybody in this family. She can do this. If she wants to go to Hogwarts, we will send her to Hogwarts with her brother but the only thing I ask you Alastor to check up on her-”
“Somebody needs to.” she turned to you, smiling. “I know you’re strong. You’ve always been stronger than any of us now you have to let us help you at least a bit. I almost lost you, I’m not taking that risk again.” she then turned back to Moody. “We will pay you ot teach her the Dark Arts- the proper Dark Arts. Four times a week or three times a week. It can be you or somebody you know.”
“Alright.” Moody said, making everybody silence in surprise. “It won’t be me, though. I know you Potters are stubborn but so am I. I’ll find you a good Auror.” and with that he was gone in a blink of a second. 
You came into your room and closed your door behind you. Leaning on them, you looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath in. “God-”
“Sirius but you can call me God too-”
“BLOODY HELL!” you jumped at the sight of the dark figure in the bed, reading a book under the bed lamp. He was grinning at you, watching you hold your heart and slide down the door from horror. 
“Jumpy, are we?”
“Merlin, what are you doing here?”
“James shut the door before I made it inside. Guessed he wants to be alone.” 
“Oh.” you said, letting your head fall into your palms and rubbing them against your eyes, letting out an exhausted groan. 
He kept looking at you, his eyes focused on the blue lines on your arms. Your sweater was too big, stretched out and worn out, making the sleeves fall down your arms, almost to your elbows. There were black lines, blue lines- like veins, like cuts- something he had never seen before. 
He felt a long pit in his stomach form but he swallowed every emotion into that pit. He closed the book and slid down the bed. He leaned on it, sitting opposite of you and watching you. 
“How are you?” he asked, making you look up and throw your head back. 
“Great, as you can see.” you smiled, closing your eyes and wishing he would be next to you. Wishing so hard he would crawl to you and take a hold of you but when you opened your eyes, he was still there- so far away. 
He kept watching you for a moment or two, just before he stood up and walked to your stereo and finding a Muggle station he loved to listen to. He never told this to anybody but James, Peter and Remus but he loved to turn on Muggle radio stations just to piss of his parents. Who knew that he would end up enjoying Muggle music?
It started on the middle of the song, making Sirius smile and how beautiful he looked when he showed his smile- especially the kind that made his eyes sparkle with mischief. 
He stepped in rhythm with the song, offering you a hand. “Dance with me?” 
“Come on, you grandma.” he took your hand and pulled you up, placing his hand on your hip and the other into his, swinging with you on the song. 
“You don’t have to do this...” you said, smiling at him before leaning a bit forward to his chest. “But it’s really nice.”
“ I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine 'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme .” he started to sing with the song, making you smile and hold him close. 
You put your hand on his chest, leaning your head on it as well and hearing his slow heartbeat as he held you close, singing softly in your ear. 
“And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind And I'll love you, always ...” he kept going on, leaning his head on you and letting the song play on by itself. Until he pulled back and stepped back a bit, the bass guitar playing faster and louder, “  What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair To touch your lips, to hold you near When you say your prayers, try to understand I've made mistakes, I'm just a man!!!!!” he shouted loudly and dramatically , taking your hand and pulling you close, swinging with you on your feet and hearing you laugh next to him. 
“I didn’t know you were such a singer, Black.” you started to tease, pulling a bit away and wrapping your arms around his neck and going from one foot to another.
“I can be a lot of things, Potter. You only say the word.” his eyes flashed a little mischief, just as his grin, just before he turned his head away, avoiding the moment and hearing the music change. His grin spread and he pushed himself away, opening his arms and singing from the depth of his lungs. “TAAAAKEEEEE MEEEEEEE!!!! TO THEE MAGICCC OF THE MOMENTTTTT!!!!!! ONN A GLOORY NIGHT! WHERE THE CHILDREN OF TOMORROWWW!!! DREAAM OFF-”
“Oh, my God Sirius.” you ran to him, placing your hand over his mouth. “It’s late.” you laughed and he looked kept humming despite your hand on top of his lips, dancing with his eyes as well as his hips. 
