#oh now my ignis tag made me sad
ginkashino · 4 months
Something that only gets mentioned in a voice drama and not in the show, but that i love a lot about ignis, is that his planet was full of the best treasure hunters. He's the best treasure hunter in the universe not because he's particularly good at it (he seemingly only steals small stuff) but because every single other treasure hunter he knew is now dead.
He's using his silly, overly-grandiose title as a way to remember his friends
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thornofarose01 · 1 year
Never Let Me Go: Chapter Twenty-Nine
Masterlist Chapter Twenty-Eight Chapter Thirty
Word Count: 1,637
Tag List: @arrthurpendragon @seankayser
Noctis wakes the others up after they mysteriously passed out. With a little way yet to go until they arrive in Gralea, Gaia tries to wrap her head around what just happened. It wasn't long until they were in danger again...
"Hey. Wake up," Noctis ordered.
I groaned quietly, groggily getting to my feet. "Son of a bitch," I mumbled. Noctis was sitting down in front of us, breathing heavily.
"What happened?" Gladio asked as he stood. It seemed he and Ignis had the same thing happen.
"I saw the Glacian," Noctis answered. "It's okay, she's gone now. You guys check on our drivers."
"Got it," Gladio nodded. He walked over to Ignis, looking him over. "You good?"
"Yes, I'm fine," Ignis responded. "Let's go." The two of them walked away, leaving just Noctis and me. I was still trying to wake up.
"Gaia, aren't you going to join them?" Noctis turned to look at me.
I perked up a bit from hearing my name. "Huh? Oh, no," I laughed softly. "I'll probably just stay back here for a moment. I am still trying to figure out why I passed out like that."
It was a half-truth. I was trying to figure that out, but one other question was on my mind. How did Noctis see the Glacian if her corpse was outside the train?
Noctis got back to his feet and walked off as well, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sighed and grabbed my journal. I flipped through it, reading bits and pieces of what I wrote when I first set off on this journey.
First meeting Noctis and the others, the disaster that was the first bust-a-base, reaching Altissia... All of it was there. It made me wonder if things could have gone differently.
Maybe Lunafreya would still be alive, maybe Ravus wouldn't be a wanted man, I thought. Maybe Prompto wouldn't be missing. Tears brimmed my eyes and I blinked them away.
It was both comforting and sad to reread everything I experienced. After a while, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis came back to the train car I was in.
"We should be drawing close to Gralea," Ignis spoke after a moment.
Gladio crossed his arms as he took a seat. "Can't imagine what it'll be like."
"Swarming with daemons, but you knew that," Noctis responded with a shrug.
Gladio scoffed. "Don't remind me."
"It wasn't always like that, at least, from what I remember," I chimed in. "But I also lived just on the outskirts." I looked out the window. It was incredibly dark out.
"Though I do have to laugh at the karma of it all," I spoke again after a moment. "Ironic how the empire made magiteks from daemons, yet they can't control them themselves."
"Once we arrive, we'll make for the Keep," Ignis spoke, changing the subject to our strategy.
"The Keep?" Noctis asked.
"Zegnautus," Ignis elaborated. "An imperial mega fortress said to be impregnable."
"With Prompto and the Crystal inside it," Noctis muttered.
"Oh, wonderful," I groaned.
"What goes in must come out," Gladio smirked. He then changed the subject. "So, are we buying this story that the Crystal can purge daemons?"
"The proof is in the purging, but it does stand to reason," Ignis answered.
"Hopefully the Crystal doesn't think I'm a daemon," I laughed awkwardly. 
Ignis continued, "We've observed that as the nights have grown longer, the daemon hordes have grown stronger. If they are in fact averse to the Crystal's light, it could save not only Lucis, but the world." 
Noctis chuckled softly. "We'll find out once we take it back." 
The train's brakes squealed, interrupting our conversation.  I winced at the noise. 
"The hell?" Gladio grumbled as he stood up. We were stopped in the middle of a tunnel. 
"What is it?" Ignis asked. 
"My guess? Something to sidetrack us." Gladio made his way toward the front of the train. 
I looked over at Noctis and Ignis before getting up and following Gladio. Something just didn't seem right. We barely entered another train car before the windows cracked. The train shook violently, knocking us to the ground. We carefully got to our feet, and I looked at the windows once more. They were one attack away from shattering entirely.  
Biggs broke the stunned silence. "City's trying to keep us out... with the daemons," he warned. 
As if on cue, a few goblins jumped against the glass. 
"Gotta run! Don't worry about us!" Biggs told us. 
I quickly turned to look over at Noctis and the others before turning to the windows once again. "Fuck," I whispered. One of the windows shattered, letting some of the daemons inside. 
"Let's get to work," Noctis readied himself to summon his sword. 
Nothing happened. 
"What's wrong?" Gladio asked. 
Noctis tried again. "The weapons... they're stuck!" 
I tried summoning my axe. Nothing. Sword, nothing. "Damn it," I mumbled, trying not to panic. Maybe the tunnel was interfering with the armiger?
"Get back!" Gladio ran forward, kicking one of the goblins away. 
"Run!" Ignis ordered. I looked at Noctis and Gladio once more. We took off in the direction we just came from. At this point, we were outnumbered and it was only a matter of moments before we would eventually be backed against a wall. 
"Uh, what are we going to do when we don't have anywhere else to run?" I yelled to the others, pushing another daemon out of my way. 
"We trade the train for the Regalia!" Ignis responded. "Noct, the freight car!" 
"Keep moving!" Noctis yelled, running ahead of us. 
Finally reaching the regalia, Noctis immediately got behind the wheel. I ran to the passenger side, fumbling with the handle before taking my seat. Prompto's seat. 
"Gun it!" Gladio demanded once we were all inside. Noctis stepped on the gas, the tires squealing as we took off. 
"Threat upgraded." A speaker announced. It was a security system. "Activating level 4 security measures. Sealing all gates." 
"Go go go!" I yelled. Even when we were outside of the daemon-infested train tunnel, we were still in danger. Now we were being shot at. I gripped the seat. In our haste to leave, it seemed none of us paid the seatbelts any mind. With Noctis swerving on the train tracks to dodge both enemy fire and debris, it was most likely the worst decision.
"One clean hit and it's over," Gladio warned. 
"It'll take more than that to stop His Majesty's trusty steed," Ignis reassured us. "Just focus on your driving." 
"I suppose we're lucky they aren't the best shot," I laughed nervously. 
Noctis gripped the wheel tighter, slamming the gas pedal down even more. "You can do it, girl," he hissed, talking to the car. "You can get through this. Come on, old girl!" 
We barely made it through the gate before one last explosion damaged the car. It came to a stop, a somber silence falling over us as the rain began to fall. 
The Regalia was done for. Smoke poured from under the hood. I'm going to miss being crammed in the back seat, I thought to myself. I sighed and looked over at Noctis and the others. 
"That's all she's got," Gladio said, his tone surprisingly quiet. 
"It'll do," Noctis sighed as he opened the door. 
We got out of the car. I remained silent as I looked at it, taking off my sunglasses. "She did a pretty good job," I mumbled. 
We began to make our way forward, Noctis taking one look at the car before whispering, "Dad, thanks for everything." 
Gladio looked over at us, changing the subject. "Are we seriously marching into the capital empty-handed?" He huffed. 
"And with no assurances the Crystal can beat back the daemon hordes," Ignis added. 
"Guess we'll find out the hard way. No turning back now, right?" 
Before us was a train, precariously balanced on rubble. There was enough room for us to go under it, assuming it didn't fall. We carefully approached, Gladio looking it over once more before speaking. "This thing could come down at any time," he muttered.�� 
"Let's get it over with then," I responded. Just as Noctis was about to walk under it, it dropped a bit. The creaking of the metal echoed around us. He stopped for a moment before running to the other side. 
The train slammed to the ground just after Noctis had made it across. "Hey! Ignis! Gladio! Gaia!" He shouted. 
"Are you alright?" I yelled back. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" 
"I'm going to try to find a way back!" He responded. 
"I suggest we try to do the same," Ignis spoke after a moment. 
We managed to climb onto the train that had fallen in front of us, which provided us with a decent vantage point. 
"Is there a way forward?" Ignis asked. I shrugged. 
"There's a way, but I don't see us going forward without facing off with the daemons," Gladio murmured. 
"But Noctis is going at it alone, we have to get back to him," I responded. "Even if we have to fight barehanded." 
"Perhaps you won't have to," a familiar voice spoke up. Ardyn. He walked over to us from the same side Noctis was on when we got separated. 
"What are you doing here?" Gladio demanded. He held his arms out in front of Ignis and me, a small attempt to protect us. 
"Why I come bearing gifts," Ardyn responded. With a snap of his fingers, our weapons manifested in our hands. "See? Gifts! Now I believe a 'thank you' is in order." 
"After all the shit you put us through?" I scoffed, letting my axe rest against my shoulder. Gladio inched closer to him, brandishing his greatsword. 
The chancellor put his hands in the air as if he were surrendering. "Here I am, helping for a change. But I can see I'm not wanted." He turned and left without another word, leaving us to discuss our plans. 
Why would he give us our weapons back? Surely he would rather us be defenseless. Unless us getting killed wasn't his goal... 
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
🍺 anon. I hope this helps in any case, imagine how sweet and giggly Eskel and his SO would be having a snowball fight in or around Kaer Morhen!
A/N: Babe I had a dumb moment and fucking wrote this but completely lost it among the other 753,249 WIPs I have so I never actually got around to posting it even though it very well could have been posted weeks ago... I am such a mess 
As you pushed the heavy doors to the keep open, a gust of wind blew into you, biting your nose and blowing your hair out of your face. 
You paused for a moment, debating on going back inside and just waiting for Eskel to return. He’d been gone all morning. He left right as the sun was coming up, needing to check on the animals. He promised he wouldn’t be long and that he’d be back in bed before you woke up, but that didn’t happen. Hours had passed and he had yet to return. 
You figured he’d gotten caught up in something else. Perhaps he wasn’t sneaky enough to slip past Vesemir. 
But you didn’t like the thought of just laying around in the warmth and comforts of your bed while he was out working. 
So with a deep breath, you stepped out of the keep. 
Snow crunched beneath your feet as you made your way towards the shelter for the goats. All six of them, Lil Bleater included, were huddled up on a fresh bed of straw. She lifted her head at the sight of you, letting out a rather loud bleat.
“Daddy isn’t in here, is he?” You stepped into the shelter, shutting the door firmly behind yourself, and moved to pet all the goats. You couldn’t just leave without saying hi to them. 
Once you’d given them some love and attention, you headed towards the stables. 
As the door to the stable creaked open, you heard a quiet whispering. But it soon stopped. You stayed there by the door, listening carefully. 
“Doll?” His voice made you smile. “Is that you?”
Scorpion’s stall was the first one you came upon. 
“I was afraid you’d gotten lost.” You rubbed the horse’s nose. “You’ve been gone for nearly three hours.”
“Ah, shit. Sorry, doll. Lost track of time.”
You moved down to the last stall on the right, finding Eskel brushing Lambert’s horse, Champion.
“You didn’t have to come find me.” He glanced up at you, golden eyes shining from the fire burning just behind you. 
“What if you were lost in the snow?” You raised a brow, a teasing tone playing on your voice. 
He chuckled. 
“I think I’d manage.”
You rocked back and forth on your heels, rubbing your hands together as you waited for him to finish. 
“Doll, you can go back to bed.”
You hesitated, wanting to have him in bed with you. 
An idea popped into your head. You nodded, letting a frown come over your lips. 
“I’ll see you upstairs.” You moved forward to kiss him. 
He hugged you tight and then let you go. Eskel watched you leave, eyes lingering on the door even after you disappeared. 
He pushed the doors to the stables shut behind himself and began to head towards the door to the keep. He found himself looking at the ground as he walked, following the tracks you left behind in the snow. He smiled a little, knowing very well you had shuffled your feet most of the way.
As he neared the main doors to the keep, his brows furrowed together. Your tracks seemed to veer away from the doors and disappeared around a corner. 
The witcher paused for a moment to listen. That’s when he heard your heart beating. 
“Y/N?” He moved towards the corner, confused and a little concerned. 
Just as he was peeking around the corner, something cold hit him on the front of his neck. He stepped back in shock, hands coming up to check and see what it was that had hit him. 
Your laughter broke through the air. 
“I got you!” 
Eskel’s eyes found you, clutching your chest as you laughed. 
“You’ve been out here this whole time?” He asked, raising his brows. “You were waiting for me to come by so you could hit me with a snowball?”
You nodded, bringing your hand up to cover your mouth. 
“My turn.” Eskel smirked a little, kneeling down to scoop up some snow. 
“No!” You gasped, pointing a finger at him. “Eskel!”
“Don't worry, doll. I'll be gentle.” He took a few steps towards you. 
You turned and darted across the courtyard, seeking cover behind a tree. 
“Oh, doll.” Eskel sighed mockingly, shaking his head. “That won't protect you from me.”
“Eskel! I was just messing with you!” You kept yourself as close to the tree as possible. “I-I’m freezing cold! You've been out here forever.”
“You could've stayed in bed.”
“I thought you were lost in the snow!”
“You're adorable, doll.”
“.... Thank you.” 
He chuckled. 
You peeked around the tree to look for the witcher, but he was nowhere to be seen. Just as you turned to look and for him, snow hit the back of your head and fell down the back of your shirt. You gasped and arched your back. 
“What's the matter, doll?”
You turned to face him, wearing a big frown on your lips as you shivered. 
“I'm cold!”
“Poor baby.” He pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. ”Do you want to go inside?”
You nodded. 
“Okay. Let's go.” 
He turned to begin the trek to the front doors. 
With his back to you, you had the perfect opportunity to kneel down and pick up more snow. You formed a ball and threw it at him. He moved out of the way just in time for it to fly past his head.
“Nice try, doll.” Eskel chuckled, stopping and gesturing for you to come to him. “Come on.”
You stopped in place and shook your head. 
“I just want you to walk beside me, Y/N.”
“You-You aren't going to hit-hit me with snow again?”
“Your teeth are chattering. You're freezing. No, I'm not going to do that to you.” He shook his head. “I give you my word.”
You hesitated before moving to walk alongside him. He wrapped an arm around you, tucking you into his side. 
“But I didn’t say I wouldn’t touch you with my cold hands.” He put one hand against the side of your neck, letting you feel just how cold his fingers were. You cringed, bringing your shoulders up to your ears. 
When you made it to the warmth of the bedroom, Eskel helped you undress from your now wet clothes. He retrieved a top of his and pulled it down over your head. 
“Climb up into bed, doll.” He kissed the top of your head. “Let me change and I'll be right there.”
You nodded, practically scurrying across the cold stone floor to get to the bed. 
Eskel moved towards the fireplace, signing Igni towards the dying flames. The fire roared to life. Soon, the room would be toasty. 
You got comfortable beneath the blankets and furs, curling up by the pillows as you waited for him. 
He changed into a pair of trousers then got into bed with you. 
You put yourself as close to him as possible, curling into his side. He wrapped an arm around you to pull you even closer. You hooked one knee across his hip, bringing your cold foot in between his thighs. 
“Are you comfy?” He asked, a little grin playing on his lips. 
“Mhm.” You nodded, tucking your nose into his neck. “Thank you.”
He kissed your temple, closing his eyes. 
“Don’t worry though. I’ll get you back for that terrible excuse of a snowball fight we had. And I’ll make sure Lambert’s on my team.”
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @ameliasmistake @she-wolfoftheinquisition @titaniafire @ameliasmistake
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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merryfortune · 3 years
Blue since the day we parted
Written for 100ships on Dreamwidth
Prompt: #13 Blue
Ship: Ai/Shoichi/Yusaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Word Count: 1,745
Rating: T
Warnings: Choose Not to Warn
Tags: Canon Compliant, Angst with a Happy Ending, Missing Scene Fic
   A tear glistened in the corner of Playmaker’s eye as he reached out into that cloudy, blue sky and touched Ai, plucking him from the digital space.
   Ai convulsed inside his hand. Just an eyeball. Reconstructed, refigured, recantered and then he remembered. Playmaker’s heart lurched with worry as he cradled Ai, standing into the wind and letting it roll off him as he waited for Ai to say something. To do something. Anything. And then a tear to match the ones dripping slowly down the side of Playmaker’s face welled up on the rubber duct of Ai’s entire eyeball.
   “Yusaku…?” he murmured. “Yusaku! Yusaku! My Yusaku!”
   “Y-Yeah, it's me, Ai.” Playmaker beamed and Ai was happy that such a wide smile would be his first memory in this refreshed, new world.
   “I thought… I thought I was a goner.” Ai mumbled, grateful to be alive but grim in his certainty that he was very much not so supposed to be alive.
   “You know me,” Playmaker shrugged, “once I decide something, it becomes my purpose. Be it for three months or ten years, I just get absorbed in that one singular desire. Looking for you, piecing you back together, that was my one desire this time.”
