#oh sheesh that ended up longer than i meant :D
naffeclipse · 1 year
Surprise!!! >:D
I come here fashionably late to deliver the comment I owed with interest and all! And oh boy oh boy, get ready because this one might be the longest one yet! At least that’s what it’s looking like in my notes app at the moment kñjfdhgkj (Me: writes my thought not usually longer than a sentence long because each note has a not huge word limit. Also me: nearly reaches the limit and every sentence is basically a paragraph here fkjdhgkjh)
Anyways! Let’s start! :D
Ohhh man, that poor old man. What a scene to come back to! Considering the hunters seemed to have secured the area for the confrontation I can only imagine what must be going through his mind after his last interaction with them all! Meanwhile Sun and Moon are over here just like. “Great. Someone else that thinks we killed them all. :( ” 
But ahhh I just love how it’s a slow scene that builds the tension! Because we know what happened at the end of the last chapter so we experience the restlessness as the clock ticks by. And then, they get free, and things get going.
Oh it was so interesting when they found Vanessa. The fact that she was wearing their jacket! I can’t imagine Glitchtrap would be the one to put it on her after he took the white patched one, so it’s such a sad image thinking about her dragging herself towards the discarded green jacket like it’s the last thing she’ll get to keep of y/n after this D:
Also how they identified her! It makes me wonder how much they can know from a heart. It does get explained later but it immediately got me speculating about different levels of rulebreakers. So I imagine other people who might be considered guilty but not rulebreakers might be those that were in compliance with the harm, or those that were neglectful. It seems to Eclipse both are just as bad as any rulebreaker and deserve the same fate. Thank goodness for their vow!
Also gfkjhgfjh poor Vanessa, fr XD Just got freed from a heart eating demon and she can’t get a full rest before another heart eating demon is roughly shaking her awake. Though gotta give her credit! It’s sad, but also very badass of her that she’s just so done that she won’t show any fear to them. Just that she despises them. Also respect for her for refusing to sell y/n to the new demon. From her perspective she already feels guilty for one demon taking them and she wasn’t gonna make their troubles even worse, even if that might have meant this demon ended her right then. But also I love that that’s what makes them start to reel their anger in a little, because they know that, exactly like her, y/n also thought Eclipse would kill them. They realize all Vanessa sees right now is a demon after its quarry.
And aaaahh, Vanessa noticing the patches! She must have looked at the patch in her own jacket enough times to recognize y/n’s handiwork and all the implications for that. Even so exhausted, she’s very sharp still! But oof the dread in all of them when she admits what happened. Gosh the part where they clutch the hair clip with one blue hand and one red one! Ahhh that had me feeling so many things. It’s a small moment of despair and trying not to grief, snapping themselves to action instead of thinking the worst!
And then they go back to not giving Vanessa a single break sheesh XD Oh man, the dreaded acceptance in her face when they accuse her of not protecting the children. Punching right where it hurts the most. And like, she read the book. She knows what being considered guilty means when encountering a demon that follows the sacred rules. And it’s so sad to think that she might even consider that if they had killed she would have deserved it. Ooough my heart. But then they don’t and she just has to accept that they truly do care about finding y/n, they sound desperate in telling her that the hunter needed her to not give up on them, even if for Vanessa right now giving up might be the only way to find some rest after what she’s been through. And so Vanessa just has to go “this might as well just happen huh”. Not to mention the whiplash fdkjfhdgjkh This demon that just admitted to wanting to kill her suddenly referring to themselves as the cutesy nickname y/n assigned them just like “we’re their sweetie <3” is sure gotta be something from her perspective XD
But at least as they start to calm down and form a sketch of a plan for what to do they do truly start to notice how badly Vanessa had it with how often Glitchtrap used her. Even for someone they deem guilty the act of possession is simply horrific to them. But aaaah I love how they keep reminding themselves that Vanessa is y/n’s friend and they take their hunter as an example. They try to take care of her as they know y/n would aaaaa! 
Oh, Vanessa has the scar too! This definitely makes me think Glitchtrap likes to mark what he thinks it’s his. Seems like a signature since it was also done near a finger in Vanessa’s case. At least for his vessels.
And jfkhdkjhg the amused “What do they see in you?” comment XD Boys please. I guess it would be surprising to them because she’s much more snarky and hardened than y/n haha. But glad that as they really start paying attention to her they are reminded that there is more nuance where they only bothered to see black and white. They know the guilt when they sense it, but it might not always be due to evil or negligence. Sometimes it’s powerlessness. They really are learning, and it’s thanks to their time with y/n that they are forced to dig a little deeper into what they already thought they knew. It’s learning they do on their own right now, but yet another proof of how their heart has influenced them greatly! They get to see Vanessa does care! She always did! If not for the vow, they might actually just have killed her and not learned the truth, and also not gotten the information to save the hunter.
But of course, Vanessa is learning a bit herself! I’m sure that the boys willing to be present during an exorcism, knowing how dangerous it can be for them to trust her with it, just to be there for y/n is really something for her to think about. Not then though, she really needed that nap.
(sidenote: “They will get you back, even if they must rip the demonic cryptid out of you themselves” the foreshadowing though! I read the chapter again to write this comment and I was pointing at everything with a gasp once I realized XD)
Oh gosh then we get the possession POV oof! This demon really likes to multitask. Hunting while torturing y/n with the hunters’ deaths! And aahhh what a way to hurt them. Since their mind is basically his to rummage through it wouldn’t surprise if he chose the word “gift” specifically to drive the knife into the wound. Referring to it like the boys did to the cryptid hearts they consumed thanks to y/n. Maybe a way for Glitchtrap to tell them that any gifts will be now for him alone and that they don’t belong to Eclipse anymore.
And oh! Does this mean it was Vanessa who assigned him his name? Oooo that really goes with the parallels of each of the cryptid hunters and their experience with the prolonged stay of a demon near them! Interesting!
Also interesting that Vanessa investigated on her own! FEI really are idiots for having trapped him and not gotten rid of him. Maybe they really thought they got Bonnie and were insisting the deaths were someone else’s fault, or maybe they just wanted to keep him as a way to experiment on what they could force the demons to do. Either way, they really messed up. 
And aaah the boys console Vanessa! I think it helps that she let them know that the reason she got into this whole deal was precisely because she was trying to prevent more children’s deaths, even against her employer’s wishes. She did quite the opposite of what they believed at first. Everything in her power to do the right thing. And so they truly have the full picture now. They know why y/n loves Vanessa so much.
But oh, things start to pick up then! 
Immediately, the line “your wild hair is untucked” hits so good because it’s a clear reference to how they are missing the pin AAAAA (actually, I love the emphasis you put in the descriptions of their being loose and moving so much. The hair clip logically is such an inconsequential detail in this whole equation, but it means so much actually. It calls attention to the small hope they are clinging to, and also to the wrongness of it all. The very cause that the hunter is missing it in the first place)
Ooooo the “why did you come back”, Glitchtrap knows all of y/n’s insecurities, but also can estimate some of Eclipse’s through their memories. And the worse part is that it works, because even if they don’t show it, it’s a recent still painful moment.
And oh then we get that good juicy demon lore!! I loved reading through all the encounters they’ve had with him through the years! Glitchtrap causes trauma even to other demons kfjdhdkhs And omg the security puppet bit! Ahhhhh!!! That’s seriously one of the moments in the entire fnaf franchise that stayed with me for its impact and I was so excited when I saw you referred to it! If it hasn’t been asked, I’d love to know about how you chose all their true names! Does Glitchtrap have one too? (don’t worry if it has been asked though! I’ll be going through your blog to catch up anyways haha)
And oooh Vanessa coming up with the plan!!! Ruthless but effective. And aaaahh this part gave me so many feelings though! Because this must have meant so much for her! Finally, finally, she gets to save at least one child from Glitchtrap’s claws. After watching every kid die, likely right in front of her, wanting to do everything to save them. She got the chance to save one, and she succeeded. She might feel responsible for all the others, but it was thanks to her this one lived. It would have been so unlikely that Sun or Moon could have snatched the kid without Glitchtrap hurting them or killing them. Just… aaaaah I love that she got this. The relief that it didn’t end the same way as always!
(sidenote: fkdjhgkjgh that’s 2 kids now that will probably be traumatized by y/n’s face without it actually being y/n doing the bad thing oof)
More possession POV! I want to make a note how I love the way you emphasize that it’s him moving y/n’s body. Very much giving the feeling of a puppetmaster! Even if it’s him “wearing” the body I could very clearly imagine his hands physically moving y/n’s head to look back. And oof, the way he was tearing them apart from the inside, making very sure that he would make as much damage as possible if he himself had to die. And once again, y/n would have been willing to sacrifice themselves if it hadn’t been because it would have meant Eclipse’s end also. They better never admit that or they will earn a well deserved shaking by the shoulders, I swear dksgkjñh 
Oh, Glitchtrap just really likes to mock wherever he can. The way he mocked the almost kiss, not only angering the boys but worsening y/n’s guilt at not having noticed the demon and Vanessa just out of their reach. Oh and then! Using y/n to try and get Sun and Moon away! It’s terrifying how a demon can have more control over a human body than the human in question. 
The double possession! The kiss!! AAAAAA The way they push Glitchtrap out together! How it was inevitable that he would lose that fight because even if their body rejected both, their mind would reject Glitchtrap specifically! The way that he can’t try to tear them apart like he did moments earlier because Sun and Moon are making sure to cut his contact with them! And aaah it’s so intense and sad how the process is so painful that for a moment y/n thinks they really will die. How in their mind they think of Vanessa and the kid being safe as what is important, but then they realize how they would not die without regrets if they did not apologize to them. The fact that Eclipse is the main reason not to give up, when their self-sacrificial nature made y/n so alright with dying if it meant they could take down the monster AAAAAA
And aaaaa the boys instantly let go as soon as Glitchtrap is out. Not a millisecond more than necessary is spent in the hunter’s body to make sure not to hurt them more. And ok, this is just gonna be some ramblings about the battle because gosh I just loved it so much. I love the fact that the boys declared Glitchtrap would never hurt another innocent. Not just children. Ahh I’m so proud of them! 
And oof ooooooouch the part where they get their chest ripped open. More parallels! Just like they did to Shoh what came naturally to them, so did they receive what another heart eating demon would do. And aaa Vanessa keeps helping! She’s so prepared!! She knew it took her a moment to find the incantation, so she got the book ready to be easy to find!