“Can’t help the music.” he took your hand and spun you around, dancing with you more relaxed and taking a hold of you from behind you, swinging you left and right as his hands kept holding yours.
And you wished it would be like this forever... forever like a dream, your dream....
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Newsies but it’s just texts from when me and my friends watched it together: 
Stop brb simping for Jeremy Jordan
He got pOIsanility
Davey and les better get here soon or im throwing hands
✨im ten✨
That’s America for you. Football and violence.
Jack feels offended
Their relationship is so passive aggressive I love it
✨happy little trees✨
Albert is ben from the umbrella academy, tell me im wrong
✨aggressive yelling of les
Les gets pointed cause hE HAS A PENCIL
Crutchie being amazing for ever
Why jack so dramatic
✨A U S P I C I O U S✨
Spot colons is just a big sweet heart who needs love
you know who’s underrated? THE DINNER DUDE
KATH IS LIKE, yeah, ok 😀
“Oh, those poor boys, 😀”
KATH IS JUST LIKE, “so if I mess up I will have twenety angry boys after me. Good”
I wish that in one show someones head gets stuck in the bars
Jesus Brooklyn, Why you do us like this
*sigh in disappointment*
Appreciate Santa Fe b*tches
thae wOaLrD iS yA oEstYer. yA WAt? yA eStEr. hey uR FaNcy ClAm woTh thE PEraL InSide.
davey actually appreciating kath
Kath is the Aunt but you’re right Davie is the mom
ok but where did he learn to write
Davie go get your husband
a bove. the fo ld
davey he misses his brother stfu
Theres no escaping us pal, we're inevitable" US
kaths in time out
you will never take jack quietly. its jack kelly, jaCK KELLY
shes like "dad your embarrassing meeeeeee"
my rage for pulitzer on the other hand. never ending
We are definitely third wheeling rn
You know what the newsies basically are? A cult. A freaking cult.
That was very gay of them
When is jack not behind it
s u c h l a n g u a g e
✨I’d do it with a smile✨
Teddy always be the best character in movies tho. Like here amazing. Night at the museum amazing
No one is ever COMPLETELY straight
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
sorry i’m shamelessly taking advantage of you offering to write them, but o’knutzy on a road trip! where are they going? who’s driving? what snacks did they pack? do they tease whoever’s driving? lol how often do they pull over
HELLO. god, finally. i’m so sorry this took so long. also it turned into 5.7k words of O’Knutzy being O’Knutzy. hope you like this :) major props to @siriuslyqueer and @shinymooncolor for the help as always <3 characters by @lumosinlove!
Finn and Logan are showing Leo photos of their Harvard days one night as they’re cuddling in bed together, when Leo casually mentions how he sometimes wishes he had gone to college first before joining the league. 
“Growing up, I didn’t have many friends from school. I mostly kept to my family instead. Honestly though, if I had gone to college, I probably would’ve enjoyed my time there,” He says wistfully.
He doesn’t notice Finn and Logan glancing at each other, smiling knowingly. 
The next morning, the two boys drag Leo out of bed bright and early, bouncing up and down excitedly.
“What the—”
“ROAD TRIP, BABY,” They yell into his ear, and the next thirty minutes are a flurry of washing up and packing essentials for the long drive. Leo’s confused as hell but he’s still half asleep and refuses to deal with the hyperactive boys until he’s gotten his coffee from the cafe across from their apartment.
Once they’re eventually settled into Finn's car, with their respective cups of coffee and some bagels to munch on, Leo asks where they’re going as Finn starts the car and turns out onto the main road. The freckled redhead reaches a hand over to boop Leo on the nose, who swats his hand away playfully. 
“It’s a secret,” He winks. Leo settles back into the passenger seat resignedly, knowing better than to question their spontaneous decisions.
A couple seconds after, Logan leans forward, over the centre console, and plugs his phone in. He scrolls through his Spotify for a bit, before a familiar song starts blasting through the car speakers. 