   “And I bet it was just as destructive for you than if was just plain ol’ revenge.” Ai replied.
   Playmaker didn’t have a verbal response to that but the guilty look on his face spoke volumes. Ai nodded in his hands, moving himself up and down against Playmaker’s palms.
   “I thought as much.” Ai mumbled. “You never really change and yet…?”
   It, too, was written all over Playmaker’s face just as much as the guilt of having pushed aside so many of his connections just so he could reconnect to this one. Playmaker found it worth it though. Unbelievably worth it. He kept smiling, even if his initial grin had shrunken in on itself and steeped with guilt.
   “I can’t help it, your right,” Playmaker replied, murmuring, “Ai means to love people but I feel like I can only do it when I have…”
   “Ai?” Ai piped up hopefully.
   “Yeah, exactly.” Playmaker told him.
   “Oh, you incorrigible…!” Ai complained and he seemed rather cranky in Playmaker’s hands now, frowning and pouting but then he let up on it. “I love you, too. Thank you for bringing me back, for having hope.”
   “My pleasure.” Playmaker replied.
   “So, what now?” asked Ai. “Am I going to be stuck like this forever? My handsome visages? Gone, perished, truly a fate worse than death.”
   “I’ve got that all figured out,” Playmaker assured Ai, “So let’s log-out.” He shifted slightly and an admittance followed, “There’s someone else I really want back now, though, as well. Its kind of co-linked to getting your body back, too.”
   Ai had a sneaking suspicion that he knew what that meant so he perked up immediately, “Let’s get to it then, Playmaker! Seize the wind, already!”
   Playmaker laughed and it was such a lovely sound to Ai. It was unrehearsed and croaky but it was laughter nonetheless. They logged out together shortly afterwards. A cavalcade of pale blue data turning into sparkling shards of data before disappearing entirely.
   When they resurfaced, the location was not where Ai expected. He was still in the palm of Yusaku’s hands as he ventured out of a dark niche where his Link VRAINS rig was set up. It was familiar but it wasn’t home - or at least Yusaku’s apartment, even if it had never really felt like home until the end, when it was more about the emotions imbued in the walls than the walls themselves.
   Looking around, the first thing Ai saw, through the guards of Yusaku’s fingers, was the ocean. It was about midday, early afternoon, and the ocean was sparkling. It was a rich azure through the silver railing and the framing of the huge doorway into this building that Yusaku had made his next hovel. Ai realised where they were; they were at the site of their final showdown, if not a warehouse or two either.
   Ai wriggled in Yusaku’s hands so he could look up to him, “What happened to the apartment?” he asked. “Wh-Where’s Roboppy’s shell?”
   “Somewhere safe, don’t worry,” Yusaku replied and then he shrugged, his gaze grew distant, “I’m not sure what happened to the apartment. Landlord never tried to contact me when I bailed, I left behind whatever I couldn’t bring with me so I could stay here. It was easier than trying to move all your stockpiles there. Mightn’t be the most luxurious of places but its quiet here.”
   “Yeah, nothing more soothing than the sounds of construction.” Ai complained because he knew, for one, that he could hear the sound of jackhammers somewhere along the industrial pier.
   “Okay, serene.” Yusaku corrected himself.
   “But if there’s people around… how are you…?” Ai’s voice trailed off.
   “It’s not easy but I’ve managed alright to hide out undetected. I think the workers enjoy having a ghost around. So long as it doesn’t touch anything important, they don’t care if some electricity is pilfered.” Yusaku said but he brightened up, returned his gaze to Ai. “But now that we’re together again, let’s try and find somewhere really nice to live, yeah?”
   “Yeah.” Ai excitedly replied.
   “So let’s get you into your not-meat suit.” Yusaku said. “I don’t have all the means to give you back your Ignis body but take your pick of SOLtiS bodies.”
   Yusaku drifted through the vast, freezing warehouse like it was his home, showing Ai to one of the many stashes of cold, lifeless bodies that belonged to them. As eerie as it was to have so many empty SOLtiS androids around, Ai jumped into one enthusiastically. He wormed and wriggled his way into their shell and the eyeball became a beating heart. Yusaku watched, breathless, as a dressed and ready Ai appeared before him in the form of his dashing persona as a human.
   Whilst Ai may have been groggy and vague at first upon revival, he was really in the swing of things now as he popped up on his two legs like he was born to walk. Yusaku smiled gently whilst Ai stretched out all his nuts and bolts, making sure his limbs hadn’t rusted and got as close to limber as a robot could be and at the very end, made a very satisfied sigh.
   “Alright, what’s next?” Ai asked.
   “I think you know,” Yusaku said and though his heart thudded in his chest, a beg not to, he reached out to take Ai’s hand, “let’s go.”
   “Of course, partner.” Ai replied affectionately.
   Their fingers intertwined and linked together and then they were off with the wind. Not forever, obviously, Yusaku wanted to circle back later to grab Roboppy and a few other things that would be difficult to replace retroactively but for now, he and Ai were really putting the blues of the warehouse behind them both. And they both knew where they were headed on the interim, following the winding, concrete paths that allied themselves with the ocean so down below at the base of the steep cliffs here.
   When they arrived where they wanted to go, they still arrived looking like they ought to be dead. A corpse and a ghost: neither sure which was which but it was worth it.
   Cafe Nagi’s van was set up to the side of the Stardust Road. The last of the lunch time rush customers were trickling in and out, a waiter with a fluffy ponytail darting around them, fetching them refreshments and the like who paused to stare, puzzled, as his brother abandoned his post behind the grill.
   Yusaku smiled, tears in his eyes again that turned his smile creaky and all the more sincere, “Hey Kusanagi,” he said as Shoichi rushed towards him and Ai with a disbelieving smile, “I-I’ve missed you.”
   Before Yusaku knew it, he was swept up in a big bear hug from Shoichi. His arms surged around Yusaku’s scrawny frame and were so warm, Yusaku couldn’t have been more thankful for it. He buried his wet face into Shoichi’s chest and wrapped his arms around Shoichi’s waist. He felt so cared for as Shoichi’s hand cradled the back of his head, his fingers in his blue hair - and Ai, Ai was involving himself in this hug one way or another, too. Trying to reach both Yusaku and Shoichi but Shoichi was hogging Yusaku but Ai didn’t mind.
   “Never - and I mean never - do that to me again.” Shoichi growled. He was angry and sad and happy and relieved all at once. All that really broke through the barrage of emotions that he felt was love.
   “I promise.” Yusaku replied. He hugged back tighter. “I absolutely promise, I - I don’t want to be separated from you or Ai ever again, both of you are my precious partners.”
   “I believe you, Yusaku.” Shoichi consoled him. His head shifted to the left slightly, “And I mean it, Ai, I’m glad to see your back as well. I don’t want you running off either.”
   “It’s good to see you again, too, hot dog man.” Ai mumbled very fondly and with something of a tint of sadness. “And trust me,” he added, “there’s nowhere I’d rather be right now with you two.”
   “Same.” Yusaku mumbled.
   “I’m glad,” Shoichi replied softly and though he didn’t want to, he loosened his embrace of Yusaku so he could see his face properly, his cheeks were red and he looked dishevelled, there were bags under his eyes, “Yusaku? Ai?” Shoichi murmured.
   “Yeah?” Yusaku mumbled.
   Shoichi tilted his head to the side slightly, “Do you want to come live with me?” he asked. “Me and Jin?”
   “I’d love to.” Yusaku replied.
   “Me too.” Ai added on.
   Yusaku hugged Shoichi again. He couldn’t wait to move in with Shoichi and together they could get Ai his little Ignis body back too. It was all happening and Yusaku couldn’t be happier. He had been so depressed and angry since Ai died. Everything else became a blur to him. Lifeless, miserable. He didn’t want that anymore or ever again. So, he was determined to never let go of either Ai or Shoichi ever again and then, like an armory, the legendary spear and shield to pierce and protect and their tentacle monster too, they could go forward and progress. Reconnect and co-link. That’s all Yusaku wanted.
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archonssun · 4 years
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This is part one of four. I decided I am gonna divide this request up into the separate characters, cuz I kinda need to pad out the Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis sections of the masterlist😑
Noctis     Ignis     Gladio
July 15, 2020
WC: 313
“U-um, excuse me?” you voiced, reaching out and tugging on the man’s jacket. When he turned around, you were struck speechless by his beauty. From behind, you knew he was blond, but now, facing him head-on, you could see that he had a spattering of freckles all over his face. But what really made you pause were his blue-violet eyes. They seemed so gentle, so kind, but even you could tell that they held something much darker.
“Yeah?” The man’s voice was bright and matched the smile he gave you.
“You-you dropped thi-this,” you stumbled over your words, holding out the item held in your hand. When his eyes landed on the item, they grew wide as saucers, taking it from you.
“I didn’t even notice,” he said distantly, turning over the small chocobo keychain with a sad smile. “Thank you.”
“No-no problem,” you rushed, and went to leave when the blond’s fingers curled around your wrist.
“Hey, can I get your name?” he asked, his smile still on his face.
“I’m (Y/n),” you replied, mentally congratulating yourself for not tripping over your words. “Really, it was no pro-problem, sir.”
“Thank you, (Y/n). This really means a lot to me.”
You weren’t able to summon any words, and instead chose to nod. You had expected him to let you go, but when he didn’t you grew curious. Just as you were about to ask him about it, he spoke up.
“Hey, I kn-know that I’m basically a stranger but--” he drew in a sharp breath, meeting your (e/c) hues. “Do you wanna go-go out sometime?”
“I’d at least like to know your name first,” you smiled. Knowing won’t change my answer, though.
“Oh, ye-yeah! I’m Prompto!” His face had grown super red at your words, but you reassured him with a smile.
“Prompto, I’d love to go out with you.”
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
Tag List: @katerleegrand​, @naisitaable​, @blossattic​, @kenkopanda​, @orgawnas, @kirahhhh
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
All My Sins - Chapter 15
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Pairing: priest!Cas x demon!Dean
Summary: Dean fights back. But what if he just can't stop? Meanwhile, Cas has to run for his life. And the hellhounds are near...
Warnings: angst, lots of blood, strong violence, torture, murder…let's just say, it's pretty graphic. XD
Words: about 1300 ( it's a rather short one this time...the next one will be longer, I promise! <3 )
A/N: Welcome to chapter 15! Gawd, I have so much fun writing violent scenes...I'm sorry. XD There is some extra heavy stuff going on in the next chapters, so be prepared. I literally can't wait to write all of this aaaahhhh :D Oh, and "Sweet Tooth" by Marilyn Manson is like the perfect song for this chapter, just if ya wanna know what inspires me from time to time - his music is THE SHIT.
Catch up here ( Masterlist ) <3
I hope you'll like it! Enjoy <3
Meg screams in surprise as Dean hits her right between the eyes. She cuts herself at her own blade, crying out in anger. "How-" The other demon tries to hold Dean to the ground, but the young man isn't going to stay there. No freaking way. He pushes backwards, until the other's back slams against a tree. The demon curses, struggling not to let go. But he will. After a few moments of fighting, Dean actually manages to overwhelm the creature, bringing it on the ground. He manages to free one of his arms, and immediately uses his fist to crush into the other's humanoid skull until the demon lets go of his other arm. But before he can make it, there is Meg right behind him, trying to stab him in the back. Dean winces, rolling aside in hurry. The blade almost stabs the demon that is lying on the ground, bleeding. Sadly just 'almost'. Meg growls in frustration. Blood is running over her face, making her features seem bizarre and grotesque. She jumps forth, the bloody blade in her hands. Dean tries to grab it, and makes her to let go of her hold, but she manages to push him against a tree, brutally. For a moment, pain pulses through his back, quickly followed by another feeling like his damn insides are being ripped out by an unknown force... He sinks to the ground, crying out. Nononononono! I knew that she was gonna use her freaking super - powers - And suddenly, he realises. If she can do this sick stuff, and she is a demon just like I am...well, partly... Dean breathes in deeply. Stay calm. Focus. The he rushes forward, getting everything out of the inhuman parts of himself. He almost flies, well, at least that's what it feels like in the moment he jumps in Meg's direction, his body filled with fresh strength and power. He lands on top of her, and they both fall to the ground. Within seconds, Dean grabs the blade, sticking it right into her forehead. She screams. Inhuman, loud, dark screams. The other demon cries out, rushing to her side as fast as he can. Still too slow. Dean turns around while he pulls the weapon out of Meg's skull with a quick gesture. She screams and screams, even louder as her partner gets simply beheaded by the deadly blade. His body falls to the ground with a muffled noise, blood spitting literally everywhere. Dean has literally no idea where that unbelievable amount of strength suddenly came from. But don't fucking care anymore. I want to see them bleed. Even more. It feels so fucking good. Meg attacks him again, but he just pushes her away like a single leaf has touched his shoulder and tickled him what made him to brush it off in annoyance. She falls to the ground, and gets up again. It's like a funny game. A game in which I'm making the rules. My rules. She winces and goes back a little as Dean steps closer to her, slowly. Her dark eyes are filled with nothing but fear - if that's even possible, well, she's not even human. The hole inside her head is bleeding, heavily. Her face is just a red painted mask with two black spots. Two spots I'm going to carve out. Now. "I...I'm sorry, Winchester. I...I may have underestimated you, I - " she stutters, almost in tears. The young man just grabs her by her throat, looking up and down at her 'human vessel' with his now pitch black eyes. "That's exactly what I was trying to tell you before, sweetheart. But you just didn't listen to me. I guess, now I will have to punish you," he says, his voice as sweet as honey. She closes her eyes for a brief second. "You have to...to stop," she rasps, "When you keep murdering others your demonic part will just get stronger and stronger. Look at you! You're just like me. Like us. You have already changed. It's  -" "Fuck off!" he growls, "Time to pay, bitch!" He can feel her thin neck almost break under his touch. I like that. "Dean...,"she whispers, but then he runs the blade over her throat, slicing it open, fully. Her gasps are music in his ears, as her body hunches over in pain. The blackness in her eyes flickers. And suddenly, Dean knows what she will try to do. She will try to leave this body, to leave the sinking ship! That's sad. I really would have loved to torture her in some different ways before killing her. But well, let's get this over with. He stabs her right through the heart, ripping her chest open with a quick movement of the blade. There is a strange light coming from her insides as she falls to the ground, and Dean knows that she is dead. Finally. In this moment, he hears a terrifying growl behind him. It sounds like all tortured voices of hell would scream in pain at the same time, awfully. The young man winces, turning around - just to stare into a pair of horrible demonic eyes in the colour of flashing red. Fuck. I guess the hellhounds are here.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castiel's back is pressed against the wood of an old tree that he bets to be already rotten inside. Like I will because of the marks on my chest. Well, if I actually survive this. He is hunched over a little, trying to control his constant shivering. As he woke up about twenty minutes ago, he just knew that something wasn't right. Not right at all. Dean was gone, and he had no idea where he would have disappeared to. It was cold as hell, and his body was aching, but Castiel tried to look around as good as he could. But he found nothing. Well, except an pretty evil looking demon that was trying to kill him, obviously. All he could to was run deeper into the sea of trees, hoping that the creature though that he has headed for the street instead. Or was that a bad idea? I bet that it was! He closes his eyes, trying to ignore the pain that is caused by his wounds. I'm such an easy target, damn it. And what, if the police found Dean? Or what if Meg is back and - "Where are you angel?" a deep voice scoffs. Terrifyingly, the speaker doesn't seem to be that far away... And why is he calling me angel? Oh shit...he must be working with Meg! The priest tries to duck into a couple of bushes, looking around, his eyes wide and filled with pure fear. His heart races, and the smell of wet leafs is driving him insane, slowly. Sweat is running down his forehead, and he bites his bottom lip. Where did he go? Is he - "Found you!" Castiel jumps and turns around, just to get pushed to the ground by the man who just seems to simply appear out of the shadows. No! Before the demon can overwhelm him, the priest gets up to his feet again, stumbling deeper into the forest as far as he can. The other is right behind him, walking with slow, relaxed steps... As if he knows that he will catch me anyway. I'm practically dead. In this moment, he hears some terrible howls coming right out of the forest. And these sounds don't stop. They're are just getting louder and louder, followed by some creepy growls that are sending chills down the priest's spine. None of them sounds slightly human, they're deep and absolutely terrifying, giving Castiel goosebumps all over. Hellhounds. That must be some freaking hellhounds. What else could it be? And suddenly, there is only one thing he can think about: Dean! Ignoring the pain, he accelerates, running into the direction the noise is coming from, blindly.
 ( A/N: Next chapter on October 25, 2019 <3 )
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That was chapter 15! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
Tag lists are open!
