silly-litttle-writer · 2 months
I have feelings about Aegon and since we’re all waiting for season two I’m gonna rant for a bit.
I’d like to talk about Alicent in the Green trailer saying something along the lines of “do you understand how much has been sacrificed to get you on the throne?” to Aegon and how low key manipulative that line is.
She knows Aegon doesn’t care about the throne but he does care about being burdensome to his family and that’s why the line most likely weighs heavily on him, we don’t quite know how he reacts from it but from the little bit in the trailer the line does affect him.
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This is Aegon having to literally be dragged to his own coronation! This is Aegon trying to flee to Essos to avoid a war over the throne he doesn’t want or feel he is worthy of and ALICENT HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT TO HIM?! HE DIDNT WANT THIS! HE ACTIVELY TRIED TO AVOID ALL OF IT BECAUSE HE HATED THE IDEA OF TAKING THE THRONE SO MUCH HE WAS WILLING TO GIVE UP BEING A PRINCE! HE DIDNT ASK FOR ANY OF IT AND YOU’RE GOING TO USE THAT TO EMOTIONALLY HURT HIM?! Like I’m grateful the show is showing that side of her cause that is book accurate Alicent but I hattttteeee how Aegon is treated in the show and by the fandom.
I hatttteee that certain characters are deemed sympathetic and oh no poor them (Viserys) while others are not graced with an ounce of sympathy or most importantly empathy (Aegon). Is Viserys entirely bad? No, I hate him but I do not believe he has no redeeming qualities. He loved Aemma and he unfortunately realized his greed for a son was less important far too late, after he killed his wife for a son, does he love Rhaenyra and (sometimes, it’s rare cause Viserys is a coward by nature) stand up for her? Yes, but he is far less sympathetic than CHILD (say whatever you want about adult Aegon but child Aegon deserves none of what he is given) Aegon in my mind I will take no criticism on that. Viserys actively created the toxic environment he is surrounded by, if he’s suffering it’s of his own making. Aegon was a child for a bit of this nonsense and had absolutely no control over what happened around him.
Aegon is the son VISERYS FORCED TO EXIST. He manipulated (softly which is why people like Viserys more than like Larys Strong for example) but he still MANIPULATED (show Alicent not book Alicent cause book Alicent is the one who seduces him and manipulates him) Alicent into marrying him at 15, forcing her to have his children as she can’t deny her husband AND THE LITERAL KING. He wanted a son so badly he carved his first wife up to try to save the son that was killing her, this failed and so he forced Alicent to give him that son and then ONCE AEGON IS NO LONGER CUTE OR EASY TO LOVE HE TOSSES HIM ASIDE. He becomes completely and utterly absent in Aegon’s life and that’s not even talking about how little he cares about Helaena, Aemond, or Daeron, Daeron who was literally shipped off to another part of the continent. He does not care for Aegon, he doesn’t guide him, does not instruct him and teach him the ways of the world. Instead Aegon is stuck with having to rely on Criston “I bash in people’s skulls cause I can’t control my anger and I can’t get over the girl I fucked ten years ago” Cole and Otto “I view women as literal incubators for sons” Hightower, alongside Alicent “I’m a hypocritical coward who will damn and literally terrorize any woman who tries to find a way to cheat the patriarchal society instead of using my power as Queen to make my children’s lives better than my own” Hightower. These same people teach and raise him. One, they teach him to not regulate or handle his emotions. Two, they frequently and repeatedly beat and verbally insult him for just saying I don’t want to challenge my sister for a throne that isn’t mine. Three, teaches him and enables the toxic and sexist mentality perpetrated by the society that they live in that women are things to use and abuse by men and that consent does not matter to him because he is not only a man but a prince and she has no real right to deny him.
Why do you think Aegon grows to be an abuser? Because he was never taught anything else. His bad behavior was enabled or even encouraged, with only slight punishment from the same woman who literally paid his victim hush money to not tell people that her son forced himself on her. She stands there telling the girl her son forced himself on that “I understand” and “It’s not your fault” and then LITERALLY PAYS HER HUSH MONEY TO SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND GIVES HER WESTEROSI BIRTH CONTROL! THEREFORE ENABLING AND ALLOWING THAT BEHAVIOR AND SHE ACTS LIKE SHE HAD NO PART TO PLAY IN WHY HER SON BECAME AN ABUSER!
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He is exactly your son. He is the son you chose to raise. Aegon wasn’t born like this, YOU MADE HIM LIKE THIS AND THEN DESPISE AND CURSE HIM FOR IT. He never had a chance to be anything else, he was doomed from the start and that is why I empathize more with Aegon than Viserys. Do I feel bad that Aegon was slapped and called out for forcing himself on a girl? No, he should have been properly punished. He should have been punished for that kind of behavior a LONG time ago. But that’s exactly the problem, Alicent doesn’t punish him for this behavior and then gets upset when he continues doing it. You created the “monster” in front of you and then are shocked when he does monstrous things. You made your own bed and now you refuse to lie in it and instead choose to frequently and repeatedly abuse, terrorize, and antagonize those who refuse to participate (Rhaenyra) in the system that turned you into a victim and your son into an abuser.
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
I'm so sorry but I'm going to talk about supernatural in the year of our lord 2023, because I just finished good omens season 2 and the way these shows occupy a very similar space in fandom attitudes is driving me insane.
In so many ways, good omens feels like what supernatural could have been, had they actually committed and not flailed around with like 15 seasons of queerbaiting and the most unintentionally funny ending imaginable. You have the demons and the angels, armageddon, team free will vs god's master plan, years of pining and repression and no personal space and small declarations of love. But good omens does it with genuine vulnerability and comittment, not as bait or comic relief or last minute bury you gays. But, because it’s big and well-known and allows itself time and nuance to get where it’s going, so many people really treated it horribly before the drop of season 2 for not immediatelyand explicitly giving them what they wanted.
Like, after the end of season 1 you could really feel the way spn damaged viewers treated them as the same thing. It’s like people were so prepared to be tricked that they came in highly on guard and defensive. Thing is, this manifested as taking anything other than the most bland, on the nose and immediate gay rep as the creators queerbaiting and trying to worm their way out of committing to 'real' queer rep. Gaiman refuses to confirm your 'they are gay men' headcanons? Clearly him being a coward and not the characters, explicitly, being neither gay nor men. Characters have a very close relationship but no kiss? Clearly queerbaiting and not an affirmation of ace/aro relationships, queerplatonic relationships, or even plain old platonic relationships.
There is so much hurt from years of stereotypes and queerbaiting and bury your gays that any attempt to tell a complex queer story - one where relationships take time, or where they don’t always happen, or where horror or tragedy strikes, become nigh on impossible. It becomes hard to distinguish subtext used to be genuine and subtle and queer-friendly from subtext used to queerbait and make fun, and rather than making the effort to tell them apart and giving stories a chance (and taking the risk of getting hurt) all rep must be distilled into the epitome of 'gay' before it’s accepted as good, because that way you cannot be tricked. Hell, just the way it’s referred to as 'rep' rather than 'characters' is telling.
This is noticeable in the way spn fan spaces talk about Cas, too; he’s always 'the gay angel', never the bisexual angel (despite having had female love interests) or the asexual angel (despite being largely uninterested in sex) or the nonbinary angel (despite not being human and on occassion using female vessels as well as male). Does Meg Masters mean nothing to you. Just. Please allow stories their nuance and their time and their right to not always cater to your ship in the exact way you want (or at all) without declaring them bait. It makes you look very silly when you come crawling back the moment a kiss happens.
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kawff33 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @cnnmonbimee <3
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
9 works!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
183,378 words. Good lord.