“What the hell, Lo,” Finn frowns at Logan through the rearview mirror. “Isn’t it a bit too early for this?”
Logan narrows his eyes and wags a finger at him, opening his mouth to say something, but bursts into song instead. 
Leo looks at Finn, confused, and Finn just shoots him an amused look. 
“He loves singing to High School Musical on long drives,” He laughs, nodding his head to the beat anyway. Leo just stares between the two of them, looking highly intrigued. “Have you never been on a road trip before, Peanut?” 
Finn cocks his head to the side, looking at him curiously as Leo turns back to the front, shrugging in embarrassment. “Only with family. It was very different from this.” 
“Well,” Finn grins, drawing out the syllable. “You’re with us now. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
At that moment, Logan grabs Leo’s shoulders from behind and shakes him. “What about us? What about everything we’ve been through?”
Leo laughs in surprise, and Logan pouts. “C’mon, Peanut, you’re supposed to sing along!”
He twists in his seat slightly, and grabs his phone as a microphone. “And what about meeeeeee?”
Logan laughs loudly, closing his fingers around Leo’s wrist and pulling the phone towards his mouth. “What am I supposed to dooooooooooooooo?”
“I gotta leave, but I’ll miss you,” The three of them sing at the top of their lungs, and dissolve into laughter.
They sing a few more songs after that, taking turns to scream the lyrics within the confined space of the car. Eventually, they settle into a comfortable silence when they’re all out of breath and thirsty, and Leo takes a sip of his coffee. “What do you guys normally do on road trips?”
Finn and Logan share a glance through the rearview mirror, and Logan shrugs. “Depends on where we’re going, and how long we’re going for, really. Seeing as we have training tomorrow, we don’t really have a choice this time, but sometimes we’d plan these in advance and book a room if we have to stop over somewhere. They’re usually fun, unless you’re with the wrong crowd.”
He grimaces, and so does Finn, and Leo wonders what memory they’ve dug up. He wants to ask them, but Logan continues rambling about past road trips that he’s been on, some with Finn and some without. The boys let him talk, and eventually they pull up at a gas station when Finn realises that he’s running low on petrol.
“Bathroom, anyone?” Finn asks as he hooks the car up to the nozzle to pump in more petrol. They shake their heads but Leo requests to swap seats with Logan.
“Need more leg space,” He smirks teasingly at Logan, who growls and charges at him, headbutting his chest with full force, eliciting a loud oof from the blonde boy. Finn rolls his eyes fondly and Leo laughs, digging his fingers into Logan’s sides and making him squirm and yell.
“No, Harzy, help me, help mmph—” Logan tries his best to escape Leo’s clutches to no avail, and his knees buckle as he collapses with laughter. Leo holds him up and throws an arm around his shoulders, and Logan leans heavily against his side, gasping.
“All right, all right,” Finn gestures for them to climb back into the car. “Let’s go, if we wanna make it there by lunch we gotta leave now.”
Leo sighs in contentment as he settles into the backseat, sitting sideways so he can stretch his lanky legs across the seat.
“Fucking show off,” Logan grumbles under his breath, and Leo smirks.
“Jealous much?”
Logan huffs and turns back to the front, crossing his arms.
Finn sighs exaggeratedly and cranks up the music, to which Logan starts singing again. He’s a ball of energy, high from the caffeine and he’s bouncing so hard in his seat that Finn has to place one hand on his thigh to remind him that he’s in the passenger seat of a moving vehicle. 
“Lo, honey, please.”
Leo stifles a laugh and leans further back into his seat. He watches the cars speed by them on the highway, and he watches the two boys up front alternating between singing and talking, and he feels his heart thundering in his chest. He doesn’t think he’ll ever stop feeling amazed and in awe of the fact that the two of them are his to love.
He lets the world pass them by, losing himself in the moment and soaking in the realness of it all.
Eventually, they exit the highway, and Leo looks out of the window, trying to decipher their location. He guesses he could just check Google Maps, honestly, but he likes the mystery of it all too.