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets​ @rebeloftheseas @ablavalba​ @smodernlife​ @ignis-glaciesque​ @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​ @xsghn @helpmeluci​ @trenchcoatsandfreckles​ @legendary-destiel​ @leahslovelylibrary​
"All My Sins" Tags: @emodestielshipper​ @emumag​ @waywardtricksterangel​ @didntwanderstillgotlost​ @angel-e-v-a​ @too-old-for-fangirling-but-idc​ @justanotherfangirl511​
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vergilsangel · 5 years
Ignis x Reader from friends to lovers one-shot? 💜 like a coming of age realisation that the bestie is actually the love of their life and they didn’t even realise? 👀🙏🏽 - blindedstarlight
A/N: GAH! THIS WAS SUCH A CUTE IDEA! I really hope I did it justice!!!I was listening to “Rainy Day Man” from Sailor Moon because seriously that fitsperfect for the fic.
Rating: T for TeenWarnings: None. Just heartbreak
Tagging: @blindedstarlight @fantasy-emblem-xv @whatanodyssey @catsorfries
Requests are open! If you want a head canon for FFXV orDevil May Cry (not the reboot) send me an ask!!
If you wish to be tagged just send me an ask with yourusername or send me an IM! ^.^
Also please check out my Patreon account and my Ko-Fi account!
The rain poured outside with no signs of slowing down. Forthe past three days, it had been nothing but rain. The farmers really neededthe rain, but you enjoyed it for different reasons. The rain gave you an excuseto eat in. More specifically, go over to your best friend, Ignis’ house to eathis cooking.
“Oh, Iggy! He’s so sweet and caring and wonderful! Youtotally need to meet him!” You gushed about your boyfriend. Ignis only chuckledand shook his head at your enthusiasm.
“I’m surprised I haven’t met him yet. You two have beendating for two months now, right? I guess I will have to meet this man and seeif he truly is a good fit for you. Not to mention put the fear of god into himif he hurts you.” Came the spectacled man’s reply as he sampled the food he wasmaking for you both.
“I can’t see that happening. Last night, I was lonely andsent him a text telling him so. He came over with flowers and a movie.” Yousaid with a smile. Ignis smiled warmly at you, happy to see you happy.
“So, does he have a name or do I get to hear it when I meethim?” Ignis asked making you giggle.
“His name is James. James Brand.” Ignis nodded, notrecognizing the name, but making a mental note to look up the name at work.
“Don’t look him up.” You said as though you could read yourfriend’s thoughts. The advisor looked up, surprised you could tell what he wasthinking.
“Whatever do you mean?” He asked, feigning ignorance.
“You get a look when you’re going to look up someone. I’mtelling you not to do it.” You said. Ignis chuckled and nodded.
“Alright, I won’t look him up at work.”
“Promise.” You nodded, satisfied. Once the food was ready,the both of you ate and talked about your day. Ignis was dealing with theprince’s terrible eating habits and you told him about what was going on atwork. After eating, you both said your goodbyes and you went home. When you gotthere, your boyfriend James was waiting for you, sitting in his car. As he sawyou get out, he did too.
“James? What are you doing here?” You asked. You were happyto see him, but he didn’t seem happy to see you.
“We need to talk. Can we go inside?” He asked. Nodding, youunlocked the door to your apartment, getting a bad feeling in the pit of yourstomach.
“(Y/N), listen, I don’t want to see you anymore. I like you,but not in a way you want me to. I’m sorry.” James said. The two of you hadbeen dating for a couple months. You had really thought the two of you werehitting it off.
“Oh.” Was all you could say as you felt the tears spring toyour eyes.
“I’m sorry.” James said again, but you shook your head.
“Please, James! Just go.” You didn’t want him to see you cry.James nodded and left, knowing he just broke your heart. You sat down on thecouch, feeling your heart break. At Ignis’ you had been gushing about howwonderful James was and how he would never hurt you. A buzz from your phonemade you look, but the text from Ignis only made the tears fall.
“Ask James what he likes to eat and I will make it for supperwhen I meet him.” Ignis had texted. Your phone dropped onto the carpet as youstarted sobbing. The last two months had been wonderful, the last thing yoususpected was that James wasn’t feeling the same way. After several minutes ofcrying, you went and showered. Once out and redressed, there was a knock on thedoor. Was it James? Was he going to say it was a mistake? Getting your hopesup, you rushed to the door and opened it to find Ignis. Your heart sank oncemore and Ignis saw your heartbroken expression.
“You never answered my text so I became worried. Iseverything alright?” He asked. You shook your head and Ignis came in, huggingyou. He was slightly wet from the rain and a small part of you wondered if, inhis haste to make sure you were okay, he forgot an umbrella.
“What happened?” He whispered, making you burst into tearsall over again. Ignis led you to the couch, almost stepping on your droppedphone.
“I’ll make us some tea.” He said, squeezing your shouldersgently. After putting your phone on the coffee table so it wouldn’t get broken,he went and made you both some tea. Once he returned, he sat down beside you,handing you a cup of the warm liquid.
“What happened?” He asked again.
“I really don’t know. I came home and he was here. He saidhe wanted to break up because he wasn’t feeling the same way about me that Ifelt about him. I just don’t get it. Yesterday, everything was great. I justdon’t get how things could’ve turned out this way.” You replied and sipped thetea. Ignis wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do.” Ignissaid, trying to comfort you. You leaned against your friend after setting yourcup down, sniffing.
“You being here is enough.” You answered and looked up athim. Ignis gave you a warm smile. He had smiled at you countless times before,but this time was different. This time you saw that smile and felt your heartskip a beat. You weren’t the only one feeling it. Ignis looked at you and feltthe need to protect you grow even stronger. It wasn’t the usual friendlyfeelings he had for you, but stronger feelings. Ones he didn’t even know heharbored until now. But was now really the best time to act on them? When youwere so vulnerable?
The air between you had changed. You no longer felt heartbroken, but instead your heart was racing. Why hadn’t you seen this before? Wasit a good idea to act on this now? Just moments ago you were crying because ofa break up and now you were thinking of kissing your best friend. Ignis leanedclose, but didn’t close the distance.
“We should…” He started, trying to deny this new feelingrising within him.
“Stop talking.” You said softly before kissing him. It waslike fireworks went off in your mind. Ignis set his cup down without breakingthe kiss before cupping your face. The feel of your lips against his was a newsensation, one he greatly enjoyed. The two of you had been friends for so long,it had never crossed your minds to be more than that. Before it progressedfurther, Ignis broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
“Ignis…I…” You whispered, not sure what you wanted.
“I want that too.” He whispered, stroking your cheek.
“But you JUST went through a break up and I want to do thisright.” You knew he was right and you nodded. The last thing you wanted was to makehim the rebound. You both would take this slow.
“Take the next couple days to truly think about this and toheal. Then we can talk about the possibility of us.” Ignis suggested and younodded.
“Will you still stay? I don’t want to be alone right now.”You asked. Ignis gave you that warm smile, making your heart flutter.
“Of course.” He said. Ignis lay down on the couch, pullingyou with him. You curled up against him, your head on his chest. This feltright. Laying in his arms, you felt as though you were home. His fingers combedthrough your hair, making you sigh happily as his other arm held your waist.Slowly you relaxed against him until you fell asleep. The spectacled advisorstayed like that for a time, making sure you were fully asleep before he slowlygot up, picked you up into his arms, and carried you to bed.
After he straightened, he watched you sleep a moment,thinking of these new feelings blossoming in his chest. But were they newfeelings or simply ones that hadn’t been acknowledged until now? He had been alittle jealous that you had a boyfriend, but he thought that was because youhad someone and he didn’t. But now, gazing at your sleeping form, he knew thathe was jealous because he loved you. Ignis placed a gentle kiss on yourforehead and you smiled in your sleep.
“I love you.” Ignis whispered. He went and cleaned up theglasses from the tea, then let himself out. The next couple days, you listenedto him and thought long and hard about what you wanted. You healed your brokenheart as best you could. On the third day, you went to Ignis’ apartment,knocking on the door. When he answered, your heart began pounding hard in yourchest.
“Can we talk?” You asked and he nodded. Ignis was surprisedat your visit, but now he was getting nervous. What decision had you come to?
“Ignis, you and I have been friends for a long time. In allthat time, I never thought of you as anything more than a big brother.” Youstarted. Ignis felt his heart start to sink at your words, until you continued.
“But, the other night when we kissed…it was like I wasseeing you for the first time. You know me better than anyone else. You send meflowers on my birthday. When I’m feeling sad or lonely, you’re always there.You make my favorite foods just because. Two nights ago, I didn’t answer myphone and you got worried so you came to check on me. I’m so sorry it took me solong to realize I had the best thing right in front of me. When I looked in youreyes the other night, I saw everything I’ve ever wanted and it had been rightin front of me the whole time. I love you, Ignis.” You said, tears in youreyes. Ignis listened, feeling tears prick at his own eyes. At your words, heclosed the distance between the two of you, kissing you with all the love hehad.
“I love you, too, (Y/N).” For the first time in over a week, the sun began to shine.
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muses-darling · 4 years
Fire & Fury - A Star Wars AU - Ch.8 Engineer
Tracing his pen across the screen watching the display come to life as line after line met his design coming to life. Prototypes of various inventions littered the shelves of his office a partially drunk very cold mug of caf sat undisturbed. Humming as he sketched he brushed a lock of ginger hair from his face. So far today had been less than exciting but that was perhaps the best for productivity? He pushed back from the desk stretching standing feeling his joints move into place after being sedentary for so long. His muscles remembered what moving felt like with pain. He really ought to move more often. His stomach growled again and he knew why he had gotten up, a brain thought better with food in the belly. He also needed more caf, opening the door of his office he noticed nothing out of the ordinary till a realization that the whole facility had gone eerily quiet like the dead. Peering around gave him no insight, he boarded the lift tapping the buttons and giving a imput of his code cylinder he made his way down to the kitchens. Halfway through the lift flickered then came to an abrupt stop. 
A glow of heated metal came through the lift door just a small part that almost as if by cutting continued in a circle before the force pulled the whole chunk away revealing a trio of what looked to be Sith. 
“No- no NO!” He threw the cup of cold caf at them watching it freeze in the air and shatter as one stopped it. 
“Hello Casper.” Darth Ceres smiled her hood concealing all but her mouth of her face. “We need someone of your expertise.”
“I do not believe it is wise to go all the way to the Chorlian system,” Will said from where he stood at the center of the Senate floor. “Meeting the Sith on their doorstep. Is foolishness, it is genocide of our troops. What hope of victory can we possibly bring? We have not experienced an attack from the Sith in quite some time. To mount an attack after this peace we have seemingly felt is to incur their wrath.”
“Ah like the planet you serve Senator always looking for the peace where there is none.” A Senator mocked him.
Will turned, “I agree that the peace is only temporary, we should use it to give aid where it is needed. Rebuild, was Coruscant not just a mere few months ago under siege? What rebuilding effort have we made since? There are people on not just this planet but many others who cry out for help and we offer no aid when we can?”
“We are spread too thin besides now may be the most opportune moment to bring about the peace we seek by striking a blow on the Sith while their guard is down.”
“I tell you their guard is not down.” Will glared at them.
“What do you know of their guard Senator? What do you know of the Sith?” The Chancellor asked him.
“Precisely, this attack is advised by the Jedi even, they too want this war done and over with. If we crumble this wall we will end this before long peace will be at hand and we can do as you suggest Senator.” The Chancellor told him.
Will wanted nothing more than to give them all a taste of his mind but he had the people to think about. “Then I move that when this is over that we focus our efforts to rebuilding the Republic.” 
“I second,” The Senator of Alderaan said.
Will looked to Adrienne and smiled, she was always on his side. 
“Then we put it to a vote.” The Chancellor said.
The vote of course went to the affirmative but only for appearance sake. They would squabble and nothing would come of it. Will moved through the crowd feeling Adrienne touch his arm. 
“A moment?”
Will looked to her, “Of course.”
“I will be helping hand out rations today and wondered if you would join me? Perhaps if the people see that there are at least some Senators who care they won’t feel as abandoned?”
“You say Senators like there will be more than the two of us?”
“The Senator of Chandrilla and the Senator of Hapes Consortium will be joining as well.”
Will nodded. “I’ll see what I can do besides helping pass out rations, I’m sure there are some clothes and blankets to be found.” 
“That would be marvelous.” Adrienne smiled warmly. “How is the Queen?”
“Jane- Queen Ev’lyn is quite healthy.”
“And the pregnancy?” She asked quieter. 
“Our children were born without any problems. I get to see them when I make communications to Naboo.” Will smiled pulling out a small disk of a Holo photo showing twins who were at least six months old. 
“How precious.” Adrienne smiled.
“My daughter has a variation of your middle name for hers.” 
“Rosemary.” Will smiled. “Her first name is Katherine.”
“And your son?”
“Abra’ham Fitzwilliam,” Will grinned.
“Oh Will that is so sweet.”  
Hades was not the only one to tag Kit with some form of tracking, Crowley had done the same but with the force. Following it’s signature to the planet of Eadu the wild storms that ravaged the planet fit well with the current state of Crowley’s nerves. “Stay here,” He told Ben and Harper. “Guard the ship, guard Jules.” 
“But-” Ben started before Aziraphale fixed him with a look. “We don’t know what is out there and we don’t know who has Kit, right now we need you both here with Juliet.”
Crowley and Aziraphale moved silently and stealthily along the path curving through the cliff side. Rocks fell from the path way to the chasm below but neither one noticed their focus was elsewhere, elsewhere and keeping them from joining those rocks to smash upon their likeness far below. Lightning illuminated their way as they moved from one stretch of the path to the other. The path opened up revealing a research facility. 
Entering in as quiet as possible they made their way through the dimly lit building the silence broken by the thunder and nothing else. A console before them held security footage. “Angel guard me while I have a look.”
Aziraphale wanted to protest but knew there had to be a reason for Crowley keeping him from looking. Crowley was always good at knowing these things. 
Fingers flashed upon buttons and the screen till Crowley froze his face gave nothing away but his eyes they betrayed him first. 
“Crowley?” Azirphale asked his eyes looking to Crowley.
Crowley looked up, “Aziraphale...” 
It was all he had to say, his face now gave everything away. From the way that his lips twinged in sadness, to the way his eyes moved between what they saw on the screen to Aziraphale. The little head shake of disbelief, the tremble of lips that told Azirphale that what Crowley was feeling was strong so strong it swept the mask of calm away. 
Aziraphale moved to see the screen but Crowley pressed a button blackening the screen.Things moved slowly, “We missed him.” He said to Aziraphale. “We missed him!” Crowley stood up only for the weight of what he had seen. Aziraphale to catch him.
Aziraphale knew what he was going to see wasn’t going to sit well with him but seeing Crowley like this he had too. Curious Angel, he tapped a button watching as Kit stood before a cowering man only to cut him down, the audio wasn’t there but anyone could see the man had pleaded before Kit slew him. Kit walked up to the camera blood covering his face grinning with terrible Sith eyes then the feed cut out. Azirphale heard Crowley sobbing in his arms as his own tears fell into the forest of ginger hair that grew from his husband’s head. “Oh Kit.” What could have happened to him? What could have turned him? They had trained him so well!
The door came skittering off the hinges stopping at just before them as a sleek bronze colored droid entered. “Greetings: Hello Meatbags! I have come for my master.” 
Aziraphale frowned at the odd droid before moving from Crowley towards the strange droid. He grabbed the blaster yanking it away from blasting him and reaching behind he knew the model well, he had read about them and with a flick the droid powered down. 
When it powered back up HK-47 looked up from his powered down state. “Greetings: Salutations organic, might I be made aware of where my Master has gone? My last readings sense he was here. Have you seen him?”
“Most peculiar,” Aziraphale said studying him. “Kit never mentioned you.”
“I have had many masters.”
“And who is your creator?”
“Statement: Why Hades better known as Lord Ignis.” HK-47 said.
“I think I preferred him slightly more homicidal.”
“Oh hush,” Azirphale waved Crowley’s suggestion away. “I think he is more charming this way.”
“Agreement: But I cannot fathom hurting organics such as you in my current state I love all organics with every fiber of my wiring.” HK-47 said to Crowley. “Charm is not in my programming originally but I am adaptable.”
“Excellent!” Aziraphale smiled. “Do you have a ship?”
“Answer: No mine was destroyed upon getting here.”
“Then you shall have to come aboard ours.”
“OURS!?” Crowley said standing up. “I’ll have you know that is very much my ship!”
Azirphale fixed Crowley with a look.
Crowley crossed his arms. “And just what do you think that I’m going to let it anywhere near Juliet?”
“Do you want to find Kit?”
“Yes.” Crowley said as if it were obvious before looking at the Droid who had said yes in unison with him.
“Then I suppose unless you have any better ideas you just let me adopt the robot for the time being.”
“Droid Azirphale no one calls them robots.”
Aziraphale smiled a smile that told you that he knew he had won before walking back to the ship. 