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
JSHK and The Legend of Zelda. I’ve written things for other fandoms but never posted them online! I write so much more than I post.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Each Gentle Pass of Sun
Here at the Top of the World
must be the season of the witch
Hallow Fates
5. Do you respond to comments? 
Absolutely! Sometimes it takes me a while, but I always try to respond. Comments give me so much joy and more energy to write!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Honestly, I have the angstiest ending written, but not posted on AO3 yet, and I’d hate to spoil it! Save your tears!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
I think the happiest ending might be Undertow, just because I took us deep into the angst/pain, so the high was that much sweeter after that.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
I’ve gotten a couple…odd comments. I wouldn’t go so far as to say hate, which I am so thankful for, but a few people have shared some interesting opinions.
9. Do you write smut? 
Yes. And then I hardly ever post it because I’m a coward. The smut I have posted I literally never look at again because I’m so embarrassed.
10. Do you write crossovers? 
No :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
No? At least I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No, but that would be such an honor.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
No, but I’ve always wanted to!!! I’m moots with some incredible writers. I just send out psychic vibes and hope they receive them lmao
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
I have a few favorite ships (Hananene/Amanene and ZeLink are a couple of them!) and they just reorder themselves in my top 5 all the time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
NO. I’ve sworn to myself that every WIP will get its ending, and I’m definitely still working on that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. I guess my greatest strength might be creating atmosphere. At least, it’s what I give a lot of thought to, and a few people have pointed it out before.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I write like there’s someone watching me from over my shoulder at all times. I feel like there’s an audience in my brain, so I end up being super critical of my own work, or hesitant to try things. It’s silly, but I’m trying to grow out of that. It’s my New Year's resolution!
Also: comma splices >:(
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I don’t have the confidence for it yet!
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
JSHK, of course <3
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? 
The one that started it all: Undertow :) There's always something special about your first fic, right? It holds a special place in my heart.
Unfortunately I have no one to tag who hasn't already done this. If you see this post, take it as an open invitation (yes, I'm in inviting YOU) to do this!
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lmelodie · 7 months
The Santa Clauses Season 2
It's here! And I have access to it, and all of my drably splintery thoughts on the first two episodes.
As an FYI, all my reviews are gonna be hella spoilery so I'll be doing all the reviewing under read mores and under the tags #TSCS spoilers and #Review2
Oh boy unsolicited thoughts HERE WE GO!
Episode 1:
I gotta say, Fluffy is not a bad character in this so far. Christmas Churros are a gold mine and I'm surprised no one has tried to capitalize on that yet.
Scott immediately assuming that Carol was going to kill Gary says a lot about the both of them and their dynamic that I wish was consistent. I love the idea that Carol is down for murder, keep that in cowards!
I have zero idea why Scott is so uptight about Riley keeping this secret when you literally gave EVERYONE IN THE WORLD MAGIC SNOW GLOBES. Nobody here is doing a good job of keeping any of this secret! No one!
And not the North Pole having a Gaslighting Department. Thats, just actually so funny to me. And you bet your sweet ass that Jack frequents that department, he might be employed there!
And once again to reiterate, these songs breaks are just NOT it. As someone who usually love musicals! The songs are mid at most and are just shoehorned into the most random places. Idk, still not vibing.
But Betty and Noel? STILL TOP TIER. I'll talk about them more in a bit, but they are literally perfect. The Blueprint. Betty and Noel get no notes from me. They made cardboard cutouts of each other's faces, like come on! They're cute as SHIT.
Mad Santa lore? Its aight. I appreciate the franchise trying to carve out its own lore after more than 15 years of inactivity. Its decent lore! For the world that it exists in at least. It's just not my personal cup of tea, and I don't see myself utilizing it in my own stories. But I appreciate that it is there.
And you cannot tell me that Jack hasn't tried to team up with Mad Santa before. It just seems like something he would do to, noticing that there was a Santa getting a bad rep and he could feasibly swoop in and break down the institution.
I wanna imagine he went up to him like, so I've heard you've been trying to subjugate a people. Here's my resume, I am all for murder, I do work well with gnomes, consider me. And then he got promptly ghosted.
Episode 2:
Bro the training vest is made out of St. Nicks robe?? What ISNT made out of that robe??? Isn't that like...an important artifact? I would assume it would be if it has that much Christmas magic in it. Why do we keep cutting it up and using it to make things? Is there any of it left?? Does it regenerate its own fabric??? None of these questions will ever be provided answers, I'm sure.
Fucking LOVE Cupid! He's just as great as I remember! And because he had so little screen time, he didn't get too butchered!
And I like how he lists only specific Legends that are concerned with the succession. Implying in universe that Father Time and Tooth either think Cal is a good choice, or simply don't give a shit. And i love that for them.
But Cupid does list Sandy, EB and Mother Nature as people who do care. And we already know that were gonna get confirmed Sandy and EB cameos later, so I'm gonna CROSS MY FINGERS SO HARD for a possible Mother Nature cameo at some point. I just want her to lay down the LAW that's all I ask!
Let's how about, leave the puberty topic, out of this series entirely? Wish that whole miscommunication. DIDNT happen.
But we do have WITCH SANDRA!! This was the only possible choice for her, go off queen! Lucy and Sandra with the clasping hands meme: Teenage Girl with Magic Witch Powers. This was the best possible turn for her character, love that for you babe!
As I suspected, Befana in these episodes is a peach yet again. Fucking love Befana, no notes for her either, she's always great.
BUT LET'S TALK ABOUT NOEL AND BETTY!? and how they gave them the most romantic, whirlwind love story of the century? How they met was so FUCKING CUTE! Romeo and Juliet can pack it up! Because THEY are just better!
Betty really took one look at Noel and went, Tee hee, giggle, twirls hair, kicks feet. And I love that for her!
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goodluckdetective · 1 year
You know what, I’m 2/2 when it comes to Supernatural predictions (Destiel becoming canon in the most homophobic way, Robbie Thompson being on the reboot), I might as well go for a third and tempt Apollo into interacting.
So ahem: here is my prediction to what is going on in the Winchesters with Dean
First, some info/reminders to start with:
1. The multiverse is canon in Supernatural. For the sake of being able to keep track of things, we’ll call seasons 1-15 of Supernatural Universe A.
2. The multiverse existed because Chunk kept trying to write his edgelord Supernatural fic, and all the other universes were his drafts. Universe A was his favorite until-
3. The boys catch onto that they’re being played in season 14. Chunk throws a tantrum and goes off and destroys the multiverse leaving Universe A for last because he’s a shithead. However instead of deleting Universe A, the boys trick him, he loses his God powers, Jack becomes God and Dean dies by rusty nail.
Now all of this tracks (well as much as anything in Supernatural tracks) but there is one thing I’ve always mused on: what was Chuck’s plan if he won? Even if Sam and Dean killed each other like he wanted, it wouldn’t exactly be the finale he expected since he was written into it so heavily. Not exactly an epic tragedy if the author has to write himself in to say “do it coward.” So, I always wondered if he would have started another draft. Back to the drawing board, as it were. And where does the Supernatural tragedy start? Well, Mary and John.
My theory is that Chuck did actually make his draft before he got defeated. Just got it started, that’s it, nothing more. And Jack takes over and goes “oh shit there’s an extra Universe here still, well I’m trying to play hands off I shouldn’t touch it even though it’s gonna end in tears.” But he also loves his family, so he does ask Cas, Sam and Dean for advice on it.
