#oh no hayley is writing
astro-b-o-y-d · 2 months
...Something just occurred to me about the chapter, that makes me posting it today REALLY funny given recent events.
Anyway UHHHHH, please just keep in mind that I had this planned since like last year.
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stardust-kitten · 9 months
i can’t believe i turn 29 today lol
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pixiesfz · 8 months
Hey! Any chance you could write a story where the reader plays for the Matilda’s and had been chosen to be mic’ed ho for a mic’ed up training session? Could she be the golden retriever of the team? And possible in a relation or has a crush on either Caitlin Sam Alanna or Mackenzie and they like her back? All good if not! But I love your stories!!!
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mic'd up a.k
plot: you get mic'd up for one of the trainings and you partnered with Alanna who is your girlfriend
warnings: none, more of a matildas x reader, blurb
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"Okay so just talk to teammates as you train" the media person instructed and you nodded "So do what you usually do" Tony laughed as he walked by "Oh c'mon T" you complained as he continued to smile from his quick thinking and shrugged.
"It's all set up" the media girl smiled as you ran off to everyone.
"Guess who's mic'd up bitches!" you yelled and some of the girls groaned, others laughing.
"hmmm let me guess," Alanna said as she brought her hand up to her face "Charli," she said and you rolled your eyes "she wishes, the media kept on commenting under Hayley's video for me next so here we are" you smiled.
Whilst the team ran laps you looked down at your mic "testing 1, 2, 3" you said and Mackenzie slapped your shoulder "I'm surprised you can even talk when running" you gasped "I am not that un-fit"
"Say that to the macca's you ate last night with Lani"
Your eyes popped "Delete this part" you said into the microphone before you split off into drills.
"Is she gonna go left or right?" you taunted Macca as you ran up for your penalty, kicking with your left foot as it hit the net "I let you have that" Mackenzie breathed out as she jumped to the other side "sure you did Macca" Alanna smirked as she clapped your hand, holding it for a second longer and dropping them to your waist as you hid your blush.
"Y/n: 1 Macca: 0" you said into the mic before you went into partner drills.
"y/n be my partner" Alanna grabbed you, picking you up as you squealed "Since when were you this strong?" you asked before she placed you down and went to the other side to kick over to you.
"You acting like I haven't picked you up before?"
"I'm mic'd Lani!"
Alanna smirked as she did the 'shh' sign with her finger making you roll your eyes.
"Lani kicks with her right, y/n replied with another kick back will one of them struggle come back tomorrow to find out" you whispered into the mic before Alanna kicked the ball past you.
"Sorry love!"
You turned around to get the ball, cheeks burning by the nickname she had given to you, you had only been dating since the world cup but her flirting with you in front of the team still made you blush like crazy.
"love" Sam mocked as you walked by her "I will call Kristie and tell her about the box that is in your bag" you warned her before grabbing the ball and walking back.
"Could you maybe kick the ball straight this time love?"
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spaceshipellie · 1 year
we were never just friends
ellie williams x reader
part two (part one, part three, part four)
summary: modern!ellie, both in their mid twenties. ellie and reader have been friends for years, their friendship has always been somewhat flirty but nothing has ever happened. not yet anyway…
warnings: smut at the end (18+ mdni), reader cheating on her gf with ellie, fingering (r receiving), oral (e receiving), fluff (e+r), angst (r+gf)
author’s note: i was screaming and kicking my feet writing this it was too much hsjxkdndbfx i hope you enjoy ♡
word count: 5k approx
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you could hear a banging. your head was smushed into the pillows and you were still half asleep. it took you a minute to come to and realise that the banging was knocking on your bedroom door. you groaned a sleepy “come in.”
ellie pushed the door open with two coffees in hand and came to sit on the end of your bed.
you mumbled a “morning” back as you rubbed your eyes and slowly sat up. you felt the duvet slip down and quickly remembered you went to bed only wearing panties last night.
“fuck,” your eyes widened and your hand slapped down on your chest to hold the covers in place, an embarrassed blush crept onto your cheeks.
“sorry, i didn’t see anything,” ellie laughed, handing you a coffee and chucking you a hoodie that was lying on the floor next to her feet.
“thanks,” you hugged the hot cup after pulling the hoodie on. you felt pretty hungover and dreaded to think what you looked like.
“why are you so chirpy this morning?”
“i’m not as much of a lightweight as you,” ellie smirked. you playfully rolled your eyes at her before checking your phone.
kate 🩵
morning babe, how was your night? xx
really fun thanks, did you wanna look at california plans today? xx
aw good. yes, i can come over later xx
come over whenever xx
you locked your phone and looked up to see ellie looking at you. she quickly averted her gaze to her hands holding the mug and started fidgeting with her silver rings. your eyes darted down to look at them too.
“what’re you doing today?”
“kate’s coming over later, we’re gonna look at booking a beach holiday in california somewhere,” you smiled, excited at the idea of lounging on a warm beach day in, day out.
“oh, nice. first holiday together?”
“yeah, pretty exciting.”
“yeah, very,” ellie half smiled, still playing with her rings. “how is she anyway? i haven’t seen her in ages.”
“she’s good, she works a lot so that’s probably why, but yeah good.”
there was a small pause before you spoke again.
“what about you? you been seeing anyone lately?”
her eyes snapped up to yours, smirking. “no, you’d know if i was.”
“i don’t know, you might have some secret double life i don’t know about.”
“actually yeah, it’s probably about time i told you,” she dramatically took in a breath, “i’ve been in a secret relationship with hayley williams for the past 6 years.”
“we’re actually married. that’s why we have the same last name.”
“i’m offended you didn’t invite me to the wedding.”
“it had to be private for…” she laughed and stammered, “top secret…security reasons?”
“too bad, i wish i was there to object.”
she leaned her body forward a bit. “what? for me?”
“no, for hayley williams you idiot.”
“right, right. makes sense,” her voice trailed off before she finally said, “ok, i better go. the band were really good last night.”
“yeah they were great! hopefully they’ll be there again,” you smiled up at her as she stood up to leave.
˚ · • . ° .
it was later in the day and you were sat on the sofa, feet propped up on the coffee table whilst kate sat next to you with her laptop open, browsing places to stay.
“ooh look at this one,” she said, turning her laptop towards you.
“oh my god it’s so beautiful, but probably too expensive for me.”
“well, we want to go somewhere nice though.”
“i know, of course, but something like this is just a bit too much out of my budget,” you said, feeling a bit embarrassed.
you knew kate made more money that you and was naturally more money orientated. of course, you were ambitious and cared about that sort of thing too, but you were more of a ‘rather be poor and happy than rich and sad’ person. kate on the other hand, was the opposite. you heard her sigh next to you and move her laptop back to keep scrolling.
“tell me,” you pried.
“it’s.. ah, it’s just that when i first brought up going to california you were so excited and now we’re actually looking at booking it, you keep saying no to things.”
you were a bit taken back. you didn’t think you were being negative about anything, you just genuinely couldn’t afford any of the options kate put in front of you. they were amazing but to put it bluntly, expensive as fuck. besides, anytime you put forward a suggestion, she found something wrong with it. it’s too far from town (meaning it was a 15 minute walk instead of 5), the beach looks boring, there’s not enough restaurants. you didn’t want to say anything, but it was starting to piss you off.
“i am excited. it’s just,” you sighed, “i just thought it mattered more that we had fun together, not having the fanciest hotel or whatever.”
“we’ll have fun, but i don’t want to go and stay in some shitty place.”
“i never said we should? we can still find a nice place.”
“then why do you keep saying no?”
“because i don’t have a bottomless pit of money?”
both your tones had shifted to annoyance. your body language had become more rigid and your brows were slightly furrowed.
“ok whatever,” kate sighed again, going back to her laptop, turning the screen as if she didn’t care if you could see it or not.
“no, sorry, why are you being weird with me?”
“i’m not being weird.”
you almost wanted to laugh.
“but, you are? you get mad at me for not having enough money and then just say ‘whatever,’ how does that help anything?”
she shut her laptop and turned to you.
“i don’t know what you want me to say, but maybe you need to start taking better care of your money or something so we can do things like this.”
“sorry, are you my fucking mother or something? i’m fine with money. sure, i have to save and budget and all that but who the fuck doesn’t?”
“i’m not trying to tell you what to do i’m just saying that it’s not a bad idea to think about earning more. it’s good to be ambitious, babe, and i know what you do doesn’t earn very much.”
she tried to put a hand on your knee but you shot up to your feet, starting to feel overwhelmed by how quickly this conversation had gone downhill.
“kate, you are literally telling me what to do. am i supposed to just sack my job in and do something i don’t care about just so that i can have more money?”
she looked up at you, a perplexed expression across her face. “why wouldn’t you want to get a bigger income?”
“it’s not tha–oh my god,” you felt like you needed to pace, adrenaline taking over you. “not everybody needs to be earning the biggest wage they possibly can, ok? don’t get me wrong, money is nice, i get that and i get that it’s very important to you, but i could never sacrifice my happiness for it, that’s just not me. i love what i do and you know that so don’t start trying to make me feel like it’s not good enough for you all of a sudden.”
she was silent for a moment, processing your rant. she looked away from you and you looked at her, trying to catch her eye again, anxiously waiting for her to say something.
“i gotta go.” she started shoving her laptop in her bag and stood up.
“i think we need to take a minute before we look at this again, ok?”
you felt stupid. and you hated the fact that this made you feel stupid.
“ok,” you mumbled.
you stood there, dumbfounded. this was supposed to be a fun thing for you both to do together and before you’d even reached step one it had gone wrong. you understood that kate was a person who liked to climb the ladder and earn as much as she could and you were happy if that’s how she wanted to live her life. however, she couldn’t seem to accept the fact that you’re not like that. you enjoyed your job and admittedly, you weren’t anything close to rich but who cares? you enjoyed your life and that’s all that matters.
instead of sitting around feeling crap about yourself you decided to call ellie. it didn’t take long for her to pick up.
“everything alright?”
“yeah yeah, i just, um, what are you doing?”
“you ok? you sound upset.”
“no no, i’m fine els, i just…” you felt silly that you were nearly in tears right now but you couldn’t help it.
“are you at home? want me to come over?”
“only if you’re not busy.”
“i’ll be there in 10,” she practically cut you off.
“oh, ok. see you in a bit. thank you.”
“see you in a bit.” and she hung up.
you let out a shaky breath before deciding to wash your face and freshen up before ellie got to yours, not wanting to end up sobbing in front of her. sure enough, she was at your place in 10 minutes and when you opened the door she gave you a sympathetic look and pulled you in for a hug.
“what wrong?”
“it’s stupid.” your voice was muffled by her shoulder.
“i’m sure it’s not,” she said, pulling away and dragging you to sit down. you both sat facing each other, sideways on the sofa, one leg bent and the other hanging of the edge. she looked at you, waiting for you to speak.
“kate and i got into a fight about money and it just really pissed me off.”
“what did she say?”
“she was saying i need to be better with money and that i should earn more and all this bullshit. we were trying to book a hotel and we just couldn’t agree on anything so she just decided to leave and fuck,” you groaned, “it just wound me up.”
ellie listened intently, pausing before speaking to let you finish.
“what a fucking asshole.”
“ellie!” you slapped her leg lightly, trying not to smile. she laughed.
“what? it’s true. that’s a fucked up thing to say.”
“yeah,” your voice was quiet. she ran a hand through her hair.
“i mean who the fuck cares where you stay, more important to just be together, you know?”
“that’s what i said.”
you looked at her and you were both silent for a moment, the overwhelming cloud you felt before starting to evaporate.
“so, what are you gonna do?”
“i don’t know,” you sighed, “we’ll still do it, it was just a stupid fight but i guess we’ll have to compromise.”
ellie just nodded, puffing out her cheeks slightly.
“i hope i didn’t drag you away from anything.”
“aw no,” she waved her hand in dismissal, “was just at jesse’s.”
“no, ellie, i said don’t bother if you’re busy!”
“it’s fine, honestly. he understands and i didn’t want you to be upset.”
“you’re so sweet.”
“am not.”
“you so are.”
“i’m not sweet.” she hoped you couldn’t see her cheeks flushing pink. you could.
“you’re the sweetest to me.”
“ok, yeah, i mean,” she stumbled over her words, “i can be, but only for you.”
“see?” you grinned, putting your hands either side of her face and squeezing slightly. a breath got caught in her throat at you touching her. you let your hands fall down, landing on her knees.
“so,” you started, “you wanna make me feel better by letting me beat you at mario kart?”
˚ · • . ° .
two hours had passed of you and ellie sat on your floor, backs against the sofa, playing video games. kate hadn’t messaged or called. you hadn’t either, but honestly, you didn’t really know what to say. you were still a bit annoyed and wished she would apologise before you just let it slide. your mood had definitely improved though by having ellie around. you were scrolling through your phone whilst ellie was in the bathroom when a notification popped up from your groupchat with her and dina.
bitchesss guess what
freya’s lakeside cabin is free next weekend and she’s invited you guys and kate to come with us
for free! it’ll just be food etc we need to buy
omg YES
tell freya thank you and i love her!!!
i’ll ask kate later
the perfect slasher movie location
sounds cool i’m in
good! i’ll let you know more soon
ellie then emerged from the bathroom and sat back beside you. you looked at her like a kid in a sweet shop.
“how fucking cool is that!”
“i know, gonna be fun. typical that i’m fifth wheeling though,” she joked.
“oh you won’t be, dina and freya aren’t like that and me and kate are–“ you stopped yourself, “well, let’s see if she even comes.”
˚ · • . ° .
she didn’t. kate was working. which was fine, you thought. it was short notice and things were still awkward between you two. you felt terrible for it but you were kind of glad that it was just going to be the four of you. that way, considering everything recently, you knew it would be fun and stress free.
you could also do with a break from the strain of booking this california trip. in the end, you had booked a place. it was still too expensive for you really but you were getting tired of going back and forth, plus a compromise of some kind needed to be made and you were trying to be positive about it and not fuck it up further. after all, you were still looking forward to going away with your girlfriend for the first time and assumed that this dispute would soon blow over.
you lugged your bags out of the boot of freya’s car and followed everyone up to the front door of the cabin. you were surrounded by a huge lake, a dense forest and fields that spread themselves out for miles. was it the perfect location for a horror? yes it was, but you were going to have the best time here, you could tell.
“this is so fucking cool,” ellie said.
“thanks, it’s my sister’s and her husband’s technically but they let me use it a lot,” freya said.
she was a sweet girl, really kind and easy to get on with. dina had only been dating her for about 3 months but they were really cute together.
“thank you for inviting us,” you said.
“oh no problem, i’m glad you could make it.”
as freya held the door open for you all to walk through, she asked if you wanted her to give you a tour and show you where your rooms would be. thinking it was easiest to do that first you said yes.
the cabin was nothing short of stunning with its wooden beamed ceilings and open fire place. it also had a fire pit outside near the lake which you hoped you’d get to use. after being shown the bedrooms you dumped your stuff in yours. ellie’s was opposite and dina and freya were in the master bedroom a bit further down the hall. you sent kate a quick message to say you’d arrived safely and started unpacking things like your face wash and toothbrush. you didn’t bother unpacking your clothes seeing as you were only here for two nights. you heard talking downstairs so left your room to join them.
“what did you guys wanna do first?” freya asked you all.
“i really want to go swimming in the lake,” dina suggested, “if you guys are up for that.”
“yeah sounds fun.” you looked at ellie.
“yeah sure.”
you went back upstairs to change into a bikini and also grabbed a towel, some shorts and a baggy t-shirt to throw on after. joining the others downstairs, dina and freya already nearly out the door, you couldn’t help but look at ellie. she was wearing loose shorts and a sports bra style bikini top.
“you’ve got a new tattoo,” you said, touching her upper arm softly as you looked at it.
“got it a couple months ago,” she watched your face.
“you’re so secretive.”
she just laughed and shrugged, muttering “come on,” before holding the door open for you.
it was late in the afternoon and the sun was still warm but not too hot, and you still had a couple hours left of daylight.
shrieks met your ears as dina and freya jumped off the edge of the little wooden platform into the water. you put your stuff down on a chair round the fire pit, where they’d put theirs and ran excitedly to the edge.
“you jumping in?” you said, turning to ellie.
“if you don’t, i’ll push you,” you teased, grabbing her shoulders. she laughed and her hands flew to yours, scrambling to grab them to prevent you from pushing her off the edge.
“don’t you fucking dare.”
“i will.”
“i know you will.” her body twisted trying to grab your wrists, fighting against you pushing. she tried to ignore how your boobs pressed into her. before you knew it, you were falling and crashing into the cool water. you came back up, flapping your arms and rubbing water out of your eyes screaming, “ellie!”
she was still standing on the edge, hand over her mouth, doubling over in laughter.
“i’m sorry!”
“no, you’re not.”
“no, i’m not.”
you could hear dina and freya laughing in the background which made you turn. a huge splash of water suddenly came over your head as ellie jumped in.
“fucking hell, are you trying to drown me?”
you could see dina and freya kissing so you made an ‘oop’ face at ellie and you both laughed. the sun was really bringing out her freckles. she’d always get weird if you ever called her pretty, but it was only the truth. she was pretty, and you’d always thought so.
the four of you swam around leisurely, talking about this and that for a while before deciding to get out. it was starting to get dark so freya turned on the outdoor fairy lights that were draped in a tree near the fire pit.
you all took turns using the downstairs shower and grabbed a couple of beers before sitting around the fire you had started.
“so, anyone got any ghost stories to tell?” dina joked.
˚ · • . ° .
you all talked for what felt like forever, laughing until your stomachs ached. the conversation now had seemed to split off though into you and ellie, whilst dina and freya giggled and blushed, dina’s legs thrown over freya’s lap.
“ok well… we’re gonna go to bed,” dina said, grabbing freya’s hand. you could see them smiling into kisses as they reached the front door.
“oh! young love,” you declared jokingly and ellie laughed.
“you wish kate was here?” she asked.
you paused, thinking.
“things are still a bit awkward between us, is it bad that i’m kind of glad she isn’t?”
you toyed nervously with the hair tie on your wrist. ellie shifted in her seat, mouth moving as if to speak but stopping herself, thinking of something better to say.
