#oh no wait just kidding emma's an older sibling!
southside-otaku · 5 months
Just Too Sweet
Synopsis- You were such an angel, always the good girl, however you had a tendency to hangout with the “bad kids” in school. Your close friends, Emma and Mikey, have always been there for you as is the rest of the gang so it’s only natural you hangout at their house often. No one said you would be falling in love with your friend’s older brother.
Inspired by “Too Sweet” by Hozier, because it plagues my mind daily but I love it!
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TW: Age gap, best friend’s brother trope, kinda angst I guess, ambiguous ending, reader wants Shin but he doesn’t wanna corrupt her life, I think that’s it sorry if this is kinda rusty lol x3 proof read but also not lmfao
It was a normal morning after sleeping over your friend Emma’s house, you’ve been around her and her brothers since childhood. You tend to wake up after Emma but she stays to herself in bed before she has to make breakfast so you venture out in hopes to help your friend set up the kitchen.
Shin’s awake and already chilling in the living room when y/n gets there. “You’re quite the early bird today” she says not knowing that in truth he hadn’t slept hardly at all last night.
He replies with a soft smile and small chuckle “yeah, well the guys and I were out late at Wakasas’ apartment.”
Y/n looks at the older boy knowing now that him being out late meant he probably didn’t sleep a wink. She scolds him, explaining how he needs to take better care of himself and try to get some sleep every once in a while.
Shin always appreciates your worry for his health, you take good care of yourself from your hair to your clothes and especially that oh so sweet innocence in your eyes. He prays no one takes that away from you
After breakfast you head to Emma’s room to get your clothes on for the day. Mikey, Emma, and friends call you from outside to see if you’re ready. “Stop flirting with Shin and get your butt out here already!” Senju yells. Y/n blushes, not like they both didn’t realize that there was SOMETHING between them that was a little different from just being the older brother and you being his siblings’ friend.
Y/n rushes out the door waving and shouting a “see ya ‘round! Please make sure to eat and drink water!!” before closing the door behind her. Now Shin is left to his thoughts again, the ones he loves and loathes at the same time.
A couple days later you’re all at Mikey’s again planning to go out to some arcade. Everyone is laughing and chatting. Shinichiro is lounging on the sofa again, staring unabashedly at y/n. Thoughts race through his mind about how stunning she is when she throws her head back in laughter, that sweet smile gracing her tender features. Now Shinichiro has had his eyes on a plethora of women before, which he has had no such luck with at all, but y/n…she was so perfect. So perfect in fact that he even knew her parents thought highly of her, so much so that he knows for a fact that they would certainly not approve of an older man whom also used to run a large biker gang as her lover.
His thoughts are pulled away by loud knocking resonating through the living room. As he strides to the front door he can feel y/n’s eyes on him-even for just a moment-and he’s frozen, hand on the doorknob, as if in a spell.
Shinichiro finally opens the door to allow his friends inside. Benkei and Wakasa giving each other knowing glances once they see Mikey and ALL of his friends, especially the sweet, curly headed girl sat by the glass doors to the backyard; it’s as if the sun’s rays highlighter her innocence.
It’s late by the time y/n comes back with Mikey, Emma, Draken, and Senju. Everyone decides to spend the night again at the Sanos’ and they soon head to their respective rooms.
Shin and his friends are all in the garage talking while smoking or having a drink.
Takeomi blows out a puff of smoke,”I know something’s on your mind man, you only drink that stuff when your mind is in a fog.” All eyes are on the two brunette boys now, waiting to see how they respond to each other. Takeomi is the first to speak again, “so where’s that little bunny you’ve been eyeing?”
Shin closes his eyes before twirling around his glass of whisky, “I let her go.” He looks up at ceiling, “there’s no way I deserve something as sweet as her, no matter how badly I want her.”
Wakasa blows smoke off to the side then looks up at his friend from his seat on the floor, “then why’s she heading this way with your little brother?”
Shinichiro looks out the window to see y/n, bewilderment in his eyes, as she races toward him like a bride to her groom. Are the two willing to take the risk? Surprising himself, he stands, placing his empty whiskey cup down and heads toward the door, swinging it open to let the younger girl into his embrace with open arms. It was just so natural to him. Like it was everything he ever wanted.
~wanted to thank @i-literally-cant-with-this for letting me ask for a proof read of the outline for this :) thanks babes!~
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Can I make a request for that shion cat cause I saw that imagine and it was sooo adorable
Like the reader find that cat alone and decided to adopt him
And give the cat the love it deserve cause I’d imagine shion cat would’ve had a hard time being a stray
the reader is a sano sibling and while Shinichiro, mikey and Emma aren’t too fond of the cat cause I imagine shion cat being a bit in the dirty side due to being a stray for so long but will always behave because shion cat is terrified of being put back in the street
Okay. I had to add Izana into the Sano household because imagine the chaos! Hope you enjoy!
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The Sano siblings didn't know what to expect when (Name) came home late. They thought maybe he had been caught up with friends. Maybe he was helping an elderly around town again. Or maybe he was helping a kid find his missing parent.
No. When (Name) came home he was covered in dirt and mud and smelled horrible. But what caught their attention the most was the sleeping cat he was holding. Thats right. He came home late, with a cat.
"Um. Whatcha got there (Name)?" Shinichiro asked. Dumbfounded like the other two Sano siblings. (Name) grinned and showed off the filthy cat. "I found this cat! He was hard to catch, but when I did catch him, he fell right asleep in my arms. Isn't he cute?"
Mikey opened his mouth but Emma smacked him and Shinichiro coveted his mouth. "Absolutely bud. Why don't you and your new friend go take a bath okay? Mikey will call his buddy's and see what all the kitty will need okay?"
(Name) nodded excitedly and darted to the bathroom. After he left Shinichiro signed and ran a hand down his face. "Emma call Izana, warn him about the cat. Mikey call your cat friends and ask them what I'll need to get. And DON'T say anything bad while I'm out."
The two nodded and quickly got on it. Once he had the list, Shinichiro quickly went out to get the needed stuff while. Emma gave Mikey a look that said "don't fuck up" before heading to her room.
Mikey just shrugged and made himself comfortable on the couch. When (Name) came out of the bathroom, the cat followed right behind him. (Name) walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. The cat jumped onto the counter and stared.
(Name) got the memo and pulled a small bowl down, pouring half his bottle into the bowl. "There you guy bud." The cat purred and rubbed himself against (Name)'s cheek. Making the male laugh softly and give the cat some well deserved scratches.
When Izana came home he knew (Name) had brought home a cat. But he didn't know what it looked like. Now that he does he only had one thing to say. "That's the ugliest fucking cat I've ever seen."
(Name)'s faced dropped and Mikey snorted. Izana didn't stop there though. "Oh my god. It looks like Shion. Listen I already gotta deal with a human Shion. I don't wanna have to deal with a fucking cat version of him."
Mikey by now was laughing. (Name) had honestly looked like he was gonna cry. Of course neither brothers noticed it. Not until the cat hissed at them. Bringing both brothers attention to the teary eyed male. "I-I was hoping you g-guys would like him!"
(Name) quickly stood up, grabbed the cat, and locked himself in his room. Emma came out after hearing the slamming of (Name)'s door, seeing the two paled older brothers frozen in the living room.
"What did you two do!?" The two immediately began blaming each other. "Izana called (Name)'s cat fucking ugly, then started yelling at him for bringing it home!"
Emma stunned quickly turned to Izana. Who immediately retaliated. "Well Mikey laughed about it and made matters worse!" She turned to Mikey, who tried hiding behind the couch. "Oh wait till Shin-nii gets home!"
"I am home. What's going on?" Shinichiro walked into the living room. Arms full of bags and a worried expression on his face. "Where is (Name) and the cat?" Emma huffed and pointed to the males, who were now both trying to hide behind the couch.
"Shin-nii! Mikey and Izana made (Name) cry! He got upset and locked himself in his room!" Shinichiro pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. These kids were giving him so many grey hairs. He stared at the two.
"Explain your parts, and maybe you two won't get grounded." The two immediately started yelling over the other. Shinichiro raised his hand, making the two quiet before pointing at Mikey. "Izana called (Name)'s cat fucking ugly and then yelled at him because apparently the cat looks like one of his gang memebers."
Shinichiro ran a hand down his face and pointed to Izana. "Mikey laughed about it and made it worse." Shinichiro groaned. "I know I said state your case, and you two just snitch on each other. But you guys know how sensitive (Name) is. I mean he looked so happy to have that cat. He also apparently worked hard to catch it."
Shinichiro then glared at the two. "Now I went out and got what was needed for cats. So you BOTH are going to take them to (Name) and apologize to him." The two began to disagree until Emma spoke up. "I'll go ahead and text Kakucho and Takemichi that your guys dates for this weekend are canceled because you two are grounded."
The two quieted down, before slowly grabbing the bags, and making their way towards (Name)'s room. Once there Mikey knocked on the door. When the door opened, the room looked like it had been through a tornado. (Name) sniffles before poking his head out. Still holding the cat.
The two flinched at the sight of dried tears on (Name)'s face. "We brought the cat supplies." (Name) opened his door and allowed the two in. Once everything was set up and placed where it was needed, the boys apologized and (Name) forgave them.
Some things Sano siblings noticed over the next few weeks, was that 1. The cat was completely attached to (Name), and 2. The cat was extremely messy. It made messes everywhere. That (Name) took responsibility and cleaned up.
Which they knew a stray converting to an inside cat would take time and effort. But (Name) has truly surprised them with how responsible he's being for it. After the 3rd week of nothing but messes and chaos, the siblings expected (Name) to give up.
He didn't. Eventually the cat (which (Name) named Shion just to spite Izana), stopped making messes. Well it bothered Mikey and Izana after they would upset (Name). But other then that, Shion became a welcomed member in (Name)'s family.
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katsune-nya · 1 year
Emma's first period.
Platonic!Emma × Reader.
Gender neutral but she calls you with the "-nee" suffix once in the beginning and you enter the restroom with her.