“Lunch?” Leo sits back up and leans forward, between the two boys. He’s starving; the bagel he had earlier in the morning had barely been enough and of everything they could’ve forgotten to pack, they forgot the snacks. His stomach has been rumbling for a good hour or so.
Finn and Logan grin at each other.
“The usual?”
“Oh, he’ll love it.”
Leo’s brows raise. “The usual? Seems like you’ve been here bef—”
Realisation dawns on him.
read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25018075
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thedramaclubs · 3 years
Dance with you
This is my favorite part in this story and in the musical
Summery: After the whole musical scene, people are panicking, Virgil and Roman properly meet, and Logan is scared about what will happen with him and Patton (and then the best song in the whole musical will happen)
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When they’re singing
The parents and students came running out of the gym and Mrs Greene and Virgil were questioning everything that just happens
“Who was responsible for that!? Was it you?!” “ME! No I have no idea what just happened in there!” “Strangers burst in hurling insults at the parents, and you do nothing?! What kind of school are you running here Mr Hawkins?” “Uggghh.” Virgil then saw Roman and his friends coming out of the gym.
“Um excuse me Roman, may I speak to you?” “Sure, what?” Virgil took a breath “Um I’m Virgil, Virgil Hawkins I’m the principal and I just... What are you doing here?!” “We have come to this community to show that gay people, like myself, are made of the same flesh and blood as they are. And we’re not........that” Remus started scaring some of the parents
“I’ll tell you another thing........I’m Jewish tooL Remus than sang a note and a parent and her child ran
“Ah yes, my brother”
“You see Roman this is not a good way to do it I almost had the parents reinstate prom then you disrupted everything” “Well that’s exactly what we’re trying to do.” Roman then started walking away then Virgil blurted out “Uh I’m a fan!” Roman turned around in shock
“What your a fan?”
“Yes I am”
“Well What kind of fan? Big fan? Small fan? Scary....stabby fan?”
Virgil chuckled “You could say I’m a BIG fan.”
“Well that’s surprising.” “Is it?” “Your not my usual demographic” “You men very tall, very skinny, and very very pale to wear I look like a ghost?” “I was gonna say straight. Are.... you straight sorry for me asking” Virgil then started to get really anxious and nervous to what he was about to tell Roman
“Well actually um, can we keep this between us?” “Of course.” He took a deep breath “I’m.............................gay. I know it may be shocking to hear from a principal who works at a school we’re the students and faculty are Homophobic but this is who I am.” Roman suddenly felt so bad for him “But I’m not important right now. Right now it’s about Patton getting his prom. But I do have a friend who is straight and likes Broadway so in the end, straight people like Broadway too.”
“Oh my god I’m so sorry and also I’ve heard about that last part I always thought it was a fairy tale” Virgil then remembered what they were talking about “Anyway, it’s true and I’ve been a fan since I saw you in your very first show”
“You saw “Swallow the moon?””
“Sure did and I have the album. I’ve listened to it 100 times. And that song you sing at the top of act 2 “The Lady’s Improving” I get chills every time I hear it”
“That song made me a star”
“It made me a fan”
At that moment Joan and Thomas came running in “Roman come quick your brother is trying to tip over the bus” as Roman started to quickly walk away.
“Um Mr Allen this is a delicate situation so I kindly ask you and your friends to back off for a few days”
“Back off? No no no backing off is exactly what we’re not trying to do. Ahh I see what your doing, yor trying to disarm me with flattery. Well that won’t work Virgil flattery makes me stronger. Fuels my ego.”
He than ran off to stop his brother and now we see Janus and Patton leaving the gym
“I need a poster for the rally”
Virgil ran in to save him “Ok. Thank you thank you”
“Who are these people?” “Actors. Famous Broadway actors they came to help you.” “They’re not helping me this is a nightmare.” “Oh this isn’t a nightmare p, you can wake up from a nightmare. Anyways I have to go stop the riot in the parking lot” Virgil quickly ran out and Logan ran in to his locker.