“if you’re happy then i don’t think it’s a bad thing.”
you smiled at her. her eyes bore into you and she almost looked nervous, her hands fidgeting with her rings.
“i am happy right now,” you voiced.
there was a moment of peaceful silence between you before you suddenly jumped up and grabbed her hand. she looked up at you, waiting.
“look at the stars with me? seeing as we’re here.”
her eyes softened, a doting smile covering her face as you both laid down on the ground, staring up at the dark night sky.
“it’s beautiful,” you whispered.
“it is.”
“we should go.”
“where? to space?”
“no, to starbucks,” you quipped, “yes to space!”
she turned her head to look at you, looking at the sky. she admired the glint in your eye and the way your cheeks looked when you smiled. her voice was hushed and soft.
“i’ll take you.”
you turned your head to look at her.
“how will we get there?”
“i’ll build us a spaceship.”
“oh with your excellent handyman skills?”
“yeah,” she laughed, “with my excellent handyman skills.”
“can it have a mirrorball inside? ooh and a record player and–and a mini bar.”
she laughed at your ridiculous requests for this hypothetical spaceship.
“it can have whatever you want.”
she bit her lip. your smiles faded as you looked at each other, taking in each other’s features under the dim moonlight. maybe that one beer had hit you too hard or maybe it was just the atmosphere of being at a lakeside cabin, but you couldn’t ignore the way your stomach flipped as ellie looked at you.
“well,” your voice accidentally came out a bit shaky, “it sounds almost too good to be true.”
she propped herself up on her forearm, now looking down at you as she laid on her side.
“does it?”
you slowly nodded your head and your eyes must have darted between her eyes and her lips because she leaned in, as if to test what you would do.
you shocked yourself when you lifted your head slightly, causing your noses to graze each other. your lips then ghosted over each other for a moment, both unsure if you should keep going. your brain felt foggy and you couldn’t think about anything else but her.
then, just as you thought you must have blacked out and were dreaming, she pressed a soft kiss to your lips and your body melted into the ground. it was sweet and delicate. her hand came up to hold the side of your face and yours held onto her arm. everything felt right and your earlier statement still held it’s truth, you were so happy but—
“oh my god,” you freaked, gripping her shoulder. not to push her completely away, just enough to stop the kiss.
“what am i doing?” you brought your other hand to your lips, touching them.
“fuck, i’m sorry,” ellie sighed and she moved off of you.
“no, i’m sorry. i’m the one with–“ you quickly sat up, feeling a wave of anxious nausea.
“i’m the one with a girlfriend.”
she sat up next to you, arms resting on her bent knees.
your brain was going a million miles per hour trying to process everything. one, you had just kissed your best friend, two, you had just cheated on your girlfriend and three, you had just fucking kissed your best friend! ellie! the girl you’d been close to for years and nothing had ever happened. the girl who knew you better than anyone else, warts and all. the girl who a part of you wished was still kissing you.
“let’s just forget it happened,” she sounded defeated but she was probably right.
“yeah, yeah ok,” you agreed, trying to convince yourself that this was fine, “maybe we should just go to bed.”
she nodded and you both stood up, brushing some grass off of your ass before you both slumped towards the cabin.
“after you,” she mumbled, opening the front door. you whispered a thanks before you both ascended the stairs, trying to be quiet so you didn’t disturb dina and freya. you reached your doors, which were directly opposite each other. you looked at each other for a moment before you awkwardly poked her in the arm.
“ok then… night, ellie.”
you turned to open your door but suddenly felt a hand grip your arm. the pull forced you to spin around to face her, her other hand catching your waist and pinning your body to hers.
her hasty lips caught yours in another kiss, your hands flew to her hair and shoulders. this kiss was a far cry from the sweet one you shared outside. it was hungry and frantic.
you broke for air, foreheads pressed together, hands still holding each other close.
“let’s not think about it,” she said breathlessly. you couldn’t think anyway. you just nodded your head and pulled her into another open mouthed kiss.
she felt for your bedroom door handle behind you and pushed you into the room, immediately collapsing on the bed. the room was only illuminated by the moonlight coming in through the window. her body weight pressed into you as she deepened the kiss.
eagerly, she started unzipping your shorts making you buck your hips up. she shoved them back down with her hand forcefully and resumed pulling your shorts off. you blushed in embarrassment at how wet you already were and her finger tips fluttered at the waistband of your underwear.
“can i touch you?” she asked, her voice low.
she wasted no time in bringing a finger down to press on your clothed clit. you moaned loudly, suddenly slapping a hand over your mouth.
“you gotta be quiet, baby.”
you frantically nodded, desperate for her to continue. she could feel the wet patch you had made and smirked to herself, pulling your underwear to the side and glided her middle finger through your slick folds.
“so fucking wet already,” she groaned. her finger collected your wetness before making slow, barely there circles on your clit.
“who is that for?” fuck you, you thought.
“y-you, ellie.”
her touch on your clit was so light it was making your body jolt at the sensitivity. your lips were parted and hers were ghosting over them, refusing any attempts you made at chasing a kiss.
she suddenly slid two fingers deep into you, restricting your moan with a hard, sloppy kiss. she moved them in and out a few times before curling them and hitting that spot over and over.
you whimpered when you felt her hand suddenly disappear but all she was doing was impatiently yanking your underwear off, muttering a “fuck” under her breath, before resuming her relentless pace.
she kissed you again to keep you quiet, as she quickly pulled her fingers out to rub circles on your clit and giving it a few taps before slipping them back inside.
your hands didn’t know what to do with themselves so with her free hand she grabbed one of your wrists and pinned it against the bed next to your head, using that along with her knees to hold herself up.
“oh fuck,” you cried.
“shh shh shh, i got you.”
your head was digging so hard into the pillow and you could feel yourself about to come. ellie could too by the way you clenched tightly around her.
“you gonna come, baby?”
you stumbled out a “yes” and lifted your head, begging for a messy kiss whilst she fucked you through your orgasm.
when you let out a soft sigh and your body relaxed, she kissed you on the forehead and slowly pulled her fingers out.
you looked up at her, feeling exhausted and in awe of the sight above you. you honestly felt drunk, even though you weren’t. she lifted her cum coated fingers up near your face and looked at them, not being able to decide whether she wanted to put them in her mouth or yours. you answered for her by taking her hand and swirling your tongue around her fingertips, before sucking them in completely.
“fuck,” her voice was quiet and husky, intoxicated by the way your pretty lips wrapped around her fingers. your eyes looking up at her at the same time nearly made her come in her boxers.
she was so mesmerised by you she didn’t even realise at first that you were sitting up, letting her fingers go with a pop, and shifting so that you were on top of her.
once her back hit the bed her hands went to your hips as you straddled her lap.
you pulled your t-shirt off, leaving you completely naked whilst she was still fully clothed. she practically gulped at the sight of your tits now on full display, a giddy smirk creeping onto her face. you trailed your hand down to the neckline of her t-shirt and tugged it. she got the message and took it off, throwing it across the room, not allowing her eyes to leave you for a second. your fingers traced over her nipple and down her stomach for a second making her flinch. you smiled to yourself and leant down to kiss her. her hands caressed your hips as you left kisses down her neck and then her stomach.
once you reached the waistband of her shorts you paused and looked up at her.
“can i?”
she nodded and you pulled her shorts and boxers down in one go, nestling yourself between her legs. you pushed her legs apart and licked a line up her cunt. she was also completely soaking, your tongue collecting the sweet taste when you started swirling it around her clit.
she grunted, gripping your hair in one hand. you worked your tongue around until she was basically shoving your head deeper into her.
“you taste so fucking good.”
she couldn’t help but grind herself against your tongue. but then you slipped a finger in and she was gone.
“oh god.” her voice was quiet and shaky.
you didn’t move your finger in and out, just curled and flicked it slowly whilst you continued assaulting her clit. soon enough she was gripping your hair tighter and coming on your tongue. she quickly pulled you up by your hair and slammed you into a kiss.
her hands grabbed your waist and she turned you both and pinned you to the bed again. she supported her weight on her forearms and looked down at you. you both stared at each other for a moment, slightly panting before you both burst out laughing.
she quickly put a finger on your lips and your hands flapped trying to cover her mouth as you both shushed each other.
she rolled off of you and laid on her back. you both slowly turned your heads to each other, again trying to stifle a laugh.
“what the fuck have we done?”
tag list: @ximtiredx @mattm1964 @robinismywifee @gold-dustwomxn
an: sooo the hallway kiss was inspired by nick and jess in new girl… let me know what you think of this part!! 💜
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Hallo! This isn't a smut request, but how do you think Dick Grayson would react to the reader liking being called a good girl? Have a nice day, and I LOVE how you write the Batfam! :3
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The moment Dick finds that you liked the praise he gives you, the teasing smirk is already spreading across his face as he commits this vital moment to memory.
He will use this knowledge to his advantage however he can just to see that expression he adored so much upon your face. You had unknowingly gave him an excuse to always be in your proximity however he can when he felt the need, the want to tease you just that little bit.
You didn’t have to be doing anything in particular for him to praise you;
You could be making breakfast and Dick would walk up behind you, hold you by the waist and whisper in your ear ‘making us breakfast are you? That’s my good girl/boy/spouse.’ He then kisses the side of your head all the while acting coy to the flustered look upon your face, or how your body seemingly stiffened up afterwards as he walks away, feeling accomplished.
You could be getting ready for the day ahead and Dick would only watch from the comfort of your shared bed, head in his hands, with an adoring look in his eyes that easily masked the mischief beneath.
‘What?’ You’d ask upon seeing him staring.
‘Oh nothing, just admiring how effortlessly gorgeous my pretty boy/girl/spouse is.’ Dick would say casually but smirk when he saw how your eyes were blown wide open, your shifting your weight out of habit when you don’t know how to respond for something, and how you suddenly found it hard to maintain eye contact with him.
Hell you could just be existing in harmony with Hayley and Dick would find it worth the praising.
‘Who’s daddy’s good little girl.’ He’d say mainly towards Hayley and could clearly see your immediate reaction out of the corner of his eyes, but choose to be ignorant of this until later one where he has you alone.
‘Hayley’s gone to bed.’ You tell him from your place on the couch as Dick sits next to you and places his hand on your thigh.
‘I know, is it wrong for me to spend time with you?’ He replied as you look at him suspiciously.
‘What do you want.’ You asked as you watched as Dick caressed your thigh and seemingly rest himself against your side.
‘Nothing. Other than to show my good girl/boy/ spouse a little bit of loving that I’ve been depriving them all day.’ Dick then says as he began peppering your neck in kisses as you groaned and moved your head back to give him more access, closing your eyes in bliss.
You gave Dick a power that he will not relent anytime soon but he would only use it sparingly and accordingly as to keep your reactions when he does is genuine and authentic.
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soupandsimple · 4 months
Feelings (with Aaron Hotchner)
[ the lead up of you and neighbor, Aaron, revealing you have feelings for each other ]
* fluff 🩶 (+ light angst)
** have never watched the show, have never wrote for him and will probably never write for him again but I’ve read a ton of his fics and had this idea and just really wanted to write it out and share it!(pls be nice)
Aaron is your divorcee neighbor; has been for about a year. Within that year, you’d say you’d become pretty good friends with him as well as with his son who he had with him most weekends. To anyone, it was all seemingly platonic from both ends. You’d bake and gift them batches of sweets and he’d take down any packages you may need sent out on his way to work in the morning…etc.
Any unspoken feelings either of you harbored unfortunately only began to come to light when his ex wife, Hayley, was horrifically killed.
Aaron came to your door as soon as he could the night of the tragedy and with glossy eyes said, “Is this a bad time? I need someone to talk to.”
“No, of course not. Come in,” your voice shook, instantly thinking the worst. “What happened Aaron, where’s Jack? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, he’s with..with Hayley’s family,” he said, struggling to keep up his stoic demeanor before completely breaking down in sobs. “Oh Y/N.. it’s awful, it’s — … you have- you have no idea.”
That was the first night you ever spent together. He had fallen asleep on your shoulder with teary eyes as you ran your fingers through his hair to soothe him. When you both woke up in the morning, Aaron apologized for burdening you with his troubles and said he had to get going to see what was going on with the funeral preparations. Although neither of you mentioned it, there was a shift in your friendship from that day forward.
After giving him some space to tend to what he needed to do, you went over to his place.
“Hi. I was going to come over yesterday but who wants to see anyone after a funeral..” you said lightly, walking in after he gestured you inside his apartment.
“I would have loved if you did.”
You nodded and tried not to blush as he closed the door. “Is Jack here?”
“No. I’m letting him spend one last day with Hayley’s parents while they’re still in town.”
He then went on to explain how the plan was for his sister-in-law, Jess, to start coming around to help out with Jack when he couldn’t be with him but that in the meantime, he’d be looking after him while he took some time off from work while Jack took some time off from school too.
“Well I hope you know you can also count on me helping out too.”
“I wouldn’t ask that of you, but you’re more than welcome to. I know Jack loves having you around...”
You ordered takeout that night so he wouldn’t have to make dinner or be alone and before you left, promised you’d be back in the morning.
“Y/N, when you said you could help I thought you meant after I went back to work. You don’t have to start rearranging your schedule yet, I’m still going to be around for a couple of days.”
“I know…but I know you and I know you’ve been putting up a brave front for me tonight and you don’t have to do that with me. I want to be here for you to lean on these coming days.”
“I don’t-”
“I’ll be here tomorrow, and don’t forget to drink that cup of tea I made you before bed, ” you said with a quick, parting hug, leaving him no time to protest as you were already back inside your own place.
You ended up helping the following days more than he ever expected. Since you were an assistant to an event planner, you worked mostly from home making and getting calls; the hours were very flexible so it gave you the ability to do all you could for the Hotchner boys.
Meals and household chores, like laundry and dishes, were all easier for Aaron to accomplish with you around; you were such a positive encouragement for both of them as you made sure Jack stayed on top of his tasks too, like making his bed, brushing his teeth and cleaning up after himself.
Of course with being over everyday, Jack began clinging to you more than he ever used to and while you loved the little boy to pieces, you were worried if you being around so much would affect him negatively. When you expressed your worries to Aaron one night after Jack went to sleep, he immediately put them to an end.
“I don’t know if you knew this but Hayley knew about you. Jack would talk to her about you … and she enjoyed it— listening to how much you cared for her little boy,” Aaron told you as you both stood leaning against the island in his dimly lit kitchen before you left for the night.
“I didn’t know that,” you answered, eyes beginning to gloss.
So what if he left out the small detail of Hayley telling him he should ask out his pretty neighbor Jack always talked about; that wasn’t the important part of the memory, well, important for the matter at hand anyway.
“And almost every night before bed, Jack tells me that he’s happy you’ve been coming everyday. That you make him feel ‘okay-er’. Y/N, he loves you and he knows you’re not here to replace anyone.”
Mind at ease then, with a small smile and a stray tear or two, you pushed yourself off the kitchen island and hugged yourself into his chest, which he more than happily accepted and embraced you tightly into for a minute.
“Thanks for making me feel ‘okay-er’ about all this,” you said, looking up at him from where your head rested against him.
He smiled down at you and wiped a tear from your cheek. “Thank you for being here for us.”
All was well as the days went on until it was time for Aaron to return to work. Jack had returned to school the day before and since everything went smoothly, Aaron could then confidently go back to work too knowing Jack had readjusted just fine.
But that morning, Aaron took longer than usual to come out dressed for the day after breakfast, and the time frame he could use to take Jack to school before work was starting to get dangerously close to closing.
“Hey Jack, I’m going to go check on your dad. If he doesn’t come out soon you just might be late for school. Stay put while I get him, finish watching your show,” you said, tickling his side a little making him giggle as you walked off to Aarons room.
You knocked twice at his door and when he didn’t answer either time, you took a little bit of a risk and went in uninvited. What you saw was him sitting on the edge of his bed, looking down at the floor pensively, dress shirt untucked and tie undone around his collar.
“Aaron?” you spoke quietly.
“I can’t do this,” he said, still looking down.
You closed the door behind you and slowly walked towards him.
“You can’t do what?”
“Return to the real world.”
Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you sat down next to him and waited for him to continue.
“It’s been- it’s been so great being here in the apartment with just Jack and you… in our own little private world but I’m afraid— it just all feels so different. I feel different. I don’t think I’m going back mentally the same way I left.”
“Well of course you’re not going back the same. You went through something incredibly traumatizing..”
You grabbed one of the bottom edges of his tie and looked down at your fingers as you delicately ran them back and forth over the smooth silk.
“Aaron, I know you’re a little nervous of stepping back into everyday life and I’m.. a little nervous for you too but you got this. I believe in you. You’re the best at what you do and nobody can take that away from you,” you said, letting go of the tie. When you looked up at him, his eyes were on you and seemed to be full of fondness; it made you blush.
“N-now finish getting ready so you can go drop off that adorable little boy out there in time,” you smiled, nervously standing from where you sat next to him.
As you turned to walk away, he stood too and stretched his hand out to gently grab one of your wrists. You turned back completely and both just looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds; millions of unspoken words and emotions passing between you.
He then finally spoke.
“I really hope I’m not ruining anything but more than ever, I think it’s important to tell you I’ve had feelings for you for pretty much as long as I’ve known you.”
“I’ve had those feelings too, for you,” you admitted.
Relieved, he smiled and you did the same. Slipping his hand down from your wrist, he then took your hand into his properly and interlocked his fingers with yours.
Towering over you like always, he stepped closer and closer and slowly craned his head down as he gently placed the hand that wasn’t holding yours, behind your head. You both closed your eyes and you could feel his lips right in front of yours but could tell he was hesitant to go further.
“Kiss me Aaron,” you told him with a little tremble in your voice. And although you couldn’t see him, you felt him smile before he softly pushed his lips against yours.
Your first kiss was a tender one but after the initial pull away, both his hands landed on your waist and yours around his neck as you leaned back into each other for a more heated and passionate kiss. It was an internal struggle, but eventually you managed to pull yourself away from his lips completely.
“Jack needs to get to school,” you giggled.
Aaron rested his forehead against yours. “And I need to get to work. This beautiful neighbor of mine believes in me and I don’t want to let her down.”
“Hm, sounds like a smart girl,” you teased.