Mentions of Shin being dead. Grandpa Sano mentioned lmao.
You are suddenly startled by the ringing of your phone. You set your items next to the aisle and pick them up.
"Y/N-nee, something is wrong." The girly voice says from the other side.
You used to be friends with Shinichiro before he passed, thanks to him you met his two younger siblings, Manjiro- no, he would throw a tantrum if you said that: Mikey, and Emma.
After the loss of their older brother, you started visiting them and their grandpa every chance you could. You helped out around when you felt like it and tried to offer some semblance of normalcy in their lives. Helping them with school work (well, forcing Mikey to do his homework), gossiping about Emma's crush, telling them stories about Shin and even guiding them through their recent start on teenagehood whenever they allowed you to.
"What? What happened? Are you OK?" You ask now concerned, already about to leave your stuff stranded there to run to the girl's rescue.
"I'm... I'm in the toilet and I'm bleeding." She responds.
You think for a moment. "Wait... Where are you bleeding from."
"Well... Down there?" She responds shyly.
"Oh, thank God." You might have forgotten to talk about one very important topic. You didn't expect it to be so soon "You'll be OK, love. You got your period. I'll be at your place in a moment. Is anyone else home?"
"Grandpa is teaching and Mikey is napping, I think."
"Alright, if you feel unwell while you wait you can try calling one of them, but I promise you'll be OK, I'm on my way." You grab some pads and snacks from a nearby shelf and get some pain meds before paying for all the items and rushing to the Sano residence.
You unlock the door with your keys that Grandpa Sano had made for you some time ago and step in, setting your bags on the dinner table and going to the restroom Emma might be in.
You knock. "Emma? It's me."
"You can come in." Says the girl, opening the door slightly.
You step inside carefully and crouch on the floor in front of her.
"It hurts..." She says softly. "I thought something was wrong..."
You get some pads from the bag you brought with you. "Here, I'll teach you how to stick them." You unwrap the pad for the girl and show her the covered sticky sides. "Now uncover the bottom one and stick it right in the middle of the underwear." She does as you say. "Perfect. Take the plastic off the wings and stick them tightly on the sides of the cloth." She does so a bit slowly, accidentally making one of the wings stick to itself and then trying again.
"Done." She says.
"Good job. I'll wait for you outside, yeah?" She nods and you leave the bathroom, putting the padded packet back in your bag and waiting for her to come out. After around a minute, she does.
You go with her to her bedroom and she immediately lays in bed with a grumpy face. "Does this mean I'm grown at least?" It's obvious she doesn't like the situation, but she always had the want to show she was already a woman, so the words just came out.
"Eh... Not really." You set the pads on her nightstand and sit next to her on the bed, caressing her honey-blonde hair. "You are bigger than you were yesterday, but you're still a kid... well, teen, and that's fine. Don't rush it."
She looks up at you with a pout and you start talking again. "This will be uncomfortable for a few days and maybe hurt a bit, but it shouldn't be too bad. If it is, we'll tell your grandpa to take you to the doctor."
"I thought it was supposed to start later?" She looks almost offended.
"Well, it depends, some get it at 8, others at 17, there's not one exact age." You caress her hair some more and she starts to relax.
"How long will it last?"
"Hmm. From three to seven days normally. Sometimes more or less."
"Ugh." That's all she says.
"You might get bloated, break out, have pain in weird parts of your body, feel fatter, uglier, weaker, more uncomfortable, or like everything sucks, but try not to listen to those thoughts too much, it's not ALL bad, you're in your period. When it's over, you'll go back to normal. Your hormones are hell right now, so don't think you're crazy if you suddenly start crying or yelling about something you don't normally even care about."
"Ugh." She groans. "That sucks."
You chuckle. "Hey, but it's a good excuse for some stuff."
"Like what?" She asks, getting in a better position with her head on your thighs.
"Well, chocolate sometimes helps with the pain, so you can eat all you want." You start. "Even though exercise can help too, you need to rest, so you can stay all day in bed, or on the couch watching TV."
She doesn't look too convinced, but she doesn't seem to dislike the ideas.
"You can go and act like a poor damsel in distress and get Mikey to do your chores for you."
Her eyes brighten. "OK, I don't have a choice, and it still sucks... But it's not ALL bad." Her expression is more relaxed now.
"Oh no, you look like you're in pain."
"What? Oh no, it's honestly not th-"
"We better have some chocolate to make it better!"
"Oh, I mean, ouch! So hurt, such pain!" she says dramatically.
I'm on my period and have older sister syndrome so I got this idea and needed to write it.
I headcanon she developed early from what we've learned.
And also like, she definitely has an obsession with seeming grown.
She deserved a good female role model ffs.
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
One Big Crazy Loving Bruno Family
(AKA: How the Wonder Stars met Kaylo's family)
The Kids walked down the street to Kaylo's address again. The pink haired girl had invited them over for a small get together to celebrate her getting into the Barnum Naka School of Performing Arts most advanced singing program (a very prestigious matter, even by her standards) and her family was throwing a party to celebrate.
"I wonder if her Aunt is gonna be there!" Leo said. The kids wondered the same thing, after all, Catilin Bruno owned one of the most successful and popular sweet shops in Timeville, and she was Kaylo's aunt. "She probably is. Along with the rest of her family." Emma told him. Rebecca nodded "Yeah! I mean they're probably proud of her for getting in. I know I would if I was accepted into the worlds most advanced art program." She said.
When they finally arrived at the Bruno manison, Mei knocked at the door, waiting for the pink haired girl to open the door, only instead to be greeted by a Japanese man, with glasses on his face and a kind smile. "Hello. Are you friends of Kaylo?" He asked. The kids nodded before he welcomed them into the house. What met them was the loud thumps of music playing from somewhere, as well as a lot of people mingling with each other.
"So you guys made it!" The kind voice of Thea Bruno caught their attention. "Hi Mrs Bruno! Thank you for inviting us!" Emma said "Oh it was no problem, Kaylo was insistant that you came, she's really excited about this after all." She said, helping Catilin Bruno pull a desert cart out. "Yeah. That and it gives her a reason to go nuts with sweets." She said jokingly.
The kids chuckled at her quip before s few younger children came running to the cart "YAY!! SWEETS!!" They cheered before another woman, holding two babies came in front of them "Not Yet. One at a time, we didn't have dinner yet." She said in a gentle, but firm voice "OK Auntie Cherry" the said, but not without one of them grabbing a cupcake. "I see You Lola You're not invisible." She said in a joking voice. The little girl giggled as she ran off, cake in tow.
Leo shook his head at the number of kids that ran through the house, before one of them came up to him and the others "Hi! I'm Haru! What's your name?" She asked "I'm Leo. Are you Kaylo's...sibling?" He asked, confused. Haru Giggled "Nope! I'm her Cousin! Kimi is her sister though!" She said. "My siblings are over there!" She said, pointing towards three other kids, with the Japanese man from before "That's my Dad Koto! And my siblings Hana, Kyary, and Sakura!" She said, pointing at each one.
"Alright! Do you know where we can find Kaylo?" Rebecca asked "She's helping Grandma and Grandpa get ready to come down." Haru answered. A loud wailing got all of their attention "Haru? Can you grab Mia and Tia's bottles please?" The same caring voice from before asked "Hang On! I got it!" A somewhat panicked voice said. "Oh thank you Melody. You really are a godsend." The caring voice said. "Heh...No Problem Aunt Cherry...I've dealt with Finn before, this is nothing." The voice panted out.
"That's Melody, her family and her brother came by to celebrate as well." Haru explained. "Hey...I think I remember her. Ba-A friend of ours said she had met her and her brother before." Trisha Jane said, keeping the part about the Balan Theater, and the maestros that ran it out of the sentence. "Oooooh! Well, that makes one, Melody used to be a big scaredy cat at one point, and then she was seen singing on a stage in front of a lot of people." Haru said.
"Now Haru, stop telling them embarrassing secrets." An older voice said. Behind the kids sat MORE children, the older one glaring down at Haru "I was just saying. These are Jenny, Julie, and Lola." She introduced. "You must be friends of Kaylo. Pleased to meet you." Jenny said, while Julie already began hugging them. "Let's play! Let's play!" She squealed, pulling Mei's hand "Come on now Julie, they're looking for Kaylo, they can play a little later." Jenny said, gently pulling her away.
Julie pouted before Emma crouched down and said "We can play soon, after we find your cousin. Ok?" Julie nodded her head before she ran off with Jenny and Lola. Suddenly, another girl came running down, holding a small game console "Anyone up for a game of Splat Attack?" She asked. The kids looked hesitant before Trisha Jane raised her hand "I'll play you." She said "OK!" The little chirped, before plugging in the console to a nearby TV.
As it turns out...she was good at Splat Attack. Winning at LEAST 6 games. "How?! How are you THIS good?!" Leo asked in shock "Well. I AM a good gamer. Name's Kimi Bruno." She said, a bit of pride in her voice. "Oh! You're Kaylo's little sister aren't you!" Emma exclaimed, remembering what Haru said. "Yep. My big sis is almost ready. She's almost done with Grandma and Grandpa." She said.
"I hope mom isn't giving her a hard time. She has a habit of not wanting to wear her 'important clothes' as she puts it." A older woman said, still holding the two babies "Should...we go up and help?" Leo asked. Another Man (probably another uncle) shook his head "Nah. Kaylo can handle it. I've seen Krista melt whenever Kaylo's eyes get big, and she does the 'Please don't make me cry' look. After that, she does just about anything." He said, while tinkering with a small toy robot in his hands.
"We're coming!" An aged female voice said before a blur came barreling down the stairs "Krista Dear! Wait!" An elderly male voice yelled as a loud "WOOHOO!!" Was heard and an very elderly woman came sliding down the stairway rail "Grandma Krista! You know that you can't do that! Your old!" A familiar voice said. The kids looked up to see Kaylo, along with an older man rush down the stairs to the cackling woman.