Sam wants nothing to do with it, he’s retired (or maybe even still alive this could have taken place between Dean dying and Sam dying). But Dean, who has always hopelessly loved this picture of his parents and what his family could be is like “I’ll be damned if we let this shit play out again.” And when Jack is like “if I touch it, I’m doing a Chuck” Dean goes “we’ll just send me over there, I don’t exist yet, let me try to nudge it in a good direction.” And because Cas loves him, Cas gets behind this plan and Jack goes “okay fine.” And so Dean is now alive in Universe B (home of the Winchesters) trying to subtlety prevent the horrific tragedy that was his family and ensure his parents are happy for once. Cas might be there too, someone had to give him a ride.
TLDR: the Winchesters isn’t a retcon: it takes place in the new universe Chuck was going to use if he won. Dean is there to try to prevent the same old sob story from happening. It’s probably a bad plan and I salute him.
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Wednesday review (spoilers)
That's it??? They just ended it like that???!!
I must say, this show's editing was choppy at times. VERY choppy. I have no idea what time of the year it's supposed to be, but shows don't seem to care nowadays.
Also it wouldn't have KILLED them to make a longer season! 8 episodes really wasn't enough to delve into that. EVERYTHING was just plot plot plot. If this show was made 15 years ago we'd have at least have shenanigans caused by a different set of outcasts every week, character-central episodes, delving into mythology and secret rooms and actually fleshing out the romantic interests, giving them moments that would actually make me feel bad for big reveals and betrayals, and when something really plotty happens (like a small detail) unexpectedly, THAT'S when you can point your finger and go OOOH!!!!! And it would at least be 16 episodes long.
Fun fact: Tyler was hottest when he was threatening Wednesday at the police station 🤭 oh, and covered in blood, too.
As for the relationships themselves: I really appreciated the friendship arc of Wednesday and Enid. No, I don't ship them.
Enid and Ajax: they are cute. He needed more lines. And when is he going to be used to defeat evil? And why didn't his beanie ever ... ya know. Hiss? Little moments that remind us he's got snakes under it.
Wednesday and tyler: where were our little moments??? When Tyler said 'I thought we liked each other', that was news to me. I like them, but at the same time, they hardly saw each other. I did like looking at him, but he really only had one bewildered expression.
Wednesday and Xavier (or *American accent* ex-avier): when she demanded why he liked her and he said 'what's there to like?' after how she treated him, he was never so right. I was expecting more moments to warrant a side of a love triangle, but there was no triangle. There wasn't even a friendship. There was Wednesday and tyler, and Xavier third wheeling like a kicked puppy. He had some good lines, though his delivery was.... a liiiiitle deadpan. But he'll get better, I hope. With some better writing, too.
And the powers: wouldn't have killed them to explain his powers more! So dad's a psychic, how does that translate to making lifelike art??
Also, he looked hottest when he was in paint-stained clothes in his studio 😍 that's probably just the artist in me. I actually really liked his art.
Plot: I spoiled myself on it, so I can't evaluate how well they foreshadowed. My brother watched it before me and he thought he had it 'all figured out' with guessing Xavier as the monster, but to be honest, they were so obvious with those misleading clues, which in itself gives it away. It probably comes down to how many shows you've watched: Tyler was either going to die, or turn out to be a freak.
Weems getting iced so easily? What was with that? Anticlimactic.
But YASS Enid became a wolf!!!
Also, crackstone just.... died? Like that? You're telling me all those randoms gave their body parts so he could spend 5 minutes terrorising a school, and he didn't even get to kill anyone?
And what the hell did Wednesday do with Ms Thornhill?
They were also very heavy-handed with all of their themes. You could tell when Goody Addams (as an unmarried paternal ancestor she shouldn't even have the surname, but that's neither here nor there) chucked out a few lines like 'we lived in harmony with the native folk', when crackstone and co. said things sounding like they were written by someone who was forced to go to catholic school at 12, when Wednesday spouted lines that made it hard to believe she did not spend time on Twitter, etc.
Just, man, I could write fanfic on the mythology that they couldve woven in with the literal vampires, shapeshifters, gorgons, sirens (SIRENS ARE NOT MERMAIDS, TIM BURTON!!! YOU COULDVE GIVEN THEM SICK WINGS AND CLAWS BUT YOU MADE THEM MERMAIDS WHILE BEING TOO COWARD TO CALL THEM THAT!) or the monster-of-the-week episodes we couldve done. :(
So overall TL;DR:
It was OK. Couldve been fleshed out more. Telling me there's another season isn't an excuse.
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ermine-57047 · 2 years
1.what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Fining out and coming to terms with the fact that I'm not cis, het, or nt
2.show us a picture of your handwriting?
It's okay, but far from neat.
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3.3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
A) The Princess Bride
B) Encanto
C) Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks
4.what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
5.what made you start your blog?
Watched a bit too much PMSeymour :›
6.what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
Trying not to stumble into discourse
7.what scares you the most and why?
My loved ones leaving/hating me. I get very emotionally attached to people so if that were to happen it would be like having a nerve severed.
8.any reacquiring dreams?
No, I don't often dream.
9.tell a story about your childhood
One time I was hanging out with my cousins and I accidentally said something that hurt Cousin A's feelings. Her younger brother said I wasn't their cousin anymore and I cried lol.
10.would you say you’re an emotional person?
11.what do you consider to be romance?
Two people who are romantically attracted to each other.
12.what’s some good advice you want to share?
That when it comes to anything in life, it's only your first time once. Props to my awesome aunt who came up w/ that.
13.what are you doing right now?
Typing on my phone with my tablet laptop open in front of me with no windows open on it.
14.what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
15.what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
Warmth. My favorite people. A cozy house in a small mountain village. A place where everyone is accepting and friendly. Cuddles. Music. Singing. Baking food. A feeling of true belonging. A place that is not where I currently am. Rainclouds.
16.if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I want a deeper voice. Not too much deeper, I just wanna be able to reach those few low notes in the songs I like :3. Contralto voice range.
17.name 3 things that make you happy
A) My partner❤❤❤
B) Making some sort of music, whether it's singing or messing around on my various instruments!
C) My bestie @voidgremlin2electricboogaloo 💛💛💛❤❤❤
18.do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
I'm impartial to the belief in such things.
19.favourite thing about the day?
Blue hour. When the sun has gone over the horizon and cast a soothing blue light on everything.
20.favourite things about the night?
Moon n stars n planets.
21.are you a spiritual person?
Not really.
22.say 3 things about someone you love
A) You have pretty eyes
B) You are one of the best things that's happened to me
C) P..Pwetty person,,,
23.say 3 things about someone you hate
(I do not really hate anyone so i just generally dislike them)
A) You're a goddamn coward
B) You're a f*cking liar
C) Please continue to leave [irl friend] the hell alone
24.what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Becoming more confident in myself, also my improvement when it comes to my handwriting
25.fave season and why?
Fall. I love cloudyrainy days
26.fave colour and why?
I like dark teal/turquoise. Cool colors beloved.
27.any nicknames?
Rainy! I really like being called Rainy!!!
28.do you collect anything?
Aluminum can tabs :)
29.what do you do when you’re sad?
Sing, talk to my partner/friends, and watch my fav media!
30.what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
My fav people giving me affection and support, or just them in general
31.are you messy or organised?
32.how many tabs do you have open right now?
I'm on my phone rn and tumblr is the only app that is open rn.
33.any hobbies?
Guitar, Volleyball, Photography
34.any pet peeves?
When people pronounce the "ing" in a word like "een". Drives me up the frickin wallhhh. Also people saying caramel like "carmul". Thats. Thats an entirely different word. Please.
35.do you trust easily?
Yes, for the most part, unfortunately ;_;.
36.are you an open book or do you have walls up?
I am in a lot of cases an open book.
37.share a secret
A person i knew in third grade had to move to our school bc her dad's identity was stolen
38.fave song at the moment?
