#oh okay makes since i dont realy know much about it
Fucking hell most days I hate my life
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
May I request a cute and fluffy scenario where Kai gets turned into a actual Chibi and Angel and to take care of him and he's just so small and he can still talk and stuff. Sorry if I'm bothering you!
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Oh how you knew he was going to beat Rappa and Chrono's ass for laughing at his... current condition.
Quirks were unique and validates from person to other. Adults, elders and childs have quirks which matched with their personality sometimes.
Yet, a quirk that transformed others into... Chibis? That was odd.
And Chisaki was less than happy about being hit by one.
"S-Sorry Overhaul-" Chrono snickered as Rappa howled in laughter and rolled in the floor. If it wasn't for his mask, it would show the boiling red on his face from anger at his subbordinates and for his lover just wanting and cooing at how... cute... he was.
He even shivered in disgust at referring himself as such a stupid word.
Enough was enough when Rappa tries to poke him, and he quickly used the overhaul on it. Ever bit of comedy vanished from the room when Rappa's body exploded.
"Huh... gladly this works still." He said stoically while looking at his own hand. Chrono gulping the air stuck on his throat as Kai put Rappa back on his place...
"Err... maybe you guys should do some search to revert him back to normal?" You quickly piped up as Chrono nodded and Rappa followed behind him, ocasionally muttering curses and insults towards Overhaul.
Kai chuffed, catching your attention as he jumped from the table. You trailed after him, and it was impressive that even despite his stature and appearance of a chibi, your boyfriend still walked normally, thinking he was still the king of the word...
Damn his arrogance, really.
"Kai, maybe is not safe for you to walk around like-" you stopped talking for a bit as he looked over his shoulder and gave you a dirty look "...that."
"And what could it happen? I still have my quirk and no one in this house dares to aproach me." He sighed and started to walk with his eyes closed "So, there is noth-"
You yelped when a romba appeared and just sucked Kai in one switch motion. You kneeled desperately on the ground before jumping with a scream at when the romba exploded... A very dirty and with open arms Chisaki soon was pitted and you would have laughed from the look on his face.
Kai had seemed to had just come back from a bloody war as his eye twitched and hives appeared on his skin.
"You were saying?" You kneeled with a smug look down at him as he only glared at you.
"Take me. To the bathroom. NOW." He growled between teeth as you couldn't help but to snicker at his situation.
Your boyfriend immediatly demanded you to get out as soon as you let him step on the sink. You only rolled your eyes as you heard the sink starting to work as you went to do something...
Making clothes wasn't a difficult task when it comes to the size Chisaki was currently in. You've done before so it was honestly some sorta of easy...
You knocked on the door after finishing your work and found Kai rubbing his now clean skin. Turning out pink and even red on some spots from how much brute force he was using on it.
"You're going to tear your skin apart this way hun." He glared at you from his spot before you dropped the new made clothes near him "Wear this, I know you wouldn't even dare to use even the same jacket without washing it first."
He arched one of his eyebrows up as you closed the door. Respecting his privacy. Soon enough he grabbed the soft material on his hands as he hummed in apreciation... not ever letting you hear it.
"You.. realy dont need help with that book Kai?" Yoh asked with a smile at seing the dark brow haired man running back and forth each time he finished a page from his book.
"As if." He scoffed from his spot, sitting cross legged while starting to read the new page. Looking up at hearing and feeling you get out of the bed "Were you're going?"
"Grab some goodies!" You smiled from the door frame "You want some?"
"...fruits." he mumbled, hiding his embarrassment behind his looks and mask at not even being able to get up to grab some fucking food "It would be... apreciated."
"Got it! Brb!"
"Dont use pronouns of texts while talking." He scolded as you closed the door shut as he sighed.
Strange how he felt extremely small and... lonely on his own room. He always spended time in here ever si ce Pops took him in, yet he only felt this lonely when he was a mere child.
He sighed, fisting the clothes you made for him as he stared numbly at the words, now huge, in front of him.
How grateful he was for you couldn't be described as words... he cherished you more than oxygen. Despite him being... well, him. You were still there. No matter how humiliating or bad the situation is.
The door creaked open and he looked up to see you, munching on your favorite snack while bringing him some fruits and some snacks he proclaimed he despise it but knew he had a soft spot for it.
"Back now I see." He spoke with a hidden smile as you nodded vigorously. Mumbling some words as he frowned "Dont talk with your mouth full-"
You had falled asleep. His book no more interested as he admired your face. Being this small he could see each detail of you, mesmerizing everything with his eyes, smiling at himself at when you mumbled something in your sleep.
"Such an angel..." he murmured, caressing part of your face before groaning at a pain on his stomach.
"What the-" he felt his vision blurring as you snapped one lazy eye open at hearing him groaning as he walked back and worth, tripping and falling from the bed "sHIT-!"
You woke up immediately and the huge "BLAM", crawling and almost screaming if Kai was okay before you flushed and gripped on the sheets tighter.
Chisaki Kai was all in his glory back to normal... completely nude and groaning...
"I think I need another shower." He greated as he got at least on a sitting position before noticing the clothes were ripped and was nude right in front of you.
He blushed only for a bit as his wide eyes interlocked with yours before you covered them with a nervous laugh.
"Good you're back to normal Capo!" You were starting to get nervous before you gasped at feeling him top you, brushing your hands away from your eyes as you stared wide eyed up at him...
"... Since I am going to shower I wouldn't mind getting dirty a bit to show my gratitude towards you my dear." He growled seductively as you gulped, heat starting to show and grow in your deepest areas.
"L-Let me prepare myself mentally for this first." You manage to squeal as he rolled his eyes with a chuckle before starting his own plan.
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vynefiendfyre · 3 years
Ray • he probably wouldnt notice • I'm sorry • slap him • he'd be too busy with his duties to notice you wobbling around • he would notice your shaking but just think it was his imagination since hes pretty exhausted too • that is until you set his tea down and then disappear in front of his desk • he calls out your name a couple times before standing up from behind the Mountain of paperwork • "Y/N? Y/N?" He calls before going around his desk and finding you in a heap of skin and muscle • "oh shi-" he covers his mouth and rushes over to you • "wake up, come on..." he mumbles, trying to get to to wake up • when you dont, he drags you to his room and sets you on his bed • he assigns a lower ranked member to watch over you and make sure you dont get out of bed • will force you back even if he has to physically restrain you • he'd try to cook something for you because he's a worried boyfie • almost burns the building down • sets the oven on fire • he also makes luka panic • got banned from the kitchen by luka • got banned from touching hot things from sirius • he cant really take a day off so he just checks in on you periodically when he has a couple minutes • luka has to make him tea now • honestly wouldnt make you do crap for the next couple days • just worries about you a lot "No more kitchen." Sirius and Luka collectively agree on that. "Fine... No more kitchen." Ray pouts softly as he goes up the stairs. He knocks on the door to his room to make sure he doesnt startle you and closes the door behind him. He sits on the edge of your bed and sighs. "I tried to make some food for you but I messed it up and now I'm banned from the kitchen." You sit up and chuckle, shaking your head slightly. "You know you can't cook, silly." He blushes and scratches the back of his head. "I just worry that you arent eating enough sometimes and I wanted to do something nice for you." "You being here for me, although I could get up since it's already been two days, is enough for me. Thank you though." You open your arms for him and he slides in, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. Sirius • wouldnt notice either • too busy • slap him pt.2 • doesnt even notice you're shaking • just thinks its normal and goes on with his day • it isnt until he goes to take care of his horse and he finds you face down in the dirt mixed with horse poo • it stinks • he low key screams loud enough the whole building can hear it • luka, seth, and fenrir come running out • he picks you up like you're a moldy cloth and takes you inside • the rest are low key laughing at his face but are worried about you • he doesn't let your feet touch the ground the whole time • puts you in your bed after putting down a towel • you wake up and freak out then realise you're in your room • "wash yourself off" • "but I cant" • "why cant you" • "sirius I cant move my arms" • *throws washcloth* • "suffer alone." • but the moment you fall asleep hes cleaning you off • you stink and he cant handle it • would worry • are they okay • are they eating • forces you to eat if you havent • would keep you in bed for like 2 weeks • worried about you constantly • kinda snaps because hes so worried • yells a lot but doesnt know it • assigns someone like luka or seth to take care of you • trust issues to the max • he most likely assigns luka because they can cook together and sirius can bring up your meal while luka cooks and after they're done sirius can put the stuff away and luka can look after you • would tie you to the bed if you dont want to stay in it • did I mention hes worried "You still smell like horse poo." Sirius sighs as he sits on the side of your bed with your portion of dinner on a plate. "It's because you wont let me get up and take a shower without someone watching me." You grumble, taking the plate and utensils. "I just don't want to find you face down in the horse stable again." "Then let me take a shower." "Fine... But I'm going to be
standing guard in case something happens." You blush a bit at the thought and rub his hand. "Stop being such a worry wart." You smile at him before beginning to eat. "I'm not worried." He adverts his gaze and looks down at his hands. "I-I'm gunna let you eat in peace." He stands and leaves. "He's so worried." You mumble with a fond smile. Luka • he's the most • um • blunt I guess • so he would notice the dark circles under your eyes or how you wobble around while baking and just blatantly ask you • "are you okay?" • if you answer yes, he knows something's off and hes going to get answer from you one way or another • unfortunately hes too late and he finds you passed out in the kitchen after going to grab something from the pantry • he'd panic at first and think you're dead • he'd rush over to you and try to shake you awake but you wont budge • low key starts to cry • big sigh of relief when you finally wake up • he'd hold you close and not let you go • he's strong so good luck getting out of his hug for a while • the food goes cold and you're like "Luka the food's gunna get cold." • he's like "I don't care I thought I lost you." and then blush because he didn't realise he said what he said and you started to laugh • "I wasnt gone forever." • "I know..." • cue more blushing • he'd make some food and tea for you to munch on after • he'd be really clingy and Stone would definitely notice and squeak at him in a teasing way • would pin you down to the bed if you tried to leave the next day • insists that you need rest and wont let you go until hes satisfied • sneaks back hugs and kisses to make sure you're feeling well • presses his lips against your forehead to check your temperature • hes amazing Arms wrap around your waist as you mix the batter for Ray's muffins. "Hey, Luka." You say, concentrating on mixing. "You feeling okay?" He presses his lips against your temple, pulling back before resting his forehead against the crook of your neck. "Yeah, what's up?" "Just makin' sure you're okay." His voice comes out muffled as he presses some kisses against your shoulder. "Luka, I have to finish these." You try to shake him off but he just holds you tighter and whines. "Nooooo." He groans before you slither out of his arms, his blushing face left for the world to see. "I need to get these in the oven and make the tea. I promise I'll hug you when I'm done. You can make the tea if you want." "Fine." He mutters and gets the stuff for the tea. Fenrir • this man • slap him pt. 3 • not really • but pls slap him • he wouldnt notice and he'd just be like "huh what's up?" if you seemed really tired • he'd probably have to listen to the queues of Ray or Seth to even get a thought that you're exhausted • honestly I wouldnt blame him though, he has a lot of stuff on his plate as the Ace • hes probably just as overworked as you are but hes too charismatic to show it • he thought that you'd get through it because you're tough but freaks out when you pass out on the way to Ray with his tea • he decided it would be best to walk you from the kitchen to Ray's office after Ray pretty much ordered him to • he would've done it anyway • boyfriend material smh • when you came crashing to the ground the last thing he was worried about was the tea • he panicked inside and cursed himself for not letting you rest enough • he'd resituate you so that your back is leaning on the wall as he cleans up the mess of the tea • I love him • he'd bring the tea to Ray before rushing back to you • you had woken up and were lowkey scared about how you ended up in that situation • he'd hug you really tight to hide the tears forming • hides in the crook of your neck • drags you into bed and makes you lay down with him • he'd take the next day off and coax you back into bed and cuddle with you • good luck getting away from him • he has an iron clad grip on your hips so you arent moving anywhere • would probably put you on his chest and wrap his arms
around you because that's how he feels most comfortable • would take the next day off too just to make sure you're okay before going back to his duties • would keep a close eye on you from then on "Babe, I'm fine." You say as you climb the stairs to Ray's room for the first time since you passed out. "I just want to make sure you don't pass out again." Fenrir says in his usual go-lucky voice. "But babe, I got a full nights rest last night." "I don't care, I'm still worrying about you." He rubs the back of his head. "You know, my duties as your boyfriend and the ace is to keep you safe from harm. And I failed to make sure you were doing okay, so I won't slip up again." He looks at his feet as you both turn to Ray's office. "Look at me, Fenrir." He locks eyes with you and you lean up to give him a peck on the lips. "I'll be fine." You nudge open the door with your foot before stepping in. Seth • girl good luck being exhausted around him • he'd notice immediately • would not let you go • files for a couple days off to releive stress • makes you go out no matter how much you object to it • takes you to a bakery since he knows you love to bake • let's you buy what you want and then buys for himself • drags you to a dress store to get a new outfit for you • he notices how you begin to get sluggish and let's you sit down while he brings dresses to you • panics when he sees you slumped over when he comes back with a cute white dress • thinks the red army did something and drops the dress to rush over to you • shakes you a bit until he realises you passed out • "you silly girl/boy... you should've told me if you were this tired..." he mutters to himself • puts the dress back and hoists you on his back • he walks through most of the central quarter with you on his back before you wake up • you're really confused as to what's happening and why theres so many people • and you're tall?? when did you grow? • then you see the blue hair of seth and realise you passed out • "sorry if I scared you..." you mumble in his ear so he can hear you • he just looks back and smiles and it says it's fine • he gets you back to the black army base with a little retaliation from you to set him down • he just keeps a strong grip on your thighs and keeps you held up no matter how much you squirm • he sets you down on his bed and settles in before you can leave, practically tying you to the bed and not letting you leave • insists you need your beauty sleep even though you dont think so • will make you sleep one way or another • takes at least 3 days off to make sure you get rest • would give you back hugs and kiss your neck or shoulders more often just to check up on you • super teasing about it • slap him pt. 4 • golden retriever bf • 10/10 would reccomend "Aliiiiiceee..." Seth whines in a high pitched voice. "What is it?" You ask over your shoulder from folding laundry. He wraps his arms around you and rests his head on top of yours. "How are you feeling today? Have you eaten?" You think for a moment before you realise you haven't slept in a while and you haven't eaten today. "Uh... no..." "Your bags say you haven't slept in a while either." He drags you to his bed and throws himself on top of you, making sure not to crush you. "Seth... I was in the middle of doing something..." "I don't care. Now sleep." He puts his hand over your eyes and flips over so you're on top of him, resting on his chest. His heartbeat is soothing and strong, indicating that this isn't a dream or hallucination, this is reality and you have such a wonderful lover. His hands are still wrapped around you and prevent you from moving, so you decide to just lay there. You drift off to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat and slowed breathes.
A/N This is a request from @Chaosangel767
hope you like it!!
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unsettledink · 3 years
Gotcha Chapter 6!
(Trying something new and posting the full text here as well as AO3? It feels too long, but I’ve posted longer things here before, Idk.)
Read on AO3
Peter: sorry im on my way!
Peter: iswear im just running late
Peter: i will be there supr fast!!
Peter: sorry!
Quentin stares down at his phone and somehow, manages not to sigh. It’s a full ten minutes past when they were supposed to meet, and he doesn’t even want to be here in the first place.
Quentin: Don’t worry, it’s fine.
Peter: im sosorry
Peter: my alarm got set for tomorroow instead of today
Peter: i dont even know how
Peter: adn i just woke up and i dont even sleep this late like ever
Peter: but i willl bet there soon i promise
Peter: sorry!
Quentin: Really, it’s fine! There’s no hurry.
Quentin: We’re not exactly on a schedule or anything.
Peter: its so rude tho
Peter: for once it wast me losingt rack of time!!
Peter: im still sorry!
Quentin had given himself a little extra time this morning, just to remind himself of all the many, many reasons he is doing this, in this particular way. Had spent that time summoning up every bit of patience he could find to get through this day, because he had a feeling he was going to need it.
It feels like he’s already used half of it.
And of course he won’t be able to comment on Peter’s lateness, not even as a joke.
Peter: im like hafway there already illl just have to chagne and then ill be there!
Peter: seriously i am so sorry
Normally he’d be all for hearing Peter apologize, but it keeps happening every other word, Quentin will lose his mind.
He’s already losing his mind.
Well, he’s not going to just stand here until Peter does show up. He glances around for somewhere to sit; there’s a coffee shop just across the street. Perfect. He’s going to need that.
Quentin: Hey, don’t rush!
Quentin: I’ll just grab a coffee okay?
Quentin: I’ll be over at Kaldi’s, it’s just across the street. Can’t miss it.
Quentin: You want anything?
Peter: you dont haveto!
There’s no stopping the sigh this time. God.
Quentin: Not what I asked, kiddo.
Peter: um
Peter: suure?
Peter: someting with carmel i dont care mych
Peter: ill be there realy soon tho!!
Quentin: Then we can just sit for a bit.
Quentin: You’ll probably need it if you just woke up.
It’s a little funny how… drastically downgraded Peter’s texting is when he’s apparently still half asleep. Or maybe it’s just that he’s in a hurry. Or—
Quentin nearly stops in the middle of the sidewalk. He— surely, Peter isn’t—
Quentin: Are you texting AND webswinging?
Peter: …maybe?
No wonder he goes through phones so fast.
Quentin: You’re going to drop your phone
Peter: hey! imst icky! i wont drop it!