"Oh I'm not that old yet! I'm not gonna father Time stop me yet!" She said as Kaylo and the man helped her off the ground. "Kaylo!" Mei called out, getting the pink haired girls attention. Kaylo smiled as she saw her friends Watching the display "Guys!! You made it!" She cheered, tackling them in a hug. "Yep! We weren't gonna miss this!" Leo said as she put them down "I hope my family didn't give you a hard time. " Kaylo said, a small blush on her face
"Actually, They're all really nice. But your sister is really good at video games." Emma said. Kaylo playfully rolled her eyes "Huh...Show off." She said before a Bell was heard "Dinner Time everyone!" Thea said as everyone headed towards the dining room "I guess we'll have to put more introductions on hold, it's time to eat!" Kaylo cheered as the kids followed her to the dining room.
The Brunos may be many, but they really are a large, crazy, loving family
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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tia-amorosa · 8 months
Caracan - Sparks Family (1)
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It is shortly after midnight and the lights are still on in the mayor's house. It's like this almost every evening, because Michael wants to finish his day's tasks first.
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​"Michael, it's getting late, come to bed"/ "in a minute, my dear, I just have to write a few lines. Mmh…hm, I've forgotten the name of our new resident again"/ "His name is Keon, Michael. You're getting a bit more forgetful as time goes by, I'm sure you realize that too. You'll have to give up your post at some point. I know you don't want that…".
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"I'm still clinging to the idea that we'll leave this island one day. If possible, before I die, Vinetta. Until then, I just want to be who I am for as long as possible."/ "But at some point, you won't be able to do that anymore. You know some of the men here would like to take over your job". "hmm. I'm just not sure yet who I can hand over my position to with a clear conscience"…
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"What about Mr. Weiss, or Luck-Neckar? Or Erik Verne? "/ "Oh no, not Erik, he would confuse so many things. No, I was thinking maybe Clayton. He's the closest to what I envision as my successor. He's very eloquent, can write very well, his handwriting is flawless. And he's very competent"/ "that's right. It would certainly be a good job for him."/"But I'm still here"…
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"This year marks 15 years. I know it's not necessarily a day to celebrate. But it would still be nice if we could all gather around the table with a good roast. Dean should keep an eye out first and then bring us something that's enough for everyone"/ "if everyone wants to come at all."/ "You're right… Then the leftovers will be brought to them. I also wish we could do it differently. But it was lucky that there are wild animals here".
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Michael finished his work for the day. He then went out into the hallway with his wife. This was already an evening ritual. Checking once again that the door was locked, taking another look through the window to make sure no one was out and about. "See, everything's fine"/"Where's our daughter today, she hasn't come home"/"She's staying with the Winchesters, she and Emma have become good friends".
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There is a difference between what you tell your parents and what you do instead. The hunter's house is not far from the family home. Donna has been spending a lot of time with him recently. Lustful moans, rapid breathing and the rhythmic banging of wood against a wall are the sounds that flood his bedroom at this moment.
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Donna and the hunter. It's not official yet. They spend most of their time together in their house and enjoy everything they've only ever dreamed of. The two have known each other since they were children. They actually grew up like siblings, but the older they got, the more they realized that they wanted more than just to be friends.
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They let their feelings run free until well after midnight. "You really are incredible, Donna, but at some point even the strongest man needs a break. ". She raised an eyebrow and made a pouty face. "hnn, and I thought we could still until tomorrow morning…"/ "hahaha, oh no, really… Hey, I have to get up soon"/ "mmh. All right." He stroked her face tenderly, kissed her and then let himself fall to the side.
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Exhausted and satisfied, they lay next to each other. "How much longer do you want to wait, Donna? Your parents should be allowed to know by now, shouldn't they?"/ "hnn, I actually find it quite appealing when we have a little secret"/ "Our relationship isn't a problem… Yes, I lived under the same roof as you and your parents for many years, but everything is different now and I get on with your parents"/ "Oh Dean…"
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"What, huh? Your parents are allowed to know… We're not kids anymore, Donna"/ "I know. Hhh, okay, I'll talk to them, all right?"/
"We! I'll come with you, not that you're going to back out"/
"All right, then you're coming with me. I have to help my dad again tomorrow anyway. Man, this work is really boring, I'd rather be doing something else. And I also have to look after the three orphans".
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"oh yes, the three who live up by the waterfall…"/ "i'm the dear aunt who looks after them. but Rupert is slowly turning into a man. He wants to be a craftsman now and is attending school again.". Dean raised an eyebrow with a confident look on his face and took a deep breath. "And I can hunt." She had to smile a little. "hnhn, yes, you're very good at that. And in a few days, it'll be Gratitude Day again. We should be grateful that we ended up here and not in the floods.". Dean got a different look on his face. Annoyed. "Yeah, and I'm only allowed to hunt on assignment again and not for fun, it's really boring."
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Donna stroked his face and smiled sympathetically. "I know it's not very challenging for you. But you're the one who gets us the meat when we need it. You're the best hunter I know. And we've got everything under control so far, haven't we? I need to sleep now…"/ "O.k….". Donna lay down next to him under the comforter and closed her eyes. While he thought for a moment. "One day… One day I'll shoot a really big one!".
End of Part one
Credits: Thanks to Lover's Lab for the Passion mod, which my Sims always have a lot of fun with😊😆in (it's like the Kinky, only with fewer functions, but it's enough for me) Bed Pose by Skylar (?) I'm not sure right now. I'll check again next time.^^
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
To Bail From Home
My mother had died. She was 93 when it happened so that was quite a fine age. My sisters, all three of them, invited me up north for the funeral. I had moved down south a long, long time ago, and had spent little time with my sisters, or mother, ever since then. Honestly, I was sad that my parent had passed; but can admit that a large part of the reason why I moved and stayed south was not to be near them.
What about the father? I have no recollection of him … and thus grew up with a perfectly feminine environment. I was a mistake child and my mother bore me at the age of 39. My father perished in a car crash when I was two. The trio of sisters were in the car with him when it happened and it would go on to explain why they were horrible and sadistic for the rest of their days. Not that you can sum up three people in two words; but you are free to make observations as well.
I believe they were angry that I wasn’t in the vehicle with them when the mini bus driver got complacent and smashed into the top corner of the car. Or perhaps they wished they hadn’t been killed in that instant, either: because they had to live with the memory.
And mother, after it occurred. She’d always been an emotional hurricane anyway and with the husband dead it horrified her irrevocably. Moreover, she told the daughters, on several occasions, “It should’ve been you that got taken in that crash! You vermin! You worthless rats!" I remember her saying this line at drunken tempo on sickeningly hot or icily cold nights, way into my adolescence.
With me, her favourite line was, “You’re the worst natural disaster I’ve ever seen, Gumbo.”
Gumbo was my nickname. My real name was/is Gary but they all called me Gumbo. My eldest sister Emma coined it … and I can’t recall where it came from; but it glued in from there.
So, yes – I could go on about the period from eleven years to eighteen years in that household with those four women. All sisters were far older than me, by the way; the next one up being five years my age. But, I don’t feel the need to moan. It was just a mass of intense bullying with lines that would be tricky to invent in big TV shows where all the characters get by by being mean.
I couldn’t not go to mother’s funeral. So I took the train up north, crossing the borders, as the climate got colder and hillier. Super cold, also, as this was in January.
It was odd going back to the homeland and even stranger heading back to the boyhood neighbourhood on the east side of the city. Mother had never moved away from the big house where she raised us; and I had to reimburse that fact: that she brought me up. Not an angel, was she. But – I knew I was a good man myself and some of this was down to the fact that she essentially made me.
There was the small, half-pretty church near the house with the depressed spent priest. And my sisters were all there already with their husbands.
They smiled and waved when they saw me and I felt this huge sense of despair when I saw them, because I didn’t think they’d be in any way glad I was there … Because all train ride up there I’d feared that they would still be mucked off with me that I had left them, oh … thirty years ago thereabouts. And hadn’t turned up to Christmas invitations or come to their birthday parties, etc.
But they were genuine.
They had kids, too. Nephews and nieces – who I barely knew.
And I realised that I hardly knew any of my siblings now. None of their descriptions, now, were particularly remarkable. Each of them overweight, and their husbands too; they worked in dull jobs with average incomes; they had no artistic streak and weren’t quite intrigued in artsy matters.
^ But, see? Here was me being judgemental again when I wasn’t familiar with them. And as we stood there making tiny talk in the windy graveyard waiting for my mother’s coffin to be brought in a big black car, I cursed myself with shame, for being so unforgiving across all these decades … Maybe you take words and insults and sibling stuff far more harshly when you’re young? And especially if you were the smallest of the children then it was far worse for you?
(I wasn’t the smallest physically for that long, though. When I was around fifteen I was around young-man size in terms of physical build, which I’d inherited from ghostly Pop. And there was one time when Emma slapped me – again – over some trivial blah blah argument in the kitchen. Emma hit me like that countless times across childhood, out of habit, often without thinking, and I was forever flinching or ducking her. But, when I was 15 I was the same size of her. So I just walloped her back. Which sent the room silent and left this red new imprint on the rest of her whitened face.)
Mother’s coffin arrived.
As I say – the wind was strong and intense and it blew the leaves all around the kirkyard in a movie’s browns and copper reds. Her coffin was lifted out of the back of the car and we followed it into the church … and I remembered when my old cat passed away back when I was little, at the old house. He was kinda my cat because I was closest too him and a lot of that, or so I liked to feel, was due to us being the two lone males in the household.
He was sick for a long time and then he didn’t wake up or move one morning so we buried him in the back garden under the birch tree and I cried the entire time and all the lady sisters and Mum were there and for once they didn’t make fun of me for crying and they didn’t say anything or intervene and only let me weep.
This was what I thought about when I went into the church’s airy interior and it began to make my eyes vinegary and I knew that now wasn’t the right time for tears. Not yet. I couldn’t cry in front of my sisters like I did back then … even though they weren’t going to mock me for it. I simply couldn’t do it.