Hk-47 followed Azirphale complimenting him on his ability to out maneuver the droid in close combat.
Aziraphale returned the compliment with one about the droid standing up to two jedi.
This was followed by HK-47 making a comment about killing jedi with no problem.
Azirphale chose to treat this like a joke patted the droid on the arm and told him that it was refreshing to hear someone who had a sense of humor.
Crowley both loved that smug expression and wanted to kiss it off of that cherubic face.  Watching the two leave and getting along like old friends was an odd sight to anyone who didn’t know Azirphale who saw the best in anyone. Crowley looked back at the console a shudder. Looking back at his husband and the droid in the distance with an exasperated sigh Crowley threw up his hands following after both too his ship mouthing, ‘unless you have any better ideas.’ Followed by, ‘I’ll show you a better idea.’ 
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Four Suns: Chapter Two
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
Tags: Scifi AU, Poly Relationship, Angst, Dancing
Word Count: 2,700
<==Previous Next==>
Chapter Two: Morning Light
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Noctis was furious. The one rule, the only rule Lucis had for dealing with aliens was to bring no harm to them, and he had failed even that.
He stood just outside the room where you rested, leaning against a wall. You had seemed like a genuinely caring individual, swept into a whirlwind of the unknown. You had worried for their well being without even knowing their names.
Ignis silently fumed, sitting on the window seat near you, watching the storm outside. He was furious that he had not foreseen the onslaught of daemons. He should have known that they would attack anything he tried to protect, regardless of its outward value.
Prompto was visibly shaken, sitting at your bedside. Why had the daemons gone after you? The one nice person he’d met in ages, and the daemons had to go and hurt you. And he didn’t protect you. He blamed himself, completely.
Gladio was outraged and brooding in the corner of the room. He should have protected you. He had let his guard slip and you had to suffer for it. He was set on making every daemon within the galaxy pay for your pain.
But you knew nothing of blame. The men had brought you to the nearest house, setting you on a bed under glowing pink lights. The lights were the only known method of ridding the body of daemons, but it had only ever worked on Lucians. They had no idea if it would work on you.
The clock on the wall ticked the seconds away. Finally, Prompto spoke. “I’m…so sorry,” he took your sleeping hand in his. “I should’ve done more.”
Gladio looked over from his corner. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I was their protector…”
Ignis interrupted his observance of the storm outside. “Self-blame will get us nowhere. We have to focus on their recovery.”
Noctis sighed, hearing them the discussion inside the room. Walking in, he took on a new air. “Besides, we all know who is really to blame.” Everyone in the group nodded. “Ardyn. And if he’s here, we know we’re on the right path. We’ll set out as soon as our...ambassador awakens. Which they will,” he added with determination.
You lay silently, basked in rose gold light. A peaceful face masked the horror going on in your mind.
Every daemon had been a living being with hopes, dreams, and a family before they crossed paths with Ardyn. The Usurper had taken all of that away, filling them with dark matter from the deepest parts of the galaxy. The shells were left with all the darkness a heart can hold, knowing only sorrow, rage, and hunger. The smallest part of their beings that still lived struggled towards warmth while their shadow bodies feared the light, leaving them to feed off of the essence of living beings.
Within the darkness of an invading soul, you were drowning. Freezing emptiness seeped into your skin while the talons of sadness tore into your heart. Those yellow eyes started into your soul, seeing your every failure, questioning the very fabric of your happiness.You struggled against the darkness to little avail, neither your soul nor your body could escape.
Cold skeletal fingers slithered into your mouth, liquifying to fill your throat with icy, rancid, sludge. Your body convulsed, trying to rid itself of the toxins that choked you.
You grasped at your throat, desperate for air. Just as you thought you would drown in this frozen void, hope appeared: Four rays of sunlight broke through the darkness. Rays graced each of your hands, your cheek, and over your heart.
Their warmth spread over your body, providing heat such that you had never felt. The darkness around you screamed and writhed in agony, trying to lash out. But whenever it made contact with the light, it smoked and disintegrated.
The men had watched your skin turn gray; the darkness was winning. It was possible the lights weren’t going to help you, but what could any of them do?
Prompto held your hand in both of his. Ignis moved to warm your other hand. Gladio came forward to stand next to Iggy, placing on hand on your cheek, hoping to warm your cold face. Lastly, Noctis came forward.
“Please...please, don’t let it end like this.” He placed his hand gingerly over your heart.
This was it, your way out of this void. Raising your eyes towards the source of the light, you felt your physical eyes open. You had to squint at the bright pink lights staring back at you, but through it, your vision was graced with four smiling figures standing over you.
“You’re awake,” Prompto yelled, throwing himself into your arms. Noctis laughed at his sunshine’s jubilation, but Ignis was worried he’d hurt you further.
“It’s good to have you back,” Gladio gently laid a hand on your shoulder, smiling down at you.
The four men sat around you, caring for your every need. Perhaps it was strange, you all had just met. But it was natural to them: you needed them and they felt like they needed you. It truly was more attention than you had ever dreamed of.
You were regaining your strength, sipping on a bowl of soup Ignis had prepared for you. The flavors were odd combinations but it warmed every part of your body.
“I believe introductions have been neglected, so allow me to be the first: My name is Ignis.” He said, taking the empty bowl from you.
“Oh! Dude! They have! I’m Prompto,” the sunshine ever at your side beamed, taking your hand in his, again.
“I think you know most of our names by now, but for the fun of it, I’m Gladio,” the hulking man added. His smile was warm towards you, gone was his threatening demeanor from earlier.
“And I’m Noctis,” the figure standing by the wall added, smiling at you. His eyes sparkled and his features had softened.
You introduced yourself, trying to be cordial while laying in a bed. “Introductions are...great. But, what’s going on,” you asked, needing to put an end to this dream.
The four men looked at each other and sighed. “You’re not going to believe us,” Noctis said, placing a hand on his forehead.
You raised an eyebrow, looking around at your protectors, trying to read their body language. Gladio breathed deeply. Knowing what was to come, Ignis’s hand crept over to hold yours.
“We’re not from...here,” surprisingly, Prompto was the first to speak.
“We’re what you’d call ‘aliens’, if my translator is right,” Gladio added,not wanting to dance around the point.
Ignis held your hand tighter as the shock hit you.
“You’re...what? You have GOT to me kidding me. That’s not possible,” you looked around, trying to find the joke in the room. But it was nowhere to be found.
“We’re here because we need to save our home,” Noctis wouldn’t meet your eyes as he spoke. His arms crossed over his chest. “The guy who sent those daemons, the creatures that attacked us, er, you,” he had a moment of pain cross his face, “has taken our home. We have to get it back.”
Pained shock covered your face as you looked about the room. “What? What does that even mean?”
Ignis squeezed your hand to bring your attention to his calm eyes. “Do you want me to explain? Do you feel ready?”
The question struck you. Where you ready? Had enough of your strength returned for this? The warm eyes before you held no judgment, just peace. But you had to know, you wanted to know, you needed to know who your protectors were.
You nodded, determination rippling through your face. Ignis smiled warmly back at you.
“We hail from a planet far from yours, by the name of Lucis. Our home was cast into darkness by one known as ‘Ardyn.’ The only way for us to defeat Ardyn is to find the Royal Arms: legendary weapons only the royalty of Lucis can wield. In an attempt to thwart us, Ardyn has spread these weapons across the galaxy. We’re here, searching for the remaining piece.”
You sat in contemplative silence. Taking in what had been told to you. “So..does that mean you’re all princes? I mean, if you can wield these Royal Arms…”
Gladio laughed. “No, just that guy over there.” Noctis looked up, shocked and dismayed that the other man would so readily introduce him as a prince.
Everything was so much to take in. You sat planted in place, head spinning with all of this information butting up against what you had always been taught about extraterrestrials.  “Er...may I ask one more thing?”
“Of course, I imagine you have a plethora of questions,” Ignis responded.
“Why’d you crash?” The question hit each man like a brick to the his head.
“We...may have, sorta, not taken care of our ship,” Prompto admitted, rubbing the back of his head.
“WE?! You’re the one who crashed us on Averion,” Noctis accused Prompto.
“Sure, but who refused to get the Regalia worked on,” Gladio questioned Noctis.
“Enough!” Ignis’s voice quieted all of them. He turned back to you, “we believe the Sword of the Father is somewhere...nearby. And our landing was...complicated, by many factors.”
The three other men seemed to pout in unison.
“Is your ship going to be ok?”
“We should get it fixed…” Noctis admitted.
“I think I know a gal who could help!” You piped. Confused looks followed.
You made your way to the beach under the next day’s morning light. Your protectors worried over each step you took, fearing your full strength had not yet returned. Noctis and Prompto walked at your sides, Gladio took the lead, and Ignis followed.
The tide was low when you met your friend, a woman by the name of Cindy. You had told her of a crash on the beach that she needed her wrecker for. She was waiting in the driver’s seat, at the spot you had told her about.
“What’ve y’all got here?” She asked in her booming but sweet voice, staring inquisitively at the upended ship.
Before the men around you could speak, you answered. “Science project. Think you can make it fly, again?” The men around you looked at you with wide eyes, thinking there was no way that excuse could work.
Cindy stared at you before bursting into a smile. “Always knew you were a bright one! I made one of these sorts of fellers, too! But...I was a tad bit older,” she laughed. It looked like the men could be pushed over by a hermit crab. “I’ll get ‘er going for ya! Might even have some parts left from mine!”
The men could only stare, dumbfounded, while Cindy hooked up and loaded the ship onto her wrecker, waving as she drove off.
You spent the rest of the day exploring along the beach, searching the caves for signs of the Sword of the Father, with little success. By the late hours, you returned to watch the setting sun.
“There’s some beauty that you can never find in space,” Noctis waxed.
“It is unique to watch only one sun set,” Ignis added.
“Earth is pretty cool.” Prompto finished.
You all sat as the men fielded questions about their travels and their home from you. It felt like they couldn’t be more different. Their planet had six suns and was a place of luxury. You learned of their strange customs and they of yours.
“But the dances!” Ignis gasped when speaking of celebrations. “Oh, they’re the best,” Gladio added.
“You dance on your planet?! Show me,” you said excitedly.
Noctis laughed. “We don’t have any music!”
You pulled your phone from your pocket, setting it to start playing music.
Prompto looked at it, amazed. “That’s handy. We never thought to have our communicators play music, too.”
The whole group laughed, using a simple minute to enjoy the music.
“Welp, the ambassador wants to see us dance! So, I say we show ‘em!” Gladio stood, taking Ignis’s hand and pulling him into his great chest. Ignis laughed, taking Gladio’s hands and leading him into an intricate dance.
You watched in awe. The dance was so foreign, but so natural; like fireflies flying together in the moonlight.
Prompto stood next. “Your royalness, may I?” He held his hand out to Noctis. Noctis smiled as he jumped to his feet and took Prompto’s hand.
Their dance was much more joyful than Gladio and Ignis’s. It rolled with speed and fluidity, like waves upon the shores.
The music started to slow, so you grabbed your phone to find another song. As you fumbled with the small device, trying to find the perfect beat, you heard a throat clear. Noctis was standing over you, the other men at his sides, holding his hand out to you.
“Would you join us,” he asked. You smiled as you took his hand. Ignis took your phone, taking over music.
Noctis pulled you into a soft embrace, his hands were gentle but strong on your back. Prompto came behind you, laying warm hands on your waist.
“We’ll show you how to dance,” the sunflower cheered.
The dance was complicated but fun, with fast steps and joyful bursts. You soon ditched your shoes to feel the warm sand between your toes as the evening salt air kissed your lips.
It was hard not to admire Noctis in the light of the setting sun. His sharp features outlined warm eyes as he held you close. He was a patient teacher, letting you find the steps for yourself.
Prompto was just as beautiful. The orange sky reflected in his golden hair as he smiled at you. His joy could light up an entire city. His constant cheers and affirmations tickled your ears.
For Noctis, it was hard to imagine that this lonely planet could hold such beauty as yourself. You learned quickly, smiling the entire time. His heart was warmed knowing that your light burned so bright.
It was truly amazing how perfect you were to Prompto. You learned everything so quickly and your laugh! It sounded so beautiful! How could someone so perfect even exist? This planet must be filled with angels, he thought.
Soon, Gladio interrupted. “Our turn,” he said softly. Ignis got up, handing your phone to Prompto. Noctis gracefully handed you off to Gladio, leaving you with a smile.
He and Ignis each took one of your hands. Their grips on your fingers couldn’t be more different. Gladio’s hands were large and calloused, but he held you ever so gently. Ignis’s hands were slender and cool, holding to you with assuring strength but tender fluidity.
Their dance was intricate and close, allowing you ample time in each of their arms. Gladio took joy in lifting you from the ground to the beat of the music, making you giggle. His arms were strong and warm, making you blush the first time he did so. His teaching method was fairly  hands off, showing you what to do and congratulating you when you copied it. It was easy for you to learn when you had something so beautiful to watch.
Ignis took every opportunity to pull you in tightly next to him. You could smell him and feel the heat radiating off of his chest. It made you blush when you felt his shirt press against you. He explained every step in great detail, leaving you little room for a mistake. His instructions came on a gentle yet commanding voice with an easy rhythm, making a song of their own.
To Gladio, you were made of something uniquely earthian. You shimmered in the setting sun, framed by ocean waves. You fit here, you were a spirit of this planet. The whole world seemed to flow with your grace.
Ignis believed you were the personification of magic; a dream dancing on starlight. Your laugh and determination in each step brought joy to him. How could a being be so at peace with something so foreign as him or this dance? You truly were a wonder to behold.
Soon you were all dancing, switching partners as the mood suited you. The crashing of the waves became your only music as the light from the sun and your phone died out. You all laughed at missteps and challenges to quicken the pace.
The moon was high as you all finally collapsed into the sand laughing. Cradled in warmth and happiness, you all stared up at the stars, thinking how beautiful they looked when you had such amazing people around you.
Each man smiled at each other as they caught the other’s eyes gazing at you. They each treasured you, wanting to protect your smile with everything they had. For now, they held together, simply breathing in the moment.
Next Chapter ==>
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How They Met Chapter 12
A/N: Heyo!!! So.... Hope you people are ready for this. This is honestly where I ended up getting blocked at for the longest time because I wasn’t sure how to pull it off... But I think I did it people. I seriously think I did it. :) so please as always enjoy and let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged.
@valkyrieofardyn @shigekihizashi @blackpaladinarchive @lola-mcevil13
Next Chapter     Masterpost
The ride over was quiet. I got permission to sit up front with Ignis while the boys sat in the back. We had to leave the roof up because of the rain so I just relaxed and looked outside. It had been a while since I’d come out here. The humidity always made me grumpy. We had just gotten towards meldacio before someone spoke.
“Hm?” I refocused to inside the car and looked over. It was Ignis. He was rather relaxed right now.
“You ok?”
“Yeah. Just… Thinking.” He nodded a bit then.
“About him?” I stopped then and smiled a bit.
“Why the hell would I do that? I’m trying to avoid that jerk…. “ He shrugged then and I squinted just a bit.
“Ignis what?”
“It’s nothing. Just… While you were sleeping, your phone went off. It was him.”
“What!?” I quickly checked it. The messages were still unread thank the six.
“He wanted to know if you were ok. That’s all it said.”
“And you looked?”
“I did it on accident. We all did. It lit up and we thought it might have been gladio.” I sighed then leaning back into the seat.
“Look…. I’m avoiding him because the last time I saw him… Something happened. That’s all. I don’t want it to go any further… I’m leaving Lucis the second I can. I don’t want nor need someone to hold me back from that. I’m going to go hide in Altissia and hunt in Accordo…. Wait out this war.” I closed my eyes then. It was safer to be alone anymore. I had to keep believing that. I could leave lucis and leave this nagging feeling behind with it.
Soon after that, We went through a gate that opened for us. That instantly told me. He was going to be here. I didn’t get much time to worry though. Magitek was in the road. With their help though, we quickly took them down and got back on the road. It switched from pavement to gravel shortly and it was a fun ride for sure. I was trying to keep calm though. Everything was screaming he was here. Finally we had to park and Ignis killed the car. I got his hand before he got out though.
“Can…. Anyway you can leave me the keys? Just in case…” He nodded then.
“Of course.” I smiled a bit then and we got out. Prompto came up then and smiled.
“Relax. We’ve got your back hon.”
“I know… Oh hey! Look! Great photo spot!” He looked over and I saw that smile. I held out my hand for the camera and he smiled.
“You want in?”
“Next time. Let’s make gladio Jealous first.”
“Alright!” They went and posed and I easily got a photo of them together. He did a selfie of all four of us next before we headed on our way. Noctis had the map and quickly took the lead. I was glad I had worn my older taller boots once we took off. We ended up in the water. I kept slipping into mud as well and it was just a mess. Noctis looked back after the third time and smiled.