There are multiple.
1) Reckless Battery Burns-Ghost and Pals
2) Arbitrary Sermon-Monstrosity
3) Happy Days-Ghost and Pals
39.youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
Not really anyone. I do enjoy Wendigoon's content though because his voice is nice to listen to and he covers interesting topics.
40.any bad habits?
There are many.
A) Picking at my acne
B) Staying up later than I should
C) Saying I forgot to do something I didn't have enough executive function to do(well this one is kinda justified bc my mom is,,, difficult, when it comes to me Not Being Able To Do Things Because Of Executive Dysfunction. She can't really seem to understand that I'm unable to just "buckle down" and do something i don't have the exec function spoons to do.s o- i do it because of that)
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ambreiiigns · 5 months
Me again sorry hello, what do you think is gonna happen next if you have any idea? or anything you want to happen? i hope our doubleblack yaoi boys stay thriving
you again omg hiii 🥰🥰 i have. been like. tossing this over in my head all day. very inchresting
so like for sure. i hope at least. we get to see what happens during the 2 hours timeskip and hopefully how it ends. bc i have No Clue at all 0 thoughts 0 ideas abt any of that. but i hope they'll sell me more of akutagawa and atsushi as shin soukoku. like maybe it's just that i have an insane attachment to the originals but i do feel like the show has been a coward abt investing in the kids ? like. i'm not buying it. they don't compare. but the anime will give me three episodes abt 15 dazai & chuuya WHICH I WILL NEVER COMPLAIN ABT IT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS but idk like three episodes for them in a season that is so weirdly paced feels like the easy way out in a way ??? like people enjoy those two so you'll give me a lot of those two when you should focus on building the actual main characters to the same level of those two. does this mean anything. i'm under the impression that the manga does a better job w akutagawa and atsushi but alas i will not be reading that so i can only complain. the last time i sort of cared abt akutagawa and atsushi has been back in s2 finale and i would. like more. come on.
but at the same time i also hope they keep focusing on more characters instead of atsushi ANFNSKFKKDG I'M SO SORRY HE'S JUST A BAD MAIN CHARACTER TO ME. I CAN'T MAKE MYSELF CARE ABT HIM me & brother say that bsd peaks when ranpo's the main character and IT'S TRUEEEEEEE LET RANPO TAKE OVER I DON'T EVEN CARE i wanna see more of. anyone else. if we did a 180 and made akutagawa the main character instead i would Not mind at all.
besides all this the like big question and interesting thought abt what happens next is who will be picked by mori to join the port mafia out of the detectives. we know yosano is out of the picture he is not allowed to choose yosano which is So Funny that fukuzawa would only protect her but ?? not his son ranpo ?? not dazai and/or kyouka who have also been under mori's wing ?? it's funny. i'm really interested abt that tho. bc if like mori picks atsushi i kinda hope not it's a bit sort of obvious if the protag gets picked but it could be interesting maybe it'll make him interesting And he gets to soukoku all over the place. And we get fun new interactions like when atsushi and chuuya interact in wan or whatever it's very fun. wan is the silly spin off that i don't super care about except when i do.
but also ranpo ? in a way heart and soul of the detective agency it would be FUNNY if mori was like i wont that. and i KNOW ranpo would be funny in there he's already been working 24/7 with a former criminal enemy Edgar Allan Poe his boyfriend i wanna see what he does in the mafia. does he bring poe w him. would he have beef w chuuya after the s3 book incident. (chuuya's the strongest little guy so remember the cannibalism arc. ranpo locked himself and chuuya in a book to keep chuuya out of business. the book being poe's ability where he can trap you in the books he writes and ranpo's been using poe's ability like it's his own fnsjkfowf) i'm intrigued.
but THEN. what if dazai. that would kill me a little bit. and it'd be interesting. i'm not going to Lie i would Love it if i got double black permanent reunion but ALSO. it Would be. a little excellent if dazai gets pulled back in the mafia and was like... forced to relapse to some extent after trying to flip himself out for oda and then he's forced right back when he started? yk how his bestie oda died and that was the kick dazai needed to get out of the mafia and be a good person. if he goes back would it all be undone. he can either prove he REALLY changed or he's still the same shitty little guy no matter his efforts. would he spiral LMAO. it would slay. but i would also be really sad for him and i don't know if they'd go there
or someone like tanizaki who's a bit irrelevant he's just a little guy it could be an excuse to develop him more ig kenji and kunikida aren't really sparking anything in me and i don't think koyo would allow mori to pick kyouka fjejfjskf man i REALLY HOPE IT'S NOT KYOUKA IT WOULD MAKE ME SO SAD but the possibilities are cool and fun and interesting and i really wanna see That. power move is if mori says he wants fukuzawa and the detective agency is orphanized
and then in general once the 2 hours situation is fixed the only thing that makes sense is follow thru on what the Fans have picked up w the teasing european authors as new characters i think it's our only option. i think we have no other choices and i am ready to see it. they've been talking a lot abt some british girlies and we feel like that might be the next step.
(( in that same vein sort of i hope we Do in fact get stormbringer MOVIE QUESTION MARK !??!?!?! stormbringer being the light novel set when chuuya's 16 in which he finds out more of his insane backstory. there is either rumors or wishful thinking abt stormbringer movy. i would like it as a movy i am TIRED of wasting episodes on flashbacks i want MOVY it feels too long and too much happening to be adapted in episodes AND if it's a movy it can be its own separate thing that the more casual viewer can skip if they so wish. i don't love a movy that's mandatory viewing tbh if i signed up for episodic stuff yk ?? stormbringer is kinda not central to the story you Can do without stormbringer so it'd make sense to be movy. and i find it so fascinating even tho i know so little and maybe i'll read it but it sure would Slay if we got movy there's some bits i really wanna see animated ))
so SO if we get europeans it make sense to make stormbringer there's french people and frankenstein in there yk ????? i'm ready. i wanna see the europeans it'd be fun. and we ran out of other things we got the americans and some russians they need to keep it rolling. i made a joke that they'd introduce italian authors as a second more powerful mafia lead by dante alighieri i can give bsd the copyrights to that
i guess sigma sticks around and maybe he tells us something abt fyodor i'm fucking tired of fyodor the least he can do is tell me his business. and i kinda maybe would like more worldbuilding ? it might be too late in s6 but like. brother said this and i've been thinking. what's up w abilities is there an Origin is there a reason why some people have them and some people don't is there other mythology that is based on abilities like bram and vampires what about the war. there's a cool post explaining why the war works as like a backdrop we don't really get more of and i'm INTO that but maybe something else could come out of it ? do we get to learn more abt other Mysterious Characters. what about the cat man. what even is elise as mori's ability etc. brother also said he'd like to see more 1v1 between characters and see how abilities work w each other ? or other sort of. fusions like shin skk does and i agree ! wanna see how abilities interact. and i am going to Say This i am ready for more chuuya in the main show i am ready for chuuya to be in every episode thank you. i think it's time i think we can handle him now. thank you :)
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callmeshifty · 3 years
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casinflannel · 5 years
cas deserves more screentime and character development instead of being a supporting character to sam and dean as if he hasnt been there for ten years. he is a major character too and we need to see more of him. in this essay i will-
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imhidingonceagain · 2 years
Things that might potentially happen in the Teen wolf movie and scare the shit out of me:
(of course this is just my opinion)
1. Allison actually coming back as a real person: I mean... If she's a ghost, a vengeful spirit or if we see her in flashbacks that's cool, but if they revive her somehow I think that's bullshit.
2. The new girl being Kira's replacement: It's almost a fact that she's her replacement but if they make her 100% like Kira I think I might actually throw up.