Aaaugh our boys received so much damage there, but they kept getting up for their heart aaaaa And oh you could feel the fury when Glitchtrap got so close to the hunter’s heart with his claws. He really went for it thinking he had won and the boys said don’t you dare!
(sidenote: hehe they Eclipsed the sun X3)
And whoooo boy they really did start ripping him apart, piece by piece like promised!
And what a finale to the battle! I love, LOVE, how Glitchtrap’s brought his own undoing upon himself. It was his sick fondness for the plushie that caused so many deaths, (and its image of the golden bunny suit that allowed him access to children) that meant there would be a vessel for him to be trapped in. And also his cruelty for wanting Vanessa to live and suffer through the effects, physical and mental, of the constant possession. Thanks to her being alive, they were able to find him and predict him. And through one of the beings he considered “nothing”, he was erased from existence. I find it interesting that he was willing to let Eclipse walk away after he thought enough damage had been dealt with. Not out of any kindness, I’m sure (probably to make them live with failure like the others) but he seemed to feel some kinship in a twisted way, with how he tried to convince them to also hunt innocent hearts and leave the sacred rules. Meanwhile humans are just toys. Too bad for him a toy is the last thing he was before he was exorcized. 
Aaaaa what an amazing battle Naff! Brutal and tense and so so good!
And then the aftermath! The boys tasting their blood to be sure they would be okay! They must have tasted all the pain and fear from the past day. The past hours. And then y/n admitting, now genuinely, how scared they are. Of losing them. And then make not one, but two vows! One to really drive it home how they will not betray their trust again. And aaaaah they finally coming to terms with their love for cryptids! Accepting a part of themselves by accepting them! AAAAAAA
And man, the boys really are amazing. Healing so quickly after such a battle! Once things have calmed down I can definitely see y/n fascinated (and thankful) for this ability to heal so thoroughly after a single meal. 
(sidenote: Y/n seriously about to become a mechanic for their boys haha, that knee needs some fixing XD)
(other sidenote: oh they picked the plushie up! Maybe to destroy it? hmmm)
The reunion with Vanessa was so sweet! And it was so funny that Sun was so offended that she didn’t immediately assumed they won XD And aaa she gets a hug! And a good cry too! She really needed that. And oh yeah, she will likely never eat a piece of candy again. Might as well be demonic goo in her eyes.
But ha! The “only you”. Called out! Wheeze!
And oh when y/n is thinking about telling her all they’ve been through my first thought was “Oh Vanessa gets to hear Cryptid Sightings from the start! Lucky her!” XD
And my last thought for this chapter was that if y/n is worried about making a good impression with the demon in laws they really shouldn’t be haha! I’m sure banishing The Enemy they’ve been hunting for millenia will absolutely get them in the good graces of the others effortlessly kfgdjhgj
Oh and! Now that Glitchtrap is gone, while the night terrors won’t disappear, I’m very glad there is some closure for them now. The demon is no longer out there. And when they wake up, they can breathe easy knowing that now, it really is only a nightmare. He has no power anymore.
Okay, for the epilogue!
Yay! Vanessa gets to go to a hospital! Too bad demonic possession is not really in their treatment list dkjhfkjdgh But I’m glad she’s not as bad off as we feared! And oh I’m curious about something she said! Human food tastes like ash to demons, but she said Glitchtrap was obsessed with sugar. Does that mean then that demons can taste things if they are possessing a human? hmmm interesting! (but morbid kjdgh)
(sidenote: “you can’t lingered on what would have happened if you had succumbed to the vampire bite”, well the hunter can’t but WE sure can XP)
Ahhh that’s a long stay at the hospital, but it’s nice how they establish some calm and get to figuring things out. And the fact that Vanessa’s tears are clear when they leave! Finally she is physically free from him!! Aaaaaaa
And it’s so sweet how the boy’s care extends to Vanessa now. How they keep patting her head and there’s a certain camaraderie forming. The way they tried to deal with her nightmares too how they did with y/n! It’s sweet, but a bit sad that they couldn’t help. But Vanessa did say Glitchtrap watched her sleep to make sure she wouldn’t escape. Waking to a demon isn’t what she needed. She needs time. To heal from the freshest wounds at least. Her saying that he’s still here says it all. His effects will always linger and her knowing what happened with Henry… well, it’s no wonder she still fears Eclipse could betray them. Thankfully, they’re all together though. They’ll figure it out. 
And aaaaa that final dance was everything! I cackled at the “missing what’s right in front of you” part, because I feel like they were not even including the cryptid part of the equation just the being obvious about their feelings and y/n logic-ing themselves away from noticing fjdhñkjgh
AAAA the getting out of their vessel in front of them though! When before they were so unsure about it! The fact that it’s y/n pulling them out, feeling safe, and wanting to see them! And omg them sharing their name! Something that feels so important to them, because only their loved ones know it, and it feels like they truly are giving them their being. A part of themselves that’s so personal. In a way, they are giving them what is closest to being their heart. What is theirs and only theirs. And the way they yearn for them to repeat it aaaaa! They finally get their heart knowing them as they crave. And there’s so much more for them to get to know too!
AND AAAAA THE KISS!!! Naff you describe kisses so well! So sweet, and intimate, and full of so many emotions, and it’s the hunter’s pov but you can just tell how much it affects the boys too, like it’s something they tried to imagine but didn’t know how much better it would be than that until now. Just the absolute trust in them, and sharing all those feelings and AAAAAAAA-
(sidenote: “They sink into your touch as if you felled them in one swoop” oh this line encapsulates so many thoughts I’ve had about love in general. The one person that could hurt Eclipse the most in the world right now is y/n. But they know they won’t. They know the person they can lower all defenses around and trust with their life is their little hunter, who would access their most vulnerable parts not to hurt but to cherish. To show them kindness and care and so they are happy to give themselves to their heart. To let them know how much they are able to affect them)
And that’s it! 
Naff, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for this fic! Filled with wonder and tension and so many cool creatures! The relationships all so easy to get invested in! All the themes about love, and the internal struggles, and growing together, and fighting to right the wrongs that were done towards those you love, and what means to be brave and trying to do the right thing! What an amazing adventure! Not to mention how much I love your writing because honestly, it’s just so good! You know how much I love it hehe <3 This is the first fic I’ve followed from early on all the way to end too! And what a fantastic one at that! Thank you for all the time and care you have put into this story! I cannot wait to read whatever you have planned for the future!
So to end this, once again! Thank you so much for this fic, Naff! You really are amazing! <3
Ah, Chaotik! I have been rereading this over and over the past few days and I love how detailed your thoughts are and I adore how you connect the crumbs I laid out! I'm almost so happy that you enjoyed it! You are amazing. I have enjoyed your every comment/thought and appreciate you so much ♥
To answer one question: Does that mean then that demons can taste things if they are possessing a human? hmmm interesting! (but morbid kjdgh)
Yes! Demons can taste regular food while possessing a human vessel, and some even get crazy about it, like Glitchtrap obsessing over sugar. When not possessing vessels, human food is gross/tasteless to them!
Thank you, Chaotik! I treasure each and every word you leave on my fics! ♥
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izzy-hands · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to start by saying oh my god you are such a gift to the witcher fandom, I’m constantly amazed by your gorgeous gifsets and the incredible little details you notice across the seasons (for instance: the geraskier eyebrows 🤨 gifset? gold! and something I would never ever have picked up on otherwise)
I’ve recently started trying my hand at making a few witcher gifs because the brain seems incapable of letting these characters go, and it has meant the world to me when blogs like yours reblog something I make! My question is about tagging a tracked tag: is there a general tumblr etiquette (or do you have a personal preference?) on who/when/how often it’s okay to tag a blog’s tracked tag for a gifset? The extra exposure is really lovely, but I don’t want to overdo it or spam anyone. Thanks in advance!
oh my god, thank you so much, you absolutely lovely soul ❤️. whenever someone calls me a gift to the witcher fandom i always end up crying my own weight in tears, so. that’s definitely happening again 😭. thank you. 
i can (gladly? sadly? who knows at this point) relate to brain seems incapable of letting these characters go, so i get you. :D and yeah! tagging someone new in my edits always makes me nervous, too. i mean, i can’t speak for all content creators on tumblr, but i’m sure this happens to a lot of us? personally, i always feel nervous when tagging someone new in my edits? even if we’ve been mutuals forever, and i know they like this fandom, there’s always that little nagging voice in the back of your head going but what if i’m bothering them? what if they get annoyed with me?
so, at least for me, if you tag me in your edits? you would never, ever, annoy me. at the end of the day, being tagged in something doesn’t mean that i’m contractually obligated to reblog it, you know? if you want to make sure that i see your post, and you’re posting about something that you know i love (like the witcher or our flag means death), feel free to tag me! in literally anything! sometimes i’m tagged in things for fandoms that i don’t really follow, which is absolutely fine, but there’s a good chance i might not reblog it. 
the one and single thing that annoys me when it comes to tagging etiquette (and this might be just a pet peeve of mine, i don’t know) is if someone who doesn’t even follow me and i’ve never spoken to before tags me in something? it just feels like they’re going hey, it looks like you make a lot of gifs in this fandom and maybe you have a lot of followes, so i thought it might be cool for you to reblog my stuff, but i don’t like your blog enough to actually follow it. so, yeah. 
tl;dr feel free to tag me in anything you think i’d like! don’t ever worry about overdoing it. <3 (also, your gifs are absolutely wonderful! thank you for tagging me in them!)
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ak47stylegirl · 5 years
Sick Days - Chapter 6
Okay here it is, chapter 6! I had fun writing this chapter. Virgil really stepped up in this chapter, he was awesome! He really painted a picture with words :D  I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 of fic
Virgil pov
He smiled as their house came into sight, it was a real hidden beauty…The natural red timber exterior shined in the afternoon sun, highlighting the gardens, green with happy, lively plants. Then there were the beautiful stained glass windows that let in so much natural light and gave them the best view of the garden.
Scott's bedroom, as it was the master bedroom of the house, had two big stained glass doors that lead out onto a verandah that ran across the front of the house. Most of their bedrooms had a window facing the verandah, except Gordon's whose window faced the backyard.
