#oh shiiit
two-bit-socrates · 2 years
Me at Dusk Laudna and Imogen: O_O
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yuushiiblog · 10 months
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bluastro-yellow · 9 months
a lot of characters mirror Harry, do you think René and Gaston mirror Harry and Kim in the future of a fascist run? One has secretly repressed any love and turned into a major asshole, the other is not able to let him go because despite everything he sees something in him. fighting on opposite sides of the future war but forever a duo
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luz will be at those teen center events CONFIRMED since it's probably gonna be his leadership project
^source: my leadership teacher
we were talking today and i asked about them (so i know when the day is) and she was like "oh so luz is probably gonna run those" and i was internally screaming.
her: "you know he's got a kind heart and he's a social guy i think he should run these"
me: "uhuh-"
help me 😭😭😭 is she sensing something
@loife1m @aylin-hijabi im gonna regret tagging y'all huh
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scarab-daily · 5 months
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teo the magic planet edition, HOLY SHIIIT HOLY SHIIIT FINFIN
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gazelessmenagerie · 2 months
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rottingbiogirl · 8 months
How do I make friends through tumblr? Are there any tags for iit, do I just message people that seem cool? What is the etiquette about this?
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Annoying the fuck out of someone on their birthday:
Make a small note and put it in a small envelope. Then put that envelope in a slightly bigger envelope. Continue until satisfied, then give it to that person and watch their hope slowly fade from their eyes that there's actually something in those envelopes.
And then give them a big ol' hug when they find the sweet note you wrote!
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hannahwashington · 3 months
feels sooo strange seeing i am a fish posts circulating my dash. not just the old posts everyone knows, but new ones. i remember when that guy got shamed so hard for making a pornhub account as a joke because of the 2018 porn ban because they're a "kid friendly" account that they left the site. keep forgetting they even came back
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ceratinus · 6 months
Never look at the comments on a video on insta about women's sports because you will be swiftly reminded how few men actually consider women to be human beings
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milf-harrington · 2 years
describing a fic i've daydreamed about but not written (yet)
i have this one idea that rattles around in my head every now and then, which is that Robin gets her period while she's at work so she calls Steve in a panic bc he's not working and he's her best friend so she didn't even stop to think Hey He's A Guy What If He's Weird About It and she asks him to bring her supplies
and the steve of '83 would've probably laughed and said 'ew?? no, that's embarrassing, don't say those words to me' but this is steve of '86 who's only concern is that he doesn't really know what she needs but like fuck he's gonna let her down so he promises to be there in half an hour and he heads to the store and shit Joyce isn't working there anymore
so he's standing in the hygiene aisle, totally lost, when he sees this random lady next to him so he asks her for help and she asks him some questions that he doesn't really have the answer to so another lady comes up to help and they're all giving him advice and shit and he ends up just grabbing a box of generic pads and a box of tampons bc he doesnt know her preference and then he buys her favourite snacks bc he's pretty sure she's not having a great time and he then proceeds to go through the check out like he's daring the cashier to say something bc it's some high schooler that looks he makes 'time of the month' jokes
anyway he gets to robin and they quickly duck around to the arcade toilets and he hands her the bag and she kisses his cheek and then he waits around until she's back in the video store.
after that he just sorta starts keeping menstrual stuff at his house and in his car, and he's able to keep track of robin's cycle bc she's sometimes uncomfortably open about it and yeah he ends up indirectly teaching the boys not to be Weird about it which gives the girls a good support network and a safe space and eventually the whole party start keeping spares in their bags and stuff just in case
#periods suck and they suck even worse when you feel like you can't talk about it bc people around you get uncomfortable#so this is like my comfort fic eventhough i havent written it yet#and it could work in well with a trans eddie headcanon#he joins the party after s4 and feels safe enough to come out and they're all really supportive#but he gets his period on a dnd night at dustins house and he's shifting all uncomfortably trying not to get blood anywhere by accident#and he knows they know he's trans but cis boys can be. weird about certain things. even the nice ones and ESPECIALLY teenaged ones#but then lucas hands him a note that says he's got blood on his jeans (bc of COURSE this happens the one night he wears blue ones)#and eddie's like ''shiiit'' and he expects lucas to look uncomfortable but instead he's taking off his jacket? and handing it to eddie?#he mimes wrapping it around his waist; which eddie does - attempting to disguise it as an NPC's action#but will lives with a girl now and he's observant as fuck so he saw lucas pass a note and he's taking an educated guess#he's sitting next to lucas so he sneaks a pad out of his bag and passes it to lucas who then sneakily tosses it in eddie's lap under the ta#table**#they're being discreet bc they can tell eddie's uncomfortable but they're not being /weird/ about it and eddie's just kind of. oh.#so he calls for a halftime break and rushes to the bathroom and sorts himself out and yeah. it's normal.#oh two fics for the price of one lucky you anon#fic asks#stranger things#asks#anon
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pengillys · 11 months
i have so many things to organise for work this week and i’m just not motivated at all. mind you it’s 10pm on sunday right now… 💀
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spookythething · 1 year
so shit
i kinda like did a fuck up with my google account and i might have to delete this tumblr blog-
buuut i'll probably make a new one
so like to anyone who cares about my content, i'll keep y'all updated ://
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
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camphorror · 1 year
My taste in men is a joke like today I met that guy at the gym again and like over the past year I thought to myself like hm interesting how a***d and that attractuve sports instructor guy I used to know back then look similar like physically they have a similar look (like average height, buff but also kinda chubby etc) but anyway I met that guy at the gym again today right, and he asked me to stay with him for company then he can show my some good stomach workout (he's a sports instructor after all) so we chat for a bit and it's fr like talking to a***d sometimes like same interests and opinions about media and all. Bro.
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cclottedcreamcookie · 2 years
oooo someone’s in trouble…..
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