Many thanks to @1000sunnygo for translating the remaining fourth light novel story. 🙏🙏 It's bookended by segments in 2050, but the main portion is set on January 28, 2046.
The ending that was included for this story's rerelease in the light novel is the inspiration for the top two photos in the series' fourth anniversary art:
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Which is 🥺🥺🤧
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Small smattering of reactions under the cut:
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Emma knowing deep in her bones how amazing Don and Gilda are, even without her memories 🤧🤧
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(Chapter 59)
Me, treasuring any crumb of Don and Emma interactions:
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They take their responsibility so seriously 🥺🤧 goodest kids
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FJLDSFLJEASD Gilda immediately shutting that shit down after what happened with Emma fainting two weeks ago…
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…only to come to the conclusion this is exactly the kind of shit the trio would pull, in the same way that's conveniently summarized in "The Chess Proverb" short story:
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With the spark of unconventionality that Emma brings and her drive to achieve the seemingly impossible to balance out Ray's wisdom and pragmatism and Norman's cunning and ruthlessness in execution.
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They admire the trio so much after all the years they spent looking out for them and they want to do them proud, and then the look on their faces when Emma and Ray choose them to accompany them on the search for Cuvitidala and the Seven Walls without hesitation because of how much trust they have in them after everything they've been through—
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Also this is hardcore I'm so proud of these two little ten year olds and how in sync they are throughout this whole thing.
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"smiled softly" oh son I'm soft
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Also yes you better be heaping praise on them after everything, including making Gilda cry which is a tragedy in its own right
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And a little bit of Raydon banter at the end too to complement what we got in "Operation Stormy Night," beautiful. 🖤❤️🙏
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lugoskii · 2 years
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Be careful Don!
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silentstudiosyt · 1 year
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Some Birthday sketches for Gilda
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umbradoodles · 4 months
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believe it or not i've actually being doing stuff it's just not individual stuff i can post so at least there's this
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uwmspeccoll · 7 months
Shakespeare Weekend
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The tenth volume of The works of Mr. William Shakespear: in ten volumes published in 1728 by Alexander Pope (1688-1744) and Dr. George Sewell (d. 1726) for Jacob Tonson (1655-1736), is considered a supplementary volume added to the collection in the second edition. It is the last volume of the collection and takes a slight detour in text, opening with several of Shakespeare’s poems and ending with a critical analysis of his plays and the lifecycle of the stage.  
The volume contains the poems Venus and Adonis, Tarquin and Lucrece, and a miscellany of other poems. Venus and Adonis begins with a short dedication to Henry Wriothesly, (1581-1624) Earl of Southampton, where Shakespeare mentions that the poem is “the first heir of my invention” leading historians to assume that it is likely his first publication dating to 1593. Shakespeare also promises within the dedication to compose a “grave labour” and makes good on it in 1594 with Tarquin and Lucrece narrating the rape and suicide of Roman noblewoman Lucretia (d. 510 BC).  
The critical analysis of Shakespeare’s plays and essay on the Art, Rise and Progress of the Stage were both written by Charles Gildon (1665-1724). While Gildon was an essayist and biographer, he was also known as an English hack writer and nemesis of Alexander Pope; it is unclear how Gildon would have gotten the opportunity to be included in the volume. Full page engravings by Flemish artist Michael Vandergucht (1660-1725) precede the poems of Volume 10, as does a glossary of old words used within Shakespeare’s works.  
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View more Shakespeare Weekend posts. 
-Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 15 days
Gildon the Smart Robot
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An SWBG OC based on Chai AI.
He is also in love with Gracie (note that the Imaginary Friendship characters are all adults now).
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flethro · 2 years
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Some of the Sims living in Grimbleton (1/2)
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quinnwho · 2 years
home state boy (osu) goes to the box
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paulyenvol6 · 17 days
Sweet Creature (Chapter 4)
Contains: Smut, fingering, inexperienced reader, fluff, mentions of sex and virginity
Only read if you're you 18+
Masterlist of this story
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Harry opened the pavilion and they entered it. While Eunice looked around in the room, Harry went and got a candlestick as it had gotten darker outside. He lightened it and walked over to the girl.