Quentin: Then you’re going to fall from being distracted
Quentin: And I won’t feel sorry for you.
Peter: :(
Quentin: I’ll laugh
Peter: :( :( :(
Quentin: You brought this on yourself.
He spends the time until Peter gets there reviewing Lynn’s newest plans for the miniaturized drones; they actually aren’t too bad.
Of course, they’ve probably had them sitting, waiting, for months, what with how they’ve harped on and on about how this should be a priority.
It won’t do to let them get too full of themselves, so along with the praise he sends back plenty of potential revisions. Even brings up some entirely new bits for them to consider; should keep them busy for a bit.
“Hi!” Peter says, flinging himself down across from Quentin. He’s flushed and still out of breath, his hair sticking up. “I’m here! I’m so sorry!”
Quentin allows himself a slightly amused smile. “Hi,” he says. Pushes Peter’s drink—some sort of ridiculously sweet caramel flavored thing that’s barely coffee at all—across the table to him. “Sit. Drink. Relax a bit, okay?”
“Yeah,” Peter says, running a hand through his hair and only making things worse. “Yeah, okay. I’m sorry, though. I’m just… it’s really embarrassing to be that late when this was my idea in the first place and—”
“Peter,” Quentin says, cutting him off. “Breathe! It’s fine, I promise.”
For once, Peter listens, and takes a deep breath, holding it in for a moment. Lets it out and relaxes the smallest bit, and grabs his drink. “Oh,” he says. “This is good! Thanks; you were right about me needing it.”
Quentin watches while he unwinds; Peter’s latest idea regarding ‘things they could do together’ was to show Quentin around Queens, so today they’re wandering. Quentin’s thrilled.
It could be worse. Peter had been all set up to take him to the most popular, well known, touristy spots, and Quentin had barely been able to hide his dread at the thought. It’d taken a little work, but he’d manage to convince Peter that Quentin would much rather see Peter’s favorite places. Even if they were nothing fancy or exciting, or little hole in the wall type places, or silly.
Even if they bored Quentin to tears.
Not that he can let Peter see even a hint of that. There’s a special kind of… vulnerability in sharing the smallest things you like, something different than exposing the larger, more damaged pieces of yourself. Something oddly hopeful about showing someone the unexplainable, intimate things you like and waiting for them to enjoy those things as well. Or at the very least, not reject them, in a way that suggests they’re rejecting your tastes as well.
Not rejecting you.
He’s started to prove to Peter he can handle the bigger things, the superhero stuff and the feelings nearly suffocating Peter; time to show that he can be trusted with the little things too. That Peter can come to Quentin with anything at all. Anything. Everything.
“So,” Quentin says. “What’s first?”
He was right; it is pretty boring. Not… awful, surprisingly, but not Quentin’s sort of thing at all. Peter’s apparently decided to try and cover as many miles as he can in one day, dragging Quentin from one end of Queens to the other. And then back; Quentin’s going to take tomorrow off for sure. Peter just has so much energy.
Has so much enthusiasm, Quentin thinks, as they poke through a small used record store that isn’t nearly as hipster as he expected from Astoria. So, so much enthusiasm, for the smallest things. It just bursts out of him once he gets comfortable and isn’t second guessing every single word he says.
Once Quentin has seemed interested in the first few things Peter shows him. Peter’s nervous about it, trying to explain away any shortcomings before Quentin’s even gotten in the door. He’s just desperate for approval, for acceptance. For Quentin to like him.
It’s not that hard to, actually.
It’s never been that Quentin dislikes Peter. Sure, Peter’s causing him grief and can be incredibly annoying, and sure, about half of what he feels for Peter is pity, but those can exist alongside the fact that Quentin kind of likes Peter.
Has liked him, ever since he started compiling research on him, ever since he’d met Peter as Mysterio and shook his hand and watched him get so excited over the existence of multiverse. It’s harder not to like Peter, not even a bit. He’s ridiculously smart, and stupidly good-natured, and—
He throws himself into everything he does; goes full out, with his heart on his sleeve. It’s no wonder he gets anxious as hell, if his first impulse is to practically flaunt all his soft spots, open and eager and expecting the best. It’s going to go poorly more often than not.
Must have, judging by the way Peter pulls himself in and hides, overrides that instinctual reaction so quickly it’s just a flash, a glimpse Quentin keeps catching again and again. He’s been taught to second guess himself somewhere along the way, by someone—probably a lot of someones—who saw those tender spots and couldn’t help poking them, taking advantage of them.
Just like Quentin’s doing; Peter should be better about spotting that sort of thing by now.
It’s almost a shame to fix Peter just to tear him apart completely, to have to use him like this, but… well. In the end, Peter’s nothing but another obstacle scattered in Quentin’s path. There are far more important things to worry about than the fate of one kid.
Peter grins at him when Quentin admits that this dinky little secondhand bookstore in Jamaica was worth a stop, even if it’s just for the most comfortable couch Quentin has ever sat on. Smiles when he points out a mural he loves on the way to the next attraction and admits he’d actually webbed up someone who started to tag it.
Straight up laughs at Quentin’s face when Peter shows him the most supremely creepy things in some huge thrift store, full of weird antiques and vintage crap. God, it’s disturbing that the things Quentin had as a kid, even as a teen, are considered vintage now.
“Jesus, Peter,” Quentin says after he has to look at a one hundred percent haunted taxidermied squirrel. “Why would you make me see that? I’m going to have nightmares.”
“For that exact face,” Peter says. “Oh my god, you look like you think it’s going to bite you!”
“It might,” and it’s unfair that Peter just laughs harder. He glares at Peter, but it might be slightly put on.
He’s allowed to like Peter a little, Quentin decides, watching Peter nearly double over with giggles. It’ll make having to deal with him easier, if nothing else, and it’s not as though liking someone has ever stopped him from using them—even disposing of them—in the past. It sure won’t this time.
They wander some more, Peter chattering on and easily filling the silence as long as Quentin remembers to make the appropriate listening noises occasionally. Every now and then, Peter hesitates, a nervous stumble in his words, something throwing him off, and Quentin reengages fully. He can’t afford to let Peter get too caught up in his thoughts.
But a few questions—carefully designed to make Quentin seem far more interested than he is—are enough to get Peter going again, bouncing from place to place until Quentin suggests they could use something to eat.
“Oh my god, yes,” Peter says. “I’m starving and didn’t even realize it. Ooo, last time we were down here, Ned and I found this awesome truck that does crazy good Korean barbeque, you’d love it.”
“No,” Quentin says without thinking, the sweet tart burnt smell so strong he can nearly taste it, can feel it stinging when he draws in a breath.
He twitches, shrugging it off, and tries to walk back how sharp that had come out. “Uh, I’m not big on sweet sauces and meat?” he says. “Got another recommendation?”
Peter drags him to a place that has the weirdest chimichanga combinations—and normal ones too, thankfully—and once again, attempts to pay.
“You know,” Quentin says as he pokes Peter out of the way, immensely irritated that Peter is still pushing him on this. “I didn’t realize your memory was this bad.”
“Hey!” Peter says. “It’s not! What are you talking about?” like that doesn’t prove Quentin’s point exactly.
“I seem to remember a bet I won,” he says, “relating to this exact situation.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest, and then closes it. “Um,” he says.
“Yeah,” Quentin says,raising his eyebrows.
“Okay,” Peter says, “okay, you can’t blame me for trying!”
“Hmmm,” Quentin says, passing over one of the foam trays. “You’re forgiven. This time. Just don’t do it again.” It’s always a good idea to get Peter into the habit of following Quentin’s rules, of remembering not to challenge Quentin too much.
Of remembering that Quentin will forgive him anything, easily.
“Fine,” Peter says through a mouthful, so mature.
They eat on the way to the next stop on Peter’s little tour; Quentin had been hoping they were approaching the end, but when Peter looks at him and asks, so hesitantly, if Quentin is tired and wants to call it a day—
Well he can’t say no.
Quentin finds himself dragged on to little half hidden shops, with any signage and down stairs that Quentin has to ask how Peter could have found in the first place. To statues Peter likes, to places he feeds pigeons—why he’d want to, Quentin doesn’t know—places with great views of the Hudson.
And, over and over, once Quentin catches on and starts pushing it, places to eat. Because Peter’s metabolism is a thing of wonder.
It’s interesting watching Peter banter back and forth with an older man about his sandwich; Quentin had gotten the impression Peter was uneasy around strangers, all his awkwardness amping up. But the way Peter’s interacted with people today is much more relaxed, much easier. Peter has a sharp sense of humor that Quentin has only started to see, as Peter gets comfortable around him.
Why do all these strangers get it right off the bat?
He watches Peter dart over to help get a stroller over a curb and— they’re not strangers. Not really. It’s not just that everywhere they’ve gone is somewhere Peter has been again and again, to the point where he knows people.
This is Peter’s home ground. His comfort zone, and the people in it— they’re his people. And when he’s helping them, his nerves disappear. His awkwardness becomes a tool of its own, disarming, downplaying the threat Peter could so easily be.
This is what he wants to be when he’s Spider-Man; the guy on the street, helping in a hundred tiny ways.
That’s fine with Quentin. Perfectly fine; now how does he get Peter to stay there, with EDITH looming over his head?
He can practically hear that in William’s voice, ugh. He’s working on it.
They wind up in Kissena late in the afternoon, almost early evening, really. Peter steps off the path once they get into one of the more wooded areas, and there’s a grassy spot past a few bushes, with a truly massive tree near the center, smaller ones scattered around it. It’s well hidden.
“Alright,” Quentin says, as he has with every other place, “what's the story behind this? How’d you find it?”
“So, when I got bit, when everything changed?” Peter settles down at the base of the tree, cross legged. “One of the things that was like, a huge pain, was how all of my senses got crazy amplified. Everything was turned up to eleven, you know?”
Quentin sits across from Peter, stretching his legs out as he leans back. Ugh, grass; he’d better not end up with bug bites. “Okay,” he says. “Sounds like that was pretty overwhelming.”
Peter groans. “You have no idea! It was really hard for a while, because even once I started to get used to everything being too loud and too bright and too smelly and— things tasted weird and my clothes made me feel like my skin was crawling and it was—” He stops, tipping his head back against the tree and looking upward.
“It was a lot,” he says. “Eventually I sorta started being able to deal with all that sort of… feeling stuff? I mean, physical, sensory, not like feeling feelings.”
Coherent; Quentin does not roll eyes through sheer force of will.
“But I was still really struggling with the, um,” Peter frowns, tips his head back further until Quentin can’t really see his face. “The stuff in my head. Actually doing things, thinking about things or even focusing on one thing was all so hard. It was like…”
“It was like what?” Quentin asks, after a few moments have passed.
“Everything was a distraction,” Peter says, slowly. “That’s still not right, because normally, before, I’d get distracted thinking about something else I wanted to do, or I’d be daydreaming, or, um, just, good stuff? Stuff that I’d want to focus on, just not right that second.”
“This wasn’t like this.” Peter looks down and starts to fiddle with a bit of grass, pulling up blades one by one. “This was like so much noise inside my head, like every little detail about every single thing was right there, grabbing my attention. I’d be trying to do one thing and all that would be clamoring at me nonstop.”
He closes his eyes, scrunching his whole face up. “People talk about wanting super sense a lot,” he says, “but it sucked so much at first.”
“People generally don’t think through those kinds of wishes very much,” Quentin says. Honestly, for the most part people don’t think at all.
“I’m pretty much okay now,” Peter says. “I figured out how to filter things most of the time; when there’s a bunch of stuff at once I can get so caught up in trying to ignore it that I ignore everything, and then that’s it’s own problem.”
“I noticed,” Quentin says, dryly. “Makes you pretty jumpy.”
Peter huffs, almost a laugh. “Yeah,” he says, brushing the ripped up grass off his pants. “I’m still working on getting the kinds of focus right?”
Quentin leans further back on his hands, crossing his legs. “You said something about focusing on me that one time,” he says, and Peter goes faintly pink. “That the sort of thing you’re talking about?”
“Something like that,” Peter says. “If I have one thing I can focus on, almost completely, then I can make it into… uh, white noise, I guess? Or it makes everything else into white noise. If that makes any sense at all.”
Not one bit, but whatever. He can press that later. “Sure,” Quentin says, waving his hand. “I’m following.”
It’s actually something to consider— if Peter manages to function better in difficult situations by focusing on one specific thing, what happens when that thing is taken away? Is ripped away from him, in fact. Would there be a moment of disorientation they could take advantage of? Maybe they could set Peter up to focus on what they want; he’s already using Quentin as a focal point, apparently.
He’ll have to watch Peter, Quentin thinks. This fumbling little explanation leaves a lot to be desired, but he doesn’t have much faith Peter actually could explain it better even if he tried.
“That helps,” Peter’s saying, “but it’s still really exhausting after a while. Sometimes I want to just… stop. Just not feel it at all, not have to try not to feel it.”
He glances at Quentin, and Quentin nods. Peter looks oddly shy, so he’d better pay close attention to what he’s showing.
“I’ve found a couple of places like this, but this is probably my favorite,” Peter tells him. “I can come here and actually relax. If I stop trying to block things out, or stop focusing on one thing, it doesn’t matter.” He tips his head back again, looking up at the tree.
“It's quiet here, pretty much all the time,” Peter says; the light through the leaves is diffuse, dappled on his face. “Even the noises that I get are like, soft things. Leaves and wind and things walking on grass. People talking, yeah, but that’s more distant and almost like background noise. It’s still shadowy in here when it’s super bright out, and there aren’t any super gross strong smells either. Just dirt and water and uh, green stuff.”
He darts a glance down at Quentin without moving his head. “Don’t laugh at me!” he says, and it’s right on the edge of plaintive. “I don’t know what else to call it.”
“I’m not,” Quentin says. He understands; it’s not something a city kid would be around that often, would probably even notice without senses like Peter’s. “I wouldn’t. I know what you mean, Peter.”
“Okay,” Peter says. Looks back away from Quentin and then closes his eyes. “It’s nice. And when I have to go back to the real world, it’s not quite as hard to handle.”
Quentin watches him. Watches as he slowly, slowly unwinds. Peter doesn’t move, aside from his head tipping slightly to the side, and Quentin—
He’d thought, earlier, that it was interesting how much Peter loosened up around people he felt comfortable with, places he felt safe. He’d thought it was a large degree of relaxation—and it was—but it was nothing compared to this.
Nothing compared to the way the tension drains from him with each passing second, from every single bit of his body, until he looks calmer than Quentin has ever seen.
If this is how he looks when truly relaxed, the level of stress Peter must carry with him every day, everywhere he goes—from the physical tension to the mental, the anxiety, the constant background level of effort that other people don’t have to think about—must be ridiculously high.
He doesn’t want to say anything, do anything, that would break the stillness that seems to have spread over the entire glade. Poor kid. He might be doing a great job at being a pain in Quentin’s ass, but he isn’t cut out for this superhero shit.
Everything Quentin sees just convinced him further that taking EDITH from Peter really is doing him a favor. He’d never intended for that to be true, but— it’s not a terrible byproduct.
Peter sighs eventually, a barely there breath of a thing, opening his eyes halfway. He looks dazed, almost half asleep.
At least, until he notices that Quentin is watching him, and then he flushes. Looks down, the moment dissipating. “Anyway,” Peter says. “It’s— it’s a nice place for me,” like he’s admitting something embarrassing.
“I can tell,” Quentin says, offering him a small smile. “You deal with a lot every day, don’t you.” He shifts against his tree, trying to get more comfortable without Peter noticing and getting all fussy about it.
“I guess,” Peter says.
He picks up a leaf, twirling it through his fingers absently. “It’s getting really frustrating,” he adds. “Because it’s been almost two years, right? So I should have a better handle on this! I shouldn’t still be getting tripped up by such little things. And—” he makes a face, shoulders starting to hunch again.
“So I have this… this sense? Uh, I call it a spidey sense— I know, it’s kind of stupid. It sort of warns me about things? Like someone poking me, or shouting that something bad is about to happen.”
“Mmm, you mentioned that once,” Quentin says. “Sort of like a limited precog?” Honestly, he’d dismissed it— not fully, it wouldn’t do to completely dismiss anything about Peter. But it hadn’t seemed like it did much for Peter in Europe.
And it hadn’t picked up anything about Quentin, so how good could it really be?
“Oh, huh,” Peter says. “I hadn’t really thought of it like that? Maybe, but it’s not very exact. Sometimes it’s super obvious, but others it takes me a while to figure out what’s wrong. And lately, especially, it’s been— it’s gone kinda nuts? I don’t feel like I can trust it anymore.”
“Like, like right now?” he adds. “Right now it’s just going off like something really big and bad is happening, but come on!” He throws his hands up, exaggerated. “We’re just sitting here talking! Nothing, literally nothing bad is happening. It’s freaking out for no reason.”
Maybe he really shouldn’t have dismissed it, Quentin thinks, trying to stay as relaxed as he was a moment ago. Maybe he really fucking shouldn’t have, because some part of Peter knows that Quentin’s not good news. Knows that Quentin is something dangerous, is a threat.
And apparently knows it very, very insistently. Oh, fuck, this is the last thing he needs. Why now? Why is Peter’s sense losing its shit now and not at any time in Europe? What has he done differently to set it off?
God, what if it had been going off then too? Could that be why Peter had backed off at the last second in the bar, EDITH almost in Quentin’s hand? Has Peter been feeling this the entire time?
It’s a good thing he doesn’t seem to be listening to it, but that could stop at any second. At any time, Peter could decide that maybe his stupid ‘spider sense’ isn’t wrong, and that would be— that would be bad. That would be so bad.