He stood tall and interlocked his hands with each of yours. “Incredibly smart, incredibly caring, incredibly attractive.. the list could go on,” he concluded, embracing you with a warm hug and a kiss to the top of your head. <3
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you could do another os yn mikaelson Hope baby sister we’re when Hope has to go to school like something happen and yn appears magical in Alaric office and scream like a little girl that scared yn and macke her cry the super scuad hires and go to se what happened and Hope sea her baby sister
The Best Big Sister
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Flufftober, October 7th
Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none
a/n: I cant tell you how much I love writing big sister hope
You crawl around the house, you've been crawling for what seems like forever, and still no sign of your big sister. Where is she?
Your Mama and Dada seem perfectly fine and they don't seem to be worrying about where Hope is. But you are, and you want to make sure she's okay and she's not gone forever and you want her. You feel lonely. You have your parents and then your uncles and aunts, but it doesn't compare to your big sister.
You slump back down onto the ground, your back leaning against one of the walls in Hope's bedroom.
As you think of Hope and how much you want her, a tingly feeling goes throughout your entire body. One second you're on the ground of your sister's room, and the next you're sitting in a small office room. It kind of looks like Uncle Elijah's study.
You hear a scream from across the room, only to see a grown man that you have never seen before.
"Holy shit!" Alaric explains, jumping up from his office chair, and walks towards you.
Hearing the unknown man's loud voice makes your face freeze up before big tears start falling down your cheeks. Not long after, your silent tears turn into wailing.
Alaric's face pales, not knowing what to do. Sure he's had twin girls that he raised, but he doesn't know what to do with a baby that just magically appeared in his office.
Before he knows it, five teens fill the office in alert. That is until they see who's making the noise and that the headmaster is doing nothing about it.
"Why do you have a baby?" Kaleb asks, breaking the silence. "Well, she just appeared and when I sort of yelled, she burst out crying.
Hope makes her way to the front of the small crowd and recognizes you instantly. "Oh my god, y/n, how are you here?" Hope says quietly and kneels in front of you.
Your wailing comes to a halt upon hearing your sister's voice. She picks you up into her arms and cradles you against her chest before standing back up. She turns to face the others who have confused looks on their faces.
"How exactly do you know a baby?" Lizzie asks, wanting to know straight away.
"She's my sister, I'm pretty sure it would be weird if I didn't know my baby sister" Hope answers her with a raised eyebrow. "You have a sister?!" Lizzie exclaims.
"I thought you knew?" Hope turns to Josie to confirm it. Josie was the one who had found out when she walked into Hope's room while she was on a video chat with Hayley, and you were in your guys' mother's arms.
"She does. I did tell you, Lizzie, that Hope has a little sister" Josie turns to her twin. Hope told her that she was only allowed to tell Lizzie and to make sure that no one else would find out except the two siphoners.
"I thought you were joking about that" Lizzie states, staring at you. You look back at her, making eye contact.
Hope sighs and rolls her eyes, it's ironic how the one in this school who basically knows everything about everyone thought that a crucial fact her sister told her, was a joke.
"Why didn't we get to know any of this?" MG speaks up, referring to Kaleb and himself.
"I'll let you think it out, you'll get there eventually" Hope quips, before walking out of the office, ignoring the protesting calls from Alaric that she can't keep a baby in the school.
Like she'd ever keep her sister here with no one to watch over you 24/7 because she has classes.
When she gets up to her room, she shifts you to her hip and brings out her phone to call your guys' dad. As she dials the number, you nuzzle into the front of her shoulder, rubbing your cheek against the soft fabric of her shirt.
"Hey Dad, by any chance are you missing a cute little baby that goes by the name of y/n?" Hope smirks, noticing Klaus' distressed answer to the call.
"Yes, why?" Klaus answers immediately. "Don't worry anymore, and stop looking. She's with me. She somehow did a spell by accident, im guessing, and wound up in Headmaster Saltzman's office. She's alright and byt the looks of it is about to fall asleep, so I can maybe drive up back to the house and drop her off tomorrow?" Hope asks since she wants to spend a night alone with you, and she secretly has a bin of things for you if you ever happen to have come here anyway.
Klaus agrees after some persuading, and she hangs up. "Time for some big sister and little sister time!" She quietly exclaims and kisses the top of your head.
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athenamikaelson · 9 months
hii i was wondering if you could do a imagine where the reader is klaus daughter and she is a tribrid like hope and her boyfriend died or something like that (you can change it idc) and she turns her humanity off and she is all badass and he tries to turn it back on also i love your blog
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Klaus Mikaelson x Daughter!Reader
Summary- Reader is Klaus’ daughter and also a tribrid, her boyfriend gets killed which results in her flipping the switch. Klaus is there to get her to turn her humanity back on. Also, I didn’t know whether to add Hayley as her biological mother so I’m going to leave that up to you guys and just write the character as someone who had a mother-daughter LIKE relationship. Hayley is also still dead, RIP Queen. 
Word Count- 1.6k
A/N- Thank you for the request! And thank you for the compliment!!! <3
Warnings- Blood, Reader has no filter and no cares, mentions of death and killing, body parts, alcohol, swearing, Klaus and the reader have unresolved issues, Reader digs on Hope. (I love you Hope, no one can make me hate you.)
Blood drips down my lips as I throw the body of some rando onto the floor of the dusty-ass bar I’m in. I bring my hand up, wiping the stray crimson liquid off my chin, and bring it back to my lips. I sigh escapes my lips at the taste. Feeling a moment of euphoria; well technically as much euphoria as someone with no emotions can experience.  
I catch the sound of the bar door opening from behind me and turn prepared to kill whomever decides to walk in. Unfortunately, the biggest earsore decided to grace my presence. If I could feel annoyance at this moment, I would. I let out a sigh of annoyance as I stared at my father. He stands at the entrance of the bar and casts a glance at the piles of bar patrons, or more truly the bar patrons' body parts, that are scattered across the floor. 
“Well, it appears you’ve been busy.” He says with a smirk and slight tilt of his head. He kneels and picks up the head of a man by his hair and glances at me with a raised eyebrow. 
“You’ve been hanging out with your Uncle too much appears,” he says as he tosses the head back down as if it’s trash. 
I just raise a shoulder as I walk behind the bar and pour myself a glass of bourbon. 
“Says the man with the nickname, Klaus the Mad.” I shoot back as I down the brown liquor. 
“Touche, Little Moon. I do have to say your,” My father pauses as he glances at the bodies around the bar, “habits, definitely come from my side of the family.” He appears to smirk in fatherly approval and then quickly covers it up with a shake of his head. 
“Your Uncle Elijah wouldn’t approve of this you know?” He says as he reaches for the bourbon bottle. I watch as he pours himself a drink but before he can grab the glass I speed to grab it. I stare at him as I down the drink and then give him a thoughtful look, “Well why doesn’t he tell me that himself?” My father’s smirk drops and we stare at each other for a moment before I lean back onto the counter and raise my hand in a matter-of-fact movement, “Oh, right. He can’t. Because he’s like dead.” My father just rolls his eyes.
“You done?” He asks me with a look of disapproval only a father could master. I stare at him for a moment, tapping my chin and pretending to be in deep thought.
“Well I mean there’s like countless other dead relatives I could bring up,” I bring my right hand up and start counting on my fingers, “Josh, Hayley, Cami, Jackson.” I ponder some more thinking of all the other people that have died because of my family. 
“Your boyfriend. Don’t forget to add him to the list.” I freeze for a split second as I hear my father’s words. I look at him and he’s staring at me with a knowing look. It takes me only another fraction of a second before I let out a laugh. 
“I’m not turning it back on,” I tell him as I cross my arms and lean back against the counter. He stares back at me and taps his chin in the same way I had done moments before. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, turn what back on, Little Moon?” He says with a tone that makes me want to stick a white oak stake into his heart. 
“Let me guess, Hope calls you crying to Daddy that her sister is going off the rails and hurting and killing people and needs to be stopped. Even though like a month ago she was going around telling everyone, “I’m the big scary tribrid I can’t be killed” and then goes and kills our friends?” I say in a matter-of-fact tone at my sister’s hypocrisy. 
My father lets out a sigh as he goes to walk behind the bar next to me, he comes to stand next to me and I subconsciously take a step away resulting in my father stopping and staring at me. 
“Y/N, Hope regrets everything she did and only wants you to know that turning your switch off is only a temporary fix.” I pretend to put a small smile on myself before dropping it and laughing in my father’s face.
“God Dad, you’d do a killing at a TED talk, maybe next you can tell a group of teenagers with anxiety to just “chill out”  and that it’s all in their heads. Also, why the fuck did Hope get you to do her dirty work, why can't the big bad tribrid come and face me herself?” 
“OK first, I have no idea what the bloody hell a TED talk is. And second, your sister called me worried and we both thought it would be a better decision that I come and talk to you. We both know that you have the emotional capacity of a Mikaelson. Just like your father.” He says with a small smile on his face. 
“I remember once when you were 11 Kol told you that he wouldn’t teach you a certain spell because he said it was too advanced for you at that age. In retaliation, you went behind his back, stole the spell, and tried your hardest to do it. But as much as I hate to give your Uncle Kol any praise and I deny this if you ever tell him, Kol knows too much about spells and witch stuff so he was right about the spell being for a higher age level.”
I stand there remembering the exact story he’s retelling. 
“No, it wasn’t.” I deny. He stares at me and raises his eyebrow.
“You caught your hair on fire, all of it burned off and Hayley had to buy you a wig. The wig was also an atrocious purple color.” 
I just stare at him for a second and then nod remembering that the purple wig really was a horrible decision. For a split moment, I felt a light feeling in my chest at the memory but as quickly as I felt it I pushed it away. 
“Let that feeling in, Little Moon,” he tells me as he reaches his hand out to touch my arm, but in a split moment, I grab his arm and push it back to a breaking point and push him away speeding to the edge of the room away from him. 
“Don’t even try it, Dad, giving me a funny childhood story isn’t going to make me instantly turn it back on. One funny story doesn’t amount to all the other shit that went on,” I look at him in anger, “Do you remember why Hayley had to be the one to buy me the wig and not you?” My father’s face falls and goes to say something but I stop him. 
“Hayley had to do it because you weren’t there. You. Weren’t. There. You had to hear this story from Hayley’s letters to you. Letters you never responded to. Just like the phone calls you never responded to me. Waiting by the phone every birthday, waiting for my father to call me, or watching the other girls go to the Daddy daughter dances while my father is across the world killing innocent people. So don’t for a second try to doting father act. I have every right to want a break for one second in my fucking life. Y/B/N dying was just the cherry on top of the fucked up ice cream that is my life.” I finish yelling at him as he stares at me with noticeable regret and heartbreak in his eyes. I watch as he picks up his hand and goes to reach out to me but drops it once I flash my tribrid eyes at him in warning. 
“I know I wasn’t there for most of your childhood and I will always regret that,” My dad looks down at his hands and for the first time in my life I see the most feared man in the world look as little and humane as a mortal man, “but I’m here now Y/N. And I’m not going anywhere. You can flash your eyes at me, bite, and yell at me, even threaten me but I’m not going anywhere. I’ve lived a long time and have seen many people go through what you’re going through Little Moon. And I know you’re hurting and I know I’ve left you before and I will spend forever making up for that. And right now you need your family and, I’ll follow and annoy you until you’re ready to flip that switch. Always and forever, My Little Moon.”
When my father is done with his monologue I place another solemn look on my face and walk over to him and give him a small smile. My father seems to lighten up at my approach and goes to meet me but as he comes to pull me into a hug I speed behind him and snap his neck dropping his dead body onto the ground. His body blends with all the other dead people that are already scattered around the bar. 
“You can take your Always and Forever and shove it down your throat,” I say to his dead body as I walk out of the bar.
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klausysworld · 2 years
“In certain situations, like when he knows you’re trying to make him jealous or when one of you is particularly needy, he will just fuck you in the nearest secluded area with a hand over your mouth to muffle your pleasured screams.
Sis I just love the recent NSFW POST of yours! This concept had me 😧😧😧🥵🥵 Can you write something like this whenever suitable?
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All his
Klaus had made me go to this ball thing, something about a truce with the factions and Elijah saying we all had to behave.
Rebekah had me dressed in a tight blood red dress that hand a high slit in the leg going right up my thigh. It pushed my tits together perfectly leaving no need for a bra, this however caused my nipples to show a little through the fabric. Sometimes that clashed with Elijah’s rules of our ‘best behaviour’
So there i was making my way through the crowds of people to Rebekah and Hayley
“Klaus seen your outfit yet y/n?” Hayley asked trailing her eyes down my body as she handed me a glass of champagne, Rebekah smirked as i did a little spin to show how it squeezed my hips
“you don’t think he’ll like it?” i asked with a fake pout on my face
“oh he’ll like it…just not when there’s a hundred other people also eyeing you up” she said gesturing to the hungry eyes watching my movements
“he can’t yell at me till later, may as-well have fun” i grinned and took their hands as we made our way to dance
The ball ended up being a little more…club like by the time Klaus had actually decided to join the room. His brows furrowed as he approached a clearly unamused Elijah
“why are there strippers dry humping each other in our house?” he asked confused
“it would seem our sister, Hayley and Y/n decided to…’spice things up’ as they put it.” Elijah air-quoted with a tight lip smile
“Y/n’s in there?” he laughed not really thinking you would be so bold
“mhm right in the middle. Just over…there….” he pointed to Klaus’s lover, he turned back to see if Niklaus could spot you but found he was already marching his way though everyone
“Y/N!” i could faintly hear my name being yelled over the music and i looked around, my eyes met Klaus’s dark angry ones and i gulped, Rebekah pushed me and called a “good luck” as i made my way to him. Just as i got to him someone grabbed my hand and spun me making me gasp, hands were on my hips and i was pulled right against someone. This someone was not Klaus. I tried to pull myself away but he wouldn’t let go, he put a harsh kiss to my neck and before i could react i was ripped out of his arms and was being hauled out the room.
I was shoved into the bathroom and a hand gripped my jaw
“how. dare. he.” Klaus spat as he glared at the mark left on my neck. His eyes bled into gold, veins covered all under his eyes as a possessive growl sounded in his throat
“i- i didn’t think that would happen i swear” i spoke in a pleading tone hoping he wouldn’t think i had the intention of being touched by anyone else, marked by someone else
“i know, it’s just unfortunate you have to suffer because of someone else’s actions” i went to ask what he meant but his fangs in my throat wouldn’t allow any words to form. He wasn’t gentle like he normally was. His hand on my jaw was tight and he gulped my blood down hungrily, i could feel my skin tear open slightly when he pulled his mouth away. His tongue lapped at the blood that dripped now me
“You. are mine. Why do people not know that for fucks sake” his tone was dangerous and low, i felt my underwear stick to me as i dampened them. Quickly he picked me up and sat me on the sink, he yanked my panties off and spread my legs as wide as the dress would let them. Immediately two of his fingers were sliding up and down my folds making me jump and grab onto his arm
“you’re fucking soaked” he told me and shoved his fingers in my mouth. I sucked them after a second and swirled my tongue over them. He pulled them out and grabbed my face again. I looked at his predatory eyes before he pulled me to him and forced his tongue into my mouth, he kissed me in a rushed aggressive manner leaving me no time to try catch up as he dominated my mouth.
“put your legs around me” he ordered still swallowing my tongue. i complied and wrapped my legs around his waist, our bodies flush against each other. I wound my fingers into his hair trying to keep up and his teeth clashed against mine, he bit into my bottom lip and sucked at the blood that began pooling, i gave a surprised moan in response.
I felt his hands leave my face and the sound of a belt hitting the floor, i tried to pull away to see when he was doing but a hand was brought to the back of my head pushing me into him. A second later i felt his swollen cock at my entrance, he pulled me off the sink and thrust up into me, i gasped and then moaned and he went straight into a bruising pace. I was slammed against the bathroom wall as he moved at an inhuman speed. He pulled away from the kiss and started to suck as many marks into my neck as he could. His hands gripped my hips as he pushed the skirt of my dress up.
My mouth hung wide open as my walls clenched continuously around him, strangled sounds escaped me while i pulled at his hair, he grunted and then tore the skirt of the dress off of my body completely and threw in on the floor
“Tell me Y/n, what did you expect to happen when you had your tits on full display?” his thrusts became deeper and even more forceful hitting somewhere overwhelming inside me, a scream sounded through the room as tears ran down my cheeks
“im sorry! im sorry klaus im sorry” i sobbed with my face in his neck hiccuping back my cries of fulfilment, my limbs went limp against him, i tightened around him more than i ever had before
“fuck there’s a good girl huh? All fucking mine.” i nodded helplessly, the waves of bliss crashing through me repeatedly while he continued to fuck me. He groaned and grunted into my ear, the sound of our skin meeting and our content noises drowned out the sounds of the party still happening in the next room.
“i need- klaus…can i-“ i moaned before i could ask but he knew what i wanted as a thumb was on my awaiting clit rubbing harsh and fast circles. I lifted my head and pressed my mouth back to his as i let the feeling inside of me snap. We both moaned lowly into each other, i milked his cock for the next few moments while he carried on moving inside of my walls slowing down gradually to ride out both our highs.
“Alright y/n, alright. Come here, i’ve got you” he lifted me off of his cock and carefully lowered me onto my heeled feet making me wobble slightly.
“take them off for me love” i glanced at him and saw him fully kick his trousers off away from his ankles and i realised we weren’t finished. I slipped out of the heels and looked up at him, he groaned as he studied me, i had grip marks on my thighs, hips and neck, the only thing i was wearing was the top part of what was once a dress and even then it barely did anything, my nipples were hard showing through and they were only just covered anyway especially from being fucked against the wall, my breasts had almost bounced out. My mascara was down my face, my hair messy and my upper body littered in hickeys.
“bend over the sink” his voice was monotone and although it somewhat scared me i could still feel my clit pulse and slowly made my way back to the sink, i got a grip on the sides of it and bent myself over
“legs apart and arch your back for me”
“okay..” i whispered nodding and followed his directions
i felt his warm hands on my shoulders as he massaged them for a moment, he pushed his finger into the top of the dress at the back and pulled ripping it down the middle, i inhaled nervously as it fell to the floor and he traced my spine
“Relax love, you know i wouldn’t harm you” i nodded and flexed my fingers before getting a better grip as i let my eyes fall closed. He took his length into his hand and pumped himself a few times before carefully pushing into me from behind.