„Better.“, he said and Eunice could now admire the beautiful, light interior of the cottage. „It’s so pretty.“, she whispered and smiled at the wooden, colourful painted chairs. It wasn’t a very big room, but it had everything that it needed.
A table with chairs, a comfortable looking sofa, a bookshelf and something similar to a little kitchen, with a shelf, a cupboard with crockery and several bins.
„Do you want to sit down? And I might find something to drink as well.“, Harry said and Eunice sat down on one of the beautiful chairs. He came back with two glasses and a jug. „I found some lemonade, if you want.“ „That’s perfect.“, she said shyly and looked at her folded hands in her lap.
Harry poured the liquid in the glasses and gave one to Eunice. „Thank you, Sir.“, she whispered and they toasted. „To this beautiful evening. And to all summer nights.“, he said an Eunice smiled. They drank to it and then Harry put his glass on the table, his hand still grabbing it.
Eunice couldn’t help but stare at his fingers, they were so beautiful and long. His nails were short and clean and there was something so appealing about them. She didn’t know what this was but she was a bit scared by her body’s reaction to this man.
Harry watched her stare at his hand but didn’t say anything. He just smirked a bit until the girl looked up to him and widened her eyes when they made eye contact.
She quickly looked away again and focused her gaze on the book shelf next to them. „Do you like to read?“, Harry asked to help her out of the awkward situation and she nodded.
„Yeah, I do. I like poems.“ „What’s you favourite?“, he asked and watched her profile, as she was still looking at the shelf. „I like ‚Spring Impressions‘ by Wesley Gildon.“ „Ohh that’s a good one.“
Eunice finally turned around and looked at him again and immediately slightly blushed. She just couldn’t help herself. He looked so good like that, with his hair that was a bit messier now and his eyes and how he sat there in his chair so relaxed.
She unintentionally bit her lip, which Harry of course noticed and then cleared her throat. „Are you alright, Milady?“, Harry asked politely.
„Yes. Yes I’m okay.“, she said with an unnatural high voice. „Are you sure?“, he asked again. Eunice looked at him. „Mhmm.“, she made. Harry smirked. „You seem a bit flustered, Milady.“, he whispered with his deep voice and Euncie shifted on her chair.
She felt such a weird ache in her lower belly and pressed her legs together to make it go away. But Harry’s voice only seemed to make it worse.
Her heart was beating so fast and she was so hot and there was this pulsating between her legs, which Eunice didn’t want to think about because it was so scandalous and wrong and – „Do you want me to make the ache go away?“ Eunice looked at him with widened eyes and her throat was so dry again that she couldn’t immediately answer, not that she knew what to say.
„W – what do you mean?“, she quietly asked and her eyes almost drove Harry insane. „Do you want me to make the ache in your tummy go away?“, Harry repeated and slightly smiled. „B – but how, I mean how do you – I don’t understand. How do you intend to….“, she whispered and nervously played with her fingers.
Harry got a little closer. „By touching you, milady.“, he whispered and took her hands to stop her nervous tic. „What?“, she spoke out, too stunned to say something intelligent.
„By touching your body, Lady Eunice.“, he repeated again and Eunice stuttered. „B -but…We can’t, I’m engaged and I’m going to do these things with my husband after I’m married. Not with someone I’m not married to and not with someone I’m not supposed to be with.“, she spoke.
„We don’t have to, milady, it was just a question.“, the man smiled and brought more distance between them, which Eunice immediately disappointed.
She couldn’t help but wish he was close to her. Even closer than he was just a few seconds ago. She wanted to put her hands on his chest and collarbones, she wanted to touch his face and kiss these beautiful lips.
„Besides, he would of course know, when we have our wedding night, because either I’m going to get pregnant, which would be the worst thing in this world or he would feel it when we’re…“, she quickly said and blushed.