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This Is A Wild Game (Of Survival) (Escape Plan Pt. 2)
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Third Person POV
Gray and Emma Mitchell had just escaped their older brother, Zach, and were running around exploring. "Look!" Emma pointed towards a beaten path and decided to follow it. Tiptoeing past bushes and other types of plants, they followed the trail and saw a camp of sorts. Emma pulled out a pocket map and hummed. "That's the raptors, according to the map." She folded it and slipped it into her pocket. "Let's get closer." "No, wait!" Gray yanked her back. "Raptors are really smart, Emma. And I don't think we can be here." "Why not?" Emma asked hotly. "They're dinosaurs, they're in a cage, Gray. Come on, quit being a sissy." She strolled forwards, and Gray sighed, catching up. "But wait! I saw a sign on the fence back there." He pointed back the way they'd come, but Emma wasn't listening. "So what, Gray. I wanna see the raptors. And then I promise we can go. Just...don't get us caught." She crept forwards, peering through bars. "Wow, look at them!"
Four raptors, at least six feet tall, were prowling the cage, hissing and growling at one another. "that one's blue." Gray pointed to the obvious Alpha female, a gorgeous raptor with blue streaks on each of her sides. "Wow...she's beautiful." "And dangerous." A voice spoke, and the kids turned, staring, at a man. He had short brown hair, green-blue eyes, and was dressed in a brown leather vest, a blue, long-sleeved shirt (though the sleeves were currently rolled up), and brown pants and boots coated in dust. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked, stern but not mean. Gray gulped, "W-we're just looking at the raptors, we're sorry." Instead of answering, he stood next to them, watching the raptors. "They're smart, you're right about that. They'd tear you to pieces before you saw them coming. Listen, I want you to stay away from here, okay? If something goes wrong, you can't be here to see it, got that?" "What could go wrong? Aren't the fences meant to keep them in?" "Yeah, but like many animals--monkeys, elephants, the like--Raptors can open doors." The silence after those words was heavy. "Wow." Gray muttered, eyes wide. "What's your name?" Emma asked boldly, and the man smirked. "Owen Grady." "I'm Emma, this is Gray. Zach's our older brother." Owen frowned, a strange glint in his eyes. "I think I know you. Your aunt's looking for--"
Suddenly, there was a shout. "Code 19, Code 19!" People began to run along the catwalk, yelling incomprehensible codes and numbers. "What's happening?" Emma asked, moving closer to Gray, who whispered back, "I don't know." "Inside, now!" Owen shouted, pushing them to a little shack. "Stay in here for right now, okay? 'll be right back!" He shut the door and they heard him running off. "I'm scared," Emma whispered.
"What do you mean you lost them, Zach?!" His aunt shouted down the line. "They ran off on me, so don't snap, okay?! I wasn't looking, I was on the phone with my Mom!" He shouted, earning a few looks from the others inside the Innovation Center. It was awfully echo-like in here....
Lowering his voice, he said, "Look, I can find them, I do know where they went." He shut his eyes tight, hoping his aunt believed his lie. "God, Zach, please bring them back," His aunt moaned, and before she hung up, he heard her say, "Karen's gonna kill me." Mom's going to be mad for sure, but she doesn't have to know, Zach told himself, starting a search. He asked several ride employees about his siblings, but most of them had 20,000 people to deal with and didn't remember just two kids. Which was, admittedly, fair, but it wasn't making things any easier.
Groaning, he moved on, arriving at the Gyrospheres. The employee, a kid not much older than Zach, with shaggy brown hair and, to be frank, a rather dumb look, was the winner. "Oh, yeah. they're about this tall?" He held his hands out, at different heights, which resembled Emma and Gray's exactly. When Zach asked where they went, the \boy shrugged, jerking his thumb to the hamster balls behind him. "One of these. Just jump in this one, okay?" He stopped a ball, ad Zach got in, and away he zoomed.
"Triceratops." Emma pointed, marking it down in her little notebook. She was keeping track of all the kinds of animals the park had. So far, she had a Triceratops herd, Stegosaurus herds, Apatosaurus herds, a T. Rex, the Velociraptor pack, a huge number of Procompsognathus (commonly just called Compies), a Dilophosaurus pack (just three of them), a Pterosaurs flock, and a Parasaurolophus (duck-billed) herd.
"Do you think there's some we haven't found?" Emma asked as gray steered them on. "Not sure. Look, another Pterosaur." The huge mammal swooped overhead, towards the water, and they watched it catch a huge fish. "Cool!" Emma crowed, jotting down the wing structure, the speed, the aerodynamics, the angles, and the way it caught the fish. "I'm gonna be the best paleontologist ever!" She yelled, her voice echoing around the ball.
"Hey, watch the volume," Gray teased, and she laughed. "Hey, go there." She suddenly pointed to a broken gate, and Gray hesitated. "It says Restricted, though."
And, true to his word, the broken gate had a black, red, and white sign that read RESTRICTED: NO ACCESS ALLOWED. ONLY AUTHROIZED EMPLOYEES!!
"It's alright, go." She gently tapped the steering stick forwards, and they sailed through the gate.
This was insane.
I was no closer to catching my siblings, and apparently, from the frantic phone call Claire had tried to give me, there was a new dinosaur on the loose, a very, very dangerous one, and God, where the hell were they?!
I saw a broken gate and thought, what the hell. Appearing on the other side, I gasped, jerking the buckles off. The Gyrosphere, the only one there, had been knocked over so hard that little sparks were coming from the bottom, meaning it had no power. I raced forwards, seeing a giant, jagged tooth in the plastic. A dinosaur tooth.
No. Oh, no. I felt my knees crumple. Were they eaten, or did they escape? Screaming caught my attention. "Go away!" I heard Emma scream, and another shout. "He bit me!" Gray yelled, and I raced towards their voices, following it around a curve in the road. Dead ahead, two velociraptors were jumping, trying to get the kids. they were 25 feet up in a tree, screaming, kicking at the raptors to keep them away or possibly hurt them. "Astop it!" Gray wailed, kicking at another one. I had to do something!
"HEY!" I shouted, and the Raptors whirled, focused entirely on me. Okay...bad idea.
"Come on, come on!" I shouted, picking up a slightly-heavy rock and throwing it full-force at a raptor. It hit her in the shoulder and she shrieked, angry now, but she was hurt. "Stop it, stop it!" Emma screamed, and for some reason, the raptors froze, like they were robots attuned to sound and commands. They turned, looking at my sister. She had hopped off the tree and was flaring at the animals. "Leave my family alone!" She shouted. One of the raptors, a really pretty female with blue streaks, jerked her head like a wince, and the raptors turned and ran, gone in seconds. "Are you guys okay--are you nuts, even?!" I shouted, grabbing Emma and Gray's arms. "Ow, watch it!" Emma shouted and I turned, fast enough to drop gray's arm and clutch her shoulders . "no, you watch it. You're lucky you're not dead, Emma Jean." I snapped, and she gulped. I only used her middle name when she was absolutely fucked. "I had to call Aunt Claire to see if she'd seen you, and of course that got her asking, and I told her you ran off! If you two ever disappear again, I will not look for you again!" My voice echoed, and a flock of small birds whistled and took flight at the volume. The kids stared at me, and I sasw hurt in their eyes. I sighed, groaning into my hands. "I'm sorry. I was just scared, okay? I'm not mad." I pulled them to me, hugging them tightly. "I love you guys. I do. But you scared the shit out of me." "Sorry, Zach. But we wanted to explore. And..." She hesitated. "I told the raptors to leave, so we won't be eaten, at least." "Why do you think they listened to you?" Gray asked as we started walking back to the park. "I dunno. I told them to leave, and they looked at me, said okay, and left." "Wait, wait, wait, they said okay?" I asked, frowning.
Emma looked up at me. "Yeah, they agreed to stay away and left." Me and Gray shared a glance. "Okay." (Turns out, according to Dr. Wu, yeah, she could talk to Raptors. Great).
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birlwrites · 2 years
ttdl is just younger children and only children unionizing
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hirayths-blog · 3 years
TOKYO REVENGERS: puppy love and broken promises
☆ In which Mikey's crush used to be Shinichiro's fiancée
☆ One could tell from a mile away Ray Hanemiya and Shinichiro Sano were the perfect pair, not just by the ring in their fingers or how she took on Shinichiro's last name before even marrying, but by the way they tried to keep their promises. So when Shinichiro died in Rays arms, she promised to keep Mikey safe.
☆ "She's Big Brother Shinichiro's lover, Mikey..." – Emma
☆ "I know, but I like her so much..." – Mikey
☆ A/N: I wanted to show how close of a relationship Ray and Shinichiro had before Mikey played a big role. To show why it wasn't easy to just find someone new to be happy with like how Shinichiro had wanted for her and that Mikey was a lovely kid, but was the right person at the wrong time.
Reader / Y/N is called Ray
Part 1 ; Part 2
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Mikey has always had a crush on his big brother's fiancée.
Telling her he should date her if she ever gets tired of Shinichiro, saying he'll be even stronger than his brother once older or to just wait a few years for him to become more handsome. Ray would usually just chuckle and tell him he's adorable and that she's too old for him only for him to reply: "Shinichiro is 5 years older than you, and you're 5 years older than me, thus, age doesn't matter."
His math wasn't incorrect, but that's exactly what made Shinichiro nervous at times.
Shinichiro really got worried about Mikey snatching her away in a few years, when the kid started copying Shinichiro and gifting her roses every now and then.
Not to mention, with Shinichiro's lover being a Hanemiya, Mikey ofcourse had Kazutora support him instead of Shinichiro.
"Roses? How'd you know these are my favorites?" Ray asked, hugging the red and white flowers with a blush on her face.
"Oh, I just.. knew..." He smiled, looking to the side, over to Kazutora standing behind a wall, giving him a thumbs up. Next thing you knew Shinichiro poped up behind him and grabed him, holding his mouth shut so Kazutora wouldn't scream as both boys looked at their siblings.
