#oh my gosh i ugly cried
f0rgetm4not · 3 months
i'm so fucking done with being poor
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storyofmychoices · 9 months
I forgot how much I love Jonathan Groff.
That's it. That's the post.
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butterfirefly · 2 years
Just finished reading DPR chapter 888 and now I'm covered in snot and tears.
I am never trusting any 800's chapter from any webnovel ever again.
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can I request some lookism boys reacting to reader sleeping with plushies?
You can choose the characters but please add james lee 🥺
I love your writings!
James Lee, Jake Kim, Gun and Taesoo Ma reacting to reader sleeping with plushies
The pink haired man was staring at your favorite plushie while he had you sitting in front of him, you invited him over and now you both were talking in your bed about your sleeping manias; you told him that you need that exact plushie he has been holding for a while to sleep and that you hug it every night.
A bit of jealousy flooded in James as he still had the plushie in his hands "I wanna rip his arm apart" he spitted, you jumped on him to rescue your plushie "don't hurt fluffy!" you cried. James looked at you astonished "fluffy" he repeated the name, fluffy was for James a rival now, a really powerful one.
You obligated Jake to take a rest, you were afraid his body will crumble after all he's been through, so you drag him to sleep in your bed.
"here you can sleep all you want, I'll make sure none annoys you", you pushed the man in your bed "so aggressive, we didn't even had a date gosh" he said jokingly "I would want you to meet my parents first" he continued "oh for real?" you pushed him in you bed again "nah, nevermind" he finally gave up and accommodated in your bed, his eyes inspecting your bedroom and you, who was placing a plushie in the bed with so much care, much more care than with him actually.
"a favorite plushie?" he broke the silence again, you knew that if you don't reply Jake will still keep talking and not sleeping "yeah, I can't sleep without mr. bubbles" you tossed the plushie to him "it's comforting to sleep with him" Jake grabbed the plushie "thanks for helping y/n sleep every night mr. bubbles".
"what's this? a rat?" Gun asked holding your plushie, you gave him an offended look "can't you see it's a bear?" you went to save your plushie from Gun failing at it "this thing is so ugly" he kept talking about your plushie "you ugly" you jumped on top of Gun trying to get buttons back "I need buttons to sleep" Gun raised his hand higher with buttons, you where trapped by his other arm "beg for it" he demanded "you really like to be begged you maniac" Gun's hold was stronger "please Gun" you gave up, the man was smiling at you "not enough" you whined "please don't get buttons away from me" once Gun noticed you were starting to get worried, that he gave you buttons back "so childish sleeping with a plushie" you hugged buttons, your body still under Gun's hold "thank you Gun" "whatever"
You were really excited, you reached that stage in the relationship where you can leave your stuff to your partner's house so you can stay with them as long as you need, your toothbrush, some clothes, meds where in Taesoo's place, even your most important object, your plushie, it was the one Taesoo got for you in a date, the first present actually and since then that you couldn't sleep any single night without it.
Taesoo joined bed a little more later, he hugged you from behind, always being the big spoon, his calloused hand roamed your body it was once he reached your arms that he felt something in between them, he took your plushie from you making you whine, Taesoo inspected the tiny brown bear, a smile in his face, it was the same one he got you when you where still getting to know each other, he actually got the plushie on a fight, after crashing someone's head against a claw machine minutes before going on a date with you.
You took your plushie from him "my taetae, I need him to sleep" Taesoo kissed your forehead, he was actually proud that you where so attached to the plushie he gave you.
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kyojurosprettygirl · 1 year
ok so... Gyomei and gorgon! reader? (like medusa) she turns ppl to stone of they look at her but he's blind, so he's immune. reader is very lonely and when she meets Gyomei they're happy to finally talk to someone. Gyomei also gets some eyewear so she doesn't hurt anyone else as they be together. she'd wear a cloak or hijab to hide her snakes. as they walk together and the snakes on reader's head also likes gyomei Hhehvibdnvjfnf
a/n: I love the way you think!!! GOSH, i feel this is perfect for Gyomei (UvvvU) I rarely see anyone write for Gyomei, so I was pretty excited to write for him, but very nervous as well! Since, I don't feel I know enough of his character, and as far as im aware, hasn't been animated in action that much. I can really only write him based on what I know from his wiki and manga... Hope this atleast meets your expectations!! also, because of my lack of knowledge in Hijabs, I decided not to use that as a cover for her snakes, simply to be respectful, apolgies in advance!!
love casted in the stones.
Gyomei Himejima x Gorgon! Fem! reader
a man with tremendous faith, who never once doubted his gods plans for him, how peculiar, you think. he had every right to give up on religion, would a god really cast blindness upon their child? hell, you see and hear your own brother curse the gods for who they made you and him to be on the daily. but, he never thought of it as a set-back, rather, a small exchange.
in life, balance is an important part of it to upkeep. the same way life does to death, and darkness does to light. unbalance would bring chaos, something you learned to understand. it cannot always be day, but it cannot always be night. to him, losing one sense simply acted as a sacrifice, let the illness take you, or, let the illness take your sight. losing your sight isn't a curse, its not something you'd willingly live without, sure, but what good will cursing the gods out because of it do for you? besides, you can't get it back, so why dwell on it? why dwell on something you cannot change? It is a part of you, why not embrace it?
but oh, does it get lonely...