I moaned out and pushed my ass back against him taking him all the way. One arm wrapped around my waist and held my hip while the other applied a pressure on my back to keep it arched. He began with slow but jarring movements, seeing just how deep he could hit in this new position. I clenched around him a few times making sure i was comfortable as guttural sounds vibrated through me.
Quickly he lost all sense of sense of control and began thrusting with his combination of vampire and werewolf strength. I let out heavy moans as he repeatedly smashed into just the right spot. His grip on me got tighter as he bent over with me so his chest touched my back and grunted into my shoulder
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and his hand was held over my mouth. He squeezed my face in his hand and fucked me even harder, my moans coming out as muffled cries as i rocked my body back and forward to meet his movements
“someone in there?” Klaus dragged his teeth to my earlobe as someone spoke from the door
“should we let them hear how much you love me fucking you from behind?” he whispered gruffly as his other hand found my clit and i screamed into his palm.
“scream my name” he demanded as he removed his hand and buried his teeth back into my neck, he released deep inside me as i fluttered and throbbed my cum going all down my legs that nearly gave out beneath me when i cried out his name over and over.
Gasps were heard from the next room but all i could focus on was the full feeling of him still inside me as i whimpered. He thrust a couple more times before pulling out, his fingers stayed on my clit as they continued to rub fairly quickly. My legs buckled but he kept my body up as he played between my thighs still draining my neck. I began to feel dizzy, my next orgasm taking over far too quickly as electric shocks went straight to my core. My clit was on fire while i kept moaning his name. His teeth left my throat and he latched his mouth to mine in a desperate kiss. He swallowed around my tongue and explored my mouth, again. My sounds didn’t falter despite him trying to drown them, I felt the tension inside me break again and i sobbed at the overstimulation. I ached and closed my legs as soon as his fingers left me alone.
He lowered me onto the floor and i led into a foetus position. I could hear him putting his clothes back on before returning and petting my hair
“i don’t want anyone to see me naked” i whispered and he nodded kissing my head
“nobody but me will ever see you like this, i promise you i would never let that happen” He came down onto his knees and sat me up. My arms were put into his jacket sleeves and he did up the front buttons. Gently i was lifted into the bridal style carry, the jacket nearly went down to mid thigh and he tucked my head into his neck
“you did so good for me sweetheart you know that?” i whined and tugged the blazer further down my legs, he put his hand just below my ass so nobody would be able to see up and exited the bathroom, he made his way to our room with a fast pace. I could hear Hayley drunkenly cheer and Rebekah laughing sluggishly
He locked the bedroom door behind us and slid us both under the covers
“you’re all mine y/n, i love you too much to let anyone else have you”
“all yours promise”
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madissonsworld · 6 months
Imagine being pregnant with klaus kid and be having pregnancy hormones.
This is my first time writing something were, so it’s probably not very good, but everything takes time right !!
I hope you like it 🫶🏻
I just woke up feeling the other side of the bed cold, rapidly noticing that klaus was not by my side. I ignored the fact and got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
I just made 3 months of pregnancy and I was full of mood swings and it was literally annoying me. I couldn’t take this, one minute I was happily laughing with klaus and the next minute I was screaming at him that I was tired of him.
I got out of the shower, prepared myself and went down there. I needed to eat urgently!
Getting to the kitchen, Rebekah was standing there with a blood bag in her hands talking with Elijah meanwhile Davina and Hayley were in the couch watching Netflix. I prepare myself a good breakfast.
“Do you know where Nik is?” I ask Rebekah
“I think he went out with Kol, but I don’t know where” she said. I whisper a mhm and went sitting in the couch.
“What are you guys watching?” I said putting my orange juice and my plate in the table in front of me
“Lucifer” Davina responded
After 3 episodes, I had already eat everything but was still no sign of klaus. I was really getting mad and sad at the same time. I decided to go upstairs to my bedroom and watch a movie by myself.
1 hour .
1 bloody hour has passed and still no sign of klaus. I’m mad but mostly worried.
It’s 1 pm and lunch is being prepared, when klaus suddenly walks into the room.
“Where were you?” I shouted at him
“I’m sorry” he says, and then I realize he was full of blood in his Henley.
“Ah, that’s why you disappeared all this hours. Couldn’t you just leave a note or something?? Huh? I was worried with you for crying out loud” I say
“I went out with Kol to help him to chose a ring for Davina when we were attacked” he said calmly
“You were atta-“ I started but he rapidly respondes
“It wasn’t a big deal, it was some vampires, nothing to you to worry about.” He assured me, and when I went to talk I started crying
“Why are you crying?” He worries, and I really don’t know the answer
“I don’t know.” I say “It must be the bloody hormones, now I’m always like this, and I can’t make it stop.”
And when I thought he was going to hug me. No. The idiot started laughing.
“Ah, you think it’s funny huh??” I say
“No love, not at all” he said, although he continued laughing.
“Your an idiot” I said and he kissed me
“And your so cute when your mad” he smiled trying to kiss me again, but this time I refused the kiss
“You don’t deserve my kisses” I said
“Ah love, you’re playing with fire” he whispered
“Come to lunch” We head Rebekah scream from the living room
“I very much like the harm” I said, walking to the door, seeing klaus following me
“Oh, you can’t go like that, you’re full of blood” I told him and immediately switched his shirt and we both went to lunch.
“We are going to watch a romance movie after lunch “ I said while we walked down the stairs
“No. I refuse.” He said
“You owe me, after disappear for hours and not telling anything” I said back
I hear a sigh coming from him and I already knew I won. This is gonna be an amazing afternoon.
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calummss · 1 year
Infect Me With Your Lovin, Fill Me With Your Poison | Klaus Mikaelson
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summary: you have rejected klaus mikaelson a few more than once, even if he charmed you. when you find out that klaus slept with hayley, jealousy overcomes you and makes you snap at the hybrid who in return gets exactly what he wants
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 2.7k
a/n: please listen to this song whilst reading if you can!! life changing
tw: sexy vampire x hybrid smut (blood, kinky sexy) 18?+ smut BUT i can’t write smut well so i wrote some stuff and as everyone knows by now, self interpreted ending :)
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‘Where have you been?’ Caroline asked as soon as you entered the back garden of the Mikaelson house, her eyes telling you that she was already fed up.
‘Dreading to come actually,’ you rolled your eyes, immediately snatching Caroline’s planner chart to see what had to be done by today.
Apparently Klaus and his siblings wanted to host some kind of ball and asked Caroline to help, and Caroline being Caroline couldn’t say no. Not only that but she also dragged you into today’s schedule because Klaus had a soft spot for you and thought you could protect her from him, and there was the other reason being that you also loved planning and organising.
‘Caroline, those blue flowers are so ugly…are you seriously going to use them?’ You judged her as she gave you the same look back.
‘Yes,’ she beamed sarcastically, ‘Morning glories are pretty.’
You cleared your throat.
‘Well maybe you should’ve been there when we discussed everything today.’
‘Caroline, please.’ You breathed, silently enjoying the banter. ‘I was not hating…just, you know, judging.’
‘Then stop.’ She snapped, taking back her chart and started to walk towards the terrace where Tyler and Matt tried to detangle pairs of fairy lights.
Chuckling at the two, you observed the scenery in front of you. Flowers in full bloom, greenery as wide as the eye could see as well as a pond that served as a home to multiple ducks. But at the bridge that led to a gazebo that stood on a small hill, you saw Hayley and Klaus talking. They were too far away to eavesdrop but you could tell that she kept smiling at him. You have rejected Klaus Mikaelson more than a few times, even if he charmed you. You just weren’t quite ready to date the most evil villain in supernatural history, but seeing Klaus with Hayley made you clench your teeth.
‘Oh my, I’m so sorry.’ A girl bumped into you with a box Caroline most likely sent her to another location of the house.
‘Watch where you’re going.’ You scoffed, defensively squaring up.
‘I apologise.’ She murmured, her eyes quickly glancing left to right.
‘And I said watch where you are going.’ You stepped closer, so close that you could lean forward to compel her. ‘I want you to go home and write down 100 reasons why you’ll never be worth anything.’
The girl left just as Caroline approached you with an angry look on her face.
‘What was that?’ She kept her eyes on her.
‘I compelled her to leave.’
‘We need help here. Hello? I mean we only have a few hours left!’
‘She was useless Caroline.’ You stated, letting your head fall back. ‘I’ll do whatever she has to do.’
‘You better,’ her white teeth smiled at you.
‘By the way,’ you straightened yourself, staring back into the distance where Hayley and Klaus were still talking about god knows what. ‘Why is that wolf girl smiling at Klaus like she owes him just that?’ You shot back one of the champagne glasses that stood on the table, quickly wiping a drop with your sleeve.
‘You haven’t heard,’ Caroline raised her eyebrows, she too now staring at the two of them. ‘Tyler’s bitchy werewolf friend Hayley slept with Klaus. Don’t ask why, I wouldn’t know how that happened.’
‘So why does she keep smiling at him?’
‘Maybe she fell for him.’
Somehow hearing that made you uneasy, like you wanted to rip her heart from her chest.
‘Why?’ Caroline smirked, turning to face you. ‘Jealous?’
‘What?’ You snapped back.
‘Oh come on, Klaus has been practically drooling over you and you kept pushing him away. I’d say you’re jealous because maybe he moved on.’
‘He didn’t move on,’ You grabbed another glass.
‘You say that so confidently.’
‘He sent me a dress to wear tonight,’ you took a sip, ‘a pink one. He knows my favourite colour is pink…he still likes me. Even asked me for a dance.’
‘So are you going to give him a chance?’
You kept your eyes on Hayley who had just put her hand on Klaus’ arm, throwing herself onto him hidden by a violent laugh.
Shooting back the second glass you walked past Caroline.
‘I’m going to get more decorations from inside the house.’
‘They’re in one of the backrooms!’ Caroline shouted from behind as you walked into the house to get away from anything Klaus and Hayley related. The thought of them having sex made your stomach churn. But it also sparked a flame from within; hatred; jealousy? You were pretty sure you were jealous you just didn’t want to admit it just yet.
Walking into a room you were greeted by many cardboard boxes that were filled to the brim with all sorts of decorations. Some where definitely for Christmas, others for Easter. Grabbing a garland you tried pulling it out but it didn’t budge. Repeatedly you tried to get it out, tons of ornaments refusing to move under the massive amounts of other stuff.
‘Why won’t this come out!’ You sneered, ripping part of it off and throwing it at the wall.
‘There there, love,’ Klaus’ voice caught you by surprise, turning around to see him leaning against the door frame. ‘I don’t know what that poor garland did to you but certainly it couldn’t have hurt you that much.’
‘What do you want?’, you scoffed, once again trying to get that bloody garland out but it would just not move.
‘Why do I have the feeling that you have been ignoring me, love?’
‘I don’t know, have I?’
‘Come on,’ Klaus stepped further into the room, arrogance dripping down his shoulders. ‘It’s rude not to let me know why…’
You turned around to face him, your body starting to feel warm. ‘Why don’t you go back to Hayley hm?’
‘So this is about Hayley? I suppose Caroline told you. You two seemed pretty close just moments ago.’
‘So it’s true then? You slept with her?’
‘Shouldn’t I have?’ He cocked his head, his devilish smirk adding to the rising warmth within.
You stayed quiet and instead turned around to face your luck once more.
‘Does it bother you?’
‘No it doesn’t bother me,’ you grabbed ahold of the decoration once more. ‘You can fuck whomever you want to, Klaus. Just leave me alone and go back to fucking her, why-the-fuck-won’t-this-stupid-decoration-come-out!’
‘You’re jealous.’ Klaus chuckled, you could hear it in his voice how amused he was.
‘I’m not. You go back to that little slut of yours and leave me alone.’ You stepped closer.
‘I have fancied you for months so now when I sleep with someone you suddenly seem to care…why?’
‘Okay fine, Klaus,’ your hand fell over your face, bile starting to rise in your throat. ‘I care. I am so angry at you for sleeping with Hayley when you should’ve fucked me!’
Klaus continued to smirk, his eyes glistening. Somewhat happy that you finally had exploded and accepted that you actually had like him for longer.
‘First of all, love,’ he came even closer, his chest so close you could almost feel his heartbeat through your chest. ‘I wouldn’t just fuck you, I would worship you.’
‘Is that what you told Hayley?’ You gazed into his eyes, his lips so close you could almost taste him.
‘Barely did any talking.’ Klaus’ nose brushed against your, ‘I thought of you whilst I was inside of her,’
‘That doesn’t exactly make a girl swoon,’ A suppressed laugh escaped your lips, breaking eye contact before Klaus’ finger pushed your head back up at him.
‘Let’s not pretend that you don’t love it, Y/n,’ he said sturn. ‘Why keep this wall up of yours.’
You raised your eyebrows.
‘Come on, darling. You love that the bad guy has a soft spot for you.’ He chuckled. ‘No one’s going to judge you for wanting to sleep with me…maybe even more.’
His lips came closer and closer, both hands already cupping your face. You really wanted to kiss him. You really did.
Heat arose from your stomach to your chest. His lips were getting closer and your heart skipped a beat. His dark blue eyes sparked with sin as his eyes didn’t leave your gaze. Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees got weaker. The empty void that filled the space between your bodies was filled with his presence as he stepped even closer. Your whole body tingled, the feeling of his frame leaning on yours, as his arms wrapped around you felt nearly forbidden. His lips brushed against yours, softly, delicately, like you were a porcelain figure, one crack away from falling to pieces and being broken forever. Seconds later the gap was closed. His hands cupped your face as his lips crashed into yours, lips plump and smooth against your own. His arms found themselves to your back, pulling you closer than was possible—you also wanted to be closer to him. You could only focus on how soft he felt against your lips, how addictively he invaded all your senses.
You pushed away from him before he could indulge once more as you hastily pulled back from the kiss.
‘We shouldn’t do this. This is a terrible idea.’ Your thoughts scattered across the floor, breathing heavily.
‘You’re right . . . Want to do it again?‘
Barely a sound escaped you before he cupped your face again, kissing you more forcefully than before; your arms finding their way to his neck, making sure you wouldn’t fall from the force he was impacting you with. His arms were around your lower back, pulling you towards his torso. Your hands had found his hair that you had secretly been dreaming of tugging since the moment you saw. Not breaking the kiss you went to one of the bedrooms just next door, closing it before resuming the kiss.
You parted your lips, urging him to open his, moaning into his mouth. Dragging his lips against your cheek up to your ear, his hand found your face again, his thumb pulling down your bottom lip, breaking the kiss again, your eyes meeting, now under different circumstances.
You tore off his shirt, gently stroking his chest as he pulled of your trousers and shirt as you kissed him again. His tongue pushing past yours, his hands at the back of your head pushing you further into his kiss.
You played with his belt, trying to unbuckle it as he clipped off your bra leaving you in only your panties. Your fingers continued to brush against the light stubble on his lower abdomen when he suddenly broke the kiss, his eyes darkening as his lip curled almost devilishly.
Klaus walked over to the door, ‘Do you get turned on listening to people have sex, Hayley?’, and swiftly opened the door to reveal Hayley whose eyes were wide with shock, taken aback by having been found.
Klaus pulled Hayley into the room by the collar of her jeans jacket, locking the door to ensure that no other person would interrupt again.
‘I didn’t mean to.’ She said, barely audible as the shame started to settle in, her fingers playing with the hair tie around her wrist. ‘I won’t tell anyone.’
‘We don’t care if anyone knows about us, love.’ Klaus drawled, rolling his eyes.
Hayley’s eyes met yours before they visibly travelled down to your naked chest that already bore red spots from Klaus’ foreplay.
‘You are interrupting.’ You said coldly, almost hissing as you felt the annoyance rise in you, your fingernails digging into your palms as you tried to control yourself.
Klaus gazed at you then back at Hayley.
‘Now what do we do with you,’
‘I want her dead, Klaus.’ Monotone. You could only stare at her, your mind filling with images of every way you could ensure to stop her beating heart.
He chuckled. ‘You hear that little wolf? My darling girl wants you dead…,’ his hands grabbed Hayley’s shoulders and squared them with his. ‘And everything my girl wants she gets.’ Klaus looked directly into her eyes. ‘Stand here and don’t move.’
He moved her hair from her neck, ‘Fancy a drink, love?’
You stepped towards Hayley, your eyes filling with lust as your teeth finally pierced through her delicate skin. The thick sweet taste of werewolf blood coating your tongue as you felt an euphoric rush travel through your veins. You could feel the life drain out of her body as shallow breaths of dying filled your ears. Glimpsing over at Klaus who also had his teeth buried into her neck, you noticed that he already had been staring at you.
Blood started to drip down the corners of your mouth, falling onto your chest, nipples hardening in arousal. The warm blood messily smearing over your naked body. Taking your index finger, you collected some of the blood and placed it on your tongue, closing your mouth around it as you sucked it off, your eyes never leaving his.
Klaus pushed Hayley’s dead body to the ground, clenching his jaw. You stood inches apart, your nose picking up the scent of blood mixed with his cologne.
Seconds later the gap was closed again. His hands cupped your face as his lips crashed into yours. His arms found themselves back at your back, pulling you closer.
‘If only I had known how twisted you really are,’
Your eyes found his; chest rising and falling heavily waiting for him to finish his sentence.
‘I would’ve fucked you sooner.’ Klaus smirked, pulling you in for one more heated kiss before he pulled away. His breath sent shivers down your spine, raising goosebumps on every available patch of skin that was naked to the open.
Your breath hitched when you suddenly felt his mouth on your tits. He started to trace long slow licks; licking of the blood. His right hand found its way to your other breast, massaging it thoroughly and pinching your hardened nipple. You bit your lower lip closing your eyes as you felt your heart beat outside of your chest, your cunt aching from between your thighs, soft moans escaping your blood stained lips.
‘God you are so beautiful.’
‘Fuck,’ you hissed, his tongue starting to flick your nipples as your fingers buried themselves his his hair. Gently tugging it.
Your hands fell to his face bringing him to your face, and forcefully kissed him again, the sight of him being covered in blood sending heat waves down to cunt, feeling that your panties were already soaked. Your arms found their way to his neck, to make sure you wouldn’t fall from the force he was impacting you with. His arms were around your lower back, pulling you towards his body.