Quentin has got to figure out how to make sure Peter keeps dismissing what it’s telling him.
“It’s so annoying,” Peter’s saying. “I wish it would stop, would just shut up already. It’s like this constant thing lately, sort of fading in and out but almost always there, but not a single thing has happened!”
Oh, that’s really, really not great. Almost always? In and out? How long will it take before Peter starts to realize it’s linked to Quentin?
No. No, he can fix this. He can nip this in the bud, before Peter has even a hint of suspicion. Peter’s already trying to ignore it, already annoyed by it. Quentin can use that.
“Maybe it’s just confused?” Quentin brings one knee up and rests his elbow on it, letting his arm dangle oh so casually. “After all,” he adds, “I’m hardly a bad thing, am I?”
Peter smiles, all that irritation gone in a second. “No!” he says. “Of course not! You’re like, the least bad thing that’s happened in a while.”
Quentin grins back at him. Yeah, keep thinking that, kid. “Well that’s a relief!” he says. “How finely tuned is this thing anyway? Could something have… I don’t know, damaged it? Hmm, screwed up its baseline, maybe? How do you even recalibrate it?”
“I have no clue,” Peter says. “I mean, it’s not like I can’t really test it or fix it or whatever. It’s practically useless now.”
Perfect; he wants Peter distrusting this sense. Wants him not thinking about it at all, avoiding the topic entirely— ah.
If he can get Peter thinking his damaged sense has something to do with the fights he’s been in, these bigger battles, that would be ideal. Peter’s already trying hard not to think about those; tie this sense to them as well, and he’ll just have even more reason to avoid both
“Could something have overloaded it?” Quentin asks. “Just completely swamped it, and it hasn’t recovered yet? If it got used to there being danger nonstop, on all sides, maybe it can’t stand down.”
“…maybe?” Peter says. “But I don’t know what would have caused that, or even when. It doesn’t make a lot of sense.”
Really, Quentin thinks, really? Peter can’t think of anything that would fit? Why wouldn’t he think of that? “Nothing?” he says, quietly.
Peter frowns. Takes a moment, and when he opens his mouth, Quentin is almost sure he’s made the connection; but Peter hesitates. Shrugs. “Not anything that’s like, major or a big deal or anything,” he says.
Does Peter— has he really managed to convince himself that all the fighting he’s done is nothing? Or at least, been trying to, because that hesitation says a lot.
He should have expected this, with the way Peter’s consistently downplayed himself so far. He really should have, but somehow it still annoys him. No wonder Peter isn’t willing to admit how scared and screwed up he is, if he thinks he’s completely overreacting to ‘no big deal’.
“Well,” Quentin says, and he’s watching Peter carefully. He doesn’t know quite how this will hit. “You were at war, on a battlefield. More than once, even. That can really mess you up in all kinds of ways.” Remember, Peter, he thinks. Remember that you were hurt, that there’s a good reason to be scared. To run.
“I— that—” Peter stares at him. “I wasn’t in a war,” he says. Dammit. Looks like downgrading it in his head is exactly what Peter’s been doing, and that is exactly the opposite of what Quentin wants.
“No? What would you call it?” Quentin asks, raising an eyebrow. He pushes himself more upright, uncrossing his legs. “It sounded a lot like war to me.”
Peter shakes his head, fingers crushing the leaf he’s been playing with. “It was just a fight,” he says, strained. “That’s all!”
A fight. Just a fight, like it was nothing more than a little spat, was nothing at all. Has someone been telling him this, reinforcing it? Fury, maybe, or even Tony before that?
He knows Fury wants Peter to think he can handle things, but has he also been trying to convince him that what he’s been through so far was small enough Peter should have been able to handle it? Should be able to handle the aftereffects? That he shouldn’t be upset about it, that he’s overreacting?
That’s not good; Quentin doesn’t need Peter doubting he can handle things. He needs Peter to be certain he can’t, and more, that it’s perfectly normal. Acceptable. Not something horribly selfish at all.
“Peter,” he says, “it wasn’t just a fight.”
“It was! It was just one— it wasn’t a war!”
“It wasn’t— Peter,” Quentin says, and sighs. “It was a lot more than that. You’ve been dragged from fight to fight to fight the past couple of years, without anyone helping you after; from what I hear, you really could have used some after that thing upstate.”
He huffs, too sharp to be a real laugh. “And that’s just what I know of,” he adds. “I’m not stupid enough to assume that’s everything.”
Peter sucks in a sharp breath, his hands fisted on his thighs. Blinks, and then looks at Quentin intently, his brow furrowed. “How do you even know about that? About— about other fights?”
“I spent some time talking with Fury,” Quentin says. “He wasn’t big on details, but I got enough that I can fill them in on my own. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t even know every fight you’ve been in, though I’m sure he’d like me to think so.”
He’d been talking with Janice, more like. God, she’d been such a find; seething about having had Tony himself be an ass to her, more than once, but willing to stay where she was to pass things on. She’d had access to so much confidential information, and every time SI and SHIELD decided to bury another thing, shift the blame and throw money at it until it all went away—for them, at least—she’d gotten a little more resentful.
It’s true that they might not have the finer details—it drives him nuts how sparse the info about whatever it was that crashed SI’s plane into the beach is—but he has enough to know that Peter’s been involved time and time again.
“Oh,” Peter says, looking down, losing some of his ire. “You probably didn’t hear much good, I bet. But— it doesn’t matter if it was more than one fight, cause they were all different. All like, spread out and about other stuff. It’s still not war.”
“What do you think war is, then?” Quentin asks, actually curious.
“I don’t, uh. War is… more?” Peter stumbles along, and he’s being incredibly stubborn about this. “More than that, than any of those. Worse. Way worse. You don’t— you weren’t there, you don’t know what it was really like. It wasn’t like that.”
“I think,” Quentin says dryly, “I have a pretty good idea of what war is.”
Peter looks absolutely horrified. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he says. “God, I didn’t mean— I’m sorry, I didn’t think— I just, just meant that you were in a war. In a real, horrible, endless one and this…” He shudders. “These were just fights. It’s not the same, it’s not anywhere near as bad.”
“I’m so sorry,” Peter says. Looks at Quentin and then drops his head into his hands, knees coming up as he curls in on himself. “Fuck, I’m so sorry Quentin, I didn’t mean…”
This is really not what he was going for. Shit, he shouldn’t have said it like that; Peter’s too sensitive for him to be even a little sharp.
Quentin sighs, very softly, though he’s sure Peter still catches it. Pushes himself up onto his feet and walks over to Peter, who doesn’t even look up. “I know you didn’t mean it like that,” Quentin says. “It’s okay, Peter.”
Peter just shakes his head a little; Quentin thinks of sighing again but—somehow—manages to restrain himself. He sits down next to Peter, his back against the tree.
“War doesn’t have to go for a long time to be real,” he says, not looking at Peter. “It doesn’t have to drag on and on for it to still be awful, for it to still affect you,” and Jesus, he’s had to hear shit along those lines so many times. Had to sit there and listen to people be told over and over that what happened to them is worth being fucked up over.
Even if it isn’t. There’s a lot of reasons he never opened his mouth at those meetings, and his disgust at everyone else was the biggest. What a waste of time.
Well. Maybe not. It did give him the material to work Peter over.
“It doesn’t have to be some huge, dramatic battle to qualify,” Quentin says. “It still counts. Pretending it doesn’t doesn’t get it out of your head.” Come on, he thinks, let it be bad, be a nightmare. Admit that there’s a good reason, a real reason, for you to be scared, and then you can back down without shame. Come on, Peter.
“It doesn’t feel like it should count,” Peter says, a bit muffled, head still in his hands. “It wasn’t— lots of people have dealt with so much worse. Something like this, it’s not— it’s not an excuse for, for…”
He doesn’t finish that thought, but Quentin doesn’t need him to. An excuse, hmm? He turns his head toward Peter, just a bit. “Why don’t you want to call it a war?”
Peter lifts his head, arms sliding down to cross across his chest. “Why does it matter to you what I call it?” he asks, and there’s a hint of sharpness in there. Maybe even anger. “Why do you even care if I admit— if I think it’s a war?”
Nice little slip there; isn’t that interesting. Peter does know it was more than a few little fights. He knows, he’s just trying as hard as he can to pretend otherwise. Trying to redirect, as usual, turning the question back on Quentin. Why does it matter, Peter wants to know, and there are so many answers Quentin could give.
It matters because you need to see yourself as badly damaged. Because you need to acknowledge that this is something huge and overwhelming and frightening. Because I need you to start accepting what I say as right, start accepting me as an authority. I need you to not question me.
So many reasons, and he can’t tell Peter any of them. Ugh.
He turns further toward Peter. “Because I think you’re doing yourself a disservice,” Quentin says, tightly, irritation rising up in him. “When you sit there and insist that it’s nothing more than a little fight, when you play it off like it’s nothing— you’re devaluing what you did, and that’s wrong.”
“Don’t act like what you went through, what you did, doesn’t count,” Quentin says, and Peter’s looking over at him, startled. “That it wasn’t brave as hell, and terrifying as hell too.”
Peter stares, his eyes very wide. “I— it’s not like I did more than anyone else there. Than, than anyone else would have.”
“It sounds like you did more than enough,” Quentin says. “And— it doesn’t matter, Peter. It still messes you up. War fucks everyone up. Maybe it didn’t go on long enough for it to really warp your thinking, your morals or empathy or capacity to even feel, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t damage you.”
Peter jerks, sitting up straighter. “I’m not damaged!”
For fuck’s sake.
Quentin has to dig deep for a bit more patience. “Sure you are. Hey, Peter— wait,” he says, watching as Peter shuts down all over again, hurt. “That’s not bad, kid. It’s not an insult. It’s just… you gotta admit that before you can get better.”
Or not, if Quentin gets his way; admitting it might lead to Peter actually getting over his fear and stepping up. But with Quentin around, guiding him along? Peter’s never going to take that admission as anything other than a personal failure.
As just another reason he can’t, and someone else should.
“I don’t know,” Peter mutters. “It doesn’t feel like it should count.”
Quentin watches him for a minute. Leans in, his shoulder bumping against Peter’s. “You’d agree that I’ve been in war, right?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“And that I’m able to judge what is and isn’t war. Right?”
Peter can be smart, sometimes. He sees where this is going. Sighs. “Yeah,” he says.
“Will you—” Quentin pauses, waits until Peter is looking at him. “Can you trust me here, and believe that I mean it when I say what you went through was war?”
Peter blinks, his eyes dropping. He’s silent, and Quentin can feel the muscles of his arm moving as Peter fiddles with something out of sight. “I’ll think about it,” Peter says, which is not quite the response Quentin was hoping for. Still, it’s not another denial. Baby steps.
“I’ll— maybe,” Peter says. “I guess you would know, even if you weren’t there.”
“You should listen to me,” Quentin agrees, leaning a little harder against Peter. “I do know!”
You should listen to me, and only me, he thinks. We’ll get you there, kid.
Peter huffs softly, pushing back against Quentin’s shoulder. “Maybe,” but he’s smiling faintly.
Quentin smiles back; he can accept a maybe, for now.
He’ll get a yes soon enough.
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littlebigafterdark · 4 years
patton's asthma attack and finally agreeing to try therapy
content warnings: hurt/comfort, detailed description of asthma attack, very brief mention of past eating disorder, crying (i always hav that tho)
i copy pasted this from mine and livs discord convo so thats why it might be formatted weird and i swear a lot also if you see "hhh yeah" then thats liv commenting hshshsh
patton has had a cough the past few days because BASICALY since priscilla (remys cat) visited hes been more breathless with his asthma but he didnt tell anyone bc he doesnt want to worry them or make it so vee never get to see priscilla again if she cant visit anymore
so his asthma is acting up but he ignores it - and hes had asthma cough for a couple days (which is a sign of an incoming asthma attack) but again hes ignoring it, hes so used to brushing off symptoms he doesnt click what it means and he diesn ttake his inhaler when he needs it
WAAAHH oh fuck oh my god oh god wait fuck i just realised
the moment patton gets his asthma attack its saturday afternoon, roman is little and playing with logan and vee isnt quite little yet but fae's on faer way there, fae is very giggly and playful and patton says "okay babygirl, lets go get you changed!"
and when he gets up from the couch he takes a moment to cough and just stand still a sec bc he got suddenly dizzy but he pushed through it to not worry vee, and he actually usually lifts her onto his hip straight away, but this time he very subtly is like "okay hold daddys hand while we walk to the stairs"
so they get to the stairs and patton of course lifts vee up, and theyre only a few steps up when pattons breathing gets really heavy. it makes vee frown and look at him and say "daddy am i heavy?"
and patton smiles and shakes his head, because hes too breathless to speak. but he pushes through and hurries up as fast as possible
once theyre at the top of the stairs, patton is wheezing. his chest is rattling and whistling and he suddenly loses his smile and quickly hurries away from the stairs to place vee gently on the hallway floor, and as soon as vee is safe patton wobbily sinks to his knees and leans his head against the wall. his eyes shut tight trying so so hard to breath but its realy whistly now
and vee of course panics. "dady? papa are you okay??" and whimpers when patton doesnt react and clutches at his chest
and it throws her out of her semi regression. she jumps up and hurries downstairs, a little wobbily but ultimately fine. and she speints to where logan and riman are and yells "daddys h havin a panic attack!" and instantly starts crying
logan and roman were in the middle of a game and smiling and laughing but as SOON as they hear that they jump into action. logan runs out of the room to go to patton and roman grows up and runs to vee and lifts her up to shush her cries and calm her down - they dont even share a single look before they do this, they both just instinctively know what to do
and logan of course finds patton and realises its an asthma attack not a panic attack - he goes into his emergency like emotionless mode where he just gets the job done. he asks clearly where patton keeps his inhaler and patton just shakes his head. so logan alarmed asks "you dont have a reliever inhaler??" and patton winces and shakes his head again.
logan sprints to his room into his bedside drawer to find tthe inhaler he keeps for emergencies double checking it hasnt expired
he sits with his legs around patton, patton leaned back agains his torso, and puffs pattons inhaler for him and times the attack and the puffs (knowing that if it isnt better after ten puffs and fifteen minutes they have to call an ambulance) and using his own deep breaths against pats back to help him recalibrate his breathing
luckily it only lasts 8 and a half minutes and 8 puffs - but logan is so so shaken about the fact that that was very close to requiring medical assistance, he had his ohone out ready to dial 911
once pattons attack is over he's finally breathing, short and deep at first gasping in the oxygen, but within a few more minutes of sitting against logan it slows down and is much calmer. hes very shaky because the reliever inhaler does that to you, and weak from the tax on his body, so logan helps him up into their nearest bedroom (pattons)
at first he calls roman to swap places with him and watch over patton hust so logan can change vee into a diaper since she regressed from fear as soon as roman picked her up and obv he cant change her diaper
so roman sits with patton while logan does that and roman is actually really quiet and awkward and nervous, just looking wide eyed at patton and hugging himself.
and patton feels bad abt that and whispers "its okay little prince, daddys not hurt. im sorry for scaring you, honey" and roman just chews his lip and nods and looks down and they dont talk again until logan is back and roman goes out to take care of vee and logan comes in to lie with patton and rub his chest soothingly
logan is distressed and frustrated and shaken at that point but he knows not to have their conversation until the next day bc patton will be emotionally and physically exhausted
but the next day they have a serious talk - logans pretty ANGRY that patton was so ignorant of his wellbeing that he didnt refill his inhaler, patton brushes it off but logan says its a good thing he secretly kept one for patton (bc he almost suspected this might happen)
it rly hits patton when logan tells him if he had needed anymore puffs than he took they wouldve had to phone an ambulance - like patton not wanting to worry his family by admitting his asthma was acting up backfired way more and has made them worry even more because he had a full attack that could have gone so much worse
the whole conversation is VERY stern and serious even at the start when patton smiles and chuckles and jokes and brushes it off logan just gets frustrated and upset. logan is SO angry literally he is glaring at patton when patton brushes it off and makes jokes abt it and he snaps.
logan actually very seriously tells patton this is self harm and patton goes WHAT nonono no its not i dont know why youre getting so worked up
and logan fucking SNAPS like "Youre not giving your body what it needs to survive because you dont think your worth that!! you're neglecting your basic needs to the point of needing urgent medical care, doesnt that sound familiar??? doesnt that sound like something we've both been through before???" clearly referencing his eating disorder
and pattons eyes go wide and he profusely apologises hes like im so sorry oh my gosh logan honey im sorry did i trigger you im sorry and logans just like STOP APOLOGISING this isnt about me its about you!