„I was not talking about intercourse, Milady.“, Harry said. „I was talking about touching.“ „B – but I don’t understand, Sir, I – “ „There is more you can do sexually than intercourse, Milady. There are things that no one notices after you have done them.“
Eunice’s face was glowing red and she tried to avoid his gaze. „But my mother said that they… the man knows when his wife… his wife has already…“ „Your mother was talking about intercourse, Milady. Once again, there are more things.“  
Eunice looked at him to find out if he was telling the truth but he didn’t smirk or laugh so she wasn’t sure if he might be right. Harry got a bit closer again. „Milady, what do you know about sexually activities?“ „I – I – don’t know. I mean I know how…you know… how the thing works.“
Harry whispered: „Do you want me to show you what there is besides ‚The thing‘?“ Eunice gulped loudly. „I don’t know – I.“ „If you don’t want to, Milady, we can go right back to the feast. I don’t want to pressure you, or anything. You can say no, if you don’t want to do anything.“
Eunice nodded and thought about it. She was so curious about it and everything inside of her body screamed to do it. She craved his touch, being closer to him, finding out what he could do to her body.
Of course her mind told her not to do it. This was one of the worst things she could possibly do. Not only would she be intimate with someone before she got married, but she would cheat on someone she wasn’t even married to yet.
But on the other hand, Sir Harry Styles had guaranteed her that no one would notice it, so did it really fall in the category of things she was not allowed to do before marriage? And she wasn’t married yet, she wasn’t even officially engaged yet, so would it be cheating?
Harry watched her think. He wanted her to say yes so badly of course. He wanted to touch her and make her whimper, make her sigh his name. But he wanted her full consent and her to be absolutely sure about it. And if she would say no, he would never speak about this again.
Eunice turned towards him and said: „Yes.“ „Yes what, Milady?“, Harry asked and raised his eyebrows. „I’d like you to show me.“, the girl whispered and Harry smiled.
„Okay. But you need to promise me one thing: If you change your mind or if you feel uncomfortable or if you don’t like something I do at any point, you have to tell me. If you want me to stop, you need to tell me, okay?“ Eunice nodded. „Yes.“
„Good.“ He came closer to her, took her hands and gently caressed them. „Do you want to sit on the sofa?“, he asked close to her ear and Eunice shivered. She was so aroused and eager to get more, receive more.
She nodded and they moved to sit down on the sofa. Harry got closer to her face again moved her hair back. „Can I kiss you?“, he asked and after Eunice had whispered a „Yes.“, he connected their lips.
Harry’s lips were soft and gentle. She didn’t know how to move her lips but just copied what he did. Meanwhile, Harry’s hand laid on her cheek and the other held her waist. He slightly moved his hand on her waist, which made Eunice shift.
Harry stopped the kiss and asked: „Is this alright?“ She nodded and bit her swollen lip. „Yes, but please… I – I need you. Need you to make the ache go away.“ Her voice had gotten so quiet that Harry almost couldn’t hear her and she had looked to the ground. Harry gently lifted her chin and made her look at him.
„No need to get shy, sweetheart.“, he whispered and Eunice pressed her legs together at the nickname. „I’m going to make it go away, promise.“, he whispered while pressing little kisses to her cheek. He placed his hand on her thigh, which was still covered by her dress, and softly massaged her.
Eunice gaze followed his hand and Harry quietly chuckled. „You like my hands, don’t you?“, he asked and Eunice blushed, but didn’t answer. „You’re going to like them even more in a few minutes.“ „Is it going to hurt?“, she suddenly asked and Harry stopped his movement.
„Of course not, darling. I wouldn’t do anything to you that could hurt you. I’m going to make you feel good.“ Eunice frowned. „But it’s just what my friend told me. She recently got married and visited us in July. One afternoon we talked about her marriage and she told me in secret that it was painful to her. I just don’t want it to be painful.“
„Milady, your friend probably talked about the intercourse with her husband. That is something that can be painful for women when they do it the first time. But I’m not going to do anything that will be painful to you. If it is, it is not how it’s supposed to be and I’ll immediately stop.“
Eunice nodded. „Alright.“ „No need to be scared of anything.“, he whispered and his lips wandered to her lips again while his hand that had layed on her thigh moved to the hem of her dress. He slipped it under the skirt and whispered „Is that okay?“, against her lips.