‘She tastes good but you would taste better,’
He pushed your body onto the bed, ripping off your panties as a long lick from your hole to your clit made you arch your back. His finger parted your lips and started to explore your already wet cunt, his teeth biting the thin skin of your inner thighs.
‘We barely started and you're soaked? Just for me,’ he chuckled. ‘And here I thought you hated me. Turns out you’ve just been fighting me?’ You closed your eyes and turned your head to the side, difficulty concentrating as he started to push his tongue deeper into you. Slowly he began to pump his fingers out of you, too slow for your liking. Your hands grasped his wrist, nails digging into his skin, asking for more.
‘Not satisfied darling?’ He cocked at you.
You could only concentrate on the pleasure you were receiving, and whimpered out a no. You barely had time to take another breath before he reattached his mouth to your aching cunt.
‘Fuck!’ You yelled out, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair. A deep moan escaped his lips, sending vibrations through your body. He added another finger going even faster than his previous pace, curling his fingers, hitting your spot perfectly.
He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you, making you cry out in euphoria. With every forceful hit you felt your orgasm draw nearer and nearer. It felt like a knot inside of your stomach was going to explode any second which Klaus started to notice. Just before you could release your screams, he pulled out his digits and grinned.
‘Please make me cum,’ You whimpered out desperately.
Klaus’ lips hovered over yours, giving you a taste of yourself as you caught his lips. ‘With time, love.’
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astro-b-o-y-d · 3 months
Also if Triangulum ever manages to take off to the point where people start theorizing about it, I hope someone goes REALLY hard with speculating about why I chose the color orange for Tangy/had an orange theme for them overall.
Mostly because it'd be really funny for them to come up with some big elaborate theory on the concept, when in reality I just really like the color orange.
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jflemings · 8 months
— my stomach’s all in knots
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pairing: kyra cooney-cross x raso!reader part 1
summary: in the aftermath of kyra’s revelation she comes looking for you, only to learn that you were looking for her too
warnings: kinda long whoops
a/n: part 2 to my lacy inspired fic! this took longer than i thought it would to write it bc i kinda lost inspo for the plot :/ but it’s here now!!
kyra couldn’t sleep even when she tried. her conversation with charli on the bus had really gotten to her, leaving her staring at the ceiling of her hotel room at three in the morning going over every interaction she’s ever had with you.
she wondered if charli was the only one who saw it, katrina for sure knew, mother’s intuition and all that, but none of her other teammates had said anything remotely close. except maybe caitlin and sam. and mary hinted at it that one time after the game against ireland. but other than that, no one else seemingly caught on. kyra huffs and rolls onto her side and away from charli who’s sleeping soundly on the other room, closing her eyes and relaxing her tense shoulders to try and be carried off to sleep.
to say kyra looked like shit the next morning was an understatement. her eyes were puffy and her movements were slow and sluggish in comparison to her normally energy-filled body language. she didn’t even care where she sat after she got her breakfast, only realising that she had plopped herself in between sam and steph when sam gave her a hard pat on the back
“look alive, kyra” she says cheerfully, ever the morning person, “you look like you haven’t slept”
kyra’s head falls to the table in front of her and she groans “i haven’t” she grumbles “couldn’t. thinking too much”
steph and sam share a look over kyra’s head, the two of them clearly confused about what was keeping her up through the night. steph places a gentle hand on the young midfielder’s shoulder “are you alright?”
she lifts her head and places it on her hands, her eyes accidentally falling to you from across the room. you were laughing with your sister and mary brightly, your breakfast long forgotten in front of you. the look on your face makes kyra groan again.
sam follows her line of sight and tilts her head “you two fighting?” she questions
kyra snaps her head towards her captain “no! why? do we look like we’re fighting?” she asks hastily
“either that or you’ve just realised you’re, like, in love with her or something” sam says again, mopping up her egg yolk with toast “which would mean that you’re the only one who didn’t know” she snickers to herself, not really paying attention to the colour that rapidly drains from kyra’s face.
steph does though, and she’s quick to put the back of her hand to kyra’s forehead, her brows furrowing with worry “you are so pale, are you sure you’re alright?” she asks “have you drank any water this morning?”
sam looks up from her egg and toast to see what her co-captain is going on about, eyes widening when she really takes a good look at kyra. she casts her eyes over her shoulder to search for you, only to find an empty seat where you had been sitting not even a minute ago. kyra chews on her bottom lip nervously as she watches the cogs turn in sam’s head.
she had been joking, sure, but there must have been some element of truth to sam’s attempt at a jab if this was how the young midfielder was reacting. sam’s jaw drops “oh my god you didn’t know”
kyra groans loud and places her head in her hands in distress “of course i didn’t know! how did you know?”
“it’s written all over your face” sam says nonchalantly, shrugging before putting the yolk soaked toast in her mouth “whole team knows, i think”
kyra’s eyes go wide at sam’s words, her heart beginning to beat rapidly in her chest at the thought of being so obvious about her unknown feelings that her teammates picked up on it before she did. panic really sets in when she realises what whole team means, and she takes her head out of her hands hastily “hayley, does that mean hayley knows too?” she questions, the panic present in her voice.
before sam can give kyra an answer she dreads, alanna speaks up from the opposite side of the table “hayley wouldn’t know even if you tattooed it on your forehead” the defender reassures oddly, finishing the last of her orange juice and neatly packing up her plate and cutlery “and even if she did know, she wouldn’t care” the tall blonde says pointedly as she stands.
kyra blows a breath of relief just as steph pats her head and points at her plate “you need to eat, it’ll probably settle your nerves a bit”
“…yeah, sure”
kyra had been avoiding you all morning. usually the two of you would partner up for drills but instead, she was glued to charli the whole time, not even so much as sparing you a glance. you got the hint pretty quickly and flung your arm around your sister
“looks like we’re partners today, hayles”
hayley looks between you and kyra “not with your partner in crime this morning, then?” she says teasingly.
you roll your eyes and shove her shoulder in the direction of the passing drill you were walking to, brushing her comment off your shoulders. she snickers and grabs a ball, dropping it at her feet and placing her boot on top of it “don’t look so disappointed, y/n, i’m just as good of a partner as your girlfriend” she flashes you a signature smile
“she’s not my girlfriend” you argue quietly, over aware of the fact that charli and kyra were maybe ten meters from you “and keep your voice down, she’s avoiding me enough as is”
hayley rolls her eyes “she’s not avoiding you, she’s probably just not all with it today. charli said that she hardly slept last night” she says, kicking the ball to you
you furrow your brows in thought. whenever you and kyra roomed together she was always the first asleep and always the first to wake up, albeit reluctantly, so the fact that she apparently didn’t sleep last night paired with the fact that she was late for breakfast this morning had you asking yourself questions.
“she was late to breakfast as well” you say lowly, passing the ball back smoothly
“yeah i saw that too” she agrees lightly “if you’re that worried about it just pull her aside and ask her. if she tells you to piss of then there’s not much else you can do about it, but at least you made the effort”
your sister’s words weigh heavily on your mind for the rest of the day, making your mind distant as you think about what to say to kyra. the two of you hadn’t spoken a word to eachother after training, through gym or at lunch and dinner, choosing to instead steal stolen glances from across the room.
you had retreated to the room you shared with hayley whilst some of your other teammates split off into smaller groups to hang out. next door, you could hear mary and cortnee laughing loudly over charlize who was obviously just trying to plead her case about something, your cracked door letting you hear almost their whole conversation.
once the trio’s joyous laughter subsides charlize rule’s muffled voice becomes more clear “did either of you talk to kyra or y/n today?”
your eyes go wide at the innocent question, deciding that she obviously doesn’t know that your door is open, or even that you’re in the room next door.
there’s a beat of silence before cortnee answers her “i talked to y/n this morning at breakfast but kyra was a bit, um, distracted i guess. she wasn’t really hearing anyone when they spoke to her”
“oh” the young forward replies “are they okay?” charlize asks, her voice coated in a worried tone that she’s clearly attempting to hide.
you smile at her concern and nervousness to ask the obvious question. you knew her well as a result of the pair of you playing together at sydney fc for two seasons before you made the move to arsenal, so her worry for you was something that wasn’t unusual. what was unusual, however, was the quiet that followed her question. the silence was slowly becoming awkward and you cringed at the thought of both mary and cortnee not knowing how to answer her.
“they’re okay” mary assures softly “i think they’re just figuring things out”
“figuring things out? what, like they broke up or something?” charlize asks
broke up?
you sat up in bed and let the covers pool at your waist. did she actually think that you and kyra were together? had you seriously been that obvious?
“kyra and y/n aren’t together” cortnee says confused
“they aren’t?”
oh, you would give anything to be a fly on the wall right now.
“no? well…” mary trails off “no, they’re not. they’ve just got a little thing going on, but i don’t know if they know”
“we don’t really talk about it” cortnee adds “even though kyra is crushing on her hardcore”
your world stops for what feels like an eternity as you turn your friend’s words over in your head repeatedly, the words kyra, crushing and hardcore ringing through your mind like an obnoxious primary school sports carnival chant. the confidence that cortnee’s voice oozed was hard to ignore and even harder to forget. she spoke like nothing could change her mind, like she was just simply relaying facts.
it makes your heart beat faster in your chest as you throw the covers off yourself and swing the door open, speed walking down the hall to charli and kyra’s room.
you don’t even knock properly before barging in hastily. you come face to face with charli, mini and harper, the three of them donning shocked looks as you quickly scan the room for the freckled face you’re dying to see.
harper waves at you from her spot on charli’s lap before turning her attention back to the movie that’s playing on the tv. you weakly wave back at her before locking eyes with charli
“kyra?” you question
the blonde defender smirks and nods her head sideways “downstairs”
you don’t even get out a proper thank you before you’re off down the hallway again, practically skidding to a stop as the elevator doors open. hands catch your waist before you take a tumble and you look up hoping to be met with brown eyes, but frowning when instead you’re faced with baby blues.
alanna’s eyebrows crinkle as she smirks “you alright razzle?” she says teasingly, still not letting go of your waist.
rolling your eyes at the blonde and the nickname, you try to side step her and get into the elevator but she doesn’t let you get that far before tightening her grip on your shirt. you huff in defeat and look over your shoulder “lani”
“please let me go” you plead, raising your eyebrows as you tug on her hands
the older defender gives you a lopsided smile “so what, no apology for almost sending me flying?”
“…sorry, lani” you say quietly, taking a breath when she lets you go “i’ve really gotta do something though.”
alanna watches you step backwards into the elevator with a small smile playing on her lips, her tired eyes looking at you softly “she’s with hayley” she mutters before taking her key card out of her pocket and turning on her heel. the doors close painfully slow, leaving you with nothing but your own thoughts and reflection as the levels count down.
kyra can’t seem to get comfortable in the leather lounge chair in the lobby of the hotel; she keeps shifting her weight from one butt cheek to the other and uncrossing and recrossing her legs. hayley sits on the opposite side of the midfielder, her eyes narrowed in focus as she looks over the ‘guess who’ board game.
“does your character wear glasses?”she asks, not looking up from the little characters in front of her.
when she doesn’t get an immediate response from her teammate, raso looks up through her eyelashes “kyra!”
“yeah, what” she responds after being pulled back to reality, her leg mid air and hands lazily thrown over the sides of the chair “oh! no”
hayley raises her eyebrow but flicks down the little characters that have glasses. kyra huffs and gives up on getting comfortable, throwing her legs out in front of her and sinking into the periwinkle blue leather. she grabs her own game board and rests it on her chest as she chooses a random trait to single out.
“does your character have brown hair?” she asks lazily
hayley’s lip quirks “you asked me that already” she says slowly “are you alright?”
kyra hums and rubs her nose before getting frustrated again and pushing herself back up in the chair. her back is now straight and her socked feet are planted flat on the ground “no! i can’t get comfortable in this stupid fucking chair” she huffs
“no — i know you can’t get comfortable in the chair, i mean are you alright in general” the older player clarifies “you weren’t yourself today”
kyra pauses, licks her lips and then leans over so her elbows are placed on top on her knees. her head falls into her hands “…no”
hayley hums and puts the game on the table in front of her “do you wanna talk about it?”
“promise not to be mad?” she asks quietly, anxiousness swirling in her brown eyes like a whirl pool.
hayley almost can’t believe what kyra’s just asked her. her? be mad at kyra? never. well, not never, but certainly not right now.
she raises her brows and leans back on her seat, throwing her left leg over her right one “promise” she assures just as quietly.
kyra takes a deep breath and really thinks about what she’s about to tell hayley. if alanna was right about the fact that hayley really didn’t know that she was in love with her sister — like kyra herself had been twenty four hours ago — then this could go one of two ways. either she freaks and tells kyra that she shouldn’t, or she truely doesn’t care.
“i, um, i really like y/n” she admits quietly “actually i love y/n and i think i have for a while.”
a pregnant pause overtakes the two football players and anxious coils wrap themselves around kyra’s stomach, and the longer hayley looks at her blankly the more she regrets what she just said out loud.
to kyra’s surprise, hayley smiles “yeah?” she asks cheerily
kyra furrows her brows in confusion but mimics her friend’s smile “yeah”
hayley nods in the direction of the elevator “then what are you sitting around telling me for? go see her! she’s just hanging out in our room!”
“what?” kyra’s eyes blow wide “are you serious?”
“yes! do you know how long i’ve had to sit around listening to her go on and on about you? oh my fucking god!” the winger sighs “please put me out of my misery.”
kyra wastes no time practically jumping onto her feet and into her slides, bolting off towards the elevator and bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waits impatiently. the elevator dings not long after she presses the button to go up and she hurriedly steps in, the biggest grin not once leaving her face as she waves to hayley just as the doors close.
she watches the numbers go up until they stop on the floor where the team is staying. the doors are barley open before kyra is barrelling out of them, tripping over her own feet as she goes, and then breaking into almost a sprint to get to the other end of the hallway. her slides make a loud slapping sound that she is sure will get her in trouble tomorrow but right now, she doesn’t care, she just wants to get to you.
she sees the door to your room is cracked and slows down, catching her breath as she grips the cold strep handle and pushing it open all the way. her face completely drops when she sees that the room is empty, a mess of bedsheets on one bed and your phone still plugged in on the night stand. she groans loudly and tips her head back in defeat.
“kyra why on earth are you running down the hall in slides” a voice says from behind her
kyra practically jumps out of her skin before turning around to face a tired looking katrina with her hands on her hips. kyra grimaces “sorry”
mini rolls her eyes “you two are hopeless” she mumbles, rubbing her brow bone “raz went looking for you downstairs, she practically took the door off its hinges when she burst into the room”
“she’s looking for me?” kyra asks dumbly
“yeah. can’t you just call her or something?”
kyra peers back into your room “she’s left her phone here” she explains sheepishly.
“then sit your ass down and wait” mini says, waving her hand about “she’ll come back when she realises you’re not down there”
kyra nods her head and slides down the wall next to the door, fiddling with her thumbs to keep herself occupied, the grin that she’s worn since she skidded into the elevator not going away as she waits.
hayley looks up at you in shock as you staunch her, your tight figure looming over relaxed one “kyra?”
your sister breaks out into a smile “our room” she responds excitedly “you just missed her actually, she practically tripped over her own feet when she jumped up to go look for you”
a blush creeps up your neck “i need to talk to her”
“i know” hayley says smugly “she needs to talk to you too”
an infuriating smirk plays on her lips exactly the way it would when the two of you were kids and she knew something you didn’t. you can’t help but slap her shoulder harshly “hayley! you can’t say that”
“can’t say what? that your friend wants to talk to you?”
one thing about growing up with hayley is that you learnt pretty quickly when to pick your battles and when to just admit defeat. usually, you would take the bait that she’s dangling in front of you, but a nagging thought in the back of your head tells you that you haven’t got time for that. if kyra has been running around silly like you have then you can’t leave her waiting any longer, even if you are so tempted to sock your sister in the shoulder again.
her smirk turns into a soft smile when she sees your body relax “just go” she waves off, clearly only playing.
you do as you’re told and turn back the way you came, greeting the elevator with an eye roll “if you could talk i know you’d be laughing at me” you mumble to the inanimate object “but i know you’d be laughing at kyra too so it doesn’t really matter”
you walk out of the elevator slower than you have before so you can catch your breath. your feet shuffle on the carpet almost lazily until you look up and see the person you’ve been looking for sitting outside your hotel room. her knees are pulled up to her chest and she’s wearing a smile you’ve never seen on her face before, the apples of her freckled cheeks are dusted pink and her hair is messily sprawled out against the wall.
you don’t waste any time approaching her and holding out a hand “i’ve been looking for you”
she shyly smiles “i’ve been looking for you too” she admits as she lets you pull her up “i, um, i really need to talk to you”
the two of you are practically nose to nose and your hands are intertwined in between you “go on then”
“i really like your ribbon”
you furrow your brows and feel your ponytail for a ribbon you were sure you weren’t wearing today, frowning when you feel nothing but an old hair tie “my ribbon?” you question.
kyra screws her eyes shut as her cheeks get darker “what i meant to say is that i like your ribbon because it means that you’re easier to find on the pitch, makes me feel better knowing i can see you”
“you ran around our hotel to tell me that you like the fact that i wear a ribbon during games?” you tease her, suddenly loving the way her cheeks look when they’re red.
she opens her eyes “no, i’ve been running around because i wanted to tell you that i’m in love with you but i haven’t quite figured out how to say it yet” she explains.
a smile overtakes your face and your hands grip kyra’s face softly, your thumbs tracing over her cheekbones affectionately “i reckon that’s a pretty good way to say it” you whisper to her
“yeah?” she whispers just as quietly, slowly leaning in
you guide her face towards you, your lips ghosting over her own “mhm” you mumble “‘m in love with you too”
the confirmation is all kyra needs. she closes the gap and lets her lips softly mould against your own, her hands holding your elbows to ground herself. when she pulls away, she smiles tiredly at you “you think hayley will care if you switch rooms?”