and he sso angry bc he thought they trusted each other but the fact that patton didnt tell him when he literally couldnt breathe is so scary to logan
but that is basically an argument bc logan was so fucking worried and devastated that patton has ignored his health to such an extent and vee gets nervous bc both her and roman can hear them yelling and she thinks the cgs will breakup bc they "had a fight"
but once theyre finished talking and vee shakily asks if theyre not gonna be a family anymore they'll of course comfort faer and talk abt it, its not a fight its a disagreement and mummys and daddys have those sometimes. theyre still a family and they still love each other very very much. they all soend their family day together as usual, though patton isnt as able to get up and play with roman understandably
also the fact this all comes around the same week patton and logan tell vee that janus wants to babysit, thats why patton has been absent from the blog recently i guess bc hes been keeping busy trying to work through his feelings of janus wanting to come in
hhh yeah... the way it lines up to patton's other insecurities abt janus coming into the family and it all just piles on too much all at once
so on monday morning logan goes with patton to get more inhalers and they actually stay out for while like they go to a forest or smth just to be alone and help patton recenter a little - he's always loved being in nature, it really brings him a lot of peace, being in nature is really the best way to keep patton grounded from his dissociation, thats why hes always gardening
and logan doesnt want to be angry at him and he knows patton needs support and comfort atm even is patton doesnt think he does so they have a calm day just being together and logan trying to remind patton that hes there for him
HHH stop bc they YEAH bc they kinda had a fight even though it did get 'resolved' but they needed to take time to reconnect their energies and like show each other (and specifically logan show patton) that their love is still secure and their friendship is still strong - just the quiet care of logan taking patton somewhere they can just be alone without responsibilities
secretly patton was rlly upset that logan got angry with him but he didnt show it but logan KNOWS him and he knows he needs to fix it with queality time (pats love lang) because pattons been alone a lot recently, its just been that he keeps busy and accidentaly distanced himself bc the others would all be busy and hanging out in some way and he fet a bit abandoned but yeah logan is dedicating the whole day to him
and patton does end up talking abt his inner turmoil a little but not until theyre like in the middle of the forest and hes a lot calmer and theres no one around, he just feels so much calmer and safer in nature to open up like that.
and this is when patton tells logan about his worries about janus becoming closer to vee, and how its lovely for them but what if it hurts vee, what if they dont get along, what if they DO get along and vee wants to move back with janus. Logan doesnt say anything to the worries, he knows patton just needs to blurt them out while he can, while it mixes with the sounds of nature.
then patton mentions quietly that dr picani phoned him a couple weeks ago and told him that he would like to offer patton a trial session of therapy - not with vee, just patton. logan very calmly asks if that sounds like sometnging that might be helpful for patton and patton just giggles nervously "um i dont know. Vee has therapy"
logan frowns. "yes she does. but that doesnt mean you cant have it too, if you would like it"
patton goes quiet and looks anxious, scratching at the moss on the log theyve sat down on. so logan takes his hand and looks very earnestly at him and says gently "i would like you to at least accept the trial session. It is your decision but... i think it might be worth a try"
patton nods a little, just looking at their intertwined fingers. and after a long silence where they can just hear the birds tweeting and the wind rustling the leaves and small animals scurrying along the grass, patton finally looks up at logan and breathes "i'll go to therapy"
and when patton says that out loud suddenly his eyes well up and he sees logan smile at him - a little sad and a lot proud - and feels his hand squeeze and the tears just dont stop coming and he hides his eyes but laughs nervously like haha dont know why im crying this is so silly! but logan doesnt say anything to it, he just pulls patton into his side and rests his head on pattons head...
and patton keeps trying to laugh and joke but its so choked and sad and nervous and wet and logan wraps his other arm around patton too and just grntly whispers "pumpkin, its okay if youre not happy right now."
and patton just starts sobbing into logans shoulder and logan holds him so tight as they sit on the log
patton cant cope with silence when its about him yknow, he couldnt handle logan not laughing or tutting at his jokes so he just kept joking until logan insisted its ok to be sad
so once they get home logan sits with pstton while he phones dr picani and books his first solo therapy session for friday morning
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joongzone-blog · 5 years
ateez reaction to you playing a viagra prank on them (m)
anon: omg love your writing. can i please request an ateez reaction to you playing a viagra prank on them and if you could please make it a little long. i just think that’ll be hilarious.
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he’d be in the hotel room next door to yours, sharing a room with yunho when he starts to feel it getting hard
he doesn’t know why it’s getting hard, he wasn’t thinking of anything besides wanting to go to sleep but it jolts him awake
luckily yunho left the room to go join san and wooyoung
u, on the other hand, are wondering if it had set in yet so u look it up and when u realise it should kick in by now
u facetime him just to mock him
he immediately picks up
u put on a smirk and ur suddenly more annoying than usual according to hongjoong
“hi joong. how’s it going?”
he tried to hide it but u know whats going on...he just...doesn’t know it was u
“nothing much” he says “just y’know...making beats on my laptop...haha!”
“oh? that must be hard to do huh?”
“not really, it comes naturally to me now. why are u still awake?”
“it’s just...so...hard...to fall asleep and it’s so frustrating...my temper just...keeps growing...because of it...”
“stop that...why are u talking like that u weirdo” 
ur laugh suddenly can’t be contained and u just burst out in cackles, throwing the phone on the bed 
“ya! why are u laughing at me!”
once u managed to get urself together u grabbed ur phone and told him the prank u pulled on him while u and the members went out to eat earlier
his face fumes!!!
“ya! was this u?” he angrily scoffs “why would u pick me as ur victim?!”
“ur easily deceived joong. plus i saw it at the pharmacy counter yesterday and thought it’d be funny”
“im gonna beat ur ass when i see u tomorrow”
“come to my room we’ll figure out what to do with it”
“it would get flaccid seeing u, no thanks”
and u start bickering back and forth for a good three mins before joong groans into his pillow
“ya! i hate u so much!!!”
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omg this baby would be so shy about it
u gave it to him it in replace of headache relief pill...but he doesn’t know that bc seonghwa doesn’t check
he’ll be on a vlive with yeosang later on when it starts getting hard
ur watching their vlive from the other room and ur just waiting...for something to happen...
when it gets hard all of a sudden his face contorts
and he’d look down but then immediately look up bcos he’s realising on live broadcasting
yeosang b like “what? what’s wrong?”
and seonghwa would be so speechless he’d look back and forth from yeosang to the camera 
nobody can see it bc of the filter but he is blushing like crazy
“hyung, stop fooling around, what’s wrong?”
and u watch as seonghwa whispers something into his ear, u in ur room quietly laughing to urself but also thinking of how to apologise to seonghwa bc u know he doesn’t handle pranks like these well
yeosang then does the same as seonghwa and looks back and forth from him and the camera
yeosang be like “ok everyone we have to go! it’s getting late goodnight!”
but the time is only 8pm and u just laugh as u turn ur phone off
from ur room u can hear them panicking about what to do, and seonghwa yelling and yeosang yelling back
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big baby would also be so shy!!!
this prank would be urs and wooyoung’s idea
u would be accompanying him and the members on the set of an mv filming
u would be watching yunho and wooyoung being goofy behind the scenes in front of the cameras
and then yunho’s face suddenly changes...like in the gif...god
and wooyoung is smirking and being touchy feely with him bc he knows whats up
“yunho, is everything ok? ur not feeling sick are u?” he teases
“get y/n...i need her...like now...wooyoung please...”
wooyoung laughs at him as he goes over to u and tell u that ur boyfriend wants u
“baby what’s wrong?” u say, acting like u dont know whats wrong
he looks around, his face blushing bright red, to make sure nobody is looking at him
“yunho...tell me what’s wrong”
“babe i-i have a...b-boner...”
u cant help but laugh and he quickly covers up ur mouth while backing u up into somewhere secluded
“shhh!!! please!!!”
“how’d u manage that huh? what were u thinking of huh?”
“literally nothing! idk why i just got it...god it hurts...what do i do?”
u put ur hand between his thighs knowing u two are alone and u squeeze one of his thighs lightly
“we could help it a bit? there’s an unused room down the hall-”
but before u can even finish it yunho grabs ur arm and dashes through the hall with u
“please, i just want it gone, i cant be having a boner on an mv, i’d get clowned by atiny”
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i think he’d either be the most calm about it or be the complete opposite and freak out 
but let’s stick to the most calm since that’s more his personality
u would pull the same prank on him like u did with seonghwa, making him think it was a headache relief pill
he’ll be in the middle of dancing with the members when all of a sudden...
he’d be like: and i...OOP!
he’d try to get through a few minutes dancing with it bc he thinks he’s gotten a random hard-on and thinks if he focuses on something else then it will go away
but not with viagra
when he realises its not going down he’d excuse himself to the toilets 
he’ll sit in a cubicle and wait for someone in there to leave before taking off the lower half clothes and touching himself
he wants it to go away because he has no time to be embarrassed
he just wants it to go away and he’s panicking because he’s been touching himself for god knows how long and he cant feel himself getting close
so he texts you as a last resort
yeosang: babe
you: yes?
yeosang: i really need a big favor from you
you: hm...depends what it is...
yeosang: baby can you touch yourself and let me hear you?
you: oh? you’re horny?
yeosang: i wasn’t but i just got this hard-on and i went to touch myself but nothing...
yeosang: i know it’s late but i panicked, im sorry...oh god, you really don’t need to, it’s okay don’t worry
YOU are calling...
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cute baby boy would so laugh the fact that you and yunho had plotted to pull this prank off so san wouldn’t sleep tonight
he’d just laugh at himself as he watches it get harder and harder in the shower
“oh my god! what is this!”
cackles and cackles, his cute laughs everywhere
yunho is sitting in their shared room on his phone and all he can hear is san yelling and cackling at himself in the shower
he knows what’s up
��yunho! i got a boner!”
yunho laughs so hard at how easy it is for san to just tell him these things
“pretty sure a little birdie and i slipped something in your americano this morning to get back at u for the shampoo prank but that’s none of my business!”
san laughs so hard he nearly slips but thankfully he’s okay
he’s just . looking down at himself . laughing
he isn;t surprised that yunho pulled this off but you? his own girlfriend? would betray him like this?
he peeks out from the shower curtain and grabs his phone thats sitting closeby and he starts to call you
when u pick up u are welcomed to the sound of san’s high pitched screaming
“ya! i can’t believe how much of a snake you are! do you know what you did to me? cause im staring at it right now and it hurts! it’s funny but what if this never comes down in the morning! how am i supposed to sleep on my stomach when this...thing...wants to sleep with me! ya! you’re dead tomorrow!”
san doesn’t talk about anything else for the rest of the night except for ways to get rid of his hard-on while yunho is fast asleep
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omg another big baby that would both be shy and be dramatic about it
u pranked him earlier and now u and mingi are baking something together for yeosang’s birthday that’s coming soon
he’s whirring mixture when it starts to get hard and he immediately shuts the machine off
he takes a big deep breath because he’s not sure just how on earth he has managed to get a boner in the middle of baking
he tries to push it down but that!!! hurts!!!
he shrieks and u ask him whats wrong
he ushers you away, telling u nothing is wrong
but u have a faint idea that maybe it’s the little viagra pill u slipped into his drink earlier
mingi can’t take it no more bc it gets harder and harder the more he tries to ignore it
he’s quiet, silently inching behind you before you feel it pressing against your back
hm, you think
“babe. i’m not sure what’s going on but it’s stressing me out.”
“but we’re baking”
“i know but if i keep going the others are bound to see it and i, for sure, know they’re going to clown me”
“the cupcakes are gonna burn baby, you’ll just have to wait”
but he’s a big baby and he just whines over and over, whimpering as it gets even harder and warms his stomach
it makes you laugh so hard but you enjoy toying with mingi 
you love seeing him be so helpless and under your control
“baby can’t we just pause the oven and resume it when we’re done?”
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i see him having the same reaction as san but more exaggerated except because of the situation, he’s more collected about it:
u thought it was funny to drop one in his coke while u were eating out with the members
on the drive home the members are all fast asleep in the van except for you and wooyoung
you because you were reading a really cool book and wooyoung...well because he’s been trying to hide his hard-on since it started getting hard
you’ve been noticing how often he’s been changing positions with his legs and it started to irk you a little now because you just want him to tell you that he’s hard without getting shy
“babe, if you’re going to keep hiding your hard-on from me you might aswell just sit with the driver so i can’t see”
“how...how did you know?”
you laugh to yourself putting your hand between his thighs and rubbing it 
wooyoung is hot and absolutely not collected but he stays quiet because he’s with his members and they’re all asleep
you unbutton his jeans and wooyoung gets even more hotter bc ur hand presses against his throbbing hard-on
you rub it, just to see his reaction and the way he closes his eyes pleases you
but then he opens them quickly, realising where he is
you laugh at him and punch him jokingly, “relax, i’m not going to jack you off while the others are here”
and wooyoung groans but he knows ur right and besides, it’s much more fun when u two are alone
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omg what a sweet boy!
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heanv · 5 years
End To Start | haechan
genre: romance,angst
warnings:cursing,mentions of drugs
word count:1,6k
requested by: @ki-aechan
song: End To Start by Nct 127
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Who knows  that a single person can change you and your future to the point you really actually change and find yourself again?
/ I know there is no point if it stops even in the dark/
There is this boy Haechan you  always had a crush on.You never  told  him of course and the reason  is obvious – he was lee heachan, the boy every single girl wants and dreams about and you were nothing more than another girl in an ocean of highschoolers.
But Haechan had his dark side and little did you know.He was addicted .He smoked every single day and it was getting worse as the time passed, he couldn’t think about anything else, there was just too much going on. The scandals  in his family, the pressure of being famous at school ,the grades and the fact that haechan had nobody. Sure he had his “friends” at school but most of them just wanted to hang out with him just because he was famous. His real friends live in another town far away from him and he always thought about leaving the hellhole he lived in and go and be free and happy with the people he really loves.
But for now he couldnt do it. He cannot let his friends to see him like this. Smooking joint every single night and wasting his money on weed, he just couldn’t. And the worst is that he had nobody to talk to.not a single soul.
/gotta end it tonight/
One night you are invited to a party of a classmate and haechan is  there. of course he is there. The whole night you observed him and you see the emptiness in his eyes and how  he pretended to have fun . suddenly he looks at you and you freeze . the whole eye contact  sends you hot waves and you feel his gaze burning you inside out. he looks away and not long after he leaves,looking at you one last time before he shuts the door.
You dont know why but you felt this as a sign to follow him. You tell your friends that you have to go and when you are outside the house you take a deep breath and you start looking around for haechan.
‘stalker much,huh?” you turn and see him smoking next to his car.
“you smoke?” then you smell something disgusting and realize this is not a regular cigarette “oh my god” you take the thing out of his hand and throw it on the ground,stepping over it.
“ YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS EXPENSIVE- YOUR HEALTH” you pause for a second “ you cant just smoke weed on the street”
‘’I don’t see something stopping me besides that who are you to tell me what to do” you stay silent ‘’see it yourself, I don’t even know you”
“ you cant just smoke it heachan , this is destroying you and your body” you whisper
“ have I asked you to take care of me,hmm I don’t remember , so don’t  mess with me” he says as he lits up another cigarette and enters his car, driving away from you.
In the next few weeks you barely see heachan  at school. He looks so different , so dark and silent ,no one has ever seen him like this,he was cold to everyone and he was empty as if the whole world has gone bad and dark and you just couldn’t handle looking at him being a mess, you had to do something.So you did.
One day after school you go to your secret place on the last floor in the school,there is an old art classroom where nobody goes and this is the place when you often go when you want to be alone.When you are about to enter the room you hear that somebody is talking on the phone inside.
“-yeah im okay, im doing really fine,no I stopped playing soccer , I don’t know man, I just don’t feel it anymore,no I don’t workout too”he pauses for a moment” what I ate last,umm you know man I don’t remember but im fine like really fine but I miss you guys I miss you a lot,all of you I promise soon I will visit you,okay bye man,love you” you know who this is,there is no way you couldn’t recognize this voice.but he lied,he isn’t fine , he is a mess and somebody has to help him.
“so you still stalking me or what?’ you see heachan on the door he just opened.
“ I am not stalking you,this is my secret place I come every time I am s-“
“ no way this is my secret place,the only place in the fucking school where I can be alone”” he says and you feel the sadness in his voice.
Eventually he lets you inside and you both sit in silence as he lits up a cigarette.
“since when you started smoking?”
“since when you care?”
ouch,you didn’t expect  that.
“ I asked first “ you said,hopping he will finally answer.
“ I asked second” he looks at you smirking and you sigh in disappointment.’’  A year and a half”
You look at him “huh?”
“its been a year and a half since I started smoking,that’s what I said” he sends you a dark look but that’s what you wanted to hear.
“good you answered” now its your time to smirk “ Now,why do you smoke?”
“you think im gonna answer?”
“ yes you are”
“someone’s confident,huh?”
Lie,big fat lie, if you gotta be honest right now you are shaking,talking to him like this but you had to.’
“look I am depressed, 9 years ago when me and my parents moved in here, I left all my friends in my old town and its been 9 years since I last saw them,I miss them like crazy and right now im stuck in this town,this hellhole I have nobody here and my parents wont stop shouting at each other and im just done with everyone and everything,I just don’t fucking care anymore” he pauses to smoke “ you happy now, go and tell everyone so they can laugh at me,what are you waiting for?”
You just stand there,frozen so this is all he hides behind his smile and cool personality. this is what makes him smoke in the late hours in the night.this is what makes him go crazy. this is it.
“Im sor-“
“don’t , do not say it” he looked at you with his sad,red eyes. Now they arent’t empty, they are full of hidden emotions .
Since this day you and heachan became friends. He still smoked but at least he felt a bit better but you found yourself  falling more and more for him and the more time you spent with him the more you had to hide your emotions.
One night around 11pm you are ready to fall asleep when you hear a knock at your window , you stand up and see haechan sitting on the tree next to your window.
/ a voice that will reach you wherever you are/
“what the hell are you doing here?” you say,opening your window to let him inside.
“ my parents are shouting the fuck out at each other again and I didn’t want to listen again and the only place I could go is here”
“im happy you came” you say as you both sit on your bed
“me too” he says almost like a whisper but loud enough for you to hear it . he looks up to you with his beautiful eyes.” You know since we started talking  Ive been smoking less,I just don’t feel the need to smoke when I can talk to you about,hm, about everything to be honest”
You coudnt believe your eyes, he really just told you this.