“Oh my god”
“I know”
“It’s like everyone’s gone insane. This is too much I’m freaking out”
“Don’t freak out. We have a plan. We’re gonna get dressed up, go to prom and be together in public. Not hiding anymore”
“That sounded like a great plan” “It could still happen” “I don’t know my mothers going ballistic. I have to go I told her I was coming for my books” Logan started walking away and Patton stoped him
“This isn’t my fault..............you know that right?”
🎶I don’t want to start a riot, I don’t want to blaze a trail, I don’t want to be a symbol or cautionary tale. I don’t want to be a sacpe goat, for people to oppose. What I want is simple as far as wanting goes🎶
🎶I just wanna dance with you let, the whole world melt away and dance with you. Who cares what other people say and when we’re threw no one can convince us we were wrong. All it takes is you and me, and a song🎶
Logan looked back at his boyfriend, smiled, and started to walk back to him
🎶I don’t need a big production, streamers hanging in the air, I don’t need to spend the night with confetti in my hair. I don’t need a room of people that I don’t really know🎶
🎶I just want to hold you🎶
🎶And never let you go🎶
The two men then held hands
🎶I just wanna dance with you, let the whole world melt away and dance with you. Who cares what other people say and when we’re threw🎶
🎶No one can con convince us we were wrong🎶
🎶All it takes is you and me and a song🎶
Mrs Greene came bursting in and the two of them let go of each other
“Logan what are you doing?” “NOTHING” “Get in the car.” He looked back real quick than left
🎶Two people swaying slowly nothing more and nothing less. Why anybody fears that is anybody’s guess🎶
🎶I just wanna dance with you, let the whole world melt away and dance with you. Who cares what other people say and when we’re threw no on can convince us we were wrong🎶
People to tag/ @artissijules @patt-off @frogsandcookies @icantthinkofacreativeurl
This is the best part in the story
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miyaniacs · 4 years
I just read your post about an s/o who has muscle and is insecure about it. butttt could you do one with an s/o who works out but cant get results? and is insecure about it since they literally have a volleyball god boyfriend. ahaha thank you in advance if you write it! 🥺❤️❤️
Heyyy ✨❤️ i tied my best and did some research of what could be the reason why someone don't gain muscles - most of it is in Kuroos because he's the real nerd out of the three haha 
But keep in mind that this is nothing to be insecure about - yes it’s frustrating but you’re still an amazing person ❤️✊🏼 
HC S/O is insecure because they can’t gain muscles 
Having a boyfriend who gets the bills paid by doing sports is cool yeah 
Dream coming true 
But also he’s ripped 
And you are healthy and active and working out …
But you don’t look like you are? 
You just don’t gain muscles 
So one day you decided enough is enough 
There has to be something you haven’t tried out yet so you decided to ask your baby owl 
“Is it because of something I said?? I’M SO SORRY IF I SAID ANYTHING THAT MADE YOU FEEL INSECURE -”
“No no Baby it’-”
“Baby you’re so beautiful you don’t need to change something about your body!“ 
“you did nothing wrong baby. I want to do this for myself. I want others to see how hard I work out… I want us to match:(”
“But baby… I don’t care if you don’t look as fit as I do.. I know that you can easily kick my ass“ He tilts his head to side
“Kou, I know you do - you’re just perfect - but I really want this…and I feel like nothing I do helps me gain muscles … “
“Okay .. mhhh … how about from know on we both stick to my meal plan? Obviously you don’t need to eat as much as I do but just so you get the right nutritions! All those supplements WONT help if you don’t have the right base already! OH and I can come to the gym with you next time and see if I see anything you could improve? I think you’re probably too afraid to increase the weight incase it would be too heavy and you make a fool out of yourself. SO when I’m with you - you don’t need to be afraid of this baby. AND you need to rest your muscles ok? AND the best way for this is getting enough sleep.“ He smiles and takes your hands in his 
“Okay kou..and I’d love too.“ You smile and kiss his cheek
“But …. You sure know that I love you with or without muscles yes? And that I don’t care about what others say?“ 
“Yes I know this baby- you’ll show it everyday“ you smile and he grabs your face, kissing you softly.