“i think hayley would move me herself if she saw us right now”
kyra smiles and kisses you again quickly “good because i don’t wanna room with charli anymore”
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pixiesfz · 9 months
this isnt really a request with an idea but please more jessie 😭🙏
Killing two birds with one stone I am here, I got a request for a jersey swap fic so here we go!
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jersey swap? j.f
plot: you and Jessie have always had on field tension but one game when you ask to swap jerseys, she finally makes a move.
warning: smut, obviously I like writing a dom Jessie 🤫. Let’s pretend Sam wasn’t injured for the Canada vs australia match, bi-sexual reader! (Taking inspo from this one tik tok I saw about Lia Walti which made me cackle)
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Some matches were more interesting than others you had realised in your second year in of playing at arsenal wether it was against Chelsea or you were playing with the Matilda’s for your national teams.
Nothing had changed within the games except for the fans, since the World Cup people started to know your name and your whole life story but what they loved most of all was seeing you on the pitch with Jessie.
Wether it was Chelsea vs Arsenal or Australia bs Canada the fans loved watching your interactions and your team mates did to.
It was your Australian captain who always whispered jokes into your ear that took the most pleasure out of the two of you.
“I love Canada” you admitted as your team sat on the ferry “why it’s cold” Hayley shivered from behind you “but it’s just so cozy” you smiled as you cuddled into yourself.
“Is that why your always tackling Jessie, cause she’s cozy” Sam teased as she shook your shoulders “no” you said “I tackle her cause she’s good and she’s too nice to tackle me back” you said with a small smile and Sam and Hayley laughed.
“No but seriously what is it between you two whenever you play” Mary asked as she came over “Oh my little Mary, my young prodigy” you started and she rolled her eyes
“Y/n seriously I want to know, I’m also not that young I’m three years younger than you”
“Exactly you’re an infant”
You smirked but gave her an option to lean onto your should “I’m actually not sure how we started it” you admitted “we both had our debuts for Chelsea and Arsenal on the same day and were put on each other we both wanted to make an impact I guess”
“You made an impact all right, two yellow cards” Sam laughed “You’ve had this tension ever since, even when you were dating that Tom guy” she said.
You hid your head as you looked down remembering why the relationship failed, you couldn’t admit you were not sexually attracted to Jessie and he left, funny since later you had found out he had cheated on you with a girl who had been on 2 episodes of love island.
“Yeah well I’m not dating him anymore so” you trailed off and the three girls nodded “Do you think the tension will ever ease off?” Mary asked and Hayley laughed “I think once they finally sleep together-“
“Hayley!” You scolded her “what?” She shrugged “it’s true, even the fans can see it” she defended herself as you scoffed “do you even remember the World Cup!?” she practically now yelled
“Both of your hands were practically around each other when you were on the ball” she said and you laughed “sorry if I just wanted to get possession of the ball so we could score goals”
“We pass with our feet not our hands y/n/n” Mary said and you closed her mouth “hush little one” you said quickly and she shook her head out of your grasp.
“Admit to me you’re not sexually attracted to Jessie Fleming”
“I’m not attracted to Jessie Fleming”
“Now I thought your New Year’s resolution was to stop lying” Sam stepped in and you threw your head back “No you know what I’m going to be nice” you said
“At the game I’m going to ask to switch jerseys as an act of kindness” you smiled and Hayley rolled her eyes “that’s not what I would do” she warned and you shook your head
“Trust me it will work, we will be best friends by the time you know it”
“So you won’t mark her on the pitch?” Sam asked
“Do you want us to lose Samantha?” you shot back and she laughed “anyways” you said standing up “I see Mini standing alone so I’m gonna make sure Kyra hasn’t accidentally fallen off the ferry and drowned”
You ended up finding the girl in the captains area with a bawl of lollies in her hand.
“Don’t tell Katrina”
When you finally made your way to the stadium later the next day you grimaced at the floor “fake grass” you groaned and Polks laughed at you “not a laughing matter” you said and walked into the rooms.
You felt the stadium grow as Canadian watches and a few lucky Australian fans made their way into their seats.
You were tying up your boots when you felt a presence behind you “hey skipper” you laughed as Sam sat next to you “I just wanna say no reds” she said “I know they’re out for blood since World Cup okay and I don’t want a pissy Jessie coming back to Chelsea”
“No reds got it, what about a yellow?” You asked with a cheeky smile “I’ll allow one” she said and you acted like a two year old who got told they can get ice cream.
You both laughed and Sam pushed you out “cmon idiot”.
In the line up, you were out the front behind Ellie when you felt eyes burning into your head, you knew it was Jessie so when you turned around and saw her you just smirked which made her roll her eyes and look back at her team.
“Cheeky” Hayley said from behind you and you just shrugged your shoulders.
You went to your mark on the field where Jessie was as she looked concentrated “stop frowning Jessie it will give your face lines” you told her and she looked back at you “are you talking from experience or?” She questioned as she looked at your forehead and you laughed.
“Let’s just play for now okay and then you can think about my facial features later”
The game wasn’t different than usual, you and Jessie were on each other hot, whenever one of you had the ball the other was quick to try and get you down or stop you from a long kick.
You were a bit more touchier with the legs though as One time you nut-megged her own ball through her feet “come on” she complained as she was to far behind you to stop your assist to Sam’s goal.
You turned to Jessie “you know I can take a tackle Fleming” you teased and she crossed your head at you “Just play the game y/l/n” she said and you smirked from next to her “I seem to be the only person who is”.
Jessie was rough after that, she knew she couldn’t let you get away with anything else, so next time you had the ball she was quick to kick out from under your ankle as you hit the ground, accidentally taking her down with you, automatically you turned over on top of Jessie and you watched the ref walk over to you and the Canadian.
You looked down at the brunette who was still on the floor “did I get into your head?” You whispered before sitting up and reaching your hand out for Jessie to use but she got up herself causing you to roll your eyes and shrug it off.
The red pulled out a yellow for Jessie who shook her head “Still winning” she reminded you with a smirk and you smirked back “ooh she’s coming out of her shell”.
When the game finally finished and Canada came on top you shook all the players hands, lingering on Jessie’s before you joined some of the girls on a lap.
You saw a sign that made you laugh
Australia vs Canada
Fleming vs y/l/n!
You smiled as you looked for Jessie and found her with her captain who was having her send off.
“Fleming!” You called out to her and she turned around with furrowed brows “what?” she asked and you smirked “come look at this” you said and turned your head back.
She followed you to the sign and also chucked a smile at it as people quickly grabbed their phones to take pictures of the two of you smiling at the sign as you laughed at each other.
You saw Hayley looking at you with a knowing look in the corner of your eyes before you remembered “Wait Jess” you said before she left, not realising the nick name you let out “yeah” she said “I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to swap Jerseys, last game after all before we face each other off in Olympic hopefully” you asked and Jessie’s cheeks blushed “yeah sure, need some more in my collection honestly”
Your heart raced as you saw the Canadian take off her top, you secretly took a look at her abs as she did so, you don’t know why you waited until she took hers completely off before you took yours off until you hear a whistle from the crowd you laughed and took yours off.
Jessie’s blush grew as she took no shame in staring at your body and your waist.
“Nice tattoo” she muttered as you held your shirt out for her, looking down you looked at your flower tattoo under your sports bra “thanks got it for my mum” you smiled and she gave you hers.
“Ready for the photos” you smirked and she nodded.
When you put them on you heard some fans scream out and you both turned around, you in front of Jessie as she saw her name on your back.
She lingered before stepping next to you and you smiled for some photos before a professional photographer came and you smiled again, one photo where Jessie was looking at you.
You both parted ways after as Jessie kept her eyes on you, pupils diluted as Sam went up to her “good game” she said and Jessie kept her eyes glued onto you and your back.
“She’s staying at the Grand Heir Hotel” she smirked before smacking her Chelsea team mate on the back and walking off with a smile.
You got some shit from the team when you walked in with Jessie’s shirt on, especially from your Arsenal team mates who were whisper shouting.
Sam walked over to you where your cheeks were blushing “I may have told Jessie where your staying” she admitted and you widened your eyes “why?” You asked and she shrugged her shoulders “just cause” she said and walked away.
“Samantha!” You called but she walked away.
You couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face as you turned back to your cubby.
You had showered when you got home and hanged Jessie’s shirt up in the open wardrobe so you could still see it as you lied on your bed.
It was about 10:00 when a knock on your door started. Furrowing your brows you got up and opened it to see a slightly puffed out Jessie Fleming.
“Do you know how hard it was to figure out which room was yours?” She asked out of breath “I’m sorry?” You replied and she nodded “you should be” she said as she made her way in.
“Jessie-“ “call me Jess” she cut you off “what?” You asked and she nodded “I liked it” she said “when you called me Jess”
You smiled “okay Jess” you repeated “what are you doing here?” You asked and she looked around until she found her shirt in your wardrobe and grabbed it and threw it to you “put it back on” she said as she stepped closer to you “excuse me?” You asked and she repeated again.
“Jess I’m in my pajamas I don’t have a bra on” you admitted and she smirked “put it on” she repeated and you grew hot.
fuck she looked hot right now, you thought to yourself as she looked down at you.
“Don’t act like you didn’t hear me” she whispered into your ear and you tried not to shudder at her words. “Do it for me” you whispered back as you looked into her hungry eyes, her pupils were dilated and you were sure yours were too.
Jessie gripped the edge of your white T-shirt before grazing her fingers underneath and hitting your bare skin but she kept eye contact.
“I want you to know that I’m going to fuck you, giving me that yellow today and egging me on, I’m not letting that pass today” she said as she grabbed your waist under your top and pulled you closer to her so that your lips were practically touching.
The feeling in between your legs was aching, you needed her.
“Take off my top Fleming” you told her before you stepped back, getting bing her room.
She smirked before grabbing the ends of your shirt and pulling it over your head, looking at your boobs before lightly pressing on them them “you’re beautiful” she said as she kissed on them, leaning your head back you groaned and she tugged on your nipple.
“No noise until my name is on your back” she ordered and you nodded “so loud on the pitch but I can make you silent with just one touch” she cooed and you closed your eyes out of pleasure, trying to not make any noise.
When Jessie pulled your arms up and slipped her jersey over your head you bit your lip and looked down at the jersey.
“Did you know I’d react like this? She taunted as she planted kissed on your neck “Did you know that I’d want to fuck your smirk out of you” she planted more “Did you know that sitting on top of me in the middle of the game would make want to kiss you right then and there” she taunted as she sucked on your skin, marking you.
“Jessie” you muttered out in pleasure as she walked you to the bed and through you on the mattress. You were so wet you didn’t know if she could see it through your grey tracksuit pants or not.
“We’re keeping to top on” she said as she leaned over the op of you and finally brought her lips to yours and kissed you, you let her take dominance of the kiss as her hands roamed your body until they reached your pants.
She looked at you for permission and you nodded “I need your words y/n” she said and you looked at her “yes”
“yes what?” Jessie taunted and you squirmed under her touch as she traveled her hand from your waist and teasingly down your pants without touching your pussy which you craved.
“yes please fuck me with your finger, mouth anything” you groaned out and Jessie smirked.
She returned her lips to yours before she grabbed the edge of your pants and slid them down, her moth following her as she kept them on you, trailing kisses along the jersey and until she hit your undies.
“Lace” she smiled “did you know I was coming?” She asked “I may have gotten a hint” you admitted and Jessie moved her hands up to squeeze your butt as she jerked your body up towards her,
“My favourite colour is blue” she fainted as she played with your blue lace underwear “too bad I have to take them off” she said as she blew on to your pussy and you moaned.
You were pulsing, searching for any friction.
Jessie slowly pulled your underwear down before she spread your legs apart and slid a finger through your folds.
“So wet, just for me” she said before leaning in and pressing her tongue through you, making you throw your head back and your back arch which she responded with putting her hand on your stomach and pushing you down so you couldn’t move.
She kept on going until you started moaning her name “Jessie- Jessie fuck keep going” you whimpered as she shot her head up, her chin covered in your juices.
“Turn around” she ordered and you did and she walked away “Jess” you nurtured and she walked back up to you “I’m not leaving don’t worry” she assured you and pressed her lips into yours as you tasted yourself.
She walked away as you heard her rummage through her bag she brought with her, you smiled to yourself as you saw the glimpse of the strap she held in her hands before stepping into it.
“Who’s name is on your back?” She asked you, her voice darker than usual “yours” you muttered out before she tapped your entrance with her cock “but louder than that baby, who’s name is on your back?” She asked again
“Yours” you moaned out louder and she slapped your ass making you whimper “exactly” she said before pushing in to your entrance.
“Fuck Jessie” you screamed out her name as she grew her paste wuick almost giving you no time to adjust.
“New question” she said as she moaned, the strap rubbing against her clit as she thrusted into you.
“Who’s cock is going to make you cum?” She asked as she somehow went quicker making you moan out in pleasure, your hair was up in a pony tail so she grabbed on to the end of your hair and pulled you back so your face was reaching the roof.
“That wasn’t an answer” she said and you closed your eyes “Yours Jessie, your cock” you whimpered out and she let go of your hair.
“You going to come with me” she demanded and you nodded “make me cum” you whined and she went in Harder and pressed you down more into the mattress.
It wasn’t long until you felt a coil in your stomach “Oh fuck, I’m bout to come” you repeated and you heard Jessie’s whimpers “me too, come with me” she said and you both let out moans as you came together and rides out your highs together.
You both stayed there until Jessie slowly pulled out and slowly rubbed her fingers over her last name on your back.
She then helped you go on your back as she leaned down and kissed you softly.
“Can we do that again?”
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thewulf · 1 year
Honeybee || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: hi! Can you write a hotch x reader one shot based on the episode where Hayley’s dad says he still hates Hotch for Hayley’s death in s10 and obviously his words hurt Hotch and hotch then is like obviously really sad and hurt and pulls away from reader unintentionally which starts a argument but with fluff at the end? Like angst / fluff
A/N: Okay this def turned more into a comfort/fluff rather than super angsty/fluff... hope you still like it anon :)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.1k +
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Your phone buzzed on the desk that you were working away at. Not thinking much of it you turned it over seeing Aaron’s name flashing on the screen. Heart sinking down your chest you knew it was never a good thing when he called during the middle of a workday. Was it Jack? Was he hurt? Was it Jessica? Does she need some time away from the whole situation? Before you could spiral any further you answered nervously, “Aaron…” Trailing off you didn’t know what to say. You knew what you were getting into when you happily agreed to be his girlfriend six months ago. But these calls still made you nervous.
“Honey… slight change of plans.” You knew he was supposed to be on a flight to Maryland right now working on the next case. He was definitely not supposed to be on the phone with you in what sounded to be like his vehicle.
“Everything alright?” Hesitating to even ask the question you could hear the tension in his voice.
He paused. Everything was certainly not alright, “It’s Roy. Haley’s father. He’s in the hospital. He was arrested for trying to break and enter into a store this morning. Doctors think it’s Alzheimer’s. Jessica needs some help.” He alluded to why he wasn’t on the teams jet to Maryland.
Your heart absolutely broke for the man you’d slowly fallen in love with. He’d been through so much in the last few years and now this? It’s like life was out to get him and couldn’t be stopped, “Oh, my love, I’m so sorry.” Work didn’t seem so important anymore, “Can I help at all?”
He smiled softly hearing your concern through the phone. He just knew by the tone of your voice how much you cared. You cared about everything that related to him. You always understood too. He had to cancel on countless plans on you due to work or something coming up with Jack. You always handled it in grace. He thought you were far too patient with him. And it scared him a little much. What happens when your patience runs out? Would he fuck it up with you? He hadn’t a clue how he managed to convince you to not only go out with him but stay through the shit-show that his life was unfolding out to be.
Aaron never expected for his personal life to explode in his face the way it did so dramatically. He had let the one thing he promised never to happen, happen. His work life bled into his personal one. He’d lost the mother to his son. A woman he once loved so dearly to somebody who had it out for him. It took years of counseling and therapy for Aaron to see it as anything but his fault. Then you came along. Sweeping him right off his feet. He didn’t think he was ready for a relationship, but he decided to try. Especially when he saw the look on your face when he agreed to that first date. Of course, you made the first move, it was so you.
He hated asking you for help, but he needed it desperately. He always used you as an absolute last resort. Never wanting you to feel obligated to his life’s mess, “Can you grab Jack from school? I left the car seat in the house for Jess but she’s going to be busy. I’m going to stay back and help. Team is heading off to Maryland right now.” You heard him sigh through the phone.
“You got it.” You knew the situation was tense, but you couldn’t stop the smile that now crossed your face. It was a big step getting him to accept your help. He often went out of his way to not ask you for help. He didn’t want to burden you, “Jack and I will have the best afternoon.” You said trying your best to reassure him.
“Thank you honey. I’m so sorry. I really am.” Not wanting him to spiral you decided to interrupt him.
“Don’t apologize Aaron. It’s something out of your control. I’m more than happy to help. Please don’t stress yourself out about it. Your team will handle the case in Maryland, I’ll handle Jack. You and Jess help out Roy. Okay?” Knowing you needed to lay out the plan plain and simple for him you were met with silence this time.
“Sound okay Aaron?” You asked again hoping he wasn’t too far lost in his head.
“Yeah, alright. Thank you.”
“You got it. Call me later alright? When you get the chance.”
He nodded his head knowing you couldn’t see him. He knew he needed to give in and let you help but it was hard for him. He was so used to doing everything his way. But for his sanity and Jack’s he knew he had to let you all the way in. Had to, “Sounds good bee. I love you.”
You smiled at the nickname he had given you. He’d initially just called you honey which then morphed into honeybee. That was then shorted to just bee. His bee. His favorite one. You found it adorable, no other man had been so sweet to you like he had been.
“Love you handsome. Talk to you soon.” You clicked the phone off before the inevitable back and forth. Looking at the clock you cursed a little knowing Jack’s school was 45 minutes away and he was out in about an hour. Saying a quick goodbye to your coworkers you slid out of the office an hour too early. You decided to risk it knowing the bosses wouldn’t even likely notice.
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Standing outside your car you stood on your tip toes trying to spot the little Hotchner. Knowing he’d be looking for Jess and not you. Waving to him as soon as you saw him he shot you the sweetest little smile and wave before running up to you, “Y/N! You’re here!” He pulled on your shirt in excitement.