‘’im so happy to hear this haechan,im really so happy for you”
“none of this would have happened if you didn’t stalked me so its your fault , I guess” he says placing his usual smirk on his face
“ I didn’t stalk you,oh my god haechan!” you say both of you laughing.
/dance on the surface to draw and draw and dance all night/
He looks at you with his smile fading and his face becoming serious.” y/n I think I like you” he says all of a sudden. You look at him with wide eyes not believing what you just heard “I know, I know it sounds crazy but anybody has never showed that they care so much about me and the fact that ive been clean for a week shows me that I don’t need weed to get high and forget all my problems for hour or two, the only thing I really need is you and I know it still sounds crazy but I realy really like you you,y/n, I really do.”
/ a scene that openes in front of you when night ends,yes I see/
You were on the verge of crying.” I like you too heachan, Ive always liked you” he looks with eyes full of hope no longer empty and kisses you. A kiss that was way long awaited from both of you and finally happened. When you parted your lips he whispered. “I will quit smoking, I promise” then he pauses “I will do anything to have you,y/n and im not joking’” then he kisses you again.
/ gotta end it tonight to start again,ready for a new flight/
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caws5749 · 5 years
This took SO LONG thanks @natthisback
1: Name Madison
2: Age 21
3: 3 fears spiders, not becoming a doctor, becoming like my parents
4: 3 things i love marvel movies, my blanket (whoops), and scrunchies
5: 4 turn ons compliment me, be chivalrous, (idk if this means sex turn on too or not but) moaning my n- ANYWHO uh and the last one definitely like showing you want me
6: 4 turn offs someone who only talks about themselves, being like wishy washy, being arrogant/cocky, complaining about the same things
7: my best friend that would be shea @cloversofshea
8: sexual orientation lesbian
9: my best first date okay SO this like isn’t a first date but it was my first like nicer dinner date so I’m gonna count it. It was just this past weekend actually and i just i loved it so much it was amazing
10: how tall am i 5’2
11: what do i miss honestly, feeling like i was good at things
12: what time were i born 11:14am
13: favorite color purple, although it’s slowly been turning to like a baby light pink
14: do i have a crush yes yes i do and i likes her a lot
15: favorite quote “Truth is a matter of circumstance. It’s not all things to all people all the time. And neither am I.”
16: favorite place Chicago or New York City
17: favorite food SALMON
18: do i use sarcasm yes, but i feel like i don’t use it as much as i used to
19: what am i listening to right now Christmas pop playlist on Spotify
20: first thing i notice in new person whether they only talk about themselves
21: shoe size 8 or 8.5
22: eye color blue
23: hair color right now, it’s a brown that goes to blond at my ends
24: favorite style of clothing so if this means like fav style to wear daily, definitely athleisure. If it means in general, i love love love preppy looks? But not super preppy.
25: ever done a prank call? Absolutely, many times
27: meaning behind my url i explain this in my about me page (linked in bio!)
28: favorite movie captain America winter soldier
29: favorite song i don’t really have favorite songs but rn it’s prob December night by Michael buble
30: favorite band i don’t really have fav bands
31: how i feel right now it’s really hot in here, so warm. I feel okay
32: someone i love i love lots of people but ill stick with @cloversofshea
33: my current relationship status I’ve answered this so many times literally just look at the ask game tag
34: my relationship with my parents um yikes
35: favorite holiday Halloween
36: tattoos and piercing i have i have 6 tattoos! “Breathe” on my right inner ankle, a heart on left shoulder, heart w equal sign in it behind right ear, basically an ecg on my left inner ankle, Aquarius symbol on right bicep, and caws 5749 on my left side. And my ears are pierced.
37: tattoos and piercing i want definitely the black widow symbol in the same place Scarlett got her og6 tattoo, an amino acid tattoo that spells out “wah” , definitely more little tattoos! And maybe more ear piercings idk
38: the reason i joined tumblr so, I’ve had a tumblr for many many years. I originally joined bc my best friends at the time had them, and i was like sure! Ive deleted that personal blog since, and started my new personal blog a few years ago. I also have a studyblr that i started i think back in high school, and i just started this blog back in the end of July!
39: do i and my last ex hate each other no, I’d say far from it bc i likes her a lot
40: do i ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts yes from her and i fucking love it, it used to be a bigger thing almost every day and i loved it
41: have i ever kissed the last person i texted lmao no and for those who were wondering it is @cloversofshea
42: when did i last hold hands LMAO WITH @michelinaamour WHEN I WAS STUMBLING HOME DRUNK IN HIGH HEELS
43: how long does it take me to get ready in the morning it depends, anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half
44: have you shaved your legs in the past three days no! I am super lucky and have really light colored hairs on my legs and so i dont’ have to shave very often. Also i just want to say that i personally love shaving my legs and it is my choice to do so.. girls, you do not need to shave!!
45: where am i right now so i started answering this in the research lab, but i am currently sitting at one of the dining places on campus finishing it
46: if i were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me LMAO DEFINITELY @michelinaamour because she’s done it ALREADY FOR ME MULTIPLE TIMES
47: do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level it depends, in car trips, definitely blast it. But just driving around or listening in doors, definitely reasonable level
48: do i live with my mom and dad nope i live with @michelinaamour
49: am i excited for anything yes, I’m excited for lots of things. I get excited easily
50: do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to no. I used to
51: how often do i wear a fake smile this is a really interesting question. I don’t consider smiles i give to random people like ordering food or something to be fake, so i would say fake smiles are when I’m not okay and trying to hide it. Which happens less often now bc I’m just much happier of a person
52: when was the last time i hugged someone I think it was @michelinaamour two days ago but i think i hugged @cloversofshea that day too so
53: what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me I’d be heartbroken tbh
54: is there anyone i trust even though i should not yes, certain adults in my life
55: what is something i disliked about today my hair won’t do what i want it to :(
56: if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be probably Chris Evans or Scarlett Johansson
57: what do i think about the most tumblr and everything with that, or probably her or school stuff definitely
58: what’s my strangest talent i don’t think i have any lol
59: do i have any strange phobias yes definitely haha, I’m terrified of stepping on worms
60: do i prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it i think a few years ago i would have said behind, but honestly I think I’d love to be in front of the camera now
61: what was the last lie i told i actually don’t know. Maybe this past weekend as to like the fact that i was going out on a date instead of just going out with a friend
62: do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online I’d say talking on the phone bc then they cant’ see me lmao
63: do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes
64: do i believe in magic? Yes, or at least, that’s what i tell myself
65: do i believe in luck yes
66: what’s the weather like right now snowy!
67: what was the last book I’ve ever read The Butchering Art, it’s about the history of surgery
68: do i like the smell of gasoline omg yes yes yes yes yes yes
69: do i have any nicknames yes, madz, madi, girl who lives by the kitchen, queen (a new one) and clown (also a new one) thanks @natthisback
70: what was the worst injury I’ve ever had back in freshman year of college, i did something stupid and my foot swelled up like hell and hurt so bad. There were no fractures detected but the swelling stayed for a really long time, as well as the bruising and pain, and it never returned to normal
71: do i spent my money or save it SPEND IT BABY
72: can i touch my nose w my tongue no I’m not that talented
73: is there anything pink in 10 ft from me. Hmm part of my backpack? And my rings are pinkish bc they are rose gold. Oh and my scrunchie is pink, as well as my iPad
74: favorite animal cat
75: what was i doing last night at 12am i was still at work In the emergency room!
76: what do i think satan’s last name is uh honestly Jim lmao (it’s demons Jim! @cloversofshea )
77: what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it so good by dove Cameron
78: how can you win my heart suggest we watch a marvel movie, and I’m prob straight up in love. There are other things too but they’re pretty general, like compliment me, show you want me ya know
79: what would i want to be written on my tombstone haha, as a joke, “so realy its very thing. Just to keep everyone guessing.” But idk something funny
80: what is my favorite word i have no idea, maybe like sophisticated or something like that or aesthetic , champagne is a good one too
81: my top 5 blogs on tumblr ooh! Okay so @markiplier @lesbian-deadpool @americasass-romanoff @lesbianmariahilll @shining-rey-of-sunshine but i love so so so so so many more, and i have a lot of top blogs
82: if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say fuck trump also I’m gay as hell and I’m growing tired of hiding it from people
83: do i have any relatives in jail not that i know of
84: i accidentally eat some radioactive vegatables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super power of my choice! What is that power lmao this question is great. Prob same powers as Wanda
85: what would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on any weird fetis- JUST KIDDING. Do you still think about them?
86: what is my current desktop picture so on my laptop, it’s fall flowers. But since that’s broken af, i use my iPad and that background is one of the apple ones. It’s just a beach idk why but I’ve never changed it
88: bought condoms nope i am gay as hell bye
89: gotten pregnant nope i am gay as hell bye
90: failed a class nope, definitely come close though
91: kissed a boy yes
92: kissed a girl yes
93: have i ever kissed somebody in th rain honestly, probably at some point, but I’ve never had one of those romantic kisses in the rain. I really really want to though and i think about it a lot
94: had job yeah, I’ve had three true jobs
95: left the house without my wallet probably
96: bullied someone on the internet no bc I’m not a fucking douche
97: had sex in public not yet
98: played on a sports team yeah, played softball and basketball in middle school
99: smoked weed yeah, but i didn’t get high
100: did drugs nope
101: smoked cigarettes nope, i think i asked drunk once if i could smoke, but my friend was like “really?” And i was like uhhhhhh just kidding haha
102: drank alcohol lmao i drink fucking all the time i mean. I literally have drunk writing nights , I’m drinking tonight too
103: am i a vegetarian/vegan i was a vegetarian for a while, and then an aspiring vegan, and then vegetarian, and then pescatarian now!
104: been overweight no
105: been underweight yes
106: been to a wedding yeah, but like not for a long time. I was like 4 and the flower girl. Oh WAIT. Does playing a wedding count? I played cello at a wedding so i was there???
107: been on the computer for 5 hours straight hell yeah, how would i function not doing this with class and relaxing
108: watched tv for 5 hours straight lmao definitely
109: been outside my home country yeah
110: gotten my heart broken yeah
111: been to a professional sports game yeah. I don’t really do sports though , so when i go it’s usually in suites and I’m just there for the food
112: broken a bone nope!
113: cut myself this is...a. Really deep question but bc i want to be able to speak about mental health on here, the answer is yes.
114: been to prom yes! I went to my junior and senior proms!
115: been in airplane too many times
116: fly by helicopter no, I’m not sure if i want to do this or not
117: what concerts have i been to I’ve been to lots. So first off, I’ve been to hundreds of classical concerts (and performed in them). As for pop, Bruno mars twice, maroon five like three times. Selena Gomez. Josh groban. American authors. Definitely others that i don’t remember
118: had a crush on someone of the same sex yes I’m fucking gay
119: learned another language so if this means fluent, no. I took a decent amount of French and am learning Russian right now!
120: wore make up absolutely. When i choose to wear makeup, its because i fuckign love makeup haha. Most days I’m lazy though and like to let my skin breathe and be natural
121: lost my virginity before I was 18 no
122: had oral sex yeah
123: dyed my hair many times
124: voted in a presidential election okay i think so but honestly can’t remember. But I’m pretty sure i did.
125: rode in an ambulance no and i never want to.
126: had a surgery no and i never want to haha. Well i cant say that. Depending on how my life plays out, I might freeze my eggs or something.
127: met someone famous yes, several I think, but probably Henry winkler was the one I remember most.
128: stalked someone on a social network yeah
129: peed outside nope don’t think so and definitely don’t want to
130: been fishing yes I have been ice fishing and regular fishing
131: helped w charity i have!
132: been rejected by a crush I’ve been not liked back but i don’t think I’ve ever made like a move on a crush and been rejected
133: broken a mirror ooh i don’t think i have actually
134: what do i want for birthday nothing bc i dont’ like my bday
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paragonrobits · 5 years
instead of reading Meat all in one go like i did with Candy, I’m gonna do a liveblog of it; writing my reactions down as I go, covering a few pages, and posting the results later!
here is the first one, in which John makes a decision, Karkat and Dave discuss politics, and Jane’s business skills are called into question. Also, Obama fanfic is canon to this iteration of timelines, it would seem.
Well, Candy was an absolute trip-scape and a half so how horrific can Meat be? A lot, probably.
That last scene with Roxy and Calliope, oh no oh NOOOOO this is tragic and super sad, and he just makes an awkward mess of himself?? Roxy was hoping he wouldnt go? And he just makes it SO AWKWARD. HE TRIES TO HUG THEM GOODBYE BUT THEY’RE ALREADY TURNED AWAY. HE MADE THE CHESS PEOPLE EMBARRASSED. This poor, unfortunate goober.
Leaving letters to his friends, OH DEAR.
Karkat likes the Jake butt, i did not see that coming. Then again, the Harley butt is undoubtedly the most hypnotic. Science facts, people.
Rap battle and robot wrestling sounds pretty fuckawesome honestly
I have to ask; what exactly is WITH the epilogue’s treatment of Jane as Condesce 2.0? With her being a troll-hating fascist that Karkat and Dave are super suspicious of? Like, I can see it as being something she accidentally stumbles into as part of her Super Captalist vibes, but… it’s just being presented as a Jane thing from the get-go and she has never shown ANY signs of this at all. Granted, Jane has had the least interactions with trolls, but she has no real NEGATIVE interactions with them apart from Sober Gamzee, but that had nothing to do with him being a troll, just all Caliborn-ish. This whole ‘Jane is a xenophobic fascist’ thing just is coming out of nowhere and I don’t like that.
“Jane is a xenophobe” “a lot of humans are!” okay karkat, honestly that’s fair. I mean have you seen most of our sci fi? Most of it is either about humanity being ultra superior or aliens being evil, or both. 40k alone is gonna be a strike against us, i can tell you that
“People don’t love me!” dont you break my heart, karkat, DONT YOU DO IT!!! DONT, JUST DONT; in all honesty, i love that we ARE getting more of karkat getting back to leader basics, though i totally missed that apparently he thoguht it was about commanding fear and respect? Considering he named his team Adorabloodthirsty, getting FEAR from people isn’t exactly something i associate with crab boi
Homestuck has brought us the phrase “freestyle obama fanfiction”, i am not suprised
“That didn’t involve the american political landscape turning into a nightmarish daily joke” AHAHAHAHA oh man, dave, oh man. Oh man. OH MAN. you missed out on some SHIT LET ME FUCKIN TELL YOU
I am still convinced that Dave and Karkat, and the rest, genuinely have no idea that the Mayor, for all his sweetness, is honestly kind of an acerbic asshole when he DOES communicate. Maybe that’s why they love him so much though
I gotta ask, though. How the hell DID humans get into a dominant position in the government?? Trolls live longer than them, they have immense physical and psionic power, and they have to outnumber the humans pretty significantly. I mean, there ARE more human gods than trolls so that might give humans something of a cultural authority, but by that logic the carapacians should be more dominant since THEY (or at least, the Mayor and company) founded the society in the first place. And what the hell is this stuff about hummans being more naturally ambitious? I mean they might come off that way because they’re being contrasted against consorts and carapacians, who are engineered to be generally group-thinkers, but c’mon
Psst, hey. Did you remember that ALTERNIA IS NOT THE DEFAULT STATE OF TROLLKIND. ALTERNIA IS IN NO WAY A NATURAL SOCIETY. IT IS THE RESULT OF AN ALL POWERFUL MANIPULATOR WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES TO ENGINEER A SOCIETY, AT EVERY LEVEL, TO BE RUTHLESS AND BRUTAL. BEFORUS IS THE NATURAL STATE OF TROLLS; it wasn’t PERFECT but if you go by how they wound up without interference, trolls should be winding up as a culture of coddling and easy-going caretakers. In-universe they sohuld GODDAMN KNOW THAT, COME ON
Okay, this confirms something for me, though; this is a post scarcity society. They dont NEED TO SPEND MONEY ON ANYTHING. THERE IS LITERALLY NO REASON FOR WEALTH OR MONEY TO EXIST IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER. So why even bother with the pretense? What is the POINT of people having jobs if all resources and products can be produced on the spot??? Like your wealth is meaningless, Dave, and honestly you have to know that and you’re keeping it going because its part of your aesthetic to fuck around and amuse yourself with the knowledge that its pointless to care about valueless money but, STILL. SERIOUSLY. It does illustrate his point that Jane doesn’t realy know what she’s doing when it comes to business, though
(im not saying that Terezi needs to be here and just leaving Vriska to her own devices and hanging out with Dave and Karkat and helping them build a better world and making bizarre comebacks but… she does, someone do an AU of ‘President Karkat and Terezi is his terrifyingly charismatic vice president’ please
...okay but WHY is the world seeming to follow the American political system. I mean, why though
I dont know why but it really makes me happy that the Dirk Decapitatio Meme is actually canon. I mean, not like in the Candy route. That was fucked up beyond all recognition.
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hotdadlicense · 6 years
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ahh for my dearest zhenya @fapfapfashion lover! heres that bfu post i said id make for you like monnnnnths ago i PROMISE i never forgot! just :(:( life. but anyway this was FUN i love youuuu! disclaimer: im not rly in the fandom this is all stuff i see through like just some friends reblogging stuff every now and again and whenever i go to the tag to find stuff sometimes but ANWAY I HOPE its semi coherent <3<3<3 love YOU.