3. Them making the new girl and Liam a couple (Related to the previous point): I am a big Thiam shipper and therefore this is one of the things that scare me the most. J. Davis recycled Allison and Scott's story with Liam and Hayden so... Also Dylan Sprayberry and the new actress have been suspiciously together but I really really hope I'm wrong.
If you're not gonna give us Thiam at least don't crush our spirits like that. Let Liam's love life ALONE please.
4. Them ignoring Theo's existence: This one is also related to the previous one. Theo was alive and was considered an ally to the pack. He had a redemption arc and was very important for the development of the last two seasons. Also... We have seen that they're going to somehow mention the Dread Doctors (based ok Khylin Rambo's Ig Stories) and Theo was essential for that storyline so if they ignore his existence or just blatantly kill him out of screen I'm gonna riot.
I don't think Jeff imagined how popular Theo Raeken would become. If you want proof go to Teen wolf's Twitter account and see how many people mentioned Theo when they knew about the movie.
5. The possibility that Eli Hale is Stiles replacement: Listen... NO ONE will ever be capable of replacing someone as iconic as Stiles. But I wouldn't be surprised if they try to somehow replicate his personality making Eli Hale a Stiles 2.0 instead of giving him his own personality.
6. Making Kate Argent Eli's mom: Teen wolf's timelines have ALWAYS been messy. But I'm still trying to figure out how Derek Hale has a 15 year old son. Derek would be in his 30's in this movie but for him to have a 15 year old son he would have to have him incredibly young. And we know what a fucking creep Kate Argent was.
I was hoping he would be his and Braeden's child but I obviously don't think that's the case given Eli's physical appearance.
7. Breaking up Stydia: I was watching The teen wolf wiki guy's video and the dude (he's a weirdo by the way but sometimes he brings useful info) and he said that we shouldn't expect to see "teenage relationships" lasting and that ships are not even important in a supernatural/fantasy series. I couldn't disagree more. Teen wolf's writing was messy most of the time and many of us stayed for the characters and their relationships. So why building something so loved by the fandom (or at least many people in the fandom) like Stydia and then destroy it out of camera? People are already pissed that they were cowards who didn't dare to give us Thiam endgame so... If they erase Stydia... Well they might as well sleep with an eye open.
10. Makings Lydia and Jackson super close: I know that people started to like Jackson in S6 but to me... He never actually did something that actually gave him a redemption. And it honestly boils my blood that they acted as if he never was abusive towards Lydia. Listen Jeff... MAKING SOMEONE GAY DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE HIM A GOOD PERSON.
11. Them pairing Mason and Jackson: Okay hear me out. I know this is probably a stretch but J. Davis has made the weirdest relationships before and since Aiden and Corey are nowhere to be seen, I wouldn't be surprised if they pair Mason with Jackson just because they're both LGBT.
I don't know dude... I hope I'm wrong.
Ps: English is not my first language so I apologize if my grammar sounds off.
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Plots line and episode themes that would have improved Sons of Anarchy part 2.
As stated in the first post, these ideas are just for fun and are silly and unrealistic. Feel free to use these ideas in fanfics if you wish. After rewatching the show I've grown to dislike Sutter even more, he took a show and charters with amazing potential and made it dark and depressing. These ideas take place in a world where everything has a happy ending.
1. The leather care episode, we heard all through the series about how important their Kutts are but we never see them look after them. At weddings, the Groom says "I'll treat you as good as my leather" but we have no idea what that means.
2. As stated before I don't like Tara but it would have been good to see more of her and Jax together, they never really had many super long scenes and while the actors had amazing chemistry, I felt like it would have been good to see the more mundane moments. I want to know why they love each other.
3. More Chibs, it would have been nice to see him find an Old Lady and settle down, also the older I get the more appeal he has.
4. The "make a wish" episode; one of the kids at St Thomas loves motorcycle and the club. However, he's sick so the club includes him in all activities one day, he gets to sit in on church and they vote for what's for lunch or what flavours of ice cream to have after work. He gets a little TM vest and a tiny Kutt. If I was to stick to the theme of the show the child would die at the end of the episode but I say no, someone reads about an experimental treatment the club gets the money somehow and the child recovers and sees the guys every now and then.
5. A prank war episode, it starts small and ends when Gemma goes off and gives a Mom lecture.
6. An episode that explains everyone back story. There are basically no flashbacks in SOA, it would have been good to see the start of everyone's journey.
7. More Nazi punching.
8. I want to see the guys cooking or trying to. I can see one of the guys begging Gemma for help to impress a woman who can cook.
9. More of Happy, he was a hard character to nail down and I could never decide if he was written to be evil or just morally ambiguous. In Mayans, he showed he was capable of caring for a dog and I do think he loved his brothers, Gemma, Jax's kid, and Lyla (I'm not too sure about Tara)
10. Less of Tig, the necrophilia thing was terrible and it should have been written for what it was and not a joke. His behaviour in just the very first episodes was disgusting and him killing Donna was my last straw, I really didn't like him and in all honesty, I think he was a coward in many ways. Had he told Opie right away and not blamed Stahl, my opinion would be very different.
11. There is an episode about the crow tattoo, all the old ladies have one, yet we know nothing about it. How do they know when it's time to take that step? Is there only one design (it seems so) or do the couple design it themselves? Does the man pick the placement or the woman? For something that has been shown to be a huge part of the club women, there's no backstory at all.
12. More of Lyla, I loved her character and we should have seen more of her, it would have also been good to see more of Lyla and Tara together, I really liked their dynamic in season 3.
13. Given that I'm not acknowledging seasons 6 and 7 I want more of Nero and Gemma, also more of Nero and Jax.
15. I fucking hated Jacob Hale, he was a Neo-Nazi sympathiser and capitalist pig, I would have loved to see him lose to Oswald and be exposed for what he truly was.
16. The summit episode, history 1% clubs did hold summits, it would have been good to see a whole lot of them gather at TM to discuss being a biker or whatever.
17. The Swole Boys should have been a part of SOA, it would have been hilarious.
18. I don't like Tara but she did so much for the club. Bobby and Chibs were the only ones who ever recognised her. The rest of the club should have been more appreciative.
19. More T.O, I loved his character, it's a shame he was most featured in the saddest season.
20. More of Juice, in the first 4 seasons he was one of my favourites, I hate what they did to his character arc.
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thevictorianghost · 3 years
You said in your finnrey/zutara post that studio meddling was involved for both. I knew that this was the case for finnrey because of racist cowards. But I never knew that was the case for zutara? Tbh I just assumed from the get-go that aang and katara were the main ship and I thought it was cute for them to end up together in the end. Though it is really interesting to learn that zuko and katara could’ve also been a serious thing and I think they could also work together rather nicely. What happened behind the scenes that caused it not to happen? Was aang originally gonna be set up with toph or have no love interest?
Oh hello! Hi! My first anon. Welcome :)
Before we start: I’m going to write Kat/aang, A/ang and Bry/ke like that so it doesn’t appear in the tags and I’ll bold some sections for emphasis. 
I don’t think the writers even considered Toph as a love interest for A/ang. It was always about Kat/aang vs Zutara.
It’s no secret at this point that Dante Basco and Mae Whitman, who voiced Zuko and Katara respectively, ship Zutara. Dante Basco is known as the “captain of the Zutara ship”. They’ve written multiple times about Zutara on Twitter and Dante Basco said in an interview that he really thought, at one point, that Zuko and Katara were going to end up together, that he thought it was going that way, and that he loved the idea of fire and water together.