Ray chuckled heartily as she hugged him, taking him aback as he felt butterflies in his stomach. Pulling away she looked into his eyes, hand on his shoulder.
"I really appreciate it, but you should use your pocket money for things you want, not to mention Shinichiro may just get jealous."
Mikey just nodded, surprisingly compliant and just listening to her. He already had the next rose prepared.
"Like a puppy..." Kazutora muttered. Shinichiro covered his mouth again, as the older male cussed above him.
"That rascal." Shinichiro spoke in annoyance.
Now Shinichiro not only had to worry about other men wanting to court her, but even his own baby brother.
"C'mon, ever heard of a bro-code?! You're making moves on her when I'm not watching!" Shinichiro spoke, having watched his brother not only give her roses but also a kiss her on the cheek.
"I do it even when you're watching too. I'll marry her anyway!" Mikey said, eating his dorayaki while he watched TV, remembering how he made Ray giggle with the kiss and how proud he is about it.
"She literally used to change your diapers, ya' brat!" Shinichiro lied, and pulled out a cigarette as the stress got to him.
"Doesn't mater, I'll just change our kids' diapers as compensation." Mikey said calmly as he walked out of the room.
Spitting out his Cigarette, he went right after his brother. "Mikey, you're 12!!"
Then again, it was good she got along with his siblings , no?
She really loved both Mikey and Emma, always doing Emma hair and make-up while for Mikey she made sweets whenever she had time.
She was like a mother figure for them, always there for them when they'd need her.
"C'mon Emma, you can ask her later!" Shinichiro begged, only wanting his girlfriend for himself for once.
"It'll just take 10 minutes!" Emma grabbed Ray's finger excitedly, running up the stairs to show her the new nail polish collection she had gotten on her birthday.
Ray just chuckled softly, genuinely curious to see her things.
It took an hour, not 10 minutes.
Shinichiro had taken a pretty depressing nap that evening, having waited for too long.
He felt like sulking that evening, but it was all worth it when he felt his girlfriend in the bed hugging him from behind, grinning at him.
It were times like those, that he remembered that she's all his.
But no matter which one of the siblings would try to persuade her, whether with dorayaki or nail polish, at the end Shinichiro was her lover.
The guy she had loved since she was six, who protected her even though he wasn't much stronger himself.
Sure, they started play dating at an age they didn't even know what dating was, but as time went on and they knew what it finally meant, they had already dated for a decade.
Ray would always chuckle when Shinichiro would ask her if she was actually real or say that she was totally out of his league. He'd even promise her he'll protect her till his last breath only for her to say she'd prefer him alive.
He'd always suddenly be such a dork around her but this was the man she had loved her entire life and she was barely 19.
He knew the girl that took his last name without pause right in front of her father, the first time they all met, would do anything for him.
"You know what?" She glarred at her father, tears streaming down her face as her whole family and Shinichiro sat at the dining table while she stood and broke down. "Fuck you!"
Kazutora looked at his sister with widened eyes, their mother covered her mouth in shock while Shinichiro just froze, never having ever heard her cuss.
"Excuse me?" Her father asked, genuinely shocked at the words that just came out his daughters mouth as he stared at her. Rage came over him as he stood up himself, slamming his hands on the table, surprising everyone again as father and daughter glared eachother down. "Who do you think has provided for this family?! Who do you think is the reason you all can have such a comfortable life?!"
"Ray, it's okay... l'll just... leave, ok?" Shinichiro stood up from his seat, hoping to extinguish the fire. Kazutora was about to escort him out only for Ray to draw the line.
"No Shin, you know what?" she turned to grab his hand, turning to leave with him before looking at her father one last time. "To hell with this family. If being a father means you get to treat us like crap, then as of now, I'm fucking Ray Sano."
Shinichiro had never laughed so much in his entire life as he sat in the car, while Ray was embarrassed by her outburst. He had tried his best to comfort her, only to break out into another laughing fit, making his girlfriend even more embarrassed.
"D-Does that mean, we're engaged now? I thought you wanted me to propose?" Shinichiro asked, barely able to stop laughing as he leaned against the steering wheel, shaking. Ray further sunk into the seat, sulking. "Hell, I've never seen you cuss like that, love."
"Stop teasing me, Shin." She smiled, happy the whole ordeal made him laugh like that. At least one of them was having a good time, Ray's mascara was all over face and she looked like she just got divorced instead of engaged.
"You joke about it and laugh, but we've been together for what? A whole decade?" She turned to look out the window, listening to her boyfriend go quite but not paying much attention it. "At this point Mikey may just propose to me and I'd think about it!"
When not hearing a sound from Shinichiro, Ray finally turned to him, ready to throw a tantrum, only to freeze.
There he sat, with an engagement ring in the box, smiling at her.
"You still want Mikey?" He grinned.
Time stopped for her, trying to comprehend if he was actually finally proposing.
This wasn't the most romantic way to propose, especially with them both in the car, but the young man knew exactly that this would be how his lover would like it.
"Shin..." Ray spoke, crying yet again as she went in to hug him, her make-up ruined too much anyway for her to care.
Shinishiro just chuckled as he embraced her back, continuing. "Ray Sano, so you want to marry–"
"Alright." he laughed, holding her close, a little emotional himself as tears pricked his eyes.
Shinichiro Sano. 23 years old, rejected 20 times, now ex-leader of the black dragons.
Ray Sano. 19 years old, 20 marriage proposals, a part-time kindergardener.
Now engaged.
All the black dragon gang members who used to visit him in his bike shop congratulated both of them wholeheartedly.
"Treat her good, I ain't sure if another girl will settle for ya'." Benkei teased with a smile, ruffling through Shinichiro's hair who was staring at his engagement ring just a second ago.
"Hey dude, it's a thing of the past now!" Said man fought back with a smile of his own.
"You still have time to turn back Ray, it's not too late yet." Wakasa grinned softly while leaning against the wall, only for Ray to chuckle and play along.
"I'll think about it, now that you've mentioned it."
"Hey! It's mean if you tease me too!" Shinichiro quickly got out of Benkei's grip, looking devastated as he walked over to his fianćee, who quickly made her way to the back of the store.
Turning around, Shinichiro caged Ray in between himself and the wall, slightly frowning down at her.
"C'mon love, we're engaged now..." She whispered, letting her have her way as she hugged him, still looking up to him as she smiled. "...do I still have to prove how much I love you? I love you and only you."
Basking in her warmth he smiled to himself, happy he got her to himself for a second even though they've been living together for a little while.
"No." But he liked it when she did.
And out of all the people she could have fallen for, could have promised to grow old with, could have planned to have a wedding and kids with, she fell for the one person who had to leave her before she could even turn 20.
"Shinichiro, please hang in there!!!" Ray begged as she held her fiancees head in her lap, sobbing uncontrollably. "They said they'll come in a few minutes, just keep your eyes open!"
"...broke m' promise..." He smiled up at her, barely getting his voice out, starting to see her a lot more blurry. He kept her safe, but at what cost? "...s'rry..."
"Stop apologizing, Shin. It's okay!" She cried even more, as her tears fell onto his smiling pale face while she held onto his hand tightly. Her clothes were becoming red and his hands cold. "Mikey and Emma need you, I need you!! Please, just try keeping your eyes open!"
Shinichiro stared up at her, watching her turn to Baji and her brother, telling them what to do, seeing her lips move and watching her yell at her brother who was in a daze, but he couldn't hear the words come out her mouth, just see it move.
Shinichiro wanted to tell her so many things.
How she shouldn't be too angry at Kazutora, that he most likely didn't mean it and has an explanation, joke about Mikey finally having her to himself, to beg for her not to cry and that everything will be alright and that all the memories they made were great, to tell her how much he loves her, how he doesn't want to die and stay with her and his family, maybe even build their own family, but he could barely breathe as his thoughts became blurry as his eyelids started to become heavier.
He was so so thankful that she wasn't his 21st rejection.
The light was starting to fade out of Shinichiro's eyes and he couldn't even smile for her one last time, barely able to mouth the words. "...I..lov..."
And just like she begged him to, his eyes stayed open as the whole floor turned red.
"No, no, no... Shin! Shin please!! Shinichiro!!!" She yelled, gripping onto his shirt as she shook him lightly, desperate for him to maybe just wake up, to just say he's alright and didn't mean to make her cry. She couldn't loose him, she hadn't even thought about the possibility of a life without him, if he'd leave her, what was she supposed to do now?
Kazutora kept rambling but just for a second as Baji hugged him, he looked at his sister and felt his heart break when seeing the woman who showed him more love than his own mother cry and wail for her lover, whom he had killed.
That night, with a rose in his hand, Mikey saw his dead brother getting carried away to an ambulance. His two best friends were handcuffed and his would have been sister-in-law was hysterically crying with blood on her and barefoot, only to be held back by a paramedic.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
The Balanced Family: Encanto AU (Parody of 'The Family Madrigal')
Since I made the parody 'We Don't Talk About Lance', I'd figure I do another parody of an Encanto song. Hope everyone enjoys.
(Kaylo's Verse)
Let's go!
This is our home, we've got every single member
So full of talents and gifts of everyone's design
This is my family, one I'll always remember
They're so exquisite and everybody wants to shine
Oh! And let's be clear, our maestro runs this show
Whoa! He always keeps our days exciting and so
Oh! And everyday, our family blessings grow
There's just a lot you simply got to know, so
Welcome to The Balanced Family
The Home of The Balanced Family (We're on our way!)
Where all the people are fantastical
And magical, but
I'm part of The Balanced Family
(Town kids' Verse)
Oh my gosh, it's them!
(Girl 1: What are the gifts?) (Girl 2: I can't remember all of the gifts.)
(Alright, alright, relax.)
(Girl 2: It is physically impossible to relax!) (Girl 1: Tell us everything! What are your powers?) (Boy: Just tell us what everyone can do!)
(And that's why coffee's for grown-ups.)
My Uncle Jose, he can grow the flowers
Fruits and veggies, and even bloom something weird
And then there's Lance
(Townsfolk: We don't talk about Lance!)