Leaning down you gave him a squeeze, “I am buddy! Your Aunt Jess had something come up, so she asked me to come get you. Hope that’s okay.” You grinned down at the overexcited little boy. You and Jack got along so well so quick. He was the happiest little kid for everything he’s had to go through in his short life.
“Yeah!” He hugged your side squeezing tight, “I’m so excited!”
He immediately released the tension you had been holding onto all day. You’d texted Aaron a few times with no response. Worry quickly consumed you by hour three of not hearing back from him. Thankfully Jack was the perfect distraction from your worrying mind, “Hey Jack? What do you say we go home. Get you changed and head to the park. Maybe get some ice cream after?” You asked him as you buckled him into the car seat.
“Are you serious?” His eye grew wide with excitement, “Can I bring my dinosaurs?”
The grin turned into a full out smile feeling his excitement through your body, “You can absolutely bring your dinosaurs to the park little J.”
“Daddy never lets me!” He started laughing knowing he caught you in a catch 22. You’d already told him he could bring them knowing it wasn’t usually allowed.
Shaking your head, you shut the door before climbing into the driver’s seat, “Well, let’s not tell daddy then.” Hearing his snicker in the back seat sent you into a fit of laughter. Who knew one so little could make you feel so much better just through the joy he brought? That was Jack Hotchner. The little light that kept shining.
“Okay!” He clapped his hands together knowing the two of you now had a secret. You knew it wasn’t a great thing for him to pick up on but what was a little white lie? That’s life.
The two of you chatted the entire way home from school and to the park. You’d learned his best friend, Dylan, had a crush on a girl that Jack thought was gross. You tried convincing him that girls weren’t gross, but he wasn’t having any of that.
Jack was too smart for his own good. He told you about how he watched the other kids and always knew what they were going to do before they seemed to know. That was all Aaron shining right through his baby. It amazed you how quickly children picked up on their environment. Jack was no exception, the sponge that he was.
Lucky for you, all the running around with dinosaur’s tired the poor kid right on out. After making him some mac and cheese for dinner he fell asleep right on your lap while watching cartoons. It all felt so right. A domestic life you craved. To be running your hands through his hair as he held on to you fast asleep.
You were woken up by the soft click of the front door. The daylight had completely vanished. Aaron turned on the kitchen lights not expecting to see you and Jack cuddling on the couch just a room away. For as awful as the day had turned out to be the sight before him made him realize it would be okay. He had the right people in his life. He had you.
His sour mood from the shitty day immediately vanishing seeing your sleepy face waking up. Your arms were holding Jack tightly as you contorted making sure he was comfortable. He noticed that. You were always making sure that Jack was okay. You always checked in on him making sure to show that his opinions mattered. He genuinely mattered to you. Just one of the things that made Aaron fall so easily in love with you.
“Hey, you’re home.” You wiped the sleep away from your eyes careful not to wake Jack up. Peeking at the clock you saw it was nearing midnight.
“I’m sorry…” He whispered walking over to the both of you quietly. You shook your head quickly placing your finger over your mouth, “Shh, no apologies needed.” Carefully you shimmied yourself out from underneath Jack. Scooping him up in your arms you went to go put him to bed. Aaron watched in awe as you took control of the situation so effortlessly. Following behind closely he wanted to make sure to tuck his son in as well. While Jack might not have remembered it Aaron cherished every night he was able to spend at home with him sleeping a few rooms away. Even if it was for just a few hours.
You watched as Aaron leaned down whispering a few words to his sleeping boy. He kissed his head softly before pulling the comforter up over top of him. You fell in love with him even further watching the tenderness of the situation before you. Sure, Aaron had his flaws. But so did you. And everyone. Everything else about him made up for the flaws.
Shutting the door behind him you followed Aaron back downstairs, “Everything alright?” You asked moving towards him. Thankfully he didn’t shy away from your touch. Sometimes after more stressful cases he just couldn’t be touched by you. It was all too much for him. You understood, it just hurt sometimes. When all you wanted was to snuggle up to him when he needed space. You caressed his arm through his suit jacket hoping he could feel it through the thick suit.
He opened his mouth as if to say something before closing it. Thinking. The man was always thinking. Overthinking all too often, “No. Not really.” He admitted.
You felt your heart racing. He was confiding in you. It wasn’t like he hadn’t before, but it was a rarity when he did. You’d find him bottling up and shoving his emotions to the side. But he needed you right now, “What happened handsome?” You pressed a little further unsure if he wanted to tell.
He smiled before gently kissing your forehead, “He’s got Alzheimer’s, clearly. Very clearly” He paused before pulling you into his chest.
As much as you loved the feeling you knew that wasn’t it, “That all?” You asked pulling your head out of the embrace.
He shook his, “No.”
You let him just hold you before pressing him further. You knew he would spill in due time, if he wanted to. Never wanting to pressure him you always asked though, “Care to share?”
He took a long breathe in and a steady one out before pulling you over the couch you and Jack were occupying moments before. Pulling you down into his lap you let him sit there and hold you. It wasn’t that often that he was here, present, and fully there. These were moments you prayed would happen more often but never seemed to come around enough. So, you cherished them. Even when they were tenser moments like these.
He sighed knowing he needed to tell you. He had to get it off his chest or he’d keep thinking about it over and over again. Ruminate for no reason, “He kept blaming me for her death.” You knew immediately what he was referring to. Pulling him closer you started running your hands through his hair, just like you had Jack earlier on in the night, “He just… wouldn’t stop. Kept going on about it. How he’d never forget. Even with the damn disease.” You looked at his expressive face as he laid it on you, everything that Roy had laid on him through the afternoon.
“Hon, you know that’s not true right?” You asked quietly continuing to play with his hair. You knew it was a weakness for the man. For both the Hotchner boys you found out quickly and used it against them as often as you could. You just hoped it was helping him, even if it was just a little.
He nodded quickly, “I know. Trust me, I know. It just, he messed with my head.” He didn’t care to elaborate so you simply snuggled in closer to him. Breathing him in. It didn’t matter that he spent his morning in a hospital and the afternoon in somebody else’s home, he still smelled like Aaron. He became your home. Your safe space.
After a few moments of silence, you squeezed his side, “You’re one of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. I get that I didn’t know you back then, but I do know that you were the same. I know how fucking hard you tried to save her. I know how unfair it’s been on you. I love you beyond words Aaron. I just hope you love yourself just a little. You give so much for everyone else. Give a little bit back to yourself too sometimes.”
He listened to your every word before responding. Nodding his head at you, “I’ll try to. I know I’m not the best at it, but I’ll try to.”
“Yeah?” You pulled away from his chest smiling at him.
He nodded giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, “I’m not perfect. I’ll never be. So, you’ll have to call me out when I run back into old habits. But I’ll try. For you. For Jack.”
“Okay.” You grinned giving him a long kiss this time. Getting a little tired of the short kisses that seemed to miss your lips, “By the way, I think your nearly perfect. If that means anything.” You grinned brushing your fingers down the side of his face.
“Honey, that means the world to me.” He returned the favor by gently cradling your face in his hands before kissing you much more deeply this time, “I love you.”
“And I love you.” You grinned in confirmation.
“Let’s get going to bed. Jack will wake us up in a few hours wanting pancakes or something.” Aaron looked at the time getting closer to on in the morning.
You grinned letting him pull you up right out of the spot you’d been occupying on his lap, “Jack’s worth losing sleep over though. I’ll happily make pancakes with him at six in the morning.”
Aaron laughed before setting you down on the ground, “You say that before he tries waking you up then. I take it you two had a good night?”
You nodded in confirmation, “True.” You laughed a little before continuing, “I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it in the morning though.”
He grabbed your hand holding it tight, “In the morning then.”
You yawned nodding your head while leaning into his chest not really caring how clingy you were being. All you wanted was him.
Feeling his laugh, you smiled to yourself. At least you were able to make him smile. You were never the best with words so being able to make him laugh it off or smile in your presence was always a win in your book.
“Let’s get to bed before you fall asleep standing up.” You couldn’t see his expression in the dark, but you just knew he was smirking at you.
“Sure thing.” You didn’t make any effort to move only leaning further into him.
“Alright.” He scooped you right on up in your arms, “I get the hint stubborn ass.” He held you tight not even the slightest bit mad you wanted him to carry you up to sleep. He adored moments like these.
“That’s why they pay you the big bucks boss man.” Sleepily you grinned to yourself knowing you had him there. He was literally paid to observe and predict.
Gently, he laid you down on the bed pulling you into his side ignoring that comment, “Y/N?” He asked seeing if you were still coherent before continuing.
“Yeah?” You answered him still there.
“Thank you for everything today. And in general. I don’t thank you enough.” He gently rubbing a thumb over your hip knowing that was one of your many weaknesses. Truth be told almost anything Aaron did was a weakness for you.
“Of course. That’s what partners do. They help each other when they need it. I love you Aaron Hotchner. Every little bit of you.” Your eyes fluttered closed as he kept brushing his hand over your side. Soothing you right to sleep.
“I love every bit of you too honeybee.” He kissed the back of your head drifting off to sleep right behind you. For as odd as the relationship was with him sometimes you’d never change it. Not in a million years. Especially as you were snuggled up to him in a dreamless sleep.
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Taglist: @genius2050 @simp4f1 @buckybarnessweetheart
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rojacatmisa · 4 months
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Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique
Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x Reader (Nicky/first person)
After moving to Madrid as the new Real Madrid photographer, Nicky's eyes can't look away from the pretty face of Misa Rodriguez. But how is she going to handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her working contract's strictly forbidding her to date players? Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapter 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and peaks
This chapter is quite long ! Hope you guys still like to read it as much as I loved writing it, and I had so much fun doing photoshop visuals I did several for this one
TW: may content explicit sex, +18
6K words
The rain was pouring down when we landed in Paris, drops splashing hard against the windscreen of the bus, driving at an unbelievably low speed. I was sitting beside Ana at the front row, slowly drowsing, swung by the steady movements of the vehicle. My mind wandered, taking me back with Misa and Hayley waving happily to me again at the start and end of trainings. I was so glad to have them back. My vibrating phone took me out of the memory. I pulled it out of my pocket and broke a smile when I saw Angela had texted me. 
A: Hey Nicky! How are you it’s been years !
N: Hey Angela! Yeah so long sorry I didn’t call. Work has been mad but I’m good and you ?
A: I’m fine! What did I miss ? Can we call ?
N: Sorry I’m on the bus in Paris right now can’t call you. I do have a lot to tell you!
A: Tell meeee Wait I know It’s Misa???
N: Well spot-on lol
A: Tell me everything!!
N: Well we kissed… more than once and that’s it for now.
A: Oh that’s all …?! What are you waiting!! But you’re in Paris with the team ?
N: Yes
A: And you’ll be in the same hotel ?
N: Yep
A: And you’ll have a room for yourself ? 
N: Yes……..
A: This is looking good or bad it depends
N: Stop it Angela! Right now Misa is focusing on her match and won’t let anything happened. 
A: How many nights are you staying ?
N: 3 but only one after the game
A: Leaves 1 night still…
N: Girl!!! you’re not supposed to encouraged me !! The close still exists…….
A: Right yeah fuck the close! She’s a friend with benefits no big deal ! Just keep it secret... anyway you and I both know it's bound to happen
N: Pfff I can’t bye Angela
A: I’ll call you when you’ll be back in Madrid ! Can’t wait to know the all Paris story, especially the end !
I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket, a part of my body itching now my brain was imagining the things that could occurred in two days. I shook the thought, peering at the blurry shapes of the fancy buildings of Paris through the heavy rain.
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We arrived at the hotel at the end of the afternoon, everybody back on the bus at once for a late practice session. Misa didn’t break her self-promise to work hard and we didn’t interacted much during the first hours in the French capital. We quickly ate and went to bed after training. Everybody was very concentrate. 
Next day, the players trained all morning in the stadium of the Parc des Princes where the match would take place. However, the club permitted a free period on the afternoon and Naomie, who was born in Paris, organized an improvised visit of Montmartre with some of us. 
I was the only non-footballer member of the tourist groupe. Hayley had forced Misa to join. She originally wanted to study in her room, watching videos of goalkeepers playing as a last minute homework, but had had to let go under the insistence of her friend for well deserved break. 
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Even if most of us had been to Paris before, we were charmed by the tortuous and hilly streets near the Basilica. I was dragging myself behind the sporty women,  getting distanced more and more, as I climbed laboriously the endless stairs to the Sacré Coeur. Misa glanced behind her, saw me, nudge Hayley and the two of them lowered her pace to let me catch up. 
"¿ Qué pasa Nicky ? Tired after the morning training ? It was a hard one I must admit…" She teased as I leveled with them. 
"I didn’t signed for this ! Don’t have your stamina !" I panted. 
"Come on let’s go that way ! We’ll do a detour but maybe that mean less stairs" Hayley indicated a pedestrian curvy path on the left. 
We chatted happily on the way. It was so nice to hang together again. We shortly arrived to the front but below, a huge amount of stairs still separated us from the basilica. I snorted. 
"Come on Nicky !" Hayley pushed me forward but I eyed an empty bench aside the path. 
"I just need a break !" I said heading to sit down. As I passed in front of her, Misa hold me back, grabbing my arm. "We leave you on that bench and we’ll see you at the Sacré Coeur in two hours !" she joked. 
"Carry me then !" I said. I felt free in Paris, far away from the Ciudad Real Madrid, it was making me flirty and I played at being dramatically on the edge of fainting. 
Misa was already grasping my arm to pull me closer, ready to catch me. "Don’t temped me, Princesa !"
"Ok girls ! I’m still here remember ?" Hayley waved at us, amused. Misa and I parted, embarrassed. "We’ll do Nicky a favor and rest a bit." she added already sitting down on the bench. 
We joined her, silent for once, calmly enjoying the beautiful view of the roofs of Paris while tourists and locals flocked toward the Basilica. A big kind of pigeon walked to us, eager to find some food at our feet. 
"Esta paloma ha comido demasiado, French pigeon are fat !" the goalkeeper said, curious. 
I peered at the oversized bird. "I don’t think it’s a common pigeon…" 
Hayley put out her brand new camera  "I think it’s cute"  she said fondly and took a photo "It will be our souvenir of Paris". The Australian footballer jumped up and position herself in front of us but scared the bird away. "oh no I wanted a family portrait ! Anyway… say cheese !" she shouted at us. 
I shoved my arm on Misa’s shoulders, she grabbed my waist as we put on our best smiles. "You’re too cute girls" Hayley dropped. I felt my face blushing and I tried to hide it in the crook of Misa's neck. However, the embarrassment was almost pleasant as it felt so good to be allowed that little bit of freedom with Misa. Hayley knew the truth and was keeping it safely to herself.
A little breeze swept some fallen leaves on the path. I was so at peace in the foreign city I rested my head on the goalkeeper’s shoulder, smothered by the warm presence of her hand at my side. Hayley took another shoot. "You can tell me if you want a photo of you two kissing in Paris at this level…" she threw at us. We chuckled and I went back at hiding in Misa’s neck. But Hayley was just teasing and had the delicacy to turned around to photograph the city stretching in front of us, allowing the little break only for ourselves. 
I straitened up and peered at the goalkeeper. Her half-closed eyes were looking at her lap, a bashful grin making her so cute. I glanced around us to see if any of our teammates had followed us. It was clear. "I think I’d like a kiss in Paris" I said, my hand, still on her shoulder, caressed the side of her neck. Misa shyly smiled and raised her head. A worry flashed in her eyes and like me, she checked if we weren’t observed. When she was sure we wouldn’t take any risk, she leaned over and timidly kissed me. Felling she was pulling back, I hold her face, not ready to let her go, having not enough of her lips against mine, and I felt her grin through the kiss. "You can’t devour me in public like you almost did in your office" she muttered. I retreated and flash back at her. Her warm and soft gaze made my stomach flutter. I felt an urge to hold her close but didn’t dare, somehow finding it more intimate than a kiss. Instead I took her hand and got up, pulling her behind me. 
"Let’s go to that damned basilica !" 
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The teams entered the stadium in two neat rows under the cheering crowd, the Ultras Paris tribune loudly chanting "Paris est magique !". Tension and concentration gripped the Real Madrid girls as the traditional greeting took place. Shortly, everyone was taking their place in the pitch, ready for the kick-off. Misa’s knees had been warped up entirely since her injury during the previous game but she was jumping and stretching energetically in front of her cage. 
The game started, PSG had the ball, led by Grace Geyoro quickly advancing, passing the ball to Tabitha Chawinga. The forward ran faster and faster, closing the gap between her and the penalty area in less than minute. Ivana, Rocio and Oihane surrounded her and she passed the ball back to Sandy Baltimore who send it in the feet of Marie-Antoinette Katoto. The French player dribbled past Ivana and was block by Olga but managed to keep the ball. She send it to Sakina Karchaoui, and recovered the ball behind Olga’s back, heading straight into the penalty area. 
Misa readied herself to jump, shouting restlessly at her defenders. Katoto crossed the ball, Chawinga waiting, and she controlled it, aimed and shot. The ball rolled between Rocio’s feet at full speed. Misa dived and crashed onto the grass, her outstretched arms missed the ball by centimeters and she saw it entered the cage, almost brushing the right goalpost. The crowd burst in joy as PSG scored at the 6th minute. Real Madrid were having a hard game start. The goalkeeper got up, furious at her defenders and probably more with herself. She kicked the ball back in the game, her brows furrowed, her mouth nervously chewing a gum.
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First haft-time past with no further remarkable action, apart from a miss aim kick from Karchaoui at the 40th minute. The second half however was punctuated by the many attacks on both side. Unfortunately, all the attempts of Madrid were stopped by the impassable feet of the French defense. 
Madrid was falling back as fast as they could as Sakina rushed on the left side, knowing how dangerous she could be. She crossed the ball again, aiming for Grace Geyoro. The ball buried itself in the groupe of players lost in confusion. The whistle blew and the gesture of the referee was pretty clear. She mimed a square with her hands, her arm pointing the center of it to finish. The ball had found the arm of Oihane leading to a penalty in favor of the French team. 