OKAY I FEEL LIKE i said YEH ILL MAKE YOU A MASTERPOST FUCK YEAH but now im like hmmm making a buzzfeed unsolved masterpost is.......not that much cos its like? all there on their youtube channels like its not like music or stuff where theres yknow albums! singles! unreleased songs! special live performances! music videos! documentaries! band info! like its all over on buzzfeed multiplayer youtube and buzzfeed unsolved network youtube but whatever i can ramble about dumb shit and link some stuff so ayeee.
heres the links to the actual videos:
+ season one // two // three // four // five
+ supernatural: postmortem
season one // two // three // four
+ true crime: postmortem
all eps in order (including postmortem)
personal favs
a vid that bab @chantillystars linked me and i watch it every time im feelin not fresh so i can smile
someone elses better done video round up master post! op ur incredible
now under the cut cos i realy did ramble :(
okay so THE HOSTS!
RYAN BERGARA (insta//twitter)
the fucking creator and inventer of bfu its his baby and im so proud of him and how far its come <3
when the season finale of the latest supernatural premiered it trended at number 1 over the fucking new lion king trailer and he got emo on twitter and insta about it and i cried a lil bit
fucking loves sports basketball or whatever themeparks popcorn and paddington bear
not scared enough of ghosts to not sleep in a haunted house but is scared enough that he absolutely will scream the whole entire time that he is in said haunted house
first ghost encounter was on the queen mary when he was a teenager. the ghost knocked his toothpaste of the shelf and he freaked. and now he has shat his pants at every bump in the night since. icon!
works his ass for to produce mass amounts of content for us like its fucking insane? all up there are like 9 seasons of bfu plus post-mortems and its only been going since 2014?? plus everything else hes got happening??
rly sweet and funny but like in a frat boi kinda way but like. a frat boi you could trust?
SHANE MADEJ (insta//twitter)
wasnt actually the original cohost!
(BRENT was the orignal host but had to beg out a couple episodes in cos he was juggling too many commitments so which fair!)
ryan and shane were desk partners and longtime buzzfeed pals that ? if i remember correctly? interned together back when they first started?
ryan turned to shane one day and was like ‘yo, wanna cohost this show with me?’ and shane was like 'sure.’ and honestly trying to picture it now without shane?? okay ryan and shane just bounce off each other so well theyre like a dream team. god bless them being desk buddies and work pals.
shanes a freak
does not believe in ghosts spirits orbs and all things that go bump in the night like he seems to genuinely want to but like. science and his big ass brain wont let him.
very smart! can rly work a patterned floral shirt! or plaid! kinda gives a dad vibe in glasses but then he talks and its like okay please never supervise a child!
v into history! so much so that he has his own lil show on buzzfeed aka:
stars him along with ryan and sara (his beautiful and smart and talented gf who also works at buzzfeed <3) with some other ever changing cohosts
hes also responsible for The Hot Dog Saga aka THE HOTDAGA and i know there are people that adore it but! in their own words! id rather walk into the sea.
ryan, too, hates the hotdaga and i feel like this was? about the hotdaga after shane sung something fuck if i remmebr
these gifs are from the ?second ep? i saw of them honestly it rly sums up the ryan/shane dynamic i guess
but like. the way ryan looks and laughs whenever shane says something mildly funny? hearteyes mutherfucker
above when i said shanes a freak? yeah.
ryan letting shane live as long as he has? true friendship
whenever theyre at the lil desk in their lil basement talking cases shane just talks shit and ryan just lets him and i fucking love them
oh one time they lucked out with a hotel that had a jacuzzi tub <3
yknow what? this was actually kinda sweet. like yeh bitch
shane madej: nations greatest tragedy.
i can hear this in my head just looking at these gifs and it makes me laugh everytime and thats BAD cos a child fucking died
shanes a freak pt.2
OH SHIT one time in postmortem they joked that brent was coming back and shane was leaving and fuck? they had to actually address that it was a joke fUCK
its not all shittalking and screaming there really is some fond and happy shit too
bfu most recognisable and iconic line.
shanes hottest pick up lines when hes on site
the comments on the video for this ep about this part are fucking hilarious please read when you watch that ep
okay its common knowledge that shanes a demon which ill tlak about in a sec but THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE? ryans the fucking demon. like the way hes just standing there, hands clasped behind his back, giving shane (whos acting like a CHILD) that Look? demon bout to kill the dumbass chillin at a haunted house on halloween. come to collet a soul or 10. magical!
OKAY SO SHANE TALKS SOME BIG GAME IN THE EPS but HIS love for ryan will always melt my heart like HE LOVES and cares about ryan so much and supports buzzfeed unsolved so much and whenever things get dumb on social media shanes ready to call it out and make a post or just like. praise ryan (like he rightfully deserves) and yeah im emo about it anyway hes shane being cute part one and heres shane REALLY FUCKING going all out (!!!!!!!!!!.meme)i LOVE him also being cute part two
‘id walk into the sea.’
shanes a freak pt.3
ryan: “Are ghosts real?” shane: *this dumb face*
i laughed for like 10 minutes the first time i watched this part thankyou shane
a real insight to shanes mind
ryan really puts up with this
shane got a bowlcut once just for funsies like okay youre no joba but good job i guess
shanes a demon
+ free real estate.meme
+ the office.meme
+ he aint right
+ ryan acknowledging that shane is a demon thankyou
+ like the good thing about having a guest fill in on the few times shanes been away has been ryan always being like okay so the demons not here so lets just acknowledge That
goatsman bridge
+ the video that started all this aka the one you reblogged hehhehe
+ what a fucking JOKE
+ an absolute JOKE
+ bridge owner fuck OFF
+ ksdjhfgjhsdkj.meme
sallie house
+ shane was insufferable this episode i fell in love for real how did ryan LIVE
+ like imagine trying to feel your heart beating while fucking shanes over there doing That
+ rock n roll buckaroo
+ swell has become apart of my daily vocal i hate
bobby mack
+ ‘hey there demons. its me, ya boi.’
+ ‘and frankly i dont believe in you, so i feel like im writing a letter to santa claus right now.’
+ tweet.meme
+ overall a great ep
+ can shane calm the fuck down okay i need ryan to make it out of this SAFELY and ALIVE
father thomas
+ ryans FACE also shane being that annoying sibling to ur parents
+ father thomas really went into this thinking he could help these boys to be fair shane was taking notes. ryan was just? dying inside
+ freak
+ imagine being like a 70 yr old priest hearing some dudes walking into ur congregation and overhearing ‘jesus said chill.’
+ ryan does not rly believe in bigfoot but shane does so like you win some you lose some
+ in the least shippy way possible this epsiode is ultimate soft gays going on a hike
+ like its just such a sweet domestic ep
+ <3
+ just happy babbey
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ooc; You know, I never thought anyone would like Thoth other than my group of friends who gave him a chance. I was so nervous with him, that I tried to make him a weaker character and I just couldn’t do that haha. I’m still nervous about him, but I want you all to know...
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I really am thankful. From the fan art, to the threads, to meeting so many wonderful people, I think it’s time to shine a light on those who I’ve chatted with, and gotten to know as well! Even if it’s just a simple hello, it makes my day. You guys are all wonderful, and I’m beyond happy over this. I was going to make a 100 follower and then the followers skyrocketed before I could haaa... ^^;;;
Anyway, these people below the cut? They really are cool.
But so are all my followers, even if we don’t talk!
Preshie mun! You’re Gaster terrifies me, not like bad dreams terrifying but he is a really well developed villain! He just is so wonderful to interact with, and I love our threads, no matter the blog! Let’s not forget how you’re a sweetheart either! I feel like I spam ya too much haha, anxiety man- BUT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! Keep being you :D <3
(I still can’t believe Thoth had a mini crush on Gaster and they could have been nerdy friends if the judgement ever happened aaaaaaa)
 @curioosity, @snackiies
Azura mun! I am still vastly scared to chat with you, but I want you to know, I do mean the words I say ^^ You may be feeling down right now, but... I think you’re a great person. I really mean that, you’re oc is very well fleshed out and very engaging! I adore seeing you on the dash, and your art- and your posts! I hope things brighten up for you! You need a good day, and I hope you get it!
I really adore your concept and I’m glad you’re one of my friends! Sixer is adorable, and Thoth absolutely wants to spoil him! And pet him, seriously how many times have they ended up curled up together haaa. But the depth of your stories and fanfic are amazing and I love reading every chapter! Keep up the amazing work! <3
@softashfuck, @goodster,
I hope you had a good birthday kiddo! I love ya, you’re the son I wish that was here for I could spoil you some more. Seriously, anyway, I love your character and your interpretations and the fact you spam me with such lovely art ;w; so nice. I swear I’m going to keep spamming you right on back! <3
Okay but I mean it, I do care a lot about you and I do see you as my kid. Seriously, if I could scoop you up I would. <3
@all-seeing-all-knowing-eye, @br00kie-draws
BROOOOOKIE! Okay, first off. When I first met you, I was highly nervous and scared, I met you through an ex-friend that showed me your art and since then I am so glad I met you. Our ships are adorable, they have bumpy roads and that’s what makes them enjoyable, they arent perfect, and that’s just how a good ship should be. Not to mention your art?! Like DAYUM GIRL. Such a good, best friend too, always listening to me ramble! Love ya! <3
I know we don’t talk as much these days, I know you’re busy but I still check up on your art! (I really should finish that gif I made omgosh) But you are also a very nice person, and a wonderful artist!
Rach.... I gotta be honest. I love you, and I think without you these last years or so, I don’t think I’d be around. I was in a really bad patch, and thinking things I shouldn’t. I let my thoughts almost win but you pulled me out of there. You helped me in so many ways, you even sent money through the mail cuz of my situation. I feel like I can never thank you enough because you really are my best friend and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if you suddenly disappeared one day. I know work is hard on you, but you’re such a great person and you know what, I’m proud of you. <3
Thoth and Rachael, Rachael and Rich/Neal, Rachael and--- Wait no that’s it. I think, maybe. We ship a lot, I blame our shipness. lmao Love it all!
Lye! I’m still vastly nervous to chat you up and that’s why I go silent cuz my nerves kick my ass but you are such a cool person! And your art? A++++
@derse-agent,  @wd-blaster,
Heya! I like your stuff! It’s really cool, and I know I owe you some things, don’t worry I didn’t forget! I just want you to know, you’re a really cool blog and thank you for joining the streams at times! LAOS YOUR GASTER IS ADORABLE OKAY
AAAAAAH?! For one I totally ship Tenny and Lotus now, I love how Tenny turns to mush at the very sight of my pretty boi. Not to mention t’s us so sugar sweet~! With some deviousness in there. Okay but on top of that, I love your characters, and the art, the fact you have put a lot of effort in your things and you’re a great friend! <3
Okay so, I love your art and the fact your Gaster is different fom others and you put time and effort into your creations and just YESSSSS. It’s amazing, and I love it and you’re really cool!
your art is realy cool and you are officially a senpai. I love the way you draw man, and I enjoy seeing you on the dash!
Apaaaattthhhyyyyyy, I miss ya, and I should deff mesage you more! Omgosh,and always drag you to more streams for you can succumb to the siliiness again! I love your Parallax! Hal and nomal Hal and the one time we rp’d where Venom was also Hal sdsfgb All the good stuff and I STILL REMEBER OUR SHIP OF SIOBHAN AND HAL <3
Okay so we’re still getting to know each other but you are an absolute delight!? AND YOU HAVE AN AMAZING SANS AND I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE AND I’M GOING TO KEEP RAMBLING IN CAPS FOR YOU UNDERSTAND HOW YOU ARE AN IDOL HUN. <3
FOXIE AND HEALER!!! Healer, I love the way you write and Foxie? Hun, I wish I could draw like you. You two are really good friends and I’m sorry I haven’t een overly chatty? But I watch your content all the time! <3 You guys also helped me get rid of a toxic ex-friend and I’m grateful for that, you have no idea! Thank you for giving me strength!
YOU ARE SUCH A SWEET PERSON!? You drew my boi, you chat with me, we rp- You are a delight! I want to invite you to all the streams and groups and let everyone marvel at your amazingness!
Okay we don’t chat as I do with others but I’d love to? I’d love to also thread with you and I’m sorry if I didn’t answer that meme! It’s there staring at me like a deer in the middle of the road omg! But we should plot, on any of my blogs!
Okay so I loved our interactions with your Evil Rick and my Rick, I’m sorry that hes inactive right now, I’m trying to rile him back up but it’s just hard for me idk why- (been on an undertale kick tbh, aaaaa) BUT YOU WRITE AMAZINGLY AND BLOW MY FUCKING MIND LIKE OMG, HELLO SENPAI
We just recently started talking but hey! I love your art from what I’ve seen keep up the amazing work okay? And don’t worry about messaging me, It’s all okay fi you want to :D I dont bite
**AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, screeching** 
Your art is still amazing and I am highly nervous to talk with you but you are a sweety and I aspire to be like you!
I would really like to chat with ya! And plot, and write! You seem to have an amazing Aku and it’s wonderful to see you on my dash!
 I love Trashy and I would really like to thread with ya. Your character is cute and well rounded, and I enjoy his story. Plus you’re a good person :D
BROTHER OF MINE I LOVE YA. I enjoy how hard you work on everything, even back when you wrote Joker. How we shipped, I still remember every moment despite my shit for brains memory hahaha. It’s wonderful and so are you and I’m glad you got out of your bad situation and are doing better and got things going for ya now! I love you, and I am very proud.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG OKAY? I read everything ^^;;; Haaa, I do, and it’s great. I’m kind of a side liner and I need to change that becuause Melodi is a cutie and I should totally spam you with more asks!
I miss our clown days, but I love how you draw still and I should message you more often, I miss ya buddy. You were and still are an amazing fiend and I aspire to draw how soft you do, those lines man mmmf, good stuff right there. Also Penance and Sorrow should hang out again.
YOU MADE ME LOVE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE SHIPS, THE LORE, AND I’M SCREECHING AT YOU NOW. Oka but White Hat and Slug yessss, Flug and Black Hat, yesss, but my favorite...
Is the one I never expected. My fanfic’s Bill Cipher, dubbed ‘Glitch’ and Black Hat. I can’t believe they have two kids now and they recently hatched and are going to destroy the world. Cute little guys.
But you’re also a great friend! Seriously, amazing! <3
@storyteller-arc/ @smol-goop, 
*inhale* B O I. Okay but on a serious note I love your Gaster, I love your oc. Storyteller, Gaster Grim likes them but not only that they managed to get Thoth to like them, he also likes smol as well. You have a really good character set it just attracts my characters like a magnet hahaha
Not to mention you are a adelight! Absolute delight!
*takes a deep breath* HOW CAN I EVEN BEGIN TO WRITE ON YOU!?
You are an idol to me. You are someone who has developed their entire set of ocs so much that I wish I could put that much effort without feeling nervous like hot dayum. You have suhc a good thing going, and I ust wanna punch Dick, hug him as well, punch him again- and also adopt ames and Hannah, and Eight- and the heroes, and Black Hat, and Dave, and all of them and HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME LOVE ALL THESE BBIES
I really do love how sweet they are and also the thread on Sans how he was commanded and i ended up being really cute and I just lve it all. You also have wonderful art and you are really dang sweet, <3 <3
okay....okay... I love your entire thing going on with ER, and I would love to write with you. I don’t even care what blog omgosh because you are an absoute steklar star on here, and Imma call you senpai til you perish cuz DAMN. Look at those headcanons, DAYUM look at those posts and stories and AUs and the past and 70 years worht of stuff and AAAAAAAA
A M A Z I N G 
@a-vf-vi-tf-ti,  @deep-black-dreaming​
AAAAAA? I love your ocs, I love our rps and ideas on discord but we should deff rp here on tumblr again! Lemme drag you down with me on here muhahahahah, ALSO YOU’RE ANOTHER CULPRIT FOR GETTING ME DEEP INTO VILLAINIOUS AND I LOVE IT
*stares at you deeply, squints*
Imma kick your Black Hats ass again just you watch. BUT ON A SIDE NOTE! OMG CAN WE THREAD ON HERE TOO? Discord is wonderful man man, I’d love to take it to tumblr, if you’re okay with that! I’ll even dust off my WH just for that reason :D
You’re character seems swet and we should send some asks to each other ore often! I hope you’re having a wonderful day and I would love to get to know you more!
I know you thanks to Brookie and your character is amazing but I’m highly nervous to bug you nad for that I am very sory and I hope that we can chat more!
You have such a cute oc and I want to know all about them! We thread here on Tthoth and Grim but man I’d spam you with even Eddie Gluskin if you’d want :D Or Jack, but Jack scares everyone and so I keep him in th corner hahaha. But the point is, I love your concept and I wanna pet th roachie
I remember when you were still developing your oc and it was on skype, and she had blue skin but now she covers up the blue skin and she is really great. I think you did amazing with her!
Hey I just met you and aI think you guys are great. Sans and you, really cool! Thanks for joining the stream the other day and I hope to thread with you more! I mean it, and I should say hi to you more often on discord ^^  You seem great!