“Think. You make it to the spot with us and we clean your house. Plus you can slug gladio for talking you into coming with us.”
“I’m holding you to that.” The others laughed then but it did make me smile and made this a bit more bearable. Finally though we hit some more solid ground and kept going. Only slowly, I saw tire tracks. I slowed down then and quickly looked. I saw the car before I saw him.
“Oh fuck….” Prompto heard me and looked back.
“Skylar?” I pointed and they all looked. The same look was on all of their faces.
“Shit…” I nodded then and took off running to catch up with Noctis. He waited for me and quickly got my hand. I had to make sure.
“You can turn back… I’ll hold my word.” I shook my head then and we kept going. I soon saw his figure and a part of me wanted to run and call out to him. Another wanted to turn back and run back to the cape and hide.
“Gentlemen, What a lovely surprise.” He hadn’t seen me. There was time. I could still run but just hearing his voice. I locked up. Noctis went ahead.
“Should have known you would have been here.”
“And with my imperial friends no less. But fear not, I’ll put in a good word.” I laughed then. I couldn’t help it. The boys looked back and I walked closer. The look in those eyes. He was shocked I was here.
“Skylar…” Just hearing my name, I had to bite my lip and grip my weapon tighter. I couldn’t speak. I didn’t trust my voice.
“How did you boys come to gain the company of such a lady?”
“We offered her a chance to kick some imperial ass.”
“She’s with us. No splitting up this time.” I nodded then and he nodded as well.
“I see. Well we best get along. Don’t stray too far lest you be left behind.” He started walking and The boys went ahead. Ignis walked with me. I was shaking. I didn’t understand. Just hearing and seeing him again, I felt like I was fourteen talking with my father about becoming a hunter like him, Terrified but not of what he might do, More of what I might do to him.
It got better once I saw her. The commodore that escorted me to Bella. I waved to her men once we got close and they smiled. She smiled as well until Ardyn came up. She listened and nodded before he turned to us.
“Everything’s set. Sadly the military won’t allow anyone through without an escort. Thankfully I’ve arranged everything so I prevail to you to accept her company.” Noctis looked back and I nodded.
“I know her… She’s safe.”
“Not a word I’d use for either of you ladies… but Very well.” Noctis went closer to her and I saw them talking. Ignis followed so I was alone. Sun was just about to go down. Demons would be out soon. I got my little light out then and soon had it clipped on and turned it on so I could see. I was trying so hard to keep calm though. I almost dropped it twice but caught it easily.  Soon I heard my name and I looked up. Aranea was there.
“You coming?” I nodded and ran forward. Only I glanced towards him and almost tripped.
“Easy! Geez…”
“Sorry.” I quickly got with the group then and she was by me.
“We let the boys lead ok?” I nodded then. I was focused on something else though. Ardyn almost seemed sad I was going in.
We quickly got into the ruins now that the sun was down. We were heading really deep down though. I was getting more nervous with every step. The only help was a few fights with some skeletons and a reaper. Then we got into the main room.
I swear to the gods I’m not being dramatic when I say I almost puked. It was a beautiful room once Noctis and them killed the slimes but how it was made, set me into overdrive for a meltdown. We were on a balcony with a stone roof above us but in the middle, there wasn’t a roof! Magic was holding the water of the lake in place above us. There were tree roots breaking through as well. I went out just a bit but made the mistake of looking down. I quickly backed up then and Aranea looked back.
“Oh… Scared?” I nodded then and she made a face.
“You might not be able to go on then…”
“Why?” She pointed and my fate was sealed. The only way across was a thin ledge of what was left of the walkway. Prompto looked over and smiled a bit.
“Going to sneak back out?” I nodded then. Between my nerves from seeing ardyn and now this, I was on the verge of breaking down. Ignis nodded as well.
“You trust the commodore?”
“Yep. She’s an ex merc. She works for gil. No gil in turning you in.” She nodded then and smiled.
“Only fun of seeing how you boys fight. We might be a while… they park close?” I nodded and flashed the keys. Noctis nodded then and smiled.
“We’ll call once we’re out. We’ll keep our promise.”
“You’re good. I’ll take care of it once I’m home… I need to calm down.”
“Alright….” Ignis gave me a sad smile but I couldn’t muster one. I just took off then.
I honestly ran. I passed her men quickly and just kept going once I was outside. I thought I heard someone call for me but I didn’t stop. Not Until I honestly hit a tree at the edge of the shallow end. I could see the shelf leading to the deep end and had to stop then. I didn’t want to try and swim again. Only that got messed up when I heard a stick break behind me. I just reacted. I swung out and made contact with someone! I gasped then turning and they got blinded by my light.
“Ardyn!? Shit!” He was doubled over holding his ribs on the left.
“You’ve got a mean left huh…?” I leaned on the tree then trying to breathe. I was calmer for hitting him for sure but now… Had I honestly hurt him? He slowly straightened up then holding the spot.
“Nice to see you’re alive still…”
“You would have known if I died…” I mumbled. I couldn’t talk normally. Every word was being forced. That damn feeling was back again and on top of the panic, I was ready to cry. Why did this have to happen?
“Not really… All sources are being used for other things right now. The oracle is taking priority.” He was having trouble breathing.
“Gods… What is that? A metal Elbow?” I laughed a bit then and he smiled gently.
“I’ve been worried about you… You haven’t…” I nodded then.
“I can’t…. I have to go…” I took off then following the edge of the water. I couldn’t do this. I had to go. Only my foot slipped and started going too deep. I would have sunk if he didn’t catch my arm. He pulled me out and held my wrist.
“Skylar, what in shiva’s name is going on?” I looked back and I could see it. He was real. The worry and the pain were real. It was killing me to see it. I bit my lip then and looked away holding back the tears. I had almost had myself convinced that what I felt that night before Titan was fake. That the stability was the result of the alcohol and sleep deprivation.
“You wouldn’t understand…. Just… know…. I’m fine… I’m leaving lucis and you’ll never see me ever again.”
“And what if I don’t want that?”
“Get over it.” I jerked away then and started walking. I wouldn’t let them see me like this. I was in charge, Not this damn heart. I pulled up what was clean on my sleeve and wiped away any lingering tears as I kept going. I needed to be able to see.
“Skylar!” I kept going. I wasn’t going to listen. I had to be on guard. He couldn’t distract me. Not now. Not ever again. I almost tripped over a rock then. I wasn’t focusing because of him.
“Skylar please!” He was serious. A slight undertone of desperation was there. It made it hurt all the more and I finally couldn’t hide the tears. I had to stop then as they blurred my vision. I looked down and tired to hold back the sobs. This was too damn much and I hated it. I felt him behind me and I turned and just hit him in the chest as hard as I could muster.
“Why?! Hm!? Why the hell did it have to be you!? Why now!?” He caught my hand and made me look up.
“Skylar….?” I just looked at him and it broke. I couldn’t do it anymore. All the anger I wanted to feel, the hate I was supposed to have… It wasn’t there. He was never the chancellor to me. He acted it but I knew better. This was a man that had been damaged. A man that might honestly know what I was scared of. He was probably the only one that would understand why I was trying to run away from this. He wiped away the tears as they fell.
“Talk to me… please…. I’ve been worried… We were fine and then….” I nodded then and gently got his hand. They were so rough and yet soft in places. They were so much bigger than mine too and warm. Just holding it gently, I felt safer.
“I’m scared…. Because after everything I’ve told myself… Everything I’ve begged for…. Fate thought it would be funny to throw you my way….” I laughed a bit then.
“We were never supposed to meet… I was going to leave…. And you would have been there without a date… never knowing that the nice girl at the cafe was a hunter… I would have been a fading memory… but no….!” I shook my head then trying to smile through the tears.
“I met you and I told myself that night… don’t go falling for him…. And I didn’t… you were just a crazy older man…. You were a friend…. Someone I’d always wonder if I’d meet again just to see what odd tales you’d have…. But then…. That night by the disc….” I couldn’t stop the new tears from falling then. He sighed then.
“You felt it too….” I nodded then.
“I was safe…. Stable for once! I wasn’t scared of anything…. But then you fucking went and ruined it!!!” I looked up glaring then before trying to push him away. Too bad he was a lot stronger than me. It was pretty much an epic fail.
“You’re the goddamn chancellor! You’re the enemy damn it! So why can’t I hate you like the others!? Why do I keep trusting that if I fall, you’re going to catch me!? Just like that day… I didn’t see that dumbass on the tv smiling and being a man of the idiot people…” I broke the glare then as I looked down.
“I saw that idiot that made me laugh so hard with his tales of crashing parties alone…. The one I walked the beach with and introduced himself by his freaking coffee order.” He laughed a bit then as he made me look up gently.
“Because All I can see… even now… is that lovely young lady… who is stronger than she realizes and deserves the world… the one that made me smile and feel human for the first time in a long time… I saw my friend… and I saw a possible future where you stood next to me… and made this life easier to deal with.” I tired to look away then.
“No…. Because I can see it… You’re scared to fall… Aren’t you? Because it’s never gone well…” I nodded then feeling that pain again and again.
“My own parents…. They fell apart because of me…. And I watched how much it hurt my mother and my father and swore… I would never feel that pain in my life…. I didn’t want to ever have a broken heart…. Because sometimes you can’t fix them….” He softened then.
“A heart’s a delicate thing….. But sometimes it’s worth opening it up and letting someone else hold it for a bit…. I’ve dealt with heartaches as well… and I never wish that pain on anyone…..”
“Then let’s be smart….. Let’s stop this before….” I whispered that and he smiled.
“Before we go any further?” I nodded then. He chuckled then.
“Too late Skylar… Because I can see it. I could see it even when you walked up…. I’ve missed you too much. It took everything not to touch you before now…. But I knew those boys would have had my head.” I laughed a bit then and he smiled.
“So It’s too late…” I nodded then and sighed.
“I want a promise though…”
“No more secrets…. I’ll come clean… about everything…. But I want the same from you.”
“Oh?” I nodded then and he smiled.
“It seems like such a small thing to ask… but I do not take this lightly. I will tell you everything… but for that, we have to go somewhere else special.”
“Later. There is no rush. It’ll take them a while to get that boat running.” I nodded then and soon wiped off my face before looking up. His eyes were almost glowing in this light but I could see only him in them and pure love. He opened his arms then and I smiled.
“You sure about that?”
“A hug?” I nodded then.
“Another hug and I might be hooked forever…” He laughed then and honestly hugged me. I melted into his warmth and quickly hugged him back burying my face into his coat inhaling the scent that had plagued my dreams for weeks now. It settled everything in me and things felt right again. I was where I needed to belong. At least till the thunder hit again. I jumped and he laughed right before the rain hit soaking us. I yelped but he laughed.
“Come on!”
“My Car!” I nodded and got his hand as we ran towards his Car. We quickly got into the back of it and he was laughing. I moved my hair a bit then.
“Seems Ramuh thought we were being too sappy.” I stopped then before laughing. He laughed with me and I leaned back covering my face.
“You’re such an idiot!”
“But it made you laugh. I like that more than seeing you cry.”
“Well I wouldn’t have cried if you weren’t such an insufferable jerk!” It was muffled by my hands but I knew he’d understand.
“What do you mean?”
“You and your warm hugs and that damn cologne!”
“Wait… What’s wrong with my cologne?” I looked over and he was confused. I sighed then and soon leaned over on his shoulder. It was kind of muggy in here with us both being soaked now but I didn’t care.
“Nothing… That’s the issue…. I’ve been smelling it in my dreams since that one night…”
“Oh…” He looked over then.
“You haven’t been sleeping then have you?”
“Not really… It’s been hard to….” He was so comfy still. Even when wet, he was radiating heat and his arm was really comfy. I could feel the stable feeling hitting again and it was making me relax too much.
“What am I going to do with you?”
“Not move so I can nap?” He chuckled then and moved me off. I whined a bit but then I saw. He was taking off his coat. I stopped then and instantly was amazed.
“That coat hides a hell of a lot.” He stopped then and smiled.
“You’re drooling.” I quickly checked without thinking but then stopped. He laughed and I play hit him but it was the truth. Ruffled sleeves that poked out lead to arms that even through the baggy sleeve, I could tell were nothing but muscle. The nice vest underneath was fitting if even a bit loose. Everything spoke of lean and muscles. I had jumped into a car right into heaven’s lap. I moved closer then and he got his arm around me. I was right on his shoulder near his chest and I gently reached out and felt.
“What?” I smiled then.
“No wonder it hurt when I elbowed you… You’ve got no extra cushion to take the blow.”
“Oh come on… It hurt because you were panicking and reacted on instinct…. I don’t need cushioning.”
“Got that right…” I wiggled just a bit to make the point and he smiled.
“Well.. nice to know it wasn’t for my body… you did once say women loved seeing muscles.”
“Oh gods yes… but not these… these… I’m going to claim them ok?” I looked up then and he seemed to be thinking.
“Hm… It’ll cost you.” I stopped then and he looked down.
“One kiss. Then I’m yours.” I felt my heart stop then and a flicker of fear hit. Only when his hand got my other one, It faded.
“You gonna catch me then?”
“Always… My clumsy little hunting princess.” I felt myself blush but that quickly was hidden by the feeling of those gorgeous lips. I kissed back on instinct holding his free hand back as I practically did flips in my head. This was real. He was there and willing to be there. He was mine and I honestly couldn’t have been happier.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Consider this: FFXV x Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney. Noctis inheriting Caelum and Co. from Regis, advised by long-time family friend Cor. Cor being adoptive dad to Prompto, and the whole first case where you meet Maya. Ignis and Gladiolus being Edgeworth and Gumshoe. Caligo as Prosecutor Payne. Weskham as Godot. Umbra as Missile. Just imagine that~
Dude, yes so hard!!
Defense attorney Noctis! I mean, he already has the black spiky-on-the-back hair and the blue thematic! Besides the non-impressed sort of attitude at times, where the bouncy sidekick is all “HEY HEY LOOK AT THIS FUNNY THING :D” and he’s just “…eh.” BUT without being a too-serious too-dead-inside person. It fits so ridiculously good, dammit!
Veteran defense attorney Cor, I just- *fangasms* HNNNNNNNGGGGGG, YES! Dear Cor being a mentor to dear Noct, aah. Imagine that; the two standing at the defense’s side, Cor being quiet and just going with hinting Noct at what to do. “Did you hear that, Noct? The witness thinks he’s so smart that he didn’t notice he just let out some vital bit of info. You should press him, but be careful with how you word it.”
BUT IT FITS SO GOOD!? The happy cinnamon roll that’s too pure for this world and is always such a happy presence. Always smiling, being a hyperactive little ball of adorableness, enjoying of kids’ TV shows, and being the most loyal of companions to Noct. :’) The very loyal and happy sidekick, that remains badass in his own way. THIS IS A MIGHTY NECESSITY THAT I HAVE FOR THIS AU WITH THESE ROLES GODDAMMIT *punches through wall*
Everything fits so nicely, but Maya!Prompto is definitely the most accurate. Even when they’re sad it fits! You can just imagine the one frame where Maya has the head slightly down, eyes on Phoenix, and tears on the corner of her eyes, and see Prompto like that instead almost like he was made to take the role aaaaaah!
Ignis as Edgeworth and Gladio as Gumshoe COULDN’T HAVE EVER GOTTEN ANY BETTER.
Prosecutor Ignis, though, CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT. UNGH. To start with, Ignis in fancy suits is already fantastic enough and I need it. Now imagine him going “Objection!” and being all smug and confident about his stuff. I just…love this.
And it also fits really nicely, considering the entire “childhood friends” with Noct! :O   AAAAAH
Gumshoe reminded me of Gladio in some ways, but there were two or three parts where I was like “this is ABSOLUTELY some sort of Gladio”. I mean, Gumshoe likes puppies (he’s super fond of Missile, it seems!), he’s this big and tough looking guy but he’s really just a giant teddy bear, always laughing, and even a little naïve at times, he likes flirting with girls at times, but he’s not rude or bad with them, he has this absolute devotion to Ignis/Edgeworth…and not to forget about that time when Gumshoe arrived to Phoenix’s office asking for a job, saying he could be useful and cook, and said his speciality is “Instant noodles”. Hahahahaha!! And later on he says something about his salary being so poor that he’s been living on instant noodles for who knows how long. ABSOLUTELY GLADIO!
Caligo would work great as Payne just for the fact that they’re both annoying AND I HATE BOTH OF THEM.
B   U   T
Just imagine….it’s Caligo but he takes the role of one..
Prosecutor Manfred Von Karma.
I mean, it would be SOOOOOOOO cool considering Edgeworth Ignis! Manfred and Caligo both are men older than Miles/Ignis, both killed a figure that was senior to Miles/Ignis, both hold a huge grudge against Miles/Ignis because Miles/Ignis did something better than them or ruined them in some way and both Miles and Ignis actually physically INJURED them, which is the reason both want revenge on the younger ones and want to ruin their lives, and both are always all “lmao I am so perfect”.