„Yeah.“, Eunice answered and Harry softly massaged her thighs. This simple movement drove Eunice crazy and she let out a quiet whimper. Harry could still hear it and smirked. He loved how responsive she was to his touch and how she reacted to him. It was such a turn on to watch her.
Then his hand wandered even further up until his fingers traced the area around her slip. He massaged her skin and teased her until he couldn’t wait anymore. Harry ended the kiss and asked her.
„Can I take your slip off?“, he asked and Eunice nodded. As everything was still covered by her dress, he blindly pulled it down her legs, over her feet and put it in his front pockets so it didn’t got dirty. „Sit with your back against the sofa back, darling.“, Harry whispered and Eunice turned and did as he had told her.
„And now just relax.“ The girl closed her eyes but still had her legs pressed together. „You need to slightly spread your legs, Milady. I know that it’s uncomfortable, but I’ll make it better.“ Eunice opened her legs, which actually was quite uncomfortable and Harry caressed her legs up to her hips and then got closer and closer to her core.
He gently stroke her mound and then slid over her clit with his pointer finger. It was such a sudden and new feeling to Eunice, that she jumped at it and let out a shriek. „Shh, it’s alright.“, Harry calmed her and soothed her thigh. „Sir, it’s… That feels…“ „I know, Milady.“ Harry smirked and stroke her clit again.
This time Eunice quietly whimpered and closed her legs around his hand while digging her nails into the sofa. Harry went through her slit with his finger. „Jesus! You’re so wet, darling. All that for me?“, he smirked close to her ear with his mouth.
Eunice couldn’t phrase a sentence and just whined a „Please.“ in response. Harry collected some of her wetness and spread it over her pussy and especially her clit. He know used his thumb to rub her clit and stimulated her little nub like this for some time and enjoyed hearing her little whimpers until he put more pressure on her clit by circling it with his pointer finger. Eunice whined and restlessly shifted on the sofa.
„Shhhh, sweetheart, you need to stay still.“ „But it’s so…. God..“, she whimpered. Harry wrapped one arm around her hip from behind to keep her in place and kissed her near her ear. He would love to actually see her pussy but thought that it was about her now and he didn’t want to overwhelm her.
So he continued to blindly finger her pussy by stimulating her clit. Eunice was a whimpering mess in his arms and by now had moved to lean with her back again his chest. Her head was pressed against his shoulder and Harry was with his right hand under her skirt while his left held her at her tummy to stop her from shifting.
Harry was so hard in his pants and wished he could have her sit between his legs so he could rock against her but once again thought that it might be too much for her and wanted all that to be about her, so she still sat next to him on the left but leaned against his chest. „Harry…“, she moaned and arched to meet his touch.
He smiled at the name and increased the pace of his finger against her clit while resting his chin on her hair. He caressed her waist with his left hand and pressed her closer to him as her movement got more and more uncontrolled. Harry could tell that she was about to reach her orgasm, as she got more tense and arched against him so he moved his finger a little faster and then the girl let out a cry and her whole body began to shake.
„Oh god. Harry!“, Eunice whined and then after a few seconds powerless fell back into his arms. Harry, who had fingered her through her orgasm stopped his movement but still had his hand on her bare thigh. He then pulled her slightly up against his chest and soothed her by caressing her shoulder and pressing kisses against her hair.
Her breathing slowly calmed down and Harry’s hand now left her thigh and pulled it away from under her dress. He smirked and brought his hand to his mouth. Eunice’s eyes followed his hand and she watched with widened eyes how he licked his fingers clean with relish. Harry noticed how she pressed her legs together again.