"furukawa." your tone is stern and harsh, a drastic difference from the soft honey your tone usually held. he stutters and closes his eyes, furrowing his brows he sighs. you gently remove his prayer beads from his hands and kneel next to him, you look up at him expectantly and he kneels next to you. hes embarrassed you caught him in such a state.
having lost faith isn't something unheard of, it happens almost every day, infact gorgons are known to be faithless beings by default, but, cursing the gods you swear you don't believe in is unheard of. gorgons had no reason to believe in the higher powers when, lets face it, if they existed, they wouldn't curse the souls they created for no apparent reason. gorgons are faithless as a means to respect the gods, not to detest them. they know gods are supposed to love every being they sculpted, lead them to abundance and fortune, not into the hidden parts of the earth to live the rest of their lives as mere folktale and legends. but alas, 'lost' faith still lingers. deep down, gorgons still believe. the reason why is subjective, 'to each their own', but they all hold their arms out in hope. hope that they'll hear their desperate cries to allow them to live with the others who walk on the planet.
most your kind, mistaken as demons, had been killed in what the last of your kind knows as 'The Great Extinction'. you can't blame the humans, it was in their instincts to survive.. ugly faces that had snakes for hair...ones that couldn't wait to bite and poison you...glowing silver eyes that turn you to stone while your still alive, feeling the very painful change your body was going through.. your kind truly was demonic, but you didn't choose to live that way. You were innocent souls that had been dealt the unfortunate, forced to hide away simply for being born. it was a horrible fate, but, 'everything happens for a reason'
"it's a wonder this temple is still standing," you pause and look at him. he nods, his eyes casted to the floor. you tap his cheek and offer him a gentle smile, one he returns. "speak to me, Kaito." you place his prayer beads down, and face him. he opens his mouth to speak, but sighs. "i can't find the words." his snakes sensed his sadness and awoke to try and comfort him, but he simply brushes them away gently and orders them to stop. they sit still on his head the way hair naturally would, and close their eyes to rest once again. "we're not going to exist soon. after you and i die, that's it." you wince subtly and look to the side.
kaito and his grandfather had taken you and your grandmother away from where your kind had hidden themselves for generations, a group of humans having found it and planned an attack that killed them all. 'they've gotten smarter' kaitos grandfather said. 'used mirrors to kill us!' your grandmother shouted, anger filled her soul. after many weeks of hiding, once your grandparents deemed it safe to go back to your old home, you went back. you spent a year burying statues of those you called friends and family, and rebuilt one single home to live in. you and kaito went as far to bury humans statues simply because 'it was the right thing to do.' your grandmother died angry, and kaitos grandfather had died depressed.
"and maybe it's for the better, kaito." his brows furrow, frustration evident in his face. "we're going to all die out and never experience the way life was mean't to be lived. all we know is that demons walk upon us and eat everyone they see-" you pinch his arm, "we are apart of those demons kaito. that's what the humans see us as. monsters. they won't accept us with open arms, just one more issue to deal with. two of us versus millions of them. " he grunts. "you shouldn't curse the gods who keep us alive and hidden." he gets up. "oh, you mean the ones who keep us alive to mourn everyone whos died. keep us alive to hide and only see the sun for one hour a day. is that what we live for? is that what we thank them for? for absolutely nothing?" you stare and him and grab his prayer beads, gently fixing them into the correct position in his hands. you take your own prayer beads out and hold them, closing your eyes. "protect us. it's all i ask of you." kaito prays the same as you and smiles.
you and kaito venture out during the night, deciding to find ways to blend in as you traveled. for about two hours into the night all seemed fine, but a demon had made their way to you both, mistaking you as humans. she growled as she jumped at you and kaito, you and him barley missing her attack, and you looked at kaito for a plan. he shrugged and you realized she didn't turn to stone. your eyes widen as you speak, "she's immune to us, she's a demon.." kaitos eyes widen and he runs to grab you. he helps you to your feet and commands you to run. in a state of panic, you do as told, and its only when you hear a humans agonizing scream when you realize he wasn't following. "Kaito!" you scream, he turns around to face you and he looks afraid. You reach your hand out and run to him, "Kaito!" you scream again. He reaches his hand out to you, and your three feet away when a blade finds it's way infront of you, cleanly beheading him. You gasp and open your mouth to scream, it's silent. its once his head falls to the floor when you kneel down and find it in you to scream. You hold his head close to your body and weep. You look up at the demon slayer, making eye contact, and you don't realize your mistake until his arms are stuck in place. "im sorry! im sorry! im sorry!" you frantically repeat. his eyes widen and he screams in pain, you don't look away as you watch him turn to stone; punishing yourself. you made that bed, now you lay in it.
you stayed on the floor holding kaitos head until sunrise.
once you stood up, you analyzed the landscape and came to the conclusion that he had ripped off the demons head with his bare hands, his hands still having blood on them, and had made eye contact with the first demon slayers partner; turning her to stone, evident in the way her body stayed in a fighting position. mistaking him for a demon, her partner beheaded him, which led to the events that followed. you gently placed kaitos head down and lifted his limp body to drag him onto a bed of flowers near by. once you did you placed his head next to him and let the last few tears out. you grabbed the demon slayers and placed them near his body, gently, and placed yours and kaitos prayer beads around their neck.