Imagine Caligo taking Ignis under his wing pretending to be an ally but really he’s just waiting for the moment to ruin him…D:
I mean, grey-haired dominatrix with a whip that goes around smacking Noctis and everyone but who’s just doing her job and is actually amazing at it B|
(Omg, Gladio being scared of Aranea, ahahaha)
Weskham as Godot.
OhmygOD….Weskahm as Godot….hnHNGHNGNFGNH-
The fancy guy in a fancy vest who talks fancily. I NEED THAT.
Imagine Weskham at the prosecutor’s side. He already has the clothes. And now he has a mug of coffee (or perhaps a cup of Altissian wine), and he has that smug smile and shakes the head.
Oh boi, did you see what you just did with Godot!Weskham?
You just shipped Weskham/Cor and made it very much canon, oh my~ ewe
Hnhfgnhnfgmhfg, I know in some way Mia lives even if just through Maya and Pearly and in random flashes Phoenix has, but…it’s…not…the same hgnhgfngf
I mean, it would make quite a story! Your second case as an attorney, where they killed one of your dad’s best friends and who was a dear friend to you, and your mentor, and the defendant is no other but COR’S SON HIMSELF what the fahk ohmyfgidkjgfmfd, THE SCANDAL! AAAAH!
…I just- *deep breath* I don’t have the heart to kill Cor… ;w;   Even less to make Prommy walk into his corpse…. ;w;    and be BLAMED for it… ;w;
When I first read “Umbra as Missile”, and partly because I was waking up and half asleep as I read it, I was like “Missile, who the hell is Missile. OhnO, surely Missile is a dog that appears later on in Apollo Justice or DD or SoJ and I haVEN’T PLAYED ANY OF THEM, YOU’RE SPOILING MEEEEEEEEEEEE oh wait no Missi- *gaASPS* MISSILE IS THE- AHAHAHA of coooooourse! HOW CUTE! C:”
Just- imagine that. B|
It’s Final Gyakuten Saiban Fantasy XV. Also known as Final Ace Attorney Fantasy XV. It sounds- weird now that I read it, BUT IT’S THE MOST EPIC GAME/STORY YOU WILL EVER ENCOUNTER.
Noctis Wright Caelum, rookie defense attorney in the job. He likes blue and black suits and has a spiky black hair, and usually comes up with ideas as he’s on the go. He’s usually “wright” ;D
Meet his mentor! Cor Leonis, a more experienced defense attorney and friend to Noctis’ dad, an attorney retired due to health problems (now worries, he’s fine now that he gets to rest). Cor Leonis, usually coming off as rather serious and cold, but is actually a very caring and friendly ally during trial.
His son, Prompto, a rather bouncy and slightly hyperactive young boy, Noctis’ age, passionate for photography, and with rather poor comprehension of the law, BUT incredibly useful when it comes to seeing people’s lies and contradictions.
And on the prosecution’s side, we have one Ignis Scientia! With a mysterious background, Ignis is smart, calculating, sly, dark, and he’s tagged as a genius, having started at age 19/20 and not having lost one single case up until now. And his mentor, oh, yes, the man that took him under his wing when Ignis lost his father under mysterious circumstances…
And he grows up next to one grey haired and slightly aggressive, super sassy Aranea, who started prosecution at age THIRTEEN because she’s a bloody genius. And cheats sometimes. Because she’s still a mercenary as a lawyer but HEY I DIDN’T MAKE THE RULES.
And let’s not forget the friendly and adorable detective Gladiolus Amicitia, a guy that may come off as tough looking at first, but is really just a noodle-obsessed pet-lover flirty adorable precious angel that just wants justice and for everyone to be happy and for those he cares about to be safe. He has absolute devotion to and admires prosecutor Ignis Scientia a lot and would do ANYTHING for him… :’3
Detective Gladio likes to hang with the dog-in-training at the police department Umbra! A NICE FLUFFEEH ADORABLE LITTLE BOY THAT WILL EAT ALL THE SAMURAI HOT DOGS IN ONE GO!
And I would talk about the mysterious prosecutor Armaugh, and maybe also about Cor’s former and apparently now dead boyfriend defense attorney Weskham, but that’s- quite a long story and I’m not sure I should write it all XD
Twins Stella & Lunafreya…
Yes. Simply…simply YES to this AU… ;A;
[[There’s no more under the cut other than my own thoughts. It’s not a long answer but I’ll add a keep reading here, buddy c:]]
I recently beat the Ace Attorney trilogy for the first time just a few weeks ago and I’m still absolutely enamored and in love with it. I didn’t think it would be more than just funny criminal cases, didn’t know there was an entire plot and character building and development in there, and I had of course close to not a single idea I would fall for this series SO DEEP AND SO HARD.
And now, thinking about it mixed with the GLORIOUS FFXV that is sorta special to me…
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. As I was playing I was trying to think of some way to mix it with FFXV but didn’t put much brain in it. But YOU, my friend, you landed it PERFECTLY and so exquisitely. URGH. Your ask was so glorious to receive and to read through because YES to everything!!!
I was so happy to receive something AA too, ahaha. I don’t talk much about it because 99% of the people follow me due to FFXV but I’d do it gladly anytime, so I’m SUPER HAPPY that you talked about it with me. BOTH GAMES FILL ME SO MUCH OF SO MANY AND SO INTENSE FEELS HFNJGNF
Now I desperately need art for this. Godot!Weskham, Prosecutor!Ignis, Detective!Gladio…URGH. IT’S ALL TOO GOOD AND THE MENTAL IMAGES IN MY HEAD ARE BRILLIANT (ノД`)
GODS, thank you so much for reacing out to me with this LOVELY and wonderful ask. I’M SO INTO THIS HELL AND AU AND I’D GLADLY TALK ABOUT IT ANY DAMN TIME AGAIN KALSDJKLDSFJD
Now I’m gonna be thinking about this FOREVER
(; ω ; )
I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day or night, buddy! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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gladiolus-mamacitia · 6 years
(FFXV) Creature of the Night; Chapter 3.
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Gladiolus Amicitia x F!Reader x Ignis Scientia
| Blood Warning | 2,898 Words |
This is the story of Gladiolus and the secret he has hidden from you all these years. Now, you must become accustomed to your new life. 
Tagging: @roses-and-oceans @atarostarling @sonsoflucis @demidemon09 @major-artery @mistressoli @itshaejinju @mandakatt @hypaalicious
Music: i feel empty - kina
“I saved her life,” Ignis sighed in frustration.
“You turned her,” Gladio snapped, “this wouldn’t have happened if you had just waited for me!”
“Y/N had lost too much blood, had I waited then she would surely be dead.”
The shield rolled his eyes and threw his arms in the air before turning away, trying to mask his agitation of the situation and failing.
Gladiolus had sought out Ignis immediately after discovering about your disappearance. The adviser was fortunate enough to have found you, but you were so close to death that the only way to keep you alive was to turn you. Into what? You were still struggling to wrap your mind around the concept of such a thing existing, still disoriented from your kidnapping. But if your boyfriend was a lycan, then there was really no excuse as to why vampires couldn’t exist as well.
You currently sat in one of the offices of the citadel infirmary, your wounds cleaned and patched up with a blanket wrapped around you as you listened to Ignis and Gladio argue outside in the hallway, flinching a bit whenever your boyfriend raised his voice a bit too much. Your senses were a bit warped and overwhelmed at the moment, so you really weren’t able to make sense of their words. The bright lights of the office were giving you an intense headache, as if you were staring directly into the sun. It’s so bright, you thought.
Although you were sure that they would ask you many questions about what happened, you had questions too. But the most important one sat waiting at the tip of your tongue.
“Iggy, look… I’m glad that she’s safe now, believe me,” Gladio turned back to his friend and motioned to the both of them, “but this life that we live? I never wanted this for her.”
Ignis looked down and nodded, staring at the gash in his wrist that was slowly healing over. “I am aware of that, but she wouldn’t be alive had I not done something.”
Gladio sighed in defeat as he walked to the closed office door and took hold of the handle, giving a hesitant “I know” before stepping inside.
You looked up at the sound of the opening door, your body relaxing at the sight of your man who gave you a sad smile. He stood in front of where you sat on the counter, gently taking your hands in his own. Ignis quietly stepped in, leaning against the wall by the doorway.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Gladio leaned towards you, pressing his forehead against your own.
You smiled and gave a small nod before leaning into his touch, “Much better than I did an hour ago.”
There was suddenly a flash in your mind, a memory, one that you remembered so clearly: It was of when you first laid eyes on Gladio, back in high school. You sat in the library, reading peacefully in the silent solitude of the room’s corner. Glancing up to take a break from the pages, your eyes instantly met with the most gorgeous amber orbs you had ever seen. He had been staring at you from across the room, and now he had caught you in the simple spell of his captivating eyes. The rest was history.
Another flash, but something was off. You did not remember this, mainly because it wasn’t even a memory of yours. It was Ignis behind the wheel with Gladio next to him. Circa pre-graduation. The shield tells his friend that he was going to ask you out during the firework show after the ceremony. There’s a pause before the adviser voices quiet encouragement, never taking his eyes off the road. I wish you happiness, he says.
You blinked, mind buzzing with confusion. What was it that you saw? The images were so clear…
“That’s good,” he hummed.
Silence filled the room, the three of you struggling to speak again as if the floor was made of glass and the slightest sound could shatter it. Ignis was the one to break the uncomfortable stillness.
“What did that man want from you, Y/N?”
“…. He wanted Gladio.”
The shield gave a puzzled look, “Me?”
“Yeah,” you continued, “He knew that you were a lycan and was using me as bait. He wanted you dead.”
“Who was he?”
Ignis dug a hand into his pocket, pulling out a chain that held dog tags at the end and bounced them in the palm of his hand. “His name was Furore Lee. According to his tags, he was a prestigious hunter.” He stuffed the chain back in his pocket and murmured, “not so ‘prestigious’ now, I’m afraid.”
There was a quiet knock on the doorframe, all three of you turning to spot Cor with Noctis and Prompto behind him. The two younger boys squeezed past the marshal and rushed over to you, forcing Gladio to step back.
“Oh my gods, Y/N, are you okay?” Prompto looked you up and down, eyes wide in horror at the sight of all your bruises and bandages.
“Y-Yeah, Prom, I’m fine now.”
Ignis and Gladio stepped out into the hall with Cor upon his request, shutting the door behind them. You couldn’t help but giggle as your friends voiced their concerns, having only heard about what happened till after they had found you.
Noctis rested a hand on your shoulder.
Another flash. Noct sitting with Prompto on the couch of his apartment, video game controllers strewn aside and huddled close together. Noctis was trembling and choking back tears with his friend gripping his hand in a reassuring manner. I’ve got you, buddy. This was one of the prince’s memories, only this time you could feel the emotions of the moment. Astrals above, the crippling and all consuming fear he felt…
“Glad you’re safe,” he smiled.
You blinked, staring at Noct in bewilderment. He narrowed his eyes and asked what was wrong.
“I… I’m not sure,” you paused before you asked, “Noct, did you know? About Ignis?”
The prince rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, actually. Sorry we kept you out of the loop, you know how my dad is about these things.”
You shook your head, “Don’t worry about it.”
The three of you turned to the sound of the door opening, Ignis stepping into the room with Gladio in tow with the marshal already gone. Noctis and Prompto stepped aside as the royal adviser came to stand before you, folding his arms over his chest.
“I’m sure you have questions.”
“Only one,” you admitted, “… How long have you been a… y'know?”
Ignis took a deep breathe, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “Since I was very young. It was one of the main reasons as to why I came to live in Insomnia with my uncle.”
Your brows furrowed as the information sunk in; he had been a vampire since before you two had even met, and he had kept it from you this whole time- they all did. But that also meant that Gladio knew. You turned to your boyfriend, the look in your eyes saying it all.
He shook his head. “I wanted to protect you.”
A sigh left you. There were so many secrets that they had kept from you and you still had so many more questions. But you were so tired. Gladio could probably tell, moving over to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“I think we should call it a night,” he said.
Noctis and Prompto took off, leaving the three of you to make your way out of the citadel. You were descending the stairs when the adviser stopped at the bottom and faced you.
“Y/N, I believe it’s best for you to stay with me for now.”
Gladio narrowed his eyes, his hand holding your own. “Why’s that?”
“She’s a freshborn,” he started with the adjustment of his glasses, “meaning she needs guidance. It will save the trouble of research and her having to deal with the first days on her own. Aside from that, your apartment has been broken in to. I highly advise that you consider relocating.”
“I think we’ll be able to manage-”
You cut Gladio off, “He’s right.” Gladiolus looked at you, brows shooting up. “I don’t think I can go back to our apartment,” you continued, “and Ignis… I trust him. I’m sure you do, too.”
The shield glanced back between the two of you, conflict brewing in his eyes like a storm. He didn’t want you to leave his side so soon, especially after the events of the night, but Ignis indeed had a point. And with the bond that the three of you shared, it didn’t even warrant a reason for mistrust.
Gladio nodded after a few moments,“Alright… but only until I’ve moved our stuff out.”
You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s waist, feeling his own strong ones engulf you in an embrace as he leaned down to kiss you sweetly. He smiled as you pulled away, brushing his knuckles along your cheek.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Gladio.”
Just as there had been much to learn about lycans, there was much to learn about vampires. Thankfully, Ignis would be able to personally guide you through the changes you felt. He immediately debunked all the stereotypes you had heard from movies and TV shows.
“Whoever came up with that is a fool,” he scoffed.
“Some discomfort, but you can build a resistance to it. And no, we do not glimmer in the sun. That’s just bollocks.”
You laughed.
“Wooden stake through the heart?”
“Who wouldn’t that kill?”
“Can we…. change into bats?”
Ignis gave you a side glance from behind the wheel, looking very unimpressed.
It was about two in the morning by the time you had arrived at his apartment. He insisted that you slept in his bedroom while he took the couch, ever the selfless one. The first night, as Ignis had said, was indeed difficult. You had been tossing in turning, your throat incredibly parched. By the time you had shuffled into the kitchen, the adviser had already been waiting there with a glass of crimson liquid in hand.
“That’s not cranberry juice, is it?”
“I’m afraid not,” he said with a chuckle.
It was there as you hesitantly drank that Ignis told you of the intake that would be recommended until you got your bearings. To make sure that you didn’t go ravenous with hunger, you’d need to drink about half a gallon of blood per day and pace yourself till you could go three to four days without needing to feed. The amount was ridiculous, but it was necessary. How you would get the blood? It was surprisingly easier than you thought, the citadel infirmary would receive a generous amount from regular donors which was entirely at Ignis’s disposal- and now your own as well.
All blood wasn’t safe, however. That of any other supernatural being, daemon, or from the deceased was poisonous. This included the very blood that ran through Gladio’s veins. This would be more difficult than you had imagined.
“Human and animal blood is the go-to choice,” Ignis said as he took the empty glass from you and went to wash it.
“….. What about vampire blood? Can we drink that, too?”
He glanced back at you before returning to his task, “It is recommended to only drink from our own when incredibly wounded, as it is the equivalent to taking oxycodone.”
It certainly explained why he had urged you to drink from him when he first turned you and why it had the effect it did.
The following morning, Gladio had brought some extra clothes along with your toiletries. It made you laugh when he called it your Slumber Party Pack. His hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you close for a passionate kiss that you eagerly met. You could feel the pure adoration that he poured into you when his lips met your own, making you melt into his arms. Gods, you loved him.
“I still have a meeting to attend to today,” Ignis said as he slipped on his shoes, “but after that I will return. For now, keep the curtains closed. You will be sensitive to the light for a bit.”
“And I’ll come visit you as soon as I’m out of work,” Gladio added.
You had been to the adviser’s apartment before, but now that you were there by yourself, there were things that you didn’t notice until now. On the wall there had been frames with pictures of Ignis with his uncle, many of the four boys, and some of just Noctis and Ignis when they were kids. You were organizing your items in his bedroom when you noticed the frame on the nightstand that you had been too tired to notice the night before, and you recognized it.
It was of Ignis and Gladio with you in between them, you were all laughing and sitting on a brick wall. This was back in high school. Although you were indeed a part of the prince’s retinue, you had always been closer with the older boys. You picked up the frame, your fingers brushing against the glass as you smiled. Only you could make the prim and proper strategist laugh so hard.
There was a flash, back to the very moment the picture was taken. Ignis holding a hand over his mouth to hide his wide grin while Gladio was nearly doubling over from your joke. You looked between the two, remembering how happy you felt. Your best friend and the boy you were falling in love with. There was a voice, however, that was like a gentle whisper. As if it was just a feeling, a sense of hope, but it wasn’t your own.
Please let me be the one.