Which they didn't really have because of how the house was positioned, their front yard was basically their main yard, but it was still pretty private as they did live on a little bit of acreage. The amount of land was nothing compared to the farm they used to live on with their parents, which had hectares of farmland.
Where here they only had one or two acres, which was more than enough for them if he's being honest. They were so lucky to live in a house like this because he'll be honest, when they were forced to sell their parents' farm, he didn't think they would be able to find a house with five bedrooms, let alone what they have gotten in this house…
A part of him likes to believe that it was their parents watching over them that got them to where they were now. Things weren't always easy, but nothing really is, and he likes to appreciate the gifts they have been given, savour them like sweet music.
Sure he misses the old farmhouse and all the memories that were made in that house, that old house would always be special to him and his brothers. But this new house they lived in now, it was a fresh start, and he loved it just as much as he did the old house, just differently...
"Hey, Gordon…" He glanced over at Gordon, who had zoned out into his little daydream of yellow submarines and sea life. "We're home…"
— — —
He enters the house by the laundry as that was where the garage connected onto the house, his arms were piled high with grocery bags. Their own reusable shopping bags, of course. It was the year twenty sixty, people didn't use plastic bags of any kind anymore...
Their house was much longer than it was wide, a single hallway connecting all the rooms. At the very end of the house was their main living space, which was exactly opposite Scott's bedroom on the other side of the house.
Compared to the rest of the house, their living area was very open-planned. You could be in the kitchen and talk with someone in the lounge room with ease. The lounge room was also connected to the verandah by two big glass doors, similar to how Scott's bedroom was...
There were also a lot of windows in this room, making it feel very open and spacious as you could easily see out into the garden. They also had a wonderful stone fireplace that warmed the room so well on those cold winter nights, he spent a lot of time in this part of the house...
As they all did, truthful… he thought as he entered the living space, spotting Scott sitting at the kitchen's island counter, working on his tablet with a cup of steaming coffee sitting next to him. It was always flat white or espresso for Scott, who loved his strong coffee.
It was something they both shared, though his love of coffee could be called an addiction…
"Hey, Scott.." He smiled at his brother as he walked to the kitchen counter, placing the shopping bags down gently. He had taken the heaviest bags, leaving the lighter ones for Gordon to carry in.. (if the boy didn't already run off to avoid doing his homework that is…)
"Oh, hey, Virg!" Scott smiled at him, looking up from his tablet. "I didn't hear you drive in, I must have zoned out for a moment there..uh.." Scott frowned at him, his eyes narrowing in on his right cheek. "Um, Virgil? you do know you got a bit of oil on your left cheek, right?"
"Huh?" He blinked in surprise, rubbing his cheek with his hand and a bit of car oil came off onto his hand. "How did that get there?" he asked in bemusement before the realisation that he had been with Gordon for the last hour and the sneaky little kid hadn't said a word about it…
He went into public with car oil on his face… oh, that little sh- "Well...Never trust Gordon to tell you that you got oil on your face.." he chuckled softly as he shook his head. It really wasn't something worth getting mad over, it was just oil...
"That's a very good idea…" Scott chuckled softly as he leaned his elbows on the countertop. "How has your day been, other than the oil?"
He rolled his eyes at the tease, a small smile on his face as he started unpacking the groceries. Oh, he wasn't going to hear the end of that one for a while...
"It was pretty good actually…" he smiled as he placed the dry goods in the pantry, standing on his tippy toes to reach the top shelf. "I got to play around with one of those old-timey car engines, so that was definitely a highlight…"
"so...how has your day been?"
"It could have been better.." Scott sighed softly, his eyes glancing down the hallway at their bedrooms... or more specifically Alan's bedroom, whose door was slightly ajar...
He frowned softly, his gut knotting in worry for his littlest brother "How is he?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"He's sleeping right now…" Scott answered softly, rubbing his eyes tiredly, "the medicine I gave him knocked him out pretty good but…" Scott ran his hand through his hair, seeming pretty stressed by day's events "but he's really not well..."
Gordon chose that moment to join them, his arms piled high with grocery bags. You could barely see his head over them... At least he now knew the kid didn't ditch him…
"Hey, Scotty!" Gordon dropped the bags on to the kitchen counter, his voice loud in the otherwise quiet house. "What's up?!"
Scott's eyes narrowed, "Gordon, keep your voice down, Alan is sleeping..." Scott scolded lightly, frowning at the blond, "don't you have homework, kiddo?"
"Awww but I just got home.." Gordon pouted at Scott as he collapsed on the living room's couch, his feet hanging off the edge of the sofa as he grabbed the tv remote, "Can't it wait until later?"
He chuckled softly to himself, putting the cold food away in the fridge. Gordon was always the hardest to get working on his homework and in turn, made it hard to get Alan to work on his homework…
Though with Alan, he could just sit down with the kid and help him through his spelling words and times tables. Gordon, on the other hand, his homework was a bit more assignment based work or something the kid had to do himself.
So most of the time, he couldn't really help, though he would always try if Gordon asked for it…
Though a part of him was jumping with glee as he wasn't the only adult home this time, which meant it wasn't sorely his responsibility to get Gordon to start on his homework. He was glad to let Scott handle Gordon for a change...
Scott stands up with a frown, walking over to the sofa. "No, you'll forget to do it otherwise, Gordon.." Scott looked down at Gordon sternly, his arms crossed against his chest, "homework, now…"
"I am not in the mood for this, Gordon.." Scott frowned, his eyes narrowed into slits as he stared at Gordon. "Homework. Now." A silent but deadly 'don't push me, young man..' was buried in that look.
Gordon blinked up at Scott, his eyes widening slightly, "Okay Sheesh, don't have to get all grumpy..." Gordon jumped up from the couch and disappeared into the hallway, going back to the garage to fetch his school bag.
At quite a speed, he might add...
"Oh, I wish I got that on camera.." he chuckled softly as he leaned on the kitchen counter, "I think you broke a record, I normally take me way longer to get him started on his homework…"
Gordon really should have known better than to try his normal tactics on Scott, especially with Scott stressed and worried about Alan…
Scott sighed, his shoulders losing some of their tension, "You just don't take no for an answer, Virg.." Scott smiled softly at him, walking back over to the kitchen counter. "It's not that hard…"
He smiled at his brother, "That's easy for you to say-"
"Virgie?" A little voice sniffled, drawing their attention to the hallway entrance, where a sick little boy in his pyjamas stood, A sleepy expression on his face as he rubbed at his leaky red nose. "Scotty?"
"Allie, what are you doing out of bed?"
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oumiyuki · 5 years
Teachers don’t date teachers (but You-sensei and Riko-sensei definitely are) Ch9
Summary: The whole student body and teachers teases the gym teacher, Watanabe You, with the new art teacher, Sakurauchi Riko, that they make a cute couple. How long can You deny this when Riko isn’t helping to reduce the rumours?
Pairing: YouRiko
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slice of Teacher Life ;D
Words: 1205
Author Notes
Ah, I love them so much~ XD
May you enjoy~ XD
Tease09 – You-sensei sleeps with Riko-sensei!? (Because Riko invites her to!?)
 The next time Riko wakes up, she feels better. Not entirely well where she can jump about and hold classes, but at least she wasn’t feeling faint and all-round horrible. The auburn-haired teacher blinks and lifts a hand to rub her eye.
“Oh, you’re awake.”
Riko looks up, alarmed that there was someone in her house. “Y-You-sensei? Why are you here?”
You pretends to be upset and sulks at Riko. “That’s hurtful…I’ve been taking care of you since morning, Riko-sensei.”
Ever since I found you sick…
“Oh…” Riko lowers her gaze slightly, her flushed face growing a bit warmer from embarrassment that she doesn’t remember all that has happened since morning at the moment.
“It’s fine. I’m just kidding with you.” You lifts the bowl up from the side table to offer to Riko her dinner, a relieved smile on her lips.
At least you’re getting better.
Riko puts up a hand to stop You. “I…I think I can feed myself now…”
“Alright…” You carefully hands the bowl filled with hot rice porridge to the art teacher. “Carefully…”
“Mmph…” Riko takes a bite and her eyes lit up, turning to You with a smile. “It’s delicious…”
You chuckles. “You’re welcome.” And the gym teacher relaxes in the spare chair she placed beside Riko’s bed for her to sit in.
I’m glad you like my Watanabe style cooking!
The ash-brunette watches Riko eat more and more energetically with each scoop; the gym teacher couldn’t help but smile at that. The art teacher is enjoying her cooking and getting better at the same time. Nothing could make You more happier in this instance.
Once Riko was done eating, You helped take the bowl out of Riko’s hands with a smile thrown Riko’s way. “I’ll wash it.”
Riko resigns to the fact that her caretaker was stubborn that way, so she remains in bed while You does the dishes. Idly looking around her room, noting how…nothing much was different. Yet the addition of a chair by her bed made her heart do a soft flutter and her lips unable to be set any other way than an upward curve.
You returns to Riko’s room by popping her head inside, making eye contact with the art teacher who arcs a questioning eyebrow before You blinks away, doing her best to not break her composure as she steps back inside.
Sheesh, Riko-sensei somehow…makes me…
You shakes her head to dispel the string of words ‘makes my heart race and feel weird’ away from her brain that has been mean to her lately. Why does she keep thinking of Riko-sensei so much?
“Ahem.” You clears her throat and reaches a hand to her neck awkwardly. “I guess…you’re feeling better now.” You looks up to Riko again, staring back at her, and when her eyes rest on the clothes Riko was wearing she lowers her head again, feeling heat rush her cheeks. “Um…”
Riko tilts her head to the side. “I guess I do…”
She said yes to asking her to change her clothes. She asked me to. I wasn’t doing anything against the law or anything!
You presses a hand to her cheek and counted to ten to calm herself down. She then strides over to Riko and bends over, a hand moving towards the art teacher. “I, er… Just gonna check your temp…”
Riko nods and lifts her fringe away. You’s takes her hand away shakily.
“Your fever isn’t as high too…”
That’s good.
“I’m glad.” Riko comments as she adjusts her fringe absentmindedly.
You stares at that simple action for longer then she thinks she should have as Riko was now staring back at her. You coughs into her hand awkwardly, turning away; not understanding why it’s so hard to act normally around the art teacher some times.