"this is fucking sick." sanemi says. tengen looks at kaitos body and then the two slayers statues. "how disturbing.." he sighs. Sanemi looks at tengen, "so, what do you think this is?" tengen crosses his arms and looks at the scene again. "a demon, 's the only explanation." sanemi rolls his eyes, "Yeah, no shit. but what kind. we need to have an idea of what we're dealing with. we were sent to investigate and all you can conlcude is 'demon!'" tengen grunts and shrugs, scratching his head. "we won't know until we face it. for now, its just a demon that has the ability to turn people to stone." sanemi kicks Kaitos body, "and this?" tengen, not being able to think of anything shrugs at sanemi. sanemi hums to himself, "it might have the ability to turn humans into gorgon like creatures, having them do its dirty work,i mean.." sanemi pauses to pick up kaitos head from his dead snakes and holds it up for tengen to see. "snakes" tengen says. "well he's not a demon, he was beheaded and his bodies here, so he could be an extension that won't die until the main body does." tengen says, too serious for his liking he continues. "unflashy way to die if you ask me." sanemi stares tengen down and tengen laughs. "let's take this back, we need the others opinions as well." they make their way back to the headquarters to have another pillar meeting.
you spent what felt like years hiding in the forests, but it was only a few months. you only ever snuck into villages during the night to take food and maintain your hygiene, laying low for the rest of the time unknowingly giving people more reason to think of you as a demon and keeping the demon slayer corps on their feet. no matter what, the only evidence they had to go off of was village peoples words. there was too many people confirming you existed, but not enough proof that you were actually there. after those two slayers; they hadn't seen any more of people turning to stone, just stolen food and a shadowed figure with snakes sticking out of their silhouette. you weren't a danger to them. 'for now' they said. The master had decided to send a final order on your matter, to keep an eye out for you and if you were seen to behead you. You were no longer being scouted for, nor investigated, so you used this as your chance to freely wander around the forest as pleased, allowing yourself to indulge in the lushness of the earth. Kaito would've liked all of this.
it was lonely for the longest time, you hadn't used your voice in months and the forest became your home. you walked in its paths as a lonely soul, having forgotten the sound of kaitos and your grandmothers voice, so there was nothing to hold onto in those dark moments, deciding to allow yourself to get hurt by demons that crossed your path and only running when you heard foreign footsteps or when it got too painful.
your heart pumped in your chest, 'is this really what im doing now?' you thought to yourself. the cold wind caressed your sweaty body, cooling you down after your face off with death. the wind was silent, but created soft sounds with the trees leaves near by. you found yourself walking to the singular wisteria tree in the area, it was the biggest you'd seen and it was absolutely gorgeous. your snakes had awoken and they stayed still, a silent way to ask for permission, you giggle and say yes, they can play. they nuzzle your face and you begin to cry, an overwhelming feeling taking over you. you felt heavy weight come off of you as your snakes "stood" to play in the wisteria flowers. you laughed to yourself and let wisteria envelop your figure; finding comfort in such a beautiful sight , completely forgetting exactly what you were running from...
Mitsuri abruplty stops her chase, causing Gyomei to stop with her. "Kanroji?" Gyomei asks. she looks over at you as your engulfed in wisteria, completely fine, she stutters a little before getting her sentence out, "she's completely engulfed in wisteria, she seems completely fine." she gasps when she sees you grab into the flowers and cry, "she's grabbing it even, it's doing nothing to her! are we sure she's a demon?" Gyomei hums, "it's the only valid explaination Kanroji, she must be more powerful than we thought if she can withstand the wisteria." Mitsuri shakes her head, "No, Himejima! theres no way she's a demon. No matter what, demons experience effects from the flowers, if she only hurt three people, she's weak enough for it to paralyze her!" Gyomei nods, "i see." he states. They stay there and they debate their next move. "we must find a way to take her to the master." he says, Mitsuri hums in agreement, "should we just.." she pauses, "how are we going to do that.." Gyomei thinks for a moment, hearing your laughter causes thin tears to cascade over his face, "it sounds so innocent, so full of life" he thinks. "are you okay Gyomei?" mitsuri asks, he nods, "it's just because of her laughter." mitsuri quietly lets an 'oh' escape her, she always forget's that the smallest things can make him cry. she looks over at you and she can hear it too, she wonders how you can be so happy and caught in the moment. "mitsuri?" she looks over at gyomei, "Yes?" He turns his heaed to the sound of her voice, "can you describe her to me?" she smiles, "ofcourse, gyomei!" she takes you in and begins to speak after a moment. "She has many really long black snakes on her head, like hair it seems..and they're playing in the wisteria. beautiful eyes, ones that glow in a way similar to the moon. other than that, she looks completely human, as far as I can tell. she's wearing a black kimono, with small detailings that match the color of her eyes." she stares at gyomei expectingly, and smiles. "thankyou mitsuri" he says. she hums fondly as a way to say your welcome, and goes back to looking at you. she and gyomei begin to walk towards you, trying to stay far enough so that you don't get scared and so that you don't harm them. you hear mitsuri sheathe her blade and your head snaps to her, her snakes quickly snapping back onto your head and closing their eyes, going back to their usual resting state. you step back and cover your eyes, holding your free arm out. "no!" you scream, voice hoarse from lack of usage. "please," you get on your knees, "if i.." you let out a shakey breath, "if we make eyecontact, you will turn to stone." your lips quiver, and gyomei hears the almost silent whimper you let out. mitsuri steps back and looks away, urging gyomei to follow suit, instead, he plants himself in place. mitsuri isn't afraid, she just wants to make you feel safe enough so that you'll allow her to take you to Ubuyashiki. "does it apply to those who are blind?" he asks, and you calm down at the softness in his voice. "i don't want to find out." you say, and you panic as he removes your hand from your eyes. you gasp and shut your eyes. "she has her eyes shut Himejima.." mitsuri states. he closes his eyes, "my eyes are closed, you can look at me." you open one day to look at him, and it's then when you realize how much bigger he is than when you first saw him. he unexpectedly opens his eyes, and you panic at first, noting how he doesn't move, but then you realize he has no pupils. "so it must not apply to the blind then." he says, tears escape your eyes, "i guess not.." you say. you indulge in the moment, and carefully place your hands on his face, giving him an out. he doesn't move. "you.." you begin, your voice wavering. "i can look you safely in the eyes." you exhale a laugh in disbeleif and smile. he smiles back, being able to hear your smile. "you can." mitsuri softly says, trying her hardest to not look you in the eyes, and suddenly, your no longer conscious.