“But we still have our cheat days on the last Friday of the month“ he smiles brightly 
Just perfect boyfriend #1
“baby… you really need to sleep more tho“ he pouts when he finds you awake at 2am 
“I know .. but I can’t fall asleep..“
“Ohhhh if that’s your problem we can include a small workout so you get tired from now on?“
“Kou… my muscles are already sore I wont go for a run in the evening.“
“baby.. I’m not talking about this kind of workout“ He smirks while taking off his shirt and walking over to you 
“I talk about the sort of workout that makes you really scream… the really hardcore one…“ he hovers over you and starts kissing your neck 
From now on you sleep like a baby 
Sooo …. Kuroo is the equivalent to a healthy and fit person 
And you’re just .. basic? 
And yes.. you hear some people whisper why he’s with someone who’s not as fit as he is?
But you work out?? …. the comments still got into your head and you got insecure 
Sooo you started working out more,  not telling him tho because you wanted to do this by yourself 
But… whatever you’re doing your doing something wrong.. 
Alter 4 months there should be some muscles right? RIGHT?!
But there aren’t ???
So you become moody 
All those extra exercising made you tired and not seeing results just frustrated 
And Kuroo quickly noticed this and talks with you about it 
Since you know - he’s observant af and always worried about you and wants you to be happy all the time 
Because he’s perfect boyfriend #2
“Ok y/n. Tell me what’s wrong?“
“Oh nothing, I just don’t feel good“
“You know you can’t lie to me“ he sighs 
You sigh. he is right and you know it and you know that you need to put your pride aside and let him help 
“So .. technically… When someone wants to gain muscles but sh- HE doesn’t see any results.. what would you tell him to do?“
“Technically?“ He smirks 
“Ok.. so technically- I would make sure that HE eats the right nutritions. Many still don’t eat enough because were told that eating more than what.. 1200 cals makes you fat - but to gain muscles you need to be increase your intake and stop being in a deficit. HE should make sure to increase his Protein intake and not just with Shakes“ He side eyes you “but also with actually EATING more proteins. Instead of relying on those you af first need to make sure you have all the needed multivitamins. AND if you use protein powder, use the right one - oh He should use the right one - Whey Protein has a broad spectrum of amino acids to help repairing and rebuild the muscles.“ 
“Ohhh okay… mhhh wow you really know much about this“ you mumble 
“Also YOU need enough rest and sleep to let your muscles relax. You need the rest days to BUILD muscles. The hormone which is helping to grow muscles has its highest level when you sleep. And the more you stress yourself because you don’t gain them helps braking down the existing ones. Cortisol - a catabolic hormone - comes with stress and it can break down your muscles-”
“Kuroo I-” “not finished yet. I’ll come to the gym with you the next time and make sure that you lift the right amount of weight and make sure that you increase the weight. You won’t get muscles if you don’t increase it.“
“Thank you..“ You mumble 
“No need to - but come to me next time when somethings bothering you. I love you an I want you to love yourself, okay baby?“
“Okay..“ You smile and he kisses you cheek 
“Now - lets go shopping and fill the fridge with the right stuff.“
Oikawa is fit
There is no one who can say he’s not 
And yes you enjoyed working out with him 
But there is like NO GAIN?? 