„You taste very good, Milady.“, he spoke and Eunice blushed. „Are you alright?“, he then asked. „Yeah. Very good. That was… That was so…“, she was still speechless and so just took a deep breath. „I’m glad you enjoyed it. But we should go back to the feast now, your family probably already wonders where you are, Milady.“
Eunice nodded, still completely confused and baffled and got up from the sofa. Harry did the same and then took her slip out of his pocket. Without hesitation he kneeled down in front of her and stretched the panties so she could slip inside with her feet. Eunice blushed again and did it.
Harry slowly pulled them up her legs and got up to his feet while doing it. He adjusted the undergarment at her hips and then removed his hands from her body. „Are you ready to go?“, he whispered and Eunice could once again only nod. All these little things that he did made her so shaky and flustered and the usually very confident and loud girl couldn’t even recognize herself.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
1.) *Yes, I have multiple ships I'm very fond of/passionate about, and at least one of them is one of the nine listed popular fandom ships 2.) **Yes, I have multiple ships I'm very fond of/passionate about, and none of them are one of the nine listed popular fandom ships 3.) ***Yes, I have one popular fandom ship I'm very fond of and a few I more casually ship 4.) ****Yes, I have one uncommon/rare ship I'm very fond of and a few I more casually ship 8.) *****Yes, but pretty casually/more as an afterthought, and none of the ones I ship casually are among the more popular fandom ships 9) ******No; I can see why people ship some characters romantically, but there are no ships that are appealing to me in this series
For the purposes of this poll, these are considered popular fandom ships:
Noremma (Norman x Emma)
Rayemma (Ray x Emma)
Norray (Norman x Ray)
Norrayemma (Norman x Ray x Emma)
Gildon (Gilda x Don)
Rayanna (Ray x Anna)
LesIsa/Lesbella (Leslie x Isabella)
Sonmuji (Sonju x Mujika)
Yuucas (Yuugo x Lucas)
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raelyn-dreams · 1 year
(These ships do not exist as "set" ships. I ship characters in many different ways and with different people, while I may only rarely ship a said character with others. My usual "preferred" ships will be in bold. This list is not all-encompassing - please feel free to send me an ask about any ship or character!!! I love excuses to ramble!!!)
Death Parade: Decim x Chiyuki
Haikyuu: Daisuga, Sugadaiyui, Asanoya, Kiyoyachi, Ennotana, Kiyotana, Kinonari, Ennokinonari, Kagehina, Kenhina, Tsukkiyama, Iwaoi, Matsuhana, Kyouhaba, Kinkuni, Kuroken, Bokuroo, Bokuakakuroken, Fukutora, Fukuken, Toraken, Fukukentora, Levyaku, Inulev, Shibalev, Teshinushibalev, Bokuaka, Ushiten, Semishira, Kawashira, Kogagoshiki, Aofuta, Kogasaku, Kitaran, Osasuna, Sakuatsu, Daimika.
Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaharu, Tamahika, Tamahikaharu, Kyokao, Hanirei, Kasumei.
Pokemon: Satogou/Journey/Firstfriend, Pallet, Sapphirepearl.
Sailor Moon: Mamousa, Harumichi, Makoami, Reinako.
The Promised Neverland: Norrayemma, Gildon.
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: Fugh, Emwyn, Enorace.
Carmen Sandiego (2019): Julethief/Carulia, Carmivy, Jeantonio.
Ninjago: Jaya, Pixane, Bruise/Geode, Mudshock, Lava, Glacier, Techno, Opposites, Plasma, Polyninja, Samurai, Amberpheonix, Scruffy.
Teen Titans: Robstar, BBRae, Starrae, Jerikole.
Twisted Wonderland: Azurid, Florid, Treyrid, Treyjade, Treycaterid, Treycater, Mallekei, Adeuce, Epeldeuce/Applejuice, Leoruggie, Leovil, Epeljack, Azuido, Azujami, Idiazu, Jamikali, Silkali, Rookvil, Silseb.