At first sight, Misa’s face was unreadable, but I was beginning to know her well enough to decipher her extreme tension. What she dread and wanted the most was happening, a chance to prove herself when all was resting on her again. She settled on the goal line, stretching arms and legs to prepare herself. Katoto would do the shoot. The entire stadium was holding its breath. Katoto waited a few seconds. She jogged to the ball and kicked it to the left. Misa jumped on the good side and kick the ball with her fist, sending it out of the pitch. She leaped back to her feet, screaming in triumph as her teammates hugged and slapped her in congratulation.   
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The match resumed. Like before the penalty, both teams worked hard at scoring without succeeding during the entire time. Finally, the whistle blew to signal the end of the encounter. It meant Madrid had lost again. We were all disappointed by the outcome but less battered than after the Clasico. We all knew we had put an honorable performance regarding our opponent. 
On the road back, the team was quiet for everyone was brooding the defeat. It was still early when we arrived at the hotel and groups of teammates formed in front of the building, sharing ideas to change their minds. I overheard Sofie and Kathellen taking about a club houseboat. Haley joined them at planning the evening, grabbing a passing moody Misa that surely wanted nothing more than to bury herself in her bed. 
"Don’t even think about escaping Misa Rodriguez. You’re coming with us, willing or not !"
"Estoy cansada y no quiero bailar ! Leave me, Aussie !" she moaned and struggled to set her arm free. Hayley gestured me to approach. "Nicky’s coming too ! You don’t want to miss a night out with the best girls, do you ?"
"Vamos Misa, it’s our last night in Paris !" I insisted and sized her other arm to prevent her from fleeing again. She stopped struggling but began to silently sulk.
"We going to a péniche sur la Seine" announced Kathleen with glittering eyes. Misa sent her a questioning look. "It’s a boat on la Seine, you know, the river of Paris" she mocked her.
"I know the river of Paris, thank you." Misa snapped back but I couldn’t tell if it was true. Anyway, the prospect of it didn’t seem particularly appealing to her.  
"Misa stop being so grumpy, just let go for once !" Like she would have with a child, Hayley took the goalkeeper’s chin between her fingers, and mirror her own putting expression, having Misa to finally break a smile. "Thanks Jesus, we have Misa back ! Let’s go change. We meet in one hour max at the hotel reception !" 
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After hesitating over and over about what to wear, I had finally put on a knee length dark gray T shirt, a jean jacket and a pair of black derbies from where my Real Madrid socks were sticking out. I didn’t like to look too classy, even in Paris. When I arrived in the lobby forty minutes later, Misa, Hayley and Kathellen were already there, chatting casually together. Hayley was the first to notice me. "Girl you’re looking good ! Come seat with us. We’re waiting for Sofie and God knows she can take forever to get ready". 
I took a place on the sofa besides the midfielder, facing Misa who discreetly looked at me from head to toes and put a thumb up to silently show her approbation of my outfit. My voiceless lips formed the words "you too" in return. The goalkeeper was wearing simple gray pants and a sleeveless top witch nicely brand out her muscular shoulders. 
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We waited for Sofie an entire hour and ordered a taxi. The danish girl had barely apologized, quickly gathering us for a selfie as we got out of the car at our destination. The surroundings were charming, large bare lawns stretching in front of the Palace of the Invalides on a side, a sumptuous bridge crossing the Seine on the other. The streetlights and granite paving stones perfected the lovely decor. 
We walked to the bridge, climbed down a few stairs and arrived on the docks where a few barges were mooring. As the cliché says, the banks was indeed giving a very romantic vibe and I suddenly wished Misa and I were alone. The tall brunette was photographing the place, finding it at her taste finally. 
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A few minutes later, we entered the barge-club and came to the dance floor on the lower level. The place was bombed-out and suffocating, colorful spots of light splattering on the sea of heads. After getting some drinks, we spotted a less crowded space and formed a small dancing circle. It was good to see the footballers having fun whole-hearted, relieved of any kind of pressure at the moment. Kathellen and Sofie spend many time dancing together, pausing now and then to take selfies and to chat on their phone. Misa was getting loose as she drank more and more Pina Coladas while Hayley kept making fun of her wild dancing. As for me, I was sweating hard and feeling slightly tipsy after two and a half pint of beer. 
The partying pretty footballers were drawing attention. A few girls approached them more than once. Kathellen and Misa had the most pretenders with respectively six and five woman coming to chat or dance with them. Of course, it annoyed me beyond reason for I was forcing myself to stay distant with the goalkeeper. When the sixth girl, moreover not an ugly one, tapped Misa’s shoulder with insurance, I escaped from the crowd to cool down near the wall of the room, not bearing to witness another flirt.  
I took a long sip of my beer, wiped the sweat off my forehead, while peering at the girl chatting Misa with dark eyes.
"C’est toujours étouffant ici ! T’as bien raison de faire une pause si tu veux tenir toute la nuit !" a women just came leaning against the wall besides me. 
I glanced at her, perplexed. She was tall, black, her face bearing many piercings and wearing her hair in long small braids. I actually found her very pretty. "Sorry, I don’t speak French !" I apologized.  
She came closer to avoid shouting over the music "Oh, I couldn’t guess ! You look very Frenchy. I’m Sonia." she pointed at herself. "Nicky" I mirrored her. 
"You dance Nicky ?" she led out an inviting hand and smile to me. I glanced at the place where I had left Misa but didn’t caught sight of her. Felling still annoyed by the goalkeeper power to attract girls like moths on a lamp, I nodded, dropped my empty glass, and followed Sonia back into the crowd. 
I could tell the woman was a confirmed dancer at the first contact. Her hands on my waist and scapula guided my body along her moves. She spoke in my ear without breaking our dance  "you’re living in Paris ?". Her smile was really charming and I felt exhausted all of sudden. Why couldn’t I crush on girl like her ? Why couldn’t things be simple and flowing ? Why was I liking one in the handful of people on earth I wasn’t allowed to ?
"No, I live Madrid actually, I’m just here for a couple of days " I answered. She made us turn around in a few quick dancing step and I caught a glimpse of Misa’s face glancing at us from across the the room, scowling, lips pinched. I couldn’t help feeling a bit satisfied jealously had changed side. 
"When are you leaving ?" Sonia asked. 
"Tomorrow" I said sadly as I was really enjoying your trip in Paris. 
The pretty women strengthened her grip, her mouth back to my ear "too bad… we can still spend the night…". I led out a soft chuckle. The prospect was tempting but I couldn’t go with Sonia like that. We weren’t even together, but I felt a jolt as I realized I would feel like cheating on Misa. My heart tightened as the thought of the footballer’s upset features. 
I pulled back from Sonia, my eyes already excusing "I’m sorry Sonia but I can’t. Thanks for the dance though, it was nice. You made me feel I danced well too". Sonia grind, obviously not vexed "De rien ! Good night to you Nicky." and she left, disappearing in the compact mass of people. 
The room had filled even more, blocking the view I had on the goalkeeper and barely allowing me to find my way back to the wall. I leant against the relatively fresher surface and began to text Misa to know where they were. The familiar silhouette of a brunette with broad shoulders extricate herself from the packed dancers. Misa scowl disappeared the moment she saw me and I was so happy to find her I flung myself in her arms, alcohol allowing me to be so reckless.  
Misa raised her eyebrows, surprised by this outrush of affection, especially after having see me dance with another women but shortly her body relaxed and she hold me against her. Not leaving her embrace, I slowly began to moved along the song’s rhythm. The goalie followed me, our hips pressed and moved in sync. Somehow feeling like sheltered by the dense crowned, we danced like we were alone, eyes closed and bodies stuck against each other. 
The music went slower, I turned around and put my back to her. My butt pressed on her hips, she wrapped her arms around me, shoved my hair to one side and planted a kiss on my neck. I shivered, led a blind hand grasp her hair for her to kiss more. Her hands on my stomach pushed my bottom harder against her while her lips worked their way up to my jawline. My face oriented itself toward them. She found the corner of my mouth, I growled in frustration and I turned to her again to fully receive her kiss. The close, the risks, the consequences, were swallowed by those luscious lips pushing me back to the wall, my arms around her neck ensnaring her body to mine as she had me cornered. 
The slow melody faded to a groovy one but we weren’t dancing anymore, lost in our heated kiss against the wall. I was so worked up it was painful. Snogging her wasn’t even barely enough, it was becoming excruciating. I was dying for more, for the all party, for a release that had never came yet. So I quitted her mouth and went to pant in her ear "Let’s go back to the hotel, to my room… por favor!". Hearing her gasp finished to convince me we shouldn’t last here anymore. 
As I began to drag her toward the exist, Misa held me back "We can’t go together on our own, it will look suspicious. We have to get the others to go or wait for them !". She had stay more sensible tonight and I had to admit she was right if we didn’t want Sofie and Kathellen spreading the juicy story of two girls coming back earlier to the all team in the morning. 
We found the three other footballers and I spotted Sofie muttering something to Kathleen while looking at us. I realized we were already suspected. Misa went next to the danish girl who nudge her with her elbow and exchanged a suggestive glance. The goalkeeper shook her head, bitterly adding "I queued to the bathroom and I found Nicky having a good time with a pretty French women". 
Sofie bought her partial lie, hitting my shoulder in collusion. "Why didn’t you go with her ? Enjoy your last hours in Paris baby !". 
"Nah, I’m far too tired ! Honestly I’d like to go, you can’t breath in here!". 
"Oh ! So soon ?" Sofie probed with a look the rest of our groupe. I caught eyes with Hayley and passed her a silent plea to help us. I saw the Australian midfielder glanced at Misa, the goalkeeper imperceptibly nodded, her face reddening with embarrassment. 
"I’m ok to go, I’m too hot too and I don’t want to end up looking like Misa’s lobster face." Hayley jibed while backing us up, having Misa shrinking on herself with shame. 
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To avoid any further suspicions, the goalkeeper and I didn’t take the same cab to return to the hotel. I paired up with Hayley, leaving Misa with Sofie and Kathellen. In the taxis, I thanked my friend for having us covered. 
"I got you girls, but be more careful, you two are getting so obvious it’s a miracle nobody else hasn’t figured something out" . The Aussie winked. "And please go to your room, I’m next to Misa’s and I would like to sleep well". 
"God sake, Hayley…" 
I closed the door of my hotel room, tension of my expecting body reaching new heights. All I had to do was wait for Misa but it was already too much for me to handle. My brain was running wild. What if she couldn’t come ? What if she finally didn’t want to ? I had to busy myself to keep my sanity. 
I took off my jacket, shoes and socks and glanced at the room. The bed had been done, white sheets and pillows neatly smothered and ready for us. I found the room too bright and I turned on the night lights near the bed headboard before turning off the ceiling one. The dim glow shrouded the place with a quiet warm ambiance. 
Going in the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired and messy. I  brushed my teeth and my hair, took a bit of conditioner to freshen it. Then, I checked my make up, put back deodorant and a spray of perfume… Once, twice, thrice… all of that to help me regain some confidence in vain. 
I went back in the bedroom, more nervous than ever. The waiting seemed to last forever, having me wonder if she was going to come at all. Maybe she found it was too risky in the hotel we shared with the team and staff…
…a soft knock on the door made my heart lift. 
I rushed at it, opening to a very agitated Misa, the goalkeeper checking several times she wasn’t followed before she stepped inside. 
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"Perdon Nicky !"  Misa sighted once she had closed the door. "Sofie wouldn’t let me go. She insisted we chatted and drink more in her room for she wasn’t feeling tired ! I told her I’d to go to bed but she wanted to come in my room and busy herself on her phone while I’d sleep !" 
I giggled "Sofie is one of a kind…"
"Si, she is ! But I got rid of her ! Uf !" she leant back to the door, relieved. 
"Phew ! Here you are at last !" I smiled to her, my nervousness surging again. 
We face each other in the small room, jittery and shy, unable to move, now we were finally at it. Silence settle between as we watched each other expectantly. Misa looked down, pressing her lips in an embarrassed smile and nervously massaged her neck. In spite of her charismatic appearance, she could be rather timid in those circumstances. I shook off some of my own diffidence and I walked to her, caught her face in my hands, looking at her tenderly, and my desire for her took over me again. 
I embraced her, kissed her softly, my impatience giving place to a will not to rush as the night still lay ahead. I wanted us to fully experience everything, each kiss and touch, equally moved and aroused by the fact that tonight would always be the first with her. 
Misa sunk in our slow motion, her arms around my neck. Her fingers gently crept in my hair and she pulled my face to deepen our kiss. I ran my hands under her t-shirt, stroking, caressing her skin, before I grabbed and pulled the cloth off the women’s head. Our kiss broken, my gaze wandered over her body and she sized the moment to take off my dress, her fingers folding the fabric up slowly, and finally shoving it off my head as well. We resumed our kissing, skin brushing, hands and fingers running along each other spine, to the point of giving us goosebump. 
Misa advanced, walking me backward to the bed, and taking her shoes off on the way. Our already fast breathing quickened. My heels hit the bed framed, I gasped, turned over at the last moment, having Misa loosing balance and falling onto the mattress. She smiled in surprise and settled herself in the middle of it, her half bare body an irresistible invitation to join her as soon as possible. 
I went over her, instantly back at full-mouthed kissing, a needy fire surged and spread as she caressed my bare skin. Misa straightened up and I wrapped my legs around her hips. Her powerful hands secured me against her while she looked up to me, silently asking for us to resume our kissing. I leaned toward her mouth and softy bit her lower lips, hearing the woman rasping breath in return. I released her, she send her tongue between my lips, reaching for mine, as her fingers found my bra and worked at unhooking it. I imitated her and we both sent our underwear to the floor. Quickly, we pressed our chest against each other, back at stroking our now entire naked upper bodies, the feel of Misa’a soft and bare breast on me stirring waves of heat in my stomach. 
I couldn’t bear to take our time anymore, I put my weight against the goalie to bring her to lie down again. Misa grinned and resisted. I unwrapped my legs, straddling her tights and unceremoniously pushed her back onto the mattress. Her eyes fed on the view of my almost naked figure. I, myself, could barely stand the sight of her lying body, topless, with her arms and long hair spread out on the pillow, her shaped abs and tanned smooth skin showing in the half-light. She looked up with hooded eyes, mouth half opened, surrendering to me taking the lead and allowing me to simply contemplate her for a moment.  
I came to lay a little aside over the goalkeeper, Misa’s arms enclosed me, pushing our breasts to gently squash, sending us both gasping at the sensation. A hand cupped the nap my neck, making my mouth fall back on her lips as I felt her rise her tight between my legs. I led out a wail, fingers gripping the pillow as she began to apply a light pressure there. Slowly I grinded on her, sending rush of pleasure in my body at each slide on her leg. But shorty, the fabric of her jeans bothered me. I broke the contact and I heaved my upper body onto one arm, leading down my other hand to unbutton her pant. 
I reset my position above the goalkeeper, began with a light kiss on her mouth and moved down to her neck. Misa’s hands ran down my back to my bottom as I nipped and licked my way to her breast, her long moans filling the room as I started to kiss her there. One of her hand found mine, the other resting on her own hair, her furrowed brows was giving away her longing. I paused, inhaling the smell of her skin, before I continued my road down. 
I stopped when I reached her jeans, witch I grasped firmly to took it off. Misa chest was rising up and down deeply, looking avidly at me as she had very well guessed were I was planning to go next. I took the time to dispose of my panties, more turned on to see her head jerked back on the pillow as she regained some of her breath. Fuck she was so hot ! Her perfect awaiting body menaced to finish me only at the sight. I tried to cool myself down, pushing back my own arousal as I swiftly pulled off the brunette’s own panties, having both of us bare and trembling with want. 
Slowly, I lowered my head between the goalkeeper’s spread legs, taking a glance at her blushed face, her brown eyes and half-opened quivering lips almost begging. My tongue ran through her and Misa's head fell back again, closing her eyes, as a hight pitch whimper escaped her mouth. Her sweet voice filled the room and covered my own whining. Her hands desperately clung at my hair to have me go on and on, her sounds louder with the increasing rhythm. 
At a moment, she set her arms upward, and messed with her hair, witch fell over her face beautifully. The vision of the brunette lost in pleasure almost had me go over the edge again. One of her hands hided her face, the other gripping the bed sheets as my fingers found their way inside. She was so loud now I was sure we had awakened all the occupants of the floor. I lifted my head to check is she was close, barely able to hold on myself, but Misa, wanting more, pressed my face between her legs again. Fuck ! I was so close, my own cries muffled by my business on her core, when her legs went rigid and pressed on each side of my head. The goalkeeper’s body shuddered, accompanied by deep whiny sights, as she sunk into the bliss. 
I exhaled and rested against her leg a moment, regaining my breath. After the short break, I went next to Misa, facing the goalkeeper laying on her back, her face lost and beautiful. She turned on her side, sent a weak arm over my waist for me to took her in and she nested on my collar bone, peaceful and exhausted. I watched her yearningly, I kissed her forehead and a discreet smile stretched her mouth. 
A couple of minute had passed, with us staying cuddling, when Misa lifted her head to put a soft kiss on my lips. She pulled my face to give me a more heated one, and another. Then she grabbed my leg, heaved it onto her hip and my breathing quickened again at once. Her hand grasped my neck, she sent it traveling to my breast, caressing and pinching my nipples a moment, turning me into a moaning mess, before she led it down, and downer. 
She touched me at last, gasped and smiled at finding me all drenched and I hugged her tight, feverish whimpers leaving my mouth as her fingers easily sled between my legs. I had been already so close I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold much more. Misa’s fingers sunk inside, I whined so loudly I’d have been ashamed, excepted I didn’t gave a fuck. Warmth grew, choking and pleasant each time she went in and out, filling me more and more when I was already so full. 
My half-closed eyes wandered on Misa, and it was the sight of her far too pretty blushed face focussing hard on making love to me that made me came. The deep waves of pure pleasure radiate through my entire body, my arms tightening around her neck, eyes shut, entirely surrendering to the overwhelming feel. 
As bliss took me in, both of us went limp against each other. Exhausted by her match earlier, the footballer as given her last strength to it. I flipped onto the other side, still recovering, while she managed to turn off the light and come to lie close. She pulled the cover onto us both, wrapped me with her arm, I sized her hand falling over, hearing her letting out an approving noise in response. Her slowing and deepening breathing told me she had fell asleep at once, against me, in Paris, the magic French capital.
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Chapter 7 ➺ In the haze
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