“R-Riko-sensei… I guess, I’ll, er, head home first. And only go to school if you’re not feverish or dizzy, kay?” You walks fast but robotically over to the chair to pick up, walk out, place it where it should be and go home, but the auburn haired teacher stops her mid-lift.
“If…I asked you to stay the night…would you?” Riko averts eye contact with those bulging in surprise blue hues.
“I’ll go to school even if I’m not feeling well.” Riko was quick to add, still not daring to look into the gym teacher’s eyes. “So You-sensei…should make sure I’m truly well enough to go…”
You chews down hard on her bottom lip, her cheeks strawberry red and blue eyes trying its best to read how serious Riko was, maybe was teasing her, maybe was joking about going to school when she should not, maybe…maybe…maybe…
But the art teacher simply remained slightly pale skinned, hazel eyes trained to the left not looking at You; embarrassed? And the same rather dishevelled hair telling You that this art teacher still needed her to look after of.
You sighs softly. “You don’t play fair, Riko-sensei.”
You could make out a twitch at Riko’s lips; a smile. And You knew she played into Riko’s hands but she really can’t help it.
Riko-sensei is unfair…
  You puts the chair back down and sits on it - a bit far off from the bed and not too near the door either; quite literally ‘middle of nowhere’. She looks around the room that she’s looked around enough to remember where was what already until Riko breaks the silence.
“Mm?” You looks over; appreciating the fact that Riko talked.
Yeah, start a conversation, Riko-sensei-
“Mm!?” You jolts in surprise.
“Call me by my name too?” Riko asks in that gentle lilt.
Eh?! N-Name?
“R-Riko-sensei.” You furrowed her eyebrows; knowing what Riko meant but unable to comply.
“Without the ‘sensei’.” Riko spells it out, hazel eyes staring earnestly at You.
Ugh….Why is this happening?
“But you are a teacher.” You reasons.
Why am I unable to..?
“We’re not in school right now.” Riko counters.
“…” You grimaces at herself.
Riko’s expression softens at that, thinking she might be putting the gym teacher in the spot…but she really wants… “You don’t want to..?”
You’s body droops to the side as she scratches her ear subconsciously. “…It’s not that…”
It’s not. I don’t understand why I’m being against it. For Mari-chan or Kanan-chan, I can just call them by their name without the ‘sensei’ title too. So why when it’s Riko-sensei-
“Shy?” Riko throws out a suggestion and You grunts displeased and embarrassed. Riko chuckles soft at the close-eyed, big frown You displayed.
Ahhh, she’s laughing at me now. I-
“Ugh… …Riko-chan!” You shouts; eyes still closed, blush still apparent, heart still racing.
There! I said it!
Riko chuckles louder, happy, before staying quiet.
You opens her eyes to look and she was met with a smiling Riko. You thinks she forgot to breathe as she stared at Riko whose eyes crinkled; smiling, Riko’s lips a smooth curve up; smiling, Riko’s cheekbone pushed up; smiling, Riko’s hands holding the blanket because of the chuckle; smiling. You never knew someone’s smile could be this breathtaking.
“Thank you…You-chan.” Riko smiles more and You stares at the floor.
Riko-chan… What is this feeling..?
 Author Notes
YouRiko-sensei are a work in progress ;D
It’s not a month yet! It’s not the 11th of August, so it’s not a month yet! XD even if it’s just a few minutes to the day change XD
It’s not like I posted it on midnight the other day too! Hehe~ :P
A-A-Anyways! I hope y’all love and enjoyed this chapter!
They are now on “You-chan” and “Riko-chan” status when not in school! *O* yay~ banzai~
Is this the end of the sick arc? XD hahas.
Leave a comment if you like! I would love to hear from you all the time, any time~ :D
Oh, and they do sleep together XD Since Riko gets You to stay the night :P thus the title. Wahaha. XD
See you next Tease~ ;D  
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latina4rmbx · 4 years
Tomorrow isn’t Promised
I saw an ad for a game on Facebook.  A clip really.  There were couples staring at each other.  Some crying, some laughing nervously.  All I remember was this one profound question:  "If this were to be our last conversation, what is one thing you’d never want me to forget?”
A seed was born from the question.  I figured, I’d ask people.  At first, I asked the closest people to me, then I expanded the circle.  Needless to say, I freaked a whole bunch of people out.  Before I get to the responses I want you to know that a lot of these are deeply personal, so I will not include names.  Some people who follow me on here, MAY know some of the individuals, but not all. 
I am NOT sick.  I am totally ok.  I found the question so profound, I HAD to ask it.  I have no regrets.
If there was a way to share all of the screen shots, I swear I would but trust me, there were just so many.
Some people responded with just 1 thing.  Some people responded with long beautiful messages.  They are all appreciated and I will forever hold them dear to my heart.
All, but 4 people, received a response to the question from me.  I won’t divulge my responses because as soon as I pressed send, they no longer belonged solely to me.  Just know a good response for most was:  you made me cry.  
I’ll be typing the responses to the question.  Some people gave multiple responses so I may give both.  
I had a conversation with my confidante and she says that this is amazing.  Sort of like a living eulogy. She asked me if I knew these things the people were saying.  I explained to her that in truth, I never really thought about it.  In the end I learned 2 valuable lessons: 
Younger males mainly speak of themselves.
You never really know the profound impact you have had on another persons life.  You’ll see what I mean.
Without further ado, here are the responses, in no particular order:
To value your worth.  To never forget that I love you and the kids.  That you’re a great writer.  A great friend.  A great mother.  I can’t name just one.  Don’t forget to give your friends a blanket.
That I love you & I know I was difficult growing up but I always loved you even when it might’ve felt like I didn’t.  And that I forgive you.
That I greatly appreciate your genuine friendship and you will always hold a special place in my heart.  and that’s the truth.
That I love you
How much I love you
How genuine and good-hearted you’ve always been, no matter what life has thrown at you.  Your situation never changed your heart, in Janee’s words, you’ve stayed golden.
One thing?  That I love you.
That I love you.  Why are you talking like that?
That I am always here for you and that I have and have always had. nothing but love for you.
Sheesh, I don’t know if I interpreted this question correctly but:   If this is our last conversation because you are on your death bed I would say:  In life, it sometimes feels like the world was simply horrible.  Nothing was good and it was full of hate and anger.  Thank you for being someone that gave hope just by being her positive self.  I know that because you were my hope when the world seemed horrible with simple gestures.  May not have changed the world, but it saved me some days.  If it was because we fell off or some other shit:  You was always lit.  Stay golden.  Don’t change for nobody.  I wish you the best.
I’m your child.  No matter how much u deny me !!  and I love you!
I appreciate all the kindness and support you’ve always shown me.
I would want you to know how much I love you and how much you’ve impacted my life in such a positive manner.  How much I love that you’re not just my aunt but you’re like my best friend, and how I feel that you out of most people understand me on a different level.
You prob the funniest chick I know the pleasure of knowing.  There’s your one thing.
Omg don’t say that but I would say you are a beautiful person inside and out and the world is a better place because you are in it.  You have a beautiful family and friends that love you.
Id never want you to forget how much I GENUINELY appreciate our conversation.  How you were there for me and gave me so much words of wisdom when I was going thru the worst time of my life.  How you satisfied my craving of violets when I was pregnant with Mychael..and how much you make me laugh thru social media because you are so funny!
That you really will be missed and that I wish our friendship happened sooner so I’ll have more time with you!!!  You are greatly appreciated.
I love you with all of my heart.  You’re an inspiration to me.  Words could not describe what you are to me.  More than a cousin, more than a sister.  Awilda Lee was the brightest thing in our lives when she came along. Thank. you for her.  Thank you for having unconditional love for me that my Wela had.  I have very fond memories at 533.  You’re in almost all of them.  From music out the window to your word processor and all your CD’s. My love of music comes from you.
That I love you like MY blood sister!
Us when we was living with grandma on 139th street, while you play Richard Marx “i’ll be Right Here Waiting for You.”  Til this day when I hear that song I see you playing it. I love you.
That Jesus loves you so much He gave His life for you in order to offer you forgiveness for all the wrong you’ve done & a way for you to live with Him eternally in His presence & that its. never to late to give him a change because He’s always by you waiting.
That you are very loved.  Good morning honey.
Jesus loves you!
If this were my last conversation with you I would want you to never forget that you are an amazing person from the first time I met you as Dr. D secretary til now, the only thing that has changed is your hair color and your age lol.  I genuinely have love for you.  Your free spirit and outspokenness is always welcome in my world.  I know you said one thing but I had more than one thing lol.  Oh and you’re a bomb writer.  So when you publishing your 1st book?
That you were an amazing friend that honestly left an imprint in my life.
What an awesome job. you’ve done with Joaquin!!
Morning lol your smart mouth and trouble shooting skills.
I wouldn’t want you to forget how absolutely amazing I think you are.  You were there for me when I needed you most.  Helping me with my son and a shoulder to cry on.  For that, I will be forever grateful.
Fine.  I’d want you to never forget that not only do we have the same teeth, that we’re cousins on both sides of our family and that you’re first daughter looked exactly like me when she was younger.  And that although we don’t speak much, I love you more than anything.
My gap
That I love and you’re my favorite person in life and I am grateful that God put us together and I hope we together in the next life too.
How hard we laughed together.
How I never judged anyone.  Good morning. (I think they mean how u, meaning me, never judged anyone)
How much I love you.
How much I love and appreciated you.  
How valuable I feel our friendship is and how much your wisdom and guidance has helped me in very difficult times.  I appreciate and love you very much.
That I love you
That although growing up we were not close.  I still have a great deal of love for you and I absolutely enjoy every single lil time we share together.  and our sex talk at times (they meant we talk about it, not that we talk it to each other)
That I love you.  That you are special strong funny.
That you are love
That I love you unconditionally because you are extremely unique.
That you have a warm and tender heart and a fierce outer shell.  You are an incredibly strong and smart woman.
That you are an absolutely amazing human being & that you deserve all the happiness and love that this world has to offer.  Never stop smiling.
That I love you and everything about you.
You will forever be my favorite bookworm.  You’ve written your own book in my life.  “That loyal friend” by OV.  You speak my love language you always have and I am just as honored to have you in my corner.  I love you. my dear friend.  Sincerely, KR.