As for the writers, it’s a bit more difficult to find information, since the show ended 15 years ago. But Aaron Ehasz, head writer of ATLA, has come out and said there was supposed to be a fourth season and it was dropped in favor of the movie. He said it on Twitter on April 1rst, 2019 (while also saying sorry for picking that date, it wasn’t an April Fools!). He said that M Night Shyamalan wanted them to focus on Book 4, but Bry/ke (Bryan Konietsko and Mike DiMartino) “wanted to focus on the movie”. You can find those tweets here. Not about Zutara per se, but it does show not everyone was on board with how the show was going to end behind the scenes.
Speaking of the movie, when asked about The Last Airbender, M Night Shyamalan also gave his input on the situation. He talked about how, by the time Book 3 came around, he wasn’t sure if the series was supposed to end there or if there was going to be a Book 4. He said to Bry/ke: ““Dudes, I gotta know this. This is critical! This has to end. This has to end. If it doesn’t end, I’m not on board. But if you don’t want to end it - it’s all good.”  They were like “no, we saw it as three seasons for each element that he has to learn.”  And I said “great.”” This is where it gets interesting, though: “At that time they hadn’t even decided where things were going to end, even like who Katara was going to end up with. All of that stuff hadn’t been figured out yet.” 
It’s interesting to me how he mentions this is who Katara will end up with. Not A/ang, not Zuko. It’s always about Katara.
 Someone who interned on ATLA has been quoted as saying that “If you check out the I.P. Bible then you’ll see a Kat/aang endgame was never planned from the start, it was supposed to remain a one-sided crush throughout the whole show.“ and that “The actual decision to make them a couple came about much later at Bry/ke’s request, largely because they were frustrated at the popularity of Zutara.“ Of course, not everyone in the production was full on one side or the other, as the post says some were neutral about it. “Some of the crew liked Kat/aang, I know Joaquim [Dos Santos] was a big Kat/aang supporter but more of them were neutral about it, Ehasz was not fond of Kat/aang but he didn’t mind too much since he’s a mature adult and all that.”
Avatar Extras (special events on Nicktoons where episodes of ATLA were shown with fun facts) were released where it was said that Zuko was supposed to be Katara’s love interest. It was said two times at least. I’ve only ever found screencaps of these, but I found these here on Tumblr. 
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When asked about these in the Avatar Extras, Bry/ke said that it was just a joke and that Kat/aang was always in the DNA of the show. But if you’re here to tell fun facts to your audience about your show, maybe put a disclaimer that says some things might not be as truthful as they think they will be?
And the intern mentioned earlier also said that “No one was having full-on ship wars in the writer’s room but we did joke about it, and we toyed with the idea of Zuko and Katara falling in love a couple of times.“ So that goes well with the Avatar Extras.
Meanwhile, other writers, like John O’Bryan, have been quoted talking against Zutara in favor of Kat/aang. EDIT: Thank you to @exhaustedhope for giving me a source for this quote! This link also has a few images for the quote, so I’ll add them here.
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Thank you again! And also the use of Zutara fanart to badmouth the ship in favor of Kat/aang? Dude.
If this was the way people behind the scenes were thinking of Katara and A/ang’s and Katara and Zuko’s relationships... well that doesn’t really make me think “Kat/aang was in the DNA of the show” either, huh? Zuko was never officially her love interest, Katara never actually “went after that guy”. But the thought that she might made them uneasy. 
(Btw, let’s not forget Zuko actually does care about Katara, enough to put his life on the line for her in Book 3, so that mischaracterizes Zuko.) 
This comment by John O’Bryan fits with this vision of Zutara Bry/ke has, where Zuko is nothing but a broody, emo “bad boy” who doesn’t care about Katara at all. It’s shown pretty well in their dreadful “joke” made at Comic Con in 2007. You can find the video here. Here, Katara ends up with A/ang and “should have never doubted the will of Mike and Bryan!” (yuck). So Kat/aang was always the “right” way for them to end the show, right?
But then! Even Bry/ke themselves have said that Kat/aang was forced. They said it in 2014 when Korrasami became canon in Legend of Korra. On Korrasami and Kat/aang, they said this: “Originally, [Korrasami] was primarily intended to be a strong friendship. Frankly, we wanted to set most of the romance business aside for the last two seasons. Personally, at that point I didn’t want Korra to have to end up with someone at the end of series. We obviously did it in Avatar, but even that felt a bit forced to me.“
So they admitted that Kat/aang was forced. They even mention the ATLA ship wars in the post. “Either direction we went [about Korrasami or Makorra], there would inevitably be a faction that was elated and another that was devastated. Trust me, I remember Kat/aang vs. Zutara. But one of those directions is going to be the one that feels right to us, and Mike and I have always made both Avatar and Korra for us, first and foremost.”
Okay. So what’s real about the behind the scenes of ATLA and what isn’t? Was Kat/aang in the DNA of the show, or did they go back and forth between Kat/aang and Zutara like they did with Korrasami and Makorra? 
There have been conflicting informations scattered across the Internet over the years. Some people say one thing and others react, saying the opposite and that the first thing was false. Some people lied, or joked, to mess with the audience and toy with Zutara - or not, or maybe, or perhaps... What I think, though, is that not everything was set in stone. Some people were for Zutara and some people were for Kat/aang. And even after all of that, the big takeaway for me was: the end result that Bryke wanted so badly was lackluster in and of itself.
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jezabelofthenorth · 3 years
Is Anne Boleyn portrayed better than Catherine of Aragon in Tudor dramas or does she just take her clothes off?
Or I've watched almost every Anne Boleyn thing over the past six months and I'm certain at this point you guys are watching different movies than I am
edit: i;m sorry meant to include there is rape mention cw in this
Okay I might get a little mean here, but at this point I'm convinced no one thinks critically about this, like the constant amount of whinging I see about how Catherine is treated just soooo badly in Tudor dramas and always neglected is wild because it is just not true. I would say the only piece of media that treats Anne like a full person is Anne of The Thousand Days, and that's a 50 year old movie. I started thinking about this when I rewatched season 1 of The Tudors back in August because like, it's really abundantly clear who Michael Hirst likes better and it is not Anne. Anne barely feels like a full character in season 1, Henry is madly in love with her,. Her father is scheming to make that worth their while along with George, but where exactly is Anne in all that?
She gets a considerable amount of screentime but very little insight into what she actually feels about all this, is she in love with Henry too? Does she just want to be queen and is manipulating him? We never get an actual moment where it's made clear so you can pretty much apply whatever interpretation you want there, which is bad! Is Anne actually the female lead here, because she doesn't feel like it at all,  I feel like this gets forgotten because Natalie adds so much depth to Anne you feel like there's more going on, but there really isn't,  Hirst neglects Anne's own feelings about her situation considerably, to a point Natalie has stated she had to push him to give Anne more of a character in season 2. I would say Hirst is just bad at writing women, which like.....he is, but he doesn't have this issue with Catherine, Catherine is a very clear character from the start, which she should be! It's clear what her motives are and what she feels, if I'm honest Catherine in season 1 is probably a little too perfect, like she truly does not have a single negative quality, the worst part is when she calls Anne a whore but I don't think we as the audience is meant to take that as bad on her part which......eh?
