#oh right i got a tablet 馃憤
soultiio 1 month
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fully-caulked-wagon 1 year
Some of my favourite lines from my plans for shitty One Piece / Zosan drawings + fanfics Part 2
Didn't think I'd be posting another one of these, but my well of content has run dry, my pen for my drawing tablet is at my dad's flat (where I am currently not) and I am desperate. Minimal context, if any, will be provided - just a warning. and they send in an imposter sus among us sussy baka imposter sus sus among us imposter to take his place on the sunny so they don't suspect anything - These dudes kidnap Sanji and send in a replacement. Meanwhile, I reference memes deader than my fucking cats (the entire lineage was cursed, I stg.) then BAM surprise game grumps reference "I'm gonna conclude" the end - Basically, and I plan on writing this fic eventually I swear, it's just one big joke about Zoro using real fancy words he absolutely should not know until my long con is revealed and it was all a build up to a game grumps reference. Straight up. adam freezes for a moment and gets uber mega big boy mad and does this big ass attack - Not telling you cause it's spoilers. Go eat dirt and cry. zoro realises he's into sanji and's like 'oh fuck, that sucks. bummer' - R.I.P this dude's got this roulette wheel goin in his brain or whatever and hucks a manufactured devil fruit thing into zoro's mouth bullseye ding ding ding, right - Good aim. 馃憤 zoro kinda stews and dwells and ponders or whatever for a bit, right - Just imagine Zoro as The Thinker. when zoro was off in the corner of it and flirting with like 3 whole big tiddy ladies (mad game with the bitches) - "Back when I had a body, I had mad game with the bitches." - Voldemort, AVPM zoro's left there with a little bit of guilt but honestly not nearly as much as he maybe should, conflicting emotions and thoughts, and a raging boner sadge - Insert aggressive twitch emote spam here. there's an area in the twisty turny where the fuck are we bit, right - It's like, this underground set of passageways and shit, idfk. usopp is a saw now - 'pop' - Usopp is a saw now. 馃憤 so he's gotta train to become the dish drying master and he takes over the dishes duty assisting whatever the fuck full time and it's just his name on all the schedule slots the crew (maybe just nami)'s like 'wtf dude - you okay?' - Zoro is most definitely not okay. sanji's just nosebleedin, dead on the floor, twitchin n shit - R.I.P again. luffy just rises from the ground between their chests and is straight up an eldritch abomination and kinda puts his demon noodle arms on their shoulders - You know those shitty two sentence horror stories about that dude's 'creature'. Luffy is that creature (minus the gross shit.) bottle of sake with like, a bow on it - porn music zoro - blushing, ^^ boner - I am not okay.
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chestertophat 2 years
heyy, so i had an idea
Phone guy x fem flirty reader where she gets hurt bc of going through the vents but gets to the office, and realizes she was bleeding so she tries to patch herself up. But scott finds her and tends her wounds, and despite being hurt she flirts with him? And him just getting nervous and all flushed. just fun n fluff hehe.
Btw, im sorry if i dont explain myself ik its kinda weird?? So you dont have to do it if you dont want to.
Have a good day/night :))
Hey I'm sorry this took so long but I feel like I did a good job! Also when I did finally start this I did it all in one go and I'm proud of myself for that because it usually takes me two at least to get one finished-
I wasn't sure what form to put this in, so I just chose oneshot because I need the practice 馃憤
Also don't worry about it being weird, I think the idea is short and sweet 鉂わ笍
So you decided that you where going to arrive to work earlier than usual, around 45 minutes to be exact! "Why did you get to work so early?" you may be asking, well it's so you can prank your jumpy boyfriend of course! You've both always hated this job since the first night you both started working here, so starting the night off on a good note is something you both need. And you hate cleaning the office.
You where laying in the vent on your stomach far enough to where no one will notice you unless they're actually looking for you. While you where crawling in the vent making your way close to the office you had scrapped your knee, but you didn't think much of it. Now you where laying in the vents, quietly waiting for him. You realized it seemed to have been a bit too long for him to not be here and looked at your watch. "11: 40, shouldn't he be here by now?", right as you thought that he walked through the oversized door. "there's Scotty boy!"
You waited for him to settle down a bit before making your way to him, to be honest you're amazed that he didn't notice you with all the noise you made, but that's probably just you. You finally got to him by crawling while he had his back turned away from you, focusing on cleaning the filthy office. You got under the desk and grabbed his ankle and jerked it, nearly causing him to tumble to the floor, and great just great he threw the tablet. "Well damn Scott! I didn't expect you to THROW it!" You said while giggling. "And I didn't expect you to nearly knock me down!!" Yelled Scott, as he walked over to where it landed, checking it out to see if it still works.
He said it worked, than looked at your scrapped knee. "Hay... what happened to your knee? I can see the blood through the pants." "What- oh. When I was crawling through the vents I scraped it! Didn't think it'd bleed that much though.. Don't worry I can handle it myself!" He stared at you for a moment, then went to go get the med kit. "Hey, hey Scott don't worry I can handle it myself!" He ignored you and continued walking, not listening to anything you had to say about denying his help. Eventually you gave in and let him fix your bloody knee.
As he was fixing your knee, you kept staring at him, adoring every feature of his. " I could look at your eyes all day you know that?" The sudden complement took him a bit off guard, and he stuttered a reply. "H-how can you s-see my eyes through my mask?" You just chuckle and state, "I've seen your eyes before, I know what they look like! And they're the definition of true beauty!" Scott's face might as well have been a tomato, but he took a deep breath and endured whatever you threw him so he can fix your knee.
Really Scott gets super flustered by whoever his darling is very easily, but he doesn't show his softer side when others are watching!
Edit 2022, September 14: I just found it randomly and realized that the grammar was just DREADFUL. I just wanted it to sound good when people read it because this was actually one of my favorite ones.
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