Everyday of my. younger life, all I wanted to do was find you guys!  Once I did, I felt I was becoming complete!  Meeting you guys when you y’all came to Cali was EVERYTHING I could have asked for and more!  You guys are ones I work for EVERYDAY!  Once I make this generational wealth, I got y’all!  I promise you that!
I know it’ll sound cliche but I don’t thin you will ever truly know and understand how truly and deeply I care and love you.  You helped pull me out of really dark place, you are an amazing soul.  You are one of the rare ppl that i actually think of when i think of love and friendship and i thank you for being a part of my life.
That you’re my Binobo (a species of monkey - look it up)
When I would nag you on the 1st of the month.
That you should never forget how much you are loved.  That your generosity of spirit and goodness far surpasses any flaws.  That you are sooooo much more worthy, than you think you are.  That I would never want you to settle for anyone who isn’t a really good person to you and the kids.  Most importantly, I would pass on something that my Great Aunt once told me to always remember...If it doesn’t bring you peace, then it isn’t from God.  In my experience, those words have always proven true.  You know in your heart and it your gut - there is a very definitive, distinct sense of peace, when things are right.  God only wants that sense of calm and joy, and He gave us the instinct to recognize the difference. (AMEN!)
I truly don’t like the tone of this question.  But it would be your honesty.  You’ve always been so open and honest about your story and it was a breath of fresh air for me.
Your humor and smile is always up lifting.
Awwwww.  You are my counselor.  You always have the best advice you are the sassiest glamma I know and the queen of essential oils lol.  you add a special something to the world that only you can.  A tell it like it is type of chick, who always keeps it 100%.  It’s been such a pleasure having you in my world.
If it’s a thought about you, it wold be that I thought were smarter, funnier and at least a little better looking than the average bear.  If it’s a memory, besides the short jokes and dancing, I would want you to remember, well it’s a toss up.  Remember the time I lied about cooking food I brought in lunch, that it was really Lydia who made it, and she busted me.
I’d say thank you for being the parents that you are and thank you for allowing me to influence your little treasure and for keeping in contact with me.
Don’t forget to put me in your will.  Lol just playing.  That I love you of course.
How much I love you and thank you for always being neutral even if you’re his coworker lol.
I’d want you to know...While there is a great physical distance between us, I feel close to you.  I love that you had a special relationship with my mom and hope that we can have our own.  Big hugs to you.
1.  That I love you.  2.  that I would like you to raise my kids if anything happened to me or my wife.
That my heart was pure whether they were good or bad to me.  To be honest I just want people to know that I’ve always been a good soul and did my best to be there for those who needed me, just a selfless individual.
You’re the best grandma Saniyah will have from marriage you love her like she’s really your daughters child and I love it.  wouldn’t want it any other way.
Nuestra amistad (TRANSLATION: our friendship)
I love you
Never forget that I love you and God is good.
I don’t want it to be our last conversation but one thing that i don’t want you to forget is that you called me Thunderbuddy.
That I love you.  That you’re an amazing person!  Wait that’s two things right?  LOL
Never forget who got you high.
1.  Don’t forget to brush your teeth (stephen’s voice) 2>. Don’t forget to keep being unapologetically yourself.
How cute and funny I am lol
I wouldn’t want you to forget the laughs we’ve shared.  Our birthday body suits.
Thank you for reading,
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 8 years
bye sheep.latepost.docx
Arsé-kun: *Arséne is taking a nap, while Sheepy does his own thing. Nothing is wrong- Until a sharp pain in his chest startles Arséne awake. He blinks, confused, and contacts Sheepy to ask if he is all right. Sheepy's answer is panicked and jumbled, hard to understand, and rather quiet. Before Arséne can understand, Sheepy stops responding. Arséne immediately leaps out of bed to try to find Sheepy, and proceeds to nearly collapse in a sudden fit of dizziness. He coughs. He coughs again, covering his mouth. He looks at his hand. Blood. He immediately runs out to find Sheepy and anyone, Anyone, that can help.*
Sheepy: *it doesn't take him long to find sheepy collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. he's bleeding from his chest* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *oh no oH NO* Aries!! *he drops next to Sheepy, and immediately goes to use his cravat to cover the wound. It probably won't do much..* Sheepy: Sheepy: *his eyes are tightly closed and he's clenching his teeth. seems like he's in a lot of pain. upon arsene touching the wound he cries out. he gies back to gasping for air again.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm sorry..! I.. *he coughs again. he covers his mouth. more blood.* D-do you want me to find help? Sheepy: Sheepy: *he doesn't respond. instead he grabs arsene's hand that's on his chest and grips it tightly, as if it's the rope stopping him from falling into the abyss that is death.* Arsé-kun: *Arséne's expression changes to one of fear, beginning to realize what is happening. He holds Sheepy's hand tightly, struggling to keep his composure. "You're not dying, are you..?" Arséne quietly asked, "You can't be... Not now..!" Sheepy did not reply. The most he was able to do was crack an eyelid open and give Arséne an apologetic look, before his body gave up and went still. Fighting back tears, Arséne tried to bring his link, no, his son back to consciousness, but it was no use. The light in Sheepy's eyes had been extinguished. Arséne, needless to say, broke down. "Aries! This wasn't meant to happen-" he cried, before beginning to cough again, harder than before. He shook his head, and carefully gathered his son into his arms. He wasn't going to let it end this way. He would die trying to find help.* Arsé-kun: *Arséne stumbled down the hall, most of his focus on not dropping his son, and trying to call for help amid the coughing* Sheepy: Fran: *he peeks out from the doorway of his room* Lupin, what's going on- Sheepy: Fran: *he registers that arsene is not looking too good and sheepy might be dead* P-please come in! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Victor! *he tries to run over, but it comes out more as an unsteady gait. He also slams into the doorframe trying to make it in, and seeming confused about it. How long was that there? He does, though, manage to get in* Sheepy: Fran: Let me see him, please! Arsé-kun: *Arséne puts Sheepy down as carefully as he can, before going into a coughing fit. He wobbles and stumbles trying to keep upright..* Sheepy: Fran: You should sit! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he shakes his head, almost disorienting himself in the process* I'm- I'm not moving from this spot *he coughs again* Until I drop..! Sheepy: *fran gets to work. he's blocking arsene's view, unfortunately* Sheepy: Fran: You need to sit down. *his tone is stern.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: B-but... *he tries to lean around Fran, and nearly loses the little balance he has. He then nods and carefully makes his way to a seat* Sheepy: Fran: Thank you. Sheepy: *Fran does his best.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he coughs and blinks a few times. He wasn't entirely sure if it was just him, or if the room's lights were failing..* Sheepy: Fran: Who shot him? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I.... I don't.. *he, once again, begins to cough. This particular fit lasts a bit longer.* Sheepy: Fran: Oh... Sheepy: Fran: Um... Sheepy: Fran: I'm not sure if you've noticed this but... Sheepy: Fran: He's passed. I guess maybe you've got something planned, and that's why you brought him here...? ... anyway, I'm in the process of removing the bullet... Sheepy: Fran: ...You... um... do have a plan, right? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *He... Doesn't respond. At all, excluding the coughing and recently added wheezing.* Sheepy: Fran: If not... I probably should see if I can save you, instead.. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he shakes his head. As he begins to cough trying to speak, he picks up the chain and points to Sheepy, before himself.* Sheepy: Izzy: Who's been messing up my schedule- Arsé-kun: Thanatos: ... This is not meant to occur yet. Sheepy: Izzy: Not you two again! If you want to go around breaking laws and ruining things, do it on your own time! Sheepy: Izzy: Not mine! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he barely even gets to look at them before lapsing into, you guessed it, another coughing fit* Sheepy: Izzy: Sheesh... Sheepy: Izzy: MAYBE I'll help you... Sheepy: Izzy: But I've got a schedule to keep! As much as you like attention, you shouldn't go so far as dying to get it! Arsé-kun: Thanatos: *he is silent for a minute or so, before finally stepping in. His coffins are left behind* According to the Fates, this was not meant to occur, and should not be. *he looks down to the other death god* Take this seriously, Izanami. Sheepy: Izzy: Izanagi! People are dying when they aren't supposed to! Arsé-kun: *Izanagi responds from afar, but he is hard to hear over Arséne trying to breathe properly and failing* Sheepy: Izzy: I can't hear you over Arséne dying! Sheepy: Fran: *uncomfortable* Arsé-kun: Thanatos: *he turns his head to look at Fran* ... Do what you can to keep this man alive. We will do what is in our power to correct this. Sheepy: Fran: I'll try.. Arsé-kun: *Arséne is no longer coughing, but instead is gasping for air. The room is slowly beginning to fade from his vision, and voices sound farther away than they really are... The last thing he hears is Fran yelling his name, before black.* Arsé-kun: *..... There is an occasional beeping sound. There is hushed speaking somewhere. A dull hum underlines this all. Arséne slowly opens his eyes. The beeping speeds up.* Sheepy: *hes in a hospital bed!* Arsé-kun: *Arséne slowly takes in his surroundings. He sees the machines, the mask on his face... He hears softer beeping to the side. He turns his head* Sheepy: *Sheepy is in the bed next to him. he's still sleeping.* Sheepy: *he's relying on one if the breathing machines as well but at least he's alive* Arsé-kun: *Arséne can't help but smile just a little. They, somehow, survived. He tries to reach out and grasp Sheepy's hand, but he is just out of reach. Arséne settles for holding the chain, instead.* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he takes a while to wake up. for the first minute or two of being awake, all he notices is how tired he is. he then finally acknowledges the beeping. beeping can only mean one thing... he frantically looks around,his heart hammering in his chest. his heartrate moniitor, quickening the pace of beeping, only serves to scare him more.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Aries.. *his voice is very quiet, and his throat is very dry. It is hard to speak, but he tries anyway* It's okay.. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he looks over. he's confused.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: You made it...! *he smiles, just a little* Sheepy: Sheepy: Made it...? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You survived, Aries..! Sheepy: Sheepy: It doesn't feel like it... Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... I do not feel so well, either... Last I recall, you'd.... .... *he tightens his grip on the chain* Sheepy: Sheepy: My memory of what happened is foggy... Sheepy: Sheepy: The person who shot me was... ... Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't remember. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I do not know, either. I went to get help for you, but I do not recall much of it.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I knew them. Sheepy: Sheepy: I felt betrayed... who was it? Sheepy: Sheepy: Just like that nightmare... Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't know... I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's fine. I wouldn't expect you to. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I never want that to happen again.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Nor do I. It was probably worse for you, though Arsé-kun: Arséne: N-non.. I lived, I believe.. But... Sheepy: Sheepy: That's why. Sheepy: Sheepy: I saw Watson. He looked like the stereotypical interpretation of him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Eh? Sheepy: Sheepy: He had a bowler hat and a mustache. Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, no, non. You "saw" him..? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't understand. Sheepy: Sheepy: I saw him, clear as day. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Uh... Okay. *he still seems very confused* Sheepy: Sheepy: You didn't? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non? Sheepy: Sheepy: I talked to him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh? About..? Sheepy: Sheepy: He was explaining what was going ob. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .. Ah. Sheepy: Sheepy: It was weird. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I would presume so. Sheepy: Sheepy: I wouldn't recommend it. Arsé-kun: *Someone looks into the window on the door! They then move away and call for Fran* Sheepy: Fran: *he arrives* Oh, you're both awake! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oui. Salut. Sheepy: Fran: How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Tired, a bit confused, and rather antsy. Fine otherwise. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't like it here. Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to go home. Arsé-kun: Raphael: *he leans in the doorway. he nearly drops his clipboard on the way in. dopey.* Actually, you can! We were just waiting for you guys to fully recover! Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't like doctors or hospitals. Arsé-kun: Raphael: .. That's fair enough! *he pops out. he returns minutes later* Fran, where did we put their clothes? Sheepy: Fran: Um... Sheepy: Fran: ... Sheepy: Fran: I'll go and look for them... Sheepy: Fran: *he rushes out to hunt for the clothes* Sheepy: Fran: Um, they weren't where they were supposed to be. Arsé-kun: Raphael: That's no good! Do the little fellas have them? Sheepy: Fran: It's possible. Sheepy: Fran: Um, by the way. Your friend was here earlier. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Huh? Whose? Sheepy: Fran: Yours. What was his name.... Arsé-kun: Arséne: How loud was he? Sheepy: Fran: Very loud. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sherlock. Sheepy: Fran: Oh, that was it. Sheepy: Fran: He, uh, made a ruckus upon finding out he couldn't visit you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he sighs* That sounds like him. Sheepy: Fran: He said something along the lines of... Sheepy: Fran: "I won't move from this spot until I can see him!" and sat down in one of the seats. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *under his breath* T’es con comme une chaise. *he shakes his head and looks back to Fran* Well, I guess he can see us now. Sheepy: Fran: *he goes to get Sherlock. he returns with a very sad and stressed looking Sherlock.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you okay?? I heard about what happened...! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he has the mask off by the time Fran and Sherlock are back. He smiles at Sherlock* Yes, oui, we're all right. Did you stay here the entire time..? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes! Sheepy: Sherlock: I couldn't leave without knowing you were alright! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Keep that up, and you'll be here next. But, again, we're okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll be here next? Why? ... I'm glad you're alright, though! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Did you remember to eat at all? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes! I did! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh. That's a surprise. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was reminded to. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll figure out who did it! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good luck. Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I ask a few questions later? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Absolutely. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You'd be better off asking Sheepy, though. I was not present for it. Sheepy: Sherlock: You weren't? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I wasn't. I'd only found him afterwards. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh... I see... Sheepy: Doctor: Oh! You've recovered! Arsé-kun: *and in comes a pile of clothes, with a tail sticking out of it. it says something, but it is muffled because clothes* Sheepy: Doctor: We have your clothes too! Sheepy: Doctor: You may not remember us, but we're the medical team from a while back! They let us learn here. Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, no, I remember you, Doctor. Sheepy: Doctor: Yes! That's me. Arsé-kun: *muffled noises from the clothes* Sheepy: Fran: *he moves the clothes and give them to arsene and sheepy* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he pokes his head out from under the blanket* Arsé-kun: *Something is still in that pile of clothes!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he takes it out* Sheepy: Sheepy: What's this? Arsé-kun: Stable: *they gasp for air* I'M FREE Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, it's alive. Arsé-kun: Stable: Thanks to you, yes! You saved me from suffocating! Sheepy: Sheepy: Why were you under there? Arsé-kun: Stable: I was bringing the clothes in, but I got tangled up in them! Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Well, thanks for the clothes. Arsé-kun: Stable: You'rrrrrrre welcome! Sheepy: Sheepy: Um. So. Who are you? Arsé-kun: Stable: I'm the Stable! Nice'ta meetcha, Curls! Sheepy: Sheepy: Um, my name is Sheepy. Arsé-kun: Stable: I'm not gonna remember that, Curls! Sheepy: Sheepy: ...Um. But. That's my name. Arsé-kun: Stable: Curly Sheep Sheepy: *Sheepy pouts.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he has somehow managed to put his clothes on. nobody has noticed until now. How* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not changing into my clothes until everyone leaves. Arsé-kun: Arséne: What will I see that I've never seen before? Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't mean you. Sheepy: Sheepy: I meant everyone else. Arsé-kun: Raphael: Can we at least get the machines turned off first..? Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess, sure. Arsé-kun: *So everybody disconnects and turns off the fancy medical machinery, and disconnects the IVs. Sheepy gets a sheep bandaid for his arm.* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he doesn't comment on this.* Arsé-kun: *and then everyone pisses off to let Sheepy put his clothes on* Sheepy: *Sheepy puts his clothes on.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he slowly gets up, and stretches. a lot* Sheepy: Sheepy: How long do you think we've been here? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess we can ask. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Right. *he raises his voice a bit* You can come back now! Sheepy: Fran: *he comes back in* Arsé-kun: Arséne: How long have we been here for..? Sheepy: Fran: Six days. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... What? Sheepy: Fran: Six days. Sheepy: Fran: You've been out for six days. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Seriously? Sheepy: Fran: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: I waited here the entire time! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Did you even tell anyone you were here..? Sheepy: Fran: I did. Sheepy: Sherlock: I forgot! Sheepy: Sherlock: Whoops! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sherlock... Sheepy: Sherlock: What's up? Arsé-kun: Arséne: People are going to be worried about you. Sheepy: Sherlock: They are? Sheepy: Sherlock: Why? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You disappeared for almost a week? Never mind. *he shakes his head* Sheepy: Sherlock:...Is that bad? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Oops! Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh well! Sheepy: Sherlock: I was worried about you, so that was more important than anything else! Sheepy: Sheepy: *instead, he starts to stretch, but stops when he's greeted by a jolt of pain* Sheepy: Fran: Oh... Um, you should be careful. I doubt the area is fully healed up yet. Sheepy: Fran: I doubt you should go out and do.. uh, thieving things, either. Sheepy: Fran: Honestly, we should just make you stay here until you're fully recovered.. but... er... I'd feel bad forcing you to stay somewhere you really don't want to be. Sheepy: Fran: So when you go back home, you mostly should just rest. Probably. I'm not really sure what they did. Sheepy: Sheepy: Resting is boring. Sheepy: Fran: Please just be careful. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he finishes his stretches and looks to Fran* Oh, I'll make sure he rests. Sheepy: Fran: That's good. Sheepy: Sheepy: The way you say that scares me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It should. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're a bully. You use fear as a weapon. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Actually, I just want to sleep more, and was forewarning you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. That's fine, then. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Now, how shall we return..? Sheepy: Sherlock: ... I don't know! Sheepy: Sherlock: I ran here! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course you did. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is that bad? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non. Sheepy: Sherlock: I could run back and get a car! ... Although I doubt anyone will let me drive it! Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's better than letting me drive. Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess so! Sheepy: Sheepy: We can ask Morgana. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, that is a fantastic idea. Not sure why I did not think of that. Sheepy: Sheepy: Who should go back to get him? Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Morgana] Salut! Can we borrow you for a bit so we can get back? Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] Where have you been!!! Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] You can borrow Morgana, but, I haven't seen you anywhere! Arsé-kun: Arséne: [Text: to Morgana] I'm sorry! Did no one tell you? We'd been injured.. Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arsene] What?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Morgana] Nobody really told you?? Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] No! Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] Are you OK?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Morgana] Yes, we are now, thank you for asking. Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arsene] Oh, good..! Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Morgana] Now. Can you ask Morgana to come over here? Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] Where are you? Arsé-kun: *arsene texts him where they are* Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] Morgana is heading rhere now! Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Morgana] You aren't coming? Sheepy: Zorro: [Text: to Arséne] I'm coming too! Arsé-kun: Arséne: [text: to Morgana] Oh. Good! Sheepy: *it takes them a while but hey arrive!* Sheepy: Zorro: *when he arrives he tacklehugs arsene at T E R M I N A L V E L O C I T Y* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he is tacklehugged* Woah, woah, Zorro! Hello to you, too! Sheepy: Morgana: *he hops up onto Sheepy's lap. I haven't met my weekly attention quota* Sheepy: Zorro: I've missed you so much!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Th-thanks. *he hugs Zorro back* Sheepy: Morgana: I can drive all of you home! Sheepy: Fran: Um... how? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Catbus. Sheepy: Fran: Busses for cats? Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, non. Sheepy: Morgana: I can turn into a bus! Sheepy: Morgana: I was under the assumption you were with Crow, so I didn't look for you! I began to worry... Arsé-kun: Arséne: We need to keep better watch on each other to prevent this from happening again. Sheepy: Morgana: Who attacked you? Sheepy: Sheepy: One of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts - I'm sure of it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sherlock. *he looks over to the detective* Once we are back, I would like you to do some investigating on the matter. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll question everyone and leave no stone unturned! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he nods* I will join you later. Sheepy: Sherlock: Sounds good! Arsé-kun: *everyone gets outside, and Arséne looks at Morgana expectantly* Sheepy: *Morgana leaps into the air and transforms into a bus* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *to fran* Catbus. Sheepy: Fran: How...? Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's a belief-based power. There is a movie about a cat bus, so many people believe it is a thing, and thus, he can do so. Sheepy: Fran: I've never heard of a catbus. Arsé-kun: Raphael, from a few feet away: It's cute! Maybe I'll let you watch it later if I can find it! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he gets in* Arsé-kun: *as does everyone else* Sheepy: Morgana: *he heads home* Arsé-kun: *Arséne tries his best to not doze off on the way. He fails.* Sheepy: Sheepy: *why arsene. he wanted to stay awake and then yiu did that* Arsé-kun: *it's ok! he wakes up when the bus stops* Sheepy: Morgana: We're here! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he sounds drowsy* 're we..? Sheepy: Morgana: Yes! Arsé-kun: Arséne: mmn.. *he yawns and sits up, off of whoever he ended up dozing off on* Sheepy: Zorro: *he doesn't seem too bothered by the fact arsene was dozing on him* Arsé-kun: *they then go indoors. arsene keeps his word and goes to take a nap* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he considers following arsene but doesn't* Arsé-kun: *so whats he do?* Sheepy: *he opens a door* Arsé-kun: Minako: Sheepy! Sheepy's here, guys! Sheepy: Naoya: He is?- He is! Arsé-kun: *Sheepy is rushed by the summoners!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he is very confused and surprised* Arsé-kun: Minako: We heard what happened! Are you okay? Sheepy: Sheepy: I think so... Arsé-kun: Minato: Well, good. We were worried about you. Sheepy: Sheepy: You were? Arsé-kun: Minato: Yeah. Why wouldn't we? Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't think any of you actually cared avout me... Arsé-kun: Minako: Of course we do! Sheepy: Sheepy: You guys are weird. *he says this, but he looks overjoyed...* Arsé-kun: Minato: I'll take that as a compliment. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Weird is nothing new. Sheepy: Sheepy: No, you're weird 'cause you feel that way. That's new. Arsé-kun: Minako: No it isn't? Sheepy: Sheepy: It's new to me. Arsé-kun: *>​You have become aware that your friends deeply care for you! Your Emperor, Sun, Universe, Death, and World links have all gotten stronger!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *wait what's that third one* Arsé-kun: *... Fool?* Sheepy: Sheepy: *no, universe* Arsé-kun: *MAYBE YOU'RE JUST TIRED* Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't remember Universe being one of them... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: That's not even a tarot card... Is it? Sheepy: Sheepy: It's not! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Then who is it..? Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe it's Yu because he thinks the entire universe revolves around him. Arsé-kun: Minako: No, he's World, and ... Doesn't that mean he revolves around Tatsuya? Sheepy: Sheepy: Wow. maybe. Arsé-kun: Minato: But, Naoya is Emperor, so it isn't him. Sheepy: Naoya: ...I have no idea who it is. Sheepy: Naoya: Maybe it's Minako. Arsé-kun: Minako: Do any of you guys ever check your links?? Sheepy: Naoya: I actually didn't know what one was until you talked about it. Sheepy: Naoya: I don't have anything like that to my knowledge... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Same here, actually. Sheepy: Sheepy: I forget to Arsé-kun: Minako: Well, I'll tell you! It's not me! Hi, I'm Death! Arsé-kun: Minato: *he goes to quickly run out, before sheepy turned to him, but wasn't watching where he was going. He slams smack into the wall, and bounces off. He lands flat on his back.* dread. Sheepy: Sheepy: Um... Sheepy: Sheepy: ... Why did you do that? Arsé-kun: Minato: Because I'm not as smart as I like to think I am. Sheepy: sheepy: Makes sense. Sheepy: Sheepy: I always have low expectations of myself so I never get disappointed!! Arsé-kun: Minato: *he sits up* But, yeah. Universe is me. What a surprise. Sheepy: Sheepy: Wow. Sheepy: Sheepy: I dunno what that is. Arsé-kun: Minato: It's like world, but edgier. Sheepy: Sheepy: Igor's never brought it up. Arsé-kun: Minato: Gee. I must be special. Sheepy: Sheepy: Actually, all Igor brings up is how he sees me as a prisoner and how he needs to fix me. And that's why he puts my personas in the guillotine. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's normal, right? Arsé-kun: Minato: wh Arsé-kun: Minato: N-no? Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Sheepy: Sheepy: He doesn't put your personas in the electric chair, either? Or solitary confinement...? Arsé-kun: Minako: Edgy! Sheepy: Sheepy: He scares me. Arsé-kun: Minato: ... I want to come with you, if that's okay. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. I'd appreciate that. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he gets back up* Anyway, we're glad you're okay. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you...! Sheepy: Sheepy: Can you help me find who shot me? Sheepy: Sheepy: I know something about them... Arsé-kun: Minako: We should party- But that comes first! Of course we will! Sheepy: Sheepy: Um... Sheepy: Sheepy: They were part of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Sheepy: Sheepy: My mind is so hazy about the event I can't recall much else. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: We don't know any of your gang, so unless you're willing to tell us... Sheepy: Sheepy: OK, uh... Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm Joker. Mona is Morgana... Skull is a blond named Ryuji. He's a punk. Sheepy: Sheepy: Panther is Anne. She has pigtails and she's a model. Sheepy: Sheepy: Fox is Yusuke. He looks like Minato except taller and he likes to paint. Arsé-kun: *Tatsuya looks inappropriately excited. Because he is best police. BEST. POLICE.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Queen is Makoto. She's a brunette with red eyes. Arsé-kun: Minako: :3c Sheepy: Sheepy: ... ... You won't tell anyone, right? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: ... I'll give my word. I'd love to, but I'll wait. Sheepy: Sheepy: Don't tell anyone! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Okay, okay! Fine. Sheepy: Sheepy: We'll steal your heart if you do! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: And Apollo'll light you on fire. Sheepy: Sheepy: Um... Sheepy: Sheepy: Tatsuya... I do that all the time. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Fine, then! He'll.. uh. .... Throw nukes at you, or something. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's illegal! Sheepy: Sheepy: Detectives don't do illegal things! Sheepy: Sheepy: But... since you promised you wouldn't tell a soul... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Police! I'm not a detective! Sheepy: Sheepy: The last two are Noir and Crow. Sheepy: Sheepy: Noir is Haru. She's the daughter of an owner of a popular fast food chain. Sheepy: Sheepy: Crow's a detective named Goro. Sheepy: Sheepy: He should be around here somewhere, but Morgana said that he disappeared. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Hold it, hold it. Brunette? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I met him last week. Before any of this, I mean. We talked law and traded numbers. ... Didn't you just say detectives didn't partake in illegal activities? Sheepy: Sheepy: It's not illegal if no one knows it's you! Sheepy: Sheepy: And no one knows it's him! Because you won't tell a soul! You said so! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I never said "not a soul", and that argument wouldn't stand in a court of law. Sheepy: Sheepy: Don't tell anyone!! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Okay, okay! Sheepy: Sheepy: I trusted you with this information so I expect you not to break the agreement. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I'll do my best. Sheepy: Sheepy: Anyway, Goro disappeared arounr the time I got shot. Sheepy: Sheepy: But Goro wouldn't shoot me! Murder is illegal. Detectives don't do illegal things. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Too suspicious to not be connected. Lets find him anyway. Sheepy: Sheepy: OK... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: [text: to Goro] Hello! We haven't spoken, but you said you would message me. Did something come up? Sheepy: Goro?: [Text: to Tatsuya] Oooh, yes, just killing one of my dear friends. Heheheh. Don't you want to be next? :) Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: ..... ............ *he shows Sheepy the phone* Sheepy: Sheepy: Goro doesn't type like that. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: THAT'S your problem with it?! *he seems. incredulous.* Sheepy: Sheepy: He also doesn't use emotes. Sheepy: Sheepy: Haven't you heard of theft before? His phone was stolen. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Well, yes, of course. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's creepy anyway. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I just meant that, uh, the content itself Sheepy: Goro?: [Text: to Tatsuya] Which do you think will drag it out longer? A knife or poison? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: [text: to Goro] That would depend on the type of poison and/or where they are stabbed. I suggest neither. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I hope one of you can track phones, because he's in trouble most likely. Sheepy: Goro?: [Text: to Tatsuya] I'll start with the knife. Good answer! Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't . Sheepy: Naoya: Should I be able to? Arsé-kun: Minato: I... I may be able to. Sheepy: Sheepy: That'd be great! Arsé-kun: Minato: *he summons Orpheus, but before he can do anything, Orpheus turns away from him* Sheepy: Sheepy: Hi, Orpheus. Arsé-kun: Orpheus: *he looks at Sheepy* Hello. Glad to see you are okay. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you...! Uh... I'm not exactly sure why Minato summoned you, but... Sheepy: Sheepy: Can you track phones? Sheepy: Sheepy: We think Goro is in danger. Arsé-kun: Orpheus: No, but I know what he's doing. *he makes a groaning noise* Methinks I am not needed, but I will allow it. This time. Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Arsé-kun: Minato: Wanna see a magic trick? *he (somehow) makes Orpheus into Messiah! Messiah looks very unhappy. He continues to look unhappy as he puts his hands over Minato's eyes* Sheepy: Sheepy:??? Arsé-kun: Messiah: *he is grump. there is no not so grump. he is all the grump* Sheepy: Sheepy: What're you doing? Arsé-kun: Minato: Trying... to search... Sheepy: Sheepy: *he shuts up* Arsé-kun: Minato: ..... If I am.. correct.... three floors up... ten rooms over... *he sighs and pushes Messiah's hands away* Three rooms south of the stairs. Sheepy: Sheepy: Great! Let's go! Arsé-kun: Minato: Of course. *he leaves Messi as, well, Messi. needless to say, he is Not Happy about this at All* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he goes.* Arsé-kun: *minato and tats follow! messi slowly does as well* Sheepy: *naoya also follows* Arsé-kun: *look, everyone goes* Sheepy: Goro?: [Text: to Tatsuya] Oh, wow, aren't you skilled. I can hear that you've arrived. Do you want a front seat to the show? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: [text: to Goro] Absolutely. Let me in. Sheepy: *someone inside the room approaches the door and unlocks it. they walk away afterwards.* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he looks at everyone else, gestures for them to back up, and makes a shooshing motion. holds up a finger, pauses, points to himself. nods, and goes in* Sheepy: *goro is tied up. looks like he's already been beaten and cut up some. and there's... ... sheepy? who's bleeding from the chest. he's got a twisted grin on his face.