your body lays infront of them in the shaded area of the garden as four demon slayers keep their blades pointed at your neck. the pillars talking among each other, some bickering about what they think you are, as they wait for the master to make his appearance. "we had it under control!" mitsuri states, the lower ranked demon slayer huffs. "didn't seem like it. the sun was coming up and we needed to get that demon to the master before the sun killed it." gyomei sighs, "you are mistaken, she's not a demon. the wisteria would have paralyzed her if she was" mitsuri nods and huffs. the kakushi near by hits the demon slayer in the head. "watch how you talk to the hashira!" you wake up and gasp as one of the blade inchs close to your neck. you catch yourself before you look up at the demon slayer and push your head down, causing the other blade to dig intself into your neck. letting out a yelp, it silences all the hashira. they quickly look above their heads to avoid making eyecontact and meet eyes with gyomei. He can't see you, but he can hear you well enough to know where you are and looks your way regardless. you keep your eyes locked on gyomei.
after a very long meeting,not everyone is fond of you. you are a danger, a small mistake will lead to bigger ends. but gyomei still insists that you aren't, explaining what he knows to his comrades, trying to get them to understand. once the meeting ends, and you apologize to the master for having turned two of his children to stone. he gives you his condolonces for losing your brother, and you decide to stay where you were and face the wall. you weren't demon, but you might as well have been one, atleast then they'd have a reason to get rid of you, atleast then they won't feel like they'll have to watch out for you for the rest of their time in the corps. you couldn't go to the villages, but you couldn't stay out in the forest, you were split. Ubuyashiki decided to have you be under Shinobu's care, since she seemed the most levelheaded in the situation. She agreed, as long as the master gave her time to prepare the butterfly girls and until she knew enough about you. he agreed.
gyomei sits next to you, to keep you company he says. and you both sit there for awhile. just enjoying each others presence. you hum a lullaby softly, and you both stay in silence until the end of it. once you stop, gyomei speaks up. "what is it you said you were?" he asks softly, trying to keep the peaceful atmosphere. "a gorgon" you say, and he hums. "i see." you snicker at that, "no you don't". and you cover your mouth, you had forgotten he wasn't your friend, it might be seen as rude. you open your mouth to apologize and he laughs. "i'll give you that one, that was hilarious!" he calms down and clears his throat. "it's not often that people joke with me, especially about my sight. they fear they'll hit a nerve if they do." you breathe out, "i just thought i did.." he hums and smiles. "stone breather, they said," you start, you hesitate, "do you like, breathe real stone?" he snickers. "i'll explain it to you, if you explain your eyes and hair to me." you giggle and shake his hand in a flimsy manner, "deal!" you say.
"are they just, staring at a wall?" Obanai says. Mitsuri shakes her head quickly, "no, they're falling in love!" he nods to her as a way to say 'okay, whatever you say' and she walks infront of Obanai. "just wait!" she perks up, "you should've seen them when we first found her!" she puts her hands on her cheeks and fondly smiles at the memory. Obanai shifts in place and changes the subject, them both walking away as they leave you and gyomei.
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lovingdilfs · 2 years
Lock the door, next time (smut)
There is a bit of jumpscare in this… the ugly monster Colonel Parker 👹
Warnings: 18+ content, sex, fingering, creampie, colonel Parker.
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Me next Elvis… please I’m begging you! Already on my knees for you hehe
As he looked at you with a lustful gaze, Elvis began to kiss and lick his way down your body, making you shiver with pleasure. When he reached your inner thighs, he paused, looking up at you with a wicked grin. "Oh baby you’re so wet for me" he asked, his breath hot against your skin. You could only nod, unable to form words as desire consumed you. He leaned in, his tongue flicking over your sensitive skin, and you gasped, arching your back. As he continued to explore you with his mouth, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. "Elvis, I'm gonna..." you moaned, but he didn't stop. Instead , he increased the pressure and speed of his tongue, pushing you over the edge as you cried out his name. Your body shook with pleasure as he continued to lap at your wetness, prolonging your orgasm until you were completely spent. He climbed back up to you, his lips brushing against yours as he whispered, "You taste so sweet, honey." You pulled him in for a deep kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. For a brief moment you stopped, You couldn't help but admire the beauty of Elvis in that moment, with his eyes dark with desire and his lips puffy and red from kissing you. His messy jet black hair and iconic sideburns were tingling against your fingers as you ran them through his hair, feeling a sense of pure bliss. As you kissed Elvis deeply, you couldn't help but think how lucky you were to be in this moment with him. His hands roamed over your body, and you moaned into his mouth as his fingers found their way inside you once again. He broke the kiss, leaning back to look at you with a smirk on his face. "You like that, huh?" he asked, his voice low and seductive. You scream out his name, while his fingers kept hitting your sensitive spot “Elvis!… I-I oh gosh!” He slipped his fingers out you, unbuttoned his pants and climbed on top of you once again, his hard length pressing against your entrance. You could feel his breath hot against your neck as he whispered in your ear, "Are you ready for me, baby?" You nodded, unable to find the words to speak as you wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. He slowly pushed into you, filling you up completely as you moaned in pleasure. You rocked your hips against his, urging him to go faster and harder as he thrust into you with increasing speed. You could feel the tension building in your body, the pleasure coursing through you as Elvis moved inside you, hitting all the right spots.