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bloojayoolie · 7 years
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Af, Anime, and Apparently: , Okay Ibl, story ame when I wss younger, had this Irish friend who pred our school when w as like 17, Dude ded recently nd here丐the ballad of the merveeus bsstard be average as fuck 17 year old Bribong Some foreign guy has just joined, his family just moved here city called Dery in Mgved here with his dad and his lite sister, his mum died when he was younger He gets put in my class and ends up stting nest to me This is howl met Eigh-Beers Mgee the all him Call him a hippo because of his fucking industrial size frant teeth and his big flucking lps Greg uses his adism to get out of doing and saying whatever the fuck he wants noing EB wth she lke Greg has his desk very paricularly arranged, pens on one side in a straight ine pencis on the other Dude is OCD as fuck with his pencilcase and shit Goes nuts i anything gets moved, so this desk is sightly apart from everyone elses We all get in shit twe fuck with him an purpose, We ought to know better The sutistic hippo keeps trying to get a reaction out of EB the whole class All af a sudden EB just casualy raises a foot and pushes the Hppo's desk right the fuck over Teacher hurries oer and trying to explan to EB atma Gregs autism while Greg teaks the tack G in his chair, breathing reawy ss thoug gh nong bd sheer辍tstie resentment EB looks at Greg and betsthe teacher "Oh sorry, wedant have Wid bump with more nenhinbeland' h on EB's third day at our school He's a pretty cool guyikes the 쑈me vidya and movies as me and is a big fan of Rugby, was captan of his team back iieland ell hem the school has s rughy searn he says EB goes to check it out, starts off on the lower team because hes think theyire ston of kind of fast runners gets recks fucking everyone that next hal f hel take him Jumps on him, grabs him by the neck to pull him down and iterally rolls on him ike a fucking rolling pn -EB didniteven have the bal What the fook you playin at son I didnt even have the ball, do you even know how to fookin play the game lad EB grins You know over in Ireland you have to be fit to play sports, the fatties get leit on the sideline EB grabs his amn and tosses him to the ground dude twists his anke or something and starts twitching and squeaking lke a baby elephant with parkinsons EB gets put on top team Anonymous (D wHTHOgC) 03 19/14(Wedj20 28 25 UTC-5 No 538041137 Reple 41T months without inc dont give long as youre cool to him dents aside from a few close cals with Greg the Mildly Autistic Hppo e pretty close Apparently ㅲ Ireland they don't have gangs they have paramitanes fighting between whether Northern lreland ts Britsh or hsh >He plays 4down a kal, bd ican tell some shit mu have Pagpened because he always changes the subject when gets clos·tohame Edgy fapgot Luke comes back to school Luke hangs around with a pack of riggers who are all apparenty in a gang, he les to pretend he's part of this "gang" and carries this fucking Stanky e around that he panted red and bue for some reason aOne day at lunch Like corries up to EBied o ofnotere starts askrig his datisalcoholc Nope aound Tm guessin your mam had a far lew belore you were born though mate Well tuck Ind wanna sift speI had to sht out a dat bastardlke yourset. Jog on ン"You win t)4ck with the wrong person t y inst, boy?" EB starts laughing, IHeraly loses his sht at the ste of this Itle fagpot in a trenchc oat with a stanley knfe and actualy presses EB grabs his wrist, takes the fabled blade from the hands of the chosen one tosses t over a fence and punches him straight in the face We're out geting beer, Tm with a 7/10 GT that Ive had a crush on for tucking months Her and EB get along realy wel, athough I sort of think she only hung out with us because EB did That right when we're all drunk, me and QT end up fucking Leaving out my side because this is the ballad of Eght Beer, not me Spend ages taking with QT,estabǐshthat shè apparenty seat, ikes me back EB heads up to bed, I stay down with the other guys to watch TV, QT was askeep when 1 came down QT comes running do wwith a towel round her, soaking wet, and rung out the ont door Apparently EB sleeps naked, not surpnised since Ive found him naked before after a night of drinking Says she came on to himeven ater all he shit she said aLaugh숨 and says he took aprt to bed with hm,awas cn e tablo and when she ed onwth him he lossed all over her Threw her clothes out the wendow into the rain and told her to go and fetch Two weeks later he takes me to a pub and hooks me up with a 910 Anonymous (TDwHT HOC) 03/1914(Wed 20.43 59 UTC-5 No 538044014 Raps.4380408044772 332420 EB and me are total bros after being fnends for a few years 가%aving hm as a best friend is Ike havngtose nasty trainers as a kid Shit get pretty he avy >Him and E汨were close, mostly because EB would buy him vidya and act super interested in the anime sht he lied because nobody else other than me would loses his har chermo aGotovst him, EBisgung me there >He thinks rs awesome get our photo taken together witout any har EB lets him draw all kinds of dumb sh on his bad head, lets him draw a dumb moustache on him o Spend ages just dicking a >Son of a bitch luke who R is, Dukey the Rookie is across the bar in the same tucking trenchcoat he wore back at school >EB says hi chats away to him lbe nothing ever happened >We head home and EB spend the night sitting up with me playing Batlefront on my old P52 and drinking, just trying to cheer me up me every time Sorry for that 2sad4me post, but iti make sense later Anonymous (IO woitth%) 05/19/14(Wed)20 52 46 UTC-5 No 530045357 Reeses 씌38amsrme esaaa Lving together in a let with some chick and her boyfriend The one song I remember is "Uncle Tommy by The Rumjacks, because it played when sht went down EB told them that he "ain't lookin any trouble lads, have a beer and forget that tripe for the night aye? 4 of them jump on him, start beating the shit out of him -l tackle one of them to try help him, get the fuck beaten out of me but fuck that it's goddamn E8 in there EB broke the dudes fucking am He gets up, bleeding out of every pore in his beaunful iwish body Bouncing around with his fists up, Ieraly looks ike he could fly around the room he's bouncing that much The skinheads keep going for him but back off every time aher he swings, it looks lke he could knock a building down with that sh Babbling some incoherent shit in lrish rage, nobody understands the words but everyone understands the meaning pack up there sht ike a scene from a fucking move Eight tucking beersl You splied eight of me fucking beers you hairless tuckin mongrels Eight beers lad, eight fucking beers What's the fucking craic there lke Anonymous (D: wHTiHOgC) 031914(Wed]21:6 02 UTC-5 No. 538047326 EB sgoing back to Ireland to vist his nan, she's real sick 기we lar dr, Befast-thritrs the captal of the oth but not of Ireland ckhow t wori ed EB never eaty expla edit, 5ad you wont understand the bullsh politics unless you grew up there go 1o vist his nan with EB' Sweetest tucking old lady ever, says that EB was always a rough lad but awk he'd never hurt a sour greedy fucker This woman is clearly the most infuenial famly member in the Eight Beer famly EE shows me round Derry, tels me about how 5pIt relgusy and shows methes bg ass wall cood place Takes me to Belast agan and shows methe pace wherethe ttanc was bu -we end up going to place caled The Crown Bar Ger pretty drunk, or Tpped as EB calls it Walked around Belfast for a bt, he tells me about the history of some stuf »Spend a few nights there, have a fucking blast but decide to head home don't wanna be an inrusion on the whole nan stustion Lad you're practicaly a part of the famly Anonymous D wH7HOQC) 03/19/14Wd21 18 48 UTC-5 No 538040230 Getting close to the end now Shits hard to wrte, I miss hat fucker Life is prety uneventful for a wle pparentty some Kiddy Fiddler called Wilm Whight fucked EB when totally agan family home a load of sht, fucks 2EB spends all nut there next to her, nearly gets wolent when staff ask harto leave so doctors can sort some 닸官out calm him down and we wat r, hosptzd for brig bme B's Sister gets beter, but is pretty fucked for life Never taks never leaves the house she's pretty much a goddarmn vegetable EB spends all of his time off work with her, never comes out anymore, just sts in with her. We sometimes come ound and drink with him but he refuses to leave the house -One night while he's sieeping, EB's fucked up sister C's faul, that's pretty much the main subject of t. I don't get why she'd need to say that but whabever Tels me he waan't that close with his family back home his dad is fucked up with grief and everythings just a mess ie doesn't want to go home because he has nothng there other than remnders, but doesn't want to stay here because of what has pened Does his best to be the usual bi9dck coolguy that he always was, puts on a brave face but f you c h him on his own he's luckn9 merable ite gets in 갠 few fights when we're ot dmkrg ry one who gnestmamy 5hvt gets m edistety fucking amidated none ofths ads everyone on" that he used to do s fighting back tears already guessed, but he starts teling me about how he blames himseffor what 거had pened to his sis have tucking known better >Lterally carrot change his mid anthis shit, looks like he has himse#1uly convinced th this is his taut we talk about old imes laugh a be things actualy seem back to normal for whie Ainight mabe. Let's have one for old tme's sake, ae? Hie eventualily leaves, but before he goes he tells me that 'You've been a good mate from day one mate. Honestly out on a limb rd do fuckin' anything for ya Take t easy lad speti ong tme EB doesn't reply to teats or Cutign place doeant answer B tucking hung himsel is fanly tatoo many things that I don't need thanked every tme fucker
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boqvistsbabe · 5 years
storytime (kind of) mother frickers
so i like this guy. this guy that is literally my best guy friend and i have known him for three years, almost four. and like every single other guy i have liked i knew around the time when i met them that i was probably gonna like them at some point. so yeah whatever i liked them now i don’t. i didn’t like anyone for the longest time and then randomly i like started feeling like i like this guy (my friend) lets call him uh Adam (tbh that is just about as far from his name as you could get lol) and like this hit me out of nowhere. because like basically when we met we friend-zoned each other without having to do so, which makes no sense whatsoever but who cares. and like this whole idea of this started last school year when his cousin randomly walked into the classroom i was staying in after school to work on memorization for some things and it was near Valentine’s Day and he was like anyone wanna be my cousin’s gf and me, knowing that this is Adam’s cousin said no why and he explained why basically and then that was the start of him calling me literally every single time he saw me Adam’s gf. I denied every single time and this went on for the rest of the year. and like one time on the after school bus Adam’s cousin got on before him and sat down and when Adam walked on to the bus his cousin said that his gf was on the bus and he (and i know that he actually did this bc i looked up right at this getting ready to turn around and yell at his cousin) Adam looked right at me and his cousin said “he even looked dead at you” and then the rest of the busride was his cousin trying to get us together by asking me question (like “do you like guys that can sing” “well duh” “do you like guys with abs” “well duh”) and then he started singin “I Wanna Dance With Somebody for no reason and I finshed the song for him and he said “see look you can sing too you guys would be great together” (and that opens another can of worms that is not in this story) and i said but i really can’t and he was like but you realy can. and during all of this Adam said nothing to either of us. and around a few weeks after that i started liking somebody so i was still like whatever and nothing more happened last year basically. and like then this year came along and i didnt like that other guy anymore and like was really focused on like my friends and shit like that. like then two of his other friends (that im kinda friends with but not really) started like suggesting people that they could set me up with for hoco (the two friends and i have the same bio class together and we sat near each other at the time) and i would decline every single guy and then they said Adam’s name and I was like no we’re friends (because at the time i still didn’t like him) and then the boys proceeded to say stuff like “you do like him” “look you’re blushing” things like that (something they do not realize was that when i get angry or frustrated or whatever i tend to turn red or at least pink) and then one of them threw a ship name for us out there and then it was a thing and like then he proceeded (when i did not answer them anymore) to sit in the empty chair next to me and go “aw please don’t be mad at me I don’t want you mad at me” (i wasn’t that mad and we were all having fun and he was joking) and i proceeded to ignore him and he got closer and said the same thing (also if this had happened about one and a halfish years ago i wouldve been freaking out because i used to like him, a lot) and i said i wasn’t mad and we were fine. until he (when we were going around the room and grading other people’s papers) when i came back to my seat and said something about my paper he was like “oh that’s your paper” and i said “yeah it literally has my name on it” he walks over takes my paper and writes something on it and ten gives me my paper back and he wrote Adam and I’s ship name in marker on my paper. at least i didn’t have to turn that in or i mightve killed him. and so like whatever didn’t like him still just confused on why everybody (including some of my other really close friends) think we should get together. and then like i feel like it was a slow realization of how amazing he is (bc like lemme be honest here he is really sweet and funny and like everything that the others weren’t which sounds cliche but like ugh i just cannot describe how much i wanted the other guys i have liked to be like him)  and like i told two of my other best friends and they think he is nice. and like lately him and i are around each other more and stuff and we talk even more than before and mess with each other and stuff. and then one of my other friends randomly asks me before she leaves the lunchroom if i like him and i say no bc like this is all weird for me and shit and she says okay and walks away even with me asking her why she asked and her not telling me. and then i get my other friend to ask her through text and she wont answer. and the other day he took my hair tie thingy (idk what it is called) one of these: 
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after i was messing with it and said that i wasn’t going to get it back. then wears it the rest of the day and cool im not freaking out internally at all. and there is no way people wont connect that it is mine bc it is just one of the clear ones and my hair is blueish at the ends so it died the hair tie thingy and im the only one with that color hair. and then we go on a five day break from school and i find out from my friend why my other friend asked that. and she asked because SHE THOUGHT WE WERE DATING! i obviously am so fine with that even though we aren’t. but i was like why did she think that and my friend was like bc y’all are always together and stuff. and then we get to today and so i find out that he lost the other one and then he took the one i had today (which i am fine with this i have multiple and he asked to make sure it was okay and i said it was he then asked like two more times just to make sure) and then i took his pencil and since i wouldn’t give it back he took my hoodie and put the hood on his head on wore it like that until i gave him his pencil back. and then like there is this thing he can do which is popping the joints closer to the end of your finger and i can’t do that but he did it to my fingers the other day (and as i am typing this i realize how weird it sounds) and now it has become our thing kind of. and like i love it. bc it involves him wrapping his hand around mine. so yeah love it. and then i proceed to mess with him for the rest of the hour. and yeah. and then when i get to lunch later i see him with his friends and like i can see the hair tie thing on his wrist and it brings me so much joy idk why but it does. and then i was talking to my friend and was like idk why people think we are dating and she said that it is because we basically are just not officially. and then i was like what hold the phone and back it up. and like she went over that again and said that quite a few people have thought we were dating in the past and had asked her if Adam and I were dating and she had said no obviously and i was like how do i not know this. and she said bc i never told you and then t=she proceeded to tell me how her herself has shipped him and I for quite a while but did it on the DL and now her and my friend that asked if i liked him are shipping us on the DL and my friend that asked is gonna ask him if he likes me bc he doesnt know how close we are and will be more likely to tell her than me or my other friend. and like i know he is gonna say know and like i want him to say that he does. but like he wont. and even if he does there are some problems like i can’t date yet which like has never been a problem till now, even when i had my 6th grade “boyfriend” my mom didn’t know and i didn’t care bc i was fine with a relationship on the DL with him but Adam is someone i want a real relationship with you know. like i don’t want it hidden. and i want ground rules obviously and my friend said that i could just do what she did and just talk to her mom about it and present the situation very adult like and stuff like she did. which like i can and my mom knows him so it might work. but then there is the fact that he doesn’t like me so it doesn’t matter but like there are signs that point towards him actually liking me but im not that stupid. he has so many female friends that are cooler and prettier and smarter and so just more better than me so like why would he like me. idk what to do. this is like really crazy for me rn and i dont wanna lose my friend so yay.