You carefully lowered the frame, taking a step away. The image was revealing itself, but there was still some missing pieces. Some things you didn’t know. A tension rising. Why were you seeing these things? These memories that didn’t belong to you?
Ignis returned as he had said after a couple of hours. The look he gave you when he entered was that of surprise, as if he didn’t expect you to still be here.
“You okay, Igs?”
“Yes,” he said as he removed his coat, “I’m just not used to having someone to greet me when I come home.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face, giving a small shrug as you turned to head to the kitchen. You were pouring the crimson liquid into two glasses by the time Ignis had joined you there. He had disguised the bottles that contained the blood, giving them the appearance of wine. Sneaky as always. You offered him the other glass, which he accepted with a gracious smile.
He brought the glass to his lips, the glare on his frames concealing his eyes. “Have you been drinking the necessary amount?”
“Yeah. This should be about it for the day, actually. I always hated the taste of blood before, but now.. it’s like drinking water.” You took a few sips before you continued.
“Gladio texted me a couple of minutes ago. Said he’d be over in about two hours. What do you say we make dinner for three?” You traced the rim of the glass with the tip of your finger, watching as Ignis took his time with his drink.
“Yes, that sounds fine. I already have a dish in mind that you can assist me with.”
There was an uncomfortable silence that filled the space between the two of you. He could probably read your unease like words on a page.
“Y/N… Is there something wrong?”
You looked down at your half empty glass, not sure of how to string your thoughts into words without sounding crazy. Ironic, considering the past two days having been nothing but crazy.
“I’ve been…. getting these visions.” Your eyes snapped up to look at him as his posture straightened, as if you had fully caught his attention.
“What kind of visions?”
“I think they’re memories, b-but they’re not my memories. I sometimes feel the emotions of the recollection, too. It happened with Noct and Gladio when they touched me.”
His intense emerald eyes were locked on your own, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Fascinating,” he said calmly, “It’s a mind link.”
“A.. what?”
He stood beside you, resting his glass on the counter space that was behind you. “Each vampire has a unique power. I have the ability to alter one’s perception to some degree. You, on the other hand, can connect with others on a psychological level; share in their memories and emotions through physical contact.”
Alter one’s perception? Did that mean induce hallucinations or something? It then occurred to you that this entire time, you had yet to touch Ignis since your abilities became active. You saw his hand not that far from yours, curiously reaching out in hopes of what you would see, but he pulled away before you could touch him.
He avoided the nonplussed look you gave him, his voice barely above a whisper as he took a step away from you.
“Best you not burden yourself.”
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"Regret" Gladio x Reader One-Shot (Angst)
Author's note: This was supposed to be a drabble buttttttt my mind had other plans. Prepare yourself for the feels train 😭
Btw, he isn't shirtless in the story, that last gif was just used for emotion purposes.
Word Count: 1,204
Tagging: @vundis-scientia @xylianna @arcticblade <---(idk if you like angst) @alicemoonwonderland
Prompt: #96 "She's dead..."
“So (Y/n), tell us about your friend from back home,” Prompto asked you.
The five of you surrounded the campfire after a long day while enjoying a meal Ignis had prepared. You and the guys had rambled about some things that went on during the day but now, it was story time.
“There's not much to say", you replied as you sighed.
“Oh come on. You only mentioned her once but never brought her up again. There has to be a lot to say about her. Is there anything you remember about? There has to be”, Prompto exclaimed.
“Come now Prompto, we mustn’t mettle in her business”, Ignis said.
“No no, it's fine Iggy. I was thinking. Umm… well I remember this one time we came across these really dangerous creatures out in Duscae. We were beyond scared but it had already saw us and it was too late to run. We started fighting but I was badly wounded and suddenly she left and never came back but -”, you said but was cut off.
“She's a coward”, Gladio said.
“What?”, you asked, wanting to make sure you heard him correctly.
“She left you in danger and took off. Some friend you had”, Gladio replied.
Wait what? You couldn't believe what you were hearing. How could Gladio be so rude to you out of all people? He didn't even let you finish your story. You were really offended by what he said as anger flowed into you, overpowering the sorrow you had just felt about your friend. You sat forward in your seat, leaning towards him.
“So, what? Everyone who leaves is now a coward? Cause last time I remember Amicitia, you took off running when you got your ass handed by Ravus.”, you said to him, coldly.
Everyone stood silent with their eyes wide. All you could hear was the crackling of the fire. No one could believe what you had just said. Everyone could feel the atmosphere around the campfire change as Prompto and Noctis were looking at each other while Ignis stood looking at you.
“Alright now, that's enou-", Ignis attempted to say before being cut off by Gladio.
“Now you know that's not why I left”, Gladio told you sternly as he gripped the handles of his chair, anger evident in his voice. You could feel his amber eyes just burning through your skin as he stared at you.
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“Well you don't know why my friend left. See how stories sound when you don't let the other person finish?”, you replied.
He fell silent and just stared at you. Gladio was one for speaking his mind but his arguments were cut short by his silence. By his silence, you knew he was really upset.
“As I was saying, I thought my friend was never going to come back but but in actuality, she took off running from me to cause a distraction to the enemy. She saved my life.”
“W-where is she now?”, Prompto asked nervously.
You could feel your eyes watering and felt the pain in your throat from holding back the tears. This night went from a simple story to a disaster. You thought that by telling them how your friend saved your life, they would have a good impression of her but instead, Gladio had to call her a coward.You should've never agreed to talking about your friend.
“She's dead…”, you struggled to say as you covered your mouth from almost releasing a sob. Your friend was all you ever had and if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have been here tonight. You couldn't hold it in no more as you choked out a sob and ran into your tent to let all your emotions go.
No one knew what to say as they all just stared at your tent, hearing your weeping. This story took a wrong turn since they didn’t expect your friend to be dead and didn't think that this story would go so far into an argument. Prompto felt really bad about bringing up the stupid question in the first place.
“Way to go Gladio”, Noctis finally said, breaking the silence.
Gladio sighed a deep, heavy sigh and rested his hand on his knee as he stared into the fire. He really felt like an ass. He let his pride get to him since he was Noct’s shield and never left his side. All his rage boiled down into regret and sadness as he got up from his chair and walked off the campsite. The guys didn't know if they should console you or not but it was probably best if they had just left you alone.
Later that night, Gladio stood outside your tent, questioning if he should go inside. He couldn't sleep as the thoughts of his words and seeing you cry burned him inside. He wanted to apologize and make things right between the two of you. Having tension in the car or around the guys wasn't going to be good either. He decided to crouch down and open the tent slowly to see if you were awake but you were sleeping. He didn't want to wake you up but he had to.
“(Y/n).. (Y/n)...”, Gladio said as he shaked your body to wake up.
You awoke to the sound of his voice and faced him but instead of feeling pleased by his presence, you just wanted to go away.
“What do you want", you replied as you faced away from him.
Your coldness pained him since you had never treated him like this before. He had comes to terms that he really messed up.
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“(Y/n)... I'm sorry for the way I acted before. I should've let you finish your story and not let my pride get the best of me…I'm sorry...can you forgive me?”, he said.
You couldn't forgive him. At least not tonight. Yeah Gladio messed up but you knew that's how his mindset was. Not that his mindset is to be rude but that he was raised to be a protector, a shield and to never leave anyone abandoned. This still didn't give him the right to give an opinion to something he didn't know about.
You sighed. “You really hurt my feelings Gladio. I need some time to think about it”, you said.
Gladio sighed again as he looked down into the ground. “Alright…”, he said as he closed your tent and walked off. You then started to cry again. You wanted to call him back and hold you but you were so angry. It pained you to be like this with him.
Not even a minute after you began crying, Gladio opened the tent, went inside and pulled your body close into a tight embrace. He buried his head into the crook of your neck and felt tears running down his cheeks. He didn't want to be like this with you either. He couldn't leave you like that crying in the tent. You hugged him back tightly, thanking him in your mind that he came back. A hug wasn't going to fix it all in one night, but it made things a little okay.
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merryfortune · 3 years
Day 5 / Awkward Hugs
Social Interactionism 2021
Event: @hugsaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Ship: Wisteriashipping | Spectre/Yusaku
Word Count: 1.8k
Tags: Developing Relationship, Bittersweet, Fluff with a Sad Ending
AN: since today’s Hugsaku prompt overlaps with my birthday, it was only natural for me to write Spectre/Yusaku as a birthday treat to myself (hence why, no spoilers), they can hug twice in this fic as a treat
  Yusaku’s plan, like they usually did, involved three steps. There might be more steps or issues within those three, broad ideas but so be it. That’s also how it usually was.
  One. He would apologise to Spectre.
  Two. He would find the Earth Ignis.
  Three. He would reunite Spectre and the Earth Ignis.
  He wasn’t sure if the steps to his plan were in descending order or difficulty or not, but he would abide by these three steps to the best of his ability. Of course, coaxing Spectre out into the open, one on one, was going to be difficult and it was part of step one. Yusaku could have just sent a letter addressed for Spectre or even an e-mail but he thought that was impersonal. He wanted it to mean something big and something dear because when he wanted to apologise, he wanted to do something more than just create a clean slate between them. He wanted to earn Spectre’s trust and maybe even affection as the third step in Yusaku’s plan would likely hinge on that.
  However, Yusaku thought that Spectre was even more hermetic than him which was saying something. Yet for all that agonising, just sending a summons for Spectre and Spectre alone at the usual spot for his and his team’s encounters with the Knights of Hanoi, though mainly Ryoken, was enough.
  Quite honestly, Yusaku was expecting to be stood up when he waited by the Stardust Road. He stood with his hands laced over the rail and he stared out to sea. All around him, dusk descended with orange skies and indigo clouds; it dyed the sea that lapped at the rocks and cement below a very, very dark colour and just as Yusaku thought that Spectre might not appear, a familiar stranger dejectedly stood beside him, leaning over the rail with him.
  “I didn’t even hear you.” Yusaku murmured.
  Spectre snickered. “Most people usually don’t. If I’m not careful, if I’m not making a fuss, most people won’t notice me at all.”
  “But Ryoken does?” Yusaku guessed.
  “Yes.” Spectre replied with a bitter smile.
  There was a moment of silence between them. It was uneasy but not necessarily uncompanionable. It was just there to acclimatize them between greetings and the actual conversation, of which, Yusaku initiated it and very boldly at that.
  “I’m sorry.” he said.
  Spectre harrumphed. “Whatever for?”
  “For tricking you into destroying your field when we duelled. That was a cruel thing to do.” Yusaku said. “I can tell you have a very genuine affection for your Sunavalon cards. So, I’m sorry.”
  “That’s water under the bridge,” Spectre said, “but thank you. I appreciate the sentiments.”
  “I’m glad. Because, well, I felt bad about that.” Yusaku stated.
  “You shouldn’t though… I goaded you into, remember, I wanted you to do something cruel and I ought to be impressed that you exceeded expectations.” Spectre replied.
  “Well, now I’m trying to do kind things.” Yusaku said.
  Spectre’s pupils dilated at that – and Yusaku noticed even if it was a small quirk of his body language.
  “No, don’t tell me…” Spectre said, realising where this conversation was going, he had thought it was strange that Yusaku would call him out of the blue like this but he figured he would indulge it, he was his master’s servant after all, so he assumed – hoped – it was eventually going to funnel to him.
  “Yeah,” Yusaku murmured, “I am. I want to bring back the Earth Ignis, or just, um, Earth as he’s called.”
  Spectre shook his head. He wanted to chastise Yusaku, but he couldn’t find his words. He just looked stiff instead.
  “I was hoping you would help but I don’t want to force you.” Yusaku added.
  “I’ll allow it to happen,” Spectre elected to reply, “but I won’t help.”
  “Thank you.” Yusaku said.
  Yusaku was expecting the conversation to end there. He was right. It did. But not how he thought it would. Spectre, slovenly, pushed himself off the railing, ready to return to the marina and retire to the yacht for the night because dealing with Yusaku was exhausting but not quite.
  Yusaku was somewhat surprised as Spectre gave him an unexpected hug. He blinked and he felt Spectre’s arms surge around him. His hug was tight and Yusaku wasn’t sure what to do as he felt Spectre’s head beneath the crook of his chin and his arms on his waist. Yusaku swallowed and he half-heartedly tried to push Spectre off him. He didn’t feel in danger, even if Spectre was a peculiar and oftentimes unpleasant person, but he did feel… Awkward being hugged by him.
  “What are you doing…?” Yusaku asked, blushing.
  Spectre got the hint that now was the time to stop and it seemed he didn’t appreciate being rejected like that. He straightened up his coat and looked mildly annoyed. His brows furrowed and his eyes fixated on some weedy flower growing between the pavers on the ground.
  “I thought it was appropriate. It’s a kind thing, isn’t it?” Spectre asked. “You apologised and now you have yet another channel for your sense of justice so. I thought it was the least I could do.”
  “O-oh, well then,” Yusaku murmured, “thank you.”
  “Well, good luck, I might not want to be involved in whatever it is you plan to do to bring back my Other Self but good luck. I will make sure we don’t… intervene on whatever basis we can find to prevent further resurrections of the Ignis.” Spectre said.
  Yusaku hazarded a small smile. He appreciated it but he didn’t know how to say it beyond words. He figured there were other actions that he could take – and he did take them.
  Steadily over the next few weeks, Yusaku with the help of Kusanagi and Ai, he began to piece together the data belonging to Earth. It was getting much, much easier after all the practice that he had gotten with Ai and then applied that to bring Flame back to Takeru and Aqua back to both Miyu and Aoi. Though, that didn’t make the finding of the pieces all that easier, just the putting them back together and Earth was in plenty of pieces but as Playmaker, Yusaku found them all.
  He restored Earth back to form and Earth was overjoyed to see his good friend Ai once more. They had a hug or two with Ai crying and screaming that he was so glad that yet another of his friends was back; just two more to go. Playmaker was fond as he watched Ai jump and down with Earth in his arms, it was quite the sight to behold given the fact that Earth was much bigger and much heavier than Ai.
  But in the midst of that jubilation, Earth looked up with sorrowful eyes at Playmaker. It seemed he knew where this was heading. Even if he and Spectre hadn’t been all that close previously, there was a disappointment to what Earth had in mind for if he came back.
  “I didn’t remember Aqua first,” Earth began to explain as Playmaker, atop his D-Board, made a beeline for where he could hope to find Spectre, either alone or with Revolver, “I remembered him.”
  Ai nodded. It had been the same for him. He had remembered his dear Yusaku before he remembered anything else or any of the others. It was bittersweet.
  “There he is.” Playmaker commented quietly and he saw Spectre on his lonesome.
  He was standing in the shade of a tree. It was wiry with white bark; its beet purple foliage moved slowly on the breeze. That appeared to be the most natural place for him to reside, he was staring out into the distance of the sort of asteroid field-like area on the hinterlands of the Neo Link VRAINS. The roots of the were spilling out the bottom of the rock platform that it and Spectre was planted on.
  Playmaker drew in closer and Spectre looked up at him. He had a morose look on his face. He took a breath.
  “You fulfilled your goal, I presume?” Spectre asked.
  Playmaker nodded and he made a hand gesture. He allowed Earth to follow through on it and Spectre’s eyes widened. For a moment, he looked completely and utterly happy. Childishly happy. But then he flinched.
  Earth lifted his hand and he didn’t know what to say.
  So, Spectre decided to say it for him.
  “It is good to meet you,” he said, “but I don’t believe our continued meeting is advised.”
  Playmaker inhaled sharply. He was surprised – almost offended – to hear that.
  Spectre came closer to the edge, came closer to Earth and he reached up to where Earth floated against gravity. Gingerly, Spectre pet the top of Earth’s head and he liked how the Ignis’s skin felt on his fingertip. There was a muted joy to Spectre’s expression.
  “I did my best,” Spectre said, recalling the Incident, “for my Mother, she would want me happy and proud, so I duelled my best for you. But when I was told, the new goal of the Hanoi was to destroy the Ignis, I accepted that whole-heartedly. So, I did my best. I endeavoured to eliminate the Ignis if it meant I was useful. I – I don’t believe I can go over the past ten years of that goal so easily, to say nothing of the others, Revolver-sama and the Lieutenants, and even if we are neutral, trying to atone. I want to be my best self for you, Earth. Until then, I don’t believe it to be advisable for you to remain with me.”
  Ai made a strange expression, but it was the same that Playmaker was making. A certain defensiveness which had become unguarded as Spectre explained himself.
  Earth nodded. “That makes sense. I can accept that decision, Partner, but when you are ready, I will be too.”
  “Thank you.” Spectre said and he turned to Playmaker. “Can I ask something selfish of you?”
  “I think I know what it is, but it’s not selfish, Spectre.” Playmaker replied.
  “Can you please home him, please? Keep him safe?” Spectre asked.
  Playmaker nodded. “I can do that for you, yes.”
  “Thank you.” Spectre said.