They say he saw the future
One day he disappeared
Oh! And that's my good friend, Aria, here's her deal
Woah! The truth is she can heal you with a meal
Oh! Her recipes are remedies for real
If you're impressed, imagine how I feel (Aria!)
Welcome to The Balanced Family
The home of The Balanced Family (Hey, coming through!)
I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical
But, I'm part of The Balanced Family
(Haoyu's and Eis's Verse)
Everyone's a member of The Balanced Family
We're part of The Balanced Family
(Kaylo's Verse)
Haoyu here can fly higher and higher
And Eis here can control fire
That's how they're part of The Balanced Family
Let's go, let's go
(Balan's Verse)
We swear to always
Help those around us
And earn the miracle
That somehow found us
Highland Isle's growing
This world is turning
But hard work and protection will keep the miracle burning
And each new generation must keep the miracle burning
(Town kids)
(Girl 2: Wait, who's your sister and who's your cousin?) (Girl 1: There are so many people!)
(Kaylo's Verse)
Okay, okay, okay, okay
So many guests in our house, so let's turn the sound up
You know why? I think it's time for a gifted round up
(Townspeople: Gifted round up)
My friend, Sana, can hear a pin drop
Attilio shapeshifts
Leo and Emma get their gifts today
My older siblings, Iben and Cal
One strong, one graceful
Perfect in every way
(Iben!) Forms the ice and the town goes wild
(Iben) She's the perfect golden child
(Cal, Cal, Cal) And Cal is super strong
The beauty and the brawn do no wrong
Oh, and Fiona can bend water in every way
Whoa! Yuri talks to animals, she has a lot to say
Oh, Little Cass can freeze time and save the day
Bruce cleans with a snap and Lucy forms art, hey hey!
That's life in The Balanced Family (whoa)
Now you know The Balanced Family (whoa)
Where all the people are fantastical and magical (whoa)
That's who we are in The Balanced Family!
Kaylo belongs to: @kayssweetdreams
Aria belongs to me!
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My Top Posts in 2021
ANDI know you just made a request of mine but I can order another one with Takemitchy's little sister who knows the first generation of Black Dragon (Shinishiro survive somehow) can you make her knowledgeable Shinishiro , imaushi , takeomi and Benkei Please 
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Shinichiro had managed to escape another gang with a few scratches and bruises, he didn't expect a kid to rush up to him looking worried.
She had demand to help him treat his injuries.
He missed this, why couldn't Emma and Mikey be like this!?
She looked around 6?
"Michi nii always gets into fights"
She pouted while placing hello kitty band-aids all over his injuries.
She carried these around for her brother?
How precious.
Takeomi, Wakasa and Keizo found Shinichiro talking to a kid at the park, he was covered in pink band-aids.
"You got into a fight?"
"I got away, dont lecture me"
The girl immediately stared up at Kezio "did you drunk lots of milk?"
"Will I grow big if I drink lots of milk?"
She continued questioning him not giving him time to answer.
"Are you lost?"
"Nuhuh waiting for Michi nii"
Shinichiro had suggested that they should keep an eye on the girl since she helped him.
But the other knew it was because he didnt want to leave her alone.
She didnt seem to lose energy at all even if she kept running around the whole time.
"I like your hair!" She said to Wakasa the male simply just smiled at her and ruffled her hair.
After the sun has set and the girl ran to a blonde approaching her, Shinichiro relaxed getting up to go lecture the boy about leaving his sister at a park.
But once he saw Mikey walking up to the siblings he sighed "now it makes sense"
221 notes • Posted 2021-10-13 14:11:30 GMT
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Oh look I found older Baji
237 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 11:14:23 GMT
Imagine Bonten's youngest member and only female member
Dont get them wrong, their protective even if you can protect yourself.
Takeomi and Mikey kinda baby you, it's just their big brother instinct
Sanzu?? Yeah he likes annoying the shit out of you.
Mochi acts more like dad, please don't go around being reckless
Kakucho kinda acts like a body guard, will lecture the other if they annoy you.
Please please don't show up hurt.
For the sake of their mental health
And the group who hurt you.
Sanzu will slaughter them on Mikey's orders.
238 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 04:44:54 GMT
Red thread
With Draken
He honestly believed Emma was his soulmate (I love Emma but I need her for this prompt)
The thought never crossed his mind that you'd be his soulmate.
You were blessed to see threads, so you kept quiet and to yourself.
When Draken learns he and Emma aren't connected, he asks you to cut the strings
He doesn't know that your threads are connected
So you decide to cut his thread from yours.
Which causes you to forgot about him.
It's only later that he learns the truth
263 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 18:10:28 GMT
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(N) naive,  innocent. 
Single dad Shinichiro 
Shinichiro x daughter reader
Warnings: Shitty mother,Abandonment, death
See the full post
306 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 11:11:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lostinthe-jojos · 3 years
Back with Shinichiro and the cafe posts.
He low key wants to show off how good he is with kids. Hoping it could help get bonus points and help him get a date with you.
Um yes.?? I love everything about this and I love you too
Shinichiro and I are ~18(ahem, silly hairdo Shinichiro💕), therefore Mikey is 7, Emma is 5-6 and Izana 9?
Shinichiro entered the shop once again, with a blonde little girl on his back and holding two younger boys in each hands. One had blonde hair and a bored look on his face whereas the other had a sparkle of curiosity in his eyes.
"Welcome back," Itzel said and Shinichiro smiled. He had only been there a couple of times before, and she remembered him.
"Hi," he greeted and let his siblings take a look over the place, to choose what they wanted him to buy for them.
The girl on his back began to move around, clinging onto his side like a koala, until she was securely held in his arms. She looked at Itzel, eyes big with curiosity, but hid her face, nuzzling on Shinichiro's neck when Itzel waved at her, smiling.
He smiled apologetically at her.
"She said hi, Emma, you gotta say hi," he cooed at her but the girl only clinged on to him harder, "she's the lady that made those sweets I gave you," he said, getting the little girl's attention.
"You liked those sweets, didn't you?" He asked and the girl nodded, "then tell her what you want tod—" he interrupted himself when he saw Manjiro behind the counter, walking to Itzel, "Manjiro! You can't be there!"
"No, it's okay," Itzel said and crouched to talk to the boy, "what would you like to eat?"
The boy looked at all the sweets and pastries in the showcase and pointed to some colorful eclairs, decorated with fruits and cream.
"How about one of each?" She asked and looked at Shinichiro, who nodded at her.
"Yes!" the boy said and stood next to her while she put on some gloves and grabbed each piece.
Just as she was reaching for the pastries to place them inside a box, she noticed the other boy, a little older than the other two, looking at a the intricately decorated butter cookies. She smiled at him and grabbed a few too, once again looking first at their brother before, waiting for him to give her the "okay". She closed the box and placed it on the counter.
"Emma would like something with strawberries," Shinichiro said.
"I was just finishing something I think you might really like," she said and disappeared behind a door, coming back with a white box tied with a pink ribbon.
"You'll be the first one to try it," she said,much to the girl's excitement, "it's a new recipe we're working on"
"We?" Shinichiro blurted out, thinking maybe he was misreading the situation.
"My boss and I?" she said, "she's an amazing pastry chef, I'm lucky to be learning from her"
"Oh, right," he awkwardly laughed, "well, I think that'll be it, how much is it?"
She packed the two boxes in a paper bag, and added a third one he didn't recognize.
"Wait, i thin—"
"This one's on me," she said with a smile that made Shinichiro's heart skip a beat.
She registered every item on the cashbox and told him the total.
"I hope you enjoy everything," she said, "and hope to see you soon," she added, looking at Shinichiro, making him flustered.
"Shin, your ears are all red," Emma said, only worsening his situation.
"No, they're not," he said, "thank you, bye!" He quickly said and dragged his two little brothers out of the shop before they could say anything.
"I like her, she smells like cookies," she heard Manjiro say before going out.
Once outside, he eyed the third box she had packed inside his bag. It was tied with a golden ribbon and held a little note on the inside.
Just thinking about what could possibly say the little piece of paper made him feel dizzy and excited.
The kids waved at her through the glass while Shinichiro tried to calm himself. He looked at her one last time, face blushed and nervous smile, before leaving.
Once at home, he opened the boxes with the treats for his siblings and turned around, hiding the third one from everyone else. With shaky hands he grabbed the paper and read it.
A treat specifically for you! I like your weird hairdo.
Maybe next time I can get your name?
The little box contained three cupcakes, decorated in black buttercream, piped in a way that seemed to resemble his hairstyle and topped with little golden dragons, almost identical to those he had embroidered in his uniform.
Maybe he could finally break his long rejection streak, he thought with a smile.
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I have a very tragic question. What if Emma died by fighting demons & her close friends/family witnessed her die (ofc that includes Norman...)? Can u imagine how her friends/family would react to her sacrifice?
Yay it's sad headcanons hours!!!
Norman: Dead. Destroyed. Seeing Emma die in front of him would literally be his worst nightmare coming to reality. He'd probably be not accepting she's gone and would keep shaking her corpse for a long time, screaming, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face, begging her to come back. Don has to take him by force away from Emma's body because he just won't leave her. After the event, he spends a week at home alone, not allowing anyone near him. Nobody knows what he did during that time. But I believe after some time he will find the strength to keep going on, and return to relative normality. He knows that there's people who needs him: be it the habit of being a leader or his innate kindness and altruism, but he knows he can't abandon his family. And he has swore not to leave Ray on his own. So he keeps living. He constantly tries to keep his mind busy, not allowing himself to indulge on painful memories, which will lead to him constantly overworking himself (it takes an inhuman amount of work to distract that big smart head of his). He tells himself that's what Emma would have wanted, that he has to keep living for her. But a certain light has left his eyes, and it will never come back. He will blame himself for her death for the rest of his life, never being able to let it go.