You gripped his back tightly, your nails digging into his skin, he groaned at the feeling. You both were lost in desire you didn’t realize how loud you guys was. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. You both froze, looking at each other with wide eyes. "Shh, be quiet," Elvis whispered. He was still moving slowly in you, causing you to let a small moan out. He quickly wrapped his fingers around your mouth to silence you. You looked up at him with a naughty grin, biting his finger playfully as you lifted your hips to meet his slow movements. Elvis couldn't help but groan at the sensation, his eyes locking onto yours as he continued to rock into you. “Elvis” a deep voice came from the other side of the door. But the sound of your moans where overlapping the voice. The sound of your moans and his grunts mixed together, creating a symphony of pleasure that echoed throughout the room. He couldn't resist kissing you again, his lips capturing yours in a fiery kiss as his hands roamed over your body. You could feel his desire building, and you knew that you were both close to the edge. As you broke away from the kiss, gasping for breath, he whispered in your ear, "I'm gonna make you come so hard, baby." And with that, he began to move faster, his thrusts becoming harder and more intense. You could feel the heat building inside you, your body trembling with the force of your impending orgasm. And as Elvis plunged deep inside you, hitting all the right spots, you cried out his name, your pleasure washing over you in waves. As you came down from the high, Elvis continued to move inside you, his own release not far behind. With one final thrust, he exploded inside you, groaning your name as he spilled himself into you. You both froze as you heard the door open, and your eyes widened in shock as you saw Colonel Parker standing there, his expression unreadable. Elvis quickly pulled out of you and jumped off the bed, frantically buttoning up his pants while you tried to cover yourself with the sheets. “Elvis… some people tend to answer when their name get called out, but i see you are a busy man” Colonel Parker's voice was stern and commanding. “Just get fixed up, my boy! And next time don’t be so loud… the whole hotel has heard you two” Parker said before closing the door. Elvis let out a sigh of relief, then turned to you with a smirk. "Looks like we've got to be a bit more quiet from now on, baby," he said, and you couldn't help but laugh.
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jonathancjones · 3 months
🎀-applies to your blog and drawings
🌺-from like two feet away :p
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🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
🎀 ― i love your aesthetic / graphics
💯 ― your headcanon posts are always on point
✨ ― i love the way you write
💫 ― i enjoy writing with you
😊 ― i enjoy talking to you
💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person
☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy
❤️ ― you're one of my favorite blogs
🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar two feet away
-cries a river of ugly tears- I feel the same way about you, my friend! I have so much fun talking to you outside of rp, and playing Minecraft has been great! We found a ton of amethyst together and it was honestly one of my favorite gaming memories as of late. Man oh man, where to start with you and your wonderful Mario? Your blog caught my eye as soon as I saw it and for the longest of times I just admired you from afar. I read your threads with other people and was like 'gosh I wish we'd write together more' and here we are! I still think it's funny how our characters got together. I laugh about it a lot, but man I do not regret it. Mario and Johnny really are soulmates and I only see it more and more as our rp grows. Can't wait to develop them more from their little dinner date! You are also definitely one of my favorite blogs, too! Have been since before we even talked together! All in all, you're amazing and I'm so happy to have you in my life. You've been nothing but understanding, kind and supportive and I've needed that kind of anchor going through the storms I have. You truly are an amazing friend. Never stop being that.
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
hello!! requesting 1, 66, and 86 for the book ask game ty ty :)
hello hello!!
a book that is close to your heart
i loved the disreputable history of frankie landau-banks SO much as a kid/teen. it was super formative for me -- i learned so much about the love of language and of learning and of how to be a woman who puts herself first. i haven't re-read it in ages, but it's a book that sits on my shelf always and i smile every time i see it!
66. a book that fucked you up
in memoriam by alice winn. i read it in june in a single sitting, ugly-cried at multiple points, and literally have not stopped thinking about it since. incredible!
86. a book with an insane plot twist
oh gosh i don't want to spoil anything for anyone! i guess everyone's probably seen or read fight club, so i'll just say that -- i honestly did not see that one coming!
book asks
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Leyline shenanigans except Niwa and his lover are kids and just having the time of their lives. Niwa confessing that he’s going to marry them and they’re going to happy forever with a toothy grin. Wanderer dies and cries when he sees and hears them. He also swears to avenge them and all of Tatarasuna. Collectible CG of them holding hands and running off while Wanderer stands by their graves. Torn between this or a post Irminsul one where both are adults and the Traveler and Wanderer overhear them discussing adopting rewritten totally not Kabukimono.