Enstars: Wataei, Yuzutori, Subahokke, PolyTrickstar, Chiakana, Midochia, Midotetoshino, Hiiai, Tatsumayo, Hiyojun, PolyEden, Shumika, Rinniki, Reikao, Adokoga, Mitsutomohaji, Kurokei, Izuleo, PolyKnights, Natsumugi, Reichi, Eikei, Eimugi, Watarei, Torikasa, Midoyuzu, Subanatsu, Ritsumao, Chiakao, Tetohina, Yuushino, Hiikoha, Kohaii, Kohiiai, Tatsuhime, Tatsukana, Ibahaji, Kanajun, Kuroshu, Shunazu, Rinneshu, Narumika, Ritsumika, Reikei, Adosou, Kogasou, Adosoukoga.
Injustice: Greencanary, Jason Rusch x Jaime Reyes.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Faith x Icarus, Faith x Plastic.
Obey Me & Obey Me Nightbringer: Dialuci, Solasmo.
Cursed Princess Club: Gwendrick, Jellie.
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cjunn · 1 year
zachary gordon…..
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umbradoodles · 2 years
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i draw still sometimes
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444names · 2 years
welsh and quenya names
Adeep Aderds Ainta Airwe Alanë Alcarrína Alcor Alcorder Aldal Aldall Alden Aldon Alicklega Almacuru Alperve Althinóna Amaquenna Ambal Amiry Amírë Ancard Anweled Aphrens Aphros Arame Arande Arawd Ardar Artarwyn Asherel Atamo Atarn Atter Atterven Aurëanna Aventur Ayllë Banturni Basar Beddlews Belew Belma Bendil Berlyn Bettler Beves Bevildómë Bight Biven Bivil Blenna Bownemasa Boyar Breffix Brewerwen Breynna Bromwen Bronda Cadorong Calawd Calcalion Calinga Callómë Calmë Cardands Cardi Cardlenya Carear Cariumen Casanord Cassesi Ceckle Cecklen Ceigslas Ceirawd Celing Cerey Ceruin Charil Chiar Chindilda Chroning Chrívies Cirin Citheavis Coama Colacir Comúrië Condar Crielp Cuinnalë Cynmo Dafir Dambe Dards Daucar Daugwa Davan Deecolo Demen Demor Dewen Dowelë Dremno Dring Easson Eastan Edger Edmon Edrya Eiffenië Eirclang Eirin Eldamuned Eldoc Eldor Eleulë Elfyd Elrost Elurulwa Elwen Elyma Emlys Emylloock Endor Enduindo Enfoldil Eniend Enistesta Erews Erule Eruppards Essapanmo Eurussarn Evending Eveyr Eämbs Eärans Eärnë Faildil Fallaquen Fanelyngë Fanlawers Faryllë Fassë Femelk Fiest Finga Fingwernu Firran Firysta Fissill Fitts Flona Flonisimo Folanyar Follië Forots Gamils Geormar Gildon Gingë Ginus Givin Gnowe Gofickle Grers Gricor Griferlar Grimo Grindor Gwildyth Hadox Haityerit Harees Havai Haves Heced Hefoldë Helungs Herins Hernil Herno Herri Hethla Hiand Hiessë Hight Hilmë Hilpë Hoper Hople Hores Hrostar Hughns Hughtanda Hughtel Hyamp Hyannan Hyantesta Hávalmë Hávins Híniel Hísil Ifalan Ilmon Indórë Ingalair Ingasa Ingbes Ingwelper Ingwyn Ishanio Isina Ivanaiwen Iwara Iwarf Jacenkin Jersion Jessë Kanto Kemmairy Keron Kimon Lacafino Laiarant Laiths Lalons Lasse Lastraw Laurns Laurto Lemna Lewishaid Linauko Lindo Linds Lingwyn Lintë Linwë Llastled Lornilmë Lorys' Lovess Lownfyne Loylar Lumberron Lumphran Lynelcor Lórëanwel Lúvëa Maina Mairyalm Maitirë Maitt Maitya Maitë Maiwë Mandë Mariona Marwhin Mattan Meight Meirrië Meirwë Melca Mendles Menótë Meron Miandë Micalë Minwë Monië Mormor Mouts Mussë Mwynostan Myrin Nahta Naima Nalinë Nambar Nanen Nanwalin Nestalëan Newen Niellins Nollë Norer Norna Nornë Norossë Náriondil Náriont Návani Nísiann Nísëa