Ray: His immediate reaction to Emma dying in front of his eyes is not as strong as Norman's: maybe it's because he's already experienced many near death experiences with her, but he isn't taking that she's dead. He waits for her to get up, frozen in disbelief. For the first time in his life, his fast reflexes and incredible observation skills just can't keep up with what's happening around him. Why is everyone screaming? Why is Norman crying? Emma cannot be dead, that's impossible. Emma is too strong to die. Everyone needs her, and he knows she would never abandon them. But then what's happening? Why doesn't she get up? With Emma dying, time stopped moving for Ray. He can't put himself to do anything. His life has lost any meaning. He's shocked. He's furious. He's desperate. And soon enough, he just stops living. He knows that's not what Emma would have wanted, and he feels sorry for that; but he's not strong enough to keep going on. I think there's kind of a deep meaning to his reaction? Thanks to Emma, Ray started living: he started thinking that happiness, freedom, love attended him in his life, when previously he only saw death. Now, with her dying, he has once again lost all of it, and all that's left is emptiness. I don't think Ray would kill himself because that would be REALLY disrespectful towards Emma, but I think he would essentially just let himself exist, and stop living. His family would try to cheer him up as much as possible, but with time it becomes evident it's all useless. However, they keep hanging out with him, as they don't want to leave him alone, and he really appreciates it. But his family loving him and him allowing himself to love them back is just another part of Emma's legacy, and it hurts in its own way. Norman insists for the two of them to move in together, and Ray doesn't oppose, but in his life there's now this gigantic, empty space that is impossible to fill, and that crushes him more and more every day, slowly consuming him.
(Oh my God I've made myself sad?? Jk forget about it, if Emma died Ray would party.)
Gilda: When Emma dies, Gilda's world falls upon her. She can't believe it. Her first reaction is similar to Ray's, but in her case rage fastly takes over the other emotions. Emma shouldn't have abandoned her family, the children that so much looked up to her. Emma had no right to betray Gilda, to leave her alone. Of course it's just a defense mechanism, and Gilda doesn't really believe that, but right now that's for her the easiest, most immediate reaction in order to not let the pain kill her. She's losing sight of what's the meaning of living, now that Emma's gone, fastly falling to desperation. Eventually Don will be able to bring her out of her state, and show her that there's plenty of things that make life worth living. I truly believe these two have an amazing relationship, and they would be of great help to each other with coping with the grief. Gilda is going to be ok, because that was the most important thing for Emma, for her friends to be happy.
Don: Let me get this straight: he's as desperate and lost as everyone else. He just lost one of the most precious people in his life and he's absolutely destroyed. He cries a lot, on the spot and the days and nights after. Emma was a big model and inspiration for him, but before that, she was a dear friend like no others. However, I think between him and the people before listed he would be the most functional one although the pain. He's broken, but he still manages to get up and push the others to move forward. Now that Emma is gone, he knows that somebody has to take her place; and even though he knows there's no one like her, he can at least try to be the support the children need. His family needs him, and he owes it to Emma. After Emma's death he will be the most helpful guide to help the others overcome the grief- which is sad in its own way, because if he helps everyone, then who helps him? I hope these kids will get therapy.
Anna and Nat: Shocked. Desperate. Heartbroken. They're young enough to see Emma as an older sister and old enough to fully feel the pain of her death. Hopefully they will be able to recover.
GF children: They're all so confused and lost. They can't understand what's happening. More than Emma's death, which is hard to process on it's own, they're shattered by their older siblings reactions. They would be upset indeed, but I believe children have a magical way to cope, and they will eventually be able to overcome the pain. They're the ones that best cherish Emma's memory, truly believing that she lives in their hearts and in their happiness. They become the greatest cheer up and drive to keep living for the older ones.
Phil: Heartbroken!!!!!! Miserable! Inconsolable! Emma's death deeply signs him. It takes him weeks to fully recover. After that he will try acting as normal as possible, especially for his younger siblings, but he'll never manage to be as cheerful and thoughtless as he used to be ever again. His childhood died with Emma.
Oliver: He cries a lot. Since Emma was younger than himself, he loved her as a younger sister, and when she dies, he blames himself for failing to protect her. However, he will do his best to reassure and help the others. Goldy Pond's experience taught him that it feels better to keep yourself busy, so that your mind won't have the time to linger on the pain. It isn't the best coping mechanism for him to handle the trauma with, but he indeed was of great help to fill the leader space Emma had left behind.
GP group: Upset. I like to believe that with the time they spent together at the bunker, they started loving Emma as a sister, rather than looking at her as a leader or a hero. That made her death all the more dreadful. Emma's death brought back once again the horror and desperation of the hunting ground, the pain of losing the family you loved. Having it suddenly brought back after such a long time was horrible: multiple people had breakdowns, with many thinking that such suffering is destined to haunt them forever. Eventually, with the support of their family they will help each other to get out it. Group therapy guys!!!
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Sorrrryyy I just saw the post with all the kids sexualities and I’m dying 😭😭
Like it’s ur story Ik but it’s just that
I have my own thing that I don’t write down and literally
Rafe is bi
Max is undetermined because I haven’t created anyone awesome enough to date him yet so I haven’t determined his sexuality cos GIVE HIM TIME TO FIGURE IT OUT
and then Jace and Clary’s kids (there’s 4 and they have different names, but one of them’s 10 and I have literally no info on him yet)
Olivia - uhhh Ik she likes boys??? Idk if she likes girls or not yet
Emma - lesbian (no one knows yet, because atm she’s super insecure and kind of an arsehole to malec’s daughter, but that’s just cos her twin is in love with her and she doesn’t like her taking him away from her)
Matthew (Emma’s twin) - straight (I think 😬 these characters are super undeveloped as u can tell)
And then there’s Alex but as of right now I know nothing abt him
Simon and Izzy’s kids
George - gay and secretly in love with Matthew, but Matthews in love with Cecily (malecs daughter) and he’s also straight (ok I just realised I kind of stole the Alec plot line BUT ITS DIFFERENT OK
then there’s becca but she’s 9 rn so
Also George and Emma hang out all the time cos they basically made a pact abt hating Cecily since Matt is sort of Emma’s best friend and Cece takes away all the attention and well George doesn’t like her because he’s in love with Matt and yeah it’s complicated - it will resolve tho
Then there’s Cecily, Malec’s youngest daughter
Aka Cece, Cec (by Matthew, pronounced sess) and silly (by max, rafe and occasionally Amber and acc pretty much everyone else
Her sexuality is also undetermined but that’s in the plot cos she told her siblings/parents that she doesn’t know yet but she’s pretty sure she likes boys
Amber - straight, demisexual/romantic (she’s Malec’s older daughter, Rafe’s parabatai)
Aaaaand I think that’s it
Oh wait no there’s rafe’s girlfriend daisyyyy
Do not get me started on her traumatic past
She’s also bi and he parents kicked her out and sent her to live with her aunt irina Cartwright when she was 13 cos they caught her kissing a faerie girl
Those two had a very on off relationship and daisy moved back to South Africa a couple of times and then came back cos she missed him or her parents were being idiots then her parents died and irina died so she got sent to live in Norway but she got really sad so Simon and Izzy decided she should be their ward and she’s pretty much been living with them ever since
I WENT INTO WAY TOO MUCH DETAIL IM SO SORRY I think I just really like talking abt these characters they’re my best friends - especially Amber and Cecily, I love their sibling dynamic, and how the older Lightwood bane siblings are so protective of their older sister 😭😭😭
This was really long I apologise
And I loved the detail too!! If you ever make edits for them or write about them, please do tag me x.
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
I didn't know you're doing this otp thingy or I would have send an ask sooner 👁️ Not sure if this is allowed but can I have KitTy with Most likely to burn dinner + Who gets more jealous. Pls, I'm a sucker for anything KitTy by you
I'll do the OTP thing for it but let me know if you meant that as like a prompt cause I can work on that if you want 😂
Most of the time they fight over misunderstandings. Neither of them are big talkers so often times Kit will say something sarcastically that Ty doesn't get and takes offensively and Ty just stops talking to him. Normally they break the ice with small gestures like making breakfast or helping the other with something. Once that's broken they find it easier to talk.
Kit took Ty to the zoo once which he thought would be fun and cute since Ty loves animals but he was so upset about the animals living conditions that thye ended up setting things free. They make it a goal now, to visit zoos and rescue as many animals as they can. (So far they've reduced a lot of birds, multiple snakes and spiders, and five zebras.)
Kit is most likely to be prom king. He is outgoing and friendly when he's comfortable. He's a people person and I think he would do very well in high school. I don't think Ty would really befriend anyone other than his family and people like Emma and Christina plus he would hate the attention. I highly doubt he went to prom I think Kit would skip with him.
Ty follows the directions to the 'T' however he tends to burn things and it drives him crazy because "Kit how is it burnt? I did exactly what it said and it's burnt!" And Kit just shakes his head and wings it and makes it perfectly and it just makes Ty angrier because you can't just "wing" things they have a recipe and specific order for things for a reason!
So Ty has to read before bed because he can't sleep unless he's read for at least twenty minutes. Kit likes to work out at night instead of the morning because he is a night person and hates getting up early. So normally Ty's in bed reading for about an hour and then Kit comes in and showers before getting in bed with Ty. Kit liked to cuddly into his side so he lays with his chest to Ty's side and puts a leg over Ty's and they hold hands until Ty falls asleep and Kit moves his book to the desk and turns the lights off.
Kit is one of those people who loves really cheesy jokes so he always tells "hilarious" jokes that no one else laughs at. So whenever he tells a joke the only person that will laugh with him is Dru who laughs at the fact that Kit is laughing.
They love Sherlock Holmes (the show and the movie with RDJ) and Ty loves RDJ so much that Kit showed him the Iron Man movies which were his favorite and Ty fell in love with them (even though he liked Captain America more). Ty's favorite movie was End Game and he didn't cry at all but laughed at Kit as he sobbed
Ty names the pets most of the time. He named Irene and Microft the turtle but when they got a dog Kit named it Snuffles which then lead to Ty reading the Harry Potter books. (The only time he cried throughout the series was when Sirius died).