Everyone on Tatarasuna already knows they’re married even before the actual wedding. Living together, public hand holding, the not so secret smooching and touching, unofficially adopting Kabukimono as their first child even. MAYBE they should perish before their wedding so it’s one of regrets while Wanderer quietly remembers, realizes after centuries, that they never got the wedding they worked so hard for. They had to push it to the side because they had to focus on the furnace. OH. Would Niwa be stricken off family records before the rewrite because of the blame placed on him? Would his lover have died with him in the furnace post rewrite? Yes.
Sawada and Aqaba researching extensively into the whys and hows of the Babeblades being ride or die for their lovers. Maybe it’s the water in Tatarasuna. Definitely in the blood. But how did it get in there? Genetically predisposed to fall harder than Morax’s meteor. Wanderer looks at them menacingly.
Thinking about Viktor in Sumeru. NPCs in Sumeru hit different. To break down Viktor’s walls and sneak kisses in a dark corner of the Cathedral or take a stroll through Sumeru City. He gives off sub energy. I can feel it. Niwa the service top, Scara the switch with sub tendencies for puppet reader (they’re growing into their true self, a dom), and Kazuha the [redacted].
Bloom anon
Wanderer keeping them in his heart for his journey kill Dottore </33 and a collectible cg for them hhhh an event card, oh oh or even a Mikage Furnace/them as summons for support hnghg - I definitely would lean towards the adult one since my headcanon/fic from before doesn't really show them as childhood friends haha
Let's go with regrets so it would be more dramatic as the supposed betrayal by Niwa hits ten times harder !! Gosh imagine if they told Kabukimono then that he would be their ring bearer or even flower boy awww fuck I'm making myself sadder, just imagine him (after setting up their graves) he would set down two matching rings he had custom ordered back in Sumeru, or or he would swirl a cherry blossom shower around the cliff where their gravestones lay rest *ugly sobbing*
In terms of Niwa tho, I'm not sure - I was gonna say no since his name and history did persist due to the damage either way. And yes actually, they both did die in the furnace as I imagined!
From Wanderer and Kazuha as their source, they ended up making a separate essay about couple traditions of Tatarasuna and how it's valid because the tradition can date back to hundreds of years ago. It's a hit especially for the young scholars hehe Wanderer was only informed of it after it was already published and printed
I can't believe you're still going on about Viktor but as far as I'm concerned you're free to do so, I don't see much or any competitors unless *looks at moots* and Kazuha is a service top/service bottom!
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antvnger · 1 year
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Hhhmm. The last time I cried… oh gosh when was that?
Well, now that I think about it, I did shed a tear or two last night. Last night was kinda…well out of the norm. Let’s say that.
But if you’re talking full blown ugly cry, it’s been a while. A pretty long while. I honestly don’t remember when.
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Violate My Privacy
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thejellybeanboys · 2 years
Hi its me again :D and ty for the answer's BTW i didnt mean to overwhelm or hurt Wil-Liam 😰(i was only curious cuz he had hearts in his eyes)
I have a few more questions that i forgot to add in the previous ask but i didn't get to because i was in a hurry lol
For everybody:
1:what are your biggest fears?
2:Do you have any one for valentines day???(Note:Btw you don't have to answer this one im just curious :>)
3:Worst childhood memories?(Note:You also don't need to answer this one)
4:Fav animal???Why???
5:Whats on your mind?
(NA: LOL it's fine :3 these kids are all emos and embarrassed dummies and its all in their perspective so if these little buggers are mean or acting dumb its not your fault they are teens they are like this, also rest assured that Wil-liam is okay now he's just realized that he totally has a crush lmao) (okay back to the boys)
Luis: "Oh this person again um thanks for the ask. We got another one with multiple so I guess let's do them sequentially."
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Codey: "Yeah. um, first one. Oh, Easy, biggest fear is getting forced into a relationship.. even worse if it's with ugh... those misogynistic online guys."
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Cecil: "Ahí no, that should be everyone's biggest fear. But um mine is...Oh, this is going to sound really shallow but...being seen as pretty by others if I was...different. Like if one day I woke up to look too different or too... materialistic idk, I'm mostly saying that I like how I look right now and I wanna believe everyone thinks I look good but what if...I looked more up to everyone's standards, then they really didn't like the real me..."
Luis: "Woah..." O.O
Jeremy: "People are dumb if they don't think you're like the prettiest thing ever like how you are now."
Cecil: "...Thank you, Jeremy." (Blushes)
Jeremy: "Oh um... heh...ah, I guess I'll say my fear is...being forced to move in with my even more transphobic aunt."
Mason: "My turn! Two words. Clown. Snakes."
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Hoagie: "Mines Getting eaten. Oh come on it's obvious, I'm a snack yes but sometimes not in a good way."
Leroy: "Being a DJ for a famous celebrity but it all goes wrong and my music career tanks forever."
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Otty: " Rabbits hating me, wahh I wouldn't make it if those little guys all hated me."
Wil-Liam: "... Getting rejected. And being feared...also other things."
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Luis: "Cryptic...But um mine is a monkey attacking me and ripping off my ugly beautiful face, look I...I can handle primates in memes and shows, I just, eh can't do it in real life."
Leroy: "...wait isn't like your uncle a monkey?"
(Second question)
Codey, Leroy, Benny, Mason, Hoagie: "No."