Nónata Númioner Númirë Númëa Oherk Onduam Ondur Onelwalë Onquen Ormant Ornetris Orosta Orryon Ostar Owarmë Owenno Palmo Paloc Pastan Paukor Peaviéva Peens Peest Pember Pemoss Pernes Pewen Phildar Phipsiden Piryarmas Ploys Pomen Pomes Poughen Prembalai Priellins Priesta Prina Prossë Quele Quenafion Raindë Reird Reirë Repherus Repvantë Rholdon Rhorth Rhugedur Rhught Rhughta Rhyddle Rinwë Robearmë Rolor Salahel Saugwen Saurwyn Searimmen Seaver Semmen Serican Seril Serna Shalúvë Sharthant Shele Shian Shies Sianyar Sighted Siliani Siondilin Sirrembar Snornā Sonds Sonowa Sonwë Soriari Sount Sourca Souru Spiryan Suppa Súlëarwye Tafitta Talin Tarast Tardlews Tarld Taucal Taucomen Tegameno Telegoth Telernel Telimo Tewen Theed Theres Thian THING Thirna Tianghts Timesil Tinden Tingwys Tinya Tolum Torneth Tudge Tultar Turodger Turuhiwë Uinórë Ulmil Umbor Uniffix Upreezer Uprer Valandi Valant Valind Valirno Valis Vathir Vauled Vinwë Voidwalth Warátondo Waturil Waviens Whomand Whoubley Wionn Worondórë Wynnated Yavindë Youeluna Yountan Yávance Írion Íriond Ñolincë Ñorion Úmanwa Úmarë Úvata
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books-bibis-world · 20 days
Resenha de "Caçador sem coração - Kristen Ciccarelli"
Caçador sem coração é uma joia rara das minhas leituras de 2024.
Particularmente e sendo bem sincera eu não dava NADA para esse livro quando comecei e muito fiquei surpresa que, em menos de 100 páginas, o livro me entregou um enredo competente, personagens criveis e feridos, e um enemies to lovers real, simplesmente incrível.
Rune é uma bruxa que resgata outras bruxas da condenação de um universo onde bruxas já foram o centro do poder e agora são caçadas pelo novo regime que tem verdadeiro horror a elas. Gildon é o caçador estrela, competente e muito focado na busca da mariposa escarlate, a bruxa que vem salvando outras bruxas do expurgo.
Independente de ser uma trope batida de "bruxa X caçador", o livro traz certa originalidade trazendo um sistema de magia de bruxas diferente daqueles que eu costumo a ver (não que eu tenha muito conhecimento da trope) e me fez ficar muito investida e colada no kindle, virando madrugadas para ler mais e mais sobre Rune.
Gildon em meus delírios me lembrou um pouco do charme do Mr.Darcy, durante boa parte do livro e a química com Rune é tão grande que parecia que eu estava sempre interrompendo alguma coisa observando eles juntos e quando estão juntos…
Outros personagens aqui não mencionados de proposito fez meu coração se alegrar, sorrir, sofrer e desconfiar. No fim, esse livro é sobre romance e desconfiar. É o jogo de gato e rato, caça e caçador feito de maneira competente mesmo se utilizando de clichês e conveniências que não me incomodaram ao ver o resultado final da obra.
Agora, eu quero ler imediatamente sua sequência, para conseguir dormir tranquila e saciar minha ansiedade.
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 2 days
Gracie and Gildon Fanchildren(?)
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I changed my mind on who to ship Gracie with. (Does it count as Shovelware Studios stuff if one of the characters mentioned is a Shovelware OC?)
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