The real significance difference is here is how they're portrayed sexually, I do think Catherine and Henry should have had more intimate scenes and Hirst clearly shied away from that because Maria is older, which makes him a coward, but Anne getting treated as a sex object doesn't mean she has better character development,  I mean think about that one!  I mainly got inspired to write this as I just rewatched The Other Boleyn Girl which I hadn't seen in years and in my memory  I thought Catherine hadn't had a good portrayal but like it's fine? She's in most of the movie, she's portrayed as a resilient woman, she gets her Blackfriars speech, is there really a problem here or are you guys actually mad that Natalie Portman is young and beautiful in this and Ana Torrent was in her forties? Because I'll have to draw attention that in this film Catherine again doesn't have a single bad quality while Anne gets raped by Henry before they're even married, so if I was going to get angry about something, I know what it is. It seems to me for years it is been standard to suggest because Anne is portrayed as a young, beautiful women and the utmost sexual desire of Henry's eye that it means she is treated well, but extreme sexulization is actually not interchangeable with respect for Anne as a woman and it is more than obvious than many film makers have absolutely none for her.It is not disrespectful to Catherine to portray her as an older woman, she was 42 when The Great Matter began, there is nothing wrong with being an older woman, the most dramatic parts of Catherine's life took place when she was in her forties, the most dramatic parts of Anne's life took place in her twenties and thirties, that is a simple fact of history.
To open a can of worms that seemed to set a certain part of the internet on fire, let's tackle The Spanish Princess now. Emma Frost and Matthew Graham were quite clear in their veneration for Catherine and their certainty that she has been a maligned figure in history. This seems at odds when you would cross reference most historiography on Catherine, as she seems to be one of the few figures of the Tudor period that has a universally positive reputation .
Through out the two season run both showrunners made their disdain for Anne quite obvious, which was rather odd given they had created a show about Catherine and there wasn't really any need to mention Anne at all. Which makes the choice to include from the start of season 2 particularly bizarre, given historically Anne was in France for the 1510's and would not have been present in the English Court and did not become a Lady in Waiting until in the 1520's. The show does not make it clear who she is and it is only known if you search the role Alice Nokes is playing, which makes her role to be one of heavy handed foreshadowing which simply takes up space to present friendships Catherine had with her actual Ladies of the time. It is not made fully clear who Anne is until the final episode, an episode where Anne is not permitted to speak even though she is in most of the episode and her biggest moment is where she meets Henry late at night in a garden, and removes her clothes to reveal her breasts to him.
Through out the season Anne's male relatives, her father Thomas Boleyn, and her grandfather Thomas Howard are featured prominently. While Anne and her sister Mary are pushed to the side lines and barely given a voice, for a show that claims to present history from the view of women of the era, that seems a choice in poor sport. It could be quite easy to remove Anne entirely from the show, or only make passing mentions of her, instead the choice was to have her exist on the sidelines, mostly voiceless and then to have her be on the forefront as a sexual object to Henry.
In a show that claimed to want to want to give us Catherine's full story, from the time as a 15 year old bride, to a matured, tested Queen, it instead seemed to take a route of focusing on Catherine's less appealing qualities and even gave her faults she never had (as in rejecting her daughter Mary for her gender when it is well known Catherine was an adoring mother). The show seems to think presenting Catherine as a truly unappealing heroine is canceled out by portraying her as a young, beautiful woman, and sexually desired by Henry, that feels extremely insulting to Catherine, who was a tough woman and her best quality certainly wasn't the fact that Henry and Catherine had an active sex life during the first decade of their marriage. You have to see where the decades of presenting Anne as sexually desired by Henry has infected Tudor media in how another Catherine is portrayed here as if a woman should be portrayed positively only through how much their husband desires them.   It simply doesn't matter who you prefer over Catherine and Anne, the misogyny of that choice seems quite clear. I simply can't think of a single piece of Tudor media that gives Catherine of Aragon such an offensive role to play.        
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
So as much as I loved S4E10, It would have been so much more gratifying for me had it been Nick who delivered Fred's punishment. Fred hurt the love of his life, took his child and tried to emasculate Nick every chance he got. Here's your challenge, should you choose to accept it:
Alternate Ending to S4E10 (Revenge of the Guardian):
After taking Fred into custody, Nick leads him to a cabin deep in No Mans Land (pushing him, kicking him, pistol whipping him along the way). Once they arrive Nick shackles Waterford to a chair in the middle of the cabin, there is no other furniture except for a huge bed. He slits Fred's eyelids so he can't close his eyes to what is about to happen. He places a huge ball gag in Fred's mouth. June arrives, saunters over seductively to her lover, kisses him deeply. Fred starts to struggle, gagging.....
Nick removes his peacoat, his suit jacket. June shivers at the sight of Nick in his suspenders. He rolls his shirt sleeves up his arms, sits on the edge of the bed and commands June to remove all of her clothes, which she does with great pleasure. She would do anything for this man. By now Fred is sweating, turning red with his struggles. Now Nick commands June to get on the bed and she does so very willingly.
My challenge to you is to pick up the gauntlet and complete this scene. My only ask is that it be completely and totally filthy because this will be Nick's ultimate revenge on Fred. We all know that Nick is a Sex God and I want him to perform like he's never done before. Making June beg, moan, groan, writhe, scream, etc. She gives Nick EVERYTHING that Fred always wanted from her but never got......and Fred is forced to watch, he can't look away. This is a REAL alpha male, Freddy!!!
In the morning, after June can no longer keep up with Nick, even after asking her to try, Nick finally hands June a bullwhip, kisses her softly on the forehead and whispers softly, "Your turn baby". Fred starts screaming (as best he can) and starts peeing in his pants. Bye bye Freddy:)
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An Eye for An Eye
An Alternate Ending to Season 4 of The Handmaid's Tale
TW: Torture, Dismemberment, Sadism, Gore, Body Horror
Rating: E for graphic sex and violence. 18+ NSFW
This isn't for people with a weak stomach. Straight up. I spoke to the person who requested this, and I'm tailoring this for us. Totally ok to skip if you don't like blood.
Alternatively, If you LIKE Tarantino movies, if you LIKE what June did to Fred, if you wanna see Nick get more than one pistol whip...take a peek.
After seeing the way they suffered... this ask feels right. For Nick and June to torture Fred, the way he tortured them.
Remember the Jezebel's episode? Or Waterford holding Nick's child as his own? Touching Nick's family. Hurting them in front of him, over and over. Making him watch. Making him feel powerless and weak. Taking away Nick's agency over his body, forcing him to sleep with a 15 year old against his will. True sadism.
So what if Fred was powerless to stop their pleasure. Powerless to look away. Forced to acknowledge that June never wanted him. Forced to acknowledge that he is nothing but a coward, a cuckold, and a rapist.
The tastes we got of this energy from the show- Nick stopping Fred in 2x2, Nick clocking Fred in the woods in 4x10, the famous murder kiss when June smooches her rapist's blood off her lover's lips, IN FRONT OF HIM and to Fred's great horror (*eye roll* come on Fred. You knew they were fucking. rite?) were INCREDIBLE.
I agree we deserve MORE of THAT. More of the good stuff.
Thank you for the prompt, my love. You came to the right place.
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Our scene begins deep in the woods of No Man’s Land, the unoccupied wilderness between Gilead and Canada.
Nick is in a murderous rage, dragging Fred Waterford through the darkened winter woods.
Nick promised June he wouldn’t kill him. If he could go back in time, he wouldn't have made that promise.
It's fucking torture to finally be alone with this motherfucker, after everything he did to June...to Holly...
He’d been fantasizing about this moment non-stop for the past two years. How he would hurt Fred. How he’d make Waterford feel June’s pain. How he’d make him suffer.
Nick had spent enough time with the Eyes, escorting prisoners to and from interrogation rooms- that he’d picked up a few tricks. Techniques he can't un-see and thought he'd never use. But even if Nick didn’t know how to break someone, for Fred, he knew exactly what to do.
"Wait! Wait, Son, I HAVE QUESTIONS!"
Nick can't hear anything over the ringing in his ears. That clear, high pitched whine that signals he's about to do something he'll regret. Usually when he hears that sound, the next thing he sees is blood on his swollen knuckles. Hasn't happened recently. He's learned to keep his rage tightly leashed, pushing it down so far he can barely feel anything.