Ty doesn't say dude he's never understood the appeal but Kit says it to just about everyone. Kit does it a lot and everyone finds it funny and Ty just rolls his eyes and ignores it.
I think Ty would make the first move because Kit is too scared to after what happened at the lake. So they're ya know starting to be friends again and eventually Ty is like hmm I wanna kiss him and just does cause Ty isn't one to hold out on doing the things he wants. And kit is just like oH SHIT
I feel like Ty would get more jealous. He wouldn't even realize it was jealousy until Julian is like are you jealous and Ty is like lol no- oh wait. So Kit is getting hit on constantly cause he's got that Herondale charm and the good looks and Ty is just like stop thats so annoying and Kit is like aww wait you're jealous and Ty just glares at him like shut up
Kit starts the prank war but it was completely on accident. He was attempting to prank Dru by putting a bag of flour on the door to the training room so it would fall all over her but Ty came in early and it got him and so Ty and Dru teamed up against Kit who got Jem in on it (not that Jem would EVER admit to helping kit win)
I feel like neither of them would really want kids. Maybe when they're older but I just feel like neither of them would really want them. Kit was raised by a crappy single father with no siblings and Ty was raised solely by his siblings so he really can't imagine being a father. Neither of them are too keen on the idea so instead they're just the best uncles in the world.
If they did have kids though, if it was a girl they would name her Livia Tess after Livvy who saved both of their lives countless times and Tessa who took Kit in when he thought he was all alone. If they had a boy it would be named James Julian after Jem and Julian who in all rights raised them into the kind men they had become.
I feel like they would put candy out and just cuddle in bed watching classic horror movies all night (Kit would be freaking out cause he loves to be scared but these movies were a little too scary)
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finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
Clay Spenser; Son of Poseidon
Together with @jayhalsteadfan-2417, we made a wonderful AU spawned from me Really, Really liking the idea of Clay with a 7-foot trident.
Clay (& Percy)
Clay is a son of Poseidon – but was only claimed after the events of PJ&The Last Olympian.
Clay’s trident is stored in a bullet necklace because if riptide can be a pen and a dragon can be a suitcase, a sword can be a bullet necklace.
His sword is in a bracelet that Percy gave him and that Charles Beckendorf forged to make magical.
Clay and Percy doing hand to hand combat together.
Clay showing up at Sally’s apartment to see Percy and he is super tired and wants to nap.
Sally, Annabeth and Percy being the ones waiting at the end of deployment.
Clay calling Sally “mom”.
Clay interrogating Paul when he and Sally started dating.
Clay helping campers with their homework.
Clay helping with the Prophecies and giving tips for combat situations.
Jason Grace being mistaken for Clay's brother.
Campfire and Clay has a good singing voice.
Clay has a room in Sally’s apartment, and he stays over after deployment.
Percy and Sally showing up after Clay’s deployment, so he has someone there.
Clay calling Percy “little bro”.
Clay and Percy having movie nights and fall asleep on each other.
Clay and Percy fighting monsters together.
Someone picks on Percy and clay finds out when Percy comes home covered in Bruises and cuts.
“Percy what the hell happened; I need names now”.
Clay showing up at Percy’s school for a sibling day.
Clay causing a tornado.
Clay and Percy video chat while Clay is on deployment.
Poseidon having to be like "yeah so I also broke that 'no Big Three kids' rule that other time too" to Zeus
Clay showing up to help with Gaea.
Clay, showing up to battles with a celestial bronze sniper rifle: I'm not here to mess around!
Clay helping kids get to Lupa when he was stationed in Cali.
Clay comes back covered in gold dust.
Clay using a trident in a battle.
Percy meeting Ash Spencer
Sally meeting Ash Spenser. She'd kick his ass into the next century.
Percy staying over at Clay’s apartment.
Clay meeting Annabeth and ribbing Percy about her.
Clay is an overprotective older brother with Percy so when quests come up, he volunteers to help him out a bit.
Clay getting various SEAL teams to check up on quests to make sure they're all alright.
Clay being Percy’s guardian when Sally and Paul go on their honeymoon.
Clay’s in the arena at camp as soon as the sun comes up and trains for hours on end.
Cerberus (3 heads) is protective of Clay.
Clay at the campfire and is leading different songs around the fire.
A long op (like Mexico) in a monster-infested area and every couple of days Clay grabs his trident and sword and goes monster killing for a couple hours.
One time Clay was stressed out he accidentally flooded the dining hall.
Clay teaching Percy tricks and techniques with water manipulation and vice versa.
Clay finding out about Percy getting kidnapped and going missing.
Percy showing up at base covered in blood and dirt from a battle with a hydra.
Percy and Clay sword fighting in the base’s gym.
Poseidon showing up and both drop to their knees.
Percy and Clay going fishing with Jason. And a sea monster shows up and It Goes Down.
Clay runs out of monster bullets and instead starts going wild with his trident.
"I'm out of ammo! Going, uh, trident?" "Trident?" a Trident flies through the air and lands in the chest of an approaching monster, turning it to dust "Bravo Six has gone Trident, understood".
Whenever Clay is bored, he does fancy spins with his trident and scares everyone around him.
Clay looking calm but behind him a water fountain explodes.
Clay’s bunk is across from Percy’s at camp.
Clay’s bunk is a "borrowed" hammock from his cage on base.
Clay and Percy both love to kill the minotaur. They each have one of the horns of the same minotaur.
Clay’s hangs in his cage on base.
Clay runs out of bullets and just yeets a trident across the battlefield.
Clay wasn't claimed during his time at camp, so he basically adopted all the Hermes/unclaimed kids.
The Stroll twins go between him being their older brother or "Uncle Clay".
Clay graduating Green Team and going straight to Olympus to tell Poseidon.
Clay putting Ares kids in their place when he is at camp.
Bravo with Demigods
Blackburn is a son of Athena.
Blackburn and Clay having conversations in Ancient Greek.
Clay dragging Bravo to camp for a day.
Trent and Jason nearly pass out when they see the lava wall.
Nico would LOVE Cerberus.
Cerberus is a descendant of Cerberus.
Bravo watching a game of Capture the Flag.
Bravo and Blackjack
Clay comes in with a blue lunchbox and nobody makes fun of him in case they invoke Sally's wrath.
Clay having blue cookies in that lunchbox.
Clay swearing in Ancient Greek on the battlefield with Bravo.
Percy has a swimming competition and Bravo go and watch him.
DEVGRU adopting Percy as their little brother's little brother. Aka Little Brother2
Percy having a father-son relationship with Jason.
Jason and Ray giving Paul parenting tips.
Clay and Percy playing video games together.
Percy and Emma meeting and Percy is protective of her.
Clay Causing an earthquake with Bravo team.
Paul and Sally are busy and Jason shows up at Parent's Evening
Jason is a good uncle and is proud of Percy.
When Percy's dyslexia is bad he sends a photo of the textbook and Bravo sends a voice message of them reading it out loud.
Trent helping with his Health homework.
Percy asking ray and Jason for date ideas.
Percy showing up at base coved in blood and freaks out Bravo.
Trent would probably cry with joy when he discovers Ambrosia being a quick heal thing for Clay (and Blackburn, but that’s way less likely).
Brock would Lose His Mind meeting those metal guard dogs that Reyna has.
Bravo rocking up to the battles and helping.
Bravo meeting a monster on an op and Clay summons his weapons and just Goes To Town killing this monster.
Clay just YEETS a trident at some Tango and bravo has their jaws on the ground.
Percy and Clay basically doing adoptions for the orphaned half-bloods in the SEALs.
He introduces orphan half-bloods to various service members who can't/won't have babies but want children and/or want to adopt.
Percy Iris Messages Clay after a nightmare and Clay is out with Bravo and they all hear him crying.
Bravo can all see through the mist so they know about the monsters.
Bravo at Camp Half-Blood and hanging out in the Poseidon cabin for the nights, Percy has a nightmare and wakes them by accident.
Percy and Clay practice fight manoeuvres together and Bravo watches them train together.
Bravo leading “In the navy” at the campfire and trying not to crack up.
Younger campers asking for stories and bravo tell one's that are highly edited for security reasons.
Clay teaching Bravo campfire songs during deployment.
Bravo making tributes to various gods/goddesses of war/strategy before going on an op.
Blackburn and Clay racing up the lava wall.
Bravo stumble upon an entrance to hell and Clay is pulling them out.
Clay goes "Oh yeah, the Amazonians run Amazon" any nobody can tell if he's joking or not (he's serious)
Annabeth and Blackburn being Wholesome Sibling Goals.
Clay takes on a cyclops and gets smashed up a little bit and Bravo is panicking.
Bravo has monster-killing bullets for any situation that happens.
Sally bringing Bravo blue food for BBQs.
Clay comes to base one day covered in dust with a minotaur horn in hand going "You will not BELIEVE the day I'm having”.
Blackburn just hands him some Ambrosia because Clay got a little cut up.
“My baby brother started another war so you guys wanna help out?“
Trent getting a monster killing RPG
Metal has Ares' blessing.
Ares appears and everyone kneels except for Metal and Percy, Percy because he's Percy Jackson and Metal because they're bros.
Trent is Will’s mother’s brother.
Stuck between "MY NEPHEW IS A DEMIGOD? " and "YOU HAD A CHILD WITH A **GOD**????".
Blackburn and Clay sword fighting
Clay fighting Hercules in the arena while Bravo watches.
When Clay's sad Bravo does their best at blue pancakes to cheer him up (it normally end in disaster)
Brock loves O'Leary.
Percy having a group of uncles that have his back when he needs it.
Trent teaching Apollo kids medical procedures.
Bravo & Half-blood friendships:
Frank and Sonny
Annabeth and Lisa
Trent and Will
Mandy and Piper
Sonny and Leo
Lisa and Hazel
Metal and Clarisse
Ray and Chiron
Lisa and Reyna
Reyna and Jason
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