And it frustrated you that you’re  still normal and he’s ripped and getting more ripped everyday 
And yes you hear his fangirls making fun of you 
“Omg how can he be with someone who’s not fit at all?“ “I know right? Just a matter of time that he switched her for one of US when he sees us at the gym“
You’re sulky the rest of the day 
Not giving him the much needed attention he wants 
So he’s now clinging on you 
“BABYYYY what’s wrongggggg tellll meeeeeee“
“No it’s nothing love“
“But BABYYYYY I know there is something uppppp“ and he starts doing the worst thing ever 
He tickles you 
This bisch I swear 
After about 5 minutes you give in 
“Oka--OKAY:. I  -OMg STOP - I cant breathe“ You whine
“Noooo. Tell me then I stopppppp“ he smirks mischievously
“I want to gain muscles but I just don’t?“
He stops and looks at you dumbfounded 
“That’s it??“
“baby.. first of all- your genetics aren’t made for getting muscles easily. Some of us have it harder then others and YOU can train as much as you want but you still will only get those lean muscles, because that’s just how your body is. But if you want me to help you I will gladly get your ass off the treadmill - too much cardio wont help you. And I will make you add the extra weight to kill your muscles so they get that they need to get stronger. AND YES. I - THE GREAT OIKAWA - WILL CARRY YOU IF YOUR LEGS HURT TOO MUCH!“
“Thank you baby, I’ll remember the carrying part“ you laugh but then your smile drops again 
“Whoaaa baby.. there’s still something bothering you?“
“You wont leave me for someone who looks fitter than me right?“
“OMFG WHAT?! I would never leave you because of something so stupid? I love you with my whole heart and I don’t care about this stupid things- Yes I care about it if it’s bothering you - but other than that those thought would never cross my mind“ and with said words he’s all over you kissing ever part of your skin that is exposed saying how much he loves you with every kiss. 
perfect boyfriend #3
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cryde-donovan-vlogs · 4 years
Clyde’s Livestream - 12/3/2020
[ Content Warning: illness & small mention of blood ]
Since Thanksgiving, Clyde’s mental and physical health had been on a steady decline. He was stressed. His body ached with a constant burning in his chest. Apart from small, easily digestible meals, he couldn’t maintain an appetite or find the will to eat. The most calories he would get in a day was at 2 AM when he woke up with a fire in his belly that could only be momentarily extinquished by chugging milk. Fitful sleep came in small increments. 
All of this left the jock in a bad state. His skin and eyes had dulled, bags were starting to form under his lower lashes, it was a mental battle to stay engaged. 
Even with the obvious signs that something was wrong, he was too stressed to figure it out. It was easier to ignore the red flags and work. He felt like a failure in nearly every other aspect of his life, this was all he had left. The channel he’d grown and built from the ground up, his biggest ongoing achievement.
Clyde felt obligated to give his fans what he promised, a strict upload and streaming schedule. He was still going to go live tonight, it would just be from the comfort of his couch in his PJ’s while swaddled in blankets. The lighting was kept low for a chill atmosphere, to secretly mask how awful he felt and looked. A bucket sat at his feet, out of frame, just in case-- he’d been feeling increasingly nauseous. 
6 PM, time to go live. 
The stream started just like any other before it. Mostly general chatting and memeing while watching stupid videos with his commentary. Trying to be fun and talkative for hours was draining when he felt this bad but he managed. It wasn’t until a small army of people joined his stream at once, questions and gossip at the ready like drawn swords, did everything take a turn for the worse. 
Sk8FastEatAss: Bri sent meeeeeee ✨✨✨
PoggerChamp69: hey bebe said u like a boy lol ur gay?? No wonder bri broke up wit u
Taytay45: Ayyyy Bri squad! Hey that blonde from ur channel said u like a boy?? Spill siss! ☕💅
TheBigNUT: lmao is this legit? 🙄
The chat quickly got out of control. Clyde’s expression fell and his stomach churned with unease as strangers speculated his sexuality (and the legitimacy of it), current crush theories, and Bri. 
Bzzt. Bzzt.
A series of texts. Sweat began to bead on his cold body. He didn’t know who they were from but he had an idea and that brought with it a sinking feeling.
Clyde flipped his phone over and dared to peek at the screen-- it wasn’t Bri, it was Bebe. Apologizing. 
[Text from: Strawbebe 🍓] I’m sorry.
[Text from: Strawbebe 🍓] My stupid brain let it slip and I’m really sorry. I don’t have an excuse.
[Text from: Strawbebe 🍓] I have to go clean up what Bri left me. I’m so so so so so so sorry. 😔
Oh god. Bri had harassed Bebe and she’d let something slip while live. It was hard to focus, words messily tumbled out of his mouth as he struggled to form coherent responses to all the questions overloading the chat.