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Jeremy: "You see. um...(Just do it man) I WAS HOPING YOU--CECIL COULD be my VALENTINE."
Cecil: "Really?"
Jeremy: "Yeah! Um, its okay if you say no or don't say anything--I mean we could all forget I said anything--"
Cecil: "Sure."
Jeremy: "Yeah?"
Cecil: "Yeah :))"
Jeremy: "Oh...awesome..ha. Um well I'll text you the dets later. Cause were like in a middle of a question."
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Cecil: "OFC, hehe. Um thank you for asking me."
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Codey: "OH thank gosh."
Luis: "Wow yeah we totally didn't expect that.(sarcasm) But...ugh as for me. I don't think I'm going to give Chris a card this year. I looked but all these cards are crummy and...well it's the 8th and my time is kind of up, so I'll put that plan on hold. Oh well, I guess I'll look through this card that I just found here addressed to me, but I'll see it later."
Wil-Liam: "..."
(Third question)
Codey: "Erm yeah I don't think were okay with sharing trauma rn, look we'll dump out our personal stuff all the time but..."
Luis: "Not really feeling it...Though I'll give a quick one. One day when I was 7 my mom accidentally threw away my vintage ebay bought Webkinz...I cried."
(Fourth question)
Luis: "Easy...DOG. Best answer the only answer."
Wil-Liam: "HEHE it's only a doggy-loving world now!!"
Luis: "That's...acceptable. But everyone else is not allowed to say other animals. I just muted yall,"
Wil-Liam: "Mines are wolves...is that okay?"
(N0t_Wordgirl /command: mute) (Not mute Wolfnoob,exe)
Luis: "HA yeah!"
(last question)
Luis: "We have no thoughts."
Wil-Liam: "Head empty.
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Luis: (giggling) Oh wait... I forgo to unmute everyone...eh whatever it's much better like this anyway."
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Wil-Liam: (Oh word?)
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
okay but you are so right about Mickey getting super into Halloween because in my opinion that man loves a good theme!! if Cielo is going to make him wear ugly sweaters, she has to to a couple’s costume with him 😌 he totally adores when little kids come by in the cutest costumes!! he may or may not tear up a little if he sees a cute little kid wearing a Star Wars/Star Trek costume or one of his sisters stops by with one of his nephews dressed as him in his flight suit (yeah he definitely cried with that one)
Oh my GOSH! One of his nephews dressing as HIM???? What if Cielo helps paint the helmet??? I love this idea and could totally see it. I think he and Cielo would definitely do couples costumes with him. She lets Mickey take the lead on what they dress as for that year. They've obviously been Leia and Han. I think they've also been Aragorn and Arwen and Batman and Catwoman. 👀👀
They definitely do horror movie marathons all month long, and every year they carve pumpkins.
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kdramacrybaby · 1 month
Castaway Diva (2023)
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Genre: Romance, Comedy, Life
Synopsis: Seo Mok-ha has always dreamed of singing with her biggest idol, Yoon Ran-joo - a dream that would let her escape her current life. She meets Jung ki-ho, who at first is reluctant to help her, but then slowly starts to believe in her dreams too. They also realize they have more in common than first thought, and makes a promise that when things get bad, they'll run away together. Their big escape fails, however, and Mok-ha finds herself on a deserted island - where she ends up living by herself for the next fifteen years. Finally, she's found by a group of people going around cleaning up trash from the islands in the area, and she's taken back to civilization. The two brothers who found her - Kang Woo-hak and Kang Bo-geol - helps her navigate this whole new world. And even after all this time, Mok-ha has never given up her dream. And she needs to find out what happened to Ki-ho too.
Episode info: 12 episodes / Runtime around 80 minutes
Lead cast: Park Eun-bin (Seo Mok-ha), Lee Re (young Mok-ha), Moon Woo-jin (young Ki-ho), Kim Hyo-jin (Yoon Ran-joo), Cha Hak-yeon (Kang Woo-hak), Chae Jong-hyeop (Kang Bo-geol), Seo Jeong-yeon (Song Ha-jeong), Lee Joong-ok (Kang Sang-du), Lee Seung-joon (Jung Bong-wan).
Link to watch: You can watch on Netflix and Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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I don't know what it is about this drama, but something about it just hit me so hard. I cannot count how many times I cried watching this - and not big ugly crying, just tears streaming down my face, from happiness, sadness, hopefulness, hopelessness. Just so many feelings.
It doesn't feel like a drama that would be this emotional from just looking at it, but damn, they really go for the gut punches.
It's about family - both the one you can't choose, and the one you make for yourself. The friends you make along the way - the real ones and the ones you later learn were never on your side. It's about reaching for your dreams, no matter how long the road may be, and to enjoy the journey while you're doing it. It's never too late to do that one thing you've always dreamed of, if you work hard enough, you will succeed - maybe not in the way you first imagined, but in the way that needed to happen.
Go through life with kindness, give people the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time not allowing people to walk all over you. You can stand strong and firm on your own, without trampling on others.
I've been in a drama slump for a while, and every drama I've watched I've either not finished or just felt meh about, but this one... I'm so happy I watched it. I'm about to hit my thirties, and sometimes think about what my life could have been had I done x or y, so seeing Mok-ha still out there chasing her dreams and just doing her best at that same age was really comforting in a way. We're still young, and we still have so much time to do what we want. It's gonna be okay.