But tonight? Nick lets himself stay there, at the threshold of violence, staring down at Waterford. His right palm twitches toward the gun on his hip. He's seconds from breaking his promise and executing this motherfucker here and now.
But Waterford looks pathetic. Like a whipped dog, avoiding eye contact, tail between his legs. He's no threat. He's a coward. A pathetic, whimpering coward.
"Keep moving."
What seems like an eternity later, Nick finally gets Waterford into the cabin he'd secured in No Man's Land. Miles from the nearest road.
Nick drags Waterford to the center of the room, shoving him down onto a wooden chair.
Nick has a black duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He drops it to the floor, kneeling and unzipping it, pulling out rope, duct tape, zip ties, a ball gag, pliers, a baseball bat and a hammer.
Nick assesses the chair, and Waterford, taking his time, like an artist selecting just the right shade of paint for his masterpiece. He'd brought more than he'd need. In the end he uses zip-ties to secure Fred to the chair. Because they work and they hurt. He wraps several layers of duct tape around Waterford's wrists and ankles as well. So there's no chance in hell the motherfucker can weasel his way out if left unattended. There will be no surprises tonight.
Waterford struggles when he sees Nick stand with the ball gag dangling from his hand. Calling him SON again. Nick hears the ringing in his ears again, like a tea kettle about to explode. He fixes his eyes on Waterford's, his voice deadly calm.
Waterford looks terrified. He opens his mouth, accepting the gag. Nick pushes the ball into Waterford's mouth, walks behind the chair, cinching the leather buckles tight.
Only then does Nick allow himself to breathe.
He pulls off his gloves with his teeth, stuffing both in his left coat pocket, pulling his pack of cigarettes out of his right coat pocket. He has one between his lips, lit, the tip burning red within seconds as he pulls in a much needed lungful of nicotine. He holds the breath as long as he can stand, releasing it slowly, like a lover he hates to see leave his bed.
Didn't kill him. Kept my promise.
Nick circles around the chair slowly, scissoring his fingers open as he takes another deep pull from his cigarette. He squats down on his heels in front of Waterford, his smokey exhale landing squarely in Fred's face.
Fred tries to shout something around the gag, his face gets red because he can't move air through his mouth at all. He sucks in breaths through his nose, falling silent again.
Nick sees movement out of the corner of his eye. His dark eyes flick to the door, and a smirk warms his mouth when he sees June. She locks the door, a wicked gleam in her eye. She crosses the room, standing beside Nick to stare down at Waterford, who redoubles his struggling.
Nick stands, all of his anger gone. All he can see is June. And she looks incredible. She's never looked so happy before. And he gave that feeling to her. It feels fucking good.
June feels Nick's dark smoldering gaze and meets it with her own.
"Hey babe."
Nick smirks in response, finishing his cigarette, dropping it to the floor and crushing it with the toe of his boot.
"Hey." He says, pulling June into a fierce kiss.
Waterford gags.
June melts into her lover, gripping the collar of his black peacoat, caressing his jawline. She allows her palms to smooth down Nick's dress shirt, pushing his coat off his shoulders. She traces her fingers down his suspenders. Nick moans into her mouth, hardening already. More turned on than he'd ever been. Because they were finally safe. Finally in control. His breath hitches when June slides her hands to his ass, kneading his butt through his dress pants.
Nick breaks the kiss, his eyes dark and low, staring at June through his long eyelashes, his jaw jutted out, breathing heavily already.
June's eyebrow quirks up and the devilish gleam in her eye flickers into a lusty inferno. She'd only seen Nick in THIS mood once before, at the Boston Globe. Nick was usually a soft, tender, emotional lover- submitting to her in the bedroom. But when he takes control, when he fully inhabits his sexual power, it's the best sex of her life.
June complies instantly, starting with her coat. Unbuttoning and letting it fall to the floor. Nick holds her stare, a smirk warming the corner of his mouth. Turned on beyond words that a woman so powerful would give herself to him freely.
June removes her clothes wordlessly, echoing the night she first stripped in front of Nick. Nick's hands clench at his sides, like they did that first night, anxious to take her in his arms. The urge is so strong it's almost painful. But he remembers the game. Patience. Restraint. It makes the ache so much better.
June feels it too. She's trembling with anticipation as she pushes her panties down her legs, stepping out of them. She stands, fully naked before her lover, smiling widely. She loves this feeling.
To be empty headed. Safe. His.
(this is getting too long, I'm gonna finish this up on A03 I think. I'll get you a link asap. The scene is set. The rest will be:
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a-storm-of-roses · 3 years
What do you think is your most unpopular SGA opinion? Or, your most beloved SGA opinion, whichever you are most comfortable sharing?
Ok I had to sit on this for a night... I think this is probably unpopular amongst some and uncontroversial amongst others? Apologies in advance, BECAUSE THIS GOT LONG.
Jennifer Keller isn't a bad character, and wouldn't get nearly as much hate if she hadn't been a love interest for Rodney.
I will preface that I do think she wasn't written nearly as well as she could have been, but that's true of a lot of other characters in SGA!
Jennifer reluctantly takes up the role of CMO in Atlantis, after Carson's death. It's clearly not a role she ever aspired to, and it's unclear whether she was even in Atlantis prior to this, or whether she was shipped over from Earth. Of course she isn't trained to fight! And of course she's scared!
You see the occasional comment about her being a coward or unprepared for the expedition, but that's what I found the most charming about her as a character. When she first goes off-world with Teyla, it's intended to be an easy medical mission, not a kidnapping/manhunt scenario! Jennifer is terrified, as I think most of us would be. But we see her grow from it - by the next season we know that she's trained, that she's practiced with a firearm, and while she might not be a total kick-ass fighter, she's become more competent and confident. She grows, in what I thought was a fairly realistic way.
And beyond that, I think she follows a very similar trajectory to Rodney, and especially Carson, in that regard. Both are shown as being ill-prepared for combat, and Carson especially is initially terrified of going off-world and reluctant to do so. But they do it anyways, and that's what it means to be brave. Jennifer is the same!
On a more McKeller related note, she's also often cited as trying to change Rodney, or preferring him when he isn't himself. But it's really not that egregious? In Brainstorm, she gives up her leave, time with her dad, to go to this conference with Rodney, because she likes him. And he spends the whole time complaining and generally being rude? Like yes, he saves the day, and yes, he's right in the end, but I don't think she's wrong to try to nudge him into being more considerate, and she's not wrong to be put out that he's kind of a bad date. In fact, JOHN DOES THIS KIND OF NUDGING ALL THE TIME, just in a snarkier way.
And you know what, Rodney is nicer at the start of the Shrine. There is nothing wrong with Jennifer liking that he's sweet to her.
Some other things to consider: We don't know how old Jennifer is intended to be, but Jewel Staite was about 25 when she took the role, so even if we generously age her up, there's probably about a 10 year age gap between Jennifer and Rodney? And add in that we know Jennifer missed out on a lot of growing up - she graduated high school at 15, college at 18. So I would expect there to be some immaturity in relationships, the same way Rodney is also kind of terrible at navigating them.
They're not a great couple - I find Rodney kind of condescending to her at times, and Jennifer definitely gets damsel coded in a way that doesn't help, but she also isn't a nagging harpy either.
Jennifer is a brilliant doctor, a girl who missed out on her childhood, a woman with imposter syndrome, a person who is scared, but doesn't give up, just trying to do her best in another galaxy. She's in a relationship with an older, more experienced guy, and she's trying to make it work (even though he's definitely in love with his best friend).
She doesn't deserve the hate she gets, and I think most of it stems from some misplaced McShep disappointment.
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