* Sheepy: Nyarly: Oh, look who it is! The star of the show! Sheepy: Nyarly: I was waiting for you. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: Were you? I'm honored. Sheepy: Nyarly: Don't you remember me? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: No. Do tell. Sheepy: Nyarly: My name is Nyarlathotep. Sheepy: Nyarly: Doesn't that ring any bells? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: ... Nope. Sheepy: Nyarly: ... Philemon did too good of a job, then! That's fine. I can fix it. Sheepy: Nyarly: It's a bit unfortunate, though. Sheepy: Nyarly: You forgot your dear childhood friends... I guess it's only natural. They forgot you, too. Sheepy: Nyarly: ...Sheesh. This doesn't seem to be working. Sheepy: Nyarly: I was going to show off how great I am and cause the end of the world, and this is what you do. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: (is the apocalypse against the law?? must ask later.) Sheepy: Nyarly: Well, whatever. Maybe I can find a form that's more familiar to you. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he turns into moon howler.* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: whh.. Sheepy: Nyarly: Is ​this​ more familiar? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *He's not sure how to process what he's looking at* Sheepy: Goro: *he looks at this, wide-eyed. he'd scream, but kinda. can't.* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he slowly shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the... thing.. nyar turned into* Sheepy: Nyarly: Really, now? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *a similarly slow nod* Sheepy: Nyarly: That's too bad. Arsé-kun: *the door is kicked in by Messiah, and boy is he unhappy!* Sheepy: *this surprises Goro* Sheepy: Nyarly: I was hoping you'd come alone... Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I did come in alone. Sheepy: Nyarly: Well, whatever. Sheepy: Nyarly: I'll deal with this nuisance. Arsé-kun: Messiah: *deadpan* I can't believe you're willing to help with my self esteem issues. Sheepy: Nyarly: You can't have self esteem issues when you're dead! Arsé-kun: Messiah: *MORE DEADPAN* Wow, thanks for your help! Thank you, Nyarlathotep, for your assistance! Sheepy: Nyarlathotep: You're welcome! Arsé-kun: Messiah: *as actually deadpan as possible* Gosh, Nyarlathotep, I wonder if you can solve my other problem. Sheepy: Nyarlathotep: I could deal with your friends as well. Arsé-kun: Messiah: Dear Nyarlathotep, I have a problem where I can't stop firing off Megi- *he rather suddenly shoots off a Megidolaon at Nyar* -like so. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he stumbles back some. he didn't expect that* Arsé-kun: *Megi, megi, megi* Sheepy: Nyarly: *he attacks in return* Arsé-kun: *megi fight* Sheepy: *this goes on for a long time* Arsé-kun: *Tatsuya goes around it to free Goro* Sheepy: *Goro is thankful for the help. he's unsteady on his feet.* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he seems to be getting rather unsteady, too.. but he's steady enough to keep Goro standing* Sheepy: *they get out* Arsé-kun: Minako: *she takes the role of keeping Goro standing* Hey, buddy, you okay..? Sheepy: Goro: I'm... I'm really woozy. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she nods* I'll bring you to the other room so you can rest. Mind if I carry you? Sheepy: Goro: I don't mind... Arsé-kun: Minako: *she picks him up and carries him to a different room* Sheepy: Goro: *he's thankful for this* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he stumbles over to Naoya, missing once or twice before grabbing Naoya's shoulder* Sheepy: Naoya: Are you OK!? Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: I don't feel so good.... n-not sure whhhyy... Sheepy: Naoya: Let me get you away from here! Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *quietly* Please... Sheepy: *Naoya gets Tatsuya away from there* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he almost collapses, but manages to recover in time* Sheepy: Naoya: I'll stay with you to make sure he doesn't come back. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: .. Could you..? Sheepy: Naoya: Yeah. He won't mess with me. Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: thanks.. Sheepy: Naoya: *he sits down next to Tatsuya* Arsé-kun: Tatsuya: *he leans on Naoya, and eventually dozes off there* Sheepy: Naoya: *he doesn't mind* Sheepy: Naoya: *he keeps an eye on the door* Arsé-kun: *Minato and Orpheus wander in, but that's about it* Sheepy: Naoya: How did it go? Arsé-kun: Minato: I'm dead, I'll tell you later. *he lays down on the floor* Sheepy: Naoya: Um. Are you okay? Sheepy: Naoya: I, uh, guess I should've done something... Arsé-kun: Minato: I'm sleepy. Sheepy: Naoya: You should rest. Arsé-kun: Minato: I want to. Sheepy: Naoya: I'll protect you. Arsé-kun: Minato: Thanks. Sheepy: Naoya: You're welcome. Arsé-kun: *Minato goes to sleep right there, on the floor. Orph joins in door watching duty* Sheepy: Naoya: Oh... he shouldn't sleep on the floor. Arsé-kun: Orpheus: I've told him that before.. Sheepy: Naoya: Oh well. Sheepy: Yu: What's been going on? Arsé-kun: *Minako explains what he missed* Sheepy: Yu: That guy again? Sheepy: Yu: Sheesh... it's good everyone's OK though. Arsé-kun: Minako: Yeah! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he's conked out. seems like arsene napping finally got to him* Sheepy: Goro: I'm so sorry... I-I... I'm the one who shot him. Arsé-kun: Minako: Huh? Sheepy: Goro: That... thing from earlier took his form. Sheepy: Goro: It was keeping me up, night after night, and I just couldn't get rid of it. I knew it was a fake, so I shot what I thought was it... Arsé-kun: Minako: *she puts an arm around Goro's shoulders, and frowns* He tricked you. He's been trying to kill us since forever. You didn't mean to hit Sheepy, and that's what matters. Sheepy: Goro: I still did it. Sheepy: Goro: Even if it was unintentional, it still looked like him, and I still pulled the trigger. Arsé-kun: Minako: You did, huh... Well, we can explain to him later. There shouldn't be any hard feelings! Sheepy: Goro: I hope not. Sheepy: Sherlock: I've solved it, I've solved it! *where did he come from* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Slow down, Sherlock! Wait for me! Sheepy: Sherlock: OK! I'll wait for you! Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! I hope I'm not interrupting anything! Arsé-kun: Orpheus: Not at all. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was hunting for the culprit! But it looks like I found him! Arsé-kun: Orpheus: They. Just finished that discussion. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes, I know! Sheepy: Sherlock: I heard him confess! Sheepy: Sherlock: Lupin! What do I do? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Allow me. Sheepy: Sherlock: What're you going to do? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he strolls over to Goro, and lightly puts a hand on his shoulder. (mink moves her hand)* .. I heard your confession. Until Aries is able, I accept your apology. Sheepy: Goro: "Aries"...? Who's that? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hmhmhm. You do know. Sheepy: Goro: I don't know anyone by that name. Arsé-kun: Arséne: If you say so. The point is, apology is accepted. Sheepy: Goro: I'm glad... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he seems thoughtful* Perhaps it'd be best if someone watched the room's entrance.. Sheepy: Naoya: Ra could. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not a bad idea, but that requires... Ra. Sheepy: Sherlock: I could! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You could, but I think "you" could as well. Sheepy: Sherlock: Herlock? Sheepy: Sherlock: How will you convince him? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ew, no! Sheepy: Sherlock: Then who's me? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Have you forgotten..? Sheepy: Sherlock: Forgotten what? Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Sheepy: Sherlock: That dog! Sheepy: Sherlock: The bipedal one! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Dog. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... No, Sherlock. Sheepy: Sherlock:... Not the dog? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not the hound. Sheepy: Sherlock:... Sheepy: Sherlock: *he shrugs* No idea what you're talking about! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he does a 180 and faces Naoya* Can you force a Persona to summon by outside means? Sheepy: Goro: Um... Arséne, you missed a word there.. "No Sherlock"... Sheepy: Naoya: Uh. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe I avoided swearing, or maybe I didn't. Sheepy: Naoya: Endangering them. Sheepy: Naoya: Our Personas summon themselves when we're hurt badly. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Okay, safer. Sheepy: Naoya: Making them fight a demon? Sheepy: Naoya: I could summon one of mine and intentionally miss. Arsé-kun: Arséne: eh. Sheepy: Naoya:....uh. Phil could? Sheepy: Sherlock:.....What're you guys talking about? Sheepy: Sherlock: Persona? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't have one of those, do I? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can't tell if you're serious or not. Sheepy: Sherlock: I am! Sheepy: Sherlock: Should I not be? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Never mind. Sheepy: Sherlock: OK. Sheepy: Goro: Who is this? Sheepy: Goro: I don't recognize him. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm Sherlock Holmes. Sheepy: Goro:...Sherlock...Holme​s? Sheepy: Goro: Like, THE Sherlock Holmes? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yup! Sheepy: Sheepy: There's like two others not including him. Sheepy: Goro: How do you never get arrested? Sheepy: Sheepy: One is never around, one is easy to bribe, and one is a bit stupid when he comes to his conclusions. Sheepy: Goro: Is this the second one? Sheepy: Sheepy: This is the third. Sheepy: Goro: I-I was going to ooh and aah over him, but that kinda ruined it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't be like that. I've seen him be correct a number of times. Arsé-kun: *Sheepy's phone vibrates!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he checks* Arsé-kun: *The notepad opens! It's Watson.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, hi. Arsé-kun: Watson: "Hello!" Sheepy: Sheepy: What's up? Arsé-kun: Watson: "Not very much! I just wanted to ask if you were doing all right!" Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm doing better. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's really sensitive there. Arsé-kun: Watson: "Understandable. ... I realize I could speak to you another way, but I am inclined to believe your friends would be left out of it." Sheepy: Sheepy: ... Do you think that'd still work? Arsé-kun: Watson: "? Wait, what do you think I mean?" Sheepy: Sheepy: That weird thing that we used to talk before. Arsé-kun: Watson: "Yes, that." Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you think it'd still work? Arsé-kun: Watson: "I don't see why it would not." Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Arsé-kun: *Watson opens the World of the Dead. Everyone that is awake is brought in. Literally everyone in this room, I mean* Arsé-kun: *ok not literally bc not everyone has died or been there but they won't miss much* Arsé-kun: Watson: Hello, dear Sheepy. I just wanted to take a moment and ask for more detail on how you were feeling. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm feeling neutral. I can't move very much or it hurts. Sheepy: Sheepy: Breathing in a little too much makes it ache, oto. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he nods* That seems reasonable. I would ask to check, but I cannot here, nor there. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's unfortunate. Arsé-kun: Watson: That, it is. Sheepy: Sheepy: Can we fix it? Do yo know? Arsé-kun: Watson: Of course. Let natural recovery run its course. Sheepy: Sheepy: I meant your whole, uh. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Ah. N-not that I am aware of. Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe we can ask Phil later. Arsé-kun: Watson: Perhaps.
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