And the music! Oh my gosh, the entire soundtrack is amazing. Park Eun-bin has such a magical voice. My favorites are definitely Dream Us, Someday, and Fly Away.
All the actors just blew it out of the park - I'm especially impressed by the two young actors Lee Re and Moon Woo-jin who played the younger versions of Mok-ha and Ki-ho. Their roles dealt with some really sensitive topics, and they just gave us everything they had in raw emotions. It would take too long if I had to go over every single actor in this drama, but just know that they all pulled their weight and more. What a dream cast!
This drama is one of the ones I'll be thinking about randomly for years to come, I can already tell. Highly recommended watch.
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samswinchesters · 6 months
GUESS WHO HAS AN UPDATE: so that guy that decided to flirt with me and then when I had told him I liked him he flirted more (and honestly it was all sexual like there’s no way) and then I decided to confront him and say “hey you’re flirting with me I’m flirting with you and I told you I liked you am I being delusional“ and he hit me with the “I thought we were flirting as friends I’m not in a position to be in a relationship“ is actually in a relationship now and got in one maybe a week (it all happened in december) after I confronted him. So that was a lie. moral of the story to everyone reading don’t give an ugly guy a chance. Especially a guy who looks like he escaped the Amish community. I saw his girlfriend she’s way out of his league too and honestly girl run while you still can.
I was gripping my seat as I read the first few sentences and was like YEAHHHH WE ARE IN FOR A BOYFRIEND REVEAL!!! then,,,,,oh my fucking gosh??HELLO?? he’s laying the flirting on thick and he has the audacity to say I thought we were doing so “as friends”….babe, if we aren’t sloppily making out by the end of this 🤨 not him being in a relationship AFTER this like COME ON what happened to SHAME.
this is CRITICAL advice bc my sister has been fucking ugly dudes left and right and she cries over them when they leave her on read like GET YOURSELF UP!! YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!! like why would you let someone who is a measly 2 treat you like this 😐 we need that girl to get into witsec for her own protection like this dude does not sound like he’s worth it.
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maugurim3 · 2 years
deathly hollows
Mommy why did daddy leave us alone flower cries. He did it to protect us you see Reggie grew up in a horrible family. His mother and dad were mentally unstable due to inbreeding . This caused them to hurt your daddy growing up. Uncle sirius left your father without saying good bye believing your daddy was the better son. He was killed by voldmorts inferi undead creatures. Why was my daddy's life so tragic she sobbed in her mothers arms
"He loved you and I and respected kreacher and yes he followed noiseless but he did a 180 when he saw how he viewed him and the other death eaters. They think that they are all his friends ,girlfriends etc but in reality they are just pawns. He also did it to save me as I am a wolf fairy so in wizard terms a halfblood. He loved you sooooo much more than anyone and anything .
My brother was evil sirius said as he walked into the room. Flower go ride lighta I'm sure she'd love it. Flower tells her daughter as she grabs her old ridding gear. Bye mommy she says before going to Reggie old room. Your brother was broken sirius and you are a selfish bratty spoiled swag. She yells at sirius holding her wand . Incanturio flower says as she lifts her wand to her forehead .
Flashback warning
flashback 1
Hey Reggie hey blue eyes you look pretty . Thank you Misure black . Sorry I am bad at French. 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 😂 😆 that's okay me too. So wanna go to the fall festival with me regulus. Yes that be lovely blue eyes.
flashback 2
Oh my gosh is blue eyes and your brother dancing. I can't believe it my brother with a beauty who knew. I love you regulus and I you blue eyes.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you should have won boy. I'm sorry I'll try harder father . Regulus oh this is why you lost . Reggie tried his best Mr Orion and its just a game . Crying regulus on the floor. Leave Mr black or I'll tell Dumbledore what you have done. Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee he says before scrambling like a shrew. Shhh it's okay love .
Flashback 4
Welcome regulus we saved you a seat. Bring in ms fang Pettigrew. Blue eyes sit cusin Bellatrix back off . Master let My fiancé go now . If you do then I will officially join you. Regulus don't do it hell kill you.i can't let him hurt you my heart.
Flashbacks ⚠️ over
see he loved me he respected me and you tell my child her father was a coward when you killed people and bullied me and bullied my husband. Who can't even defend his bloody honor sirius Orion black flower screams. At him before slapping him across the face
Blue eyes calm down says Molly weasly gently.flower heads to the stairs . Next person who disrespects my husband is getting fed to lighta got it she yelled at them.
(I skipped a head because I know mist people have ether read the books or movies and if not check out movie flames they do a Medicore with harry Potter and others.)
Ah flower black the blood traitor yells Bellatrix lestrange. Bella last time I checked I don't love someone who is part human,snake and part rat. Asodre she says as she lifts her wand.Towards voldmort who is shocked at being hit by the curse. Voldmort looks at the young mother with pure anger but also surprise. That boy taught a filthy mudblood that he says trying to hit her with adrevkabra but misses. This is for my daddy ugly flower says hitting voldy with the iltack charm . Voldmort soon feels like his body is on fire.
(You all know the rest.)( flower and her daughter will stay in the home . They burn most of their families tree.except regulus black and those who were good. Flower will follow in her mom's footsteps and go to USA and become an orca tranier . Her mom made a statue of regulus in front of the black mansion.) While voldmort us in limbo due to what he did to his soul. While regulus is in heaven waiting for his wife and child to join him.) So Reggie got the last laugh .
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callmeshifty · 3 years
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