Keep cool, Donovan. This isn’t a big deal. It’s okay.
Except it wasn’t.
His vision blurred and words no longer held any meaning. Even after reading the same sentence over and over again, he had no idea what it was about. He couldn’t remember. He wasn’t actually reading.  Worry about Bebe and what Bri had done to her had a stranglehold on his thoughts. Was she okay? What did Bri do? Why were people so caught up about his sexuality?
It was too much. It broke him.
A pathetic whimper of pain slipped past pursed lips as he hunched over and buried his face into his knees. His body had enough. It wanted to dispel the toxins in his body, figuratively and literally.
Clyde didn’t have the mental fortitude to keep up the façade for another second. With what little energy he had left there was enough foresight to grab the bucket so he could throw himself off-screen and let himself be sick. The viewers were spared from the sight but not the sound of retching. A sound he was sadly all too familiar with. His biggest fear, losing face while live, being sick in front of others; it triggered a spike in his anxiety. This was something he never wanted anyone to know or see and now the internet had it. 
His eyes, throat, and chest burned as he pulled back after a final heave. With a pitiful sniff he wiped at his mouth. A stark smudge of red smeared over his knuckles grabbed his attention as his hand fell from his face. Fear ran through his veins like ice. He shakily checked the bucket to see more red. Blood and stomach acid. 
Panic sunk its talons into the streamer. Clyde leapt to his feet and instantly regretted it. The living room spun and while his vision darkened, sending him to the floor and off-camera.
Clyde was tired. So tired.
He fought shallow breaths as his chest felt too heavy to fully inhale. 
The chat went crazy staring at an empty couch after watching the streamer plummet out of sight. Clyde was left crumpled on the floor, face pressed into the carpet as he slipped into unconsciousness.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hi love! 7, 14, & 15 for the writing asks? -megs 💕💕💕
hi babe!!! 
1. what is you favourite sentence/paragraph? read it to us! (asker can choose what fic) WELL since you didn’t specify i will give you this bit from this cake fic i wrote for meg a couple months back that i was rereading today. it is technically three paragraphs but cut me some slack
“I mean, who says you have to write the next ‘Teeth’?” Calum goes on, tilting his head in thought. “Why not write the next ‘She Looks So Perfect’?”
There’s a quiet pause, but Calum doesn’t seem concerned with breaking it. He takes a drink from his mug, then another from Luke’s, then turns to Luke, two fingers angling Luke’s face towards him and kissing him softly.
“Write about your boyfriend who bitches at you about making coffee even though he’s the only one that drinks it,” Calum murmurs. “Nothing wrong with being happy, Luke.”
i mean the fic is based on another song about love which is also a song that’s on my stop reading my diary playlist because i so strongly identify with feeling like the topic about which you normally write songs has been so, so overdone, including by you. but i really like this part because it felt like a moment of perspective where luke had been stuck in this way of thinking and calum just kinda pulled him out of it and as a solutions-oriented person, i liked that a lot. when i was rereading this today and i got to this line i literally gasped and smiled. so like i think that’s a good sign
2. what trope would you refuse to write even if you were paid to do it? ughhggggkhjfdf i’m NOT gonna say enemies to lovers. i’m not. i think if you PAID me to write enemies to lovers i probably could it’s just so HARD for meeeeeee but anyway what trope would i refuse to write? hmmm. oh wait i actually know the answer! i think it’d probably be genderswap. i do not know why, but i just don’t care for it and i would not write it. also smut? but that’s more of a genre than a trope
3. describe (one of) your wip(s) in the weirdest/most contrived way possible! (asker can choose what wip)
oh my god. oh my god this is such an opportunity. okay here we go: guy in a band gets an instagram DM from another guy who is kind of in another band (these two band guys have never met before). cue lots of ridiculous instagram DM flirting. that’s as far as i’ve gotten i have some plans but since my fics seem to always get out of hand and tragically away from me i will stop there
fic writer asks!!!
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