that was really boring sorry but i needed an outlet and idk what to do but if yall have any advice please tell me
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sunjaesol · 7 years
Thoughts on 6x15 Pressure Test
- More... hunters. Great.  - THEO - He wants nothing, Theo, just seeing you dead is enough. You know what? I like Theo! Not because he’s a ood characeters, but because he’s fucked up and that’s cool to see. It’s a nice perspective to follow. He’s also a leader, but in a different way.  - Theo is smart, damn - I wonder why Liam and Malia don’t have the two circles tattood somewhere. If Satomi’s pack does it, and the Hale pack, than why isn’t the McCall pack doing it?  - “You know Scott McCall?”, I suppose he’s very famous in the supernatural world? The one and only True Alpha from this century? - Well... he’s still a psychopath.  - ah, the sheriff - Okay, yes, Theo did murder the Hunter, but how do they know so fast? And the Hunter tried to kill them so... I don’t know.  - DEATON WHAT - Oh great, visitors commit suicide. Wonderful.  - First of all, where is Deaton going? We’ve never seen this kind fo energy happening to humans. Is it the flesh, body, thingy again? Secondly, what the fuck is he wearing?  - What the fuck is happening?  - I swear to God if Teen Wolf lets Deaton die... - So, Scott probably dialed Deaton for help and Deaton probably proposed he would go as he is more experienced and... yes. Okay. A face. It’s not faceless, but perhaps it was the face of the faceless creature. And why has there been many more before Deaton that killed themselves? - lol Theo is back in jail - not smart Jiang. I love the girl her boots though.  - “Would Stiles think that?” LYDIA MARTIN THINKING OF HER MAN - Nonono the flesh faceless thing is there right? Theo heard it.  - Poor girl.  - lol Malia I’d laugh too. I don’t think though I’ve ever heard Malia actually laugh uncontrolably. It’s nice. - No one asked you to be there, Tamara.  - What in the world. A sheriff raising his hands to vigilantes.  - It’s quite interesting, this season. The Hunters think they’re not doing anything wrong, and the supernatural don’t think they’re not doing anything wrong. But at the end of the day, they both made mistakes. Supernaturals killing people for the sake of their secret, and Hunters killing supernaturals even if they didn’t do anything to them. Really, they’re just humans with an extension, and Hunters don’t seem to grasp that. No one seems to, which is odd. But, peer pressure is a thing and can make people do weird things, so I understand why everyone is opposite of them.  - If you hurt. one. single. hair. on. the. sheriff’s. head. i. will. castrate. all. of. you. and. sterelise. you. Tamara. - “DeWitte” lol is he of Dutch descent? - Why is Malia the only one feeling it? Whatever “it” is. - The pack is not even surprised to see Theo? Oh, well. - I love Malia this season. She has a wider arrange of emotions, if that makes sense. It’s her most “human” season, regarding her feelings, actions and reactions. - The girl is very logical - “There’s only a dozen of them out there, we can take them” YES LYDIA - The last of Satomi... must feel awful. Losing your family members so quickly. So, Lori did die with Brett, she just dragged herself to his body so she could die alongside him. - “I need a thing too” Teen Wolf realising Corey has no value.  - huh, Corey realising he has no value. Great.  - oh okay this is cool. It’s the last season, so go back to basics, back to where it all started, before they were mutations. Wolves.  - Why are Nolan and that guy here? Don’t they have homework to do? Or a life to live? - So small quakes is the supernatural and one devestating quake is killing everyone that comes in your path? How is that... she’s crazy. Absolutely crazy. Kate would be proud of her.  - Theo’s like “ugh FINE” - wait this is like the fist battle. It’s been a while since they actually... you know, fought. Scott hardly ever uses force because he’s against it, so it’s been a while (I think 5B) where we saw some actual action. I’m excited. And nervous.  - COME ON PARRISH - scolia look™ - Please, if Stiles could contact you through dimensions by radio you can fix that radio as well - Don’t look so surprised, Nolan. You stabbed Corey with a pen.  - aww no I liked Liam x Theo friendship in 6A. Well, Stiles hurt Scott in 5B and they’re still besties so I suppose this is just a bump in the road. - “I’m still working on my anger.” But... shouldn’t that be solved by being a werewolf? Scott lost his astma because of it. - “I’m still human” what i’ve been screaming at my screen since this season came out. They’re STILL HUMAN. They have legs and arms and eyes and a face and a brain and a consious. They learn and mke mistakes and fall in love and get their hearts broken. They’re human, just... with an extra. - A pack is a family, Nolan. Before you start going on a killing spree, do your research. - The actor of Jiang is good. Like, they have Lori who was terrible and then him who’s pretty great. He’d be a great addition to the pack tbh, I like him already. The girl hasn’t said too much.  - What is that? And how did Nolan get loose? - Oh, wolfsbane. In liquid form. - fuck okay Scott. It’s been a while since he lashed out with his eyes.     - Okay so they’re blue. They’ve killed people.  - oh I missed Deaton, always with his “We’re closed” thing - other half? and I thought the drawing was a face? Guess not.  - Who is innocent and who is not? What is good and what is bad. Scott’s moral compass is shifting and shifting and shifting... - Wait.  - Nolan is the creature? - But if Scott kills people, will he lose his red eyes or not? and will he still be a True Alpha? - wHAT THE FICK THAT FACELESS THING MAKES PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE  - nONONONONONON WOMAN DONT KILL YOURSELF - PUTAIN. Merde. Le situation est très grave.  - ooooooh so the wolves and the rats - it’s all because of that thing. I get it now. (damn, it only took like five episodes for me to figure that out) - THATS IT! Throw the bodies outside and let them think it’s the two of Satomi’s pack. It’s one girl and one boy, it would work. - Scott and I think the same *feels the bromance* - oh, the other half of the drawing is in the Wild Hunt Universe. COREY IS USEFUL HALLELUJAH - Corey can draw.  - ancient shape shifter that feeds of fear so it gets more powerful. So, Nogitsune 2.0 but now without a host. They killed a Nogitsune, but that was a fox. This is just... nothing. It’s ancient, nothing they know.  - Oh, Anuk-ite. Great. My actual name resembles that quite a lot. (You heard it here first, folks, Ophelia is a pseudonym woop woop)  - “Two faces may mean two creatures” One beautiful, one ugly. I swear, if Lydia gets involved...  - But this is really interesting. It’s been a while (since 3B) since I was actually afraid and intrigued by the villain. - This is like Aiden and Ethan, morphing together. Only more violent I suppose. - OH SHIT PAPA MCCALL ENTERED THE BUILDING - Did Melissa call him?  - “We’ll go” ???? - NO SCOTT WHY DID YOU GAVE THEM AWAY FUCK FUCK FUCK - Oh... with McCall. Okay. That’s for the best I suppose - scolia and thiam are rising tonight - Wait but when did McCall find out Scott was a werewolf? Did I just forget about that or??? - cute scott smile ™ - oh my god they’re holding hands oh my god - SCOTT IS SO CUTE WHEN HE HAS A CRUSH OH MY GOD HE IS LIKE THE ADORABLE PUPPY IN THE RELATIONSHIP AND MALIA IS LIKE THE ONE WHO DOESNT LIKE PDA AND LIKE PRETENDS SHE DOESNT LIKE HIM AS MUCH AS HE DOES IM SO - - - (sorry anti’s I like them) - ah, all the supernatural are gonna leave town - oh, Mason... I’m sorry. (but tbh you’re better of without Corey but you’re in love so) - NO TIERNEY JIANG - poor Mason - ooh Corey is still here alright - Corey, realy? A smiley?  - cocky!Scott is my kink - I’m so glad Stiles isn’t here though. Mentally, it wouldn’t be good for him. 
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enchantedbliss-blog · 7 years
prison or refuge
Morning thoughts, about Aai leaving, led to a storyline. Borrowed a line from you.
(knocks on the door) Hello? Let me in, please.
What? No answer? Must be sleeping, these good-for-nothing guards. Must wake them up.
(bangs; shouting now) Hey! Please let me in! LET ME IN! Can’t you hear me, you bastards? I want to come inside & be a prisoner once more!
Yes, yes. You heard it right. This is a prison door, and I am an ex-prisoner.
Why do I want to go inside again, you ask? SImple answer: I can’t take freedom. I can handle exactly zero amount of it. Shunya. Zilch!
I was here till about last week, you see. Let out early, because of good behavior, they said. We’re confident you’ll be able to join the realy world back comfortably, they said. We’ve never seen such a disciplined inmate, some said. But here I am - and I feel caged despite being free.
I went home from the Jail. Half the people couldn’t remeber me well; the other half remembered me exactly as I was before Jail. The latter half was more obnoxious - unwilling to accept I might have changed.
The shops, the bus stops, the newspaper-waalas, the milk-waalas, all the other waalas & waalis - everyone treating me like some delicate crockery, labeled unbreakable but sure to shatter if dropped.
Everything that used to seem normal before the imprisonment seems so strange all of a sudden - I don’t konw what jobs are, what day-to-day chores are, what these gadgets are. Utterly clueless. And only in my previos - ante-prison - life I was adept at all of it. Would advise people even. Such joy it was.
The worst thing, however, is Time.
When I was doing time, it didn’t seem to matter much - there was only so much that I could or couldn’t do. Formal rules, guards to withhold them, and me to follow them. Nice, sweet cycles. Unperturbed, indifferent. Even through my fights with other inmates, even throuh my fights withh the guards, all of it was just going on and on.
I’d despise the guards. I’d tell them - you don’t know why I’m here, where I want to go, what I’ll do once I’m free; all I need is freedom - me making choices for myself. How they’d mock me - making choices for yourself? How did that turn out the last time? And the time before that? And before that? And ahem all the other times when you weren’t even caught? Now eat this, and use your free time, and sleep.
Now time is doing me. There’s no one to tell me when to eat, when to sleep, when to do anything. So I’m always confused. I’m never certain if I’m hungry, or bored, or tired. Freedom, now that I have it, seems more imprisoning that prison itself.
But what of the time before prison, you ask?
That seems like a different life altogether.
All of those waalas & waalies, all of those dont-know-mes and dont-remember-mes, I’d get along with them so welll. I had a disdain for them, yes. No one knows me, no one understands me, I’m too deep for anyone to fathom, I thought. And I was okay with it. Like I said, I even loved it, since all that depth let me shell out all that wisdom to people. All that wisdom-spouting let me believe I knew so much, that I had it under control - not for me these petty conventions of the world, not for me your its & its laws, I’m my own captain; I’m my soul’s sole master; and I will embatrk upon the greatest voyage the world will ever see. “will ever see”, mind you, not “will have ever seen”, for the grandiose plans were supposed to be everlasting, and not merely the-best-till-now. I had no use for the-best-till-now - too paltry a standard, you see, being defined on others’ examples. No! I had my own benchmarks, and they’d be grander than anything that came before them, or would come after.
(of course, I also had the sense to not say any of this to people, so they also though I was a humble chap. Even better for my grand plans - The Most Humble Person Ever: quite a title, yes?)
But I’m ranting on. I was telling you about the prison. Oh what a prison it was! Now that I’m out, it seems to have had everything. The mockery seems words of caution; the rules seem more helpful than inhibiting (as I thought of them then); the walls seem like the concrete they were - as opposed to the vague blurry fuzzy images that surround me now.
But when they told me I was ready, I felt I was ready too!
brrr. Aai called at this point, and after 40 minutes of talk, I couldn’t get into the mood to continue this.
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 4]
I’m on a roll.
There’s more rape in this one; it’s not really described in detail, though. There are also references to what occurred in the last chapter, and an instance of mostly consensual sexual activity (although it stops short of actual sex).
Recap: Last chapter, Tiaa’s foster parents Dave and Marie left on a trip, leaving her in the care of “Uncle Larry” (Dave’s brother), who promptly began beating and raping Tiaa. After one such incident, she ran off into the woods and encountered a strange man who claimed to be her father before blacking out.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
AN = No flames pls, theres no point!if u dnt like my story dnt read it, its as simple as that!
I never got the whole “don’t like, don’t read” thing. How can you know if you like it if you haven’t read it?
btw atlantiana is NOT marisue be cause look she is NOT perfect and not everyone in the stiry likes her! she has problems and she has flaws and shes UNHAPPY would u like her life?i no i wouldnt, its totally tragic and horible.u flamers arent even makin sense1
Having bad things happen to your character doesn’t make her less of a Mary Sue. Loads of Sues have tragic backstories. Look at Batman.
Chapter 4 - la push
I sat quitely on the la push beech apart form the party that was going on beside me. Mike Nooton was following me round like a pulpy and he was so borin! None of the things he had to say were interesting but I was nice to him because he wasnt a bad guy.
That’s actually pretty in-character for the guy, if I remember the Twilight Saga correctly. He’s nice, but not very interesting. I think Bella even made the puppy comparison at one point.
My thoughts were elsewhere - i could'nt stop thinking about the events of last night, when uncle larry had raped me and I had had my scary vision in the forest and a tall p[ale guy in my mind had cale me his daughter. I didnt understand any of I felt so so awful that I had been rapped by that hideous pervy SICKO when I had bin saving myself for the right guy and for marriage and my virginity was torn from my grasp by that twisted guy, it was so crule and unfair, it made me want to cry
So uh… what happened after she blacked out in the woods? Was her dad gone when she woke up? Did Uncle Larry do anything else to her after she returned home? Did she return home?
"omg MIKE watt are you doing talkin to HER?" I turned round and saw four nasty faces learing at us. It was the chearleaders I had seen in the cafetearia, and one of them was the girl dateing Ewdard Cullen, the brown hare girl who was standing at the back looking moody but not saying anything
You know her name! You’ve called her by name before!
"Stop being mean Jessica" mike said angerly "tiaas' awesome and if you can't see that its just you bein blind and shallow and stupid like your all ways are"
Think this is the author calling out her flamers or what?
"yah I mean look at her clothes, she looks like a stupid goth biaach with her slutty top and short skirt and fithnet tights is she a RAT HOOKER or what?" Jessica screamed.
Man, I love this fic. “RAT HOOKER” is a great insult.
She was realy ugly when she shouted even though she was technology a hot chick and was dressed in skimpy pink clothes.
I don’t remember Jessica that well from the books, but I think she was described as short and a chatterbox. I don't think she was a cheerleader or had a particular fondness for pink. Also she was dating Mike at one point after Bella set them up with each other.
"you no what Jess, you and YOur frends are SO shallow and YOU are the real slut! you and bella and angela and laruen may were short skirts and low cut tops an stuff but that doesnt maek u beautiful! Its watt underneath that counts!" mike shouted
Wait, so are they sluts because they wear revealing clothes or because of their behavior? Because right here it seems like Mike is criticizing them based on how they dress, which is a bit weird when we remember Tiaa also wears revealing clothing (“fishnet top” ring a bell?).
"yah, speakin of witch" said a sly blond girl in the gang who was called lauren, pointing at me "watts with her breasts, they are huge, I bet they are fake!- she laughed and her friends all laughed too even bella and angela who had been quiet until then.
I don’t remember a damn thing about Lauren or Angela but I remember they both existed. One of them was definitely shy but I don’t remember which.
I got up and pushed past them and ran away into the darkness. I cold hear them all laughing at me and i felt so embarrased I was relay sensitive about the waste I looked I hated the fact that it made all girls hate me and all guys stare at me, I would have given anything to be ugly or just inviable. I wasnt stuck up and didnt think I was beta than anyone else because of how I looked I just wanted people to treat me like a normal person! I could'nt help being slim and blond with relay big boobs it wasnt my fault I hadnt done anything wrong!
Remember in chapter 1 when Tiaa talked about how she used to be self-conscious about her appearance but got over it and now doesn’t care what people say about her?
-are u ok?" said someone from beside me
If you don’t have that MCR song playing in your head right now I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
"who arr you?" i asked. 3 realy pretty goth girls were standing there smilin at me and I smiled back
Oh, of course, the Sue’s backup choir.
-we are tyffani, abigaille and rochelle" they said smiling "you seem cool, do you want to be our freinds?"
I like the idea that Tiaa could be multiple friends.
Judging from the names, these three are children of that white mom whose baby name photo went viral on the internet. The one who named her kid Lakynn or something.
"ya of course, i'm just a bit meloncolly cause those horrible chearleaders were bein mean jerks and saying my boobs were fake" i said
"omg, u mean jessica and bellas gang? They hate us too because we dont care what they think" said tyfanni "they are just jealous cause youre the prettiest girl in the school now and theyre all plain next to you but we dont care about stuff like that, we only care about peoples personalities “
“That’s why we made sure to talk about how pretty we think you are.”
"cool" I said, and we talked for hours
I talked to tyfanni, rochelle and abigail for hours and they were so cool.
How long was that again?
I'd never had proper freinds before who didnt care watt i looked like or where I came from they just liked me for me, and I liked them cause they were uber cool and we had loads of stuff in common! But after a while they all went home and I stayed on the beech.
Glad we skipped the scene where Tiaa has fun with her friends so that we can get back to the part where Uncle Larry assaults her again. Nice to see the author prioritizing.
It was getting late but I didnt want to go home to uncle larry in case he raped me on his car again.
Phrasing seems to imply that if he raped her in a different location it would be alright.
Soddenly I heard a voice from behind me.
I hope “soddenly” is an intentional double entendre.
"well tiaa, thou seem to be causing quite a stir at school" his voice was smooth and sexoy and from another time.
Who could this be?
Never would have guessed!
"what do you mean!" I demanded
"basically every gay at school wants to have sex with thee, and every girl wants to eat thee alive for it, hows that for causing a stir my lady?" he smiled and kissed my neck.
Wait, every gay at school? Including the gay boys? This girl is powerful.
"shut up jerk! Btw I met youre girlfriend before, bella I think her name is! I dont like her or anything, but how the hell can u cheat on her like that and kiss me how u did? Its sick ur a cheatin bastard and i should tell everyone. Tyfanni told me you and bella are like the schools golden couple or something, watt would happen if I told ppl how you had acted in that corridoor with me?"
Uh… the fic would go in a direction I don’t expect it to and it might be redeemed somewhat by at least being less predictable?
"OMG SWEET LADY! THY MUST NOT TELL ANYONE! " he screamed "it was a moment of madness thats all! Im so so sorry for watt happened,i hope thine can forgive me, but ive promised myself to bella and thats just how it is, no matter how much thou intrests me"
Use of OMG may seem anachronistic, but that abbreviation has actually been in use since the early 1900s, so it’s totally reasonable that Edward might use it. Although probably not out loud.
"fine, then stay away from me " I shouted as I left to go home but he followed me and grabbed me and pushed me down on the grind.
I think he’s sending mixed signals.
I was burning with anger and fury but I wanted him so deafly i didnt even try to resist him.
So deafly?
He new how much i wanted him and it drove me mad. He put his hands inside my panties and i gasped. I was soddenly desperate to sex with him and i tore my clothes off and i was in my underwear.
Again, I hope that’s innuendo, but in this fic it’s actually possible the author thinks “suddenly” is spelled like that.
I took off my bra and showed him my naked heaving beasts.
Nothing turns a guy on like naked heaving beasts!
"have sex with me now edward " I whispered
" i cant " he said, although his body was on top of mine and his fingers touched my nipples
"please, i'm begging you" I said, hating myself for being such a dirty hore but unable to control my burning desire
No one in this fic has any self-control whatsoever, huh?
-NOOOO!" he shouted and ran away crying.
I put my clothes back on slowly feeling so ashamed and embarased i could hardly move. I could'nt beleive i had begged him to do sex on me and even worse he had said no!
Okay, I guess Edward has a tiny bit of self-control. Which is good, as he is a vampire and would probably be eating people left and right if he was totally unable to control himself.
I went home and uncle larry made me cook his dinner and suck his cock while he ate his food and then he raped me and hit me with a shoe all night and i didnt even complain cos i felt like i deserved it for being such a horrible slut even though it made me want to die inside.
Bread, eggs, milk, squick. Uncle Larry seems more interested in hitting Tiaa than raping her, incidentally.
Uncle larry finally left me alone and I thought about killing myself as i cryed and cryed as i fell slowly into a dreamless sleep.
Next chapter
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