  Playmaker let his D-Board drop a few more levels and once they were at a mismatched but even height, Spectre hugged him again. Playmaker stiffened but this time, he hugged back as he felt one of Spectre’s hands close to his neck and the other round his waist. Gratitude emanated from Spectre’s hug and though Playmaker felt awkward, he wasn’t a hugger, he didn’t think himself good at it, he still tried to return Spectre’s sentiments. He mimicked back and he could hear a repressed sob in Spectre’s breathing as they held each other in this embrace.
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
"Tears Of A Hollow Heart" ( Dean x male!reader )
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Request from @winchesterzforever​ :
"Hey, idk if your taking stuff in atm or idk know if you write for male readers, but anyway it’s worth a try, I would like to request a angsty Drabble of reader and dean, like the reader gets into a car accident after he finds out dean cheated, and dean can’t help but feel guilty and in the end they both get back together, lots of tears and sadness cause that’s what I feel like rn thanks ❤️❤️"
Warnings: angst, a tiny bit of fluff
Words: about 700
A/N: Hey! I never thought about the fact that someone could send in requests or something like that, cuz I'm still kinda...new to the writing part of tumblr. XD But your message made me soooo happy, and I still can't believe that someone asked me to write a drabble for him. So, thank you! <3 I hope you're doing okay, and that you can live with this little thing I wrote for you. XD It was fun to create, even though I'm pretty insecure about this one ( I haven't written anything with a reader insert yet *awkward laughter*).
But I really enjoyed writing, so if any of you wants to send in other requests in the future ( it doesn't matter if character x reader or destiel ), feel free to do so! <3
I hope you'll like it! Let me know what you think! Enjoy! <3
"No! Stop talking to me like that! Stop talking to me like it's okay, you fucking asshole!" you cry out, your sight blurry from all the tears that are streaming down your cheeks. Your shaking hands are clutching around your phone, almost making the glass crack with their firm grip. "Y/N! You should stop being that childish", Dean Winchester says, his voice sounding cold and lifeless through the speaker of your phone, "I...I'm sorry...if that makes it better, this chick was just one of many others that -" "Oh my god! Just...SHUT UP!" you manage to growl in desperation, hanging up with a fast, helpless gesture. It's over. It all had been so damn perfect, but Dean fucking Winchester had to ruin it, horribly. I mean, how often do you spot your boyfriend with a girl when you're his freaking boyfriend? You love him. Damn, you love him so much. Why did he have to play with your heart like that?! Why...the hell did he need to cheat on you with some random slut?! As your car crashed frontal against another one, you were absolutely surprised. It happens so fast, everything just...implodes. Suddenly, there is nothing but shattered glass, smoke and...and blood...? You try to scream, but you can't breathe. Every damn inch of your car's metal seems to give his best to crash your bones with his power, squeezing tight around you. You don't know directions anymore, everything begins to fade... The last thing you can think of are two emerald eyes, staring right into your soul, filled with sorrow. Then everything goes black.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Y/N! God damn it, please!" You hear his voice, and try to open your eyes. Your eye lids are heavy, your head is filled with a terrible, thick fog that makes you feel dizzy. As you finally manage to open them, you wince at the big amount of light in the room. So many...lights... "Dean..." you mutter, quietly. You're surprised as you feel a familiar touch on your arm. The warmth of the elder Winchester's skin is flowing through your body, making you feel better, immediately. "What...what are you doing here?" you rasp, trying to push his hand away, weakly, "We...we broke up, dumbass. I hate you." Now you can see his face, and you can't help but stare at the big bags under his eyes, and his swollen face...looks like he cried a lot within the last hours...or days? How long have I been unconscious? Wait - what happened again? As if he read your thoughts, Dean clears his throat, and begins to speak again: "We're at the hospital. You...you tried to get away from me, and...you...you drove way to fast, and hit another car, frontal. Damn it, Y/N! I thought you were dead!" Now he cries again, tears are streaming down his pretty face. You can't help but doing the same. It feels good to let it all out, to...let it go. "I thought I have lost you!" Dean whispers, grabbing your arm again, "If that happened to would have been my fault and...fuck! I'm such an asshole for cheating on you!" He runs a hand through his hair, blinking, heavily. He seems to lose every bit of self control that he had until this moment, shaking. "You don't deserve an idiot like me, Y/N!" he says, his voice filled with a burden that makes your chest ache, "You're a guy that deserves someone who - " "Dean!" "What?" "I don't want another guy! All I want is you!" you scream right in his face, completely ignoring the pain that pulses through your body as your grab his face, making your lips collide in a passionate kiss. And there you are, crying in his arms. Dean can't do anything else but curl his arms around you, gently, as you bury your head on his chest. "Thank you," he whispers, and closes his eyes.
Aaaaand that's it! Thank you so much for reading, and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
( I don't know whether I should tag you guys, or not...just ignore this if it isn't your kind of thing XD )
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @rebeloftheseas @ablavalba @smodernlife @ignis-glaciesque @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel @xsghn @trenchcoatsandfreckles @helpmeluci @legendary-destiel @leahslovelylibrary
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
Sunshine in the Moonlight. Chapter 21, Epilogue: The Big Day
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Prompto x Alexandria (OC)
Previous Chapter - Chapter Index
Wattpad - AO3
Tagging list: @toranyx, @prince-of-wind, @ghadah1421
A/N: This is the last chapter, and I just wanna thank everyone who read, liked, reblogged and commented on the story. I really had so much fun writing it and developing the characters and just somehow interacting with that universe was amazing, so thank you for sharing this experience with me making it even more special :P Please enjoy reading the last of the story and let me know what you think about it! :3
“Alex? Xanders!” The familiarity of that voice was comforting. “Alex, p-please say something. Anything”
It was disturbing to sense so much pain and sadness in that otherwise upbeat voice. Why was he so heartbroken?
“What happened?” I uttered weakly, feeling like even separating my eyelids was tiring.
I opened my eyes, however, and was received with a comforting pair of blue eyes very close to me. But there were tears in them, they were drowned in fright and concern. Until my eyes locked with him and relief washed through them in the blink of an eye.
“Alex!! Oh, Gods!” A strangled noise came from Prom’s throat as he urgently held me against his chest, so tight that I could barely breathe. “I thought I lost you!”
Ignis’ familiar sigh sounded next to him. His trembling hand fell upon my shoulder.
“I would venture to say that you’re to give up your vitality in order to maintain the light” He said, even if his voice was low and slightly broken.
“Kid, you almost gave me a freaking heart attack” Gladio heavily sighed as well, taking a hand to his chest. “The scares you give me!”
I weakly smiled as Prompto helped me sit up against his torso. His arms wrapped around me stronger than ever, in the neediest embrace we exchanged so far. When he buried his face in my neck, I could have sworn he was sobbing. He was definitely shaking.
I looked up to the other figure worriedly looking down to me. Noctis. Alive.
“Is that the pri… king?” I extended a hand that he gently took. “That’s it, I did it”
“Yeah, you did it alright” He replied, almost reprimanding me. “Something stupid, that’s what you did!”
“I hate you so much for scaring me like this, Xanders…” Prompto whispered against my skin, forcing me to chuckle awkwardly as he hadn’t heard a word anyone else said.
“But I’m alive…” Honestly, I expected to reunite with Regis and Lady Lunafreya.
“It is still a sacrifice, Alexandria” Ignis stated, taking me by my free hand.
Specs tried to pull me up, but Prompto held tighter on to me, claiming me. He sniffled through his nose and pressed his face closer against me.
“Okay…” He gave in after a brief moment. “You can hug her, but then I get to hug her again”
Still resting my back against his chest while he uncovered his face from the crook of my neck, I lovingly caressed his cheek with the back of my hand.
I didn’t know for how long I was unconscious for, but I definitely scared them very badly.
Between Noctis and Ignis, I was pulled to my feet only when Prompto’s arms allowed them to. Once my legs had to hold up all my weight, I wobbled due to a sudden and strong dizzy spell.
Their hands on mine, as well as Gladio’s on my back, steadied me before Prompto could recover quickly enough to realize what was happening.
“I thought Prompto here was the only one that did stupid things” The big guy said with a grin.
“That is debatable” Ignis humored him, squeezing my hand before letting go of it.
“She got it from me” Prompto said in an emotional high-pitched voice, just recovered from his sobbing.
The three of them hugged me at once, making me feel welcome. Making me feel lucky that my sacrifice had paid off. That thanks to Regis I was spared with my life, even though paying a great price in spite of it all. I was exhausted beyond belief, a state that I assumed would accompany me for the rest of my life.
Too impatient to wait until I was relieved from their embrace, Prompto joined as the five of us met for a group hug.
Ardyn was gone. We were all alive and well. The light was restored to the world.
For once, we were allowed to be happy.
  The coronation ceremony made me jittery. It was a big occasion yet there was absolutely no reason for me to be restless or nervous. I wasn’t the one who would have everyone’s attention on them. Although it was my first day as an official Crownsguard, perhaps that explained it. Or should I say Crownsguard slash Kingsglaive? Because I was wearing the uniform of the latter.
I took a deep breath as I looked at my reflection in the mirror and adjusted my outfit. I wondered where Iggy had gone with the crown. Where was Prompto? And Gladio as well? I felt so vulnerable there alone!
A hand heavily patted my back, answering one of those questions. I saw Gladio’s reflection in the mirror as he positioned himself behind me and placed a hand over my shoulder.
“Nervous, princess?”
“Terrified, actually” I sighed, nibbling on my lip as I examined myself in search for anything in my appearance that I should fix. “Bet you’re restless too!”
“Not even one bit” He seemed cool as a cucumber. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”
His playful and jokingly smug attitude got me to smile, breathing out and calming my nerves slightly.
“Here’s the prettiest girl in Eos!” Another person rushed into the room, winking an eye at me and hugging me from behind. “How ya doing, sweetie pie?”
I was endeared by one of the most recent nicknames Prom started calling me. He always came up with them, and each one was cuter.
Knowing cheesiness ensued with the pair of us, Gladio held his hands up in refusal and quickly got away from us. We sometimes took advantage of his reaction to our cutesy couple things to get a good laugh out of it.
“Trying not to panic”
“Don’t even worry” Prompto lively stood next to me, there where Gladio was a moment ago, and smiled at me from the reflection. “You’ll do great, baby”
His arms sneaked around my waist and pulled me against his side, a habit that he developed since I used to get too weak and tired to stand on my own sometimes. One of the disadvantages of putting the ring of the Lucii on that one time. Now that I was to use all my vitality to serve the kingdom just like Noct, I understood him more. I too wished to nap non stop as I felt extremely weak and tired. Yet even when it got to the point that I would unexpectedly faint, it was worth it in the end as it made the big day possible.
The moment I put the ring on felt like a lifetime ago, even if it happened around one month in the past.
Prompto caught me with my guard down when he kindly tickled my sides, causing me to sink to his side. Tickling me was his go-to technique to get me to smile when I was distraught, and it was quite an endearing gesture.
He chuckled as I turned around to be face to face with him.
“I can suddenly get one of my faltering moments and fall over, or even swoon!” I openly voiced my worries, trusting him entirely to do so.
“People know about them, so it’s fine” Prompto kissed me in the cheek to encourage me. “And besides, we’ll get you if that happens”
“Yeah, just walk calm and slow. You’ll be okay, cutiepie!”
 “I guess…” I tilted my head to the side, still not too convinced. “It’s just that they gave me such an important task… carry the crown, no less!”
“Yes, you’ve been given that honor because you made the coronation possible in the first place!” I blushed slightly at the praising. Surely, one of them would have done so for Noctis if I hadn’t.
“But what if do I fall, Prom?” I locked eyes with him, hoping their softness would provide me with serenity and comfort. Which they did, as usual.
“I won’t let you fall” His arms held me tightly as his lips gently met with mine.
“I believe you already have Prompto to help you…” Ignis’ voice interrupted our kiss. We urgently pulled away out of respect as soon as he announced his presence.
“H-Hey, Igster!” Prom cleared his throat, as he sometimes behaved around him awkwardly, as though Ignis was actually my older brother. He definitely could be overprotective as one. “Just… y’know… chatting with Xanders over here”
“Not quite what I heard from here” The man walked towards us, confident yet playful.
“I was just leaving anyway” Prompto was flustered by his presence and the fact that he caught us kissing. Wasn’t he adorable?
Indeed, my boyfriend hurriedly left the room to give us some time alone. Ignis surely had words of his own to dedicate me.
“He will never replace you, Iggy” I quickly told my best friend. “No one can”
“I certainly hope so, darling” He flashed me a sober and tiny smile.
Without saying anything else, he offered me something in his hands. A small red cushion with black ornaments, containing the official coronation crown. It wasn’t the usual Lucis crown, as this one resembled the more traditional circular and golden one. Noct would wear his actual kingly crown on a daily basis, the one like his father’s that only occupied one side of his head. The one displayed in the red cushion was solely for the coronation.
“It is time” Ignis encouraged me upon noticing I wasn’t taking it.
“Of course” Gingerly, I picked it up and carried it carefully.
I was to deliver the crown to the king in order to initiate the coronation ceremony. I had rehearsed my movements countless times. Upon delivering the crown, I would walk over to the side of the throne where my other three friends would be waiting for me. To represent the king’s personal bodyguards.
“I am so proud of you, Alexandria” Unexpectedly, Ignis left a fraternal kiss on my head that nearly made me drop the cushion and crown. “I always knew you would achieve great things, being the extraordinary young woman you are”
“I-Iggy…” I whined, in a way that reminded myself of Prompto. “Noct is the one to be complimented today, not me”
He let out a soft yet genuine chuckle that passed on to me as well.
“I suppose so, Alex”
“Psst!” A disheveled mop of blond hair stuck out at the door. “Guys, we’re up!”
Ignis solemnly nodded and walked over to the door, which Prompto held open for him. Then he fidgety came in and gave me the brightest smile to cheer me up.
“Nervous, sunshine?” I asked him, feeling like the crown weighted a lot in my hands even though it actually was quite light.
“A little” He coolly shrugged one shoulder. “But I’m more excited than anything”
“Me too” Too see Noct finally wearing his crown, owning what was rightfully his after such an arduous and long struggle… it was… exhilarating.
“For luck!” Prom lovingly smacked his lips in mine before running off the room, making me grin out of fondness and adoration.
Taking a deep breath, I pictured in my head the scene we had rehearsed. Gladio, the Shield, was to lead the way. After that followed Ignis, the royal advisor. Prompto was right behind, and I would followed after him. I nodded to myself, knowing I wouldn’t ruin such a special moment if my friends were there standing by me. Having my back.
The door was open, so I went through the threshold and immersed myself in the throne room where thousands of people stood expectantly. I could see Iris, and Talcott. Even Cid and Cindy!
I remembered Prom’s advice and walked slowly behind him, noticing how he subtly looked over his right shoulder to check on me. I had to conceal a smile because of that.
The throne at the other end of the room seemed to be so far away, especially to my weakened body, but we eventually got to the staircase that led to it. Like we had rehearsed, while my friends walked up the steps to stand next to the throne, I walked closer to Cor. The Marshall took the crown from me with a head nod and turned around to Noctis, who gracefully stood before everyone at the end of the stairs.
On cue, I walked the steps to meet with my friends and faced the crowd, holding my head up with dignity. And trying not to make too obvious how emotional I got when I saw Noct.
I occupied my established spot between Ignis and Prompto. The latter wrapped an arm around me again, taking advantage that we stood so close to each other that no one would notice. That day it wasn’t too bad, but I did feel quite faint and so I appreciated his thoughtful gesture. Ignis’ hand also found its way to the middle of my back and reassuringly rested there as well. And I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of a wink coming from Gladio. I felt safe as long as my friends stood by me. Protective as always.
Footsteps resonated against the entire throne room as Cor approached the king. He had been given the task to put the crown on the new king by Noct himself. After all, Cor ‘The Immortal’ had been a loyal servant to Regis before Noctis as well. And I could see the pride and joy in his eyes as he prepared to crown Noctis.
“I hereby pronounce you Noctis Lucis Caelum, king of Lucis” Cor proclaimed out loud, with a clear and grave voice that gave me chills.
I observed Noctis, beaming with pride.
Anyone can be a prince, it is nothing but an heir. A king on the other hand must earn his title, show his strength and morals. And Noct had done many great things to be called king.
“Long live the King!” Ignis initiated the chant, which people soon joined.
I could hear Gladio’s potent voice louder than anyone’s as he chanted those four words as well. His eyes were shining with fulfillment when I looked at him.
Prompto’s voice broke next to me as he fought with himself to get over the emotional cracks coming from his throat.
I just was overwhelmed with emotion as I chanted along with everyone, but stopped when his eyes fell on us. Noctis dedicated me that sweet but mischievous smirk I knew so well.
“Long live the king…” I whispered with happy tears in my eyes. “You will be a great one, King Noctis”
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